^> ^% - icalfunda. lowed to com- mdW. "or Exhibition, [3 at Toronto, the aist of t be pald| »nA EXl Tl Qm Cu Co in) .f A y c\ AROHITfJIii RULES AND REGULATIONS or THE EXHIBITION OF THE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF UPPER CANADA, TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF TORONTO, SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 23, and 24, 1852. WITH THE IMMt %W ©Ml J I OFFICERS— 1852. Preiiiient ; Thomas Clark Street, Esq., M.P.P., Niagara Falls. Ut. Vice President : William Matthie, Esq., Brockville. •2nd. Vice-President : C. P. Treadwell, Esq., L'Original. Ex-PresidetUs : E. W. Thomson, Esq., Toronto. Hon. Adam Fergusson, WoodhilL H. Ruttan, Esq, Cobourg. J. B. Marks, Esq., Kingston. Treasurer : R. h. Denison, Esq., Toronto. Secretary : George Buckland, Esq., Toronto. Consulting Chtmist: Professor Croft, University of Toronto. Seedsman: Mr. James Fleming. Toronto. TUS B0.1RD or AORICDLTUBK, Gunaisting of the following members, constitutes the Coancil of the Association, between the annual meet- ings thereof: — B. W. Thomson, Esq., Chairman, Toronto. Hon. Francis Hincks, Injector General. Hon. Adam Fergusson, WoodhilL Henry Ruttan, Esq., Cobourg. K. L. Denison, Esq., Toronto. David ChrisUe, Esq., M.P.P., Brantford. J. B. Marks, Esq., Kingston. John Harland, Esq., Guelph. G«orga Buckland, Esq., Secretary, Toronto. LOCAL COMMITTEE. J. G. Bowes, Esq., Mayor— CAairmon. R.L. Denison, Esq.,- 7V«- jec^ and not as a contribution to the local funds. 2 No one but a mcTiber will be allowed to com- pete for prizes except in Classes R, U, and W. S All Stock and Articles intended fo» Exhibition, must be entered in the Secretary's Books at Toronto^ before 8 o'clock on Tuesday Evenuig, tao aist oi September ; if by letter the postage must be paid, ftB« ^ .. j •U'^f t i» m uii m •*••'••• AORIOULTCRAL ASSOCIATION'S the porsoii cnterini; must itniii t,A. being the amount of Bubscriptiou ci iisliluting ii nitiiiber. 4th. Uadpos from the Tn asuror'H Oirice will bo ftirnished Member**, which will lulinit Ih.iii nnd tlii-ir Ladies and children mulor 11 years (if uko in car- Tiau'e'^, free to every de))iirlnieiit of the Kxliibitioii, durinx tlie Sliuw. Life Members admitted with their femilicB/rep. Stli. Tickets for ndmiasion to those who arc not tnembors lid. cacii liuu; of ndmiasion. Carriages includinR drivers 2s. fid.; iiaH:-en<;ers to pay 7id,eaeh. Horsemen, not munibera, to pay la. M. cucii udmis- sion. Gth. Every article exhibited for competition, mu.n he the, growth, produce, or manufacture of Upiiir Canada, excent (Uass W. 1/ive Stock for breednn} mist be the pioi>eriy of pcr^('ns residing m Upper Canada. All jiremiums for articles entered in com- jictition arc to be awarded to the prudurtrs only. 7th. Discretionary premiums will be awarded fur such articles as may be cMuidercd worthy by llie Judges, nlthoutth not eniimcniled in the list, and the Committee will determine the amount o( premium. 8th. In the absence of competition in any of the Classes, or if tlie Stock or Articles K.'chibited be ot inferior (puility, the .fudges will exercise their discre- tion as to the value of the premiums they award. 9th. The Judges., Competitors and Ofllccrs of the Association onlv will be permitted to enter the show Grounds, until two o'clock, I*. M., of Wednesday the 22nd September, at which hour mendiers will be ad- miitcd. Won members will be admitted ou Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. 10th. No J^rtides or Slock exhibited will be al- lowed to be removi d ironi the groumls till the awards are made, or without the permission of (he Trcddi'iit, under Ihepenaliy 6f losing the I'remiums. An Auc- tioneer will be on the spot after tlie premium; arc announced, and every facility afforded for the trans- action of business. 11th. Delegates, Jtidgcs and mfmbers of tlie Press are requested to report themselves at the Secretary's Office immediately ou their arrival. 12th. The Judges to meet at the Secretary's Ollice on the Grounds, on Wediiesiiity mornini:, to Breakfast, at 8 o'clock precisely, to make arrangements for en- tering immediately upon their duties. 13th. It being essential to the satisfactory working of the Exhibition that all articles be entered and for- warded in reasonnble time; all such as arrive on Wednesday morning and not previously entered, will be charged an entrance fee of 5s. each. Jll entries will positively close on Wednesday morning at o'dork. Articles arriving afterwards will bs admitted into the Show Grounds ; but they will be entitled to compete only for Discretionary premiuMs. 14th. Arrangements will be made for Agricultural Lectures or discussions during the evenings of Wed- nesday and Thursday of the Show week. 15tb. Every effort will be made for enabling the Treasurer to commence paying the Premiums as early ms possU>ifi. The Local Committe will make arrangements with Steamboat and Railway proprietors for the transit of visitors aud articles for the Shovy, at reduced rules ; also with the Hotels and Boarding house keepers for acoommodating visiton at their ordinary fixed charges. PRIZE LIST. CLASS A. — Dt'llHAMS. Best null 2d do ;td do 4th do Best 3 years old Bull 'Jd do lid do 4th do Best 2 years old Bull 2d do ad do 4tii do Best 1 year old Bull 2d do 3d do 4th do Best Bull Calf of 1852 2d do 3d do 4th do Best Cow 2d do ."id do 4th do Best 3 years old (>ow 2d do 3d do 4th do Best 2 years old Heifer 2d do 3d do 4th do Best 1 year old Heifer 2d do :iil do 4th do Best Heifer Calf of 1852 2d do 3d do 4th do CL.4SS B. — BEVONg. Best Bull, 2d do 8d do Best 2 years old Bull, 2d do .3d do Best 1 year eld Bull, 2d df 3d do Best Bull Calf of 1852, 2d do 3d do Best Cow, 2d do 3d do Best 'i years old Heifer, 2d do 3d do Best 1 year old Heifer, 2d do 3d do Best Heifer Calf of 1852, 2d do 3d do Best Bull, 2d do 3d do ClASS \-. — KER2rva2S. 4 2 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 a 6 B 16 10 15 10 10 10 IB 15 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 10 5 £6 10 4 2 10 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 I 5 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 I 1 10 15 10 5 B 10 16 10 10 10 10 B B* I! II H 1 I 6 10 4 3 10 £6 4 2 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 a 5 5 16 10 16 10 10 10 16 15 '2 10 10 1 1 10 10 10 5 £6 10 4 •2, 10 4 3 10 1 15 10 5 6 10 16 10 10 10 10 6 10 4 3 10 PRIZE LIST FOR 1852. Best 2 years old Bull, 2d do 3d do Bust 1 Tcnr old GulL ad do 8d do Best Bill Ciilf of 1852, 2d do 3d do Bost Cow, 2d do 3d do Best 2 years old lleifor, 2d do 3d do Bt'St 1 year old Heifer, 2d do 3d do Best Ilcifcr Calf of 1852, 2d do 3d do £4 10 3 1 15 3 2 1 2 1 1 6 3 2 3 2 1 2 10 5 6 10 15 10 Beat Cow or Heifer 2d do 3d do Hyst Yoke of Working Oxen 2d do 3d do £3 2 1 3 i 1 I 10 10 10 CLASS D. — aYRSIIIRES. Best Bull, 2d do 3d do Best 2 years old Bull, 2d do 3d do Bfst 1 year old Bull,. 2d do 3d do Best Bull Calf of 1852, 2d do 3d do Bust Cow, 2d do 3d do Best 2 yeirs old Heifer, 2d do 3(1 do Best 1 year old Heifer, 2d do 3d do Best Heifer Calf of 1853, 2d do 3d do £0 10 4 2 10 1 15 3 lU 5 5 10 15 10 10 10 10 A cortificato of pedigrrcc will be required for all the above animals to show that thoy arc cither imported thorou{,'ii-l)red stock, or bred in the cDuntry from such stock, and the name and residence of tlie Breeder are to be inserted. CLASS E Best Cow 2d do 3d do Best 3 year old Cow 2d do 3d do Best 2 year old Heifer 2d do • 3d do Best 1 year old Heifer 2d do 3d do Best Heifer Calf of 1852 2d do 3d do 1. — iJKADE CATTLE. £4 O «j 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 No animal en'itlcd to compete for a Premium ita more tliuu one of the foregoing classes. HORSES. The PrefMeiit'K Prize for a flMlion. T. C. SruKKT, Tmi, M.P.P., aniious to improve the breed of good llorse.s, in lliis section of the Province, offers a prize of £30 to the Horse, which shall, by Judges appointed by the Aasociation for the purpcw, bo pronounced the best, and »vhieh shall answer the followini? dcsci-iplion:— Fully 1(5 hands high; well topppil ; round in the barrel and deep in the chest he must have welRht in proportion to his si/.o and be a Kood traveller— such a Horse as would be likely to produce a breed of K0(3d Carriage Horses, in which this country seems deficient. To enable any horse ! to compete for this prize, he must have stood publicly ' for mares in some part of Upper Canada, during the I season of 1852. Competition for this prize not to ' exclude the exhibitor from any of the ordinary prizes \ of the Association. N.B.— Mr. Street, also, offers a prize of £20 for a similar Horse, next year, to be decided at the Annual i Exhibition of the Association in 1853. Such a horse ' must be owned in Canada and have stood an entire i season in some part of this section of the Province. i The horse that may win the Premium this year, will i not be eligible the nest. Competitor* for this prize I will not bo ineliKilde to compete for the usual prenar iums offered by the Society. CLASS F.— HOUSES, AORICULTl'RAL Best Stallion for Agricultural purposes, 2d do 3d do Brst Heavy Draught Stallion, 2d do 3d do Best 3 year old Stallion, 2d . do 3d do Best 2 year old Stallion, 2d do 3d do Be?t 3 year old Filly 2d do 3d do , Best 2 year old Filly, I 2il do 3d do Best Span Matched Carriage Horses, 2d £1 10 10 10 2 10 6 A certificate to be produced to show the breeding of animals in Class E. t. CLASS E. '2.— FAT CATTLK, ANV DUEED. Best Ox or Steer ^l ^ 2d do 2 3d do . ^ ° 3 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 3d do Best span of Draught Horses, 2d do 3d do Best Brood Maie and Foal, or cvideace that the foal has been lost, ^ 2d do 3 I 3d do '■ 10 AORIOOLTURAL AHSOOIATION'B ! II 11 Bent Saddle Hone, id du ad do CLAM Q. — BLOOD HORSES. Beat thorough bred Stalliun, 2d do 8d do fiesi thorough bred 3 year old Stallion, 3d do 3d do Best thoruiigh bred 3 year old Filly, ad do 8d do Best thorough bred 2 year old Filly 3d do 3d do Best thorough bred Mare and Foal, ad do 8d do Pedljj;roe to be produced. CLASS H.— SHIEP. Leicesters. Best ram, two shears and over, 2d do 3d do Boat shearling Ram, 2d do 3d do Best Ram Lamb, 2d do 3d do Best 2 Ewes, two shears and over, 2d do 3d do Best 2 shearling Ewes, 2d do 3d do Best 2 Ewe Lambs, 2d do 3d do SOUTHDOWNS. Best Ram, two shears and orcr, 2d dc 3d do Best shearling Ram, 2d do 3d do Best Ram Lamb, 2d do 2d do Best two Ewes, 2 shears and over, 2d do 3 do Best 2 shearling Ewes, 2d do 3d do Best 2 Ewe Lambs, 2d do 3d do MERtNOS AND SAXONS. Best Ram, two shears and over 2d do 3d do Best shearling Ram, 2d do 3d do Best Ram Lamb, 2d du 3d do Best 2 Ewes, two shears and over, 2d do 3d do £2 1 10 1 7 10 & 2 10 5 3 1 4 2 lU 1 3 2 1 B 3 1 £4 2 1 2 10 1 10 15 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 3 2 1 1 10 1 10 4 2 1 2 10 1 15 2 1 10 10 4 3 . 1 If 3 2 1 1 10 1 10 4 2 1 2 10 1 10 15 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 Best 2 shearling, Ewes, 2d do 3d do licst 2 Ewe Lambs, 2d do 3d do FAT SHKIP. IJcst two Fat 'Wetlierg, 2(1 du :td do Host two Fat Ewes, 2d do 3d do CLASS I.— PIOS, (LAROB BREED.) Best Hoar, 1 one year and over, 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best Cultivator, 1 10 2d do 1 3d do 10 Beat Machine for making Drain Tiles, 2 10 2d do 1 10 Best Brick-making Machine, 2 10 2d do 1 10 Best set of Horse Shoss, 15 2C do 10 3d do 5 Best half-dozen Hay Rakes, 10 2d do 7 3d do 5 Best half dozen narrow A::c3, 15 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best half-dozen ro^.nure Forks, 15 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best half-dozen Hay Forks, 15 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best half-dozen Scythe Snaitha, 15 •Jd do 10 3d do 5 Best Ox Yoke and Bows, 15 2d do 10 Best Grain Cradle, 10 2d do 5 Best half-dozen Grain Shovels, wood. 15 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best half-dozen Iron Shovels, 15 2d do 10 3d do ^ CLASS N. — DAIRV PUODUCTS, SUGAIl, &c. Best Firkin of Butter no* less than 5Glbs. £3 10 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 Best cheese not less than 301bs. 2 10 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 Best 2 Stilton cheese not less than U lbs each 2 10 ■id do 1 10 ad do 1 or Tubs, 2d do 2d do Best 30 lbs Maple Sugar 2d do 3d do Best 30 lbs Beet Root Sugar, do do The cheese in both cases to bo the make of 1852. Best Cutter, not less than 201bs in Firkins, Crocks £1 10 1 10 1 10 C 5 1 10 5 15 10 9 15 10 5 15 10 15 10 15 10 2d 3d Best 2d 3d Olbs Corn Stalk Sugar, do do Best Sugar made by Indians 2d do 3d do Best Starch 2d do Best Soaps [collection assorted] 2d do B'st candles [collection] 2d do CLASS 1.— DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Leather and Furs, Best Side Saddle 2nd do Best Specimen of Whips and Whip Thongs [collection assorted] 2d du Best 3 Hogskins, 2d do Best set of Farm Harness 2d do 3d do Best set of Pleasure Harness 2d do 3d do Best Saddle and Bridle 2d do T:e3t Travelling Trunk 2d do 3d do Best side of Sole Leather 2d do 3d do Best side of Upper Leather 2u do 3d do Best Skirting Leather 2d do 3d do B'jst Calfskin, Dressed 2d do 3d do Best Side of Harness Leather 2d do 3d do Best Fur Hat 2d do 3d do Best Fur Cap 2d do 3d do Best Fur Sleigh Robe 2d do 3d do Best specimen Bootmaker's work 2d do 3d do 2. — MANUFACrUKES IN METAl, &C. Best Portable Steam Engine, [open to foreign competition] Diploma, and 15 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 16 10 IC 5 10 15 5 15 10 5 15 10 6 15, 10 5 15 10 5 16 10 5 15 10 K IS 10 5 15 10 5 6 10 AGRICULTUKAL ISSOCIATiON'S I Best Mode! in metal of Engine, general mill- wright's work or machinery, Diploma, and 2d do Best Specimen of Silversmith's work. Diploma, and Do Ornamental Iron-work from the hammer, Diploma, and Do Cast Ornamental Iron-woric, Dip- loma, and Do Coppersmitli's work, Diploma, and Do Locksmith's work, Diiiloma, and Do Pumpmaker's work, Diploma, and Best Iron Fire-proof Vault Door [price con- sidered] Diploma and Best Iron Fire-proof Safe, [price considered] Diploma and Best Refrigerator [price considered] Diploma, and Best Cooking Stove with turniture 2d do 3d do Best Parlor Stove 2d do 2d do Best System of Ventilating buildings, with model and description, Diploma, and 2d do Best Balance Scales 2d do 3d do Best Model Hot Air Apparatus 2d do Best Steaming Apparatus for Feeding Stock 2d do Best set of Cooper's Tools 2d do Best Set of Bench Planes 2d do Best pair of Hames 2d do Best Saddle tree 2d do Best Weaver's Reeds 2d do Best Augurs from J to 2 inches. 2d do Best Earth Augur 2d do Best specimen 20 lbs Cut Nails 2d do Best Blacksmith's Bellows 2d do BeH Rifle 2d do 2 1 10 2 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 1 10 5 2 1 1 15 5 1 10 15 1 10 1 15 10 15 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 1 5 15 15 10 CLASS. P.— CABlNETWARE, CARUIAGES, &C. Best Side Board, 2d do 3d do Best Veneers from Canadian Wood, 2d do 3d do Beat specimen of Sawed Pine, do Black Walnut, do Oak, do Curled iM'ple, do Butter-nut, In planks not less than feet long, 12 inches wide, and 2 inches thick, one side plain [not varnished] the other rough. Best specimen of graining wood, 1 10 2d do 1 ad do 10 £3 2 1 1 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 Best Centre Table, 2d do 3d do Best Dinirg 2d do 3d do Best Easy Arm Chair, Table, 2d 3d do do Best Sofa, 2d 3d do do Best 6 Dining Room Chairs, 2d do 3d do Best Ottoman, 2d do 3d do Best Work Box, 2d do Best Writing Desk, 2d do Best 1 Horse Pleasure Carriage, 2d do 3d do Best 2 Horse Pleasure Carriage, 2d do 3d do Best half-dozen Corn Brooms, 2d do do Best doKcn Broom Handles turned, 2d do do Best specimen Willow Ware; 2d do do Best dozen Flour barrols, 2d do Best Wooden Pail, 2d do Best Wash Tab, 2d do Best Washing Machine, 2d do Best Board Rule, 2d do Best Spinning Wheel, 2d do Best dozen Wheel Heads, 2d do Best Churn, 2d do Best 4 or G Pannelled Door, 2d do 3d do Best Window Sash, 12 lights, hung in frame, 2d do 3d do Biist Model Fcehive, 2d do Best Bundle Shingles sawed, 2d do do Best do do split, 2d do do £0 1 15 10 15 10 15 10 6 10 5 16 1 16 10 10 6 10 6 10 10 2 1 10 15 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 5 3 1 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 15 10 15 10 15 10 5 15 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 CLASS Q. — WOOLLEN AND FLAX GOODS. Best piece of not less than 12 yards of Woollen Carpet, £2 2d do 10 3d do 10 Best 12 yards, or over, Oil Cloth, 1 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best pair of Woollen Blankets, 2 2d do 10 3d do 19 PRIZE LIST FOR 1862. U 9 6 £2 1 1,0 1 10 5 2 1 IQ Beat Counierpane, 2d do 3d do Best piece 12 yards Flannel, 2d do 3d do Best piece Satinet, 12 yards, 2d do 3d do Best piece Broad Cloth, from Canadian Wool, 2d do 4d do Best piece Flannel, 10 yards, not factory made, 2d do 3d do Best piece Winter Tweed 12 yards, 2d do 3d do Best piece Fulled Cloth, 10 yards not factory made, 2d do 3d do Be^t Shawls, not Factory made, 2d do 3d do Best piece Linen Goods, 2d do 3d do Best samples of Flax or Hemp Cordage, not less than 2Slb3. 2d do 3d do 12 best Linen Bags manufactired from Flax growth of Canada, 2d do 3d do CLASS R. — ladies' DErARTMENT. Beat specimen of Crochet Work, £1 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Woollen or Cotton Nettiug 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Fancy Netting, 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Fancy Knitting, 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Embroidery, 1 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Worsted Work, 2d do 3d do Best specimen Raised Worsted Work, 1 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Wax Fruit, 2d do 3d do Best specimen of Wax Flowers, 2d do 3d do Bebt specimen of Wax Figures 2d do 3"d do Best Pair Woollen Socks, 2i do 3d do Best pair of Woollen Stockings, 2d do 3d . do 1 15 10 1 15 10 1 15 10 2 1 10 15 10 5 1 15 10 15 10 5 15 10 5 lb 10 5 15 10 5 1 15 10 15 10 15 10 7 6 15 10 7 6 15 10 7 6 15 10 15 10 7 6 15 10 15 10 5 15 10 6 15 10 6 10 7 6 5 JO 7 6 5 Best specimen of Quilts, 1 5 2d do 1 3d do 15 Best specimen of Gentlemeu's shirts, 15 2d do 10 3d do 5 Best pair Woollen Mittens, 10 2d do 7- 6 3d do 5 Best pair Woollen Gloves, 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 5 Best Hat of Canadian Straw, 10 2d do 7 <> 3d do 5 Best Bonnet of Canadian Straw, 10 2d do 7 6 3d 5 CLASS S. — FINE ARTS, &C. In Oil. Professional Amateur ' List. List, Historical painting, Canadian subject, Diploma and £3 £2 10 2d best 2 1 10 Landscape, Canadian subject, Diplo- ma and 3 2 10 2d best 2 1 10 Animals, (grouped or single) Diplo- ma and ■• 3 2 10 2dbest .-... 2 1 10 Portrait— Diploma and 2 10 2 2dbest 1 10 10 In Water Colors. Landscape, Canadian subject. Dip & 2 10 2 " 2dbe3t 1 10 10 Portrait, Dii)lema and 2 1 10 2d best 10 10 Auimals, (grouped or single) Dip. & 2 10 2 2dbeflt.. 1 10 }. Miniaturo, Diploma and 2 1 10 2dbest 1 10 10 Flowers, Diploma and 110 1 2dbest 10 15 Pencil and Crayon. Pencil Portrait, Diploma and 1 10 1 2dbe3t 10 15 Crayon Portrait, Diploma and 110 1 2d best 1 15 Pencil Drawing, Diploma and I 10 10 2d best 10 15 Crayon Drawing. Diploma and 1 10 1 2dbest 10 16 Colored Crayon, Diploma and 110 10 2d best 10 10 Best specimen of Colored Geometrical drawing of Engine or Millwright work. Dip 2 Daguerreotype best collection, the exhibitor to htive operated in Canada West for tht last 12 months, Diploma and 110 2d best, 1 Lithogiapbic drawing unpriuted. Diploma and I 10 2d best 1 Wood engraving, Diploma and 1 10 2dbe3t 1 ft Engraving on Copper, Diploma and 1 10 2d best 1 Engraving on Steel, Diploma and 1 10 2dbest 1 • '■/^^ ■NPf 12 AGRIOULTULAL ASSOCIATION'S Boat speciDieu of Seal Engraving, Dipliima & 2 Do. do. Carving iu WoikI, Uijiloma & 2 Do. do. do. Stone, Diploma -o Southdown Ewes Diploma and 1 2d do I Best Merino and Saxon Ram Diploma and 2d do ! Best two Merino or Saxon Ewes. .Diidoma and i Best Boar Diploma and 2d do Best Breeding Sow Diploma and 2d do ACIUCILTUUAL IMrLKMKNTS. Best Plough Dir'-^ma and £1 " Subsoil Plough Diploma and 1 " pair Harrows " Fanning Mill Diploma and " Horse Power Thrasher and Separator Diploma and " Seed Drill or Barrow, Diploma and " Straw Cutter " Smut Machine '' Portable Grist Mill, Diploma and " Grain Cracker " Machine for Cutting Roots for Stock. . . . " Ct)f u fiiit! Cob Crusher " Clover Machine Diploma and " Reaping Machine Diploma and " Cultivator Diploma and " Assortment of Agricultural Iniiilcments and Edge Tools Diploma and 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 """ ' "~ £1 15 10 1 15 10 10 5 15 5 ploma £2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 I 1 10 1 10 1 1£1 i 1 1 i 1 i 2 10 i 1 , 1 1 i 2 10 , 1 10 , 1 1 3 2 J 2 10 J 1 6 PRIZE LIST FOR 1852. 13 £2 10 PREMIUMS FOR AGniCTTLTUnAL UKPOllTS OK COUNTIES IN UPPER CANADA, FOR 1853. OPEN TO OENEHAL COM- PETITION. For the best County Report (Wel- lington uiul Hastings excoplud) £20 2d Do. - - - - 15 (1 3d Do. - - - - 10 4th Do. - - - - 5 These Ri^ports, in addition to the usual infor- mation requiri;d respecting; llie c^indiliim of An- ricultural Societies within their range, should describe the various soils of the County ; modes of Farininu- ; value of land ; amount of tillaue and average of crops ; breeds of live stock ; im- plements and machines in use : meth' ; of pre- serving and applyin;;f manures ; sketch of pa>t progress, with su-gestions for furtlier improve-] fjjj^p [vij.„^j(j,|. the best specimen of Ornamen- ment. The maimfaoturing and commercial con- 1 tal Penmansaip. dition and capabililie.-* of tlie Comity should like- PRIZES OFFERED 1!Y THE TORONTO MECHAN- ICS' INSTITUTE. Ist. For the best' Mechanical Pro- duction uniting in its construction IJiiiiiy, Inuenuity and Skill. A Bronze Medal, value - - - ■ 2irI, For the most complete specimen of Decorative Art, combining ele- gance, originality of design, and Seift-t'tion of execution. A Bronze ludai, value 2 10 All articles entered in competition for the above prizes musi have been produced in the Province by actual residents. PRIZE FOR THE BEST SPECIMEN OF PENMAN- SHIP. An admirer of the Caligraphic Art offers a wise be stated, together with any other facts that would illustrate its past history or present condi- tion. All statistical information should be condensed as much as possible, and when practicable, put into a labnhited lonn. 'I"he main object of each report should be to afTjrd any intelligent stranger that iniL'lit read \l, n cowche, ye\ an ade'iuati'ly truthful view of the A'j;ricnliural condition and Indiislrud pursuits of tiu) (^'omity. '.Viiile all unnecessary parlicnlars are 'o be avoided in the preparation of these Reports, completeness should as mucli as possible, be constantly kept in view. The Reports must be sent in to the Secre-| tary of the Board of Agiiculluie, accompanied] Parties attending the Exhibition having Stock by a sealed note conlainhig the name and address | to dispose of, can havn entries madeof the same oi lUe wrher, on or before the 1st of A2)ril,l8'y^ ; and no report will be received alter that date. Such reports as obtain premiums will become the property of the Board. BUTCHERS' PRIZES FOR FAT CATTLE. The Butchers' of Tore:. to uifer the two following priz«s, to be/liwarded by Jud^'es appointed by the Association, at the next Exhibition ; viz: — £ s. d. Best fat Ox or Steer, - - 10 2nd do. - - - 5 N. B. — Exliibitors can compete for the above prizes, and likewise lor those offered for Fat Stock by the Association. SALE OF STOCK. in the Hooks of the Society, free of charge, by applying at the Secretary's Olfice, where those desirous of becoming purchasers can inspect the list. 5