^firaue JFlen uiho met their Death ^ WUU in the ^ii^^featjg^ of tbriv futg St. litbain Street Fire Melt, hearts 1 Flow, tears ! Deep heavy cloud Of dismal melancholy shroud, Way, overwhelm the stoniest breast ! Though, ne'er before, with grief oppressed, Resist, no more, hef powerful sway, Knroused by such calamity As now o'erspreads its gloomy gown, Iiike darkest night, our awe-struck town ! Fire, fierce relentless element, Inters, in blackest cerement. Bight noble hei^oes of the hose^ MJn wrapped in death's most violent throes. Borne hence, unwarned, and hurriedly Bushed forth into Eternity, — Inearthed, and with deep wonnds prostrated, drilled, roasted, and, alive, cremated, — Aloft, to meet their God, they rise. Bragged ruthlessly from those they prize. Enforced, unsummoned, to the skies. Hush ! Let the funeral array Of mourners wend their silent way ! Ijet weeping mdthers, widowed wives, Orphans, bewailing fathers' lives. Creep on, with measured tread, and slow, — Associate-friend of heavy woe I — Unfeigned, sincereat symph'thy spread, Sink down each heart, bend low each head To lamentation, o'er the dead I JAMES CRANKSHAW. MoKTRiAL, May ist, 187X