IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // m// V. >>?«scawwMiillMnMIMMN>' ' LIST OF CONTESTANTS* J. M. Robinson, Jr., Neptune Rowing Club. J. E. Cornwall, W. W. Baird, J. Lee Day, Sidney Emerson, Duncan Robertson, H. A. Brennan, T. R. Ellis H. B. Robinson, H. A. Porter, Ralph W. Clark, C. E. MacMichael, Jr., George Blizard, Alexander Baillie, K. Bostwick, G. A. Jones, George Kirk, W. J. McShane, Rowland Frith, Dr. W. L. Ellis, John McHale, Miles Carroll, James F. Carney, Olie Moore, Charles Proctor, Thomas Griffan, Nicholas Kennedy, Carl Shaffer, John Ross, • f H. M. S. Polymorphians. Contestants may be distinguished by color of their Cap in each event, 'tnvKjimimiaum mmm AFTERNOON PROGRAMME. lub. Regatta and Water Sports AT LILY LAKE, ROCKWOOD PARK UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF The Neptune Rowing Club. ans. OFFICERS, 1899, and REGAHA COMMIHEE. JOHN I. ROBINSON, President. . HEBER VROOM, ist Vice-President. GEORGE McAVITY, 2nd Vice-President. ROWLAND FRITH, Secretary. J. MORRIS ROBINSON, Jr., Treasurer. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND, Captain. STEWARDS: E. S. GEROW, J. FRED DRISCOLL, F. A. KINNEAR, W. W. BAIRD, V^. PERCY ROBINSON, H. A. BRENNAN, J. H. KIMBALL. event. OFFICERS OF THE DAY. JOHN McKELVIE, Referee. T. T. LANTALUM, Judge at Finish. ROBT. FULTON, Judge at Turn. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND, Starter. First Event to be Called at 2.30, Sharp. EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON have always a full line of the Newest Makes and Colorings in Fine Worsted Suitings. FIRST EVENT. DOUBLE SCULLS (Wherries), Jst Heat Clark and McMiciiakl 1^^'*1 vs. Baikd and Du. W. L. Ellis, White Won by . SECOND EVENT. SINGLE CANOE (Quarter Mile). J. M. RouiNSoN, I^ed Cornwall, White Baird, Blue j)^Y l^^d and White Won by Second. Great Bicycle Sale. We Must sell Every Wheel on hand. Have no room to carry stock. For the next ten days, or until every Wheel is disposed of, we will make special prices on the celebrated Featherstone Bicycles, for cash only. At the prices we will make we hope the stock will last but a few days ; so if you are thinking of buying a Wheel, you had better avail yourself of this great opportunity. The Featherstone is not a cheap Wheel, but high grade, equal to the best offered in the market, but we have no room to properly display and carry them over, and must dispose of them even if without profit. We also carry a full assortment of Base Balls, Tennis, Cricket, and all kinds of Sporting Goods, Hammocks, etc. If you are in want of anything in this line, ask for our prices. wmmmmsi f- — EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON import the finest Woolens and Trimmings to be obtained. THIRD EVENT. DOUBLE SCULL (Pleasure Boats with Coxswain), POLYMORPHTANS IN COSTUME. Beep Eaters. John McHale, Miles Carroll, James F. Carney. Armoured Knights. Olie Mooro, Charles Proctor, Thos. Griffan. HlOIILANDERS. N. Kennedy, Carl Shaffer, John Ross. Won by Second. TbeBest COAL Will always cost more than the cheaper grades, but it pays to buy the best, and In the end the best is the cheapest. There are numerous grades of Hard Coal. We only import those which in our thirty-five years' experience we have proved to be the best value for the , money. We keep the best varieties of Hard and Soft Coal always in stock. R. P. & W. F. STARR, 49 Smythe Street. Red Rose TEA Telephone 9. Is Advertised by those who use it. Drink it once and you are likely to tell your friends how good it is. EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON, Tailor*, guarantee to latUfy Gentlemen favoring them with a call. FOURTH EVENT. DOUBLE SCULLS (Wherries), 2nd Heat. Brknnan and T. 11. KuAH lletl 3. M. ROIHNSON AND CORNWALL, White Won by . . WE CARRY IN STOCK . . 3 WALL TENTS 7x9 feet ; 8x12 feet ; 9x14 feet. ROUND TENTS. 8 feet Diameter. And can furnish to order any size wanted. Forest's Celebrated Trout and Salmon Flies. Fishing Rods, Lines, Reels, Tackle of all kinds. Spaulding's Base Ball Goods, Tennis Balls. Golf Clubs and Balls. Columbia, Hartford, and Jubilee Bicycles. W. H. THORNE & CO. Limited. MARKET SQUARE. You will always find satiifaction in your dress if you leave your orders at EDGECOMBE k CHAISSON'S. FIFTH EVENT. CRAB RACE (100 yards), Single. ContOHtant kncolH in bow of cunoo M'a\ puddles forward. Blizari), Red Cornwall, White Baird, Blue Baillie, Red and White BosTWiCK, Red and Blue H. B. Robinson, Blue and White H. A. Porter, Red, White and Blue Won by Second Have No EquaL A. A. Choc olates — Thirty Varieties. We Defy Competition. Red Seal Ice Cream Chocolates FOUR FLAVORS. Vanilla^ Lemon, Orange^ Pineapple FRUIT FLAVORS. Our lOo. Package of these Goods will be on the Market soon, keep a look out. A. A. McCLASKEY & SON. Ice Cream Chocolates ""f-^rmmmmm^ ■PMIViPppMIHi»B^<1S»fiMMIK*li ■/ You will always find satisfaction in your dress if you leave your orders at EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON'S. SIXTH EVENT. TUG OF WAP. (Paddling in Punts.) NEPTUNES (RED) vs. POLYMOIIPHIANS (BLUE). Neptinies. — PouTKn, Day, McMiciiapx, Kirk. Polymorphians. -McHalf., Cauuoll, Carnky, Moore. Watch the losing Crew. Won by SEVENTH EVENT. DOUBLE CANOE (Half Mile). J. M. Robinson and Cornwall, Red Day a\d Robertson, White Frith and Emerson, TAue H. B. Robinson and Porter, Red and Wiiite Won Ly Second ALWAYS ASK FOR JoM Lahatfs '^^^ Ale and Stout They are Equal to any Imported anci Better than I Domestic Goods on the 'Market. If vour dealer can- not supply you call at the St. ychn Agency J 51 Dock Street. Telephone 596. 1 J i EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON import their Goods direct from England^ Scotland and Germany. EIGHTH EVENT. WATER DERBY (100 yards). Contestants paddle on barrels. JoNKS, Red BosTwiCK, White Clizard, Blue Porter, Red and White H. B. Robinson, Blue and White Won by Second FREE REPAIRS ARE MADE TO DUNLOP TIRES at the Company's Depot, JO WATER STREET, SAINT JOHN, N. B. F. H. TIPPET, Manager. I EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON import the finest Woolens and Trimmings to be obtained. NINTH EVENT. TILTING TOURNAMENT (Three Boots in Canoes). One Man paddles and Tilter stands in bow. J. M. Robinson and Cornwall (Red), vs. Day and Robertson (White). H. B. Robinson and Porter (Blue), vs. Baird and Blizard (Red and White). Winners of the two bouts to tilt in final. Won by Second. TENTH EVENT. WALKING GREASY POLE (Bare Feet). Open to all-comers. Anyone may have the Pig by simply walking out the pole and taking it, getting ashore any way he pleases. Won by i Call at GIBBON & GO'S New Coal Dock Smythe Street, near North Wharf . . AND SEE THEIR . . Au tomatic C o al Handling Ma chinery , • Wi nd E ngine, Wood Splitting and Sawing Machin es, Etc. AND LEAVE AN ORDER. EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON'S Trouserings and Fancy Vestings wiJ' found very nobby. ly EL ^NTH EVENT. DOUBLE iCULLS (Wherries). Final. Winners of fiist heat (Red) vs. winners of second heat (White). Won by Second TWELFTH EVENT. HURRY SCURRY (Quarter Mile) (Canoes). 1st gun, start paddling on both knees ; 2nd, paddle stand- ing erect ; 3rd, jump clear of and swim with canoe; 4th, get back into caroe and finish on gunwale. Blizard, Red Baird, Blue Day, Blue and White Jones, White H. B. Robinson, Red &, White Porter, Red and Blue Won by Second. r The Victoria -Montreal Fire Insurance Company Capital: $1,000,000 Head Office: MONTREAL. GEO. ANDERSON, Manager for THOMAS A. TEMPLE & SONS, General Agents for the Maritime Provinces. 92 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, Telephone 266 ST. JOHN, N. B. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. All classes of desirable property insured at very lowest rates. See us befj.e effecting your insurance. 1^. EDGECOMBE & CHAISSON'S Fall Importations will consist of the Newest and Best Goods obtainable. THIRTEENTH EVENT. NOVELTY RACE (100 yards). Contestants may use anytliing except a boat or canoe. Blizaui), Red Baiud, Bonnet Jones, White H. B. KoniNSON, Red & White McSiiANE, Blue. Won by Second. Day, Blue and White Baillie, Red, White and Blue Porter, Red and Blue Cornwall, .... White Beaver FOURTEENTH EVENT. SWIMMING RACE. Wm. H. Irvine, Blue ; Allan Leavitt, White ; Herb. Lyons, Red ; and others. Won by Second Save your Programme and go to the Athletic Grounds to-night. Just Run Your Finger Over the Top Edge of a STANDING COLLAR we Launder. NOTICE ITS SMOOTHNESS! That's a Moulded, Bevel Edge. The result of Hand- work—by a Special Operator— with a New Device. Nothing lil