#ad tOi "Ju <^ 8MAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V «>. .f'r (Jcn'l roiMhiiuiJihg His Mojtesty'a rorcea ihemii), &c. &c. &,c. " Tho Putition of Wni. J. O'Grady, B. D. Rector of York, '" Humbly shewoth, "That your Petitioner aware of tho many weighty and im- portant concerns that press upon your Excellency's tiins and attention, would not willingly bring under your consideration, the subject of this Petition, had he not failed in his repeated efforts to induce his Lordship, Bishop McDoncIl to submit the unhappy differences now ponding between them to the ddcis- ion of the head of the Catholic Cliurch, or to the adjudication of three Clergymen impartially selected from the Sulpitian Seminary,of Montreal. " That his Lordship having declined to accede to a Proposi- tion so reasonable your Petitioner has no other alternative lett him tc preserve his character from obliquy, and to defend him. B.->lf against the most ilagrant injustice, than an appealto your Excellency, as the representative of his Majesly the King. " That this appeal is made to your Excellency under the au- thority of tho fourteenth and thirty first of George lU, and coming from one of Iris Majesty's Lioge subjects, will it is hoped receive mature deliberate and impartial Con^aideration. " Your Petitioner hninbly conceives that the right of ap- peal is also guaranteed to liiui by the Treaty of Quebec in as much as H'n Majesly J.Ve Kwe "f I'ranre vhtn tUme Pro- vinces were wirier Ike Fretirh Pi/nwi/j/ alirayihad and ixereisrd aver Hum KCCLESLISTSCAL Hl'PRKMACY, and m ai muth as thit SUPREMACY wni Iranfferrtd ctl ike jie.rini rf the t'>iiititl(ilinn In I'urmosl ixnricus Siiveriisn' a.ni in as much as his Majesty the King continues to exercise the right of Supre- niaey so transferred in nominating a Bishop to (ho see of Que- bee [the only one in British America] whenever that Diocess becomes vac mt. " That if nis Majesty, the King have not hitherto exerCis- od bis right cf Supremacy beyond the nomination of Bishops, it is not because tho right became extinct, f ho Royal Preroga- tive not being liablo to extinction by disuctude. " 'I'liat his Majesty of France enacted a Law in May 1679 declaring that Carets are no longer moveable at the will or cap- rice of a llisli<'p, but on the contrary that they cannot be de- piivud by them of their benefices, the observance of this Law is one of tho privileges, whieh your Petitioner claims under the Mth of George in. "That his Majesty of Franco also reserved to himself, by special Law, tho exclusive Right of adjusting Ecclesiastical dift'erences in these Provinces, without reference to p-iy other Court, or tribunal whatever, and that he repeatedly exercised this right without luiy reclamation being made against it, and this too your Petitioner conceives is another of the privileges secured to his Majesty's faithful subjects, of the Roman Ca- tholic Religion in Canada under George III. "That under these circumstances your Petitioner respect fully submits, that ho is possessed of the right of appeal to his Majesty against Ecclesiastical usurpation, and for the correc- tion of Ecclesi-istical abuses in as full and ample a manner .1 it was held and reooivod under tho French Dynasty. "Your Petitioner humbly prays that your Excellency will be graciously pleased to take tho Premises into your earliest consideration, and to communicate to your Petitioner such answer as to your Excellency's wisdom and impartiality may seem fit. And your Petitioner will ever pray. (Signed) Y'ork, 4lh .t'linuary, 18M. yy. J. O'GRADY', R. C. Rector of York." f). Resulved-That the pretended Church-wardens, who haye surreptitiously obtained tho Keyn of the Parish Church in this town, and who retain forcible possessirn of the same, depriving tho Bishop of the Diocese and the respectable pa. rishioners who erected the edifice, of their proper and legiti- mate accommodations for Divine Worship, are, in our opinion, guilty of a sacrilegious act of injustice in open violation of tho connnoii principles of Christianity. 7. Resolved — That in suspending the lat« incumbent, and interdicting the (;hurch, under such circumstances. Bishop M'Donnell has shewn a sincere disposition to uphold, at any risk, the authority and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church, which entitles him to the respect and gratitude of every real member of our communion, and clainis for him the sin- cere thanks of this meeting. 8. Resolved — That an Address be presented to His Lord- ship upon the present melancholy occasion, and that Doctor King, and Messrs. Alex. E. McDonell and Francis Collins, bo a committee to drafl and present the same. 9. Resolved — That these our resolutions together with th« Address, bo recorded in the Church Book by the Secretary, & published in the tianadian Freeman, the Patriot and Clourier. niSflOP M-nONNELL'S REPLY TO Mr. O'GRADY'S PETITION. ijrn, York, 8th January, 1833- 1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your com. munication of the 5th inst. acconlpanying a Petition of the Rev. W. J. O'Gratjy to his Excellency the Lieutenant Gov- crnor, requesting my observations on the subject matter of that Petition. I have to thank his Excellency for thus affording mo an opportunity of answering to the grievances complained of by Mr. O'Grady in his Petition. m fHf","iA» uhrniU have iuforinedki* In the r.r.t Pl'f,^*'p®^'„n„,uae8 or spiritual Juri.. Kxc.llcucy th.. all th« P"^;'"\ '.[f.^t'^r, /evocabloat pie- urgent rciison lor so doiufr. j j declined to ac- %. O'Gra.ly ^-^--^^ '" ''V^ad of "he C.tnolic Church in ^ed« to th. d.'C.H.on «f/» « ''\^.^^'^^' , „, ,,„d me; this asser- the difiVrouco winch cx.stod ^"^ .^;';'V, '^ ^^ t„ the Canons of tion is not ^..n.J«' "',*^^,: "i, univerul practice through- lUo Catholic Church, Z^'"' " . X.p ms a r ght to suspend a .,at the C.lhohc ^v",flJ' i^, .' ' I ;,,, ,-,„ct.ons, and on the Priest fr.m the ^•f"'='^Vo Excommunicate him ; but on the event of his '^""^'^■"ff'/^'i^^uto appeal to the head of the other hand ^l•"'^'* . ".^".^'g^ hi -self aggrieved, andtlie CluTch to obtain justiw .f ho ';"''., ^^^^ °°„sequonccs. Uisl.op if found t"!'^^",';"*'^ ''t,' '• dy's own assertion, he ,f credit -^■■'" ^°,!f'7^t , Holy See a^s fur back as July o. .eat a ^-M'^o^^'^f 'i^'^/" 'yf/J,. ^-hathe told a Clergyman August list, 1^,^-''J,:^ " ; ,: n'ately received a eomumnica. ^•ho .s "ow n^^ork. U.at iR ^ .^ ,^„^.,^„„,,Ue to lus cause, !,r^.odino^aav; failed to .nakck^^^^^^^^^^ Mr. O'Urady's "l^^'^l'""^ *™X „ Parishes establish- .re nut appU-^able |V":iC';;'o f • o c'mntr,, and to Church- t du^S^v':^ l^W^d uu.Lr\he author^ of Government ui>on the Inhabitants. yet been established, . •S,rif;gsf::: : pS' S"^ "j.,e„ ,» .™« «. at and or acknowledged, as ' ^; ^_7 , ;,.,„ts, bat partly by subscnp. ,.„l by a Ti-x levied on the V ' f .'' ' VatholicB that resided at ons^fro.n Vrote.tants and ^'''^ '^ ^^ ^f^^^^^ ^ Lot of Lane th, time i" York, IKitlly^y tic pr>cte^^ ,vhich 1 obt|v.ncd ''■<" V";.^"'^"'\X.ey advanced by the Hon. '-" "'?•"'' '^"T pV"; McU c'lgal th-^ iatter I have repaid out '1- mf ol'.'lkouo U.'-o^an.^uu't of X3.5 to slop a prosccu- l,„ ag.in.tthe Church properly- ^^.^ ^j,,„,„^^ho now ''"■''flo hi; a^ - '.t to the Cimrch, ever paid $o toward. i;::;r^ti!Mr uie lin-aation onts^t^. ^::L:;i:;,c.a l.- m ..ppoh of hj ~ ^^^^ j^. ,^^^ Mr. OHirady '''^'^"-^j'f J, ./^fl,': "emacy over his Catho- „.,t hUiievto ^''."'■^r;';.; ^1 ioyondth; nomination of Bishops, lie .abjc;cl. m the V'^^f;,'' rcied (ne says) ^tiU exists, i.ioh right though no ^-^^;;-;;'^;;^\%i,;\)^Grady wishes that [-•ram this. It «;o';';l ^Pf,-; ™ vould now begin to excr- hi. Excdlency M- ••"'>.". :,?'^"^i^Uc Church in Canada, not- , . J 4i,„..i;«(Btedlobvamisguidedlncum1» Ir ^ p™.t, ,,■»'«■> -6""" '';■ < '^°;lT,,t hu d£«"— ehartrcdbv God with the care of their souls. So far Mr. O'Grady when enforcing the discipline of 1 1 e Cail^ Church in regard to others, but he seems to think th I Scksiastioal aiid Canon Laws lose their cfiicacy when apph. ''llttougf apprehensive of having "'-ady intnulod too sJ^lw€^ssrrtll^r^^ tion^n^d^/ong repi^sent^^^^^^^^^ .^^i^^cSt-S^^way.^^ ^vere now in g^/'^^^ ^''^tthoUcs I r^^ted my admoni- amongst ^'''^^X^o.e^^^'^Uldorn thos'e person. A" whom tU Pt Uo^tooU offence, and who became the caus. :fs"candal\'::wever innocent they might be. ^^^ The -P-tion l«,wever a,^^"^^^ eongrfgat^io. f;e?eTo}nudlfff:ild^ruheywo«ldnotgoto€hurch.whea Mr. O'Grady officiated. compelled, in obedience to «.^^JnL:°oTc='^'^VSl3ct onhim the censure imposed by tlio^e Canons. to eitrorocties. h» w the „„e,lhat «^l'r«'"»;'=.V "ve 10 wu, ^^^^ al.Btained Iroin vith^tandlag that las ''";. '^ ^. ^ „i t,f,t the Canadas have that exorcise ^;;";;^^^!V;'S;reat Britain, even under the ;;:^j^^i;^niuwsng^taah.dic^^^ ^^ ^,^^^^ His Excello.icy '".",'''; has been shed upon the scaflod Vlood «l-E"!;l5:"f/"t, •:. iy "f the Head of the Catholic in defence of the *>''^;', f^'y.ijered a traitor to my Church Church ; and that I would «= "^^^^^^^^^^^ be handed down »nd to my Rehg."", ^" " > >~^i to sacrifice the few re- ^ith itilumy to.Poste It '" ^^;'''^f\,,„ ,,,.„« sause, were it inaiuiugdays of my hie -^^ d^tence o .^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^_^^^^ nccessary-altlKnigh l.lwvo_g;ve>h ^ ^.,,,,, ,^„j Country than take the liberty t .„ei uu....^ .-- tXT^^-ii^: ^Z::::^^^^^'^ou. m sandwich, they are ai follows ;— Bishop can Buffer, the Uivine forward .gain.l Mr. "'"'"'l' "'.;'' ","; jLihop, and awrtinj '-Neglecting many --"^"J^j^^^ ^^SlScf a!':::^ ::ir;x;is?r;3y^^;S'w:i.tsofthecathoiioco„. ^Xtunf ^rr-thoAdministration of the .acramenU contrary t. my P°«''^y"°"',';^t" really selling) for his own ..... «omrfr"(!hu\°c.rGriund wi[hout\he kn^-ledge or cons«.t of the Trustees thereof. countrymen to hatred and ,atr t?:;:?rLXiiv^eSer B'«''op- r-- ^-^^^"* they- (this faction) adlieared t" h'"^;^, j,;^ ^^.t strenuous sUal however o those w^^^^ supporters, declared that tliey "^vo ^^^^^_ thai they will have nothing t" d" J ';'" '^;°\ , through tUs lie has had two or three '"'f '"g%™^f"^ddres8, whirli '^-i,^^^!r.S^ti;,rtknri^u-^-- -^"-- mart}- n-r^r ;.^-.. -ig, - • tion of it. V 3 tred »nd ily done provided trenuouif him, auii ,uro, ougli tUa jS, wllir'.l or iiil'Jii' i to occupy ^o much of >',« t'*'^'-"^ -L^.rtrouhlcd. w.re il "ut lluinWo Sorviiiit AI.KXANDEU M'D0NCLUF4.. «f9 lit. »#«•»»»? R«'*u, &c . &c . &c . «« owe, to our holy church, ' "' *," J^;"" „ „pon the lament- Tato he'ad, in this 1 -vmce ^ o b ._s y^. ,. _^^^^^^^^ Set'^.r; thrcrntturcir Ludu^t of our late mcun.beut Jnd hi8 misguided *«»°;^^"- ^^ ^^ ,,o grateful to the Ahnighty, Wo have had S'f ^ "^'','^°" I, pr^arcss religion has made ,iewir.g as we have done, '^ « ^-^J^' ^;'\'; „vince -but alas \ ol r'"' Tud ,!;T: v'^:h:: ol^d'S Unght prospects, ana ^^t^lntJ^t^^ast^v^co-^n^ We have " •"'-'^f /"/..f"" " ,hout, Mr. OHlrady, and t!x. conduct of our •'^ ^.'^J;^ ,' ,'^;:", .eh.HU. to such an exten our grief «'»c-'^P«'>^'^'^l'',.f„\f'' '^Uc degradation and scandal existing in "",«'?"K^'=,?';; ," jA^av ngthe in,pion» audacity to ol oar holy religion) '^^'^ ^.^^i .J your Lord.hip and the raise his contuu.ac.ous vouo gam y^^ ^.^^^ ^^ authority of the church. 1 '" \ , ^^ ^^^^^^,, forbearance, auipLo and salutary '" ^•"^'^;, r--'^';, « cure itself; but when we KuO,:k,b tWut U,.. »v,1 ?^""^ '"i^'^'„°X (^hequalled in those see this individual havn.g ^^_,f ["'^^J,, fati>or t\>e Pope, the days) to atten.pt to wrest * ." "{j;,'*" (v.u.olic Chut cl. n. ecclesiastical supremacy o .'''« «» "'^ f ^ ,,r„,,ostanl (tbe this Province, and toij'- ^^ -^^^''^ .res^ntative of his Liout. tiovernor of Upper *- \"''" ^^ (Vom his own pel'- Majestv, the King of England »« W^^'Vck.umcnt frought tio.^o-his Excellency bu-J«ln> Col w^^^^^^^ ^,, ean no with misrepresentations 'i'"! f,^ ■ ^^ ^^^ j . longer suppress onr 1«;^;;'S^^ >^^t ' ^^ ,dignation. We would ,s an object ot contemp' , J'^h''" ,nd would disgrace the , bo unworthy tlic name ol <- ^'^''^i.j.er, and Moore, were luemory of the lUnsi noas '^;'^^[>;, ^^i,,,-,,,^ , attempt at inno- ^ ^"^^'2 w..n aware what course Mr. O^ady^ongh^o have pursued h td he b.-en agg ^-^^^^JX the practice of the forr.'u-P.. from the ^ ''-Vf ^=,(0 u t e l,i.ulenint Governor C itbolic Church, am! '"*'•"' ',',,,i ,,1, cause been a good Wo know ^l^''''\^''''''^'"VT;;t 1 - We therefore fully „ao, that he would '^'ve got a e -^ - ^^^^^^^^ ^^ i,„,a. approve of thes.eacly, ^ ' '• ""^ ^'^ "^,^a i,i« blinded follower., ,„,1 ,,i„istor n^otive-., ^";'';'"^',,",„v suffer persecution trom l„jion i but while your J;''y'f ' 1^ ' ^ \^, consoling to you, to .,,, has. and tlic .->>^gj;"''^''' ,Xn,e of the virtuous and the kuow that you en.,oy the co tulcn ^e .^ ^,_,, XSijlKe^nSeSofJ-atChurclfwhichChrU. .lm.elfha.i.unded;andholdin,inUn..^ Umation the exulted .*= '"-'j^^;;^ ^„a the uct.Te «erl.ou. lablished by the true pie V . a J n^^ • ,,„„,,,, i,eseec 1 the on.. I i,n 1' Dc La Have Esq. ot th» nPPEK CANADA, r„-'° "1'y rk ,n the Home District. Home District, t^ow ot Y rk in ^^^^^ ^^^ ,^^ j to wit. ^ ""^''''^'' "Zlu o this effect : that he. the Rev. Wni. J. 0'f^,",?y,^Y„ ra no been appointed in thi. the said Rev, ^V'"" ^; " ^'n w had his jurisdiction indo- Pioceseby Bishop M'Donoll but had J^^ ,„„,equently. pendently of h.m ['"'", !'^,„^,f Nothing but a dinner whe.i on ^hat he owed h.m l;«.»^J;°„P^,„t further saith. that the said 1 ^:1^l^S:'^^o^^'-^ had no power to I Home District, this 31st May, lti33. ^ J • r. W. BERCIIN. '^""'''- "JthLSJ's Bench for taking Affidavit. A Commissioner ot tue jvint, ■> in the Home District. Home District, jPersonaUy.^^^^^^^^^^^^ to wit. \ ^''^^yl^^liZ^n Catholic Church o< the ,enior Church-warden of the oma ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ .j^, said town,) and jf'XomJcMc Church of said town, late Incumbent of Uie Roman tarn ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ the Rev. Wm. J. ^ V'^''y;„',''ive facuUies, as Vicar General, ponent that Ue would not ^cc me ^^^„^,„ -^ ^,oM from the Hon. & Rt. «;^^; l^'^iiudraw them at pleasure, and be in his Lordship s P°7",^° "Jy" " ho had his facnltics from further stated to tins ^ei^;j;°"\«4X^ that the said the Holy See I'"" -^e^^^a'nt ^"^j^^^j ,, , public Meeting =;^t';^n;i;£S: K^---*^ of Holy Orders and Confirmation. Sworn before me, at mv office in ) York, tins 1st day onun^,^l^H3,J. ^ Commissioner, &c. Home District. r.- . • . . Whereas, Francis Collins, of the Town Home District, ^^^^i^nter, personally appeared bo- to wit. S "f ,; °\r. ' .,' j{ev. Wm. .i . O'Giady stated fore me and made °'^';\'' .^'^^^^^^^^^^^ McDonell had offered to confernp.mh.M..heJ^^'ntyoi ^^^^^1^^ ,^^^ ,^^ ^,,^^,a but that h • would "°t accept a ^^^ ^,^^ ^^ _ aRerwar^ls "■'""V",*""^-;,^' t e Holy See, in which case tho ,neKt at ,.11, it would b= from tbe »°1> .^ ,i.|,„, Bishop ^sould not "^^^ '^/^"rd Wm. J. O'Grady. told this ,ome ii'.no afterwards. ''O- »1 "-^J f 7^,„iiy of Viair General aeponent that he |;-1 "4^ .j^' Ld to tlL deponent a Latin directly from the Hcdy^e.id re ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^_^ ^^.^^^ document which, ho «^'^;^^»«^ j,;,,, ^s Vicar General, in the Holy See. Sworn beforemc, at York, in the ) Homo District, this 31st May, 1833. < THO'S, H. TAYLOK, Commissioner, &c. Home District. ERA'S. COLLINS, 1 n ii tl U V f ik. P,efecl vf the Sacred Cvlhge to T.tiur from (/i« ' '/.'"',•' .1 lU'mc ac K'liic Ooiuirie, qua.topereau.^acte^o unultao.^^ esst ad regimen I'-cU-asUcum •" ^^aii continere, .ervaudum memorat. ^^^« J^^^^^Sico fal.«m esse, pri-nurn d^^^'^l?"'^"'" ^ ^fe"^^^ tales accipi.^e ?um a Sacra ^°"«-8 ^' \",'^3ur, ab nrnpUtudine utquanquam.n l)i.Pt.tsn8,a. ^ ojnnu.o a t«a tamen non dependent Hoc concedendis facul- Sacrm Cong n.s ««P'^"''«' ^Im setnner sartam l.ctam e^'se debere con trtmt 1 a ^^^^^j^ ^^^^_ ,„, si vera D. V"!"^''" „?,prU A T. in eumdem sus- ,„entanon dedent,jure P°J;«^ '^^j^Vocalione anitnad- ,,ensionc, el facultatum ^mn'"^'^;^* ,,,ponsionem , Wre.-Krityero^oppor^ — ^^ „i5ac. Coi)g'n.8, inter Mssionaj'^^ ^^^^^ ,tiam ad illorum ;^;^°^J',"j;XervaBtiam tibi de- , partes suaspertrah re eco^^^^^^^ ^^^ ,,Vitame?cc.tareD.OWaay m^inora a ,^,^Qwod. »peP.t8j >f .^S^pergratum, certioremte J-acere P?«««' ''^^'"rtiBttis' Decretis intelligfs.. ; ijuemadipoduTn «* fXSuevehementer laudat con- ;;; ":SacraCongregaUodten^uevene ^^^^ ^^ milium a te «"«««P\"™' ^^"^ l^^ obtinent in «ta quo referantur >«f f "J^^^^'^ "pW^-tali- negotia pera- Dixcesi ad I^^^^lesiastica ei p .^.^^ ^^^ genda. Facies vero ^^^^ J CoSne examini subjic- Romam mittendo, ut * Sac. '-^ judicium vero ride Die l9 Januaju, 1«J>^. C?^irSnSKDSpref.i. Fal C C. CASTRACANE. Secre'u- R P. d'. Alexandre MacDouell, ' Episcop.) Regiopolitano in Superiori Canada ^Meeting of >»«*°f^^/"^n SlSCl adherent. heW in tantH, together with his "*? „i,wi,. town. April 2r., 1833 : the Roinan Catholic Church of hwt^wn.Ap ,^^ » If indeed th. dark !''"»j''XXti?h Crown, 1 might blooded over thi. fine 'VP^^^^f^:^ S prlction-hut ad- look in vain for jjrour ,^.°"">*'" ;„ „liirion, and in gcieiice, v^ced fu> we are fn cmhzat.on ^^^^'^^^^ ^^^ dear iind ' ^ou will not abandon Uiut cause ^'h. ^^ j^^i.tod causo-- iations holy, 1 "l*»*,„t^f*'?',„ciety should feel a deep and It IB one in Wh.ph all cl-^^^f ^^ V,"rgTeatly mistaken if there enual interest. » • » ♦ An"t in.ght be broug ^ ^^^^^ ^„j operation, the P'"/ \«. f i't Lt despot can neyor crush an ed— the power of the roignueBi r j j^^g ^j^^h lited pe%le. ""i-f P^^ quliland tremble. Union is, . tho most ruthless ty^«*_Xn unite and be free, "or rehn- Btreneth— union w P«f ®! "^,\^ve a„f o=*«<. -Ji*^- X^* i. ■ t»kVtheboMt«w ^«^nch O"',."^^' * j „ou will perceive ^k t^he records of former Um^sand.^y^^^^^ that it was only when the People w" yo unteers, • * • po«ibl*be enslaved. ?«f "^^^ *^^cc esiastioal privilege. ^rmuV still unite i- J' J»t?raXble invasion. This .s a from a most unjust and «»*"*r ^^^er your creed or your !«,HfiT for vour consideration, vrhaiever y ; ^g^gts of so- Touiuy mi be. as well as for mine the bert m ^^ t,,„efore come like independent inen, to mined to maintain them. O'Grady in the contuma- The above means-to ^^PP^f^.^.i under suspension. ment. 4 It c \\ t( e« scrvet. nisdeProda i, 1033, iimus ^ [ClNIPrefiis, :aNE, Secre'us. lelivered at a public aminations of Prote«- •cal adherents, beW in (,wn, April 26, 1833: 8s spirit of infidelity Iritish Crown, 1 miglit id protection— but ad- igion, and in »cience, h mon hold dear Mid ' lot an isolated cause-- f should feel a deep and •eatly mistaken if there in the people to resist d inviolate the religious eat applause.) But m ; into useful and active ne determined and uniU mot can never crush an U of brass before vf hich and tremble. Union i». e and be free, nor relin- and you will perceive ro divided that they could s Irish volunteers, • • eccleBiastical privilege, ible invasion. 1 his is » Ser your creed or your , the best interests of so. 'and you win therefore nd for your rights, deter- rO'Gradyinthecontuma. b" while under suspension, of the Parish Church, in °8t the verdict of a jury m upon an actiotl of eject-