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The following diagrams illust ate the method: L'exemplaire film6 fut reproduit gr§ce d la g6n6rosit6 de I'^tablissement prdteur suivant : La bibliothdque des Archives publiques du Canada Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clich6 sont film6es d partir de Tangle supdrieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la mdthode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 . L i W i CA GOV c THE t^E -Ji I.". ,_-L.-t-. W - ' —U Jfif-J.MLJJii the: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CONTRACT BETWEEN THW GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA AND THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP A.TSr Y, vtjSO THE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY ACT (1879), AND THE ACT OF 1881 AMENDING IT. OTTAWA: PRINTED BY MACLEAN, EOGEE & CO., WELLINGTON STEEBT, 1889, ,,^ mA r ^ N^ ^ I S 'i 1^ )VERN CA^ E COl mi'^r -i- PRINTI d T IT v: lANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ! CONTFiACT r.BTWEEN THE IVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA ANI> THR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY O O M P A. N Y , ALSO IE CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY ACT (1879), AND THE ACT OF 1881 AMENDING IT. OTTAWA : PRINTKD m MACLEAN, EOGVAi k CO, WELLINGTON STREET. 1882. d ■^ ■^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 1. Precis and Index of Act and Contract with the Canadian Pacific Eailway ..v toxix 2. An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway (44 Vic, cap. 1, 1881) 1 Schedule attached to Act — Contract dated 21st Oct., 1880 3 Schedule A — Referred to in foregoing contract 13 3. Order in Council, authorizing the issue of Letters Patent, incorporat- ing the Canadian Pacific Railway Company 29 Form of Letters Patent 40 4. Certificate of publication of Letters Patent in the Canada Gazette, 16th Feb., 1881 56 5. Certificate of Deposit of |1,000,000 by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company 57 6 Amended description of the Standard for construction 58 7. Supplementary agreement in regard the Running Powers, Rates, &c. 59 8. The Consolidated Railway Act, 1870 (42 Vic, cap. 9, 1879) 61 9. The Act (42 Vic, cap. 9, 1881) amending the Consolidated Railway Act, 1879 129 10. The Act (45 Vic, cap. 53) authorizing the i^a.ssage of the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Roc^ky Mountains by some pass other than the Yellow Head 141 11. Index to Consolidated Railway Act 143 A} Section Sec 44 Vic, c. 1. Oontraci 8. 3 8. 9a 3. 9t s. 9e Sch. A 8. 38 8. 36 a. 35 Contrac 8. 17 PRECIS AND INDEX 10 ACT 44 VIC, CAP. 1. LETTERS PATENT AND SUPPLEMENTARY LETTERS. Section aad Sub- Section. 44 Vic c. 1, Oontrnct, s. 3 8. 9a 3. 9e s. 9c Sch. A. B. 38 s. 36 s. 35 Contract. 8. 17 Letters Patent. 8.3 B. 9u a. 9*iitrnct. 8. 18 B. 19 B. 20 Sch. A. S. 30 B. 32 S. 31 Oontract, B. 9< Sch. A. 8. 28 B. 29 B.3i 3. 18 a. 19 3. 20 3. 30 a. 31 8. 9d F. 9(! 8. 28 DKina, Land Ghant — Concluded. If sold in excess of land subsidy oarncd, proceeds shall be deposited with Oovemuient , Government to allow interest on amount dopoaited from sale of bonds in excesH of earnin{;s How deposit of proceeds filinll be refunded Shall be a charffe on the land firnnt E.xpi nses incurred by Governuient in Kiving effect to secB 17 and 18 shall bo paid by Oompany If not issued, Governnnmt phall retain every fifth section of land as f ocurity, &c BONPB, MORTOAOB ON LaND— May be is.-ued to the extent of $25,000,000 '. Deeds for same Authority and conditions To be styled Land Grant Bonds Need not be sealed — sifjnatiire may be stamped, &c May be issued in lieu of Land Grant Bonds to such amount as may he ajjrecd on, &c., and such shall constitute a mortfrage on the frarichiaes as well as the property of the Company • B. 29 fl. 32 Bonds, Mortqaok on Railway and Lands— Company to have option, to Ist Jannarj, 1882, to Bubstitnte payment of intetcst by Government on such bonds in lidi of iiimd Grant Bonds and in lieu of cash subsidy Proceeds of salo to be deposited with Government '» " how dealt with, and repaid to Company Coupons for interest guaranteed by Government Hedemptiou of, ly Sinkinf; Fuud If issued, a reduction of $2,000 per mile to be made on first 800 iniUa of crntral .section, and how appropriated Bonds, Mortoaoks on all the Property of the Company — Issue limited to $10, oeo per mile , " a lirsl mortgage Security for issue Lands granted or to be granted may be exempted from mort- gage if Liind (.irant Bonds under sec. 30 have been issued Shall not attach on any property until the same shall have been conveyed by the Government to the Company .... Deeds of mortgage, to be executed unJcr authority of resolu tion pa'jsed at special general meeting Deeds to Hhow descripiion of property, conditions for pay- ment of bonds au J interest, and remedies in default of payment Deeds to show authority for trustees, in default of pp.yment, &c., to take possession of railway, and to run or sell it.. Provision in default of payment, to transfer right of voting from the shareholders and holders of preferenee stock, to the Bondholders Provision for the canci'Uation of shares deprived of voting power Provision for mode of enforcing the powers conferred by the Deed Provisions not contrary to law to be valid and binding In case of change of ownership, railway and property shall continue to be held under provision hereof.. If Land Grant Bond^ are not issued, the issue of these Mort' gage Bonds may be increased to $20,000 per mile If issued before completion of the railway, a portion of the proceeds to be dealt with as provided by s. 9, ss. d, ot contract, and s 31 Deeds need not be sealed , Signatures may be stamped 11 25 38 11 38 12 38 12 38 12 38 12 38 24 62 25 62 25 52 25 62 25 52 62 34 34 34 34 35 35 23 23 23 60 60 23 50 23 60 23 50 23 50 23 61 24 61 21 61 24 24 51 51 24 51 24 51 24 26 26 52 62 53 lietters Patent. 38 38 38 38 38 38 62 52 52 52 52 62 34 34 34 34 35 36 60 60 C« 50 50 60 50 61 61 61 51 61 51 51 62 52 53 INDEX — Continued. ▼H Section and Sub- beotion. I 44 Vic, e. 4. t'.ch, 8. Scb, B. A. 26 A. 34 36 36 B. B. Sch. 36 37 A. . 6 . 7 . 8 8. 9 10 II 27 Preamble Act, 3. 1. Contract. 8. 1 B. 3 8. 21 Sch. A. B. 3 Letters Patent. a. 26 a. 34 s. 35 c. 36 3. 36 8. 37 P. 6 a. 7 8. 8 s. 9 8. 10 s. 11 8. :.7 s. 1 8. 3 s. 21 Sch. A. s. 3 Bonds, Mortoaok on Canada Central and othbr acqdirbd Links— (•S'ee Canada Central) Bonds— Currency in which they may issue Conditions and price u.nder which they may be disposed of.. May under by-law be exchanged for inscribed stuck Nt'od not be registered Restriction of issue may bo made by agreement with bond- liohlei-s Any Act of Company contrary to such agreement with bondholders to bo invalid Agreement madti uuder s. ii6, to be deposited with Secre- taryofdtale The lien, mortgage and privilege of, issued under this Act, not affected by guarauteKd or preferred stock By-Laws — Shall fix number of Directors, not exceeding fifteen May provide for voting at the Board of Directors . ... May (Jefino the powers and duties of the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Directors May appoint and fix places other than Montreal, within the Dommion of Canada, for the transactinn of business.... Shall appoint and fix one pla^e in each Province and Terri- tory, through which thii railway passes, where service of process may be made .. Copy of any By-law, fixing or changing 'place for service of process, shall be deposited at the seat of Government uf such Province or Territory May alter the day and place for holding the annual general meeting of shareholders May determine conditions under which special general meet- iiigs mtty oe convened May provide for remuneration of President and Directors, or any Executive Committee of such Directors For transfer of stock and shares, for registration and in- scription of stocks, shares and bonds For transfer of registered bonds For payment of dividends and interest Shall have no effect, after the general meeting of share- holders next held after being passed, unless approved by such meeting Page of Reference. 44 Vic. 0. 1. 22 Bolts and Ndtb— (5ee Materials;. Books of RBrERENcs — {See Plans). noNTKAOT — Submitted for approval and ratification « Approved and ratified Paities to Interpretation of Differences arising on the question of standard of eonstruc- tion, to be arbitrated on Power to carry out conditions , Only binding if Company be incorporated accordiug to form contained in Schedum a. Transfer from Contractor to Company ,^..., " conditions of " deed not required » " proof of.... ...,- 26 26 26 26 63 63 6.{ 63 27 61 27 54 26 63 27 64 15 16 42 4'2 16 42 15 42 16 23 Lettora Patent 49 43 16 43 16 43 16 43 22 49 22 22 22 49 49 49 49 1 40 2 40 3 40 3 30 4 30 12 38 12 3S 14 41 14 41 14 41 14 41 VUl I N D E X—Oontimed. 44 Vic, c. 1. Act. B. 2 Sch. A. :8. 2 8. 3 s. 14 Contract B. 1 s. 4 B. 9a 8. 9« 8. 1 Sch. A. s. 25 8.2 8.2 s. 3 s. 14 8. 1 4 a. 9a B. be Ohartbr— Authority to grant ' Rffoct nf, when published in Canada Gazette Form of, authorized by Order in Council Certificate of publication of Letters Patent.., s. 25 OAPITAt — Amount, $25,006,600 Division into shares of $100 .., Conditions of issue , To be paid up— first $5,000,000 in three instalments " first instalment of first call, 30 per cent " second " " 20 " '« last " " balance 3l8t Dec, '82 trails, further, not to exceed 20 per cent See also Amended Consolidated Railway Act for defini ion of word "C-ipital." Central Section op Railway — Selkirk to Kamloops To be commenced by Ist May, 1881 To be completed by 1st May, 189) Provision for extension of time Apportionment of subsidy granted When reduction of subsidy may be siado 44 Vic, Letters 0. 1. Patent. 2 29 2 40 4* 56 13 41 13 41 13 41 14 41 14 41 14 41 14 41 17 44 Callander Station, western terminus of Canada Central and initial point of eastern section of 0. P. R Contract. a. 3 3 8.4 4 8.6 6 8. 16 15 Sch. A. 8. 39 39 Contract, .. 8. 22, Sch. . A., s. 17. • Sch. A. 8. 18 18 ss. a 18a .'anada Central — Power to acquire, lease or otherwise Power to acqiiire, lease, do or amalgamate with other lines and acquire runninp powers over any railway between Ottawa and Atlantic seaboard. Power to borrow on mortgage on any such acquired lines, and to issue bonds to the extent of $20,0«0 per mile ...., Security for issue Issue ot such bonds not to affect the rights of prior mort- gagees Amount of issue to be diminished by amonnt of existing mortgages CON3TR0OTION — Standard originally laid r^own " au. ended • When to be commencrd by Company " completed " Of portions undertaken by Government, when to be com- pleted Of competing lines prohibited for 20 years, ejcept under specified conditions Reports on progress to be furnished aa required by Governor in Council. {See also Amended Railway Act, 1881) OoNsoLiDATBb RAILWAY AoT, 1879, to be applicable to 0. P. R. contract, except ae provided Exceptions provided. Sec 7, relating to Powers. Sec. 8, Planb and Survbtb. The Company to have righ, to take, &c. Beach and land below high water mark, Ac Ihie right not apiiliouble east of Lake Nippissing, except with approval of Governor in Council ...-. 3,4 5 5 6 6,7 8 22 22 22 22 22 22 5 6 6 10 28 12 129 49 49 IB 18 Section an Secti( 83 f 30 Sch. A 31 B. 19 31 31 33 8. 20 35 30 8.21 S. 22 s. 23 49 49 Act, 8. 2, 49 Sch A 'D 8. 4 49 \ Act, B. 3 1 Contrac 31 s. 4 58 ' 31 1 Act, 8. 3 31 Contrac 8.9 32 .. Act, 8. 3 36 OontrflC 8. 14 55 Act, 8. 4 . Contrac s. 10.... 39 Act, s. .' Oontfst 8. 7. ... Act, s. .' Contrai 46 B. 7 46 1 I'm D EX — Continued. XX Section and Sub- Section. 29 40 4* 56 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 44 129 30 49 49 49 49 49 49 31 68 31 31 32 36 66 39 4S 45 Sch. A. SS. h 88. C SS. / 89, e 30 Sch. A s. 19 31 \ 31 3 31 33 s. 20 35 s. 21 8. 22 8 2'i Act, 8. 3, Sch A. 8. 4. Act, 8. 3, Contract 8. 4 Act, 8. 3, Contract 8.9. Act, 8. 3 Controct 8. 14 Act, B. 4, Contract 8. 10.. Act, 3. .'i, Ooatfflct 8. 7 Act, 8. ,5, Contract S. 7... 186 18c 18i 18c 19 20 21 22 23 Page of Reference. Consolidated Railway Act — Excertions provided— Conchidei. It shall be sutficient that maps, plans and books of reference, not being within any diatrict or county for which there is a clerk of the peace, be deposited in offico of the Minister of Railways Corrections of errors or omissions may be made therein with consent of Minister Sec. 8, SS. 11, not applicable to railway passing over un- granted Dominion or Provincial Crown Lands Deviation there allowed to extent of five miles without formal correction or certificate Further deviation may bo authorised by Governor in Council Deposit of map?, plana and hooks of reference made under this section to av.ail as if made un 'ler Railway Aci, 1879, Copy of the samf, certified by Minister or Deputy, to be received as evidence in any court of law Where no registry office exists the deposit of plan:-', &c., of any completed part cf the r.'iilway with the Miaiater of Railways shall be sufficient May take material from adjacent public lands for construc- tion of railway Greater extent of land for stations, &c., than allowed under Act, provided for, subject to approval of Governor in Council S3ct. 17, ss. 11. — Limit of reduction of tolls by Parliament extended Sect. 17, 88. 10 do ',0 by Governor in Council ™ Sect. 2], 68. 1 and 2. -Transfe. of shares 22, SS. 3 and 4. do do 19, SS. 16. — President and Directors, their election and duties , 24, SB. 2. — By-laws and Notices 28, 88. 5 and 6. — Gener'-' Provisions 97. — Railway Fund (See also amended Consolidated Railway Act, 1881) s. 9 b. 10 a. 10 8 7 K 7 (I II II II 44 Vic, c. 1. Letters Patent. 18 46 18 45 18 45 19 19 46 46 19 46 19 46 19 46 19 46 Company — Rights and obligations of, under Contract and act. To receive charter conferring franchises, Ac, as embodied in schedule appended to contract To deposit with Government $1,000,000, as 'security for performance of Contract To receive subsidy in land, 25, 000, OL - acres, and in money, $25,000,000 To receive land for right of way, stations, &c.... To be permitted to import certain materials for original construction of railway and telegraph )in. , also, of apparatus for first equipment of such line — free of duty... To have possesai'in and right to work portions of Canadian Pacific Railway already constructed, and as the same shall be hereafter completed To have conveyed to it, when E.istern and '^entral sections are comcleLed, all portiona of railway corstructed by GoveruKent, with Btation-b;uldinga and water service... 19 It) 1) 2^ 20 21 21 21 21 2-14 2-14 2-6 2-19 2-8 3-6 46 46,47 47 47 47,48 48 48 48 48 129-140 41 41 3i 36 35 35 32 INDEX — Confmuerf. Section and Sub- Section. 44 Vic. c. 1. Act, s. 6 Contract a. 2 Letters Patent. B. 4 3. 5 s. 8 8. 9(/ a. 9/> 8. 9c 8. 9(/ s. 8 B. 9« 8. 91. a. 9c 8. 9rf Company — Continued. To give security for the continuous operntion of the railway for ten years after completion As soon as organized, to deposit as security for construction of line, $1,000,000 ill cish, or other appn ved securities.. To receive interest, on cash security deposited, at 4 p.c To do do on other securities deposited To do back deposit, on conipletion of lailway To laj' out, construct and equi)) Eastern atid 'Jentral section of uniform gauge of <) feet 8i inches To construct and equip railway" according to agreed stan- dard , {See also amended Standard) Agree to arbitration of differences arising in regard to quality of work or material To commence construction of Kastern section not later than lat July, 1881 To commence construction of Central section not later than 1 St May, 1881 To carry on work on ench section simultaneously, and at such annual rate Of progress that each of them may be ocmpleted, equipped and in running order by Ist Mav, 1891 . To be granted on extension of time, under certain eventu- alities To pay cost and expenses incurred by Government on first 100 miles section of road from Winnipeg To have right to assume possession of said works at any time on jiayment of cost To own railway constructed under terras of the contract To receive transfer of, and have the right to work the several portions of Canadian Pacific Railway as con- structed To receive conveyance of sections constructed by (Jovern- ment when the Eastern and Central sections are completed To bo absolute owners of the whole Canadian Pacific Railway Shall forever efficiently maintain and openite Canadian Pacific Railwny, Shall equip the several portions of the railway, as they receive possession of the same from (lovernment Entitled to rect.-ive subsidy in certain proportions To receive money and land according to the appropriation, for any portion of line, not less than 20 miles in length, completed and equipped to admit of runn'ug regular trains May take terminable bonds of Government bearing interest in lieu of cash. Shall be entitled to advances equal to three-foarths the value at place ot delivery, on steel rails and fastenings de- livered in advance of requirements for construction Shall submit to a deduction from the subsidy to be paid on each section of 20 miles, proportionate to the value of the riils used thereon, on which advances have been made To have option of substituting, for the issue of Land Grant Bonds, the payment by Government of interest or part interest on Mortgage Bonds of the Company, &c — To deposit proceeds from sale of ?uch bonds with Govern- ment To receive trom Government, certain proportions of such deposit as tJ» work proceeds To receive payment in case bonds are not all sold, partly in cash and partly in bonds To receive bonds as cash at the rate of sale , Page of Reference. 30 81 .31 31 31 31 31 32 32 6 32 6 32 6 32 6 32 6 32 7 33 V 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 INDEX — Continued. Section and Sub- Section. 44 Vic, c. 1. Gontract. s. 9c B. 10 s. 11 a. 12 9. 13 8. 14 a. 15 s. 16 8. 17 8. 9(' 3. 10 8. 11 S. 12 S. 13 s. 14 8. 15 8. Ifi a. 17 8. 18 18 CoMP \iiY—Co7i''iniieil. If they avail themselves of the option granted by clause 9, Ba. (i, to aubmit to a deduction of $2,000 per mile on the first 800 miles of 'he Ceutral section To receive any deduction ao made, with payments for re- mainder of (Jentral section To have right to the grant of land required for railway purposes, roRd-bed, stations, &c To have right to admission of certain materials duty free " purchari' materials, Ac, for condtructicn not required by (iovernment To receive grant of land subsidy in alternate secUons of 640 acres, 24 mile-i deep on each side of the railway, from Winnipeg to Jasper House, so fur as the same are rested in the Government To receive sections bearing uneven numbers May decline to receive lands not fairly fit for settlement To receive other lands betwetni parallels 49 and 57 north latitude, or elsewhere on each ni'te of arv brunch line or lines, &c., kc , to m»ke up for any deficiencj .. .. To be entitled to have Indian title, to lands grantel, extin- guished.,. To have the right to lay ont and locate railway as they see fit preserving certain terminal points (See amended conditions, 45 Vii.t. cap. 53 ) To lay out branches, construct, equip and work them To deposit map and plan, &c., of branches before com- mencing To receive land for construction and working of branches as far as it be vested in Government To be protected from competing]; lines in Norlh-West for 20 yenrs from the date hereof To be free from taxation by the Dominion, .fe", Lands of, to be free from taxation for 20 years after the grant thereof by the Crown Authorizei to iasue Land Grant Bonds to extent of $25,000,000 ,., To deposit Land Gr.'\nt Bonds with Goverjiment To allow ontvfifth of Land Grant Bonds to be retained by Government as security for the performance of th" contract , , To ba relt a?ed from payment of coupons of bonds held as eecurity or any interest thereon, so long as no default is made Shall receive interest on proceeds of any bonds paid off in extinction of whole issue, ao long as no default is made . Shall receive back, at end of 10 years after the completion of the railway, bonds retained as security with al: coupons attached, so long as default has not been made In case of default, may be required to pay interest on bends returned, and to forego right to receive interest on money held representing the bonds paid off May deposit other securities with Government in lieu of Land Grant Bonds retained as security. In case they sell the remaining $20,000,000 Land Grant Bonds, or a larger portion thereof than in the proportion of $1 to each acre earned, shall deposit the amount over and above that which they are entitled to, with Govern- ment .. Shall receive interest on such deposits Shall receive ^ack from Government, at the same time and in the same proportions as the land grants earned, portions of the amount of deposits Shall receive land grant subject to the charge created thereon as security for said Land Grant Bonds 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 u 11 12 12 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 Zl INDEX — Continued. Contract. e. 19 a. 20 3. 21 t. 22 Sch. A. 8. 26 B.38 Sch. A. 3. 6 s. 6 s 7 3. 8 8. 9 8. 12 8. 27 Sch. A. 8. IBc B. 18i Contract. 8. 9e Sch. A. s. 35 8. 41 8. 26 8.26 s. 19 3. 20 3. 21 3. 22 3. 26 3. 38 3. 6 s 6 ti 8 B. . 9 12 8. 27 s. 46 8: 18d a. 65 8.35 8.41 8 26 8, 26 'jQJiPAKY—Condinled. Shall psy expenses incurred by Government in giving eflfeot to cotidilions contained in sections 17, 18 , Shall, if they do not issuf- La^id Gnmt Boada permit Govern' raeut to retain from each Ian(; grant made every fifth section as security provided in section 18 Shall agree with Government as to price at which such lands may be sold Shall agree to proceeds from such sale being retained by GovernDicnt Shall reci'ive interest from Government on such proceeds- May subautute other securities for such lands, or money, by agreement with Government Only to be bound by contract in the event of an Act of Incorporation being granted them in the form appended aa Schedule A . To be bound by Railway Act, 1879, in so far as the conditions are applicable Shall have power to erect and maintain docks, dockyards, wharves, etc , at all the termini on navigable waters in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway To acquire and work elevators, etc To own and run stuam and other vesselw for passengers and freight on any navigable waters the C.P.R. may connect with ; Shall not issue ai^'T note, &c. Shall not engage in business of banking. or insurance Directors — Who to be first appointed Number not to exceed fifteen,.. President and majority to be Brivi'ih subjects Powers and term of ofiSce Qualification Number to be fixed by by-law Elected by ballot Quorum to be a majority of the Board,. Proxies Three must be present Power to appoint an Executive Committee •'resident to be an ex-oflBcio member Chief oflice for business President and three Directors m.iy call special meetings of Directors, or Shareholders, or both, at the City of Lon- don, England, etc Remuneration to be provided by by-law ■ Dbviatxon from plans deposited, how far allowed. Deposit of plans, etc. Security Deduction from subBidy. Ukkds — See Bonds, Mortgage!, tec. To be deposited with Secretary of State and notici! given in Canada Gazette Copies of certified by Secretary of State to be received a evidence in all Courts of Justice And conveyances of land to Oomp.any to be in certain form To guarantee Company from all claims whatsoever Docks, Dockyiirds, &c Blkvatorb, may conatruot, Ac. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 22 22 22 27 27 14,15 14,15 14, 15 14,15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 22 19 19 20 26 28 28 22 22 Letters Patent. 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 49 49 49 54 54 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 •12 42 43 49 46 45-46 57 35 54 54 56 65 49 49 Secti 44 V c. Oontr a s 8 Sch, Act. Act. a Sch. i a Ac Prean 3. Aet, Oontr a. Act. Conin B. Ac s. Contr 8 1 N D"E X — Cmtimed. xiii Section and Sub- Section. 44 Vic,, c. 1. Oontract. 8. 1 a. 4 8. 9a Sch. A 8. 8 Act. 8.8 Act. 8. 2 Sch. A. B. 1 Act. Preamble ■ Act. 3, 1 Act, s. 3 Oontract. 8. 9 Act. g. 5 (Jontraot. B. 7 Act. 8.6 Oontract. 8. 2 H. 6 6. 6 8.6 8. 7 8.96 8, 9c LettTa Pate lit. s. 1 a. 4 8. 9a a. 8 B. 8 Subject, Eabtern Section — Deacribed, CftlJander Station to Prince Arthur'a Landing.. To be commenced lal July, 1881 To be completed, 1 at May, 1891 Apportionment of subaidy tc Fbanohibeb, &c., to be granted to Company. See alao Sec. 4, p. 14. Mortgage of .ib Fish Flaties, Fastenings. See Material a. 9 a. 9 a. 2 s. 6 ExBOUTiVH CoMMiTTBB of Directors Eqdipmhnt of Railway not provided by Government,, GOVEBNMB.NT OBLIGATIONa AND RiGMTS UNDER AOT AND OoNTBAOT — By terma of Union with British Columbia, obliged to con struct railway to connect with aeaboard of British Columbia Submita contract and schedule annexed for approval and ratification oy Parliament _ Authorized to perform and carry out conditions of contract On receipt of security of $1,000,000 for completion, per- petual and eflicient operation of railway, may grant Buhsidy of $25,000,000 and 25,000,000 acres, to be paid in manuur and on conditions aa per contract... Authorized to convert tnoney subaidy into a fund, and pay from such fund interest to a certwin extent on bonds of the Company , May admit certain materiala for original construction of railway, dutyfree Alao for telegrai)h line and apparatus May transfer completed portions of railway and those which shall hereafter be constructed to Oompany Page of Reference. Shall take security for the continuous operation of the rail- way for ten years after its completion , Shall pay interest on cash deposited as security.....,..,,.. Shull return deposits to Company on completion of the railway, Shall refer dift'ereneoa arising as to quality of couatruction of railway to arbitration Shall cause Lake Superior section of railway and that purt of western section from Kamloops to Yale to be com- pleted according to the contracts entered into Also that portion Yale to Port Moody Shall cause the atandard of work on auch sections to be maintained as laid down in the contracts, except as far as the same were modified prior to the date of the Company's contract Shall transfer to Company such portions of railway as are already constructed, or as the same shall be constructed. Shall convey the same to the Company with suitable station buildings and water service Shall pay subsidy in money and land , Shall pay and grant to Oompany the proportionate amount of subsidy due, on the completion of any portion of the railway not less than twenty miles in length Shall make advances equal to three-qnarters value at place of delivery of steel rails and fastenings, delivered in advance of the requirements for construction „ 44 Vic, c. 1. Letters Patent. 3 5 6 6 30 31 31 32 15 42 6 32 2 14 26 52 1 39 1 2 39 40 2 33 2 33 2 2 35 35 3 32 3 4 30 4 30 4 31 5 5 32 32 5 32 6 32 6 « 32 32 7 33 7 33,34 XIV INDEX — Continued. Section and Sub- section. 44 Vic. c. 1. Contract. e. 9•• s. 1 J Contract. s 6 t . 6 Contract. 8. 10 8. 10 s. 10 3. 10 B. 14 » 14 ■'. 20 a. ^0 Bch. A. 8. 10 H, 19 8. 2B s. :8 Ctmtract. ». 1:! s. 12 Contract. 8. U 3. u Contract. 8 1 8 6 s 7 8. 8 Act a 4 1 and ! Cont. I 8 10 I 8. 10 GOVRRNMKNT RlGHTH AND OblIGATIONB— Co«cZ»/r/ef/. Shall, if Cotnpiiny do not is8ue Land Grant Bonds, retain every fifth ecction of land earned and to be granted to the Company May sell puch srctions under conditions May accept other securities for such land, tic Grants op Sobsidy— See Subsidy— Land. Grant op Land — For right of way, stations, station buildings and other purposes — See Land. For branches do How to be made — See Land Subsidy. GuAGB OP Railway • Indian Titles to Lands to bb bxtinguibhbd Incorporation op Company Interpretation op Contract— ee [jand. Taxation — Canadian Pacific Railway lands, plant and capital, not be taxed by Dominion, &c Laud in North- West Territories, until sold or occupied to be free for twenty years from (late of grant Tkkminal points to be preserved in laying out and locating ihe railway , See Amended condition?; 45 Vic. cap, 53 Terminable Bonds, in lieu of ea.-.h. See Subsidy Money. TKLKailAPH AND TELEPHONE IjINKS— Company may construct, a. quire or lease '' " transmit nu'Bsages and collect tolls " " transmit measagea for hire, subject to Consoli- dated Statutes of Canada, c. 67, ss. 14, 15 and 16 " " use future inventions, subject to the rights of Patentees Toils, reduction of, limited Transfer op Contract to Company. — See Contract. Transfer op Shares, restricted subject to veto of Directors u itil comple- tion of railway may be allowed from a firm to a partner.... if vetoed, no rights shall belong to such shares until railway be comleted to be regulated by By-law Vessels, Ftenm and other, right to work, run, charter, &c , on jiy navigable water the railway reaches or connects with Wmarvkb, Slips, Piers— Power to erect and maintain 10 10 10 17 17 17 37 37 S6 141 45 45 45 17 19 46 46 20 47 20 20 47 47 20 22 48 49 22 49 22 49 INDEX — Concluded. six Section and Sub- Section. 44 Vic, c. 1. 8oh. A. 8. 33 Contract. B. 1 B. 6 B. 6 Letters Patent 33 Subject. WoRKiNO ExpENBKS, defined. Wkstbrn Section, Kamloops to Port Moody " " 10 be constructed by Government " " Kamloops to Yale to be completed bj 13th Juno, 1885 " " Yale to Port Moody to be completed by Ist May, 1891 " " Yale to Port Moody standard of construction. Watbb Serticb to be provided by Government.. Yalb — Point on western section, British Columbia P8|;e of Reference. 44 Vic, c 1 26 Letters Patent. ifl 53 >i 4 30 5 32 5 32 5 3? (5 32 3 31 32 44 VICTORIA. CHAP. I. An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway. [A. -ented to 15lh February, 1881.] WHEREAS by the terms and conditions of the admission preamble, of British Columbia into Union with the Dominion of Canada, the Government of the Dominion has assumed the obligation of causing a Railway to be constructed, connecting the seaboard of British Columbia with the Ra Iwciy system of Canada ; Ai\d whereas the Parliament of Canada has repeatedly Preference of declared a preference for the construction and operation of f "'**"!°^ j. such Railway by means of an incorporated Company aided jqq by a com- by grants of money and land, rather than by the Govern- pa^y- ment, and certain Statutes have been passed to enable that course to be followed, but the enactments therein contained . have not been effectual for that purpose ; And whereas certain sections of the said Railway have Greater part been constructed by the Government, and others are in'Jgd.*"*" course of construction, but the greater portion of the main line thereof has not yet been commenced or placed under contract, and it is necessary for the development of the ]North-Wcst Territory and for the preservation of the good faith of the Government in the performance of its obliga- tions, that immediate steps should be taken to complete and operate the whole of the said Railway ; And whereas, in conformity with the expressed desire of contract en- Parliament, a contract has been entered into for the con- ^"^^ '"**'• struction of the said portion of the main line of said Railway, and for the permanent working of the whole line thereof, which contract with the schedule annexed has been ., ,, . .^ .^^ laid befor*^ Parliament for its approval and a copy thereof is , ^ ; j' ; appended hereto, and it is expedient to approve and ratify -^t^i'-'^:^lT.\ the tmid contract, and to make provision for the carrying out of the same ; t, ,>;;;': i ,/■-■ nr^'f 2 Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate p^ '' House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — Contract ap- lirovcil. 1. The said contract, a copy of which wdth schedule annexed, is appended hereto, is hereby approved and ratilied, and the Government is hereby authcrii^cd to perform and cany out the conditions thereof, according- to their pur- port. C'hai tcr niiiy bo granted. Publication ami rffcct of charter. J5. For the purpose of incorporating the persons mentioned in the said contract, and those who shall be associated with them in the undertaking-, and of granting- to them the powers necessary to enable them to carry out the said con- tract according- to the terms thereof, the (jovernor may grant to them in conformity with the said contract, under the corporate name of the Canadian Paciiic Railway Company, a charter conferring upon them the franchises, privileges and powers embodied in the schedule to the said contract and to this Act api>eiided, and svtch charter, being published in the Canada Gazelle, with any Order or Orders in Council relating to it, shall have force and clfectas if it were an Act of the Parliament of Canada, and shall be held to be an Act of incorporation within the jneaning of the said contract. Certain grants of money and land niHy be made to the company cliartertd. Conversiou of inocf-y prant author- laed. S. Upon the organization of the said Company, and the deposit ])y them, with the Government, of one million dollars in cash or securities approved by the Government, for the purpose in the said contract provided, and in consideration of the completion and perpetual and efficient operation of the Bail way by the said Company, as stipulated in the said contract, the Government may grant to the Company a subsidy of tv/enty-hve million dollars in money, and twenty-iive million acres of land, to be paid and conveyed to the Company in the manner and proportions, and upon the terms and conditions agreed upon in the said contract, and may also grant to the Company the land for right of way, stations, and oilier purposes, and such other privileges as are provided for in the said contract. And in lieu of the payment of the said money subsidy direct to the Company, the Government may convert the same, and any interest accruing thereon, into a fund for the payment to the extent of such fund, of interest on the bonds of the Company, and may pay such interest accordingly ; the whole in manner and form as provided for in the said contract. Gertaia ma terials may be admitted free of duly. 4. The Government may also permit the admission free of duty, of all steel rails, fish plates, and other fastenings, spikes, bolts and nuts, wire, timber, and all material for bridges to be used in the original construction of the said Canadian Pacific Railway, as defined by the Act thirty- Company to have possps- sion of com- pleted por- tions. Oonveyance thereof to company when the contract is performed. seventh Victoria, chapter fourteen, and of a telegraph line in connection therewith, and all telegraphic apparatus required for the first equipment of such telegraph line, the whole as provided by the tenth section of the said contract, 5. Pending the completion of the eastern and central sections of the said Hallway as described in the said contract, the Government may also transfer to the said Company the possession and right to work and run the several portions of vhe Canadian Pacific Railway as described in the said Act thirty-seventh Victoria, chapter fourteen, which are already constructed and as thp same shall be hereafter completed ; and upon the completion of the said Eastern and Central sections the Government i^ay convey to the Company, with a suitable number of station buildings, and with water ser- vice (but without equipment), those portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway constructed, or agreed by the said contract to be constructed hv the Government, which shall then be completed ; and upon completion of ^he remainder of the portion of the said Railway to be constructed by the Govern- ment, that portion also may be conveyed by the Goverment to the Company, and the Canadian Pacific Railway defined as aforesaid shall becoravi and be thereafter the absolute property of the Company ; the whole, however, upon the terms and conditions and subject to the restrictions and lim- itations contained in the said contract. 6. The Government shall also take security for the con- Security may tinuous operation of the said Railway during the ten years oper*a\ion^°' next subsequent to the completion thereof in the manner provided by the said contract. SCHEDULE. This Coin tract and Agreement made between Her Ma- SESTY the Quen, acting in respect of the Dominion of . Canada, and herein represenied and acting by the Hon- orable Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., Minister of Railways and Canals, and George Stephen and Duncan Mclntyre, of Montreal, in Canada, John S. Kennedy of New York, in the State of New York, Richard B. Angus and James J. Hill, of St. Paul, in the State of Minne- sota, Morton, Rose & Co., of London, England, and Kohn Reinach & Co., of Paris, France. ; "Witnesses : That the parties hereto have contracted and agreed with each other as follows, namely : — 1. For the better interpretation of this contract, it is hereby Interpreu- declared that the portion of Railway hereinafter called the ^""'• Eastern section, shall comprise that part of the Canadian Pacific Railway to be constructed, extending from the 1-1* "Western terminus of the Canada Central Kailway, near the East end of Lake Nipissinii', known as Callander Station, to a point of junction with that portion of the said Canadian Pacific Railway now in course of construction extending from Lake Superior to Selkirk on the East side of Red River ; which latter portion is hereinafter called the Lake Superior section. That the portion of said Railway, now partially in course of construction, extending from Selkirk to Kamloops, is hereinafter called the Central section; and the portion of said Railway now in course of construction, extending from Kamloops to Port Moody, is hereinafter called the Western section. And that the words " the Canadian Pacific Rail- way," are intended to mean the entire Railway, as described in the Act 37th Victoria, cap. 14. The individual parties hereto, are hereinafter described as the Company ; and the Government of Canada is hereinafter called the Grovern- ment. Security to be given by the compaDy. Eastern and central sec- tions to be constrncted by company desciibed. Standard of railway and proridion in case of dis- affreemcat as to conformity to it. .Vii: 2.- The contractors immediately after the organization of the said Company, shall deposit with the Government $1,000,000 in cash or approved securities, as a security for the construction of the Railway hereby contracted for. The Government shall pay to the Company intel'est on the cash deposited at the rate of four per cent, per annum, half-yearly, and shall pay over to the Company the interest received upon securities deposited, the whole until default in the perform- ance of the conditio^^" hereof, or until the repayment of the deposit, and shall r' ^ the deposit to the Company on the completion of the xx. iway, according to the terms hereof, with any interest accrued thereon. 3. The Company shall lay out, construct and equip the said Eastern section, and the said Central section, of a uniform gauge of 4 feet 8^ inches ; and in order to establish an approximate standard whereby the quality and the character of the Railway and of the materials used in the construc- tion thereof, and of the equipment thereof may be regulated, the Union Pacific Railway of the United States as the same was when first constructed, is hereby selected and fixed as such standard. And if the Government and the Company should be unable to agree as to whether or not any work done or materials furnished under this contract are in fair con- formity Math such standard, or as to any other question of fact, excluding questions of law, the subject of disagreement shall be from time to time referred to the determination of three referees, one of whom shall be chosen by the Govern- ment, one by the Company, and one by the two referees so chosen, and such referees shall decide as to the party by whom the expense of such reference shall be defrayed. And if such two referees should be unable to agree upon a third referee, he shall be appointed at the instance of either party thereto, after notice to the other, by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. And the decision of such referees, or of the majority of them, shall be final. 4. The work of construction shall be commenced at the commence- eastern extremity ol the Eastern section not later than the ™«n^iod re- tirst day of July next, and the work upon the Central section gre.^ao^the shall be commenced by the Company at such point towards work, the eastern end thereof on the portion of the line now under construction as shall be found convenient and as shall be approved by the Government, at a date not later than the 1st May next. And the work upon the Eastern and Central sections, shall be vigorously and continuously carried on at such rate of annual progress on each section as shall enable the Company to complete and equip er ""'•'' mile 10,000,000 . ■ $25,000,000 And the said subsidy in land is hereby divided and appro- And of land. priated as follows, subj ct to the reserve hereinafter pro- vided for. CKXTRAL SECTIOX. 1st — 900 mile?, at 13,500 acrea per mile. ll,250,Oi 2ud.--l50 " " lt;,G6t5.6o •' " 7,500,000 EASl'ER.VSECTIOV. assume.l at G50 miles, bubsidy equal to 9,G15,35 acres per mile 18,750,000 6,250,000 25,000,000 b. Upon the construction of any portion of the railway ^^^^ ,^ , hereby contracted ibr, not less than 20 miles in length, and paid or the completion thereof so as to admit of the running of k*"*"'^^* regular trains thereon, together with such equipment thereof as shall be required for the traffic thereon, the Government shall pay and grant to the Company the money and land subsidies applicable thereto, according to the division and appropriation thereof made as hereinbefore provided; the Opiion of Company having the option of receiving in lieu of cash, conpanyto terminable bonds of the Government, bearing such rate of able bonds!' interest for such period and nominal amount as may be arranged, and which may ])e equivalent according to actuarial ■ calculation to the corresponding cash payment, the Govern- ment allowing four per cent, interest on moneys deposited with them. c. If at any time the Company shall cause to be delivered Provision as on or near the line of the said Railway, at a i)lace satisfactory *» materials to the Government, steel rails and fastenings to be used in ion delivered the construction of the Kailway, but in advance of the »" advance. requirements for such construction, tlie Government, on the requisition of the Company, shall, upon such terms ar.d con- ditions as shall be determined by the Government, advance thereon throe-fourths of the value thereof at the place of delivery. And a proportion of the amount so advanced shall . ., be deducted according to such terms and conditions from the subsidy to be thereafter paid, upon the settlement lor ' • ' each section of 20 miles of I^aihvay, which proportion shall . , . ' correspond with the proportion of such rails and fastenings which have been used in the construction of such sections. d. Until the first day of January, 1882, the Company shall have the option, inst.^ad of issuing land grant bonds as here- inafter provided, of substituting the payment by the Govern- ment of the interest (or part of the interest) on bonds of the Company mortgaging the railway and the lands to be granted by the Government, running over such term of years as may be approved by the Governor in Council, in Optioa of the company dur- ing a certain lime to sub- stitute pny- meat ut in- terest on cer- tain bonds in- stead of issu- ing land grant bonds. s...;i}S4 .f.. 8 Deposit ot proceeds of sale of such bonds. Payments by company out of such de- posits. Payment by delivery of bonds. Sinking fund lieu of the cash subsidy hereby agreed to be granted to the Company or any part thereof; such payments of interest to be equivalent according to actuarial calculation to the cor- responding cash payment, the Government allowing four per cent, interest on moneys deposited with them ; and the coupons representins:;" the interest on such bonds shall be guaranteed by the Government to the extent of such equiva- lent. And the proceeds of the sale of such bonds to the extent of not more than $25,000,000, shall be deposited with the vj»-vernmeiit, and the balance of such proceeds shall be placed ilsewhere by the Company, to the satisfaction nnd under the exclusive control of the Government ; failing which last condition the bonds in excess of those sold shall remain in the hands of the Government. And from time to time, as the work proceeds, the Government shall pay over to the Company : lirstly, out of the amount so to be placed by the Company, — and, after the expenditure of that amount, out of the amount deposited with the Government, — sums of money bearing the same proportion to the mileage cash subsidy hereby agreed upon, which the net proceeds of such sale (if the whole of such bonds are sold upon the issue thereof) or, if such bonds be not all then sold, the net pro- ceeds of the issue, calculated at the rate at which the sale of I)art of them shall have been made, shall bear to the sum of $25,000,000. But if only a portion of the bond issue be sold, the amount earned by the Company according to the proportion aforesaid, shall be paid to the Company, partly out of the bonds in the hands of the Government, and partly out of the cash deposited with the Government, in similar proportions to the amount of such bonds sold and remaining unsold respectively ; and the Company shall receive the bonds so paid as cash at the rate at which the said partial sale thereof shall have been made. And the Government will receive and hold such sum of money towards the creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds, and upon such terms and conditions, as shall be agreed upon between the Government and the Company, Alteration in apportion- ment of money grant in such case e. If the Company avail themselves of the option granted by clause d, the sum of $2,000 per mile for the first eight hundred miles of the Central section shall be deducted pro rata from the amount payable to the Company in respect of the said eight hundred miles, and shall be appropriated to increase the mileage cash subsidy appropriated to the re- mainder of the said Central section. Grant of lO. In further consideration of the premises, the Govern- for mUway "^"^ ment shall also grant to the Company the lands required for purpose. - '1 ■'■ N*).v'-i the road-bed of the Railway, and for its stations, station grounds, workshops, dock ground and water frontage at the termini on navigable waters, buildings, yards and other appurtenances required for the convenient and effectual construction and working of the railway, in so far as such Admission of land shall be vested in the Government. And the Govern- tedai^fferof ment shall also permit the admission fr6e of duty, of all duty, steel rails, fish plates and other fastenings, spikes, bolts and nuts, wire, timber and all material for bridges, to be used in the original construction of the railway, and of a telegraph line in connection therewith, and all telegraphic apparatu.! required for the iirst (Equipment ot such telegraph line ; and will convey to the Company at cost price, with in- Sale of cer- terest, all rails and fastenings bought in or since the year 1879, to'company'^ and other materials for construction in the possession of or by Govem- purchased by the Government, at a valuation ; such rails, ™*°*" fastenings and materials not being required by it for the construction of the said Lake Superior and "Western sec- tions. Provision respecting land ftrant. Case of defi- ciency of land on line of railway pro- vided for. 11. The grant of land hereby agreed to be made to the Company, shall be so made in alternate sections of 640 acres each, extending back 24 miles deep, on each side of the rail- way, from Winnipeg to Jasper House, in so far as such lands shall be vested in the Government, the Company receiving the sections bearing uneven numbers. But should any of such sections consist in a material degree of land not fairly fit for settlement, the Company shall not be obliged to receive them as part of such grant, and the deficiency thereby caused, and any further deficiency which may arise from the insufficient quantity of land along the said portion of railway, to complete the said 25,000,000 acres, or from the prevalence of lakes and water stretches in the sections granted (which lakes and water stretches shall not be computed in the acreage of such sections), shall be made up from other portions in the tract known as the fertile belt, that is to say, the land lying between parallels 49 and 57 degrees of north latitude, or elsewhere at the option of the Company, by the grant therein of similar alternate sections extending back 24 miles deep on each side of any branch line or lines of rail- way to be located by the Company, and to be shown on a map or plan thereof deposited with the Minister of Railways ; or of any common front line or lines agreed upon between the Government and the Company, the conditions hereinbe- fore stated as to lands not fairly fit for settlement to be applicable to such additional grants. And the Company may, with the consent of the Government, select in the North-West Territories any tract or tracts of land not taken up as a means of supplying or partially supplying such deficiency. But such grants shall be made only from lands remaining vested in the Government. , ,, , ; 12. The Government shall extinguish the Indian title As to Indian affecting the lands herein appropriated, and to be hereafter *'^'®* granted in aid of the railway. Selection in such case with consent of Govern- ment. 10 Location of railway b',-- wpen ler- niinn,! ])oii ts 13. The Company shall have the right, subject to the approval of the (rovornor in Council, to lay out and locate the lino oi' the railway hereby contracted for, as they may see fit, preserving the followini^ terminal points, namely: From Callander station to the point of junction with the Lake Superior section ; and from Selkirk to the junction with the western section at Kamloops by way of the Yellow Head Pass. Power to ccn. Btnict bran- ches. Lumla nec!>!' parv Jur Iht) Sum ■. 14. The Company shall have the right, from time to time, to lay out, construct, equip, maintain and work branch lines of railway from any point or points along their main line of railway, to any point or points within the territory of the Dominion. Provided always, that before commencing any branch they shall first deposit a map and plan of such branch in the Department of Tvailways. And the Govern- ment shall grant to the Company the lands required for the road-bed of such branches, and for the station, station-grounds, buildings, workshops, yards and othev appurtenances requi- site for the efficient construction and working of such branches, in so far as such lands are vested in the Govern- ment. Restrictions 15. For 20 years from the date hereof, no line of railway *et'inK°ine8 shall be authorized by tne Dominion Parliament to be con- for a liraitid structed south of the Canadian Pacific Railway, from any period point at or near the Canadian Pacific Railway except such line as shall run South- West, or to the Westward of South- West ; nor to within fifteen miles of latitude 49. And in the establishment of any new Province in the North- West Territories, provision shall be made for continuing such pro- hibition after such establishment until the expiration ot the said period. Exemption 16. The Canadian Pacific Railway, and all stations and in'v. w^*ter° ^^^tion grouiids, workshops, buildings, yards and other ritoriea. property, rolling stock and appurtenances required and used for the construction and working thereof, and the capital stock of the Company, shall be forever free from taxation by the Dominion, or by any Province hereafter to be established, or by any Municipal Corporation therein ; and the lands of ■ '• the Company, in the North- West Territories, until they are either sold or occupied, shall also be free from such taxation for 20 years after the grant thereof from the Crown. 17. The Company shall be authorized by their Act of incoi-poration to issue bonds, secured upon land granted and to be granted to the Company, containing provisions for the use of such bonds in the acquisition ol' lands, and such other Land-grant bonds. Their nature pnd condi- ^fit\-- !»ii :i(;- iji\^ if-"-, 'ii:.:ci 'i>.: V- • '■iM ■■:■ ^|il ■'.• i:!ti.« Uk 11 conditions as the Company shall see fit, such issue to be for 126,000,000. And should the Company make such issue of land grant bonds, then they shall deposit them in the hands of the Government ; and the Government shall retain and hold one-fifth of such bonds as security for tlie due per- formance of the present contract in respect of the main- tenance and continuous workins^- of the railway by iho Com- pany, as hert'in agreed, for ten years after the completion thereof, and the remaining |20,000,000 of such bonds shall be dealt with as hereinafter provided And as to the said one-fifth of the said bonds, so long as no default shall occur in the maintenance and working of the said Canadian Pacific Railway, the Government shall not present or demand pay. ment of the coupons of such bonds, nor require payment of any interest thereon. And if any of such bonds so to be retained by the Government shall be paid off in the manner to be provided for the extinction of the whole issue thereof, the Government shall hold the amount received in pay- ment thereof as security for the same purposes as the bonds so paid off, paying interest thereon at four per cent, per annum so iv^ng as default is not made by the Company in the performance of the conditions hereof. And at the end of the said per od of ten years from the completion of the said Railway, if no default shall then have occurred in such maintenance anJ working thereof, the said bonds, or if any of them shall then have been paid off, the remainder of said bonds and the money received for those paid off, with accrued interest, shall h^^ delivered back by the Government to the Company with all ihe coupons attached to such bonds. But, if such defaul . should occur, the Government may there- after requii-e pajment of interest on the bonds so held, and shall not b(^ obliged to continue to pay interest on the money representing bonds paid oft ; and while the Govern- ment shall retain the right to hold the said portion of the said land grant bonds, other securities satisfactory to the Government may be substituted for them by the Company by agreement wiih the Government. 18. If the Company shall find it necessary or expedient to sell the remaining |20, 000,000 of the land grant bonds or a larger jwrtion thereof than in the proi)ortion of one dollar for each acre of land then earned by the Company, they shall be allowed to do so, but the proceeds thereof, over and above the amount to which the Company shall be entitled as herein provided, shall be deposited with the Gov- ernment. And the Government shall pay interest upon such deposit half-yearly, at the rate of four per cent, per annum, and shall pay over the amount of such deposit to the Company from time to time as the work proceeds, in the tioD8 of issue by the com- pany. Deposit with Government ; for what pur- poses and on wiint cotiili- tions. i,'i If the com- panv make no default in operating railway. In case of such default. Provision if aiich bonds Hre sold fiister thiinlandsnre earned by the company and depusii un interest with Government, and payments by Govern- meot to com- pany. ■ *:■. i- II Landa to be^ gramed eub- ect to Bucb i^ onda. same proportions, and at the same times and upon the same conditions as the land grant — that is to say : the Company shall bc! entitled to receive from the Government out of the proceeds of the said land grant bonds, the same number of dollars as the numl)er of acres ol' the land subsidy which shall then have been earned by them, less one- fifth thereof, that is to say, if the bonds are sold at par, but if they are sold at less tnan par, then a deduction shall be made there- from corresponding to tht> discount at which such bonds are sold. And such land grant shall be conveyed to them by the Government, subject to the charge created as security for the said land grant bonds, and shall remain subject to such charge till relieved thereof in such manner as shall be pro- vided for at the time of the issue of such bonds. Oompany to lO. The Company shall pay any expenses which shall be payexp nses. incurred by the Government in carrying out the provisions of the two last preceding clauses of this contract. If land bonda are n^, DUNCAN MoINTYRE, J. S. KENNEDY, U. B ANOUS, J. J. HILL, Per pro. Geo. Stephen. " MORTON, ROSE & Co., - " KOHN, REINACn & Co., By P. Du P. Grenfell. Signed in presence of F. Braun, and Seal of the Department hereto aflfixed by Sir Charles Tupper, in presence of i# 4t l( (Signed) F. Braun. SCHEDULE A, REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING CONTRACT. INCORPORATION. 1. George Stephen, of Montreal, in Canada, Esquire ; oertain per- Duncan Mclntyre, of Montreal, aforesaid, Merchant ; John S. aona inoor- Kennedy, of New York, in the State of New York, Banker ; P°"*«<^- the firm of Morton, Rose & Company, of London, in England, Merchants ; the firm of Kohn, Reinach & Com- pany, of Paris, in France, Bankers; Richard B. Angus and James J. Hill, both of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota, Esquires ; with all such other persons and corporations as shall become shareholders in the Company hereby incor- porated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of the " Canadian Pacific corporate Railway Company." ' ,,»';; °*"°*- 2. The capital stock of the Company shall be twenty- Capital stock five million dollars divided into shares of one hundred •"'^ shares, dollars each, which shares shall be transferable in such man- ner and upon such conditions as shall be provided by the by-laws of the Company ; and such shares, or any part thereof, Paid up may be granted and issued as paid-up shares for value bond '^*'^' .^ Hde received by the Company;, either in money at par or at such price and upon such conditions as the Board of 14 Substittition of ciiiiipiiny n> co'i tract- ori; ni.i whan. KfTuclof Bucb •ub.titutioQ. Xotioe in' Caiida Ga- zette. Furilier in- stalment to bo paid up. And rest of $6,00>,000, Directors may fix ; or ii<< part of the consideration of any contract niiulo by the I'ompany. II. Ah soon as fivi' million dollars of Iho stock of the Com- pany haV(? hciMi subscrihod, ;ind thirty per ciMitum thereof paid up, and upon the deposit with tlic Minister of Finance of the Dominion of one uiillion dollars in money or in securities api)roved by the Governor in Council, for fhe pur- pose and up()!\ the conditions in the forc^oinL^ contract )>ro- vided, the said contract shall become and bi; transferred to the Company, without the execution of any deed or instru- ment in that behalf; and the Company shall, thereupon, become and be vested with all the rii>hts of the contractors named in the said c intract, and shall be subject to, and liable for, all their duties ;uul ol>lii>'ati()ns, to the same exti-nt ai d in thesame manner as if th.' said contract had been executed by the said Company insti IJritish subjects. And the Mnjuriiytobo Hoard of Directors so consiiLuted fchiill have all the powers l^','''|'' '"'"''" lareby conferred upon the Directors of tho Comi)any, and they shall hold olUce until tho first annual meeting of tl-.o []°7^7^|||J.g, shareholders of tho Comi)any. ii. Each of the Directors of the Company, hereby appointed Quaiiaoation or hereafter appointed or elected, shall hold at least two of dnectors. hundred and lifly shares of the stock of the Company. But Alteration of tho number of Directors to bo hereafter elected by the share- number, holders shall be such, not excei'diiiji; iiftoen, as shall be fixed by by-law, and subject to tlu; same conditions as the Directors appointed by, or under the authoiity of, the last preceding" section ; the number thereof may be hereafter altered from time to time in like manner. The votes for their election Ballot. Bhall be by ballot. 7. A majority of the Directors shall form a ([uorum of the Quorum. l»oard ; and until otherwise provided by by-law, Directors may vote and act by proxy, such jiroxy to be held l>y a Director only ; but no Director shall hold more than two Proviso, proxies, and no mcetinf^ of Directors shall be competent to transact business unless at least three Directors are present Three must thereat in person, the remaining number of Directors ^® I'reEeiit. required to form a quorum being represented by proxies. 8 The Eoard of Directors may appoint from out of their Executivo number an Executive Committee, composed of at least three cm'^'tt'^e' Directors, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Company, with such powers and duties as shall be fixed by the by-laws ; and the President shall be ex-ojjicio a member President to of such committee. be one. 1>. The chief place of business of the Company shall be at uhief place the City of Montreal, but tho Com]xiny may, from time to of baeineei; time, by by-law, appoint and fix other places within or °' ^^ ^ *'^*^' beyond the limits of Canada, at which the business of the Company may be transacted, and at which the Directors, or ' " ' .' shareholders may meet, when called as shall be determined by the by-laws. And the Company shall appoint and fix by puces for by-law, at least one place in each Province or Territory service of through which the Kailw^ay shall pass, where service of P'^"''^^^' *"• process may be made upon the Company, in respect of any cause of action arising within such Province or Territory, and may afterwards from time to time, change such place by by-law. And a copy of any by-law fixing or changing 16 How to be aotifitid. Service of process thereat. And if com- pany fail :o appoint places. any such place, duly authenticated as herein provided, shall be deposited by the Company in the office, at the seat of Gov- ernment oi' the Provinr^;' or Territory to which such by-law shall apply, of the Clerk or Prothonotary of the highest, or one of the highest, courts of civil jurisdiction of such Province or Territory. And if any cause of action shall arise against the Company within any Province or Territory, and any writ or process be issued against the Company thereon out of any court in such Province or Territory, service of such process may be validly made upon the Company at the place within such Province or Territory so appointed and fixed ; but if the Company fail to appoint and fix such place, or to deposit, as hereinbefore provided, the by-law made in that behalf, any such process may be validly served upon the Company, at any of the stations of the said Kail way within such Province or Territory. SlIAREHOLDKRS. First and otlier annual meeting- Notice. Special gen- eral meetings notice. Place. Provision if a meeting be nocei^sary before notice as aforesaid can be given, 10, The first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, for the appointment of Directors, shall be held on the second Wednesday in May, 1882, at the principal office ot the Company, in Montreal : and the annual general meeting of shareholders, for the eiv^ction of Directors and the transaction of business generally, shall be held on the same day in each year thereafter at the same place unless other- wise provided by the by-laws. And notice of each of such meetings shall be given by the publication thereof in the Canada Gazette for four weeks, and by such further means as shall from time to time be directed by the by-laws. 11. Special general meetings of the shareholders may be convened in such manner as shall be provided by the by- laws. And except as hereinafter provided, notice of such meetings shall be given in the same manner as n >tices of annual general meetings, the purpose for which such meeting is called being mentioned in the notices thereof ; and, except as hereinafter provided, all such meetings shall be held at the chief place of business of the Company. 13. If at any time before the first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, it should become expedient that a meeting of the Directors of the Company, or a special general meeting of the shareholders of the Company, should be held, before such meeting can conveniently be called, and notice thereof given in the manner provided by this Act, or by the by-laws, or before by-laws in that behalf have been passed, and at a place other than at the chief place of business of the Company in Montreal before the enactment of a by- law authorizing the holding of such meeting elsewhere ; it shall be lawful for the President or for any three of the Direc- tors of the Company to call special meetings either of 17 diroctors or of shareholders, or of both, to be held at the City of LoiKlon in Knglaiul, at iiraes and places resp.^ctively, to be stated in the notices to be civen of such meetinsrs respectively; notices of such meetings ma7 be validly yotioosin given by a circular mailed to thtj ordinary address of each ^^^^ °"^' director or shareholder, as the case may be, in time to enable him to attend sue h meeting, stating in general terms the pur|)os(>. of the intend'^d meeting. And in the case of a Meetings meeting of shareholders, the proceedings of such meeting niwiys valid shall be held to be valid and sufficient, and to be binding on holders or * the Company in all respects, if every shareholder of the Com- their proxies pany be present thereat in person or by proxy, notwithstand- '*'^° P^'^^ea . ing that notice of such meeting shall not have been given in the manner required by this Act 1*>. N shareholder holding shares upon which any call Limitation a« is overdue and unpaid shall vote at any meeting of share- ^^J^g®^ *'^'* holders And tmless otherwise provided by the by-laws, the person holding the proxy of a shareholder shall be him- self a shareholder. IS. No call upon unpaid shares shall be made for more And as to than twenty per centum upon the amount thereof. calls. EAILWJiY AND TELEGRAPH LINES. S»"i. The Company may lay out, construct, acquire, equip, maintain and work a continuous line of railway, of the gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches ; which railway shall extend from the terminus of the Canada Central Itailway near Lake Ni pissing, known as Callander Station, to Port Moody in the Province of British Columbia; and also, a branch line of railway from some point on the main line of railway to F'ort William on Thunder Bay ; and also the (Exist- ing branch line of railway from Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, to Pembina, in the said province ; and also other branches to be located by the Company from time to time, as provided by the said contract ; the said branches to be of the gauge aforesaid ; and the said main line of railway, and the said branch lines of railway shall be commenced and completed as provided by the said contract ; and together with such other branch lines as shall be hereafter <*onstracted by the said Company, and any extension of the said main line of railway that shall hereafter be constructed or acquired by the Company, shall constitute the line of railway here- inaiter called TiiK Canadian Pacific Railway. l<». The Company may construct, maintain and work a continuous telegraph line and telephone lines throughout and along the wb .»le line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, or any part thereof, and may also construct or acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, any other line or lines of tele- 1-2 R Line and Kiinsre of railway. And certain brrtncUes. Oomrnence- inent und complotion. Other bran* chesi . N'nme of railway. (Join pany may eon- dtruot lines of telesfraph or telephone and work thorn and collect tolls. 'j£ii. 18 Subject to OoD. iStat. Can., c. 67, es. 14, 16, 16. Ab to future inventions. graph connocting with the Hue so to be constructed along the line of the said railway, and may undertake the trans- mission of messages for the public by any such lino or lines of telegraph or telephone, and collect tolls for so doing ; or may lease such line or lines of teL'graph or telephone, or any portion thereof; and, if they think proper to undertake the transmission of messages for hire, they shall be subject to the provisions of the fourteenth, fil'teenlh and sixteenth sections of chapter sixty-seven of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. And they may use any improvement that may hereaiter be invented (subject to the rights of patentees) ibr telegiapiiing or telephoning, and any other means of communication that may be deemed expedient by the Company at any time here- after. POWERS. of 42 V , C. 9, ication 17. "TAe Consolidated Railivay ./Ic/, 1879,'' in so far as the provisions of the same are applicable to the undertaking authorized by this charter, and in so far as they are not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions hereof and save and except as hereinafter provided, is hero})y incorpo- rated herewith. Exceptions as to such application. 18. As respects the said railway, the seventh section of ''The Consolidated Railioay Act, 1879," relating to Powfrs, and the eighth section thereof relating to 1'l.a.: s and Sur- veys, shall be subject to the following provisions : — As to lands of the Crown required. a. The Company shall have the right to take, use and hold the beach and land below high water mark, in any stream, lake, navigable water, gulf or sea, in so far as the same shall be vested in the Crown, and shall not be required by the Crown, to such extent as shall be required by the Company for its railway and other works, and as shall be exhibited by a map or plan thereof deposited in the of&ce of the Minister of Railways. But the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any beach or land lying East of Lake Nipissing, except with the approval of the Governor in Council. Plans and book of reference. b. It shall be sufficient that the map or plan and book of reference for any portion of the line of the railway not being within any district or county for which there is a Clerk of the Peace, be deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways of Canada, and any omission, mis-statement or erroneous description of any lands therein may be corrected by the Company, with the consent of the Minister and certified by him ; and the Company may then make the railway in accordance with such certified correction. 19 c. The eleventh sub-section of the said eighth section of Deviations the Railway Act shall not apply to any portion of the Rail- Ji°„/'"^ °° way passing over ungranted lands of the Crown, or lands not within any surveyed township in any Province ; and in such places, deviations not exceeding five miles from the line shown on the map or plan as aforesaid, deposited by the Company, shall be allowed, without any formal correction or certificate ; and any further deviation that may be found expedient may be authorized by order of the Grovernor in Council, and the Company may then make their Eailway in accordance with such authorized deviation. d. The map or plan and book of reference of any part of Deposit of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway made and P^*°' **^' deposited in accordance with this section, after approval by the Q-overnor in Council, and of any branch of such Railway And of hereafter to be located by the said Company in respect of bra^ci^es- which the approval of the Governor in Council shall not be necessary, shall avail as if made and deposited as required by the said " Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," for all the purposes of the said Act, and of this Act ; and any copy of, copies or extract therefrom, certified by the said Minister or his thereof, deputy, shall be received as evidence in any court of law in Canada. e. It shall be sufficient that a map or profile of any part Registration of the completed Railway which shall not lie within any thereof, county or district, having a registry office, be filed in the office of the Minister of Railways. - 19. It shall be lawful for the Company to take from any oompany public lands adjace" .t to or near the line of the said Railway, ^^ter^'is all stone, timber, gravel and other materials which may be from public necessary or useful for the construction of the Railway ; and '^e^^e'r^x^ * also to lay out and appropriate to the use of the Company, a font for sta- greater extent of land, whether public or private, for stations, ^°°^y *"• depots, workshops, buildings, side-tracks, wharves, harbors and road-way, and for establishing screens against snow, than the breadth and the quantity mentioned in " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1819," such greater extent taken, in any case, being allowed by the Government,, and shown on the maps or plans deposited with the Minister of Rail- ways. 20. The limit to the reduction of tolls by the Parliament Limit of re- of Canada provided for by the eleventh sub-section of the f'^.f 'u° p„, ITth section of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 18*79," uament under respecting tolls, is hereby extended, so that such reduction *2 v., o. 9, s. may be to such an extent that such tolls when reduced shall ' ^ not produce less than ten per cent, per annum profit on the capital actually expended in the construction of the Railway, instead of not less than fifteen per cent, per annum profit, as 1— 2i^ 20 Governor in Council ex- tended in like mannur. provided by the said sub-section ; and so also that such reduction shall not be made unless the net income of the Company, ascertained as described in said sub-section, shall have exceeded ten per cent, per annum instead of firteeii per cent, per annum as provided by the said sub- Reduction by section. And the exercise by the G-overnor in Council of the power of reducing the tolls of the Company as provided by the tenth sub-section of said section seventeen is hereby limited to the same extent with relation to the profit of the Company, and to its net revenue, as that to which the power of Parliament to reduce tolls is limited by said sub-section eleven as hereby amended. Restriction as 21. The first and second sub-sections of section 22, of " Tlie SK!'" Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall not apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company ; and it is hereby enacted that the transfer of shares in the undertaking shall be made only upon the books of the Company in person or by attorney, and shall not be valid unless so made, and the form and mode of transfer shall be rfuch as shall be from time Advances on, to time regulated by the by-laws of the Company. And the forbi°d'dea°^' f^^^^ds of the Company shall not be used in any advance upon the security of any of the shares or stock of the Company. Transfer or transmission to new shftre- holders sub- ject to veto of directors until comple- ;ion of con- tract. Proviso: as to transfer by a firm to a partner. Note of trans- fer to be made and for what purpose) 2iJ. The third and fourth sub-sections of said section 22 of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall be subject to the following provisions, namely, that if before the comple- tion of the Railway and works under the said contract, any transfer should purport to be made of any stock or share in the Company, or any transmission of any share should be effected under the provisions of said sub-section four, -to a person not already a shareholder in the Company, and if in the opinion of the Board it should not be expedient that the pel son (not being already a shareholder) to whom such transfer or transmission shall be made or effected should be accepted as a shareholder, the Directors may, by resolution, veto such transfer or transmission ; and thereafter, and until after the completion of the said Railway and works under the said contract, such person shall not be, or be recognized as a shareholder in the Company ; and the original shareholder, or his estate, as the case may be, shall remain subject to all the obligations of a shareholder in the Company with all the rights conferred upon a shareholder under this Act. But any firm holding paid-up shares in the Company may transfer the whole or any of such shares to any partner in such firm having already an interest as such partner in such shares, without being subject to such veto. And in the event of such veto being exercised, a note shall be taken of the transfer or transmission so vetoed in order that it may be recorded in the books of the Company after the comple- tion of the Railway and works as aforesaid ; but until such completion, the trauisfer or transmission so vetoed isliall'iiot 21 confer any rights, nor have any effect of any nature or kind whatever as respects the Company. 23. Sub-section sixteen of section nineteen, relating to Oertfiin other President AND Directors, their election and duties; p^*'^'^'""^"*' sub-section two of section twenty-four, relating to By-Laws, not to apply. Nottces, &c., sub-sections five and six of section twenty- eight, relating to GENjiitAL Provisions, and section ninety- seven, relating to Railway Fund, of " The Comolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall not, nor shall any of them apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway or the Company hereby incorporated. 24. The said Company shall afford all reasonable facili- corapany to ties to the Ontario Pacific Junction Railway Company, when *ff"^'f"n??,°' their Railway shall be completed to a puint of junction with to an(ffrom the Canadian Pacific Railway ; and to the Canada Central certain other Railway Company, for the receiving, forwarding and deliver- panies.^ ^°"' ing of traffic upon and from the railways of the said Com- panies, respectively, and for the return of carriages, trucks and other vehicles ; and no one of the said Companies shall give or continue any preference or advantage to, or in favor of either of the others, or of any particular descrip- tion of traffic, in any respect whatsoever ; nor shall any one of the said Companies subject any other thereof, or any par- ticular description of traffic, to any prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever ; and any one of the said Com- panies which shall have any terminus or station near any terminus or station of either of the others, shall afford all reasonable facilities for receiving and forwarding all the traffic arriving by either of the others, without any unreason- able delay, and without any preference or advantage, or pre- judice or disadvantage, and so that no obstruction may be offered in the using of such Railway as a continuous line of communication, and so that all reasonable accommodation may at all times, by the means aforesaid, be mutually afforded by and to the said several Railway Companies ; and the said Canadian Pacific Railway Company shall As to rates of receive and carry all freight and passenger traffic shipped tnlmolu such to or from any point on the railway of either of the said cases. above named Railway Companies passing over the Cana- dian Pacific Railway or any part thereof, at the same mileage rate and subject to the same charges for similar services, without granting or allowing any preference or advantage to the traffic coming from or going upon one of such railways over such traffic coming from or going upon the other of them, reserving, however, to the said Canadian Pacific Rail- Reaerration way Company the right of making special rates for pur- ^^^g^g^g"^ chasers of land, or for emigrants or intending emigrants, land, and which special rates shall not govern or affect the rates of emigrants, passenger traffic, as bet ween the said Company and the said two above nftmed Companies or either of them. And any f °°g"p^tB Toid. 22 agreement made between any two of the said Companies, contrary to the foregoing provisions, shall be unlawful, null and void. Company niHy piirchaEe or acquire by le.iae or other- wise certain other rail- ways or anialgHmate with them. And borrow to a limited amount on bonds in con- sequence. Not to afflict prior mort- gages. 25 Tho Company, under the authority of a special general meeting of the shareholders thereof, and as an extension of the railway hereby authorized to be constructed, may pur- chase or acquire by lease or otherwise and hold and operate, the Canada Central liailway, or may amalgamate therewith, and may purchase or acquire by lease or otherwise and hold and operate a line or lines of railway from the City of Ottawa to any point at navigable water on the Atlantic seaboard or to any intermediate point, or may acquire running powers over any railway now constructed between Ottawa and any such point or intermediate point. And the Company may purchase or acquire any such railway subject to such existing mortgages, charges or liens thereon as shall be agreed upon, and shall possess with regard to any lines of railway so purchased, or acquired, and becoming the property of the Company, the same powers as to the issue of bonds thereon, or on any of them, to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile ; and as to the security for such bonds, as are conferred upon the Company by the twenty- eighth section hereof, in respect of bonds to be issued upon the Canadian Pacific Railway. But such issue of bonds shall not affect the right of any holder of mortgages or other charges already existing upon any line of railway so pur- chased or {icquired ; and the amount of bonds hereby author- ized to be issued upon such line of railway shall be dimin- ished by the amount of such existing mortgages or charges thereon. Company may have docks, &c., and run ves- sels on an}' navigable water their railway touches. 26. The Company shall have power and authority to erect and maintain docks, dockyards, wharves, slips and piers at any point on or in connection with the said Canadian Pacific Railway, and at all the termini thereof on navigable water, for the convenience and accommodation of vessels and elevators ; and also to acquire, and work elevators, and to acquire, own, hold, charter, work and run, steam and other vessels for cargo and passengers upon any navigable water, which the Canadian Pacific Railway may reach or connect with. BY-LAWS. By-laws may provide for certain pur- poses. 27. The by-laws of the Company may provide for the remuneration of the president and directors of the Company, and of any executive committee of such directors ; and for the transfer of stock and shares ; the registration and inscription of stocks, shares, and bonds, and the transfer of registered bonds ; and the payment ol dividends and interest at any place or places within or beyond the limits of Canada ; an4 28 for all other matters required b'j ihd said contract or by this Act to be regulated by by-laws ; but the by-laws of the Must be con- Company made, as provided by law, shall in no case have ^roied at next any force or effect after the next general meeting of share- fL'g"* "**** holders, which shall be held after the passage of such by- laws, unless they are approved by such meeting. BONDS. 28. The Company, under the authority of a special general Amount of meeting of the shareholders called for the purpose, may issue bonds limited, mortgage bonds to the extent of ten thousand dollars per mile of the Canadian Pacific Railway for the purposes of the undertaking authorized by the present Act ; which issue Mortgages for shall constitute a first mortgage and privilege upon the said securing the Railway, constructed or acquired, and to be thereafter con- the propeny structed or acquired, and upon its property, real and personal, of tne com- acquired or to be thereafter acquired, including rolling stock ^*°^' and plant, and upon its tolls and revenues (after deduction from such tolls and revenues of working expenses), and upon the franchises of the Company ; the whole as shall be declared and described as so mortgaged in any deed of mort- gage as hereinafter provided. Provided always, however. Proviso: in that if the Company shall have issued, or shall intend to grant bonds issue, land grant bonds under the provisions of the thirtieth have been section hereof, the lands granted and to be granted by the gec"i^^n"3o'**' Government to the Company may be excluded from the operation of such mortgage and privilege ; and provided also that such mortgage and privilege shall not attach upon any property which the Company are hereby, or by the said contract, authorized to acquire or receive from the Govern- ment of Canada until the same shall have been conveyed by the Government to the Company ; but shall attach upon such property, if so declared in such deed, as soon as the same shall be conveyed to the Company. And such mortgage Evidence of and privilege may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mort- "hat*condt- gage executed by the Company, with the authority of its tions the shareholders expressed by a resolution passed at such special confai"*^ general meeting ; and any such deed may contain such description of the property mortgaged by such deed, and such conditions respecting the payment of the bonds secured thereby and of the interest thereon, and the remedies which shall be enjoyed by the holders of such bonds or by any trustee or trustees for them in default of such payment, and the enforcement of such remedies ; and may provide for Re nedies of such forfeitures and penalties, in default of such payment, ^°l^^^f 'P as may be apj)roved by such meeting ; and may also contain, pajment. with the approval aforesaid, authority. to the trustee or trus- tees, upon such default, as one of such remedies, to take possession of the railway and property mortgaged and to hold and run the same for the benefit of the bondholders thereof for a time to be limited by such deed, or to sell thq 24 Right of voting may, in BucD case, be transferred to boudhold- era. Cancellation of shares de- prived of voting power. Enforcing conditions. Further pro- visions under mortgage deed. Provision in case of change of ownership, &c., of Rail- way, in such case. Increase of borrowing power if no land grant bonds are issued. said railway and property, after such delay, and upon such terms and conditions as may be stated in such deed ; and with like approval any such deed may contain provisions to the effect that upon such default and upon such other conditions as shall be described in such deed, the right of voting possessed by the shareholders of the Company, and by the holders of preferred stock therein, or by either of them, shall cease and determine, and shall thereafter appertain to the bondholders, or to them and to the holders of the whole or of any part of the preferred stock of the Company as shall be declared by such deed ; and such deed may also provide for the conditional or absolute cancellation after such sale of any or all of the shares so deprived of voting power ; or of any or all of the preferred stock of the Company, or both ; and may also, either directly by its terms, or indirectly by refer- ence to the by-laws of the Company, provide for the mode of enforcing and exercising the powers and authority to be conferred and defined by such deed, under the provisions hereof. And such deed;* arid the provisions thereof made under the authority hereof, and such other provisions thereof as shall purport (withHike approval) to grant such further and other powers and ' privileges to such trustee or trustees and to such bondholders, as are not contrary to law or to the provisions ot this Act, shall be valid and binding. But if any change in the ownership or possession of the said Rail- way and property shall at any time take place under the provisions hereof, or of any such deed, or in any other man- ner, the said Railway and property shall continue to be held and operated under the provisions hereof, and of " The Con- solidated Railway Act, 18""9," as hereby modified. And if the Company does not avail itself of the power of issuing bonds secured upon the land grant alone as hereinafter provided, the issue of bonds hereby authorized may be increased to any amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile of the said Canadian Pacific Railway. Provision if such bonds are issued before com- pletion of railway. 29. If any bond issue be made by the Company under the last preceding section before the said Railway is completed according to the said Contract, a proportion of the proceeds of such bonds, or a proportion of such bonds if they be not sold, corresponding to the proportion of the work contracted for then remaining incomplete, shall be received by the G-overnment, and shall be held, dealt with, and, from time to time, paid over by the Government to the Company upon the same conditions, in the same manner and according to the same proportions as the proceeds of the bonds, the issue of which is contemplated by sub-section d, of Clause 9 of the said Contract, and by the thirty-first section hereof. Provisions as 30. The Company may also issue mortgage bonds to the land'gran^t extent of tweuty-five million dollars upon the lands granted mortgage in aid of the said Railway and of the undertaking authorized koadi. 25 by this Act ; such issue to be made only upon similar author- ity to that required by this Act lor the issue of bonds upon the Railway ; and when oo made such bonds shall constitute a first mortgage upon such lands, and shall attach upon them when they shall be granted, if they are not actually granted at the time of the issue of such bonds. And such Evidenneof mortgage may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mortgage m ortgaRe and to be executed under like authority to the deed securing the ''"" ifuns- issue of bonds on the Kail way ; and such deed or deeds under like authority may contain similar conditions and may con- fer upon the trustee or trustees named thereunder and upon the holders of the bonds secured thereby, remedies, authority, power and privileges, and may provide for forfeitures and penalties, similar to those which may be inserted and pro- vided for under the provisions of this Act in any deed securing the issue of bonds on the Railway, together with such other provisions and conditions, not inconsistent with law or with this Act as shall be so authorized. And such Name of and bonds may be styled Land Grant Bonds, and they and the ^°^*^*^*'' proceeds tnereof shall be dealt with in the manner provided in the said Contract. iBSue of bonds in place of land grant bonds under agreemenl with Govern- ment. To include franchise as well as pro- perty of com- pany. 81. The Company may in the place and stead of the said land grant bonds, issue bonds under the twenty-eighth section hereof, to such amount as they shall agree with the Govern- ment to issue, with the interest guaranteed by the Govern- ment as provided for in the said contract ; such bonds to constitute a mortgage upon the property of the Company and franchises acquired and to be thereafter acquired — including the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the branches thereof hereinbefore described, with the plant and rolling stock thereof acquired and to be thereafter acquired, but exclusive of such other branches thereof and of such personal property as shall be excluded by the deed of mort- gage to be executed as security for such issue. And the Section 28 to provisions of the said twenty-eighth section shall apply to app'y- such issue of bonds, and to the security which may be given * for the payment thereof, and they and the proceeds thereof shall be dealt with as hereby and by the said contract ., provided. ,.,, , ,, , , , ; .. , , ■ • 32. It shall not be necessary to afiixthe seal of the Com- paciutirs for pany to any mortgage bond issued under the authority of is'sne <•*' mort- this Act ; and every such bond issued without such seal ^"^f, g^l ,4d shall have the same force and effect, and be held, treated signaturs. and dealt with by all courts of law and of equity as if it ■'>;!, were sealed with the seal of the Company. And if it is pro- -♦ ' " ^ < vided by the mortgage deed executed to secure the issue of " "" '^IJ^f^ any bonds, that any of the signatures to such bonds or i,»,Hijf9 > to the coupons thereto appended may be engraved, stamped .s-jifoa or lithographed thereon, such engraved, stamped or litho- graphed signatures shall be valid and binding on the Company. 26 "Working expenses" delned. Onrrcncy on which bonds may be is* sued. Price and conditions of said. May be ex- chaiged for inscribed stock, &c. 'I j { • J f i Bonds need not be regis- tered. 1 f ■'■ ' Mortgaiite deed now deposited. 1 And a^ree- ments under e. 36. i Certified copies. 33. The phrase " working expenses" shall mean and include all expenses oi" maintenance of the Railway, and of the stations, buildings, works and conveniencies belonging thereto, and of the rolling and other stock and moveable plant used in the working thereof, and also all such tolls, rents or annual sums as may be paid in respect of the hire of engines, carriages or wagons let to the Company ; also, ell rent, charges or interest on the purchase money of lands belonging to the Company, purchased but not paid for, or not fully paid for ; and also all expenses of and incidental to, working the railway and the Iralfic thereon, including stores and consumable articles; also rates, taxes, insurance and compensation for accidents or losses ; also, all salaries and wages of persons employed in and about the working of the Railway and traffic and all office and management expenses, including Directors' fees, agency, legal and other like expenses. 34. The bonds authorized by this Act to be issued upon the Railway or upon the lands to be granted to the Company, or both, may be so issued in whole or in part in the denomination of dollars, pounds sterling, or francs, or in any or all of them, and the coupons may be for payment in denominations similar to those of the bond to which they are attached. And the whole or any of such bonds, may be pledged, negotiated or sold upon such conditions and at such price as the Board of Directors shall from time to time deter- mine. And provision may be made by the by-laws of the Company, that after the issue of any bond, the same may be surrendered to the Company by the holder thereof, and the Company may, in exchange therefor, issue to such holder inscribed stock of the Company, which inscribed stock may be registered or inscribed at the chief place of business of the Company or elsewhere, in such manner, with such rights, liens, privileges and preferences, at such place, and upon such conditions as shall be provided by the by-laws of the Company. 35. It shall not be necessary, in order to preserve the priority, lien, charge, mortgage or privilege, purporting to appertain to or be created by any bond issued or mortgage deed executed under the provisions of this Act, that such bond or deed should be enregistered in any manner, or in any place whatever. But every such mortgage deed shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State : of which deposit notice shall be given in the Canada Gazette. And in like manner any agreement entered into by the Company, under section thirty-six of this Act, shall also be deposited in the said office. And a copy of any such mortgage deed, or agreement, certified to be a true coi)y by the Secretary of State or his Deputy, shall be received as primd facie evidence of the original in all courts of justice, without proof of the sigaatures or seal upon such original. St 86. If, at any time, any agreement be made by the Com- Agreement pany with any porsons intending to bocomo bondholders of Jjjl^p^g"^* the Company, or be contained in any mortgage deed executed for reBt'ricu* under the authority of this Act, restricting the issue of bonds •ngisauei. by the Company, under the powers conferred by this Act, or defining or limiting the mode of exorcising such powers, the Company, after the deposit thereof with the Secretary of State as hereinbefore provided, shall not act upon such powers othoi wise than as defined, resiriclcd and limited by such agreement. And no bond thereafter issued by the EiTect Company, and no order, resolution or proceeding thereafter ^''^"°'"' made, passed or had by the Company, or by the Board of Directors, contrary to the terms of sucn agreement, shall be valid or effectual. 37. The Company may, from time to time, issue guaranteed or preferred stock, at such price, to such amount, not exceed- ing ten thousand dollars per mile, and upon such conditions as to the preferences and privileges appertaining thereto, or to different issues of classes thereof, and otherwise, as shall be authorized by the majority in value of the shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at any annual meeting or at any special general meeting thereof called for the purpose, notice of the intention to propose such issue at such meeting being given in the notice calling such meet- ing. But the guarantee or preference accorded to such stock shall not interfere with the lien, mortgage and privilege attaching to bonds issued under the authority of this Act. And the holders of such preferred stock shall have such power of voting at meetings of shareholders, as shall be con- ferred upon them by the by-laws of the Company. Oompanj mny issue guaranteed or preferred stock to a limited amount. Not to affect privileges of bondholders. Voting. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS. 88. Every contract, agreement, engagement.scrip certificate or bargain made, and every bill of exchange drawn, accepted or endorsed, and every promissory note and cheque made, drawn or endorsed on behalf of the Company, by any agent, officer or servant of the Company, in general accordance with his powers as such under the by-laws of the Company, shall be binding upon the Company ; and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the Company affixed to any such bill, note, cheque, contract, agreement, engagement, bargain, or scrip certificate, or to prove that the same was made, drawn, accepted or endorsed, as the case may be, in pursuance of any by-law or special vote or order ; nor shall the party so acting as agent, officer or servant of the Company be subjected individually to any liability, what- soever, to any third party therefor ; Provided always, that nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Com- pany to issue any note payable to the bearer thereof, or any promissory note intended to be circulated as money, or as Con tracts, bills &c , hj its Rgcnts to bind the com* pany. Proof thereof. Nod •liability of such agent. ProTijo: as to notes. 28 the note of a bank, or to engage in the business of banking or insurance. ,,.;;• GENERAL PROVISIONS. Reporu»'> 31>.. The Company shall, from time to time, furnish such GoverniLt-t. reports of the progress of the work, with such details and plans of the work, as the Government may require. Publication of notices. 40. As respects places not within any Province, any notice required by " The Comolidated Railway Act, 1879," to be piven in the " Official Gazette " of a Province, may be given in the Canada Gazelle. Perm of 41. Deeds and conveyances of lands to the Company for deeds, Ac, to the purposes of this Act (not being" letters patent from the t e company. Qj-q^jj)^ j^^y, yi SO far as circumstances will admit, be in the form following, that is to say : — ,. . . Fomi. "Know all men by these presents, that I, A. B., in consideration of paid to me by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said the Canadian Pacific Bail way Company, their successors and' assigns, all that tract or parcel of land {describe the land) to have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Company, their successors and assigns for ever. day of ."'ii A. B. [LS.]^ " "Witness my hand and seal, this one thousand eight hundred and " Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of " C. D. " E. F." Obligation of or in any other form to the like effect. And in every deed the grantor, made in accordance herewith shall be held and construed to impose upon the vendor executing the same the obliga- '*'' '' tion of guaranteeing the Company and its assigns against all dower and claim for dower ind against all hypothecs and mortgages and against all liens and charges whatsoever, ^.^., , , and also that he has a good, valid and transferable title thereto. ^ :; r.i h ifi9 "Letters Patent incorporating the Canadian Pacific Railway Company." \ ' ; I / ' GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Ottawa, 16th day of February, 1881. Present : HIS EXCELLENCY THE aOVERNOR OENERAL IN COUNCIL. ON the recommondation of the Tlight Honorable Sir John A. Macdonald, and in occordance with the Act of Par- liament of Canada, passed on the 15th day of February, 1881, intituled : "An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Kail way Company", — ' • His Excellency has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Canada be issued incorporating " The Canadian Pacific Railway Company," — such Letters Patent to be as follows : — CANADA. VICTORIA, hy the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of ', Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same ., may in anywise concern, <, ■ • ,,^ ;,,,,. ^ ,^,,.j,, ■ ^ - Greeting : WHEREAS, George Stephen, of th(^. City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec and Dominion of Canada, Esquire; Duncan Mclntyre, of the same place, Merchant; John S Kennedy, of the City of New York, in the State of New York, one of the United States of America ; Richard B. Angus, of the City of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota, one of the United States of America ; and James J. Hill, of the same place ; the firm of Morton, Ro&e and Company, of the City of London, in England, Merchants, and the firm of Eohn Reinach and Company, of th3 City of Paris, in France, Bankers, on or about the twenty-first day of October, in the lyear of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, duly entered ; into a contract and agreement with Us represented and acting , by the > Honorable Sir ■■ Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., our Minister of Railways and Canals of Canada, which contract and agreement is in the words and ,f%]ar«8. following, viz. ; 80 This Co^TRACT and Aoreement made between Her Ma- SESTY THE QuENi acting in respect of the Dominion of Canada, and herein represented and acting by the Hon- orable Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G-., Minister of Railways and Canals, and George Stephen and Duncan Mclntyrc, of Montreal, in Canada, John S. Kennedy of New York, in the State of New York, Kichard B. Angus and James J. Hill, ot St. Paul, in the State of Minne- sota, Morton, Rose & Co., of London, England, and Kohn Keinach & Co., of Paris, France. Witnesses : That the parties hereto have contracted and agreed with each other as follows, namely : — 1, For the better interprotiUion of this contract, it is hereby declared that the portion of Kailway hereinafter called the Eastern section, shall comprise that part of the Canadian Pacific Railway to be constructed, extending from the Western terminus of the Canada Central Railway, near the East end of Lake Nipissing, known as Callander Station, to a point of junction with that portion of the said Canadian Pacific Railway now in course of construction extending from Lake Superior to Selkirk on the I'asi side of Red River ; which latter portion is hereinafter called the Lake Superior section. That the portion of said Railway, now partially in course of construction, extcniding from Selkirk to Kamloops, is hereinafter called the Central section; and the portion of said Railway now in course of construction, extending from Kamloops to Port Moody, is hereinafter called the Western section. And that the words " the Canadian Pacific Rail- way," are intended to mean the entire Railway, as described in the Act 37th Victoria, cap. 14 The individual parties hereto, are hereinafter described as the Company ; and the Government of Canada is hereinafter called the Govern- ment. 2. The contractors immediately after the organization of the said Company, shall deposit with the Government $1,000,000 in cash or approved securities, as a security for the construction of the Railway hereby contracted for. The Government shall pay to the Company interest on the cash deposited at the rate of four per cent, per annum, half-yearly, and shall pay over to the Company the interest received upon securities deposited, the whole until default in the perform- ance of the conditions hereof, or until the repayment of the deposit, and shall return the deposit to the Company on the completion of the Railway, according to the terms hereof, with any interest accrued thereon. 3. The Company shall lay out, construct and equip the said Eastern section, and the said Central section, of a uniform 81 gauge of 4 feet 8| inches ; and in order to establish an approximate cUndard whereby the quality and the character of the Railway and of the materials used in the construc- tion thereof, and of the equipment thereof may bo regulated, the Union Pacific Kailway of the United States as the same was when first constructed, is hereby selected and fixed as such standard. And if the Government and the Company should be unable to agree as to whether or not any work done or materials furnished under this contract are in fair con- formity with such standard, or as to any other question of fact, excluding questions of law, the subject of disagreement shall be from time to time referred to the determination of three referees, one of whom shall be chosen by the G-overn- ment, one by the Company, and one by the two referees so chosen, and such referees shall decide as to the party by whom the expense of such reference shall be defrayed. And if such two referees should be unable to agree upon a third referee, he shall be appointed at the instance of either party thereto, after notice to the other, by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. And the decision of such referees, or of the majority of them, shall be final. 4. The work of construction shall be commenced at the eastern extremity ol the Eastern section not later than the first day of July next, and the work upon the Central section shall be commenced by the Company at such point towards the eastern end thereof on the portion of the line now under construction as shall be found convenient and as shall be approved by the Government, at a date not later than the 1st May next. And the work upon the Eastern and Central sections, shall be vigorously and continuously carried on at such rate of annual progress on each section as shall enable the Company to complete and equip the same and each of them, in running order, on or before the Istday of May, 1891, by which date the Company hereby agree to complete and equip the said sections in conformity with this contract, unless prevented by the Act of God, the Queen's enemies, intestine disturbances, epidemics, floods, or other causes beyond the control of the Company. And in case of the interruption or obstruction of the work of construction from any of the said causes, the time fixed for the completion of the Kailway shall be extended for a corresponding period. 5. The Company shall pay to the Government the cost, according to the contract, of the portion of railway, 100 miles in length, extending from the city of Winnipeg west- ward, up to the time at which the work was taken out of the hands of the contractor and the expenses since incurred by the Government in the work of construction, but shall have the right to assume the said work at any time and complete the same, paying the cost of construction as afore- said so far as the same shall then have been incurred by the Government. * 32 \l 6. Unless prevented by the act of God, the Queen's enemies, intestine disturbances, epidemics, floods or other causes beyond the control of the Grovernment, the G-overn- ment shall* cause to be completed the said Lake Superior section, by the dates fixed by the existing contracts for the construction thereof, and shall also cause to be completed the portion of the said Western section now under contract, namely, from Kamloops to Yale, within the period fixed by the contracts thoreloi*, na nely, by the thirteenth day of Juii ■., 1885 ; and shall also ^aase to be completed, on or before the first day of May, li591, the remaining portion of the said Western section, lyii .g between Yale and Port Moody, which shall be constructed of equally good quality in every respect with the standard hereby created for the portion hereby contracted for. And the said Lake Superior section, and the portions of the said Westtuii section now under contract, shall be completed as nearly as pi*acticable according to the specifications and conditions of the contracts therefor, except in so far as the same have been modified by the Government prior to this contract. 7. The Railway constructed under the terms hereof shall be the property of the Company : and pending the comple- tion of tlxe liastern and Central sections, the Government shall transfer to the Company the possession and right to work and run the several portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway already constructed or as the same shall be com- pleted. And upon the completion of the Eastern and Central sections, the Government shall convey to the Company, with a suitable number of station buildings and with water ser- vice (but without equipment), those portions of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway constructed or to be constructed by the Government which shall then be completed ; and upon com- pletion of the remainder of the portion of the railway to be constructed by the Government, that portion shall also be conveyed to the Company, and the Canadian Pacific Rail- way shall become and be thereafter the absolute property of the Company. And the Company shall thereafter and for- ever efficiently maintain, work and run the Canadian Pacific Railway. 8. Upon the reception from the Government of the pos- session of each of the respective portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Company shall equip the same in con- formity with the standard herein established for the equip- ment of the sections hereby contracted for, and shall there- after maintain and efficiently operate the same. '!-• ','•■ 9. In consideration of the premises, the Government agree to grant to the Company a subsidy in money of $25,000,000, and in land of 25,000,000 acres, for which subsidies the con- struction of the Canadian Pacific Railway shall be completed 33 and the same shall be equipped, maintained and operated, the said subsidies respectively to be paid and granted as the work of construction shall proceed, in manner and upon the conditions following, that is to say : a. The said subsidy in money is hereby divided and appropriated as follows, namely : — CENTRAL SECTIO.V. Assumed at 1,350 miles— 1st.— 903 mile?, at $10,000 per mile $ 9,000.000 •in.!.— 4,".0 " " 13,333 " " 6,000,000 $15,000,0)0 EASTERN SECTION. Assumed at 650 miles, subsidy equal to J15,38t.61 per mile 10,000,000 . .$i5,0(i0,(:00 And the said subsidy inland is hereby divided and appro- priated as follows, subject to the reserve hereinafter pro- vided for. CKNTRAL SECTION. 1st — 900 miles, at 12,500 acres per mile. 11,250,000 2ad.--45C " "16,666.66" " 7,500,000 18,750,000 EASTERN SECTION. assumed at 650 miles, subsidy equal to 9,615.35 acres per mile 6,250,000 25,600,000 b. Upon the construction of any portion of the railway hereby contracted for, not less than 20 miles in length, and the completion thereof so as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, together with such equipment thereof as shall be required for the traffic thereon, the Government shall pay and grant to the Company the money and land subsidies applicable thereto, according to the division and appropriation thereof made as hereinbefore provided ; the Company having the option of receiving in lieu of cash, terminable bonds of the G-overnment, bearing such rate of interest for such period and nominal amount as may be arranged, and which may be equivalent according to actuarial calculation to the corresponding cash payment, the Govern- ment allowing four per cent, interest on moneys deposited with them. c. If at any time the Company shall cause to be delivered on or near the line of the said Railway, at a place satisfactory to the Government, steel rails and fastenings to be used in the construction of the Railway, but in advance of the 1—3 i^ a 34 requirements for such construction, the Government, on the requisition of the Company, shall, upon such terms and con- ditions as shall be determined by the Government, advance thereon three-fourths of the value thereof at the place of delivery. And a proportion of the amount so advanced shall be deducted according" to such terms and conditions from the subsidy to be thereafter paid, upon the settlement for each section of 20 miles of railway, which proportion shall correspond with the proportion of such rails and fastenings which have been used in the construction of such sections. d. Until the first day of January, 1882, the Company shall have the option, instead of issuing land grant bonds as here- inafter provided, of substituting the payment by the Govern- ment of the interest (or part of the interest) on bonds of the Company mortgaging the railway and the lands to be granted by the Government, running over such term of years as may be approved by the Governor in Council, in lieu of the cash subsidy hereby agreed to be granted to the Company or any part thereof; such payments of interest to be equivalent according to actuarial calculation to the cor- responding cash payment, the Government allowing four per cent, interest on moneys deposited with them; and the coupons representing the interest on such bonds shall be guaranteed by the Government to the extent of such equiva- lent. And the proceeds of the sale of such bonds to the extent of not more than $25,000,000, shall be deposited with the Government, and the balance of such proceeds shall be placed elsewhere by the Company, to the satisfaction and under the exclusive control of the Government ; failing which last condition the bonds in excess of those sold shall remain in the hands of the Government. And from time to time, as the work proceeds, the Government shall pay over to the Company : firstly, out of the amount so to be placed by the Company, — and, after the expenditure of that amount, out of the amount deposited with the Government, — sums of money bearing the same proportion to the mileage cash subsidy hereby agreed upon, which the net proceeds of such sale (if the w^hole of such bonds are sold upon the issue thereof) or, if such bonds be not all then sold, the net pro- ceeds of the issue, calculated at the rate at which the sale of part of them shall have been made, shall bear to the sum of $25,000,000. But if only a portion of the bond issue be sold, the amount earned by the Company according to the proportion aforesaid, shall be paid to the Company, partly out of the bonds in the hands of the Government, and partly out of the cash deposited with the Government, in similar proportions to the amount of such bonds sold and remaining unsold respectively ; and the Company shall receive the bonds so paid as cash at the rate at which the said partial sale thereof shall have been made. Aiid the Government will receive and hold such sum of money towards the ss of be the •tly •tly ilar creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds, and upon such terms and conditions, as shall be agreed upon between the Government and the Company. e. If the Company avail themselves of the option granted by clause d, the sum of $2,000 per mile for the first eight hundred miles of the Central section shall be deducted pro rata from the amount payable to the Company in respect of the said eight hundred miles, and shall bo appropriated to increase the mileage cash subsidy appropriated to the re- mainder of the said Central section. 10. In further consideration of the premises, the Grovern- ment shall also grant to the Company the lands required for the road-bed of the railway, and for its stations, station grounds, workshops, dock ground and water frontage at the termini on navigable waters, buildings, yards and other appurtenances required for the convenient and effectual construction and working of the railway, in so far as such land shall be vested in the Government. And the Govern- ment shall also permit the admission free of duty, of all steel rails, fish plates and other fastenings, spikes, bolts and nuts, wire, timber and all material for bridges, to be used in the original construction of the railway, and of a telegraph line in connection therewith, and all telegraphic apparatus required for the first equipment of such telegraph line; and will convey to the Company at cost price, with in- terest, all rails and fastenings bought in or since the year 1879, and other materials for construction in the possession of or purchased by the Government, at a valuation ; such rails, fastenings and materials not being required by it for the construction of the said Lake Superior and Western sec- tions. 11. The grant of land hereby agreed to be made to the Company, shall be so made in alternate sections of 640 acres each, extending back 24 miles deep, on each side of the rail- way, from Winnipeg to Jasper House, in so far as such lands shall be vested in the Government, the Company receiving the sections bearing uneven numbers. But should any of such sections consist in a material degree of land not fairly fit for settlement, the Company shall not be obliged to receive them as part of such grant, and the deficiency thereby caused, and any further deficiency which may arise from the insufficient quantity of land along the said portion of railway, to complete the said 25,000,000 acres, or from the prevalence of lakes and water stretches in the sections granted (which lakes and water stretches shall not be computed in the acreage of such sections), shall be made up from other portions in the tract known as the fertile belt, that is to say, the land lying between parallels 49 and 5*7 degrees of north latitude, or elsewhere at the option of the Company, by the 1—3* 36 grant therein of similar alternate sections extending back 24 miles deep on each side of any branch line or lines ot rail- way to bo located by the Company, and to bo shown on a map or plan thereof deposited with the Minister of Railways ; or of any common front line or lines agreed upon between the Grovernment and the Company, the conditions hereinbe- fore stated as to lands not fairly fit for settlement to be applicable to such additional grants. And the Company may, with the consent of the Government, select in the North-AVest Territories any tract or tracts of land not taken np as a means of supplying or partially supplying such deficiency. But such grants shall be made only from lands remaining' vested in the Government. 12. The Government shall extinguish the Indian title allecting the lauds herein appropriated, and to bo hereafter granted in aid of the railway. 13. The Company shall have the right, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, to lay out and locate the line of the railway hereby contracted for, as they may see fit, preserving the following terminal points, namely : From Callander station to the point of junction with the Lake Superior section; and from Selkirk to the junction with the western section at Kamloops by way of the Yellow Head Pass. 14. The Company shall have the right, from time to time, to lay out, construct, equip, maintain and work branch lines of railway from any point or points along their main line of railway, to any point or points within the territory of the Dominion. Provided always, that before commencing any branch they shall first deposit a map and plan of such branch in the Department of Railways. And the Govern- ment shall grant to the Company the lands required for the road-bed of such branches, and for the station, station-grounds, buildings, workshops, yards and other appurtenances requi- site for the efficient construction and working of su^^h branches, in so far as such lands are vested in the CJoveru- ment. 15. For 20 years from the date hereof, no line of railway shall be authorized by the Dominion Parliament to be con- structed south of the Canadian Pacific Railway, from any point at or near the Canadian Pacific Railway except such line as shall run South-West, or to the Westward of South- West ; nor to within fifteen miles of latitude 49. And in the establishment of any new Province in the North- West Territories, provision shall be made for continuing such pro- hibition after such establishment until the expiration ot the said period. said Gov by a pro- : the 8t 10. The Canadian Pacific Ilaihvay, and all stations and station grounds, workshops, buildings, yards and other property, rolling stock and appurtenances required and used for the construction and working thereof, and the capital stock of the Company, shall be forever free from taxation by the Dominion, or by any Province hereafter to bo established, or by any Municipal Corporation therein ; and the lands of the Company, in the North-West Territories, until they are cither sold or occupied, shall also be free from such taxation for 20 years after the grant thereof from the Crown. 17. The Company i-ood "faith of the Government in the ])erformance of its obliga- '• tions, that imnu'diale st(']).s should be taken tocomph'teand " operate the whole of the said liiulvvay ; " And whereas, in conformity with tho expressed desire of " Parliament, a contract has bee:i entered into for the construc- "tion ot the said portion of the main line of die said Kail- " way, and for the permanent \vorkinj;' of the whole line "thereof, which contract with the schedule annexed hasljeen " laid })efore Parliament for its approval and a eopy thereof " is appended hereto, and it is expedient to approve and "ratify the said contract, and to make provision lor the " carrying out of the same ;" the said contract and agreement with the said Schedule A thereto was approved and ratified, and "We were authorized to perform and cany out the con- ditions thereof aecording to their i)urport ; and for the purpose of incorporating the ])ersons mentioned in the said contract, and those who shall be assocnated with them in the luidertaking, and of granting to them the powers necessary to enable them to carry out the said contract according to tho terms thereof, it was enacted that our Governor-General of Canada might giant to them, in conformity with the said contract under the corporate name of the Canadian Pacific Eailway Company, a charter conferring upon them the franchises, jn-ivileges and powers embodied in the said schedule to the said contract ; and that such charter being published in the Canada Gazette with any Order or Orders in Council relating to it, should have force and effect as if it were an Act of our I'arliament of Canada, and should be and be held to be an Act of incorporation within the meaning of the said contract ; And whereas the said persons have prayed for a charter for the purpose aforesaid ; 1. Now Know Ye, that, by and with the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, and under the authority of the hereinbefore in part recited Act, and of any other power and authority whatsoever in Us vested in this behalf, "We Do, by these our Letters Patent, grant, order, declare and provide that the said George Stephen, Duncan Mclntyre, John S. Kennedy, Kichard B. Angus, James J. Hill, the firm of Morton, Rose & Company, and the firm of Kohu, Reinach & Company ; with all such other persons and corporations as shall become shareholders in the Company hereby incor- porated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of the " Canadian Pacific Railway Company." 41 3, The capital stock of the Company «hall bo tvventy- fivo million dollars divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which shares shall be transierable in such man- ner and upon such conditions as shall be ])rovided by the by-laws of the Company ; and such shares, or any part thereof, mny be granted and issued as paid-up shares for value bond //V/e received by the Company, either in money at i>ar or at such price and upon such conditions as the Ijoard of Directors may fix ; or as part of the consideration of any contract made by the Company. . J5. As soon as five million dollars of the stock of the Com l)any have been subscribed, a)id thirty per centum thereof ])aid up, and iipon the deposit with our Minister of Finance of Canada of one million dollars in money or in securities approved by our Governor Cleneral in Council, for the pur- pose and upon the conditions in the said contract pro- vided, th(^ said contract shall become and be transferred to the Company, without the execution of any deed or instru- ment in that behalf; and Ihe Company shall, thereupon, become and be vested with all the rights of the contractors named in the said contract, and shall be subject to, and liable for, all their duties and obligations, to the same extent and in the same manner as if the said contract had been executed by the said Company instead of by the said contractors ; and thereupon the said contractors, as ilidi vidua ".s, shall cease to have any right or interest in the said contrac. and shall not be subject to any liability or responsibility under the terms thereof otherwise than as members of the corporation hereby created. And upon the performance of the said conditions respecting the subscription of stock, the partial payment thereof, and the deposit of one million dollars to the satisfac- tion of our Governor General in Council, the publication by our Secretary of State of Canada in the Canada Gazette, of a notice that the transfer of the contract to the Company has been effected and completed shall be conclusive proof of the fact. And the Company shall cause to be paid up, on or before the first day of May next, a further instalment of twenty per centum upon the said first subscription of five million dollars, of which call thirty days' notice by circular mailed to each shareholder shall be sufficient. And the Company shall call in, and cause to be paid up, on or before the 31st day of December, 1882, the remainder of the said first subscription of five million dollars. 4. All the franchises and powers necessary or useful to the Company to enable them to carry out, perform, enforce, use, and avail themselves of, every condition, stipulation, obligation, duty, right, remedy, privilege, and advantage agreed upon, contained or described in the said contract, are hereby conferred upon the Company. And the enactment of special provisions hereinafter contained shall not be held 42 to impair or deroj^ato from the gtMioriility of the franchises and powers so heniby conferred upon theui. DIRKOTOUS. a. The said (reorjje Stephen, Duncan Mclntyre, Jolin S. Kennedy, liichard \\. Anj^us, James J. llil), Henry Stafford Northcote, of London, afort^said, ICsquires, Pascoo du V. Grenfell, of London, aforesaid, Merchant, Charles Day Rose, of London, aforesaid, Menhant, and Baron J. de lteinach,'of Paris, aforesaid, Banker, are hereby constituted the iirst Directors of the Company, with j)owor to add to their num- ber, but so that the Directors shall not in all exceed fifteen in number ; and the majority of the Directors, of whom the President shall be one, shall be British subjects. And the Board of Directors so constituted shall have all the powers hereby conferred upon the Direttors of the Company, and they shall hold office until the iirst annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company. 6. Each of the Directors of the Company, hereby appointed or hereafter appointed or elected, shall hold at least two hundred and fifty shares of the stock of the Company. But the number of Directors to be hereafter elected by the share- holders shall be such, not exceeding fifteen, as shall be fixed by by-law, and subject to the same conditions as the Directors appointed by, or under the authority of, the last preceding section ; the number thereof may be hereafter altered from time to time in like manner. The votes for their election shall be by ballot. 7. A majority of the Directors shall form a quorum of the Board ; and until otherwise provided by by-law, Directors may vote and act by proxy, such proxy to be held by a Director only ; but no Director shall hold more than two proxies, and no meeting of Directors shall be competent to transact business unless at least three Directors are present thereat in person, the remaining number of Directors required to form a quorum being represented by proxies. 8 The Board of Directors may appoint from out of their number an Executive Committee, composed of at least three Directors, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Company, with such powers and duties as shall be fixed by the by-laws ; and the President shall be ex-officio a member of such committee. 9. The chief place of business of the Company shall be at the City of Montreal, but the Company may, from time to time, by by-law, appoint and fix other places within or beyond the limits of Canada, at which the business of the Company may be transacted, and at which the Directors, or 43 shareholders may meet, when railed ns shall b(» determined by the by-laws. And the Company shall appoint and fix by by-law, at least one plane in each Province or Territory through which the Railway shall pass, where service ot" process may be made upon the Comi)any, in respect of any cause oi action arising within such Province or Territory, and may alter wards from time to time, change such place by by-law. And a copy of any by-law fixing or changing any such place, duly authenticated as herein provided, shall be deposited by the Company in the olTue, at the seat of Gov- ernment of the Province or Territory to which siich by-law shall apply, of the Clerk or Prothonotary of the highest, or one of the highest, courts of civil jurisdiction of such Province or Territory. And if any cause of action shall arise against the Company within any Province or Territory, and any w^"t or process be issued against the Company thereon out of any court in such Province or Territory, service of such process may bo validly made upon the Company at the place within such Province or Territory so appointed and fixed ; but if the Company fail to appoint and fix such place, or to deposit, as hereinbefore provided, the by-law made in that behalf, any such process may be validly served upon the Company, at any of the stations of the said ]{ailway within such Province or Territory. SHAREHOLDERS!. 10. The first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, for the appointment of Directors, shall be held on the secopd Wednesday in May, 1882, at the principal office ot the Company, in Montreal: and the annual general meeting of shareholders, for the election of Directors and the transaction of business generally, shall be held on the same day in each year thereafter at the same place unless other- wise provided by the by-laws. And notice of each of such meetings shall be given by the publication thereof in the Canada Gazette for four weeks, and by such further means as shall from time to time be directed by the by-laws. 11. Special general meetings of the shareholders may be convened in such manner as shall be provided by the by- laws. And except as hereinafter provided, notice of such meetings shall be given in the same manner as notices of annual general meetings, the purpose for which such meeting is called being mentioned in the notices thereof ; and, except as hereinafter provided, all such meetings shall be held at the chief place of business of the Company. 12. If at any time before the first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, it should become expedient that a meeting of the Directors of the Company, or a special general meeting of the shareholders of the Company, should 44 be held, before such meeting can conveniently be called, and notice thereof given in the manner provided by this Act, or by the by-laws, or before by-laws in that behalf have been passed, and at a place other than at the chief place of business of the Company in Montreal before the enactment of a by- law authorizing the holding of such meeting elsewhere ; it shall be lawful for the President or for any three of the Direc- tors of the Company to call special meeti? gs cither of directors or of shareholders, or of both, to be held at the City of London in England, at times and places respectively, to be stated in the notices to be given of such meetings respectively. And notices of such meetings may be validly given by a circular mailed to the ordinary address of each director or shareholder as the case may be, in time to enable him to attend such meeting, stating in general terms the puipose of the intended meeting. And in the case of a meeting of shareholders, the proceedings -of such meeting shall be held to bo valid and sullicient, and to be binding on the Company in all respocts, if every shareholder of the Com- pany be pres(}nt thereat in person or by proxy, notwithstand- ing that notice of such meeting shall not have been given in the manner required by this Act. 11$. No shareholder holding shares ui)on which any call is overdue and unpaid shall vote at any meeting of share- holders. And unless otherwise provided by the by-laws, the person holding the proxy of a shareholder shall be him- self a shareholder. 14. No call upon unpa'.J shares shall be made for more than twenty per centum upon the amount thereof. IIAILWAY AND TELEGRAPH LINES. 15. The Company may lay out, construct, acquire, equip, maintain and work a continuous line of railway, of the gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches ; which railway shall extend from the terminus of the Canada Central Railway near Lake Nipissing, known as Callander Station, to Port Moody in the Province of British Columbia ; and also, a branch line of railway from some point on the main line of railway to Port "William on Thunder Pay ; and also the exist- ing branch line of railway from Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, to Pembina, in the said Province ; and also other branches to be located by the Company from time to time as provided by the said contract ; the said branches to be of the gauge aforesaid ; and the said main line of railway, and the said branch lines of railway, shall be commenced and completed as provided by the said contract ; and together with such other branch lines as shall be hereafter constructed by the said Company, and any extension of the said main line of rail way that shall hereafter be constructed or acquired 45 by the Company, shall constitute the line of railway here- inafter called The Canadian Pacific Kailwaa-. IC. The Company may construct, maintain and work a continuous telegraph line and telephone lines throughout and along the whole line of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, or any part thereof, and may also construct or accjuire by purchase, lease or otherwise, any other line or lines of tele- graph connecting with the line so to be constructed alonjr the line of the said Railway, and may iindertake the trans- mission of messages for the public by any such line or lines of telegraph or telephone, and collect tolls for so doing; or may lease such line or lines of telegraph or telephone, or any portion thereof ; and, if they think proper to undertake the transmission of messages for hire, they shall be subject to the; provisions of the Iburteentn, fifteenth and sixteenth sections of chapter sixty-seven of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. And they may use any improvement that may hereafter be invented (subject to the rights of patentees) for telegraphing or telephoning, and any other means of communication that may be deemed expedient by the Company at any time hereafter. TOWERS, 17. ''The Consolidated Railwaif Ad, 18*70," in so far as the provisions of the same are applicable to the undertaking authorized by this charter, and in so far as they are not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions hereof, and save and except as hereinafter provided, is hereby incorpo- rated herewith. l*^. As respects the said Railway, the seventh section of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," relating to Powers, and the eighth section thereof relating to Plans and Sur- veys, shall be subject to the following provisions : — a. The Company shall have the right to take, use and hold the beach and land below high water mark, in any stream, lake, navigable water, gulf or sea, in so far as the same shall be vested in Us and shall not be required by Us, to such extent as shall bo required by the Company lor its railway and other works, and as shall be exhibited by a map or plan thereof deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways. But the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any beach or land lying East of Lake Nipissing except with the approval of our Governor General in Council. b. It shall be suflicient that the map or plan and book ol reference for any portion of the line of the railway not being within any district or county for which there is a Clerk, of the Peace, be deposited in the office of our Minister of 46 Railways and Canals of Canada, and any omission, mis-state- ment or erroneous description of any lands therein may be corrected by the Company, with the consent of the Minister and certified by him ; and the Company may then make the E ail way in accordance with such certified correction. c. The eleventh snb-scclion of the said eighth section of tht Railway Act shall not apply to any portion of the rail- way passing over ungranted lands of Us, or lands not within any surveyed township in any Province ; and in such places, deviations not exceeding five miles from the line shown on the map or plan as aforesaid, deposited by the Company, shall be allowed, without any formal correction or certificate ; and any further deviation that may be found expedient may be authorized by order of our Governor Gen- eral in Council, and the Company iuay then make their rail- way in accordance with such authorized deviation. d. The map or plan and book of reference of any part of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Rail w^ ay made and deposited in accordance with this section, after approval by our Governor General in Council, and of any branch of such railway hereafter to be located by the said Company in respect of which the approval of our Governor General in Council shall not be necessary, shall avail as if made and deposited as required by the said " Consolidated Raihvay Act, 1879," for all the purposes of the said Act, and of this Act ; and any copy of, or extract therefrom, certified by our said Minister or his deputy, shall be received as evidence in any court of law in Canada. c. It shall be suflicient that a map or profile of any part of the completed Raihvay which shall not lie wathin any county or district, having a registry office, be filed in the oflice of our Minister of liailways and Canals of Canada. lO. It shall be lawful for the Company to taive from any public lands adjacent to or near the line of the said railway, all stone, timber, gravel and other materials which may be necessary or tiseful lor the construction of the railway ; and also to lay out and appropriate to the use of the Company, a greater extent of lands, whether public or private, for stations, depots, workshops, buildings, side-tracks, wharves, harbors and road-way, and ibr establishing screens against snow, than the breadth and the quantity mentioned in *' The Consolidated Raihoay Act, 1879," such greater extent taken, in any case, being allowed by our Governor General in Council, and shown on the maps or plans deposited with our Minister of Railways and Canals of Canada. 20. The limit to the reduction of tolls by our Parliament of Canada provided for by the eleventh sub-section of the 17th section of " The Consolidated Railwaij Act, 1879," respecting tolls, is hereby extended, so that such reduction 47 may be to such an extent that such tolls when reduced shall not produce less than ten per cent, per annum profit on the capital actually expended in the construction of the Railway, as such capital may be defined by an Act of our Par- liament to be passed during the present session, instead of not less than fifteen per cent, per annum profit, as provided by the said sub-section ; and so also that such reduction shall not be made unless the net income of the Company, ascertained as described in said sub-section, shall have exceeded ten per cent, per annum instead of fifteen per cent, per annum as provided by the said sub-section. And the exercise by our Governor General in Council of the power of reducing the tolls of the Company as provided by the tenth sub-section of sa^d section seventeen is hereby limited to the same extent with relation to the profit of the Company, and to its net revenue, as that to which the power of Parliament to reduce tolls is limited by said sub-section eleven as hereby amended. 91 . The first and second sub-sections of section 22, of " The Consolidated Raihvai/ Act, 1879," shall not apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company ; the transfer of shares in the undertaking shall be madej only upon the books of the Company in person or by attorney, and shall not be valid unless so made, and the form and mode of transfer shall be such as shall be from time to tinxe regulated by the by-laws of the Company. And the funds of the Compp.ny shall not be used in any advance upon the security of any of the shares or stock of the Company. "iiiS. The third and fourth sub-sections of said section 22 of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall be subject to the following provisions, namely, that if before the comple- tion of the Railway and works under the said coriiract, any transfer should purport to be made of any stock or share in the Company, or any transmission of any share should be effected under the provisions of said sub-section four, to a person not already a shareholder in the Company, and if in the opinion of the Board it should not bo expedient that the person (not being already a shareholder) to whom such transfer or transmission shall be made or effected should be accepted as a shareholder, the Directors may, by resolution, veto such transfer or transmission ; and thereafter, and vintil after the completion of the said Railway and works under the said contract, such person shall not be, or be recognized as a shareholder in the Company ; and the original shareholder, or his estate, as the case may be, shall remain subject to all the obligations of a shareholder in the Company with all the rights conferred upon a shareholder under this Charter. But any firm holding paid-up shares in the Company may transfer the whole or any of such shares to any partner in such firm having already an interest as such partner in 4S such shares, without being subject to such veto. And in the event oi' such veto being exercised, a note shall be taken oi" the transfer or transmission so vetoed in order that it may be recorded in the books of the Company after the comple- tion of the Railway and works as aforesaid ; but until sucli completion, the transfer or transmission so vetoed shall not confer any rights, nor have any ellect of any nature or kind whatever as respects the Company. 2J5. Sub-section sixteen of section nineteen, relating to Tkesident and Diregtohs, their election and duties ; sub-sectio]i two of section twenty-four, relating to By-Laws, Notices, &c., sub-sections live and six of section twenty- eight, relating to General Provisions, and section ninety- seven, relating to Kailway Fund, of " The ConsoHdaled RaUwaij Act, 1870," shall not, nor shall any of them apply to the Canadian P;) ific liailway or to the C^ompnny hereby incorporated. 31. The said Company shall atibrd all reasonable facili- ties to th*^ Ontario Pacific Junction Eailway Company, when their Railway shall be completed to a point of junction with the Canadian Pacific Railway ; and to the Canada Central Railway Company, for the receiving, forwarding and deliver- ing of traffic upon and from the railways of the said Com- panies, respectively, and for the return of carriages, trucks and other vehicles ; and no one of the said Companies shall give or continue any preference or advantage to, or in favor of either of the others, or of any particular descrip- tion of traffic, in any respect whatsoever ; nor shall any one of the said Companies subject any other thereof, or any par- ticular description of traffic, to any prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever ; and any one of the said Com- panies which shall have any terminus or station near any terminus or station of either of the others, shall affiird all reasonable facilities for receiving and forwarding all the traffic arriving by either of the others, without any unreason- able delay, and without any preference or advantage, or pre- judice or disadvantage, and so that no obstruction may be offered in the using of such Railway as a continuous line of communication, and so that all reasonable accommodation may at all times, by the means aforesaid, be mutually afforded by and to the said several Railway Companies ; and the said Canadian Pacific Railway Company shall receive and carry all freight and passenger traffic shipped to or from any point on the railway of either of the said above named Railway Companies i)assing over the Cana- dian Paiific Railway or any part thereof, at the same mileage rate and subject to the same charges for similar services, without granting or allowing any preference or advantage to the traffic coming from or going upon one of such railways over such traffic coming fn or going upon the other of 49 them, reserving-, however, to the said Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company the right of making special rates for pur- chasers of land, or for emigrants or intending emigrants, which special rates shall not govern or aftect the rates of passenger traffic, as between the said Company and the said two above named Companies or either of them. And any agreement made between any two of the said Companies, contrary to the foregoing provisions, shall be unlawful, null and void. 25. The Company, under the authority of a special general meeting of the shareholders thereof, and as an extension of the Railway hereby authorized to be constructed, may pur- chase or acquire by lease or otherwise and hold and operate, the Canada Central Railway, or may amalgamate therewith, and may purchase or acquire by lease or otherwise and hold and operate a line or lines of railway from the City of Ottawa to any point at navigable water on the Atlantic seaboard or to any intermediate point, or may acquire running powers over any railway now constructed between Ottawa and any such point or intermediate point. And the Company may purchase or acquire any such railway subject to such existing mortgages, charges or liens thereon as shall be agreed upon, and shall possess with regard to any lines of railway so purchased, or acquired, and becoming the property of the Company, the same powers as to the issue of bonds thereon, or on any of them, to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile ; and as to the security for such bonds, as are conferred upon the Company by the lioenty- eighth section hereof, in respect of bonds to be issued upon the Canadian Pacific Railway. But such issue of bonds shall not affect the right of any holder of mortgages or other charges already existing upon any line of railway so pur- chased or acquired ; and the amount of bonds hereby author- ized to be issued upon such line of railway shall be dimin- ished by the amount of such existing mortgages or charges thereon. 26. The Company shall have power and authority to erect and maintain docks, dockyards, wharves, slips and piers at any point on or in connection with the said Canadian Pacific Railway, and at all the termini thereof on navigable water, for the convenience and accommodation of vessels and elevators ; and also to acquire, and work elevators, and to acquire, own, hold, charter, work and run, steam and other vessels for cargo and passengers upon any navigable water, which the Canadian Pacific Railway may reach or connect with. o '8 BY-LAWS. 27. The by-laws of the Company may provide for the remuneration of the President and Directors of the Company, 1—4 60 and of any executive committee of such Directors ; and for the transfer of stock and shares ; the re,!?istration and inscription of stock, shares, and bonds, and the transfer of registered bonds ; and the payment oi dividends and interest at any place or places within or beyond the limits of Canada ; and for all other matters required by the said contract or by this Act to be regulated by by-laws ; but the by-laws of the Company made, as provided by law, shall in no case have any force or effect after the next general meeting of share- holders, which shall be held after the passage of such by- laws, unless they are approved by such meeting. BONDS. 2S. The Company, under the authority of a special general meeting of the shareholders called for the purpose, may issue mortgage bonds to the extent of ten thousand dollars per mile of the Canadian Pacific liailway for the purposes of the undertaking authorized by the present Charter ; which issue shall constitute a first moTLgage and privilege upon the said Railway, constructed or acquired, and to be thereafter con- structed or acquired, and upon its property, real and personal, acquired and to be thereafter acquired, including rolling stock and plant, and upon its tolls and reyenues (alter deduction from such tolls and revenues of working expenses), and upon the franchises of the Company ; the whole as shall be declared and described as so mortgaged in any deed of mort- gage as hereinafter provided. Provided always, however, that if the Company shall have issued, or shall intend to issue, land grant bonds under the provisions of the thirtieth section hereof, the lands granted and to be granted by Us to the Company may be excluded from the operation of such mortgage and privilege ; and provided also that such mortgage and privilege shall not attach upon any property which the Company are hereby, or by the said contract, authorized to acquire or receive from Us until the same shall have been conveyed by Us to the Com- pany, attach upon such property, if so declared in such deed ; but shall as soon as the same shall be conveyed to the Company. And such mortgage and privilege may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mortgage exe- cuted by the Company, with the authority of its share- holders expressed by a resolution passed at such special general meeting ; and any such deed may contain such description of the property mortgaged by such deed, and such conditions respecting the payment of the bonds secured thereby and of the interest thereon, and the remedies which shall be enjoyed by the holders of such bonds or by any trustee or trustees for them in default of such payment, and the enforcement of such remedies ; and may provide for such forfeitures and penalties, in default of such payment, as may be approved by such meeting ; and may also contain, tl fo] Ui to co: sa: 51 s for int, ■ain, with the approval al'orosaid, authority to the trustee or trus- tees, upon such clolault, as one of such remedies, to take possession of the railway and property mortgaged and to hold and run the same for the benelit of the bondholders thereof for a time to be limited by such deed, or to sell the said railway and property, after such delay, and upon such terms and conditions as may be stated in such deed ; and with like approval any such deed may contain provisions to the effect that upon such default and upon such other conditions as shall be described in such deed, the right of voting possessed by the shareholders of the Company, and by the holders of preferred stock therein, or by either of them, shall cease and determine, and shall thereafter appertain to the bondholders, or to them and to the holders of the whole or of any jtart of the preferred stock of the Company as shall be decla-ed by such deed ; and such deed may also provide for the conditional or absolute cancellation after such sale of any or all of the shares so deprived of voting power ; or of any or all of the preferred stock of the Company, or both ; and may also, either directly by its terms, or indirectly by refer- ence to the by-laws of the Company, provide for the mode of enforcing and exorcising the powers and authority to be conferred and defined by such deed, under the provisions hereof. And such deed, and the provisions thereof mad. under the authority hereof, and such other provisions thereof as shall purport (with like approval) to grant such further and other powers and privileges to such trustee or trustees and to such bondholders, as are not contrary to law or to the provisions of this Charter, shall be valid and binding. But if any change in the ownership or possession of the said Rail- way and property shall at any time take place under the provisions hereof, or of any such deed, or in any other man- ner, the said Railway and property shall continue to be held and operated under the provisions hereof, and of " The Con- solidated Railway Act, 1879," as hereby modified. And if the Company does not avail itself of the power of issuing bonds secured upon the land grant alone as hereinafter provided, the issue of bonds hereby authorized may be increased to any amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile of the said Canadian Pacific Railway. 29. If any bond issue be made by the Company under the last preceding section before the said railway is completed according to the said Contract, a proportion of the proceeds of such bonds, or a proportion of such bonds if they be not sold, corresponding to the proportion of the work contracted for then remaining incomplete, shall be received by Us, and shall be held, dealt with, and, from time to time, paid over by Us to the Company upon the same conditions, in the same manner and according to the same proportions as the proceeds of the bonds, the issue l-4i 62 of which is contemplated by sub-section d, of Clause 9 of the said Contract, and by the thirty-first section hereof. 30. The Company may also issue mortgage bonds to the extent of twenty-five million dollars upon the lands granted in aid of the said railway and of the undertaking authorized by this Charter ; such issue to be made only upon similar au- thority to that required by this Charter for the issue of bonds upon the railway ; and when so made such bonds shall con- stitute a first mortgage upon such lands, and shall attach upon them when they shall be granted, if they are not actually granted at the time of the issue of such bonds. And such mortgage may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mortgage to be executed under like authority to the deed securing the issue of bonds on the railway ; and such deed or deeds under like authority may contain similar conditions and may con- fer upon the trustee or trustees named thereunder and upon the holders of the bonds secured thereby, remedies, authority, power and privileges, and may provide for forfeitures and penalties, similar to those which may be inserted and pro- vided for under the provisions of this Charter in any deed securing the issue of bonds on the railway, together with such other provisions and conditions, not inconsistent with law or with this Charter as shall be so authorized. And such bonds may be styled Land Grant Bonds, and they and the proceeds thereof shall be dealt with in the. manner provided in the said Contract. 31. The Company may in the place and stead of the said land grant bonds, issue bonds under the twenty-eighth section hereof, to such amount as they shall agree with Us to issue, with the interest guaranteed by Us as provided for in the said contract ; such bonds to constitute a mortgage upon the property of the Company and its franchises acquired and to be thereafter acquired — including the main line of the Canadian Pacific Kailway, and the branches thereof hereinbefore d'escribed, with the plant and rolling stock thereof acquired and to be thereafter acquired, but exclusive of such other branches thereof and of such personal property as shall be excluded by the deed of mort- gage to be executed as security for such issue. And the provisions of the said twenty-eighth section shall apply to such issue of bonds, and to the security which may be given for the payment thereof, and they and the proceeds thereof shall be dealt with as hereby and by the said contract provided. 32. It shall not be necessary to affix the seal of the Com- pany to any mortgage bond issued under the authority of this Act ; and every such bond issu' 1 without such seal shall have the same force and effect, and be held, treated and dealt with by all courts of law and of equity as if it 58 were sealed with the seal of the Company. And if it is pro- vided by the mortgage deed executed to secure the issue of any bonds, that any of the signatures to such bonds or to the coupons thereto appended may bo engraved, stamped or lithographed thereon, such engjuved, stamped or litho- graphed signatures shall be valid and binding on the Company. J53. The phrase *' working expenses" shall mean and include all expenses of maintenance of the railway, and of the stations, buildings, works and conveniencies belonging thereto, and of the rolling and other stock and moveable plant used in the working thereof, and also all such tolls, rents or annual sums as may be paid in respect of the hire of engines, carriages or wagons let to the Company ; also, all rent, charges or interest on the purchase money of lands belonging to the Company, purchased but not paid for, or not fully paid for ; and also all expenses of and incidental to, working the railway and the traffic thereon, including stores and consumable articles ; also rates, taxes, insurance and compensation for accidents or losses ; also, all salaries and wages of persons employed in and about the working of the railway and traffic, and all office and management expenses, including Directors' fees, agency, legal and other like expenses. ♦J4. The bonds authorized by this Charter to be issued upon the railway or upon the lands to be granted to the Company, or both, may be so issued in whole or in part in the denomination of dollars, pounds sterling, or francs, or in any or all of them, and the coupons may be for payment in denominations similar to those of the bond to which they are attached. And the whole or any of such bonds, may be pledged, negotiated or sold upon such conditions and t such price as the Board of Directors shall from time to tiiue deter- mine. And provision may be made by the by-laws of the Company, that after the issue of any bond, the same may be surrendered to the Company by the holder thereof, and the Company may, in exchange therefor, issue to such holder inscribed stock of the Company, which inscribed stock may be registered or inscribed at the chief place of business of the Company or elsewhere, in such manner, with such rights, liens, privileges and preferences, at such place, and upon such conditions as shall be provided by the by-laws of the Company. 35. It shall not be necessary, in order to preserve the priority, lien, charge, mortgage or privilege, purporting to appertain to or be created by any bond issued or mortgage deed executed under the provisions of this Charter, that such bond or deed should be enregistered in any manner, or in any place whatever. But every such mortgage deed shall 54 be deposited iu the olfice of Our Secretary of State of Canada : of which deposit notice shall be given in the Canada Gazette. And in like manner any agreement entered into by the Com- pany, under section thirty-six of this Charter, shall also be de- posited in the said office. And a co]>y of any such mortgage deed, or agreement, certified to be a true copy by Our said Se- cretary of State or his Under Secretary or Deputy, shall be received as primd facie evidence of the original in all courts of justice, without proof of the signatures or seal upon such original. 36. If, at any time, any agreement be made by the Com pany with any persons intending to become bondholders of the Company, or be contained in any mortgage deed executed under the authority of this Charter, reptricting the issue of bonds by the Company, under the powers conferred by this Charter, or defining or limiting the mode of exercising such powers, the Company, after the deposit thereof with Our said Secretary of State as hereinbefore provided, shall not act upon such powers otherwise than as defined, restricted and limited by such agreement. And no bond thereafter issued by the Company, and no order, resolution or pro- ceeding thereafter made, passed or had by the Company, or by the Board of Directors, contrary to the terms of such agreement, shall be valid or effectual. 37. The Company may, from time to time, issue guaranteed or preferred stock, at such price, to such amount, not exceed- ing ten thousand dollars per mile, and upon such conditions as to the preferences and privileges appertaining thereto, or to dijfferent issues of classes thereof, and otherwise, as shall be authorized by the majority in value of the shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at any annual meeting or at any special general meeting thereof called for the purpose, notice of the intention to j^ropose such issue at such meeting being given in the notice calling such meet- ing. But the guarantee or preference accorded to such stock shall not interfere with the lien, mortgage and privilege attaching to bonds issued under the authority of this Act. And the holders of such preferred stock shall have such power of voting at meetings of shareholders, as shall be con- ferred upon them by the by-laws of the Company. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS. 38. Every contract, agreement, engagement.scrip certificate or bargain made, and every bill of exchange drawn, accepted or endorsed, and every promissory note and cheque made, drawn or endorsed on behalf of the Company, by any agent, officer or servant of the Company, in general accordance with his powers as such under the by-laws of the Company, shall be binding upon the Company ; and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the Company affixed to any 66 such bill, note, cheque, contract, ii<;]^rcemonl. ongagemeut, bargain, or scrip certificate, or to prove that the same was made, drawn, accepted or endorsed, as the case may bo, in pursuance of any by-law or special vote or order ; nor shall the party so acting as agent, oiiicur or servant of the Company be subjected individually to any liability, what- soever, to any third party therefor ; Provided always, that nothing in this Charter shall be construed to authorize the Company to issue any note payable to the bearer thereof, or any promissory note intended to be circulated as money, or as the note of a bank, or to engage in the business of banking or insurance. OENEBAL riiOVISIONS. '" 39.. The Company shall, from lime to time, furnish such reports of the progress of the work, with such details and plans of the work, uh Our Governor General in Council may require. 40 As respects places not within any Province, any notice required by " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," to be given in the " Official Gazette " of a Province, may be given in the Canada Gazette. 41, Deeds and conveyances of lands to the Company fo the purposes of this Charter (not being letters patent from Us), may, in so far as circumstances Avill admit, be in the form following, that is to say : — "Know all men by these presents, that I, A. B., in consideration of paid to me by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, grant, bargain, sell and convoy unto the said the Canadian Pacific Bail way Company, their successors and assign is, all that tract or parcel of loxid. {describe the land) to have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Company, their successors and assigns for ever. "Witness my hand and seal, this one thousand eight hundred and day of A. B. [LS.] " Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of " C. D. " E. R" or in any other form to the like effect. And every deed made in accordance herewith shall be held and construed to impose upon the vendor executing the same the obliga- tion of guaranteeing the Company and its assigns against all dower and claim for dower and against all hypothecs and mortgages and against all liens and charges whatsoever, and also that he has a good, valid and transferable title thereto. 56 In Testimony Whereof, \Vc have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal ot Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Our Right Trusty and Well-Beloved Councillor, Sm John Douglas Suther- i LAND Camphell, (commonly called the Marquis of Lome), Knight of Our Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor-General of Canada and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c., &c , &c. At Our Govornmont House, in Our CITY of OTTAWA, this day of in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, and in the forty-fourth year of Our Reiffu. By Command. Secretary of State of Canada. J. 0. COTE, Clerk Privy Council. Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Canada have been this day issued in accordance v/ilh the foregoing Order in Council. Dated 16th February, 1881. JOHN O'CONNOR, Secretari/ of Stale. ROYAL LETTERS PATENT UNDER THE GREAT SEAL OF CANADA ISSUED 16th FEBRUARY, 1881. IThii document contained in the foregoing Order in Council and printed at pages 29 to'_^Q is not here repeated.] i), Ci''-", CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT BY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Finance Department, Ottawa, Itth Foby., 1881. I hcrphy certify that the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has dcpohitod with me out milliun dollars in money lor the purpose and upon the conditions provided in and by the second clause ol' a contract between Her Majesty the Quc^en and certain pernons representing the said Company, executed on ihe 21st day of October last, which contract is now held by the said Company as a (Corporation under and by virtue of" the Act passed during the pi esent Session of the Parlia- ment of Canada, intituled : " An Act respeeiing the Canadian Pacific Railivay," and of the Letters Patent issued under the said Act. (Signed), S. L. TILLEY, Minister of Finance. [True Copy.] J. M. Courtney, Deputy Minister Finance. 58 AMENDED DESCRIPTIO>T OF THE "STANDARD" FOR CONSTRUCTION. Ottawa, 16th December, 1880. Sir, — With reference to the objections that have been raised to the descripti'^u in the 3rd clause of the Pacific Railway contiact of the approximate standard named in that clause, we beg to state that Avhen the contract was framed, it was lot considered that there was any diffennice of importance between the time of the original construction of the Union Pacific Railway and the date of the Allan con- tract. "We are therefore prepared to agree, on behalf of the Syndicate, that the description of the Standard shall be con- strued as applying to the Union Pa"ific Railway as it was in February, 1873, =50 that the obligations of the Company will virtually be the same as if that date were substituted in the clause in question, for the words "as the same was when first constructed." We have no hesitation in agreeing to this construction, as it is obvious that our own interest will lead us to construct the railway in a substantial manner, with steel rails and efficient equipment. And our reason for desiring that a standard shouid be named was not in any degree to enable us to construct an inferior railway, but merely to protect us from captious or arbitrary criticism. We have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient serx'ants, (Signed) DUNCAN MoINTYRE, JOHN S. KENNEDY, R. E. ANGUS, on behalf of the Pacific Railway Syndicate. The Honorable The Secretary of State for Canada, Ottawa. ■ 59 SUPPLEMENTARY AGTREEMENT IN REGARD TO " RUNNING POWERS, RATES, &c." Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Secpetary's Office, Montreal, February 25th, 1881. Sir,— At the request of the Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, the Counsel of this Company, I beg to transmit herewith, duly certified and sealed with the corporate seal of the Company, an extract from the minutes of the first meeting of the Directors, held on the 17th instant, having reference to the proposed agreement to be entered into between the Govern- ment and the Company on the subject of running powers to be granted under circumstances over a portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway to Callaiider Station, &c. Mr. Abbott desired me to say that this extract is forwarded to you and the Hon. Sir Alexander Campbell, as the resolu- tions embodied in it were passed by the Directors at your joint request. I have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. The Hon. Sir Chas. Tupper, K.C.B., Minister of Railways, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILAVAY COMPANY. Extracts from the minutes of the ilrst meeting of the Directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, held at the Company's office in Montreal, on Thursday, the 17th day of February, 1881. And whereas in the course of the debate upon the Canadian Paciiic Railway Act, certain questions arose which the contractors present at Ottawa deemed it expedient to meet by agreeing that this Company would enter into cer- tain undertakings with the Government of Canada, so soon as it should be organized, and it is expedient to provide for entering into such arrangements, therefore it is uu? im- ously Resolved,—1\xixi this Company is prepared to enter into an agreement with the DDminion Govcrnmont to the effect fol- lowing, that is to say ; If any Company other than the Canada Central Railway Company builds a line from any point on the Canadian Pacific Railway, at or about the Walmapit I\ rer, to any 60 point on Lake Huron or Lake Superior, or on the Eiver St. Marie, such Company shall have running powers over the Canadian Pacific Railway from the point of junction to Cal- lander Station, on condition that such Company shall grant to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company similar and reciprocal runningjpowers over its Railway west of such point of junction. In the event of the Company purchasing, acquiring, amalgamating with, leasing or holding and operating the Canada Central Railway, the said Callander Station shall continue to be a neutral or receiving and distributing point, common to the Canada Central Railway, and any railway in the Province of Ontario running southward from said Cal- lander Station, and in that case all traffic to or from any point in the AVest or North-West coming from or destined for any t. leh Ontario Railway, shall be carried to or from Callander Station at the same mileage rate as similar traffic to or from such point coming from or destined for the said Canada Central Railway. And such mileage rate shall not be greater than the average rate per mile charged for similar traffic from the point of shipment on the Canadian Pacific Railway to the point of destination on the Canada Central Railway, or from the point of shipment on the said Canada Central Railway to the point of destination on the Canadian Pacific Railway, as the case may be. And for the purposes of this section the word " traffic" includes not only passengers and their baggage, goods, animals and things conveyed by railway, but also cars, trucks and vehicles of any description adapted for running over any railway, if offered for carriage as freight, but this agreement shall not be construed as consenting to any run- ning powers by any railway over the Canadian Pacific Railway. This agreement to be subject to the conditions as to special rates for the purchasers of land, or for emigrants or Intending emigrants, which are contained in the twenty- fourth section of the charter of this Company. If at any time the CanaJla Central Railway should be pur- chased, acquired, leased in perpetuity by or amalgamated with this Company, such amalgamation, acquisition, pur- chase or lease shall be made subject to the existing legal obligations of that Company created by its charter or any amendment thereof, in respect of running powers or traffic arrangements, as well as in respect of the matters and things referred to in the letters patent incorporating this Company. A true extract. (Signed) C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. 42 VICTORIA, CHAP. 9. An Act to amend and consolidate " The Railway Act, 1868," and the Acts amending it. Note. — The dates in the margin opposite any provision is the year in which it was made by this Act (187'J) or by An Act amending that of 1868, and repealed by 8. 102 of this Act. \Aisented to Ibth May, ISTS.] HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Preamble. Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. In oitinj^ this Act, it shall be sufficient to use the ex- gbort title, pression " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879." 1879. APPLICATION or ACT. 2. The provisions of this Act from section five to section Application " thirty-four, both inclusive, being Part First of this Act, shall ofthQ several apply to the Intercolonial Railway constructed under the ^^ll^ ° * '^ authority of the Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the thirty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, and intituled '' An Act respecting the construction of the Intercolonial Rail- 31 V., c. 13. ivay,'^ so far as they are applicable to the undertaking, and in so far as they are not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of the said Act or ar^y other Act respecting it : 2. The said sections shall also apply to every railway con- xhe same, structed or ' ^ oe constructed under the authority of any Act passed by the Parliament of Canada, and shall, so far as they are applicable to the undertaking, and unless they are ex- pressly varied or excepted by the Special Act, be incor- porated with the Special Act, form part thereof, and be con- strued therewith as forming one Act. 3. For the purpose of excepting from incorporation with How any see- the Special Act any of the sections forming Part First of ^'"^"^^^yj^e^^ this Act, it shall be sufficient in the Special Act to enact, incorporation that the sections of this Act proposed to be excepted, referring r'"'*?^ to them by the words forming the headings of such sections ^^'^^^ respectively, shall not be incorporated with such Act, and the Special Act shall thereupon be construed accordingly. ■ 4. The i^rovisions of this Act from section thirty-four to To what Rail- section ninety-eight, both inclusive, being Part Second, shall ^therprovis- apply to the Intercolonial Railway, in so far as they are not itns of thin varied by, or inconsistent with the Special Act respecting Act^shaii it, to all railways constructed by the G-overnraent of Canada, •62 or being or having become the property of the Dominion of Canada, in or since the year 1868, in so far as they are not in- consistent with any Special Act respecting them, and to all railways which have been in or since the said year, or which may be hereafter constructed under the authority of or made subject to any Special Act passed by the Parliament of Canada, and to all companies incorporated for their construction and provMons of ^vorking, subject always to any provision hereinafter made as to the application of any section or provision of either part of this Act to any Province, place or railway, or as to the time from which it is to be held as so applying. PAET FIRST. provisions this Act. 1879, INTERPRETATION. Interpreta- tion of words "tho Special Act." 5. 1, The expression " the Special Act," used in this Act shall be construed to mean any Act authorizing the con- struction of a railvv'ay, with which this Act or " The Rail- way Act, 180;^," is incorporated: "PreBcribed" 2. The word "prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such matter, as the same is prescribed or provided for in the Special Act ; and the sentence in which such word occurs shall be construed as if, instead of the word "prescribed," the expression " prescribed for that purpose in the Special Act " had been used : "TheLandB." 3. The expression "the lands" shall mean the lands which by the Spetial Act are authorized to be taken or used for the purpose thereof : 4. The expression " the undertaking" shall mean the rail- way and works, of whatever description, by the Special Act authorized to be executed : 5. The following words and expressions, both in this and the Special Act, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there is something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, that is to say : — 6. The word " Lands " shall include all real estate, mes- suages, lands, tenements and [hereditaments of any tenure : "The under- taking." la this and the Special Act. "Lands.' 'Lease.' "Toll." 7. The word "Lease" lease : shallfinclude any agreement for a "Go.di.' 8. The word " Toll " shall include any rate or charge or ether payment payable under this Act or the Special Act for any passenger, animal, carriage, goods, merchandise, matters or things conveyed on the railway : 9. The word "Goods " shall include things of every kind that may be conveyed upon the railway, or upon steam or other vessels connected therewith : r 63 10. The word "County " shall include any union of Coun- "Ooumy." ties, County, Riding or like division of a County in any Province, or any division thereof into separate municipali- ties in the Province of Quebec : 11. The word " Highways " shall mean aU public roads, "Highways." streets, lanes, and other public ways and communications : 12. The word " Sheriff " shall include Under Sheriff, or "ShenfT." other legal competent Deputy ; and where any matter in re- lation to any lands is required to be done by any Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace, the expression " the Sheriff," or the ex- pression " Clerk of the Peace," shall, in such case, be con- "cierk of the strued to mean the Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace of the Dis- ^face." trict, County, Riding, Division, or place where such lands are situate ; and if the lands in question, being the property of one and the same party, be situate not wholly in one Dis- trict, County, Riding, Division, or place, the same expres- sion shall be construed to mean the Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace of any such District, County, Riding, Division or place where any part of such lands are situate : 13. The word " Justice " shall mean a Justice of the "Justice." Peace acting for the District, County, Riding, Division, City or place where the matter requiring the cognizance of a Justice arises, and who is not interested in the matter ; and where the matter arises in respect of lands being the property of one and the same party, situate not wholly in any one District, County, Riding, Division, City or place the word " Justice " shall mean a Justice acting for the District, County, Riding, Division, City or place where any part of such lands are situate, and who is not interested in such matter ; and where any matter is authorized or re- quired to be done by two Justices, the expression " two "Two Jasti- Justices ' ' shall be understood to mean two Justices assembled ^^^' and acting together : 14. The word " owner," where, under the provisions of "Owner." this Act or the Special Act, any notice is required to be given to the owner of any lands, or where any act is author- ized or required to be done with the consent of the owner shall be understood to mean any corporation or person who, under the provisions of this Act, or the Special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, would be enabled to sell and convey lands to the company : 15. The expression "the Company" shall mean the com- "The f'om- pany or party authorized by l,he Special Act to construct the ^*°^' railway : 16. The exprestiion " the Railway " shall mean the rail- "The Rail- way and the wo^ks by the Special Act authorized to be con- ^*^"" structed. 64 INCORPORATION. Companies 6. Every company established under any Special Act under's^eciai ^^^^^ ^® ^ hodj corporate under the name declared in the Act"dedared Special Act, and shall be vested with all the powers, privi- to be bodies Jeges and immunities necessary to carry into effect the inten- corpora e, c. ^ .^^^ ^^^ objects of this Act and of the Special Act therefor, and which are incident to such corporation, or are expressed 31 v., c. 1. or included in " The Interpretation Act.'' Powers. To receive erants of land, &c. POWERS. 7. The company shall have power and authority, — 1. To receive, hold and take all voluntary grants and donations of land or other property made to it, to aid in the construction, maintenance and accommodation of the rail- way ; but the same shall be held and used for the purpose of such grants or donations only ; To pmcbase 2. To purchase, hold and take of any corporation or person '^° ' any land or other property necessary for the construction, maintenance, accommodation and use of the railway, and also to alienate, sell or dispose of the same ; To occupy 3. No railway company shall take possession of, vise or b"ache9*&c!' occupy any lands vested in Her Majesty, without the con- with consent scut of the Govcmor in Council ; but with such consent any of the Crown, g^^j-^ company may take and appropriate for the use of their railway and works, but not alienate, so much of the wild lands of the Crown lying on the route of the railway, as have not been granted or sold, and as may be Uvcessary for such railway, as also so much of the public beach, or of the land covered with the waters of any lake, river, stream or canal, or of their respective beds, as is necessary for making and completing and using their said railway and works, subject, however, to the exceptions contained in the next following sub-section ; As to lands belonging to Her Majebty, &c. 4. "Whenever it is necessary for the company to occupy any part of the lands belonging to the Queen, reserved for Naval or Military purposes, they shall first apply for and obtain the license and consent of Her Majesty, under the hand and seal of the Governor, and having obtained such license and consent, they may, at any time or times, enter into and enjoy any of the said lands for the purposes of the railway ; but in the case of any such Naval or Military Reserves, no such license or consent shall be gix^en except upon a report first made thereupon by the Naval or Military authorities in which such lands are, for the time being, vested, approving of such license and consent being so given ; ^5 5. The company shall have power and authority to make, Power to carry or place the railway across or upon the lands of any '^""'^ '^''" corporation or person on the line of the railway, or within iIn^g*orcor the distance from such line stated in the Special Act, Pf"|^i°°*'*' althorti^h, through error or other cause, the name of such " party has not been entered in the Book of Reference herein- after mentioned, or although some other party has been erroneously mentioned as the owner of or entitled to convey, or is interested in such lands ; others ; an 1 :s, fext 6. To construct, maintain and work the railway across, ^^^ ^^^^^^3 ^j^ along, or upon any stream of water, water-course, canal. Along streams highway or railway which it intersects or touches ; but the *°- stream, water-course, highway, canal or railway so inter- P'""'"*®' sected or touched, shall be restored by the company to its former state, or to such state as not to impair its usefulness ; 7. To make, complete, alter and keep in repair the railway. To complete with one or more sets of rails or tracks, to be worked by the q *e'or*more'^ force and power of steam, or]of the atmosphere, or of animals, tracks, &c. ; or by mechanical power, or by any combination of them ; 8. To erect and ma.utain all necessary and convenient xo erect buildings, stations, depots, wharves and fixtures, and from necessary time to time to alter, repair or enlarge the same, and to pur- wliarvea^c. chase and acquire stationary or locomotive engines and car- riages, wagons, lloats and other machinery necessary for the accommodation and use of the passengers, freight and busi- ness of the railway ; 9. To make branch railways, if required and provided by Branch Raii- the Special Act, and to manage the same, and for that pur- ^*y^! pose to exercise all the powers, privileges and authorities necessary therefor, in as full and ample a manner as for the railway ; 10. To construct and make all other matters and things All other necessary and convenient for the making, extending and ^*"7n*°el using of the railway in pursuance of this Act, and of the sarvfor Rail- Special Act; ^"^^'i 11. To take, transport, carry and convey persons and To convey goods on the railway, to regulate the time and manner in persons^and which the same shall be transported, and the tolls and com- Railway; pensation to be paid therefor, and to receive such tolls and compensation ; 12. To borrow from time to time, either in Canada or else- To borrow where, such sums of money as may be expedient for com- money, &c.' pleting, maintaining or working the railway, and at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, and to make the bonds, debentures or other securities granted for 1—6 e>6 To issue the sums so borrovvod, payable either in currency or in ster- t^nres''* *'^*°" ^^^^' ^'^^ ^^ ^^^^ pluco or places within Canada, or without, pledging ' as may be deemed advisable, and to sell the same at such prices or discount as may be deemed expedient, or be neces- sary, and to hypothecate, mortgac^e or pledge the lands, tolls, revenues and other properties of the company lor the due payment of the said sums and the interest thereon, — but no such debenture shall be for a less sum i ban one hundred dollars ; Company's property. survey. Toenternpon 13. To enter into and upon any lands of Iler Majesty 1*^^^^*°' ''°' without previous license therefor, or into and iipon the lands of any corporation or i^erson whatsoever lying in the intended route or line of the railway ; and to make surveys, examinations, or other necessary arrangements on such lands necessary for fixing the site of the railway, and to set out and ascertain such parts of the lands as aie necessary and proper for the railway ; To remove trees. 14. To fell or remove any trees standinff lands or forests, where the railway of six rods from either side thereof; wood)! p, in any woous, passes, to the distance To cross nr unite with other Rail- ways. But not with out applica- tion to the RailwayCom- mittee under •ect. 35. Aj to pro- vincial llail- ways. 1877. 15. To cross, intersect, join and unite the railway with any other railway at any point on its route, and upon the lands of such other railway, with the necessary convenien- ces for the purposes of such connection ; and the owners of both railways may unite in forming such intersection, and grant the facilities therefor; and in case of disagreement upon the amount of compensation to be made therefor, or upon the point or manner of such crossing and connection, the same shall be determined by arbitrators to be appointed by a judge of one of the superior courts in the Province in which the point of junction or intersection is situated : IG. But no railway company shall avail itself of any of the powers contained in the next preceding sub-section with- out application to the Railway Committee constituted under the thirty-fifth section of this Act, for approval of the mode of crossing, union or intersection proposed,— of which application, notice in writing shall be given to any other railway aflected, by sending the same by mail or otherwise, to the address of the President, Superintendent, Managing Director or Secretary of any such railway company ; and when such approval has been obtained, it shall be lawful for either railway, in case of disagreement as to the amount to be paid for compensation, to proceed for th(? determination of such compensation as provided in the said sub-aection ; and this sub-section and the next preceding it shall extend and apply to a railway incorporated under any Act of a Provincial Legislature, in any case in which it is proposed that such railway shall cross, intersect, join or wJ pai pof 67 unite with Canada : a railway under thf leg'slative control of y' of ith- ider the lich. Ither rise, ^ing and be the the I said ig it any it is In or 17. Any railway company may construct a branch or Any Railway branches not exceeding six miles in length from any terminus J^ay con^ or station of their railway, whenever a by-law sanctioning Btruot branch the same has been passed by the LIunicipal Council of the ?*JiT*^'^5i ■»«■•• 1-, •.! • 1 1- •. !■ 1 • 1 1 1 certain condi- Municipality within the limits ot which such proposed tions. branch is situate ; and no such branch shall, as to the quality and construction of the road, be subject to any of the restric- tions contained in the Special Act or in this Act, nor shall any thing in either of the said Acts authorize the company to take for such branch any lands belonging to any party without the consent of such party first obtained : Power to construct branch linea for certain piirpoacs. 1875. Proviso : Notice to be given. 18. For the purpose oi connecting any city, town, villa^'e, manufactory or manufactories, mine or mines, or any quarry or quarries of stone or slate, or any well or spring, with the main line of the railway of the company, or with any branch thereof, or with any railway worked or leased by the company; and for the purpose of giving increased fticilities to business, or for the purpose of transporting the products of any such manufactory, mine, quarry, well or spring, it shall be lawful for the company to build, make and construct, and to work and use, sidings, switches or branch lines of railway, not to exceed in any one case six miles in length : Provided always, that the company shall not proceed to locate or build any branch line of more than one quarter of a mile in length, under this section of this Act, until public ? lOtice shall have been given for six weeks in some newspaper i)ublished in the county or counties through or in which such branch line is to be made, that it is the intention of the company to apply to the Governor in Council to sanction the building of such branch line, and to appropriate the necessary lands for that purpose, under the compulsory powers vested in them by this Act, or by any other Act in their behalf; nor unless the company shall, prior to the first publication of such notice, have deposited in the Registry Ofiice of any city, county or part of a county, in which the line or any part thereof is to be constructed, the maps and plans indicating the location of the line ; nor until the company shall have submitted the same to, and such maps and plans shall have been approved by, the Governor in Council, after the expiration of the notice : And provided further, that the Order of the Governor in Council, approving the said maps and plans, shall limit the time, not exceeding two years from the date of such order, within which the company may construct such branch line : h. For any and every such purpose, each and every com- Powera of pany herein referred to, shall have and may exercise all the fo°8uch°^ " powers given them with respect to their main line, by the branch lia-s Maps and plans: and approval of Governor in Council. Proviso : time for con- Btruction limited. 1— 5J 08 be made in the line of a Railway at any time for certain pur- posea. Proviso. Capital Stock may be in- creased : how and on what, cunditiui s. Act incorporating the company, and tlio Ads amending the same or relatinGC to tlio company, or tho Act authorizing tho construction of the main line, and iliis Act and any Act amending the same ; and each and all jnovisions of the said Acts which are api)licable to such extension shall extend and apply to every such siding, switch or l)rauch line of railway : 10. Any railway company desiring at any iimo to change the locat'on of its lino of railway in any particuhir part for the purpose of lessening a curve, reducing a gradient, or otherwise benefiting such lino of railway, or lor any other purpose of public advantage, may make such change ; and all and every the clauses of this Act shall refer as fully to the part of such line of railway, so at any time changed or proposed to be (^hanged, as to the original line ; but no rail- way company shall have any right to extend its line of rail- way beyond the termini mentioned in the Special Act : 20. The original capital stocl" of any railway company may bo increased from time to time to any amount ; but such increase must be sanctioned by a vote in person or by proxy, of at least two-thirds in amount of all the shareholders, at a meeting expressly called by the directors for that purpose, by a notice in writing to each shareholder, served on him personally, or properly directed to him, and deposited in the I'ost Oflice, at least twenty days previous to such meeting, stating the time and place and object of the meeting, and the amount of increase ; and the proceedings of such meeting must be entered on the minutes of the proceedings, and thereupon the capital stock may be increased to the amount sanctioned by such a vote. PLANS AND SURVEYS. 8. Plans follows : — and Surveys shall be made and corrected as Provision re- spectinj; sur- veys and levels. Map and book 1. Suiveys and levels shall be taken and made of the lands conteiDS°°* ' through which the railway is to pas.s, together with a map or plan thereof, and of its course and direction, and of the lands intended to be passed over and taken therefor, so far as then ascertained, and also a Book of Reference for the railway in which shall be set forth — a. A general description of the said lands ; b. The name of the owners and occupiers thereof, so far as they can be ascertained ; and — c. Every thing necessary for the right understanding of Buch map or plan : 69 2. Tho map or plan juid IJook of Ittderonco shall bo exa- To be «i«ra- minod and certified by the Minister of riiblic Works or his ji^'d 00^)10'"**' d»iputy ; and a dupliciito th.-reol", so examined and certified, dtpogitod. K hall be dei) in tho odici' ol the Department of Public Works; and the company shall be bound to furnish copies of sueh map or plan and Ijook of lieference or of such parts thereof as relate to eaeli district or county through which tho railway is to pass, to be deposited in theollices of the Clerks of the Peace for such districts or counties respectively : 3. Any person may resort to such copies, and make extracts Accesa to therefrom or copies thereof, as occasion requires, paying to °°P'®'* the Clerks of tho Peace, at the rate of ten cents lor every hundred words : 4. Such map or plan and Book o( Reference so certified. Certified cop- oratruo copy thereof certified by ( he Minister of Public d'eVrl''" "" Works or by tho Clerks of the Peace, .shall be good evidence in any court of law and elsewhere : 5. Any omission, misstatement or erroneous description of OmisHons or such lands, or of the owners or occupiers thereof, in any *"""" ^"^ map or plan or Look of Reference, may, after giving ten days notice to the owners of such lands, be corrected by two justices on application made to them for that purpose ; and if it appears to them that such omission, misstatement or erro- neous description arose from mistake, the justices shall cer- tify the same accordingly : remedied. G. The certificate shall state the particulars of any such Oertlfieatcs omission, and the manner thereof, and shall be deposited thcret'o? with the Clerks of the Peace of the districts or counties respectively in which such lands are situate, and be kept by them along with tho other documents to which they relate ; and thereupon such map or plan or Book of Reference shall be deemed to be corrected according to such certificate ; and the company may make tho railway in accordance with the certificate : 7. If any alterations from the original plan or survey are AUcrtttions intended to be made in the line or course of the railway'', a ^'""°' •"■'g'"*^ survey. plan and section of such alterations as have been approved of by Parliament, on tho t5am(3 scale and containing the same l^articulars as the original plan and survey, shall be deposited in the same manner as the original plan ; and copies of, or ex- tracts from such plan and section so far as they relate to the; several districts or counties, in or through which sucli alter- ations have been arthorized to be made, shall be deposited w^ith the Clerks of the Peace of such districts and counties : 8. Until such original map or plan or Book of Reference, Railway not or the plans and sections of the alterations, haye ^ 5> ^>. % y '/ //A l\ V t' to arise from the exercise of the powers ; and — That the sum so offered is, in his opinion, a fair com- pensation for the land, and for the damages aforesaid : 13. If the opposite party is absent from the district or eUe pa°ty°be county in which the lauds lie, or is unknown, then, upon absent or un- application to the Judge of the Superior Court for the dis- appiTcaiion to a Judge. 71 See B. lOI aa to P.B.I. If the County Judge be in- terested. tricl, if it be in the Province of Quebec, or to the Judge of the County Court for the County, if it be in either of the Provinces of Ontario or New Brunswick, or to a Judge of the Supreme Court if it be in the Province of Nova Scotia, accompanied by such certificate as aforesaid, and by an affidavit of some officer of the company that the opposite party is so absent, or that, after diligent enquiry, the party on whom the notice ought to be served cannot be ascer- tained, the judge shall order a notice as aforesaid, out without a certificate, to be inserted three times in the course of one month in some newspaper published in the district or county ; or if there be no newspaper published therein, then in a newsnaper i>ublished in some adjacent district or county^ 14. Whenever any County Judge i.s interested in any lands taken or required by the company within the coui;ty in which he is such judge, any jadge of any of the superior courts in the Province in which the lands are, shall, on the application of the company, exercise in such cases all the powers given by this section to the County Judge in cases in which he is not interested : Party not 15, jf within ten days after the service of siich notice, or Company's ^ within one month after the first publication thereof, the offer, and not opposite party does not notify to the company his accept- ArbUrator.*" ance of the sum offered by them, or notify to them the name of a person whom he appoints as arbitrator, then the judge shall, on the application of the company, appoint a sworn Surveyor, for the Province, as the case may be, to be sole Arbitrator for determining the compensation to be paid as aforesaid : Appniatment of Arbitrators by opposite party ; third Arbitrator. 1(5. If the opposite party within the time aforesaid, notifies to the company the name of his arbitrator, then the two arbitrators shall jointly appoint a third, or if they cannot agree upon a third, then the Minister of Public Works shall, on the application of the party or of the company (previous notice ol at least two clear days having been given to the other party), appoint one of the Official Arbitrators to be a third arbitrator. Duties of 17. The arbitrators or two of them, or the sole arbitrator, Arbitrators, being sworn before some Justice of the Peace for the district or county in which the lands lie, faithfully and impartially to perform the duties of their office, shall proceed to ascertain the said compensation in such way as they or he, or a majority Award of two of them, deem best ; and the award of such arbitrators, or dent ^"^ ^^y ^^° °^ th«m, or of the sole arbitrator, shall be final and conclusive ; but no such award shall be made or any official act be done by such majority, except at a meeting held at a time and place of which the other arbitrator has had at least 15 two clear days' iiolice, or to which some meeting at which ^ the third arbitrator was present, had been adjourned ; and no notice to either of the parties shall be necessary, but each party shall be held sufficiently notified through the arbitra- tor appointed by hira, or whose appointment he required : 18. The arbitrators in deciding on such value or com- Arbitrators to lands. pensation, are authorized and required to take into considera- c?ea8ed%ai'- tion the increased value that would bo given to any lands of remaiaing or grounds through or over which the railway will pass by reason of the passage of the railway through or over the same, or by reason of the construction of the railway, and to set off the increased value that will attach to the said lands or, grounds, against the inconvenience, loss or damage that might be suffered or sustained by reason of the company taking possession of or using the said lands aforesaid : ue or grounds as ifies two mnot shall, ious • the be a 19, If in any case where three arbitrators have boon Cost?, how appointed, the sura awarded is not greater than that offered, P"^"^' the cost of the arbitration shall be borne by the opposite party, and be deducted from the compensation, but if other- wise, they shall be borne by the company, and in either case they may, if not agreed upon, be taxed by the judge : xanime 20. The arbitrators, or a majority of them, or the sole Arbitrators arbitrator, may examine on oath or solemn affirmation, the ™n oath^ parties, or such witnesses as voluntarily appear before them or him, and may administer such oath or affirmation; and any wilfully false statement made by any witness, under such oath or affirmation shall be deemed wilful and corrupt perjury, and punishable accordingly : 21. A majority of the arbitrators at the first meeting after Time within - -- - - which award may be made. their appointment, or the sole arbitrator, shall fix a day on ^^^'^^ award or before w^hich the award shall be made, and if the same is not made on or before such day, or some other day to which the time for making it has been prolonged, either by the consent of the parties or bv resolution of the arbitrators, then, the sum offered by the company as aforesaid, shall be the compensation to be paid by them : 22. If tbe sole arbitrator appointed by the judge, or the Arbitrator Official Arbitrator appointed by the Minister of Public gy'°4l S'of Works, or any arbitrator appointed by the parties, or the isgs and 1876. third arbitrator appointed by the two arbitrators, dies before the award has been made, or is disqualified, or refuses or fails to act within u reasonable time, then, in the case of the sole arbitrator, the judge, upon the application of either party, and in the case of the Official Arbitrator, the Minister of Public Works, upon a like tipplication, the Judge or Minister being satisfied by affi- •76 Oompeny may desist, paying costs. Surveyor or Arbitrator not disquali- fied unless personally interested. davit or otherwise of such death, disqualification, refusal or failure, may appoint another arbitrator in his place ; and in the case of any arbitrator appointed by the parties, the company and party respectively may each appoint an .vrbitrator in the place of his arbitrator so deceased or not acting, and in the case of a third arbitrator appointed by the two arbitrators, the provisions of the sixteenth sub- section shall apply, but no recommencement or repetition of prior proceedings shall be required in any case : 23. Any such notice for lands, as aforesaid, may be desisted from, and new notice given, with regard to the same or other lands, to the same or any other party ; but in any such case the liability to the party lirst notified for all damages or costs by him incurred in consequence of such first notice and desistment, shall subsist ; 24. The surveyor or other person offered or appointed as valuator or as sole arbitrator, shall not be disqualified by reason that he is professionally employed by either party, or that he has previously expressed an opinion as to the amount of compensation, or that he is related or of kin to any mem- ber of the company, provided he is not himself personally interested in the amount of the compensation ; and no cause of disqualification shall be urged against any arbitrator appointed by the judge after his appointment, but the objection must be made before the appointment, and its validity or invalidity shall be summarily determined by the judge : 25. No cause of disqualification shall be urged against any arbitrator appointed by the company or by the opposite party after the appointment of a third arbitrator ; and the validity or invalidity or any cause of disqualification urged against any such arbitrator, before the appointment of a third arbitrator, shall be summarily determined by the judge, on the application of either party, after two clear days' notice to the other, and if the cause is determined to be valid, the appointment shall be null, and the party offer- ing the person so adjudged to be disqualified, shall be held not to have appointed an arbitrator : •■. 26. No award shall be invalidated from any want of form or other technical objection, if the requirements of this Act have been complied with, and if the aw^ard state clearly the ' -'"' ' sum aw^arded, and the lands or other property, right or thing for which such sum is to be the compensation ; nor shall it be necessary that the party or parties to whom the sum is to be paid, be named in the award : ma'^b^'^take ^'* ' ^^P<^^^ payment or legal tender of the compensation on payment or annual rent so awarded or agreed upon to the party of tender, &c., entitled to rcceivc the same, or upon the payment into ot sum award- ^ x j ed. When ditqua- lification mustbeurged. No objections admissible after a third Arbitrator hau been ap- pointea. Awards not avoided for want of form. 77 Court of the amount of such compensation in tho manner hereinafter mentioned, tho award or agreement shall vest in tho company the power forthwith to take possession of tho lands, or to exercise the right, or to do the thing lur which such compensation or annual r(Mit has been awarded or agreed upon, and if any resistance or forcible opposition be made, by any person to their so doing, tho judge may, on Warrant of proof to his satisfaction of such award or agreement, issue possession, his warrant to the sheriff of the district or county, or to a bailiff, as he may deem most suitable, to put the company in possession, and to put down such resistance or opposition, which the sheriff or bailiff, taking with him sufTicient assist- ance, shall accordingly do : 28. Such warrant may also be granted by any such judge, ifvrhen war- without such award or agreement, on aflidavit to his satis- rant of pos- laction that the immediate possession of the lands or of the fg^a*ue°before power to do the thing mentioned in the notice, is necessary award, to carry on some part of the railway with whii^h the com- pany are ready forthwith to proceed : b. But no judge shall grant any warrant under this sub- section unless ten days previous notice of the time and place when and where application for its granting will be made to him, has been served upon the owner of the land, or the party empowered to convey tho land, or 'interested in tho land -sought to be taken, or which may suffer damage from the taking of materials sought to be taken, or the exercise of the powers sought to be exercised, or tho doing of the thing sought to be done, by the railway company ; nor shall any judge grant any such warrant except upon the company giving security to his satisfaction, by deposit in a chartered bank indicated by him, to the credit of the company and such person or party jointly, of a sum larger than his esti- mate of the probable compensation, and not less than double the amount mentioned in the notice served under sub-sec- tion twelve of this section ; and the cost of the application to and of any hearing before tlie judge, shall be borne by the railway company, unless the compensation awarded shall be less than they had declared their readiness to pay ; and no part of such deposit or of any interest thereon shall be repaid or paid to such company or paid to such owner or party without an order from such judge, which he shall have power to make in accordance with the terms of the award. On what con- ditions only Judge msy grant audi warrant. Deposit of compensation required, 1879 I Deposit to be paid cut only on Judge's order. 29. The compensation for any lands which might be taken When the without the consent of the proprietor, shall stand in the pompensatit stead of such lands ; and any claitn to or incumbrance upon the place of the said lands, or any portion thereof, shall, as against the *^® '»°ad. I87a. - hf „^.-i Provision 40. Whenever, for the purpose of procuring sufficient lands whdeiotor ^^^ stations or gravel'pits, or for constructing, maintaining parcel ofiand and using the railway, any land may be taken under the •an be pur-* compulsory provisions of this section, and by purchasing 8] the whole of any lot or parcel ol" land over which the railway chued with is to run, or of which any part may be taken under the said JstY"***^* provisions, the company can obtflin the same at a more reasonable price or to j^reater advantage than by purchasing the roadway line only or only such part an aforesaid, the company may purchase, hold, use or enjoy the whole of such lot or parcel, and also the right of way thereto, if the same be separated from their railway, and may sell and convey the same, or any part thereof, from time to time, as they may deem expedient ; but the compulsory provisions of this Act shall not apply to the taking of any portion of such lot or parcel not necessary for .the purposes aforesaid. 10. Whenever atiy railway company, subject lor any proceeding cause to the legislative authority of the Parliament of^a'e?B*re" Canada, (and whether the provisions of this Act generally quired for the do or do not for othoi* purposes apply to such company or Mcommoda- their railway,) requires at any station or place on the line traffic at any of such railway more ample space for the convenient ac- •Nation or commodation of the public and of the traffic on the railway ^ **"** than they then possess or can take without the consent of the proprietors thereof, the company may cause a plan to be made of the additional ground required at such station or place for the purposes aforesaid, not being in actual use for similar purposes by any other railway company, (and for the purpose of making such plan shall have the powers granted to railway companies for making surveys, by the seventh section of this Act,) and may transmit such plan to the Minister of Public Works, with an application (supported by affidavit) on behalf of the company, referring to such plan and stating that certain grounds shewn thereon is neces- sary for the purposes aforesaid, and that no other ground suitable for the purpose can be acquired at such place on reasonable terms and with less injury to private rights, and requesting the Minister to authorize the taking thereof for such purposes under this Act, — of which application ten days notice shall be given to the owner or possessor of such pro- perty ; and the correctness of the plan and the truth of the allegations in such application shall be certified by the Presi- dent or one of the Directors of the company, and by their Engineer ; and such plan and statement shall be made and transmitted to the Minister in duplicate. ... 11. The Minister of Public Works shall inquire into the Certificate of correctness of the plan and the truth of the allegations of the pubuc* Works application aforesaid, and being satisfied thereof, shall grant required. a certificate to that effect, and declaring it to be necessary in ^^^^' ^^ the public interest that the ground shewn on such plan, or any less quantity should be acquired by ihe company ; and such certificate shall be annexed to one of the duplicates of the said plan and statement, and the other duplicate shall remain in the office of the Minister. 1—6 n^ 82 Effect of BUuli certificate, and applica- tion of certain provisions of this Act to the land cer- tified as neces- •ary. 1871. Sale of land taken and not after-; wards re- quired. 1871. Proof of cer- tificate. 1871, 12. Upon the grantingof such certificate as aforesaid by the Minister of Public w orks, and by virtue thereof, the company shall have power to take the ground shewn on the said plan as required for the purposes aforesaid, without the consent of the proprietors ; and the company and all cor- porations or parties who could not otherwise convey the same to the company, shall have, with respect to any such ground, all the powers granted by the sections of this Act, headed " Lands and their Valuation," to railway com- panies, corporations and parties who could not otherwise convey the same, with respect to lands which may be +aken without the consent of the proprietors thereof ; p".^d the enactments and provisions of the said section, except such as refer to the map or plan and Book of Reference therein men- tioned, or as limit the extent of land to be taken, shall apply and are hereby extended to the ground mentioned in the said certificate of the Minister of Public Works, and to all the proceedings connected with or consequent upon the acquir- ing or taking of such ground, or any part thereof, with or without the consent of the proprietor; and if at any time thereafter the company shall not require the whole or any portion of the land acquired under the sections last afore- said, then such land as is not so required shall be sold by public auction after thirty days notice thereof in any news- paper. I : ,( 13. Any suchj certificate as aforesaid, purporting to be signed by the Minister of Public Works, shall be received as authentic in all courts of law or equity, without proof of such signature or other evidence, unless its authenticity bo called in question on behalf of the Crown. , , , ; „ . Applicatloti of four next preceding lections. 1871. 14. The provisions of the four nezt preceding sections shall apply to every railway company heretofore, or which may be hereafter incorporated, and to every railway heretofore constructed, or now in course of construction or hereafter to be constructed, as well as to those railways and railway companies to which this Act is by its provisions declared to be generally applicable. ,, , , > m ,xc'i.:-.i , HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. Railway not to be carried alonf; any bigbway without leave from munici- pal author- ities. 15. The railway shall not be carried along an existing' highway, but merely cross the same in the line of the rail- way, unless leave has been obtained from the proper muni* cipal or local authority therefor ; and no obstruction of such highway with the works shall be made without turning the highway so as to leave an open and good passage for carriages, and, on completion of the works, replacing the highway, under a penalty of not less than forty dollars for any contravention ; but, in either case, the rail itself, pro- vided it does not rise above nor sink below the surface of 88 ot he ibr '0* of I the road more than one inch, shall not be deemed an obstruc- tion: 2. No part of the railway which crosses any highway without being carried over by a bridge, or under by a tunnel, shall rise above or sink below the level of the high- way more than one inch ; and the railway may be carried across or above any highway within the limits aforesaid : Railway not to rise more tbaa one inch above level of any highway when crossing the same. Provision with respect to existing bridges over ra'lways. 3. The span of the arch of any bridge erected for carrying ^e\f^ht and the railway over or across any highway shall at all times span of be, and be continued of the open and clear breadth and space, h[ghwayl^' under such arch, of not less than twenty feet, and of a height from the surface of such highway to the centre qf such arch of not less than tw^elve feet : and the descent under anv such bridge shall not exceed one foot in twenty feet: 4. The ascent of all bridges erected to carry any highway Ascent of over any railway shall not be more than one foot in twenty bridges, feet increase over the natural ascent of the highway : and a good and sufficient fence shall be made on each side of every bridge, which fence shall not be less than four feet above the surface of the bridge : ■ i^ 6. Every highway or other overher bridge or other erec- tion or structure over any railway to ■•. Jch this Act applies, existing at the time of the passing ox this Act, of which the lower beams or members of the superstructure are not of a sufficient height from the surface of the rails to admit of an open and clear headway of at least seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars then running on such railway and the bottom of such lower beams or r .embers, shall, within twelve months from that date, be reconstructed tc that effect, with suitable approaches thereto, if a bridge, at the cost of the railway company, municipality or other owner thereof, and shall ut ail times thereafter be main- tained at such height ; and every such railway company, before using higher freight cars than thoso running on their railways at the time of the passing of this Act, or of the reconstrLction, as aforesaid of any such bridge or other erec- tion or structure, as the case may be, shall after having first obtained the consent of the municipality, or of the owners of such bridge or other erection or structure, raise every such bridge or other erection or structure over their railway and the approaches thereto, if necessary, at the c^st and charges of the railway company, so as to admit, as albresaid, an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet over the top of the highest freight car then about to be used on the railway : {b.) And whenever a highway bridge or any other erec- Highway tion or stru-ture shall hereafter be constructed over a tail- ^'^^J'^?' **•' ^ _ hereafter coq» 1 — And as to the case where Company is about to nre loftier freight cars. 1879. 8^ Btrnoted over rail ways to be made of a cer- tain heif^ht above the top of the highest freight cara, and at whose expense. 1879. Provision in case of higher cars being used there- after. I ^ /ay, or whenever it shall become necessary to reconstruct any highway bridge, or other erection or structure already built over a railway, or to make large repairs to the same, the lower beams or members of the superstructure of any such highway or overhead bridge, or of any other erection or structure over any railway, and the approaches thereto, shall be constructed or reconstructed at the cost of the rail- way company or of the municipality or other owner of the bridge, erection or structure, as the case may be, and shall, at all times, be maintained, at a sufficient height from the surface of the rails of the railway to admit of an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars then running on the railway and the lower beams or members of such bridge or other erection ; and thereafter, any railway company, before using higher freight cars than those running on their railway at the time of the construction or reconstruction of, or large repair to such bridge or other erection or structure, shall, after having first obtained the consent of the municipality, or of the owners of such highway bridge, or other erection or structure, raise the said bridge or other erection or structure, and the approaches thereto, if necessary, at the cost and charges of the railway company, so as to admit, as aforesaid, an open and clear head- way of not less than seven feet over the top of the highest freight car then about to be used, on the railway : 6. Signboards stretching across or projecting over the highway crossed at a level by any railway, shall be erected and kept up at each crossing at such height as to leave six- teen feet from the highway to the lower edge of the sign- board, and having the words " Eailway Crossing " painted on each side of the signboard, in letters not less than six inches in length ; and for any neglect to comply with the requirements of this sub-section, a penalty not exceeding forty dollars shall be incurred. FENCES. Fences to b« 16. "Within six months after any lands have been taken each^ifde'of ^^^ *^® ^^^ ^^ *^® railway, the company shall, if thereunto Railway, with required by the proprietors of the adjoining lands, at their crossing^ own costs and charges, erect and maintain on each side of the railway, fences of the height and strength of an ordinary division fence, with sliding gates, commonly called hurdle gates, with proper fastenings, at farm crossings of the road, for the use of the proprietors of the lands adjoining the rail- way ; and also cattle-guards at all road crossings, suitable and sufficient to prevent cattle and animals from getting on the railway : Com 'an °^ ^' ^^^^^ ^^^^ feuccs and cattle-guards are duly made, the until cattle Company shall be liable for all damages which may be done «°"^* *" by their trains or engines to cattle, horses or other animals on the railway : Precautions when Rail- way crosses a highway. 85 3. After the fences or guards have been duly made, and When to b« while they are duly maintained, no such liability shall accrue "empted. for any such damages, unless noj.»'1 i gently or wilfully done : 4. If any person rides, leads or drives any horse or any pergone pro- other animal, or suffers any such horse or other animal to hibited from enter upon such railway, and within the fences and guards, fr°ac^,*&o., * other than the farm crossings, without the consent of the jitb cattle, company, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not ' exceeding forty dollars, and shall also pay to the party aggrieved all damages sustained thereby : 6. No person other than those connected with, or employed uot to walk by the railway, shall walk along the track thereof, except on track, where the same is laid across or along a highway : 6. Each and every railway company heretofore incorpor- power to ated or which may hereafter be incorporated, and subject to ^^o* ^nuw the jurisdiction of the Parliament of Canada, as well as the adjoining Government of Canada with respect to all railways con- i»nd8. i873. structed by or being the property or under the control of the Dominion of Canada, shall have the right, on and after the ^_ ,,, first day of November, in each year, to enter into and upon - -y any lands of Her Majesty, or into and upon the lands of any '^ corporation or person whatsoever, lying along the route or line of any railway, and to erect and maintain snow fences thereon, subject to the payment of such land damages (if any) as may be thereafter established, in the manner pro- vided by law with respect to sach railway, to have been ■ actually suffered : Provided always, that any snow fences Proviso, so erected shall be removed on or before the first day of . April then next following. TOLLS. 17. Tolls shall be, from time to time, fixed and regulated Tolls to be by the by-laws of the company, or by the directors, if f^^g^/^^'j^g, thereunto authorized by the by-laws, or by the shareholders wise, at any general meeting, and may be demanded and received for all passengers and goods transported upon the railway, or in the steam vessels to the undertaking belonging, and shall be paid to such persons and at such places near to the railway, in such manner and under such regulations as the by-laws direct : 2. In case of denial or neglect of payment on demand of How pay- any such tolls, or any part thereof, to such persons, the same may*be^en"' may be sued for and recovered in any competent court ; or forced, the agents or servants of the company may seize the goods for or in respect whereof such tolls ought to be paid, and detain the same until payment thereof, and in the mean- time the said goods shall be at the risk of the owners there- of: Tpm^ 86 When if toiii 3. If the tolls are not paid within six weeks, the company gw)dB*dis^''' ^^y ®®^^ *^® whole or any part of such goods, and out of the trained may money arising from such sale retain the tolls payable, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale, — rendering the surplus, if any, or such of the goods as remain iinsold, to the person entitled thereto : be Bold. When floods distrained or 4. If any goods remain iu the possession of the company detainr d may ^^^^laimed for the spacfe of twelve months, the company may be sold. thereafter, and on giving public notice thereof by advertise- ment for six weeks in the Official Gazette of the Province in V which such goods are, and in such other newspapers as they ( i deem necessary, sell such goods by public auction at a time and place to be mentioned in such advertisement, and out of • the proceeds thereof pay such tolls and all reasonable charges Proceedg,how for Storing, advertising and telling such goods ; and the dealt with, balance of the proceeds, if any, shall be kept by the com- pany for a further period of three months, to be paid over to any party entitled thereto : How balance 5. In default of such balance being claimed before the to be disposed expiration of the period last aforesaid, the same shall be paid over to the Receiver-General, to be applied to the general purposes of Canada, until claimed by the party entitled thereto : A fraction of A mile or ton how estimat- ed in charg- ing tolls. Tolls— how 6. All or any of the tolls may, by any by-law, be reduced reduce" ^^^ again raised as often as deemed necessary for the in- terests of the undertaking ; but the same tolls shall be pay- able at the same time and undsr the same circumstances upon all goods and by all person^;, so that no undue advan- tage, privilege or monopoly may be afforded to any person or class of persons by any by-laws relating to the tolls : 7. In all cases, a fraction in the distance over which goods or passengers are transported on the railway shall be con- sidered as a whole mile ; and for a fraction of a ton in the weight of any goods, a proportion of the tolls shall be demanded and taken, according to the numbers of quarters of a ton contained therein, and a fraction of a quarter of a ton shall be deemed and considered as a whole quarter of a ton : 8. The Directors shall, from time to time, print and stick up, or cause to be printed and stuck up, in the office, and in all and every of the places where the tolls are to be collected in some conspicuous place there, a printed board or paper exhibiting all the tolls payable, and particularizing the price or sum of money to be charged or taken for the carriage of any matter or thing. Tolls to be 9. No tolls shall be levied or taken until approved of by by tbe^GoTer- ^^^ Governor in Council, nor until after two weekly publica- Table of tolls to be itucknp in offices and oars. ^87 tions in the Canada Gazette of the by-law establishing such nor in Ooun- tolls, and of the Order in Council approving thereof : <''•• 10. Every by-law fixing and regulating tolls shall be sub- The Governor ject to revision by the G-overnor in Council, from time to ^'{awg*" time, after approval thereof ; and after an Order in Council, fixing tolls, reducing the tolls fixed and regulated by any by-law, has been twice published in the Canada Gazette, the tolls mentioned in such Order in Council shall be substituted for ... .-^^t. those mentioned in the by-law, so long as the Order in Council remains unrevoked : 11. The Parliament of Canada may, from time to time, When Pariu- reduce the tolls upon the railway, but not without consent reducrSTiis of the company, or so as to produce less than fifteen per cent, on Rillways. per annum profit on the capital actually expended in its con- struction ; nor unless, on an examination made by the Minister of Public "Works of the amount received and expended by the company, the net income from all sources, for the year then last passed, is found to have exceeded -.> r. fifteen per cent, upon the capital so actually expended : 12 No by-law of any railway company by which any By-laws im- tolls are to be imposed or altered, or by which any party Jc"°| be*"' other than the members, officers and servants of the com- approred by pany are intended to be bound, shall have any force or effect [^ GoaJiji°°' until the same has been approved and sanctioned by the G-overnor in Council. \-\;>'. GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. 18. The shareholders may assemble together at general Shareholders meetings for purposes connected with or belonging to the M*nera*i meet- undertaking, and at any annual general meeting, may elect »dk8. directors in the manner provided by the next section. succeeding PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS— THEIR ELECTION AND DUTIES. 1©. A Board of Directors of the undertaking to manage its Board of a,flairs, the number whereof shall be stated in the special Act, b^"ie*cted!° shall be chosen annually by a majority of the shareholders voting at such election at a general meeting, the time and place for which shall be appointed by the Special Act, and if such election is not held on the day appointed, the directors shall cause such election to be held within as short a delay as possible after the day appointed : 2. No person shall be admitted to vote on such subsequent Who entitle^ day except those who would have been entitled to vote had ^^ ^'''"' the election been held on the day when it ought to have been held: .88 v»o»nciei, -S. Vacancies in the Board of Directors bhall bo flUt^d in fiiied*u ^^ *^® manner prescribed by the by-laws : Who qualified 4, No person shall be a director unless he is a stockholder, to^be a Direc- Q-yy^ning stock absolutely in his own right, and qualified to vote fpr directors at the election at which he is chosen : OaiiinK of 6. The method of calling general meetings, and the time special meet- and place of the first meeting of stockholders, for the ap- ">g8i 0" pointment of directors, shall be determined and settled in the Special Act : Votes to be in 6. The number of votes to which each shareholder shall shares'*""* *** ^® entitled on every occasion when the votes of the members .kvjrru*' - ^^^ *^ ^® given, shall be in the proportion of the number of shares held by him, unless otherwise provided by the Special Act: :\t'. Shareholders may rote by proxy. Form. Votes by proxy to be Talidf. *7. All shareholders, whether resident in Canada or else- where, may vote by proxy, if they see fit ; Provided that such proxy produce, from his constituent an appointment in writing, in the words or to the effect following, that is to say, — Term of oflSce of Di- rectors. Vacaacies how supplied. I, of one of the share- holders of the , do hereby appoint of , to be my proxy, and in my absence to vote or give my assent to any business, matter or thing relating to the said undertaking, that may be mentioned or proposed at any meeting of the shareholders of the said company, or any of them, in such manner as he, the said thinks proper. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day of , in the year 8. The votes by proxy shall be as valid as if the principals had voted in person ; and every matter or thing proposed or considered in any public meeting of the shareholders shall be determined by the majority of votes and proxies then present and given, and all decisions and acts of any such majority shall bind the company, and be deemed the decis- ions and acts of the company : 9. The directors appointed at the last election, or those appointed in their stead in case of vacancy, shall remain in oflB.ce until the next ensuing election of directors : 10. In case of the death, absence or resignation of any of the directors, others may be appointed in their stead by the surviving directors; but if such appointment be not made, such death, absence or resignation shall not invalidate the acts of the remaining directors : m 11. The directors shall, at thoir first or at some other President. meeting after the eleution, elect one of their number to bo the president of the company, "who shall always, when present, Torm of office. be the chairman of and preside at all meetings of the direc- tors, and shall hold his oiiice until he ceases to be a director, or until another president has been elected in his stead ; and j-hey may, in like manner, elect a vice-president, who shall vice Presi- act as chairman in the absence of the president ; *^*°*' 12. The directors at any meeting at which not less than a Quorum. quorum, to be settled by the Special Act, are present, shall be competent to use and exercise all and any of the powers vested m them : 18, The act of a majority of a quorum of the directors Acts of ma- present at any meeting regularly held, shall be deemed the {he^whoie.'"^ act of the directors : 14. No director shall have more than one vote except the Casting vote. chairman, who shall, in case of a division of equal numbers, have the casting vote : 15. The directors shall be subject to the examination and Directors to control of the shareholders at their annual meetings, and be ghare'SoideM subject to all by-laws of the company, and to the orders and and by-iawa, directions from time to time made at the annual or special meetings, -^such orders and directions not being contrary to any express directions or provisions of this Act or the Special Act : T^ " 16. No person holding any office, place or employment in or officers of being concerned or interested in any contracts under or with Company the company, shall be capable of being chosen a director, or Directors^ of holding the office of director, nor shall any person being a or contrao- director of the company enter into, or be directly or indirectly, *°"' for his own use and benefit, interested in any contract with the company, not relating to the purchase of land necessary for the railway, or be or become a partner of any contractor with the company : 1*7. The directors shall make by-laws for the management Br-iaws for and disposition of the stock, property, business and affairs of ^*g° ock"&o^ the company, not inconsistent with the laws of Canada, and ' for the appointment of all officers, servants and artificers, and prescribing their respective duties : 18. The directors shall, from time to time, appoint such May appoint officers as they deem requisite, and shall take sufficient officers, security, by one or more penal be s, or by the guarantee of the Canadian Guarantee Compar or of any society incorpo- rated for like j "rposes, or otherwise, as they may deem expe- dient, from the manager and officers for the time being, for '" '" the safe keeping and accounting for by them respectively of the moneys raised by virtue of this Act ind the Special Act, '~ " '" '■ " and for the faithful execution of their offices, as the directors think proper: Vi-se-PreBi. 19. Jn case of the absence or illness of the president, the the absence 'Jfvice-pretident shall have all the rights and powers of the the Prefi- president, and may sign all notes, bills, debentures and other *"*' instruments, and perform all acts which by the regulations and by-laws of the company, or by the Acts incorporating the company, are required to be signed, performed and done by the president : Absence of President may be enter- ed in the minutes, and certified, &c. Directors to cause annual accounts to be rendered. fiO. The directors may, at any meeting, require the secre- tary to enter such absence or illness among the proceedings of such meeting ; and a certificate thereof signed by the secretary, shall be delivered to any person or persons requir- ing the same on payment to the treasurer of one dollar, and such certificate shall be taken and considered as primd facie evidence of such absence or illness, at and during the period in the said certificate mentioned, in all proceedings in courts of justice or otherwise : ,. 21. The directors shall cause to be kept, and annually on the thirty-first day of December to be made up and balanced, a true, exact and particular account of the moneys collected and received by the company or by the directors or man- agers thereof, or otherwise, for the use of th3 company, and of the chaj ges and expenses attending the erecting, making, supporting, maintaining and carrying on of the undertaking, and of all other receipts and expenditures of the company or the directors. CALLS. Galls, how made and after what notice. 20. The directors may, from time to time, make such calls of money upon the respective shareholders, in respect of the amount of capital respectively subscribed or owing by them, as they deem necessary, and thirty days' notice at the least shall by given of each call, and no call shall exceed the prescribed amount determined in the Special Act, or be made at a less interval than two months from the previous call, nor shall a greater amount be called in, in any one year, than the amount prescribed in the Special Act : Notice of 2. All notices of meetings or of calls upon the shareholders how publish- o^ ^^^ company shall be published weekly in the Canada ed. Gazette, which shall be conclusive evidence of the sufficiency of such notice : If I Payment of callB how to beowle, 3. Every shareholder shall be liable to pay the amount of the call so made in respect of the shares held by him to the 91 persons, and at the times and places from time to time appointed by the company or the directors : 4. If before or on the day appointed for payment, any intere«t to be shareholder does not pay the amount of the call, ho shall be chargehbie liable to pay interest for the same, at the rate of six per ^iib'*' "" centum per annum, from the day appointed for the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment : " 5. If at the time appointed for the payment of any call, Amount of any shareholder fails to pay the amount of the call, he may ^^i' may be be sued for the same in any court of competent jurisdiction, by^Buft? and the same may be recovered with lawful interest from the day on which the call became payable : ■ l.n 6. In any action or suit to recover any money due upon What aiiega)-' any call, it shall not be necessary to set forth the special fo^'J^fpg matter, but it shall be sufficient to declare that the defend- necesaarv ia ant is the holder of one share or more, stating the number of HH^^' shares, and is indebted in the sum of money to which the calls in arrear amount, in respect of one call or more upon one share or more, stating the number and amount of each of such calls, whereby an action had accrued to the com- pany by virtue of the Special Act : i. - 7. The certificate of proprietorship of any share shall be Certificate of admitted in all courts, as primd facie evidence of the title of ^h?p wi'ma any shareholder, his executoiR, administrators, successors or /a«e evi- assigns to the share therein specified ; dence. n; 8. But the want of such certificate shall not prevent the Proviso, holder of any share from disposing thereof: 9. Any person neglecting or refusing to pay a rateable Penalty for share of the calls as aforesaid, for the space of two months "fusai to pay after the time appointed for the payment thereof, shall forfeit his shares in the undertaking, and all the profit and benefit thereof, — which forfeiture shall go to the company for the benefit thereof : 10. No advantage shall be taken of the forfeiture, unless when only the shares are declared to be forfeited at a general meeting of forfeiture of the company, assembled at any time after such forfeiture taken advan- has been incurred : *»8° °^- 11. Every such forfeiture shall be an indemnification to Effect of for- and for every shareholder so forfeiting against all actions, [?'!*".*«*" suits or prosecutions whatever, commenced or prosecuted for any breach of contract or other agreement between such shareholder and the other shareholders with regard to carry- ing on the undertaking : 92 Directors may ■ell forfeited ibarea. Oertificate of Treasurer to be evidence of forfeiture and of title of purchaser. 12. Tho directors may sell, oithor by public auction or private sale, and in such manner and on such terms as to them may seem meet, my shares so declared to be forfeited, and also any Hhares remaining unsubscribed for in the capital stock of the company, or pledge such forfeited or unsubscribed shares for the payment of loans or advances made or to be made thereon, or of any sums of money bor- rowed or advanced by or to the company : 13. A certificate of the treasurer of the company that tho forfeiture of the shares was declared, shall be sufficient evidence of tho fact, and of their purchase by the purchaser : and such certificate, with the receipt of the treasurer for the price of such shares, shall constitute a good title to the shares ; and the certificate shall be, by the said treasurer, enregistered in the name and with the place of abode and occupation of the purchaser, and shall be entered in the books required to be kept by the by-laws of the company ; and such purchaser shall thereupon be deemed the holder of such shares, and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, nor shall his title to such shares be affected by any irregularity in the proceedings in reference to such sale ; and any shareholder may purchase any shares so sold : >0 Interest may 14. Shareholders willing to advance the amount of their Shareholders** shares, or any part of the money due upon their respective paying money shares beyond the sums actually called for, may pay the same, their shares"" ^^^ upou the principal moneys so paid in advance, or so much thereof as from time to time exceeds the amount of the '«! calls then made upon the shares in respect to which such advance is made, the company may pay such interest at the legal rate of interest for the time being, as the shareholders paying such sum in advance and the company agree upon ; but such interest shall not be paid out of the capital sub- scribed. DIVIDENDS. I>eclaration 21. At the general meetings of the shareholders of the ° '" ^° • undertaking from time to time holden, a dividend shall be made out of the clear profits of the undertaking, unless such meetings declare otherwise : 2. Such dividend shall be at and after the rate of so much per share upon the several shares held by the shareholders in the stock of the company, as such meeting may think fit to appoint or determine : toSjaSX* 3- ^^ dividend shall be made whereby the capital of the capiuL company is in any degree reduced or impaired, or be paid out of such capital, nor shall any dividend be paid in respect At so much per share. m ion or as to •feited, n the ited or vances ey bor- liat the fficient chaser : arer for 3 to the sasurer, do and in the npany ; older of lication lares be Bference f shares of their spective ne sa'uie, or so at of the ch such ; at the holders upon ; tal sub- of the shall be ess such 60 much eholders think fit I of the be paid L respect of any share, after a day appointed for payment of any call for money in respect thereof, until such call has been paid : a • 4. The directors may, in their discretion, until the rail- Direotori may way is completed and opened to the public, pay interest at on'iumrciiU- any rate not exceeding six dollars per hundred dollars per ed up in annum, on all sums called up in respect of the shares, from [ji^rea! " the respective days on which the same have been paid, such interest to accrue and be paid at such times and places as the directors may appoint for that purpose : 5. No interest shall accrue to the proprietor of any share No intereit upon which any call is in arrear in respect of such share or °°j|^"*' '" upon any other share held by the same shareholder while such call remains unpaid. ' SHARES AND THEIR T^IANSFKR. 22. Shares in the undertaking may, by the parties, be Shareholders sold and disposed of by instrument in writing, to be made ^fYhares"" in duplicate, one part of which shall be delivered to the directors, to be filed and kept for the use of the Company, and an entry thereof shall be made in a book to be kept for that purpose; and no interest or dividend on the shares transferred shall be paid to the purchaser until such dupli- cate is so delivered, filed and entered : .ii>iM),. • ■Iv 2. Sales shall be in the form following, varying the namds Form of sale and descriptions of the contracting parties as the case may require : — I, A.B., in consideration of the sum of , paid to me by CD., hereby do sell and transfer to him share (or shares) of the stock of the , to hold to him, the said CD., his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, subject to the same rules and orders, and on the same condi- tions that I held the same immediately before the execution hereof And I, the said CD., do hereby agree to accept of the said share {or shares) subject to the same rules, orders and conditions. Witness our hands this day of in the year 18 : 3. The stock of the company shall be deemed personal Stock to be estate, but no shares shall be transferable until all previous eatate— No calls thereon have been fully paid in, or the said shares have transfer of been declared forfeited for the non-payment of calls thereon ; Bhlre° and no transfer of less than a whole share shall be valid : 4. If any share in the company be transmitted by the Transmission death, bankruptcy or last will, donation or testament, or by °[^''*!?" the intestacy of any shareholder, or by any lawful means transfer* pr„"*"«> *** meeting, and of the minutes of proceedings and resolutions endence. of the directors, at their meetings, extracted from the minute-books kept by the Secretary of the company, and by him certified to be true copies extracted from such minute- bool s, "=hall be evidence of such proceedings and resolutions in anv court : 'y D. anada ovince, laws in the den oT stock , shall idition Act : laces of a book 4. All notices given by the Secretary of the company, by Noticeaby order of the directors, shall be deemed notices by the ^^jj^'**'^ directors and company. WORKING OF THE UAILWAY. Ji5. Every servant of the undertaking employed in a pas- Serrants to senger train or at a station for passengers, shall wear upon ^ear badges, his hat or cap a badge, which shall indicate his ofiice ; and he shall not, without such badge, be entitled to demand or receive from any passenger any fare or ticket, or to exercise any of the powers of his office, or to interfere with any pas- senger or his baggage or property : 2. The trains shall be started and run at reguh' Sours to Trains to be fixed by public notice, and shall furnish sufficieL . accom- start at modation for the transportation of all such passengers and houM*"^ goods as are within a reasonable time previous thereto offered lor transportation at the place of starting, and at the junc- tions of other railways and at usual stopping-places estab- lished for receiving and discharging way-passengers and goods from the trains : fl^ Carriage on payment of fare or freight. 96 3. Snch passengers and poods shall be ttiken, transported and discharged at, from and to such places, on the due pay- ment of the ' '.], freight or fare legally authorized therefor : The Company 4. The party aggrieved by any neglect or refusal in the liable for premises, shall have an action therefor against the company ; w^isaj. °' from which action the company shall not be relieved by any 1868 and 1871. notice, condition or declaration, if the damage arises from any negligence or omission of the company or of its servants : Checks to be fixed on parcels. Penalty for ret using to give checks. 5. Checks shall be affixed by an agent or servant to every parcel of baggage having a handle, loop or fixture of any kind thereupon, and a duplicate of such check shall be given to the passenger delivering the same : 6. If such check be refused on demand, the company shall pay to such passenger the sum of eight dollars, to be recovered in a civil action ; and further, no fare or toll shall be col- lected or received from such passenger, and if he has paid his fare the sama shall be refunded by the conductor in charge of the train : Passenger a 7. Any passenger producing such check may himself be a witness^in his witness in any suit brought by him against the company to prove the contents and value of his baggage not delivered to him ; , Baggage cars 8. The baggage, freight, merchandise or lumber cars shall reaVof^^a'" ^^^ ^^ placed in rear of the passenger cars, and if any such senger cars", be SO placed, the officer or agent directing or knowingly suffering such arrangement, and the conductor of the train, shall severally be guilty of -x misdemeanor, and be punished accordingly : LocomotiTes 9. Every locoinotive engine shall be furnished with a bell and whistles. ®^ ^^ ^^^^ thirty pounds weight, and with a steam whistle ; To be rung or 10. The bell shall be rung, or the whistle sounded at the sounded at-- -. .. -- every cross ing, &c. Penalty and damages. distance of at least eighty rods from every place where the railway crosses any highway, and be kept ringing or be sounded at short intervals, until the engine has crossed euch highway, under a penalty of eight dollars for every neglect thereof, to be paid by the company, who shall also be liable for all damages sustained by any person by reason of such neglect ; and one-half of such penalty and damages shall be chargeable to and collected by the company from the engineer having charge of such engine and neglecting to sound the whistle or ring the bell as aforesaid : Intoxication 11. Any person in charge of a locomotive engine or acting -^-i*!.V«?- as the conductor of a car or train of cars, who is intoxicated, conductor a i. n i. -li. r • j misdemeanor. Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor : •9t the the )r be I such tglect liable such Lll be rineer the Icting mted, 12. Any passenger refusing to pay his fare, may, by the pasgenger conductor of the train and the servants of the Company, be refusing to put out of the train, with his baggage, at any usual stopping Se^t'ou™"^ place, or near any dwelling-house, as the conductor elects, the conductor first stopping the train and using no unneces- sary force : 13. Any person injured while on the platform of a car, or PassenKer to on any baggage, wood or freight car, in violation of the jn^j °red^*™ printed regulations posted up at the time in a conspicuous when on plat- place inside of the passenger cars then in the train, shall ^™ ^'^ ^"'' have no claim for the injury, provided room inside of such passenger cars, sufficieuc for the proper accommodation of , ^ the passengers, was furnished at the time : 14. No passenger shall be entitled to carry, or require the As to goods Company to carry upon their railway, aquafortis, oil of nature*'*'""' vitriol, gunpowder, nitre-glycerine, or any other goods which in the judgment of the Company may be of a dangerous nature ; and if any person sends by ilie said railway any They most be such goods without, at tlie time of so sending the said goods, marked, distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the pack- age containing the same, and otherwise giving notice in writing to the station-master or other servant of the Com- pany with whom the same are left, he shall forfeit to the Company the sum of five hundred dollars for every such .othas^ ofience : 16 the Company may reluse to take any package or Dangerous parcel which they suspect to contain goods of a dangerous refused!'*^ *** nature, or may require the same to be opened to ascertain the fact ; and it shall not be lawful for che Company to carry In what man- any such goods of a dangerous nature except in cars specially goods must be designated for that purpose, on each side of each of which carried. 1868 shall be plainly painted in large letters the words " danger- ^^^ ^^^^' ous explosives" ; and for every default of the observance of this provision the Company shall be liable to forfeit and pay the Bum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by any person suing for the same TRAINS OVERDUE. 26. It shall be the duty of every railway Company, upon Duty of whose road there is a telegraph line in operation, to have a K.^.Therr* blackboard put upon the outside of a station-house, over the train is orer- platform of the station, in some conspicuous place at each ^"'" station of such Company at which there is a telegraph office ; and when any passenger train is overdue for half an hour at any such station according to the time table of such Com- pany, it shall be the duty of the station-master or person in charge at such station to write or cause to be written with white chalk on such blackboard a notice in English and Notice to b« French in the Province of Quebec, and in English in the ^**^*"* ^^' 1— t 98* and whkt to ■how. Penalty for contraTea- Buita for penalty, how brought. 1873. .' 'M . Application of penalty And limita- tion of actions. ProTiso. This section to be posted np at stations. 1873. other Provinces, stating to the best of his knowledge and belief the time when such overdue train may be expected to reach such station ; and if when that time has come, the train has not reached the station, it shall be the duty of the station-master or person in charge of the station to write or cause to be written on the blackboard in like manner a fresh notice, stating, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the time when such overdue train may then be expected to reach such station. And every such railway Company, station master or person in charge at any such station, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for any wilful neglect, omission or refusal to obey the provisions aforesaid ; and any proceeding for the recovery of any such penalty may be brought, in the Province of Quebec, before any two Justices of the Peace or before the Circuit Court of the dis- trict or of the county in which district or county such station is situate, and, .in the other Provinces, belore any two Justices of the Peace or the Stipendiary or Police Magistrate for the city, town, district or county in which such station is situate : The penalty recoverable under the provisions of this section shall belong to the Crown ; and every proceeding brought by virtue of this section shall be commenced within one month following the commission of the offence and not after ; but nothing in this section shall prejudice the right of any person to the recovery of damages from any such railway Comr>iny by reason of the detention of trains as aforesaid; and evjry such railway Company is hereby required to have v. .inted copy of this section posted up in a conspicuous place at each of its stations at which there is a telegraph ojfice. Limitation of actions tor damages. Fines, how recovered. ACTIONS FOR INDEMNITY ; AND FINES AND PENALTIES AND THEIR PROSECUTION. 27. All suits for indemnity for any damage or injury sustained by reason of the railway shall be instituted within six months next after the time of such supposed damage sustained, or if there be continuation of damage, then within six months next after the doing or committing such damage ceases, and not afterwards ; and the defendants may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the Special Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had there- upon, and may prove that the same was done in pursuance of and by the authority of this Act and the Special Act : 2. All fines and forfeitures imposed by Part First of this Act, or the Special Act, or by any by-law, except those for the levying and recovering of which special provision is herein made, shall be recovered in a summary manner before any one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace for the district, county or place where the act occurred : 8. All the fines, forfeitures and penalties recovered under How appll- the next preceding paragraph, the application whereof is not '^^^^' hereinbefore particularly directed, shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the Company, to be applied to the use thereof ; 4. Any contravention of this Act or of the Special Act by Oontraven- the Company or by any other party, for which no punish- ^°° ^c ''to ment or penalty is herein provided, shall be a misdemeanor, be a mie'^e- and shall be punishable accordingly ; but such punishment °»eaaor. shall not exempt the Company, if they be the oflFending proTiso. party, from the forfeiture by this Act and the Special Act, of the privileges conferred on them by the said Acts, if by the provisions thereof or by law, the same be forfeited by such contravention. GENERAL PROVISIONS. AND lere- lance this for n is ner for |e 28. Her Majesty's Mail, Her Majesty's Naval or Military provision aa Forces or Militia, and all artillery, ammunition, provisions *? ^^^ car- or other stores lor their use, and all policemen, constables Stfe^s^y's *' or others travelling on Her Majesty's service, shall at all Mail, &c. times, when required by the Postmaster General of Canada, the Commander of the Forces, or any person having the superintendence and command of any Police Force, and with the whole resources of the Company if required, be carried on the railway, on such terms and conditions, and under such regulations as the Governor in Council may make: 2. The Company shall, when required so to do by the ooTemment Governor in Council, or any person authorized by him, place *» *>»▼« «»■ any electric telegraph, and the apparatus and operators teSjjtraph^if' they may have, at the exclusive use of the Government, required, receiving thereafter reasonable compensation tor such service : 8. The Governor may, at any time, cause a line or lines Telegraph of electric telegraph to be constructed along the line of the line may be railwayj for the use of the Government, and for that pur- by°GoTernor. pose may enter upon and occupy so much of the lands of the Company as may be necessary for the purpose : 4. Any further enactments which the Parliament of farther Canada may hereafter make, for the carriage of the Mail or *°**'*^°°*", Her Majesty's Forces, and other persons and articles as |^*^arii™* * aforesaid, or the tolls therefor, or in any way respecting the ment. use of any electric telegraph or other service to be rendered to the Government, shall not be deemed an infringement of the privileges intended to be conferred by this Act or the Special Act : 1-n 100 Tenders to be 5. No contracts for works of construction or maintenance fo7 asto** of the railway, except works of ordinary repair, or of im- works not of mediate necessity, shall be entered into until after tenders immediate for guch works respectively have been invited by public notice therefor, given for at least four weeks in some news- paper published in the place nearest to that at which the work is required to be done, but the Company shall not be compelled to accept any such tender : neceaiitj. Period for snbicripticn of Capital, and com- pletion of Railway. 6. If the construction of the railway be not commenced, and ten per cent, en the amount of the capital be not ex- pended thereon, within three years after the passing of the Special Act, or if the railway is not finished and put in operation in ten years from the passing of such Special Act, the corporate existence and powers of the Company shall cease : Aceonat to be nabmitted to Legislature yearly. Ponn or details of aoconnt may be varied by Parliament. 7. After the opening of the railway or any part thereof to the public, and within the first fifteen days after the opening of each Session of Parliament, an account shall be annually submitted to the three branches containing a detailed and particular account, attested upon oath of the President, or in his absence, of the Vice-President, of the moneys received and expended by the Company, and a classified statement of the passengers and goods transported by them, with an attested copy of the last annual statement : 8. No further provisions which Parliament may hereafter make with regard to the form or details of such account, or the mode of attesting or rendering the same, shall be deemed an infringement of the privileges hereby granted to the Company: Parliament 9. Parliament may at any time annul or dissolve any an*/ Corpora- corporation formed under this Act ; but such dissolution tion formed shall not take away or impair any remedy given against any under t is g^^^j^ corporations, its shareholders, officers, or servants, for any liability which had been previously incurred : SavinB of 10. Nothing herein contained shall afiect in any manner ifghul^&a^'* the rights of Her Majesty, or of any person, or of any body pohtic, corporate or collegiate, — such only excepted as are herein mentioned. Woifd "Com- pany" what to mean. 1876. RAILWAY STATISTICS. 29. In this and the five next following sections the , term " Company " means a Company incorporated either before or after the passing of this Act, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining or working a railway in the Dominion, or in any Province thereof, or connecting any Province with any other or others of the Provinces, or extending beyond the 101 ;erm e or ing, in any the limits of any Province, by any Act of the Parliament of Canada, or of the late Province of Canada, or of the Legisla- tures of the late Provinces of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, or Prince Edward Island, or of the Legislatures of any of the Provinces composing the Dominion of Canada (either alone or in con- junction with any other purpose), and includes any indivi- dual or individuals not incorporated, who ' are owners or lessees of a railway in the Dominion, or parties to an agree- ment for working a railway in the Dominion : The term " person " includes a body corporate. Person. 1876. 80. Every Company shall annually prepare returns of their Oompaniei to capital in accordance with the form contained in Schedule returas^o*''^ One to this Act, and a copy of such returns signed by the QoTemment; President or other head officer of the Company resident in foi^'^Jd''*' Canada and by the officer of the Company responsible for the with what correctness of such return or any part thereof, shall be for- iIt^J'*' warded by the Company to the Minister of Public "Works, not later than three months after the end of the calendar year ; together with a copy of the then last annual return of the traffic and working expenditure which every such Company is required to keep, in accordance with the pro- visions of their respective Acts of incorporation, to be verified in manner and form aforesaid, and furnished in such form as the Minister of Public Works shall approve of or prescribe. Any Company which fails to forward the said returns in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every day during which such default continues )j( Weoklv re- tarns for pub- lication to be famished hj Oompanies ; and copy to be posted up in Head Office. 1875. 81. Every Compi ly shall weekly prepare returns of their traffic for the last preceding seven days in accordance with the form contained in Schedule Two to this Act, and a copy of such returns signed by the officer of the Company respon- sible for the correctness of such return, shall be forwarded by the Company to the Minister of Public Works within seven days from the day in each week to which the said returns snail have been prepared ; and another copy of each of such returns, signed by the same officer, shall be posted up by the Company within the same delay, and kept posted up for seven days, in some conspicuous place in the most public room in the head office of the Company in Canada, and so as the same can be perused by all comers ; and free access thereto shall be allowed to all comers during the usual hours of business at such office on each day of* the said seven not being a Sunday or holiday : And every Company which fails to forward the said weekly Penalty for return to the Minister of Public Works, or which fails to jlJ"**' post up and keep posted up a copy thereof as aforesaid, and 102 allow free access thereto as aforesaid, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars lor every day during which such default continues. Penalty for false retara. 1876. 32. If any return which is required by the two next pre- ceding sections is false in any particular to the knowledge of any person who signs the same, such person shall be liable, on conviction thereof on indictment, to fine and im- prisonment, — such fine not to exceed two hundred and fifty dolii.^s : How recover- able. 1878. 2. All penalties imposed by this or the two next preceding sections shall be recoverable by the person suing for the same for his own use and benefit in any court having juris- diction in civil cases to the amount. Pariutn^t **' '^^^ Minister of Public Works shall lay before both im*"*"' Houses of Parliament within twenty:one days from the com- mencement of each Session, the returns made and rendered to him, in pursuance of section thirty of this Act. ReturDB to be priTileged. 187S. 34. All returns made in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, shall be privileged communications, and shall not be evidence in any court whatsoever. PART SECOND. THE RAILWAY COMMITTEE. Railway Committee constituted. Dnties. 35. The Governor Greneral may, from time to time, ap- point such Members of the Privy Council, to the number of four at least, as he may see fit, to constitute the Eailway Committee of the Privy Council, and such Committee shall have the powers and perform the duties assigned to them by this Act. Railway not to be opened till after one - - month's notice to "; Railway Committee of intention ■• ,;^ to open the |! ^^ game. f ^ i i '^^' i 1 : 1 '^' •£•' Si Mar appoint 36. The Railway Committee shall appoint one of its mem- a^^Hecw- ^®^^ *® ^® Chairman, and the Deputy of the Minister of Public tary. ' "Works, or some other fit person appointed by the Committee, shall be the Secretary of the Committee. 37. No railway or portion of any railway shall be opened for the public conveyance of passengers until one month after notice in writing of the intention to open the same has been given by the Compftny to whoiti the railway belongs to the Railway Committee, and until ten days after notice in writing has been given by the Company, to the Railway Committee, of the time when the railway or portion of railway will be, in the opinion of the Company, sufficiently completed for the safe conveyance of passengers, and ready for inspection. 103 88. If any railway or portion of a railway be opened Penalty for without such notices, the Company to whom such Railway ^jj,"*'*^'"' belongs shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred dollars for every day during which the same continues open, until the notices have been duly given and have expired. Railwaj Oommittee npon report or an engi- neer and sanction of Gorernor in Oounoil maj postpone the opening of road. 89. The Railway Committee, upon receiving such notifi- cation, shall direct one or more of the engineers attached to the Department of Public "Works to examine the railway proposed to be opened, and all bridges, culverts, tunnels, road crossings and other works and appliances connected therewith, and also all engines and other rolling-stock intended to be used thereon ; and if the inspecting engineer or engineers report in writing to the Railway Committee that, in his or their opinion, the opening of the same would be attended with danger to the public using the same, by reason of the incompleteness of the works or permanent way, or the insufficiency of the establishment for working such railway, together with the ground of such opinion, the Railway Committee, with the sanction of the Governor in Council, and so from time to time, as often as such engineer or engineers, after further inspection thereof so report, may order and direct the Company to whom the railway belongs to postpone such opening not exceeding one month at any one time, until it appears to the Committee that such open- • ing may take place witbout danger to the public. 4.O. If any railway, or any portion thereof, be opened con- penalty for trary to such order or direction of the Railway Committee, opening con- the Company to whom the railway belongs shall forfeit to ©rdM of the Her Majesty, the sum of two hundred dollars for every day Oommittee. during which the same continues open contrary to such order or direction. 41. No such order shall be binding upon any railway when only Company unless therewith is delivered to the Companv a l^'^^. °I?®' ^'^ ^ n A. J. !• j.i_ • L' • . ^ J be binding on copy of the report oi the inspecting engineer or engineers on the Company. which the nider is founded. 42. The Railway Committee, whenever they receive in- formation to the eflfect that any bridge, culvert, viaduct, tunnel, or any other portion of any railway, or any engine, car, or carriage used or for use on any railway, is dangerous to the public using the same, from want of repair, insufficient or erroneous construction or from any other cause, or when- ever circumstances may arise which, in their opinion, render it expedient, may direct any engineer or engineers as aforesaid to examine and inspect the railway or any portion thereof, or of the works connected therewith, or the engines and other rolling stock in use thereon or any portion thereof; and upon the report of the engineer or engineers may condemn the railway, or any portion thereof, or any of the Committee may cau8& any work to be inspected and may.on report of engineer, condemn railway or rolling stock with sanction of Governor in Council and may or- der certain alterations in the works, Ac. 104 w Inspecting engineer may, in caae of dncffer, forbid the running of trains, Me- Must report to the Oom- mittee, who may confirm or disallow his order. Power of engineer to examine the works, &o. Oompany to afford all necessary information to eogineer. Tolling-stock or other appliances used thereon, and with the approval of the Governor in Council, may require any change or alteration therein or in any part thereof, or the substitu- tion of any nev7 bridge, culvert, viaduct or tunnel, or of any material for the said railway ; and thereupon the Company to which such railway belongs, or the Company using, running or controlling the same, shall, after notice thereof in writing signed by the Chairmain of the Committee and countersigned by the Secretary thereof, proceed to make good or remedy the defects in the said portions of the railway, or in the locomotive, car or carriage which have been so con- demned, or shall make such change, alteration or substitution hereinbefore referrc\ to, as has been required in manner aforesaid by the Committee. 43. If in the opinion of any such engineer, it is danger- ous for trains or vehicles to pass over any railway, or any portions thereof, until alterations, substitutions or repairs have been made thereon, or that any particular car, carriage or locomotive should be run or used, the said engineer may forthwith forbid the running of any train or vehicle over such railway or portion of railway, or the running or using of any such car, carriage, or locomotive, by delivering or causing to be deliverer! to the President, Managing Director, or Secretary or Superintendent of the Company owning, running or using such railway, or to any officer having the management or control of the running of trains on such railway, a notice in writing to that effect with his reasons therefor, in which he shall distinctly point out the defects or the nature of the danger to be apprehended. 44. The inspecting engineer shall forthwith report the same to the Railway Committee, who, with the sanction of the Governor in Council, may either confirm, modify or dis- allow the act or order of the inspecting engineer, and such confirmation, modification or disallowance shall be duly notified to the railway Company affected thereby. 45. Any engineer or engineers so appointed as aforesaid to inspect any railway or works, may at all reasonable times, upon producing his or their authority if required, enter upon and examine the said railway and the stations, fences or gates, road crossings, cattle-guards, works and buildings, and the engines, cars and carriages belonging thereto. 46 Every railway Company and the officers and directors thereof shall afford to the inspecting engineer or engineers such information as may be within their knowledge and power in all matters inquired into by them, and shall sub- mit to such inspecting engineer or engineers, all plans, specifications, drawings and documents relating to the construction, repair or state of repair of such railway or any portion thereof, whether a bridge, culvert or other part : 106 t ctors neers and snb- >lans, the any 2. Any such inspecting engineer shall have the right, Engineer to whilst engaged in the business of such inspection, to travel ^® oom*»DT without charge on any of the ordinary trains running on the railway, and to use the telegraph wires and machinery in the offices of or under the control of any such railway Company: 8. The operators or officers employed in the telegraph offices Telegraph of or under the control of the Company, shall, without operatora to unnecessary delay, obey all orders of any such inspecting ^^^J '"* *"'' engineer for transmitting messages ; and any such operator or officer refusing or neglecting so to do, shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of forty dollars : 4. The authority of any such inspecting engineer shall be proof of hia sufficiently evidenced by instructions in writing, signed by authority. the Chairman of the Railway Committee, and countersigned by the Secretary thereof. 47. The Grovernor in Council, upon the report of the Rail- way Committee, may au<»horize or require any railway Company to construct fixed and permanent bridges, or to substitute such bridges in the place of the swing, draw or moveable bridges on the line of such railway, within such time as the Grovernor in Council directs ; and for every day after the period so fixed during which the Company uses such swing, draw or moveable bridges, the Company shall forfeit and pay to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred dol- lars ; and it shall not be lawful for any railway Company to substitute any swing, draw or moveable bridge in the place or stead of any fixed or permanent bridge already built and constructed withoTit the previous consent of the Rail- way Committee. 48. In any case where a railway is constructed, or autho- rized to be constructed, across any turnpike road, street or other public highway, on the level, the Railway Committee, if it appears to them necessary for the public safety, may, with the sanction of the Governor in Council, authorize and require the Company to whom such railway belongs, with- in such time as the said Committee directs, to carry such road, street or highway either over or under the said rail- way, by means of a bridge or arch, instead of crossing the same on the level, or to execute such other works as under the circumstances of the case appear to the said Committee the best adapted for removing or diminishing the danger arising from such level crossing ; and all the provisions of law at any such time applicable to the taking of land by railway Companies and its valuation and convevance to them, and to the compensation therefor, shall apply to the case of any land required for the construction of any works for effecting the alteration of such lev^l crossing. Governor may order permanent bridges to be substituted for moveable bridges. Penalty f jr neglect. Certain pow- ers vested in Railway Committee with respect to crossing public high' ways, on n level. 106 Railway Company may be re- quired to re- pair any lerel croKBinf; out of repair. Inspecting Engl Beer's certificate to becoDcIusire. Proviso. 49. Whenever any level crossing on any railway shall bo out of repair, the chief officer of the municipality, or other local division, having jurisdiction over the highway so crossed, may serve a notice upon the Company in the usual manner, requiring the repair to be forthwith made, and if the Company shall not forthwith make the same, such ofi&cer may transmit a copy of the notice so served to the Secretary of the Railway Committee : and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Committee, with all possible despatch, to ap- point a day for an examination into the matter ; and the Committee shall, by mail, give notice to such chief officer, and to the Company, of the day so fixed ; and upon the day so named such crossings shall be examined by an engineer appointed by the Railway Committee ; and any certificate under his hand shall be final on the subject so in dispute between the parties ; and if the said engineer determines that any repairs are required, he shall specify the nature thereof in his certificate, and direct the Compony to make the same ; and the Company shall thereupon, with all possi- ble despatch, comply with the requirement of such certifi- cate ; and in case of default i^e pro'per authority in the municipality or other local division, within whose jurisdic- tion the said crossing is situate, may make suet repairs, and may recover all costs, expenses and outlays in the premises, by action against the Company in any court of competent jurisdiction, as money paid to the Company's use ; Provided always, that neither this section nor any proceeding had there- under shall at all affect any liability otherwise attaching to such Company in the premises. M When the Committee may regulate apeed of trains, timt.s of running^, he. Penalty for non-compli- ance. Notice of ac- cidents to be given to the ommittee. 50. The Railwa^ Committee, or the inspecting engineer or engineers, may li oiit the number of times or rate of speed of running of trains or vehicles, upon any railway or portion of railway, until such alterations or repairs as they or he may think sufficient have been made, or until such times as they or he think prudent ; and the Company owning, running or using such railway shall comply forthwith with any such order of the Railway Committee or inspecting engineer, upon notice thereof as aforesaid ; and for every act of non- compliance therewith every such railway company shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of two thousand dollars. «51. Every railway Company shall, as soon as possible, and at least within forty-eight hours after the occurrence upon the railway belonging to such Company of any acci- dent attended with serious personal injury to any person using the same, or whereby any bridge, culvert, viaduct or tunnel on or of the railway has been broken or so damaged as to be impassable or unfit for immediate use, give notice thereof to the Railway Committee ; and if any Company wilfully omits to give such notice such Company shall for- feit to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred dollars Ibi 107 every day during which the omission to give the same con- tinues. 52. No inspection had under this Act, nor anything in inspection this Act contained or done or ordered or omitted to be done oo^J^^ny'*'^* or ordered under or by virtue of the provisions of this Act, fromlfabiiity shall relieve or be construed to relieve any railway com- pany of or from any liability or responsibility resting upon it by law, either towards Her Majesty or towards any person, or the wife or husband, parent or child, executor or administrator, tutor or curator, heir or other personal repre- sentative of any person for any thing done or omitted to be done by such Company or for any wrongful act, neglect or default, misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance, of such Company, or in any manner or way to lessen such liability or responsibility, or in any way to weaken or diminish the liability or responsibility of any such Company under the laws in force in the Province in which such liability or responsibility arises. 58. Every railway company, shall, as soon as j)ossible Company to after the receipt of any order or notice of the Railway Com- "f o'jmmittee mittee or inspecting engineer, give cognizance thereof to to iia officers, each of its officers and servants, in one or more of the ways *"• mentioned in the sixty-fourth section of this Act. 54, All orders of the Railway Committee shall be con- What to be sidered as made known to the railway Company by a notice cfenTnotiro thereof signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the thereof. Secretary of the Committee, and delivered to the President, Vice-President, Managing Director, Secretary or Superinten- dent of the Company, or at the office of the Company ; and orders of the inspecting engineer or engineers shall be deemed to be made known to the railway Company, by a notice thereof, signed by the engineer or engineers, and delivered as above mentioned. 55. Every railway Company shall, within one month Return of ac- after the first days of January and July, in each and every made wmi-''^ year, make to the Railway Committee, under the oath of the annually, and President, Secretary or Superintendent of the Company, a ^j** ^ ''°°' true and particular return of all accidents and casualties (whether to life or property) which have occurred on the railway of the Company during the half year next pre- ceding each of the said periods respectively, setting forth, — 1. The causes and natures of such accidents and casualties ; 2. The points at which they occurred and whether by night or by day ; 108 Copy of By. Uwt. Form of re- turn to be appointed by the Railway Committee. Penalty for neglect. 8. Tho full extent thereof, and all the particulars of the same ; and — 4. Shall also at the same time return a true copy of the existing by-laws of the Company, and of their rules and regulations for tho management of the Company and of their railway. 56. The llailwny Committee may order and direct, from time to time, the form in which snch returns shall be made up, and may order and direct any railway Company to make up and deliver to them from time to time, in addition to the said periodical returns, returns of serious accidents occurring in the course of the public traffic upon the rail- way belonging to such Company, whether attended with personal injury or not, in such form and manner as the Committee deem necessary and require for their information, with a view to the public safety. 57. If such returns so verified be not delivered within the respective times herein prescribed, or within fourteen days after the same have been so required by the Committee, every Company making default shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of one hundred dollars for every day during which the Company neglects to deliver the same. Such returns 5S. All such returns shall be privileged communications leged wmmu. ^^^^ shall not be evidence in any court whatsoever, nicationa. Railway Gommittee to have, with respect to certain Rail- ways, the powers of the former Rail- way Cummis- sioners. 59. With respect to all railways coming within the juris- diction of the Parliament of Canada, to which the provisions of the Railway Act, chapter sixty-six of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, apply, the Railway Committee consti- tuted by this Act shall be invested with all the rights and powers vested in t}ve Board of Railway Commissioners under the said Act, collect Vely, or in any single member thereof; and such powers may be exercised by the said Committee collectively or by any single member thereof, as the case may be, in the same manner and as effectually as they might have been exercised by tht said Board of Railway Commissioners ; but any inspection ',hat raight be required in respect of any such railway, shall be performed in conformity with the provisions of this Act : And may 2. All proceedings heretofore commenced by the said Board "'eedin'^i com- ^^ Railway Commissioners may be taken up and continued ; menced by and all orders and regulations of the said Bourd, and all ]3en- R. Oommis- alties and forfeitures, for their contravention, may be enforced and recovered by the Railway Committee in the same man- ner and with the same effect as they might have been by the said Board before the passipg of this Act. 109 op*rd ed ; 3en- rced ■nan- the TRAFFIC AKRANGKMKNT8. 60. The directors of any railway Company may, at any one Oom- time, make agreements or arrangements with any other pany m^y Company, either in Canada or elsewhere, for the regulation *Sothor re- and interchange of traffic passing to and from their Bpecting railways, and for the working of the traffic over the ^^'^^''• said railways respectively, or for either of those objects separately, and for the division and apportionment of tolls, rates and charges in respect of such traffic, and generally in relation to the management and working of the railways, or any of them, or any part theveof, and of any railway or railways in connection therewith, for any term not exceeding tw3nty-one years, and to provide either by proxy or otherwise, for the appointment of a Joint Committee or Committees for the better carrying into effect «. any such agreement or arrangement, with such powers ajid functions as may bo considered necessary or expedient, sub- ject to the consent of two-thirds of the stockholders voting in person or by proxy : 2. But every railway Company shall, according to their respective powers, afford all reasonable facilities to any other railway Company for the receiving and forwarding and delivering of traffic upon and from the several railways belonging to or worked by such Companies respectively, and for the return of carriages, trucks, and other vehicles ; and no Company shall give or continue any preference or advan- tage to, or in favour of any particular Company, or any par- ticular description of traffic, in any respect whatsoever, nor shall any Company subject any particular Company or any particular description of traffic to any prejudice or disadvan- tage in any respect whatsoever ; and every railway Company having or working a railway which forms part of a con- tinuous line of railway, or which intersects any other railway, or which has any terminus, station or wharf of the one near any terminus, station or wharf of the other, shall afford all reasonable facilities for receiving and forwarding by the one railway all the traffic arriving by the other, without any unreasonable delay, and without any prefer- ence or advantage or prejudice or disadvantage, and so that no obstruction may be offered in the using of such railway as a continuous line of communication, and fo that all reason- able accommodation may at all times, by the means afore- said, be mutually afforded by and to the said railway Com- panies ; and any agreement made between any two or more railway Companies contrary to the foregoing provisions, shall be unlawful, null and void : 8. Any railway Company granting any facilities to any incorporated express Company shall grant equal facilities on equal terms and conditions to any oilier incorporated express company demanding the same : Railway Companies must afford each other every facility for the for- wardiof; of traffic, T/ith- out prefer- enceorfavoar. Agreements made in con- travention of this Act to be Toid. Must grant equal faci- lities to all express com- panies. 110 Penaltj on Companies or their officers refusinK or neglecting to forward traf- fic as aboTe required. How vecover- able and how to l^e applied. Interpreta- tion of word "TraflBc." Railway Companj, 4. If any officer, servant or agent of any railway Company, having the superintendence of the traffic at any station or depot thereof, refuses or neglects to receive, convey or delive- at any station or depot of the Company for which they may be destined, any passenger, goods or things, brought, con- veyed or delivered to him or such Company for conveyance over or along their railway from that of any other Company, intersecting or coming near to such first-mentioned railway, — or in any way wilfully contravenes the provisions of the second sub-section of this section, — such first-mentioned rail- way Company, or such officer, servant or agent, personally, shall, for each such neglect or refusal, incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars over and above the actual damages sustained ; which penalty may be recovered with costs, in a summary way, before any Justice of the Peace, by the rail- way Company or any other party aggrieved by such neglect or refusal, and to and for the use and benefit of the Company, or other party so aggrieved : 6. For the purposes of the four next preceding sub-sections, the word "Traffic " includes not only passengers and their baggage, goods, animals and things conveyed by railway, but also cars, trucks and vehicles of any description adapted for running over any railway, — the word " railway " in- cludes all stations and depots of the railway ; — and a rail- way shall be deemed to come near another when some part of the one is within one mile of some part of the other. RAILWAY CONSTABLES. Constables 61. The Justices of the Peace for any County in the pointed^tcTact ^^ovinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick on the line of or Prince Edward Island, assembled at any General or lal how^^^' Q^si^t^r Sessions of the Peace, and any Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench or Superior Court, or Clerk of the Peace or Clerk oi the Crown or Judge of the Sessions of the Peace in the Province of Quebec, on the ap- plication of the Board of Directors of any railway company, whose railway passes within the local jurisdiction of such Justices of the Peace, Judge, Clerk, or Judge of the Sessions ' of the Peace, as may be, or on the application of any clerk or agent of such Company thereto authorized by such Board, may, in their or his discretion, appoint any persons recom- mended to them for that purpose by such Board of Directors, clerk or agent, to act as constables on and along such rail- "^" way; and every person so ai>pointed shall take an oath or make a solemn declaration in the form or to the effect fol* lowing, that is to say : — Oath of office* " j^ j|^, g.^ having been appointed a constable to act upon " and along {here name the railway), under the provisions of •* {here insert the title of this Act), do swear that I will well tlf^^M Bj whom to be adminis- tered. And tee », 101 at to other Provineet. 1878. Powers of such con- stables, and to what lo* calities ther shall extend. Ill " and truly serve Our Sovereign Lady the Queen, in the said " office of constable, without favour or affection, malice or ill- " will, and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the " peace to be kept, and prevent all offences against the peace, " and that while I continue to hold the said office, I will, to " the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge the duties " thereof faithfully, according to law. So help me Grod:" 2. Such oath or declaration shall be administered in either of the Provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island, by any one such Justice, and in the Province of Quebec by any such Judge, Clerk or Judge of the Sessions of the Peace ; and every constable so appointed, and having taken such oath or made such declaration, shall have full power to act as constable for the preserva- tion of the peace, and for the security of persons and pro- perty against felonies and other unlawful acts, on such railway, and on any of the works belonging thereto, and on and about any trains, roads, wharves, quays, landing-places, warehouses, lands and premises belonging to such Com- pany, whether the same be in the county, city, town, parish, district or other local jurisdiction within which he was appointed, or in any other place through which such railway passes, or in which the same terminates, or through or to which any railway passes, which may be worked or leased by such railway company, and in all places not more than one-quarter of a mile distant from such railway or railways ; and shall have all such powers, pro- tections and privileges for the apprehending of offenders, as well by night as by day, and for doing all things for the prevention, discovery and prosecution of felonies and other offences, and for keeping the peace, which any constable duly appointed has within his constable-wick ; and it shall be lawful for any such constable to take such persons as may be punishable by summary conviction for any offence against the provisions of this Act, or of any of the Acts or by-laws affecting any such railway, before any Justice or Justices appointed for any county, city, town, ^ arish, district or other local jurisdiction within which any such railway may pass ; and every such Justice shall have authority to deal with all such cases, as though the offence had been committed and the person taken within the limits of his local jurisdiction : 8. Any two Justices of the Peace, in either of the Pro- Dismissal of vinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, oi "°Jgt]Jbie Prince Edward Island, and any Judge of the Court of ^ni»e«».*ioi Queen's Bench or Superior Court, or Clerk of the Peace, or Clerk of the Crown, or Judge of the Sessions of the Peace, in the Province of Quebec, may dismiss any such constable, who may be acting within their several jurisdic- tions ; and the Board of Directors of such railway Company, Further duties and powers of such con« stables. ^ Record of appointment of each coa- Btable to be kept. 1868 and 1879. 112 or any clerk or agent of such Company thereto authorized by such Board, may dismiss any such constable who may be acting on such railway ; and upon every such dismissal, all powers, ^protections and privileges belonging to any such person by reason of such appointment, shall wholly cease ; and no person so dismissed shall be again appointed or act as coi: stable for such railway, without the consent of the authority by which he was dismissed : 4. Every such railway Company shall cause to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for every county, city, town, parish, district or other local jurisdiction wherein such railway or railways may pass, the name and desig- nation of every constable so appointed at their instance, the date of his appointment, and the authority making it, and also the fact of every dismissal of any such constable, the . date thereof, and the authority making the same, within one week after the date of such appointment, or dismissal, as ,.,,,^ may be ; and the Clerk of the Peace shall keep such record in a book, to be open to public inspection, charging such f'" . ■ ■; or fees as the Railway Committee may, from time to time, ^ authorize, and in such form as the Committee mav, from time to time, direct: Punishment 6 Every such Constable who is guilty of any neglect or SafuJ rf'iei- breach of duty in his office of constable, shall be Hable, on ipct of duty, summary conviction thereof, within any county, city, dis- trict or other local jurisdiction wherein such railway may pass, to a penalty of not more than eighty dollars, the amount of which penalty may be deducted from any salary due to such offender, if such constable be in receipt of a salary from the railway Company, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for not more than two months, in the gaol of such county, city, district or other local jurisdic- tion : And of per. 6. Every person who assaults or resists any constable them."*'**'°^ appointed as aforesaid, in the execution of his duty, or who incites any person so to do, shall, for every such offence, be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty of not more than eighty dollars, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for not more than two months. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Companies to 62. Every railway Company shall make such by-laws, ™r're ^uiaur' ^"^^'^ *^*^ ^®S^^*ti<*^s, to be observed by the • conductors, of conductors engine-drivers and other officers and servants of the com- and other offi- pany, and by all other Companies and persons using the ' ' railway of such Company, and such regulations with regard to the construction of the carriages and other vehicles, to be used in the trains on the railway of the Company, as are 113 laws, jtorSj icom- the [gard to be are requisite for ensuring the perfect carrying into effect of the provisions of this Act, and the orders and regulations of the Railway Committee : 2. The Company may, from time to time, repeal or alter Altering by- such by-laws and make others, provided that such by-laws J|??. be not repugnant to the provisions of this Act or the Act in- corporating the company, or any Act or Acts amending any of them ; ' 8. And such by-laws shall be reduced into writing and Form, shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the Company : ^*"^ 4. Any of the conductors, engine-drivers, and other imposing officers and servants of the Company or other railway Com- ^375 ^*'*** panics using any railway, offending against any such by-law shall forfeit for every such offence a sum not exceeding forty dollars, — such forfeiture to be imposed by the Company in such bylaw as a penalty for every such offence : 5. If the infraction or non-observance of any such by-law, Summary by any of the classes in the next preceding sub-section jn'^ertaln*'' mentioned, bo attended with danger or annoyance to the cases. public, or hindrance to the Company in the lawful use of '^^^' the railway, it shall be lawful for the Company summarily to interfere, using no violence or unnecessary force, to obviate or remove such danger, annoyance, or hindrance, and that without prejudice to any penalty incurred by the infraction of any such by-law : 6. No such by-law shall have force or effect unless or Sanction, until it has^^bee.^ approved by the G-overnor in Council : ^^^'** 7. The substance of any such by-law, when approved as How such by- aforesaid, if it affects any officer or servant of the Company, JfJ^fied^to''*^ may be proved by proving the delivery of a copy to or its railway ser- receipt by such officer or servant ; and if it affects any other ^„^ifg*°^ ^''® railway Company using the railway, shall be painted on ists! boards, or printed on paper and pasted on boards, and hung up and affixed, and continued on the front or other conspicu- ous part of every wharf or station belonging- to the Company, according to the nature or subject matter of such by-laws respectively, and so as to give public notice thereof to the parties interested therein, or affected thereby; and such boards shall, from time to time, be renewed as often as the by-laws thereon or any part thereof shall be obliterated or destroyed ; and no penalty imposed by any such by-law shall be recoverable unless the same shall have been pub- lished, and kept published in the manner aforesaid : 8. Such by-laws, when so confirmed, shall be binding upon What parties and be observed by all parties mentioned in the fourth sub-sec- ^y guch*bv-* tion of this section, and shall be sufficient to justify all persons wwa!*^ 1876. 1—8 lU Proof thereof. 1876. Company may impose penalties for contraven- tion of by- aws. acting under the same ; and for proof of the publication of any such by-laws affecting only any other railway Company using the railway, it shall be sufficient to prove that a printed paper or painted board, containing a copy of such by-laws, was affixed and continued in manner by this section directed, and in case of its being afterwards displaced or damaged, then that such paper or board was replaced as soon as con- veniently might be. 63. Any railway Company may, by a by-law, impose upon any officer, servant, or person who, before the contravention of such by-law has had notice thereof and is employed by the Company, a forfeiture to the Company of not less than thirty days' pay of such officer or servant, for any contraven- tion of such by-law, and may retain any such forfeiture out of the salary or wages of the offender. How notice of 64. The notice of the by-law or of any order or notice of by-laws or ^he Kailway Committee, or of the inspecting engineer or orders TLiaj . •' , ' . ,5 j t <> be provad. engineers, may be proved by proving the delivery ot a copy thereof to the officer, servant or person, or that he signed a copy thereof, or thn*^ a copy thereof was posted in some place ' where his work or his duties, or some of them, were to be performed. When snch 65. Such proof, with aproof of the contravention, shall be b"a^i*en*e ^ ^^^^ answer and defence for the Company in eny suit for the for the Com- recovery of the amount so retained; and such forfeiture shall pany. be over and above any penalty under this Act. Not to impede ^^' No such Company shall cause any obstruction in or navigation, impede the free navigation of any river, stream or canal to or across or along which their railway is carried. Railways crossing rivers, sc, regulated. 67, If the railway be carried across any navigable river or canal, the Company shall leave openings between the ibutments or piers of their bridge or viaduct over the same, and shall make the same of such clear height above the sur- face of the water, or shall construct such draw-bridge, or swing-bridge over the channel of the river, or over the whole width of the canal, and shall be subject to such regulations as to the opening of such swing-bridge or draw-bridge as the Governor in Council from time to time makes : As to bridges 2. No railway Company shall, from and after the first gabie°river8 ^^^ ^^ August, 1S*19, be allowed to pass over any canal, or of Canada, over the navigable channel of any river, without having 1879. ^j.g|. lai^j g^gjj proper flooring under and on both sides of their railway tifack over such canal or channel, as shall be deemed by the Minister of Public "Works sufficient to prevent any thing falling from the railway into such canal or river, or upon the boats or vessels, or craft, or persons iiavigating such canal or river. 116 68. It shall not be lawful for any such Company to con- Plans to be struct any wharf, bridge, pier or other work upon or over JSe'ooTornor any navigable river, lake or canal, or upon the beach or bed in Council. or lands covered with the waters thereof, until they have first submitted the plan and proposed site of such work to the Railway Committee, and the same has been approved ; and no deviation from such approved site or plan shall be made without the consent of the Committee. 69. Nothing contained in the three next preceding sec- Exception tionsofthis Act, shall be construed to limit or affect any jj^^^,''?;^'''** power expressly given to any railway Company by its given by ?he Special Act of incorporation or any Special Act amending °P« '> s O O 09 ■a ■a a S o -3 S p< « •a « a 13 -S-o > ••3 O s <»H O »;« 03 a, P3 Capital raised by Loans and Debenture Stock at 31st December, 18 a s t; £ a« * a> V a a -«j «.- £3 <» o ^ o 5 +-♦■ % a u t» o o -J j3 a r 0) «r\ m^ *— * 2Q.2 * C -- (-. * * "Sri. ~ 03 s, u " OS mm « -"OJ cs o &.0 .—<..-. o H a o o o Cu m (.1 a NoTB. — This Return should be dated and signed by the otBcer or officers of the Company responsible for its correctness. • This should include all capital authorized to be raised by Acts of Parliament, or bv Pro- vincial Legislatures, but should not include capital authorized only for purposes which have lapsed by abandonment or otherwise. t In cases where a subscription is authori/.ed out of existing capital, no addition should b« made in respect of it to the sum entered in this column, but only to the sum entered in the last column. X Careabould be taken not to confound debenture stock with ordinary dobcntvire loans, and not to enter the same under both heads. 126 Schedule Two (18*76.) Railway of Canada. Return of Traffic for week ending corresponding week, 18 Increase , Decrease 18 , and tho Date. Passengers. Fie'ght and Live Stock. Mails and Sundriea. Total. Miles Open. 18 18 f h Aggregate Traffic^from 18. Date. Passentrers. Freight and Live Stock. Mails and Sandries. 1 Total. Miles Open. 18 18 88 v., c. ib. ^Schedules. m the MEMORANDUM. Ilea ten. Part8 of this Act in which provisions of former Acts, &c., amending " The Railway Act, 1868 " are incorporated. j 'j > 1871— 3i Vic , cap. 43-In sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 2 5. 1873—36 do 80 do 16, sub-section 6. 1873—36 do 81 do 26. 1875—38 do 24 do 7, sub-sec. 18 ; 9, sub-sec. 28 ; 62, 9ub-secs. 1 to 7. 1875-38 do 25 do 29, and 31 to 34, both inclusive, and schedule. 1876—39 do 14 do 30 and 32, sub-section 2. 1876—39 do 15 do 71. 1876—39 do 32 do 9, sub-section 22. 1877—40 do 45 do 7 do 16. 1878-41 do 3 do 61 and 101. 1879-J\VM'.-In sections 9, sub-sees. 38, 39, 40 ; 15, sub-sec. 5 ; 67, sub-sec. 2 ; 89, 101. I pen. il 11 .ii' ' : , f 44 VICTORIA, CRAP. 24. An Act to amendi tl^a CoBsolidptt^^ I^M^W^y Act. [Assented to 21st March, 1881.] WHli^EAS donl^ts have arisen as to t|ip txuie in,tQnt and Prefimbif. meaniag of the word " capital" ii)b t}i0 e|eyen,tb. subr section of the seventeenth section of '■' Whe ConsQlidlQied 42 v , c. 9. Railway Act, 1879," hereinafter called " The Railway Act," and it is expedient to remove such doubts : Therefore, Her Alaiesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and ^oiise of Commons of Canada, e^apts as follows : — |. ^he 8f|i4 word " capital" as u^ed iji the said sub-section Capital i^e^^t and n^eans th,e p^d-up stpcl^ aiid share capital of the d«fiif((d[. company with interest added for periods during which no dividend is paid, to the exclusion of all subsidies and Rzceptioo. bonuses, aiid as regaids the Cai^adi^in Pacific Railway of any dejbt of the cpmpany contracted qu the pledge theiQqf, or of any part thereof : And this interpxe^tipn of Application the said word shall apply to all r^way opnupani^esi aflfected o''a«fi°'t'<"'' by the s||id sub-section or by any amendment of the said sub-sootion in whiph the said word is used, which i§ pr shall be ineoiporated with th>^ special Act or chi^rter qI any rail- Way coiji^p^ny. 2. The word " or " i^ t^e third line of the saiji eleventh Error cor- sab-section, ^& prinlied in thp Statut(8-Bopk, is deolase4 to "»**^- have been insprted by i» clerical errpr and sh^ ^^ Btiuc^ out, i^d shall be held to have beei^ inserted coi^tr^^ry to the intentioji of ^arliaijient. iS. 4^d whereas it is expedient to ampnd section thirty s^c^^qo 3^ of the 5#VTay Act ; therefore, the words " threp i^ipnths »™S'>af<*- afke;' the end of th,e paijendar year" are hereby strnck out of said K^ctiqn thirty, aja4 the wordsf "three |:i:^pi^h^ a^> the fi^^ da^ of inly in eaph year" %Ee 8u]l^stitu(;ed ior tl^pxn ; and the retmnf of capital, tramo, working eX:PQndjture e^d 1—9 130 all other information to be famished to the Minister of Rail- ways and Canals shall be in the form contained in schedule One appended to this Act, which is hereby substituted for schedule One appended to the said Railway Act, schedule Two remaining in force for the weekly returns required by the said Act ; and such returns shall be dated and signed by and attested upon the oath of the Secretary or some other chief officer, and of the President, or in his absence of the Vice-President or Manager of the company ; and such returns shall be made for the period included from the date to which the then last yearly returns made by the same company extended, or from the commencement of the operation of the railway, if no such return has been made, to the last day of June, in the then current year ; and shall, in addition to the information contained in the schedule hereto, furnish such other information and returns as shall, from time to time, be required by the Governor in Council." Sub-section 5 3. And whereas it is expedient to amend sub-section five wp'eaied^aid of Section fifteen of the Railway Act; therefore, the said new anb-sec- sub-section five is hereby repealed, except as to things done tuted."''^"" ®^' offsJices committed before the passing of this Act, and the following substituted for it : — Form and time of yearly returns. Attestation of returns. What peiiod shall be in- cluded in returns. Further in- formation. Clear head- way of 7 feet above highest freigbt cars to be left in all bridges, ice-, over the fiailway. Cost by whom de- frayed. Provision when com- pany wishes to use higher freight cars. "5, Every bridge or other erection or structure over or through or under which any railway to which this Act applies, passes, and every tunnel through which any such railway passes, existing at the time of the passing of the Act, of which the lower beams, members or portions of that part of such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel which is over the railway, are not of a sufficient height from the surface of the rails to admit of an open and clear headway of at least seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars used on the railway and the bottom of such lower beams, members or portions, shall, with suitable approaches thereto where necessary, be reconstructed or altered within twelve months from the passing of this Act so as to admit of an open and clear headway of at least seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars used on the railway and the bottom of such lower beams, members or portions, and shall at all times thereafter be eo maintained as to admit of such open and clear headway of at least seven feet. Such bridges or other erections, structures or tunnels shall be reconstructed or altered at the cost of the company, muni- cipality or other owner thereof as the case may be. The company before using higher freight cars than those used on the railway at the time of the passing of this Act, or of the reconstruction or alteration as aforesaid, of any such bridge or other erection, structure or tunnel, as the case may be, shall, after having first obtained the consent of the muni- cipality or of the owner of such bridge or other erection, structure or tunnel, reconstruct or alter such bridge or other 181 IS the I be erection, structure or tunnel, and the approaches thereto, if necessary, so as to admit of an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars used on the railway and the bottom of such lower beams, members and portions aforesaid. Provided proTlio. always, that the Governor may, by Order in Council, exempt any bridge, erection, structure or tunnel now existing from the operation of this section. Oase of bridges, kc, hereafter oon< struoted or re-construc- ted prorided for in like manner. " b. And whenever any such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel shall hereafter be constructed over or on the line of a railway, or whenever it shall become necessary to reconstruct any such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel already built over or on the line of a railway, or to make large repairs to the same, the lower beams, members or portions of the superstructure of any such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel, and the approaches thereto if necessary, shall be constructed or reconstructed at the cost of the company or of the municipality or other owner of the bridge, erection, structure or tunnel, as the case may be, and shall, at all times, be maintained at a sufficient height from the surface of the rails of the railway to admit of an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet between the top of the highest freight cars then used on the railway and the lower beams, members or portions of such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel ; and thereafter, the company, before using higher freight cars than those used on their railway at the time of the construction or reconstruction of, or large repair to such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel, shall, after having first obtained the consent of the municipality, or of the owner of such bridge, erection, structure or tunnel, raise the said bridge or other erection, structure, or tunnel, and the approaches thereto, if necessary, so as to admit, as aforesaid, of an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet over the top of the highest freight car then about to be used on the railway." 4. Section thirty of the Railway Act, as amended by this xo what rail- Act, and sub-section five of section fifteen of said Act, as ways ceruin amended by this Act, shall apply to every railway and [haU appij railway company subject to the legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada. 5, And in correction of the French version of sub-section Error in six of section sixty-one of the Act hereby amended, the word French in rer- '*plus " shall be substituted for the word " moins " in the last rected. " line but one thereof. And when company in- tends to use higher freight cars. ion, her 1^2 SCHEDULE ONfi. Fortn of Yearly Rettlms to the kinist6r of Hwlwity* and CJiinAls, teqnired from Railway €ohipaiii€ls tihd«ir th'd " HJo'hsoliduted lUtUway Act, 18T9," ai attlendM fcy tMB 'ACt. Rift^ftNS maide by the (ddrjioriiie khthe of the Claf^H^) in jitirtt^ahce of the Act 44 Victort«, chap. 24, for tBte ji^iidfd iHcluded between the (iksert ikb day to tdhich thk la^ Rk- turns extend, &r the dath of the iiotniMHctrlttHt o/ dp^'MlioWs, as the ease fnay be), to thfe felsi diy of SiiUte, iA thfe yWw 18 . Skomh^ the (ktunty br tkiu%ii%s thtowj^h whith ike Rafliifay rumis, tht Terminal Poms, VortnectioitSt if, ahy, aHd gfyflig- a gifneral desdriptfoH dfthe Line dM the VoimtYjf fhi^'^h which ft passes. Statement cohtadnihg 'copies of all contracts made by the cbmpfcny, fbt the ctonS'trtiction of any pArt of the railway. No. 1. Returns of the Capital Accoiint of the said Riiil Way, *,1«0 the Revenue and Expenditure, &o. Ill No. C— Capital AccotJNT, ordinary Total atnouiit caoital ToUl amount of preference share capital do do do do m , ^° do , Total amount oi ordinary bonds. qo do 4o do do do do do Total amount of Government loans..,, do do bonuses. Total amount of Government sub- scription to shares Total amount of Government sub- scription to bonds Total amount of municipal loans •Rate of Interest or Dividend. $ cts. do do do do do bonuses ... of municipal subscrip- tion to shares of municipal subscrip- tion to bonds. .. from other sources Total capital. This statement must agree with the totals shown in the report of the company, a copy of which is to be transmitted also. If there are more than one issue of preference shares or bonds, state them and the amount of each class *J..!^J floating debt exists it must be stated so as to make tlife total agree with the published report. •State whether dividehd is cumulative ornbt. 1^^" 184 No. 8.— Loans oe Bonuses from Governments or Municipalities. ^ ted. ^3 a i^ 8 k iJ gs 00 ta From what source. •St BO moant of scriptioa Shares. moant of scriptioa Boads. d B£ s Vb < ^"^ ■< •< OS a $ cts $ cU. $ cts. $ cts. $ cti. OnvArnniontfl Total Bluoicipalities • Total No. 4.— Bonds or other Securities Neootiated by the Company. Amounts. Rate of Interest. Date of Sale. Prices Realized. 1 cts. $ cts. $ cts. No. 6. — Sales of Land made by the Company. Acres Sold. Price per Acre. Amount. y 1 cts. $ cts. 186 No. 6.— Floitino Debt. Amount. Rate of Interest. Remarks, $ eta. f cts. No. 7.— Characteristics of. Roid, &c. OWNID. 'Lenirtb of main line from to., do branch from to. do do to. do do to. do do to., LlASBD. Length of railway from to.. do do to. do do to. do do to.. Total mileage worked. HE id. cts. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Its. Length of road laid with iron rails do do steel rails do of sidings , do of double-track (if anv) Weight of rail per yard, main line, iron do do do steel do do branches, iron do do do steel , Number of engine-houses and shops do of engines owned by company , do hired of iirst-clasB passenger cars owned by company do do hired of second class and emigrant cars owned by company... do do hired baggage, mail and express cars owned by company,... do do hired cattle and box freight cars owned by company , do do hired platform cars owned by company do hired , ., coal cars owned by company : do hired ties to mile, main line ;% do branches , Nature of fastenings used to secure joint of rail Number of grain elevators.. fCspacity of do at do do do do Number of level road crossings at which watchmen are employed.. do do without watchmen do overhead bridges Beight of do above rail level Number of level crossinn of other railways do junctions with other railways do do branch lines Radius of sharpest curve Number of feet per mile of heaviest gradient Gauge of railway Miles. Lbs. do do do li * It the line or any portion of it is under construction, the length being con-< structed to be given. t State where these are situated, and the capacity of each. 139 No. S.— Actual Cost of ^j^U'Wai and Rolling Stock. 1. Cost of land and land damagoa 2. Coat in connectfion with the administration «t the Land Qrant in aid, if any 3. Cost of grading, masonry and bridging, station bnildingi, Ac, Ac. 4. Cost of rolling stuck of all kinds, including workshops ToU(. cti. Tbe above total to show the real cash cost of construction and rolling stock. No. 9.— Operations of the Year and Number of Miles Hun. 1. Miles run by passenger trains 2. do freight trains 3. do mixed trains 4. Total miles run by trains 6. do engines n. Total number of pasaengcri carried 7. do tons of freight (of 2,000 Ibg.) carried. 8. Average rate of speed of passenger trains 0. do do freight trains 10. Average weight of passenger trains in motion 11. do freight trains in motion No. 10.— Description of Freight Carried. 1. Flour in barrels, No 2. Grain in bushels, No 3. Live stocky No 4. Lumber of all kinds, e^Fcepting fireFOod, ft 6. Firewood, number of cords of 128 cubic ft.. 6. Manufactured goods 7. All other articles Total weight carried. Weight in Tons. ICK. No. 11.— Earnings of T^K Railway. cts. ck. 1. From pasBenger traffic a. From rreiKht traffic 3. From mails and cxpresB freight 4, Prom other aources ToUl ^o. 12.— General Tariff of Tolls Company. Established by the No. 18.— Special Rates of Tolls Established by the Company. it in 13. No. 14, A.— Operating Expenses — Maintenance of Li^e, Buildings, &o. 1. Wages, &c., of labour employed on track, including siding, 2. Cost of iron rails and fastenings , 3. Cost of 8teel rails and fastenings 4. Ballastins — , 6. Repairs of bridges and culverts 6. Repairs and renewals of buildings 7. Repairs of fencing 8. Clearing snow 9. Engiaeering superintendence Total ,i 1—10 188 No. 14, B. — Operating Expenses— "Working and Repairs OP Engines. Wagea of engineers, firemen and cleaners. Cost of coal for fuel ; OoBt of wood for fuel Repairs of engines and tenders Oil. tallow, waste, &c. , for engines I'umping engines Repairs of tools and machinery Superintendence Total. No. 14, C. — "Working and Repairs of Cars. 1. Wages and materia! for repairs of passenger cars 2. do do freight cars and snow ploughs 3. Superintendence Total No. 14, D.— Oprratinq Expenses G-eneral and Oper- ating Charges. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. OflSce expenses, including directors, auditors, management, travelling expenses, stationei'V, &c Station agents, clerks, porters, &c Conluctors, baggagemen and brakemen Compensation for personal injuries Loss or dunmge to freight (iftttle killed (/'ost of ferries and ferry-boats Cost of foreign agencies Small stores, including lights, lamps and signals All other charges Total Blanks are left for any other items of Expenditure not included above. 189 LIBS cts. No. 16.— Summary of Operating Expenses. A. Maintenance of line, buildings, tec a. tost of working and repairs to engines n" nl °l working and repairs to cars V. Uost of general operating expenses., Total cost of operating railway ^"'^^^^'^t^^^^^^^}^^^^^^^'^^^::^ ixiAqatco cts. IR- cts. « 5C3 £.5-3.* o.S «3t5«3 SOS'S 140 No. It. — Names anb Residences of Directors a>d Officers of the Company. Names of Directors. Residences. ' . . President. Secretary and Treasurer. General Manager. Engineer. Superintendent. The following is the official name and address of the company : — 'ii 45 VI CTORIA. . CHAR 53- An Act to authorize the construction, on certain conditions of the Canadian Pacific Railway through some Pass other than the Yellow Head Pass. \; ' •'■ [Assenled to 11th May, 1882.] , : ;;. WHEREAS by clause thirteenth of the contract with Her preamble Majesty the Queen now held by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (which contract is contained in the schedule to the Act passed in the forty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter one, intituled, " An Act respecting 44 \r ^ i the Canadian Pacific Railway") it is provided that the said cited': aa tj Company shall have the right, subject to the approval of the throuff"th« Grovernor in Council, to lay out and locate the line of the Rocky Moun- railway thereby contracted for as they may see fit, preserv- '*'"^ ing the following terminal points, namely, from Callander Station to the point of junction with tho Lake Superior Section and from Selkirk to the junction with the western section at Kamloops by way of the Yellow Head Pass, and whereas it may be found to be in the public ii;^':erest that the junction with the western section at Kamloops should ■ be made byway of some pass other than the Yellow Head , , Pass ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons ot Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company may, subject q^^^„^ ^f to the approval of the Governor in Council, lay out and Pass may be locate their main line of railway from Selkirk to the junction ^^l^^^^^"^ with the western section at Kamloops by way of some pass Council, other than the Yellow Head Pass, provided that the pass be -^ ^.^^ not less than one hundred miles from the boundary between Canada and the United States of America. f V >i i. t '■A 1 ' ' r INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT, 42 Vict, Cap. 9-1879. a .2 Gl 66 66 58 72, 73 74, 76 76, 77 78 as us 2 4 100 101 102 20 20 23 ' 26 26 9 9 9 9 9 8 16 72 2,4 100 101 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a .2 o V 6 11 4 6 3,4 13 20 6 7 7-8 4 16 19 38 12 16 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 22 24 24 25 37 Accidents, — notice of, to be given to Railway Committee do apecial returns of serious to be made ■ do and casualties, semi-annual returns of do returns of, to be privileged communications do prevention of, bj apparatus for stopping trains.-... do precautions at road crossings do " in passing througk towns or arriving do foot passengers to use bridges when provided . do precautions as to cattle. See cattle. Accounts, — yearlj to Parliament do Parliament may require further details Act,— application, part first of tnia do do part second. do do on certain enactments in do do to Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, and North- West Territories Acts repealed, — saving clause, and how this Act shall be construed Action to recover calls do do estopped by forfeiture of shares do agiilnst shareholders for debts of Company, execution against Com- pany must precede do against Company, for refusal to carry passenger or goodj do do for refusing baggage checks Administrators, — powers of, to convey lands, &c ~ Affidavit,— of absence of owner, &c., ot property taken Affirmation in place of oath « Agreement made by Corporation valid... do made before property is set out lor railway Alterations in plan and survey, provisions respecting Animals, penalty for suf ng to enter on railway » Apparatus for quick stoppmg, best to be used » „ eu >Application of Act, and parts^f ~ Arbitration, as to compensation for crossing or uniting, &c , with othei railways do costs of, how paid ~ do in case of materials required for railway Arbitrator, — name of, to be given to opposite party, if Company's olfer is not accepted do sole, when and how to be appointed do appointment of do third, official, to be appointed by Minister of Public Works, if not appointed by the other two » Arbitrators, duties of; award of two on vote to be final do do 2 U2 62 62 62 6J 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 7 42 S •a o % 4 7 20 21 26 27 37 8 5 7 4,5 2 10 12 9 17 18 "T 1 2 11 12 10 11 S 3 5 6 10 12 " 2*" 1 2 4 6,6 7 8 2 3 4 6 6 9 3 4 6 Atmospheric or animal powers may be used on railway Auction— sale by, of land not required by railway do goods, unclaimed, may be sold by ,. Award— price agreed upon to be considered as fixed by do may be made by majority, or by sole arbitrator do if not made on day appointed, price olTered to stand do not inTalidated by want of form do or agreement to give power to take posssf^sion do amount of, bow paid in case of Indian lands Badges — Company's servants to wear Baggage cars not to be in rear of passenger cars ••. do checks to be furnished for do do do do. Claims for lost Balance of proceeds of sale of unclaimed goodc, how dealt with deach — public, extent to be taken Bell to be sounded at crossings ~ Borrowing, powers of Company, bonds, &c Branch railways — powers to make ac \ manage , do provisions respect ng • do and after notice, deposit of plan, &c Breadth of lands to be taken for roadway ordepots, &c Book of reference— errors in, iiow corrected do contents of do how examined and deposited di) deviation from line shewn in, limited do names of owners entered, how corrected do deposit of, when t} be made do to be general notice to owners Bridges over highways, width and height of -. do grade of highway under, limited carrying highway over railway, clear height of existing bridges to be altered, if lower carrying railway to be examined by order of the Railway OoniiuiUee may be condemned by Committee permanent may be ordered in place of moveable Company may not substitute moveable without consent of Railway Committee Buildings — Comnany may erect..... By-laws— to fix and regulate tolls. do to be subject to approval of Governor in Council or, if affecting others than employes of Company for management of Company, how made, and tor what purpoEes to be subject to approval by Governor for regulation of employes may be altered ~ may impose penalties may authorize summary interference in certain cases how notified to employes and public who bound by, and how proved penalties for contravention of.......... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Calls— how made, what notice, and interval do to be published In Canada Gazette Shareholder liable to pay amount of not paid, to bear interest at G per cent amount of, may be recovered by suit formalities required in actions to recover , non-payment to entail forfeiture of sLares on share to be paid before dividend paid paid, Directors may pay interest on, until railway is completed. Canal, power to construct railway across or along Cars or carriages— may be condemned by Railway Committee do do do do do do do 65 82 86 72 75 75 76 76 79 9S 96 96 It! 8b 71 96 t5 65 67 67 71 6a 6j t.y Vo 7U 73 "li 83 S,i 83 S3 lU3 103 105 1(5 65 8> 87 87 95 »j 112 113 113 113 113 113 lU in) yo yj 91 91 91 91 92 93 b5 103 * See G.l'.R. Act, 44 Vict., Gap. 1. \ Aviended by Act 44 Vict., Cap. 21. INDEX TO EAILWAY ACT. 145 e 43 45 7 21 17 • 17 ■20 79 80 81 16 16 45 ■^0 20 20 11 12 13 13 • 8 • 8 19 7 25 25 25 9 7 9 5 • 8 • 8 • 8 • 28 60 5 7 29 9 9 9 25 61 61 61 61 Gl 61 9 • 28 • 19 9-< • 8 • 8 • 8 • 8 9 9 9 9 a o •a o « CO 20 3 10 2 2,3 13 7 8 5 6 14 19 5 6 7 4 18 30, 31 12 2,3 7 9, 10 6, 8 15 34-36 18 29 11 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 16 10 2 3 4 19 23 32 3 Cars or carriages— considered danjrerous may be forbiddno to run do InspectiDfr Engineer may at all times examine. Capital stock of raihvny, how it may be increased do not to be impaired by dividends Canada Gazette — tolls on railway to be published in. do Order-iii-Uouncil reducing tolls to be published in do notices uf meetings and calls to be published in Cattle — not to be at large within a certain distance of railway do or may be impounded, if so found do and no compensation for, if killed Caltle-guards at all road crossings may be required do until made, Company responsible for damages, but not after they are made do Inspecting Engineer may st all times examine Certificate, Treasurer*!?, of forfeiture, to be title and evidence. do do do do do do do do ol proprietorship of share, to be evidence do want of, not to prevent disposal of share, of Minister of Public Works, when extra ground required by Company ^ cfToct of such certificate proof of such certilicate... , Crown may question authenticity of of two Justices of omission, &c., in map, plan, &c., effect of of correction, &c., of map, &c., to be deposited Chairman of Directors to have casting vote Change in location of line, for certain purposes Checks — to be affixed on parcel of baggige and duplicate given to passenger do penalty tor refusing to give do passenger producing, may be witncus to prove contents of lost baggage. Church and school trustees, limitation of powers to convey to Company City or town, branch to connect with main line or branch of Claims, Ac, on lands taken, how cleared, by payment into Court, Ac "Clerk of tbe Peace," interpretation of do duties and powers of do copies of plan of alterations, Ac, to be deposited with... do duties with respect to copies of plans, &c Commencement and completion of railway limited Committee, joint, to be a])pointed for carrying out traffic arrangements between two railway companies - ..«. " Company," interpretation of do powers of ~ » m.... do what to mean, as respects railway statistics , Confirmation of title of Company in Quebec and its effect Compensation — Arbitrators in lixing to consider increased value of remaining lands ~ do for lands to stand instead of such lands as to claims, &c^ Conductor, intoxication of, to be a misdemeanor. Constables— Railway, appointment of. do do do do do Contract do powers of and to what localities they extend dismi.'sal of record of, to be kept by Clerk of Peace penalty for neglect of duty penalty for resisting &c., to convey lands, made before survey, &;., binding for works, not to be given until tenders invited Contractor not to be Director of Company Contractors included by word " Company " in certain cases Copies of plans, &c., or of alterations, certified by Clerk of Peace, to be evidence. do maps, &c., of proposed railway, where to be deposited do do •. r do do cert tied by Minister of Public Works or Clerk of Peace, to be evidencu Costs of arbitration, how paid do Company liable for, if desisting from first notice do of proceedings on such claims, by whom ppid .m Corporations, &c., may convey lands to Company 104 104 68 93 86 87 90 117 117 117 81 84 86 104 92 91 91 73 73 73 73 69 69 89 68 96 96 96 71 67 78 63 6d 69 7« 100, 69 109 63 64 100 79 75 77 96 no 111 111 112 112 112 72 100 89 122 70 69 69 69 76 76 78 71 * See G.P.H, Act, 41 Vict., Cap. 1. 146 INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT. a 2 '•3 u 9 9 9 23 30 49 15 1« 7 83 5 9 9 7 42 42 9 9 36 87 88 89 00 91 25 42 7 9 • 9 9 • 8 17 18,19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 • 19 19 19 19 20 23 60 61 22 21 21 21 • 22 28 .1 CO 3 5 8,9 IS, 16 Corporations, preriong order of JiidKe, in certain caf^es do Ac, conveying to Company, indemnified do kc, who cannot sell, may agree upon annual rent, with lien for do Municipal, may take stock of Company Crossings— to be examined by Engineer, directed by Railway Committee 10 14 3 19 10 13 4 14, IS do do do do do " County,' County Judge, provision if he is interested in lands required. Curators, Sec, may convey lands to Company Curve, to lessen, location of line may be changed Culverts to be examined by Rn^^ineer, directed by Railway Committee, do may be condemned by liailway Committee level, out of repair. railway, signboards to be ])laced at farm. Company may be required to erect gates at. intersecting or connecting with other railways.... to be fenced; And tee Accidents interpretation of word. ••»«• •«•••••» 12 11 33 11 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 21 Damages— contract?, kc, as to compensation for, to lands do compensation for, to be otfered in notice do arising from neglect, Ac, of Company not avoided by notice, con- dition or declaration o( Company Damaging railway— punishment for do and if with intent to injure persons or property do by placing obstructions on track, kc do or injuring in any way do goods, or packages of freight, &c Dangerous goods — no passenger to carry ; must be plainly marked; Company may refuse to take ; must be carried in special ears do places or works, or roUingstock, reported to the Railway Committee, who may condemn or order alterations Debentures, bonds, Ac, power to issue, — amount Deposit of map, kc, to be general notice to owners of land required Depots or stations, extra breadth of land allowed for Desistment from first notice and proceedings upon «. Deviation from plans, how fat allowed Directors, kc, may fix tolls on railway do general meetings for election of vacancies in Board of, how filled.. who qualified to be terms of office of ;.... vacancies among, how filled to elect President and Vice-President quorum of, to exercise powers of whole act of majority of quorum of, to be act of to be suViject to control of shareholders, kc employes or contractors uot to be to make by-laws for management of Company shall appoint officers and take security from them.... shall Iceep accouat of receipts and expenses of Company may make calls after notice, and with certain interval Mayor, kc, of Municipal Corporation taking $20,000 of stock to be onoof ~ may make traffic arrangements with another Company of Company may a])ply to Justice and Judges for appointment of rail- way constableti Discharge, from party in whcse name share stands, to bo a sufiScient, to the Company Oivldeuds to be declared at general meetings do determined by general meeting do not to impair capiti\l do or interest on transferred shares, when paid to purchaser Dissolution of Corporation not to affect previous liability 38 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Earth, stone, &c,^reqnired hy railway, proceedings for purchase of lands for containing bo 09 71 72 72 94 103 1C6 8t 84 66 118 63 74 71 69 103 103 73 73 96 119 119 119 120 120 i)7 10^ 65 73 71 76 70 85 87 es H8 88 88 89 8J 89 89 89 89 89 90 9J 91 1U9 110 94 92 92 92 93 100 80 • *?«« C'-P-R- ^ct, 44 Vict,, Cap. I. INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT. Mir a o 'i* 9 9 19 19 42 25 39 46 8 44 46 46 46 49 63 60 64 9 9 60 34 26 45 15 16 16 16 27 27 7 26 4 £0 12 20 » 20 10 20 11 20 13 27 4 26 8 16 45 ■••■-••* y 4 6 9 17 2 17 3 • 17 4 26 2 26 3 25 U, Ifi • 24 2 a o X m 39,40 4 11 14 12 2, i Earth, atone, &c., rany be takea bj traversing intervecing lairds Ecclesiastical corporations, powers of couTeTanee to OompaLy limited '... Election of Board of Directors '.. ^ do Directors on subsequent day, who to vote at » Engine may be condemned by Railway Committee 'lo driver, intoxication ot, a misdemeanor ~ > Engines to be examined by Engineer directed by Railway Committee do Inspecting Engineer may at all times examine Engineer or President of Company to certify map of railway Engineer, inspecting — to report bis order to forbid running of trains, ice, to Railway Committee do Company and ofiScers to aflford him all necessary infor- mation ., do to be conveyed by Company do proof of bis authority do his certificate as to condition of level crossing to be final in dispute between municipality and railway do orders of, to be notified to servants of Company do may regulate speed of trains, or times of running do orders of, what to be deemed sufficient notice thereof, Executors, kc. — may convey lands to Company do powers to convey land limited Express Companies, all to be allowed equal facilities Evidence, returns by railway not to be, in Court • •« • ••••#< Fare, passenger refusing to pay, may be put out , fences— Inspecting Engineer may at all times examine. do on each side of bridge carrying highway over railway do Company to erect on each side of railway, if required br proprietors of adjoining lands within 6 months » do &c., until made. Company liable for damages to cattio, &c., on rail- way, but not afterwards •. do Snow, Company may enter lands after 1st November, to erect, must be removed before Ist April m..».. Fines and forfeitures— how recovered do how applied. And i»t Penalty Fixtures — machinery, Ac, Company to have power and authority to erect or purctiase m , do extra breadth of land allowed for Forces, Her Majesty's, enactments made bv Parliament for i :riage of, not to be deemed infringement of privileges of Company.. Forfeited or unsubscribed shares — Directors may sell or pledge Forfeiture of shares on non-payment of calls do to bo declared at general meeting. , do to indemnify against actions for breach of contract rorfeiture — certificate of, from Treasurer, to be title and evidence do by Company, of privileges, by contravention of Act Freight, ucc. — cars not to be in rear of passenger cars 84 71 8T 8r 103 96 103 104 70 lOi 104 105 105 106 107 106 107 71 71 109 102 97 101 83 81 Gates, sliding or hurdle, at farm crossings, to be erected if required do Inspecting Engineer may at all times examine Glebe lands, Rectors in possession of. in Ontario, powers over, limitod as to con- veyance to Railway Company Goods, Interpretation of word - do may be seized and detained until payment of toll therefor, and to be at owners' risk detained for non-payment of tolls, may be sold after six w°:ks,— surplus money or gojds to be returned to person entitled unclaimed after 12 months, may be sold by Company, by auction, after notice ~, trains to furnish sufficient accommodation for to be taken, carried and discharged, on payment of legally authorized toll or freight dangerous. See Diiugerous do do do do do Governor— Bj-lawij subject to approval of, kc. 84,8 5 85 65 71 99 9i 91 91 91 92 99 96 84 104 71 62 83 86 86 96 96 97 95 ♦ Se? CP.R. Act., 44 Vict., Cap. I. m INDEX TO lUILWAY ACT. a o ■J u 38 36 b9 42 44 47 48 7 • 17 17 28 28 7 7 » 9 9 6 9 9 62 36 92 2 4 7 9 20 21 21 22 5 26 9 9 6 8 8 61 g 2 9 18 10 12 Governor may came line of telefi^raph to be madu along line of railway for use of UoTernment do may appoint Railway Committee from Privy Council do may sanction order of Uailway Committee to postpone opening of railway ^ do alterations in railway or rulliug stock, required by Railway Committee, aubjeci to approval of do to sanction action of Railway Committee on order of Bngineer forbidding running of trains do oa Report of Railway Committee, may order permanent bridges to be substituted for moveable bridges do may sanction order of Railway Committee, requiring Company to carry road crossed by railway ut^i^er or over it Qovernor in Councilto approve of maps and plans inaicating location of branch line do may revise by-laws of Company, fixing tolls do by-laws, imposing or altering tolls or affecting others than employe's subject to approval of do to make regulations for carriage of H. M. Mail, Naval or Military Forces and Militia do may require Company to place electric telegraph exclvsi vely at disposal of Government„ , 19 Gradient— to reduce, location of line may be changed 1 Grants and donations of lanas — power to receive and hold 36-40 Gravel, &c. — required for railway, proceedings for obtaining lands on which they are situated , , Grev6B de substitution, &c.— may convey lands to Company ^ Guardians, &c. — may convey laads to Company 11 30-37 37 Highways— word interpreted 12 33-36 4 4 6 11 14 14 13 6 Idiots, &c. — infants, isauo unburn, persons representing may convey lands to Company , Incorporation of Companies under Special Act locumbfances on lands Company, how cleared off Indians — case of railways passing through lands belonging to Inspection— not to relieve Oompany from liability do of Railways— <$«« Railway Committee Inspectors of Railways— penalty tor obstructing Intercolonial Railway — Part First, to apply to do Part Second do Interest on loans to Company — not to exceed 8 per cent, per annum do on compensation paid into Court to be returned to Company, and when additional required to be paid - unpaid call liable to > may be paid on paid up calls until railway is completed none to be paid on any share while call remains unpaid &c., on transferred shares when paid to purchaser Interpretation of words and expressions in this Act and Special Act Intoxicated Engineer or Conductor, to be guilty of misdemeanor 3-6 3 00 do do do Judge, County, provision if he is interested in lands required do of any of Superior Courts, to exercise powers given to County Judge, if latter is interested in lands required.... , "Justice," word interpreted ~ Justices, two, may correct description, &c., of lands in map, &c, after notice to Oivii6rB ••••••••■ ••■••• •*>••••»• •■••••••• ••••■* •■••■* • •••••• *••••• •••■•■ «■••••••• ••»••> »•••••••• • ••• " and grant certificate of correction Justices of Peace, may appoint railway constables on application of Directors or authorized agents of Company.,.,, , Lands, interpretation of word do public, wild, and beaches, power to occupy. bo Cm 99 lOi 103 103 104 105 105 67 87 87 09 99 68 (51 80 71 71 63 71 64 79 79 107 102 120 61 61 65 78, 79 91 93 93 93 6^ 96 74 74 63 69 69 110 62 64 • ^ee V.P.R. Act, 44 Vict., Cap. 1. INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT. 149' 99 lOi 103 103 104 105 105 67 87 87 09 99 68 61 80 71 71 63 71 64 79 79 107 loa 120 61 61 65 78, 79 91 93 93 93 6i 96 74 74 63 69 69 110 62 64 a o 7 7 7 • 8 • 8 • 8 • 8 • 9 • 9 12 9 9 9 t» 9 9 9 9 9 » 9 5 98 8 48 49 18 62 33 7 25 25 4J 25 9 28 7 7 8 a o 00 4 13 18 2 S 11 12 3 B 7 8 12 12 18 28 28 29 37 38 39 40 7 19 9 11 16 18 6 8 13 14 Landa, (Vayal and Military Resprves), power to occupy do of Her Mfljesty or any corporation of pei'iionB, power, ttc, to enter upon. required for branch fine, notice to be given a to be passed over and taken for propoied route, map of, Ac, to be de- posited with Department of Public Works erroneous description, Ac, in map, Ac , may be corrected not shewn on map, provisions respecting of persons not entered or erroneously mentioned in book of reference, may be taken, Ac, within limits of deviation proceedings when more required at any station or place on line of railway proceedings for taking, without consent of proprietors sale by auction of, whra not required for railway extent^of which may be taken without consent of proprietor persons representing any persons interested in, may convey to company. the fee simple of, conveyed by corporations to railway company contract to convey, before setting out of railway binding if set out one year from date of contract , corporations, Ac, who cannot sell, may rent description of, &o., in notice to be served on owner in case of disagree- ment compensation for, sum offered to be included in notice to opposite party, the increased value of remaining, to be considered by Arbitrators when deciding compensation » ~ immediate possession of, before award, may be givea on aflSdavit and after security given notice to be given to owner of, before granting warrant of possession.... compensation for, to stand instead of, as to claims, tec Indian, case of railway passing through ^ > proceedings, for the purchase of, where stone, gravel, &e., are situated and required for railway ~~ between main line of railway and lands on which gravel, &c., is found, right of way over ,. for stations or gravel pits, company may sell part not required, but com- pulsory provisions not to apply to portion not necessaiy Lease, interpretation of. , ^ Lessees included by word "company" in certain cases ./ Levels and surveys, maps, plans, kc, provisions respecting Level crossing. Railway Committee may require railway to alter crossing so that road may pass over or under it m > do out of repair Liability incurred not affected by dissolution of corporation do inspection not to relieve company from do of shareholders limited ~ Location of line, change in, may be made for certain purposes » Locomotive engines to have bells and whistles do misdemeanor for person in charge of to be intoxicated ,. do considered dangerous by Inspecting Engineer may be forbidden to run Lumber, &c , cars not to be in rear of passenger cars Lunatics, &c., persons representing, may convey lands to ..... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Machinery, Company to have power and authority to purchase Mails, H. M., carriage of, on railway ^ Manufactory, branch to connect with main or branch of railway Map and plan of branch line to be deposited in Registry Office, of city, e ->unty, &c., and approved by Govornor-in-Oouncil do do do and books of reference, to be examined by Minister l ublic Works, and copies deposited in Department of Public Works, and with Olorks of the Peace for districts and counties through which railway is to pass* omissions, &c., in, may be corrected after notice to owners of lauds erroneously described original, or of alterations, deposit required before work is proceeded with Map and profile of completed railway to be filed with Minister of Public Works, do do how drawn and certified » 0) M Gt 6t^ 67 69 69 70 70 71 71 82 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 75 77 77 77 79 80 80 80 62 122 65 106 106 100 107 94 68 96 9o 104 98 71 65 99 67 67 69 69 69 70 70 ♦ See O.P.R. Act, 44 Vict,, Cap. I. tso INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT. 'I 7 37 18 19 20 •AS 7 9 7 23 4» 49 28 7 7 7 7 8 10 }2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 17 20 25 26 28 37 38 43 43 44 49 49 61 64 64 9 61 86 89 18 4 '"i" 3 12 30-36 17 2 4 6 66 73 9 20 U 12 13 16 17 ir 23 ^8 38 4 o 14 "V 20 Map, pUcci ware extra breadth reaiiired to bo aliowa on do Dotices of deposit, before applicatioa to owners of lands do do to be (renural notice to owners of lands Materials, power to take land for Mayor, kc , of Manicipal Corporation holding $20,000 of stock to be Director of Company tx-officio Mine, branch to connect, with main line or branch, &c ^ Miademt^anor, any contravention of Act not provided for, to bo ^... Meetings, General, of pbareholders for election of Directors do do how called do notices of, published in Canada Gmetle Military and Naval Forces, Iler Majesty's, Militia, &c., carriage of, on railway. Mortgage, &c., of property of Company do on lands, bow cleared by paying compensation into court, Ac... Municipal Council, sanction of, forbraucb of railway when required > do corporations may take stock, Ac Municipality may require Company to repair level crossing out of repair do make repairs bnd recover cost in default of Company obeying Inspecting Engineer's directions .66, Xaval Forces, Her Majesty's, carriage of on railways do and Military Reserves, power to occupy > Navigable waters, provisions respecting railway carried across or abng, Notice of intention to build branch line, and to appropriate lands »....., do to shareholders of meeting to increase capital stock correction to owners of lands erroneously described, Ac, in map, &e. to owner of additional ground required for station, &c previous to soiling land not required by railway ~ of deposit of map, kc, to bo a general notice to all owners of lands required by Company to owner of land in case of disagreement, what it shall contain ... to be inserted in newspaper if owuer is absent or unknown of appointment of one or official arbitrators to be third arbitrator of meetings of arbitrators, two clear days to either of parties in arbitration not necessary for lands may be desisted from and new notice given, Company paying costs > to owner of land before granting of warrant of possesaion of arbitration in case of lands containing stone, &c., required by Company in Official 6^a2«f/(! before selling unclaimed goods of meetings or of calls ~ in writing to Company when sending dangerous goods at station when overdue trains maybe expected inviting tenders for works of railway » to Railway Committee of intention 10 open railway, and readiness for inspection to Railway Committee before opening railway, and penalties for opening without , M to Company by Railway Committee to make good defects to Company by Inspecting Engineer forbidding running of carriages or locomotive to Company of cooiirmation, &c., of such order of Inspecting Engineer... by municipality requiring Company to repair level crossing by Railway Committee to municipality and Company of day fixed for examination as to repairof level crossing. of accidents to be given to Railway Committee ~ of orders of Railway Committee, what to be of orders of Inspecting Engineer, what to be do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Oath, &c.. Arbitrators may examine witnesses on...< Oath of office of Railway Constable Obstructing free use of railway, punishment for....... do and causing damage to life or property. i 71 73 73 103 94 67 St9 87 88 90 99 65 78, 79 67 94 106 106 09 «J 114, 116 66 68 81 82 73 73 73 74 74 74 76 77 80 86 90 97 97 100 102 1C3 103 104 104 106 106 106 lo7 107 76 110 118 119 See C.F.R. Act, 44 Vict., Cap. \. INDIiX TO RAILWAY ACT. 151 Chi 71 73 73 1U3 94 67 DO 87 88 90 80 66 78, 79 67 94 10({ 106 09 «t 114, 116 65 68 6d 81 82 73 73 73 74 74 74 76 77 80 86 90 97 97 100 102 1C3 103 104 104 106 106 106 11)7 107 75 110 118 119 I 15 19 93 • 9 24 26 5 9 28 28 t*17 25 2S 25 26 25 26 37 86-96 • 8 8 26 94 9G t30 31 32 32 38 40 46 47 51 57 60 61 61 9 29 27 10 4f. 7 6 19 19 19 8 7 7 8 § •a u 18 14 13 9 11 2 3 12 13 14 8 13 9 95 99 4 5 6 20 2 11 19 30 13 16 3 a Obstruction ofhighwaj by works ofrAilwny UiBoers of Company, Directors shall appoint and talcc sicurity from do &c., contraveninff by-laws, punislimeat of OflTseti, extra breadth allowed fur ^ Orders, Ac, to be certified and kept in wriliog, in office of Company. And i«e Bv-laws Orerane passenger train, notice on blackboard at gtatiun, stntioK when train is expected Owner, interpretation of word do of lands if absent or unknown, proceedings Parliament— enactments by, as to service to Government, not to be deemed infringement of privilege of Company do may annul or dissolve any Company do may reduce tolls by consent, after leaving 15 per cent, profit , Passenger;, Company to furnish sufficient, accommodation for do to be taken, transported and discharged, on payment of legally authorised toll or fare refusing to pay fare may be put out injured while on platform of car have no claim on Company for damages < not to carry dangerous goods cars to be placed behind freight, ftc. cars formalities required before opening railway for conveyance of Penal clauses, offences and punishment Penalty, for neglecting to file map, &c. of completed railway in office of Minister of Public Works on Clerk of Peace refusing to exhibit plan, &c » for not putting up notice of probable arrival of overdue train at station ~ how recoverable » Penalty, Company may pay for employus and deduct from wages do for failing to forward annual returns of capital, traffic, &c for default in forwarding weekly returns of traffic, &c for false return .'. respecting railway statistics, liow recoverable for opening railway without preliminary notices to Railway Com- mittee y „ for opening railway contrary to order of Railway Committee on telegragh operators refusini; to obey orders of Inspecting Engineer for Company using moveable bridges when directed to use permanent.. for Company omitting to give notice of accidents to Railway Com- mittee for neglecting to deliver returns of accidents for neglecting to forward traffic ..,. ~ ~ on constable neglecting duty for resisting constable Perjury, false statement made before Arbitrators to be m ~... "Person," what to include under head "Railway Statistics." Plea of general issue by Company when sued for damages ^ Plan of additional ground required for station, &c., to be transmitted to Minister of Public Works with application, &c Plan. 5'eeMapand Plan Plans, documents, &e., to be submitted to Inspecting Engineer Powers, general, of the Company m..„ "Prescribed," interpretation of President to be elected by other Directors do in absence of, Vice-President to act do absence of, to be entered in minutes Profile and map of completed railway to be filed with Minister of Public Works Provincial Railways, subs. 16 and 16 of sec. 7 to apply to, in certain cases ....... Public wild lands and beaches, power to occupy Public Works, Minister of, to examine and certify map, plan and book of refer- ence of proposed railway do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do « Ml It 0* 82 f)9 i:.) 71 95 97 61 7a 99 109 87 95 90 HI 97 97 96 102 118,121 70 70 97 121 121, 12J 101 101 102 102 10.1 103 105 105 106 108 110 110 112 75 100 98 8 104 61 62 89 90 90 70 66 64 C9 • See C.P.R. Act, 44 Vict., Cap. 1. f Amended by 44 Act Vict., Cap. 21. Im m INDEX TO RAILWAY ACT. a .2 o 8 12 13 33 3« •J9 7 19 19 7 15 40 41 5 7 9 28 37 38 46 46 60 97 2 4 35 36 42 39 61 47 48 49 60 54 59 44 61 9 7 9 86 102 3! 55 55 (3 o CO 14 22 16 6 18 \?. 13 16 16 9 6 2 16 4 li 1.4 Public Workr, Department of, copies of maps, &c. of railway to be deposited in do Company may take extra ground, &c., oa certificate of Minister of do Proof of certii ate do Minister of, to lay railway returns before Parliament , do Deputy of Minister of, to be Secretary of Railway Oomraittoe do Railway Committee may direct one of engineers of Department of, to examine railway proposed to be opened do Minister of, to designate scale and pap«r of map of completed road ~ do do may appoint an arbitrator in case of death disqualifica- tion, &c do do lo appoint third arbitrator, if not otherwise appointed... Purchase money, Cump:iny not respons Itile f^jr disposition of Quarry, branch, to connect with main or brancli line Quorum of Directors to exercise powers of wliole do act of majrrity of, to be act of Directors Rails, one or more lines of, may be Inid ~... do not to rise more than one inch from level of higiiway _. Railway, penalty for opening contrary to orde." of Railway Committee do Company not bound by order unless notified "Railway, The," interpretation of expression Railway, incorporated by Provincial liegislature, certain provision to apply to.. do and tolls, chargeable for rent or purchase money commencement and completion of « not to be opened until after one months' notice penalty for opening without notices from Railway Committca Inspecting Engineers may examine ..• -. Company, kc, to afford necessary information i jterpretalion of word, as respects traffic "• Inspection Fund constructed under Special Act of Parlip.mrnt of Canada, to be governed by this Act, unless excepted by Special Act..... Committee, the approval of, of mode of crossing, interssction, &c., with other lir«s mist be obtained certain, to be subject to, nart 2 of this Act do do do do do do do do do do Railway Committee, Governor may appoint from Privy Council. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 00 do do do no do Oi to appoint Chairman and Secretary may condemn railway, &c., order alterations in works may postpone opening of railway 10 fix forii of record, appointment, &c consent of, must bo. obtained before substituting moveable bridge for permanent bridge ~ may lequire highway to be carri'^d over or under railway .. to settle dispute beiween Municipality and Company as to level crossing out of repair may regulate speed of trains, times of running orders of, what to be deemed .sufficient notice thereof. to have powers qf Board of Railway Commis?ionera, under Chap. 66, C.S C. with sanction of Oov(^rnor-iti-(Jouiicil miy confirm or disallow order of Engineer, foibiddiag running of trains Con°ttt'.V"s, appointment of See Constables Rectors, pov/ers 1' ;;ed as to glebe lards in Ontario Registry ol^ice of tiiy, county,'&c., deposits in, of maps, &c Rent, offer to pay, to tie made to opposite party. do on interest of purchase money, to be worlting cxpens • Repeal of fu'mer Acts and saving clause Return, false, penalty for do semi-anrual, of accidents to be made to Railway Committee do what rj set forth 69 8i 82 lOJ 102 103 70 75 74 72 67 89 89 65 82 103 103 6i 66 72 100 102 103 104 lot 110 121 61 66 61 ie.< 102 103 103 112 105 105 6 Hi6 107 108 104 112 71 67 73 118 Vi- 10 107 107,8 III See C.I'.Ji. Act, 44 Vict., Cai>. 1. \ INDEX TO EAILWAY ACT. 163 « 69 8i 82 lOJ 102 103 70 7.5 74 72 67 89 89 65 82 103 103 6< 66 72 100 102 103 104 lot 110 12 V 61 66 61 le.'. 102 103 103 112 105 106 8 lii6 107 108 104 112 71 67 73 118 12' 10 107 1107,8 a o d o -3 CO * 30 ■ ••••••• 31 34 66 t .... 58 28 io 9 2 39 42 9 9 24 24 60 23 2J 20 20 20 • 22 • 22 • 22 • 22 • 22 6 1 7 15 16 2 3 5 7 1 7 • 9 y 45 29-34 7 22 • 22 48 27 7 8 9 9 28 28 23 5 4 1-4 4 3 12 13 14 "T 3 3 4 12 18 6 6 •>. 1 13 8 '40" 20 3 6 Returns of capital and traffic and working expenditure to be annually forwarded by Company ~ ~ do weekly, of traffic to be forwarded, &c , and posted in head office of Company do to be privileged communications do Bpeuial return of serious accidents to be made > do railway companies, form of, schedules 1 and 2 do of accidents to be privileged commuuications Ri(;hts of Her Majesty and others, not aifected except as mentioned in Act . ... Rivera, &c., what extent of land covered by waters of, may be taken »....- do and Canals. See Navigable waters, &c. RoUinp Stock', to be examined by Engineer directed by Railway Committee... do may be condemned by Railway Committee on report Rules and Orders. See By-laws. to Sale to Company by corporations, &e., to vest fee simple. School or church purposes, power of trustees limited Secretary, certificates of, and their effect do notices by, to be evidence i Shareholders, two-thirds of, to consent to traffic arrangements made between railway companies do individual liability of do account of names and residence entered in book .shares, forfeited or unsubscribed. Directors may sell or pledge do forfeited, purchaser's title not affected by irregularity in proceedings do nmy be paid up in advance, interest allowed ^.^^ do Kow transferred, dividend on, &c do form of sale do not transferable until all rails ]iaid do no transfer of a fraction of ^ do transmission of, otherwi.^^e than by transfer "Sheriff," interpretation of word Short title of Act Siding, this Act and amenaii^g Acts ^ apply to Signboards at highway crossings, provisions respecting .Snow-fences, when may be erected and when to be removed „ Special Act, this Act to be incorporated with, unless varied or excepted do manner of excepting parts from incorporation "Special Act, The," interpretation of the expression Spring, branch to connect with 12 i5 Station, proceedings when more land is required for Stations, power to erect do extra breadth of land allowed for do or gravel pits, whole lots may be purchased for, and portion not' necessary may be sold I do Inspecting Engineer may at all times examine Stati.sticB and returns , Stock, capital, may be inci'eased, and how do of Company to be personal estate . dc Company not to purchase stock in their own or in any other company... Stone, sand, &c. See Earth, materials, &c.. Streams. See Rivers. Navigable waters, Street, railway crossing, on tlia level Suits for damages, Ac, limitation of Surveys, examinations, &c., power to make, and where ~ ,. do and levels, maps, plan.s and book of reference, proviu.^ns respecting.... Surveyor, certificito of, as to land, required , ao Judge to appoint, as sole arbitrator in certain cases...... . ..m.. 101 101 102 108 126, 126 108 100 71 103 103 72 71 95 95 109 94 9t 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 63 61 67 84 85 61 61 6i 67 81 65 71 Telegraph, Company, may be required to place at exclusive disposal of Qovern- mtnt do line may be constructed by and for use of Government ..., , do enactments, Parliament, respecting use of «.... 80 104 100-102 68 93 94 105 98 66 68 73 74 90 89 99 • Sec CP.R. Act, 44 Vict. Cap. 1. t AnunJcd by Act 44 Via., Ca^, 21. \ \ v 154 INDEX TO EAILWAY ACT. §• •a d o 1 46 2 46 3 9 3 • 28 6 7 19 6 8 7 11 17 17 2,3 • 17 4 17 6 17 6 17 7 17 8 17 9- '.2 • 17 10 tM7 11 28 4 1 18 7 7 16 6 60 & 60 ••••••••• 60 2 60 4 26 25 2 43 60 ■•■ ••••• 7 14 9 5 22 5 9 3 39 42 5 13 6 4 20 12 19 3 9 24 42 19 11 19 19 7 18 19 1-2 19 14 19 14 19 6 19 8 19 7,8 9 27, 23 9 28 7 6 do do do do do do do do do do all Teleerapo Gompany's may be used by Inspecting Engineer do operators to obey orders of do « »•••■ Tenants in tail or for life, kc, may convey lands to Company Tenders for works to be invited by public notice Termini, railway not to extend beyond, in Special Act ''Toll," interpretation of word , Tolls, &c., power, &c., to regulate, for transport of persons, &c do for passengers and goods transported to be fixed by by-law enforcement of psymentof on unclaimed goods to be paid out of proceeds of may be raised or reduced same, to be payable at same time, under same circumstances, upon goods ana by all persons fractions of a mile or ton, how reckoned in charging table of, to be posted where tolls are collected -^ subject vO approval of Governor in Council and publication in Canada Gazette how altered by Order in Council » ^ may be reduced by Parliament by consent for carriage of fler Majesty's mail or forces, &c., enactments by Parlia ment, provisions respecting Town or city, branch line to „ Track, one or more, mav be made ^. _ do none but employes to walk on. » ~ TrafSc, interpretation of > ~ do arrangements may be made by one company with another do railway companies to afford each other every facility for do penalty for neglecting to forward Trains overdue, what notice to be posted at station Trains to start at regular hours, and furnish sufiScient accommodation for passengers and goods » do may be forbidden to run on railway considered dangerous do speed of, and times of running may be regulated by. Trees, power, &c., to fell and remove on either side Trusts, &&, lands conveyed to Company discharged from do Company not bound to see to execution of. Trustees, &c., may convey lands to Company. And Sei Church, School, &c Tunnel to be examined by Engineer directed by Railway Committee do may be condemneo by^ Railway Committee., "Two Justices," interpretation of expression Undertaking, interpretation of word Unsubscribed or forfeited shares, how dealt with. Vactacies in Board of Directors, how filled Valuator, &c., not disqualified unless personally interested. Viaduct may be condemned by Railway Committee, Vice-President to be elected by other u\ 3stors do to act in absence of President Village, branch line to connect with Vote, who entitled to, at election of Directors do each Director to have but one do casting, of Chairman. Votes to be in proportion to number of shares held " and proxies, majority c' to determine question Voting by proxy, permitted to all Shareholders Warrant of possession, to put Company In possession of lands do notice to be given,— deposit of compensation required, and how dealt with > Water course, power to construct railway across or along 105 1C5 71 100 68 62 65 85 86,86 86 86 86 86 86 86.87 87 87 99 67 65 85 110 109 109 III) 97 95 101 lO^J 66 72 91 71 103 103 63 62 92 88 76 103 89 90 67 87 89 8» 88 88 88 76 77 65 • Ste C.P.L. Act, 44 Vict., Cap. 1. t AmtmM by Act 44 Vict., Cop, 21. y^t- & « a* •• 105 „ 105 ., 71 ,, 100 fli 68 ,, 62 ,, 65 • ■ 85 •• 86,86 »* 86 86 86 86 86 86.87 87 87 99 87 65 85 110 109 109 110 97 95 301 lOfi 66 72 91 71 103 103 63 62 92 88 76 103 89 90 67 87 89 89 88 88 88 76 77 65 INDEX TO RAILWAY AQT. 15$ a o a u o a> •a ^ o a OQ GO 9 38, 39 83 7 18 7 8 25 10, 8S 25 ^eeds, noxious, removal of !."...'.".".'!! "."." "'■" Well, branch to connect with lines .^.."..'. " wharves, power tc jiact " " Whistle of locomotive to be sounded arevei^''cros3inB dn^^t^^^"'-!'' Interest of, purchase money ot rent, to be.V.V:;;.; do the railway, provisions respecting..... „ "!!!!!."""! 80 118 67 62 96 118 95 Pacific Railway are 37 V;, c 14 fextend^to N W T hv 4 v ' 1""* ^?,^"' '«^**^"« *<> ^^^ Canadian the firs* of these Railways this Act aDnlies so' S;«Ttf J"' •*'-''^' "' ">-*,? ^- "• " «"»<» I*. To lecond in like manner, un^der 37 y.^c 14, s 4 subs 9 ?o 18 P'"'"""^' "« applicable, s. 2 ; and to the i' I / llsfc.