IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // (./ ^ V. ^ fe r/. 1.0 I.I Ulll |2.S ■^ U2 |2.2 I'o llill 2.0 "1.25 1.4 III 1.6 -• 6" ► (^ y] ^;. ^•j^ 7 - signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbols V signifia FIN". Maps, platas, charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant reduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba entirely included in one exposure are filmed baginning in tha upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrams illuatrata the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvant itre filmAs A das taux da reduction diff . .4 « ilOSK PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2.") Wef-linoton Street West, Toronto. I OCT j4r r. - 2. - 3- 4- 5-- 6.~ 7- 8- 9- lO.— II.— 12. — 13 — 14.— 15 — i6._ 17.— 18 . 19— 20. — . 21. — ^ 22.— ( 24.- -y 25 — J CONTKNTS. Ch Am k. i'~~ir/f,if /s It All About 1 2- --/ Ciifiiu/itvi Ifoine. 3 — // VouH}^ Liufy^ A Lawyer aiui A Yankee. 4. — MooN/i^n^'/it /'or Three. $.— Jit'fitat/i jyii- U'arv /u>ui://s. - - .— / 6. 7— A l'\rst Ki 'barney Ana' Jcny ss. 8. 9 10. II. 12. 13 M '5 16. »7- 18. 19.- 20.— 21,— 22, -a- ~i: liter n \'i ' — Great Thimrs To Do. J Must Jfa'e Salmon. - - . . — // Pic-Nie iiy The Lake. -A J^aniation ; An Arrival, And A Lecture. —Diifnt Know When She Was Well Off. ' — Arcadian Lovers Truly. . — Lhe First L^^isa^c^reement. —Askiu}^ Lor What LLe Meant to Lake. — The Way To Do Lt. - - - — W/iat's The Matter With My Rose 1 — L'lmily Lupins To L^lot. LVie Cricket Match And A Sul>se(jucnt LAttle L eccavi. -And LLe Was Comforted. Covering:; Vh LLis Tracks. ■You Shall /Lave Your Trip, Ada. 24.- -A Comini^ Storm. - - . . 2^.— My Love Lai let fi Not ! Oh,' Lulwin ' Edwin f Pa(;k. 5 1 1 14 21 - 29 - - 36 J - 43 t ' - 53 (' - 65 . - 74 ll ■ 89 ' - 107 123 • 131 138 J - 146 i 175 1 ' f 1 - 167 I Game. 1 7 7 V - 200 1: i 209 t _£i - 220 1 1 237 - 255 ilj z 66 \ m\ ^' UJlll |)cr> was this npoi a v\( »< I ha are you hiini inak try 1 uml << a ('i lion lane f)r s yiHE M rCHT I^ AVE PoilE P ETTEI\, (•H.\ni:K I \NM \| l> II Ml, \i;nt I ? •• It is a hiirnini; hliann; I think. I'ik If." saiil a hincionv w)im^r lady, turning — in the front scat of the carriage, olsvliic h >hc the rharioteer t( I have been talking ever since we nu't." " Ves. I ha\e been listening to nou. Ii i> n«it often that \on are silent. I lule. I, oi|uacity itself like ;i true Yankee. Mui y(jur conversation has not 1)een interesting — one of your usu.'I harangues u|)()n politics. Mut where is the use ? N'ou < annot make a Canadian of Paj)a ; he is Knglish. N'ou jiiight as u ell try to m.ike an American of him ; so relin(iuish the vain idea, and let us have something more interesting," "Something more iiili rcslin^' ' " echoed Iut un< K- : *' vou are a (Canadian, at an\ rate. I'",thel, and the theme t)f our lonversa- lion should be of interest to you, or anything relating to the land of your birth. Your father is a Canadian by adoption — or should be — <'onsidering (he number of )ears he has made Ill MK.M t II W I lMtN4 l:|.l i l,l> thi* M»iiMtn l»i>» hniiii'. Mul it >hniiM .lixi l»v jif iiitc-n>t lubitn." ••A ho|Kli's«. iiica. I in U . N mi mny rcluMrst* lor t'vt?r the ^'naliu^s of ( .in.nli. I»u( ra|»a is al\vii\N n ;i,1y to ban;; cnit his i>riti-h staii(ianlli. whirlim niii-iin it. NMitliuJ lii-ttir talk \n me. '* NN'hii h nuai)«» ih.K >«Mi uaiti ilu « i>n\i'r>aiiuii all U> yoiii M'll. I'.tlul. \\'r\ uill : I shall till v(»ii a st«»r\ thm. " •' That \sill In ni« tr. I rt ii^ ha\i rhr ^utr\ l>\ ill means. um!i." •' There is a larnur <»f m\ \irinit\ an Ameriean. of <\,iirsi'. nr (lie siury nxoiiM fiot l»e worth the telling who (MHO enj;a;j;eii .; lu i;,'hlMmr ;i real li\o \ ankee iVom '•down east" — to help him in ln;;^'inLj ii|» .1 pin e ol" iuarl\ rli;in«l laml. to put it in r« HliiU'ss lur 1 < rop. Now. Ii 1141;! iij; a> \oii ma\ perhips l»v iiwarc — IS a \e r\ lali KMhMIS lMlNilKS>. and n iinv runsM lerahh personal stren^'th in thosr in.:;;ii;e«l in il. Si» lar .is this (|iialil\ wa-i <(»Mrernetl, my iVieinl. ilu- larnur, had made a gootl ( hoire of" an assist. int, lor l!i)ene/.er was as powerfully framed .is his jnaster ; Ittit he had et|nally with the latter, an uiKoiKiner.dtK- •nersitjii to using his strenj,'th in any greater degree than he • mild help ; .ind both heing rem.irka!)ly keen hands, the\ were ronst.mtly striving each to throw the lion's share ol" the hard WMil upon the other. During liieir first morning's work, K.hen- t/v.r manipulated so sueeesstully liis talents in sctairing for himself the liglit lifting, and throwing the heav\ work upon his niast«*r, dial the latter hei.ame im|)atient, as he found himself with at least one half of the la])our to perform, while, a- master, he conceived himself < ailed upon for a much lighter sh.ire. At length, as one |)articularly heavy log was drawn ip to the pile, and — ever ali\e to his «jwn interests — iinliitu\\ «i',il<. umi lor (h:it roniMNin. ' "llitN, uhiU II l>roii;:lii iiiiL'ih !•• tilt Iranii. ,il.>o ImMiuhi MAJtion to llu <«|Miii, .mmI hi vou(«| rr\« !);;(. Ilk' (liiinvi til vs iiir ^MVt' hiiM i( liM'^t' It t.ol. lilt! joU'iilK ilu'\ utiukd their ;iy to thr hoiist . Miitinu' llu {•roy,n'>s ol ilu mr;tl. tlu I'.ir in«r'> u il'c laiil lutoit In r IiiinImdi! .i t;iNHll\ ni/hI |Mul(liii^. \\h> |>ii(l(liit}4 tlu Nkilhil hoiiMuik- IkmI iMiiil iipoii :i mtv ni<«v |iriiui|ik. riu' liirj^cr |>;iri. iK .tiiu«l lor lur^rll ;iml hci lnis l»;iml. u:is thirlJy sinHifl v, iih iii< • l.n-i r;u«i?>«<. while ihi ^mailer, to !»<■ jlloitcd in Ijn k/ii. \',,t . Imt iiu;;;^'ril\ sii|>j»liol uith tiiosL' toolhsoiiit lliiii; \ •' >;ivinu this, ;iiui :)- LI»ciJc/cr w;is to In- sjtmmI iVom thr s.nm (|i>h ;is his cin|tloy- ci^. he. rc'Usoii:ilt|\, roiild h:i\( nothin;; ol u '''« h to (dinpLiiii. *• As the r;»riiur raiscil his h.iml lo tliv iiic tht iMitMinj;. he >.;ii.l : 'Wall I l'!l>'nc/cr. siiin' ;i> hrovv yew ir luljon'ii^ to»|;iy. ilu' (»!»! woiiiaii lias made a ifissiti I'or u«-.' '• • \ a'as ! I sees.' replied l'",ltem/er. eyeing' it narrowly. " hown arel\ >liiriVd nxU. '• ' Hold out \our |»late. l'!I»'ne/er.' " Hut Kl>ene/.er renieniliered his niornin':;'> lessoji. StrLlt h- iiij; across the tahle. he sinser\ed. as he put the luii'V nioi^l upon his plate ; • never be al'raiil ol the hutl-end,' he continuetl. a> the jiuddini;. raisins and all. rapidly disappeared helore die astonished eves of the month waterinLj fanner and his ihech- i.iated wife." " Well, what then .^ " asked the voun-^ lad\ enunirin' Iv. " That is the story." was the reply. Indeed Then I am '-lad it is jlonc. at all event \ VxwV \\\\\ where is the a|»pli«;iiioii s sill. Mh.M ( II W i. INIM 1(1.1 UK. " Dint ih lor \oti to disrcni. my lUar." " 1 Hi* it. NoiirMll. ( iMJv, ulio uoiihl i.iki iho l>tiii»n«l nl' iIk ((Hi\cnati(Mi. " " \\u\ MMi, I iiiLi^iiu , like I'.Ih lu/rr. w«tiith;iri- ut the work." " Well. I think )(Mi had hctler rontiiiiic your talk with IM|»n. I'hat story is ainpiv su(h< icnt lor inc." rctiiriK-d hIic. '• N'cH ; I think so tiMi," H;iid her lather. •* If voiir uiu Ic tannot itrodmc something hcttcr ilian, he may as well ^o on vsitli his lornur Mihjirt. It will l»c the least tiresome." "Just what I uanlrd." 1 ArLiiniid tin- j^inlliineii referred lo. •' \ our story w.i.s a rt>{ulai N.inkiv triek tn bore us ini«< eoin|tlian(c with y»>ur wishes. Hut ^«» on. I'lulc. NN'c are now resigned. Comiuciue where you left off. .ind finish as M»on as possible." .said the vtninj; huly with a r own way now"-"an(l then he rontinued — "The ultimate desti- m'es of a nation must e\idently depend in great measure upon the <<»unlry in whirh its miillitudes reside ; the land itv'f >shi(h forms their heritage." " No matter what may be the physical or the psyehical eapabilities of the races inhabiting, the measure of the greatness tlie\ mav attain will be verv much determineil bv the i)hvsi( al capabilities of the land ihey iniiabit. If their country be iiai- uially great, fertile, iteautifiii, grand in its contour and evleiii, its people should behysical endowments, may be the chief factor i»f the sum of the civili/.ation and power they may reach : but not the sole < auses. The natural couditif^ns of that portion of (lf»d's idiglu world which has i»ecome theirs, bear i)0\veit'ul and detciiiiininL! intlucm \'>. a. U fl \| (S I I Ml NMnI I N I hi- k'niiiu^ oi tlu- l;iii(l, ilii |ik':iH:iiii. I'Vii lu u intl \ iry* iiu, (ImiiiIn iIi;ii iIk' KloritniH Tare til' h.ihirc |>r*.''ikiii> (•• ilic \'\v, ntiN l'i>i> iIh' iiiiiiil inw.inU tl);il ln\i- ui tlu' .)i';uiiilul and |miiv. the ck-vatioii ol m iiliiiit-Mi .hhI mI hIim whit It arc the first c*> MiUiah ol a hi^'h ami Uiu.-rMiiil livili/atioii ; while the natinii .il |(r(»N|K'rity. tontintially accuimilatiiig, uhicli a rich and tiwtilv loiintry gives to its peojile, vield> (he ^lienglli and (Ik |io»m-I' lor an enduring < ivili/atiun. logether lor cndming gVatnesit.' •' Il then the |»hysiial l»eaiitie> anil vvealth ol a country .uv diterniining elements to make the |»eo|tle hap|ty, advanted. rdined ami |M»\verliil. this *< 'anada of ours ' should heronie a great nation. Sjuinging Ironi untouched virgin wilds into a«tivc hie ; under the ardent |>owers ol a people sprung Ironi Marih's h\o greatest olnues; with their vivilying rullure and luMh t i\ili/ati«»n — the slow growth ol" renturies — lran>p!nitvd uad) lade to the new. Iresh soil : ^urely the \\i di- sei>ilv enough, range enough, verge iMul scope enough." '* .No narrow metes and hounds confine her energies." "The great Dominion, strett hing from orean to ocenn. iwails hut her millions to bring forth and vivify the vast resour- ces she contains ; vast and varied as her wiile extent." '• I'roliahly no oMur couiury is possessed of so great a diversity ; so varii'd and so opposiii- a range -'f heauly in ii-. natural scenery as (his 'Canada of «iMr«..' NN iihin its great bor- ders .Nature seems to have selecli-d a l.ivourite field ; and glo- ried in her worK of gnmping together everv different ind charming effect ; every gradi' of magnificent picturing that her lavish hand could inchilue." no • An infinite variety overspreads the iaiul, ant! no samene:>s, taial uniformity of design mars the ever-recurring freshness nd novellv of th«' wonderful .ilrcination of the xi-nerv fl 11 i I 10 *iii. \ii<;iii iiAVK iM»M-. i;i:i ii:u. •• W hill ;i >u|>(il» |);in«>r;im;j o|>liis on ihc cvc niul muvc'^ the jJioiul sense, while the C.'anrulian surveys ihe vast nnd m.ii;- nilK em hiiul of liis birth. Ironi the rock-hound yet jj;ranti Allanti* coast — llirec thousand miles — to the inlet-indented and heautiful shores of ihi' Pacific --what a pajj^eant lies '. .\lountains and valley : hill and plain ; sea coast and river — the trackless forest and the boundless prairie. Ihe vast lakes — fresh-<\ater seas — expanded to the dimensions of ocean", and the silver lakelet, gleaming like a gem in the bosom of the green woods. The desolate w.ldness of the fro/en north, and the rie and the icy home of the polar bear. The crowded citv. and the grassv range of the bulfalo. Jhe rith and cultivated regions of the white man, with all their acccss- v/iies of civilization, order and wealth : and the rude Indian cum|>. .\ll : all these, are comprehended within the mighty scene, whose vastness and grandeur might well ins])ire a pairi- (Uic ardour, a true Canatlian pride ; and give an exultant ring lo the voice which proudly says — • 'J'his is my Country !' " "And upon what a magnifuent scale has not the great picture been laid? No narrow distances or hemmed-in boun- daries are |)ent in the great Canadian land. Us thousand- miles-long rivers ; its thousand miles wide forests and prairies, waiting with their virgin treasures tor the coming millions. The mightv .St. Laurence its great gulf and ocean lakes — in each of which a state might be submerged, piercing the length oi the land — draining the waters, and bearing the commerce of a ( ontinenl, are \ ittuv's 'rreal works given to a (ountrv that is destined to be great." •• If the inHuen Canada posscssc-^ flii' prime I'loment-- rf)r a .Tt*at liituro." •• Tilt' rest lies with the people theniNehe — their mcra.!-. tiu'ir ijidustry, and their rajjacity to govern and he ;.:o\('rned." "Our heritage is a great one. H" it is not teU t) he a l^eritage and an honour to he named • ;i Canadian.' it i-, the tlailt of Canadians." CIIAI'IKk II, \ rWADIAN ItOMI. On the shores ot" one of the |»ieii> lakr Ik hid MilTciefl l(» remain f"rin',fed to the water's eil^^e with tlu' ;;lorioiis old maples, elms and pines ot* the j)rimeval forest — a sheltering and a heautifiil , lek-ground — wh le on the gently rising and undulating shore of the other bank lay the < ultivated grounds ; stretching hack over a wide extent : interspersed with groves and copses. or