1 « * • "J > * ■' : . '. ■ . ^ „ 1 f ' ■ ■ V r* 1- • * ■ I. IJ " • . .. .♦ f ^ '■ , ... ^ W . 9- . • 4 .. ': % ., - J - ** .." • '* , • ■ o « t\ v^ 'r^-. ■ /t-y- ■'':..>:.. .. ♦ , •l. Microfiche s (IMonograplis) i .. :^mi: ' l. » - iCMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ■f y :' ■' i h,,-:-^/ ;■■."■ :■■■■ ■' ■ ■■■•■•.- li " :■' *■ '■ ' ■■ ■" Canadian Instituta for Hiatorieal Micnorapro^uotiohs /Insfhut Canadian da microraproduction^ hittoriquaa ' . ■ .' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ •. ' ■ ' . ■ .- ■..■'■..--' , ". ■ • , ■ V ■.'■'■ ^ «■ ■ ". . ^fv Tki "■■■■■ \ ■• , . ■ ■•■■;-_ \ • ■ ■ ;■; ■ *■.:■■ ^^ : ./jT TKi' TMtinicai «nrf WMiorspliic NolM / Notn tMh'itiquM ct biWioriP^iquM IquM r" .^ ,,■/ tiM Imtitutt hM atttmptMi to obtain tlMlMit orififMl copy avairablt for f ilmint. FMturat of this copy wttidi mm IM MWioriphieally imiqut. Mrtiidi miy altw any of tha imagw in tha raproductton, or wtiieh may significantly chanft tha usual matlKMl of f ilminf , aro chacfcadbakMW,-'' .-; QColourad covart/ Couvartura da coulfur Covari damapd/ Couvartura andommaifa □ Covari rastorad artd/or laminalad/ Couvartura, rattaurtoat/ou^pallivulAa □ i:avarf[it|ainiMint/ '^ La.titra da couvartura manqua f~n Cdloiirad maiW D Cartat 9i«riplliquai an coulaur -■,■■- . ... ■■■" 1 -; . ■ • '■ Colouiad ink (i.a. othar than blua or Made)/ Encr* da coulatir (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) □ CokMirfd platas and/or illustrations/ Planchas at/ou illustrations an eoulaur □ □ BOMiid with othar oiatariatA ^ ftf iii avac d'autras documants Tiflht binding niay causa shadows or ittstortioo aloni iittario^ margin/ La nHiur^Wrtepautcausair dal'ombraouda la distorsidn la long da la marga intiriaura Blank laavataddad during rastoration may ippMT within tha taxt. Whanavar piossiMa, thasa hava. 'baan omittad from filming/ II sa pautquacartainas pagas Manchas ajoutlas lors d'uiia rastauration apparaissant dans la taxta. mais, lorsqua (tola #tait possiMa. cas pa0n n'ont pas*t«film«as. - > f Additional comments:/ ; Commanuiras supplamantairas: N •X. L'lnstitut a microfilm* la maillaur axamplaira qu'il iui a «t* posaiMa da sa procurar. tas details da cat axamplaira qui sont paut-tira uniquas du point da vua bibliogi a pliiqua , qui pauvant modif iar una im*|a raprqduitt.'ou qui p a u vawt axigar una modification dans la mMhoda nbrmala da fihnaga sont irMHquAs • ■• ■■■ '■' I • >-■ , -■ ' .^ ;■;■ □ CohNirad pagas/ FafH da eoulaur PiafH d a maga d / Q □ ffegas rastorad and/or laminatad/ PagH rastaurtes at/ou paNicultes 0Ngas diseokMirad. slainad or foxad/ Fagaa dlcolor^as^ taehatias oupiquias P»gM ditachtes r~jl Showthrough/ 1 tJ^ Transparanca I n QuaKty of print varias/ ** ■ I I Qualiti inlgala da I'imprasslon □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue □ Includes indaxfas)/ Comprand un (das) index Title on harder taken from: / Le litre da i'en-tite provient: □ title page of iMua/ Page de titre de la livraison -.!.:_. ;,■■■■,. :j.As^ I ; i Caption of issue/ ' ' Titre de dipart da la livraison r~~| Masthead/ Ginjiriqva (piriodiques) deja livraison i- '3- fhis item is filmed at the reduction ratio Checked below/ Ca document est filih* au taux de rtouction indiqut ci-dessous. 10X ux isx 22X 26X / 30X y Ml.^ 1,^1. ^_ ■-■ M,^ ■VM- „^_ i ^^^ r^m^ 12X 1«X 20X 24X 28X 32X -r'.---'' .'S:'' -*■ Tb* oopy filin«d hun hat b—n r«produottf thankt to tlM flMMrMity of: Motropplittn Toronto Re forinct Ubriry Baldwin Hoom tho tmagM •ppooring horo oro tho bittt quoNty ffOMlblf oontMoring tho conditiort and Itorbility of tlio original copy and In katpino with tha fUmlfiS aontraat apaelfleatlona. ': ; ■■■.,. ■-'.?■'■' "i: Original eoplaa In printad papar oovart ara fllmad haglnnlng with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga witho printad or IHuatratad impraa* alon^ or tha^back covOr whan approprlata^ All Othor oHglrfbl ooplaaarg fllmad baginnlrtg on tha firat paga with a printad or llluttratad Impras- ilon, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or.llluatratad Impraaalon. Tho laatraaordad frama on aaoh mieroflcha ahaN aontain tha aymbol -^^ (maaning "CON' TINUID"), or tha aymbol y (moaning "ENDi'l whiehavar appllaa. ^ Mapa. plataa. oharta, ato. * niay ba fllmad at 'dlffarant raduotlon ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Inoludad In ona axpoaura ara fllmad boglnnlng in tha iippar iaft hand eornar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many f ramaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama illustrata tha mathod: faxamplalra fihn4 fut raprpduH grioa A la g4n4roalt4 da:' /' ■ Matropolttan Toronto Rafaranca Library Btldwin Room : Laa imagaa auh/antaa ont 4t« roprodultoa avae la * plua grand aoin, oompta tanu da la aonditlon at da la nattat* da iWamplalra film*. atJH conformity avae laroonditiona du obntrat da ;filniagOr' • V: ^^^ • . v -..-■. iaa axamplairaa orlglnaux dqpt la eouvortura ^n paplar aarlmprlm4%fbnt filnOa m oomman^imt par la pramlar plat i^ 'On tarniltnant jiolt par la darnlAra paga qui comporto uno amprainta d'Impraaaion ou d'lHuatratlon, aolt par la aaeond plat, aalon lo caa. Toua laa autraa axanjplairaa OrlginiiUK aont f llmte an oommanpant par la pramlAra paga qui oomporto uno amprainta d'Impraaaion ou d'lHuatratlon at Mn tarminant par la darnl*ro paga qui oomporto uno tallo 'amprointo. Un daa aymbolaa auivanta apparaftra aur li darni^lmaga da qiiaqua mlbrofieha, aalon^ oaarla aymbola -•^aignlfia "A 8UIVRI". la aymbola ▼ aignifia "PIN". :» LH eartaa, planohaa. tablaaux. oto., povvantAtra filmH A daa taux da riMuetlon diffAranta. Voraqua la dooumont aat trop grand pour Atra raprddult an un aaul cliehA. 11 aat fHmA A partir da Itengia aupAriaur gAuoho. da gaueha A drbita. at da haut ag baa. art pranant la hompro ^ d'imagaa nicaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auivanta liluatrant hi mAthodo. ^ ^ , • > -.4 1 4 -t-' 6 * •A -^1 '. 1 1,'S '*"■ ^ » A QOUVgNIR.... ■*•? > ■A . ' IFr(Q)flnii i--(S®dl(grkIhi,^iniMr ••••• rfi ^^* tf^'.-^v.^-'. ,0 0.1189 .•^' PimilSMKil BY THE CANADIAN SOUVENIR PUBLISHING CO. hRHDIiKri K K (•OI-IIW DiMri.-l Min i|iM 16 AiletaiJr Strrrt WrM. TOKONTO, ONI. .:?• ::;.;; " I'lB '^' MH HhAI.IHIHSi AND H 1 1 M tl.h rJiAion wflnakf ..ur initial how to thv pfopli- of n.ruula. MWv\(\g our efforts will brWrll triflvwf '> .iiul thill wlHTi-vi-r iinv o» our piiMiciitions «... tlit-y will \w tnl*fn (or wli.it lluv urt. tmaift. toK-. triit- ^'^ pnrlray.ils of tlit- picturfsque ftiituns, huHinoss uml soda! lifi- of tlu- town in wlmnf inlcrt-st tNr work is Uol out. Our fxperience iij this lint- of work has proved to us that C.iil.ul.i will furnish rithir\ni.it»rial to wor(< from tiiaii any couirtry in the world. Nowhen- can llii' scvnt- rV ht- I'xci'lli'd ; nowheri- an- tluW.pk' more patriotic and enthusiiastic of anylhiuR p«rlainin« to tluir coutitry : nnd nowhm-. we helkve, i^iild wt' n-ceivV more encouragi-lTimit than from the people of Canada. . ■ u \ We choose Giiderich us our first town, because we lieanl such f.ivi.rahle reports of her. ami heciiiV^ the picturesque aiid prouressive features of the town had never been prnperly broUUht before the public We purpose doinu this as far as lies in our power, and we believe wherever these Karlandsuo they will show the lieopW the prettii^t and healthiest town in the Dominion, as it really is. _ ^ ^^ -. The success of this work is due in a yreat p..rt to the «entlemen who comprise the Citizens' Committee. Mr. A. McD. Allan, Mr K N lewis, and others iKentlemen broad-minded. enthusiHstic. and willinu workers in anytliin« tendi.itf toward the uood of their town. Kvery town In the country needs a citizens' committee. Then our photo«rapliic artist. Wr. W. K. S.illows. is deserving of Kreat prai;e for the way in which he has held up his end of the work. It has never been our .experience to eiri^^^aphotoKnipherWhotakess'ichan interest iu his profession, and who makes every view that comes from his st.uho a bit of art We must th.mk the business and professional men who have m.de it possible to make this b.H.k a success. (loderich is rich in her business houses, and the owners of private residences, both in doderich and the surrou,ulin« coun trv; these gentlemen appreciatmu the fact that a residence is always artistic.have aided us pobly in the work. Fo the c-n»(ru ver>. lie Canadian Phott, EnifravinR Bureau, of Tor.mto. Mc^^rs. Moore & Alexander. Proprietors, and the two newspapers "MMKUrKj. th•'M•^,nd•• Star." we extend our sincere thanks; to the engravers for the excellence ,.f their work m the illuslrationi ml the newspapers for the help derived from their co-oper..tion. And now we will leave our little work to the tender mercies^ o( the p^iblic. hopiiiK that in a short time we will have helore them another work representative of some other progressive Ganadi.in •"*"• ,.. ; •. FRKDbKICK C. COI.TKR. . '"!:. ,7^,2 . nist.-MKr..The Canadian Souvenir PubhshuiK Company. , ' j^J- • TOHONro, ONr. N ■/■; ',.'t'l*^W Uf. (D)(dleirS(s[hi. AS IT IS Jibe t>cnltbictn Alt^ Prctttcst Cown m CAua&fl. WliM >liiill we #ay l» nuiki* you hvlit-vv lliiil tliHli-riih k iIh- pii'llii'M liiwii in III* niiltiidnin .' Thf piililu' iin- so •.iispu ioiih of iiiiy- lliiiiK •••»• umils low.iiils nil iI«Im'iIim'11'<"i"i " »'!' '••' iliflH "I' lo iiiiik<' lliiMii .i|i|>ri>>iali' llu< lai'l Iha4 rlii< m mil iiit iitKi-rli'o'iiifiil Wi'wi'iil lo (loili'ritli iH-iiiiisi' »v liiMrJ ol il» lH.Miiiy iuiil i liMiiliiit's«. \V«> liiMiil il» lili/i-in wiTf |>iUKi<'->' 1 »>• W"iv ilimti' lo Ifi'l "I liomi-, llifi iloir, kIicii wt* sjiy iiriyOiiiiK i'Oiii|iltnu'nljiry al>oiil (Mulciiih, mi* humii wlml wv say. Il is ilol our |«ir|>o«r lo siiv piclly lliiilns, liiil sli.ill I'liilratiii ihroiiK'ioHl lo kiT)i siiiiliy lo (Im' Iriilli j ioi>l wlirii h<' sav iliai lh>' Ui«il is pii l^iivsi|ui% Ihal il is IUmIiIh, llial il [sjjioxivssiw, llial il is s|t|fmli>lly loi-ali'tl, jiisi ilial is i|ii'^|lfcVVIwii »«• ».i> ii Imisiiu'ss lions.- ia up lo ildti', llial 'I sio> k Mill *"WWW'""'"*''>' ^'''' ""V '" Wi-slvtii Oiilurio, jusi llial i« iiu'iiiil i aiitl ^|'|§Kr say llii' lili/rns ar«> llu- ilasN of |i«'0|ilv who Iwlltrr a town (or (uniii^ lluiii ns tiiiti-H*, ivi- iiit-aii jiisi wlial wi' sav. ITS SPLENDID SITUATION. Nam hi. Ims iIoih' miiuIi Io iimuIim Ooiliiii li a iiiosi allrailiir s(iol, anil so lias iln- liaiiU of iiiaii. It siaiuls i |(i (.•••I al(o»f llu' Irvi'l ol llif lake, Willi luo sitli's falling alHu|>lly lowartis llic lako .mil llii' livri. IVifi'i'l iliaiuaH'" is lliiis affonlril, anil ilir iniiiiiiipal aiillioiilii-s liaxo losi no opporlunily of lakiiiK uilvanljim' of iu llu- n'sull liriiiK a |n'ilri,l sysU'iu of si'Wi'r.iK'". wlilili railirs oil lllo w.iIim in an lioili oi l»o aflvr liii- lain has ri-asoil lo fall, ll li.is hiTii kiipwn to laili all lli^h( in tiiKlrf iih; nnit a fi'W lioiiis .ifiii suniiso nol a \i'sli«i' ol ilii' iiixInS tlowiipoiii lOiilil tiv si-cii. WwHlrii suit-walks luv luM urfili'tl iii 111* >►» I'oni KiHtf t)s^ Of liiK limilit i» W»i«tni« 0»t»in«i; lUMlvrkli. Mh.I In unkimwii, owiitK I" nnlMrnlitiMl mtflUfd tlrnliMiH* I »n«l M «y«liim ot (jravi'l •Ul.'w»lk», bvuiim lit tin- lmriln#«» .if it<>|>li«Ui |>r«'Viill». Tlu- Ktlr lit 111* town WHO ruifriilly vhii.ril, hhiI IkIiI out <"i « pl«'i |hm iillar jiiitl iitlmhithlo. i)i'ii'U|)ylii^ » |ilHli Uk.-, . juultc'iilly sktpiuK luWBfJ" ''t l«"'*''i M"' •(ni«ilim 1- ««• lli«l liin. U)n|i viMiiniiuitlvil «hI wild iiiitii) i)( lli« |iriiii l|h|l jiliit'i-H of hiiain>>»ii, wliii li «•(» i>iii|>H»ii I lit' (Nirk on nil •Itlo. rill' |ilm I'* ol hiiKlnfn* iiriiuiiil lliii " S«|imri' ' i» cx'l«. KUii liiui' II t'l mil itK*' "I iiImiiiI a 'lliiiil III lwi'ei> I III' i'liiiil lliHiM- I'lii'h mill llii- iliiri'!! In wiili' mill l«vel, nnil IN 'I iiiiKl |Mi|niliii riirriuKa ttrivis mill iH|iiiilly |Hi|Hilar Wrilh rliliTK of I III) wlii-j^ SpriiiKlnK friHii lliio I'liiiiiiioii iriiire lh« •iiibKweiril I'liiirlliouM' run tfi^lil Ml^i*ft*«, cnvimfit al inltfr- vitU ill » ruKliion III MiKKeiil a HiHiliTo well. All lliif ulrwjfii . >l . .1, .1 .,11 1 elf*"'**'* CWITVClHUT MlHIIII, 4»l» i|ri' niAili wilier Ihiiii Ilia urdin- - ■— r", dry, mill loiiK "*"'""<''' "f •^'"•'''•f"' "'•■''""■'■*'''''"' "'*''■'"'•'''"' riRB PROTECTION AND ELECTRIC LIOHT. ('■iHlvrirli in linppv in llii' |ii)»if' Nri- iiiolci'lion .ind ii hplenillil «li'iiiii- li((li' pl»nl, wliii'li l« ownoil liy lliii town, nml wliiili fiiriiisiii's IikIii Id all lier hiwiiu-oK plaioi ami many priviMi' i oiiidenveti. liu-andem-onl mill art, in»id« and oul. THE EDUCATIONAL fEATURES • Tlw ViliirilSUmal fi-Hlii««« of 111* town Bim Mii lifiKlili'Nl niliolnrKitfri-ivmlllivIr yiiVly iritiiiInK Iwr*. T|i«a>i'lnK I'lii uf llw i'ollVKialii rnMllnl*. 4l.Mih l« ■ KWid onu ofllil* >H)ililiiiK> hihI iIio K'""!* "' ■hImioI* >*n I«*k\ <■• will vlv* llwraaitoran idvnUiT lh« ■d«aniH|fi<< iii mU dirviilon. AH ilv|i«rlm»nl« In i-ai'li WmJ all of Iho M'liiHila ar» iiiul«tilh« MiparvUlon uf I'apuhk- | and |Kyn»lnklnK ln»|riKlon. ATHLETIC OODERICH. (iodnrlrli i* ai'ipiirinK a rfiwlallnti for |Hiri>, i Ivan >|M«rl. NivwlirrJt, w« vfiiiiir* ^o»my^» lh« wliolL DoMiinion, liavd llu- yoiHiK |ii'|ipl« Ml many >|Hirlii lo vtiiMiM' li-onl. l.airo«»i", fool- ball, hiKutliall, Uwii-bowlinK, i-urlinK, lioiki-y, yaililinK, li-ii- nia, wli^FlinK, «li'., have lifr* a naiiiinal lioiiM. Thi' (own i» iiiili'i'd a iiiihIi-I plaii- in HtliU'li lo hrinK ii|i I'liililrrn, for lii-ru llicy liavf evfry form of hrniMhy rfcrvalion, THE BICYCLERS' V PARADISE. Nn n.o i.» IM«K IHi«iii.i Niiinii it. . Wi' iiiu»l larry a mnmi^nl lo wiy wnwiliiiiK lo ihc whi'elnien. l.o»er» of lli« wlirri who iire loiiKinK for (<4i'«' loGodoriili for y«« vaialioii. H.ri. vou Will llnd oiiKI-iil'il iom|Hinions,,wlio will lu. oiil* «»0 Klail lo |H.inl mil Ilii- placi- If lulcro.1 In niul around llio town. Vou will b« oycrjoyi-d willi lli.- r.miU whiiii are really «pleiuliil, in fail lln- writer who liai l.ei-ii liunlinK lor KOiul loaiU fiom Nova Siolia to British Itfliimhia, ii not iw«|{KeralinK a IMJiil xlien lie layn llie rojiU around tioilBrirh Iwal the lOtinlry. ofl '•^ .' si ■* mJt ■/•. .l»*^-t si THE HOms. • ■-.-■.' Till' l"^''** "(^ I''*' I'itivs I Toitmlo, Miiiiliviil, lliiiiiillxii, lliliiwn, oU'm woiiltl ilt> wvJI l» tiohu* Hi lli«>i»t* lt*iiluri><« •tiMUMit't'iiliU* lit lliey ncv |ii*ii*. StHi irlvi'ty l.'iwiit, juiMty IKiwrt-lH'ilH, wi'll liiiiuiti'il tlifiihh«ry nnti l(iiK« H|)rt'ailin|{ ••)iiuU< Ii'ih*<« iitit lo Im* Mftfii till uvrry ••iili*. Tin' Uiwii ii inili'oii ii pliit'v «l iHMiitiliil liiiiiii'i. rOR RENT AND SALE. A niMitlwr of fiirnitlu'il 1ioii*>«*n ari; lor ri*iil loHttiniitiM; vUiinit, tit any tfi|ii% Any |U*i'HOii ilt'siriiiK inCiifniation on ili«>««* nwillois i-afi obtain llti* tamo by luiiln-ownir Mr-^ A. MilV Allan, I'lijiiimun of llio lUlitt'nk' i'omniitlt'i'. THE BUSINESS HOUSES. \\\* |iiv>n'nl in Oiis nlition, a ninnli«*r of cwIn of tlu- ptjoniincnl p)ai-«*N til' liiiiiiu-xH in ('•(NJcrii'li. Tnki*n on ii Wtiolei llie-Dnniiiial iniulirtpn iil iliroi- i« lilt' In'«i. Ilii'iiiUdl llH>nu»al«lv nMHii(.it'lu«*»»Uli>MHlN'>miMli 'itiltt-t I iiti lo tlt*> HUM I IhiniH ol ibi' I own* I lii* *li*i*'« an' iwttt aiwl |4«I| , llw* tliH liH l.iiKi' .itlit * ttni|ili'ii', anil a k*'>'i'***I ■**> i*l |Mim|H*ii4i M'l'iiit M |irink'iiiiiiiili'. I iH'rv lihhm Ihb' HWt' t'hani in iwi-nltAt* jr»r», AMUSEMENTS. AND riACCS Of SAME. t'lu^ (own i« H«*ll |Moi ult'il i*uIl )i|nio^i (mii Ihimi ol .|Mnt^rni<*itl i iui o|N'ia liiiii«i-, iimli't ibo I'lbi iviil inaii.iK*:n»'nl of .U«. ('filyillHT Hik'tl liatlnnic lii'ai'li .iinl lmllnn|{ Iioiim* on .lln* i*».i«i. ilu' ltiu*«l Htbinic ami Intalinif, of Mflili'li mv will nu'nliou liioii' finllivi tm^ liiir billt.iitl riNiniH tor Uhim'^ of lint Iniin ol AiniitiMiiriit, ami a wi-ll ,i|i|Kiiiilt*il j-tiNiiliiiK iiumi in'tbr' .Mi'tliaiiltt' Intiiliili', «ibli b it'liiv lo lli«»i> witliM^-'la Mvail ihi'inti-Krt ol it. ' HANtjPACTURINU ESTABLISHMENTS tiiHltuRb may wi'll li-i-l |itoiiil of hor iii.unil.ii tniiiiK I'Hi.ililitb nivitfUi |iioininfi|l iimunk wbirli an- tin' tioili'm li t>iK.iii V o., Ili'iiilpi- snn Pit'^i'ti' t'li.r Ki'ntiiiKlon Kiiinllini' (*o > KiiiliiiiK l-'.u lory a'luMlir Niirib AiiMinVan i'livmii'Hl Work*, riicri- it an rm VlU'iii n|i>'nluK lor < M fanning fai'Ui^y. nn . iit't'oinil of lliv bir)(0 ijiianlilM*t of fiiiitk of nil kimit, wbli'b an- ((ruwii in Ibit \iiiilily, ami whii'li an' MiUt at ii n-iniLikalily low prill', (ll.itt workt I'Oiilil lu' tlailinl bi'ii* Willi biK |iru- lilt lo ilii' iiiv>>tl(irt, ' I 111' tainl iM! llip lii'ai'h iH'iii^ |H'i'tili- :j,rU'' ailapli'il for thai |nn|hiti<. "■Mr ■i^ *■ ^j _ *. * .^ ■ i. ^'t;, •V ■■? ^ "> / .. » *^ "?> -f if ¥ • <« c • • . . It . '-.0 7 e - ' -■' 3m |_ <1 " i A F^ THINGS THAT COULD BE MADE TO PAY. S.\N\T\RiiM-The lieallh BiviiiK propef'""* °f "'« ilimalf arc rc- nowiictl. Sulpliur, iroii and ollu-r niinemi spciiiKs ahouiul close lOKflhcr. A larife, well londiiiled inslilulion of lliis ilescriplioii, BiviiiK mineral and salt balh», will! other ireatmenl, would realize bij{ profit*. . . A Ctvn PAssnifiiKK PLK.\si.Ri! STKiyMKH -.WouUt do a larRC traffic during the se.isoii in short trips willfcxcursion partie^i . Tiih M\M I \«, ri RK i>r ?HM>A-^Froin an unlimited supply of sail water. M.\M fA» Ti RI' OF Bhii-k, Tii-b ani> I*ottbbv. THE RESORTS A WATERING PUCE. OodeHch is a natural walerinK place. Few pl.-ires Jn the North American Continent arc btMlcr adapted for this than, Ooderich, and Ihe lieopU- of Canada and the TlUjoiiynB Slates seem to appreciate this fact, for each year scores of summer visitors come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and the fresh hracing air which evctt the warmesi months is cool and balmy. ' To those who do not wish to incur Ihe exiwnse of a visit to the fashion- able seaside summer resorts, and yet Who do not cart to hide themselves SoMiiOf TilK MlNKlWg^WATElls, sliould'be aerat«l, bottled and put u|ion Ihe city markets, -f^?^- » ' Cil>lfR— A first-class bi^and of cider can be made out of tli« apples, and Aould find a ready markel at home and a big demand in Gi^at Britain. ' - -o A Pri\atk B.XNit nvouldfind a good opening for the investment or a limited antOuni of capital. AnKihYrk HhtK\ii.\v\\ is much iiot'dcd in the wilderness of Muskoka qr the GBfergian Bay Islands, no place offers a more attractiie claim for summer rtst afld hcihhful sojourn than Ihe town of Cioderich. Canada's summer climate is the admiration of the world ; and the summer breezes that start at the upper end of !..ike Super- ior and the Straits of Mackinaw, and come over the broad breast of the blue Lake Huron, arc the messengers of ^saltli and refreshing to all who ■ire fanned by them. %4?-^ \^ '■■••■ •JT Mosquitos, the tonrisli' pest, are here unknown. Southerners are especially lliankful for ibis^nd many lake advantage of it. Sunset Hill -Line through Ihe surrounding cou/trj -6- .i-i.iaii£i».i»'i«ij»»i.vj.j ; ■! %k^y •Jr LOOKINO Up ¥HK Rn^BIt' MAITtAND. Park, of which we give a cul on page $, is one of the placvs in lowii from which may be iicen the moHt ma|;nilicent sunsets. You can stand, any , suuinuVr afiemoon^on the brow of (he hill, and while the dreamy music of the orchestra is Wafted to your ear,- the most beaulifur views arc lobe ^> obtained. Away to the south' the co«ist curves in and out ; happy bathers are stKtrtiug at your very, feet it ^eems, while in. reality they are half a- mile away ; and Out where the scltin^ sun is slowly sinking behind ihe water wall and lighting each rippling wave with all ihe colors of the rain- bow, white-^Wiilged vessels slip across its tnick,'beariiig (heir burdens to the north, only to be replaced by their while-winged sisters, gliding sou(1i- . ward bearing Ihe fruils of rich mines, immense forests and western harvest fields. OTHER SNATCHES OF SCENERY. Bui this' is only one of ihe in.'iny vieWs to be obL-iined-in the vicinity of the l»wn. Any bright, cool, bracing morning lake your rod and saunter up the \allcy of Ihe Kivet M.titl.ind. In some pUiies it is iic.irl^ h.ilf a mile wide, t h e shru b c l ul li ed banks lowe r a l mve yon ii ii tM lli er side, • . - — 7- and awaji in (he dislance glimiHer Ihe waters Vif ihe blue t.ake Miiroii ) the view is delighlfiil. PLACES OF INTEREST. As a rule Ihe siiniiiier tourist is lia|>|>y if he can s|HmuI pari of Ins lime, |H>king about in old tumble down pl.-ices, plat-cs in which fiVsl wlllcrs UH>k nnicli priile, liul Ihal the |cii|>lr Of |o-dav pa-sliy wilhoul a siiigle.tlinughl. To the lourisi llicy arc lull of inleresi ; he can asso ciale Ihein, in his iniaginalion, with liwny ilccils o( heidisMi, when Ihe red m.'in was being shtwly driven over llu* dirt's liito Ihe wa.leis i»l itie lake. Take tor example, ihe laull or louih of l>r, Ihliilop, oiu- nl ihc firsl settlers in fnHlerich. Il slaiuls lo-day on Ihe brow ol a hill, iner- iooking Ihe. valley of Ihe river, and Ihe roail winding amund Ihe very face of the hill, helps iija great pari, lo make Ihe careless publn forget lliat within a few fei|( of Iheni lies liie jislies of hini who was instrumental in founding lloderich, i.A«s Htm USD <»■ ACCOMMODATIONS. Bui (his in by the way. The loiirist must biiye somclhing more real tlian scenery and a delii;lrirul time Ip live oiit accordingly arrange- ments have been niade. Board can be obtained ill well-kept, comfortable and homelike priv houses from $j.oo a week and upwards. Of course the hotels are fitted in every way to accoinniodate many |)co- ple. The Bedford, which L!!_!^^^iJf«?^^^ VlltWS IW TMK'TOW'N l-ROM Col'HT llOI'Slf. l^mi>U CSOI'TII ASP ^tM-TIIWiiST. ' I AKt lllKON IK TiW UlST^NCK ha* jusl been completed, is 'first-class in every respect, and will certainly please the most fastidious. The British * Exchange, is a hotel with a reputation to keep up, and it' 4b certainly first-class, besides which there are a number of cheaper onesi prominent among them being- the Ocean House, situated oh the beach and commanding a fine view of the lake and harbor. Or if the visitor desires to go to the resorts-=-l'oint Farm or Meneselung .«Park— he can get a neat, tasty outfit at very rtasonable prii^cs at the veteran liverym.in, A. M. Policy, or at any of the liverys in town,.and drlye^to ilie resorts, where a cosy coitage, right .. oil IhiB shore of the lake, or board at the ^ -^w.^ ^ -'yw.^ ■|\>Ki>st«> K'tloiii-Hii II ' i.ViniilfH, tl.T.K IraiawliMvi- Timiiito.S ii.iii , I pin., j.i.sp.m. PUKI III RUN ll> OlIKKKU II I .jci IllilCS. tirand Tiiink liaiii liMvi-t Vort lliirmt, IJ.H» . I>.m., arriw ill Vimloriili,; 7..V' p.iit. Skmiiu'is, lilsii tall on way lip fioiii l>cli'v waUM', Cm* intlf>. i;' ■. ■ , Si. I.t>4 IS, I lilt v.'» AMI -I'lNI INNM ri I'.ls- s»M»j^ors li'aviiin *iii iiin'i' . hol«l can be obtained. Following^ are tlie ilis- . tancen and roiyeH from promiiuMil placen in On- tario and the neigliborini;:. Stales : — BrFFAU> TO Goi>K- ■' Rif'll — 160 miles. T.-tke . Cirand .y. Trunk Railway. Oitvcl train leaves Buflfalo 7.;}0a.in., arrive in Goderich 1.50 p.m. * Oetroit to GoKKRii'li— via London, 1 7 1 miles. Griind Ttnilk Kailway tr.lin le.ivinK nefroil iit - noon, 'trrives in (uulerich 7.,^o p.m. Steamer^ leaving; Wiiulsort opiwsiie Hetroit, \:::r every Tuesday and - Friday, j'p.ni.f licrivinx in Gdderieh next morning, " - .ViVws ilK Ti'WN- »Ki»Sl i'l'l K I lliMsi-;. l.mK is u Kyi i i i.i :,»«i. * — i- —■ — — — — — ■ — ■ j .imms ^ Nohi ii \Vn > r. W- -g— t «k linH arrive nl Godcrich ihe folltming eveninjf al 7.30. Sauinaw aNd'Bav €!•■(— Leiiye by inorninK trains and arrive al Ooderich llie samtf eveiiiii^t Only 1 lioiirs and 50 min- utes run from Lo>frH>N. Busses and carritfjfcs metil all trains. I'arlies ilesiring. inrorma- tion or aieoniniodalionfor tlie_ ' siiinnier niiiiitlis are invited to eorres|x>nd with the Sec- retary, who will give his sclrr vices free of charge- Address Ciliicns' Cfl ■ mittee, tiodericli; Ont. - A FRUIT CENT JN spite of whal IS sdid 10 the Contrary .Hibderich and. vttjinrty justly deserves the name «^ the'fruij garden of * .Canada. Perhaps one or two facts will convince the unbe- • liovers. For instance: it is no UHcoinnion thing for a binieh of grapes grown in the vicin- .,itj to weigh 36 ounces, while tiiose grown in the Niagara district weigh only 2^ ounces. — Notice the dilferenr^. — Then J.Man!n W.C.O.H«lc Mr-Twcedic J.Cr«Kic F. J. Pridham II. Ihinlop DriNidiolwn aCanlfl.™ \V«. Pwudfoot Mayor Shannon B. Thon.i»on Jas. Wilson C. A. Nairn MusniBiisoi'CociiciLoi'iSin ' . '■ 'J MavorShanm'n Reeve ProuJI.wt • ".• Goderich. Bui these are only two of mnfiy instances. A|>- ples are grown here as they are nowhere in the county ; (n fact, all fruits do heller here and have a much belter flavor liian in any other part of Ihe coimly. THE FAIR OROUIIIMC^^' Tuicbuildingsalthe Norlh.^ western Fair Ground^ are in the beiit of sha|ie, as is the half-mile track. Everything is in perfect order, and here the. best fairs in western On- tario are held. THE EVER-FLQWINO SPRING Tourists as a generalthing arc much interested in this spring, which lies about half . a mile south of the town on. ' the bank of the lake. The The water in this spring never ■ceases flowing, winter .or \summen - • On account of the water's health qualities, many of the - . town's 5,000 inhabitants have it bottled and will use nothing • ^- Mr \V>ls..n Mr.N.-.irn Mr.llnlnies Mr.N.C.GoiKle Mr.lanUlon Mr.M.-irlJn Mr.Tw,«lu- Mr. Pridham else, arid judging from the -^-^ Mr. Hun l op Mr.i. - Hinl'J M r Co l Hul l Hi-Ni^lu r Uw M p, Tli. iwi |w.in Mr . N a fi . -I __ — |,^a|| | iy appea r anc e of the , , . , citizcns,every jwrson in town 1 he Cmnol of ■H.r have Jt„,on,tr...ed (he f.iet thai •h.x are ver, ..-.iwhle of .nan.,K.nK a-J p..ll.n(r ah.i,J ,h.,. the most proKr.-s,.nB, .h. p.U.....I, heal.hK,! .own .n Canada. OoJcrK-h ha, a p..pnla.K« of .Ikm.. .*o»o. must use this waier^ again, the .si)o |Hiund sipiash, whith took first prize al the World's K.iir, was grown in «^ FSRF ••■V-; illr VlhHlls itiHkrHhha<« HtHiu ot tliL bf«t iiiotriK tors 111 i in ul i ^jy-'^r » »,-7 ^^''^f^es^^f^i^ . Kkv. Jamkh a. Ani)Krme a nionumenl lo him forlyears. There is no quest ion I hat it was ow- ing almost en|.irely to the ex- ertions, brain aiul enei-gy pi' the reverend gentleiiiai^that the noble edifice erected last year oA the site of old St. Peter's was! built, itnd the citizens of Gbderich owe him a debt of (trniiliide for his C^ Rkv. F.\TiiKit Wkst; "large share towards lhc,.re'' cent great progress of lh«? town. ; B- Ri!V.JosK1>H,Ei:(SK, Pastor of Ihe North St. Melliedis church, was Imrn in the County of I'irey in iKjli. He received his early education in the school!) ofihe Proviiice and graduaUed in theology from VVcsleyan Th^logical College, Montreal, in i8Hi. His first charge was al Pais- ley, from there he went to ^ Kiv.JoHKPii KiHiK. Manover,llienlolheUnlario St.MelhodiNl Church, Clinton, from there loAclon, finally coming to his present charge in 1K94. The reverend gentlenian is prominent in the affairs of Ihe Methodist Church in Ihe Province. He is chairman of the Ooderich District. Mr. Edge's, work here has been' atteuded,.by great success. Rkv. W. OonwiN, p.iNtoi^f \'icloria St. Metho- dist church, w.-»s born in Rayn,xm, Ont., receiving his early education in Ihe schawls of St. Thom.is, .Tfterw.irds atti'nding Mcdill I'niversity, Montreal, where he, carried offsever.ilcomplimenl.iry prizes. Mr. (todwin-Twas ordained eighteen ye.irs ago and first located *'it - Essex, afterwards being in I.onik>n for 6 years/ AHIioiigh he has been only I year in his present charge he has, during that short lime, done inuch ,10 build up his church, .-ind has en- de.ired himself to all the meml^>rs of his congrega- Kkv. \v; Conwix. lion. , l. His honor Ji'IN.k Ma»s»>N was ap|>oinled Senior Jud|(e of the'C^oimty of Huron on Af>ril 6111,1896. Previous to that time ho had practised law in Owen Soun^havjng been called to the bar in 187 1, aiid. held the office of Master in Chpncery from 1873 to 1895. He was a|v |H>inied a Queen's Counsel ' Jl'iiDii Massoh. in 1885, and represented North Grey m the Dominion Parliament from 1887 until receiving lii» |tresent appoinlmcni. . He came with a high reputation and is a popular olTiciaf here. The professional men of Ooderich are of a class that make a^town better for haviiig them as citizens. _^^ Bkrnarii Unis Dtnt.R, Junior Judge of the- Counly of I luron, was born in the County of Gren- ville, Ont., December 9th, 1840; was admitted lo the Law So6teiy of I'pper Canada the 1 61 h Feb- ruary, 1859; studied law with the late Judge Sin- clair, of Itamilton, and was called to the Bar the 25 Nov. 1865. He practised for 18 years-itithe County of Huron, was Mayor of Goderich for two years^ aiid was offered Ihe nbminatiofi for the House of Commons by the Conser- vative convention of South JvnuK IJiwui. Huron, but declined iU He was atipbinted lo the- Bench in January, 1883. , N <^K-*: ^Jfef»' ./■ ,.xy*: D. ■ -> TitK CniHlHh*.. • '= ' -,;■ ..;'-. . : iioiUuich ift rich in her chtiuhc^. The Calliolit li.i» iuHt lau-lj Ih'iii hiiill .Hill Ihc I'tisli) li riao i« liiKK ri-ini»iilliJ. Wlitn Bniiilu-a il will Ik ,ih tin.- .i- iii> III hi tiM"'). ■' -^ , ■ '■ : '. ..."■ ■ ■ 1 ,; ,:; : _.:' , ; ■.■■-■- . ,■■ I- ■■ ' -. .'^ ■ ■■ .:^r/'-':*- :■■■:-"■ --.-^/^ ;■ .■:.:„._:. \, / . ...■ ■ ■;■■, ■ ii . ;■ • ; ■ . ■■ ".■ -/ ■;"■-■ ■..'.■■-■-'■■"". ■ ' '. ; ■ ■I . Mk: R. N, I-kwih Srcrrta'rt', TiiK Ciiii«nH' ConiinU- li-e oT Ciodericli nre fiim- KiiN llirouKlioiil tlic Prav- ince of OiHario, anil lliey are not unknown in Cireat Rrilain and llie I'niletl SlaloN. For ovi'r a tguar- (crofa t'cniury llie town orOpilcricli lia» b '' iylliinK. Two years a^o ii Tew cilizen* made' up Ihsir vli» which had heen asleep for so IpnK, should sleep no ul llieir sliouldum lo ihe wlioej and made il K^'- They icniselves olh^'r aclivu spirits and set to work (o wake Drf(aiiii!e. The following is a record of Ihe couipan es ni in eixhteen inonlhs : the iiodericli Lumber Co., the urniture Co.v, the Henderson Iticycle Cp.> the Uoder cli Skating Kink Co., and the MencselinK Summer Rescrt. The^e (gentlemen are leadiiiK spirits in every ntove- inenl to advance the toWn and tlic inlerests of Hie chizens, and as a result of their elTorts Goderich has now the ftroiid distinction of bein^ known as ''' the m<;st progressive town in Ontari(>i . . .._ -^ i^.,.... , - ; ■ . ; . " ^. : ,-■..- !■:■'■ ■ ■• ■ ' ■..'■■-■ MA. C. A. Nairn, Whqr.h'as represented iti Patricks and Si. Andrews Wards alternately, for a numbed of years ii|iori the coun- cil, has resided in OodericK' nearly all his life. He left school lo enter the em|>loy \of Mr. Henry Horton in 1869, Upon Mr. Horton's withdrawal in »««S,>Mr. Nairn, who had for some years managed the business, purchased jl, and has since conducted it successfully, anti we may say that no belter kept store can be found outside the cilitts. Vf. Nairn aiiributus his success to his per- sonal sujiervisipn, and Ihe keeping only pfthebest and purest rikkIs. procurable, and rende^inj; his patrons the best possible service. Hi* stock of groceries, china and Klasswarc are admirably displayed. He takes a lively ''interest in anylhin|{ for the welfare of tl^Bkwn, and is a director in (|uite« number of Ihe leading institutions. ^ .. ^ ^ U:'* Kkniiwnck Of Mr. Wm. i'HCHiiHWT, Harrisier antl /fer^f of ik* . Tmvn -14- -— - -i- '^ \ ,.:■ u.:^ lifTiiiioii m W. W, SAi'irW l.titiM Stohii. OonKRicil may well feel pfoud of Ihe haniKoiiio iip|icarnmi' of «omc of her busincHS places. One of llie fincsl ij| this ies|K!ct H. Ilie well appolnleci liquor store of Mr. W. \V. SAiLts. a huNiiioss man who, by hU own energy and ability, ociupios a prominent imsilion anionic (he business m«n,of the town. This store cirrics one of the larBcst and finest lines of these ifoods to be found in the Province, and the genial proprietor, by his strict attention to business and courtesy to. (ii>l>KHIil> has iiMson to led proud xf Ihe nicnlunl I iiIiUmik establishment of K. J. I'KIKIMM Ihe >loih iitriicd c splendid, .iml will compare favorably »iih any in Ihc I'rovime. Ileie the u«>si fas- tidious dressers can fnid no.fauli wiili cither llic h.mmIs, woikmiinship or pi. Tiiey have llic linesl in1|Hiilt'd niaierials to sclci i Iriuii, hi|ch- salaried workmen In make the KarmenU and Mr. IVidhum liiuiself lo do the cultiKK, a combiuaiion that well merits llie cxiensive patrimiiKe it receives. The shinv riHiiii is larKC ami well lighted, and cuiy cinir' lesy is shown ihoM" wishini; li» examine Ilic m«Hls. Mr. I'liilliam has b«'en a memlHT of llie I'tiuncil several years, aiid is une of Ihe - im>sl iHipular men in town. his ciisloniers. has established a vfry satisfactory trade, llie e,x- cellence'and assortment of his stwk is due, in a tS'^eni pari, 10 his ability in selecting and buying his Rooils, which include the linesl imported aa weU as domestic wines and liquors. .»*■*•- IsTrsHo OK K. J. Pkuiham's Mnitnnsi T»lu>i"!^rCi)lbornu St. and I he Square, and occupjcdj)}' IlieCiinadian Bank of Commerce, ll i« two ■•toric't :-~i — rrH. S^ Wll lltit%, Mgr. liiKlii ol red prcHsetl hrick, niKl oiil- side and innide ieiil» of arcliilectiirc for biisinexs blocks. The interior '%» Nplcndid, with tiled fltMr.Nolid nialiOKnny counter of latent denlKn, nianiifacliired by the (ioderich Ontan'Com- |tany. The Krl'le work of chaiile |iallern and excellent worknianihlp w«« specially dcHiKDett for the liiiltdiiiK. The furniliiFe, of n itolid dencriplion and ihorouKhly ii|Mto-date, iNllii' work-of lliel'ioderivh OrKan Com|Hiny. The remilt in that (•odcrich. poiitapMii «» fine bankirtK ofhceii an there are oiiloide the larjje cillen. [The Htaff conniiitH of R. S. Wll- [_ iianiK, maiuiKer; K. II. Bird, accoiinlani i R. A. McC^h, teller, and E, W. Home,. Jr. The head office i>rihe innlilulion U in Toronto, wilh ar|iaid-up capilaf of $6,000,000 aild Sju.ono.ouo ol'aiiNetN. ll haii forty-four, office* in Ibe IVovince of Ontarir.aUo office* in Moiitreal, \Viimi|K'({. New York and New Orlean)i,^nd agencien all over the world, offer- iiiK ilH clients unexceptional bankinK facilities. Fi>KKMOsT of the liiwn's business houses, from an artistic point of view l» that of Mni. J.J. Walsh, »^lo de.ils in fine confectionery and ciKiv*, also fruits and oyslcrU' in neaton. The interior side walls of this esiahlijihment^re lined with handnome plate-glan mirroni. The show cases, shelving: and coimteisare in quarter-s.>wed oak with piano Aniith. Mni. Walsh has iutded a handsomely ap|iointed refreshment and ice cream parlor, and the eslablis ll tncnt's ■ /.»■;, tasty surround- ings, as w e|l as the coilrtcous trealnieni exten- ded 10 all, makes the place indeed |»pular. The esU'blislmient is knownto tourists as the ' Balmoral Cafe,' and they a» well as lt>dgcs and picnic par- lies, very, often leave o^ders for sup|H*rs and lun- clies with I his firini who caler to this diss of trade. — IiiTitaioii or Mas. J, j. Wauhi'ii CosncrioHuv, 'S-- ^: \ ^^%** •^^ M \ Hj4. Jifl^l TiiK homr of Mr. Jiwi'i-ii Wii.i.mmh, Si. (tvorKi** V'rrM'vnl, (uMirriih, W ntlualrd on Ihe hiKti lai»l alM>%i- Lake Huron, and coninuiiiUx Miinr Hut- view* of iIm lake nnil viillfy of llie Kiver . Mailland. Tliv ((ruuiulii c-on«Ul of Hboiil two and one-half nirei, one- Ihird in lawn, one-lhird orchard, and Ihe remainder a Ihick (("'ve of ever- Krecnii.on ibe bank 10 Ihe north of Ihe houM. Fruil* of vnriouN kind* do well her*, bdfclt lew aubjecl lo injiirioim frOHlw than in other plai-eN further hack from Ihe water. The fruiln are |ieai'lie>i (which do remarkaMy well) npplex, pean<, iHunix, «|>rit'Olii, t'herrieM, eli'. Mr. WillianiM wax born in Bnllilore, Iteland, and came lo the County of C.tMI'lMU O.N rtlH KlVHR MAIILANli. Sr. i,^«IVUK'N CRMHiUNT. HKMttmi^ *♦* M*. JiWPMI • ■. WlUMlilll. One of; the be-it known barrislerii in Ihwn i« Mr. K. I'. Hwvwliolias beena rcsidml lw«-nly- Iwo «>'ar«. Mr. I lays, formerly » surdeni with J. T. IWirrow, tia^ (iriuMiwd fourtern years and fnj«y> a lilter.nl |»iHronaK«'. IVrvoniilly lie i" » bro:id minded Kenllniian .iiid a Hlerlin({ i-iliien, Mnda^h.'ird working niembe*- of llie Ciliiens Comniillee, of which lie was oiic of the or- iKiniilorsi. -=rr lliiioii iir i>i.|N, where lie liaolited, willi 111,' eoeplion of a lew »imih »|mmII in Oaloid I'oiiiil*, ever "ii"'"- Hi"> bii* iar<» lor iuBii> MM IK liai lii'eii lli^l ol niaiiitl.oKiier iil .mil wlmli's.ile di*«lei in liimliiM aiitl "uli, and »r»»'l i>«m'i He i* a |ii»tue ol tin- l'i-.i> f. ""d t'hniimaii ol ilie llodi'ii. Ii 1 olleKiaii tiisliliile lloaiil. The aiii>ni|MininK view, laken.hy J. M. Willia .1111 ol f,.»i'|.li W'ii- liam-,, >.liow» an em .iiii|iim'nl ol »'|ili waji (iidiaiis honi l|ii' N.iiim','11 Ke»er- v.ilion, ulioiil im niile» iioilli.nl timU-r icti, who vi.it lilt' Uiwii uiiiMj.illv loi- a few week", in siiinliiei . I'lirv pili h "i»'ir leiiU on the rivei llai- and I'liKaK'' '" the maniifai'l lilt- and .aii- ol lia.Urlv iNiHtKs i'liMeivu in ■HI' Ki; llml il wiixfoiimliifri-aHdry 10 ««W(;^'' . I III' iircwiil »|mt i«ii« liiiililiiiKa (llfhr- ing ninplf I'iHYin lor ioo viaitork. tin }.■ i<|H>t'i'>ll<<''' '<>'■'' *!'■ "■*■'' li«nllliy liu'niioti (siliialiHl jis il \h, im ■ hiifh h.iiik, i,|n fi'i'l iilHitv lilt' liikr) 1 ill liiiii'liiK aii'H, iiiaKnifii'i'nt lyeai'h, Miff iinil cxi'ellvnl hiilhiiiK* lOK"'"''' Willi ilN riiml iiiirroiiiuliiiKs anil luiiiit* proiliiclH Iff llu^ I'anii aiul Kurilrn. (iiHlrrii-li may wril f*«l prouti of Koiiis of llit> ri"uirlii In tha vlt'lilily, Tlicre U iin doiihl wlialavar but Ihal any iwrnon who •Vtr vUJtii .iIk> I'oiiil Kami carrlvii away with him many |a>innl r«- ■' colM^iMpnai lliMl win liniciT Willi liini tiiirfhJHUj^a ilraary iiionllin of win- klMfm »r* lo fonii>. i>l' cnurnr, ' iiF^ina kjwre alloletl lo ua we ''filinve luitKooAi lo dwall much on Ihiw rfekorlK ndvanta(aK,%i» lliona wUliinK iHrrulam K'*'i*lf ''■" inforni- iilioni ini'liiding rnliiit, elv., iiin ap- ply lo J. J. WriKlili I'roprii'lin-, . Oodarkh. '^i^- M-- uj TiAI^Hirr. ¥mh llirriH., ■Wat" .'' -■*'■, •^••f n .♦^■'^■>. u J • Hi. f^ ^' TUK rnill niiti fonriH-lioiury •■Inri* of A. K. AIImk, Hiiiialtiil III llir I'or- ncr uf lliu S<|uMr« iiiiU Kii4(»lqn Kl., U iiitli-vU laily, Mr. Allnii liaM hi'vii ivilalilUlipil in (•iNlt-rk'h only om' and oiiv-hiiir ) i-ar«, prior l<> lliiN I^Imk li in Cfnaiin. i'iKnri. IViiiUf iinU ttyatfrii in iriiiutn. Tim viore is iHiledillV Allmi up willi Ant' hIioi^i raws, ice rriMiiu pnrlorH, aiitl l«-o *iO(la r(«unlMinH oiit^ on llii* )(rtniiut. fliH)r, and oiif in t-onjunclinn' willi lilt' (Mirlor*. which nreon Ihc ircmitl floor. : Ai.ijw f i',v!(inf Unwii aiu> Kmr.wiiipii. ti»!ll* I'l KJllSIIISIultlHM'a. H *>"ISI' * l'« Tliic' Otw'n KurniihliiK hrtuw of.C Ktl Sli.'im- & i'o. In siliKitcil in Ihc Mcl-nnc Hlock, and, il is safi- lo say. IVw towns niuili larger llian t'lotlcricli can h(>ii!>t ol ii liner cslablisli- nivni of iliis kintl. The siiuk of rcatly made clnlliiiiK. hills and caps, etc., is indeed ihoKe and the Ke><'->l proprielor by Ins coiirlrous Ireainieni lo all, and Ills close allrntioii lo h i i s ii ie ss , i'l c t eiVday add ii m; ui li is . die . id larite trade. 'W- • In npf ¥. % ilmliai Kralarfitlp hiii lia.. <-i«4Mltll hiisineSH in- n«*pt< stink IS larKe the dis|t|.MsinK di' inwler ilie pcisiiin Mti. I)iiiili.iiii. ^Iiu Ii |H * ". .'„ ' i ^^6k ^ ^ o K' been under the present inana|;ement only three years, ilurinK which lime a very 'satisfactory trade has been worked qp. Mr. Davis, allhouKh a yoimK man, is himself a practical chemist, having had a great deal of experience in the business. - The Shoe House of VVm. Siiar.man, Jk., is the oldest eatablishmeril of its kind in Goderich, and enjoys tire most liberal patronage. The store is lighted •by electricity and has all the inoddrn improvenierils which go to make a first- class shoe house. The slock is j.-irgfe and choice in every respect, in fad many establishments, sn|>|rasvd to be first-class in much larger lowp*,.cannot boast of a finer one. This house lias , 'ton Furniture Co., of which he is treasurer, the Henderson Bicycle Factory and theiKnitling Factory, all of which h»is prominent If- identified with. The cut accompanying this article is a good xiie of Mr. Downing's. handsome new bouse situated at the corner of ^1. Patrick, .nnd Walerloo Slsi, and which is one of Ihe finest in town. I'erspnjdly he is a whole-souled gentleman wlio "■strives to aid tlie'town in .-iny way he can.. ctoK s i luiited nl the MKI>k ' \i. llA l fc, John K. Davis, piup i ie . ^ tC'olbornc St. .ind the Sipi-iie Wilhout a douhl, lliis is oni- of the lines! druff stores 111 towiT The busmess has been esLiblislied aluiul forty xe.irs, but lias ' "-:^ r^*'- SllO» STORr Vt Wl. S|HRM>N, Jr io - If*', I i r*-'.-?^ .* ■ InTKKIOK of I*0K1 KR's IttHtK SlOKK. Tl'lK pro|)rietoi:H of this Store must be truly |iro)rre<>^ive, for, although eslnhlmlieil fully half a century^ there IN no cviilcii'ce that they have not kept pace with e.iih sui ceeiluiif (1*^cade. Mr. Porter fiequireii the business hi iH86,^'invl his haiulsotne stote in- vites comt>ar)son with the best, not only in OoJertcht but even in much lair^er pints He is a most successful bookseller, ami the cream of currt*iti literature always resti u|H>n his shelves. - Another specialty in /which Mr. Jiforter has o|HMied Out with f^eat laslefiiliU'ss^ is wall pa{H*r, and no better colltjclion can be fouiul- anywhere than the desi^-ns he has toolTer, the late>t production of the leading nianufai-turers in CuiiiJ.i, iireal Kriaiii and the Unili*d States. . Tndcr his mana);enu'ii1 the Rfil Telephone ^^1• .>»^' I' xjurimi THK Si xr Mvi>IKHKs& KhNNf |>\, niiiiiifii.luur'- itfiiK"'*! »t'ic cM..M.r.l.c.l ... \,...-...U., .K.|(., .„iJ ^M..« ll.o.. I..... I....II ..|> niiici' (radc. I'heir Icatlin^ tiratuU .'ire the May'.V}»*'eii ''ttul !i.i\e liiiilt up .III extetiNive loc.il bvisiileis. .nul he now fe(|uires (o .itieiiil his |).ilri>iis no fewer than five rinplojces, e\cr ironrleoiis and anxious lo uj>h|;e. I he lltiroii. iHilli >;oo(l pieci's ol live i'i*iit k^hhIs. I ne hriii ih pro);resMiie aiul will, no iloiiht. stiiiceil. 4ai Plant of thk Kknhinctun Ei'Bnji:vr« Companv. Lti>. One of the most important manufacturing eslab^ lishnients in town is that of the Kensinifton Furniture Company, Ltd., established in June, 1896. This insti- tution was first established in London, bu^; removed hfere on account of being able to get raw material ■ cheaper and easier. The factory is one of the largest and busiest of its kind in the west, covering oyer three acres of ground, and employing seventjr-fivemen. The trade is very large and steadily increasing, owing, to the up-to-date nianagenienl of the manager, Mr. Wni. Hinlon, who has for thirty years been in touch with the furniture bus i ness; . — Thg t'nmpany ship^ goods by car- Rksiiwscii o» Ms. A. McIV AitAlr. • No list of Godericli townsmen would be compleic without ■ •eference lo Mr. A. McD. Allan. He is one of the towns best known merchants aniliis hardware store is prominent on the square. Hewas born July nth, 1844, In Stratford, County of PcrUi, and his favorite pursuit has always been fruit culture. The name he has acquired as a judge of fruits is by no means local, or confined even to the Dominion. Hf was Presi- dent for three years of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association, and Canadian Commis- ' sioner at the Indian arid Colonial ExiK>sit|on of London, Eng.,, that important post be- ing offered to liirii by the Canadian Government ;n |8«6. Mr. Allan made an oppres- sion ut>on the commercial men with whom he came in contact, and bis great exertions resuhed in a freer and livelier intferBourse between tb« fruit growers and farmers. He is a life member of the Amerton Poniological Society, and lias been offered various complimentary honors in ttie States. His Canadian presidencies include that of M^st Riding of Huron Agricullural Society, and niaiiy others. He represented Canada .it (•^y 'HP •4-^ s^ Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.and contributes to the leadiiig botanic.-U jOurnnK of the continent. As chairni.in of the Citiiens Committee he, with his co-wdrker, Mr. Lewis, has done more to build up the town in the last few years than any other man in Goderich. load lots all over lh« Dominion. The Comimny makes a si>ecialtv of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, and Exten- sion Tables. .,..i>^V^j^^^.aa^ '' h''^ •4-^ ^^ - t ■ .-•■.■■ ■■..■■ ■ spiv dry K'<»li*«htHl Ntfveiit4*t*ii yeurt>, a'liii iJiiriii>; lluit (imv li, aiul (lt'a|H>ri4>s. Tlic sUnv iuH-ii|iii*s. alHuil ^,yi6'fi^t HiH>r ii|>aci?, and is wril-li|{ii(cil liy c|«-i-JrUily. , , Jlie sciitpr nu'liilicr, Mr;Ji II. l."«>llKirj«c, ha»M'ivi'il niiiu yi-ai-s in ihf Toi*N, Ii»D^„ jiashorn in Stot- land, but, h^s ^^Si "■ rasiili^nt of' i^inK^rlcli for filTly-Hve )rear», "Vi^ has followed his pivfussion here for thirty-five yPh'K. ani^diirinf; that Lime has created for himself an enviable reputation. The genial doctor has represented St. George's ■ Ward in the towii council twenty-five coiisocutue ye.'irs, and has always tried to do his duly to ins consliluehls. .' Besides beinf; . in the council, he has been a member of the school board for aboift the same lenKth of lime, .ind there is hp doubt the Ixi^rd is Jlie better for havin); him as one of its members. / . He has produced sevur a; ! invent i on s, a nioni j y ■I . them beii'i); a hot water healer and <'i printers' chase. A Vif:w .k . l>;c.Mu'K*T. hlKli constable of the . Coiiiity of Huroni » . is rather averse to liavinK hi" name ap- jK-ar in print , but wi- doiiol think it would Iw fair to |>ass liiin ' by. without iiolicc. — \ \ \ K*IT11» » Till UoiWRlCII Ok«.*"I timfAKV. —24— ii •ik ; X. J . it *••*<»•• Mr. At.KX. S.MNI»KRS, Maii.t)(i-roril)pri>nii>rii'1i Orjfiiii Co.j wa» born al Cainsvillo, Onl., of SroU-li paienlsi Nov. .141I1, 1854, coiniiiK lo liotlvrk-li when but Ihroi- yt-ars of ajtw. and al- tenilinjf «'biX)l hei'e nnlil w yoars oM, when he ertlcreil hiH falhi-i's store, wjn-re he leariuHl the 'linsmilhin); trade in' All its brani'lies, Ifoi" . year*, from I SKi, he was in this business with his fattier, under tl\e linn iiJime' iif janics Saunders & Son ; at the end of lliis linie llic_ |>nrlnership dissolved, he liiliiiiK tlie sioves, tin- \yare anil |ilund>in)r business until 1S112, wliejijie purchased a third interest in the tloderich iVjfan Co., beinK installed as inanager. M lliat time tlic failory employed 18 liaitdN, now it employs 58, a sure guarantee that" under Mr. Sauuder.'s able rule the business lias ({really increased. Mr, Saunders has always the town's host imercsts at liearl, and although, owiuK.lo his present resiwnsible |iositions, he has very little liine,.slil! when calleil upon by iJic .town he rcs|mnds . most heartily. He was a meinlier of Ihel'oiimil of " i894-5-i6, and' was one. of the originators and chailer niemheis of the Citizens' Committee i was also m:i'na>;er of the Opera House 3 years and is a member of I he Oddfellows and Can.idi/in Order of. KoVesiers- The Knox Pivshytcrian Church clninis hini as a nuMnber, where he .ilso is su|H'rinteiident of the Sunday School. Godericli is eertaiifly the home of some of the most progressive and u|>-to-date business men in the country. TliK CiODKRIt'li ORti.vs Cn.'s factory, of which we show a cut on the opposite pnfife, was established in 1889 by The tioderich A>r>;.in I'o. Ltd., composed of the citizens of the town ..»nd.sonie of the euipli>yees, who ran it for three years .11 a loss, when ifi*i8»)i, March ist, it was purcliased by its present owners, James Clark, J«mcs A. MacKay and Alex. Saunders, the latter' beinj{ manager. When the present firm ftoi possession the factory was cniployinK eighteen hands, lo-d.iy the) arc employ iit^f sixty aiul are aildiiiK in then stair as trade dcm.inds. They started in to make a slrulU hinh-Rr.ide inslrnineni and iheir success is assured, as-to-day ihelr orK.'ins.nre anionic the fiiiest in America. They.werc the fiiNI tb intrinliice the piano case or^Jaiii and the lini!» they make in these are Boms. They have Jn-en- c.uistanlly iiii|'irovin(C their action iiiuil to-day their excellence is acUnowleilned by rveryinie. . ' They are favorably located to purchase hiinbcr, ai\d ihet kcfp neai'jy a million leet of all kinds, fronrone to three years' dryinx, so ilinl Ihey are iible to turn out lirst-cJass (;oods. The history of the 'orijan tnlde in Canada h.ts not Ihhmi one of un- qiialilicd success, but the tloderich Orjfiin Co. liiis not met with any ' reverses i seven orjjan factories haviiijffaileiL since they stalled, hut theie is still room on top. They have Ihe piisli ami ener)jy necess-ov to build up a lar^e trade, and ample means to develop- it as fist as the " trai|e.deinand!i.' ..,,.■. :riiey are now catering for (iti export" trade, having just issued a Spanish cataloKue in addition to their KuKlish edilioii. In addition to ihe orRan depailnient, thev ni,inufactur>" thirty dilli'reiit styles of I'iano and Or^an stixjls .iiid chairs, which they su4>pl> to the niiisic trade frqm Vancouver to lljiljlax. They ,ilso are the larKest niiinii- liictiirers of Hatb-room Wooil ^'ork in Canada, and practically furnish the whole of the jobbiiiK trade in plumbiii({ su|>|'lies. The t|iialiiy of llwir work is favdrabl^r cortiminled on" and ^aiiis them Ir.ule wlicie others fail. The company show cuts of some of their leadinx lines of organs, stiM)ls ,ind chairs, which, howcjver, ilo not do justice to the articles theniselvcs Tlie factory occupies nlibut two .icrcs of K""""!' '""""''"'' ''*''••''"•> Ciiinbria .-ind Newgate -ttreets, and is .-t handsorne brick hnildiil);, thiee > stories and basement. The iiiiMit shidlin^ occupies the basement, the first floor heini; occupied by the inachinery, shipping rooiiis and oflices. The second floor contains the Iwiuli, action and stock rooms, and on the top fliwr is the finishiiiK, tuning and !,tock roouis. iomnumicat ion be- tween the vaiious floors is obtained by nieaiis of an elevator, and every- lhi«K is moved on trucks. Improved machines, many of Ihcni oftheiroiyn const fuctirtii, are visible, and work passes\ alonu rapidly Ijoni start to finish. \ visit to the latloi\ will iePfl> the visitor f I — m »»»» »tM*.tmji 1 — n HI — 1 •» |n^ — 1 ■ — — T r -it- , ^^ — s of then v.irious lines will Ih> mailed foi the asking. /■ C.itnhtK*!*' »&- ^ '4pit'»^Bj| J.r- LvMHiii Vako Axn^Pummi Mill or Bi'Chmaii anii Khvnas. (.-. I)k. L. M. Mahff, Honor Oriidiiiile of Toronto I'liiverKily, ami l.icciiliatc of the Ro>al (.'oIIcko "f Denial SurKt'ryi of Onlaiio, has lH>i>n a resideiil and followed liU profussion in (iodoricli for lu-arly two )earN. Mr. Matwe Kivvt and aitinrcH llie vrry best Hatisfaclion in all his work and has rtlereby gained llie ropiil ilion of hein); .1 most olliriortl and ca|i.il>lc demist llis oftice is located on the comer of |)H. 1.. M. Mahkii. West Si. and the Square, over Janu's Robinson's dry KOOils store, entrance on West Street. There is no doubt lhe|>eo|>lea|>|>rec4ate thehuslliii|;yount; dentist. The lumber comiraiiy of , Buclianao & Rliynas is too well known all over the county to require inuch of an introduction here. With busineu) extendin); all over the Dominion, and orders itoiirinK in fiom contractors, the 35 men enm|Ryed by this lirin are kept very busy. The business manager'of the firni is Mr. James Buchan;hi, who. was born in Scotl.uid in 1836 and came to America in 1854, locating ii't Cioderich aljout three years later. In 1K64, Mr. Buchanan assunicdconfrolof tile establishment and diiriiiK his ri/f>»« the business has stc.idily increased until to-day it slandsat the head. Tliree years ago Mr. Rhynas vyas admitted to this firni, and undertook the management of the outside aiffairs of the com|»any, in which he lias, been so suc- cessful as tojiave-practically control ol the trade in this part of the co'untry. The firm make a specialty of conlrallfors' supplies, etc. Mr. James Kiiclianan, Jr., ha"s chargoof the f;rctbry, a position he fills with credit to himself and salisfacllon to the firm j and aJtlioiiKli having been in charge only a short time, still .1 noted improvement is seen in .ill dep.iilinenls under his care. Truly, this firm is certainly progievsivc 111 every way and their melliotis iniglit'well be followed by other business concerns. -a6- Ki'Sii>K»r> in M« J»>ifs ItiiilAOAN (D \ *. «^ TiiK nmM.M, Willi e<- liiiiliHliVilin iS^sii) ilic laic Tlios. .Mi'\)iiwii, tiirii ii bct-ainu llu- prt>- IMsriy of Cox Hio»., ami fram llioiii tx J. J. Hell, wlio was rollowfil hy Allan & l>ii'li-i!« NimtH-Wi'.sii'.Hs Huh liKorsiw. kcccpled a political or municipal (Hisilion, nllhouKh l'rei|iiently iir|{ed lo do so, untii Oclolier, 1895, when he was lUf 4inaninious choice of the .West Huron |.il>eral .Association, to which |H)sitioii he wi«s re-elected May iist, 1H97. Ill- is also a ineniher of live Kxeciitive i'oimniltec of Ihe Canadian I'ress .Xssoii.itioii. Mr,^ .Mcliillicuddy was Imrii in Ireland, comiU); li> i'anailii in iS.sd and 'learning the prirttiiiK trade in KiiiKslon in iWij. Ilv w.is a prominent le.uler in the nine-hour jlay movement in 'roronlo in 1S7J. In 1S73 he founded the Hrussels Tost, and duriiiK fhe tWenty.Uuir inler- icsponsible lor its ullerames, and lo this must be atliihiiied the IiikIi standaid the paper h.is established. .Mr. .McCtilhcAddy ne\er held or vemiiK 5eais has h.ul oill> one iiioiith's vacation busy man. -H e I S, ii Hloe loed. ■I wry »7— Ifffefl A. II. CiHINKIJ.; Mr a. B. Ci>RNKI.U, whose kIoic i^ siliialtfU ill llic KL-dfonl Block, lias been ill llic Kurniliireaiid I'lideriakinff biisi' nuNN lonKcr lliaii any oilier deator in town. His slock iff replete witli every- UiinK llial ■" ""<*' ''■■^ arlislic in I'uriii- liirev and llil" willi low prices and ii|V to-date btisineNN motliodN accounts for llie success which has fUways attended him during his eighteen yt*ftrs. hiisiiiess. - Both ^ >r . and M i Mks. a. H. t'ORxm.l, ■ — ' ~~~~ eA|H ' i i e ii ie. iiell have taken diplomas in etnbniming, in fncl, Mrs. C'oimatriotic citizens, williii|; to do any thing in their iioMer for the gooii^ol the town. i:OI>EKIi;ll rii>i>i!Rl^ Is jiiiitly prmid in owning the iM'st hotel In any town itf its size on tliis coniincnl, built last year chiefly through «ts of Mr. E. N. Lewis, who is attc^ney f6r4lie owners, r to (he lloTKL BKl>KORi>, which is, to say the least, lo ^Tohei although not ^ very large- hotel, containing' oriQr:75 roams, everythint^ is of the best. The tile iii Iheoilice, reading room and rotunda was imported direct from Kngland. The building is virtually fire-proof, the roof being iron turn plate and the; ceilings of all the public parts fiitished in metirilic steel. The dining room is large and wcjl lighted, having a Ind ies ' s ta ir way and nui si c i nn s ' and s |i e ak e r s ' gall e ry , ii lid t he » 1 n tj^ sample rooms are «U lar>;e nml cxir.i well liKhtetl, Mr. Lewis takiiiK life aUvictr of prouiiiient commercial travellers as lo same. '* -JI>— p Mil. H. R. S*i.u>w» -Oi'n |'ii«>i4»i«AMiiC AiiTniT Aix llm illuklralionii In thlH bouk were made by R.R.SAi.U)WK,lheleiiilinK |ihotu|(ra|iherof ( 'uHlerik'li , The |Mbliiih«r« were m- pei'Ully riH-luiuie in IwIiik lible lo obiaiii Mr. Sallow'ii MrvlcCK, iH lira work U ito much nouKhl after, he han very litUe lime |o tlu nny- IbiiiK out of the rv|tular line. As a view iirlim, there U iierlraiM ni* photo- Ifrnplicr in Wenterii OnK^ IHrio his equnl. The If-ad- iiiK |>a||iiare and Montreal Street, uixilairs. . '' Mr. Sallows is a whole-souled, patriotic citizen, who strives lo do •^'*- anythinK in his |Mwer lo help the town. He has been a member of the Town Council for several years. The accom|>anyinK cut shows Mr. Sallows ' and his view caniera~the cdmbinalion we have to thank for our artistic iilustralioHs." ,■' ■ ■ ■ • ■ TlJH I-'AIR, W. II. WvATT proprietor, is situated at llie corner of Wes^ Street ^nd the Square. Mr. VVyall h.-is in stock a very/lar);e iline of >ilassw.tre, crockery, . I iiiware,- >craiuleware, and slationery — in- fact, c v e i' ylhhm ' that is used by th e hous ewi f e . — AUIioukI ' he has b e t ii i ih •^^ -Uc- There is no doulil the (leople of the town appreciate this pholOKrapher, and well lliey niiglit, for as far east as Toronto, the writer has heard it said, "there is no view artist in Canada like SfiltowH."' the present business only six inonllis-, lr.-ide is pickinj^ up, and is very saiisfaclo^^. Mr. Wyatt's {trices are very lo^i and the assorlnient. of his sloi'k is la^t>*'- \ ir . •V ^^ Mh. Jkmmk lil.rniiii,!., jmiprliMor iif lln- wiK>lli'n mill siiiial«'d six mlU?« rruin ('•odericb, hI Ihi- jiinolion of llii- Mulltnml KiviT|aiul Slmrp's Creok, wan b«rii in KtiK''""'' "-'"U'luK '" ''''■• i"<><""'y in iXy, ami xrlll- inii in B«-n MilU-r in iHj;. Ah llie av'cnniimnyinK i"l ^llO«|», Mr. Oli-il- liillV mill i» sitiiKloil in one of the inoHt piriiireM|iic nooks i* lliln |wirl of ilie country. The building proper isa Iwo-stoiy, 40 x ;i>, biiill of coiu-rele . nml run by nomi waler |HiMvr. Mr. t'lledhill has laid oul iM-auliful lawns, widks, Howerlwds, and on Ihf side of Ihf 'lill, a founiain, from which purf HprinK water is thrown high into the air. lie niamifacluri-sbhinkels, flannels, yarns and tweeds in tar^e qiiaiililies ; )dso staple Hoods. The sceiiery in and around Hen .Miller is niaKnificcni. Tlie drive rroin (loderi.'h there (b nnles) is oue of the KnesI ill the I'tHiiitry, and c'veiy tourist who has \vhip|)ed Sharps 1° reek and the Maitl.ind River foi the s|>eckled beauties, will be telliiiK novel, yet wilhal. |>leasanl ex|x?r'ienees for many years to come. Til» hwneof Mn. .Nlit iif the tKiintrt, Thi> fiirni I'oveis Ho ai les ol fine land, bin the Ihmisc auil .lawn is wh.U is nmst pleiisiiiK to .the eye. 'A hitiad,. (jn'cn Midk, xU'irded imi i-|lh«f side by well liiAimed hedges, leads to the h.iiise,,whiih sl.iiids alsiiit a humhed yarils Ironi the load, hut as oue steps u|>imi ihe vei.nulaU .it llw- fi.«i!Mj)«- true iH-aAy of Ihe sieiie I* presenteil 10 ilir i-ve. The bi.md Imyi^^ivie ami there dotted with cverKieens, well ke|il shrub trees |N'<'p imii Inun euM> miok, and across the road a gentle slope loveretl with tnsli, wind kissett gr.iss, adds beauty to Ihe >i«w. Mr Siindv has le.iM.n lo feel piouil of Ims iM-auliful home. He inloruis us if he. can get the righi price Yyr his pro|ierty !ie will dis|Hise of it. lie is ileik nl ihe Township of tioderich. Ni«« HTimiw's iWirtii* RKsinniiiii. -V- # <9 ll.tNK OV MOMIHKAI. TtiK ntlviininKm are Krcat liiniown wlwn biiNiiieiiK i» rnciUlaled by H hnfilc or roco|{ni»Hl nlabilily nnil ttxiviisive t>|M-rnliohii. In Ihin . (loili-riih .is wi-ll HUppliod: One ofllu^ Iwn bnnkH of llie Ibwri i« a hriinili of ilir Hniik of Mtxilrcirl, lh« innnaKeiiuMil of wliich U en- IriiMfil l» Mr. \V. I.. Eliol. Thin is the lar)(eM niiil imeofllie he»l- knowii bnnkh 0|MrralinK in Nprlh Aim-riva. Il» |>aitKn may be seen, Mr. Eliot is never found wanlinK when-his asuistance can be of value to any of hiseustoniers, and lie, wtth his able' stalt of assistants, does everythinK In bin IKiwer to ni>>ke tire transaction of husjniss pleiisani and easy. ' T \ Tmk N'oMtii AMKliirAN i'ilKMir.«l. CttMl'ANV, I.TII., sole nianufat'lMrem of the celebrated Hiie's I'nre Salt, for tiairy ami table use, has been eslahllsbe«l abuul twenty years. The plant inrhiiles elicht kirge IniildiuKs whiih are known as the salt bloik and tovers about three Aires of ground. The Secretary and Manaifer, K. W. l.ttion are m yk^jtr very feel, the blue lake slc^tcliee out before you, happy bathers are s|HirtiiiK ■■< Ibe refreshing waters, an nmoiiK the firiir»«'M|k'r» lifre,mn< IM* ye^aWle Inlfnix have ItftI liim iiilo ninny hiixinM-i ,<'iH*l!t. Me eaii look around and see many of hit comrades in arms, of llie old da>V; now in toniforlable cirVumsian«c;i: He is a ({eninl ({'•""'•"""'»"'' I'oi'"''''^ ihrotiKliool ll"^ eounlry side. lie was five years a ineniLer of Ihe 1HI*'HHI»*'»<< »■■»- ........ .^ . ■ Dominion House dnriiiK tlie MeKeniie administralKiii, Iwi'niy-miie yeat^i town eoiiiU-illor, ei^lH yi-ars of wliii-h In- oeeiij>ied lhe-.niiiyor«i eliiiir. There N no doubt llie xrowili of a town is Kreailt sriiniijaletl l>v liavinK RUL-li cilizeno^sMr. Horlon. fuHlericli owes her heaiilifiil lionu-j lo jiisi t;iHiiriiv KicsiiMiM.t <» »•« J.Miii \ «•«.■». l)NK, of (he fim-sl farmif in Ihe vieinfly of «M>defiili is Ihe jiio a. re one ol ^Ui JmilH \»K«i»', si(jile«l alMiiil four nnles nonlie.isl of ihe town. While Mr. Vurewhas devoted a Rood deal of his f.irni to fi ml and li.is l4*'n ^fuW'ssful in that line, yet his real s|H-iially is eallle liilsinR. I" t^i» hf hjli iM-en esiHuiallyjuuvesslMl. ai.|.ii|ini{ .|»n.- a ie|.ui.Ui.Mj ..« a^iUmii .(Hiispwe b.ed laltle. |>ronihie.H -amonn whi. h an^ his INilUif .ViiKiis .\lM!ideens, MV. ViiriiH- is piomininl in milii.n) (iirles haviiiK ii-en senior major in |he .1.V>I »>""•" '" ""' 1''^' •••»'" >'"'"' ''*' '- ,iis,> a ni<-mlM-r of ihe .\K>i>ulli.r.il So. ietv i.r whii h he has held ie>|«nsibU- lI . . ili on4. . Th e Im.h hone of ■ lnwn i s the lOIIMM V and laiiiis smio.imlinK t H, i^nd iKily f.iMh-rieh is riih in Ihis res|H'vl .•ixiurleme 61 ihe writer to Im- in any (Miilsof Ihe eounlry wheie the ll has never In-eii the lh»' eo>inliy . wheie f»rmifr« nremore IhorouK'hIy JwRfssive and lake Ihe same Uilvtiwl it< ..V "iiu«l»|>eo)>IA n- _i apil'tttlj ''i f ■K |H-rlaininK to the ^o>i ,m) ol the lowu. * •r H4i» f] .' :,' , tf'^' % 3^ <;> k r/ ' i I-'* /"nK-J. M. Mi'l'KOi), inanuiauliirtrr or"llcI.tfiHl'» SyNtoni Keiiovaior/-' ** MclA*ml's System Renovator Iinproveil," and "McKeiHl's Si>ecific Cure," in known thronKliotit a . lari^e section of Western Ontario as *• tlie old ik>elor." He has a well filled and exteiisive laboratory on New* ^ate and Kruce Sis ,. in wliicli he ntantifaclures his medical preparatioiis. ' He dtws itot advertise his remedies outside of the local |i.it>ers,- nevertheless, Il>*iy are sold all over the country oil account of their merits. . They have in the past 8 years been well and succcss- . fully .tested. The remedies have ctTectcd ijiai-vellous ■ •■y* Or. J. M' McLK)P. ■ cures and received splendid endorsements. Although this may be hard to believe, read the testimonials and you will discovpr this fact, perhaps lor your own benefit. V ..ti LlVKRV-OP A. M. IVlLLKV ■ A. M. I\>i.i.i;v, the veler.inlivery-niafi,hasbeen in business here J7 years, . ;. and during; that timi; has become known to the trayelliii}; public all over the country .IS. the place where swell outfits in.iy be Obtained, and at prices that lire strictly in keeping with the time-). Every lonrjst, we venture to say, whp ever came to Godcrich, will remember with s.-ttisracti.on . the many pleasant j_ drives they have had liehind oni$'6f Mr. Policy's fast .ind.reli.-iblc horses. In ^3, Mr. I'olley, with great business enterprise, erected the handsomeiicw Idiiig situated in the rear of th« Redford Hotel. It is one ol the most tractive and best ap|wtnteil m the West ; in fact, many city livery's would fallaway behind if eoinparetl with this one. .Mr. Policy himself su|ierintends the barn and his employees arc alw.iys courteous and obliging. To him, (lo B erich owe s the e Kcellent bus s y s lenu w h i ch mee t s all ou t going a n d i ,' coming trains and; boats', and in which he has ,.. t\.ll.-K.- of I'hani.aiy. rori>iil... He liiis iHi-ii proprii-lor for seven years, and .nuler In- iii.uiaKe- m^nt llie j-atroiiaKe has been steadily «"'«*>'«• Tla- aim is to make tlie ■.." nis|wnsarv n lliorouBlily liigli-clasH wtaWisliment in all res|>ects. llie IsTiimoK Of \y. C. Oooni"* l>«ii Stoii* Prescription Departnuint is arranged and equipped with more than ordin- ary care i arrangements are provided for the testing Of ail drags, etc., as to strength and purity before being, used, and every (wssiblc precaution taken to secure the very best results, A large variety of the best per- f..nips nnH loilpi articles always oil h.->nd, ahU inspection always invited TllhKKinsii Kxiliwi.f lloil-i, under the |Tropiieli.isliip.in.l nun .g. mrni of Ihonias lilt, is the oldest Insi 1 1 iss hotel >eais. I Thk IlKiiiMi Hxvm*""'' IIi>i>'> "coming from the tjueeiis ilolcj in f.all. With these years of .vlual ex- perience he lannol help but 1m- successful in his business. Tourists com- ing to Ooderich need have no fear alHirtl being able to obtain .accommo- dation. Everything in this ilirection is provided by the iH-ople to make the stranger feel at home in a very short time, be.ides alTording liitn a Mr. c;oode is one of the best known men in nVwn, having In-en a nieinlwr beany welet of the I'ouncil several lenns. _ , ^- ^ -.15— teomn; -il J^ , i*.. _ «ta— ,r_l'..^', -,:;_,>_; '• *^ i. ----~----r!b; Mk. E. N. I.kwis, iMirii ill 0(>4«ricli, Sept. 185H, is a prac- lit'iii>f barristiTi solicitor of llie Siipi-^ne Court, waH tlie aiilhor 61' form works- oil lnw> the wortli of wlik'li were proved by their liaviiiK reached several editions. Mis- duties as deputy clerk of- ' the peace for one of-the.lar^c^t comities In the province,;liave prohibited liiiii froiii KoihK ■■>>o public life, bill With all his diiiies, and they are many, he has found lime to devote a >cbnsiderable part of his tiftie to the progress of the-tbwn. Ttje thousands of letters in his office (marked answered) show thar\ the citizens' cominillee, of w'hicli he is secretary, have had ah iirduous and never endiii); task before them. " The present progress of the town and large incrctise iir its business pitpulation, iiKalmosI • entirely "owiiijf to the labors of Messrs. Allan and J.ewti;, (he i;liairiii<1n and secretary of the committee. The ideas and plans < J for s.tmc' h.iviiiK been conciuved by t hese t wo in Mr. I^wis' plfi^ ill the spriii}; of 1H95, and gp to show what ciin be accomplishedX by a few. energetic chizens, who are willing to work arfU not iiiind thai a few people are willing to benefit by their labors wliile/etarding {hem all' they can. The editor of the Souvenir h.is never lieen in a town before which has such an enterprising > go-ahead committee with such a thorough plan of campaign, and who are upheld and helped -so loyally by the citizens, botii. individually and collectively, as evinced by the councih,. Of course all Ihe mcinbers of 11* comiriitlee have worked loyalty and hH|X!d greatly, chiefty Messrst E> lledton and A. Saundei^'biit the bulk of the wi^rk and odgination of the: whole work fell^n the chairman arid secretary. ' ' t: o^ i^ Mm. E. ^^> Lkwih'^S^mmkr Kk-smikncii - TwttmilcB iViNii Ipwn, on tlie banks of the MatllandL . \ J. T. O'llmFN. y Mr. J. T. O'Brien, whose |K>rlrail accompanies Ibis article, embarked in the (lierehant tailoring business in Goderich on the 15th of February of the present year, 1897. Mr. O'Brien's stock is neat and lasly and his ^rkmanship is pro\en by the flal- tering success ^)e is meeting with: The store l»iyenlrally located, Iwo doors from tVcst Sl.,'in one of the busiest parts of tlie *>H>">''^- Mr. O'Brien is a firm believer in Printer*' Ink, as can be seen from the number of his tasty " ad« ,'" u .npiiear fmni time lb time in the Uical |ia|>ers. The culling is all done by the proprietor, who gr.idtiified from the cutting dc|Mi tmeni of John 1 . Mitchell & Cft , New York. -36- >\ t , Goiinicn Stum BoiLm Wonitm A.S.Cmk»«t*i. Puh>*iiito«. • Situated immediately opposite the G. T. R. d«pot is.the GoDEWcH Steam Ani> BviitKU Works, Mr. A. S. Clir)'i>tali Prdprfelor, an establishment which for the past nineteen years has occupied a prominent |X»sition as a manufactnrin jr. concent in west Ontario. Whenevfer boilers, smokestacks, or sheet iron of any kind islrequired in this |iart of the- country, Mr. Ghrystal has always, beeit on hand. He placed the large boilers in the Electric Light and Water Works plant in Gpderich, Seaforlh, Clinton, and oilier towns, and since then has done niOsl of the wJrk of litis kind in this section bf the country. doing all the work' for J. H. J. LIvlnKsloiie, oil and flag manufacturers, of Baden.; He has worked up a splendid reputationforlheqiiality of his products. 0» Tiiii no.in'TO Pli-ns'sMii,!.. • i\>NNKi.i.'s Brick yard, Mtiiated in S,illford, li.i> bt'cn est.-iblislu'd about forty yt-arH. .iiul o. i »\wh about fiKir acres of Kr.nuul. .At prvsciH il is owiiml and managed by Messrs. William aiul Jolint oniirll, who will wilhoul a doubt make a good ihmg oui of llie venture. Tlielirick m.iiiHfav'ori'd is a fine ipi.tlily of pres>ed brick and is jjiviiigllie IwM of salisl.ic- tion to ill!' Cirim-rs and lowns|»eople. lo wlipni the Hrni caters, they have a large sl.Mui engine in iiperalioii all llie lime and employ about len men during tlic busy season. Tlif aiion1|wnying iiit shows the River Mailland willi the south b.ink in |ti.. .lisi.inr.'. f.oderjyh lies just over lli» bill and 1 . . . . .. •■ ■ e CotiHKLL's BaicK Va«i>. SALTumn. ■■'* '■ -37- - •' ' ■ oyeitooks beauliful Lake Huron, the s|H>t is delightful. 'Hie view from ■^ 1\ C. G. NFUTitN, dealer in ({«iiI'n r«iriii!.liin|f«, hats iiid cn|W, m situated on the lomer ol. North Si .tnd the Square. This busineti has been established. so\enlcen years and dining Dial iiiiio has worked u|> a splendid tr.ide. The stock is lar^e .md LOinplcte. ' * Onh of^he best known business establishments in Ondenuli is Wiuson'h V^-. l'Ri-.siK|i>TK.N «Ri ; k%. One or the thriving and important manuracturing institutions in the pcetty httle to»n orc.oileri,;h is the BiCMie Factory, -Vhlch began operations in the rail or gs. ai(d sittcv lis ^ception has been one or the busiest that the t6wn, ,v I' I>osscsses. lis make or jvheels, the ^'Common ^nse'-and " Hiiiwi " are' known rroiii the Atlantii-'^o the Pa^fic; and .reflecme highest possible credit ' ''on the enterimsi- and inlcgrity or the company, as well as impularizing the name of the lo«rt wherever Ihey have been Introduced^ Por easy 'running qiialilies and absolutely dust-proor bearings, honesty o^nialerial used, scieh- tiHc principles of const ruction and gracerul outline, they are without a peer on the Canadiarf m.irkel. The raclory itself is a spacious building, covering nearly two acres or ground, comrorlable itnd well lighted. The comfiany operate their own cJeclric light plant, and the factory is h...-.i..H thr hroiighout / bj means or llie Biiff.ilo Forge Comp..iiy's hoi blast fan, Mr Jas, Wilson, the manager, is one or the most progiessivo business nicn in Goderich, a steriing citizen who strives to .lid the town fh whateter way he can. Iktkihor oy'J*s. Wiiws's Orii, Stork -ja-t >■ V" ■ ■■"' ■•'»"■ .r^i ' THk Hammoii* Nkw RuimcNCK or • \ : Mr, Samvul-SloaM. . - ■ ■■ '• OnK or the soundest men in townt front a financial point of ' view; Is Mf.s Saihuel Sloane, who was born in Shercocic, Coui|ly Cayen, Ire- land. Mr. Sloane came to IhiH country in 1851, and settled in ^uebec^ coming: hare about ten years later .tnd engaging in the grain business. His large warehouse is siruated in the triangle made by the'junclion of Hamilton and Vit-t6Fi.i Streets, and hif . beautiful new hoq^e, which is • one of the iirtest in town, is situated just back of it. Mr. Sloane was a member of the 'muni- cipal board a number of years, .ind at present is' vice-pr^ident of. Uie Huron hoan and Saving Society-, ahd ii director in the (f> KlVKH, when* il intcrMVU llir t^ricc park of Ihi* Can,ijji i\>m|)jnt> . Tli** ict'nilc- ■ . ' ■nun ;in thi' fort'in^Hnil t(i"inK tlii; l\>nip;inv'\ CiVhtittls- *k»nei'. AUri*i!AViIt»,Mi. '* ' ■■■ . V*" i' .. ■;■' ' \ ■ • ■ 'r, '■ "'■'", ■ dH 'and fruits in season. The sfnro also has a finely appointed crockery departnieiil, in which is kept everything neat, tasty and scrvicetible in this line. ' The business has been esiahlisheil thirly.- threc years, and although tJie present proprietor has h,-id it only three years, he has workeil up a spi^-ndiU liatle. IVisonally Mr. Iipiing is a p;inistaking men haul ^ who tries in every way to please his^ciisltitneis " ^' 1^ I KisiiiiiNrp to Mil. Himiir IIorton., 1 TitnoK SiHW OK Mr. High Dkituir. Tub n»me of tlORTi»N is rainiliar in OoUcrich ns n iioiischold word. The IniilUer and owner of ll^is liouiie ii one ol llii^ery earliest of llie sclllcrs in llie nei({liborluKHl. fie canu- first to'Cioderich, which at that lime consisted of two lojc liiils, in 1^33, and it is sij(nifiv'«iil ^hat, after travcihiiK about the world for many years, and visilinK n"** ixaking careful note i>f man>»^ands, he came back and settled in this beautiful town by the romantic Lake Huron. His Karden is prcttity laid out, and the house whicli he hnill and has livetT in for the past thirty years is one of the many tasteful homes to be found in, the * locality. Those who have seen Jhctown ris« until it has attained '' its present status iicein loth to leave it, even though they may have trav- elled the world and seen, its, most boasted sights. .^ I'ROJiiNENTi.v connected with the mercljaiU tailoring business in Ooderich, and a most skilled and reliable workman is Mr.- Hittil DiNiAip, whose place of busi-^ ness is on West St. \» a practical tailor Mr. Dunlop has no jiuperior in trfwn and he has no hesitation in giiar- ■ anteeutg niost.perfect fits. H^citrriM in stock a full line Of piece goods of the. most popular makes and styles, which . he takes pleasure in exhibiting to those in quest of either goods or gannenf^. His Slock consists, of Scotch tweeds, ')• ^ ^ UywiNO Powx TUC kivn From IMphi'x Mill. "l. and Irish serges,'as well aswoollens, etc., of home mamifaclHre. None ).ut experienced hands are kept ind no garments are a'llowed to leave the store which (ire not inspected and ejtlirely satisfactory to ih^ custonjcrs, and as a 1 but from a consequence the h » \ ■ _. -40— jp Mr. W, a. H.*CrFK, the popular orKaniMl andchoirmaMeraitheGodei'ich English Church, in an Englishman by birth, and received h«< musical education in that country, H^ is a compe- tent teacher, and in 1H83 was appointed examiner by the Royal College of Music, of wbic^ the Prince of Wales is presidcKl which position he held un- til lestvirtg England. H was sev e n yea rs i n Que bee, where he Mas held nig. many vom- plinienlary itrli- V'les when b e Ml. . ' Ml|. J.\»KS S.Ti-:WART, a cut of whose , resi- dences ac^oni- imnies ihis-arli- lie, was horn in Scolland, Wlu-re he received his early educaliiMi, co^iillt'''''''^'' '** liie vicinity, of G o d e r i c h in iHifJ Mr. Stew- art has been very Miccriisful inhis business', enteqwiltes, ^nd if< one iJfihe town's most respected cili/cn«. liilll a ypar ago. lie lived .it Saliford. a vilhgc alwiii a niili- from CuHleiich, when lie BurVhasi'd llie Uirge lot at the coriu-r of South Si. aiitj Elgin Aye., and eretlod hiji h.indsome new liomeV and beainifi.ed il, iiiilil lunl he has one of the nio».l allraclive homes in lovvn. Mr, Stew.irls Saliford resi- dence is finely siluaied half way up Ihc bank of the Riv«.'r,,Mnilland,afld.jfo];nmaiid» a spWiulid view of Lake Huron, wiiich/isrtboiil a milcawiiy The house and fine orchard surroimdiiig it coyer ahoni lini'- and .t illiaincr .lyiys of ground. Mr. Slew.irt s S.illford icsideiiic is no« for s,il4 ; /■;■ • Tfin SiiiTWun Rusliwsyr or Ms. Jamhi Sim xtr. and sijore.s, and h.is fine walcr Mr. Ci. N. Oavis, c.inie rt> 1K54, and established a sivtve and ness ill I'Onjuni'lioii willi Mr. Store years he eiilered liiisiiiess for himself, and' is liow Ihe largest dealer in coal- oil in I lie connly. He in- leifds to gel lank cars and barrel oil foi- tlu' wholes.ile ^Ir.ide. ■ IVr- sona'llVi Mr. Mavit is a liroiigli liiisiiu'ss mail and 1' woilli\ tiii/cn, oinj^ conneclions. itOfhTich i(i tiinware hiisi- f, .\fler leii Mr W. \ II CiFv in high esieein, Ihe Ijiie- bee daily |vi|H>rs pahlish-< 1 .ind anv (H-rson iiiikIiI well Ik- s,ilislied «illi It The house is conveiueni 10 I'osI illhie r . . ^ i -41 - ^ , '-- »lio sirixes 10 help Ihe loiin. '■ ^ .-..v, J I!. M. £li.iot, IhJCKrocer, who \s Mliinted on llani-. illnn St. iitfar llie Square, hiis booh in bint»il grocery with 'a larf;e ami complete HtockoreriK'kery, K;|aN»ware aal fruit and farm pnuluce dealer in town, shipping; \ar^a quantilies'Of fruit each season to outi^ide firms, and lias cslablished a Kood reputation for-lhe excellence Of the butt'er and farm produce he handles. Mr. U. M. E11.10T. l -•\ ■■^ ClfnARCROV^^liMRK!! llof'KK)!. TUR PROFkRTV OR Mks J.BlMtiHAM. TilR CRiMkCiROVR GREKN'Hoi-siis, the property of Mi4i. J. DinKham, h.ive been esltiblished twenty years. Mrs. HiKKham haw four acres do- voted to fruit-/, three lo veKClables, and it is safe to siiy /ijothin}; finer in this line can be' obtained than thai which comes from herf gardens. Two ^Kreenhouses^ one 20 x 50 and one 1 jxjo, are Sfiven overho the cuhivation of hol-housef flowers, all of which are indeed beaulifuli Mrs. Hin)(ham makes it spt^lciaJty of roses, and desij^ns for church deco/iitions, weddinj^s,^ . etc., and h^ trade extends all over tha. country. The hpuse is situated oft thebank ol^the lake jiist inside the rStskirls of the tolii, ami lias inllie rear one ofthe most beautiful cedar graves it has ever been the writer's privilcKe t<> see. The people certainly appreciate the efforts this lady and • tier son make to ple.-isc, .-IS is evinced by the splendid trade they lia ye established ■ , /_-,! j_^^.--:_i^:^ - :--_--_,_^ 'sjx-z^-..,,.^^- -:^ RksIMKM-k Of' Mks, J. .liLSbHAM. --»*-: •^ P ■ M ■ * ■ « f tt "N 1 « «; m \\, Tllh 1'«1|>>.JMI II SlAK IS Hill- .if lllf IIIOSI ItlrtKI'*'''- M\e iu««»(^H^*JrV ill llii't-oiiiitv. Thu IVopiii-lor. Mk. ^ '' Mm IIKIl . is a wliol>'-»i>iiU'i); palriolii* i'ili/»Mi, who tloos vvcrythiiiK in liis powor, iiiul KmuJs llii- (•oliiiiiiis of Ills pa|HT \lo>aii>lliinK |U'ilaitiiiiK to llir itooil of llu- lown. Ttirjol* / tli-paiiiiicnli^ TH"<^oi'»iTiiv RfjtiniiNiK Of Mb. C.J. S. NArrri.; l,A PoRTh Farm 'ih ilie • residence of C.J. S, Naf- tel who lias occupied it ; ' for the past twenty yearsi. All llir ' improvements made upon tile place have been done by him; and tliese include the layiitg; out of j^rauiids, planting of trees, fencing and erec' tion of buildings. He has alsu'|)tanifd a'fine orchiird corilaioinK' tiie choicest varieties of apples, |iear-s, peache»i, and plums, and a variety of the sinall fruits. , The lota) e)»tenl of the farm is about 137 acies, and of iliis about 25 acres aloiiKT the .lake front ^re set apart as a camping glound for thu use of visitors, who brin^ out their tents and remain at pleasure. From July to ScptenilM-r this is an ideal spiit for Jhose who delight in a holid.iy undet*caiivas, and the little it^it villaK<.' niiikes a very pretty picture. The estate provides ample room filr such outside panics as ftmtball, 1 Lake l li i rtT i i furn is he s (tl)( <^oftcricl) £itar. ! and Utseball. — A lam e st r eah i r min iii ) ; i n l e r ini i i,. lac i' osie i excaifent fishing. S|)eckled trout are sjHyii.tlK plentiful. .\ good tali i.ige diiMv._ leads dowil to the beach, whiih is hereoxet io« \.irds mile. The gradiLiI sloiy ol this mraiul provides enjoj.ible anil |H>rleitly s,ife iMllung. most i-oni- plete as ' is : ev inched hy the J lasly work they turn out. Mm. Cms. SiiHKWK.ri.; to whom the edilcH owes many thanks for the help givQIi in num- erous wavsto the tloderich Souvenir, is hit Kuglish- mail by birth, but has been • ' . in this county about three years. Mr. Sliukwcll is of that class ofediica(«!d Knglishnieii who Mlel a town foi hiiviiiK Ihem as CoiiiiiiK to tills counlyVilnuisI hii eiillie siiaiiKer.il is iress ihi- liiisliicss and pii'lcssjonjil tm. Sub. citiM-ns, no l i tt l e thing to he a b l e to i iupi men vou coiije in contact wllh as ihis ^'enileinan has done. Mr. Stoikwell IS m .« sense .1 Hue llohemi.in, oni- «hit i> wedded to his piolessutn^ hit i.ituie .iiul .'lit i. 1.1 ! h iTfTKKlOU Cri-VKLANII KltVi'l.K IjlVhHV- . . ; . (Jiu). Emrrwin. Propriktor, ■ : ■■ ■ ■ ■ , ■■< ■ '' . • : TlIK Cl.KVKI.ANI) BnVfl-K I.IVKRV Oil \Ve»l Si., Get), F. KnicfHoii, proprielor, ih the JfiiitiRl . bWycli* nnd bicvyle sundry as wfll an bicycle livery in (own. Mr. Kniersui) )i.ihh music and bicycle house in CliH- lon, but believini; ihiil Ooderich in destined to be (he leadiii); town in the whole of western Ontario in a few years, he in movinK-hts businesi here.. At present he. has only wheels in stock but bi^forelon^ intends .iddinK ivfulMine of liiusical gooils, and there i s MO doub t , with I lls thorough know l edge, »»d ow- ing 10 long eiM>erience of the requirenienlH of the trade, he will be very sficccssful. The livery is handsomely filled up in a way Ihni cannot help but altratM the attention t>l jhe ii«iior lojht* town. / ^^. "Aj^^ ^■^^ .m.^^J:^f'* Old (^arhv auovk PiprR'n Mill. Mr, CANTt!i4>N is one of ihoRiB who, by energy and application, has succeeded, and he Iibr lost nolhing of his reputation for genuine worth whilst building himself a Mund commercial position. Hi* (latruns accord to him a full nhare of the local tradir, and the continuance of his custom for the past twenty-five years is a guaia.ntee of quality in ilself, Bom and reared in Ooderich, he has not selfishly y a> Mr, CtltTKIAHl'li 9AKfRV. negleit i - ' d the t own's aflfa ir s, but bo r n e a fa ir s h a re of the burdens falling to those who avcepi civic of< fijce. He is believed to he a painstakiiig and earnest . worker for the betterment of the town in whivli he lias met success. f^ .^jg^ Mn. J. Kmr/l.KV iHTiipip" llif.»)iavlii({ wiIimmi niljoiniiiK •!"• HrilUli ' Kiii'liiUiK>' llfMi'l. Mil-iir.iiiKi-iiu'lils fiirllii- rtinit'.Hl i>t hi-, iwlioii-. «rt' •mvlltfiil, aiulYii» roiii|>rlciil Miiff injures pii>i»l" ""••"•""i. "v iwi"- piB* llw sill- of Ihc iililfHl iMirlwr sliop in tuiilviiili, aiij luila) »ii» li',:ikt'tl Willi lilt- allciition shown lo iu»Uiiutfr» iir e**-!) way lhoii)jlilliil loit- •tdrrulioii could ku|{|{«Hl'; - ■, ; . . •■.•;•■■ " - ■ : :? T(» i'««i ihiHSK lliyr»» siltl.ilcd t»n lln^• »i»tH»'» of Nf\tK'.><<* "V'l ll.imilcoii Sis, is Olll' III It"' I'l'lt'sl in town, hatiniii li«vii «•»-. lalilislii'il Kti-iiliim \>-ii wril in'|ii lip anil. Ilial il will iiinlinnt' lo piosjH-r. . I III" talis III •Ji iMi.i ihn SiM'i 111 talis hv Hir «< < li •iKTHHIOItlW^lK. J*"*"*'"!"!!'*'' H*KMt i-ontit^t^jiliv b<-iiii( i-arrifil on, llif niTil of iilsloins fornix M all kituls is yty lOnsiiliTabU'. This want is siip|ilitil liy Mk. VANAriKR, vkhosf lotlK cxiMTii-iHi' al ilk- ptliilinK' busiiii-ss «nabli>s liiiii lo cater siii'ii's^itUy In Ihf wants of his ciisloniors in ihis ri's|»'il. Jlfctiaile in i iisiiiniy and other oflii-ial lornisi Matiotii-fv, I'ti-., i-xli-ni^ lliroii|{lioul CaiKiila, taking in i-vjuiy pioyniii' m iiy si-opf, and lip enjoys, a vonstantl'y iiiiicasi^tc ilrntaiid for the lini's published bv him. PrtiV lists, i-lc.. Iiiaikil 16 all a|>|>lii'anls, ■ . ..:-■ -^ -,... .-(._4,^— ^ :_^^4_^.l ■fS. - - .. ■ Mm. J, his \l",-V*Nii ifH. i rMI|.l.lf'*t ft IVt,, IfKUVfHV Wa4h>N. U'liKN Niimnipr t-oiiieii, HvnrveljcBiiyonu U liiore Kralefully borne '!ii mlntl ihiiii lliONU wliti i|Uoiich our lliirn). To do iIiih liiui b<«n llie Nliidy ofjliin ttriii, ami MfwHrs. fliillipx Jk I'o. , have nime 1H64, »iiu'i'i'»sfuUy lii'fonipliNliiHl llio laHk of pleiisiiiK Ihi-ir imlrons, Sinoe Mr. I'. I., VVittloii, a year a^Oi look in hand an already floiirisliinf; IniNiiioHii, llii* firin'fi re|iii(ation lias increased, and now ilieir deliverlos coidd Irnrdly be cnni|Ki!iKed williin a thirty mile rAdiui from iheir works. This fac- tory has been refilled with the latest improved niucbinery of Kn)(|iHli dcMi^n, .'iNo a lar)(e number of syphons, ini|>orted direct from KranCe, > fr Tmk III-ACK lkM>-, % l<*AVV>Klttt ClMI'ISl* AWh Kl1«lltRII .Sm*^^. Mil. W^ H, SMiTtl, the chief en|(in«er and snp«'rinlen«leiil of the water wnrkn jiiid electric liKhl plant, has litfUl this, rcsponsihle jiostlion Ktr M^ven years. Previously, hit wa-. tor a mmilier of years, favorably known as chief cni^iiieer on Ihe iVrcat Lakes, and his name is familiar fix>m Montreal west. During his 'occupancy of this oWce, his Unties have . much increased,- ow'tn)^ to ilie ^reat Iniprxivemehts antt usetl largoly for medicinal pur|Hises. J*ure nilueral waier is used exclusively for tlie manufacture of all their xoOtls, ninkiOK a x(ieci:dty af doirhic club and syphon sOda and Melfast K,>'*K'''' -de. Cyclists and athletes should desire cherry sour. This fiiin accord satisfaction wherever lliey have o|HMied up and Ihh'oiiic known, InsiltiUtf J 111 the t own leni'i'dlH); Itoili l i({liiH>){ aikl water <*upply. He has now the superinieiidi'ikie tfl live men, besides look tiiK alter consiriu-iivc Moikv Mr, Smirh ha's.-ilw.iyvHj^iven satisfaction as is provni _ by the KSKtlsjlf |iMi»« from prominent citi.xenjs, -46- . . fm /* 4 te ^ •«> -V ■ '■ ■:• . '* * 'v'^- ■ ■ '. , , ■ y -'■ '*■'-' ■ ■ ■•■ V . ^ .4 ^ 'fw H^^^hCi jl' <• ' ' *:-■ ' ' 1 -^~*»:iiiti«| I! " » ',;• £J'»*' (Kkim Hot kK, .I'^rr. IIahm. Tt****'. Thin >tel, nn illimlriiiinii of wliit'li itt-coni- |min«<< lliJ9'Urtirlu, ix kiliinlrtl wiOiiii » nlxni' •Ihrviw of Ihi- liarlwr, ant) roniniantis tt fiplfpiliil vU-w »f U'ikf lliirim and im loweiliiK baiikH, .Till- |irupiifliii, I'.ipl. Halih. i» an olil salt, liav- in^ l^ra'iliialed rii>m llt'r Mai***tly'N Navy. Hni| many iiileresiinK slDriri \ic lan U'll of Iris ex- -iwrtence-wliile connci'lftl . wii!i il. lie -is also ^•»p{ftn of t\te life slailiin lifrcrai)}l has rrci'ivfd thtf hiifliesl praise fnnn Initji Uif^tftni-rittiu-nls of ImHIi iiisiili* and oiitt llit* sl^*|»> Ing a|iiiilrni^nls an* pii'lnrrtt of rlcanlinfsx and-jionifort, and III!' loiiiisi, II IS sjilf U> HHy, i-oiilil iiol do lH>lli>r llian slo|i ul Ihtt Orcaii llotist*, Wlli'lf tu* hils^ lIUMIll- vmilago of spliMitlid si-4*n«'s al nil linifs. tool haliiiy Itim'irs from lliv l.ilu- and ihr Ih'si of Ircalim-ni ai Ihi' 'uHkds of ilii- pro|irii'.lor, I'lio Hiilvl is wi-ll liKhivd l>5 >-lfi4riciiy, slvam- lii'altHl and in t'nii fwryf ■,tlii«K fifsl-tlMWr — '■ '^ llvKI'lK \ I.KKihardwariv iiH'Tt-liiMils, is ihi* old Hnii ol Kjtimili-rs, fomiorty on WVsl Si. Tlio |irrs*^i pio|irirl4»rs, C'baa. J- llarjx'f '""' *>"''as. Let; niwuineil control Jiiilv i.si, iS y*" ^ Hie t'llili'd Sitntrs and i'aiiada ; iii fad. Ilit> liirnier.v a few years a^o* piesyiiietl liii )j:allunl capliun will) a KoUl medal for jiravely cesctiinjf. Ihtt crew of a lH>at helonKill^ to that toiintryv, His timet has lately liecii roiu>VjM{iS(iv»nd reliUCiit?" - Ilwriiii * l.iiK ll«i>«>«i' sio^ir since tfphdiieled n niiMI Honnshliiit hutiineiik. Tlie outside work, pluniliiiiK am) sti initiriiii);. gfajvliii'li llie lilrni make » s|kI h.iiit wart*, «*lovt*H, |Minit aiul t-nK, aUi» i|m* npi'ii* \ Itir llu> Clrvftaiitl hit vt'lt-. Hoih iiwmbi'rt of ||ih tmtr art' pri»Krt«viivf yimnK »»>>'. DrJ.K.ShAnnon is the younKCHl iiiiiyor Oodericli haN ever had, and one of Hie yoiniKest in Canada, yel from the tiiiie he wa* elected hy aii'tamalion in February, 1896, and also by acclaniafiDn in 1897 .ho has inauKiiraled many improvemenls in the town, proniincnl among which niiKlii be menlioned iheexlemvon of (he water syslem, the new syxieni ofNcweraKO and the incandescent liKlilin);, system. '- lti» honor was born in Otklerich, August, 1865, where he received hisearly educa- tion, Kraduaiint; in Medicine from the ToruHio I'nivcrsiiy. in 1887. Ilcs|ient six months in New York in training after which he canio here in 1889. Mr. Sli.innon was married 10 a daughter of the Hon. A. ^ M; Ross, of Toronto, in iKqa. There is no doubt the dpctor is one of tlie busiest men in town with his large practice ns physician anil his . arduous tasks in liisc.ipaciiy as mayor. The grounds of l)r. Shnnnon"ii residence are very large and splendidly laid out. The accompanying cut is not large enough to lake in tlie he.iutiful lawn and fountain at the aide, nor the broad grivel walks coveirti with grape vine* in the rear. In fact, to thoroughly appi^eciate this beautiful home a person must see i1. Ahuno the progressivi> firms of the town i» the dry goods house of James A. Reid, who makes a specialty of staple dry goods, also reAdy made clothing. Mr. S, J. Reid, thd manager, thoroughly underslaiids the buying of these goodii, having been in tliis line of liusiness all his life. This establishment i» certainly conducted nndcr u|>-to-dat< ; and modern methods and with one of the finest stocks in town,jhey have a patronAget^ be envied. ^ ^ • f h IIaAhuk II11.1. Asn KoAK TO IIathiso Biimh. -4«- I I Jl II II ■!«MM I. ► • I' 1 ^ »- • ,- Mr B. II. RoaiNHON v>u» hnm in Otidoiivli, and Ih one of the iiiohI Kcvnlieati yoiiAK citacn'N. This sea<«»i he iiilends adding Iq (lie atlrncti»n>f orOodcrich lliat iiiONi iinimriaiil aci'usiMtry, n Rrm-clasH |>lcaHure Kleunier, the City of Mt Cleineiis. This haul, wliicli m lo come from WallacebiirK, it built lhrou|[lioul of white oak. The carryinK t:a|i.icily i« 4,1(0, and sheti.iii iiinrh-rooins, and varricH a first-vlaim orchestra. The proitioter'n intention in to iililixe lier rh n..|«ansenj(er boat between Goderich, Kincardine, und Sand Reach, ritnninir on alternate daVK.. He is open lo book !i|iccial exciirsionH for larKe |Uilics, and already berths have been en> |{ai;ed for her maiddn trip, which' in 10' be fi-oni WallacebnrK to the S0o, No doubl exists as lo Ihe Hui:cess that will he achieved by this practical effort to add a considerable allraclion to visitors. On holidays and |(ala dajs she will make short runs every few hours. Cwstav R wibuicti w llKsav CmwiK. ' SiTi'ATRn on the Huron RoAd about one and a half miles south east ojf ilie town, is the well kept farm of Hknrv Cirwin. The farm coifsisis of ., about 100 acres choice orchard and Krain land, and the lioiise, which is situated oh a small hill is surrounded by a pretty lawn and beautilul hedgrs. BlIIII'SU lllH'SkH ANO lit \ill. .50- I f 'd^f.^it,MtAii ^ •• RpwAiiwijoo." llMiraiiii;* or M»j«m Jo«. H«t,«. SAi.Tro«i>. Major Jvwbpii Bkck, in of Irish birth, haviiijc been bom in I lie Green Isle. When Ihrec years old, Ihe family saiM for Canada, and «ell|o(l in Piclon, Ontario. In 1863, the subject of this skelih, moved loSallford, rlien known as Maitlandville, and cnKaKed in the lannci-y buNiness, an occupation lie Mill follows. Ourinif the Fenian troublci, Mr. flSck joined the volunteci^, and siient four months in active service. He belonRs to the 3ird Battalion, havinx Iwert appointed lieutenant in 1H68, captain .Vnd quaiter-nmster in 18K4, and was ({«":" ''•1 io fieUI oiriccrs work ton years latter, taking (freat iriieresl in his. towinhip, Colborne, he was elected to represent it as councillor in 1881, and five years .ifterwards tis its reeve. In i%i he was warden of Huron County, and at the end of his term ofoBice, retired from liiunicipal iMilitics. In 1SH7 Major Beck was elected president of Ihe West Huron Conservative Ass<;Hialion, and has been re-elected eai-li year since, At a recent Conservative convention, he was unaniuiously nominated to contest the west riding, .11 the next election to the |»rovincial |>arliamehl. The Major, who is a leading mcm- 'V - ■•.. .■■■.'.•■ her ol the XV .«nd ,\ M.. Oddlcllows. I .O So»i.l), A O.l.W., C.O.C F and RoynUTVrPnmnt^, nurned ui iHuin. Fsi|., J.I' , ol Bcu Millar Mh. J. T. C.nttiimiKi'fi ({'"»■»■'■• «' ''■'llhiid, h.is briMi est.iblislied ' seven >ears, and durniK that lime li.is worked up n spKuiili.Mi.ide. Me i» considerably interested in the liyiiher business, Kiii); t)ie litad ol si^iM.il lirniH-tlieHrniofC.oldtlioi|K' ■«> (. ulhs^ doiiiK business 111 t.oderii h ami vuiiiit>raiidllie C.oldllior|M-, i iillis & Aiideisoii liiinlu-r hini, diuiiK ,111 extensne business in Fibre i il). MuhiKan. He is .lis., oiie of lb. luoni- inent ioiitr.utorsinthisvuinil\,.»iid is one ol the pii>K"ssivr imii »>io has ikinejiis share in buildiiiB up Coderlih Mi l.oWlhon«- was . olle. I..1 foi' the township oCColbotnc, lor several terms. "%. « i » 1 '^^■<*.. s»- Mh. J..^ri iKll.lvrililKfKS SrUKI!, S»i.iioKii. 1; . V- r ■V •tre SALT OP THE EARTH " Pure s« Ttalwllt Aaiaa^MlligiHH. Aili if i nl i r lwli, ^ MU TheNoftli r QODI alt / '-TABLE, DAIRY. ' CHEESE icalCo.,""*^" NT. i e anadlun Phofd-Bngraviiig Bureau---iflM|k |X Adatakto 8t. Wwt r.?-^ 10 Tirpato, Ont. HALF-TONB (M <«Mw) ZINCBTCHINO WOOD BNORAVINQ ELBGTROTYPINa .DBSIONINOMi DRAWINQ MillASMAIUI catAUmDw'^^' ' '^^^rown-Searle Prifitiiig H JORDAN ST. TORONTO lUkSMAtfrft jriMi 06. • )| '%' # •a ' •' > .'% .16? >