IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Mlcroreproductlons / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques '•Sm i M ai BM i iliiwa i WWiiiiiiiw Or*Sitdshi seat of the fiimily in Bedfordshire was originaJly the ant Northamptonshire, and Moltington, Oxfordshire, the co Esq.; she died 6 March, 1656 ; on the tomb are the at in this country, and to whom his kinsman Lor^ Crewe : (Harrey's History of Willey Hundred, Bedfordshifc. \ cesiry ; he came to New England in the early part of the seventeenth century, probably at the time of the emigration of tl 1 at Concord, Mass., where his name appears in the town records as early as ifijo; he removed to Fairfield, Conn., about h, in those early days, was a distinctive and honorable title. Mr. Odell died at Fairfield in 1676 ; his will, recorded there an cqiKathes lands in Concord and Fairfield, and makes son John Odell and son-in-law Samuel Moorehouse executors. Rest re show a very extensive settlement of the family in that county, ami the name appean to have undergone many vari.itionf :iem castle and barony of Wahull, also called Wodhull, Woodhull, Woodhill, etc. ; this place is now described as Odell on th mmon spelling of the name is Wodhull and Woodhull ; in Mollington Church, however, is a tomb to the memory of Mrs. t mi of WoodhulL or, Ihret crtutnli, gulei. In America, the families of Woodhull and Udell have not traced any relaiionsh mt the Wodhull AtchievemenI about 168;, is frequently described in the public records as Richard Odell, and William O 'iaution of Oxfordshire, Harl. See. Pub., Vol. V. New England Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. XLV, p. 7. N. Y. Gen. and le Rev. Peter Bulkeley, who was rector 1644 and became the owner of a larf d dated 6 June, the same year, mentioi -arches are now Ixing made in Englam . of spelling, sucn as Wodell, Woddell, e map -> of the county, this being a later :iizabcth ( Meese) Woodhull, late wife o ip, though Richard Wodhull, Gent., bo deU, Jr., of Rye, N. V., signed as Will Bio. Record, VoL I, p. 15.) INDEX OF NAME& Aicher. HabbelL Kcdcr. Uoicboac VowlcL Walker. Woodhua BtjranL Dcnu. COL Hoit. Kaiflo. Snith. Tmer. Wheckr. Mmli GtmnUim. ItaylcT. Lyon. Beuh. MelKB. Blilkwil RoaMcjp. Dickioioa. taith. ncBch. Vendjre. Gicton. Waldna. • WhMicr. oaicr. J. r> — c*. — «... ■ It is aol kaowa ibat Willian Odtll, Jr., was the eldest so*. Savafe't GcMslogical DktioMry dcscnlxs hba as WUIiaai OikU of GfMttwidi, Cms., sfcd 47 in 16S1. NotUaf has lieca ioaad, Imwcvvt, to lii Ikcihtiofliirtkorkii Imlher Joka (MtU. •WILLIAM OU of Rye, N. Y., b. about 1659, purchased land in I Thomas Morehouse; in of Rye, signed petttioa Woodhull"; in 1681, ow 400 acres in Fairfield ; in deed of land in Rjre to so in 169], giTC deed of Ian soa.JokaOdca; d. afeM (Bolion'a Hist Wett. Co lion.) JOHN ODELL, of Fordhim, N. Y. ; in i6Sj, allied «• widMM; in 1706, sold to Gmtic Knifci, of Rjre, hit intcmt in tEe imdindcd bads " bdow the aukcd tieci which bdoag 10 tkeeiihtceath," beiot a Ihiny-iiuh put cir the had vhkb belonged to hit dccwccd Cuhcr, WiOiun OdeU. (Rye Tom Keoocda, Libcf C, p. aSj.) :JOHANNA 1 ■nER. who in S 8*<" deed lo his a miah Smith Odell, of Fa (Fairfield Town Recatda.) )DELL,= lewed the hatch; ia i from his tfald; ia -fieid aad ih, ton of tfocd; in OB Nehe- iifidd. : ABIGAII , who is m together with her mother, of Richard Lyon, in a deed the joined with her hutbai ham OdeO, dated 11 Marc Mit. Oddl died — Jan., her fDitieth year; her gravi still tuading ia the ohi chi at Stratfidd, but it partly ated. (FaiiMd Towa Rccocds.) ^•^t»«.l • Ak^M. AM •-r-' •if.-^;.! Ue. lUadcrate. Cooke. HcCwky. Dcvoor. McChua. Drake. Monit. daPev. NewdL Eddy. Radycid. Gnhtat Soott. HsIitaL Smrait Hoitan. Slymai. frr- VtaBcifCB. Ka». VsaVkckcfcn kSL. WUbc*. . ABRAHAM ODELL,: of YoAm, N. Y.,b, tt Apca, lyts; ia 1715, owaed Uadt ia towa of GctMlNqk, adioiBiaf the ettale of kit tntberjoaaliMa Oddl t win at While lUaa, daMd ti Jaae, iSia, rataliiMa wifie Itt4>tif b, toat Jaoob tad Joaalhaa, daachMn Hannah OdeO, AKda Oddey aad Rctnoca Vthatiae, dtcussd, sad othcra. (Piobale Racoida, Liber B,p. JST-) Aleiaader. Fowler. Gedaey. LiviafaoiL ' Rtisbeck. Rich. CHaton. RaUnaoa. Rych«. Hon. JACOB ODELL,: ofYonken,b. asJaly, I7s6; tecved daiiai the RevohHiaa ia Col. Sua- ttd Drake'a Regiment; at the dote of the war, i:om«sitanard Brif .-Gen. Slate Troops by Mti.-Gen. Monit; ■nabet New-YoA SUM AtscnAly ilis-ij, and of Pna idential Elec- lonl Colleic if iSte and 1818 ; d. in 1I46; wfll at White Plains. (Boltoa's Hist Wett Ca, editioB iMi). REBECCA, dM -lie* OMi J"- aetie (Kicnta) DjclBaa, b. lo Dec, 1717, laK II *tA 1751, d. 6 Apr., ■•«; I itr ■iLtt Plaint, dated ay] Vm , ilii, pcoved il Dec, iSti, ■ I ' ~ bacca Vtbnt t a t 1 1 = ANN, widow vooit taddaa. (van Vlecktma; a dstcendtnt o Mont, in Haia to Aascrica in i~ her Int hasbi vooit, had H< msr. Jsac Sui daas., one now D. Eddy, of R: (Rikcr% Hist i JONA'THAN ODELL,: of Tanylown, N. Y., b. a6 Dec, lyjo ; owned a large eitate in Weal- chester County ; imptitoaed during the war of the Revolution Cor loy- alty to the American cause ; d. > j Sept, 1818, bur. in Skepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytown; will, at White Plains, dated 19 May, iSii, men- liona lour tona and others. (Bolton'a Hitt Wett Co., edition i88i.) JACOB ODELL, of Greenburgh, b. a6 Feb., 1751, d. 15 Oct, 1798; bur. in Sleepy Hol- low Cemeteiy ; will, at White Plaina, E roved 6 Feb., 1799, mentiont wife, lannah, toot Jonathan and Jaaper and child ualiam; thia child was bap. Jacob and, with his brothett, inhentcd propetty under the will of their (randfather, Jonathan Oddl. (White Plaint Probate Recocda.) : MARGARET, dau. Jacob and Janactie (Kierten) Dyckraan, b. ■ 731, d. to Mar., 1783; grand- danghter of Jan Dyckman, the founder of the family, who came Ihiai Benlhcim, Weslphdia, and was landholder in Harlem as early as 1666; he mar. 1. Madelaine, dau. Daniel Toumeur in 1673, a. Re- becca, dau. Reaolvrd Waldron and sridow of Jan Nagel. (Rikcr'a Hitt. Htilem.) J"!,, JOHN ODELL, of Fordham Manor, nu dau. Benjamin and Mar of Harlem ; hit will, dated 1739, mentioBt: "dau^i who ia since married to said John Oddl." ISAAC ODELL, mar. Lena Devaua aad I lad iiBae three tona, Isaac, who ser\ wsr of the Revolution, Onsndaigua, and Jonalht (Bolton's Hist West Co.,< laSept, er Aniw, dietfac- ■cdinthc Jofcn, of lid ad.) lligHIk Genen/iM. Barker. Riker. Brower. Rockwell. Coie. Schurs. Darling. Sherman. Douglas. Sunderlin. Fish. Van Derveer. King. Voorhies. Mattle. Weed. JACOB DE LANCEY ODELL, of Vonken, b. there 14 Feb., 1801; d. 11 Nov., 1877 ; bur. in St. John's Cemetery ; Obituaiy in N. Y. Gen. and Bio. Record, Vol. IX, p. 48 ; will, at White Plains, dated 30 May, 1876, mentions sons Abraham Bre- voort, Charles Henry and Eugene, also wilie Ann Eliaabeth. (Probate Recorda, Liber 84, p. 60.) AniM Gneratiim. Bicvoott. Schuyler. Dade. Towle. Reeves. LES HEh :ANN ELIZABE and Hester (D, granddtu. Abrahi (Davia) Rich, of k where, for seven family owned a I thaaaar Rych^, bi the fiist of the 1 waa the ion of L and about 1699 Sandhuttcn. (Bolton's Hitt n p. fioo.) Tl, dau. Phinett m£) Rich, and taiaad Eliaabeth anii«ate,N.Y., I jkaratioas, the aigi attate. Bal- ifk I June, ifi6f, 1MB BI America, lAh of FItack, waa a letidcnt of 'sM Co. Vol. II, JONATHAN 8. ODEI.I., of Tarrytown, N. Y., b. 14 Nov., 1793 ; in i8s7. Supervisor of town of Greenburgh; in 1838, Cokmd of Regiment of Westchester County Militia, and same year Whig candi- date for Member New-Vorii Slate Assembly; d. is Sept., 1887, bur. in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery; will at White Plains. (Tarrytown Arjpu, 17 Sept., 1887.) CHARLES HENRY ODELL, of Yonkers, graduated at Union College, Schcnecudy, N. \., as civil engineer in class of 186 1; served during the war of the Rebellion as Captain in 119th Regiment, New- MAY CORNEL IA, dau. Robert Jamet and Eliiab cth (Coae) Doug, lat, of Yonker , fcd granddau. James Brown a nd Cornelia -L. (Brower) Douglas Kliiabeth Cote wailhedau. of Jol m Coie, of finally Hon. JACOB ODELL, of Tarrytown, b. 15 Nov., 1819; first Prest. of Tarrytown ; supervisor town Greenburgh 1849-51 i mem- ber N. Y. State Assembly 1853-S4 ; d. I June, 1887. : HANNAH, dau. Jasper and Auly Sirmua, of Gicenburgh, N. Y. Hit will, at While PItins, dated 1 Feb., i8i<, proved 4 Jan., iBio, mentions as children of his dau. Hannah Man- deville, Jonathan Odell, Jaaper S Odell, Jacob Oddl and Isaac Man- deville, Mrs. Odell, having married 1. James Mandeville; she died 94 June, i8ii. (Probate Records, Liber J, p. 8.) : JANE, dau. Thomas and Hannah (Ward) Tompkins, of Greenburgh, N. v., s8 Dec, 1813. Thomaa Tompkina d. lo July, 1846, aged 79; gravestone in Presbyterian churchyard. White Plains. Will, at White Plains, mentions dau. lane Odell. Hon. Daniel D. Tompkins, Gov. State of New-York and Vice- Prtsident United States, was of this family. (Bolton's Hitt Wett. Co., edition 1881.) HARRIET ELIZA, dau. Dr. John Leiand aid Abigail Maria (Sunderlin) Barker, of Adams. Mass. Dr. Barker was the son of James Barker, Esq., of the Court of Assis- tinti in Rhode Island, and Justice LiiOT. JOHN ofYonken,N. Y., b. 150 an officer in Col. Monit < Regiment, and mounted the American Army du War of the Revolution ; commisaioned Lieut.Col. Troopa by Gov. John Ja- Oct., 183;, bur. at TarryUni bjr fint wife, a dau., Anne, - Bishop Undeihill, Etq.; b wife, t ton. Jtckton OdeU. (Archivet in Albtny Slate JACKSON of Greenburgh, b. 3 Mt grtduated at Columbia C clasa of 1814; during th i8ii, served as Major on of Maj.-Gen. Pierre Van ( under commission from Witt Clinton ; d. 18 July, testate; bur, in old Pre graveyard, at Dobba Ferry (Yonkers GtuUe, 1 Aug., ODELL. -•t,i75«i Graham's guide to ring the in 1797. of Sute /; d. s6 'n; issue, whoaasr. r Libniy.) ODELL, 7. ■79»: ollege in e war of the SUIT ^oitlandt, Cm\. De 1849, in- ■bylcrian ,N. Y. ■Ms-) = I HANNAH, dan. John 1 McChain of Couitlandt, W N. Y.; their son, Lieut. McChain, 6lh Reg. U. S. I served with distinctioo and Gen. Scott in the war of 18 a. ABIGAIL, dau. Hachal Abby (Habted) Brown, of N. v.. granddau. Hachali Ana ( Knilcn) Brown, and de fmai IVwaa Brown, Esq., Su ss ea Co., England. (BohoB't Hbt Wett Co., i«i.) :ANNA, dau. Barthr'conK Eliiabeth (Bonnet) Wa/d an daughter Hon. Stephen u (Gedney) Ward Slcphei wu Judge of Wcatchesier < his father waa Edmund Wai member of Colonial Aaaem of Edmund Ward of I Conn., and gian ds uu of Ward, Freeman of Wa Mass., in 1634, and Magi FairfteM in 1636. (Ward Pedigree, Bolton'i West. Co.) PIERRE ( )DELI„ of Haslinp, N. Y., b. 1 N( >v., |8>8, in town of Greenburgh; en gaged in teaching, and afterward in agricul* tural pursuits, in which he attained considerable eminence; d. at Hast. PEDIGREE OF ODELL, or UNITED STATES AND CANADA, 1010-1894. JSLY W '. ITTEN IN THE PuBLIC RECORDS OF ENGLAND AS WaDEHEI.LE, WaHULI.E, DE WaHUL, WoDHUI "-, WoODHULL, WoDELL, OdELL, OdILL, ODLE, ETC. Arms: — Or, thret crtsctnts, gules. Crest: — Ah arm cmhoived in armor, holiiins a sword, • lU ppr. Motto: — Pro tatrii invidus. (Burti-iUmJtJCnlry.) SIX UMES OF DESCENT TRACED BY RiiFCS King. Hsq., of Yonkers, New-Yo«k. |.0»TIWW1, tS.4. ■* I s ) ration of tt linn., about ed there an tors. R«4 r' van.ition! Odellonth 1 of Mrs. \ r relationsh William O Gen. and MR. WII.i.IAM ODF.l.I., It Rev. Peter Bulkeley, who was rector of the Parish of O.lcll in Ikrdfonlshire, Kngland. 1644 and became the o»ner of a large estate ; his nai»e appears there in the priiliate d dated 6 June, the same year, mentions his sons William and John, daughter Reliecra ■arches are now >:eing made in England with the hope of obtaining further evidence of . of spelling, sucn as Wodell, Woddell, Woodell, Woddle, < )dill, Odell, and Odie. The e map i of the countv, this being a later orthography. In the registers of 'Thenford. '.liiabcih (Meese) Woodhull, late wife of Richard Woodhull, alias Odell. of .Mollington, ip, though Richard Wodhull, Gent, bom about i6>o, the progenitor of the Woodhulls dell, Jr., of Rye, N. Y., signed as William Woodhull in t668. Bio. Record, Vol. I, p. 15.1 ,IAM CD ., b. about tl land in 1 ihouse ; in 1 petition Q 1681, ow irtield; in I Rye to so Iced of lam Bl 4akM . WettCo I 1 I lATHAN lite FUim, led oath of m. lEPHEN 10 have re NY. Wes«. Co.; ICHAEL married — je, two sc Sarah De ELL, J«.,= , dau. of Richard Vowles, 1634; in EBq.,of Rye,N. Y.,who waaofFair- ''air6eld of field in t65o; Freeman in 166a and 1668, as Depttly to the General Court from as "Wm. the town of Rye in 1665-8-9. Issue: netl about seven sons and a d*u., Sarah Odell, 16(4, gave who in 16I6 nanied John Anher, n lumel^; Esq., fint Loid of the Mtnot of 1 M cMeit Fofdhan, N. Y., and had ianie. t :t«k. — (BaM% Hitt. «( Rye, K. Y.) ., ^ cdi- I JAMES ODELL, b. at Concord, 3 Dec, 1639, bur. there 4 Feb., 1641. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. IV, p. J72.) : — «— . The name of Mr. Odell was l>om there about 1634. The. the early records of Iloston, howc t644, according to O' account.** 1639, and was buried 4° (2 ) t64 before 1644, the year of her husbs will, made in 1676, refer to her. (Walcott's Concord in the Coloni s wife is not known ; she was probably married in England and it is conjectured by Mr. Baird that her son, William, re is no trace of Mrs. Odell's residence in Concord, the first liook of the records of that town having been lost. In :v«r, may be found : "A Register of the births and liurialls in Concord from the yeare 1639. untill the first month In this Register are the following entries: "James the sonne of William OdIe was borne the t of the it° month I.' " Rebecca, the daughter of William Oille, was borne the 17 (5°) 164J." It is supposed that Mrs. Odell died iii4's removal to Fairfield, Conn., as the records of that towi make no mention of her name, nor does Mr. Odell't al Period. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. IV, p. 17a.) 1 JOHN ODELL, St.,: of Fairfield ; in 1664, nude Free- man by GcnenlAitembly; in tCM, in behalf of his tiUher,Williiun OdeU, ' joined with Francis Hall in deed of : partition; in i67jand t68i, received gtuu of land at Faiifidd ; in 169;, named aa member of StratfieM ChiBch; in 1707, made will tp- ^glMtHtfttTMaiy, exccaniz. (FiiiMd Town Record*.) ODELL, widi b(o> allegiance ODELL, moved to ODELL, But- «•, Hen- vanx and JOHN ODELL, Jr., ofSintlield, Conn., b. about t666i in 1687, received grant of land as grandson of William Odell, of Fair- field, deceased; in 1689, waa made Freeman; in 1694, deed from his lather, John Odell; d. 1 June, t743, bur. at Siratfield; will al Fairfield mentions wife Sarali, two soru, two daughters and othen. (Probate Rccotdt, Liber t74t-8.) r }DELL,= lewcd the hnnh; in Iftomhis ILLIAM ( a 169;, rer tratfidd C leedof lan« tell, of Sin I at of Fail -field and n by Josej >h, too of ch of Sira Iford; in d to hit » i» Nchc- Ml, of Fa iifidd. Rccordt.) ABIGAIL , who is mentioned together with her mother, the dau. of Richard Lyon, in a deed in which the joined with her husband, Wil- liam OdeO, dated 11 March, 1713. Mn. Odell died — Jan., , in her fottieth year; her gravettooe it still standing in the old churchyard at Stra:ficld, but ia partly obStci- atcd (Fufidd Town Rccotdt.) HEZEKIAH ODELL, of Siralfield; in 1700, nanied in Stralfield Church Recoidt as son of John Odell, and renewed the Cove- nant; in 177s, with brother John, joined in deed to Timothy Wheeler ; in 1717, appointed guardian of Eleanor Smith and Eteanor Fiench ; in 1746, commisaioised aa Lieuten- ant at Soatfidd by the General As- sembly. irainieia lown Kecncdt.) : SARAH, dau. Deacon Wheeler, of Stnlfield; the d. a Oct., 1743, aged 78; gr a ve tt one i old churchyard at Stntfield; h< will, dated 19 Oct, 1743, mention honored Cither Deacon wheeler, lat of Siratfield, tons Waiiam and Hen kiah Odell, dau. Ann Gill, childie of deceased daus. Bethiah and SanI and gnnddau. Abigail Odell. (Fairfield Probate Records.) :i. DEBORAH, dan. Thomat Bay ley, of Fairfield; the d. 1; Jane 1756, aged S4; bii.'- in old cfawch yard al Stnlfield and dctoibcd ir epiuph aa wife 10 Lieut HcMkial Odell ; istue, four childnn, Aanrinb Gerthom, Bnb and Aane ; ticnhao OdeU had Iwocbadicn, Williu aac Ruth. (Old SmtfieM Church Reeofdi.) I. , dan. llr.'Stmad flmirti : I. JOANNA, dau. Joteph and Abi- gailWalker,ofStntlafd. Mn.Walker afterward married Richard Hubbell ; her will, dated 17 Apr., 1688, men- tions daughter Joanna CMell. (Schenck's Hist. Fairfield.) I. MARY, , who in 1711, ia mentioned at Mary Odell, widow, and inventory of her estate taken by her ton, Samuel. (FairteU Town Recoidt.) REBECCA ODELL, bap. al Concord, 17 July, 164*, mar. Lieut Samuel Mocehouae, of Fairfield, ton of Thomas and Isa- bella (Keeler) Moichouae, who wat al Wealhertfield, Conn., at early at 1640. Lieut Morehoute waa Mar- shall of Fairfield in 1673; inTenloiy of hit eaute recofdcd a 171L H* left ittiie,SamaclJonalliaa,lMMii, John and othcrt. (Schenck-i Hat Fairfield.) m SAMUEL ODELL,= DEBORA Stralfield, Coon., b. 16 Mar., ityr; ia 1697, namied u member ifwatield Church; ii» ijpo, re- aivtd deed of land from father, [oka Odell, Sen.; m i7sa, commis- ioand Entign by General Aaaembly ; a itty, cMaie adminittered on by jdnea Johanna and Samuel; in- l ea l o t j m Aug., tame year, men- ioaa widow DctwnL Fairfield Town and lecMdi.) SAMUEL ODELL, of StratfieM; m 1733, «btwther, ddctt ton of I Odill,dcc.,''ia deed A«n Ebeneicr Md MatyCrcgocjr; ia 1735,00 Utt •f fiaad juran; u 1751, commit- ' Captain by Gciieial Aa- -, no further trace beyond the mention of her aanw aa " Widow Dcbora " ia the inventory of her hntband'tctute, ■4Aag., 17*7. m ODELL, HA b. to Oct, 1679. DEBORA ODELL, b. t8 Oct, 1681; mentiaaed ia Stnlfield Church Recotdt at icaew- iag the Covenant 7 Dec, 171a. MARY ODELL, meatioacd in ftthcr'a wiD; ia 1704, called daaghttr of John OdcO, and naewcd the Covcaaat ia StratfieU Church. BOOK riATt or I ■IjMttl. Rev. Mr. OMtwWIt la ICMRwiihlliii.ikitailMsc^i ■••< by • knadT^nia Ib^iw hi I tksnfa tkentasfOMlttllMl I la tktlbaw af mm m I ■itmbly; ia 1775, called "Samuel OdA Em|., bir of Fairfidd," aad tndoiv Sink mcBboacd ia dittfibo- liaaofalalc (Faafieid Towa aad Ptotate Rcc- JOHN ODELL,=TEM of Conaeclicttt Faiae, N. J,; ' i7io,Uvedat Smttaid; hii7jo,at MofgaaigB SaatacI OdcO, talc of SlnlftEU^ joiaed m deed to elaiil heather Samad; d. ac Joac^ trs»i will, at Tnatoa, N. J., pcaivad al naae moalh, l aca lloaa wife Tn- pcnace, oa^ toa Jwclhca nd three daaghtin. • (Probate Recosda, Liber E, p. 435.) ■•) JOHN ilanar, mi and Mar win, dated daughi larritd to II." ISAAC 'aua aad I c, who ter\ evolution, id Jonatht VettCo.,< JOHN f., b. »50 I. Morrii 1 mounted Anny du volution ; Lieut-Col. John Ja' ilTairytoii lu., Anne, ' II, Eaq.; b Odell. lanySuic ODELL, ir. Anae, I Baaaoa laScpt, cr Anae, the afore. ODELL, lad itHK ■edia the John, of a. lid id.) AZARIAH ODELL, of Stnlfield ; in 1757, received deed fiom hit btber Mctekiah Oddl; in 1761, appointed tarvcyor at Fair- field; ia 1767, made guardian of Wm. Odell, minor, of FaiificM; ia 1774, one of a committee of gen- llemen in regard to certain proceed- ings of Continental Coaacts; in 1777, eilale inventoried al Faiifield. (Faufield Town Recoidt.) SHI r GERSHOM ODELL, of FaiiMd ; ia 174}, received dead iof laad feoat hia biher, Heackiah • Odd, of FairfieM; ia 1756, ettale krtminialficd on ty Eaaicc OdeO, •f Fajrtdd, tiagle woaaau ; ia lyfic decdibad aa Gcfcbon OdcO, tale of VaMMd, ia dimibatiaa of ha ec- plc, with meadoa of widow and aAHdiia WOliam and Ralh. ffairiWd Towa aad Probate Rec- Tecd^) \i ••T$4ii HoH.aadRav. JONATHAN ODELL, of Frcderictoa, N. B, ; bwia Nawiik, NJ-. »I*I*-. «HT ! f *■* Cal- lege of New Jcnc7,ifiMi (coaBlillichAnff aadll torofStAaatChiRk, N.I.; JoialnNhgr«LoTd ofStaJhatyaadOdtO'-wMcaa to Frederictoa aad cppaiaMd lao- iclaiy Itoeiacc «f Ntw H— lit; d. ac Nov., iSil. (Hifi HIat Ckaicfc ia N.J.) PERANCE, daa. Rev. Joaa Oickian% D. D.. ud wife m 111* :j daa. Jacob mid Haaaak Smifial. MdjMclmi; Rae. Joaalhaa, brnthcrl HcaiUifcaiklAU|d(Btaka- " OkUaaaa, K ta April, i«M; gave d Mkttcmm; m 174*, IM Pi«t ia ij • Naw Jmmt; d. 7 Oct. «■, al TtaMoa, ■larinni tfhHtatl cANNt 'jsas^isi ODELL, ^»-,i7S*i guide to ring the •" «797. of Sutc /; d. s6 'n; iaaue, who mar. y Mcond Ubmj.) CKSON b. 3 Ma Dlumbia C during th Major on erre Van ( on from 18 July, old Pre tibbc Ferry I Aug., -1 ODELL, i< '79»; ollege in c war of the SUIT 'ottlandt Gov. I>e 1849, in- tbyterian ,N. Y. 1885.) L ■ I HANNAH, dau. John and Ann McChain of Courtlandl, West Co., N. Y.; their son, Lieut. George McChain, 6th Reg. U. S. Intanlry, served with distinction under MaJ.- Gen. Scott, in the war of 181 a. 1. ABIGAIL, dau. Hachaliah and Abby (Hatalcd) Browa, of Somers, N. v., graaddau. Hachaliah and Ana ( Kntfea) Brown, and descended frooi Thomat Bnwn, Eaq., of Rye, Sntiei Co., Eaglaad. (Bdlaa't Hitt West Co., edition till.) :ANNA, dau. Banhr'.nmew and EUubelh (Bonnet) Wti d and grand- daughter Hon. Stephen and Ruth (Gedney) Ward. Stephen Ward wu Judge of Wetlchcttcr Co., and hia fiilher wat Edmund Wird, Etq., member of Colonial Aaacmbl^, son of Edmund Ward of Fairfield, Conn., and grandaon of Andrew Ward, Freeman of Wateitown, Mam., in 1634, and Magiatnte of Fairfield in 1636. (Ward Pedigree, Bolton's Hitt. Wett Co.) BRAF Hon. ABRAHAM ODELL, of Greenburgh, b. 4 Jan., 1760; aerved in the Aiteiican Army in Col. Van Bergen'i Regiment dur- ing the war of the Revolution ; mem- ber of New-York Stale Atsembly ■801-5 '^"^ 1807-10; d. t6 Feb., i8aa; Phabe Oddl, hit youngest dau., b. a7 Feb., 1804; mar. Ruliis & King, Esq., of New- York City 13 Sept., 1813 ; their ton, Rufiit King, it the coinpiler of this Pedigree. (Pedigree of King of Sakm, Meat) I CORNELIUS UANDEVILLF.OUELL, of Yonkers, b. there 14 Nov., 1797; d. 27 March, 1879; bur. in 81. John's Cemeiery; will, al While Plains, dated 16 Nov., 1871, proved 14 April, 1879, mentions soiu Henry B. and Jacoli, daughters Anne D., wife of Samut . Si. Rais- beck, Esq., and Emily M., wife of Charles R. Dusenbeiiy, Esq., Fanny, teidow of deceased ton, William Oddl, and granddaughter Fanny Louise. : ANNE, dau. Coiadiai and Rachad (Hocton) Mandevile, of Conetlaadl Maaor, N. Y. ; b. ay Nov., 1760, d. I c Aug., 1835, b«r. Staepy Hollow C'eaictay; Mr. MaadciriBe'a wiU, i LIA (NM kj.i ::&' dt Co Iwr al ciriiB daCai itho ■ (M.J. r daa. laaac im)*tCm Coo, of turn taaqr Calntal A» b i|i< mw l ai» «y Oca Itja; ht ma m af bmic a, ** fi»dar of *• fuAr, *d k BoriiMHB ia ifiii t:^ dated a4 Mar., iiM, daughter Aaae. Jdlia MandeviUe, the founder of Ihe family, cam* to America ia the " Beaver " in April, ■659; will in New-York, dated 15 Sept., 1696. (if. Y. Gen. aad Bio. Recaad, VaL XVI,p.,$.) _ _- ,*-ii ■■t. HANNAH, dau. Bishop and Ann (Odell) Uaderhin, 13 Oct, iBtt; a descendant of Capl. John and Elisabeth (Feke) UnderMU; iaaue, one son, Comdius, d. t6 June, 1813. Mrs. Odell died ti June, 1823. (Underbill Pedigree.) 2. JANF, dau. Gen. Jacob OdeU and Ann Devoor, widow of Abra- ham Brevoon, 19 Dec., 1815 ; ittuc, three sons tnd three daughtera. ,, WILLIAM ODELL, jk Gfcobargh, b. 18 Mar., 176a; >ar*ed ia Cnl. Vaa Bergen'i regi- tedutiag Ihe War of tSe Revolu- lad hJtl,tatcr,a Cokiad't com- itiaaoo ia a Weilchetter County ifi^iaeat: ia i8it, named in hit la- iSlI^ will with bequcci of aa calate ■WM the HoBicitcad ; rcaaoved to taodall, Oikaaa Co., N. Y., and d. Ikcn 14 Feb., i>(6; bur. in Beccb- •aad Cemeiery, Wcct KendaU. ' ihitt n>iM nillMil. Ubac I, p. Mil)' CKM :JOHANl«A, dau. Danid S. and Rebecca (Bnwn) WiUiea, of Gieca- biagh, b. 30 Dec, 1769; iaaae, seven aona and four daiigkien. Mr. WUIaeat win, at White naina, dated ■o Feb., 1831, proved aa J[an., iltt, maket beqncct to Anna, wife of WO- Uam Oddl, of New- York City, aad WM. DYCKMAN ODELL,: jf Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 17 Dec, n94, d. 17 Nov., 1875, bur. in Greeawood Cemetery, Brooklyn, wm, ia Crooklyn, proved 13 Feb., ^176, meotiont wife Suaanna and ■lum*. Mr. Dyckman for many irean filled an important and retpon- iiible potilioo in the United Slalet Cutiom House at New-York. ;Ob(luary in At. V. Ewmmg Put.) mentioaa, aaioag olhara, graiwdaa., Rebecca, wife of WUKam Oddl, Jr. (Probate Racoida, Liber O, p. 169.) :SUSANNA, dau. Moaes and Han- ndi (Fidd) Fowler, of Mount Plena- ant. Weal. Co., N. Y. Mr. Fowler d. 10 Oct., 1815, aged 57; hia wife d. 18 Dec, 1819, aged 69; both bur. al While Plaina. Mr. Fowler*! will, there proved, 5 Dec, 1815, mentioni son WUIiam and ten daua., including Suaanna. Mn. Odell'a wiU, in wouilyn, wu proved 5 July, 1878. HOM.WM. FRANKLIN ODILL,: of Frcderictoa, b. 19 Oct, 1744, ia Bnrlmgton, N. J.; ia ilic, cac- cceded hia fuher aa P i urladal 9cc- letar^; in 1817, waa civaaid ia locaong the boaadary Hac of New Brunawick under Ticaly of Cheat) d. at Frcdcfictao, ac Dae, 1844; wiU there, dated 18 Jaly, if4|,dta- pocea of tarn aclale. (Cyc Am. Ko. Vol IV, p. u*.) iBLIZi \ilTH, *a. Dr. Newdl ,«f ABilnwa, W. J, wik w K Snk, dM. Bar. I Cooka, •,D.,CaLCdLCaat,W- taadjii mtfimt Bm l Hi af ifc c ik aec k H oket taoiMy, N* J— isd aMrwcM al FMi IgkMa. N. B.| tanc, fea •«i>v ft Irart'i rn >r'is wuh !hf I 'imparitiveU rare (Tchi of .V' . whii Mixirrhouw, il.iunhln in la« Mary Oilrll.anil Dlhers. b Mr ( Mi-ll's incnlry ; thf parnh rtRiMcri of Bnlferilihi wat of ihr family in IU*(tfortlshir« wai onginaDy the uor Nonhamplonshirr. and Mollinxton, ( >«foriUhirr, thr ro Kw|. : %hc ilicil 6 Marrh, 1656 ; on the tomb arc the ar in thu rountr), ami to whom hia kiniman Lonl Ciewe ' (Harvey'i IliKory of Willcjp Hundred. Uedfordahire. \ Tmirv, pr .lvi!iK .1! t' t- liiiv •* thr rmvr.iln'ii > I :i 1 at flint or J. Mats., where Ins nanif i|.pi u- m lii' ln« 11 rti 'iriK .i- t.trly -it i'' Vi ht Tcniuvfil tu l-airhtlil. Lunn.. aUiut h, in tho9« cariv rol)ate d dated b June, the same year, mentions his sons V\ illiam and John, daughter Rebecca arches are now lieing made in Kngland with the h..-.*' of olitatning furtlier csnlence of of spelling, such at Wodell, Woddell, Woudell. \Vom about 1620, the progenitor of the VVoodhulls dell, Jr.. of Rye. N, V., signed at William Woodhull in 1668. Bio, Record, Vol, I, p. 25. 1 was t>crn thi the earU re| 1644, a< if.j9. and 1 liefore i('44J will, made \\ iWalioll's I * It is Bot known tlial Williim Odcti, Jr., was the eldest S4i«. tMvs|{«'i (iencalofKal Dictitnary descriltcs tiim as William OdcU of Gtetnwkb, Coan.. settf 47 in 1681. NolMaf bat been fowad, however, to fti the date of birth of bts bralbcr Jofin Cfdcll. •WILLIAM OD of Rye, N. Y., b, about 1659, purchaied land in I Thomai .Morehouie^ in of Rye, tigned petition Woodhull"; in 1681, 01s 400 acret in Fairfield ; in deed of land in Rye to to in 1693, gsTC deed of lam ioa,JakBOdeUi .1 JONATHAN in 1697, at White Plaint, ther Isaac, si^ed oath of to Ring WiUiam, srEPHEN of Rye. said to have re Dutchess Co., N, Y. (Bolton's Hist Weal. Co.; MICHAEL stated to have married — ting, with iuue, two tc dtkk, mar, to Sanh Ue John, d. t. p. ODELL, with bro- aOcgiance ODELL, moved to ODELL, But- int, Hen- vau and JOHN ODELL, Jh, of Sliatlield, Conn., b. about 1666; in 1687, received grant of land as grandson of William Odell, of Fair- field, deceased; in 1689, waa made Freeman; in 1694, deed from hit father, John Odell; d, 1 June, 1743. bur. at Stralfield; will at Fairfield mention! wife Sarah, two sent, two tiaughteit and othert. (Probate Recordi, Liber I74I-8-) JOHANNA, AMn (Wakkw •aye) of Harin trate; inifilf,*! of Safety and ;t,.-'p tf;** tv* W. Johannet and I) famdje (Ver- 1; h 1670, Magii- «t^ of Committee ' Llirici't Council, llMtfamMler of the the ton ) Ver- ■mag the Walloon an hike latter part MICHAEL ODELL, of whom no trace has been found beyond the mention of hit name at an executor of the will of Johannet Odell, of Fordham, in which initru- ment he it called by the tetuior " My brother, Michael OdeU." WILLIAM ( of Siratfield; in 1697, rer Covenant in Siratfield C 1730, received tleed of Ian* father, John Odell, of Sira 1744, deicribed at of Fail chosen guardian by Joiq Nathaniel Beach of Stra 1756, gave deed to hit a miah Smith Odell, of Fa (Fairfield Town Recordt,) )DELL,= lewcd the huich; in llKHnhit tfitld; in ■field and ih, ton of tfofd ; in on Nehe- iifidd. ABIGAIL , who it mentioned together with her mother, the dau, of Richard Lyon, in a deed in which the joined inth her hutband, Wil- liam Odell, dated 11 March, 1713. Mn. Odell died — Jan., , in her fortieth year; her graveitone it ttill ttanding in the old churchyard at Stratfidd, but it partly obUter- ated. (Fairfidd Toim Recordt,) (Probate Kccouli, Liber 13, p, 173,) L HEZEKIAH ODELL, of Siratfield; in 1700, turned in Stratfidd Church Recoidt at ton of John Odell, and renewed the Cove- nant; in 1773, iriih brother John, joined in deed to Tinraihy Wheeler ; in 1737, appointed giurdian of Eleanor Smith and Eleanor French ; in 1746, committioiied at Lieuten- ant at Siratfield by Ihe General At- tembly, irauneia town Kecordt,) : SARAH, d| Wheeler, of Oct., 1743, ag| old churchyaT will, dated 191 honored fathei of Stratfidd, I kiah Odell, dal of deceased tlal and graiiddau,r (Fairfield r :i. DEBORAll ley, of Faiil 1736, aged S4i yard at Siratfi epitaph at wife Oddl; iwie, (0 Genhom, Bula Odell had twos. Rulh. (OM Siratfield », , dau. ABRAHAM ODELL.: of YoiAcit, N, Y.,K ti Apnl, 171J ; in 17S5, oimed landa in town of Craen bu i g h, adjoining the catale of hia bfolher Jonathan Oddli will at White Flaiaa, dated ai June, iSio, menikini wife Rebecca, aona Jacob and Jonathan, danghlci* Hannah Oddl, Alida Oakley and Rebecca Valcaline, dcceaaed, and otheii, (Probate Recordt, Liber B,p, 357,) Hon. JACOB ODELL, ofYoakeit,b. o and i8t8 ; d, in 1(46 ; inll at White PUint, (Bolton't Hilt Weit Co., edition iISi). REBECCA, du ■ jioob and Jai netie (Kiencn) DJBkBHn, b Dec, 1717, ■•». 6 Apr., iSai; i Plaiiit, dated ff ] ft iS Dec, ila3, ■ Mni ber:a Valentine I mk\ gnndaonJamcaV dau. Anne Wil Jacob OdeU a valentine cxeci (Probate Recoi =:.ANN, voort and ilau. (van Vleckocn) adctcendani a< Mont, in Haini to America in il her fint hoifai voort, had Ha mar. Jane Stei dan., one now D. Eddy, of Ry (Riker't Hiat II JACOB DE LANCEY ODELL, of Yonken, b. there 14 Feb., 1801; d, 11 Nov., 1877 ; bur, in Si, John't Cemetery ; Obituary in N. Y. Gen, and Bio. Record, Vol. IX, p, 48; will, at White Plaint, dated 30 May, 1876, mentions sons Abraham Bie- voort. Charles Henry and Eugene, also wife Ann Eli/atxth. (Probate Records, Liber 84, p. 6a.) JONATHAN ODELL,: of Tartytown, N, Y., b. >6 Dec, 1730 ; owned a Urge estate in Wett- cheiter County ; impritoned during the war of Ihe Revolution for loy- ally to the American caute ; d, 13 Sept, 1818, bur. in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tatrylown; will, at White PUint, dated 19 May, i8ta, men- tiont four tont and others, (Bolton't Hilt Wett. Co., edition ■ SSi.) MARGARET, dau. Jacob and Jannetie (Kiencn) Dyckman, b. 173a, d. ao Mar,, 1783; grand- daughter of Jan Dyckman, the four.uc.' of Ihe family, who came from Be.ttheim, Westphalia, and wat landholsJer in Harlem as early as 1666; he mar, i. Madelalne, dau. Daniel Toumeur in 1673, i. Re- becca, dau. Resolved Waldro,*, and widow of Jan Nagel, (Rikcr't Hill, Harlem.) 71), JOH of Fordham Manor, nu dau, Benjamin and Mar* of Harlem ; hit will, dated 1739, mentiont: "(Uughi who it since married to uid John Odell." ISAAC mar, Lena Devaua and 1 three sont, Isaac, who lers war of the Revolution, Onandaigua, and Jonatha ( Bolton'i Hilt, Wctt. Co., ( DELL, ir. Anne, I Benion laSept, er Aiue, theafefc- ODELL, lad iiBue ■edinihe Jokn, of ji. •Med.) AZARIAH ODELL. of Siratfield ; in 1757, received deed from hit feUier Heiekiah Odell ; in ■ 761, appointed turveyor at Fair- fidd; in 1767, made guardun of Wm. OdeU, minor, of FairfieM; n 1 774. one of a commillee of gen- tlemen in regard to ceruin proceed- ings of Continenid Congrets; in 1777. estate inventoried at Fairfield, (Fairfield Town Record..) JACOB ODELL, of (>recnburgh, b. a6 Feb,, 1752. d. 15 Oct., 1798; bur. in Sleepy Hol- low Cemetery; will, at White PUint, proved 6 Feb., 1799, mcnticmt wife, Hannah, tont Jonathan and Jatper and child unborn ; this child was bap, Jacob and, with his brothen, inhcnied propeity under Ihe will of their grandfather, Jonathan Odell. (White Plaint Probate Recoidt,) CHARLES HENRY ODELL.i of Vonkers, graduated at Union College, SchenecUdy, N. V., as civil engineer in class of iB6a ; served during the war of the Rebellion at Captain in 119th Regiment, New- York State Volunteem. Col, Elias I'eissiler commanding, and also as .\ule tie-Camp on staff of Maj. -Gen, Carl Schuri. M.XRY IlorC.L.XS ODKl.L, mar. j.S (let.. 1890. Gerald Living stun Schuyler. Ksi|.. of New-York City, son of Ihe late Garrett I. Schtiyler; issue. .1 tiaughter. :ANN ELIZABE and Hester (D< granddau. Abnhi (Davis) Rich, of k where, for seven family owned a 1 Ihastar Rych<, bi Ihe fint of the r wat the ton of L and about 1699 Sandhutsen. (Bolton't Hilt W p. 600.) MAY CORNEL Jairet and Eliiab (at. of Yonker Jaraei Brown a (Brower) Douglas was the ilau. of ]o\ Hill, Staffordshire liam Douglas, Iht family in America, land, 1610, and Thomat Mattle, North., England. (Douglu Genealc "n, tiau. Phineat mti) Rich, and uannd Eliiabcih lflgai|uare, N, Y„ I gkncntioot, the atgi caute, Bal- ip. t June, 1661, laiB in America, IMch of Flaack, wai a reiident of 'c« Co, Vol, II, lA, dau, Robert eth (Coxe) Doug. , feid granddau. nd Cornelia - L. Kliubeth Cote in Coae, of Btidly , Fjigland. Wit- ; founder of Ihe was bom in Scot- mar. Ann, dau, (i Ringttead, JONATHAN S. ODELU of Tairytown, N. Y., b. 14 Nov., 1793 ; in 1837, Supervisor of town of Greenburgh ; in 1838, Colonel of Regiment of Westcheiler County MilitU, and uroe year Whig candi- date for Member New-Yorit Slate Auembly; d, 13 Sept., 1887, bur. in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery ; will at White Plains. (Tarrytown Arpii, 17 Sept., 1887.) «r. ■«79 ) Hon. J,\C0B QUELL, of Tarrytown, b. 35 Nov,, 1819; first Prett. of Tarrylow n ; supervisor town Greenburgh 1849-51; mem- ber N. Y. State Asiembly 1853-54 ; d. 1 June, 1887, (Tarrytown Argus, 11 June, 1887.) Ho». N, HOLMES ODELL, of Tarrytown, li. 38 tlct., 1838; member N. V. State .Assembly 1857- 1861 ; Treasurer Westchester Co. 1866-75 : member U. S. Congress '875-77- (Poore's Political Register.) HANNAH, dau, Jat|xr and Auly Slymut, of Greenburgh, N, Y, Hit will, at While Plaint, dated i Feb., 1814, proved 4 Jan., 1830, mentions as children of hit cUa. Hannah Man- deville, Jonathan Odell. Jatper S, Odell, Jacob Odell and laaac Man- deville, Mrs. Odell, having married 3. James Mandeville; she died 34 June, 1811, (Probate Records, Liber J, p. 8.) :JANE, dau. Thomas and Hannah (Ward) Tompkins, of Gr^nburgh. N, Y„ 38 Dec, 1813, Thomat Tompkint d. 10 July, 1846, aged 79; gravestone in Presbyterian churchyard, White Plains, Will, at White Plains, mentions dau, Jine Oddl, Hon, Danid D. Tompkins, Gov, State of New-York and Vice- Pretident United States, was of this family. (Bolton's Hist West. Co., edition 1881,) HARRIET ELIZA, dau, Dr, John Leiand and Abigail Maria (Sundcrlin) Barker, of Adams, Mass. Dr. Barker was the son of James Barker, Esq., of the Court of Assis- tants in Rhode IsUnd, and Justice of Common Pleas in Berkshire, Mass., a detcendant of James Barker, one of the grantees of the Rhode Island Charter, who came to New Kngland in 1634. (Auitin'i Gen. Diet. R. I.) Lieut. JOHN of Yonken, N,Y„b,j5 an officer in Col, Morris ( Regiment, and mounted the American Army du War of the Revolution ; commistioned Lieut-Col. TrooiM by Gov. John Ja; Oct., 183^, bur, at Tarrylow by fint Wife, a dau., Anne, - Biihop Underbill, Eaq.; b wife, a ton, Jackion Oddl. (.Archive! in Albany Slate ODELL, ct,i756; guide to ring the in «797. of Sate ^; d. t6 'n;iinie, whoaur. r Library.) JACKSON of Greenburgh. b. 3 Ma graduated at Columbia C dasi of 1814 ; during th 1813, served as-Major on of Maj. -Gen. Pierre Van C under commission from Witt Clinton ; d. 18 July, testate; bur. in old Pre graveyard, at Dobbt Ferry (Yonken GaulU, 1 Aug., ODELL, y. '79»i ollege in e war of the tuff Portland!, Gov, De 1849, in- sbylerian ,N, Y. 1885.) ERRE ( : 1 HANNAH, dau. John and Ann McChain of Courtlandt, West. Co., N. Y,; their ton, Lieut. George McChain, 6lh Reg. U. S. Infantry, served with distinction under Maj.- Gen. Scott, in the war of 1813, a. ABIGAIL, dau. Hachaliah and Abby (HaUted) Broim, of Somen, N. v., granddau. Hachaliah and Ann (Knifcn) Brown, and descended from Thomat Brown, Etq., of Rye, Sutiex Co,, England. (Bolton't Hilt Weat Co., edition lUi.) ; ANNA, dau. Bartholomew and Eliiabeth (Bonnet) Ward and grand- daughter Hon. Stephen and Rulh (Gedney) Ward. Stephen Ward wat Judge of Westchester Co., and hit father was Edmund Ward, Esq., member of Colonial Aisembly, son of Edmund Ward of Fairfield, Conn., and grandaon of Andrew Ward, Freeman of Walertown, Matt., in 1634, and Magistrate of Fairfidd in 1636. (Ward Pedigree, Bolton's Hill. West Co.) Hon. ABRAHAM ODELL,; of Greenburgh, b. 4 Jan., 1760; served in the American Army in Col. Van Bergen't RegiaMnt dur- ing the warof the Revolution; mem- ber of New-York Suie AtsemUy 1801-5 ^n^ 1807-10; d, t6 Feb,, 1830; Phcebe Oddl, hit youngest dau., b. 37 Feb., 1804; mar. Rufus S. King, Esq., of New- York City 13 Sept., 1833 ; their ton, Rufiu King, it the compiler of thii Pedigiee. (Pedigree of King of Salem, Maia.) CORNELIUS MAN If EVU.LE ODELU of Yonken, b, there 34 Nov., 1797 ; d. 37 March, 1879; bur. in St. John's Cemetery ; will, at White Plains, dated 16 Nov,, 1873, proved 14 April, 1879, mentiont tont Henry B. and Jacob, daughten Anne D,, wife of Samuel M. Rais- beck, Esq., and Emily M,, wife of Charles R, Dusenberry, Esq,, Fanny, widow of deceased ion, William Odcll, and granddaughter Fanny Louise, PI r-r Hastings, N. V., b. 1 N< in town of Greenburgh ; en teaching, and afterw-ard in tural pursuits, in which he considerable eminence; d. ings, 30 July, 1885. It brother, Wm. Dyckman O two sisters. Mrs. Margaret Montgomery. N. Y., and 1 Odcll. (N. V, Gen. and Bio, Reci XVII, p. 57.) )DELL, iv., 1838, gaged in agricul- attained at Hast- -aving a dell, and King, of Cliiabclh ird. Vol. WILLIAM ODELL. of Yonkers. b, there 36 .Mar,, 1840; in i8jS, stuilent at the Univenity of Ihe City of New- York ; married at Vonkers, 31 July, it6i ; d. in New- York City, 6 Feb., 1869, intes- tate; bur, at St, John's Cemetery. Y'onkers, (Catalogue of Psi Upsilon Frater- nity, edition 1888.) GEORGE HtfVI.K OUKLL, of Tarrytown, clilesi son. CHARLES FREDERICK ODKI.l.. of Tarrytown, grad. Vale College, class 1886; mar., }8 Sept.. 1893, Louise Marion, tlau. Lieut. Jonathan Dade. R. M.. b. in Nor- wich, Norfolk Co., Kngland, 38 Aug., 1801 ; he mar, Julianna, dau. Samuel Reeves, Esij., of Weston- Supcr-M,are, Somersetshire ANNE, dau. Cot (Hoiton) Mandr Manor, N.Y.; b 15 Aug., 1I35, t Cemetery ; Mr. dated 14 Mar. daughter Anne. Ihe founder of tl America in the * 1659; will in N Sept., 1(196. (N. V. Gen. and XVI.p.,$.) :l, HANNAH, dai (Odell) Underlii a descendant o Elizabeth (Feke] one son. Comelii Mn. OdeU died (Underliill Pedig 3. JANE. dau. and Ann Devoo ham Brevoort. i< three sons and ti iFRANCES El Samuel Darling (Sherman) RocI granddau, Ensigr (Darling) Rockw Conn,, and a di Rockwell, who Conn,, in 1641, 1 Weed in 1676, John Hancock telor at Uw, of 1 Apr,, 1877, (RockweU Qmt lion.) FANNY L. R. ODELL, mar. 9 Dec, 1889, Henry Brevoort Towie, Es, the proKcnitor oi the WooUhulU I in 1668. ■, Wile IS not known , she w is,U ni.itriesed that Mr^. Odell died Iicfiire ie»44, the year of her husbf in4*» removal to Fairfield, Conn., as the reiords of that town make no mention of her name, nor does Mr. Odell'i will, m.iile in 1676, refer to her. (Walcott's Concord in the Coloni al Period. N. E. H si. and Gen. Register, Vol. 'V, p. 171.) The ii.imr 111 Mr 1 id« I «js JK-rn there aUiLt i''34. Ihi the early records of lloston, hon 1644, at cording to O' account." iri,t9, and was buried 4° (t ) 164 J.VMKS ODKI.L, at Concord, 1 Dec, 1639, bur. lere 4 Feb., 1641. 4. K. Hist, and Gen. Register, ol. IV, p. i7».) JOHN ODELL.Jn, Stntlield, Conn., b. about 1666: 1687, received grant of land as andson of William Udell, of Fair- ^ld, deceased; in 1689, was made reeman; in 1694, deed from hit ther, JohnOdell; d. 1 June, 1745, ir. at Stralfield; will al Fairfield enlioni wife Sarah, two sons, two lughlen and olhen, *robale Records, Liber 1741-S.) HEZEKIAH ODELL, Strmlfield; in 1700, named in ralfield Church Records as son of hn Odell, and renewed the Cove- nt; in 177a, with brother John, ined in deed lo Timothy Wheeler ; 1737, appointed giurdian of leanor Sroita and Eleanor French ; 1746, commisaiaaed as Lieulcn- il at Stntlield by the General As- mbly. aimeia town Keconlt.) : SARAH, dau. Deacon Wheeler, of Stratfield; the d. 1 Oct., 174], aged 7! ; gravcatone i old churchyard at SiralMd; b* will, dated 19 Oct., 1743, mcntioD honored father Deacon Wheeler, lat of Stratfield, tons William and Heu kiah Odell, dau. Ann Gill, childic of deceased daus. Bethiah and San> and gnnddau. Abigail Odell. (Fairfield Probate Records.) AZARIAH ODELL. Stratfield ; in 1737, received deed m his father Mezekiab Odell ; in 6a, appointed surveyor al Fair- Id; in 1767, made aiuudian of m. Odell, minor, of Fairfield; in 74. one of a committee of gcn- imen in regard to certain procecd- gs of Continental Coiimss; in 77, estate inventoried at Fairfield, airfield Town Recotda.) Gr< ved Hon. ABRAHAM ODELL, reenburgh, b. 4 Jan., 1760; in the American Army in Van Bergen's Regiment dur- the war of the Revolution; mem- of New-Vork State Assembly 3 and 1807-10; d. »6 Feb., Phabe Odell, his youngest . 37 Feb., 1804: mar. Rufus ing, Esq., of New-Vork City 13 1813 ; their son, Rufiu King, compiler of this Pedigree, digrec of King of Salcai, Maa.) CLIUS H A.M)EVI LLK OUELU fonkers, b. there 14 Nov., 1797 ; March, 1879; bur. in St. s Cemetery; will, at White dated 16 Nov., 1872, proved April, ik79, mentions sons r B. and Jacob, daughters D., wife of Samuel M. Rais- Esq., and Emily M., wife of ries R. Dusenberry, Esq., Fanny, of deceased son, William and granddaughter Fanny try !ll, WILLI.A 1AM ODELL, onken, b. there s6 Mar., 1840; 35H, student at the University ' City of New-Vork ; married onkers, 21 July. 1861; d. in York City, 6 Feb.. 1869, inles- bur. al St. John's Cemetery, .ers. ilogue of Psi Tpsilon Frater- , edition 1888.) FANNY L. R. ODELL, 9 Dec, 1889, Henry Brevoort e, Ew)., of New-York City, )f Stevenson and Mary (Bre- I Towlc, of Rye, N. V. ; issue, laughters, Frances Riker and Urevoort. JOHN ODELL, St.,: of Fairfield ; in 1664, made Fiee- nun by General Assembly; in 1666, in behalf of his father, William Odell, joined with Francis Hall in tleed of partition; in i673and 1682, received granls of land al Fairfield ; in 1697, named as member of Stratfield Chachi in 1707, msde will ap- .Jmimtw.: ."Vaiy, eaecntha. ,Faiifidd Totm Records.) I. JOANNA. dau. Joseph and Abi- gail Walker, of Stratford. Mrs. Walker afterward manied Richard Hubbell ; her will, dated 17 Apr, 1688, men- tions daughter Joanna Odell. (Schenck'B Hist. Fairfield.) 2. MARY, , who in 1711, is mentioned as Mary Odell, widow, and inventory of her estate taken by her son, Samuel. (Fairfield Town Records.) REBECCA ODELL, bap. at Concord, 17 July, 1642, mar. Lieut. Samuel Morehouse, of Fairfield, son of Thomas and 1m- bella (Keeler) Morehoute, who waa at WeathersAeld, Conn., as early at 1640. Lieut. Morehouse was Mar- shall of Fairfield in 1673; iavealory of hit estate recorded m ijil Ht left iatae,SamaclJonalhaa,noaH, John and olhen. (Schenck's Hist FairficM.) -D SAMUEL ODELL,= DEBORA $Bf Stratfield, Conn., b. 16 Mar.. 11^67;; it4 1697, lunwd aa member f'teatfield Church; ii> ijpo, re- Bnd deed of land from father, loha Oddl, Sen.; in 1722, commis- I Ensign by General Assembly ; tytjt cMate administered on by I Johanna and Samud ; in- ia Aug., same year, men- I widow Debora. paiiMd Town and Probate Rccorda.) -, no further trace beyond the mcnlioo of her name aa " Widow Debora " in the inventory of her hutbaod'sestaie, 14 Aug., 1717. m OD^ :.L, HA b. 20 Oct, 1679. DEBORA ODLLL, b. iS Oct, 1682 ; mentiaacd is Sitalfidd Church Records at rcatw- iag the Covcnaat 7 Dec, lyit. MARY ODELL, mentioiwd in Ctthet's will; in 1704, called daughter of John Odell, and renewed the CovcBant in Strtlfilhl Cboch. Buoa rsATt or «•>. Mr. OMI,wMa ■■ ti^ii I l«M ■wnlami.itwaist tidStr mti b, •knATTSt hmtt ti Ikm il Ike nta tt CWhs *s icrika< h Ihtlhasa ef mm al :i. DEBORAH, dau- Thoataa Bay ■ ley, of Fairfield; she d. 27 June , 1756, aged 54; bur. in old church - yard al Stratfield and dctcfibed ii 1 epiuph as wife lo Lieut Hetddal 1 Odell; iaaue, four childRB,Aiariab , Gershom, Biila and Anne; GcnhOB ■ Odell had two children, WiUiamaK I Ruth. (Old Stratfield Church Recotda.) 2. , dau. Mr. r " " ' SAMUEL ODELL, of Stratfield; in 1733, called "brother, ctdctt son of Samuel f^WI, dec," ia deed from Ebeneser a . Mary Gregory; in 1 73 J, on lilt of giiad Jurors; m lyci, conmit- rioacd Captain by Genaal As- tembly; in 1775, called "Samuel Oddl, Esq., late of Faii«eld," and •ido* Saiah mcniioDed in distiibu- lioaofeatatc (fairfiekl Town and Probate Rec- ords.) GERSHOM ODELL, of Fairfield; in 1743, lece i ved deed of land froa hn Ctther, HctcUah • OdeU, of Faitfidd; ia ij^t, estate ■dmiaitlcnd on Iqr Eunice OdcB, of FaiiMd, single woman ; in 1763 dcaaibed as Gciihom Oddl, late of f airfield, in ditttihttioa of hit ci- ■Mt, with mentioti of widow and cUhkn William and Ruth, ffaiifdd Town awi Piobate Rec- T«»dt.) 'I ANNE, dau.Canieliutaad Rachael (Morton) ManderiUe, of Couitlaodl Manor, N. V. ; b. a? Nov., 1760, d. ij Aug., 1833, bur. Sleepy HoUow Cemetery; Mr. Maadcrfllc'a win, dated 24 Mar., 176S, aantioat daughter Anne. Jdlia MandeviUe, the founder of the Ctmily, came to America in the " Beaver " ia Anil, 1639; will in New-YtHk, dated 1$ Sept, loat. (N. V. Gen. and Bio. Rccoid, VoL :i. HANNAH, dau. Bishop and Ann (Odell) Undertiill, 23 Oct., 1822; a descendant of Capt. John and Eliiabelh (Feke) UnderhOI; issue, one son, Cornelius, d- 26 June, 1823. Mrs. Odell died 21 June, 1823. (I'ndertiill Pedigree.) 3. JANE. dau. (rtn. Jacob OdeU and Ann Dcvoor, widow of Abra- ham Brevoort. 19 Dec, 1823; inue, three sons and three daughters. : FRANCES ELIZABETH, dau. Samuel Darling and Oril Janes (Sherman) Rockwdl, of Ytmkers, granddau. Ensign Runs and Rachael (Darling) Rockwell, of Ridgebury, Conn., and a descendant of John Rockwell, who was of Stamford, Conn., in 1641, and mar. Elisabeth Weed in 1676. Mrs. Odell mar., 2. John Hancock Riker, Esq., coun- selor at law, of New- York Cily, 23 Apr., 1877. (Rockwell Genealogy, in prepara- tion.) -r WILLIAM ODELL, >|r Giecnburgh, b. iS Mar., 1762; ■ITcd ia Col. Van Beiven't regi- tt during the War of lEe Revolu- aad hdd,Uter,a Cohmd't cob- liitiHm ia a Wettchctter County il^Bcal; ia i8it, aamed in hit will with bcqueil of aa caute •aladthc Homestead; ictaoved to liMdall, Otleana Ca, N. Y., aad d. Ikoc 14 Feb., 18(6; bar. in Becch- •ood Cemetery, Wot KeadalL ' Ohit* "-irw Pr*-**. Liber I, p. Mil)' WM. DYCKMAN ODELL,: jf Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 17 Dec, 1794, d. 17 Nov., 1875, bur. in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. Will, ia Brooklyn, proved 23 Feb., /S76, mentions wife Susanna and .Nhen. Mr. Dycknun for many years filled an important and respon- iiible position in the United Slates Custom House at New-Vork. ;Obituary in A^ V. Evnitig thil.) Hon. MOSES F()WLER ODELL,: of Brooklyn, b. in Tarrytown, 34 Feb., |8|8; from i86i--6s, mem- ber of the United Slates Congreu; ia 1863, naval officer, port of New- York; d. 13 June, 1866, bur. in Greenwood Cemetery. SAMUEL U. F. ODELL, a younger brother, was for many years American Consul-General for the kingdom of Hawaii. (New- York Civil List) :IOHANNA, dan. Danid & aad Rebecca (Brown) Willtea,of Greea- biagh, b. JO Dec, 1769; ittae, terca aooa ud foar daughters. Mr. WiOacat win, at White Plaiaa, dated f Feb., 1I31, pnred aa J[aa., iStt, ..laliea bequeat to Anaa, wile of Wil- liam Oddl, of New-York City, aad ■aentioas, amoag olheta, gnaddan., Rebecca, wife of WilKam Oddl, Jr. (Probate Records, Liber O, p. 169.) SUSANNA, dau. Motes and Han- nah (Field) Fowler, of Mount Pleas- ant, West Co., N. Y. Mr. Fowler d. lo Oct, 181$, aged 37; his wife d. 18 Dec, 1829, aged 69; both bur. al White Plains. Mr. Fowler'a will, there proved, $ Dec, 1815, mentions son William and ten daus., including Susanna. Mrs. Odell's will, in Brooklyn, was proved 3 July, 1878. SARAH FISH, dau. Hon. Abra- ham and Jane (Fish) Van Derveer of Brooklyn. N. Y., and grand- daughter Hendrick and Maria (Voorhies) Van Derveer. Abraham Van Derveer was member United States Congress from King's Co., N. v., from I837--39. Cornelia Jtnite Van der Vter, the founder jf the family in Amctica, came from Holland in 1639 and tettled in Flaibuth, N. Y. (Bergen Genealogy.) Noia JOHN ODELL,=TEM of Connecticut Fanaa, N. J.; ia i7io,livedat Sttatfidd; iai73a,aa toa of Eusign Samud OdeU, hue of SamMd, joined m deed to Mm brother Ssiand; iL tc Juat, lysai will, at Trcatoa, N. )., pimd at same month, awa ti oa a srife Taa- pcraace, oa^ aoa Jooathaa aad three tUaghtai. * (Probate Rccoidt, Liber E, p. 433.) PERANCE, dau. Rn. Joaa- thaa Dickiaaaa, D. D... aad atfi Jo*ae< :; dH. Jacob aad Haaaik (Hnbt wlJIMTCBi Rtr.Joa ' aoaof Mti«abaadAbifai(: maa): Oickiaioa, b. at Apia, 16M; Binb Mbtowa; ia 1746, im PNat Coltg t Ntv JtiMr; d. 7 Od, 1747! »* al IVMtoa, ■lati cui OddL M.J.) HANirAH ODBU, ia lyit, iiaa aud Ikt CauiMM !■ SniMd CksKh: ia tig^, «Hk btadHr Joiim mA m dtfina oT ■•Tt < OMof {HMtt ilttVML SdXL:; UNICBODUX, HAKTODCLL. Hoil.tad RIT. JONATHAN ODELL,= ANNI of Frcderictoa, N. B. ; b. ia Novaik, N.J.,t(S- daa. laaac — (NidK iha)diCaa,«f k.J.; Wi wm,mttwmm, pitbalid •7U.t aMiMidaa|hMAaBi,lfcM tadar ti|kHea |«n of aiTbMe dt Co B,bq,UiMMr,«MBM- ba of M«* Jmrnt CalgaU A» ■■hb h i«t« aad Hueiaiai flea. johaiIna ODBIX, iii**irt«a. ■UMICB OMOXt MMtaMd <■ Mm^ «■ ad f» hapa Ikn Batea Olil aKIi i7S*i adiriaiHaii «■ *• OMH ar r^iiitiim OtM, teiMad, lUZABETHODBm ■wrttaii la f ' ' - HUN KLIZ. \MTH, dn. Dr. Ntvil , «r Al I, N. J. wiiiw M anh, dn. *m. , Coakt, BlD„CACdLCMl„lac ' ~ aflhidiaA MAKT ODBIX, LUCY ANMB ODBIX, K 4 Not., in<: mm. Unt^M. aaan, aha djM Cm mltm, itij; SABAH ANNS O DBIX. iMO, tlTk: aa ka*. (0<* ll i r||l l|iii ) Hon. WM. HUNTER ODELL, of Rookwood, Frcderictoa, b. then a6 Nov., 1811 ; graduate Kuu'sCol- lege, class 1832; in 1838, Deputy Provincial SecrcUry and Regiattar; in 1847, Judge of Coart ofCoaaaBOB Pleas; in ■ 850, member of Legisla- tive Council; in ■86<, Poatataalcr- General; in 1867, Senator from New Brunswick ; d. at Hdifax, 26 July, 1891. (N. E. Hist aad Gen. Register, Vol XLVI, p. 20.) Mmok WM. HENRY ODELL, of Fredericton, b. there 6 May, 1832; in 1869, entered Royal Mili- tary College, at Sandhurst, Eng- land; in 1871, gatelted to commis- sion in 3td Light Infantry; in 18V9, WW specisi service in South Alhca and mentioned in despatches; in ■88a, promoted to Capuin in Oi- (ordahire Light Infanti^; in 1892, promoted to Major in same regi- lEUr WiDiat wife w Aaden l«e,& of Ho Harva ctalan Brunsv Col. \ Maa.; (Cyc/ ABBTH ANN, daa. Hoa. a Ml am BKa, jadfe Sa- CfM Nora Scoti*, wboac a Aadi AaB,dau. Aleiaada na, M. A., of Aberdcca Col- Mttmi. JadgcBlimwaaoa a^ Joaathaa BHas, graduaa ni, 4*a 1763, Attomey-GcB- d CWcf Juaticc Prorince New rick i hit wife wu Mary, dau. Vcilkiagtoa, of Spriagtdd, ittac, oac toa aad four daai. \m. Bio., Vol. I, p. 293.) I DIL OBORSB MOmiTAIM ODIU,isi. BLBABBnL ofN«itpat,K.L,kSlt, bur. al Fadcrietoa. (N. V. Goi. 81 Bio. Rceoid, VoL XXIV, p 4«.) >daamraratM%N.B. ■adiladiM(Daa!B«M (N. y. Ga. k Ha BaeadTVcll XII, p. ay.) Not i **'^" v^*"