IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // A My, ^ 1.0 I.I 11=:: 1.25 2: 1^ 12,0 1.4 1.6 % .^ '^ m. ^h e. ej A % > 4 ^ rV-.^: i:?? f Photographic Sciences Corporation S: iP V s ,v \ \ ^ -ft- rv* -6^ ^^ .^ik.^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 872-4S03 ^ ^V* i^ ' [•._B ils tor rooDi irii., tuition, fuil, etc will b.- pr-seiit-.l oatiy in rach Term and imm.'di>\te payui nt will Oc ixpe(;t<-«l. 3. — Stuilunts will b ■ iV(|uiiod in al' cas-s to use tlit Buildiii^s .d th.; (J(.llri:c and .Academy, and llic furniture of tlie same, a« th y would private pro[.erty." Any unntccssary dama<_'e to any of the Buildm-s, or tlie furniture. ,-.r any public property will be repaired under the direction of the Executive Cotnmttee at the expense of the per.>*ou fir persi ns cauMn^^ the s.-aue; and in case it cannot be as- CLMtaJti.d by whom the damaire was caused, the expense vill be as- seswtl on the whole body of students, except in case the daiia:;e oc- curs in connors in tti» if respectiTe departments^, and alf'O to attend Public Worship, and a Bible claHS every Sabbath. A record of abs.iicf ? from the-e exer- cises will bf kept and iinexcused absences uill subject tliL student to demerits. ^ r will b« e>IKCttd to be in their own room> durina study-ln-nr^. ( xc ( t when tlu'v may be in some m«: or at classexf icisi . rfco;:nized by the Faculty. Students absent fr'>m tli< ir own rooms alter 11 o'clock in the e\ening, will be rejiarded as out of order. 10.— There will be a prayer mcetinu for the students of the Col- lege and Academy every Sabbath njornin<>: at 9 o'clock : a prayer raeetinL' oprn to ail departments on Wednesday men in- in the Academy Hall : a meeting of the Ath.naenm in i\v.\ College Hall, and of the Lyceum in the Academv Hall on Friday evenini.'. Other meetinf.'sor students will be held by special permission in regard to time and place. n. — The two Literary Societies will be expecte.l to pay a rea-;on- abl;' fee each term for the extra sorvices of the Janitor, fuel and other expenses. The Lar?s and Roirulatln'is of tlio Athena^iiin will b" subj^'et to the approval of the College Fa.iulty, and of the livceum to the Principal of the Academy. 12. Students who wish to b'- ab-ciit from the pl;ie- for ri wM or to visit neighborinsr towns must tir.^t obtain excuse. 13. — Students should exercise con*tanv eaufi' 'i auain>t din<:er from fire. Lamps should always be filed by diiv-liiitit. They should not b" left burniu;r in a room in the ab>enee ot the occupants. 14. Inattention to study and misbehavior of any kind will sub- ject the offender to private or public reproof a i< cord of denuMits. or suspension. Cases of ordinary discipline will be subj'et t.. the re- 8n< ctive heads of departments. F.,r the discipline in cases of more serious departure from order and good conduct, the entire Board of Government wi 1 be responsible. Students will be subject to the •renjral laws of orderly and gentlemanly deportment at all tKuo and in all places. n i- n 15. — Approved Rules for the government of the Reading Koom must be uniformly enlbrcsd, and students will avoid all unnecessary noise and loud talking in the halls and at the door-ways of tlie class- rooms. Itj. — CollesiC students will wear college iiowns whenever they meet for any College exercise. If a student appears on the gnnmds of the College or in the street with the eown, he must also wear the eap. 3 1824 00006 081 ^7 - for t i H - 111^ III ( V. I^■; n, III li. . ••t!i r .1.1; I 111 I ft, i . I {'< ;i.i!i o' i. 1 n^>"s for ivy jranie of bail Khali be |^»Tjr twspt- till if-, uiJi-.-s p ri!i»Mu.ii rthall have been ll^i- Abtoiiied St 11 ! ill I W I .1 . ii - ■ the. I.'; II. ir'ii t -• w iiiiws i»f the Dirin'toriflH and Inod-taik- I «i - 'I li l»iiiuir«trit;s iir: foibidd n. No slops nor mb- ;. K :i i ii'i.ii 1 b' fl.rowii tVoui the wilK!aw^, 8pittiu<: on •.».ii b- c.'- will bo fubjct to discipline. Writing and ■!ii;i' wall Will bL' subj'rct to the rule conc<'roinjj; daoia^e |':-..j. ity. >tul_'iit.s will bo expected to appear at table, in •1. Ill • -louiil- pniperly dreHSed. The rooius of the Mil t b- k pt HI such oidor as to be always ready for in- i 111 • [ir-pr officer. Rfusal to admit any officer of the I ii> t'l a student's mom will be considered a mimie- i !> til • duty of' the 8t -war J t' report any irre^ular- ; At t.i <1 MiMji-rfHini. and •{•'nerally to co-operate li.n. I . .1 pic'crvin;; p'opii order in the Boardinj; House. tlie B-ardiiii' House will be expected to respf»ct aod A, 111 "b y tia- laiti's appointtd to maintain order in the Bailding and to coiiloiui 1. 1 Mich special rules as may from time to time be annoaooed lor til.' lid. !• of the House. Singinj; and playing on oiiisical mstru- meuiiiu stuJ^-hours will be considered as viola«ioni» of good order.