• S> i I* -. \ m r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 Sfw Bt — V Scisioes Qxporatian ,*= ^> n VMIT MAM STRICT WR M Ti R. N .Y. I45 R (7U)9714S03 4g> y ■■-^<. i * CIHM Microfichf, ScH'ies (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) ■r ■ ■ • -.*- Canadian Inatltut. for Historical l^lcroraproductlon. / InatHut canadi«» da microraproductlon. hiatoHqua. A,i^>S^HJ^ tk V TtihtitMt md H>llop a »lite Ham I Ham i whn est ImprimAe eont fllmAe in eommengant par la premier plat at an termlnant salt par la darnlAre page qui oomporto uno omprelnte d'impression ou d'lllustrat(on. aolt par la eeeond plat, sslon la eas. tous Jos autras exempleiros originsux sont fllmAs en eommengent par la prftmiire pege qui oomporto una emprelnte d'impression ou dlllustratlon at an termlnant par la dernl*re paga qui oomporto uno telle omprelnto» -'■■■.■ .'■.., Un des symbolee suKrents apparaltra sur la derni*re Image do cheque microfiche, sslon le cos: is symbols -^ signifle "A SUIVRE". la. symboloV signlfle •'FIN". Les cartas, pisnehaa. tableaux, ate..- peuvem Atra fiimSs * dss tsux da rMuctlon diff Grants. , Lorsque le document eet trop grend pour itre reprodult en un ssul ciich*. II eet f llmS A partir de i'angis supSrisur gsuche. de geuChe A droito. et ds haut en bas. en prenent le nombre d'imeges nAcsssslre. Les diegrammas suivants lilustrent le mAthodo. 1 • ".. 2 3 i-:*. •»■ fe: ^ M«>,., -i«^ 32X •^v-^ .. 'Wki,:My J3m ^LtS^^tsitMm* ' - ,i ■ •%1'mKifFll /■' \ ^ W.'^ '.. ^■ »i • r;<»4. . V * ■\ i • -^ , '■; ,* ^^"^f* \.%^:' i* 4..-1 ■♦•■•i' IHDEMOUSH ».■■.% ■ She Qreat CoHtrovemfrm **« American Revid^br N&vmber, betwe£h f. . •• . ■,.jii,»-'.f-'»f'-- ,•. -■ •• -■■■ -r ■ - "lu. • ^ ■■"""•'- », V-.J J** "■?3 ' »^ 1 . --yx' . .. \ »> • ^ llfrW^ THE PARAGON SHIRT j (SKP^TBBVJ)) ■i.^:. LEADER LAN TOUONTO. ^ «V l(*^1''-.«'^ ' its 131 A $84 ^*W PPZ^, A«d In quaiitWes ©f 1e* tlum one doBcn .M BY JUDGE BJUCK. i-: ^merimliemewofAugu^^^ 'ffe iVo«A Vdii »Aia ?Y- Ail BOQ»S*UJt«S ^'- tORQ WTO Kfe compA«Y. t*-* 4' '/ ^<:.:.- , •••'••, THE CRRISTIAN RELIGION. ri-" ',•;.', '•',■»■■>■-■ p: '•:.^ >«..■"'■' 1- ''•".'J*.' PABT n. .DNw " ApMt fhrn moral oondact, iJH that nui tMnka Maudf kbU to dk ia of^to — ■upantiUoo and rtligious folly."-^-KANT. aooiptMM t» Ood. ii 8*v«ral moctha ago, Thb Nobtb Axsn- itiAir RiiTiaw Mk«d ae to write an vtlole, tbefibUIuplrwlT'* Mot OntUttewrti. de wto written dkl I know who wm ex- peotnd to MMW«r. I make thU Mpkna. tion for the pntpoM of dlMtpnting the Im* peirion that Mr. Blaek htti been cbal. lennd by me. To have atriick hie ahleM with my bnoe might have |^T«n birth to the imprtMion that I was eomo- what doubtful as to the eorrectnass of my ■7 The uniTsrae, ae< always was. and ward tmproTfld ItasK." oorllngtomyidea, is. _.. wUlbe.^ Itdidnei ''oome Into one eternal belnf.— the «r did. does, or ea|i eztal. makv ' Its own laws." Wo linow notMnf of what wn sail the laws of nature ezomt as we gathw the Ids* of law from,the uniformity of phenomena spriuf* ug from likeoonditions. To make myMf clear: Water always run* down Ull. The theist says this happens beeanss then isbehindthe phenomenon an active tew. As a matter of ftot, tew tethte sldo of the phenomenon. Law does not oaosethe WW* wniDuui aa W7 uie oorreotnesB or my pnenomenon. liSw does not oaose the nositlon. I naiurally expeclM an uiswer phenomenon, but the phettoineaon cansea nom scnne profetpiional theologten. and wa^ surprised to find that a reply had been written tyy a " policeman," who iauglMd that he Md aDswered nqr argnmenta by simply ibUngme that my statements ware , fUsa It is wmewhat unfortunate that in a diseussion like this anyoneshdnld i^aeort to the slightest personal detrsotion. The theme it great enon^ to engage the high- est fnfiultiee of the buman mind, and in thi) inreatigation of sudi a snbjeet ▼iln-' the Idea of tew in our minds ; and this idea te produced fkom the fact that nadet like oirenmstanoes the same phenoiBeadw always happens. Kr. Btesk probnUV thinks that the diflsrenee in the weight of rooks and doudl wts orsated by tew 1 that parallel lines fail to unite only b^ eauae it is illogal ; that diameter and ebb > cttmfeienoe oonld hav^ been atf made that it would be a freater dis|anoe aerost ihia around a drole; that a stnUgM line fly ana ▼nigwiy ooi or oonld enclose a tHahgte If not pcerenied I eaanot be answeied by tew.an4thaiaUt«e li^itetloii could te unfortunate that the wUhlnsalte. It intelleetual arena should be entered by a "polfieeman," who has more eonfldenee in concossion than discnsdon. Kindness testroigth. Oood-naturete often mlftakan for Virtue, and good health sometimes passes for genius. Anger Uowsontthe lamp of the mind. In the examination of make it possibte for.two bodies to'oeeupj the same space at the same time. It seems to me that law eannof be the eauae of phe- nomena, but is an eiect prodnesd In our ininds by their suoeessten and rsssm.' btenee. To put a Ood back of tlte unl* ▼erse. compete us to admit that then wm a time when nothing existed but thte God 1 V^ ^^ important question, every one that thte Ood had iTred fhwi etsMiltf Is should be seren«b slow-puteed, and balm. IntelUgsnoe te not the foUndatleik of arro- gance. Jtesolenee te not lo^e. Bplthete are tiie argnmente of malice. Oandor te ttie coufage of the aouL Leaving tlw ob- leotlonabto portions of Mr. Bteers nqdy, fealtet that so grand a subject should not beibwn and tdnted with ttaUoioas words. I proeeed to answer as best I may the ar. lOfflento he has urged. I am ihade to Bay that " the ttniyerse te natural" ; that <• it came Into bdiigof itsownnsoord'^i that ^ it made Iteowtt tews at -the start, and afterward impraved itehlf cotasidefably by ipoiitanaoua erota- mH" bat f did not say«Ml '* It oanri into belu|ef itiowiiaoeord'*r DBither didi Mr tbit '*ft made iti ow& tewi MidAlltiv* an inflnito taeunqi. and hi ahsrinle IfUf* ness. The mind of every thonghtfttl mitt is forced to one of these two eonelusfons : either that the uniferse te selfexistenti or thtt it was oreated by a self.ezteteHl being. To my mind, there are fhr aaoie difficulties te the second hypotheste tijas' tetheetst. Of "eottnte, upon a question UES'tld^ nothing c%n be absolutely k«o«a. ll# llTo on an atom ealled larth, aad wlml weknow of the Inllnlte Is ataioit litil<' iMf limited ; bat. Ifttle an wt imw, all have M eqnal tlriit'fbglvetl ' thooohi I^te felhiddwy, wittduif foad^oni wlfldi w^ tratiff'tdr •' v Mttte tr e y -Hi f ew thort eteWMWlitf the oTiUB^ witli ite Inli^ of love, to tiMr low and qatet way*sUte mo, wiiete all at teal aiiM ites|^, aadndiere the oi^ Han. ) fBl OHRIBTIAII MLIOIOlf^, 4 1 1 \ fv . ^l»-<}ood.alght. ■ ^ ttM '■fUn" of lh« «aiTtn«; and m to *lko"ililVi.'' I know Jan m Utile U iirUlMldotoiMr tkal tho •bItwoo wm ■jiilwif and tiMNfon tliofo oiMibo* JMlirr ThMo mMl flm bo proof tlukt ttwtir** ilMJimfl " II wUI not do to M7 |l^||M«itTOrMhM ft •'plM." MMlthOB Mwrt ihu tMro man Imto boon m Infl- •Ito mtkm. Tho UUa Ikol » dMlffa iiuil kom » biflaalaf Md thn o doilgMr Mod Mttloaimlo onwoMloa of htaoa if* • iMiUoi^ Wodad o w»l«li, mmI fo mj : *'8*c«ikNitMidwoodor(al o Ihlag «iMt lMMalMd«auk«." Wo dad thowatoh- ndur. owl wo loy t "Bo curiooo oad «oiid«>falotliiMO««MUi mmfi hoTohod • aokv." WofladGod,Mdi»«lhoBoojr; *' Ho li 00 voadorfol tbot ho maol not hftTO had mokor." la othor woido, oU «Uaii»UtUowondorfal mu^t horoboon M»td.b«titit pooiiblo lor a MWOlhing tehooowoatefal thol it olwoy* •^^^^^ boo wootd MipBoM thot jun •• tho won- dor iMNMod tho MMMUy lor • oroator ' booooM U U (ho voodor of tho Mm idao ol cm^fifk. _ clots Rom WMthorono dMica In^ving oo Inflnlto dosignor T For Mt3 4a hold to 000 thf plu or doolgn in MillMwdcw oad poitUonoeo. It io oone* vhiilffiflloalttodltoorn (ho dcoign or tho tmtoTnlonnt in fe noidnf tho tibrld that mn'^mm «f anioudo Uto ooly on tho affon. ' kaof othiio. Thojootieo ol Qod iiaot ^hlommointhohktoiT of (hioworld. Whon I thlok of tho Mifleriag and dtoth, of thopovorty andtMme, of (hooriid(T ^ mSriSaSri tho hMtfti^inooo of thio "dinttn** f^ "plan," iHmto boak and dMMiSd tooth tiar ond rond tho quiToring iSh of wooknoM and dcopoir. I OMOAt po a t o o t aio trying to dnd. Logic ta ^ *f.o«ji with Miortlon. It oana nothing for tho opioiooo of tho " fr«al.''-r.no(hing lorthoprrindloiaof tto aanf. •|»J»*^ of oU tor tho MpormHoni •«.»«,<*^, >■ tho w«S ol Bo&o, a f aot !• a logl ton. dor. AMortloManl-iroolooaroojarioOi oolno. Wo haro tho right to roJuaM tho Jumooofonof a god. No ojio tlioold throw away hit wMon-lho frolt of oil oiDorionoa^ I( la tho inlollootoal oapltal SSrSS. tho only l»hl>EJ "J mardor of milttona r " t^J* ^ ^ •ommil adnitonr." and yo4 bo goij cap. turod maldeno w.iP*^,'*** J^^t/t^Jgl tors; **Tktaihattno(oteal.'' andyotfao ^.SKio'iS^'totttlothJ^iidti^lnfl- P^ ^ ^^wtoh maraodsm tho J^^ - X^HSomTbHioToloooe, and jnatioe. fiordo of othora : -Thoa ahalt not Mool Christiana haro aeon and roeog- ■ImiiltTfi *y '^ ^^ ondoaforsd (0 avoid it tiy gMpi QoAtmwfohan^y in anothor world to reotifj tho aaeming miit-fc^ of this. Vr. Black. howoTor. OToida the ontiro aneatloa by ooj^g ; "Wo haw nrflhor JnrMiction nttr cuoaityto MtadM tho iooUoo of God." in other SSSTwohaVooo. fUan to think npon tfcSZiSML BO lint to oiamino tho qom- STiZrhtnlfaSoott^^ saairS'bAisnu^ thyaoighbor^boiuo. B« ^ ^y^ .. jrtho allowod Ma «J^«W P^gP"* •» *S Srthohomoiofnalghbowajdtoal^ r wlym ; *» Hooor thj CitlMrnd thj mothor/' and yot (hto aamo God bad thooaaads of faihart botohorad, and with tha Bwoid of war kUlad ohildran yo>»a^ bora J "Tiion ihaH not bow falao witaaoa aninal thy aoighbor/* and yot ho aant SSi"^iMSwta»vtod^ •rophol% aadin ahnndrad waya paldtri. (ototodaoait. 80 far aa wo Imow. John* vabkopt oBly CBO ofthmo Oommandf miss Xhotimottid. ^MMld IW ^^ "waatadt" ai^ * akonld Ipvo baao amnaafrtUii. ttMMte •* tva wliat Iho wiaaaT and Maa ph o ma r wao aSaaea^llin'' daaortiaftothtpalflle . psa^ idolal^ tfoa on Old that «*lo wof* «^#^ttf kterilMdMnftft" Aoootdiiw 10 16. tlmkk w« siMmU aU Imts Ubvtj of 6m- Mt trn t* «nih|M t»lMa diraedy fafVWMd hf Q«i. U that wviilry wh«r» 0 Vfi iiiy brothar, tha 'ion of thy moHMT, or thy ton, or , thy daoa^tar, er tha wlfa of thy boaom, orthyfriaBd, which la aa thlna own aonl, antiaa thaa aaeiatly, aaying, Lat da |o and aanra othar goda which thou hast not known, thou nor thy fathara, . . thon ahalt not-abaaant unto bin, norhaarkan unto htm, naithM* ahalt thiaa aya pity bta, flaltbar ahalt thoo apaia, naithar dMIt thda oanaaal him. bat then ahalt sonly kill hla ; thina hand ahall ba fltat npoB him to pat him to daath, ai^ aftar- watdi the hand of all tha paopla ; and ..thoa ihalt atona him with ntonaa, that he dia." ... • ^ * ■ .■ -■"..■'■■-(. Thhi it the raligkma Hbactj of the Bible. If yoa had ItYed in Palaatine. and If the wife of ybnr bosom, danrsr to yen than yoor own soul, had aald : "I uke Iharah^op of India batter than that of PntaMne.** it would have been ycnr duty to kill har. *• Toor aye mnat 90! pily h«r, yoor hand mast ba lint npon her, and af- WwttdatKt haadof aUthepaSpia.!' If dMkidaiidi **^JM us woHi^ the ami —thaimi tbitolotheatba earth In »»• mitdeM fraen— theaon, the glial lie' aUedf ill^wartd.-^lhe inn thai talleyi muoimr. thiowirtha fiTtha MgMd and « tharad s&anm of bar I* _ and ha# m% ooninif ftrbm the dumb llpa of daath, yo« aaofl^' than look up nad rsaaiva tha sangvnttttei^ Uona of the Ood vMbadeb^ed whoaa oemauindaMni" la It pjaalble that m- Damg Of indnita aMray ordered a haaband to MU hie wlla for iha wfaaa of having axpiaasad an opinion on tha snbjast af va*« Sent ..^Um thara baan found ape«>i la raocMCYf the saraga wOrM any*" thing uot¥ parfaatty flandlah than this oommandnMnt of Jehovah t Thia la Juaiifled on the ground that "Uaapbaniy waa a breach of palM- and idoktiy an aet of ovarf oal aUaglanoa, I treason?' Wa oan undaiitand howahu« man king atanda In need of ihe aarvloa of hia people. Wa sen underatand how the dsaartion orf any of his aeldlera weakana bia anny ; but wsta tha king Inflnita In power, hla atmigth woukl atiu remain tha same, and under no ooiiseiTabla oirsunfeii ite n s s s aould tha snamy triumph. Ilnaistthal. If thara la an inllnltaly good and wlss Ood, he baholda with pity toe misfortunss of his childran. I ualal that suoh a Ood would know Iha miate,' tha alouda, tha darioMss auTeloping the human mind. Ha would kn^ now few atara are viaibla In the iBtellaotaal sky^ Hla pity, not hia wrath, would be eieltei' by the aflorta of hla blind childiun, gropi ing in tha night to And the cause of nlB|^ and endeavwing, throiqh their tears, lo see aooM daw^ of hope, filled with awe by their annmundlnm. b»faar of tha un- ' known; he would know that whan, kneel* ing, thsy poursd out tbalr gratitude to some unsten power, even to a vielhla idol, it waa. in ftel, Intended for hfan. An inilnitely good being, had he the powsr, wooM anv — ooable prayer' of an honsat when addrasBSd to wood and stone. The atrodtiM of the OUTMtament, the t hr e at enlM^ maledictions, and cnraaa of the "inapind book," are delsndsd r.n the inmind that the Jewa had a right to trsal lanuaa tn anawer Iha raaa* Setter* kill iMo Ihe ^im^mfhim^ liI'MiWbiKlhnemi,'* It WM ynur datgr their enemlee aa their anandae t r e at ed ttiam; and in thIa oonnretlon lethiai»> markable atatsmsnl : **In your trentmant of hostile Ibarbariana yoii not only may inwfully, yon moat neeessarity, adopt their mode of waifnre* If they come to .eonqa«ryou, they may be oonqueredby you: if thsf gbeaomwrliiivthegraraen. Htledtottein: if lha>Mitk of your whole popnlatttm be thdr uuip ii ij > you nay de^ M^ II by aKtarmlaattng thsire.'* Fov a Alia who la n *' OhrialiiB polise* men," aadh«tltK«ff "tmi HmNt tede* fend the OhiMmi Nl%laB y for one wio ynur dutjy the flMt foUows Iha Maalsr who said thai whmi yM aiyMMi4he anA' wlM^acblh ■ aMd -walii 1 riFOti^lNid ' fB^dli .11 ||. feMdll^ tlndtoiiif , V THB OBRISTI^M RILIOION. s- tlMt • qItIUimI utkm moat of mtdmdij •dopt tik« wmHv of MTSfw. !■ it po«- •Ibto IkAl In flfliUoff, lor iniUnMf, Om In- dUuu of Ameriott, If tbtj Mdp our mI dimwa sbottld MxUp tholrsT If thay mvlsh, niurd«r. and mnUl*!* oar wirm, musl w« trial thciri in th« sMst nuinnor r If th«y kill th« bftbM io our oradlM, muat wo brun ilMirt f If lb«y take our oap- tlTW, bind tbom to tr«M. and if their ■quawi fill thair aulroring (Uah with ■harpened fagota and tat tham on flr«, that th^f may dia olothad with flama, muitour wiTea. our SMnhwa, and our daMhtera fbliow the fiendish eiample T la Inla the ooDoloilon of the most enlii^t- antd Christianity f WUl tha pulpits of the United Btatea adopt the argumants of this '• poUeanMn r " Is this tha last and most baaatiful blossom of tha Sermon on the Mount t Is thU the eoho of "Father, foindve them } they know not what they do"r Mr. Black Justifies (£9* wars of exter- mination and oonqasat because the Amer ioaa people fooflht for the integrity of ' their own eountry ; fought to do away with the infamous institution of slavery ; fought t(^ prosarre the jewels of liberty and ' iost^ for thenselTss and also for tneir children. Is it poaalbls that hia mind ia so clouded by politic c4l and religioua pr^ ncUse, by the rsool- laslions of an unfortnniate administration, that he seea* no difference between a war of azteiminatioa and one of self preserva- tion f that ha sees no ehoioe betwam the murder of belplcaa age, of weeping women and of sleeping^babes, and the defense of liberty and naiionallty T Th^Boldiers of the ttepublio did not wage a war of extertnination. Thdydid not Mtk to enslave their fellow-men- ^liej did not munler tremblinir age. They did not sheathe their swords in women's breasts. They gave the old men bread, and let the mothers rook their babes in peaoe. They fought to aave the world's great liope^fo free a race and put the humblsat hut beneath the canopy of lib- «Etyandlaw. Glaiming neither praise nor dispraise for the part taken by me in the civil war, for the porposes of this argument, it is suffi- cient to My thst I am perfectly willing that my reotwd, poor and barren as it is, ' should be compared with his. Never for an instant did I sni^Mse that any^ ieqiectable AsMrican citlaen would be fouiM willing at this day to defend the institiltton of slavery ; and never was I more as tonish e d than wh e n I found Mr. Black dsnying that eivilized countriea paa- •tonataly. asiert th«t slavery is and always was a hideous crime. I was Amased when he deolaf^d that "the doctrine that sla. ▼917 iv « orinM under aU circomstaneet and at all tlsMa was first started by adhereau of a political faolkm in this country less than forty years sfo." Ha Ulls us that "they denounsed Ood and Christ for not agreeing with Ihem," but that " they did not oonstltute the oiv> iliiad world ; nor were they. U the truth must be told, a very respeotable portion of It. Politioallv they were tuoaaasfal 1 I ne«l not say by «kat means, or with what effect upon the monUs of the eountry." Slavery held both braachea of Congrssa. filled the ehair «iC the Executive, sat upon the supreme beneh, had ia its hands all re- wards, all offices ; knelt in the pew, oe- oupied the pulpit, stole humai^ beings in the name of Ood. robbed the trundle-bed for love of Christ ; incited mobe. led ig- norance, ruled eolleges, sat in the ehaira of professors, dominated the public vrsss, closed the Ups of free speech, and pollutad with Its leprous hand every sourse and sprii« of 4x>wer. The abolitionlsta attacked this inonster. They were the bravest, grandest men of their eountry and their century. Denounced by fthfeves, hated by hypocrites, mobbed by cowards, slan- dered by priests, shunned by poUtieiaas, abhorred by the seekers of ofBce,— these men " of whom the world was not worthy," in spite of all -bi^iKieition, in spito of pov- erty and wani, conquered innumerable obstwles, never faltering for one moment, never dismayed-— acoeptlng defeat with a smile bom of infinite hope— knowing that they were right— insisted and persisted unul every ehain was broken, until slave- pens beosme sohool-houses« and thjree mil- Ugmi of slaves beoams free men. women, Adphildren. They did not measure with " th9 golden metewand of Ood," but with " the elastic cord of human feeling." They were men the UteheU of whoee shoes DO believer in human slavery waa ever worthy to unloose* And yet we are told by this mtvlern defender of the sla- very of Jehovah that they were not even respectable ; and this slander Is justified beoauae the writer la assured " that the intelHbleGod proceeded t^ppn good grounds when he sutborlced slavery in JodM." Not satisfied with having slavery in thistprorld, Mr. Blaok assures us that it will laat through all eternity, and that for- ever and forever inferiors must be snbor dinated to superiors. Who ia the SHparior man? According to Mr. Blaek. he is superior who lives upon the unpaid labor of th^ inferior. With m^ the anterior man ia the (me who uses his aupenority in bettering the condition of the infe rior. The superior man ia strength for the weak, eyes for the blind, brains for the simple ; he is the one who helps cany the burden that nature has put np If aoma ipiod Bapubllonn woald oatab Mr. BlaolL " Inaorporata bim Into bia family, tama mm, taaab blm to tblnk. and glva blm a knowladga «f tba trua prinolplaa of buman Jibarty and goTemment, ba would confar upon bbn a moat btnafloaot boon." Blatary bioludea all otbar crinMS. It It Iba Mnt product of tba kidnapper, pirate, tbiaf, mordarar, and bypoorita. It da* sradaa Ubor and eormpta leisure. To hoarate tba naked baek, to sell wivea. to ■tea) babea, to breed blood-bounda, to de- bauob your own soul— tbia iaalavary. Tbiaia what JeboTah "autboriied in Jndan." Tbia ia wbat Mr. BUek believea 'InatUl.' He " meaauraa witb tbe golden metawaad of God." I nbbor BHtvery. Witb ma, liberty ia not merely a maana— it la an and. W itbonf tbat word, all otbar words ar€ ampty aounds. Mr. Black b too late wltb hb proteat against tba freedom of his fellow-man. Obertr b making tba tour of tbe world. Rnnria baa anuuKsipated her serfa; the -abva trade is proeeeutad only by thbyes and piiataa ; Spain faeb upon bar cheek the burning blnsh of abama ; Brsail with pnmd and bH>py eyea if looking for the dawu of fraedom'a day ; the padple of tbe bonth rejoiee tbat slaveiy la no more, and cTary good and boneat Mr. Black), of etaiy bnd and elima, hopas that tba limbs of man will nayar feel agiJUi the weary weight of ehains. We are kJormed by Mr. Bbok tbat poly- gamy bl neither commanded nor probib- ited in iba Oie Testament- that it is onl/ "discouraged." It seams to me that a little l^bbtion on that subjaet might bare tended to ito " disconiagement?^ Bnt whara b the legisbtion 7 Intha moral eode, whieh Mr. Black assures us "eonsists of oartiin immutable rulea to goyem the oonduet bf all men nt all timee and at all > places hi thair pritata and personal rela- tion with others," not one word b found on the ibbjaot of polygamy. There b nothing ' I '« diwffonrfgin g " *y widow of life of Oaytd. taken hi oonneotlon with tbe praetisa of eoe who b cbiaMd to have been the wieeat of mas^-^ ihase things are probably relied on to abow that gamy was at Ipaat '* disaonraged." tainly. Jeboyabibad time to Inalniot Mc as to the infam^ of polygan^ Ha cenld tion toe I worda in 'favor of the one wife and tbe husband— in famv of the ylrtuoua and loying home— might hay« taken thi place of instructions sa to cutting tbe tnnntntt of Drieats and faabloning sandlaatieka and onones of gold. If be had left oat airoply the Ofder that rams' skins should be dysid red, and in ita place had aaid, " 4 man iball baye but one wife, and tbe wife but one husband," bowinuch better It would baye been. All tbe bnguagee of tbe world are not' auflloient to eiprees the flith of polygamy. It makee man a beast, and woman a sbve. It destroys tbe fireside and nudiee yirtne anoatoaat. Ittokeanabaek to tbe bar* barism of anlmab, and leaves tbe heart a den in which crawl and hiss the slimy ear- CnUof moat loatbaome luat. And yet r. Black insbb tbat we owe to the Bible tbe present eleyation of woman. Where will be And in tbe Old Teatamsnt tbe rights of wife, and mother, and dnngb- tor defined f Even in tbe New Tettament sbe is told to ' * learn In sUanee with all nuh- lection"; that she "Is not sultorad to Maoh, nor to usurp any anthority oyer the nmn, bnt to be In sibnee." Bhe la teld that " the head of every man Is Ohrbt. and the head of the woisan b man, and the head of Christ b Ood." In other wome, there ia the seme difference betwaen the wife and bnabaod tbat there Is between man (eseepting tbebuaband%idC|irbt. The reaaons given' fof this infaihous doc- trine are th&t " A^bm waa first formed, and then Eve " ; tbat "Adam was not da- eeiyed," but that "the wo^ian being da- oeiyed, waa In the transgrtf^ion." Tlteee childish reasons are the «^ly onea giyen by the inspired writore. We are tbotold t&at "a man. indeed, olight tooovOThb bead, forasmneh as he b the image and glory of God" ; but that " this woman b the gloiyof the man." and thblsjuatifled from the fact, and the ramarkaUe f^ot, set forth in the very next verse— Uiit ''ths mtfibnotoftb0 woman, but the frnpu. of the man." And the same gallant AiwMto says : ' ' Nailer iwaa the man ersited for thewoman, but the vtpmanforthe^man "i GommnndjBents, nor In the raeorda. of «ny " Wives, submit yonrsalvee unto your biu* S**5^5?fft?* '**^^f^ *• "Waed to' have buds, M uto the Lord ; for tlto huaband had with Moaas upon Binai. The Ufa of btha Jleadoi t^e Mfe. even as Christ Is Abimbaini the aton of Jacob ud Lnban, the bead of the Chnich. and ha to the «b« 4uty ^ g biothsr to ba tbe hwbaod e| saytonr of the body. Tbeialora, w «^ ^m .♦ i m' \ ••>■ ■ ■ . t Tin oRiinrrtAN Bitmioif. \ imMmI to tMr •«« h iM b a iMl t UMt IM« tlM AflMHiMtolh« OU TwtoaMt, wommi had to MkpMPAMi. Md ImmI to h« pariflad. lor tiM ortiM of iMTlag born* mo* mmI dMgktMi. If la iMt worU tbor* b ■ df- «• of parfMl pority. H to a motlMr hold- Im hi W tkAtod Md hop|»T mm h«r •UkU The dootriM tkM womc to th« •UBor •OTMN pMIOM lasptrad by hia vtowofOod. Wm Hr. BiMk to! lb* Old ■will to* 'pottMMoaV have th« klBdMM to ■tou • tow ol hto obtoetloM to Um doirUf Mr. Btook tlMMlff bavo aoowarad oiy arfaaMOtoTTMta^doloaUlBgiiM^ ■iToa" aod ••Murriloos." lo tbo d to o M ^at n n d ibM* qtiaalloas I bavo noibjat to do iit to a I liao of orfkooB baU. froaiOoi.ora fraa«k« foldanaiiatu of tbo Now or'trMi tba Torj Bodon of par- la iiafi. mua and ftoaslo. I ao eooatry te taa world had woman laai Ubart/ than te tba Holy Land, and no ■ooardi bali la toaa attaatn tbo rifbta of whrra and molbon than Johorab of tbo Java. Tba podtton of woman was ter bottarialfypttbaalnPatoatlao. Bafort tlM Dynoydo wwa built, tli* aaorad loafs ol UM wan ranff by wobmb, and woman wHIi pnra kaadflMMl offarcd mcrifloM to Iba fOda. Bafoi% Moaas waa born, woman had aat npmi tba Biyp ton Mirona. Upon ' I tbo buaband and wifa ara arma nor or idmo qtiamioiM » •••»« ««».m-» •"-"" ic to tba with tbo raputatlon of kay oppoaant. Hto It oomaa obaraotor tbrww no Uf bt on tbo aobtool, Ooi.ara and to to ma a mattar of parfaot lodlBar- la .Parala woman M aaatad in tba aamo ebalr. wara priaats, and In of tba oldaal dYlflaattooa "tb^ I rvrataooad on oarth. and wonblpod aa-ioldcaaaa In beaven." A.t tkiadfast oHTbriatiaaity. In all Pagan aaua tobad tba Bcypltoaa toronatoring tba laws. WaayeurOodonsaanabolittoutott Dbl ha at that tiaM "danoanoa Ubriit lor not agraaiug with him"? If alaTsitv wba a orims in Bgjpt, waa it a Tirtoa In Patot- tlnat DidQod treat tba Oanaanllm bottar than Pharaoh did Iba Jowar Waaltrigbt for JaboTah to kill tbo obildrsn of tba psopto baoausa of Pharaoh's sin T Bbpuld tba psasant ba punisbad for iba klng'a crimar Do yon not know that tba wonilP thing tbat can ba said of Maro. OaUguld. andOommodns Is tbat tbay rasamUad tba Jahorahof tba Jawaf Will jou tall asa why God IMtod to giva hto BIbto to tba whoto world? Why did ha not gif* tba Boriptarea to tbo HInda, tba Oraak, a«d Booi^T Why did ba faU to anUgbtan tba ^ sbipara ot'^MaaMBon" and Moloob, of^ Baliaiand Baal, of Baooboa and VenoaT AflaraU waa not Baoel^ aaaooJ aala- borahr la it not battar to drink wina thaatoahadbtoodr Waa than anythteg in tba worablp Of Yanha woraa than ^ntam aafturri BuHffl" ^ -^* ^ tba_ijatcrt luitt t>ld**lfaauaoB*'orMolaQbdoaay> tUag moia iaiuaooa than td wii bltoh alataty T Did tbay oMsr tbalr.aoidl«a to kSl man. wiAsn ibd ahUdtmj ' aUraaotbtagthatbadhraathf OoiMtda- •WirlhMMqttMttoM lijr«WtegtlMl«**B» ««ll fr' ^'. nik OHBISTUW RILIOIOII.' vj* ■i t*!- '?S .f # 'w« hAV« ao rifhllo ralodfi ite JiMtlit of 0. then ha moM ad|ai| that if mm la falaa tha other oann<|l.h|MB1il;.aad It. hardly Ma^poealbU to mi JlMMtaiaa < right, minded, lana man. tt oe p TMK'Mhbfc^^lf; who now bailerae that a Qod of Jif^ ktndnoai a^Ml jaatioa ever eomniandii nation to eatennlnala another; arar oi yd hla eoldiera to deelroy men, woamn, babee; erer eatablleha^ iha iaatitttlioo of human alafairv: evervagardadtheauotUMi- Mook ae an altar, of «' blood'hound aa ite apoella. Mr. Blank eontanda (after having aoawered my iadletment againal tha Old Teetamani Igr adfnltling Iha aUaaationa 10 be true) ilial the rapidity with whkh Ohria- lianity spread "pro«aa tha ettpamatural origin of the Gtoapel, or that it waa ptopa- Cited by the direct aid of iaaalL" Let ua aaa. In hla ef orta to ahow that the "iBfaUible Ood eatabUahed alarary ia Jndea." he takea oooaaton to any that "tha doctrine that ilavarr hi a orioM andar all elreomatanoea waa Aral ttMrted by the ad- herentaof a political faalion in tkla'amu* try 1«M than forty yeara aM"i (luU thej draounoed Ood and Ohrial for not agieaiag with them" ; but that "they did not oonaa- tttte the olTlllaed world \ nor wen Ui^y, If the truth moat be told, a vary iemaot< able portion^ it." Iiet it be ramembarad that thia waa only fortv yaarn ago \ and yei aooordlM to Mn Blaok, a few ^ai«p< otable men ehanged the (deaa of aaarly fifty miUioaa of j»eopl«^ ohanfed the Ooii' •lilution of the United Btatea, libaaatad i race from thtTary, clothed three njllloili of people with political righta, tookpoa- aeaaion of tha OoTamment, managed He affaire for more than twenty yeara. and have oomp^riled the admiration tft tha oIt- Uiied world. le It Mr. Blaak'a idea that thia happened by ohanee f If not. then, aocordliiig to him, there are but two mtya toaooount |or itt either the n^ldity with whieh Rapublioaniam apraada profea lie Bupematural origin. " or elaa ita proL tion waa provnad for and oarrlod on the diraot aid of tha Divine Baing him aaU." Between there two. Mr.Blaokmay make hla ehcrtea, He will at ooea tea thai tha rapid riae and aprand of aaydeotrlne deeanot tend to ihow that it waa divlaaiy raTealed* ^ ^ -^,. *i~a' wailaawanaa Chiiatlaa*. MohamoMd waa n poor maa, driTor of oaaMla. He waa wi^Mnl aiii' ktioo, without inllaeiMM. aadiWtlkWit HftaHb. And yet ia a lew jwm- lit mmUt' \ ^e i THt oflitsfUit iiitiot6ir. M- ot trlbM, M)d mad* mti- HoM of Aen oooImm that than to "ons Ood.Mi4 MohMMBdl ii bto proph«l." Hit w e w tt ifii a tlKmwMBd <*«<■ gt m km / dnrUiiUsllfellMB UuU «f Ohrtol. He WM ftH wodiMl I Im wm a «oaqaeror. - "Of •UiiMn.lieexeniiedUiegirMiMlla* iMM* apon tlM hnMn iMM.^ Maimer! in , . tha worid'a lilaiorT did a raligian apraad vllh the lapldllv oi bto. It bant Uka a -^ •korm ofar tita nJi a a t portkw of tha i^be. If ]||.BIaektoright In hto padthMftbaC rapidity to tMjnrad onlj hf tlM dl«4tt aid of ttaalMirinatBelnit, than Mohami^l waa BBoatoartaittljthaprophalor Ood.| iUto mura of aKtarmlnauon and alavwr, Mo- haounad afraad with Mr. Blaak. ana apon . pol jtamy, with Jabofah. Aa to raUgioua \ iriMmtlon, faawaa* mat anoagh to mt \lhat fK >-<'imt' 'jNiir 'biipiriiii'-pravca it^iMitfi^ ttsi^tklillt to aoj^ ' liKttll^llw^MlialiM'aitlM'WiQtM't '- ''' . V 'lili«.li#^mii4' tiit ythaaaaeptaaes' o<^ OMilllWlly ly a iMgl portita al Hm ganaration aentamporaty wUh H* foundar and hto apoatles waa. nodar tha alreum' stanoat, an adjudloawm as solemn and an* thorltatlva aa amital IntaHlginH aonki pmnouaea." If IMi b Hue. then '^tha aoBsptanea of Boddbiam by ntorga partibi'' of the ganerathm oontamporary with Hi founder was an adJodhMMon as aotown and aitttKnIiativa as mortal faitalliganoa oo«dd ptonounoe." Tna samo ooold ba said of Mohammadanism, and, in llaqt of every religion that' baa aver banafltad at euraad thto world. Thto argnnMUt, whan reduced to ito simptoat form, to this: "All that snooasds to fauvirsd. *'. The old argument that if Ohriatiaftity to a human fabnoaftlon ita autbora mttstbafu been either good men^tw bad men, taxaa it for granied that then are bnt two < of persmMh— the good and the bad. to, at leaat, one other cla s s ik$ srirta i m i , and both of the other Olaasea osay belong to thia. Thoosaods of moat. eaMltont people have been deceiredf and the htototy of the world to AUed with iasCitnaaa whara men baTo honestly aupposed that they ^ bad racked oommunioraons flrom aB^jda and gods. In iboosanda of uiatanoea theea piatenl. ed oommunioatioas oontained the pnreat and hlgbmt thoughts, together with the moat important truths; yet it will not do to say that tbeeeiMoante are true; neither can they be proved by aaying that tha men who elaimed to be inspired were good. What we must say Is, that bdng good men, thqr were mistaken^ and it to tha ohariUble mantle of a mistaka that I throw oyer |l».^'|Naok. ti^en I ftnd him defending JtoHflrtHitlon of slavery. He seemalo^titoi^ ^ff lto ily inerodllila that any " ednilMMMl'al KnaTea, howaaiif baee. wouU iMmntly coneoci i Mtt* glous syatem to Amoanee themaelvee^ aid to'|nTllgkm of OnwlMa* to flOed wilk mesi beantital and tabdsr thonghtab with moat asodtont lapa^ and bundrada of aantanoea urging ONUufiid to deads of lo?a and aelf-danla). IfiP^iMi- taanbuqpifedt '"^' ;<) r Doea not Mr. Blaok know that thooa* 'anda of peopto charged with wileheraft aolafelly ^otmfsased In open ooort iheir gniltf Boea ho not know tha* they ad. miftladithatth^ had spoken Maa tofaoa wfih Satan, tmd had aold thatoaoiila bt goldani poiiitot Bo^te nit kB0w;ihat^ thosa idaidaakm wiMO main hi the fta^ aeoaaaiBd ««|toctaMoB of dm fjihMrha Mt know thaitkaadtidi of i«diw»i«om* «Min aagiMil' aa «li» totnilaiMBtad q^tii^ Iwlto^^ to thn fii ito n aaotaft -S itofoQiidtr •o«ld rf with Mt bitolUfmot i# odold W , In hat, of ■ WIMfltM «« nent, mhm this: " All rimMatfH imiMir m€ «d. kf wjiKImii, il «MtUin{ theklrtofy IMMWliMC that ihw rom aiii^ the MfMt ir with tha wiUttotdo iM;iMither iuitth«mm ir«N good. Mag good idil ittho iko tha I I tod him ftTortr. H< adtliWthiil •, hOWWNtf Mol iMt' Mlfwit aid ithdrofm nf :- iVart MMioa of *antiftf!ii^'tf ttA mam clapa^ and aaiili&iAto ehat irftohttaffc MOti thdr *^rWB»w ^waw** * thqr aA. P» to faoB aoiila lot knoiriihat tn«haft»> LfjihMiha olalft THKOHBHKnAN R1UQ|0N< • If. ',m ai« toldihar th«iai# nofood laawn to jbvbt that MM««(MMI«htaol tboKvanff*- U4ta, aa tnrVv* t^Qi now, ara gaaulna." Ami iMtr>. Ao oaa jiiowa w1m> nada Iha •• ■4»»atw>a«4« of tha BirantiHata " Hla B>olhar wtota nothing on thajpMm Matthiv aanthatan aagal of l|iaUi| U>ld Jotaphln a draavu bu* JoMDh aa^ yrota M aMoaal o( thw wondarnu flttqiiu " Lnka taUa na that Iha aagal had a adni,?ar* lalioa aayiag BoMtwu^on iha pMlml." Tha laat U tha^ , '.nothing was said by tha aHMt. Vlralaoi Sitt^Ha Qodaa, dubOYpiad ,aboitt iMfO. at ^anamkM against tha persooal hoaJlly of ) tbf oj^iaal of 8«. C«ihailae'-. on ||^uil< tha Bfaogallsts." How is tbis koownl/ . Bimd. *'It ooniaina tha Ola mi Naw If •ObHat.parforiae^ tba mirao'es raooid* j Tas^OMOta^ a^d Ip aq^ikioii^ 1% j i^tlito , ad in tha Now Taatamaot. why woald tlm , Bp)kl««i,BiUnabas» ai^a. poruonoi: tha Jawi put to doatb aiiajknAhla to ralaa thav Shabbfrd ui. jBan9Mia,-rWo]K>o|M whiob^ Up deadt Why sbonld ihay ^tcmpt tu^ kW,,, to \lffit" teginning of tna fonnh, oentury, tha Maater of Daatb t How 414 » happt^x ^ warn Jop|iMl> upon by many, as,:^ptnra.'* thata man wboha4doneaoii;tany mirtatoi;:^ In tUa;i^iaaaaoript» o^ podaa,^tha go«P«l of waa so obacuiai M.m^iowii. that ona 0K4 8L,|^rkoondii4aswUhti^»ap^ hlsdisdplaahad$o>>rt6adtopoiatl»lmj thfuSbiiaiiMi QhW^iv iMving oat tha outf la it not s^aM*. tM tha onaa M; . f riiUral pi^Mn > '*Oo ya Into all t^a hadeorad w^nothls4l«4pl«at Canwa,,.t wbe m^l^ oVthalr|r(«K,JSl;wi$ vmdar ?^biah tJbi?y wera 'wn lira w that 6g who jp4a tbap. •X K' :■ >•'!•'■ worl4: wottl^ haTO «i^ Iwa whaia ha^ ^rl W waa irtum ha nM^red tba jUifoiiaBatiim< thairha waa wants^^bn tha awth. lUa azpariaaca wpQld hara, how 3f««iHy. aowmj intaiaating tbaiii ft^vfj^ing ,e|aa In ^hjij^ Now TssUmen^ ^latomad ^fiw ft^ fnSliEiid tSoa t^i^on^l^ Tilair j% ^^^/ shadow— ffoold hava heeii mjhoi^ ^t,,> tar^tlpg ot JiKwan, tM4i|gs. ; W^ ^^ said: *'Ba Is 99i.afri|(i^to haatorajEf,*?. 4t^iQg„the m Q| wrought a aslr^i W!U! iiia49i now m i ^^;:,»'-!rr..-.-Tip - # , • ■^--gf-^rrn':' ' ,>::■ K^; TBI OBRIBTIAir.BBLIOIOir/^' m|4«MBo«d«ntodf Did theJewtba- thitOhritt wai olothed withtekMti-' loni po«trr WouM thejr lMt« d«r«d to onielfy • uan wlio hM the power to elolh««b« dMd with lltaf It It not won. d«rfalttAi ito'ooe at the trial <^ Obriit Mid on* word •bout th« mlr!MlM ho had wronghtT Hothingaboottheitokbehtd hoatod, nor the dowS h« hid hdMd T ■ ii it not wonderful that Jowphni. tlie ^lim hliiortan the Hebrowa pradncMd, aaya nMhIiig about the life or death of Obriat; nothfaig abottt the maaiwere of the infaipta hf Bend; nol one word abont the won. derftil atar that riaited the aky at the birth of Cnilft{ nothing about 4he darknoaa that fdl npob the world for aerlBral honra in the midit of day; and faUed entirolf to mentioQ that hondreda of graTeo were opened, and that nin1titud<>a of Jewa aroae from the debd, and riMted the Holy City f la it not wonderful that no hiatorlan eter mMrtionod any of theao prodicicar and ia it not more amaslpg than all the reot. that Obriat hlmaelf oonoealod froA Matthaw, k Mirk, aiid Luke the 4<«m* <« the atooe* ment; the neoeaMty oi bdilf, and the myativy tof the aeoond'UrthT Of cdnrae I ktiow that two lettera were aaid to hln« been written by Pilate to nberiBa, ' coneeming the exeoution of Chnil. but they ha«n been ahoim to be fbrgeflia. I alao kikow thai '«tariona ., letletv wete eirou|«fed attributed to Jeaua Ohrlat^r And tihat one letter ta iiid fo hare b^ehyritten by him to 'AbRiirua, kloir of BdiiMit bni aa there waa no klngot Edeaaa at fttfl naut. thla Jbtfer la admitted tb ha,iNt bben •'fbtgeiT. I aleo admit that a eep|feyind »jg y bi^^een Beneaa afld St HiHra in ooSf own eonntry, only a few ye«n.ago, men ckimed to hare found golden platea upoli whtdi waa written a >revelatioii from Ood. They fonnded • n«#tMgi6n, and, aeeordiidt to their Btote- mint, mH mairf mirarlei. They were treated « outeaita^ and ibeir leader waa V itamtdetedf. Theabtnenmadtf their Mepo- attiona" '^n the-iinmed)at«» proMMet of deiith." They -MWi iiiobbed,>r8ecttfea. deiflded; iii^d irtft th«y 'fnilated tha« thdr premhel had intnwuloita ib#er. and that he. 'loi»' ^utd a#ittg hkSk the hlngeteaa dobi ef de th. The folIoii%B of theae mttihhVelncreiHid. Intheaefeiryear^ fo' thai 9^ th^ tnurtf^ired mophet haa at kail tWjD hondbntd tliiafaeaM diaeiplee. It ^^hMi^^ttded mim^H altlibut^^ta ta ait «il «MI iHth ,ptt^ inii«iinee,;nid , jFi faalKm^ fl^t. Ihe'Uai&ini'of ^inlth were ao %^M^ ^IMkipl^'dia' aollMirtheliiiili* to -!?,T.- were bat few people who eould wrMib Mi that a manuaoTlpt did not beoepie pahno in any modem aenae, it waa poaalble for the goaoela to hate been written with all ibe fooUah elalmain relerenoe to roiraolea without ezeiting oonupent or deninL There ia not. In all tba oonteniporaneouk Uterattnre of the world, a iln^a word about Obriat or hla apoatlea. The paragraph in • Joaephiu it admitted to be an interpdbtbn, and the lettem, the aeeount of tne tilal, and aeirend other dpenmente forged by the " aeal of the early fawera, are noiTndiiiltM . tobefblfee. ^>' Neither wffl it do to aay that "the atat«. menta niade by the orangellate are alike upon oT^ry important point.** If there ia anything of importanee ttr the New T«it». ment, from the theologleal itand.piniflt. it ia the aloendon of Jeaua Ohriit If that happened, H wae a miracle great enough to aurfelt wonder. Are the atatementa of the inapired wilneaaee alike en thla impoiw tant point? liOtnaaee, ^<' MHttbew aaya nothmg upon the aubjebt. Either Matthew ya$ noi tb«re, hftil nerer heard of Urn aieeiiMbn,:— or. baring heard of it, did not belieTe it, or hnTlng aoen it, thoi^^t it |'H»janimportapit to record. To thia wonder of wonaera Maik deTotea One ▼eiae : "Bo theii, after the Lord had apok- en unto them,' be waa received up into heaven, andeat on the right-hand of «k)d." Oah we believe that thla tene waa written by one who witneeeed thd iaoenaiun of /eiUa OhriMi by one who watched hb Maater aldwly riaing through the air tin diatance raft him from hie tearful al^tf Luke, another of the wltneerte, aaya : "And It eame topaaa, while hia* bleeeed them, lu^ waa parted from them, and car- ried ap)nt6 beaten.** John corrobcMtea Hatthef^, by aaying nothing on the aab- jeot. How w^ ffndlbat the iMtchapterot ICark, after the elahth vera^. hr an Inter- poUtlon ; ro tiiat MuprK <«aUy aaya nothing about the^Meurraode. Either the aacen- aion of Ohnat nra|i aMdiog to John ware : "Peter, aeeiog Bim, laith to Jetua; liord.aipdwhMahail thia man dof Jeeiu eaith unto h|ai, If I wUI that he tony till 1 corn** whit Ja that to thee J fottow thou mo." An aoo^unt of thiTMcmaion ia alio gtT. en in the Acta of the ApoaUea ; and the laat worda of Christ, aeoording to that in. q>ired witneia, era: "But yaihall rveelfe power, aftor that the Bohr Qhoat ia eome upon yon ; andye abnll ne witneoMe onto ma^ both io Jerusalem and in all Jndea, and in Bamaria. and Unto the uttermoet part of the earth." Inthiaaooountofthe laoe n ai nn we find that two men atood by the diaciplea in white apparel, and atked tbeai ; '^Te men of Oaliiee. why itand ye gasing up Into heaTon t TIM* 4iu»« Jeaua which ia taken ap^fhun you into heaTon, ahall NO eome in like manner aa .ye hate ifcn him go into heaTen" JfattiMw aaya j^otliing of the two men. Mark aeriir aaw ^m. Luke may have Jorgottan them when writing hie goapel, and John may havo rfgardod them aa optieal Ulusiona. Luke t^atiflea that Christ aaoended on the Tory d«y of his reaurraotioa. John de- poaes that eight ds^s alter the xeaurreetion Ghri»tappeMed to the diaciplea andoon- vinQiediThomaa. Inthe Aotawb are told that CMs* remained on earth for forty 4ayB after hia reaorrectifm* . Tbeae '^dqpo. aitiona'' do not agree. Neither do Mat- tbew«nd Luke agree in their historieB of tke infancy of Christ. ttia.impoe(4bleiac iboth to be true. One of thaae *««itneaaen" muat have been mlataken. ,; -..u-a t Tlie moefc woaderfv^ mimehLfeaordad In the . Xew hTealament, M wvlag been wwiil^t'bgXihriat^rto th^'Weto a sctiatt of La««KiM. TVrbila all tbft writara^of the goa- IDfld, In men/ Inenmcea, reooid ; the aapse jroMfvannid the eame epii.«eiMation%i Itit iMifeaiidiible thmmgiintcit mba^ ia '«f ,.ttie ifi tn fii wi ; > Uttilhew raad ig|ii«:|lw,Mnetlngyot Clhrietr Mat- pi^Aijit that there wcrjB for|y-two ig«pa- * fh. m Abanwn to Wet.. Lulia that . tbetf wei* Iprty-^o fiwn •,]>a?td, fUf&MiKl^bew giveai tlie aa Iweiity'elgbt. It majr.hetiid Jn vxi M <^a||eoti«B, An/.ob- -^'naj^mnf wi^ It httJieea \%p)i$,/^«■ •*;';;'".(.• . Tbe other disdplea do not resiMd itliia I monatroua paaaagei , Theydldnot|ieair^ ' abdication of God. They were not wmol when Ohrlat plased in tbeii^nBda the bcya M heavan and belLand put a wdld be- Aieatb,thefeetof'|ttieeta^v i-'i ^ !i'/r>n U.it easy tei eeeount ftir the di ff e r e niM and eon^dietioaa r in these "diq^tioii*" . (and tbait/ are hundred of Ihem) by Wf- ing'that eeeb <»« .told tbAaftdry ae he re- memtaoKedtit^ oraa ha badkeiM It, er|bat, tdie/ aesounte haTO been ,oliiiiMii^lHNt«H JwUl;aotKa^Mld;|lMl|i^aww rMe>tiiiraQeciiiAfO|,aimhinf»,':iAll la tint iMi of trath iMi to ontioary wftMtHt !• •)■. k: ft dfljiMNMtratioB i|iriMt thcirittMltftlluD. It win not do ftt iElt Ittto dftT to «iy tlttt tha odndM worked by Christ domoMtnt- ed |4i dlTfiio origin or niwton. Th« won- AvftU irorka Jia did. did not eoBTinoa tha paopla whh who« ha li?«d. la apita of tha mfaaclaa, ha waa oraoillad. Ha was ad to boHeva on Mohaouaed : beoanae ha waa an iaipoator/ aad tluit tha dtlaens tft Jerosalam refasad to baUeva on Jeans Ohrlst becansa he waa not an Inio^ ■ '.'poator. ■ ,■■ •.•.'•'.,: If Christ had wrought the mlrftiltr at- trlbntad to him-4f hahad eurad thamalB. ad, tha Ifprous, and tha halt— if ha had chaiiged the night of blindness lnto^b!asaod ■ di^-Mf ha lud wresto tain." ' . * '^ it The fftet tfuit Christ Uved in- JPaiseifBa doea Bot tend to show that he waa in ftar Wfty ndftted to the Holy Ghost ; aof does the ezhtsiMeof the Ohrlstiftnraligiott svb- stantiate tha aaosnaion of Jsaoa Christ. We an aU adanit th^it Boeratsa Utad la Athens, but wadonot admH that he had a fttftmiUarndttt. laaaallsfledthat^lohii Wealey wai aa £ngli«hmah, b)itlha»dly balleTe tKat Qod poatponad a tain teoanet Mr. Wealay wanted to atfeaeh.' AU the natural thloM la tha wnrM ftta act suttot- rat to estabUah tha au^eroalttral. Mr. Bhwk reaaona hi thia Wfty : Tliara Wis a hydrft-headed saonaier. we know this, b^ cauae Harenlea klAad hha. There arast have b«Wi nu!h a womail •• PaoasrpiiisL oAerwise Pluto eookl not hate eakrte&haV ftway. Christ must Imve bsen difiheJ b^ canae the Holy Ohost waft his fftthsk*. i3d thata must have been ai^a bali^ fta ^ Holy Ohoat, baoaaaa without a IMi^ Christ eould not hafa^ftxtstad. Tfaoiiwii^ ftra dlMcsttd to del^ava^ftig baoftui*! li nUa. rsaaaaataot^ tha othsr way. SiiMiat that bftbaiiM fkkM «M ao t'MjHl iMHisisri IMilM «d abt exiat. Tha tfoe totMimMim^iklmmm, thftthii ^^J^'l^J^^**'^^^^ tiftH wMMiihat^lii ere«D«Bt triumphed ^^^^SSmSSSJSSSX!l m % MiM'idafta eC'.aiiiisiii. .^ .bW'!»idsiif rat Ohrirt. M lit«ditt MheHada IMMt^lohn latllittdly iiiite(MMM« u' AU tiM aotmtttot- tbnL ifr. oirtliii,b«> bar* ani»t ntoMher (bak*. t » IsttMr TtMiiwIib (beoMiitb i»^«tt. no (UMiided ^tiSt. WM in iwf ^^'V mBoi^. BjhhfjtHtm of "oonpntaioo" ••JM^mnblad to aqaoMo otit wb«t I ^^tmbfmta. Mid rabfiKnto • ftw Mttt«iMM ibffhiiowa. Idld'ii6ttii3rlhat"ObrfMttin- ftyoOm cleragl'MlTMioii m thoMWiid .;M M(«f Blono." hut 1 did t^ tbtt tto ibi- ^ytfoa <• 6fl«red *(fJkMrt b«ll«t. T^^n .annt be a diffenMAto of (mlalotr In tl« °^!?!??* *** '**'• »»«*•• wHnwwtiNi «M:" and ; the following Ma«g«i ii^ tpfonfffehtof iMlhatOqd wOl hete Ua e^e- «y era the children thatimtify aa U» tb« red oharantor of their |Mureak M orao Qod, larceny to the Mbmyof ladaetou. indoatnr la tbemothei^ o£praapeti^Z|SS^ parity & a nod. and ^S^StlSS^St^ an •»»• J»«l or no dod; murder le a ^ma . $h«ie kf» alwMa bc|ei| a law agaluF* laieeny^bNiuna tin |pof«r wiali- ee^enlOTtheln^t^iaaioIir^ ; Acooitog tii ilir. jftl«ok« the doea not belMe Ui a eni^eme koowMgee ao etantUn^bTiigm.! In jMil^world, andtbeKal'iMw, m m^r^0a^ ii>»"&i:fiJi THii mnamkx ulioiok. t !• wraaf r vanrtkUig ifl 1 off hlWMB to »W«f vttli 1th alT WW' ' of WfWixt Vluiitoooa- »> j^ W Ofd |l«illos hat I ftaUatUMi i^UIm atair- » b« QMi- • '^ NfOOd, 10 d no oon- •r food nor owlodMof ImMICMUI. att«r$ril- • dqnolW urd of ikht • th» ■Ua* or, no Bfte li leil • law Mforwbli- .df tW? If Udi doelriM to trao, how om Qo4 b« liut orTittttoai r DoMho holl«?o In torn being MiMrior !• hlMMll r ItaMvho MM UMithtfPHMMhoUoTWl olfkbt Mi wrooa B«t Mm PufAno did kMWMlbiag of Jehovah. Of eMM H JWJ* do fO bcllOflO 111 llMwVIHIfflOd. JroM^H. know tt^ diihMBet iSwSS iwnlNtllM _ dWrtilinnntt gimottr dotlobt of na'^ik^naM. ▲f« Wi m\$ Mnnlrad t»i Blflplnor. •f ligM (lodji^la thn ioe who ortabHnhod ilamy. Om thlo bo nvtldod by — *— UM Bibio. iho dlHnriTor OhrinRhoMM!! menl, nnd Iho THnHr. nrlMipltn t Will It bo adniltlod ygf Iho oHiodra iMrl4 thS mk% _ prlBoiplo* UMtn Mw god to bMMrlhnn nooof^^ ^Thoilonof iaatloo If noi tho ohOdof Mi|wntlllon*-lt i»w not bora of Ignoranoo ; Itf '^^'^ *• nmrtwrod hf lb. pio««M In tbo OM Tflotonibok ufSoMInt ^mr^ ^^. WJff^Hootloo, and nllgloai por- ■oootloo. Bvorf bam«n bolng nooiwMlly hM a otendord of rlKbl and wrong ; an^ whoro that »tnod«td baa not boon pbliatod fww n waf of extormlontton •• nrardor, ??^.>*'.«?i»PI«»«i**Hia ponotMtloo ao • bidooua oriBM. If t&Mo la a God. laflnlto terr !"^ r*!!*^' •'^^ "•»» ^oi^d in ri^i"^""; i»»«>«fl«aw of inatioe. At ^ ■•"^U! lnaa^ i ■ i.-i^/ "ii? iii\- . Aoooidlng to tbo logto of tfali "iflly " •^/JK^ ••»«>. •»il beoomo nliad^i^ mingloJ-oqaally g©od nmr oqnally bad SfrSIi/* ?"* ''HS; •«»»'»d hotbanda W Mil thoir wltci. ^Wo do not know right ;J[??'T?* "?T' «<»»««wwonfooonvlttoed tbata boiog of intiaite aoroy w»jied wai« w-SST?**"'*'?? 'our thon*iod y5im aga wo«M laoapable o^n of ohariiy, untoaa wawiwhipthe beinir i»lio oitlorod the hubnndto-khl bit wRe tor diilbring with Wm on the subject of leltglon^ • .. rtfJ'^'' *'!i* •oto •» ««H»d o» bid only ne Ihayatfeot the aA^or*. nod otheva. wi qitenoMi flow, and that fhum om b«d Mt toere^oiiiywttrewlt* Bmyrlrraoae liTif ^"J^l "<»*** '«»'"• •»*■ ♦«»• Pky- aiealt theabiotnteandperfeot rabtimief •«Wtt»^ft4a«ft«i For *thla Ma*H»,^lS OthM teay auffer by your ortwn bnt th^ • BttfMittg cannot di|Bbarge ron ; l« sloiMly tawWMja^^ attdlidda «iy^ biK' d6»^ftt thia Niaea ha|»ptnei la not-a ««*wlKl»-« la ft oooaa^luetttfB^ ' logwlntf *!•' ; I ft^f hWti n in eilt^im mnMSi ■ ' .^- - - jllniiiMld^lhftl Ohriat^uiii# la not opai ^mmifinmiA thoaghl. i«K that^ > ■eootifaooa with ovtnin prlBotalaer ■Jf Ai?*l! •«<»»>?«»» doolrlne, bnt It to OhHatlftttlty. And tighf hatft. tl aay well enough In aiate whftk I ttonnbt worn Ohffial.* In Thfg not ^ bo well enougl[ . Ohriitinnlly. Tho nMmlliy of la not dlaHnOllvrly OhrietiM. « Oautana. Mehftmmod, Ooofttoina. end. In fkwl, all foondero of **!rV^? i? **»* d»«J 52IL2? ****.H5'»^ by^ the inMie,™C relKloa of Mohamand ip tlMi««dlniiiv moral ^ fiMt the belief that lloha«;,, mod «np th« ptophot of Ood. tota)»abair^ nenoe from the VH of Jq|o)(ia^|ag drinkiL . a harem for tba faithful hare >J4hlI!r. !2!r'i2"& l»»*«V.4^.,iig|||g|,- Th»moraUty In OhriaManllythaa never oppoaed the freedom tA thowht. It hoa norar pal^ nor tended to put^ n chain on a hunnn mindf nor n manaoh} on a hnman Hl*-Jii ^^J"^ doctrlnoa dlstlneUvely OUrirtian--.»he neemaity of beUorlng a certain thing ^ tbo idea that eternal milah- *Wj**!l?^ Mm Who failed to beUwe; tho idea that the inaoeent canaaflbrftw the ifulH3r-**hwe ^thipga have oppoeed. andfcrathonaand yearn aabetinttal^ > mind. . AllMligiena baM^ wlthoeiemoi^. magio, and myateiy. deformed, di^keoed^ •ndjwrtBp^ thwemil. .Aroa^ oaka of mptaUlir hava groaa aad rlnni tba pararitH tlincoaoaa vtnon oC tha mS* ftoaloQa 'aad SMMiatioan* -> , '^^ ''.>- rha^o Itebto^'hiMt I aUB umb^ thi^ li 'Wb ^'nSttotnjNtt'^ ^ in tilrM^f.lA^^ Jii THX OHIIiaTUll iUIM^IOlff. r- f :\' ■«rln4"4ti»to«a. OblyA(OAdeDS*)ain«od fl«f#«-0ktf (ftiotoviMiiUia iUed ijrftbffoal fanai BBtt tnm ^arta.of toir waa ha- tndrT«Bb,ftq«i the«9mto1aaQ!» of laager aoold ooma thto tomlijiiiii^; baa r t l aaa. and abaaid of #11 dognMc '\., ^j Oar aoaaaton koaw but IHtto of oatol4*^* Tboj w«ra too aaloBiahad to lotaatlgatt. Tbay aould oot dlvaat tbamaaltaa 6l the Idaa that averytblsf bappaaad wlthiiitor- aooa to tb^tm i that tbay oaoiad atortHMod aBrtbouakaa: tbBt th«r bcaua^4^tom> : paat aad the wklr|«hU i that e«iammt of aomatbiaf th«y had dooe, or omktid to do, tha llgbtoiof (rf vaataaoaalaapadknto Um darkoBad OLy. They mmU up thoir mlada that at toaat two raal aad powadhd balnga piaaMad orar tbto world ; that om* woa good aod tha othar bed : that boUi of UMaa balag wUhad to gat oaatrol of ftka aoato of mao s that thiw were M lia tto m. • enomiaa, ataraal foaa ; that both watoomad reoruita aod haled daaarlera t that one of- faiad rawarda la thla worUi, oad tha other la the oexi. Kob aaw oroelty aod aaaroy la oatara. beoauaa ha laoagUMd that pbaa- ooMoa ware pruduocd to puol4li or to ra- ward blm. It waa suppooad that Ood da- OModad worahlp i that oe lorad to ha fl«t- terad ; that be daUfbtwl 1b aaoridoa : that BoUilog made blm happlrr thao to aee to- noraot tolMi upon IM kooaa t Ibat above all thing ba daamaad doablani ead heratica, oBd ragardad iBTaattoatloa aa raballiaB. Bach oommualty felt It a duty to tea that tba enaoilaa of God ware aoayarted or klU- ad. XpallowaheratletoUiraiBpeaaawa* to iatfto tha wrath of Ood' ]Bvery publlo •tU— every oUaforfoae— woa aaooooted for by aomethlog the aommaoily had parmlto tad or dooe. Whan apl d aaU ca appea r ed, bcoagbt by IfBonuioe aad weleomiMl by filth, the haratld woa broa^t oat aod aaoriflaad to appeaoa tht.dogei of Ood. By putUot iBtanUoB, bablod iWbat bump nUtod good, Ood waa produoad. By pattiag la- teaUoa beblad what oiaa culed had, the • Deyil wai onated. Laa?e thla "kiteaUoo" out, and 80(to aoddeTliafMlt'avaf . , If aot a bumao Miog extoted, tha.euB would emi- tlnae to abloa^ aad tampeat' now aad thea wpakldaTaatoto thaeerlh ; the rola would foil la ptoaaBBt akowintt violate would aptaad their velv^ eoaodM to the aua, the earthquake would devour, btoda, would alag aad datotoi Idoom aod toaaa bluah, aad ▼ ileMMea ftll the beeviiaa .wUh tbeir lurid flare; the pirooinaloti of tbeaaaaoaa would oot ba broaea, aad tiM aiaa would abiaa aa weaaiy oa though taeworid waae filled with lovlag heorto aod happy h'^oaa. Do oot Imanae that Um doetitpeolelefBBl ravaoge beloaga to , Cbfto Uii B lttry a|Otto> Meoriy aU vall»b>fi« tev* l|ad m$ dagma for a ooraar'atcaMi. YJpo* thto ^kralog foQodatlw aearly lOl hi^«»hi»ttt. Qf«r,tito abyoa of pap loaolho nUttepiig . dflkJM ol ptowmcft ^toww^iifjMMiHMIfiiMrw ottftoL, Have, • M 'i imU» «lf4i*v. H«rt, IBM bad tbaopportunliyof bMrfaif pHMto Mid kiMaNng to UnpUt H««, tMoould Nad. Md bcAT rMMl. tb« mend boolu. B«r«, he ooald h*v« th« nAoiplc ol lh« Mow Md Um «oiiQMlt of Um bofjr. Bora. J^ 9»M balkl earth, where tho dovi! ia oonatantly aotive, only where hia ageotii attack every anul, la there theallKhttat hope of mo'ai Impovement. Btmncrel that a world ouraod by Qod, fill- •d with temputlona, aad thick with flenda, ■bould be the only plaoo whore Wao eao npeot, the only place where relorm ia >)a^iol• I ' Maatera frightened aloToa with the 'threat of bell, and slaTea got a kind of •badowy roTongehTWbiapering back the fbreat The imprfannod imaglood a hell for their gaolera ; the weak built thia plaob lor the Btrqnf:tho arrogant for their — ^Mvala ; the Taoqolxhod for their vietort ; Ihoprieat for the thinker; religion for 'teaaon ; taporatiiion for aolenco. All tho ' meaoneaa, dl the roTonge, all the aeifiah- lieaf. all the cruelty, aU the hatred, all ' ttie infamy of which the heart of man ia oapablo. grew, bloaaomed, and bore fruit bithiaooe word— Hell. Fa/ the nourlah. meotof this dogma, cruelty waaaoil. Ig- norance waa rain, and tett waa light. ^ Why did Mr. BUok fail |o answer what llpaaid io relatiorip^tbe doctrine of Inapir- ationT Did ho consider that a "mot». , physical qnoKtion " t Let oa aee what In. '•pfration really la. A min looka at the . tea. and the aea aaya aomething to him. ,^j}% mi|kea an impreaaion on bli mbid. It ^Awakena memory, and tbia itDpreaaion de« i^^oenda upon hia experience— upon hla in. : Ibllebtual capacity. Another looka upon . tiie aame aea. He baa a different brain; he , MS a difl^nt etperionea. The sea may •peak to him of Joy, to tho other of grief ,,,^MidtranL l*ha aeaoimooft toll the aame . Mdag to anv two hwnan belaga, bectaoae :,:-po twQ human bdmta hare had V,,;tti^Mune ezperienee. PM may thipk of ;4;m}^ and niiot and •ngAat* whilto list. Ivery dmp haa ▼taltaAr Mtb : every OM baa beai tbeesa," ouiy aay: all the sboroa or earth; every' froBon in tbo vaol and icy North. kaatattaBi In snow, boa wbirlod la otorma arosmd the mountain poaka, bii*B kiomMl to rttpor bv the auB. worn the aevon hood robe of llaht. fbllen in plooaant rain, gurgled firoin •pHBfs, and laagbed in brooka, while loTora wooed opon the baoka. ■▼orrthlag In nature tolla a different atory to all oyaa tb«t see and to all osrs tb«t hoar. Bo. when wo look opon a flower, a palotl^, a atatoo. a star, or a violtit, tho bmio wo know, tne more we bavo eiporienpad. tha more we have thought, the more we ra> member, the more tho statue tbo atar. the painting, the vinlet ba^ to tell. Nature soys to me all thst I am capable of aodsr* atanding— fflvsa all that I can rseelTo. Aa with star, or flowor, or sea. »owith a book. A thoBvbtful man roads Bhakoapeara. What does he trtt All that bo haa tae mind to underotand. Lot annthar ra^d him, who knows nothing of the drama, nothinit of the imporsonaUOBs of paa<4oa. and whst does he got? Almost noih. intr. Bbakeep^ro had a differmt story for eaoh rea'^er. fle is a world in whieh each rpflogniase hla aequaintaaeeo. The ImprfioMion that nature makoa upon tho mind, tho atoriea told by aea and star aad flower, must be the nstuml food of thoBtbt. Leariog out for the moment tho Impreaaion^ gained from anoeetora, the bereditsry fears and drifts and treitda— the natural food of thought mBat ha the Impreasiona made npon the brain by com. ing in eontaot through the medium of Una sensn with what we call the outward world. The brain la natural ; ita food ia .natnral i the reault, thought, muat be natural. Of the supernatural we have no oonceptinn. Thongbt may be deformed, and the thought of one may be atraoge to, and denominated unnataral by, another } but at cannot be supernatural. It nr ay be weak, it may be infeane, but it la not aup> eraaturaL Ahore tho natural, mep can. not riae There can be dhlormedlieaf, as there are deformed persona. 'wTbere may be religions mon«trous /aod^laibapen, but they were natnrally/produoed. Tlie world'io to each man /keoordinr *o eseh man. It takea th« world a« it rwdly la and that man to make that man's world. , Ton may aak. And ihat of aU tVkt I leply, A« with ererythlnflr in natmk ao with the Bible. It haa W diflTorent story for eaoh reader. Is, then, the Bible a diflhreni book to every human befaig who reads tt T It ia. Pan Qod. throigh the Bible. B^kke predady the aame refdat'on to two par. sons? Be eannot. mhrl Braaosa the man who reads Is not insp£red. Qoisboold iaapira Tsaders as wall as writers. ^•, ti tHl OHRWnAN BEUQION. \. 7 httck would h* und^fMtnod dlffarsotlj by M«h nno. •n, I iiavA DO rlf(bt tu l«k« tb« utic1«r> •tAnUlng ol AmitUer. I mttvt lake lb* rrvi'lMtlttn inadfl to in« throiiKli my uiulur- ■latxliiig, nnd liy lli«t r«-vi'|i.tlon I iiiiiMt •land'. Knp|i();i«t, Ili«>n, tlitt 1 n ml lh|a BHilfl hoiicaily, faiilr, and wb«vc- lation made to ai*\ mid by nrhicb I am bound. If tbu book and mv liralii sro >' ' lH>tb tbfl woik of Ibo aiim<- fnflniti- OtMl, wboao fault ia It lliiit the Itook and brain do not aMftoT Bllbcr Qod abiuld bave written a book to fit my brain, or abotjld htiVf' inHdo my b ain to 'flt bla lio«>k. Tbe inrpiralion of ibe liible dc| en' pn>H- liift my propoHitioriH, nttiiliulca to one ibe following etHteniflnt : ''Tbc goapcl of Cbrint doCB not aatiafy tb« bunger of tbebeatt.v I did not aay tbia. WliaLX^. ^^ did »ay ia: *♦ The dng'naa of Ibe pnal no «'loDgfr reach tbe le?cl of the blghettt ' thought, nor tallafy tbe hunger of the heart. " In ao far aa, Gbriat taught any ''doctrine In oppoaition to alavcry, in favor V of iutelhtotnal Ubrity. ui^oldlnK kindDeva, '"enforcing tbe 0raoti i' 'enaeioi ia, wbetber the immoral, abaurd, i^^gnd infamouB can be eatabliabed by the ^niraenloua. It oannot be too often re- t pei^^, that troth acorna the aaaiatance of mirade. Thkt which actually happjena '• Mta in motion innumerable effects, which, >o in turn, become eauaea producing other .'•ffecta. ' These are all "Witnefsea'^ whose jrnt*,'we ere IMed (Q weigh the probabtlltiaa, and the pohahm* tira ar i qn tb« otUnr alda. It w/u not do to MHiTi that tba ualvcrao wm eraated. and then any that auuh crt-ation wm mir- acniona, and, tbarefora, all miraalaa are poaaibln. Wa muat Im aum of nor pram- laea. Wbo knowa tbat tliA unitr«rafl waa crt'atcd f If It waa not ; If il baa eziated from Rt<*rnitv ; If tbe present ia the naoea- aary child of «ll the paat, than tbe fnlraaa* loua la tha impoaaibla. Throw away all tbu mlraclaa of tna New Taatanieut, and tlif goo«lief la neoaa- aarjr to MiilvAilou. and with m Mr. Black, attribntea to ma the foil «W< Ing niprMsaion : " (Jbrlatianity ia pernleioua in its moral effect, darktina the mind, nar- rown the soul, arreata Ibe progreaa of buman anriety, and bindera cIvilizHtion." I aaid no Ruob.thlng. Hlraign, tbat he ia only ahio t> nnawer what I did not aay. I an- d'avore reatei OhrielUn ntual udmil lh«t ■any of iha mtra^lM rrcor«M to ib« N«w TMUm«olai|« eilremaly ohiliilab. Thay ■luai tM th«t th« mlraauloua draught «>r iahea, cbaitfiac water into wlnr. taaling for forty dayi. iDduoinK drvils to !••▼« aa MMna man by allowlriM th«ni l%||j|iM*- ■liilon of awioo, walking oq tlra fvttar, and oalng'a flab for a pookat book, are all unworthy of an Inflnlta Uing, and arw cal- etilatMl to proTokn laughler~io r««d aiia. piclon abd engender doubt. Mr. Blaak tak«a the ground (bat If a , Ban btllevea in tbe crt-atlon of tlio tfni. variM— tbat b«ing tha moHt ktu|H>ndoua miracle of which th« mind oau conceive— be haa no right to deny anything. He ai' aerta that God creat« bimaelf bad drunk of theee fountains. Sjl. AuKu»tino decUrpa tbat oni* waa told in a dttmin wli«fft the Ixmea of 8». Stephen were buriisd, that the lH>ntw wera thus dlMoverrd, Hnil brouKht to llippn. snd that thive with the daiighiera of men. auen««l. They were wrou^l.l by tbuujjoa < f for- IliTooess, his creed of kindness, wore lost in tbe mist of miraole and the darknusit of superstition. If Mr. Black is right, there were no ▼inne, justice, intelleetisal lllterty. moral elevation, reflnement, benevolence, or true wisdom, until Christianiiy was vatabished. He aeaerta that when Christ came. '* ben- evolence, in any abupe, was altogether un- known " He insists tbat *' the ibfalllble Om* Who aotborlsed alavery iu Judta" taUblUhed a foTemment ; tbat b« was the bead and ingot the JbiiUl P^°^ '< ^l>at for tbia reason heresy waa t that Ood establish 'whidi;! bene^dbr lenStet s uaiwowaAfc.^ i«aM)UsU JN« do yoffaii Bt tha.t vouim of hliMi didlK aelis^lf did it happen Vat _ luaiis for toe iBJiane r for the fact tha.t you Is it possible t Jpivernnifnt in .. ■ — r- pHrmitted^eae b#a^lgl« insane t «4lhy ' "iiHli ,i<,«piti,|^ igid It© btlit St a i ' * ■ i.W: «l # TBI mnxwrnx mua t CM wooli MiM Ilia alMMM paepl« to _,j or OMlotr* HUoUmt olilMrM? Wliy voiild fow Oud pmifim m •wUi. tmwim Ihol U wo«14 IM 4««tUu4« of fcwitMliioi for four ihouMad^ jmnf li^ovftJi alMMld iMirt muk wt i mi* m ^ t im lo liUMbMMrti oi Tkmam. tlo ■boold kftvo MBl tt— hofw. not lolillws—iiilMloo- •rlot, ooi ■ardorara. A all OMB ara by natota ti— and aqnalf k« MM know that a raUgkm Of abao- laia tiaai la Ood had baaa laaghl thoua- batora Janiaalw waa buUl-^ #«: i^aanylag iia aan i da n aa la iha odgaof hnaiaBtkottfhli,daolar' iif llMt ffwy «tU If ft hiMilhf IB dngnlM. •ad thal.ftv«rf atap takan by oiorlal oitfn. kiikt rajT rf irrrlr ^ ** t*' aKlalhaaiepaaoa hg Ikaraonl H artar lo aai aiawi i l lor^ ioraaMB.w&ohal iha rilnkiiH mmm arikarHirl 'If Kr; Biaak la af 81^ laihaaiap aaoaaaaiy lo ha H aidar lo laadipar' im how i( It ijlt*«»^ 4*miki -My Why bail Hmni fc»raMaa Pwtba who k»»«d bla f«lk»w- _.— - who baiio^ In an li^tCJr|*kMMf who would •blald tba loaatiiH W^pro*^* ^ Jnat^fcir tba magMr wm ^pMad to ba imoaid trodi tbMMlpI •mm, and who at _ waa daat, orlad aitt la tla^gmhat Ood I My Ood I ni« r^^for that frtal and Miffarlna Man. nlalakmi thoqgb ba was. I bava tha hlahatt admiration an I raapaot. That nan did not. aa I batlara, oUIm a aUrMulttua orlflQi ha did «kil pt«««od to baal tb« alok nor rmlaa tha daad. iHasialoMd tin ply to ba a man. and Uught hi* Mlow-nao that lore la alrongar for than bat*. Bla Ufa waa wriltan by r«Yarant lgooi%no«. Lot- Ing oradality baUttiad hla aarfar with faala of JugRlarr and magia art, and prlaaU. wishing lo paraaMta aod tlay. put la bla moolh tha worda of batrad and ravaana. Tha thadoffioal Ohrlat la tba Impoaalbla union of tba human and divlna— man with tha atiribataa of Ood. and Ood with Iha Umltationa and waaknataaa of man. | Aflar glYlag a f^bla daaoiiptloaj>f tba Pagan world. Mr. Black aava: "Tka cbarsh aama, and bar llgbt panatratad tha moral darkoaaa Ilka a now aun ; abaootarad •ba with inttlinttona of maroy." IfQfT I>D waM>i know tka* a RofifeMamflrafall, darkaaia on tba^rondt Dowaaockndw ^ dnrknaaa laalad for a tbounaad yaam. and that daring all thai tima tha ebaroh of Obriat bald, with bloody tMBd^ tba award of powarf Tbaaa yaavt vara tha atarlaaa nldolght of our mea. Art dlod. law waa forgolleB, tolaralton attaid \6 exiai charity Had from tha hipan braaat. ftad Jnallaa wai unknown, dat" ware tyranta. prlaala wara pMlaaa, and tta paor midtituda w«ra alataa. In tha atlla of Chrial, npfn mada Itt'trumanta of loHvtfa. and tba anio da /« look tba plaea of tha gladlatoAil ahow. Llbarty waa la ehalpa, Ikoaaity fa doagaoni, Whfla OkriaOha aapar^tien ndad mankfaid. OitWMaalty •ompronlaad with Pbgariam. Tka j U ft iM of JapMer waranaad tu np i itiii t lA g A. Itlaaad barbaba w«ra ebaM(it ttllMt aad tba Iniaat OkHal 9IM TMdy^ af ■opi baoama tka fblhar. Bbi, «M«afy Obok. tbaalaivUaltTOt Ilia aiMy Qkri** tlana waa lodi In kaathan ritaa aad ragan pamp. .ThftbaUavaniiithfttli pmlf kbaaoM fflak. avaridea% of %* If* OT- I •>•' . t • 1^- ^tt« wlikva •r ftttMii Tito iBj^d^^ VotlMd *rtU» a^l Mid ob*r« MUlMl lb* ff"V***5 f** "•• 'OOlMi»llOn of lii Mill*. JUT FrUtU Mid olmniig wrf^UeTto jwota w) Bm«o for •omTiJk. w^' »^« ^ooaw.1 miym. .od oblldf«ii tbulr wowiiM tbo power of the «l4ur«li. PiMi Uoco •upporlKd tb« pulpU. tod famino VM ♦Ml hi»M(t«i fhr bMtiv Ufl. It «•■ TbagMMiM erecilbt^i Um igiWn .,^ « hOHd of i;^ koovinf tbM u Uk« pl««nir« (s ftrtof." 4qMf^ lor« to fluiH W^ At* aod «^«1 ml* Id Routf. * rtS ••••bimMbcw |bi«f bikoditidfitf. *• if^ *?'• **••* ^ ^°<* •noufb to atiia Wilb UiMltotioos of mewy" T lo bfi jT u>Mltutloa« weie or«Mi»«d In ib« aral SSkJ^* or •ll«w»l«,4h« morulagolObrl.. "•miy. How muiy boapitalu for tb« alok wlih nek* and ibamb-Miawa. witb aukM ™f«f awnlMd doctors. Praftr waa ««iWi»c Pbyaidan. IniarttfSdStb 7bl ■^ofcbwBi»andMlk». TbachurabdS ^^liS??'^- TbaaarljObriatiaiirda apt bnUd aajlumafor tbo ina«n« tw eb«|»d Ibwn witb witcbctafH aud buIS SZli J^ **!S* •Viuma. not for So A^^ ^ •**• *»»** '«' ^ mentally ^•^jtoiM. TbOMi aaylttuia w«» grate* «:!£ S*iJf •*"*«*■ *^ »»"' workfba»*not vorda of borror anoiwb so paint tba aaon* Igi^ol ili«a ti»« Iba cbuSTbiS pISS ttJB, w4 Commodna ««% not aa arual. ft|i«. Md baaa aa auqj of tba Cbtktlaa P«nia orluilnaia vrita Jobn tba XlL L«j AM • mm son,'* awl ffd. Em ••bynatw* >B^ ante P^aii tb*l frairia«ot« of OnM* aod Rowm ariZ i«i of tba Uootm^mm^ tb^MH of toodam altlHiatlon. Obrlatlanirpr; ibo!^ lo belia? a. No< oa« step waa takan in ad- vance. Ofar tba auinaaorlpla of abUoao. pbera and poala. pri^la. wilb Ibatrlgno. imal tonfuaa Ibraai out. da«ooUy aomiSS tba forfariaa of f^Ub. F t a Ibouaalld yaara Uia lorcb of profraaa waa axtingulab. diaolplaa. moMd by IgmMant , aaal. 1^ Inaaoa. eru«l deida. aaslFoywl witb fl.^ and aword a bnndrad alttiooa of tbdr fallow.map. Tbay mad* ibia wotld a baUL But if aatbadrala bad baan uiifSii«tlaa!^i2l duogauna of iba loqulslUoB bad baab laboratorlaji-if CbriirtUa bad MlU^ «l»raclar loatoad of craad-lf tbay bad takan from tba Bibia aM Ui* go Uia wickad and afianrd-lf domra of t*aipl«a bid baan obaarratoHaa .--if priMta baa ba« phdoaopbS-Ilfmff' Bionarlea bad Uoubt tba uaafol art«~lf aitroloaiy bad baan aatronomy— a tba blaak •rt haTbwn obamialry-if tUpataStK inanliy^it would bava baan abaavan flUad Wadldnoi gat our fraadom frooi Iba obnrob. Tba groat thitb. tbat all bm ara by natura fraa, waa narar told on Bin. Jf oiiiEr * "** *»^'^«*«»^J«»»«~ Tba Old Taatamiat flOad lilt woild W«lh tyranny and (sJna. andJba iKw dT« na a fntoia flUad «lib pain foTaairjy all tba aonaof man. TbaOld daMrtSn tba ball of tba paat. aod tWM tbTSt oftbafutoia. ^^vSSta^^S^ fU tbbin tbat Ood baTikZ^i;!;^ tuo booka glya aa tba anibringa of Aa paat aad futnra—tba laliwUa^ fJEa i ► C'l '1 !' i' ^''V ^\-- ':.■■■■ / t r ^ 1 1 1, 1) tBn ooB^tuM mmon. ■MllMi»of botliwaflda. UtlM Blblai^ ii««ii.«mUMia tob««t«rMl fin--- 1 tfmiilluAftlltUtwnrtpl. raM wer* tfUm XML Better ibat .jbe. Beiitet UmI tiMewblS^ ffW7 WpcM «> 1^ oUlvioa Mia to movMw MOfM*. . M^. BImI jaaiiilM ell thi wince end iMWTon. esimiice eU the tortures of ell the ^ o( t^ IViBch BoYQlation. Thinking Mople ivflt IMC huun to edmit that en in- S^Myflooa being eathoriMd eUTWty in JodeiL heMnaeol the mtrodtlee of the nra^BeiM>)«tion. They wQl lemember the eoflpnafi «( tl^ Huguenote. They Witt itmembef |he wMeeeie of St, Beiih- c"?(i;h.^'^; ■•;■*!'> -Mf'^^rsyf;,, :--^,>? •; ! olomew. They will not ;«rfettfc«r oonnt- l^ie erarJtiw of jtfleet end klni. They wlU not foriet Ihedmieoni of iheBfatlle. They wfll hnOw thet the ReToliHoA wne •n effettt. tad thet Uberty wKe Hoi the oMiae— thet ethd« wet nqtjh^eeaee. Behind the Reiroliitifln the? win tee elthr end throne—iwoid end iagot— pelece end «ethediml-king end pri«4t— meater end deTc— tyreot mi hypdcrtte. They win iee that the eiceeaMe» the onielU A end erlniee wen bat lh« netnnd fruit of .eeeda the chnfsh hed eown. But the Berolatieii W9M n<4 entirely evil. Upon thet dond of wer, bteek with the m/reid ntoerlee of • thottiend yeere, dabbled with blood of king and qtteen, the patriot and prIMt. there waatbie bow : " Beneetb the Aac of Fnuioe aU men are free.** ^|n aplte of en the blood ahd erlme. in apffe of deeda that aemn innuiely beee. the People ^riMod «ipon a Nation'B brow theee atara ^— Uber- tT/ Fraternity; Bquality-grender wWdf than erer iaeoed from Jenorab'e flpe. -,**' ■•?W.i.;"''i'i .. ^i .;■■ .J:t:-r- ;■■ V'- , ■,. .; -.■ .' ■■■ .^Vv'-v,J5'r<-->s'i>>K.. >;»;.;. i:,-.',, • '■• . 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