B 1100 «««««• AMntM. SiiNa 1100 Wyw 8|lflno, MwylMd 20910- 30i/M7-«02 .<' I ■V Centimeteiv 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm liiiiliiiilriiiliiiilitiihiiiliiiiliuiliiiiliiimiiiliiiilitiilifliliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliniliiiimiiliii^ . | ' ##l 'l " i'^ > i f i' h '^ T ^'i 'h |'i'ii'^ 12 3 4 5 1 Inches 1.1 ■if 2J ill IM 1.25 I u t5 22 2X) 1.8 L6 % 1NUF Q C TU RED tO R im STRNDRRDS BY RPPLIED IHR6E ^t^. ^v^ ">,% ►.5^ ^ i .•i. GIMM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) ■ ^^^■' Instlnite for Histerieel Mloforiprodttetlens / ImtKiit cwMdiwi d« mlcreraprodttetlsm MtteriquM M WMiofrwOi^MN Ttw ImtituM bM •ntmpMrf to ektaln «!«• hMt orifiMi copy availaM* fOf fiMiinf. FtaturM of tfi«* m^ wMah may I of the iiiMfM in rtw rtpfoAietioii. or wMali May •ifnif taMitlv dMfifi tiM MHMi iMtfMd of f Hmint. M« clMck«4Mow. QCokMirvd cevari/ Couvtrtura da aoiilawr Covari sCoMvariura 1/ D I raitoffad and/or lamtnaiad/ CouvarlHta rMtaurto M/ou pa l li e n H a □ CoMT tMo mhiintit □ Coloufad ma^ ' CafiH ttofrapM^vai ai^ □ ColOMrad ink (i.a. othar than Encra da ooidaor (i.a. autra^^ua nColoMnid plaM and/bf illintrati Planehat at/ou illuttrationt an □ Bound with othar matariai/ Raiiiavacd'autrai □ Ti«ht Wrtdint may tmn* shadoivs or distortion ■kMif iniarior marfin/ La raUura tarria paut eauMT da i'omkra ou dt la dtotortion la • - 12X *• .■;/;'■■ 1SX ■ 20X - 24X ■:■ • 28X • » 32X ^^ x> • « V. \ n 32X Th« eopy fllm«d hara hM b««n r«produo«d thanlci; totlwt«rt«rotltyffr . ^ Tlw Uriwi ClMWilnf Caiwf ♦•a 4 .^1 TENMHCi; ■, ■■■■. ■'■ <>!, * * ■ ,4.- ■ .*: ^B CttRIiriAN GUAEWAN, ; cm omT^^ ?>^^ ^ ^tm pi rrir y*^ or im Miruii ^NslbtaiI icoMriRWca, m -.-V-',-. .■':;■»"«•- ,., •AMAO^; *^? fito! KMTHICiii if iimIkv^w. m. harva] tdttlnMi of di»I>iilrieti •«< 0«p«ii^tmtet of Wiitoytt P '^'•>t»i*:-.' %•;. IJ aMH M ia Wf^fwa OM^ II '^4; ^'^ '-•*'-,'■'« bL ^f'* -, , ■ -: !■ 't' ■tti' '.-''■i_i_'':^»-''''*^ -^- la. 'f;^: :.■•^■^ .*;i^'^. A^^Ss^^p^^:. ■■ICt^^-V ig^"^ ^^K^^ktl ;\ .^. •v'j,- Mf ,, . ' .t ■«^i 'WM>: /..■.,■'■ . ./■ •• ■ ■ » , ■ .■■'. ^' . FACTS AGAINST FALSEH06d1 \ THK FAI.SE ALLEGATIONS, or THpift, MIMO, ■#■■ '^^ .•^■' A MlNrSTRY— UNNECESSARY, UNFElENbLY, OF MKRELY POLlTlCAI. ClIARACXnt, AND OF INJUBIOUS TENDENCY, MiUB BT ';■■,•• ■ THE CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN, (Tllft OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UPPER CANADA CONFERENCE,) TNI MltUONARlJS OF THE BniTISH TVlMLEtAM CONFltWC*. IN WBOTIIM CANADA. (<< With the View of injuring their C>MUf and 2r C ;jad.i,'lam encoulsged to hopo you Will ijt^t refuse the insertion of a few remarks, ha^h;,' for (heir object the paci- fication and rec . aqiliation of that body gen- erally. . The Editor cf the Chuurdian, baa betn for some short tini ^ past a^ain raking and sera- ping up whate . jr ho poaaibly could (whether nia oaaertiona 1i ivo beon correct or no^ I do not know) agu'.iat the BritiA Mi$9ioMrie» bi»re, with the view of injuring thddr credit rr«<-|Miiuiaiii,tho wriiar of th« •nminf UUtra, fo«l« hioiMlf tube the mora indobtml to him. for lhi« hit paei^ InUnrontion, on ■uch an occnwon. K Ue alao f««l« oo much ibt graftttr iOMO of ' friendly oUHgaUontj thfttgentlein*n,»4iico-- FiMTi he hai aubtoquontly aixl oponly •Towod. That ho »■ himaolf a lay-momhw or Tiw AaaAitiKO cOMMuniTr, fafninst whoae e{-■' ■. (and think it right to raaiat so unrhri.tun an afff reseiun;) yet, st tho aanie lioie, lljey cbe- rSS the most renl limdlmoM «f fooling, tj^ wards their Upper Canada Conlcronco neiKh- bours. ' And theee cominunicationa will boat •viMe, that this kindliness baa not been •• im wow ••/», h»i <• »■■<> •••^ '» -^y^; , . Theeo letters present a record of ficts, which no one will be bold enough to deny; and which will not be deemed to be a d«- honour, either to the vrinciptiiox the prsrijfs of the maligned British Conloronco; **tmn o»r It is a striking remark of s modern writer; " Tktn SM psnaoNS, who mscnbe •^'ff^ /iiiiir<#»,in— MAnw.»; »nd benefits,on— Tllb BAND. But iA«y should neither be «M»<*< nor itmitMttd; much less ihould they be rt- wmdtd." (!) With respect to whtttho writer of theee letlers h»s therain adduced, in uirKHCii of his own ASSAiLBo roUgious body, those persons will be the best able to appreciate what, ( from a sense of duty) he hss nmt •d*Mljf mU, who know also, what (from the highest motit«s,)k« haftwtrjfchterfuiljftforhtmfi* ssy. ■ . > la 1 I ii_ Onui^a If #al^ 'v^ I • c t- ^ ' i % • i ', > * A. " - 1 iK/"* ■^"Mir-'. 'A \ "fiililM r .^.^^OkA^ Adi^ ittUn tn h«y cb«- ;en«i|;h« will bo*t been *'im ru." •f ($cU, to deny; e a di«- n writer; MiafMMMl n—TllB bflMdei ey be rt- of th«M I CM of hii penona X* what, « kighaat orftonif le . .. f FACTS AGAINST FALSEHOOD, ft.. MdUMWMM pMMIti^ UmNIm , ralilMj an^ ■rnpliif . Btltwii M wIonmIm have »4 QMrr*l vlik aUMr BKITiBlI WKRLBVAN MErTlIODIBM IS CANADA WfcWT. "1 ^* Kdliar of Ik* i.mnrtUmm hM Wta. fw mnm " *""" «'«•»• I"-*. •«*»• r«4/N« an^ trmUiu up ' whm .rr h.- |..«alklv r..«.W .whrthi-r hit a«e.r. ■* IliM a hart Iw*n ftMnM or nol. 1 du not kau«) "•«'•••■»»*• Hrniah ,>li»al rl.c h.rp. witli ll.« "»i«'«f . f ii^urlMK «J»*'r irwiil nn.! »un«llhg Tha •'q...r„.i|,n-«f||,**irthoU..U in Ikia cuUMTiir kaa baruHM q«lt.. ,.io»,.,|„«| ; ,„a whu < Ml. U.I th» luaa •uaMi.iru, ur ih« injury luMiclaU T"— 1'aummaTwb. LETTER I. Tq tht Editor t^ftkt Toronto Itetald. Ywoi hTRKirr, ToROKTo, 8ih Not., 184«. Mm. Editor,-—! writa to tonder u ax- ]>redsi.>n of gratitude u your unJmuwn but r jajAx:tJ>le UorroM],ondenC PAViytcAToa, for the evident intero«t he feels in the reputa- lien, iBdiiAnce, and UMofuineei, of H'tJitwin . Aletkoditm IN Camidu tt'tst. It cannot be 'doubted that bo hae written to prouiote, m he hiniMlf avowi^ «* the oa^iflcatiun and r«- coociliation moet«lly/' of thoMa who, in this pirt of the Colony, b«ar the voneratcJ name of WMaLRt t and I honour him, both f )r bia it^od intentions, andalao lor tho respectable anJ folicitoiu conaintency thut there exists between hissro/MsioNjanJ hii pararraplu. But, in behalf ol the UrUuk H'tsteuuno, fro- qnost permission to assure him, that we, as « body, have " no quarrel " with any other religious body whatavor. Our only object ir, by the grace of God, to savo suuls, by bring. ing them to •< truly repent and unfejgnedly balieve the Holy Oospal"; and, concorninj all our Fellow Christiana, tho most secret wiih of our inmost htert is,« Oraee be w'tk all Ikem that love Our Lord JaiA CktM ii mmeorttjf.*' Amen. It ia, alas, but too trua^ to adopt the words of PAancAtoft, that M the Editor of the Oiuurdtam)aaheen for torn d^tiim0,9g»in r!5^ f?*^?TO."J? whatwwr he cou Id fr^« •»* H 18 not laaa tme, that iip this he of hie deoomtoation ; of which hie nuar k leraplBg up, wtfll ffts •/««» ^ Mm*ur tkt credit tmd elamdimg" of •« the Mtjab Uisslonariaa hero,'* baa baea, aiao (aa the heading of that paper it^tea), avow- "«»«•» " published aiufsr Ike dJrteHtm of the Canaiu CoNrsMNoii^ I It ia, thatefoe, with that body We have to do ; in thia iMt- ter and not simply with their Editor," who is but their chosen agent ; between whom AS, fio 11 ** aeraping up tslateesi' tktg t couldf to injure the credit aad at«id- aitd himrelf there ia tfee moot perfect oadav- standing in relation to thia baaiBaaa: and whQ of course, baa from them leceived «'dirae- lion," aa to hie eodaavours to '* Mwra the 9n- dit and etmmdmm^ of the Ifioafonariea he< longing to the finiTiaii CoanauiicN. . But f beg most solemnly to protaat against the MISAPPREHENSION into which jrour eatimabia oorreapoMiaiit ippeere to have fallen, that there is any ** QUAR- REL" between those parties. I wiah be could have acreaato all the et presaioiia uuu earning the Canada Conierence, which, for the last ttvelve roars, have been **mMUud mder Ike dirreLmT of the Pamt Conlea- ence in l^n^land. He wonld, thatebr, be fully Convinced, that the latter hM hean ftir. vaar fas, ' " • pMfibly CO — , j^^ ,„ ing" of the furmor I In -.— »• wi uld be found not a single peragreidi a- gamst the Canada <::»nfsreaca not iTaen. tanre, but breathea the puraat aaatiineataof go«id will towards that body. [SeeLetterd.) And yet, the Canada Confeieaee haT ci' ten " direction** to ita Editor 1o mm ** published** the following aingnlar •■• nouncement:-.<«As for^two hediaa ttriw together as t^w* fHemUy neighboMik iTto foolish to expect what it is imaniibto l# realize. WE regard the other Mr, wio** ever it is Mide oTos, ae in Mjmftftn to iWr Aa^ Mfre Aa WB mmmD * iTmi mm^ which if a correet ofte^ **••" f^-rAidiii m^ NEVER be on tenttfl ^t'l^^SST^'^ Ouardian, 8th Oetober, lt|4 Thia ia the iilMl daoWn Cdnference. Ai^kitbti few ^^^f HMWHW* JU^,. with ** fall nnii— '**•■« " \ IM ibort of iMt MTIMUMWATM'I* fnKB tfc« cSUy, «wi ••l« tiMtll ,«IWtiMr« bta MMprtlMia . ^t«« Wm r— ••• ««• ■••. I «« fcMj hi«»« » ■*•*••• •• iIm mIiUIi M»Mt«N>Mw« N'ii-. «mIi • »iv«r «f im. ••i«rtN«i UMr cnAti «imI suimom 'I)i«>|u firlliiin •• »r ilM »«>Wtiii »• »•• •»»••«•• > h«« \0vx%.m>f «u •• - |.r«««*UaTi MM wlw t«N 1. 1- »»• •«— ti««UMW«l. •! .. Ij^ ti^Miy MAi«i«a i'->i*«'ifiw4ii«i«. LfirrEii II. >- T* At Kdihr ^ tt« 7vrMf» HtrM. VwiOK IdTkiurr, Toouirr^ / iat!i KwT. IMA. 1>«A» fuir-t '"'•*» *'»*'* y"*" CoMOO- pwHloai PAtHROAToa, Diay \m embUil •<* mo tbal^ on tho ^t of th« Um riMi ConnoMwcA, iliMO io BO " q^Mralt** wiih tho Camama CofefMOMO ; vmi that whatovM ** Mitofo- niam," tho kHor bmly uwy fiwl Mhl oaptoo* lOtfMdiOff thA fohMi^ MMk thoir Hoato hoiv, arW iwtho Woot,t>N VUEik VilAT^ OgT^UNaBFliBCTING/' A« uaroloBtipff oadoovour to *^inhir» tho CnditMMlotUiaiB^ef*^ Ulitioh flifOiOA. ioo hora,** aycht^a^ hooa tootrahioJr h^ M oHiMiy d o gf oo of goBonI ohriatioB gooi i^\-^ • tonr liBiitod BMOwro ol tho. « dkoHltf *«l fhMMk no <*tf ." Nor ho thMrwABtlH CONBIDKR ATlONi AiWaf oat ol tho pnrioao goBorooitj, •aA hoaovo- Iabao of tho jBritiah CobUmobco towMido th« Mttil't pATtyi whkb, OB ivfloetioB, w««U ho AdWrtodto fbraioh thorn with awtivoo, asflelMtlf po#oifbil to foihoor AA ondoAToov AOBBgHMMOA. , It ii to aIaoo thAt poiBt i« AA ohvlMA lichl. IhAt I wilIm«iow tho hiotofy of tho proetod- ^•f IhAt ««AACAhU hodjr, iA WAOtitA CV "TnMIAII thAtOAB hA gAthond flNNH thA put «r thA Pro;&>o,llrltlAlli«ia^ wotA AAtfarthoMtoMrfifaffapypAAAaf th^HNAByfaW* y^ mfOmm lAhAAIA lA OAAAdi. lA iwi?* ;. . : __ ^ftA<^aA^t, | rfwydAfgrBMByyAA^^ Sm5 Vaa% Ibr thA Uhoun of BrHMl lIMMlSMlhAt it hAo hooB ifith AtUAit Ttot«tt%yj|»igNgyf*s •» AW^^^^ si^miipp*fwjps ■ • iiW .1 mmif rACTI AOAlKtT VlUIIIOeVt \ IIUOIHU SttHf T. IMA. ■ Camama adMpMM ft VASLT, vinjur* fht nJncdr hf latiuig««l rt of lbs Nor wo NSutaiag MlkOMVO- lioMfWOold h BOtiVOI, ..^iia*li iiMM>Mrt« NfM t«vii«a iiM tikuk C'hurvh, wh and thajr ayatom of occlo> Malka^liai af Mm W«al»r. foraiga eburcb, tbo CaMak CoaCaroaco a^ |il*^}t origimoi Btill retaining alfito **/mrdg^ ^,^ _ ii>^gea ctmld aa< rmlUmmUif Aa r gm tt k d 4a oncloaa within ili^ala, lUtlkt Fhafariaal mt- tltr» from Greit^itaia aad In&ad, alill leaa ought it to claim to ha (ha aalf fciaiaf Methoditm meedrd in tha Colony. It «ill be coatadai), thai thoae who had Maa memt- tomad la Iha Mathodiam af Joaa Wjaunr, wuaU aot ha aoitad with that af tha M^ daCoafawaca; which. «i /rail la «aiht«M wndmrnrffah waa ao diaaiaiilarta that%iA% with which thay had haaa waattaaMliWa fallowahip. .. , -^Rim is aaothar poiat wUc^ia MnM» to the>rtiaa ca a ea ra ed , aagkTta W Mi* tionad. I aai aiaat kappy ta aMMaaali* '^^•♦i'- opMrtaaHy to attair an h ' theritWMwithoatanyeeviblanceof reeeon, would be aqoeetion quite beeide our preeent ■rfumeBt. We have only to du with the taeL And thie bringa out another reaaon whreatimriile and truly loyal Wealeyani #ould> on their aniral in Canada, find thera- Mlvea to be **daetitnte aettlen," aa it re^ nided a yelhodiat Mintotrv. For, be it riffht or wrong, the Britiah WeoieyanahaTe «Ter been remarkable for keeping at the nt- inoet diatanee from diaaJIbeUon to their law- ful Soviieign and Ckyvemment. The Wenlt, however, Of the abov*4Den- Uoaed peeuUaritiea <»f the If ethodiam of the Canada Conferenee^ haa been, either to drive mutf of the Emigrant Methodiate into othctr reUgiooB ooounnnitiea ; or, (which ia a eon- . aideiatiea of aeompletiion ftr more mournfol ■lai,) to leav* them In a atate of irreligioua diaeMuieetkm with any Christian body what. ever, and thaae ia too much reaaon tefear, that aools have been lo$i/ore»ert who miffht |p«« been aaved^ had they but been within . ili»gn»Bh of ameiea of Methodism lesa re- ^■MMit to thsir taattff ' Borne may decide that inditidualsao/<»ff> iUtmt ^ deserve •*' Ike verdiiUm of ym- ifymmt^HihuyKntodiffieuUtoheMmit- ia tiw matter of rdigion. To thi^ of ,ana» iheie can be Irat one rephr* Hnvingaolong disregarded the ^liea^ tkm f ' the nation, it may be regarded aa a becoin- ing and, at the same time, a flattering ek- pteasion of royal good-will, that, ia their emigratibn to Canada, some regMd nhuiild be thus had to their religious oomfuit and sustenance on the part of theOovemitent. To the Britiah Monarchy the Wesleyans, aa a Church, have never ceased to render tM' Ibyat support. ^ The British Conference recognised the hand of Uod in this unsolicited encourage- ment of their North American work ; and rofolved to address themselves, with « hris- tian vigour, to tiie noble object of promutihg the intersste of civilization, education, ana religion, among the new settlers and the Original red men of Western Canada. To thia increaaed attention to the best in-, tecesto of Canada West, it will gratify your respected Correspondent to be infonneil^ that the British Conierence were the more incli- ned, frmn th4 repeated »lale»^Ht$ tDiL>\e by thBCoMiodaCettfereneeof their e uAe cosu to ikeJMdi in connexion with the mftat fiiu^piitoemv-aiioieed imadequoey to the de- mand for labour on the part of those who were already engaged Hkerein, PAcmcAToa may be eurprised to kutr (Us stoteviAil. after the DOLEF UL LAMENTATIONS and PASSIONATE OUTCBIES of the Canada Conference organ, over what they* nnoLAan to be miR rAl-T, that CANADA IS MOST AMPLll^w^ SUPPLIED with the means of grace— t|iit ' it **v)ami» neitkeriiun not mmtjf' from-«y "roanaii** source !«-4knd thai the Britisk Confnence are committing the grievoua atv of supporting, in this pirt of the Co1 rork; and ith « hm- )rotnuting ktiiun. and ■ and the ' anada. Iiabeatin-, ■at^fyyouf raieil^lhat nore inelt- linaiiQ by m IKABtL-* >|>ly which lie Culooy f>rct couU ihcre who th the mpat t to the de- thoie who id to luMr K)L¥:FUL 3I0NA1* Conference \ to be THK PAMPLlt?v^ rrace— tl^it ' r firom-ttiy the Britiili rrievpaflatn [lie Col vernment ;"-.^ ooaition pertaetly and pate- folly in CONTRACT, with that oocnpM by the Wealeyana of the Britiah Coil nezion. . » ^ It clearly fell not within the prdvineeef the Britiah Conneidon, to preacribe to th» \ Chorchee ; and that the piwioua enatence J « u Canada Confcience Community of M Methodiata, did not by any meana render our miniatrationa ^^onneceeaary;" becauae of ue following reaaona ; namdy :— -->< r 1. The Britiah Wealeyan MiaaioBariea / were jnoat eameatly deairad and aolicited ; end that for many yeara before they weie eent ; by Emigrant aettlera in Canadk who had been tnembers of the Briliah Wealeyan Chuchin the Parent4and; and to whom Mitjinly belonged, at leaat, that meaaura Of Werfv of conaaeace, implied in TOE CHOOSE THEIR OWN .n. Though originally fo«.*d by Sle ^ ^ ' *"'^'"' ©I the meet devoted ministera, that^lhe fhbomin gRepuMfc could ftenlih, >5d puraue. Aa an independent oonmranity (tf profeaaing Christiana, they had the moat undoubted liberty to deckle for themaelvee. -' 5?^te!i°J? piefSirred e atanding, whkA was FOREIGN and ALIEN to that of our veno^ able Founder ; (whoee PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE, the Britiah Methodisia im Erone to venerate, aa well aa to bear Me onoured NAME !) it no leea clearly ap^ peara, that, to determine to the bi^ of th«r ability, to inevent the existence of ahfilllber apeciea of Methodiam in Ae Ca||int,tiii»^ that which mettheir own UN-WMSTAR PREDILECTIONS, waa, JtSm upon the venerated memory of tm \ I , moatexen^taiymMiberB isj^t:— ~' ccwamunioa with them ; yet, at OM Me time^ the Canada Coaibrence did ■tft j ^i mt lo the EmigiintBritieh Methe- , - aaen, aalt elty to the aouk whieh hifM therdby, and thet, too^ io tereate! Alt had this eeeoafl MimC pointment of HiWidnHiM '^ to Weatem Canade» llttt Mniined on^ of "" " ^1 ^ Ui VAOTt AOAIKfT VlUEItodD. fwnr'r«tlo!W iiii«bU Is f»f. omn •! Ika 0«T«niflMiit. i hr »ten4«r ag^Mt H, f Ikntt^t nirti«««1i««](| NKED TO BB RB- AIIXDKU ; iraiHsiv. tliftt— III. The CuiMilii CunfereMt had mmmd fA«iiv. Kren APrKK tlrair (JniMi with III* llridnh Cnnf«nii«is<««n(l nfter haviaic Ii« I A KUPPI.Y OF MINIHTBRS .fium tliMn t aad ihev had be;rttn to kt in tlia raeeipt of between Fu :^ >. . >uuraa:i FivaTbomand Ddkn a.year, of mnnev. from THE rU^^S o^iha BnitlHh \Va4le7aa Uimion. liry Soaiaty ; tha fullowinf ware tlM woideof thair *• A Idrrm lo the Britlak Cmfwmet, dalad Oat 0ih 1833," and niirned ^ Eoaa. rrnn Rvsattjr, StttrtMry r^—f^'Wo leader ytii niiT nifMt (fmterul adkno«ledgment« far the iiheral amhtattea jroa bare affiinled ■% H airryin? on «mr interentini^ and imporUni .MMitn*.— Unr co-niirratinit esariioaia ia this irra< aw r\ thiili n>t be aaiitinfl:; bat^ OVBR . .VN l> ABDVK the preanmpUon ia« that Wfr mm^m atora a^ual t» the full work i^im 1»m, «4ie« the dritikh Minioiiaries •^ "^Mflpatiaatcptte tWa cmior i ia a aatiaraetioB to me to be K J baa ' I M ai deaiiaMnta of Uie Ca. ^plM » aiehanfa^^ credit /ind mnding of the Dritinh IMi^Un. Mriea bare," and to make it believtd tluit they are •• an anneeeaMry ministry," and that the maaey exneuled'in their aupnort ij. but "Til 110 WN AWAY, in CaaaSl,") thaorifaB of tlie Canada Cunferanee •hoald declara, in tlie face of thoaa documenta, that Cmmm^M •• mrttitr wmml$ mm nar mawy," hat u well able aad wilUiij: to support all tha gospel miaistty thtt this country requires t I appeal ti» any person welUcquuinted with tiM new urtUcments of Canada West, iftliia statement is not a most alar ja« Mis." 8TATKMEN r !-.Ther*ider mustfonn liis own notion of the wwnl mmMUitua of the part{et a few of tlieae iMiKli- bouihiNKlis would lie tmHtwlf witimU tht mimutrjf of (7«d»« A«/y WWrf, wria those *' nnnecessary" MiKuonurics to be aritbdrawa flora them 1 In some of those new Scttlemeotis the SnMoliersof the Canada Conference, WER& rEVER SEEN, until the Biitish MiwimT arifs had gathered vongregatonat and for what purpose they went, the leader mar CONJECTO^RBl ' . I am awmre that it bai1)een attempted to l»e made an aAMcfieii ajNwu( «r, thai the. Government did condeiwend to encourage ; our opemtions in Canada West The eb. j«*etors Bay, that it was only the endeavonrt of a laere pditieal iNurtv, (apd who bitcd both dfaeripthma of MetbodiiU), to set them . b o th againit e a ch o t he r , that t hey a ilj i frt — destroy one another. I believe iiot« few off^ the Caa>d»-Ctp < i»> | twM> tnb erdri|>« epm^, nCTi AfAlftit MUIMOO0. UiuMly Uiig»iMrr«iM. nnyii>ouNiMiD*nM. ■».iw>«m>— »ci Q«tcty. a»w«m« Fru|>.Mh. uiii Il»t OfWmi \ and, Indeed, tliirt ooli »w cxMnwed by one of Uie retufcl** «!•- islert t»r ihatConfcreuoe to mywll; mu •«« Mriuttilff not lonff since. It li U»be Umeuted. tlwt wM »» Hnpf«»- ,|„n-«ne ««uuerly ERRONgi'lJ J.«»4«m OH0S8LY UNOTENBRaWftlutlietley •r tlie OoTernmeul— should htfeAtWiOn- kfnitted by «ny one. But to this rf«s«f»«*» feuitrk, 1 would reply by thite quistloost— ,. Qiuitian I.— Did theOu»en#iu«ttt rwitinr / fiv the meMUM of <*t l/irfow. Ktween the V e«iimd« end Uie Uriiish Couferenccsf An*. \ «flrr.— Yes! ) To their rte»n:il hon»ar, PE rr EVER KSOWW, by ell men f QWestleis 3.-^I>i^:iw Oovertiroent ftej fery desiront thtf P» ti*o boilics should i Most «fl«ffrf#/«iSME»W«»/'.y. ihey do. iiMDUtutiim of • ••lAwwiVB" rf«#.^ on •the pnrt of A* Oovemwenif In their peterael , ofcrof n Annwl Ownt to the BfitWi If I*. rionitfief In Cinfedn \Teel! QMtrtM 3.— In mhnt wy, iiner b^« MMurn^ by the OuTernmeut. dhl the Bri- •Mr GbnferattM eadeiwmr to **de$lrm^ the IfMhodbm irf th» Cunada GuufMreneer ^AiMMr.— By /nle r onWjf end ■itcC8Mvoi.lv seAhif to <«ij*«», Its dWwfrr, itn slMs^, and Ht «MMfNf I nnd, also, by r|xMttding ttpM the toteiokta of the Cmwda CAiorefeBee ' llelliedlim, (and Uwt. too, only h» the eottfie Jy tf 8BVEN «HORC YEARS)* uf^^ot ^ "IPTY THOUSAND DOLLARa, IN* YourtesplMlidMrresptiiMlflitt. FaoinoA- Mmrill allcw me teftmiud Ulro. thaClheae MatBMMfi Vf fiwto have iicvwr, uimU MWj hem oMde poblie. We ccu^d liafkmhda Ihcm, pr eoufse, y^ j^k«i! »'!»«r*JJ'« ' oefinoi^t rolnetentij, ,je?, by tho *'taldiiff Chri»li»A OtMrriuinM : w!iuaaview»aili» .^ ««., — - , twn "*^ '"VO* <^ •radtt and ataadinf of tho BritiahlUMioM- fi^fi Canada w eat. Vain wottid l«liatiBbth«eonflJeM% tnat dg itoHaXoitfb w oe aa aailtin ti, «raaet> iiti iiilM Iha iirtiiinil gf an aai an i Bi i M «SMrdtaatos«f ««»OTMiMtnBd rii&ta tiiAnitiBalila and thn intdUgwit portM # tfaii cMuavrftr, wHh tiM k^ thiitt^r M^ inlaiMM «Wr food «OMa in «litoikl«r t and M tlwjr wiU mvOhU «i ttenwtelihnir hadbur amd. 1U8TICB fWt«l ikMnOONTlNinNGTO tosUCU, bj BtefaMaJ (parhaf% mietalM,) indKrin Wa hM»aaMh tbattt that ao fur aa th* oRioui orrSkiR utmoti to ca^ NADA WIBT in eonewmeJ, thn BriUi4 ConkMMt had highor and holier object* hi vifiv^ tha» Ihoaa which era unwortbUy ia»» pntad to tham^ by the CauA», C unfat aNWr ornaa* Thay pnswiad an hgaaai and n' ■tnifhtlbnraid foum. Tbev awtlhrtr feworifinal lliaaioaaiiaa to tUa •wlMi^ and in and'aei^pini IhaQMada tootralyhaaaaidy oar U^tnl Eniplin» by no atoaba unadJW. t«lty» a*d In eidar Ant they aright gath«r tOMther (and aoeoMUng to IM? Men long aifl wril-lriad nwdae and naagea^ Ihrir. eins Britieb Wasl^rw ■•»••?** **»^ »■ ^ •••'••^ n*M,'*alidalMvaa in the larger towno. . la Ala Distifet 6f Weatom Canada, tk» Divine Haad o# the Oiareh baa bean p l aa s ad to put the teal of Ma onm aanetion» by lb» eommraion of hundrada af nndying aod^ thiMfffa their hnrableinalramentaltiar. Am thaiaMSn flieir 'yey;' i»*a.«jji^ OUTCRY thai he beeir SINFULLY and SHAMEFULLY taiaed againai tbein» an<» iWr crown ^"•^^eWa».'»-aijientbiejra* Ihay did noiMtor/anai Ihn Canada Cett« IbranM JbR ita own Inadaqnacy to tht «■- dartakiigf of nraviding the naaM ofmn fb^«tn«t aMTgrowing EhiopOTin popidt# tion ; and iiUeh promiaea afiU to go ottJi* eraaaing. Ami tneraaao it mna*; whiae* NBtlaaa and nnaanetifladapWla agpiitahoaid bring on theirbfight, w the pwiapneto nl the^try. yfoaeMiaaiaiia riaa^roaw aiWir. waink to th^ momabtooon anliepiM^ ■•»- o«Md wi* tfin oRMf giaeioan aaMiloK aad MaiaCuMoM* P*"** '^■5,'"»SL? aaa to tbneolimma of tm ( M t Hm Otm^ We^ nm brooght totfca ywrim f whoa tlMlliaaionafy Miamm»i4ikmlfi* tiah GoBftnnoe^ WON nboMtoaiKlnilMr npatationa to Canada Woal —--—-— worn to iiaeai«% 4Niii dM/ tnaagaaantatioii of tbairiniiii thaiBtopnMe«totkair<*bo^ nMte wiOw «aU ^AUkM^mm tkaik iwiMBMi ^ofMr aoM to«i wwommmi^ PROPOBA LBftOM^Qto two daaanollOHa of mt ,___ AKD MOBST BBWfc PACt0R»^^<«il i^iliiv»only boon ]■». "<*■ 19 w^ f vi-r^-' -r^'i i^^i tT^jqs^-^i^Hflfifig^ i ^^ FACTf AOAlNiT fAUKIJOoD. " ■ ' ' * " ' ' ^' ' " r I II I •ooHM ia ftttoff— oflhnd to adoft th« Bri. tjj* WmUpajuk^adj, to eimulato Um WwMyan pubiicatioai^ mmI in otbor i«- Mteto to ooaferm thtirmodn MduMMs to l&oM ortakiUMd iB Iho F««htOQMi(^, kj Mi,WmhBr, IW ■ ■ P t ■■■■ < thoif ■trottg to bo piae«l (TO UaSllUlli OWi? 110) ^Mlftr l*» aMMTfofaMflMVof WOiUNI) -T— — ■>"y»' ■*i nw w tte Ommnm ParMt of Jlf«fMMlli<«r«««*. •of lU iMrM"--«ad ooUeitoi th»| tho OONTUfPLATJBDiaeraMoofMiMioury )i«R, o« tho ptti of tko lUtMh Coateraoi^ nrifht be nadtia tho fbrat ood agitit of fn- tWMl UNION AND COnOPMaTION Wmi THElf8BLVES« UaA tho BritiA OonfoMoeo radlyooiwht •■jr <*qotifol" with tho Comda Cooiww •ac e " "h ad thojr ehornhod ony^ spirit of porty li^Mdryy'or nabofy oppooitton, with raipe^t ilo th an ooioty THAT wooJd havo boia tho oeoaaioa of BMomiio thoao .iMpvraa viows aad fM(tag^ Bat tl^t voaoiablo bo^ had too rnaoh iratonial ^yaipathy aad lo«o for thoCaaadaCoQi;Mi«iieo» totakoiato MoodBt ofOB tho "diaadtaatagoo* oador whioh tfc ; undarwhoaa « 8m- •* !%».t:iV the ('•1»»'1» ronfernice. nrft.MeiW to*''."^ Lnton, tllelMjr ••< Uag^ l?ooi'' .lllii-t evea foifaitad Iha fntBd- ghip of III iiv; .u;;:s wliom he truly eatwned, that he mij-'ht do U&m thin nervico. >> >•« nn< fH -^^ef. iijf m.»n, aMur.jJ him, toat the Union wouia nevi-r l.-bt ; fiat the CanaJa Conference wool J never be faithful to their new relation. But Doctor .tfWtr confided in their eincerity, and wae even enthiwiautic in their caoae. ,, ^ , ^,— And well were hw niollvei and 'Jf^** appreciated. Uut I'ACincATOB shall, have an extract or two from tlie Addreee of the Canada Conforence to the Britiah C«mf«' ence. The /Irrt ie dated " H ALLO WELl^ ITppor C&nada, Aug. 18, 1832," and aigned •'Jambs llicHABoeon, Srcret'^ry.' *• fbe " consideration of this iinporUnt measure «' (the Union), has been delayed, for want of '•that free and full exchange of viewe and "feelings, which hae recenUy taken place, "betw«5B the Her. RobrttAldor, theex^ " eeUent RepresenUtiTe of your Missionary " Committee, and the members of thiaCon- "ference. The satisfaction and profit we " have deriTod from hii,pieBence and labours, "during » part of the deUberations of our "mesent session ; and our high*e«mrd for •' bis ffiflsi piety, and rf«wrf«e« «» tht tnteruU " offhtStSitmin l*M Prmnce, induce ua " reapectliaiy to suggest, that ahould our •• propoeida meet with your concurrence, «* "n* dmml/y hope lAejf mejff Jjf^,^^^ "maybe appoiBted our firs* President^, to " complete Ifcoee amngeinents, *> mjfeettm». r^Mtdittntd kitpUy beg^m, by the aawatance The mond, ie dtted "]^ORK, Upper Canada, October Oy 1833,- and aigwd, "EoKBtOlf RfWUKMI, SrerrtoTj/,^ "We " ahould hvf been gratified Ut h»ye ngmn " »rem our eareeUent tad wiMigp* /«#»« ewa " Um>ft€Ur, the »«r. RobMAUtr; but we "are happy to learn, that the anpoiBtmeiit « whidipwf ented hii wtu*n to Upper Cana* « da, is Me wliich will enablehim, peruM " to Mm M NHPfW ejficlnMil!/* ibm^ U eould «ha»edoBeoii tWe aide the AUanUc." The Uirrf.l»dated, "KINGSTON, Upper Canada. June »rl884,*'aiidrigned, "Xambs ViaiABnom iUcntatp.** m h»» aflhjded • na peculiar pletsnra and pidhto recdtea iHttmdwUt tnm w eefeemed ftienf and "brollier, the TBim. lU«r| ilMr. Cteneral *<8eeretaiy of your Miadoniiy Society, **€hinifoiruA whow wfreelkmjt^tpirtt, *»m»irmM0UmHm to M »vr f0tin,*x, « t^imt eMm«rfci,aa4 •f^^^'iP^ tttften, tihim ftrmnta^t vA nort deeply jrM. «idM The/o«rlA,iada per Canada, June S "EeiKroiiETBMoii,! "little hate we bfOB proniea aiw ^im^wmm, "bvAe pi«s it mj How --- of ibe toriti* wotdsrefin I I iBunimw ■ •»«?»»'•. 'w LBTTEtt IV, Mi/iiiW. by iKirfiffik • '''•'*^ *••• •»<*'^ The object of «,.. u.1 ^^'-wubw, 1846. "^i^/mmiliei^liZ^/^^r* 'tf their <*,. the ino«t unmiJ^ufclLKl "*'.?'^ •»■• «ivM >>y ^9iJamM ■°">* «'w^m weie there- P'flc inteotio^J^I?*'* «»<«*•'»«• of iu pe" gether tMinrunWMi.. °' ^n^rcourwi to- in i»e prooiDt ««.?!. J^T'. '^'» n>«»ift«ted »he •viTThS hTiilif''''^"**^'' •«<« ■««»«Sfl?totte ^i;^ 1" '*■ ft"«»f"i "Mtfr -.Jlv/^jr,!^ « thi. II wiU^be|La£«'P'»« «rf,*h«t UnioD. «»l ■ K'^,c;oainpws«r»ww»*'«»''« ^ VAOTC KUlU'tfr 14UKIIlM>a li K>tnct. fto. r«i««w.« cwwdcrtlw-. <>H«t l» tftf T.M. «f H»toi. airrMd to by th* Confewoot^ MAKHWi iHlOPOSALS, and recommendinff tb« •- aoptionofmeHdrei, by which Uw Method- ist 8oelo|io« in Uppw C»n^ *" ^^'SSyV" bouriiiff Pro%tne«it and in tho whole WUah Empire. «t not, will ariae from the PRESENT ONE- NESS of the Britiah and Cuiadian Coiv- nexions, and the intaif ourae which haa com- mencod between uet and which we devoutly hope WILL CONTINUB to cement ua In- to ONE SPIRIT, aa weU aa Miimfmr*m*t a».ted Oct. IK 1838, and »iitii«d, " Eaaarow Rr- drnnmn, ««W..ry."-^' Verj Dear Faihera aud Brethreiu MOST tiRATEI>17LLYd» we a«kno«lediwyeiir P \RENTAL and Af- FEUTIO S ATE Reply to the Addreu pf the laat Conference. The articles of Union, as amond^ and unattlinonsly adopted by your < Cdnfercncb have been unanimously and oor- dially agreed toon onr part. We do RE- TOICE. that a funndation is thus harmoni- ously laid 1^1 the permanent oaity of Mhtbo- di«m, ami the indefinite ezteiiaon of the Work wf Qod injBiUiiib North Ametlca.** «* We feel It in our hlnrts to ATTEND4o in out financial intfreaU. and impeded to somfi extent the euccese pf our lahquft. For there reasons it haa bfon rather * YEAR OF 8IPTIN0, than of tncreap^ of defoncp rather than enlargeiuent ( inlpon- aequenco of yfhkih a email dwercaaehM oc- curred in our aocietyt WebeUsji vfr^J TilB PECUUAR FEATUM» OF THESE AGITATIONS, t^t ._^_^ (unit I'llfcllftllllTMllM'-l^llJirHilftfcJw '•%T? .frtii fACrt A*AlN»t fAUlROM*. It 'om Kktne* t.\ejf Irasure to add ^* frioi^ly aoij M^ty'a R«; io promotinii tlM N«w Set. ' that oo-ope* limat«l gene. ieti«« aoil tlie pirit of aoiind Bmuient, and id aniid«t tlio partiniMbip, iai caUijig to ri** tonecurs atioo of the Brf«e. dated >ctetend of i^u- ■tfMT and rethaafc^ tioioaaly ita 1^ and ofeoma^ If about ir warm Uolho- ttrtnceit d hope, onref- Mbffln UMM U ttum C«nfc t.M« CouJ.. J-ai^ .i »,«•, d«rl«g ih.a*TwT«M«oic/i- tiyv than*! PBESBNT." ''With moat ardent deaiie for yoor lu- enMing prapority vmI aaef^OBooa, wt cIom ^rXdlwri^ eUmend you le Clalf^tfaW fth. JW th» %ph < f*f ^"*** Cmfmwnn, ** We have rveeived your af- fM«(apate Addraaa with 'aatteh aatiafaction, _eBdnkice that it eo dIatiwsUy reoogniaee # — tBNign*^ «*iiM!iiiUe which we have ao I tfiMrgnKt prindplee which we have 1 lonffdMOMdioheMiuidaBd Scriptural in theoMelfeab and important to the mterarte of «w ConiMiion. Had we ever been in- cliMd to look npon your trouhiM and diin^ eultieawith iaMbwace, th» peculiar cir- cumalaBoee in wUoh we have owaolvee been plaaedL iniiig the lart two jmn, would imeMiMiMi»toNgai promote the dvil improvement of your niv and Intereating country, may we ven- tare aflhctionately to guard you agaiaat the ovili of violent nartiaanahlp ; and urge yoi|, in imiution of the example of our great I<*ouader, to reeomipend, both br precept Rod example loyal^ to the King, and Boriptiual obedience to hia Government. The atroogeet argument we can uae on thia kubiaet, iaTthat tSe very aame authority by w'Ja Hre hold the mlniatorial oOea^ haa' instituted tho eivil power, and entruatiid U \/iththeadminiatrationofthelawe. THE S.VME SPIRIT of ineubordination, which would aboliah THE WHOLESOME RE* bTRAlNTS of .ili;^utibip^ to inculcate the faar of God ia cuanosion with ho nour to fte King, airf^ >^ t ) keep onrSoftietiei ireneially, in the love ywir i«aote and ajrioultural population i > Koop o«r •^"^---^f^-V^'.r! r^,^ are probably in groat dauRcr of forgettinj/. i ani practice of the troth, aatenght hy W^ JUaof vaat importaa co, tha t tho whole of layan Mcthodmm. ^f - \ ''Y'. 18 ficrt ACAiiirr PAUtnooD. ■»tf>H tnm CoK fcwM O— wtwIoUoiM, dMriag tkc tevM )r|(«rf oT UalMi. A •* By A OftAMT vmoM tnb Cbown. and Um conlribuUoM of Mveral Mmd* in EttffluMl, tOffetlMr with th« roitaraUd •flbrta which hav« been nad* io this Provineo, •ur Coi- l«riaU School hM been nvod froin inorit- •ble Mlura, and plieod in ciieuiiMUiicoa in which it DTomiMa •xtandvo uMfulnoM to this Provinoe. Wo boff, at tho mum timo, to MprtiM our fratoful acknowlodcmoiits for your huMlMNiM donation of Ooo Hundiod Pounda worth of Books : and for tho assist- England, in aidinj dU Aitads of thoUpper Canada Aeadtmy.^ Wo ontrsat tho eontinuaneo ' of your ■Tmpathios and tmyors in our behalf : that, In tho religioos fend moral eultimtion of this wide Md ost«nd«l Hold, we may be V •'t*^*^ •^ — w sffo M f^ atmayt mimmd- tor i» <*« t^r* ^ th4 Urdf" *nd may w- ceive abundant increase from the bleaiBn of Ilim^ whose we are, and whom m are ImhumL And unitedly deroted, to serre." 1 ttii. JVsM the Mdrem of iha Cmiutdm Ca^ftrtmet U the BriHak Cmftrmttt^ daUd JwM sand; 1838, and signed « EemtToM RrwMoif, fiTseretery." « We are happy to improTo the opportunity aflbided i^ our Annual MeeUng, to address you again : though we eannot but regret, that wove deprived of the pleasure and proflt of %t communication from yon, during our preeent Bitting." Bot reach us. Your letter, dated Jane a* 18S8, has been read, and embraces subjects of deep and exciting interost." ^ ** Be assured. Hear Bretben, that, during the iaie critical and erentful period of yuur Cblio aflhirs : our sympathiss and prayers ve attended you. We oan conceive the painful suspense with which you must have watched the dubious sspects, and awaited the issue, of RebellUMM Movements, thraai* ning to subvert yourieoial listitotionsu and — 7. • ~~^ •"• ""^ »»■»• Bing *w ■unveri your social lisuiouonsb and of an nnnsuBl and extraoidinary charaotor. The poiititet BztmvagaBcee of some of our follow suMecte, hate degenerated into die- uffiictioBf^aMl that disaflSction has ripened into rsbellioB : which has filled our whole ^,P«viBcowith exciteoMBt tad alarm t al- ^ though o^ly a few hundi^ds, seemed to have any ifeMneKion with tli« Conspincy." ««The interpositioB of Divine Provi- deuce/ was remaikably manifest in dur de- liver^oetfeBd within a few days the de- ■W of wicked men were defeated, and tha/lBenrrection waa entirely iuppveeeed, with eeareely any sacriSee of Uftn In this season of tnal, the members of our Soeiettea, throughout the Provinocv were not exceeded by any class of our fellow. subjects, in loyalty and seal in the mainta- lumee ud defence of the constituted au- thoritiaa. This wae. the first inoUnce in which the public tranquility waa ever thus disturbed in this ftovinftw ; and w0, trust it and improving Colonies of Ureat llriUin, the horrors of intestine warfare. We join you in devout thanks to Almighty Uod, who has frustrated the neferious Jes/gns of wicked mea. Thh flames of civU war have been extinguished, never,'we trust, to be rekindled." •• •» *' We have heard with the highest satle- fection and gratitude^ of the devoted lor- uty of our Societies in Upper Canada t that they, in eoramon with thoee Ib the Lower Proviacet have, la l|iis lespect, maiatained the repuUtion of Methodism, and exemplified the Scriptural maxima which were uniformly embodied ia thu coa- duct, aad eaforeed ia the writiaga of our ravared Poaader.** "That tbereoeat perilous aad distraetiag occnrreaoee, should exereiee an injoring in- fluence on the spiritual sUte of your Hoei- etiee, though a distressing feet, can excite u itL- •»..«. «r •%. . I. »^ '""^ Miuugn » oinieMing laci, can exctta •• Tha event* of the past year have been ^ na surprise. We trust, however, that bv a SB nnasual aad extraoidimrv chan^t^ ' wImuJ^ -j-.j-i-.^..__* _# ...I'I'^l"?* "^ * wiU be the last.** vigilant admiaistratioB of our wholesoma diseipliae^ aad the iaculeatioB of the dutic> suited to such aeaaoBs, yon may be able to^ chaok thoea avila, aad that your belovad peo^ pla will hava grace to lead quiet aad peace- «ble Uvea ia all godliaees aad honesty. Oat of strife^ so Utter aad deadly, eausee of ■agry diacu«rioa aad animoaitymust arise. Wa pray that the hiah Anthoritlea, to whom the paeifieatioB of Caaada is eatrastcd^ nuiy ■nocaed in re-esUblishing the saptemacy of Uw, aad Uyiag the basSs of B pamai^aiit - traaquiUity. Aad that, as pid>lic iastructersk ' you Buy so enforce the obligations toobodU an^ and apply the paeifie principlee of- Christianity, as to soothe the acrimony of political eontontions, and assist ia haalihg thedistiBctionsofyouroNintiy." -^ ** And now. Dear Brothren, we ^ri^nmend ' ytrn to God, and to the word of his gract. ' We pray that in the weighty trnste com- mitt e d to yon, y o u i .... - .»-- ^ '^'iryt y WM" anmrng aoova diseouragaments, as ffodd aol ggasi 'asm 'ijiggjgjgjill •d JuM 3hl» m MbjacU that, durinf iod of jruur tnd prayera incfliTQ tbo I miMt bay* ind awtiUKl nta, IkrMi* ;iitioMk and Dtoraritinf sat UriUin, Weiuin ighty God, liMiffD* of civu war • Iroat, to rbeat latJa- ■Totod lojr- r Canada; in tiM a raapcctf fethodiaoH 1 maxlmt^ in thu eon- ip of our diatracUng Bjaring in- your 9oei> can excHo , that by a rbolaaonM Ibe dati(^ le able to doTedpMK) indpMeo- I honaaty. ^eauaeaof loat ariae. S to whom natcid^niaj *muiiejot pemawmit latmeten^ fftbobedU nclplM of' finony of n healinji hiafraet. nata eooi- t, ntloiw, ind riaiDg I BoUHera '9 6t CMF* fAcn AtfAtntr fAumoMh If ■siwto In^ e«.fcf««0««i.«il«U«» AiHat »W Utm T.^ •! Vwtm. lafclMMUly I In rack word* aa thtw,tHa two bodtaa «tt« aeouatomad (n *• AJU^tu" awili otbar, du- ring tha^-l^aiaik'* Tha eoaplala daonmaau from wblob tkaaa pamKfapba kava Hmo a«. leotadi will ba nad niih Intaraal. Tbav wall and truly, and alao tottcblng ly, baipaak tb« I ralatkma of tba BMMt nadonbiad bladnaM. Tlia aanUiMau mpra«ad, and tba tpirH aa- alfaalad, in tkaaa **iliMMMif AdJrtam," a«a m IntHMkally valnaMa, and lo bowmrabia lo iha Mandddpi whicb oooa anbaUtad batwara iiid claiaw," *• partlaa, tbat 1, at langih, daaaad it ISib. Fraai tk» JUdrm af tk» Cmutda CW- wotth; of avan ao ooyiook •«* aondantad a ftmu* in tk$ firituk Cmtf«rmu«t dattd Jnna | raeorf of tkair Mvan yaan of aorra«pon4anc« 39, l«i9ll.and algned « EoanioN RvaMon, { with aaoh otbar I Tbla will, at laaM, aubaarra S«i»», lli« wraiaUrd and daatitata of all eotintriaa Inca, during tha paat taar Uw ban unfavourable to tlie ap&itual prpaperity of our Society, aa to the ganaral iBtaraata of the country. We are happy however, to ■dd, that there baa been tneraaar w eur Mia- aioiMiryoolleetloiiiid«rU)jr tbe year, AND IN ALL OUR CONNBttOHXL FUNDB ; and MMT war* a«r SMalifa M a iMW#. mot* fttmm. ** It la eaMolaUNry to na to be Infurmad that the meabamorTOur Charob hava hiib- erto preMTved their obaraetar, aa dutiful and «>bedlant aat^aeta, and. that they bava been awake to every call which kaa bean niada upon them In iIm hour of need. We trukt thatiMthiaf, either from within or without, will ever rub them of this honourable praiie. Jma polltica are baaed upon true raligli**. tC^ntmw tkeir maxima fkom ll« doetiina, aiid pieafepta, and their aplrit fkom ita iuflu. I ence. It la an Inapired muiaB, lliat '* r^Ata. I oMtMM taetUtA analiaiij*' nor will that inaa. Im aver fkUfy lu aaeanlng orlaea it« fiirce. ** TonroomparativadecreMe of memhara can Maicely oecaaiea na aorprlaa. It !• our penaaiioii« however, thatthiaaaasMn ofap. parent want effffowth and anlargrwent, will not, In tlM ftnnliawei be the must adverae one ptaeUoal and. It provea that (A« ;• BH- ti$k^ MHkOMt, have w HtpmiiUm !• '* MAnaaL** with their CmaHmm brethien. It will alao ahew, that the Canada Coolir. •mo* moat eMirelv loaa ita own mif-niftt^ before it ean (•sMfcHaff jr") employ lie a«. alal organ, lo vilify, or avan to trMt with ii»» tbe ehameter of tbe Britlih Cenfar- anea. . How dlimnt fhom the tone of theae fcm- going *• 4mm«/ Addfmm " win be fonnd Id be lla aniaMf of the f^ttmgiMf mttmHtnm GmarHmm of the 19th of laat aMWth l--f* Wft •« have aanwah rmUtrnd reapeet fiir theBritkk •• Cdnf^ranea. aa any acaribar of iheolher 8o* "olaty een have. B«t havinf no opinion of • the Wa(liU% wf «he Confereaeei anjr ** mere than we have of the Pope ofBam^ " or the Conelave of Oardlnala ;" «» .j , i 1 remain. If r. Editor, YoaiB raapeetftmy, W. M. HAnTABo^ MtdMU im CmUm WiiL 'i eoe la jonr hbtoryw 'Tlmea d painful eaer- BRinSH WS8LEYAN MVFHODISII m CANADA WEST. - , ,, — ^^rnfMrem- n-SSvSSB^SrSiJtiHS ciaaanJ loaa. aietUa alao of d^.plin«.,ln- H SSSr^S^J^JT^Kj^ atroctlon ud Impipvament. Right pHwIplajj •,:a:*-» *| ■jS'SlS'^^ abonld then become more irmly aaated, and . Tv^S^^iSfl'SX M&S^ iTdlC^SISby.S Chriatian ezperlanee matured ; while prapa- \**^mlmm9fi»»jftn9^ rallona are 5ao #1101101 made, amMttwtat ««|i|tatr«&«al«r*i«-*«"-^*»«^ awUittyidearth and daaolatloa, Vn , . ^ - -- - • -' l^CTBRV. -1 3> da AHlar ^ Aa SVanle BmM.' — imn Biiiiij Two ani ^ J- realviag lalaene^ of Spifaib ^*«^ .■•*"!* miy be iMuedly expeSsted. wheo aU aball fl oa iW t U i new h ea aty , and yteM t h e pnwniae ofaBl>*tlfl>lha w#." ^ U P^l thelbnioilSC^^ toa, wilt ha«f • 0*^1 inm #»»r«w«KrhulM»r!^^~~~* "^ Ub Conf«r#nc« ind the Coaiuli ConferwM*. ih» Utur novergavtf ih« IcMt intimntioti ..U«t tlMv foand l^r foniMr to b« a "oi#«r. rviMiiw," or "unfi v»naiy," or evon » ♦* W l Thay '• '« of t'lo Grant t «»'?.oiy, ofha- ^ TIlOtHAND liwarla tha. Hup. ong the Indiana, had aant the Rav. •ddiaaa tbam.— «il thdr ** Ratwaad and VERY DEAR>ath«a aadSShNT Tbay aoUeitad thair Coanaala, aad Brofeaawl tha ainaaraatdaairatobegttidadaeeaidlBfflT. Ybalr wordaara» ** Wa faal it ia aor baarta to attaad to your PARENTAL ADVICE." nay profaaaad to raMca in thair ralaUon af UaioB t> tha UnUah Coafnanea. aa opaniiif tha way to thaadva iiStoa inJhtiah Aoiarica to axtonuw" -' And wall niafit thaCanbi, m}oiea ia thair UnioB with tSa ifPitfah Can' fataoea t for though aorae exeallant peopTa hara daroatly wjafiad ihat tha aganto of th« latUr bodf had natar eoma to tha country : tth55Ji:*« *'»^' WANT of a<;quain: TANCE with tha ENTIRE SURIECT. Hi^i^ii^ ''•^ ^ aUrihato aoob a ^1Vl8Hr— What aaatimaat, aathathaad. ^£2tS2LOT!2S^-teTHECANADA JNFBRENC^ THIHSBLyES f It ia plaaaing to obaarta that VXEf •Piakjvfth eonplaeaaey of « a Gnat f fam thf CrawB,**— and tha liontribiitioBa o# mrnnX Maada ia Eaglaad, ia additioa to ia4taralad aArU ia tha PtoriM^ aa having hwB tha maaaa of aavtagtliair yietmla «n«nTATOPAiuni»^(i) Th^ tha aaaa tina aoDMaa ; to qwto thair m »Uappf AILURE, unlaaa aaaiatod with- I ngliah Pundoi ^iaca that owing to thair ^ ^••(>araUon froai tha Amariean Mathndiat I < hiirch, thay eoald no longar aaleulato on ^••'..port fhMn ii^ naigbbouring Rapahlie. 1 fhoy acknowtadga, that through tha divina '••'^f'lnf npon agaata of tha Britiah Coafar- ^n<>ir m tha Colony, tbara had baan an opan- in^r «»it of loaal raaeiircaa, in aid of thair Mimiona, aueh aa thay had navar pcariouaiy IsnowP. Tb#lr worda ara, after only TWO YKARS UNION, *our Miaaionar^eollae. Mfl^..*"** wbacHptloaa, AMOUNT to MUCII mora: and tbara ia an ancouraala* LSlSf^'^T t^« *«»I. WILL BE SSSf HIDERABLY KNCRtSASEO." THMY, in (bet, pfofaaaad thair baliaf that, (avaia to uaa thair own woida), ** thia nago- elation haa haaa commanood, eonduetad aad ^<>M«tad. in tha ftarihid nadar THE SMI- LINO. APPROBATION of God otir BaTf. otir (ir And WELL th^ MIGHT: aiaea ia THE THIRD YFAR iSiyaay ; "CStI God, tha^Bottiithataad- ON of SOME (1) aw ^^gg~ aacraaaa of about Oac ^^^o^Mmioinhara. Wa ara happj ia ax- n!^i*C<*^ ^f*^ attaehmmu to QW UINEVaatayaa Mtthodiani (!) WalS mora than W9t eonviBead of THE EPPf. CIBNCYOFTHEEYSmf. Thagaa- •?*,»Uta ofoor nNANCEB, ia MOR| FLATTERINGthuiatANYlMparBanali And wa haliara that Waalavaa Mathoiail-^ Ji^S^JWOOD mGHBpi^fBnt ~ELLiQnsifT tbaakatoAli MATION of tha INtS! M JMBtt for fl WORTHY pnt of tha G01fii^%rY.*X thi. eoo«t,y,'THAN, AT PREEEinP (l)^ Y«ir raadaia, DaarjBir, wfll find ia aiy Wat SSfe'lSSS&wxIOTHBR KlNDRErfH. PRE88I0NS abnadaatly aalaetadfHln tte AddraMaa of ^tha Canada Coalnaaoa to tha Britiab Coafmaca. z W*\aak ounalvaB, ia it POSSIBLE that ' ''-"tti^naa (aadJMiaiataia oftha Gaa- ' NOW ARfiAILdBjIkaiDBt to amdaa ta —And thaialNk^laaal^ aoHto faqwetallt ■ i *<» I iHkih loo la tlM CMMii ii liM mtmhntkif A8HA1IKD tif ImNtMmU^ « TBNriONABLY PURIIUB If BAM) to tmtim (NHV.it ABLE IIm difMlwUea of BUOH A UNION 1^ — -Ab4«Im, ttel,**A*^ IA«MMM hmmU, tktm Um i 'M tf4, l«4 MtM^Bf mmd mrM^ /-^W« «Mly mIw to tMr MBA8URB1. Willi tlMtr MOnVBHw* 4o BOt B«w intarfM*. TIIBY will b« tha NMwt of.TItK FINAL invwtl«iti' * naa of^lrrw iMi|Mr. who hava proaeevtad, with BO onAaary aaal* plaaa of agiH^m aad •hif»t of a moat tmcAWaKaa aid Hira- ImHmmry eharaetor.** Tha jraar pfvioBH to tUm tha Canada Conlhraaea adrartai to aiadlar d^ntioM, i« thaaa woida t « r4cr»^4«ifff fiiiiiiiir^ii, ■ mi i^ u 'i l w < H Bi M i rtly ^nfMmlk KtMlcklf^luiMrMliiwI latenMP. T«.l»«ui. i and attpportenit) WltHUKBW, frtm the GuMtfaOoiifBieace, ti|» tMitroaage thpy M been wont to alBiid thevfu For a MBapn, aonye <»£ that dewsription. ling«:»d ahoat» nlTar the inlfaMade wlueb th«Qr tbffe> a«w, tjiev Wodd, ia all piobahiliiy, lo*e thfoodi, the Union.<-Ultini8tely they joined oto bem % qc wmiine^^nliiely unconMc- t«iwithM»r^_ ViR SEiaiNOflN^ 80HB of them were. 1|m aeeiftly meditaiei the Tiolent rendifig or^pi^miiiBff AroTtnee from the JiritiiS EfOline* Inl| et h e #m>i (aa it previvuily «iaatod m GuadnJ they had food nothinc. which, u^ ^smkrkyfi of it t^ '■-ll^vqM^ of makilur it .pohfltorvient to their '" — •^rea4^5wMitolri''deaifn«. Un- WlKLBeplwlliition of <*JIE. ** th«gr \m and vuiooaly I the-iittaohment of the neo. ^ympm^, 1 heae individ. li^wn to the leadeva of ^' ji^^Andaomeoffhoae SOMINIIiNt in the LjOlTof 188% Ma wM a PUBUPLY }m^k CONFEREmCK. ^.Igiftw,l they did not enanare their intended vielim 1 Wbo can ealeniate the amount of 4W4^ and I«m^ thua aeeo* red; ptrtoml 4mmiIm^ aotimt, and tecUmmt- tteatj Probebiy. tho«e who unhappUy eher- iah tUifrtjpMi Wmti-m of embitteied leelini against the Hritiah Conferenee, miy at the ■ametimeOf ihey knew every thing) hnf« the greateftt reaaons to ting a 'V^mvm, on MCouDt of even the T£MPOIiAl(y IN. FLUGiVU K uf that body, over their doatiny. »md that of fieir eonnecttiona, during that colonial criaia T 'Jlioee who juatify, in reipect of ihe *' dia- aolotioo,'* the procedure of the Canada Con- ference, will hower^r, do well taienember the fcbaowledged atate of their Ohureh, wbm they had made up their mfaid% by their meaMirea, to oblife the Britiah Confer- 9Qce to break up the Uuioiu, .Such waa the real important character of iOKt advuttagM . which thelSfWe ya(»w"&niott7W^#% duoed to their Comnranitv, that the feUow)' > ing waa the Report made by the Canada CfMifereuce to the Brit e^ CoufertiKe vpon thia aubjeet, at the coiicloaioB of thai rela* tion i-^ne, 29, 1880. '« W«a|w'" hoeK«ver* .to add. that there haa tNQ9IEA«B 4m 0»r Mmhumrg \ duiing ibe year : attdin oU mr Cc.,^,^^ Fumdii AM NEVBR f7£RB OUR SO- CtBTIBS, on a whole,«Mr« nlmUUkid atd '- ^O tlM gMf kMulwtnwiUn, ami ntbit yee / hn nf mn ^tmn t- Ami / «Ml mm tfyrndtUghtftr *ft9»MiiVU*lbmMn T£at euch a relatioB diovld havi taap Mddanl^ kroken m, will natmady ampriae any iniiaetiBft mind. Nor wiU jt be ethir^ «iaethaa^TONISHSlf%lhat, #e iooa ailanrmMhe^AgeBta ofthe aaae ^ COM*» ' M(m musin?f ilieaU. bn the m!m >^ iimiod, and W the ettdblrrga^ L laCiMilwea^.|9.hflli>a . «. , --«»*««Wwialei(imlai' » tfe«t;lfi9»ftn(th«^ by thOMaM MMii^eriii f ■»& «a>«Mr'yheftclf, haa. b««M "^sms^^sii^:' ^ ^jjwf affi wMnfMitai. the *9 ■•-• — ii--'*~<- !tWI»| i r ' l'W IPJI W i l > 11 ^, SBMaeiiHi iteaMiliii ■) ( wnsimmtit nutiiooo Used to ««*«««»»«»»• Your Catimpn^^i Mve-ilutt ^ •m bu^ rwUUo« « tWwI CoBfei«nr« «»»»■• And bj the •dTntagw I would Ikin •'••k«»^*»*?***°!i;i^, Ufiml uud uffeeifonut* uulon with the pwij*. UUto me mai.1 jffeotliig W hyeto j uyUut «bftrgud. witb an endeaTOur to f BCHJs.1 wr JSuSS^ Fund, of t^B»»^f \^^S^; Ml •reu in Ceaada, ^btoN ^i* StftTCS' -wANti* fdijwA "tilSS? J!2: MVV "aad !■• *• both u^w awd mi m f to eup* ^y their •VlUf(>«Wij SSSrtdebto/; .n4wbae.at Uieeuuic f«rf*i«eof«thuaaddla.'' ^^Mw^^y^a SStaf alantloa, tlto^«i««^2!K ofraeoirinff for themaalTUO tltoUAiM«i«toa SirlSSr&SSrolJa'SS^ kaaiia IIRART. tO bohBVU">aO UNeHMNWiy •J^tS? tOilMON FAaaiCT <» J^- " crrOOrBD.to Uie o^'a' «ad »WJgwj«"»no- Uw of A CLANrfESTlNR KEGOCIA- TION with the Cotouial Ocwumment, ft* JLiXSSn rU llto iWti^h C-^-je trtlheiii»^ve«,of «1» 0»?*\^Sf!l*!! fr«mit Oorenimeiit h^ »«J»oad »bem to •ugiaeMt thaimiittMi^ laboMtoik In €•- l^o Six Year* the Britiih Couforeiico h»d ^Sipebded iu Cunada W^ uioiu «hfn*m- ble tbeaiaount of monw that ware both raU Bed In. the Proving awdl fec«»ed f rom the. Oovernnifnt? the Omnt frem whom, wa» penntnenUy fixed ut £700 «l«'» »nK.P«'."|: ium. Hut; uotwilhttandiDR, ihU lalter wm ^Dfuvin fcct,pald5woT to *e »ii»Monanr Tm- M^Af th« Canada Conferenoe, «»^^«»; inerellBi fet.it appeaw, that ihathody«f Mioffi,l*ohed nitfr dW«ati.f*olion upon ih« fatot, tfit their BriUA Wesley an Benefactort; iioii ul tWa oa*xpaelad dto««iB»B>v ^ • ^ •'' ■*■"-■, Lfemaln, Da» 8te ,^: ,;'.;; i'.y'' ■ ■■%■ A WIMM the pan of tha CaaadaXonfe.----^, ---— hewinmber^l|i»^*'AASN^'«^*y drSSr^^upon the '^m^M^^ ofdrdufclfeelHnecoaawywiiftaaafjr remarlu in reply to th|i ^tamaii^ ^^ *1£rfi wa^ld h.«>-g*^«»2!lS^^ •*" aay, that qne »•"**•* "WMjy'w^ ^tha chirtcur of *0„^^i^ of «ii|«|audedij$^ L.-ii^iwiuiaaI toahuv^^tha^W aneuhAfviip — * Si^ WMOn AaAlncT VAUtMOoO. -fe^ i. T l nlttfl i ii . Oadalfc Brltbk fi«M^ tlMif body, \m W«M«B Ciwula, 1 tm aom to M7» M AM who hM eiidMv- «arad to t1(»w thio^imiMrtiaUy, that thwe *•■ baM BiMiy imteting aetooomoUttod, gk. wkieb liM> in nality, amoontad to aa maoh 9lMi^thottffhtteBiitiabCk>afac^ aquar- talwithtliaCaDadiaiia. I mention thiananlT with the hope an4 confldenee that ho wiU iMfiiit, ia much aa Ha poaaiblyean.any. thiny of the aort reemrinf during hia Pfon- deney. And I hav« that knowlodso of SEV. ERAL OF THE OFFICIAL8(0F THE CANADIAN BODY, in Toronto^ that I ImI aaawad their inAienso will be exerted ia f almilar wagr ; and thu% at any imto> one ^opwill b« taken in the woik of PACIFK CATION. ForthepneeedingaiaTofonto? beiaylMadqaartara, nataiaUr eieraiee aa -I oa the bodiea la the Weatem Pio- m xk'9bmMm. yeatlaaMBBpeaka ofexpceaaiona -Miahad nadar Ae diieeUorf of tlw ftitiah ifc wiarejhi aa tW^ '*aothiaffl net* AOAtHit iAUlAOOtl. WtwiM my ow« BrUiab Wjwitoyui Method- rrSmrch, Md iha uf the Cutda Confer Zo% would b* liiwiy to raodoi it moit on ^^inaUOf to met to refor, in • spirit of cea li^riMtmm of roprelioDMoiv to tbo urooeed- i;,.i«n Of Am iwoMltp ^ Ai* "^ J ". !otjimsHo%ui^ iCool' wiBitvt and 0CCA8I0NED iU tfntvoidiblo i jmi MiUam$ lepintion frou im* . ''^ur Bfoiont ettto^of dioconnoction fron^ upuD oiir 'Vtredit snd standinfl/' ^M«?^*^ P«?»I»««>: ooaadmia infirmitieii, it^wk may have bad mndi to do with it. In my lemarka,^! am animatid,! trvift, aoMv %y the wiah that no onaih«BMbomialad, ib relation to it, and thattnUh aad qglUeouanoM alone, shonld /e«M «*• « n « M W tHfi to the WiilMaa iliwiunaiy Committee in I'Owloa.^e^. K«* roa #iU *alimrtW nmimiMi^ that *ia OaAHT waathaunaolklt«lbwn,J*oa|i«i- tanaou8.condeaG«Mdinft andbMMtifBlRoyal olfer, by which thatTJo^maBce w «a aim; blod and thoa JnAiatrfto^roaHtBtocmaaM attontian, to tha beat to^^flf jf **»J"if»* iMDai Indiana and ImatitMt watiam or^M* \ iartaiaadtflC UNION, Bftwaap Urn Grant, thoa vaaaUfliU.., «^*.^ ti—jt'— . bly paid* bf tka OoimfBrnart, # thAfl^wal T \Vhen, tknafSMk. __ CAMAnA* Hia UBioB,** — »■ quently took ptaca^ thaMM *"K^ Botiah C(>ninaBet to aM aa «*M^f?^^ one. an amount of pacoBia^attt*ttii;^BBBd» rou Confc««»«^?^*^»•I^»^S?^l!Sl!?S thai oWecUcenjointly. In tbiaaamam ar wh ' by a Ba«y merchant, mayafto«.\J«taui .pecieaof property boloBriBf to hiPiri^) taSienabled tio alWao muai ttajaifir po- tion of funda to tha comiBaB bgjw aaa ; tho capitaUat atillfiotainuw hia indiviMal Hght to the partiwlar apsteim of ^pioparty Jwa which he waammbM to omka audi tim% V WilhiU Atocwaidrntmn ftwrtha Canada riiBJinina. Mwain wkam and myaalf the iMot liU^oan BBd oonlild ifiatioaa hive •iMatiAl«mboaBdtoaqr,thaiit haaoften bten adfaadvatttaMLto^thMnkto BECOME ACaW[I«5^ll%S^»«o^«gwtm«fc. «BWof««m« ry» Tiwaury; thay wage y t towjjg ig^a* the aamatimi^ to imarM jq Wj ffN i r fpig^ eeloniata. that 1«* YJMifgJNftojfeiJJ Ihol pattkular gjfttm V P*#S*^ 2?ik thacommoB finm waa — ywwy j ' ' i»im» b!m thai, thit Ih^ toSli«>;S*l91|^^:r ) ipBMB 4 tAcn AdAtiwr vAUtnooA. CaiMdA ftMkMlWNMMg* OaafiNMM»^flo'«irbaai AliOIfB lk« Onnt iMri^bMn iBiiB^ywvn ALONB to W h«ld m iMjiiiMilli HMTti* i#Mptio« «f iMjMrtfait- At tli#^(WMi«» GottfemM*^ MiolntioM ^ 1H l^owtet MrpoHt ir«t« |MMMd upon <* TiMt tl|i«r9ve MfM dllMlifftetknis \n ^i»eoW|»M^<)ralTAIM Q|tANT8,imd« by ^IhtmmfB GovenrioMnt M SiwMtiiai lophiiiiote ** Wwf I tt i U tt fc thM 1^ itnprovmBeni of Ibe wttb the Oruit tit ^KkMnB, th«t ^^ PBLT. tboT bad notUac to dow udDB' OLABBD/tkattb^TOEllllBDTO HAVB NOTHING TO DO. Aad, fortbcn tboy wiehod the wbok world totaow, that l*«y ntMtr \Mn mt r wUktd to i*-*4B the l«iat do gr ee h U m M ml IhmmUL (l)hy Tbo Btmmm Conftw a eit Ma% 1M9, wu itt«id«d by tbo R^» Dr. A&Ma^ froa Kigland ; to wboiii» Mr^ Editor, yon hn* MOD that bondttrabio allualoM bavo^ by tbo Canada Confinroiieai boon repeatodlT n Br bite, on behalf of tbo BftfUdi MMoionaiy UMoinlttee^ a nmoBetraiiee iraa praaeatad againat t^ ffMefolaf Raaolntloaa of. the AMtt GOIT MORI LABI * eninwhty ataited> thiA ive Mblio oa Got- Sroroale Goalareboe ; ea the freuad that " wiirirtBrt' flaaihrhae erer beea made to ' "— -" — '- — •— '-'-^ -^^ •-- _>.-^*^.-. -. .t. • thtp ^6ir ; aai thiat H pBSWBD NO «OTtlBB^i«Mt'Mr Ho nemben, tbaa the «VOLfmTiWr< OONTBtB^IONS of « GkiintiM UbarlUly.-^That the Sam of •MiaeFlMairal*taM|i Btatl^g, fM»gr«m- they #eM ealealated to be pntjodieial to the. oaynial of theGtaat to the aaU Miaaioaarir UooMdltee. laoowMVieaeeofthiii^aoBitieh of thaaeBeairfatkNw aa leterad to ill«i «yM> cMei OitMf waa raeeiaded. B»eoaiplet#ly Sa the Canada OoalMmnQe'eoathMe to ie« kaowlediife »a titAn pnjfrtdniitbi ^fHut er^iOt to be with the Eacliah MlaiiQttafy Sooiety* pAcnNeAToa wul be glaaaad to ramember , that thia, RaacuiDi«i| beuM the date of iAMe 1889. AVION dithepartof U-^ott wilt aearedy be PiwiM^ Mr Bditor. i«aba|'«finiicN^Or«iilt Uo be informed, thatTnABOOT BIX ~ MONTHS /f-eatjy wadwdlwgof theee He> . aotaliona, on the part of the Canada Coil* fiireiee^ theSeoretary of thatCoafMroiee wat . diteattrtd te beonjMed in a fctfil w ai aw nteiiaa idth' the Colonial OofenuMaty which had for ita ot^jaet MaMKra aHmmtion ;i« That thia Confofenee, WITHOUT i a/"!!* Graal ftm'A* BrUiak Otmfmmtk-^- •« AMY DBSIIIBiX>INTBR^RB inthe md iUtrumqftr la A* CiU^ C^fi/ki^ "eigafaweirta' between hla M^|aaty»e Got* ^-^' '•*' " • ei^miaiM,' and the Wealayan Miaaionary, «*G<)Mntttee IttLotaden, l/N4Mr r a>ai iinlfaar which « fcavebaea cirenlate^ the aefvral Govmv- 4^«ient Gt«»fai^<«rhich haira been made for <* apeetfad ffdi|riooa parpeeao* however BB- •'IW^Lili^'lhe^lH'^BNTlONS and « fodUni^ irtiielF liwf have dictated them, « inl'«b#e««n HOBLB and ehriatian the «=08SidTeM^>i^hieh ther woM intaadedi «1iiM awM^'VAStlOUSLY PRBJOD^ <1oftheWea»yBniMfaidiiiia»lfppat^Oiilfe theief TOBI THOi POSil cmaaa ani^bl « MfOi ft mfl^^ CHimt PflEU ]«^ DIBT VARl On tbew theOi . -A...' :,:..:t Si*in conae(|uence of fiaferttatlon/ #«in in gofllcient anthorilyttinf aoeh a cMnrnmiea* tion bad been fo r i» a rdad;|theMiaiiena>yGoMi»>,,> mitteein LondM i|iad« applieatiea to th* Colonial OtIkM, and reoetretfa vspix* ^'^'"^ ■ which the following ia aa oKtrtot v--f* Hia . Lordahlp (Lotd John Roaaall,) daairaaaM t» inforiai ymi, ttat he kaa idteidy rtiaeived fhMn the Governor GeAtetl, a iMMntdli o« - Ahe anbiaot to which yoar1«ti«rf«latea,'a»i fcompanied by a repraaaMi^aik < Bdplf. Ifai _,ilFiiHhe Province t'mimSmid^ aome ; that one ob^' IbM^df ttli#BWM|illMM «!•% to eidaavoor IJMBiffBl l wb l ■ THE LAtTBR* !• iia B3KJL ~ ANAGISMlBliT llMMlMrf »Wiii tha DOT dIX rtlMwR«- . braneewM . VWtWMIIty Odrnfi Mt ic tt ■ t CiM/kiv Df IffvBi m Hiimtftiiea* [Ml to th« spljTf from NfaretaMM ^i^HTn^t^^'"""^ MB. i^mSSr THOUIST CHPlCHrtai S^SS.^SP uwiJMitifrr to ta 'tlM AT ttM 01% POSALoTtte CMMhi^^ GAm*^* UUtMiMinlTT. tlio RovvtMiiTOi* Rtmaoiif Mi;lifi^bhil(«r til* Itov* WiLUAM Rrai- ■Miii Itt » Iftttr ■iiliiiMiiil to tlie Gov«B- CbSTL >C»i*i» iHU kiw« JUST ut S?"]***!!!?*^' Alio: ^COMPLAIN — , Qa ibkSamMor to loiyliijf t% liC;?^ So Hot. g^« f >w* * ilw >jr * a gSfe?''?S?^ JU8TL1, ^lipfk '''<™q^f **l^ ,: f ?^ DiMnaiiOTfovriM<^Nra'>L, beiMt Ott lUffttnago M)l«M«iioot«AaetioiH fat tbi ma» of tke CiaoiaC^iiimiMOi womr i.Mth«l«««l aorlHi«ul«> nrr^tliit M Cnnwiiiiiiti iif tfaaltlM]f to# «• toaik §» i -qtaa t 'tiio f thUr tliiT. iiad It to AiSK VOR CVSN A TRt^NS- Ffii^Or OOR GRANT T« fHBM^ im GHARACnpR the fold ■ttfaiiiillmriltNlMtii £mw (to nikh R-MiNt!»» *l »»5^ ^ ike ctea|% Avto^tl* MtrfP BRinsB ooNEiMifCpr^fn A^ QBNT^uil kMO JCna|r fiiM " IwMbaSblo.Nlitfaiii^ ^*^ I^VM t^^i^SS* Itviato «o iMMkiitt Co ai i i i— ■ ■<*tiio ^ Ml* U i fl VACTS AOAIJIST rALtlllOOlK -i HmoImUow of OflHiilMM. UruM MlvrvrmmUliim. CkriatUii U«u4iM. (of which tb« SacftMTj wm then Editor, ) in movly fMrty poUtica ; in deOuMM uf many prariona pramlMa ud protostationa, tu the eontnry. 'rha doottmaDtdnwn ap» on that ecca- ^ noB, by the Britiah ConflMnuiee MiaaioniiTy ComBaatae, wtU beat ahow the Tiewa and action of that Tenenble Body. It ia dated Upturn, GmrdHt^Lmdm, April 30th, 1840, and aiffiied Eujah HoQiM^amfflk* €mttml v Briliik Cmfkmt^ a/ ISW, la deeidt Ji- ludfy im a// iMlterarffaliiM la tkt Um9» MBMfiNf ktwim Urn. BriHik Cmtfrnnee mmUkt UfftrOanUnCmfatftncr, tmd le CAa /iMlia* Mimiamt l» Upp*r C»tmmd» : •n. Hmtm^Smrdtm, Wtdrntmlf^, JlprU 30lA,lMa. 1 , ^^-^ The Ceiaraittee having hvtim ^^^ nviooa doeomenta ahowioff that aotno of the pledtw^v«tt>ttbai lait Canadian Confer- ence have net been AiUUlediaapociallyin^he eondaos of the Ser. Bgarton Eyoraon,in the management of the*« Chriftian Goa^n " andaboa Lettor from M r. Under-Hec Vernon Smi^adiraaaedto Dr. Alder, ting Ihatn r^lpnaentationhad been receiv fiwn Mr. Ilyera6n,'iirging the claim of the Uppor Cknada CbnfbcencA to the eacloaite meMgement of tho yearly Grant, received Mr<|JS Wo^teyaai Miaaionary Society, which Letter waa aeeomFanied by a Daapatch from the Cbvcmbr-Genat^ df Canada oa the anb- jeet, and incloaing a .copy of Mr. Ryeraon*a letter td Hia EzoiiUeneyMM^v* ^'"^ ^ the fojlo#ing Reapkitiott;-- . ^ M I. Thai jdat oveonda of complaint teiat agaipai the Ker. Rgerton Ryeraon; particu- Hurhr on the fottow»g pointa >— . niHli) That lift Hyerion, aa it appeare to the CoHitaitlee, in hia recenicenunnnicatioa wHh tho Gf^reittor^^aeneraW and on other oecaaiona, haa Tirtnally and practically an- MMeded the fUvi JooMr Btinaoii, the regn- QyHVPoiAted PwaMent of the Upper Can- ada^wfeieiiai|» A-rEXV ASNVAL Bt'tTilia, _ and marit the aenae which they entertain of WA a rfttAaoart a««op< to daprifo tho Wea- IMm Miaaiomry Committoe of their mat aiidrigbteoaB olMBa on tho pUf^ted fcith of the Anl^h Crown and GovwrnnMntir by |Mr--._ Hml,eli$ulitHm9f and «MN'«<<<'^'Wf ^ _ !■•>_«»»,■ in^^ig|w-^^^^^ anpohftod. *** VIT'fS "!J^ joat odpr^of , — j- — wm «deta btttwaan ttMVM « m. If howeror THIS BBAEONA^iW hi nkiMb ttr.ftt ^—rr wagtef'hutuuuuaBiiilii intigiity^ in ^apHHi .hfytlUiGttMratoIko BmSmm^ at tlMir ntst iRtiiiff, iMiMi caMttMaan tl^M of vUA Iho^GommMin eo«nlil»» R «rUl b* «lHif#fiiMl«rtf toi#<» """' \U Ike nat«rilHh-C ui gn i Mm W V ■: ,■■),, ■".■ •'.;,»- liOStMll of K mad»'U» «k« Canada liaabacoma LNDPAK- raraottV at- (■ykyaaal' tndf ia fouii* /•cte;iBaa- taaaopoUi* bolJto own HM Iwttiit ^atehmaii»*# K MIHm. Aionta.** . I fu frooa part of tto ConteviMo ig% of Mr. ai'iTitio, _ ontortaitt of ■ ««theW«a. of tlMir jnat bted fcith of latnraoftho iUplaoo tbr- oat be eon- lauclibanda f IL1I£NT rfiO PRO. (lya N/ |ffaiiy ur* ibo man BfaraBeowiU . ctofOb Ai« IfMNj^'Ml'tfailT' ITitoit'WhiAh.tl mid u m^^ ktisf^ ahpiilAr V ri>» ■» < im^ty IbMM VMMallMi ■I.. 1.1.1,11 I ■ ■ i»l. I. . I. i^i M.1 lll . » l l l,gj l l ' ll ' l *,t< •'>.;! ,j,-;'. i(U|iiir.|gM|iiM|^ '-'''-^^ t«i|ti«tl WMIkEVAM^IIWiQPillil .!v.il?','„t.unuH( ' YwHW. ^wltm' :4f5)«SrtHgpiiRM* i.*»4wn'*^?! r«*' I'** inV^aWoTuMJirig i nw rhem iMMmgrywAtmitnoom I^vmHm ■• INMMgaMktak rt l w Ulii^ UtoifWhlMrty kfwtiMM. 4 im *r ^ pnuk, nifif, it would nt» do iMhr «iy MMtko ia tUo mai. 1^ aiT cuBneuM ta, that thdr , ftniplloa, irta to'eUka tka Mnm^ to. 'atanlwfi m> i^)rt f f dow^ piiM bdbrripoar laapaetad Corrar I t4my •a Ottfkopart, UMll ' «•' WONT i»*-«'*Mkl ' .B(o«i#d W IM^lMi 'mm W4 «(Uilal«l6rMiii», VOraBMBIIyi ;'--Biit I ai ift^.i^iiJll4i':ii.:|^lijlj j^bj^A|~^|lMai^ M ■ i ' • 1. •1 1 ■ ^ ■ ! :■ .1 "r ?■'• 'J . i I::'--:, Ik A I******?*! MdMnktVf jaJiSsM r«' ■vtkfl' ■wi^ sa.t..„ ,'r<' CiiM>*] om iBii. ni«hed iTIAE niTBi MlHtforChirMiaaiid 8^>^MW^ ' vm Hai r/ •AOtt AOAlMT VAl#i»W<»*^ MllM||fwV^f A I « W II! mat, aiBd! . Biiti SSmSJUft C»tlMite«C|nMit.iiiite Ida »Mi^ *»i ^ tatiiit^flAMialiimtioii. Pi '^nrflif^* ^''U(; WffOr MmffSSuS dM otgtnidf tw^ <^,t^» win* ,1 V^JJ^I CREDIT^! » Arm- usTATOMiNT, (^!!P^ " Mi sii^s:^ U^Mtlt bl f^HpiBbl My. «rlA it to vmn*t aHliapainMU} 5/: ^^nSSowiiVinlwsitatJiif ■MiltM^ ^ tlMMtt>t^iitit«itioM» e«#mr^A BRUt aipU«,#t wtU ap A. LffmAtSiX^ |W the IbllowiDg^^aM I)m e^pi^lii^ to2a«tkSFM^ • NM#Mr or tiM ri«f«ff ' |i .*. ; . i i L A-wwtri^ , (•.)!»<*« Mar l«A'll •"T'lliTlJ ■ll>l- ■» III I fciill.J l<. MB uw: *i)M^ - WIIBN WNO>.l( TmT«» „ **RBunopf or ciiiiit!nnA!iMl Bide ittMiir"' >'.j'* .;' »,^%«4 «fl«r*i9i wm < *' ' i l l » > wpmwmtpiii— HUUtf' HMIMDVA ' vp W WMMiHMi^' 99 H m ■pMiHiaiMM^' M' ton W tk* JMtiair CMlMMMw It Cc ]^MCMi (ifE ifciiiili Willi ■iiiiiifcH * h it t i ^ wi < > ri< i* M. >» .Hdyi fa 1 111 11 B i ^ bi^m^iMl «• w>i.MaiiimniHhiiSS<. ■■ ii .th^/iPiliit ■I •iiifi«iicii« ►fw*^ SETSiffilS^S] iNiMII*itoikii« -^.-r. I ' l r. j fc t".^ -1Wfc»W*MI*-. •ffiy •^ ".r," »/». I'^/.'i m til WW rii.r^Mf tf^talyi )MM»M tai^t fM«M/| H??^^ '-sSiS^dSiM «*^,SSsasLr'^'- ■>ift^-: ^mymryr^' ^;W3^^' *7^?'|^^^-;.j^« tO^ ^ttCfft AilATNtT PAUtaooD. 87 •»« •*ctV l> ■I'.i Jlpht ' r/ (tonus tMiiJtfMtl atrHw . — . — s — — — H«»trb«oiiTiwii«Qf Amity. BJeetm*»t, Vl«w«. .■.AV 0- Tljj^i^ DISSOLUTION of the Union. Thta, ( I hop«, has been proved, in this letter. (6!T The following recent declaration of opinion, in the OuaMian, on the part of an Jaei and reapected minister of the Canwa Conference : " Aftet much pnytrful dehbe- rutUm on the subject, / am ^otprnar^ to ^!!^Zmea a reunion with the tfiitfsh Con- terence. JBxpmencthaa proTed this to b^ INEXPEDIENT and UlSWISE." / (7.) The hortiU and impis«i6/e proceduvo of the CanAdinn Deputation, afur eff*ctua- Umg the Dissolution, and vnrnou$ to then CoBfn!«nce. A nd, on im same ac- •onnt, tl|«ie leaders evaded the mpomUtiUiy of the ittplare; striving to produce the ho- vrassion in the colony, that " the mmmuiw irigkMed with the Brituh CoHfereiu0 Such a alatememt, i» « fahehted, ' I feOMve' may say, in the language of St. ivtHy " TUy wemt out raxm us, beemute ihek wtr§not or tie ,• foryifthtiif had^heeu mvy theg would, no doubt, kno eontinmed wrra vB'.iut tAejr wem out, that thejf might ho made mamfett, that Ihejf wm kot ai.i. 9rv9,"-^Seo I Joan, cliap. ii. tera* 19. r t roiaain, Dear Sir, Yours recpectiUly; •W. If . Hahvaw ^ BRITISH WESLEYAN METlloDISM IN CANADA WEST. .r |^ •W; Th • K HK~ J?? •' KritUh .HIielonwlftkOTt, wlU» th»*lew«riwrl«f '• their eredlt uid«tandin» Tho quwrelUM of !»• •• Moihodltia In thU eotrntrr. ba» b«!0«o qtuto pj^ •• verbml : and who eaa toll the Iom ■itttidMd.ottM " iujury Inflicted l".*-FAOiftCATo«. • ' I apprehend no Miporitim m tbep*»* ©if **• ft;^ ' HAN OB'raoVKRNMKNT AlD^I»d«e*jto^^ ■• tbe Canitda < onferenre. TO •VIEW - OIMUAM pVrircrrfBft*pMtyt- iillr the relBttUeea process of eodea- fi(imim»gB'i>iar «liaractel'. l <6ot, g#^y«iriwfwfid CeniiiMidMt, mJ, who in his last letter has avowed himself to be a UymaU of that asaailing bod^« should aof honounbly have directed the public attention to the uBinerited injury, which, (htwrvir im- poUntljff) theConferenco-organof his own community has thus been so unbolily. and unrighteously employed to do us. Tuey designate us " the London Conunii-^ tee." They intimate to the Guvetnment, that we haVe no Provincial title to Provin- cial support; and thut they will justly feel a jealousy of any '* (jovernnient Aid," which may bo extradied to us, to enable us to '* pro- secute ourviews.* '-—An infelicitous attitude, in aBritiah Colony, for una ecclesiastical body to tdce against another Christian Oou.mu- nity. Hn unlovely position, f»r one professed meoaber of tiie great Melodist family to take, as it regards the lineal descendant of the very Parent stock of that family. It is obligatory upon us to inform thefflt that we are. not lese than themselves, a PROVINCIAL BODY UF CURISTIAMS. If Our ** clearing,'* is not larger, it ia because that, hitherto, we have chiefly laboured upon the Canada Conference " lot;" and that, tou, without fee or reward; eKce|»t' that body may be now paying ticm duee.*' We ** iKmUi Gud^and taht'teoungt," the happy results of our FIRST **' YE AliS7' of diaaaaociated *<8tandinff,!' Province. Through God'a guodiol we now have from Fifteen to T Thousand Western Canadians under care, in our Societies and Congregnti ^_ and are strongly desf rod to ezt«nd our Mia sionaiy laboura to other places, besides th that we at present Occupy. ' .. ' Let not the Canada Cenferenoo dea^ „ us, becanae they may h« Eight timet moff# numerous, than we are. They have been Tm timtt aa ma^iyyeara onthe grouhd^ aa-wo hav* been in oailr present disuDBttve character*. And ti» FwrOf/ltt yiNirf meiv, their eommU« nity may probably^ W he diqNMed to regard jif body, of fiiitiab Wesleywit with ao ^^ Wftigiiu 9Limfa I r And, if aflbetioQ for tho Qtitnmmuimm*.' der. which Kw liv% may poss^ any claial upon the compaMionate attention of thai Gbvemment, in aid of aminiatry, which coo- fines not itself to the fowit of Canada, but follows also the distant ettigrtat into many of tlMaewett fl«ttlMwats; then (and whiN ther ornot), we^tty hnttfihly states that theit i» not ndnib indioUmlnmong •$, who haa ' amdtetfoim ol dimjffoetiim, to- tko Britith (Jooommnt ottH* NokM nHfJaJAMi; iaoithir n ... «* W «wh ♦«Ni OtHM Ifl ficial tbui iheit they, JLTmo licet I Df CB isten Ijkatr W'- -n^ IkimMlfto r,«boald so attention bwrvtr im- Dfhii own ibolily and nCoDunii* Dvommenti to Provin- uuRtly feel a id," which us to •♦ pro- Lis attitude, aatical body uiOou>niu- le professed t family to eeudant of aily. form tiwnii jmseives, a LISTIANS. t is because y laboored t;" and that. ice|»t tt,in I •^ fAOTil lOAlMvT VALSIvnoOO. •• luUodiiMMt(Our Mw MctotiiMi I It* wwu Cbuavkr. lu m.u« I'iacvs. IslftfiUs. our ProTincial minifirM, or our Provinciai vumbtnkif. ''Sclah.V pAcincAvoa rofeid to unhappy collisions which have in some places occured. He will permit am to retiiind him, that it was more to be dS^ed than txpeeUJt thut such painful circuDAtiiqltes wo^d be altogether avoided; when itncpnitidered, with what «n- iinotitu and imp:actiiiUUVt the Canada Coafur- ence Uepulation, ||n?U0DUC£D our new relation! The same luhappy spirit, in cc n- E sequence, hss been rif^lhruughuut the coun-> -^ try» wherever wo have gone, to gather tu- vf gother the people, who, giving to us an hon- .■r>apc iwc preference, have earnestly entreated us fE c to take^the care of their souls upon us. M" Your respected Correspomlent, will admit that wAm a Jieliyiotu Communiiy it unmnfif ful ofitt own chatmcUff it is no mar\-el if in- dividualt are );r0vented from exercising a coN/I<(rRcodi8s can «NEy|»be^ tenas of A¥ITY;"(!)-^ If the Ministers of that body, (in their of- ficial periodical, ).aTe determined to maintain this implacability of temper towards us, upon their own headi^ be the responsibility ! Will they, Mr. BiHtoi^ he Jomi at tke vrwmed JlnianMeeHiuhin me cUyt amomiM for next mokikf Will they not act the part o Ahe <* AypeeKi^" iB standiBg apoB the platfotm Df (Wty, t»T^iffmt Ummtt with other Min- ist«t% BBlMe ttwfy as fMUkfy refniiKatei m »SM- iiiiiiiillikMt tfcay hMfMkffr*- cluimtd iVf With the btloved Apoatk^ Sv. JoUM, we say, '^ Let Me mot love or Woa» otUy, but IN bUKo, uhd w twnmJ* Aad, i^^ the words of our JJivine MastMr, we wouU respectfully add: — '' Gol— Fuuit bb bbcob- cibBu to thy Brother; tutd tmbm eeau mnd offer thy Clipi" Nevertheloss, in soOM jptafees. our rsspee- tive congregations, ate aueedy beginniBg to cherish feelings of kindliness towards each other. In this wo truly rejoice 1 Ami Pa» cincAToa may be ^ured, that those who have influence among us, white they will ** nhvbh" sacrifice tho principles tl|At they conicieniiously feel called of God to ttp^ldy yet, at the same time, they will "hbtbb!* suffer ap honest expressiori of Chriftian af- fection to be , on thoir pa|^ nnreeipiacatidk In CsMMfa Westy (wemaybepardoBed fat saying,) we minister to a pe<^, Who ejat m an honest prffennee. And whOt aocovcUBg to their means, afford |<^ n% their oiost lihenil and inereatituf, pcKBOBiary saimort* ON THIS TOPIC, the Ckrietitm QtlftrdUm, has dishonourably qMBBdtted its chaneter for veracity, by the vifrnt umtnut md mabtem Itnieutteinmu, This^ I tmat, by MTa bloe- sing, at my earli^bt coBTeniewM^ to defnoa- stratoi and in tho eohmu|B psHm^ now Conference- journal. \ It'has boon, witb aniadM If lUBtme^ m Ihm)eekotm,m0h ibm Biitiih CoaiiNnM have sent their Mifiiii Alk^toit.^Btit Uww w ftwt TM«g fc BiH^ Wwl»r«> M«te» iiKU«llW^«Mi^M%''(M we aie tinted,) upon their defiMie<*< hefara the puhlic*' I hAte alM^ the% 1|r. Editor, the utter . fal$*ko9dia the «alIe{ratioii, that me are— a qt i 0l f ^9m j n iiyuntnf^vt Mpmtion^^-ot eveniawMMeattary—tedyofChriatiaDa, in Omim Weet—- it baa been aeen that we were needed deaiied, and loyally encou- raged:— and that, by Ootfe blefeaing, our MuBionary Comnwnity, aa the agente of the Britiab Cfnfeienee, and aa the ministerfe of Chriatt have variooaly been rendered a bleas- ing to the Prorince. The Canada 0btifcriTidence^ llal--' Jto'GoOyjttM INtine bleaaing, uiMn ^ TWlMi t^y .c»r bi, jwfided with am* w- ■^^ mekjatia a$ Maae, they may haf#aonM an- thority, (and which, NOW, TJUBV KNOW THAT THBV«AVE NOT.)l%r inaUng^ strange and wOiaaplintd an ip niH oa i Uutlirin this iniBMr, aobataiftfMii, it moft be regnded taafttAand araiMf0ai**BOLT." — And tUa iqky bf taken, wi m tfoeimm of tho vituptratioiu which, to the diacredit of their own wuhratandrngt and otnodmfei, they have been to# fain to pAtiab aninal ua, aa a body.of Britiah Canadtan WaaleyAa Bletbodiatta. . ' 4^: In bHngingmyCoiippoiidenoi^on thi»| aiibject, to a close, I nntat, llear Sir, tender ; to yourself, my best thanka, tat your eourte- ^ oua indulgence of ao much TaioaUe apaoe in yourlootnal. To your Correapondent, also, I must ren- der a tribute of acknowledgment, for hia truly Chriatian bearing, and Ibr bis appreei- itedt and generoui testimony, to theMility of theBritiah Missionaries in Canada Weat; aa well as, Also to th^ largoneaa of the field, in which tSey. iM« engaged^ .aa^m^Bding th«ir evAiigelicAl agency, .alao, with that of tbe othbr church^.: . -V My letteM lUirebecfii hutily written, in themidat of 41 great press of occupattomx^ Some of them have been ciomposed while sirring from painful indii4MMition.3-Bat for tMae reaaofta they might have been — — WQirthyofboththo aacred canae I kr tempted to defend, and tbe intelUftii| sp^table tribunal which I baT«^||ll toaddreaa. ' '" Thia-ieview. of our tranaactiona wtoT the Canada Cdvference^ ani of pur rea- aona and motivM for viaiting Weatera Can- >mI8, and atill conUnidng to labour therein, will go lo^prove that the matign^ " BritUk Ckti/oroiue," are, m rM|/*fy» ■• weU aa in ^MHwnt meeordamee with thdir imi»<0a8ii|^ frtMrnn motto, « Thb l>u*ime of ax,**- Tm EraMM or iroNB.!" ' I imnain, Mr. Editor, - Your ineatly obliged kttiwle Semnt, * ^ ^. M. ILaVAfco, CkttimMk amd 8* IJMiowii GmmIa WoM* -n-.::-:^:-^-. "i • * ■ r-. .■ .. 'JL. " ';,:i:^.,.t I' 'J:. -J -^ TofOBt^TlpBtiil by B. BtqflMiil. » - ,.| i,f-Mt.-i' ''■■'■■^Hei^ ■¥■■''> .«i# i -. •■'•■, J* ^:\ / v\^ .^Vv*V \