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' ■ , ■ . • ■ . ■ Un des symboles suivants apparattra sur la dernlAre Image de chaque microfiche, selon le ^ cas: le symbols -'-^ signlfie "A SUIVRE", I* symbole V signifia "FIN". Las cartes, ptahches. tableaux, etc.. pauvent Atre fiimte A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsqus le document est trOp grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est iWmh h partir de t'angia supArisur gauche, de geuche li droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre * ^ dimages n^cesssire. I.es diagran^mes suivants liiustrent la mithoda. > 6 MICROCOrv KnOUITIdN TBT CHAIT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART Uo, 2) ^ /IPPLIEO IM^GE Inc Si 1653 EotI Main Street e%ae Rocheeter, New York 14609 USA ^5 (716) 482 ^0300 -Phone ^B (716) 288 - 5989 -Fox ' -.\-r, ')■'%§'■ ■ ■'.',' •' . ■"'■' .'i*"" ■A I (^1 '' HOLY Sl^Iltlt IN THE . ^ ' k . . ' "*i I. BJ'-' ■ Km- '"mm ^V^.'^^'Mi^ • ■.•': >e -' ■._ .>i> ,;■... . : ■'• ..■ NEW TESTAMENT .« rn t/ i, ; '•^Ji W^'>^ \>- iS ?*■*»?* >??^ «*fe-',-. '^i I- V •Ji- r^h h(ki ,~»-^' H- J. /?"„> {ft ..?'.» L^ ■'^ ^. > j(^>, M &T ■■,.■..■ ■ ■■■■•" iii w/^ ■ - ■■■■ .■"■■■.,■■ THE HOfeY SPIRIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT I* f>'- A STUDY IN BIBLICAL THEOLOCY. MX R?:V. A. J. IRWIN^ H.D. Tjui \ o .#; REAb IlKFORK 11IK TnK<)L<)l.lC,\I. UnION (»K THK HAMIl.TnN roNPF-KKStK, riuEi.rii, Ont., Ji;n'e^4TH, 1898. TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS, Wesley Buildings. Montreal: e. \y. COAXES. Halifax :S. F. HUESTIS. • :jt'-*'"'- ■/'■ i \^ ■ V •i- \ M'. -JV'lUlVATOliV Nori DlJUiNO tl»« Hpring of 1895 the; writcu* was nnkvA to prepare u lucfcure tor the Tlieolo<;ical Conference to be held in Vibtpria UiiiverHity in the autumn of tliat year. It was stipuhited that tlie paper to l)e given be a study in Hiblicaj TheoU)gy, that it niiglit in Honie degree exhibit the method and advantages of that Hcicnee. The (piestion of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit was at that tinu^|MgagTng the writer's thougiit, and deeming it botlirf enchniun of any fad» crce #vine activity present m the world which was denoted by the term "Holy Sp.nt. The ■■i % THE SVKOPTIC OOSPELH. . 7 word appears, says Meyer, as a proper mame and 8itd the disciples the utterance of the Saviour, " All power is given unto ine in heaven and in earth ;" it will be the realization of the assurance " Lo ! I am with you always;" and it will be the manifest signal for the fulfilment of the commission, "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the ^ame of the Father and of the Son and of tl^jp Holy Ghost." ; V., • • In this expressiofi our Lord is not primarily giving his church a fiyrwuda for baptism. He is rather summing up in solemn farewell address the content of a divine revelation iii which the candidate is ex- pressing his faith and accord. This revelation gathers itself about three titles, which we have learned to recognize as designating .three divine personages: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But into their inter-relation the passage does not attempt to take us. C ■■..:■■-'■':':, ..■■•- ■■..-.■ ^ >.:..■-.-.:;■■■■:■■; ■I '\ % .-vV - \.'- /^ "*SS THE OOSPEL OP .lOITN. 11 .-vV - AvI ■; ■ ;:\ /■•:,■:: It; .•-.■■■-,\'-,- ■■,::■,. The Holy Spuut in the Gospel of John. In the record of the words of John the Baptist, as jr-ivon by his former disciple, we have stronj^ coiTob- oration of the teaching of the earlier Gospels. Jesus is anointed with the " Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven " (i. 32), and is he who baptixeth with the Holy Spirit. (33). The connection, too, between the Holy. Spirit and the ministry of Jesus is maintained, which is all the more remarkable since in this gospel, the unicity of Jesus stands out clearly, in the doc- trines of the eternal logos, the divine sonship and his heavenly origin. So prominent is the emphasis upon these facts and the claims related to thorn, that at first glance it seems difficult to find a place for the assistance of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus, These ideas, however, were, in the judgment of the apostle, quite cOmpatable, for he reports a remarkable utterance of the Baptist in which they are closely conJQined. They are not, therefore, parallel lineft which cannot meet in one personality. Their prox- imity renders the assumption of conflict between them impossible. The passage is :" He that cometh from above ii3 above all ; he that is of the ear^h is of the earthj and of the earth he speaketh ; he that cometh from heaven is above all. What he hath seen and heard of that he beareth witness aiid no man receiveth his witness. He that receiveth his witness liath set his seal to this, that God is true. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God ; for lie giveth not the Spirit by measure. The Father loveth the Son arid hath given all things into his ha,nd" (iii. 31-35). While, therefore, the Son has knowledge of heavenly things because of his heavenly :^-:,:: F ! ' M I l' p i- 12 THE HOLY SPIUIT IN We NEW TESTAMENT. oriein. having seen and heard them, he yefe npeaks his words through the assistance Or by the direction of the Holy Spirit. And because he has received the totality of the spirit he is the authorative spokesman and perfect revelator of God. The apparent clashing of these ideas renders, their genuineness the wore evident. We are here in the region of mystery, but perhaps the harmony between them may be tound in that/while the Saviour's knowledge of heaven y thing rested upon his pre-existence. and his heavenly origin, its interpretation and declaration to men was at the direction and through the mediation of the \ Holy Spirit. The operations of the Spirit in Christ \ would, in that case, be somewhat analogous^ to his working in man whereby he illuminates and inter- prets facts and principles, themselves ^ perceived . through the ordinary chtuinels of the mind. Ihat there is a similarity in the Spirit's manifestation in Christ and his working in the disciples is evident from their connection in the passage, " Ye know him for he dwelleth with you (i.e., in me), and shall be in you" (xiv. 17). And again, " As the Father hath seiit me, even so send 1 you. . . .Receive ye the Holy Ghost" (John^xx. 20-22). • Ill John's gospel the Spirit appears as the principle of the new birth of the members of the kingdom ot God. "Except a man be born of water and of the. Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (iii. 5). " Water," we understand as an allusion to baptism, with its implied confession and a typical washing away of sins (cf: Acts xxii. 16). To Nicodemus the word must have recalled in particular the baptism ot John, just then so conspicuous in Judea, which he^in company with his fellow Pharisees, had slighted. But the reference of Christ is wider, and calls attention to the necessity of pardon, of w^hicb water baptism was it ■ TttE «O.Sl»EU OF JOHK. 18 \ the Hymbol tmd the pledge. The efficient power unto a new life also necewsrtry for participation in the kingdom of God ia the Spirit. The birth of the ileHh leaves men with a nature in which iho i/;i>xff animal soul is the dominant power. The spiritual nature is obscured and its activitj^ repressed by the ruling in- stincts of the sensuous life. The (|uaiity of a nature 80 deranged, and of its resulting life, is emphatically "/^«/i " (iii. 6), i.e., sensuous. Whether Jesus goes, as far as Paul in attaching the idea of positive evil tq, this word flesh as the instrumcjit of sin is not clAr. So much is clear, however, that by nature men arcTO- sufficient for and incapable of the life of the kingdom of God. Their need of regeneration, renewal, strength- ening is absolute. And this deranged and enfeebled moral nature, which all men inherit by birth, is the necessary find inevitable' starting point of actual transgression,* The result of the operation of the Spirit in the hew birth is to make man "Spirit." That is to give to man's spiritiial nature, by the power of a moral re- generation, its true place, enabling it to dominate! and control soul and ho(l^, to direct the entire being in a life of which4he motive power and affection are spiritual and are divinely begotten. In this opera- tion the Spirit is in the manner of his working like the wind ** incomprehensible , powerful, self-determin,- ing and experimentally perceived." This important teaching is the more evidently an actual reminiscence of Christ's uttierances, and not a Johnanine recension, since the apostle elsewhere makes little use of it. He has not appropriated it in his o\vn system of thought. Jesus affirms its main principle in another application in his words, "it is the Spirit (i.e., the Holy Spirit he imparts) that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth' nothing " (vi. 63). - *<,. *From this it is evitlent that Jesus did not regard himself as born like other men. v ' ' ' " . '^ - , . ■■""■■-■ ".''■' ' • ■. . .' t, ' *!■ :1 f I- '■■ U TirK HOLY SIMHIT IN THE NKVV TKSTAMKNT. The largest^tribution given by John towanl the doctrine of/Che koly Spirit is in hin record ot the wordH of JcHUH c\nccrninjr Uie prpmiHed paraclHo. TlicHC pasHigcH oug\t to be read in full. ' "And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another comfoi-tor that he may abide with you lor ever; the Spirit <)f truth whom the world cannot receive, for it beholleth him not neither knoweth him. Ye know him, for li^ abideth with you. and shall be in you. I will not \leave you desolate, I come unto Vou"(xiv. Ki-lcS). V / ' • V - If a man love nie he will keep my wordy, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him " (xiv. 23). ^ " But the comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom tlio Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring to your remcmbi-Unce all things I said unto you " (xiv. 2(i). V , r -ii "But when the comforter is come Whom 1 will send unto you f ram the Father even the Spirit ot truth which proceedeth from the Father] he shall bear witness of me " (xv. 2G). ^ o ej " It is expedient for you that I go away, for ij^ A^go not away the comforter will not come to you ; but it I W I will send him unto you. and he, when hi3 is come, will convict the world in respect of sin and ot righteousness and of judgment ; of sin, because they believe not in me ; of righteousness, because 1 go to the Father, and ye behold me no more; ot judginent, because the prince of this world hath been judged "llowbeit when he, the Spirit of truthris come, he shaUguide you into all truth v for he shall not speak of himself . but what thing soever he shall hear, these shall he speak. And he shall declare unto you the things that aie to come. He shall glorify me, for he TtIK ii ;,qHiit(>ii to tlio C'hurcli UN a <;<>n^q(i;(ati<)ii (Mutt, xviii. 17-20). ft* WiiH imtiinil, lio\v(!Vi!i% tJHit tliis nowur, whitai IkjIoii^'h to tho Cluiicli UN 11 wliolb, .siKnild f lie to th»^ Holy (;hoHt, i.e., in tlio church. Ho Judges and sen enut'M, ^nd (lod executes tho sentence ferthwith. ni '^"i^ sppaking generally, is it n.> , historicrtlly true that when tho Lhurch m a worldly, formal or t uolesiaHtical tcnif)er has iMiased judgments upon inCii, her deciisions have often been ill found.'d and conspicuously unfortunate ; and thit when iu a devout, charitable and spiritual moo«l she has oxersisid authority, her decisions have in the main been found to be wise? m l^ "r .-•' .■, 1" . _ • ■ I'- -., ll.. :-''•*• i'l- ; •1" • 1 m : ^' $i ■.'_ ^•-■■:B'l ■■ •*- .1 J-'i ■ .rni' 20 THE HOLY SI'IIII^' IN THK NEW TESTAMENT. hence (i. 5). " As the Promise, it includes all other promises of God to Israel (cf. Luke xxiv, 49). As the promise of the Futher, it implies his paternal bene- volence (cf. Luke xi. 11-13). By its allusion to the forerunner we are reminded that, in addition to pro- claiming Jesus as 'the «' Lamb of God," John desig- nates Him as the one who shall baptize with the Holy Ghost (Luke iii. 16). The goal so long in view the Saviour now declares is nigh at hand. The dynamic qualification for the work of the disciples is assured them in this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, "Ye shall receive power after that the, Holy Ghost is come upon you '' (i. 8). But the very form of expression— the after that which distinguishes the coming of the Spirit and his effects— ought to prevent our identifying the two so as to regard the content of this baptism as being solely an enduement of aggressive, power, or as it is sometimes popularly stated, "power for service." This is a factor, a very prominent and important oije. Its prominence, how- ever, as the context shows, may be due in part to the fact that it was the one element in the Spirit's work which at that time with their materialistic anticipa- tions could enlist, gratify and content the expectancy of the disciples. Power was the w6rd they wanted to hear. It should not therefore be overlooked that with the advent of the Spirit came vitality; sponta- neity, unity, purity, steadfastness, courage, liberality and many minor graces, all of which were manifesta- tions of his power; e ^he outstanding feature of the Book of Acts is the reception of the Holy Spirit (ii. 1-4, 17-18, 2fi, 34 ; viii. 15-19; ix. 17; x. 44-47; iix. 2). The phenomenon referred to is characterized in the New Testament iii a variety of terms, most of which appear in this mi V- . THE ACTS OF THE APOSTL'ES. 21 book, sucli as " being baptized with the Holy dhosty" ••receiving the Holy Ghost,"" the Holy Ghost fell upon them," " the gift of the Holy Ghost,"" full of-^ the. Holy Ghost." Being " baptized with the Holy Ghost" (i. 6) is a description peculiar to the utter- ances of John the Baptist and of Jesus. It is not, so far as we are aWare, used by the disciples after Pentecost, except in making quotation of the Words of Jesus (xi. 17). It is not exactly a realistic descrip^ tion. -The outpouring of the Spirit was a unique r event, and prior to its occurrence it was impossible to, find words that could adequately express its true nature. Its heralds must content themselves with . general terms— //te fivomise, the baptpm. Baptism was to the disciples itlfamiliar^find significg,nt word, and one by no means void of appropriateness in rela- tion to the coming of the Holy Ghost. It spc»ke to them of a new beginning, it betokened a new sphere into which it initiated its recipients, and it had decided moral associations. The coming of the Spirit was indeed a ne^v, beginning in the individual and in the community \ife. He did effectually consecrate his recipients to a new sphere of activity, and that sphere embodied the' most exalted conceptioris of moral and spiritual excellence known to maij. The term •'receive" is of most frequent occur- rence and is used by Jesus, Luke and Paul. It describes the coming of the Spirit from the stand- point of tl^ recipients, implymg their dependence upon,*'their r^eptivity for, and their willing co-opera- tion with the divine benevolence for this definite end, the fulfilment of His promise. The term",f ell upon them" (x. 44) is also descrip- tive of the mode of his coming and indicates his heavenly origin* After Pentecast the disciples allude to the coming and the possession of the Spirit as " the gift of God " w.---^. PJ 1 'It,' i i ' ■i i ■ ■■ 1,' ■> i t ; v.- ' '. ' ill V • .1 ■, .J f; *'■ ^ ■ J -■ ■ 22 THE HOLY smniT IN* THE NEW . TESTAMENT. (^iii. 20 ; xi. 17). " the gift of thegoly Ciliost " (ii. 38). This is realistic in a degree. To them he waB the most precious and wonderful gift, ^ \ „ , . « •• The last term, "full of the Holy Ghost ^(vi. 3 ; vu. 55 • xi 24). or ' ttlled with the Boly Ghost (n. 4; iv. 8 31 • ix. 17; xiii 9) is one of degree. It is the most • realistic term, and is used only by the disciples, and that subsequent to Pentecost. It does not refer to an objective standard, but to a subjective condition of sell- abandonment and possession' by the spirit, m which the recipient becomes according to his measure an organ of the Spirit's manifestation. ^That there is no radical difference in the phenomena described by these terms appears from a comparison of the passages, especially Romans n. 4 and ii. m. There had been one significant event on that pente- costal day. the baptism or filling of the disciple with the Holy Ghost. When, however, later m the day the multitude Were pricked in their hearts and cried out. "Men and brethren what shall we do," Peter answered - them, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, m the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (ii. 38). It seems obvious that what Peter here pro- mised was that conspicuous boon the disciples had that day received. T t lu '' The coming of the Spirit, then, is presented in the Acts as an initial and an initiating fact in the Ghristian life. Passing over the case of the original disciples, w^hose place in the process of revelation makes their circumstances peculiar and without modern parallel. We note that the gift of the Spirit is here (ii. 38) presented at the very inception of Christian life, as part of the blessing of salvation, of which the nega- tive side is the forgiveness of sins, and the positive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Samaritans (viii.), who had received the Word THE ACTS QF tHE APOSTLES. 23 lenoniena of Uod through Philip and were baptized in the name of Jesus, were not fully initiated until Peter and John, official delegates ifrom the Apostolic Church, had prayed for them and laid their hands upon them that they might receive the Holy Ghost. The delay ' and the link of connection evidence a divine pur- pos eaiSr hese people were hereditary schismatists and Hj|Ji!^P^* antagonize every movement that originated j^^jyerusalem. By this special emphasis on apos- t0lj<|*eonnection, the possibility, of this historic divi- sion projecting itself into the Christian Church is done away. V Again, in the case of Cornelius and his Gentile friends (x), the coming of the Spirit was at the initial point of their Christian experience. The ground may have been more than ordinarily receptive, bat there is no intimation that they knew ought of Christ prior to Peter's visit. Here, too, the^T^^ which had carefully accentuated apostolic connection for the Samaritans is equally careful to emphasize the inde-' pendence and the equal right of Gentiles with Jews in this matter. For while Peter yet spake the Word, and prior even to baptism, the Holy Ghost fell on all that heard (x. 44.) . In the case of the disciples whom Paul found at Ephesus (xix. 2), we have an instructive examplle of an imperfect presentation of th« truth and the con- sequent absence of those spiritual manifestations that indicate the presence of the Spirit in men. The dia- logue as recorded implies mutual surprise. Paul is surprised at their condition. They are surprised at his revelation for they had not even heard that the Holy Ghost had come. His question ■' Into what rere ye baptized?" and his subsequent act imply that baptism into the name of Jesus and the faith thereby expressed had as its immediate object the re- cei vi ng o f the Holy Ghost, i.e., his coming ordinarily •11 : -,i;i r. 24 THE IIOLY SPI Hit m THE NI3W TESTAMENT. The case before Paul is clearly extraordinary and it is occasioned by ignorance. They did not know whether there had been any mani^festation of the Holy Ghost. Hence t.heir darkened, crude, imperfect, spiritual condition. A distinction between "receiving," " the gift,'* and '^ the baptism of the Spirit " is not clearly drawn in the book. These terms denote an essential pal-t of the initial experience of believers. They represent the positive element in this initial experience, the negative being the forgiveness of sins. They signify the vitalizing force Of Christian life. Faith indeed may exist for some time prior to this manifestation, as in the Wse v of the vSawiaritans and of the Ephesian community ; but Christians are not fully constituted until they have been made spiritual entities by the reception of the Holy Ghost. Herein is given the potentiality of^ all spiritual development. Its twofold condition is an understanding of God's will as revealed in his promise and vital faith in Him ■* Being filled with the Spirit differs from the former, not in kind but in degree. It is a flooding of the personality with the presence and power of God— a flooding that admits of ebb and flow, but is meant to' be constant an(^ abiding. It was fitting that in the great inauguration o^ the spiritual presence he shouM be manifest in a conspicuous degree. The definite- ness of tlie promise, the realness of it to them, and the high tension of their faith, no doubt conditioned the marvellous result. ; The Evangelical proclamation a:s current in our day has ^iven great prominence to the negative aspect, forgiveness of sins • but apparently it differs from the New Testament proclamation in clearness and emphasis in regard to the necessary and essential rela- tion of believers to the Holy Ghost. This may account for the fact the church life of the day has been so largely negative, formal, tra- ditional, rather than positive, vital, spontaneous. 7'- m iH ■»» THE A(n'S OF THE APOStj.E.S. 25 On anoilier occasion, too, (iv. lU) tho Church, driven to earnest pruyer by its inuninent peril, realizes the nearness and power of God, and is raised to a like exaltation, with exceedingly beneticial i*e- sults. This high level in some cases Was no doubt transitory, l^ere are records of occasional and temporary manifestations of the fulness of the Spirit (xiii. 9). Yet there are not wanting many who are characterized as habitually full of the Holy Ghost (vi. 3, 5). This is the standard, the norm, the ideal. There is no evidence that he was ever pre- sented for reception in less degree. But the history ev^en of this apostolic community bears its witness to human imperfections, limitations, and even degen- eracy. , That this experience of fulness continued common, general, and more or less permanent in the early Church is evident in the record of the choice of the deacons (vi), which took place some few years aftei' Pentecost. Tile apostles' directions (vi. 3) imply that many, tliough not all the community of believers, are full of the Spirit. But i| appears that this does not c|ualify them for everything, make them oracular, infalUble, or in particular fit them for tlie delicate' responsibility of allaying the discontent relative to the church charities. For, in addition to being full of the Holy Ghost these men are to be of command- ing reputation and influence among their brethren, that their decisions may have weight; and full of insight, tact, practical wisdom, and discrimination. Evidently, men; might possess the fulness of the Holy Ghost a^ ykt lack these fine-edged qualities of Christian character. From what has been already said, it follows that this experience is necessarily the privilege of all believers. This is further witnessed by the record con- cerning the original company (i. 13, 14), who "were all 26 TIIK HOLY SPIRIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. filled with the Holy Ohist, It is likewiso manifest in the allusion to Joel's prophecy (ii, 17), wherein the Spirit is proiniHed as an outpouring, not on pi-opli,et or priest alone, but on all the people of God ; not de- • pendent on maturity of j^ears, unrestrained by sex^ unlimited by rank or caste, master and servant, hand- maid and lord sharin^nr alike. \: I i li i-x •. 1^ This book also represent^ the Spirit as impart- ing to the Church and to individual workers needed enlightenment and guidance. A most conspicuous and instructive instance is that of the apostolic , council (xv. l-'29). The subject under discussion was the eondition.s upon which Gentiles were to be admitted to the Church. There was much debate, apparently considerable vartlty of view, and probably some strong feeling ; but the liberal spirit prevailad, especially among the leaders. After considering all sides of the (juestion at length, a proposition was agree^ upon. A letter was forthwith indited to be sent^ Antioeh, in which the conclusion thus reached is prefaced by the words, "It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us " (xv. '28). ^ The Saviour had promised his presence in the Church even when represented only by two or three. He had also assured the disciplei^ that the Spirit s|iould "teach them all things." These promises they %Iized, and when they, with earnest, prayerful, loving intelligence, sought to know the mind of the Lord and had come to a conclusion, they considered their judgment as not theirs alone, but also that of the_ Holy Spirit who' d yvelt in them. In the ;^election of its officers the Church is similarly influenced and directed by the Holy Spirit (xx. 28) ; and in the executive of the Church the Spirit is regarded as present (v. 3, 9). > \L^ :/■ THK ACTS OF TIIK APOSTI.KS. 27 Individuals, too, are directed by the Spirit. Philip, having previously been dispatched into the desert by direction of an angel, is bidden by the Spirit to go near and join hinisell: tq the eunuch's chariot (viii. 26-29). The objective design is the conversion of an earnest seeker after truth, the Ethiopian, and the sending of a Christian emissary to a heathen court. In Antioch, wli^re a number of propliets are found, the Spirit said— ^probably through one of tlie pro- phets— " Separate! me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them " (xiii. 2). A great and widespread missionary work of prime ° moment to the kingdom x)fT!hrist is in view. Again, in the omcial admission of the Gentile^ into the Churchy Peter is first wrought upon by a vision ; for he is so much a Jew that spiecial and even miracu- lous means are necessary to furnish liis mjnd with the thoughts, suggestions and presuppositions througii which the spirit can impress upon him the will dp .God. The Spirit then directs him to go with tlie men. He is thereupon ushered into the presence of facts, manifest^ providential and so vitally important that they compel the conclusion that "God had granted unto the Gentiles also repentance unto life " •■■(xi. IS). ■■-■■■::.:■:.. .'r_:-; >■•■■; .^ . :^ ; ■ ■; :■ -^ ; ;. Paul, too, at an important juncture in his career, is reported as receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit. Hadving completed their ministry in Lycaonia he and Si^ are by the «Holy Ghost forbidden to preach the Word in the Province of Asia. They, therefore, passed iiito Phrygia arid Galatia (xvi. 6). Their tour in these provinces being completed they had laid their pi|iris to continue still north into Bithynia, but are prevented by the "Spirit of Jesus" (xvi. 6-8).- They, therefore, turn west and proceed to the coast, « where at Tro^s, looking out on the blue expanse of the Mediterranean and meditating in enforced inac- ] t 28 THK KOLY HIM HIT FN THE NK\V TKSTAMENT. : tivity, ihoir thoujjIiH naturally drift toward tho re^riouH beyond ; and wmsn in a ni<(ht vision a man of Macedonia appears, crynj^, " Couie over into Mace- donia and lielp us," " Hftraiglitway," says Luke " we sought to ^o forth into MVlacedonia.conc^wc/tw; that God liad called us to preaiih the Gospel unto them " (xvi. la). A There is then a guidance py the Holy Spirit. The instances cited above were \aH cries concerning the the welfare of the kingdom atad the salvation of men. There is no evidence that the Widance, apart from its providential elements, was in liny wjiy distinct from the ordinary process of the humWi nnnd in perception, reflection, and judgment. It \ was eonununicated through the spiritual enlightenmWt and stimulation of these faculties ; the judgmWt or conclusion arrived at was not as by dictation,\)ut was from the human side, often of the nature of an inference being inculcated by the gradual tuition of Vindirect sugges- tion and providential prohibitions.* It was dependent .sometimes upon surroundings and associations, and upon previous^mental c^Meptions for\ its access and interpretation.*" It was i«||icit rather tjhan explicit. " What any one through iKe help of the\ Holy Spirit has come to understand or decide upon is $^aid to have been spoken to him by the Holy Ghost"* (Acts viii. ?9; X. 19; xi. 12; xiii.4; xx. 23). It would be incorrect to conceive of thV' Spirit's guidance as con^ned to officials and limited to epochal events. Thie instances cited aro but mountain peaks irnplyingd broad landscape below— peaks poinWd iit because they show the way by which thfe ^osjJel travelled under direction of tho Holy Ghost ^from Jewish to gentile surroundings— from Jeruso^lem into all the world. The Spirit's presence in belie\\ers generally is assured and his guidance of their daily life in proper moral conduct is implied HarnnMs * ThavA-. liiiiiiiaiBiii Till-; KI'rsTI.KS OK PAUL 20 (xi. 22-24) and tlio deacoiiH (vi. 3) arts cUohou as men who \yiU bq likely to act wmely, boin;; full of the Holy GlioHt. But the method of the Snirit'H lead- ing Ih Hiinilar to that noted above an 80 THE HOLY .SIMUIT IN TMK NEW TESTAMkNT. In«le(;(I, ho tliiiiikN (kxl that Hi.s QoMpol cunu to the . Thi^HHiiloiiiaiiH not in woni only hut al.so \i\ povvoranil in the Holy GhoMt atid in much UHHurance ( I ThesH. i. ')). The nas-sa^eH*. "clearly refer not to nttraculoUH j(iftft attennin^ upon the Word, but to a ilynaniic moral power of jrerHUaHiveneHH inherent in the niesyaije ^ itsylf hy i-euson of the Spirit'H preaenee rendering j^itn prdjclaniation eHectivc, cohvincmi^ men of Hin, and turhing them, oven amid great atnictioiiH, to God with joylof the Holy GhoHt (i. ()). ' * . Iffjbn the liearing of the gonper niORHago and the r(!C 13-14). ■•■•■■■■ , _ " ■ ■» ■ ! i ■ ' '.- ' ■* ■ ' ^•'' V . '. ■-.-■• :•. _.■■--■ J ■■'.•'-■" ■"'■ '•. ■-' .. «> ■. '■,:■■;::' .'■.: ; . '. • -'''. ■ '.' '*': ■' ■' ■• ""■ ".'■ 32 TIIK IMH.V SIMMIT IN TliK NKW tKMTX.MhXT. 1 -^^ " ■J '1 ;. 1 ■ :;'";, . Ij tH s- Tlw' work (if tho Spirit wh(» thuH coiik'h to «lwoll in tlu! Ixjiiovisr iH iiuinifold. Amon^' i\w HrNt huictioiiM |i« porforiiiH ifiluHwitncHHitijf totlx; bclicvcr'Httdontioii into (;o(rH fiitiiily, or " the H^iiliriKof tluj Spifit prc- ViouHly njftirnMl to. Tho Spirit dotss not uiuko iih HonH of (Joil, hut lunjuuintM uh with tlio fiut that wo uro "HoiiM of U(mI tlirou^rl^ fiiitli in JcNuy ChriHt" (Ual. iii. 20)., To tht; ol»j(>ctiV(' fact of luioption, which is now actual in thtrdivino niind, lli.s JM-fHencti in us in the witncNH and aHsuranco : " and hvcaiimj yo ar« houh (lod Nont forth the Spirit of hin Hon into your hoart.s cryin^r Ahba Father^' (iv. 6). " Th« Spirit hinisclf hoaroth witncHH with (or alon^ with) our Spirits that wo arc children of God" (Uoni. viii. I(i). Thin wit- noHH according' to tluH and kinched paHHa^oH i»^ not, jih haH often been suppoHed, nrinuirily and formally to • the fact of for^'ivenesH of mhn, but to that of our childship; and this is given in the conHciousness of God's love which "hath I)een shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given unto us " (Rom. v, 6). From this, forgiveness is the direct, neceasary, aiul Self-evident inference. The testimony of our own snirits is to the sanjo fact of childship, and is given in the subjective sense of freedom from all the feelings of boiMlage, slavery, and fear. Out of ihe depth of this now consciousness, thus wrought in us by the' Holy Spirit, our hearts give vent to what is at once tlio Spirit's cry and ours, " Abba Father." The words so oft upon the lips of the praying Christ declaim as ours, and begin to enter into the Christ conscious- ness of God. The Holy Spirit thus received is the pq,wer of moral renewal, both initial (Titus iii. 5), and progressive (Rom. xii. 2 ; 2 Cor. iv. 16 ; Eph. iii. 16). It is not thai the Spirit adds some new part to the mental or moral constitution of men, bur that he brings a new and divine spiritual - moral energy whereby the mental M^ Jv'^'- THK KIMHTI-KM nK \'\VU aa And moral faciilfcioH, thfe »'<>»><:(!!i{n«l). nro r(!loa.sc«l from th« (loiiijimiict! of ih^Hlily doMirts iirid of Miii working through that 'nmn, apintual, as applied to men, describes tluj actual moral quality of ' the man in whom the spiritual element takes its ^ true place, and, through the Holy Spirit's- assistance, rules *the life in accordance with (jlod's law " (1 Cor. iii. 1). Such a man is spiritual and possesses a spiritual discernment beyond the capability of the animal or psychical man. It is based on the nioral <(uality of his life due to his possession of the Holy Spirit. In the degree in which he is spiritual he has ■■■ the mind of Christ (1 Cor. ii. 15, 16). The term i/'vxtfios, psychical, or as it is faultily translated "natural," describes in a psychologically moral way the man who lacks the Holy Spirit and who is therefore governed and controlled by his ipvxv or animal soul — the lower, sensuous life, This is the native condition of all. " Howbeit, that is not first " which is spiritual, but that which is natural (if^vxiHov^ psychical); then that which is spiritual (1 Cor. xv. 46). As such it cannoti briiig actual moral blame; Its survival in the conscious and self -directed life is sinful, for the man who is ruled by his 'pvxv is con- trolled by sensuous impulses, the mainspring of .which is in his fleshly rather than in his spiritual nature. " They that are after the flesh do? mind the things of the flesh" (Rom. viii. 5). He is therefore^ morally speaking, also i\iQ Gapuivos or ffapKiKoSyjlesMymBji, the man i?! the flesh (Rom. viii. 8). By the control of the fleshly impulses, of which the fpvxtjis sensible, and to which it readily responds, the man is brought into direct and continuous conflict with the moral law of ■■ ■..--. "f ■ ■ ■ 1 •:^ ««..■ ^■^ ■.■.:.V THE EPISTLES OF PAT^L. 35 God. Tnis is deatli—potcTitially eternal death. " For the mind of the flesh is death . . . because the mind of the flesh is enmity against Uod : for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be ; and they that are in the flesh cannot ptiejaSe God" (Roni. viii, 0-S). ^is power of Spiritual perception, too, as all otlier f faculties that depend on the activity of the 7tviV}m, is dofniant. " The //'i>^<«o? man receivcth not the tilings of the Spirit o| God " (1 Cor. ii. 14). They niake no appeal to him. He minds the things of the flesh (Rom. viii. 6) ; sows to the flesh and reaps cor- i^ ruption or death (Gal vi, 8). St. Paul looks upon these as subject toanother supernatural, but diabolical power operating in them through the sensuous desires and impulses. "The prince of the ix)wcr of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of dis- obedience "(Eph. ii. 2). No one who has once received, the Spirit is there- after ever called j/>i;^£«o?. Believers, however, may exhibit fleshly tendencies. They are then called. GapHi V qi or carnal. " They walk as men " ( 1 Gor. iii. 3). There is an inevitable antagonism in moral tendencies between jthe lawless desires of the flesh and the mind of the Spirit. The Spirit and the flesh are rivals! They lust against each other (Gal. v. 17), each" seeking to subdue Q,jid drive the other from the seat of control The possibility of degeneracy is, there- fore, always present and is prevented only by full and willing accord with the Spirit's leadings,*' Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh." Even filthy conversation may grieve the Holy Spirit, and apparently so far as to threaten the assur- ance of ^ternal salvation (Eph. iv, 30). In the normal believer, ideally viewed, the Spirit's power is absolute. He has been made free by the, law of the Spirit of life (Rom. viii. 2). He walks in the Spirit. He does not fulfil th^ lusts of the flesh, but 11 . ■/ . "i i*. ¥ ■ 11 -• \ ii* ii I j *• . V .' ... /• 36 THE HOLY SPIUIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. by the Spirit mortifies the. deeds of the body. ,He has crueilied the flesh with its affections and lusts (Gal, V. 24). Siinctification is just thia separation of the life from its sinful quality, practices, and associations. The words ayioiQ€iv, to sanctify Mid dytaffjuos, sanctiji- cdtion, seem always to retain more or less of this reference to fleshly evil (See 1 Cor. vi. 9-11 ; 1 Thes. iy. 3-7 ; Rom. vi. 19 ; 1 Thes. v. 23). They are nega- tive in their quality, being about equivalent to our modern word consecration, with the emphasis speci- • ally on the separation from evil implied. The calling .of God has this sanctification fully in view (1 Cor. i. 2; 2 Thes. ii, 13). It is given potentially in the acceptance of Ghrist (1 Cor, i. 2, 30 ; vi. 11). Ideally, it belongs to all believers and they may be, in this objective or ideal sense, called sanctified even whenV some of their moral dispositions are still fleshly .the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof ■fe X' tHE tit>lSTLi:S OP PAUL. 3? In fttul's epistles the leading of the Spirit is all ot* iliis moral sort. It is in the midst of an exhorta- tion to be led by the Spirit (Gal. v IG, IS, 25), that the contrast between the graces just enumerated and the revolting list of the works of the flesh immedi- ately preceeding is brought out. The leading of the Spirit is to produce such moral qualities in the life. "As many as are led by the Spirit of God these are sons of God " (Rom. viii. 14), but here again the direction of this leading is indicated by its connection with the previous verse. It is toward mortifying the deeds of the body. We are exhorted, also, not to quench the Spirit (Thes. v. 19), active* probably through the preaching or prophesying, which we are not to hold in contempt. Throughout, the leading of the Spirit is not an arbitrary direction of thejvill from without, but a moral influence \into the sahctification of the life (1 Thes. iv. 3, 8). The test which determinjes whether a mail is led by the Spirit in any utterance or act is also moral. It is the way in wiiich that utterance or act honors Christ. "No man j^eaking in the Spirit of God saith Jesn^ is anathema; and no man can say Jesus is Lord, but in the Holy Ghost" <1 Cor.m3). In that advance, whereby we are changed into the image of Christ, Paul knows of a variety in the degree of the Spirit's operations. He speaks of the believer in the initial crisis as receiving the Spirit (Rom. viii. 15). He also speaks of the Spirit as being given by God in continuous supply, " through the supply of the Spirit of Jesus" (Phil. i. 19), "God who giveth (pres. part.) bis Holy Spirit unto you" (I Thes. iv. 8). Paul' knows of furtjier increase of potency, a being "strengthened" with might by the Spirit through prayer unto lofty spiritual under- standing and attainments (Eph. iii. 16, etc.). And ^ lastly, he exhorts" the ° Ephesians to be filled with V M THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT -J* 11' ft M r»- the Spirit— apparently an abandonment, control, enthusiasm, '' and exaltation, contrasted with being drunk with wine (Eph. y. 18). It is worthy of reflec- tion, however,, that he nowhere alludes to Penticost; The ■ final benefit which the individual believer receives through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is "the redemption- of his body " (Rom. vjii. 23). The body as the abode (^' the Holy Ghost is sacred. '■Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you (I Cor., vi. 19), Notwithstanding t|his, • however, it falls .under the doom oi physical death because of sin (Rom. viii. 10). Yet this doom is not final, " for, if the Spirit of him that raised tip Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, he/^ that rkised.J&p Christ Jesus from the dead shall quicken also your mortal bodies through (margin because of) his Spirit that dwelleth in you" (Rom. viii. 11). ' y * ■ ■\^'^' .' ' ■■ '-'<■■■'-':■'■ Christian pix)gr^ss is greatly accelerated by the clear perception of its pdssibilities and of its final goal. . "The things that God hath pre|)ar^d for those ^hat l6\i(6 him " (1 CoK, ii. 9), ' The glory thafc^ shall be revealed in us " (Rom. viii. 18), exert a strong attractive jjower that incites toward sanctificatioh and that assist!^- the be|iever to endure ^erseCiition, and suffering. The knowledge of' this final goal and of its manner of attainment Paul presents'as" wisdom" ' (4 Cor. ii, 7), setting it forth in contrast with the pretentious, grotesque, unethical and even immoral philosophies or world schei©es that abounded in hi^ day. This wisdom is essentially . an understanding of the "mysterfes of God," a perception of the 'divine ' purpose in the formation 9f the' universe •( Eph. iii: 9), a spiritual comprehension of '. its world-development and culminatioji.and the^^asentialand cejitrai relation- \: V ;:■,■ /• X tHE EPISTLES OP PAUL. 39 sliip of Christ thereto, together with our relationship to it in Christ (1 Cor. ii. 0-0). It occupies a l»irgo place in the thought of, the letters to tlie Ephesians (i. y-11, 15-23; ,iii. 2-5, 9-13, etc.), and to the Colos- sians (i. 9-21, 20-27 ; ii. 2,4). It is present, though, not specifically named, in Romans (viii. 18-39). It is given by revelation of the indwelling Spirit of God to spiritually-minded men, and is a comilfbn matter of edification among tlie spiritually mature: " Howbeit vve speak wisdom among the perfect (full grown): *yet a wisdoin not of this world. ^^^^^^J^ings which eye saw not and ear heard not, "And which entered notJnto the heart of man. "Whatsoever things God prepare^ for them that love him. \, . / ^ ^. "But unto us God revealed them through the Spirit : *fo^' the Spirit searcheth all things, yea/ the deep things of God. Ijor who among rhen know eth tlie things of a man save the spirit of the man y hicli is in.lnm? even* 80;, the things of God nOne knoweth sav;c the^^i;jl of God. But we received, not the spwitrof the world, but the spirit wl^ch is of God; th^t we might knOw iht ihihgs that are freely given to jis by God. Which things also we speak,^ not in words which man*8 wisdom teacheih,.but which the \^pirit teacheth ; comparing (better, combining,)spiritual things with spiritual. Now the natural man receiveth not- the things of the Spirit of God : for they are foolishness unto him; and he ^annot know them, • because they are spiritually judged (investigated, \ailued). But he thiit is spiritual judgeth all things, and he himself iTjudged of nonmn. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he should instmct the mind of Christ." '* ^ him? But we hay 11. 6-16) (1 We shall have 4)ccasion to refer to this profound passage again, bjtA its chief import for Us in the ?; r' i I 1 * ' / • ■ - s. ', * ■ /.'■■ < :*.-' .:;,;.; ■■• ■' -^it ■ - '■'• ■ ■ ■ ■■,'■'■ ;; /• c Iv t • '■ -' ■;■■ ■"*• '■' ^-f ■^-^■■^''•■■v''' ■ ■ ■" V .' ,"», ■■ : -■ r I ■ ■» ■-■.»■ 40' THE IIOLV SPIRIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT present connectidji is the certification it gives of the essential truth of the substance of this wisdom. " It is "God's ivisd&m." It is xiiscerned and communicated to us by the Spirit, to whom the mind and operations of God are open. But he imparts it to men by and through, and in, the activities and operations of, their 9wn minds, searching, examining, judging and prov- ing ail things, and that not as a matter of curiosity, but for the proper ad/Ustment of their lives thereto; and they, because they have taken* up the Christ standpoint, are able to discern, receive and apply this ^ knowledge through the help of this spirit given in Christ. (Cf. 2 Cor. iii. 18). The bearing of this wis- dom on the practical purposes of' Christian life is evident wherever it is presented irj these epistles ; ^or this reason the apostle covets for the Ephesian Church, and doubtless for allbelieyers, a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God enabhng them to discern their future in God's world plan and the power of its -attainment, " that ye may ^ know what is the hope of his calling, what the riches of^the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what the exceeding greatness of his power to US-ward who believe, according to thjit working of the strength of his might which he wraught in Christ "^^^^ I'^^^d'^m from t^e dead, ami made him to sit at his right hand in heavenly places, far above all rule, ajid, authority, and> power, and dominion, and evej^ rtame that is narii^d, not only in this world, but -also in\that which is to come : and he put all things in subjection under his feet^and gave him to be he^ over ail things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that fiUcth all in alb" (Eph. i. 18l23) . ^ The impprtaht place of the Church in worfciUgbul this wo^Jd development fe evident. It is thejx^y of • ' A A THE EPISTLES OF PATTI,. 41 Christ thrpugh which^ his activity in the world is realizecl. The §oul of tliii^ body is the Holy Spirit, . who dwells in its members knd beg(^ in them a coni- moii life. They are held together ^'the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace by the love of the Spirit (Rom. XV. 30), i.e., the mutual love lie creates in them (see Gal. v. 2^), enabling them to act with forbear- ance toward and consideration for one another (Eph. iv. 3). This life of mutual sympathy, regard and lielpr fulness is the fellowship of the Spirit. (Phil. ii. 1), He animates the worshijp of the GhurchKPhil iii. 3), directing it to the glorincation of Jesus as Lord. (1 Cor. xii. 2, 3). He bestows upon its memliers spirit- ual gifts (1 Cor. xii. 4-11) in great diversity, to each member as he severally wills (v. 7), the word of wis-, dom, of knowledge, of faith in special degree, of heal-, ings.bf miracles, of propheciy, of discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, aiid interpretation of tongues. These he dispenses broadqastr among believers for ^ • mutual help and without regard- to office ; but^ ^Ire equipment and appointments for official functronif, whether of /government or edi^catioii (xii. 28), is doubtless also effected through him.* This indwelling of the Spirit in the community of the believers as «s<|)cial.org!linism^ and realizing therein a divine life, is die of the sublimest conceptions of St, Paul "The fulness of God''* (Eph. iii. 19) seem^to 113 to be a spiifituai, social ideal, the eulioination of ►,thi§ community life through the Spirit's stren^then- irig and the indwelling Christ, in all the activities aiid affections of bofiridless and pierfect love. Because Qod is thus pi*esent and manif^ted, the community of the- believers is called the temple of God. (1 Gc^r. iii. 16; 2 Cor, vi. leXr'The Spirit of God which dwells in' theirt is the shekinah. Thisips not mer6 rhetoric ; it js'^reality. There is now lio other temple' The Supreme place ctf God's dwelling and manifestation in I '\t^- J^- R' *1 ,4l! w 42 THE WOLY HPIFIIT IN THE NEW* TESTAMENT. the world is in spiritual men. It jh true this mani- festation as yet is very imperfect, but for this pur- pose are they builded or framed .together, and are evergrowing into the holy tertiple for a habitation of God in the Spirit. (Kph. ii. 21, 22). -.-"-"'■ ■ ' « ■ ■ " ■ , ' ■ . ■ ' • , ' I ' '< • ■ ^ ', ■ ■ ■ ' ■■ ■'•".■ ^ •■ ■ " • ■ ' * ■ ■ The apostles' view of the essential nature of the V Spirit remains to, be considered.* This ut impersonal energy, injparted to men and belong- ing as a quality to their acts, e.g., " in the Holy Ghost." (2 Cor. vi. 6; I Thess. i. 5). We must remember, however, tliat the apostle is here giving to persons well acquainted with spiritural facts an enumeration of some elements that entered into his ministry. He is, therefore, at liberty to recall by a mere mention what would in other circlimstances require detailed explanatioh. They would interpret his word by* analogies from his orciinary teaching. We are to do the same. We must also remetnber the peculiar, Pauline idiom, by which the moral and spiritual i-ela- tionship of a believer to Christ is similarly denoted by_such expressions as " in Christ," •* in the Lord," etc. .Mis further claimed that the apostle identifies the Spirit with " power " (Eph. iii. . ]^,*^0), and fi^)m the fre(|uency with „ which the Spirit and power are associated it appears that there is an essential and intimate relationship between them. But it is evident/ fron^ m&ny passages wherein the two are specified: r«..!.i^ ""— P*^*® i^"^^'**" ^^ ^^^ persoiwlity of the Spirit would IS r-i^i a prehrtrtnary a sufvoy of the arguments rehiting to the - essential deity of Christ, for the interpretation of much that is sail toncerning the former is necessarily influenced to some extent bv the views held of the latter. •^"f wy ■.;-"•;?, /■■ i i' '"%' \ THE EPISTLES OF PAUL 48 and aVstin^iHlied. ^liAlb this relationHhip in not ono of itleiitity but of c»|U«aKty. or of subject 'and attnbuto (ii. Cor. vi.ii, 7;4>The88. i. 5; 1 Cor. ii. ^^ Horn. XV. 13, 19. EphJii. 16). (17). The idea Jiero exprcsHed iniilar to* that in Koni. viii. 9-11, .where" " the K^ of Uod," "the^irit of Christ," and " ChriHt'.-are^^ used synonymously. The relationship, however, is J not of hypostatic identity but is econounc and dyna- mical. The 'Spirit is the agency through which Christ, is represente^l and realized in the. hearts of believers. \ - . - ' . The very use of the term, spirit', seems to favor the idea of a " personal existence." This is sup^Dorted by the fact that very frequently the activity of aeon- scious personality is predicated of tlie Spirit. He is represented as "searching," knowing (1 Cor. ii^iO. 11), willing (xii. ;ift and making interc6ssioii(Rom.>iii. 26).. Ill fibme passages'it is possible to think. of God himself' as acting immediately (Eph. ii. 18) in men; but in others God and the Spjrit are ^arly distin- guished (I'Coiv it 10, 11; Rom. viiiv 26). In that profound figure ; 2 Cor y,o\ 1 rhes. IV. 8) are spoken of in a manner (luite analogous to the ^riving and sending of Christ by God. Moreover, Paul co'ordindtes the terms G6;i, Christ and ^Spirit (2 Cor. xiii. 14). That Paul thought of the Spirit as a personal' existence seems certain ; but that he has anywhere attempted to pre- sent or even formulated in his ownnund tlie relation- ships ot the trinitv v^r ae does , not appear. His habitual thoughts of the Divine Being was not specu- lative but practical. His Was a working theology. The result not ot philosophical analyses ^d the(S^ tical deductrons but of personal eJsperience and tlio revda^on of spintjiaJ facts. When^he mentions d^ "• vi V V^' .CIH Christ and the Holy Spirit (2 Cor Hon. } f^'^n^i^^^^^^l^^^^ the metapl^sicai i^ tK>nsof the Godhead, but of the part^^h plays in the be Ws lite. T^is is, perUps^evenmorfe appall ^ ent in that enumeration of the common unities wbfch underlie the dife of Christian fellowship maTrifesT^ beheyerr^'There^ie one body, rfrid oh6 Sp^ one !3^^h;^^1-^!^->^"- baptism.Le:God '!*/ /. Vl. '" / * • t J 'l>JK UKMAININCJ JIOOKM. 4ft *¥. This coordinatioii iiml t!»iH jjioupinjjf of tlu'se haHrtl roalitieHof ChriHiian lifo in thi'ce (liviHioriH, proininoiit in each of which \h a luimo alroady jwHiMMatcMl with a pergonal (limine! nxirttonce, this ascoiulin^ clitnax of Spirit, Lord^^ »o^ t^ierein to his (the wtiter s) generation (iii 7 ; x. 15).^ Even the ritual and ordinances of the Old Testament temple worship are to him pregnant With meaning, ill which the Holy Ghost is, expressing his mind (ix. H). ' , Believers are said to be " partjakers of the Holy Ghost (vi. 4), and from a comparison with precedihg Verses (1, 2) it appears? that this is, one of the first principles upon which the author Jk^es not wish further to dwell. Thfe " enlightenii^g" of which the verse speaks came through the hearing of faith ; " the ; heavenly gift "was the gift bl pardon in the forgiye- *^ ■(■ ^ ■ -I- ■\ I* If ■ / 46 THK IIOI.Y HPIUIT IN THE NKW TESTAMENT. noHH of HiriH, and " tho nartaking of th«^ Holy Ghost" w^N that outpouring ol tho Spirit UHiially aHHrnnated with haptiHiii and ttiu laying on of handN. ThoHu «;le- iiH'nt.s of (MiriHtian exporionot^ an» prOHunicd to havo h<^on pr(!Hont in (;h)ar and woll-tlofinni! nianifoHtation in tho, ht?art of tho hup|H)H(m1 apontato, ho tliat hiH denial of tho faith ap|M'arH as a couHcious and willful Hinnin^ aj^aiuMt tho light and knowUxigo of u dintinct and mature ex porionco of GmrH grace, .--:—--———:-- In a passage (x. 29). tho purport of which is some- what similar, wo havo a like enumoratiim, hut of ohjoc- tivo realities m tho i animal or HciiHual incn, wIk) walk after tlicir own uii«;odly luntH "having' not the Spirit" (19) and are a diHturbitig and Beparatiiig element iiL the Church. 4. In the EpiHtlcH of John. „ The teachings! in John's epiBtle regarding the TToly Spirit have l)eeh already anticipated in \uh gospel. The believers pOHHCHH an anointing from the Holy One which constitutCH in them an ori^^»ftl and inde[>end- cnt source of spiritual enligtenmtiit. Tliey know all things, comprehending the truth (i. ii. 2«. 21) In fact lis its communicator tbe Spirit is even called •• the truth " (i- V. 7). But the truth is evidently the content of the revelation givin in Christ for "who is a liar but he thai denieth that Jesus is the Christ " (22.) The test, nioreover, of a man's claim to the in- spiration of the Spirit is the degree in which the utterance or action referred to conforms to that which is implied in the confession that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (iv. 1-3). What 'the anointing teaches is, "to abide in him," or to "keep his command- ments" (iii. 24) and so abide in the Son and in the "^Father (ii. 24) which is the life eternal (25). Con- versely, this is represented as the^Father (iv. 12-13) and the Son (iii. 24) abiding in the believer, but mediately by the Spirit which God hath given him. liiis consciousness of abiding in him and his abiding In us is important. \The testimony of God to the son- .^t\)of Jesusgiven at the baptism (the water), and the testimony of the apostles to the facts of his life '*\. A- 48 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. c- * r- ■*« John xix. 34-35), !«?., thd historical testimony to the nature and the work of Jesus, is confirmed in each disciple beyond all cavil, question, or doubt by the presence of the Spirit in his heart (i. v. 7-8) He is thus the supreme witness " that God hath given us eternal life and this life is in his Son" (v. 11.) 6. In Revelations. ' The book of Revelations is a record of a series of visions in which Jesus, who has himself penetrated to ^ the secrets of Gpd's purposes, shows to his servant ' John, for the warning, stimulus, and comfort of the ' disciples, "things whj&h must shortly come to pass" , (i. 1 ; xxii. 6). The content of these visions is, there- fore, called the "testimony of Jesus," and the testi- mony of Jesus is said to be the spirit of prophecy, i. c, " it is given them by the prophetic spirit.'* But since God is the ultimate source, of this knowledge of his purposes he is called the God of the spirits of the prophets (xxii. 6). John, in receiving these visions, is *' in the Spirit" (i, 10; iv,; 2 ; xvii. 3 ; xxi. 10), by which t^rna^l^lifir implies aii extraordinary degree of spiritual exalta- tion and an unusual power of spiritual perception. A:»In his declaration of what Jesus has thus shown and told him the Spirit speaks through him to the churches (ii. 7, 11, 17, 29; iii. 6, 13, 22); and else- where the Spirit speaks through him words of comfort to the saints concerning the dead (xiv. 13), Similarily the Spirit, joins with the Bride in uttering through the apdstle the well-known evangelical invitation addressed to whomsoever will "Come and take the water of life freely " (xxii. 17).* 1;*'\ * The Seven Spires of God which appear in this book Are to be ^- lof]^«d upon as personifications of the aivine attributes and not as \ manifestations of the Holy Spirit. ^<. : CONCLU.SiON. Conclusion. . .^. : We have now eompleted the task we set put to perform, viz.: to examine the teaeliings of the New Testament regarding the Holy Spirit. Strictly speaking, nothing further is recjuired, for Biblical theology, unlike systematic, does not undertake to harmonize the various writers of scripture with one another. Its-duty is completed when it has discovered their teachings. It will be profitable, however, before leaving the subject to pass iq review some of the main positions established, and also to glance at the progress of thought and the points of agreement pre- sented. The general outline followed exhibits aa advance of thought which in the main runs parallel with the historical development. Ignoring details and initerlapping, wehave, speaking broadly, in the synoptics the Spirit manifested in Christ and promised to his disciples ; in John, t^ie promise amplified and his work explained; in Acts, the fulfilment of the promise in the early Church ; in Paul, a completed view of the normal working of the Spirit in the individual and in the Church ; in the remaining books matter chiefly confirmatory of what has gone before. Underlying the attitucle of the New Testament writers as a whole there seems to be the assumption that the Holy Spirit is a personal presence. Some- times, however, this is quite obscure, perhaps because emphasis is placed chiefly pn his working rather than on himself. In the teachings of Paul, and especially in the woi-ds of Jesus concerning the paraclete, the personality of the Spirit comes very distinctly into view. The synoptics, Acts, Hebrews, and Peter directly refer to the Old Testament Scriptures as given by the Holy Ghost. While the synoptics, John, Acts, ■--v.: • A:' Uv- ■ ■ :'::': . -:_-: ';■_/■ -■:.■: :\^. . '• ■^--f./.V ' v ;. 'J, V ■ ^. ' ^^\'.:M „.„.>v'' do THE HOLY SPIltlT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. ■ ■ :*-*■'.' ' ■ ' ' - '■' ■ '. ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ " ' ■ ■ ' ■ ' ■ 'v '■ ' ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■' ■'■•^^ ' . ' ' Paul, and Hebrews, in fact almost the entire corps of New Testament writers, recognizehis activity in New Testament revelation. , A somewhat striking agreement is noticeable in teaching and point of view between the epistle to the Hebrews and the Book of Acts. There is also a very close resemblance between the teachings of Jesus recorded by Johij and those of Paul, concerning the genesis of spiritual life through the spirit and the condition of the man before and after that ev^nt. The earthly ministry of Jesus is presented in the synoptics, John and Acts as performed under direC'^ tion of the Holy" Ghost. John seems even to consider the Spirit's presence in Christ as in some sort a sample of his working in believers, which difters from the former in degree rather than in kind. Christ being a perfect organ the Spirit found no limitation to his working in liim. To him he is given not by measure. He is the realized ideal of the- Spirit-filled man. The full record concerning the paraclete given by John is probably the result of a personal predilection, for in the epistles the same aspect of his work appears. He is a spontaneous source of illumination, enabling believers to discern and vitally realize in themselves the truth as given in Christ. In the proper understanding of the Book of Acts the Spirit's coming, we think, appears, whether as the gift, the baptism, or otherwise, as belonging to the initial crisis in the believer's experience. Of this it is the positive element and the vital power. St. Paul is in sul^tantial agreement with this position, though he allows, as does Acts, subsequent increase in tlie fulness and power of the Spirit's operations. The fulness of the Spirit in both Acts and Paul is the crown of a Christian life, and much Scripture is written from this point of view although many believers approached very imperfectly this condition* I. --:i- I'i --;-t-- The leftding of H •Christian life and is motion of the believer's j^ the development and advanc? Paul's conception of the scol the Spirit's operations is particuial ^ ofJihe Gospel proclamation, 'theknowU in the believer, hisincrease in wisdom and of •» •*" / 1 . > • * ' ♦ . ■ ' ^ ' / / ' ■r- .• ■ . . • ■ ,- .^ *■- ' '•>-.- • , - \ . • " , . >v * - ... , , " ^ . # • 1 • ,* _ ^ • ^ * « ■ « 9 ^ • ■ \ k * 1 - , • ■ •^ • • ^ • ^ ■ i^ " . • . ' ' - ' , . . ■ - V ■ ' • . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r ''^ ^ ^^^^w ^^^^^^^^ . ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^k. ^^^^^ > • -^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^V^ ^^^^^^^r ^^^^^^^^^r ^^^F / -s '' 'SUP- ' ' J ..-'■, . •, • " , ^ - . - ^ ..n . ^'^/ ; •*_, ' .-• ^ ' ' 7»"* /.^ "'.'."■ . ■ , «•»"' - ^. % • . -^ r '4^ . . ■ i,- ' " , " ■ » ■ ' . 1