•• k . ') " D [ ■ ; \ ■^ 4 7- V ■\ ^^ <«Cv ^^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSM (716)S72-4S03^ '■'■' -J N w^ CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) \^'^. ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Instituta for Historical MIcroraprbductlona / Inatltut Canadian da microraproductions hittoriquaa N •■fe Tadmicat and WbNofraphie Notn / Horn •t biMioiiraphiiqMM TtM ImtitHtt iMiammptMl to obtain th* bart oriflinal eofiy avaUaMa for f ilmint. Faaturat of tMt «opy wMch of tiM iHMfM in tiM rapradHetion, or «Mcli afiay l i tiii f iaantiy elimfi tli* «aiiai matkod •< *UMint, aro r Ybolourad eovan/ LklCoinartiirada D Coaart daMMP^ □ Covart rartriirad and/or iaminatad/ CoMvartura rattaurto at/ou paMicuMa □ CovartillijniMint/ Utitiadtcoiwtrtwa, a □ ColMirad ini( H Thit itam it fihnad at tita raduetion ratio dtadcad baiow/ Ca documant att f ilini au taux dt rMuction indiqui ci-dattout. Hx 14X 18X 22X 26X • ' XX /- ; " ^ .12X lix 20X 24X 28X 32X Tti» coyy fWiwd twr» tm bffw riprod w d thiillt to ttM g«n«rotlty of: MetropolltaQ Toronto Re f«r«iice' Library BusitMsa and Social Sciancai DeparCiwnt L'womptoko fUmi ffut rop r od ui t grieo A It g4n4roaitido:'-; ' Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library , Bualneaa and Social Science* Departaent quality legibility The imoaoe appoaring iMMO aro the poeaiMe eonaltf ering ilie eondltion of the oflginel copy and In keeping Wming eontraet ipeoifloetlone. Origihol oolite Ih printed poiMr eovera art fHmod the loat pege with e printad or Hhietrated Imp* aion. or the baeic eovor vvhen eppropriate. All other originel eopiee ere fUmed beginnifig on the flrai pege with e printed or ilHietreted Impree- aion. and ending on the laat pege with a printed or Hluotrated imp r eaalon. Lee Imegee auh/antee ont 4tA reprodultee evee le piue grend aoin, compte temi do le condition et. do lo netteto do i'oKomple^ flimt. et en eonformit# avoo loo eonditione du oontrat do. Lea eKompleirae origlneiui dom la eouverture en pepior eet Imprimdo aont f M i h ia en eommen^ent per le premier plot et eh terminent aoit per le domitre pege qui eomporio une emprelnte d'Impreesion ou dlHuetretion. aoit per le aecond plat, aeion le eee. Toue lee eutree pKomplelree origineux aont ramde en c o tnmonyant per le premitre page qui eomporto une emprelnte d'impreealon ou dlNuatretion et en ferminant par le dorhitro page qui oompofto uno telle . The laet recorded fremo on eooh mieroflehe ( ahall Gontein the symbol ^-^ (meening "CON- TINUEO"). or the symbol ▼ (mdbning "END"), wid ct iovor appWea. lAapa. platee. ehorta, etc.. may be fNmed et different reduction retioe. Thoao too large to bo entirely included In one eapoeure are filmed beginning In the upper left hend cbmer, left to ^ right end top to bonom. as many frames as '.^ required. The following diagrama illustrate thl^^ method: ■ , .. ■ ;i ; V ' ■'^/"'' Un dee aymboloe auivanta apparettra sur la dernltre imege do cheque microfiche, selon le ces: le symbole -»- signlfio "A SUIVRE". lOv symbole ▼ signifie ''FIN^ Lae cartea. planchee. taMeeux. etc.. pouvont #tre filmte A dee teux do reduction dIffOrents. Lofsque le document eot trop grend pour Atre roproduit en un soul cllchA, II sst filmA A partir da Tangle supArieur gaueho. do gauche A droite. et. do haut en bee, en prenant le nombre d'imegoa nAcessairo. Lee diegrammoa suiyanta Uhiatrent la mAthodo. ■^^^ s J. i -V f 6 m. ,v X \U' t \ t^ y ' >> It :f.f k.< •?,» '^ r ;V LAWS DOnmOH » ClHADl, wnfuunA 4 OOKHLATIOS i^ BIUABLB SOLlcnRnai OB TttE t.4W8 fiSiLAT- INa to COLUUCnOMS is THB PBOV1*OB8 op OSTABIOt ODl^BKC. SO¥A BOOttA, »BW BBOMSWXOK, PBZWbE BDWABD UttiAIO), MARITOBA,, Ain» .BBrnsH cx&uvbiAh SUmiARY OF TNE WSOLVEIlT UW I/^y OfQHAfiriBiO BANKS ANO THBIR Ad£mi£3. «*t,*f*j 1^' ■ inmundtD bt tat NWTIi AfPtmCAi COLiCCnOil ASSOCMTIOII, I • PBXCEv wa/n cfiMTSt W9. "'j^*'''* ■n3!SmBS S9E W LuMi;^, "'"■*■■ .*'f'^R^^*-'?r:- ' "■ '■• ..'•^' y.''-^'- rr:a:s] COLLECTION L^WS Of Tin DOMINION OF CANADA, coRTAmnia A COMPILATION BT BELIABLE SOLICITOBS OF THE LAWS BELAT- ; INQ TO COLLECTIONS IN, THE PBOVINCES OP ONTABIO, / QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTU, NEW BBUN8WICK, / / PBINCE EDWABD ISLAND, MANITOBA, * .' AND BBITISH COLUMBU, .'J' WITH uao A SUMMARY OF THE INSOLVENT LAW AHO A V~ »-&'■ u: )k • -«.^ ■ • ■■ ■-.' . . , >- ■.. _...; ■■': ■.-:.':•.- 1 ;'j- w:'-''' ■'. ...- »-..r ■' ■::■:;,::.■■'- V:^ ■'■■/ - • ■ ■ . ■" ■,■.'■'■ ,:';■'■ v \. ■■ ■ ■:, .. .... ... // •: ■ ■ -■" "'.■■^ ■ .■■■ ■■ ■ "'> ,-■; -r' ■■;F' r '•-. ,X '^ ■ •7 \. ^^ / ^Ti:ms*jLOjB}. «„S!!^Jf"f*^ *?*•"" ^ ^^^'"^ I*« 0* CanaJ.. Sfre Uvo had y;^^^J^^'^^tofS^^ihehn^e„c0mnn^ij^re»Ay mean, rf niulwjnding th« Law o| e«di P«,in«e. and tiu./hM b«m bro«ght aboot S.'IlJLSS^ul^^f^"' *■* "^ *° »- "T' comp«d.3 without |*^ft«^iad«.liBdtl,eL.w.ol thd, wa^la^ fto^tart, ; «Mi doiag tl«Ji.Jft * '^ »««• »e««tUe eollMUoti boaiMM. a«, m . poriaon to irnow «bat Uwa an neoded to prove benefldal to tho boainesa men. DnrinR Jhe FMt *^,3;«V?L *• Vm^iu», lute been nminded teqnenUy tbat the 1*W8 aa no^ Uaead before jon, woidd prove of great auiataneo to thetrade. We have apand n^ezpenM to make them uaefol. and if thoy now w^ve the pur- 1^1?^ '^^ ^ "^*^ '«°°"*~- ''^'^ "•* y"- ^ find ««''«Jly ZSrll"!?^ Wow elodag we wiah to d»w yonr attention to the legal amranea Ha* yo«r Intoreat will be promptly attended td. 4.^ " -'1 ''\ .. Uf' ■ t XT' OA.BD OP tBAXiZB. VHUMK in P« CO IM ca is •I er P" <• ia ai CO M m ot '« ■< ta M tM C til bi M •I «• O i IT or SI 0» Ttt K' nsoLmf . ici OF m a& assm ins. L tiMM Mta apply io irai4rt.~ir»4iacoo-p»rta«nUp« vai. tn^liic C«wipaai«i, wUtW incorporatad.ornot, Mcapt iDCorporaioif Bank*, Inraniiee, Raihnx aad Teleynph Com- 3. A datrtor is4awiM ioMWaat. Uf W oalh* maedac of cndiian Cgr ika pupow o/a eompaaitioa i tf ha aibJMta no itatomanH ahaw^ hia laaMlfay to mat hla wnatunww ; if ha in any way actowwMaaa^ ioaoltraacy : U ha abaconda or ia abeat to aliaf,oiiii, or coa- caalahlmaalf with iiitant tb'dafraod or to avoid amatortanricoofpiocaaaiifbaaaGrataaor is abodt to aaerata UB jiart of hte'totaia, or aaaifoa or remoTM, dlapotaa of, or ia«hoatto aiiigD, raaaora o^^plf!'af< any of bia proparty with intMt to dateud, dafaat or d^lajr hia erediiors, qr^ wii|||^^iatant, ha procoraa hia propar ty to ha aaiaad at tahan oadar aay pr ot f a a <» aaacntiontor a anm aicaading faoAoo: if ha haa baan Inpclaaaad or opgQ tha -sagf Umha for mora than 30 day* in a ciTU aqti<|^ for $aoo,aa or niHarda,aad having boArao impriiqaled or npmi (ha llaaita haa aaeaped ;. if ha wiU^ noclacts or rafaaaa to appear «» any mk or ordar raqnirinf hi* app a ar a nc e to baresaoijaad aa to lua dabta, dr to obqr or comply with any nda or order mada for pt^yneat of hia Uabilitiaa, or to obqr^rcoBtly with any prdaror daereaof (ha Court of Chancery, 01 of any of the Jndtaatharab( ibrpajrma^t of money ; if ha ha* made any xenaral conveyance or aaaifamant for thahenaAt of hia creditoia otharwia* than under thaae acta, or if being naable toneethia l iab i ll ti ea in fajl^ ha aalia or ' convey* th* whole or the main pact oflUaatoek in tnda, or of hiaaiaaiawtftoattbe conaant ofhiacraditor«.9r.witho«^ aatiai^ing Iheir claims or if be parmita any asacalion under which any of bia property ia aaiMd to remain maatiidadtfll within fow^yaoftha time fixed bytha Sh**ifferOCc«nforthe8ale,or forfiftaan.day*ai(ar*neh.aeiaiii«i ' ^. S> If adabtw oaitaaa to nibethia liabilitie* tmeraUy aathey beeoinedn*, aay(we<1)r Born creditors fpr anae1l?-»-'..; COLLECTION iiwa v^ V .* ■> .i -l5«Kr.;>- PROVINCE QF pNTABia I. AM«M>. ^aacfloQ te the Snparior ud CoaatjrOoom the plJ^H* ^ ofculn 4 JndfM order, MthorWaglMiM of writ of ea|>iM«draqMo4n4aaa«kliitt tin daiaidiii« npoa Ukhvltatf the vUli>M4,<»o(har pM«oa, tTftOwInc to iha MMia&ctioo of tb« )ad«i. thai ^ flw p Ulntia hM • MDM dT actfam acalnit *e dcAMiteat fo the «inoiint of •100,90 v -- V*>vd% or hManualawl damage to UMtuiiDtut,udal«otbowincmcl) (acts u*^^ r*J*^ "*** t»>wcla naodaadprobablo camp tec baUerlae that ttie' dafcadani, nnlsM forthwith app wM a ii da d, la rtpm to qtrit Oatarlo »Hth hiMiit to d«fta«d tha pUlBtlff. or hia crMiftaM«MMraUr. If tha action ha* dd«taai)y cwiimwiBod aUk taia sf writ of cytaa_ad rMp. a writ of capi«« ad latis, may iaano without f^hw aOda^ta, «rtliirr^ wiaa tha latter writ wtB not iNM,etcept apon a Jndce* order panted on aOdavit ooBtainln gelmllaralle«a«oBa.oronltbewi»ihownthat defendant haa parted withhia V Ptoperty.or iftde eowe fc m d a ient cr aecret cowreyance thereof, in order to prereftt It heinttahea lo execvtiaa. tf npoo the esamination of a Jadgement dehtoe aa In hie (Vopirty and meaaa it eatls^g hia debt% be reftieed to dltdoee hik property, or ■ tranaactiona, or doeanot mehe eatiifectorT inewcra, or lei he ee to attend aneh etamina- 0on,er afrandnieat diipaaal «f bia property li proved to have been made, the Court *r Judge may eetenit hint to gaol for a period not esoeeding one year; or direct th« ' iasne of a writ ofcapiaa ad latia agaiatt aoch debtor. No arrest can be made for non- payment of eoeta. «. Atmvnti^wnoM o» Bit %T(t.-^y penon.'^cUimhqi to be a creditor o( a deeeeasd debtoa toay apply to the Comt c? Chancery .on motion for «n order for the administrathm of tbn ' ^ ""^ "'*"■>■* (•taticf.iwh deceased debtor, in which cash the eemt aesamea the tihing ot acMMnta and adffl(n;*ters the sMets for the peyment of the debts of deceased debtor faaen^ii. On a daaek«.ey 01* aiiets crediterv rank raai »Aa«o,withont diatfaietiaa of nattte^daim}, tUa, howevxi doea not prejudice any Ilea esiatisg daring the llle- • , *«>• «* dmdebtor on any ef hia real qr personal estals. such a* a writ of Fieri Fadias ags hisri s wia to MwrMh hands at time ol decease, or Mortgage or^ther Ilea eiecated bydsbtqthih^Ufclima. 7^ 3. Aaaianiiiairr W Booa tears ftc.-Erery debt and chose in action, prising out of eiH. tract, other than bflto and notes. U asaignabK at Uw, by any form of writing: subject to thecond it hms iareepect to the right of trsasler, contained in original contract, and tha aasi|pue may s«e hi his ceni name thereon. Original ri|^t of aet off and oOer deiknoea; ashidng prior to traasferaace preserved aQticeoftrsaifcrshopldbeg)TeabyaMlvioato '- » 4> Anaeaaaavor FaoraBTV or Aaaconmao Z>BBToa.H>.) Iss«tt liroA Dieiaion Coart on ehi^ far deht,]adgment ordamatee. arisfaig apqn contract, Crom #4toiicn, la eaaa debtor, with latent to defraud, abeoonda from Ontario leaving pe^ooal property liabla to idsnre aader eaecatioa; er ^toaptt to reoiove sndi property linwi one eounty to anothw or keepaUmseUcoBoeaMfai cay coonty to avoid service efpraeeie.' (s.)Iseuee Craea Superior tad County Courts when dsim eiceeds 9100.00 on aflUavit by jdaintifl', ^r |ja asrvaat, or aaea^ showing tiiat debtor ia indebted to the plefaitit in tioo^ or up- \,V^*"''*> ■>«<»« cauae of action, and that drpontat beUeves that the debtbrlias deperted - lPmn Ontario «ith Intent to defraud piaintifl^ or to avoid arrest, and at time of de- - partive bed teal liad perAael property; ead ih additloa (torrobbrated fit tUa laat *ratei»wib»efbi rtHttmrt «l<6wiBt thA d«par4>.»^ , » »frtMhnt • >»:» ■^ ^Kjf^yk^ ^^ vr, . • -fi L";iv-...^h . COLLBCTIOM LAW*. ' ftwnoaurk,. With intent to dri^««I. '» S«p«ioc «l Cbw»tjrC«^^ tat^S^W.1^K.u'«on«^fro«t|.i d..,ofth.fii« writ «^ *• be^SSSn^l,. Propwt, of debtor held b, third p«tJeN«*ec^ «0 •W"^^ • ^aeZkepncribed. Uft) Qr nHgwH eiectitiah t» W fi i l tt n n M ti»8 ed tfll witto ♦Jto^ huZu^rorfi.ritj of cwditpr. of •iooaf«h.a»dY»«A««« ' ^^Z>Z^t^M?*iMt>«tha in «tae of ail the —'^ aMirtT n-* ff**^*^ »"» inMl»«nt wiU Mt ha a ■• ' 1 -.-^ I, I .!■'' ■■i>C">'^^*.'*i i" i^ i« L otbM fo««»«" «»*»*7 ^i^oT mA or » Consul. Vice fo"*"' " „ ^le above. fc„a^t. Erteot«« "^'JX ta«dM«ta the »»d» ^!l^bot « tbe«ii<»«» "^ fc„a^t. Erteot«« "^'JX ta«dM«ta the »»d» ^!l^bot « tbe«ii<»«» < ,„«- _«^ •» «»«*»^*^.!Tt^^rtto«; ow cow* *P«» •«»«»• ^ :•>, %>- * d« wc «s ■ ■ \ »»• H< \ ac \ "^ be by lei xd. IH^ an fcn tfai thi ■■"■■'.? ■. aU be Li a* " ■ ! ni.1 be lat Ui vit .'^.MK nil ftmu ;ac -■•c pn 19. Mi -wit .,«hi Mat ImI 40. Nc m ■ s «M la •a tai ai. Sb i ap lea ;iftijtSfel>a»t:)i-.i,r ■ 'T- ?5^^^^^'»^ / f ;^ MOV1MCB or gUBMC. «l low — " ■ ' i,aetaaUyfor Moallyin the •*»*^'!; I pnopertJ " (iofMtoctbiS ( MMinpt ft**"" uMlriinrion per cent, on any debt or sam oartaia. iMeavst is^aUewafale (i) wbere thedebt, or aom certain, is payable by virtaa«< aay wriM*aiBBinMMM,aieertain time from the time aoeh debt or sum certain ia peyaUa ijal miiwn MMk debt, or torn certain, ia p/y- able otherwiae than by virtee of written iaalrsasslataeertaiatime. Than intersat ouy be allowed from the time a written demand af fayaaal is mode n o t i fy i iig the debtor that intmrast will be eUimad from the dale afMsk Atmaad. Lnn.— Jndgment U no lien, bat. creditor, apaai Aipariiac eri* Shsril write of VU Fa. Tbeae writs priar to ptocaediBgs nasa, boildera and kava a Uaa on each a;jain4t defendants goods and laada. sosk yaapaf^ is m-iy issae aimoltaaeaisly bat debt most ha W*f < being had against the lands (ase artide sataatlaui laborera sraetiag or repairing baildiags ar lands to the valoe of snch work vits, be filed within thirty daya ia Caaaty snch dainu at law witUa ,18; by afOda- tahaatoooforoe r materiala for- LiMiTATioM or Actions.— Oa iMipia aaatiael daMt, iHsey A^m—i^i aad panooal actioaa, sia yeara on ooauaeta tnler seaL aihar thaa itngrgt dabta, ao years. Seal actions and mortcsge debts loyaaia. Tbe abaeaoa or aaa>f«aideBoe of plaintiff will not I J" I9. prevent operation ot'the atatnte. '^ MABaiBO WOMBH wife's penoaalty dosaagt render chase atook, deposit moaey in baaka in her and be sued, on accoimta of her own sola. Haaband ia not liaUe for debts MoTABV appoiatad by LianteaMrt tracts, dwiar, parties and odwr meats fgr pnbUe ptoiaetatloa. AH foi Inland bills and notes do not neceesarify require proteat, yet protest is alv/ays advisable as the ptoductioa of the protest is prima {sdis avidanca ofaU aUagationa therein eon- tained. SBcvBtrr voB CoaTa.>-A nfln-rcaident plaintiff must give aecurity fbrcoata of suit, if sppUcation therefor be made by defendant ; mileaa such pUdatiff has aufideat leal or leasehold estate within Ontario to satisfy the defsndanta coata ia case o< aoa-aiiit or triidiei for defwidaatai - A asarriad wooun aiay pnr- naaia, givw raeeipts tharefor, sue for, her own aaam as if aha were feme raflsrdiag her separata emple^rment, Ac. . He draws papers and iaanes deeds, con- ttaasactioas, atteata all oomoiercial instru- and aotea maat be proleetadby a Notary. PROVINCE OF QUBBBa COURTS. 1- „■ '■ CiBouiT Court,— JApUeiion to $900 ', cases over #100 appealable. In the cities of Qno' beeand M(tetreal,^eassa over tioo are caaea in the Si^erior Court. SvrBBiOB CouaT.-.OrigiHat jtiriadietion over aU caMs and c6nqilaint8 not ix«ttisable by the Circuit Court. . ~ Coo«T or Kmtnm.-'An intenaedlata vpeal by rehaariaf bafiara tfaiee Jadgea of tba. Sa- periercoart, or Circuit oourt in vpealaHe eataa. IMpoafia for costs iwmirad itoor •^D, aedotding to dM amoual of the aetkm. CouBT or OvmaitedOH.— Appeal side Ucompoaad of fivajndgaa and is a final court of Appeal ia tills Province, eioept in caaes involving taooo^ and iq>waidB,wllIeh casesmay ■^m -e-*^ *"".-?. '. *■ < / LWI«TK>«.-F«»«T-^** J^^oJ Bio»e.We effects. "^^ "^^ ofcnee. or AttoM.t--F»« ■»?«^^ » ewsuuoa to collect. ^^ wAeatic «»id»6e ; peMro*«t> hU ««*' "Tr\ ,1,,^ of which oWti«^ ""^Ti^ to depo*" **» '" i^cienttf«wornWWi!'»««^'"'"'V';"""'7 ,. , , H Cbl mai *»r 30d pro Fra KOO thei prii API :.& Biu, "' ■ ' OM •jo tiOB »t ti inta Pos out tek . not P" 7. Bill pen tW ^t. Bill pan ' ' . 'aca tol wri hTOI ty» re« the exe .. acti aii(i fro UK* mo die 9- Cqri •r* ■• ^^lec be act liqi Co ; ^.^jjU ■-"ffi to. b»i ter ■ /<•? ./■.rtg wit Co Sir ■1/ r / /■ ■• ••-* ,,..^ ■■"\" other tn ^- iiUton> > l()\li4a- • poiion' nd tip- lno«K> rtoUst can ob*' 4 by a nitiiMlBt pttyied ; J ia not u I of pro- lign debt. for note* icoptphy- ffsnOM at offemay. 'it thowins erom i««>«- Bt IntetMt o«« by two »tao;*l*o i»By« bonot Aatof Advo- oj Hetwies, rt. They we MOt rior court, or » n, or • notary jyrt>«hCotonie« ttateoftownoT liec«**«««»»- vica^onwl of ifMnvit wffl be fBorot the Pro- - Oi1«r liaal<^|«l ofeeert of any tewa or city, Brittah Consuil, Vie* Coiiaal etc. AM Srainlteas conttmcts mada*1iy InfalveAt vitUa three mantha precaedinf data of ife- mand of asilgament, or writ of atlk^ment, are pretamed to be {raadnlent. Contractk for coatideratioa made by debtor, onaMa to meet hit engaRemeitta with ethera, within 30 dayt prior fe daiB»od of ataicnment, or writ of attachment, are. YoldaUe ; aubject to protaatiea of the ether parties to (och eontractt, who were igneraat of *ach iaali&ity. . Prandtileat prehreace, paymenti, and traaeaetions, are Toid. A debtor, pwehaaioK Kood* on eredit, knewin|, or ^vin; probable eaosa far beUeTlng, Umedf anable to pay therefor, and «soaeeaIin(' tqeh fact from the' Vetldor, it gaOty of fraod, and liable to im- priaoameat tor a t«na not ezceedinf two yeart, anlatt the debt and coit be aooaer paid. Appealt in Inaolrettcy preceodin(s are determined ia the Coart of Zmk aitd Appeal. .At BiiXH iWD NoTCa.— Tht«« dayt (race allowed ejieepl when payable on demand a one eentttamp matt be aiBied where aiaaoant of i^ttrnmeat ia iaj ; tw* oenta over $a3 to •30 ; three cents oyer 9y> to $100 ; and thna eeatt for each aabteqnent fioo ot frac- tioaal part thereof. Pariy reeeiyinfan anatamiwJinatmment matt, afflx doabla ttampa at time iaatnuMntcames into hln poaetsloA. When the hittmment eariiei iatereet, the interest It to be added to principle, M eompate Ttlne of ttampi reqiiirad. Bank cheques. Post Oflce eraers, Mantelpal Oebeateraa, Coupons, BHIs aad Notea drawn and payable out of Canada, are exempt from st^jap duties. Notices of protest, or diiiboaor, are tuf- ' Aeiently glTan, if addressed to parties liable at place where instrument is dated, though not then piaca of resideaee, unless another place is deaigaatad twder si|natui«s of siich »*•».",' 3' -•vv. ■M n y. Bills or Laoimo.— Assignment* of biUs of lading pass the eontraot, as well aa dw pro- perty, in the foods mentioiied therein to indertee, without prejadice, however, to the Ti|^ of stoppnfe in tranaita,.or right to claim ftei^t acainat orjginal shipper or owner. ^ I. Bnta or Salc amd CRATrab MoaTOAoas.— Sales or mortgage* of penonality anaccom- paiiied with aa actual. Immediate, i^i continual change of pottestion are mid a* _ agalatt ereditota of vendor, or mortgai^and subsequent purchasers or mqrtgageea in ' In good fidth far value, >nless the goala are cl*ariy and distinctly described, and tht writteainstrametttoftt]e,ormortgage^atme copy thereof, be filed within fivii^yt from the exeeatlon thereof, lathe ofllee of the Clerk of the CpMty Court, of the Coan- "' ' . ty where vendor or mortgagor iMidea, at tte ttiia»df the execntioa thereof, or, if naTS.—(i)i Divid Jodse pf County Courtt in bia own County, or the ttayor or C)ri«Magiitf^of llkrcitr or t In any Biitfah Colony or ><9- 'A .-■ ' ' .' »J- ■ . .: IrXOVINCB or gUBMC. dabtt ve granted after judgment obtained. Salary or wagei due to me^banic*, clerk*, worfcinen, lervanta, or employeei cannot be gamiabed if 43} or under ; if in excesi of $<} only the exceas can be (arnlsbed. • HoMB*TBAD.— In the Free Grant Oiatrict aoo acre* may be granted by tb« Crown to actnal settler* over eighteen year old, which granU are absolutely exempt from seicure before i«*u« of patent After isaue of patent, a* long a* any inte^ in land is owned by sQttler hit widow or heir*, it U exempt during twenty year* from date of location, un- leM for debts eecured by a valii) mortgage, made subsequent to RUch is*ae. '"" -'!"f."" ""*' "^ "' *"' "*' agreed upon, Bank*, and Inauraace Companies^ however. ' ■"'■ luBited to r f i rt a iB . t » t£ tjnj£BJib»ence of agreement. When interest is allowable, the legal rate U six per cent. onAnyd^ror'sSI&-ceraEhr.--lBlerest is allowable (i) where the d^bt, or soni certain, is payable by virtue ol any written inatrument, at certain time froniV" the time auch debt or sum certain is payable (2) where auch debt, or sum certain, i* pay- . able otherwise than by virtue of written instrument at a ceruin time. Then iatjprest «iay be allowed firom the time a written demand of payment is made notifying the debtor that interest will be claimed from the date of such demand. 17 LiBN.— Judgment i»bo lien, but, creditor, upon depositing with Sherifi writ* 'of FL Pa. against defendants good* a^d land*, such property is bound from delivery. These writs m.iy issue simultaneously but debt must be levied against the goods prior to proceedingsf being had against the lands (see article execution) mechanics, contractors, builders andf laborers erecting or repairinj; building* or furnishing material*, have a lien on aucU land* to the value of sufch work and materiaisi provided a statement, verified by affidal vtts, be filed within thirty dajrs in County Regiatry office and proceeding* taken to enforci such claims at law within ninety d^s froin time of work completed or materials fur- niabad. 18. LiMitiinoN or ACTioMS.— On simple contract debt*, money demands, and penonat action*, six year* on contracts under seal, other than mortgage debts, ao years. Real actions and mortgage debts 10 year*. The absence or non-residence of plaintiff will not prevent operation ot the statute. I9- Sr*«W8D Women.— Real and personal estate exempt from hmband* debts poweasion ol wife's personalty doe* not tjander same liable for deb|». A married woman iiliBy pur- ' chase stock, deposit money in banks in her own name, give receipu therefor, sne for, andbesued, on account* of her own property, in ter own name aa if she were feme (Ole. Hn*band is not liable for debts of wife regarding her separate employment, Ac. aa NoTAKv appointed by Lieutenant Govemm. He draw* pa^tn and iatues deed*, con- tracts, tbarter^ parties and other mercantile transaction^ attesU all commercial instru- ments figr public protestation. All foreign bill* and note* muat be protf»ted by a Notary. Inland bUls and notes do not necessarily require protest, yet proteet i* ali/ay* advisable aa the production of theiirotMtU prima fecie evidence of all allegation* tiierein con- tained. u. Stcunrr ro« Costs.-4 non-rT*ident plaintiff must giveaecnrity for cost* of suit, if application therefor be made by defendant ; unleaa soch plaintiff has sufficient teal or leasehold esute within Ontario to satisfy the defondaatt ootu in case oi non-aait or vecdjcl for defendants. PROVINCE 0? QUEBEC. .^,-;';< ■ ,., ■:,,,, , • ..■ ■;■' ',■■;■■•■ COURTS, ■. ■■, ■''-': .': '' ' ; ■ •'" ■■/;/' ■■ '-- CiMtii^rCotiBf.— Jiviadiction to iaoo; cases over •100 appeaUUe. In the dlte of Que- bec and If pstraal, case* over ^100 are caae^Ji^ the Superior Court ' SufBUOK Coi»«T.-Original jurisdiction over aU case* and complaints not eogniad))* by the Circuit Court. .-*.'-■ Cot;BT OP Rbvibw.— An intermediate appeal by rehearing befoi« three Judge* of Ae Sn- periorcourt, orCiriuit courtin appealaUe caaea. Dnweiti for ooets lequitwl taoor •40, aoeqrding to the amount of tile action. Cou>Torgti>iieBBiicH.-AppeaI side i* eompoee^ of five judge* and i* a final eoort of Appeal in iUs Piotlnce, except In cue* involving faooo, and upwards, which caae* may^ ih. ' ■^^ ;v-»>t they become due, boldiii(*y>oor( tkm iney ^ ~ " tiqoidation i ward*. '~** Ued, m . dirldtiid, Uin ditchug mejorltyofc 1. Ud.vit 0..t »«*«!? ^,TJS««ie. If not so (Ton. mon.h.ft«.I.P^-«^»'J^^;^^„r tola.. , .Wdend to n»e« *" 'r"£L; Insolvent can ob- - w JS&-.*Jiror deed of co«po»...on «^J^J^a representing a. •^^ '*^i'!!3I^Eve proved claims for «.oo •»* J^'^^ juv Wn proved ; ""^',!"^^;!SSrof llclaimeof *.<»«"» X^nS^wd deficiency U.no, p^. pMt or intended. With town. ^^^^^^^^derj^. SJ^Md »'-V«?:'J^:^.iK.ve»Sopo-like grounds. ^^ „^ Ax,*c^;:«--For «y <«^;;^X^^ ■^rrXkLSUt^cep.phy- L.i.iTATio«.-l'iveye«»*wp^^ ^ „overf)le effacts. work W"^^ j^^^^ or A«o««T^Ha. now^ P" to execution to coUwt. ^^^ ^^y^ce ; paid over, hU receipi » "" .^ of which certified eopiee mnw » ^^^, ^gm in s-o'^yr:rii..x:^«.::t^%.diot^ AM^.. in In^A'-cy »r:^:l^^T«rSe -c-rity to *. Govemmint .ppoin.«lb,J.B««mJ^CJ^^^ Cost* of every kind eretMrtM^ « Prothonotory of »• '•^PT" d«|iof .h. Cto«jttoo«^«»^»^^;^2^^ Britnln or '^^ *~Srot.own or poblic, under o»da»««J- 2*^^^™^,^, ^^ ^S^wS^te of town or city under "=»n>orn» *»•!. o^ ^flj^^, ^ill be , ▼ince of Quebec. i^ jrpX^:' noviiic* or aov* mmm. ourt of Judges, « other . «r« de- wJly »» rediMr*, U(tai- npnltory and up- If not so or tolast ,t can ob- lod by a ^entlnitat 1 proved ; cy Is. not It. m of pro- «iga debt, I lor notes" wcept phy- olbncea or •rges. etc , of&mtty- vit showing from judg- «t Interest costs by two ;, $100 ; also loneys be not Btie evidence; potit them in that of Advo- , I of Hoinries, ' irt. They 9n Dint oior court, or a It, or a notary British Wonies itnteoftownor Irecord, ormajr- ■ vice-Consid of affidavit will be n»o^o)tUi« Pf**- ' PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTJUL Count IM WNicN Dcara Mar as IUgovbbu.— Mxa say be r aaotww d tgr nM la Iha tt^- pren« court of tiM ; Pntviaoe, (which also iaoladas tha sowt •( Equity) the Oe«nty eourtsaadtlMMa«lsiratMcawt.aiil|iMl t*lhefellMftacUa»liatia« M !• ** wtwal iurja4ietiMMi aad pnctiM. SuraaiiB CowaT.—Th*S«ptMM •wut hat iwiadiMto* la all aMaawkara Um UMMM claim- •ad is Bot lasa tbaa aiikty dolars, Iha practiea id ta aotar IwlnaMM ^ 4afeA l«Unat tha l a lrt l i 'i«latM tedasaad a* tta writ, j w lH iHwila f i a d at plaadabafcwtliaihaatfvwihfaabyAa wM far wkara the aaia aa t clai aMd ta taa, aad doaa aol eioaad •400, aad ia aU aetfoaa of tort whara the anoaatfaaw^hcvajlMa. Tba vanaa anM,|a1aid la tha eoaaty whara the eaaaa of action aroaa, ar whaia iba dafandaat laaidaa. JadgaMit amy be alMalnad by default agafaiattha dafandaat, aa fai tha Snprama eoart, If ha lUfa 10 plaadwiihia Iha dma Umlted la tha writ far that pnrpoaa. Tha lafalar Mma far iriafa are hdd twice a year fa aaeb ccaairt aad fa HdHas aenaly, wbfah aloaa fame om dfairiei. and 10 which alaM ia allotieAaoa )ad«a. tha larma tra held nara flntqaaatly, with a farther provfaioa that the JBdgeamy.onapplleationof thaplaiBtli;otdarcaaaeaiobebtoa|hta« bafaia Iha neat tar% at aaeb ttaaa aad plaea aa ha ihatt Is. THaordtaiar7aMdaoriilall and apwarda, M the aitaai of Ihafar JntfadieiiOB, Iha coafa fa Iha Coaaty eoorfa ai«t with alaicht a ac a p l fa aa, iha saiiaa aa ia Iha tapraaM eoart Tha anpaal Ireai Iha Coaaty coarfa fa to the Soptaaia eoart. MAOiaraATBa' CooBTa^Thaae eoarta have J arfa dlei faa far the f e c oaaty of all ifabia aol aia aa ding lo. Tha Ma«falralaahavaaaeliial«a)«riadieitoaaaaUaaaaaaad«r$io. Un- tBiraoaatly MagtaMfaa ooaM aol tfiid their wrlfa pallida af Iheir oonDtfea, haj) at the 'faat aapfa^^tflha LaridttPre w •tiaiapt wai aaada «o asMid ihair powata by aaaetinc that ihay aai^tewd^^friiaafaawmBM aad MMuileafaaeaaiabfaafaadiercofaitfas to ba aaread and ^laMP Bat ihfa provfafaa dajpat appear «> ha«a been applied In pfaelfaa,aadttfadoablfaflfeaehaaaelaMathaa ptovKfad thaaaoaaaary deiaifa far iu pfaalfaaladaptfaa. JodfOMat eaoMit be ohiaiaad by dehak afataat Iha dafandaat. u fa Aa SapraMa aad CoBBiy eaairti; bat tta piaiaiift anal, fa all caaM. alfand paraonally, or pradaee peraenal evideaee by witaaaaea to prove Ua elaim, and ihara fa ao proviaion ; t^ fakiac Iha avideeee aa aawa aaea, or before con iwl iafanera of wi tn aWai who «te > toaMaad by teeaon af reaidlac abniad, or being egad or taflrm. No attanM^ lated. The appeal fa to iheCeaaty eoarta. ' BsacvTioa,-<8aoaliana apoa Ja d g ato e a l fa die Snpreme and Cooaly ooarta nay be Meoed at aay ttaM withfa all years after the jndgaient, and are to be made retnraabte witUn a period Of Ml bM Ihaasfaty daya ; they bind the goods of die defcndaal, bat not the real • •; rrwr* ' '< '%'^iz;fipx ^ ■X ■ mum. Zl»eutkm*amr^f'nmAttpeniai0ama»iatb»ttagl»trmM'camt,wiai(aoam jMT tooM data of iadcMot ud «• rtniv^M* within ibirty dajrc A«uTA-Am«ite4ab*a«BaBiyb»aai» MHiK •wmmUm Mpga • JodfiiMat oliuinwl in oa* at llw ilimi ■witinniil ooafta, caoapt oadM* writ «f C«makr-1to Will «f CM» <• ai«a>■ uaaaly. tkm iafcniant omv, of eoona, rtfiaa bit tlk^ ■\ of dw alMv* of tiia voHialofft iar ika nMaf af iaaehrant il kafara bate* ika Judaa or an MaalMtiaB wUeh, If MMift. ■wlpwiaat of all hia a*tt» Ttwra kaa baen a biteb ia I ApanV'— UfOM Maiat • ^ «l» la abla l»»qh ba MMT if ha ia not I af tha k'aal Act • Mtha I Cor tha naMmaahiaitobia teivMrafihaartdiMrai whaaa iM i a n ei ba la aawyi^aut tha p «w» i aiaa a o>>btoAot with Tapa^Hoproaata froai tha Cooaty eoarta iBMvaraleawiiii^ MiaUf HiMfu ooHMy, whtM tha eaaaty ^aoort jadgoa hava hold •t aaaiadaiiiboriiy ia tbam Mftv* laiiafaadar tha aat In 'b|H baas that dab«anhi aaah oaimtr coitrti hava for aooia luiwalia wiialha. lif f- -t-*-'- " r^ —"-' ' — — — tha act for tha laHaf of whWi iaaMoMMt, had aorafanoa* to ilM'-«oaMty«oa.t act, which it 1 111^ ■atina H lOI JB a Hl iialnniiinflrf '- **•" -[■--• — "— *— r — ■ ' roMaiaiaf aiMMtaaaadthandeafovamiiif itaadmiaaloaara laad Coaaty aooita. The avidanc* of witaaaaia raaidlag abcoad I tj mil III I iiawliiiiiii frnia ' — i—i-:-^ — . g, „o^ panMsa ieli«»il9aaa^lotBhatlMiravidaiicdiiiwritiacoponiatarragatatiaa,aitb«r • ar hi «fiMMia>Mk*"*>ix* **■■■■** '*>*'^ """'*- Th^^idaoaa of wi f iiiia jwiihte*aVro*iMa,wbDai»aaaiMato«iiaBdthatrialfraaiacaor faitaBitjr, or who am abam 10 la««« tha Provtaoa. may ba obMiaad b» aMac doa Botica to tba other '•tHtiflftb f^ ■■■■*■"'"" ^ if'"' ^ 'T '"^ "^ ' who tahM thair aridanca ' la aillla|aailnn-*-f"-*'' ' Bat witaaaMa who raaida withte tha Prorinoa. or Wha in* T rttt'H ««■«*•«*— of triaLaad who aia—t iwaatad by afa or ilhMaa, ara N^^iad to auaad panoaaHy aad glva Ihair avUanoa. aotwiihaiaJUiic that lhaie«vidaaca nay bMwhaa^ tahaa vaavfcNN^ hi wiMbc iia^ any of the abovii proviaioaa. lin>oiiBirra.-Jad|^ienlafaibolb tha SoptaaM ■pi'^^Hty eoaita nay ha raooida^te tha oMaa of te Sigiafua af daada, of tba aavaial opdatlaa and thay biwl tha nal ptopatty > of tha pwaiaM, whwl whaaa tha Jodgniaata ari obtiiaad, froai the data of thair ^ nutatratjfl- jiiijnr.TTn do Mt MadpanoMl p «9i wt| naloia aaacotioa ia takaa oat aad phMad in Ad haada of the Sbaril to ba aaacntad. BaacBTtaBa^WrUa of Ba a mrtw i , l a t ar n a b la In listy daya, aMy ba iMtad after Mument obtaiMdiiitif SvptMtaaMCoaMyootnrtB. Thoydo net bhid the panonal ptaiwrty . 'baltam.iha*iwoftbeikda>i«ai7 to tha Sheriff to be aaa eo tadi Tbay do not aCKt landa bat alkir a iirfiMMt haa baaa ragialirad to Mad laal pnpany for a period of one **' *,aar. •n* laad of tha debtwiaay be levied iwo»aaderaaM*lon,aadtolntaraat thaaaiaaaidaahieet to prior raaatitod jadfMealaaad iaBotobaMaeea. Daecailont front dM lfMia«raletf oowt* era rataraaWe ia thirty daya. aad aa the jadsaMMia ouuMt ba re- oordad to bind laaltatato the debtor^ iaianatiatMl ptnpariy cannot ba aeldthaN- • andw. DabtontonyhearMaladnadaresecaliaaMtefthaafeovaneatioaedaoort in 4ab^af aMdatoaatiifythedebt. (Saeanaat) • A.w/>cimw»t^The only pioci ae d lni by way of attocbawat to ree.»*er a defct are hi eaeea wham &• debtor la afaaaat or abaaoading fren the PMviaee (lAare the aaKwnt eiaiiMd ; il twenty AoUaia or npwardi) the pUiatiftBwy.BPMiaadavit of Ibe frets, ena oat wrUa of aaiuioaeandatttcbniaat. Tb« writ of attachiaeatbiada the property of the dabterCmn -aiy^ , f af Hal a ^. Writ e o f wimwona ai lw a t tba agi t of aa ibaMU w tlwwdlni '*■«»,; ;^ .•^•J-"" rfihi VMKnmcm pr miw Mvatwtci. jj. ab«eo»«iiir Jabtor «w to hto i wnmhw or vtOmr hit tKrtwL If M i«tlffiliay|>roeMdiaJ«dc«Ma«wsiS«M' *^ ■^ eiicwMawsw, b« M«l la CMM wk«« tha OMM of actloa uoM wiiktotlwPraivtoM.arwbarathaeradltorita«raaidia««l.t» a-^ — t^^,^ > iy'-|l 1||| jiftaiUm ' upon which ciacuikNi may babMMdaMlla«rM4a«poB Wa pmiparty, iha taM aa hi ordlMry eaaaa. Thara it alao prmriaioa for aMrrica of Iha MdiMiy write af aMMMM la caaaa wha(«a«afleaiofaaabaaatdabtorcaa,UfBaadwilhialhaPRi«iaea,aad alao la caaea whara It can ha ahowB t9 ibi iadafactkm of Iha ooart or a JBdga that tha dateadaat baa DO anch aiaiit,aa order B»ay ia obtalaad lanalrtaf tha drfandaat to appaar aad plaad by a oartain day ; and paUfcalioaiof toch order la the aioda directed by the eonit or jndga ihaU be deaaMd food aerrico. And npon terrica baiaf eflaeted by either of tha two laat aMidaa the iWatil ttell ba at Ubarty ID ptboaad a* If tka defendant had baea IMraeaaUyaervod with prbeaaa. LwiT*Tioii.-Ho aetfoa for tha raoovai^ of a 4abt. ihaU ba braairtM bat wMUa lii yaaia aeit after tha eaMa of actloa. aieapt la tha eaaaa of mUMna. ■airiad wwaaa, or perwiaa iaaane oro«toflliaPn>Tiaeo,iawliiehcaaaaaetkuawybab*aacktwfthla A yean after tha remeral of the dtaafallhy. MA««wb Waii«w.-By a local act far the protectioo of aiarriad womb U oartaia ^ m. a to iwjael aay m|»^ or prtparty aha may haTO acquired or may acqatoa by her own Uw- fol iadMlry. atalaat bar hhabaad aad hia cradium. wdaaypanaoa daimtag oadar him. '^^?!!^*'*^'***'*'**^"*«'*«»*^«'»^»*l'««i««rf*« 8aj««« court SlL^"^^ *" * *°"*™^ **'™***^ •• •• *" •* "^•^ •" '•••^ •• Lla boai^eea, My dbtaia aa oMarlatardfctiuf him fitwi maaafiat bia boataaaa aad property, aitd ai>- pofadatberaelflbrawdipatpeee. *.«i— j, «. -f- lit theaa eaaea the wifcmay ofWtract dkbti in bar own name, aad aua aad ha Buad aa in caaea ofdhroroe. Otherwiae married women ai» aaabla to eontratt dab* or ba iuaa ta their 6wn\namea,esceptinthecaaa - IM thU ProTinca we haire a Suprama ooort, which baa juri«lietioa orar ill eauaea over taoo. Haa alto equity joriadidlaa. Appeal from Niai Prioa Sittiag to Ml Cooit, thesea to the DaaifaioaCo«noSr Appeal, Ottawa. CouNTvCoon.— For each county of the FroTinca. Jiiriadiatiaii, up to tan. • JusTicaa' CBTC— C^tU aetlona, ii|> to taoi.' THBav^ap Macaneat jtiriadictioa. kenca one court cannot iaiarlara with aaatharr-4hat ia. '^???^ ^■■'"'^ '•'^ ** •*• ''^ •** ''^ «»« o»»r ««»«• ««lMa the lod^ : eertiflaa that there wtfrereaaonabfasnmnda&rbriafiaffaetioa in timtcattt. ^^ A««MT.- Debtorm ay be anea^ on afidavit of debt, and that ^alntiffia apprakeaaive that ualeeaanaalad debt win bahM. t>*fcadant can, on arreat, ciTe balL or if imDriMoed "diactoaa- o« due aottee, wbea ha wfll be diachwvd (no fraud bela« ahownK^ any proparlydlaetoied aabdongtagki him win then be eonaidered aa attachad by Sheriif Anaat can be aiada at any time during prog^eaa of anit ' ATT i ftiiiniT attaeh ma a t m ay i a aaa at the e e mmen r «uiemof anK !t loa,OB proper agdavit Our gnaeral practice C9UowackWalyth6EnglJah " Common Law Ptoceedwa Act" ■'."-.* ■" ] ♦ ■f. • _«i. -«» far eUliM oo •ol«, bllto. wetinii f«»"' far eo*» (£**» •««* _. ■ ' _ ^^■■■inH,otMrw«» MturaodlM (UM. byilrfwilint. ' WMtorbi :ziK£fc:5^^'l"?^^ ilort twit "Oi «•»*«■« *«*^*«'- ^ _ij.i. — i. mm ta waweM* tat«n>*i wiU not be .Bow*! on mwrtBtod -- lUtad. , . . 1 // i 0% .'»,< m. « al «aeh a. raMrriM*'*^ ■ttaahoMnl M ilM eauM r acoooiil, it an not •«<-. f MOMi'tlMi Itedabior liahl. When . TlMlMUi* tpaetelbaU to of dMir prin- IBMBt Id t>w davttibowisg •aida. Vped to a omui who iaaol*aat at aaj liiaa balora ihajr G«nM iolo Ihs aclual pmaaiiiwi of ito Jafc t ar. tunvariOM.— la r^aql to dafata tko Uataia af UiHaiioii ban aajr ataia aAar all jmn ttka tia^a iha dabt baooaMa daa, or frooiliaia ol partial partaaat, aataaa Ika dabler, I ateaa tiaaa abacooda. Oaca tba Statnu co n i oi ai ici to ran It contianea to ma, «ad aww ai i ppaala g lk» doaa abacoad aAar it eoaunaacat to ran. it doM aot iatarrvpt tba StaMla. Afjuap WoMBU kav« aa ^o««r lo coalraat arkiia liviaf wUh tbai^ a a n aaaa rl aa, They eaaaot, wbila aiarriad, ba aaad aieaa, aaitbar a — ' baabaa d aa« B ,a l oa a .ba»adaraapaaa>blafar ib al * B«afcf . aad aha b>Tfan BO aaparata aaiata yaoarry or Caara.— Whaw a plaiaitf rtaWaa oat oi thfa lataad ami laMJatai a aaH ■-■ ' adaMarhKa.dMdahlataaaaaiai|aUtbapiaialMtto|t*aaaaafilpfar9ayaMalar io tha OTeni oflba pUiadra baiag aomaitad, or baiac aaaaoaaaafid 1* »*tm»^ defaadaat'a beiag rendered. 1 I .» ■Mf "W uy ba reoarered lat or BUI. There B pay air «»• "* il msr MANITOBA. cou^xs. Tasaa are. ia Maniloha. two eoaru bayiog chrfl Jariadiciioa,— iha OMrt o( Smm*! Baaeh aad the Coaaty ooart, Au peraooal acHoaa ia which tha dahi or daaMwa aatiyd •too. ara triad iii tba cawt of \ Qaeaa'a B aaab. The caort of Oyer aad Taaiaar ajid Gaoaral Gaol MMvaqr.airf of -^ ^ Araisea, tmi Niai PriM U held ia Wiaaipag twice ia each year, aaaaaly : im. tiM dUrd '"Taoaday ia Oelebar and the ftm Taeaday is March. Tha oaart of Qaii— Biach poa- • tha aaata po#ar«, aathoriUaa aad jariadiciioa aa Iha ooart of Chaaaaqite tfafUad poaieaaad Of the MbMBth day of Joly, 1S70. Al il all civil actioaa ■ai.bvaalarad for iriel, provided, h o wav er , that aay party to any action, ao aooa aajaaaalajnl— il. aad ibm . _ aaawlara>dyfaririalja>y,atany dwadwraaftar.tivatedta olherparty.whaWwrplaWW «r dafo*4aaCitha «M«al aii^ daya iMtiee of trial af Iha caaaa^ taha piaca btfHB aad by a ' jad«a is cbaaidkara (provided dUactioD^ aot oaa (if libal,alaa4«t,ciiMisalo«a»«niatioa, ^gaadaodoBff breach of praaiaa of aianiaflii aMltcioM ariaet or iMliciaaa proaawtioBL all of which are triad by jaryaalaaa Iha pardaa in paraoa or by their rttatiwya m aaanial waive each iriaL AadtfaainMdiclof %JadgiiaahaiBharaha8lha aaa« cCmi aa that of ' jj^aae at Niai Priaa. Tha eoort aitt ia Baaeo daateg (tvaa lam* apeh year. vi»»»-Hilaryj, ' Eaater, TWaity and MirJiaMaMa larau, whleh eoMafa— 1 raiffaedvaly b» rabcaag. Jaaa. Aagaaiaad Mtv ea ah er . Dartef ihaaataraathaedartiMafBaAddalanakaa all aipplka. doaa far aaw triala. all qaeatioya or l aa a ai of law, aH q a a adnm Of poiat* f aaa r vi d far tha oviafaa «( tiM coort, and all appaa^a nd iBotioaa whi^ aav ta brofBfht Mora it. aoeer- " dlat^ tb» Uwa aad ptaedee in Englaad, «rhaa aot ipaaiallr provtiad far hy Ifca.lawa of the paavlaae or rolee ofcaart NodecbHadonorpieadlacafltardaelaralidaia fPad or tyvad batwaaO dw totdayc^Jaly aB^thaiwaaty-Oraidayaf Aafa8t,bMii la eeatpataat far a Ja4c*i oa a prapar «aia of '^'viaBaybaiacahewa, to order the preparadoa far, and trial ofiay caaaa dwiag tach daM; aad iaimadiato eiecarioa oa aay Jadgaaal abtaiaad. /' Tnb Coaaty aoart U bald ia dM oaaada* of UatBr,Pr«veaehar.llarqaafl»ai|il nd Marvwtto waat ^ daaa a year, and ia Oa cona^of SalUrfc TlM houM, tublca, burnt, foneot, oa ilie deMtr'a bm, t|ibj«et to iKe iMt m«ntioood EkicuTioM.— Oa j«d«iii«it being •igoMl writ* of eiMvtioa laay iatae aipdut both loodi mod lamb, but no action can be taluw by tb«SUioriffimder tfw writ afaisM land* notU the - espiratioaofoneyeariromllietiiDehenceiTMil. faiTB«Mt^Tb« JatarMt can be neovii^ wilbaat a written afraeiaent ptwUiat for lit ** pajnient* -■ ■^■ M'MK— Meebaaict. oMchinittt, boildera, minert, laboren or olber i^ri^lEabf worL upon or farniablng material to BV kaed in the conttmction, altaratir arecting fiirniahinc or placinc niachU^ery of any kind in or npon,or . in connectiol with any bnilding, erection or mine, bat by virtne of being to employed,or fnmiahing a lien or,eliarte to the price of tnch work, nuM:liiaer]r or materiala npon toch ^~^ bonding, eraciion or niOne, and tbe landt occupied tlierei>]r or engaged therewith, and limited in amoont to inch turn at ahall be jastljr doe to the penon entitled to aoch lien. If the land upon which the work it dond, or materiali or machinery are placed.is encum- bered by a mortgage or other charge exitting or created before the commencement of the suij^iOt^of the placing of the material or machinery upon the land.tncb mortgage or other ehargi» thall not have priority over a lien to any gnniar CKtent than the actual value of tuch land waa at the time the improvomentt were commenced. Ditputet are settled ly arbitration. When there are several liens against the same property, each class of the lien holdert rank "pari pariu** for their several amounts, and the pnKweds of any sale are distributed among them pro rata, according to the several claims and righta, and they ; are respectively entitled to execution for any balance due them after such distribu(ion.Any ^ number of lien holders may join in, one suit, and all snit»'brought by a lien bolder are ^> considered as brou|^t on behalf of all the lien holders of the saine class, and in the event of the death of the plaintiS, or his refusal or neglect to proceed, may be prosecuted and .' continued by ahy otlier lien holder of the same class. Every lien ^absolutely ceases to ^ exist afltf the expinlfion of 60 days after the worlfts completed, or materials or machin- ery.fnmished, unless in the meantime proceedings have been instituted to realise the • claim, and a certificate thereof baa been duly filed in the proper registry oiBce. . SxcuRiTV Fo* Costs.— Same at Englith Statute. NoTARV PuBUC— Every Attorney and Solicitor is an Notary PuUIc. ' ManMBD womn.— Harried women may hold property free from the dcbu or control ot-their ■ husband,bttt thU law does BOt extend to any property received by a married woman dur- ing coverture. Women married before the act took elBwt, (May 14th, 1875) without mar- riage contracts or settlement, may hold property not reduced into the possession, ot their husbands, but the Act does not protect their property from seizure and sale in any execu- tion against husbands for their torts conveyances of married women do not deprive hus- bands of estates as tenanU by courtesy. Married women are not entitled to their eam- ' ings during coverture without orders of protection. * Th> seperate property of ifives is liable for their debts before marriage. Mhrried women may desire or bequeathe their seperate property as if they were sole or unmarried. A married i^Oman may insure her own life,or,with his consent, that of her husband, for any period, for any benefit or use, and subject to such trusts as she may declare, without any assent or concurrence of her husband, except as aforesaid, as if the never were a femine aole and unmarried. Married women may convey by deed or mortgage or may devise at if they Were unmarried. l^naoNAi. Est ATX or small valve.— When the estate of an intettate or testator does not ex- ceed in value #300, letters of administration may bo obtained at an expense of two dol- lars. '^ ^Ksikiuii it niaide for teeming to wivct and children the benefit of assurances on the lives of ,, , their haibandt and parenta. ilUi Act liaa' been passed .making premium for the asslmulation of actions and suits against and Iqr the Crown to th^ractise in actions and smts between subjects and subject. )>BBTa and choses in actioa are attignabki at law by writing. Thbu ia in fisrce an "Actreqiecting short.fdnns of indentures," similar to the "Act ot short forms of Conveyances'* in Ontario. loiMT Stock companies may be incorporated by lettara patent. '___Z. V- '^"kp^ v^i -■>.■■ - If / WP* '3>1S^? I, ',~^ •■ ^^"5!, -"fWrff 73 '^^^' as "f, cou»cTio>i t*wt. PuMiUM ta made for the ditpcMiiion of over boldiiix tennants. TmtoclttiMiea Act to elwM preetaely (iMflw 10 that i« Ontario. CorABT«BaaMiramMtbera(toteroI. ^^ , CHATTtt "if ongaiaa Mnal witkia flitaea dayt of aaaeatM be Sled with the ^^.ol the CpntTCowttowUehthegoodaaadchattcdsaMaMtM- jdw^ ALiBMa—Kaal and peraooal property oajr be held b]i aUcM aa l>T^Bnf 'ia^b^^^^^Utt^ my bo darivad lhra«|k, Cre«,or te-a n c M afcloa to aliena, aa throo|b^Jf^ J.^^ ««**■ •iontoniMral bqraBriftobaobiecta. ' , ^!¥l. ^ An Act ^raa puaod A. D, 1877 anMriaing Cotporationa ai» other faiiti«i^i«^1heO(pa«ated oirtorUaBitoba to land awl UriMtmoneya in Manitoba. ' , iHMKaxrtaa^ beaiditirand iodiltv hoaae heepera have llena on the Inoace and property of gMata,ba«i4morled«afaiiir thoMlneor price of food or aocomnodatioa fivniahed. and if the aametaniain unpaid for three aaontha, nay aell by jmblic auction the lanaca Mb aa tracted. Aetioaa opoa deeda or other apecialidea mnat be coaunaaced within 10 yeara alter the cauaeof action aroae. But ii the peraon entitled to aiiyaach debt, or canaeof ' actfoB'toattbe time itwaaoontracted or aroae under aiyeaia of age, or a married wo- naa. or of unaound mind, or imprtobned. or cut of Britiah Columbto. the period ot limita- tadon r in rf t— '^ to ma only from the time when auch peraon attaiaathe age of 31 yeara orceaaaatobea marriedwottah, or becomea aane, or obtaina paraonalllbetty, or re- / tninato Brijliah Columbia; aa the caae may be, and aa acknowledgenMnt in writing or a payment oa aceonat reaewa the period of Umitatian from the date of auch ackaowledg- meat or payiMaL Bvioaacs.— Tha.eridteoe ia all personal actiona to Vven viva Tooe ia court, with a few ea- ceptioaa. Sometfana* whea a witacaa to abroad, the Court wiU toane a commtoaioa for taUaghto erideaoe. BaBMmon.— Uader an Act of the legiatotnre of Britiah Cotambto paiaad la 18G7, the paraonal ehatttoaofadabtorathtottptioato the value of tiso are eaempt from torce aetoure or eato by any praoaaa if law dria equity. By aaolher act paaaed bi 1873, tjoo waa aubati- ttttod far •isot but thto act haa been held by one of the iiidgea to be invalid. BxBCunoH.— Alter judgmeat eaecatioa caa be baued, aa a matter of courae, firat agalnat the patmal proQarty, aad afterwarda, if aeoeaaary, againat the real eatate. lNnBBaT.^BiUa of tvt'«i'ff » aad promiaaory aotea bear iataraat from maturity «t one per eant par moathualeaaodMrwtoBCivrBaaed lathe laatfamaat Oa ordinary mereaatile Meoaataiateieattoaot payaUe iBtUeabaeaeeofeipre*acoatrBCt,e»eptthat upoa^ dabta or aaaia eertala, payable at a certafai time orodierwtoe,the Jury, OBibe trial of aay ""' toane or any taqahMoti of damagaa, laay, tf they think fit, aOow iatereat to the eradllor at . inch \^ orffi • writin ' thadi tnreo LnM.-TI . beatm '.'"'. ; .Vr* -: " the eg 'i ■ '■.; tioa.c Mabbisb tionai carriai band. liable . mainti MoTAur^ Itoedc SacvaiTT theCo to the the na ■wiff^yi^ ClABlliaMM attacto thejwi '■tr.«(,r:v '•,>-, rMVINCB ok HAWTObA. at the ittes atod Tof hod. KacB Inm- The $300 Btioa M of tqnit tabjr to be . • meh debM or nnuwere payable by virtue o< aene written inatmnient u a certain time, or if peyable otherwiae. then from the Ume when demand of payment haa been made in writim. ae aa a«di demand giTea notice to the debtor that Inteieat wUI be claimed from r* °!r^!L^.'*T*' ""*" I»y«>««. and the jury may alao (ive dama«e in the na- tore of intereat in action or policies of ininrance. — -• w * u« LnwN-ThoEiuBah common law lien, appliM toOriUah Colombia. Whenever a party has ^ S!!^!!!ll^'^.!r^ * "^ 1° ^'•^'^ " Improving a chattel, at the request or by the empteyaoent of the owner, he has a lien upon it for a fair and reasonable letamnera- ^ tloi^ or fcr the contract price, If a prk» haa b^nfl^ed by agreement^^ -^-"S^ ;^,* S^i?r2^i;sssi!r;!rf^ tJTwhSahe ■ S*^.2!ri!Sf' ^i!lJlI'!5^u'" "" ««-«»» «WHaor diapositionsofherhiia- - S^!!?S!^"*'"*'*^°"^'^''*''»»«'~« ■»■»"**•• A husband ia not SISL ^Jl^ff 'TT^ •"••^ '»♦» •**« "-^^^ * »«tad woman J«J ^ ""tatito an action In her own name for the recovery of her seperate property • ;?!!. '*^ **^ •'*^'*' *" »»"' '""•^OM «n Britlah ColmnUa as in other civi- '"SI^oI^i^!!:!™'*^'"!!"**''*""-'"''' '-"-•broadd.e.oatof BritishColnmbfa) l.«I^J^i^ .^ *'•""*•** '*"°» '*'" '^^» «»«*«""«*«*« «»ion in m a m i er reqntia c een rlly CMrcoeta. *'*'"""""'•■■**" lr!Pr*''^*^'''**»'*"J«'^»» debtor by third pMles may be the judgment ereditor may soe such third panics. - IT teal con* yeara laeof i wo- mita- years » re-- I or a riedg- w ez> m for raooal ire or .' ttbati- 1 • , ' I - -r,., .^ ; ■'^•' ■>-:,--^ ■•■.,. ■ . 1 \ ■' ■ . ■ ' si the • per «Dtile oaidl ofany v liorat : lilr if ■ . A ■'■,;•■; t '':'■/:'■:.,.... •''•■•,-■■'■.■.' ■ ' - *" ',- .■•■ V . ■'" '■ i;n ' ' . '« 1 ■.. . -' " ■ - . *-i ". 1— «■.-,■ . t-; '';"■;■'■" ■■■ __"■• . ■ - : ■■■ X- _- -^ ■ - ' ■ '■ '-' ■ I '. •■■' - r\ ■■: ■ Is " a^totirifcv*'^'^ ii V v:^- . ,ilii .-_■•■ I. !•»'!. :^ii~:'':--y'^'>^: :'.: il>'. ,.'•.•' V i -^ ,r^-'.J ■^■'■'- V ffi-J^^oSlS?*^"* comment. BeeU»-B»ko« Hamilton. C«niiiiigtoi^-^HW^5*B,ai ol C». «»-*Sr:::€SS3S.aB2^ .. IlSaSKaBmkolOomm. - t. n^nk o( If dutnal. Dnwine-43ii«*^^ «« Cow- ' 4. —Ontario B«nk. HamUton-BaakrfHanuUm.. .. -CanliliMiBMikof pom. .. -OttM^aatodBtokolCa., » — Bxohanga Bank- - .^ ■^ata«aMdBal^koJC•«""•• "rSperialBaiik. ^MoboD'aT '-'■":.i- -,»«*ralB«>kv, ■'St- .. _oiiiinion Bank. / Moweaatbi— StaodaidBank of Ca. Newmartet— Copsdldated BatA of Ck. Kaw Hambidv-0«bMdidated B. of Q. NondchMSttnartjMated Bank of Ck. Omn8siille-^.C!anadian' Baiik of Co: OriOia^lfoiainiott BJUik. Oahawa-Bvnl^ cl Hoatraal, . " ' ''^'-l)(iaiUiibB Badk. •', ~Otttar;io Bank. Oltai«m-^BMk of Cfltttwa. " -^Baakof MoBtfeal *• — MBicfaanta' Bank of Canada, " —Canadian Bwk of Com. " — BaokofBriUdiNarthA. " — OirtHioBank. " --Qwliee bank. > " — Bank Katkmala.''' " —Union Bank ci Lower Ca. Owon^uid— Menshante' Bank of Ca. /• — Mohon'sBanlL' : PariiMJuiadian Bank of Commoisp. " — Imiwrial Bank. ■. ^ Park Hill— Ex«|i«nge Bank. Pemtooke— Henhanta' J*^\ of Ca. " — <}iMbeb Bank. Forth- Bank of Mmtr pai, " — ifarelumts' Bank of Canada. Poterbino'^fiank of Ifobtnal. " —Bank of Toronto. " —Canadian Bank of Com. " -^-Ontario Bank. Pieton — Bank of Ifoniioal. "—Oandafdftmk of Canada. Port OolbOQae-btpszial Bakk. PoH Blgin— Vwk of HamUton. Port Bofie— Bank of Montnial. •• — A|iak of Tonmto. , — Otttario BMikr ^PMiy— Ontario Bmk.' . I PietBoott— MflrahantB' Bank of Ca. PnnoeAithor'aLandiug— Ontario Bk. ' ■ ^ ■■ ,- •, , : ^^■..-■- ■■■ ■ LIST or bahU. Benfrow— Iferohanta' Bank of Ca. Bnlgetown — ^MolMm** Bank. Banii»— Canadian Bank of Comm^m. •• ^Bank of Montreal. St Cathaiines— Canadian Bank of C. V T-Gonwdidatod B. of C. ,. ;^» ' i-Uank of Tonmto. t — Xmjporial Bank. •• — Qaebee Bank. St. MaiT'a— Bwik of Mantraal. — FadraalBank. ',- ft. Thomaa— Xenbantv lUid^'af G^' , " —Imperial Bank. ?' ' .1 " M(rfM»i'a Bank. ^ItoaforthM/'aiaflOlidated Bank of C. Simeoe— Canadian Bank of Com. " — FednalBaiA. Smith's Falls-.>MolMn'a Bank. I Stratford— Bank of Mootteal. " — MerdutatiTBankbfCa. " — ^Oanadlan Bank of Com. Stratbroj— Cwwdlan Bank of Com. " Fodetal' BaiA. Thorold— Galiadiaa Bank ofi^om. ;• — Qmebo Bank. ' TilBonbug— Federal Bank. ' \ " — Mohwu'i Bank. I Taonto— Bank of TonatoL ~ \ " —Canadian Bank of Com. \ " —Dominion Bank. " —Ontario Bank. /^ " — F^donl Bank, - , •• <^Imp«rial Bank. " — Standaid Bank of Canada. w » — Bank of Montie^ " —Merdtantv Bank of Canada. " ~ Conaoli^ed Bank 6t Ca. " — QtiebeoBank. *V — MoIw^n'sBaplry " -Bankof&ilMiNprtUA. " Bank Notionale. Uzbridge— DogiinilD Btiik,. Walkeitoqi— Canadian Oanil of Com. _ " — KoehantaV^Bank of Ca. Waterioo»Merehanta> Bank of Ca. WeUand— Kaperiarr Whltby^Dmniiuoa " —Otttorio B. Windaor—Oanadian . " - Merohants' Winehaa.~C Woodatoek— K-VJi^t -W^^'K'-'^ i^MW'i^^yv' 'Jf TorkriUo— Federal _ik of Com. i Bank of CS- BankofCiik i«bdBanl(ofG*•._ £iiiJ!S«»h«*r B«k ol 9«i*l^ If ontro«i^BHiko( Montroal ^ ^-^ Qgeboc— SUdkXHi* Baulk -, •• —Baak NatioMle. '» •• —llerahMito' Bwk of Cwttdf* .. __B«k fli BritiA ««»>» ;^ BiofamoiMl— EMian T«?wiwJ*P" *[*• 8l!^S»-B«k olBt, «y«l»*»». » ' .HOonaol'Jl B'k ol Cfc -.Coo«)UBiiak4e9lieh(lH»- -:.Med«Hiiw Bank* jJo^mHtn Bank of Com. — Bank of Tonnto. — Oatirio Bank. ^-UnionBaBkolIiowCa. ^Quobeo Bank. ^QoebM Bwk' Ht SouT«ir--HI«aa«oi» owa». 8Lwb«»k,-Co«*4rt-d B* ol Cj. " BHikltatioqak*^ , Sorel-VowhBBifB Bwk «« Canadfc » -Molaon'aBaok: ... „ Thiee Bin«f -UaioB %«k of L. C. -^Quaboa B«>k. ^< _BMii Matboale. •> Tillaifiite. Wato^-^aatSnSnWMWpa Bank. Wert Farnham— Bank St. Jean. NOVA scxyriA, j^jaherit Bank ol Ng* fl»«». ^^S»niBW»--Unfam Bank ol HaUM. ^^'T^nMawtanta* Btok of H. AnnapoUa-B-lk of N«« Booti^ Ktidwtown-Baak '*.f2!'v^H Halfiia— Bank ol «"*• *~j;t--«T .. — HaBftiz Braking Company- *»^£iS«trBaakofHJilax. .. U-Unioti B«nk d HaBte. ' •• i-BankolMontteri. ^ •» * Bank olBrittA *««*•* ^• • reopl«rfB«t»koiaMte- KonWlk-BanfrfNo^J^ Maittin<'--««wiha»trf «M»k of «• New Olaagow-Bank ol N«« Beotia. •• —Pifllon Bank. North Sidney-Bank of llova Bootia. PanhoionKh^Halifax Banlmg Co. Picloa— Piotoo Bank- . _ ... " -Menhanfa* Bank ol Halifax. " —Bank of Nora Bootia. BtoHarton-^PfalOtt Bank. » ., 8^.C.B.-lfcw»«*nWBkol H. ' •• ..prtaoBank. ^ Tnuo-Marali«atiir Bank d Mttax- Weymoo«C5torfiw»a'jMt o« H. wSSot^CoSMial Bwk «l ^ig"^- WoIlviUe-PWnilB'iBank ol Halifax. Yarmonth-Bank of 1f"««*?_ " — IxehanneBankof xar. BnkofVo*»8eofia. ste»UM=*s <>,;^;fli¥l|?a#";'ss»«v NEW BRUNSWICK. ■ ChatEim^ft»kol Montiwl. MakAon-Bank ol Montnab Newt8rtk-||»n> olMooticaL UtT or aANKt. . . St. John— Bank of I9o«;fininsTriok. SL John— Bank of Monti«d. ^v »• — IQntiniisBfibkofStJolm. " — Bank «f B. M. AoMriM. *S '^i"'~^^ ^' ^'^ '***'*• ^'' Stephen— 3t. St^bfm's Bank. Charlotletown— MeJrfiMU' B-kP.E.I. Ruatioo.— Parmew Bank of Boatim. « t_ -Mewhanta* B'k of H. ailBekmn-^toohanta' B'k of PJJX Uontagne— Uhion Bank of P.E.I. Winaipcc— Ontario Bank. Winnipeg— Bank of Montreal. , . " — MewBantaVBank of C. ■ . : - \ ■ ■ - ■ - ! BRITISH COLUMBIA. ' ■ # _ NEWFQUNDLAND. St. John^Unioa Bank of Nfld. St. John-Commorcial Bank oINild. HARDY, WILKES & JONES, ^nrmitis, lolirifors in CfKanmij, Sotarits, «•([. COH. MAKKET AND DALHOUSIE STREBT. BRANTFORD, ONT. ARTHUR S. HARDY, Q. C. Al FBrn i wii !?•• ... '" ALFRED J. WILKES, LL. B. CHARLES S. JOKES. c KlkoSTOi^; i ^ : ONTARia Victoria Cbamben, Corner of St. Peter ft St. Paul Streets, gUBBBC. FREDBRICK AJ.BREWS. B. C. ADObFIIB P. CAIOll. a C. L, ft. IS^ VUMRICK W. AUDBaWS, O. C C. nrZPATRICK, Bijt. B. C. L. ' . ». v. jariiistcr, S MA I N s T BBgr. MONcroy , y . B . — Ct'UOjn A. H«H.*t»46, ,'- :v4. fc^ )os. How« DicisoH. Z&f-' i Joim P. CHirMAM.— JoufH B. Uct}oMAti>.— SAMoroM) H. Putoh, Q. C. *r V; (Succaacor to Haiirh & Chipimm,) -. *ffr and |tfornf8-al-]|^, |otar5 pbk, ftc^ 1. -.-'I KBNTVILLE, y - NOVA SCOTIA. I JOSEPH B. McDonald, I'l COLLBCrXOlf S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO» PoBT Hood, C. B, Nova Scotia. SANDFORD H. PELTON, 0. C., ^^ -! ■■s ■T" . ■., u/:, J.. ■ » J, ,^ ;.j jj; ;j_ r. ■r:-' ./■-«^^ l- '. \ ". ■'• And GenercU Insurance Agent, ■YARMOUTH. N. a ; ExcBAMB Bahx BvtuMXa, Ertiiakck o» JfesitiNR St. . ' . .. ■ . ■ ; - ■■-■■ ■ ■■! ■.■ ' -'h ■>■( ■ ■ ■" - TK;:-.:-:n>^rr Cdwam H. tirfMi / -luti. * lUH— O-C* u, tifcitwt > ft«»** :.n • ^: F: •:-, E'>WJiJF !f»-«»»»(»l>"liK^' «% §amsi»i V-,'.- 3lttornei)-ai-Sator Solicitor in Chanftrj), ■» I- ALEXANDRIA, ONT. SoUcitort for Ae CoMoUdatcd Dankof C«»d*- OmCM W TUX Oti. BK018TBT OFFICE, WOOftWCOK, OkT. raAHClS B. BALt, Q. C> AI.FBED 8. BALL. O-Q^A^LMJERRE &RtMON .J Sx:^ Attend ta CoUietioM to aU lU«f 0* 0"*^*^ Ofhcb; 68 Bfabbb Si BBft, Octawa, Okt . %' If; !.. F. J. Bl Ifrtti tAFUBitf* BUWABU F. BUUMI. r'-"^; buowi. A W.u.fc_D. W. D«ii.ut.-|i.C.CAii«ito«. ac. ijarr ijl^r^ anil jLttornjr a» - af - 'S^anr, INOERSOLL, ONT. 9. J. BBOWH. THOMAS WILLS. i\.li \ r ^ I ■i :\ D. w, dumble; BOUOZTOB IV CHAVOSBT. Ae. PEtEBBOBOUaR, OflT. Particular Attention paid ta Collection*. Vv. ,^ 1|9WJ«deiI anil |Ctt«ii*ij -a| . jlj^, SQEiCiWQB JOitmi^CMMr. 4C.. aODERiO^F, ONTARIO. "ft*. V: ■ N.- ■ '. • - T. C. SiiMv«.-IL J, DMD«T.-Wi.. lIcDouoAiL, ,•■ ..#■ .. • '■• t. .■ ■*•- T: d. 8HREVE, Q^ C, (Latb Savabv md 8h«svbJ . WATER STIIEET, DIGBY, N. & ^ R. J. BRADLEY, • 3^ *^» NO 9 GARDEN OTREKT, '1 * ' QUEBEC, P. Q. • >■■■■ -^I -^^ ■ > •-■ . .p/0. BoxTS. ■ _^,. ;:- ■■". ;- Special ATrnrrKW Given to Coliectioot. aWocatb. barrister. IMH^itar. J^c ■■;-y,- THREE RIVERS, QUEBEC. w:*" taw. & (EC, p. Q., TER. H. A. Wau.— 8. 8. KOMMMM.— Mmilmhaii * Uacoohai«, -«'r?'» H. A. WARD. •t ^^ MMtMisnM mjtB ^rwoMjfMr-^w^w. ^4 ? ■■ • PORT HOPE, I souorroR in ohanobrt, - • • - ONTARIO. >:. !■ ■ 'I.- H-^ • \ SAMUEL ^BOBINSON, SOLICITOR FOR THR hoMIJ^IOJT BAJ^K, ^ (gloltdtot in (Ehancerg, t 7 ORILLIA, ONT. UACLENNAN & HACDONALD, ^ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, , golari^s, *r.^ COUNVTALLi ONTARIO. "^"^--> t ^ans] A.. s I- f«i C. A. STOCKlpr*— DiVlM ft S'JTIWMAIIO. > ■■ .' i* C. a: STpCK*ON. ifearitisltit and $Udrnca - al ' ■.■•■■■ " ■-. ' ■^ ' . StoritihrmtmmjfUs, «^., SAHD'S BUILMKO. PBIHCB WILl^IAM ffTBBBT. /;■,*■■'■ '.' ST. JOHN.,N. B._ ''^'/-^ ' PROMPT AtTEifTION GIVES ALL CQUEJTIOyS. ■—^-rrr M DAVIES & SUTHERUNOi^ OttAttLOTTETOWN, PRINCE EDWA.IIDISLA.NP. CoUections made in oM mrts of the Province, and Promptly Attended to. U B. VAVin. 3. M. 80THEBLAHD. I y t I 'I I' ' I I I:' r« ■'^. %