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V. :*'■■ •«C'^ *«* The following TrMtise wm deUrertd in th« shsp* of a LMtun to tb* blMbiUnU df Toronto Towiuhip, Brampton and Etoblcoke : it ia tlie onljr correct expodtion of the Prophecies of the Old and New Testamoita ever oflTeivd to the world. < i ' Entered accordiog to Aet of the Provincial I«g(alatnre, in tHe year of onr Lord ( thonaand eight hundred and eixtythree, by Jamm BiAqna, ia the Office of the ] •f the Province of Guada. ^ t-y BR t-y THE PRBSBNT AND PAST POSITION FUTURE DESTI Vy O F THE WOULD, AB 8BT FOBTH IN PROPUEOT. / ^fiM, « ho nuika no pr«t«iidoB tlow Mrth-iwni oooipMiioiit, th li I DTopliMiy ; nor think lian ibk, or your edaMtlpn iuiporluit wtming* and - '■ ( / ■ : , .■■ 1 » ■ 1 BnroH drawing yonr attkntion to thU importut lubjMt, permit bm to Uj, that th« Blbla waa naver intradad to ba andarstood by tha laamed and tha grflat only. Whaa onr SaTiour eama4nto thia world, had U plaaaad Ilia divina will, Ila mjf ht have brought with Him twaltra angala to bear taaUmony to Ilia daath and raaurraotlon, and who would hava toma tha riad tidii^a of Mlvatloa, qa wliwi of brightnaaa, to tha nttarmoat anda tt tha earth. Mad thia not plaaaad UU dlvtaa wlU, He might have ahoaan twelve great philoaonhera, whoaa aduoation and knowledge would have oommandad reepeot amongat all gradea and eUaaea of aociaty. Or, had tha wladom of thia wcwld aniaared to tha Almighty but fooliihnaea, He might haTa«hoa«B twelve monarcha, whoaa afllufnoa— Whoaa wealth— would hava enaUad them to roll In oharioU, of gold, preceded and followed by tha Bounding of trumpeU, to oall the attention of the world to that greateal of all avanU,— 4he redemption of tha world thrMwh the blood of Jeeua Christ. But, were any of thoaa tha iiiatr No I Ha ohoae twelve humble, i lalaamad and Ignorant ' men, aa we have In the eaaa of PMar and John ; AcU iv. It.' With thia fMt before yon, think It not presumptloa to angelie parity, nor phUoeophle knowledge beyond ' to Uy before you the aimpla trutha of the Bibfe aa ._ I youraelvea Justiflable, let your poaition In life be eve? ever eo liniited, in neglecting to hwk into thoaa great: raveh^ons, which I ahall en&voor to prove, are addreaaed ai plicitly and directly to you. I repeat, with |hla bet before yon, I demand aa a privUi ge, that yon ahall hear me patiently and Judge ma Impartially. I oonsider the Ungnage of prophecy written in the platneat i tyla that could ba held oqt to the world. And the promlae, ■'^Bleaaed la ha that readati and th^ that hear the worda of thia prophecy." Ao. ; Rev. i. S. la not held out to tha teamed and great, but (o thoae who ehdoae to look Into the " worda of thia prophecy." HoMliw up Uila truth, let na put the queaUon : What am I about to by before you T • The Apoatla Fwil. In hia apiatle to tha Corinthiana, makaa i deebratlon that may q>pear. to abma at variance with other paaai^^ of Scripture. For inataaca, Chriafc declarea : " And the wrarid hath hated them, beeanae they ai« n« t of tha world, even as I am not of the world," John zvIL 14. Yet Fanl, In flnding bi Jt with a division that bad got among, tha OortntUana, aaya: " One aaith, ' I am ofPki 1,' and another, < I am of ApoUoa," Aa. and flnlahea with thia declaration: " Lot no m4n gtory In men. for all things are yours; whether PmI, or ApoUoa. or Oephaa, or M« wMtf. or life, or death, or thinga preaant, or thfnga to eonke. all are yonrs," Aa AgaUi I put the qneatloa, " Howls &a world youral" I speak to tha people of God. "Ole world la youra" Thia then Is the first point I abalf endeavour to nrove, that tha "World ia yours," thaft It has been givan to you by the great GWer if all things, the Ahnf never lUI; that yon sImiII yet rule and govern the world in ' power " which maketh desokita" shall fidl; and peace, righteoi BU the whole earth. But. Uke tha prppdsa given to Abraham, the Und of Canaan for ever: altho^ Jio, or hia children for a poasess the Und that God had given Urn ; so tha wicked hava under foot, for a certain period, the ridita of tha people of God. oome to an and. and the " world" shau ba " jmm." In tha eecond plaoa, I ahall eadeaTOW to bold up to your view relgnof wiekadaeaahu had npoB the world in past waa; Ito ' ' moment; theiaflnenca it shall hava till it be deateoyed; tha and when the worda at the Apdsth FMiI ahall ba verifled: " AU _ Inthenezt.phMieIwishtohaldi9toyowTisw;the Ihot, that thia Mproa : that that ^aad happiaesa shall he should posseaa as, did not permitted to tread their reign shall la tff0tl wUeh thia leaatthe preaeat of ita ovartiirow, reyoora," Aor^ of wickedneaa has been earried on and moved bv Asi<«» power npon'tha earth, sf^kea of fat aoma « the earth i*' l>y Daniel, aa the " abomlaatioa of deao* parte of Scrintnre as the < btton;" by Oirist as « the abomiaatioB tempi, of^r^Tu^^^ h«. •• O«l.rfttlhlo tk. «u .mil •MM ior IIMO T«M« from Um tima It wu Mt up. At the end of ISM yo«ri / ittlMllb* Mrer wm iipoa •Wl begin '^ fiefor* pt I Anything pointing eerUin thing ud v. ltrepr«Mnt«L The oertnin objeota, Wal "Themyateryortl golden eudlertlelu. MVen eandleatleka "itM^'yonwUl a the Mgel of tha el Waahall now oomparingltat have no parti The fourth ofthaniMc. The flirt o1 ThaMrotM, Ungaalooa k Aalaa ■ laglonof tidlnga of a^lvklon wonla haTt pot Into thj •Ten In ' ' doaaqot ■ardlne pi may I hadi to L bail Chrfit. under Ood; Bkea «f _ then, la ToawUl tha pnlHqg flgvra of a gr«it kTlKgthei^ryor ~ atona,olaari .. L 11 • •■ — r- *•• •"" ""« oi ixou voara «:.:i.Vh!;i:'*;:rM.'^ "^ *" •'•'■ •'•' '%•'«--«- .^^} •.'"!' ?f" y"W •ttantlon to the langoaM of oronhM* iturlty.!, held np by a flgura or obJeTaTrtTreKeS^i; '*i^^^.&^l^^?^ ^^^ ifoomMnTwha held op then ]nat like the flgnrea In a panoBMnaTto renr«H^ ae^^^th "*••*. '■ ,n^Kht hand, and U>; w,r*i- l.k ^1. J^ •" *iL' •"«•■• °' *• ■•»••> ehnrehea. and tha 1 U U.'SKtTreK"'"^"* *"• '*""•' "' *^'^' «' •ubject iMl&re yoo aa aet forth In the Book of Rerehtlon • Uma with other parU of Scriptare. The flrat three chantori 4r«ne« to Itaturltv. although the'l^^m,™ 1.^7^^^^? ^opening of a ioorln hearen. orTlfXr wSSJ th^^^nhj f^l'i.^ t^*^ ^ reoreaent iWHT ; for thronea are for ^^»?i;"*~?^ b«t &• Blbla here doea not aj who ll tiaaaad the Oli^a will, who would have prooUtmed the irlad ' hZ^l^l^iL^i^ »•»"»«. dl.lmport«,taomml..4w2 iSr " ^^iT^^^^ ■MM rula or dealgn la carried out. yoq win obaerra he la to look on Ilka a Jaapl^ knd a nf'^J*" turn to chap Md. t. 10. that tia!ohurch rf fk!^ «^ •bomlaatlon, te preaentad to yonr view ^:^7Jr:^^. *!?5A ««- ?' ••4- from Iwaaof ifjaapep. tUacraa lilghtoftUagTMit ^ her IWit waa Uka onto a atone moat praeioua, even TLu ^^ T^ '*-*?>*"*'' *•»•• "And tha bu IdinK id\lMh Tcraa, ^' The flrat Conndation waa iaaner " Hum Id thera waa a rainbow ronnd about the throne, ilka «okS'rflha';r,2;:r«r t::^!!!^^^' ^t^J^ "«i«^^ ^ Almlghty.'aa I ifATL . ? *^**"y ]•'■ P*^'" »o more, but n.tUa.bowU rataad ronnd tUa throna.-a &nir« JI7*?t2.7-iS?!.T^'.°!?'^'' ^""^ Hare we bava the witneaww of .-Huid *S£a fa. tt^^.lS^i.*^T*'~^i'"'« «*"««» befon.ib.SSri5 X M. TnTJml^rf ■Sr*."8°*.*™ Iimndation ia hdd np to toot view aa a iaanop »Mm the Ctoml rf Ji«?ra!S!T^*r^J^ "^ wmnlttod the mat dnty of w«v M n Hi ai M o a t in tliioBer , Ig^v a their o 'i ra w or ^ y«n» U. \:.t .T, •Tlma ui woHliy, Lonl, to i«ma«aua« thay ara niailw kliiK* of (Iml and of Cttim ; «h. I. 0. Tha world la thali^, to thair crowaa ara eroirna of Kold, ihrra la nothlnc apurfoaa aboat tharo. " And out that all nyaa can mm It ft tha aama momant A flaah of llghlnlnn rn-alra ft brrathliMw |iauan to haar thnawfUt thnndnr thalfollowa; alau volla flgura la naad to call your atlantlon tu tha wonta that ahall follow | In brrathlaaa allnnoa pauaa, till you haar tha awful wonla that coneam you moat partl- eularly : " And thare wera aaraa lampa of Ara burning bafora tha throaa, which ar« th« Mvi^n ' HplrlU of (iml.* " Thoaa lampa raqaira no eBplanatlon, aa It la glr an ; but yon may aak : how la It that tha numbar anmi la givan T You will fM thU olaarly l>rfora I •m through, liowavor, I may gira yoa an Idea now. Tha parlod to which thU nrophacy rafara la dlvldad Into aavaii parimla or apacea of tima ; tha aavanth Anlahai the awful drama, whan the wickad ah*!! fkll, and that nerlod ahall dawn upon the earth, — TS* Ihottmnd ytar$ of riffhttimmtm, mKm ChriM aAoM rtijfn m iKtmtamd jftan. Ilene* till* propheoy aent to the mtn churohea of Aala, — the mmh Hjilrlta of Uod, under tha Agiire of " tampt." " AntI U-fom the thnme there waa a aca of glaaa Ilka unto ervaUl." TliU " aoa of glaaa," In the flrat place, la emblematical of purity, oleameaa, brlghtneaa. Ita |M>«ltlon bcfom the throne at once conveva the Idea, that whoever itiiod them ^ould behold the Image of (Siriit continually. It i» aluo ailrrounded by thta bow of protection, chap. XV. a, oonArma thla Idea; for tlicre von will And thoae who hava gut the victory over the t«aW " Stand oo the aea of glaaa having the har|M of Uod." " Ami In the mldat i^ tha throne, and round about the throne, wera four beaata M\ of aycfi before and lichlnd." Here the acene la changetl ; Chriat la sitting on the throne ; yet lie must bo reureaented In thla prophecy aa an Individual actor, or the great and principal Mtor He cbodaea then the Arat beaat to rrpreaent, or I ahould rattier My, to prcKont h lj^Jl ^iafote you ; for thata four beaata ara placed here ta preient to you, or "L**" lil^iP'' °' call Tr tk. ak.:!. . i i It oMUInad www Tu^nl ul m . '^ rWVrtraii„ar a vl.w of Kl. f,m. an.l all iL^ Xh .11 l.?«rij , ' ^*' '•'"' •" •" •"•'"•«e« Md gtva him a view of tlifl whola OB hlni hi^ a^*T .«^ . ^^ '. "•"• •".•* '*•''"'•' ■ «*•'• A*"-**. •"<« h« that nat tocon^uT" Ihr; 1. r."""" T" «';•"*«>'''». •"'« h" w.nt forth co».,uerlnff a"d St^w^Lil A„ "^ T?'' I' 'yP'"""'- *»•• *'•"• '• ••""•"-Mel *f purity Thi h";rJoJ Wing, ow tha wht,u !lrtk V^ i"^' .?*'C''k''*^«»^ •»»•" 'P^^i W i»^ur«r uia whola earth ^a crown, aa I tald bafora, la flmratira «r dominion— •• * _ ""'■^»' K"*"". Another rolce in tha midat of tha four beurta <■ hmmrA ...i.? The voice wtien^J^^SLfkiitir'"" *" ' %»«.«>' *">«•«•. W thia ta not correct-e ik" V"?, V r. P'^M'pt the famine comaa a fter t h f k«i«— «nd tim i».i.»^ ^n ' t_ V " A«4 •■• tiiM ti«H not th« Ml hmI th« wW." It U f\B\» htm «li«t tiAUmt Ititl (Im •ImpU) Agw**, " (HI Mr»«vnt • |imi|iU. U k fvltUiil that th« J«wa iImU ba Mtiiarat* from tlui rvat uf tba ••>rl«l , that Iha wblU kwraa aad hia riUar ahall hava n<> |M>««ir iivar thatii until tlia vnd ; that tlivtr tluMiKhta and artlolia ahairnot it* «i-l|(h)Ml In th« l)alan<-ra Itald In tha fourth aaal la ofiMiml, hand of th« ruhiitf " I hmirti tha voU-« of -tha fourth |Ni«i|M>iaaa»d, m (ha rttllng powara t4i t1i« moat hnmlila cottar ; In a woni, «na maaa of i orru|i(lon, " And |M>war waa xivrn unto th«m." Tha pronoun " Ihmt " la uacd. It IioIok alrratly und»r> ' •tiMHl that all thoaa IlKurra fflven are linld forth to rapraaant (Mtmiptlon and death. Ho {M>war la iflvan unto Mnn to kill with awonl, and with hunoar, and with da^alh, and with h« iM'aata of the earth. The bvaat* here mentlonail. 1 ibali t^y to prove to you; ar« . certain ruling nowera. The hr> awonl, and death, are flynn'* of the ctTcct of cor* rantlon. In them may b« aevn vice of all klnda, murdara, drunkenaeea, atarvatlon, arlalns fhmi vice, Ao. ' A« I aald lMala repra- •nnt the |ierla»r ptsrloda ; they ar« aevvn, but all a^a all we havt aaythlng to do with In thia cha|>t4 be ao Inquired nftor. It la here taken up with the oiMmlng Of the tifth aval. " I *aw undtr tha altar the aoula of them that were alaln for the word of Uod, and for the teatlrinony whirh they held." Thia fl|(iire or pli^ure held up, for It la only a (iKUre to reprMient a certain fact, ahowa tlwt the people of Ood have been p«r«r«utcnlnK of iha •ixth acu. " And the ann became black aa aackcUtth of hair, and the mtMm lM*came «• blood.". The aun and the moon are held up aa flgurca of the llgitt of hi-aven. Tha church of Chriat la held forth In the 18th cha|)ter aa a Woman clothed with the aun and the ra. • ' " " „»' 1 » «■ : »■ pWod fiw pMt and gon^ how tfiqr cm noonoUa tUt inN with thdS ^Sw Tho-! MJd. wpr«ttt the wUto hdria «d hta>6«r-4& „^rr. rf^ * « "*• "^^ **' •.«'~' nwlUtude. which no ^ eoold nnmSwofSl •nd now it is opened with the pnyen of Mints. I have need ttTmmiilH^SS tku pl^nre gives en indirldndviJw; bnt the word iXww^ta i^?^SS2^^^ feJS ^d^^LSUiS:* given • demiription *f an .wfid e«thqSST/tKfil ■ JonriKSiliS^^ hwe left oir, «ul eeeomp«.,ing it,rt the Mime time, withtll ArJ^fI^S!L«'te^* kjTO * be«it»d^picture of the church of ehrist, mider the J«w«wt ?**^ !»«»«'•" to entw Into alengthenSMmiinent to mo^^^ Sm^N, C!!?' V • "K^ "^ *• **"«* S8 itliss Stood Since the ereation of tffvInrfT^ Sl^iT^ '^^«^«W«»»^*»»*lH»woiiderThhBaTeB. and behold a*«S\^ fflSw thhLKTi:^*!?^^*" ""^ '^ iCTen orpwnTn^hffl* % hi -ih^on. -^IidffWbre,lt«,,nlmi.^iU»nttoAowSl?^ devil, M it is shown in the Otii Terie. Bat how dnea thodovil eomo to haTC Mven headi •nd ten horns, snd (even orownsnpon hts hrsdsT As I Mid at Uio coiniiipncemont of my leetttre, I wish toshow you tiuit tlicre has l>ecn * /mmmt ttt up on csnh, a visible sot- ap power, called by Daniel Ms i^onUnaHoH of iktolatitm, H\ntkvn of m Hin God of the earth ; Rer. xi. ana ir., Zeoli.-ir. and ziv. And now I wiah to show yon how tho appel- lation "abominatloa of desolation" is applied to this seUup i(uw«r. Tho ruamia is ■imply because it is an arrogant, presamptuous nsorpatlon, or, 1 might say, fiirpry qf r the tiod of heATen, Whose object and tendencv is to spread wickedtiuss, immorality and conAisioo, in the plaoe of righteousness, morsuty, peace and harmony. Yua will rcv in Paniel's Tision oohoemlDK the overthrow of Persia, Ac, and the Invnnion of the Romans, chap. xL, when tnat tyrant shall set his heart against tho holv covenant and take away the daily sacrifice, he shall "place the abomination that makutli dimilnte ;" eh. xi. 81. Here tlisn la a setting up of, a visible god of tho earth in oupositlcm to the God of heaven, a settli^ up of a system of Idolatry, and consoquuntly it is dcsunatod " tiie abomination of desolaUon." > You will now at onco preaent a VI "Sim • «*^'> P**^ ! yet an the lignrea are not applicable at that time. Frator. of KlrkhiU h« glren a correct expoaltton of thb flgttre: tiiat It la a flgnre of Ute srUt Ronun Empire, witii ita aeren heada, or, in other^mda. ito aeren fbrSa of goremSent. and Ito (en hone, or, in oUier word*, ito dirialott Into a nnmber of Uagaoma. The idea •peee «ompIetely witii tiie^lbmre. The Roman Emphre la oompoaedcl dUferent ahadea rf people, flke tie apoto of the leopard; ito foot-p^t la froiTnarth to feonth. «»dlto tt \^' ^ ^J! *''°**' 7"'"^ v^> "^ ^** •»• «' »*• headrwaa woSndikl to " t^tn^i^,^T^^ "^S?^? T" i**^ '* •"W't be aaid, at the (Ul of eachfom 5 BOTerameJit, that one of Ito heade waa wounded to death; bat tiiia la not what to Sl^'^Si*" S* u»deratood here. The different fbhna of got^mment wen but Se the ehamelMn dianging ito colour ; tiiey had no effect, flirthe? tiian amere form. But what la^tended to be ahown here la, that the orlglual form, with all Ito power and influence be«jme de«l-that it wm womided to deatfif Yea, thi great ItomiiEmpire ^021 ST *« onoe 'wved the aoeptre of power waa no more; atUI the b«5y waa there, T^'I • dWerent i»me-4he ten powera of Europe. But ito deadly wound waa heal«j h^i*^i**' world wonde«»d after ti>e bewit." We aee that after iU deadly woundwS «^'^i.*^!i*'"5S?P!? ^ ^'^'^ <"• ^ **" worda. the deyil, which gaT* P«wer SS^^.'IKL ^! rimple pronoun "they" la uaed whcA the idea laiSrSJy K ■tood, yia,, tiioae who are under tiie influence and power of the beaat "Aiid dow«' waa given unta him to continue forty and two monUa?' Thia I alaSTproTO to 1 Jit thS ^tlV^.y]'" '^ ^"^ bea^-ft«hta wound waa h^deTJ^igrtZ^^ C d„Kt «?!tT-?'S!"lT^^*"'*>^ "? '^*» »«> orercame them.' Ton miK a!^^^u ?" ^"^ 2** ""^ '^!*«^ (*•'•' devil) waa the great head; and UiatTe aa ftSiffi S^""* J"**™"??" «» brinrinaf tolifetiie heaauTatwaawoundedto dStiJ and tiie *Jgon gave him hia powOr i^ Ufa aeat and great auUioritv." Ybn wiS^ ^^^^^^h*^"^ ^ from tiito point aU tiie numberagiveKiro dSid. ^ thf !w7:fj?r ^^"J*7 °' *4*^ ^^ theaeoond peraS in tUa gSlof tiio earth- tte abmninaUon of deaohtion. We ahall turn our attention now to thethlrf D«*anrf thL%JTK^w'*°^.""l*'!.'P*».'?»«^ WerdaeOi aU fliepowerrf aLI^ IT^ \^^ ^ V v^' ^^ *•»« ^^ ^wM. We aee Uiat he had m^ to * * A"" 'ff o^Hwrve thrt tiioae ndradea were wrondit to tiie didht oTtiirfiMt ^mL beaat wUch had the wonnd by a aword and did Uvcl" Vo havA hM«\ ^»^i^ «J^ rftte churdi, not a. an eccleLrtteal foWer.K I WW, you to mark tiie liMjt tiiat fte <£nrch to hereleSd up only«l rK poww wd her i^mnoe and power aa anch Adly deeoribed. fee to «idn hdd ud^Wi^' w ecdedMtteal gw-b and folly porti»y4 but not her^ ^^ ^ "** M»yed in her KuX*?S.^ «*•"*'." *«».«»*>«» •nthority,areito homai ftfa bwat haahwii ta lllw the power of C!hriet-^ike bat not real-^d he an^« .^SST L -. i^ on tfce earth, that they diould "mika aa imue " Ao. T mV ir/>i^k!rt ZZr\t~^ A^W^ST^^w^* ™"J»^'''««»powertorivelifetotiieima«6fUiehS2l?' mei^ Who win dinnM tiiat tiie church haa hddithto powm t ^ BntaT ««r^^u 1/ '^^5SSffi^^:^^^^a^a'j3.'H y^ 11 1/ haa wNB* aiwot Mferraee to tli*i numbw otimiant Pop«« thrt ihan exlrt daring the ■^Kl^hrnlwA'uSKnf the •«th.the A^\^\on of d«K,lMi;»..poton «f itvItaalaL I Ure been ertoBUhed thrt commentirtort hevo eo confonnded their •n^fi. hvf^vlnff to make all the figure* the «*»«!*. The three nerMn«-4he dragon, th7M«ft^S?prophetJirdiHlncay mentioned througli all the propheolea, •^r°2f SL'^TS?5Sf a^eS^^hlJer r/lt*;?: «d .how U. vou that an the -i,l«roe.th^aMmentloiiBdtn this book are only the effeet of the nie of thU «>t up KT Ai liald before, the «)undlng of the trumpeU and the pourlna of the y ial. are ' fiSTine: "The firet aUl aonndedtand there Mowed hall and fire mingled with M^o*and they were ca*kupon the earth, and the third part of thetrce. werelurnt up. inTiSl B»en iaaa wa. bwit up." " And the flrat wenland poured out hh ■rial upon So ^TanSZre feU a noisome wdgrler^wre ?P«» Hi" TLw^^fo^ ^f^ of the beast, and upon them wUch worehlnped Us te-ge" I •^^^£«'««*/. *^^*f Mimdinr of the truOTeU gaye an individual view, and the pouring of the viab, a politl. SfySw^ Ho^erer; She i^rd individiuU la not exacUy an appropriate w«rd. It would be MThapa better liiderstood with this explanation. The M gives a gT^* «•»•«> v?ew oHhi* sludl befW man, without showing the cau«. and without Jistlnctlon of mSSm . ThslaStelyes Wiew if the ruling powifrs of the earth as aJfected by the 8etiin| ^r^S^^^J^Tb.!^ tCJ?f Will percelve.^-'e rK^jll^h^K With blood " 4c. the figure of HaU simply conveys the idea that every Inch of the 2Si JhS bo litin. Xe. haM pa«*. «ver the ea.^ it doe» no ml«i • «l»«^e »ncK SSnratono* conveys the idea of wilherinff and deUroj^yerery thing in »»• way. In Ute iSanMi! ^Xp power, Uke haU, £M spread Ita tafluence over every ^H of the eiShTmi Z. it hsS U a withering effect wherever it. influence is fe»t. W agjin. this ban and fire are mingled with bloa This figure at once ~"\7' *«j,^,**« "^*." Bh^ not only have theXrt of bU»ting every energy of man. but that it wUl have the etfect of spridinir war and persecution, ButlntliHi view a remnant shall be saved a ffi SrtWSbe destroyed ; which shows that many shaU not be brought under SMeii«. ^dividudly spe& The second view is a '^^^^'^^^"""T^,^^ The terms. ^ouom« and or»«»«». glW the idea of discontent and enfferiM._^ Tlie .or* Sea^i^^eakeniSwMh* tendency to cri^^^ You STifetawktlMrriewMSeptlonmadeasUereisb thefirskview: the ndtag powers dSuX as. whoir This then wss just the effect that the sotting up of thVpower HuJ^ thewttoM of the earth,-an Vpw«*ve, weakening demordlilngeff^ ^^ "Tte^ndsMel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast tatoX WS ZtUrd ^ of the sea b^e blood."^ "And the •fcondange JonreJout htovUl upon the seMmd it became as the blood of a de«l man." T1m» first Kthattaheld up (to your vie* is a great burning mountain, A mountain I shall ^^re I am tUuJ.. is assure of a 85«*t n^ Sowers, a mountrin belS the j*5test of Mis. The sea, I have add hefore, is a figure ^ thrgreat mass of the^orldVtahabitanta. Here then we have. P»f»«* o^ • Pjwer that is torule the whole eartW* burning, consuming power. pUjced &i the mid»t of ^ SwWtJotsrf 4e earth, Ycfa wijl reoStaect thattEe beast tliat rose up out of the sea C^up^hlThSAi th^namefcf blasphemy. This b^ had one of Usteads wounded todeSh. Which I showed was the fiSl of the neat Eoman empire. The dragon-4he devBui on his heads seven crowns, which slows Outthe »<»«^ «°P«W^" °»[y,* tonporal power, but when she feU she got on her heads the name of btaspheii^.^that. is, lS2blas^em«»i*f *«">'** *L*^ earth's Inhabitanta. But although her *etmctive powers are great, in the firrt ^ew Sven, tJr^thirdaiwe left But S the poUtical viSw, tiie whole becomes aa the blood of i d^ ma. In this figure we perceived the idea of deadness, corrupUon. poUution, which has fiUed all the ruUng powers of the earth, aa there la no exception, lor every livintr soul died in the sea, . . , . , ,. ;„ ••The third ai«el sounded, and there feU a great star from heaven, bm^ as It were « lamp : wd itSl upon the third part of the rivers wad upwer,butl.hereccll^ ^^""^S^f^y *^i?"'".'* tn figJSofSieehurih of Christy This is a fiBen Mar. I^^^ frtliStT^SS? . aa it were a lamp.—dnaiar to tU character as a ruUng power— the bumln|^ '??'g^ - The rive« aadfeimtains of water are a itaire of the inhabitanta of the ^ m iadivi. dnals. not aa a whole.' The eame rule is followed up here in showiiw the effect, aa in the setting up or holding up to view the thing itselt She 1» first heTd up hi herpoUttcal 4 le^T the vegetation of the eutii. " Aiid unto them was '^^'^^ 'J!™ P****?" ^^ ««n know the chmcter certdn death, it cannot be healed. This phurae was not 5ohaTenot^eBeaLofOodlnthefrf(WehiIS "And to Should not Mil them ; bat that they dioold be tonnented lent waa as the torment of a acorpion when he aOnffeth a «U DTOTe to yon is a figoK of ISO years. Tliewneral wt Oiis is a IteareirfMahommedaniam. Bat, I askriHiere "?' .7 ^^K ««n«»«»*. *!««» »M not the ease, thai Ha- 'cn, it would hare nothing to do with this plagne. The great ■ Soar, :-»■"■ show numb The J ' ■■ . . figure .■ ■ a ne\ ^ Knph , «8al '• ' ttcala view. • e<'.bomln»tfoD." To rec-pitutate whM I h«Te\2wSrjw ?ho fiwt givM you • riew of the power set np-» tlew of the anion h^emi^At^l ih« Mtion.Mdfu,e church, .nd tie elRHA it .Whnve ni»rS.e^^ jecond glre. you . view of thI. church m . ruling ^er. wWhthe ShctTSSu lire 2,i nr .T'li.l'''*" ^^r^^- ■"'« *>«W here. mY Mid before, i. riE tolhe vtew Tot L . imr^"* "" *^i^^ .« g»T«i you • Tiew of the iniluenTof thSfehuW BotM • politico power but simply clothed in her eooleduticd mrb roreldlZh*; t^x^\^^jyTu 'l'."«»in"»«»«- The but three diow thTtlkct tiMTthe^ttiw ™ KeSS^irj?:«"°"*X*"'^°//'*L'«*"'« Thefou^T^i; ' |8 smitten. It is only m figure of the dwk ages, bnU must add. thow «r^ of d«k^ have not vet nM«^ .w.y. oa m>me think t%|i«^. but we «» aSSTuX it iid ^ a^XL'l Vlf, , °' *'•"* "l«»!'"*«o». To &e'^lidrft«»t» ^ tiMreSS/fnAwduS! of war, bloodshed and oppression, a raling over the uUonrwith a rod rf &on Th^^ S"C"'T^i:'^C^?,X'Tf "^^« n^-* <^ hre?«5^^thTlo«d^o^*! new An SL^? u ^^^^ **r"?" 'PP?r t^ "»« •• •bout to wafer from sotoethinii tt«V.^wrr"*i!lIl'T"(7'"*'' "» •»>o«tto^yTSefowy»u; tl»tU^^^ n«!u..TJ^ hold timt this darkness is a fignro ^«»»M of their pdns and their sores! aj^p^tt-u|«;tf ttn.-' Mfe^ffiSfte^S ^|rip^^e^5«-,s3".Sfe 5r3 Seont rfth^„^^j:L«^'^"A''«y ^•'t^J****^'^ ^ theSr.JL?2 S*en2d bvS^Jn^3?»S•J^?*^*f l^.^"!^^'' '^^ «"'™ -id the air were betw!SS^fc7.!S!S?^i **'i«»oke ofthe i\t," Tou will aee th»(oeqilexion thua far S^^k ^*'*^V'^"«<»«'<*^«»nenchnrd» that haa opened the dw^'^Ikk! "£d ftSS«^ ^f* li^oence. Ind no* niark'wliat i. the frdt of tU. sS S.™^ . r^" S"? Pf" oyer there U not a ringte inch bnt they tread m^^v «u^ 1 ! 5i^' '*'"«' ^ f'^y d«*«*y- ThiT&en ia to bett» AamS^of oSS SX^'n^^! "cwplona of Ae «atth hare power." You aU know the ^naoter to tort^flL, ^ &*' ^^ ^*^ " «^"* ^ ''•^•i TWa plagne^^Tn^t ihentt^S,^te75f ^"^S^!^"^^ ^ their fowhiSr « Aadto fivemonfta *^IS tfcl^I.**"*'* °"* 1?^ *"»"" ' *^ **»* *'»y "hould be tormented SmSi." S i^f^ > a!S*Z" '".*^* torment of a aoorpi^n when he atingeth • Son Kmme^S^ i. fW^rr *i J"" !?• «|P«« «f W yearn. Tte^ral ta the cZdSi r^^V^* w ' -*" * T^ alr aa the hair of Women." A womnn'a timidity, her vreakneae, tendemeap, Ac., convey the Idea of harmleaaneiM, innocence ; her hair Is given her for » covering. Thia pbgne haa hair Hke a woman, conveying the idea that the thing itaelf ia hanileaa, ininoceat. But mark the next espremton: " And their teeth were aa the teeth of llooa." 'Let it once get hold and who «an eecapet " And they had breaatphitea aa It were breatplatea of iron." Let those who have striven t6 put down thia pbtfue aay if they have noil fbnnd that they have breastplates of iron. / In deflande to all their eflbrte, they atiU go on oonquering and apreadlng their devaMal-/ ing Inflnehoa over tha earth. "And tan taaaA of thdr winga were aa the Boiitidt>of chariota of many horaea running to battle." Thia figure f^vcs the idea of its 4wftil! dertmotive power, ehariota and noraea runniiw t» battle, going with apeed and vefaa- menee to ml anddeatroy life. '^And they had tatla like unto acorplona, and there weifs ■tinge In their taila, and their power waa to hart men five montha. And they had a Un| •over tbem, wliioh ia the angel tit the bottomleaa pit, whose «ame in the Hebrew tongui ia Abaddon, but in tho Greek tonsna hath hia name ApoUyon." Thia name, I boliev^ , meana, in both laagnagea, 3%4 Dntroytr. " And the sixth angel aoundcd." We Mi thisangel'amiariott iato looaa flMir angela, or the four angela which are bound in thi great rTver Bi^khnleai, " And the f(Wr angela were loosed, whiofi were prqutrcd fora i bour, and » day, and a month, and • year, for to riay the third part of men." Aa [ ■hoWed in resud to the four angela that stood on the four comera of the earth, thjb number rom la only a fignre to ahow thattiie whole world ia to eoMO under this soouTcnk The/bHr eornth tit the earth ia a fignre of the wholeearth, aa 'I aaid before, ao tho figure iajoat followed tip,— the tavt ahowa that the whale'ehrth.at|i)l be included. Bpfc'^ a new ^pmt ia introduced which will require eome ezplanaUon,''^-tfae'great"HvOT ' Snphratea." Aa I taid before, I ahall prove to yon that tnofer in thia prophecy is taken «a a fignre for people in allita ^flbrent foima. Bat why u the river Euphrates in «ar- ticolar .taken here T To onderataad thia we mnat «dl your attention to the political vi«w. "lAad the dxth angel poured mx hia vial upon the g;reat river Euphratea and .■■■m ^p^f^^' . •'. .... ■ ' . -■■,;/: u ■:. ■::,..>--r--:. - >.;;•; ; IM iiraW UMTiior WM dri(ia np. Uut Iht vqr of th* Uiigt oT dM (Ml migkt ^ TImn hM bMn mgtmX dtal oitpMalatloii aao^ oommMiUton la nguA tolhltilgnra, tm^ItUaklihalTshowyoatliMUMylukTaaUooiMTwywIdafttmitlhamw Attha ■oonding of the lint flr* tnunpaU. aad Uw ponr^ig of tho flnl flro vUla, Ui« grvai •bomlniSion t« tho raUof powar, hhI the iiilwbltttU vt tlis Murth Me tlie mlfereM, even ; the Mtlona of the earth ere held ap ea the eofbren. Bat atfw the aeeae ia completely changed. The sixth polla the great abonlaatlon down, ihabeooaiea the rafbriBg party; eouieqneBtly the flgnre moat be ehaoMd. Before proeeedlng Anther, It will be neoea- lary to hola op to view the abomliiaBoa In all her fmna, uid har UL At least, wa will take her nil in ooanoxion with the two aogala who airo pouring the alxth vial and ■onndtng the alxth trumpet la the 17th chap, ydd will eaa this apomiaatloB held up In her eccles l astl o al garb and completely portrayed. Aa thla ohaptei^ la a key to the whole snbjeot, we must enter into it with soma miaateaeaa. " Ana there came one of the seren angela which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying mito me, coma hither, I wilTshow nnto thee the lodgment of the great whore that sitteth npon many waters" The flrst llgnre of this cnoroh is, that she la a great whore,— aha has forsaken her lawflil hnsbaad. Jeans Ohrisi " The kiaga at the ewth have oommltted fomlcatloa with her, and the iahabltanta of the earth have been made drank irith the wine of her fornication," Ton wiU perceive she is hsld op here sa a ehnroh, not aa a raling power. Bo she is represented aa separated fro^ the world, " in the wUdernesa," She b •Itiiog on a scarlet coloured beast, foil of aamea of blasphemy, having seven heada and ten korna, Toa will at once paneive that this bloody Mast is the same that roee ap oat of the sea. She Is arrayed In the meet costly qtpareL She haa la her hand a golden cap ' ftall of abomination and filthiness of her Ibrniaatloa. Her ooetly q>parel la a figure of her earthly richea, Aattiscostomary with great men to drink oat m silver and eoldea oa|le, this flgnre Is a complete flgnre or key to the words of Daniel: " 37t* «b8th| "And the woman which thou •aweet Is thai great city whieh relgneth orer the Mngs of tha earth." Yon will at onco •ae that thia laat heaA-<4he eighth, via., the Ohiwch of Rome, ruling In the room of tha . Boman Emperor— is hel«iimi tto iio/db»Mim»lnantor tera. I have shown yea tto elfoet she haa had on earth during tto mread «rf tor aboml- : nettonsanddeaoiatioM: ndltoveriwwnyoaherMlhapdlticalpotntof^ The next qosMlon arises, HHiere an ttopsopls qtOod. and whara tove ttoy been. thrOteb those ages (tfdattaMst and Uoodt J to^a JONiiKly shown yon that at ttm astting up of ttb powsr, the Ohnrdiof Christ, tinder t)iefigara of "a wiunan ebthed with tte sun," •&, fled into tto wlldemsss,whera sto mnat nmdn throngb idl tto rsbn of tUs atom!- nation,^, IW jwwrs. Aa a vbiUe Oamk. ato haa toenkd from tto world ; yet Ood has not bit hlniadf withonta witness. ' *ram to the 11th otopter, and yoii will see that two witoMSsa tove stood throof^ all (Iiose iges of [oo. Yoa will see that the 17 MmI enaMMBdad Um proplMl to bat the MNrt to !«•«• o«t, mmI to I tha tmpto. mmI tlifni that wcmhip tharatit ir« It not, fcr It la sWan anU> tho Uaatllaa. I •koivad jrmi at Um 7th ahaptar, that tha Jawa ara aumbarad Tulr a rarUkn purniaa ; haro Mala wa hava tham maaaaNd Too will paraatva that It la bvt tha eowrt thoi U without (ha tampto—that la itva* mto tha Oaatllaa. It la plaia that tha tampla hara la Ukan for •iliura of thaChsfab of Chriat. 80 It la qoitaplala from what wahava alraailv wwii. and fron what IbUowa, that tha Jawa hara baaa tha rialbia Chareh of Chrlat, and wfll ba hi tha . aad of tha aarth. Tha court only la giran to tha Oantllaa; aad whan tha praarhlnit of Iha goapal la p«t Into tha moath of tha GantUaa, the* ara apo|ian of only aa wUnmiara. Tha Chareh. aa a rialbia powar, haa flad Into tha wlldamcaa, mr. In othar wnnla, U hid from mortal ayao. I ahowad yoa that tha liKore to raprMant the abomination waa eban^fNl Into a dty, or tha irraai city Babylon. Tha Church, or tha pa«i|il« of (I ml, are a oorrtapomiing ll| haldup nndar ;«fara. „ „ " And tha holy dty ihidl theyitraad under foot forty and two moatha." Yoa may pcrhapa think that thia claoaa la a jf»rt of the wnw already read: but no, It la a aentaace by Itaelt Tha almpla pronoan "th*y" la Jutt aaad whara tha Idea la alre^ly undentood, via., tha wicked ahalf tread tha people of (iod UMler foot 4a raootha. I ahall prove that thU period la Juat the ISM yeara. " And I will frire power unto my two witaeaaaa, aad they ahall prophecy a thouaand two hundred md three aeore daya (or, In othar worda, I MO yaara), clothml In lackcloth. Theae ara tha two ollre traaa aad tha two eaadlaatloka ataadlnc beforn the god of tlie earth." If ' jrou t«m to Iha book of Zacharlah, 4th chapter, UUt reraa, yoa will aee tha aamn wit- aeaaaa apokea 06 Tha ollra traa la ham Introduced aa a figure of thoae witneaaea ; and lU fruit being oaad for food, aa well aa lU healing qualitlea, make It a very etprcaalre flgure. Thicaadlaaticka are already aipUinad In the lat chapter Thoaa witneaaca ara reduced to tha lowaat la|al number, tofo. Thay are clothed la aadieloth, ambleniMtical of mouminf, of aorrow. Yoa w|H now lUk, Where are thoae witneaaear Who are they, lad where hara thay baant t will anawer yoa la tha language of Ifcflarin, tha author el a work daaignatad " The, Protaetant" When one of hb opponeikta put the queetion, Where waa your ehorch daring tha period called the 'dark agea T or word* to that elfcct, McOarln replied that hia'^ Church, or th« IVoteaUnt chnrch, waa noVer eitlnet thniugh thoae agaa refenod to; U waa found in tha valluya of lledmont and on the mountalna of Scotland. Yoa may aay. Hare there not bean aoma o^ra who have held the tUtti aa weH aa thevT Thia may be true; there were aeTen thouaand In the daya of El^ah, who had.neTar bowad tha knee to liaal. YH Elijah waa tha only witneaa lefi >Theae two— tha chnrohea ia Piedmont and in Bcotland^wart/ tha only two who ktoo4 forth before the god of tha earth. And I oak yon, who haTa/read thair hiatory, th in her She la apoken of hara aa the where alao oar Ijord waa a vThla reraa ia only a repeUUon of whatChriat a gndn of muatard aeed," «e. " And when thay or, in other Worda, at the aad of tha ISAO yeara, bottomlaaa pit'ahall make war agalnat them, and Thia ia in eompleto aoeordanea with whiit I have ahall become dead at the end of thi* reign of ■haU lie in ttj^paet of the great dtv, which apirit- where alao^^V>l«rd waa cmdiled" The greal itical Tiaw, under tha flgnre of the graat dty Babylon, dtv Widoh la called mlritually '< Sodom and Egypt^" , m:;;^ileraaalem. Why are thoaa dtiea held up oa fl^oreat Baoaaae aha ia atlll in powar, tud the torn ia intended to abow the diaraeter, and,, at tha aama time, obnTev a Joot Mcff of her filL In the firat plaoe, then, Sodom, one of thoae abominable dtiea m the tdain/ where tan decent peraona ooiild not ba fonnd, ia bare held iq^ aa a figore of thia abomination. And now look at her ovarthtow I Fir* tame down from heayen aad deatroyad her, aad the jpbee where aha onoratood cannot be foond by the trayellar. In like mannar ahall thia abomination IhlL Egypt, that peniecatad the 'peopla of Ood, with aO bar abomlntiona, ia alao^ apMtoaUy apeaUng; 18 ^ V J: .*:. Ua m M • flgon. AmI wImI wm W (Ul t TIm AImMiU b«Had Um WnyiU la (Im RmI Ifafc f*rT^' 'M l»"'-«*«^ t'fcriM ua IIU diMlplM, U •!«> kUI an m« IWitr*. Md ImImiIiI h«r Ikll I WluU dMUnoikw wm avw m grMtT Vow mm Uwu tW ofiaMJi At Um .mi ««. ■ImII bMWOM dMd. TIm brn iImII rwMlii wItlKHit life ur Mirii A* I InUml \m pruv* to y.Ni (hM thai fMriod U Jim! al iMiMi. I iru«M -k jo* wWi U Um NliirhNi* lite Um» mIimM Iha tMMom of th* mutirra who oboM Um <1mm mmI Mmm (■ •£• itilrit UmI would ImiI M up to Um l.urnlim fcKKot wlUl • Mnllfl on oujr I1|m T I Mk you mi*«». h Um «)a|i«l. ara you roady U> off«r lh«m a MMiifloa t« ahiMMi. hunifar. ami ««•« daalh for Chrlat'a lAkat I aak you. youns niiin. wImi ara amblUona to put youriHitvat brwani to tha mlnlatrir, whathar would tha wo«|a, Jm^»a, ttjttf4, or AommwW. rw. »«<«/ bwit daflna Um foumlatlon oT thai ambUlon T tbOaa wUnaaaaa ara Ut Im oom d«ar Ihraa ilaye ; or. lit othar wonla. fur thraa yaara ami a half. Their •nxml^x will rajolco over thrnn : but Umt ahall ravlva and ba cau«hi up to haaran. Thia daM'rlirtl.m doaa not oonv«y tha Ulaa that thav will ba alala and Uwlr aoula ha eauffht up to UmI It rathar ahowa that Ihalr mlaaloa U aniahad, UMt UMir a«r«lm *•»•«•> W'W rede«n....l from Uia earth. Now, mark I The two witneaaea have flnlahed their taatiniony. Tlwv ara oaugfat up to heaven, and thIa M4,(XI0 Uke th«lr pUce. Hut Uiay are not liunil.la witneaaea, ChrUt la with them, th«y are IIU cliureh. They have a new aonv that no man can learn but thamaelvua. And now let ma aay a word to tha dl|hrent forma of ehurchea amoiwat ua :— Nona of you are correct. Nona of you ara Uk<~chnrch of Chrlat ta tha enlargml aenae of th« term. Vou are only humble witneaaaa, apivuto or branohva or thoae two who have become dead, or. at leaat. ahall baooma dewi at U)e end of tlivlr .iH^r ^ ^ ™»'« "•'?"."?y .•"*• ""'*y Mongat yoo ailat ; for whan the real cliuroh Of Chriat ahall be r»«aUbllahed, none of you will Iba able to laMn UMt new aoiur but Um M4,00() of the trlbea of larael. " Theae ara thay whiah wera not defiled with '^"'X "•»«^" Church of Rome la deaoribed aa a woman or aa a whora, the mother of harlbta. Theae are tuA to ba corrupted with any of tha arrora of thoae polluted ehurch«^, "for Uiey are vlrvina." Theae ara Uiey which follow Uie Iamb whltheraoever he ffoetli Theae were rcd^roed ftwn amons man. being the firat fhilta unto (lod and " to the L*pb. There la no guile, no deceit wlUi Uiemi; and now, what la tholr mlitoioii ? You will iMa it In tha «th verae,— " And I aaw another angel fly In tha mldat of heaven, having th^ everlaating oo^Mf, to preach unto them Uwt dwell on the earth, and to every •Mfton, and MndrM^ and tongue, and pmph." Now I would be aorry to damp your ini». alonarv emjnrlea, yet I mutt toll you pklnly Uwt to the Jawa la committed the ifnat and ImporUnt miaaion, the eonveraion of the world. Let me point jwx to niiiny other paaaagea wMch corroborate thIa hxH. Sea Rom. «l 16, " For If the caatlng *way," AUon that ahall be at tha (all of tlia abomhMtion by the _--...j>to thepeo|le of God: « Come, my people, enter thou Into -thy cham- bara. and ahut thy doora ab( ut thee : Hide Uiyaelf. aa it mvtt, for a lltUa moment, nnUl tha Indication be overpaat. For, behold, the Lord comath out of Uia place to punish Um Inhabltanto of tha aMrUi for their tnlqultv ; Uta aarth alao ahall dbdoaa her blood, end ahall no mora cover her iktu," You will obaanre that tha prophet followa the aame plan that la foUowad In Ui« Book of RevalaUona. Ha takaa Um aabjact up firat In e general war, and than ha hgphet goea on to ahow that the Lord will not Fury U not in npa," Aa Then he takaa up the up the very nbject we era trying to pr >ve. At Um «th varae he aeyi: « He ahall oauae Uwrn thii 'iSi^i^^- It 1^: I of Jaanli to Uln root IitmI thM bkiMm* mnI ImiI. mmI (111 tK« hc« nTllM wnrli ' Vltk h«li." If yiM am luil tMMM with all th4M frt»4t thai tli« J.»« wlD cHivart th« Writl. I alMill |[lv« yu* nor* by mmI bjr. AlUr Iha aitMltm U ((«»■, i^r Iw iithar wnnU, •lUr Um* oIiJwI Air wki«k tiM I44,0IIU ara on Uia Muual H(<>a «lih <1irUl U kaM vp, tlwti aa ll follow* wllk a vary iRkpaHant liavlaratldn. Whiln wx try t« Impraaa tka tnitka at tkla prvpkaejr on tka mlntia of tka InkahltanU of th« raHh. loany may lay, " Wail, all tkla OMiy ba Inn; our ekurek may Im aoniiortrai with thU alMiiiiln^ tlon, and may avm koid aoiaa of har arrora; t*4l atllC If wa, aa Imilvlduala, try to IWa and act aa wa ouKht to tio, I don't tklak It mattara mack U> wliat rknrck wa ih-Iohc." Mow, mark what tha third anvvl dorlarr*: "if aay nian worahip tha twatt and Yd* IntaKa, and r«MMj th« Javll awitlia world, a aontanra la Intro- . ducad : " llcra la thn faltk and |iatian«a of thn Minta." Yaa t thi> faith ami |iallrn<-« of tha'aaInU, aa I'aiil aaya of on« of tlia rhrlntiait vra^aa (cliarlty), " Ixtarath all Iklnipi, ballavatk all tkln^pi, ko|iath all tliinKa,'ra miim> onlar aa tha nunlaknMnt of tlia wlakaw wa ar« ir>lnc thmutfh with now la not a aimfda account of tha paopla of (Iod throuuh thn rflipi of tho akominallon, but ralkar • klatory of thn whola mattar In ai| acclnaiaatlcal pfiint of vinw. Tha ■ubjrct k flrat kald up in a itraat, f(anantl point of view, aa 1 Kava aaid brforn, Iknn In a wilitiral ptint of viaw, and now in an ecclealaatical point of vinw. Undnr thin, laat la dlaplaynd tha poaiMo* of tka paopla of Ood IhroMah thia |Mtrtod of wlckndnoaa, lllWt ynara, and tha bvautiAil promiae to thnm who have lumtrrd aiul'iiiad for Chriat'a aakn — " lilraaml," Ao. ,, We tkall now giva you the coeleaiaatioal viaw of tna pulling down of thia gri'at alxindn*- tlon. " And 1 looked ; and behold a white cloud ; and ufion thn cloud onn Hat, lliiit unto the Bon of Man, having on kla kead a giddnn crown, and in hIa hand a uliarp alrkle." The elevated poaitlon of the cloud,' aoaring »vnr thn whole fare of thn earth, at once oonvaya the Idea that ke who may'be placed there can aean the whole Ikco of tlie narth, ' White, aa I have already aaid, la an emblem of aptitlnaa purity ; the crown an rmlih-in of power and dignity. He that aal on the cloud la like unto the Hon of Man, or. In other worda, ia • figure of Chrlat. |Ie haa in h^ hand a aharp alekle. Thia aickle ia aharp; It will mlaa nothli^ It ia Intended to out An nngel oomea out of thn temfdn, ami criaa with • loud Tolee to klm who aat on the cloudjAe. " And he that aat on the ttlond throat in hIa •lekle on the earth, and the earth wall reaped." Aa I aliowmi at thn lM>Kin> sing of thia eoelealaatlcal view, tho temnle 1* held ^p aa a flgum of the Church of I'hriiit. Ilere, then, la the anm and lubataheo of tkla picture. The aiigvl of thn (,'hurch of C'hriat calla to him for protection. He tokea hia people from the «nd« of the earth ; gathert them together aa a farmer gnthera kla grain when |t la reaped, and aoouree it from atorm •nd tempeat. Coinpnre thia view with the worda of laaiah, which I have already quoted, Ittth chapter and Xtth verae: "Come, niy people, enter thou into thy chambera, ann ■hut thy doora about thee; hide thyaelf (or n little moment, until tho itidignation be overpaat." "And another angel came out of the temple whicli la in heaven, he nlao havli^ • sharp alekle;" Thia angel cornea out of the church in heaven, or, in other .worda, the aalnta who have been martyred, who ate now in heaven. Thia angel comet out firom amongat them ; and another angel cnmea out fWim the altar, who luul power over llr«. It u evident here that the altar ia apoken of aa a figure of the martyred aaitita— thoaa who had bean laorMlced, aa it wen^ to Ood, for the love of Chriat. Yon wl|l aea at tha opening of the lUkh aeal, ch. yi.'*0 v.: "I *aw under the altar the aoula of thiim that were alaln for the word of God," Ac They cry to (Jod for vengeance on their Anemlea. Thia angel cornea ftom wnong them, and erlee with a loud cry to hhn that had the aharp alekle, aaylng, " Throat ia thy aharp alclde, and gather the cloatern of the tti^eof the earth ;m hia grapea are iblly ripe." Tlie vine and grapea are held up hero M '* fisv'* '^ 4io wicked, aimplT iMcaaae of the similarity of treatment they receive at laiit. The grape, when ripe, la oraiaed, and amaahed, and trodden under foot. Ih like mifaner, the wtclied, when ripe, or, in other words, when their time ahall come, slwll lie bntlaed„with • slaughter such aa never was on earth. "And the angel thrast in hie ■ic)ile into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine br^as of the wrath of Ood. And the wine press was trodden without the city." Among th4 ancient Jews, a criminal was cast out of the city luld stoned by a mob. The casting oat of the oitjr Menu to Imt* been done to thow that ^ywerowrowa from under the /.. yrniaHlMi of Um nilliig powara, TIm wtak«l, BrabMtitMi «4 liaaTra, M|IMllll( twl ttiU kMt akowa you tha panUkiMat. I Ihlak Um ■tilami h M UiaalaacMM ■p lo your vlaw all Iha 4llfcr*nl ilMart|i(l( nn«. I IwM up %km mal |«aaral vUw. wiwl Ika iaab ; I Mil U up amlar Iha aaaadlac of Iba Irampata. alMviM How Iha _ Una a«Mla4 maa aa a whola; I haM up Iha ahmalaalloa llaalfj I ifcuwa*! Iha polllkwl " Ttaw uiHlar Iha «Uia. Ihmi Iha MwlMlaatli-al. Man haa homt Iha lna(nim«nl In tha hwid •f (>n«i of Iha aarth— Iha abooilnallon of ilaaolatloa. "And Um baaat waa lakaii. and wllh him Iha hiaa prophat Ihal wrnoRhl miranlaa bcfoft Mm. wllh whl«h ha daaatvad Iham Ihal had raealvad Uia mark of Iha liaaal, and Ihan that worahlppad hia Imaca. Thaaa both wara eaal allva Into a laka of Ufa, bumln* wllh brImaloMi." I Woulilaak Ihoaa who maha Iha baaal and Iha Atlaa prophat tha aama, how la tha word " MWaaad haraf Yom aaa tha aad of two of Iha paraona of thla iH up powar; but th«aMr(lha •lavil) U not cai^thl yal; and whan ha la, ha la only bound fur a lima. liow«ll#. If vou liMik to Iha noth iihaptar and lOlh van*, VM will aaa In tkt and that ha la aMK***' ■>■ <<•■* '"^> tha aama laka Airavar. Tha aait thllw I ahall call your atlantlon to la tha daarrl|)tloa of tha fall of thla MomlnaUon of daaoUlion. You will And It In tha imh chafttar. Aa I hava ahown yon r^tha dUfcrant vlawa, thla abomination haa Imwu h«ld up undar dlAwant Aipiraa charac- Uriatlo of bar poaltlon undar that tI«w. Uut now aha la apokan of undar on« irraat IWur»-thaRraatoltylkbylon. Tha aaMl oomaa down from haavan. It I* tha AlmCrhlT who haa doomad bar Aill. Ha criaa miKhtlly with a atrong volca. aayinc, " Nabylon Ilia Kant U bllon." Thla daclaratlon la aimply that aha la bllan from powar ; aha haa loal^ r away ovar lh« |>owara <4 tha aarth. ITm angal than Roaa on to hold up to vlaw h«r eharaetaratthb period. "Hha lua bacoma Iha haUtatlonof davlkand Iha holdof avarv fonl aplrit. and a «aga of avary un«l«*a and hatffol bird." Thla la a flKura of avary- thing abomlnabla and oomiplad. both morally and trnnporally, or rathar, apiritnally and tna naUona." Thara U 114 eieapllon. Ali tha (Mtlo^ililgllirtyuiva ttaan corraptMi by h«r, and oonaeqnanU|Lthelr punlahniant la aurft^^H^HMnimn of the •aruiliarac^ omnmittMLfoniioatidnith bar; and the merob4g|M^^Hfi(a waied'^HMPbugh the abundakiDa of her deiicaciea." Tliere la be^^H^HH|||M. to whtinnvlairto call Vow attantloo moat particularly. It la a roiSimRo^filBVan. Calling to whom T Calling. I aav, to irou I y»a. to vou I at thla narticalar moment— to yoti, who may hava any eonaeiion with the abomination. And ulre care, leat many of yon are more intimately OOnneetad with her than you imagine. "And ThMrd another voice from heaven, any Ing, oome out of her, mv neople, that yon be not partakem of her atna, and that you rocelv* not of her plag^ea.' Yee I withdraw yourael vea from her ; make a oompleto aeparatioo. Delay not oM moment; for, aa I ahowed jrou before, ch. »»i. r. 19, " Behold I come as thiaC BleMd Is he thst wateheth and kaepeth hU garments, leat ha walk naked, and sea h^ shame." And (Mark, ch. 1«, t. SS) " HAe ye heed ; watch and pray, for lowjAot when tha Ume is," And (S7th Terse) •• What I say onto you I any nnto AgaS^aJMit pot the question: Why watchf Why this siamhiation and hasty . / isparatkVT' The reason Is here. " For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Ucid hath rensmbersd her iniquities." read fcf 1 bumsd wii _ ramed. Thai* who weep over her hold tat to view her influence over the whole world. Her marehaadlss shows her character nndft all the positions already described. In her •ooleslastlsal dsallm she has nads a merohandise of even the sools of men. Tha •postiss and wophets an oallsd to rejoice over her. Another pictniw is held up to show jva tbs fltrtalnty and vebemenoy of her faU: "And a mighty aiMwl took np a stone Ilka a great miUatons. and east It Into tha ssa, sayinc. Thus with violenoe shall that great indn ~ knoe tsmbered her iniquities." Here then her punishment follows (which yon can voorsslvss) finishing with her n^ter deetructlon: "And she shall be utterly rlth fire." As fire leavea not a vestige behind, la like manner shall she be coa. dty Babylon be thrown down, sad shall b« found _„„„ that hsr Inflneae* and power shall be oonpletety eradicated from the fiiea of Um e«irth7 I no more at all." The nest verses show not a slngis craftsman, b* hs sver so humbls, shall be stained with a single spot of her cormptloa. The founders tff Aitore generaUons will hold no connsslon with her abom- inations, nor b* oomq)(«d bv them. " Awl the voice of the bridegroom and the brida ahaU be beard no more at all in thee." Here two reasons are given: "For thymerahanU ware the great men of the earth. The figare, aMrcAaiOS, h«re means, thoee who^va :§■ ct v^ »PM by J. #» kMsAHlliWMt •itmnrtM ««r« all thlMM bat Aiui rii««H tt WMvrnttlMMtoltMliilMMiMtaiir UMMTtk A«tl« " tW by «fkjr I wUliNM JmwIvwL Ami >■ bMT «mIwhm1 lh> tilM»i i>l (.rM«a, uxi 4 MlaU. Md of all UiM ««r« atota WT** Um Mrtk" Ym) iba h«* b hi* rigbi haMt aad kla l«(l haaal aato liaavaa. ami ■vara \>y IIIm UmI Uvrtk Air Kvar.lliat It ■ball ba fer a lima, llataa. aa atiaitor tba iHi««r ot tba boly |MHM>la, all Ihaaa lbla(p aball ba Unlabatl." It U <« iMiwar iiT iba boly paoftia, or la ntbar w tba wililarntWM, iiiUi h«r |iU«% wbara aba U Martabad for a lima, tlmaa. ami a balf." Il la th« lania rlrrumatanca, «li.. llui Hy\wg of tba <'biim Into a placa uf obat^uHly. Itba tba ihllilrnn of laraal fWInK 10141 thn wIldtriM'aa to baM friHii baavan, ami to be aa/a from tba rulloK powara of Him aarth. 11 U pOalii frim «bal rolbiwa Ibal tba word " Itm*' la Jual a aaar, or tba iWur^ of a yaar. awl " Hmfi" two Cira. ami a b«ir lima a half yaar. Tkla la pro»«l by tba m.mlKi aiMAitn of. Th#y n« Jnat 41 ; thai la »k yaara. or tba Hm*. tliiiaa ami a balf. Ni VMra, o«ia yaar la SAO tiaya, an>84->S«<), than S40-»- 1 loiSO, that la, SO dava In a month. Now mark, tbay ara all fVill daclmal nombara. I wlah you to oliaarva thai the woman flwl from iha Ikoa of tba tba Mirth aat dra^im with tba aavan hawla and tan boma, or fnmi tba tM-a aif tba rxi •>' »t up. or In othar worda, from tba aiNimlmitlon of daaolMlun aat wp, and ahall ba hid for ISAO dayi. If you turn ^> KMklal Iv. A, you will And tbal a da| U bald np to rfpraaant one ravolutbm of tba aarth round tba aun ; " 1 ha»a ap|M>lnta« tiiaa aaeh day for a year." Now how Iook ahall tba abomination ralffn over tha awtb f You will Und tba anawar In tha ISth «h. of Kav., and 5th veraa: " And powar waa fjlvaa unto Um to continue *t montha," UAO daya; jnat tha aama lima that tha womUlU to co» tinua In tha wlldamaaa. A|(sla, at tha bej|lnntac of tha aarlealaatleal flaw, *. 1 1, w. t, • And tha holy city ahall thay traMi under (wit Kirty and two montha ;" Jualfctha aama time, ISAO. Again, Ird vera*, the wtlueaaea ahall pr«*tlon arlaea, llow long ahall Uila vbuighter laat. and when ahall It oome to an eiul T Tha •aawer to thla la again given in Daoicl xil. 8: " And 1 heard, but 1 umlcmtowd not; Uken aald I, O my Lord, what ahall be the end of theae thlnga t And ha aald, tio thy %ay Unnlel : for the worda are ,oloa«ml. Many ahall be parlAed, and nuule white, and triad; but the wicked ahall do wiokedlf. and nona of the wicked ahall nnderatand ; but the wlaa ahall uaderatand. And Aran the Ome that the dally aacHlice ahiril be Uken away, and the abomlnatkm that itnketli teilat• aet up, there ahall \» a tbouaand two hundred and ninety daya." ThM then I bo the end of the awfal war, 1*90 ; ahowlnv n period of 80 yeara of war, aweh aa never waa. over the whole eaftk Now the whob aueation reaU on one noint: when WM the atwalnaUoo aet up T whea WM the ohnrok hid from the earth T IIMorlana any thai tiM anion of Uhumh and Htata took pkce, or In other worda, the Arai Pope waa ordained 807 yaan after Chriat Mow aome will any, bacauae the I'ope did not exerolae any tmnparal power tha date eanaot be taken here. But obaerve, the date la taken ttom the beaM whan It b yet the Ronnn emplra ; ch. allL, v. 8. The church did not become tha head until It la apoken of aa tha baaat that roae out of the earth. And again In eh. xvll., T. U, " And tha beaat that waa and la not, even he la the eighth, and la of tha aaran, and goath Intb paidUlon." Yoo will aea then, the aetUng op of thla abomination waa nndefUia laat head of the iloman empire. He la of the aevaa and la the elchtb. Thla provea that tha abomination waa aat np before tha chvrch beoaua tha head. IIow- erer, If wa take Into oonaidaratlon tha Caet that all tha nnmbera given ara in AiU daeimal nnmlMra. Wa may raaaonably eoMilnda that it took ona tanth part of the time to aat thla abomination np that it wtU take to poll it down, tIs., three yaara ; thla aappoaitioa wiU ■ ■ ■• •• .'—'■ "- ■ — Ai-i iition, tarn , yon wUI aea tha political or national view oi una wnoia fwophaay ttom a date given to tha and. Yon will find at the iath.veraa tha qneation pnt: " How long ahall ba the vbloa ooncaming the dally aacrlfice, and the traugrcadw of dcaoU- abomlnatlon np that It wtU take to poll n qown, tu., tnrea yaara ; una auppoaiHUB make tha time, or the atarting point, aiaoUy 810. I have given tkla aa a aappoalt bnt. aa I iald, I leave no matter upon anppoaltlon. 1 ahaU prova It to ba aa Jf you I to Daniel, oh. vill., yon will aea tha political or national view of thla whole propl ^K » foptf And ho liM ■nto im, Unto two thooMUid thno bmidf«d dan ; then thAll the HBctoeiv be oleMiaed " The qneiUoa now is, from whrt ditte T Ae I here repeetedly Mid. the Bible leeToa nothing nnder oo^jectare or doabt. We ehall And the drte to eUrt from— turn to the •th ohm. S6th vene eiid jron will llnd U^" And dUir threewnre end two w&ke ehall Meedah be cot off." Now if we bring thoee 69 weelwinto dnye we will heve eiX73:4S4. Chrirt WM 8S Tear* old when He wm crueified; nw^, He wwr U pait ttid in His S4th. 80 this is the date or stwrting ikrfnt,->jnst 400 yearsjbefoie Christ Take the* Attn that date 9.S0O and jroa have Just 1.900 to the eml Of thewi wan^ or in other words, the eleaosing of the sanctnarr ; that is, when the wieked shall be pot down Ibr ever, and righteousness andjpeMie dawn on the earth to last Me tiMwandyeue. Now torn again to the time when Daniel pnU the qaestion, what shall be the end of these thiiws T The reply is, from the time that the didly saoriAoe shall be tatom away and the abomination that maketh desokte set ap, there diall be ISM days. Now add 1S0O to tlO and yon have Jost the very namber given beCore^ lS»0+«10=ilS00 : which proves the soppositioa to be oorreot. that it took one4enth oT the time to set np the abomination that It wiU to paU it dowA. itnd which throws all the numbers into dacimala. Now add the reign of the abomination and the flying of the church into the wilderness, the prophecying of the witnesses, Ae., vis.. 1860 to the 610, and yon have Jnst exactly 1860+610^187^ " So behold the hour is at hand." What I say unto you I say unto all. watch. I piomised to prove to you that the five months that the plwue intemperance should curse the earth was ISO vears; I have only to ask yon to multiply the 80 days by Ave and you have it. And mark I this plague kated till the rixth ai«el sounded, whose mission Is to bri^ this war on the earth, or in other words, to pull down the abomination, which war shiS eoramence in 1870 and bwt till 1000. 80 the date vf this phucne, drunkenness, is from 1720 tiU 1870, which agrees with theliistonr of the pbgue. It has been just about that time a great plague, and I have no hesitaUon in sayi^ that tt Is intended to degrade «nd demOraUie the wicked for the very purpose of Uinging them to this «wftd slaughter. "Blessed is he that readeth and they that bear the words of this prophecy, and keep thiMC things that are written therein, for the time is at^hMidy' Rev. i. 8. "For behold the day oometh that shall bum asan oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wick- edly shall be stubble. And the day that cOmeth shall bum them up, saith the Lord ot. Hosts. thiA it mil leave them ndther root nor brandi. But unto yon that fow my name shall the Son df Righteousaess arise with healing in his wings ;" MabdU. iv. The 19th chapter opens up to view the scene that shall follow the foil o# the great abomination. The first thing that |s heard is agreatvdce of much people in hMven ptaisinff Ood for his righteous judgmenU in Judging the great whore. Again they repeat his praise, and her smoke rose up for ever ana ever. Then the eiders take up the Abni^ty's jwaise. with a great multitude whoae vdce was as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings. They all praise Ood, sayfaig :" Alle- luia, for the Lord Ood omnipotent reigneth." Tea ! the abomination has foUen to rise no more for ever. Here foUdws a moat beauUAd description of the union on earth between Christ and His church, under the figure of a marriage. We see hntven opened and the church descending nnder the same figure that 9he is pres||ited under at the menliw of the first seal, with this difltevnce. Uie ^der hiw on his head many croons. Hehadonlyoneatfintr^But He Went forth c pot It, W tiM atlii elukp. Mil Vena : "And whoi he had opened tha fifth aaal I aaw widat the 1 ain Alpha arid Omega, the beginning and the end," Ac At the lOth verse commeiaeea k beautiful picture of the Church o? Chriat : "And he showed me tliat great city, the holy Jemaalem deaoendlng out of heaven from Ood, having the glorv of God; and her light waa like unto a stone moat precious, even like a Jasper atone.^clear aa crystal" If yon turn to the 4th chapter, and again look at Christ aa set on His throne, you win aee tlMt he la to look on Uke a jaaper and a sardine stone (v. 8), Her light, Uien, yon wUl pwoelve, la the light of Chriafa purity and holineae. "And had a wall great and hi«h. and had twelve gatea. and at the gatea twelve angels, and names written fliereon,vrii&h are the namea ofthe twelve tribea of the children of larael." The walla belmr ereat and high la only a figure to show that the city, or, in other worda, the new ohuVch? shall be protected. There la also an angel at each gate— a figure of heavenly Mrity and protectioii. Now, yon ifrUl perceive that there are namea written on these iates. " wAi or^MM,'Hid jWdad lur Mi fwy rtpnlh; wd hMllnir it Hia a^SVahowifato Hla mutant, the thfaga whkbmuat ■^N^w, Uki*^U that It la not to the prophet John *io«« ^-t^^* T**^ f"*.!^?^ but toUTaefTantaUhe plural aervantal-all who WonjWp Mm in anWt •^^^^^^ K yo» are Hfa aervanto, let me tell voa then, that God hath aent tiW angel *» yon to Aow unto you the thtaga which wUfahorUy be done. And Ia«faaakyc«^fcy haa h2 aent Hta^angel to ahSwiyou thoee thlngat The ««'•' '■T'^J; ' »S^„^^n guicUyrWeSSd la he that'keepeth the aaytoga of the prophecy of tUa Book/^ Johtt 2wm bla toaSmony that he heiSl and aaw tBsae thtoga, TI? »• «antloBed n^ to wal £ ^JtaTTtheWecy of thla Book, (br the time to at Uni A«dn.^' BeWd I borne qul^." AgayT, yoir authority for the certataty and tenth of Qda P»op»»wy »« iSd farthT^ am flphkW Omega, &e begfanfag anjf the end. the flrat and tj* 1"^ Md Wk, "I, JeeM.have aent^e angel to teatlfyunto you thoee thln» In the TukS* 'l ai the rlwt and the o«fcpri;«*of David, and t^ brto*t and «»«JfJ»^i. Testtheatorfairlven.a figure of the^t of the church of Chriat. YearChristfa ^t epWt thrt S«: WhSiwe look ti heaven we aee the mpmfag atwlooWng down EuT^v^rytu^ ^riat to the momtag .to. He to »~"»«^«r:- JSS£^?h « onr everv acUon. He haa aeen thi aorrowa of Ua people. He can aympatWae with ua. fo'ZScuS^'^^eftoot«,d theOftprimj^^D^^^^^ ^f" ^Ha^f^^ •"The^nofman." Andnowbehojdthe tovltation. " And J^'^f^r** «'*,*«' ^^ "/ oom^" CtoKd htochurchaa tve, ior ever and ever. I the Lord God of tha tha tUnga whkh muat t these words are sent, in spirit and in truth, nt His angel to von to «ln aak yon, Yfhj haa here: "Behold I coma ^ of ^ds Boole'' John ia canUoned not to seal id. Again, " Behold I ithofUda prophecy lit the first and the last." Btt thoee things in the ght and monung star." Shrlrt. Yesl Christ is iftng (tar loddng down g down from heaven on can sympathise with us. He has been one of as, Hiirit and the bride say i Mm thai heareth say, idle nndor a bushel, but t, c(«me, and whoaoever A I were to search the M till this present day, ast sentence of this pro* itlokly. Amen t" \ .J 1 • ', toaoiit<>. ■ Hi '»' f- ,•» ♦! I r ^ t .1 P"*