IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4r .A%^- .* Sj t 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.0 m » ■\ Hiotographfc Sdences Corporaticn 23 WKT MAIN STRUT V.'!BSTn,N.Y. 145S0 (716) •72-4503 1 ^ ' ' '^^^ ' ''^wing the high or right bank of the said Saehfaii river to Cke Junction there^;wlth the Ohilkat Biver, a mite and a half, mow or less, north of Klukwan,— provided that persons pioeaeding to or ttmn Porcupine Greek shall be freely per- mitted to folloir tide trail betwate the said creek and the said Junction of the rivers, finto and across tbe territon^ en the Ganadiau side of the temporory line wherever the trail oroeses to such side, and, subject to such reasonfdile regulations tat the protection of the Bevenne as the Oanadian GfivenimMit may preeoribe, to carry with them over such part or par|i«f the trail between the said points as may Ua on the Ganadiau siieof the t e mpo rj ^ ^tee, sueh goods and articles as they ♦• • •••,••,'» •»,•>• ' • » ••<[ ,,• • • ,,• „ •• :..::..*:'. .•♦*. i% : / 1.* ■* J *\l •.•.•?••?• •• •• -^^MffiC^RK^I^' <;.-73iifiatei'.wi: '"W I i>iiuiW'!i>i..^weL' i \ 2 711H desire, withoat being required to pay any customs duties on sndi goods and articles; and from said junction to tlie summit of the peak East of the Ohilkat river, marked on the aforesaid map No. 10 of the United States Commission with the number 5410 and on the map No« 17 of the aforesaid British Oommission with the number 5M0. On the Dyea and Skagway Trails, the summits of the Ohilooot and White Passes. It is understood, as formerly set forth in communications of the Department of State of the' XJuited 81»t<)s, that the citizens or sub- jects of either Power, found by this arrangement within the temporary jurisdictic : of the other, shall suffer no diminution of the rights and privileges which they now eiyoy. The Gtovemmeut of the United States will at once appoint a^-offioer i or officers in conjunction with an officer or officers to be naaned 1^ the ^ Government of Hor Britannic Majesty, to mark the temporary line agreed upon by the erection of posts, stakes, or othor appropriate temporary mark*. \ , \ 'X / '^•--..., IV. \' SUrtttU Mn»» 1 I • N«uUc«l MU«« IOIoin«tr»» I yaSJBpw mmmmsmmmmmimmtHilk-^