IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^fr m< ^ '^ A lloronto : PRINTED BY C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 JORDAN STREET. 1881. c 1^. 7 THE LIBRARY. {From the » Rides, Orders and Form of Proceeding of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.") Rule 106. A proper Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library shall be kept by the Librarian, or person in whom the custody and responsibility thereof shall be vested ; and who shall be required to report to The House, through The Speaker, at the opening of each Session, the actual state of the Library. Rule 107. No person shall be entitled to resort to the Library during a Session of Parliament, except the Lieutenant-Governor, tlie Members of the Executive Council and Legislative Assembly, and the Officers of The House, and such other pers -us as may re- ceive a written order of admission from The Speaker of The House. Members may personally introduce strangers to the Library during the daytime, but not after the hour of six o'clock p.m. Rule 108. During a Session of Parliament, no books belonging to the Library shall be taken out of the Building, except by the authority of The Speaker, or upon receipt given by a Member of The House, Rule 109. During the Session, the Libra-y shall be open daily, from nine o'clock a.m. until nine o'clock p.m., and should The House remain in Session "'ar such hour, the Library shall remain open till The House adjourns. Rule 110. During the Recess of Parliament the Library shall be open everyday in each week, Sundays and holidays excepted, from the hour of ten in the morning until four in the afternoon ; and access to the Library shall be permitted to persons intro- duced by a Member of the Legislature, or admitted at the discretion of the Clerk or Librarian, subject to such regulations as may be deemed necessary for the security and preservation of the collection. Rule 111. During the Recess of Parliament, no Member of The House shall be at liberty to borrow, or have in his possession at any one time, more than three works from the Library, or to retain the same for a longer period than one month. No Books of Reference, or books of special cost or value, may be removed from the Seat of Gov- ernment under any circumstances. Rule i 12 At the hrnt meeting of the Library Committee, in each Session of Par- hanu.nt, the Labrarun shall report a list of Looks absent at the commencement of the Session, the names of any persons who have retained the same, in contra- vention of any of the foregoing Rules. During the Session of Parliament, as well as during the Recess, no book shall be lent to any person who .s not a ^lember of this House. (Order by the Library Com- mittee, February 12th, 1878.) xaiy i om VI. EXPLANATIONS. The new Catalogue will he found to contain all the books which have been purcliased, or have been presented as donations, from the organization of the Library to December, 1880. The books, as heretofore, will be found classified according to subjects. But a new arrangement has been introduced. Under every subject the names of the authors have been placed in alphabetical order. It is hoped that this system will facilitate readiness of reference in the use of the Catalogue. The Alphabetical Method begins on page 14, and thence is continued throughout the volume. To augment, still further, the usefulness of the Catalogue, there have been prepared an Alphabetical Index of Authors, and an Alphabetical Index of Subjects. Both these Indexes will be found at the end of the volume. In order to furnish an analytical exposition of the contents of the Library, certain classes of books which stand in relationship to each other, though they differ in special information, have, in the Catalogue, been arranged apart. " Physical Science," for instance, has been sub-divided into the classes of Astronomy, Meteorology, Geology, Physiology, Anthropology, etc. The Department of " Geography, Voyages and Travels" has been sub-divided into the classes : Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, etc. To provide for ready reference to such books on the shelves, each work has been arranged according to the surname of its author. Those whose surnames begin with " A " will be found on the top shelf ; the other letters, as " B," " C," " D," descend in Alphabetical sequence. The letters (N. D.,) within parentheses, at the end of the -catalogued description of a book, signify "No Date." 1 other words, the year of publication does not appear on the title page. S. J. WATSON, Lihrnrian, vu. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO : 1881. LiEUTKNANT-GovEBNOR : HON. JOHN BEVERLEY ROBINSON. GOVERNMENT QV ONTARIO. HON. OLIVER MOW AT, Attorney-Gknekal, and First Minister. HON. ADAM CROOKS, Minister of Education. HON. T. B. PARDEE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. HON CHRISTOPHER F. FRASER, Commissioner of Public Works. HON. S. C. WOOD, Treasu ier and Commissioner of Agriculture. HON. A. S. HARDY, Provincial Secretary and Registrar. U il viii. MKMmCKS OK Till.) IKUISK oK AHSKMULV, ONTARIO. NiocoNi) HKSHioN. Kouirrn rKnisiwvrnKK: ihsi MON. CIIAIM.KS CLARKi;, Sikakku. IIkiukhkntativkn. AiM'i.Kiiv, Natiianiki. Stk- riiKN AttltKV, NU'IIOLAH Ha K Kit, Ai>.\M ilAcmi IIahukhow, (iKoiiuK Wahii- INH'I'ON Hai.i.ani'vnk, Tmum.vh , . H.\SKi;U\ ll.l.K, I'.M'Ull'K ... lUXTKH. .I.M'iill Hki.i,, KiiiiKur HisMoi", .\Ki'mii,\i,i) Hl.K/.AUn, 'I'llOMAS HoNKiKi.n. .Iamkx Hoiii.iKii, |{K\V CaI.1>\VKI,1.. NVll.l.lAM (',... CaI.VIN, Pl'.l.lNo Hkxtku ... (''A.^rvoKN, John Omsiioi.M, KKNNmi Ci.AiiKK, Hon. 1'maui.k.s 1\>(>K, Hkkmkn Hknuy . CUKHJinoN, I>AV11> 1'kooks, Hon. .Vdam l>KK(U'iiK. IIammki. Madmkn Dhyhkn. .Iohn Kkhhis, .Iamks Maii.xhai.i. FiKi.n, .loiiN C Kii.v.sKH, Hun. rmii.sTui'HKU KiNI.KV Frkkman, John H FllKNl'll. FUKOKKUK JoIlN (JntsoN, ■luiiN MumsoN .... (iIll.sON, TiIOMAn IJlUHAM, I'KTKU HAurinuT. IxioHAun HAItl>Y,HiiN..\HTm USTrHUIS Hakkin, William Mawlky. (Jkokok PoriiLAs. Hay, 1>avii> Davidson Hi'NTKU, .Iamks H Jklly, William Kkru, .losKrii Laiolaw, .Iamks Ijavukk, Aukam William . l.KKSi. \\'U.LL\M LlVIND.SlMN, ,1 AMKS Lond.Thouas (-'ONHTITIIKNCIKH. lliwtliiKH. K.K. Wciitwoitli, S.K. K'.INHOII,<. M,l{. IVrtli, S.K. < Htuxvu, lliililiiiiiii!i(, 'rumnto Wi'Ht.. Hui'on, S.K. IVti'i'lioiiniuli, K.U. {{oiifr.'w, S.K. Ilastiiigs, N.l{. Iiunilii.s. Liuitvrk, N.K.. I''riiiiti'iiiw. KlKin, W.K. I Vol. W,.lliiiKt'>n. (\K. SiLioiu", I'l. K, (iivv. i\.K. »>\f,.nl. S.K. Aililinjjtun, t)iiUiii), S.K. NiMtlmmliorliiini, K. K, W. K. HriH'kvillo. Norfolk. N.K. (ilTllvill(>, S. 1^ Hiiiuiltoii. Huron. N.K, IiHinltton, !■;. K. Mom-k. Urimt, S. K. Pro.soott. l.onnox. IVrth, N.K. Crew S.H. Ihitterin. Stonnoiit.. Wt-Uington. S.l{. t}r,AM Mt'('nANi;\, Daniki Mi'Ki,M, K'.iiiKitr Mi'I-AiiiuiLiN, .Iamks Wkl- I.INiiTuN .McMamon, .Iamks Mai'mastku, Donalii . . , . Mack, Wii.llvm MKHKi.irn, William Kali-h Mkuuuk, Hknhy MncALii:, .Iamks Hkniiy. MiLLMII. .IlllIN (' t'oNSTITllKNClKS. Monk, (JKumiK William MoHCAN. WiLLlA.M Moiutis, Hon. Alkxaniikh. .Mowai', Hon. Olivku . , . . Mi'UKAY. 'I'lloMAS Naiun. "iiomas Maiintykk Nkau. Daniki . Nkklon, Sylvkstku. . I l'AKI>KK,H(>N.TlMorilvHl,AIU IVvrrKiisoN, I'ktkh I'aiikiiill, William .1. .... I'.vxioN, Thomas I'KcK, .S.VMIKI. Stanlky .. IxU'iiAUDsoN, William KoniNsoN, ClIAULKS KoniNsoN, KiiWAun KoHKKTSON. .VLKXANOKK. . . . KoHliUTsON. |)a\ ll> KosKVKAU, .lolIN Koss, Alkxandkh McLaoan Snn-r, William Hkimujhn. . SiNCLAiii, Oonalo Sl'KINi-.KIt. MosKS Si'HIKKK, (.JiDKON Tooi.KY, KllHAKI) W.VTKILS, .loilN Waitkuwoutii, .Iohn ..... Wklls, Ki I'kkt Mkahsk .. WiiiTK, Solomon WinniFiKLn, .Ioskph Hknuv WllJLK, 1,K\VKS Wood, Hon. Samubl Caskv YoiiNQ, Jameh Alh'otiiii. Koiit, K.K. Wt'lliiiKton, W.K. Durlmiii, W.K. Wi'iitwortli, N.K. (ilt'iiKiiiry. (Niriiwiill. liondon. lioi'iln uiul (iroiivilK', N.I{. KiiiK^tton. Mtinkokn iinil I'lirry Sciiuul, Carlt'ton. Norfolk, S.K. Toroiito Kiust. Oxford, N.K. K<\v, N.K. KiKin, K.K. W.-lhi.i.l. liiiu-oln. Laiiiltton. York, W.K. Siinooc, S. K. Ontario, N.K. Victoria, N.K. Tii't'ils. S. K. ("iinlwoll. Kent. \V. K. HiiNtin^'s, W.K. Halton. Dnrliani, K.K. Huron, W.H. retorl)orouK'li, W.K. Hruco. N. \i. Waterloo, N. K. Prince Kihvard. ' Middle.sox, K.K, Mi(, N.R. Middlesex, W.R. Bruce. S. R. Essex, N.K. York, N.K. Essex, S.K. Victoria, S.K. Brant, N.R TABLE OF CONTENTS. i:lk( ti( )n law ^^ AiNL» wukks of reference 3 SESSIONAL papers; fMPERlAL PARLIAMENT ^^ DEBATES, rMPEHIAL PARLIAMENT ""^^^ ' 20 (M)NSTITIJTIONAL HIHTORY . . 30 PAItLI AMENTARY HIHTORY. 31 PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE 33 REPORTS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ^^ ANCIENT HISTORY 35 EoVl'T, CHALDKA 36 CARTirA(jK, Palkstink [ 36 CUKKCK 37 RoMK 37 PAKTfHA, PalmYHA 38 HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND '^ England 39 Scotland 39 Ireland 47 Lives op British Sovereigns .... *^ Lives and Correspondence of British " Statesmen ' " ' " tt Speeches of British Statesmen ^^ EUROPEAN HISTORY ] ' 65 Austria 66 Prance 68 Germany 68 Holland 72 Hungary, India, Italy 72 Norway, Poland, Russia ^ 73 Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland," Turkey ^* Persia 75 AMERICA \\\ 76 CANADIAN HISTORY ANlixOPOGRAPHY " ^^ ■ 77 J iH CANADIAN PAMPHLETH ''^g* IMPERIAL KETURNH-CANADA ...... . . .....!..........! 109 COLONIAL HISTORY, POLITICS AND ADMINISTIIATION 121 CANADIAN PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL LEGISLATION 124 AUSTRALIAN COLONIES— OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS OP pg UNITED STATES HISTORY ."!.".".'!.'.'.".'.'.".' 129 American Political Biography 136-359 American Oratory ,00 American Federal Leoislation 1 39 State Legislation j^o Federal Statutes, U. S J49 Constitutional Law, U. S 150 State Statutes I -, MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE '.'. 154 BIOGRAPHY-GENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL ]'. .] m Separate Lives Alphabetically Arrano^:d 170 LAW. Including State and Other Trials 178-''08 CANADIAN LAW " " ^^g Ontario Law Reports 213 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE ....."."' ^" ."!.'.".' 1 i ! y. ''"'.■'''■' Z " 214 POLITICAL ECONOMY, COMMERCE AND STATISTICS '>9q FINE ARTS I Architecture ^ 200 cooks of Illustrations ., .q USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES V. ^ ^ . " . . ^ y. . ! ' ^ ' " . .^ ^ ^ ^" ^ | ' " ' 242 Engineering and Surveying , .74^- AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE lo PHYSICAL SCIENCE . tl . 250 Astronomy Meteorology ok. Geology . . 254 Physiology . 257 Anthropology NATURAL HISTORY tl Ornithology .^ Entomology ^ Ichthyology Botany I ■ oa'i HYDROGRAPHY AND NAVIGATION ' MEDICINE AND CHEMISTRY iJl GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS !!' ^ "!!..... T. .! ^ '!!! T. . . 276 Europe, Travels in . . . .' ^^„ . 282 Asia 285 xi. OEOaRAPIIY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS-Ccm/inW. Africa NoKTii America Ckntral an;. South Amkhica Canada United States Australia BELLES-LETTRES EDUCATION. Including Philology FICTION PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS Reviews Magazines Canadian Newspapers English Newspapers Ameuican Newspapers PHILOSOPHY, MENTAL AND MORAL . . . . . .,...."..'"." THEOLOGY. Including Ecclediastical Law, History and Literature ADDENDA Cyclopedias— England, Scotland Ireland, Egypt, France, Germany Russia, East and West Indies, Canada Canadian Pamphlets, Colonial History United States Political Biographies, Literature and Addresses Military, Political and Social Science Belles Lettres. Biography Law, Medicine Paqe 355 288 290 291 292 293 296 296 325 330 330 330 331 331 335 335 335 338 355 -356 357 358 359 359 365 366 367 INDEX OF AUTHORS INDEX OF SUBJECTS 459 1 * ■ u i: * M 5„ 'J^-* S-'t : - - w ' The Ohs,: The Ame Cell's Bran Blair John Richi OATALOaUE OF THB LIBRAEY OP THE PARLIAMENT OF N T A B I . CYCLOPEDIAS, DICTIONARIES, AND WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE. (encyclopaedias.) The Encyclopaedia Britannica. or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Edited by Thomas Spencer Baynes. Ninth edition. Vols. I to X 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875-79. Oh=mbers- OyolopsBdia. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. ^ The American Oyolopssdia. A Popular Diotlona,y of General Knowledge. Edited b, Geo. E,pley and Chas. A Dana. 16 vols. 8vo. New York, 1873. 1o7d. ' American Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events, 1872-75 8vo New York, 1861-1875. ' Cell's Popular Encyclopaedia. A Universal Dictionary of English Language, Science. Literature and Art. 2 vols. .^to. Philadelphia, 1871 Brande. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art, comprising the Definitions and Derivations of the Scientific Terms in general use, etc. New Edition, by ^.^. Brande and George W. Cox. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Blame. Dekbere P. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. New Edition. 8vo. London 1870. ' (dictionaries, ENGLISH.) Johnson Samuel. A^ Dictionary of the English Language, etc., with addition,, T?inl,o /^ ^'"1"", Second Edition. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1827. Richardson, Charles. A New Dictionary of the English Language, combining Jitymology, and Illustrated by Quotations. New Ediiion. 2 vok 4ta London, 1867. y^o" ■ ■ - ■ " IP : 'i m « J (dictionaries, ENGLISH— ) Worcester's Dictionary. Unabridged. 4to. London. (N.d.) " Webster. Noah. An American Dictionary of the English Language. Enlarged and improved; by C. A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. Illustrated with 3 000 Engravings. 4to. Springfield (Mass.), 1874 Stormonth. Jas. Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. as q^^l^p-^,;'^; Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. London, 1873. SOUle, Richard. A Dictionary of English Synonyms. 8vo. Boston, 1871 Roget. Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged Thirtieth Edition. 8vo. London, 1871. ' Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. New Edition. Enlarged and im- proved, by John L. Roget. 8vo. London, 1879. Wedgewood.Hensleigh. A Dictionary of EngUsh Etymology. With Introduction on the Origin of Language. Second Edition. 8vo. New York 1872 Smith, C. J Synonyms Discriminated. A complete Catalogue of Synonymous Word^ m the Enghsh Language. 8vo. London, 1871. Smith, C. J Synonyms and Antonyms, or Kindred Words and their Opposites 8vo London, 1876. Jamieson's Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language; to which is prefixed a. Dissertation on the Origin of the Scottish Language. New edition, revised, with the enhre supplement incorporated. By John Longmuir, and Davii Donaldson. Vol. 1. 4to. Paisley, 1819. (dictioxaeies of classicai, and modern languages ) Liddel. George Henry, and Scott. Robert. Greek-English Lexicon. Sixth Edition revised. 8vo. Oxford, 1869. *" Yonge. C. D An English-Greek Lexicon; Appendix of Proper Names and PUlon'^ Greek Synonyms. With an Essay on the Order of Words in Attic Greek Prose by Charles Short. Edited by Henry Drisler. 8vo. New York. 1870 White, John T., and Riddle, J. E. Latin-English Dictionary. Second Edition 8vo London, 1866. Smith, Waiiam A. A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography Mythology and Geography. 8vo. New York, 1875 ^ ^ J> Lempriere,J. Classical Dictionary. New Edition. By Wm. Park. 12mo. London 1858. ' Spiers and Surrenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Revised and Enlarged. By G. P. Quackenbos. 8vo. New York 1872 Lucas, Newton Ivory. Dictionary of English-German and German-English Language. Meadnwt^ ^^^^^r'"''"^^"°^"^''"^^^^ 8vo. Bremen, 1854. " Meadows Itahan-Enghsh and English-Italian Dictionary. By J. JadzowsLl. 8vo London. 1873. Meadows' Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary. 12mo. London 1869. (quotations, proverbs, literary extracts, etc) ^'^tJ^^^f^'^''"^- '-- "^-^ - ''-^- I-e... 8V0. Henderson^ Alfred.^ L.ti„ Proverb, .„d Quotations, with TransUtions, etc. Svo. Diction^ Of Quotations W the Greek, Latin and Modem Language.. Tenth Edition, with extensive Indei. 8vo. London 1872 Brewer. Cobhani,E DicMonaiy „, Ph™se and Fabi; giving *e Derivation, ete., „, Common Phraaes, AUnsions, etc Second Edition. 8vo. London. (ND> Rays amdbook of Proverbs, Eng,i* and Eo^ign. With a com;l Aip'l^L R»,«fftn'''"°''T^ *^'^''"''"^ By Henry O. Bohn. 8vo. London, 1372 Ha^tt.W.W. EngUsh Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. 8vo. London JM ""°'*°":;:?'?:rrr8t;"""^'^ ArrangedAlphabetiea,,. Withl^ Taylor, THeodo,^ no Golden Treasury o( Thought. Quotations from the best Aa- cient and Modem Authors. 8vo. London (ND) Davies. K Other Men's Minds. Seven Thou^nd Choice' B.t»cts on History, Science Philosophy, Religion, etc. Sel^ted from the Standard Antho«hip of AnZ and Modern Times. 8vo. London. (N.D) Pett«rew^Thos. Joseph. Chronicles of the Tombs. A Select Collection of Epitaph. With an Essay on Epitaphs. 8vo. London, 1873 '^■P't'ph.. ^^'"^Z^Un. °°-°°'™P'"'«°°''°'=P'«™"".->7«-lly arranged. 12m.. Epitaphs and Epigrams. Curious, Quaint and 12mo. London, 1869. (works op general information.) ""^"'"l^ndr- (Kd7'°" °* """^ "■'"'"''"« *» ^■"- °-'« °' ««-- 8vo. Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Information, comprising a Complete Summary of the Baird. Spence^l,^' A.,,,„l Record of Scie.ce and Industry. 1872 to 1878. 8vo. 6 '■'■'r iiil: 121 vols. With Index from 1758 to 1819. 12mo. London, 1870. By Benjamin Vincent. (works of general information— Con H»«°^. » Reference Book, trom 1767 to 1867. London, 1868. (gazetteers.) Lippinootf 8 Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, Containing . Notice and the,on of the Names of Nearly One Hundred Thousand Places, etc., T^ IT !?'!"" °' '"'- "'"■"■ ^PP'"''-. «""»-!■>« "'"'riy Ten Thousand New Notices and New Tables of Population, according to the Latest ThoZs T7L """^^ "'''' ^"^ ^°'"«° «°°"'"- Edited by J Thomas and T Baldwin. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878 Beeton's Dictionary of Geography. A Universal Gazetteer. Maps and lUu.- trations. 8vo. London, IS^^ Harper's Sta^stical Gazetteer of the World. Particularly describing the United States ttZ2,im '"^'^'^^ By J. C. Smith 8vo. Shenston ThomasM The Oxford Gazetteer. A Complete .History of the County of Gazetteer for ^h^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^P') «- HaJlton, 1852. ' Gazetteer for the Umted Counties of Northumberland and Durham. For 1865-6 ontammg a brief Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Counties, Townships,' etc. 8vo. Woodstock, 1866. ^ ' Post-office G^etteer of the Dominion of Canada. 1872. Compiled by Wm. White 8vo. Montreal^ 1872. j ^- wmre. Stetxstical, and Historical. A complete General Gazetteer of the World.' New Edition. 8vo. London, 1877, Lovell'sGazette^^^ ^^*^ ^ Table of Routes. 8vo. Mon- Index Geographicus. A List, alphabetically armnged, of the Principal Places on Longitudes. Compiled specially with reference to Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas, but applicable to all Modern Atlases. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18o4. (heraldry.) Haydn, Joseph The Boo;, of Dignities. Containing Rolls of the Official Personages of the Bntish Empire, etc. ; together with the Sovereigns of Europe. 8vo. Lon- don. 1851. ^ Dod's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1867. Also for 1872. Lodge's Peerage and Baronetage for 1873. 8vo. London, 1873. t d (HERALDRY — continued. ) Burke, Sir Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. Twenty-ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1867 Burke, Sir Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1871. Walford, Edward. County Families of Great Britain, or Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland. Twelfth publication. Svo London, lo72. Lower. Mark Antony. Patronymica Britannica. A Dictionary of Jthe Family Names of thejUnited Kingdom. Svo. London, 1860. Fairbairn, James. Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland. Revised by Lawrence Butters. Edited by Joseph Maclarer. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, Burke. Sir Bernard. The General Armoury of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the EarUest to the Present Time. Svo. London, 1878. Burke, John, and Burke, John Bernard. Encyclopedia of Heraldry, or General Ar- moury of England, Scotland and Ireland. Third Edition. Svo. London Debrett S Baronetage and Knightage. For 1879. ' Debrett's House of Oommons and the Judicial Bench. For 1879. Debrett's Peerage and Titles of Courtesy. For 1879. Yonge, Isabella. History of Christian Names. 2 vols.' Svo. London 1863 BouteU, Charles. English Heraldry. Illustrated. Third Edition, 'svo. London, Bardsley, Chas. W. Our Eaglish Surnames-their Sources and Significations. 8vo London, 1873. Salverte, E. History of the Fames of Men, Nations, and Places. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1862. Selden. John. Titles of Honour. Third Edition. Portrait of Selden. 4to. London io7«. ' (almanacs and year books.) Canadian Almanac. From 1866 to 1870. Bound in one vol. Svo. Toronto 1870 Also for 1871-lSSO. . «v/. "Tribune" Almanac. From the year 1838 to 1874. inclusive, comprehending the Pohticians Register and Whig Almanac, containing Annual Election Returns Lists of Presidents, Cabinets, etc. 3 vols. Svo. New York, 1838-78. Spofford's American Almanac. For 1879-1880. Oliver and Boyd's New Edinburgh Almanac. For 1879. Martin. F. The Statesman's Year Book for 1867 to 1880. Svo. London. 1880. ------ -S*na«a. 1867-1879. Svo. Montreal, 1866. Ottawa. 1879 American Year Book. For 1869. Edited by D. W. Camp. Vohl. Svo Hart- ford, 1869. 9 (almanacs and year books — continued.) Presbsrterian Year Book. For Canada and Newfoundland. For 1879. Etited by Rev. J as. Cameron. Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris. 1880. Published by order of the Lords of the Admiralty. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 1 880. Whitaker's Almanac. For 1880. Mason, James. The Year Book of Facts, in Science and the Useful Arts. For 1879. 8vo. London, 1879. Ham's Year Book. 1880. A Book of General Reference, etc Svo. London. 1880. (interest tables, etc.) Browne, W. A The Merchants' Hand-book of Money, Weights, and Measures, with their British Equivalents. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1879. Orton and Sadler's Business Calculator and Accountant's Assistant. Improved In- terest Tables, etc. 12mo. Baltimore, 1877. Clarke, F. W. Weights, Measures and Money of all Netions. 8vo. New York, 1876 Sansom, Oliver B. Tables in Dollars and Cents, showing the Interest at 6 and 7 per cent, on any sum from one dollar to ten thousand, etc. Also, Exchange on Lon- don, in series, from 6 to 16 per cent, advance, etc. Fifth Edition. Svo. Mon- treal, 1872. Matte, Napoleon. Interest Tables at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 per cent, per annum. Giving the interest from $1 to #100,000 ; from 1 to 368 dpys. Third Edition. Folio Quebec, 1875. ■Government Salary Tables, adopted by the Controlling Officers of the Treasury Department, for use in the payment of persons in Civil Employment, who receive Annual or Quarterly Salaries. Compiled by David S. Green. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1872. ** Sangster, John H. National Arithmetic, for the use of Canadian Schools. Svo Montreal, 1871. (census returns, etc.) Ninth Census Of the United States, 1870. 3 vols. 4to. Washington, 1872. Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics. " 2. Vital Statistics. " 3. Industry and Wealth. Compendium of the Ninth Census of the United States. Compiled under Resolution of Congress. By F. A Walker, Superintendent of Census. 8vo Wa.shington, 1872. English Census of 1871, Digest of. By James Lewis. Svo. London, 1873. Census of Newfoundland and Labrador. 4to. St. John's, 1876 Census of the State of New York : 1875. 4to. City of Toronto. By-Laws of. From the Incorporation of the City, in 1834 to the year 1869, inclusive-in force, effete, or repealed. With the Names' of the Members of vhe Municipal Council, and Principal Civic Officials. Svo. Toronto. Io70, ' ^'' 10 (CENBU8 RETURNS, Ktc— continued.) Olty Of Toronto. Byl.,. „, fta<,ical Utility and General Applioation. Collected. from the large volume of By-Laws. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. ^^Ij""??* "^'''' ^"""^ I"»'"«"i»n» for H. M. ConBular Offloer.. 8vo. OivU Service Oommtesion. Table of R„Ie, and Eegulation. respecting Examim. n„, ■ , °^ 1° """"' °"" ^'"''^ "■' ^^y' -"o- P'^PW't- London 1878 Oolorual Office list For 1878. Comprising Historical and Statistical ll ma L rcspecong tto Colomal Dependencies of Great Britain, etc., etc. By Edward Fairfield. Maps. Svo. London, 1878 Chambers. Geo. F A Hand-book for Public Meetings; Hints as to the Duties of Chair- ™n. Secretaries, etc.; Rules of Debate, etc. 8vo. London, 1878 Oampeau, P. R. E. illustrated Guide to the House of Commons and Senate of Canada. Pf^l « °™""""'K ^°'»™''' Biographical Sketches, etc Svo. Ottawa, 1879. Olvd Service Oonumsslon (England). Tables showing the Limits of Age and Sub- CiL ^f """"'r' f^"^ l"' *« Prions Departments of the Home Civil The RiiitT' ?» "^' '" """ ^°™' "' ^"'"^ *• 8™- London, I87" The Rules, Forms „f Procedure, Public Statutes, etc., ..lating to the Presb^erian Ohurch m Canada. Svo. Toronto 1879 nT^t F^T'^^K '^: I"-"">™»"imber Mark Guide. Svo. Montreal, 1874. Hertslet Edward -Oie Pomgn OfiSce List, fermbg a complete British Diplomatic and Consular Hand-book, with Maps. 8vo. London, 1872. Robmson, Wm. and Birch, A N. The Colonid OfHce List, for 1872, comprising Historical and Statistical Information respecting the Colonial Dependencies of trreat Britain. Svo. London, 1872. List Of Post-Offlces in the United Kingdorn'of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo Washington, 1872. Classified Index of Subjects of Invention, adopted in the United States Patent Office. March 1st, 1872. Svo. Washington, 1872. Pmger Post to Public Business. Containing the Mode of Forming and Conduct- ing Societies, Clubs, etc. Svo. New York. (N D ) Patents. Decisions of the U. S. Commissioner of. For'the Years 1869 and 1S70 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1869-'70. (directories.) Quebec Directory. 1877-8. Ottawa Directory. 1877-8. Hamilton Directory. Appleton's Dlustrated Hand-book of American Winter Resorts; for Tourists and Invalids. Maps. Svo. New York, 1877 Rowells^erican Newspaper Directory. For the United States, Canada and Newfoundland. 8vo. New York, 1879. The Clerical Guide and Churchman's Directory for 1877. Edited by C. V Forster Bhss. Svo. Ottawa, 1877. 11 (DiRKcrroRiES — continued.) Lippincotf 8 General Guide Book to the United States and Canada, etc. lUus. trated. 12ino. Philadelphia, 1876. Appleton's lUustrated Hand-book of American Cities; comprising the United States and Canada. Illustrated. 8vo. New York 1876 Marling Alexander. The Canada Educational Directory' and Year Book for 1876 ovo. Toronto, 1876. United States Business Directory for 18/6. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876. Appleton S^IUustr^ed Hand-book of American Cities, including Canadian. 8vo. City of Toronto, and County of York Directory. l850-'5l-'80 loronto Directory. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. London and Middlesex Directory. 8vo. London, l874-'80 Lovell's Province of Ontario Directory. For 1871. 8vo. ' Montreal. 1871. Thorn S Dublin Directory and Calendar, for 1872. With a new Map of the City and Its Environs. 8vo. Dublin, 1872. Thorn's Irish Almanac and Official Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britaia and Ireland, for the year 1872. Comprising British, Foreign and Colonial Directories, etc., etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1872. Dominion Directory. Corrected to January, 1871. 8vo. Montreal, 1871 Osgood's Maritime Provinces. A Hand-book for Travellers. Maps and Plans 12mo. Boston, 1875. (railroads.) American Raih-oad Manual of the United States and the Dominion. (Maps.) Vol 1. 8vo. New York, 1873. Vol.2. Containing full particulars of the Mileage,' Capital Stock, Bonded Debte, etc., of E^ilroads. Also, an Epitome of the Charter under which each Koad was originally constructed, etc. (Maps.) Com- piled and Edited by Edward Vernon. 8vo. New York, 1874 Poor, Henry V. Manual of the Eailroads of the United State! (and Canada). For 1879. Appendix containing Analysis of the Debts of the United States, and of the Several States. 8vo. New York, 1879. (maps.) Map of Manitoba. From the Official Surveys. New RaUway and Postal Map of Province of Quebec 1875. Map of Eastern Townships. Province of Quebec. From Geological Surveys,. 1875. (army and navy manuals.) Hart, Colonel H. G. The New Army List. Militia List, and Indian Civil Service List. 8vo. London, 1872. Trimen, Richard. The E «ents of the British Army, chronologically arranged. 8vo. Lonaon, 1878. -», m I 3, .1 19 (ARMY AND NAVY MANUAM, KtO. -continued.) Navy List. Corrected to 20th June, 1872. 8vo. London, 1872 Queens Navy Regulations, and the Admiralty Instructions forth. Government of Her Majesty's Naval Service. 8vo. London. 1862. (liqhtiioubes.) TJnited States. Canadian and European Lighthouses, 1873 - 1. List of Lights of North and South America, East and West Coasts, including ^ntish North America, etc. Corrected to January, 1873. By Lieutenant Commander F. McCurley, U. S. N. 4to. Washington, 1873. 2. List of Lights on the Northern Lake and River Coasts of the United States, and also of the Canadian Lights, on the Northern Shores of those Waters Cor- rected to January, 1873. 4to. Washington, 1873. 3. List of Lighthouses, Lighted Beacons and Floating Lights, on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coasts of the United States. Corrected to January, 1873. 4to Washington, 1873. 4. List of Lights of the Atlantic Coast of Europe: The North, Baltic and White Seas, etc. Corrected to January, 1873. By Lieutenant-Commander F McCurley, U. S. N. 4to. Washington, 1873. 6. List of Lights of the West Coast of Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea, etc. Cor- rected to January, 1873. By Lieutenant-Commander F. McCurley, U. S. N. 4to. Washington, 1873. Steam Vessels, Inspection of. Laws, Rules and Regulations relating to. Svo. Wash- mgton, 1873. Lighthouse Board of the U. S., Report of. 8vo. Washington, 1873. Ports of the United States, Alphabetical List of. Pamphlet. Washington, List of Lights. America, Africa, and Europe. Corrected to January, 1876, at U S Hydrographic Office. 8vo. Washington, 1875. (catalogues AND REP0BT8.) Catalogue ofthe Library Of Parliament. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of the Federal Parhament. Being an Index to Classified Catalogues printed in 1851, 1858, and 1864, and the Books and Pamphlets since added to the Library, up to 1st October, 1867. Svo Ottawa, 1867. English Catalogue. 1863, 1866. British Catalogue. Alphabet of Subjects, 1837-1857. Indexto the «« British" Catalogue of Books, published during the years ld37 to 1857 inclusive. Compiled by Sampson Low. 8vo. London, 1858. The English Catalogue of Books. Comprising the contents of the " London, " and the "British" Catalogues, and tho Principal Works published in the United States and Europe, etc. Vol. IL January, 1863, to January, 1872. CompUed by Sampson Low. Svo. London, 1873. It (catalogues and reports — continued,) The English Catalogue of Books. publiRhod from January, 1835, to January 1863 Comprising the contents of the "London" ami the "British" Catalognti., and the Pnncipal Works published in the United States and Europe, etc. Compiled by Sampson Low. 8vo. London, 1864. Kelly. James. American Catalogue of Books. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1866-1871 Vol. I., from 1861 to 1866. Vol. IL, from 1866 to 1871. Tennessee. Catalogue of the General and Law Library of. 8vo. Nashville 1871 Catalogue of the New York State Library. 1855. General LibraU. Svo Albany, 1856. ^ Catalogue of the New York State Library. Law Library. 8vo. Albany 1856 Catalogue of the New York State Library. 1861. General Library ' First Supplement. L Titles ; IL Index of Subjects. Svo. Albany 1861 Catalogue of the New York State Library. Law Library, rlrst Supplement Svo. Albany, 1865. Catalogiie of the New York State Libraiy. 1872. Subject-Index of the General Library. Svo. Albany, 1872. Fifty-Ninth Annual Report of the Trustees of the New York State Library For the year 1876. (Pamph.) Sixtieth Annual Report of the Trustees of the New York State Library For the year 1877. (Pamph.) Sixty-First Annual Report of the Trustees of the New York State Library For 1878. Svo. Albany, 1879. Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the New York state Museum of Natural History : by the Regents of the University of the State. For 1874 (Pamph ) Twenty-Eighth. Thirtieth, and Thirty-First Annual Reports of the New York state Museum of Natural History: by the Regents of the University. New York. Svo. Albany, 1879. Twenty-Ninth Annual Report on the New York state Museum of Natural History • by the Regents of the University of the State. For 1876 (Pamph) University of the State of N. York: 87th Annual Report of the Regents of. Svo. Albany, 1874. * University of the State of New York : 89th Regents' Report. 1876 University of the State of New York : 90th Regents' Report. 1877 " University of the State of New York : 9lst Regents' Report. 1878-79 Catalogue of the Ohio State Library. 1875. Compiled by William Holden. '(General Library.) Svo. Columbus, 1875. Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U. S Army Washington, 1873-1874. ' • • j'. United States Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Official Catalogue of Philadelphia. 1876. s ■ 3 vols. Svo. 8vo. i .'& I? i 14 "if (OATALOaUES AND REPORTS— CO»i/»nt<«riiam and Welsh, Thos^ Registry Oases, comprising all the Published Mid many of the Unnnb Wm, John Shiress. Practice of the Referees' Courts i„ Parliament in regard to E„„- neering Details, etc., and on Claims to Compensatioa 8v„, J^Tn ^^ \ r . °"'' "' P-liamentary Law. Also the Rules of C^^!^; Wi^. ae Constitution of the United States, the Amendments thereTand T^r Histoo'. Second Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869 ' Wolferstan, F S P., and Dew, E. L Reports of the D;cisions of Election Com mittees during the Seventeenth Parliament of the United Kingdor To^T 12mo. London, 1859. * ^°^- ^- "^"""""Twu \':' 1^™*°''*' '■ ^- ^^-"^ °' ^'«*« Committees durin. WoIfersLfn lTp'"*^ '"'"'' ''"'^°"- '^-- ^"-. -* - -laion rtr: °'''''' SS" '°'^ °' ''"""^ "' *' ^''O™' «=- '' *e Trial of the Vol. 4. 1869-70. Contenlt.— Sligo County Eaeotion. Copiea of Correspondence with the Iriah Oovem^nent con, of the uae of Military and Police in the County of Sli^o p" "oust" he late e.ect,on for that County ; and of applications I the aid of M Ly and Police ,n Collecting or Escorting Vetera, etc ^ Pet"°- °°'" "' ""'""'^^-^ *= '^""-^ ""- ^' '■■« Trial of th. Electioi^-Parliamentary and Munioipaa. Report fron, the Select oo„„ittee Br^ol" FW°"°° Oommission, Copy of Report to Mr. AttomeyOeneral BriS^l Election. Copy of the Shorthand Writer^s Notes of the judgment die,«, by Mr. Baron BraMwell, and of the judgment on Special ie in the Courtof ofTBri::rEir pir" '^'-'^-^ '-^ ^-- — --■ Beverley Election Commissioners. Copy of Letter from Mr. T j Barstowto the AttorneyOeneral, relative to the Beveriey Bribery Inquiry. V 20 SESSIONAL PAPERS-IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT: (SELECTED.) STOCKDALE wrsMs HANSARD. 1837-39. Contents:— Report of the Select. Committee appointed "to examine Precedents with respect to the Circulation and Publication of Reports and Papers, printed by order of this House and to ascertain the Law and Practice of Parliament prior to and since the order for the Sale of such Papers," and who were empowered to report their Proceedings and opinions from time to time to the House j and to whom the reWd ^^'"'' ^^"'^''^ ''''^ ^""^^ ^' ^^"'""'^ (presented 6th February) was Appendix to the Report. Orders and Proceedings of the two Houses of Parliament relating to the Publication of Parliamentary Reports and Papers; and Review of the Legal Authorities upon the Jurisdiction of Parliament on Matters of x^rivilege. Minutes of Evidence. Appendix to the Minutes of Evidence. Copy of the Record in the case of Stockdale V. Hansard Second Report from Select Committee on Printed Papers, (Stockdale .. Hansard); with the Minutes of Proceedings. '^it^T'^lT ^"^""' ^'""^**" °" ^™*^^ ^"P^'-^' ^^"^'^^-^^ -• Hansard). Hansards Petition. -Minutes of Evidence taken at the Bar of the House of Com- SrsaTd *^' '"''"'' ''^' ^""^ "'' *^' consideration of the Petition of, Messrs. Report on Publication of Printed Papers.-First Report from Select Committee on the Publication of Printed Papers, by order of the House of Commons; with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix Stockdale . Hansard.-Copy of the Shorthand Writer's Notes of the Proceedings IndP. to tl. I'T r ^''t'''' " ''"''''^- ^'" *^" ^^"^^ '' Q--'« Bench.) index to the Stockdale v. Hansard case. HOWARD wrsMs GOSSET. 1845. Contents:— Assault and Imprisonment. Copy of Shorthand Writer's Notes of the Arguments and Judgment in the Case of Howard and Gosset. Speaker's Warrant for Apprehension of Thomas Burton Howard Pksf tl^lTr^^t t: ""Z '' ''''"''' "^' ^^^^^^' ^^ *^« ^°-* ^' Q--'« Bench. First Report from the Select Connuittee on Proceedings in the Action of Howard V. Gosset. Howard v«-su, Gosset. Second Report from tl,e Select Committee on Printed Paner», together with the Appendix. • ^ ' OFFICE OF SPEAKER. 1853-55. Contents:— Office Of Speaker during his Unavoidable Absence. Report from the Select Committee on Office of Speaker; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. 21 (office of avjsAKKR— continued.) Report ^f^«^™ *^«^Sel^«' Committee on the Office of Speaker; ^.ith the Proceedings of ELECTIONS, Report from the Select CoMmitte, on Parliamentary and Munieipal Election,, with P, of Committee. Evidence, Appendix and Index. 1869. Polio Also Keport from same Committee, 1870. Folio. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 1857-1872. Contents — Pees Paid by Members. Return of the amount of the several Fees demanded from a Member on takmg his Seat in the House of Commons at a General Election, and when Returned upon a new Writ upon a Vacancy Oha.lton's^E. L (M P.). Oommitment to the Fleet. Report from the Com- Tnd M °' f Tf ^*"^' ''J""'^ -- -^-«d the Letters from the Lord Chancellor n.r.^ r i S ' "^*^ *^' '''^"*^^ '^ ^^^d^'^^^ *-ken before them, Sdel^'^^r^/r^*' ^^^^^^^^ °^ *^« House. Report from the Select Committee of the best means of Registrar of Hackney Carriages, (Office of Profit under the Crown). A copy of , ""y Appointments to the office of Registrar of Hacknpy Carriage etc ^d E.W of Letters from D, W. Harvey, Es^ to H'M.rPrincipa. ^^O^Z "°"^ I>«~.reUtive to Office of.Eegistra:of ''^""^.rr f; th^ ^ "" ^'"' ""- - -• -' -- - Compulsory Evidence. Report from Select Committee appointed to search the J oumals for Precedents. standing Orders of the House of Commons. 1686-1846. Appointment of Oommittees, Duties of Committees. The Orders Regulating the P.actice of t- 7t !, S*" ^"""""« °''""' ^^""'™ '" P*'- Matters, Presen- tation of Public Petitions. Promulgation of Statutes. Wv™"' '""■' ^"*''--""'8- Keport from the Select Committee of . SligO Election. Report from the Select Committee on Privileges, (Sligo Election), ^ '°8''"«»-"'l'tl"> Minutes of Evidence taken before them Busmess of the House. Return of the Number of Motions which have been made in the House before the Orders of the Day and Notices have been disposed of, or in any Committee of the whole House, in the Sessions 1849-50, and 1851 elm tt r *^''""°" ""' '^ ■"■■• "f*"''^- ""» ''y "-e Chairman of thTHlur' " ""^"^ °' ""' ^'^"'-^'''^^ ™'=» Assumption Bill through "^'"^Ordc-^^Tb'^n"' ^'f r** ""^^ """ "-^^ '" *« House before the Tf r:H H °' ""^ *; y-'' "™ ''°^'' "''?-«• 0'. - - -y Committee ot the whole House, in the Sessions 1849-50-61-52-63. I h P-.r I i 22 (business op the house— conh'nwrf.) Report from the Select Committee on the Business of the House; together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence Return of the Number of Motions which have been made in" the House before the Orders of the Day and Notices have been disposed of, or in r,ny Committee of the ^vhole House, in Session 1854; with a Synoptical Summary for last six Sessions. Return of the Number of Motions which have been made in the House before the Or- ders of the Day and Notices have been disposed of, or in any Committee of the whole House, in Session 1856 ; with a Tabular Summary of Motions for the last eight Sessions. Parliamentary Proceedings for use of Members. Keport from the Select Committee on Parliamentary Proceedings ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix Court of Referees on Private Bills. Report from the Select Committee on Re- ferees on Private Bills; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, and Minutes of Evidence. Index to the Report from the Select Committee on Referees on Private Bills Members Holding Contracts. Report from the Select Committee on Members Holding Contracts, (Sir Sydney Waterlow) ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, and Minutes of Evidence. Despatch of Business in Parliament. Report from the Joint Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, on the Despatch of Business in Parliament ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Salary, Pay, Pension, etc.. Members House of Commons. Return showing the Names of all present Members of the House of Commons who are in receipt of Public Money, whether in form of Salary, Pay, Pension, or Allowance of any kind; showing, also, the Names of the Constituencies for which they sit the amounts they receive, and the Name of the Office or Nature of the Service for which the money is paid. COMMITTEES OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT : REPORTS OP. Report on Contract Packet Service : 1849. Reports on Contracts for Public Departments : 1856, 1857, 1858. Report on Contracts for Public Departments : 1867. ' Second Report on Contracts for PubUc Departments : 1858 Third, Fourth and Fifth Reports on Contracts for Public Departments Report on Packet and Telegraphic Oontractg : 1 «59. First Report on Packet and Telegraphic Contracts : 1860. Second Report on Packet and Telegraphic Contracts : i860. 23 ler with the FINANCE. 1853-55. Reports on Finance, Official Salaries, 1850. Report .from the Select Committee on Official Salaries; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. Army and Ordnance Expenditure. Report from the Select Committee on Army and Ordnance Expenditure ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. STANDING ORDERS. Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons, relative to Private Bills. With Appen- dix containing Tables of Fees charged at the House of Commons. Standing Orders of Commons relative to Public Matters, etc., etc. 8vo. London, 1877 SESSIONAL PAPERS, IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, 1873. Bills Public. Vols 1—7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES. 7. Public Accounts. Civil Services. Expenditure. 8. Boundaries of Parishes, etc. Endowed Schools' Act (1869) 9. OaJlan Schools. Cape, etc., Mails. Contracts. Tribunals of Commerce. 10. Cole. Noxious Businesses. 11. Oivil Service Writers. Contagious Diseases, (Animals). 12. East India Finance. 13. Game Laws. Wild Birds' Protection. U. Horses. Regulation of Railways Bill. 15. Imprisonment for Debt. Juries, (Ireland). 16. Improvement of Land. Locomotives on Roads. Poor Rates Assessment. " 17. Pubhc Departments. (Purchases, etc.) Tithe Commutation Acts Amendment, etc. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS. 18. Army. Militia. Naval Accounts. Patriotic Fund 19. Alkali Act. Factories. Mines. Fisheries. 20. Births, etc., England, Scotland and Ireland. 21. Caledonian Canal to Woods, Forests, etc. 22. Civil Service, (Ireland). Friendly and Building Societies (Ireland). 23. Ecclesiastical Church Estates. 24. Education. 25. Education, (Ireland). 26. Queen's Colleges, and University, (Ireland). Meteorology. terinary Depai'tment. Emigration. Labourers' Dwellings, Patents. Ve- M (reports from commissioners — continued.) 27. Endowed Schools and Hospitals, (Scotland). 28. National Gallery, etc. 29. Local Government Board. Poor Relief, (Scotland). 30. Lunacy— England, Ireland and Scotland. 31. Police. Reformatory and Industrial Schools. 32. Prisons, (Great Britain). 33. Prisons— (Ireland and Scotland.) Military Prisons. 34. Convict Prisons. Dublin Hospitals. 35. Public Records. Historical Manuscripts. 36. Rivers Pollution. Unseaworthy Ships. 37. Universities— Oxford and Cambridge. 38. Water Supply. Weights and Measures. Metric Commission. 40, 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. SI. 62. 53. 64. 55. 56. 57. 68. 59. 60. isi. 62. 63. €4. 65. 66. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS. Army Estimates. Army — Manufacturing and Medical Departments. Navy Estimates. Navy. Manufactures, etc. Navy. Shipbuilding, etc. Victualling Accounts. Navy. Shipbuilding, etc. Navy. Health. Estimates, Civil Services, etc. Colonies and British Possessions. Colonies and British Possessions. Colonies and British Possessions. East India. Charities. Endowed Schools. Ecclesiastical Education. Science and Art. House. Elections. Miscellaneous. Law and Crime. Life Assurance. Lunacy. Police Prisons. Local Government. Local Taxation. Metropolis. Railways. Tramways. Railway Disasters, (Foreign Countries) Pilotage. Shipping. Wrecks and Casualties. Trade. Slave Trade.' Trade and Navigation Accounts. Trade, Navigation, and Shipping. >^v i I i 1 1 Xjxau. £iiv^\jTija, Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports. Highways. Turnpikes. Harbour«. S5 (accounts and papers — continued.) 67. British Trade Abroad. 68. Textile Fabrics Abroad. 69. Statistical Tables. 70. Judicial Statistics. 71. Population England and Wales. Ages, Civil Condition, Occupation, etc., 1871. Population England and Wales. General Report for 1871. 72. Population of Ireland— Province of Munster, 1871. Vital Statistics, 1871 73. Population Scotland, 1871. 74. State Papers. United States of America. 75. State Papers. Acheen to Russia. 76. Numerical List and Index. SESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, 1877, Votes and Proceedings. Supplement to Votes and Proceedings. Notices of Motions. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Divisions. Reports on Public Petitions. Appendix on Public Petitions. Private Business. Public Bills. Vols. 1—7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES. 8. Accounts Public. Ancient Monuments. Army: (Royal Artillery and Engi- neers: Arrears of Pay). Canal Boats. Carriers' Act. Companies' Acts. 1862 and 1867. 9. Cattle Plague, and Importation of Live Stock. •0. Uochrane's, (Lord,) Petition. Conservancy Boards. County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Bill Ecclesiastical Offices and Fees Bill. Employers' Liability. 11. Intemperance. For Injuries to their Servants. 12. Irish Land Act, 1870. Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms, (House of Commons) • Local Government and Taxation of Towns, (Ireland). ' 13. Lunacy Law. 14. Metropolis Toll Bridges Bill. Metropolitan Fire Brigade. New Forest BUI 16. Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, (Hours of Polling). Parliamentaiy and Municipal Registration Bill. Police Superannuation Funds. Public Health (Ireland) Bill. Public Offices and Buildings, (Metropolis). Soldiers, Sailors' and Marines, (Civil Employment), * 16. Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday, (Ireland) Bill. Tramways. (Tim of Mechanical Power). ^ ir. Thames Floods Prevention. Thames River, (Prevention of Floods) Bill Turn- pike Acts, Continuance. 26 18 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Recruiting. Patriotic Fund. 28 ^H ^H ^B f- ^H iiP; 35. 1' 36. 37. ^H ^H Jj ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H 48. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS. . Army. Boys' Enlistment. Militia. . Navy. (Boilers). Navy. (Boilers). Navy- (Engineers): Navy, (Royal Marines); Naval Cadets' College Site; Royal Naval College, (Greenwich). ' Navy. (Storekeeping Arrangements). Factories. Mines. Fisheries. Explosives. Births, Deaths and Marriages. Caledonian Oanal. Charity, charitable Donations, etc. (Ireland). Christ's Hospital. Church Estates; Church Temporalities, (Ireland). Copyhold Customs. Ecclesiastical. Epping Forest. Inclosure, Legal Business. Loan Fund Board of Ireland. Mint. New Forest. Post Office. Public Works Loan Board. Public Works, (Ireland). Railways. Tithes. Veterinary Department. Vivisection. War Office, (Sanitary State). Woods, Forests, etc. \ j / . Civil Service. . Education : England and Wales. ( • Education : England and Wales. . Education : (Ireland) : Queen's Colleges and Universities. • Education: (Scotland). Education : (Science and Art). National Gallery. National Portrait Gallery Mllrres""^' ^^*'"*'" ^°^''^ Observatory, (Edinburgh). Weights and Philadelphia. International Exhibition, 1876. Philadelphia. International Exhibition, 1876. Philadelphia. International Exhibition, 1876. Local Government Board. Poor Laws, (United States). Local Government Board, (Ireland). Poor Relief, (Scotland). Local Government and Taxation of Towns, (Ireland). Local Government and Taxation of Towns, (Ireland). Lunacy : England, Ireland and Scotland. Police. Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Prisons : Great Britain. Prisons : Ireland and Scotland. Military Prisons. Dublin Hospitals. Convict Prisons. PubUc Records. Report of the Directors of Convict Prisons. Railway Accidents. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS. 49. Finance. 60. Army Estimates. Army, Militia and Volunteers. 51. 52. 53. 54. 65. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. (accounts and papkhb- -continued.) Army. Manufacturing Establishments. Medical Department. Navy. Estimates, etc. . Navy. Manufactures and Victualling. . Navy. Shipbuilding, etc. . ravy. Health. Arctic Expedition. Estimates. Civil Service, etc. Estimates. Civil Service, etc. Colonies and British Possessions. Colonies ana British Possessions. Colonies an(, British Possessions. East India. East India. East India. East India. Charities : Ecclesiastical. Education, Science and Art. House ; Elections ; Miscellaneous. Law and Crime. Lunacy, Police, Prisons. Local Government, Local Taxation, etc. Local Government, Local Taxation, etc. Railway Accidents. Railways, Tramways, Highways, Turnpikes, Harbours, etc. Shipping. Pilotage. Wrecks and Casualties. Trade tc. Industrial and Provident Societies ; Friendly Societies ; Trades Unions. Life Assurance Companies. Slave Trade. Trade and Navigation Accounts. Trade, Navigation and Shipping, (United Kingdom and East India) Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports. Statistical Tables. Judicial Statistics. Population, (Ireland). State Papers : America, Austria, China, etc. State Papers : Roumania, Russia, Servia, Spain. Stiite Papers ; Turkey. State Papers : Turkey, state Papers : Turkey. Numerical List and Index. ;W- 28 SESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, 1878. Public Bills. Vols. 1—9. B3P0RT8 FROM C0MMITTEE8. 10. Accounts Public. Amy, etc. Mutiny Acts. Indian Native Troops. S^"^"".^- ^''''^^SionH Diseases. County Courts. Ecclesiastical Buildings. 12. East Inuia, (Public Works.) 13. Freshwater Pish Protection. Gold and Silver. Clare County Writ. Parlia- mentary, etc.. Elections. Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Bill. 14. Intemperance. 15. Irish Land Act, 1870. Land Titles and Transfer. 16. Local Government and Taxation of Towns, (Ireland). Lunacy Law Water Bill. Building Acts Bill. 17. Parliamentary Reporting. Poor Law Guardians. 18. Public Business. Health Act. Public Petitions. Tramways. Turnpike Acts. Weights and Measures. 19, 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 37. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS. , Army Examinations. Army Pay Accountants. Recruiting. Royal Military Academy, etc. London Stock Exchange. Factories. Mines. PisheriijS. Explosives. Births. Deaths. Marriages. PubUc Works, (Ireland). Collection of Rates. Local Government and Taxation. (Ireland). ' Caledonian Oanal. Charity. Donations, etc. Church Estates and Temporalities ^.opyright. Customs. Ecclesiastical. Extradition. High Court of Justice. Judicature Acts. Inclosure. Loan Fund PubUo Works. Loan Board. Railways. Veterinary. Woods, Forests, etc. Grocers' Licenses, (Scotland). Inland Revenue. Civil Service. Education, (England and Wales). Education, (Ireland). Education, (Scotland). Education, (Scotland). Universities of Scotland. Universities of Scotland. Universities of Scotland. Universities of Scotland. Science and Art. National Portrait Gallery. Weights and Measures. i-iocal Government Board. Local Government Board. 29 (reports from conitiasioifKna— continued.) 38. Local Government Board. (In.Iand). Poor Relief, etc., (Scotlaiicl) 39. Lunacy, England, Ireland and Scotland. 40. Police, England, and Scotland. Dublin Hospitala. 41. Prisons, (Groat Britain). 42. Prisons England. Ireland and Scotland. Reformatory and Industrial Schools. 43. Convict Prisons. 44. Noxious Vapours. ' 45. Public Records, (England and Ireland). ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS. ^'°Trlf 1 ^''''°'' ^"' ^°'"'' ^'^^"^ I"''''^^- Savings Banks. Woods, Army Estimates. Army. Militia. Volunteers. Army, (Manufacturing Establishments), and Medical Department Navy Estimates, etc. Navy Accounts, etc. Navy Accoxmts, Shipbuilding, etc. Navy. (Health). Arctic Expedition. Estimates, (Civil Services and Revenue Departments). Civil Services, etc. Colonies and British Possessions. Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Ontario, etc. Colonies and British Possessions. South Africa. Victoria East India. East India. East India. Famine. Sanitary Measures. Charities. Ecclesiastical. Education. Science and Art. House. Elections. Miscellaneous. Members of Parliament. Law and Crime. Lunacy. Police. Prisons. Local Government. Local Taxation, etc. Local Government. Local Taxation, etc. Metropolis. RaUways, etc. Tramways. Highways. Turnpikes, etc. Shipping. Harbours. Pilotage. Slave Trade. Trade, etc. Trade, etc. Friendly Societies. Industrial and Provident Societies, and Trade Unions. Trade and Navigation Accounts. Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports. Commercial Reports, v/ommer cial Reports- Commercial Reports. Statistical Tables United Kingdom, etc. Agriculture, Emigration, etc. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 61. 52. 53. 64. 55. 66. 67. 68. 69. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 72. 73. 74. 7R 76. 77. 30 (ACCOUNTS AND ¥\PER8~C0ntinued.) 78. StatiFtical Tables, (Colonies). 11 Stat pif ^*''*i'' '' ^'''^"'' '^^^"' ^^^ ^^^*^-^- ^-^— - Ireland. 80. State Papers. America. (United Stetes of). Prance, Greece, etc. 01. btate Papers. Turkey. 82. state Papers. Turkey. 83. State Papers. Turkey. 84. Parliamentary Papers, 1878. Numerical List and Alphabetical Index. 1. Notices of Motions and Orders of the Day 1878 2. Notices of Motions and Orders of the Day,' 1878 3. Notices of Motions and Orders of the Day 1878 JOURNALS OF HOUSE OF LORDS. JoumaJs of the House Of Lords. From 1509 to 1878. 110 vols. Folio. JOURNALS OF HOUSE OF COMMONS. JoumaJs^Of the House Of Commons. From 1647 to 1877. With Indices. 132 DEBATES OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT The Senator; or Clarendon Parliamentary Chronicle. A weekly register of the Debates of the Lords and Commons. From Nov. 1790, to June, 1795. Portraits. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1790-1795. ^'''°' Fol^^'^'^'^^''*" ^""^ '''' '''"""^' ''''' '' ^^*^ '""'y^ ''''■ 36 vols. Mirror of Parliament. (Second Series.) From Nov. 15, 1837-8, to Oct. 7, 1841 24 vols. Folio. Hansard's Parliamentary History .f England. From 1066 to 1803. 36 vols 8vo. London, 1806 to 1820. ^'"'Is'ofrJ^r",';*'^ °"'**''- <''-'S--) A C„ntia„.ti„n. Frcn 1803 to 1820. 41 vols. Hansard's ParHamentary Debates. (Second Series.) From 1820 to 1830 25 "ols. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. (Third Series.) From 1830 to Aug. 7 1879 249 vols. Indices. ' 31 CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. Bacon, Nathaniel. An HUWcal and Political Di,o<,„r.e of the Lawsand Government of England; from he First Time, to the end of the Eeign of Elizabeth W th a Vmdioafon of the Antient Way of Parliaments in England OolleL f son^eMSS. Notes of John Selden. Fifth Edition. 4t^. London" ^ Bagehot, Walter. The English Con.titntion. New Edition (Eenril; IT .. FoHni^My Sevier.) 8vo. London, 1872 (K^PnaW from the Burrows Montagu. Constitutional Progress. Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1872 Oartwr^HJohn. The English Constitution Produced and Illustrated. 8vo. Lon- Oartwright. John The Legislative Rights of the Commonalty Yindicated. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1777. *3econa Oooke, George W. The Histo^ of Party. From the Reign of Charles Second to the Reform BUI. (1666 to 1832.) 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Oox, Homersham. The British Commonwealth. A Commentary on the Institutions and Pnnciples of the British Government. 8vo. London, 1854 OOX, Homersham. The Institutions of the English Government. 8vo. London 1863 Creasy, Sir Edward. The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. El'eventh Edition. 8vo. London, 1871. ^ventn °~'™ s'^"'' Bv' °v """t*' T^ i;-' '*- O" *» B-S^'P". 01 the Prince Con- or:: v"^ „TT o "™' °'°^ *°'* *•»« Constitution. Reply of "Verax"tothee»arterfs,.Sen.». 8vo. London 1878 Debate at Large. The. Between the House of Lords and the House of Commons in the Session of the Convention, Anno 1688, relating to the word " Abdic ted » and tte . Vacancy of the Throne," in the CommL Vote. 12™."; De Loline. J. L. The Constitution of England compared with the Republican Form of Government, and the other Monarchies in Europe. New Edition with rT and Notes. By John Macgregor, M.P. I2mo. Ldo„T883 ' ^ DlUon, S,r J. J. Considerations on the Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland m respect to the Parliamentary Oaths. 8vo. London, 1828. "'""""'• Ewald. Alex. Chaa. "Our non<.fU„*:nr. » K v -4. ^- ',n . " « "On„t.tu..on. An Epitome of Uur Chief Laws, and System of Government. 8vo. London, 1867 . «*na oystem i 82 (constitutional history— con^mwerf.) Ponblanque and Holdsworth. "How we are Governed, or the Crown, the Senate and the Bench." A hand-book. Revised to present date, and enlarged. By Alex. E. Ewald. 12mo. London, 1858. Freeman, Edward A. The Growth of the English Constitution from the Earliest Times. 8vo. London, 1872. Grey, Earl Parliamentary Government, considered with reference to Reform. New Edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1864. HaUam a Constitutional History of England. Adapted to the use of Students By Wm. Smith. 8vo. London, 1872. HaJlam Henry. Constitutional History of England. From the accession of Henry the Seventh, to the death of George the Second. Eighth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1867. Heam. Wm. Edward The Government of England, its Structure and its Development. 8vo. Londdii, 1867. May, Sir Thomas Erskine. Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George III 1760-1860. Third Edition, with Supplement. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1871. ^^^' ^t-f^T ^'■'''^"'- ^^' ^^^^^titutional History of England. (1760-1850) W^th a New Supplementaiy Chapter. (1861-1871.) 3 vols. 12mo. London, Modest Plea for an EquaJ Commonwealth against Monarchy, etc., et. Tendered to the Parliament. By a "Lover of his Country." 16ma Loldon, Observations on the doctrine laid down by Blackstone, respecting the Extent of the Power of the British Parliament, particularly with relation to Ireland, etc. 8vo. London, 1779. > »w. Plowden, Francis. Jura Anglorum. The Rights of Englishmen. 8vo. London, 1792 Rowland, David. Manual of the English Constitution. 8vo. London 1859 RusseU. Earl. The History of the English Government and Constitution. From the Reign of Henry the Seventh to the Present Time. New Edition. 8vo. Lon- don, loo5. Smith, Philip V, History of the English Institution,. 12mo. London 1873 ^°""'' and Eff!* ,°:,T"°"' '' °°™"°"^ "'^8^' ""■' P™--- The Nat™ dons T P °'' ^"""""'■o- o' '"l-'^y and other Crown-appointed Commis- «ons. The Oonst.tufonal Principles of Taxation; and the Eights, Duties, and Importance of Local Self-Oovernment. 8vo. London 1849 ^'^*" eal^t'-W^ri'^^T'^^n''"" °-'-»--- theCha^eteristicsof ZnaZmi °°°"'"''""'"'^ °'""»«» "' *• English Constitution. 8™ ^'""'''■If """s T °°"*""r' H'^'-J' «' England in its Origin and Develop- ment. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1874-78. (constitutional maTouY—contintied.) Stubbs, Willian, Select Charters,' and other Iltat,.«o„s o£ English Constitutional astory, from Earhest Times to the Eeign of Edward First. 8vo. Oxford Stubbs, William. Select Charters, and other Uhstrations of English Consti.utional H.s ory. From the Earliest Times to the Reign of Edward fteRrststrd Edition. 8vo. London, 1874 oecona ^'^'"■Mt::r,8rt'=^*'"'"'"*'"'"™''' ^ «-^^ «-<■ new. ,.0. Thomson, Richard An Historical Essay on the Magna Oharta of King John. With the Great Charter m Latin and English The Charters of Liberties and Con- Z2"7T \''7' '"• "" ^^""^ '■ ■^^ ""Sinai Charters of the J^orests, etc. 8vo. London, 1829 Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary Government in England, its Origin, Development and Practical Operation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867-1869 P ^^^ Wats'ontr ^;;^7^"^^'J^-7--^-t^eBritishCob^^^^^ 8vo. Boston, 1880. Watson, S. J. The Powers of Canadian Parliaments. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. 'M PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY. ^"^"7of Hor;""; ?* "' *° ''''*"''"'•> ■^-^ ^-*»' Method and Manner of Holdmg Parliaments in England. 16mo. London 1679 May, Thomas. (Secreta^ ,„r the Parliament.) The History of the Parliament of England, which began November 3, 1640 ; with a Short and necessaiy V ew o some Precedent rears. A New Edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1854 Northoote, Sir Join, Note Book of, containing Memoranda of the Proceedings in the C mmon, dnnng the First Session of Long Parliament, 1640. Transcribed aTd Edited, with a Memoir, by A. H A. Hamilton. 8vo. London 1877 Rogers, James E Thorold. A complete collection of the Protests of th; Lo s. With r^ldtlsTr- ^'-"-'-■^"-o-ls of the lords. 3^^ Vol. 1. 1624-1741. " 2. 1741-1825. " 3. 182C 1874. Rushworth's OoUections. 8 vols. Folio. London, 1721 You I-Historical Collections of Private Passages of State. Weighty Matters in Law. R, k,blo Proceeding, in Five Parliaments; beginning the si Inn Esq ' ^'"*'' " °^'" '' ''"^^ ^^^ J«^- ^-^-rth, of Lincoln'! 84 (parliamentary history — continued.) Vol. Il.-Containing the Principal Matters which happened from the Dissolution of the Parliament, on the 10th of March, 4 Car. I., 1628-9, until the Summoning of another Parliament, April 13th, 1640; with an account of the Proceedings of that Parliament, and the transactions and affairs from that time, until the meeting of another Parliament, November the 3rd following. With some re- markable passages therein during the first six months, impartially related, dis- posed in annals setting forth only matters of fact iii order of time, without ob- servation or reflection. Vol. III.— Containing the Principal Matters which happened from March 26th, 1639, until the summoning of a Parliament, which met at Westminster, April 13th, 1640; with an account of the Proceedings of that Parliament, and the transac- tions and affairs from that time, until the Meeting of another Parliament, November the 3rd following. With some remarkable passages therein during the lirs<- six months. Vol. IV.— Containing the Principal Matters which happened from the Meeting of the Parliament, November the 3rd, 1640, to the end of the year 1644. Where- in is a particular account of the Rise and Progress of the Civil War to that Period, with alphabetical tables. Vol. v.— Containing the Principal Matters which happened from the Meeting of Parliament, November the 3rd, 1640, to the end of the year 1644. Wherein is a particular account of the Rise and Progress of the Civil War to that Period. Vol. VI.— a continuation of Historical Collections. Vol. VII.— Containing the Principal Matters which happened from the beginning of the year 1645, to the death of King Charles the First, 1648. Wherein is a particular account of the progress of the Civil War to that period. Vol. VIII._The Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon au Impeachment of High Treason ; begun in Westminster Hall, the 22nd of March, 1640, and continued, (before judgment was given), until the 10th of May, 1641. Shewing the form of Parliamentary Proceedings in an Impeach- ment of Treason, with some Special Arguments in Law relating to a Bill of Attainder. Faithfully collected, and impartially published, without observation or reflection. By John Rushwood, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. London, 1721. PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Bourke, Robert. Decisions of the Right Hon. C. S. Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Commons, on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the General Practice of the House. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1857. Gushing, Luther S. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. Revised by Edmund L, Cushing, 16mo. Boston, 1877. Dugdale, Sir William. A Perfect Copy of ail Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm : from the XLIX. of Henry IIL until these Present Times, etc., etc. Folio. London, 1686. 85 (parliamentary practice— cow^inuerf.) Hatsell, John. Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, with Observationa 4 vols. 4to. London, 1818. Vol. I. Privilege of Parliament. " II. Members, Speaker, etc. " III. Lords and Supply, etc. " IV. Conference and Impeachment. May. Sir Thomas. Parliamentary Practice, Eighth Edition. Revised and Enlarged 8vo. London, 1879. ' Mell, P. H. A Manual of Parliamentary Practice. l2mo. New York 1876 Saunders Thos. Wm. The Law and Practice of Municipal liegistratio; and Elections. With the Practice upon Election Petitions, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Lon- clon, lo73. Thring. Sir Henry. Practical Legislation ; or the Composition and Language of Acts or Parliament. 8vo. London, 1877. Todd. Alfred On the Proceedings on Private Bills in the Parliament of Canada, and the Standing Orders of both Houses in relation thereto. Third Edition 8vo Ottawa, 1868. On the Precedence of Peers. 8vo. (MSS.) REPORTS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS: 1716-1803. Fifteen Vols. Folio. Reports from Oommittees of the House of Oommons. With Index. London, 1803. Vol. 1. Treaty of Utrecht. Layer's Conspiracy. Forfeited Estates. Charitable Corporation. Cottonian Library and Public Records. Waterworks. Customs and Revenue. Vol. 2^ County Rates. Linen Manufactories. Land Forces. Hudson's Bay Church of Scotland. Hat Manufactory. Sheep and Jobbers. Harbours.' Weights and Measures. Highway Trusts. Vol. 3. Obstructions to, and Contempt of, the Speaker's Warrant. Navy Timber Bread Assize. Assay Offices. Linen Trade. East India Affairs Vo . 4, East India Company's Civil Affairs. Trade. Revenues. Government. FinTnce ^*'* ^'"^^'^ ^"'"P'^'^y- Administration of Justice in India. Territory. Vols. 7 and 8. East India Company. War in the Carnatic. Second Marhatta War. CheytSing. Hyder Ally. ^'^' Poo?™r», V^; T? "'^ ^'''''- ^^'"^^^''"^- ^^^'^ Trade. Waste Lands. Poor. Charitable Donations. ^^"uo. Vol. 10 Fisheries Newfoundland T.adc. Salt Dutie.. Linen and Hempen Manu- facture. Coal Trade. Copper Trade. Life Boat. Sierra Leone. Turnpike Road and Highway Acts. Naval Volunteers. Prisoners in the King's House at Winchester. SediUous Societies. o»"ouse 86 (RBP0RT8 OF THE HOUSE OF OO^iiOtfB— continued.) Vol. 11. Annuities. Public Income. Bank. Civil List. Smuggling. Exportation of Sheep, Wool, etc. Distilleries in Scotland. Vols. 12 and 13. Finance. Vol. U. Royal Burghs of Scotland. Expiring Laws. Promulgation of Statutes Persons in Holy Orders. High Price of Paper. Vaccination. Nitrous Fumi- gation. Thames and Isis. Port of London, and London Bridge. Vol. 15. Public Records of the Kingdom. Index. ^ I a ANCIENT H; ^ORY. Baldwin John D. Pre-Historic Nations. Inquiries concerning some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity, etc. 8vo. New York, 1874 Herodotus, History of. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by George Rawlinson. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1862. Lord, John. Ancient States and Empiie.s. 8vo. New York, 1866. Rawlinson, George. The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy.' The Sarsanian or New Persian Empire. Illustrated. 8yo. London, 1876. Rawlinson. George. Manual of Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western Empire. 8vo. New York, 1871. Robertson, William. Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India. (Bound up with History of Scotland). 8vo. New York, 1856. Smith, Philip. Ancient History, from the Earliest Records to the Fall of the Western Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Turner, Sharon. Sacred History of the World, in a Series of Letters to his Son. Seventh Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. EGYPT. BrugSCh-Bey, Henry. A History of Egypt, under the Pharaohs; derived entirely from the Monuments. Translated from the German by H. D. Seymour. Completed and edited by Philip Smith. With a Memoir on the Exodus of the Israelites and the Egyptian Monuments. Coloured Plates and Maps. 2 vols 8vo London, 1879. Wilkinson, Gardner. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Third Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. CHALD^A. Rawlinson, George. Tho Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World; or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of ChaldiEa, Assyria, Babylon, Media,' and Persia. Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 187L 87 CARTHAGE. ^""*''' lolZZtrs. °°'""*° "" '"^ Carthaginian. IU„s.„«„„, .,, Map,. 8,0. PALESTINE. JosaphUB F,avi„» The Jewish War of Flavins Josaphns. With his Ant„biog.aphy JNew Translation. By Robert Trai"!! Vau-^a uu kt . "wuiograpny. 8vo. London, 1868. ^' "'* *'°'*^ ''<"- ''^ I""" T'J'lor. Tillotaon, John, Palestine ; its Holy Sites and Saored Story. 8v„. London, N.D. GREECE. Pintey, George. History of Oreeco. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinbnrgh, 1857-1861. Exti!.r° nf„ J'™"", f-- i'» Conqnest by the Eon,ans nntil the E.tmot,on of the Roman Power in the East. (B.C. 146 to A.D 716) Vol 2. astory of the Byzantine Empire. (From A.D. 716 to A.D 1057) V„ . tts tory o the Byzantine and Greek Empires. (From 1057 to 14 3). bv ,h T Y f • '^""' '" °""'™" '■J' "-^ Crnsaders to it. Conquest by the Turks; and of the Empire of Trebizond. (1204 to 1461) Vol. 5. ^ H,story of Greece under the Othoman and Venetian Domination. (1453 OuSE^Hi!' «r;"^= 'f-'^"-" Empire. Maps. 12mo. London, 1877. 1868. '""• T™-""'=^V A. W.Ward. 3 vols. 8vo. llndon Demosthenea. The Orations of. Against Leptines, Midias. Androtion and Aristro Demosthenes The Olyntluaos, PhiUipics, and other Public Orations of Translated W3. """ ^""'" ^ "' """"■^' ■'"P"*"'"'^ "■"' K-"-- 8vo London, '''"°"' thT? tw'7 "u "■'""■ '■ ^^'"^"^ °'*'°«- "■ Historical Greece (to T 1 ^ ,.,^. (RV'>ted from the second London Edition). Lloyd, W.ll,.m W. The Ago of Pericles. . The Politics and Arts of Greece from the Pers,an to the Peloponnesian War. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1876 38 (GREECE — continued.) Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War. Translatsd by W. Smith. 8vo. New York, 1852. Thucydides, Speeches from. Translated, with Introduction and Notes. By Henry M. Wilkins. 8vo. London, 1870. ROME. Adams, W. H. D. The Buried Cities of Campania ; or, Pompeii and Herculaneum. Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1872. Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. From the Burning of Rome by the Gauls, to the Death of Julius Caesar. Including the Reign of Augustus. With a Life of Trajan. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1857. Arnold, W. T. The Roman System of Provincial Administration, to the Accession of Constantine the Great. (Arnold Prize Essay for 1879.) 8vo. London, 1879. Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. Maps. 12mo. London, 1877. Bryce, James. Holy Roman Empire. Third Edition. Revised. 8vo. London, 1871. Burn, Robt. Rome and the Campagna. Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings and Neighbourhood of Ancient Rome. 4to. London, 1871. OsBSar: A Sketch. By James Anthony Froude. Portrait of Csesar. 8vo. New York, 1879. Oapes, W. W. The Early Empire. From the Assassination of Julius Csosar to that of Domitian. Maps. 12mo. London, 1876. Oicero's Life and Letters. The Life, by Dr. Middleton. The letters, translated by Wm. Melmoth and Dr. Hebarden. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1876. Cicero, Select Orations of. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 8vo. New York, 1877. Oicero, Life of, by William Forsyth. Portrait and Illustrations. Fourth American Edition. Two vols, in one. 8vo. New York, 1877. Dyer, Thomas H. Pompeii. Its History, Buildings, and Antiquities. Third Edition. Svo. London, 1871. Ferguson, Adam. The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Re- public. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline of the Roman Empire. By William Smith. 8 vols. 8vo London, 1854. Hemans, Charles D. Historic and Monumental Rome. A Hand-book for Students of Classical and Christian Antiquity in the Indian Capital. 8vo. London, 1874. Ihne, William. The History of Rome. 3 vols. (English Edition). Svo. London, 1877. Julius OSBSar. History of. By Napoleon III. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1866- 1868. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. An Inquiry into the Credibility of Early Roman His- tory. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. 80 £ (rom e — continued. ) I .ong, Georgo. The Decline of the Roman Empire. 4 vols. Vol. 1. From B.C. 154 to B.C. 2. " 107 " 3. " 78 <« 4. '« 58 «« 106. 72. 68. 50. 8vo. London, 1864-^872, Fifth Edition. 7 voU. Lord, John. The Old Roman World. 8vo. New York, 1869. Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. 8vo. London, 1864. Mommaen. Theodore. History of Rome. From the period anterior to the Abolition of the Monarchy to the Old Republic and the New Monarchy, (Julius Caesar). 5 vols. 8vo. Lon- Fourth Edi- Translated, with additions, by Rev. William C. Dickson don, 1871. Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on History of Rome. Edited by L. Schmitz tion. 8vo. London, 1873. Tacitus, Annals of. Translated into English, ^yith Notes and Maps. By Alfred J Church and William J. Brodribb. Second Edition. 8vo. London 1877 Tacitus. The Works of. The Oxford Tran.slation. 2 vols. 8vo. London' 1874 Vol. L— The Annals. Vol. IL-The History. Germany, Agricola and Dialogue on Orators. Taylor, Frances. Pictures of Old Rome. Third Edition. 8vo. London 1873 Titus Livius. The History of Rome. Translated by D. Spillan and Cyrus Edwards 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. PARTHIA— PALMYRA. Rawlinson, Geo. The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, Parthia. 8vo. London, 1873 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of Lost Empires, and Sketches of the Ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1875. HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. ENGLAND. Adolphus. John. The History of England, from the Accession of George the Third to theConclusionof Peace, in 1783. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1817. ' Annals of England, The. An Epitome of English History. From Contemporary Writers, the Rolls of Parliament, etc. 3 vols. 12mo. Londoxil869 ^nnals of England. The. An Epitome of English History. 8vo. London 1876 Antiquities of England. 4to. Plates. (N.D.) At wood, W. The History and Reasons of the Dependency of Ireland upon the Imperial Crown of the Kingdom of England: rectifying Mr. Molineux's state of the case of Ireland's being bound by Acts of Parliament in England. 8vo Lon don, 1698. 40 (HISTORY OF OBEAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND-ENOLAND-COn^inwerf.) Atwood, William. The Superiority and Direct Dominion of the Imperial Crown of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland, etc, etc. 8vo. London, 1704. Aubrey, W. H. S. The National and Domestic History of England. 3 vols. 8vo. London, N.D. Bailey, Alfred. The Succession to the English Crown. 8vo. London, 1879. Baker, Sir Richard. A Chronicle of the Kings of England, from Ihe time of the Roman Government, unto the 13th of Charles IL Containing all passages of State and Church. In which are many material affairs of State never before published; and likewise the most remarkable occurrences relating to His Majesty's most happy and wonderful restoration. By the late Duke of Albe- marle. Portrait. Folio. London, 1679. Bayne, Peter. The Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. 8vo. London, 1878. Birchall, James. England under the Tudors. New Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. BirchaU, James. England under the Stuarts. New Edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Bisset. Andrew. History of the Commonwealth of England, from the death of Charles I. to the Expulsion of the Long Parliament by Cromwell. Being omitted chap- ters of the History of England. 2 vols. London, 1867. Bisset, Andrew. The History of the struggle for Parliamentary Government in Eng- land. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877. Blaauw, William Henry. The Barons' War, including the Battles of Lewes and Eve- sham. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1871. Black Book, The ; or. Corruption Unmasked. An account of Places, Pensions and Sinecures ; the Revenues of the Clergy and Landed Aristocracy ; the Expendi- ture of the Civil List, etc., etc. A Complete Exposition of the Cost, Patronage, and Corruption of the Borough Government. With Appendix. 8vo. London, 1820. Black Book, The. An Exposition of Abuses in Church and State, Courts of Law Municipal Corporations and Public Companies. With a Precis of the House of Commons, Past, Present, and to Come. A New Edition by the original Editor. With Appendix, containing an Exposition of the Principles and Practices of the Reform Ministry and Parliament; the Church and the Dissenters, etc., etc. Bvo London, 1836. Bright, J. Franck. A History of England. Maps and Plans. 3 vols. 8vo London 1877. ' "Vol. 1. M^iaeval Monarchy, 449-1485. Vol. 2. Personal Monarchy. 1485-1688. "Vol. 3. Constitutional Monarchy. 1689-1837. Burnet, (Bishop.) History of his own Time ; from the Restoration of Charles II to the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Jleign of Queen Anne. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. London, 1838. ^ 41 (mSTORV OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND-ENOLAND-CO« « 'i\ H I'^M If b 1 Hi 3 1 ^■5*4 iU i^^K 1 46 ly ii ii (HISTORY OP GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND-ENGLAND-COn • . - - "■- - ••^'^^^- services of, dunng the Reigns of William, Anne and George I. Including the true Secret History of the Rise. Promotions etc of the English and Scots Nobility ; Officers. Civil. Military, etc., from the Re- volution, etc. 8vo. London, 1733. 48 (history of SCOTLAND — continv^d.) Monteith, R. The History of the Troubles of Ore Britain : containing a Particular Account of the most Remarkable Passages in Scotland, from 1633 to 16:,0 etc Folio. London, 1735. ' Patten, R. Scotland. History of the late Rebellion, with Original Papers, and the Characters of the principal Noblemen and Gentlemen concerned in it. The Edinburgh History of the late Rebellion, 1745-6, with the Manifestoes of the Pretender and his Son, etc, 8vo. London, 1717. Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her Early Kings. To the close of the 13th Cen- tury. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Robertson, Wm. History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James Sixth. With a Review of previous Scottish History. (Bound up with History of India, by the same Author). 8vo. New York, 1856. Spotiswoode MisCeUany. Original Papers and Tracts illustrative chiefly of the CiApl and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844-45 Tjrtler, Patrick Eraser. History of Scotland. Third Edition. 7 vols. 8vo Edin- burgh, 1845. White, Robert. History of the Battle of Bannockburn, with Notes of the Principal Warriors. Also Maps and Armorial Bearings 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. Wilson, Daniel. The Archaeology and Pre-historic Annals of Scotland. ' 8vo Edin- burgh, 1851. Wilson, Daniel. Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh. Illustrations. 8vo. Edinburgh 1878. * ' IRELAND. Ancient' Laws of Ireland. Vol. I. Senchus Mor. introduction to Senchus Mor, and Athgabail ; or. Law of Distress, as contained in the Harieian Manuscripts.' Published under Direction of the Commissioners for Publishing the Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. Vol. II. Senchus Mor. Law of Distress, (completed); Laws of Hostage, Sureties, Fosterage, Saer-Stock Tenure, Daer-Stock Tenure, and of Social Con- nexions. 8vo. Dublin, 1869. Vol. III. Senchus Mor, (conclusion), being the Customary Law, and the Book of Aicill. 8vo. Dublin, 1873. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. By the Four Masters. From the Eariiest Periodtothe Year 1616. Translated by John O'Donovan. 4to. Dublin, 1856. Barrington, Sir Jonah. The and Fall of the Irish Nation. 8vo. Dublin,' 1868. Harrington, Sir Jonah. Historic Memoirs of Ireland, comprising Secret Records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Un_ n ; with Delineations of the Principal Characters connected with these Transactions, etc. Ilhistrated. 2 vols. ito. London, 1835. Benn, George. A History of the Town of Belfast. From the Eariiest Times to the close of the Eighteenth Century. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. 4» (history of inEtAHD—continued.) Bonwick. James. Who are the Irish ? 8vo. London 1880 the B.U.., .„,. -:;::^ .^r°^jr ;„rZe:/T' °' •" that Coantry by KiuK William T„ ,. T'"' """■'»'"■" eduction of A.cie„t InLL., el ^"'p J:.;'"'* :: ~ ' "-' -'-- of tb, of Ireland under hi. Government. In 2 vo Is tL' o^ ?■ ""'""'"•'^ of Correspondence by Kings Charle. I and II ^t T> t """^"""^ '"=°"^"°» By Thomas Carte. 3 vols^ Folio, wl iVse ™°""'' '*"■' '*°- Oox, Sir Kiohard. Hiberni. An^lioana ■ „r »!,"»: , , o^u-^rM-rrstn^rLr Ss:^:c io ^t d"-^"- ^- Danes, Dr., (Dean of E„s,.) j„„„., . T ' , <, "' '""■ Held, Henry M. The Ir h c^nfT I f ™ "''' °°°''"*' «™- ^--lon, 1868 1855. ^'"''"'''°°"''=''»-'=»»="l.e Rebellion of 1798. 8vo. Ne; York, Fitzgerald, Lord Ed,vard. Life and Death of R, tu London, 1831 '^^ ^''°°"" ^eore. 2 toIs. 8to. '''''""'d::;^" ^"'■-^^""««-'^*'-anoes,«ctitions. S.o. Lon- 7'" s:.L^r °ir: itr °' *- ^-^ «' -- ---- -» Gtlraldus Oambrensis. The Historical Work, of Co„t.i • .V n, Ireland, and the History of the Coll Tl ?"^'"'"8 "«' Topography of Forester. The Itinerary throulwr . . "''■ ''™'''"«' "-^ T''™»» lated by Sir R C HTa7 B T ' '""' *" D""'?""" of Wales. Trans- don. 186." "■""• ^--O-IEdited-byThos. Wright 8v„. ul li-trater sr iTtz^r::^- '"^'^'- *• ^ "- =-'- 'I, 60 (history of IRELAND — Continued.) Hamilton, William. Tho Northern Coast of the County of Antrim ; the Antiquities of that County; the Natural History of the Basaltes, etc., in the Northern Counties of Ireland. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Haverty, Martin. History of Ireland, Ancient and Modern. 8vo, Dublin, 1867. Heron, D. C. The Constitutional History of the University of Dublin ; with dome Account of its Present Condition, and Suggestions for its Improvement. 8vo. Dublin, 1848. Holinshed, Raphael. The Second Volume of Chronicles ; containing the Description, Conquest, Inhabitation, and Troublesome Estate of Ireland : now newlie recog- nized, augmented and continued from the death of Henrie the Eighth, until this Present Time of Sir lohn Perot, Lord Deputie, by lohn Hooker, alias Vowell. Folio. London, 1586. Journals of the House of Commons of the Kingdom of Ireland, from the Eleventh Year of King James I., 1613, to March, 1794, inclusive. 28 vols. Dublin 1613-1794. Joyce, p. W. The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places. 4th edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1875. Keane, Marcus. Tho Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland ; their Origin and His- tory Discussed from a New Point of View. Illustrated. 8vo. Dublin, IP 37. King, (Archbishop). The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government, etc. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1692. Le GOUZ, De La Bouelaye. Tour of, in Ireland, 1644. Edited by T. C. Croker. With Notes, etc. 8vo. London, 1837. Leckey, W, E. H. The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland : Swift, Flood, Grattan,. O'Connell. 8vo. New York, 1872. Lewis, G. Ccrnewall. Local Disturbanows in Ireland ; and on the Irish Church Ques- tion. 8vo. London, 1836. Lucas, Charles. The Political Constitutions of Great Britain and Ireland, Asserted and Vindicated ; the Connection and Common Interest of both Kingdoms demon- strated ; and the Grievances which each, more especially the latter, has suffered under Oppressive and Tyrannical Governors, etc., and Spurious and Corrupt Parliaments ; set forth in Several Letters and Addresses to the Free Citizens of Dublin. To which are added The Censor; or, the Citizens' Journal. Two vols, in one. 8vo. London, 1751. Ljmch, Rev. Dr. Cambrensis Eversus ; seu potius Historica Fides in Rebus Hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi Abrogata, etc. From the Edition of 1662. Edited, with Translation and Notes, by Rev. Matthew Kelby. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1848, 1850, 1851. (Celtic Society's Publications.) Macaulay, James. Ireland, in 1872. A Tour of Observation, etc. 8vo. London 1873. R, R. The United Irighmen ; their Lives and Times, with several additional Memoirs and Authentic Documents, heretofore unpublished. 4 vols. London 1860. ' 51 m Lntiquities Northern , 1867. w^ith some ent. 8vo. ascription, ivlie recog- until this zs VowelL I Eleventh Dublin, ion. Svo. i and His- >lin, IP 37. late King 3. Croker. , Grattan,. roh Ques- lerted and IS demon- iS suffered Corrupt Citizens of Two vols. libernicis ited, with Dublin, London, (III8T0KY OF IRELAND— con^inwerf.) Mason WMonck. Essay on the Antiquity and Constitution of Parliaments in Ire- land. 8vo. Dublin, 1820. Maxwell. W^H. History of the Irish Rebellionin 1798. With Memoirs of the Union and Emmett's Insurrection in 1803. Illustrated by George Cruickshank. Ninth Edition. 8vo. London, 1871 M-Oee. Ja,. E. "Thu,„pi„g English Li™," Pr„„de'a Slander, on Ireland a.d Irislnnen. 8vo. New York, 1872. M'Gee. Thomas D^Arcy. History of Ireland. From the Earliest Period to the Eman- cipation of the Catholics. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow N D MitoheU John Jan Journal; or, Five Years in Britis'h Prisons. Commenced on board the "Shearwater," in Dublin Bay: ended at North River, New York. 8vo. New York, 1854. Mitchel John. History of Ireland, from the Treaty of Limerick to the Present Time (A continuation of the History of the Abb. Macgeoghegan.) 8vo. Glasgow." Moore, Thomas. History of Ireland. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1835 Moms, William B. The Life of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland. Wi'th a Preliminary Inquiry into the authority of the Traditional History of the Saint. Second Jidition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. O'Oonnell, Daniel Memoirs of Ireland. Native and Saxon. Third Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1854. S^Z!ff'n""!' .?'"'^'""°' B^^T.CLuby. 8vo. Glasgow, (N.D.) O OonneU Daniel. The Speeches and Public Letters of. With Preface aJ Historical Notes. By M. F. Cusack. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1875. OOurry, Eugene. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. Lectures, Edited O'Donorn iTt"' '*"''"'"•''• '""^^*" ^^°^«- «-• London. 1873. O Donovan, John Miscellany of the Celtic Society. 8vo. Dublin. 1849. Ihe Genealogy of Corca Laidhe. Poem on the Battle of Dun. Dowcras's Tracts, etc. (Celtic Society's Publications.) O Donovan, John. The Book of Rights. Now for the first time edited ; with Trans- O'ar^ni r '. V. t"- ^"- ^'^bli-' 1847. (Celtic Society's Publications.) O Grady, Standish. History of Ireland: Vol. 1, The Heroic Period. Vol. 2. Cucu- O'W ^ Contemporaries. 8vo. London, 1878-1880 s'vt"" DuSn, mf" ' "' *'^ ^"'^^ ^"' '^^"^ ^' '""^ ^"^^ ^^*^°"- ' -^^• O'Rourke. John, ffistory of the Great Irish Famine of 1847. With notices of Earlier Irish Famines. 8vo. Dublin, 1875. Perrott, Sir John Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. History of. Containing an Account of the Rebellion of Fitz-Morris; the Attainder of Viscount Baltinglass and his ^ four Brothers, etc. 8vo. London, 1728. id M J m 13. ^^^1 i 1 I. H B| 1 f 4 1 52 (insTOUY OF IRELAND — continiMcl.) Petrie, O. The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion ; comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Petty, Sir W. Political Anatomy of Ireland. 8vo. London, 1691. Rowau, A. Hamilton. Autobiography of. With Additions and Illustrations. By W. H. Drummond. 8vo. Dublin, 1840. Rutherford, John. The Secret History of the Fenian Conspiracy : its Origin, Objects, ard Ramifications. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877, Shirley, Evelyn P. The History of the County of Monaghan. Illustrated. Folio. London, 1877-1880. Smith, Gold win. Irish History and Irish Character. 8vo. London, 1862. Spencer, E. View of the State of Ireland, as it was in the Reign or Queen Elizabeth. 12mo. Dublin, 1763. Stafford, T. Pacata Hibernia ; or, a Historio of the late Warres of Ireland, especially within the Province of Mounster, under Sir George Carow, etc. Folio. Lon- don, 1633. Story, George. True and Impartial History of the Most Remarkable Occurreiices in the Kingdom of Ireland, from the time that Duke Schomberg landed with the Army, to the 23rd March, 1692. Wars in Ireland. Small 4to. London, 1693. Sulhvan, A. M. New Ireland. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1878. Taaffe, Denis. An Imperial History of Ireland from the Englislx Invasion. Four vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1803-1809. Taylor, W. C. Civil Wars of Ireland. From the Anglo-Norman Invasion' till the Union of the Country with Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1831. Teeling, C. H. Personal Narrative of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. 8vo. London, 1828. Temple, Sir John. The Irish Rebellion : or, an History of the Attempts to Extirpate the Protestants in Ireland, etc., etc. 8vo. 1746. Thebaud, Aug. J. (S. J.) The Irish Race in the Past and the Present. 8vo. New York, 1876. Tone, T. W. Life of. Written by himself, and Edited by his Sou. 12mo. London, 1828. Ulster Plantation. A Concise View of the Origin, Constitution and Proceedings of the Hon. Society of the Governor and Assistants of London, of the New Plan- tation in Ulster, within the Realm of Ireland. London, 1832. Ulster Journal of Archaeology, The. Complete from its commencement, in 1853, to 1862. 9 vols. Small 4to. Illustrated. Belfast, 1853-'62. Walker, J. C. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards j an Historical Essay on the Dress of the Ancient and Modern Irish ; and a Memoir on the Armour and Weapons of the Irish. 2 vola 8vO: ,1818. Warner, Ferd. The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. Map. 4to. London, 1767. 08 (insTOiiY OF liiKLAUD— continued.) WiUiamS. W. E. H. The Irish Parliament. From th. year 1782 to 1800 ^The Cre«8inghara Prize Essay, 1878.) 8vo. London, 1879 Wills, James, and Wills. Freeman. The Irish Nation: its History and Biography. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. London. (N D ) Witherow. Thoma. Derry and Enniskillen in the year 1689. The Story of some Famous Battle-holds in Ulster. Second Edition. 8vo. London. I8T7. Woodward, (B.hop of Cloyne.) The Unbiassed Irishman. An Answer to the Pub- hcat^on on the Alarming State of the Established Church. Also a Review of the System for managing the Affairs of Ireland, from the commencement of the w . 1,. T '^^'"^"'«*''^*»«'^ *o *h« Present Day. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. Wright. Thomas. The History of Ireland. From the Earliest Periods of the Irish Annals to the Present Time. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo (N D ) Young. A. Tour in Ireland ; with Observations on the Present State of that Kingdom. Made in the years 1776-77 and 78, and brought down to 1779. 8vo. London ^"''V::'\^^f:oV ''^^^^^ '^'"^^°"' "^-^-^^ ^'^^ Maneburrough, 2 vols. Vol.1. Spencer (A. D. 1598). Campion (1571). • I-., A u^°!'^' H™»<"-(A-D. 1671). Marleburrough (A.D. 1571) ^*ritf^ '"""'^'^ Publications. ,5 vl s..i, \^. Dublin, and b, Mu„cheaHach Mac Neil, Pnno, of Aileach. A poem, wri.l A D Mf;."°;rnf;r ^"''^--"'"«°'-<'-"-. B,.„i;„o.Bo„„,an: Vol. 2.- m,e Banquet of Dun KTa N-Gedh, and the Battle of Mag Bath An anc.e„ta,t„nca.Tale. Now «.t published. With a Tra„..atiL aT Nott By John O'Donovan. Dublin, 1842 «'iu i-^oces. ''°' and-NZ" b' E '"'''^Tu ^"""'" ''"™'''- ^"''- "'* » Tra„.lation and JNotOB. By Rev. Eicliard Butler. Dublin, 1842 ^"^o'^Z^'Z- TT"'' """' ''''^'"''' C<'"ntry,the Tribes and Custom, of. Now hrst pubhshed from the Book of Lecan. With Translation and Note, by John O Donovan. Map. Dublin, 1843. ^ Vol. 5.— Tracts relating to Ireland. Vol. 2. Dublin 1843 A TV f i-„ 1 T> T , T^ j-'iiuiin, lo'm. A It-eatise on Ire- Bird Lr """""'■ """' '"' ^"''"^'■»<'- -"- ^°- B. Rev. Am^als^de Monte Fernandi. (Annals of Multifeman) Edited by AquiU. A Statute of the Fortieth Year of Edward III., enacted in Kilkenny. Now first pnnted. With Translation and Notes. By Jas. Hardiman. 54 (history of IRELAND — continued.) Vol. 6.— The Genealogies, Tribes, and Custorag of Hy-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's Country. Now firHt published from the Book of lecan. With Translation and Notes. By John O'Donovau. Map. 1844. Vol 7.— The Book of Obits and Marty rology of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church, Dublin. Edited by John Crosthwaite. With Introduction by James H. Todd. Dublin, 1844. Vol. 8. — Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum, Juxta Dublin. (Register of All Hallows.) Edited by Rev. Richard Butler. Dublin, 1845. Vol, 9. — Miscellany of the Irish Archseological Society. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1846. Vol. 10. — A Chorographical Description of West, or H— J. at Connaught. Written A.D. 1684. By Roderick O'Flaherty. Edited with Notes by James Hardi- man. Dublin, 1846. Vol. 11. — The Historia Britonum of Nennius : Irish Version of. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by James H. Todd. Introduction, by Hon. Algernon Herbert. Dublin, 1848. Vol. 12.— The Annals of Ireland. By Friar John Clyn and Thady Dowling, Chan- cellor of Leighlin. With the Annals of Ross. Edited by Rev. Richard Butler. Dublin, 1849. ' Vol. 13. — Macarioe Excidium ; or, the Destruction of Cyprus. A Secret History of the Year of the Revolution in Ireland. By Col. Chaa. O'Kelly. Edited by John C. O'Callaghan. Dublin, 1850. Vol. 14. — Acts of Archbishop Colton, in his Metropolitan Visitation of the Diocese of Derry, A.D. 1397. Edited by Rev. William Reeves. Dublin, 1850. Vol. 15. — The History of the Survey of Ireland, rommonly called the Down Sur- vey. By Dr. William Petty, A.D. 1655-6. Edited by Major Thos. A. Larcom, R.E. Dublin, 1851. Limerick Election. 1817. History of the Proceedings at : Speeches, etc., etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1817. Repeal of the Union. Report of Discussion in the Corporation of Dublin, etc. Ad- dress to the People of Ireland by Daniel O'Connell, M.I'. With " An Argument for Ireland," by John O'Connell, M.P. Appendix. Edited by John Levy. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. LIVES OF BRITISH SOVEREIGNS. Catharine of Arragon and Anne Boleyn, History of Two Queens. By w. H. Dixon. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Charles II., Court of. Memoirs of. By Count Grammont. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. London, 1864. Charlotte of Wales, Princess. A Brief Memoir of. With Selections froui her Cor- respondence and other Unpublished Papers. By Lady Rose Weigall. 2nd Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. 56 (LIVK8 OF BRITISH novuRKUitia— continued.) Edward I. The Life and Reign of. By the Author of "The Greatest of tho Plant.- genets." 8vo. London, 1872. Kdwardlll. H«t„ry„ftheLife.„.,T,me,ot. By W,„. Lougm.„. Svo, London. Elizabeth Queen of England. M,.oi™ „( CWt ot By Lucy Aikin. l!-ditxon. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Oeorge the Second Momoi™ ol tho R„ig„ of. By „„„„ Walpole. F.dite,I fron, ho o,.,g,na| MSA, „,.h a P«(aoo and Note, l,y tho lato Lor-- 8v„. London, 1795. George III. H.,tory of the Keign of : to which U pregxod . view of the ProgroBsiv. Improvement of England, to hi, Aooe,.ion. By R„,,ert Bi,«t. SecondTt I Geor^.r'iti"*"''""'""''" '''"''■ ''■"'■ «'"■ London, 1820. • George the Tlnrd. The Public and Don.e,.io Life of. By Edward Hoi, Portrait,. ^ vols. 8vo. London, 1820 George the Third. Memoir, of. By the Duke of Buckingham and Uhando.. ftom m^Ll ^°°'"^""'- ^'■°"' 1'82 to 1810. 4 vok 8vo. London, George the Third. Journal of the Reign of. From tho year 1771 to 1783 ; being a Or^malMSS. Ed.ted. with Note,, by Dr. Doran. 2 vol. 8vo. London, George III. Corre.pondenco of, with Lord North, from 1768 to 1783. Edited, from the OngmaU at Windsor, by W. D. Donne. 2 vol,. 8vo London IRfiV ''£::l^- r*-' ''"-n- Keign Of. ByTohnnXL"- Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867 George the Fom-th. Memoirs of the Court of. From 1820 to 1830. From Original CdlmT'' "^ *'"""-' Buckingham and Chando,. 2 vol,. L. Georgee/n,e Four, Emgs of England. A History of. With Biographical Notes of their Chief Ministers, fc By 8. M Smuckar. «vo. New York, 1860 Georges, The Four. With Illustrations. By W. M. Thackeray. 8vo London 1861 George the Fourth. Life and Times of. By George Croly. 12m New York ' George the Foi^h and William the Fourth.' A Jo'umal „f the ;:ig:t;.;y Geor^es tI c T „.''''"^"'"°--^'^'™- ^™'^ «™- New York. 1875 Georges The Caricature History of; or, Annal, of the Hou», of Hanover, compiled from the Lampoons and Pictori.l o.--.t,ire« nf th T- „-,■ ' ""P""" 8v„. Londo», (N.D.) '"" " -'""^ °* "■" ^'n"=' By jLomas Wright. *^""'^' gL ^7 T" n"™ °' *" ''""" °' <'«°'«^ '^- '"'-'P'-O -a Ori- ginal Letters from Queen Caroline, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. 'P' 66 ml. (fiivEs OK iiinTiHii HOVERKtONS — continued.) George IV. MomoirH of. Descriptive of the mont luterPHting Scciiies of his Private and Public Life. By Robert Huish. 'J vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Henry the Fifth, King of England. History of. By George M. Towle. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1866. James the First of Scotland. Life and Death of. 4to. Edinburgh, 1837. Kings of England, The. William of Malniesbury's Chrotiicle of. From tho Earliest Period to the Reign of Kin^ Stephen. By D. A. Giles. 8vo. London, 1866, Kings, English. Estimate of the. From William the Conqueror to George the Third. By J. L. Sandford. 8vo. London, 1872. Mary Queen of Scots, and her Latest English Historian. By J. F. Meline. With some Remarks on Froude's History of England. 8vo. New York, 1872. Mary Queen of Scots and Her Accusers. From the death of James V., in 1542, until the death of Queen Mary, in 1587. By John Hosack. 2 vols. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870-1874. Pretenders and their Adherents, The. Memoirs of. By John Heneage Jesse. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Prince Consort. Early Years of. 1819-1841. Compiled, under the direction of the Queen, by Lieut. -Gen. C. Grey. 8vo. London, 1867. Prince Consort. Life of. By Theodore Martin. Portraits. 5 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1875-1880. Queens of England. Historical Memoirs of the. From the Commencement of the Twelfth Century. By Hannah Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Queens of England. Lives of the. From the Norman Conquest. From Official and other Authentic Documents. By Agnes Strickland. New Edition. Re- vised and augmented. 8 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1852. Queens of England. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses con- nected with the Regal Succession of Great Britain. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1850. Queens of England. Lives of the Last Four Princesses of the Royal House of Stuart. 8vo. London, 1872. Queens of England. Lives of the Tudor Princesses, including Lady Jane Grey and her Sisters. 8vo. London, 1 868. / Regency, Memoirs of the Court of England during the. From 1811 to 1820. From Original Family Documents. By the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Richard HI., as Duke of Gloucester and King of England. By Caroline A. Halsted. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. Richard, Cceur de Lion, King of England. Life of. By G. P. R. James. New- Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Richard the Third. History of the Life and Reign of. With the Story of Pcrkin W'arbeck ; from original documents. Portrait. 8vo. (Auon.) London, 1878. Stuarts, Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of The ; including the Protectorate. By John Heneage Jesse. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 57 (lives or BiuTisH noyKHKUi^B—continued.) William the Fourth and Victoria, MomoirH of the CourtH and Cabinets of. From Original Family Documents. By th« Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. 2 vols. Hvo. London, 1861. LIVES AND CORRESPONDENCE OF BRITISH STATESMEN. Abinger, (Lord). Chief Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Memoir of. With fragment of his Autobiography, and selections from his Correspondence and Speeches. By the Hon. P. C. Scarlett. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1877 Algernon, Sydney. Life and Times of. By Alex. Chas. Ewing. 2 vols. 8vo Lon- don, 1873. Althorp, Viscount, third Earl Spencer. Memoir of. By the late Sir Denis Le Merchant. 8vo. London, 1876. Ashley, Anthony, First Earl of Shaftesbury. Life of. By W. D. Christie. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Atterbury, Francis. Bishop of Rochester. Memoirs and Correspondence of. Com- piled chiefly from the Atterbury and Stuart Papers. By Folkstone Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869, Auckland, Lord Wm. Journal and Correspondence. (From 1772 to 1806). By Bishop of Bath and Wells. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Bacon, Lord. Personal History of. From Unpublished Papers. By Wm. Hepworth Dixon. 8vo. Boston, 1861. Beaconsfleld, Earl of. The Political Adventures of. (Reprinted from the Fortnightly Eeview). 12mo. New York, 1878. Beaconsfleld, Earl of. The Public Life of. By Francis Hitchman. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1879. Bedford, Duke of. Correspondence of John, Fourth Duke. From 1742 to 1770. Selected from the Originals at \7oburn Abbey. By Lord John Russell. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Bentinck, Lord George. A Political Biography. By Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli. New Edi- tion. 8vo. London, 1858. Bright, John, M.P. His Life. By John McGilchrist. 12mo. London. Brougham, Lord Henry. Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the time of George IIL With Remarks on Party. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839 Brougham, Lond. Life and Career of. With extracts from his Speeches; and Notices of his Contemporaries. By John McGilchrist. 12mo. London, 1868 Brougham, Lord. His Life and Times. Written by himself. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. Burghley, Lord. Memoira of tlie Life and Administration of. With an Historical View of the Times in which he lived, etc., etc. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1828-1831. By Edward Nares. Portraits. 58 (lives and correspondence op BRITISH STATESMEN — continued.) Burgoyne, Rt. Hon. John. General, Statesman, and Dramatist. Political and Mili- tary Episodes derived from the Life and Correspondence of. By Edward B. De Fonblanque. Portrait, Illustrations, and Maps. 8vo. London, 1876. New Edition. Edited by Earl 8vo. London, 1852. With a Vindication of Natural Burke, Edmund. His Works and Correspondence. Fitzwilliam and Sir Richard Bourke. 8 vols. Vol. 1. Correspondence. (From 1744 to 1791.) Vol. 2. Correspondence. (From 1791 to 1797.) Society, and " The Sublime and Beautiful." Vol. 3. Observations on a late Publication, entitled "The Present State of the Nation." Speeches in House of Commons on "American Taxation," "The Better Security of the Independence of Parliament," etc. Vol. 4. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Debts. " Reflections on the Revolution in France." " Appeal from the Old to the New Whigs." " Letter on the Penal Laws against Irish Catholics," etc. Vol. 5. Letters and Addresses on Public Subjects, including an Address to the British Colonies in North America. Vol. 6. Tracts on the Popery Laws. Letter on the Affairs of Ireland. Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings. Vol. 7, 8. Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings. Speeches in the Impeach- ment of Warren Hastings. General Index. Burke, Edmund. Memoir of the Life and Character of. With Specimens of his Poetr and Letters. By James Prior. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1839. Burke, Edmund. History of the Life and Times of. By Thos. Macknight. 3 vols. 8vo. Loiidon, 1858. Burrows, Montagu. Worthies of All Souls, Four Centuries of English History. Illus- trated from the College Archives. 8vo. London, 1874. Campbell, Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of Queen Victoria. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Oanning, Right Hon. George. His Political Life, from September, 1822, to his Death, August, 1827. With a short Review ^f Foreign Affairs subsequent to his Death. By A. G. Stapleton. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Castlereagh, Viscount, Second Marquis of Londonderry. Memoirs and Correspond- ence of. Edited by his Brother. First Series : on the Irish Rebellion, the Union with Ireland, Concessions to Roman Catholics, and Emmet's Insurrection. 4 vols. Second Series : Military and Miscellaneous. 4 vols. Third Series : Mili- tary and Diplomatic. 4 vols. 1798-1822. In all, 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1848, 1852, 1853. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. His Correspondence. From 1741 to 1778. Pub- lished from Ori}(inal MSS. Edited by the Executors of his Son, John, Earl of Chatham. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1838-1840. Cobden, Richard. Speeches on Quesaons of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and Jas. E. T. Rogers. 8vo. Loiidon, 1878. ^ 59 (lives and corbespondence op BRITISH sTATESiiEU— continued.) Oobden, Richard. His Political Career and Public Services. By John McGilchrist. 12mo. London, 1865. Oolohester, Lord. Speaker of the House of Commons, 1802-1817. Diary and Cor- respondence Edited by his Son, Lord Colchester. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Cooper, A. A., First Earl of Shaftesbury, (1621-1683). Life of. By W. D. Christie. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Oornwallis, First Marquis of. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland at the period of the Union. From 1776 to 1805. Edited by Charles Ross. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1859. Eldon, Lord Chancellor. Public and Private Life. (From 1783 to 1838.) With Selections from his Correspondence. By Horace Twiss. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Elliot, Sir Gilbert, First Earl of Minto. Life and Letters of. From 1751 to 1806, when his Public Life in Europe was closed by his Appointment to the Vice- royalty of India. Edited by his Grand-niece, the Countess of Minto. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Elliot, Sir John. A Biography, 1592-1632. By John Forster. Second Edition. 2 vols. London, 1872. Evelyn, John. Memoirs of ; comprising his Diary from 1641 to 1705-'6 ; including the Private Correspondence of Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas, etc., etc. New Edition. By Willian Bray. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. Fairfax. A Life of the great Lord Fairfax, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Parliament of England. By Clements R. Markham. Illustrated. 8vo. Lon- don, 1870. Fairfax Correspondence. Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. Edited by Geo. W. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Fairfax Correspondence. Memorials of the Civil War. Comprising the Corres- pondence of the Fairfax Family, with the most Distinguished Personages engaged in that Contest. Edited by Robt. Bell. Forming the Conclusion of the Fair- fax Correspondence. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Flood, Rt. Hon. Henry. Memoirs of the Lif«»and Correspondence of; containing Reminiscences of the Irish Commons, etc. By Warden Flood. Portrait. 8vo. Dublin, 1838. Forster, John. Lives of eminent British Statesmen. Courtenay.) 12mo. London, 1831-1839. Vol. 1. Sir T. More, Wolsey, Cranmer, Cecil, Lord Burleigh. Sir J. Elliot, Earl of Strafford. John Pym, John Hampden. Sir H. Vane, Henry Marten. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury ; Osburne, Earl of Danby. I 7 vols. (Vol. 5 is by Hon. T. P. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vols. 6, 7. Oliver Crmwell. 60 r (lives . nd correspondence op BRITISH STA-^ESMEN — continued.) Porster, John. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. In one vol. 8vo. Ne..- York. 1858. Sir Henry Vane, the Younger. Henry Martin. Oliver Cromwell. Sir John Elliot. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. John Pym. John Hampden, Fox, Charles Jamesi. His Memoirs and Correspondence. (From 1770 to 1806.) Edited ly Lord John Russell. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1853-1857. Pox, Charles James. His Life and Times. By Earl Russell. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. Gilbert, J. T. History of the Viceroys of Ireland ; with Notices of the Castle of Dublin, and its Chief Occupants, in Former Times. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. William Ewart, M.P. The Life of. By George B. Smith. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. William Ewart, M.P. His Life. By John McGilchrist. 12mo. London. Grenville Papers. Being the Correspondence of Richard, Earl Temple, and the Right Hon. George Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries. From 1742 to 1774. From the original MSS. Edited, with notes, by W, D. Smith. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1852-1853. Grey, Earl. The Reform Act. 1832. Correspondence of the late Earl Grey with William Fourth ; and with Sir Herbert Taylor. From November, 1830, to June, 1832. Edited by Henry, Earl Grey. 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1867. Hampden, John. His party and his Times. Memorials of. By Lord Nugent. With Memoir of Lord Nugent. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1860. Hatherton, Lord. Memoir and Correspondence relating to Political ■ Occurrences in June and July, 1834. By Lord Hatherton. Edited by Henry Reeve. 8vo. London, 1872. Hatton, Sir Christopher, Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth. Memoirs of the Life and Times of ; including his Correspondence with the Queen, etc. By Sir Geo. Harris Nicholas. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1847. Herbert, Lord Edward, of Cherbu^. Autobiography of. The History of England under Henry YIII. 8vo. London, 1870. Hinton, R. J. English Radical Leaders. 8vo. New York, 1875. THE INDEPENDENT MEMBERS : Professor Fawcett. Sir Charles Dilke. Peter A. Taylor. THE LABOUR AGITATION AND ITS FRIENDS Thomas Hughes. Anthony J. Mundella. Alexander Macdonald. Sir John Lubbock. Joseph Cowan. Robert Meek Carter. Thomas Brassey. Samuel Morley. 61 (lives and OOBRESPONBENCE op BRITISH STATESMEN— cottimiterf.) PARLIAMENTARY AGITATORS ; Samuel Plimsoll. i gdward Miall. Sir Wilfred Lawson. | Henry Richards. George Odger. Joseph Chamberlain. New POPULAR LEADERS : George Jacob Holyoake. Joseph Arch, Charles Bradlaugh. Hook. Walter F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury : Laud and Juxon. Series. Vol. 6. 8vo. London, 1875. Hutchinson Colonel, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town ; Representative of the County of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, etc. Memoirs of. With . Anecdotes of Contemporaries, and a Summary of Public Affairs. Written by his Widow, from the original MSS., by Rev. Julius Hutchinson. Also, Life of Mrs. Hutchinson, written by herself. With an account of the Siege of Latham House. Tenth Edition. 8vo. London, 1863 ^^r^^'^r^'T- '",?T ^^--— of ^orty-three years in India. Lewis, «- ^^ge Cornewall. Essays on the Administration of Great Britain. From 178dtol830. Contributed to the Udinburgh Jieview. Edited by Sir Edmund Head. 8vo. London, 1865. Liverpool. Earl of. Life and Administration of Robert Banks, Second Earl of Liver- pool, late First Lord of the Treasury. Compiled from Original Documents. By Chas. D. Yonge. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Lloyd. David^ State-Worthies ; or, the Statesmen and Favourites of England. From he Reformation to the Revolution. With the character of the Kings and Queens during the above period. 2 vols. 12mo. London 1766 Malmesbury First Earl of. A Series of his Letters, and of thos; of his Family and Friends, from 1745 to 1820. Edited by his grandson. Earl of Malmesbury. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Marlborough, Duke of. Memoirs of; with his Original Correspondence. By Wm Coxe. 8vo. London, 1872. ' Maurice C. Edmund. Lives of English Popular Leaders in the Middle Ages. Vol 1 • Stephen Langton. Vol. 2 : Tyler, Ball, and Oldcastle. 8vo. London 1875 ^660. ''aIso-'' ^''"''''' "' '" """'^^^'"^^ '' *'^ '^^"^^''^^ ^^ ^"^'^-^ - Monk's Contemporaries. Biographic Studies on English Revolution. By M. Guizot Nelson t'Tt^V- ""•'"''" ''"" ^-^-' 1851. (Two works in one Vol. J Nelson, Lord. The Despatches and Letters of. With Notes. By Sir N H. Nicholas 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-1846. Vol. i. 1777 to 1794. 2. 1795 to 1797. 3. 1798 to 1799. 4. 1799 to 1801. Vol. 5. 1802 to 1804. 6. 1804 to 1805. P b ft'*** 5V August to October, 1805. 62 (lives and correspondence of BRITISH STATESMEN — Continued.) Palmerston, Lord. Biography of. By John McGilchrist. 12mo. London, 1865. Palmerston, Viscount. The Life of. 1846-1865. With Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence. Portrait. By Hon. E. Ashley, M.P. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Palmerston, Viscount. His Life, with Selections from his Diaries and Correspondence. By Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Peel, Sir Robert. Life and Times of. By W. Cooke Taylor. Portrait and Illustrations. 4 vols. (4th Volume by Charles Mackay.) 8vo. London, 1851. (Vols. 1-2-3. N.D.) Peel, Sir Robert. Memoirs : Edited by Earl Stanhope and the Right Hon. E. Cardwell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1856-1857. Vol. 1. The Roman Catholic Question, 1828-1829. 2. Formation of the New Government, 1834-1835. 3. Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1845-1846. Peel, Sir Robert. His Political Life. An Analytical Biography. By Thos. Doubleday. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Peel, Sir Robert. An Historical Sketch. By Henry, Lord Dalling and Bulwer. 8vo. London, 1874. Perceval, Spencer. Life and Administration of. By C. V. Williams. 8vo. London, 1812. Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer. Life of. Including his Correspondence with Numerous Distinguished Persons. By his Grandson, Spencer Walpole. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Phillips, Charles. Specimens of Irish Eloquence. With Biographical Notices. Por- traits. 8vo. London, 1819. Pitt, Rt. Hon. William. Memoirs of the Life of, to 1793. By George Tomline, Bishop of Winchester. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. Pitt, Rt. Hon. William. His Life. By Earl Stanhope. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1867. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Life of. By Louisa Creighton. * Portrait and Maps. 1 2mo. London, 1877. Reresby, Sir John ; M.P. for York, etc., 1634-1689 : the Memoirs of : written by him- self. Edited, from the Original MS., by James J. Cartwright. 8vo. London, 1875. Rockingham, Marquis of. (Twice Prime Minister.) Memoirs of him and his Con- temporaries, with Original Letters and Documents. From 1760 to 1782. By George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Roebuck, John A. History of the Whig Ministry of 1830, to the passing of the Re- form Bill. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1862. Romiliy, sir Samuel. Memoir of the Life of. Written by himself. With a Selection from his Correspondence : Edited by his Sons. Portraits. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 63 (LIVES AND CORRESPONDENCE OF BRITISH STATESMEN— COrKinwcrf.) Rose, Rt. Hon. George. Diaries and Correspondence. Containing Original Letters of the most distinguished Statesmen of his day. From 1772 to 1807. Edited by Rev. L. V. Harcourt. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1860. RusseU, Earl. Recollections and Suggestions. 1813-1873. 8vo. Boston 1875 RusseU, Lord William. Life of. By Earl Russell. Portrait. 4th Edition. 8vo London, 1853. Shelburne, Earl of, (afterwards first Marquis of Lansdowne). Life of. With Extracts from his Papers and Correspondence. By Lord Edward Fitzmaurice. 3 vols 8vo. Vol. 1. 1737-1766. London, 1875-1876. Vol. 2, 1766-1776 Vol 3 1776-1805. 8vo. London, 1876. ' Sidmouth, Viscount. Life and Correspondence of Right Hon. Henry Addington First Viscount Sidmouth. By Hon. Geo. Pellew. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1847 Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester. Life of. With special reference to ' the Parliamentary History of his time. By Geo. W. Prothero. Maps 8vo London, 1877. r • Smith, Goldwin. Three English Statesmen. A Course of Lectures on the Political History of England. New and Revised Edition. 8vo. London 1868 Sanford, John L., and Townsend, Meredith. The Great Governing Families of England. Two vols, in one. Map. 8vo. ~ " " Vol. 1. ThePercies. The Greys of Howick. ' The Lowthers. The Vanes, or Fanes. The Stanleys of Knowsley. The Grosvenors. The Fitzwilliams. The Cavendishes. The Bentincks. The Clintons. The Stanhopes. The Talbots. The Leveson-Gowers. The Pagets. The Manners. The Montagues. Edinburgh, 1865. Vol. 1. — Continued. The Osbornes. The Fitzroys. The Spencers. Vol. 2. The Grenvilles. The Russells. The Cecils. The ViUiers. The Barings. The Petty-Fitzmaurices. The Herberts. The Somersets. The Berkeleys. The Seymours. The Lennoxes. The Howards. Strafford, Earl of. Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, and Lord .ieuten- ant of Ireland. By Elizabeth Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874 Walpole Horace. Memoirs of; and those of his contemporaries, including n,:merous Original Letters. By Eliot Warburton. 2 vols 8- T^nd-n 1851 Walpoie, Horace. Journal of the Reign of King George the Third, from the year 1771 to 1783 ; being a Supplement to his Memoirs. Now first published from the original MSS. Edited, with notes, by Dr. Doran. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1859. ' )\M 64 (lives and correspondence of BRITISH STATESMEN — continued.) Walpole, Sir Hobert. A Political Biography, 1676-1745. By Alex. Chas. Ewald. 8vo. London, 1878. Wellesley, Marquis of. Memoirs and Correspondence. (From 1760 to 1842.) Com- prising Numerous Letters and Documents, now first published from Original MSS. By Robert Rouire Pearce. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Wellesley and O'Oonnell ; Proconsul and Tribune. Historic Portraits. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. The Marquess Wellesley ; Architect of Empire. By W. M. Torrens, M.P. 8vo. London, 1880. Wellington, Arthur, Duke of. History of his Life. From the French of M. Brialmont. With Emendations and Additions. By Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1858. Wellington, (Duke of.) Despatches, Correspondence and Memoranda of. Edited by his son, the Duke of Wellington. (In Continuation of the Former Series. ) Vols. 6 and 7. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877-1878. Vol. 6, July, 1829— April, 1830. Vol. 7, April, 1830 -October, 1831. Wellington, Duke of. Despatches during his Various Campaigns. Enlarged Edition. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1844-1847. / Vols. 1, 2. India. 3. Portugal. 4, 5, 6. Peninsula Wellington, Duke of, Son. 15 vols. Vol. 7. Peninsula and France. 8. The Low Countriep, Water- loo and France. Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda. Edited by his 8vo. London, 1848-1872. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. India, 1797 fco 1805. Vol. 5. Ireland, from March 30, 1807, to April 12, 1809. Vol. 6. Denmark, Mexico, Portugal and Spain, 1807 to 1810. Vol. 7. Peninsula, 1810 to 1813. Vol. 8. Peninsula and South France, 1813, 1814. Vol. 9. South France. Embassy to Paris and Congress of Vienna, 1814, 1815. Vol. 10. Waterloo. Campaign in France, March to July, 1815. Vol. 11. Occupation of France by Allied Armies, Surrender of Napoleon, Restoration of the Bourbons, 1815-1817. Vol. 12. Settlement of Claims on France, Financial State of France, Difference be- tween Spain and Portugal, Negotiations respecting the Colonies of Spain in America, Plot and Attempt to Assassinate the Duke of Wellington, Evacuation of France by the Allied Armies, 1617 to 1818. Vol. 13, 14. Appendicr.s. Vol. 15. Index and List of Letters. Wellington, Duke of. Despatches, Correspondence and "^-Temoranda. Edited by his Son, the Duke of Wellington. 4 vols. 8vo. Lriidu::, 1867. Vol. 1. From 1819 to 1822. From 1823 to 1825. From 1825 to 1827. 1828 to 1829. 66 (lives and correspondence of BRITISH BTATKmEU— continued.) Wickham, Wm. Rt. Hon. Correspondence of. From the year 1794. Edited by his Grandson, Wm. Wickham. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. WUkes, Sheridan, Fox. The Opposition under George the Third. By W. F. Rae. 8vo, London, 1874. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. Revised Edition 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. British Senators ; or, Political Sketches, Past and Present. By x, ^wing Ritchie 8vo. London, 1869. English Premiers, from Sir Robert Walpole to Sir Robert Peel. By J C Erie 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. BngHsh Statesmen, since the Peace of 1815. 8vo. London, 1868. SPEECHES OF BRITISH STATESMEN. Bright, John. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by James E Thorold Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Brougham, Lord Henry. Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights etc with Historical Introductions and a Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the' Ancients. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Burke, Edmund. Speeches in the House of Commons, and in Westminster Hall. 4 vols 8vo. London, 1816. (First vol. missing.) Campbell, Lord. Speeches at the Bar, and in the House of Commons With an Address to the Irish Bar as Lord Chancellor of Ireland. 8vo. Edinburgh 1842 Oannmg, George. Speeches, with a Memoir. 6 vols. 8vo. London 18'>8 ' Canning, Right Hon. George. Select Speeches of. With a preliminary siographical Sketch and an Appendix of Extracts from his Writings and Speeches. Edited by Robert Wai.,h. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Oobden, Richard. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and Jas. E. Thorold Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Disraeli, Benjamin. Speeches on the Conservative Policy of the last Thirty Years Edited by John E. Butler. 12mo. London, 1869. Duff, M. E. Grant. Elgin Speeches. 8vo. Edinbur; °' ^^"'« -^ I- Edited, with Orowe. Eyre Evans. History of the Roigns of Louis XVTTr , nu . 8vo. London, 1854 "'' ''"'' ^^*^'''^'' X- 2 vols. ^D^'Na^'-To "^^7^^^-- ^-U «vo. London. 1858 *"^-y •'•^ews Correspondence of th.^ Wn- k„* z^, . RJited, with N„L .„,. Col * t, :• '',!";7;.«°™"'"y «"•' f-nce, 1870-1. Account of the Bo,lfZjZ^ !T ' °'"™""'' '" ""' ^'"' ""' Map.. 8vo. Newy'lT ' ' ^""'"S "' ™chRev„lutio„of 1848. it. C.„», A , and Events. 8vo. PhiWelphi. 1848 '»*»■"> Cauw,, Actors, Guizot, M. History of Franco, fro,„ the Earliest Ti„,e. to ,he year 1789 Tr , . , au..ot,M^^„e„o,r., to ,„„.t.te the History of My 4 vols. ' 8vo. London, Hazen,VV.B, The i^bM ani ,h a""™"'' """'■ '^"- York, 1873. ro>^:J.^Trl: '''"''■ T''- '™"' '™' ^-™. "73.1877. 2.-1453-1624. ' | Vol. 3.-162: 1793. Lamartine, Alphonsc de. Historv „f .i,. n- _,■ . Patriots of the French RevTlnt """"f "" ' "'• P™""' Memoirs of the London, 1856. "^ '^'•'"""""' '"' «■ T- % Kohlrausch, Frederick. History of Germany, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Translated from the last German Edition, by James D. Haas. 8vo. New York, 1874. Lewis, Cnarlton T. A History of Germany, from the Earliest Times. Founded on Dr. D. MuUer's "History of the German People," 8vo. New York, 1874. Munster, G. H. Political Sketches of the State of Europe, from 1814-1867, containing Count Munster's Despatches to the Prince Regent from the Congress of Vienna. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Nicolson, A. A Sketch of the German Constitution, and of the events in Germany, from 1815 to 1871. 8vo. London, 1875. Perthes, Frederick ; Patriot and Man of Business. Life of. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1878. Prince Metternich, Memoirs of : 1773-1815. Edited by Prince Richard Metternich. Translated by Mrs. Alex. Napier. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1880. Robertson, William. History of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany. 8vo. London, N.D. Schiller, Fred. History of the Thirty Years' War. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. 12mo. New York, 1872. Stein. Life and Times of ; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age. By J. R. Seeley. Portrait. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1879. " Times' " Correspondent at Berlin. Letters on International Relations, before and during the War of 1870. 2 vols. London, 1871. Turner, Daw.son W. Analysis of the History of Germany. Third Edition. 12mo. London, 1872. Ward, John. Experiences of a Diplomatist. Recollections of Germany, founded on Diaries kept during the years 1840-1870. 8vo. London, 1872. HOLLAND. John De Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. By James Geddes. Vol. 1. 1823-1654. History of the Administration of- I'ortrait. 8vo. New York, 1880. 73 (HOLLAND — continued. ) John of Bameveld, Advocate of Hol.,.d . Life and of. With a viow of the Moaey.^<.„^^.o,^ Hi,to^- Of the Eise of the Dutch Kep„Mi. 3 ™U. 3.0. Motley, John Lothrop Hi*ry of .he United Netherlands Fron, the Death of Z 1870 ° *° ^"*' ^""' '"™™' "»'• *™'=- «"■ ^^- HUNGARY. Frost. J. A History of the Hungarian War, including Outline History of Hungary and Notices of the Most Distinguished Officers. 8vo. New Haven, (N.D.) INDIA. Adams. W. II. D Episodes of Anglo-Indian History : showing the Rise and Progress of our Indian Empire. Map. 8vo. London, 1880. ^ Fisher, Fred. H. Afghanistan and the Central Asian Question. Map. 8vo. London, '^''^'"::'1:Z:^Sr'''- ^--^«^r^^--^— erresen. Illustrated. Wheeler. J. Talboys. a Short History of India, and of the Frontier States of Afghan- istan, Nipal and Burma. Maps and Tables. 8vo. London, 1880. ITALY. Adams W. H D The Queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice Past and Present. lUus- trated. I2mo. London, 1872. Bent. J. Theodore. A Freak of Freedom ; or. the Republic of San Marino. Illustra- tions. 8vo. London, 1879. Butt, Isaac. History of Italy. From the Abdication of Nanole'on L 2 vols 8vo London, 1860. ' De^Smondi.D.C.L. History of the Italian Republic. 12mo. New York, 1870. Parmi, Luigi Carlo. The Roman State from 1815 to 1850. Translated f;om the Hurst, Wm. Italy. 12mo. London, 1874. Leo the Tenth. The Life and Pontificate of. By Wm. Roscoe. R«v...... h. M, g,,, Thos. Roscoe. Seventh Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872 ^ " ' ' MacchiaveUi, Niccolo. The History of Florence, and of the Affairs of Italy. From the Earliest Time, to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Together with the Prince. New Translation. 8vo. London, 1872. 74 (ITALY — continued. ) MediciS, Lorenzo de. (Called the Magnificent.) Life of. By Wm. Roscoe. Witli Memoir of the Author. Tenth Edition. Revised by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. 8vo. London, 1872. Oliphant, Mrs. The Makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their City, Portrait of Savonarola, and Illustrations. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1877. Pius the Ninth. The Story of his Life, to the Restoration in 1850. With Glimpses ai, the National Movement in Italy. By Alfred Owen Legge. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1875. Pius the Ninth. By John Francis Maguire, M.P. New Edition. Revised and brought down to the Accession of Leo the Thirteenth, by Rt. Rev. Mgr. Patter- son. Two ""'rt: ilts. 8vo. London, 1878. Villari, Pasquale J^':, ...o Macchiavelli and his Times. Translated by Linda Villari. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. NORWAY. Oarlyle, Thomas. The Early Kings of Norway, and an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. (Also, General Index to Car^ ■ Works.) 8vo. London, 1875. POLAND. Edwards, H. S. The Private History of a Polish Insurrection, from Official and Un- official Sources. 8vo. London, 1865. Saxton, L. C. Fall of Poland ; together with a History of the Country. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1852. RUSSIA. De GurOWSki, a, Russia as It Is. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Eckardt, Julius. Modern Russia. Comprising Russia under Alexander II. ; the Greek Orthodox Church and its Sects ; the Baltic Provinces of Russia. 8vo. London, 1870. Lardner, Dionysius. The History of Russia. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Rambaud, Alfred. The History of Russia. From the Earliest Times to 1877. Trans- lated by Leonora B. Lang. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879. Siiclair, Sir Tollemache. A Defence of Russia and the Christians of Turkey. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Russia before and after the War. By the Author of " Society in St. Petersburg," etc. Translated from the German, by Edward F. Tayloi. Sceond Edition. Svo. London, 1880. Two OhancellorS— Prince Gortschakoff and Prince Bismarck. By Julian Klaczlco. Translated from the French, by Frank P. Ward. 8vo. New York, 1876. 75 SCANDINAVIA. PryxeU, Anders. History of Sweden. Translated from the Original by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Otte, E. C. Scandinavian History. Maps. 8vo. London, 1874, Sinding, Paul C. History of Scandinavia. From the Early Times of the Northmen and Vikings, to the Present Day. Third Edition. 8vo. New York, 1860. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Historical Account of 12mo New York, (N.D,) SPAIN. Oallcott, Maria, Short History of Spain. J vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Oonde, J. A. History of the Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Translated from the Spanish by Mrs. J. Foster. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. PresCOtt, William H. History . e Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. Thirteenth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Prescott, William H. History of the Reign of Philip II., King of Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1858. Robert? Jn, William. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. By William H. Prescott. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857. SWITZERLAND. Switzerland and the Swiss. Sketches of the Country and its Famous Men, (Anon.) Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. Zschokke, Heinrich. History of Switzerland. With a continuation to the year 1848. By Emil Zschokke. Translated by F. G. Shaw. New York, 1855, TURKEY— IN EUROPE AND ASIA. Argyll, The Duke of. The Eastern Question. From the Treaty of Paris, 1856, to the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, and to the Second Afghan War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1879. Brodrill, W. J., and Besant, Walter. Constantinople : A Sketch of its History from its Foundation to its Conquest by the Turks. 8vo. London, 1879. Creasy, E. S. History of the Ottoman Turks. From the beginning of their Empire to the present time. New Edition. 8vo. London, 1858. Finn, James. Stirring Times ; or, Records from Jerusalem. Consular Chronicles of 18 U-LT lO X.O 56. jiditud by his widow. Preface by the Viscountess Strangford, Frontispiece and Map. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Freeman, Edward A. The Ottoman Power in Europe : Its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline. Three Coloured Maps. 8vo, London, 1877. .j-1, .'X4 76 (tukkey — IN EUROPE AND ASIA — continued.) Hammond, (Rev. Dr.) A History of the Empire and People of Turkey, and the War in the East, etc., with Narrative of the late Rebellion and Atrocities in the Provinces. The Origin and Progress of the Turko-Russian War, etc. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. Loher, Franz Von. Cyprus : Historical and Descriptive. From the Earliest Time to the Present Day. Adapted from the German ; by Mrs. A. B. Joyner. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1878. MacCoU, Malcolm. The Eastern Question: its Facta and Fallacies. Map. 8vo. London, 1877. Stillman, William J. The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-'7-'8. 8vo. New York, 1874. The People of Turkey. Twenty Years' Residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Al- banians, Turks, and Armenians. By " a Consul's Daughter and Wife." Edited by Stanley L. Poole. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. PERSIA. Watson, Robert Grant. History of Persia, from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the year 1858, 8vo. London, 1866, 5. — Primitive History. AMERICA. Baldwin, John D. Ancient America.^ in Notes on American Archaeology. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Native Races of the Pacific States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. Vol. 1.— Wild Tribes. Vol. 4.— Antiquities. 2. — Civilized Nations. 3. — Myths and Languages. Beamish, North L. The Discovery of America by the Northmen, in the Tenth Century. 8vo. London, 1841. Charlevoix, Pere. The History of Paraguay. With an Account of the Esti.iblishmenta formed there by the Jesuit. 'j. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1769, Halkett, John. Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America. 8vo. Lon- don, 1825. Helps, Arthur. Spanish Conquest in America, and it'k Relation to the History of Slavery, and to the Government of the Colonies. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Kohl, J. G. A Popular History of the Discovery of America, from Columbus t Fi-aukliu. Translated hum the German. By Major II. E. Noel. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1862. Lester, C. Edwards. The Mexican Republic ; An Historic Study. Portrait of Diaz. 8vo. New York, 1878. 77 (AMERICA — continued. ) Prescott, William H. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Prescott, William H. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortez. Twenty-Sixth Edition. 3 vcls. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Schoolcraft, Henry R. Notes on the Iroquois ; or, Contri' ations to American History, Antiquities and General Ethnology. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Smith, Joshua T. Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1842. CANADIAN HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPH-i!. Adams, A. Leith. Field and Forest Rambles in Eastern Canada. 8vo. London, 1873. Aikins, Thos. B. Selections from the Public Documents . t the Province of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Halifax, 1869. Alexander, Sir Jas. E. L'Acadie; or, Seven Years' Exploration in British America. 12mo. London, 1849. Alexander, Sir Jas. E. Salmon-Fishing in Canada. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1860. Anderson, A. C. The Dominion at the West : British Columbi".. (Government Prize Essay, 1872.) 8vo. Victoria, 1872. Anderson, David, (first Bishop of Rupert's Land). Notes on the Flood at Red River in 1852. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1873. Anderson, David, (tirst Bish p - Rupert's Land). The Net in the Bay; or, the Journal of a Visit to Moose and Albany. Second edition. Map. l2mo. London, 1873. ' Atkinson, W. C. An Historical and Statistical Account of New Brunswick. Map. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1844. Back, ,ui>t. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean. In the Years 1833, 1834, 1835. Map. 8vo. London, 1836. Ballantyne, R. M. The Pioneers. A Tale of the Western Wilderness, Illustrative of the Adventures and Discoveries of Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 8vo. London, 187' Ballantynf,, RV.L. M. Hudson's Bay; or. Everyday Life in the Wilds of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1876. Barret-Leonard, C. K Travels in British Columbia, with a Narrative of a Yacht Voyage round Vancouver's Island. 8vo. London, 1862. Bartlett, W. H. Canadian Scenery Illustrated. The Literary Department by N. F. Willis. Vol. 1. 4to. Loudon, (N.D.) Begg, Alex. Creation of Manitoba; or, a History of the Red River Troubles. 8vo. Toronto, 1871. «.j >^l uf i '-J 78 (CAXADIAN HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY — continued.) Begg, Alexander. "Dot it Down." A Story of Life in the North-West. 8vo. Toronto, 1871. Beyard, Col. N., and Lodowick, Lieut.-Col. Journal of the late Actions of the French at Canada, with the manner of their Repulse. (London, 1693.) Re- printed. 4to. New York, 1868. Bibaud, Michel. History of Canada and the Canadians. Second Edition. 12mo. Montreal, 1843. (In French.) Vol, 1. — French Domination. | Vol. 2. — English Domination. Bolton, E. C, and Webber, H. H. (Royal Artillery.) The Confederation of British North America. 12mo. London, 1866. Bonnycastle, Sir Richard. Canada and the Canadians in 1846. 2 vols. Post 8vo, London, 1846. Bouchette, Josepli. The British Dominions in North America ; or, a Topograhical and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, etc., etc. 2 vols. 4to. l>ondon, 1832. Brougham, (Lord). SpeecD upon Canada. House of Lords, Jan. 18, 1838. 8vo. London, 1838. Brougham, (Lord). Speech on the Maltreatment of the North American Colonies. House of Lords, Feb. 2, 1838. Brown, Jas. E. Views of Canada and the Colonists. The Experience of an Eight Years' Residence. Map. 2nd Edition. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1851. Brown, T S. A History of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Compiled from Public Documents. 8vo. Quebec, 1864. Buchanan, Isaac. The Relations of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Country and the United States; with Speeches, etc. Edited by Henry J. Morgan. Portrait. 8vo. Montreal, 1864. Bulger, Capt. G. E. Leaves from the Records of St. Hubert's Club, (Canada) ; or. Reminiscences of Sporting Adventures. Cvo. London, 1864. Butler, Capt. W. F. The Great Lone Land. A Narrative of Travel in the North-West. With Illustrations and Route Map. 8vo. London, 1872. Butler, Capt. W. F. The Wild North Land. Winter Journey across Northern North America. With Illustrations and Map. Svo. London, 1873. Campbell, Duncan. Nova Scotia, in its Historical, Mercantile, and Industrial Rela- tions. 8vo. Montreal, 1873. Canniflf, William. History of the Settlement of Upper Canada, with Special Reference to the Bay of Quints. Svo. Toronto, 1869. Carrier, L. N. Les Ev^nements de 1837-'38. Esquisse Historique do I'lnsurrection du Bas-Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1877. Oarille, Lieut., and Martindale, Lieut.-Col. Recollections of Canada. London, 1873. Carmichael-Smyth, Sir J. Precis of the Wars in Canada, from 1755 to 1814. Svo. London, 1862. 79 (CANADIAN HISTORY AND TOVOOttJiPllY— continued.) Oartier, Jacques. Voyage of, to the Islands of Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, etc. Fac-simile Edition of 1545. (In French.) Oartwright, Hon. Richard. Life and Letters of. Edited by Rev. C E Cartwricht 8vo. Toronto, 1876. Oartwright, George. Journal of Transactions and Events, during the Residence of nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador, with Pai , julars of the Country and its Inhabitants, not hitherto known. Charts. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1592. Carver, J. Travels through the Literior Parts of North America, in the vears' 1766, 1767, and 1738. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1778. OaSSOn, Dollier. Histoire du Montreal. Quatrieme Livraison. 8vo. Montreal, 1868. Cavendish, Sir Henry. Debates in the House of Commons in the Year 1774, on the Bill for making more Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. London, 1839. Champlain, Samuel. (Euvres de. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols 8vo Quebec 1870. ■ ^ , Charlevoix, P. P. de. History and General Description of New France. Translated by John Gilmary Shea. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1866. Chappell, Edward, (Lieut. R. N.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in H.M.S. "Rosamond." Illustiated. 8vo. London, 1817. Chessyre, Henry T. Canada in 1864. A Hand-book for Settlers. 12mo London 1864. Christie, Robert. History of the late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political. From the Commencement to the Close of its Existence as a Separate Province. 6 vols, bound in 3. 12mo. Montreal, 1866. Christmas, Rev. H. Canada in 1849. Pictures of Canadian Life; or, the EmigTant Churchman. By a Pioneer of the Wilderness. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. Coats, Capt. W. The Geography of Hudson's Bay : 1727-1751. With Appendix, con- taining Extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton, on hi's Voyage for the Dis- covery of the North- West Passage, in 1841-42. Edited by John Barrow 8vo London. 1852. Coffin, W. F. 1812 ; The War and its Moral. A Canadian Chronicle. 8vo Mont- real, 1864. Colden, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are the Barrier between the English and French in that part of the World. 8vo. London, 1750. Colton, C. Tour of the American T.akes, and among the Indians of the N.-W. Territory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, with Narrative of a Residence of Six ..!i ...1.. ,,._.„„,,, I ,jxac ui. Liic -ivu-oky iutjuntams. Witii a Journey across the American Continent. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Daahwood, Richard Lewess. Chiploquorgan ; or, Life by the Camp Fire in Canada and Newfoundland. 8vo. London, 1872. /■k ,P •« 80 (CANADIAN HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY— CC>«c„rred on the I,Und 12mo. Cambridge, 1866. Withrow, William H. Hi,.o,y of Canada For the n,e of School, and General Keaders, 12mo. Toronto, 1876. Withrow. William H. A Popular History of the Dominion of Canada. Prom the Discovery of America to the Present Time, including a History of Ontario, Quebec. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P. E. Island. B. Columbia. Manitoba. the N.-W. Territory, and Newfoundland. Portraits, Illustrations and Map 8vo. Boston. 1878. Woods. N. A. The Prince of Wales in Canada. 12mo. London, 1861 Wolfe. Major-General James. Life of. Founded on Original Documents, and Illus- trated by his Oorrespondencr. By Robert Wright. 8vo. London, 1864. Young. James (M.P.P.) Reminiscences of the Early History of Gait, and the Settle- ment of Dumfries. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. An Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck in North America, in order to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province. (Baron Maseres.) 8vo. London, 1775 Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebeck. Being an Appendix to the preceding. 8vo. London, 1776. British Columbia, Guide to the Province of, for 1877-8. 8vo. Victoria 1877 Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. 8vo. Toronto 1856' cZd^.'^^^^n^T^"- ^^^^^*««-dent. Map. ISmL London, 1833. Canadian Guide Book. With a Map of the Province. 12mo. Montreal, 1849 Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History. Conducted bv'the -diuug Committee of the Canadian Institute. August 1852, to May 1873 16 vols. Toronto. 90 \\:^ III • ^ 1 1 r 1 1 (CANADIAN HISTORY AND TOPOQBAPHY — continued.) OaiUadian Pacific Railway. Report on Surveys and preliminary operations up to January, 1877. By Sandford Fleming, Engineer-in-Chief. Maps. 8vo. Ottawa, 1877. Oivil List and Military Expenditure in Canada, and Projected Railway from Quebec to Halifax. Correspondence Relating to. (Presented to Imperial Par- liament, 1851.) Olergy Reserves, Canada. 1819 to 1840. Printed by House of Commons. Parts 1, 2. Folio. London, 1840. Committee on Grievances— the Seventh Report. From the Select Committee of the House of Assembly, Upper Canada, on Grievances. W. L. Mackenzie, Chairman. 8vo. Toronto, 1835. Oorrespondence Relative to the Affairs of Canada. Presented to Imperial Parlia- ment. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. Folio. London, 1840. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, etc., du Roi, Gouvernant le Canada. 2 vols. 4to. Quebec, 1803. Further Correspondence. (Canada.) (Presented to Imperial Parliament, 1852.) Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil, and Commercial History of the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John, from he First Settlement there to the Taking of Luuisburg by the English in 1758. 8\o. London, 1760. Guide Book and Atlas of Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts. Maps by Rogers. Sketches by Penson. 4 to. Toronto, 1879. Le Journal des Jesuites. Par les Abb^s Laverdiere et Cosgrain. 8vo. Quebec, 1871. Letters from Muskoka. By " An Emigrant Lady." 8vo. London, 1878. Memoires SUr la Canada; depuis 1749, jusqu'Ji 1760. Avec Cartes, etc. 8vo. Quebec, 1873. Memoirs and Documents Relating to the History of Canada. Published by the His- torical Society of Montreal. 8vo. Montreal, 1859. (In French.) Memorial of the People of the Red River to the British and Canadian Governments. With Remarks on the Establishment of a Great Territorial Road from Canada to British Columbia. Submitted to the Canadian Government, by Sandford Fleming. 8vo. Quebec, 1863. Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the connection of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, and his Attempt to Establish a Colony on the Red River. With an Account of his Lordship's Expedition to, Subsequent Proceedings at Fort William, in Upper Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1818. North- West American Water Boundary. Case of the Government of H.B.M. Submitted to the Arbitration and Award of the Emperor of Germany. Maps. Folio. London, 1873. North- West Territories. Being an Account of their Extent, etc. With a Sketch Ql tiieir ijistory, uowii to tue Organization oi the xroviiicc oi Mariitoba. With a Map. 8vo. Toronto, 1871. 91 (CANADIAN HISTORY AND TOPOORAPIIV — Continued.) Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1777. Ordinances passed by the Administrator of the Government and Special Council for the Affairs of Lower Canada. ^ 6 vols, in 3. 4to. Quebec, 1838-41. Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of the Confederation of the British North- American Provinces. 8vo, Quebec, 1865. Plan of a Code of Laws for the Province of Quebec. Reported by the Advocate-General. 8vo. London, 1774. Present State of Nova Scotia, (l 787.) With a Brief Account of Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North America. Second Edition. 8vo. Lon- don, 1787. Proceedings of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 4 vol^. 8vo. Quebec Historical Society. Proceedings of. — vols. 18— to 18—. Regne Militaire en Canada. (M^moires de la Soci^te Historique de Montreal. Cin. qui^me Livraison.) 8vo. Montreal, 1870. Relations des Jesuites. 3 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1858. R« miniscences of the Red River Rebellion of 1869. 8vo. Toronto, lg^73. Report of the Commission Appointed to Enquire into the Affairs of the Grand Trunk Railway. 8vo. Quebec, 1861. Report of the Legislative OouncU of Upper Canada on the Civil Rights of Certain Inhabitants. 8vo. York, Upper Canada, 1825. Royal Colonial Institute : Proceedings of. Vol. 10. 1878-79. 8vo. London, 1879. State Trials. Held at Montreal, in 1838-39. Exhibiting a Complete History of the Rebellion in Lower Canada,. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. The Fashionable Tour in 1825. An Excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and Boston. 16mo. Saratoga, 1825. The Tour of the Prince of Wales through British America and the United States. By a British Canadian. Portrait. 8 m Montreal, 1860. Trifles from my Portfolio. Recollection! during Twenty-nine Years' Military Ser- vice in Peninsular War, etc., and Vfjer and Lower Canada. By a Staff Sur- geon. 8vo. Quebec, 1839. United States eind Canada. As seen by Two Brothers in 1858 and 1861. Map. 12mo. London, 1862. Upper Canada Public Accounts, Reports, etc. 1838, 1840. Upper Canada Report on the Public Departments of the Province, 1839. Voyage au Canada. Dans les ann^es 1795, 1796, et 1797. Traduit de I'Anglaiae d'lsaac Weld. Map. Vol. 1. 8vo. Paris, XI. ;:1 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. Vol. II. Lettftr."? on Canadian, Trade and Navigation. Montreal, 1855. By the Hon. John Young. Hr* w^^HPH 91 li (CANADIAN PAI1PIILKT8 — contintud.) (vol. II — eontintud.) A Plea for the Protection of Canadian Industry. By Joaeph Wright. Dundas, 1864. The Reciprocity Treaty. Its advantages to the United States and to Canada. By Arthur Harvey. Quebec, 1868. Protection and Free Trade. By John McLean. Montreal, 1867. Field and Factory— or How to Establish and Develop Native Industries. By J. B. HuHburt. Montreal, 1870. Notes on the Principles of Population. By Andrew Watt. Montreal, 1869. Vol. III. D'Iberville ou Le Jean-Bart Canadien, et La Baie D'Hadson. Montreal, 1868. Canadian History and Biography, and Passages in the Lives of a British Prince and a Canadian Seigneur. By Dr. W. J. Anderson. Quebec, 1867. The First Bishop of Toronto— a Review and a Study, By Henry Scadding. Toronto, 1868. The Place British Americans have Won in History. A Lecture. By H. J. Morgan. Ottawa, 1866. Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Sketch of his Life and Death. By Fennings Taylor. Montreal, 1868. Minutes of the General Council of Indian Chiefs and Principal Men, held at Orillia, on the Proposed Removal of the Smaller Communities, and the Estab- lishment of Manual Labour Schools. By Henry Baldwin. Montreal, 1846. The Irish Position in British and Republican North America. A Letter. By the Hon T. D. McGee. Montreal, 1866. The Army and its Reserves. By Col. P. L. McDougall. London, (England,) 1869. Vol. IV. Notes on the Gold of Eastern Canada. By W. K Logan. Montreal, 1864. The Gold Fields of the Worid : Our Knowledge of Them, and its Application to the Gold Fields of Canada. By W. J. Anderson. Quebec, 1864. The Iron Mines of Nova Scotia. By C. D. Archibald. London, 1854. Intercolonial Trade our only Safe-Guard against Disunion. By R. G. Haliburton. Ottawa, 1868. The Absolute Depreciation of Gold Demonstrated to the extent of 50 per cent., and the True Nature of Money Defined. By Thomas Galbraith. Montreal, 1863. Vol. V. Canada, an Essay. By J, S. Hogan Montreal, 1855. Canada and Her Resources. By A. Morris. Montreal, 1855. Political Notes and Observations extending over a Period of 25 Years. By G. E. Fenety. Frederickton, N.B., 1867. From Montreal to the Maritime Provinces and Back. By A. G. Gilbert. Mon- treal, 1867. M (CANADIAN PAMPI1LBT8 — Continued.) Vol. VI. The Fre«h- Water Figh of North America. By H. B. Small. Montreal, 186S. The Canadian Bee-Keepers' Guide. By J. H. Thoman. Toronto, 1869. The Birds of Canada. By J. M. Le Moine. Quebec, 1866. Flax and Hemp. By A. Kirkwood. Toronto, (N.D.) Vol. VII. The Union of the Biitish North American Provinces. By the Hon. J. Howe. Montreal, 1866. Notes on Federal Government, Past and Present. By the Hon. T. J, McGee. Montreal, 1866. Two Speeches on the Union of the Provincea By T. D'Arcy McGee. Quebec, 1865. Report of the Minister of Finance on the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States. Quebec, 1862. Vol. VIII. Remarks on the State of Education in the Province of Canada, B. L. Montreal, 1848. On Some Points in the History and Prospects of Protestant Education in Lower Canada. By J. W. Dawson. Montreal, 1864. A Plea for the Extension of University Education in Canada. By J. W. Dawson. Montreal, 1870. Vol. IX. Handbook to the Parliamentary and Departmental Buildings, Ottawa. Ottawa, 1867. Reminiscences of Quebec. Quebec, 1858. Vol. X. A Glance at the Victoria Bridge, and the Men who Built it. By Chas. Legge. Montreal, 1860. Great Railway Accident at the Desjardins Bridge. March, 1867. Pencillings by the Way during a Vacation Visit in Chebucto. Montreal, 1868. Thfese Sur Les Marriages Clandestines. Par E. L. Belief euille Montreal, 1860. Slavery as recognized in the Mosaic Civil Law. By the Rev. Stuart Robinson. Toronto, 1865. Vol. XI. Evidence of Ancient Civilization in America. By Dr. W. E. Besey. Guelph, 1870. Hints to the Young Botanist. By J. Branston. Montreal, 1857. Ireland's Mission, a Sermon. By the Rev. Father Bake well. Montreal, 1869. The King of the Beavers, a Burlesque Extravaganza. By Sam Scribble. Mon- treal, 1865. Vol. XII. From Toronto to Fort Garry. An account of the Second Expedition to Red River. From the Diary of a Private Soldier. Hamilton, 1871. The North- West Territories— Their Extent. Soil, Resources, etc. Toronto, 1871. The Dominion of the West — A Brief Description of the Province of British Columbian By A. C. Anderson. Victoria, B. C, 1872. m k^ 1 : ■ M-f. >4- 94 r* Hi i : (CANADIAN \'\MVnUKTH—C07ltintt«d.) Vol. XIV. Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada ; .3Bth Geo. III., Guy, Lord Dor- cheHtor, Governor ; being the 3rd Sosaion of the First Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1 795. Laws of His M.ijesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America ; com- prising all the Acts of the Honourable the LogiHlaturo aforesaid, enacted at their First, Second, Third and Fourth Sessions, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795. Niagara, 1795. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the Fifth Session of the Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada, met at Newark, 16th May, in the 36th Year George IIL 1796. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America. Enacted in the First Session of the Second Parliament, 1797. West Niagara, 1797. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, enacted in the Second Session of the Second Parliament, 1798. York, Upper Canada, 1799. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, Third Session of Second Parliament, 1799. York, Upper Canada, 1799. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Uppar Canada, First Session of the Third Provincial Parliament, 1801. York, Upper Canada, 1801. The Commercial Colonies, their Geographical Distribution, Area, and Popula- tion generally. London, 1849. Vol. XV. The Banished Briton and Neptunian. (Robert Fleming Gourlay.) Boston, 1843. Report of a Select Committee of the House of Assembly on the Political State of the Province of Upper and Lower Canada. H. Sherwood, Chairman. To- ronto, 1838. Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854, as pourtrayed by the Earl of Elgin. Quebec, 1855. Vol. XVI. A Few Hints on Decimalizing the Currency. By Jas. Alexander. Toronto, 1856. Ireland and the Colonies. By James Macqueen. London, 1851. The Advantages of the Canals. By J. Gordon Brown. Toronto, 1850. Letter on Lord Grey's Despatch of 3l8t March, 1848, relative to Canadian Customs Duties. By J. W. Gamble. Toronto, 1849. The Employment of the People and the Capital of Great Britain in her own Colonies. A Letter from Major R. C. Smyth, to the Author of the Clock- maker ; containing Thoughts on the Subject of a British Colonial Railway Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific. London, 1849. Vol. XVII. First Annual Report of the Upper Canada Central School, on the British National System of Education. York, Upper Canada, 1822. Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Society for the Relief of Strangers in Distress at York. York, 1827. ' 05 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued.) (vol. x\ii—cotitinu«d.) Proceedings at the Ceremony of Laying the Chief Corner Stc .o of the Normal and Model SchoolH and Education OfticeH for Upper Canada, on the 2nd July. 1851, by the Earl of Elgin, with an Introductory Sketch of the System of Public Elementary Instruction in Upper Canada, by the Chief Superintendent of Schools. Toronto, 1861. Correspondence between Bishop Charbonnell and Dr. Ryerson. Toronto, 1852. Vol. XVIII. A Welcome to the Prince of Wales, and other Poems. By Harold Sherwood. Toronto, IfSO. By-Laws of the Home District Council during the Years 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845 and 1846, and the First Half- Yearly Meeting of 1847. Toronto, 1847*. Vol. XIX. Christian Recorder, April, 1817. June, 1819. York, 1819. The Monthly Review, devoted to the Civil Government of Canada. A^;il, 1841, Montreal. The Literary Garland. June, 1847. Montreal. The Canadian QvMrterly Review. July, 1864. Toronto. Vol. XX. Sermon Preached at St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, on the 29th May 1861, at Opening of Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connec- tion of Church of Scotland. By Alex. Mathieson, D.D. Montreal, 1861. A Memoir of the late Mr. WilUam Ruttan, son of Henry Ruttan of Cobourg To which is prefixed a Sermon, by the Rev. A. N. Bethune. Cobourg, Upper Canada, 1837. Sermons on the Liturgy of the Church of England. Originally Preached in St. Peter's Church, Couourg. By Rev. A. N. Bethune. York, Upper Canada 1829. I, I Vol. XXI. Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. Prize Essay. By C, W. Cooper. Kingston, 1856. Sketch of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Progress of the Town of Peter-, borough, and of each Township in the County of Peterborough, By Thomas W. Poole. Peterborough, 1867. Vol. XXII. Address to the People of Newcastle District. Newcastle, 1832. Celebrated Letter of Joseph Hume, M.P., to W. Lyon Mackenzie, Mayor of Toronto, declaratory of a Design to " Free these Province^ from the baneful Domination of the Mother Country." Toronto, 1834. Declaration of the Views and Objects of the British Constitutional Society, on, its Reorganization. Toronto, 1836. o 1 k % t .*+' ■ ■i 1 •«fl i\^^ •"''^ ^ ^ 'Myr'^j^' 96 iii*f If I (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — COntimtsd.) (vol. XXII — continued.) Prooeedinfjs had in the Commons House of Assembly, on the subjeot of an Address to Sir F. B. Head, for certain Information on the Affairs of the Colony. Toronto, 1636. A Despatch trom Lord Glenelg, Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Sir Francis Bond Head. Toronto, 1836. ^ Report of Resolution to House of Assembly on Giievances, Henry Sherwood, Chairman. Toronto, 1837. Critical Review of Sir Francis Head's Narrative, and of Lord Durham's Report by the London Quarterly Review for April, 1839. Toronto, 1839. A Letter on the Ministerial Crisis, by the Old Montreal Correspondent of the Colonial Gazette, of London. Kingston, 1843. Sir Charles Metcalfe Defended against the Attacks of his Late Councillors. By Egerton Ryerson. Toronto, 1844. The Mini>jtcri»,l Crisis : Mr. D. B. Viger, and his Position ; a Review of the Hon. Mr. Vigor's Pamphlets By a Reformer of 1836. Kingston, 1844. Correspondence between Hons. W. H. Draper, Caron, Lafontaine and Morin, containing many Suppressed Letters. Montreal, 1846. / n Appeal to the People of the Late Province of Upper Canada. James Fitz- Gibbon. Montreal, 1847. Vol. XXIII. The Question Answered : " Did the Ministry intend to Pay Rebels ?" in a Letter io the Earl of Elgin. Montreal, 1849. Minutes of he Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates of the British American League, held at Kingston and Toronto in 1849. Kingston and Toronto, 1849. The Questions, Was the Lata Rebel-Paying Measure Forced on the Present Ministry by their Predecessors 1 and Is that Bill a Transcript of the Rebellion Claim Bill for Upper Canada 1 Set at Rest by a Retrospect of the various Acts of Parliament on the Subject of Rebellion Losses. Montreal, 1849. Plough and Harrow Address to the Electors of Canada. By Thos. Johnson Grover. London, C. W., 1851. The Origin, Composition, and Futurity of Political Parties in Canada. Toronto, 1851. The Canadian Repealer's Almanac for 1856. By Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. To- ronto, 1856. Toronto : The Grounds upon which are based her Claims to be the Seat of Gov- ernment of Canada ; with a Memorandum by Sir F. Bond Head to the Secretary of State for thv) Colonies on the Subject. Toronto, 1858. Letters Illustrative of the Present Position of l*olitics in Canada. Isaac Buchanan. Hamilton, 1859. Dr. Ryerson's Letters in reply to the Attacks of the Hon. George Brown. To- ronto, 1859. - I 97 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued.) (vol. xxiii— continued.) Address of the Constitutional Reform Association to the People of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1860. The Irish Position in British, and in Republican North America. T D McGee- Montreal, 1866. An Elector's Reasons for Supporting Messrs. Macdonald and Crooks, and Voting against the Tory Coalitionists—Harrison and Wallis. Toronto, 1868. Vol. XXIV. Thou^rhts upon the Lawfulness and Expediency of Church Establish- ments. Rev. A. N. Bethune. Cobourg, 1836. Ten Letters on the Church and Church Establishments. By an Anglo-Canadian Toronto, 1839. Memoir Upon the Estates which the Jesuits Possessed in Canada. Montreal 184:5. ' A Note, in Addition to that of 1845, on the Jesuits' Estates. Quebec 1847 Lands for Sale in Upper Canada, by the Canada Companv. York, Upper Canada, 1828. ^ r , , ^por Proceedings had in the Legislature of Upper Canada, during the years 1831-2 and 1833, on the subject of the Lands set apart by George the Third, for the . purpose of Schools. Toronto, 1839. Statement of Facts Connected with the Claim of the Family of the late Hon Clonel Claus to a Tract of Land on the Grand River, Niagara District, Sur^ . rendered by the Indians of the Six Nations to his use, etc. Niagara 1839 Ooservations on the History and Recent Proceedings of the Canada Company' Hamilton, 1845. ^ ^ A Schedule of Real Estate in the Newcastle District, to be Disposed of at Public Sale on the 1st day of August, 1833. Uobourg, 1833. The Ordnance Department and the People of Bytown. Bytown 1845 Two Letters to the Governor-General on the Subject of the' Crown Lands Department and the Crown Lands. Toronto 1847 Information for the Public. Account of the Proceedings of tho Government Commissioners Against the Unfortunate Settlers upon the Indian Lands in the Townships of Tuscarora and Oneida, in 1846-'7. Hamilton, 1847. Vol. XXV Message from the Legislative Council, with certain Resolutions on the subject of the Clergy Reserves. Toronto, 1835. Proceedings had by the House of A.ssembly during the 2nd Session, 12th Pro- vmcial Parliament, on the subject of the Clergy Reserves. Toronto, 1836 Ine iteserve Question, or a Word for the Church. Toronto 1837 Remarks and Suggestions on that Portion of the Clergy Reserve Property, (Landed and Funded,) of Upper Canada, "Not Specifically Appropriated t any Particular Church." Rev. W. M Harvard. Quebec, 1838 i^^fl&aisesaStfcfKLi^ m m f f m' I * 98 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued.) (vol. xxv — continued.) Reply of William Morris, M. L. C, of Upper Canada, to Six Letters addressed to him by John Strachan, D.D. Toronto, 1038. Letters to Hon. William Morris, being Strictures on the Correspondence of that Gentleman with the Colonial Office, as a Delegate from the Presbyterian Body in Canada. John Strachan, D.D. Cobourg, 1838. The Clergy Reserve Question as a Matter of History, a Question of Law, and a Subject of Legislation. Egerton Ryerson. Toronto, 1839. Copies of Letters, etc., read in the Legislative Council, in the Debate upon the Clergy Reserve Bill, January 17th, 1840. P. B. De Blaquieie. Toronto, 1840. The Clergy Reserves. A Letter from the Bishop of Toronto, to the Hon. A. N. Morin. Toronto, 1854. Vol. xXVT, Letters on Elementary and Practical Education. Chas. Mondelet. Montreal, 1841. Extract from the Will of the Late Hon. James McGill, with the Charter of the University of McGill College. Montreal, 1844. Remarks on the State of Education in the Province of Canada. Montreal, 1848. Reply to a Special Report of the Superintendent of Education on the Theory and Working of his Educational Depository of School and other Text Books, etc. J. C. Geikie. Toronto, 1858. Public Schools, City of Toronto. Report of the Past History, and Present Condition, of the Common or Public Schools of the City of Toronto, 1859. Vol. XXVII. The New University Bill, as projected by the Provincial Govern- ment, with Remarks upon its several heads. Cobourg, 1845. Thoughts on the University Question. Kingston, 1845. The University Question considered. Toronto, 1845. University Question ; the Rev. Dr. Ryerson's Defence of the Wesleyan Peti- tions to the Legislature, and of Denominational Colleges. Quebec, 1860. University Question. The Statements of John Langton and Prof. Wilson, with Notes, etc. T'>ronto, 1860. Statement made before the Committee of the Legisktive Assembly, on the Uni- versity of Toronto, in Reply to those of Revds. Drs. Cook, Green, Stinson, and Ryerson. John Langton. Toronto, 1860. University Reform. Report of the Resolutions Adopted at the Great Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of Kingston, Wednesday evening, 6th March, 1861, with the Speeches Delivered on the Occasion. Kingston, 1861. Dr. Ryerson's Reply to the Recent Pamphlet of Mr. Langton and Dr. Wilson, on the University Question. Toronto, ISGl. University Reform Defended : In Reply to Six Editorials of tl ^ J lobe and Leader, on the University Commissioners and the Advocates of University Reform in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1863. 99 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — Continued.) Vol. XXVIII. first Report on the State of the Representation of the People of Upper Canada in the Legislature of that Province. York, 1831. Representation on the Legislative Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, by the Constitutional Association of the City of Montreal. Montreal, 1837. Responsible Government. Letters to Lord John Russell, etc., on the Right of British Americans to be Governed by the Principles of the British Constitu- tion. Halifax, N.S., 1839. Letters on " Responsible Government," and on Union of Colonics of British North America. G. R. Young. Halifax, N.S., 1840. Some Remarks upon Sir Charies Bagot'a Canadian Government. Rev. Dr. Ryerson. Kingston, 1843. Letters Against the Baldwin Faction. Toronto, 1844. An Almanac of Independence and Freedom, for the year 1860. Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. Toronto, 1860. Correspondence, submitted to Parliament, between Major Richardson and the Hon. Dominick Daly, etc. Montreal, 1846. Proceedings of Public Meetings held at Bytown, in 1849, relative to the St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain Canals, with Report and Evidence thereon. Bytown, 1849. First Annual Report Presented to the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, in 1852. Toronto, 1852. Second Annual Report presented to the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada in 1853. Toronto, 1853. Third Report and Proceedings of the Special Committee of the Legislative As- sembly, on the subject of the Seignorial Tenure. Quebec, 1852. The Seignorial Question, its Present Position. Quebec, 1854. The Anti-Seignorial Convention of Montreal to the People. Montreal, 1854. Vol. XXIX. Plan for the Federal Union of British North America. Chatham. Toronto, 1839. Messages from the Governor-General on the Subject of the Re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Toronto, 1839. Observations on the Union of the Canadas, and on the Canada Government Bill. Greenock, 1840. Federative Union of the British North American Provinces. H. Sherwood. Toronto, 1850. On the Intention of the Imperial Government to Unite the Provinces of British North America. H. Taylor. Toronto, 1858. The Uuiou of the British North American Provinc3s Considered. Montreal 1859. Dawn of a New Empjio. Halifax, N.S., 1864. Two Speeches on the Union of the Provinces. T. D. McGee, Quebec, 1865. 1% r. 100 (CANADIAN PAMPHi-ETti — contintied.) (vol. XXIX — continued.) Form and Administration of Civil Government. Quebec, 1838. Rfply to Lord Durham's Report on the British North American Colonies. Cobourg, 1839. Correspondence between H. M. Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the Earl of Durham. Toronto, 1839. Nova Britannia, or Britiih North America, its Extent and Future. Alex. Morris. Montreal, 1858. The Future of British North America. Independence, How to Prepare for it, etc. Toronto, 1865. Vol. XXX. Chronicles of Canada ; Being a Record of Robert Fleming Gourlay, "The Banished Briton." St. Catharines, 1842. Journal of the Rev. Peter Jacobs, Indian Wesleyan Missionary, from Rice Lake to the Hudson's Bay Territory, and Returning, etc. Toronto, 1853. The Hudson's Bay Territories. A Series of Letters, Edward Ermatinger. Toronto, 1858. Report on a Topographical and Geological Exploration of the Canoe Route be- tween Fort William, Lake Superior, and Fort GaiTy, Red River, etc., in 1857. H. Youle Hind. Toronto, 1858. Memorial of the People of Red River to the British and Canadian Govern- ments, with Remarks on the Colonization of Central British North America, etc. Sandford Fleming. Quebec, 1863. The North-West Territories. Being an Account of their Extent, Soil, Natural Resources, etc. Toronto, 1871. Narrative of a Journey to Manitoba. J. Y. Shantz. Ottawa, 1873. ' Vol. XXXI. An Act to amend, and Reduce into one Act, the Militia Laws of this Province. Toronto, 1838. An Act to Repeal, Alter and Amend the Militia Laws of this Province. To- ronto, 1839. War of 1812. Containing Narrative of the operations of the Right Division of the Canadian Army. Major Richardson. Toronto, 1842. Letter to Sir W. F. Williams, on the Formation of a British North American Legion. Montreal, 1859. Canada. Is She prepared for War ? Or a few Remarks on the State of her Defences. Toronto, 1861. The National Defences; or. Observations on the Best Defensive Force for Canada. G. T. Deniaon, Jr. Toronto, 1861. Canada, a Battle Grouiia about a Kingdom in America. Alex. Somerville. Hamilton, 1862. History of the Fenian Raid on Fort Erie; with an Account of the Battle of Ridgeway. G. T. Denison, Jr. Toronto, 1866. 101 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS— COntmued.) (vol. xxxi—contimted.) Southern States. Ottawa, 1869, Letters of John O'Connor, M.P., on Fenianism. Toronto, 1870. Vol. XXXII. Memoirs of James Breckenridge, comprising his Travels in North America. Designed as a Guide to the Emigrant. Ogdensburgh, 1831 Proceedings, etc., of Public Meeting held in BrockviUe, 1832. (Pauper Emi- gration.) ^ ^ Observations upon Emigration to Upper Canada. Joseph Nelson. Kingston, A Letter to John Walton, Editor of the Shrewsbury Chronicle, England, from Rowland Wingfield, Upper Canada. Bufialo, 1838. Letter to Earl Grey, embracing a Statement of Facts in Relation to Emigration to^Canada, during the Summer of 1847. Hon! Adam Ferrie. Montreal, The Prairies of the Western States. Their Advantages and their Drawbacks. Chas. Lindsay. Toronto, i860. An Address of the Prince Edward Temperance Society to the Inhabitants of the County. Hallowell, U.C, 1834. Prohibitoiy Liquor Laws. Their Practical operation in the United States Chas. Lindsay. Toronto, 1865. Report of the Select Committee on the Prohibitory Liquor Law. Toronto, 1859 A Prohibitory Liquor Law for Upper Canada. J. J. E. Linton. Toronto, 186o" Tempemnce Odes, and Miscellaneous P^ms. Archibald xMcKiUop. Quebec^ ^''"' '1^^1832 ^"^'' ^'' *^' ^''^^'''^ °^ Proceedings in the House of Assembly. Proceedings of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, on the Bill entitled An Act to Amend the Jury Laws of this Province." Toronto 1836 Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, upon the Complaints contained in an Address to the King. Toronto 1836 A Proposal for Dividing t^ ., "arisdiction of the Court of Queen's Bench in Upper Canada, and Establishing a Court of Appeal. Kingston, 1845 A letter to the Hon. Robert Baldwin, from Wm. F Blake, upon the Adminis- tration of Justice in Western Canada. Toronto, 1845. Report on the Practice of the House of Commons upon Private Bills, with Sug- gestions for future Regulation of Private Business in Legislative Assembly of Canada. Montreal, 1847. 102 :|i Iff |i I i (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — contint*ed.) (vol. XXXIII — continried.) A Letter on the Subject of the Division Courts, with Proposed Alterations in the Jurisdiction and Details of the System. Hon. Judge Burns Toronto, 1847. A Letter on the Subject of the Courts of Law, of Upper Canada. J. G. Spragge. Toronto, 1847. Thoughts on Law Reform. John H. Hagarty. Toronto, 1850. Remarks on the Proposed Abolition of the Court of Chancery. Kingston, 1851. Correspondence, Addresses, etc., in Upper Canada, in Aid of the Funds for the Reconstruction of Brock's Monument, on Queenston Heights. Toronto, 1841. The Hand-Book of Toronto, containing its Climate, Geology, Educational Insti- tutions, Courts of Law, etc. Toronto, 1858. The Members of the Municipal Council, and its Civic Officials of the City of Toronto, from the Incorporation of the City in 1834, to the year 1870, inclu- sive. Toronto, 1870. Vol. XXXIV. A Statement of the Aflfairs of the Late Pretended Bank of Upper Canada, at Kingston. York, 1827. Report of Select Committee, to which was referred the subject of the Currency. Toronto, 1835. Statement of the Affairs of the late Bank of Upper Canada, at Kingston. King- ston, 1840. Letter of the Hon. James Morris, of Brockville, to the Stockholders of the Com- mercial Bank of the Midland District. Montreal, 1850. First Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Trade and Commerce of the Province of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1835. Extracts from the Patriot— Mor.ey is Power. Montreal, 1836. Reasons Submitted in favour of Allowing a Transit of Merchandize through Canada to Michigan, without Payment of Duties, etc. Toronto, 1836. Report of Special Committee of Legislative Assembly of Canada, on the subject of a Free Trade with Great Britain, and of Protection, etc. Kingston, 1842. A Brief Review of the Revenue, Resources, and Expenditures of Canada, com- pared with those of the neighbouring State of New York. Wm. H. Merritt. St. Catharines, 1845. A Letter to Earl Grey, Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies. Montreal, 1846. Letters addressed to the Inhabitants of the Niagara District, on Free Trade, etf. W. H. Merritt. Niagara, 1847. The Hon. Francis Hincks' Views on the Commercial Policy of Canada, in 1846-7, and 1852. Montreal, 1853. Report of the Public Meeting of Delegates from various parts of Canada, held in Toronto, itt 1858, and Proceedings of the " Association for the Promotion of Canadian Industry." Toronto, 1858. The Effects of the New Tariff on the Upper Canar^ Trade. Toronto, 1858. f -: t08 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued.) Vol. XXXV. Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, upon the Provision made by Law for the Support of a Protestant Clergy in that Province. Toronto, 1835. Proceedings in the House of Assembly for certain Information on the affairs cf the Colony. Toronto, 1836. Message from Sir Francis Bond Head in answer to the address of the House of Assembly, with sundry Documents requested by the House in said Addresses. Toronto, 1836. Report of a Select Committee of the Hfouse of Assembly, on the Political State of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Toronto, 1838. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, appointed to Report on the state of the Province. Toronto, 1839. Report of E. S. De Rottermund, Chemical Assistant to the Geological Survey of the Province. Montreal, 1846. Petition of Wm. L. Mackenzie, Acting Executor to the Estate of the late Robert Randall, of Lincoln County, relative to Sale of Lands in Nepean, on the Ottawa, with Reports, etc. Quebec, 1852. Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly, on the Propriety of Prohibiting Sunday Labour in the Public Departments of the Province. Quebec, 1853. Vol. XXX VI. Second Annual Report of the Canada Conference Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Catharines, 1826. An Account of a Public Trial of A. Powell's Pamphlet, entitled " An Account of Serious Evils, etc." Hamilton, 1832. Prospectus of the Plan and Principles of a Society Proposed to be Formed in Montreal, for the Attainment of Religious Liberty and Equality, etc. Mon- treal, 1836. Wesleyan Methodism in Upper Canada. A Sermon. E. Ryerson. Toronto 1837. ' Scriptural Rights of the Members of Christ's Visible Church ; or. Correspon- dence containing the Reasons of Dr. Ryerson's Resignation of Office in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Toronto, 1854, The Antidote of Dr. Ryerson's Scriptural Rights, etc. Rev. H. Will ison. London, C.W., 1855. The Duties of Subjects to their Rulers, with a Special View to the Present Times. A Sermon. Rev. James George. Toronto, 1838. The Salaries of the Clergy. Rev. H. Patton. Toronto, 1858. Brief View of tlie State of the Catholic Church in Upper Canada. Toronto 1858. • ' The Clergy and Politics ; or, a Brief Dissertation on the Impropriety of Clergy- men Meddling with Party Politics. Wm. Hillam. Cayuga, 1859. Jl m 'a-' J i^ 104 U0 I (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued.) (vol. xxxti — continued.) Address delivered by the Kev. C. Chiniquy, on his defence hefore the Presbytery of Chicago, in 1862, against the Slanders of the Committee, about his College at Ste. Anne, Kankakee, Illinoi& Sandwich, 1862. Worshipping Gcd by Machinery ; Organ Worship, or Instrumental Music in Church. J. Soady, Greenville, Ontario, 1863. ' The Protestant Minority in Quebec, in its Political Relations with the Roman Catholic Majority. Thomas White, Montreal, 1876. Fourth Annual Report of the Society, for Converting and Civilizing the Indians, and Propagating the Gospel in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1834. Orangeism and Civil and Religious Liberty. Orangeism and Toleration. Lec- tures by Mr, N. C. Gowan. Toronto, 1860. Vol XXXVII. The Huron Chief, and other Poems. A. Kidd. Montreal, 1830. How I lost My Money. An Episode in my Life. A. Gugy. Quebec, 1836. Investigation of the Proceedings of the House of Assembly, with reference to the Contested Return of the Member for Niagara. E. C. Campbell. Niagara, 1837. A Statement of Facts relative to the Dismissal of James S. Howard, late Post- master of Toronto. Toronto, 1839. Capreol vs. Mitchell. Toronto, 1839. Explanation of the Proceedings of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1841. Facts and Particulars relating to the Case of Morris vs. Cameron, recently tried at Brockyille, Montreal, 1845. Report upon the Present State of the Townships of Bay ham, Malahide, etc., based upon the Proceedings of a Meeting favourable to the formation of the Townships into a New District. London, 1847. Report of the Proceedings of Meeting of the Friends and Admirers of Lord Metcalfe, held in Montreal in 1847. Montreal, 1847. Mr. Ryland's Case. Documents relating to Mr. Ryland's Claim on Government. Montreal, 1848. Vol. XXXVIII. The Garland. Hamilton, 1833. Personal Memoirs of Major Richardson. Montreal, 1838. Some Particulars Illustrative of the Life and Opinions of Andrew Jackson, Seventh President of the United States. York, 1829. Brief Sketch of the Life of Charles, Baron Metcalfe. Kingston, 1846. Report of the Si^ecial Committee on the Stat^e of ATiculture in Lower Canada^ X' " " X* — — — — - — — B^ — — Toronto, 1850. A Lecture delivered before an Association of Agriculturists and Mechanics at the Village of Gananoque, in 1851. Kingston, 1851. 105 (CANADIAN PAMPiihETB— continued.) Vol. XXXIX. statement of the Seizure of the British Schooner, Lord NeUon, by an American Vessel of War, in 1812. Hamilton, 1841. To Sir Allan Napier Macnab, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. A. McLeod. Niagara, 1845. Fonotipic Jurnal. London, 1846. The Satirist. Montreal, 1847. How I came to be Governor of the Island of Cacona. Francis Thistleton Montreal, 1852. Remarks on the Deplorable Events which took place in the Haymarket Square, in 1853, and on the Immediate and Remote Causes thereof. Montreal, ISSs! Journal and Transactions of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada'. To- ronto, 1855. The Canadian Newspaper Directory, or Advertisers' Guide. W. Meikle. To- ronto, 1858. Report of John White and John Stewart, of the Investigation into the Public Accounts of the County of Halton. Milton, 1858. Correspondence relative to the Dismissal of Dr. Russell from the Commission of the Peace. Toronto, 1858. The Origin end Cause of the British Order of Good Templars. N. C. Gowan. Toronto, 1860. Sir John A. Macdonald's Speech on Introducing the Bill to give effect to the Treaty of Washington as regards Canada. Ottawa, 1872. Vol. XL. The Monthly Review. Toronto, 1841. Devoted to the Civil Government of Canada. Vol. XLI. The Canadian Magazine, (Incom.) Tororto, 187L Vol. XLIL Canadian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 1848-1868. Toronto. (Incomplete.) Vol. XLIII. (Railways.) Articles on the Great Colonial Project of Connecting Halifax and Quebec by a Railroad; and ultimately the Atlantic and the Waters of Lake Huron George R. Young, M.P.P. Halifax, 1847. Railways in New Brunswick. Tracts issued by the Council of the Railway League. Saint John, New Brunswick, 1849. Report on the Survey of the European and North American Railway, made under the authority of the State of Maine. A. C. Morton. Portland 1851 Proceedings of the General Committee of the North Shore Kuilruad. Quebec 1852. The Best Route and New Brunswick the Intert . aal Railway through the Provinces of Quebec W. M. Buck, C.E. St. John, N.B., 1867. ■k ; ■',^' ,i) ! fS 106 til (CANADIAN PAMPHLETH — continued.) (vol, xtiii — continufifl.) Letter to Sir Frimcis Bond Head, as to Bailroada in Upper Canada, and the Means of Constructing them without the aid of Foreign Capital. James Buchanan. Toronto, 1851. Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Railroads and Telegraph Lines ; to- gether with the Minutes of Evidence. Toronto, 1851. Philosophy of Railroads. Published by order of the Directors of the St. Law- rence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railway Company. Thomas C. Keefer, C.E. Montreal, 1853. Proceedings of a Meeting held in Toronto, Canada, 1854, for the purpose of Promoting the Construction of a Railway from Green Bay, Wis., to St. Paul, Minn., with a Report of Committee. Toronto, 1854. The North- West Transportation, Navigation, and Railway Company. Its Ob- jects. A. Macdonald. Toronto, 1858. Vol. XLIV. (Railways.) First Report of the Directors of the Cobourg Railroad Company. Cobourg, 1835. Ontario and Huron Road. Report of the Windsor and Sturgeon Bay Road Committee. Toronto, 1845. Marmora Railroad. Chairman's Remarks and Engineer's Report. R. L. Inues. Belleville, 1858. Report on the Great Western Railway, Canada West, to the President and Di- rectors. C. B. Stuart. Hamilton, 1847. Report of the Directors of the Great Western Railway of Canada. With a statement of Accounts, etc. G. L. Reid. Hamilton, 1854. Report of the Directors of the Great Western Railway of Canada, for half year ending 1855, with Engineer's Report and Statement of Accounts, etc. Ham- ilton, 1855. Report of the Engineer, upon the Preliminary Surveys, for the London and Gore Railroad. Elisha Johnson. Toronto, 1836, Report of the Engineer, upon the Preliminary Surveys, for the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad. Elisha Johnson. 1837. Report on the Preliminary Surveyy of the Toronto and Guelph Railway. W. Shantz. Toronto, 1852. Report by the Chief Engineer, to the Directors of the Ontario, Siracoe and Huron Railroad Union Company, in 1853. F. Cumberland. Toronto, 1853. Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railroad Union Company. Eight Letters on Mat- ters in Connection with the Affairs of the Company. Anon. Toronto, 185-3= A Railroad from Lake Superior to the Pacific. The Shortest, Cheapest, and Safest Communication for Europe with all Asia. Allan Macdonell. Toronto, 1851. 107 (CANADIAN PAMPHLETS — continued,) (VOL. XLtv — continwd.) Preliminary Report on the Projected North-West Railway of Canada. With a Description of the Extent, Physical Features, Soil, etc. Sandford Fleming. Toronto, 1857. Memorandum relative to the Present Position of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company, and suggestive of Parliamentary Measures of Relief. Toronto, 1858. Vol. XLV. (Railways.) Report of the Committee on the Montreal and Kingston Section of the Canada Grand Trunk Railway. J. Young. Montreal, 1851. Report on the Preliminary Survey of the Kingston and Toronto Section of the Canada Giand Trunk Railway. T. C. Keefer. Toronto, 1851. Grand Trunk Railway. Letter of Mr. Brassey to the Hon. John Ross, Presi- dent of the Company. Toronto, 1856. Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. First Report of the Select Committee of Share and Bondholders, concerning all the affairs of the Company, etc. London, 1861. Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Case of the Preference Bondholders and its Bearings on the Position and Rights of the other Classes interested in the Railway. London, 1861. Notes and Corrections to the Report of the Government Commission of Enquiry into the Condition and Management of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. By Walter Shanly. Toronto, 1861. Report on a Survey for the Railway Bridge over the St. Lawrence at Montreal, surveyed in 1851-52. T. C. Keefer. Montreal, 1853. Bytown and Piescott Railroad. Engineer's Report. W. Shanly. Bytown, 1851. Reports of the Directors and Chief Engineer of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railway Company. Montreal, 1853. Reports on the Preliminary and Locating Surveys of the Bytown and Prescott Railway. W. Shanly. Toronto, 1853. The St. Lawrence and Lake Huron Railway in Canada West. Its Local Benefits : and also Influence on Eastern and Western Trade. A. C. Brown. Ogdensburgh, 1852. Vol. XLVI. (Railways.) The Great Southern Railway of Canada. Letter to the Railway Company in favour of the Extensions claimed by the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway. By R. G. Benedict, Chief Engineer. Quebec, 1855. The Proposed Southern Railway. Letter to the Raihvay Committee by Messrs. H. B. Willson and James Adam, in favour of the Hamilton Route. Quebec, 1855. W ■' ' 1 '*^i 112 i tfi (CANADA — 1 836-'68 — contiimed.) Lower Canada Grievances. Instructions to the Earl of Gosford, and the Commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the Grievances complained of in Lower Canada. Also Instructions to Sir F. B. Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada. Foreign Trade— Nova Scotia. Copies of the Addresses of the House of Assembly in Nova Scotia to His Majesty on the Foreign Trade of that Colony, etc. Orange Lodges in Upper and Lower Canada. Copies of Despatches addressed to the Governors of Upper and Lower Canada respecting Orange Lodges. Copies of Orders sent out to the Canadas respecting Orange Lodges there, the date of the despatch and the arrival then, and the Answers received, etc. Copies of Despatches from Sir George Arthur relating to Orange Lodges in Canada since the 17th day of May, 1837. Duration of Governments. Circular Despatches addressed to the Governors of Colonial Possessions, regulating the Duration of Governments. Canada and United States Boundaries. A Return of Expenses paid for carrying into effect the Stipulations of the Convention at London, on the 27th September, 1827, relative to the Boundaries of the United States and the British American Provinces. Emigration in Canada. Copy of the Annual Report from the Agent for Emigration in Canada, for 1836. Grievances and Complaints. Copy of Resolutions, received by the Colonial Office, passed at Meetings held in Upper Canada, since March, 1837. Public Situations. Return to an Address for Copies of Letters between Mr. Hume, Mr. Roebuck, or any Member of the House, with Mons. Papineau, etc. Lord Gosford's Expenditure. An Account of the Expenditure of the Office and Establishment of Lord Gosford, as Governor-General and Commissioner in Canada, for one year. Lord Durham's Governorship. Copy of Correspondence relating to the Establish- ment of the Earl of Durham, as Governor-General of British North America, and Her Majesty's High Commissioner. Insurrectionary Expenditure for Upper and Lower Canada. An Estimate of the Sum that will probably be required to defray the Expenses, beyond the ordinary Grants for the years 1837-8, and 1838-9, for Army and Ordnance Ser- vices, occasioned by the Insurrection in Upper anu Lower Canada. Earl Durham's Appointments. Copies of Appointments made by the Earl of Dur- ham, as Lord Commissioner of the British North American Colonies, previous to his Departure from England, and during his stay in Canada. Earl Durham's Expenses. Account of Expenses Incurred in the Micsion and in the Passages of the Earl of Durham and Suite to Canada. Estimate of Insurrectionary Expenditure. An Estim.ate of the Amount that will Probably be Required to Defray the Expenses of the Service in the Canadas, consequent upon the Insurrection in those Provinces. Affairs of Canada. Further Correspondence Relative to the Affairs of Canada. 113 (CANADA— 1 836-'68—con«inwerf.) ^""*!!tf Rn° fr.^f"" *''" ^'°^00^- Amend.™*, „ade by .he Lord, totheBUl mftuled "An Act to re-unite the Province, of Upper and Lo„ Canada, and for the Government of Canada » Veteran Battalion Expenditure. An Account of the manner in which the ,un. of ^10,000 granted m the Army E.timate, of last year for the Formation of a Veto- ran Battalion in Canada has been expended '"'"'tr°the^'*°'^*rt- "^'"^ °' '"' ""'"'' '" '"«" *« — ' S-» voted St e late Lne°r:"fL''°l7' °.'^"'^" "■ """^ °' "■» «'-" 0' *» «"™- General to the Legislative Assembly of Canada, and Correspondence relative Co™»» '""^■" P"--™"" «'»«- - ae Commercial Policy of the Empire Copaes of any Despatches from the Governor-General of Canada to He; MaiestV, Sec^tary of State for the Colonies, in regard to the Commercial Chan!:! """<>■'«" considcmtion of the Imperial Legislature = - -ow Oen!r°f "fT'-- ^"'^ °' '^'°" °' «-»-™' appointed by the Govenor- General of Camida aince the Union of the two Provinces, to inquire inrtle State of the Canadian Post Office ; and Mr. Stayner's Statement relltive hit a ; |i« 114 llfW' (CANADA — 1836-'68 — continued.) Rectories, Repeal of. Legislation respecting. Copy of an Act to Repeal so much of the Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the Slst George III., c. 31, as relates to Rectories, and the Presentation of Incumbents to the same ; together with the Resolutions of the Council and Assembly relative thereto. Ohurch of England Temporalities. Copy of an Act to make provision for ihe Management of the Temporalities of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned, etc. Consolidated Fund. Account of Sums advanced out of Consolidated Fund to meet deficiency of Interest on said Loan, and of Repayments by the Province of Canada. Establishment of English Ohurch Society in Lower Canada. Copy of an Act to provide for the Establishment of a Church Society of the United Church of England and Ireland, in each Diocese of that Church in Lower Canada, etc. Church of England College in Canada. Copy of Address of the Legislative Council of Canada respecting a Royal Charter for a College in connection with the Church of England in Canada ; and respecting a Free Convocation of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity, in Communion with the said Church, etc. Constitution of Legislative Council. Copies of the Addresses to Her Majesty, of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, on the Subject of the Consti- tution of the former House. Grand River Settlers. Copies or Extracts of Representations to the Secretary of State, on behalf of the Settlers on the Grand River, in Upper Canada ; together with Copies or Extracts of the replies thereto, and Correspondence on the sub- ject with the Governor-General of Canada. Nova Scotia against the Union. Copies of Despatches from Viscount Monck, for- warding Representations from Nova Scotia against the Union, and the answer. UPPER CANADA — 1836-'40. Commerce and Trade, Upper Canada. Copy of an Address of the House of As- sembly of Upper Canada to His Majesty, respecting the Commerce and Trade of that Province, etc. Affairs of Upper Canada. Extracts from n Despatch of the 21st April, 1836, from Sir F. B. Head to Lord GleneJg ; also. Copy of an Adda-ess to the King from the House of Assembly. Dissolution of Parliament. Copy of Sir F. B. Head's Despatch of 28th May, 1836, enclosing Copy of a Gazette Extraordinary, notifying the Dissolution of the Provincial Parliament. Lands, Sale of. Orders in Council, etc., respecting the Sale of Lands in Upper Canada. House of Asaembiy and Legislative Council, Papers respecting Discussiojis with the Houses of Assembly and Legislative Council. Lands, Disposal of. An Act to provide for the Disposal of the Public Lands in Up- per Canada, and for other purpdses therein mentioned. w (upper CANADA— 1836-'40—con8 Repokt. Contents of Appendix (D) : Oommisston by the E.rl „f D„Aa„, appointing Arthur Buller, E.,., to procod ^th Report of Mr. Dunkin, the Secretary to the Commission. Plan of Seigniory of Cap de la Magdaleine. Contents of Appendix (E): Copy of ^Letter fro„ the Ear. of Durha. t. the Mar,„i, „, N„r.aub„ dated 3.,t Report from the Chief Secretary, on the Commutation of the Feudal Tenure, in th Report fromMr. Turton, on the E,taUish„ent „, a n.,M^ of Eeai Property in W DESPATCHES ON SUBJECT AND AFPAIES OF CANADA-:839 Despatches from Sir P. B. Head on Canada-Return to .n Address of the E.t™et, of the a„:lr:t;"retlt o7 sC" ^"""^ ""^ ^^^ ^ Cfopies or Extract, of Cor,e,pcnde„oe relati e to the Affairs of Canada. ,} Ifii 118 CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE AFFAIR8 OF CANADA— 1839-'40. From the Marquis of Normanhy and Lord John Jiuasell. Lower Oanada- Courts-Martial, Remedial Measures, Union of Provinces, Respon- sible Government, Finance, Addresseo, etc. il UPPER CANADA.— POLITICAL. From the Marquis o/Normanby and Lord John Russell to Sir G. Arthur. Oourts-Martial, Execution of Prisoners, Tranquility of Upper Canada, Party Pro- cessions, Suppression of Orange Societies, etc. From Lieutenant-Governor Sir George Arthur. Oourt-Martial on the Prescott Prisoners, Prisoners under Commuted Sentences, Speedy Capital Punishments, Release of Prisoners, Orange Processions, Canada Bill, Responsible Government Meetings, etc. FINANCIAL, ETC. From the Marquis of Normandy and Lord John Russell to Sir G. Arthur. Disposing of Clergy Reserves, Compensation for Losses in Rebellion, Civil List Bill, Emigration, Relief of Commuted Pensioners in Upper Canada, etc. From Lieutenant-Governor Sir George Arthur, to the Marquis of Normanby. Education, Funds of the University of King's College, Titles of Bills Passed, Success of Emigrants, Public Works of Upper Canada, etc. From Lord John Russell and the Right Hon. Poulett Thompson. Report on State of Emigrants sent out by Colonel Wyndham, Address respecting Re- sponsible Government, Meeting at Quebec against the Union, Financial condition of Upper and Lower Canada, Suspension of Constitution of Lower Canada, etc. From Lord John Russell and Lieutenant-Governor Sir G. Arthur. State of the Province, Destruction of part of Kingston by Fire, Attempt to Destroy Brock's Monument, Tranquillity of the Country. RECTORIES, UPPER CANADA— 1839. Creation of Rectories. Copies or Extracts of the Correspondence between the Lieu- tenant-Governor of Upper Canada and the Secretary of State, on the subject of Rectories in that Province, by Sir John Colborno. 119 INDIANS IN THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA PROVINCES.-1839. Copies or Extracts of Correspondence a^.nce Ist April, 1835, between the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the Governors of the British North America Prov- inces, respecting the Indians in these Provinces. RE-UNION OF UPPER AND LOWER CANADA.-1840. Re-union of Upper and Lower Canada. Copies or Extracts of Correspondence relative to the Re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada Re-uniting, and Government of the Province. A Bill for Re-uniting the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of the United Province. Indian Department Expenditure. Copy of the Instructions addressed to the Governors of Upper and Lower Canada, relative to the Expenditure incurred on account of the Indian Departments in those Provinces. Use of English Language, Bill Respecting. A Bill intituled, "An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the Third and Fourth years of Her present Majesty, to Re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, as relates to the Use of the English Language in Instruments relating to the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada." A Bill to Re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada. 0. ORDINANCES— LOWER CANADA.— 1841. .: Ordinances passed by the Governor and Special Council of Lower Canada in -he Ihird and Fourth years of the Reign of Queen Victoria, ot an Ordinance passed by the Governor and Special Council of Lower Canada intituled, "An Ordinance to provide for the Security of the Province of Lower Canada;" and of a Proclamation issued by the Governor of Lower Canada on the 28th June last. CANADA.— 1842-1869. Hudson's Bay Company. Copy of the existing Charter or Grant by the Crown to the Hudson's Bay Company; and Correspondence on last Renewal of the Char- ter, etc. Complaints Asrainst Hudson's Bn^ rjomr^nv ''to*^'? «.• «.,, ,. - — .7 >'Wi-ii^aiiy, v.-n<6a xvivur oeiuiement). Copy of Memorial and Petition from Inhabitants of Red River Settlement com- plaining of the Government of the Hudson's Bay Company, and Reports and Correspondence on the subject of the Memorial. >*jj 120 (CANADA.— 1842-1869— c(m, Earl of. Fourth Viceroy of India. By W. W. Hunter. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Merivale, Herman. Lectures on Colonization and Colonies. New Edition. 8vo. London, 1861. Metcalfe, Lord. Life and Correspondence. By John W. Kaye. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. Metcalfe, Lord. Selections from the Papers of. Edited by John Wm. Kaye. 8vo. London, 1855. Mills, Arthur. Colonial Constitutions. An Outline of the Constitutional History and Existing Government of the British Dependencies, etc. 8vo. London, 1856. Noble, John. South Africa, Past and Present. A Short History of the European Set- tlements at the Cape. 8vo. London, 1877. Payne, Edward J, History of European Colonies. Maps. 12mo. London, 1877. Pownall, (Governor.) The Administration of the Colonies. Third Edition. With Appendix as to the Parliament's Right of Taxing the Colonies. 8vo. London, 1766. Roberts, Brown H. E. History of the Colonial Empire of Great Britain. 8vo. Lon- don, 1861. Stokes — Lucas. A View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies, at the breaking out of the Civil War, etc., etc. By Anthony Stokes. 8vo. London, 1873. Charters of the old English Colonies in America. By Samuel Lucas. 8vo. London, 1850, (Two vols, in one.) Sydenham, Lord. Memoir of; with a Narrative of His Administration in Canada. By G. P. Scrope. 8vo. London, 1843. Taylor, W. Cooke. A Popular History of British India ; Commercial Intercourse with China, and the Insular Possessions of England in the Eastern Seas. 8vo. Lon- don, 1842. itn (colonial history, bto. — continued.) Wakefield, Eclward Gibbon. A View of the Art of Colonization, with present refe fence to the British Empire. 8vo. London, 1849. A "Pakeha Maori." Old New Zealand. A Tale of the Good Old Times. And a His- tory of the War against the Chief Heka, in 1846. Told by an Old Chief. In- troduction by the Earl of Pembroke. 8vo. London, 1876. Part II. Canadian Railways. statement and Account of Proceedings under the Canada Railway Loan Act. Also, Further Papers Relating to Correspondence on Intercolonial Loan. London, 1869. Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History, The. Conducted by the Editing Committee of the Canadian Institute. August 1852, to May, 187S. ^ 16 vols. Toronto. Colonial Magazine, The. Edited by Robert Montgomery Martin. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Colonial Possessions. Reports showing the Present State of Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions. Transmitted with the Blue Books for the Year 1866. London, 1868. Part I. West Indies— viz., Jamaica, British Honduras, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Guiana, Bahamas, Trinidad. Windward Islands— Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, St. Lucia. Leeward Islands— Antigua, Montserrat, St. Christopher, Nevis, Virgin Islands, Dominica. North American Colonies, African Settlements and St. Helena, Australian Colonies and New Zealand, the Mediterranean Pos- sessions, etc. Part III. Eastern Colonies— viz., Ceylon, Hong Kong, Labuan, Straits Settle- ments (not received), Mauritius, Seychelles. Discussions on Colonial Questions. At Westminister Conference, July, 1871. 12mo. London, 1872. House of Commons. Returns of Colonial Governors and Bishops. London, 1867. Hudson's Bay Company. Report from the Select Committee, House of Commons, on. Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. London, 1857. Imperial Federation of Great Britain and her Colonies. In Letters, Edited by Frederick Young, (one of the writers). 8vo. London, 1876. Queen of the Colonies, The ; or, Queensland as I Knev/ It. By an Eight Years' Resident. Map. 8vo. London, 1876. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings of. 1876-1878. Vol. 9. 8vo. London, 1878. Sketches of Australian Life and Scenery. By a Thirty Years' Resident.' 8vo. London, 1876. .-•k 7) if:...-. . r it- 1 i J f 124 10. 11. 12. CANADIAN, PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL LEGISLATION. JOURNALS, Etc., LATE PROVINCE OF CANADA. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada. With Appendices and Indices. Folio. (The Indices by Alfred Todd.) Vol. 1. 14th June to 18th September, 1841. 2. 8th September to 12th October, 1842. 3. 28th September to 9th December, 1843. 4. 28th November, 1844, to 29th March, 1845. . ' 5. 20th March to June, 1846. 6. 2nd June to 28th July, 1847. 7. 25th February to 23rd March, 1848. 8. 18th January to 30th May, 1849. 9. 14th May to 10th August, 1850. 20th May to 30th August, 1851. Part 1. 19th August, 1852, to 9th November, 1852. 19th August, 1852, to 14th June, 1853. Part 2. 27th April to 14th June, 1853. 13. Part 1. 5th September to 18th December, 1854. 13. Part 2. 23rd February to 30th May, 1855. 13. Part 3. Index to the two foregoing parts. 14. 15th February to 1st July, 1856. 15. 26th February to 10th June, 1857. 16. Part 1. 25th February to 1st June, 1858. 16. Part 2. 1st June to 16th August, 1858. 17. 29th January to 4th May, 1859. 18. 28th February to 9th May, 1860. 19. 16th March to 18th May, 1861. 20. 26th March to 9th June, 1862. 21. 12th February to 12th May, 1863. 22. 13th August to 15th October, 1863. 23. 19th February to 30th June, 1864. 24. 19th January to 18th March, 1865. 25. 18th August to 18th September, 1865. 26. 8th June to 15th August, 1866. Sessional Papers, Legislative Assembly, 1860-1866. Journals of the Legislative Council of the late Province of Canada. 1842-'43-'46-'47- '48-'49-1852-'53-1866. Appendices. 1844-45, 1852-53. Sessional Papers, Legislative Council. 1843-'44-'45-'46-'47-'48— 1854-'55-1856. MisceUaneous Parliamentary Documents, Reports, etc. 1 844, 1 845. Canada. Bills. 1844, 1845, 1859. Clanada. Votes and Proceedings, Legislative Assembly, Canada. For 1859 and 1860. Final Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the affairs of King's College Uni- versity and Upper Canada College. Quebec, 1852. 126 DOMINION OF CANADA. Journals of House of Commons. 1867 1880. Journals of the Senate. 1867-1880. Sessional Papers. 1867-1880. JOURNALS, Etc., UPPER CANADA. Journals of the House of Assen^bly of Upper Canada, with Appendices, from 5th of December, 1826, to 17th of July, 1827. Folio. From 15th January to 25th March, 1828. " 8th January to 20lh March, 1829. " 8th January to 6th March, 1830. " 7th January to 16th March, 1831. " 17th November, 1831, to 28th January, 1832. " 31st October, 1832, to 13th Februaiy, 1833. " 19th December, 1833, to 6th March, 1834. " 15th January to 16th April, 1836. " Uth January to 20th April, 1835. « 8th November, 1836, to 4th March, 1837. " 19th June to 11th July, 1837. " 28th December, 1837, to 6th March, 1838. •' 27th February to 11th May, 1839. " 3rd December, 1839, to 10th February, 1840. Appendices to Journals, Assembly, Upper Canada, 1335-1840. Journals of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, Session 1839-1840. Folio Index cf the Journals of the House of Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada commencing with the First Session of the Ninth Provincial Parliament (1825)' and endmg with the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth Parliament, (1839-1840)' being the last Session before the Union of the Canadas. By Alfred Todd' Foho. Montreal, 184:8. JOURNALS, Etc., ONTARIO. Journals and Appendices of the Legislative Assembly, Ontario, 1867-'80 Sessional Papers, 1868-'80. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assemhiv of Onfnr- !««« '^o Bills. For 1870-'71-'73-'74-'78-1880. "' , - - • 126 JOURNALS, Etc., LOWER CANADA AND QUEBEC. Journals of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada. 1793-1804. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. 1867-'8-1879. Journals of the Legislative Council, 1869-79. Sessional Papers, 1869-78. Rules and Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1868. STATUTES LATE PROVINCE OF CANADA. (In One Vol.) For the years — 1841, 1842, 1843. 1844, 1845, 1846. 1847, 1848, 1849. 1850, 1851. 1852, 1853. 1854, 1855. Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 1859. For the years — 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859, 1860, 1861. 1862, 1863, 1864. 1865, 1866. (Missing.) (In One Vol.) STATUTES DOMINION OF CANADA. Statutes. 1867-8: 1880. Orders in Council, Proclamations, Departmental Regulations, etc. : Do- minion of Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 18/4. STATUTES UPPER CANADA AND ONTARIO. Thomson, H. C, and Macfarlane, Jas. The Statutes of Upper Canada, with such British Statutes, Ordinances of Quebec, and Proclamations as relate to said Province. From the year 1791 to 1831. 1 vol. 4to. Kingston, 1831. Revised Statutes of Upper Canada, to the time of the Union. 2 vols. 4to. Toronto, 1843. Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. 1859. statutes of Ontario. 1867-'8-1880. Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1877. statutes of the Province of Canada and Dominion of Canada, affecting Ontario. Part 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. Imperial Statutes affecting the Province of Ontario. Part 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1875, STATUTES LOWER CANADA AND QUEBEC. Tables Relative to tho Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada. 1843. Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada. 1844, 1845. Consolidated Statutes of Lower Canada. 1861. statutes of Quebec. 1868-1879. 127 NEW BRUNSWICK. Journals of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick. With Appendices 18fi7 1870, 1871, 1872. Journals, Legislative Council. 1872. Acts of General Assembly, N.B., 1869-1872. Synoptic Report of the Proceedings of the House of Assembly, New Brunswick Session, 1874. By D. G. Smith. 8vo. St. John, 1874. NOVA SCOTIA. The Perpetual Acts of the General Assemblies of Nova Scotia. 4to. Halifax, 1767 Journals of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia. With Appendices. 1868-78. Journals of the Legislative Council. With Appendices. 1868-78. Official Documents of 1877. Laws of Nova Scotia, 1878. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Journals of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island. With Appendices 1868-1871. ^^ Acts of the General Assembly. 1867 and 1871. NEWFOUNDLAND. Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland. With Appendices. Journals of the Legislative Council. 1876. Consolidated Statutes of. 1874. 1869-76. MANITOBA. Statutes of. 1873-'74-'76-'77-'78. Official Documents. 1875, 1876. Journals, Legislative Council. 1871, 1872—1875. Journals, Legislative Assembly. 1871, 1872—1875. Ordinances North- West Territories. 1878-79. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Journals of Legislative Assembly. 1873. Laws of: with the Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations of the formerly Separate Colonies of Vancouver T ;!and and British Columbia. Victoria, B.C., 1872. Statutes of British Columbia. 1872-1877. The Consolidated Statutes of British Columbia: Consisting of the Acts, Ordinances, and Proclamations of the formerly separate Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia : of the United Colony of British Columbia, and of the Province since the Union with Canada. With Table of Acts and Alpha- betical Index. 8vo. Victoria, 1877. \l^l .■it 1S8 T Canada Gazette. Ontario Gazette. Quebec Gazette. 1841-80. 1867-80. 1869-80. GAZETTES. AUSTRALASIAN COLONIES : OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS OF. „, „ , NEW SOUTH WALES. Blue Book. 1874-6. Estimates. 1876-79. Official Documents of New South Wales. 1875-1879. Sydney, 1878-79. Statistical Register of New South Wales. For the year 1874-7. Statutes of New South Wales. 187-5-1879. NEW ZEALAND. Statutes of New Zealand, passed in the 31st Victoria. 1867. Appendix to Journals of the House of Representatives. 1867. Statistics of New Zealand. For the year 1877. Wellington, 1878. Blue Book. 1876. QUEENSLAND. Official Documents of Queensland. 1875-79. Brisbane, 1877-78-79. Estimates. 1879. Statistics of Queensland. 1877. Blue Book. 1877. Votes and Proceedings, Legislative, Queensland. 1879. 2 vols. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Harcus, William. South Australia : its History, Resources, and Productions. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1876. Estimates. 1871. Proceedings of the Parliament of South Australia. 1876-1879. With Copies of Docu- ments. 4 vols. Adelaide, 1879. TASMANIA. Journals of the House of Assembly with Appendices. For 1876-8. Vols. 34-35. Hobart Town, 1879. Journals of the Legislative Council of Tasmania. With Papers for 1875-9. Vols. 26- 27. Hobart Town, 1879. VICTORIA. Acts of Parliament of Victoria. 1875-78. Melbourne. Legislative Assembly of Victoria. Votes and Proceedings of. Ses.sion, 1875-78. With Copies of Official Documents. 3 vols. Melbourne. Legislative Council of Victoria. Votes and Proceedings of. Session of 1876-78. With Copies of Official Documents. Melbourne. 129 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (With PaoerB ) Blue Book. 1876. ^ capers.) 1875-'6. UNITED STATES HISTORY. INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES. AND FEDERAL AND STATE LEGISLATION. HISTORY. 8 vols. 12mo. New York, 1860. Abbott, Jacob. American History. Vol. 1. Aboriginal America. Vol. 2. Discovery of America. Vol. 3. The Southern Colonies. Vol. 4. " Northern Colonies. Vol. 5. The Wars of the Colonies. Vol.6. " Revolt of the Colonies. Vol. 7. " WaroftheRevolution. Vol. 8. ( Fi6?«) Lives of Washington. American Archives. Consisting „f State Papers, Debate,, etc. P„™ir,, a D..„ n.e„ta^ Histo,, of the Origin and Progre. of the No„h aJIT Jo^I " 9 vols. 4to. Washington, 1837. colonies. AmericaJl Archives. 4th Series. Prom the King's MesMge, March 7 1774 , ,,, Declaration of the Independence, by the TJniL States i^ lu \ v".' Amencan Archives. 8th Series. Pro. the Decla»tion of Independe'r „ 1776 Americ^ trcrrci:::,— :-- :d tiT Finances, 5 ^^ig Commerce and Navigation, . . 2 vols. Public Lan(Js, g vols. Foreign Relations, 6 vols. Naval Affairs, 4 y^jg Military Affairs, 7 ^^ig ^'*i°>«' 1 vol. Po«fcOffice, 1 y^j Indian Affairs, 2 vols. Miscellaneous, .2 vols. . . ^ ■ "'"• J^'iiauBiianeous, . , . , 9 „„]„ Amencan Eevolution. Correspondence of; being letters of En.inentMel o George Washmg^on, fro„ the ti,ne of his taking command of the Army to the ellf, ArfW«. rk "'■ "'^■'"■^OSP'*- O™"- 8vo. Boston, 1853 Bancroft. George. History of the United States. From the Discovery of the American Continent. TwentyThird Edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston 1870 Barnes. Wm^H. Hist.„ of the Thirty-Kinth Congres. of theUni^' st.te. „..- rated. 8vo. New York, 1868. Benton, Thomas can Governm York, 1871. Thirty Years' View; or, a Histoiy of the Working of ent of Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850. 2 vols, the Ameri- 8vo. New -ii 180 !1 ; (united states history — continued.) BolleS, Albert S. The Financial History of the United States from 1774 to 1789 : em- bracing the period of tho American Revolution. 8vo. New York, 1879. Bryant, William Cullen, and Gay, Sydney H. A Popular History of the United States. From the First Discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen, to the end of the First Century of the Union of the States. Preceded by a Sketch of the Pre-Historic Period, and the Age of the Mound Builders. Illustrated. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1876. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1878. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. 8vo. New York, 1866. Butler, (Gen.) in New Orleans. Sixteenth r.;' -. * By James Parton. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Campbell, James V. Outlines of the Political History of Michigan. 8vo. Detroit, 1876. Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their Settle- ment to the Peace of 1763. Book First. 8vo. London, 1780. Champlin, J. T. Constitution of the United States, with Biief Comments. Inci- dental Comments on the Constitutions of England and France. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Centennial Celebrations of the State of New York. By Allan C. Beach, Secretary of State. Albany, 1879. Certain Dangerous Tendencies in American Life, and other Papers. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1880. Cobbett, William. " Porcupine's " Works. A Faithful Picture of the United States ; of their Governments, etc. ; of their Presidents, etc. ; of the Virtues and Vices of the People. From the end of the war in 1783 to the election of the President in March, 1806. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. Conley, J- L. Analysis of the Constitution of Georgia, as in force since July 21, 1868. 8vo. Atlanta, 1870. Cotton Mather. The First Book of the New English H tory. Reporting the De- sign whereon, the Manner wherein, and the People whereby the several Colonies of New England were planted, etc. etc. 4to. London, 1702. Curtis, George Ticknor. History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Con- stitution of the United States, with Notices of its Principal Framers. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854. CuttS, J- Madison. Brief Treatise on Constitutional and Party Questions, and the History of Political Parties. 8vo. New York, 1866. Dallas, George Mefflin. Series of Letters from London, written during the Years 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, and 1860. By his daughter Julia. 2vols.ini. Svo. Philadelphia, 1869. De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. Edited, with Notes, etc., by Francis Bowen. Boston, 1876. Doyle, J- A. History of the United States. Maps by Francis A. Walker, New York, 1876. Translated by Henry Reeve. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 12mo. 131 3 vols. 8vo. New And Life and C( (united states mBTORY—continued.) Draper John William. History of the American Civil War. xorlc, 1868, Edwards. Ninian W. History of Illinois. From 1778 to 1833 Times of Nxnxan Edwards. 8vo. Springfield, 1870. ttUlOZ, Jonathan. Debates in the SevArfll qfo+^ n Vol I, Pedeml Co„„M.„«„, jede,.! Convention. An,e„d„o„., Pro- posed, etc. II. Convention of Massachusettes, Connecticut, New Hampshire. New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland. III. Convention of Virginia. " IV. Convention of Nonh Carolina and of South Carolina. Opinion, from 1789 to 1836, involving Constitutional Principta. me vT ginia and Kentucky Resolution.. ^'^ t?^;r %:i^--;-z -1 -v ^^^'"^ °^ '^^ ---^ Francis, John W. Old New Vnrlr ■ r^r. v> ■ • . . wm IN ew Y ork , or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixtv Years Memoir of the Author Bv H T TonV^ o .. ^ uwior. uy u. 1, rackerman. 8vo. New York 1866 Gayarre, Charles. History of Louisiana. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1866. ' Vol. 1. French Dominion. i Vol «5j .1* I* 130 (united states history — cojitinued.) Wise, Henry R. Seven Decades of the Union. The Humanitiea and Materialism ; illustrated by a Memoir of John Tyler. Also, the Transition State of tbii Nation, its Dangers and their Remedy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. TVisO, A. J, History of the City of Troy. U. S. From the expulsion of the Mohegan Indians to the year 1876. Illustrations. Maps by A. G. Bardin. 8vo. Troy, 1876. "Wright, J. The American Negotiator ; or, the Various Currencies of the British Coio- nies in America. 8vo. London, 1861. fSm^ AMERICAN POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY. Ohoate, Rufus. Life of. By Samuel Oilman Brown. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Flanders, Henry. Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. Vol 1. John Jay, John Rutledge. Vol. 2. William Gushing, Oliver Ellsworth, and John Marshall. Ghreeley, Horace. Autobiography of; or. Recollections of a Busy Life. 8vo. New York, 1872. Greeley, Horace. Life of. From his Birth to Present Time. By James Parton. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Mann, Horace. Life of. By his Wife. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Parton, James. Famous Americans of Recent Times. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Contents : — Henry Clay. Daniel Webster. John C. Calhoun. John Randolph. Stephen Girard and his College. J. G. Bennett and the N. Y. Herald. Charles Goodyear. Henry Ward Beecher and uis Church. Commodore Vanderbilt. Theodosia Burr. John Jacob Astor. Presidents of the United States of America, The. From Washington to the Present Time. Lives of. By J. S. C. Abbot. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical Sketclies of Loyalists of the American Revolution. With an Historical Essay. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Sargent, Nathan. Public Men and Events. From the commencement of Monroe's Administration in 1817, to the close of Fillmore's Administration in 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. 137 (ambrican political bioorapht — eontinutd.) Sparks, J«red. Library of American Biography. 10 voIb. 12mo. New York, I860. Vol I. John Stark, Charles Brockdon Brown, Richard Montgomery, and Ethan Allen. " II. Alexander Wilson and Captain John Smith. •• III. Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold. " IV. " of Anthony Wayne and Sir Henry Vane. " V. " of John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. •' VI. " of William Pinckney, William Ellery, and Cotton Mather. " VII. " of Sir William Phips, Israel Putnam, Lucretia Maria David- son, David RittenLouse. •' VIII. " of Jonathan Edwards and David Brainord. " IX. " of Baron Steuben, Sebastian Cabot, and William Hamilton. " X. " of Robert Fultou, Joseph Warren, Henry Hudson, and Father Marquette. Sparks, Jared. Library of American Biography. (Second Series.) 15 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1864. Vol. I. Lives of Robert Chevalier De La Salle and Patrick Henry. XL III IV. V, VI. VII. VIIL IX. X. XL XII. XIIL XTV, XV. James Otis and James Oglethorpe. John Sullivan, Jacob Leisler, Nathaniel Bacon, and John Mason. Roger Williams, Timothy Dwight, and Count Pulaski. Count Rumford, Zebulon Montgomery Pike, and Sam. Gorton. Ezra Stiles, John Fitch, and Anne Hutchinson. John Ribault, Sebastian Rale, and William Palfrey. Charles Lee and Joseph Reed. Leonard Calvert, Samuel Ward, a ad Thomas Posey. Nathaniel Greene, Major-C^neral in the Revolution. Stephen Decatur, Commodore in Navy of United States. Edward Preble, and William Penn. Daniel Boone, and Benjamin Lincoln. John Ledyard, the American Traveller, William Richardson Davie, and Samuel Kirkland. 188 (AMERICAN POLITICAL biooh afhy— continued.) StOWe, Harriet Beecher. Men of Our Times; or, Leading Patriots of the Day Hartford, Conn., 1869. Contents : — 8vo. Abraham Lincoln. Ulysses S. Grant. William Lloyd Garrison. Charles Sum^ier. Salmon P. Chase. Henry Wilson, Horace Greeley. David G. Farragut. John A. Andrew. Schuyler Colfax. Edwin M. Stanton. Frederick Douglass. Philip H. Sheridan. William T. Sherman. Oliver O. Howard. William A. Bucbagham. Wendell Phillips. Henry Ward Beecher. Wheeler, Henry 6. History of Congress, Biographical and Political. Comprising Memoirs of Members of Congress, etc. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1848. Whitmore, W. H. A Handbook of American Genealogy. 8vo. Albany, 1862 Wirt, William. Memoirs of the Life of. New edition. 2 vols. Svo. New York 1872. ' AMERICAN ORATORY. American Eloquence. A Collection of Speeches of the most eminent Orators of America. With Biographical Sketches. By Frank Moore. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1872. -American Oratory. Selections from the Speeches of eminent Americans. Svo Philadelphia, 1S51. Ohoate, Rufus. Addresses and Orations of. Second edition. Svo. Boston, 1878. DlX,JohnA. Speeches and Occasional Addresses. 2 vols. Svo. New York 1864 Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Eighth edition 4 vols. Svo. Boston, 1870. Vol. I. (Missing.) II. Addresses on Public Questions. American Manufactures. Im- provements in Prison Discipline. Importance of the Mechanic Arts. Importance of Education in a RepubUc. Normal Schools, etc. " III. Addresses. Battle of Bunker Hill. Conditions of a Good School. Beneficial Influence of Railroads. Eflfects of Immigration. The Importance of Agriculture, etc. IV. Addresses. Character of Washington. New York Stat^. Inebriate Asylum. Henry Hallam. Alexander Von Humboldt. Vindica- tion of American Institutions. Female Education. Education of the Poor. Russia and the United States. 139 (AMERICAN ORATORY — Continued.) Moore, Frank. American Eloquence. A Collection of Speeches and Addresses By the most eminent Orators of America. With Biographical Sketches, etc 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1872. FEDERAL AND STATE LEGISLATION. Federal Legislation. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, 1867-1858. First Session. House Journal. Reports of Oommittees. 6 vols. Executive Documents. 21 vols. Miscellaneous Documents. 3 vols. Reports, Court of Claims. 3 vols. Second Session, Thirty-Fifth Congress, 1858-69. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. Executive Documents. 19 vols. Miscellaneous Documents. 2 vols. Reports of Court of Claims. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, 1859-1860. First Session. House Journal. Parts 1, 2. Reports of Committees. 5 vols. V J^^ecutive Documents. 15 vols. (Vols. 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, U, missing.) I Miscellaneous Documents. 7 vols. Reports, Court of Claims. 5 vols. Second Session, Thirty-Sixth Congress, 1860-1861. House Journal. Reports of Oommittees. 4 vols. Executive Documents. 10 vols. Miscellaneous Documents. Reports, Court of Claims. 3 vols. 140 (fbderal LSGisLATioy — cotUinued.) THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, 1861. First Session. House Journal. Executive Documents. Reports on Committees. (In one vol.) House, Miscellaneous. Second Session, Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-1862. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 4 vols. Executive Documents. U vols. House, Miscellaneous. Court of Claims. 2 vols. Third Session, Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1862-1863. House Journal. House Reports, Committees, and Court of Claims, (in one vol.) Elxecutive Documents. 14 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 2 vols. Commerce and Navigation. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, 186.3-1864. First Session. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 3 vols. Executive Documents. 11 vols. Patent Office Reports. 2 vols. Commerce and Navigation. Commercial Relations. Report of United States Coast Survey. 1863. Smithsonian Report. Report of the Secretary of War and Postmaster-General. Prize Cases in New York. 141 (federal legislation — eonti/rmed.) Second Session, Thirty-Eighth Congress, 1864-1865. House Journal. House Reports of Oommittees. House, Miscellaneous. Oontested Elections. 1834 to 1865. Executive Documents. 2 vols. Estimates of Appropriations and Finance Reports. Commerce and Navigation. Commercial Relations. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Parts 1, 2. Reports of the United States Coast Survey. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Diplomatic Correspondence. 4 parts. Reports of the Secretary of the Interior and Postmaster-General. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Report of the Secretary of War. Smithsonian Report. VSHr THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, 1865-1866. First Session. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 3 vols. Executive Documents. 4 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Report of the Secretary of War. 4 parts. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the United States Coast Survey. Patent Office Reports, 3 vols. Commerce and Navigation. Commercial Relations. Diplomatic Correspondence. Parts 1 and 4. Mexican Affairs. Parts 1, 2. Smithsonian Report. EH 142 (federal legislation — contimted.) Second Session, Thirty-Ninth Congress, 1866-1867. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 4 vols. Executive Documents. 7 vols. Diplomatic Correspondence. 3 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the Secretary of War. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Oonmiercial Relations. Commerce and Navigation. Patent OflSce Reports. 3 vols. Mexican Affairs. FORTIETH CONGRESS, 1867. First Session. House Journal. House, Miscellaneous. 2 vols. Reports of Committees. Executive Docimienta Second Session, Fortieth Congress, 1867-1868. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 2 vols. Executive Documents. 9 vols. Senate Documents. United States Coast Survey. 1867-1868. Mineral Resources of the United States. Ordnance Contracts. Trial of Henry Wirtz. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaster-General. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the Secretary of War. 2 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Commercial Relations. Commerce and Navigation. Diplomatic Correspondence. 2 vols. Report of the Commissioners to Paris Exposition. 4 vols. Patent Office Reports. 4 vola ]43 (federal legislation — continued.) Third Session, Fortieth Congress, 1868-1869. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 3 vela. House Miscellaneous. Executive Documents. 5 vols. '' Index to Reports of Committees. (26th to 40th CongreBs. 1839-1869 ) Index to Executive Documents. (26th to 40th Congress. 1839-1869 ) Patent Office Reports. 4 vols. Commerce and Navigation. Commercial Relations. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the Secretary of War. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Report on Treatment of Prisoners of War. By Rebel Authorities. Diplomatic Correspondence. 2 vols. Smithsonian Report. Claims against China. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, 1869. FiEST Session. Senate Journal. Senate Documents. Senate Reports and Miscellaneous Documents. House Journal. Reports of Committees. House Miscellaneous. Executive Documents. Claims of United States against Great Britain. 5 vols. Second Session, Fortt-First Congress, 1869-1870. Senate Journal. Senate Reports. Senate Documents. 3 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. 144 (federal legislation — continued.) (forty-first congress — SECOND SESSION, ETC. — contimied.) House Journal. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. Executive Documents. 5 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 4 vols. Conunerce and Navigation. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. ^ Finance Report, and Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Public Debt, since Organization of the Government. Collection of Direct Taxes. Organization of the Post Office Department. (In one vol.) Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of Secretary of the Navy. Report of the Secretary of War. 2 vols. Mines and Mining West of the Rocky Mountains. Patent Office Reports. 3 vols. Third Session, Forty-First Conorbss, 1870-71. Senate Journal. Senate Reports. Senr;e Miscellaneous. Senate Documents. House Journal. Reports of Committees. House, Miscellaneous. Finance Report and the Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Report of the Secretary of War. 2 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. 2 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaater-Gteneral. Patent Office Report. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Foreign Relations of the United States. Treaties and Conventions since July 4th, 1776. FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, 1871. First 'Session. Senate Journal. Senate Report. Senate, Miscellaneous. Senate Documents. House Journal. House, Miscellaneous. Executive Documents. 2 vols. 145 (federal legislation — continued.) Second Session, Forty-Second Congress, 1871-1872. Senate Journal. Senate Documents. 2 vols. Senate Reports. 5 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. British Case and Papers. Arbitration at Geneva. 3 vols. British Counter Case and Papers. Arbitration at Geneva, l vol. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. 2 vols. (Vol. 2, "Education.") Executive Documents. 7 vols. Report of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the ComptroUer of the Currency, and Commissioner of Inter- nal Revenue. Annual Reports. Secretary of the Treasury, Postmaster-General, and Secretary of the Navy. (In one Vol.) Report of the Secretary of War. 2 vols. Explorations and Surveys for a Ship Canal. Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Messages, Reports and Documents. Foreign Relations of the United States. (In one vol.) Commerce and Navigation. Customs, Tariff Legislation. (In one vol.) Affairs in the late Insurrectionary States. 13 vols. Documents of the First, Second, and Third Sessions of the Forty-Second Coneress 1872-1873. 115 volumes. Third Session, Forty-Second Congress, 1872-1873. House Journal. Reports of Committees. Investigation of Indian Frauds. Credit Mobilier Reports. Executive Documents. 5 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 3 vols. Reports of Secretary of War of the Interior, and of Education. 4 vols. Commercial and Foreign Relations. 7 vols. Report of the Board of PubUc Works. Senate Journals. Senate Reports. 3 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. SATia,^"-A TTllr\/»iTr«r\v»4-i-i List of Private Claims. Explorations and Surveys for a Ship Canal, Isthmus of Darien. United States Coast Survey. 146 (federal LEOI8LATI0N — Continued.) FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS, 1873-1874. First Session. Documents. 42 vols. House Journal- * Reports of Oommittees. 5 vols. Executive Documents. 6 vols. Appropriations, Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures. United States Ooast Survey. Nicaragua Ship Canal Route. House, Miscellaneous. 5 vols. Report Secretary of War. 3 vols. Court of Claims. 2 vols. Commercial Relations. Commerce and Navigation. Smithsonian Reports. Senate Journal. Senate Reports. Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. 7 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. Senate Docimients. Propagation of Food Fishes. Second Session, Forty-Third Congress, 1874-1875. House Journal. Documents. 4 vols. Reports of Oommittees. Condition of the Suuth.^ Alien Claims. 7 vols. Executive Docimients. 3 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 3 vols. Reports. 7 vols. Report, Department of Agriculture. Commercial Relations. Commerce and Navigation. Executive Docimients. 2 vols. Senate Journal. Senate Documents. Senate Reports. Senate, Miscellaneous. FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, 1875-1876. First Session. House Journal. Repoi"ts of Committees. 8 vols. House, Miscellaneous. 6 vols. 147 ♦ f 'i : - f (FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION, mo.-continmd.) (federal hEoiBhATion—contimied.) ^^°"^fet.™' ,^'^^ "^ ^"•. Navy. ComptroUer of Currency, and Internal Revenue? 12 vols. ' Offers for Oanying the Mails. Foreign Relations. 2 vols. Commerce and Navigation. Emma Mine Investigation. Contested Elections. 3 vols. Executive Documents. 4 vols. Senate Journal. Senate Reports. 2 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. Senate Documents. Propagation of Pood Fishes. United States Coast Survey. Second Session, Forty-Fourth Congress, 1876-1877. House Journal. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. House Miscellaneous. "^""'MtT^vrr"' ''"''■ '"'"'"• ^-P'-""-' «™«y. and laternal Chinese Immigration. Commerce and Navigation. Report of the Silver Commission. Internal Revenue. Commercial Relations. Elections in Louisiana, etc. 10 vols. Education. °''''^' of si!r '' '"'' """*'' '*'*" "' '''"^^- ^^p^"^^*^^« '' *^« ^«p-^--t Counting Electoral Votes. Executive Documents. Senate Journal. Senate Documents. Senate Reports. Senate Miscellaneous. 2 vols. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. "Education." Vol. 2. 148 (PEUERAL LEOI8LATI0K — continued.) 1 1 > FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS", 1877-1878. First Session. House Journal. * Oontested Elections. 4 vols. Senate Journal. Second Session, Forty-Fifth Congress, 1877-1878. House Journal. House, Miscellaneous. Vol. 4. Arguments before the Oommittee on Patents. Senate Journal. Bridging the Mississippi. Senate Reports. 3 vols. Senate, Miscellaneous. Senate Documents. 3 vols. Executive Documents. Vol. 1. Foreign Relations. Vols. 3, 4. Report of the Chief of Engineers. Parts 1, 2. Vol. 7. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaster-General. Vol. 16. Offers for carrying the Mails, etc. STATE LEGISLATION. CONNECTICUT. Journal of the Senate. 1879. Journal of the House. 1879. Legislative Docmnents of Connecticut. 1879. Vols. 1-2. Connecticut Reports. Vol. 45. FLORIDA. Journals of the Assembly of 1877. ILLINOIS. Senate Journals. 1877. House Journals. 1877. Reports to the General Assembly. Illinois, 1877. 4 vols. Vol. 1 : Parts 1-2 ; vol. 2 : Parts 1-2. IOWA. Senate Journals. . 1870, 1872, 1873. House Journals. 1870. Senate Journals. 1874-1876. House Journals. 1872-1874-1876. 3 vols. Iowa Documents. 1874. 3 vols. Census of Iowa. 1875. 1 vol. I .vi 149 (btatk leqislation— con<»mwrf.) LOUISIANA. ' Offlcial Journal of the Senate of Louisiana. 8vo. New Urlean«, 1880 Official Journal of the House of Representatives. 8vo. New Orleans, 1880. NEW HAMP8KIBK. Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives of June Session, 1876 Reports to the Legislature of New Hampshire. 1876. « J. T , NEW YORK. Senate Jom-nal. 1866 1879. Assembly Journal. 1866-1879. Senate Documents. 1867-1879. Assembly Documents. 1867-1879. Index to Documents of State of New York. From 1777 to 1871 inclusive. By Cor- nehus W. Armstrong. Albany, 1871. OHIO. Journal of the Senate of. Session 1867. 8vo. Columbus. 1867 Journal of the House of Representatives of. Session 18G7 Executive Documents. Message and Annual Reports for .1867. 2 vols 8vo Columbus, 1868. " Auditor's Report. Annual Report of Auditor of State of Ohio for 1875 Ohio Statistics, 1875. Annual Report of the Secretary of State. FEDERAL STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES. Statutes at Large and Treaties of the United States. From the Organization of he Government, in 1789 to 1871-73. Including the Private Statutes. Edited by Richard Peters. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, (N.D ) Synoptical Index to the Laws and Treaties in the foregoing Work. 1789-1851 8vo Boston, 1860. United States Statutes at Large. December, 1873, to March, 1875 Vol 18 8vo. Washington, 1875. United States Statutes at Large. December, 1875, to March, 1877 Vol 19 8vo. Washington, 1877. > • . . Revised Statutes of the United States. Second edition. 8vo. Washington, 1878. ! W ■ IN 1. i"" J h ' .fe.:^ U. 8. COURTS, ETC. Dillon, (Judge). Removal of Causes from State Courts to Federal Courts. Second edition. St. Louis, 1877. (Pamph.) 1 %i 150 (kederal statutes op the united states, etc. — eontiniud.) (v. s. courts, etc. — contimced.) Abbott, Benjan\iii Vauglian. Treatise upon the United States CourtH and their Prac- tice. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1871. RaflP, George W. War Claimant's Guide. (Under Americon Constitution). 8vo. Cin- cinnati, 1866. V. 8. LAND LAWS. Lester, W. \V. Decisions of the Interior Department in Public Land Cases and Land Laws, together with Regulations of the General Land Office. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. Blackwell, R. S. On the Power to Sell Land for the Non-payment of Taxes, embra- cing the Decisions of the Federal Courts, and the Supretne Judicial Tribunals of the several States. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Public Land Laws, United states. The Laws, Decisions, and late Acts of Congress relating thereto. 8vo. Sioux City, Iowa, 1879. Zabreski, James C. Public Land Laws of the United States, with instructions and Decisions, together with Practice, etc. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF THE UNITED STATES. Oooley, Thomas M. Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the United States. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, 1868- 1871. De Witt, E. L. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Ohio. New Series. Vol. 25. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1876. Duer, William A. The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Hough, F. B, American Constitutions. Comprising the Constitution of each State in the Union, and of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Kent, James. Commentaries on American Law. Eleventh edition. By George F. Comstock. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Pomeroy, John Norton. An Introduction to the Constitutional Law of the United States. Svo. New York, 1870. Sedgwick, Theodore. The Interpretation and Construction of Constitutional Law. Stecond edition. With numerous Additional Notes. By John N. Pomeroy. 8yo. New York, 1874. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Third edition. 1858. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1873. 161 (constitutional law of the united BTATES—COnhniW.) Tiffany, Joel. TroatiHe on Govorninent and ConRtitutional Law, according to the American Tlmory. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1867. Whiting, William. War PowetH under the Constitution of the United States. Mili- tary ArrestH, Military Government, with War Claims of Aliens. Forty-third edition. Hvo. lioston, 1871. Official Opinions of the Attomoys-Ceneral of the United States, advising the Presi- dent and Heads of Departments in Relation to their Official Duties, and Ex- pounding the Constitution, Treaties with Foreign Governments, etc. Published by authority of Congress. 13 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1852-1873. STATE STATUTES. CONNECTICUT. Resolves and Private Laws of the state of Connecticut. From the year 1789 to the year 1865, inclusive. 5 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1837-1871, General Statutes of Connecticut. 8vo. New Haven, 1866. Special Laws of the state of Connecticut. From the year 1866 to the year 1870, in- clusive. Vol. 6. 8vo. Hartford, 1872. Special Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Connecti- cut. 1871-1879. 9 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1871-1879. General Statutes of Connecticut: (Revision of 1875). With the Declara- tion of Independence, the Constitution of the U. S., and the Constitution of Connecticut. 8vo. Hartford, 1875. Public Acts of Connecticut. May, 1875. May, 1876. January, 1877. Jan- uary, 1878. January, 1879. Practice Act of the State of Connecticut : with Orders, Rules and Forms un- der the same. Also, the General Ruleni of Practice of the Supreme Court of Errors, and the Superior Court. 8vo. Hartford, 1879. Rules and Forms for making up Records of Judgments under the Practice Act, Con- necticut. New Haven, 1880. (Paper.) GEORGIA. Georgia. Code of. By R. H. Clark and others. 8vo. Atlanta, 1867. Georgia. Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Courts of. 3 vols. 8vo. Macon, 1867. Vol. X.XXL, 1861.— Vol. XXXIX., 1869.— Vol. XL., 1869-70. ILLINOIS. Illinois. Statutes of. Authorized edition. With Reference to the Decisions of the Supreme Court. 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1867. Illinois. Statutes of, and Digest. 1818-1872. Third edition. ByE.L. Cross. Spring- field, 1872. 2 vols. , !' Ij -(KM >•- 1, i 162 (state statutes — continvsd.) (ILLINOIS — continued.) Revised Statutes of Illinois, 1874. Comprising the Revised Acts of 1871-2, and 1873-4; with all other General Statutes of the State in force on the first day of July, 1874. Compiled and Edited by Harvey B. Hurd. 8vo. Illinois, 1874. Illinois School Law. 1872-1877. "Act to Establish and Maintain a System of Free Schools," etc. 8vo. Springfield, 1877. Laws of Illinois relating to Railroads and Warehouses. Appendix. 8vo. Springfield, 1877. Revenue Laws of Illinois. (Auditor's edition.) 1877. (Pamph.) Laws of Illinois, 1877. Revised Statutes of Illinois, as altered by Subsequent Legislation. With the un- repealed Statutory provisions passed from the time of the Revision in 1874 to the year 1880, etc. Edited by Geo. W. Cothran. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. IOWA. Acts of House of Assembly. 1870. General and Public Acts. 1872. Private, Local and Temporary Acts. Public Laws. 1874. Acts and Resolutions. 1876. 1872-1874. General Statutes of KANSAS. 8vo. Lawrence, 1868. LOUISIANA. Acts of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans, 1880. Louisiana Annual Reports : Supreme Court. Vol. 31. 8vo. New Orleans, 1880. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts. General Statutes of the Commonwealth of. With Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1860-1866. Massachusetts. 1860-1872. Vol. 1. Second edition. Boston, 1873. Massachusetts, Supplement to the General Statutes of the Commonwealth of. Legis- lation of 1867. By W. A. Richardson and G. P. Sanger. 8vo. Paper. Boston, 1867. Herrick, W. A. The Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Town and Parish Officers in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Auditors' Report. 1876. Acts and Resolves. 1876. . MlCriGAN. The Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan. Compiled under an Act ap- proved January 25, 1871. Hon. Js.Ties S. Dewey, compiler. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1872. lo3 (state statutes — continued.) » MINNESOTA. General Statutes of. Revised. With Glossary, etc. 8vo. St. Paul, 1867. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Laws of. 1876. Shirley, John M., State Reporter. New Hampshire Supreme Court Reports. 8vo. Concord, 1875. NEW YORK. New York. Revised Statutes of. Fifth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. With Supplement. Albany, 1859. New York. Statutes at Large. Containing the General Statutes passed for the year 1863 to 1870 inclusive. Vols. 6 and 7. Second edition. 8vo. Albany, 1869 and 1870. New York State. Laws of. From 1865 to 1873 inclusive. 15 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1865-1873. Laws of New York. 1877. Code of Civil Procedure. Vol. 2. Laws of New York. 1877, 1878, 1879. Throop, Montgomery H. The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York : as enacted in 1876, and amended in 1877, 1878, and 1879. With Notes, etc., etc. Second edition. 8vo- New York, 1879. OHIO. Ohio. Revised Statutes of. In force in 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1860. Ohio. General and Local Laws of. Session 1874. 8vo. Columbus, 1875. Ohio. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of. By E. L. DeWitt. 8vo. Cincin- nati, 1875. (Vol. XXIV. New Series.) Laws of Ohio. 1876. The Revised Statutes and other Acts of a General Nature of the State of Ohio. In force January 1st, 1880. Edited and annotated by M. A. Daugherty, John S. Brassee, and George B. Okey. 2 vols. 8vo. Columbus, 1879. Laws of Ohio. 1879. PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania. Purdon's Digest of the Law of. From the year 1700 to 1861. Ninth edition. By Frederick C. Brightly. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. Also, 1862 to 1867. TENNESSEE. Tennessee, Laws of. 1875. Svo. Nashville, 1875. VERMONT. Vermont. General Statutes of. Session 1862. 8vo. Vermont, 1863. VI .^ M 164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD AND DEBATES. Annals of Congress. Debates and Proceedings of the Congress of the United States, with Appendices and Index from the year 1789 to 1824. 41 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1834. Congressional Djbates. Register of the Debates in Congress, from 1824 to 1837. With Appendices and Index. 29 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1825-87. Congressional Globe. Containing the Debates and Proceedings of Congress, from 1850 to 1872. With Appendices and Index. 81 vols. 4to. Washington, 1851-1872. Debates of Congress. Abridgment of. From 1789 to 1856. From Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress. 16 vols. 8vo. New York, 1860. Congressional Globe. Appendix. 2nd Session, 42nd Congress. 1871-72. Congressional Globe. Parts 1, 2, (and 3, with Appendix). 3rd Session. 42nd Congress. . 1872-1873. Congressional Record. Vol. 2. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (and 6 with Appendix). 1st Session, 43rd Congress. Dec. 1st, 1873, to June 23rd, 1874. Congressional Record. Forty-fourth Congress, First Session. Volume 4. Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, (and 6, with Appendix). Part 7, Trial of W. W. Belknap, late Secretary of War, on Articles of Impeachment. Also, Index to Parts 1-6. Small 4to. Washington, 1876. Congressional Record. Vol. 6 and Appendix. Special Session Senate, and 45th Congress, 1st Session. 1877. Congressional Record. Vol. 7. Parts 1 to 5. Appendix and Index. 45th Con- gress, 2nd Session. December 3rd, 1877, to February 13th, 1878. Congressional Record, index to Vol. 2. Parts 1-6. MILITARY AND NAVAL HISl^ORY AND SCIENCE. Adams, W. D. Famous Regiments of the British Army. Their Origin and Services. And Memoirs of British Generals. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Alexander, Maj.-Gen. Sir James Edward. Bush Fighting. The Maori War in New Zealand. 8vo. London, 1873. Baker, Lieut. -Gen. Valentine. War in Bulgaria : A Narrative of Personal Experiences. Plans and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879. Bernard, Major. -Gen. A Report on the Defences of Washington. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1871. Brackenbury, Capt. Henry. The Ashantee War. A Narrative prepared from the Official DoeumcittH, by Permission of Sir Garjiet Wolseley. With Maps, etc. By Lieut. Harry Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Boynton, Charles B. History of the Navy during the Rebellion. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870. 156 (military and naval history and science — continued.) Butler, Major W. F. Akim-Foo, the History of a Failure, (Ashantee expedition). Route, Map, etc. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1876. Carter, Thomas. Medals of the British Army, and How they were Won. Illustrated. Also, an Account of the Crimean Campaign. Svo. London, 1861. Ohesney, Colonel C. C. Essays in Military Biography. Grant, Lee, Comwallis, " Chinese Gordon," etc. Svo. New York, 1874. Cooper, J. Fennimore. History of the Navy of the United States of America to the year 1860. 8vo. New York, 1866. Colomb, Capt. J. C. R. The Defence of Great Britain and Greater Britain : Sketches of its Naval, Military and Political Aspects, etc. Map. Svo. London, 1880. Cox, Geo. W. The Crusades. Map. 12mo. London, 1874. Creasy, E, S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. From Marathon to Waterloo. Svo. New York, 1872. Cumberland, Duke of. A Sketch of his Military Life and Character. 1745-1747. . Portrait. By Archibald N. Campbell-Maclachlan. Svo. London, 1876. Cunynghame, Gener-l Sir A. T. My Command in South Africa. 1874-1878. Com- prising Experiences of Travel in the Colonies of South Africa, and the Inde- pendent States. Maps. Svo. London, 1879. Denison, Lieut. -Col. George T. Manual of Outpost Duties. For the use of Volun- teers. 12mo. Toronto, 1866. Denison, Lieut.-Col. George T Modern Cavalry : its Organization, Armament, and Employment in War. Illustrations, Maps, and Appendix. Svo. London, 1868. Denison, Lieut.-Col. Geo. T. A History of Cavalry from the Earliest Time ; with Lessons for the Future. Maps. Svo. London, 1877. De Segur. History of Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1864. Drinkwater, John. Siege of Gibraltar. Svo. London, 1871. Du Bose, Claude. The Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, and John, Duke of Marlborough. Including a Description of the Battles, Sieges, etc., in which either or both those Generals commanded. With a Supplement, containing an Account of the Remarkable Events in the late War, and wherein neither of those Generals had any share, particularly in Spain. 1701-1706. Illustrations and Maps. 2 vols. Folio. 1736. Duncan, Major F. The English in Spain ; or. The Story of the War of Succession, be- tween 1834 and 1S40. Illustrations by Lieut.-Gen. W. H. Askwith. Map. Svo. London, 1877. Ellis, George E. History of the Battle of Bunker's Hill, June 17th, 1775. Map of Battle-ground. Svo. Boston, 1875. Fletcher, Lieut-Col. History of the American War. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1865. Gibbon, Edward. (The Crusades.) Oaoursin-Kaye. (Siege of Rhodes.) Edition, 1490. Scott, Sir Walter. (Essays on Chivalry, Romance, etc.) Svo. (In one volume.) London, 1870. a 156 (military and naval history and acizscE—contimied.) Qleig, G. R. The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and Now Orleans, in the years 1814-1815. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1827. Gleig, G. R. Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan. 8vo. London, 1861, Qleig, G. R. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. New edition. 8vo. London, 1861. Grant, Ulysses S. Military History of. From April, 1861, to April, 1865. By Adam Badeau. Vol. I. 8vo. New York, 1868. Hood, Lieut.-General C. S. A. Advance and Retreat. Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies. Portraits. Maps. 8vo. New Or- leans, 1880. Holland, Major T. ; Hozier, Capt. H. J. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia. Compiled by Order of the Secretary of State for War. With Index and Maps. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1870. Hozier, Capt. H. M. The Seven Weeks' War. Its Antecedents and its Incidents. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Hozier, Capt. H. M. Franco-Prussian War. Its Causes, Incidents, and Consequences. With the Topography and History of the Rhine Valley. 6 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1872. Hozier, Capt. H. M. The Invasion of England. A History of the Past, with Lessons for the Future. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Jackson, Sto.iewall. A Military Biography. By John E. Cooke. 8vo. New York 1866. James, William, a Full Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States. With an Examination of the American Accounts of their previous Naval Actions. Appendix and Plates. 8vo. London, 1817. James, William. The Naval History of Great Britain. From the Declaration of War by France, in 1793, to the Accession of George IV. A new edition, with Notes ; and an Account of the Burmese War and the Battle of Navarino. Portraits. 6 vols. 8vo, London, 1837. Kiernan, John. Hints on Horse-Shoeing. An Exposition of the Dunbar System, taughttotheFarriersof the U.S. Army. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1872. King, Major W. R. Report on certain Experimental and Theoretical Investigations relative to the Quality, Form and Combination of Materials for Defensive Armour, etc. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1870. King, J. W., Chief Engineer, U. S. N. Report on European Ships of War and their Armament, etc. Torpedo Warfare, etc. Illustrations. Second edition. 8vo. Washington, 1878. Kinglake, Alex. Wm. Invasion of the Crimea ; its Origin, and an Account of its Pro- gress, down to the Death of Lord Raglan. Second edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1^63-1874. Lee, General Robert E. A Life of. By John E. Cooke. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1871. 157 (military and naval history and science — continued.) Levy-Monteflore, C, and Kunkel, C Essay on the use of various Alloys, especially of Phosphorous Bronze, for the Pounding of Cannon, Translated from the French by John D. Brandt. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1872. Londonderry, Marquis of. Story of the Peninsular War. With Continuation by G. R. Gleig. 8vo. London. MacGahan, J. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. Mercer, General. Journal of the Waterloo Campaign. Kept throughout the Campaign of 1815. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1870. Napier, Sir W. F. P. History of the War in the Peninsula ; and in the South of France. From the year 1807-1814. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Napoleon. Campaigns of Marengo. Extracted from Thiers' History of the Consulate and the Empire, and edited, with English Notes. By Edward A. Bowen. With Maps. 12mo. London, 1793. Nichols, Brevet-Major G. W. The Story of the Great March, (Sherman's). Map and Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1865. Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the Campaign of 1877. With specially prepared Maps and Plans. 8vo. London, 1878. O'Oallaghan, John Cornelius. History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France, from the Revolution in Great Britain, under James II., to the Revolution in France, under Louis XVI. 8vo. Glasgow, 1870. OUier, Edmund. Cassell's Illustrated History of the Russo-Turkish War. From the Commencement of the War to the Fall of Plevna. Including an Historical Sketch of the Russian and Turkish Empires. Svo. London, (N.D.) OUier, Edmund. Illustrated History of the Russo-Turkish War. From Dec, 1878, to the Ratification of Peace. With a History of Cyprus and the Afghan War. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880. Paris, The Comte de. History of the Civil War in America. Translated from the French. Maps. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. Parker, F. A., Commodore O.S. Navy. The Battle of Mobile Bay; and thejDapture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Mc -an, by the Sea and Land Forces of the XJ. S., under Rear-Adniiral Farragut and Major-Gen. Granger. Portrait of Farragut. Two Charts. 8vo. Boston, 1878. Russell, W. H. The War. From the Death of Lord Raglan to the Evacuation of the Crimea. 8vo. London, 1 )6, Rushtow, W. The War for the Rhine Frontier, 1870. Its Political and Military History. Translated from the German by John Layland Needham. 3 vola. 8vo. 1871. Sale, Lady. A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan. 1841-2. Maps. Svo. London, 1813. Segur. General Count P. De. History of the Expedition to Russia, by the Emperor Napoleon, in 1812. Map. Biographical Sketch of the Author. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1827. ;5*H*- ■ j^V^I «i«.l| ^•1 158 i p. (military and naval history and sciKifc^— continued.) Semmes, Commander R, The Cruise of the " Alabama" and "Sumter." Prom the Private Journals of Semmes and other Officers. Second edition. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 864. Sherman, General Wm. T. Memoirs of. By Himself. 2 vols. 8vo. New York 1875. Stanley, Henry M. Coomassie and Magdala. The Story of Two British Campaigns in i^frica. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1874. Steadman, C History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American "War. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1794. Steevens, Lieut. -Col. N. The Crimean Campaign, with "The Connaught Rangers," 1854-'55-'56. Map. 8vo. London, 1878. Stotherd, Major R. H., Royal Engineers. Notes on Torpedoes, Offensive and Defen- sive. Illustrat(-d. 8vo. Washington, 1872. Strange, Lieut. -Col. T. B. Artillery Retrospect of the last Great War, 1870. With its Lessons for Canadians. 8vo. Quebec, 1874. Stuart, Col. W. R. Remit MKcences of a Soldier. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Suzor, Lieut. -Col. L. T. Traits d'Art etd'Histoire Militaire, etc. 8vo. Quebec, 1865. Tarleton, Lieut.-Col. History of the Campaign of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 8vo. Dublin, 1787. Taylor, Walter H. Four Years with General Lee ; a Summary of the more important Events in his career, in the War between the States, etc. Portrait of General Lee. 8vo. New York, 1878. Taylor, Richard, Lieut. -Gen. C. A. Distinction and Reconstruction; Personal Ex- . periences of the Late War. 8vo. New York, 1879. Wilson, General Sir Robert. Private Diary of Travels, Personal Services and Public Events. During Mission and Employment with the European Armies in the Campaigns of 1812, 1813, 1814. Edited by Rev. H. Randolph. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Winn, C. A. What I Saw of the War. A Narrative of Two Months' Campaigning with the Prussian Army of the Moselle. 8vo. London, 1870. Wolseley, Sir Garnet J. Field Pocket Book for the Auxiliary Forces. 16mo. Lon- don, 1873. . Manual of Military Telegraphy for the Signal Service, IJ. S. Army, embracing Perma- nent and Field Lines. 8vo. Washington, 1872. Barracks and Hospitals, U. S. Report on. With Descriptions of Military Posts. Illustrated. 4to. Waishington, 1870. Bridge Equipage of the U. S. Army. Organization of. With Directions for the Con- struction of Military Bridges. Prepared by a Board of Engineer Officers. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Extracts from the Manual of Signals. Signal Service Drills, i'rppared under the direction of Brig. -Gen. A. J. Myer, U. S. A. 8vo. Wasiuixgcon, 1870. 159 Illustrated. 4to. (military and naval histoby and science — continued.) Hygiene of the U. S. Army, with Descriptions of Military Post«i. Washington, 1875. Iron, Fabrication of, for Defensive Purposes, and its uses in Modem Fortifications, es- pecially in Works of Coast Defence. Report on. Illustrated. 4to. Washing- ton, 1871. Also, Supplement. 4to. Washington, 1872. Ordnance, Heavy. Report of Board of Officers — convened 1873 — on Depressing, and other Carriages for. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1873, Outline Descriptions of the Posts and Stations of Troops In the Geographical L' visions and Departments of the United States. Compiled bv Inspector-Gen. R. B. Marcy. 4to. Washington, 1872. Regulations for the Uniform and Dress of the Army of the United States. July, 1872. Illustrated, Folio. Washington, 1872. Reports and Tables of Experiments on Hemp and Wire Rope. Made by Order of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. 4to. Washington, 1871. Klein, (Pastor.) The Pastor's Narrative ; or. Before and After the Battle of Worth, 1870. Translated by Mrs. F. E. Marshall. Map. 8vo. London. 1879. The Royal Navy ; Photographed in Colours : from Original Drawings. Introduction by Francis Elgar. 8vo. London, 1875. United States Military and Naval Pamphlets— Vol. I. — 1. The French Mitrailleuse. Translated from the German by Lieut. - Commander Folger. Washington, 1873. 2. Gunnery Notes. Washington, 1871. 3. Theory of Fencing, with the Small Sword Exercise. Corbesier. Washington, 1873. Signal Tactics, U. S. Navy. Washington, 1873. Annual Register of the U. S. Naval Academy, 1873-4. ton, 1873. Metallic Ammunition for the Springfield Breech-Loading Rifle Musket. Prepared for the U S. Army. Washington, 1870. Metallic Cartridges, for the U. S. Army. Washington, 1873. Electric Position Indicator, or Distance Measurer. By Siemens and Halske, Berlin. Washington, 1871. United States Military Reports. Gatling Guns. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1874. United States Report on European Artillery. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1873. United States Report on a Naval Mission to Europe. Illustrated. 4to. Wash- ington, 1873. War Correspondence of the Daihj News, 1877. History of the War between Russia and Turkey, to the Fall of Kars. Including the Letters of Forbes, Macgahan, etc. 8vo. London, 1878. 4. 5. Vol. IL— 1. 2. 3. By A. J. Washing- a J ■ >i 160 (military and naval history and science — co7itinued,) War Correspondence of the Daily News, 1877-8. Continued from the Fall of Kara to the Signature of the Preliminaries of Peace. Forming a continuous History of the War between Russia and Turkey. 8vo. London, 1878. Yards and Docks of the U. S. Navy. Report of the Board on. Oct. 6th, 1869. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1870. BIOGRAPHY : GENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL. lippincott. Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. By J. F. Ash. 8vo Philadelphia, 1871. The English Oyclopsedia. A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. Biogra- phy. Conducted by Charles Knight. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1856-1858. Universal Index of Biography. Haydn. From the Creation to the Present Time. Edited by J. B. Payne. 8vo. London, 1870. Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography. Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men. J. F. Waller, Editor. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Oyclopsedia of Female Biography. Edited by H. G. Adams. 12mo. London, 1869. Dictionary of American Biography, including Men of the Time. With a Sup- plement. By F. S. Drake. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography 3.nd Mythology. By Wm. Smith. 3 vols. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1870. American Merchants. Lives of. By F. Hunt. 2 vols. 8vo. Nev York, 1858, Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age. From Personal Acquaint- ance. By S. C. Hall. 8vo. London, 1871. Contents: — Thomas Moore. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edward Irving. Charles Lamb. William Godwin. Thomas Noon Talfourd. William Hazlitt. Jeremy Bentham. Hannah More. Robert Hall. Adam Clarke. James Montgomery. Robert Montgomery. Josiah Conder. Ebenezer Elliott. John Clare. Maria Edgeworth. Barbara Hofland. Grace Aguilar. Catherine Sinclair. Jane and Anna Maria Porter. Thomas Hood. Theodore Hook. Richard Harris Barham, William Maginn. John Poole, Thomas Haynes Bayly. Amelia Opie. Elizabeth Fry. Bernard Barton, 161 (biography : general and individual Joseph WiflBn. Janes Feniraore Cooper. Washington Irving. Nathaniel Hawthorne. N. P. Willis. Lydia H. Sigourney. Robert Southey. Caroline Bowles. Walter Savage Landor. Sydney, Lady Morgan. John Banim. Gerald Griffin.. Samuel Lover. George Croly. Charles Maturin. Richard Lalor Shiel. Thomas CoUey Grattan. James Emerson Tennent. Sheridan Knowles. William Carleton. Francis Mahony. Eyre Evans Crowe. Robert Walsh. John Edward Walsh. Leigh Hunt. James and Horace Smith. G. P. R. James. Laetitia Elizabeth Landon. Samuel Laman Blanchard. Douglas Jerrold. William Jerdan. William Wordsworth. John Wilson. Thomas Pringle. John Gibson Lockhart, Sir Walter Scott. Francis Jeffrey. George Crabbe. Joanna Baillie. Thomas Campbell. Henry Hart Milman. Henry Hallam. Lord Macau lay. Felicia Hemans. Mary Jane Jewsbury. Anna Jameson. -contmried.) Julia Pardoe. William Lisle Bowles. James Hogg. John Gait. William Motherwell. David Macbeth Moir. William Edmonstone Aytoun. Lady Blessington. Sydney Smith. Theobald lilathew. Frederika Bremer. Adelaide Anne Procter. Allan Cunningham. T. K. Hervey. Samuel Rogers. Mary Russell Mitford. Ugo Foscolo. Charles Dickens. ARTISTS : — Daniel Maclise. Sir Thomas Laurence. Benjamin West. Martin Archer Shee. Charles Lock Eastlake. John Henry Fuseli. John Flaxman. J. M. W. Turner. Benjamin Robert Haydon. Samuel Prout. William Hilton. David Roberts. John Martin. Clarkson Stanfield. William Muller. John Constable. David Wilkie. William Allan. William Etty. William Mulready. Francis Danby. J. D. Harding. C. R. Leslie. Thomas Nevins. J ohn Gibson. James Ward. etc., etc. m tf >» 162 II (Reprinted from the World.) Second series. 8vo. London, (biography : UENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL — Continued.) Oelebrated Female Sovereigns. By Mrs. Jameson. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1862. Oelebrities at Home. 1878. Contents : — Duke of Richmond. Pfere Hyacinthe. Sir H. Thompson. The Pope at the Vatican. Victor Hugo. Mr. Toole. Dr. Pusey. Mr. Fred. Leighton. Richard Wagner. Professor Tyndall. Mr. Matthew Dawson. M. Jules Simon. Mr. G. A. Sala. Lord Houghton. Mr. Darwin. Prince Bismarck. Cardinal Manning. Mr. J. J. Mechi. Mr. riei Lewis. Sir Wm. Thompson. Prof. Ruskin. Mr. Geo. Payne. Kaiser Wilhelm. Bishop of Manchester. Sir Joseph Whitworth. Mr. Santley. M. Gambetta. Father Ignatius. By D. J. Pound. Drawing-Room Portrait Gallery of Eminent Persons. With Memoirs. 4to. London, 1859-1861. Famous Personages and Places. By N. P. Willis. 8vo. New York, 1854, Contents: — A Trip to Scotland. Second Visit to England. Eglinton Tournament. Talks over Travel. Letters from England and the Con- tinent in 1845-'46. Jenny Lind. Golden Lives. Biographies for the Day. Contents: — Faraday, the Philosopher. Edward Denison, the Philanthropist. Walter Powell, the Man of Business. George Cotton, the Bishop. Thomas Brassey, the Organiser of Labour. Great Dutch Admirals, The. Contents : — Jacob Van Heemskerk. Piet Hein. Marten Harperts Tromp. Witte Cornelis de Witte. Kossuth. Lady Blessington. Moore and Barry Cornwall. Jane Porter. Ole Bull. Dr. Lardner's Lecture. By H, A. Page. 8vo. London, 1873. William Bums, the Missionary. Hugh Miller, the Man of Science. Agnes Jones, the Hospital Nurse. Frederick Perthes, the Patriot Pub- lisher. John Keble, the Hymn Writer. By Jacob de Liefde. 8vo. London, 1873. Michifil Adrians?oon de Ruyter= Johan Evertsen. Cornelis Tromp. 168 (BIOQBAPHY : OENKRAL AND INDIVIDUAL-con^inW.) Group Of E^llBLmen, (1795-1815, Wds of the Younger Wedgewoods and the. Fnenda. Exnb^oing the History of the Discovery of Photography. By Eliza Meteyard. 8vo. London, 1871 » *- / J' Horoee of Discovery. Ma«ol,.n, Oo„k, P„k, K,.„k„„, .,, „ Samuol Mossman. 8to. Edinburgh, 1868. Contentg: — Sir John Franklin. Dr. David Livingstone. Ferdinand Magellan. Captain Cook. Mungo Park. HoUandLord. Po,.ig„ E.„i„i,oen». Edited b, hi. So,,. 8vo. New York.! 8.5. In5^ 166 (biography: general and individual — continued.) liRIR' HISTORIANS, NOVELISTS, AND ESSAYISTS : — Boccaccio. Babelais. Montaigne. Cervantes. Pascal. Swift. Addison. Voltaire. Samuel Johnson. Da^-id Hume. Bousseau. Goldsmith. Gibbon. Goethe. Schiller. De Foe. Jean Paul Richter. Sir Walter Scott. Macaulay. Thackeray. Men of the Second Empire. By the Author of " The Member for Paris." printed from the Pall Mall Gazette. 8vo. London, 1872. Contents : — Ee- " L'Homme du Deux Decombre." The Imperialist Senator. The Prelate. The Paris Priest. The Country Priest. The Imperialist Deputy. The Opposition Deputy. The •' Depute du Tiers Parti." The Speaking Minister. The Acting Minister. Men of the Third Republic. 1873. Contents : — M. Thiers. Marshal Macmahon. M. Gambetta. M. Grfevy. M. Barthelemy St. Hilaire. M. Rouher. The Due De Broglie. M. Dufaure. M. Alexandre Dumas. The Due D'Audiffret Pasquier. M. Ernest Picard. General Faidherbe. Bishop Dupanloup. The Prefect. The Country Mayor. Le Juge de Paix. The Magistrate. The Barrister. The Field-Marshal. The Private Soldier. The Playwright. The Novelist. The Journalist. Reprinted from the Daily News, 8vo. London, M. Louis Venillot. The Due D'Aumale. M. Emile de Girardin. Father Hyacinthe. M. M. Erckmann-Chatrian. M. Henri Rochefort. M. Edmund About. M. Casimir Perier. M. Jules Simon. M, Victorien Sardou, Admiral Pothuan. M. Louis Blanc. M. Victor Hugo. 167 8vo. London, 1875 By Lord Houghton. Brief Biographic Sketches. 8vo. New York, 1875. (biography: general and individual — contintted.) Men Who Have Made the New German Emi^ire. By G. L. M. Strauss. 2 vols. Monographs. Personal and Social. Contents: — Suleiman Pasha. Alexander Von Humboldt, at the Court of Berlin. Cardinal Wiseman. Walter Savage Landor. National Portrait GaUery of Illustrious Personages of the Nineteenth Century, With Memoirs. By Wm. Jerdan. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Uoble Workers. A Book of Examples for Young Men. By H. A. Page. 8vo. London, 1875. The Berrys. Harriet Lady Ashburton. The Rev. Sydney Smith. The Last Days of Heinrich Heine. Contents : — John Coleridge Patteson, the Mission- ary Bishop. Charles Knight, the Publisher. Robert Chambers, the Editor. Duncan Matheson, the Soldier's Friend. (a quartett of Americans): — John McVickar, the Professor. Arthur Tappan, the Abolitionist. Sir Donald Macleod, the Christian Governor. Henry Alford, the Comirentator. James Y. Simpson, the Man of Science. Sir Henry Lawrence, the Soldier. James D. Forbes, the Philosopher. Thomas Adams, the Merchant. Dr. Cullis, the Consumptives' Friend. Dr. Judson, the Burmese Missionary. Old England's Worthies. Full and Original Biographies. By Lord Brougham and other Distinguished Authors. Folio. London, (N.D.) Peerage of Poverty, The ; or, Learners and Workers in Fields, Farms, and Factories. By Edwin P. Hood. 5th edition. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Contents: — The Order of Vagabonds, and the Triumphs of Poverty. John Clare. The Divinity of Labour. The Race of Iron Kings — An Episode. The Men of Iron. Tlie Mind and the Hand— Mental Labour Really Productive. Characteristics of Humble Genius. The Transmigrations of a Peasant. The Story of Palissy the Potter. Michael Faraday. The Order of Shoemakers. Taylor, the Water P. ot— Glimpses of England in the Old Time. The i^tory of Nathanael Bowditch. Cedman, the Ploughman. Robert Nicoll, the Kine-Herder. James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. The Foresters. David Gray : His Life and Poems. Industry and Song. Literatuve and Prudence — The Prin- ter of York and the Curate of Cum- berland. The Home of Taste. 7i i 168 If (bioqrapiiy: grneral and individual — continued.) PillarB of the Empire. Sketches of Living Indian and Colonial Statesmen, etc. Edited, with an Introduction, by T. H. S. Escott. Contents : — Sir George Bowen. Sir George (Campbell. Earl of Ca.'tiarvon. The Rt. Hon. H. E. Childers, M.P. Mr. Grant Duff, M.P. Political Portraits. Cha actors of some of our Public Men. Reprinted from the Daily News. 8vo. London, 1873. Contents : — Earl of Dufferin. I'he First Bishop of Lahore. Sir Bartlo Frere. Lord Lytton, etc., etc. Mr, Gladstone. Mr. Disraeli. Mr. Lowo. Mr. Bright. The Marquis of Salisbury. Lord Derby. Mr. Cardwell. Lord Russoll. Lord Granville. Lord Selborne. Portraits of Celebrated Women. French by H, W. Peaton. By C. 12mo. Lord Cairns. Mr. Gathorne Hardy. Mr. W. E. Forster. Lord John Manners. Mr. Ward Hunt, Mr. Henley. ''" Halifax. 1.. i)uke of Argyll. Sir John Duke Coleridge. Mr. Ayrton. A. de Sainte Beuve. Translated from the Boston, 1868. Revised by Rev. W. H. Carslaw. 8vo. Soots' Worthies, The. By John Howie. Edinburgh, 1870. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, and Persons connected with Canada, from the Earliest Period of the History of the Province till the Present Time. By H. J. Morga- Quebec. 1862. Untitled Nobility, Our. By John Tillotson. Contents: — 8vo. London, (N.D.) William Smith, the Father of Eng- lish Geology. Thomas Waghorn, the Pioneer of the Overland Route. Robert Raikes, the Founder of Sun- day Schools. David Nasniith, the Founder of the City Mission. Captain Coram and the Foundling IlospiUl. Henry Martyn, the Church IVission- ary. William Scolesby, the Sailor-Clergy- man. The Two Brunels: A Study for Young Engineers. Marshall Hall, the Physical Enthu- siast. Thomas Dick, the Christian Philoso- pher. Henry Cort, the Story of aa In. ventor. George Wilson, the Chemist: The Power of the Soul over the Body. 169 iei (BIOaKAPHY: QENEBAL * ?fD INDIVIDUAL— con^inttcrf.) By Eminent Writers. Edinburgh, (N.D.) Women of History. Contents : — Lucretia. Sappho. Aspasia of Pericles. Xantippe. Aspasia of Cyrus. Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi. Portia. Octavia. Cleopatra. Mariamne. Julia Domna. Zenobia. Valeria. Eudocia. Hypatia. The Wife o"" Maximus. The Lady of Rowena. Olga. The Lady Elfrida. The Countess of Tripoli. Jane, Countess of Mountfort. Laura de Sade. The Countess of Richmond. Elizabeth Woodville. Joan of Arc. Jano Shore. Catharine of Arragon. Anne Boleyn. Margaret Roper. Elizabeth Lucas. Gaspara Stampa. Anne Askew. Queen Elizabeth. Lady Jane Grey. Tarquinia Molza. Mary Queen of Scots. Gabrielle D'Eatrees. Amne, Duchess of Pembroke. Esther Inglis. Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. Lady Pakington. Noor Mahal. Pocahontas. Lucy Hutchinson. Lady Fanshawe. Dorothy Osborne. Catharine Philips. Madame de Maintenon. Cjuntess de Grammout. • Mademoiselle de la Valli^re. Madame Dacier. Lady Masham. Anne KlUigrew. Queen Anne, Esther Johnson. Esther Vanhomrigh. Mary Astell. Madame des Ursins. Lady Grizel Jerviswoode. Madame de Pontchartrain. Elizabeth Halkett, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Madame du DefFand. Phoebe Bentley. Marquise du Chatelet. Lady Huntingdon. Maria Theresa. Meta MoUer. Elizabeth Blackwell. Leetitia Barbauld. Hannah More, Anna Seaward. Catharine Cockburn. Elizabeth Berkeleigh. Caroline Herschel. Madame D'Arblay. Madame Roland. Marie Antoinetv/e. Sarah Siddons. Mrs. Grant. iro (biography : general and individual— con^tnwerf.) Elizabeth Inchbald. Elizabeth Hamilton. Countess de Vemieiro. Joanna Baillie. Josephine. Anna Radcliffe. Miss Edgeworth. Charlotte Corday. Madame de Stael. Madame de la Rochejaquelein. Madame Recamier. Mary Brunton. Felicia Hemans. Augustina Saragoza. Charlotte Bronte. I Alford, Henry. Life, Journals and Letters. Edited by his Widow. Second edition 8vo. London, 1873. Arndt, Ernest Moritz, the Singer of the German Fatherland. The Life and Adventures of. Preface by Professor Seeley. Portrait. Svo. London, 1879 Arnold, Thomas, late Head Master of Rugby, etc. Life and Correspondence. By Arthur P. Stanley. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845. Arnold, Thomas, late Head Master of Rugby School, etc. Life and Correspondence of. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 10th American edition. Svo. Boston, 1873. Barbould, Anna Letstia. Memoir of, with many of her Letters. By Grace' A. Ellis 2 vols. Barhair Tarness, and Hodder. Personal Reminiscences of. Edited by Richard H. Stoddard. 12mo. New York, 1875. Beal, John Y. Memoir of, including his own Account of the Raid on Lake Erie in 1864. Svo. Montreal, 1865. Bianconi, Charles. A Biography: 1786-1875. By his Daughter, Mrs. Morgan John O'Connell. Portrait. Svo. London, 1878. Bishops. The last three appointed by the Crown for the Anglican Church of Canada. By Fennings Taylor. Svo. Montreal, 1870. Bismarck, Life of. Private and Political. By J. G. L. Hesekial. Translated, with Introduction, etc., by R. H. Mackenzie. Svo. New York, 1870. BleSSington, Countess of. Literary Life and Correspondence of. '2 vols Svo New York, 1855. Brant, Joseph (Thayendanegea). Life or ; including the Border Wars of the American Revolution, from the Peace of 1783 to the Indian Peace of 1796. By W. H. Stone. 2 vols. Svo. Albany, 1865. Brassey, Mr. Life and Labours of. By Arthur Helps. Svo. London, 1877. Bridgman, Laura Dewey; the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Girl. Life and' Education of. By her Teacher, Mary Swift Lawson. With an Introduction, by Edwards A. Park. Portrait. Svo. London, 1873. Bronte, Charlotte, The Life of. London, 1857. By Mrs. E. C. Gaskeli. Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. 171 (biography : general and individual— cow*>-'-^ fi'?': 172 (biography : GENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL — Continued.) Olay, Rev. John. The Prison Chaplain : A Memoir. By Rev. W. L. Clay. 8vo. London, 1861. Olive, Lord. Life of. By G. R. Gleig. 8vo. London, 1869. Oobbett, WiJliam. A Biography. By Edward Smith. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Cochrane, Lord. Tenth Earl of Dundonald. Life and Exploits of. By Major Knollys. 8vo. London. Oooke, Rev. Dr. Henry. (Belfast.) Life and Times of. By J. L. Porter. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Ooleridge, Sara. Memoir and Letters of. Edited by her Daughter. 8vo. New York, 1874. OollingWOOd, Lord. A Fine Old English Gentleman, exemplified in the Life and Character of. By William Davies. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1875. Columbus, Life of. Bv Sir Arthur Helps. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Combe, George. The Life of. By Charles Gibbon. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Compton, Henry. Memoir of. Edited by Chas. and Edw'd Compton. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1879. Connolly, John. Memoir of. Comprising a Skt^tch of the Treatment of the Insane in Europe and America. B^Sir James Clark. 8vo. London, 1869. Constable, Archibald, and his Literary Correspondence : a Memorial. By Thos. Con- stable. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Cooper, Thomaj. Life of. Written by Himself. 8vo. London, 1872. Cowper. By Goldwin Smith. 8vo. New York, 1880. Defoe, Daniel. By Wm. Minto. 8vo. New York, 1879. Denison, Archdeacon G. A. Notes of my Life. 1805-1878. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford and London, 1878. Denman, Lord Chief Justice. Memoir of. By Sir Joseph Arnold. 2 vols. London, 1873. De Stael, Madame, and Madame Roland. Memoirs of. By L. Maria Child. 12mo. New York, 1854. De Tocqueville, Alexis. Memoirs, Letters, and Remains of. Translated from the French. With Large Additions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Dick, Robert, Baker, of Thurso ; Geologist and Botanist. By Samuel Smiles. Portrait arid Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1879. Dickens, Charles. Life of. By John Forster. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873- 1874. Diderot and the EncyclopSBdistS. ByJohn Morley. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Duff, Alexander, (D.D.) Recollections of, and of the Mission College which he founded in Calciitta. By ReVz Lai Behari Dav. 8vf>. London.. 1879. Duff, Alexander, (D.D.) The Life of. By George Smith. Introduction by Wm. M. Taylor. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1880. 173 (biography: general and individual — continued.) Dundonald, Thomas, Tenth Earl of. The Autobiography of a Seaman. 2 vols. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1860. Dundonald, Earl of. Life of Thomas, the Tenth Earl of Dundonald. Completing "The Autobiography of a Seaman." By Thomas, Eleventh Earl of Dundonald, and H. R. Fox Bourne. Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1869. Edward, Thomas, a Scotch Naturalist. Life of. By Samuel Smiles. P-rtrait and II- New York, 1877. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1876. By Charles G. Haines. 12mo. New York, Portrait of Erasmus. 2 vols. 4to. London, 2 vols. 8vo. London, lustrations by Geo. Reed. 8vo. Ellis, Mrs. The Mothers of Great Men Emmet, Thomas Addis, Memoir of. 1829. Erasmus. Life of. By John Jortin. 1758-1760. Erasmus. His Life and Character. By R. B. Drummond. 1873. Faraday. The Life and Letters of. By Dr. Bence Jones. Portrait and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Forbes, Jas. D. Life and Letters of. By J. C. Shairp, P. G. Tait, and A. Adams- Reilly. 8vo. London, 1873. Probisher, Sir Martin. The Life of. With a Narrative of the Spanish Armada. By Rev. Frank Jones. Portrait of Frobisher. Svo. London, 1878. Galileo Galilei, and the Roman Curia. From Authentic Sources. By Karl Von Geller, Translated by Mrs. Geo. Sturge. 8vo. London, 1879. Gait, John. The Literary Life and Miscellanies of. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and Correspondence. 8vo. London, 1869. Goethe and SchiUer: Their Lives and Works ; including a Commentary on Goethe's Faust. By Hjalmar H. Boyesen 8vo. New York, 1879. Goethe, Autobiography and Travels of. 2 v,,1g. 8vo, London, 1872. Vol. 1. Autobiography. Translated from the German by John Oxenford. " 2. Autobiography. Also, Letters from Switzerland, and Travels in Italy, Translated by A. D. W. Morrison. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Life and Times of. By John Forster. Portrait and Illus- trations. Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877. Gough, John B. Autobiography and Personal Recollections of. 8vo. Philadelphia 1870. * Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography of, and Memoir. By his sons, D. K. and C. D. Guthrie. Vol. :. 8vo. London, 1874. Hamilton, Sir Wm. Memoir of. By John Veitch. 8vo. London, 1869. Harvey, William. A History of the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood. By R. Willis, M.D. Portrait of Harvey. 8vo. London, 1878. - , 1..^. .y..Tr,.,..ra VI. iSy ^ """ '-^"■rkc iuarsnman. Svo. London, 1870. Hawker, Robert S., sometime Vicar of Morwenston. Memorials of. By Rev. F. G. Lee. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1876. B H<) 174 (biography : general and individual — continued.) Haydon, B. R. Life of. By Tom Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1869. Howard, John. A Memoir. By Hepworth Dixon. 12mo. Loudon, 1854. Hughes, John (Abp.) Life of. By J. R. G. Hassard. 8vo. Now York, 1866. Hume, David. By Professor Huxley. 8vo. New York, 1879. Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography of. Revised by his Eldest Son. 8vo. London, 1860. Irving, Edward. Life of. By Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo. New York, 1862. Jeflfrey, Judge. Life of. By W. H. Woolrych. 8va Philadelphia, 1852. Johnson, Samuel. Life of. Including Journal of Tour to the Hebrides. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1859. Johnson, Sir William. Life and Times of. From 1742 to 1774. By W. L. Stone. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1865. Josephine, Empress. Memoirs of. By John S. Memes. 12mo. New York, 1864. Judges of King Charles I. History of three of the. Major-Genoral Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixnell, who fled to America. By Presi- dent Stiles, of Yale College. 12mo. Hartford, 1794. Kane, Elisha Kent. Life of ; and of other Distinguished American Explorers. By S. M. Smucker. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. Keats, John. Letters of, to Fanny Browne, in 1819 and 1820. With Introduction and Notes, by Harry B. Forman. Portraits. 12mo. New York, 1878. Kemble, Frances Ann. Record of a Girlhood. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1879. Kent, Duke of. His Life. Illustrated by his Correspondence with the De Salaberry Family, extending from IT^Jl to 1814. By Wm. J. Anderson. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. Kingsley, Charles. His Letters, and Memories of His Life. Edited by his Wife Abridged from the London Edition. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1877. Kirby, William. Life of. By John Freeman. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1852. Knight, Charles. Passages of a Working Life, during Half a Century. 2 vols. London, 1873. Kossuth, Louis. Memories of My Exile. Translated from the Hungarian. Ferencz Jansz. 8vo. New York, 1880. Lacordaire. By Dora Greenwell. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Landor, Walter Savage. A Biography. By John Forster. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Las Casas. The Apostle of the Indians. Life of. By Sir Arthur Helps. .London, 1868. Legacy. A. John Martin : Schoolmaster and Poet. Life and Remains of. By Miss Mulock. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1878. Lennox, Lord William Pitt. My Recollections froi6 1806 to 1873, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Locke, .John. The Life of. By II. R. Fox Bourne. 2 voh. 8vo. New York, 1876. Locke, John. Life and Letters of. With Extracts from his Journal. By Lord King. New edition. 12mo. London, 1864. 8vo. Bv 8vo. 175 (bioorapiiy : gknkhal and individual — continusd.) Lover, Samuel. Life of. By Baylo Bernard. 8vo. New York, 1874. Lynedoch, Lord. (Thomas Graham.) Life of. By Capt. Alex. M. Delavoye. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1880. Machar, John. Late Minister of St. Andrew's, Kingston, Ont. Memorials of his Life and Ministry. Portrait. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Mackay, Charles. Forty Years' Recollections of Life, Literature, and Public Affairs. From 1830 to 1870. 2 vols. 8vc. London, 1877. Macleod, Dr. Norman. Memoir of. By his Brother, Rev. D. Macleod. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Macready's Reminiscences; and Selections from his Diaries anu' Letters. Portrait. Edited by Sir F. Pollock. 8vo. New York, 1875. Mahomet, Life of. By Wm. Muir. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Mann, Horace. Life of. By his Wife. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Martineau, Harriet. Biographical Sketches, 1852—1868. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography of; with Memorials by Maria W. Chapman. Portraits and Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1877. Mathieson, Alex. Rev., (Montreal). Life of. By James Croil. 8vo. Montreal, 1870. Mazzini, Joseph. His Life, Writings, and Political Principles. With an Introduction. By Wm. Lloyd Garrison. 8vo. New York, 1872. Mazzini, Joseph. A Memoir. By E. A. V. With Two Essays, by Mazzini, « Thoughts on Democracy," and " The Duties of Man." Dedicated to the Working Classes. By P. A. Taylor, M.P. 8vo. London, 1875. Meagher, Thomas Francis. His Political and Military Career. With Selections from his Speeches, etc. By Capt. W. F. Lyons. 8vo. Glasgow, 1869. Menzies, Louisa. Lives of the Greek Heroines. 8vo. London, 1880. Mill, John Stuart. His Life and Works. Twelve Sketches by Herbert Spencer, Henry Fawcett, Fred. Harrison, and other Distinguished Writers, l.-^mo. Boston 1873. Mill, John. Autobiography of. 8vo. New York, 1873. Miller, Hugh. Life and Letters of. By Peter Bayne. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1871. MUton, John. Autobiography of ; or, Milton's Life in his Own Words. Edited by J. E. Graham. 8vo. London, 1872. Moltke, Field Marshal. 1800-1878. By Prof. W. Muller. Translated by P. E. Pinkerton. Edited by Capt. H. M. Hozier. Portrait of Moltke. 8vo. Lon- don, 1879. Montalembert, Count de. Memoir of. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1872. Moore, George. Merchant and Philanthropist. By Samuel Smiles. Portrait. 8to. London, 1878. Moore and Jerdan. Personal Reminiscences of. Edited by Richard H. Stoddard. 12mo. New York, 1876. I". 5*- 170 'W n ii (biography: general and individual — continued.) Moore, Thomas. Life, Journal and Correspondence of. By Earl Russell. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, (N.D.) Morgan, Rev. Dr. (Belfast). An Autobiography. With Selections from his Journal. Edited by his Son. Portrait. 8vo. Belfast, 1874. Morse, Samuel F. B. Memorial of. Including appropriate ceremonies of resp.ct at the National Capital, (Washington,) and elsewhere. Portrait. Small folio. Washington, 1875. Morton, Oliver P., (a Senator from Indiana). Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of. Delivered in the S«>uate and House of Rfi resoutatives, Jan. 17th and 18th, 1878. Portrait. 8vo. Washington, 1878. Motley, John Lothrop. A Memoir. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Portrait, Svc. Boaton, 1879. Mountain, G. J. Late Bishop of Quebec. Memoir of. By A. W, Mountain. 8vo. Montreal, 1866. Murchison, Sir Roderick J. Life of. With Notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, etc. By Archibald Goikie. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1875. Napier, General Sir Charles James. The Life and Opinions of. By Lieut. -Grneral Sir W. Napier, K.C.B. 4 vols. With Portraits. 8vo. London, 1857. Nelson. Life of. By the Old Sailor. 8vo. Newton, Sir Isaac. Life of. By Sir D. Brewster. 12mo. New York, 1871. Owen, Robert Dale. Threading my Way. Twenty-Seven Years of Autobiography. 8vo. London, 1874. Palissy, Bernard, the Potter. Life of. By Henry Morley. 12mo. London, 1869. Parsons, Edwd. Young, (a Representative from Kentucky). Memorial Addre,ssf\s on the Life and Character of. Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, August 1st, 1876. Portrait. Svo. Washington, 1878. Penn, Wm. Historical Biography. With a Chapter on the " Macaulay Charges." By V/. Hepworth Dixon. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. Peter the Great. Memoir of. By John Barrow. 12mo. New York, 1870. Plutarch's Lives, By A. H. Clough. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Pope, Alexander. By Leslie Stephen. 8vo. New York, 1880, Proctor, Bryan Walter. (Barry Cornwall.) An Autobiographical Fragment, and Biographical Notes. With Personal Sketches of Contemporaries, -fee. Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Raikes, Robert. Journalist and Philanthropist. A History of the Origin ol Sunday Schools. By Alfred Gregory. Portrait. 12mo. London, 1871. Robertson, Frederick W,, Incumbent of Trinity Chapel. Brighton. Life and L'-iU'-s of. Edited by S. A. Brooke. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence of. By Thomas Sadler. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1870. Scott, Sir Walter. Life of. By Robert Chambers, With Abbotsford Notanda. By Robert Carruthers, Svo. Edinburgh, 1871. m 8vo. Loudon, (N.D.) Por- Por- (bIOGRAPUY: general and individual— COH^. S^JS^ 1.0 I.I 1^ 2.5 «. ^ IIIL S 1^ IIIIIIO 12.2 1.8 ■ 1.25 1 1.4. Ill ,.6 ^ 6" . 1» V] 7 C']^*' . "^ ^ >> w Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 /j ^^npnpn 178 'ii kiilfi (biography : GENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL — contintted.) Whately, Richard. (Abp.) Life and Correspondence of. By E. Jane Whately 8vo. London, 1868. Whitfield, Geo. A Biography. With Special Reference to his Labours in America. By Joseph Belcher. 8vo. New York, (N.D.) Wilberforce, William. Life o^. By his Sons. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Wilson, John, (Christopher North). A Memoir of. By his Daughter, Mrs. Gordon. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Bolle. LAW. ABRIDGMENTS. Brooke. La Graunde Abridgement, coUecte -..,. j)gg ^^j^^ principals Cases en le temps Elizabeth, cibien en del Common-Bank. le Common- Bank come-devant tout les Juges, etc. Fol. London 1664 Bunbarry, Wm. Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer. From beginning of reign of Geo. I., until the 14th of Geo. II. Folio. London, 1755. Oaldecott, Thomas. Reports of Cases relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace. 4to. London, 1786. Carthew, Thos. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench. From the 3rd of Jas. II to the 12th of William in. 4to. London, 1728. Oomberback, R. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench; From 5 Jas. II.. to 10 Wm. III. 4to. London, 1724. Oroke. The Reports of Sir George Croke, (Justice King's Bench and Common Bench). Revised and published in English by Sir H. Grimston. 8vo. London 1667. Fol. Lonrl Ion, Latch. Moore. 202 (law — eontiniMff. ) Pitzgibbon'8 Reports. 1-5, Geo. IT. Polio. (N.D.) Hardie's Reports. 1005-21. Oar. II. 4to. (N.D.) Hobart. Tho Heporta of Sir Henry Hobart, (Lord C. J. Com. PIoa«) 1058. Keilwey, HolxM-t. Roports d'asounB caHflH, temp. Honry 7th and Honry 8th. ()v(.r,,uo les R«port8 d'useuns caHes priHos per le Rovorond Judgo O. DalliHon, A per 0. Benlots Horjoant nl Ley, temp. Elizabeth, touchantH la Construction do VliverH ActH de Parliiiincnt par oquito. 4to. London, 1088. Plusiours Tn's-Bons CaseH, oh Trois preini.TS ans du fou Roy, Chas. I. en La Cour do Bank le Roy. 8vo. Loudon, 1601. Cases Collect and Report per Sir Francis Moore, Sergeant del Ley. 8vo. London, 100,1. Mosely, Wm. Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, temp. Lord Chan- cellor King. 4to. Dublin, 1744. Sayer, Joseph. Reports of Ca.se8 in tho King's Bench. 25 Geo. II. ; 29-30 Geo. II. 4to. London, 1775. Style, William. " Narrationes Modernoe," or Modern Reports, begun in the now Upper Bench Court at Westminister, in the beginning of Hilary Term, 21 Caroli, and continued to the end of Michaelmas Term, 1655, etc. 4to. London, 1058. Talbot. Cases in E(iuity, temp. Lord Chancellor Talbot. 4to. London, 1741. Tapper, J. Stewart, and Robinson, Christopher, Q.C. Appeal Reports. Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1877. Ventris. Reports of Sir Paytou Ventris, (Justice Common Pleas). Part I. : Select Cases, K.B., temp. Clias. II. With Arguments by Sir Francis North and Sir Matthew Hale. Part II. : Choice Cases in Common Pleas, temp. Chas. II., Jas. II., and 1-3, William and Mary. Also Exchequer Cases on Writs of Error from the K. B. With remarkable cases in Court of Chancery, etc. Portrait, Folio. London, 1090. Yelverton. The Reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, (Justice Common Pleas). Special Cases in the K. B., temp, latter end of Elizabeth, and first ten years of James. Third edition. Folio. London, 1735. English Law Reports. 1805-1880. Reports. 7-11, George IL (1733-1738). Folio (N.iJ.) REPORTS, (AMERICAN CRI.MINAL), Hawle/, John G. American Criminal Reports. Latest and most Important Cases Determined in Federal and State Courts. With Selected Cases from British nv.'i Cunadiju Reports. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Chicago, 1878-1880. SALES. Benjamin, J. P. On the Law of Sale of Ppraon.".! Property. With references to American Decisions, and to the French Code. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1873. 203 W (tAW — continued) Rorer. Davi.l. Th« La«r of Judicial and Kxocution Sale,. 8vo. Chicago 1873 Story. W. W Troatim, on th« Law of Hal«H of PerHonai Property. WithUluHtration. rom th« Foreign Uw. Fourth edition. By R H. Bennett. 8vo. BoHtoM. ■OIIfTILL* JI;BI8. Scintilte Juris. By H. N. a. Second edition. 16mo. London, 1877. SCOTLAND, (LAW OP). Stair, ViHoount. Tho Institutions of the Law of Hootland. coUated with the Civil and toudal LawH, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1759. 8BA SHORE. HaJl'B Essay on tho Rights of tho Crown and the Privileges of the Subject in the Sea Shores of the Keai.n. Second edition. With Annotations, and Referpr,<..H to the Later Authorities in the British Islands and the United States By Richard L. Loveland. Appendix. 8vo. London, 1875. SEWERS, TUB STATUTE OF. Catlis. Robert^ The Reading of. upon the Statute of Sewers, etc. Fourth edition With Notes of Mr. Serjeant Hill. 8vo, London, 1810. SHERIFF. Atkinson, Geo. On the Offices of Sheriff, Undersheriff, Bailiff, etc., including their Duties at Elections, etc. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Watson William H. The Office and Duty of Sheriff, in the Execution and Retum of Writs, and in the Election of Knights of the Shire. 8vo. London, 1827. SLANDER. Polkai-d's Starkie on Slander and Libel, including Pleading and Evidence, Civil and |.nrainal. Also Malicious Prosecutions, Contempt of Court, etc. Fourth Eng- lish edition. With Notes and References to American Cases. By H G Wood 8vo. Now York, 1877. j ■ • • STATE TRIAL. Queen Caroline. Trial of. before the House of Peers. With Original Letters, etc.. including, at large. Her Majesty's Defence. Ey J. H. Adolphus. Portraits 8vo. London, 1820. STATUTES AT LARGE. Ruffhead, Owen, statutes at Large. From Ma«na Charta to the TTnJnn ^i^h Ireland in the year 1800. 18 vols. 4to. London, Statutes at Larcre. From tb« v.„. .«n, .., ...__. . . . ,3^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^.^ Large. From the Year 1801 (41 George 3rd) to 1 toria). 27 vols. 4to. Lond Ion. 1866. 204 (law— contintied. ) Ohitty's Collection of Statutes. Third edition. By W. N. Welsby and E. Beaven. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Public and General Acts. 30 and 31 Vic. 4to. London, 1871 Chronological Table and Index to the Statutes of thu Imperial Parliament. To the end of the Session of 1869. 4to. London, 1870. (For continuation of the Imperial Statutes, after the Year 1872, see the English Law Reports.) Chronological Table and Index of Statutes. 1235-1877. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1873-1878. Statutes of Groat Britain and Ireland. 32 and 33 Vic. 4to. London, 1869. The Statutes Revised, 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1870-1878. Vol. 1. Henry III. to James II. (A.D. 1235-6-1685). Vol. 14, 25 and 26 Vic. to 28 and 29 Vic, 1862-1865. fin w: STATUTES, (interpretation OF). Dwarris, Sir F. Statutes, their Rules of Construction, etc. Second Edition. 8\o. London, 1848. Sedgwick, Theodore. Rules which Govern thelnterpretation and Application of Statu- tory and Constitutional Law. 8vo. New York, 1857. Browne, Causten. On the Construction of the Statute of Frauds, as in force in Eng- land and the United States ; with the Existing English and American Statutes. Third Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Dwarris, Sir F. Statutes, their Rules of Construction, etc. ' With American Notes and Additions. Also, Constitutional Limitations upon the National and State Leg- islative Power. With a Chapter on Parliamentary Law and Privileges. By Piatt Potter, LL.D., one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1873. Maxwell, Sir Peter B. The Interpretation of Statutes. 8vo. London, 1875. statutes, observations on. Barrington, Justice. Observations on the More Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to the 21st of James I., Cap. 27. With a Proposal for New Modelling the Stat- utes. 4to. London, 1769. stockholders. Thompson, Seymour D. Liability of Stckholders and Corporations. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879. summary jurisdiction. Cheese, Edmumd H. The Summary Juri.sdiction Act, 1879, arranged and epitouusc! for ready reference, etc., etc. 8vo. London, 1880. 205 {lAVf-^contimted.) SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE. Baxter, Wynne E. The Law and Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. With Judicature Acts of 1873-1875. Rules, Forms, Statutes, Notes, and Index. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Bedford, Edward H. Firal Examination Guide to the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature, under the Acts, 1873-1875. 8vo. London, 1875. Charley, W. T. The New System of Practice and Pleading, under the Supreme Courts of Judicature Acts, 1873-1875. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Clowes, W. The Judicature Acts of 1873-5. With Index. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Fitzadam, John T. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873-1875. With Order in Council. Additional Rales of Court and Notes. 8vo. London, 1875. Griffith, William D. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. With Rules, Orders, and Costs. Also Notes, References and Index. 8vo. London 1875. Holdsworth, W. A. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. With the Rules of Court, etc. 8vo. London, 1875. Indennaur, John. The student's Guide to the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 1873-1875. 8vo. London, 1875. Lely, J. M., and Foulkes, W. D. J. The Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. With the Statutes, Rules of Court, etc. Forming a Practice of the Supreme Court. 8vo. London, 1875. Ramsey, Almaric. The Judicature Acts in Parallel Columns; showing the changes effected in the Act of 1873 by the corresponding Sections of the Act of 1875. 8vo. London, 1875. Warlow, W. H. An Index to the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts of 1 873 and 1 875 ; and to the Rules, etc., with a Table of Times relative to Pleadings thereunder.' 8vo. London, 1875. Wilson, Arthur. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. Schedules of Rules, etc. 8vo. London, 1875. SUPREME COURT, JURISDICTION AND PRACTICE OF, Ayckbourn, Hubert. The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of JucMca- ture, and of the Divisional Courts, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act With Appendix of Forms, Rules and Regulations. 8vo. London, 1874. TAXATION, LAW OF. Burroughs. W. H. Law of Taxation, as Imposed by the States and thdr Municipali- ties etc., and as exercised in the Government of the United States, particularly in the Customs and Internal Revenue. 8vo. New York, 1877. r ' m U 206 (tAW — continued.) TELEGRAPHS. Scott, William L., and Jamagin, Milton P. Treatise upon the Law of Telegraphs, with Appendix, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Allen, Charles. Telegraph Cases decided in the Courts of America, Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. New York, 1873. TORTS. Addison, C. G. Wrongs and their Remedies ; a Treatise on the Law of Torts. Third edition. By F S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. London, 1870. Hilliard, Francis. The Law of Torts or Private Wrongs. Fourth edition, greatly en- larged. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1874. TJtADE Marks. Adams, F. M. The Law of Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1874. Cox, Rowland. American Trade Mark Cases. Decided in the American Courts prior to 1871. With an Appendix, containing the Loading English Cases. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1871. Sebastian, Lewis B. The Law of Trade Marks and their Registration, etc. With a Chapter on Goodwill, etc. Also, Appendices containing Precedents of Injunc- tions, Acts of Parliament, etc. ; the United States Statute, 1870 ; and the Treaty with the United States, 1877. 8vo. London, 1878. TRADE UNIONS. Brie, Sir William. Law Relating to Trade Unions. 12rao. London, 1869. TREATIES. (See International Law.) Hertslet's Treaties. With Chronological Index to the entire Series. Vol. 13. 8vo. London, 1877. TRUSTEE, (OFFICE OF}. Urling, R. Denny. Manual of the Law Relating to the Office of Trustee. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1857. TRUSTS. Lewin, Thomas. The Law of Trusts. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1867. ULTRA VIRES. Brice, Seward. Ultra Vires; an Investigation of the Principles which Limit the Capaci- ties, Powers, and Liabilities of Corporations; moreespecially of Joint Stock Com- panies. 8vo. London, 1874. Brice, Seward. The Doctrine of Ultra Vires ; an Investigation of the Principles which Limit the Capacities and Liabilities of Corporations, more especially of Joint Stock Companies. Second American edition. With Notes and References to American Cases. Ashbel Green. New York Bar. 8vo. New York, 1880, 207 (law — continued. ) USAGES AND CUSTOMS. Browne J. H Balfour. The Law of Usages and Customs. A Practical Law Tract 8vo. London, 1875. USURY, (law op). Tyler. R.H. The Law of Usury. Pawns or Pledges, and Maritime Loans. Svo Al- bany, 1873. VACCINATION, (LAW OP). Piy, Danby P. The Law relating to Vaccination. Comprising the Vaccination Acts, and the Instructional Circulars, etc. Sixth edition. Svo. London, 1875. VENDORS AND Pl/RCHASERS. Bridgman Richard W. Legal Bibliography. Critical Observations on the Authority of the Reporters and other Law Writers. Svo. London, 1807 Dart, J. H. Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Dart. J. It and Barber. Law and Practice Relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1876 Sugden, Edward, (Lord St. Leonards). The Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates J ''•t «..» j!)»: per !•(•. 210 (CANADIAN LAW — continued.) Hancock, J. W, System of Conveyancing, comprising the Principles, Forms, and Laws which regulate Transfers of Property in Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1861. Harrison. R. A., Chief Justice. Statutes of Practical Utility in the Civil Adminis- tration of Justice in Upper Canada, chronologically arranged. With Index. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. Harrison, R. A., Chief Justice. Rules, Orders, and Regulations as to Practice and Pleading in the County Courts. With Notes, Practical and Explanatory. 8vo. Toronto, 1858. Harrison, R. A., Chief Justice. Common Law Procedure Act; and other Acts relating to the Practice of the Superior Courts of Common Law and the Rules of Court. Second edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. Harrison, R. A., Chief Justice. Municipal Manual for Upper Canada, containing the new Municipal and Assessment Acts, etc. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1867. Harrison, R. A., Chief Justice, and O'Brien, H. A Digest of all Cases decided in the several Courts of Error and Appeal, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Chan- cery in Upper Canada, from 1852 to 1860. 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1863. Harrison, R. A., Chief Justice, and Robinson, J. L. Digest of all Cases determined in Queen's Bench and Practice Courts for U. C. (From 1823 to 1851.) 8vo. Toronto, 1852. Hart, Adolphus M. Practical Suggestions on Mining Rights and Privileges in Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1867. Howell, Alfred. The Law and Practice as to Probate, Administration, and Guardian- ship, in the Surrogate Courts, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. Jones, Herbert C. Prescription : a Practical Treatise on the Real Property Limitation Act of Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap. 108. With the latest Decisions in England and Canada, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. Keele, W. C. The Provincial Justice, or Magistrate's Manual. Being a Digest of the Ci'iminal Law of Canada. Fifth edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1864. Kerr, Wm. H. The Magistrates' Acts of 1869. Annotated for the Use of Magistrates. 12mo. Montreal, 1871. Kingsford, R. E. Collection of such of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and of the Acts of Session 41 Vic, 1878, as relate to Municipal Matters. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. LeggO, William. Practice of the Court of Chancery for Ontario. With some observa- tions on the Pleading of that Court. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamilton, 1876. LeggO, William. Forms and Precedents of Pleadings and Proceedings in the Court of Chancery for Ontario. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. Leith, Alexander. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, applicable to Real Property, adapted to the Present State of the Law in XIpper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1854. Leith, Alexander. The Real Property Statutes of Ontario. 8vo. Toronto, 1869. Lelievre et Augers. Questions Seigneuriales. Vol. B. Quebec, 1856. 211 (CANADIAN LKw—continmd.) Macmahon, Hugh. The Insolvent Act of 1875. With Notes, Tariff of CoBt« etc ovo. Toronto, 1875. . ' McOord Thomas. Civil Code of Lower Canada, etc. With Special References for Notaries Clergymen, Physicians, Merchants, and Persons out of Lower Canada 12mo. Montreal, 1870. McOord Thomas. Synopsis of the Changes in the Law affected by tho Civil Code of Lower Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 1866. McNab John. The Magistrate's Manual. Being a Compilation of the Law relating to the Duties of Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada. With Set of Forms and a Copious Index. 8vo. Toronto, 1865. Morgan, Henry J. Canadian Legal Directory : Guide to the Bench and the Bar. 8vo Toronto, 1878. Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. ISmo. Quebec, 1875. O'Brien, Henry. The Division Court Act, Rules, and Forms. With practical and ex- p anatory Notes, Index, etc. Also, Table showing all the Division Courts in Upper Canada, their Limits, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1866. O'Brien Henry. Division Courts Act, Rules and Forms, etc. Table of Division Court Limits. Chapter on Prohibition, Mandamus, and Certiorari. Index. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1879. Popham John. Insolvent Act of 1869. With Notes and Decisions of the Courts of Ontario and Quebec ; together with Rules of Practice, and Tariff of Fees for Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. 8vo. Toronto 1870 ' Richmond, Wellington H. Book of Legal Forms, and Law Manual for' the Legal Transaction of Business. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. ^ororto 1854. ' Robinson, Christopher, and Joseph, F. J. A Digest of the Reported Cases determined m the Courts of Common Law and Equity in the Province of Ontario, from the commencement of the Reports in Trinity Term, 1823, to the present time. 8vo Toronto, 1874-1879. Part 1. Abandonment. Arrest. Part 17. Trover. Will. Rordans, J. The Canadian Conveyancer and Handbook of Legal Forms Being a selocti«n of Concise Precedents in Conveyancing. Carefully revised. With Introduction and Notes. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto 1867 Rordans and NichoUs. The Ontario Law List. Eighth edition. 12mo. Toronto 1876. ' Sanborn M H Handybook for Sheriffs and Bailiffs of the Province of Quebec. 12mo Montreal, 1870. Sinclair, J. S., (Judge), and Wade. E. E. Division Courts Act : a Full and Exhaus- tive Annotation of the Division Courts Act, Rules and Tariff, etc. With In- structions to Clerks . d Bailiffs, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1879. 212 J'. ■»r (CANADIAN LAW — continued.) Sinclair, J. S., (Judge), assisted by E. E. Wade. Division Courts Act, 1880. With Directions and Instructions to Clerks and Bailiffs. A full set of Forms, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. Snelling, Richard, and Jones, F. T. General Orders and Statutes Relating to Prac- tice, Pleading, and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery for Upper Canada. With Copious Notes and a Book of Forms. 8vo. Toronto, 1863. Stephens, Chas. H. Quebec Law Digest of all the Reported Decisions in the Province of Quebec, down to the First of January, 1877, etc. 8vo. Montreal, 1878. Sullivan, Robert, and Moss, Charles. Handybook of Commercial Law for Upper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1866. Stuart, George O. Reports of Cases in King's Bench and Court of Appeals, Lower Canada. With Vice- Admiralty Cases and Privy Council Appeals. 8vo. Que- bec, 1834. Supreme Court of Canada. General Rules and Orders of. 8vo. Ottawa, 1876. Taschereau, Henri E. Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of 1869, for the Dominion; as Amended and in Force, on 1st November, 1874, in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and, on 1st of January, 1875, in British Columbia. With Notes, Precedents of Indictments, etc. L' vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1874. Toronto, 1875. Taylor, Thomas W. Statutes and Orders relating to the Practice and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, and of the Court of Error and Appeal. With Notes. Third edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1868. Taylor, Thos. W. Investigation of Titles to Estates in Fee Simple. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Taylor, Thomas W. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence. Founded on Story. 8vo Toronto, 1875. Totten, Henry. Compilation of the Several Tariffs, etc., relating to the Expenditure the Administration of Criminal Justice. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. "^ Turner, Robert J. The Law and Practice under the Act for Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canada. 12mo. (Paper.) Toronto, 1867. Walkem, Richd. T. The Law relating to the Execution and Revocation of Wills. With Appendix, containing the "Wills Act" of 1873. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Walkem, Richd. T. The Married Women's Property Acts of Ontario. With Notes of the English and Canadian Cases, bearing upon their construction, etc. With Appendix. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. Whitley, John. The Ontario Cabinet Lawyer. Being a Handybook of Legal Forms, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. Wioksteed, R. J. Tables of the Statutes of the Dominion, and the B. N. A. Act, showing the Acts they Amend, or by which they are Amended. And Index to Imperial Statutes affecting Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 1874. Wills, Thos. Compilation of Acts Respecting the Municipal Institution of Ontario. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. 213 (CANADIAN LAW — Continued.) Wilson, Adam. The Constable's Guide. A Sketch of the Office of Constable. 8vo Toronto, 1859. Winstanley, J. N. index of Repealed and Repealing Statutes aiTecting the Province of Ontario. Svo. Toronto, 1871. Wood, Samuel George. Registration of Titles (U. C.) Act, 29 Vic. cap. 24. With Notes and Appendix. 8vo. Paper. Toronto, 1869. Wotherspoon, Ivan. A Manual of the Practice and Procedure in the Several Courts having Civil Jurisdiction in the Province of Quebec. Containing the Code of Civil Procedure of Lower Canada, with the Amendments thereto, made since Its Promulgation, etc. 18mo. Montreal, 1870 ; Revised edition, 1880. Wotherspoon, Ivan. The Insolvent Act of 1875. With Practice and Tariffs in dif- ferent Provinces. Index and List of Cases, by C. H. Stephens. Svo. Montreal 1875. ' Wotherspoon, Ivan. Manual of the Practice and Procedure in the Civil Courts of Quebec. Containing the Code of Civil Procedure, the Rules of Practice, etc. etc. Revised edition. 12mo. Montreal, 1880. Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller : by Boat ; by Stage ; by Rail. By a Barrister of Osgoode Hall. Svo. Toronto, 1875. DIGEST^ NEW BRUNSWICK. Stevens, James G. Digest of the Reported and Unreported Cases in the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. From 1825 to Easter Term, 1873, inclusive, etc. Svo. St John, N.B., 1874. Stevens, Jas. a Analytical Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of New Brunswick. From 1825, to Easter Term, inclusive, 1879. Second edition. Svo. Toronto, 1880. m 8vo. Toronto, 1844- ONTARIO LAW REPORTS. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports. Vols, l to 45. 1880. Upper Canada Jurist, (Old Series); containing original and selec';ed Articles on Legal Subjects, etc. 2 vols. Toronto, 1845-1850. King's Bench and Practice Court Reports, (Old Series) : Commencing from the end of Draper's Reports. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6. Svo. Toronto, 1850-1858. Jones, Harman, Robinson, and Vankoughnet. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. Vols. 1 to 30. Svo. Toronto, 1850-1880. if .sJli 214 (ONTARIO LAW REPORTS — continiied .) Robinson, J. L. Chamber lloporta. 2 vols. 12mo. Toronto, 1851-1853, Upper Canada Law Journal and Local Courts Gazette. 10 vols. Small 4to. Barrio, 1855 ; Toronto, 18(54. Upper Canada Law Journal and The Canada Law Journal. (New Series.) Vols. 1-16. 8vo. Toronto, 1868-1880. Local Courts and Municipal Gazette. 8 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1865-1872. Draper, William Henry, and Taylor. King's Bench (Upper Canada) Reports. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1861-1862. Grant and Cooper. Reports— Court of Cliancery. Vols. 1 to 27. 8vo. Toronto, 1861-1880. Grant, Alexander. Reports : Courts of Error and Appeal. 5 vols. Svo. Toronto, 1865-1880. Robinson, Tupper and O'Brien. Practice Reports. 8 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1868- 1880. Supreme Court of Canada Reports, 3 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1877-1880. Tupper, J. Stewart, and Robinson, Christopher, Q.C. Appeal Reports. Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1877. Lower Canada Jurist. 8vo. Montreal, 1876-1880. Lower Canada Reports. Quebec, 1857-1867. La Revue Legale. Sorel, Quebec. 8vo. 1869-1877. Quebec Law Reports. 1875-1880. The Legal News. 8vo. Montreal, 1878-1879. New Brunswick Reports. Stevens' Digest. 1825-1879. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Alden, Joseph. The Science of Government in Connection with the American Govern- ment. 8vo. New York, 1871. Amos, Shelden. Political and Legal Remedies for War. 8vo. London, 1880. Aristotle. The Politics and Economics of ; Translated, with Notes, etc. By Edward Walford. With Introductory Essay and Life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies. 8vo. London, 1871. Armstrong, Sir William. Recent Discussions on the Abolition of Patents for Inven- tions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc. 8vo. London, 1869. Arnold, Arthur. Social Politics. Svo. London, 1878. Bagehot, Walter. Physics and Politics. Svo. New York, 1873. Bagehot, Walter. Economic Studies. Edited by Richard H. Hutton. Svo. London, 1880. Bell, Andrew. Historical Sketches of Feudalism, British and Continental. Svo. Lon- don, 1852. 215 (political and social HcimcE— continued.) Bentham, Jeremy. Works of. Bowring. 11 vols. 8vo Contents: — Vol. 1. Publishocl untler the Superintendence of Sir John Edinburgh, 1843. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Introduction to Study of Works of Jororny Bentham. An Introduction to Principles of Morals and Legislation. Essay on Promulgation of Laws, and Reasons thereof; with Speoi- men of Penal Code. Essay on Influence of Time and Place in Matters of Legislation. Table of Springs of Action. Fragment on Government; or, a Comment on the Commentariw. Principles of Civil Code. Penal Law. Principles of Judicial Procedure, with Outlines of Procedure Code. The Rationale of Reward. Leading Principles of Constitutional Code, for any State. On Liberty of the Press, and Public Discussion. Essay on Political Tactics. Book of Fallacies, from Unfinished Papers. Anarchical Fallacies. Principles of International Law. Protest against Law Taxes. Supply without Burden ; or, Escheat vice Taxation. Tax with Monopoly. Defence of Usury. Manual of Political Economy. Observations on Restrictive and Prohibitory Commercial System. Plan for Saving all Trouble and Expense in Transfer of Stock ; and Conversion of Stock into Note Annuities. General View of Complete Code of Laws. Pannomial Fragments. Nomography ; or, the Art of Inditing Laws. Appendix— Logical Arrangements; or, InstrumentR of Invention axid Discovery. Equity Dispatch Court Proposal. Bill. Plan of Parliamentary Reform. Catechism of Parliamentary Reform. Sketch of Various Proposals for a Constitutional Reform. Radical Reform Bill. Radicalism not Dangerous. In tie (political and social 8CIENCR — Continued.) Vol. 4. View of the Hard liahour Hill. Pauopticoii ; or, tho Inspection- Houho. •• verstit New South Wales. Plea for tho Constitution. Draught of ( !o(lo for Organizationof Judicial EHtablishnient in France. Bontham'H Draught for Organization of Judicial EstabliHlnnents, cora- paretl with that of National Aawnnbly. Ernancipato your Colonies. Jeremy Htjuthani to his Fellow-Citizens of France, on Ilou-ses of Peers and Senates. Papers Relative to Codification and Public Instruction. Coditication Proposal. Vol. 5. Scotch Reform. Summary View of Plan of a Judicatory, under name of Court of Lords' Delegates. Elements of the Art of Packing. "Swear Not at All." Truth versus Asliurst. The Kinc; against Edmonds and Others. The King against Sir Charles VVolseley, Bart., and Joseph Harrison. Otticial Aptitude Maximized ; Expense Minimized. Commentary on Humphrey's Real Property Code. Outline of Plan of General Register of Real Property. Justice and Codification Petitions. Lord Brougham Displayed, Vol. 6. Introductory View of the Rationale of Evidence. Cautionary Instructions Respecting Evidence. Imprisonment for Debt. False Theory of Evidence. (Gilbert's.) Rationale of Judicial Evidence. On Securities for the Trustworthiness of Testimony. On Extraction of Testimonial Evidence. Of Pre-appointed Evidence. Vol. 7. Of Circumstantial Evidence. Of Makeshift Evidence. Of Authentication of Evidence. On Cause of Exclusion of Evidence — Technical System of Procedure. On Exclusion of E\ideuce. View of Cases in wliich Exclusion of Evidence is Proper. View of Cases in which Evidence has Improperly been Excluded on Ground of Danger of Deception. 217 (I'OLITIOAL AND SOCIAL HClKtfCH—COntvmtd.) View of (.Wh in wl.iol. Eviclonoo ha« Ttnproporly been Excluded on (irourid of Voxation. View of CW.H in which Evi.lon.o has l„.,,roporIv boon Excluded on Double Account of Voxation and Danger of Deception. Of DiHKuiHod KxcluHionH. luHtr-ictioMH to be Delivered from the [.ogislator to the Judge, for EHtinmtion of Probate Force of Evidence. Note on the Belgic Code. Vol. 8. Chrestornathia, Fragment on Ontology. Essay on Logic. Language. Fragments on Universal (Jrammar. Tracts on Poor Laws and Pauper Management. (>l)H(!rvationH on the Poor Bill. Throe Tracts Relative to Spanish and Portuguese Affairs. Letters to (!ount Torono, on Proposed Penal Code. Securities against Misrule. Vol. 9. Constitutional Code. State of [ 1 ' ^ Its Constitutional Code. {PdUHoni'wn.) Vol. 10. Memoirs and Correspondence. " 11. « u Bentham, Jeremy. Theory of Legislation. Translated from the French of Etienne Dumont. By R Hil.lreth. 8vo. Second edition. 1871 BlSSet, Andrew. The Strength of Nations. An Historical Retrospect. 8vo. London, Blackley, Wm. L. Collected Essays on the Prevention of Pauperism. 12mo. Lon- don, 1880. Blakeman, Rufus. Essay on Credulity, Superstition, and Animal Fascination, Mes- merism, etc. 8vo. New York, 1849. Blakey, Robert. The History of Political Literature. From the Earliest Times. 2 vols 8vo. London, 1855. Rrfr^'^Tr"" J'" ^°"«''^^^''^-- Labour and Capital, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Brassey, Thomas, M.P. Works and Wages, Practically Illustrated. 8vo. New York, Rrl??'''"''T f^ ^"^«'-^™- T^'--7 «f Government. 12mo. New York, 1868. Brougham, Lord. Political Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 Brown, Wm.L An Essay on the Natural Equality of Men; On the Rights that Result from it, and on the Duties which it Imposes. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1794. 218 K -'i (political and social scienck — continued.) Bvant, William C. The Civil Service of the Crown; its Rise and its Constitution 8vo. London, 1876. Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. 3 vols. ^ o. London, 1871. Burke, Edmund. A Historical Study. By John Morley. 8vo. London, 1867. Bushnell, Horace. Woman's Suffrage : The Reform against N»,ture. 8vo ' New York 1869. ■ ' Butler, Josephine E. Woman's Work and Woman's Culture. A Series of E?r,ays. 8vo London, 1869. Button, Thos. F. An Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are Produced or Prevented by our Present System of Prison Discipline. Second edition. 8vo. London 1818. Bury, Viscount. Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Oaimes, J. E. Political Essays. 8vo. London, 1873. Canning, Hon. A. S. G. The Political Progress of Christianity. Svo. London, 1877. Caplin, Madame; Mill, Dr. John. Women in the Reign of Queen Victoria.' Por- trait. Carey, H. C. Principles of Social Science. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Carpenter, Mary. Reformatory Schools for the Children of the Perishing and Dan- gerous Classes. 8vo. London, 1851. Cassagnac, A. G. de. History of the Working and Burgher Classes. Translated by Ben. E. Green. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Channing, Wm. E. Lectures on the Elevation of the Labouring Portion of the Com- munity. 8vo. Boston, 1863. Cunningham, David. Conditions of Social Well-Being ; or. Inquiries into the Ma- terial and Moral Positions of the Populations of Europe and America, with par- ticular Reference to those of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. London, 1878. Cobden, Richard. Political Writings of. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo London 1868. Cobden and Modern PoliticaJ Opinion. By James E. Thorold Rogers. 8vo. Loudon, 1873. Cobden Club Essays. Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries. First Series. Second edition. Svo. London, iS70. 1. Tenure of Land in Ireland. By the Right Hon. M. Longfield, late Judge of the Landed Estate Court in Ireland. 2. Land Laws of England. By C. Wren Hoskyns, Esq., M.P. 3. Tenure of Land in India. By George Campbell, Esq., Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces of India. 4. Land System of Belgium and Holland. By M. Emile De Laveleye. 5. Agrarian Legislation of Prussia during the Present Century. By R. B. D. Morier, Esq., C.B. 6. Land System of France. By T. Cliffe Leslie, Esq. 219 (political and social BciENCE— continued.) 7. Russian Agronan Legislation of 1861. By Dr. Julius Faucher, Member of the Prussian Landtag. 8. Farm Land, an 1 Land Laws of the United States. By C. M. Fisher, Esq., Counsellor-at-Law, United States of America. Land System of Ireland and Great Britain compared with the Continent, as to Tenure, Rents, Produce, Wages, etc., on Average Soil._(From tne Irish Farmer's Gazette.) Oobden Club Essays. Second edition 8vo. London, 1872. On the Causes of War, and the means of Reducing their Number. By Emile de Laveleye. The Law and Custom of Primogeniture. By Hon. George C. Brodrick. The Present Aspect of the Land Question. By William Fowler, M.P. Financial Reform. % T. E. Cliffe Leslie. A New Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and Germany. By Julius Faucher, of Berlin. The English Coinage Question. By John Prince Smith, Member of the Ger- ' man Parliament. Trades Unions, and the Relation of Capital and Labour. By Joseph Gostick. The Colonial Question. By James Thorold Rogers. The Recent Financial, Industrial, and Commercial Experiences of the United States. By Hon. David A. Willis, United States. Appendix : Commerical Policy of France, and the Treaty with England of 1860. ^ Oobden Club Essays. Local Government and Taxation. Edited by J. W. Probyn. 8vo. London, 1875. Local Government in England. By Hon. G. C. Brcdrick. Local Government and Taxation in Scotland. By Alexander McNeel-Caird. Local Government and Taxation in Ireland. By W. Neilson Hancock, LL.D. Local Government and Taxation in the Australian Colonies and New Zealand. By Sir C. Dilke, Thomas W.])b Ware, and W. H. Archer. The Provincial and Communal Institutions of Belgium and Holland. By M. Emile de Laveleye. Local Government in France. By M. Le Comte de Franqueville. Local Government and Taxation in Russia. By Ashton Wentworth Dilke. . Local Government and Taxation in Spain. By Senor Moret Y. Prendergrast. Local Government Considered in its HistoricalDevelopment in Germany and England, with Special Reference to Recent Legislation on the Subject m Prussia. By R. B. D. Morier, O.B., H. B. Majesty's Charge d'Affaires, Munich. Cobb, Lyman. The Evil Tendencies of Corporal Punishment as a Means of Moral Dis- ciplme in Families and Schools. 8vo. New York, 1847. .■;i ill J"~" fc 220 , -.j , ifw-., (political and social sciENCE—continued.) Cochrane, A. B. Historic Pictures. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Oook, Joseph. Labour. With Preludes and Current Events. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Cook, Joseph. Socialism. With Preludes and Current Events. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Cooper, W. M. Flagellation and the Flaggellants. A History of the Rod in all Coun- tries. 8vo. London, 1869. Dall, Caroline H. The College, the Market, and the Court ; or, Woman's Eolation to Education, Labour, and Law. 8vo. Boston, 1867. Davis, Chas. M. Orthodox London ; or. Phases of Religious Life in the Church of England. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Davis, Chas. M. Heterodox London ; or, Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Day, Samuel Phillips. Juvenile Crime : its Causes, Character, and Cure. 8vo. London, 1858. De -Haulleville, Baron. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism, in their Civil Bearing upon Nations. Translated from the French, by Henry Belling- ham. With Preface by Cardinal Manning. 8vo. London, 1878. Denton, W. The Christians of Turkey, their Condition under Mussulman Rule. 8vo. London, 1876. ' Draper, John W. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 8vo. New York, 1872. Duff, M. E. Grant, (M.P.) Miscellanies, Political and Literary. 8vo. Elder, William. Questions of the Day, Economic and Social. 8vo. 1871. Eliot, Samuel. History of Liberty. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853. Vols. 1, 2. The Early Christians. | Vols, 3, 4. The Ancient Romans. Fawcett, Henry. The Economic Position of the British Labourer. 8vo. London, 1865. Fawcett, Henry, M.P., and Pawcett, M. G. Essays and Lectures on Social and Political Subjects. 8vo. London, 1872. Findel, J. G. History of Freemasonry. From its Origin down to the Present Day. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1871. Fisher, Joseph. The History of Land-holding in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1877. Freeman, Edward A. Comparative Politics, With the Unity of History. 8vo. London, 1873. Galton, Francis. Hereditary Genius. An Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences. 8vo. New York, 1871. George, Henry. Progress and Poverty. An Inquiry into the cause of Industrial De- pressions, and of Increase of Want, with Increase of Wealth. The Remedy. 8vo. New York. 1880. urant, Daniel. Hume Politics, or the Growth of Trade, considered in its relation to Labour, Pauperism and Emigration. 8vo. London, 1870. Grant, Sir Alexander. Recess Studies. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Fifth edition. London, 1878. Philadelphia, 221 (political and social science— continued.) Grant, James. The Newspaper Press. Its Origin, Progress, and Present Position. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Greg, W. R. Essays on Political and Social Science. Contributed to tho "Edin- burgh Review." 2 vols. Svo. London, 1853. Greg, W. R. Literature and Social Judgments. Svo. London, 1868. Greg, W. R. Political Problems for our Age and Country. 8vo. London, 1870. Greg, W. R. Rocks Ahead ; or, the Warnings of Cassandra. Second edition. With Reply to Objectors. 8vo. London, 1874. Greg, Percy. The Devil's Advocate. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Grimke, Frederick. Considerations upon the Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. '^rote, George. Minor Works of. With Critical Remarks on his Intellectual Character. By Alexander Bain. 8vo. London, 1873. Guizot, M. Origin of Representative Government in Europe. Translated by A. R Scoble. Svo. Loudon. 1852. Hare, Thomas. The Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal. Adapt- ing the proposed Law to the Ballot. With Appendices on the Preferential and Cumulative Vote. Fourth edition. Svo. London, 1873. Harris, George. Civilization as a Science. New edition. Svo. New York, 1873. Helps, Arthur. Thoughts upon Government. Svo. London, 1872 Henderson, Lieut. -Colonel, (R.E.) Report on the Discipline Ind Management of Military Prisons; also, respecting the Management and Discipline of Prisons in Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions, of 1867-1868. HUdreth, Richard. Theory of Politics. Inquiry into the Foundations of Governments. Svo. New York, 1854. Hitchcock, Roswell D. Socialism. Svo. New York, 1879, Holyoake, George J. The History of Co-operation in England : its Literature and its Advocates. Svo. Philadelphia, 1875. Hudson, Fred. Journalism in the United States. From 1690 to 1872 Svo New York, 1873. IngersoU, Charles. Fears for Democracy, regarded from an American Point of View- Svo. Philadelphia, 1875. Jackson, Sir George. Diaries and Letters of. From the Peace of Amiens to the Battlo of Talavera. Edited by Lady Jackson. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1872 Jennings, Louis J. Eighty Years of Republican Government in the United States Svo. London, 1868. "Jukes," The. A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Disease and Heredity. Also, Further Studies of Criminals. By R L. Dugdale. With Introduction, by Elisha Harris, M.D. Third edition. Svo. New York, 1877, Kauftnann, M. Socialism : its Nature, its Dangers, and its Remedies Considered Svo. London, 1S74. ;:^ .^ -III 222 (political and social aciEscE—contimied.) Zauftnann. M. Utopias; or, Schemes of Social Improvement. From Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx. 8vo. London, 1879. Kay, Joseph. Social Condition and Education of the People of England. 8vo. New York, 1864. • Kay, Joseph. Free Trade in Land. Edited by his Widow. Preface by the Rt. Hon John Bright. 8vo. London, 1879. Kerr, J. Essays on Castism and Sectism. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. KingSmiU, Joseph. Chapters on Prisons and Prisoners, and the Prevention of Crime Third edition. 8vo. London, 1854. Lecky, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism m Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals. From Augustus to Charlemac^ne 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. ° Le Play, F. The Organization of Labour, in Accordance with the Customs and Law of the Decalogue. With Observations upoxi the Means Required for Reform, etc From the French. Second edition. Translated by Gouvernei^r Emerson, 'svo Philadelphia, 1872. Leslie, Thos. E. C. Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy. Svo. London, 1879. Levi, Leone. Work and Pay : Two Courses of Lectures delivered to Working Men in King's College, London. With Report of Committee of British Association on Combinations of Labourers and Capitalists. 8vo. London, 1877. Lewis, Sir G. C. On the Use and Abuse of some Political Terms. 8vo. London, 1832. Lewis, Sir G. C. The Influence of Authority on Matters of Opinion. 8vo. London, 1849. Lewis, Sir G. C. On the Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Politics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Lewis, Sir G. C. Letters to Various Friends. Edited by his Brothov, Rev. Sir G. F. Lewis. Svo. London, 1870. Lieber, Francis. Manual of Political Ethics. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Lieber, Francis. Property and Labour. 12mo. New York, 1856. Lieber, Francis. On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. Lieber, Francis. On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Edited by Theodore D. Woolsey. Third edition. Svo. Philadelphia, 1874. Locke, John. Four Letters on Toleration. Reprint of Seventh edition of 1758. 8m London, 1870. Ludlow, John Malcolm. Woman's Work in the Church. Historical Notes on Deacon- esses and Sisterhoods. r2rao. London, 18G5. Mackinnon, W. A. History of Civilization and Public Opinion. Third edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1849. 228 (political and social 8ClEt!CE~continued.) ''*t!l'!t'""" ^'■»*"-"— ^"^of- 3vo,. 8vo. London, 1846. Vol. I.— Dissertation on the Progress of Ethi- cal Philosophy, chiefly during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Cen- turies. On the Philosophical Genius of Lord Bacon and Mr. Locke. A Discourse on the Law of Nature and Nations. Life of Sir Thomas More. A Refutation of the Claim on be- half of King Charles I. to the Authorship of the Eikon Basilike. Memoirs of the Affairs of Holland, 1667-1686. Vol. II._ Review of the Causes of the Revo- lution of 1688. An Account of the Partition of Po- land. Sketch of the Administration and Fall of Struensee. Statement of the Case of Donna Maria da Gloria, a Claimant to the Crown of Portugal. Character of Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis. Character of the Right Hon. George Canning. Preface to a Reprint of the Edinburgh Review of 1755. On the Writings of Machiavel. Review of Mr. Goodwin's Lives of Edward and John Phillips, etc.,etc. I Review of Rogers' Poems. Review of Madame de Stael's " De L'AlIemn.o-ne." Discourses read at the Opening of the Literary Society of Bombay. Vol. Ill A Defence of the French Revolution against the Accusation of the Right Hon. Ed. Burke. A Speech in Defence of Jean Peltier, accused of Libel on the First Con- sul of France. Charge delivered to the Grand Jury of the Island of Bombay, 20th July, 1811. Speech on the Annexation of Genoa to the Kingdom of Sardinia. Deli- vered April 27th, 1815. Speech on Moving for a Committee to Enquire into the State of the Criminal Law. Delivered in the House of Commons, March 2nd 1819. Speech on Mr. Brougham's Motion for an Address to the Crown with Reference to the Trial and Con- demnation of the Rev. John Smith, of Demerara. Delivered June 1st' 1824. Speech on presenting a Petition from the Merchants of London for the Recognition of the Independent States, formerly subject to Spain, established in America. Delivered June 15th, 1824. Speech on the Civil Government of Canada. Delivered May 2nd, 1828. Speech on Moving for Papers relative to the Affairs of Portugal. Deliv- ered June 1st, 1828. Speech on the Second Reading of the Bill to Amend the Representation of the People of England and Wales. Delivered July 4th, 1831. 224 (political and social science — continued.) MacLeod, Alex. European Life. Readings in the History of European Civilization. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. Mahon, Lord. Historical Essays. 12mo. London, 1849. Maine, Sir H. S. Village Communities in the East and West. 8vo. London, 1871. Maine, Sir H. S. Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. 8vo. London, 1875. Malthus, T. R. An Essay on the Principles of Population. Seventh edition. Svo. London, 1872. Mayliew, Henry. London Labour : - London Poor. The Condition and Earnings of those that Will Work, Ca-i .- Work, a'\d Will Not Work. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. Mayhew, Henry, and Binny, John. The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. Svo. London, 1862. Mill, John Stuart. Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. Second edition. Pamphlet, London, 1859. Mill, John Stuart. England and Ireland. Fifth edition. Pamphlet. London, 1869. Mill, John Stuart. Considerations on Representative Government. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1865. Mill, John Stuart. Dissertations and Discussions, Political, Philosophical, and Histor- ical. Reprinted chiefly from the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Mill, John Stuart. Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question. 8vo. London, 1870. Montesquieu, Baron de. The Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French, by Thomas Nugent. New edition, with a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author ; and an Analysis of the Work, by M. D'Alembert. 2 vols. Svo. Cincinnati, 1873. Morgan, Lewis H. Ancient Society ; or, Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery to Civilization. Svo. New York, 1877. Nicholl, Sir G. History of the Irish Poor Law, in connexion with the Condition of the People. Svo. London, 1856. Nicholson, J. S. The Effects of Machinery on Wages. (Cambridge, Cobden Prize Essay for 1877.) Pamph. 1878. Nordhoff, Charles. The Communistic Societies of the United States. Detailed Ac- counts of the Economists, Shakers, Oneida Societies, etc. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1875. Nott, Eliphalet. Lectures on Temperance. With Introduction by Tayler Lewis. 8vo. Stratford, (Ont.), 1862. Noyes, J. H. History of American Socialisms. Svo. Philadelphia, 1870. Paris, Le Comte de. The Trades Unions of England. Translated by Nassau W. Senior. Edited by Thomas Hughes. Svo. London, 1869. Parr, Harriet. Echoes of a Famous Year. Svo. London, 1872. (political and social BciEifCE— continued.) Pierce, a K. a Half-oentary with Juvenile Delinquents of the New York House 0/ Refuge, and Its Times. 8vo. New York. 1869 ^^ orK House of Hke, L. O. A History of Crime in England Vol 1 TTrnm ,y, -o the A.e»i„„ of Henr, VU. Sv„. ' ill ,8; """^ ,' f°ZlZT '" Pitman 7b°'t n°"T, ^"^ '° *" ""™' '''-■ «- I-™ "".' '^'r ^°°'" Pitman Robert 0. Alcohol and the State. A Discussion of the Robl of Law „ Apphed to the Liquor Traffic. 8v„. New York 1877 ° '^""'""" "^ ^""^ '^^*^rndt,it!::.To'^^:do:r^-"^"'^-'^--'''-'--'- Quincy, Josiah P. The Protection of Majorities • or rnn«,V1 v , • toral Reform. 8vo. Bo.ton, 1876 Considerations relating to Elec- Reemelin, Charles. Politics as a Science. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875 Sa^uelson, -3^^ -^^Hist^ of .rink : A Review. Social. Sci.ti. and Political. Seaman, Ezra C. Essays on the Progress of Nations in Civilization Prod,, r t ustry e. lU ...d By Statistics of Mining, A;:uC^I Can^ Second Series. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1868 J^^rst and Senior. NW. Journals kept in France and Italy, from 1848 to I852 -.r, «, . oUhe Revolution of 18,8. Bdited h, M. o\. sL'Z.'" 71^1^^^. '"^''- 1 Stare: r ""' °' "'— ^--- - - — ^ Sharp, Granville. A Declaration of the People's Natural 'ii^hf fn «., • . ^ ;- '» - .n„da«ntai pLipie of":! b'^ "cirtir.-::: '°"^' ""ZZmr"''^ '""''' '-''' «* -=■ '^"--l In^titut.. 8V0. Lon- '"^Jtl^L^"-'"^ "■"• "---- ^"^ - -^- Polities, s™. Somerville, Alexander. The «« Whistler »+ fT,^ t>i u „ ^ tic. and Descriptions of si; *:„dl!^L ^ It n land. With Letters from Ireland pCI t L ^ T" """"^ °' ^"S- SomerviUe, Alexander. Free Trade a„d the T ; J"^"'^""^'-' '^^S. Pionee,. of Commercial It.^ tc ^'SLn f "Tt ""'^-^ °' *' ' to the Age of Free Trade i„ M ' ^' . f ' "" "■" ^"'^ ">' «"■•'<'»". ManchesL ,853 ^«""«'"». ^0"^ and Navigation. 2 vols. 8vo. ''""ir^Lor;:r"' "-■ '-^ ''-"'°- — - =-- nappine. ''""'Nf:tlJar"°""'^"-'-'^--- ASeriesofDi^ussions. 8vo. 22G (political and social science — continued.) Spencer, Herbert. The Study of Sociology. 8vo. London, 1873. Spencer, Herbert. Descriptive Sociology, or Groups of Sociological Facts. English. Compiled and abstracted by James Colier. Folio. New York, 1873. Contents : — Number 2. Ancient Americans, Central Americans, Chibchaa, and Ancient Peruvians. Compiled and abstracted by Richard Scheppig. Folio. New York, 1874. " 3. Types of Lowest Races, Negritto Races, and Malayo-Polynesian Races. Compiled and abstracted by David Duncan. Folio. New York, 1874. " 4. African Races. Compiled and abstracted by David Duncan. Folio. New York, 1875. Spencer, Herbert. Ceremonial Institutions : being Part IV. of the Principles of Soci- ology. ( 8vo. New York, 1880. Stebbins, J. E. Fifty Years' History of the Temperance Cause. With Historical Sketch of the means adopted for Suppression of Intemperance through Legis- lation, Temperance Societies, etc. Also, a Description of the new Plan of Cam- paign by the Women of Ohio. By T. A. H. Brown. Illustrated. Svo. Hartford, 1876. Stenhouse, T. B. H. The Rocky Mountain Saints. A Full and Complete History of the Mormons, etc., ejc. Portrait and Illustrations. Svo. London, (N.D.) Stephen, Caroline E. The Service of the Poor. Reasons for and against Establishment of Religious Sisterhoods for Charitable Purposes. 8vo. London, 1871. Sterne, Simon. Representative Government, and Personal Representation. Based in part on Hare's Treatise. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Stickney, Albert. A True Republic. 8vo. New York, 1879. Stowell, W. H., and Wilson, D. History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers. 8vo. New York, 1850. St. John, Henry, (Lord Bolingbroke). Letters on the Study and Use of History ; On Exile J The Spirit of Patriotism ; Idea of a Patriot King ; State of Parties in 1714. Taylor, Sir Henry. The Statesman. 12mo. London, 1836. Temple, Sir William. The Works of. To which is prefixed the Life and Character of the Author. New edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1814. Tennant, Charles. The People's Blue Book. Taxation, as it Is and as it Ought to bo. Fourth edition. Svo. London, 1872. Thomson, Alexander. Punishment and Prevention. (Crime and Criminals.) Svo. London, 1875. Thompson, Robt. E. Social Science and National Economy. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1875. Thornton, Wm. Thomas. On Labour : its Wrongful Claims and Rightful Dues ; its Actual Present and Possible Future. Svo. London, 1870. 227 (political and social aciKifCE— continued.) Thurlow, Hovel: T. D. Trade Unions Abroad, and Hints for Home Legislation. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1871. Tocqueville, Alexis de. Correspondence and Conversations with Nassau William Senior. From 1834 to 1859. Edited by C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1872. * Townsend. Geo. A. The New World compared with the Old. A Description of the American Government, Institutions, etc., and of those of England and France. Illustrated. 8vo. Hartford, 1873. Tremenheere, Hugh S. The Constitution of the United States, Compared with Our Own. 8vo. London, 1854. Trench, W. Steuart. Realities of Irish Life. With Illustrations by his Son, J. Town- send Tranch. Third edition. London, 1669. TurnbuU, W. Wilson. Law and Liquor : The whole case against the Gothenburg Proposal of Mr. Chamberlain: The Permissive Bill and the Licensing Board Bill, etc. Second edition. (N. D.) Twiningr, Louisa. Recollections of Workhouse Visiting and Management during Twenty- five Years. 8vo. London, 1880. Ward, J. Workman and Wages at Home and Abroad; or, the Effects of Strikes, Com- binations, and Trades Unions. 8vo. London, 1868. Walker, Francis A. The Wages Question. Treatise on Wages and the Wages Class 8vo. New York, 1876. Walsh. J. H A Manual of Domestic Economy. Suited to Families spending from il50 to £1,500 a year. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874. Weeden,Wm. B. The Morality of Prohibitory Liquor Laws. 12mo. Now York 1875. * WikoflF, Henry. The Four Civilizations of the World. 8vo. London, 1875. Wines, E. C. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Prison Association, New York to January 12, 1871. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Woolsey, Theodore D. Essay on Divorce and Divorce Legislation. With special refer- ence to the United States. 8vo. New York, 1869. Woolsey, Theodore D. Political Science of the Stlte, Theoretically and Practically considered. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1878. Woolsey, Theodore D. Communism and Socialism, in their History and Theory a Sketch. 8vo. New York, 1880. Wright, Thos. Our New Masters. 8vo. London, 1873. Wynter. Andrew. Peeps into the Human Hive. (Reprinted from the Quart dv and Edtnburgh Reviews, Times, Graphic, etc.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. ' Jeaman, George H. Study of Government. 8vo. Boston. 1871. Contrasts." (London Charities.) 8vo. London, 1873. 228 (poLiTiCAii AND SOCIAL SCIENCE — continued.) Ourrent Discussion : A Collection from the Chief English Efisayfl, and Questions of the Time. EditeJ hy Edw'd L. Burliugame. 8vo. New York, 1878. Contents- — Vol. 1. International Politics. The Russians, the Turks and the Bulgarians. By Archibald Forbes. Turkey. By Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Montenegro. By the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. The Political Destiny of Canada. By Professor Goldwin Smith. Prussia in the Nineteenth Century, By Professor J. S. Blackie. The Future of Egypt. By Edward Dicey. The Slaveowner and the Turk. By Professor Goldwin Smith. The Stability of the British Empire in India. By Professor Sydney James Owen. The Relation of the English People to the Russo-Turkish War. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L. Cyclopsedia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical, and Forensic Knowledge. 4 vols. Svo. 1860. England and America. A Comparison of the Social and Political State of both Nations. (Anon.) Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1833. Essays on Reform. 8vo. London, 1867. Contents: — 1. By Hon. G. C. Broderick. The Utilitarian Argument against Reform, as stated by Mr. Lowe. 2. By R. H. Hutton. The Political Character of the Working Classes. 3. By Lord Houghton. The Admission of the Working Classes as Part of our Social System. 4. By Albert V. Dicey. The Balance of Classes. 5. By Leslie Stephen. The Choice of Representatives by Popular Constitu- encies. 6. By John B. Kinnear. Redistribution of Seats. 7. By Bernard Cracroft. Analysis of House of Commons, or Indirect Re- presentation. 8. By C. H. Pearson. The Working of Australian Institutions. 9. By Goldwin Smith. The Experience of the American Commonwealth. 10. By James Bi-yce. Historical Aspect of Democracy. 11. By A. O. Rutson. Opportunities and Shortcomings of Government in England. 12. By Sir George Young. The House of Commons in 1833. Industrial and Social Position of Women, in the Middle and Lower Ranks (Anon.) 8vo. London, 1857. Jail Oradle. Who Rocks it? 8vo. London. 1873. 229 (POLITlOAt AND SOOIAl ncitSCE-conlinMd.) Labour in Europe and America. A Special R„p„rt on .h. R.t„s „f Wa«™ .he Cost of ..u .,.,»„« and the Condition of ehe Working €W, i„ Great Bri to Gr„,any France Belgium, etc.; also in the U. a and British America b' Edward Young. 8vo. Washington, 1876. ''"'erica. By ^"ZeT-"'^'''""'"'- '^"" E-^'. No. 3.) 8v„. New York, ,878. By Dr. E. D. The Chinese Question. Mansfield, of Oliio. The Guarantee of Order and Repub- lican Government in the United States. By Judge J. M. Cooley. Some Checks and Balances in Go- vernment. By Judge J. M. Cooley. The .Difficulties of Republicanism in Europe. By Edward A. Freeman LL.D. The Working Classes in Europe. By Thomas Hughes, M.P. Labour in England. By Thomas Brasaey, M.P. Grangerism. By Dr. Francis Whar- ton. The Grange and the Potter Law. Reply. The American Republic. By General Franz Siyel. Indian Citizenship. By General Francis A. Walker. | Poor Law Conferences. 1877. Reports of. 8vo. London 1877 Prison Matron. Prison Characters. Drawn fron. Life. Witi Suggestions for Prison Government. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1866 « lor Prison Prison Association. Twenty-seventli Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Prison Association of New York. For the yearl872. 8vo. New York, Public Charities Illinois. Fourth Biennial Report of the Board of State Commis s^oners of Public Chanties of Illinois. November, 1876. 8vo. Spri^gtldd, l^Tn^^T "^^^^^^^^io^S- F-"^ 18^7 to 1879. 23 vols. 8vo. London 1879 State Chanties, (Mass.) Thirteenth Annual Report of Board of 1875 76 Three Years a-nong the Working Classes in the United States durin. the War Bv the Author of "The Autobiography of a Beggar Boy." 8vo. London 1865 POLITICAL ECONOMY, COMMERCE, AND STATISTICS. About, Edmund. Handbook of Social Economy ; or the W orker's ABC 8vn T don, 1872. • vo. i.on- Anderson, Alex. D. The Silver Country; or, the Groat South-West. A Review of . the Mineral and other Wealth, etc., of Mexico, and the Mexican Cessions to the United States, in 1848 and 1853. 8vo. New York, 1877. 230 I* • (political rconomy, etc. — continued.) Andrews, Israel D. Report to tlie U.S. Senate on the Trade and Commerce of the B. N. American Colonies, and on tho Trade of the Great Lakes. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1863. Ansell, George Frederick. The Royal Mint ; its Working, Conduct, and Operations. Illustrated with Engravings. Third edition. 4to. London, 187L Bagehot, Walter. Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market. Second edition. 8vo. London. 1873. Barnard, F. A. V. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1872. Barry, P. The Theory and Practice of the International Trade of the United States and England, and of the Trade of the United States and Canada. 8vo. Chicago, 1868. Bastiat, Frederick. Harmonies of Political Economy. Translated from the French with a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author. By Patrick James Stirling. 8vo. London, 1860. Bastiat, Frederick. Essays on Political Economy. 4th edition. 12mo. London, 1874. Baxter, R. Dudley. The Taxation of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1869. Biflfelow, Erastus B. The Tariff Policy of England and the United States contrasted, 2nd edition. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Blanqui, Jirome-Adolphe. History of Political Economy in Europe. Translated from the Fourth Freach edition by Emily J. Leonard. Preface by David Wells. Svo. New York. 1880. BoUes, Albert S. Chapters in Political Economy. Svo. New York, 1874, Bourne, H. R. Fox. The Romance of Trade. Svo. London, (N.D.) Bowen, Francis. American Political Economy. Including Strictures on the Manage- ment of the Currency and the Finances since 1861. With Chart showing the Fluctuations in the Price of Gold. Svo. New York, 1874. Brenmer, David, industries of Scotland, their Rise, Progress, and Present Condition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1869. Brown, William. The l^abonr Question. Thoughts on Paper Currency and Lending on Interest. 12mo. Montreal, 1872. Buchanan, Isaac. Britain the Country versus Britain the Empire. Our Monetary Distresses — their Cause and Cure. Svo. Hamilton, 1860. Buchanan, I-aac. The Relations of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Country and the United States, etc. Edited by Henry J. Morgan. Svo. Montreal, 1864. Bullion, Thos. Tlie Internal Management of a Country Bank, etc. With Notes by a Canadian Bank Manager. Svo. Toronto, 1874. Byles, J. B Sophisms of Free Trade, and Popular Political Economy Examined. rsmtii uuiuoii. i^uio. Jjiancnester, Icni, CaimeSi John E. The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. Svo. Dublin, 1869. 231 (political economy, etc continued.) Oalrnes. John E. Some Leading Principle, of Political Economy. Newly Expounded 8vo. London, 1874. Oernuschi, Henri. Monetary Diplomacy in 1878. 8vo. London 1878 Chevalier, Michel. On the Probable Fall of the Value of Gold, 'the Commercial and Social Consequences which may ensue, etc. Translated from the French by Rich- ard Cobden. Bvo. New York, 1859. Clarke, Hyde. Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign States : their Debts to Foreign Countries Second edition. 8vo. London, 1879. Colwell, Stephen. The Ways and Means of Payment A Full Analysis of the Credit System. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. Crump, Arthur. A New Departure in the Domain of Political Economy. Part 1 8vo. London, 1878. Del Mar Alex. A History of the Precious Metals, from the Earliest Times to the Present. 8vo. London, 1880. Dowell, Stephen. A History and Explanation of the Stamp Duties in England Also Observations on the Stamp Duties in Foreign Countries. With the Stamp Laws in force in the United Kingdom, etc. 8vo. London, 1873. Dowell, Stephen. A Sketch of the History of Taxes in England. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Vol.1. To the Civil War. 1642. 8vo. London 1876. ' Dresser, H. E. The United states Tariff and Internal Revenue Law. 1872 8vo New York, 1872. Dunckley, 1 1 enry. The Charter of the Nations ; or, Free Trade and its Results. 8vo London, 1854. EUis, Arthur. The Rationale of Market Fluctuations. Third edition. 8vo. London 1879. ' Parr, William. English Life Tables. 4to. London, 1864. Pawcett, Rt. Hon. H.. (MP.) Manual of Political Economy. Third edition. 8vo London, 1869. Pawcett, Rt. Hon. H., (MP.) Free Trade and Protection. An Inquiry into the causes which have retarded the general Adoption of Free Trade since its Intro- duction into England. 8vo. London, 1878. Pawcett, Millicent G. Political Economy for Beginners. 12mo. London, 1870. Pouler, William W. Twenty Years of Inside Life in Wall Street; or. Revelations of the Personal Experience of a Speculator, etc., etc. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1880. Gait, William. Railway Reform; its Importance and Practicability. 8vo. London, 1865. Gesner, Abraham. A Practical Treatise on Coal, Petroleum, and other Distilled Oils. 8vo. New York, 1865. Gibbons James S. The Banks of New York : Their Dealers, the Clearing House and the Panic of 1857. Illustrated. Tenth edition. 8vo. New York, 1873. lUi 232 V m. (political economy, etc. — continued.) Gififen, Robert. Stock Exchange Securities : The General Causes of Fluctuations in their Price. 8vo. London, 1877. Giffen, Robert. Essays in Finance. 8vo. London, 1880. Gilbert, James W. The Principles and Practice of Banking. New edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Goschen, George J. The Theory of the Foreign Exchanges. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1864. Greeley, Horace. Essays designed to Elucidate the Science of Political Economy, while serving to Explain and Defend the Policy of Protection to Home Industry.' 8vo Boston, 1871. Grosvenor, W. M. Does Protection Protect 1 An examination of the eflfect of Different Forms of Tariff upon American Industry. 8vo. New York, 1S71. Hall, James. The West : its Commerce and Navigation. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Hankey, Thompson, M.P. The Principles of Banking, with Remarks on the Working of the Bank of England. 8vo. London, 1867. Homans, J. S. An Historical and Statistical Account of the Foreign Commerce of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1857. Homans, J. Smith, and Homans, J. Smith, junr. A Cyclopedia of Commerce. «vo. New York, 1858. Howe, J. B. The Political Economy of Great Britain, the United States and France, in the use of Money. A New Science of Production and Exchange. 8vo. Boston 1878. Howe, J. B. Monetary and Industrial Fallacies. A Dialogue. 8vo. Boston, 1878. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. 54 vols. 8vo. New York, 1839-1866. Jevons, W. Stanley. The Theory of Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1871. Levi, Leone. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the British Nation. 1763-1870. 8vo. London, 1872. Levi, Leone. The History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of tlw British Nation. 1763-1878. Second edition. With Graphic Tables. 8vo. London, 1880. Lewins, William. A History of Banks for Savings in Great Britain and Ireland, in- cluding an Account of Mr. Gladstone's Financial Measures for Post Office Banks, etc. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Lewins, William. Her IVIajesty's Mails. A History of the Post-Office, etc. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1865. Lindsay, W. S. History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. Illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-1876. Lindsay, A. M. A Gold Standard without a Gold Coinage in England and India. A Step towards an International Monetary System. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. Long, J. P. A. Popular Guide to matters relating to the Income Tax, the Inhabited House Duty, and the Land Tax, etc. 8vo. London, 1878. Macdonnel, John. Survey of Political Economy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. 233 (political icoNOMY, ETC.— continued.) M^tod' h""^ n°"°"'- ^«"'-'»<'f''»"«-l Economy. 8vo. London, ,868. M».1.JTt '^""'•''°''^""'"^'- "^'''•'- 8™- London, 1863, Maoleodllenry Dunning. The Theory and P™„t,ce of Banking. S.„„d edition. ^ vols. 8vo. London, 1866. "'"°' *!;t: U ,?,r/^°"'^ *» «-' °' ^"l. A„ Examination „£ the Cn^oy Of the United States, etc. 8vo. New York 187'> MoAdam Oralmm. An Alphabet in Finance. 8vo. New York, 1876 S™. Wd^itr °' °™"'™ '"' """'"''"^°' ^"■'«»*- ^-^ '«««"■ Kot^T7hT;''TT;™'""''^'™"''°- ''°- London, 1875.1880. the'i, A r . T" "' '^°""°"' ^'"""y' "■'* »°°"' I-")™*" -meeting then Appl,oat,„n. Fifth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1864. Social Mof'r'': °' ""f ""' '=°""°-"^' '"* '»- »' ** ^PP"-'- "> Minnf wT "^^'"t °''''^- ^°™'«> -"IM""- 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Minot Wdham. Taxation in Massachusetts. Boston, 1877. (Pamph ) Moffat. Robert a The Economy of Consumption. An Omittld cTap or in Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1878. i^oiiucal Moran, Charles. Money. 8vo. New York, 1863 Morgan Samuel T^ United Sta.^. Import Duties under existing Laws, and Digest of the Tariff Laws. Third edition. 8vo. Baltimore, 1872 S"!";' ''?;'' ^^ ""'"'^ ""-- °^ ^"--'" ^"'■«^- «™- London, ,862. th Peri!? «'' t'°"; ''""''°'- ^ '''™" °^ '^' ^'--" Changes of tliat l-enod. 8vo. London, 1867 Noble. John. The Queen's Taxes. An Inquiry into the A.uount, Incidence and Econonnc Eesults of the Taxation of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London' Ogden.ED. United states Tariff for 1870. 8vo. New York. ,870 " don, wf ^' "'" ^^^ ^"""°" "' °"^'- """"'" ""' '"'"'«'■ 8vo. Lon- Parsloe, Joseph Our Railways. Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, with Practical InformafonastoraresandEates,eto. 8vo. London, 1878. »M 234 I 1 ill' (political economy, etc. — contimied.) Patterson, R. H. The Economy of Capital ; or, Gold and Trade. Amended Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Patterson, R. H. The Science of Finance. Svo. Edinburgh, 1868. I Peto, Sir S. Morton. Taxation: its Levy and Expenditure, Past and Future. 8vo. London, 1863. Peto, S. Morton. The Resources and Prospects of America. Svo. London, 1866. Poor, Henry V. Manual of the United States Railways for 1871-1872, Showing their Mileage, etc. ; with an Analysis of the Debt of the United States and of the seve- ral States. Fourth Series. 8vo. New York, 1871. Poor, Henry V. Manual of the Railroads of the United States. 1877-8. Also, Rail- ways in Canada. With Appendix, containing a full Analysis of the Debts of the United States, and of the Several States. 8vo. New York, 1877. Poor, Henry V. Money and its Laws. A History of Monetary Theories, and of the Currencies of the United States. Svo. New York, 1877. Potter, Elisha R., and Riden, Sydney S. Some Account of the Bills of Credit or Pa- per Money of Rhode Island : 1710-1786. Illustrations. Svo. Providence, 1880. Powell, Baden-George. Protection and Bad Times. With special reference to the Poli- tical Economy of English Colonization. Svo. London, 1879. Price, Bonamy. The Principles of Currency. Six Lectures, delivered at Oxford. With a Letter from M. Michel Chevalier, on the History of the Treaty of Commerce with France. Svo. Oxford, 1869. Purdy, William. The City Life: its Trade and Finance. Svo. London, 1876. Purdy, Frederick. Summary Digest of Return to Parliament of Owners of Land. 1873. England and Wales. Svo. London, 1876. Bamsey, Henry W. Some Fallacies of Statistics concerning Life and Health, Death and Disease. Svo. London, 1875. Ricardo, David. The Works of. With a Notice of his Life and Writings. 8vo. London, 1852, Rogers, James E. Thorold. Manual of Political Economy for Schools and Colleges. Second edition. 12mo. Oxford, 1869. RoSCher, William. Principles of Political Economy. (From the Thirteenth, 1877, German edition.) With Additional Chapters, for this first English and American edition, on Paper Money, International Trade, and the Protective System. Also, an Essay on the Historical Method in Political Economy ; from the French ; by L. Wolowski. The whole Translated by John J, Lalor. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1878. Schem, Alexander J. Statistics of the World of London. 1873. Senior, Nassau William. Political Economy. Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1863. Seyd, Ernest. The London Banking and Banker's Clearing House System. Third edi- tion. Svo, London, (N.D.) Simmonds, P. L. The Comn?ercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing and Technical Terms. With a Definition of the Moneys, Weights, etc., of all Coun- tries, reduced to the British Standard. A new edition. 12mo. London, 1867. 235 (political economy, etc.— continued.) Smith. A^am. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. With a Life of the Author. By J. R. McCuUoch. New edition. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1863. Smith, Adam. An Analysis of his " Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Reprinted from the third edition of Joyce's Abridgement. Edited by Wolsey P. Emerton. Part I., Books I. and II. 8vo. Oxford, 1877 Stuart, James M. The History of Free Trade in Tuscany. With Remarks on its Pro- gress in the rest of Italy. 12mo. London, 1876. Stewart, Andrew. The American System. Speeches on the Tariff Question. Princi- pally delivered in the House of Representatives in the United States. 8vo Philadelphia, 1872. Sumner Professor. Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1877. Tayler, Wm. The National Taxes. The History, Progress and Present State of the Revenues of England, derived from Taxation, and their Expenditure. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1878. Trout. J M., and Edw. Railways of Canada, for 1870-71, showing the Progress, Mileage, Cost of Construction, Stocks, Bonds, Traffic, Earnings, Expenses, and Organization of the Railways of Canada. 8vo. Toronto 1871 Walker, Amasa. Science of Wealth. A Manual of Political Economy. 8vo Phila- delphia, 1872. Walter. Emile. What is Free Trade 1 An adaptation of Frederick Bastait's " Sophis- mes Economiques." 8vo. New York, 1867 Watherston. Edward J. Our RaUways: Should They be Private or National Property? (Pamph.) London, 1879. Wayland. Francis. Elements of Political Economy. 8vo. Boston 1871 Webster. Robt. G. The Trade of the World. Our Present System' of Commerce Ex- amined. 8vo. London, 1880. WeUs, Hon. David A., Dodge. Edwin, and Ouyler. Geo. W. Local Taxation A Report of the New York Commi.ssion appointed to revise the Laws for the As- sessment and Collection of State and Local Taxes. (Pamph.) New York, Whitmore, Wm. H. Unjust Taxes. A Criticism of the Massachusetts System of Local Taxation. Boston, 1877. (Pamph.) Wilson, George. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, for the year 1871-72. 8vo New York 1872. • -L^tjw xorK, Yeats. John. Growth and Vicissitudes of Commerce. From B.C. 1500 to A D 1789 8vo. London, 1872. Yeats, John. The Technical History of Commerce; or. Skilled Labour applied to Pro- duction. 8vo. London, 1871. Yeats. John. Natural History of Commerce, with a copious List of Commercial Terms 8vo. London, 1870. ^H iitti:: 236 (political economy, etc. — continued.) Accident on Railways. (Great Britain.) eports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department, to the Board of Travle. For the Year 1868. In 5 parts London, 1868, Accident on Railways. (Great Britain.) Reports to the Board of Trade. For the Year 1869. Parts I. and II. London, 1869. Oanal Commissioners, for Illinois. Report, 1875-1877. 8vo. Springfield, 1877. Commerce of British North America. From 1829 to 1850. 8vo. Washington, 1851. Commerce and Navigation. Emma Mine Investigation. Offers for carrying the Mails. Report of Secretary of the Treasury, (U.S., Washington, 1875-6. Consular Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office, (London,) for the Year 1868. Contents : — No. 1. (Wanting.) — 2. Reports from Greece, Guatemala, Italy. — 3. " 4. 6. France, Greece, Hanse Towns, Italy, Mecklenburg-Schweriii, Norway, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States. Denmark, France, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United States. Brazil, Equator (Equador), France, Prussia, Saxony, Spain, Turkey, United States, Venezuela. Borneo, Brazil, Chili, Feejee Islands, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Navigator Islands, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Prussia, Turkey, Venezuela. Borneo, Columbia, Ilanse Towns, Morocco, Netherlands, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey. Russia. Trebizond, Sivas, Kastemouni, and part of Angora. Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, North German Confederation, Russia, Turkey, United States. Costa Rica, Egypt, Georgian or Windward Islands, North German Confederation, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey. France, Italy, North German Confederation, Turkey. Consular Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office, (London,) for the Year 1869. Contents: — No. 1. Reports from Greece. * — 7. 8. 9. 10. — 11. 12. — 2. — 3. — 4. — 5. France, North German Confederation, Turkey, United States. Italy, North German Confederation, Russia, Spain. France, Italy, North German Confederation, Turkey, United States. Brazil, Chili, Costa Rica, France, Italy, Netherlands, North German Confederation, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States. 287 2. — 3. — i. — 5. — 6. (POLITICAL ECONOMY, HTC— continued.) consular Oommercial Reports. From Her Majest/s Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam, for the Years 1868-1868. ^ Reports from Her Ma-jesty's Consuls in Japan, for the Year 1868 Reports by Her Majesty's Secretaries of Embassy and Legation on the Manufactures Commerce, etc., of the Countries in which they reside. London. 1868 Vontenta : — , No. 1. Eeports from Guatemala, Mexico, Bavaria, Grand Duchy of Baden. Austria, Denmark, France, Mexico, Netherlands. Italy. " Brazil, Persia. Au.stria, Bavaria, Bavaria and tne Zollverein States, Columbia, United States of. Baden and Wurtemberg, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Russia Reports by Her Majesty. Secretaries of Embassy and Legation on the Manufactures. Commerce, etc., of the Countries in which they reside, for 1869." No. 1. Report from Baden, Grand Duchy of, Bavaria, Netherlands, Spain, United States. ~ ^' " France, Russia, Switzerland. - 3. " Central American Republic, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Nether- lands. Emigration Oommission. Twenty-eighth General Report of the Emigration Oom- mxss,oners for the Year 1868. 8vo. (Paper.) London. 1868. liconomic Monographs. 8vo. New York 1878 Prance and the United States. Their Pr;,e„t Commercial Relations Considered Free Slls f tT ° ° !""" ■' ^'"'''"""'''- ''' *""'■■ «°"~""' «"'■ d""""?"-) 'Pampl" '*'''"''"°" °' ""' -^■"■o*'"' C^rying Trade. By John Codman. Friendl; Sermons to Protectionist Manufacturers. By J. S. Moore (PamM ^ ffllnois State Board of E,,ua,i.ation. Proceediu,, of. Session of w! pZph' 1^:C: T\ '"'r n """" «»P-°'"- A..U.orof PuLtLts ot tlie fetate. 8vo. Springfield, 1877-78 Jo^nalTf^^rs^'t*!"',": '"'"""■ ' P-'2-L"-e and AcWent Insurance. vols TTtl ^"V i^°""°"- <'^'* "''""-' '■■"« '» "» <*"' «*«- vols.; In all, 33 vols. London, 1839-1869 1rr°.?t":' "^T- '"■'""' '""^^ '-»""■'« '» ""« R--I S«utes of New Ck' uT ""' """* ^* °' ^^°"8'«'- ""^-IS^S. 8vo. Ohio Statistics. For the Year 1878. «vo. Columbus, 1879 Revenue System and the Civil Service : Shall they be Eofom.ed , By Ahrahan. Protection and Revenue in 1877. By Wm. G. Sumner. (Pamph.) 238 (political economy, etc. — continued.) Railroad Oommissioners. Eighth Annual Beport of the Massacbussets Board of, 1876. Railroad and Warehouse Commissicn of Illinois. Seventh Annual Beport of, for 1877, Map. 8vo. Springfield, 1878. Registration Report, (Mass.) Thirty-fourth. 1875. Report on the Canadian Goldfields, and the best means of their Development, 8vo. Quebec, 1865. " Senez." The British Empire : Can it long be maintained in all its Integrity, under the Unrestricted and Unreciprocated Free Trade (rather, Free Imports) Policy 1 8vo. London, 1878. Silver Question, The. The Dollar of the Fathers versus the Dollar of the Sons. By David A. Wells, (Pamph.) Tariff Question, The, and its Belation to the Present Commercial Crisis. By Horace White. (Pamph.) Why We Trade and How We Trade. By David A. Wells. (Pamph.) FINE ABTS. ARCHITECTURE. Architectural Sketch Book, The. Edited by the Portfolio Club. 8vo. Boston, 1873-4. Vol. 1. Barrington, Archibald. British Architecture. Manual for Students. Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1843. Bayles, James C. House Drainage and Water Service, in Cities, Villages and Rural Neighbourhoods, etc. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1879. Blackie & Son. Villa and Cottage Architecture. Select Examples of Country and Surburban Residences, Recently Erected. 4to. London, 1871. Brayley, Edward W., and Britton, John. The History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, etc. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1836. Burn, R. S. Sanitary Science, as applied to the Healthy Construction of Houses in Town and Country. 12mo. Glasgow, 1872. Oaveler^ Wm. Select Specimens of Gothic Architecture ; comprising the most ap- proved examples in England, from the Earliest to the Latest Date. Including Plans, Sections, etc. 4to. London, 1839. Downing, A. J. The Architecture of Country Houses. Including Designs f^r Cot- tages, Farm Houses, and Villas. 8vo. New York, 1866. Due, Le Viollet. The Story of a House. Translated from the French by Geo. M. Towle. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Eassie, Wm. Healthy Houses. Handbook to the History, Defects and Remedies of Drainage, Ventilation, Warming, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1872. 239 m From the Earliest York— Ripon— Carlisle. Durham— C^9ster— Manchester. Winchester— Salisbury— Exeter— Wells. Canterbury— Rochester— Chichefiter— St (fine arts— architkcture— con^imterf.) Edwards. Our Domestic Fire-Places. 8vo. London 1870 FergUSSOn, James. A History of Architecture in all' Countries Times to the Present Day. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1865 PergUSSOn. James. The Temples of the Jews, and the other Buildings in the Harem Area at Jerusalem. Illustrations. 4to. London, 1878 Godwin, George, and Britton. John. The Churches of London : A History and De 7^^- .:^«^^sx^— strati ^rr ^- Handbook o the Cathedrals of England. Edited by Richd j k ' ui.s trated. 7 Vols. 8 vo. London, 1862-1869. 1873-1874-1876 Contents: — Northern Cathedrals. Part 1. Northern Cathedrals. Part 2. Southern Cathedrals. Part 1. Southern Cathedrals. Part 2. Albans. held. (New edition.) HnlW TT Z"T ^^'^'^''^'- ^^^d.ff-8t. David's-St. Asaph-Bangor ilOlly, H. Hudson. Modern Dwellings in Town o„j n / , Bigna 8vo. New York, 1878. "riginai uc- Erks Md Man.«, in Soolland, Parish. lUustrative Views of With Pr-f,™ . w Kev. B. W. F^ser. Small 4to. Edinburgh, (N D ) '^'"' ^"*"=' ''«- •'J' Parsonage to the Pal«=e. Third edition. Svo. London 1871 *With'D ^""rr' '■"''"''°'- «»"'*'■"»« ' »»'°-7 of AroMtee- YoA, me ^ '"'"• ''"''"• "'""""^ «'•"-''-. »*«■ •'to. New ^"^ mIh T ^■'^"" °" '''"'"'"'"'" • """"""S *« «-' Want of Improved MeU.ods; gmng the Chemical and Physiological Process of RespiratioXm panng the Effects of the Various Methods of Heating and LiS-^nT: r Ventilation. lUnstrations. Second edition. 8to. New York 1878 ^'*T;o.^'Son,!^-^°''"^'''-°"'^=^-"-»--"-^^^^^^ N««I« t'u^ ' ™' ""■ ^"""""=<'- 8m London, (N.D.) Keale. John Preston. The History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey and Henr, 240 miy wm (fine arts — ARCHITECTURE — continued.) Perkins, E. E. Practical Treatise on Gas and Ventilation. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Pinches, Frederick. The Abbey Church of Melrose, Scotland. Illustrations. Foho. London, 1879. Bafter, Geo. W. Mechanics of Ventilation. 16mo. New York, 1878. Richardson, C. J. The Englishman's House, from a Cottage to a Mansion. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Kobson, Edward R School Architecture. Practical Remarks on the Planning, De- signing, Building, and Furnishing of School Houses. Illustrated. 8vo. Lon- don, 1874. Ruttan, Henry. Ventilation and Warming of Buildings. Illustrated by Fifty-four Plates ; with a complete description of the Ventilation of Railway Carriages for both Winter and Summer. 8vo. New York, 1862. Sloan, Samuel. City and Surburban Architecture. Containing numerous Designs for Public Edifices, Private Residences, etc. 4to. Philadelphia, 1867. Sloan, Samuel. The Model Architect. A Series of Original Designs for Cottages, Villas, Suburban Residences, etc. New edition. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1868. Spang, Henry W. Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection. Illustrn.tions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Waring, Geo. E. The Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns. 8vo. New York 1876. Waring, Geo. E. Tillage Improvements aiid Farm Villages. Diagrams. 12mo. Bos- ton, 1877. Weale, John. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, Engineering, etc. Fourth edition. Edited by R. Hunt. 8vo. London, 1873. Weidenmann, J. Beautifying Country Homes; a Hand-Book of Landscape Gar- dening, etc. Illustrated. 4to. New York, (N.D.) Woodward, G. E., and Thompson, E. G. National Architect ; containing 1000 Designs for the Construction of Dwelling Houses, for Country, Suburb and Village. 4to. New York, (N.D.) Wright, Thomas. The Homes of Other Days. A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England, from the Earliest known Period to Modern Times. Il- lustrated. 8»o. New York, 1871. Aldine, 1873. Angelo, Michael, Oxford. Angelo, Michael. Laboui's. BOOKS 01' ILLUSTEATIONS. Fac-similes of Original Studies of, in the University Galleries, Etched by Joseph Fisher. 8vo. London, 1872. Buonarroti : Sculptor, Painter, Architect. The Story of his Life and By Chas. C. Black. Illustrated. Svo. London, 1875. Art Journal, 1874. Barry, Chas. A. Primer of Design. Illustrations. 12mo. Boston, 1878. Batty, Lieut.-Col. Select Views of some of the Principal Cities of Europe. With Il- lustrative Notices. 4to. London, 1832. 241 (FFNE *»T8-BOOK8 OF ILLUSTKATIOKS-wmCWrf.) (N.dT ^'"" °°'°"--'^ """'-"-. "y F"-o«. Art,,.. 8vo. London, Bewiok'8 Wood Outs. Impre«io„, of Upward, of t1 ^h , w , En^^ved. fo. the n,™. p.H, b, ThcLrihl IZ^TZtlZT;:'''- Ill««rat,on, of Various Kinds of Books etc etc With "'"''"'e-on-Tyne. soriptive Catalogue of the Bloek,, and a Litt'of the B t '"r'"""""' ' ^^ Letter-press Description. 8vo. London, (N.D.) ^'*^ srirea,^-: ri of"r-ndor.r- ■- "nh::;rapi''^i;tanX""°^rr-^"---^ Keats. John. Endymion. Illustrated with Enfrravintrsnn ^w k t.t , Paintings ,y E. J. Pey„,r. *to. LondTn Tl 3 ' ^" ^ '"" Knights Pictorial Gallery of Arts. Folio. London, (N D ) Vol.1. Useful Arts. Agriculture and | Vol.2. Fine Arts An.. •. . Manufactures. -"^ine Arts. Architecture, LpppTi t-^1 t. .„. Sculpture and Paintinor. ijeighton, John, and Piffot R TJ,^ t * i! ^r ^ ■f IffOt. R. The Life of Man Symboli.sed by the Months of the «.-.•.• «ar. 8vo. London, 1866. With II- ■ i^ienard. Specimens of the Decorat 1874. ion and Ornamentation of XIX Century. Folio. 242 (fink arts — BOOKS OF ILLUSTRATIONS — contimied.) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Poetical Works of. Portrait and Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 1879. Vol. I. Lubke, Wilhelm, Dr. Outlines of the History of Art. New Translation, from the Seventh German edition. Edited by Clarence Cook. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1878. Milton's Paradise Lost. Illustrated by Gustavo Dore. Edited, with Notes and a Life of Milton, by Robt. Vaughan. 4to. London, (N.D.) Mitford, Mary Russell. Our "Village. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. Planche, James Robinson. The Cyclopaedia of Costume ; or, a Dictionary of Dress. Paper covers. 4 vols. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Portrait Gallery of Eminent Personages, Drawing-room. (Years 1859, 1860, 1861. Engraved by D. J. Pound. Folio. London, (N.D.) Portrait Gallery, The National. 4 vols. 4to. London, (N.D.) Printing, American Encyclopaedia of. By J. L. Ringwalt. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Raphael. By N. D'Anvers. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. RoUin, Horace J. Studio, Field and Gallery. A Manual of Painting for the Student and Amateur, etc. 8vo. New York, 1878. Rowlandson, the Caricaturist. By Jas. Grego. A Selection from his Works. With Anecdotal Descriptions of his Famous Caricatures. Portrait. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1880. Sandhurst, P. T. The Table-book of Art : A History of Art in all Countries and Ages. Illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Titian. By Richard F. Heath. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. Van Dyck. By Percy R, Head. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. Venice. By Dr. Gsell-Fels, With Photographs and Designs by Choulant, Eibner, Kirchner, Passini, Wagner ; English Translation by J. Gostwick. 4to. London, 1877. Walker, Wm. Handbook of Drawing. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. Winkle's Illustrations of the Cathedral Church of Notre-Dame, Paris. Historical and Descriptive account by Thos. Moule. 8vo. London, 1846. Wright, Thomas. A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art. Illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. 8vo. London, 1864. USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. Railroads : their Origin aud Problems. Svo. New York, 1878. Appleton. Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work, and Engineering. Illus- trated with four thousand Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Nevv York, 1869. Atlas accompanying vol. 3, on Mining Industry. United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. New York. 243 (USBFUI. iRTO AND MANU»AOTUail«_c„„«„Mrf.) Ayrton Prof W. E. Tl„ I,„p,.„ve„,„„t. Soieac can Effect in on. Trade, and i„ ... Co„d,t,o„.f™rW„rk„,e„. (Pamph.) London, 1879. '•''*••'"•'■""■• Batty, X a How to Hunt and Trap, etc., etc. Illustration. 8vo. Ph„a<,elphi., Batty, Josepl, H Practical Taxidermy and Home Beco.ution, with General Inforn,. t,o„ tor Sportsmen. lUustmlio „. 8vo. New York, 1880 "" '"'°™*- Beckmann, John A History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins. Fourth edition Translated from the ,y Wm. Johnson. Revised and enlarged by Wm' Franc, and J. W. Griffith. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846 '"'"• • .!r'"Ld!:;T8;a "" '"""""" "^--•"■^ °' «-' '''"^" -" '-->• Bishop, J^Leander. A History of American Manufactures, from 1606 to 1867, ex- d:;:i:;r.;68.°"^'" ""'"'^°""" ''"■ '™'^ '"''^^^^-- -»■ ^- Contents : — Vol. 1. Prom 1608 to 1800. 1 Vnl 1 w ,««,. ,„ 2. " 1800.0 1860. I ^o'- 3. From 1860 to 1867. Bolles, Albert S. Industrial History .f the United States. A Complet, Wey of An,encanIndustnes:Agri„nlture,Horticulture,Manufactu..s,Mr„„„sML° ^ r;ir 187?' " "^"^""" "' '-'''- ^"■'"-- "'— " Boume,^Oohn. A Catechism of the Steam-Engine. New edition. 12m„. London, ^™"%ttE''"'*°°Tn "' """ "'-■"■E"*™- ^ Key to the "Cat^hUm of the Box«r pt T^Tu- "™''''- ^''-«"«™- 12n,o. London, 1878. Boxer, K N. The Arch.tects' and Artisans' Permanent Price Book. Compendium of useful Table, etc. P^tical Hints to Persons about to Build, etc. 8vo. Mon Centra T^'Jn ' "' ^'''*' *" """"^"^ *° *-> «°- '*-'-«'. 1"" Centra Park, Description of the New Vork. 8v„. New York 1869 Ohishoto. H. W. Weighing and Measuring, and Standards of Melsu^e and Weight Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1877 """J^f!:,"."''"'^- °«- —— Xrnited state. 8vo. ColbumZerah. Locomotive En^neering and the Mechanism of Railways; with the Construcfon of the Locomotive Engine, Railway Plant, etc. IlL rat^d. 2 vol3. 4to. London, 1871. Clerk, Th^,^A Sketch .m Outlin. of his Duties and Discipline. ,2n«. |London, Ooa! : '*'-^^2^:^iV^^. By Pr^essors Groen, Miall, Thorpe, Backer and MarA.1.. don^wt *'■ ^*'''"'>' P'-°fe»»<" ■"■«■?». lUustrationl 8vo. Lon^ 244 fl?! / (UBKFUL ARTfl ANU MANUFACTURK8 — Continued.) Cookery, Official irand book for the National Training School for. Containing the LossonB which constitute tho Coirse of luhtruction, etc., etc. Compiled by R. O. C. 8vo. London, 1877. Oooley's OycIopaBdia of Practical Receipts ; and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, Pharmacy, etc. Sixth edition. Revised by Richard V. Tuson. Vol. I. Svo. New York, 1879. Dieulafait, Louis. Diamonds and Precious Stones. A Popular Account of Oems. Translated from the French by Funchan Sanford. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1874. Exhibition of 1851, The Great. Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 185L Also the "Supplement." Illustrated. 1 vol.; and "Reports by the Juries." 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1852. In all 6 vols. Franklin Institute, Journal of the, and American Mechanics' Magazine. 76 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826-1878. Gillmor, Maj.-Gen., U.S.A. Bcton Agglomere, and the Materials of which it is Made, 8vo. Washington, 1871. Gore, C Tho Art of Scientific Discovery ; or, the General Conditions and Methods of Research in Physics and Chemistry. Svo. London, 1878. Hansard, T. C. Typographia : an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing, etc. Also, a Description of Stereotype and Lithography. Por- traits and Illustrations. Svo. London, 1825. Heather, J. F. Mathematical Instruments, their Construction, Use, etc. 12mo. Lon- don, 1872. Industrial Arts, The. Historical Sketches. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1876. International Exhibition, at Vienna, 1873. Reports of the Commissioners of the U. S. to the. Edited by Robt. H. Thurston. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1876. Contents : — Vol. 1. Introduction. ExecutiveCom- mission. Agriculture. Vol. 3. Engineering. 4. Architecture. Metallurgy. 2. Science. Education. General Index. International Exhibition, Philadelphia. Official Catalogue of the British Section. Part 1. Small 4to. London, 1876. Jones, William. The Treasures of the Earth ; or, Mines, Minerals, and Metals. 12mo. London, 1868. Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary. A Description of Tools, Instruments, Ma- chines, etc. With General Technological Vocabulary. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1874-1876. Vol. 1. A-FEL. I Vol. 2. FELT-PER. Long, Joseph W. American Wild Fowl Shooting. Full and accurate descriptions of the Haunts, Habits, and Methods of Shooting Wild Fowl, particularly those of the Western States. Instructions concerning Guns, Boats, Decoys, etc., etc. Svo. New York, 1879. S45 (useful arts and MANUFACTURK8— can^tnuorf.) Maldn8.0.H. Manual of Metallurgy. Socond edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Manufacturing Industries, British. Edited by O. Phillip, Bevan. 8 vols. 12n,o London, 1876-1877. Contents: — Vol. 1. Pottery, Glass, and Silicates. Furniture and Woodwork. 2. Wool, Flax and Linen, Cotton, Silk. 3. Hosiery and Lace, Carpets, Dyeing, and Bleaching. " 4. Metallic Mining and Collieries. Coal, Building Stones. Explosive Compounds. " 6. Iron and Steel. Copper-Smelting. Brass-Founding. Tin-Plate and Zinc- Working. 6. Acids, Alkalies, Soda, Ammonia, and Soap. Oils and Candles. Gas and Lighting. 7. The Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics. Mining, Metals, Chemicals, Ceramics, Glass and Paper. Maps. " 8. The Industrial Classes, etc. Textiles and Clothing; Food; Sunday Industries. Maps. McOabe, James D. The Illustrated History of the Centennial Exhibition. With De scrxptions of the Great Buildings, etc. Biographies of the leading Members of Centennial Commission, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876 Museum. South Kensington. Handbook to the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 1876. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1876 Nicholson, Peter. Popular Course of Pure and Mixed Mathematics. Illustrated 8vo. London, 1823. Page, David. Economic Geology, or Geology in its relation to the Arts and Manufac- tures. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1874. Paken,JohnH. Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork. Illustrated. 8vo London, 1876. Patent Office Reports. 25 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1864-1871 Phillips Arthur. Elements of Metallurgy. A Practical Treatise on the Art of Ex- tracting Metals from their Ores. 8vo. London 1874 Pope, Frank L. Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph- a Hand-Book for Electri- cians and Operators. 8vo. New York, 1872 Pratt, 0. S The Horse's Friend. The only Pr'acticaT Method of Educating the Horse Presootrr t"''::?.''"""''''^'''^*''- ^"-t-tions. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. ' trescott Geo. B. History, Theory, and Practice of the Electric Telegraph. 8vo ■Boston, 1866. ^ Prescott Geo. B. The Speaking Telephone, Electric Light, and other Eecent Electrical invenuons. Illustrationa. 8vo. New iTork, 1879. ^""^ Londli mo """"' °' *"' "'"" "^"""^ ''"' °*'"^ ^™ ^^^«^«- «-• iW^^ / 246 (useful arts and manufactures. — continued.) RajnilOnd, Rossiter W. Mines, Mills, and Furnaces of the Pacific States and Terri- tories. An Account of the Metallurgical Industry in those regions, etc. A Se- quel to " American Mines and Mining." 8vo. New York, 1871. Rejniolds, Michael. The Model Locomotive Engineer, Fireman and Engine Boy. Cora- prising an Historical Notice of the Pioneer Locomotive Engines and their In- ventors, etc. Portrait of George Stephenson. Svo. London, 1879. Reynolds, Michael. Locomotive Engine Driving. A Practical Manual, etc. Compris- ing a Key to the Locomotive Engine. Portrait. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lon- don, 1880. Robertson, J. Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. Illustrated. Svo. London, 1747. Simmonds, P. L. The Commercial Products of the Sea ; or. Marine Contributions to Food, Industry, and Art. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1879. Simonin, L. Underground Life ; or. Mines and Miners. Translated. Adapted to the Present State of British Mining. Edited by H. W. Bristow. Illustrated Svo. London, 186^. Slagg, Charles. Sanitary Work in the Smaller Towns and Villages. Svo. London, 1876. Small, H. Beaumont. The Products and Manufactures of the New Dominion. Svo, Ottawa, 1868. Taylor, Michael. Tables of Logarithms, of all numbers from 1 to 101,000 ; nid of the Sines and Tangents to every second. With a Preface, etc. By Nevil Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal. 4to. London, 1792. Technical Educator, The. An Encyclopaedia of Technical Education. 4 vols, bound in 2. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Thudichum, J. L. W., and Dupre, August. Treatise on the Origin, Nature and Va- rieties of Wine. A complete Manual of Viticulture and CEnology. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 187 2. Thurston, Robt. H. A History of the Steam Engine. Illustrations. Svo. liondon, 1878. Tunbs, John. Wonderful Inventions. From the Mariner's Compass to the Electric Telegraph Cable. Illustrated. Svo. London, 1870. Truran, W. The iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Theoretically and Practically consideretl. Including descriptive Details, etc. Illustrated. Second edition. Revised by D. Arthur Phillips and Wm. H. Dorman. Svo. New York, 1867. Twining, Thos. Technical Training. Svo. London, 1874. Universal Exhibition in Paris, 1867. Illustrated Catalogue of the. -Ito. London, luOu. Ure, Andrew. The Philobophy of Manufactures. The Scientific, Moral, and Commef cial Economy of the Factory System of Great Britain. Continued to the Present Time. By P. L. Simu>ond8. Third edition. Svo. London, 1861. til 247 (useful auts and MAj^vrACTVREB— continued.) Ure'S Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Illustrated by nearly 2000 Engravings. Sixth Edition. Edited by Robert Hunt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Urquhart, J. W. Electro-plating. A Practical Hand-Book, including the Practice of Electro-Typing. 8vo. London, 1880. Walton, Jas. E. Model Yachts and Model Yacht Sailing. How to Build, Rig and SaU a Self- Acting Model Yacht. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880. ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. Olevenger, Shobal N. Method of Government Surveying, as prescribed by the United States Congress and Con lissioner of the General Land Office. 12mo New York, 1874. Cresy. Edward. Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theoretical and Prac- tical. 8vo. London, 1865. Dean. James The River.CIyde. An Historical Description of the Rise and Progress ot the Harbour of Glasgow, etc. Plans. 8vo. Glasgow, 1876. Dobson Edward C. E. Pioneer Engineering. The Operations connected with the Settlement of Waste Lands in New Countries. Illustrated. 8vo. London, Engineering. By Zera Colburn, W. H. Maw, and J. Dredge. An Illustrated Weekly Journal. 28 vols. 4to. London, 1866-1879. Frome. Lieut.-Gen. Outline of Method of Conducting r/Trigonometrical Survey. Fourth edition. By Capt. C. Warren. 8vo. London, 1873. Gillespie W M A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-making, comprising the Location, Construction, and Improvement of Roads, Paved, Plank Rail etc. 8vo. New York, 1872. ' Gillespie, W. M. Levelling, Topography and Higher Surveying. Edited by Cady Staley. 8vo. New York, 1873. Gillespie, W. M Treatise on Land Surveying. Eighth edition. 8vo. New York 18^4. ' GiUmore Maj^Oen U.S.A. A Practical Treatise on Roa*. Street, and Pavements. 8vo. New York, 1876. Grier. W. W. Rural Hydraulics. Practical Treatise on Rural Household Water-supply etc. Illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Gurden, Richard L. Traverse Tables : Computed to 4 places Decimals for every Minute Angle, up to 100 of Distance. For the use of Surveyors and Engineers 4to. London, 1880. iP ill 248 (engineering and surveying — eontinmd.) Haskol, W. Davia. The Engineer's, Mining Surveyor's, and Contractor's Field-Book, Third edition. 12mo. London, 1871. Humber, Wm. A Record of the Progress of Modern Engineering. With Essays and Reviews. Second Edition. 4 vo]s. 18634-5-6. 4to. London, 1868. Humber, ^V'm. A Complete Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges, including Iron Foundations. Theoretical, Practical and Descriptive. 2 vols. 4to. London 1870. ' Jajkson, Lowis D'A. Aid to Survey Practice, etc. Tables and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880. Lintern, William. The Mimral Surveyor and Valuer's Complete Guide ; a Treatise on Improved Mining Surveying. With Mr. Thoraan's Treatise on Compound Interest and Annuities ; also Logarithmic Tables, Plates, etc. 8vo. London 1872. ' Merritt, H. S. A Practical Treatise on the Science of Land and Engineering Survey- ing, Levelling, Estimating Quantities, etc. 8vo. London, 1871. Rapier, Richard C. Remunerative Railways for New Countries. Illustrations and Estimates. 8vo. London, 1878. Sims on Drawing Instruments and Field Work. Wood-cuts. 8vo. London, 1847. Special Report of New York State Survey on the Preservation of the Scenery of Niagara Falls, etc. James T. Gardener, Director. Illustrations. 8vo. Albany, 1880. Spohn's Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military, and Naval. With Technical Terms, etc. Edited by Oliver Byrne. Containing 2,273 Engravings. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1870. Spooner, C. E. Narrow Gauge Railways. 8vo. London, 1871. Stevenson, David. The Principles and Practice of Canal and River Engineering. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. 6 vols. 8vo. New York, 1869- 1872. Contents : — Vol. 1. 1869. 2. January to June, 1870. 3. July to December, 1870. Vol. 4. January to June, 1871. 5. July to December, 1871, 6. January to June, 1872. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. Agricultural Papers. A Series of. Practice with Science. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867-1869. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering. 8vo. London, 1852. 249 8vo. Toronto, 1872. 8vo. New York, (aoriculturb and horticulture— con"-' ^'P» '» '--' '"'- Hi-to^ of Man. Polio. Prichard, Edwi'n N 'Ae Natural History of Man. Fourth edition. Edited by Ed- w,n Norn.. 2 vok 8vo. London, 1855. ^ St. Clair.^George. Darwi„i.„> and Design ; or. Creation by Evolution. 8vo. London, Taylor, Edward B. Researches into the Early History of Mankind, and the Develop- T..l„ '!,7* "' C,v,hzat,„n, Second edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Taylor, Edward B. Primitive Culture. Researches into the Development of Myth- °l»»y.Ph.losophy, Religion, Art and Custom. 2 vol.. 8vo London IsVi OM^and New World. Third edition. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London, '"°'"!d^"etc''";^^f "'' "'•' ° ^»™'"-'"- " *« Existence of Man before Adam, etc., etc Charts and Illustrations. Second edition. 8v„, Chicago, NATDBAL HISTORY. ^'TfCtm.'''''' ^' *° ^""'" °' •• The Game-Keeper at Home." Svo.' ArsyUDukeof. The Reign of Law Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1867. 4 ^ 260 ( i (natural history — continued.) Beeton's Dictionary of Natural History. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1871. Broderip, W. J. Zoological Recreations. Bvo. London, 1862. Ohauveau, A. Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals. Second edition. By S. Arloing. Translated and Edited by G. Fleming. 8vo. N.Y., 1873. Darwin, Charles. On the Various Contrivances l>y which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilized by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing, 8vo. Lon- don, 1862. Darwin, Charles. On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. 8vo. London, 1865. Darwin, Charles. The Variation of Animals and Plants, under Domestication. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1868. Darwin, Charles. Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. 8vo. London, 1872. Figuier, Louis. Reptiles and Birds. A Popular Account of the Various Orders. Edited by Parker Gillmore. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1869. Figuier, Louis. Mammalia Popularly described by Typical Species. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1870. Forester, Frank. Field Sports in the United States and the British Provinces of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Game-Keeper, The, at Home : Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life. Illustra- tions by Chas. Whyniper. 8vo. London, 1880. Gillmore, Parker. Prairie and Forest. A Description of the Game of North America. With Personal Adventures. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. Gosse, P. H. Life in its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms. Second edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1867. Hartwig, G. The Sea and its Living Wonders. A Popular Account of the Marvels of the Deep. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1866. Hartwig, G. The Tropical World. A Popular Scientific Account of the Natural His- tory of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms in the Equatorial Regions. Bvo. London, 1869. Hartwig, G. The Polar World. A Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and the Antarctic Regions, 8vo. London, 1869. Huxley, T. H. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. On the Classification of Animals, and on the Vertebrate Skull. 8vo. London, 1864. Huxley, T. H. An Introduction to the Classification of Animals. 8vo. London, 1869. Huxley, T. H. Lessons in Elementary Physiology. Fifth edition. 12mo. London, 1872. HuXley, T. H. More Criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative Nihilism. Bvo. New York, 1872. Huxley, T. H. Critiques and Addresses. 8vo. London, 1873. (natuhal niSTOKY—continmd.) Knight, Chas. Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature 2 vols Folio T . ,xr ^ Contents:— ""uic. ^ vols, j^olio. London, (N.D.) Vol. 1. Mammalia and Birds. T .\A^ T !' ^" "^'^^"''' ^^'''''' M»"»«ca and Insects. Vol. 1. Fossil Vertebrates '""'*'^^*^'^- ^^^^ Washington, 1873. '^^ ':* tr .sr:?.f ^^'"^' ^'^'°'-- -— — -po. Sale,., Ma„.,T80W87l' ' ^™-' """ ^^ "^^ ^""«""- ^ "<"- 8™. RoUeston, Geo. F„™, of Animal Life. 8vo. London 1870 ''■ '"ir 8:^0^78^ "■' ^- ^-- -- "- HU., Of .0 H,. Styles, Jo,,n. T,.eAn,„a,C««on....CIai™on„„rH„.a„.,. 8v„. London, wood. a. B.,e..„,au.r'riri:r "°- ""^-'-■ etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. ^''^^''' °" ^'"^'^S^*' ORNITHOLOGY York, 1878. """" ^'"«'- J?""-' °f 'he United State,. Folio. New &:*,:i^e''; '^^ft:^*'"™''- "'»"»«■ «-. Toronto, 187,. ^._ inastited. °:: ^tnttlTsjr ""' ^*'==' =°"''^' '■"' °-" <-* °-^- ~'o;;T^t^,::: X^^l^^^f^^^r^*^- ^-^-omithoio^,; Life of Wilson. % L Wik T . ^ """*'' '*^^^- ^^*^ N^*-^- -d 8vo. London, 1876'^ "" ''''■'"" Coloured Illustrations. 3 vols. y-w ;il: ==^; ifl 262 5L„ ENTOMOLOGY. Butterflies and Moths. A Guide to Nature Printing. By A. M. C. IGnio. Lou- don, 1880. Figuier, Louis. The Insect World. With a Description of the Habits of some of the most Interesting Species. Illustrated. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1869. HEiris, Thaddeus W. A Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation. New edition. Illustrated under the supervision of Professor Agassiz. Edited by Chas. L. Flint. 8vo. Boston, 1862. Hind, H. Y. Tiisects and Diseases Injurious to the Wheat Crops. Prizo Essay. lUus- trate-l. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. Jaeger, B Tlri Life of North American Insects. 8vo. New York, 1871. Kirby, ^ • j— ~ •-'. Spence, Wm. An Introduction to Entomology ; or. Elements of the IN acural History of Insects. With Plates. Fifth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1828. Packard, A. S., (M.D ) The Injurious Insects of the West. A Report on the Rocky Mountain Locust, and other Insects Injurious to Field and Garden in the Western States and Territories. Illustrations. 8vo. Salem, 1877. Ross, A. M. The Butterflies and F • of Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. * Say, Thomas. A Description of the -lisects of North America. With Illustrations Drawn and Coloured after Nature. Edited by John L. Le Conte. With a Memoir of the Author. By George Ord. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1869. Thomas, Cyrus. Synopsis of the Acrididte of North America, U.S. Geological Survej-. 4to. Washington, 1873. Wood, J. G. Insects at Home. 8vo. London, 1872. Wood, J. G., and Wood, Theodore. The Field Naturalist's Handbook. 8vo. Lon- don, 1880. ICHTHYOLOGY. Bertram, Jas. G. The Harvest of the Sea. Including Sketches of Fisheries, etc. Il- lustrated. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Damon, Wm. E. Ocean Wonders. A Companion for the Sea-side. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1879. Fry, W. H. Artificial Fish Breeding. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1866. Green, Seth. Trout Culture. Portrait and Illustrations. New York, 1870. (Pamph.) Huxley, T. H. (Prof.) The Crayfish. An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880. Norris, Thaddeus. The American Angler's Book. Embracing the Natural History of Sporting Fish, and the Art of Taking Them, etc. New edition. With a Sup- plement. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1865. 263 (ICHTHYOLOGY— con^tVmerf.) Norris, Tha,ldeus. American Fish Culture. Embracing all the Details of Artificial Breeding and Roaring of Trout, and Culture of Salmon, Shad, and other Fishes, ovo. Philadelphia, 1868. Walton, Isaac, and OottOD, Charles. The Complete Angler. Sketch of Walton's and^Cottons Lives. Illustrations. Edited by "Ephemera." Svo. London, Walton Isaac. The Complete Angler; or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, etc. UOtton, Charles. Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir H. Nicolas. Illustrations trom Stothard and Juskiff. 8vo. London, 1875. BOTANY. Beck, Lewis C. Botany the United States, North of Virginia. A Sketch of tiie Rudnnents of Botany, and a Glossary. Second edition. 8vo. New York loOO. ' Darwin Charles. The Different Forms of Flowers and Plants of the ..n,e Speeie. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. Piguier. Louis. The Vegetable World. A History of Plants. With their Botanical Descriptions and Peculiar Properties. Also a Glossary of Botanical Terms, by O. O. Graham-Napier. Illustrated. 8vo. london, 1869- ""*' Mo^itXlTs' ''''^' '■ '• '"■""°" """' ''-- "'"*-"• ^°»- Gordon, George. The Pinetum : Synopis of all the Coniferous Plants at present know^ ^n ImT"*"'"" "°''^"""*'"°"^""''"°-'*°- ^O" <'<"«'">• 8vo. Lon- Heath, Francis G Bumham .Bea.hes. Illustrations and Map. Seeond edition. 8vo London, 1879. Heath, Francis G. Sylvan Spring. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880 K,rby, Mary and Elizabeth. Chapters on Trees. A Popular Account of their Nature and Uses. 8vo. London, (N.D.) ^°'^'''' Lton'"l87?''^*^''' ^'^" ^' ^^^"°^'" "^ '^" ^^''* °^ ^''^'^'^°- ^''- '^•*«^- Wallace, Alfred R. Tropical Nature, and other Essays. 8vo. London, 1878. Wills, Geo. S. V Dictionary of Botanical Terms. 12mo. London, 1880. I "' i 264 U-iiSii^. Vol. 2. — 4. Culture and Manufacture of Ramie and Jute in the U.S. By Emily Lefranc. Washington, 1873. " 5. Report upon the Wastage of Silver Bullion in the Melter and Refiner's Department of the U.S. Mint. Wash- ington, 1872. " 6. List of Plants collected in Nevada and Utah, 1867-69. Sereno Watson, Collector PHYSICAL SCIENCE American Scientific Pamphlets. Contents : — Vol. 2.— 1. The Influence of Forests upon Rain-Fall and In- undations. M. F. Val- lis. Washington, 1873. " 2. Report to the Dept. of State on the Forests and Forest Culture of Sweden. By C. C. An- drews. " 3. Report of the Circum- navigation Committee of the Royal Society. Washington, 1872. Arnott, Neil. Elements of Physics; or, Natural Philosophy. Soventh edition. Edited by Alexander Bain and Alfred S. Taylor. Illustrated. 8vo. London 1876. Bailie, J. Wonders of Electricity. Translated from the French by J. W. Armstrong. 8vo. New York, 1872. Becker, Bernard H. Scientific London. 8vo. London, 1874. Brewster, Sir D. Natural Magic. 12mo. New York, 1870. Buckley, Arabella B. A Short History of Natural Science ; and oi the Progress of Discovery. From the Time of the Greeks to the Present Day. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1876. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Vols, l, 2, 3. 8vo. Montreal, 1857-58. Carpenter, William B., (M.D.) Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc., Historically and Scientifi- cally considered. With Preface and Appendix. 8vo. London, 1877. Cook, Joseph. (Boston Monday Lectures.) Biology. Three coloured plates, after Beaie and Frey. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Davidson, George. Report of the Examination of the Weights and Balances of the Branch Mint of the United States. San Francisco. 8vo. Washington, 1872. Deschanel, A. P. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Edited and Trans- lated by J. D. Everett. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Contents: — Vol. 1. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, etc. Vol.3. Electricity. " 4. Sound and Light. 2. Heat. Deviation of Compasses. Return to an Order of the House of Lords for Corres- pondence between the Royal Society, the Boarrl of Trade, the Admiralty, and the Comnuttee of Loyd's Register, with respect to the Deviation of Compassfi.s, 4to. London, 1867. 265 (physical sciEiJcv— continued.) Draper. John W., (M.D.) Scientific Memoir« ; being e.perin,ental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy. Portrait and lllustrationB. 8vo. New York 1878. * Essays and Addresses by Profe.ssors and Lecturers of the Owens' College, Manches- ter. Published m Commenioration of the Opening of the New 'College Build- ings, October 7th, 1873. 8vo. London, ^874. Contents : — Opening Address. By the Duke of Devonshire. On some Relations of Culture to Practical Life. By J. O. Green- wood. Original Research as a Meade Smooth. Familiar E«,y, „„ Srfe„M„ Sub- jects. 8va London, 1880, Reclus. Elisee. The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life; being the Second Series of a De- P ^ ^T7T '*°'^ °^ *^' ^^^' °^ *^« ^l«b«- 8vo. New York, 1873. Rodwell G. F^ Dictionary of Science, con^prising Astronomy, Chemistry, Dynamics. KOSCOe,H.E. Spectrum Analysis. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Saigey, Emde. Tl. History of Natural Phenomena. Popular Introduction to the Study of the Forces of Nature. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Ihomas F. Moses. 8vo. Boston, 1873 . "^ Schoedler Fredericlc. The Treasury of Science, Natural and Physical. Translated ^^:^ Edited by Henry Medlock. Illustrated. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Smyth, Piazzi. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. Third and enlarged edition, mcludmg all the most Important Discoveries .up to the time of publication Maps, Plans, etc. 8vo. London, 1877 Somerville Mary. Ou the Connexion of the Physical Sciences. Third edition. Re- vised. 8vo. London, 1858. Somerville M,.ry. On Molecular a„»»*i^ -^ 270 If. it' MEDICINE AND CHEMISTRY. AcJams, J., (M.D.) Electricity : Its Mode of Action upon the Human Frame, etc. etc 8vo. Toronco, (N.D.) ' Anstie, Francis E. (M.D.) The Uses of Wine in Health and Disease. Reprinted fro, "The Practitioner." 8vo. London, 1877. Atcherley, R. J., (Ph.D.) Adulterations of Food. With Short Processes for their Detection. 12mo. London, 1874. Attfleld, John. Chemistry. General Medical and Pharmaceutical, including the Chem- istry of the U. S. Pharmacopceia. 8vo. Philad-lphia, 1871. Bastian, H. (M.D.) The Bra.a as an Organ of Mind Illustrations. 8vo. London 1880. ' Beale, L. S. Bioplasm. An Introduction to the Study of I'hysiology and Medicine. With Illustrations. 12mo, London, 1872. Beard, Geo. M., (M.D.), and RockweU, A. D., (M.D.) A Practical Treatise on the Medical and Surgical uses of Electricity. Illustrations. Second edi ion. 8vo New York, 1878. Beard, George M., (M.D.) A Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion, (Neurasthenia) : its Symptoms, Nature, Sequences and Treatments. 8vo. New York, 1880. Beasley, Henry. The Druggists' General Receipt Book. With V( n^rinary Formulary, etc., etc. Appendix of Tables. Seventh edition. 12mo. London, 1872. Begbie. J. W., (M.D.) Book of Medical Information and Advice. 12mo. London (N.D.) Blandford, G. F., (M.D.) Insanity and its Treatment, Medical and Legal. 8vo, London, 1871. Blyth, Alex. W. A Dictiontay of Hygiene and Public Health. Comprising Sanitary Chemistry, Engineering, Legislation, etc. 8vo. London, 1876. Bljrth, Alex. W., (M.D.) A Manual of Practical Chemistry : the Analysis of Foods and the Detection of Poisons. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879, Bowditch, Henry I., (M.D.) Public Hygiene in America, etc., etc. With a Digest of American Sanitary Law, by Henry G. Pickering. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Brunton, T. Lauder, (M.D.) Pharmacology and Therapeutics; or, Medicine Past and Present. 8vo. London, 1880. BucknUl, John C, (M.D.), and Tuke, Daniel H., (M.D.) A Manual of Psychological Medicine; containing the Lunacy Laws, the Nosology, Etiology, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology and T^reatment of Insanity. With an Appendix of Cases. Illustrated. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1874. Bucknill, John C, (M.D.) Habitual Drunkenness and Insane Drunkards. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Buckton, Catherine M. Health in the House. Lectures on'-y Physiology in its application to the daily wants of Men and Animals, etc. Sevonth edition. 12rao. London, 1876. Bm-dett, Henry. The Cottage Hospital : Its Origin, Progress, Management, and Work, etc., etc. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. 271 (medicine and cumiBTRY— continued.) Burnett, James C. Curability of (Jatamct with Med ulnes. 12mo. London 1880 Butler, Jol.n, (M.D.) A Text-Book of EIoctro-Therapeutics and Eloctro-Surge^y. u'luB- tratioHH. 8vo. New York, 1878. Cameron. r Morgan John, (M.E.^ Practical Lessons in the Nature and Treatment of the Affec t,ons produced by the Contagious Diseases, etc., etc. Illustrations. 8vo. Lon- Napheys, George H. Modern Medical Therapeutics: A Compendium of Recent Por- Ord Wm"°M TMnTt':'^"'""""'""'"''""'™ »™ PWWelphia, 1880. wf.'^ •' •^'" '"""""^ "' °°"°'^' °P» °'^»'«"i- l^™ and Cohesion W,th Ob»,rvations on the Structure and Mode of Formation of UrinlTd other Calculi. 8vo. London, 1879 urinary ana Parkes. Edmund A (M.D., Manual of Practical Hygiene. Prepared especially for KeroeOH ,MD, r •" ''''"'^- ^"^ «"«<>"• 8vo. London, [869. Playter.Edward. (MD.) The Sanitary Journal. 3 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1874.V6. Public Health. Reports and Papers presented at the Meeting of the American Public Health Association in 1877-1878. 8vo. Boston, 1880 Eeynolds- System of Medicine. With numerous Additions and Illustrations, by Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879-1880. Contents : — Vol. 1. General Diseases, and Dis- eases of the Nervous Sys- tem. " 2. Diseases of th Respiratory and Circulatory Systems. Vol. 3, Diseases of the Digestive, Blood, Glandular, Urinary, Repro- ductive and Cutaneous Sys- tems. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880, mm i m •7k li:- ) Jl: 274 (medicine and chemistry — continued.) Richardson, B. W, (M.D.) Hygeia, City of Health. 8vo. London, 1876. Richardson, B. W., (M.D.) Diseases of Modern Life. 8vo. New York 1876 Richardson, B. W., (M.D.) Health and Life. 8vo. London, 1878. Richardson, B. W., (M.D.) The Future of Sanitary Science. Address delivered be- fore the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Paraph. London, 1878. Richardson, B. W., (M.D.) A Ministry of Health. 8vo. New York, 1879. Richet, Chas. (M.D.) Physiology and Histology of the Cerebral Convolutions. Also the Poisons of Intellect. Translated by E. P. Fowler, M.D. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1879. RockweU, A. D., (M.D.) Lectures on Electricity, in its relations to Medicine and Sur- gery. 8vo. New York, 1879. RodweU, G. F. The Birth of Chemistry. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874. Sayre, Lewis A., (M.D.) Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature. Their Treatment by Suspension, and the Use of the Plaster of Paris Bandage. Illustrations, 8vo London, 1877. Simon, John, (M.D.) Filth-Diseases and their Prevention. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Smith, Edward. Foods. 8vo. New York, 1873. Smith, Edward. Health. A Handbook for Households and Schools. 12mo London 1874. ' StiUe, C. J. History of the United States Sanitary Commission ; being the General Report of its Work during the War of the Rebellion. 8vo. New York, 1868. Sutherland, Dr. Report on the Sanitary Condition of Gibraltar, with reference to the Epidemic Cholera in the year 1865. London, 1867. Sutherland, Dr. Report on the Sanitary Condition of Malta and Gozo, with reference to the Epidemic Cholera in the year 1865. London, 1867. Tuke, Daniel H., (M.D.) Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life : with Chapters on its Prevention. 8vo. London, 1878. Valentin, Wm. G. Laboratory Text Book of Practical Chemistry ; or. Introduction to Qualitative Analysis. 8vo. London, 1871. Wagner, Rudolf. Handbook of Chemical Technolo^'y. Translated and Edited from the German, by Wm. Crookes. 8vo. New York, 1872. Walton, Geo. E., (M.D.) The Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada. With Analysis and Notes on the Prominent Sf as of Europe, List of Sea-Side Resorts. Maps. 8vo. New York, 1873. Wanklyn, J. Alfred, and Chapman, Ernest T. Water-Analysis. Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1876. Watts, Henry. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. 5 vols. ; with Supplement. 8vo. London, 1872. Wilson, George, (M.D.) A Handbook of Hygiene. 8vo. London, 1873. Wilson. Joseph. (Surgeon U.^.N.) Naval Hygiene. 8vo. With an Appendix- Moving Wounded Men on Shipboard : by Albert C. Gorgas, Surgeon, U, S, Navy. 8vo. Washington, 1870, 276 (medicine and chemistry— con- m IF"' V- . i 276 P . 'I IS ' <•' '» .-j 8vo. Loudon, Newfoundland. 1 1 aEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. GEOGRAPHY. Admiralty Catalogue of Charts, Plans, Views and Sailing Directions. 1872. Admiralty Charts. Contents ; — Vol. 1. Iceland. Greenland. Arctic Sea. Labrador. " 2. Gulf of St. Lawrence. Prince Edward Island. " .3. St. Lawrence River. " 4. Canada Lakes and Rivers. Nova Scotia. " 5. Nova Scotia. Fundy Bay. " 6. America. East Coast. U. S. Coast Survey. " 7. Atlantic Ocean. Azores. Madeira. Canaries. Cape Verde. South Atlantic. Falkland. " 8. West Indies. Mexico. Honduras. Darien. " 9. Virgin Islands. Haiti. Jamaica. Cuba. " 10. Bahamas. Venezuela. New Granada. Guatemala, etc. " 11. Mexican Gulf. U. S. Coast Survey. " 12. South America. (1.) " 13. South America. (2.) " 14. America. West Coast. (1.) " 16. America. West Coast. (2.) " 16. North America. West Coast. (1.) " 17. South America, West Coast. (2.) Arrowsmith's New General Atlas. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817. Atlas, The Library. One hundred Maps of Modern, Historical, and Classical Geography. Descriptive Letter-press Indices. 8vo. London, 1875. Bowen, Emmanuel, (Geographer to His Majesty). A Complete System of Geography. A Description of all the Countries in the Known World. Showing Situation, Extent, Climate, Soil, etc. ; their Principal Buildings, Manufactures and Trade ; their Government, Religion, etc. With the Distance and Bearing of all the Principal Towns from one another. Maps. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1747. Oonarelli's Atlante Veneto. Folio. Venice, 1690. Delisle's Mappe Monde. A I'Usage du Roy. Folio. Paris, 1720. Johnston, Alexander K. The Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena. New edition. Folio. Edinburgh, 1856, Johnston, Alexander K. Royal Atlas of Modem Geography, Original and Authentic Maps, etc. Polio, Edinburgh, 1866, Johnston, Alexander K, Dictionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical. A complete General Gazetteer of the World, New edition. «vo, London, 1867-1 87-, 277 (QEoanAPHY—coutimied.) M.p«. Vol.,. PoUo. London 1844 ■'"'•''"""'"'•'°°°"'"» MltoheU,8. A. New General Atlas, containim, MaDS of th. V • n OgUby, John, (H,s MajestysCosmographer, etc.) Ameri^ The La, . , ourate Description of the New World "„„7.T„ lu J. ' "'"' °'™' ^°- ant,, Remarkable Voyage, thithTr ftnol^r 7 >""" "' ""' '"'"''"• tion of the Several Enlpea Kll^ret and pLTt b"? *' "°'""••"- P^^It.^ l°'r '^"^""■'«»3- (Krat printed, 1590.) Popple SAtlaa. Folio. London, 1733 PhiUppi Ol^eri. X„tr.,„etionis in Unive^. Geog^phian,. ».„. An.,te,«dan.i, SeaUy, John. Geographical Dictionaiy : containme an AoPnr„. n • • ^■^Jifw"!,*'"'"''- ""*'"■ ''*• Amsterdam. 1750.,W.lW DiotionaryofOreekand Roman Geography. Svol. 8v„. London. Someryffle, Mary. Physical Geog,«phy. Sixth edition. Revised hv H VI. p . Svo. London, 1870. iwnsetl by H. w. Bates. Word's Map of M«lern London and the Suburb,. Wheeler, J. T The Geography of Herodotu. Illustrated from Modern Disco • 8vo. London, 1864. ^vxoaern Discoveries,, Arctic E^erience. Containing Captain G. E. Tyson's Wonderfd Drift on the r floe. A H-story of the Polaru Expedition, the Cruise of fte K .' Rescue of the PolarU Survivors Will, . n , , ^"" ""* by E. V. Blake. IllustJd '^o^tl^r ^ " ""°°'""^- ^''<' Arctic Expedition. 1875-187. Under the CWmand ^ luin Sir '— ^ to^d. the i\orth Pole. Mvo. New York 1869 Hayes. W J The Land of Desolation, 'being a Personal Narrative of Observation and Adventures in Greenland. 8vo. New York 1870 ^^^rva^^on ""^t; Y:k,''l8r6'"^'°^^' '''' "'-' '''' ^'"'^ ^'-^ ''-^- ^^P- «vo. Kane, EUsha Kent. Arctic Explorations. The Second and Last United States Grinnel Author. By Cliarles Shields. 8vo. Hartford, 1871 Koldewey Captain The German Arctic Expedition of 1869-1870. And Narrative of the Wreck of the JIu,.a in the Ice. Translated and Abridged bj Rev L Lan,... r" ^^"^^'^ b^ H. W. Bates. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874 Lament Jan.. Se^ons with the Sea Horses; or. Sporting Adventures in the Northern toeas. 8vo. iSew York, 1861, Law. Lieut. (R.K) Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes and Descending the Amazon. 8vo. London, 1829 Lidstone, William. Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and its Tributarie.s. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1878. Lindley Thos. Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil, with Sketches of the Country, etc 8vo. London. 1805. ^' Major, Riohd. H. The Discoveries of Prince Henry, th. Navigator, and their Results. Portraits and Maps. 8vo. London, 1877. Markham, Captain A. H., (R.N.) A Whaling Cru.^se to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia. With an Account of the Rescue of the Crew of the Polaris. Illus- trated. 8vo. London, 1874. . Markham, Captain A. H., (R.N.) The Great Frozen Sea. A Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the Alert, during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Illustra- tions. Map. 8vo. London, 1878. McOlintock, Captain. Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions. 8vo. Boston, 1870, McDougall, George F, The Eventful Voyage of H M Di°covPrv '-^K-*- ff / , ^ - -.r-o-^ "i ii..rj. i_;icco>ery oftip Jiesofiite, to the Arctic Regions, in search of Sir John Franklin, in 1852, 1853 1854 8vo London, 1857. it m iiil 2H0 (VOYAOES — continued.) Middleton, Captain. Vindication of His Conduct'in a Voyage on board H.M. Ship Furnace, for Discovering a North- West Passage, etc., etc. 8vo. London 1743. Milner,- John, and Brierley, O. W. Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea. Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. 1867-68. 8vo. Loudon, 1869. Nordenskjold, Adolf Erik. The Arctic Voyages of: 1858-1879. Illustrations and Maps. 8vo. London, 1879. North Polar Expedition, Narrative of the : U.S. Ship Polaris ; Captain C. F. Hall. Edited by Rear- Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S.N. Illustrations. 8vo. Washington, 1876. North-West, The. Nairatives of Voyages Towards. In search of a Passage to Cathay and India : 1496 to 1631. With Selections from the Early Records of the East India Company, etc. By Thomas Rundall. Map. 8vo. London, 1849. Parry, Sir W. E. Three Voyages for the Discovery of u North- West Passage. 2 vols. l2mo. New York, 1868. Pryer, Julius. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Narrative of the Discoveries of the Austrian Ship, Tegetthoff, in the years 1872-74. Translanted from the German. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1877. Shelvocke, Capt. J. A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1719, '20, '21, '22. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1726. Spry, W. J. J., (R.N.) The Cruise of the Challenger. Voyages over many Seas: Scenes in many Lands. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Toronto, 1877. Vancouver, Captain George. A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World ; in which the coast of North-west America has been carefully examined and surveyed ; principally with a vie' - to ascertain the existence of any Navigable Communication between the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans ; performed in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795. New edition. Views and Charts. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. ' Wild, John James. At Anchor : a Narrative of Experiences Afloat and Ashore, during the Voyage of H.M.S. Clialhnger. From 1772 to 1876. Illustrations by the Author. 4to. London, 1878. Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1851. TRAVELS IN GENERAL. America, Picturesque; or the Land we Live in. Illustrated. 3 vols. Baker, Sir Samuel. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. 8vo. London, 1879. Bartlett, W. H. Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles in Syria, Greece, and Italy. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1851. Barry, Capt. W. J. Up and Down; or Fifty Years' Colonial Experiences. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. 281 (TRAVBL8 IN OKSRUAh— continued.) Bates. W. H. Illustrated Travel,. A Record of Discovery, Oeography and Adventure. Edited by W. H. Bates. 3 vols. 4to. London, (N.D.) Beltrami, D C. A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of he Sources of the Mississippi River, etc., etc. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Vol. 1, Europe. ( Vol. 2, America. Bird, Isabella L. Hawaian Archipelago : Six Months among the Palm Groves, Coral R«ef8. and Voicanoes of the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. London 1875 Bird, Isabella L. . A Lady's Ride in the Rocky Mountains. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1879-80. Brassey, Mrs. Sunshine and Storm in the East ; or. Cruises to Cyprus and Constanti- nople. IllustrationH. 8vo. New York, 1880 Brooks, James. A Seven Months' Run Up and Down, and Around the World. 8vo. New York, 1872. OampbeU. J. F. My Circular Notes. Extracts from Journals, Letters sent Home. • etc., while Travelling Westwards Round the World; from July 6, 1874, to July 6, 1875. Illustrations. 2 vols, in one. New York, (N D ) Oampion,J. S. On the Frontier (U.S.). Reminiscences of Wild Sports. Personal Adventures, etc. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1878 Oarllle, A. D. Round th« World in 1870. 8vo. London, 1872 Oecil. Lord Eustace. Impressions of Life at Home and Abroad. 8vo. London, 1865. Oheever H. T. The island World of the Pacific. Personal Narrative of Travel through the Sandwich Islands, etc. Illiistrated. 8vo. New York 1871 Dllke. Charles Wentworth. Greater Britain. A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries, during 1866-7. Two vols, in one. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. -Dufferin, Lady. Lispings from Low Latitudes. 8vo. London, 1863. Duncan, J. M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818-19 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. Edwards, Amelia B. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys : a Midsummer Ramble in-the Dolomites. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1873. Parley, J. Lewi.s. Egypt, Cyprus and Asiatic Turkey. 8vo. London 1878 Frost, Th^nms. Half-Hours with the Early Explorers. Illustrated. ' 8vo. London. Hazard. Samuel. Cuba ; With Pen and Pencil. Illustrated. 8vo. Hartford 1871 -Kmgsley, Charles. At Last. A Christmas in the West Indies. 8vo. New' York 1871. Latrobe, C. T. The Rambler in North America. 1832-33. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1836. Lome, Marquis of. A Trip to the Tropics, and Home Through America. Frontispiece and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1867. HacGahan, J. A. Under the Northern Lights. Illustrations by G. R De Wilde 8vo. London, 1876. i u : t ■) ^ S8S (travelb in QMERAt—eoyitiniied.) Mereweather, Hemy A. By Soa and UmJ. A Trip tl.rough Egypt, r.ulia, Australia, America. 8vo. London, 1874. Murphy. John M. RamblcB in North- Western America. From the Pacific Ocean to the Rooky Mountains, etc., etc. Map. 8vo. London, 1879. Perkins, E. T. Na Motu ; or, Reef Rovings in the South Seas. 8vo. New York 1864. ' Pike, NicholaH. Sub-Tropical Raujbles in the I^nd of Aphanaptoryx. Personal Experi- encos in and around the Island of Mauritius. 8vo. London, 1873. Prime, E.^ D. G. Treasury of Travel and Adventure in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. 8vo. New York, 1865. Prime, E. D. G. Around the World. Sketches of Travel tlirough many Lands. 8vo New York, 1872. Pumpelly, Raphael Across America and Asia ; Notes of a live years' Journey Around the World. 8vo. London, 1870. Seward, W. H. Travels Around the World. Edited by 0. R. Seward. 8vo New York, 1873. Shah of Persia's Diary, kept during his Joun.ey to Europe in 1878. Translated from the Persian, by A. H. Schindler and Baron Louis de Norman. 8vo. London 1879. Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a Journey Round the World, during the years 1841-2. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Simpson, William. Meeting the Sun. A Journey All Round the World, through ^^ypt. China, Japan, and California. 8vo. London, 1874. Taylor, Bayard. Travels. Household edition. 10 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870. Contentt: — (( Vol. 1. Europe, (seen with knapsack and stafl'). 2. India, China and Japan. 3. Lands of the Saracen. 4. By-ways of Europe. 5. Home and Abroad. First series. Vol. 6. Home and Abroad. Second series. Greece and Russia. Sweden, Lapland and Nor- way. . 9. California and Mexico. 10. Africa. 7. 8. Thomson, J. The Straits of Malacca, IndoChina and China. 8vo. London, 1875. Treasury of Travel and Adventure. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1865. Waterton, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824. Illustrations. New edition. Edited, with Biographical Introduction and Explanatory Index, by Rev. J. G. Wood. 8vo. London, 1879. ill EUROPE: TRAVELS IN. Adamjg, W. H. D. The Mediterranean Illustrated, Picturesque Views and De,scrip- tions of the Cities, Shores, and Islands. 4to. London, 1877. 288 (kukopk: tuavelm lit —cmfinued.) ^'"^\^:!'\ /'".'Tt- '"*"' "" "'"■ *"'°" '''"■'■ '='<»"»■- »' Europe... Tur- key ami ita I„hal,itonts. 8vo. Lomlo.i, 1877. r-i'ur Barkley, H. C. Betwmi the Danube .„,! the Bl*.k Se.: or, Five Year. i„ B,.l garia. Map. 8vo. London, 1877. ''' Barry, Herbert. Ru«ia in 1870. Svo. I,ondon, 1871 Blackburn, Henry. The Har. Mountain,. 8vo. London, 1873 Borrow, Geo. The Bible in Spain; „r, J„„„„,., Adventure,, etc., of an EnglUhman T^r^^ »""»P""f» Circulate the Scripture,. 8™. London, 1872. " Borrow,^Oe„. The Zincli. An Account of the of Spain. 8vo. London, Browne, J. Ro». The Land of TI,or. Illu.trated. 8vo. N„w York 1870 Buchanan, R^rt. The Land of Lome; or, a Poef. Adventure, in the S^otwlh Hebride,. etc. Two vols, m one. 8vo. New York 1871 Burton, Richard K Ultima Thule ; or, a S„,„„c.r in Iceland. Historical Introduction Map, and Illustration,. 2 vol,. 8vo. London, 1875. Newtl, nrt'"' ""' •'''' '"'^- ''"■"""" "^ «- ^--^ Arnold. 8vo. "'"^""bU'V" ""t" "' ''''""""'""' '■"' '="»•"■■»'■■ A J-™"r 'hrough ^3^1 876™'"'' ""''■ "°™^°"''''' "'"••'" '«"• 2™l»- 8™^ D^'!l"°'r!' ^"■''"Monastcrie, in the Levant 8vo. London, 1866. DaLagny, Oermam. The Knout and the Rua,ia„,; or, the Muscovite Empire, th. C..r and h,. People. Translate by J. Bridgeman. 8vo. New York, isi* Ue Sanctis, L. Rome, christian and Papal. 8vo. New York' 1866 Dizon,VV.H. FreeRussia. Illustrated. 2 voh 8vo. London, 1870. Duton, W. H. The Switzers. .8vo. London, 1872 ^*'°°' ItLtro^t M "^V" *° '''""'™"' '"""-^- ^ '^"■»'"«"' A—' °f "■» Ancent Cty the Monument, of Modern Tin.e.,, etc. Fifth edition, Illu,- trated. 2 vols. London, 1860. Edwards. M. Betham. A Year in Western France. 8vo. London. 1877 EUlOt. Frances. Diar, of an Idle Woman in Italy. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1871. Enghsh Photographs. By an American. 8vo. London. 1869 Europe lUustratad : its Picturesque Scenes and Places of Note. Described bv John Bherer. Engravings by Turner, Allom. Bartlett. Leitch. etc. First series. '(N D ) — J*RAKCB, Belgium, and the Rhine. 'i .-^: ' jH' M , ^m m ^Hl''~'' WB^ms^^- ■K;; ; ' 1 p ' L S4 ■ j#"'"»'«. i, \ ik «; 284 (kurope: travels in — contimted.) Evans, Arthur J, Through Boania and the Herzegovina on Foot, tluring the Insurrec- tion, August and September, 1875. Historical View of Bosnia, a..d a Glimpse at th.j Croats, Slavonians, and the Ancient Republic of Ragusa. Map and Illus- trations. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Falconer, William. Dissertation on 3t. Paul's Voyage from Caisarea to Puteoli ; and on the Apostle's Shipwreck on the Island Melita. Third edition. Witli Notes. By Thomas Falconer. 8vo. London, 1872. Pox, Hon. G. B., /Asst. Sec. U. S. Navy). Narrative of his Mission to Russia in 1366. From the Journal of J. F. Loubat. Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1874. Gautier, Theophile. Constantinople. Translated from the French by Robt. H. Gould. 8vo. New York, 1875. . Hall, Newman. Land of the Forum and the Vatican. 12mo. London, 1368. Hamerton, P. G. A Painter's Camp. In England, Scotlxnd and France. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1866. Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Rome. Second American edition. 8vo. New York 1872. ' Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. Illustrations. Third edition. 8vo. London 1873. Hare, A. J. C. Days near Rome. Illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1875. Harr.oOn, Jas. A. Greek Vignettes. A Sail in the Greek Seas, in the Summer of 1877. 12mo. Boston, 1878. Havard, Henry. The Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee. A Voyage to the Pictunjsque Side of Holland. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1875. Havard, Henry. Pictui-esque Holland ; a Journey in the Provinces of Fi iesland, Groii- iagen, etc. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1876. Hay, John, Castillian Days. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Head, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866. Helps, Arthur. Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861 8vo. London, 1868. Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Florence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Jennings, Louis J. Field Paths and Green Lanes. Country Walks, chiefly in Surrey and Sussex. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1878. Keshub, Chunder Ban's English Visits. Edited by Soplua Dobson CoUett. 8vo. London, 1870. Kingsman, A. Over Volcanoes ; or, Through France and Spain in 1 87 1 . 8 vo. London, 1872. Kohr, J. G. England, Wales and Scotland. 8vo. London, 1844. Latouche, John. Travels in Portugal. Illustrated. 8vo, New York 1875. Macaulay, James. Ireland in 1872. A Tour of Observation. 8vo. London, 1873. Marsh, John B. Stories of Venire and the Venetians. 8vg. London, 1873. Murray, E. C. Grenville. Round about France. 8vo. London, 1878. 2«5 By Bertall, Cham, (EUROPE: TRAVELS m~contiuued.) ,Sala, Geo. A. Paris Herself Again : in 1878-79. Illustrations etc. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1880 5haw, George. Tourists' Picturesque Guide to Great Britain and Ireland. Specially prepared for the use of American Tourists. 12mo. Boston, (N D ) Stephen, Leslie. The Playgrounds of Europe. 8vo. London, 1871 Symond^S.JohnA. Sketches and studies in Southern Europe. 2 'vols. 8vo. New Taine, H. Italy : Rome and Naples. Translated from the French 8vo. New Yoi-k, 1875. Taine, H. Italy : Florence and Venice. Translated from the French 8vo. New York, 1876. ■Tozer, H. r. Researches in the Highlands of Turkey. 2 vols 8vo Tyndall, John. Mountaineering in 1861 A Vacation Tour. 8vo lyndall, John. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Second edition. 8vo. Walking Tour Round Ireland, in 186.5. By "An Englishman." 1867. Warner Charles D. In the Levant. Fourth edition. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Watts, Mrs Howitt. An Art Student in Munich. Second edition. 2 vols 8vo London, 1880. Wey, Francis. Rome. 345 Engravings. With an Introduction by W. W Story Poho. London, 1873. ^' Wyse, Sir Thomas. Impressions of Greece, with an Introduction. By Miss Wyse And Letters from Greece to Friends at Home. 8vo. London, 1871. Fourth edition. Fourth edition. London, 1869. London, 1862. London, 1871. 8vo. London, ASIA. Alcock, Sir Rutherford. The Canitiil nf th^ ^r a -vt . u. xne capital ot the Tycoon. A Narrative of Three Years' Residence in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1863. Atkinson, Thomas W. Orient.1 and Western Siberia. A Narrative of Seven Years' -b^xploration and Ad>^entures. 8vo. London ^858 B^T'LtcYr ^t'T""''^'^^'^""^^"^^^^^^"- «- Pl"ladelphia, 1869. baker. Lieut Col. James. Turkey. . Maps. . 8vo. New York, 1877. JieUew H W Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857, under Major Besant, Walter, and PaJmer, E. H Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin. 12mo. Bowring, Sir John. The Kingdom and People of Siam, with a Narrative of the Mis- sion to that country in 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1857. ;DOWnng, L. Eastern Experiences. 8vo. London. 1871 iJryce, James.^^Transcaucasia and Ararat, in 1876. 'm Third edition. 8vo. Lon- Bumaby Fred^Capt., (R.HG.) A Ride to Khiva; Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. Maps, etc. Sixth edition. 8vo. London, 1877. 280 (ASIA — continued.) Burton, Richard F., and Drake, Clms. F. T. U...xplored Syria. Visits t« the Libanus, The An tiUbanus, The Northern Libanus, etc. 2 vols. Svo Lon don, 1872. Burton, Richard F. The Gold Mines of Midian, and the Ruined Midiauite Cities. A Fortnight's Tour in North- Western Arabia. 8vo. London, 1878. Bush, Richard J. Reindeer, Dogs, and Snowshoes. A Journal of Siberian Travel and Explorations, made in the years 1865-66-67. 8vo. New York, 1871 Oonder, Lient. Claude R., (R.E.) Tent work in Palestine. A Record of Discovery and Adventure. Illustrations by J. W. Whymper. 2 vols. 8vo New York 1878. Davis, John Francis. The Chinese. A General Description of the I'lmpire of China and its Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo. New York 1871. Dixon, Wni. Hepworth. The Holy Land. Illustrated.' Third edition. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1869. Doolittle, Justus. Social Life of the Chiaese; A Daguerreotype of Daily Life in China. Edited by the Rev. Paxton Hood. 8vo. London, 1868. Forbes, Capt. C. J. F. S. British Burmah and its People: being Sketches of Native Manners and Customs. 8vo. London, 1878. ForS3rth, Capt. J. The Highlands of Central A.sia. 8vo. London. 1871. Grattan, Geary. Through Asiatic Turkey : A Journey from Bombay to the Bosphorus. Map and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Hamlin, Cyrus. Among the Turks. 8vo. London, 1878. HeUwald, Fr-^lerick Von. The Russians in Central Asia. A Critical Examination, down to the Present Time, of the Geography and History of Central Asia.' Translated from the German by Lieut. -Colonel T. VVigman. Map. 8vo. London, 1874. Herbert, Lady. Cradle Lands. 8vo. New York, 1869. Humbert, Aime'. Japan and the Japanese. Illustrated. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Edited by H. W. Bates. Fol. London, 1874. Jarvis, Thomas S. Letters from East Longitudes ; Sketches of Travel in Egypt, the Holy Land etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. Ker, David. On the Road to Khiva. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874. Layard, A. H. Nineveh and Babylon. Narrative of a Second Expedition to Assyria. 8vo. London, 1867. Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains. 8vo. London, 1873. Lsmch, Lieut., U.S.N. Narrative of the United States Expedition to the Riv.^r Jordan and the Dead Sea. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. MacGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Jordan. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Macleod, Norman. Days in North India, l^yo. Philadelphia, 1870. Mandeville, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile of. Which treatt^'. of the way ta Hierusalem ; and of Marvayles of Ind. With an Introduction and Glossary by J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo. London, 1866. 287 (ASIA — continued. ) Martineau, H.^.^^ Wn L.e, Pa. and Pre.nt. IHustraMo.. Ne. editio. Matheson,.Tohn. England to Delhi. A Narrative of Indian Travel. 8vo. Loudon, Medhurst. W. H. The Foreigner in Far Cathay. 8vo. New York 1873 Mossman, Samuel. New Janan • T+a A«v, i j • x, ,^oio. , . i^ew Japan. Its Annals during the past Twenty Years. With Maps. 8vo. London, 1873. Newman, John P. The Thronp<« nnrl Poi„„„ i! T> 1- 1 Ohphan, W„.^ H.™.Ve „. .Ke E..1 of E,,in. M«„„ . CM. J^i;:; tne years 1857-8-9. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1859. Tor";"'- '^"^'^ "'"-"""'^ -* Palestine Expl„..aMo„P„.>d. 8v„, RusseU, William H. The Prince of Wales' Tour. A Diarv in Inrlf. w., counts of the Visits of H R K t„ ,1, n "7. "' ''°""' "<•■ o ot ±1.K.H., to the Courts of Greece, Egypt. Snain ai„l Portugal. Illustrations by Sydney P Hall. 8vo. London 1 W7 Sar Marco Polo, The Book of. Concerning the Kingdoms and M^^ „, fte East Smith, ^«>-^- Assyrian Discoveries. An Account of Explo,.tio„s and Discoveries on the Site of Nmeveh, during 1873 and 1874. Illustrated. 8vo. New Y„"k" Spalding, J. W Japan and Around the World. An Account of Three Visits to the Japanese Empire, with Sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, etc. 8vo Z Yo^ Thomson Wm. M. The Und and the Book ; or. Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners, Custom, and Scenery of the Holy Land. 8v„. London 1872 from the Manners and Customs, the Scene, and Scenoiy of the Holy Land Whern Palestine and Jerusalem. Illustrations and Maps. 8vo. New ^k," Thomson, Andrew. In the Holy Land. Illustrated. 8vo. New York 1875 bX,'''' """ :' "°'"- ^^'* ''C-'P'-r O" the Persian Palaje of Mashita By Jas. Ferguson. 8vo. New York, 1873 ^'''svr^r: mr '"'• '^^"^'>««-'"^'^"«H-'.-" -ew edition. vZ^!I't™"™- ■'''™'-° Central Asia in 1863. 8vo. I.ndon, 1864. Vambeiy Arminius. Sketche, of Central Asia. Additional Chapter, on my Ti^veb Vambeiy, Armimus. History of Bokhara. Svo. London, 1873 i _ f M 1 tes ^1 ^^^^H|yi i t 1 'te 1^, - r'-^^H 288 (asia — continued.) Vambery, Armmius. Central Asia and the Auglo-Rusaian Frontier Question. 8vo. London, 1874. Van Leimap, Henry J . Bible Lands : their Modern Customs and Manners. Illustra- tive of Scripture. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Nev/ York, 1875. Vincent, Frank. The Land of the White Elephant. A Personal Narrative of Travel in Burmah, Siam, Cambodia and Cochin-China. 1871-72. 8vo. New York 1874. V7arburton, Elliot. The Crescent and the Cross; or, Romance and Realities of East- ern Travel. Seventeenth edition. Illustrated. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Warren, Chas., Captain, (R.E.) Underground Jerusalem : The Principal Difficulties of its Exploration and the Results. With a Narrative of an Expedition through the Jordan Valley, and a Visit to the Samaritans. Illustrated. 8vo Loudon 1876. Warner, Charles D. Mummies and Moslems. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. Wood, Herbert. The Shores of Lake Aral. Map. 8vo. London, 1876. Wilson, (Japt., and Warren, Capt. The Recovery of Jerusalem. A Narrative of Exploration and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land. With an Intro- duction by Arthur P. Stanley. Edited by Walter Morrison. 8vo. New York 1872. Wilson, Andrew. The Abode of Snow. A Tour from Chinese Thibet in the Indian Caucasus, through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya. (Reprinted from Black- wood.) Map. 8vo. New York, 1875. AFRICA. Adams, W. H. D. The Land of the Nile ; or, Egypt Past and Present. Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1872. Anderson, C. J. The Liou and the Elepha,nt. Edited by L. Lloyd. 8vo. London, 1873. Baines, Thomas. Explorations in South- West Africa. An Account of a Journey in 1861-1862, from Walvisch Bay on the Western Coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1864. Baines, Thomas. The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa. With Biographical Sketch of the Author. Portrait, Map, and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. Baker, Sir Samuel W. Ismaik. A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa, for the Suppression of the Slave Trades, Organized by Ismaila, Khedive of Egypt. With Maps and Illustration. 8vo. New York, 1875. Barth, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, etc. 8vo, Phila- delphia, 1859. Burton, R. F. The Lake Regions of Central Africa. A Picture of Exploration. 8vo. New York, 1860. Cameron, V. L., Commander, (R.N.) London, 1877. Across Africa. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8 ^vo. 289 estiou. 8vo. 8vo. With lUus- (africa — continued. ) Oummtog, R. O, Five Years' Adventure. i„ South Africa Sixtl, .^■.■ London, 1870. '""' o*"""- Davis, N. Carthage and her Remains. 8vo. New York ISBl Du OhaiUu, Paul B. ExDlomtion. «„,. """"""'isei. Account, of ,1,. M . T ^^"'"^"'O' "' Equatorial Africa. Accounts of the Manner, of the People, the Chase of the Gorilla etc rated. Revised and Enlarged edition. 8vo. New York 1871 Du Oha^v, Pan, B. Stories of the Gorill. Country. lUustltt^', 'To. New York, DU Ohaau. Paul B. Wild Life Under the Equator. I„ust.ted. 8vo. New York. ;""7.^::i an^ r rl^r — --X^ ^^ ^ ^^ Grey. Hon. M:.. Journal of a Visit to Egypt, Constantinople, etc., in the suite of Prin •and Princess of Wales. 8vo. Toronto, 1870 ' "^ the su.te of Pnnce 'Jgh?i8rr^^'^^^"^"^^"-^'- -^— ^Pt.I869. 8V0. Edin- Jones, Foulkes. Egypt in its Biblical Relations. 8vo. London (N D ) C^ et.^ Prefatory Notice ., Dr. Oeorge s'chweinfurth.' "^N^: toTm;'^', ^''^f^''»"^-.A««t,inEgyp.. 8vo. London, 1873. lated by L. and J. R. Horner. 8vo. London, 1863 l^vmgstone, David. Popular Ac.unt of Missionary T,.ve.s and Researches in South Afnca. New edition. 8vo. London. 1868 "es in South Uvmgstone, David. Last Journals of, in Cenful Africa. Eron. 1805 to his Death W th a Narrative of h ., r,,t Moments, etc., obtained from his Servant cZa andSus,. By Horace Waller. Illustrated. 8vo. New York TsTi Macken^.e, Joh.. Ten Years North of the 0«„ge River. A I "t,.,,, life burgh, 1871. NoUe, John. South Africa, Past and Present tlementB at the Cape. 8vo. London, f% A Short History of the European Set- 1877 290 U I '.' (AFRICA — continued.) Palgrave, Wm. Clifford. Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, 18G2-63. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Palmer, E. H. The Desert of the Exodus. Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wanderings ; undertaken in connection with the Ordnance Survey of Sinai and the Palestine Exploration Fund. Svo. New York, 1872. Plowden, Walter C. Travels in Abyssinia and the Galla Country, with an account of a Mission to Ra^;-Ali in 1848. 8vo. London, 1868. Park, Mungo. Life and Travels. With a Chapter on Recent Discovery in Africa. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Roche, Harriet A. On Trek in the Transvaal ; or. Over Berg and Veldt in South Africa. Map of Route. Second editioii. Svo. London, 1878. Speke, John H. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New YorL, 1864. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petr^a, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1871. Stephens, J. L Notes of Travel in Egypt and Nubia, with an Account of the Suez Canal. Map and Illustrations. Svo. London, 1876. Schweinfurth, George. The Heart of Africa. Three Years' Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa, from 1868 to 1871. Translated by Ellen E. Frewer. With Introduction l)y Winwood Reade. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1874. Sketchley, J. A. Dahomey As It Is. A Narrative of Eight Months' Residence, etc. With an Appendix on Ashantee, etc. Illustrated. Svo. I^ondon, 1874. Stanley, H. M. How I Found Livingtone. Svo. Toronto, 1873. Stanley, Henry M. Through the Dark Continent ; or, the Sources of the Nile. Around the Great Lakes of Equatorial Africa, and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean. Portrait. Maps and Illustrations. Two vols, in one. Svo. Toronto, 1878. Sulivan, G. L. Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters, and on the Eastern Coast of Africa. Second edition. Svo. London, 1873. Taylor, Bayard. Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874. Svo. New York, 1874. Whately, Mary L. Letters from Egypt to Plain Folks at Home. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. Zincke, F. Barham. Egypt of the Pharoahs and of th* Kedive. Svo. London, 1871. Illus- NORTH AMERICA. Benjamin, S. G. W. The Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure, trated. Svo. New York, 1878. Oatlin, George. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1876. 291 (north AMKiucA—contintted.) De OhasteUux, (Marquk) Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1781 and 1782. Translated from the French, by an English Gentleman. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1787. Duncan, J. M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818-lJ) 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi. By Cavalier, St. Cosme. Le Sueur Gravier, and Inigues. With Notes and Introduction, by John Gilmary Shea' 4to. Albany, 1861. Kohl, J. G. Ketchie-Gami. Wanderings Round Lake Superior. 8vo. London, 1860 Latrobe, C. T. The Rambler in North America, 1832-33. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1836. * Stuart. James. Three Years in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. New York 1833 Vman. A Pendarves. Wanderings in the Western Land. Illustrations by Albert Bierstadt and the Author. Maps. 8vo. London, 1879. Wansey, Henry. America : An Excursion to the United States of North America in the Summer of 1794. 12mo. Salisbury, 1798. 8vo. London, 8vo. Lon- Illustrations. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazon. Third Edition 1873. Belt, Thomas. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. A Narrative of a Residence at the Gold Mmes of Chontales; Journeys in the Savannahs and Forests, with Observ8.tions on Animals and Plants, in reference to the Theory of Evolution of Living Forms. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874. Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia. Maps and Illustrations, don, 1879. Fletcher, Jas. C, and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. Ninth edition ; revised to date. 8vo. Boston, 1879. GaUenga,A. The Pearl of the Antilles. 8vo. London, 1873. Gill, Wm. Gems from the Coral Islands. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Humboldt, Alexander Von. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799-1804. Translated from the French by Ellen Maria Williams. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. In the Tropics, (San Domingo). By a Settler. 8vo. New York, 1863. Keller, Franz. The Amazon and Maderia Rivers. Sketches from the Note Book of an Explorer. Illustrated. 4to. London, 1874. Mann, Mrs. Horace. Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants. From the Spanish of Sarmiento. 8vo. New York, 1868. Marcoy, Paul. Travels in South America. Prom \h, Pacific to the Atlantic. 526 Illustrations and 10 Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Masters, Geo. C. At Home with the Patagonians. Second edition. 8vo. London 1873. ses (central and south AMERICA.— C07Uimced.) Morlet, A;-thur. Travels in Central America, including Accounts of some Regions Unexplored since the Conquest. Translated from the French, by Mrs M. F. Sqjier. 8vo. London, 1871. . Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon. 8vo. New York, 1871. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucataii. Twelfth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1871. Stevenson, W. B. An Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Resi- dence in South America. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Squier, E. G. The States of Central America : their Geography, Topography, Climate, Resources, etc. 8vo. New York, 1858. Squier, E. G. Nicaragua : Its People, Scenery, Monuments, etc., and Proposed Canal. With one hundred Original Maps and Engravings. Revised edition. 8vo New York, 1860. Squier, E, G. Peru. Incidents of Travel and Explorations in the Land of the Incas. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1877. Wilson, R. A. Mexico : Its Peasants and its Priests. 8vo. New York, 1856. ■ CANADA : TRAVELS IN. Adams, A. Leith. Field and Forest Rambles in Eastern Canada. 8vo. London, 1873. Ballantyne, R. M. The Pioneers. A Tale of the Western Wilderness, Illustrative of the Adventures and Discoveries of Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 8vo London 1872. Barret-Leonard, C. E. Travels in British Columbia, with a Narrative of a Yacht Voyage round Vancouver's Island. 8vo. London, 1862. Begg, Alexander. Dot it Down. Story of Life in the North- West. 8vo Toronto 1871. Butler, Major W. F. The Great Lone Land. A Narrative of Travel in the North-West. With Illustrations and Route Map. 8vo. London, 1872. Butler, Major W. F. The Wild North Land. Winter Journey across Northern North America. With Illustrations and Map. 8vo. LondoH, 1873. Dashwooci, Richard L. Chiploquorgan ; or. Life by the Camp Fire in Canada and Newfoundland. 8vo. London, 1872. Dawson, S J. Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Supei-ior and the Red River Settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. 4to. Toronto, 1858. Geike, Cunningham. Life in the Woods : A True Story of the Canadian Bush. 8vo. Lor don, 1873. II 293 (CANADA : TRAVELS is~continued.) HaUook, ChM. The F«hi„g Tourist. 8vo, New York 1873 ^"' "z r • T^r, c ""■'""" -' "-'""— -^'°- -P-- Hmd, H-rjr V„«, Narrative of the Canadian Red River Expedition o( 1857 ■ and of st^Zd^isr ''*"""^™ '^^»'°-''"'" ^'^*«-' »' '«- -'^^ Horeteky Charie.^ Canada on the P.oi«„, J„„rney fro„ Edmonton to the Paoifie W the Peace River Valley. 8vo. Montreal, 1874 ■>» "omo by S^rTf'"-/'"'^"''^'^^^'''*"- «™' Toronto, .871. Mayne. R. C Four Years .„ British Columbia and Vancouver Island, with Map, and lUustrstioM. 8vo. London, 1862 "^ 8^0 Loldl, ^er"*"" '™" *= ^""■«' '° '"« ^-««- S«-d editl. Moodie,^Su«anna. Ko»gUng it in the Bush ; or, Forest Life in Canada. 8vo. Toronto, Palliser, Captain. Exploration of North-WestPrn RrUici, a • , . 1857.'8-'9 and '60. Polio. London 18^3 """'"' *"■""« '"^ ^•«" Mpot Harvey J. Book to the Canadian Dominion. 8vo. London 1871 "°'^ tZKo^r^rtiir- .n re::' rr r-^ r-'- """'"Lond: 1 J'5. ^'* '"• "■ ''''""■^' ^"'"°- ^^ ^- «'-P»". Southesk, Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. A Diary of Travel etc through the H. B. Company's Territories in 1859 and 1860 Cs^d TIT trabons. 8vo. Toronto, 1875 ^ '"'' '"""■ ;""^''p:artr?rnit:r^^^^^^^^ 8vo. 8vo. UNITED STATES : TRAVELS IN «U,Wra^ New Tracks in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst !' Ip-rr 294 m m (UNITKD STATES : TRAVELS lif— continued.) Bowles, Samuel. Across the Continent. A Stage Ride over the Plains to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons and th« Pacific States, in the Summer of 1865. New edition. 8vo. New York, 1869. Brace, Charles Ewing. The New West, or California in 1867-68. 8vo. New York 1869. Browne, J. Ross. Adventures in the Apache Country. A Tour through Arizona and Sonara j with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. Chester, O. J. Transatlantic Sketches in the West Indies, South America, Canada and the United States. 8vo. London, 1869. Oombe, George. Notes on the United States, during a Phrenological Visit in 1838-39- 40. 3 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1841. Oozzens, Samuel W. The Marvellous Country ; or. Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' Home. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1874. Dall, William H. Alaska and its Resources. 8vo. Boston, 1870. DeWarville, J. P. B. New Travels in the United States. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. (Also bound up with same volume,) "Some Information Respecting America." By Thos. Cooper. Map. 8vo. Dublin, 1794. Distumell, J. Sailing on the Great Lakes and Rivers of America. Description of Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, St. Lawrence, etc. Also, the Copper, Iron and Silver Region of Lake Superior. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. Dixon, Wm. Hepworth. New America. Eighth edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Dodge, Richard I., (Lieut.-Col., U.S.A.) The Hunting Grounds of the Great West ; a Description of the Plains, Game, Indians, etc. With Introductions by Win. Blackmore. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1877. Dunraven, Earl of. The Great Divide. Travels in the Upper Yellowstone, in the Summer of 1874. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1876. Paron, H. B. Sketches of America. A Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1818. Gillmore, Parker. Prairie Farms and Prairie Folk. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Hall, Captain Basil. Travels in North America in the Years 1827 and 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Hittel, John S. The Resources of California, comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geo- graphy, Climate, etc., etc. Fourth edition. 8vo. San Francisco, 1868. Impressions of the West and South, during a Six Weeks' Holiday. By W. K. 8vo. Toronto, 1858. King, Clarence. MountAineering in the Sierra Nevada. 8vo. London, 1872. King, Edward, and Ohampney, J. W. The Southern States of North America. A Record of Journeys. 8vo. London, 1875. 295 (united states: travels in —continued.) Lanier. Sidney. Florida : its Scenery. Climate and Hintory. With an Account of Charleston, etc. Il'aistrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876 Lester, John E. The Atlantic to the Pacific. What to See and How to See It. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1873. Ludlow, F. H. The Heart of the Continent. A Record of Travel Across the Plains and in Oregon. 8vo. London, 1870. LyeU, Sir Charles. A Second Visit to the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849 Macaulay, James. Across the Ferry. First Impressions of America and its People' 8vo. London, 1871. Marryatt, Captain. Second Series of a Diary in America, with Remarks on its Insti- tutions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Melish, John. Travels through the United States of America, in the years 1806-7, and 1809-10 11. Also, Travels through Britain, Ireland, and Canada, tili 1816. 8vo. Belfast, 1818. Murray, Hon. C. A. Travels in North America, in the years 1834, 1835, 1836. Inclu- ding a Summer Residence with the Pawnees, and a Visit to Cuba and the Azores. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Nash, William. Oregon; There and Back, in 1877. Illustrations. 8vo. London 1878. ' Olmsted, F. L. A Journey in the Sea Board Slave States, with remarks on their Economy. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1863. Parkraan. Francis. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Sixth edition. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Price, Sir R. L. The Two Americas. An Account of Sport and Travel. With Notes on Men and Manners in North and South America. Illustrated. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Bae, W. F. Westward by Rail. A Journey to San Francisco and Visit to the Mor- mons. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1871. Byan, Wm. R. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1852. Schoolcraft, Henry W. Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake— the Source of the River. Maps. 8vo. New York 1834 SuUivan, Edward. Rambles and Scrambles in North and South America.' 8vo Lon- don, 1852. Swan, Jas. G, The North-west Coast; or, Three Years' Residence in Washinc^on Territory. 8vo. New York, 1857. " ■ Townshend, Capt. F. T Wild Life in Florida. With a Visit to Cuba. Hlustrations Map. 8vo. London, 1875. White, John. Sketches from America. Part 1, Canada. Part 2. Pic-Nic to the Rock" Mountains. Part 3, The Irish in America. 8vo. London, 1870 ' ' ^ Whymper, Frederick. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska. 8vo Lon- don, 1868. rjl 200 AUSTRALIA : TRAVELS IN. Barker, Lady. Station Life in New Zealand. 8vo. London 1871 OampbeU. M™. a. Rough and Smooth ; or, Ho! for an Australian Gold Field 8vo Quebec, 1865. Forrest, John. Explorations in Auatralia. 1. In search of Dr. Leichardt and Party 2. Prom Perth to Adelaide, around the Great Australian Bight. 3 .From Champion Bay, across the Desert to Adelaide. With Appendix on Western Australia. Portrait. Maps. 8vo. London, 1875. Glimpses Of Life In Victoria. By a Resident. 8vo. Edinburgh 1872 Kennedy, David. Colonial Travel : Four Years' Tour Through Australia, New Zealand. Canada, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. Powell-Baden, George S. New Homes for the Old Country. A Personal Experience of the Political and Domestic Life, the Industries and the Natural History of, Australia and New Zealand. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1872. Ranken, W. H. L. The Dominion of Australia. An Account of its Foundation. 8 vo London, 1874. TroUope, Anthony. Australia and New Zealand. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1873. Warburton, Col. P. E. Journey across the Western Interior of Australia. Introduc- tion by C. H. Eden. Edited by H. W.Bates. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1875. BELLES LETTRES. .fflschylus By Reginald S. Copleston. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. -ffiSChylus. The Tragedies of. Literally translated. By Theodore Alois Buckley. Notes and Introduction. 8vo. London, 1871. Anti-Jacobine Review, The. 2 vols. 8vo. 'London, 1809-1811. Vol. 1. January to April, 1809. | Vol. 2. May to August, 1811. Adams. W. H. D. Temples, Tombs, and Monuments of Ancient (h.ece and Rome.; Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1872. Adams, W. Davenport. Dictionary of English Literature. A Coiupiehensive Guide to English Authors and their Works. Second edition. 8vo. London 1878 Adams, W. H. D. Woman's Work and Worth, etc. With Chapters on \he Higher Education and Employment of Women. 8vo. New York, 1880 Addison, Joseph, m^ Works, with Notes by Richard Hurd. New Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. LoiV.-u. .'Sn. AUibone, S. Austi, . a Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. From the Eariiest Accounts to the latter half of the 19tli Century. 3 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1871. Alison, Sir Archibald. Essays, Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous. 3, vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1850. 297 A Guide to English Literature. Falkland. A French Critic on Milton. A French Critic on Goethe. George Sand. (BELLK8 ttTTHKB—COnlinued.) rtickie. 2 vols. 8va London, l8-k7-1874. Contents: — Vol. 1. The Acharnians, Knightn, Clouds, WaspH, Peace, and Birds. I^ysiHtrata, The Thesmophorizus^, Frogs, Ecclesiazusas and PlutuB Aristotle. Treatise on Rhetoric; literally translated. With Hobhes' Analysis, etc. Also, the Poefc ; hterally translated ; with Analysis, etc. By Theodore Buck- ley. 8vo. London, 1872. Arnold, Edwin. The Poets of Greece. Svo. London 1869 Arnold, (Late Head Master of Rugby). Miscellaneous Works; collected and republished. Svo. London, 1874. Arnold, Matthew. Poems by. 8vo. New York, 1878. Arnold, Matthew. Mixed Essays. 8vo. London, 1879. Contents: — Democracy. Equality. Irish Catholicism and British Liber- alism. "Porro IJnum estNecesaarium." Arnold, Edwin. The Light of Asia ; or, the Great Renunciation. Being the Life and Teacinng of Guatama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism. 8vo Bos- ton, 1880. Bagehot Walter. Literary Studies of ; with a Prefatory Memoir. Edited by Richard H. Hatton. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879. Bancroft, George. Literary and Historical Mi.scellanies. 8vo. New York, 1855 Bardsley, Chas. W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. Svo. London, 'l 880. Barrington, Davies. Miscellaneous. Small 4to. London, 1781 Barker, E. H. The Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the Authorship of Junius's Letters Disproved: some Inquiry into the Claims of Charles Loyd; Observations on the %le of the Writings of Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, etc. Svo. London, 1828 Belcher, Lady. The Mutineers of the "Bounty." 8vo. New York, 1871. Beers, Henry A. A Century of An.erican Literature: 1776-1876. 'svo. New York 1878. ' Besant, Waker. The French Humourists, from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century 8vo. London, 1873. •'■ Beeton's Great Book of Poetry, from C.dmon and King Alfred's Bcethius, to Brown- ing and Tennyson. Also separate Selections of American Poems, with Biograph- ical Notes of Poets. Edited by S. O. Beeton. 8vo. London, 1870. Beeton's Public Speaker. Collection of British and Foreign Eloquence. Svo. Lou- don, (N.D.) m 4 298 (belles let-pres — cmitinnsd.) Elackie, John Stuart. Hor* Hellenics. Essays and DiscusBions on Greek Philology and Antiquity. 8vo. London, 1874. Blackie, John Stuart. Self-Culture, Intellectual, Physical and Moral. Second edition. l2mo. Edinburgh, 1874. Blackie, John Stuart. The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. 8vo Edinburgh, 1876. BlaCiSie, John Stuart. The Wise Men of Greece, in a Series of Dialogues. 8vo. Lon- don, 1877. Blake, William. A Critical Essay. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 8vo. London 1868. ' Blavatsky, H. P. Isis Unveiled. A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient an.l Modern Science and Theology. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo Now York 1877. ' Contents : — Vol. 1. Science. | Vol. 2. Theology. Boccaccio. Il Decameron. Portrait. 8vo. 1761. Bridge, Christina. History of French Literature. Adapted from the French of M. Demos.seot. 12mo. London, 1874. British Modern Essayists. Rev. Sydney Smith, T. Noon Talfourd, and James Stephens. 3 vols, complete in 1. 8vo. New York, 1870. Brittaine, George. Irish Priests and English Landlords. Revised by Heny Seddall. Second edition. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. British Poets. 130 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1864. Contents: — Skelton. 3 vols. Surrey, Wyatt. Spencer. 5 vols. Shakespeare, Domie, Herbert. Herrick. 2 vols. Vaughan. Milton. 3 vols. Marvell. Butler. 2 vols. Dryden. 5 vols. Parnell and Tickell. Pope. 3 vols. Prior. 2 vols. Swift. 3 vols. Gay. 2 vols. Churchill. 3 vols. Collins, Beattie. Chatterton. 2 vdls. Young. 2 vols. CoAvper. 3 vols. Gray, Falconer. Thomson. 2 vols. Goldsmith, Akenside, Watts, Keats. Burns. 3 vols. Coleridge. 3 vols. White. Scott. 9 vols. Byron. 10 vols. Shelley. 4 vols. Moore. 6 vols. Southey. 10 vols. Wordsworth. 7 vols. Montgomery, f) vols. Campbell. Hood. 5 vols. Ballads. 8 vols. . 299 (belles hETTREa—continusd.) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. P„e,„, by. 2 vol, l.,„o lI^ ,«!! Browning, E,..beth Barret. The P„l», w:^;. o^ -2.' ^ yI , (N D > Bmes, Arthur. Petite, Chronique, pour 1S77. 12,„o. Quebec, 1878 B«lwer,^W, Lytton. Kin, Arthur; A Poe,u. Kevi^ed edition. 8vo. Toronto, Burritt, Elihu. Chip, from Many Bloch. 8vo. Toronto, 1878 ■n"; ml '*°*""""'- ^'* •^'""'"■°' ^°'- "^ ^ «• ^'''- «vo. BushneU, Horace. Work and Play. 8v„. London, 1864 Busmess. By a Merchant. 12n,o. Edinburgh, 1873 BuUer, Samuel. Hu I, X ^ ' 6. Traditions of Edinburgh, Chambers. BoW C,„,„p.<,ia „f E„g,i.i, u^^tnr.. A HUt,.,, Cri«o.l and io- ^apW, of British A..h„., fro. ,,e E„..t to *e P.eL Ti^e. 2 ™ 7 8vo. London, (N.D.) Ohamber^^ Information for the People. Edited by Wm. and Robt. Chambers. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-1875. Chandler, Amos H., and MnlTrnnoTT nu t» ,- . Toronto, ISsJ. '^' '"^ "^^ '''"°" '°"«^ "■' «»»-"• ^™- OUapman, W. Les Quebeoquoi,e,. 8vo, Quebec, 1876 Ohesterflel^ Le.a. Work. o,. I„eMing M, I.t.e.'to his Son. W,h Life of Author. 8vo. New York, (N.D ) Church, Alfred J. stories fro. Virgi.: 'lUustrations. 8vo. London, 1879 Church AJf^d .. Stories fro. the O^. Tragedians. lUnstration.,, fro. Desi^s by Haxman and others. 8yo. London, 1880 Cicero. By W. Lucas Collins. 8vo. Edinburgh 1871 °'°"°' wll'stT!""?"^*"' '""''' "' ^"'"' ""' ^"-'- 1«»-"«- W,th Sketches of the Greek Philosopher mentioned by Cicero. Translated by ^. D. Younge. 8vo. London, 1872 Cicero. On the Nature of the Gods; on Divination , on Pate; on .he Republic', on he Ws ; and on Standing for the Consulship. Translated by C. D YouLge «vo. London, 1872. ^ °"*''L™d„tmo '"""°'"^"'''^°--^— «-^-P- New Edition. 8v„. '"t:£tr^'- ——tieal works Of .Oh.. Milton. 8.0. Coohra^e^^Robert. The English E^ayists. Selections fron. the Works of the Great 00Ckbum,Lord Works of. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872 Contents.- — Vol. 1. Life of Francis Jeffrey. I Vnl 9 M •, ^.. ^ I ^0'- 2. Memorials of his Own Time. St:; |i -^1 - I 111 302 (belles lettres — continued.) "Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. His Complete Works. York, 1871. Contents: — States- 7 vols. By Shedd. 8vo. New Vol. 5. Literary Bemains, etc. " 6. Church and State. Table Talk, etc. " 7. Poetical and Dramatic Works. Vol. 1. Aids to Keflection, man's Manual. " 2. The Friend. " 3. Biographia Literaria. " 4. Lectures upon Shakespeare, and other Dramatists. •Controversialist, The British. A Medium for the Deliberate Discussion of Impor- tant Questions in Religion, Philosophy, History, Politics, Social Economy, etc. Fifth edition. 39 vols. Svo. London, 1850. Cooper, Thos. Plain Pulpit Talk. 8vo. London, 1872. ' Cornell, W. M. How to Enjoy Life, or Physical and Mental Hygiene. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1860. Cox, Sir Geo. W., and Jones, Eustace H. Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. 8vo. New York, 1880. Craik, George L. Compendious History of English Literature and English Language. From the Norman Conquest. Third edition. 2 vols. London, 1866. Critic, The British. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1802-1810. Contents : — Vol. 5. January to Juna, 1808, " 6. January to June, 1810. " 7. July to December, 1810. Vol. 1. January to June, 1802. " 2. July to December, 1803. " 3. January to June, 1805. " 4. January to June, 1806. Crutwell, Char)o.s T. A. History of Roman Literature. From the Earliest Period to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. Chronological Tables, etc. 8vo. London, 1877. Cyclopeedia of American Literature. Embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings. From the Earliest Period to the Present Day. By E. A. Ducyckink. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1866. Dante's Purgatory. Edited, with Translation and Notes, by Arthur J. Butler. London, 1880. Davenport, R. A. The History of the Bastile and its Principal Captives. Illustrated. New edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Davies, Chas. M. Mystic London ; or. Phases of Occult Life in the British Metropolis, 8vo. New York, 1876. Davis, William M, Nimrod of the Sea; or, the American Whalemen. Illustrated, Svo. New York, 1874. Day of My Life, A. By an Eton Boy. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1877. De Foe, Daniel. Works of. Including the Great Plague and Fire of London. With Prefaces and Notes, including those Attributed to Sir Walter Scott. 7 vols. Svo. London, 1872. 303 (belles hETTKKa—contimted.) Demmto^„g„,te. w „£ w.v: A Hiato^ of a™. a„d Amour f™„ the a^hestPenodtothePrMcntTime. Tra„»l.tad bj, C, 0. Black. 8vo. London, De Morgan, Aug„.tu., a Budget of Paradoxe,. (Reprinted from the ^,Wu«) «vo. London, 1871. Dennis, John. Studies in English Literature. 8vo. London, 1876 °^ Sn^ •-^''"''" "''''"P'^*^ ^°^k« «^- 16 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. Vol. 1. Confessions of an English Opium Eater. •2. Recollections of the Lakes, and che Lake Poets-Coleridge Words worth, and Southey. 3. Last Days of Iinmanuel Kant, and other Writings. i. English Mail Coach, and other Writings. 5. Dr. Samuel Parr, or Whiggism in its relations to Literature. 6. Kichard Bentley, and other Writings. 7. Protestantism, and other Essays. 8. Leaders in Literature, with a Notice of Traditional Errors affecting them. ^ " 9. Theaesars. The Theban Sphynx. The Essenes. ^lius Lamia. 10. The Incognito. Rhetoric. Life of Milton. Revolution of Greece Style. The Dice. 11. Coleridge. Opium Eating. Temperance Movements. Christianity, etc. IJ. Speculations, Literary and Philosophic. "13. The Art of Conversation, and other Papers. U. Autobiographic Sketches. 1790-1803. " 15. Biography of Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller, and on the Po- litical Parties of Modern England. " 16. Suspira De Profundis. Being a sequel to the Confessions of an En«- hsh Opium Eater. Derby, Earl of. Iliad of Homer. Third America,,, from Kfth EnglW, Edition °''''T::^otwr'""'- ^'■-^'■"-•"'^°'H»<'"«ng. ,.,5 Autograph,. 8™. DeSevigue, Madame. Letter, of. Edited l,y Mr. Hall. 8vo. B„,to„, 1869 UeTraeba. Romance of History-Spain. 3yo. London, (N.D.) Deustch, Em,„„ol. Litemrj Remains of. With Memoir. 8vo. New York 1874 U.Oesnola Oeneral. Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples. Lrativ, (< (( 304 (belles lettres — contimted.) Dickens, Charles. The Letters of. Edited by his Sister-in-Law and his Eldest Daugh- ter. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1879. Vol. 2. 1867-1870. Tenth edition. Portrait. 8\o. London. New edition. 8vo. London, 1856. Character of James the First. The Literary Character. Vol. 1. 1833-1856. | Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. 1838. Disraeli, Isaac. Miscellanies of Literature. Contents : — Literary Miscellanies. Quarrels of Authors. Calamities of Authors. Disraeli, Rt. Hon. B. inaugural Address delivered to the University of Glas- gow, Nov. 19, 1873. Second edition. Including the Additional Speeches at Glasgow. 8vo. London, 1873. DobSOn, Austin. Vignettes in Rhyme; and other Verses 8vo. New York, 1880. Doherty, P. J. Principle English Writings of. With a Sketch of his Life. 12ino. Quebec, 1873. Doran, Dr. " Mann ' and Manners at the Court of Florence. 1740-1786. Founded on the Letters of Horace Mann to Horace Walpole. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1876. Duncan, John. Colloquia Peripatetica. Second edition. 12nio. Edinburgh, 1870. Dunlop, John. The Artificial and Compulsory Drinking Usage of Great Britain and Ireland. Comprehending about Three Hundred Different Drinking Usages, etc. 8vo. London, 1839. Dyer, T. F. T. English Folk Lore. 8vo. London, 1879. Earle,John. The Philology of the English Tongue. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1873. Elliot, George. Sayings of. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Elliott, Arthur H. The Witty and Humorous Side of the English Poets. With a variety of Specimens arranged in periods. 8vo. London, 1880. Emerson, R. W. Nature ; an Essay. To which are added Orations, Lectures and Addresses. 8vo. London, 1867. Emerson, R. W. Writings of Contents : — Vol. 1. Miscellanies. " 2. May Day, and other Pieces. " 3. Poems. " 4. Essays. Series. Emerson, R. W. Society and Solitude. 8 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1870. 12mo. Vol. 5. Essays. Second Series. " 6. Conduct of Life. " 7. English Traits. " 8. Representative Men. Boston, 1872. Emerson, R. W. Letters and Social Aims. 12mo. Boston, 1876. English Literature. Lectures in the Museum of industry, Dublin. 12mo. London, 1863. 305 • o. London. (belles hKvrRES—contimted.) 3. Asclmm, Roger. Toxophilns- I545 1 ij- Milton's "Paradise Lt» ' ,7u !■> "°"' •'°"'"'- '^""'"™ »■' ^^ «t»mpath,a, or Pass.onate Centurie of Love, etc. 1582-90- 6. Sidney, Sir PMip. An Apologie (or PooWe , 1585. WebbeEd , 7 Mil. J^?^* "'"'■ «"1™.-'<"'n. Table-Talkl689 "• Hugh, ex-Bisho; "wo c:^r'T"'°'^"«'"'''^ '"**■ ^«™' «o.a„, Stephen' TbesItL^burT^r t d^'r^'"^ '"'' of the School of Abme- 1679 '"'"'°- ""' And a Short Apologie Erasmus, The Collo,„ies of. Translated by N Bailev Ed. d ■ . E. Johnson. 2 vol,, gvo. London, [978 '' "■ "'"■ """^ 'j' Brchomenon ; or, the Eepublic of Materialism Mnon ^ « r E™p.des. The Tragedies of. T„.„„ated brTheLVA^B .t""'""' ""• London, 1870. ^ ^neocloie A. Buckley. 2 vols. 8vo, Content}.- — Vol. 1. Hecuba, Orestes, Phraiissffi Medea Hi^ i . '• ~Xr '^' ^- ^— ■ --'-. Helen, Bleot. Xlf'TnrB "r^r '- °' °" ^^-- -'«--. B, a W,™derf„, m^rr^ ™~- - -rS B. the Author Of ..P,en.ish C^,t.hU"tnglSUr '?s . . 1872. g and hcnbbhng. A Series of Sketches. 8vo. London ^s^"^ndt:r.^';r:r:riv™- ""^°■"■'- Modem E,.,opean Literature. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 306 "I (belles LKTTRE8 — coiitimied.) Foster, John. The Life and Thoughts of. By W. W. Evarts. Portrait. 8vo. Nev York, 1851. Poster, John. Critical Essays contributed to the Eclectic Review. Edited by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Foster, John. Tlie Evils of Popular Ignorance. The Communication of Christianity to the People of HindoHtan. New edition. 8vo. London, 1871. FosterJana. The Thoughts and Criticisms of John Foster, not hitherto collected. Edited by Henry C Bohn. 8vo. London, 1858. French Pictures in English Chalk. By the Autlior of " The Member for Paris." 8vo. London, 1876. Priswell, J. H. Varia. Readings from Rare Books. 8\o. London, 1866. Froude, Jas. Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects. New edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1872. Third Series. 8vo. New York, 1877. Fuller, Thomas. Selections from Writings of. With a Memoir. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Galton, Francis. Englishmen of Science : their Nature and Nurture. 8vo. London, 1874. Garvie, Alex. Rae. Thistledown. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. G«ddes, Wm. D. The Problem of the Homeric Poems. 8vo. London, 1878. Q«m8 of Literature. (British Colonial Magazine.) 8vo. Toronto, 1853. Gentle Life, The. Essays in Aid of the Formation of Character. Second Series. Ninth edition. 8vo. London, 1878. G^rminus, G. G. Shakespeare Commentaries. Translated by F. E. Dunnett. 8vo. London, 1875. GilaS, Herbert A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. 8vo. London, 1880. Giles, Henry. Lectures and Essays on Irish and other Subjects. 8vo. New York, 1869. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Juventus Mundi. The Gods and Men of the HeroiV Age. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1870. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gleanings of Past Years. 7 vols. l2mo. London, 1879. Contents : — Vol. 1. 1843-78. 1875-78. The Throne and the Prince Consort ; the Cabinet and Constitution. " 2. 1844-78. 1845-76. Per- sonal and Literary. Vol. 3. 1844-78. Historical and Specu- lative. " 4. 1851-77. Foreign. " 5. 1843-78. Ecchjsiastical. " 7. 1843-79. Miscellaneous. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Translated by R. D. Boylan. Svo. Lou- don, 1873. Gtoethe. The Poems of. Translated in the Original Metres, including Herman and Dorothea. By Edgar A. Bowring. Second edition. Svo. London, 1874. 307 unnett. 8vo. )f the HeroiV ^ mo. London, (bklleb hZTTRKB—eoniinued.) Goethe. Dramatic Works of. ComDriaina IT*,,.* t«i,- •• m and E^„„.. T„„.,.tea CTrfslrX^'Zid O tT ^7"^ ^"'° ;2 .x.rr^!:: rr -r- -•- -.^^ Goodale, Elaine, and Goodale Dora T?*«^ T u 1 ,. Gould.B.H„,a C„H„.M,ths„,theMida.sAg.. Kaw edition. 8... !„„,„„, Gregg. W.R Enigmas of Life. 8vo. Boston, 1873 oS.'"?"^' f,'"^ «'"■"-'""■ England .nd Italy. 8vo. New York ,876 Gnmm Jacob. Teutonic Mythology. Translated Lu, the Crth tiZ .I. Gnswold. E. W. Poets „„d Poetry of America, 8vo. New York 186S ~*::- — — — - NewYor"'- Guhl, E. and Koner, W. The Me of the Greek, and Romans Tr«,slat,d f the German, by E. HueiTer. IU„strat«,. 8vo. London 1875 """ • Irt'ir/'^'''"- --"--Achievements Of the Blind. 8vo. An- ; 'Mrs.8.C. Sketches of Irish Character. 8vo. London, (ND, •m,I.. introduction to the Literature of Europe. 4 vols 8™ T a ,„, .urton, Judge. The Attach.; or, Sam Slick in En L 1,^ s vols. 8vo. London, 1843 J^ngland. (First Series.; 2 °'''n?w'Y:tl87'';:^''^'-°-'^"°'-°*^"'->««* "--.tions. „mo. HaJpine Ohas. a, (Miles O'Reilly). The Poetical Works of WUh Bi .■ , S^ketch and Note. Edited by Eobt. E. Roosevelt. Por!rait. fo. Zt^ Hamerton, Phillip u. The intellectual Life. With „f Leonardo da V ■ 8vo. Boston, 1875. -^eonaido da Vinci. Hamerton. Philip G. Round n,y House. Notes of Rural Life in Fr. • r> and War. 8vo. Boston, 1876. ^'^"'' '" ^^^'^ lii St^" 808 'llaiiiMii 8vo. London, 1861. Vol. 6 « 7 Admiral Blake, (July, 1858.) Horace and his Translators. (October, 1858.) The Minstrelsy of Scotland. (April, 1859.) 9. Lite^-ary Biography. Eurgon's Life of Tytler. (July, 1859.) 8 (bbllkb LKTTRE8 — Continued.) Hannay, James. Essays from the Quarterly Review Contents: — Vol. 1. Table-Talk. (January, 1856.) " 2. British Family Histories. (April, 1856.) " 3. English Political Satires. (April, 1857.) " 4. Electioneering. (July, 1857.) " 5. The Historic Peerage of Eng- land. (January, 1858.) Harem. Thirty Years in the. An Autobiography. (Anon.j 8vo. New York, 1872. Harrington, James. The Oceana, and other Works. V/itb' an Account of his Life. By John Toland. (First Printed in London in 1656.) 4to. (Reprinted in London, in 1771.) Hart, W. H. Index Expurgatorius Anglicanus. London, 1872. Haweis, H. R. Music and Morala. 8vo. London, 1841. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the English Note Books of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. ' Hayward, A. Biographical and Critical Essays. Reprinted from Reviews. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. HaSTWard, A. Biographical and Critical Essays. Reprinted from Reviews. Third series. 8vo. London, 1874. Hazlitt, Wm. Miscellaneous Works of. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1860, Contents : — Vol. 4, English Poets r.,id Comic Wri- ters. 5. Spirit of the Age. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. Table-Talk. «< 2. " " " 3. Dramatic Literature. Heckethorn, Chas. W. The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries. London, 1875. Hedge, Frederick H. Prose Writers of Germany. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. Helps, Sir Arthur. Conversations on War and General Culture. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Helps, Sir Arthur. Social Pressure. 8vo. London, 1875, Helps, Sir Arthur. Friends in Council. (First Series.) 2 vols. New edition. 12mo. London, 1876. Herodotus. By George C. Swayne. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Heroes, Philosophers and Courtiers of the time of Louis XVI. (Anon.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1863. Hood, Thomas. Poems. Illustrated by Birket Foster. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Hood, Thomas. Poems of. 8vo. New York, 1872. Hood, Thomas. Practical Guide to English Versification. 12mo. London, 1877. Hood, Thomas, Kennedy, P., and Mair, J. A, The Book of Modern Anecdotes, Humour, Wit and Wisdom ; English Irish, Scotch. 8vo. London, (N.D.) S09 of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. tion. 12mo, (belles tKTTHRB—contimted.) Hofltaan, Willian. Camp, Court, and Siege. A Narrative of P. , a. ana^cervation during ^^o .^^m..:'::z:!'z:''^r:: Holmes, O.W. The Poet at the Breakfast Table. 8vo. London 1872 Homer. Tae Iliad and the Odyssey. By W L c!r « ' 1 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey. Tra'nalaL b^ L 2 , :\ P^^^^^^^^^^ Homer. The Odyssey. Translated into En'gllh'versetthe^S^^ Edinburgh. 1870. Philip Stanhope Worsley. Third edition T « ^P«"««"'^'^ ^^^nza. By florace. By Theodore M.rt.n. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870 Humboldt, Alex. Von. Letters of To V T i ^ ' ^«"don, 1836. Hunt.I.1,,,. W„.,.of. ,voU 8v„. ;ewY„.k :, ^^ ^-^870. Contents: — Vol. 1. The Italian Poets. I Vor '^ p , * ^ " 2 Th« P. I- u B • ^- ^°°'^ ^OJ" a Corner. ^. Ihe English Poets. « . ^„„ TTnrflf T v> r^ t -. ^^'^^^ ^'^'^ Miscellanies. Hurst, John F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland Hutton, Richard H. Essays, Theological and Literarv 2 vol « r Vol. 1. Theological , ^ '^- ^ ^"^^^^ 8^°- I^ondon, 1871. Tn„.l^ T x™ ' ^^^- 2- Literary. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. Works. 28 vols. Wing. Washington, Contents : — Life and Letters. 4 vols. Life of George Washington. 5 vols, ( Firfe Lives of Washington.) Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus and his Companions. 3 vols. Spanish Papers and other Docu- ments, not published hitherto. 2 vols. Mahomet and his Successors. 2 vols. Astoria ; or, Anecdotes of an Enter- prise beyond the Rocky Mountains 1 vol. The Alhambra. Adventures of Captain Bonneville in the Rocky Mountains. Bracebridge Hal) ; or, the Humourist. The Crayon Miscellany. Biography of Oliver Goldsmith. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. History of New York. By Knicker- bocker. Salmagundi; or, the Whim-Whams and Opinio.-^, of Launcelot Langstaff, and others. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. Tales of a Traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon. Wolfert's Roost, and other Papers. ^■'> IH! 310 r j ■ ) (bbllkh lkttkeh — continued.) Irving, Etlward. MinceUaneous, from Collected Writingn of. 8vo. London, 1866. Jacoz, Fra»ci.H. A.spticta of Authorship ; or, BookMarks and Book-Makerti. 8vo. London, 1872. Jacoz, Francis. At Nightfall and Midnight. Musings aftur Dark. 8vo. London, 1873. Jacoz, Francis. Traits of Chanictor and Notes of Incident in Bible Story. 8vo. Lon- don, 1873. James, Henry, (Jr.) French Poets and Novelists. 8vo. London, 1878. JeaflE^eson, John C. Pleasantries of English Courts and Lawyers. 8vo. New York, 1876. Jeaffireson, Christopher. A Young Squire of the Seventeenth Century, (1676-1686). Edited by John C. JeaflVoBon. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Jefi[^6y, Lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Contents: — Vol. 2. History and Historical Me- VoL. 1. General Literature and Lit- moirs. erary Biography. ** 3. Poetry. " 4. General Politics. Jefi&ies, Richard. Hodge and his Masters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1880. Jefifties, Richard. Greene Feme Farm. 8vo. London, 1880. Jennings, G. H., and Johnstone, W. S. A Book of Parliamentary Anecdote. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Johnson, Samuel. The Works of. 1 1 vols. Contents: — 8vo. London, 1825. Vol. 1. Essay on the Genius of Dr. Johnson. Poems and Let- ters. " 2-3. The Rambler. " 4. The Adventurer and Idler. *' 5. Shakespearian Criticisms. A Dissertation on the Greek Comedy. Fugitive Pieces. Vol. 6. Lives of Eminent Persons : Blake, Sir Francis Drake, King of Prussia, etc. " 7-8. Lives of the English Poets. " 9. Journey to the Hebrides. Prayers, Meditations, and Sermons. '* 10-11. Parliamentary Debates. Johnson, Frank. The Village of Merrow, its Past and Present. 8vo. Montreal, 1876. Johnson, Rossiter, (Editor). Single Famous Poems. 8vo. New York, 1877. JonSOn, Ben. Works of. With Notes by Wm. Gifford. Edited by Lt.-Col. F. Cun- ningham. 3 vols. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Juvenal. By Edward Wolford 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Kingsley, Charles. Selections from Writings of. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Kingsley, Charles. Plays and Puritans, and other Historical Essays. 8vo. London, 1873. Kingsley, Charles. Prose Idylls. New and Old. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1874. jcdote. 8vo. "^m' (HKLhKB I.KTtHKH— continued.) Kingrsley. CharleB. Health and Education. 8vo. London. 1874 KingSley, Charles. Westward Ho ! Or ♦l.o v«. i a . * Wh. 8v„. Lo,„.„„,187« "'■""'^°«™"'"IAd..„t„r..ofSi,A,„.,.. Kingetou W.H^O. i„ the tW. A T.,„ of S,«,„. Life i„ North A.„eric.. .,,„. trated. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880 uiatli of Iil.zalieth. 8vo. London, (N.l) ) Knight, Charlo,. "''''■H<'»"«'i«l"l»Be.tL<,tt6rWrit«r««n,l A„.oli„ i. , Jng . Co„oo«„„ or A„.<,o.o, etc., of EnunentP ot Svo rndormm l^b.C...rie,. Work, of, B, «ir T. N. T.,f„„.,. 4 vo,,. 8v„ N,: V^.'^ Contents : — Vol. 1. Life and Letters. 2. Letters to Coleridge, Words- worth, Hazlitt and others. Vol.3. Kosamond Gray. Essays, Letters and Poems. 4. Specimens of English I»ramatic Poets about the time of Shakea- T J peare. ZZt\^' ^r"*"''"- ^" ^'"'8'»'"™«- l"*-.' Uanadien. 8vo. Quebec 1875 Contents : — „ Vo. .. «.o.e. En„,h Poen.. | ^^ ^ ^";:::t;f ^"*"* «»"«- tlT-" ^"»"^ ^-"-'o—. 16 vol. l,„o. Boseon. 18;5-18ra. Vol. 1. Exile. 2. Intellect. 3. Tragedy. 4. Life. 5. Laughter. 6. Love. 7. Romance. Vol. K 9. Comedy. 10. Childhood. 11. Heroism. 12. Fortune. 13. Narrative Poems. 14. Lyrical Poems. 1 5. Minor Poems. 16. Authors. 8. Mystery. T„ - ,, ' i"- Aumors. gZLillTr ""^ ""r -'• ^"-'-^ °' =-°P'.'"* '"-"''-"on. Bio. graphical Nofces. New edition. E„la>«ed. 8v„. Philadelphia, 187L 1,1 i Lowell, James R. Lowell, James R. Lowell, James R, Lowell, James R. 312 (belles LETTEE8 — continued.) LongfeUrg7, Henry W. The Poetical Works of. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo Boston, 1877. Lowell, James R. Fireside Tmvela 12mo. Boston, 1865. Under the Willows and other Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1869. The Cathedral. 12mo. Boston, 1870. Poetical Works. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1871. The Vision of Sir Launfal. 12mo. Boston, 1871. Lowell, James R. My Study Windows. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Lowell, James R. Among My Books. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Lome, Marquis of. Guido and Lita : A Tale of the Riviera. Illustrated. 8vo New York, 1875. Lowndes, W. T. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition enlarged. By H. G. Bohn. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Livy. By W. Lucas Collins. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1876. Lucan. The Pharsalia of. Translated by H. T. Riley. 8vo. London, 1853 Luther. Martin. The Table Talk of. Translated and Edited by Wm. Hazlitt. New edition. With Life of Luther by Alex. Chalmers, and additions from Michelet and Audin. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1872. Lytton, Lord. The Odes and Epodes of Horace. A Metrical Translation into English. With Latin Text. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. Lytton, Lord. Fables in Song. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. Macaulay, Lord. His Complete Works. Edited by his Sister, Lady Trevelyan. 8 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1866. Contents : — Vols. 1-4. History of England. {Vide Histories of England.) 5. Critical and Historical Essays: Milton. Machiavelli. John Dryden. History. Hallam. Mill on Government. West- minster Reviewer's Defence of Mill. Utilitarian Theory of Government. Southey's Colloquies. Mr. Robert Montgomery. Moore's Life of Lord Byron. Saddler's Law of Population. John Bunyan. Civil Disabilities of the Jews. Sadler's Refu- tation Refuted. Samuel Johnson. John Hampden. Burleigh and his Times. Mimbeau. War of the Succession in Spain. 6. Horace Walpole. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Sir James Mackintosh. Lord Bacon. Sir William Temple. Gladstone on Church and State. Lord Clive. Von Ranke. Leigh Hunt. Lord Holland. Warren Hastings. Frederic the Great. Cri- tical and Historical Essays Contributed to the Edinburgh Re- view. Sixth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Macaulay, Lord. Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous. 8vo. New York, 1872. Macbeth, John W. v. The Might and Mirth of Literature. A Treatise on Figurative Language. With References to upwards of Six Hundred Writers, etc. Svo. New York, 1876. 313 trations. 8vo. 8vo. Toronto, London, 1874. 8vo. London, (With In- (belles lettrks— continued.) Macfarlane, C. Romance of History-Italy. 8vo. London, (N D ) Macgeorge, R J. Tales, Sketches and Lyrics. 12mo. Toronto. 1858 Mackay. Charles Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1869. Macleod, Norman. Character Sketches. 8vo. New York, 1875 Macnaught, W. K. Lacrosse and How to Play It. Illustrations. 1 880. Mahaflfy, J.P Social Life in Greece, from Homer to Menander. 8vo Mahaflfy. J. P. A History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. The Poets. (With an Ap- Vol. 2. The Prose Writers pendix on Homer, by Prof. Sayce.) | dex to both volumes.) Mair, Charles. Dreamland and other Poems. 8vo. Montreal, 1868 MaUet, M. Northern Antiquities. The Ancient Scandinavians. Translated by Bishop Percy. With a Translation of the Prose Edda. By J. A. Blackwell 8vo London, 1859. MaJl0Ck.Wm.H Is Life Worth Living? Third edition. 8vo. London, 1879 Malory. Sir Thomas. Morte D'Arthur. King Arthur and his Noble Knights of the Round Table. The Original Edition of Caxton, revised. Introduction by Sir Edward Strachey. 12mo. London, 1871. Marcus, Aurelius Antoninus. The Thoughts of. Translated by Geo. Long. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Marlborough, Duchess of. Letters of. Now first published. 8vo. London, 1875 Marlowe, Christopher. Works of. Edited by Lieut.-Col. F. Cunningham. 8vo' London, (N.D.) Martial. Select Epigrams from. For English Readers. Translated by W. J Webb 8vo. London, 1879. Massinger, Philip. Plays of. From Text of W. Gifford. Edited by Lieut-Col. F Cunningham. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Masson, David. Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats and other Essays. 8vo. London 1874 Masson, David. The Three Devils: Luther's. Milton's and Goethe's. With other Essays. Masson, Rosaline O. Three Centuries of English Poetry. Chaucer to Herrick. Pre- face by David Masson. 8vo. London, 1876. Mathews, William. Words, their Use and Abuse. 8vo. Toronto 1880 Maurice, F. D. The Friendship of Books ; and other Lectures. Edited, with Preface by Thop,, Hughes. 8vo. London, 1874. McGee, T. D. Poems of. With Biographical Sketch. By Mrs. Sadlier. 8vo New York, 1869. McLachlan, Alexander. Poems and Songs. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. ^.i^ 314 (belles lettres— continued.) McMurray, Thos. Temperance Lectures. With Autobiography. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Men and Manners in Parliament. By the Member for the Chiltern Hundreds. Reprinted from the Gentleman's Magazine. 8vo. London, 1874. Merimee, Prosper. Letters to an Inconnue. With Recollections' by Lamartine and George Sand. Edited by Richard H. Stoddard. 12mo. New York, 1874 Metcalfe, Frederick. The Englishman and the Scandinavian ; or, a Comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature. 8vo. London, 1880. Mill, John Stuart. Inaugural Address delivered to the University of St. Andrew's, Feb 1st, 1867. 8vo. London, 1867. Miller, Hugh. Essays : Historical and Biographical, Political and Social, Literary and Scientific. Fourth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. MiUer, Hugh. Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood. Geological and Historical. With the Geology of the Bass Rock. Fourth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Miller, Hugh. The Cruise of the Betsey ; or, a Summer Holiday in the Hebrides /with Rambles of a Geologist, etc. Eighth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Miller, Hugh. Foot-prints of the Creator; or, the Astrolepsis of Stromness. With Memoir by Louis Agassiz. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. Miller, Hugh. Tales and Sketches. Edited by Mrs. Miller. Fifth edition 8vo Edinburgh, 1871. Miller, Hugh. Headship of Christ, and the Rights of the Christian People, with a Pre- face by Peter Baine. Fifth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. MiUer, Hugh. Testimony of the Rocks, or Geology in its Bearings on the two Theolo- gies, Natural and Revealed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. MiUer, Hugh. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, or the Traditional History of Cromarty. Tenth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. MiUer, Hugh. Leading Articles on Various Subjects, Edited by his Son-in-law, Rev. John Davidson. Fourth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. MUIer, Hugh. First Impressions of England and its People. Twelfth edition 8vo Edinburgh, 1872. MUler, Hugh. Old Red Sandstone ; or, New Walks in an Old Field. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1872. ^ ' Milton, John. The Works of— in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Original Edi- tions. With a Life of the Author, by the Rev. J. Mitford. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Contents : — Vol. 1. Life, (pp. 189.) Samson Agonistes, II Penseroso, L' Allegro, etc. Miscellaneous Poems. Sonnets. Psalms. Elegiarum. Epigram- matum. Sylvarum. Paradise Lost. Paradise Regained Touching Church Discipline. Of Prelatical Episcopacy. Church Government against Prelaty. Two Pieces relating to the Remon- strant against Smectymnus. Answer to Eikon Basilike. 315 (belles tETTREs— continued.) Vol. 4. Of Divorce. On four places in Scripture, wliich treat of Marriage. M. Bucher's Judgment. MUton's Defence of hin Book on Divorce Of Education. Of the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Ob- ^^ servations on Articles of Peace secured in Ireland, etc. 5. The History of England to the Conquest. Civil Power not to Compel in Religion. Tracts on Church Temporalities, and against Popery. For a Free Commonwealth, and against Kingship. 6. (Latin Tracts.) Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio ; and four others relating to it. Rules for Younger or Elder to attain the Latin longue. 7. (Latin.) Artis Logicse Institutio. Praxis, et P. Rami Vita. Liters Senatus Anglicanij nee non Cromwellii. etc. Scriptum Dom Protectons atque Sententia Concilii sui editum, etc. Epistolarum i^amiharum. Prolusions. 8. (English.) Defence of the People of England. Letters of State (as above, in Latin.) Letters Patent for the Election of John IIL K'«g of Poland. A Brief History of Muscovia. Moodl'fTn''.^^'*- ^"-*-*«d b^ I>ore. (See "Fine Arts.") a Celtufv" it 'T '"' ^'^^"*"^" ^ ^ ^^^^-^ -^ S«"l- during Half a Lentury. 12mo. Montreal, 1866 Moliere. The Dramatic Works of. Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. New edition with Prefatory Memoir, Introductory Notices and Notes. Illustrations, from Pain ings and Designs by Horace Vernet, Desenne, etc. Portrait o Mohere. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Contents : — Vol. 1. The Blunderer. L'Etourdi, ou les Contre-Temps. The Love-Tiff. Le Depit Amoureux. The Pretentious Young Ladies. Leg Precieuses Ridicules. Sganarelle; or the Self-De- ceived Husband. Sgan- arelle ; ou, le Cocu Imagi> naire. i Don Garcia of Navarre ; or the Jealous Prince. Don Garcie de Navarre ; ou, le Prince Jaloux. The School for Husbands. L'Ecole des Maris. The Bores. Les Facheux. ' The School for Wives. L'Ecole des Femmes. The School for Wives Criti- cised. La Critique I'Ecole des Femmes. The Impromptu of Versailles. L'Impromptu de Versail- les. The Forced Marriage. Le Mariage Force. Vol. 2. The Princess of Elis. La Princesse d'Elide. Don Juan; or. The Feast with the Statue. Don Juan; ou, le Festin de Pierre. • ! i 316 (belles hKiTREB— contintied.) Vol. 2. — contimied. Love is the Best Doctor. L'Amour Medecin. The Misanthrope. Le Mis- anthrope. The Physician in Spite of Himself. Le Medecin Malgre lui. Melicerte. Comedie Pastor- ale Heroique. A Comic Pastoral. Pastor- ale Comique. The Sicilian ; or, Love Makes the lainter. Le Sicilien; ou, L'Amour Peintre. Tartuffe ; or, The Hypocrite. Tartuflfg; ou, L'Imposteur. Amphitryon. Amphitryon, Comedie. George Dandin ; or, The Abashed Husband. George Dandin; ou, Le Vol. 3. The Miser. L' A vara. Monsieur de Pourceauguac, Comedie Ballet. The Magnificent Lovers. Les Amants Magnifiques. The Citizen who Apes the Nobleman. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Psyche. Tragedie Ballet. The Rogueries of Scapin. Les Fourberies de Scapin. The Countess of Escarbaguas. La Comtease D'Escarba- guas. The Learned Ladies. Les Femmes Savantes. The Imaginary Invalid. Le Malade Imaginaire. The Jealousy of Le Bar- bouille. La Jalousie du Barbouille. The Flying Doctor. Le Medecin Volant. With Author's Life. Translated by London, 1870. Manual of Canadian Literature. 8vo. Mari Confondu. Montaigne, Michael, Seigneur De. Essays of Charles Cotton. Third edition. 8vo. Morgan, Henry J. Bibliotheca Canadensis. Ottawa, 1867. Morley, Henry. A First Sketch of English Literature. 8vo Morley, John. Critical Miscellanies. 8vo. London, 1871. Morley, John. Critical Miscellanies. (Second Series.) Reprinted from the Fortnightly Review. 8vo. London, 1877. London, (N.D.) Contents : — Vol, L France in the Eighteenth Century. " 2. Robespierre. " 3. Turgot. " 4. The Death of Mr. Mill. Vol. 5. Mr. Mill's Autobiography. 6. Mr. Mill on Religion. 7. On Popular Culture. 8. Macaulay. Muller, F. Max. Chips from a German Workshop. Vol. 3 8vo. London, 1870. Muller, K. O. A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. Vols. 1 and 2. Tran- slated by Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis. Vol. 3 continued after Muller's death, by John W. Donaldson. 3 vols. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Muloch, Miss. Sermons out of Church. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. 317 (belles lettreb— continued.) Murray J. Clark. The Ballads and Songs of Scotland in view of their Influence on the Character of the People. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. Neale, Henry. Romance of History-England. 8vo. London, (N.D ) Newman, John Henry. Historical Sketches. don, 1873. 2 vols. Second edition. 8vo. Lon- Contents : — Vol. 1. The Turks and their Relation to Europe. Marcus Tullius Cicero. ApoUonius of Tyana. Primitive Christianity. Vol. 2. Rise and Progress of Univer- sities. Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland. Mediseval Oxford. .J ' Convocation of Canterbury. Newa^ John He„^^ Cha,..cteri.tic, fr„„ the writings of. Ar^ngod by Wn., Samuel Lilly. 8to. London, 1875 New BWblic The ; or, Culture, Paith and PhUo„phy in an English Country Hou.. Third edition. 2 vols. (Anon.) 8vo. London, 1877. No2>L"l"L,f;t'"'"rr'"'°''''"°"'"'^°'^«""««- «- London, I879. Nonnanteope,The and their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and *e United States of America. (Anon.) 8v„. London, 1874. and Jjar of Ireland. 8vo. London, 1879 Oliphailt^Mi. Historical Sketches of the Reign of George the Second. (Reprinted from Blackwood.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869 1' f ■ ?■' «' t""" ''"'* ""'" *» ^"S"* '^-»"'«<"' by Macphi son. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Outram George. Lyrics. Legal and Miscellaneous. Edited by H. G. Bell. Second Edition. 12nio. Edinburgh, 1874. Ovid. By Alfred Church. 12mo. Edinbui^h, 1876 btrgh,m'!l'°""°'"'°"'" «'''»"-'. J»<«-l. -d I'i'erary. 8vo. Edin- Patoe, T^ J^o.., on p,ri. Translated, with Notes, by John A. Stevens. 8vo. New Percy, Re,.He. a„d shoHo.^^ The p.., Anecdotes. With a Preface by John Timb. '""''.":rLoro,''Z.''°"''''"^^ a SCectlon from. By Henry Trip, ,. ««"<»MjI U 318 (f f..i '3i 8vo. New York, (belles lettees — continued.) Play-Day Poems. Collected and Edited by Rossiter Johnson 1878. Pliny's Letters. By Alfred Church and W. J. Brodribb. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Plutarch. His Life, his Parallel Lives, and his Morals. Five Lectures. By Arch- bishop Trench. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1874. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Works of. Edited by John H. Ingram. 4 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1874. Contents : — Vol. 1. Memoir Talec -Grotesque. V- ! ' .ems, etc. Criticisms— Index. 2. Tales — Arabesque. Autobiography, Criticisms, Index. Edited by Henry W. Longfellow. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1876. 2 vols. Poems of Places. Contents : — England. Scotland. Ireland. Popular Recreator, The, A Key to In-Door and Out-door Amusements. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Punshon, W. Moriey. Lectures and Sermons. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Ramsay, Craufurd. Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Authors, with English Transla- tion, and Lives of the Authors, Index, etc. 8vo. Liverpool, 1864. Ramsay, Craufurd. Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian Authors, with English Translation, Index, etc. 8vo. Liverpool, 1866. Ramsay, Craufurd. Beautiful Thoughts from German and Spanish Authors. 8vo. Liverpool, 1868. Ramsay, Craufurd. Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors, with English Transk tion. Second edition. 8vo. Liverpool, 1869. Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. 12mo. Edinburgh * 1872. Ramsay, Grace. A Salon in the Last Days of the Empii 8vo. London, 1873. Ramsay, J. E. Win-On- Ah ; or, the Forest Light, and other Poems 8vo. Toronto, 1869. Reade, Winwood. The Martyrdom of Man. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1875. Reeve, Henry. Journal of a Residence at Vienna and Berlin, in the eventful Winter 1805-6. Published by his Son. London, 1877. Records of the Past. Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments. Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archae- ology. Assyrian and Egyptian Texts. Vols. 1 to 11. 8vo. London, 1873- 1878. Contents :— Vol. 6. Egyptian Texts. Vol. 1. Assyrian Texts. " 7. Assyrian Texts. " 2. Egyptian Texts. «« 8. Egyptian Texts. " 3. Assyrian Texts. " 9. Assyrian Texts. " 4- Egyptian Texts. «« 10. Egyptian Texts. " 5. Assyrian Texts. "11. Assyrian Texts. 319 (BELtBS tETTRKS— conrinwerf.) Bioha«ison. Albert IK ThaSeo^t Se^e, the Ke,d,the Dungeon, and the E^pe. ('"^ U. S. Cml War.) Portraits. 8yo. Hartford, ISes. BlchardBOn, Mjjor. The Canadian Brother.. A Tale of the late American War 2 vols. 12mo. Montreal, 1840. Btok, Henr;,. Tale, and Tr^lition, of the„o. With a Sketch of their Habit. «•* ... ^ r"' '*°- "'""""i""' V E.kimo. 8yo. Edinburgh, 1876 Rl.Chle,J.E. Nigh. Side of London. 8vo. London, 1869. frl^f'^""''' ?»■»'■"»"" Htatory-Prance. 8v„. London, (N.D.) Rogers, Hen,y. E^y., Critical and Biographical. (Contributed to the «„JW. ii«,.,»., Newed,fon. 2 vol.. 12n>o. London, 1874. ^ Bose. G^rge Maclean L.ght for the Te.per.nce Platform. A Collection of Reading. Hccitation., etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. e~ung., Rowton, Fred. The Debater : a New Theory of tl.« i.* „« o i- tion. 8,0. London, 1869. "^ °' ''^'"«' ''"■ "'" ^'- Ru8h,Jame.. The Philosophy of the Human Voice. It. Physiological Hi.tory With a Sy.tem o Pnnciples by which criticism in the Art of Elocution may be^I dered .ntell.gible and instruction comprehensive. With a bHefZly^i. of Song and Eeoitafve. Sixth edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867 Buskin, Joh^Selectiens from Writing, of. With Notice of the Author. By Mr. L. 0. Tuthill. Third edition. 8vo. New York 1863 Rusldn,John. Works of. 2 vols. 8vo. New r„rk, 1872. Contents : — , -.t-^, o h*- ^ Vnr 1 « ,T-,. VOL. 2. Munera Pulveris. Essays on the VOL. 1. Sesame and Lilies. t?i„„ x » t. ,. . , j" "" me o „ . ^ ' Elements of Political Economy. Russell. A. P. Library Notes. 8vo. New York, 1875 -Saante-Beuve C. A de. English Portraits. Selected and Translated from the "Cause- nes du Lundx." With Introductory Chapter on Sainte Beuve's Life and Wr^- tings. 8vo. London, 1875. .Schmer,^P^derick. Works of. Translated from the Oermaa 2 vols. 8v„. London, Contetits : — Vol. 1. Revolt of the Netherlands. Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn Wallenstein, and Wilhelm Tell. ' 2. Historical Dramas, etc. Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. The Maid of Orleans. The Bride of Messina. iSchliemann, Dr. Henry. Troy and its Remains. A Narrative of Researches and Dis- coveries made on the Site of Ilium, and in the Trojan Plain. Edited by Philip femith. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. London 1875 Schliemann, Dr. Henry. Mycenae: A Narrative of kesearches and Discoveries at Myc,„„ and T,ryn,. Preface by Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Maps and Illus- trationa. 8vo. New York, 1878. Scott, Sir Walter. Demonology and Witchcraft. Illustrated. 8vo. London (N D ) .«>COtt, Sir Walter. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 8vo. London, 1869. 820 ..m^M Portrait of Selden. 4to. London, (belles LETTRE8 — continued.) Selden, John. Titles of Honour. Third edition. 1672. Shakespeare, William. A Supplement to the Plays of. Edited by Wm. G. Sirams 8vo. New York, 1855. Contents : — The Two Noble Kinsmen. The Puritan ; or, the Widow of Watling Street. The Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. By Rev. Alex. Dyce. Second edition. The London Prodigal. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Sir John Oldcastle. Shakespeare, William. His Works. By Rev. Alex. Dyce. Second edition. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1866. Contents : — Vol. 1. His Life and Will. The Tempest. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Measure for Measure. " 2. The Comedy of Errors. Much Ado about Nothing. Love's Labour Lost. A Midsummer-night's Dream. The Merchant of Venice. " 3. As You Like It. The Taming of the Shrew. All's Well that Ends Well. Twelfth Night. The Winter's Tale. " 4. King John. King Richard II. First part of King Henry IV. Second part of King Henry IV. Henry V. " 5. First part of King Henry VI. Second part of King Henry VI. Third part of King Henry VI. Richard III. King Henry VIII. " 6. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Ctesar. _ " 7. Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. " 8. Pericles. The Two Noble Kinsmen. Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. Sonnets. A Lover's Complaint. The Passionate Pilgrim. The Phoenix and the Turtle. Addenda and Corrigenda. " 9. Glossary to Shakespeare. Shakespeare, William The Imperial Shakespeare. By Charles Knight. Illustrated by Cope, Lishi, Maclise, Ward, etc. Vol. 1. Folio. (N.D.) Shakespeare, Works of. Edited by Charles Knight. Illustrations. Two vols. Folio. (N.D.) Contents : — Vol. I. Comedies. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Love's Labour Lost. The Merry Wives of Windsor. The Comedy of Errors. The Taming of the Shrew. A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Merchant of Venice. All's Well that Ends Well. Much Ado about Nothing. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will. As You Like it. Measure for Measure. Winter's Tale. The Tempest. 821 (belles hJurtRKa—continued.) HiB' ORIBS. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV. Parts I. and II. Vol. 2. (KiaTORiEa—continued.) King Henry VIII. Tragedies. Romeo and Juliet. Hanalet. Cymbeline. Othello. Timon of Athens. King Lear. Macbeth. Poems. Plays Ascribed to Shakespeare. Locrine. Sir John Oldcastle. Part I. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. The London Prodigal. The Puritan. King Henry V. King Henry VI. Parts L, II. and III. King Richard III. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. The Two Noble Kinsmen. King Edward IIL George-a-Greene. Fair Em. Mucedorus. The Birth of Merlin. The Merry Devil of Edmonton. A Yorkshire Tragedy. Arden of Feversham. Shaiespeare, WilW A Biog^phy. B, Charles Knight. Folio. (ND) Shepherd, Richard H. The Bibliography, in Chronological Order of the Pobli.h d 7C:st '"'"""' ""'"- °"°''" «"*"" ^'°- '«'^" itl'^TZ Sismondi, Simon do. Historical View of the Literature of Europe Tr.n,l„ d -.u Life of the Author, h, Thomas Koscoe. Fourth editior, .0^^ L^ Skeat, Walter W. Shakespeare', Plutarch. A Selection from the Lives in North's Sketches^and Essays. Reprinted from the &,.r.,., *,„;.». ,2„„, Edinburgh, Contents: — Adventure Schools. Private Schools. Public Schools. Metropolitan Schools. Fashionable Scrambles in Country Houses. Mohocks and their Literature. Plato in Petticoats. The Return of the Tourists. Social Lady Birds. The Infant's Progress. Wedding and Wedding Presents. The End of the Holidays Dinners in the Provinces. m t f Mmm 322 (BELLES LKTTRK8 — continued.) Smiles, Samuel. Thrift. 8vo. New York, 1876. Smith, George. The Chaldean Account of Geneais. Containing the description of the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Delugu, the Tower of Babel, etc., etc. Illustra- ted. 8vo. New York, 1876. Smith, K. Bosworth. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, in February and March, 1874. London 1874. ' Smith, Jas. The Coming Man. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Smith, George. The Assyrian Eponym Canon. Containing Translations of the Docu- ments, and an account of the Evidence, on the Comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish Kingdoms. From the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnez- zar. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Songs of Society. From Anne to Victoria. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W. Davenport Adams. 8vo. London, 1880. Sophocles. By Clifton W. Collins. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. SophokleouS. Hai Hepta Tragcediai. Cum Animadversionibus Samuelis Musgravii, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1800. Southey's Common-Place Book. Edited by John W. Warter. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1860. » Stanhope, Earl. The French Retreat from Moscow, and other Historical Essays. (From the Qtiarterly and Fraaer.) 8vo. London, 1876. Stedman, Edmund C. Victorian Poets. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Stephen, Leslie. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a Library. Third series. (Reprinted from the Cornhill Magazine.) 8vo. London, 1879. "Wordsworth's Ethics. Landor's Imaginary Conversations. Macaulay. Charlotte Bronte. Charles Kingsley. An American Tale. 4 vols. 12mo. Contents: — Massinger. Fielding's Novels. Cowper and Rousseau. The First Edinburgh Reviewers. Swallow Barn ; or, a Sojourn in Virginia. London, 1832. Swift, Jonathan. Works of. Carefully selected. With Biography of the Author. By D. Laing Purves. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Swinburne, Algernon C. A Study of Shakespeare. 8vo. New York, 1880. Symonds, John A. Studies of the Greek Poets. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1880. Taine, H. A. A History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Taine, H. A. Notes on England. Translated by W. F. Rae. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1872. Talfourd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Second edition. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1846. 323 (BELLES LETTRKB—continued.) Vol. 1. Philip Van Artevelde. , Vol 1 Th v • ^xr-^ " 2. Edwin the Fair. W Com- ''°^- ''• ^^^J^^^ W>do- St.Cleme,.t^^ nenus *^^®- ^mor Poonis. Tennyson. AlfreJ. ' The Poetical Work. £ Col!*",?"'" '"°' ^^ ""''■°""- Toronto, 1873. '■°°'''''"° ""■"""■■ '"""'".ted. 12™. Tennyson, Alfred. Q„ee„ Mary. A Dran,a. 12mo. Toronto 1875 Terence and Ph^druB^ ,,. Co.edie, of Terence, and t::;lof",„,,„, ^ ated by Henry T. Riley. With Metrical Tranalation, of Ph«dr„7bv ^ topher Smart. 8to. London, 1872. i-iKarm, by Chn«- Thackeray, W. M. The English Hn'mourista of tb. Wi k. .u „ Lecture,. 8vo. Ne,. York 1860 * '''^- ^ Serie. of miorpe.Benj. Yule-Tide Stories. 8vo. London, 1853. Timbs. John. Abbey. Castle, and Ancient Hall, of England and Wale, Thei Z' r ^H----" -^nto- L^r r87r - >- ^^ jfonspjhr=„i-t,s. to-i: -T ""^ — Tunbs, John. A Century of Anecdote. From 1760 to 18f?0 « t . Tuckerman, H. T. The Collector. Essays on Boot, xr With an Introdnction by Br. Dorr;: L^l ^TP """ "^■ Turner. Sharon. A Vindication of the Genninenes. of thTlS Britid. Po» , ■^"""LXtr ^-'^--^'^--^^-^-HheBarandthePre. 8,0. '^"' "CLXrT"'^''- '■ ^ '"' ^»«-- »' «-'-<•• Vol. ,. 8™. l^ler. Coi. A History of American Lite.t„re. 2 vol. Svo. New York. ^''^' ^' 1607-1676. I Vol 2 1677 17fi^ ™™"r .rS^ °' - — --^™erse. Xllns^ted. w ■•-^1 S24 ■III (nELLEH UiTTUKH~C07ltiniieil.) Verne, Juhm. Twenty Tliousand Leagues Under the Soa 1878. Illustrated. 8vo. London, Verne. JuUm. From the Earth to the Moon direct in Ninoty-sev.m Hours and Twenty Minutes. Translated from the French, by Louis Mercier and Eleanor E. King Illustrated. Hvo. New York, 1874. Verne, Jules. The Fur Country ; or, Seventy Degrees of North Latitude. Tran«late,l from the French by N. d'Anvors. Illustrated. Third edition. 8vo. Boston 1874. ' Verne. Jules. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Translated from the French. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, (N.D.) Virgil. By W. Lucas Collins. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Virgil. The yEneids of. Done into English verse. By William Morris. Rvo Bos- ton, 1876. Waller, J. F. Pictures from English Literature. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Walker, Alex. Hours on and off Sentry ; or, Personal Recollections of Military Ad- venture in Great Britain, Portugal, and Canada. 12mo. Montreal, 18,59 Walpole, Horace, (Earl of Orford). The Letters of. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Now First Chronologically Arranged. Portraits. 9 vols. 8vo London 1877 Watson, Samuel Jas. The Legend of the Roses : a Poem. Ravlan : a Drama ' 8vo Toronto, 1876. Weisse, John A., (M.D.) The Obelisk and Freemasonry ; according to the Discoveries of Belzoni and Commander Gorringe. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1880. Westropp, H. M. Handbook of Archteology. 8vo. London, 1867. Whately, Richard. Bacon's Essays. With Annotations. New edition. 8vo Lon- don, 1867. Wheeler, W. A. An Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. Including also Familiar Pseudonyms, Sarnames bestowed on Emi- nent Men, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Whipple, Edwin P. The Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 8vo. Boston, 1869. White, Andrew D. The Warfare of Science. 8vo. New York, 1876. White, C. A. Classic Literature. Principally Sanscrit. Greek and Roman. With some account of the Persian, Chinese, and Japanese, etc. 8vo. New York 1877. Whitman, Walt. Works of. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. Contents : — Vol. 1 Leaves of Grass. | Vol. 2. Two Rivulets. Prose and Verse. Whittier, John G. The Complete Poetical Works of. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Wilberforce, Bishop. Essays contributed to the Quarterly Review. By Samuel Wil- berforce, late Bishop of Winchester. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Wilbur, Homer. The Biglow Papers. With an Introduction, Notes a«d Glossary. (First and second series.) 12mo. Boston, 1868. Eighth edition. 2 vols. sts !vo. London, and Twenty tnor E. King. Tranfllattxl 'Vo. Boston, the French. 8vo. BoR- Military Ad- ,1, 1859. Cunningham, ondon, 1877. •rama. 8vo. ) Discoveries York, 1880. 8vo. Lon- oted Names ived on Emi- ion, 1869. nan. With New York, rsey, 1876. and Verse. itions. 8vo. imuel Wil- i Glossary. 1, 1868. 4 voIb. (belles hUTTRKa—continued) Wilson P.„f tZZuI:: 'tTT"'°"'^°''"'°'- ^"- i-ion. leea Wiseman, CrJinal. T1,o Sorn,„,» T. i '*"''°"' '*"■ Wood ;-; " T"'"'" " "' '•' ■''- » '" ^•>"<'"" >* ■ " ^'° " °" ToZ''™,\*''^'°'"*'°^''"- S™- Edinburgh, 18-1 Yonge. Ch„,. Duke. Three Ce„.„rie. „. English Li J:'e. Young, A>.hibald. An Historical Sketch of the IWh B„. 8vo. 8vo New York, Edinburgh, 1869. EDUCATION. INCLUDING PHILOLOGY. Abbott, E. A. A Shakesperian Grammar Tn Tn„.f * tween Elizabethan and ModeTElir K ^ ""' °' *'' ""^^^^^"^^^ b^ Adderley, Sir C. A Few Thoulht v , '^'*'"°' ^^'"°- I^^'^don, 1873. Ldon, 1874. (Pamphf ^'""'"" ^'^^ Punishments. 8vo. Alford, Henry. The Queen's EnMish A Bfun,,,.! «f t^- 12mo. London 1870 ^ ^^^""^1 of Idiom and Usage. Third edition. Kre:^a^^:nrLte^— ^^^^^ - — »»».... .ga.ea ae pecnlia. to the United Stater^i ^. Z!"Z ffi^H'l ' ' ll''» Pi'*"* if:"-'' 326 ii (education, including philology — continued.) Board of Education, (Mass.) Forty-third Annual Report of the Secretary of the loard: 1878-79. Svo. Boston, 1880. Bourke, Ulick J. Easy Lessons ; or, Self-Instruction in Irish, Seventh edition. Svo. Dublin, 1877. Brackett, Anna C. The Education of American Girls. A Series of Essays. 8vo. New York, 1874. Brewer, E. Cobham. Errors of Speech and of Spelling. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1877. Bristed, Charles A. Five Years in an English University. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lon- don, 1873. Brook, Andrew Ten. American State Universities : their Origin and Progress. With an account of the University of Michigan, etc. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875. Brown, Goold. The Grammar of English Grammars. With an Introduction, Histori- cal and Critical. Tenth edition, revised. Svo. New York, 1869. Oalkins, N. A. Primary Object Lessons for a Graduated Course of Development. A Manual for Teachers. 8vo. New York, 1868. Ohauveau, Pierre J. O. L'Instruction Publique au Canada : Precis Historique et Statistique. Svo. Quebec, 1876. Olarko, Robert C. The Bible in the Public Schools. Arguments in the Case of John D. Minor versiis The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati, in the Supe- rior Court of Cincinnati. With the Decisions of the Court. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1870. Olarke, Edward H. Sex in Education; or, a Fair Chance for Girls. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Olassifled Catalogue of Educational Works in use in the United Kingdom and its Dependencies, in 1876. Svo. London, 1876. Oommon Schools, Ohio. Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the State Commissioner of Common Schools. For 1878. Svo. Columbus, 1879. Oomte, Auguste. Philosophy of Mathematics. Translated by W. M. Gillespie. Svo. New York, 1871, Ourrie, James. The Principles and Practice of Common School Education. New edi- tion. Edinburgh, 1876. Oyclopsedia of Education. For the use of Teachers, School Officers, Parents, etc. Edited by Henry Kiddle, and Alexander J. Schem. Svo. New York, 1877. Davenant, Francis. What Shall My Son be 1 Or, Hints to Parents. Svo. London, 1870. Denton, J. Bailey. Technical Training in the Public Elementary Schools of Rural Districts, with a View to the Advancement of Agriculture, etc. (Pamph.) Lon- don, 1878. De Portugal!, A. Synoptical Table, showing the Connection between the Kindergarten and the School. Svo. London, (N.D.) De Vere, M. S. Americanisms. The English of the New World. Svo. New York, 1872. 327 (EDUCATION, INCtUDINO PHILOLOOY— continued.) Dewart, E H. The Canadian Speaker and Elocutionaiy Reader. 12mo. Toronto 1868. ' Dominies, a Book about. Being the Reflections and Recollections of a Member of the I'rofession. 3vo. Boston, 1869. °^^*'^Tli""^- °'°''""' ^'""^^ '*' ''"°"'"'»' «'«'°-7 -d Influence. With Map,, etc. First seric. Third edition, 8vo. Ne» Yorit, 1877 oecond series. 8vo, New York 1877. Education in Japan. 8vo. New York, 1873 Emberson, Fred. C. The Art of Teaching. Manual for Teachers and School Com- miasMners. Diagram, 12mo. Montreal, 1877 Etudes PhUologiques Burquelques Langues Sauvages de TAmerique, i-ai N. O. (Ancien Missionaire). 8vo. Montreal, 1866. Parrar, F. W. Chapters on Language. 8vo. London, 1865. Parr«r FW ^««^>;« ^ ^^ ^^^^eral Education. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1868. Parrar, F W. Fan>,hes of Speech. Four Lectures delivered before the Royal Insii- tution in March, 1869. 8vo. London, 1870. Pearon, D. R. School Inspection. 8vo. London, 1876. Fleming J. P. Analysis of the English Language. New edition. 8vo. London. Prater, James. Report to the Commissioners appointed by Her Majesty to Inquire into the School System of England, Scotland, and the Common School System of the , United States and Canada. 8vo. London, 1866 GiU, John Systems of Education. A History and Criticism of the Principles. Methods. etc., of Eminent Educationists. 12mo. London, 1876. Graham, G. F A Book about Words. 12mo. London 1869 Hodgins J. G. Public School Law of Ontario ; with Decisions of the Superior Court. etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. ' Hodgins J G. School Law Lectures; Part 1. The Law and Official Regulations Relating to Public School Trustees in Rural Sections, and to Public School Teach- ers, etc., etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. HoUand H. W. Proposed National Arrangements for National Education 8vo London, 1870. Illinois. Eleventh Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of imnois, for the two years ending September 30th, 1876. 8vo. Springfield, Jeaflfreson, John C. Annals of Oxford. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1871 JeweU, Fred. S School Government. For the use of Normal Schoola, Practical Teach- ers, and Parents, 8vo. New York, 1870. Journal of EHnnoti'^-" f'^- jt r^ i ^ r\ . . , , -- -• ''*'^" '-' Oi/pci v^uiiada ana Ontario: 1848-1877 Oanada School Journal: 1877-1879. Sr^'S^'f'T" ^"S'" «^ I^^"g-g« -d Myths. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. fi.ey, i. Hewitt. Language, its Origin and Development. 8vo. London, 1874. «;V !.>! i^'««j| 328 M t [I > (education, including FBiLOLOOY— continued.) Latham, ^enry. On the Action of Examinations, considered as a means of Selection. 8vo. London, 1877. Leitch, James. Practical Educationists, and their Systems of Teaching. 8vo Glas- gow, 1876. Le Vaux, Geo. V. The Science and Art of Teaching. With Introductory Ethnological Essay, by the Rev. Geo. Bell, Queen's Uni^rersity, Kingston. 8vo. Toronto 1876. Lewis, Richard. The Dominion Elocutionist and Public Reader. 8vo. Toronto, 1872 Liebreich, R., (M.D.) School Life : in its influence on Sight and Figure. lUustrated. 8vo. London, 1878. Locke, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education. Introduction and Notes by Rev. R. H. Quick. 12mo. London, 1880. Maclaren, Archibald. A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical. Illustrated. 8vo. Oxford, 1869. Maetzner, Professor. An English Grammar; Methodical, Analytical and Historical. . With Treatise on the Orthography, Prosody, Inflections and Syntax of the English Tongue, etc. etc. Translated from the German, by Clair James Grece. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Markley. Thomas, x'racfcical Essays on Education. 8vo. London, 1868. Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English Language. First Series. Fourth edition. 8vo New York, 1872. Martineau, Harriet. Endowed Schools of Ireland. Reprinted from the Daily Nms. 8vo. London, 1859. Martineau, Harriet. Household Education. 8vo. London, 1861. ' Mayhew, Ira. Popular Education. For the use of Parents and Teachers. Published by a resolution of the Senate of the State of Michigan. 8 vo. New York, 1850. Morley, John. The Struggle for National Education. 8vo. London, 1873. MuUer, Max F. Lectures on the Science of Language. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8\o. London, 1873. Mullinger, J. Bass. The Schools of Charles the Great, and the Restoration of Educa- tion in the Ninth Century. 8vo. London, 1877. Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land ; or, Grammar in Fun for the Children of Schoolroom- shire. Frontispiece. 8vo. New York, 1878. New Hampshire School Reports. 1876. Ogden, John. The Science of Education and 4Lrt of Teaching. Fifth edition. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1860. Ohio Common Schools. Twentieth Annual Report of the State Commissioners of Common Schools to the General Assembly of the State of Ohio. For ihe School Year ending August 31, 1873. 8vo. Columbus, 1874. Oliphant, T. L. K. The Sources of Standard English. 12mo. London, 1873. 329 (EDUCATIOX, INCLUDING VmLOLOOY-COntinued.) natio^l Exhibition, at Philadelphia, 1876 Bv J C.J vr .^ tions. 8vo. Toronto, 1877 % J- George Hodgins. lUustra- Porter, Noah. The A„erie.„ CoUeg^^a tke American People. !,.„. n„„, Potte, Eobert A Brief Account „, the Schola:*ip, .„, Exhibition, open to sr^nt:,*:^. '"^ ''"'""'■ ''''"""' -^ "■= «*"'-• ^^^ edition. '"^"'don^ltk '^'''°''"" ■''*"'"' ^-'-'"^*e English People. 8v„. Lon- Sagard Gabriel. Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne. 8vo. Parie 1865 ""^' r^L ?::,Tr^ °' ^-""- -^ — - C;.e .hoo. '°""'' '2:t; ml ^"""""' '°''°'"«° ""^ '»"-'"'"• ^'^ "'""'rations. 8vo. Sophocles, E. A. Eomaio ; or, Modem Greek Grammar. 8vo %.ton 1860 Spenoer, Herbert. Education, Intellectual, Mo„l, and Physical. Xo Zyork, ''"^r;M r.t:rl,'t8r°''"'-'"''""'^'-'-"^«' - «■« --" Of Sttr^"'.?™''-.""'""®*""'""'''*'''"''- 8vo. London, 1869. Stedn^^.^ A^_ H. M. O.ord, it. social and Intellectual Life, etc., etc. 8™. Sarl'r ,f°7 "=*'";*"■ Seventh edition. 8v„. London, 1867. -a,10r,I.aau Words and Place,: or. Etymological IllustratiouB of Historv EthnoW Thwini, Oh r*"- .''""*='"«'>»■ ^«'"Map.. 12mo. Lond CTsfs *" yo!rCl8r8. " ^*''" """ """""^ """ '"^'' ^°*' «™- New i ..I 330 (education, including PmtOLOQY— continued.) Todhunter, J. The Conflict of Studies. 8vo. Londoi.1873. Trench, Archbishop. English-Past and Present. Seventh edition. 12mo. New York, 1871. Vallancey, Charles. A Grammar of the Ibemo-Celtic, or Irish Language. Svo. Dub- lin, 1773. Vandenhoff, G. System of Elocution ; or Complete Speaker. Svo. New York 1845 Vandenhoff, G. The Art of Reading Aloud, in Pulpit, Lecture Room, or Private Re-umons, etc., etc. Svo. London, 1878. Wiese, L. German Letters on English Education. Written during an Educational Tour in 1876. Translated and edited by Leonhard Schmitz. Svo. London, 1877 Wyndham, Francis M. Latin and Greek as in Rome and Athens; or Classical Lan- guages and Modern Tongues. Svo. London, 1880. Youmans, E. L. The Culture demanded by Modern Life. Addresses on the claims of Scientific Education. By Tyndall, Huxley, Faraday, Herbert Spencer, etc. Svo New York, 1875. mm FICTION. Blackwood. Tales from. 6 vols; Also, New Series. 12 vols. 12mo. Edinburch (N.D.) * ' Cooper, J. Fennimbre. Works of. 29 vol* Svo. New York, 1880. Dickens, Charles. Works of. 7 vols. Illustrated. Small 4to.' London, (N.D.) Disraeli, Rt. Hon. B. Works of. New edition. 10 vols. Svo. London, (N.D.) Elliott, George. Works of. 10 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S7S. Lytton, Lord. Works of. The Knebeworth edition. Illustrations. 37 vols. Svo. London, (N.D.) Scott, Sir Walter. Works oi. Centenaiy edition. Illustrated. 25 vols. 8vo Edinburgh, 1871. Thackeray, Wm. M. Works of. Illustrations, by Doyle. 12 vols. Svo Lon- don, 1878. PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS. REVIEWS. British Quarterly Review. 1871-1880. Contemporary Review. 1872-1880. Edinburgh Review. 1802-1880. Fortnightly Review. 1872-1880. International Review. 1878-1880. London Review. 1853-1868. 331 (reviews— con^inwerf. ) London Quarterly Review. 1869-1871. North American Review. 1876-1880. North British Review. 1844-1871. Princeton Review. 1878-1879. Quarterly Review. 1809-1880. Westminster Review. 1824-1 880. N.D.) (N.D.) '■ols. 8vo. /^ols. 8vo. ivo. Lon- MAGAZINES. Appleton's Journal. 1879-1880. i^wtT'^.t? ^^^'^'''- ''''-''- '^°^«-^3- (I-«-) Toronto. Atlantic Monthly. 1872-1880. Belford's Magazine. 1877-1878. Blackwood. 1817-1880. British American Magazine. 1863. Bystander. 1880. Canadian Methodist Magazine. 1875-1880 Canadiaii Monthly. 1872-1878 : (Rose-Belford). 1878-1880 Chambers' Journal. 1872-1880. Comhill Magazine. 1860-1880. DubUn University Magazine. 1833-1 880. Praser's Magazme. 1832-1880. Gentleman's Magazuae. 1878-1880. Harper's Magazine. 1850-1880. Journal of the Board of Arts and Manufactures. 1861-1866 Journal Frankhn Institute 1 826-1878. Literary Garland, a Canadian Magazine. 1844-50. 6 vols. (Incom.) Montreal London Society. 1872-1880. ' ^lontreal. Macmillan's Magazine. 1872-1880. Mechanic's Magazine, or Scientific Canadian. 1879-1880 New Dominion Monthly. 1868-1877. Nineteenth Century. 1877-1880. Notes and Queries. 1874-1877. Popular Science Monthly. 1872-1880. Scribner's Magazine. 1877-1880. Temple Bar. 1872-1873. Vol. 1. 1829-1867. ^^^^^^^^ NEWSPAPERS. -anadian Oourant, Montreal ; (incom.) 1829-1831, Vindicator, Montreal; (incom.) 1837. Morning Courier, Montreal; (incom.) 1838-1849. Montreal Herald ; (incom.) 1838-1867. !W 'i 'i fi - 1' f i 1 C 1 11 1.1 332 Iff. (CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— C0n«tW2milton Gazette ; (incom.) 1838-1854. Hamilton Journal ; (incom.) 1839. Niagara Chronicle ; (incom.) 1839. Vol. 4. 1830-1839. Canadian Freeman, York ; (incom.) 1830-1831. Correspondent and Advocate, Toronto; (incom.) 1835-1837. Toronto Recorder ; (incom.) 1835. Constitution, Toronto ; (incom.) 1837. Palladium, Toronto ; (incom.) 1838-1839. Vol. 5. 1830-1846. Brockville Recorder ; (incom.) 1830-1840. 1841-1846. Vol. 6. 1830-1837. Courier of Upper Canada, Toronto ; (incom.) 1830-1837. Vol. 7. 1830-1863. Colonial Patriot ; (incom.) 1830-1831. Intelligencer, Belleville ; (incom.) 1839-1867. Times, Halifax ; (incom.) 1839. Islander, Prince Edward Island ; (incom.) 1854-1863. Vol. 8. 1832-1848. Antidote, Brockvlle; (incom.) 1832-1833. Brockville Recorder and Advertiser ; (incom.) 1847-1848. SS8 (CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS— C0n. Second edition. Reprinted from the ■ s JCd::, ;:£ ^"°"'"'"™ -"^ ^"--'™- «=-th edi^o. ..„,. Sji' m-,?""- ''<"'"'>"<««-"-■ 8vo. London, 1869. LonltmT:'""' '°""'' """°"- *°^™'^^ '™" ^'-■' ^"^«- 8vo. Morley.John. On Con-promise. 8vo. London, 1874 Fame. Martin, (M.D., Physiology o« the Son! and Instinct aa Distinguished from Materialism. Svo. New York, 1872 8" wea trom Picton,JA. The Mystery of Matter. Svo. ' London, 1873. '^'■^'' ^ci ^rth^^r n'T:vr ^sr ""''- - ^— - - Bold. Tboma. His Colleeted Works. E^ted by Sir Wm. Hamilton. (Preflxed- tf:tierrrCot^Si:™:-r^^^^^^^^ «vo. Edinburgh, 1854 °^^* ''^''"^Un^r" to."tnL^87r°"" ^ '- — -^ ^"»» Taro'^P ""/"'""'^"f T»nslated by T. D. Haze. 8™. London, 1871. Tavlnr ? T".''"'^ Translated into English. 12mo. Montreal, 1873 ?^^!!":^'"'"^,^''.^'■»'T'>-'y°* Another Life. New edition. Svo. Vlt ,»n T-Ouii,.on .Alfred. An Ontline of the Necessary Laws of Thought. Pu're' and Ap phed Logic. Svo. London, 1872 * Thornton, W.T Old-Fashioned Ethics. Svo. London, 1873 >i i 'J > M8 (philosophy, mental and moral — continued.) Ueberweg, Friodrich. A History of Philosophy, from Thales to the Present Time. 8vo. London, 1872. "Wayland, Francis. Elements of Moral Science. Improved edition. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Whately, R. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. Fourth American edition. 8vo. Boston, 1853. THEOLOGY, INCLUDING ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, HISTORY, AND LITERATURE. Alford, Henry. How to Study the New Testament. 12mo. London, 1865. Alford, Henry. Greek Testament. Sixth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. Andrews, S. I. The Life of Our Lord upon the Earth considered in its Historical, Chronological and Geographical Relations. 8vo. New York, 1871. Arnold's Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Arnold, Matthew. Literature and Dogma. 8vo. London, 1873. Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the New England Churches. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. Baird, Henry M. History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1879. BangP, Nathan. History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. From the Year 1766 to the Year 1840. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1845. Barclay, Robert. The Inner Life of the Commonwealth. With reference to the influ- ence of Church Organization on the Spread of Christianity. 8vo. London, 1876. Barclay, Joseph. The Talmud. With Illustrations and Plan of Temple. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Batterson, Hermon G. A Sketch-book of the American Episcopate. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1878. Baur, Dr. Ferdinand C. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ. His Life and Work, his Epistle and his Doctrine, etc. Translated from the Second German edition, by Dr. E. Zeller. Revised by Rev. A. Menzies. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1876. Baur, Dr. Ferdinand C. The Church History of the First Three Centuries. Third edi- tion. Translated from the German, Edited by Rev. Allan Menzies. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1879. Bede, The Venerable. Ecclesiastical History of England. Also the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited by J. A. Giles. Fifth edition. Svo. London, 1871. Beecher, Catharine E. Common Sense Applied to Religion ; or, the Bible and the People. 8vo. New York, 1857. 339 (T..KoLoav, mcuDiNo K,o,,„„„,„,, ,^„, ^-continu^d.) Begin, L R UPH..„« ,t ri„f.U,ibUi« de. So,.ve„i„.P„„,,„. 8vo. Q„„b«, Bentham J^^..3^ c-uroh of E„,,.„ai™ .„d it. CteohU™ E„„,i„ed, etc. Pa™,.., wTlL '!l- *'""., ^°"'''' '^'"'"""'"' "»-' No...«,t.blishad Church J Bible T^HowlTT^ r '"'""'" '""'""'''■ «'°- I'-l™. 1818. BlDle, rjle Holy According to the Authorizod Version (A.D. 1611) With .n,. .Toth O,"""' ?°"""""^' "'" • ««™™ »' "■• T«..»l tiol *; BUho^ .nd other Clergy of ,h„ Anglicn Church. Edited by p. Cook 6 rT 8vo. London, 1871-1876. ^ ^ Contents : — . Vol. 1. Part 1. Genesis. Exodus. 1. Part 2. Leviticus. Num- bers. Deuteronomy. " 2. Joshua— Kings I. New Testament. Contents : — Vol. 1. Matthew Mark, Luke. 8vo. London, 1878. Vol. 3. Kings IL— Esther. 4. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Eccleai- astes, Song of Solomon. 5. Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. Vol. 2. St. John : the Acts of the Apos- tlea 8vo. London, 1880. Bible Educator. Edited by E. H. Plumotre VnU ^ ar.A o o Blee., Br. Prederic. LectuL on theXV;:' '^ ^'LT^^^i! TranaLted fron. the German. Edited b, San,uel DavidL. 8v„. Zt'i Blunt, J J. Undeeigned Coincidence, i„ the Old and New Tctament. An Argument of the.r Ver» Eleventh edition. 8vo. London, 1871. * ifudon" wT' "' ''°°'"""' "'" ""'"™'' ^""'^- «-■«' "I''-- 8va Blunt, J H. Dictio.urj, of Sect., Heresie., Ecclesiastical Parties, and School, of He Iigion, Thought. 8vo. London, 1874 Boardman. G. D. studies in the Creative Week. 8vo. New York 1878 Boardmao. G. D. Studies in the Model Prayer. 8vo. New Y^rk 1 79 B»Ta £,r ff/t"^""'""'*'""'™ "•""«'"• ««>■ I'-don,\878. B0St,A. Hatory of the Moraviana 12n.o. London, 1862. Bovell,J^^^ Outlines of Natural Theology. For the Canadian Student. 8v„. Toronto, Brown, Thomas. Annal, of the Dieruption. Extracts from the Autog„>ph Narratives Lontr^8. '* "" ""*'* ^''""'"""-' '" '«" ^'-^ " 'r by John MoCliTitook 8vo. New York, 1855 Bumefsffistory of the formation of the Church oi England. Edited by Rev. E. Nares, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. 340 V I (THKOLOQY, INCLUDING ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, ETC. — COntintied.) Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. The Holy War, and other selected Works. The Life of the Author, written by himself. With Historical Facts affecting Religion at the Period in which he wrote, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. London (N.D.) Butler, Joseph. The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed. With an Account of the Character and Writings of the Author. By Samuel Halifax, (Bishop of Gloucester). 8vo. New York, (N.D.) Oalvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. A New Translation. By Henry Beveridge. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. Oapel, Mons. Rt. Rev. A Reply to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone's " Political Expos- tulation." (Pamph.) New York, 1875. Oapel, Mons. Rt. Rev. Vaticanism. An Answer to Reproofs and Replies. (Pamph.) New York, 1875. Oartwright, W. C, (M.P.) The Jesuits : their Constitution and Teaching. An His- torical Sketch. 8vo. London, 1876. Case and his Contemporaries. A Biographical History of Methodism in Canada from its Introduction into the Province, till the death of Rev. Wm. Case, in 1855. 3 vols. Toronto, 1847. Ohristlieb, Theodore. Modern Doubt, and Christian Belief. A Series of Apologetic Lectures, addressed to Earnest Seekers after Truth. Translated by Rev. H. U. Weitbrecht. Edited by Rev. T. L. Kingsbury. 8vo. New York, 1874. Olodd, Edward. The Childhood of Religions : the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends. 8vo. New York, 1877. Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ. Being the Last Speeches and Testimonies of those who Suffered for the Truth in Scotland, since the year 1680. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By John H. Thompson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. Cobbett, Wm. A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 12mo. New York, 1864. Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek Philosophy. 8vo. New York, 1870. Coit, Thos. W. Puritanism ; or, A Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions. 8vo. New York, 1865. Cook, Joseph. Transcendental'sm. With Preludes on Current Events. (Boston Mon- day Lectures.) 8vo. Boston^ 1878. Cook, Joseph. Conscience. With Preludes on Current Events. (Boston Montiay Lec- tures.) 8vo. Boston, 1879. Collette, Chas. H. A Reply to Cobbett's History of the Protestant Reformation. 8vo. London, 1869. Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, The. (Made in 1693, Amende'^' in 1865) ; with the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. 8vo. Lon- don, (N.D.) Conway, Moncure D. The Sacred Anthology. A Book of Ethnical Scriptures. 8vo. New York, 1874. id and Ireland, 341 (THEOLOGY, INCLUriNO ECOLKSIASTIOAL LAW, ^O.-continued ) Oon^^J^M^..r.jy. Idols and Ideals. With an Essay on Christianity. 8vo. New Oonway^Mo^ncure^a^Den.onologyandDevi^^^^^^ I"-*-*-- ^vols. 8vo. "'"''''''Tnd^; in' '''^''^' '■ '• ^'^ ""'' ^^' ^p^«*^^« ^' ''' ^-1- 8- Covenanters Lives of the Scottish. A Brief Historical Account of the ™ost Emi- nent Noblemen, Gentlemen, Ministers, and others who Testified or Suffered for he Cause of Reforn.ation in Scotland, from the beginning of the Sixteenth Cen- tury to the year 1688. Originally Compiled by John Howie. With Preface and Notes, by Wm. McGavin. 8vo. Glasgow (N D ) Crawford T J. The Mysteries of Christianity. (The Baird Lecture for 1874 ) 8vo Edinburgh, 1874. '' Oruden, Alex. A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. With a Con cojrdance to the Apochrypha, and a npendinm of the Holy Scriptures. With a Memoir, by Wm. Youngman. 8vo. London (N D ) 8vo ;:. 'o'rl ,^;r "■ ^"*^™- ^°'- '■ "'-«»- of Belief. Contents : — The Soul and Future Life. By Frederick Harrison %?of rryf:r ' "'- '^^^ ^^^ "^*-^ ^^^^- ^y ^- «• ^-^on, A Modern Symposium. II. The Influence upon Morality of aDecline in Ee- hgious Behef^ By Sir Jas. Stephen. Lord Selborne, Huxley, etc. The Course of Modern Thought. By G. H Lewes The Condition and Prospects of the Church of England. By Thomas Hughes Is Life Worth Living ? By W. H. Mallock. ^ugnes. Davies.J.L. The Gospel and Modem Life. 12mo. London, 1869 Davies, J. L. Theology and Morality. 8vo. London. 1873 ' D Aubigne^ J. H. Merle. History of the Great Reformation "of the Sixteenth Century in Germany and Switzerland. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1838 Ta!' '• 'V't .T''' '' ''' ""'''' ^^^^--^-^ - E-pe, in the time of Calvin. Translated by Wm.L.R Gates. Vols. 6. 7. 8. 8vo London, 1875- Davidson Samuel. The Canon of the Bible: its Formation. History and Fluctua- tions. becond edition. 12mo. London 1877 De P-essense B^ The Church and the French Hevolution. A History of the Eela- .ona of Church and State from 1789 to 1802. T»n.lated by John Strovan. •■^0. jjonclon. lo69. Dixon, Richard W History of the Church of England from the Abolition of the Itoman Jurisdiction. 8vo. London, 1878. Vol. 1. Henry VIIL 1529-1537.' m. *.«8'>fc4<||. <* -m < :» t' i ii i ) 1 i 1 1 1 /■ i)F< 'i f J •"-! ,'i -^ iflKEBI^R' ^.'> i I r \ ^^HMbb 1 'i -i t^^^^^^Hj i^^Hj 342 (theology, including ecclesiastical law, etc. — continued.) Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada. 16ino. Hallowell, Upper Canada, 1836. Dollinger, J. J. T. "Von. Fables Respecting the Popes in the Middle Ages. With Esbay on the Prophetic Spirit of the Christian Era. Translated by Plummer an.: Smith. 8vo. New York, 1872. Dollinger, J. J. I. Von. Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches. Translated by H. N. Oxenham. 8vo. London, 1872. Douay Bible. 4to. Illustrated. Dykes, J. Oswald. Some Present Difficulties in Theology. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1873. Elaton, J. R. T. The Permanence of Christianity. 8vo. London, 1873. Is " Eternal " Punishment Endless ? Answered by a Re-statement of the Original Serif cure Doctrine. By an Orthodox Minister. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Eusebius Pampbilus. Ecclesiastical History of. Translated by C. F. Cruse. 8vo. London, 1872. Evangelical Alliance Conference, 1873. History, Essays, Orations, and other Documents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October, 1873. Edited by Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D., and Rev. S. Irnseus Prime, D.D. 8vo. New York, 1873. Ewald, Heinrich. History of Israel. Translated from the German. Edited by Russel Martineau. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Farrar, Frederick W. The Life of Christ. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Farrar, Frederick W. don, 1878. Farrar, Frederick W. The Life of Christ. With Original Illustrations. 8vo. Lon- Eternal Hope. Five Sermons. Preached in Westminster Ab- bey, in November and December, 1877. 8vo. New York, 1878. Peval, Paul. Jesuits! From the tenth French edition. By T. F. Galwey. 8vo. Baltimore, 1879. Fish, Henry C. Pulpit Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century, in Europe and America. Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1874. Fisher, G. P. The Refo-mation. 8vo. New York, 1873. Fleury, Abbd Ecclesiastical History. From the Second Ecumenical Council to the end of the Fourth Century. Translated with Notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1843-1844. Fowle, T. W. The Reconciliation of Religion and Science. 8vo. London, 1873. Foxe, John. The Acts and Monuments of. With a Life of the Martyrologist, and Vindication of the Work : by the Rev. George Townsend. Illustrations. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-1849. Fox, George. The Friends and the Early Baptists. By Wm. Tallack. 12rao. Lon- don, 1868. Canada. 16mo. Edition. 12mo. )e and America. 343 (THEOLOGY, INCLUDING ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, t.'VC.— continued.) Geffcken. Heinrich Church and State. Their Relations, Historically Considered. Translated by Edward F. Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877 Geikie, Cunningham. The English Reformation ; How it came about, and why we should uphold it. Svo. London, 1879. Gibson, James. Inscriptions on the Tombstones and Monuments Erected in Memory of the Covenanters. With Historical Introduction. Illustrated. 12mo Glas- gow. (N.D.) GiUett, E. H. God in Human Thought ; or. Natural Theology Traced in Literature Ancient and Modern, to the Time of Bishop Butler, etc. 2 vols Svo New York, 1874. Gladstone, W. E. Ecce Homo. Svo. London, 1868 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance. With History of Vatican Council, Text of Papal Syllabus and Vatican Decrees. By Phihp Schaff. Pamphlet. New York, 1875. Godkin, Jas. The Religious History of Ireland. Primitive, Papal, and Protestant. ovo. London, 1873. Gould, S. B. Live' of the Saints. 9 vols. Svo. London, 1872-1875. Contents : — • January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. Greg, W. R. The Creed of Christendom. Its Foundations Contrasted with its Super- structure. Third edition, with New Introduction. 2 vols. Svo. London, Griffin, E. D. Fifty-four Plain Practical Sermons. Svo. London 1871 Gross, Joseph B. Heathen Religion in its Popular and Symbolical Development. Svo Boston, 1856. Guizot, M. St. Louis and Calvin. Illustrations. Svo. London 1869 Hausser, Ludwig. The Period of the Reformation-1517 to 1648. Edited by Wil helmOncken. Translated by Mrs. G. Sturge. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1873 Hausrath,A. A History of the New Testament Times. The Time of Jesus Vol 1. Translat3d from the Second German edition, by Chas. T. Poynting and Phihp Quenzer. Svo. London, 1878. Haweis,H.R. Thoughts for the Times. Third edition. Svo. London, 1873 ttaweiS, H. R. Speech in Season. Svo. London, 1874. Heard. J B. National Christianity ; or, Ca^sarism and Clericalism. Svo. London 1877. ' Hetherington, W. M. History of the Church of Scotland. From the Introduction of Chnstiamty to the Period of the Disruption. Fourth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, Hirschfelder, J. M. The Scriptures Defended. A Reply to Bishop Colenso. Svo. ioronto, 1863. II ri'! ■'h P::l 844 15 ,*' (theology, including ecclesiastical law, etc. — contimicd.) Hitchcock, Edward. The Religion of Geology and its Connected Sciences. 8vo. Glas- gow, 1866. Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Hooker, Richard. Works of. With an Account of liis Life and Death. By Isaac Walton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. Howson, John S. The Character of St. Paul. Cambridge, Halsean Lectures for 1862. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Hughes, Thomas. The Old Church ; what shall we do with HI Bvo. London, 1878. Hughes, Thomas. The Manliness of Christ. 8vo. Boston, 1880, Hunt, John. Religious Thought in England. From the Reformation to End of Last Century. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Jackson, George A. The Apostolic Fathers, and the Apologists of the Second Century. 12mo. New York, 1879. Jacob, G. A. The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament. Fourth American edition. 8vo. New York, (N.D.) Jarvis, H. W. History of the Church of France. From the Concordat of Bologna, A.D. 1516, to the Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Jukes, Andrew. The Second Death ; and the Restitution of All Things. With some Preliminary Remarks on the Nature and Inspiration of Holy Scripture. Fourth edition, 8vo. London, 1875. Eeim, Dr. Theodor. The History of Jesus of Nazara. Investigated in its Connection with the National Life of Israel, and Related in Detail. Translated from the German by Ransom and Geldart. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1876-77-79. Killen, W. D. The Ancient Church for the First Three Hundred Years. Second edi- tion. 8vo. London, 1871. Killen, W. D. The Old Catholic Church. From the Apostolic Age to the Establish- ment of the Pope as a Temporal Sovereign, 755. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Kitto, John. A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. Third edition. Edited by Wm. Lindsay Alexander. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860. Knox, John. Life of. Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland. By Thomas McCrie. A new edition. With Memoir of Dr. McCrie, by Andrew Crichton. Portrait of Knox. 8vo. London, 1877. Kuenen, Dr. A. The Religion of Israel, to the Fall of the Jewish State. Translated from the Dutch, by Alfred H. May. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-1875. Lacordaire, Pere. God. Conferences Delivered at Notre Dame, in Paris. 8vo. London, 1870. Lacordaire, Pere. Jesus Christ. Conferences Delivered at Notre Dame, in Paris. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1872, Latimer, Hugh. Sometime Bishop of Worcester. Sermons by. Edited, for the Parker Society, by Rev. G. R. Corrie. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. 345 (THEOLOGY, INCLUDING ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, mC—COntinn^d.) Latimer Master Hugh, Ex-Bishop of Worcester. (English Reprints.) Seven Sermons before Edward VI. on each Friday in Lent, 1549. Edited by Edward Arber. 8vo. London, 1869. Lechler Professor. John Wiclif and his English Precursors. Translated from the German; with additional Notes. By Peter Lorimer. 2 vols. 8vo. London. lo78. ' LeOonte, Joseph. Religion and Science. Sunday Lectures. 8vo. London, 1876. Lewm, Thomas. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1874 Llghtfoot, J. B., Trench, R. C, EUicott, C. J. The Revision of the English Ver- sionof the New Testament. With an Introduction by Philip Schaff. 8vo. New York, 1873. Llorente, IX Jean A. The History of the Inquisition of Spain, from its Commencement to the reign of Ferdinand VIL 8vo. London 1826 Lorimer Geo. C. The Great Conflict. A Discourse Concerning Baptists and Religious Liberty. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Lome. Marquis of. The Book of Psalms. Lite.-ally rendered in verse. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1877. Loyola and Jesuitism in its Rudiments. By Isaac Taylor. 8vo. London, 1849 Luthardt, Chr. Ernst. Moral Truths of Christianity. Translated by Sophia Taylor 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Manning, Archbishop, Editor. Essays on Religion and Literature. By Various Wri- ters. Third Series. 8vo. London, 1874. Manning, Cardinal The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance. 8vo. London, 1875. Marshall, T. Wm. Christian Missions. Their Agents and their Results. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1863 Masters in English Theology; being the King's College, (London), Lectures for 1877. Edited with an Historical Preface. By Alfred Barry. 8vo. New York 1877. ' McOrie, Thos. Annals of English Presbytery, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 8vo. London, 187''. McOrie, Thos. The Story of the Scottish Church, from the Reformation to the Dis- ruption. 8vo. London, 1875. Merivale, Charles. The Conversion of the Roman Empire. Second edition. 8vo London, 1865. Merivale, Charles. The Conversion of the Northern Nations. (The Boyle Lectures 1865.) 8vo. New York, 1873. "^ ' Mm, John Stuart. Three Essays on Religion. With Essay on Berkeley's Life and Wri- tings. 8vo. New York, 1874. o„i., .. ., ,a,... Jrtv^^-oi u3, .-xlcx. Tne \vora8 ot the New Testament. For Popular Use. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1373. MUman, H. Hart. History of the Jews, from the Earliest Period down to Modern Times. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1863. i H' 346 (theology, including ecclesiastical law, kto.— continued.) Milman, H. Hart History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Aboli- tion of Paganism in the Roman Empire. Revised edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1863. Milman, H. Hart. History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. Third edition. 9 vols. Svo. London, 1864. Milman, H. Hart. Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. Reprinted from the Qtmrterly Review. Svo. London, 1870. Macan, Reginald W. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Svo. London, 1877. Mocatta, Frederic D. The Jews of Spain and Portugal, and the Inquisition. Svo. London, 1877. MoflFat, J. C. A Comparative History of Religions. 8vo. New York, 1873. Montalembert, Count de. The Monks of the West. From St. Benedict to St. Ber- nard. (Authorized Translation.) 8 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1861 -1879. Morris, John. The Condition of Catholics under James I. Father Gerard's Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. With Life of Father Gerard. Second edition. Svo. London, 1872. Morris, John, (S. J.) Thi- Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, related by Themselves. First, Second and Third Series. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1868, 1877. Muller, F. Max. Science of Religion. Svo. New York, 1872. Muller, F. Max. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated in the Religions of India. Svo. New York, 1879. Murphy, J. John. The Scientific Basis of Faith. Svo. London, 1873. Neal, Daniel. The History of the Puritans. From the Reformation in 1517 to the Revolution in 1688. New edition. Reprinted from the text of Dr. Toulmin's Edition, with the Life of the Author, etc. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1837. Neander, Augustus. General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Trans- lated by Jos. Torrey. New edition. Revised by A. J. W. Morrison. 9 vols. Svo. London, 1869. Newcombe, Harvey. Cyclopaedia of Missions, containing a Comprehensive View of Missionary Operations throughout the World. Svo. New York, 1854. Newman, John Henry. Sermons on Subjects of the Day. New edition. 8vo. Lon- don, 1871. Newman, John Henry. Oxford University Sermons. Preached between 1826 and 1843. Third edition. Svo. London, 1872. Newman, John Henry. A Letter addressed to the Duke of Norfolk, on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's recent Expostulation. Also Postscript, ii' n,i« ,wer to his Vatican- ism ; together with the Decrees and Canons of the Vatican (.'ouncil. (Two Pamph.) New York, 1875. Newman, Parochial and Plain Sermons. S vols. Svo. ConUnts : — Vols. 3, 6, 6. London, 1870. New edition. " 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8. London, 1873. New edition. HI! 347 (THKOLOGY, INCLUDING ECCLEaiASTIOAL LAW, ETC. -continued.) Newman. John Henry. Fifteen Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford between 1826 and 1843. Third edition. 8vo. London 1872 NiCOllini. G. B. History of the Jesuits : Their Origin, Progress, Doctrine, and De- signs. 8vo. London, 1854. O'Shea, Archbishop. The Religion Anciently Professed by the Irish and British. Reprinted from the Edition of 1687. With Biographical Sketch of the Author. 8vo. London, 1815. Parker Society. Publications of The. 19 vols. 8vo. London, 18 ■ .863. Contents : — Vol. 1. Hutchison, Roger. The Works of. (1550.) Edited for the Parker Society, by John Bruce. Biographical Notice of Roger Hutchison. The Imago of Gol, or Layman's Book Three Sermons on the Lord's Supper. Two Sermons on Oppression, Affliction and Patience. Index, containing also a Glossary of Obsolete and Peculiar Words and Phrases. Vol. 2. PiLKiNGTON, Bishop. Works of. Edited for the P S. by Rev. James Scholefield. Biographical Notice of Pilkington. Expositions upon the Prophets Haggai and Obadiah ; and upon certain Chapters of Nehemiah. The Burning of St. Paul's Church ; Confutation of an Addition, (1563.) Miscellaneous Pieces. Vol. 3. Philpot, John: Martyr, 1555. The Examinations and Writings of. Edited for the P S. by Rev. Robt. Eden. Biographical Notice of Philpot. Examinations of. Disputation in the Convocation House, 1553. Apology for Spitting upon an Arian, etc. Vol. 4. The Zurich Letters, comprising Correspondence of Several English Bishops and others ' with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the early part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translatf^d and Edited for the P. S. by Rev. H. Robinson. Letters from Sampson to Martyr; Sandys to Bu 1 linger ; Jewell to Martyr; Foxe to Bullinger; Cox to Weidner ; Parkhurst to Bullinger; Grindal to Bullinger ; Pilk- ington to Gualter; Sandys to Bullinger; Queen Elizabeth to the Swiss Cantons, etc. Vol. 5. Grindal, Archbishop. Remains of. Edited for the P S., by Rev. W. Nicholson. Biographical Notice ; Sermon at the Funeral Solemnity of the Emperor Ferdinand. Dialogue between Custom and Variety. Occasional Services for the Plague. . Injunetiona and Articles of Inquiry for the Provinces of York and Canterbury' Disputation at Cambridge, A.D. 1549. Examination of certain Londoners before the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, A.D. 1567. Letters of Archbishop Grindal. Miscellaneous Pieces. ^-*»i«^»^l . Ji 348 (theology, including ecclesiastical law, KTC.—continued.) Parker Society. Publications of The— continued. Contents : — Vol. 6. CovBRDALE, Myles. Writings and Translations of. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. George Pearson. Containing The Old Faith. A Spiritual and Most Precious Pearl. Fruitful Lessons ; A Treatise on the Lord's Supper. Order of the Church in Denmark. Abridg- ment of the Enchiridion of Erasmus, etc. Vol. 7. The Zurich Letters, (Second Series). Comprising the Correspondence of several English Bishops, and others, with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translated and Edited for the P. S, by Rev. Hastings Robin- son. Cook to Bullinger; Haller to Bullinger ; Gualter to Queen Elizabeth; Martyr to Sampson ; Calvin to Cecil ; Cox to Cassander ; Cassander to Cox ; Ascham to Sturmius ; Bedford to Bullinger ; Grindal to Calvin ; Beza to Bul- linger ; Grindal to Bcza, etc. ; Queen Elizabeth to Sturmius; Sturmius to Queen Elizabeth; Sturmius to Cecil; Zuinglius to Sandys; Burghley to Sturmius; Walsingham to Sturmius ; Sidney to Languet ; Buchanan to Gualter ; Gualter to Buchanan ; Queen Elizabeth to the Swiss Cantons ; Queen Elizabeth to the four Cities ; Dutch Church to Lord Burghley ; Queen Elizabeth to the King of Poland ; State of Zurich to Queen Elizabeth, etc. Vol. 8. Calfhill, Bishop-Elect of Worcester. Answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. Richard Gibbings. Vol. 9. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI. and Queen Mary ; chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. Translated and edited for the P. S., by Rev. Hastings Robinson. Edward VI. to the Senate of Zurich ; Lady Jane Seymour to Bucer and Fagius; Duke of Suffolk to Bullinger ; Lady Jane Grey to Bullinger ; Cranmer to Vadian, Capito, Bucer, Melancthon, Bullinger, Calvin, Mrs. Bucer, and Martyr; Coverdale to Calvin, and Fagius ; Hooper to Bullinger, Bucer, etc., etc. Vol. 10. Coverdale, Myles. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. George Pearson. Prologues to the Translation of the Bible. Treatise on Death. Hope of the Faithful. Exhortation to the canning of Christ's Cross. Exposition upon the 22nd Psalm. Confutation of the Treatise of John Standish. Defence of a certain Poor Chris- tian Man. Letters. Ghostly Psalms and Spiritual Songs. 349 (THEOLOGY, INCLUDING ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, UTO.-cmitinued.) Parker Society. Publications of The-continued. Contents : — Vol. 11. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation. Written during the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI. and Queen Mary. From the Archives of Zurich IraTialatea and edited for the P. S., by Rev. Hastings Robinson. Ulnus to Bullinger, Gualter and Pellican ; Bucer to Cranmer; to Ministers of Stras- bourg, and to Sturmius and Calvin ; CEcoIampadius to Zuinglius; Gryna^us to Bucer and King Henry VIII. ; Melancthon to Bucer ; Peterson to Pulbert ; Finch to Humpard ; Barnes to ^pinus ; Butler to Calvin ; Calvin to Lady Anne Sey- mour ; to the Protector Somerset; to Edward VI; to Cranmer; to Lord John Grey; Council of Berne to Edward VI. ; Burgoyne to Calvin ; Bullinger to Beza. Calvin and to certain Englishmen ; Horn, etc., to Magistrates of Zurich ; Cox, etc., to Calvin ; Whitehead, etc., and Whittingham to Calvin ; Foxe to Amerbach Vol. 12. Fui^E, William. Answers of. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. Richard Giblings. Stapeltons Fortress Overthrown. A Rejoinder to Martiall's Reply against the Answer of Master Calfhill to the Treatise of the Cross. A Discovery of the Dangerous Rock, etc. ^ Vol. 13. Bale, Bishop. Select Works of. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. Henry Christmas. Biographical Notice of Bale. Examination and Death of Lord Cobham. Exami- nation of William Thorpe. Examinations of Anne Askewe. The Image of both Churches. ^ Vol. U. Bullinger, Henry. The Decades of. Fifty Sermons divided into Five Decades. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. Thomas Harding. First and Second Decades. Vol. 15. Third Decade. Fourth Decade. Fifth Decade. Bullinger, Henry. Vol. 16. Bullinger, Henry. Vol. 17. Bullinger, Henry. • Vol. 18. Sandys Edwin Archbishop. Sermons ol. To which are added Miscellaneous Pieces by the same author. Edited for the P. S., by Rev. John Ayre Biographical Notice of Archbishop Sandys. Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces Vol. 19. NowELL, Alexander. Catechism in Latin. Translated into English by Thomas Norton and edited for the P. S., by G. E. Corrie. Appended is a Sermon preached by Dean Noweli before Queen Elizabeth, at the opening of the Parliament in 1563. ::;:: ?■ ffpp 350 If (theoloqy, including ecclesiastical law, RTc—contintied.) Perry, 0. G. The History of the Church of England, from the Death of Elizabeth to the Present Time. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. Perry, O. G. A History of the Church of England ; from the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Silencing of Convocation in the Eighteenth Century. Appendix, containing Sketch of th« i'tutestanL Episcopal Church in the United States, by J. A. Spencer. 8vo. Njw York, 1879. Peter the Apostle. His Life and Letters. By Samuel R, Green. Maps. 8vo. London, 187- Peterkin, Alexander. Records of the Kirk of Scotland. From the year 1G38, down- wards. With Notes and Historical Tlluistrauiouci. Vol. 1. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Phillips, Samuel G., and jDewart, Ed. H. The Canadian Methodist Pulpit : a Col- lection of Original Sermons. From Living Ministers in Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. Pfleiderer, Otto. Paulinism : a Contribution to the History of Primitive Christian Theology. Translated by Edward Peters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1877, Pinnock, W. H. The Laws and Usages of the Church and the Clergy. 6 vols. 12mo. Cambridge, 1855. i Pinnock, W. H. An Analysis of English Church History. Sixth edition. 12mo. London, 1870. Playter, George F. The History of Methodism in Canada. Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1862. Preachers of the English Ohurch. Classic Lectures delivered in 1877. With Introduction, by John E. Kerape. 8vo. London, 1877. Bainsford, W. R. Sermons and Bible Reading. Portrait. 8vo. Toronto, 1877. Ranke, Leopold. Lives of the Popes. Translated by E. Foster. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1873. Beed, James. Swedenborg and the New Church. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Supernatural Beligion. An Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1875. Beligions of the World. (Contributed by Members of each Denomination.) 8vo. London, (N.D.) Behgious Bepublics. Six Essays on Congregationalism. 8vo. London, 1869. Benouf, P. Le Page. The Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Reli- gion of Ancient Egypt. 8vo. New York, 1880. BobertSOn, Chas. Report of the Auchterarder Case : the Earl of Kintoul and Rev. R. Young against the Presbytery of Auchterarder. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Bobertson, Frederick W. Sermons preached at Brighton. New edition. 8vo. New York, 1874. Bobertson, J. Craigie. History of the Christian Church. Fifth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. 861 (THEOLOOY, INCLUDING EOOL1I8IA8TICAL LAW, ZTO.— continued.) Robinson. Edward. A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. Revised by Alex. Negris and John Duncan. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870 Rogers, F. Newman. A Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Law. Second «di tion. 8vo. London, 1819. Rogers. Henry. Essays and Home Theological Controversies of the Time New .di tion. 12mo. London, 1874. Rogers, Hoary. The Superhuman Origin of the Bible, inferred from itself (The Congregational Lecture for 1873.) 8vo. London, 1874 Rose, Stewart. Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits. Second edition. 8vo Lon don, 1871. ■ RuSSeU, Earl. Essays on the History of the Christian Religion. New edition 1 2mo London, 1873. Sale, George. The Koran or Alcoran, of Mohammed. Enriched with numerous Explana tory Notes, etc. Also, a Preliminary Discourse on the Religious and Political Condition of the Arabs before the Days of Mohammed. 8vo. London (N D ^ Scepticism. Modem. Course of Lectures. By Archbishop of York, Dean of' Canter bury, Bishop of Carlisle, Re George Rawlinson, and others. With Explana tory Paper, by Bishop of Gloucester. 8vo. London 1871 Servetus and Oalvin. A story of an Important Epoch in'the History of the Refor mation. By R Willis. Portrait of Servetus. 8vo. London 1877 Shakespeare Chas^ St. Paul at Athens. Spiritual Christianity in 'relation to some Aspects of Modern Thought. Nine Sermons. Preface by Rev. Canon Farrar 8vo. New York, 1879. Sixtus. the Fifth. Life and Times of. By Baron Hubner. Translated by H E H Jemmgham. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. J ■ - . Skeates, Herbert S. A History of the Free Churches of England From A.D. 1688 — A.D. 1851. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Smedley, Edward. History of the Reforn. d Religion in France. 3 vols 12mo New York, 1856. ' ^^'""* Smiles. Samuel. The Huguenots : Their Settlements, Churches and Industries in Eng- land and Ireland. 8vo. New York, 1868, Smiles, bamuel. The Huguenots in France, after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. With a Visit to the Country of the Vaudois. 8vo. New York 1874 Smith, Wm. Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geo^laphy and Natural History. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1863. Smith, Wm., and Oheetham, Samuel. A Dictionary of Religious Antiquities Being a continuation of the "Dictionary of the Bible." Illustrated Vol 1 8vo. Boston, 1875. Softly, Edward. Modern Universa^^™ and Materialism, as Viewed in the Light of Holy Scripture. Introduction by Principal Caven, Toronto. 8vo. Toronto, ^.1 \J J 352 ■'I ■ t ( ,( (theolooy, includinq KCCLK8IABTI0AL LAW, KTC— Continued.) Spurgeon, 0. H. Treasury of David. Original Exposition of Book of PHalms. With Illustrative ExtractH from the Whole Range of Literature. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1872. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, with an Introduc- tion on the Study of Ecclesiastical History. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1869. Stanley, Arthur P. Essays ; chiefly on Questions on Church and State. From 1860 to 1870. 8vo. London, 1870. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland. Svo. New York, 1872. Stanley, Arthur p. Addresses and Sermons delivered durins: a Visit to the United States and Canada, in 1878. Portrait. Svo. New York, 1879. Stephens, W. R. W. Saint Chrysostom. His Life and Times. A Sketch of the Church and the Empire in the Fourth Century. 8vo. London, 1872, Stoughton, John. Religion in Englai. 1, under Queen Anne and the Georges. 1702- 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878. Stoughton, John. Our English Bible : its Translations and Translators. Portrait of Tindal, and illustrations. 8vo. London, 1879. Strauss, D. F. The Old Faith and the New. A Confession. Translated by Mathilda Blind. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1873. Stroud, Wm. The Physical Cause of the Death of Christ. With a Letter on the Sub- ject, by Sir James Y. Simpson. 8vo. New York, 1871. Str3^e's Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion, and its Reforma- tion, under the Reigns of King Henry VIII., King Edward YL, and Queen Mary I. With Appendixes containing the Original Papers, etc. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1816. St. Augustine. The City of God. New Translation. Edited by Marcus Doda. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1872. Summer, G. H. Principles at Stake. Essays on Church Questions of the Day. Second Edition. Svo. London, 1868, Thirwall, Bishop. Remains of : Literary and Theological. Edited by Canon Perowne. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1877-1878. Contents : — Vol. 1. Charges delivered between the years 1842 1860. Trench, Archbishop. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord London, 1870. Trench, Archbisliop. Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. Eleventh Edition. London, 1870. Vol. 2, Charges between the years 1863-1870. " 3. Essays, Speeches, Sermons. Ninth Edition. Svo. Svo. B5B iition. 8vo. (TUKOLOOY, IKOLUDINO EOOLEHfASTIOAL L4W, HTO.-COntinued.) Trench, Archbishop. SertnoiiH. 8vo. London, 1873. Trench. Archbiahop Lectures on Medieval CJhurch Hintory. 8vo. New York 1878 TroUope T. Ado.phua. The Papal ConclaveB a« they .ere 'nda« they are ^vt' Un- don, 1876, '^""°°'''.:l°„';hr ■^""""'J''""'""^ »'"' «'-«•" PhUo^phy in England i„ tl.e Seven, teenth Century. 2 vols, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872 TuUooh, Pnnopal S„n,e Fact, of Religion „nd Lite. Mer.non. preached before the Queen m SeotlamI: 186(i-70. 8vo, London, 1877. Von DoUinger, John J. The t-ir.t Age of Chri»tianity and the Ohureh. Tran.l.ted by Henry N. Oxenhan,. Third edition. 2 vol,. 8v„. London 1877 Tf n"'f/, °°'"'"''»'"-^"'"» P'-Phet. of the Old T„.t.„,.„t.' Trans. Jated by J. F. Snrnn. 3 vol.. 8vo. London, 1875-1878 Contents: — ir o a^ Vol 1 V-..1 'A A TT ^0^- 2- YeHaya, Obadya, and Mikha. VOL. 1. Yoel, Am68, Hosea, and «' 3 Nahum M«»,.v.o tt i " Zakharya," ch. ix -xi ' vIL t ^^'^': '^'''^ \Kr.AA- 4. r, ^'^kharya,"xii.-xiv.,Yeremya. Waddm^ton John. Congregational Hi.story, 1700-1800. In re! >,tion to Conten>po- WaJtonT r r'"''''"^^"^^^^^^^'^^''^*^- «- I^ondon, 1876. ' WaJton Henry B., and Medd. Peter G. The First Book of Common Grayer of Ed- ward VL and the Ordinal of 1549. with the Order of the Cou„n«nion. 1548 12mo. London, 1870. WeU. G. The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud ; or. Biblical Legends of the Mussul- W«5«« mT 'T "'^' '^'""^ ''^'•^^•'^°"^- ^ New York, 1863. Ed ; ^'-'7^'''': ^--h Protestant Refugees. Fro. the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to Our Own Days. Translated from the French by H W Her bert. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854 J ■ ■ ^«r- Westcot B-ok Foss. General View of the History of the English Bible. 8vo London, 1868. Westminster Confession of Faith. 8vo. Edinburgh 1874 Whately.R. Trutl. of Christianity. With Introduction by Robert Barclay. Edited by Samuel Hinds. Third edition. 12mo. London, 1866. White, James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries. Seventh ed. 8vo. London 1870 Wllberforce. Henry Wm. The Church and the Empires. Historical Periods With Memoir of the Author, by J. H. Newman. (Portrait.) 8vo. London, 1874 Wlllyams, Jane L. The Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont. Frclm the WinoherAr f^'r'^^'r"''''"^'^'^- ^"-*-*-- ^vo. London, (N.D.) WinoheU, Alexander. Reconciliation of Science and Religion. 8vo. New York 1877 Withrow W. H. The Catacombs of Rome and their Testimony Relate tlplit^^^^ Christianity. Illustrated. 8vo. New York. 1874 Wodrow Rev. Robert. Correspondence of. Edited from MSS. in the Advocates' m2-T843 ^"'"^''' ""' ^"' ''''"""" '''°"" ' '''''■ '^^- ^^'-^-rsK >'i 354 I' .1 (theology, including ecclesiastical law, etc. — contirmed.) Wodrow Society Publications: — Contents ; — Vol. I. Scott, William, Minister of Cupar. An Apologetical Narrative of the State and Government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. Forbes, John, Minister of Alford. Certain Records touching the Estate of the Kirk in the years MDCV. and MDCVI. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. Vol. II. Blair, Robert, Minister of St. Andrew's. Life of, containing his Autobiography, from 1593 to 1636, with Supplement to his Life, and continuation of ihe History of the Times to 1680. By his son-in-law, Mr. William Row, Minister of Ceres. Edited for the Wodrow Society, by Thos. McCrie, D.D. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1848. Wordsworth, Chr. The Holy Bible, in the Authorized Version. With Notes and Introductions. Third edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. Contents : — Vol. 1. The Pentateuch. " 2. Joshua. Judges. Ruth. Samuel. " 3. Kings. Chronicles. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. Vol. 4. Job. Psalms. Proverbs, Eccle- siastes. Song of Solomon. " 5. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Lamentations, and Ezekiel. " 6. Daniel. Minor Prophets. Inder. Wordsworth, Chr. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Original Greek. With Introductions and Notes. New edition. 3 vols, Svc. London, 1872. Contents: — Vol. 3. General Epistles. Revelation and Index. Vol. 1. Matthew to Acts. " 2. St. Paul's Epistles. Zeller, Edward. The Contents and Origin of the Acts of the Apostles, critically in- I vestigated. With Dr. F. Overbricks' Introduction to the Acts, from Dr. Wette's Handbook. Translated by Joseph Dare. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1875-1876. 855 th Notes and lovelation and ADDENDA. CYCLOPEDIAS, Etc Appleton's Annual Cyclopjedia and Remster of Tmr. , . t. New .Hes. VC. 4. 8v„. "::?„; ,880 """' " '"' ^~' '"'■ Maunder, Samuel. The Treasurv nf Wic^ ^.,." and Modem. A Ih^I, LTTI- . " "' ''"'™' '''*-^. A"*" ueni. ^ »e™s Of Separate Histories of every Prinoiml w„t:„ w edition. 12n,o. London, 1870 i-nncipal J^atwn, Now American Numismatic Manual, The. Crrenev of the ai,„ ■ • State, and United States Coins, etc. ZlZX^JZ'Tl'tT' Brand, rro^rltiol^*!-, ^"I-"'"- ^ ^'-^^e"'"' nn„ f< ,1 -"inBtrated. 8m London, 187r. Oox, George W. A Manual of Mytholo^v Tn Ih v Second edition. U^o. I^ndonflser " °' ""*'"" ""' ^"'-'• Sr^h^'wt"' *'^"°" °' *'^"'°'°8^- '"-"■"«• 8vo. London 1873 bmith, William. Dictionary of Greek nnrl T?-. a .• . ^"' ^"''^- lustrated 8vo. LoVdo-Xo '"'"- '"°'"' *™- "" Colonial OfSoe List, 1880. Dickens' Dictionary of Loudon, 1879. 12,no. London 1879 Herbert's Parliamentary Handbook. Genera.' Eleotion:\l87,-1880. Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions of 1879. ovo. London, 1880. 8vo, London, Addenda to. P DIKECTOKIES. Bruce County Gazette, 1880-'81 Oity of Brantford and County of Brant Gazette and Directory, 1880-'8l. ENGLAND. « Vindication of the 4 ! w"" '"' ^°'' "' ''" «''«" »' Elizabeth. With ^ «-~.r.t,r^r^rtro::r7r- °— 356 If (ENGLAND — continued. ) Blundell, William ; (Captain of Dragoons in the Royalist Army of 1642). A Cavalier's Note Book. Edited by Rev. T. E. Gibson. 8vo. London, 1880. Brodie, George. A Constitutional History of the British Empire. From the accession of Charles I. to the Restoration, etc., etc. New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866. Burrows, Montagu. Imperial England. 8vo. London, 1880. Evans, Archdeacon. England under God. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Finden'S Views of the Ports, Harbours, and Watering Places of Great Britain. Illus- trated by W. H. Bartlett. Descriptions by William Beatty. 2 vols. Small 4to. London, 184'2. Higgins, Godfre; i^ Celtic Druids; or, an s,tcempt to show that the Druids were the Prit . 3 of Oriental Colonies from India : were the Introducers of the first system of Letters: the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, etc., etc. Illustrations. 4to. London, 1829. Jenkins, Edward. Glances at Inner England. 8vo. London, 1874. Laguel, Auguste. England, Political and Social. Translated by Jas. M. Hart. 8vo. New York, 1874. Lloyd, Francis, and Tebbitt, Chas. Extensi.. i of Empire, Weakness? Deficits, Ruin? 12mo. London, 1880. McCaul, John. Britanna-Roman Inscriptions. With Critical Notes. 8vo. 'Toronto, 1863. Rimmer, Alfred. Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England. With Introduction by Rev. J. S. Howson. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. Twyford, A. W., and Major, A. Griffith's Records of York Castle, Fortress, Court House and Prison. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1880. Walpole's History of England. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1880. Wellington's Despatches, Correspondence, and Memoranda. Vol. 8. (Nov., 1831 to Dec, 1832.) 8vo. London, 1880. Westall, William, Finden, Edward, and Moule, Thomas. Great Britain Illustrated. Small 4to. London, 1830. SCOTLAND. Olan Tartans : The Scottish. 4to. Edinburgh, (N.D.) Keltie, John S. A History of the Scottish Highlands, Clans, and Regiments. An ac- count of the Gaelic Language, etc., by Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan. An Essay on Highland Scenery, by the late Prof. John Wilson. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875. Lawson, John P. Histoiy of the Abbey and Palace of Holyrood House. Illustrations. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1848. 357 IRELAND. HiU, George. An Historical account of the Plantation in Ulster at the con^mencement of the Seventeenth Century, 1608-1620. Small 4to. Belfast 1877 Ledwich, Edv^d. Antiquities of Ireland. Illustrations. 4to. Dublin 1790 iluL'ml '''^^^^"-^"^^"^^"^—^o^ Ireland. Second edition. 8vo. Webb, Alfred A Compendium of Irish Biography, comprising Sketches of Distin- guished Irishmen, and of Persons connected with Ireland by Office or by their Writings. 8vo. Dublin, 1878. i f Illustrations. Yakoob Beg, Ameer of Kashgar. London, 1878. ASIA. Life of. By Demetrius C. Boulger. Map. 8vo. EGYPT, MODERN. Lane. Edward. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871 SJ'P'-»^ns. Wilkinson, Gardner. Modern Egypt and Thebes. " 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. FRANCE. Guizot's History of France. Vol.6. 8vo. London, 1880. Napoleon, at Fontainebleau and Elba. A Journal of Occurrences in 1814-1815 With Notes of Conversations. By the late Maj.-Gen. Sir Neil Campbell. With a Memoir of that Officer. By A N. C. Maclachlan. 8vo: London, 1869 Napoleon at St. Helena ; or, interesting Anecdotes and Remarkable Conversations of the Emperor. Collected from the Memorial, of Las Casas, O'M^ara Mon tholon, Antommacchi and others. By John S. C. Abbott. Illustrated ' 8vo New York, 1871. Rigby, Dr. Letters from France, etc., in 1789. Edited by his Daughter, Lady Eastlake. 8vo. London, 1880. ^ Whitehurst, Felix M. Court and Social Life in France under Napoleon the Third 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1873. GERMANY. Nicolson, A. Sketch of the German Constitution, 1815 to 1871. 8vo. London, 1875. and of the Events in Germany from UH RUSSIA. Wallace, Mackenzie D. Russia. Maps. 8vo. New York, 1877. EAST AND WEST INDIES. Edwards, Bryan. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies. 5 vols. Atlas. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1819. Baynal, Abbe. A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated from the French by J. Justamand. Maps. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. CANADA. Brown, Jas, B. Views of Canada and thf> Colonists ; embracing the Experience of Eight Years' Residence, etc. Map. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. Buchanan, Isaac. The Relations of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Coxmtry and the United States, etc. Edited by Henry J. Morgan. 8vo. Montreal, 1864. Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent and Self-Made Men. (Ontario volume.) Illustrations. Small 4to. Toronto, 1880. Canadian Journal. A Repertory of industry, Science, and Art, and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. 3 vols. Small 4to. 15 vols, 8vo. Toronto, 1852-1878. Canadian Merchant's Magazine, Vols. 1, 3, 4, and 5. 8vo. Toronto, 1857- 1859. DebatS de la Legislature Provinciale de la Province de Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, ]«^79. Detroit Commercial Convention. July nth— 14th, 1865. (Contains the cele- brated Speech of Hon. Joseph Howe.) 8vo. Detroit, 1865. Cordon, Daniel M. Mountain and Prairie. .4. Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg, vid Peace River Pass. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo Montreal, 1880. Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada, in 1800-1807 and 1808 ; showing its Productions, Trade, and Political Relations, etc., etc. 8vo. London, 1809. Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America. From Canada to Vancouver's Island and C)regon. Illustrations and Map, 8vo. Lon- don, 1859. King, Major W. R. The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada ; or,, Notes on the Natural History of that Country. Plates and Wood-outs. 8vo. London, 1866. Kingston, Wm. H. G. Weotern Wanderings ; or, a Pleasure Tour in the Cauadub. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. Maple Leaf; or, Canadian Annual for 1847. 8vo. Toronto, 1847. ist Indies. 5 359 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. Vol. XLVII. Chronicle, of Cnad. : A Beoord of Eobert Jtaming Oo„rl.y No L^ Concerns .ho Convention ...d Gagging Law, ,818. St. C.tLne», The Canadian Review and Magadne. Montreal, 1826 Mmute. of the Proeeedinge of the Second Convention of Delegate, of the Bnfsh An,e„can Leagne, held at Toronto, 1849. .Vonto, 1849. The Can^ian Bepealer'. Ataanac for 1866, containing Statistic, etc. Bv William Lyon Maolcenzie. Toronto. 1866. An Almanac of Independence and Freedom, for 1860. By William Lyon Mackenzie. Toronto, 1860. ' COLONIAL HISTORY AND ADMINISTRATION Michie, Sir Archibald^ Readings in Melbourne. With an E.say on the R«nrces and Prospects of Victoria, for the Emigrant and Uneasy cLes. .vo. ZZ!, Oolomb, Oapt. J. C. E. Colonial Der„nce, and Colonial Opinion, .vo. Dublin, 1877 UMhere, Praijcis P Early Hi,,t„ry , the Colony o^ Victoria. Proin it. Disc„,e„ to Its Lstoblishment as a Self-Goveming Province o; the British Empire Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879. ^ UNITED STATES. POLITICAL BIOGRAPHIES, IITEEATU ■ (E, ADDEKSSES, Ere Adams, John.. Life of. Begun by John Quincy Adams ; completed by Charles Piuncis Adams, a vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1871 >- ^ •» rrancis Adams, r„K, . .„; Pr.side„t „f the Ui...d States. Works; with a Life of the Autho.. ,, iesancl Illustrationp,. By his GrandRon P F Ai i -^ , 8vo. EoHton, 1850, 18.56. Grandson, C. h. Adams. 10 vols. Vontents : — ^'>1. I. Life of John Adrms. II. Diary; and Av-^obiographj'. I' II Notes of Deb. .es in theVontinental Congress in 1775, 1776. Appendi^^; .Arguments of Counsel, 1761 and 17C9. Original draught ot the D. oifti-ation of Riglits, etc. t'''% I sdo (political biographies, etc. — cont%ni*ed.) Vol. III. Autobiography and Diary. (Continued. J " " Miscellaneous Essays ; and Controversial Papers of the Revolution. " " Appendix ; on the Powers of the Senate in Appointing Ambassa- dors, etc. By Thomas J efferson. " IV. Novanglus ; or, a History of the Dispute with America, from its origin in 1754 to the present time. " " Works on Grovernment. The Plan, (Thoughts on Government, etc.) The Mode), (Report of a Constitution for Massachusetts; with ob- servations, by the Editor). The Defence, (Defence of the Consti- tutions of Government of the United States, against the attack of M, Turgot. 1778. Vol. I. An account of Ancient and Modern Republics, etc.) ** V. Defence of the American Constitutions. (Vols. II. and III. Italian Republics of the Middle Age.) " VI. Defence, etc. Vol. Ill (continued), being a Review of Marchamont Nt dham, on the Right Constitution of a Commonwealth, etc. " " Discourse :: ,n Davilla. Papers on Political History. Correspondence on Government, and on the Constitution of the United States. " " Ijetters in Reply to Strictures on some parts of the " Defence of the American Constitution." " " Review of Propositii.n3 for amenaing the Constitution. 1808. " VII- VIII. Official Letters, Messages, and Public Papers. ' IX. Official Letters, etc. (Ooiitimoed.) Also, General Correspondence. " X. General Correspondence. (Continued.) Indices. Adams, John Quincy. Sixth Presidenf of the United States. Life and Public Ser- vices of. By W, H. Seward. 8vo. Auburn, 1849. Adams, Samuel. Life and Public Services of. Being a Narrative of his Agency in Producing and I'orwarding the American Revolution, with Extracts from his State Papers, etc. By W. V. Wells. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Ames, Fisher. His Works ; with Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence, By Seth Ames. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854. Arnold, Benedict : his Patriotism and his Treason. By Isaac N. Arnold. Portrait. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. Burr, Aaron. His Life and Times. By James Parton. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Oalhoun, John C. Works. Edited by R. K. Cralle. Vols. I. to V. 8vo. New York, 1854-1856. Contents : — Vol. I. Disquisition on Government, and a Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States. " II.-III-.-IV. Sneeches in the House of ReoresentativeH and in the Senate of the United States. " V. Reports to Congress, and Public Letters. " VI. Reports and Public Letters. 861 levolution. g Ambassa- 3a, from its iiment, etc.) )S ; with ob- tho Consti- lie attack of md Modern II. Italian iTarchamont th, etc. respondence [ States, fence of the 1808. Gspondence. Public Ser- Agency in ;s from his Bspondence, . Portrait. jton, 1870. 8vo. New Jonstitution and in the Contents :- Vol. (political biographies, etc.— tw-ard Everett. " *' Speeches on various Public Occasions. " m.-IV. Speeches in Massachusetts Convention and in Congress. " V. Also, Legal Arguments and Speeches to the Jury. " VI. Legal Arguments, etc., Diplomatic and Official Papers; Miscel- laneous Letters ; Index. Winthrop, John. Life of. By his Sons. 8vo. Boston, 1864. 365 2 vols, 8vo. New York, (political literature, etc.) Brodhead, J. R. History of New York. Second Edition 1869-1871. Contents : — Vol. I. First Pmod-1609 to 1G64 I Vol TT «:«„« i t> , ... Connecticut. The Public Records of ,/;';"• ^^^"f, ^^^-'"^ 6^4 to I G91. r«■.»: Its Origani^ation a..a Practicl Workings, etc, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880 "on a..u Practical MSl^'^tl' t™'^'"-^-"- ='*. 8v„.„, 1837. McKniKht Dav.d A. The Electoral System of the United Stati A Critical and H«t„ Exposition of it. Fundamctal Principles, etc. 8vo. PhillUt Short, John T. The North Americans of A..ti,„ity : their Origin, Minion, and St John Th lTT"""''""' '""""""'"•• «'»■ N-Y„rri8eo /^' *™'" '"' ^•"'"'•'^" P"™"'-. Describing Provincial Manner and Customs, etc. 8vo. Belfast, 1783. g rrov.ncu.1 Mannem MILITARY. Oolenso Frances E Assisted by Lieut.-Col. E. Dnmtord. Histor, of the Zulu Warand.tsOr.gin. 8vo. London, 1880. ">« ^uiu ^"""^r"""* ^' ^"-y I^-^^o" Science. lUust^ted. 8v„. London, l! POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Duff. Mountstuart E. G., (M.P.) Foreign Policy. (Paxnph.) London. 1880 Lefevre. G. Shaw. (M R) Freedom of Land. (Pajph.; ^London, 1880 li ^ %. 7: ^ > m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I K< lii 112.2 i U£ 112.0 11.25 i 1.4 1.8 1.6 o 7 PhotogTdphic Sciences Corpcmtion 5? iV A 10 /. U.A ^ \ \ '[/. ^ A. P^\ 1*: •it f 13 , ■. i: 866 (political and social science — continued.) Pate of Republics. (Anon.) 8vo. Boston, 1880. Freeman, Edward A. History of Federal Government. From the Foundation of the Achaian League to the Disruption of the United States. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lon- don, 1863. Spencer, Herbert. Descriptive Sociology ; or, Groups of Sociological Facts. No. 6. " North and South American Races." Compiled and abstracted by Professor David Duncan. 4to. New York, 1878. BELLES LETTRES. Ballad Minstrelsy of Scotland : Romantic and Historical. Collated and Anno- tated. 8vo. Glasgow, 1871. Dennis, George. The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Revised edition, recording the most Recent Discoveries. Map, Plan, and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Hogg, James. Jacobite Relics of Scotland. The Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Ad- herents to the House of Stuart. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. MallOCk, W. H. The New Paul and Virginia ; or. Positivism on an Island. New edition. 8vo. London, (N.D.) Pinkerton, John. An Essay on Medals ; or. An Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modom Coins and Medals j especially those of Greece, Rome and Britain. Illustrations. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Songs of Scotland, Chronologically arranged. With Introduction and Notes. 8vo. Glasgow, 1871. BIOGRAPHY. Beaconsfleld, The Eari of. Cartoons from "Punch," 1843-1878, 4to. London, 1878. Bright, Rt. Hon. John. Cartoons from the Collection of " Mr. Punch." 4to. London, 1878. Browne, Irving. Short Studies of Great Lawyers. 8vo. Albany, N. Y., 1878. CimtentH : — Coke. Mansfield. Kenyon. Thurlow. Loughborough. EUenborough. Erakine. Eldon. Romilly. Abinger Brougham, Parsons. Marshall. Kent. Pinkney. Wirt. Riker. Story. Webster. rValworth. Choato. undation of the 1. 8vo. Lon- Facts. No. 6. i by Professor bed and Anno- i, recording the i. 8vo. Lon- ids of the Ad- 1. . New edition. Knowledge of ece, Home and 1808. . Notes. 8vo. (to. London, Ito. London, ., 1878. 367 (biography— continued.) Emmet, Thoraaa Addis. Memoir of. By Charles P n.i (ND) diaries U Haines. 12mo. New York, Literary Oha«.oters. A Oai,., „f L,l^ ."^"(.^ITss/, b« T .'T * Motley, John Lothrop. Memoir Bv OJivpr W. ^ ,i ti , -London, 1873. Wycliffe, John De. The Lrand On^n T x. " ''" ^^^*«°' ^879. manuscripts. By Rotert yaur S /"-^P^"^ ^-m his unpublished 1831 ^y ««bert Vaughn. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, LAW. Abbott Vaugb. . B J age .„d Ju:. . A P„p„W Explanation „, Leading Topic, in the Law 01 the Land. 8vo. New York, 1880 ''"°%vr TO j: .z°' ^" °" °"'" •^-^^ -" - -'-. -. - Cox, Edward W. Summary Jurisdiction Act 1S7Q „ ^ *v. t .u^diotion Act, ,8^8, etc.. .r 8^' ^0:1 8 9" '"""^"^'^^ ^"■"-'^. Porsythjn.. History Of Trial b, Jur,. New edition. Prepared b, Ja.. A Mor gan. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. j- f »»• a. mor- Marwick, Jas. D. The Law and Practice in regard to Municioal Fl^r Conduct of the Business of Town CouL! Ln "''' ^"^ *^^ Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879 Commissioners of Police in McCrary.Geo.W. The American Law of Elections. Second edition. 8vo. Chicago, MEDICINE. Carpenter, W. B. Principles of Mental Physiolo^v With th.,V A r .- -.^^.o, the Mind, and the Stnd/ o. ^ Z^ tZ^T'V^ Maudsley, Henry. Body and Mind. 8vo. London, 1873 Palmer, A. B., (MD.) HoM»opathy : What i. it, 8v„. Detroit, 1880. THE END, ffW '. I 1 I r i- ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Abinger, (Lord). Memoir of. Scarlett '"^g"" Abbott, B. V. United States Courts and their Practice .\ . . . . . 150 Abbott, B. V., and Abbott, A. Digest New York Statutes and Reports ...... , . 185 Abbow, B. v., and Abbott, A. Digest of Reports of United States Courts 185 Abbott, B. V. Digest on Law of Corporations ^gj^ Abbott, Edmund. Social Economy ; or, The Worker's ABC.., 229 Abbott, E. A. Shakesperian Grammar 325 Abbott, Jacob. American History jog Abbot, J. S. C. French Revolution of 1789 gg Abbot, J. S. C. Monarchies of Continental Europe §8 Abbot, J. S. C. Nipoleon Bonaparte. History of 7O Abbot, J. S. C. Presidents of United filates of America. Lives of 136 Abbott, T. S. C. Argenteuil Case \ j . Abbott, V. B. Judge and Jury. Topics of Law of the Land 367^ Adams, A. L. Field a^ d Forest Rambles in Eastern Canada 77 Adams, C. F., Jr. Railroads ; their Or-gin and Problems 342 Adams, C. K. Democracy and Monarciiy in France 68 Adams, F. M. Law of Trade Marks 206 Adams, J. Electricity ; its Action upon the Human Frame 270 Adams, John, Second President United States. Works, with Life. C. F. Adams. .. 35J Adams, John. Life of. By J. Q. Adams and C. F. Adams '359 Adams, John. Equity, as administered by Court of Chancery 137 Adams, John Q., Sixth President United States. Life 350 Adams, Samuel. Life and Public Services of . Wells 350 Adams, W. D. Famous Regiments of British Army I54 Adams, W. D. Dictionary of English Literature 296 Adams, W. H. D. Episodes of Anglo-Indiali History 73 Adams, W. H. D. Great Names in European History 66 Adams, W. H. D. Temples, Tombs, etc. Ancient Greece and Rome 296 Adams, W. H. D. Woman's Work and Worth 296 Adams, W. H. D. Land of the Nile. Egypt, Past and Present 288 Adams, W. H. D. The Mediterranean Illustrated " 282 Adams, W. H. D. The Buried Cities of Campania 38 Adams, W. H. D. Venice, Past Mid Present n^ ; f 370 ALHHAHKTICAL INDEX (W AUTHORS. -« f' 183 206 296 39 296 296 186 68 Aden, J. Science of CJovorninent in Connection with American Institutions 129 Addekly, Sir 0. B. Colonial Policy of Lord J. HuHsell's Achninistrations ] 121 Adderley, Sir C. National Education and Puninlnnents 325 Addison, C. O. Law of Contrajts Addison, C. G. Wrongs and their Remedies, Law of Torts Addison, Joseph. His Works. R. Hurd Adolphus, John. History of England ^sciiYLUs. By R. S. Copleston -^sciiYLus. Tragedies of. T. A. Buckley AcAssiz, L., and Gould, A. A. Outlines of Comparative Physiology ....], 257 AiKiNS, T. B. Selections from Public Documents of Nova Scotia 77 AiRD, D. M. Blackstone Economized". AiRD, D. M. Civil Laws of France to Present Time Albemarle, Earl of. Memoirs of Rockingham and his Contemporaries .......... 62 Allcock, J. C. Registry Cases Decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland U Alcock, Sir R. Capital of the Tycoon 285 Alden, Joseph. Science of Government .,, , Allen, Chaa. Telegraph Decided in America and Great Britain ' . . . 2O6 Alexander, Maj.-Gen. Bush Fighting. Maori War in New Zealand 154 Alexander, Sir J. E. Salmon Fishing in Canada 7^ Alexander, Sir J. E. L'Acadie ; or, Seven Years' Exploration in British America! 77 Alford, Heiny. Greek Testament ,,g Alford, Henry. How to Study the New Testament 333 Alford, Henry. Life, Journals, and Letters. Mrs. Alford [ 170 Alford, Henry. The Queen's English 32g Algernon, Sydney. Life and Times of Ewing „ Allibone, S. a. Critical Dictionary English Literature 296 Alubone, S. X. Poetical Quotations. From Chaucer to Tenny.son \ 5 Allibone, S. A. Prose Quotations. From Socrates to xMacaulay 5 Alison, Sir A. Essays, Political, Historical ' . . . . ^ 296 Alison, Sir A, History of Europe .. Althorp, Viscount. Memoir of. Le Marchant 57 His Works. Selections from Speeches. By S. Ames 360 An English Code. Its Difficulties and Modes of Overcoming Them. 181 Political and Legal Remedies for War 214 Primer of English Constitution and Government 31 Prohibition and Regulation of Vice in England and other Countries. 207 Science of Jurisprudence 193 Dominion at the West : British Columbia 77 Anderson, A. D. Silver Country ; or, Great South- West, Mexico ....... .\^..... 229 Anderson, C. J. Lion and the Elephant 288 Anderson, D. Net in the Bay ; or. Visit to Moose and Albany 77 " Notes on Flood at Red River , = . , . 77 Ames, Fisher. Amos, Sheldon. Amos, Sheldon Amos, Sheldon. Amos, Sheldon. Amos, Sheldon, Anderson, A, C. Andkrson, D. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 371 Anderson, E. Les Reports du ^*°"" Anderson, Wn.. Scottish Nation. Surnames, Families," of Scotland '...'.""['" 47 Andrews, G. H. Agricultural Engineering 248 Andrews, J. D. Trade and Commerce, B. N. A. Colonies'. ' U. "s.Report 230 Andrews, S. J. Life of Our Lord upon the Earth 333 Anoell, J. K. Law of Carriers Anoell, J. K. Limitations of Actions at Law, and Suits in Equity .....[. 195 Ancjell, J. K. Law of Watercourses 207 Anoell, J K., and Ames, Samuel. Law of Private Corporations Aggregate 183 Anuelo, Michael. Fac-similes of Original Studies of. Etched by Fisher . 240 Anoelo, Michael. Sculptor, Painter, Architect. C. C. Black " " 240 Ansell, G. F. Royal Mint ; its Working, Conduct and Operations 230 Anstie, F. E. Uses of Wine in Health and Disease 370 Appleton's Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events 355 Appleton's Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work . . 240 Appleton's Illustrated Handbook of American Cities "{[ Appleton's Illustrated Handbook of American Winter Resorts ... . .' . .' ] ' .' .''*'"' 10 Arago, F. Meteorological Essays Archbold's Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases 190 Abchbold's Practice of Q. B., Com. Pleas and Exchequer Divisions," H." C. "justice " 1 98 Archibald, J. F. Practice Court of Quarter Sessions * " 200 Archibald, J. F. Statutes relating to Lunacy [9- Arfwedson, C. D. United States and Canada in 1832-34 j .^ Argyll, Duke of. The Eastern Question ~ Argyll, Duke of. Reign of Law or Aristophanes. Comedies of. Hickie „q Aristotle. The Metaphysics of. McMahon ...........!... ' 33J Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics of. Browne 335 Aristotle. The Organon ; or Logical Treatises of. Owen . . .......'.'.[][[ 335 Aristotle. Treatise on Rhetoric. Buckley 90 - Armstrong, Sir W. Abolition of Patents for Inventions in United Kingdom 2U Arndt, E. M. Singer of the German Fatherland. Professor Seeley .... " 1 70 Arnold, Arthur. Social Politics ^. Arnold, Benedict ; his Patriotism and Treason. I. N. Arnold Qgo Arnold, Edwin. The Light of Asia Arnold, Edwin. Poets of Greece .99- Arnold, Matthew. Higher Schools and Universities in Gennany 30I Arnold, Matthew. Mixed Essays Arnold, Matthew. Poems bv Arnold, Matthew. Literature and Dogma ....^ Arnold's Sermons Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome ^3! Arnold, Thomas. Miscellaneous Works oo-. . Ji7| 372 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 1 Paoe. Arnold, Thomas. Lectures on Modern History 67 Arnold, Thomas, late Head Master Rugby. Life. Stanley 170 Arnold, T. J. Duties of Justice of Peace out of Sessions 193 Arnold, W. T. Roman System of Provincial Administration 38 Arnott, Neil. Elements of Physics ; or, Natural Philosophy 2fi4 Arrowsmith's New General Atlas 276 Ashley, Anthony, First Earl of Shaftesbury. Life of. Christie 57 Ashley, Hon. E. Viscount Palmerston. Life of. Selections from his Speeches, etc. 62 Ashley, John. Trade and Revenue of British Colonies in America 121 Atcherley, R. J. Adulterations of Food 270 Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester. Memoirs and Correspondence of. Williams .... 57 Attfield, John. Chemistry, Medical and Pharmaceutical 270 Atkinson, Geo. Offices of Sheriff, Undersheriff, Bailiff, etc 203 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia 285 Atkinson, W. C. Historical and Statistical Account of New Brunswick 77 Atwood, W. Dependency of Ireland upon Imperial Crown of England 39 Atwood, W. Superiority of Crown of England over Crown of Scotland 40 Aubrey, W. H. S. National and Domestic History of England 40 Aukcland, Lord Wm. Journal and Correspondent >, Bishop of Bath and Wells . . 57 Austin, John. Jurisprudence, or Philosophy of Positive Law 193 Ayckbourn, H. Jurisdiction and Practice Supreme Court of Judicature 205 Ayrton, Prof. Improvements Science can Effect in Trades 243 Bachelder, J. B. Popular Resorts, (U.S.), and How to Reach Them 293 i$ACK, Captain. Arctic Land Expedition to Fish Rivei and Arctic Ocean 77 Bacon, Lord. Personal History of. Dixon 57 Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England Churches 338 Bacon, N. Historical and Political Discourse, Laws and Government of England . . 31 Badeau, a. Military History of TJ. S. Grant 156 Bagehot, Walter. Economic Studies 214 Bagehot, Walter. English Constitution 31 Bagehot, Walter. Lombard Street. The Money Market 230 Bagehot, Walter. Literary Studies of 297 Bagehot, Walter. Physics and Politics 214 Bailey, Alfred. Succession to English Crown 40 Bailie, J. Wonders of Electricity 264 Bain, AIjx. Education as -^ Science 325 Bain, Alex. Mental and Moral Science 335 Baines, T. Gold Regions of South-Eastem Africa 288 Baines, T. Explorations in South- West Africa 288 Baird, H. M. History of Rise of the Huguenots of France 338 Baird, H. M. Modem Greece 283 Baird, S. F. Record of Science and Industry for 1878 5 ALPHAHETKAI- INDEX OF AUTHORS. 373 Paok. Baker, H. B. French Society. From Fronde to Great Revolution 68 Baker, Lt.-Col. Turkey 286 Baker, Lt.-Gen. War in Bulgaria. Personal ExperionceH 164 Baker, Sir R. Chronicle of the Kings of England 40 Baker, Sir S. W. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879 280 Baker, Sir S. W. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon 286 Baker, Sir S. W. Ismaila. Narrative of Expedition to Central Africa 288 Ball, II. S. Astronomy. Specially Revised for America 260 Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's Bay ; or, Life in North America 77 Ballantyne, R. M. The Pioneers : Adventures of Sir A. Mackenzie 77 Ballantyne, R. M. The Pioneers : Tale of Western Wilderness 292 Bailantyne, R. M. Six Months at the Cape 278 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America, in Notes on American Archaeology 76 Baldwin, J. D. Pre-Historic Nations 36 Ballinoall, Wm. Edinburgh, Past and Present 47 Bancroft, George. History of United States 129 Bancroft, George. Literary and Historical Miscellanies 297 iJANCROFT, H. H. Native Races of the Pacific States 76 Bangs, N. History of Methodist Episcopal Church 338 Banning, H. T. Limitation of Actions 178 Barbauld, a. L. Memoir of, with Letters. Ellis 170 Barclay, R. Inner Life of the Commonwealth, etc 338 Barclay, J. The Talmud. Illustrations and Plan of the Temple 338 Bardsley, C, W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature 297 Bardsley, C, W. English Surnames, their Sources and Significations 8 Barham, Harness, and Huddkr. Personal Reminiscences of. Stoddard 170 Barret-Leonabd, C. E. Travels in British Columbia 292 Barrington, a. British Architecture 238 Barrington, D. Miscellaneous 297 Barrington, Justice. Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to James 1 204 Barrington, Sir J. Historic Memoirs of Ireland 48 Barrington, Sir J. Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation 48 Barker, E. H. Claims of Sir P. Francis to Junius's Letters Disproved 297 Barker, Lady. Station Life in New Zealand 296 Barkley, H. C. Between the Danube and the Black Sea 283 Barkley, H. C. Bulgaria before the War. Turkey and its Inhabitants 283 Barnard, P. A. V. Metric System Weights and Measures 230 Barnes, W. H. History Thirty-Ninth Congress United States 129 Barron and Arnold. Reports of Cases Controverted Elections. 1843 to 1846.. 14 Barron and Austin. Cases of Controverted Elections in Fourteenth Parliament . . 14 Barron, J. A. Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgage, Acts of Ontario 367 Barrow, Sir J. Voyages of Discovery and Research within Arctic Regions 278 Barry, C. A. Primer of Desien oAn i»' 11 i' \ H^K *" wKSBff, ^'^^ AM'HAHKTK'AL FNDKX OF Al'THOUS. Barky, Captain. IT,, and Down ; or Fifty Vears' Colonial Exp«rienceH 280 Barry, H. Russia in 1870 i^^, Barry, J. 8. History of MaHsachuHettH 130 Barry, P. International Trade of United States, England, and Canada 230 Bartii, H. Travels and Discoveiies in North and Central Africa 288 Bartlktt, J. R. Dictionary of AmericanisniB 32^ Bartlett, W. H. Canadian Scenery Illustrated .......'.' 77 Bartlett, W. H. Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles in Syria .... . . . . . . 280 Bartley, O. T. Schools for the People ! ! 326 Bassnett, T. Mechanical Theory of Storms 26i Bastaix, H. C. Beginning of Life " ' 267 Bastian, H. Brain as an Organ of Mind 270 Bastiat, Fred. Essays on Political Economy 230 Bastiat, Fred. Harmonies of Political Economy 230 Batterbon, H. G. Sketch-book of the American Episcopate 338 Bates, W. H. Illustrated Travels. Record of Discovery, Adventure 281 Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the River Amazon 291 Batty, J. H. How to Hunt and Trap 2i3 Batty, J. H. Taxidermy and Home Decoration 243 Battt, Lt.-CoI. Views of Principal Cities of Europe 240 Baur, Dr. F. C. Church History of the First Three Centuries 333 Baur, Dr. F. C. Paul the Apoatle of Jesus Christ .....!... 338 Bautain, M. Art of Extempore Speaking 325 Baxter, R. D. Taxation of the United Kingdom ' _ 230 Baxter, W. E. Law and Practice Supreme Court Judicature 2O6 Bayles, J. C. House Drainage and Water Service m Cities, Villages 238 Bayne, Peter. Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution 40 Bayne, Peter. Life and Letters of Hugh Millei 175 Beach, A. C. Centennial Celebrations of New York ]30 Beaconspield, Earl of. Cartoons from "Punch:" 1843-1878 366 Beaconsfield, Earl of. Political Adventures of 57 Bkaconsfield, Earl of. Public Life of. Hitchman 57 Beadle, D. W. Canadian Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Gardener 249 Beal, J. Y. Memoir ; with account of Raid on Lake Erie 170 Beale, L. S. Bioplasm. Study of Physiology and Medicine 270 Beale, L. S. Protoplasm ; or. Matter and Life 257 Beam AN, C. C. National and Private Alabama Claims 191 Beamish, N. L. Discovery of America by the Northmen 76 Beard, G. M., and Rockwell, A. D. Medical and Surgical Uses of Electricity .... 270 Beard, G. M. Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion 270 Beasley, H. Druggists' Receipt Book. Veterinary Formulary, etc 270 Beaumarchais, and His Times. French Society in Eighteenth Century. DeLominie 68 Beecher, C. K Common Sense Applied to Rpli^'ion .S38 AI 'HAUKTICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. , •J75 ,, . ^, ,, Pacib. Hk<;k, I.. C. Botany of the UniUnl Stat^H, North of Virginia 263 Bkokkh, B. H. HcientiHc London ' 264 Bbokfokd, VVni. Dtwcriptive Account <.f Jamaica 121 Bkckmann, John. HiHtory of Inventions, DincoverieB, etc 243 FJkde, The Venerable. EcclesiaHtical Hintory of England 338 Bkdfoud, Duke of. CorreHpondence of John, Fourth Duke. T.„rd J. HuMKell .... 57 Bedporu, E. If. (iuide to Practice of Supreme Court Judicature 208 Beoo, a. Creation of Manitoba ; or, History Red River Troubles 77 Bkog, a. " Dot it Down." Life in North West 7g Bkobie, J. W. Book of Medical Information and Advice 270 Be(»in, L. N. La Primaute et I'Infaillibilite des Souverains-Pontifes 339 Bell, Andrew. Historical Sketches of Feudalism, British an.l Continental 214 Bell, Sir C. The Hand : Its Mechanism 258 bELL, Wm. New Tracks in North America 293 Beloiibr, Lady. Mutiiieers of the " Bounty " 297 Bellew, H. \^'. Journal of Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857 286 Belt, T. Naturalist in Nicaragua 291 Beltrami, D. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and America 281 Benk, Geo. History of the Town of Belfast 48 BenneItt, E. H. Fire Insurance Cases in Great Britain and America 190 Bennett, C. H., and Brough, R. B. Character Sketches, Drawings 241 Benjamin, J. P. Law of Sale of Personal Property 202 Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure 290 Bent, J. T. Freak of Freedom ; or the Republic of San Marino 73 Bentiiam, Jeremy. Theory of Legislation 217 Bentham, Jeremy. Church of Englandism and its Catechism Examined 339 Bentiiam, Jeremy. Works of 215 Benton, T. H. History of Working of American Government 129 Bentinck, Lord G. A Political Biography. Disraeli 57 Benny, P. B. Criminal Code of Jews, according to the Talmud 184 Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia 291 Berkeley, (Bishop). Works of 335 Bernard, B. Our Common Fruits 249 Bernard, Maj.-Gen. Defences of Washington I54 Bernard, M. Neutrality of Great Britain during American Civil War 191 Beers, H. A. Century of American Literature, 1776-1876 297 Bertram, J. G. Harvest of the Sea 262 Besant, W. The French Humourists ' 297 Besant, W., and Palmer, E. H. Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Sakdiu 285 Beesly, a. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 38 Best, W. M. Principles of Evidence jgg Bethune, (Bishop). Memoir of Bishop l-^- Beeton's Date Book of British Chronology q, 376 ALPHARKTfCAL INDEX OF AFTHOKH. Hkkton'h Dictionary of (loography. UnivopHal (Jazotteer ^*"7 Bekton's Dictionary of Natural HiHtory Bbeton'8 Dictionary of UniverHai Information 5 Ekkton'b Great Hook of Pootry Bekton's Puhlio Speaker * ^ Bevah, O. p. IruluHtrial Geography Great Britain and Ireland oii Bewick's Wood Guts " " Bkyard, Col. N. Journal Late Actions of the French in Canada ... 78 BiANcoNi, Chas. A Biography. Mrs. O'Connell " ' " ^j^ BiHAUD, M. Canada and the Canadians BicKMORK, W. E. Four Tables of Comparative Chronology g Bi<,EL0W, E. B. Tariff Policy of England and the United States . . 230 BiGELOW, M. M. Law of Estoppel jg^ Bh.ELOw, M. M. Life and Accident Insurance Cftses in U. S. Courts 190 BioELow, M. M. Placita Anglo Normannica. Law Cases. Wm. I.-Rchd. I." I94 BiHCHALL, James. England under the Stuarts ^^ BiRCHALL, James. England under the Tudors 40 Bird, I. L. Hawaian Archipelago. Sandwich Islands 281 Bird, L L. Lady's Ride in the Rocky Mountains -^ , B18SET, Andrew. Essays on Historical Truth 57 BissET, Andrew. History of Commonwealth of England 40 BissET, Andrew. Strength of Nations ' gn B188ET, Andrew. Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England " .' .' '.'..'.'.[" 40 Bishop, J. L. American Manufactures ; their Origin and Growth 243 Bishop, J. P. Law of Marriage and Divorce jgg Bishop. Law of Married Women Bismarck, Life of. Private and Political. Hesekial 170 Blackburn, H. The Harz Mountains 283 BtACKiE, J. S. Hor« HellenicsB ; Greek Philosophy and Antiquity . " . . . '. . . . ." ." ." 298 Blackib, J. S. Language and Literature of Scottish Highlands 298 Blackie, J. S. Self-Culture, Intellectual, Physical and Moral 298 Blackie, J. S. Wise Men of Greece 9gg Blackib and Son. Villa and Cottage Architecture 238 Blackley, W. I, Prevention of Pauperism [[['[] 217 Blackley, W. L. Word Gossip. Words and their Peculiarities! 326 Blackstone, Wm. Tracts relating to Antiquities and Laws of England 186 Blackwell, R. S. Power to sell land in U. S. for Non-payment of Taxes 1.50 Blake, Wm. A Critical Essay. Swinburne 298 Blakeman, Rufus. Credulity, Superstition, Animal Fascination .... 917 Blakby, Robt. History of Political Literature glT Blaine, D. P. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports 3 Blair's Chronological Tables » Blandford, G. F. Insanity and its Treatment 270 AM'HAItiaiCAL INIW.X OF Ar'THORH. .177 Rr-ANQui, J. A. Political Economy in Europe .... ^^Z M.AAUW, W. H. Tho Iiaro„„. War : with Hatth. of L^w..' and " E^eHhanV. .' ." ,0 »r.YTU, A. W. Dictionary of IIygi«no and Public Health . . 970 Hr-VTH, A. W. Practical OhomiHtry. Anaiynis of Foods ....■....■.'.'.■.■.'.■.■.■ .,70 Kr-KKK, Dr. F. LecturoH on tho Apocalypne ... " „ BLKHsmuTON. CounteaH of. Literary Life and Correnpondence of '. 7! BumoBLL, Wm. Cavalior'fl Note Book . . ysT, J. H. Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical TheoIoKy !!! BLU.T. J. H. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties' ". 339 Blunt, J. J. Undesigned Coincidences in Old and New Testament tZ BoARDMAN, O. D. Studies in the Creative Week . . tZ Boccaccio. II Decameron ^ B0LLE8, A. a. Conflict between Labour and Capital ....'.".'.'.".' tTj BoLLES, A. S. Financial History of United States, from 1 774 to 1 789 Un B0LLE8, A. S. Political Economy . « • ■ . . -S4d B0.XOK, E. C and Wkbbeh, H. H. Confederation British North America Ts BoZrw ^. CamilleDesmoulins and his Wife. The Dantonists. Mrs. Hoey 68 BoNSFiED, Wm. Government of the Empire . . , BoNwiOK, J. Egyptian Belief and Modem Thought Ill BoNwiCK, James. Who are the Irish ].. . BoNNYOASTtE. Sir R. Canada and the Canadians "in' 1846 tl BoRRow.G. The Bible in Spain. Journeys. J, Borrow, O. The Zincall : Account of the Gypsies of Spain .' HI BosT, A. History of the Moravians Booth, E. C. Australia. Illustrated. By' Prout .' f ^f BOTHWELL, Earl of. Life of. By Frederick Schiern H Bouchette, J. British Dominions in North America *« BouRKE, Robert. Decisions of the Speaker on Points of Order 3! BouRKE, U. J. Easy Lessons ; or, Self-Instruction in Irish . o '« Bourne, John. Catechism of Steam Engine f BouRNE,John. Handbook of Steam Engine 1,1 Bourne, H. R. F. Romance of Trade Bourne. H. R. F. The Story of Our Colonies '.'■ .' ?f? Boutell, Chas. English Heraldry BouviEB, John. Law Dictionary, United States. . .* i«J BovELL,J. Outlines of Natural Theology BowmTCH.H.L Public Hygiene in America .'.'.".' .' HI BowDiCH, N. New American Practical Navigator . . til BowEN,E. Complete System of Geography It^ BOWEN, F. American Political >^onomy. Currency '.'.'.■.■: Zl B0W.E8, Samuel. Across the Continent. Stage Ride to Rocky Mountains 2I4 t i t». 378 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHOB" PAQiC. BowRiNG, L. Eastern Experiences 285 BowRiNG, Sir J. Kingdom and People of Siam 285 BowYEr., Geo. Commentaries on Constitutional Law of England 182 BowYFR, Geo. Commentaries on Modern Civil Law 1 80 BoYNTON, C. B. History TI. S. Navy during the Rebellion 154 Boys, W. I'. A. Offire and Duties of Coroners in Ontario 208 Boxer, F. N. Architects' and Artisans' Permanent Price Book 24.*^ Brace, C. E. New West, or California in 1867-68 294 Brackbneury, dipt. Ashantee War 154 Braokett, a.. C. Education of American Girls .326 Braiiford, a. History of Massachusetts 132 Brand, J. Obsorvaiions on Popular Antiquities .355 Bhande, W. T. Dictionary of Science 3 Brant, Joseph. Life of. Including Border Wars. Stone 170 Brassey, Mr. Life and Labours of. Helps 170 Brassey, Mrs. Sunshine and Storm in the East 281 Brassey, Mrs. Voyage in the " Sunbeam." 278 Brassey, Thos. Work and Wages. Practically Illustrated 217 Braylby and Britton. Palace and late Houses Parliament, Westminster . 238 Bree, C. E,. Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Darwin 258 Bremner, David. Industries of Scotland 230 Brewer, C. E. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 5 Brewer, E. C. Errors of Speech and Spelling 326 BrewsteIv, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton 176 Brewster, Sir D. Martyrs of Science 164 Bhewstee, Sir D. Natural Magic 264 Brice, Seward. Dootrine of Ultra Vires 206 Brickwood, L. p., and Croft, H. Election Manual 14 BRiDGU, C. History of French Literature 298 Eridok vn, R. W. Legal Bibliography 207 Bright, John. His Life. McGilchrist 57 Bright, John. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy 65 Bright, J. F. History of England - 40 Brightly, F. C. Analytical Digest of Laws of the U. S 185 Brightly, F. C. Leading Cases on Law of Elections in United States 14 Brinkley's Astronomy 250 Bristeu, C. a. Five "S ears' in an English University 326 Bribted, C. a. Interference Tlteory of Government . 217 Brittaine, Geo. Irish Priests and English Landlords 298 Brocklesbv, John. Elements of Meteorology 253 Brodehip, W. J. Zoological Recreations 260 BrOlhead, J. R. History of New York 365 Brodie, G. Constitutional History of British Empire 356 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Brooke,S.A. Theology in the English Poets ^^^ Brooke. La Grande Abridgement ^^^ Brooks J. Seven Months' Run Up and Down the World ' ; 11' Broom, Herbert. Commentaries on the Common Law T.l Broom, Herbert. Constitutional Law in Relation to Common Law Ill Broom, Herbert. Legal Maxims Classified and Illustrated '' Broom, Herbert. Philosophy of Law ^^^ Broom, H and Hab.kv, E. A. Commentaries onLaws' ^f England !«« Brough, C. a. Guide to Law of Elections ^ ^^^ Brougham, Lord. His Life and Times. Written byhimseli '"' Brougham, Lord. Life and Career of . McGilchrist ^ ^ROUGHAM, Lord. Old England's Worthies. Original Biogmphies ^ Brougham, Lord. Political Philosophy ^^ ^^^ Brougham, Lord. Sketches of Statesmen intin^e" of George III 'II Brougham, Lord. Speech upon Canada ^^ "r::;^ :^-r^-«^-f.o;thAmerica;^ ;: Broughtox L. P. D. India. Code of Civil Procedure' '['. '' Brown, Archibald. Law Dictionary ^^^ IZTbj T*^ 1 !""'^' •" ^^-^^ '^''^^^^ states" ; ; ; : ; : ; : : Z BROWN, D. J. Trees of America, Native and Foreign f iiROWN,G. Grammar of English Grammars ^*^ Brown, Herbert. Commentaries on the Common Law ^^^ Brown, J. Horse Subsecivse ... ^^^ Brown, J. B. Views of Canada and the Colonists ^^^ Brown, T. Annals of the Disruption ^^^ Brown, T. S. Histo.y Grand Trunk Railway of Canada 'H Brown, Wm. Labour Question, Paper Currency ^^ Brown, W. L. Natural Equality of Men ^^^ Browne, J. H. B. Law of Carriers ^^'^ Browne, J. HB. Law of U^ges and Customs ." J^? ^ I • ""■ ^- ^^"'"^^^'^ ^^'-'^'^ '' llndertaking^'of Compani;s: : '.' [: ' ' Z BiiowNis, Irvmg. Humorous Phases of Law Hkowne, I. Short Studies of Great Lawyers ^^* BuowvE, J. R. Adventures in the Apache Country !^^ Browne, J. R. The Land of Thor ^^* Browne, W^H. Digest of Statutes and Decisions, (U. S.) on Divorce 1 «« Browning, E. B. Poems by ^^^ Browning, E. B. Poetical Works of ^^^ 299 380 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. mi' m Paob. Brugsch-Bey. History of Egypt. Exodus of Israel 36 Brunton, T. L. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 270 Bryant, W. C. Civil Service of Crown 218 Bryant and Gay. History of United States 130 Bryce, James. Transcaucasia and Ararat in 1876 285 Bryce, James. Holy Roman Empire 38 BucHAN, Ca!pt. Voyage of Discovery towards North Pole 278 Buchanan, I. Britain, the Country, versus Britain, the Empire 230 Buchanan, I. Relations of Industry of Canada with Mother Country and U. S. . . 358 Buchanan, R. Land of Lome 283 BucHNER, L. Man in Past, Present and Future 258 Buckle, H. T. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works 299 Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization in England 218 Buckley, A. B. Fairy Land of Science 365 Buckley, A. B. History of Natural Science 264 Buckley, H. B. Law and Practice under the Companies' Acts 192 BucKNiLL, J. 0. Habitual Drunkenness and Insane Drunkards 270 BucKNiLL, J. C, and Tuke, D, H. Manual of Psychological Medicine 270 BucKTON, C. M. Health in the House 270 BuiES, A. Petites Chroniques pour 1877 299 BuLLEN and Leake. Pleadings in Personal Actions in Superior Courts 198 Bulger, Capt, Records St. Hubert's Club. Sporting Adventures 78 Bullion, Thos. Internal Management of a Country Bank 230 BuLWER, Lord L, King Arthur : A Poem 299 BuLWER, Sir H. L. Historical Characters 171 BuLWER, Sir H. L, Viscount Palmerston, Life. With Selections from his Diaries . . 62 Bunbarry, Wm. Reports of Cases in Court of Exchequer 201 BuNGENER, L. F. History Council of Trent . . 339 BuNSEN, Baroness. Life and Letters of. Hare 171 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's Progress, Holy War 340 BuNYON, C. J. Law of Life Assurance 194 BuRDETT, H. Cottage Hospital : Its Origin, Progress 270 BuRDWOOD, John. Azimuth Tables ; or. Sun's True Bearing 250 Burke, Hon. E. Speeches in House of Commons 65 Burke, Edmund. Works and Correspondence. Earl Fitzwilliam. Sir R. Bourke 58 Burke, J., and Burke, J. B. Heraldry of England, Scotland and Ireland 8 Burke, Sir B. Armoury of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales 8 Burke, Sir B. Landed Gentry 8 Burke, Sir B. Peerage and Baronetage for 1867 8 BuRKEj Peter= Naval and Military Trials .... = ....,-■-, 208 Burke, Peter. Romance of the Forum ; Narratives of Courts of Juatiof 208 Burke, T. N. Ireland's Case Stated. Reply to Froude 49 BuRLAMAQUi, J. J. Principles of Natural and Politic Law l^"^ ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 381 Burr, Aaron. Trial of, for High Treason P^««- BuRRiLL, A. M. Law Dictionary 180. BuRRiTT,E. Chips from Many Blocks ^84 BuRRixT, E. Five Minutes' Talks on All Sorts of Topics ''' bZ;::! wirr^^- ^^^-"^^^ws.%orthend;::::: ::: «URRiTT, E. Walk from London to Land's End and Back ^^ Walks in the Black Country and in Green Borde'r Land '«! Home and the Campagna ^83 Burn R S. Sanitary Science ; Houses in Town andCounirv '' BuRx's Justice of Peace and Parish Officer . ^ '^^^ BURRITT, E. Burn, Robert. BURNABV, Capt. Ride to Khiva ; Travels, etc.', "i Burnet, in Central Asia 193 (Bishop.) History of His Own Time. . " ^85 Burnet's History of Reformat ion of Church of England 40 Burnett. Dr. T. Sacred Theo^oVtirEi;: ^"'"" ^^^ Burnett, J. C. Curability of Cataract with Medicines ''' WTV ""• ''"^"^^"^'^^ ^"^ ^P-- of an O Pioneer ''' BURNEV, Prances. Diary and Letters of. Woolsey ^ ^^ Burroughs, W. H. Law of Taxation in the United States ''' Burrows, M. Constitutional Progress 205 Burrows, M. Imperial England 31 BuBTON,J.H. History Reign Of Queen Anne *1 Burton. J. H. History of Scotland 41 BURTON.J.H. TheBook-Hunter 47 BURTON.RF. Lake Regions of Central Africa 286 Burton. RF. Ultima Thule ; or a Summer in Iceland ^'^ Burton, Thos. Diary of a Member in Parliaments „f, "n ^83 Burton W TT n„ j- "" ■^^"^^'"^nts of two Crom wells ,, URTON W. H. Compendium of Law of Eeal Property *^ BuRv, Viscount. Exodus of the Western Nations 1^9 BusBv, Jas. Our Colonial Empire, and the case of New Zealand ''^ BuscH. Montz. Bismarck in the Franco-German War ^^l llZf'njy^'T'^' ^T '"' '"^"^'^^^- «'■*'-- Travel J' JiusHBY, H. D. Manual of Elections 286 BusHBv's Manual of Elections. By Hard^stle 1^ BusHNELL, H. Work and Play 16 BuTLER,J. Electro-Therapeutics 73 271 «..; «:-;. 382 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (IF AUTHORS. Paok. Butler, Josephine E. Woman's Work and Woman's Culture 218 Butler, J. Ai< Uogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed 340 Butler, Rev. R. Registry of All Hallows, Dublin 49 Butler, Samuel. Hudibraa. With Notes, etc 299 Butler, Capt. Great Lone Land. Travel in North- West 78 Butler, Capt. Wild North Land. Journey Across Northern Nortl^ America .... 78 Butler, Major. Akim-Foo. History of a Failure. ^Asliantee Expedition.) IS.') Butler, Major. Wild North Land 292 Buxton, T. F. Prison Discipline — Inquiry as to Prevention Crime and Misery. . . . 218 Byles, J. B. Sophisms of Free Trade 230 Byles, Sir J. B. Law of Bills of Exchange 179 Cairnes, J. E. Character and Method of Political Economy 230 Cairn ES, J. E. Leading Principles Political Economy 231 Cairnes, J. E. Political Essays 218 Callcott, Maria. History of Spain 75 Caldecott, Thos. Reports of Cases relative to duty of Justice of Peace 201 Calhoun, John C. Work.s. By Cralle 360 Calkins, N. A. Primary Object Lessons for Graduated Course of Development . . 326 Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion 340 Camden, Wm. Britannia ; or, Chorographical Description of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc 41 Cameron, Commander. Across Africa 288 Cameron, C. A. Manual of Hygiene, Public and Private 271 Cameron, Hon. J. H. Collection of Legal Opinions 208 Campbell, D. Nova Scotia, in its Historical, Mercantile, and Industrial Relations. 78 Campbell, H. Nervous Exhaustion, and the Diseases induced by it 271 Campbell, Lord. Lives of Chief Justices of England 171 Campbell, Lord. Lives of Lord Chancellors of England 58 Campbell, Lord. Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements 299 Campbell, Lord, Speeches of 65 Campbell, J. F. My Circular Notes. Travelling Round the World ." 281 Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands 299 Campbell, J. V. Political History of Michigan 130 Campeau, F. R. E. Guide to House of Commons and Senate of Canada 10 Campbell, Mrs. A. Rough and Smooth ; an Australian Gold Field 296 Campbell, Robt. Law of Negligence 197 Campion, J. S. On the Frontier, (U.S.) Wild Sports .* 281 Canniff, Wm. History Settlement of Upper Canada 78 Canning, Hon. A. S. G. Political Progress of Christianity 218 Canning, Rt. Hon. George. His Political Life. Stapleton 58 Canning, Hon. George. Select Speeches of. By R. Walsh 65 Canning, Hon. George. Speeches of 65 ALPHABETKAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. ««« __^^ oo3 €APaLMo„,. Vaticm™. A„.wor to " Iteproof. and Replio, " ^^ o! w t' to Ola^tona', "Politic, ExpolLMon,..^""" "« Capks, W. W. The Early Enipi,^ 340 cr»::'aTr°' "'"•"'■ '■ ^°-™'''''' '^'«"°' «—■ victo™ ,?* I.ARRIKR, L. N. Les Evenements de 1837-38 218 Oarrel, Armancl. Countor-Revolution in Englaml ^^ Carev,H.C. Principles of Social Science 41 Carev, C. S. Book of Epigrams 218 Carlfle, Lieut., and Martindale, Lieut -Col R«i.^ii" ".'• " ' " 1 5 CAHU.E.A.D. Round the World ii: 1870 ''"""^^^'^"-^ ^^^-^^ 78 Carlyle, Thos. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays ^81 Cablyle, Thos. Early Kings of Norway 300 Carlyle, Thos. His Collected Works 74 CARMrcHAEL-SMiTn, Sir J. Wars in,'from 1755 to IftVd ^^^ Carpkxxer. Mary. Reformatory Schools for Chllrln ^« Carpextek, W B. Mesmerism, Spiritualism 218 Carpenter, W. R Physiology of Temperance and Total Al.stin '^* CARPEXTER. W B. Principles of Mental Physiology """^ ^71 Carpexteh. W. R Zoology. Structure, etc . of Animal KinV , ''^ Carstairs, Wm. A Character and Care r of th ^"7^^.^^"^^'^'" 257 ^'^'o. j^^:i:^::^x;::Z^:''^-^- ■••■•: - U„™™,T>„. Report, of 0«e, fa King., Bench " 0*«TWK,„„T, Geo. Labrador Countiy and its Inhabitant, '"» -».™o,„; r: K,"st::: sr.r °— '^ ^'— ■■■■■■■■■' ^ Castle, Ed. J. Law of Rating .. . 79 Castilar, Emilio. Old Rome and New I'taiy 200 Castlereaoh, Viscount. M.moirs and Correspondence of ''' CATLiN, Geo. Manners, Customs N. A. Indians *1 Catus, Robt. The Reading of, upon Statute of Sewers" 'etc '^^ Gaunter, H. Romance of History. India 203 H. H. Debates .n House of Commons on Bill for Governo,ent; Quebec 9 :.m .384. ALPHABETICAL INI>BX OF AUTHOUS. Cecil, Lord E. Impressions of Life at Home and Abroad 281 Cernuschi, Henri. Monetary Diplomacy in 1878 ^31 Chabot, C, and Twistleton, Hon. E. Handwriting of Junius Investigated 300 Challice, a. E. Memories of French Palaces 300 Challis, J. Lectures on Practical Astronomy and Astronomical Instruments 251 Chalmers, Geo. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on English Jurisprudence 181 Chalmers, Geo. Political Annals of Present United Colonies 130 Chalmers, Geo. Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers 191 Chambers' Encyclopedia ^ Chambers, G. F. A. Handbook for Public Meetings 10 Chambers, G. F. A. Handbook of Descriptive Astronomy 251 Chambers, J. D. Dictionary of Elections ^-^ Chambers's Information for the People Chambers, Robert. Book of Days Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature 301 Chambers, Robert. Domestic Annals of Scotland 47 Chambers, Robert. Life of Sir W. Scott 176 Chambers, Robert. Memoirs. With Autobiographic Reminiscences of W. Chambers 171 Chambers, Robert. Select Writings of 301 Chambers, T. K. Manual of Diet in Health and Disease , 271 Champlin, J. T. Constitution of the United States 130 Chandler, A. H., and Mulvaney, C. P. Lyrics, Songs and Sonnets 301 Channing, W. E. Elevation of Labouring Portion of Community 218 Chapin, G. B. Tales of the St. Lawrence 301 Chappell, Lieut. R. N. Voyage to Hudson's Bay 79 Chapman, E. T. Minerals and Geology of Canada 255 Chapman, John. Neuralgia and Diseases of Nervous System 271 SOI Chapman, W. Les Quebecquoises Charlevoix, Pere. History of Paraguay Charlevoix, P. F. de. History and Description New France 79 Charley, W. T. Practice and Pleading under Supreme Courts Judicature Acts . . 205 Charley, W. T. Real Property Acts ; with Notes 1^9 Charley, W. T. Real Property Acts ; with the Land Transfer Act 199 Chase B. W. Tobacco : its Physical and Mental Influences 271 Chase, L. B. Polk Administration. History of ^34 Chatham, Earl of, William Pitt. His Correspondence '. ^^ Chauveau, a. Anatomy of Domesticated Animals Chauveau, p. J. O. L'Instruction Publique au Canada Chenery, Lieut. West Coast of Africa Cheese, E. H. Summary Jurisdiction Act Chesney, Col. Essays in Military Biography. Grant, Lee, etc 1^ Chesney, Geo. Indian Polity, System of Administration ^^l Chester, G. J. Transatlantic Sketches in West Indies, S. America, Canada, U. S. 294 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP AUTHORa 385 Chesterfield, Lord. WorkB of _ 3qj Ohessvre, H. T. Canada in 1864. Book for Settlers 79 Chevalier, Michel. Probable Fall in the Value of Gold 231 Oheever, H. T. Island World of the Pacific !..!.. 281 Child, L. Maria. Madame De Stael and Madame Roland. Memoirs of 172 CniTTv's Archbold's Practice Court Queen's Bench, in Personal Actions 198 CniTTY, J., Jr. Prerogatives of Crown. Duties and Rights of Subject 182 Christie, R. History Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political 79 Christie, W. D. Anthony Ashley, First Earl of Shaftesbury. Life of 57 Christlieb, Theo. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief 340 Christmas, H. Canada in 1849. Pictures of Canadian Life * 79 Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek Tragedians 3OI Church, A. J. Stories from Virgil 3O1 Chute, C. W. Emiity under Judicature Act Ig7 Cicero. Academic Questions, Disputations. Younge 301 Cicero. On the Nature of the Gods, Divination, Fate. Younge 301 Cicero. Select Orations of. Younge 33 Clark, E. C. Early Roman Law. Regal Period jgQ Clarke, Ed. Law of Extradition Ig9 Clarke, E. H. Visions ; A Study of False Sight 271 Clarke, E. H. Sex in Education ; or a Fair Chance for Girls 326 Clarke, F. W. Weights, Measures and Money of all Nations 9 Clarke, Hyde. Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign States 231 Clarke, Mrs. C. Complete Concordance to Shakespeare 301 Clarke, R. C. Bible in Public Schools, United States 326 Clarke, S. R. Criminal Law, as applicable to Dominion of Canada 209 C'larke, S. R. Law of Insurance 209 ('larke, S. R. Law relating to Bills, Notes, Cheques 209 Olaiike, S. R. Magistrates' Manual ; Summary Criminal Law 209 Clarendon, Earl of. History of Rebellion and Civil Wars in England 41 Clarendon. Life of. Continuation History Grand Rebellion. By Himself 41 Clay, Henry. Life and Works. By Cotton 3gl Clayden, p. W. England under Lord Beaconsfield 41 Cleary, a. p. Registration of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland 15 Clerk, John. Practice of Elections and Election Committees 15 Cleveland, C. D. Concordance to Poetical Works of John Milton 30I Clevenger, S. N. Government Surveying, United States 247 Clifford and Stephens. Referee's Court Practice on Private Bills 15 Olode, C. M. Military and Martial Law jgg Clodd, Ed. Childhood of Religions 34Q Clouuji, a. H. Plutarch's Lives J7g Clowes, W. Judicature Acts 205 Cluskey, M. W. Political Text Book, or Encyclopaedia for United States 134 Bl II 1,^' t Si.'' f i If i i°E S86 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. CoATK, H. C. Practice of Court of Probate in Common Form Business 199 Coats, Capt. W. Geography Hudson's Bay, 1727—1751 79 Cobb, Lyman. Evil Tendencies of Corporal Punishment 219 CoBDKN, Richard. Political Writings of " 2I8 CoBDKX, Richard. Speeches of. Edited by John Bright and J. E. T. Rogers ' . . . 65 CoBBETT, Wm. "Porcupine's" Works. United States Governments, Presidents, etc. 130 Cochrane, A. B. Historic Pictures 220 Cochrane, Robt. The English Essayists ^ .! 301 CocKBURN, Lord. Letters connected with Afiairs of Scotland 47 Coc^BURN, Lord. Works of 3qj CocKBURN and Rowe. Election Cases 15 Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek Philosophy | ^ ^ . 340 Coffin, J. H. C, Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 268 Coffin, W. F. 1812 ; War and its Moral. Canadian Chronicle ..'.'.'.......'.... 79 Cohen, J. S. Diseases of the Throat and Nasal Passages 271 CoiT, T. W. Puritanism ; or, A Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions 340 Cook, Capt. J. Narrative of Voyages Around the World 278 Cook, Joseph. Biology 264 Cook, Joseph. Conscience. With Preludes on Current Events 340 Cook, Joseph. Labour. With Preludes on Current Events 220 Cook, Joseph. Socialism. With Preludes on Current Events ' 220 Cook, Joseph. Transcendentalism. With Preludes on Current Events 340 Coke, Sir E. Laws of England, Commentary upon Littleton 137 Coke, Sir. E. Three Law Tracts jg^ CooKB, G. W. History of Party ,, Cooke, J. E. Life General Robert E. Lee igg Cooke, J. E. Stonewall Jackson. A Military Biography 156 Colburn, Zerah. Locomotive Engineering and Mechanism of Railways 243 Colchester, Lord. Speaker House of Commons. Diary and Correspondence ... . 59 CoLUEN, C. History Five Indian Nations of Canada 79 Cole, W. R. Law of Ejectment jgg CoLENSO and Lieut.-Col. Durnford. History of Zulu War 355 Coleman, H. Agriculture and Rural Economy 249 Coleridge, Samuel T. His Complete Works. By Shedd 302 Collettb, C. H. Reply to Cobbett's History Protestant Reformation .......... 340 Collins, W. L. Hojner, the Iliad and the Odyssey 309 Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts 244 Cooley, T. M. Constitutional Limitations on Legislative Power, United States! . . . 150 Colomb, Capt. Colonial Defence and Colonial Opinion 359 Colomb, Capt. Defence of Great Britain and Greater Britain ."'"'' 155 CoLTON, C. Tour of American Lakes, and among Indians of N. W. Territory .... 79 Columbus. Select Letters of. His Four Voyages to the New World 278 CoLWKLL, Stephen. Ways and Means of Payment ; Credit System [ . 231 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 387 Combe, Geo. Notes on the United States, during a Phrenological Visit /94 Combe, Geo. System of Phrenology 268 COMBERBACK, R. Reports of Cases in King's Bench ......!!....!. 201 CoMMiNES, Philip de. Memoirs of. History of Kings of France .!.... 69 CoMTE, Auguste. Philosophy of Mathematics 32g COMTE, Auguste. Philosophy of the Sciences 33g CoMTE, Auguste. Positive Philosophy of 335 CoNARELLi'a Atlante Veneto 27r CoNDE, J. A. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain 75 CONDER, Lieut. C. R. Tent Work in Palestine CONLEY, J. L. 286 Constitution of Georgia 1 oq Constable, A., and his Literary Correspondence. T. Constable. 172 Conway, M. D. Demonology and Devil- Lore 34^j Conway, M. D. Idols and Ideals '\ 3^, Conway, M. D. Sacred Anthology. Book of Ethnical Scriptures ........!!!... S40 Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Life and Epistles of St. Paul .....!..!.!! 341 Copeland's Medical Dictionary „-, Cooper, A. A. First Earl of Shaftesbury, Life of. Christie .....!!! 69 Cooper, Elizabeth. Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford 63 Cooper, J. F. History of Navy of United States of America ....!.. 155 Cooper, J. F. Worksof „„„ Cooper, Thos. Life of. By Himself j-o Cooper, Thos. Plain Pulpit Talk g^o Cooper, Thos. Evolution ; the Stone Book and Mosaic Record of Creation 255 Cooper, W. M. Flagellation and the Flagellants. History of the Rod 220 Copinoer, W. a. Law of Copyright in Literature, Art, etc 133 Corbett and Daniell. Election Cases ^ U CoRKRAN, J. F. History of National Constituent Assembly of France 69 Cornell, Ay. M. How to enjoy Life, or Physical and Mental Hygiene 302 Cory, Wm. Guide to Modern English History ^1 CooTE, H. C. A Neglected Fact in English History ^1 CoOTE, R. H. Law of Mortgage , q„ Cotton, Mather. First Book of the New English History 13Q Cox, E. W. Principles of Punishment Cox, E. W. Summary Jurisdiction Act, 1879 Cox's Digest of Cases relating to Magistrates Cox, Homersham. Antient Parliamentary Elections 15 Cox, Homersham. British Commonwealth .>, Cox, Homersham. Institution? of the English Government 31 Cox, G. W. Athenian Empire „_ Cox, G. W. Histnry of Grcoco Cox, G. W. Manual of Mytholoffv , Cox, G. W. The Crusades , -^ 158 200 367 195 388 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP AUTHORS. '^l^ |V ; 1 ' t i 1 I 1 Cox, Sir G. W., and Jones, E. H. Popular Romances of Middle Ages ^To Cox, Sir R. History of Ireland . " ^g Cox and Gbady. Uw and Practice of Registration and Elections '.[[[ jj Cox, R Adventures on Columbia River •» Cox, Rowland. American Trade Mark Cases. Also English Cases '"..... oqc CoxE, W. Memoirs Duke of Marlborough CozzKNS, S. W. Marvellous Country. Arizona and New Mexico ".'.'.'.'.'.'. 294 Craig, John. English Dictionary Craik, G. L. History of English Literature and Language . . 302 Ckawfoad, T. J. Mysteries of Christianity .'...... 341 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World 155 Creasy, E. S. History of Ottoman Turks ,,[.[] Creasy, Sir E. S. History of England 45 Creasy, Sir E. Imperial and Colonial Constitutions Britannic Empire 121 Creasy, Sir E. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution 31 Creighton, Louisa. Life of Sir W. Raleigh Creioiiton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth Cresy, Ed. Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering 247 Croke, Sir George. Reports of Croker, T. C. Contests in Ireland. 1641-1690 1 Croll, Jas. Climate and Time in their Geological Relations 253 Croly, Geo. George the Fourth. Life ard Times of gg Crowe, E. E. History of France , ' Crowe, E. E. Reigns of Louis XVITL, and Charles X.... ..".'.,',[[[ 69 Cruden, Alex. Concordance to Old and New Testament 341 Cruikshank, Geo. Illustrations on Steel, Stone and Wood ........". 241 Crump, Arthur. New Departure in Political Economy . . • gSl Crutwell, C. T. a. History of Roman Literature, Chronological Tables 302 CuDWORTH, R. True Intellectual System of the Universe .... '"335 Cdmming, R. G. Five Years' Adventure in South Africa • 289 CuNxmoHAM, D. Conditions of Social Well-Being of Populations of Europe 218 Cunningham, John. Parliamentary and Municipal Elections and Petitions 15 Cunningham and Mattinson. Precedents of Pleading under Judicature Acts 198 Cunyngiiam, Gen. My Command in South Africa. 1874-1878 jgg CuRRAN, John Philpot. Speeches of CuRRiE, Jas. Principles and Practice of Common School Education 326 Curteis, a. M. Rise of Macedonian Empire CuRTius, E. History of Greece Curtis, G. T. Origin, Formation, and Constituti'n of United SUtes . . . . . . . ." ' ' 130 CuRZON, R. Visits to Monasteries in the Levant ' 083 CusACK, M. E. Manual of Irish History [[ \ Gushing, Caleb. Treaty of Washington .,/........ Gushing, L. S. Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies in United States ... . 15 f 1 i ' 1 ALPHAHKTICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 889 CUTTS. J. M. Constitutional and Party Questions . 130 294 130 W. Caroline H College. Market and :W : Woman's Relation to 220 Dall, W. H. Alaska and its Resources Dallas, G. M. Letters from London, 1856 to 18C0 Dalrvmple, John. Feudal Property in Great Britain " .' .' ." t«Q Damon, W. E. Ocean Wonders ' " " " *** Dana, J. A. Manual of Geoloirv ^®^ 256 256 180 180 302 207 Manual of Geology Dana, J. A. Text^Book of Geology Daniell, E. R. Practice High Court Clmncery Daniell'8 Forms and Pleadings High Court Chancery Dante's Purgatory, By Butler Dart, J. H. Law of Vendors and Purchasersof Real Estate Dahwin, Chas. Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex 268 Darwin, Chas. Different Forms of Flowers and Plants HI Darwin, Chas. Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals .■.'.■.■ ''o Darwin. Chas. Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands HI Darwin, Chas. Geology and Natural History of various Countries .' .' .' .' 255 Darwin, Chas. Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants l' Darwin. Chas. Origin of Species. Means of Natural Selection" ." .go Darwin, Chas. Variation-of Animals and Plants under Domestication 260 D'AuZe H . ^'LP'T°^«^'^ ' °^ ^^^« ^y Ca^P Fire in Canada and Nfld 292 D AuBioNE, J. H. M. History Reformation in Europe, time of Calvin D AUTEROCHE. C. Voyage to California to observe Transit of Venus Davidson. C. P. Statutes relating to Banks and Banking Davidson. Geo. Examination Weights and Balances of U. S. Mint Davidson S^ Canon of the Bible ; its Formation. History and Fluctuations "" Davidson's Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing Davenant, F. What shall My Son be ? or Hints to Parents Daven; CRT, R. A. History of the Bastile and its Captives Davin, N. F. Irishman in Canada * Davies, C. M. Mystic London ; or Phases of Life in British" Metropolis ' .' 302 Davies, Dr. Journal of. (Ireland.) 1688-9; 1690 Davies, E. Other Men's Minds Davies. J. L. Gospel and Modern Life ... „, J Davies. J. L. Theology and Morality ■.....'..............'. 34} Davies. Sir J. Historical Tracts concerning Ireland 4^ Davies and Vauguan. Republic of Plato oog Davis. C. M. Heterodox London ; or Free Thought in Metropolis 220 Davis, C. M. Orthodox London. Religious Life in Church of England .......... 220 341 341 278 209 264 341 183 326 302 80 ::::!: 390 ALPHABETICAL INDKX OF AUTHORS. 1 Dawk INS, W. B. DAWSON, M. M. Dawbon, H. B. Dawson, J. W. Dawson, J. W. Dawson, J. W. Dawson, J. \V. Dawson, J. W. Dawson, J. W. Dawson, S. J. Paob, Davis, D. E. Law of Rogistration and EloctioriH 15 Davis, J. F. The Chinese. Empire of (Jhina atul its [nliubiUnts 286 Davis, N. Carthago and hor IleinainH 289 Davis, W. M. NimrodH of the Soa ; or American Whalemen 302 Dawkins, W. B. Cave Hunting. RoHoarch^H of Caves of Europe 258 Early Man in Britain, and his Place in Tertiary Period 1^B8 Our Strength and Theirs. The North-WcHt Territory 80 Historical Magazine. Antiquities of Anmrica 132 Acadian Ceology. Mineral Resources of Lower Provinces 255 Dawn of Lif((. FohhiI Rfmiains 255 Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives 258 Nature and the Bible 255 Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science 255 Story of the Earth and Man 255 Exploration of Country between Lake Superior and Red River .... 80 Day, C. M. History Eastern Townships 80 Day, C. M. Pioneers of the Eastern Townships 80 Day, W. H. Headaches : Nature, Causes and Treatment 271 Day, S. p. English America ; or Canadian Places and People 80 Day, S. p. Juvenile Crime : Causes, Character and Cure 220 Dean, Jas. River Clyde. Description of Harbour of Glasgow 247 Debrett's Baronetage and Knightage . . .' 8 Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench 8 Debrett's Peerage and Titles of Courtesy 8 Dk Cassaonac, a. G. History of Working and Burgher Classes 218 De Chastellux, (Marquis.) Travels in North America in 1780-81-82 291 Db Chaumont, F. S. B. F. Lectures on State Medicine 271 Dr CoLQunouN. Summary of Roman Civil Law 180 Dk Foe, D. Works of. Including Great Plague and Fire of London 302 De Gaspe, p. a. Canadians of Old 80 De Gurowski, A. Russia as It Is 74 De Haulleville, Baron. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism 220 De Lagny, G. The Knout and the Russian Muscovite Empire 983 Delisle's Mappe Monde ^/fi De Lolme. Constitution of England 3I Del Mar, Alex. History of Precious Metals 231 Db Morgan, A. Budget of Paradoxes 303 Demmin, a. Wtfjpcns of War. History of Arras and Armour 303 Demosthenes. Thh Os/nthiars, Phillipics, etc., of. Kennedy 37 Demosthenes. C ratii -nf; of. Kennedy 37 Dennis, Geo. Okies aad Cemeteries of Etruria. Recent Discoveries 366 Dennis, John. Str.diep. in English Literature 303 Denison, Capt. Historical Record Governor-General's Body-Guard 80 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 301 Dbnison and Hcorr. Practice Houho of Lordn in Appeal Caaot 199 Dknison, Lt.-Col. History of Cavalry from EarlieHt Time 166 Denison, Lt.-Col. Manual of Oufcpi, it DutieH for VolunteerH [,,[ 166 Denison, Lt.-Col. Modern Cavalry ; its orKanization, Armament, etc 166 Denison, Sir Wm. Varieties of Vioo-Kegal L:'o 121 Denton, J. B. TeohnJ. ! Training in Public ScIiooIh of Rural Districts 326 Denton, W. ChristiaiiH of Turkey, their Condition under Mussulman Rule 220 Db la Po-riiKiuE. History N. America, Voyages in Hudson's Bay 80 ! )B PoRTUGALL, A. Table, shewing Conne' on between Kindergarten and the School. 326 Db Prkssensk, E. The Church and the French Revolution 341 Dk Puy, H. W. Ethan Allan, and (Jreen Mountain Heroes of 76 131 'Ju QuiNov, Thos. Works of . . . . oao ,, ,, a\)o Derby, Earl of. Iliad of Homer 3Q3 Db Roos, Lieut. Travels in United States and Canada ,,, gO Db Saint Maurice, F. I)e Quebec d. Mexico 303 De Salamanca, D. F. Philooophy of Handwiiting * ' ' . 303 Db Sanctis, L. Rome, Christian and Papal 283 Desoiianel, A. P. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy 264 De Sequr. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia I55 De Sevione, Madame. Letters of. By Mrs. Hall 3O3 De Sismondi, D. C. L. Histoiy of the Italian Republics 73 De Tooqueville, A. Memoirs, Letters and Remains of •. . . . 172 De Tooqueville, A. Democracy in America 130 De Tooqueville, A. Society in France before Revolution, 1789 69 De Trueba. Romance of History — Spain 303 ■ Deustch, E. Literary Remains of. With Memoir 303 De Vattel. Law of Nations jgj De Verb, M. S. Americanisms. The English of the New World 326 Dewart, E. H. Canadian Speaker and Elocutionary Reader 327 Dewart, E. H. Selections from C'anadian Poets 80 DeWarville, J. P. B. New Travels in the United States 294 De Witt, E. L. Cases in Supreme Court of Ohio 150 Di Cesnola, General. Cyprus ; its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples . 303 Dicey, Edwd. Schleswig-Holstein War 72 Dickens, Charles. Letters of 3O4 Dickens, Charles. Works of 33O Dickens' Dictionary of London, 1879 355 Dieulapait, Louis. Diamonds and Precious Stones 244 DiLKE, C. W. Greater Britain. Travel in English-Speaking Conntries 281 Dillon, J. F. Law of Municipal Corporations I97 Dillon, Sir J. J. Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland as to Pariia- mentary Oaths 3j Dillon, Judge. Law of Municipal Bonds igg ''ib:;- •■■> t:.:>-. i 392 ALPJ[ABETICA.L INDEX OP AUTlIOHS. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H, Dixon, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Dixon, R. W, Paok, DlSTCRNBLl., J. Sailing on Great Lakes and Rivers of America. Description of . . 294 DiSBAELl, B. Speeches on Conservative Policy of last Tliirty years 65 Disraeli, Rt. Hon. B. Lord Bentinck ; a Political Biography 57 Disraeli, Rt. Hon. B. Inaugural Address delivered to University of Glasgow 304 DiSHAEH, Rt. Hon. B. Works of 330 Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature 304 Disraeli, Isaac Miscellanies of Literature 304 Dix, John A, Speeches and Occasional Addresses 138 Dixon, H. John Howard. A Memoir I74 Dixon, W. H. History of Catherine of Arragon and Anne Boloyn 54 Free Russia 283 Her Majesty's Tower . _ 41 Lord Bacon. Personal History of 57 New America 294 Penn, Wm. Chapter on " Macaulay Charges." 176 Royal Windsor 41 The Holy Land -286 The Switzers 283 History of Church of England from Abolition of Roman Jurisdiction. 341 Dobbll, H. Loss of Weight, Blood-spitting and Lung Disease 271 DoBBS, A. Account of Countries adjoining Hudson's Bay 80 DoBSON, Austin. Vignettes in Rhyme, and other Verses 304 DoBSON, E. 0. Pioneer Engineering. Settlement of Waste Lands in New Countries. 247 DoBSON, J. R, The Ox ; his Diseases and Treatment 249 Dodge, R. I. Hunting Grounds of Great West. Description of Indians 294 Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, etc., Great Britain and Ireland. 1867—1872 7 DoHERTY, P. J. Principal English Writings of 304 Dollen, W. Portable Transit Instrument in Vertical of Pole Star 251 DoLLiNGER, J. J. I. Von. Fables respecting Popes in Middle Ages 342 DoLLiNGER, J. J. I. Von. Lectures on Reunion of the Churches 342 DooLiTTLE, J. Social Life of the Chinese 286 DoRAN, Dr. " Mann " and Manners at the Court of Florence 304 DoRAN, Dr. Memories of Our Great Towns 42 DouBLEDAY, T. Peel, Sir R. His Political Life. An Analytical Biography ,.] 62 Douglas, Sylvester. Controverted Election Cases, Great Britain, 1774--1776 15 DowELL, Stephen, History of Taxes in England 231 DowELL, Stephen. Stamp Duties in England and Foreign Countries 231 Downing, A. J. Architecture of Country Houses 238 Downing, A. J. Fruits and Fruit Trees of America 243 Doyle, J. A. American Colonies previous to Declaration of Independence 121 Doyle, J. A. History of United States 130 Drake, C. H. Suits by Attachment in United States 179 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American Biography, including Men of the Time .... 361 I ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 39S Drake, 3. H. Nooks and Corners of New England Coast 278 Draper, J. W. History American Civil War 131 Draper, J. W. History Intellectual Development of Europe 220 Draper, J. W. Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical 271 Draper, J. W. Scientific Memoirs. Knowledge of Radiant Energy 266 Dreiser, H. E. United States Tarifl' and Internal Revenue Law 231 Drewry, G. O. Common-sense Management of the Stomach 272 Drinkwater, John. Siege of Gibraltar 155 Drummond, W. H. Ancient Irish Minstrelsy .................... . . . ...',,] [ [ [ 49 Dtt B08E, C. Military History of Prince Eugene and Duke of Marlborough ...".' . 155 Du Chaillu, p. B. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa 289 Du Chaillu, P. B. Journey to Ashango Land and Equatorial Africa 289 Du Chaillu, P. B. Stories of the Gorilla Countiy 289 Du Chaillu. P. B. Wild Life under the Equator '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."." 289 DuER, W. A. Constitutional Jurisprudence of United States . 1 50 DuFP, M. E. G. Foreign Policy ggg DUFP, M. E. G. Miscellanies, Political and Literary " 22O Duff, M. E. Elgir Speeches " DuFFERiN, Earl of. Letters from High Latitudes.' " Voyage to'lceland 073 DuFFERiN, Lady. Lispings from Low Latitudes 281 DuGDALE Sir W. Copy of Summons of Nolility to Councils and Parliaments' '.'." 34 Duncan, John. Colloquia Peripatetica ' ' 3^* Duncan, J. M. Travels through part of United States and'canada in' I8I8-1'- 281 Duncan, Major. English in Spain ; or War of Succession . . " " 155 DUNCKLEY. Hy. Charter of Nations. Free Trade and its Results 231 Dundonald, Earl of. Autobiography of a Seaman .... jyo DuNGLisoN, R. Dictionary of Medical Science 272 DUKLOP, John. Artificial and Compulsory Drinking Usage G. Britain 'and Iceland'. 304 DUNRAVEN, Earl of. The Great Divide. Travels in the Upper Yellowstone 294 DuPLEssis, Geo. Wonders of Engraving 241 DuRER, Albert. Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ... ....'.['.'. 241 Durham, Earl of. Speeches on Reform of Parliament 65 DUYCKINCK, E. A. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans .' ." 361 DwARHis, Sir F. Statutes, their Rules of Construction 2O4 DyTt F ^' ^tT.^Ty- ''^"°^^"^^' ""'''^^ '-' ^"^"«"- • • • • • • • • 327 i^YER, 1. *. 1. English Folk Lore . . Dyer, T. H. Ancient Athens '. * DvER, T. H. History Modern Europe ..................'..'. ' ^ Dyer, T. H. Pompeii : Its History, Buildings and Antiquities * .' gg Dykes, J. O. Some Present Difficulties in Theology '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3i2 Earle, John. Philology of the English Tongue . . on, Eassie, Wm. Healthy Houses, Drainage, Ventilation ■.■.■;; .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' ,' .* ,' ' 233 894 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS, Eaton, C. A. Rome in Nineteenth Century. Ancient City, Monuments 283 t AioN, J, R. T. Permanence of Christianity 342 EcKARDT, J. Modern Russia. Orthodox Church and its Sects 74 Edgar, J. D. Insolvent Act, 1869 209 Edgar and Chrysler. Insolvent Act, 1875 209 Edwards, A. B. Untrodden Peaks. Rambles in the Dolomites 281 Edwards, Bryan. History of British Indies 353 Edwards, H. S. Private History of a Polisli Insurrection 74 Edwards, M. B. A year in Western France 283 Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois .* igj Edwards. Our Domestic Pire-Places 239 Elder, Wm. Questions of the Day, Economic and Social 220 Elliott, A. H. Witty and Humorous Side of English Poets 304 Elliot, F. Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy 283 Elliot, George. Sa'yings of 304 Elliot, George. Works of 33O Elliot, J. Debates in State Conventions on Federal Constitution 131 Eliot, Samuel. History of Liberty 220 Ellis, G. E. Battle of Bunker's Hill ^^155 Ellis, H. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in 1746-7, for Discovering N. West Passage. . 80 Ellis, Wm. Three Visits to Madagascar 289 Ellis, A. Rationale of Market Fluctuations 231 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Court of. Aikin .55 Elsynoe, Henry. Ancient Method of Holding Parliaments in England 33 Emberson, F. C. Art of Teaching. Diagram 327 Emmet, Thomas A. Memoir of. Haines I73 Emerson, R. W. Letters and Social Aims 304 Emerson, R. W. Nature ; an Essay. Orations 304 Emerson, R. W. Society and Solitude 304 Emerson, R. W. Writings of 304 Erle, J. C. English Premiers from Sir R. Walpole to Sir R. Peel 65 Erle, Sir Wm. Law relating to Trade Unions 206 Ernst, W. Marriage and Divorce 186 Eusebius Pampiiilus. Ecclesiastical History of 342 Evans, (Archdeacon). England under God 3.')6 Evans, A. J. Througli Bosnia and Herzegovina on Foot 284 Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeche.-' 138 Ewald, Alex. C. Last Century of Univer.sal History 7 EwALD, A. C. Our Constitution, Laws and System of Government 31 Ewald, A. C. The Crown and its Advisers 31 Ewald, A. C. Reference Book of English History 42 Ewald, A. C. Walpole, Sir R. A Political Biography, 1676—1745 64 Ewald, H. History of Israel 342 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 395 209 189 EwART's Alphabet. Index Statutes passed by Ottawa. Ontario, and Quebec Parliaments''209 ^WART, J S. Index Statutes late Province of Canada, Dominion, and Ontario . 209 EWART,J. S. Manual of Costs, Common Law EwELL, M. D. Law of Fixtures EwiNG, Alex. C. Algernon Sydney, Life and Times of "sT Falconer and Fitzherbert. Controverted Election Cases in 2d Parliament Q.Victoria 16 FALCONER, Wm. Dissertation on St. Paul's Voyage from C^sarea to Puteoli 284 J^AiRBAiRN, Jas. Crests of the Families of Great Britain 8 Fairfax. Commander-in-Chief Army of Parliament. Markham .......'.. 69 Fairfax Correspondence. Memorials of the Civil War. Bell - 59 Fairfax Correspondence. Memoirs Reign of Charles L Johnson 69 Farr, Wm. English Life Tables 231 Faraday, M. Lectures on Physical Forces of Nature Faraday, as a Discoverer. Farrar, F. W, Farrar, F. W 265 FVRRAR, F. W. Farrar, F. W. Farrar, F. W. Farrar, J. A. Farini, L. C. Farley, J. L. Faron, H. B. Faulkner, H. 327 327 Tyndall 1^^ Chapters on Language Essays on a Liberal Er'.ucation Eternal Hope. Sermons 342 Families of Speech 32^ Life of Christ oi o Primitive Manners and Customs 3O5 The Roman State from 1815 to 1850 73 %ypt, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey 281 Sketches of America. Through Eastern and Western States 294 Elephant Haunts. Narrative of Search for Livingstone 289 Fawcett, Henry. Economic Position of British Labourer £20 Fawcett, Hon. Henry. Lectures on Social and Political Subjects " ' 220 Fawcett, Rt. Hon. H. Free Trade and Protection ... " " " 231 FvwcETT, Rt. Hon. H. Manual Political Economy 231 Fawcet, J. H. Court of Referees in Parliament 201 Fawcett, M. G. Political Economy for Beginners ' 231 Fawcett, W. M. Law of Landlord and Tenant ..'..."".. 193 Fearon. D. R. School Inspection 327 Ferguson, Adam. Termination of the Roman Republic 33 Ferguson, Jas. Lectures on Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Optics 265 Fkrguson, M. C. Irish before the Conquest " ' " ' 49 Fkugusson, Jas. History Architecture in All Countries 239 FKiiQussoN, Jas. Temples of the Jews at Jerusalem ..." 239 Fkiirel, Wm. Tidal Researches, U. S. Coast Survey 268 Feurier, David. Functions of the Brain _ Ferland, J. B. A. History of Canada Frnal, Paul. The Jesuits _ _ * f'ENETY, G. E. Political Notes and Observations, House Assembly, N. Brunswick . '•t § £i 80 342 80 '■'.% 396 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Pktridge, W. p. Rise and Fall of Paris Commune in 1871 69 Feurbach, a. R. Von. Remarkable Criminal Trials 2O8 Field, H.M. Irish Confederates and Rebellion of 1798 .« Fields, J. T. Underbrush FioiriER, Louis. In.soct World. Description of their Habits 262 FiGuiEB, Louis. Mammalia described by Typical Species . 26O FiGuiER. Louis. Ocean World : The Sea and its Living Inhabitants ". 257 FiGuiER, Louis. Reptiles and Birds. Account of the various Orders 260 Flquibr, Louis. The Human Race FiGuiEB, Louis. The World before the Deluge 255 FIGUIER, Louis. Vegetable World. History of Plants. Botanical Terms .".' ! 263 FiNDEL, J. G. History of Freemasonry ' " ' "20 FlXDEK's Views of the Ports, Harbours, and Watering Places,' etc!, Great Britain '. '. 3^6 FiNLASON, W. F. History of Judicial Committee Privy Council 193 FiNLASON. W. F. Judicial System, etc., under Judicature Acts " " ' " m FiNLAY, Geo. History of Greece 3 Finn, Jas. Stirring Times ; or, Records from Jerusalem ..........'. 75 Fish, H. C. Pulpit Eloquence of 19th Century, in Europe and America ........ 3^2 Fisher, F. H. Afghanistan and the Central Asian Question 73 FiOHEB, G. P. The Reformation 3^2 Fisher, Joseph. History of Land-holding in Ireland 220 Fisher, W. R. Law of Mortgage " jgg Fisher's Digests. (Various) FiSKE, John. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy ' ' ' ' 335 FiTZADAM, J. T. Supreme Court Judicature Acts . [ . . . . . . . . 205 Fitzgerald, J. E. Charter and Proceedings Hudson's Bay Company . . 80 Fitzgerald, Lord E. Life and Death of Thos. Moore [[\[] 49 FiTZGiBBON and Trail. Canadian Wild Flowers 263 FiTzoiBBON, Gerald. Ireland in 1868 ; its Grievances, Real and Fictitious. ....'." 49 Fitzgibbon's Reports 2q„ PiTZMAURiCE, Lord E. Life of Earl of Shelburne 63 FLAM.MARION, C. The Atmosphere _ 253 Flanders, H. Law of Fire Insurance 19q Flanders, H. Lives and Times Chief Justices Supreme Court, U. S 136 Flaxman, a. J. Registration of Births and Deaths in England 201 Fleming, J. P. Analysis of the English Language 327 Fleming, S. Canadian Pacific Railway. Explorations and Surveys 80 Fleming, S. Canadian Pacific Railway. Surveys and Preliminary Operations .... 90 Fleming, S. Intercolonial. Inception and Completion of 80 Fletcher and Kidder. Brazil and the Brazilians 291 Fletcher, Lt.-Col. History of American War ...."... 155 Fleury, Abbe. Ecclesiastical History ... 342 Flint, Austin. Principles and Practice of Medicine 272 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHOKS. ggy Fo™,«, H, Ho» tte World was Peopled 32 Fo»*», T P. Code Civil P„eedu,e Lower Ca„ad'. 269 *OEBES,0apt. Bntoh Burmah and its People ">» Forbes, Jaa. D. Life and Letters of, Shairp 286 PoRDBK's Chronicle of the Scottish Nation 173 FOHREST, John. Exploration, in Anstrali. ■ " F0Rs™,,ohn. BehUlte^lXlCre"'"' ^ " pZr rt """' ""'' S'op-^PWcal Essay, «' P<.R™a,J„ha Liteof. Charles Biekens « PoESTEH, John. Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith "^ F^STEa, John. Lives of Eminent British S J'let "» z:: Jot: !rr -' *= «— -■* -^ E„,iand ^ »» roRSTEB, John. Life of Swift 60 FoRSTER, John. Walter Savage. 177 Forsyth, Capt. Highlands of Central Asia " 174 Zllu Z2 T' ^' ^^^"^"^^ «" Constitutional Law .' .' .' ^«^ ^ORSYTH, Wm. Essays, Critical and Narrative 181 Forsyth, Wm. History Trial by Jury 305 F0RTKScuE,SirJ. De Lnudibus Leguu, Anglic 193 Foss, Ed. Judges of En,,and. Biographical Dictionary' of ''' Foster and Exgush. French Revolution of 1848 l^^ Fosr Jot: ^T^'^' ''-'''''''''' '' Eclectic^ \ ^^ ROSTER, John. Evils of Popular Ignorance . 306 FosTER,John. Life and -houghts of. By EvaVts ' ^06 Foster, J. W. Pre-Historic Races of the United States ^^^ :::: T c'- ,r^-\-^— -peanL^rL-.::: f FowLE,T.W. Reconciliation nfP ^^P«"«»«e of a Speculator .. . 2SI Pnv n W o ■"^'"*"^'^'^*'0'i of Religion and Science ^^1 F X Chas '^"^^^^^^L^-™-^*-- of Water, Air and Food :: .' ''' ^ox, Chas. James. His Memoirs and Correspondence T . ^ t ' ^ ^ ^^ Fox, Chas. James. His Life and Times ^^^ ^^^'^ ''• ^--" 60 ^ox, Chas. J ames. History Reign James the Second W ^0 Jox, bha.s. James. Speeches of 42 Fox, E. L. Pathological Anatomy of the Nervous Centres ' ' " ^^ 272 Hi ij^ 308 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paor. Fox, Geo. The Friends and the Early Baptists 34li Fox, G. B. Mission to Russia in 1866 284 FoxE, John, Acts and Monuments of. With Life of. By Townsond 342 Francis, J. W. Old Now York ; or, Reminiscences of Past Sixty Years 131 Franklin, Sir J Journey to Shores of Polar Sea, in 1819-'22 81 Frazer, Jas. Report of School System of England, Scotland, U. States and Canada 327 Fraser, R. W. Fraser, Simon. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Freeman, E. A. Fresenius, C. R. Parish Kirks and Manses in Scotland 239 Election Cases 15 Comparative Politics. With Unity of History 220 European History 67 Growth of the English Constitution S'i Historical Essays 67 History of Federal Government 366 Ottoman Power in Europe 75 Old English History 42 Norman Conquest of England 42 Qualitative Chemical Analysis 272 Friswell, J. H. V. Readings from Rare Books 306 Frobisher, Sir M. Life of. Narrative Spanish Armada. Jones 173 Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of England, France and Spain 67 Frome, Lt.-Gen. Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey 247 Frost, J. History of Hungarian War, and of Hungary 73 Frost, Thos. Half Hours with the Early Explorers 281 Frost, Thos. Secret Societies of European Revolution 67 Froude, Jas. A. Bunyan 171 Froude, Jas. A. England from Fall of Wolsey to Defeat of Spanish Armada 42 Froude, Jas. A. English in Ireland in Eighteenth Century 49 Froude, Jas. A. Short Studies on Great Subjects 306 Fry, a. a. Case of the Canadian Prisoners 81 Fry, D. p. Lav/ relating to Vaccination 207 Fky, W. H. Artificial Fish Breeding 263 Fryxell, a. History of Sweden 75 FuLFORD (Bishop). Sermons, Addresses and Statistics, Diocese of Montreal 81 Fulton, J. Text-book of Physiology 272 Gallenga, a. The Pearl of the Antilles 291 Galileo, Galilei, and the Roman Curia. Giller 173 Galileo, G. Sidereal Messenger of, etc. Carlos 251 Galt, John, Literary Life and Miscellanies of , •. 173 Galt, John. The Canadas, Topographical Information 81 Galt, Wm. Railway Reform 231 Galton, F. Englishmen of Science : their Nature and Nurture 306 Oalton, F. Hereditary Genius : its Laws and Consequences 220 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. S90 Ganot. Physics, Experimental and Applied ***"■• GA.OT. Natural Philosophy for Readers and Young Persons L'' Gaudinkk, Jas. Houses of Lancaster and York ^^^ Gardinkr, 8. K. History of England *^ Gaudinkr, S. R. Personal Government Charles I *^ Gardinek. S. R. Thirty Years' War *^ Garvie, a. R. Thistledown . . ' • ■ ^^ Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Life of. Charlotte Bronte ^^^ Gaqtier, Theophile. Constantinople ^^® Gayakre, C. History of Louisiana '.'.'." ^^^ Gazzam. a. W. American and English Bankruptcy Digest \l\ ^. "".^tr^i r ^r:-r- ---- ■■■■■■■ l Gkikie, Jas. Great Deluge, and its relation to Antiquity of Man l' Geikie, a. Life of Sir R J. Murchison . ^^* Geik.e, C. Life in the Woods. The Canadian Bush ^^^ G™fS /Xr"'"*^^^^*'- ^"'^-^-^^^P-ions^WantVwealth::- 220 t^tRMiNus, G. G. Shakespeare Commentaries -"....^/U Gesner, a. Geology and Mineralogy of xXova Scotia f ^ Gksxer, a. New Brunswick. Early History, Settlement '«' Gesxer, a. Treatise on Coal, Petroleun, and other Oils ,^ Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and Coirespondence f Gibbon, Edward. Decline of the Roman Empire ^^ ' Gibbon, Kaye and Scott. Crusades, Siege of Rhodes ^^ Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York ^^^ Gibson, Jas Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments of Covenantors Z\ GiPFEN, Robt. Essays in Finance enanters 343 GiFPEN, Robt. Stock Exchange Securities ^^^ GiHON, A. L. Practical Suggestions in Naval Hycriene ^^^ GiLAs, H. A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio f ^ Gilbert, J. T. History of Viceroys of Ireland ^ Gilbert, J. W. Principles and Practice of Banking ^^, Giles, Henry. Lectures and Essays on Irish and other Subjects Tl Gill, John. Systems of Education. Principles and Methods Zf Gill, Wm. Gems from the Coral Islands .... Gii-KS, D. A. Kings of England. Malmesbury's Chronicle'of ^H Gillespie, W m. Levelling. Topography and Higher Surveying " ' .'1 GaLESPiE, W. M. Principles and Practice of Road-making L ! Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on Land S-rveying ^ 400 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP AUTHORS. Paoi. GiLLBT, E. H. God in Human Thought ; or Natural Theology traced in Literature. 34"^ GiLLET, R. H. Federal Government ; its Officers and their Duties 131 GiLLMOR, Maj.-Qen. Bi'ton Agglom^re 244 GiLLMORE, Maj.-Gen. Roads, Streets and Pavements 247 GiLLMORB, P. Groat Thirst Land. Ride through Natal, Transvaal 289 GiLLHORE, P. Prairie Farms and Prairie Folk 294 GiLLMORE, P. Prairie and Forest. Description Game of North America 260 GiRALDua Cambrensis. Historical Works of 49 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Ecce Homo 343 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Financial Statements of 1853, 1860-63 63 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gleanings of Past Years 306 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. His Life. McGilchrist 60 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Homer 309 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Juventus Mundi. Gods and Men of Heroic Age .... 306 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Speeches on Parliamentary Reform 66 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. The Life of. Smith 60 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. Vatican Decrees in their bearing on Civil Allegiance. 343 Glanville, John. Election Cases 15 Glaisher, Jas. Travels in the Air 253 Glass, C. G. Stray Leaves from Scotch and English History 47 Gleio, G. R. Campaigns of British Army at Washington and New Orleans 156 Gleig, G. R. Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan 156 Glkiq, G. R. Wellington, Duke of. History of his Life 64 Glen, Alex. Acts for Management of Highways in England. Turnpike Acts .... 189 Glen, W. C. Elementary Education Acts, 1870-76 186 Glen, W. C. Law Relating to Pal)lic Health anl Local Government 199 Glen, C. W. Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Manual 16 Glen, C. W. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England 201 Glen, Alex. Rivers Polution Prevention Act 201 GoocH, John. Act for Union of Canada, N.S., and N.B. Manual of 81 GooDRicn, C. A. Select British Eloquence 66 Goodale, E., and Goodale, D. R. In Berkshire with the Wild Flowers 307 GoDFROi and Siiortt. Law of Railway Companies 200 GoDKiN, Jas. Religious History of Ireland ; Primitive, Papal and Protestant .... 343 Godwin and Britton. Churches of London 239 Goethe. Autobiography and Travels of 173 Goethe. Dramatic Works of 307 Goethe. Faust. Dramatic Poem : 307 Goethe and Schiller. Lives and Works. Boyeson 173 GonTHE. Wilhelm Moister's Apprenticeship 306 GoLDSMJTii'.s Miscellaneous Works 307 Goldsmith, Oliver. Complete Works ; Essays, Plays, Poetical Works 307 Gordon, D. M. Mountain and Prairie. Victoria to Winnipeg 358 ALPHABISTICAI. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Oo»ooH,0,o Th.Pi„e,„m. S,„op.i,„,c„„i,„„„.p,.„^. OCDOX, Hon. A. WiHer„e„ J„„„e,. in Ne» Bru„.wicl, '"' Oo«Do», Wm. HUlory Ind.pendenc„ of United State. , ' OoRRiNOE, Liout. West Coast of Africa ^^® GoscHEN, G. J. Foreign Exchanges. ......'. ^68 GossE, P. H. Life in its Lower, Intermediate and Higher Forms Ill GosTiCK and Hahrisox. Outlines of German Literature '' GO.OH. J. B. Autobiography and Personal KecoUections of! ' Gould, B. S. Curious Myths of the Middle A..i T^ ,. . 33 H..., Capt. Lif„ „U„ K , irr I 1 ?: ".''"■ '" ''■ '■ "''' ''°"™ • • ■ • 280 H-., Capt. Travel. ,„ V.-Tllri!: ■'™" *'■""■""'" '"'^'"'"'^ ' ' "» 203 81 tion im, 307 307 R. ,. , ^ , Beauties and Achievements of the Blind Ha.1,, Jas. The West ; its Commerce and Navigation Hall, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish Character ^^^ Hall. Newman. Land of the Forum and the Vatican ^^^ . ana ivirs. iiALL. Ireland ; its Scenery, Character etc H.U.UKTO.,, Judge. H,.t„..ic, and Statistical aclnt Nola Iti. H*UB„»™», Jadge, Rale and i>Ii..r„le „f English in America ! H.UB„a.„», Jndge. Sayings and Doings of Sa„,„el Slick .! Hal,b„,to», Judge. The Attache ; or Sam Slick in England Hauburtok, Judge. The Bubbles of Canada Haubukto. R. O. British Diplcnacj, and it, Rui.,' l , ! «' Ha.k^, John. Historical Notes respecting Indians of North Anieric. L Hahock, Ohas. The Fishing Tourist America 76 Halpix., c ,., (Miles O'Reilly). Poetical w„;ks of '! Ham's Year Book, .8«0. Bolk of Refer!!r '" "°- "" '^'""' '"' ^" ' ' '" HAM..V W. O. New Sea and an Old Land. ' visU 'to Egypt ' Hammn, Cyrus. Amoiig the Turks ^'^ Ha„,™n, Alex., jAv'and Madbon. ' The Federaiist.' ' Edited by j' Hamii; " T,', IZT"- t u t- ''"''^' '^■°"' '^™ «-™ Elizabeth to ^ueen Ann? ' a Ha" r j'o H- f "T °'"'"^'- "''°"''"°" ""■ Treatment ' ' ' ' ^ HAMILTON, J. C. Hlstorv of thf. P^n„ui;, ^f ., -r^ ., -, ^'^ XT. ^ ^ "^^ ««-puDUcot tno united States i«i iU-LToK, S„ Wm. D,.cu».„n. on Philosophy, Literature, Education, e£ .... 336 3 i s*» 404 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paoi. Hamilton, Hir Win. Lnctures on Logic 336 Hamilton, Sir Win. Luctures on Motaphysics 336 Hamilton, Sir Wm. Memoir of. Veitch 173 Hamilton, Wm. Northern Coast of Antrim, etc 50 Hammond, W. A. Cerebral Hyporroinia : HoHult of Mental Strain 272 Hammond, R. A. History Empire and People of Turkey 76 Hanna, Wm. Wars of the Huguenots 69 Hannay, Jas. Essays from the Quarter!,)/ Review 308 Hanna Y, Jas. History of Acadia 81 Hancock, J. W. Conveyancing. Principles, Forms 210 Hancock, J. W. Synoptical Index Con. Stats. Canada and U. Canada 209 Hankby, Thos. Principles of Banking 232 Hansard, T. C. Typographia. Art of Printing 244 Harazthy, a. Grape Culture ; Wine and Wine Making 249 Harcus, W. South Australia ; its History, Resources and Productions 128 Hardoastlb, Henry. Law and Practice of Election Petitions 15 Hardie's Reports 202 P'ardy, Capt. Forest Life in Acadia 82 Hare, A. J. C. Days near Rome 284 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Rome 284 Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain 284 Hare, Thos. Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal 221 Hargrave, F. Judicial Arguments and Collections 192 Harorave, J. J. Red River 82 Harrington, Jas. The Oceana, and other Works 308 Harris, J. Astronomical Lectures, Sun's Distance 251 Harris, John. Collection of Voyages and Travol.s, in Europe, America ... 279 Harris, Geo. Civilization as a Science 221 Harris, S. F. Criminal Law, Procedure, and Summary Convictions 184 Harris, T. W. Treatise on Insects Injurious to Vegetation 262 Harris, Wm. Lives and Writings Jftmes I., Ciiarles I., and Cromwell 43 Harrison, J. A. Greek Vignettes. Sail in the GreekSeas 284 Harrison, R. A., (C.J.) Common Law Procedure Act 210 Harrison, R. A., (C.J.) Municipal Manual for Upper Canada. As.sessment Acts 210 Harrison, R. A., (C.J.) Rules, etc., as to Practice and Pleading in County Courts 210 Harrison, R. A., (C.J.) Statutes Civil Administration of Justice in U. Canada.. 210 Harrison and O'Brien. Digest of Cases decided in Courts of Error and Appeal . . 210 Harrison and Robinson. Digest of Cases in Queen's Bench and Practice Courts, U.O. 210 Harper's Statistical Gazetteer of the World 7 Hart, A. M. Mining Rights and Privileges in Canada 210 Hart, Col. Army, Militia, and India Civil Service List H Hart and Michael. Manual of Public Health 200 Hart, W. H. Index Expurgatorius Anglicanus 308 ALPHAUETKJAL INDEX OF AUTHORH. 405 HAKTwm.G. Sea and ,ts WonderH. Marveh of the Deep ««« Hautwig, G. Subterranean World " HAUTwro. O. Tropi.,aI World. Aninml and Vegetable' KingdomH HI Ha«ko, W. D.„„.,, Mining Surveyor', 'etc., Kieid-Book « Hathell, John. Commons' Precedents *® Hau8sk,i, Ludwig. Period of the Reformation' ^^ Haushath A. HiHtory of Ne. Testament Times. Tim^of Jehus' ! ! 4I Havako, H^ Picturesque Holland. Journey in Friesland, Groningen 284 Haveutv, Martin. Ireland, Ancient and Modern * Haweis, H. R. Music and Morals .... °° Hawkis, H. R. Speech in Season .... ^^^ Hawkis, H. R Thoughts for the Times ^" ilAWKms. Picture of Queb.c, ^vith Historical Recollections Z HAWKms Sir R. Observations of, in his Voyage into South Snas ' .' .' '] HAWLKY, J. U American Criminal Reports. British and Canadian 009 Hawthornk, N. Passages fron, English Note Books of . . 3'' H::::ji;h. poI:;^;:::"^^^:^"-;;----^- ^^« Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates ^ Haydn's Dictionary Popular Medicine and Hygiene / Havdx. Universal Index of Biography . . ^^^ Hay, John. Castillian Days ^^° Hayes, I. J. Land of Desolation. ' Ad vcntur'es "in" Greenland '.'. ''' HayTe'sVo ''r,^^'^''^- Voyage of Discovery towards North Pole.": 2 Haynes, P. O. Outlines of Equity Haywahd, a. Biographical and Critical Essays ^^^ Hazard, Samuel. Cuba ; with Pen and Pencil ^^® Hazek, W^B^ School and the Army in Germany" and" Fran;e .' .' .' ! 'H Hazutt, W. C. English Proverbs ^^ HAZLiTT.Wm. Eloquence of the British Senate ^ Hazutt, Wm. Makin Luther. Table Talk of ^^ Hazlitt, Wm. Miscellaneous Works of ^^^ Hazutt and Roche. Law of Maritime Warfare ^^^ Hkad, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau .' fj, Head, Sir F. B. Despatches relative to Canada ^^^ Head, Sir F.R The Emigrant ... . ^2 Head, Sir F. B. Narrative of ^2 Hp.An .Sir ftpn 1?- i » ■, -r 1 ^^ llZ WE r """""" ' "'• °"""™ •"" °'»"-«- ••■•■■ 33 UEARN, W. E. Government of England 32 i 406 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Helps, Sir A. Paok. Hearn, W. E. The Aryan Household. Comparative Jurisprudence 179 Hearnk, Samuel. Discovery of North-West Passage, 1769-72 82 Heath, F. G. Burnhani Beaches 263 Heath, F. O. Sylvan Spring 263 Heather, J. F. Mathematical Instruments ; their Construction and Use 244 Heckethorn, C. W. Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries 308 Hedge, F. H. Prose Writers of Germany 308 Heineccius, J. G. Universal Law ; or. Law of Nature and Nations 191 Helmholtz, H. Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects 266 Helps, Sir A. Leaves from the Journal of Life in the Highlands 284 Mr. Brassey. Life and Labours of 170 Columbus. Life of 172 Conversations on War and General Culture 308 Friends in Council 308 Las Casas. The Apostle of the Indians 174 Social Pressure 308 Spanish Conquest in America 76 Thoughts upon Government 221 Hellwald, F. Von. Russians in Central Asia. History of Central Asia 286 Hemans, C. D. Historic and Monumental Rome 38 Henderson, Alfred. Latin Proverbs and Quotations 6 Henderson, Lt.-Col. Discipline and Management of Military Prisons 221 Henry, W. Events of a Military Life ^ 82 Henslow, Geo. Evolution of Living Things 257 Hepworth, G. H. Starboard and Port. The Nettie Alongshore 279 Herbert, Lady. Cradle Lands 286 Herbert, Lord E. Autobiography of 60 Herbert's Parliamentary Handbook. General Elections, 1874 — 1880 355 Heriot, Geo. Travels through the Canadas 82 Heron, D. C. Constitutional History University of Dublin 50 Heron, D. C. Introduction to History of Jurisprudence 193 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects 266 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy 251 Hertslet, Edward. Foreign Office List 10 Hertslet, Edward. Treaties and Tariffs, between G. Britain and Foreign Nations. 191 Hertslet, Lewis. Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers 191 Hertslet's Treaties. With Chronological Index 206 Hetherington, W. M. History Church of Scotland 343 Heywood, Samuel. Distinctions in Society under Anglo-Saxon Governments .... 43 High, J. L. Law of Injunctions in L^nited Sta.tes and England 190 Hiqgins, Godfrey. Celtic Druids ; Priests of Oriental Colonies from India 356 Hill, Geo. Historical Account of Plantation in Ulster, 1608 — 1620 357 Hilderth, R. History of United States 132 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP AUTHORS. 407 HiLDERTH, R. Theory of Politics. Foundations of Governments 221 HiLLiARD, F. American Law of Real Property jgg HiLLiARD, F. Law of Torts or Private Wrongs 206 Hind, H. Y. Eighty Years' Progress British North America ................. 82 Hind, H. Y. Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition 82 Hind, H. Y. Canadian Red River Expedition of 1857 [[ ]\[ §2 Hind, H. Y. Explorations in Interior of Labrador Peninsula, Indian Country .... 82 Hind, H. Y. Insects and Diseases injurious to Wheat Crops 262 Hinton's America. Illustrations of HiNTON, Jas. Physiology for Practical Use ' * 973 HiNTON, R. J. English Radical Leaders ' . " "gQ H1R8CHFELDER, J. M. Scriptures Defended. Reply to Bishop Colenso 343 Hitchcock, Ed. Religion of Geology and its connected Sciences ' ' • 344 Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism HiTCHMAN, Francis. Earl of Beaconsfield. Public Life of 57 HiTTEL, J. S. Resources of California, Agriculture, Mining ...........' 294 HoADLY, C. J. Connecticut. Public Records of Colony of " 365 HoBART, Sir Henry. Reports of Hood, Lt.-Gen. Advance and Retreat. Experiences in U. S. and Confed.' Armies". 156 Hood, Thomas. Poems . . . 308 Hood, Thomas. Practical Guide to English Versification 308 Hood and Mair. Book of Anecdotes, Humour, Wit and Wisdom ......... 308 Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology Hodges, Sir W. Law of Railways HoDoiNS, J. G. History of Canada, and other Provinces in North America 82 HoDGiNS, J. G. Public School Law of Ontario, Decisions of Superior Court . . . . . 327 HoDGiNS, J. G. School Law Lectures. Law and Official Regulations [ .' 327 HoDGiNS, J. G. Ontario Educational Exhibit at Philadelphia 329 HoDGiNS, Thomas. Manual of Law affecting Voters' Lists jg HoEY, Mrs. C. Camille Desmoulins and his Wife. From History of Dantonists ' ' 68 Hoffman, Wm. Camp, Court and Siege 3qq Hogan, J. S. Essay on Canada Hogg, Jabez. Microscope ; its History, Construction and Application . . .......' 266 Hogg, Jas. Jacobite Relics of Scotland, Songs, Airs and Legends ." 366 Hook, W. F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury " gj Holland, H. W. Proposed National Arrangements for National Education. '. . . . . 827 Holland, Lord. Foreign Reminiscences I go Holland, Major T. Expedition to Abyssinia jgg Holbrook, M. L. Hygiene of Brain and Nerves, and Cure of Nervousness . . . . .' .* 272 HoLBRooK, M. L. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and Headache; Prevention and Cure 272 Holdsworth, W. a. Supreme Court Judicature Acts 205 HoLiNSHED, Raphael. Chronicles, Description, Conquest, etc., of Ireland .... 50 Hollister, G. H. History of Connecticut ' " ' 13^ i V« ■\ii 408 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paob. Holmes, A. Parties and their Principles 132 Holmes, O. W. Poet at the Breakfast Table 309 Holmes, 0. W. Memoir of John L. Motley 176 HoLMESTEAD, G. S. Mechanics' Lien Acts, etc 196 HoLTON, J. C. Lists of Persons who went to American Plantations, 1600 — 1700 . . 362 HoLYOAKE, G. J. Co-operation in England ; its Literature and Advocates 221 HoLLEY, G. W. Niagara ; its History and Geology 82 Holly, H. H. Modern Dwellings in Town and Country 239 HoMANS, J. S. Historical Account of Commerce of United States 232 HoMANS and Smith. Cyclopasdia of Commerce 232 Hone, Wm. The Every-Day Book and Table Book 6 Hone, Wm. Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information 6 HopX Thos. Costume of the Ancients 241 Hopkins, Mark. Lectures on Moral Science 336 HoPWOOD and Philbrick. Cases in Common Pleas 16 HoRiTZKY, C. Canada on the Paeific. From Edmonton to the Pacific 82 Horner, Susan, and Horner, Joanna. Walks in Florence 284 Hough, F. B. American Constitutions ; each State, and the United States 150 Hough, F. B. Report upon U. S. Forestry 249 Houghton, Lord. Monographs. Personal and Social 167 Houston, Arthur. Representation, also Registration Amendment (Ireland) Acts. . 16 HovENDEN, R. De. Annals of. Comprising History of England 43 Howe, H. Historical Collections of Ohio 132 Howe, J. B. Monetary and Industrial Fallacies 232 HowE, J. B. Political Economy Great Britain, United States, and France 232 Howell, A. Probate, Administration, etc., in Surrogate Courts 210 Howell, Geo. The Labour Laws. Employers and Workmen Act 193 Howell, T. B. State Trials. With Index 208 HowisoN, J. Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic and Local 82 HowLAND, E. Annals of North America 132 Howley, J. P. Geography of Newfoundland 82 HowsoN, J. S. Character of St. Paul 344 Hozier, Capt. Franco-Prussian War. Causes and Incidents 156 Hozier, Capt. Invasion of England 156 Hozier, Capt. Seven Weeks' War 156 Hudson, Fred. Journalism in the United States. 1690 to 1872 221 Hudson, W. E. Franchise and Registration of Electors in Ireland 16 Hughes, Thos. The Manliness of Christ 344 Hughes, Thos. The Old Church ; what shall we do with it? 344 Hughes, T. S. History of England 43 Hughes, Wm. Precedents ir: Conveyancing 183 Hugo, Victor. The History of a Crime 69 Hulme, F. E. Plants. Growth and Treatment 249 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 409 m ifil H.MBKH. W™. Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges, and Iron Foundations. . T/s HUMBER, Wm. Progress of Modern Engineering tv: Humbert, Aime. Japan and the Japanese ... _^^ HUMBOLHT, A. Von. Cosmos. Sketch Physical Description of Universe 266 Humboldt, A. Von. Letters of, to Varnhagen Von Ense Z HuMBou,T, A. Von. Travels to Equinoctial Regions of New Contineni .' ." ." '91 Hume, David. History of England Hume, David. His Philosophical Works and Essays ."."." Jt^ Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography of Hunt, Leigh. Works of " _ '" ^^* Hunt, John. Religious Thought in England f ^ Hunt S. Statutes of the U. S. as to Incorporation of Religious "sociedes.' ." ". 201 Hunt's Merchants' Magazine Hunter's Ottawa and Eastern Townships Scenery. .. . . . ^«^ Hunter's Ottawa Scenery HuRLBURT, J. B. Climate, Productions,' etc.,' of 'canada .' It HuRLBURT, T. B. Britain and her Colonies [[ gg HuKST, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland ,^0 Hurst, Wm. Italy ''"^ Hutchinson, Colonel. Memoirs of '^ Button, R. H. Essays, Theological and Literary .. .^ ...'.'.'..'.'.[[ 3^^ Huxley, T. H. American Addresses, with Lecture on Studyof Biology 26ft Huxley, T. H. Criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative Nihilism " " " ofift Huxley, T. H. Critiques and Addresses Z: Huxley, T. H. David Hume . I ni Huxley, T. H. Introduction to Classification of Animals 260 Huxley, T. H. Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews ^gg Huxley, T.H. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. Classification of' Ania'als! !' 260 HUXLEY, T. H. Lessons in Ekmentary Physiology 260 Huxley, T. H. Manual of Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals "'........" 257 Huxley, P. H. Physiography. Introduction to Study of Nature ora Huxley, T. H. The Crayfish. Introduction to study of Zoology. 262 Huxley, Thos. Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature 2'5q Huysiie, Capt. Red River Expedition 83 Ihne, Wm. History of Rome . . J " 30 IMLAY, G. A. Description of Western Territory, North America . 130 Wmaur, John. Student- Guide to Supreme Court Judicature Acts 205 iNGELow, Whittier and L vgfellow. New Poems of . . ^Z Inqersoll, C. Fears for Democracy ^" INOULPHS Chronicle of Abbey of Croyland. Riley ...... . . .........[[[■ "43 Irons, L. C. Alabama Controversy. Its History jq, Irving, Edward. Miscellaneous, from collected Writings of .......... . . . . . ."."." 310 '^§ 410 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paoi. Irving, Joseph. Annals of Our Time 6 Irving, Washington. Works of 309 Jackson, G. A. Apostolic Fathers, and Apologists of Second Century 344 Jackson, J. B. Lumberman's Timber Mark Guide 10 Jackson, L. D'A. Aid to Survey Practice 248 Jackson, Sir Geo. Diaries and Letters of 221 Jacob, G. A. Ecclesiastical Polity of New Testament 344 Jacox, Francis. Aspects of Authorship ; or, Book-Marks and Book-Makers 310 Jacox, Francis. At Nightfall and Midnight. Musings after Dark 310 Jacox, Francis. Traits of Character and Notes of Incident in Bible Story 310 Jaeger, B. Life of North American Insects 262 James, E. Bankrupt Law of United States, 1867. American and English Decisions 179 James, G. P. R. Louis the Fourteenth. Life and Times of 70 James, G. P. R. Richard, Coeur de Lion, King of England 56 James, Henry. French Poets and Novelists 310 James, Wm. Naval Histoi-y of Great Britain 156 ■James, Wm. Naval Occurrences late War between Great Britain and United States 156 Jameson, J. A. Constitutional Convention : its History, Powers 132 Jameson, Mrs. Celebrated Female Sovereigns 162 Jameson, Mrs. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada 83 Jamieson's Etymological Dictionary of Scottish Language 4 Jarman, Thos. Treatise on Wills 207 Jarvis, H. W. History Church of France, from 1516 to Revolution 344 Jarvis, T. S. Letters from East Longitudes. Travel in Egypt, Holy Land 286 Jeappreson, C. a Young Squire of the Seventeenth Century 310 Jeappreson, J. C. Annals of Oxford 327 Jeappreson, J. C. Pleasantries of English Courts and Lawyers 310 Jeppers, a. F. History of Canada ' 83 Jepfries, Richard. Greene Feme Farm 310 Jeppries, Richard. Hodge and his Masters 310 Jepprey, Lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review 310 Jennings and Johnstone. Book of Parliamentary Anecdote 310 Jennings, L. J. Eighty Years' Republican Government in United States 221 Jennings. L. J. Field Paths and Groen Lanes. Walks in Surrey and Sussex .... 284 Jenkins, E. The Colonial Question. Essays on Imperial Federalism 122 Jenkins, E. Colonies and Imperial Unity ; or. Barrel without the Hoops 122 Jenkins, E. Glances at Inner England 356 Jenkins and Raymond. Building Contracts 180 . Jerbold, B. Life of Napoleon III 70 Jesse, J. II. Memoirs Court of England during Rtfign of the Stuarts 56 . Jkvons, W. S. Political Economy 232 - Jevons, W. S. Principles of Science. Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method .... 336 ALPHABETICAL INDKX OF AUTHORS. 411 Jv.wzLh, F. S. School Government. Use of Normal Schools and Teachers 397 Jewett, B. Dialogues of Plato " Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe „- Johnson, Dr. Samuel. English Dictionary Johnson, Frank. Village of Merrow : its Past and Present " 310 Johnson, J. F. W. Chemistry of Common Life 272 Johnson and Henhy. Patentees' Manual. Law and Practice of Letters Patent 197 Johnson, Rossiter. Play-Day Poems Johnson, R, (Editor). Single Famous Poems gjQ Johnson, Samuel. Life of. Including Tour to the Hebrides 174 Johnson, Samuel. Works of ■ ' ' " 310 Johnson and Robertson. Historical Geography Clans of Scotland ... 47 Johnston, A. History American Politics 132 Johnston, A. K. Dictionary Geography, Descriptive, Physical 7 Johnston. A. K. Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena 276 JoHNSTf> ,, A. K. Royal Atlas of Modern Geography 276 Johnstone, C. F. Historical Abstracts. Europe qj Johnstone. W. Travels in Prince Edward Island and Gulf St.' Lawrence 83 Jones, Bence. Royal Institution ; its Founder and its First Professors 266 Jones, Benoe. Faraday. Life and Letters of I73 Jones, C. H. Clinical Observations on Functional Nervous Disorders 073 Jones, Foulkes. Egypt in its Biblical Relations [ 289 Jones, H. C. Prescription ; Real Property Limitation Act, Ontario 210 Jones, Wm. Treasures of the Earth, Mines, etc 244 JoNSON, Ben. Works of JosEPHUs, Flavius. Jewish War. With Autobiography . . 37 Joyce, P. W. Origin and History of Irish Names of Places 50 Joyce, Wm. Injunctions in Equity Jukes, A. The Second Death ; and Restitution .)f All Things ........ . . . . ' . " " .' .' 344 Jukes, J. B. Excursions in and about Newfoundland " 83 Karr, a. Tour Round My Garden Kaufmann, M. Socialism ; its Nature, Dangers, and Reniedies. 221 Kaufmann, M. Utopias ; or, Schemes of Social Improvement "."."""' 222 Kane, E. K. Artie Explorations. U. S. Expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin . . 279 Kane, E. K. Astronomical Observations in Arctic Seas 251 Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist among Indians of North America. 358 Kavanagh, Morgan. Origin of Language and Myths 337 Kavanagh and Quill. Licensing Acts, 1872-74 jg. TCay, Joseph. Free Trade in Land 2^2 Kay, Joseph. Social Condition an* Education of People of Engknd . . . . . . .... 222 Kaye, J. W. Lord Metcalfe. Life and Correspondence of 122 Kaye, J. W. Lord Metcalfe. Self- tions from Papers of 122 '. li 412 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paok. Keane, Marcus. Towers and T(;tnpl«s of Ancient Ireland 60 Keats, John. Endymion. With Engravings 241 Keats, John. Letters of, to Fanny Brawne, in 1819 and 1820 174. Keating, W. H. Expedition to St. Peter's River, Lake Winuepeck 83 Keeper, T. C. Montreal and the Ottawa 83 Keilwey, Robt. Reports d'ascuns cases, teinp. Henry 7th and 8th ; . . 202. Keim, T. History of Jesus of Nazara 344 Keele, W. C. Provineial Justice; or, Magistrate's Manual 210 Keller, Franz. Amazon and Maderia Rivers. Sketches from Note Book of Explorer 291 Keltie, J. S. History Scottish Highlands, !,*.v ^^ .■^d Regiments 356 Kelly, James. American Catalogue of Book I3 Kemble, Frances A. Record of a Girlhood I74 Kemble, J. M. Saxons in England 43 Kennedy, David. Colonial Travel. Australia, New Zealand, Canada 296 Kenny, C. S. Law of England as to Effects of Marriage on Property 195 Kent's Commentary on International Law 191 Kent, Jas. Commentaries on American Law 150 Ker, David. On the Road to Khiva 286 Kerr, J. Essays on Castism and Sectism 222 Kerr, W. W. Kerr, W. W. Kerr, W. W. Kerr, W. W. Kerr, W. H. Kerr, Robt. Law of Discovery ij^^g Law of Fraud and Mistake l gg Law of Injunctions in Equity 188 Law as to Receivers 188 Magistrates' Acts of 1869 2IO Gentleman's House. How to Plan English Residences 239 Kerhallet, Capt. Atlantic Ocean. Examination of 268 Keshub, Chunder Sen's English Visits 284 Ketchum, Wm. Buffalo and the Senecas. Six Natio: s and Iroquois 132 Key, T. H. Language, its Origin and Development . . . . 327 KiERNAN, John. Horse-Shoeing. The Dunbar System 156 Kildare, Marquis of. Earls of Kildare, and their Ancestors 357 KiLLEN, W. D. Ancient Church for First Three Hundred Years 344 KiLLEN, W. D. Old Catholic Church. From Apostolic Age to 755 344 Kino, (Abp.) State of Protestants in Ireland under King James. ... 50 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 294 King, Clarence. United States Geological Exploration of Fortieth Parallel 256 King, Ed. French Political Leaders 69 King, J. W. European Ships of War and their Armament 156 King, Major. Form and Combination of Materials for Defensive Armour, etc 156 King, Major. Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada 358 King and Champney. Southern States of North Ani^rica 294 Kingsford, R. E. Revised Statutes of Ontario relating to Municipal Matters 210 Kinglake, a. W. Eothen ; or, Traces of Travel brought Home from the East 289 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 413 KiNOLAKE, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea ; its Origin, etc. ^T, KiNosLEV, Chas. At Last ! Christmas in the West Indies lo, KiNGSLEV, Charles. Health and Education KiNosLEY, Charles. Letters and Memories of his Life fj ! KiXGSLEV, Charles. Plays and Puritans, and other Historical Essays'. '. 30 KiNGSLEY, Charles. Prose Idylls. New and Old ^!^ KiNGSLEY, Charles. Selections from Writings of ,! KiNGSLEY, Charles. The Roman and the Teuton l^ Ktxos.EY, Charles. Westward, Ho ! or. Voyages and Adventures of Si; A." Leigh " " Si' KiXGSMAx, A. Over Volcanoes ; or. Through France and Spain in 1871 ' ' 28 KmGSMz.., Jo.seph. Prisons and Prisoners. Prevention of Crime ooo Kingston, W. H. G. Settler Life in North America ,1 , Kingston, W. H. G. Western Wandering. ; or, Pleasure Tour i"n the Canadas ' " ' 8 KiHBY, Mary and Elizabeth. Chapter on Trees : Their Nature and Uses 23 kZ H T7. ,^"*^°''"^*'°" *^ ^"*-«^««"^ ■' N^t-al History of Insects ." ." .' [ 262 KiRKL, H. English Conquest of Canada .... Kirk, J. F. Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy H Kitchen, G. W. History of France KiTTO, John. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature „!J Klaczko, J. Two Chancellors : Gortschakoff and Bismarck 7 1 KLUK^iNGER, C. B. Upper Egypt : it.s People and its Products 900 Knapp and Ombler. Controverted Election Cases Z Knight, Charles. English Cyclopaedia : Biography ,1. KxiGHT, Charles. Half Hours with Best Letter Writers and Autobiographers ' " " " 1 Knight, Charles. Half Hours with Best Authors ^ " ' " ' ^ ! Knight. Charles. Half Hour.s of E.iglish History " l]] Knight, Charles. History of England Knight, Charles. Loudon Pictorlally Illustrated ^^ K.IGHT, Charles. Pas.sages of a Working Life, during Half a Centu;y ■.■.:: 17 KxiGHT, Charles. Rctorial Museum of Animated Nature 11, Knight's Pictorial Gallery of Arts Knigiit's American Mechanical Dictionary ^"^^ Knox, Capt. John. Journal Campaigns in North America ^tt Koch, C. W. History of Revolutions in Europe K(E..PEN, A. L, The World in the Middle Ages "'"'.'.' f Kohl, J. G. Discovery of America, from Columbus to Franklin j. Kohl. J. G. Kitchie-Gami. Wanderings round Lake Superior lo KOHLRAUSCH, P. History of Germany Kohr,J. G. England, Wales and Scotland...... '".'.' "','." .'.''■■ J^ KoLDEWKY, Capt. German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70 " o7Q Kossuth, Louis. Memories of My Exile "' KuENEN, A. Religion of Israel, to Fall of the Jewish State !!! 4 If 414 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHOUS. i Paok. Labilliere, F. p. Early History Colony of Victoria SSO' Labrosse, F. Navigation of the Atlantic Ocean 268 Lacey, J. F. Digest of Railway Decisions. American and Other Cases 200 Lacordaire. By Dora Grcenwell 174 Lacordaire, Pere. God. Conferences delivered at Notre Dame, in Paris 344 Lacordaire, Pere. Jesus Christ. Conferences delivered at Notre Dame, in Paris . . 344 Lafkver, M. Architectural Instructor 239* Lagukl, Auguste. England, Political and Social 356 Lahontan, Baron de. Memoirs of North America 83, Laing, J. D. The Coming Event; or, Freedom and Independence for Australia . . 122 Lamartine, a. de. Memoirs of Celebrated Characters 164 Lamartine, a. de. History of Girondists 63 Lamartine, a. de. French Revolution, 1848 69 Lambert, John. Travels through Lower Canada and the United States 83 Lamphere, G. N. United States Government : its Organization and Workings. . . . 365 Lamond, W. H. Abraham Lincoln. Life of 363 Lamont, Jas. Seasons with Sea Horses ; or, Sporting Adventures in Northern Seas 279 Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations. Miscellaneous Dialogues 311 Lane, Ed. Account of Manner-^ and Customs of Modern Egyptians 357 Lanfrey, p. History of Napoleon the First 70 Lanier, Sidney. Florida : its Scenery, Climate and History 295 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan 132 Lanman, C. Adventures of an Angler in Canada and the United States 83 Lanman, Chas. Dictionary United States Congress and General Government 132 Lappenberg, D. M. History of England under Anglo-Saxon Kings 44 Lappenbkrg, D. M. History of England under Norman Kings , . _ 44 Lardner, D. History of Russia 74 Lardner, D. Museum of Science and Art 266 Larue, Edmond. Histoire de la Litterature Canadienne 311 Labwood, Jacob. Book of Clerical Anecdotes 311 Las Cases. Count. Napoleon at St. Helena 70 Lasett, Thos. Timber and Timber Trees 249 Latch. Cases Chas. I., en La Cour de Bank le Roy 202 Latham, H. On the Action of Examinations as a Means of Selection 328 Latimer, Hugh. Bishop of Worcester. Sermons by 344 Latimer. Ex-Bishop of Worcester. Seven Sermons before Edward VI 345 Latouche, John. Travels in Portugal 284 Latbobe, C. T. Rambler in North America 291 Lattey, R. T. Practice and Procedure before Privy Council 198 Lauohton, J. K. Physical Geography in its relation to Wiiicls and Currents 277 L/..NN, H. V. The French Revolutionary Epoch 69 Laurie, Joseph. Homceopathic Domestic Medicine 273 Lavatbr, J. C. Essays on Physiognomy 259 l.i ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 415 Laverdiere et Cosorain. Le Journal dos Jesuites ^^""i Law, T ieut. Journal of Passage from Pacific to Atlantic „,^ Law, & D. Digest of AmeHoan Cases ; Patents for Inventions and Copyright 1 ox Lawhknce, L.eut..Gen. Sir O. Forty-three Years in India ^ T, Lawson, J. P. History of Ahbey and Palace of Holyrood House ,11 Layard, a. H. Nineveh and its Remains Lavaro,A H. Nineveh and Babylon. Narrative of" Expedition to Assyria Ill Lavcock Thoa Mind and Brain ; Consciousness and Organization. . . . ' " ' ' ' 3^ Lkake, S. M. Law of Contracts ^^^ Leared, Arthur. Causes and Treatment of" Im"p"e"rfect" Digestio>'» Ill Leavitt, T. W. H. History Leeds and Grenville, 17.19-1879 "'L Lechleb, Prof. John Wiolif and his Precursors ,!« Lecky, W. E. H. History of England. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals Jtt Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland t' Lecky, W. E. H. Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe ', Leech, John. Pencillings from Pimch Leech, John. Etchings ^*^ LeConte, Joseph. Religion and Science. Sun day Lectures Itl Lekds, L. W. Treatise on Ventilation ^ Le Due, Viollet. The Story of a House ...[, ^^^ Ledwich, Edward. Antiquities of Ireland ^^^ Lefevre, G. S. Freedom of Land ^^^ Leproy, Major-Gen. Discovery and Early Settlement of "the "Berm udas 1 22 Legge and Gladman. Handy Book of English History /, Legge, a. O. Pius the Ninth. Story of his Life ** Leooo, Wm. Pleadings and Proceedings in Court of Chancery "for "ontarlo 210 Legoo, Wm. Practice Court of Chancery for Ontario .... ,!^ Leogo, Wm. History Administration of Earl Dufferin "'I, Le Goz, De La Bouelaye. Tour of, in Ireland, 1644. . .....".".'."." ^ LeGras, Capt. General Examination of the Mediterranean Sea orb Leiohtenstein, The Princess. Holland House 3^" Leidy. J. Contributions to Extinct Vertebrate Fau«a of Western "Territories 261 Leifchild, J. R. Higher Ministry of Nature 3,^ Leigh and Lk Marchant. Guide to Election Law . ' ,1 Leighton, John. Paris under the Commune LB.GHTON and PiGOT. Life of Man Symbolised by" Months of Year JJ! Leitch, Jas. Practical Educationists, and their Systems of Teaching gofl Leith, Alex. Blackstone's Commentaries. Real Property Z Lrith, Alex. Real Property Statutes of Ontario ... '1 Lkuevre et Angers. Questions Seigneuriales . f!! Lely and Foulkeb. Judicature Acts. Statutes. Rules. etc.'.'.'.'.\'.^][[',[ 205 kMat,L.P. Les Vengeances. Poeme Canadian ''" ' g^ ^.^ ill! 416 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 1 Paoi. Lr Moine, J. M. Maplo Loaves. Canadian History, Literature, etc 83 Le Moine, J. M. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence 83 Le Moine, J. M. Ornithologie du Canada 261 Le Moine. J. M. Quebec, Past and Present 83 Lemprieke, J. Classical Dictionary 4 Lenoir, Paul. The Fayouni ; or, Artists in Egypt 289 Lennox, Lord W. P. Recollections from 1806 to 1873 I74 Le Play, F. Organization of Labour, in accordance with Law of the Decalogue . . 222 Lepsius, R. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and Peninsula of Sinai 289 Lees, F. S. Handbook for Hospital Sisters 273 Leslie, T. E. C. Political and Moral Pliilosophy 222 Lester, C. E. Mexican Republic 7g Lester, J. E. Atlantic to the Pacific ; What to See and How to See It 295 Lester, W. W. Decisions in Land Cases and Land Laws 150 Le Suer and Cavalier. Early "Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi 291 Le Vaux. G. V. Science and Art of Teaching 328 Levi, Leone. History British Commerce and Progress of British Nation 232 Levi, Leone. Work and Pay. Combinations of Labourers and Capitalists 222 LkEVY-KuNKEL, C. AUoys of Phosphorous Bronze, for Founding of Cannon 157 Lewes, G. H. History of Philosophy. From Thales to Cointe 336 Lewes, G. H. Problems of Life and Mind 336 Lewin, Thos. Law of Trusts 206 Lewin, Thos. Life and Epistles of St. Paul 345 Lewins, Wm. History Banks for Savings in Great Britain 232 Lewins, Wm. Her Majesty's Mails 232 Lewis, C. T. History of Germany 70 Lewis, Dio. Five-Minute Chats with Young Women and Certain Other Parties . . 311 Lewis, E. D. Draft Code of Criminal Law and Procedure 181 Lewis. H. Principles of Equity Drafting 188 Lewis, R. Dominion Elocutionist and Public Reader 328 Lewis, Sir G. (J. Credibility of Early Roman History 38 Lewis, Sir G. C. Essays on the Administration of Great Britain 61 Lewis, Sir G. C. Government of Dependencies 122 Lev/is, Sir G. C. Historical Survey of Astronomy of the Ancients 251 Lewis, Sir G. C. Influence of Authority on Matters of Opinion 222 Lewis, Sir G. C. Local Disturbances in Ireland, etc . . . 50 Lewis, Sir G. C. Letters to Various Friends 222 Lewis, Sir G. C. Observation and Reasoning in Politics 222 Lewis, Sir G. C. Use and Abuse of Political Terms 222 Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Dictionary 4 Lidstone, Wm. Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and its Tributaries 279 Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self-Government 222 Lieber, F; Manual of Political Ethics 222 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 417 LiEBKR, F. Property and Labour. . ^*""- LiEBREiCH, R. School Life : in its I„fluenc;'on Sighi and Figu;e' Tot LiENARD. Decoration and Ornamentation of XIX. Century ou LioHTKooT and Thknoh. Revision English Version New Testament 345 LiLLiE, A. Canada : Physical, Economic and Social *" LiNDLBY, Nath. Law of Partnerships, etc. LIND.EV, Thoa Narrative of Voyage to Brazil, with Sketches of "the Country 279 L1NOS.V, A M. Gold Standard without Gold Coinage in England and India 3' Lmosxv, W. L. Mind in the Lower Animals in Health and Disease . 23 Lindsay, W. S. Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce Ill LiXDSEY, C. Investigation of Unsettled Boundaries of Ontario t, LiNDSEY, C. Rome in Canada L1ND8EY, C. W. L. Mackenzie. Life andTimes oi '.'.'.]'.'.'.[ ^ LiNGARD, John. History of England LiNTERN, Wm. Mineral Surveyor and Valuer's Guide J^t LiPPiNcoTT's Guide Book to United States and Canada , , LiPPiNcoTT. Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology.' ifio LiPPiNCOTT's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World lZ'Td > f """^^ ^°7-" M««on.ryT»™U.„d ReseaVoh. in South Africa 289 J^LORENTE, D. J. A. History Inquisition of Soain . 0.5 L.OYD, David. State-Worthies; or, the Statesmen and Fa;ourites of "England" ' " " 61 Llovd and Tebbitt. Extension of Empire, Weakness ? Deficits, Ruin ? ' " " ' 356 Llovd, W. W. Age of Pericles, Politics and Arts of Greece . ' Locke, John. Human Understanding Locke, John. Letters on Toleration ^^^ 222 Locke, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education . . 090 LocKHART, J. G. Life of Robert Burns „ LocKYER, J. N. Contributions to Solar Physics l"^ LocKYER, J. N. The Spectroscope Lodge's Peerage and Baronetage ^^^ Logan, C. A. Physics of the Infectious Diseases 273 Logan, J. Journeys through Canada, the United States, and " West 'indi'es ." ." 84 Logan, Sir W. Geological Survey of Canada .... ° Loiier, F. V. Cyprus : Historical and Descriptive .'. ^g LooMis, Elias. Elements of Astronomy. For Academies and Hi"gh Schools 251 LooMis, Ehas. Introduction to Practical Astronomy. Astronomical Tables 251 LooMis, Elias. Recent Progress of Astronomy in U. States 0,, LooMis, Elias. Treatise on Astronomy Long, Geo. Decline of the Roman Empire ^o^ Long, Geo. France and its Revolutions ^ Long, Geo. Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ..'.[ J^ Long, J. W. American Wild Fowl Shooting ' 244 Long, J. P. A. Income Tax, Inhabited House Duty, Land Tax, etc. ..."."." 232 5 P'' r" ■ i i i 418 ALPFIAIIKTICAL INDKX OF AUTHORS. ■ 'iiii m Paoi. Lo^f(l, J. VoyageH aiifE, Miinjuis of. Book of Psalms. Literally rendered in Verse 345 LoiiNE, Manjiiis of. Guido and Lita ; a Tale of the Riviera 312 LouNE, Maniuis of. Trip to the Tropica, and Home through America 281 LossiNO, B. J. Pictorial Fie!d-Book of War of 1812 132 LossiNo, B. J. Pictorial History Civil War in U. States 132 LossiNG, B. J. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution 132 LoUDAT, A. American Vine-Dresser's Guide 249 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopedia of Agriculture 249 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopiedia of Trees and Shrubs of G. Britain 249 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopiedia of Gardening 249 Loudon's Encyclopsedia of Cottage and Villa Architecture 239 Lovell's Gazetteer British North America 7 Lovell's Province of Ontai'io Directory 11 Lover, Samuel. Life of. Bernard 175 Lowe, Rt. Hon. R. Speeches on Reform 66 Lower, M. A. Family Names of United Kingdom 8 Lower, Mark A. Chronicle of Battel Abbey 44 Lowell, J. R. Works of 312 Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature 312 Lowrie and Franklin. American State Papers 129 Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-Historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains 259 Lubke, W. Outlines Historj 6f Art 242 Lucan. The Pharsalia of ; 312 Lucas, Charles. Political Constitutions of Great Britain and Ireland 50 Lucas, N. I. English-German and German-English Dictionary 4 Luders, Alex. Controverted Elections 16 Luders, Alex. Constitution of Parliament ; Reign Edward 1 16 Luders, Alex. Tracts on Law and History of England 16 Ludlow, F. H. Heart of the Continent. Across the Plains and in Oregon 295 Ludlow, J. M. Woman's Work in the Church . . 222 LusTi'f? Practice of Si.r.pftrio.r Ooiirts of Lav.' s,t Wcstininstor 19*^ Luthardt, C. E. Moral Truths of Christianity 345 ALPHABETrCAL INDEX OF AUTFfORS. LuTWYCHE, A. Cases in Coti.mon Pleas . ^*""- I-VEL., Sir 0. OooloKical Evi.loncoH of Aati.,'uVty"of" Man " J^ J'VKU,SirC. PrinoipI«HofG„ology, Mo Jn (w7f F ' ;; * ' ' i " ^"^ r-K... Sir C. Second visit to th„ f;nit!l Htlll ' ' "'' '^ '"''^''^"^^- ''' UKu^SirO. Travels in North Amorica '^^^ Lytton, Lord. Fablos in Hong ^'*^ LYTTON.Lord. Odos and Epodes of Horace ^^^ 3;}(> Macan, R. W. Resurrection of Jesus Christ Macaulav, Lord. Essays. Critical and Miscellaneous ". I't Macaulay, Lord. History of England ^^^ Macaulay, Lord. Life and Letters of *^ MACAU.AY. Jas. Across the Ferry. In^pressions of America' .' '' MACAU.AY. Jas. Ireland in 1872. Tour of Observation .' til Macaulay, Lord. Speeches of. Corrected by himself . . ^ Macbeth, J. W. V. Might and Mirth of Literature ... , ' MacCabe, W. B. Catholic History of England ^^^ MacCol., M. Eastern Question ; its Facts and Fallacies ". tt Macdop^alp, D. J. F. British Columbia and Vancouver's Island !! Macdokalo, J. Food from the Far West, or American Agriculture o.t Macdonnel, John. Political Economy Agriculture 249 Macdonell, Jas. France since the First Empire ^^^ Macfarlane. C. Romance of History-Italy ^^ ;£:.; ,.r r;;x-:: rrr:„ ."!=• -■ ,» MacGaiian, J. A. Under the Northern Lights . IJ, ACOEOHOE, Andrew. Old Glasgow ; the Place and People : !' MacGregor,J. The i?oi ^«y on the Jordan ^ Macgeorge, R. J. Tales, Sketches and Lyrics ^^^ Machar. John. Late Minister of Kingston, Ont. Life of f Jf MAocHtAVELu, N. History of Florence, and of the affairs of 'italy It Mackay, Chas. Memoirs of Pnnulo. n.>i„„;.^_ - . ^r , - -^ ^^ Mackay, Chas. Forty Years' Recollections. From 1830 to 1870 ^l Mackay. J. Secret Services of, under William. Anne, and George'l .' .' ." .' .' .' .' ." ." ; ." .' 47 n •'1 • A :t;,. 420 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. —7-e-t of the Exodus. Journeys on Foot in "the Wildernes; ::;: ! 290 Paris, Comte de. History Civil War in America Paris. Comte de. Trades Unions, of England " Parr, H. Echoes of a Famous Year ^^* PARK,Mungo. Life and Travels. Chapter on Recent Discovery in Africa 290 Parkes. E. a. Manual of Practical Hygiene ■•iHM 430 ALPflABKTKJAL INDKX OF AUTHORH. Paoi. Parker, Commodore. Battle of Mobile Eluy 157 Parkinson, J. C. Ocean Telegraph to India 266 Parkman, F. Count do Frontenac and Now France under Louis XIV 86 Parkman, F. Diacovery of the Great West 131 Parkman, F. JeHuits in North America in Seventeenth Century 85 Parkman, F. Oregon Trail. Prairie and Hooky Mountain Life 293 Parkman, F. Pioneern of Franoe in the New World 85 Parkman, F. The Old Regime in Canada 86 Parsloe, Joaeph. Our Railways. Historical, Descriptive, Fares and Rates 233 Parsons, Theo. Elements of Mercantile Law 196 Parsons, Theo. Laws of Business in the United States 196 Parsons, Theo. Law of Marino Insurance and General Average 190 Parsons, Theo. Law of Partnership 197 Parsons, Theo. Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange li*7 Parton, Jas. Andrew Jackson. Seventh President of the U. S. Life of 362 Parton, Jas. Benjamin Franklin. Life and Times of 362 Parton, Jas. ITamous Americans of Recent Times 136 Parton, Jas. Gen. Butler in New Orleans 130 Parton, Jas. Horace Greeley. Life of 136 Parry, Sir W. E. Voyages for Discovery of North- West Passage 2(S0 Patten, R. Scotland. History of late Rebellion 48 Patterson, G. History County of Pictou, Nova Scotia 86 Patterson, Jas. Liberty of the Subject : Security of the Person 194 Patterson, R. H. Economy of Capital ; or, Gold and Trade 234 Patterson, R. H. Science of Finance 234 Patrick, A. Digest of Cases, U. C. Contested Elections 16 Payne, E. J. History of European Colonies 122 Peachey, J. P. Law of Marriage, and other Family Settlements 195 Peacock, Ed. Army Lists of Roundheads and Cavaliers 45 Pearson, Rev. Dr. Practical Astronomy 251 Peckwell, R. H. Controverted Election Cases .... 17 Pedley, C. History of Newfoundland 86 Peel, Sir R. Speeches of 66 Pellew, Hon. G. Sidmouth, Viscount. Life and Correspondence of 63 Pemberton, J. D. Vancouver Island and British Columbia , 86 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopiediac Science Simplified 266 Pepys, Samuel. Memoirs of 43 Percy, Reuben and Sholto. Percy Anecdotes 317 Percy's Reliques, and Evans' Old Ballads. Selection from 317 Perkins, E. E. Treatise on Gas and Ventilation 240 Perkins, E. T. Na Motu ; or, Reef R.-.vings in the South Bea^^ 2.^2 Perrott, Sir John. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. History of 51 Perry, G. G. History Church of England, from Elizabeth to Present Time 350 ALPHAnKTICAf, INDKX OF AUTHOItH. Prrky an.l Knaf... ( N.utroverted l.^etiou (Wh ^**** Pktkuk,n. Alex. ReconlH of Kirk of .Sootiau.i. Fro.a ■l638 ilo"wnwarcls ' ' JI P.r.HMA. >uul F...K.V. P.P..H on Kxto„«ioa« of Uulf Stn.un ' PRrnuHKu, T. J. dlwonioloH of tho TomU Epit.phH ^^J Pkto, Sir S. M. RosouroHs a.ul l',.,.H,,oots of America 00! «ro. Sir H. M. Taxation ; its Levy an.l Kx,>en,lituro. . '^^ 1 CTKIE, a. EccleHiastical Architecture of fn.lan.l Prttv, Sir W. Political Anatomy of IreUml ^^ P™:::' ^r ^^^1:"""= ^^'^^^•"^'-^"-" «i-"^of Prin.;tiveO,:H«tianT.;^ogy 350 niaL.MOKK, S.r R. Oomnumtaries upon International Law " ^\^, PHauHM (lluveri. rntro.luotionis in IJniverHan. Geo^raphian; .' .' l' P"-u.s,A. Metallurgy. Mxtraetin« AEetals from their Ore. Ill Pn.LLiPs, S. L. Law of MechanicH' Liens on Real and Personal Property 1 of P"auPS,S.M. State Trials, pnor to Revolution of 1688 "'^^ ' ^'^^'^^^^ ^ Philmps, Willard. Law of Lisurance ^^^ Phillips and Dewakt. Canadian Methodist Pulpit " " ' ^^^ Philpot, H. J. Guide Book to (Canadian Dominion PiCTOX, J. A. Mystery of Matter ^^ PiDDixoTON Henry. Sailor's Horn-Bookfor Law of Storms! ! .' .' ." Ill ^lEHCE, D. K. Half Century with Juvenile Delinquents of New York oL Pjooo , ^0 ,LL. Cases decided in Common'pieas, on Appea [[y, ' liKE, L. 0. History of Crime in England ^ Pike, Nicholas. Sub-Tropical Rambles in the Land'of Aphanapte;yx off ' PmCHES, Fred. Abbey Church of Melrose, Scotland ^ T,l PmKEHTo. John. Essay on Medals, and Ancient and Modern Coin; L« PiNNOCK. W. H. Analysis of English Church History ^ PmxoCK W. H. Laws and Usages of the Church and the Cl'ergy 3 ' Pitt, Wilham. Speeches of . ^^ ^^^ PiTKix, T Tolitical and Civil History' United States of Anie^ica 134 Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the State ... ^^* Planche, J. R. Cyclopaedia of Costume * " " ^^^ Pi-AXCHE, J. R. The Conqueror and his Companions ^tl Playter, Ed. Sanitary Journal *^ Plavter, G. F. History of Methodisni in'canada . ." JJf ' Plkasoxton, Gen. A. J. Influence of the Blue Ray of Sunlight .'. l' Plowdek, Francis. Jura Anglorum. Rights of Englishmen ''" P.OWDE. W. C. Travels in Abyssinia and the Gall. Country 'l PLU.MPTRE, E. H. Bible Education . . ^^^ II 482 ALPHABETICAL INDEX UF AUTHORS. Fade PoK, E. Allan. Worka of 318 PooLK, F. Queen Charlotte Tslaudn. Narrative of Discovery in North Paoifio.... 86 Pollock. Contract, at Law and in Equity 183 Pollock's County Courts 184 PoMEHOY, J. N. Constitutional Law of United States 160 PoMBROY, J. N. Introduction to Municipal Law 197 PojfTON, Mungo. The Beginning : Its When and Its How 268 Pope, A., Jr. Upland Game Birds and Water Fowl of United States 261 Pope, F. L. Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph 245 Pope. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey 309 PoPHAM, John. Insolvent Act 1869 211 Popple's Atlas 277 PoORE, B. p. Political Register and Congressional Directory 134 Poor, H. V. Manual of Railroads of United States and Canada, 1879 11 Poor, H. V. Money and its Laws. Currencies of United States 234 Porter, J. L. Five Years in Damascus ; with Travels in Palmyra 287 Porter, Noah. American Colleges and the American People 329 Porter, Noah. The Human Intellect. Introduction upon Psychology and the Soul 337 Porter and Coulter. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado 263 PoTTEN, Lieut. North-West Coast of Spain, and Coast of Portugal 269 Potter and Riden. Bills of Credit, or Paper Money of Rhode Island 234 Potts, Robt. Account of Scholarships and Exhibitions at Cambridge 329 Powell-Baden, G. S. New Homes for the Old Country. Australia and N. Zealand 296 Powell, B. G. Protection and Bad Times 234 Powell, Edmund. Principles, Law of Evidence and Practice 188 Power, Rodwell, and Dfw. Decisions of Election Committees 17 PowNALL, (Governor). Administration of the Colonies 122 Pratt, O. S. The Horse's Friend. Educating the Horse, etc 245 Prendergast, J. P. Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland 357 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico 77 Price, Bonamy. Principles of Currency 234 Price, Sir R. L. Two Americas. Account of Sport and Travel 295 Prichard, E. N. Natural History of Man 259 Prichard, J. C. Ethnographical Maps to the Natural History of Man 259 Prichard, J. C. Researches into Physical History of Mankind 259 Prideaux and Whitcombe. Precedents in Conveyancing 183 Prime, E. D. G. Around the Worlds Travel Through Many Lands 282 Prime, E. D. G. Travel and Adventure in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa . . . 282 Prinole, R. 0. Live Stock of the Farm 249 Prinsep, H. T. India. Code of Criminal Procedure 190 Proctor and Agassiz. Tribune Popular Science 267 Proctor, B. W. (Barry Cornwall.) Autobiographieal Fragment 176 Proctor, R. A. Borderland of Science 252 ALPHAHKTK'AL INDEX OF AUTHOH8. PuocTOR. R. A. Half-Hours with the Telescope ^^^ P«ooroR. R. A. LeHHOMH i.. Elo.nontary A«tronon.y" [[ ^ pkocoh: k. a. othi w::i;;l il:. ir^ "" ''"'^"' "^"""' ^^^'^^^^ -'• ^- • • ^^^ ^HOCTOH, R. A. rho Su,»_Rulor, Fire, Li-^ht and Lif« of Phu.etary Sy tora 9.1 Pkootoh, R. a. Transits of Vonus. Fro.n 1639 to 2012 ' HI Pkoctoh, R. a. UnivorHo an.l tho Transitn ^^^ PnooTOH, R. A. Wages and Wat.ts of Brain- Workers ^^^ PaoKKATT, J. Office and Duties of Notaries Public in the U. 'stati.s Z Proppatt and Fuekmak. American Decisions ^^^ PUKSCOTT. G. B. 8poakin, Telephone, Electric Light, etc Hi Phksoott, G B. Theory and Practice of Electric Telegraph ." ." '' PuEscoTT, W. H. Con,iuest of Peru ^*^ Phkscott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabeila'the Ca'tholic II PUKSCOTT. W. H. Reign of Philip 11., King of Spain '^ ":::"!• ^^t^tr"""""^""^- — o^ship^..^,:: L'vlTw ■ /^r ^'""'^" ^"' ^'^^^- ^^"^'^^^ Around the'world 28^ Puxsiiox, W. M. Lectures and Sermons ^^^ PUHDV, Fred. Return to Parliament of Owne^sof Land .■;.■.■ l^ PURDY, Wm. City Life : its Trade and Finance ^^* Pye, Thos. Canadian Sccmery. District of Gaspe ....'. ^^^ 86 QuiNov, J. P. Protection of Majorities. Electoral Reform Racine, L. T. Historical Souvenirs ni. I: I wriS:'' ^"Tf '""°^'"°' """ ^^'^^' '"'*'■ «""-- ^''» Rapp G W w n? : «PPo«ition under George Third 65 R mf G W tr " """'^ (Under American Constitution).... I'o KAPfEu, G. W. Mechanics of Ventilation " Raixspord, W. R Sermons and Bible Reading. .".'■.■' ^*^ Ram, James. Treatise on Facts " ^^^ Rambaud, a. History of Russia. '. ^^^ Rameau, M. Une Colonie Feudale en Amerique ." L'Acadie It El 86 'm u>i 434 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page. Ramsay, C. Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian Authors 318 Ramsay, C. Beautiful Thoughts from German and Spanish Authors 318 Ramsay, C. Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Authors 318 Ramsay, C. Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors 318 Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character 318 Ramsay, Grace. A Salon in Last Days of the Empire 318 Ramsay, J. R. Win-On- Ah ; or, the Forest Light, and other Poems 318 Ramsey, A. Judicature Acts in Parallel Columns 205 Ramsey, H. W. Life and Health, Death and Disease 234 Randall, S. S. History State of New York 134 Ranke, Leopold. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France 71 Ranke, Leopold. Lives of the Popes 350 Ranke, L. Von. History of England 45 Ranken, W. H. L. Dominion of Australia. Account of its Foundation 296 Rankine, J. M. Manual of Steam Engine and other Prime Movers 245 Rapeb, Lieut. H. (R.N.) Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 269 Rapier, R. C. Remunerative Railways for New Countries 248 Rattray, W. J. Scot in British North America 86 Rawlings, Thos. Confederation of B.N. A. Provinces 86 Rawlinson, C. Municipal Corporation Act, etc 197 Rawlinson, George. Manual of Ancient History 36 Rawlinson, George. Five Great Monarchies of Ancient Eastern World 86 Rawlinson, George. Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, Parthia 39 Rawlinson, George. Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy 36 Raymond, H. J. Abraham Lincoln. Life and Public Services : State Papers 362 Raymond, R. W. Mines, Mills, etc., of Pacific States and Territories 246 Raynal, Abbe. Political History of Settlements and Trade in E. and W. Indies. . 358 Raynal, L'Abbe. Revolution de I'Amerique 134 Ray's Handbook of Proverbs. H. G. Bohn 5 Reade, Winwood. The Martyrdom of Man 318 Reclus, Elisee, The Earth. Descriptive history of the Life of the Globe 256 Reclus, Elisee. The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life. History of Life of the Globe . . 267 Redfield, L F. Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers 180 Redfield, I. F. Law of Railways 200 Redfield, I. 1^'. Law of Wills. Jurisprudence of Insanity, etc 207 Redman, J. H. Arbitrations and Awards, etc 179 Reed, James. Swedenbor 5 and the New Church 350 Reid, Thomas. His Collected Works 337 Reemelin, Chas. Politict, as a Science 225 Remusat, Madame de. Memoirs of 71 Renouf, p. Le Page. Origin ana Growth of Religion 350 Reeve, Henry. Journal of Residence at Vienna and Berlin 318 Reeve, H. Royal and Republican France 71 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 435 tary, English and Foreign . Reeve's Histo-y English Law . . . ^^^'- IZZ2 T°l ''7''7°" I«»mi„a«o„s and Be.; Coa'st. 'of PranU' .' '. 269 -nEYNOLDS, M. Locomotive Engine Driving RKVXO..S M. Model Locomotive Engineer, plreman and Boy" ' .' HI Reynolds' System of Medicine ^^^ RiCARDo, David. Works of ^^^ nZZZ B ■ w aT '"™"' ' '^'' '^""'■'*' """«-"• •"<" ■*»' ^ -K.ICHARDSON, B. W. A Ministry of Health Richardson, B. W. Diseases of Modern Life ^^* Richardson, B. ' W. Future of Sanitary Science Richardson, B. W. Health and Life Richardson, B. W. Hygeia, City of Health '.'." Richardson, Chas. English Dictionary ^^* Richardson, C. J. Englishman's House, from a" Cotiage to a Mansion .40 fZTcT ""t' ?' '^"^'^^'^ '-''-'■ '^'^ «^ ^^*^ Amen-:: War" ." RiCHET, Chas. Physiology and Histology of the Cerebral Convolutions Richmond, WH Legal Forms for Transaction of Business RiDGWAY, James. Gem of Thorney Island RiGG, J. H. National Education ; Public and Element; RiGBY, Dr. Letters from France, etc., in 1789 Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek Quotations RiMMER^ Alfred. Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England ,,« Rink, Henry. Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo ff! RiNGWALT, J. L. American Encyclopi«dia of Printinc. RiTcZ' J E wtXTT: ' ''"' "^^^'^^^^ ''^*^^^^' ^^^* -^"P— * 65 -tiiTCHiE, J. K Night Side of London • • ■ oo Ritchie, Leitch. Romance of History-France Robinson, E. Greek and English Lexicon of the New" Tes;am;nt . . 35, ROBTNSON, J. L. Chamber Reports ^^^ Robinson, R Teachers' Manual of Method and "organization" ." ." .' ." lit Robinson, W. Parks and Gardens of Paris ^^^ Robinson and Birch. Colonial Office List ^*^ K0BE»T80», F. W. Sermons preached at Brighton *' B0BBaT,„», F. W^ Trinity College, Brighton. Life.' ' By a A. Brooke' Z Mathematical Instruments 246 350 234 319 274 274 274 274 74: 3 240 319 274 211 46 329 357 5 56 319 242 65 319 319 Robertson, J. Robertson, J. n History of the Christian Church Robertson, W. History of Charles the Fifth, Emperor "of G;rmany .« Robertson, Chas. Report of the Auchterarder Case Z Robertson, Wm. Ancient India . . ^^^ H 36 i< 436 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Pack. Robertson, Wm. History of Scotland 48 RoBSON, E. R. School Architecture. Planning, etc 240 RoBSON, G. P. Y. Law of Bankruptcy 179 RoBSON, Joseph. Six Years' Residence in Hudson's Bay 86 Roche, H. A. On Trek in the Transvaal ; or, over Berg and Veldt in S. Africa . . 290 Rockwell, A. D. Lectures on Electricity, in its relations to Medicine and Surgery 274 RoDWELL, G. F. Birth of Chemistry 274 RoDWELL, G. F. Dictionary of Science, comprising Astronomy and Chemistry 267 Roe, E. p. Success with Small Fruits 249 Roebuck, J. A. History of the Whig Ministry of 1830 62 Rogers. On Elections and Registration 17 Rogers, F. N. Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Law 351 Rogers, Henry. Essays and Theological Controversies of the Time 351 Rogers, Henry. Essays, Critical and Biographical 319 Rogers, Henry. Superhuman Origin of the Bible 351 Rogers, J. E. T. Political Economy for Schools and Colleges 234 Rogers, J. E. T. Protests of the Lords 33 RoGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases 4 RoLLE, H. Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley 178 RoLLESTON, Geo. Forms of Animal Life 261 ROLLIN, H. J. Studio, Field and Gallery 242 RoLPH, Thos. Visit to West Indies, United States, and Upper Canada 86 RoMiLLY, Sir S. Memoir of Life of 62 RoRDANS, J. Canadian Conveyancer and Hand-Book of Legal Forms 211 RoRDANS and Nicholls. Ontario Law List • 211 RosCHER, Wra. Principles of Political Economy 234 RoRER, David. Law of Judicial and Execution Sales 192 Roscoe's Digest of Law of Evidence . , 189 RoscoE, E. S. Jurisdiction and Practice Admiralty Division H. C. of Justice .... 178 Roscoe, H. C. Spectrum Analysis 267 Roscoe, Wm. Leo the Tenth. Life and Pontificate of 73 Roscoe, Wm. Life of Lorenzo de Medicis 74 Rose, G. M. Light for the Temperance Platform. Readings and Recitations .... 319 Rose, Rt. Hon. G. Diaries and Correspondence. Harcourt 63 Rose, Stewart. Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits 351 Rosse, J. W. Index of Dates 6 Ross, Alex. Red River Settlement. With account of Native Races 86 Ross, A. M. Birds of Canada 261 Ross, A. M. Butterflies and Moths of Canada 262 Ross, R. S. Removal of Indian Troops to Malta 46 Routledge, Jas. History of Popular Progress. Freedom of Press and Trial by •) ury 46 Rowan, A. Hamilton. Autobiography of ^2 Rowan, J. J. Emigrant and Sportsman in Canada 86 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Pagb. 48 240 179 86 Africa . . 290 Surgery 274 274 stry 267 249 62 17 351 351 319 351 234 33 4 178 261 242 86 62 211 • o ■ • t ■ > • 211 234 192 189 ?tice . . , . 178 267 73 74 ions . . . . 319 63 351 6 86 261 262 46 1 by .i ury 46 62 86 437 RowcRAFT, C. Tales of the Colonies ; or, Adventures of an Emigrant ^Te Kowell's American Newspaper Directory Rowland, David. English Constitution . „., RouTON, Fred. The Debater : New Theory of Art'of Speaking " ". '. gi^ Roy, J. Histoire du Canada RUFPHEAD, Owen. Statutes at Large. From Magna Charta to' 1 800 203 RUNDALL, Thos. Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West 280 Russell, A. J. Red River Country, Hudson's Bay and N. W. Territories 86 RussRLL, A. P. Library Notes Russell, P. Power and Duty of Arbitrator .11 Russell, Earl. Causes of the French Revolution L Russell, Earl. Chas. J. Fox. His Life and Times !..'".'."." ^' .'.'■■'■ " gO Russell, Earl. English Government and Constitution 33 Russell, Earl. Essays en History of the Christian Religion 351 Russell, Earl. Moore, Thomas. Life, Journal and Correspondence of 176 Russell, Earl. Recollections and Suggestions Russell, Earl. Selections from Speeches of Russell, J. S. Systematic Technical Education for the English People ..." 329 Russell, Lord J. Memoirs and Correspondence of Chas. J. Fox gO Russell, Lord J. Correspondence of John, Fourth Duke of Bedford 57 Russell, Sir W. O. Crimes and Misdemeanors . , ' Russell, W. H. Prince of Wales Tour. Diary in India 907 Russell, W. H. The War. From Death of Raglan to Evacuation of Crimea ' " " 157 Rush, James. Philosophy of the Human Voice. Its Physiological History " " 319 Rush, R. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London ' 134 RusHTOW, W. The War for the Rhine Frontier, 1870 1 „ Rushworth's Collections ■ • ; 33 RusKiN, John. Selections from Writings of. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill 310 RusKiN, John. Works of 3jg RUTTAN, H. Ventilation and Warming of Buildings, also of Railway Can-iages" " " 240 Rutherford, John. Secret History of Fenian Conspiracy "52 Ryan, W. R. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California 295 Rymer's Fcedera, Syllabus of Ryerson, Egerton. Loyalists of America and their Times gg Ryerson, John. Hudson's Bay. A Missionary Tour 86 Sarin, Joseph. Dictionary of Books relating to America 14 Sabine, L, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution 136 hAOARD, Gabriel. Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne 339 ' Saioey, Emile. Hisfcorv Nal^^nral Phonompn- q^.-j,. -c tt,. „ JJ ' •• 1— • li.iiomnna. otuuy oi forces of is ature 267 feAiNTE-BEUVE, C. A. de. English Portraits 3 jg Sainte-Beuve, C. a. de. Portraits of Celebrated Women igg Saint-Simon, Duke of. Memoirs of IS,'' I i' 438 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page. Sala, Geo. A. Paris Herself Again : in 1878-79 28& Sale, George. Koran or Alcoran of Mohammed 351 Sale, Lady. Journals of Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-'2 157 Salverte, E. Names of Men, Nations, and Places 8 Samuels, E. A. Birdo of New England and Adjacent States 261 Samuelson, Jas, History of Drink, Social, Scientific 225 Sanborn, M. H. Handy-book for Sheriffs and Bailiffs of Province Quebec 211 Sanford and Townsend. Great Governing Families of England 63 Sandham, a. Ville-Marie ; or, Montreal, Past and Present 86 Sandhurst, P. T. Table-book of Art 242 Sands, N. Philosophy of Teaching. Teacher, Pupil, and Schools 329 Sangster, J. H. National Arithmetic for use in Canadian Schools 9 Sansum, O. B. Interest Tables in Dollars and Cents 9 Sansum, O. B. Digest of Law of Insurance, Fire, Marine 191 Sargent, N. Public Men and Events, from Monroe's Administration to 1853 136 Sargent, W. Expedition against Fort du Quesne, by Braddock ; . . 134, Saunders, T. C. Institutes of Justinian 181 Saunders, T. W. Law of Negligence 197 Saunders, T. W. Municipal Registration and Elections .' 35 Savage, J. Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of New England 134 Savigny. Private International Law. Conflict of Laws 182 Saxton, L. C. Fall of Poland ; with a History of the Country 74 Say, Thomas. Description of the Insects of North America 262 Sayer, Joseph. Reports of Cases in King's Bench 202 Sayre, L. a. Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature : their Treatment 274 Scadding, H. Canada and Oxford 86 ScADDiNG. H. Toronto of Old 87 Schaff and Prime. Evangelical Alliance Conference, Essays and Orations 342 Schellen, H. Spectrum Analysis, Physical Constitution of Heavenly Bodies 252 ScHEM, A. J. Statistics of the World of London 234 Schiller, Fred. History of the Thirty Years' War 72 Schiller, Fred. Works of 319 Schindler, a. H. Shah of Persia's Diary, during his Journey to Europe in 1878. 282 Schliejiann, Dr. H. Mycenae : Researches and Discoveries at 319 ScHLiEMANN, Dr. H. Troy and its Remains. Researches and Discoveries 319 Schmidt, H. J. History of Education, Ancient and Modern 329 Schoedler, Frederick. Treasury of Science, Natural and Physical 267 Schoolcraft, H. W. Expedition through Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake 295 Schoolcraft, H. R. Notes on the Iroquois ; or, contributions to American History 77 Schweinpurth, Geo. Heart of Africa. Travel and Adventure 290 Scott, Sir W. Dcmonology and Witchcraft 319 Scott, Sir W. Lives of Eminent Novelists and Dramatists 177 Scott, Sir W. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border 319 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 43& Scott, Sir W. Works of ^*°"- Scott and Jarnagin. Law of Telegraphs ^^^ ScRiBNER, C. H. Law of Dower ^^^ sZv ^if- '^''^'''':''':^^y''^-^-'^^'^^'^i^^t^^^ U2 bEALLY, John. Geographical Dictionary. Description of the World 277 Seasiak, E. C. American Sy.stem of Government Ui Seaman, E. C. Progress of Nations, in Civilization, Lidustry oo« Sebastiax, L. B. Law of Trade Marks and their Registration' ' .' ." 2O6 Seeboiim, F. Era of the Protestant Revolution gg Sedgwick, T Interpretation and Construction of Constitutional Law 150 bEDGwicK, T. Interpretation and Application Statutory and Constitutional Law" " 204 Segur. Count. Expedition to Russia, by Napoleon, in 1812 " 1 „ Selden, John. Titles of Honour Seeley, J. R. Life of Stein ; or, Germany and Prussia in Napoleonic Age 72 Seelye, L^E Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet, also Sketches of other Warriors 364 Selkirk, Earl of. British Par Trade in North America 07 Selwyn, a R. C. Geological Survey of Canada 256 Semmes, Comdr. R. Cruise of the « Alabama," and " Sumter" 1 r;« "Senex." British Empire Semor, N. W. Conversations with Thiers, Guizot," eic.,' during Second Empire ::.".' Tl Senior, N. W. Journals kept in France and Italy, 1848 to 1852 995 Senior, N. W. Political Economy " Seyd, Ernest. London Banking and Banker's Clearing House System " ." ." 234 Seutter, Matthaeus. Atlas Seward, W. H. Travels Around the World ^82 Shaftesbury. Life of first Earl of. (&e" Cooper") Shakespeare, a St. Paul at Athens. Spiritual ChristianitylModern Thought." ." 351 Shakespeare, Wilham. Supplement to Plays of . . o^^. Shakespeare, William. Works of. Edited by Knight ol Shakespeare, William. His Works. By Rev. A. Dyce . . . 330 Shaler, N. S. Thoughts on the Nature of Intellectual Property 935 Sharp, G. The People's Natural -.ight to a share in the Legislature 995 Shaw, Geo. Tourists' Picturesque Guide to Great Britain and Ireland ' " ' " 285 Shelford L Laws of Railways in England and Ireland. Rights of Shareholder's 200 Shelford s Law of Railways in England, Scotland and Ireland 2OO Shelvocke, Capt. Voyage lound the World in 1719-22 " " oro Shenston, T. M. Oxford Gazetteer • • • ^ou Shepherd, R. H. Bibliography, in Chronolog"ical" Order," of ■w"ritings "of " Ruskin " ' 321 Sherer, John. Europe Illustrated. Its Picturesque Scenes and Places of Note 283 Sherman, Gen. Memoirs of. By himself Shirley,E.P. History of County Monaghan .'.'.'" 53 Short, J^T North Americans of Antiquity: their Origin " and " Migrations ".".".■ ." 365 Shortt, John. Law of Literature, Art. Coovrii^ht , 1 ■1 ■•) "I ■^ i 440 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 1.;; I Page. Shortt and Jones. County Courts' Acts, Rules and Orders 18i Silliman's Tour between Hartford and Quebec 87 Simeon, John. Law of Elections in all its Branches 17 Simon, John. Filth-Diseases and their Prevention 274 Simon, Jules. Government of M. Thiers 71 Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester. Life of. Prothero 63 Simmonds, p. L. Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing Terms 234 Simmonds, p. L. Commercial Products of the Sea 246 Simonin, L. Underground Life ; or. Mines and Miners 246 Simpson, Alex. Thomas Simpson, the Arctic (H. B. Territory) Explorer 87 Simpson, Sir G. Narrative of Journey Round the World, in 1841-2 282 Simpson, Wm. Meeting the Sun. Journey all Round the World 282 Sims on Drawiug Instruments and Field Work 248 Sinclair, Sir T. Russia and the Christians of Turkey 74 Sinclair and Wade, Division Courts Act, 1880 212 SiNDiNG, Paul C. History of Scandinavia 75 Sismondi, Simon de. Historical View of Literature of Europe 321 Skeat, W. W. Shake^MC ire's Plutarch 321 Skeates, H. S. History of the Free Churches of England 351 Sketchley, J. A. Dahomey As It Is. Eight Months' Residence 290 Slagg, C. Sanitary Work in the Smaller Towns and Villages 246 Slight and Burn. Farm Implements and Machines 250 Sleigh, Lt.-Col, Pine Forests ; or, Life, etc., in B.N, A. Provinces 87 Sloan, Samuel. City and Suburban Architecture 240 Sloan, Samuel. Model Architect. Designs for Cottages, etc 240 Small, H. B. Products and Manufactures of the New Dcminion 246 Smee, a. My Garden : its Plan and Culture 250 Smedley, Edward. History of the Reformed Religion in France 351 Smiles, Samuel. '• Character." 177 Dick, R., Geologist and Botanist 172 Huguenots : their Settlements, etc., in England and Ireland .... 351 Huguenots in France. Also Visit to the Vaudois 351 Industrial Biography. Iron Workers and Tool Makers 177 Life of Thomas Edward, a Scotch Naturalist 173 Lives of the Engineers 164 Self-llelp, Character 177 Stephenson, George, Railway Engineer 177 Thrift 322 Nature ar I (Causes Wealth of Nations . . . . 235 Smiles, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel, Smiles, Samuel. Smiees, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel. Smiles, Samuel. Smith, Adam. Smith, Adam. Miscellanouus Essays on Philosophical t-iabjects 337 Smith, C. J. Synonyms and Antonyms, or Kindred Woidsi and their Opposites. . 4 Smith, C. J. Synonyms Discriminated 4 Smith, D, T. Local Self-Government and Centralization 32 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 441 Smith, Edward. Foods . . ' ^'^°"" ' *^74. Smith, Edward. Health. Hand-Book for Households and Schools ....". 074 Smith, George. Assyrian Discoveries. Situ of Nineveh " 287 Smith, George. Chaldean Account of Genesis ...''." 393 Smith, George. The Assyrian Eponym Canon 322 Smith, Goldwin. Cowper Smith, Goldwin. Irish History and Character r^ Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on Study of History ...".. gS Smith, Goldwin. Political Destiny of Canada. Reply to Sir F Hii 1 87 Smith, Goldwin. Three English Statesmen go Smith, G. B. Life of Rt. Hon, W. E. Gladstone .' gn Smith, Jas. The Coming Man Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by the Northmen ' , ' ' " 77 Smith, J. T. Government by Commissions Illegal and Pernicious 32 Smith, J. W. Compendium of Mercantile Law jog Smith, J. W. Law of Contracts " ' " " Smith, J. W. Law of Husband and Wife ign Smith, J. W. Law of Joint Stock Companies 192 Smith, J. W. Law of Master and Servant, Employer and Employed 196 Smith, J. W. Law of Real and Personal Property 199 Smith, J. W. Legal Forms for Common Use. Chapter on Stamps iso Smith, J W. Manual of Common Law _ jg2 Smith, J. W. Manual of Equity Jurisprudence igg Smith, Philip. Ancient History Smith, P. V. English Institutions 30 Smith, R. A. Air and Rain. Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology 254 Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Carthaginians [[ 37 Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism 322 Smith, Sidney. British Modern Essayists ......".'.. 298 Smith, Sidney. Memoir of Lady Holland Smith, T. E. Summary of Law of Companies jgg Smith, Waiter. Art Education, Scholastic and Industrial 339 Smith, Wm. Dictionary of the Bible, comprising Antiquities, Biographyi eic." ." " " 351 Smith, Wm. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities . ' 355 Smith, Wm. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography ... 277 Smith, W. A. Classical Dictionary. Greek and Roman Biography 4 Smith, W. H. Canada : Past, Present and Future Smith's Gazetteer of Canada West Smith and Cheetham. Dictionary of Religious Antiquities 35! Smith and SoDEN. Law of Landlord and Tenant ,qo Smollett, T. History of England = '- = = - Smyth, Piazzi. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid 267 Smyth, Sir J. C. Precis of Wars in Canada „! 87 i I'll < i*i 442 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. SOMERVILLE, AIoX. SOMERVILLE, AleX. SOMERVILLE, Alex. SoMEKViLLE, Mary. SOMERVILLE, Mary, SOMERVILLE, Mary. SOMERVILLE, Mary. Sophocles, E. A. Pauk. Snell, E. H. T. Principles of Equity 188 Snellino and Jones. Practic«, Pleading, etc., in Court of Chancery, U. 212 Softly, Edward. Modem UuiverHalism and Materialism 351 SoLBv, Henry. Working Men's Social CIub.s and Educational Institutes 225 Somerset, Duke of. Monarchy and Democracy : Phases of Modern Politics 225 Diligent Life in Service of Britain 177 Free Trade and the League, Pioneers of Commercial Enterprise 225 Travels, Scenery and Customs in England 225 On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences 267 On Molecular and Microscopic Science 267 Personal Recollections 177 Physical Geography 277 Romaic, or Modern Greek Grammar ,329 Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English Synonyms 4 Soutiiesk, Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains, Diary of Travel . , 87 Soutiiey's Common-Place Book 322 Southey, Robert. Life of John Wesley 177 Spalbixg, J. W. Japan and Around the World. Sketches of St, Helena 287 Spalding, M. C. Statistics of United States 134 Spang, H. Wj Treatise on Lightning Protection 240 Sparks, J. American Revolution. Letters of Eminent Men to G. Washington.. 129 Sparks, Jared. Works, and Political and Historical Tracts of Benjamin Franklin . 361 Sparks, Jared. Library of American Biography 363 Sparks, Jared. Library of American Political Biography 137 Spear, S, T. Religion and the State ; or, the Bible and the Public Schools 225 Speke, J. H. Journal Discovery of Source of the x-Tile 290 Spence, Geo. Equitable Jurisdiction in Court of Chancery 18S Spencer, E. State of Ireland in Reigu of Queen Elizabeth 52 Spencer, Herbert. Ceremonial Institutions. Principles of Sociology 226 Descriptive Sociology ; or. Groups of Sociological Facts 226 Education, Intellectual, Moral and Physical 329 Data of Ethics 337 Illustrations of Universal Progress 225 Social Statics ; or, Conditions Essential to Human Happiness , . 225 Study of Sociology 226 Spiers' and Surrenne's French and English Dictionary 4 Spofford's American Almanac 1879-80 8 Spohn's Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical 248 Spooner, C. E. Narrow Gauge Railways 248 Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of the Challenger 280 Spurqeon, C. H. Treasury of David. Exposition of Book of Psalms 352 Spurzheim, J. G. Education ; its Elementary Principles 329 Squier, E. G. Nicaragua : its People, Scenery, Monuments, and Proposed Canal . . 292 Spencer, Herbert. Spencer, Herbert. Spencer, Herbert. Spencer, Herbert. Spencer, Herbert, Spencer, Herbert. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 443 Squibr, E. G. States of Central America. Their Geography and Resources 292 Squier, E. G. Travel and Explorations in Land of the Incas 292 St. Augustine. The City of God " g^^ St. Clair, Geo. Darwinism and Design ; or, Creation by Evolution 259 St. Cosme and Cavalier. Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi . ' ." 278 St. John, Chas. Sketches of Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands . . 261 St. John, Hy. (Lord Bolingbroke). Letters on History, etc 226 St. John, J. H. Letters from American Farmer. Provincial Manners 365 St. John, M. Sea of Mountains. Lord Dufferin's Tour through B. Columbia . '. " 87 St. Leonards, Lord. Book on Property Law jgg Stafford, J. M. Geology of Tennessee [[ 256 Stafford, T. Historic late Warres of Ireland " . . . | 50 Stainer, W. Emigrant Life, Sports, etc., in Canada, Australia, etc! ".."".." 87 Stainer, W. Gentleman Emigrant. His Life in Canada, Australia and U. States. 293 Stair, Viscount. Institutions Law of Scotland " oQS Stanford's Map of Modern London and the Suburbs .......". 277 Stanley, A. P. Addresses and Sermons delivered in U. States and Canada ...... 352 Stanley, A. P. Essays on Questions on Church and State 352 Stanley, A. P. Historical Memoirs Westminster Abbey 45 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on History of Church of Scotland 352 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on History of the Eastern Church 352 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on History of Jewish Church \ 352 Stanley, A. P. Life, etc., of Thos. Arnold, late Head Master Rugby . . . . [ '. [ [ ." ." 170 Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala j5g Stanley, H. M. How I Found Livingstone 290 Stanley. H. M. Through the Dark Continent ; or, Sources of the Nile 990 Stanhope, Earl. French Retreat from Moscow, and other Historical Essays . ' ! 322 Stanhope, Earl. History of England Stanhope, Earl. Life of Rt. Hon. William Pitt ..."...'..... 62 Staunton, Howard. Great Schools of England 3.79 Steadman, C. Origin and Termination of American War 153 Stebbins, J. E. Fifty Years' History Temperance Cause ........."." 226 Stkdman, a. M. M. Oxford : its Social and Intellectual Life 329 Stedman, E. C. Victorian Poets 000 Stenhouse, T. B. H. Rocky Mountain Saints; History of Mormons . . . ." ." .* . ." ...' 226 Stephen, C. E. Service of the Poor 226 Stephen, J. F. Liberty, Equality, Frate- ity 337 Stephen, J. F. Indian Evidence Act, 1872 \ jqq Stephen, Sir. J. F. Digest of Law of Evidence . . . ." .' ." ,.[] 139 Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope , -^ ^ _ _ ^ 176 .-TEPHRN, Leslie. History of English Thought in Eighteenth Century 322 Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a Library 323 Stephen, Leslie. Playgrounds of Europe 285 I 'I ' ll W^^i 444 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paoi. Stephen, 8(*rjeant. Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions 198 Stephen, Sir J. Ecclesiastical Biography I77 Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on History of France 71 Stephens, A. H. Constitutional View of late War between the States 135 Stephens, C. H. Digest of all Roportod Decisions in Province Quebec 212 Stephens, H, Book of th,; J^'-» r.a . . 250 Stephens, H. J. Stephens, J. h. Stephens, J. L. Stephens, J. L. Stephens, J. L. Sterne, Simon. Stevens, J. G. Stevens, J. G. Coni)iUMit.irifcH on Laws of England 187 Travel in Central America, Qhiapcis and Yucatan 292 Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, and the Holy Land 290 Travel in Kgypt and Nubia, and Account of Suez Canal 290 Travel in Yucatan 292 Representative Government, and Personal Representation 226 Digest of Decisions of Supreme Court Now Brunswick 213 Digest of Reported and Unreported Cases Supreme Court N.B. . . 213 Steevens, Lt.-Col. Crimean Campaign, 18,54-56 158 Stevenson, D. Canal and River Engineering 248 Stevenson, W. B. Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Residence in S. America 292 Stewakt, Andrew. The American System. Speeches on Tariff Question 235 Stewart, Dugald. Collected Works of 337 Stewart, John. Account of Prince Edward Island 87 Stewart, G., Jr. Canada under Administration of Earl Dufferin 87 Stewart, G., Jr. History of Great Fire in St. John, N.B 87 Stewart and Tait. Paradoxical Philosophy : Sequel to Unseen Universe 337 Sticknev, Albert. A True Republic 226 Stille, C. J. History of the United States Sanitary Commission 274 Stilljian, W. J. Cretan Insurrection of 1866-8 76 Stockhardt, J. A. Chemical Field Lectures 250 Stokes, Lucas. Constitution of British Colonies in N. America and W. Indies 122 Stotherd, Maj. Torpedoes, Offensive and Defensive 158 Stormouth, Jas. English Dictionary 4 Story, Geo. History of Most Remarkable Occurrences of Ireland 52 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on Constitution of United States 150 Commentaries on Law of Partnership 197 Conflict of Laws. Foreign and Domestic 182 Equity and Jurisprudence in England and America 188 Equity Pleadings, English and American 188 Law of Agency 178 Law of Bailments 179 Law of Bills of Exchange in England and America 180 Law of Promissory Notes and Guarantees of Notes 199 Law of Sales of Personal Pronertv 90.^ Stoughton, John. Our English Bible : its Translations and Translators 352 Stoughton, John. Religion in England under Queen Anne and the Georges 352 Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, Joseph. Story, W. W. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 445 Stowk. H. li. Men of Our Ti,neH ; or, Leading Patriots of tho Day ng Stowell and Wilson. Puritans in England and Pilgrin, Fathors 2% STRAorrAN, J. Visit to Province of Upper Canada in l«19 07 Strafkord, Earl of. Life of. Cooper Strange, Lt.-Col. Artillery Retrospect of last Great War, 1870 iftfl Strauss, D. F. Tho Old Faith and the New. A Confession . .' 350 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the gueons of England . . - ^ Strickland, Agnes. Lives Tudor Princes-ses, Lady J. Grey ^g Strickland, Agnos. Lives last Four Princesses House Stuart gg Strickland, Agnos. Lives of Queens of Scotland and English Princesses " 56 Strickland, Major. Experience of an Early Settler in Canada West 87 Strong, Wm. Relations of Civil Law to Church Polity jg. Stroud, Wm. Physical Cause of the Death of Christ . . 353 Sthype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating to Religion and its Reformation 350 Stuart, Col, Reminiscences of a Soldier , .^ Stuart, Gilbert. Public Law and Constitutional H istory' Scotland 45 Stuart, G.O. Cases in King's Bench and Court of Appeals, etc., Lower Canada ' " 212 Stuart, James. Three Years in North America Stuart,J.M. History of Free Trade n Tuscany ........'. 235 Stubbs, Wm. Constitutional History of England Stubbs, Wm. Early Plantagenets Stubbs, Wm. Select Charters. English Constitutional History !.. ." 33 Styles, John. Animal Creation : its Claims on our Humanity . . 26I Style, Wm. " Narrationes Modero*," or Modern Reports . . . 202 SuouEN,Ed. (Lord St. Leonards.) Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates " " 207 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland Sullivan, Edward. Rambles and Scrambles in North and South" America ' " 29.5 Sullivan, F. S. Constitution and Laws of England. Magna Charta .. . '" igo SULIVAN, G. L. Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters, and on Eastern Coast of Africa 290 Sullivan and Moss. Handybook of Com.nerc., ; Law for Upper Canada 212 Summer. G. H. Principles at Stake. Essays on Church Questions of the Day " " ' 352 Sumner, Prof. Lectures on Protection in United States 235 Sutherland , Dr. Report on the Sanitary Condition of Gibraltar .'..['. [ [ [ .' .' * " " ' 274 Si'THERLANo, Dr. Report on the Sanitary Condition of Malta and Gozo 274 SuzoR, Lt.-Col. Traite d'Art <.t ,1 Histoire Militaire " " " " j 53 Swan, J. G. North-West Coast ; or. Residence in Washington Te'rritr y 295 SwAiNSOx, C. Hand-Book of Weather Folk Lore " ' " " 254 Swayne, Geo. C. Herodotus _ Swinburne, A. C. A Study of Shakespeare •......[...... 322 Swinburne, A. C. William Blake. A Critical Essay ...'..'.'... ^.. «.„.., .vm, Ka.Mvxc= AifluiigA\uras. xneir roe try, History and Wisdom. . . 329 Sylvester, N. B. Northern New Yoru and Adirondack Wilderness 135 Symonds, J. A. Sketches and Studies in Southern Europe 285 i i i> 446 ALPHABKTICAL INDEX OP AUTHORS. ^ < k Paok Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek Poets 322 Taoiik, J. C. Des Provinces de I'Ameriquo du Nord ot d'une Union Fudorale .... 87 Tache, Mgr. Sk«itch of North-West of America 87 Tache, Mgr. Twenty Years' Missions in North-Western America 87 Tacitus. Annals of. Church and Brodribb 39 Tacitus. Works of 39 Taapfe, D. Imperial History of Ireland 62 Taine, H. Italy : Florence and Venice 285 Taine, H. Italy : Rome and Naples 285 Taine, H. On Intelligence 337 Taine, H. A. French Revolution 71 Taine, H. A. History of English Literature 322 Taine, H. A. Notes on England 322 Taine, H. A. The Ancient Regime 7i Tait, p. G. Recent Advances in Physical Science. With Lecture on Force 267 Tait and Stewart. Unseen Universe. Speculations on Future State 337 Talbot, E. A. Five Years' Residence in Canada ' 88 Talbot, Lord Chancellor. Cases in L juity 202 Talbot, Thos. Ancient Philosophy ; or, the Enchiridion of Epictetus 337 Talfourd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings 322 Talfourd, Sir T. N. Works of Charles Lamb 311 Tarleton, Lt.-Col. Campaign of 1780 and 1781 in Southern Provinces N. America 158 Taschereau, H. E. Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts for Dominion 212 Tasse, Joseph. Les Canadiens de I'Ouest 88 Tayler, Wm. National Taxes. History Re'^enues of England 235 Taylor, A. S. Medical Jurisprudence 196 Taylor, Bayard. Egypt and Iceland in 1874 290 Taylor, Bayard. Travels 282 Taylor, E. B. Primitive Culture : Researches into Mythology, etc 259 Taylor, E. B. Researches into Early History of Mankind 259 Taylor, F. Are Legislatures Parliaments 1 33 Taylor, F. Pictures of Old Rome 39 Taylor, Sir H. The Statesman 226 Taylor, Sir H. The Works of 323 Taylor, Isaac. Home Education 329 Taylor, Isaac. Loyola and Jesuitism in its Rudiments 345 Taylor, Isaac. Physical Theory of Another Life 337 Taylor, Isaac. Words and Places ; or. History, Ethnology, etc 329 Taylor, J. N. American Law of Landlord and Tenant 193 Taylor, J. P. Law of Evidence in England and Ireland . 189 Taylor, M. Tables of Logarithms from 1 to 101,000 246 Taylor, Lieut. -Gen. Personal Experiences of Late War 158 ALPHAhKTrCAL INDKX OF AUTHORS. 447 Taylor, T. OoKlon Treasury of Thought. Quotations ^*" g Taylor, Tom. Life of B. R. Haydon Taylor, T. W. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence 212 Taylor, T. W Investigation of Titles to Estates in Fee Simple 012 Taylor, T W Statutos, etc., relating to Courts of Chancery. Error and Appeal." ." 212 Taylor, W. C. Civil Wars of Ireland . Taylor, W. H. Four Years with General Lee ,«o Taylor, W. C. History of British India ". [H Taylor, W. C. Life and Times of Sir R. Peel 62 Teelino, C. H. Personal Narrative Irish Rebellion, 1798 59 Temple, Sir J. Irish Rebellion Temple, Sir Wm. Works of ^^ Texxakt, Chas. People's Blue Book'. ' ' T^ion, as' It Is "and Ought' to Be' ITq lENOT, Eugene. Paris in 18;. 1 ; or, Coup D'Etat of Napoleon III ' " " ' "71 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetical Works of Tennyson, Alfred. Queen Mary. A Drama 323 Terence and Pii^^drus. Comedies of Terence, and Tale.s of Ph^drus 303 Thackeray, W. M. English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century 303 Thackeray, W. M. The Four Georges " Thackeray, W. M. Works of Thebaud, A. J. Irish Race in the Past and Present Theodat, F. G. S. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons go Theodat, F. G. S. L'Histoire du Canada, et Voyages des P^res Recollets 88 Thiers, M. A. Consulate and Empire of France under Napoleon 71 Thiers, M. A. History of French Revolution Thierry, Augustin. Conquest of England by the Normans 45 Thierry, Augustin. Tiers Etat, or the Third Estate in France .....[ 7^ Thi"wall, Bishop. Remains of : Literary and Theological ,.[][[ 353 Thom's Dublin Directory and Calendar for 1872 Thomas, C. History of Eastern Townships Thomas, C. Synopsis of the Aoridid* of North' America '/u.'s.'Ge'ological Surrey 262 IHOMAS, Ernest C. Leading Cases in Constitutional Law 132 Thomas, J. J. American Fruit Culturist Thomson, Alex. Punishment and Prevention Thomson, Andrew. In the Holy Land * ^ Thomson, C. W. Depths of the Sea fj Thomson, Sir C. W. Voyage of the Challenger, 'ihe Atlantic 267 Thomson, J. Straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China 082 Thomson, Richd. Magna Charta of King John 33 Thomson, W. M. I^nd and the Book; or. Customs and ' Scenery of 'n'oly Land' ' 287 IHOMPSON. Alfred. OntlinP of "Nro,.oc,o„>v Ta— n" ^^ It • • • - ...II 1 — ^ ..„«,J. iicirro Ol J.UUUgnfc . . . i ^17 Thompson, J. H. Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of 'jesus'chrisi' ' 340 iHOMPsoN, R. E. Social Science and National Economy ' " 326 i A. Hi i )!■ w tT ■■ Wi- ''♦I iii « H Hi HH Wm M . r VA 448 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. I I Paqk. Thompson, S. D. Liability of Stockholders and Corporations 204 Thompson, W. P. Handbook of Patent Law of all Countries 198 Thompson, Z. Vermont, History of 135 Thornton, W. T. Labour : its Wrongful Claims and Rightful Dues 226 Thornton, W. T. Old-Fashioned Ethics 337 Thorpe, Benj. Yule-Tide Stories 323 Thring, Henry. Law Joint Stock Companies 192 Thring, Sir H. Composition and Language of Acts of Parliament 35 Throop, M. H. Validity of Verbal Agreements 183 Thuanus, (De Thou). Life of 177 Thucydides. History Peloponnesian War. Smith 38 Thucydides. Speeches from. Wilkins 38 Thudichum, J. L. W., and Dupre, A. Origin, Nature, etc., of Wine 246 T'TURLOW, H. T. D. Trade Unions Abroad 227 Tiiu'RSTON, R. H. History of Steam Engine 246 Thwing, C. F. American Colleges : their Students and their Work 329 TiCKNOR, George. History of Spanish Literature 323 Tiffany, Joel. Government and Constitutional Law, American Theory 151 TiLESON, E. G. Hand-Book of Administrations of United States 135 TiLLOTSoN, John. Palestine ; its Holy Sites and Sacred Story 37 Times, John. Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls of England and Wales 323 TiMBS, John. Century of Anecdote. From 1760 iio 1860 323 Times, John. Clubs and Club Life in London. With Anecdotes 323 TiMBS, John. Romance of London. Strange Stories, Scenes and Persons 323 Times, John. Wonderful Inventions. Compass to Telegraph Cable 246 Titus, Livius. History of Rome. Spillan and Edwards 39 TocQUE, P. Newfoundland as It Was, and a? It Is in 1877 88 Todd, Alfred. Private Bills, and Standing Orders 35 . Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary Government in British Colonies 33 Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary Government in England 33 Todd, S. E. Young Farmer's Manual 250 Todhunter, J. Conflict of Studies 330 ToMKiNS and Jencken. Compendium of Modern Roman Law , 181 ToMLiNE, Bishop. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. Memoirs Life of 62 ToMLiNS, Sir T. E. Law Dictionary 184 Tone, T. W. Life of 53 ToRRENS, W. M. Wellesley and O'Connell ; Proconsul and Tribune 64 ToTTEN, H. Tariffs, in Administration of Criminal Justice 212 TowLE, N. C. History and Analysis of Constitution of United States 135 Townsend, G. a. New World compared with the Old 227 TowNSEND, G. H. Every-Day Book of Modern Literature 323 Townsend, G. H. Manual of Dates 6 TowNSEND, W. C. Modern State Trials , 208 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. . ^^g TowxsHEND, Capt. Wild Life in Florida. With a Vi.if f. n u "^"^""'""^• TOV.B., Capt. Keport on Meteo.lo,, of H "^^^ '^'^ ^^^ lovxBEK, Capt. Report on Use of Isobaric Curves ''' rozER, H. F. Researches in the Highlands of Turkey ^^* Trelawxv. E. J. Record of Shelley. Byron and the luthor ''' Tkekch. Abp. Lectures on Medieval Church ffistory 1 ''^ TRENCH,Abp. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord ^^^ TRENCH,Abp. Notes on Che Parables of Our Lord ^^^ Trench, Abp. Plutarch • his Lif,. }„-c, p hit- 352 Thekch, Abp. Sermons ". ' "^"^"^^ "^^^^ '''' ^^« ^^-^^« 318 Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish Life ^53 TRKVE.VAN, G. O. Ladies in Parlia„.ent,"and Vthe; Pi;;;^ '''' TR.VELVAN, Lady. Con^plete Works of Lord Macaulay ''' Trime., R. The Regiments of the British Army ^^2 Tristram, H. B. Land of Moab. With Ch.r.,1 " "^" ■ ^1 TKO..OPE. A Australia and New zlund ' " "^"'^ ^^'^'^ "^ ^^^^^^^- • ^87 ' Trollope, a. Commentaries of Caesar 296 Trollope, a. Life of Thackeray 299 Trollope, T. A. Papal Conclaves, as They Were and as Th^J A ^^^ Tkou., J. M Railwaysof Canada. Mileage, cl etc ' ^'' ''' Trumbcll^J. H. True Blue Laws of Connlcticut l^^.^ Haven ''' Truran, W. Iron Manufacture of Great Britain ^^^ Tucker, Geo. History United States 246 f =:,;:: rrcss-rs-'sr--*' ■■■■■■ "• T.PPER. F R Family Records : Major-Gen. Sir L Brocri ''' Tupper and Robinson. Appeal Reports ^8 TuRcoTTE, L. P. Histoire de I'Isle d'Orleans ^^^ TURCOTTE, L. P. Le Canada sous rUnion ^^ Tuhnbull W W Law and Liquor, Gothenburg Propo'sal' Vtc '' Turner, D. W. History of Germany ^ ' 227 luRNER, Sharon. Genuineness of Ancient Brih-J/ P^l " ' ' Va' " ' " "• *^ TCHNER. Sharon. Reigns of Edward . t ^ IdS i b 1'"""^' ''^""'^' ^^^^ ^'^ TORNE, Sharon. Reign of Henry the E" ^t^ ' ^^'^'' ^« Turner, Sharon. Sacred History of the VVor'd *^ TumE,C. R. History Dominion of Canada ^^ Fl . 88 I '.^ i 450 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. :. Paog. Twining, Louisa. Workhouse Visiting and Management . 227 TwiNiNtji, Thos. Technical Training 246 Twiss, Sir T. Law of Nations in Time of Peace 192 Twiss, Sir T. Law of Nations in Time of War 192 TwYFORD and Major. Grilhth's Records of York Castle, etc 356 Tyler, Moses C. History of American Literature 323 Tyler, R. H. Law of Usury. Pawns, Pledges, Maritime Loans 207 Tyndall, John. Address delivered before the British Association at Belfast in 1874. 267 Tyndall, John. Faraday as a Discoverer 177 Tyndall, John. Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivera, Ice and Glaciers ........ 267 Tyndall, John. Fra.jments of Science for Unscientific People 267 Tyndall, John. Glajiers of tlie Alps. Narrative of Excursions 256 Tyndall, John. 'J.a':, i Mode of Motion 267 Tyndall, John. : lours of Exercise in the Alps 285 Tyndall, John. Lectures on Light, dedivered in the United States 267 Tyndall, John. Lessons on Natural Philosophy 267 Tyndall, John. Mountaint-ering in 1861. Vacation Tour 285 Tyndall, John. Notes of Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories 267 Tyxdall, John. Notes on a Course of Lecturr-- on Light 267 Tyndall, John. " Sound." Course of Eigh cctures 267 Tytler, p. F. England uuder the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary 46 Tytler, p. F. History of Scotland 48 Tytler and Watson. Songstresses of Scotland 323 Ueberweg, F. History of Philosophy from Thales to Present Time 338 Ure, Andrew. Philosophy of Manufactures : Factory System Great Britain 246 Uue's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines , 247 Urling, R. D. Law relating to Office of Trustee 206 Urquhart, J. W. Electro-Plating, Electro-Typing 247 Vallancey, Chas, Grammar of Iberno-Celtic, or Irish Language 330 Valentin, Wm. G. Laboratory Text Book of Practical Chemistry 274 Valentine, L. Nobility of Life Pourtrayed in Prose and Verse . . 323 Vambery, Arminius. Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Frontier Question. . . . 288 Vambery, Arminius. History of Bokhara .„ 287 Vambery, Arminius. Sketches of Central Asia. Travels and Ethnology 287 Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia in 1863 287 Van Buren, M. Political Parties in United States 135 Vancouver, Capt. Voyage to North Pacific Ocean and Round the World 280 Vandenhoff, G. Art of Reading Aloud, in Pulpit, Lecture Room, etc 330 Vandeniioff, G. System of Elocution ; or, Complete Speaker 330 Van Lennap, H. J. Bible Lands : Modern Customs and Manners 288 Van Nostrand's Eclectic lilngineering Magazine 248 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 451 Vaugiian, Robt. Revolutions in English History ^^^'=- Vauohax, Robt. Ihe Protectorate of Oliver Cron^'well and 'the Stat; of Europe ' ' W VAUoiiAx, Robt. Life and Opinions of John De Wycliffe ^ " " ,«! v™ "; P f '^'^ t '''' ' '-' ^'''''' «^-^^ -^ owisof Canada! : :::::■- V htinus, bir Payton. Reports of Verne, Jules. From the Earth to the Moon ^^^ yeZ' it' f ^ ""'""'^^ ' "' '''-'''' ^^»^«-'«^ Nor;h La;i;ude : : : : : ; '04 Vekne, Jules. Journey to Centre of the Earth Vkhnk, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea .' ." ^ol Vesinieh, p. Commune of Paris ^^* ViLLAKi, P. Niccolo Macchiavelli and his Times ViNCENT,i: Land of White Elephant. Travels in Burmah and'siam' "■ ' 288 ViKcnow Rudolph. Freedom of Science in the Modern State. Z Vivian, A. P. Wanderings in the Western Land ^ Von Dolunoek, J. J. F.rst Age c nristianity and the Church 3!' Von HO.ST. Constitutional and Political History United States. . . 'l VonSybel, fl. French Revolution ^^^ ' 71 Waddinoton, John. Congregational History, 1700-1800 Wagnek, Rudolf. Hand-Book of Chemical Technology f !! Wakefield, E. G. TJie Art of Colonization ^^* Wallace, A. R. Geographical Distribution of Animals. ' Als'o Faunas 258 Wallace, A. R. Tropical Nature, and other Essays ... HI Wallace, A. R. Malay Archipelago. Studies of Man and Na;ure of! Wallace, M. D. Russia ^^^ Waller, J. F. Pictures from English Literature It^, Walpord, E. County Families of Great Britain " ' WALKE.M, R. T. Execution and Revocation of Wills ^ Walkem, R. T. Married Women's Property Acts of Oniario' '.[ ' .' Walker, Alex. Hours on aad off Sentry. Recollections of Mili;a;y Ad"venture ' ' 111 Walker, Amasa. Science of Wealth ... J' ^u venture . . dJ4 Walker, F A. Wages Question and Wages Class Ill Walker, J. C. Irish Bards. Historical Memoirs of, etc Z Walker, Wm. Hand-Book of Drawing Walpole, Horace. Journal Reign King George" Third. ' * Dr. Doran ^al Walpole, Horace. Earl of Orford, Letters of . „ Walpole, Horace. Reign of George the Second ^* Walpole, Spencer. History of England [ Walpole, Spcicer. Life and Correspondence Rt. Hon.'s.* Perceval" ' ' " " ' tl Walsh, J. H. Manual of Domestic Economy .... ^ ^ Walter, Emile. What is Free Trade ? / ".".".","_" •^ H 452 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paqk- Waltinann, a. Holbein and his Time 241 Walton, Q, E. Mineral Springs of United States and Canada 274 Walton, Isaac. Complete Angler ; or, Man's Recreation 263 Walton, Isaac. Works of Richard Hooker. Account of his Life and Death 344 Walton, J. E. Model Yachts and Yacht Sailing. How to Build, etc 247 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler 263 Walton and Medd. First Book of Common Prayer 353 Wanklyn and Chapman. Water Analysis. Examination of Water 274 Wansey, Henry. America : Excn.rsion to U. States of N. America in 1794 291 Warburton, Col. Journey Across Western Interior of Australia 296 Warburton, E. Conquest of Canada 89 Warburton, E. Crescent and the Cross. Romance of Eastern Travel 288 Warburton, E. Hochelaga ; or, England in the New World 89 Ward, Hon. Mrs. The Telescope, small. Objects coming within Range of 253 Ward, J. Experiences of a Diplomatist. Germany, 1840-1870 72 Ward, J. Workmen and Wages at Home and Abroad. Strikes, etc 227 Ware, L. C. The Sugar Beet. Its History in Europe 250 Ware, Martin. English Lav Reports. Digest of 185 Warren, Capt. Underground Jerusalem. Expedition through Jordan Valley 288 Warren, H. W. Recreations in Astronomy. With Directions for Experiments . . 253 Warren, Samuel. Election Law of Great Bri+ain 17 Warren, Samuel. Practical Introduction to Law Studies 193 Waring, G. E. Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns 240 Waring, G. E. Village Improvements and Farm Villages 240 Warlow, W. H. Index to Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 205 Warner, C. D. In the Levant 285 Warner, C. D. Mummies and Moslems 288 Warner, F. Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland 52 Washburn, E. American Law of Easements, etc 186 Washburn, E. American Law of Real Property 199 Watertoj^, Chas. Essays on Natural History 261 Waterton, Chas. Wanderings in S. America, N.-VVest of U. States and Antilles. 282 Watherston, E. J. Our Railways 235 Watts, Henry. Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other Sciences 274 Watts, Mrs. H. An Art Studont in Munich , 285 Watts, N. Law of Promoters of Public Companias 182 Watson, R. G. History of Persia 76 Watson, S. J. Constitutional History of Canada 89 Watson, S. J. Legend of the Roses : a Poem. Ravlan : a Drama 324 Watson, S. J. Powers of Canadian Parliaments 33 Watson, W. C. Pioneer History of Chfimpliin V.allny '35 Watson, W. H. Office and Duty of Sheriff "03 Wayland, Francis. Elements of Moral Science 338 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 453 Paok- 241 274 263 th 344 247 263 353 274 4 291 296 89 288 89 f 253 72 227 250 185 alley.... 288 [•iments . . 253 17 193 240 240 205 285 288 52 186 199 261 I Antilles. 282 235 ir Sciences 274 . , 285 182 76 89 324 33 ,. j35 203 338 Webb, Alfred. Webb, T. W. 54 353 324 Wayland, Francis. Political Economy '^^gg Weale, John. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, etc . . . . . . . . . . ' .' ." ." ' * * 240 Compendium of Irish Biography 357 Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes . . 953 Webster, Daniel. Works of "" Webster, Noah. An American Dictionary of the English Language ^^4 Webster, R. G. Tradj of the World '. ^gg Weeden; W. B. Morality of Prohibitory Liquor Laws . ........,[ 227 Wedoewood, H. Dictionary of English Etymology .... \ Wedqewood, W. B. Government and Laws of United States 135 Weidenmann. J. Beautifying Country Homes ; Gardening, etc 240 Weigall, Lady R. Memoir of Charlotte, Princess of Wales Weil, G. The Bible, the Koran and the Talmud Weisse, J. A. The Obelisk and Freemasonrj .........[.. Weiss, M. C. History of French Protestant Refugees . . . .' .....^......., 353 Weld, Isaac. Travels through North America and U. and L. Canada '. . . . . . . . . " . 89 Weld, Isaac. Voyage au Canada g, Wellesley, Marquis of. Memoirs and Correspondence. Pearoe 64 Wellesley and O'Connell ; Proconsul and Tribune. Historic Portraits. " Torrens 64 Welford, Geo. General and Public Insurance. United States 191 Wellington, Duke of. Despatches during his various Campaigns " 64 Wellington's Despatches, Correspondence and Memoranda "..'"' 355 Wellington, Duke of. Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda .. 64 Wells, D. A. Things Not Generally Known "" 5 Wells and Dodge. Local Taxation, New York Commission ././.........,.. ] [ 235 Welsh, Thos. Registry Cases, etc., in Ireland " j-. Westall and Finden. Great Britain Illustrated 35g Westcot, B. F. General View of History of the Bib^ ^.....................353 Westlake, John. Private International Law, or Conflict of Laws. igo Westrc- H. M. Hand-Book of Archajology . . . .• 324 Wey, Francis. Rome _" ,,7. 2o5 V\ harton, Francis. Conflict of Laws, or Private International Law 182 Wharton and Stille. Medical Jurisprudence igg Wharton's Law Lexicon , „ , „ . ■ ■ 1 o4 v^hately, /.; Life and Correspondence of. By E. Jane Whately 173 Whately, h. iJacon's Essays. With Annotations ..'...... 324 Whately, R, Historic Doubts as to Napo)eon Buonaparte 333 Whately, R. Truth of Christianity ^'^^ WrATELY, Mary L. Letters from Egypt to Plain Folks at Home .,,[[ 290 Wheaton, Henry. Elements of International Law ,,.,. ^99 Wheeler, H. G. History of Congress, Biographical and Political 133 Wheelkr, J. T. Geography of Herodotus 277 Wheeler, J. T. History India and Frontier States, Afghanistan, etc 73 i 454 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Paob. Wheeler, W. A. Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of Names of Fiction. . 32-lr WiiEWELL, Wm. Astronomy and General Physics: reference to Natural Theology. 253 Whewell, Wm. History of Inductive Sciences, from Earliest to Present Time .... 264 Whipple, E. P. Literature of Age of Elizabeth 324 Whitaker's Almanac for 1881 9 Whitcombe, C. E. Canadian Farmer's Manual of Agriculture 250 White, A. D. Warfare of Science 324 White, C. A. Classic Literature. Sanscrit, Greek and Roman 324 White, Henry. Massacre of St Bartholomew 72 White, James. History of France 72 White, James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries 353 White, John. Sketches from America 295 White, R. History of Battle of Bannockburn 48 V/'hite and Riddle. Latin-Eng^iah Dictionary 4 White and Tudor. Leading Cases in Equity 188 Whitfield, Geo. A Biography. Joseph Belcher 178 Whitshurst, F. M. Court and Social Life in France under Napoleon III 357 Whiteley, G. C. Licensina; Acts, 1872-74. Explanatory Notes, etc 194 Whittier, J. G. Complete Poetical Works of 324 Whiting, Wm. War Powera under Constitution of United States 151 Whitley, John. Ontario Cabinet Lawyer. Legal Forms, etc 212 Whitman, Walt. Works of 324 Whitmore, W. H. American Genealogy 138 Whitmoet W. H. Hand-Book of American Genealogy 364 Whitmore, W. H. Unjust Taxes ; Massachusetts System 235 Whymper, Frederick. Travel and Adventure iv Territory of Alaska 295 WiCKHAM, Wm., Rt. Hon. Correspondence of Wm. Wickham 65 Wicksteed, R. J. Statutes of the Dominion, and the B.N.A. Act: Amendatory. . 212 Wiese, L. German Letters on English Education 330 WiGRAM, Jas. Points in Law rf Discovery 186 WiKOFP, H. Four Civilizations of the World 227 WiKoFF, H. Reminiscences of an Idler 177 Wilberforce, Bishop. Essays Contributed to Quarterly Review 324 WiLBERFORCE, H. W. The Church and the Empires. Historical Periods 353 Wilberforce, Wm. Life ot. By his Sons 178 Wilbur. Homer. Biglow Papers, Introduction, Notes and Glossary 324 Wild, John J. At Anchor : Narrative of Experiences Afloat and Ashore 280 Williams, Sir E. V. Law of Executors and Administrators 189 Williams, Joshua. Law of Personal Property 183 Williams, Joshua. Principles Law of Personal Property 199 Williams, v\ , E, H. xhe xrisn x arlianient St' Williamso f, R. S. Practical Tables in Meteorology and Hypsoraetry 254 Williamson, W. D. History of Maine 135 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. I 455 Wilkes, Chas. Narrative of United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-42 280 Wilkinson, G. Manners and Customs of the Ancient E^'yptians 3© Wilkinson, G. Modern Egypt and Ti)ebe3 ' 357 Wilkinson, R. Law of Prisons in England and Wales, Prison Acts 198 Will, J. S. Practice of Referees' Courts in Parliament 17 Wills, G. S. V. Dictionary of Botanical Terms 263 Wills, Thos. Acts respecting the Municipal Institutions of Ontario 212 Wills, Wm. Circumstantial Evidence jgy Wills, J., and Wills, F. The Irish Nation 53 Willis, N. P. Famous Personages and Places 162 Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. Epoch in History of Reformation 351 Wilson, Adam. Constable's Guide. Office of Constable 213 Wilson, Arthur. Supreme Court Judicature Acts 205 Wilson, Andrew. Abode of Snow. Tour through Upper Valleys of Himalaya .' . 288 WiLSJN, Daniel. Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland 48 Wilson, Daniel. Caliban : The Missing Link 335 Wilson, Daniel. Pre-historic Man. Origin of Civilization in Old and New World 2.59 Wilson, Daniel. Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh 4g Wilson, George. Hand-Book of Hygiene ....°. 274 Wilson, George. Report of Chamber of Commerce, New York 235 Wilson, John. (Christopher North.) Memoir of. Mrs. Gordon 17f? Wilson, John. Lost Solar System of the Ancients Discovered 253 Wilson, Joseph. Naval Hygiene '] 274 Wilson, 0. M. Digest of Parliamentary Law; Rules of Congress, etc. 17 Wilson, Prof. Works of 395 Wilson, R. A. Mexico : its Peasants and its Priests 291 Wilson, Sir R. K. History of Modern English Law 187 Wilson, Sir R. Travels and Services with European Armies in 1812-13-14 158 Wilson, Thos. Excellency of Laws of England ' "... 187 Wilson, W. Newfoundland and its Missionaries, etc 83 Wilson and Bonaparte. American Ornithology. Birds of the United States .. " 261 Wilson and Warren. Recovery of Jeru.salem. Exploration and Discovery 288 WiLLYAMs, Jane L. Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont 353 WiNCHELL, Alex. Doctrine of Evolution. Its Data and Speculations .[[ 258 WiNCHELL, Alex. Pre-Adamites ; or, Existence of xMan before Adam 259 WiNCHELL, Alex. Reconciliation of Science and Religion ^ ^ ' 353 WiNCHELL, Alex. Sketches of Creation. History of Matter and Life 257 Winn, C. A. What I Saw of the War. With the Prussian Army '.'.'"' 153 Wines, E. C. Annual Report Prison Association, New York 227 Winkle's Illustrations of the Cathedral Church Notre-Dame, Paris. ............ . 242 WiNsTANLEY, J. N. Index of Repealed and Repealing Statutes affecting Ontario.'. 213 Wirt, Wm. Patrick Henry. Sketches of his Life and Character 362 Wise, A. J. History City of Troy, United States igg m H 456 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. Wise, H. R. Seven Decades of the Union ; ^35 Wiseman, Cardinal. Sermons, Lectures and Speeches 325 WiTHERow, Thos. Deny and Enniskillen in 1689 [[][ 53 WiTHRow, W. H. Catacombs of Rome and their Testimony relative to Christianity 353 WiTiiRow, W. H. History of Canada, for Schools 89 WiTHRow, W. H. History Dominion of Canada 89 Wood, Herbert. Shores of Lake Aral 288 Wood, H. C. Thermic Fever, or Sunstroke * _ 275 Wood, J. G. Bible Animals 261 Wood, J. G. Field Naturalist's Hand-Book .' . 262 Wood, J. G. Homes without Hands 261 Wood, J. G. Insects at Home 26'> Wood, J. G. Man and Beast, Here and Hereafter 258 Wood, J. G. Natural History 258 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus. Site and Remains of Temple of Diana. ... 325 Wood, S. G. Registration of Titles (U.C.) Act | 213 Woods, N. A. Prince of Wales in Canada ! ^89 Woodpall's Law of Landlord and Tenant I93 WoDRow, Rev. Robert. Correspondence of 353 Woodward, B. B. Encyclopedia of Chronology [ g Woodward, Bishop. The Unbiassed Irishman 53 Woodward, G. E., and Thompson, E. G. The National Architect ,....."." 240 Woodworth, J. M. Marine Hospital Service United States 275 Wolferstan, F. S. P. Law and Practice of Election Petitions 17 WoLFERSTAN and Bristowe. Reports of Election Committees 17 WoLFORD, Edward. Juvenal 31Q WoLSELEY, Sir G. J. Field Pocket Book for the Auxiliary Forces 158 WooLSEY, T. D. Communism and Socialism 227 WooLSEY, T. D. Divorce and Divorce Legislation 227 WooLSEY, T. D. Introduction to International Law 192 WooLSEY, T. D. Political Science of tlie State 227 Worcester's Dictionary. Unabridged a Wordsworth, Chr. Holy Bible, in the Authorized Version 354 Wordsworth, Chr. New Testament of Our Lord and Sa -iour Jesus Christ, in Greek 354 WoRMLEY, T. G. Micro-Chemistry of Poisons. Their Physiology 275 WoRSLEY, P. S. Homer. The Odyssey 3Q9 WeniERSPOoN, I. Insolvent Act, 1875. Practice Tariffs, etc 213 WoTHERSPOON, I. Practice and Procedure in the Courts, Quebec 213 Wraxall, Sir N. W. Posthumous Memoirs of his Owji Time 65 Wright, J. American Negotiator ; or. Currencies British Colonies in America. ... 136 Wright, R. Lifp of Major-General Wolfe 89 Wright, Tlios. Caricature History of the Georges 55 Wright, Thos. Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art 242 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. 467 Wright, Thos. Gilray, James, the CaricaturiHt .... **;"' Wright, Thos. History of Ireland Wright, Thos. Homos of Other Days. '^^ Wright, Thos. Our New Masters ^^° Wright, Thos. The Celt, the Roman and'the Saxon ^H WvMAN, Capt. Winds, Currents and Navigation of Cadiz and Gibraltar! .' . .' 264 WVNDHAM, R M. Latin and Greek as in Rome and Athens Z Wynter, Andrew. Peeps into the Human Hive tt. Wynter, Andrew. Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers Ill Wyon, F. W. Great Britain during Reign of Queen Anne" ['.'. f, W YSE, Sir Thos. Impressions of C eece 285 Yeaman, G. H. Study of Government Yeats, John. Growth and Vicissitudes of Commerce If, Yeats, John. Technical History of Commerce ... „^ Yelverton, Sir H. Reports 'te7np. Elizabeth YO.GE, C. D. English-Greek Lexicon. Proper Names." " Synonyms," ^t.' :':" " ''I YoNGE, Isabella. History of Christian Names YoNGE, C. D. Marie Antoinette. Queen of France J^ YoNGE, C. D. Three Centuries of English Literature J, YoNGE, C. D. Three Centuries of Modern History .: YouMAK8,E L. Culture demanded by Modern Life. Scientific "Education 330 YouATT'»History, Treatment and Diseases of the Horse Z! Young, Archibald. Historical Sketch of the French Bar 2. Young, A. Tour in Ireland Young, Jas. Early History of Gait and Seu"lem"ent"of Dumfries 89 Young, J. Letters of Agricola ou Vegetation and Tillage '.'.'.'.'.'.]" 250 Zabreski. J, C. Public Land Laws of United States , -^ Zell's Popular Encyclopedia " Zeller, Edward. Contents and Origin of the Acts o.! ZmcKE, F. B. Egypt of the Pharoahs and of the Kedive Ht Zschokke, H. History of Switzerland 75 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abenakis ho. Histcryof. Maurault 84 Abbey," Church of Melrose, Scotland. Pinches , _ 240 " of Croyland. Ingulph's Chronicle of. Kiley 43 Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales. Timbs 323 AiiiUDGEMENT, La Graunile. Brooke 178 Abyssinia. Expedition Holland 15g " and the Galla Country. Travels in. Plowden 290 AcADiE. Forest Life in. Ha. ly 82 Acadia. History of. Hannay 81 AcRiDiD^ of North America. U.S. Geological Survey. Thomas 262 Acts of the Apostle... Contents an- 1 Origin of the. Zeller 354 Acts and Monuments of Foxe. With Life of. By Townsend 342 Acts, Public and General 204 Actions at Law. Limitations of. Suits in Equity, etc. Angell 195 Actions. Limitation of. Banning 1^0 Admirals. The Great Dutch. Liefde Ig2 Administration. Provincial Roman System of. Arnold . 33 Administrations of the United States. Tileson I35 Admiralty Division H. C. of Justice, J urisdiction, etc. Roscoe 178 Address delivered before the British Association at Belfast in 1874. Tyndall .... 267 Addresses and Sermons delivored in United States and Canada. Stanley 352 American. With Lecture on Study of Biology. Hr.xley 266 Advance and Retreat. Experiences in the U.S. and Confederate Armies. Hood. 156 • ^NEiDs of Virgil. Done into English Verse. Morris 324 Afghanistan and Central Asian Question. Fisher 73 " Disasters in 1841-2. Sale in 1857. Journal of Political Mission to. " Sale's Brigade in. Gleig Afloat and Ashore. Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Africa. Across. Cameron " Central. Lakp, Regions of. 157 Bellew 285 156 At Anchor. Wild 280 288 Burton 288 Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial. Du Chaillu 289 Explorations \ . South- West. Baines 288 v\ 'iu ^>. ^y ^ /<^.%^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) i fe 1.0 I.I 11.25 u few Ui m u lAO 1.4 12.0 1.6 V] ^ /). >> . ... '/> (9^ A Photographic Sciences Corporation 93 V.SST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ ^1 476 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. il Pack. Cities. Principal. Of Europe. Views of. Batty 240 Civil Actions. Pleading in. Stephen jgg " Allegiance. Vatican Decrees in their bearing on. Cardinal Manning .^45 " Code, Lower Canada. McCord 211 " Engineering. Encyclopaedia of. Cresy 247 " Government in United States. Text Book on. Martin 132 " Law. Modern. Commentaries on. Bowyer igQ " Liberty and Self-Government. Lieber 222 " Procedure of Lower Canada. Code of. Foran 209 " Rights Certain Inhabitants. Report of Legislative Council U. Canada on . . 91 " Service Commission, England. Table of Rules, etc 10 " Service of the Crown ; its Rise, etc. Bryant 218 " Service, England. Report of Commissioners. 1879 6 " "War in America. Comte de Paris I57 " War. The Great. Times of Charles I., and Cromwell. Cattermole 41 " War in the United States. Pictorial History of. Lossing 132 CiviLiZATiOK in England. History of. Buckle 218 " and Public Opinion. History of. Mackinnou 222 " as a Science. Harris 221 Civilizations of the World. Wikoff 227 Classics. Little. By Johnson 311 Clay, Rev. John. The Prison Chaplain : A Memoir. W. L. Clay 172 Clergy Reserves, Canada 90 Clerk, The. His Duties and Discipline. (Anon.) 243 Climate and Time in their Geological Relations. CroU , 253 Clive, Lord. Life of. Gleig 172 Clubs and Club Life in London. With Anecdotes. Timbs 323 Clyde, The River. Description of Harbour of Glasgow. Dean 247 Coal. Its History and Uses. By Professors Miall, Thorpe, etc 243 " Petroleum and other Oils. Treatise on. Gesner 231 " Regions of America. Topography, Geology, etc. Macfarlane 255 CoBDEN Club Essays 218 Cobbett, Wm. S. A Biography. Smith 172 Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald. Life and Exploits of. KnoUys 172 Code. English. Its Difficulties and Modes of Ovv^r coming them. Amos 181 " Municipal. Province Quebec 211 Coincidences, Undesigned, in Old and New Testament. Blunt 339 Coins and Medals. Essay on. Ancient and Modern. Pinkerton 366 Cooke, Henry. Life and Times of. Porter 172 Coke's Commentary on Littleton 181 Cookery. Iland-Book for National Training School for. By R. O. 244 Collections. Rushworth 33 Colleges. American ; and the American People. Porter 329 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 477 Colleges American. Their Students and their Work. Thwing ^Z'^ College. The, The Market, and The Court. Dall •'• ' ^^^ Colkk:ogk Sara. Memoir and Letters of. Edited by" her Daughw' ." f' cZ::"^cLrir:":".""^"^^^'^ -k^MLtains.- co.:::: ": CoLLiNGwooD, Lord. Fine Old English Gentleman." ' Davies Ill Colloids. Influence of, upon Crystalline Form and Cohesion. ' ' Ord Ill Colonies. Administration of The. Pownall American, previous to Declaration of Independence. "Doyle 1 11 of the British Empire. History of. Martin .... European. History of. Payne ... ^* ;; and Imperial Unity, or Barrel without 'the Hoops; " Jenkins." HI Political Annals of Present United. Chalmers / The Story of Our. Bourne ^^^ COLON!.. P ""t! f '"'" ' "■' ^^^^'^*"^- '' - Emigra;it." " "Row'c'raft ".".■. 293 COL nul Constitutions. Government of British Dependencies, etc. Mills 2 Defence, and Colonial Opinion; Colomb " Empire of Great Britain. History of. Eobe'rts ^5^ " Experiences. Up and Down ; or, Fifty Years'. Barry Itt " Magazine -^^ Office List. 1880 ............... ^^^ " Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administrations." ' Adderly f f f " Policy Lord J. Russell's Administration. Earl Grey J^! Possessions. Present state of Her Majesty's " Possessions, Canada. 1851 ^^^ " Question. The. Essays on Imperial "FedJrali^m". " ' Jenkins j'o Question. Mathews "^"^ '' Questions. Discussions on, at Westminster "conference Ill Colonization and Colonies. Merivale ^^ The Art of. Wakefield ^"'^ Combe, George. Life of. Gibbon ..'.".*. ^^^ OooMASsiE and Magdala. Stanley ^ '^^ Comedies of Aristophanes. With Notes, etc. * Hickie ^^^ COMMKKCE and Commercial Navigation. Dictionary of. " " McCuiloch ^ Cyclopajdia of. Homans and Smith Growth and Vicissitudes of. Yeats ^^^ History of. Li ,t of Commercial Terms. Yeats ^^^ and Navigation. ( Jnited States) ^^^ and Progress of British Nation. History of." Levi If " Technical History of. Yeats " of the United States. Historical Account* of. " " Homans " " " T, Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing Terms, etc :' Law for Upper Canada. Handy-Book of. Sullivan and xMoss" .".":: ,' ." 212 ,'?■ : !?: I 478 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. I- > Paob. Common Law. Commentaries on. Brown 182 " Law. Manual of. Smith 182 " Law Procedure Act. Harrison 210 " Prayer. First Book of. Walton and Medd 353 Companies' Acts. Law and Practice. Buckley 192 " Law of. Summary of. Smith 182 Compasses. Deviation of The 264 Compromise, On. Morley 337 CoMPTON, Henty. Memoir of. C. and E. Compton 172 Compulsory Purchase of Uadertakings of Companies by Corporations. Brown. . . . 182 Commune of Paris. Vesinier 71 *' in 1871. Rise and Fall of. Fetridge 69 Communism and Socialism. Woolsey 227 Communistic Societies of the United States. Nordhoff 224 Communities, Village, in the East and West. Maine 224 Commonwealth Against Monarchy. (Anon.) 32 " The British. Cox 31 '* of England. History of. Bisset 40 " Inner Life of The. Church Organization, etc. Barclay 338 Concordance to the Old and Nev/ Testament. Cruden '. 341 Conde the Great. Life of. Mahon 69 Connecticut. General Statutes of. Revision of 1875 151 " History of. Hollister 132 " History of, from its First Settlement. Peters 134 " Journal House. 1879 148 " Journal Senate. 1879 148 " Legislative Documents. 1879 148 " Practice Acts, Orders, Rules, etc 151 " Public Acts of. 1875-1879 151 " Public Records. Colony of. Hoadly 365 " Reports 148 " Resolves and Private Laws of. 1789-1865 151 " Rules and Forms of. For making up Records of Judgments 151 " Special Acts and Resolutions. General Assembly. 1871-1879 151 Confederation of B.N.A. Provinces, etc. Rawlings 86 Conflict. Great. Discourse Concerning Baptists and Religious Liberty. Lorimer. 345 Congregational History. 1700-1800. Waddington 353 Congress. Annals of. 1789 to 1824 154 " Biographical and Political. History of. Wheeler lc!8 " Debates of. Abridgment of. 1789 to 1856 154 " United States. History of Thirty-Ninth. Barnes 129 Congressional Debates. 1824 to 1837 154 « Globe. 1850 to 1873 I.'i4 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 47a Congressional Record and Debates .... ^*'"'' Connolly. Dr. John. Memoir of. Sir Jas.' Clarke ' " ! J* Conqueror, The, and his Companions. PJanche Conscience. With Preludes on Current Events. Cook ^tl Consolidated General Orders Court of Chancery Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act. Trade Union Acts; e'tc 1 93 Constable's Guide. Office of Constable. Wilson Constantinople. From Foundation to Conquest. Brodrill'and Besant '75 Gautier.... '^ Constitution and Laws of England. " " Magna Charta; etc". " ' Sulli'van '. Zl Our. Laws and System of Government. Ewald o. of United States. Commentaries on. Story , J^ United States. History and Analysis of. Towle ]ol " of United States Compared with our Own. Tremenheere ' " ' 997 Constitutions. American, of each State, and of United States. Hough 50 and Canons Ecclesiastical Church of England o,^ The Political. Of Great Britain- and Ireland. " Lucas " " tl Constitutional Law Cases, and Opinions on. Forsyth ^ Law of England. Commentaries on. Bo^^•en Ill Law, in Relation to Common Law. Broom Hi '' Law Interpretation and Construction of. Sedgwick 1 .n Law. Leading Cases in. Thomas . . . • " Law of United States. Pomeroy . ... ."'."" Limitations, Legislative Power, United States." ' " Coolev ! Ja and Party Questions. Cutts . . .". " Progress. Burrows " _ ^^^ Consular Commercial Reports, (England) ' ^^ " Service, British ^^^ Consumption. Economy of. MofTat ^'^ Continent. Across Th.. «^ge Ride'^o Rock^ Mountains; etc." "Bowles: :;; ^ '9! ' Heart of the. Across the Plains and in Oregon. Ludlow Contract at Law and in Equity. Pollock .... ^^^ Contracts. Law of. Addison ; ; ; ; ^^^ Law of. Leake ^^^ " Law of. Metcalf ^^^ Law of. Smith ^^^ " Contrasts." (London Charities.) ^^^ Com „v.«..E,<. Canadian. a„,l Hand-B„„k „f Legal Fo^s. EorUans n Co^^Ka Manual of P««ce of. Greenwood and Horwood Precedents and Forms in. Davidson 183 '.I iMil i''m * I !l t ■» ' i 480 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Paoi. Conveyancing. Precedents in. Hughes 183 <« Precedents in. Prideaux and Whitcombe 183 " Principles, Forms, etc. Hancock 210 Conveyances. Fraudulent. Statutes of Elizabeth against. May 199 Conversations. Imaginary. Miscellaneous Dialogues. Landor 311 " with Thiers, Guizot, etc., during Second Empire. Senior 71 Convictions by Justices of Peace. Summary. Paley 193 " Summary. Law of. Paley 183 Co-OPEKATiON in England ; its Literature and Advocates. Hoiyoake 221 Copyright in Literature, Art, etc. Law of. Copinger 183 Coral Islands. Gems from the. Gill 291 Coroners in Ontario. Office and Duties of. Boys 208 Corporal Punishment. Evil Tendencies of. Cobb 219 Corporation Municipal Act, etc. Rawlinson 197 Corporations. Digest on Law of. Abbott 183 " Law of Municipal. Dillon 197 " Private, Aggregate. Law of. Angell and Ames 183 Corrupt Practices at ElectioivS 17 Cosmos. Physical Description of the Universe. Humboldt 266 Costs Common Law. Manual of. Ewart 209 Costume of the Ancients. Hope 241 «* CyclopiJedia of. Planche 242 Council of Trent. History of. Bungener !^39 Count de Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Parkman 86 County Courts. Pollock 184 " Courts. Shortt and Jones IS-i Country Homes. Beautifying. Gardening, etc. Weidenmann 240 " Our Own. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. (Anon.) 45 Court of Chancery, Upper Canada. Practice, Pleading, etc. Snelling and Jones . . 212 Court Register and Statesman's Remembrancer 41 " of London. Memoranda of a Residence at. Rush 134 " and Social Life in France under Napoleon Third. Whitehurst 357 " of Quarter Sessions. Practice of. Archibald 200 Courts and Lawyers. Pleasantries of English. Jeaffreson 310 " of United States, and their Practice. Abbott 150 Covenanters. Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments of. Gibson 343 «' Lives of Scottish, and those who Suflerod. McGavin and Howie . . 341 Cowpkr. By Goldwin Smith 172 Cradle Lands, Herbert '-^^ Crayfish. Introduction to Study of Zoology. Huxley 262 Creation. History of. Haeckel 255 " Sketches of. History of Matter and Life. Winchell 257 Creative We*ek. Studies in the. Poardnian 339 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 481 Orkbd of Christendom. Greg ^*°'- Credulity, Superstition, Animal Fascination, etc' Blakeman * * 2^7 Orescent and the Cross. Romance, etc., of Eastern Travel. Warburton 288 Crests of Families of Great Britain and Trpl„n,i Woi.u-:-- 76 Kinglake jgg 158 I I I ij Great Britain and Ireland. Fairbairn Cretan Insurrection of 1866-8. Stillman Crimea. Invasion of the. Its Origin, etc. Crimean Campaign, 1854-56. Steevens Crime in England. History of. Pike " History of a. H ago Juvenile. Its Causes, Character, and Cure. Day Pauperism, Disease and Heredity. "Jukes." Crimes and Misdemeanors. Russell Criminal Code of the Jews, according to the Talmud. Benny Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts for Dominion. Taschereau^ " Law, as applicable to Dominion of Canada. Clarke Law, Procedure and Summary Convictions. Harris '. jg^ " Law and Procedure. Draft Code of. Lewis " Trials. Remarkable. Feurbach Critic. The British Criticaj. Miscellanies. Morley Critiques and Addresses. Huxley * 225 69 220 2?1 184 184 212 209 181 208 302 316 260 1745-1747. Maclachlan. Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland, Crown and its Advisers. Ewald " and Cabinet, and Crown and Constitution " English. Succession to the. Bailey Cruise of the Challenger. Spry Crusades. Siege of Rhodes, etc. Gibbon and Scott " The. Cox " Cuba ; with Pen and Pencil. Hazard Cumberland. Duke of. Military Life and Character. CuRRAN. Speeches of. Davis Currencies of British Colonies. American Negotiator Currency. Principles of. Price Curtis, G. M. Justice Marine Court New York. Cyclopedia. American Annual " Chambers' " and Register of Important Events. Appleton 355 Cyprus : its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples. Di Cesnola ....'. . . . . ." " .' ." ' ' " 303 *' Historical and. Descriptive. Loher *' as I saw it in 1879. Baker Prendergast gg* 31 " Verax." 31 40 280 155 155 281 155 49 Wright 136 234 Trial of 2O8 3 3 76 280 Dahomey as It Is. Eight Months' Residence. DAMAGEa Law of. Mayn. Hi Sketchley 290 184 'Vf^ il 482 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUIUECTS. jt. Damascus. Five Years in. Travels in Palmyra, etc. Porter 287 Dantonists. Passages from History of. Hoey 68 Dark Continent ; or, Sources of tlie Nile. Through the. Htanley 290 Darwinism, and Administrative Nihilism. Criticisms on. Huxioy 260 " and Design ; or, Creation by Evolution. St Clair 269 Date- Book. A British Chronology. Beoton .' $ Dates. Dictionary of. Containing History of the World. Haydn 6 " Dictionary of. For Universal Reforonce. Haydn 6 " Index of. Rosse g ♦• Manual of. Townsend g David. Treasury of. Exposition of Book of Psalms. Spurgeon 362 Davis, Dr., Dean of Ross. Journal of. 1688-'9-'90. Caulfield 4^ Dawn of Life. History of Fossil Remains, etc. Dawson 255 Day of My Life. A. By an Eton Boy 302 Death. The Second ; and Restitution of All Things. Jukes 344 Debate at Large, between Lords and Commons. 1688 31 Debates in House of Commons on Bill for Government Quebec. Sir H. Cavendish. 79 ** Parliamentary. Hansard 30 Debater. New Theory of Art of Speaking. Rowton 319 Debats de la Legislature Provinciale de la Province de Quebec 358 Debtor and Creditor in United States and Canada. Halconibe 184 Decameron, II. Boccaccio 298 Decisions. The American. Cases of Value and Authority. Proffatt and Freeman 178 " of Speaker British House of Commons. Bourke 34 Decoration and Ornamentation of XIX. Century. Lienard 241 Defoe, Daniel. By W. Minto 172 Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on Eastern Coast of Africa. Sulivan 290 De Laudibus Legum Anglise. Fortescue 187 Deliberative Assemblies. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in. Cushing 34 Delinquents. Juvenile, of New York. Half Century with. Pierce 225 Deluge. The Great, and its relation to Antiquity of Man. Geikie 259 Delusions and Madness of Crowds. Memoirs of. Mackay 313 Democracy in America. De Tocqueville 130 " Fears for. Ingersoll . .' 221 " and Monarchy in France. Adams 68 Deuonology and Devil-Lore. Conway 341 •' and Witchcraft. Scott 319 Dk Montcalm en Canada. Par un '■ Ancien Missionaire." 80 Denison, Archdeacon. Notes of My Life. 1805-1878 172 Denman. Lord Chief Justice. Memoir of. Arnold 172 Departments. Public. Upper Canada Report on the. 1839 91 Dependencies. Government of. Lewis ..,,,,., 122 Design. Primer of. Barry 240 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 48$ De Stakl, Madame, ami Roland. Memoirs of. Child ^i 72 DERRvand Enniskillen in 1689. Witherow Detroit Commercial Convention. Speech of Hon. J. Howe ...., 3.0 Devil's Advocate. Grec . . •* 22 1 Devils. The Three : Luther's, Milton's and Goethe's. Masson Jij De Witt, John. Grand Pensionary of Holland. Administration of. Geddes"*" 72 Dialogues of Plato. Jowett . Diamonds and Precious Stones. Dieulafait Diary of a Memher in Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell. Burton. " 41 Dick. Geologist and Botanist. Smiles Dickens, Charles. Life of. Forster , !^ Dictionary. American Mechanical. Knight '* of Americanisms. Bartlett ** Classical. Lempriere Classical. Greek and Roman Biography. Smith 3 " of English Etymology. Wedgewood [ of English Language. Johnson « " of English Language. Craig " of English Language. Richardson " - •' of English Language. Webster of English Language. Worcester „ English Literature, and British and American Authors. Aliibone! . . 296 " of English Literature. Adams ' " ggg " of English Synonyms. Soule " Etymological and Pronouncing. Stormonth ' 3 " English-German and German-English. Lucas 3 " English-Greek Lexicon. Yonge " Greek-English. Liddel and Scott Italian-English and English-Italian. Meadows'. Jadzowski . . . . 3 " Latin-English. White and Riddle '♦ Medical. Copeland •• of Phrase and Fable. Brewer » Pronouncing. Of English Language. Nuttall 3 Pronouncing. French and English. Spiers and Surrenne ...... . . [ 3 *' of Science, Literature and Art. Brande o ♦' Spanish-English and English-Spanish. Meadows ' ^ " of Theology. Doctrinal and Historical. Blunt [[[ 339 Diderot and the Encyclopsedists. John Morley ; j^o. Diet in Health and Disease. Chambers Digest. Analytical, of Laws of the United States. Brightly 186 " of Cases decided in Courts of Error, Appeal^ etc. Harrison and O'Brien "1" of Cases, Queen's Bench and Practice Courts, U.C. Harrison and Robinson. Ill " Decisions of Supreme Court New Brunswick. Stevens 2ia '!!..■* I i 484 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUHJECTS. f * ' Paoi. Dioiar. New York Statutes and Reports. Abbott 185 " Reports of United States Courts, etc. Abbott 186 *• Reported Cases Courts Common Law and Eijuity. Robinson and Joseph. 211 *• of Reported and Unreported Cyasns Supreme Court, N.R. Stevens 213 ♦• of all Reported Decisions in Province Quebec. Stephens 212 " of Statutes and Decisions in United States on Divorce, etc. Browne .... 186 DioBSTiON. Imperfect. Causes and Treatment of. Leared 273 DiONiTiES. Book of. Haydn 7 Diplomatist. Experiences of : Germany. 1840-1370. Ward 72 Directories, (Various) 10 Diseases. Contagious. Affections produced by ; Nature and Treatment of. Morgan 273 «• of Modern Life. Richardson 274 Discovery. Heroes of. Magellan, Cook, Franklin, Livingstone. Mossman 163 •« Law of. Kerr 188 " Points in Law of. Wigram 18 > DiBCVBSiON. Current. From English Essays. Burlingame 228 Dissertations and Discussions. Political, Philosophical, etc. Mill 224 DiSPAUPERizATiON. Poor Law Evils and their Remedies. Pretyman .... 225 Disruption. Annals of the. Brown 339 Division Court Act. Rules and Forms. O'Brien 211 " Courts Act. Sinclair and Wade '. 211 " Courts Act, 1880. Sinclair and Wade 212 Divorce and Divorce Legislation. Woolsey .... 227 DoHERTY, P. J. Principal English Writings of. (Anon.) 304 Dolomites. Ramble in the. Edwards 281 Domestic Economy. Manual of. Walsh 227 Dominies. A Book About. (Anon.) 327 Dominion of Canada. Hiatory of. Withrow 89 " of Canada. History of. Tuttle 88 D'Orleans. Histoire de I'lsle. Turcotte 88 Doubt, Modern, and Christian Belief. Christlieb 340 Dower. Law of. Scribner 186 Drainage, House and Water Service in Citie •,, Villages, etc. Bayie.s 238 " of Houses and Towns. Sanitary. Warring 240 Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. Lives and Voyages of 278 Drama. Queen Mary. Tennyson 323 Dramatic Wo: ks of Moliere 315 Drawing. HanJ-Beok of. Walker 242 " Iji$triJ«. • 1' Oi^ms. Mair 313 Drink. History of. Social, Scientific, etc. Samuelson 225 Drimkinq Usage of Britain and Ireland. Artificial and Compulsory. Dunlop.... 304 Drugs, Medicines, etc. Examinations of, as to Adulterations. Pierce 273 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJEf!T8. 485 11 Druogists' Receipt Book. Veterinary Formulary, etc. Bcasloy *70 Druids. The Celtic ; or, the Priests of Oriental Colonics from India. Higgins' . . 368 Drummond, of Hawthornden. His Life :»,.d Writings. [\y Masson 367 Drunkenness. Habitual, and Insane Drunkards. Bucknill ' y, 270 Duff, Alexander. Iflcollections of. Day I^o Duff, Alexander. Life of. Smith j-o Dufferin. Earl of. History Administration of. Leggo ' ' 93 Dutch Republic. Rise of The. Motley 73 Dwkllincib. Modern, in Town and Country. Decorations, etc. Holly '239 J^ARLS of Kildaro, and their Ancestor.!. Marquis of Kildare 3b7> Earth. Journey to Centre of The. Verne 304 •* and Man. Story of The. Dawson o^^ •• to the Moon. From The. Verne 304 " Sacred Theory of The. Burnett 2B4 " The. Descriptive History Life of the Globe. Reclus [ ,[[[ 2«« Easements, etc. American Law of. Washburn 1 og East and West Indies. Settlements and Trade of Europeans in. Raynal . . . . . . . . 358 Eastern Church. Lectures on History of The. Stanley 352 " Experiences. Bowring 2u»t " Life, Past and Present. Martineau 287 *' Question. Duke of Argyll ^ . " Question ; its Facts and Fallacies. MacColl ' ' 7- " Townships. History of. Day g« •' Townships. History of. Thomas g^ " Townships, Q. Map of , - EccE Homo. Gladstone EcctKsiASTiCAL History. Fleury Law. Practical Arrangement of. Rogers 351 *• Polity of New Testament. Jacob 344 Edinburgh Old. Reminiscences of. Wilson ^ •'■» « •« Public and Domentic Life of. Holt '^'•' " " Rfign of. BisHet •'•'• «« «« Journal Reign of King. Walpole <'•' " IV. Diary illustrative of Times of. (Anon.) ''>"> «' IV. Life and Times of. Croly ^^^ " IV. Memoirs Court of. Duke of Buckingham and Chandos 5.") " IV. Memoirs of. Huish '*' " Fourth, and William Fourth. Journal Reigns of. Greville f).") Georges. The Four. Kings of England. History of. Hmnckar T).') " The Four. Thackeray •''•'* " The. Caricature History of. Wright •^•> Ckorqia. Oases in Law and Equity in Supreme Courts of. 1H67-70 1^)1 " Code of. By Clark l''l " Constitution of. Conley ^30 Germany. History of. Kohlrausch "- " History of. Lewis ' - '• History of. Turner 72 German Constitution, and Events in Germany. Nicolson 72 " Literature. Outlines of. Gostick and Harrison 307 Gibraltar. Siege of. Drinkwater 155 GiLRAY, James ; the Caricaturist. Life and Times. Wright 241 Girondists. History of. Lamartine 69 Glaciers of the Alps. Narrative of Excursions. Tyndall 250 Gladstone. "Judy's " Cartoons of ; as shown during Last Ten Years 367 Gladstone's recent Expostulation. Letter to Duke of Norfolk on. Newman 340 Glasgow, Old ; the Place and People. Macgeorgo -1" Gleanings of Past Years. Gladstone 306 God. Conferences delivered at Notre Dame, in Paris. Lacordaire 344 " in Human thought ; or. Natural Theology traced in Literature. Gillet .... 343 Goethe. Poems of. By Bowring 300 Gold. Probable Fall of Value of. Chevalier 231 " Standard without Gold Coinage in England and India. Lindsay 232 Goldfields, Canadian. Report on The 23^ Goldsmith, Oliver. Life and Times of. Forster 1"3 Gorilla Country. Stories of The. Du Chaillu -^^ Gospel and Modern Life. Davics • ■ • 341 Governed, How We Are. Fonblanque and Holdsworth 32 ALPHAMKTrf'AL INDEX OP RUHJECTS. Paoe. firs 5.-. ft-) 5-) 5.-. :>:• 5.-. ;>:. «:; 55 5r. 5.-) r)() f).-) 5.-) 5.-. 5.-) ini 130 7-2 72 72 72 307 155 241 69 256 367 47 306 344 illet .... 343 300 .... 231 232 23S 173 289 .. 341 .... 32 40!) OovKRNr.u by Partios. I,. R„,i,io,, p.^.j^.^ ^„, P.or. OOVEKNMKNT. Amorioan HyHt«m o^ ^ ^^ ^' in Canada. Manual of. O'Hullivan. ^^^ by CommiHHionH I I1,.«hI and PernioiouH. " " Snuih tt and a.nHtit«tional Law. Anu-ricun Theory. Tirtany .:::;; j., lnt<.rf(,« Thoory of. U,,,d , * Parliainontary. Karl Grey '^^^ ;; Scionco of. in Connection with Ani.irican 'inHtitutionH: " Aid.; 2U Study of. Yeaiimn ^^* Thoii^htH npon ^'^' Ooveunoh-Okxk.u.'h Body-(;uard. ' ili^torical Recordof " 'DomHo.: '!! Oiucom. MariuH and HuUa. iiemly . . «0 Orammah of EnglJHh Crannnars. Brown! . '. ^^ English. Maotzner 326 Grammak-Land ; or, Grammar in Fun for ChildrVnof '^nV." "i "■■■,■.■ ^^^ Ohako Komonstranoe. Debates on. ;;^^;'^;'';'-^ '^^ NeBbitt..32H " Trunk Railway of Canada. Brown... '^- GrIt iT^ ^«'"'i" ''''"""««•«" '- ^"H-- into' Affah. of ' ." ." .' .' l' Orant, Ulysses S. Military History of. Radeau ^^ Grape Culture. Wine and Wine Making, etc. Haraszthy [['.". l'' Great Britain and Greater Britain. Defence of. Colomb ^ '• History of. Maepherson " ' ^^^ History of, during Reign of Queen Anne." " 'wyon" tt History of the Troubles of. Monteith " Illustrated. Westall and Finden . ^^ " and Ireland. (Anon.) ^^^ Great Lone Land, The. Butler '^^ Great March. (Sherman's.) Nichols ^ ^^^ Great Subjects. Short Studies on. Froude ...... ^^' Greece. History of. Cox ' ^^^ " History of. Curtius ^" " History of. Finlay ^^ " History of. Grote , ^7 " Impressions of. Wyse ^^ Modern Resklence and Travels in. Baird ^^^ Poets of. Arnold 283 " Social Life in, from Homer to Menander. ' Mahaffy ' .' l^.l Greek Grammar, Modern. Sophocles ^^^ " Heroines. Lives of the. Menzies ^^^ Literature, Classical. History of. Mahaffy ^^^ " Testament. A.lford ^^^ Tragedians. Stories from. Church ^^^ " Vignettes. Sail in the Greek Seas. Harrison ^^^ 284 m m' T' i ll 500 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. S' Pagb. Greeks and Romans. Life of The. Guhl and Koner 307 Greeley, Hora^o. Life of. Parton 136 Greene Feme Farm. Jeffries 310 Grenville Papers. Correspondence Earl Temple and Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville .... 60 Greenland. Land of Desolation. Adventures in. Hayes 279 Grievances. Com'mittee on. Seventh Report 90 GuiBORD Case. Hiatory of . ^1 Guide to Great Britain and Ireland. Tourists' Picturesque. Shaw 285 " Book to United States and Canada. Lippincott H GuiDO and Lita : Tale of the Riviera. Marquis of Lome 312 Gulf Stream. Papers on the Extensions of The. Peterman and Feeden 269 Halk-Hours with the Best Authors. Knight 311 '«■ with the Best Letter- Writers and Aiitobiographers. Knight 311 Hamilton, Alex. Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Washington. Life of. Reithmiiller 362 Hampden, John. His Party and his Times. Memorials of. By Lord Nugent 60 Hand. Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, Bell 258 Handwriting. Philosophy of. De Salamanca 303 Hardy, Thomas. Trial of, for High Treason 208 Harem. Thirty Years in The. An Autobiography. (Anon.) 308 HERTFORD and Quebec. Tour between. Silliman 87 Harz Mountains. Blackburn 283 Hatherton, Lord. Memoir, etc., relating to Political Occurrences, 1834. Reeve.. 60 Haydon, B. R. Life of. Taylor 174 Hawaian Archipelago. Sandwich Islands. Bird 271 Headaches : Nature, Causes, and Treatment. Day 271 Health. A Ministry of. Richardson 274 <« and Education. Kingsley 311 " Handbook for Households and Schools. Smith 274 «« in the House. Lectures on Elementary Physiology. Buckton 270 " and Life. Richardson 274 « Law relating to Public, and Local Government. Glen 199 « Public. Manual of. Hart and Michael 200 " Massachusetts State Board of 275 « Public. Reports presented at meeting American Public Health Association. 273 " Public. Report of Medical Officer of the Privy Council 275 Heat, a Mode of Motion. Tyndall • 267 Heaven. Expanse of. Wonders oi the Firmament. Proctor . 252 Hemp and Wire Rope. Experiments on l-'^^ Henry the Fifth, King of England. History of. Towle 56 Henry the Eighth, History Reign of. Turner 46 Henry, Patrick. Sketches of his Life and Character. Wirt 362 Heraldry, of England, Scotland and Ireland. Burke • 8 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 501 Heraldry, English. Boutell ■^'"'^• Heroes, Philosophers and Courtiers time Louis XVL (Anon ) '"\nl Herodotus, Geography of. Wheeler " " ' ^r History of. Rawlinson By Swayne HiBERNiA Anglicana ; or, History of' Ireland .......'.'""!*"'. ^49 " Pacata, History of late Warres in Ireland. Stafford .9 High Court of Chancery. Practice of. Daniel! jg^ hIgh Trtro'" T^'TT^™ "'^''''' '' '"^^"' ^"^ ^^^^^^^- ' 'Lord Dutferin. 278 ±1IGH Ireason. Trial of Aaron Burr for Highlands. Leaves from the Journal of Life "in The.' "nelps '.'.'.'..'.'. 284 " The West. Popular Tales of. Campbell... oqq Highways in England. Acts for Management of. Turnpike Acts! etc.' " Glen" " ' ]^9 Hints to Parents. What shall my Son be ? Davenant Zl History, a Neglected Fact in. Coote " Ancient and Modern. Treasury of. Maunder 35! " Ancient. Rawlinson " Ancient. Smith.. ^^ • q/» " European. Freeman .• Exile, Patriotism, etc. Letters on. St John 926 " Handy Book of English. Legge ' \ " Leaves from Scotch and English. Glass . .' * . . . ......'...'.. 47 " Lectures on Modern. Arnold " Lectures on Study of. Smith ' " Modern. Three Centuries of. Yonc^e H " OfMyTime. Guizot . . . . ^^ /»n " Science, Philosophy, etc. Extracts on. Davies - " Study of. Smith ^ " Tlie flowers of, such as relate to Britain. Matthew of " West'mi'nster U Umversal Century of. Reference Book. Ewald " r. Historical Abstracts, Europe. Johnstone " " ' " " ' " Essays. Freeman J Essays, Mahon ... ^^^* 904. " Sketches Reign of George the Second. Mrs. Oliphant qi^ HocHELAGA Depicta ; or. History of Montreal. Greig g| or, England in the New World. Warburton . oq Hodge and his Masters. Jeffries Hogarth, Wm. His Works. By C. Lamb ^^^ Hooker, Richard. Works of. Account of hi^ "Li'fe'and 'Death. ' " Wait'o'n" '44 Holland House. Princess Leichtenstein Holland, Picturesque. Journey in Priesland^ "croningen; 'etc.' ' ^Havard ■.■.■.':■■" HI Holbein and his Time. Waltinann • • • -o* HoLYROOD House, Abbey and Palace of! ' " History of. ' ' La'wson ' ." ." '.['.'. .' " ' ." [ [ [ [ [ [ ggg i I i i ' 1 502 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ',% Page. Holy Laj^d. The. Dixon 286 " In the. Thomson 287 " The Land and the Book ; or, Customs and Scenery of the. Thomson. 287 HoMCEOPATHY : What is it 1 Palmer 367 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey. By Collins 309 " Iliad of. Earl of Derby 303 " By Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone 309 " Iliad and Odyssey. By Pope 309 " The Odyssey. By Worsley 309 Homeric Poems. Problem of the. Geddes 306 Homes of Other Days. Wright 240 " without Hands. Wood 261 Honour. Titles of. Selden 8 Hope, Eternal. Five Sermons. Farrar 342 Horace, Works of. Buckley 309 " By Theo. Martin 309 HoRiE Hellenicse. Essays on Greek Philology and Antiquity. Blackie 298 " Subsecivae. Brown 299 Horse, The Canadian. And his Diseases. McEachran and Smith 249 " Treatment and Diseases of the. Youatt 261 Horse's Friend. Method of Educating the Horse, etc. Pratt 245 Horses, Law of, including Law of Innkeepei's, etc. Oliphant 189 Horse-Shoeing. The Dunbar System. Kiernan 156 Hospital Cottage. Its Origin, Progress, etc. Burdett 270 " Service U. States, Marine. Woodworth 275 »' Sisters, Handbook for. Lees 273 Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums. Report of House of Commons on 275 House of Assembly, Quebec. Proceedings to Obtain. Baron Maseres 89 " of Commons, its History and Practice. Palgrave 16 " of Commons and Judicial Bench. Debrett 8 " of Commons and Senate of Canada. Guide to. Campeau 10 " the Englishman's, from a Cottage to a Mansion. Richardson 240 " the Gentleman's ; or, how to Plan English Residences. Kerr : 239 " The Story of A. Le Due 238 Houses, Healthy. Drainage 238 Howard, John. A Memoir. Dixon 174 Hudibras. With Notes, etc. Butler 299 Hudson's Bay. Account of Countries adjoining. Dobbs 80 " Bay Company. Charter and Proceedings of. Fitzgerald 80 " Bay Company. Report from Select Committee 123 Bay, 1727-1751. Geography of. Coats 79 " Bay, Missionary Tour. Ryerson 86 " Bay ; or, Life in Wilds of North America. Ballantyne 77 ALl fTABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 503 Hudson's Bay. Six years' Residence in. Eobson ^^6 Bay. Voyage to. Chappell 79 " Bay. Voyage to, in 1746-7, for Discovering N. West Passage. "'Ellis'" 80 Hughes, John, (Abp.) Life of. Hassard " , l HUGUEXOTS of France. History of Rise of The. Baird ..............'.'.['..[" 333 in France, also visit to the Vaudois. Smiles *...'" 351 '* Wars of the. Hanna Their Settlements, etc., in England and Ireland. Smiles 351 Human Race. The. Fi<^uier o ^ 259 " Hive. Peeps into. Wynter ^^- " Understanding. Locke "l" Hume, David. By Professor Huxley Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, English. Thackeray ....'" 323 The French. Besant Hungarian War. History of, and of Hungary, etc. Frost \o Hunt and Trap. How To. Batty ^ Hunting Grounds, Plains, Game, Indians, etc., of Great West. Dodge 294 HuRONS. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des. Theodat ° . . . " " * gg HuRONNE. Dictionnaire de la Langue. Sagard 309 Husband and Wife. Law of. Smith .."..... Hydraulics. Rural. Grier 247 HvGEiA. City of Health. Richardson 374 Hygiene in America, etc. Public. Bowditch 270 Hand-Bookof. Wilson.... „^, ''*'• • 1J74 " Manual of Practical. Parkes Naval ; Practical Suggestions in. Gihon .".'"" 272 " Naval. United States. Wilson and Public Health, etc. Dictionary of. Blyth 270 Public and Private. Manual of. Cameron \\\[ 271 of U.S. Army, with Descriptions of Military Posts 159 Iberno-Celtic; or, Irish Language. Grammar of. Vallancey 330 Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands Ultima Thule ; or, a Summer in. Burton 283 Ideas in Nature Overlooked by Tyndall. McCosh 266 Idols and Ideals. With Essay on Christianity. Conway 341 Idle Woman in Italy. T> .ry of. Mrs. Elliot ' . ' ' 283 Idylls. Prose. New : .d Old. Kingsley 310 Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits. Rose 351 Ignorance, Popular. Evils of, etc. Poster ' gQg II Boccaccio. Decameron Illinois. History of. Edwards " House Journals. 1877 . ,.0 148 'i 8 • ; ¥'■ D li"' 1 SI i ',1iS». 504 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 3ft Pack. Illinois. Laws of. 1877 152 " Laws of, relating to Railroads and Warehouses. 1877 I.'i2 ** Reports to General Assembly. 1877 148 *^ Revenue Laws of. 1877 152 •♦« Revised Statutes of. 1874-1880. Cothran 152 *' Revised Statutes of. 1874. Hurd l,-)2 ^« School Law. 1872-1877. Free Schools 152 ** Senate Journals. 1877 148 « Statutes of, and Digest. 1818-1872. Cross 151 " Statutes of. Reference to Decisions of Supreme Court. 1867 151 Illuminations and Beaconage Coasts of France. Memoir upon. Reynaud 26!) Illustrations on Steel, Stone and Wood. Cruikshank 241 Imperial Returns. Canada 109 Import Duties Unit-d States. Tariff Laws. Morgan 233 Improvements Science can Effect in Trades, etc. Ayrton 243 Inaugural Address and Speeches at Glasgow. Disraeli 304 " Address delivered to University of St. Andrew's. Mill 314 Inconnue, An. Letters To. Recollections by Lamartine and G. Sand. Merimee.. 314 Income Tax, Inhabited House Duty, Land Tax, etc. Long 232 Index Geographicus. List of Principal Places on the Globe 7 " Synoptical. Con. Stats, of Canada and Upper Canada. Hancock 209 India. Ancient. Historical Disquisition concerning. Robertson 36 " British. History of. Taylor 122 " Code of Civil Procedure. Broughton 190 *' Code Criminal Procedure. Prinsep 190 " Descriptive and Historical. (Anon.) 73 " History of, and of Frontier States of Afghanistan, etc. Wheeler . . ; 73 " Law of. Lyon 190 " North. Days in. Macleod 286 " Romance of History. Caunter 300 *' Ten Years in. Gould 367 Indian Administration of Lord Ellenborough, etc. Lord Colchester 121 « Affairs, United States 13.") " Evidence Act, 1872. Stephen 190 " Nations of Canada. The five. Colden .... 79 " Officers. Lives of. Kaye 16."? " Polity. System of Administration. Chesney 121 " Troops. Removal of the, to Malta. Ross 46 Indians in British North America Provinces. 1839 119 '* of North America. Hallett "6 " of North America. Wandering df an Artist Among. Kane 358 " North American. Manners and Customs of. Catlin 290 Industries. British Manufacturing 245 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 605 JvDUSTRiES of Scotland. Rise, Progress, etc. Bremner ^030 Industrial Arts. Historical Sketches 244 Biography. Iron Workers and Tool Makers. Smiles 177 « History of the TT. S. Also Canadian Industries. Bolles 24S Infectious Diseases. Physics of The. Logan ... 273 Infinities. Our Place Among. Essayson Jewish Sabbath and Astroiogy." Proctor 252 Infohmation, Dictionary of Universal. Beeton ' 5 " for the People. Chambers oa, Ingelow, Whittier, and Longfellow. Poems of .....".' " 309 Injunctions in Equity, etc. Joyce '"' " in Equity. Law of. Kerr igR in United States and England. Law of. High 190 Inquisition of Spain. History of. Florente IN3ANE. Treatment of The. Behind the Bars .'.'.'*."." 275 Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life. Tuke 974 and its Treatment. Medical and Legal. Blandford 070 Insect World. Description of. Their Habits. Figuier oZ Insects, and Diseases Injurious to Wheat Crops. Hind oat " at Home. Wood Injurious to Vegetation. Harris 269 Life of North American. Jaeger •'"* n^l ot JNorth America. Description of. Say 262 of thu West. Injurious. Packard ogo Insolvent Act, 1869. Edo-ar " ' ^"o"" 9Qg Act, 1869. Pophara 2ii Act, 1875. Edgar and Chrysler 209 Act, 1875. Macmahon " .,,, Act, 1875. Practice, Tariffs, etc. Wotherspoon 213 Institutes of Law. Lorimer Institutions. ' English. History of. Smith .""..... 39 Lectures on Early History of. Maine 2H Instruction. Report of Illinois Superintendent of Public . 327 Insurance. Digest of Law of. Fire, Marine, etc. Sansum ........'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'. m General and Public, United States. Welford 191 " Law of. Clarke " Law of. Phillips. . , 190 " Reports, (Illinois) 23- INTELLECT. The Human. Introduction upon. Psychology and the" Soul.' " Porter. 337 Intellectual Life, The. Hamerton 3^. 'I Property, etc. Thoughts on the Nature of. Shaler ....... ..." . . " . 225 System of the Universe. The True. Cudworth 335 Intelligence, On. Taine Intercolonial, The. Inception and Completion of the. Fleming ...'. .' ' ."." ." ' " .' ." 80 FWi.l i l! M k'l 'I .' il f It > , i 'Hi 506 ALPHAUKTICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. h irr' M. cv ii Page. Interest Tables. Matte 9 " Tables in Dollars and Cents, Sansom 9 International Law. Commentary on. Kent 191 «« Law. Elements of. Wheaton 192 *' Law. Introduction to. Woolsey 192 " Law. Private Conflict of Laws. Savigny 182 " Relations. Times Correspondence during War of 1870 . . f 72 Inter-Oceanic Canal, The, and the Monroe Doctrine. (Anon.) 132 Inventions. Classified Index Subjects of, in U. ; ''"tea 10 " Discoveries, etc. History of. Bee 243 " Wonderful. Mariner's Compass to itiiegraph Caulo. Timbs 246 Iowa. Acts of House of Assembly, 1870 152 Acts and Resolutions, 1876 152 Census of, 1875 , 148 Documents, 1874 148 General and Public Acts, 1872 152 House Journals, 1870-2-4-6 148 Private, Local and Temporary Acts, 1872-1874 152 Public Laws, 1874 152 Senate Journals, 1870-2-3-6 148 Ireland, Annals of Kingdom of. O'Donovan 48 " Ancient Laws of 48 " Ancient and Modern, History of. Haverty 50 " Antiquities of. Ledwick 357 Ireland's Case Stated. Burke 49 Ireland. Civil Wars of. Taylor 52 " Contests in 1641-1690. Croker 49 " Description, Inhabitation, etc., of. Holinsheci 50 •' Ecclesiastical Architecture of. Petrie 52 " Historic Memoirs of. Barrington 48 " Historical Tracts concerning. Davies 49 " History and Conquest of. Giraldus Cambrensis 47 " History, Kingdom of. Burton 47 " History of most Remarkable Occurrences in. Story 52 " History of. McGee 51 " History of. Mitchell . . 51 " History of. Moore 51 " History of. O'Grady 51 " History of. Wright 53 " Imperial History of. TaafFe 52 ■ " In 1868. Its Grievances, etc. Fitzgibbon 49 " In 1872. Macaulay 50 " Its Scenery, Character, etc. Hall 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 6or Ireland. Paok. Journals House Coniuions Kingdom of 50 Laws of. Selected from Brehon Law Tracts 357 Letters on Condition of People in. Foster 49 Local Disturbances in. Lewis 50 Native and Saxon. Memoirs of. O'Connell 51 New, Sullivan ^ 52 Political Anatomy of. Petty 52 Reasons of Dependency of, upon England. Atwood 39 Rebellion and Civil War in. Warner 52 Tour of Le Gouz in. Croker 50 Tour in. Present .state of that Kingdom. Young 53 View of the State of. Spencer 52 Walking Tour Round, in 1865. By " An Englishman." 285 Irish Archajological Society's Publications 53 Brigades in the Service of France. O'Callaghan I57 Character, Sketches of. Hall 3O7 Church. Recollections of The. Brooke 29& Confederates and Rebellion of 1798. Field '. 49 Before the Conquest. Ferguson 4^ Easy Lessons ; or, Self-Instruction in. Bourke 326 Eloquence. Specimens of. Phillips 62 Famine of 1847. The Great. O'Rourke 51 History and Irish Character. Smith 52 History. Manual of. Cusack 4^ Histories. Ancient. Spencer, Campion and Hanmer 53 Land Question. Chapters and Speeches on. Mill Life. Realities of. French Manners and Customs of Ancient. O'Curry 51 Minstrelsy. Ancient. Drummond 49 Names and Places. Origin and History of. Joyce 50 Nation : its History and Biography. Wills 53 Nation. Rise and Fall of. Barrington 4g Nation. Pedigrees ; or, Origin and Stem of. O'Hart 51 Poor Law. History of. Nicholl 224 Priests ai-1 English Landlords. Brittaine 298 Race in the Past and Present. Thebaud " '^52 Rebellion in 1798. Maxwell gj Rebellion, The. Temple 52 Settlers in North America. McGee I33 and other Subjects. Lectures and Essays on. Gil.-s 306 Who are the f Bonwick . a iRiSflMAN in Canada. Davin o^ > ok) " The Unbiassed. Woodward go 224 227 > I 1 M Kl' « I I' i LI f)08 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. kr Paoe. Irishmen, The United. Madden , 50 Iron. Fabrication of, for Defences, Fortifications, etc 159 " Manufacture. Groat Britain. Truran 24G Iroquois. Notes on ; or, Contributions to American History. Schoolcraft 77 Irving. Edward. Life of. Oliphant 174 IsoBARic Curves. Report to Meteorological Office on use of. Toynbee 254 Isis Unveiled. Key to Mysteries, Ancient and Modern. Blavatsky 298 Israel. History of. Ewald 342 " Religion of, to Fall of the Jewieh State. Kuenen 344 Italy. Florence and Venice. Taino. 285 " Hurst 73 " History of. Butt 73 " Romance of History. Maofarlane 313 " Rome and Naples. Taine 285 Italian Republic. History of. De Sismondi 73 Jackson, Andrew. Seventh President of the U. States. Life of. Parton 362 Jackson, Sir George. Diaries and Letters of , . 221 Jackson, Stonewall. Life of. By a Virginian 362 Jacobine Review. The Anti- 296 Jacobite Relics of Scotland. Songs, Airs and Legends. Hogg 866 Jail Cradle. Who Rocks it ? (Anon ) 228 Jail Journal ; or. Five years in British Prisons. Mitchell 51 Jamaica. Descriptive Account of. Beckford 121 James I. and Charles I. Lives and Writings of. Harris 43 James the First of Scotland. Life and Death of. (Anon.) ....'. 56 James the Second. Early part of Reign of. Fox 42 Japan and Around the World. Sketches of St. Helena, etc. Spalding 287 " and the Japanese. Humbert 286 " New. Its annals during past Twenty years. Mossman 287 Jay, John. Life of. Selections from his Correspondence and Papers. By Wm. Jay 362 Jefferson, Thos. Life of. Randall 362 Jefferson, Thomas. Third President of U. States. Writings of. Washington . . 362 Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin. Besant and Palmer 285 " Recovery of. Exploration and Discovery. Wilson and Warren 288 " Stirring Times ; or. Records from. Finn 75 " Underground. Expedition through Jordan. Warren 288 Jesuits : their Constitution and Teaching. Cartwright 340 ■" History of. Their Origin and Progress. Nicollini 347 " In North America in Seventeenth Century. Parkman 85 The. Feval 342 Jesuites, Le Joui'nal des. Laverdifere et Cosgrain 90 " Relations des 91 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUHJECTH. 500 Paoe. . . . 344 344 Miliimn 345 Mocatta 34(5 352 JK8U8 C11HI8T. Conferences we8 ^^^ " Assurance. Law of. Bunyon ^^^ " At Home and Abroad. Impressions of. ' Lord Cecil Ht Beginning of. Bastain "^^^ '' How to Enjoy; or. Physical and M'e'ntal Hygiena ' Cornell.' .' ""I In Its Lower, Intermediate and Higher Forms. Zt " Is it Worth Living? Mallock . . . ^^" " Nobility of. Pouitrayed in Prose and Verse". ' ' Valentine -l]^^ Physical Theory of Another. Taylor " Tables. English. F.-irr ^^^ Saving SerJce of the United States: ' R^uktions for Government of S of Asia. Arnold "^"^ Kl 297 Life Light If '■^< , 11 f«*^v 514 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. -r I Faoe. Light, Course of Lectures on. Tyndall 267 " Experiments in Phenomena of. Mayer and Barnard 266 " Lectures on. Delivered in United States. Tyndall 267 Lighthouse Board of the United States. Report of 12 " Board United States. Organization and Duties of 268 " Establishment, United States. Documents and Extracts relating to . . 269 " Establishment, United States. Instructions for Lighthouse Keepers . . 269 " Illumination Coast of France. Memoir upon The. Reynaud 269 " Reports. British. Extracts from Reports of Commissioners 269 Lighthouses. Laws of States relating to Titles and Sites 269 " United States, Canadian and European • 12 Lights. List of. America, Africa and Europe 12 Lightning Protection. Treatise on. Spang 240 Lincoln, Abraham. Life of. By Lamond 363 Lincoln, Abraham. Life and Public Services, State Papers, etc. Raymond 362 Lion, The, and the Elephant. Anderson 288 Literary Property in MSS., Books, etc. Law of. Morgan 195 " Characters. Gallery of Illustrious. By Bates 367 «' Studies of Bagehot 297 Literature and Dogma. Matthew Arnold 338 " And Social Judgments. Greg 221 " Art, Copyri'jht, etc. Law of. Shortt 183 " Canadienne. Histoire de la. Lame 311 '* Classic. Sanscrit, Greek and Roman. White 324 " Curiosities of. Disraeli 304 " Cyclopaedia of American. Notices and Selections from. Ducyckink . . 302 " English. Lectures in Museum of Industry, Dublin 304 " Every-Day Book of Modern. Townsend 323 " Gems of. (British Colonial Magazine.) 306 " History of American. Tyler 323 «* History of English. Taine 322 " History of French. Bridge 298 «' History of Political. Blakey ' 217 •' History of Spanish. Ticknor 323 «« Might and Mirth of. Macbeth 312 " Miscellanies of. Disraeli 304 " Modern European Hand-Book of. Foster 305 « Of Age of Elizabeth. Whipple 324 " Of Ancient Greece. History of. Muller 316 •* Of Europe. Historical View of. Sismondi 321 " Of Europe. Intixiduction to. Hallam 30? ♦• Pictures from English. Waller 324 " 1776-1876. Century of. Beers 297 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP SUBJECTS. Literature. Three Centuries of English. Yonge ^*'''- Littleton. Lord Coke's Commentary on ^^^ Live Stock of the Farm. Pringle ^^^ Lives and Deeds Worth Knowing About.' " Stevenson 'W. ''' Golden. Biographies for the Day. Page LiVY. By Collins ^ 257 Local Courts and Municipal Gazette ^^^ Locomotive Engine Driving, etc. Reynolds'!^ .^^* •' Engineer, Fireman and Engine Boy. Reynolds ITa Engineering and Mechanism of Railways, etc. Colburn oil Logic. Lectures on. Hamilton v^oiourn 243 Ratiocinative and Inductive. Mill ^^^ London, 1879. Dictionary of. Dickens '^^^ ;; Heterodox ; or, Free Thought in the Metropolis." ' Davis .■.■.■.■.■ f' Letters from ; 1856 to 1860. Dallas Labour and the London Poor. Mayhew ^^^ " T^.:''T "^''^ " ^"''^' ^^*^°P°^-' " ^-- ■■■■'■'-'. 302 Night Side of. Ritchie ^"^ ;; Orthodox. Religious Life in Church of England." " Da^is' .'.■:." ''o Pictorially Illustrated. Knight " Scientific. Becker *^ Statistics of the World of. Schem ^^* ;; TheRomanceof. Strange Stories. Scenes and "pers'ons." " "Timbs " ."." 323 To Land's End and Back. Walk from. Burritt „:: Lord Durham's Report on British North America. 1839 LoRD,Our. Life of, upon the Earth. Andrews ^^^ LomsXIV. Life and Times of. James ^^^ Louis XVIII., and Charles X. Reigns of. "crowe ^^ Louisiana. Acts of. 1880 ^^ Annual Reports Supreme Court. 1880 ^^ History of. Gayarre " " ' ^^^ Official Journal House of Representatives. 1880 ..... Ill Official Journal Senate of. 1880 Low Latitudes. Lispings from. Lady DufFerin '^"" ^*^ Lower Canada and the United States. Travels through. " "Lambert ^ - Loyola and Jesuitism in its Rudiments. Taylor iis'i ill si!f ■ •- i :l:^^l '^1 516 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. I Paox. Loyalists of America and their Times. Ryerson 86 " of the American Revolution. Biographical Sketches of. Sabine 363 Lloyd's. History of, and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain. Martin 233 Lunacy, etc. Statutes relating to. Archibald 195 Lyrics. Legal and Miscellaneous. Outram 317 *' Songs and Sonnets. Chandler and Mulvaney 301 Macaulay, Lord. His Complete Works. By his Sister, Lady Trevelyan 312 " Macaulay Charges." Penu, Wm. Historical Biography. Dixon 176 Macedonian Empire. Rise of The. Curteis 37 Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work, etc. Dictionary of. Appleton 242 Machinery. Effects of, on Wages. Nicholson 224 Mackenzie, W. L. Life and Times of. Lindsey 84 Madagascar. Three Visits to. Ellis 289 Magazine. Hunt's Merchants' 232 Magic. Natural. Brewster 264 Magisterial and Police Guide. Greenwood 193 Magistrates. Acts of 1869. Kerr 210 " Digest of Cases relating to, etc. Cox 195 " Manual. Duties of J. P.'s. in Upper Canada. McNab 211 " Manual. Summary Criminal Law. Clarke 209 Magna Charta of King John. Thomson 33 Magnetic Declination. Observations of, made at Trevandrum. Brown 266 Mahomet. Life of. Muir 175 Mails, Her Majesty's. History Post Office, etc. Lewins 232 Maine. History of. Williamson 135 Majorities. Protection of ; or. Electoral Reform. Quincy 225 Malacca, Indo-China and China. Straits of. Thomson 282 Malay Archipelago. Studies of Man and Nature. Wallace 264 Mammalia described by Typical Species. Figuier 260 Man and Apes. Structural Resemblances. Mivart 259 " And Beast, Here and Hereafter. Wood 258 " And Nature. Physical Geography Modified by Human Action. Marsh 261 *• Descent of, and Selection in relation to Sex. Darwin 258 " Early, in Britain, and his Place in the Tertiary Period. Dawkins 258 " Geological Evidences of Antiquity of. Sir C. Lyell 259 " In the Past, Present and Future. Buchner 258 " Life of. Symbolised by Months of Year. Leigh ton and Pigot 241 *' Natural History of. Prichard 259 «« Of his Time. The Life of Napoleon III. Haswell 70 " Prehistoric. Origin of Civilization in Old and New World. Wilson 259 " The Coming. Smith 322 " The Martyrdom of. Reade 318 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ol7 Man's Place in Nature. Huxley ^^°*' Mann, Horace. Life of. By his Wife ^^^ "Mann" and Manners at the Court of Florence. ' 1740-1786.' Doran Ill Manners and Customs, Primitive. Farrar ^°* Mankind. Early History of ; and Development' of Civilization. " Taylor Ill Manitoba. Creation of ; or, History Red River Troubles. Begg L Map of ^* '' Manukacturks, American. History,' 'origi'n and 'orowth of.' ' Bishop .11 « PhTT J y^"^' "' """ ""'''''''' ««^^«*^"- of 'Embassy'. 237 Map of M . f '^7P*^y '^f- ^^«^ry System of Great Britain. Ure . . . 246 Map of Modern London and the Suburbs. Stanford tt: Mappe Monde. Delisle ^' ' Maps, Ethnographical, to Natural History of 'Man. ' ' Prichard HI Maple Leaf; or, Canadian Annual ^^^ " Leaves, Canadian History, Literature,' etc.' ' LeMoine ^H Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Thoughts of. Long Marengo. Campaigns of Napoleon. Thiers . . ^^^ Marriage and Divorce; Law of. Bishop .,[,[] ^^^ " And Divorce. Ernst ^^^ And other Family Settlements. ' Law of.' Peachey Jo! • " Effects of, on Property. Law of England as to. Kenny iq. Married Women. Law of. Bishop .... ^^^ " Woman's Property Act, etc. Griffith JqJ " Women's Property Acts, Ontario. Walkem " o! o Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Life of. Yonge ll Marine Hospital Service of the United States. Report of Surgeonof 2 5 Insurance and General Average. Law of. Parsons tl Maritime Provinces. Hand-Book for Travellers. Osgood ;? Maritime Warfare. Law of. Hazlitt and Roche ,11 Market Fluctuations. Rationale of. Ellis ' Marlowe, Christopher. Works of. Edited by' Cunningham T,l Martyrs of Science. Brewster Mary Queen of Scots, and Her Accusers" Hosa^k '. ^^« Massachusetts. Acts and Resolves. 1876 " Auditors' Report. 1876 General Statutes of, 1860-1872 " History of. Barry " History of. Bradford ^^ I' Powers and Duties of Town and Parish Officers. 'llerrick ..'.'.". ill Supplement to General Stafutee of 1867 Master and Servant, Employer and Employed. Law of. Smith of Masters, Workmen, Servants, etc. Law relative to. Macdonald Z Matter. Mystery of. Picton 337 1 1 'I 1. 11 'li I I' l< il It ; 1 111 518 ALPHABKTICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 'i il Paok. Mathematics. Philosophy of. Comte ' 326 " Popular course of Pure and Mixed. Nicholson 245 Mathehatioal Instruments, their Construction, Use, etc. Heather 244 " Instruments. Treatise on. Robertson 246 Mathieson, Alex. Life of. Croil 175 Mayo, Earl of. Fourth Viceroy of India. Hunter 122 Max Miiller, and the Philosophy of Language. Noire 317 Maxims, Legal, Classified and Illustrated. Broom 193 Mazzini, Joseph. Life, Writings, and Political Principles. Garrison 175 Mazzini, Joseph. With two of his Essays, and a Memoir. (Anon.) 175 McCuNN, J. H. Justice Superior Court of New York. Trial of 208 Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Optics, etc. Lectures on. Ferguson 265 Mechanics' Lien Acts, etc. Holmestead 196 Mechanics' Liens on Real and Personal Property. Law of. Phillips 196 Meagher, T. F. Political and Military Career. Speeches, etc. Lyons 175 Medals of British Army, and How they were Won. Carter 155 Medicine and Hygiene. Dictionary of. Hayden 272 " Homceopathic Domestic. Laurie . . ; 273 " Jurisprudence of. Ordronaux 196 " Lectures on State. De Chaumont 271 *' Principles and Practice of. Flint 272 " Psychological. Manual of, etc. Bucknill and Tuke 270 " System of. Reynolds 273 Medical Cases Treated in the Army of the U. States. From 1865 to 1871 275 " And Surgical History War of the Rebellion, 1861-'5. Otis 275 " Department British Army. Statistical, Sanitary and Medical Reports . . 275 " Essays. By Medical Officers of the U. S. Navy 275 " Jurisprudence. Taylor 196 '• Jurisprudence. Wharton and Stille 196 " Medical Information and Advice. Book of. Begbie 270 " Officers of the United States Navy. Instructions for 275 " Science. Dictionary of. Dunglison 272 " Science. Lexicon of Terms, Ancient and Modern. Mayne 273 " Therapeutics, Modern. Formulae and Directions. Napheys 273 Medicis, Lorenzo De. Life of. Roscoe 74 Mediterranean Illustrated. Cities, Shores, etc. Adams 282 " Sea. Navigation of. Issued by the U. S. Government 269 «• Sea. Its Winds, Currents and Navigation. Le Gras 268 Memoirs of Many Men and of Some Women, Kings, Queens, etc. Field 164 Melville, Viscount. Trial of, for High Crimes and Misdemeanours 208 Members. Arrest or The Five, by Charles the First. Forster 42 Memorial of People of Red River for Territorial Road 90 Memorials, Ecclesiastical, relating to Religion and its Reformation. Strype .... 352 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 519 Memoirs of an American Lady. Manners previous to Revolution TsS Men and Manners in Parliament. By Member for Chiltem Hundreds 314 I Nations, and Places. History of. Salverte " g Of History. Kings, Statesmen, Poets, etc. (Anon.) igi Of the Second Empire. (From Pall Mall Gazette) .oR 'I Of the Third Republic. (From The Daily News) ...'.'.".[['.'.'.'.['. Jg^ Of the Time. Dictionary of Contemporaries. Cooper ,,.. 7 Of our Times ; or, Leading Patriots of the Day. Stowe " " 133 " Who Have Made the New German Empire. Strauss igT Mental Disease. Responsibility in. Maudsley .... Mercantile Law. Compendium of. Smith igg " Law. Elements of. Parsons... ,q„ Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. Lindsay ^2 Merchants, American. Lives of. Hunt ,J. Merritt,W.H. Biographyof. J. P. Merritt ." ." H Merrow, Village of, its Past and Present. Johnson . . Jll Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. Carpenter t Metals. History of the Precious. Delmar 2^* Metallurgf. Extracting Metals from their Ores. ' Phillips. oaI ' " Manual of. Makins Metaphysics. Lectures on. Hamilton Metcalfe, Lord, Selections from Papers of. Kaye .........].., 122 Lord. Life and Correspondence. Kaye Meteorology and Hypsometry. Tables in. Williamson .... . . .'."*' .' [[]][[ "" 254 " Elements of. Brocklesby « Of Cape Horn and West Coast of S. America ............,.,["" 253 Of North Atlantic. Report on. Toynbee o'ii Meteorological Committee of Royal Society. Report of. ." .' .' .' .' ' .* ." [ * .' ." ,[[[]''' 254 Essays, with Introduction. Arago Reports and Weather Maps. Practical Use of. oro Methodist Episcopal Church. Doctrines and Disciplines of [ 340 Episcopal Church. History of. Bangs 330 Pulpit. The Canadian. Phillips and Dewart onn Methodism in Canada. Case and his Co- temporaries 340 " in Canada. History of. Playter Mexico. Conquest of. Prescott ^^^ •••... ^ fmm " Its Peatiants and its Priests. Wilson Mexican Republic. Lester MiCHiE,SirA. Readings in Melbourne. Resources and Prospects of Victoria " " 3^9 Michigan. Compiled Laws of. 1872. Dewv "■■ ,_! " Political History of. Campbell j„^ " History of. Lanman Microscope. Its History, Construction and Application. Hogg! .............. . 266 1 620 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Paob. Middle Ages, Popular Romances of The. Cox and Jones 302 MiDiAX. Gold Mines of. Tour in North-Westem Arabia. Burton 286 Mill, John S. Life and Works. Twelve Sketches 175 Mill's, J. S., Philosophy. Examination of. McCosh 3.37 Miller, Hugh. Life and Letters of. Baine 175 Military and Martial Law. Clode 196 " And Naval History and Science 154 •* ■« And Naval Pamphlets, United States 159 " History of U.S, Grant Baden 156 " Life. Events of a. Henry 82 " Prisons. Discipline and Management of. Henderson 221 Milton. Concordance to Poetical Works of. Cleveland 301 Milton, John. Works of, in Verse and Prose. By Mitford 314 Mind and Brain. Consciousness and Organization. Laycock 336 " In the Lower Animals in Health and Disease. Lindsay 273 " Pathology of. Maudsley 273 " Physiology and Pathology of. Maudsley 273 Mineral Springs of United States and Canada. Walton 274 " Surveyor and Valuer's Complete Guide. Lintern 248 M NNESOTA. General Statutes of. 1867 153 Mines and Miners : Underground Life. Simonin 246 " Mills, etc., of Pacific States and Territories. Raymond 246 '• Minerals and Metals. Treasures of the Earth. Jones 244 Mining Industry United States. Atlas 242 " Rights and Privileges in Canada. Hart ; 210 Minstrelsy Ballad, of Scotland. Romantic and Historical 366 " of the Scottish Border. Scott 319 Mint of the United States. Examination of Weights and Balances of. Davidson . . 264 " The Royal ; its Working, Conduct and Operations. Ansell 230 Miracles of Our Lord. Notes on. Trench 352 Mirror of Parliament 30 Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. Buckle 299 Miscellanies. Literary and Historical. Bancroft 297 " Political and Literary. Duff 220 Missions, Christian. Their Agents and Their Results. Marshall 345 " Cyclopaedia of. Newcombe 346 " In North-Westem America. Tache 87 Mississippi. Early Voyages Up and Down The. St, Cosmo and Cavalier 278 " To Itasca Lake. Expedition through the Upper. Schoolcraft 295 MoAB. The Land of. With Chapter on Persian Palace of Mashita. Tristram .... 287 Mobile Bay= Battle of= Parker .......,.. = , = ■. = ...,......, 157 Mohammed and Mohammedanism. Smith 322 Molecular and Microscope Science. Somerville 267 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 511 MoLTKE. Field Marshal. 1800-1878. MuUer ^i;5 MoNAOHAN. History County of. Shirley 53 MoNAKOHY and Democracy. Modern Politics. Duke of Somerset. . ...... . . ... .' .* 226 " The Seventh Great Oriental. Rawlinson 3g Monarchies. The Five Great, of Ancient Eastern World.' " Rawlinson.'.'.* .' .* .' .' .' .' .' .* 36 Of Continental Europe. Abbott gg Monasteries in the Levant, Visits to. Curzon 283 Monk, or the Fall of the Republic. Guizot 61 Monk's Contemporaries. Biographic Studies on English Revolution! Guizot 61 Monks of the West. St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Montalembert 346 Moon. The. Considered as a Planet, World, and Satellite. Nasmyth and Carpenter 251 Money and its Laws. Currencies of United States. Poor 234 " Market. Lombard Street. Bagehot 230 " Moran 233 " Weights and Measures. Browne a Monetary Diplomacy, 1878. Cemuschi 231 •* and Industrial Fallacies. Howe 232 Montalembert, Count de. Memoir of. Mrs. Oliphant 175 Monographs. Economic „„„ . ^o7 Peraonal and Social. Houghton jgy Montcalm, et les Derni^res Annies de la Colonie Francaise au Canada. Martin 84 Montreal and the Ottawa. Keefer g3 Diocese of. Sermons, Addresses, and Statistics. Bishop Fulford 81 " History of. Casson «.q Voyages From, to Frozen and Pacific Oceans .... Mackenzie .......... 8 Moral Science. Elements of. Wayland 338 •* Science. Lectures on. Hopkins 33g Morals. History of European. Lecky 222 Moravians. History of The. Bost 339 Moore, George. Merchant and Philanthropist. Smiles 175 MooRE and Jerdan. Personal Re?7iiniscences of. Stoddard ................ * . . . 175 Moore, Thomas. Life, Journal and Correspondence of. Earl Russell 1 76 Mormons. Rocky Mountain Saints. History of. Stenhouse ... 2'>6 Morte D'Arthur. King Arthur and Knights of Round Table. Sir. T. Malory. . . 313 Mortgage. Law of. Coote. ,„„ *. 1 y D Law of. Fisher jgg Mothers of Great Men. Mrs. Ellis , -o Motljy, J. L. A Memoir. Holmes 176 Mottoes and Aphorisms from Shakespeare k Mountain and Prairie. Victoria to Winnipeg. Gordon 368 MoujiTAiNEERiNG lu 1861. Vacation Tour. Tyndall 285 Mummies and Moslems. Warner '. Municipal Institutions of Ontario. Acts respecting The. Wills .* . 212 m V 1 I ' •; r I fi, ' i» t ii 1 522 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Page, Municipal Law. Introduction to. Pomeroy 197 " Manual for Upper Canada, Assessment Acts, etc. Harrison 210 " Matters. Kevised Statutes of Ontario relating to. Kingsford 210 " - Registration and Elections. Law of. Saunders ■ • 35 Museum. South Kensington. Hand-Bood to Loan Collection 245 Music and Morals. Haweis 308 MusKOKA. Letters from. By " Emigrant Lady." 90 " and Parry Sound Districts. Guide Book and Atlas of 90 Mutineers of the •' Bounty." Lady Belcher 297 Mycen^ and Tiryns. Researches and Discoveries at. Schliemann 319 Myths, Curious, of the Middle Ages. Gould 307 Mythology. Manual of. Cox 355 " Manual of. Murray 355 " Philosophy, Religion, etc. Primitive Culture. Taylor 259 " Teutonic. Grimm 307 Names, Great in European History. Adams 66 " History of Christian. Yonge 8 Napier, Gen. Sir 0. J. Life of. By Sir W. Napier 176 Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba, Maclachlan - 357 At St. Helena. Ane ^dotes and Conversations. Abbott 357 At St. Helena. From Letters i.nd Journals of Sir H. Lowe. Forsyth . . 357 At St. Helena. Las Casas . 70 Buonaparte. History of. Abbott 70 Buonaparte. Historic Doubts relative to. Whately 338 In Exile ; or, a voice from St. Helena. O'Meara 70 The First. History of. Lanfrey 70 Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. De Segur 155 Napoleon III. Life of. Jerrold 70 Nation, The. Foundations of Civil Order, etc., in U. States. Mulford 133 Nations, Progress of, in Civilization, Industry, etc. Seaman 225 " Pre-Historic. Baldwin 36 " Strength of. Bisset 217 National Constituent Assembly of France. History of. Corkran 69 Nature, Bieauties of. Sketches in Natural History 241 ** And the Bible. Dawson 255 " Higher Ministry of. Leifchild 336 ** Lessons from, as manifested in Mind and Matter. Mivart 261 " Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 266 Natural History. Dictionary of. Beeton , 260 " History. Essays on. Waterton 261 " History. Wood 258 " History. Report on New York State Museum of 261 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 62S Natural History of Creation. Vestiges of The 258 " Phenomena. Physical Atlas of. Johnston 276 " Philosophy. Lessons on. Tyndall 267 " Philosophy for Readers and ^oung Persons. •Oanot 265 " Philosophy. Treatise on. Deschanel 264 Phenomena. History of. Study of Forces of Nature. Saigey . . . . . . . . 266 " Science. History of, etc. Buckley 264 Naturalist and Geologist. Canadian * 264 " In Nicaragua, Journeys, etc. Belt 291 " In Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Lord 261 " On the River Amazon. Bates 291 " The American. Magazine of Natural History. Packard 261 Naturalists' Handbook. The Field. Wood 262 Navy List. British ''.g " The Royal. Photographed in Colours I59 " (U. S.) during Rebellion. History of. Boynton 15^, " Of United States of America. History of. Cooper 155 Naval and Military Trials. Burke 20R " History Great Britain. James jgg " Mission to Europe. U. S. Report on I59 " Occurrences late War between G. Britain und 17. States. James ...., 156 NAViaATJON of the Atlantic Ocean. Labrosse ; 268 " And Nautical Astronomy. Coffin 268 " And Nautical Astronomy, Practice of. Raper 269 In the Pacific Ocean. Dangers to 269 Navigator Practical. New American. Bowdich ; 268 Negative Sign in Algebra, etc. Use of. Baron Maseres 266 Negligence. Law of. Campbell jg- " Law of. Saunders iq«. Nelson, Lord. Despatches and Letters of. Nieholas 61 Nervous Centres. Pathological Anatomy of. Fox " 272 *• Diseases. Description and Treatment. Hamilton 272 " Exhaustion, (Neurasthenia.) Beard 270 Exhaustion, and the Diseases induced by it. Campbell 271 Net in the Bay ; or, visit to Moose and Albany. Anderson , 77 Netherlands. History of the United. Motley 73 Neuralgia and Diseases of Nervous System. Chapman ..."..!. 271 Neutrality Great Britain during American Civil War. Bernard 191 New Brunswick. Early History, Settlement, etc. Gesner . . . . . ' " . gl " Brunswick. Historical and Statistical Account of. Atkinson ........ ^ !" * . . 77 " Brunswick. Wilderness. Journeys in. Gordon §1 Newfoundland. Excursions in and about. Jukes 83 " Geography of. Howley go ;!' ■ i ': «!:■ 'It ill 684 ALPHABKTICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Paoi. Newfoundland. History of. Pedley gg " And its Missionaries, etc. Wilson 89 " As It Was, and as It Is, in 1«77. Tocqun 88 Nbw England Coast. Nooks and Corners of. Drake 278 " England during Stewart Dynasty. Palfrey 134 •' Hampshire. Journals, Senate and House of Representatives, 1876 149 " Hampshire. Laws of, 1876 153 " Hampshire. Supreme Court Reports. Shirley 153 " Masters. Our. Wright 227 " Republic. The; or, Culture, Faith, etc., in English Country House. (Anon.). . 317 " Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Greek. Wordsworth .... 354 " York. Assembly Documents, 1867-1879 149 " York. Assembly Journals, 1866-1879 149 " York. Code Civil Procedure of. Throop 153 " York. Documents : Colonial History. Broadhead-O'Callaghan 133 " York. History of. Broadhead .' 365 " York. History State of. Randall 134 " York. Laws of, 1865-1879 153 " York. Laws of, 1877. Code Civil Procedure 153 " York. Northern and Adirondack Wilderness. Sylvester 135 '• York, Old ; or, Reminiscences of Past Sixty Years. Francis 131 " York. Report of Regents of University on Boundaries of 134 " York. Revised Statutes of, 1859 153 «• York. Senate Journals, 1866-1879 149 " York, Senate Documents, 1867-1879 149 " York. Statutes at Large, 1863-1870 153 " Netherlands ; or. New York under the Dutch. O'Callagan 134 " New Paul and Virginia ; or. Positivism on an Island. Mallock 366 Newspaper Directory, for United States, Canada, and Newfoundland. Rowell .... 10 " Press. Its Origin, Progress and Present Position. Grant 221 New Hampshire. Reports to the Legislature, 1876 149 New Testament. How to Study. Alford 338 " Testament Times. History of. Time of Jesus. Hausrath 346 New West, or California in 1867-68. Brace 294 " World compared with the Old. Townsend 227 " Zealand. Station Life in. Lady Barker 296 NiAGAUA Falls, etc. N. York State Survey on Preservation of Scenery of 248 " Its History and Geology, etc. HoUey 82 " Quebec and Boston. Fashionable Tour to 91 Nicaragua ; Its People, Scenery, Monuments and Proposed Canal. Squier 292 NiccoLO Macchiavelli and his Times. Vi!lari 74 Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Browne 335 Nights. Tables showing Lengths of. Light-House Districts U. States 252 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX OF SUBJECTS. 525 Nightfall and Midnight. Musings after Dark. Jacox . ^""': Nile. Discovery of Source of the. Speke " Land of the ; or, Egypt Past and Present ' * Adains ..'.". HI Nineteenth Century. A History. Mackenzie . Zt Nineveh and Babylon. Expedition to Assyria. Layard" .'.".' .' „«« " And its Remains. Layard Newman, J. H. Characteristics from the' Wri'tin^s of ^f Noble Workers. Book of Examples for Young Men. Page ,11 Nobility. Our Untitled. Tillotson ^ Noctek Ambrosianffi. Wilson [[[ ^®® " NoMOTH£TE8," The Interpreter. Manley ^^^ Normandy and England. History of. Palgrave ^^ NOHTH America. History of. Voyages in Hudson's Bay," ete. " De ia Potherie " " 80 Amencans of Antiquity. Their Origin, Migration, etc. Short.. -35 Atlantic Ocean. Currents and Surface Temperature of . Zl India. Days in. Macleod " Pacific Ocean. Deep Soundings in ........'...'..'. ^^^ Pole. Voyage of Discovery towards The. Buchan 27« " Polar Expedition. Narrative of the U. S. Ship PoWi,. " Hall oso Nokth-West American Water Boundary. Submitted to Emperor of Germany" ' " ' 90 Dot It Down. Story of Life in. Begg * 292 •Great Lone Land. Travel in. Butler " Life in. Begg "^ Narratives of Voyages Towards. Rundall ........'. Jl Passage. Discovery of. Hearne Passage. By Land. From Atlantic to "padfic." " MHton "and Cheadle 85 Passage. Voyages for Discovery of. Parry gSO ;; Passage. Vindication of Capt. Middleton's Conduct'for" Discovering 280 Territory. Our Strength and Theirs. Dawson.. gO Territories. Their Extent and History ^^ Northern Lights. Under The. MacGahan .".'.' Nations. Conversion of. Men vale Notaries Public in the U. States. Office and D^uties of." " "pro'ffatt 197 Nova Scotia, in its Historical, Mercantile, and Industrial Relations. " ■cam"pbell " ' 78 Historical and Statistical Account of. Haliburton " " gl Letters from. Moorsom Present State of. Account of Canada, etc " gj Selections from Public Documents of. Aikins " 77 Novelists and Dramatists. Lives of. Scott Numismatic Manual. The American ^^^ Nursing. Hand-Book of. For Family and "oeneral Use .' .* .' ." ." ." " .' .'.".■.';;;; .' .* ." ." ] ' 375 ': ,1 ! lit 520 ALPUABUTIOAL IND£X OF 8UBJKCTU. c- Vaoi. Oblrisk and Freemasonry. WoiBsc 324 Objkct LuKHouH. Primary. For Graduated Oourge of Dcvolopment. Calkins.... 326 UoKAN, AtiiiOHplior« and Life. History of tho Life of tho (Jloht'. Reclus 267 " to Oc(5aii. Fleming's Expedition Through Canada. Grant 81 " Wonders. Damon 262 *' World. The H< a and its Living Lihabitants. Figuier 257 OoKANA, and other Works. Harrington .- 308 O'CoNNKLL. Speeches and Public Letters of. Cusack 61 Odes and Epodos of Horace. Lord Lytton 312 Offick List. Colonial. Fairfield 10 " List. The Foreign. Hertslet 10 Oliver Ckomwell. The Protectorate of, and the State of Europe. Vaughan. ... 46 O'Neill, and O'Donel. Fate and Fortunes of. Meehan 51 Ontario Cabinet Lawyer. Legal Forms, etc. Whitley 212 Opinions, Legal. Collection of. Cameron 208 " Official, of Attorneys-General of United States 151 Ohio. Auditor's Report, for 1875 149 " Cases in Supreme Court of. De Witt 163 '• Constitutional Convention. Debates . 134 " Executive Documents. Message and Annual Reports for 1867 149 " Historical Collections of. Howe 132 " Journal, House of Representatives, 1867 149 " Journal, Senate of. 1867 149 " T^ws of. 1876- 79 163 " Report of Commisssoners of Statistics for 233 " Revised Statutes and other Acts of. 1880 153 " Revised Statutes of. 1860 153 " Statistics. 1878 237 Old Red Sandstone; or New Walks in an Old Field. Miller 314 Oranoe River. Among S. African Tribes. Mackenzie 289 Oratory. American . . 138 Orations of Cicero. Yonge 38 " Of Demosthenes on the Crown and Embassy. Kennedy 37 " Of Demosthenes against Leptines, Midias, etc. Kennedy 37 Orbs Around Us. Essays on Moon, Planets and Sun. Proctor 252 Orchids Fertilized by Insects. Darwin 260 Ordinances. Lower Canada. 1841 119 '• Province of Quebec 91 Ordnance, Heavy. On Depressing and other Carriages for 159 Oregon. There and Back, in 1877. Nash 295 " Trail. Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Parkman 293 Oroanon The : or Logical Treatises of AriBtotle= Owen ,,,,..,,,,, 335 Ornithology, American. Birds of the U. States. Wilson and Bonaparte 261 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUHJEOTS. m Ornitholoqik du Canada. Lo Moine ^*''*' Obsian. PoftiriH of. In th« Original Gaelic. By Clark 317 Ottawa and EaHt.-rn TownHhipa Hc«i.ory. Hunter " Sconory. Hunter " , uo Ottoman Power in Europe. Freeman " Turks. History of. Creasy Our Own Time.s. History of. McCarthy !? Outpost Duties. Manual of, for Volunteers. Denison 1 «. Ovid, liy Alfred Church . 317 Ox, The. His DiseascH and Treatment. Dobson OxKOKD, Annals of. .loartVeson ... ** ********** •••••».. *^07 " Its Social and Intellectual Life, etc. Stedman 329 Pacific to the Atlantic. Journal of Passage from The. Law.... 279 1' J^r'I T 1^\ i""""^ ^''"'" Edmonton to the Pacific. Horetzky '. ". ." ". .' .' 293 Island World of The, etc. Cheover 281 " Ocean and Round the World. Voyage to North. "' Vancouver .280 Painteh'8 Camp, in England, Scotland and France. Hamerton 284 "Pakeha-Maohi." Old New Zealand. Tale of Good Old Times. (Anon) 123 Palace, Ancient, and Late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, etc. Histoid' of. Brayley ^ •' •' 238 Paleontology for use of Students. Manual of. Nicholson ................. 255 of Province Ontario. Report upon. Nicholson 256 Palestine : its Holy Sites and Sacred Story. Tillotson 07 Our Work in . • 287 Tent Work in. Discovery and Adventure. Conder 28 'J Pallissy, the Potter. Life of. H. Morley , -'. Palmerston, Lord. Biography of. McGilchrist ..................... .\^, " 62" Viscount. Life of. Selections from "his Speeches, etc. Ashley...... 62 " Viscount. Life, with Selections from his Diaries, etc. Buhver 69 Pamphlets, Canadian ... .... - 359 Papal Conclaves, as They Were and as They Are. Trollope 353 Paper Money the Root of Evil. Currency of United States, etc.* Mann 233 Parables of Our Lord. Notes on. Trench "352 Paradise Lost : Milton's. Illustrated by Dore 24'> Paradoxes. Budget of. De Morgan 303 and Puzzles. Historical, Judicial and Literary. Pa^et 317 Paraguay. History of. Charlevoix ° Paralysis. Pseudo-Hypertrophic Muscular. Gowers 272 Paris in 1851 ; or, the Coup D'Etat of Napoleon IIL Tenot. . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . , " 71 under the Commune. Leighton «/> " Herself again: in 1878-79. Sala ^S-*^ " Notes on. Paine ' " " ^'1 Parker Society. Publications of The o .« ''t 628 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Paob. Parks and Gardens of Paris. Robinson 249 Parliament in Reign of Edward I. Constitution of. Luders 16 " Long. Note Book of Proceedings in The. Northcote 33 « Of England, 1640. History of. May 33 " Observations on Power of the British. (Anon.) 32 " The Irish. Williams 53 Parliaments of Britain. Summons of Nobility to Councils. Dugdale 34 Parliaments, Canadian. Powers of. Watson 33 " In England. Ancient Method of Holding. Elsynge 33 " In Ireland. Antiquity and Constitution of. Mason 51 *• Institution, Power and Jurisdiction of. Hales 33 Parliamentarium Flagellum 42 Parliamentary Anecdote. Book of. Jennings and Johnstone 310 And Municipal Registration Manual. Glen 15 Companion, 1880. Mackintosh 7 Elections. Controverted, in Canada. Notman 16 Government in British Colonies. Todd 33 Government in England. History of Struggle for. Bisset 40 Government in England. Todd 33 Hand-Book. General Elections : 1874-1880. Herbert 355 Law, Rules of Congress, etc. Wilson 17 Practice. May 35 Practice. Mell 35 Reform. Thoughts on. Mill 224 Voters in Ireland. Law of Registration of. Cleary 15 The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy. Rawlinson 39 Parthia. Partnership, « Commentaries on Law of. Story 197 Law of. Parsons 197 Partnerships. Law of, etc. Lindley 197 Party. History of. Cooke 31 Parties and their Principles. Holmes 132 Pascal, Blaise. Provincial Letters of 317 Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Durer 241 Patagonia. Wanderings in. Beerbohra 291 . Patagonians. At Home with The. Masters 291 Patent Cases. Macrory 198 " Law of all Countries. Thompson 198 '* Office Reports. Wasltington . . 245 Patents. Decisions of U. S. Commis.sioner of 10 " For Inventions in U uitod Kingdom, etc. Abolition of. Armstrong .. 214 " For Inventions. Proteetiorx of Designs and Tradu Marks. Campin.... 197 " For Inventions and Copyright, etc. Digest of American Cases. Law.. 198 Patentees' Manual, Law and Practicf of Letters Patent. Johnson and Henry . . 197 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 529 Paul the Apo.tle of Jesus Christ. His Life and Work. Baur ^foo Paumnism. Contribution to History Primitive Christian Theology. Pfleiderer" " " \,n Pauperism. Prevention of. Blackley ne.aeier .... 350 Payment. Ways and Means of. Credit System. Colwell "' " !!! Peace Kepublican's Manual. French Constitution, 1793. Halshofi" Peace River. Voyage from Hudson's Bay to Pacific. McDonald «« Pkkl, Sir R. An Historical Sketch. Henry, Lord Bailing, and Bulwer 6^ Sir K Memoirs : Edited by Earl Stanhope and Hon. E. Cardwell ' " 62 '' Sir R. His Political Life. An Analytical Biography. Doubleday 62 SirR. Life and Times of. Taylor , Peloponnesian War. Thucydides ^^ Peltier, John. Trial of. For Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte oil Pencillings from "Punch. " Leech Peninsular War. Story of. Marquis of Londonderry . ...'.'.',['.'. ■* Itl Pennsylvania. Purdon's Digest Law of. 1700 to 1867 ..[ ^53 People of England. Social Condition and Education of. Kay 932 Peerage and Baronetage of British Empire. Burke * . ' " And Baronetage. Lodge And Titles of Courtesy. Debrett Baronetage and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland Dod 7 " Of Poverty. Workers in Fields, Farms, and Factories. Hood 167 Perceval, Rt. Hon. S. His Life and Correspondence. Walpole .■.'.■.■.■.■ .' .' 62 Rt. Hon. S. Life and Administration of. Williams ro Percy Anecdotes. R and S. Percy Pericles. The Age of. Politics and Arts of ' Greece. ' ' Lloyd ^07 Peripatetica, Colloquia. Duncan Persia. History of. Watson ^^* Personal Property. Law of Sale of. Benjamin .......'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'. 202 Property. Principles Law of. Williams .'."."." jgg Property. Law of Sales of. Story Persons, of Quality, etc., who went to American Plantations.' " Holton Jy Personages. Eminent Drawing-Room Portrait Gallery of. Pound ...'.' " ." '[[" " 342 " Famous and Places. Willis " Peru, Conquest of. Prescott ^ ^ " Travel and Explorafc'ons in Land of the Incas. ' Squier Jl Perthes, Frederick. Patriot and Man of Business yj Peter the Apostle. His Life and Letters. Green ^J. Peter the Great. Memoir of. Barrow Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Brunton ,[][] 270 Pharsalia of Lucan. Riley f, ^ Philip XL, King of Spain. Reign of. Prescott ^ ' "^^ Philology, Modern. Discoveries, History and Influences. Dwight . . .' ', .' ." ." .' " ' " " 337 LX '1 N i, : ill Ml 630 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Page. Philosophy, Ancient ; or, the Enchiridion of Epictetus. Talbot 337 " Cosmic. Outlines of. Fiske 336 " History of. From Thales to Comte. Lewis 336 « History of. From Thales to Present Time. Ueberweg 338 " Literature, Education, and University Reform. Hamilton 336 " Moral and Metaphysical. Maurice 337 " Paradoxical : Sequel to Unseen Stewart and Tait 337 " Political and Moral. Leslie 222 *• Political. Lord Brougham 217 " Positive of. Auguste Comte 336 " The Scottish. Biographical, Expository, Critical. McCosh 337 Philosophical Subjects. Miscellaneous Essays on. Smith 337 Photographs, English. By an American 283 Phrenology. System of. Combe , 2.58 Physics and Chemistry. Art of Scientific Discovery. Gore 244 " And Politics. Bagehot 214 " Experimental and applied. Ganot 265 " Or, Natural Phil6sophy. Elements of. Arnott 264 Physical Education. Theoretical and Practical. Maclaren 328 " Forces of Nature. Faraday 265 " History of the Earth, Chapters from the. Nicols 256 " History of Mankind. Researches into. Prichard 259 " Sciences. Cyclopaedia of. Nichol 266 " Sciences. On the Connection of. Somerville 267 " Science. Recent Advances in. With Lecture on Force. Tait 267 Physiognomy. Essays on. Lavater 259 Physiography. Introduction to Study of Nature. Huxley 266 Physiology. For Practical Use. Hinton 272 " Human. Statical and Dynamical. Draper 271 " Lessons in Elementary. Huxley 260 " Mental. Principles of. Carpenter 367 '• Outlines of Comparative. Agassiz and Gould 257 " Text-Book of. Fulton 272 PicTOU, Nova Scotia. History of. Patterson 86 Pictures, Historic. Cochrane 220 Pillars of the Empire, Living. Indian and Colonial Statesmen. Escott 168 Pilgrim's Progress. Holy War, etc. Bunyan 340 Pine Forests ; or, Life, etc., in B.N. A. Provinces. Sleigh 87 PiNETUM. Synopsis of Coniferous Plants. Gordon 263 Pioneers of the Eastern Townships. Day 80 " Of France in the New World. Parkman 85 " The. Adventures and Discoveries of Sir A. Mackenzie. Ballantyne . . . . 77 Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Life of. Earl Stanhope 62 ALPfT'BETICAL INDEX OF SI/BJECTS Page. 337 336 336 338 336 337 337 222 217 336 337 337 283 258 244 214 265 264 328 265 256 259 266 267 267 259 266 272 271 260 367 257 272 86 220 168 340 87 263 80 85 77 62 Bigelow 194 260 249 Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Memoirs Life of. Bishop Tomline Pius the Ninth. Life of. Legge Pius tho Ninth. Maguire ^* Placita Anglo-Normannica : Law Cases William l" to 'Richard I ^^ Plague and Great Fire of London. Works of De Eoe Plantagenets, The Early. Stubbs ^°^ Plants, Climbing. Movements and Habits of. " Darwin ^^ " Growth and Treatment. Hiilme Plaxtation in Ulster in 1608-1620. Historical Account of." " Hill Plato and other Companions of Socrates. Grote ... Playgrounds of Europe. Stephen ^^^ Play-Day Poems. Collected by R. Johnson . . .".'.".'.'."' ^^^ Plays of Massinger. From Text of Gifford ^^^ Plays and Puritans, and other Historical Essays." " Kingsley ^!^ Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases. Archbold Pleading under Judicature Acts. Precedents of. Cunningham and M.h'- Pleadings in Personal Actions in Superior Courts Precedents ^ B U Tr" ' pZlTetr '7rr ^^ '-' '' ''--'^ ^- ~ "eggo"."^^" ''-' ,0 1 LINY s Letters. Church and Brodribb ^" 318 Trench oig 176 259 Turner 323 198 198 198 Plutauch. His Life, his Parallel Lives and his Morals Plutarch's Lives. Clough Poacher The Amateur. " By Author'oV" The' Game-Keeper' at Home'"' r 1 It™' ^°""'"' °'°- «^™'™-- °f Ancient BritUh And Songs. McLachlan " By E. B. Browning 313 " OfPlaces. Edited by Longfellow .'.".".".'.' ^^^ " Single. Famous. Johnson, Editor . ^^^ PoKT at the Breakfast Table. Holmes ^^^ Poets, Victorian. Stedman ^^^ " British ' 322 " And Novelists. French. James... "^ And Poetry of America. Griswold . And Poetry of Europe. Longfellow Selections from Canadian. Dowart . " Studies of the Greek. Symonds Poetry, English. Three Centuries of, " Great Book of. Beeton Poetical Works of E. B. Browning. . Works of Longfellow ^^^ Works of Tennvson ^42 Poisons. Micro-Chemistry of. Their Physiology, etc." " "w"o"rmley ''' Poland, Fall of. History of the Country. Sax'on . ^^^ Polar Sea. Journey to Shores of, in 1819-22. Franklin ".[ ^^ ''■■'■'■■■ 81 Chaucer to Herrick. Masson 298 310 307 311 80 322 3I3 297 632 ALPHABETIOAL TNPEX OF SUBJECTS. I Page. Polar Sea, Open. "Voyage towards North Pole. Hayes 271) " World. Man and Nature in Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Hartwig 260 Polish Insurrection. Private History of. Edwards 74 Political Economy. American Currency, etc. Bowen 230 " Economy for Beginners. Fawcett 231 " Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Bolles 230 Character and Method of. Cnirnes 230 Leading Principles of. Cairnes 231 Dictionary of. Macleod 233 Elements of. Macleod 233 Elements of. Wayland 235 Essays on. Bastiat 230 Economy in Europe. Blanqui 230 Economy of Great Britain, U. States, and France. Howe 232 Economy. Harmonics of. Bastiat 230 Manual of. Fawcett 231 New Departure in. Crump 231 Principles of. Malthus 233 Principles of. McCulloch 233 Principles of. Mill 233 Principles of. Roscher 234 Science of. Greeley 232 Survey of. Macdonnel 232 Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. Economy. 234 Economy for Schools and Colleges. Rogers .... : Economy. Senior 234 Economy. Theory of. Jevons 232 And Social Science. Essays on. Greg Memento. Speeches Distinguished Members Imperial Parliament Notes and Observations, House of Assembly, New Brunswick. Fenety 221 66 80 " Parties in United States. Van Buren 13f> " Register and Congressional Directory. Poore 134 " Science of the State. Woolsey 227 '* Terms. Use and Abuse of. Lewis 222 " Text -Book, or Encyclopedia for United States. Cluskey 134 Politics. American History of. Johnston 13"_ " (American), Handbook of. McPherson 133 " As a Science. Reeinelin -^"^ " Comparative. With Unity of History. Freeman 220 " Dominion, 1878. (Conservative.) 109 «« Dominion, 1878. (Reform.) 10'^ " Home ; or, Growth of Trade. Grant 220 '« Observation and Reasoning in. Lewis ^'^'- " Social. Arnold 214 ALPHAbEllCAL iNbfeX 0*" StJBJECtS, 633 :i ! ■ ; i ,1 ! Politics. Theory of. Foundations of Governments. Hildreth 22" Polk Administration. History of. Chase jo^ Pompeii. Its History, Buildings, Antiquities. Dyer 38 Pope, Alexander. By Leslie Stephen ,-„ Popes. Lives of The. Ranke 350 Popes. In the Middle Ages. Fables respecting. Dollingor 340 Popular Progress. Freedom of the Press and Trial by Jury. Routled..e 46 Population. Principles of. Malthus " ' " " 224 Portrait Gallery National : Illustrious Personages 19th Century.' " Jerdan ' ." ." .' ." ." ." 167 Gallery National, of Eminent Americans. Duyckinck 351 Gallery of Eminent Personages. Pound 242 Gallery. The National [[' [ ^42 Portraits, Political. Gladstone, Disraeli, Bright, etc." * '(Daili; 'lYews.) ".'.['. 168 Poor Law Conferences. Reports of Poor. Service of The. Stephen 226 Ports, Harbours, etc., of Great Britain Vie-^s of. Finden . . ...,..." 356 Of the United States. List of Portraits, English. Sainte-Beuve ' . ^ Portugal. Travels in. Latouche 284 Post-Opfices in United Kingdom. List of .."...' Posts on the St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, etc. Voyages and Travels. ' Lon- 84 PROBATEPracticeofCourtof, in Common Form, etc. Coate ' 199 Practice Court of Chancery for Ontario. Leggo .'.".".".'.'.".' ""' 210 Court Queen's Bench in Personal Actions, etc. Chitty's Archbold's. . 198 And Pleading in County Courts. Rules, etc. Harrison 2IO I' And Procedure House of Lords in Appeal Cases. Denison and Scott '.'." 199 And Procedure before Privy Council. Lattey jgg Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, etc. Archbold jgg Prairie Farms and Prairie Folk. Gillmore . . * " .,9^ And Forest. Description of Game of North America. Gillmor(> ^60 " Province. Travel from L. Ve Ontario to Winnipeg, etc. Hamilton... '^81 Phayer, The Model. Studies in. Boardman ' ' 339 • Pkkachers of the English Church. Classic Lectures ' ' 350 Pre- Adamites ; or, the Existence of Man before Adam, etc. WinchelJ 259 PRECEDEXCE of Peers. On th qfi Precedents of Proceedings in House of Commons. Hatsell '{5 Pre-Historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains. Sir J. Lubbock 259 Premiers, English, from Sir R. Walpole to Sir R. Peel. Erie ... gs Prerogatives of the Crown. Law of the Duties and Rights of the Subject.' ' ChHty is"^ Presbytery English. Annals of. McCree ' o^ - Presbyterian Church in Canada. Rules, Forms '\o Prescription : Real Property Limitation Act, Ontario. Jones 910 Prescriptions, Favourite. Of Living American Practionens. Green 07., i: If, I §34 AhPilABETICAL INDEX OF SlTBJECrii. Paok. Presidents of the I). S. of America. Lives of. Abbot 1 35 Primaute La, et L'Infaillibilite dea Souverains Pontifes. Begin 339 Prince Consort. Early years of. Grey 56 " Consort. Life of. Martin 5G " Eugene, and Duke of Marlborough. Military History of. Du Bose 155 " Henry, the Navigator. Discoveries of, and their Results. Major 279 " Of Wales' Tour. Diary in India. Russell 287 " Of Wales in Canada. Woods 89 " Of Wales. Tour of, through British America and U.S 91 Prince Edward Island and Gulf St. Lawrence. Travels in. Johnstone 83 Prince Edward Island. Stewart 87 Prindle, H. G. County Judge New York. Trial of 208 Printing. American Encyclopaedia of. Ringualt 242 Prison Association, iaport New York ., 229 " Association. New York Annual Report of. Wines 272 " Matron. Prison Characters etc 229 " Discipline. Crime and Misery. Buxton 218 Prisons, Criminal of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. Mayhew and Binny .... 224 Law of, in England and Wales. Prison Acts. Wilkinson 198 And Prisoners. Prevention of Crime. Kingsmill 222 Probate, ^Administration, etc., in Surrogate Courts. Howell 210 Problems for Our Age and Country. Greg 221 Procedure. In Supreme and Exchequer Courts, Canada. Cassels 209 Products and Manufactures of New Dominion. Small 246 " Commercial, of the Sea, etc. Simmonds 246 Progress and Poverty. Industrial Depressions ; Want ; Wealth. George ...... 220 " Universal. Illustrations of. Spencer 225 Prohibitory Liquor Laws. Morality of. Weeden 227 Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Law of. Parsons 197 " Notes and Guarantees of Notes, etc. Law of. Story 199 Promoters of Public Companies. Law of. Watts 182 Property Law. St. Leonards 199 " and Labour. Lieber 222 Prophets of the Old Testament. Commentary on. Von Ewald 353 Prose Writers of America. Griswold 307 " Wi'iters of Germany. Hedge 308 Protection and Bad Times. Powell 234 " Does Protection Protect 1 Grosvenor .,.,.,., 232 « And Revenue in 1877 237 »' In United States. Lectures oii. Sumner 235 Protectionist Manufacturers, Sermons to 237 Protests of the Lords. Rogers . . , 33 Protestants in Ireland, State of. King • • • • ^^ ALPliABKTlcAL iNt>fiX oP SUBJECl'S. 6U Protestant Revolution. Era of The. Seebohm 68 Protoplasm ; or, Matter and Life. Beale 257 Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. English. Hazlitt ..................... 5 And Quotations. Latin. Henderson 5 " English and Foreign. Ray g Provincial Ju.stice, or Magistrate's Manual. Keele 210 Manners and Customs. An American Farmer, Describing. St. John 365 Psalms. Book of. Literally rendered in Verse. Marquis of Lome 345 Public Accounts. Upper Canada. Reports, etc " " ' gj " Business. Finger Post to " Law. English Institutes of. Nasmith ^ '......... 187 Men and Events, from Monroe's Administration to 1853. Sargent . . .... . . 136 Meetings. Duties of Chairman, etc. Hand-Book for. Chambers 10 Pulpit Talk. Plain. Cooper 3^2 Punishment and Prevention. Thomson 0-1^ ., -r, . . , . -s^D Principles of. Cox 200 Purgatory. Dante. Translated by Butler 302 Puritan Nomenclature. Curiosities of. Bardsley 997 Puritan Revolution. Chief Actors in. Bayne "40 Puritanism ; or, a Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions. Coit 340 Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers. Stowell and Wilson ' 226 History of. Prom Reformation to 1688. Neal 345 Pyramid, the Great. Our Inheritance in. Smyth ....".... ^ .. 267 Quarter Sessions, from Elizabeth to Queen Anne. Hamilton 43 Quebec Civil Courts. Practice and Procedure in. Wotherspoon .............. 213 " Code of Laws for Province of g, " Courts. Practice and Procedure in. Wotherspoon ' ^ . 213 Literary and Historical Society. Proceedings of 9 J " De a Mexico. De Saint-Maurice 303 " Past and Present. Le Moine 83 Picture of, with Historical Recollections. Hawkins . .* ' 82 " Railway and Postal Map of. I T Quebecquoises, Les. Chapman " " "" 3^^ Queen Anne. History Reign of. Burton 42 ■ " Caroline. Trial of, before House of Peers '..'...'.'.. 2ol Charlotte Islands. Discovery in North Pacific. Poole 86 Queens of England. Historical Memoirs of. Lawrence 56 " Of England. Lives of The. Agnes Strickland " 56 Queen's English. Manual of Idiom and Usage. Alford 325 Regulations and Admiralty Instructions. 1879 355 Queensland. Queen of the Colonies ; or, Queensland as I Knew It. (Anon.) .... 123 Questions of the Day. Ecomomic and Social. FMer 220 Mil m an i .^36 ALPttABEtlcAL tl^nEX OP SlTB.tErTS. h I ' 1 Paor. Questions, Seigneuriales. Lelievre eh Angers 210 Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canada. Act for. Turner 212 QuiNCY, Josial , of Massachusetts. His Life. By his Son, Edmund Quincy 3C3 Quotations from Greek, Latin and Modern Languages. Dictionary of T* " Index to Familiar. Grocott 5 " Poetical. Allibone 5 ** Prose. Allibone 5 *' Proverbs, etc. Dictionary of Latin and Greek. Riley 5 Races, Native, of the Pacific States. Bancroft 76 " Pre-Hiatoric of the States. Foster 259 Radiant Energy. Scientific Memoirs. Draper 265 Raikes, R. Journalist and Philanthropist. By A. Gregory 176 Railroad Commissioners. Report Massachusetts Board of 238 " Manual of U. States and Dominion. The American 11 " And Warehouse Commission. Illinois. Report of 238 Railroads ; their Origin and Problems. Adams 242 " of the U. States and Canada. Manual of. Poor 11 Railway Companies. Law of. Godefroi and Shortt 200 " - Decisions. Digest of American and other Cases. Lacey 200 " Reform. Gait 231 Railways. Accidents on. (Great Britain.) 236 " Of Canada. Mileage, Cost, etc. Trout ■ 235 " Canadian , 123 " Law of. Hodges 200 " In England, Scotland, and Ireland. Law of. Shelford . 200 " In England and Ireland. Rights of Shareholders, etc. Shelford .... 200 « Law of. Redfield 200 " Narrow Guage. Spooner 248 " Our. Historical, Descriptive ; Faxes, and Rates. Parsloe 233 « Our. Watherston 235 " Remunerative* for New Countries. Rapier 248 " United States and Canada. Manual of. ' Poor 234 Raleigh, Sir W. Life of. Creighton 62 Rambler in North Americ^. Latrobe 291 Randolph, John. Life of. Garland 363 Raphael. By N. D'Anvers 242 Rating. Law of. Castle 200 Rationalism in Europe. Rise and Influence of. Lecky 222 Reading Aloud in Pulpit, Lecture Room, etc. Vandenhoff 330 Real Estate. S'^endors and Purchasers of. Dart 207 " Property Acts ; with the Land Transfer Act. Charley 199 •* Property Acts, with Notes. Charley 199 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP SUBJECTS. 5.^7 Paok. 210 212 3G3 5 5 5 5 5 , 76 . 259 , 265 . 176 . 238 . 11 . 238 . 242 . 11 . 200 , 200 , 231 . 236 . 235 . 123 . 200 . 200 , 200 . 200 . 248 . 233 . 235 . 248 . 234 . 62 . 291 . 363 242 . 200 222 . 330 . 207 . 199 . 199 Real Property. American Law of. Hilliard Property. American Law of. Washburn Property. Blackstone's Commentaritm. Loith Property. Compendium of Law of. Burton Property Statutes of Ontario. Leith And Personal Property. Law of. Smith Kebkllion of Fitz-Morris, etc. Perrott " Grand. History of. Clarendon " Harper's Pictorial Histor_y of the Great " Irish, of 1798. Personal Narrative of. Teelino " Lower Canada. State Trials held in Montreal, 1838-'39 " Record. Diary of American Events, etc. Moore Receipts, Practical. Cooley's Cyclopaedia of. Arts, Medicine, etc Receivers. Law as to. Kerr Recokds of the Past. Translations of Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments RECREATon, The Popular. Key to In-Door and Out-Door Amusements Rectories. Upper Canada. 1839 Red River. Hargrave " County, Hudson's Bay, Territories, etc. Russell " Expedition. Narrative of. Hind " Expedition. Hnyshe " Rebellion of 1869. Reminiscences of " Settlement. With Account of Native Races. Ross Referees' Courts in Parliament. Practice of. Will " In Parliament. Court of, etc. Fawcet Court of. Practice of. On Private Bills in Parliament. Clifford & Stephens Reform. Essays on Reformation. 1517 to 1648. Period of The. Hausser " The. Fisher ......'" " XVL Century. Germany and Switzerland. History of. D'Aubigne " The English. How it Came About. Geikie " In Europe, Time of Calvin. History of. D'Aubigne " Protestant. By Cobbett. Reply to by Collette " Protestant. Cobbett's History of Reformatory Schools for Children. Carpenter Refugees. History of the "French Prt .^e.stant. Regency. Proceedings of the Lords and Commons in regard to The Regime, Ancient, The. Taine Regiments, Famous, of the British Army. Adams " Of the British Army chronologically arranged. Trimen Registration and Elections, Law of. Davis " And Elections, Parliamentary and Municipal. Cox and Grady " Parliamentary and Municipal. Nicoll and Flaxman Pa(ie. 199 199 210 199 210 199 51 41 132 52 91 133 244 188 318 318 118 82 86 293 83 91 86 17 201 15 228 343 342 .341 343 341 310 340 218 353 46 71 154 11 15 15 16 I M i| H i! /)38 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP HUBJECTS. 'W- 'I- ■ ^ m, k Paob, Registration of Titles (U.C.) Act. Wood 213 " Report, Mass 238 Registry Cases decided by Twelve Judges of Ireland. Allcock 14 *' Cases. Registration of Vn^m-H in Ireland. Welsh 17 Relioion Anciently Professed by he Irish ;iiia British. O'Shea 347 " And Life. Some Facts of. Sermons. Tulloch 353 *' And Literature. KssayB on. By Various Writers. Cardinal Manning . . 345 " And Science. Reconciliation of. Fov.'le 342 *' And Science. Sunday Lectures. Le Conte 345 " And the State ; or, the Bible and Public bcbools. Spear 225 " Christian. Institutes of. Calvin 340 " Connnon Sense Applied to, etc. Beecher 338 " Essays on. Essays on Berkeley's Life and Writings. J. S. Mill 345 *' Essays on the History of the Christian. Russell 351 " Heathen, in its Popular and Symbolical Development. Gross 343 " In England under Queen Anne and the Georges. Stoughton 3.''»2 " In France. History of the Reformed. Smedley 351 " Lectures on Origin and Growth of. MuUer 346 " Natural and Revealed. Analogy of. Butler -540 " Origin and Growth of. Renouf 350 " Science of. MuUer 346 " Supernatural. Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation 350 Religions. Childhood of. Clodd 340 " Comparative History of. Moffat •'^'^6 " Of the World. (Contributed by Members of each Denomination.) .... 350 Religious History of Ireland. Primitive, Papal and Protestant. Godkin 343 " Republics. Essays on Congregationalism 350 " Societies. Statutes of the U.S. as to Incorporation of. Hunt 201 Reliques and Old Ballads. Selection from. Percy and Evans 917 Re.viiniscences, Foreign. Lord Holland 1G3 Reports, American, British and Canadian Crin»inal. Hawley 202 " Appeal. Tupper and Robinson 214 " Du tres-erudite. E. Anderson 201 " Cases Court of Exchequer. Bunbarry 201 " Of Cases in King's Bench. Carthew .... 201 " Of Cases in King's Bench. Comberback 201 " Of Cases in King's Bench. Sayer 202 " Court of Chancery. Grant and Cooper 214 " Courts of Error and Appeal. Grant 214 " From Committees House of Commons 35 " Of Committees of Imperial Parliament 22 " Relative to Duty, etc., of Justice of Peace. Caldecott 201 " English Law 202 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (Hi* HtfBJKf'TS. 5^9 Paob. 213 U38 U 17 347 353 345 342 345 225 340 338 346 351 343 352 351 . 346 . 340 . 350 . 346 . 350 . 340 . 346 . 350 . 343 . 350 . 201 . 317 . 163 . 202 . 214 . 201 . 201 . 201 . 201 . 202 . 214 . 214 . 35 . 22 . 201 . 202 Hhi'ORTs, D'ascuns Cases, temv. Htmry 7th and 8th. Keilwey '* Fitzgibboii " Hardie .'.*.'.'.""' King's Bench, (Upper Canada.) Draper and Taylor . . . •. " Lower Canada *' New Brunswick. Stevens' Di-^est O « " " Narrationes Moderna'," or Modern. Stylo " Of Sir George Cr.)ke " Of Sir Henry Hobart " " Of Sir Henry Yelverton, temp. Elizal.Mth " Of Sir Payton Ventris Practice. Robinson and Tupper " Privy Council. Moore " Quebec Law " Supreme Court of Canada 7-11, George II Representation of the Peopl. and T gistration Amendnumt (Ireland) Acia " Houston Rei'kesentative Government. Couhiderations on. Mill '• Government in Europe. Origin of. Guizot Government, and Personal Representation. Sterne Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal. Election of. Hare Reprints, English Republic. A True. Stickney Great. States and Territories of American Union. McCabe Of Plato. Davies and Vaughan " Of the United States. History of. . Hamilton Republics. Fate of Republican Government in the U.S. Eighty Years of. Jennings ..'... Reptiles and Birds. Account of Various Orders. Piguier Reresby, Sir J. Memoirs of. By himself. Cai-twright " "Resolute." Voyage of, to Arctic R.-gions, in search of Franklin. McDougall Resort American Winter, for Tourists and Invalids. Appleton ° . . . . " Popular, (U.S.), and How to Reach Them. Bachelder Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Macan Revolution. Era of the Protestant. Seebohm French, of 1848 : its Causes, Actors, etc. Foster and English « The French of 1848. Lamartine ' " " The French, and First Empire. Morris " U. S. Pictorial Fiold-Book of the. Lossing Revolutions in Europe, Koch Revexue System and Civil Service : Shall they be Reformed ? Revision of English Version New Testament. Lightfoot and French Revuk Legale, La Paoi. 202 202 202 214 214 214 202 201 202 202 202 214 199 214 214 202 16 224 221 226 221 305 226 133 336 131 366 221 260 62 279 10 293 346 68 69 69 70 132 C7 237 345 214 ^'il HO ALritABRTrrAL T>fnEX OP STTH.TRf!t8, f Paoi. RnKTOHio. Treatise on, AriHtotle 297 RiiiNK Frontier, Wur for, in 1H70. RuHhtow l''^7 Richard Co;ur do Lion, King of England. Life of. James 56 RicilAKi) III. as Duke of GlouceHter and King of England. Halstead ^^6 " Th«« Third. History Life and Reign of. (Anon.) ^6 RiaiiTH. The Book of. O'Donovan 51 " Of ( 'rown and PrivilegeH of Suhjoct in 8ea and ShoreH of Realm. Hall . . 20^ Rio de la Plata, (iorringo 268 RivKR Jordan and Dead Sea. U. States Expedition to. Lynch 286 Rivers Pollution Prevention Act. Glen 201 Roads, Streets and Pavements. Oillmore -47 Road-Makin'(J. Paved, Plank, Rail, etc. Gillespie --A' " Rob Hov " on the J ordan. MacGregor "^^ Robinson, H. E. Diary, Reininisconces, etc. Thos. Sadler 176 RocKiNOHAM, Marquis of. Memoirs of, and his Contemporaries. Earl of Albemarle 62 Rocks Ahead ; or, the Warnings of Cassandra. Greg --1 Rocky Mountains, Lady's Ride in The. Bird '■^^^ Rome and the (^umpagna. Burn ^° " Tn Canada. Lindsey ""^ " Christian and Papal. De Sanctis 2^*^ " Days near. Hare -^^ " History of. Arnold 3*^ " History of. Ihne '^^ " History of. Moinmsen '^^ " History of. Titus Livius ■■ ^^ " Historic and Monumental. Hemans -^^ ' " In Ninteenth Century. Ancient City, Monuments. Eaton 283 " Lectures on History of. Noihuhr '^9 " Old and New Italy. Castelar 2H:{ " Pictures of Old. Taylor -^9 " Walks in. Han^ 284 " By Wey 28n Roman Civil Law. Summary of. De Colquhoun 180 " Empire. Conversion of the. Mcrivale 345 " Empire. Decline of the. Gibbon 38 " Empire. Decline of. Long '9 " Empire. The Early. Capes '■'>'^ " Empire. Holy. Bryce 38 " History. Credibility of Early. Lewis 38 " Law. Introduction to. Hadley .... 201 " Law. Studies in. Mackenzie 1^1 " Literature. History of. Chronological Tables, etc. Cfutwell 3^2 " Law, Modern. Compendium of. Tomkins and Joncken 181 AtJ'HABKTU'Ar, FNOKX OF SlJArKCTS. Ml . Paob. KOMAN Ropublic, ProgroHH and Ti^nnination of. Forguson 33 " Htato from 1H15 to 1850. Karini '*' ' 73 " The, and The Teuton. Kingsley gj " World. The Old. Lord 39 Romans under the Krnpire. Merivale 39 RoiTND the World in 1870. Carlile 281 llouNDHKADs au(l(!avalierH. ,\rmy Lists of. Peacock 45 R08KS, Legcmd of the ; a Poem. Ravlan ; a Drama. Watson 324 RowLA>fD80N, the Caricaturist. ( }r('s,'or 242 Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings of 9I " Institution. Its Fotlnder and its first Professors Jones 266 Rules and Orders Surrogate (.'ourts, Ontario 209 RuiiAL Life in France in Peace and War. Round My House. Hamortou 347 Life, Northern, (in Scotland,) in Eighteenth Century. (Anon.) 317 " Sports. EncyclopoRdia of. Blaine 3 Russia and Christians of Turkey. Sinclair 74 " As It Is. De Gurowski 7^ " Before and after the War. (Anon.) 74 " Expedition to, by Napoleon, in 1812. Segur 157 " Free. Dixon q^„ " History of. Lardner 7^ " History of. Rambaud 71 " In 1866. Mission to. Fox 284 " In 1870. Barry •>83 " Modern. The Orthodox Clmrch and its Sects. Eckardt 74 " Wallace " " ^gg Russo-TuRKiSH War. Casaell's Illustrated History of. Oilier 157 RusKiN, John. Selections from Writings of. Tuthill 319 Saint Chrysostom. His Life and Times. Stephens 352 Saints. Lives of the. Gould 3^0 Salary Tables. Government U. S. Gree'i 9 Sales. Law of Judicial and Execution. Rorer 203 Salmon-Fishing in Canada. Alexander 77 Salon in Last Days of the Empire. Ramsay 318 Samuel Slick. Sayings and Doings of. Haliburton 307 San Marino. Freak of Freedom ; or, the Republic of. Bent 73 Sanitary Journal. Playter 273 " Commission. History of the U. States. Stille 274 " Condition of Gibraltar. Report on. Sutherland 274 Sasitary Condition of Malta and Gozo. Report on. Sutherland 274 " Science. Houses in Town and Country. Burn 2.38 " Science, Future of. Richardson 274 /iffv^. 542 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ..s ; . }},■ ^ m - ^ Page. Sanitary Work in the Smaller Towns and Villages. Slagg 246 Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. Travel. Southesk 87 Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays, Miluiau 346 St. Alean's Raid. Watson and Benjamin 192 ^jT. Bartholomew. Massacre of. White 72 St. George, or the Canadian League. McKinnon 85 St. John, N.B. Great Fire in. Stewart 87 St. Lawrence. Chronicles of The. LeMoine , 83 « Tales of The. Chapin 301 St, Louis and Calvin. Guizot 343 St. Paul at Athens. Spiritual Christianity and Modern -Thought. Shakespeare.. 351 " Character of. Howson 344 " Life and Epistles of. Conybeare and Howson 341 St. Paul's Voyage from Cajsarea to Puteoli. Falconer 278 St. Paul. Life and Epistles of. Lewiu 345 St. Peter's River, Lake Winnipeck, etc. Expedition to. Keating 83 Scandinavian History. Otte 75 Scandinavia. History of. Sinding 75 Scandinavians, The Ancient Northern. Antiquities of. Mallet 313 Scenes and Adventures as a Soldier and Settler. Moodie 315 Scepticism, Modern. Course of Lectures. By Episcopal Clergymen 351 Schleswig-Holstein War. Dicey 72 Science and Art. Museum of. Lardner 266 " Borderland of. Proctor .... 252 " Dictionary of. Astronomy, Chemistry, etc. Rodwell 267 " Fairy Land of. Buckley 365 " And Industry. Annual Record of. Baird 5 " Lectures. Free Evening. South Kensington Museum 265 " For Leisure Hours. Essays on Scientific Subjects. Proctor 252 " Mental and Moral. Bain 335 " In the Modern State. Freedom of. Virchow 268 " Monthly, Popular. By Youmans 266 «' Natural and Physical. Treasury of. Schoedler 267 " Pleasant Ways in. Proctor 266 " Political and Social 214 " Principles of. Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method. Jevons 336 *' And Religion. Reconciliation of. Winchell 353 " Simplified. Cyclopaidiac. Pepper 266 " And Teaching. Freedom in. Haeckel 265 " Tribune, Popular. Proctor and Agassiz 267 " For Unscientific People. Fragments of. Tyndali -6< " Warfare of. White 324 Sciences. Facts concerning Circle of. Phillips 5 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS, 543 SCXK.C.S. History of Inductive. Fro. Earliest to Present Time. Whewell Tel' Philosophy of the. Corate ■ • ^o* Scientific Pamphlets, American ^^^ ' • . . , Ofi/I Pamphlets, United States. Meteorology ^ J " Pamphlets, United States " Subjects. Familiar Lectures on. Herschel ..'..'... Ig Subjects. Lectures on. Helmholtz "fl " Subjects. Kough Ways Made Smooth. Proctor .['. 2fi7 School and the Army in Germany and France. Hazen g^ Education, Common. Principles and Practice of. Currie vor " Government. For Normal Schools and Teachers. Jewell S27 " Inspection. Fearon Law of Ontario. Decisions of Superior Court. Hodgins 337 Law Lectures. Law and Official Regulations. Hodgins 337 Life : in its influence on Sight and Figure. Liebreich o.^o " Reports of New Hampshire " System of England, Scotland, U States'and Canada " Report on.' " Frazer " " 327 Schools, Common. Ohio. Annual Report of State Commissioner " 30I For the People. Bartley " Great, of Englaad. Staunton ^^'^ Higher, and Universities in Germany. Arnold 305 " ** Ireland, Endowed. Martineau " Of Charles the Great. Hestoration Education in 9th Century. ' Mullinc^eV .328 hCHOLAHSHTPs and Exhibitions at Cambridge. Account of. Potts l^ Scot in British North America. Rattray ScoTT, Sir W. Life of. Chambers *..".""* ^^ Scotland. Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of. ' Wilson .....'.'.'.'.'..[ ^H II Civil and Ecclesiastical Hi tory of. Spottiswoode ^^g Clans of. Historical Geography of. Johnson ' .' ." 47 " Domestic Annals of. Chambers During Reigns Queen Mary and James Sixth. R< ,l,eitson . 48 " History late Rebellion. Patten '• History of. Burton " History of. Mackenzie " History of. Tytler Law of. Institutior.s of. Stair 9^, Letters connected wit }, affairs of. Cockburn " aj ^ " Law of. Hand-Book of. Lorimer jo . Public Law and Constitutional History of. Stuart 4g Surnames, Families, Literature, etc., of. Anderson 47 Under her Early Kings. Robertson . ^n Scots' Worthies, The. Howie Scottish Church, Story of, from Reformation to Disrunti'on'. ' ArVrhM ' IT. I'l .ii )44 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Page. Scottish Clan Tartans, The ^^^ " Highlands. Language and Literature of. Blackie 298 «« Highlands. Clans, and Regiments. History of. Keltie 356 " Language. Dictionary of The. Jamieson 3 <' Life and Character. Remmiscences of. Ramsay 318 I « Life. Tales, Lights and Shadows of. Wilson 325 " Nation. Fordun's Chronicle of The. Skene 47 Scriptures Defended. Reply to Bishop Colenso. Hirsclifelder 343 Society in America. Martineau Sea and its Living Wonders. Marvels of the Deep. Hartwig 260 " Depths of the. Thomson ^^'^ " Harvest of. 'if ;c:-es of Fisheries, etc. Bertram 262 " Horses, Sea. is with ; or. Sporting Adventures in Northern Seas. Lamont. 279 Of Mountains. Lord Dufferin's Tour through B. Columbia. St. John 87 " Physical Geography of The, and its Meteorology. Maury 277 " Twenty Thousand Leagues under The. Verne 324 Secukt Service. The Field, the Dungeon, and the Eseape. Richardson 319 " Services. Memoirs of. Mackay * ' " Societies of all Ages and Countries. 1 . iethorn 308 " Societies of the European Revolution. Frost 67 Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, etc. Dictionary of. Blunt 339 Securities. Stock Exchange, Fluctatioi-s, etc. Giffen f 232 Self-Culture, Intellectual, Physical and Moral. Blackie 298 Self-Government and Centralisation. Smith '^-' Selkirk's Settlement upon Red River. Destruction of ". 87 Sexator, The ; or, Clarendon Parliamentary Chronicle 30 Sestry. Hours On and Off. Recollections of Military Adventure. Walker .... 324 Sermons, And Bible Readings. Rainsford 350 " Bv Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester 344 ore " Lay, Addresses, and Reviews. Huxley -'^" Lectures, and Speeches, delivered by Cardinal Wiseman 3i?5 " Out of Church. Mulock ^^^ " Oxford University. Preached between 1826 and 1843. Newman 346 " On Subjects of the Day. Newman 346 '' Pa-'ochial and Plain. Newman OA'i » Plain, Practical. Griffin " Preached at Brighton. RoVjertson " Seven. Before Edward VI. Latimer „ , 353 " Trench Servetus and Calvin. Epoch in History of Reformation. Willis 3ol •in o| 03 Sessional Papers, Imperial Parliament - "" " Settler Life in North America. Kingston cf^^few England. Genealogical Dictionary of First. Savage ,.. 134 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 545 Page. 356 298 356 3 318 . 325 . 47 , 343 . 365 . 260 . 267 . 262 279 . . 87 .. 277 .. 324 .. 319 .. 47 .. 308 .. 67 .. 339 .. 232 .. 298 .. 32 .. 87 .. 30 .. 324 . . 350 .. 344 , . . 266 , . 325 , .. 316 . . . 346 . . . 346 . . . 346 . . . 343 . . . 350 . . . 345 . . . 353 . .. 351 2021-23 . .. 311 . .. 134 Brooks Schindler . Page. 281 156 363 203 326 282 306 301 322 321 321 Seven Months' Run Up and Down the World Seven Weeks' War. Hozier Seward, W. H. Life of. With Selections from his Works ........ Sewers, etc. Statute of. Catlis Sex in Education ; or, a Fair Chance for Girls. Clarke " ' Shah of Persia's Diary, Kept during his Journey to Europe in 1 878. Shakespeare. Commentaries on. Gervinus Concordance to. Clarke Study of. Swinburne " William. A Biography. Knight Shakespeare's Plutarch. Skeat Legal Acquirements. Shakesperian Grammar. Abbott Shelly. By Symonds Sheridan. Memoirs of Life of. oore Sheriff. Office and Duty of. Watson Under Sheriff, Bailiff, etc. Offices of. Atkinson... .703 Sheriffs and Bailiffs in Province Quebec. Handy Book for. Sanborn "^ Ships, Free. Restoration of American Carrying Trade. Codman SiAii. Kingdom and People of. Bowring '^" Siberia. Oriental and Western. Exploration and Adventures, Siberian Travel and Explorations in 1865-67. Bush Sidereal Messenger of Galileo. Discoveries, etc, Sierra Nevada. Mountaineering in The. Kin; Signals, and Service Drills of the U.S.A. Gen. Myer jro Silver Country ; or, the Great South-West. Mexico, etc. Anderson ' /. ' .'..'. [ [ [ " 229 238 SiXTUs, the Fifth. Life and Times of. Hiibner ' " ' 351 Sketches and Essays. Reprinted from &iturda,/ Review .... . . . . ' ,',\\ " ." ." * ." ' \ ' \ 331 And Studies in Southern Europe. Symonds " Historical. Newman " Twelve. Life and Works of J. S. Mill. Spencer and Fawcett 175 Slander and Libel, etc. Folkard's Starkie on. Wood 9Q3 Slang Dictionary. Vulgar Words of High and Low Society ..." . . .*..... 3 Slave States. Journey in the Sea Board. Olmsted Trade. Expedition to Central Africa for Suppression of. Baker -^88 Snow. Abode of. Tour through Upp(,r Valleys of the Himalaya. Wilson 288 Social And Political Subjects. Lectures on. Fawcett 220 Clubs and Educational Institutes. Working Men's. Solly oor " Economy ; or the Worker's A.B.C. About " Pressure. Helps Lord Campbell 9qq 299 177 177 203 203 211 237 285 Atkinson 285 286 Carlos 2,51 294 Silver Question. Dollar of the Fathers versrts Dollar of the Sons Simpson, Thos. The Arctic (H. B Territory) Explorer. Simps 285 317 529 295 Science and National Economy, Ml Tliompson , o< 229 308 6 546 ALPHARETTCAT. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ^ ^;! n i i ! Page. 01 Q Social Science. Principles of. Carey 909 ** Science Transactions ""^"^ ♦' Statics ; or, Conditions Essential to Human Happiness. Spencer 225 " Well- Being, of Populations of Europe, etc. Cunningham 218 221 Socialism. Hitchcock " Its Nature, Dangers, and Remedies. Kaufmann • • • 221 " With Preludes on Current Events. Cook 220 Socialisms. History of American. iSoyes ^"^ Sociology, Descriptive ; or. Groups of Sociological Facts. Spencer • 366 Study of. Spencer ^26 Society, French. From Fronde to Great Revolution. Baker 68 " In France before Revolution 1789. De Tocqueville 69 " And Ranks of the People. Distinctions in. Hey wood 43 177 Socrates. Memoirs of. Levieu OKI Solar Physics, Contributions to. Lockyer , ■ " System, The Lost, of the Ancients Discovered. Wilson 253 Soldier, Reminiscences of A. Stuart Soldiering and Scribbling. Sketches. Forbes 305 Of* ft Songs of Scotland, Chronologically arranged 000 " Of Society. From Anne to Victoria Songstresses of Scotland. Tytler and Watson ■ • •'-"' 322 Sophocles. By Collins Sophokleous. Hai Hepta Tragcediai. Musgravii • 322 Soul and Instinct as Distinguished from Materialism. Physiology of. Paine .... 337 " Sound. " Course of Eight Lectures. Tyndall 26< South Africa. Missionary Travels and Researches in. Livingstone 289 ' Africa. My Command in. 1874-1878. Cunynghame 155 Africr Past and Present. European Settlements at the Cape. Nolle 289 Seas. Observations of, in Voyage to The. Hawkins 279 " Seas. Na Motu : or. Reef Rovings in The. Perkins 282 on Souvenirs, Historical. Racine Sovereigns. Celebrated Female. Jameson ^°-' Spanish Conquest in America. Helps ' Spain. History of. Callcott " And Portugal. Coasts of. Potten 269 '< Romance of History. De Trueba 303 284 " Wanderings in. Hare Speech. Families of. Farrar 343 " In Season. Haweis Speeches and Occasional Addresses. Dix Speaker, and Elocutionary Reader. Canadian. Dewart 32 < Public. Collection of British and Foreign Eloquence. Beeton 297 325 Speaking. Art of Extempore, Bautain • ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 547 Pagk. 218 229 225 218 221 221 . 220 . 224 . 366 . 226 . 68 . 69 . 43 . 177 . 251 . 253 . 158 . 305 . 366 . 322 . 323 . 322 . 322 . 337 . 267 . 289 . 155 . 289 . 279 . 282 86 . 162 .. 76 , . 75 . . 269 . . 303 . . 284 . . 327 . . 343 . . 361 .. 327 . . 297 . . 325 Speech and Spelling. Errors of. Brewer ^3°" Species, Origin of. By means of Natural Selection. DarwiL 950 Spectroscope, The. Lockyer " Spectrum Analysis. Roscoe . •^ 267 Analysis, Physical Constitution of Heavenly Bodies. Schelleu 259 Spenser. By. R. W. Church 1 yr Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature. Their Treatmei. . Hayre 274 Sporting Adventures. Records St. Hubert's Club. Bulger " 73 Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada. King ° S(iUiRE of the Seventh Centjiry, Jeaffreson 310 Stamp Duties in England, and Foreign Countries. Dowell 231 Starboard and Port. The iV^e«ie Alongshore. Hepvvorth 279 Star Atlas. For School, Library and Observatory. Proctor 252 State and other Trials OQQ " Trials. With Index. Howell ° " Trials. Modern. Townsend , . " Trials, prior to Revolution of 1688. Phillips oQS States and Empires. Ancient. Lord |< Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign. Their Debts to Foreign Coantries.' ' Clarko 231 The (U.S.) Constitutional View of late War between. Stephens I35 Statesman, The. Taylor -. *y^0 Statesmen, British. Lives and Corre.spondence of ,5- Statistical Society jf London Journal of Statutes. Ancient, from Magna Charta to Jame.-^ L Barrington '. . . . ..""..''.' 204 Affecting Ontai.o. Index of Repealed and Repealing. Stanley ...... 213 " At Large. From Magna Charts: to 1800. Ruffhead [ 203 " At Large. From 1801 to 1866 203 " At Large and Treaties of United States, 1789 to 1871-73 149 " Collection of. Chitty Civil^Administration of Justice in Canada. Harrison [ 2IO " Dominion of Canada , „^ IJo " Etc., New South Wales ^28 " Etc., New Zealand 128 " TToderal, of the U?iited States j^o " iii'QSit Britain and Ireland 204 " Literpietation of. Maxwell 204 " Lower Canada and Quebec , 2fi " Late Province of Canada i,,/. Of Dominion and the B.N. A. Act. Amendator^'. Wicksteed 212 Of Imperial Parliament. Chronological Table and Index 204 '* Revised. (Imperial.) 204 " Revised, of the United States ^ j^y ni I 548 ALPHABETirAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. I I Page. Statutes. Their Rules of Construction, etc. Dwarris 204 " Upper Canada and Ontnrio 126 STATrTORY and Constitutional Law. Interpretation of. Sedgwick 204 Steam-engine. Catechism of. Bourne 243 " And other Prime Movers. Rankine 245 «• Hand-Book of. Bourne 243 « History of. Thurston 246 Steam Vessels. Inspection of, U.S 12 Stein, Life of ; or, Germany and Prussia in Napoleonic Age. Seeley 72 Stephenson, George. Railway Engineer. Smiles 177 Stockholders and Corporations. Liability of. Thompson 204 Stomach. Common-Sense Management of The. Drewry 272 Stories. Yule-Tlde. Thorpe 323 Storms. Mechanical Theory of. Bassnett 253 " Sailor'.s Horn-Book for Law of. Piddington 253 Streets, Ancient, and Homesteads of England. Rimmer 356 Stuarts. England under The. Birchall 40 " The Fall of ; and Western tjjrope. Hale 43 " Memoirs Court of England during Reign of. Jesse 56 Study Windows, My. Lowell 312 STUi:iiES. Conflict of. Todhunter 330 " Ecomomic. Bagehot ^14 " Recess. Grant -'-'^ Studio, Field, etc. Manual of Painting. RoUin 242 Suh-Tropical Rambles in the Land of Aphanapteryx. Pike 282 Suffrage, Woman's. The Reform against Nature. Bushnell 218 Summary Jurisdiction Act. Cheese 204 " Jurisdiction Act, 1879. Cox 367 Summaries. The Timen Annual 6 Sumner, Hon. C. Memorial Addresses on Life and Character of ^ 364 Sun, Meeting The. Journey all Round the World. Simpson 282 Sun. Total Eclipse of, 1869 -•''2 Sun : Ruler, Fire, Light and Life of Planetary Systen\ Proctor 252 Sunshine and Storm in the East. Mrs. Brassey 281 Superior Courts of Westminster. Practice of. Lush 198 Supreme Court of Canada. Rules and Orders of 212 " Court of Judicature. Jurisdiction and Practice. Ayckbourn 205 " Court Reports. Ca .lada 209 Surnames, Our English. Their Sources and Significations. Bardsley 8 Survey Practice, etc. Aid to. Jackson 248 " Trisronnmetrical. Method of Conducting. Frome 247 Surveying, as Prescribed by U.S. Government. Clevenger 247 Sweden. History of. FryxeU "^ ALPHABETICAL INDliX OF Sl/BJECTS. 549 SwEDENBORG and the New Church. Reed ^^°J'' Swift, Jonathan. Life of. Forster Swift, Jonathan. Works of. Purves Switzerland. History of. Zschokke ^^^ And the Swiss. (Anon.) SwiTZERs, The. Dixon Sydenham, Lord. Memoir of ; with his Administration in Cana'u J, ' " Scrope U2 bvLVAN Spring. Heath SvNONVMS Discriminated. Smith ^^^ " And Antonyms, or Kindred Words and their Opposites. Smith 4 Syria, Unexplored. Visits to the Libanus, etc. Burton and Drake .'.'.".'!! 286 Tables of Logarithms, from 1 to 101,000, etc. Taylor Tab', e Talk of Luther. By Hazlitt Tables, Traverse. For Surveyors and Engineers. Gurden . 047 Tacitus. Annals of. Church Works of ..'..'.................. ^^ Tales from Blackwood ^^ • 33Q Sketches and Lyrics. Macgeorge . .■ Talmud. The. Illustrations and Plan of the Te.iiplo. Barclay 338 Tariff Policy of England and the U. States. Bigelow 230 And Internal Revenue Law, U. States. Dresser 231 Question, and its Relation to Present Commercial Crisis. ' White ^38 ""Question. Speeches on. The American System. ' Stewart ... . 035 " United States, for 1870. Ogden !j..' Tariffs, Compilation of, relating to Administration of Criminal Justice.' ' Totton" " 212 lASMANiA. Journals, etc., of Taxes in England. History of. Dowel! " .^3^ The National. History Revenues of England. Tayler ^35 The Queen's. Taxation of United Kingdom, Noble " 233 Unjust. Massachusetts System of Taxation. Whitmore 23o Taxation. As It Is and as it Ought To Be. People's Blue Book. Tenna.'.t .' ." ." .' " 226 Its Levy and Expenditure. Peto 90 . In Massachusetts. Minot .t.,.- Local. Great Britain and Ireland. Palgrave [\\ 233 Local. New York Commission. Wells and Dodge ...''" 235 Law of. In the United States. Burroughs ' 205 Of the United Kingdom. Baxter !^oq Taxidermy and Home Decoration, etc. Practical. Batty . . 243 Teaching. Art of. Diagram. Emberson ... ... S27 . " Philosophy of. The Teauher, the Pupil, the Schools. .Sauds 329 " Science and Art of. Le Vaux .,..0 556 ALPHABETICAL IKDEX OF SllBJknTS. '■■i ^ ^f Paor. Teaching. Theory and Practice of ; or, Good School- Keeping. Page 329 Teachkii's Manual of Method and Organization. Robinson 329 Technical Educator. Encyclopsedia of Technical Education 246 •• Education for the English People. Russell 329 " Training in Schools of Rural Districts. Denton 326 '< Training. Twining 246 Technology. Hand-Book of Chemical. Wagner . 274 Tecumskh and the Shawnee Prophet ; also Sketches of othei Warriors. Seelye 364 Telegraph Cases decided in America and Great Britain. Allen 206 " Electric. History, Theory and Practice of. Prescott 245 •' Electric. Modern Practice of. Pope 245 " To India. The Ocean. Parkinson 266 Telegraphs. Law of. Scott and Jarnagin 206 Telegraphy, Military, for Signal Service United States Army 158 Telephone, The Speaking ; Electric Light, etc. Prescott 245 Telescope. Half-Hours with The. Proctor 252 " Small. Objects Coming Within Range of. Ward 253 Temperance Cause. Fifty Years' History of. Stebbins 226 " And Total Abstinence. Physiology of. Carpenter 271 " Lectures. With Autobiography. McMurray 314 " Lectures on. Nott 224 " Platform. Light for The. Readings and Recitations. Rose 319 Temples of the Jews, and other Buildings in the Harem Area at Jerusalem. Fergusson 239 " Tombs, etc., of Ancient Greece and Rome. Adams '-96 Tennessee, Laws of. 1875 1^3 Thackeray. By Anthony Trollope 1 « 7 Theology and Morality. Davies • • 3'*! " English Masters in. Barry ^^^ «« In the English Poets. Brooke 299 " Outlines of Natural. Bovell 339 " Rational, and Christian Philosophy in England. TuUoch 353 " Some Present Difficulties in. Dykes 342 " Systematic. Hodge 344 Thiers, M. Government of. Simon '1 Thirst Land, The Great. Ride through Natal, Transvaal, etc. Gillmore 289 Thirty Years' War. Gardiner '2 Years' War. Schiller 72 Thistledown. Garvie ■ 306 Thor. The Land of. Browne 283 Thought. Golden Treasury of. Taylor ^ " In the jiiigijteenth ^^entury, English. Stephen --^r-^ " Outline of Necessary Laws of. Thompson 337 Thouchts, Beautiful, from French and Italian Authors. Ramsay 318 ALl»flAttRTlC'AL lUD^X Oi^ SUBJECTS. Ui Paok. . 329 . 329 . 246 . 329 . 326 . . 246 . 274 . 364 . 206 . 245 . 245 . 266 . 206 . 158 . 245 . 252 . 253 . 226 . 271 . 314 . 224 , . 319 >n 239 , . 296 , . 153 , . 177 . . 341 ..345 . . 299 . . 339 . . 353 . . 342 . . 344 •• 71 ..289 . . 72 . . 72 - . . 306 .. 283 .. 5 322 .. 337 .. 318 212 320 271 m r, PA(JK. luouQUTS, Beautiful, from German and Span=8h Authors. Ramsay 318 " Beautiful, from Greek Authors. Ilamsay 318 Beautiful, from Latin Authors. Ramsay '...,. 318 " For the Times. Haweia 343 Thorney Island. The Gem of. Ridgway 46 Thrift. By Smiles _ 322 Throat and Nasal Passages, etc. Diseases of. Cohen 271 Thucyuidks, Speeches from. Wilkins 33 " Thumping English Lies." J. E. McGee 51 Tidal Researches, L'nited States Coast Survey. Ferrel 268 Tiers Etat ; or. Third Estate in France. Thierry . 71 Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign. Lasett 249 Mark Guide. The Lumberman's. Jackson 10 Time. History of his Own. Burnet aq Titian. By R. F. Heath 242 Titles to Estates in Fee Simple. Investigation of. Taylor " Of Honour. Selden Tobacco : its Physical and Mental Influences. Chase TooKE, J. H. Trial of, for High Treason, 1794 208 Toleration. Letters on. Locke .^22 Tombs. Chronicles of The. Collection of Epitaphs. Pettigrew 5 Topics. All Sorts of. Five Minutes' Talks on. Burritt , 299 Toronto of Old. Scadding "3^ Torpedoes, Offensive and Defensive. Stotherd 158 Torts or Private Wrongs. Hilliard 206 Tower. Her Majesty's. Dixon "41 Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland. Keane 50 Towns. Memories of Our Great. Doran 42 Trade and Commerce of B.N. A. Colonies, etc. U.S. Report. Andrews " How We Trade, and Why We Trade. Wills " International, of U. States, England and Canada. Barry 230 " Mark Cases. American. Also, English Cases. Cox " Marks. Law of. Adams Marks and their Registration, etc. Law of. Sebastian 20;) Of the World. Present System Commerce Examined. Webst*r 23.'> " Romance of. Bourne .>q, . " Unions Abroad. Thurlow .>.> - . " Unions. Law Relating to. Erie 20 ' Trades Unions of England. Comte de Paris 2:' ; Transcaucasia and Ararat, in 1876. Bryce 2.^.' Transcendentalism. With Preludes on Clurrent Events. Cook 340 Transit Instrument, Portable, in the Vertical of the Pole Star. Dollen 251 of Venus. Voyage to California to Observe. D'Aut^Toche -'Tr, 230 238 20G 20G !>fyt ALPHABETICAt INDEX OF HT'hJRCTS. I Paoe. Transits of Venus. From 1639 to 2012. Proctor 252 Transvaal. On Trek in the. Over Berg and Veldt in S. Africa. Roche 290 Travel and Adventure in America, Europ>i, Asia and Africa. Prime 282 *' And Adventure. Treasury of . . 2H2 " Through Many Lands. Around the World, Prime 282 Travels Around the World. Seward 2f<2 '' Illustrated Record of Discovery, Adventiu-e, etc. Bates 281 " In Europe, India, California, etc. Bayard Taylor 282 Travellkr. Wrongs and Rights of : By Boat, Stage and Rail (Anon.) ....... 213 Treaty of Washington. Cushing 191 Treaties of Canada with Indians of Manitoba. Morris H5 " And Conventions between Great Britain and F'oreign Powers. Hertslet. 191 " Between Great Britain and other Powers. Chalmers 191 " With Chronological Index. Hertslet 206 Trees of America, Native and Foreign. Brown 249 " And Shrubs of Great Britain. Encyclopsedia of. Loudon 249 " Their Nature and Uses. Chapter on. Kirby, M., and Kirby, E 263 Tree-Lifter. Transplanting Trees. Greenwood . . 249 Trial by Jury. History of. Forsyth 19;'> '• Of G. M. Curtis, Justice Marine Court, New York 208 " Of J. H. McCunn, Justice Superior Court, New York 208 Trifles from my Portfolio, etc. Recollections in Upper and L. Canada. (Anon.) 91 Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers. Morris 34 G Tropics, in The : San Domingo. By a Settler 291 " Trip to the, and Home through America. Marquis of Lome 281 Tropical Nature, and other Essays. Wallace 2G3 " World. Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. Hartwig 2G0 Trout Culture. Green 262 Troy and its Remains. Researches and Discoveries. Schliemann 319 " City of, U.S. History of. Wise 136 Trusts. Law of. Lewin 206 Trustee. Law Relating to Office of. Ui-ling 206 Truth, Historical. Essays on. Bisset 67 Tumults. Sketches of. (Anon.) .... 229 Turks. Among the. Hamlin 286 Turkey. Baker 285 " Being Sketches from Life. By " The Roving Englishman." -87 '• Empire and People of. Hammond 7t " Researches in the Highlands of. Tozer 2o6 " The People of. Twenty Years' Residence among Bulgarians, etc. (Anon.) 76 " Through Asiatic. From Bombay to the Bosphorous. Grattan 286 Tycoon. Capital of The. Residence in Japan. Alcook 285 Typographia. Art of Printing, etc, Hansard 244 ALPHAMRTICAL INDEX OV SUBJEf'TH. 6H Ulster Plantation. Origin, (Jonstitution, et... of. (Anon ) ^""ko Ultka Vires. Doctrine of. Hrice * tTNDERimusH. By J. T. FielcKs Undku the Willows, and other Poems. Lowell " ' T.l Jniform and Dress of Army of the United States .11 llN.ox Act between C. Britain and Ireland, as to Parlia.nen tury ( )aths. ' Dillon ' ' 31 U..0N between Grea. ...tain and Ireland. Speech., on. By Pitt. Dundas, etc. .' .' 66 Repeal of the. Dani.l O'Connell's Address to tlu- People of Ireland 54 (Seven Decades ot the. United S .s of America. Political and (!ivilHistorv" of.' " Pitki„ ]34 States, Britain, Ireland an.l Travels through. Melish 095 " States and Canada, 1H26. T.-avels in. De Roos \q " States and Canada in 1S18-'19 Travels tlirm,.,!. r^n..f e \\ ^i'- J^'iivfis tnrough part of. Duncan .... 281 States and Canada in l8.32-'34. Arfwedson , yg « States Congress 1 General (Government. Dictionary of. " Unman ■•.■■ .'^ " 132 States. Constitution of, Champlin •• States and Canada. A s Seen by Two Brothers .............. gj States. Constitutional and Political Histo. v of. Von Hoist 135 States and Dominion of Canada. Thfur Future. Monro 85 States. Eighty Years' Progress of , .., " States and England. Reply to '< Inchi.iuin's " Letters 1 •}5 States Federal Legislation, 1857-1878 jVy 140 States. Financial Hi.story of, from 1774 to 1 789 Bolles 130 States. Government and Laws of. Wedgewood j^g States Government. Its Organization, etc. Lamphere . ogr, " States, Governments, Presidents, etc. <' Porcupines " Works. Cobbett ' .' 130 States. History of. Bancroft , ,,„ States. History of. Bryant and Gay ,1. " States. History of. Doyle .- " States. History of. Hildreth States. History Independence of, etc. Gordon 131 States. History of. Tucker ... , „, States. New Travels in, etc. De Warville .^g. States. Notes on, during a Phrenological vi.sit in 1838-'39-'40. Combe ^94 States Origin, Foruiation and Constitution of. Curtis "130 States. Political History of, durin,^ Rebellion. McPherson '.'.'. 133 States. Political History of, during Reconstruction. McPher.son 133 " States. Second Visit to. Sir C. Lyell 995 " States. Statistics of. Spalding " Universe and the Coming Transits. Proctor ^-.^ The Unseen. Speculations on a Future State. Tait and Stewart 337 University of Dublin. 'onstitutional History of. Heron 50 ^ Universities, American State. Their Origin and Progress. Brook 303 ^Td %. %f^: IMAGc EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) A m V A ^ ^v.^ % 1.0 I.I ■f IM IM us 140 WUu 2.2 i.c IL25 i 1.4 i 1.6 V] ^l ■em ^i :^ 'm %^ o /A 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 M ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Page. Univbrsalism and Materialism. Modern. Softly 351 Unknown Region. Threshold of The. Markham 277 Upper Canada. Domestic, Local, etc. Sketches of. Howison 82 " Canada Law Journal, and The Canada Law Journal 214 " Canada. Letters from. Magrath 84 " Canada. Visit to, in 1819. Strachan 87 Usages and Customs. Law of. Browne 207 Usury. History of. Mui.ay 233 Usury. Law of. Pawns, Pledges, Maritime Loans. Tyler 207 Utilitarianism. J. S. Mill 337 Utopias ; or, Schemes of Social Improveineut. Kaufmann ._ 222 Vaccination. Law relating to. Fry 207 Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Pemberton 86 " Island and British Columbia. Resources, etc. Macfie 84 Van Dyck By P. R. Head 242 Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance. Gladstone 343 Vaticanism. Answer to Reproofs and Replies. Capel 340 Vegetable World. History of Plants. Botanical Terms. Figuier 263 Vegetation and Tillage. Letters of Agricola on. Young 250 Vengeances. Les. Poeme Canadien. Le May 311 Venice. By Dr. Gsell-Fels ': 2i2 " Past and Present. Adams ''^ " And the Venetians. Marsh 284 Ventilation, etc. Eassie ^^° " And Warming of Buildings, Ventilating Railway Carriages. Ruttan. 240 " Mechanics of. Rafter 240 " Treatise on. Leeds 2S9 "Veritas." Military Administration Sir G. Prevost in Canada 88 Vermont. General Statutes of, 1862 1^'' " History of. Thompson l'^^ Versification. Guide to English. Hood 3^" Vertebrate Extinct Fauna of the Western Territories. Leidy 261 Vertebrated Animals. Anatomy of. Huxley 25 ( Vice in England and other Countries. Prohibition and Regulation of. Amos 207 Vice-Regal Life. Varieties of. Denison l-'^ Victoria. Early History Colony of. Labilliere 3^^ Vienna and Berlin. Journal of Residence at. Reeve 318 Vignettes in Rhyme ; and other Verses. Dobson 304 Village Improvements and Farm Villages. Waring -^^^ « Our. Mitford 242 Ville-Marie ; or, Montreal, Past and Present. Sandham ^" ViNDiCiE Gallicse. Defence of French Revolution. Mackintosh 70 ALI>BAflfiT!CAt lNt)EX OF SUfiJECTS. 556 Page. 351 277 82 214 84 87 207 233 207 337 222 207 86 , 84 , 242 , 343 . 340 . 263 . 250 . 311 . 242 . 73 . 284 238 I. 240 . 240 . 239 . 88 . 153 . 135 308 . 261 . 257 . 207 . 121 . 359 . 318 , . 304 . . 240 . . 242 . . 86 .. 70 Vine-dresser's Guide, American. Loubat ^IJ'' q Virgil. Stories from. Church " ByCoUins ^^^ Virginia. Swallow Barn ; or, a Sojourn in. An American Tale " 302 Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell Virions : Study of False Sight. Pseudopia. Clarke l^ Voice, Philosophy of the Human. Its Physiological History. Rush 319 Volcanoes, Over; or, Through France and Spain in 1871. Kingsman 284 Volcanic Islands. Geological Observations on. Darwin o^r Voltaire. By John Morley "^ Votes and Proceedings, etc., Queensland ,„« Voters' Lists for Parliamentary and Municipal Elections. Hodgins ifi Voiage and Travaile of Sir John MandeviUe. Halliwell gog Voyage Round the World in 1719-22. Shelvocke ' ^.q In the " Sunbeam." Brassey " " Of Sir F. Drake, 1595. Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico.' ' Maynarde '^78 Voyages around the World. Cook " 97P And Travels in Europe, Asia, America, etc. Harris .>7q Of Sir Francis Drake " 27ft " To the New World. Letters of Columbus. Major 278 Wages Que*.tion, and Wages Class. Walker 097 Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont. Willyams 353 Wales and the Marches. CivU War in, 1642-1649. Phillips Walpole, Sir R. A Political Biography, 1676-1745. Ewald 64 Walpolb, Horace. Memoirs of, and of his Contemporaries. Warburton 63 Wall Street. Inside Life in. Experience of a Speculator. Fowler 231 War and General Culture. Conversations on. Helps ' " gQg Between Germany and Fr^ance. Daily News Correspondence 69 Correspondence, Daily News, 1877. Russia and Turkey "159 " Correspondence, Daily News, 1877-'78 '. , ^q Claimant's Guide. Under American Constitution. Raif . ..'........ 150 In the Peninsula ; and in South of France, 1807-1814 Napier 1 «57 " Of 1812. U.S. Pictorial Field Book of. Lossing ...'.■.■.■ 133 " Personal Experiences of Late. (Civil War, U.S.) Taylor ..... ^ T. 153 _ " Political and Legal Remedies for. Amos .,, ^ " Powers undei Constitution of United States. Whiting . . r. 151 Ships of, European, and their Armament. King .... * jgg The. From death of Raglan to Evacuation of Crimea. Russell 157 " The, and its Moral, 1812. Canadian Chronicle. Coffin -9 " What I Saw of The. With the Russian Army. Winn .','.'.' 153 Warfare, Maritime. Law of. Hazlitt and Roche' 207 Washington u.d Adams. Memoirs of the Administrations of.' " Gi'bbs 864 556 AtPfiABETtCAL Il^DfiX Oi* STlBJECTS. Pagk. ■Washington, George. Life of. Irving 364 " George. Writings of. Correspondence, Addresses, etc. Sparks .... 364 •* Defences of. Bernard 154 " Territory. North-West Coast ; or, Residence in. Swan 295 Water- Analysis. Examination of Water. Wanklyn and Chapman 274 Water, Air and Food. Sanitary Examinations of. Fox 272 " Forms of, in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers. Tyndall 267 Watercourses. Law of. Angell 207 Waterloo Campaign, of 1815. Mercer 157 Wealth of Nations. Nature and Causes of. Smith 235 " Science of. Manual of Political Economy. Walker 235 Weapons of War. History of Arms and Armour. Demmin 303 Weather Folk Lore. Hand-Book of. Swainson 254 " Reports. Signal Service U.S. Army . •. 254 Webster, Daniel. Life of. Curtis 364 " Daniel, and his Contemporaries. March 364 Weight, Loss of. Blood-Spitting and Lung Disease. Dobell 271 Weights and Measures. Metric System of. Barnard 230 " Measures and Money of all Nations. Clarke 9 Weighing and Measuring. Chisholm 243 Wesley, John. Life of. Southey 177 West and South. Impressions of The, during a Holiday. By W. K 294 " Discovery of The Great. Parkman 131 " Indies. Christmas in The. Kingi>ley 281 " Indies British. History cf. Edwards ... 358 " Indies, South America, Canada, U.S. Sketches in. Chester 294 " Indies, United States and Upper Canada. Visit to. Rolph 86 " The. Its Commerce and Navigation. Hall 232 Western Land. Wanderings in The. Vivian ., 291 " Wanderings ; or, a Pleasure Tour in the Canadas. Kingston 358 " Wilderness. The Pioneers. O'ale of the. Ballautyne 292 Westward, Ho ! Or, Voyages and Adventures of Sir A. Leigh. Kingsley 311 " By Rail. Journey to San Francisco, and Visit to Mormons. Rae. . . . 295 Westminster Abbey, and Henry Seventh's Cliapel. History of. Neale 237 " Confession of Faith 353 " Abbey. Historical Memoirs of. Stanley 46 Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and Gulf of Boothia. Markham 279 Whalemen, The American ; or, Nimrod of the Sea. Davis >j02 Whig Ministry of 1830. History of. Roebuck 62 WiCKLiF, John, and his English Precursors. Lechler 345 Wild Fowl Shooting. American. Long ^44 " North Land, The. Butler 292 <« Wild Sports and Natural History of the Higlilands. St. John 261 Y ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 657 41 270 246 318 264 " Curiosities and Law of. Moffatt "^ " Execution and Revocation of. Walkem .. ^^'^ " Law of. Jurisprudence of Insanity, etc. " Redfield ' .' 11^ Treatise on. Jarman ' WiLHELM Meister's Apprenticeship. Goethe ^^^ Windsor, Royal. Dixon " ' * '^^^ Wine in Health and Disease. Uses of! Anstie rt w" ^"^'''' ^**"'^ *"** ^*"'*'"' °^- Thudichum and Dupre' WiN-ON-AH ; or, the Forest Light, and other Poems. Ramsay . . ' Winds, Currents and Navigation of Cadiz and Gibraltar. Wyman WiNTHRoP, John. Life and Letters of. Winthrop Wirt, Wm. Memoirs of Life of . ^^^ Wise Men of Greece, in a series of Dialogues". ' ■Blackie". '.'. HI wrz."^^:":"-^ "--^^^--^ -- ^^-^ ■ — - ■■■•'•^ WoDRow Society Publications ' . " ^*^ Wor.FE, Major-Gen. Life J. Wright . . . . Woman's Work in the Church. Ludlow . ' . '. . . . . ' ' " ' " ' " ' " Work and Woman's Culture. Butler ....!'!'" ^ " Work and Worth, etc. Adams Women ol History. Lucretia, Sappho, Queen Elizabeth^ etc, Industrial and So ial Position of In the Reign of Queen Victoria. Caplin and Mill t^' " Portraits of Celebrated. By Saint Beuve Word Gossip. Words and their Peculiarities. Blackley l^ W""- Bookaboat. Graham ^^^ And Places; or, Illustrations of History, Ethnology, etc' ' Tayl ''^^ And Phrases. Thesaurus of English. Roget Of the New Testament. Milligan and Roberts Rambles Among. Their Poetry, History and Wisd Their Use and Abuse. Mathews Wordsworth, Shelly. Keats and other Essays. " ' Masson ^^^ Work and Pay. Combinations of Labourers and Capitalists. ' Levi .,, And Play. Bushnell ; ''^^ " And Wages. Practically Illustrated. ' Brassey ^^^ Working and Burgher Classes. History of. Cassagnac " Classes in United States. Three Years Amon<. Workhouse Visiting and Management. Twining Workman and Wages at Home and Abroad. Strikes etc. " ' Ward HI \V CULD before the Deluge, The. Siguier ' " " " " " In the Middle Ages. Koeppen ^^^ 68 By Eminent Writei 354 89 222 218 296 Words. lom. lor 329 3 345 Swinton 329 313 313 217 •. 218 (Anon.) 229 558 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF .SUBJECTS. World. According to Revelation and Science. Origin of. Dawson ^256 " Sacred History of. Turner The Pictorial History of. McOabe » The Subterranean. Hartwig ,,-, Was Peopled. How the. Fontaine .,59 Worlds, Other, than Ours. Proctor 051 Worth. Before and After Battle of, 1870. Klein ' ' jgg Writings. Critical and Miscellaneous. Talfourd 322 Wrongs and their Remedies. Law of Torts. Addison ....."*. oqs Wyclipfe, John De. Life and Opinions of. Vaughn 367 Xenophon. By Grant oJo Yachts Model, and Model Yacht Sailing. How to Build, Rig and Sail. Walton . . 247 Yakoob Beg, Ameer of Kashgar. Life of. Boulger 357 Yards and Docks of the U.S. Navy, 1869 jgQ Year Book. American, 1869. Camp " Book of Canada " Book of Facts, in Science and Useful Arts. Mason 9 " Book, Presbyterian. Cameron 9 Book. Remarkable Men and Manners, Times, Seasons, etc. Hone 6 " Book. The Statesman's. Martin g " Book. 1880. Ham ........"' 9 Yellowstone, Upper, The. Travels in. The Great Divide. Dunraven 294 York Castle, Fortress, etc. Griffith's Records of. Twyford and Major 356 Yorkshire. Annals of. Mayhall 45 Young Women, Five Minutes Chats with, and Certain other Parties. Lewis ...... 311 Yucatan. Travel in. Stephens 292 ZiNCALi, The. Gypsies of Spain. Borrow 283 Zoology. Structure, etc., of Animal Kingdom. Carpenter 257 Zoological Recreations. Broderip 260 Zulu War and its Origin. History of. Colenso and Durnford 365 ZUYDER Zee, Dead Cities of the. Picturesque Side of Holland. Havard 284 Page. >n 255 36 6 255 259 251 159 322 208 367 325 ail. Walton . . 247 357 160 8 8 9 9 [one 6 8 9 en 294 or 356 45 Lewis 311 292 283 257 260 365 •d 284