CIHM Microfiche Series (■Monographs) ICIMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibllographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographicalty unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual method of filming are checl PRODUCTION OF ASBESTOS CANADA : > •During tlii- Ciihinlar Years 1907 8 BY JOHN McLEISH, B.A. Chief of the DirUion of Mineral Regmireen and Slatistia OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1909 581)4-1 No. 14. ^ It : .*•. .• . • • ..'. .. .' .••■'••: : : ' ADTANOE OHAPTEB Ot THE ANiniAL REPORT ON THE MINERAL PRODUCTION OF CANADA DCRINO THE CALENDAR TEARS 1907 AND 1908. A9BE8T08 A4«l>efltnR iH miiii. at <>no time madi' frmn the township of Dcnholni, in tho coiint.v of WriK'ht, north of th'> i'it.v of Ottawa, but the first-mentioned districtH are the only loculitif^ in which niininK i* at present beinK carric*! on. The mining of aabestoH in tiiis region dates from about 18"H, nnd Mtati^tioi of production since 1880 are «hiiwn in tables following. The value of the annual output luis grown from lens than $:i.',(M>(> in 1880 to ovor $2,573,000 in 1908, go that next to coa' thu is now one of the most im|)ortatit of non-nivtallie mineral products, and mipplies n ver.v large proportion of tbo world's demand. A special report on this sid)jeet has been published by this branch, though now unfortunately out of print. A revised edition i». howe^■K>r. in course of prepara- tion. PRODUCTION. A portion of th<' output is sufReientl.v high grade to bo shipped as crude; tho greater part, however, is crushed and the fibre extracted by special machinery. A uniform system of classification has not yet been adopted b.y the operating com- panies, but for statistical purposes the shipments have been clnssified on a valua- tion basis, the crude being divided into two classes and the mill fibre into three grades ; the short fibred, aabestic, and sand, being separately classified. The total shipments in 1908 aggregated 90,773 tons valued at $2,573,335, as compared with shipments in 1907 of 90,4?'; tons valued at $2,.505,042, the ship- ments in 1908 being the largest both in tonnage and value yet recorded. Details are given in Table 1. ASBESTOS.- TABLK 1. Prodnotion by CIrimi, Calendar Tears 1907 and 1908. 1907. 1908. Short Toiw. Vnhie. Per ton. Short Tom. Value. I'lT ton. Crude, No. 1 .. 2. Mill .Stock No 1 .. 1,419 2,908 3,676 43,821 10,307 G2,'30 28.296 $ 374,278 450,367 300,926 1,247,078 106,132 t eta. 263 76 156 !I8 81 8H 28 16 10 30 867J 2,4!'8 6,282 45.646 12,374 • 257,752 411,480 425,448 1,345,750 114,9»1 2,66^3C1 17,974 9 ctD. 300 59 166 38 80 .54 .. 2 „ „ 3 2!)3S 9 29 Total anbestng 2,484,767 20,275 39 99 72 66,648 24,226 38 40 Total asbnstic.... . ... 74 Grand total 90,426 2,506,042 90,773 1 2.573.335 , Wliil«> the awnge prioo» in cm-h «1okii are iriwn in the obovo, the cImii- fication in baiutl aiiproxiniatoly on the following maximum anil minimum prii'c?f pur ton: — Bang* of PrioM ol AfbeitM Barlsf the Ytm 1WI4. • Cniile, No. 1 2 Mill SUwk, Nu. 1 .. 3 Aabratie igne. 267 00 to SM) on 76 0(1 .. 226 00 100 I*) V 110 13 OO 1 16 00 *» 2U W) 600 096 Althoujrh the total tonnajie shippwl in luOS m only 347 tons in exw»» of tho IWVT Hhipmcntfl, it will be seen that the amount of fnulc shipped in 1008, deitpite a hifchor avpraRo prit-e, wan h«s than tlu; 1007 crude ghipmcnte by 981 tons. The Hhre shipments on the othor hand were 5,300 greater in 1908, and brought a higher average return per ton of $1.22. The aiibestic shipments in 1908 were 4,07i leM than in 1907. In Table 2, following, the proilueti.on of crude a^tbeatos and mill stock since 1903 is separately shown. The statistics indicate that 'uring the past six years there has been only a slight increase in the quantity shipped as crude, although the average price has nearly doubled; while on the other hand the shipm.?nt8 of mill stock have i ■oase.l over 12.''> per cont in tho samo time, with an increase of over 60 per cent in :ho average price iier ton fibtnined. ASBKSTOS.— TABLE 2. Animal Production of Crude and Mill Stock 1903-1908. Calendar Year. 1903 1U04 1906 1906 1907 19QB Short Toni. 3.134 4,410 3,767 3,841 4,327 3,3l5i Crcdi Value. 361,867 634,874 472,889 636,346 H.30,G32 Per ton. 9 cto. 115 46 121 28 125 63 166 41 191 97 200 04 Mill Htotk. .Short Tons. 27,996 81,201 46,902 66,920 &7,8C3 63,202 Value. I Per ton. 564,02! 678,628 1,013,600 1,401,083 1,664,136 1,886,129 I eta. 19 79 21 76 21 61 24 61 28 62 29 84 Table 3 thowa the total ahitrtnonti of nabratoa nnd aabeatin ■eparatclT for rarh year ainw IHW. ASBKHTOB.-TABLE S. AaaiiAl ProduetioB lisM 1880. Calomlar Ytwr. IHHl)(a). lM*l(a). 18H2(a). lH8S(al. lM4(a). 18(10 (•). 1880(0). 18H7 .. 1888.... 18W.... 1880.. 1801 ... 18W3.... 18N.. . 1804.... 189">.... 1896 .. 18»7 ... Ifm ... 1890... MOO .. 1H01 . 1902 ... luos... IMM... 1905... IHOO.... 1007.... 19UH.... Short Trill*. 180 0«l 810 900 l.Ul 2,440 3,458 4,«19 4,4t»4 6,113 9,860 9,279 6,082 6,381 7,0.% 8.766 l(l,8»3 13,203 16,124 17,790 21,631 32,893 Sn.219 si.iat 8^«ll no.66» «».761 62.130 66,548 AaaiHTna. Value. 84.700 I 35,100 ' 53,600 88,750 75,007 143,441 206,361 336,076 255,007 436,604 1,360,240 980,463 310,156 430,836 368,170 423,066 899,528 47MSI 468,636 ^9,886 1,248,640 1,126,688 9I6,8.S8 1,818,503 l,486,36t» 2,«St,42K ^484,767 AaBHTir. Per ton. Ahort Tona. i ! 1 Valua. • Parttm. • eta. • cla. 60 tM) 60 00 65 00 71 99 66 83 58 88 60 64 48 93 57 00 69 78 127 81 107 76 64 20 86 81 65 15 43 06 38 84 1,368 6,700 5 00 39 UU 17,240 40,840 3 C6 20 47 7,661 16.066 3 10 26 34 7.746 17,214 233 83 76 7,aait 18.646 8 47 37 »6 7,325 11.114 1 03 37 28 10, IW 21,6.11 330 2!t 42 111,548 13,869 1 31 Ak m 12,H.%4 12,850 1 00 2S33 17,M»4 16,900 096 ai53 21,424 28.715 1 11 8D99 28,206 20,275 073 » 40 '!4,226 17,974 74 <«r« nn> nlwwii in Tahla 4, luul toliil rxportu r»ch y«>«r ainco IHD2 in Tahk) B. A8BF.ST<>H. TAIILR 4. Export! of OaaadiftB Aabeitot by Conntriei 18031801. i To Oai«T nanrAm. To trwiTai* Mtatkm. Ton INM.\Nr cl^i^" Tor*.. KxHmt.. | 1 TonK. Valiw. TlNIK. talti... T.iw. t.43)« 3.4<1.1 a.!n«) 3,*l»4 •m S41 VllllH*. • 28.tnii m.ui imi.iiiil «{,117 H,1«B '.•.47ti Tirnn. 1 Value. • Tum. • i 110,9H3 .tl.TW 94.271 37.273 Iflll.niM 47,081 3311.314 M>,H6I 147.613 S«,7M 33i),««Hi, 61,310 1 v»i.i... 5 < iniici. 191)1.. im).^ . liNM.. 1907.. low.. 2.74S •1.602 l».73l »,4:« ft. 488 S.221 • 4*),13U 310,176 .iiir>.iinti 3iH,»i:< aotxuoi) 3(«,3f)<> 34.2tt3 2n.»57 21).6IW .'«!t,7H7 44.861 G0.iS03 • 714, 7H1 7Ba,3a) H11.08U l,oaH,513 1.313,fiR3 1.314.337 3,SM 4,tn.t (i,!)!W tt,23a M4fi • • ct<. ROl.OtM^ 28 04 .■«),»i.»7 81 IS 1 «.ll.) 30 47 i.H. TAItl.KA. Xapertt FiMtl T«nn 18U-1WM. V*llM>. «7t •I.H3t T.KW H,7ns e,iH3 13.3BI) 4,000 rtamlV tmi. . IWM.. IHIIA. . IMM. IW.. tww. JMOII.. ItlOO.. ..... ; rbMUYMUr. Vaiiw. • ! • IIMNt 1 1«H Ai>,NSI> 3ri,im ! I9i»9 A3,4)M ■AWM IWIS . 7ft.4«tft 23.»4» 1W>I lt».l«7 l!»,«fi w* iia,m:w ».;)«> ' 19116 137.974 :o,tiii7 IWiT (9 MKmtlw) . . m.Mo 43.4M •iww 10U,IMI) ittlur thiMi enicli*. and all iiianufartiinw nl. Ihity 3r> t>rr rent. Oiit^iilo iif rmmilii tlio cliU-f iwImhIiib pnKliuii'ic oouiitr.v in lliwuiu. wIhhc nut|»iit ill ItMl" i* n'|Hiru'«l iia H.Mfid nii'tric t<>in. The I'liitfil Stut<>a, Ciipc (' anil CypruA arc oW piyxhicon*, thouKh Uk* quantity In iu>t iinpnrtniit. Table 7 shows the priiwipnl prixhiutioiiK siiK'n \WYi, ASIIKSTOS T\BI,K7. World'! Production 19081908 in Metric Tom. (2804 S Ibi). 1902. 1903. lOM. 1905. 19QA. 1007. 1908. CanndA (hV. 37,414 913 4,807 ir) 41 38,340 8«r> ^«I34 (K) 270 32,.«in 1,.343 7.n«e 373 4H,9n7 2.H30 7,300 4M B6,122 l,nS8 9,301 473 (g) lu 1 56..1M ni»,373 tTnitwiHtatM(o) KiiiMiia(«). Cape Cokiny (e) — r!w|in]a (nV .W3 849 (a) »,.TM ' 548 * Figum not available. (a) Proviuonal. (b) Minw Branch, Ottawa. i«) Home Office, London. (f) Exported. (c) Unittd Statw, Geological Sntvey. The following is a list of the prinripal produrliif/ companies in Canada: — Lilt of Operators. Bomiuion Ai^bestos Co., I^td., Montreal, 415 .Mi'ruhauts Bank Buildint;. Standard Asbestos Co., Ltd., " 415 " " Union Asbeetoa Mines, Calmon, Que. Johnston's Asbestos Co., Ltd., Thetford Mines, Que. Bell Asbestos Mines, " " Beaver Asbestos Co., " " King Asbestos Mines '• " The Asbestos and Asbestic Co., Ltd., Asbestos, Que. Broughton Asbestos Fibre Co., East Broughton Sta., Que. The Quebec Asbestos Co., Sherbrooke, Que. Eastern Townships Asbestos Co., East Broughton Sta., Que. The Frontenac Asbestos Mining Co., Ltd., East BrdUghton Sta., Que. British Canadian Asbestos Co., Ltd., Black Lake, Que. COMPA.NIKS PROSPECTING OR EXPECTING TO l)PEK.\TE. Megdntic Mining Co., Montreal, 88 McGill St. W. H. Lambly. Inverness, Que. Brompton Lake Asbe^,!.., Co., Montrrnl, 17 Victoria Square. The Asbestos ilining i: Manufacturing Co., Sherbrooke, Que. Boston Asbestos Co., Ltd., East Broughton Sta., Que. Robertson Asbestos Alining Co., Drummondvillc, Que. The Ling Asbestos Co., East Broughton Sta., Que. The Thetford Asbestos & Exploration Co., Thetford, Que. The Impcrinl A.^bcstos Co.. Montreal, Que. La Compagnie d'Aniiante Champlain, Quebec, SI Rue St. Pierre. A" '/, 1| *. I * r r' I!