■^ ,1 ':. -*!-*-»-■ ■ ■ : |5is**i^^^*.««ja^! a^l5:^*4^^UftJ t J ANAI^YTICAI, AND DBSCRIPTIV]^ CATAI^OGTJE OK THK MONTREAL FREE IhIBRARY THIRD EDITION We ought to read plain and devout books 3« V7il1tngly 88 high und profound. ^ ■ i i. • •'•• ■ "'» — « 4-« — '-^ — • '. ••0". » '• " " ". • • • . . • . • • » • MONTREAL I^IBRARY HAI«1„ 1 46 BLEURY STREET 1895 • . . • • • > . .• ' • . • ■• • • « • 4 ft < • • * • « • • « f B. Q. R. ©ontent§ UBRARY REGULATIONS •. , . PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION OF THE CATALOGUE DONATIONS CATAI^OGUE PART FIRST —ORDER OF TITLE I Religfioti and Education SACRED SCRIPTURE : Versions of the Holy Bible. 9 Scriptural Helps 10 LIFE OF OUR LORD li CHURCH HISTORY ....'. 12 HAGIOLOGY •• • M CATHOLIC BIOGRAPHY l8 ASCETICISM : Spiritual Life and Perfection 20 Vocation 33 Maxims and Meditations 33 DEVOTIONS: Our Lord's Incarnation and Passion 33 Sacred Heart of Jesus fj The Mass and Blessed Eucharist 24 The Blessed Virgin Mary 34 Purgatory 34 tsffi EDUCATION 35 IV CONTENTS DOCTRINE : Dogma and Moral 26 Catechetics 27 Parenesis • • . . 27 POLEMICS. 28 CATHOUC TRUTH SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS 3' II Metaphysics and Natural Sciences MENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS 33 PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Mathematics 33 Engineering 34 Astronomy 34 Surveys 34 Geography, Atlasses, etc 34 Chemistry and Physics 35 GEOLOGY : General Principles 35 Geology of Canada 35 Geology of Europe 36 Geology of the United States 37 NATURAL HISTORY : General Principles and Miscellaneous . 38 III ' , ■ History, Biography, Travel. HISTORY : General and Miscellaneous . , . 39 Ancient History 40 Canadian History 40 English History 42 French History 44 Irish History 44 United States History 46 BIOGRAPHY 47 VOYAGES, TRAVELS, EXPLORATIONS 49 CONTENTS V IV I/iterature, Poetry, Fiction IvITERATURE : Principles, Modern Languages 5° Dead Languages 5^ POETRY 54 PROSE FICTION : Novels and Romance .... 5^ Adventure ... 7^ Tales and Legends 7^ V Arts FINE ARTS 8o USEFUL ARTS, TRADES 8l VI Cyclopoedias, Bnglish Dictionaries Sa VII Periodicals 83 VIII Books for the Young 85 PART SECOND — ORDER OF AUTHOR . loi PART THIRD — REFERENCE LIBRARY . ERRATA 19 27 fc 19 II t( 22 29 (( 24 7 55 12 II 56 16 II 62 15 i< 64 17 11 69 16 II 82 6 II 86 2 II 88 35 i> 88 37 i» Bombray read Bombay Garcio. " Garcia Roothan '* Roothaan Coclenbier . , " Coelenbier Rev. Fat " Rev. Father I/ubock " L/Ubbock O'Connor " O'Couor Cathechism...... " Catechism Commandements " Commandments J. T. Necker.... " I. T. Hecker Miller " Milner Marshal " Marshall Burnet " Burnett Durword " Durward Edmond " Edmund Alexandre " Alexander Kind " Hind Edmond " Edmund Author " Anon G'Neil....- " O'Neill Curzan " Ciu^on After the title . , . . insert ( O ) May of read Mary of Proctor " Procter Alexandre " Alexander Ferman " Fernan Riddle " Biddle Martial. " M^ital Edingburgh " Edinburgh Sacraments " Sacraments Filid " Filial Glessf ord " Glossford GesCi Free Library BLEURY ST., MONTREAL. Any bona fide resident of Montreal, irrespective of class or creed, is entitled, under certain conditions, to draw books from the Gss^ Free Library. CONDITIONS. If not personally known to the Librarians or Trustees as a freeholder, the applicant must present a written surety signed by some well-known responsible citizen or firm. The name in full and the permanent address of the appli- cant must be registered, the agreement, as contained in the register, signed, and a catalogue purchased. Should the applicant have no permanent residence, a deposit of one dollar may be required, unless the person signing the surety pledges himself or his firm to make good any damage or loss. A receipt for the deposit will be given and the money returned when the applicant ceases to draw books. At the expiration of two months, if the book be not returned, the deposit slii:ll be forfeited and a new book purchased. After the registration is made and the agreement signed, a card entitling the applicant to draw books shall be given him on payment of one cent. DRAWING OP BOOKS. Duplicate slips, foi ordering books, are furnished by the Library. Both forms are to be filled in and both must bear the date (month, day and year), the full name of the applicant and his permanent address clearly written. a GESU FREE LIBRARY Oti these twin slips ten books are to be set down by letter and number, the first of which will be given, if it be on the shelves, and if not, the second, and so on. One form of the twin-slip is given to the card-holder with the book, the other is retained by the Librarian. On returning the book (which may be kept fifteen days), or on renewing the order for an extension of time, the slip must be presented with the card, OH the book, to the receiving clerk, who records the return of the book on both the card and en tV.e Library check book. The '.ard, with a new slip, may be then presented to the delivery clerks, and a new book drawn, or the old one taken out for fifteen days more. FIN^S. A fine of one cent a day is imposed on readers holding books longer than fifteen days, if payment be not made at once the card is punched, as a reminder, and if after fifteen days more the fine still remains unpaid, the card is taken up. A fine of five cents is imposed for the loss of the check- slip. When the card is lost, fifteen days (required to stop its use in other hands) must elapse, after notice has been given, before it can be replaced, which may be done by paying a fine of five cents. When books are marked, soiled or mutilated while in the possession of a card-holder, the damage shall be fairly estimated by the presiding ofl&cer present and payment required as in case of fines. The paper covers, with which the books are protected, are not to be removed even when torn. No fine is imposed when such covers are worn or soiled, except in the case when they are wantonly torn or disfigured. No attempt to replace the paper covers is to be made unless they be put on without paste, mucilage or glue, GESU FKEE I,IBRAKY 3 BOOKS NOT RBTURNBD. The Library Trustees are instructed to use every means available in law to recover from remiss borrowers missing volumes or their value. The fact that the return of a book is not recorded on both the applicant's card and on the Library check- book is to be taken as proof that the book has not been returned to the Library. In other words, the card- holder is held responsible for the book when it cannot be shown by both card and check-book that the book has been returned. Receiving clerks will consequently check off the books returned in full vie / of the card-holder. RESTRICTIONS. There are several categories of books in the Library : I. Books of ordinary value which are not out of print, and, consequently, easily replaced ; 2. Single books of great value, or volumes belonging to a valuable set, which cannot be replaced unless a new and complete set be purchased ; 3. And finally, works which, though containing much valuable information, are of such a nature as to preclude their being read by all classes of persons, irrespective of age or condition. These books bear a distinctive mark for the direction of the librarians. Valuable books, and those forming a set, are for reference only, and are not to be taken from the hall unless the Trustees, apprised of the urgency of the case, consent. Their full value, however, or the value of the set, must be deposited by the applicant. Of such deposit he will be given a receipt and the sum refunded on the return of the books. Books comprised in the third class are delivered to the applicant for reference only, or for home use, when he presents a written permit signed by the Director of the Library. 4 GKSU FKKK I.IBKAKY BOOKS FOR R^PBR^NCB. To be able to consult books of reference in the Library Hall, no card is required but a special slip is to be filled in. GBNERAI, RECOMMENDATIONS. Should it happen, that while a book is in the possession of a card-holder, any member of the family be stricken with an infectious disease, the book is to be returned not to the ordinary receiving clerks, but to the Director of the Library, that, while being assured of such return, he may have it removed from general circulation. As the main object of this Library is to foster a love of Christian morality and belief, readers are earnestly requested to bring to the notice of the Director any objectionable pas- sage they may meet with in any of the circulating library books. All persons are requested to report any infractions of the Library rules that may come to their notice. The Trustees make this request in the belief that those who receive the benefit of this Library will cheerfully co-operate to prevent its destruction. The form to be signed upon registration is as follows : AGREEMENT. " In signing this Register, I hereby agi..« to abide by the rules and regulations of the Gesu Free Library ; I promise not to soil, nor mutilate, nor otherwise injure books drawn by me, nor to lend them to persons outside my home-circle. ' ' I moreover agree to hold myself responsible for the lo.ss of the books I may draw and do not return in the manner required by the rules of the Library, admitting as proof of their not being returned properly the fact of their not being marked as returned on both my card and on the Library check- book. " I finally promise to pay all fines accruing from keeping books beyond time or for the loss of library slips or cards." atalogae I PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION For many years previous to 1889, the want had been felt of additional reading facilities for the English-speaking population of Montreal. Early in that year, at a meeting of a few of the prominent ladies and gentlemen, Promoters of the League of the Sacred Heart, then recently inau- gurated, it was resolved to undertake the formation of a Library. The chief reason that impelled Ihem to start this work was the want of something of the kind to counteract the evils occasioned by pernicious books and newspapers. It should be a Library reaching beyond parochial limitations, whose benefits every citizen, irrespective of class or creed, might enjoy. The organizers were unanimous that it should be a free t: dilating Library. They were confident, that for its es- tabli.shment and future developement they could count on the united genero.sity and public spirit of the wealthier English- speaking citizens. When once a successful tentative effort had placed beyond doubt its opportuneness, they were fully convinced that all would rally to its support. The proceeds of an Afternoon Tea, given at the Queen's Hall, in the Spring 1889, by Mrs. Thomas McCarthy, Miss A. T. Sadlier and Miss M. J. Gethin, assisted by a number of Lady Promoters, enabled the Committee to make the first purchase of books. The management was entrusted to this same committee under a President responsible to the Sacred Heart Union. 6 PREFACE The MoNTRKAL Frek Library thus organized, and, to a limited extend equipped, was opened on October 4th, 1889, and its satisfactory working from the outset exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its projectors. Beginning with a few hundred volumes, the Library went on increasing from year to year, thanks to the generosity of private benefactors, and to the yearly Afternoori Socials. It has now close on to four thousand volumes on its shelves, comprising the very best works obtainable in almost every branch of literature, as this new Catalogue will testify. The present yearly circulation is fifteen thousand. These figures will show what a want the Montreal Free Library filled, an I what a promising future it has before it if encou- raged. Up to the present time, the Library has had to depend entirely on the Afternoon Teas, and on occasional gifts from private citizens. It is highly desirable that some other source of revenue, less precarious in character, should ensure the growth and permanency of this truly noble work. It is the intention of the Committee to keep abreast of the times by supplying the public with every newly published readable book. But it should be perfectly understood by all, that works, to which any exception may reasonably be taken, have no place on the shelves of the Montreal Free Library. The Committee is aware that this rule will exclude a certain class of writers whose names are well known in the library world. But the Committee feel that it would not be doing its duty to the public of Montreal were it to circulate freely, in thou.sands of homes, works, be they ever so perfect from a literary stand-point, which make little of moral delinquencies, or have a tendency to weaken Christian faith. The religious portion of this Library is, of course, thoroughly Catholic, but as books are not obtruded upon visitors, and as each one is free to make his own selection, those who are not of our creed, have all the other sections of DONATIONS y the lyibrary from which to draw. We know, however, that many, whose views and convictions are widely divergent from our own, are sometimes at a loss for reliable informa- tion as to the real belief of Catholics, or how they deal with certain controverted points of history ; to such every facility will be cheerfully afforded in their investigations. Visitors will, no doubt, be pleased to see that since the issue of our last caialogue, in 1H92, the Library hf*.s been nriched with so maijy standard works, not a few of which are of great value. With the consciousness that its efforts in the past have not been in vain, the Conmiittee, on its side, is stronger in the resolve to carry on the great work, and to spare neither time nor trouble to make this Frke Library a real benefit for the City, and one which, with years, will grow in usefulness. Montreal, November 1 6ih, 1 8(^5 . DONATIONS The Library Committee gratefully acknowledges the fol- lowing donations : Mrs. Alexander Shannon, 1,480 very valuable volumes, 1,180 of which will form the nucleus of a Reference Library soon to be opened to the public. Mrs. Thomas Devine, 200 volumes, mostly' on science, some of very great value. Mrs. James Sadlier, 60 volumes. Rev. Mother Superior of the Good Shepherd, 60 volumes. Mrs. Charles Cusack, 60 volumes. Mr. Herbert J. Codd, books to the value of $70.00. Mr. Charles De Lancy, 10 v^olumes. Mr. C F. Smith, a benefactor in many ways. Doyle & Anderson, yearly donation for the Afternoon Tea. 8 DONATIONS Mr. Robert Archer, Mrs. Thomas McCarthy, Mrs. W. J. Tabb, Mrs. G. M. Coster, Miss H. Laniontagne, Mr. J. Nelson, Mr. T. R. Gethiii, Mi.ss M. J. Gethin, Miss Guerin, Miss M. Hay, have pretjented to the I^ibrary .since its incep- tion many choice volumes. Mr. Michael Sheridan gave a large glazed bookca.se. The late James Sadlier left by will $300.00. Lady Hing.ston gave $ioo.oo ; Mrs. Charles Cusack, $70.00 ; vSir Donald vSmith, $50,00 ; Mr. J. Whelan, $20.00 ; Mrs. Godefrey Weir, $25.00 ; Mrs. D. O'Brien, $15.00. Contributed $10.00 : K . W. McNally, Mr. Michael Mc- Cready, Hon. Honore Mercier, Dr. James Guerin, Mr. Walter Kavanagh, Mr. M. M. Fit/.gibbon and Mr. P. J. Duffy. Contributed $5.00 : Mi.ss Elizabeth SherMan, Mr. C. A. Nelson, Mr. R. W. Smith, Mr. R. McKenna, Mr. H. J. Kavanagh, Mr. John Cox. Mr. Owen Hart, Mr. H. J. Codd, Mr. G. Langan and Mr. Charles P. Hebert. Mrs. Rowell gave $3.00 ; Miss M. Corley, $3.00 ; Mrs. M. P. Ryan. $2.00 ; Mrs. J. Dunn, $2.00 ; Mrs. Michael Dwyer, $2.00; Mr. James Gribbon, $1.50; Mi.ss Helen O'Meara, $1.00 ; Miss G. Whyte, $1.00 ; and many smaller donations were received from others. catalogl:k OP TIIK ©ntifeal Jprfee j^ibrfaif^ PART I -ORDER OF TITLE Sacred S^*'**Pt^'*^ Aiith'trH << (I Rt. Rev. R. Challoner . College of Douay 1 1 < I << . VERSIONS : o-i=r=r® Tiths. Arabice Scripta, Latine reddita Evan- gelia (r) Ex Typ. Medicea,i59i . Celtic Version of the Holy Bible (d) . Dr. William Bedel. . . Bnglish Version : Bible from the Vulgate and Bible Dictionary, The Holy (r) . Bible from the Vulgate, VI. I. " Vol. II " Vol. Ill *i Vol. IV New Testament from the Vulgate Bible from the Vulgate College of Douay French Version : Bible, Lat. etFr., Vol. I, LaSte(R) L'Abb6 Glaire . . . Vol. II, " (r) " ... Vol. Ill " (R) " ... Lat. Text, Com. of M6nochius, and Paraphrase, Genesis and Exodus, Vol. I (d) Rev. F. DeCarrieres . Leviticus to Deuteronomy, Vol. 11 (D) Josue to II Kings, Vol. Ill (d) . 9 College of Rheims ( < (C Shel/-No. A 8l I 56 A 77 G430 G431 G432 G433 H264 C 105 A 78 A 79 A 80 C 128. C 129 C 130 lO ORDER OF TItLK [Scriptural Helps] Titlet. Autkon. SMf-No. Ill Kings to II Paralipomenon, Vol IV (D) Rev. F. DeCarri^res . . C 131 Esdrastojob, Vol. V(d). . . " . . C 132 Psalm.s, Vol. VI(d) " • . C 133 Proverbs to Eccles. , Vol VII (d) " . . C 134 Ecclesiastes to Isaias,Vol.VIII(D) '* . . C 135 Jeremias to Baruch, Vol. IX (d) '* . . C 136 Ezechiel to Joel, Vol. X (D) . . " . . C 137 Amos to II Macliabees, Vol. XI (d) " . . C 138 St. Matliew to St. Luke, Vol. XII (D) •' . . C 139 St. John to Rp. to Romans, ' Vol. XIII D) " . . C 140 Corinthians to Philemon, Vol. XIV (D) '• . . C 141 Hebrews to Apocalypse, Index, etc., Vol. XV (D) " . . C 142 Graecum, Novum Testamentum . . G. W. Dakins . . . . G 440 Hebraica, Biblia (r>) K. Van Der Hooght . , C 106 Vulgatae Editionis, Biblia Sacra (d) . Sixti V C 127 Scriptopal Helps Concordantiarum SS. Scripturae Ma- nuale (r) DeRaze, etc D 145 Divine Armory of H. Scripture, The. Rev. Kenelm Vaughan. I i Brrata of the Protestant Bible. . . . Thomas Ward A 41 Gospels and of Catholic Worship, Ex- planation of Rev. Richard Brennan . K 1 6 History, Bible '. . Rev. Joseph Reeve . . H 269 Hist. Ste. de I'Anciea Test. (r). . . Rev. N. Talon, s.j. 1688 A 82 Introduction to the Sacred Scripture. Rev. J. MacDevitt. . . C 78 Parables Explained, Divine Rev. J. Prachensky, S.J. G 12 " . . . . " G273 Ritual of the New Testament .... Rev. T. E. Bridgett . . F 22 ORDSR OP TITtB Lc^fc of Qiiv Ixord TUlet. Authori. Life of Our Lord St. Bonaventure. . . Life of Our Saviour and St. Peter (r) ilev. S. B. Smith . . Life of Our Lord, Vol. I Rev. H. J. Coleridge, s. " Vol. II 2. The Works and Word.s of Our Saviour •' 3. The Story of the Gospels ... " The Holy Infancy : 1. The Preparation of the Incarna- tion *' 2. The Nine Months 3. The Thirty Years " The Public Life of Our Lord : 1. The Ministry of St. John Baptist. " 2. The Preaching of the Beatitudes, ist Part 3. The Sermon on the Mount, 2nd P. '* 4. •' " 3rd P. 5. The Training of Apostles, ist P. •* 6. •' " 2nd P. 7. " " 3rd P. 8. " " 4th P. 9. ThePreachingof theCross, ist P. ,^ " ID. " " 2nd P. II. " " 3rd P. The Return of the King — The Latter Days •' The Baptism of the King — The Sacred Passion *' The Prisoners of the King — Pur- gatory " The Mother of the King — Mary dur- ing O. L's Life . " . . The Mother of the Church — Mary in the Apostolic Age " Prince and Saviour ........ Rosa Mulholland . . It Sh-lf-No. . D 84 . A 2 J- F 304 F y>5 E 325 F 326 K 306 F 307 F 308 F309 F 310 F 311 F 312 F 313 F 314 E 315 F 316 F 317 F 318 F 319 F 322 F 320 G269 F 323 F 324 H 50 12 ordrrJof^titl^ Titlen. Author*. Cath. Church, Vol. I, Hist, of the (d) L'Abb6 J. E. Darras Vol. II, " (d) •' Vol. Ill, " (D) " " Vol. IV, " (D) " Cath. Church, Vol. I, Hist, of the (d) Dr. H. Brueck •• Vol II. " (d) China, Tartary&Thibet, I, Ch'tyiii(D) L'Abbd Hue Vol. II, " (d) Vol. I, Vol. II. " " Christian Church from the Apex:. . . Sig. Pastorini II II II Christian Church, History of the (d) Kev. Joseph Reve Christian Schools and Scholars . (d) Augusta T. Drane Church of the Fathers, The Cardinal Newman Church History, A Rev. R. Brennan GhiiPch History SkeU-lfo. . B i8o . B i8i . B 182 B 183 . B 276 . B 277 . G 30 . G 31 , G 69 G 70 . F 421 • F424 . C 9.5 • C 5 H257 , G 122 G348 Confession, History of Rt Rev. L. deGoesbriand H 87 Converts to Rome W. Gordon Gorman Crusades, Vol. I, History of the . . . Joseph F. Michaud " Vol. II, " ... " Vol. Ill, " ... Dark Ages, The (D) S. R. Maitland . . Drink, The Discipline of Rev. T. E. Bridgett Harly Ages, Triumph of the Church in the (d) Rev. England, Vol. I, Dodd's Ch. Hist, (d) Rev. Vol. II, " (d) Vol. Ill, •' (d) Vol. IV, " (D) Vol. V, " (d) Eucharist, VI. I, Hist, of the Bl. (d) Rev. T. E. Bridgett Vol. II, " (D) Formation of Christendom, Vol I, (d) T. W. Allies . . . Vol. II, (d) " ... Vol. Ill (d) " ... Vol. IV (D) " ... E413 G 53 G 54 G 55 C 8 H 30 Ambro.se Manahan B M. A. Tierney (( C C c c c B B B B B B 59 73 74 75 76 77 64 65 77 78 79 80 [Church History^ ORDBR OF TITLK TtV/e*. A uthur*. Shrl/-iVo. Formation of Christendom, Vol. V (d) T. W. Allies B 8i (4 Vol. VI (n) •' Vol. VII(D) '• Gentilism ; Religion previous to Chris- tianity (d) Rev. Aug. Th^baud, S.J Hierarchy deposed by Elizabeth . . Rev. T. E. Bridgett . . B B 82 83 i\ «< I Historical Papers, Vol. I Rev. John Morris, s.j Vol. II Ireland Among the Nations .... esuits; Hi.st. of their Suppression . esuits, The . . esuits, their Found, and Hist. Vol. I Vol. II esus, Short History of the Soc. of . . iries and Errors of History, Some . . L^urdes Rev. R. F. Clarke, s. j gourdes and its Miracles *' B 118 E414 F103 F 5 . . F 6 Rev. J. Cleary H 166 Rev. Arthur Weld, S.J E 407 Paul F^val H 157 H 158 H 159 H 160 ...... H 161 H 162 B. N E 230 " E231 A. Wilmot E 456 Rev. Reuben Parsons . F 3 H 144 F 220 ourdes, The Wonders of Miss A. T. Sadlier amertine. Victims of the Rev. A. J. O'Reilly Missions and Missionaries, Western . Missions in America, Catholic. . . . Monies of the West, Vol. I, The (d) Vol.11 Vol. I Vol. II .Vol.1 Vol. II Few York, Early Cath. Church of . . ►ur I I Mary Magdalen, Life of St . . . . Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Life of St Mary of Egypt, etc. Life of St. . . It 1 1 Monica, Life of St More, Life of Blessed Sir Thomas Patrick, Life of St Aiithom. Shelf -No. Rev. Charles C. Pise . G 117 Mrs. Parsons H 26 Anon L 34 Rev. Francis Goldie, s.j. I 46 H 178 David Lewis H 145 G 39 Edw. Healy Thomp? jn E 319 Rev. Joseph Boero, s. j. Anon F 219 Rt. Rev. J. T. Mullock . I 42 A Sister of Mercy ... D 98 A Redemptorist Father E 312 L'Abbe Gerbert. . . . E 301 Rev. John B. Feuillet . H 193 Rev. B. Wilberforce . . E 278 Rev. Chs Piccirillo, s.j. H 183 Anon H 188 " H 179 Rev. G. Tickell, s. j. . H 202 Mgr. Bougaud . . . . D 100 Rev. J. A.M. Fastre, s.j. E 309 Rev. John H. Pollen, s.j. E 300 Mrs. Pope E 299 Rev. A. J. O'Reilly . . E 308 H314 Mrs. M. F. Seamer . . H 7 Rev. Joseph Boero, s.j. H 37 H 33 Rev. Thomas Preston . K 31 Rev. A. E. Farrington . G321 Anon . I 43 " I 44 " . .' H255 L'Ahbc Bougaud. ... D 87 Rev. T. E. Bridgett . . E 233 Anon H 164 Rev. M. J. O'Farrell. . G 45 [Hagiohgy] Titles. Patrick, Life of St. (d) . . . . Paul of the Cross, Life of St . . Rodriguez, Life of St. Alphonsus Saintly Characters ORDER OF TITLE 1 7 AiithorK. Shelf-No. Rev. James H. Todd . . B 223 Father Pius G 46 Rev. Francis Goldie, s.j. F 375 Rev. Will. H. Nelligan. H 181 G112 Saints, Vol. I, Lives of the (d) " Vol. II, " (d) " Vol. Ill, " (D) " Vol. IV, " (n) Sales, Life of St. Francis of . . Servants of God, True Seton, Life of Mrs. Fliza A. . . Six Saintly Queens, Lives of . . Spinola, S.J., Life of Blessed Charles, Rev. Jos. Brockaert, s.j. E 292 E293 Stanislaus Kotska, S.J., Story of St. . Rev. H. J. Coleridge Edward H. Thomp.son Rev. Alban Butler . . B25.S 1 1 B 259 t ( B 260 t ( B 261 Robert OriLsby .... E 287 Anon H116 Rev. Charles J. White . E371 Anon H175 Stories of the Saints Mrs. M. F. Seainer E 27 E 282 E283 H 55 " " . . H 56 " " . . H 62 •' " . . H 63 Theresa, Life of St Anna Porter E 290 L' Abbe Marie Joseph . E 321 WondersoftheHeartofSt., Mgr. Vaccari . .... G 16 Thomas Aquinas, Life of St Rev. Pius Cavanagh . . G 59 " . . . . Anon H146 .... " G457 Thomas of Canterbury, Life c. St . . Rev. John Morris, s.j. . E 277 Thomas Villanova, Life of St . . . . Rev. Claude Mainbourg E 286 Three Phases of Christian Love . . . Lady Herbert V 209 Vincent of Paul, Life of St Henry Bedford Winifred and St. Catherine, Life of St., Anon .... Working Class, Saints of the .... " Xavier, Life of St. Francis Rev. D. Bartoli, s.j. G 40 I 45 T 51 H115 D 99 1 8 ORDER OF TITLE Gatl^olie Biograpt^y Tillea. Authom. Shetf-No. AdelvStan, lyife and lyctters of the Countess Rv.E.A.Marquigny, s.j. H118 Ball, Life of Mary Teresa Bernard, Life of Father. . . . . . . P. Claessens E 298 Bosco, Life of Dom Lady Martin E 486 Bretenieres, Life of Rev. Just de . . Mj;r. d'Hulst E 315 Carvajal, Life of Luisa de Lady Georgi'a FuUerton H 182 Catholic Pioneers of America (d) . . O' Kane Murray. ... 1) 6 Children of Mary, Lives of Anon H 199 Clerc, S. J., Life of Father Alexis . . Rev. Charles Daniel, s.j. E 242 " . . " F 207 u.. . <« P208 Converts, The Young, Mrs. Julia C. Smalley . G 250 D'Ars, The Cure L' Abbe Alfred Monnin. E 316 Doric, Life of Henry L'Abbe Ferd. Baudry . H 40 Doyle, VI. I, Life and Times of Dr. (d) Wm John Fitzpatrick . B 231 " Vol.11, " (d) " . B 232 Duchesne, Life of Rev. Mother . . . Lady Georgi'a Fullerton F 469 Kaber, Life and Letters of Rev. F.VV. Rev. John Fdw. Bowden F 343 Gerard, vS. J., Life of Father J. . . . Rev. John Morris, s.j. . D 5 Guerin, Journal of Eugenie de. ... G. S. Trebutien ... F 268 " ... " ... F 288 Hecker, Life of Father Rev. Walter Elliott . . B 60 Heroines of Charity Anon ........ H 106 " H225 Houban, Life of Father Charles. . . Rev. Father Austin . . F 7 Ignatius of St. Paul, Life of Father . Rev. Father Pius . . . D 4 Joan of Arc Judge John O'Hagan . F 4 Jogues, S.J., Life of Father Isaac . . Rev. Felix Martin, s.j. E 313 Kelly, Life of Rv. Moth. Mary Teresa Kathleen O' ivlcara. . . L 44 I/antard, Life of Amelie " . . G 14 Las Casas, Life of Bartholomew de. . Anon E 243 Lateau, Life of Louise Dr. Lefebvre I 48 Legras, Life of Mademoiselle .... Anon E 307 L^o X^Ll. Life and Acts of fn) . . , Rev. Joseph Keller, s.j. D 28 Lopez, Gregory, Life of Canon Doyle E 297 Lucas, Life of Frederick Edward Lucas . . . . C 6 {Catholic nio}rraphy\ ordkr ok titi,e ' io TitlcH, Aiilhori. Shelf- No Lucas, Li fc of Frederick Kdward Lucas C 7 Maid of Orleans, The Rev. F. M. Wyndham... K 384 Margaret's Convent, Fdinburgh, Hist. ''^^^•^°* Rt. Rev. Wni. Smith... €113 Mariede la Providence. Lady Georgi'a Fullerton G 320 Mary of St. Peter, Life of Sister L'Abb^ Janvier G 51 Mary's Convent, York, Hist, of St.... Henry James Coleridge E 306 Matthew, Memoirof the V.R.Theobald Rev. James Bermingham F 266 Milner, Life of Bishop D. D. Husenbeth B 75 Miraniion, Life of Maria Bonneau de, Cecilia M. Caddell L 43 Moreno, Life of Garcio Rev. P. A. Berthe ...... K 235 McAuley, Life of Catlierine Bishop O'Brien F467 McHale, Life of Bishop Rev. Ulick J. Burke G 52 Nagle, LifeofNano Rev. William Hutch D 88 Names that Live in Catholic Hearts... Anna T. Sadlier F is;5 Narischkin, Life of Natalie Mrs. Au-ustus Craven " K 410 Ne'wman. Vol. L Letters of J. H. (d) Anne Mo/.eley F 249 Vol.L «' (D) - D % " Vol. n, -^ - „,) u j^ ^l O/anam, Life of Frederick Kathleen O'Meara .... 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G286 I^etters to Persons in Religion .... St Francis of Sales. F 352 " in the World. . . " F 30^ Ufe, A Christian Rule of St. Alph. De Liguori . . L 36 love of God St. Francis of Sales ... K 26 F 353 Mother, The Christian . Rt. Rev. W. Cramer, d.d L 33 Paradise of God Anon H 19 Peace. Way of Interior Rev. Fath. DeLehen,s.j. F 374 Penitents, The Love of Jesus for . . Henry Edward Manning L 27 Piety, Christian Charles Gobinet, d. d. . K 24 Practical St. Francis of Sales. . . H 20 Prayer, On St. Alphonsus Liguori . L 14 " Simplicity in Anon I^ 26 Salvation and Perfection, Means of . St. Alponsus Liguori E 268 " The Way of «< * ' E 273 Sanctity, The Secret of St. Frs. of Sales and Fr. _ , Crasset, s. j Gin ^"■"P^es Frederick Wm. Faber . G283 Sick, Daily Life of the L'Abb6 H. Perreyve . . F 358 Simplicity Frederick Wm. Faber . G287 Sin and its Consequences Henry Edward Manning F 356 Sms of the Tongue Monseigneur Landriot . E 260 .< p J Spiritual Conferences Frederick Wm. Faber . 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