lay <* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / d? &.. % 1.0 I.I 1^ t 1^ IL25 i 1.4 — 6" 2.5 12.2 2.0 1.6 Photographic ^Sciences L'orporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 A iV iV :\ \ ^«/ (lmi» und Pr,}duce Eifhatujf. Following is the substance ot a Report made to the Winnipeg Board of Trade and the Winnipeg Grain and Produce Exchange, by S. W. Farrell & Co., and adopted by both bodies : Tlu' ostimnUd harlov cro|» of 1>SS7 in Manitoba \va.s only -J.OOO.oOO bnshel.s. Tliis shows that (Mil- farniors have n(*t vet tak.'n that interest in the j^Towtli of bailey which its in»portancc siion.d eoniinan.i. Instemi o'i' inakini; early .icliveiy in a.lvanet- of wheat the t«irloy wa,s helil baek to the manifest injury of the pru.lurer. Karly n»atkelni<,' -,Mves a l>ettcr priee, as tht^ grain can be shipped by rail and water to points ui the United Suites, and the Americans are, at present, our best customers. The Ontario farmer markets his barley as tarly in SeptemlM-r ns is possible. The Manitoba farmer so ftir, has not begun t.. d.liver b.-fore November. We desire to point out to the fanners of Manitoba that it much .Mneerns thtin to mukt- special eir(»rts in the direction of raising first the Donunion standards. VVe would suggest to v..ur Hoard that there is no possibility of fairly judging of the relative value of our bar- ley as coinjiared with tliat raised in Ontario, according to the standards now in force. We consider tllac li<'ht l»arh'y, say 4+ to +;• poun. :'> barley exported fr.m Manitoba was well suited for lie- mainifacture ..f goo.l malt, the dew stain on ..ur grain ernes' i •.■ rea.lily in st.'.'ping than the weath.M-staine.l )cinils of other districts It take'!^ about 1^ hours longer to "stcj.. «itli m.-r.' fre.pieiit .hanges ..f tb.' water, result- ini: in an astonishing brightness in .-olor when finished. A g 1 many ears were inspecte.l here an.l elass.'d as "rej.'cted," -.imply because the barl._\ . though h.;.vy an.l fairly goo.l, was so dirty that it i- almost inconceivable that fanneis w.udd market grain in sd.b eonditioii when a little troubU- ex- pended wouhl cleanse it thoroughly. This •rejecte.l ' has. t.. extent. Inen shippe.l to the east tot feed, an.l pn.babiy is the barley otf.-ie.l for sr,'il in Ontari... against which the Tor.mto Hoard of Tratle has Ixjen warning farmers. Manitoba ship|.ers have ha.i a great .leal i.. .onten.l with, ..wing t.. preju.lices raised by ship- ments in IS.s.jol sliehtlv frost.'.! grain, but chiefly by Ontario .lealcrs mixing inferior varieties of Ontaiiogr..wn barley w"ith the Manitoba probi -t" whi.h mixtuiv will n..t st.-ep or grow proj.erly, in fa«-t both samides aiv sp..iled, for the Manitoba barley, owing to its hardness an.l great, r weight, iXMMjires tr..m \.i to IS h..urs longer sU'cping. This acc.unts for the staleinents made that at 40 per cent of .'ur barlev ssill n..t g.-rminat.-, but f..itunat.-ly w.- ean pr.Mlu.e statements of fact-s to sh..w that tb.- opp.'.sit.- ..f this is the ca.s.- Tli-- lollowing is a eon.leiise.l ivp.ut tftken fiirof the .if the opinion, that f the same ipiantity of best California." We also gave instructions to our brewer to make three special brewings, one from Manitol)a barley, one from 1' t western barley and one from Ontai-io bailey, in order t > faiily tost their respective merits. The result ivas Jour and one- half harreb more ale per 100 hiiKltcIs from Munitoha mult than from iventern, and grf(i(ring lull prices. If the farmers 'jf Manitoba will make up their nunds to produce such bailey as we have des- crilxjd, they can rely upon obtaining the very best prices prevailing, for there is no doubt but that a goo«l demand will spring up Malsters want the best barley that can be had, and if they can pro- cure it in Manitola they will s(>nd their orders here. We advise farmers t) get ready to supply them. We have good hopes of obtaining lower freight rates in the near future, the benefit of which will go to the producer, and make the raising of barley even more |trofitable than it has been in the paht. The crop iwi suie one in this country if propeily taken care of Let farmers use oidy the best and cleanest of seed, have the groun-l properly prejiared, give strict attention to sDwing and harvesting, properly thresh ami clean the giain, deliver early in the season, and the result will be highly .satisfactory. VViNNiPKci, Man., Sud April, \hsh. PLEASE POST THIS UP. ^yap-