' -l^lty'flf^ ' f 1"^ A> '^•'i-^I. ' ' ,"t ■',•*• -J ^ r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ■f-i' V 1.0 ^utus 12^ /~ I.I lU m m S 1^ 120 !» - IL25 III 1.4 1.6 PhotographiG - Sdfflices - Corporalm ■£" 4^ ^^ ■*\ v> ^^^^-o v\ 11 WBT MAIN STMIT '«mKTM.N.Y. I4SM -• *A A. f:<^ 4^ O CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ! . / Canadian Instituta for Histbrical Micrqraproductiont / Inttitut Canadian da micrdraproductiona hittoriquaa I. Mlfhlimii ltoul*««i<|. la. DiiiM I 1.1 Llliahnr lM«lrht 14. M><'hi|l»ii •Mil lllluota UWUkl. vietvm: IT UMna Puk. il Uk* rarl k*. '. . . Tha imagas appaaring ha«« ara tha bast quality poasibia considanng tha eonditiort ahdiagibility of tha original cqpy ind In kaaping with tha filming contract spacificatlons. Original copiM in printad papar covars ara filmad beginning with tha front eOMt and adding on tha last paga with a printad or illustratad impraa- sion. or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original copiaa ara filmad baginning on tha first paga with a printa<^ or iiluatratad impraa- slon. and anding on tha last paga with a printad or illustratad imprassion. Tha laat racordad frama on aach microficha shaN contain tha symbol — ».(niaaning "COW- .TINUEO"). or tha symbol V (niaaning "END") wMchavar appiia*. m ,. M«P«. piatiM. charts, ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba •ntiraly includad in ona axpoaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand eomar, laft to right and.^p to bottom, aa many framas ss raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: L'axamplaira filmi fut raproduit grica * la g4n4rosit« da: .*■*, L«?*'-■ ■^j*- ^Qt- ^'>^ 4 TR«.m8 iDKttir. «k T. ItTO OHtOMM. IXIm <-« «t T URioi^ -^Bar^k^of^ Gapada Papital I^'aid-JJp, j^ EST. $1,200,000 223,00^ ^^'^^^fiff^^^ HEAD OFFICE, -^ QUEBEC --*>— -ABOARD OF DIRECTORS^--— V-- ANDREW THOMSON, EHQ.. PRESIDENT. HON E. J. PRICE, - VICE PRESIDENT D. C. THOMSON, ESQ. , E. J. HA^E, ESQ. E. OIROrx, ESQ. I JAS. KING, ESQ., M.P.lO SIR A. T. GALT, G. C. M. G. E. E. WEBB, General Manager. - . J. 0. B I LLETT. Inspector. ^^ \ 'Aloxandria, Out. s^'t . Carlwrry, Mnn. Ohestorvillo, Ont. Iro. Ont. 1, Out. Ntor, Out. Ltd. Natioiml Bnnk Njitioiiftl Bank NiUiotiAl Bank .''J PSr^^^ P^,£3a^ ^^^45to^^^^^ '* 1 fc.,T^r,,>. ^r,„ > .....^ ^^^^^g^^^a^^ MB.^^^ ■ "■ '^rt^^W ** *1 AMoim RUTi^ ,Ut»^|M tiM WorM UkiaeliT 9,S00.000 Rii>h«la . I'OLICB MoKir»» M lUinuMfcW ~ I'uin '1 5-, ■ OHun Movnun-Uncoliil'ark.f t '■ ^ i!^^- - ■;... .^.Vv^ fr ',■■■ ■■ . -Jh*"-— ' r TT" wiiMiiiirii|4| ••*•« 1" < r- ^: f-'' ■te,,:; - ' " * ''•■■ ■ "■.• ^ ■■ '■■■-. 'j''' j'. .^ • ^ MMo/r : ■ ■ "' •*> ■ o 1 mrt) ^ ks^ Mr r « ' I r j^k ■ 1 'i ■ 1: "i# •r^^ " < ;^.^ie^'.«4eke:». ■•^°~- - ■ *'*'^ BSE?* ^f*.. iT-e. ^^Tai:, s,^IP*|r." ""'HatfW" tSS*' •»•>> ^»'«rv%»>^ -.*. » ''^s«flN2' f! I'mrjon tiin NtiannruniOi n«p«r ..' ' . ■- , '«? ■ ■ tVtLii SmrRT l»«r<»T I^^^HST '^5 T« IITWH .„^' |i ^frt^P f'SIF^.,'-^ ^. ^ ^p nil— 1 ' ^•» > vT^." "f " ■■*■■ lgj£i ^ -''!.•-• 15 :' -.„. ^,,ii.winiii«Ij^- .^..^Mmiiu- . mi JlSiii||«*lr^^^^^s«*^ illillfr igii^i ;,„ ,;^, «^ M, CMMi«|v «{|. '.%--W)aU-a''MlinMu JtM ij I *'* " «. ■*• ■•»' JHWBwf npiWBW*^- - 1. iNMMiMii'MM TiMk. SSI t. IMnI HnntmiA II MIrhInn MnitonMI. V i l l i i«" iP* K£ ■)*■ isn isvk; vip:w ^MMWMNMmMl IT DkImi Pwft. It. UalM l>Hft. la HaakaMt I'M* 1*1 I^WaMsH 593. -asis a>nt«iwi^ i«M, •« nsTKB HOY, < rur'AO... I w 4 "I'V 1S\^' -- »"«-»*H. "* "^ap .mMM^ T"^"' "'^■^B^ii i^ii^nilW^ ■ ■ '■ ■ — AND — CHICAGO BEfNG A COMPLETE DIRECTORY AND miDE — TO THE- ^ AND ALL OTHER POINTS OF. INTEREST. A COMPLETE HlSTORV CONTAINED WITHIN A FEW PAGES. *. - /j/.rf>^ /*oro^*/v .o;„^/,„/ Experfs,ana t^oughf Oown \o dot. ^'','' MATTEJ«/" »..' »-»■ mesi BUB ti f»s.wi .ui-'„i^-_.i.\ l._ ..; __- i* — jpr — MW HM* ^d==] 1 .11 '.^:,..--; — -- — :'~,r^ :~" ^^^ - i 1 1 i ; ■ ■ ■■ §'■ It ...''. 'i - JlL ^^^-_l_^^.a.^-_^... , ■■■1. •.:.•■•,! t^^d- ;i J •- -N^ ! r- ;^| n ^*^>- .^*.^ 1 ^^a ■/^_^> i ^ 9 *l^'.i.jL 2 m^ t;r •-..v.v".. n.rv. ;-.^is.-i.Wi^ ••'^yr-?iMi5irt|K ' ^ ' ' - -^-iiJMUrPMife' ■ --—^l^^l— 1' Igg ; l««llll ■"^^fiS^ilM ■1 • T^'-"" 4 AJIinNISTRATIOM UUILDINQ-8m t L_ »■ ■ reference. ciated fvith. means easy ( iH^of a sup( one who is i: development Chicago il bounds, and until they sffi boulevards, f buildings, lib suburbs, grea little book shi [World's Fair All the leadin structions he [telegrajfih an^ office building! sorts of knowli Jaiul its growth ■down to date' c -fti'^.''5 ^"^ fiiiMiiiHiiniiTiiii mmu ?n ^ y J ^^rmODUCTION 0LUMBIAN Exposition of 1893 is flke greatest undertaking of the kind the world has ever seen. The^majesty and beauty of Its buildings, the extent, and magnitude of the grounds, and the infinitely varied char- acter of its exhibits will make it, not the eighth wonder of the world, bqt the first, ' eclipsing the seven that have borne that dis- tinction for so many centurifes. The his- ■tery of this enterprise must be of unfailing inteifes*. to everybody. This is, however, an age of quick thought and rapid move- ment. Massive books laden with details are for the student and scholar, ^pd the few men of leisure. It was this idea, clearly Impressed, that led the puWishers to get ou^this work; one that should be complete, yet concise ; a book that cue All the leading points of interest ar« .11 Tt ^"""P^Pt^ >"formation. structions how ^o reach hi? Th! 'i^ ^^"f '' °"*' *°^««»*^ -"^ in. telegraph and express lees han^^ S" wU^^^^^^^^^ office buildings, hack and cab regula ons atd char J^IT? "^ *"^ "*^' sorts of knowledge necessary for ,nf„nL T *'.7'^^^-'" "hort, any ^d all .huhuH tor year* maaSTiP^clStFifchJ^ |a.ul its growth. As in the case ^f The Wood's 72 ' '^'^•l' '''^''^° |down to date- of publication. ' ^*''' «^«'-yt»»°g i«4.rou^ht itmmt : \ -Ipf^l 53^ ^M 114^-^^: The ance, an^ rtistrict*" boat, 43r, Visit By tJ Woodlaw fare, 25 c By ^ between i ' pffsite th( 15,000 pat By th <'ntrance passenger! By th 20,000 pas By th( entrance. By Bj flay, from f\ Coniul your point, flescriptlon I'ntrance is Street Ent The visi Fine Ai ff't't. Total square feet, •"fistand wes ''ter of dome, sfffner-in-chii 1.1,000,000 br This hui to be tern port So u t h of Illinois- Height of doi ^K^afli IHEJVORLD'S FAIR •o I to I By the Cottage Grove avpn„„ k, capacity per hour. ^ "7 ™ *^E THE GROUNDS AND BUILDINQS " ■■nlranco Is indicticl w i,. Hidins. visitors will hp.i„ !2' ".'J" '»ll«wln« ROUTES OFTHE GROUNDS '^\ i^^a^J^^^td^ifik!: ^'t^^^i^.^ \ '4*-^^/ ^V 133 feot, and is threo stories hiph Guit^ to the World's Fair and Chicago. 3,000,000 feet of lum ber; 1,300,0(K) pountjs of Iron. Th'is building is by liir the most preten- tious of the State buildings.^nd can be classed as one of the great exposition struc- tures. Its north wing is Jiflro-proof memorial ' hall, 50 by 75 feet, where will' be kept i. lolics and trophie«J owned by the State. I.HHS. The- m'airi :^:Z/^^^^^^ TJ!^'^r '""^"^^ --'^^'nc^roVJc ' ihe north anH west ends A tenth na^ oMh ^'''" "'l' ""r#nff t'ntrances at the State Woman's exhibit ^ ^ ^^'' '^"''''^ '» ^''« buijfling is devoted to At the head of thoJ*e«rm is the ^ 000-fee^.of lumber, and 173;S,Sds^Viror '"' ^'"''""- Material-1,600.- is 7C^cS'\i!^ir^i^S^S^Kt^i^^^ ^ ^-- ^he rotund* V ' skylight. On the roof of each mv ,n i^. I ...h ^'M,' *^ "&• aP^ coveredjwith a ..riental awning. ()ne will sen-^'a^' "ch ^an^ t^^^^ ^f b" c^ver^ with ■ The AVoman-s Building marks ti:^t:CZ^ " ' ^^ '"''"• s.«ve;:^&"^;i?i7;:Sh'>v!::ndi^^^ ^^^^p-^ '-d. •ngit with Wasliington iS if 00^72) f^ •'H'''^" ^^ shown all the mercantile and amusem^.uZlfresTuu. ]"ir''' ''"'''''' "'" ^ front'^?Sb"Sldr:gfor''^' ""'"' P'^"^^ '^«-» ^^« long 'esplanade on the ea,t L. P^Jenney. of Chicago. Material-2,500,000 feH":>'f S^i , m^S^'^r^a the c^ente?V i^'nrrn,?'rSr'cu"r.:i'„^''~r'" T"" '^''^•'"•'"«' ^<^^ connected witl 270 feet. These <;oSi arf nlanlrwhr^ k^'' '"'"'"'• <^'«"'-ts, each sjbj Under the dome wiilgrow UuMa I'sJ Zl , ''"k' """^ J"''"^' ''"'^ ''"'"^n ''•««f ^ ion has galleries, andl ir^^i^^^ii:^ SlriX^U::^^;^'- ' """^ ^ -will be the rose gaM.'n with more h .n ^n hm . ^' * VyBgregati< teriitn Theol 'lo('«e(l on I leKO ("Romai Western The I on Washingi Chicago, whi Rockefeller, Kail|rayOi 1 50 cenTs a pet Two Horse I for one or tv I between Ave a I acCcharge. On« Home I mile for one Istl'lltional mil J f barges by the leach additlona There are ai IfafiSffis which w |tW\!^hington [situated at Soutl . Vachtlngr< ^T «'oiig the Lake [""il Lincoln Par ,"'»■«. Sailyacl Front at the fool boats may also b, «n(1 in the lesser h.'n, If one has i Oovernmeht Piei Unai'"-' — - Wiers who takp 'rontsteamerti. u iwe |)iur and retuj ^ •y-' -1 s?^r f T^-Ty|pi*r^^;«^ EDUCATIONAL rJ^STTTirriONS «n. high 8chool,^TconeKes';l^'r'*'«''''n'n*^ aiKl theology, a number of InLiJfS:' "edlclue, lH> L^on College of Law Sn^^^^^'il!: schwls, f*ir'^C*c^l»^Tth^en.y-flve .c« of l.mtlt«io;rTuIov'e;' J«>eiHl H«lvaii- substantial Chlcago^nL 'i?K^*"?,'' "^ "'« moM V.""""»"HHi CbicairoaiiH VSV, "f . "' '"« most I 'd^rhi'STBiS^r-'^^^^^^^^^^ »l RvanKlon; the nn,?s, V ''."*« ''^'«l"'o ""Other. between Ave and CrTeen bilf^rriJil- ^'^il'lren [noTcharge. '-"•'"*"-™te8; under five in."e"for"orp2;1en;'? """^So 25 cents per |H(i.litlonal milL ff,r^,^,e "'' ,^n """'' ™'« f^' r^tnres by the holr- .?"rst honr'"^-P"*'«'"»e'-''- each additional quarter hour "oViUh''*""'' ^°' FARES OF HACKS, CABS, ETC. 50cent8. By the Uur fo? nni'°""i P^wnger, advance, to avoid nHsundertfan^^nT'"""'" ** RACING AND ATHLETIC SBORTs There are avjiniber nf r i ^evoted to athletic spSJSi .STi"'?'"^«^oture I A^eneeujn are both well muIdwJJ?- ^- -*• and -Weekday Oame'J ""j'^-fe^^f^B^eball Grounds Wesfa^' «*'"^'' '•^ "'n^Ca',^»r lrj»ii ■along the Cake pZt%,2"n.i,T'' ^"''J^' «'«bs land Lincoln I'ark Yacht rT„h!^.''^1J*''bt <'l"b lonos. Sail yachts o^„ Z ^ ^'.'* ^''•^ Principal iFn^ntatthefootof r"„^^ii''5f »" "'e I^fee Iboais may also bestcurelf - *'**"' s^eam I KjiaklnMB i« 1^ 1 ■ - * land ■Government Pier,' I' n e tiatbor f rom. tmn ■anpliHs who take ihj aiau ueHt'CUred owj»iu- «nd'?n {hf liye"1ak^8''o? mIm^"* ^-^^^ ^'<*^t "», if one has Mme ?o vili^'f?" f "/.' ^'«««"- C;:™!"^"/ ''ier. making a Lo«t i". ''' '''he > nHmerons tbiN direction irthou.^l'l,'?'' "'T?''! 'P^^ uu^S^pus to mentloJBt ""* *^'y« too y <]ittft.al] i Looking Nokth-Thb Panic at Uu«h S.iikkt KhTdoT nn .h • . u , '''"'^ GREAT FIRES OP 1871 dued. When the^a^vfufcrtCI y i.V, ke , ^, "^tSIX^^^^^^^^ "'V'i'>'- .*''"'•' •■««1 >Hon « I! miles of soil, t,uil.ll„K«. The '^^litvrworkspummB^^^laui nn'J ."'^ ""■'' '*';"'"''• <'<>"» ;,* PAHIO STmCR.N MUI.TITUBB SBBKIIla SArBTrT^^iiT SccMia rRuM thi CiiicA«o Firm Ctcloiuma. ^1 4r.__^,^^. j„,^^„j„^^Js^M^j^gp^^ Bit. On till 111 hcpn sul' burnt forlh iiinlnK four lltnl (Itl (llr iir iiiileK III snioki ill ruii.„, „„, Kilt saddest KUINS OF THK BuZ«S?^JSS!S^^ OO.OOO t...„r>l„ .,i...i.__, . . -^"11. «U.»S OF THE BU8IHB88 C«»TBB, OCTOBKR 1871^^^^^^^ I Ht lar«erome f"rwanl prom ptlv with al,J in ,h„L ''"'''^*" estimate was 150 Had nnf^^» m ■Mil sHdueNiot BJI, WHH theirrpHt 1,..;^ , SOMU no> T«B CWAW FIM CTpWEAllA. a X Q 0. X \i a N •J , O a *■ 9 O i GJ«/a5f A, M, fT^^/^, JPair and Chicago ' >_--7» .«v,i;r OFFICE BUILDINGS AND THEIR LOcAtiONS Adams Express. 185 Dearborn st Allertoii, South Water streot n^», «. . . A H. Andrews & Co.. 215 Wabalh «v^ Andrews, 135 U Salle st *• "'* .Uhland Clark an 1 Randolph st Arjade. 156-184 Clark st.'^ Alias. 45-61 Wabash ave A uHtonlJ^' ^1? ""'^ 1* ^'*" Bu'^n St. |;';^rir:i^2"K'sf '•"•^ "•''•^•' -- B<,yce. 112-114 Dearborn st. B.,ji8ton 265-S69 Dearborn st Brother Jonathan. 4 ShermAn gt J Brvan, 160-174 U Salle "t lOtlumet, 187-181 La Salle St. raxton, 328 Dearborn M. ^ eulS Muyi"/H«l'/'*^?. "^ «« Market st J uej Ion,. Wabash ave. and Lake at r«oii„ . IDiivison, 155 FIftlwavo. I w ■"""*• 1«> Madison st liquet, TflAdmnisst I W« key, 46 Dearlwrn st. 11.,..::'%' rrsarsf ""*'»• |. MO D«irbl,rn ', rSi-**.*"** ■«. '* s*"" St. lUicrne^nm. 7'? Ktrthar I }j«H •«,.,.« 4.« Wabaahav I iUi', Stat* and WaahiogKm M. Hoi. irtp;iv*l¥"?'o''st- »iftii«!rst jlliiiols Bank, 1 i 7 Dearbnrn .t mperlal, 252 Clurk st '• ' ngalH, 190 Clark st ' Jarvls, 124 Clark st^ Madison sts. .rohnJonres. ill) Dearborn st Kent Bulldlngr, 12 Sherman st KentMPky, 19^-20.1 ClaSst Km ball ilall, 84;j-25,3 Wabash ttv ^l,'f'*'TO.llB Randolph st KliiK.So Washington st ."kwl.Ie. Clark and A.bims st UFHyelte 70LaSHllogt r.H ShIIc. La Kiille and Madison sta -enox 88 and 90 WhhWhk m, s? ' ■in.I. I{„n,l„!ph and Market ss ...wHl, ;U)8 Deurborn st Mrr'il^r&iJ'^'''^''t"-'lFntnWlnrta Mailers, 220 and 228 La Salle st Jjanlerre, Madison and Dearborn^. Marine, Lake and La Salle sts ^ Maxon, 94 Wiwhlngton s Mmmnloritn"'".''' *''■*' R-^nd-lph .ta M:NM"''^f6 6lVrks^"''*'. M'VlBkers 78-84 Madison at Mentor. !(};». state St. Mon(Mi. a26 IJiparlmrn 8 "*'»f''""' •»»• Montauk, 11 1'liv Monroe st Sp«r\Sll?.t. »ra»C,^rik'c^.e... or .M.tal 122 La SaUetP* P*clflo.Tfc 11", L->« La Salle St. Owl I IKS. 2i:» Dearborn •» ./ 1- . I flti "^iiiKB. ai.j nearborr 4>JJ^>rd. AUAa »Hy^ T5?lc..r, 97 Washington tt h.i.nix, l.l8.(aoks?m»t. I ontlar. Deartx.ni and IfarHaon^ p™ 'fJiH'- **'" l><"«rtH.r, "r.^"*""* Post oraoe Clark and Adamaatk >^"'v9w^s^pg»jir* -n- 1 ^ -C -tA "^"^ W c ■m 1st®"' WashJngton ■! and Michigan ave Rand, McNally & co . IflO-iVd a.^.^,. -» R^-TS"; J0l74 Dearborn sfc'*^''*'"'' ''• Real Bstote Boaid, 59 Pearborn at. Sg?^'. Washington and Clark ats Klalto, Sherman and Van Buren HtR gookenr. Adams and La sSirs?B Royal Insurance, 165 Jackson Bt v ■ ^Ryerson 40 Randolph «t. R^Mn'^**U W*''«8h ave. and River st 8S«i!rS^'"' H§«"*»nd Adams St. fcltv® P?fth "^ Washlmfton "t. Sh^Dhenl M^r^ *"'' MadUon at. ooreve, «j Waiifalngton st S bley, 2-16 North"blark st If^^ Zeltung, 09 Plft¥«ve. Stock Exchange, 171 Dearborn st Stewart, State and WaahlM^ lu. Guide to ikftVorld's Fair and Chicago. l^^"^, ^' 2* »nd 26 Adanw It Superior, 77 and 79 Clark at n ^"Ouse 173 Randolph" ' tI??SMSS^'«»"*' Madison Bti . lite^n^WeWrrsi V ir^r.^ri^eTnru^y^»--t. ' TMmai Si#:i "" "ve. and Was ?}rt\.^';i'i!.?7«;,*n, ^ ■ J'^'^ "^''^ '»f f'*' peditnont Ti* n^''® "»'« oen- liohl-Smith will, "'"mfnation at in>ht T L ^^\>:^'S^^''^'l^^^'-m:!^: — —or Franklin, by (fr..m the _<<-t «cross the ..uth canal ,s taken up by visitors PIER ENTRANCE «•' € »= \il^^ (^ I O >5 n El H <^ > O O ' 05 03 Q ' '51^''' ^'f/.*''?-! Gu:W^ to the IVorld^'s Fair and Chicago. 11 . iic.-'haf]' w"u™r.' i'r "»,"" '•"" »f 'h- Peri., vl,.. |, ,4„ b„ 260 (p., t^ . Hide and Leather Buildinc t. \ \ uairy—Dimonsions, l(X) bv am fJ'f A^ . "JV"^- '^^"^ ^andi.-r of Chirair. "f sutuar/of llefoic S/'^ ^'".J'j^' ornamented, and is adorned with m«„u "* ' ^hCorinthiftnniii^P, 'aVjf^r, '".a'» l"irance is (U f »4 ' w r n ..'?'^"^ g'-oupa -s '&il*L*!t^-^-A.- I^L.^ 'f^'\! "alls, -. -, -ifl^ls-- || (0 O /I I— I a o o & ^«/^. /^ /;. ;F^r/./-; /r«,> a,^ Chicago. - 13 Pumpins: Works— T« ~- k o , . \ '''■*"•'««■«''"•«■■-' -.'n;;.rt^l,?;;:l;„:V:::",,i;- ..^,,^^, Power House-Is loo bv ici r . ir ''-Mx.sition Witu-r (supply. ^<.00<) horse ,H.wer to b. jln'^i,':,?,/*'^'- ''^'^ \ '- ^^ation.-d the engines J the Hachine Shop- is ] ((i k*-^ r , » \ ' " Siiuthofthepow,.r hoijscisth.. ^ 'ot HH,^M:\of inner dome fflv,;^ i;i:v^^""'''\ ""^'^'ht of outer dome «>77i I'^'vilions are 82J feet snuure 3 7J f !^'f^''t<'i- -of dome, 120 ^l i^uJ t^ mmmmmm A^a.n tak.n- ,„, the route ,.ist V';,u;' '" ".formation bureau • -din- for " ^'^ ""^^'^^ "f th« architec- •'"• '","ff.''«planade.u, ti„, lak,. shon "Talleviathun of the world, the bn „ •' "•••■ "uiumi^ lor ■•- . nanufactures and Liberal Ar*a r^ ^"' "ny<'r ropF ever erept^d >6S -'».i V v^"^^ . BwsBn'ier *. ^^ppppi ar \ ^r- . a. a> i> O B o V .'J;?'!- ^-•<^. fo t,,e WorlUsFair \„, Chicago, 16. Its «no«iiijtlf.(i size mako« it <• , three ti;»<..s largt-r than U e "rutheirri'!7'i'/'1^""'^' ^^^n^'^r-"* "f •""*■ "f lie m. nu l n '' ^'■''>^'« »* S»- twice the si/ of 7?. . "" /?"" '*'" '•■<•» wrks o '| SL "]^k""'' '^ "'^"*recl Wl.rri ,1 ■ "'"efinnciit biilMing '''"°"'™' «" 'If Ij battetj dSil :*iSI« ?8 8 win K '" ""itation of steel. \nl\S\txf The -u„s will bo made otZlS 1«'«, will be shown by janitors clrest 'j^She cost?m.::' "ur sailors, from 1 7^5^ ^y^mti^^^v^K **.i,.^. •^wv^ -t^!" . 'jgn-^ * ^f '^S\t^i^ C' 'S-' •'■is^^lf^'Kt^fl^=vfym^_^'"^;-i^;t^^^m^^n: si'tilfd: , Aw- nil 110 AiiKirIa It' iKiiim ,. Iiolivin. Ilriizll HiilKHrla... I IHim.... rliHc .; ' iilomblii ' ostii Hicii I'cutiiHrk,. . l>HlliNl| U I'limdor... I:k.v|)1 Kmiice MKerto... < oiiKO. l'"r«'ii('h ()i l''r"iK'h In New V.al«i TiiiiIh I'lrniiiny . , . '•rial UrilHlr llarl« o d S3 GutWe to the World's Fair and Chicago. 17 Crossing i\w la«>i)on and tlirninir wosf (i.- • ■, Fbh- and Fisheries l).. v.sU.,r pa«.^osthe building for wm. th.. n,uin bn^dh;^1;;^f;^;•;^.^«^y.;;!'^> r.H Th« a„„«x..«. connected liiriil iron. . TIw bniklinf,' is considered bv inunv th niM.n bnil, ing will be the ^.n.rl\ lis eri r,'vl"?".'"'7' "" '^^^ ground. In the •'-•»•> oet n, enpd,, und have ;M)(H» so r, ;... *- r''' ^'■""" "•■ ^'"' '"iu«ri* ?.drons. The salt waler is l)r()nirht from t .^ \,\ V ""' '*'""^" ''! ''^nl<8 of 40 000 ^l"PmnU to one-fifth its bulk. Hnd\\::rr ! /^ '^iV^'i, '^.m"' ^•■'»V""""n«odfo? The visitor is now on (b. «,.,„, . . ^'"'''' "^'"^ ^'•««'' water. •■"Hi foreign buildi.l """U.ern boundary of tl. ).?''■"''"« K'-I'libll,.,. »1()(),()0(» ' '^"* "(Wl fiiifi ari' <"iirth have erected reproductions of world-re- The foil, '»« nations and coloriies will be repro- -V'&.;.vv;.; ^i'l'""" S" ■■■■■■■ iioiTOO • hliin... • 'iiiie ;;■; ' "lonibin '■. 1 -,0 00(1 '^--!^::: : ■ ?S l»«nl«l. W.s, in.iioH "'•"••'• I iimdor... y'nyitl Knitu"* AlRorto I'miKO , I'o'noti (inlAiia I'r'iich I ml In. . " Now ('aleUonlA TiiiiIh. ...... irmany .' mtn ■ri'Bl llrltHin l.'-'OO 1^.">,00(I 7:i:),400 Iniiiii .iHiniiicii. . Kft;\viirimiiiii(i Miiiirltiijs Ni>wfoiiiiill,i„(I NfW.S.Milh WlllfH- New /ealiiiKl iiNl(iii(| '•<"iith .Mislrnllii "■ SIrall.s .ScttlfiiKMils I fiXIIIHIlili TllMloo 10.000 :.'o,ooo .'■>7,itoo ;.'oo,t»oo 40.000 ^xS^-^-:^ f-r"'' ^Xr'* .•n':ooo J^^J^n. state.: "ii^ {jjX"^ ::;:::;::; ^"^-^^ Miulelra. .. UoUIIIHdIu ";ar;; ■:■'■■• ^?o.ooo «-/^.minKo.:::::: U^ s\Hm f^l'i'lii.... ..'.'."■ ('lll)H =.;:!K!aa.;„i;:::;::;: ^SS ^ J 814,000 26,000 tMlwrJa |M«'>."<'" -.-... Fill" ""'>"00 1 Morrwco 'NpthttrlHiidn State Building*- ir,, to i-Vbruarv t ;■ ormlned to ereet build'in^s . „ ^i,, „,;; mv," f *"!,'••"■■'"« high. Will *"'""'" '"." to $100,000 eael 7.000 ir.0,000 lOO.OOO Total. 24,000 .'•0,000 •8,600,a7» mty nstloiiii. Tnlrtjueveiicalonimu iiverage - en,s l j U . ' .-MI, TSff State Participation viK)g|tl«)n. Tho follow! '•''■ With tbt? > . »( t.lja, forty «,„,,„,,,,, f„„ltorle8 h»ye 'I' "..' . ..MiM.Mia.-i;;,i;;;;;; "; j S ;; ; '-,«Mi;..^;;^,E-----^^:;;!irtT;:^K;?c,;:^ 'iv^jliii V ■:«&i.;*= f,.-. ,fr '!« rtOft' Guia S rlzoim ( .,,, 'iilirornin.. .,: I "lorHdo. VMi li-lftWHrr. 'V l.lKti.. i ■ I'li'iofx :;.: nil ■ liMllaim -.' i"«.i ,.'•;• i"iiisi,ii„i. '" • M.mir 7 •' ^""■Man.i .. :•::;; ^;;;; -'riirrc ar.' ii,,\v (F,.|, i"i"li"n hills a>'"ivtr.,(i ^'■v.-n of tl„.s,. S|,,„.s ;\ liihiiina. Arkansas, (\„ ""■<'lh.'rHHrc..ri.|,.av(>ri 'i"«'k suhmTiptioMs an.l ( iimr.' rimn a rnilliui, ,|,,| ';> V"' •"^""'"^- ''VfliisivT ''""''l"'>li>rHilii •'<"l,0()U l.lHh" " '<>■<><"' I'liriuiN. h oO.dOO Mla;^- :::■■•. "iii'-ii'i!; li'VVU Ki'iiliicky l.niiisiniia. Miirir MHryluiul 1,00(1 1:10,000 100,000 :{(!,000 I ^0,000 I oo,o'-..K. AllNMiiirl. Mimuuiii ... Ni'l)rnskn . ... ' N'-^v lliiiii|.sh(ii' New .((Ts, V >•'<■» M.'xi;-,. Ni'W ^'()rk ^'<"lli (••irollii,," Niirtli l>,ik.ooo •'100,000 '-'•■>,0(I0 '.'.">,000 *""""*« 30,000 ■'""'"' ».'«,0a6,750 ^ "Alia .M,u„,N,..,,,;7;:;;^7;^ « iuiblt^il^tLs ^ .-^.^ ^\> » -^t. .> ^* f " . ■ 1 «J' ^-l, ,«'1*4 .It , «i>.^*steiaHife. »''^^tf»'*^aMiW»^.^'-- •7 *s>-i5 TJ f'-f'i \.< v;,.^^ Nt-^- =«tJ .sM^' I I' «q '23 5^ iiA. X^rf"^ f» f i ,*■>■«*,'; ^^/yiai^::^,ld's?^?i^:^S.::rKu'^':rf''^' «« -- -^^ '» th. Midway Board of ArcWtecte-Richard M "i^^/"' *";'.*»».^' 'n^^'"'"- waterways. H .I.-uney, Hortioultur. Hui H„.' McKim M^-.d;. T Jtuilding; , W. L. inf,'; A Manufactures Hi.il'ling; 8. H. lieman, Minesa ml Min n^ hiirf '^ ,^ '^''''''■"«' Machinery' ..icily Huilding: P.dV. AtwcJ.d T ^ ^^^ .^^^ |f^we. El-c- ;V'»'. 'S 111., aichitcdt, of the PiTistvle M< «i^ Vl m ^ ' V"^^''"''^"*" ^^^P"'*- Fon'stryand l)airv Ih ihliuL's ami H e ToVri? !^o" .'""^ ^o"*'""' t!ie Fine Arts, ''. Hayden is Architect of "t'he wl'i^^unS'^^'''''"'^^ ^'*^'^- ^^^^ ''^P^U three classes of b^.ats-lst/'he ''om.Xr'' c^rr n^'f"^ "'.?'*'■ ^^''"'^ ^'" »>« prs. Mchjj,h will make the r.n n,I fW , rt'h.. w«riii'^' "7 •"'•"■^'^ ^' ^*"'*>' !'«««">- 2d, the^'exriress," which wi 11 mah In ,*!'^*''T'^>:s- «t<>PPing at each landinir; l'i">f: .Id, the ''cab,-wh ch ma^bel.L T''"'^ «a^,waterway8 witlmut,Cop, .1..' street, and employed bj tTV^ " by the hou'r """"' '"'' ^'-^ •'-->« .ca^*:. n,a,.?,"?J^Kf>.r ?:!-';;^^",,SL;'r 'T.^^^ '^Tr '"- ^""^'n^. 't W e,tt s-andin, trees. The struclurTl ■runTn.u;i.el":;,,iS'1, r«'-7J-^OO0racre. of m..v.^ri^^"^.,*%*;.t ^Hrirsu-^;;,h^'r.,':.';'ir^? <"• /••<• ^-unds w.,i be .. tl>.. .lapan building. ^ '"""^**' ""* "^ "'*' "^'"seof the Exix.sitlon, exeept .•h.m!Sf "ifri;^:;X;^J;y;^rS^:S^X ^^^ "' *he.ground«; ,6, -?'r*2^I«Sr:^1^t.^''i:^7.S "r "'--t^.Undd,roc- -l""'' J^'''''' U./ Artnv. ""t.y inside the grounds. S."' rce ' nrreases'7rnn„; '' '""'''Tu"'''' ""' "*^'"' work pro^rr,.sHes.. In May, 181)3, it will xmZHfm me" "' oonstruotion w.ncSf up^ntra'flai?;Ts''eruS;H,r o.;^ .»«/^, close and th. '.^imated at $8,000,000. ~-. ; - ^ -'TV ^ \ ^-f '%-- "^ ~*rf; >;, ."'■^?'- > '^&']Kp^ I a u ;-' », •^'')»^'^"«-r-.'''JTJf^^l G^W^ /o'//ie W^r/d's Pair and Chicago. Pino^s^"!??;^^!;;:;;!?:^;;;;'^!- -"^ work, consi,tsof is men, 3 enl , th.. F„r.-str ., hn\\^^\l^'Sv\^^^r^''^' I «'^t^-''"^»"" hand-tank. 2t hand ..xtinguish.Ts Th.. i •, , , ,1^' ^ ^ '.~''^ /'"''^ "'^ hoHe, and 470 chemical suppii.... ..^he..n^in.' •;, "hk l^! p^^^ I!;;; ij'!;; jj^ ^T'u/";'" «vr^'' '"^^' of fir.- r)n.l.'cti.)n, tli.To will br in ...irh h iM n . ^'" conipU't.- system • from the ^r.-und totl... roof. Alt cin .i t, f " ""'K' «''^"'l-PH>e. extendi|,g is a reel of hose whici. ll.rows iS a .h ^ "'^"'•' ^?.'"'^'-^ -^"^ "3 DurniK th^ installation of exhih ts m ^^^^ 7"'' '" "nreelingof the hose, ."" ''vr-y lIcK.r, gallery and r . Th' c , f V'" '^""■' ^'"■'■:' ^'" »^'' '^ Are patrol I':x|K)sifion f.,re«. ' ' ^" ''"'^ "" '''■parunenl is at the call of the arel^hrn^roaSAffi^tlSri^uSdi^^ S l'^'^ '"'-^'V^ ^'r »'-'«. "n>'»«il- "i.-s. at a cost of fW/XK). It is V fe, / 1 '\ '""' „"""'"' '" ' '""'^ •••^' M^Mo, ■ l>y el<.,-iricity. There are tw. ,'l .r -Vt i'''^'"'' •■'^' J^^ wat.TS ar.' illuritod . .wosmallerLntait:;i;rrr.:/rFlit;^')SS' '-'^ "^ c>laijZ;a„C yar.»h're^;T^';rJ^..!t.rK?^ r;'-' above^200.000. cubic ished the f..llowinjr .h,|v. Cost $ •"""'"?>" '^"'«' Michigan. Hcres. ^elake south of tt-'Kh e Ar s n ,n f^'^'^l''''^' »"ihUn« .contains Sf north rmrt of the groun.ls .'onl .ins a e . s Si '''r'* "T"' . '''''" P"»C '"^ ^^ <> I acres. ^j ""i.'i.is ij a. r. s. loUl area of mterior WaU)J-ways, Auditor VVm.K,Ark,.,mn„:Vj\wSr'r^rnr:^^^^^ n..f t;!;;;v^;£Sr;;-ir^;;;;:,S:"r"H.f ir "" - ^""- --l, Mines and Jkning. F.'.l, V HkiVf' M chi, -Vv '? w"'.', ^'.«''«f'<'8. John W. CoHin.j A. H,»ikh; »f,inufaotur,.s Jam. s All . , FllctHH, "•;*'l"'';'JsT'''""f^''^»-"»h. W. es: Liberal Art^.S R 'TCh,; '•^;' .Li?^J\U''"'*^»' Fine Art... 'Halsev O.^.-s: Liberal Artv.""^" 'V",";'"' T'^ •[,'<;' >i^- -'ot , .„^ jj^ntfiifcHE^:^^^^ tary!r'^:;;i£.l^rj''^ -^''KU'?ti"^l;.S'il/{l^^l„er; Secre- gioiR;^; ; ; th^ K" H< s ;":n;;!id eo;'M;,f;;]:!" ^^ >^«- twice the Blite and m>wer of i h. re -hr, .olf , '^^^^ ""' • *"'^ ""♦'"^ ^hem Isabgut fflel. The boilers pr,!se.U a so {.Ib^^^^^^^^^ "" will be used for 17.000 J« provide*^ tor electrioity ^ '^ ''"^ '°"«' ^ »»»« 24.000 hone powar, t' .j»>4A:'j-i4.1f.". Jl^ ■ m % Tltlrtft/lvi iMiu' hfnul Jiirrivc-iiiHt (lircs-. tl*. ri JiMil liliii'ty ( It'virv (lay.- |L'l;.s. (^j,irk liW.TIMOKI |aiiil Fifth II V I'llK^dO ,< iT.'iinlnve. ( llrii;, (lorner |oltt<'i', Uraiul • iiriAuo A jAiliiin>i sts. ( liiiT (i( Ocnr lolticr, 1115 8. ' t'HKAOO A |l''ill< St. iind INiilioMiil Han IMonriK' sts.. ( . <'iiirA(i(> A ( iThlnl nvf. finihUng, Vrii |Ti(kitotn(!«!, ] <'nii A(io ife |Hvi HMil Ifarr I'dilriil depot, CiircAdo * iKIii/ic st«. Oc iKitili live. an( |S. (lurk Nt. ClIK A<)0, Ht'I ■anil Ailiiins sis |<>ilrlch Ml ^hl(H(;n, RnrliK T"''ilt;aiipo|| itH. ■"■ : TrI-Wcfkli „ I'lKiiii and Sii [Mini. DuIiUh, etc. yri*. (^larkst ' ^^''- ^«"l''«' ticket olfioo, RAILWAY LINES Their Depots and Ticket Offices liMR, (.„rner (' ark anJ i«, J "'" '''""•I^J'uH.i- .ncr ,.f l)earbom a, I Tni, ' t'lo southwest o„r- l.'ili.v, Jii5 .s! Clark *,'."' ''"ckson sts. j:iiy tlckut '^'"n.sts/';^t;^'^l^il:{'^,;i-"-;;j^Hr,..^.^an,, lenlral depot, Ha"rl«„/,;;.;r,7f|j;'|;';*;'' '" ^'•'"•rt jFiltli Hvo. an< take s T. /ii'''.'''^j;*'' •■'"■»"'• "f |S r|„rk St. ^*''*' '''• """fel office, :.'0«f-yOH J. X^'Vi;y"i.V':;;!;:^^;;„[^.c-*oo A ST. Lon,« fe:i'" ^1^ (io„er«r o«w ' "^..'^".f ''-•;■'!' .«"" ami'A.lam'Hst'!;-. -"""' * '''^^««ruo, ,l<,p„t, caual rls,m SL a;;.^^./;t;;^;*.KANsA« C,tv, .lepot^ Har •■ral ollloos, Moion hiM,.'i, n,'^''''''''*^«- "en- Clark st. ••""""" "l<>«k. Ticket oJIlco, 73 3. Tieket inlets «7s Clark sf' ' *'""«•""""" Wk A V/ESTBKN, ticket rKl<.to{.ieo,(iraMd|>a,"n;'„oti|. "«"«twer„ «#» "■^ ' ■fa .X.%'^!^*e|,l?'';";^i'-«''« Superior Tr«„,.. |l«lolU,.;„an.rsfpeHr^r^S^ Chicairo. «ri«U Tr.ver«, * Maekln.w Mne:- I'tT and Max-weiV slii." ./u!; ;: ^"'-""^'^' North Water ., . -^'y^J Michigan points. i JiUttaL. Dock, cor. Lum- :&St= li«M!>!?^t.*'*'""»»" ''--Dock, rear Of wiL^Xet'^'""""'*"'-**""" *-»• '-«0 to 80 & jiitii^aM!\' ,' .jV/«%Bei. 1 .• -i^ -/■ "-!m / ■the ( ^tate and 3 ■leiiv<' cor. state ltii:imiist. •^tiite and ( lleiivi' cor. stute pi- ii> (i nv. mill ' . I'liNt to Cottn til St. __ WabftHliXven IStreet Table 1,1 ■ColmiihiHii Kxix) l;v. Hiul RRn**''"ns "f fc,.v.rinK tlm^outi.siX thiuw^r^ KHiUvfty Oompan V, an.l tho Vorth .nV'"^'"*-'" *">■ ■Raflr,.8:, w 'icli a^ fl .h "'"*' ■^"■'■^■' th.s.. liues moist in tho b isin.?Ji ifV'-**: A" "*' on,, may from any poinwitb in ?!."'''■ '^^ """ ljlli«ks of tho City JtL tf""^, ,'," '^*" ">■ "'r»'<'l 'iXv«tttnniforn,priL!^ kTv V...^ ''i'n' '"" ">" lin.s have a numliji , f ' w^ ''• ^''"f those ^liu's, «iHl-trttnsfer8l^"^,,';.7;^-^,,„V;V'." ^"^^^ ''''J- xlm fares. Alltif U^ ma n ] "" f'f,"' ^'"'""t |.mv,. (-able power the sc n i, '^ ""'**'' ''<•"<''* Ualmsh ; the West o„ M w J'r' "" •'^""^' «"'• ndicn and deslKneii . mn,'^?*T ^V P''"«'^«« <>f ,.n's.,rn limits of the cltv?h*w'*', '" '''^■'""i "'e rnniiiiig from So nth V^.\,l^^ n**',"!?"^' eleotrlc, linliihlcd to cover i»n>tiv Jh ^ L, ' !""•'* line is hiilroad enternri?o h! ^f mpany, an elevated the wesl port ,^^'o t e ci"t V ^al^d 'Jr;""-"' '^''"^»'^ (in the business dlstri'^t ^' '" '"'^" " <^''P"' ,o/u;e,^'^;^de;;i;^ii'l^iiil^,/":;^«'''"'f«>.yporti,,n K'onvonfinir centrallv ii i T"/- ^ '"• '''"'>* al kht "aiiKles and all ■^i'^l^^- "^ '"**'''' ''"" »' SOUTH srnK |l«th ,t^ '" ^"ttngc Grove^ftv. a„d sontbeast to HV. an.I Kand„l, M 1 s nt'lf,''"r; «/ Wabash t" Cottage Urov'oav::^;;,Xa.st';o^1ttt* '"•*' oniho^'^toM:;:^!;^;^';:;,., j"if «-'«« tracer Kwitehe.I olf a IS h L f «''^.'"'^"'ed and is ;vln>h point it promnls „«".;' ^''^'^«'' ''^■- ff<>m ""''«"" -•• . -">':<>.: i.";ia?,a''ano^]i^th7' '" ^^^^:^^,:}'^ f "^e above charKe, easi „r west on -Jo^ i'^'"*-''* ^^ extra •IWand ti.ldsts '"''• -"'*>- ^ist,,30th, and is finished soiuh i, ^-t^ , "L"' ^^"'^sh av. every- fonr bl!„ ks"'' -,^;'i 1 '^':,.,, **'«'!»"« «bout order to the vVMri.i'u l. V "'" '•«'" runniiiit •S'^iir PK'n" '''" '''*''■ <^>-"uud8 befoi^thi C^'! lear^r,a,'e a.Td '^VhlV "^^ '^*''«''* ^^-^ to VVentworth a ' son toVi?.", '?"' n*?" •"«>"' from State Kt. eable. "'**' **'• Transfer N(»KTH SIDE. 'i^t^Ca'le^v^t!:,^;^^;,,!^-'^ «t.) Green north on Dearborn to R,,? ii"'*^'"^'*"™ sts./go "onh (thn.uSXnnel ,;''''! ^''''^ '" ^^^ Sa'le. north to U.vJrse"y',"v." • """«'«• east to Clark, City IJmlts Cable ri„„ /,..„,, .ight. Oars leave Monro, r;,,!.!*'''' *'■) ^e^ north on Dearborn t<.K,nii *""''^"'"'> s's- go north rthn.ng Vin ent li^^•"'^"'° «t., north to aayi:'\\^.:;tl;\',!'i;i-r';;;;v^^ av., northwest to Vrigilt':^;;:;,^ ^^^e''' '" ^'"*-'«'» M >* .-^a lolttmbian^xiOR ion ^^,I''','' "• ''"«' ^'"••I'l" Dearl)„rn to Ran olp w'",' '"!'• »o,|'orth'on (through tnnnel o ri'ii ^ ' ''" '^""e- "orth north to oor n«rk''„ ,rt'"r;j;;,iyr'/° ^'«"« « j;^ter^t.toUnc?^,^:;V:--,^-,-Jt^^ .^'--""il^r^^ef^ir-. vf^f^ /'^"^ This and Dearborn sts. to m-Kif ''*/''""' M"n«)e point it ru.iH west on IJivislo, /r .^ J"""™ "»'« northwest to Coo|.er 8 " to Clybourn av., c«"i'"^';„';t::r v^fet ""^p'«. •"^'^t- t"'- and Dearbon sts to nun i'^"'' /'""'" *^«"">o point it runs wesi o ,' n vi±;'. frJ\T. ""» r--r-""vest to HaiL"d':'t:'";;oyA^"^.'^p - ; rn Webster av. ' '" Raeiuo av„ south to «»raeia Avuue and Center Street lOn^ /' CiTT Hah ako Cousty Goubx BuiLpwag. riilragoAn Orange light. ( 8'>* . K» north =»?s ' «"r State and '0 l.ake^ west west to Westeri 3 ■';','*^^ '".^ ^ S Guide to the -WorU^s Fair and C/ucago. 801IIU OH Racine av. "^""^ ^*"^"" ^'iciue and imisi„n St tbeuoPwn.P^'''!l''*^."."^- cable to waukeeav. ''''"""''« est on Division st. to Mil- ClHik to KiiiziB St ! pL? V" ^''■•,*^'" """h on (■Imugoav."vestto'llrr..i'j' Market, nortii to ^^ 6 av., webi to Lurrabee, iiorth to Lincoln .■i"rk?n;lwrs^S!;fX «fd'iKht. cars leave Kin/ie. west to Market n.'.V.I ,'"n'' "'•' *'''''''' '" l.'M'.lK;vict, nonl. to Center Ht "'^'«'""- ^"st ^^^^'^'^l^'^ J'll "«ht. Cars WEST SIDE. 1-"' o^^S ^^^'i:t^^. ,«-• "«ht. cars ^^^^il«S£S lo WasI (TMlll, sou "hich point it pn-eeeds. t « h, 1 ^'''''' "^■- '^'■"'" Ailmny and MUlard avenues ^^''''' ^'''^'^ **' CaTs\'er;'!^^;^ t^5?- «»5'}«^I;I«^l»^n light. TtKrTsa''*t«f,*er^ontL«''^r ^"u*' '^'^ "s^t. froN. cor. Madison anivisiorsrt^'^alKia"av.'''*''^ '"'' ""''' Sallc to NobK a^^.h'""- *'«'li«"n and La N"l)le St. cars wh oh « f M,i „*^/' take transfer for ">Hl N<)ble St proS^ Vhi*' ^''^ Mi wa.vkee av. ""rtli'onNobei.t^.^^Rnilh'^"'!" " Proceeds M.nortiitoZrthav "esttnS^nV "'>''' '° """ to ciybourn Place, wesUoWood'^st *^' ''**'"' lsaSr1;?rtWlir„nt"'"^«"''^bt. This ear M«,iison and iSs^ ^Tn S? 'm' ™'''^ from cor. |x.intitpmc«ed7asaL«»^"''"' ""■• fom this lo 4()th ^"'****'^«s a horse car west on North av "*.K«"f^hfr?.a"r '*'••' »«Vl,lon street Ll„e. sts Ko orth^'L?K"yV «"-.,S..ateftnd Rimdo"^ iv.. north oDivisi^^ ''^' "'^"^ '^ t^'»«»oniw •■"i^"!v;^i^e'::;:d'H"nd„iy^;i;;r "«•"• 9"« •««'« to Lake, west to VVest 40th St • '''" """''"" ^""« Iea"e'cor.'*>^lre'':n.f riu,* V,'r-. «'^<» "«»>»• ^ars Kanuoiph to {ra?s'.":?d.'!*z';i"t':!'s^;,^,;i, r.^T "^ leave coTst^l'^u'd-I^'.',:;^'!";' "'"'^ "Kht. Cars loave"co''*'i;tS^and VN^l'^i \^^^' "«"'• C.rs \V«shiiigt<.n t K ■ , !\'''''"'^';'»; K" we«t on G "f,rn^[' ^ars K'!"*^"" ^*'n* '''»«• go west on Mu- west to DesplKs 2S,uiil*?J""7- '° Adams, Western ay^''''""'^^*' •o««u to llarrison, west ui ,....»« ,„ tea JjJ^Kijs'^-j'H av., south to rfarrisoil, wesi Taylor, west to Western a-^ liMiluna Street ««'r_ State and Rai to Lake, west to l_i went to Western dv^ ■ -.v-ic aiKX KaiURMlltl Rti. Lake, west to Hi£te(! n^rM, Ht to Western a^!^'- "^5- -- B tie liRht. Cars leave rJ), •'**'-«""oftli on State t«fl "•*•"' to Indiana St., .•\. . leaVe"co"."sTa'?e^llrdn^,'5''Ce,r"^ "^^ ««" Bureii toKedzieViv «, «»reii, ko west on Van M !?i o ROE !ri5^.-^'"#^ ^ff"J^ '''''^-!. I Jii' nt "p - then west to Kedzie av^ ' "^ to Van Buren wr.''8tat^a';:^"V""BUf ^" "«""• <^»"' '«r, boulevard. "^ ^**'> st. west to the ^ Vi^,.vS ■?'.*'" <1*t ' V r^'^'^c ' -v-t^r ^■•^p«'^^,'Ty^'"**>«"» '^"^T-" i: CL. M ij" '. 1™^ ' t' ', r >,>' . MI jw\!'")p«i.' Guide to the World's Fair and Chicago, THEATRES ^ The visitor should SCO as many as poKsible of Clm^igo'B theatres as they are all that money and delight, the stages are large and well equlpDed prmluces *""""' "^ of the best the^ou'n'try Tlie Auditorium is undoubtedly the most t«a,aifu, but they all have merits worthy of Z^S^i r LIs^ '^^,^^"' -« -•'• 'l-'^'e .nItSttlo,r ^'"''^ "« ^^« '"« -^O- --'^-^ For the attractions see the dally newspapers. The following is a list of the principal theatres: Alhambra Theatre, State St., cor. Archer ave Take State St. cable car. *'>"erHvt. Auditorium, cor. Wabash ave. and (Congress st Academy of Music, IlalKted st., near Madison HI ( VV est side) . Take Madison St. cable ™r ^^'iihaK'*™J'""'"'• '■ ^- ''''■ *'""•" ""*' ( lari'al^d'neS,?' •'""^" "'"'« *>— • '-'• (i^.r'th^ide)'^''*''''"'' '^'■"''K*"''' «■"' "Ivlslonsts,, Casino, Wabash ave, near Adams, .M'A'':^t''"„ear"n«rk^"'"'"' """" "'"« "^ R-"' Globe Dime Museum, State near Van Buren H Havlin's Theatre, Wabash ave > bet RIirh# eenth and Twjiniteth sts. ' *'''?**'' Haynmrket Theatre, W. Madison st hi.t n>l Htedand Lnion. Take Mad4son«" cable e«.^^ - Hooley's Thealre, 140 Itandolph st. II. R. Jacobs' Academy. S. Ilalsted nBar W Madlsou, (West side), ^-ake Madison Tcabl^ «t.",iear'tt.' '^^"''' '' '^""'"^- North Clwk Jacob Lltfs. Standard Theatre, cor. Halsted A Jack8,)n sts. (West side. ) Take Halsted Bt'c»r i5^tVl'?^'if;;;;;i'^4v'^tfi'^«Museums,,i4ato LIbby I'rison War Musei.nt, Wabash ave bet Hth and l.,th. Take Cottage Grove ave ears^ M^;::;;'i:'':::i:i:;';;«;:* «■ ^^-x^-^^^^ ^t. -n.k, Madlsuu .Street OiK-ra House, H:i Madlsoii st. McVlckcr'K Theatre, H-.' Madison st. New Windsor Theatre. North Clark and Div. Islon Kts. Take Clark st. cable car Harrison!" '^*''""''' '"""' "'■ ^"^ Congres. and Schiller Opera House, North side of Randolnh St. bet^earborii and Clark sis. ""uuoipn Tlniincrman Opera House, cor. Slxty-thtltl CLUBS . Chicago has over ;tOO clubs and societies f..r hM Apollo, AiK)IIo Hall, Central Music Hall. A<«cla,lOfi Ashland Hmilevard. Koluii, 174 Evergreen Av. Asbland, 575 VVashlngU>n lloul. Calumet, 20ih street and Michigan Av CarloUMi, :»800 Vlnocnnes Av <'hlcagot7ycIing, Hy<|e I'ark. < hlcago, 4;» and 4.-) Mark. Hyde Park. Lake av! and 50th Ht llUauia, 154 Ashtaad Uoul. Illinois CyMing, lOdH Wa.shlnearl«)rn Ave. and WashingUm P|m4 I'niou League, Jackson and 4th Ay, Veteran Inlon League, 'iViA DMrbora St Wash I r '"«""■ t'l.'-.IIHB. M.-|[ l Wust AdmniBt. Washlngt.ni park, (list and South Part 4^». Webster, lOU IJliMiffleld A?, W.HKllawn Park, Odd St. an.l MadlKm A»* s.)u"st"* """'•<-'»'"•"•'> AiWKilatloa. 148 M«4I- .!#!H. ^ikfeA?} • V •» . -, '^yi. A.--'., ■v-^.r-f T^'"'-' i1^^ " ' r' ,!« -"^ '- -"Tfj"! >> GuiWf to the IVorlcTs Pdir ami Chicago. LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS .Teima"'*"^^'*"'''^'"'"'^ '•''"' '"•'""' Armour I'lihllo LIbmry, City Hull. L.IW lustltule, t! NEWSPAPERS Tti.' l-n.ll.iK .li.ilyii,.ws,m,«.rs„f Ohin.iKo aro till IoIIowIuk: •|vibuiK.^«>nihj||j| ,,,r. of Ma,lls„n a.ul Dear- Ixjrn, iiiord^^^ "'■"'■'^■■■Wa.shlMKton St., morrilntr. l"<'r«^Pff!jVll'iw.'st(!or. Madison HiKl Dear- tMirn sis., moriilriK. ■nm..s, nortl.w.st oor. „f WasblUKton an.l ^)ll^l av, nioniiiiK. Dttlly NfwsUc-.H)r.l, l','.l Plfih av , m.,rnl>iK. Cilobo, 118 FIftb av, mornlni?. Illinois st.m(.s /.lu.nK, (Jorman, northwest oor !< iftb av. and Washington st., mornlUK. J ^^Vn-k'. l>ress(., Ucnnan, (»0-l>4 Fifth av., mom- Oally News, \'M\ Fifth av, evenhiK. Mall, ij'oKifii, av.,,.v,.nl.iK. ' ^ .'ouniftl, KM U,.4irborii st., .■venliiK. I'ost, 1(14-1(1(1 Washington St., evenings AlK,'ndpost, Mftb av. n.,ar Adams st., evening * 4- CONSULS IN CHICAGO J-irkT,".""" ""I""'"'--''. S. ILidHon, h;» K. Mistro HunKi.ria Henry ClanNseninH- V Kd »"r,l Claussenlus, 7N and hO Fifth ave H.I«ium-Charlo« llenrotln, 1(17 Dearborn Ht ■^.m'KL-,*'"'*' ""-'-^ V. Otto A. Dn,ler, cMS,r^rV:;:l,^Tr ^ ""'"" """■"""•"• ^^•'.•nnan Knudr,^-<;arl linen., room 'it, Horden Turliey-Charles Henrotin, 107 Doarlmrn. Midler, 73 Dearborn street, r. 4. R. H. USuli'e,* r'l!" ^- "'"""l*"^ <» <-o8tlgIlole, HO ' Mexleo^-Kollpe Berrloiaal Jr l"n k w.>k I URion street. r.UO. '"■"»'••"- i>" fc. WMh- InKton'slr^'ta.*"""'"** BIrkhoff Jr., 85 K. WmH- KuNsia -Com. M. H. Nwe«leu and Norway dolph.r.l. Thai, (la, 70 LaSaUe. I'etcr Svanoe, 108 Swit«erlAnd-A. Ilulenger, 1«7 Wa«hiiigtO||| EXPRESS C0nPANIE5 A.lams Kxpress Comimny, 181. Dearborn Kt. American Kxpronii c ,«ny, 7J Monrmt si. Italtlmo reAOhloKuprf^sH HH 1)1 w...,i,i.„;^. I I'armelce's ?>mnlbus Line; 1.13 Adami St Inlrtmr"' '^^* "'^"^ ''""'P'ny. "O-Pl Waill. NfcUouaJ, 13«-140 Adama St. 'r'yfciil^ii ivJtt .\i^^ \ J-^iM, "#^ I ,4^ •TATUB8 IH UNOOLN PARK A ' iT'f'l^^^fWf^^^^^f i) 'J »'5«»» "Guide to the World's Fair and, Chicago. churches: ^ fi-jt Chicago has over 600 churches which are di^ Tided among people of nineteen denominations." ■rhefollowingarert few of the most popular. I-Z-r a full list ,ee the city directory, also see du- iHMincementsin Sunday morning newspaj.ers. >ON SECTARIAN-Peotole's chiin-h M,. VKker-s theater. Or. H. VV. Xmas.'Sor: swing! p.^oher.''' ''"""■*' ^"«'« «""• »»■■ I>«vid «-tcTt..^^:;^,^it.?*- '''''^ °'^'«^-' fwniJ o''**'r*^»*'""''*' o'th* H"ly Name .t^eV%T/h^Xi'Je:S.'?Sf *"• --Thirteth ('hur«K of the Holy FamllK_Wp«t T«,uif.i, Bireet, coVner M*y street T ""ftzgTrald?^rmo? CONGKEOATIONAI-. Plymouth -Mi.bi g,.n av., Twenty-sixth street. ^Kran" W. (|„n: Wabash av. Clinton Locke, rectbT^ ^* , Kpiphany'. Adams street 1 . N. Morrison, rqctor. , St. James-Cass atid Huron lomkins, rector. streets. Floyd wmlus, pastor. ev!:s-?;^^M,^'l.:^j:'"«tonBo.fi. RKFORMED EPISCOPAL-Chrlst MIy.k .1alS;j;Tai;t;:vr^iei^?r' "i^'^ W'n»l'eB«r:av. PUck'"*F*,^"dIrt*'S^e'.r.^or^''''"'* ^«'"'^- T^S'^»SJ^et^'^'^l«i^-ear an':i".^?^isr*:i\^^!rd"wV^«,o^°"'*' ^"'^ •- w*^roft"ora"" **""''"• "^" «'''«'^ «• ti "fe^^" ^"'.'^ av., near T^ust. B. s. Mar- PRESBYTEBiAPT, Irir«t._I„diaua av and 2l8t St. JohnU, Barrows, pajtor, * ""^ S«con,l-MI('higanave. and Twentieth stnwl Simon .1. McI'hersoM, pastor. ^ , ''""^"' »"««»■ , and d|[den •?, Third -Ashland t)oulevard ^ohn-L. Withrow, pastor. Fqllerton-Fullerton av. ancf Larra^o Mreet ^ — — . pastor. ' A REl^mMEI> JEWINH. CHURCH Slnal ^^l^'Tr-t^in'^i^LTecTurer^''''^^ PARKS Tlio Chicago Park and Boulevard SvHtoinU very extensive .and will when .;omi.^l.i^f oc „ V .I'-'itO acres with over 100 mlies,of "/rives ,-"^ hbJ.levffi"'"'* "'•* '1"^ P^H'clpal ,«rks an.l ...'^tI"^?^'!?'*" ^1^ •"* Vlncennes are., lu a< lalM)(;ottage drove avo. cabl* car to 'iTth Hii.l go west to^lneennes avp. " IJongjas MMumeut Square, .'Wth «t hhd tha CHhiu to .lo^h St., and go east to the lake «,',!ls"^''rSiIL*M'^ ,"*•"'" ••"» California »ws., J 80 »t t»s. Take Ugden av». ear.. , Kills Park. ;mii st., one block west ..f vix\»^an Xr^ft^^t""""- '''»''« •-■''tC UrU« aT Jaclcson Park, The. World's ColumbUn K. l>ositlon. Site f)et. tlie Lake Shore and Stnn, Cottage iJroveavp. cable to r.7th St. ^ Jefferson ParlT, bet. Adams. Thro<)D Mimr»A .and Loorais ?it8. r.ii acres taValSSHW.^^ cable Hue to Thrpop^t: a.^fi^go 1 b'uKjk^lT^h" '•" .Jol'KdT^th^t. ?"• "' *"'"*'»'"' ''^«- »^'- B*- Mncohi Park, N. (;iark st. and Ndrth ara !!an a(Tes. .take N. Clark st. cabl^ " *^- ^^^ Mklway Plaisanoe, bet. 59th and 00th itt. anit &:"V.""* W-shlngtonPAHis. HsTdres fSke Cottage «lrr.veave. cable IJnq 7 1st st. division I'ulon iVMt. Ashland boul. end W. I.Aka ■£ i*. acres.. Taly, Lake si. horso can; '"**• ^ " Vehion Park. W.tPolknnd Loomis sta. 4 i Tk. M Ufa. I.,. .. . — t"' ■' -T ■ ■" ■» *« iMi trtPi .^jJJ»&nro, G^«/V^ /^ /yj^ ^^^/^V J^air and CkicaL HOSPITALS r AtexlHn Brothers, 550-689 N. Market st AiiBustana, 151 Lincoln hv. liinnett, cor. Adii alid Fulton sts. ( l.ioago Emergency, 194 S.iporlorst. Vork stf "•'""'°P*">'c. cor. South Wood an.l • chfcnpo Floating, North-Pier,- Lincoln I'ark A^lliTf^d^il^uKiy' and Children. CO, West LSn^n^^'ja-kt!"'*"' ^^-^■"""' "-^'-". National Tempcranco, 3411 pottage Grove av. , cor. Twenty-ninth st. nnd Cot- Miohnel Reosc, tago Grove a v. I'resbyterian, cor. Congress and Woo,l sts. ' Railway I3rotherhoo,l, cor. Ada and FulU.„ sts. Salleav "'"' ^^^^''"^ and Maternity, 101 La U,nited States Marine, Lake View Wesley, 35a-;)57 East Ohio st Woman's, Rhodes av. and Thirty-second st. (>erman, 754 Larrabee st. ' ^ ., ' Uahneriiann, 281 1 Cottage Grove «v Mercy, cor. Calumet av. and Twentyslxtb st CfcflEF CEHETERIES Calvaiit, distant ten miles. Ucached hv om CHK.. A Northwestern and Cl^ioaLo Evaus^^^^^^ LHke Superior railroads. ^ ' ^'^*"!''o" * roa.|*T *^''"'"''' '*'^*""* by Grand Trunk rail- CMKwooD, reached by IllinQis Central. ^^UoHEuiLL, reached l>y(!hk]aWo .fe North west- Uketu^l^rior.''"'"'*"^ "^ ^'>'«««''' f:v«'riston A cS:* NorThte^ll.^,' ^''='''*"*'"" ««"''«' ««»' '^ " nONUriENTS -.*.: I N. Grant I'^uestrian hionument Uvhr^Hn S'hii'w*'"' ""'«« f"'"'tain, l"red erick V S Indian ;r«up:""''"'' '^^ ^•'"^ '"onumont. otta'wa DoiroLAs MoNtTMEfrT, Lake ave. and Thlrtv fifth St. Reached by the ininols Central. *" Ml'.hlja^lv""'''"' '^^'"'^''' "•^^^^ «'^' «'- '^"•1 I'oi.ier. MoNliMBNT, commpmnmtlvo nf »m„ l».vmarket Riot on the n^htTf May 4th 18HH located at llaymarket square. ""y *"'• !»««. p^nXar;:^r^;^^^-w^;j[;l%il-„jake^at \,. s^ wia^j::.";?rX"i"m[er' ''" ^««'«» i.',.r/''i^"V*'***^,'?'^'''''"-<""»'/Ae * Whiii' Star [Thus ( 'ook ail hiiic, niiani, 13] riiii'dgo l>f iBUKHijit of b lioiinl Bank |lO Siivings B The week I lujAviiril of W Tin: 'J.-) Nat '«|)itiil of i'^'i [hikI tottil de Tlie followi American Building, Dea Alius Natior Hunkers' Na f'lieinieal Na oniinental J first Natlbni Olohe Natloi ftiile and LCi III- I. II Salle. MerehantK' N( Metropolitan : IIHIIIS St. '""ii'ii NHtlons N'aiional Hank w. tinlney. j-^JVTlWBggpii;; ^'•,fi^W^S3^ .•-•''^t>y' Guide to the World^s Fair and Chkag,, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES n,imbnrK-.\nH.ri,.an, l-.T, Lii S.iIIo. Anioricaii ) JWhiii' Star Line, ."i4 (*lnrk st \nclmrLine. 70 La Sallo. k'limini, 131 Randolph. North (Jerman Lloyd, 8'.' r.th A v. BANKS 5 o ri.i<'..go hanks now rank next to New York in |«.n,„uu of business d,,„t.; there are i„ all "-, Xa' Itional Banks, ai State Banks. - Foreign Banks llO savings Banks and (tlVrivate Banks. I Tl.. weekly h„„k riearances now amoii'nrt to |l|Avanl of *100,000,000. '"'oiintl to Tiu. •.'.-. National Banks alone have a oombi, ed hpilal of »-.'..TO0,0C0. a snrpluH of «1.3,004,oV' land total deposits of »14:(,()04-.-- » Tbe following Is a list of fhe leading banks: NATIONAL BANKS. STATE BANKS. |B.H!^lnl;:"5ie«i^^';S,ii;|^^-;;.>. Monadnoek AI1..S National, l.a.Salle, s. w, cor. VVa.sbington ItHrikers- National Bank, Masonic Temple nuMiieal National, 8r, Dearborn st ^^Ohi..a«o National. Dearborn «t., s. w.'oor. Mon- Columbia National, La Salle cor. (iulnoy ,<^mmerclal National. Dear,.,rn St, s."e.eor.! •■""'inental National. LaSalle, s. w. eor.Adams I First National, Dearborn s,., n. w, e<,r. Monroe' ' fn^H^D^'arn.^""""'^'' ^'""«'' R-r^- Build-' "lol«> National, cm LaSalle and iaokson rorU Salle.'^'*"'" ^'"'"'«'- Madison «,., «. « Merehants' National. 80 and 83 LaSalle Bt ^^Metropolitan National, ,^8a"-".« Bank. eor. LaSalle^ NHTfonal, oSFT' L.iSalTe^ Ii.tenitttionul Bank. UO LaSalle st. MercliHiits- Loan and Trust f',. w x., - nt. eor. Dearborn. 'rust Co.. Washington Uoyal Trust (U.IST Jackson st sjate Bank of Chicago. Lake St., cor. Lasalle.. Tbe Jennings Trust Co., 185 Dearborn st ^_^r«e Northern Trust Co.. Washington St., eor ,^ Northwestern Bond and Trust Co . 175 Dear^ rnion Trust Co., Dearborn St., eor. Madlsoi.: FOREIGN BANKS. Bank of Montreal, Woman's Temple " " Scandinavian Exchange Bank, 58 LaSalle «t. " SAVINGS BANKS. ^ VV«sft'J.^LT.' ""^ ^^''-'"•f-Ba.*. 12., and 124 nime SavlnyM iu.^1,^ .4> l O' t 10 wamii T igtoft gt. ^ ^ -< Qi>iJfetil£IU^!^ AiIhiiis St. and ^^Olob, SavingH Bank. cor. Dearborn and Jacksoo '■'lion National, La .Salle st n e cor Ai 1 ,^N«.onal^B«nk of the Kepublle. LaSalll.Tw. I «'''•'*' 'it. ^^ "'"' •'*"^'"'^'' «««". cor. LaSall. Inlon True, Co., Dearborn St.. cor.Madison. \ »..' »»^ ' "^msm' n • policemen whosiiffpr...l '.'".''^"s "^ Chioafjo rnlse.l a i>i rsp of «- - ™i"^? f<>r JUitrajHl one f,,V,, llajnmrket, the scene of t4 riof 'T? "''"""nent io' I etr ^1^;;^.,^^^^ *■""' BKeiii«NT Ahmokt. lata Stbmt •^ifD Michigan Avishdc. ^\ R6s thi' niiUn counter in facing th< aljoul .'JO,C Sew pipes luio _ tejii of pip t third syste He 16 it fi J nresned Inl mrne for a Staff biiildiMKsa flreproof, w nil designs Hre nnide, a more than Kiiioiint of ( foiir-Ktory ti Stock shcdH, covei fortjpcctuto ■-'OiJluet. T Statuj JiiKilee, Hel Slrt'MKth, M Siiii;lo,Figiir (irniipgut sii trolled, I''iro, PiKures, "VI Horoscope (j nieiils. ao K Muiri Pediine Machini "fMldehl.'le II I'iK'imts of Miillins, Suiei COLONNA Obehslf. M. i Mi'sic II Seiilptors, Y Sculptor, Foi W 'rRANHfO seining; progtt FIoRTiriri Six Single Fljr ^, , Oallerie seiilptor. On Sfliilpior. ptv, \ elascjuez. .. Vnimalh these Kontlenit , Woman's oach of "Hope- Statue of •Statue of t statue of I The (J rand t H'IBICIMSIM ^^TftHvIH7^asi KsNTUCKr VOUANO I ■ iik^- WTV Anarchist Riot ty waseversUrlle.l i v/MMi is known as namiteboDib wliich ymoK. Thg^lMio 'iJ^tipitul one f(ir ,1 ^nc familk'H of iiif !>een erected in iho ■v trial, but this WHS nsiimed three day . remarkable a case • Gui.', /. r/^e WorlJ's Fair a.d O/ucago. R65tsuraiiisak.Tf i ».>■ main hnlldinKNTJi^J 'rheYT'f'"'! '^oro will be 26' A c;Mn;i^inu;e"^Sp,;^;'Xn^/wldir"iiT'''"'^ fH.Mng the WannfR,.i^,,,„: .',V.'',.',V'''K- There will be six restann Ki,'""^ " ra Iroad lunch ti^a lake .bore. The eapr/;ro"f"lt:'';':rut«„rj;!;}]l4| rv.sed into ealce" at d bn"n„, ' umrer''t''hi'.'',!''''""'*'"' ''>' " '''e m o f. o,^?":;: V'.;"" Kroun, s* m.ire than one huri.lred years ««.lVw '''^' ^«'">' ""''^li »» lro.H«ciit^S^^ mo'lel moulds Hn.c,iint of ih.«u„>„...:.*'?..y«"^9«?> covering for bnildinKs notablv in v5.,;S« ''««>" "sed for ...■'" '^""in America The l'"n one hundred ye''""-""" ''"'■' ^^'"^' "" 'of this work. I. fhl? -?*?." '""^erinK for 1 'ry building flf "een .l^''^*:*''"**'""" b"lWing« iHeirual 't" urj'ooiePinnf I."?! wall of a niiire tlian „ \S'MAi.H roa THE Bninnra «. .- ''"*^'"'^ '"«"• R«Ph«el. itembrandl -i.of ■■ii„,,„i'i;S'!i; - .yi.'.'"^i<. -Ota ».„,„„,, ^ „ . >•,» ?o™Z""'""'" -«"""^ '"-'e- Boone." i. ^b^J't. 4 In '1tr»..l^1« -aat ^. to be in Marble. Miss Mears, Sculpto, By MIhs Yondell, Sculptor Mrs. Copj), Sculptor. % d^- ^MA The Worl completed more coiigi iimler its at the World'! ' of the folio TheAuxl the Directoi by the Unil for each of and other ID a l()(^al comi council of a I and corregpi , coiiimittees [ orgaiiizatlor branch, wit! rai}i,'iiig thoa participate. tli!e ptn s SIntfle room, sl I Double room, ( I two persons, 92 • I ')onble-bedded I persons, »3.o0. I Unnble-bedded lPeraoti8,«.i5. S. "»p '!»■' -pp"**!!^*^' in (6 ^ Cuid, to the World^s Pair and Chicago. WORLD'S FAIR CONGRESSES 2ti more congresses of thinkers whi/hwi^^^'^h Vf ^''- ^'^"r, 0, A-ujriist -'S of the following , formation ^^^^^ Agrlciiltui'e, 7, October Kj prganlzations. The AnxHlaryhas ^1^ branch, with committees, to co-od raquing those sougresses ii which partK^pate The entire work s w'^ Be ow in' ^'7"8«™ent8 are I'n^? Beiow will be found, as fur »ih thuu mnged, the different department^ i^ » 1kI^^»i, . ''**'°,^®Partnient, and the ii;bich their sessions will begin • Morftl and Social Reform, 4. June 12 Literature, 4, July lo. Education, 13, July 17. -' con- date at 5. 1 ^• I July— 7. 8. 9. I AantrsT 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Au- >resentation of the best tLu^t of th^?it? entintlife world. It is expected th.fri,^^ press, rostrnmand nulnit -rhn V.„ "" Wthe Ar?«Pa"^iI™ Ci'.?ert'ti',"oi''! ^T^"' Parlc. Tills buiUliiur i?MiT ' ?" ^^^ ^^nt ^^"K'neerlng, 7. August 1. "^KlS'^Cafe^^- not other science and Philosophy. 15. August 21 TO THC vi*..'.^^ -,"""" "^""Kress Auxiliary, Chica^oT TO THE VISITOR-THE BUREAU OF PUBLI^ COHF^ s bureau has been estahn=K»^ k„ ...,_... . V'Vi ll-UKI two double beds, four Ihouseholders imvint fn^n'i^S^IP^ ""^ »P« to |«ives the geS aTemL^ «,^^l'*'.7'"» statement [Wh avenue and WeKln"th^8tl^L"tf '^"'''° ■ f^gflnfT a amapci day wmw>a ^ .MriBle room, single bed, one Deraon"ii'i ir IpelS;;'^^^""* »«"»■ two double beds, two IpeSr^o'*' ""'"■ **" "*«"•"« •^l". three Double-bedded persons, $.\,'iO. < thes'lX..*'res^obSlf^ i'?.Hi„'^?™' "ccordlngto i «^15# ^. njMllIrl III ;\,| purb of ttie I) J iini"! Ddit-'i.'is' r I ci'iilriU (loinu. |irsi)fiK>r, ; I The lleideiirlc ,,, CALIFO IbUflilillgN. 'I'll I mice 'ill (lie ol |li#tll HIKl Holi I Mi.'■^illli (Uiiiroli JliiHci. wliile th luiissiiiii iirchlu lllilliliinjn. 'I'll, l"f li'iiiH mill ( lllll'l "IK! lit cltl llliirr III t||)i 111,: It OKrMiih (Mill n I') I'linn, IhtTo Jiiii iiiU'iior or V lilcriiriilldiiN (I ( Ikiuil Tlio WH Jniiilrwiislird I" -I 'I Willi out VIII Ml I i.ortloii I I''* ili'volcd 111 |ll''ll. 114 lei'l N piirriMiiiiljiijf It, liiiil (Idiue. On pKlt' (if tho jun llriHucs afo cle I "Killing; to \Ui iBiirdiii. TliOKo V'ln Ufa „ Cnlt l'r 'Pn iiriiictr hucl.rs, Thp 11(1 l"''li ''o.. of CliU I »•« 175.000. w w, .- f.?!v«-';-»? GuiWe- to thelVorhrs Fair ami Chica^r, STATE BUILDINGS. - — ^ ■■ • tlie fciitor <)f thi r..m,,,i 1 J * " '"'^""■"l •luiim. In d«. by tripl,, u h '« ii V,.,, '''''V'f '^""' ll'«r..mn- I The .■ei.i.nr,.., Cou.pHl.Jl^J^'^i <:;,[;|':,1:,J^^!;. -'.iteet. K. Kauf,„a„ of ,-,.,e«,„, eontn^cton. 5 ^^1 ' iiiK'lior orcxU-rlor l. nmwn. lorsnii FrniiclRco; con- r™""". Tho Houieii. I"<''| !.r. leadlntf to offices. At the ends of n,,!.-^^^ m,p|Hioii room each oponfnif into an hi^S;, "" "'" •'C<'«'id floor Ih the iisBem- Architect. H.T.KWendeiro7lV:,e;!^Sacf„rUI'11.^^^^^^^ "^WircaaeH leu,, promenade and "iimmer khMoii PilU iti ol?."?P*'":'" ''«""'«• 5'''« ««% k" r%V 'f}'''''' on either »lde of «R^hof^t^j,I~f.!i''"'' "."'"'"«"«•"''>> "^ the hnidin^i"; ."'"»•'<*• AIhmu which lemls hyVHBvL'o, ''"J,"'*'''''"'^''' the eelllng ^2 t'r en^,,,^. :*V;*»'"|[ '-"> B)e par iirx and toilet tiun«l r " ' "'"" women, )««t omV SOUTH DA l-Jv 3tiA-, j3C:s^,.J^i^. . — u^ . . fWj'w?f.jr,!S'*-'f!i»j.' '^ Guide ,0 llu WorU, Fair and Chicago. % '0 an ornament lit ^ht, by reflectinn 1 a writing MM, iM urtiieinostiutrH iWy roo«i« to tin. M(i over the infDii SUiroaaoH leml »t $35,000 merhoiiHp uftiT «Uo llllndfoH,,,! » TheexU'rmr flKlMl IJUll.llllu'N ^••stttlon ihelml. lililliiK, loKeilicr roof furnlNlicHK |;i;im'thall. .in,| '•tlliiKHrepIn u I'et front bjr in;, ntranoe. aImpih circular nielli H 'e the keyst< il)Ove the t)inl, l«. forniliiK iii« John, b<.|iiK .i) 'H oti the Hour foot MtalniiM', to tlie mwciikI hull, 4(1 |,y „,| J»ff. HnKrolrir,i T. Thhi ro..iii iMx'inllnir fniii H. IH reel loh«, Kli'wientlliiMs. I'liK la a li.i.c llio first III pf for men Hml »P' aro peeled, t ,i« llioiii WaHhIngton. The two wlinrs onii H »ln«le room each, « ,d Will ho .. iiN Nearly all ••■"■Mmk valne of donated malerlXlJt.O^S'"' ^""'""'^"'^tiKby Avan,. of Seattle: cokt. In- SOUTH DAKOTA.-The l.uUdlng ha. . gronn^area of 70 hv io„ fee. .„,, . , \t<>r. Tin '■''k« M .• llK I on' Ml '",•;'"« "'« ''f'^ '• -fption llX'lio • ; "^^ ''^t "'-rls M n. iiiiU|iio nri'i)lii,.,.s if,,.vL V'- lHiHfi.l»» -fJ!IllSiffJ?,<^TA~I^. .U.lKm^ .„ u. „al.,n. ..w. f " "' ^'^'^'^"^ -«'■ ««•««<>• coveml with sUiff tm: „ ''>',' "'""'Ih <>( \v«mk1 iranw, and on tl. "i. .y ^''I'l'"""^' 'he «,- Hon hall, no by ;» J /«-**?"'''""" '" » ■"^''"ep- Worn In tlKiXrUni, . J; '"' " <''"""»"tlee nx.mBand lwob«rimmnH T^.. I"r ^V"' ''«"'• West X/mtf^lkaa «-.iiMiy iv l^lh^^ nf tfon .mil, M.,",?yr,rr" ! 'fn'x;:' ";;i7 '■'' W»»T rKMiHu. 5* 'L'..-** '■>' I •-'•■I feel. vol Hid oil «r»-« Is |(]5 f,^j iiiloiiiiil i)6rtl('„ nmiiU'lHjiiiJHiii,; fiilriiiii't. o|„.„„ llie vuiint'n'H pn fu<'in (((K'lii.yli [ijir i« the rwv|.| iW). "xtcndlnif <*llli'« of tilt, h,, will Ion Jiaii )n„„ ['"itlircc HldPH. It) f '») llie wluKsi i«^''<« In 'Kt<)tJ,clloor. iv •iHl.laciMB the drive, , > th« Ilr8t ll(K.rlKH n. y -M feet. It has. h", iipreNkcdKratiitebrMk bull Ik h wiiiK of Uw slorfei,hiKh,theK(.,..,n| iilc<)iiy„rKHllery(,jil„I ft oil. tiiKl 11 lardce .si,ii,. mere «ro |«iir(ori. i,„ tothcroiif HndJsr„v. andrommltU'erooriis tfo; font, 8H,«0(). l-ibby A Llbby ()f hl/J;, with It i,|,H„.,| 1)1^ the West Virginia wallKflrti |,biKi..i,.(| i>r i>riiHiii..|iUti iMiij Al of th«ex,H,M.,l "K iHlhp |.r,KlM. i,ir •■iilriiiM't. In on i|„. i<'n. AboA'e th. eu. "J'Nof thoSlHh.tli < elilrumo Ihii w., t lubourdKof I ,,m •''•f; MoywiMi iiif «'Pli<>riliHll(l,i, kcl niiUinvii lliui, „f mtl ri'tlrliiK ro. ms ><>Mt are two Kini •iilHlirv of tho i!,,»r y rootti Hiid ri If. II «/«-. Then ,in> ♦ ■ ^ ^"'.T-.|,^'*-^TfS^^-jS « *^W. /. //,, jpr,,/j>, ^.^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ giil'l.'s. The biilldl^^ ;,„,'' "'"">' f'o.'I'l*' of rn.o «,„1 He! f f ^n'S' ?'?'"'"' ""4 Willi ornuinemul stiilF 'n,..' ! "'I '.** covcre.? nr iMuU, usHeuuiiv , M """T. "'■" "'■ Hl<' 18 'I 'I'orutely (I s ,ed ,!'" ."'f "'■■'" "«">r All .#.«be innteri I ,, .^^"*•^""'"' «yle lor Hi.nlor ;.;;•' ''^'^'ftl'O l.Hrd»voo,|t[ b) liMlianu niam'f;,,! u"''^'r;' •'"■'"« 'l''"a.,- 1 ''« H'O. by l.-.O ... uM,.i ''•'.'^'•"'"'"I'l'-eH s|«„v(„r tbeerec . /.'.."'i'' , « W^ " larse , «>-ll Iwve the iirch t ,..» 'V'^l"''- ^'"^ (•m.d " I'y Ihe wlugsXe bi ,r "'"' ,'*;''' l/'I'iK fori,. ["•""MH.-IO l»y "( fiV M, iJ'7."'i'"'' '*'"•<■''" Tie riHiidMOHie em vi il 'iliiKhaKBKr. I lid jnieir, ,1 IriKIll; ■iiihly r,H)„,, ;ki i.v 4" fj, '^' "'"•"■ Wi'K I h Ih e . ^^V-=^ ■ ■ { \ •^^ ■'«//' ttikcii respiint, Uiu two , T(M if' Kino iiliKMitg _ lip;*!? -^ilf ■■ I<>litlivtt|t («•()!! ■ori«^ lliOj, Jiil-tiiltuti .. ,-Oel, two MSftm liiL'i, ml ovft tiie iimiir efttnui •,. »»<)iii«!*, 4H fci CHHt oonit-r »tM} ^lUit'H,^^ ',ff Put b Mlinonrl aiKj Kuiibbh i*Hirl, ami si. Louis. : tbe M)ii<;i' under tli h . ,■ =.-'.;\Viirri'iiNUi_«, IfinittttivlN 1>,WI?6? I <'<.fifiu>»i •■ ^ bi»*|rrrtfe ' . - ■. ">'■ 'X't'iRoiml (lonm. 'Oii either sl.l..., tl.o rotunda from all of ?i^C;,±' k'^.I^l' 'V' '""'"" "'""f"""'- ., red and white oak, 1 a to 1^%^ nd X„.i^^ TwofllKhN„f ,„Mi,,,ia|^'«"»<'' the main .MUranVc "'»?<» «>nny floor are six iKMlroomn, il.ne ■tlKiniR. It iH very handscmir mikI iliird stories havi Is IH feet wido. 'I I hi' ctfillnK l» pane iiMiplo, The llr«t •in Intonigenci) o llie commissioner tlio {;lly,of West • •II this door Hfo lHiT?e hcilrooiiis. ' the KEonn'dH. Architect, Will O.Unn *(VirtlA of Kansas Pitv«\;;n.'' '"''^■^'''l^ I l>&nui„^: Its eN,iSrc^;ll^:j4":o7o"''''^*''^'''' "'"•/"" Ml&yrr-Stato c:«mmlsHlo„ ere, I u.i^H^MB'fU. '%■ har"'^iV\?,"idi.r.'/:^"?""''"'''^^ to the garden on the nmf . The roof is covi^".^'urTi h American nuulo tin pr 'ilnt .rr arms of he State, in b«s-r III iHiK. 1 11^ wn la of the women s mnina um ^EoorVs^ih« «^™.^h''" """•' 5tainiH.d metal, and thestalra On thnieLrt flJ^'"'"" """"• ^^ V "0 leot. "'"l "" either i^ •wXol"**"' ^|B>*'«. "' »»liil*aelphlB; cohlr..^ [•NNBtLVANIA. fif quartered oak. On (lie [triors for men H'nd woinoii. Hi rBl«.S, 4H fe«*Clii;,.|, 'hlch Ih 111 Uii«jji(ii||. nwln eiitfiuici! JO' ti)« fiSor, Oil II dnM>iii(K6f(flrt iniimr 1 the left leiuiliiK (0 lerlBhtlenillMKld iIi,, B the telejrmph oilic,. HI. either side of ii„, ;J0 hy«0 faptniKl .'H a l>iin"iiii oriiifdnija- hiillH. TwoHiKhU.if L promeniido balci^y arRer portion of iim ><)m, for women, iho It ilPoinmlttee ro.un kIx l)e walls, uncovi'rc^ Iteams, and Us r'^—^M^i^^^— ■ ' ' ■ h|«hmantelre^aii],;^';;,,i,\;;;;^^-Vi^^ I Wes orn Massachusetts, or New Vork a d Vnnsy Ivania, On the left of the fro tdwr or main entrimoe, are two larRe parlors which fe^M„''ir"'"'^'i:'f*'r'*""'' ^«'"» « room ^b by Ifl feet In size. The fnint parlor Is furnished hv fAm"T'h«'l!:'o'^ "' r".""' ''" "'<' "•'^t'^Hca^ , "ociety. I he bank psrh)r s mon! esneclnllv h rca.lln(, mora for men. The «ecP Of the cupola J,,H,i'T ''.•;''.'.''" •'"•' «dhereJlUdU '. g„whlch it la iuteiiua to i^^ Arohltecls, Peabodv & st*iitrn«nf «.„..„. . Mate as their headqnarters. » •50,00ft. ' '^'*'^y * Stearna, of Bctwn; ooutractor.c. KvereU Cfirk. of Chicago; coat, "^■^ ■.•*■' ^' "-p 'Guide totJu World's' Fair and Chicago. »,M(CHIOAI«-The LeKl.sJ»tiir« of "»"'r ?'«'" e«IHisltloii ImlUUiiK but HO, Hint the *truoturt> hs it jitinnls reii resoHtN an „t,ti„y ..f «5(l.OOO Tk . UlmeiiBloim Rn« loo by Ho foot Th,i win bo fniius, iiKrkMiltiiml products' iHitfimjfi, and ednciitlou. Thoho iiluiiH ^."t '■« Th^'ll' l"V.'-^"'->- f'''ly «irru;i out. Mti tho tlrst (lobr nro tho adiiiiii- nai H, for Ml Ics, and uutlvo cnrlositioK, Hssomhly baV, ,v„ a mora I« "«!!!'■'.,","''•""*'"'■ "" \"^ tblniZor are Hic llviiii? roonm for \ie Norn'iaVv «.nstru«t. m n ' ' provi.led IbroUKhoiit Hit iMiil.Vl e ■ slniciiiro is two slorlos IiIl .m,i _ i'',"«'irol.iap*if|,rlolc, Tlio r', ,h ' NORTH I.AKOTA. ' '■■•"" "">-T-« J'f "'o wal^iroof tiinbor. filled i,. haT.?X5^.7Ti'''* '^"'*' ''"»'P ProfWROs to to l»K7.,9M"r .''."''"!,';.''''"'*'• "'« Ktrn.'turo ? \\ t'onstructod eniiTolv aflpV rlT.> style of the oKl Spi^lsh .VinVioMH it 1« a tociui^. 11,0 front pait of tbo biiildliiK nakota of Inolos- S.--X ""' '"'Ml [lait of tbo I f«I"*S *!*''"'"'* '''K''(y five fwt wic i5?..«*i '"'**'. ""^'o'bly hall The' 'Konoral cftverod wH h « w , ,?" n.^un, "i"rT "^^ ire «K.uod l,v^w I"'''"'''-" "f masonry ofthenrrhcR pit,., o f ^ho spamlrt-lH ~.>. ^u.KllllK, 111 Texas materiala. , W^- .■ K yafsf f ',Mp!'^»5«^"»( KAN8AS-The tins biiiniltiK In In pioaclien a scjiiate, siialgbt, and tho ot: liiK'Irregiilaraiiglos. aii'tt of i;ir) by i;j8 Morles high, built Riiiir, and is Hunnoi b|>tlc(»l kIiiss domo. hJbltlon hall iMXMipIi tlio (irst lloor, ami o to tliOKlasHdoiiio. ii llio second atory, i i/mlii entraiKic on tl second balcony e.xtoi liiiNO of the domd. ' of tliu main iloor is iwiltiral hlsilory oolU »r(! also olllci's fiir (•ommlsslonorK on I Knur lllKhls of stall Kccond door, wlion? i tho woman's cxlillill liililt, IiikI parlors woinon. Architeot, Seymour CON einter. In tho rear ol piirlors for men and W( pled by the exo(Milivo Arrhltoot, \Varrt>ii Jl'.'.OOO. , . CEORQIA 'icoi iiiiiIdiMK and a very e losi of which was pre Kcrlptlon, the snin of t lliiouKh the exertions ( I ho Sldte. Tbo Stati marly every departm( "lid will afTord n eorro ili» vast rosonreoH of tii li' rewlth a skojchof t Tho poverely elasslc IWi. Athonbin fn form Tiiileod, the , liiKs erected,, I, •irchltccts bav( Ic'tlon of stnicWroft i iilone, win prove a ne I'lijoymont In exnmlnii Is tho gplro of life," t i^aM^i.r <; iMti. '-i: , I % '•^'^"^^S'7^' »TA-Tlio K,,rll, r.y r.(( fei'i \ front of Iho ihmhi I'll tho two ('i>iM llH H (iOUrt-Viinl tno iniilii iihV, II] throUKh a. lnr>;t •llOrttllOfXtciinr ;f North DHkiiNi 111! interior Is ih,. inclndosH k|.,hc n JN KpiillTU'il hv ris betwofci v,uh inflow roncliiiiK <> tho roof u ' In " biond iiri> ,^oilft rooniN iirc 1^ l)iiiMln>;, 11,,. ■S IliKh, ,W1,I nil ( thLMnuin L'lii,!,. Thprcnuilit.ii.r Ikt. filled In l„. >snt'l8. .North wheat, but jiIhi gCNof tho St, lie -n ir>0 foot l( l(t, ith the w^: of ire Is built ol GutVc to the World's Fair and Chicago. IHonches a Kavis. of Topeka: contraotors, .ellows .i'V::::::.u.of Tof.ka; oa.tS25,or COMNECTIC llllldlflfr Hiyie, tlio I ^ lieotieiit residoru'o ouiar windows on ■ ^',Vi''^.'i'!ir.'''''l^.'?"}''*e roar." Itha's iq^T mi in Ifle r OONNKCTICHT. IT — In tho ooIonjRl liiK a type of the Con-' h tho addition of clr- north and south, and Area of r^by 7;^lnolm[l;;K^J,V pliT""^ Is two stories hW ThocxIoHorWoa ? ,'", n'rr''^' . ""1 '""■"««' white 'Iwmf ed on top, The do<;k Js surrounded bv hM nstrado, and from llsoeuter rises a f «-staffl 'I bo main entrance Is-ofT a souaro t.nrf.S' is rum;ortj:d"i'"v r"J'"'^'",*f "*«'''»"". ^^^^ iSBupimrted by heavy eo umn.s. The Inter' or Is flnlshcf in (^olonial style with tiled ;'", ",';<^™- <•>" the first floor is a recent on tvnter. In tho rear of the lialMs a stairway with a landing hJ^ir'i,^''*''' "^H'", « "fbtwell In the i,.Mfi^®''9'A '■•'"fKl'i bus a hnndsorflo bill UTluK auTa very orwlHabl.- display i,,, cost of whi.'h was provMed by prlVate sub- M'fiption the sum <)?• l|;iOO,000 beinif raised uouKh the oxertlonsof nrlvato oltizenB of lie Stife. Tho State Is represented inn iM'arly every department of the bnlldlnJ iiml will afTord h oorroot comprehension of h» vast resources of that 8tate. We prese t lur.n»'lth a skejchofthPHtrnotnro. '^ Iho oeverelv classical style of thisbnlUl- iMf Athontan In form, 4)letids the eiimpio IWI ornamo"'"' •■«»-• ■-• ■ •- .• ■ . ' liiileed, the biKs erected. li'Ctlon of strnoi "lone, will prove tfemnrkable doKroe. , all tho Sliife build- g(M)d taste which the n >mw pr m tii w r i nrnt' Which In themselves never-endlna sonrco of ---.-, ........... u a iiuvur-endlng SOUL ••'ijoynipnt In examining them. If "variety \x the spire of life," then the most arrfent lover of variety can find food to hU tutOL VJR*%TK** '' ,'V5^r?585--*'^' v?f^»i?!*te-4ir'g! X V ^1 if 6^«/ terior court is planted In bamboo, oranpc ^ lemon and other tropical trees. The mm W'\ J"»'"f, with conical towers or piiv'ilions at the corners IV structure is '■- " lelter." It is,,,;,™, two stories hfiH?« with towerti and as is a granite It is 77 tiy one bearing the State m'otto, "iMa y i'lata " -gold'and Hiivp'r— anil t»,n;C.'h'.r3»»idno -,,'r- ^- figures These panels are n6w Waff, bu at t^he oPung ofVe KlnosTtfo.^fifn^^^ pure sheet gold. Above the««itnj^e arch, and prUicaTirorthe roof o? .?^^ winf^iTl^ fe' Umed"in"^;il ' ^T',;"''"' T' '^*'*ff- '^'"^ iuilrtofls^finVshed iTJeorg^a pi, e'^^fe w^ f, Jack'SJ^^a7k^'«h^eltJ;'-' '?.^.J'.*;„.V.!1!1 HlllL^.',".? .'« .'?i'«L"".'«L.i" "hat l» Icnown as ,ho structure wlfh a slat 123 feet in size. the west side of by .100 feet ly size, iQKl It is in wood and staff, „.,,. i„„cro »■» roof corresponding to the-' Shelter," so tha the two structures combiijfi harmoniou " after the style of a French chateaUrfcrm a very picturesque effefct. > The ' will be used exclusively for -a St corresponding in character to hloux rity corn palace ethlbitt - part on the flr^ tl<»o -- — rooms for men an(I women lloners offices, committee rooms. Writing and baggage rooms. On tlie second S^iKi'i'^^.i i? "''sembly fcnll, photographic ?y.l°'* '!l.*'^'"K """i report.ts- roonis. where AUttoMlwrof^heafywHfBefOTTnrt: r»^ o"**.".*^' T*'o Josselyn & Taylor Co., Ht„i„i?*il''l?= contractor, John G. Coder, oi Harrlsburg, p^. ; cost »35,000. ^|g State bullSng- Jiiir will be o unique and o grounds. On tt uf the steps on two shafts, on pjrioal figures r iiiilU8trie» of i aimrrylng— the t dusirlal actlvltii One enters throi poitico Into a c( ri»;ht»Bd left of eri'd porches wl ,lnst off these ai rnoms In front room, postofilce, In the center of Baudsomemarbk blc from thequai will also be used supported by fou reiiresentlng " Fr sculptors are now , Hith a colonnade \ according to a I'o: ' furnishes a most The success ( We«t Randolph, 1 The architect Richard M. Uunt^^ IOWA. DELA^„„ ware was one of adherence to to th( tioii was $10,000, sum of $15,000. ' in the Exhibition b will^be in the spact the different StaU constructed wholl terials from the St feet, and Js very i nlshed, add^ ix>st : building is fihlsh( nKnglnmandfUrnK jlHys. ItlsveWVIht Inelavof theoldSv Biirrah's Chapel, i (hurch was built i heart pine. It is v - ami has tTie bigti I one end, the,serva end, midway on th and immediately Im « most ttiterestlng f Mft'faife'., .>■-.,■ Ing Is a repro d Fo« Marion 'ort covers hh ulldlng on th. )ne- fifth tjiai a four-bastlrlii moat, the ah,- ullding projx r n|B Ib or pliK! iUiim shells, in The interior ih ;n and women, DM, and i« fiirii oods. The in- mboo, oranpc. ses. The roni imenades tm\ lat is a 811 n If fit icedminlatiiri' ate. W. Mciid rectlou of tlic gs,withalai'R«. ntranoe in tlm Tbe fronts of gs are orim with heavv id pediments, ranee arch is feet, support nvy cqlumiis. !thev*Stlbul.), rble floor and. ineled iBstflffip its a series of heddoor\VHj> rone opening rotunda, un ome, the jldo »dlng t|o tlio nd Women's On either side lit ranee arch "> feet In size, 3," in Boman >e replaced in lilding, is the e. The walls dome'-^ In the s floor staiuis ctR. Galbralth 6,000. lown as the is a granite It is 77 liy ^ ■1 CutJg to the World's Pair and Chicagd. „,,--(--,, JNT— The Vermont Slate building- at the World's liiir win bo one of the most unique and original on the Kroiinda, On the right and left of the steps on the facade rise two shafts, on which are alio- pjiical figures represehtiug the Industries of agriculture and qiirtrrvlng-the two principal In- dustrial activities of the State Olio enters through a columned portico into a courtyard, on the rlKhtand left of which are cov- ered porches with broad seats .liist off these are the reception rooms In front and committee room, postoftlce, etc., In the rear. In the center of the court is a ftaiidsome marble fountain. Mar- ble from the quarries of the State „„„„„i, Will also be used all throuirh the iiitPH<^h#»i,«K„.i*< r. vbbmoJI snpport^ by four ca^ytidfovlr whi Wa sem^c r^^^^^^^^ rr^^^^% *'"'^ ?^ '^ "O-^^' «- « Po^'h, reprejenting "Freedom and Unity." The coa^.ff„'';Z^^ ^y^th bas-relief around I sen ptorsare now at woric. The reception haU whirh h. In^Rtln i?f l'^"""' ^"'^ <"";'"« competent Rich?,arg ifigIJ^t"ort[;e^Iaas"t;:t^o^n'l?i.^^^^g:'"-' ^'-'« "-'■ ^•^^ ^f^t, a„d of stJ^TSMJr'}!^^ 70 f«et in length, by ,50 feet in width The Th^'roT ^""'"'ns !' '"fKe hall, extend ng to Th^omiu'^"'' * «*"«7 «' tlo second flwr" i i. f^whf •'I^ a^a'iKed on the stairway lead-^ ing to the second floor. A veranda 1^ fppt wide, is upon the east and west sl^es The fo^fJr^fh'T/Hr ""*'!,"' *°"^'» ""-^ retiring rooM for with.ladles and gentlemen. The gallere around the hall and doors leads out upon tlw balconies on each of the four sides The mildlug is in the French chateau styte. and the panels of the main frieze exterior contain elaboraltdy wrought hunting and pastora w^SinfoT ^^^^kA^'"' depa^rtmeiro?"?h%« war?lh^oTl'\9^r^'j? !''"«' ^"''e of Deli- " ware was one of the first to show lt« invai Um'was'Vl^o'ooo^'^fiP^^'y",''- Theftmdo,^a! termis from the State of Delaware Is ?h hv «n btiilding If atd'C coro?Harstyle"'w'|l'h' hangingsand fUrnlturo representing the o,'.!.^..! h;'^lkv!i^^l'fe'"'S'''l"f 'here Ling Su« (iM.rch was built more than 100 wa;g a^n nf The Delaware exhibit will be Jmt&j^iSt. ■/r\ ■ '•'./■' ,'"'34.^|sp«> Irv- Tfii :■' '"^■'" square. It Is f,vr^ .'", "^'' o'. • •' feet ^W^. /^ t)u, WorU^s Pair and Chicago. if iiBsiBnea lor men hikI wompn f».ii„; '"'''^o^/J^:^^^!-' te9^ Pf '^ «"^'-^« - '"' ">« '-<>-- Of t.e state , e«.. roscof uu.aKo;,..„traclors, Gr«oe & Hyde, of Chicago ; cost, JSo.oo,, ^ witlTKf.f?~i'^'^'^"'"'""K'^fn»'ne. cover,,! fm.a.ie is m,ii,.n Kennlss nP,V'%' "' iniV^i.::iM[.:\^,.,!ts"'i-- lined.,. is an exhibit hali, 4i hv 4'. fn^? ,V, •'■;;lii.V''V,« the n.ain stairway '''"'^'"'■^ us ImildiiiK JwN ehasie ami siuu,|.. oull.nes, nn.l is an ornaM.ent to t ,• KrjMin. s. stnn.linK ns it d.^es H.no.K ■ other State e,Iifi,.es. nn.l len.lins t" in. , " s..nie ex erior to Ihesronp ji is V,, ', I hisfration of the taste of tlie , ..m . ■ i.yYtsM'.Vv.'''//' """ ^"' «"f'"'t t'hV;'is,„;, V,",'.',!; .'I'.'r''"'' is planned with a Spe.'inl Mew to tlie .comfort of those who make ,>TAM. — ^^ ;i\7,,;rr^;'''^"**.. '•^'''' '^" «"■"«-"«"■' first fl<).,r several rooms for (he nse of e P,„'ii ""■'*■ "'e same fashi.n,, c,,,,, also the secretary-s office, w, w, ',hm[n ,,Llor Aw""^'- .V*'"''''""" ^""'" ^ thetirst. there behiK an exhibition r.ni 41 v a- ' ''/eeon.l floor is similar ,'i Ualles & Hedges. Si Salt Lake ^'i^' 'eon/r.l^tors,'7i!;;;:;^ T'son^.'Ji^^j;;;:::; This is a magnitiee fonriiiigthe west si.le , iiinslyleof architectnr int.) three sections. 'Ti fi)rni the great vestilmi H-esl sections are three ctiniters, and the Kcni full lengtlrof the bniji secDiiil door. This ^a cfntrnl secli.)n, giving the highest art known I tiiexiiHery will bo an a, iDuieet. In tlie upper Miimlierand five feet in uriiicipal cities of the ' Mr. .Mwood, "isa.laptei iiM'.iiriotives on po.lesta tiitnui.ie of the station, msliwlforall; Rising a iiiilmmeter. Ttiey.will 15 S.!.-)0,0()0 on its te rniiiks of excursionists beileiivered fr.nn the d l,agKiiKe-r.j.)n) at Sevent prising on the placed here, as nrningemeiif to Architects, Cost 910,000. -i 1|PTED ^^".i.jfe^^nU.Ti^aafe f^feA - JiSi^*-^^a^!^t^^^MT^l^ ■* ■i-"'?:-^/?^*''-^^' :agd. %■■ '^sp???^''''^'**^*^'"'^?^'''^^^'^! oducts of the State of Chicago ; cost, $20,00(, il'l)C"s. oi, tin, first ^,„,^ . ^1 l>y 4."i i«;et, oiMii ivcml Willi a skvligln Hull IS a ciiciiliir l)ii\ lain stiiirwiiy, as (iliasie and simi.l" ail oiimiiieiit to il,,. as it (l(,es ninoiijf \\„. and luii(liiif,'itK (im,,!" 'Kronp liisawoK'lu taste of tlie people ,,| will attract the vlsii,,i anned with a special of tliose who make il riie two stories in,' he same fnhhlon, eon; • A reception room s >nd floor is siinilur n I various oflice rooms & Sons, ^f ChicuK' '*'\H.\\ AY STATION- AT Tin; K\II( Jfor,,;i,i^l:j\;?iaeortSaM.,l;::;!rVhl:^''''^ "^ ^'"^ A"- tratlon h„„,„„„ and ill" style of architecture. V. B A S Is U e ar'S'.^r 't'II"'''''' ^"' ,*'^' "'' ""'^ l^'nia " fri.i 0?- 111 o three sections, -The centml is ^00 feK l>? e/iVl, v .. TiT'?" ',''"" "'"'^ »"""'"' 1« divided form the great vestihnle tliroiigh wlTlch w II i", ^ t ^mi ,? V'" '"'<'',"' "'' l'"' '^niUlng. 1 1 w lU wesiseetionsaretlireest..rieslnheiKh a d'Hic M, V ''''*""',^^^^^^^ Tlie east an fuirKth-of t h^l r"!7'" "'"^"""l ^'■■-i " n'to 1- 1 e'ot^i '4V'' The*>::::^ ••>H'<;k-roon,sJunch l:"l,.,'S"S'A?f H'.<'.''""«.l'»K-. A marwlons elfect J]!l t " ..'l.',''.-..„, ' 1"\' ''"' **''<'""" extends the Mig S;i.,() 000 on, its tennliial faci ies hiM? m .V,"' ';"^''"«1'"V' 'imc Th«.f«lr is expend Trunks of excnrsionlsis over the v. "ions' ro ds w .. ' ''''■'''i'"''7>''''''K ''"'"''Pt baKRaRe rooms I lie,lellvered from iiw. A. _...,!:.:".„.'''. '^"'^.'^ wijl.not lie taken Int.) tlie Kroniiils at all, hiu will ,....,^.-,,,1 cxciirxiouisisover tie various ro.id« «.• n ,„.ti V i ,•'"""« ''xcfpt tjaKRaKe-roomo e.lellvered from the down-towir ['m. ts The^^J^ .^ 'f fA' ""' »''« K^"i"i'l« »t all^i, wili l.a .,i.e-roon. at Seve.ity-tirst street f!,r pas^iige!^'!;!:::^ t nlli;,'; .''[^rrXVr'.il.'nUr "" '^'"'"'^^ y TED STATE S COAST LINE B ATTI.F,.SUU>-s,h^p^cm .3. pW i* Mi ^.t^!^^«^^ • L ' ''iT'lUr ffiWiUff?- Ill, -I T ■" ""f^-^SSV- tt— ",■ "-Wl-li^^S-ltfrlijr*! CONVENT O*. LA RABIDA-See Paje U It win be -""— .^ WE- i,A KABIDA-See Page 11 ,, '^ ^1 , . ■". „ . » - -1., . • • . i K* liiHifiiifgifi, it "OMAN s IKIKMITUKV ■?« Th)8)8al50x there Ih an Impog Cfiitral tower will Il»l feet in heltfli be three ] 20 ton • 8W thet-e how the WHtB liry To^uT.^.,?^;.*?^*^:'*^^**^^ M.I ■m' ToVw used at ah ■'%* ■im.^;%M: ■« ,•-* HIJ sa '^* '•■hUl8alo0x-i5opavlllon''"rti!^,^^'' STORAGK PALACK. th..re U an in,po«rnK S f^m wh .T"'^''^^ '"-"'yle- -M"! Ave ;, ,.„ d elaborately decomtiii i,,!li I ..'J^*'' artisili' on,. t each corner ssfii^iisispssiii td m^xf^Ra .LOO nyjiry To\«uwa..ifl«d.iti.rlmolabforb;iiiI^UMS on Ari talaiiU in the inaln Ugoqn. i •-<-^. J'-r ?•» .■ \ $1. / i V ■-»"- riio I'lick niiii.ii III.AlKirAIITKH.S OK ..|'I('K. ntry and Krn.vl'n ■ ' ', ,?, l'"™H«'l'>i;n.ru „n.| hn iu.|,| ,.,',,, ,, il \\"''i"n m Minf l|,„i„,; TIiIh KiriMliir,. h hiiin In '"TH's..,,,...! ,1,1,1 i„ ,1 ,;,;. "I'l" -','!; "'>^ '■■fN.'A.Ni,',;,!',; I lie (ill,ll,„|,||,|,| ,, , HMPhl r,.,,n.«..„t„|lv..s wll "'"Ml„.|r l.rm|,,,„„„,r, ,„:,;: UK.i:;;j;::!!r;,:!;fc -;:;;---. -r ,..,,. It IfFtHiirn ID ihc nin and tin "'-''''' '■■uiftn i I I , 1 uin.v,;'', :;^!';'''- '•;';;>{" iag^ Wherp liifHiN win i ■ ■". w icrp mt-HlK win Ik, f„ri,|.|V, j , fif ^ f } . i?:i3$W.«»i^»^^^(ifKi;^^^;^^ llic miiii'.MMU(r ll.uihi, 'liuitioii of nil |,|„| ,, |l'l">rltMl l.vslv. h,l,.. I'Mck, llol.)|„K ,1 Itll |>«t Imt. JtiMiniih <.'f ^HIlt,'htill('^^. iiii. I.. »i . ^ 'IjM.iuy «lll .wM,s IM ,, . i,'^ ",":'",'^ "'>•'«■; U'.> lM(,.ri.,r "•|'""^«""-.l ,n„| |„ li,,,u,'''^"'''''''^'''' flip ,■,.,, Miry ;T1-m.,. 11,.^ Fin,. Arts I1„||,|' '"' '•llllll'||l,||„|| ,,,,v [■NmioMi ,,.,,rrs,.,,,,,(lv,.s will '»*"llu-lr lu-M,|,|MaiUTKlH.i,' 'li II" nri- fill I ". If IVlll .•,. I,i|„ I fiiriiNiiiHl I .icivll IkIhtU'b Hul'Miig, ■^i^ 3 The Uooden or PI aiK'se history. The le i«;H. The right wing g reprcHents part of a D ilic city of f^hleago as \ miirl n^.,\„J..T. ' '"rr- ' 'W IIPIH'T l>nrtl»M ...III l... . ■; . ". J'.'.*' "'"erstorv. «r l.h r,wl K.l,.i. , N 4 ^SiP^sisii^^S M.. how, Of tj„. ^^lkl„,, Hh ^Hll "1 - ,r» l.> M .f ' ^ JAPANF-SE BUILDING of till' su • rick liiriiii! I ovcrlmiiK- le with the idiici from: In and ('(HI- wh (■iiiiiiiiv , The World's p„irr„mmi«, T""^ ''''*>•' ^C II i?L' I LJJl No* ruiiniR nn,! '.'..'.'!* ".M.'1.**f':fl<>l!<,f III »,ij,v,-i." "s Willi H.>,,ti;;r ;;'„v„,Lv',n-*'. ''"S" "'' '^ "■••fM^i.' i«o feet u.i.,.t^^:'....:!;'rv7;;,;:;i ;;'^'"-*^ ;- '^^--''^^'^^'^^r:^!^^ „ Th* RsposltJon of the Prruotf r ''" <^"'»''»^ >'«'•>* - ^ " ».-.r,,....u».^i,"strvT:;,r,.sia„.;';;?i;ri£;;;;5 IriiiiiKiilnr In sin oill]('ftlio Fmo Alt liuiMiiH. Hiid a depth of more I h',', 'f HiiiissHipil^s^s^ ilimllonOf the.Fnf the Dairy IJiilMi,, ff (m.loii|.itherHi,i,. AlKerfuii Merohmu . Ikt portion hHH(ir,ii t^'-m mi ll ArHltIm, I ■■ *^^ FACTi I'opulatior it is second ii A rea i n sc most extensivi Number ol stations. Number of Irooni accommc I traveler says ( Number of |atten -S^V <^'''<>' I't'i'Wcrhfs Pair and ChicafO. FACTS WORTHl^NOWINa ABOUT CHFCAQO In point of population Area in square miles 182 Ar f wonu. h»l™s. '^ ""'"'"« '" •*« •^"y. 3S, =nt=rf„j seven terminal Number of public hotels exclusivp nf k i- 1. room accommodations for .2o:>,ooo guests additional fn"'!f ''?'^' ''''^"•■^"'^' 75°, with traveler says Chicago wastes enoufh food ever; da/to fS'p P""'^"^^^- ^ ^^ench .^:^f.^' ^^' «--'- P— :fUrme:^!^3rr With a„ average daily ^^>^.ber of places of public worship. 465. with an ave.ag. Sunday attendance of Number of newspatjers and s^rioj 1 1- • ft. world. °''°' ♦"■!»».<«'. Ihe .malleM debt of any. great ei.y in .Vlt ol°',rS".^„SyT.' j'io^'trfJinl.'L "°"'^" "' P"P"- .^^.Oco. Miles of streets, 2,335. carrying (kx,,o(x> passengers daily. • . Miles of river frontage. 70. , ' iMiks of lake frontage 30 * tH£.;^fe t^ cS:iS^as^n"r:;3;'^^ ^"^"^'^ ^— . - in active U a c:e?of riia-:;: :Sy tl.r'^ ^'•°^^--° ^^ P^P-'y --y nve mmutes, and ^ J he pohce department numbers over 2.300 men Since its foundation i„ , 837 the civ h^L t f^P'P^ ^"'' ^^'" '°^"- I Fifty.four swing bridges and .hrpl, ^' ^"^ t^e"ty-one mayors, divided by the Chicfg; R^ Z', it'rtU^brathr""* '"'^^ ^'•--^ ^^ "^^ -^X New NS%"4i|1n£frl"r /ll^L^;^^^^^^^^^^ T^^ ^"-''-- '^^ -''-from l^^^ere .re 2. daiiy, ., .ee.,. 37 tSight.;.1 V^^^Z^^ S^, ..ews iAs,i.:;^ss^'-'---^chica£,isat;;;^siST^i!&y.^ ,,,,,,„, r.;xKe^:::;:7Sr:^^tSS^ --.hey b.i„,. city IS ro,5 miles across Dounclaries, 1^ 24lniles. In its greatest width the ' , n,e jobbing and wholesale bi,;. rf'?-v '''™P'°"'' ••'"'»■ hor ending June ,o, 18,2 "" °' '-'""6'' ■«>™nl« $SJ5.00o,ooo to, t"l,e U:?;,, '»'»'"" ■" "" "■"""'«— O'-Chlcago for ,be yi„„ a„„„:„J ,„ ,,,, . Ibe produe, or Cbly bre,-.,i„ ,„ ,„o a„o„„,„| ,„ ' ' ; Tbree „„io„,^o,d„,.rJ:eri;;",S;;;:/Sj!-lL^^^^ ! • «-~~^»« - iq»fop. , 3fr»«i.*'»V WRt'*' ■i;«i"«!'S«- PCLLM AN Building. Insurance Exchanob Uuildino ^hi^^"^ /i\§ i I. mm ,«•-» ■i4 M ir- r -H- AufllTOBIUM StiIDBBAKEHAbT iNSTITt TK. The jurisdi bein^' no lesstl there areempl: clerks, and go employes. The revenui $1,257,832. There are schools of Chic I The free p K.ooo volumes num1)er of l)ool The buiklln show a frontage Sixteen of 1 cost of $9,850,0 The total co: $y,o(K),ooo. •There ars ^c. I'lillman em|: In iSgt th( calves. 5,638,29 Chicago has iNewherry and 1 mag-n tude and I The estimate^ One hundred [Chicai^ If you have bi Iworlii's fair, you Lincoln I'm HlJ.MBOLDT, 1 The Union f S( KNE OK TII ':;i^ Icottoiiwtxjd tree ii . '* I Douglas Mo |iaiiro,nd. (irv Watkr The Rookkr ICkkat NoRTriLR |as showing latest f'l TV- OK I'ULI Sdutii Ciiica The IJouj.ev/ Jrequite you to take ■"■hich connect th- I'lfoil, all exquisit jbuilt out in the U I Lincoln Paric. The Suburbs. lyJIhtiLota-owm^^w land Kngiewood at |livin|^r i,y busy Ch T he foregoing |Thp\ arc .selected ■time. J %t -ri'i^tir* pjj! ^^ '"^appwss^jtj- f*^ ^J;^-' Guic/e to the WorUs Fair and Chicago. less tffan one-third of the city lir The jiirisdiction of the postom'ce covers tem^nolessthantwenVsixindepcnchnt™^^^^^^^^ "f "'<^^"y "«""«; there en.p.oyes. ' ' ---'^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^Z^^^.'^T^ ^^T,,e. venue of the postoffice for the ,ear .8,. w. ,3,445,757 and the disbursements . There are 146 \c\ rhilrii-on :„ .l scb^ls of Chicak Ti^e at,\ "exp nsf S the';"!b.T "'T'^'f "'" '^^^'^^S in the private The free public library now numbers "vStr. '"'r ' '•" "f'^'-^^^' "^ $4.0(i).ooo. cost ward of$i(X),ooo. The ., — r ■■--... -uimies ''■e-ich |6o,ooo,ooo and to t'orS^o,^^/"" '""^'"^- erected since the be,innin, of X8,x represent a total ^_^ I he t^a, cost of the waterworks syste. of Chicago to date of June 30. .,,., .,,.e,ate, -^rhere are 500 professional artists living i„ Chicacro il»;<, 5.638.2,, h„j,,an,l ,4»5.322,h,e„ "'*'"'■ ^"""^•'•"'•'•'•JSc-llle. ,S7.0!J , a,»,„ ..,„,.„„ p.,.,i._m,„He. ,„.!;„, „Hch k...,e. ,„. c, „t„,^. ,h„ „ „, of their proposed WHAT TO SEE*IN A SHORT TIHE , S( ENE OK THE FoRT Dlaphopm At?^ ",^ ^"'^ <-"able Cars. K-oodtreeiaane'loS^^^^^ ^-' «f Eighteenth street. (A "detd Ulro..d. . "^^ ^"'-'^e'' ^^y Cottage Grove av. (cable) cars, or Illinois Central < iTY Water Works, North State .St. cars ^^'-^^^^^n::^r^S^T^;,S^ - TKA,>E. M.sO^,c TEMP,/ -^;,'owinrIatest types of of^ceTt^es' "^'' '"^ '<^^'»-McNam.v buiwlngs , T,. B-Snr'l^ S^i^ J^i --^^^y '''^i^ Central railroad. roiuite you to take a cab or carriage nnddH J. *'''' ^^*-''* '^'^'^ P^^^^s, it would 3 a^e- i^^l-Suti^ nd F.,nRlewood and Auburn Park on thrSouth «ffnrH- r ^"'' '^"''"" "" the West living: by busy Chicagoans. ^°"'^' «ffo"^d.ng fine types of that mode of L, ' "« foregoing are not designed to detrarf frnm „ft, "' . / Hj^ 4'. '/ d 1* "aJ !■ » 5 ," v « . *'■'>■ / 1 t^ r - IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) : / t#. 1.0 ^^m mm m22 I.I L25 1 1.4 Iffll^S mSM 16 -^ /*. «:^'^ ^^* =7^ •1 w. -JSdences Ccffporation — ns — f M WMT MAM ITMIT 1MMITM,N.V. I4SM ■■■"f ■ >■■'■ . ■ ■ ■^ "*{ "- f r„T". ^ L ^"^ v-JI I Chicago iuM kotriH, and w •nii'd, U cai .^-HMiOO guesl Imiliiig hotel* KcMxt rooma tni IotIcIs for $1.00 KiirnlRhed it hiHM'i at from .ibPM' nmins cor Ml mlrertiitemei liiini'. New* or tl In renting ro«i out Mune diftar t»o CO Are mill The following ptatf. may be ft •« It Inoludet ti uihcpN not quite ThoM marked •nilof g6odaUn( lo »tii|) at one oj •tiulnted to mat lohls tails, deNin Tlic ngiireR give «*y A. atands fo rupemi plan. Allen. 4137 HaJ American. IIH Arciide Hotel, 1( Ailantic, Van Bi 'Aiidltortnm, ft R R. A M. Mvldere, 47 Cli Boulevard. .128 ' Br.i(|ford. .ta N. •ilrlKKiIIouM, R BiirlceB. 140 Ma Chicago, 1^ (I. <'lHit«nrton HouM *('linon Ilouae, «5b. Coliinbade Hotel u>lnmhia. State, <'»mmerolal. om Poiiroya, 407 Rta *<''>niliiental. I'»h ''■«mopo|j | [>ji. .10 '^S^ l^llpn HniiM. 10 t>nveii|Kirt. IHO N I»"ning, i.w Mad PuufkM, 9990 Coi w^^^ -'^S.'WII^i^^' ».• afJ.^vvei, ■'^^m guest.. The rate. charRcd In the l»*..Mig hotel, mn from 19.00 a day upward K.-V. room, may be had At the b«.t Euro,«a„ bnlolH fur 11.00 per day. Furnished room, may be had at private l.»UM.,at from to.OO li |5o per mouth; to fin.l ibp«rooins consult the advertl^jments. or put m a.lvertlsement In a dally paper. The Tri I."..- Newaor Herald are g,MKl medium. li. renting room, do not be afraid of golna .".t «.me dl.unce.a. thebe.i place, are from' i»<' to Ave miles from the business center The following list of hotel, though nof com- Heu may b« fpund wrviceable by the stranger ..It iholude. thebe.tinthe city tofatherwiih othffB not quite so espen.ive " inr lDmb>a. State, cor. «rt. < -mmerelal. c^r. Ukt and Dearborn, A K f'->troy'., 407 8tat«. •« -nUiwnUl. 138 Wabaah ave. A S8 (o -.mopom|n. .107 Cl an iMtt^ Exeter. 140 MBdlson, Fifth Avenue. -.^84 Fifth ave.-f Oault IIou!.e. W. MadlHon por. Clinton ' «ermania. 180 Randolph. '■ - OladsU.ne .JO.i.-, Michigan ave •iJores. -,'74 8. (lark. K. 11. (irand Central, in W. MadlHon. •<*«ind Pwiflc. Clark cor. Jackson. -A » ' Orund l«alace, 07 N. Clark. •Great Northern, 2.»7 Dearborn Haymarket. r57 W. Madison. HolTman House, 170 Clarke •Hotel Brev N. Well*. Hotel Midland, i;ifi Adams. Hotel Meiropole. Michigan ave and ',';« at Hotel Nicollet. Randolph and ..th ave II . I ••")al, 1 1 14 IndlMia ave Hotel Vi.,i.l»nie. N. I'ftk ave aiid C*nif« H de p"lir"i- * '•'.^"•hlMKton Boul. ") «ie I ark. 5 1 xi »,t. «>„r | j,k„ - ya Merohants-, li»8 I j,|,.. .'•""• •Mc< oy> Van Hunn t-or (^ark. E 11 MeiroiH.l/taii. a« N WtSlu •^■ National, T.\% N Clark. Nofth city, 80 N. Wells. Northern Ihuriflo, 82 Shennan. Oakland, cor. Draxel bonl. and ftekwood mmm^ Old Metro)M,IlUn. 104 Rand<,lU. '**' - IK. L"".'? """"«• f*ui«. cor. Monro*. ■•! A*r? t^tnam, 1«3 Adams. "ri?!-"'''.'?. N.-^Tlark oor MIehl-.. ^^ « .* ■ '■f' .KB: % : : ;: •j B J' j^ ' i^vr j g' "TfPiwnirSiyBth av*. I>«ilen House. lOi W Madlaon. l>Hven|K>rt. 180 N. Clark. »< mlng. i:mi Madijon. 2'herman lloiMe, cor Ramloiph Achirk Att. HouUiern ^Hot«l. Wabash ava^ aSd ?2d *'a, •V «.IV1' ^'•••"fewn •'* *nd Van HuiwTjKt / - ■'.4,'T*"-* <- 1 w , « A ^ :fe WHEN IN ^U A\ mi .^ / J BF PL, Old dans ^?^ ..■\ -■ ft . -. ff» WHEN IN QUEBEC. CALL AT > If. X 'S 4- I > > ^--'^---^DEALER IN- Ao? ANCIEmLFURN^^ r^*!' OLD CHINA AND OLASSWARfi PId Eiv^IisK aivd French Clocks SILVER AND OLD PLATED WARE 'J . pLDJAAHOGANY AND JloSEWOOD f URNITURE. * Old (Janailiaii \^^^$ -^ Old M\^ oi) Canada 'kw^t"- ^? Stanislas ^ti|Eet, ^uelipc. !f ^ 4 J r *- , • ^r \/z^ i,^ 11 TH^OPJilLE B^LJqMD aFet2 and de J^ou veaiit^e s Telephone S44. Marehandioe* iiiar^gaeeo en ebinVrH t^H '* ,/^i- ■*"■ %H^ Un Seul Prixv! One On^y ! ->x«^ gj -^ ( ^Q^s -^ J l^ ifGhant S^^^s^Ta ST. JO«K STHElIt^^^ Telephone 3AA. ::;^^a^^®uebec. lOOM^ AMID JH FLAW nOOBIS .•M*- ' i! ^ ' w^ v^-VT^^^^ ' «i ) _a — - n <>liltlr(>!ii ->>f^ D ne rice )n^y ! •^^<^ hant 5uebec. TO AND ITS / Principal Business ffoose^T 4 BV AN KMINENT JIISTORIAN. ISMoiilO QiJ^Si^e . > * TELEaRXpH.JoU PRINT. ^^Mi^^si ^^^ Ja ^)ena A J^ORA T H B- 5lMlILPLth§_ Havana Crops. ^^ THE I ni|l..i...iTrTrn THE RECOGNIZED Standard Br ands of C igars adife §. fif 'i© I 1 m . I (gable gxfciia •: MANUFAC TU RED BY .-.,■ ^ . . s. D/fvis .-^ sons. ^MONTREAL r --I'?? Larges^ndjlghest Grade Clffar Manufaotupei-s in Caniuln. -f :)RA -> 3rops, 3igars 3- •i- Gi?a 3L ONTREAL Ganadji. »^ iftii^^aliMiiaiMiaittiiiBitti ^^^^^H^gi ^^♦.,^^^'^'^'-i-H^^>-H/-<-W-'H' ^f^f^^^Hff'f^fi^^ JSJRANGER « VISITIJIS TJIE CITY # yf/ IT^osf i?rtistic '/^^A^ ■^M^mm-^ ,^^y^/^ AND A popular *ft55!i^ y^^OX ^^^"»»E ^election ^^^^a^^ — o»~>. ^oF^" ^S^ Caivadfaiv + ^^^XX # Jcwelery, # y^Q/ Kerra Oottci ^ou YPiiirs //^ Stc, Etc., Etc. -^--JEWELERS AND OPTICI^NS-^ 40 FabriqueSt./o QUEBEC. «rM, B.-AN EXPERT OPTICIAN ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. «a In dra comes (Kjcj that of Qu( in a groat iProvince w will Imj our subject of t sary to pi-uf The dii south whicl ti«n of Frai power and « serve as a d into her hai Vori'azani, t in the year ; arrived was the 60th dej Hion of the c vey of the si .seal)oar rfe, ('/,a'e«r,.- SS^''"°»--'""2-='S"^«?W^ «, In honnr of the Grand Miwion or Recolletsto .M m^Smi,^^wm i^ M,i^ ^....s: ^,^.r^^m^,^,£&m^ «■ 27 ST. JOHN STREET \' _^/ Press Goods and Trimmings, - ^ ^iLKs AND Velvets, pi^DERWE^ AND 'Gloves. — «^ Specialty : ()yAtEi^PRooF Ploaks • <. , . ■' ^U^NGS AND J^ANTiWgS, ^HIF^S, pOLLAI^S AND ^CAF^S, ^NDEkWEAF^AND GlOVE§, ., . Jrunks, ^ags and ^ATCHELS. » M Specialty : ' { )yATEi^PF^ooF poATs."^ Z:2peri-caced Tailoro or tfte Tremices. ^j- : f •' 1 » '♦ cOt£ &:faguy, NP*t"» »f 1E"ancy <5r' Staple ©ry goods -^27 ST. JOHH STREET, root wlicrp Chiff, on tl llU Htit Hflil S iiHiNt iinpiir Hoi-u his n«i ciii)Hi.st i»f til the fiMit I if SloiiiU litnj, i'iiri l*ff~imtivf eiicoiHitoriHl appoiiitoil f')ruied for cju t!io chtii-gc of h place which l\e of the llarlx.ii a:ichorod, NUggi Hmtj diRtiTrctKm At the time of and wjw so itisi -^^^^^s^ ^li^BE£. )iiVrc ^i 5F PlOAKS >F POATS, ■4- Sobds /' ■"P« -ji^iif^^-*^ , •ys^.j^ ' ES. root wlinri' ho anchoi-oil s>(.fKl tht) IniU'»ii\ilIi^» V/^'/ . ^t. He. ..i« ...cpti,-... i.ySh, HHtivoK ;lt, u y ;; n 'tL/:?;}'"'"^"''^- ^""^r'- con«ist<»f fifty fmikcH?veiV(l huts niZ-lvf;.^;.!!. ^ '""**" W.i.s.fuuuij U, JJo,nU l!,,„U f,...,.. tl «V; „H uX Sc,/it '*;>^ " *--'."'f-M''- title of curiosity h.. n,t«nu,d t<. /V,^X.V^^,™;htv' ^!:^iV^'"'"¥ ""'"'«"' '"'' •J.-V out of 1H( ...on. iH'fu, vt *;iis , .. « «■. "torquartoiH. au.sinK the I««h of l..rk aiul l.avc.sM.f',he , ^ , ,;.,:.!: '"1''''!*^' 'V'^^-^-r 'O" ^ dc.c.H.-tio„ of tho tho d.iof Donnaco,.a ;m:r.ov^.^?^lHM ,. H^^s ^1:''' '" ,*;V""^«;.'''^'"K with liim thi. Ei-onch Coin-t. |„u ai.l lu.t 1 fl,« ' urv 3 " ''T^ "" ,''"l" Ht.*.«ition at Fo,„«tivo forostHf >,,;vith which he pn.cee.iedrK' j \; ;;';is:;,:t ' rM'^v-^" '^^'^ ''"^^^ [' DoMnacona hu.l create.! aii unf.v.,,. ,le in. , ^'"^*"^"'« ^'"'t 'l,e diKanpcimnce of I.>-.ulent to withdraw fr.. ^^^u- ^n S^^ '"""",« ' "" '"'t'^'^''^ ^o deo.aod it the C«rtrt,go Hiver where he l„u L 1 fo '"/;; u'.'t u"'"''"'"' '^' ^'L*^ """'^•'' "^ t.. iVnutive 'country an.l nurtinb inl St Ii v ^'^ '"^'l^' «l"'nHhu returiiod enco.„.tered F.u.di de i>l Ci^e t J ;J Ir-I^ZnT^:;''' ' M ''t^'^; ^J" «piM>intod (ioven.or of New Krai.eo and f] Ll i *^"''*"'"^ «'."»'" t»>« king had pooplc whooa.aeour wit h hin, " ^^ " l^^-Z'rZlP'T"^ ■'' "^'"'^ ^'»<' Liwrcncfe. anchored- in the nort of ( '^ • h ,t «Ui 1 i ''"'•'^" "« »« «'"»•«« up tho St. ed. Hero he erected . w. f, rts f.ti,f ;''''' •^JT"' ^ '""♦•«'• '!«'l just a'jmndon- ■Huunnitofthe c^^itt' ov -rl. lh"./t 1 sW V^ u^i " "^ Ins peopler one l,eing at tho I«ssed the winter he ^ .u, ^., .^v ' Z.?"; ""'' '^*' 'f *"' '^* '"'^^- "« ' people diss.•U.Hhe.lwitIthc^u^^w set i.i^^^,tTh^'^ -".dnned t^. lender hin once of the Hcm-vy an.onitl em and d Z ' . | ,, ""'''''''^' "' i'^">-i«i«n«, % proval- nient created such .'cneml i^^t en }e,, V ^^^^^''^ty of J{obervar7'govorn- f.llowing June, ^^.k^rval Lwct ^1 einl VmZf '^ '•'" l""*ry'*i„ tho after tiic hip- • „f a f^w vc-irs t,. ,. • i^ I, ^'i^'"'"I"-i'<"igil»irit, re«.lvwi h:;vin, co,.,'.ed a n.^d,ji^;:;;!; .c^^t ^ud^r;*:;' s^ii'^Jis '« ?K'*"'^ - • i. fI;;:;11;s;; .:!:;: th;:trs;:.;^:^^:^-i;r- ^-r ^r -'^^' *•"« ^-' -- s;j'£swi^:Kc:A;S^^^^^^ Tija^:^h^-ta'S?s=^^ n.i«hlK.rin, c.«.t he k-tunfcd' without V/J .f ^Fr;nc.?' Thef '" '"'Tr "' '^^ Island sov^n years a„,l sulferod groat ,.riv.dion,s,fi Hcnrv H^ ZT ■ ^'^^ of their suftornig d.spatcho.1 a ship' for the relief of tho sUrWvor/ '"'"""^ the cha.^0 of «aLd Jo a'S! dl "S.,i;^ p'^ 't^ JUfi'^^l^ ""^""^ t""^*^ place which ho .s►- G. ROUTIER, 50,T52/Mountain Hill Quebec. .iiico, an tho i|ileii viously I ilurons, Ch(iiii})lH '■ (suttlers, ^n;iti\'en ii manent f thum in J c«iiat)iiit gave Clmi btoiie fort 4Jil not n< intoreHt t] com^rsKii tii&yhiid 1 oral Hosp colony we: us resideni vicoroynkj the govern little indif Warh Kirk nppe Cham plain imswor thd tho (ifctiick.( in;^ Huninioi hoiionihlo t rusii^nuii Hi tiymen, tht tlioin with t '■ nuiiihor h h lo'fi Ii'iitu wh with the nul Fnmce l>y t to rosiinie 1 1 hut died in , wiiH laid <){■ t Wiiijtniiigliy. with tho Jos ^Ksnohcjiil ri recently diwi coption of til Hon of foiufti TJio iny to the piirpot ruMiiit^d in t h ildenod by i l»soi|Uontly stHte 'if Hiej^e h'xlvof tntopK "f thoFrtjnch ila*w %m- "•^[•vn^^ ■s^- '.•-Ifumk' 0©ns^ sj'^isign^c ) YLES rerrace. lit steps. veil cry iebcc. --, ...n b.^;:;tt ' /;i.^'';i:: 't^"? •'-•^^'r -^- « viiu^o ..r^on. i,„,ort, t •« vk-ncu of (;j.,u,.,,lnin on tho s L ' . "" w '"^l"*'"*'"' '" *-'''^^'"f '""'. from y>"u.sly home, owing no .1. .1 t,, S^,' ""'" '" -^^T '•'■^'' ^'>« "'"»« it hall pre- "••-..is. ^^'^y^^v^>^l;'{J^^y^ 'f-^Jit tribe of 'feho ChmnplH.n lost ho t ,no in cio«rin ti.e uf ^ . ''"''•'' "^ ">« «Hgue,my. "settlers, nnd having l,eon so pruZ Uhh to cu lu' T"' "'"'t'"*^ '"'"^'^ f""- ^^o new y..-.t.ve.s in his vicinly. tho alLi? o thj cttS .nt'' -uT"' "":l-«f^nding with th« inanent footing, when hv hi-s sn'ioifLf^m f • 'M'f'«.ir.Ml to he fixod on « nor- tl-.n in l'Jr^^ '^' "»*-- "f the French Btonefort f<'r thei,^ protection. In his sici;lV'^^ it "'^*«-'«^'^*''-y *" «rect a 4)<1 not neglect tl,e spiritual oo,,ctVns ,,f ,2 'l''- ^'" ^''^ V'^^^ "^ ^^« ««*tl«™ he interest that, in 1(525, a mission ^ Li. '*''• "V*'"«h ho took mo lively ho -ni^sK.n, .nd woreVocel^r;:: hd ; [r,,;^^ R'"Vr'''^'-T« ^''^ '^«*^ tiifeyhadbuilto„thetnnk-s..fthoStWViXs r.^H fj"^""*'^'^ '" « '"•"«« which eral Hospit.nl. The unrenuttin-, exertio ' f ('< ' f'^r ""^ "'-••'•"pie'i by the Gan- eolony were bo con.spicuous that ho ^1 TnvLil?r^-' ''' ^'"' 'i'" ^'»^-"»««ment of the us resident govecnor*^ on the f^enuen?! .s.V n ^ requested to retain the control v.coroy«k:ri, H^ labors, howev "Id S^elS «f^^nge in the " hegovernnrwit, who appear to have r^'rdS th« .i-''""^"".''**™^ '^o™ httle indifference. regarded the affairs of the colony with no Champkin to surrender. ThVlatter SlJu o h! ^'^'f^ "«^'' "^"^ »«mmoned answer that Kirk, ignorant of Ids i;!!™ left^ o. Sf ' .'•"^''^^iiJV'pirited an the atUickof a convoy with settlei-s w .i -h h. ^ , ?' *" *"''" '"Attention to ;ng Hununer the attempt was renrweV Ai . 7''?."- "'' 'V l^'^'^K" I" t*** 'oUo^- honorable t^M-mrto th^little ga Hs^ tiS* Tjm; "^■^^ """^ resigned the fort infulioir hu. Is H . ,w!,r . T ' l''"' '""•'"» '^'«i''t«nce useless, frynien, the n'l.jo.-ity of wli. . r^m" u ST '' •*'■■"''■'■ ''''^' " ^"^^ "' '»'•' «'"«■ then, with th. greatest In.manity The ...S ','''. T' ,«"^"'"'r- *»"' ***»»«d nm.ibor a lundred ,H,rs,,hs, aiwl Mon re '^,1 r . • .?""^ *** '^'" *^"»" ^'^ ""* l..g huts which ..v.-r. re.,uir;d f..r H.e ^ m .Z '"i^T.^'^-^''-^, ""..prised but a few w.lh the nations. .At 'the expim i'..' ' thte. v I'p' '■"'1 ""ru.u.s Imh. the.rW.iwi^i , ' ,' 7^'' n"' ''^'.'^ '"tuimi Mmii, the H..bse,,uently they inva.lud \>uobee w h T ' % 7!':.''''^ "''''"^ ' '"" " ^"* y«^^ w^mm -^^T^iirT' - »■■ ^V V^V^*"*' ^WlIiLIAM * hEFM ^^ I GiVil ai^d Militaiy q^ailor ^ 28_BUADE STREET^ \1 Av -4 #X.WAYS ON :f AND A v^ARCxE ^TOCK ^ mum ^ ' ^oft and « £adies and Scnls 'Waltrproof Sarmcnb a Specialty. £[)awe &j{endeP8on. =«»^ Imnit to w.is glnill the colon |wirt^iiitt; Uoll, WilM til l>uun V tr;iii.s1»,iil)ar Jiitrilmtivo tjo red n of i I Vow Kngla uboiit I'M) iiruceod fo Montrortl. Chaui|i!aiii i>!)tain the i Sir \Vi, tti Hurrendo with » garrii Itnded on tl by MtroMjj; di KkiriiiiHhing contoHt did I IU> vigonmM ( wuru « C»n«diMV their agricultural pui-iuiS^^ X iutcm uhTl.v"*' "iT^"' '*'' ""*• ""'^ '^^ ^™*« »>«« Kn-ntonac. at tha time Govern .WH ''^ 1"-!^*>«^'"T M»cur«on8. ,The Countd* g-pdwiii of the luZJi^aZ::^ a'Z't,::s'^j^ winch ho conce ved wouM t... t. 11 i 1 '''^^'^'* "s ^^I'w rork, the reduction of caused hin, so .uuch ^ ^t. 1 (T::; •.''«•" ^"'^•""^''r ' .'^^ ^'- ho'-til" trihe« th»fc roal. The iat .., li isi, f H, ""'ii '"^""•••'<' f'-r »•'" rotluction of- Chan,plain was on pilie | r ' a l'. fiZ'"'' f'"' '•'••.•^•««''i»« '^^ f«r "h L»ke o!,t,un the necessary 'tn„.p;:;;;t.'!';;;;:tSnV'"'"^ ""' "" '"'"•'^ "" with a garrison of 40(/nr tVS ^ ,lC.. ! ' "I'J "' " «'""' "^^^ "^ '•«'«"<"»' lu>d«l on t1.e 8th at ^^Z^^^Cl^^^'SZ "wS^rrt!:;"'^' *'" ^'l*""'? by strong detachuionts of the enoniv imHulltirLV^x^M^ encountered Hkini.ishmg was kept ui, for s..v?,m ^ ' , ' '^'"''" ^''""«*'K're a continual ru.vi«on,«Metfort8h«vinX n Lt^*^ ''7/ ^''" '*»'"' "^ ^»'" «^- t-'l'^J*^. woreagain "mbuker nd tlTo Utl o ! th,' T'l" '.''"l' V'" "'^y* ***«" ^« *"«'J« N'o. HiSlinK hiH (ire u a I . I «„■„." ^.^.^^^^ ''^ nn.lal^ndonetl. The Adnunil. iM.I»c«l l^tln^inSeno: f , 'h^ ^'^?"''' ^''^ '"''»"'« "' "rleanH. and wh5 without his of t u o " ^ ;''^~' ^^ l*'^''- whtch provailei?^ fabst Kiltuaukee ^a^eif ^ PURVEYORS TO THE ^ Toupilli FisI? and Same giub. tf^e Laupentides Club. claeques-Captiep Club. -•AND #--gjfeay? /.^sii;:g!g^:g*f-^ want of en the brill tu) J tiiiio cunHii tho I'pper eighteen pi .'lU-Mittelot rugular foi iiiHiicetl ui mix laid b^ " to ho iiH-sist liii .'kUuk h alMiidoneil ii6 ilicir J (IT ywir nil epii in yuol)oc, I fell victims the .suininui .ind H very | "I'.tho C.tlllp; under the c< scvtii regiui IJuiiural Nic I riojont Mtorii cau.swl eight I'M) men hi I It w.w roHol ciency of pre During th( roconl ()/ an i{TOwing in o iiudur the cloi and tho [ivdi »!iich the c(i the exiHtonco more dHiiger* ColonieH, luft^ 111 nmiiy i»f tl IndiiuiH, H fo] Thi« WON the succesH, hut 1 objects it wiiH lii8|M)H8eH«th< tho llHlldH of t EvoVy office <> wcuiuuh»tioii. mpacity of wl ing been the i rejKwititry for tocuroj )it«n n froiu the oppi affuotiMi howev |irico of foiKJ, I Seven Private Clubs. • * M. Ml KOI, ( Prtnoe for llf«» I .'k .. r«-j-!'7r'^Y' CO. 3rcKaritc. j£G. - ng Stores X mm ). Club. time coiiHiHtod ..f works whicli fon„«.l ,« „ ' ''"","^- "'^' f<"tittcttti.,u.s at this the rpper Town, bonuuS ,.g C^S '""" "^ '^'-""--^'^tion arou,^' .m-Matelot, and neveral ndditional »ittori„K 1,^ .^'V'T «""'" '•*«•• *»'''' ««"»t- rugular fortitication of the Cit^ un^.V f 1^ i «f«cto,l^duri,,g the siogo. The u.«nml until 1720. The^,iu of ;„ „. oL m! "^^• .'^''^'•^' ''^^ »"'♦■ «"'»- L.u.la.dby thuKngli.shcol..nios i^ SV \'c^ ^ J" 'n \''«/«'*l"«tioa of (Canada to he nsHiHtod hy Hvu roginionts ..rreiula.sfr^ ""}''*;**' '*^>' "' «-'"'"»'"' ••ro,.,«, .". .'^l-k hy sea and h«^d o.l M . t ^S a^ /^^ l.^'S^^' Wore inton,.e,l to nJko -^t^^ek hy -^u^riiuit; .;; m: t;3"r?£xf '*"^^ ^v.. intondj;: -x »"i .l«n.loned .n conse,j,.e«c. of ,ho n.u ant.d h '•'« ^an^mign, Van. howover. Y .1..U- preHonco was found roMuisite i I' rtulj ^Th "^ troops f.-on. K'f.gb^.d. • yenr an epidemic of a nH.8t destmctivem.lmuii V •^'"' «1""'K <'f the folh.wing myuel.ec. and, spreading over e i.^, "Jv ts TV '""'"■" 'i""^^' '^-^ 'M'pe,m».c-J fell victims to it in a few days. Pre.mmtS' '^« ^"^^'♦t-^'"'-" ^" f'it.U that -thousands the summer of 1711. the nelJwy CriavinJ ^ "1 ^ '^"'''1'* ^^^"•« '•«"""'«♦' "' '.H u very powerful armament c ollec ed sfc,v .. ^ "'eon despatched from Kngland, '■'.the campaign a matter of reasoS L ^x, it1.r;''",f ' ""' '''''^''\ ^''" ^"" ^^^^-^ under the eommand of A.lmiral Walker wi , u 'V , ^""'I'nsed 15 m„„ ..f war s,.von regiments and train of artillerv \ i ""'""'"""* transports, having on lj<.ai-d h-eral Nicholson at their i:Ti2u:l^^:^'Z:x """'''"'« "^ ''^^' "-'"' -^'^^ ' vaJent storms in the .St. L.wrencr wS . t- "' ' '^".-"l'"'"^^' ^if' the H«ot. Hut aus,Ml eight transports t., founlnunTu,^ I i i '' "'"''■ l''' '«»'"«« "P the river and " \m men ^ blasted ail their ho"^, S^ '^.-f" -vitha Ioh, of nearly ,-<^ .t w.ts resolved l,y a eouncil'of SsTyZ.^tU.t^^^^^^^^ cency of provisions, toalmndon the eiitenuise ■"•''''"'""' I'^'^^'-'-^t of an U.suHi- \^'^^^^ ^.>oreisHut Wle to »nd the Indians of the far west l,n ko „ 7 i in l ""' '"'*T"*'" ^'"^ ^'''ench rhich the c «»^';*<1 with the Kngligh ;.' ..miry of their trHn..ictions. fn 'r^^. 't S^';:""'? '''""'">'-' ''y H>« French Jidians. a fort was em-cted at Oswogo i, 17'>« w r ""T ""' ^""1« *'*'' *«'« Th., was the sourc-e of renewal h.^'^ti i Js ^^-h i Z'"'''" "'"i""' "^ ^"^^ ^"'•''- • I.UCC08H but the Knglish continue.1 fo r.'ne l . Z .«y':'-l ,"" wit},. variouH '.hjectfl It y,m i«t^ndete i„ spil ,f • . TTT "'"'"' ^''^' ""'• ">c ■ cl«,H««eHMthem. .\bo„t this time the attl n-,^ . ' ' "' ^'"^^•'"'^ "^ ^''" *''•«"«=»> to the hands of a set of officials who mm.n?,^ the colony ajipear to have been in Evevy office of trust wo„ldt:m t^ T t^MTr^lti^^^^ " T'^ «I-"in" .. Uccunmlation. The govern mont and H... / i '^ 1 ' " *''" ''"'«'i' v ew of uuiust .opacity of which M BiJot X iT. 1 1 T''"""*^" T'"''™* """'" f""" t^'eir hoiVrtC .ug been the chief pn.n l^tt' A at^ X^ "'" '— -»»l«.«imti„ctio„ 0?^^" socurej at-a immt oxorbit^wit imco t. tL5l^ T ««7fc«. »n.l a inonoiwly waa ' |.frocte<.however .by the .no„o,>,r if. Jl" ...':". *:'!."T«- ^^^'y. I price of fo,Ki. and ..nt.un..! ,.M:,/, ,«"*'" ^'"ch raise«i mo8t ei..rbi • ' ■ M » .i.meiy oi l mo { w .,>rer Jai^S^?^ ntrtntly »Jm I Prtni^fo"'?!"}!.' *n f7'««.»"-'"*?H>«l I .,M.K«,„r of ,hU ,yMe (*) «n of rrnud, wna bnnl»ho.| from "^. *Kz.S»*.'l .Ui i.M* '--:<*. '^'^f^'- '^'''f^i^^B^ ' • - ■•W n Specialty . FINE WATCH AND .JEWELRY REPAIRS ^ >^*.TCHM«,KBR *iUD JEANELERH- 29 BuacfeStpeer'^^^S^r^' duebee. DIAMONDS. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, RINGS, GUARDS. BROOCHES EARRINGS. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY of all description. SOUVENIR SPOONS, OIL PAINTINGS OF QUEBEC SCENERY, on porcelain and card plaques ' p- FANCY GOODS, Ac., &c., &c. >J{ zoM solicited and polite aUsntioa to all comers. odnvaU ^vifidp ^ FIRST CLASS WORK GUAHANTFED ^#^ ^^- Ta/Ior aivd Outfrthr ^=-^^^ CHOICE A^SORFMENT jZ If iJpavpii^and Ijilnt eintljs, lljiip Hnil IJIvsfan iJeavei;, JVfeUnps anil j^faps, l>lagnnal ^eitjips. Ii|isli Jfrpfzp, TJilnaT^^ Wrnnspi^ings, t'natlngs anft Suitings. , III 1' the'M»ron C)in with, and General A Montcftlni. Fort du Q was taken 1769, a foi efforts of t movement Prideaux a importance incursions bursting'of ably supplii the enemy hands. Thi English. Tl ed up Lakf Crown Poll wjuadron sa sition, and On the arri (lisenil)arke(i ("anadiaiiH h M\A calling < This «j>peal engajifed wit English 8tni| On the I Hhips seven (i /"rtiinately fi mind, succee( come with th U) t«ke possoi was [terfoctly »i>d cannon tl "iHiiy of the detachment o but getting in tliey retu nifid ~^M Fad exert forces along tl Montmorency, ments to prot€ •^ ^r^*' >T I'iMll ■"' ItfM S^ f "»)«j|l«<^'^'; J •* Specialty : r FINE WATCH and S JEWELRY REPAIRS iuebee, DS, BROOCHES. Plptlon, 1 card plaques, coraers. QUAHANTfED I ,fi^ 5ti|eEf, ^^^^'^^U::^;^^ under the co„.„«„d of cntemplatod f„r «o„.o time -M oW W .rHlS' 'k'' r'^** "''"^'' h,Kl boei^ I* D<.werful force. The garrim,!, Iftir aTrX'nT, / "*'"'''' ''*' l'r.«eedetl with a t kontcahri by wh,„n it was d^nMj\T/,''T'- '*"F«"dered the fort to 9 "ttepmt WH« .Made by Rigaud, K^^^ y^'' «" unsuccessful on the Lake of that^uune. It wsrlelt^d ^"^^^ "!'«>" Fort Geo^je situated miccess, the garrison being obliged t3 S « ' , f ^^- **j'»*«'''» '^ith better they ex,>ended all their anununltio, Sev ve rcT' K ^^r/"'""'^ res.st.»,ce in which' honors of war In consideration of their J- S, trl l" ^" """■*-■*» ""* ^'^^ «" 'he did not long remain unatoned ; they served Z } T r*^^*'''-^ "^ *'"" British arms u,.m Canada. Tl>e English troo sii ^no , " ,"0, / "\'^f n.editated advance w.th,and failed in a gallant assault „ kh, P J t '*'' "*''"^'.'>"^*''''''''' ^' contend Genem Abercron.bit, whf w< , Z/" l^' , Se bT' ^'^^ '^i*^^ ""«»« "»'der ?""*^'»'»V They were "'ore foi^Jtrr heir 1^^^^^^^^^ »Hht.iry genius of , FortduQuesne which fell into^SIr haridXt thff^'^^^^^ *"<» was t«ken possession of by the French who r..„-.^.""'T °»>"ig abandoned . 1759, a formal treaty havinjr iust been Tnf! i^ ! '^''^ T*""^^' I" '^e snmmer of efforts of the French had lie"y caused to w?J* "'•^^r^^ l*** ^"wn Point, wbic^h were al'iSd^t hTt^Zv ^'' ^':^ Ticonde^o^ Z mjuadron sailed up the St^ Lawrence w^.m. 7L "^,T **"'''" '*PP'-«»ch. The fitK.n, and ar,,,ro,iched cMliec wit^ 8 OfK) «bghtest accident or oppo- Onthe arrivaVofthe Hee^tThe landT (^h" ""t.'" ^''•'^ e.mimand of wX. * dmembarked on the 27th of June and a mini^'^ "'" '"."'^ ^•"••^«'' ^^'"^ ^here ("«.mdmns by General Wolfe, couched n thr,l.K '^"" ''"'^"••uted amobg the Ml. calling on the peasantry' by a hmelv s.tnZf humane and generous terms This appeal was treated with su^ch c^Spt tTaTZ r''"^ "'' ^""""^ "^ '^•'^• ;h.pr;^7l:!,/t^l:;;--;i^ the «eetwith«re .fortunately fired to<, Hoon, the Lglish^i o^ " l^h f'l '"'^ '""'""*'^'' ''"^ ^-^^ng '"ind, succeeded in f^nippling and tSnu^em Tl If T T'^'T'^ ProHe^ice of come with thb shipping General Mom-l,? J *'''*'" fb.ire before they bould U. Uke nossession7,f a^l.^te"; e^lS by thTeZ? 'f ^"'.^i*'' ''^^ ^''^^'-^^'^ wasperUtlysuccessful.amlcausedlLchoxSfn^''''^.^^ In this he and cannon that the Lower T„wn was short! vr'.Vr" ^'"' ^'^^^ ^'^^ «»>«»« '"'"•y of the buildings in the T .„er T^?w,. ^ « T^ *"• Z' '''"'l*'"^ ruins, and eUchment of 1 WX) nfen was ;;^n S ossT r i "m^ m''' ^'''^'f '" '^'"»''8°«' A ' but getting mto confusion in the dark, '•». l':gy^ret;iLnjfdjdtlx.^,u.mi»«i ^ ' ■ itings. ^.rces ahmg the Boaup<^t shore lK)twe6n thlL i. ^A^^' .^*'' ""tablish^d his Montmorency, an extiMd.,f„pwan?s„rLn.iW^^ 'St. . Charles a„d the Falls of meats to pi^tect h. troops in'all ac^slibT ^t. ^^^ tS^^^lil^^X^^ i"iniiiiTi^iiiii"iii"iiiirni iiiiiTriiii rii nnl The Teurfists and ^n^leifs ^y ROCE R Y STOR E NEAR ST. LOUIS HOTEU A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ^ pROCEf^Es, Panned ^VIeats, pALT POHK, PUQAI^PUFVED HAMS AND ^ACON y«QETABLES, f ICICLES, AND pHOIC^ ^I^ANDS OF yiNES AND J-iquoi^, GOODS PURCHASED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT WIIL tep,™.,, -K SHIPPED AT^^ionrr^^vT^ kxt"a . h' pol. ' -^Poland 8pHngVV)ater)^$ •mrnuON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLES. | hiving ost Slid erecte Carleton, ( Failing in precipitou! where the trenches. tro()f).s ftnd this rnoveii of the urmj aground ; c gronndiers eiigftye the «fere exixi.s* ftnd retired ' Would cut o »nd retire o an effect up( ^ under which his life to hi up the river The attempt energy and j •nemy the si which the tn having been by the darkn September, a the pkins oi precipitous c] their hopes c force they ha fwth which 1( position lost I upon hazardir weakest side. battle and ma thfee battalio) irregular fire i his best mark.' morning. Th forty yards wh much coolness line, received i (t'ivancing sooi theti- bayonets. heroic ardour ^ fiiei-ced his Ijre; enough, howev Brig wlier Muri were soon thro' Hij/hlandei-Ht W 42-44 Garden Street, Quebec [cTty and down t I Brigadier Mono I Townshond, wh the enemy, 200( K< iSfcS&Mfci^-iiy' i^leifs' 'V D Meats, BE PACKED CHARGE. ^^ N BOTTLES 1 C.reto„, erosWl with d.i:^^^:^'^;^ :^t'' '""^ ^'j-^^ "^ ^oK Failing ,n ,in attcnpt to fu.ce ,» i«s.s«.,r L 'Z ^t> '.'''''J^'"'*"'' "*^'*'' ^^"^ l"""" precipitous hnnk of the Mont,norincrt« deZnm >H ""•'"!^*^^"t watei-s and up the where the river whs f„nUble nt l<.w ;a o, In, "A J*" i.Jr"'""^ ^-''"^ ^^e Falls, trenches. The necesH iry i.roparatTons t -rL ''^^"^^"'^ Montciln. at once in his troops and put into exeeutiL^ n t^ ;»sr fu """S^T^."'''"'.^^ '"'• '''--'"g ^^- this movement were, however, so c msidembl as J I '•'"^f^'tr^^'hich attended of the army ; from the shalh.; ancKrocky L -o flT"^ "'*''/'''f««t <'f « portion Hground ; causing a fatal delay in tK^f,„ . ^i^- *''' ''^i'^'^'' ««^«G)d bo^fe mn gronacliers was se,.aratecl fn.nf theV^i W^^^^^ ''^ ^'"^^ '^ deTachinent o" engage the enemy, advanced in the u os disorlr'"'^ "'?k' '" '^"'^ engemess to «^ere exposed to so galling a Hre that hev r^f V '"I'^ii''^'*'" entrenchments and «nd retired with «50 wounded. Ah night "^^^^^^^^^^^ dead upon the field! Would cut off all means of retreat it wL ""Wtppr.wchmgand the rise of the tide .nd retire once more behind the J^^^or^Z Th'"'^ V? ?'^'''"'^"" '^^ «*^" P an effect upon the^hivalroua mind of Wolfs t hi ^ 'nortifviiig disaster had such . under which he sfcill labored >hen he ascended !^\ 'l?"«r ?" * »«^e'-« iHnew. having been despatched by Montoalm 1^1 1«W men under M. de BouainvUle by the darkness of the nijht tW H^^^*^" ^^^" movement. But7»vSed September, and the troopsfereland^^^^^ '^'^ '^^^ on the iJJh theplams of Abmham.^ Ha^thU atlLnt tln"^.-^'* °« the beach beW ,/ ----- -■- -..^-»juiii,t^,r was a fwth which led up the declivity lVtonf/>oi™°" " i." ?»*"«" "n ot a narrow foot- l".s.t.on lost no time in advanciL S £ °" receiving intelligence of their upon ha^carding a battle to protect the citvT^ ?."'" «««"Port, and resol ed weakest side. On his arrival'^he found th«VT"u ^^^ ^^reAtened assault on Z .attle and made an attempt to t'lrn their eft w'S '"T ^'"^'^ "P '" «'^'"r 'f thJee battalions in time to render his effort^ i^I^"' ''"^«^«r, reinforced with l^rregular fire from behind the busLaLt^l'l^^^^^^^ ^'^•' "^"P^ng "P '^n hiH best marksmen, he advano^d S the char^^w^th ^^'"^ ''""' ""^ ^ith A of morning. The British ra«eXd their fire i.nHlTh ^*^ "P'"* '*''""«^ »>«« m the forty yards when they p„.„.ed'n a deX d cian,^*'^'"^".^ «l.pr.«ched withi,! ...eh coolness and effect, Wolfe, who w\s s±dT / .''m "'^^ '"'""t^i'.ed with ■ne, received a shot in the wris wh crdi.r.S 1. '' '•'^''t "' front of the /•■Ivancing so,.n after at tho he,uJ ,.f Tf. . '"'•, ."ot. however, prevent him from ^hefi; bayonets. J„ this '' ms^ „ L t^^iE^' wl^ ^*''"'. ^'^'^T' ^'^ ^-ronch w heroic ardour wll^^h filled hiL owT \Z^ i^^^^^^ '"'^ ti-,..ps with that • [Merced his Ijreast. Beinu remov,, /,. fhl '*?''"'«* '«"- '""re fatal in its aim cough., however, to lea^^^f ^ , ^e,: 7\t Z^^ ''"^ ** "'"'^ ^*"-. l" ^ Bngulier Murnw succeeded in break^ the centl> ^ t '*"""• '^^ ^'"« '""ment were soon throHi» into disorder and w«r« ""^''^"^''^ ♦^ »' e"e'"y, who, giving way — ";' 1 ^^"v y"^. '^" -h g r e at sUnghtar i Tv jQ ebec ^1^1 a-yifidS' gHjai ■^•-■^-> ■:T:^#f^^^^^^l^^r^^^ TICKET OFFICER: 32 St. Louis St.,-^^r-OUEBEC a^ -S-J •^^''^ti^ ^ias and Berths Secured V^T^^^^ 600g'? MOUl^^ ^ sperielty. ! I (^x^ TI?e Newport of Gar^ada -^ on THE LOVtfER ST. LAANREUCE -^ ^ HIS attractive Hotel has ,^t— FOR TERMS. Ac, ADDRESS-^ JOHN BRENNAN Manager, Cacouna.' mi. way from ( but they r* centre the succueiled i M\ into th( nnd was coi iidxt iii con dying of til about 50() Wo oxpirin;^ .'iH ileturniined ilying wonl- hc too often siipjiorted h " VVho run ~" Wiiat," he expired i closed at tin geniu.s whici b'jtitting a ,^i shell ill the • After til making the i also opened proceeded t««1« ' .loxt i.i cuuiniun.l t„ hi,,, perished lis h^' n "* V'-n'^'^ The'three office^ .md no.) w..unde "'""''Tv "'^ ^"»"*1 * 'g™V« shell in the i^arden of the T rs«lln« Smeut '"' ■' '^"'^** ^^ "^^^ ^""^^^"^ «' » ..k^?r^:'S';::;;;;:;.S:-1;r'^^^ hi. ca^p and oan,l,u.e,l assault. O.. the 17th ft , mo, H^ '"'''' ^own u, reading for a were sent fn.n. the garrison, a 1 cce .t,S V T ir')!''' f'T^^^ '>f^-&tion the- city o,. (he following da; Tl, rhun 1 1 ^7 . ''"'^' *"¥ '""'^ r«««««i^«f . fml.y the .loath of Mo.acUm wh eh S\1' '/'"'^ *f chiefly accounted fusion. a..d ,..ay be .•eck.,ned t vory i tuLtl "fi'' " ^^^ ^'"^"'^'^ '"*« ««»" ■'i;i~-h. of tho winter and the ^^^^S^^Z^ ^,^'' British, a« the near mlly agam in H.e neigIrh..urh..od n.i"ht lu , .f i.u -*-' ""L^'^^' ^'''^ began to fo.' .'action was pas,-u.,i: L..! perl p " ??•„ 'tr t ". r7 "^' ^'^""" "*"-*^ *'" ^he sTason fo.ce of ,a'-,.ain.lor..f th.. tr,,,V 'u^^^^^^^^^^^ wmter was ,„.st by Murru; in reSj... f . ^ *^' England. a:he ensuing b.n, th... batteries at }'oi J e '^' l'!,Ut "■''^ ^'^ *^'« l.uilding! f.'Hifications ..f the city. A detach.'.S^t f IkI ""^ '" every possible way the ;.f fresh i.rovisions caused .1.., dea o^n "£s hln' hC '^'^f ''*" «'"«^ ««^'*y ' the >...,ntl. of Ap.il, .„wl of the iim.ai..in" notion ,f ^ "*"" ^'■""* "^"'"^y ^'"™ ■ * were unlit for service But ami.VtkL 1 5 ' .• K^^^"" garrison nearly „no half labored, an instancrwas d"spkyed brthf ^r ''" ''"1 ;\"'^'^™.8" "»^«'- ^'hich they " »my^,l,e said with t.-uth^tTlT^raeteritX r.h S'I'^k'^I^ generosity which co,fs«.uent on th^can.uaTKn threaten^ to inw K ^'^^ ^ritmh Nation. A famine inhabitmt«, when a genera"subSSi ' ^1^"^ 'a '^,t«"^"<>» the surrounding the private soldiers c^mtributecl S irei. s«.n?v"L^ ""'"' "^T^^, ^ *•»'«»» «veS pn.u.ptly was di.stribute.Lam..„g the 'people S ^S'^V ^'"^ ^""^ '^"««^ «> l.n,vailing distmss. This act ,,f Z£vo£ ,? th„ '*^'^ '"1 " «^«fc degree the ^ g^..^ "r:^^" the Canadiai^s'ra.^!:!!!' -"^'"----^ »u.st. have tended I > hi. l.- eMsod c.)nd.tin njh teh Ka>ri5>arT.g^-,^ t^. i^'cewe the Fre.»l troops, .who ^iS r.n' W ft '*^^«*^^'^ Mie Levi t.. the nui.nTr .,f 12 (KK) me ,» 1 £ rf V""'"'^ "^ *'''*' Chewier h.ul exerted ovofy efloit to s^c.l S'eEn^ J V. s'^* '^ "P"'?** ^ ^e^i ^™s.on of Quelle. The French ^Z which jfeXVCZt i. k*, . ^w ■ '''^^^f^W^T^ ^ ; CR.fiJWB DE Ul CREj^E i CISJIR FJJCTORY. UK ''^•^^ SOLE MANUFACTURER OF %t>^<<- Creme de la Cp^me. ^' .Mi Rosa. '^'^&f^% Gaza And other Favorite Brands o© Office, Warepoonis & P elopy : ^:z=^^-: 141,^143, 145, 147, I49*and ISl, St. ® Jgauirice ® §tifeet, onTR tlirougft tJ (luUllltt'.l Ul (Jeiioriil M Hio fiold. iiiuit on th with the F Tlio tii-Ht IV tlie Frond the iitain l> conflict un- when JVfui'i ill ffXMl ord the loss «|l 2.r.Jj(j. Do tho cityj u| (lustinud to l"ith of M.V tilt' fi)ll()wir tho liitter ti tiestroyed. vessois, Thi frigate, whii siiiiii night, him all his .-i A[urniy. ' Tl i>f tho Front I British tiy)o] took withoui Province wji 'In this ; sistod < if the instituting a so much ill f tlicy collooto with the intt • of (ienerjil A It^rrncks, Inii question, Gt j.the atteni] and 11 :>nduct i^)lor8 V U the 1 desired effect in quietnesH t On the ci hitherto conti government, ( chief of the pi jnibers. A --»+»*« w»« t>VI Assembly estn ingly made to its object, the desirable. A jsja;^***-' TORY. :@T^ y War, }aza ids . t tl.« «dd Ho :„.,..,,.,, „„t aSO, with ht ZJI'T' "« "' '"" " """^ TI.U br.t ,ut.ck „f il.« lt.iti%lLtfc „-,« '« r1 , '"l™n".«g .n » angle „|„,„„. , 1.0 Kro„cl. l„Biv„ „,.,, k.«Wfc.fe o S", ' T "' ■»"" 'ho centre" c...,H.olo.,,,uo.l, whio», .Ml..3d with ,iri^u. ., f!"'- * ^'-pnit, ^..m. Do L«|^Pff;)iu.,i the iidviiiit,-i./e h.- l..in in the bay, and on ,iostn,yed They consisted of two .i'Z Z^ JTT T "'""'^ ''"'* «n*i'=«ly "^ vessels. Th,.s sucee.ss was, however, greatly neutmlizedW .IT ''"^ T''^ «™*M*'"^ fngate which nu, upon some l>iddeS XrjH£f-yf^^T''^^^^^^-^''ff« |« successes of the ...ok without reluct- uice th, o^!^! '^X'J.^tiK^'lTZVi '""^ '"habitants, wh^ -P.ovi..eo was finally ceded hy the Tre;iy oi Pe^e frf l^S "'"'"''' ^ ^'"^'^ '''" sis J':]l;;i?^s^ ^si'tld Sts;-if T'^^^--"' -^^^^ - ...stitut.ng a .stoppage .,f four pence hSL.! V^^ It«gunent. An oixler' ' - ....K-h ill fee'ia'g L.>.^ the i.V,o,:. tha SunX^'n"" "^ P'^'-isions excited s u;:; -r a^r -"'-"'^^ witi/'^irt^ -^'^^i^^^^^-^aiscipHne. ■ t)f (ieiieral .\ialierst. 15y ISl, ■ii'dSffth the first, mail, who refusetl to oh«v T^^ ''' — ' ""," "'"^""^nea to put desired effect ; his orders were iHu;iediatol7coJXd'S?h'"r "^K '^""'^^ ^^ ^^e ... quietnesH to their barracks. - ^ <>«n»pued with, and the men returned ffirpiir^'^ECM^te^ : members. As the colony ad^^^Aced hot^ri^l.lr.l""'^^^. "^ Council of ^t 4.i « u *> *M^#vtfl ced^We British iiTutSri flw ^^f^ ""P^fSinro a a trpng— — .^sembly established a^^.ong them a pS^ttn nJ^vf * ^ ¥•''« * ««Pre8entativ^ nigly made to the (Jovemor and sub.r.itted tr? H?V- 'f ''"' *^» was acco«i^» ■ts pb ect, the state of the colony ^o "1 co„Ser^d''«fi: '" /"*' ''"^ f^^edTn^ desiraW A legislative Council nominaSTttt^^^^^^^ almgn Muananiake and Bass Flies BIRCH BARK and WOOD CANOES OARS. PADDLES RODS REELS LINES FLIES V ^SPECIMENS*^^^ AJ^ROO»<^i^OUT_ON^ 1>^^»^IN0 THE FI.SHFN(J SPU^nT • ~ 400 STYLES OF FLIES •,^ADET^Or.R. OWN PATTERNS. SELECTED RV LEADIN,; .,>oHTs IVIEN ANDSPEchu.LY ADAITEDTO CANADIAN W VTFRS ^ole pi^oppiftoi^^ Gregopy's Fly Repfellant. Bolvin's Rods, Vah Felson's Wadlngr Shoes. Tents. Camp Kits, etc -•• F0RRESrSl10N FLIES BIOTOLES I Hnmber, Qolnmbia and On! •-.^ Ijpoi'tiflg ^ood^ in Ijeneral -THS 17 ■i ;rsjv.a^.,v of Parliaine; vrithout dist offence t<» th 'til nearly th to their law.' i)f the Iiiij)ei lieeii disputt tills new apj Thu con ii^iiiast the a Iwyond tJiu i fidelity of th for independ Miititgoinei'y till; regular fi iiieu detiohei 111 vain endea defence : eve 1,'iiiiiery meet .lohns and J .WffH!, no doll rfireat Rritaiii tliuy had owi nfusttl to tak the liurdHhip.s wAtlidrew thei much latoi- po iii.stftiiti()n.s n iwtioiMility, tl fwurage and U t'lieck Intfore t (dnada, ,ind c into their ii^n^ the woods hy iibrtio, I »mi tmtirely del •JK'^ HA \ t^V' '7^1?' tODS REELS LINES FLIES E KT. JOHN INDOVV V(! .<^poin's 'I'KRS. 'S Rods, Van impWts.etc Jeneral an. ortence to the British portion .!^J^^^ h ".T'W^'.H"!^*^'^,^- ■''''' -^-^ ^''-^ t.. nearly the saa.e position thoy1>ad occu^ed t./\wt''''^ "'" ^ ••*"'^''' ^''"'h*'""'" to the.r laws, their language and institut" s T .^ l h ^'""•"^^t, with reference .ftheIn.perialParlian.ont was, perS "..exa > uf .'" "'^''r'-«>^y <'f »!"« Act l«e,. disputed, tending as it did to v^unZ.du!) I' .'^^ ^r'"'" ""'J' ^^^^^ '""« this new ap,,endag« Jthe British ('rown f^^n'otuate a distinct ...ffonality in hey;:ud thein,ntio.^.^<^:S,.''"K" S^ t;^ t'.^'^''''^' ^"'^-"' '^^ ^^ hdehty of the i,.l.al,ita,.ts a..d i..duci..^; :^ ^ sj tTl.e ";'''''?'' '"."'"^'^"'K' th. f..r independence. !„ the followinx/ v.^i,. /h l i ^^''i-n'sts in thoir struggle Montgoinery and A.nold, 2::^^^"^^2^^f^^':i''-^^-^- under Ge.nSls th. .-egiilar forco eo..s.«ting of ....ly tw , ,^^^^^^^^^ '" !.' ''"■'r'';:^'""- ''^'^""-• n.en det^iched ... va.iou.s pa.ts of the m.ninr n . .' ' T^ -*'•-''■ '" ■*" ^^^^ m van. c.deavuu.ed to arouse the (' .u i 7;,. ^T ^>Y^-Um. the (ioven.o.-, defence : oven the pe.suasions of .,XrJ.;:1r '';'''.'''''' '" »'—■-"'""..» j|o...ery „,eeti..g with little opposit, , s.^'.^L-c 1 '.'^'^■''^ /""»'--■ '"ul Mont- ■lohns and Mont.eal. This S'up.'ohonsiv snoi "V^':'"*'^'"« H.au.l.ly, «t. *r.;,«,snod...ht. fro.nthodasio' '^ r "^ '''" ^^'•"'"'•'' ^'U.ad.al.s rfireat Brit,iin and her .-ovolted o 1 .,1„ • . i "^ ' '"' '■""•'•^' '" < '"•"^«l'i >vUeon refusal to Uko up arn.s, which w s , ,1, , tv„..le.,.i. too harsldy tl/eir -he l.»dsh.ps .Jult.ng".n l^n .^ ; '' ll^'irif T'') ''^ "'" — '"^^^i*- -f wahdiew then, so fre,p..,ntly f...... thJ h , i • ^••"" '"".i^ as Militia, which iHUch latui- ,a,ri,Kl, however, when th 'ir v '^',"';'"lt„.aj occujmtions. At a .usf'tntions and the incieaU ' .. \, I , " ,:7^'" "^ I'-t-'ion' i.nder British .«t.o.mlity. thoCan,.li,,n Militia f lirestSist I y"«7,"J"-'l -"""K f.-Iings of «.urage and loyalty. The suc-cossos^ ^fi^ In ^ • ""^""^V'^- " chamcteV for ekeck lH»fo.e the walls of Ou,.|«., u "»« Anie.uans wew, destincl to ivceive a <»na,la. and caused then ) r S. . ^h , ho r^'/^^'f ,^''^''' ''^""""^« ^ -» m... their l.^n.is. In the I.eginr.i ^ rN^ . ". ' wr 7",^'' '""' »"-vio...;iy fallen the woods l,y the Kennol,oc"and (^.audi/., ' ' '• 'l"^ '"« '"'vHi.ce.l ihn.ugh ab..ut a ...onth afterwa,dH l.y Mo/t" "^ ! . '"^ ";.'r^''^^^"' ^""•'••■<- ••*'••' was joined men, an.<.ng whom we.v enroilodr),„|),.,.t ti.r.M i^.f Hn^r ''''"r^ Hn ,Hh and Canadia.. Militia. The at ack f . '7' """ ''"'"> " "M "h«'"■ K'imson f»,„. the tow,u.lHl'reHde-Ville at th« f.:, '", i. cSef wh';^. .'"'''"'■''' '. "'•'' '*'"' "'«" |-.msoss...n of a Uttiny of nine rK.un.l. ,-« wt i "■'*""'" «"''"' *"« m tr,.„gh which he advam-cKL As s.l ." l.!'S ''''''''""';''\' *''" "'"•'"« "««« <.f the Iwttery a .li«u||y fire was no, r .1 m .7 '""' "'•I','""'"'''*"' *!*••"> fifty yanU '"Might, and in ,he Z.Z^^ZtX^. tX'^ir^"'^' ''"* ^''«'" '"""-iSy those ..f M..nt«o.n«i V and tw. j "': .lir' "''"''"•" *^.'"«'' ^^•'•" f'>""d .... the s.h/ i(.w.-.l whi,h wa« M,.u,i..ned . he,v lik ,».... .. r.'^"'*?";'^".*"'"'' ""•' "''•-v" the v.K..rous .ortie, h..wever, th,. , g| T4 ' Z ll'^ ''"' ''"*^-'- T"*^"- My • Lmi entirely defeats with a hi f .pwa^^^^^^^ f upwarUH ..f 400 priw.nors. Arnold {.fiug . ,u«^ I.'- ^L f^smma^mm '^m' I--- __ <©^(^ Opening of the Chicoiitimi Extension ->> 1st JULY 1883 As^ X THE IXEW ROUTE t:^jei ^s— J^r-ftuijed ( S^u^iier^-rv REsoR-m "onTH OP queb"^ thrTuoh ;Se' *"" ™»\.?l'I''.i'L???F.™ THE DELIOHTPUL SUMMER - ^CANADIAN ADlRONDiVCKS<- ;;^" *^.ll T^K:--.-, , Sirs Iftlaiul gUUNtH IMMJ oil applic»ti„i,. wifh Sftgiioiifty 8(<»in,i,.n ti»'H. A I iiiuh.aK..iH ; f,„ f.,l,|.,rK »„,! ,.,,, I'HuMfuriy I||„„t,«UHl Gtu.lt. l..-ik wounded ii This Nucce.'- Although th Threw (jatU the St. Cli itctiaHioned well directe gruutly thill ciiiiiiiiittod I (if the Siiri> the iiiftriiieii cjiused tlie .wriviiig fi(j without fiirl In the ; were fully u ,11! poHHilile t her coUiiii/il aiiil the KrNt Liiuteujiiit ( In tlu. f erei;ti(.ii of a Mount^jiiii It* Having the cjty, .this iif i^uehec loj Utyond the I* "tittingH of itn »gil;it*jd HO i( lition of |»!»it ition of the ( twlrangeiiient prosperiJy iiii citizens to in restored to itt ALEX. HARDY, Oea. p. A p. Ajt.. Quebec. Can. J. Q. SCOTT, Secy, and Manajrer. ji>.'^i5) (tension. E * SUMMER CKS^ •^^rw**"" ■^ although the siego was i^gul^f^mahiEed ./?"{, \'T'"*''''^"^ ^'"^ ""^^uJt Three Imfcteries were erect^ V 11^^^ „" icnuH ^^P '"'. ^ '""^ "^ *'^« *"»tur. the St. Charles, and on the ^pS ,« ^ Sha. ? h:t thf ^^ 1 ^^e Ferry "on (K!caHi(med the garrison was very trivial '1 fK \ ^ •laiu.ige which they well directed fi.^ fron. the city "^wiVtLchLTM ^"-^H--^ cliHhniged hy I greatly thuu.ed l,y .lese.tion. and sti^ uXr .^Z. . %*"\^*'' '^"'"" '""'^^ ^^»-« cmmutted drea,lfnl ravages anu,, gX At JS f " , ''^., ''%t""-f""' ^l''^'' [ . the .S,o/.nW frigate reTieved the ei eJ ThJ\^^K '^ *'''' "^T'^the arrival the.nannes, being lande f«'rees In.ally evacuated Canada' .^ ,K.s«i!.,e to that of G^t Britain '';;", ,lr ^S^^^'Z:: ^'TAT"^^^^ lier coli.nial possessions. The i.rovince wis .livi, 1 ? ■ "\^""*- ^onforr^fl ^n any of ..ul the first ,,rovi|.cial parlianu^ « ^sTi p.n I at ol V'''""t;''*' ^I''^"' *"'""'"1« Lieutenant (Joveilk^ CI ,.|c.. fi, . ri "P'".' >', "t .k>'ii'hec m Dewmlk,r 171)2 hv - er..i..,.f.4^«S^;,;Lun.,^^";^^;Le^^ V .1 ... , -■• •" vniiijuia hy the ■f H.e Hishopr.c of guehe0, Dr Jacob erection uf a ii|„|u.{fH See under the title MounUin bT,mjf tjie Hrst who was installed in that d^^n'itv ~ '--' ^ "'^"" the e";:^;i''p:;r;;:;rs^t'£:;^;;us^^ '' -''^^ ^■■- ^'- ^--^iing .. .>f Quebec leaves us nothing t.,7ecw 1 ,,'""' '^ '^" T"^ '^'""''^ ^is^.ry iH^yond the sco,.e and provS.L of I^ L Ja' e '' V u.in ?i;"' 'T ^r:?"'"" "^ ^"»•'- ^iUM.gs of its Asscn.bi; tlu, political .n/3.;nt h . 'Z"^:f ' '■'' ''^'y- '» «^« H«.lated so long the destinies of the nn.vine nd f 1. c 't '*"'^^''' ^''J htHU. of party feeling e,.ntril.,ae,l u h n ".H " ""'"'['^^"'^^ i'"! the ebul- .^...u of the con«t,tuTion, t,, ■ .e , /;' .' "'"""^ **i^""'' '^"' ^" " »"«l>«"- estrange,uent.ftheseat\.f ( :nr,.;'n:'\,:: ^.-l""- -f. "'-e errors' th« t.r..Hpmty a.,.i iu.port.incH. Vh th L,oa( v """'^"1"","^ d-nnnution of her •.t..eus to u.lulge u. the hope th tt .rs 1. f i^ "^'"^ ",.''"''' " ?"""'"'*"- '««ds itn -.ure.l to its true position L tl^u^lStn^LS '"*^*"' " "'" '''' '"»« ^'^ rest wimala. dation for .'W«i •lake, with Ihf lieli are free lo lonay 8t«)(»ui..n lers lind guuic itl Guide k«ik •TT, nd Manager. i^..-fcA. t P/'T J(G^^ ^^-Jjx '\ -^W. 13. ROGERS 16 Fabrique Street, QUEBEC. Seauiac Brilick aad Toreioa 9ru.^c ■ diardca, Picid aad Ftcv/er S ( OPEN TILL 10 P.M. EVERY NIGHT. ^^ Telephone Np. 126. ) ■■■---... * _ ■ . * »H'('('l;ssoi( To 05: TARPi^ ^ ji^;iKi>iftvid'Morg! hiN long enjtiyr l*tivo« of tho t \ ...■ i A .li-f '<^<^.J'',*'7'*,■n*>^=^^_■w5i7W.^^ f"'Tf^ffS!^-r. 1 '^.^ . ERS the^gity . ' S'cedc, (!)- lY NIGHT. [)N, — T'" OK;.;: THE rERRACE. T.™;^"ij;o«l:;ni''S^^^ ^^'V;-'' i^^cnn^d «.« Durham .|UH;:^r of a mile in length and Ji " h to th T v ; ^'"^ P™*^"?"--*^!" ia about a mtios of inducing therein. At1^^,« north on .nf m^ ^?'"'""*'^ uijrivalled opportu- noctmg tt witl, ^he Lower Town S^fthTr . . • ^T'^^'^ i« «" elevator^ con- fashion of the capital and few To tho o^H 'J?\"' *^*^ "'''''^"K ^^e beauty and boaufcy of their wUi.n. E^^l^onU are SeS "*" ^''". "''^ "^^^^ ^^ ^ hS"?°^ Lorno and Louise, Du Jorin and \wf ' "?"f^ respectively PksSiC binds of mumc in the summer aftorruL ) ""' "^^ *^«" one for the use 3 r^,t7'>«nd-dfeet,ar;n?W°^^^^^ B^* '^'u'*" e Jat^n S . % first ro,,/,,/-f„7 i« aj„j^gt bewildering ThTrc'J^^ ^*'"«**^ ""«- *^hich at bosom hundred, of vessels of eviry SrioHo,, r^" !u ^^"-^nce. bearing-on its »uch a height aj.p^rs but a spec 7o thTL^rTA 'T ^''"^^'"^ ^n*^- «^hic!» from t«»co, ,.s the town of I^vis, cr(.wniru, d f^wf. ^^"^ ^"'V OpPosite, in the dis- •hero may bo seen the thrJa imZn^ t i ^^'''" •'''°" •^^'''»" tfi'^e of Q.'eboc and > * cost of «m).).0,K., wlLh r^n^; r:?tl:te;f •^' t^ ''"«j""'' ^o-rirat ■iiul imp,WH,h!e attempt. t^ " ''^'" ^^'** «""th an impraticable if not THE UNION BUILDING. > rnkMl Su,o,s. prevou.Iy m 14- i 'r f *'"" T/,'"^"''"''*" '" '«»2. against e »l'<-n thesij-h,.'' ^ '"^•'' "'^' '•'^""l^mo of (Juvenmr DWiik.lH.ust st,"^ "*E 040. &n;;r,lt: nil :' "ins:?r: , , - -■ — -• ■■"«■ - "» ''f I av.,1 Morgan and or, upie,i by h ,, 11 I ! ^"'''''"« '" «» pr.>«imt the property TTiiuse in 1854 tho it has also lH)«n us«»d as tho f tJvoH of tho Dominion of SJk 'r*^'^""''«« "^ '"-ny of Her Wajesty's ropreaen. 1^^ U &*!ift. . .1^ ._C»' mmmmmmmm G. A. BOIiDUG ^ GO., ^^ ^7Sf Dealers axh Ma-mifacturers ; V I^'INE GOLD AND SILVER ■ JEWELERY. Society # Medals SOUVENIR SPOONS, , ETC., ETC.^ OF ?4>a l^^_Sf;._JoKK^h^ Quebec ST. LEON MH^RAU/A^ *A Canadian Natural Product /====_.-=_^ . VflPy Higlily Ree onnnended "' '"" "'"" " """" . 1 ■!, II ■ Ah AN Appetizer and Dioestkr AFTER JVfKALS. IT IS A VKRV PLEASANtI^BLE wXteR EfTHKR NATITRALOR AERATEDr^^" The 1,*TE Dr. Rowano, Port Phyhk^ian; URBD TO RKCOMiMHNI. THIH WaTKR EVKN . Opposite Cardlnars Palace AJOH^AL£ W110l.gSAbfrAWU Hl T Aftrrry Fop Asiatic Ciiolepa Til th< Montcaliii, g')vonior-i at the oxpi In pnn»h the .site of th incorporated upon it. It, H the governor, To the w «r<,»un(l. wlii't <'"nvunt, whic fieciatod in M nuiiient^tHre vi thp veiK-nililo '111 fclieir lurivH "nmiHonting t /lipHOW^P BL/jlg, AGENT FOR QUEBEC The rijig, ( f^ko .Simcoe, e ,'. I .GO. fSa^l^ {ueB ec -^^ Product ACrLTY - AND DkJEHTKR JDlJJlINd ()]h ^ATER . - I Cholepa THE WOLFE AND MONTCALM MONUMENT. MonS%lj'S^S':;;.:^:?:Si';;:- r-r-- rr- Wo,fe and govon.or-i„-.h,efVo„ the l^th My m7 uI^TIP "',' ^'"'^ "[ Dnlhousie, the HUho oxpouHe of a few e.t.en. ^o ^:nuwi;::.i'u:;;' ^^^^e^:;;:; "^'^""^ - i«71 Mortem, vi.rt.is. connimnein, ' * ' r';iniHiii Historia, Momiiiiontiiiii PoMtoritiiH Duili. *, Hujusce Monumonti in me.normm virnrum illustrium. >VoLret Montcalm. > > Fundamentam P. C. -* Georgius, Come de Dalhousie • ^" -• i ^"»epto"tnonali8 Americas partibu. Summam rerum administrans • • A„.f^!i . *" •»''*«^° oonvenientius ? Aucj^itate promovens, exemplo stinntlang Munifioentia fovens, Die Novembrie xT. ' A. D. MDCCCXXVII, . . . ^•'"'•K'" IV, Britannianim Rcge. .1.0 i;v:;ni.Toili\CnHi' thor;th?;";r:r^"''^ '^;''"« ^^•^''='''""- --pie« incorporated into the wall bearing the dar.TfLr^ "ot.ce a stone which ha« been ,'-P"n It. It was the founclati,.,7"t,Ve of iu *" ^^*^' ['']'} ''•'^"'K •» MalteHO cross cut 'ho governor. M. de M.ntl^l^^^T^l^^ZZtl^''''^ "' '^- ^^''"'" ""'^ ''^^^ ^^ THE ENGLISH CATHEDRAL. ^-^^^^■'^h^'>l''l^^^^^ '''^l-dral, bnilt ^n the -"vent, whid, were de.trove^,yh«;^■^'l'",^ "/, *''^' ^^'<^-nHH and their Hecratud in 1804 ; it is bu^l, in 1 1^15 o, „ ' '/ I' '':,'"'^^'"^' »""''»"'K «as con- nu.nentsare very fi„e. Inthom.rt ,C ' '^ V.'['*?:'''^''*"™' '*'"' '»« '»"™' "lo- 'h. venerable dm ^.v.^ uu^^S ftZ I''", ' ''*' V'**^"^"'' '''^'^ »'>'• ""^•*' "^'"H , ".. their arrival in the cn%ty, a, h ;;'«;.,,: ''''^''' '""' '^'^''-"^'•leH >"« followers '.mamonting the enclos„re:*The eh. wis hul """" '"'^"'"'"Vt >i"«l^'" treen un. WHH blow down on the fith September, 1846 AGENT t QUEBEC THE PLACE DARMES. ' r ►-" Quebec # ^eptpal J^v. ^ —^ fAGNER^ Palace Pars. J8.___=._;^ and Fishing of the Uke St John R^gton ^ *"^ '^^ """"^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fast Trains. Buffet Service. ^ ^ ^*.sig:nificent Scenery. Sure Connections. Combined Parlor and Sleeping Cars ru;^ between Springfield and Quebec and Boston and Quebec without chahge H f^xm and m-K Arr, >ridK5:¥^ vi. q^xc cm%m, %■. .>. Boston -W. Ravm.,n„, 2!M{ Waslungt..,, Stroofc • Brmrov «- M . n * NEW YORK-f Ho«. Cook & Son, Ag««tH OlS w^^^^'"'''''' '^'^''" *'''^""''' ^'"^^^^^^ VJL iJiBbC— OppoHite St. Louis Hotel. ■ Phici. -ftj f.t.shioiiHl To tJie roar of w it the rec on a iiion Pass! PostOttici history co it< old jios t.iunmt, ai Admiral ^ the lines : In don cut a St. A wa.s found i Thestfl Wd-ilthy nioi Jk^ainHt the •Vinplo nier revenge hy Among oth( received tlu i>ppre,s8ive t< hy Mr. Phil infamous, IJ; ensued hetw Bigot in win then Acadia, Jiereon, he where, mei t several vevsii A less trag Miles Prentii - --A+JMMitHr ittt till ^Hortedjill thi wards Adntir Miles Prenti( ■ ""^"^''ooK^ "• Q t GBneral Manager. ( *%ff-'?'^ »srr* \Vf'W "" f'v^^f^ GLAND i^ :ngef^ pARS punk Ry Trains. y Trains. I* Steamboats, id the Hunting neotions. and Quebec ^[^^f^^r< %, iiNE Railway ''fl/ Manager. LA MAISON DU CHIEN D'OR. ^!>^^^^^c!^^^:!;'iJ;CS^^^ ';\- haml-„.o Innlcling. th. ' iHstory con„octt.l with it Tht/m. ,nrr I . '""'''»'K- which has a world of -t^ old position ai,ovo thod'.:: .;";;:; ill, ' ;^; '^ "">^t '*; "' """'^' -«» Ub t.iumnt, .18 much msortod t.. i,, thus Iv . i' "' m "'.'l'"'^'t« ^^e Chien d'Or ros- Aa.uind Nelson ...ul Montio, .r\ f -v "^ ted h'r' '. "'" "^.'\" ^'""'^ '^*««. ^h^' the linen :_ ^ ^ '^'1'" "*''V'f- ' "••emoHth the Ooldon D<)g «re Je . sills un ohicn ,|iii rouge r..8 ' • ' 1*^11 le rougoa.it je preuds inon repos y_n temps vicndm (pii ii'ost pas vonii «^uejomordrayf,uin.'aura mordu. " ..» f..u„d » ,,ie„ „, ,„.„ i,„,i;;; ,t mC„J "■.orillS™';" ''"*" "'■"'■ "" ""• Nicolas Jaqiks ' ■ dit Phihher .ni'a pos^ Ic 2() Ao(U. 17:^6. The story in connection therewith istnl,! ..c f,ji t ' . . . WO.-Ut.hy merchant of tl,o n.an, of P lib^ f i^, ' "''r^ '~^'' '^'' ''"''<^'"g «^«d a ug-iiOHt the Intendant. whose hi.d, p.shi ,'. c I ' / /"''"^, "?"'^« »' complaint .^.nple merchant withou. suffering s'i e ^ v Si m hTt.^ '-/"-il-l b^ the revenge hy placing, ho ««* by Mr. Fhilihert. ll is also sai.l that to" „ ^ M^ > hilelt H '" ,'=''^"'"-«nt«d .nfamou.s, B.g-.t, ..uartered troops npo„ , he 'hiend'or 1 ' 'v I"<^«'«>»nt'«rhe ensued between Mr. Philibert and M.J de a { e l'..! ."' "^ '""y- *«J"arrol Bigot in which the fonner was fat.dirw.m.de.I m ' ^ ?r^'«''T" ""'"I^nion of then Acadia, till he receive,! his free.Ion r.^n ' t iij:^^^ '" ^"^« «$?'». JCJiereon, he returne,! to Ouebec Vft..,. fl. c t"r? France, Ijouis XIV where, meeting the son ohs"ict\u';."\"i;;l ?'.''" """' ^• ^^''^iicherr^; several versions ..f this tn.,iti.m. bnt"t,!;; a.:;:;':;t:;i tZ«; ^^^^ M^I-s:,'Xhan::::^i:i-::;-i:::- mrt^U thefashi.M.ai;i;n;f;hrda;7Zr wh!!"'"'"'-"'i'il.^' ^'"^'' 'nnre 'wajS^Adniiml Nelson, then co . Zjing iT M S "'"v,i" ^^f ' ^«f>^'». »fter Mdes Prentice h.1 a niece. Miss Si.npLi', d^h^r of' ^''^Sin.plo^ wC .^ij.^ij*!.". '"VJ.».."J ir-. ■>^? G. Sl G. HOSSAGK, mHE MD SPIRIT DEJILERS ANN & GARDEN STREETS, (OPPOSITE THE RUSSELL HOUSE) ^ \ 1^" FISHING. ORDERS *tTTENDEt) TO. W "w 4H[ENG«EY 4(0TEIt -^^^ M, m and -10 %t^^^ ' • ST. ANN STREET, Upper Town, CLeatraUy Situated, oppocilc the ZaglisK.dathcdral. '^ ■ , GoaliguouG to all busiaecs centres. 1/'\rcll kaowa for over hQ' years. ^{ comfortable aad well appointed 3(cu:e. •_^> t. lio i-l wliicli ]/nr[ who, \wt|, i) >a)-(l lii.s V \iL't(iry, jin I'ouogiiizod Doconiht'i- (lOr. A llVH, t iiil-isi's. F will (hid it, ill tiiwii wli .»■■ '5^'^ Fin Si;jri#t,^';l ill i tlu°"(;t4i„Iiin <''li>liy, l,||t l'il))rs niifl 1 flio church i; .110 MOVOl'JlI \ ThoCo, St. R'vul t'lirJNt, .• tho'Hijrl r')iri.s(, li N.-Uivity ('.hrisfc S IVntoco' Tlu. lf,,I Th,. Anil S't. Amu liiith ..f Altav, M The H-icn tiiUNt in .\iiu *i 'iiie jKiiiitiny ■ ^».-._.>^ This Imll, I'V hru in the : RATES, $1.50 to $2.00. P. HENCHEY, « Proprietor. T;i.s.srnfr {} "11 throo MidoN 'li' Firiviil. Th( w MM nilmilt iMu 'nit ^Kwt'ont i CK, LERS; « EETS, EG. TO. \s,* To>2vzn, ;«'Tt:::,.s:S;::;;.S;;t;;:::;^::,:t;:"y- vo«Hoih.a sailed r^n. "^ic:h purpose WHS dJfoa " M K i' W "I'Z "'■7^'^"'\ " ^''« '"'"'' ^'^ ^''" ^y'' " ' '■■■■• ■• -"" '"'•" ^ ^'•*'"'' f..rfi!.ly caiTio.1 tl.o anion, vaxu.-y, an.l lost for l.^ly Haa. lo, H,-t T' ^"' '''"^''"'<' .">'"'y'^«l<»ri..u,s naval '•^^•.,i.t.. ivtiro from his'arduouH- ..^..c.n..l.S, Valior. The const.-ucSin " ^ ; '•"!•} ..f St. IVtcs at Home. I„ the church ' tlK' .110 several valiiahle^puintiuKs. ' Christ, , at tended l.y iu.rels l.v !•; . . *"" I icHi^ditof Mary ,J,d.J,,sei)li a Cmv l.v T ri ChlLst l.v \'..u, DyelvJ ' ' ^' ^» '^- '^■•""^'1 N.itiN%ofa.risV/(/opyof(Juido. |-.f:p;;;f;:i;j:^;:;;n--^^^^^^ AltaV, Mirac (■ of Sf Vnn l.v V i»i i .* II. .iiiM. oy ..\. I'lainondoii. The s'lored veshuenls iiriv 1. . ,„>.> .• •incst ... AuuTica. The 1 kmS,; /i : 1^ ^l :;|;':''r^''''' !'' ' ''V"'-^^''- Tlieyarethe sM.iep.iintingsiilieuly.h.strnye.l.'^ ' " ' '"''" ^^' ^'"^ ^^i^ ^>i 1759, and ral. ■ccd 3(cu: ^EY, Proprietor. SEMINARY CHAPEL This l.i.ild Masters. r" ^"^'V' ^ "*' '^ ''"•^^'^' O"ll"ction of valuahte Pai.it^nK s l.y -US ■m th^;; ii;':; ':?^c."^ S:^ Sem^r""; 'r''^ <• "^^J^f'the seminary Square om Photographs. Tableau .WoF^. PRAYON j^ORTJ\5tTS. _Pastels. Photo Cabinets \onfi in ll]^ laljz^t ^iyU and at tlijz ^Ijorl^^l nolieg. ^outnsts >iT8ltmg: t^^ City oan have their . Photographs in 48 hours. intd the Oi thirty -four six iMiiidre iiiterniiimbl by Iwrred v turnings an Middlo Age [Kiciiig up ,k ^ Within I "which wfts V the SeininHi' ground in oi The Lav the front on M is also th od by Monse Tasonereau. being thirty-i »nd seminArii containing tl Picture Gallt in Canada, a try. From t Charles and i hccoming mo the Dominior The renin fith May, 170i place by Mgr. in 1877, and v [irocession b vichi called at Chapel, the C( Rccoljet Ciiun intervals of on teer Field Bati I^earving tl the Batt«ry. site of the Pari the Grand Batt Moon Batt«ry, " mnery Battel 'itiand 2Jiavi r Rarden and bei cannon and two Hope Gate the site of the f menade is the nj i)rY / tr. ^tv %Ci ^ORTF\AFTS, rELS. st notice. their six iMUulml pupils, instructctl ,v ov ' TV "' ^T''"'^ *^^hxadu>n; having about by Urred windows, one I'co^ueXii eT^^^^^^^ '*"'! '*«hted turnnigs and descent;. ()no nivSisilv i .? ""''""«»' l!'»o hin.self in the endlesH Mi.ldle Ages, an illusion rend^ n i^STv hr'''.'" 't '''^ rt^'^''^ '^- FWicing up and down tl.e vast .'alh-r 'I ^ ^ '"'"'*"'''" *'°"'""« "f robed pricHts . Within Kh^ lo.f .,„ b«"i-ncs. .. -.-ch was vSy S";ej;Ld ^J ^^ '''^l "'^■^"" ''^ ''-" "-l^ ^^ the buildings the Sen.inary/ Th"y wi^^ttt f t ho'^^r T r '• ^"'"^^ -'»»>or of pupils attencli^.g in-ound in one of the finest portL's^^r^^^^ "^^^"I'y "^ ''""^^ ^^^ent of od VM-se;=rdo^^:ran^^^ was erected n'^l^Tii.^r 3: Tasc^ereau. There are f6u7 chairs J^VrAnZ'T''^'^^^?'^^^^^ being thirty-four professors and nLrlv thrl^' ^'^5 M«d,cine and Art, there and seminaries are affiliated rwitHhe LWs V!?''tk'*"^'"*'- ^«^«" °°"«8«« ^ntaining the Museums of oTology Natural S^.f ^'''? .*" T!,".^ ^""^^ •>»"" Picture dallery is yearly reoeivh!X;.„f^^^-?- ^^^^J7> ^^ and Sciences. The in Canada, and is rfch ij vaCff MS? iS'°"'; Tt"" '^« "''^'^ is>e largest try. From the proiponJde oTthe roof a mUS"^ *^*^? earlyhisto^r^the coun- Charles and down the St Wencrin brfr"'^;'- "^t^^^^^ St. kcoming more popular, not o^r w^h the F^.h p' Vn'versitv is every day the Dominfon and the United Stater French Canadians, bul throughout The remains of Monseigneur de Laval «,J,;«i. i i u fith May, 1708. in the Basilica and af^r^rH V'*'' ''««" '"^^n^d after his death place by Mgr. Pontbriand. S Sin^red d^Hn "'"'^ '^"'^ reinterred in the same m 1877, and were reinterred with KrlTce™^v '°"i'° ^'^''^^'^tions in the Basilica ^procession bearing the reniain, hS vlS h^f''"'^ ''?"'^ the 23rd May, 1878, v.eh3 caJlod at l,y the first h.nLal cX 'e*^. ^u"/^"'" •^'""•"^^«' ^^ieh. it is said Chapel, the Congregational Chape l^!L' i^^TT'^^^^"^'''^^ ^^'^ ^■'^"J*»« Rec.)lJetCh«rch%o longer in cxiince oJh ^*"''' " ?t'^^^ '" ^'«» "^ ^he I .nterAls of one n.inute and a hal^ f '1" tho lo "/T""", ^^ ^""^ ^«'-« «''«'> «t t«er Field Battery. ' '"" ^'''^ '^^'^"^^ Barracks yard, by the Volun- THE BATTERY. Jir^ '^^eSKgrxsn ;^:^ ^'^'^^^ '^^^^ '•--^^ - H^o of the Parlimnent Building tc^pXfcJf?^^^^^ "^t^nding from the ' the Grand Battery, 17 j/uns • th*. Sf Ph i b ./ *^ Assembly Battery, 9 guns • Moon Battery, 1 gun -^^H^fpe Gate bI^ '^^''*^'''^\! «"»« *"d 3 boSbs f rialf Nunnery Battery, No 2 "Tu.S^? S^'^' >«""" ! Montcalm Battery, 4 guns ^rden and beneath the DuS^S^XfrST^*' ^'^^' Governor's cannon and two minor Jiatterios with 4^800^ "^ of 4 guns and 1 Pallisser 1 the sfteTf fhrfiVfcr^^^^^^^ «»d a promenade occupies |.e„adeisther.sideu.ofMo„teaim^:;:Jntrt^^^^^^^ " . ' / - ■ - ' . :... .-jffi^aaigwfia i ''r.i^ <*> ^9 '^' Voum 4^ «* FOR C/fRRMGES If mm 0. A K \ / AT LlVE{(ir ?Ti[BLE^, gl 95. 103 and 109 St. Ann Street -->is* QTIi^Bl'^{\ %t^^ ;^3 " j. ' i 7rw ii ' rr^- ^^ — , — — i CJUmiJISES. COUPES % BUSSIES -«j<>N Hiiffl WiaiH (>i< KiimioKiB m,,^f;j,^,^ *iT LOAWEST TARIFF RATES. tliu I>fuiiont of tlie iiuiiiii farms. Th( h()U.sei.s 1101 tlio stit'ut, V alliiwt'd to t Il'hniu's.s, vvh Outside t!i;it ii!iii;iin.'< nnx-liy and i tlio Cjl.stlu) tho siiperiyi |ilctttiiii.js of fnmi tJig , I'l KiT-cloije i|iiHrt('rK, doF hiMinoiis, fo It is now occ ilio Canttdiairi Tlli;, is hi "M K'ltt' waH f had to be dt lml•ro^v thiit o ;.'i't through • '(ivoninient i vlvjiiit;igo rtiul which idiUinu W.'lll.S, in Olio o "lit uiUHvolcd '>ii d'Autt) Knit (iiiiv tljc iii.luiu"" IH7!». Miurit, from w) i"id Kivor Kt. 1 I Ciuilcli WliH co» "••iloil hy H IIIHI »K'|. i lit) wgti rati lliiN IiiKt criiiui, ' >p|)OHito JH thn Proprietor. I'll fill! wtwt liy ( lfi'ri|jicHti«m whi !"•■■•'•"« ; n'Hd-i I ii" out) t4» Hay tu ihu F)H|ilMMde • JL^aS I « I . /I^:^!!;:^ t:::^ijtr "^^-f^ f^^vr ;;^ ^^^ «^- ^^^^-^^y -a hou.so.i« n.w .o i„C »ul' '. ..:? V '"'I'''",''"'' ''""^^""^ rocgnition."^. Its guarcL allowe.1 to tho me by to So, f it "^''^ ''^.■'^'■''' 'H '"^"'""^ "^ *'»'' ^^^^'^""^ tho superiors, o t o JiJ ^ L '^ 'r; S-^ *f""t pl-ftin ;.s „f the Fri,,om^ l ; i the nfumouH Bigot-c.ncocted the nef,iri.,uH tc.m tJe l\.hlielVerurv'.im nif' '"'IT^'^'f "'" tJH>u.s,«„lH which ho n.hlH)d Fnu,ca Hi« priLolTSr . l V": t''^' •'":"t'-"^ laboratory for tho nmnufacture of ammuniUon for ST. JOHN'S GATE. "M ™is^ir^s:\,srsrs;sSi?'^''"""^)' ^'^- '«^ -»>»"*• t^o h=yl to Ih, ,..;osito is .1,.; t;:;?::i^^.:!"!. 'zr^^:z -Tt^:^:^^ ^'^^^ transport.:; f''..flict'rs 1 At tho gained ; an aft or LoH ] ed, and visi t!io Trails ar kefry, so kh mu. nil Hpprr niHniling th< lintT. AcroHi stnl)l(nt of liinnenNo muI twenty tliouN tti<' city, it ei "f i»l»oilt t wo M in the ilm Ainon^ t tioii of a ne^v tectuie, to Ih! whcnio IH not OlflATCUUUAN FaJ^U. pHHMing >■ (he '»f f^ftic cerH „f IJ Battery -and citlze;.r ^ ^"'^'' ^^'■'•'"^"" ^"'"b. co.upLd THE CITADEL. after I^rd DHlhouslo o^t' Vg^ornt'of'Throl '''''^"^!' P'^'*'""'"^ G*^«- "«"«^ »' ed. and viRiton, «ro furni«hed^^th" «" di^^nl ^^"^^ g«tOH cuard ia station- tho WHll« arc CHBe.natod Urn J foJS tr, ^ aL ,? '"'''' "?' ^*^t'' ^'^^"^ ketry so hh to c.;„una„d the tre.ichoH wh lo n ;h ? '*^" I'xip-hoJed for mus- :n« all approacl^ to the city laS-d nd on th '*""""""'<*" «»"»"»«, oom.nand- ;-nd,ng the haX.r. Two A^nn ttZ «„," are .«;!'''"",";"'•'' "? •"^^"«'' ""'»■ l'-^i;r. A.roHH the Citadol Square are th.ftT r*^*^ '""'""«<<. hn a'so a huge Pal- -'■I fhe view fro.H it is the gnwZ „ ,h «I , , '" 'r'^' ^T" "'"^" '"* ^'^*-r -.retoheMeeiuconHtnictel w^r w/ulK ■ "''^•« Marteilo Towers, hu.lt i„ l?li l-mneMse nuhUry storeN con.st.inltv keut r J v f ' T"% '■""""" ""'""f»-H. '»n.ty t,ho„sa.„i are rea.iy at a non.e , k i r*'.'," "'^ ^ '^•'"'- "'"' '*"'»' f'>r "• n*y; it co„I<, easily ...f dest".;. . h« 'i Jl"l '' T.'"' u"V;^ "'" ^'•""•« "' "f alM.iit two hundred rank «.wl (il„ ; * "tadul. The M lUtt^ry. conniHtin'*^'*. ''"t th«> THE UHSULINE CONVENT. .. .iiss;:^^;:rc^7^r^:i-svr s.-«,=,r .>.\#^- ^p^ M. + HOGAN. ^^inlcsale anri Ri-tajl Dcalvr, in ^^ A Foreign and . Canadian Fruits, Vfgetgbles. f F?gs, Pou/fty and Game. Fresh, Pickled <& Smoked Fi.\li Oysters, Lobsters, t tarns, Turtle & Terrapins. .. i,f^SS« SALMON #^ SPECIALITY -> TELEPHONE I9|. i"« ■■ •' ,."■'« A ■■■fe': iitHAN BROTHERS,® ^ Goods + Iii|poptei*s, Buade Street, QUEBEC;S--> Dre88 (Joods, • ' Silks, Satins, >io8iery, (Jloves, W Uiidorwear, Prints, Ginghams, H Shawls, ^Corsets, -SmifhiHJ ia^ Uinhrolt a^ '•%- ^Tweeds" and Oroths, ^ Blankets and Flannels, ^ Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths rC Cottons and Sheetings, K liable Cloths and Kapkius ii yt ^ pure Irish Diymask. MjkI inio r is uHiiiil H 1 reF)Hilt, it Irsulinc n .y»ih rolni WOI-o M;i(l;i liiig^Jtl dm- aWc jMuntii Jesus siCtiii Duath of Si lii.shuj^fc. Tliu wJHo 'ar Tliu iiiini^n The Virgiu, The Aniiunt Christ's adu The SHcrod The Saviour Redemption of MerQ France offeri by a Fr St. Pctor cc ChwHt . , A nionui ■itti'iitiou. () 18;}2, The foil, fi'"in tlio (a\U Tho txjrtnut The A'irgin i 't fho OolujMH 'hi' H.jly Or. in 18;{(>. ^^=f lish Linens and Shcetiii^ 'nwnla /!ti.a. m...!.. o •< Oil tin- oj H..ti-I I Htm d wlio Itrouulit ( Ni<>Ke of ifm*. *oiit and iioH|i Uiiovolmt lail t will ftfl««if(,uiif '"HbricI IaIuiih Ttic uiitt-iuitjo t tnUa. , Wiiti-n.inMf ri I " *^v '•""' """"'8 ana isncetings, ~W - '^"^^'PioofCkmks, ^i Towels. (}lns8 Cloths, &C&C ' Lace.Curtains, Curt«n Materials. Table CUba. ' - ^k -J A sh. Pickled d Smoked Fkh Lobsters, tiams, la <& Terrapins. S, ® ters, YA —f^f^ ■n<'" '■WV • ^•"^i: r li-sulme nuns wore receivr..! I.v fl„. H V i"' ■ \^t -^" "'^" "'*'''^*' occjisioiw, t ho HgHih rebuilt, the Xc J.5 ,„v^ Lil'J^^^^^^^^^^^ ^T'"''\"^ '^''•'- Hoecl Diou. It \vh,s worn MH,la,„o Do lu l4 • o ^1'^!^ >^ 2 ""T'TT' ' T" '"^•^'' '"^^^ ^•■^^^"'"^•l Liig^d I'^- l^^'^, 1850, ., j^,^^ the mon.ory of Montcalm was also Orcctod by Lord Av oHorveB Vylnier in 8. Clot) IS. *pkiii8 m sk. ' THE HOTEL-DIEU. *!'<. brought out tho Hosnitrtfi.' ;. N 1 1 r .'^ ^''" I>urho.H«o d'AiguiHon, >""t and ho^piul in which l^^ti mta a^^, ^ , /• '" ':''""'• '^ «"""*'•♦'• "^ « «^""- '^■K^volunt holies ia .. n..!. Ur?^'!!:::;^:':^.^ ^'^^'' 'rV-- .^^ ^^--^^ ^Uq I..>..so of thono rt^mrnmTurnr.u, ti.o MiNti-SS m^ rtli d w , w h n iwui v o li nmii r|,| , — .v-v.«i,v uiiAuinltiing (uro WHbno^-llo^lontan,lth«KkuV^of'"k^^.?.^''''^'" ^ '•'" '"Hrtyr. tho Ifev. fnt-hur lVuati»,i«ototh«cmLLl^^^^^^^^^ '"^' '"^'•"'Hited in the convent, tings, S'ifiiff&i ' ,a^|MMi3i?Vii^iiP °" 1^ f^sm ma^^^s Sl0'i-^¥r-'' if''- > ■ T.]|aWRiig Viontrti], + Canada! The Nftfei The Virg Vision of St. BruiK The desc* The Twel The Monl 2^ ', - In the now undei and gru.itl^ has alst) he Patrick's C ^ ^oeaiion ^^^: I^ossessing all the modera i mprovemeRt- . ^^^cessary to make it a first-class Hotel in every respect. - TllG Tl U{i«y the again in uh» At the I boyant style Close at Accdniinodati -In A built of •60,0(K), iH of the late lat Parliainent, ii -ilujyeraity -ttfc: "f Scotland. Library. •J -7, .--■' .'?->-. . \remeniz las5 ■ J TheNfttivity _ ' The Virgin niui Child * ' " '' S*ojI«-- ' , Vision of 8t. Thgre«o ^"*'' Coypol. St. Bruno in nieditiition " 9*"'"* Manageot. The desceijt from the CroHs Eustache LeSueur. . Tlie Twelve A poHties ^'"P^ ^V Planjondon. The Monli. in prayer. . .. .[ • ■ • ^>Py V Baillatrg^ the older " ' ' . . Ue Zurbaran. >pri«tor. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. TRINITY CHAPEU ■\ aga»n in use. "*"^ ^"^ withdrawal of the troops but is now h * >/ THE MEHODIST CHURCH. ^* *''iet«P of the same hillis'the Methodist PKn-vK \ ,. boyant stylo of architecture. It seats about l^^"'"''' ^"'"*«'^ >" ^SCO, in flan,- ST. ANDREWS CHURCH. It m MORRIN COLLEGE.. '•' "* of the late late Dr. Murrin of ^Suobec? in S» ?Sr,l^^^l!"?'^^^^ te^^Sii'iPM"'^ 'r"«^' i" l^..vemZ' B^"^„fe..fi^y""--^J Act of of Scotland. Idbrmry. >Wt*iwl. fc. faculty of tirvliiirv iii.lii«»nf *!"''"* ' ! * ' **«^Wot#itt -4-^ iH^^^iS^^ THE popUU^BOOT AJlfD^jlOE '^TOI(E| Large Sales and SMALL PROFITS is the Secret of the Store of - A. J. LADI^and GENTLEMEN will find at this Store Wholesale and Retail Merchant and Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes The at tlio f()( ill 1845, I nir.liiu it! Boots and Shoes of the Finest Oualitv I — ANn THv n^oRT ELE' ' AND THE MOOT ELEGANT MAKE — For Full DKess. Concerts, ill St. Vvf al»i,ut IMX pl;ue in Catliolics AWeddings, Balls, Etc., Etc. ^^ ^^^Jll^ilJ^KKI) WOKK; onvKANTElilD. IMlI(^S-SOJVERJJVf(^ •l^LX*J^I;^T^)MPETrtl( »n' Tho Goncml I'ul.lic will ,vl,vav5 find It fi.;„ r. . o ■ ' asaortnu'iit aiui TKc CKcapest Prices in Quebec Ladies, Gentlcnu-n's ,vnd Childn.n'.s AMEIIICAN RVUTMrn V ' '""^^ •■"^^' ^'*'^"»» limng.. ^ All mluccl. * Overshoes (a , a Princesse), Buttoned.and Waterproof. These Overshoes are unique for the Ladles A VISIT IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED s-rsHsrrr is a Hiiiali l^ark, iiiid i'i a' pretty is also sitiial long Kiiico h fully (iruaiiK Vnliirged an I'oter'H ill t NtBtlot. ^* ** • • • ■ \ii^w» UCwa PROP ^ A. J. CAKOt; MANAGER. 5^ TIiJH (•Ini other huiltlii it is without burning of th oe'^toi^ej 5 AND SHOKS Wholesale and etail Merchant Id Manufacturer i r Boots and Shoes t Quality * ^)MI»KTlfl(iN' s fvnd-Shuus of r^t^^-'^^'v ""^ *j*^''*''r??^^,*'''!i*?r^' THE WOMEN-sIhSISTIAM ASSOCIATION i> .i.u..oa „„ .. A,,,., „.,,„i. „„4 ,,^_^,^.^_^ ^_^_^. ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^_^^ ^ueb mi<:m >roof. ec THE HIGH SCHOOL. at t^>!^'f:^Jut^'^dX^ !'"i''''"^' ^"-t-l"'" «^- I>ol^i« street uitJim Its walls. • - ^, " "^ "»^ ^''> '"'vu received tiieir wlucation . CHALMERS' CHURCH ^ "% 111 St. ('rsiile street, hiiilt aJt.'.- ( lww< ii ■ . . '' '" '>l-ut IM).) persons. 'H h e ' el u- ' h "^^'"' ^^'^'^ ^'''^'''^ -"^1 'j' J«''i^- It .so.nt* o.tiwies ... i'..u.s,..it j;?.-^- ,;;L;:;:;;^> .:;;^:;r :':;t.;i:r-" ^"^' '^""- ': THE BAPTIST CHURCH iu.";;;:l'J;;r:;;;;i;i, S --'■ ■-i-'- ^'- « iitnince t.. the Artillery {] IS T^ FRENCH PROTESTAl^T CHURCH ■•>• pretty Jittle church situiit^d in St. J„hn Htreet, and was erected in 1«7«J. ST. MATTHEWS' CHAPEL (EPISCOPAL) isalsositiwitedinSt. J„hn. street, erected in th,.Fn .-, , •. ".IK «".ce heen closed. St. Maitl in . is , ] .e^7^ 1^ 1^' ^T"'^^ ^'»'''' ''«« ;;-« ... St. V.ier stre.. St. K^h. ^^iJl^^i -Xi;^^ ^-^ -^J, «^ bee CHURCH AND pONVENT OF THE GREY SISTERS. MANAGER. 1 1. ..tl,„ut, a »k*|J» »„c„ ii. 1^, -,|c,t „•,(," ""r 'l'»»mil.K »lld „„„-i,v» I'*.- 'I 1 "P W. McWILIr'lAM. ^"-^^^ 6onf Ectioneif *?^<^ ST. JOHN STREET. T QUEBEC ihocolate, Drops AND HOHFECTIONEIjyFOHTjlEMILLIOlil >^> — ■n^^ -^^^ — -Palroaized by, 3{is E^ccelleacij t^e (So;crnor. general, and 3{is 3{aaor the X' suleaaal. (S overnor of ©uebec. S^v°- church, q liauient v time .18 1< n the Sc Iinint tion build I'lJijin unci is situHted Board of G The G( or the Stilt. Bon Bons I I ^'% fui .iKylulu the 'l(osl»itj sistors of th Near tl was used as vaults, used Just out supposed to TheDep form a mAgiii arj^four storii ventilation an 'i. > ■ '■> ■ ■.1 . ■ ■■■-^•■'; .■ . -- — tr~—m ^wtMingH «trt ^^^ 1 view from the ^^^ 1 all the Defuti ^^^ Al > »^~"w>; t it; L"z±r.r.,t Sot:?, "are '°" • ^ '» *• «•■»••• •»<• ^»- YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. JEFl'ERY HALE HOSPITAL B..ard of Governors. ^"'"g good. It is under the direction of a THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. ■m .•isyluH^f,,r incurahJdiiS lita^'- jT r'' T'"'^ ^^^^OP of Quebec, ^ tlm llospitili^ro Nuns who iS l?m ! 'fl . f ^'''*''''* ""*'«'• ^^e chanje S sLsters of the IIotol-Dieu ' ^^"^' ''"'"^^"tod a 8e,3«rated b<.iy from^Lir wa« Sa^ SStKlr r\;f °^ \ "^^l old.fa.hioned o«ler. It vaults, used at the tin. of'tiTFlc^Jor'Sg^^^^^^^^^ "^^ -« •™-nse ^ THE SIUTING RINK. sup;;:^^r^?;;2;rS;ji^r'^"^« ^ ^^« Quebec siting Ri„,, THE DEPARTEMENTAL BUILDING^ { .*four fcri.. in hiighl with Hi^ZhiS ld\?;'?™\"'»'\°' ■"«««»">». '^ heing much BUpcriot in Uiofl t > new from the rcH>f and upper HtorrsiHun;;^^^^^^^ of tSe city, the all the Departments of tL local Govemm3 wh.Vh h ^V'^ - throughout the city. "*™®"'' *'"«" heretofore were scattered This is not far fron muct ad t« til lives in the : 'jiinied. ■ •fd?i In TiieHe L 1890. They liftWTence an and on the E forming the : Harbour, ha' l)et\vocn.2fi a :'8()0 feet. I 'if'water is 2^ :\ depth of 2(1 Spring ti rise of tide I snd one-half ( is virtually gr wet dock haH i Slid a Quay fi VesselH V four hours, til U) permit of t Y The Einbi Wall mo feet Uii the El I Ciiuada Ifacilic Cnnpany's nyn WarehouKi I Cron«-Wall, foi The R lilw ed dirisctly froi The Wet 1 I reason, special *mt of the rail Northern Quay «nd the lightori the diacharging business from t Large areai Vards And GFnu] ™' ^V ^gS^^ N ^\ ■«» THE DRILL SHED. eructed to the memory of ,„.jor Short Ld" toff sZr W^frf" l' '*»« monument' .;ve. .n the St. S..v.„. oo,.i.,.,Uon uasr.tT.Sl^^^^^ Sl^ THE LOUISE EMBANKMENT AND .DOCKs'. Uwrenceand St( Charles • beiniT hnnnHlJ *7 ^® confluence of the River St »nd on the EaBtliithe St uZ„ce the nrinJf ^k'^^^^ ''^^ »*■ Charles Ri?er forming the renmuuh^^Tirn ' J^**® P"?<'>P»J business portion of the Oi^r Harbour, havinTa^iKTea" o^.b^^utwrnS^^^^ S Jetwoon 2« and 27 of water at lo^^l^Z^^^'^^^ " m' ^^P^^ of •.'8«,0 feet. Immud atelv alonL> the fH,.« Af TiT"© V? ' ^*" ** ^^Y frontace of '.f-w.ter is 24 foot ; b„t\rScl ^ l'„dinu o^^^^^^^ ^"7 '^*^^' *'»«^Pth .« depth of 2(5 feet. ^ standing o„t ten feet from the wall can obtain «ndj^^^e-half(U)1eetofthLloV:;\,r'2:: t'e deuth T ^ ^"^ ^ within Z IS virtually greater than that given by the above. n«K 7!J^^,'" **•« ^'^ B««in we dock has a water area of about 40 acreV^ a "f^H ^T)'' '^^ •'^•' ^r «nd a Quay fronbige of 8700 feet general depth of water of 27 feet • >-. permit .,f th, exit «nd mtrance „f™e" ,X '*~'' """" "' kisk "'•'•r. THE EMBXlrttMENI AND CROSS-WALL. «yi'^t!"i.t's u-irtts:.'"" '""«' »"- »< '«« ^-O'. ...a th. c^. WarehouseH and Kiieii/Iit Sh^.i. k„ . u """aimg ot all kinds of freight. Cross-Wall, f..r the tSon"'rp:risl\^^^^^ ^ '^^ Embanknien^ld ea d JJc^tly tehr:.:^^ ''' "'"-''''^'^ '^ --'« ->' •>« ^lischai^ed into or load- -o^^iSt^t S:,^ Sirrv^^^^' "«^«^-. ^r thi. TJ *« '•'"l^-'^y ^"^ -no extm^/ZeTS'^ni^'^''"^^ expeditiously, into or Northern Quay Wall, facing on the R^^er Sf *^( W •" l"^*?"* **»'« Basin. The % I, USSEMr » OTTflVlfS ■'/ ), »hen consfcr ticilitieH. T icssels now i ThcKe n BniikM, and h Ne,»r the irehitccture, tops Icrtiling 18M Hiid Hhor »ffil]E l^alacE Ifotel o^ Oanafla® •' ™L]^LMiNIFTO£r_NEW HOTEL IS FITTED I ^•.- imiN THE M OST aaoDKRM STVLF The TiU8SKr,r, contains acoomniodution m ovor /^/,i,r Mu^Hr^^ n / with Passenger and Bacgn,o El«vato.-, aXnuna.'r. ' '''"'^' *< * , ^PLENOID y,EW OF THE Pl^V. ^"r^LrAMEMTARV pROUN ,/ j^'VEI^ ANp^pANAL. DR, ^i"'"" "I "" CariUI having l,„,i„e^ „iu, the Govenimont li,„l leading public mon aupplicd wi l h *>gu i| w3 H, ttud i b 6 a ge of fi ro there would not Ikj any confusion or dauKor. ■ ., EVfiBY ATTENTIOK PAID TO GUESTS. f.r^im^S'- »-ym <»* * ^ j-m Vi Iff, ■■i *T ■?' el- ..... ,„,,«»M„g the St. u Jit.'»;:;'','i;sr,ii:;;;''"' "■" '"«"* THE CUSTOM HOUSE. ^#^>^% ^ '-v^'i'^ '^-" ^<' t5^«^or;C uT^ built ^^^ '^- '^''^''--- -i^ r^ .^. ., ..^-.. ^ ,gg4 ^„j ^,^^j.^j^ uftcrwanl rebuilt ' ^**'*' '^""«"'»ed by lir, re in -,*►.- * THE GATES' lAUAAU r^ '"^"odandthefortifimtionrHnd wiusomrf^^ ^« troveller, have been nd were ,«troUed night 3 day bf the v !^nant^^^^^^^ ''••[«"«» with cannons «c>ent, h«v.ngT^en erected in 16M and robuiltT fyfit T." ^"J^" ''«™ '^'« '"^Jt lUce in our days to the Dufforin ^ato TnH?faV • ^' ^^^ '"™»«'* haa givAi "» broad thor^ughfaro.^^!;''7oSn^ gl wK'^arf* '''''Tt«?^'''«''^"«^ «hwHy. wan also don,oliHhod an.! rebuilt in ThS kI pT'^ ^".' f*^'* *'""•«'' .e..tauowthr,rou«hfar« throuj^h the city wX" fc A . '""' ''"'^ **^ '"•"»' inder the French until they unite at Cap Rouge, are the favorite drives in the vicinity. The^. Foy r<.ad, after emerging from St. John's suburbs, commands a very beautiful view of the valley of the St. Charles' bounded m the distence by the Bonhomme «hd Tsounonthounn mountains, the highest of «l'l!"^\r 'Vu T*" ^'^"' *-!"*'*^''- ^'' **»« ""» ^'""^^ behini them, its cfeclining rays heighten the beauty of the landscape ami in the dear frosty atmosphere of March, surmount the dark and undulating outline of the mountains with a gorgeou. splendour which sets the (lencil of th» artist at defiance. J ^ rs. -jiarting day Hies like the dolphin, whom «ich pang imbues ^^ ith a new colour as it gasps away. The last still loveliest, till- 'tis gone and all is gray," Tf'^V'^rir'*!*^'*"'''"'''^'^'']*'!'"'!:'' ^*'" P"^' ^'"'" ^' '^'•nvey an adtM,uate idea nt the brilliant appearance o( the heavens as they « " Melt to one vast Iris of the west, , i Where the day joins the jwst Eternity. " ' ' not o'illVfml??^!!'"' '"Ti' *^" "f •" /••"'" ^^'^ ^^y> i« HolUnd House, interesting, h 7rl 2 ?-^ ^^^-l **''' '^•"*'' ''"'*'*^"* "f Montgomery in the^iege of 1778^ hut from some mmantic incidents eonnocte.1 with the family from which if deriv*! building. Near W. Foy church, alioiit five miles from t./wii are the remains of a redoubt 0|y»cted by the English ..n thore first taki -. It /.. 1^"'*"'" '>» • cing ;Mmwession of Quebec. r Mill^J -^ ' JISK TO SEETHE J. \nf of th^ mopt Ijandpom^lg djjcopatfd. buildings J:iilliard»I^eoru, ■. % ' "Private ©inirig l^oems, ■ • • . ■ ■ ■ . pParlors, Baths, etc., -^-^^^i* OH THE PREMISES. V%5;!t^ «. coria, Mmi,,,,. To the no iBi-dhlorido of buildings of it< lite ovorloofein the distance in of the Dominic rile IiiMtituto in eriyfin Ijiiihrin IS Virjl8 uIko Ho tithe UKinumoi It Uio Ixittiu <»f iiirm>)iinted \ty nmiouH (vro |j1,i »%' inscription 'lids Indiiui ■ f'Mind tho nui 'ighlH)lhrly an L«,l,ri,vto AsyfrrX ilZ. "" '""'"■" «""venionce< Inking f,^- ^s W..S also l^.Ila,?dTli ntr t S '?"'""'* '.!>-<;'-'^^'^^>'»*f """Jry, «thc battle of tho I>lans in 17no T ^ ' '"'" '^"^'*''^' ''" ^'•'« '"-'^^^ ^'"» ^^'^ "n..„unted l.y a ,^1^ 1 o La M ""•!y;"'V't '^.-f i'^"' ".. a,stono- bas,, and »ig uiscription : ^-'Tnur or tm, podost,*]. I ho uiuummji.l l^avn thu f..llow- Aux braves do 17<«). EWmo oar la S/.ciet^ 55t-Jeai, l{;i,,tiMtud«,yuobo''»'''.nt^H Mill and the annn f JSa %\ "'''"' 1 '"'" '" " ''"" '■•^"*'' "^ """t coromnny on the l!)th .f Z ". .1 . *V''''!''''^'^ ''■'" '''''^''W'^^^^^ oralof(;a,.ada andahoLll^li '• ''^''-' ''^ '"'"' Mouo^, thon (lovonlor H<>« LORETTE. f.* AHop.,.-!. .r«r!;^rj :;,txr ImT^ '^^^^^ (i), - .^- (^haoKan guifeau s^@f Jnfe^atien (IKCOEl-OiiATKll) Under tf^e patpon^e of 'La Ppe8§^' LOUIS L«fl)UC, Maj»«srer, MAHHATTAH BLOCK, # 56 Plymouth Place, 'a ■ Office acar IKe- (Smnd Tmalc and Z.^: ^. depots, all ■ informalioR givca b strartgcrs risiiiag (Xhicago, so as to rmdcr their s^joara ac agreeable ,as possible, ■ fOF^ FURTHEF^-rNFORMATION ADDRESS TO THE MaNAGER Of^TO THE.pkFrCE OF u f.A fRESSE,' yVloNTF^EAL. «r« at i^« disposal of ^ y ths offios. rv-> ■ 'Jin- ■ their new the Iroqu Since the rtutivo anci British Ni retaining iiwl .stylo f' The iiiami source of s limit in th Their serv these hunt t natives of embrace tl marked by and the in I have made Imt happil tempenuic among the ed himself present is i it to have 1 previously granted to of the St. ( ' it with the The vvi tlio Liic (let Falls which objectH in t their stay. at the brinl with incredi fleecy wliite comhinatioi the sjwjrtyitc St. Lawron( and nhallow the fall. Th which visitn the aqueduc vi»itor shoii: throlt.l''-^C • lf--\rfei^r^ "CJi; "v^W" I- -4*s*";^." M^ftj thefr TewlJliPs'^^wr- '''^^ l,"-^«^-^'^-«d ^^it'' "g"! ^'J^litJ their frieuclMhip towar ^ Mieir new hHich wlio m.ule cfHiimon cause with them in resistinif the inc^raionH o sl^e tUr'"' *^'\^'"™r.l t''«i'- "1^» «»i«»oHity fron. the distant sEfres of SeHimm ^ZtS^l:!^''^'"'''^'''''''^''^^ *''-^>'»^--' '^1-y-^ been found S S^sh l£., hA tT "'^"■■'^'r'-^ '««-'- w'-'re re.,uire^ "f the Children ..f U.e ,?c t tLu houses source fs;f«\ "'^ ""I'T' '"'l'-'^««»»«.-head and hark work, airordsa prinoiml Their L-vL f *'" *''^' T'^^' ei'grosmng much, ..f tlieir ^iui.; in tlie winter have maru^^^^^^ '" '**>•'*"««'■«''> t''^" di.s;,!.y .,f Induln manners ' "*;»™'*'^.« the village but too often a scejie of ri..f ..nd ill-miuaKed 'merriment emSSJmofTH^''^' '^^ ''.''y''' clergy have lately succeS ii res "ring aS/'th^r l^'^^V""'" Hud decoVum among the women. There is but one id hSself as^I rifT^'ir^^t.^r^^" blood-Z.»charie Vincent^ who has distiish presZu o er 20^ ^'^'''^1.^""^ P-^dit^ble dmwings. The popuIatiS;, at t toTaVe bee'^ buJ S7 ' Th '' n ^'*' **" 'T '''''' '?*'.^ ^^^l, when Bouchelte states Drevion Jv r„ "i 1 la',, ^^^ '''H''^^ "^"^ fi™^ ««"le<* »" 1697, the* Hurons havina granSt tTemt "lflT'% M^'^^ Seigzviory they stUI lay claim as having beln of the St rh!r^„l 16-Jl. The Indian village is beautifully situated on the east side Ppess^' Place, iepots, all 5, SO as ible., ■ ^ANAGER I\EAL. • HoteU . of THE MONTMORENCY, tl... ZlI•^^''v''**''X'*•5*''■®*■'*'***'^^*'''<^"»^^^^ »•>"•«»* f'""' 't« source in' Fallswhchb^Z'f ''^P^r'^"'^'"*"*'^*'''^^ Lawrence at tjie nwignirtcient .. octT ii, tl.i .• " I Tl^' J*"" "*^"**^^ ■" **»« ""'"^ int^reptin^ of aUtlfe natural heffS^v Tu m ^ ^^ J"u*^'tr"'^ '^''«'^"''^ ""^*«'t«^ bytou.Tsts.»li||ver8horfc at tl^e brink of 'T/*^ 'l^'*'"' '2^'^^ **" hundred and fifty feet Tith a vidth with in r?lL« V r rr"'^*?'''^?T'»"'^ the^reat body of water which ruahea JeecvSi,^^^^ 'heWlong+iel^ht', acquiring as it descend- h Si™£ f\^^'''"^^""'''^^ •*''•■* •"^♦*"*=«"^ Hppiamncc of snow, form a ?rsiSor'lt ^K "V" «"d beautiful which fascinatea at once the mind df^ hL iSal ow Htrll"' T ^'*"*''" n'^"'' thix.ughV&c'h ib. waters pass in a wide TC fan tL. r "^^ TI^^'V''^"' *^*" '=''»«'" -^n"*"? the rocks Vt the foot of " wSch visit..rL -h u "'*"*• ??'"^ ^,~"> **'•«'' ^^^ ^'«^ «"> ''« varie.1 and of each of Sttau?dtTu&'^*''*i**'?'i''*^l«- ^^" the west side a, projecting rock n*«r ^«^'!f;:^/^:::i^ :!i:^:'!^ ^^^r ^^^^ -h''-'- it overio::^;n/its decent. The throflg¥1.7^;7;r fiJ jT^-^.*"^ bu>W ,UHt aln^rg thtrratnntc^ ami {WMing oalTsfde Tnf. T'l n'"^^^^^^ '«ttle distance on the f« ?'e^s^rv^f nt ' i" fc T^^r^^ .^*^ ♦''^ height and gran^ow of the f'alla it obL^r^nh Al "^ the bank.on either sid^ anS atthe fU-of then.ighty torrent WHM^tr.Lunr'K***l^ >t»«iblinnfcy. A ce«jele«. aprav curls un\r6und the IiUliiig waters and when t?i« myi, of the s.n. fall „,>on its delicate- veil the iiuigig.- m^. W^'gn^ ■ ,.:...^, < - , -^-S^ fix YSIGIAN AND ^URGEON. -{«^ v*- - ' ' ' (Opposite St.* Louis HoteJ) ' ~^~^ — ■ •♦ — — \ ^^^ graduate of Z^^Vrurzr^i'tu oFluebcc-'In^T ^ -i r f;,.-TD 1 T • r>,r ^ S^-^oee aaql a pupil of . ^ . the l?^lycbR,c 3{ospitals of jNfey y^^]^^ ~ ^ ^ fBONL 9 TO U A v.. --^ OFFICE HOURS : S-^ M. fROM 2't9 4 P. M. fa0M7T0 8p.M, ^ TELEPHONE 882. effect of ' roar of ] The,c <'f BeaufH) f.hu falls, . I>ay rotluct oendH upoi giailuaily i are in j^urit |M:ciiliaritii greatly rfesi tho g Madness with u„au\;;ilrU,n. '^ ;;f B^;:^t^:,:r.l^^^^ ,-i.., th^u^h the vi„ag^ he fal s, a distance of more th rfjue o fii ^""'"'r"" "^'""t ^•""' *''« church to «y reduces (he distance to .ix md^ 1 'S^,.^' *'';', --"^«'' '+ road acroiT^ he ocnds upon a rock in front of th.- fal s ^..I f "' •^""" .'''« spray .ontfc-als as it de"! >ts coj,nie where the attention of e Zr^J.^ ^ ^'^ "!^' ^'?'* P'"^'^«"« »'«ny Htition« in nunition of the wil.l scenery nroundh f 'T' " ' > ''"'''^"" '"' '^•'' ""^^ 27,« •",'''»" "^«r. ''n-l thJ proZt "i.M^ J^^VTh"":^ """'"""-^ ^" wade whl - I.Ht.M,eefl frou.each other are f.. m V, . * ^ '^i;"'',' .'"'Wlar succossion ut aS vagoH, Sable, near Graham's, S Vtiu 3 S,:'" ' ^^-"-". I*-'- auxtTu.' THE PALLS. the famouH Shrine of Sto: Anne, ar" ieU ^ortl; « vffi:"" •''""" ""' "'^' '«^^'- "««r *g>iMa^Ma if" iftai ^W; hWJ Ottawa,' ■panada's x^ / @x ^^■1 ^"^'' ^1 There , irhich offer I or train, j Joseph or ( '^^i^ Tourists A^siting the Wopld's^aip -+. SHOULD GO OR. RETURN *;- « THE CANADA ATLANTIC « --^ IN CONNECTION WITH „L it nS^sal ^rnnSjf r'^lt^ '^^ 'f"^ ^^•- ^^e residence K But time revealed to theTnl3 w f^ Ki "T. feTa/'r "^ J**''?"^ '1 »>'« ^'-■ l"f Eleanol- and Rosamond was enacte.1 aLi, fl ri *,*^l ¥**'.'" *''«" the ti-»ge«ly l»crificed to the fury of he». rival fwrarfto'o^'^.^K "^ '^ '"*P^"™ "««»P«"t ^^"i lluinded down to us - '" *" *'' '''^*^'t the account which tradition has al. ^ IKS STRirr. MONTREAL '*-■ j_ ^s cean^teamship^on^^ Q • . OF SAVANNAH -^-^b^ttt. M. SORREL. Manager. Vt?^^ j For the South and Southwest ^t'^'OJMc zo-s-viT ^se-oxcc^ ' FASTEST PASSEMCtR SH(Ps| Carrying- the Amertean Flag. OPEN T^ S. S. Kniisas City, S. S. CityofBinninghnm S.S. City of Augusta, S. S.Cityofaav.',nnah, 8. 8. Tallahnsseej 8. 8. Ch.ttahoccliee, 8. 8, Nflcnrohee, 8. 8. City of Mr.coii, 8. 8. Gi.te City, 8. 8. DesBong. FIRST-CLASS TABLE D'HOTE ; I SURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS STEAMERS LEAVE NEW YQfti EVERY Tuesday. Thursday and Saturd# ■fr.nnNowI>ior ;r,,K.Jl.,f,^t,,f C.in/U and Si)ring Street. ''WcoNNrCTINO WITH EXPRESS TRA.N8 FOn^ Jaeksonville, Thomasville and New Orleans. - lidwg .ssuod f„r all pri„ci,«L ' points in GoorKia, Flor- ida, ftnd Alftlwrna. ^A luta -i pafsuL'^offr':- if '■",?''''^ regardin^rl two hours an. pass igc oi freight, address . "* . ' | sulistHntial i, Trains wi R. M. STOCKIUQ. ST i nnis STii E E iVQu T m J - ^' W'H i • "--^^l-JtER, Agl., Ocean SS Co "xcept Mondtt ■ tlie tmin from the steariier n V -*;-.* )mpanv 'Quebec ^ lai^e ?fe. Jok* IJailwaif. JthwestI SEMCER SHIPS mertean Flag. S. S. Ch.ttahoccliee, ' S. S. Nflcnrohee, 8. 8. City of Mf,coii, S. 8. 0,.te City, S. 8. De88on/r, V OPEUma OF THE CHICOUTIMI EXTEKSIOH. The J^ewJRoute to the faK^fame tLE D'HOTE - COMMODATIONsJ ^E NEW YQ^I ' ' ■■', 'i 1 and Saturday. . N. Jl., foot of iiig Street. RESS TRAINS Fon^, masville and mns. ""',/■ •' I ets, and l)ilj« df j •■^11 I>riiicijKil, £,'i.i, Flor- bania. Jlars regarding,' I ross sfii', nufitoEcr^^ T l''"l3^'"t*«rn Extension or fills reilwav *.v.»« svremi/ K^T. ""P'>'t«»t 'addition to the i.-.7ui,4"u."'.'.f'!?^y"" '" "*'' ">"» "^ Wp '»r gi»iMtui ..r ^„,„, „ „„„,|^|ijj i^ Amerira. St. John (UK) miles), at 4 60 P k ff' . ^^ funlitu™, f,„t ,„„, „7d ™^, *&.'"',""'"!- S-^^. Co I U. 1 f'l I '^»8"^'»Ky xtcHnt ei- H of the Rirh,.i;.... . .. ;V : ':' V"" .^"'-" JK with the '■xcopt Monday but incluS S Lav in h.lv 7l ^'^ ''^^^ ^'hicoutimi daify • -e tmin fron. I^.be.val. if.e SXwn S^? •^"«''"*;. I^**""*' »" 'h« arrival of U.«t..e.. reaehin. RiW iu'^^ it^teS^f tS^^Si ^ ■* - "J*\J55?^ f passeugt; jntercoh 4 A 1. Hccoinino rtttrftctio The / Hteiiiiier, iiiland of ( fresh wa Then which are The passed p The ( ing physi «q Hipped iMiHHenjgerh lloherval (| popukr Y% on the lint famous for folder, in n jWiIots isMu l^MHei *J»iIy, exo« «-«>P.M.. M I U 1 H . 1 All (Uj t'onifoi-tjiKl^ It improving ( in the w«y i itnd in term •>e»t Huishoc ';• ".«<,• j«>*V3^ / y > "'■•"'■"■•■"»'■ ••■J"'"") «-hi..|,''grl,d. ■^'- ■'"'■"• ■'■ "•«<*•"«'"» •■()u.„,„X" !^«2;''" r„tp„X£.t„.''vj^;irT.'; ■= ""-«'■ — w.., „..„. '-'c,«,(/j,n. .<,/oo,„/,u/c.,." , wnicn hHs Injeii nppn.pmteJy named the • •V". ., -.1 ~-—-j •■oiutju CJIC The cliniHte of Ijtki. «.!* r i • i . on the Ime. hucI, hh Lake St. JoHonh S W.* T* 'TJ"""*'^"" "ther pK fHnou.sf„rthehneHtt,-,.ut tiHhinri,.' V n Jt/''''"K T^ ^''« Edward (the ?S ,ii^ fj5"»-v',T^li5,.. ^unch -i- Room t* U ** -Hlh--^ Op«n from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M O -i»" ' tj.-^l ^ nil!! bul *Oie.. teww h*»« »n opp, 'v^ CHARLES ALEXANDER. 218 St» Jama $tPMt. .# .'"S aUy, scialty. ^©om A, He men. le (ioiny tTieir J® « orecterl br the large wh..leH.ile diT S? «r / r i»i'"'* "'^ new .*»refiou«e lately "•u.uty, i„ the l„we/ part .^f trtow;;. * l"-«-«'»>»«i.t m the ,„eSi«Uk^: -""IlmhiS i:;M:;^; "Kr^' ji'tf i^;;"'"- '«'r'^ "' ^'- '"'-* ^"•^•••^ -a "» .dea of Htrength an.t d.UHhilit; w,3 w^ m'av - T'^*'^ "''»'^« ""'''" '•^'"'JC an the v.H,t„r pu'rHUuM hlH iHVeHtiiafeiouil;;.^,.. ^ ' '" *'''^''->'*''*"-^ "».'H.I^ . .XK^m for the en^ployen. After 0!!^ n^ hV;''^ 'J'u ^J ' *'"" '''" ^"'"* «"^«^ olemtor. and viewing the imiueniM. LJ^,Z "'«"*", ^' "*•'"•. or going up in th* 5J«ohe«thecunoiHwli.h«„pErrj3;X llT "^ "^^^^ «* »t. ( hurlpfl, while Cmih fche riwf whi-.W ;- . ' *"^ h«rbfrtir and the Rirer loctnre of the dt/^ud d^LVutei Ve"7vT a^''' ""^ '•'***^ »'ln.. well .NH.>..„uHl and cMefully ..eleet«"|. n'Ji. a hu!t ,., ^A^"'"r*H*^ ^^miture i, of «« Mt»tnifih k^ ii iji riHiiti h»»e an «pp*,rt.,nit, „f w,i,^, fr,„„ •nyT/h.r^iJt''''* '*^'*^ ^« »^'"«««r will ,wt t; Fe? )ER, •i StPMt 800 Miles of Lakis - Wnng Montreal dnilv /fiSI- '*'*'"'' 'ron'steamen, "Quebec" «..^ ..« j"", U,j»,l. »nd thj •XLmv'P.T',"'''''," ""Hnfflcnt i,„„ «».,„,„ ..„.„ AIJ5X. MILLOir, 'J CHABOT. The,- Quebec, t the Hteimi sante (>n4k thriving t liieiit to t\ Basin, tht Quebec, tl the tenuii llailways ; tile town There is a] inorenoi F; from the ci edthc "IhI rt in Hitnat gruatuHt wi vB4y fertile Innd being ilmrch«a ai and 7,(KK1 As Sdlll Hititude of »t whicii WHH r water conim W. r. cui^ wi^ ^••••W A|M«. a«.. ^ ^ ^ CONNOLLY, Pk«,„,«,+ in now Hm>n Wauy inlanrli rqiiowiied f,.i fhlB p.Mnt tl7( Uy render its we view Biiic Diines. All i - ■'V. r^rio R^Mli^^ 00 Miles of Lakes, Divers and Rapids. •Med ^aguei^a\ ?/. Lawrence. ^u. "CV»rnid "Montreal" at intennediftto fceamei-H'-Oarn "treaJ SundayN. *ern SteamerH. ^'eH Quebec on nt UHual |M»rtM. [iienay. il Railway ami and Canada. INFOBBATIflJf FOB TODBISTS .VISITING THE >.)■ RIVER 3AGUENAM. theHtemner. C^,^Dinnu»v\}Withit^cLuu\ ^"'^'J^"'"' ^ho Dr«»»«M«i« deck of sameon^U wd««. itH "^«"ientfi ; the Ix.uiae TJ^.I BttHin, the largest on thi.s toi.tiH«nf ' Tr"?;' ""' ""1""^*""®"*" = *he Lc.uiae Tidal 'Quebec. th.r.Kt.nd.th.jiZZto^^^^ .'!'' ''""'^ «•!«' 'W«*« the ternunus of the Gmnvf Tn { SXv X'o t""^,-^.0«{> i«habitante" W he tern.iivus n]..„ of the R SVJ^f ,?"*^'*^«?''»*™J> *n^> IntercoloniiS ii.t.Jc*. 1.1 . '.""" ""'ya' Mail Ocean SteH*ii««i A K**.i„ i,.-i * ^^uebec. there stH.HlH thu i^rowjnu tow, tlie ten.unus of the Gmiivf Tn.i.t o j-i. . t — IJ-ilways ; the tern.i.vus n)^,TAXt^''M^n ^""'^'^^^^^^ -"' ^noen^oionm, the town stands the colel.rHted foitS inn . H '^«^«"*»«™- A little baqlr of 'rhere is alHo a graving dock the ., Itll' ''"''^''^ ^he imperial govemawpt. .n..rend FalLs " charnfthe beh.llor as Se | " "^ "''1 ,'" ^•"^"'^'- '^^e. - St! f.-on, the city, wo see the i.,Jand f )dea " tS',"^'^'^'^ «^'''^«'» »>/■ Thea turning ed the • 'I«le of B«cchuH. " so calle I f ro m tE h,.^- ■^f'*"*'" Y'*'^''*'' ^" 1^«* '^h^ten- ft ,8 situated nine uiilos bel,^ Quel,r *^t ; ' "^ »r«wthof it« wild grttpe-TilMW. vuy fertile ;„it rmes t„a cnn„ic{emhle «£;??, f^*^ "''''•'■ '^" ""'•'''*^« = »t« "•«' « 'and being fully ;^5n feet lU.ovrthe vJ^te Sel T.^^^^^^ »"«'» •hurehesamlone P,T.test.*nt. Tl... t..td »..J,llf- r f^ 'V** nunierou.s CathnBc '■"""•"""• "°-^*' ■> ^^^y!::'!i:^^.^;is\c^'"'-"^ APE TOI'KMENT. HltifcudoT,f"i'b"'Mt' 5!oi'()'Ut'*<"Ir;re'h/./Trf'^^'''V-'''''' '" ^*'" ■^^'»>" 'J^ "««» t" wi -h oh was .-eplace,! by a suiall h i^ l^t.l ,?' 18-0 "r","" 7" "'^^^^"' *" »«'«' water coinmenceH. ^ I •«" erected „, 18^0. Bejow thi»» iHi»®»|t,e aalt HROKHE ISLK mi^. if* now seen iu full vJL'w • it iKixiHiualJ i . > Many iala„d. are now plnnecl uZl'^^^^^^ "tatiun for Quebec ■■enowne.t for >b» ■ |,.....'>;.y ...■ ^ ' " ? r , l T ^ '^'"^^^^ ^"^' '^ " l^lXliTtiK iuid arc to render its shores .duumt invisible froii, i«,Wk -'Jm '*"'"''*'"' ""'''' "***!«' "C we mm Baie St. P,iul «„d Isk- aux c3.^kwhAK ''*'*''''*"'«'■• P»"«»»M onwaitl nune,. AU al.«,g tl,. mife tj rivenu SuTi^^ '« .••7«rkabl«- for i,?„rS wUd«t w,.»ry. only se«o,>4 U^th. ulhH^UTy jSZ"''''''^' »"*"""""" '*' ***• »*te» A|Mf, E.\L, *t ^ . /. tf - -^r- ^ - J*- '^■^ ^ ^ 10,000 Tons. 12" 8,«»Ton8. ^.000-^ ret •void both b«sidi «#ka;iikrs ^.000 Tons. 10,000 H.I', ',000 Tons. 8,000 H.f*| e;en V-- 1 ' ■ ... ■ ^^il^"''^* ""'^ expense. Foj- all iSml? ''^''?^9 *''« Chnnnol. P««^ . Head OI««e^« H...^„,,,,, p.^,, Six ilP^-..is«=' j^KW ORLEANS. LA^ ^ l?^^';^iw<>''VrN^^ c5 ' ''S^t'l'V ^^ fc' PHILADELPHIA PA l'Z^\^'^^'^-^^^^0%T,' . " *»^ Hi. Paul ,sir^; «4K FRANCISCO 'cAr" "''°- "" ^"^"^ * *"«•. ' - ". .«.^.^?r.»'iP.^H'- . ,a/"."»roiinoHtr«(.| (*«l (hestiiui Htrpoi VJ'i . t h ^ * M*CE. TonH. 10,()00H.i«, Tons. 8,000 H.rt> Paris, by taking this line 'Hin^ the Chunnol, il TicketBwpplj't,, 1 n. Y, '/' r. Paris. <'i). I't'lSl., Llverponl; 102 State Sirrc. BnltlinorpRirnoi ftaiiitolph Stro.i 2t..»H„i^,Htr....t N Ht. I'nul mtrcrt • HaroiiiipHtroci. ■with 5tli Htrppi I nestnut Htrooi troiiiery Hta ■^Jt MIRRAY BAY J •jvania Ave ill 'IvanlH Aveif •to. Canada THK PIUiRlMN -t salted tmiyii,^ "»■ TWoy oiAiHutfc of )t rtitiiitiL- it* ' RIVIERE DU LOIT CACOrNA f •TAD(n'8At', MIenne. op the 8»imenftv Ri«„,. ?i.7 • '^'"*' '*"^ between THd«, A Muakegon, ,> •***°***e«« Air Line, rtc, etc. ■io NOT r*,L TO INSPECT THIS Marvel of Engineering Skill ' JJ^'ough tickets issHed to m fl tl.e luued States. . '' ''" '^'' P>'»c.pal points in Cn.da an^l «>enta offered to suburnrSS. "'^^^' "^'^' ^^^-^ '^P--' indncc .; Appjy to any of th« Con,p„„3,., A.hUs fbr fi.M ' . N. J. POWER ' '"fcrniHti,,,,. Q . T. BELL. — hotel tl which H Hero ai stone f(] the exj) fins groi really e afctractif the luagi in unque are very romantic width, 81 seems on "f Naturt to view mountain ore wortJn feet. If t stupendom .hay; its tr Holy Virgi ' out of the stoam whei pissengern fine, l^e w Ktei*i^ is ti^hilfilr of fc '*^»guenay. is reach nanip arises anchorage ii touching boj flntioi^ c4n b weneiW are i T|^ jou the inost\ imj |»bout seventj 's built Vlona 4«t snif er Agent ftti the ofctren t '"''"^^-^^r....»,,2ZT.T ^''rom this pi KloriouH scene This beai ^^niiua, Can •^utimj durin --,., a Tlk.'- ;^%'v>! ;< I I U : akee, ickinaMvi, akegron, 8, etc., etc. IH -ems'oTA^rnoSh/"'*^""* "nt-^don w^en'::,'*'^^^^^^ h«V « mile i„ ofNatui-H r/if; '"'"ntain, lent asunder ^t r«in,.f«h^ ^'»n wonderfu river mountain WHlK^^vi/ed b^',ulC '^'''' ''''- '* '""« P-4eW\r.feKiih CAPES ETERNITY AND TfilNlTV '^ Stsutes, Are wortJiy of note Thn fi ♦ • "'^ ^tean,whenaD.roT^"!.'"™ "« ^«it«r would 4^ iTK^'^P'^'^'P'^ ^^^ Sk,ii. IS£^i?s:-»,^B^^ Ha: ha • BAV l^« journey endH at , , V-^^'unamg («1(X)( TIMI - * ins. J^'UKn- season. eciial iridiico- iHli((ii. the most\ unuort«nt Mrt nf fj. «.-_ about «event} mile" ff. the St 1S""'^'^' "^ the^ 's built Vlonir the H,,!.; u , • .^^rence. TI& .From thk ptTr™\'^"« '?'*''«*^~1^3 Paas. Agent. ■ '^'"" — -- ■ ° • • -® ™*""> Jouni.,v ..,.„...„ Jj "1 of the imvigHtion, HituS " ""'" b ers Hhout 3 .n»() ,» ,, >_ ,<■«.*> 1«*' ft ^ofi^i\l^{ll ^ S owners of the vaLii'M ^nd on .l,e moat beKt ! ''""^^ '"■• ">»'»•« l™rpoU a,^ J'°"" ' .exte«d,iltK'''''™0' extensive, LaStiM ^^ 1 "'" ""'>''"'"• , The muation „f ,h; „. 7'° ^"™""'"'<»fon with the city ' father. ^^^^- H. the late Uiike of^e„t,. H vimting the PJa tensive 'l^lsvorite they art The H (listanc Islands i beinu me wofxTed, At times on tlioir f effoetuallj the way if tenniiiuJk and yt^l »nce, boui «s if by nij scenery pr riads of wi veiy good, tity of the. great moni( *rected the ''" '""t '"'"""^i™ wiy to the ^ PETER ST9EET; No, It is a. i can Assume lieigbt from ' ^liis bei 'esoi^nre 1 ' tintario J|P^^■i local tiiiietal head of the S *ANY, (19. Or t*tlie uQd^rsigDod,* i' "Hiere is , to the t,nMFJ|fi|t IX*' Ir ^^agam Fall« "houHand Islai ■">d the fHr-fni ■•md sublime tli i'«>ut«. .',-f? ■ -ait': If.;' ' .' "^, ^(•SS'^ ,*%„-■ i^'iills of Moiituio. SIX miJes distant 38 to offer power [OSes, at low rates I others requiring neighborhood of ^htiiig the cilj- cy. Cotton Coin- iimble from it is ling iminense.' wishing to avail ) manufactuiers ' not only con- 3out 275|»aVs in the \li^o^y ^ to the FaUV th the city. h^thfiA'anl oii|£|^i'rn«iIv ItflilOJlStvs i '^'^'^ 'TH'^'HAND ISLANDS " Inlands in the SJ '^^f% ^Ley form the mo„t !"! rf"wnwW t<. BrockviUe ^otu^y W.r%^; tS£t '^ '^''f'-' *« «-^h'' ^ "»«'»* bet's '"»d y^K^e whirled int. ;nK *i"«"^"'"g sho^H, ,i I '«„ V .".*'*"*" ''^^'upt ance bounded Uy^n t:ZM^:r^':y^^^^^ ..f ir"i;LS^l?'^.''I>P--^ It 'H H famous 8nofc f r !, l*''^""'ng «t. Uwronco. ttl^l' •''"nsidemiv ance bounded l,r«„ inunon, "3 Jf by n.agic, and a hundred Hcenery preHente,! on thin bea nad8ofmldfowlof alldeKcri my good, and one of "he W THE SAGI'EKAY. It is a river <^fe sfmiiU i. can Assume in wiU , . T '*°'; " ""^.V *" k"i^>w wh.it «•». i* , . height from ^^^ ^^J*" either sid. Hh^'I J^^ -;;1'';^ ,,«,rf -' •^'"'•'"^ '"n '•- «-v '».d .;.„„...._ . , . ' ^ •" perpendicular .j-nt nmAithe,:;;; .^ h;r"i;Lr"^'f "'^ "i'p««^ illl/>w M NY, fins beautiful trip i., eany ,„„» w . , ^ P^rpemlicular to ^h?::::L!;';;""fr°f> route i„ .1,0 1. Managrep. "' wn e ro urfr Mum fi...i <.. ..'f ' " *^^ ''*'' k no^v n wni»M :\ TV '■«''^WS?V"„VX8nf-''> ^ TJe -h ^peat -f Toupi^t^' -t- l(oute -i- of -i- jjmerica THE GKANDTKUNK RAILWAY THE POl'l'UK LINE. % ,\ A 8H0HT l,K.SCHI,..r,ON „K VK-TO.UA BRI,.UK. THK N.V.AHA SUSPK.NH.O.V BR.miE AN,, THK HT. (ILAIR Ti'.VNKt,, A\l) OTHKR C.)V VKl'TIO.VS AH l-ASSEU IN WlAVKU,lX(i BK THAT POI'l'LAK KlH'TK TO THK WOKLd'R KAIU (JKOl Nim. BIJNMNC THK LAC'HINE RAflD.S. It iiuiy he of intcreHt to the reader to note tliHt the City of Cliicjigo, tlie site of the Great World's Columbian Exlii bition, IK the WeBteni TerniinuH of the Ohani. Trunk Sybtkm, which i** a c<.n tniuous milway line from Quebec, Mont- real, and all other cities in Canada t., Chicago, and hence presents unuHUiil facilities to %-.iHitorK to the Great Fair. It may not be ainisa, however, in this con- nection to will attenticm to the fact thnt many of the celebrated well-known res,.its on the Aniericjtn Continent are on tliu reached by its inuuediate eo.mections; >.r^i:LJf!:/f^{luJ^'7 .^VT"". '" are such as ai-e afforded bv no .,i-h^,.i;., i • '"'=.•"*'**'' '^ <*ners to tourists luturnational St ni"' tC SJ^^^^^^ '' ""' ^'"'^ "^ "'J^'- ^''-' ««ut.H an almost endlesH diven,ity of seenL^ e»dl7^^^^^ " ^"^'"^7, ^^ich p.e- with the travelling uublic at this^b .L ^' i: .u ' '^ " rP"!*"- thoroughfare tmvelissogSLd w^^^^^^^^^ y^'- when the World's Fair ling the immense travel iwee.QuilX 7,'''^ n'^^^ ^"' '^''"^'- the W.nW'a Fair (ir.,unds (not: ;4rad^;rttn^^^^^^^^^ "^'"'' ^ '"""•'- ^■'^''''^ '" -^^ :Peac Over a preci Like Erie come t ;,'rander spectacle Waterfalls, t^here , lakes, with the sh that heiglit alone below thiiiiigh wli whkli tlie scenery ttraUHl on Mie coiil ill the Knglisli Ian ■ittemptiiig to 01)11' of the most gracof feelings on Hi-st Ik 'lesi;nption has be( length we alighted and felt the grouni Klippery with rain l^iUM tl.ougluheHi«htof-its'm;gS;iSs.m;;,:I:' •"'"^^ ^^'"" ^^^'"^ J-tice,^pirin, SrsI'EXMIO.N river immediately 1 manner stunned, ai until I came on Tal water ! -that it can how near t«) my Cre instant and lastinjj tranquility, calm r happiness ; nothing heart, an image of I pulses cease to lieat from my view, and — pasBod on~ water ; what faces, depths ; what Heai many hues," that sli arches which the chi but to which neither V pp"- * ilmerica Ai USE. JS BRirxiE AMI the reader in Jiigo, the sitt) lumbian Kxlii riuinus of the i^hich IN a con Quebec, Mont- iit Cnnada to lenfca unuNual heat Fair. It ii ill this con- the fact that known resorts it ure on tliu : l^AiLWAY i>r )rH to touristii •f -"The (Jrwu vy which pie- thoroughfare World's F.iir lity for hand- ulian cities to ijular pleasure | ■e unaniinit)', ■1 itil imrts of I 1, the siglit (if I des of artistfi. [ ice, inspirinjf j HP* m ■f'''--!''mi:*'i'' r^y -c^-f^^csft^'iy^ lAGARA FALLS^i^ ■ -"— Peached by THE pRAND Jr^NK ^YSTEM.— Over a precipice one hundred and sixty-f„ur feet in h.-i,rl,f fi. ^ * :ff ':;;s!;; -n7,j' :!;x™ ts^i; 's'-iSS ^^ -rt'"^ length we alighted : and then for the first ti 1 •"''"V>', 'l"'^«<*- He s^iys ; "At .UK. felt the /roun.l tren.hle underneath n.^i.' Th'e t k' ^^' Zil!^;''^'' slippery w.th ran, and half-n.eUed .e. /hardly k^r^T/.t'I^ri^i^ra "" soon at the l)ottoni, and climb- ing, who Hl'SPEXHION BllIIXiK. MAOVUA TAU,.-,. With two English officers were crossing and had jouied me, over some broken rocks deafened by the noise, lialf l)hnded by the spray, and wet to the skin. We were at the foo^H)f the American Fall. I couhl see an immense torrent of water tejiring headlong down from some great heights, but had no idea ..f shape, or situa- tion. ..r anything but vague imrftensity. When we w^rc seated in the little ferry, boat and vyeie crossing the HWoUen lAver immediately before the cat.uact.s, f be'an to fee w rtt it wLk T. .i- ■ ■ manner stum.e,!. and unvble t,, con.p.ohenSe vvstnlss ;^^^^ = but I waH in a until I came on Table H.wk and look , J f V "^ t^e scene, ft w.'is not water ! -that it came upon me ts f i.o^d? iti?''- T '^^^^'^^ "« l>righl- 1...W near to my C'l.ator I wa^s n U^l^ t .^^ At instant and h.sting - :.f the treu.en.lots p.fetlde wt^^^ ">?«- mnqudity, calm reel lections of the clea. m^at" thoS^^^^ happiness; nothing of gloom or tern.r ^L^ll^^Ai^^^ heart, an image .^f beauty • t,.. re.«i,; ih.'^\ , "*«^«^H "PO" my imlHescease to beat S;~ Oh hT^w t ^f '^'T^' V,'"' "»d«"We, until ib^ from my view, and lessened in tl.; H Jl^l -""^'r"^''^' '*^ '^''^^ '«« »-««««iod ,.Hssed ^.n that enLi;:^^!;^" r: ^^'^tztfin:. ;r r ':ir "^r ^^ water; what faces, faded from the ,«i,7h L ui^ K <^"t the thundering .l epths : what W.: . "If? ^^""' *''" V!":^'^' lix'ked.out upon me fn.m its .le.. ^ :X. ^ 'i::±r:!±.. ^ ^-T^j^ }^^r ^g" .r^i!: gt:^ -w roiM of many nues.n.at showered around: and twined thenmel^es abmr th; T^'^ "' arches winch the changing rainbows m,^ :" "*«ive« an.Mit the gorgeoUa I JAusie, Piano and Organ Dealer I . 3 03 J 3 * 4 OS 5 " as '^^ 5. !«!- r* O ■ as 1^ 9f a; ►o 6 > - ^ ^ BEST INSTRUMENTS AT LOWEST PRICES. . EASY TEFMS QF PAYMENT. N. B. .Music and Music Books of every description. ? __l; . ; PIANOS AND OBQANB TUNED AND BEPAIRED. ' j^hniond * anvjlle fi.B. TjlJjItlRKAt WA.smX(iT(')N AND H(H THWEHTEiw unH ATl.-iVTA I " '^f'.**."«i-i^Ai\S via W AiSHlNl JT«»N, DANVlUii AUdUSTA, L. ; ASHKV A.E N T Mfc^^^^^^^ <'MLrMBlA. S. r .GEO, p. DANIELS. Trav. Pass. Agt.. ) , H.X,.. Mumm. ' H. P. CLARK. 0. E.^ Agent, i A. S. THW,EAfTrEj». Agini j-''- ' " t>'"»'iw»y. Haw Voik. HOL HA i«. TmlHrn.*,.., - W. A. tl R14. «. I». 4»<., is the far from Ohic: Great Wei the Falls I if the yr( w.iter in 2i The c; '»f the rive the gorge ' the depth trt (^levate siderjthal i one luhliln n channel ( TH1 "V^oHsin ilifticuities ; .1 bridge iiu| its dfawhacl The (Jrand ' inci lent to i l>otter niythi iw the fainni in the World ind over it < olitf at Nwg* runce River. ..<;■■ ■ *■ / :» W^S^^-S^^^^^ Dealer, s • as *■ « "" ^ ft- « Co > 90 4: dF PAYMENT. on. SEFAIKED. ^ille fl..R. operated *l»'lv . DANvrui: onlyiih* hmii-v I'k tiiiit!. ' J UU;. Tluouifh MBIA. 8. r. ; tMIN(i;iAM, rfcrmt points in t " iigtonHt., BW Voik. ~ is theX If .-■■"^""fr''" •'« the grenteKtnutqml, wonder in the world.' It iroui hicigc. and 18^ nules fr.Mu Port Huron. It mhe eaHtern tcrminu.. of the - (Jreat WVstf.m Hi^iT V A v, ^ "''' ""'^'"i. it 'Whe eaHtern term nu he kns Ts spa^.S'Tt V" ^Tf \^''^ ^"'"'^y- ^^'^^ Niagara River beloV of the .reat fill ff. ''?', *J?u ^^'1"^.^'^*""* l^''"'^''' .'""t^y rHnked as one vvateriH°2Sf,:«V '^Tl 1 \T''l''\. T-^ ^^^'^^^^ "^ t''^ railway tracks above the of the rle I'vT'/r 7 ^-V'.'"-'^^'" /»«"^^ con.iderahly n^irrower thaft the bed tl e tforee ii& r'w"* '" ^^""""^ HCijelerate.l. an.l the water ruHhes through e de[fh of M, 2 ^"''' '"'r' '" '*^*'"^" '"''" ^'"'«"t co,„u,otion. Although . , tiie clcptu of the streain i,s ustiiuHted at 250 feet, the force of the ciurent is si.oh ,,.« onc^ Sred „?in^^^^?^ weight of water pas.sing over thc^Falls every ho.Tr is ovw . d.=:;:,;;^Se'h:^!;::it^:lr '^ ^ ST. H/FIR TUnilEL built; by the grand trunk raiIway Co. I. . * * • imvu 'ii^^''^j^Mt:l:Lt:lz::j'^r i'^"' ^^"'/« "^ '-tattende,! w^h t bridge in nrrcti, • jL Vrtn^f '' ^'""i '"'^"'y "^ '"'■""' y"">..crce, ren|)er'tn iVm feet, and ' ()f the -oi^n pjtrtAls' w ap, . pr. whes, 5^WW feet adilitiorml. or more than t-wo itides in all the InngestiMrb. nihrnie tumjel in the world. It in ft contlnmms. inmjfube, nineteen f««t ten inches ijn dknieteif-, put tflgether in sectfims as the wotk of lH.ring pro- c^e^led . • and tirnily Iwtif, . ,! tn^r ^. thLr. '^ '*■' Thi' *rnrk W(mi CoiumenpeAjn S«ft- tembfer, 1888, uml it' wm ripjmedfrtr- freight tmai^ in October, vml ;.« little. , •#re than three your* liieing reiiuired \ ''' ■ ■%H- jq^»yK^»»'«ni~^ •^nii^y. * 1, . ■ . , • Jae hotel !^bervalT . ■ ' " of the rai,„,. I, h„ acc„,„,„od,u,„„ for a,.. „„„ar«, g„e,.,, .„,, . . o„e „f ,„e ,„„ t c,„„,„„,i„„, „, wei, »s „„. „f i,, „,„,. ,„,„,„,,,,, i.ou«,s i„ «„„.,,.. U i, ,upp,Ud with Wlliard r<«„,, b„„,i„g ^k, . -d „ pn.„e„„d,., b.U, .„d concert ,„.n, .„„ ,, ji„,.„^ ,„.„ ,„^^„^; . -evcnty by thirty-fivc feet, ^e f„,.„i,„i,„, ,,„ .„ „„^ „^^ „,„^ .exceed,,,,,, h«nd,,„™r «,.d the h„,.,e i, ,„ppH., ,wth hot a„d cold "■""""" ""' -"f ™- "«"' """ ""' """■"«'■»'"■ «-' 'he grourfd, -rounding it bei4^i„,™l„„^, by elecincity'at night. The outdoor .Ur.etv.„, nre Uw„ ,e„„i, e.™,„et, «,hi„g, Uni.i„g. Wi„,, .„„ , "I'lving. (See cut of Hotel.) /v. ^"•e»'«.mer"M«u.„i,.i".™«,<,„i,,.f^^ „„.^ Ife^„., ,„ , he M„„d H„„,„, , ,.,.te,ry h„iU on „„ i„a„d of the I,„eh.,ge, in th. .-.dstofthe n.„st ,nag„i,iee„t .sceneo^ .peoi.l.y for the .cc„,n^„. <^o>. of angler, an. ton.iat,. U i, .Uo well ,„pp,ied with i. «d c»„o», i, under the «,„e managemc. „ th^ Hotel Rober,.l, and . '» """""xAtion for nearly a hundred gu^'t',. T. ■«rKB!«it>, M„,^„^ ^ But lilt l'ltl(lHOA|M< II Kriflgtf, whi wjuth lAoru Htx millinnH rests u|*)n t H>ijfrmt 4U PROPRIETOR. n nil K ltd I if c rtMiiuii. for b An o|(B|{R|it (j ',V-f^i^-f^f' JstVF^ i TV - njsjf I ,irj- . ingoverlookintr •e Hotel atatioii ■«(1 guests, and 58t coiufortabic bowling alley, l»all ineasuros luite new and hot and cold 1 the grourfd,":* The outdoor Jx>ati ng, an/ 1 lioberval t(» L>i8charge, in le accou^o- with guidcH oberval, and tOPRIETOR. weighuig nearly 200,0(X) pounds The boilers ^ 'L7>P« ten driving wbeel * and boxes im incheH Icng aid 42 ncL. w de and /.*'"'','?" V" ^^'"'"**«'-' "'«««- ( m,uefce, ^i^h 28.inch stroke ** These m i«r ■'' ''^^"'^^••^ «« 22 inches in this service by the celebrated Baldwin iT f- ''T""';: ^"'■*' ''"''* eHpecially for , ^ The cost of fchiH greartunne Iw^^r^^^^ ^^r\«' <'f PhiladelnL, Pa^ 4,(^30 cars can be aaily moved thrm^^h if :iT' "'"^ '^^*'" '* '" under8t.«Kl that .W.rious transfer by fe^rf .\' Zu y' it'thar^"'"' "'^^^ ^^« "'"^ ^ was one which will yield a «uick and nrnfi i . f he enormous expenditure t.e enterprise iw due to Si> HeZ IvW o %^'ri J'^«.]"'"»'- "' promoting rnink Railway, and he was abW LiSd' bv Sir*-!"" ' ^Z'-f'"' "^ *'^« ^tmnd Manager, and the engineer, Mr/josTh Holion 4'"''* ^'""^T^ ^^^^ ^«»«"'J hiving been demonstmted, it is noTnmnorrf, ^ ^" «""«!•« °M*^ ""^^^^kinfe t'» Hcc<.mm,;dato the increasimr IImI X ^ -^ construct another by its side oast b,mnd. the Uh^^r S^est bl^dZ r"'"^'"«.'' ^,""'''« '"^^' ^^^ one f^^ Sy.te„ifarin..ivanceof:nrcXStor:rrh^ '^' «™"^ Tru"'' ■UHnent .haracte" Ks tonstfucUo aXfwm tmV"'"« "V^'^^'"*'*^ ^^ *^« f^- . s projectoi-s, ,^nd a tribute to tC hu" .niJl i T "" ? ''^*'"« monument t.. ^^fi^?<^ V VICTORIA BRIDGE. > south •hope. It is the pn.|*rtrof tZf?r.L T L J^? •*''*"^ ^^ »'' *«kh fche r«st« uf*m twenty-four piers of M Zt^' fJTidTjfc ''k\''''''^. *" 'S?«*^' •"^ smn IS 3:« feet wide. »,mJ the oentlTtK '^'"f"/ ** *t"'"^?^- Th» ««»tre Hlt..g6ther, a s^endi.! triumph of o^in«„ri"S^,,^?,,^„'r^!^.T.'^*.'''''«^- ' ^' »' so i fntnd y n-niii Thii n^\ J . .x i i J_' '/..j **, . ' *"*' ** "^x l it to )Hi ^ . . ti i r«nv it — r.Km,«, for hKtth first ahd ^i Zl flimt!''^ It- comfortable m^ul^ *i' V i ^.~\},'\ '_ ,^^~^^ < TO THE > WORLD'S FAIR ! VIA THE Th€ ^ai^adiai^ y ^^l^acifie ail Way 1 -^-^ii*;;*?^^ -Oitt ^ ^QOTgQ . J)unaan, ♦ ,, CITY PASSEHCER AND FRtlCHT AQEIIT, ^t. Louis Hotel PCicili And Palace Station. WM. JU^ u.^ Jl^ vlK-i^^fc C-'. ' * i^i^n^^a^s^^^^ "T!r'*v,fT'W "• • i. ouis Jciotel I . 5!liiH!iElM0tel0f the git^ IWay n, ^ --'^^^^^^-^^-^^yards of the Tamou. world r nai^ ^be Had. m\ ^^^*>ii*\t>^iH^ gfefictljf firgt-clagg ill an ii^ ApDoinfanent^ ation. h '."^■" ' I •; ItAhlBERTM, t4B ^T. JOSB^i STREET, ^T FU\ MANUFUdTUl^El "^ •J. ^ \ s • ^ V , ■ g « r 1 ' ■ • t * ) . f ■ < ^ . « < ' .-^^^ "4 ■ rr