IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4 /. t^ & ^ Vi ^ 1.0 I.I us 2.5 2.2 -- iiii 1.8 1.25 11.4 mil 1.6 (meaning CONTINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaTtra sur la der- nidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". The original copy was borrowed from, and filmed with, the kind consent of the following institution: Library of the Public Archives of Canada Maps or plates too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to righ'x and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exempleire fiimd fut reproduit grdce d ia g6n6rosit6 de i'dtablissement prdteur suivant : La bibliothdque des Archives publiques du Canada Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clichd sont filmdes d partir de Tangle sup6rieure gauche, de gauche d droito et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la mdthode : 1 2 3 % ■: ^i ^ : 4 5 6 wmmmmm wmm THE rHVNNru TO Q^ISBEC A:«D HAKB)Ut( lMPiaVi!.Mt!Nr3. A« thif piubject U a mfttt<'i of nr'nt im- porUnu', r.ot only to llm m*-n;h'iiitH iif Moutrt-al but nUo to tliH i-itiz-nn m-iierully. it 'h well that thf rt'mirkH of Mr. Yxiiin, tho pr.'Hunt clifiiini in of the Karlxiiir Coni- mi^t^•^llu'^rt, HHil one of tlio rt'|>r«iif'iitntivc« of the H »i4r'l of Tr.i>|iMitiiii{ of thti cliannvl b' twoen thin rjty ami y h^U'c, Atnl the iijrri'ftst'il Hccoiniiii^lttion in Ihf iurltour, «hou!i1 bt> fiirlv iindtTHtnoil (> ir report of Ihw pri'. et'(iini<« of th-' \ tsit nifi't- n^ of tth" fl irl) »ur Commi-iHi'HierH wnn vry mucli rontli'iiHfil, au'J «(* wf Ofiri-p with Mr. Yonnir timt \ua reason!* '♦hotild t>i. ^iv»»n for iiryini; the cluinjjeri hi' winh^k to illVct, we are ylml to grivo an fxtemlt-il report of hiw Me Vni- r, •m'ri^, ill nlovin^ th'- rcrtohi- rfhi*ni«ivc' plun for hartuHtr iQjpi')Vfm niK should hi' lui pptftl to rorreBpor-M with tliK pioporti-i] < hrturn'I of "2 1 feet hel WHi'u 'j'l-'hi'O aii'l Motjlital . No (1 julit there wonUl be (liflTunteK tii optili'ti ori i*n 'h artut'j'cr, bnt he tlioiii;ht that whatever tendLiI to* the fjf ni-r il iMtett'ct (-1" the ro'i.itiy, ot ot Ih'.- city, woul'l best piomote tlif. inter-btof all AectioQ^I partB of i*, tirni, tlierofore, be hoped liial in the di ru.-.Hion 'if llieife reKolii- ■ tionrt iu>ff nft'U'd, thrtt no serlion-il ft'olin^; wonM b" allowftl to interf. o with wb»*t n.ttjht be (he ^ -neral piil)liu interest. The refloluttons not only einbiareil liie pDliry of thn en] irg'-mont of the harhuur, but aUo r«ftTrelleita- j tionn and thn wurk was beffao tf the I'lr'tu* Work", fi oiilrary, however, to tlie opiidon of an eminent en^inetr. Mr. i Athertoii, who had hoeu empbiyeit on ihe ; <:iyde wofk-',) and afier Hpendin(? neatly i ^lOi) 0<)'t in au> ni Ame to mak - a rtiraii^lit i channel throtii;h Lake St. Pter, inxteail of f iMowing the natural but wore eiook:'! ' rhannel, the work was abandon-Ml, atl»'r in- ' Testi^fttion, without any adr.tnta^e hi-int( jjiiued to the trade. In 1851 «» uji wa^i paBried aiithori7.'nii: the H^rhour ronnni'^- Hionerd to underraku the (hannel improve- ' iii'Mit". T- w they did in June m lH>t. and in November of the Hame year a channel wan cut o! 1', wide and i leet do -per for ' lour mijet), and a ship, the '' 'ity ot Miinch-D- ter,'' wail laKfH fror i Montreal to tt4. (.Ill til." 2t'h of August, IH i;i, the I ship •".'(•lif >ruta" wu.h loadtul down to It; If^et, when there wai* i'l leet in the H ttc, and pikrtried from Montreal to »^ leb e wiltiMit : djfli iilty, and the ebannel was incn^asL-d in ' wi J"i- feet. TlMH remarkabl-' HUi cetJi* ,' •n1u<:ed the CommiMflionerri to conMider the ' posalhilily of increusi'itj the d -ptti to 'iO . feet ^iirvi-yii. Hhow-'d tliiH was poff.-iibje, but i i'XpiMirttve, ind nlfer a Uit'-renco of Itieaub- j et to th'- uit-rt hautd and eitiz ns genei illy ibe H'irhonr l'.immi(»Mionern were nrg«|I an their , .lupirintendent t,\' workn, j Captain Arm- ktrong.] i'hA i:hannel iitjw in aM it ix* itti>d in November. )H*i.'< antl bail not huen compl ted. lighted or buoyed an wan in- tended, huch M a briif hihtory of il 'epen- irig tlo- river between U iei>-e and Mont- r-al. Tlie elV c t of (he improvement ir trad, hw been remarkihle. H- fore the im- pntvement. vesiJ-dM of only "J'» ' tonn were engitk'ed in the trade. A-* the ■■ hinnel w.»k deep lied I trgi*r nhip-i wre employed, until 8t -ameiH witli the prerienL d^pth, at low w iter, of JO f -et, Hft end fiom fl- .i ol ;i .^fli) tunft. Tiiking all rla^n- « of Hea V ■H8'd»' ttie averaue luufi'tg- hefov.i the iuiproviioient waK '^y' tdus. The average in IHJJl WM l.".-; toui«, while thin averiee ui lHT;{ w*rt .'iH-! toriK, I'dM iucreawe of the K z ' of the vcHHelrt trading to M'>t. treat and av'iidnig liglilerau'e I "^Hehed the eont ot ftiiiuht. lu a tabi • p: -pared and puliliflhMl in a 1 "ttev t I the late Mr L •rnieu.x in IHVI, it. wan Mhown thul the ratf>H ol frttight in the nine yeari* ending witi) |H")t.were 100 per cent, higher tmm Montre-il to 1/verpooI than from New V irk ; while tor th" time yi-ars ending with rM'i, the ratew of fi "ight Ironi Mo;.tre.'tl to Liverpool, under the im- prove ily a Hmtll p^rt of the intt-rior trade y'lt pa^s-fl through the St. Liwrenee — lot more than M p ^r cent, titilt, it it* rapidly on the mcrearte, | aa will he evident from then*; ti,'ure8. The tonnage ol i il ind crAft which paid harl>nur , duert in l-^'l I wart ;'■ t i,"ii< ; and lu 1S7 * the - nnmh',*r bud inorease.l trom 5,it7, ' with a toiina«e of L'J.l,4'>i. Tne numb r and tonna^H of ifea-guiu|C Hh'pii coining tu ; Montreal waa lu IRVl .... i"i^ 7(),'.>10 tons. isti4 . . . MA I*ll, )[0 " iMi t ... 7 2 41 J, 178 " The revenue of the harbour wa« : ' lu lK-)t. $tit,5fl0 IH it 104 -207 irt r.i ,' iMJi.^iSi and in :87t it iHeHtimated at $n.i,00O This rapid increaHe of trade demaudrt the moit rtertou8 cou4ideratir-u. It irt not going to I (•top. The rapid growth ot the interior, ' both in Canada ami the Wentern Staten, wiK i b'' Htill i;rt:ater in tlit> future titan in the purtt, and an he [Mr V lung) believed that Montreal wa-i a natural depot tor thig i om- ' meree A tieavy rertpounihllily rented on the ' (vommirtrtionerri in proviiliui^)) upieand lartf>' Uciliiiect hir thi>^ ever inereaKinn trade. To do thi£ etl -ctuaily the whole ni%tt>*r mUHt [ be coDrtidemd, not only the deepening of the idiannel fioin <^ lebec to M intieal, hut ' the improvement ol the harbour, on a rtcul ; (omnienrtiirato with Hiich a uavigition At pr<'Hent the pi in in to diepon ' tlie river to li feet, out of the ri'venue of the harbour. Th«t i-i, the d ivernment I furnirth the money, hut ^he HariH> ir Trust pay theannu*! interest at live pi r cent. T«i deepMi the channtd to 2?. f-et will ^o^t $1,^00 ,000, and to de.-pen it to Li:> tect, will corti i»ver $i.tiOo,i)oo, which, nt .'i per cent I will he $l.>.nu«I iuterem now piyable on harbour iin,irove. inent8 is f'.*i,.)oo, and if $lio,0(.o in ad letl ^ ttieret!>, thtj whole revenuo ot the harbour ' will he aimorbed, and nothing left ti* tm- ' prove the harbour and increase facilitieH ' I her in. N ow, tiie expeiiHc of deepening of Like St. I*eler, and other parts at the rivt*r, Ahuul I not be a burden on hai hour ' revenuttH a-, il It* not a Im-'il work It in a ' public wurk as much as any of the canaU, an 1 it ha« always b-^en 8> roislderert. It w*H b'gua by (lavernraent aia public work. and althoiuh Uie lUrhoiir Commirtrtiouerit eiiried on the work f-T a time, yet in Htl ) the iJo^emm-nt rtt'(e;iUHd the dei.t, and in IH'il ai- I A„, paMS.fd declarinvf thil the wiiks .mtwi-en the harb'urs ot U ' bei and M'.nlreal Khali he eonKiil»re1 *' n/i ' ./.-■((/ t!H*i -js p't'ihr /'ro'-inn it «/'(.r^,i/ and tfo they art", 'i ne ownern of whip-t in Nova Sco'ia. N 5W l.tiuHWi ;k, or l*riut?e KlWiid l^'.'inil, art) et) tally iuter.-Htefl| wirh other pirta of Ihe [> (million, in having tliH chanii'd made av-iil vhle tor the i irg.-Ht < Urtrt of vtM«. U, and art tin- - lT,-c( x-i to reduM* treitiht, every I,4tm"r, ilmi, it! the inferior, iti luterested. Hur uni' srt me har'.)onr of Montreal irt Im- prov-,1 and f i. iiiti.-n created in it, of the name depth of w iter, and ou thertani i scale, the d./rp -U'd ( h-itiUt I will h- nn-deHrt, tjr th'-re i,-. n<> oUie in the prertent h ohour where a rtliii (Irtwing '2') feet eouhl (iiid a li rrth . Ttiirt irt an importaut f i-t and muHt b»i iiitrl'igenllv conid'Ted. For, in hirt o[)ini(H', if uoi cmrtileie-l and meum provided foi the 'i'l toot itipp the irale ot the interior eann-'V be ret-uned by M uit- r-al Art fir buk an l^ji) he ( vir V.iuug) saw the important ri of thin, ami when then u-ting art a H*rbiiii (' numifirtioiier, moved the HUluni'«-'i"n ot the <] leAtion how thiK Wirt to lie d m- to M ji*Hrrt, T, '_'. K ef.^r and U. S, G.iw-ki, v'ivii K-jgineeif, with in- rttructioHH t » K"H wheltier a bran li of the ! l.u'hine 'Jiiial :.iu!d n.>*. lie t uri-'d down ' t'riigor other rttr-ftrt to Hn-hrl i^m . 'I'h.i rt-port of the kfenlleui n w in, thtt the cost of thlrt hy the pui'Ctm^e of luiildiugR and land, on tlie route would he ho gr^at as to put It out of the ipiertiiou. but tliey advised the improvem nt of the nhoals opp )^ite the city, the cuttiu< of a new ehanotd out- rtide, and tne eonKtriict) >n ol a dock on the I'oinf St I'lrirlert rthoaU. Sife tlien the Victoria IJ i Ige iiart l>eeu built, and new surveys have been nude Tlie T'oin nirt- rtiin-Ts appointed a M lar I of K igUieerH in \S'tH to tiX'ioiine the Hub| 'cl, who re- ported rttrongly In favnur of docks, being ronstructed at I'jint St (?hariert, and , covering the shoals with wharves opponite the city for the lhrou»;h trade. Charien Legge, V. n , also eximiued the su j -t, , and couciirred in opinion with tho-iwho had preceded in. tJutrtide of K ii;in ern there were thone who were in favt»;r o! alt : new worktt in the bithour, b.-uu Hi M H.die- Irtg* Biy N -w work;* will, no douot, he coiisiructed there, and all the avaiUh'e t'rontage will he reqoired for the trade j which wilt be attraeteu there. In N ivem- ' h r, IHj.l, in a letter adilre^^sed to the Har- ' nour CouimiB-toufrrt, iie ^ »Ir. Vouilg) wmte in reLffence to biriioin enlargemenc, that : '' it h>n' not escaped my attention, that a ■' very large I'sterirtion of the preui I brj ;$i7i,tM0, while tht) revi nue in !^^7fiH ea- timite.l at $;7:).')e> showing ttiat this iro- provem Mit is (|'i t wUhm the in-ans of tho Htrhoiii- TrU'i, ^itho it any aid from li - Vvi'-nm- lit, bm If these m-ans are taken to (ouRlruct the cluun I btUw.:eu ij i-bec and M ifitreal it will be out of the po*eruf the ('otnm(S4iuuerrt t.» impvivethe hirhonrou a laig ■ Kc i| * The expanse now of doing leHtnes.iu tiie harbour is very great It la al imp irtuit ij the interests ri it only ot Montreal but of the country, that charges Kthiul 1 be redu'vd, and every possible fioi- litv created. All '.hejo harbour improvu* in -tits may h-MlcMued lo< *l. yet they are of ptr lie imp )rtane-. a-id tlm narhour of Moa- Irei I is in >re the harbour o| Western L'tni- da thin it is of K rtttru Canada, for the people ther-, through their agentu lu M unreal. ar.i the largest im- porters and the liirgesl exp >rters, and every e-nt s connection wi h the tiinnoert of the city, for eveiy cent col- lects in iri' boir d leh; is kept Hpeci illy for tnrb uir ttnprov.'m»Mit,i^ jn which the whole 4:ounlry is iulcrehted. Mr. V Ming again repeated tliat to sad 11 * the trade and har- bour revenues with piyiug lor river iiu- provem-intrt, w-.; v»rong in piineiple, and contiiiy to whit had been the practice. Thtt tiie dyepeniu»r of the lake and river was a nt'cesrtity ; that a harbour on tho same sctl t was also a nee 'nSJty, and that both should go on together, and tlnu Oov- •irnuient «noutd assiuue tho one, leaviufi the Couiiu'sstoners to carry out tne other. rn« cost of the channel s».. far was only $i. 2)0, 000, while Ihe improvmeut of tlid Olyde tict^een tj re. nock and tJUsgo^ up to !>*7,^— had from 17T:» — cost upv^ards of $: 3- 000,00 1. He referred at length to tlu shortness of the navig-ible season, and that by euaiiliug the fi.o e* ton steamer to comj t(» Moutr^tt, I'JO miles nearer the interior lak-i thao any port ou (he conttneot, to m jet thy inland vessel, thi-, wnh the U^-ilitiort for trans. ferring th< ir sev-T^il c irgoes would gseatly choapHU freight, lessen tlieir time iu port, and increis-* the nnuib-r ot their trips. TheS' fi'-tlities wool I also enable the Orand Tiunk lliilway to plac their riita around Um doc^t, relieving the pr -Hent iu- couvdnlencj ou the wharves, and enible a better conn 'Ction to b-^ m i le with the o -eau an I intan'l vess'ls. H s n iw left the res i- Luions in th; hiu U ol Hi m! on niuKin srs Ht felt it t.t b* his du\v to i>rin< thton nodcrtb''ir attmtion. Iu yetrs gone by he htd b 'ell acciis>ti) in nging these im- provetn-'hti from doing so throii^^h lulerosteu motives, Im' h-ing a Urgi Un led proprie- tor at the West Htid, and statem .uts werj m ide ' where his trea-mres w. r ', th.,*ra bis heart was alao , ' but as thissittfof things no long -r exists he ho,>ed tiiat. no such argum Uits wjiUlnow prevail, as his views Were solely b iseit ou their ae ^easily in the luterodts uf U)atr4al and tho couu- try.