IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 US 2.2 III 1.8 U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ;reed to express an opinion api)roving of the zeal for the i)urity of the clerical char- acter evinced by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, and of the steps which they have taken to promote this most important object. They have also had the honour of a communication from Lord Glenelg, requesting their opinion on a question arising from the constitution of the Presbyterian Churcii in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. As this Church appears to hove been formed on the constitution of the Reformed Church in Holland, your Committee have iound it difficult to form a correct judg- ment on the poi it thus submitted to them; but following the great principles of a Presbyterian Establishment, have instructed their Convener to return such an answer to His Lordship's communica- tion, as they trust will be not only satisfactory, but calcula. >d to uphold the spiritual independence of the Church, and to advance the religious interests of that Colony. The CommitiM arc liero houn.l to acknowlodre the unvarvin» oo„r.o,y a„,l .,.e„,i„„ which thoy have me, witl' no oIT h! Co o„,„| Office, bu, fron, various .Icpartmenta ol Govefnln. .n.l U, state that they have been called on particuUly to S tsoT] T:J"^'ry'^-' •■er Majesty'. Solicitor G. for Scot a„,l, for the pnvlege of having the Act of the Genera Assembly regarding the four Schemes of the Church. tr«,s2tld through the post office free of charge. transmitted The Committee have received a letter from a Reverend IVf.™ bor, urging the necessity of their employing a paidSec^t^vT: carry on their correspondence and attend fo the detar' "C busmoss, such Secretary being a Minister. This suggestion appeared to the Committee every wav deserv ■ng of attention, but they were convinced that it r'eqX Ze dehboration m carrying it into elTect than Ihev had !. 7„ T • power t„ bestow on it before completing this yeLs Lpo: "" the Committee cannot conclude this Reoort vruhL, n- the attention of the General Assembly to U^^ wtg n' n 'ud! and unspeakable importance of the in'terests cl^ ie^To tLet part of the world for spiritual instruction and religious Jl ^ multiply daily. The difficulties under which maTyuTh "ah::; seem to merease rather than diminish. Their correspondence embraces every corner of this country, and every Tartt of the habitable globe, and the calls made on their »L .• f exertions are almost incessant. These thev T. , "" '"'' to meet to the best of their abTut;; and'tru r th: T^t . e blessing of the Most High, the^r lis have not be"fn altogether unsuccessful. Still they must be forZn fl !„ deavounng to enforce on the Assembly the necessity of^omLued' and, ,f possible, more strenuous efforts in advocating .hetuse „f their brethren and countrymen in th,. rnl„„- • * -7. °' for their relief, and gi™g^hem all.L atSX: " d""" couragement, through which, by divine 7d 2T 1 ,^"- ~.. the fait, and steadfasf in th: ^tij of Th^^ ^^^ ■r, Ui. 10 At Edinburgh, the Twenty Eighth day of May, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Eight:— Which day the Gonercal Assembly being met and constituted, called for the Report of the Committee on Colonial Churches, which was given in by Principal Macfarlan, the Convener, and read. The General Assembly approve of the Report, adopt the sug- gestion of Petitioning, and re-appoint the Committee with the following additionpl Members, viz.t^Dr. Clason, Rev. J. M'Far- lane, Edinburgh, Rev. David Home, Dr. Eisdale, Dr. Anderson, Rev. George MiUigan, Rev. Hamilton Buchanan, Rev. W. R. Pirie, Rev. M. C. M'Konzie, Rev. Wm. Dunbar, Rev. Duncan Campbell, Rev. William Robertson, Rev. James Grant, Rev. John M'Kinnon, Captain James Wemyss, John Thain, Esq., George Cumming, Esq,, Norman Lockhart, Esq., Henry Dunlop, Esq., John Bowie, Esq., John Ross, Esq., and appomt this Committee to meet in Edinburgh on the Wednesday after the rising of the Assembly, at Eleven o'Clock, a.m., and thereafter statedly on the Tuesdays before the stated meet- ings of the Commission: and on the day before the meeting of next General Assembly, at Three p.m., with power at their first meeting to choose their own Clerk and Treasurer, to appoint, if necessary, an acting Sub-Committee, to meet at Edinburgh or at Glasgow, for the conduct of the ordinary business of the Committee, and to divide themselves mto local Sub-Committees, to meet at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, or elsewhere, for the purpose of collecting funds, enquiring after Preachers and Teachers well qualified, and willing to discharge their respective duties in tlie Colonies, and promoting, otherwise, the objects of their appointment; all which Sub-Committees are reqivired to Report their proceedings regularly to the Quarterly Meetings of the General Committee to be held in Edinburgh. Ths Committee is instructed to keep up the most cordial correspondence with the several Synods; Presbyteries, and, if 11 necessary, individual Clergymen in the Colonies; to co-operato and correspond with the Colonial and other Societies having the same benevolent objects in view, and particularly to pay special attention to the emigration taking place from this count'ry,'wTh the view of providing for emigrants both on their voyage and in their future residence, the ministrations of the Gospel, and the instructions of sound and able teachers. It is also made a special instruction to the Committee, that f hey embrace every proper opportunity for asserting and practi- cally mamtaimng, the rights of members of the Church of Scotland, resident in the British Colonies, to all the privileges and emoluments secured by the treaty of union to the Established Churches of he United Kingdom. The Assembly earnestly recommend to the Presbyteries of the Church, and to all within its bounds, that they continue their exertions, by regular collections, and all other proper methods, to provide such funds as will enable the Com- mittee to send Ministers and Teachers to stations in the Colonies where their services are required, and to assist those already em- ployed there, as they shall find necessary and expedient, which funds the Committee are hereby empowered to apply to the pur- poses above mentioned; employing, if they shall see cause, a Secretary, with an adequate Salary, to carry on their correspon- dence and the details of their business, under the direction of the acting Sub-Committee. This Report, with the deliverance of the Assembly thereon, is ordered to be printed, with such documents as the Committee may think proper to add in an Appendix, and the cordial thanks of the General Assembly were given to the Convener, and through him to the Committee, for the faithfulness, zeal, and discretion with which the important business entrusted to them has been conducted. ill 12 APPENDIX, No. 1. t; I AMSTHACT OF TME ACCOUNTS ov WALTER MALCOLM AS TREASURER TO THE ASSEMBLY'S COLONIAL CHURCH FUND, At ^Qth Mayy 1838. 1838 May 26th, Balance of last year's Account as per primed Re- port of that year, page 7. - - £1388 lOi Parochial and Congregational Collections re- ceived during the year, - - 1688 6 7 Received from Societies, - - 304 7 34 Received from Individuals, - - 207 11 6 Interestto 25th May. 1838. - - 32 7 5 £3570 13 8 Deduct Expenses and Sums voted and paid as per State annexed hereto, - - • £"52 19 5* Do. Amount of Sums voted, but not yet paid as per State, - 1500 2052 19 5i Leaving at the disposal of the Committee, £917 14 2§ N. B,— Since the above Account was made up, the Sum voted for building the Church at Woolwich being £50, has been paid, and addi- tional sums have been voted to the extent of £416, so that the disposable Fund is reduced to about £550. 13 -) STATE SHEWING THE EXPENSES PAID, AND THE 8UJIS VOTED BY THE COLONIAL COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. AUO, THE PAYMENTS MADE TO ACCOUNT OF THE SUMS SO VOTED, UP TO THE 2(Jth day of may, 1838, and the payments which still fall to be made. 1897. 7 H 6 5 For the relief of the Clergy of the Synod of Uanada, - _ . ' . For the relief of the Clergy of the Synod of Nova Scotia, - - . ^ . To the Colonial Society of Glasgow, - Towards building a Church at Ormston, Lower Canada, - - . . ' ^ rl^l nT: ^""l-Sf 'J^5",°f St- Patrick's In S?S1^'S'°^ ^^ '" '*«f™y 1>'8 outfit, and £10 for Books, - . _ . To a^lst In building a School House In Juzra, In Cape Breton, ... Towards building a Church at Ramsay. Up- per Canada, - . - . Towards dp. do. at BrookrlUe, Upper Canada, - . . ' Towards purchasing eleme.ntary books, 8jc for Emigrants, - . . To the Glasgow Colonial Society, To the Rev. Mr. M'Lean, a Missionary In Cape Breton, - - . . To Mr. Munro, a Teacher In Cape Breton, Sum put at the disposal of the Presbytery of Quebec for three years, for the mainten- ance of Missionaries for the Eastern Town- ships, £200 a year, for three years, - To the Sub Committee at Glasgow, to defray the outfit and transportation of the Rev. Mr. Campbell of Brookville to the Maurl- tlus, a sum not exceeding £100, To the unendowed ministers of Canada, ^'i.'}!^.^^^'-?^'"' ^I'Lean, Cape Breton, for building a Church there, - . ' To the Glasgow North American Colonial Society, - - . Towards building a. Church at Woolwich. Upper Canada, • - . . ' SS' I , ^°;r^ ''t Perth, Upper Canada, Missionaries and Teachers, . vu«»u», Principal Macfarlan, for sum advanced by „ n'm for transcribing papers, - . Pa d his expenses to London, - 1 aid Rent of Committee Room, Glasgow, Voted • Paid. Still to be ~ Paid. £100 100 100 150 100 50 100 50 50 60 60 20 20 50 50 50 50 (I 20 300 20 300 50 50 U 50 50 600 600 100 500 100 500 50 50 200 200 50 50 8 20 17 3 54 10 6 2 8 91 50 50 2550 1152 19 51 1500 14 COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF THE SCHEME, For the Year 1837, BEING THE FIRST YEAR, AND THE YEAR 1838, BEING THE SECOND YEAR OF THE SCHEME. In the first year of the Scheme, 195 Parishes sent Con- tributions, whilst in the second year, 328 Parishes have contributed. Increase of Parishes, 133. In the first year the Parochial Collections were - £1165 4 1^ In the second year, . . - - - 1(588 6 7 Increase on the year, £523 2 5| In the first year the Contributions from Societies were £138 4 In the second year, ..... 304 7 3^ Increase on the year, £166 3 3^ In the first year the Contributions froiu Individuals were £44 2 In the second year, ..... 207 1 1 6 Increase on the year, £163 9 6 INCOME. The whole Income of the first year was The Income of the second or present year. £1350 2 li 2222 12 11 Thus showing that in the second year of the Assembly's Scheme, an increase in the funds has arisen to the extent of .... £872 9 9§ 15 APPENDIX, No. 2. LIST OF COLLECTIONS, SUBSCRIPTIONS, AND DONATIONS, nECEIVED FOR, AND ON ACCOUNT OF, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S SCHEME FOU PnOMOTING THE RELIGIOUS INTERESTS OF SCOTTISH PRESBYTERIANS in the BRITISH COLONIES, Up to 30th May, 1837, omilted in last Report. 1. Parochial Collections. Parisli of Dundonald, 1 1 Johnston, 2 St. Mungo, 2 Hi),'li and Gaelic Churches, Inverness, - - 29 East Church, do. . 7 Parish of Kelso, . ].5 Skene, _ i Kilharchan, 3 Greenlaw, - 3 Kirkmichael, 1 Caropliairn, 1 General Session, Dundee, 17 Parish of Penpont, . i Bunkle, . 4 Traquair, . 2 Polwarth, - 7 Frazerburgh, 3 Lady Kirk, 1 Kincardine, O. Neil, . 2 Nenthorn, 7 Trumisgarry, i Coldstream, 7 Finhaven, 3 East Kilpatrick, 9 Kilmaronock, 9 Higli Church, Glasgow, 7 St. Stephen's, do. 10 iilackfriar's, do. 7 12 10 6 16 6 8 11 6 10 15 12 6 IC 10 10 6 17 6 6 7 10 2 12 6 10 10 .0 Parish of Shettleston, Rutherglen, Tannadice, Maryculter, Newhills, Rothesay, JJjgh Church, Paisley, Middle Church, do. St. George's Church, do. Abbey Church, do. Parish of Corstorphine, Ban-, Forgan, Trinity College Church iidmburgh. Old Grevfriar's, do. St. Stephen's, do. Lady Glenorchy's do. Leith Wynd, do. Canongate, do. Tolbooth, do. St. Andrew's, do. NowGreyfriar's,do! Old Church, do. High Church, liady Yester's, St. Mary's, St. Bernard's, Tron, New North, do. do. do. do. do. do. .,, do. North Leith Church, St, George's 3 10 I 9 7 1 13 2 11 5 13 12 10 10 1 12 6 5 3 5 3 5 6 » 14 3 6 5 2 52 11 n 12 5 3 5 2 4 5 30 16 H 27 6 8 8 20 15 17 16 6 18 ] 7 7 15 55 lO 22 2 (i f, 16 I } m ' Newhaven Church, 1 10 St. David's Church, Edin burgh, • . - 6 Magdalene Chapel, do. St. Cuthbert's Church, do 16 St. Luke's Church, do. Buccleuch Church, do. Gselic Church, do. Parish of Jedburgh, Tongue, Dailly, Kirkwall, Gilcomston Church, Aber- deen, Levern Church, Paisley, Parish of Salton, Lochwinnoch, Langton, St. Madoe's, Forgandenny, Kinfauns, Scone, Kippen, Monzie, Albion Street Church, Glasgow, - Parish of East Kilbride, Dalscrf, Glassford, West Kilpatrick, 8 Drymen, Renfrew, Twcedsmuir, South Leith Church. Parish of Dull, West Linton, Baldernock, Newlands, Auchinleck, West Church, Aberdeen, Pai ish of Foss, Kenmore, Killin, Weem, Monivaird, Fyvie, Turriff, Inverkeithing, Monquhitter, Chapel Millbrae, Cranstoun, 2 Heriott, 3 Dalkeith, 12 Newton, 18 20 5 4 7 4 2 1 5 II 3 3 10 4 5 5 5 2 7 6 5 2 3 5 9 3 13 3 2 4 5 3 19 2 2 2 I 4 4 3 2 I 15 5 6 12 17 10 4 10 13 13 4 18 1 10 3 1 9 1 4 13 12 2 1 5 5 4 3 6 6 11 4 10 6 2 9 7 6 17 10 3 3 11 3 4 10 4 6 4 3 I -^ 4 13 10 6 14 3 2 4 II 6 4 7 5 10 15 6 15 5 6 Parish of Glencross, 10 Bothwell, Stanley, Tibbermuir, Aberdalgie, West Church, Perth, Middle Church, do Parish of Camock, Parish Church, Arbroath, Abbey Church, do. Parish of Arbirlot, Inverkeillor, Lunan, Barry, Kirkden, Pencaitland, Longformacus, Drumoak, Wester Foulis, Lochgoilhead, Sorn & Catrine, Muthill, Trinity Church, Aberdeen, 7 18 Parish of Comrie, 5 Muckhart, 2 liongforgan, 3 CoUessie, 5 Farr, 2 Strathy, 1 Eddertoun, 4 Beith, 2 AUness, 4 Eddrachillis, 1 13 Kinglassie, 2 4 Kinross, 6 6 Strathaven, 3 12 Montrose, 10 Mary ton, I 15 Dun, 1 4 High Church, Kilmarnock, 3 6 Abbey Church, Dumferm- linc, - - - - 6 New Church, Dumfries, 8 10 New Church, Rothesay, 14 Parish of Cargill, 3 Cumbuslang, 4 5 Drumblade, 3 Irvine, 7 17 Chapel Gairloch, 5 Keithhall, 3 3 Kintore, 2 Meldrum, 2 Daviot, 10 2 6 9 3 8 8 9 II 4 ^ 9 2 7 2 6 Q 17 o 1 o (J 8 5 1 10 3 7 7 I 3 2 3 6 10 Parisli of Leslie, 3 o u Kingartii, I 12 Henholm, 1 H Oj West Chureli, Airdrie, 1 Parish of Laurencekirk, 3 l.> ;> Marvkirk, 1 Fordoun, o North Bute, 3 o Pittenweem, 1 o Menmuir, 4 5 Logic Pert, 2 15 6 Dunscore, 4 4 Haddington, iO 17 Mauchline, 3 Inch, 3 Auchtorgavon, 2 7 LibbL>rton, Kilfinnan, Polton, Dalziel, Stoneliouse, Crieff; Little Dunkeld, Larbert & Duni- pace, - - 5 2 6 2. From Societies. Leven Female Society for dirt using religious know- ^^'-'*'*?*^' - - ■ 8 Cramond Bridge Sabbath Evening School, 7 Queensferry Society for religions purposes, 3 3 Northern Missionary So- ciety, per tlie Rev. C. C. M'Intosh, 'i'aiii, 10 Abercorn Parochial As- soeiation for religious purposes, . . 4 8 Capath Parttehial Asso- ciation for religious and ^ educational purposes, 5 Errol Parochial Associa- „ ^'V"' ■ 6 10 tf ask Prayer Meeting, I 19 3 Ounkeld Association for religious purposes, 4 4 Presbyterial Sermon, Perth, — a collection, 1 13 Wick Bible and Mission- ary Society, - 12 Uchiltree Female Associa- tion, . . . 2 Banff Parochial Religious Association, . '3 Presbytery of Nairn Mis- sionary Society, - 18 Greyfriar's Parish Asso- ciation, Aberdeen, 6 Received collection at Ser- mon, by Mr. Candlish, ordination of Mr. Lillie, 33 19 9 3. From Individuals. Rev. D. Simpson, Aber- deen, - . . 5 John Lrown, Esq., Rothe- ^say, . . - 25 C. per W. Whyte, Esq., Edinburgh, . . 5 Rev. W. L. D. Waddilove, Beacon-Grange, Hex- ham, per Rev. Dr. Muir, Edinburgh, - . 2 2 Mrs. Duguid,for Australia, 3 Mrs. Bett, Newington, per Rev. Dr. Lee, - . 1 1 Mrs. Gibson, per do. 1 Mrs. Blackwood, per do. 10 Mrs. Baylie, per do. 10 Miss Grieve, per do. 10 '4 :4l ■1 18 APPENDIX, No. 3. LIST OF COLLECTIONS, SUBSCRIPTBONS, AND DONATIONS, DURING THE PAST YEAR. 1. Parochial Collections. Parish of Eddleston, Wliittingham, Craig, Dunblane, Westruther, Tillicoultry, Alva, Kirkpatrick, Fleniing, Culross, [jargs, Blantyre, Keiss, Holiton, Cullinton, Fenwiek, Torryburn, Oban, Locheo, Abernyte, Clackmannan, Moulin, Jiroughton, Incliture, for Cape Breton, North Uist, Old Deer, New Deer, Longside, St. Fergus, Kincardine, Ro3S, 2 Mearns, 2 Kilmory, 4 Shotts,' 2 West Church, Greenock, 8 Parish of Yester, o VVhitsome, 3 Kilchorman,Tslay,2 Cramond, '9 St. Andrew's, Greenockj 9 Kirknewton, 9 1 5 G 2 3 2 2 «> 8 8 I 4 2 I 2 4 2 (» 7 11 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 13 14 10 3 1 8 lU 14 12 IG 7 10 lo f) G 1 Gi (» 2J 3 17 10 5 12 i) 4 8 8 1 South Church, Greenock, Parish of Yarrow, Muthill, Hawick, Elie, Corstorphine, Kinnettles, St. John's Church, Mon trose. Parish of Libberton, (Lan ark,) Kilmacohn, C umbrae, Mid-Calder (iordtm, Kettle, Tenandy, Houston, Applegirth, Johnston, Sanquhar, Elgin, Bouden, West C alder, Prestonkirk, Auchinleck, Qy Dumbarton, Carsphairn, Polwarth, Gartly, Potty, Duthil, Mousewald, Keir, 8i Kelso, Abercrombie, TuUialhm, 3 Kirkmichael, 10 (Perthshire,) 4i Port Glasgow, Kirkmichael, (Lochmaben,) Lochmaben, 4 5 5 4 5 4 1 13 12 oi G 12 o\ 2 11 2 12 G 7 G 2 7 4 11 3i 3 U 4 G 3 3 6 1 13 G 4 10 G H 7 5 15 6 1 G 2 5 10 6 2 17 9 6 8 2 3 10 2 3 18 24 G 15 2 8 8 2 2 4 2 G 3 1 14 ■«'mi» ■ 19 ParisJiofKirkbean, Ardocli, Carlavorock, Bunkle, FarnwelJ, Knockbain, Benholm, Erskine, Invercsk, Brecllin, Moonzie, Kenmore, Kirkcolm, Lochlec, <) 10 1 2 !> 3 1 10 6 13 5 7 2 6 16 3 5 10 9 14 5 5 2 2 11 1 18 (> u 5 6 ii North Knapdale, 2 Mouiniail, 3 12 Longformaciis, 2 ,5 Suiallholm, i 14 Torthorwald, 2 10 Manor, ] j 2 West Anstrutlier, 7 1 Stow, 3 4 Parton, 1 15 jm Orphir, 13 (J EvieanclRendall, 1 j New Street Church, Edin burgh, Greenside Churdi, Lady Yester's, College, do. Old Grevfriar's, St. Stephen's, Lcith Wynd, Canongate, Tolbooth, St. Andrew's, New Grevfriar's, Old Church, Higli Church, St. Mary's, St. Bernard's, Tron, New North, St. George's, St. David's, St. Cuthberfs, St. Luke's, Buccleugh, Gaelic Church, Newington, Parish of Rafford, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 3 5 15 Ki 4 13 7 10 5 6 73 18 4 3 6 5 1.5 26 9 37 10 5 3 18 46 33 20 10 2 1 82 10 5 10 do. 24 do. do. do. 17 do. 30 do. 6 do. 5 10 do. 9 1 1 H Hallkirk, for 1837,2 6 Do. for 1838 ! !0 Parisli of Cross, (Lewis') part of collect. 1 Girthon, 1 j Cranshaws, 11 4 St. John's Ch. Montrose, 8 16 10 Parish of Dull, 2 Salton, 2 15 :j Muiravonside, 1 10 Abercorn, 3 I .)chgilphead, 5 12 9 LangK.n, 7 Aberdour, 2 12 6 Barr. 2 10 Bothwell, 7 2 Knock, 5 1 4 ^'laiff, 4 13 Hamilton, 2 13 Lecropt, 3 12 6 Glencairn, 4 10 Tweedsinuir, 3 14 (i Nenthorn, 4 7 71 Montrose, per Drs. Smith and Pater- son, 12 Gask, 2 Blackford, 2 Inverarity, 1 (j j) Kilconquhar, 5 Killin, 2 l^args, 7 6 8 Assynt, 2 10 Gretna, 1 | q Shildag, 1 10 Dalserf, 2 Glassford, 3 4 Cannylie, | 911 Irongray, 2 Kippen, 3 14 (j Knockando, | lo 10 Aberlour, i 2 6 Kilchrenan and Dalavich, i 10 North Knapdale, 2 10 East Church, Greenock, 5 Parish of Oban, 600 Kinross, 6 2 6 Foulis Wester, 1 10 Largs, part of col- lection, 8 8 Monivaird and Strowan. 3 16 Dailly, 1st quarter ly colitrlion, 12 4^ Fenwick, 2 12 Kif - * i« 20 n 1 3 14 12 12 Parish of Moulin, 12 CoUessie, 5 Wiltoun, 2 Dalziel, 1 St.Johp's Church, Hamil- ^ ton. Parish of Avondale, New lands, Wigton, Portpatriek, Inch, Logic, Inverkeillor, Kirkden, Inverbro thick, Barry, Kinnell, Abbey Church, Arbroath, West Church, Perth, Middle, do. do. Parish of Ayr, Symington, Inchture, Broughty Ferry Murroes, Stow, Currie, Stewarton. Rotliesay, Canipsie, Sprouston, Kilsyth, Con^rie, Tingwald, St. David's Church, Glas- gow, 12 Parish of Lismore, 1 Albion Church, Glasgow, Parish of Traquair, Scoonie, Dewar, St. Leonard's, Perth, Collacc, Arngask, IVl oneydie and Logieahnond, Stanley, Tibbermair, St. Madoes, 6 Scone, o Forgandeniiy, ♦> Methvcn, Kiiiiioul, 7 10 6 13 15 15 IG 10 10 12 G G 3 2 5 8 IG 15 2 3 7 7 (i 6 6 9 3 4 8 3 •7 10 lOi 10^ 6 5 3 5 13 2 10 i) 12 1 2 3 7 2 6 H 4 9 (> 9 21 Parish of Abernethy, 4 10 Dunscorc, 4 4 2 Alva, 14 Harris, O 14 Ardchattan, 3 10 Dornoch, 3 13 4 New Spynie, 1 1 o Dunblane, 7 5 Qt Kirkpatrick, " Durham, 1 8 9 Collected hy Alex. Webster, Esq, Advocate, Aberdeen. St. Clement's Church, .. Aberdeen, 5 12 5 Mr. Thorburn of Murtle, 5 Parish of Glenmuick, 1 15 Clatt, 2 Drumoak, l 1 Rayne, 1 Union Church, Aberdeen,4 16 I arish of Maryculter, 3 10 Logic Buchan, 1 6 Banchory Ter- nan, 2 18 3 Peterculter, 2 15 6i Fintray, 2 7? Monymusk, 1 4 Contribution from a Friend part of £5, per Mr! Webster, \ 5 St, Clement's Church, Aberdeen, 5 jc 2 W. Church, Aberdeen, 26 7 New Machar Religious Association, 3 5 Ilev. Mr. Macfarlane, Crathie, 10 8 North Church, Aberdeen, 7 E. Church, Aberdeen, 14 8 1 eterhead Association, 7 10 Parish of Tarland, 1 7 9 Durris, 1 8 St. Fergus, 2 10 Old Deer, 2 8 New Deen, 2 Longside, 2 L on may. 2 0" 6 Trinity Church Associ- ation, Aberdeen, 5 Parish of Forglen, 3 Drumblade, 3 Turi'iff, 2 Fyvie, 2 Inverkeithing, 1 Forgue, 1 Auchterless, l Monquhitter, 1 King Edward, I Rev. Mr. Fidder, Kin- neller, from certain in- tiividualsinth^ Parish, Gilcomston CI .rch, Aberdeen, 3 Parish of Gamrie, Turriff, 1 Presbyterial Association, Dalkeith, per Rev. Mr. Pitcairn, Carrington, 2 Newton, lo Fala, 1 Dalkeith. 5 Cockpen, 7 Lasswade, 6 Proportion of Collection at Annual Meeting, at Inveresk, 3 Ormiston, 4 2. From. Societies. Broughty Ferry Paroch- ial Association, 3 Chapelshade, Dundee Parochial Association, 9 St. John's, do. do. 7 Liverpool corresponding Board to the Church of Scotland Societies, per Rev. Dr. Ralph, 20 Burntisland Parochial As- sociation, 7 Presbytery of Abernethy Religious Association, 5 Deskford Parochial As- sociation, 2 Portsoy do. do. 2 Stow Society for Religi. ous purposes, ner the Rev. Dr. Cormack, 3 (► 13 6 10 u 7 5 6 10 14 7i 6 8 3 10 3 10 12 7 3 I'H^H 9 -f gaBB ^Ml 4 ^^^1 14 - Jl^^^l I^H ^1 Hm ^M^n^H 22 ' fii|i PreBbytcrial Association of Stirling, 52 1 ParocViial Association of Cullen, 3 Leven Female Society for Religious purposes, 5 Collection at a preaching station, village of Cam- pbelton, Parish of Petty, 1 Bendochy Association for Religious purnoses, 3 Dysart Bible and Mission- ary Society, per Rev. William Muir, 3 Collected at Sermon in Buccleuch Church, 5 Paisley Parochial Asoci- ation, 3 Salton Parochial Associ- ation, '-2 Sorn Parochial Associ- ation, per Rev. John Paul, 3 Abercorn Parochial As- sociation, 2 Portsoy do. do. 2 Fordyce do. do. 2 Banff' Parochial Religious Association, 7 Tarbolton Parochial As- sociatioH, for Religi- ous purposes, 3 Catrine Association for Missionary purposes, 3 I Irvine Presbyterian As- 7 6 I sociation, per Mr. Col- viUe, 10 GeneralSeB8ion,Dundee,25 Kirkcaldy Association in 9 connection with the As- sembly's Schemes, 3 Wick Bible and Mission- ary Society, 4 5 Burntisland Parochial As- sociation, 13 Ochiltree Female Society for Missionary purposes 2 Lanark Association, 12 Watten Bible Society, pr. Rev. Mr. (Junn, 2 9 G Gladsmuir Association for religious purposes, 2 Arbroath Local Associa- tion, 2 3 Sessional Association, Dumfries, 7 Chapelshade, Dundee, Pa- rochial Association, 6 St. John's Parish, do. do. 9 8 Tealing Society for reli- gious purposes, 2 Barony Parish, Glasgow, Parochial Association, 4 Kinfauns Religious Asso- ciation, 6 St. Leonard's Church, (Perth,) Association, 6 Errol Parochial Associa- 12 G lion, 3 C 5 3 4 13 ^i 2 8 18 3 8 6 14 3 13 4 13 23 APPENDIX, No. 4. Downing Street, 20th Fehruan,, 1838 S'R.-I am directed by Lord Glenelg to trr^smit to vou f.r *h. Wa es tlh!! \^ ' ''P'^"'' ^'■°'" *^^ ^°^"°°^ °f New South I have the honour to be, Sib, Your most obedient Servant, T"BREv.DH.M.c..a.... GEORGE GREY. ECCLESIASTICAL. No. 81. Government House, Sx-dnej-, My Lord, ^st Siptetnber, 1S37. Minister, i„ .H^cot:; « e arnouirr^'^T " ''"*^'"'^" -!*.» ■„ „.„ .o„th Wale. Being aware .hat congreg^^^i:^ iif 24 ! li, \ not been formed, nor places of worship established for the ministry of these gentlemen, I caused them to be informed immediutely after their arrival, that they were as speedy as possible to place themselves in a condition for receiving stipends from Government, under the provisions of the Act, and that to prevent their being subjected to any personal inconvenience whilst these matters were arranging, there should be issued to them from the Colonial Treasury, for one year, an allowance of £150, but which, at the expiiation of that period, would cease alto- gether, unless they became entitled to stipends pursuant to the Act. The allowance was fixed at £150, as being the highest stipend issued to those Presbyterian Ministers (with the exception of Dr. Lang) who do not claim under the Church Act, their appointments having taken place prior to its enactment. To this arrangement the Presbytery and the Reverend gentlemen, who are mainly affected by it, have demurred; but T cannot, according to my view of the case, permit any departure from it. If Clergymen are to come out and receive stipends from Government, without refer- ence to the provisions of the Act, it had better not have been passed. To permit its violation in any one case, would lead to its soon becom- ing a dead letter, and the precedent of the Presbyterians would be claimed as a rule by the Church of England and the Roman Catholics. I trust, therefore, that your Lordship will think fit to confirm the decision I have pronounced. This matter has appeared to me of the greater importance, from the fact of Dr. Lang having declared his intention of procuring the intro- duction into the Colony of a larger number of Presbyterian Ministers, to whom he holds out the inducement of adequate provision. I do not, however, perceive how they are at present to be provided for, unless as burdens on the Treasuvy. The three Ministers to whom I have referred, as appointed beforo the passing of the Church Act, and who reside in populous districts, have not been able to form congrega- tions to entitle them to the maximum Salary allowed by the Act, nor am I sanguine in expecting that the two gentlemen last arrived will succeed in entitling themselves to stipends from Government, otherwise than as Itinerant Ministers. The expediency of declining to hold out any prospects of stipends to Clergymen coming out to this Colony, without any notification of a provision being made for them, under the terms of the Church Act, applies equally with the Presbyterians to Ministers of the Church of England, and of the Church of Rome. But the two latter communions 20 having been more prudent in their invitations to their respective Clergy, no inconvenience has arisen from any proceeding on their parts. The sums which appeared on the Estimates for the year 1837, (voted in 1836) as appropriated for the stipends of additional Ministers, have been so placed upon its being intimated to Government by the Heads of the respective Churches, that it was expected provision would be made by their communions for the appointment of those Ministers pur- suant to the Act. The appropriation gives no claim for stipends under any other terms having been made to enable the Government to satisfy those only which should be legally demanded. I have the honour to be, Mv Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient humble Servant, (Signed) RICHD. BOURKE. Sir, Downing Street, *itk February, 18ay. I have received Sir R. Bourke's despatch of 1st September last, in which he calls my attention to a claim preferred by the Rev. Messrs. Hetlierington and Allan to a stipend of £200 a year each, founded on an intimation assumed to have been conveyed in a letter, written by my direction, to Principal Macfarlan, ou 10th of March last. As the terras of that letter have been directly misapprehended, I now oiiclose a copy of it, (10th March, 1837) from which you will perceive, that the only expectation held out to those gentlemen was, that they should be entitled to the Salaries of £100 a year each, on their arrival, Salaries for three additional Presbyterian Ministers to that amount having been provided on the estimate for that year. You will also observe tha- the letter to Dr. Macfarlan enclosed a letter to Dr. Lang, in which it was implicitly stated, that H. M. Government could not take upon themselves to anticipate the demand which might be made on the part of the various congregations of christians in the Colony for a participation in the advantages proposed for their accep- tance; but that I should be prepared to receive the recommendations of the Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on behalf of any Clergymen of that Church, who might be willing to proceed to the Colony, to be appointed to any charge to which they I if mi 26 might be eligible, in accordance with the provisions of the local Act, which had not then reached this department, a copy of this letter was transmitted to Sir Richard Bourke, in my despatch of 9th February, 1837. I now transmit to you a further letter addressed by my direction to Principal Macfarlan, on the 1st of July, from which it will appear that H. M. Government have cautiously abstained i ora giving any assur- ance of immediate employment to the Presbyterian Ministers who are willing to proceed to New South Wales, on the advice and information received by them, as to the probable demand for their services. Under these circumstances, I can only express my entire concurrence in the view taken by Sir R. Bourke of the necessity of adhering to provisions of the Colonial Church Act. I have, &c. (Signed) GLENELG. ' ' I.- To the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal, of the United Kingdom of Crreat Britain and Ireland. The humble Petition of the Ministeus and Elders of the Church of Scotland met in the General Assem- bly, Sheweth, That under the treaty of Union, 1706, by which the Kingdoms of England and Scotland are incorporated, the natives of each are secured in a perfect community of all rights and privileges, civil and ecclesias- tical, and the Church of Scotland, as by law established, recognized as an integral part of the Constitution of the United Kingdom. That the Members of this Church are therefore clearly entitled in all the British Colonies, and especially in those settled or acquired since that Union took place, to be put on a perfect equality with those of the Church of England. 1. That immediately after the conqaest of Canada, His Majesty, King George the Third, gave assurance of his protection and support to the prevailing Religion of the Country, which he found established, and this pledge was confirmed by Parliament in 1774, when the Tithes, with all accustomed dues and rights, were confirmed to the Catholic Clergy; but in the same statute, the Legislature declared their inten- tion of providing for the encouragement of the Protestant Religion, 27 him in making a nermanr, , ^ • ^°' ■""""'"• '» ""■""" "ith vinces of Canada rrelT''™""""'''^"'" '" "»"' "-^ P™" by ti^'sjuraroeoiii c'y.°r""r"°"' ^""''■"^'" p^^^"^" Allotments of Land wh . .'f„' * ' '° ^■'*»™= 'h^ setting apart the speeifled in the Mel* ^'"■"''^ '''''"^'' '"' '"= P'-'PO" ft- sittpin ZI'nT/T "" "^'"'^ ™ P--"- ''-= !-<" limited de^TdfoHdof^^^l,™"'"'" "nproductive, owing to the alienate th,rJZ^"f2l ' f'T''"''''^'''' '^ "^°' "^ P°-" '» a Corooratrnt T . °" »''™"'^'^<»'3. About the year 1819 power to grant Leal of *, "1 "■' ^'"''^ •" '"» »"«'==^- »'«> tended to annrrrialT! Th " "°',''™'''' °' '^•"''^'•'- " ™' '»- England ilZeZZy^ ° "''''°" "'"-^ »«"'»'^- "^ "^ O-oh «' in.tnd!d'lpra«on':^tZ "^ f " """^ "™- ''»■' " -»» »' "-e of the Ch'reh of Scotland T T ''"°™ '" "'^"'' '"' '«*■"•'«•' Reserves. „ Lfr p o eed, ^77/ ' f "■ '° P"''='P^'' '" "« whieh th;y insiated that* ■ T °" ""= '"""''' "' ">= Statute, in the LawapInL to 1 T""' '""'"d^'i.-on the spirit of expressly excluded Id .^^ ^'"'°"°' ^'""•-=''' "■"-» " '>»d been in wh eh sdemf t? T " ^™'^ ''^'*'='» England and Scotland, pri^fet trcurr-r^TK-'" "«™ -"■"-"•yof rights and ground' t was eon end J tVa". r^ "J:;:' °' "''"' ™""'™^- 0" "-"^ the Church of Seoind , ^""'"''' ""'' ""■=' '«™'«" »' acquired scehfyarrortot't '" ""^ *^°'°"^ ''"'''» " .pects with those ofZ cl^h of ^r Z * "'*'=' '"""'"j' '" »» «" bers he.„ging respe^^^JJ^ealSririor"""" '" '^^ ""- acted on in varTouTwtv 1 v Co '" "*"""• "'''"'■ '^ '"=^» -"-=6 now to be "enera iZn L d "T ?,'• """ '" P^^P''' '" '''"'''"=1 re^^gonth^esrlrcr^jj;;!!- '''' °*"«»- ^^ That nevertheless, while the Clergy of the Church of England have Hi 'M: - «M,.»Mim>«»ti.:^ pX^r^rid -;ve,'rof the -/->-- -"^g^r in the late rebellion, not one belonged to a dis n t in which a Minister „f the Scottish Synod in Canada had been settled. That th celts, also, a melancholy defioiency in the means of inat were cxi., , church of Scotland, and especially ""TaV it therefore please your Lordships to take the ^«e of the ScZh SettLr, in Canada into your serious consideration, and at the Xnt ^Hod, ,vhe„ ^'^^r::—:^:::^^:::^^ the peace, prosperity, and permanent security of these Provinces. And your Petitioners, &c. Signed, &c., &c., &c., by WILLIAM MUIR, Moderator. Edinburqh, 28