mi / URRAY BAY ATLAS AND Maps of its Environs. By c. c, DuBERGER, D.L.S., P.L.S. and C.E. m > ' • • > ' . . . , - J 9 ^ • » • • II ■• •• • • • • « • • • • — ■-* — -,-ri -* - » t ^ > ** • I • • !• • I • ■ *. ' * • *• • ■ i. ■ • • • > « • > ■ Alfred Cimon ^ Co.. MURRAY BAY. • •• • • I • • • • • • • • % • a < ' • • • • I * • • I t a • • 4 • •• • • •*• • • • • • • « ••• « a»> • • • G / PRBKACK. O place else is more attractive nor more picturesque to the tourist than Mi'KRAY Bay, to which General Murray jjave his name some time after the siefjfe of Quebec, and where two of his superior ofLcers, Colonels Nairne and Fraser, tbllowed by many of the rank and file, settled on the seigniories which were allotted ihetn by authority. Murray Hay has become an indispensable summer resort to tourists who have a knowledge of the beautiful and picturesque, and who seek a spot both beneficial to health and adapted to sport. AncT this they find here where the great bay, the charm- in"- river running deep through an immense valley, the far-famed lakes abounding with fish, contribute to make up a most romantic and original panorama ; but the very orio-inal configuration of this territory, the capricious, the mysterious situation of its lakes, make the travelling or pleasure seeking in the environs of Murray Bay a puzzle to the tourists unless they hire a vehicle and a guide. Now it is to come to their rescue and abridge and enliven their task that this guide is presently offered to tourists in the shape of topographical maps or an atlas which is the work of a resident of Mlrray Bay, C. C. DuBerger, Esq., Land Surveyor for the Province of Quebec and the Dominion, and Civil Engineer, who, notwithstanding his previous thorough knowledge of the topography of his birth-place, Murray Bay, has thought fit to make a new and minute and painstaking survey of the same place, in order to meet the full requirements of an interested public. The Atlas consists of twelve maps : one general map of Murray Bay and its environs, on a scale of ' _• mile to an inch, which serves as an index to the Atlas. The u-reatest part of that map is divided into eleven sections, each bearing a number corres- ponding to a topographical anil detailed map on a scale of 'a of a mile, or 660 feet to the inch. On these maps are seen the position occupied by all the residences with a number corresponding to the names of the owners printed on an adjacent sheet, and the special names borne by certain villas of Murray Bay, such as "The Bungalow," " Mon Repos," " Sur le Coteau," " Blairvocky," "Rocky Hollow," etc., etc. In order to enable the tourist to abridge his excursions and avoid the inconvenience of travelling at random, the author indicates the spots most adapted for picnics, the best fishing resorts and all other places worthy of mention in Murray Bay. Lakes Clravel and Comporte cover two sections, whereon are pointed out pedestrian paths with iheir bindings and their streams. Mr. DuBerger has deemed it advisable to draught two sections for these lakes, owing to the exaggerated dimensions ascribed to them generally. Each map carries ;» scale which enables one to establish distances within nearly ten feet. 53830 On the }jeneral map, apart from above sections, will be seen all the lakes, intluding lake till Pietls lies Monts, represented so as to facilitate the measurement of all the distances desired. The MiRKAY Hay Atlas, as drawn up, will enable tourists to reach all picnic spots and lishinjjf resorts, etc., by themselves without the aid of cab hire with a guide. Tourists riding on horseback can easily select the road they wish to follow and calculate the distances they intend running over. So that the tourist whose family is not rusticating in Mlrkav Hay or whose holidays are limited, may afford the luxury of visiting all the interesting spots and enjoy all the sport he can afford within the space of a week or a fortnight. The Richelieu and Saguonay Navigation Company is at your disposal to convey you to that delightful spot. The praise of this Company is the theme of every conver- sation from the embarking till the return home of all tourists over the River St. Lawrence and Saguenay. The boats are swift and accommodating, whilst the officers and crew in charge vie with one another in their effotts ti> please travellers and afford them all necessary information. The boats ply daily between Ouobeo and Murray Bay. Leaving Montreal at 7 p.m., the tourist reaches Murray Bay next ilay shortly after noon, and may, if circumstances command, return lu>mewards the same night. Faring on board has been pronounced unsurpassed on any line of steamers and all the fruits of the season are abundantly supplied. Can the pleasure-seeking traveller or the valetudinarian enjoy a more delightful and Invigorating trip than that afforded over the majestic St. Lawrence ? The sole round trip to the Saguenay river is worth a gain of five years' health to the intelligent tourist who would but appreciate its enduring hygienic and moral effects. We feel safe in pre- suming that the mere news of one of his patients starting on such a tour acts like a thunderb(>lt on the guinea-thirsty physician, and well may he wax alarmed at this un- toward diverting of his chances of lucre. With these few remarks, which we have deemed necessary for an intelligent perusal of our Atlas, and the enjoyment oi' the full benefit to be derived therefrom by. travellers who might contemplate sojourning any time at that AV/tv/ of all sea-side resorts, we now take leave of our tourist subscribers ; thanking them for their encouragement and wishing su -h as are in failing health a speedy recovery at Murray Bay, and the luor^- healthy a long continuation o{ their present happy state. C. C. DUBEROER, Doiu. atiii Pro7'. l.aiiJ Stitv. and Civ. En^^. Alpred cimon & Co., J'ro/'iiftors UPiii l^uhli.heis. Murray Bay, 2nd April, iSy^. LIST OF OWNEKS ON No. 2 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 U) I I 12 '3 '4 '5 lO •7 i8 19 20 21 22 ^3 24 25 Josepli Treniblay. Francois Tremblay. F^licien Gaudrauri. Alexis Gaiulraiilt. Uiysse Boiifhard. (leorge Dallaire. Thomas Bouchard. Georjfe Harvey. George Villeneuve. Kdmond Gaudrault. Thomas Villeneuvi\ Thomas Girard. Maxime Villeneuve. Alfred Warren. Joseph Bouchard. Maxime Villeneuve. Adolphe Harve}. Louis Thibault. Augustin Bois. George Warren. Adelard Gagne. Louis Simard. Elie Ciagne. Ephrem Talon. Thomas Peioclie PLATE 1. No. 26 -27 28 29 30 3' 3^ :>3 j4 35 30 37 3S 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Pierre Girard. Anscme Barret. Achille Gagnd. Jejm Baptiste Gervais' Slore. Olivier Dumont. Jean Baptiste Gervais' B'dg Mou»-e. Didime Lajoie. Romuald Gagne. Flavien Harvey. Joseph Gagn^. Francois Lajoie. Seraphin Simard. George Boivin. Johnny Tremblay. Mrs. W. H. Karr. Charmard's Lorne House. It it ti ii (< ti it it ii ti it James Gibb. John L. Morris. ^■^^•P ■ ".^ ML 1 » 11 , «<« /«• /•» *. T ] f If' 1 1 i — i l-L SCALE 660 FEET TO AN INCH. uvm i wm anifViO* ' W^^' % 'X X List op owni-rs on PLATE 2. No. a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 1 1 12 13 »4 >5 16 '7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3> 32 33 34 35 3(^ 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 No. cii.'imarus i^orne House. 49 tt it >i >^ (< it \ PLATE 2. -Continued. No. 97 9« 99 ICK) lOI I02 104 106 107 108 IOl( 1 10 ] 1 1 1 12 114 116 "7 118 119 !20 121 122 124 126 127 128 129 130 '3' >3-' 133 '34 ' 35 '3<» '37 '3« •39 140 141 142 143 144 David Desbiens, to let. Thd'odore Girard, to let. (ieorge DuHeryfer. Johnny Gannon, to let. Joseph Gag;ne, to let. Thtiodule Tremblay. Louis Treniblay. William Tremblay. Xavier Warren. Mrs. S. S. Minturn. George Warren, Boaidin;^ House Mrs. Elzear Warren, to let. Backhouse. Zephirin Warren, to lei. Backhouse. David Roy, to let . George Bouliane, to let. Paul Desbiens, to let. Backhouse. Joseph \'illeneuve, to let. William Charest, to let. Mrs. H. Warren, to lei. Backhouse. Joseph Forgues, to let. Joseph Desbiens' Store. Joseph Brassard. Louis Bouchard, to lot. Mars Bergeron, to let. Backhouse. Ferdinand McNici'l, to let. Augustin McNicol. Backhouse. Johnny Harvey, lo let. Backhouse. Thomas I'^orgues, lo let. Fmeridee I'^orgues, to let. Jean l'\)rgues. Onesime Pilole. Jean Warren. Joseph Blackburn. Joseph Gagn^. Fran(;ois Bouliane, to let. Fran(;'ois-Xavier I'edntaud. Fran«,'ois Bouchard. Blacksmith's Shop. No. '45 146 '47 148 !49 '5" '5' '52 1 3o '54 155 ' 5'^ '57 '5« '59 160 161 162 163 164 '65 166 167 ibS 169 170 171 172 '73 '74 '75 176 •77 178 '79 180 181 182 183 184 '85 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Mrs. George Belanger. I''ran(;'ois Belanger. Ulysse Bergeron. Joiner's Shop. Hlie Dut'our. George Bouliane. Charles Bouchard. F"elix Gagne. Elie (iirard. William Blackburn, to let. Joseph Tremblay. Francois Bouchard. Joseph Gagne. Johnny Lajoie. Blacksmith's Shop. Alexandre Marier. Joiner's Shop. it <( Olivier Rochette. Blacksmith's Shop. GodtVoy Villeneuve. School-house. Dominique Tremblay's Store. Pascal Rochette. Kug6ne Tremblay. Wilfred Villeneuve. Alexandre Imbeau. Elz^ar Imbeau. Thomas Tremblay. Miss C^lina Bilodeau. Mrs. Aline Desbiens. Joseph Kelly. Francois Lavoie. William Lavoie. Thomas Brassard, Thomas Belly. Edouard Boutet. Dorila Girard. L^andre Chamoine. Joseph Boudraull. Hyppolite Gagnt*. Hermel Tremblay. Francois Desbiens. Pierre Maltais. lilie Maltais. Joseph Gagnon. Raoul Larouche. 1. 1ST OK OWNERS 0\ PLATE 2.-C0NTINUCD. No. >93 '94 >93 196 197 198 '99 200 John Duguay. Elie Villeneuve. Klie Angers. liphrem Bouchard. David Bouchard. W. K. Duggaii. Achille Maltais. No. JO I J 03 204 206 207 208 Alfred Grenier. Jacques Bouchard. VV. E. Duggan. Cpt. Tht^o. Jean & Cpt. Johnny Jean. Odilon Pilote. School-house. Adolphe Renaud. Priest. ITIU^A I \ ^.LLi. SCALE eSO FEET .HUS^iGo /«« /9tO ^; T TO AN INCH .ii'--^ •V I KT OF OWNERS ON PLATE 3. No. I 2 3 4 5 fa 7 8 9 ID I I 12 '3 '4 •5 i() '7 i8 «9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ( 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 W. E. Duggan. Cpt. Th«io. Jean & Cpt. Jolimi} Jean School-House. Odilon Pilote. Adolphe Renaiid. Priest. Priest's Ooniestic. Abel Caiiclion. Joseph Couturier. J. F. Sheehy. Philippe Lefrani;ois. William Trudel. Mrs. Joseph Harvey, B'U'g House. Ambroise Trudel. Leon Trudel. Mrs. Charles Du'-erjjer. William Riverin. A. F. Lapointe and Store. Charles Dassylva. Elie Harvey's Store. Klie Harvey, Hoarding House. Doctor Labroque. Geor^e Kane. Ferdinand Vincent, Telegraph Oflice Alector Uufour and Store. Louis Gravel. Frani^ois Dassvlva. J. S. Perrault.' Napoleon Dassylva and Store. Johnny Couturier. John Couturier. Narcisse Gagnon. Charles Angers. Alphonse (iuay. Charles Angers. Charles Angers, .Advocate, \ Qf^^^^^ Elie Angers, Notary, ) Charles Angers. Joseph Kane. Joseph Levesque. Mrs. Alfred Lavoie. Joseph McLean. Louis Lavoie. Alfred Gu^rin. Hubert Bouliane. No. 4« 49 50 5« 52 53 54 55 56 :>/ 5« 59 (Xi 61 62 63 64 ^^5 66 67 68 69 70 7> 72 73 74 75 76 77 7« 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Desir«i Bouchard. Achille Gagnon. Denis Dufour. Pierre Brochu. Henry Tremblay. Joseph Tremblay. Joseph Boilie. Mrs. David Demeule. Joseph Lavoie. Augustin Bouliane. Johnny Villeneuve. Misses Belleville. Henry Simard. Hippolite Dufour and Stori- Pierre Maliais and Store. Doctor Lapointe. George Fillion. Joseph McLean. Alfred Larouche and Store. Joseph McLean. Alfred Fortier. Thomas Tremblaj-. Charles Angers. J. A. Martin. Severin Brassard. Joseph Turcot. Joseph Lavoie. Alexis Tremblay. Horace Villeneuve. Doctoi Boulanger. Joseph Gagnon. Gonzaque Bergeron. Joseph Pilote. Arthur Boudrault. Mrs. Johnny Tremblay. Johnny Harvey. Abel Maltais. Joseph McLean. William Couturier. Joseph McLean. Mrs. Louis Maltais. Joseph McLean. t« It ii «t LIST OK OWNKKS ON PLATE 3.-C0NTINUED. No V7 98 99 iqp 101 102 103 104 '05 106 107 108 UK) 10 1 1 12 '3 '4 '5 lb '7 18 "9 20 [21 22 123 24 25 26 27 !8 129 No. Joseph Mcl.eun. Mrs. Ulysse Dussylva. P. H. CiiiioM. Doctor Krciit'lto. Alfred Ciinoii. Mrs. C'Icophe C'inion. Joscpli Bhcrer. Shed. Gon/ugue Trcmblay. Charles Trudel. Shed. l.ouis (iiiay. Doctor l'"renette. Jules I'VeiK'tte. lilzear Tremblay. Alex Hois. Jules Marier. Arthur Savard. Etienne Marier. Krain,'ois V'illeutuve. Mrs. Horace Ciinoii. Spool wood Maiiu(act»)ry. Roman Catholic Chapel. Ferdinand Caron. Joseph Denieule, to let. Marc Denieule, \o let. J, C. Demeule, Hoarding House. Mrs. David Desbiens, to let. Louis Demeule. to let. Joseph Demeule, to let. Jean Treinblay, to let. lieorge Riverin. " " Boarding House. 3' 32 33 34 35 3^ 37 3« 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 4b \7 48 49 50 5> 52 53 54 55 56 57 5« 59 60 bi b2 63 64 (>5 Franvois I.ajoie. Blacksmith's Shop. 'Ih«iophile Couturier. Ulysse Bherer, Hoarding House. Hyppolite I.ajoie, to let. Deonat Lavoie. I'homas liherer, Hoarding House. Johnny Bherer. " " Hoarding House. Ferdinand Tremblay. Joseph Asselin, Hi)arding House. Charles Angers, to let. Joseph Tremblay, to let. Doctor Allnott. Albert Tremblay. Joiner's .Shop. Joseph Guay. JcVome Savard, to lei. Alfred l')echene. Pierre Dechene, to let. Joiner's Shop. Shoemaker's Shop. Henry Tremblay, Biiarding House. Krnesl Savaid, to let. Henry Tremblay. Ademard Lapoinle, to let. It « i Adolphe Bergeron, 10 let. Backhouse. Joseph Duchene, Boarding House. Shed. Na/aire Duchene, Boarding House. Onc'sime Tremblay. Johnny Dufour, to let. ITJjXA. SCALE ilJh V '■'\.-'l'::'. ., LIST OK OWNERS ON PLATE 4. No. 3 4 5 6 7 cS 9 lO 1 1 '4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Henry Tremblay, Boarding House. Ernest Savard, to let. Henry Trtmblay. Ademard Lapointe, to let. Adolphe Hrrgeron, to let. Backhouse. Joseph Duchenc, Boarding House. Shed. Nazaire Duchene, Boarding House. Ontisime Tremblay. 12 johnny Dufour, to let. 13 Horace Brisson, to let. Backhouse. William Charrest, Boarding House. Gonzague Lajoie, Boarding House. Blacksmith's Shop. Gonzague Perron, to let. Backhouse. Ferdinand Couturier, to let Alfred Tremblay, to let. Onesime Dufour, to let. No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3« 39 40 4' 42 43 44 Onesime Duchene, to let. Jean Lapointe, to let. Backhouse. Hyppolite Dufour, to let. Backhouse. Francois Lapointe, to let. Joseph Lapointe, to let. Louis Bilodeau, to let. William Tremblay, to let. Hyacinthe Tremblay, to let. Thomas Riverin, to let. Backhouse. Denis Savard. Fran(;'ois Villeneuve, to let. Backhouse. Denis Savard. Doctor Mackay. Gonzague Tremblay, to let. Henry Carre. Alexandre Savard. Leandre Tremblay. t>oc u* /JC SCALE 660 FE ■v^v LIST OF OWNERS ON PLATE 5. No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO I I 12 '3 '4 '5 i6 '7 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 -'5 26 27 28 29 3" 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ^o Mrs. Alfred Lavoie. Joseph McLean. Louis Lavoie. Henry Simard. Hyppolite Dufour and Store. Pierre Maltais and Store. Doctor Lapointe. Cieorge Pillion. Joseph McLean. Alfred Larouche and Store. Joseph McLean. Alfred Fortier. Thomas Tremblay. Charles Angers. J. A. Martin. Severin Brassard. Joseph Turcot. Joseph Lavoie. Alexis Tremblay. Horace V'illeneuve. Doctor Boulanger. Joseph Gagnon. Gonzague Bergeron. Joseph Pilote. Arthur Boudrault. Mrs. Johnny Tremblay. Johnny Harvey. Abel Maltais. Joseph McLean. William Couturier. Joseph McLean. Mrs. Louis Maltais. Joseph McLean. <( It (( • t Mrs. Ulysse Dassylva. Onesime Rochefort. Andr6 Harvey. Maurice Lemoine. Theodore Cauchon. Mrs. Belonie Maltais. Francois Bilodeau. Horace Lengevin. No. 53 54 55 56 57 5« 59 60 bi 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7' 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Ambroise Rochefort. Horace Lefiyevin. , * •, Thaddee Simard. Marc Martel. Thomas Fortin. Shed. Joseph Bherer, Boarding House. Mrs. C. Cinion. Alfred Cimon. Doctor Frenette. P. H. Cimon. Jean Pilote. C. C. DuBerger. P. H. Cimon's Domestic. P. H. Cimon. Ernest Bergeron. Pierre Tremblay. Joseph Villeneuve. Onesime Savard. Joseph \'illeneuve. Joseph Lavoie, Edmond Der ule. Nazaire Marier. Blacksmith's Shop. Johnny Bh<^rer. Joseph Cauchon. George Lessard. Antoine Guay. Louis Ouellet. Joseph Ouellet. Th^ophile Turcot. Johnny Turcot. Dj^onat Dufour. Mrs. Jacob Claveau. Alfred Couturier. (i if Henry Dufour. Dt^onat Dufour. Armias Dufour. Hubert Bouliane. Damase Bouliane. Louis Bouliane. Onesime Bouchard. Nil Bouliane. Th»^odore St. Gelais. Pierre Dufour. Hector Dufour. S^raphin Dufour. Ulysse Dufour. [jTAilJIj^^/'^ ni» fif h 1 - — i — EET TO AN INCH 1 ^-z » »v'v. f 'M. LIST OF OWNERS ON PLATE 6. No. No* 1 Hector Dufour. 6 On^sime Oiis. 2 S^raphin Dufour. 7 Gonzague Tremblay. 3 Ulysse Dufour. i> Thdodore Dufour. 4 Hubert Bouliane. 9 Joseph Tremblay. 5 William Dufour. »^w^pp FIAT niE ® LIS I UK UWNKRS ON PLATE 7. lo. No. 1 Joseph Tremblay. 1 2 2 Joseph Otis. •3 1 ,1 Phirin Harvey. '4 4 Gonza^ue Couturier. 'S 5 Ferdinand Bouchard. i() <) Joseph Otis. '7 , 7 I'>an<,ois Dufour. 'S S Hilaire Tremblay. '9 . 9 Napol»^on Dufour. 20 o Mars Dufour. 21 I Jean Harvey. 22 Jean Marier. Alfred Maltais. lulmond Harvey. Minard I.apointe. Vital l^ajoie. Joseph Maltais. Jean Jean. Jean Maltais, Charles Ouellet. Xavier Maltais. Armias I.es^ard. If^U^ Ite- ro» J "TT -^^^-y ^•^,. JTlLi^AJ 6C» )10 Jio SCALE 660 FEET ^oLctly 5.*^-' — -R««r^«i«. ■ ''■^'"■.\Sx> '-iv, -■X'.i:' ■. ,, ' 1-. •'■**.3Vi, BB i^a« OjECD. /no /9to ^ FEET TO AN INCH 1 1 I I u ■J r •» Jld 6W 5^0 /*> SCALE 660 FEET WKW ^ • , I '.'flt'lf*.' ,,T%frni,.,""* ■ " **»■■* f'' '" »• V *'<'•»'>''>♦ ""^ • .-^srf^/Kf. ■ *.«*»/w't«»te.y-^.»-4lilii..^t:i"^^ &%. LIST OE OWNERS ON No. I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 lO 1 1 12 '3 «4 «5 i6 •7 i8 •9 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 j' 32 33 34 35 36 Thaddee Simard. Marc Mattel. Thomas Fortin. Ambroise Gagnon. Jean Murray. L^andre Lapointe. Napoleon Tremblay. Hyppolite Tremblay. Johnny Sheehy. Joseph Sheehy. On^sime Gayfnon. Stable. Fran(,'ois Desbiens. Isaie Tremblay. Thomas Gag'non. Boniface Tremblay. Krnest Tremblay. Charles Tremblay. Blacksmith's Shop. FJie Lapointe. F^Vani^ois Lapointe. Hermenefjilde Martel. David Thivierjfe. Joseph Bouchard. John Lapointe. Hyppolite Berg^eron. Deonat Dufour. Armias Dufour. Hubert Bouliane. Adelard Lajoie. Simon Gagnon. Joseph Dufour. :.io. No. 37 Louis Lapointe. 38 Cheese Factory. 39 Ephrem Lapointe. 40 t > 1 1 4' Eugere Tremblay. 42 Pierre Lessard. 43 Cyrille Tremblay. 44 Louis Bouliane. 45 Emile Laberge. 46 ( < << 47 Arthur Pilote. 48 Bernard Savard. 49 Joseph Tremblay. 5*^ Joseph Demeule. 5^ Boniface Tremblay. 52 Louis Bouliane. 53 Hector Bherer. 54 P'ranc^ois Lapointe. 55 Elphire Bergeron. 56 Thimoth^ Desbiens, 57 iVIars Bergeron. 58 Elphire Bergeron. 59 William Bergeron. 60 Jean McNicol. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Thomas Bht^rer. Calix Bouliane. Willifi'ii Bergeron, I Cheese Factory, yules Bradet. Elie Lapointe. Flie Desbiens. Pierre Dallaire. Alexis Maltais. Mars Bergeron. Michel Bergeron. !1 iUAAiitl w iie TT^rw? .'TK. nao /f/» firtitit .A ^f ^^^;? &^^' ,v^. 1 s fm #5»; # ^i* ,\\i^ i^'?*p- s^i\i m^^M s^^ p^k# l^v» /mi m. §m S'>., M'^ W'^' m i*.jrt ''■'>,: ; y:. •^///ill*///H%iii#/ti^' .^r /A ^•^uXi (/• ■aiSS^' kJI^'N, f:^> :*ks ^>?s ■■vlH.Vi^ <* ,iZ- WfK, ^i^J^J m /./« J!!llL!« iM^* ■\^^ ■^•\%^^Vy fi*'S'%i ,^ ft¥. CcL-rcl ■ vUy is-M. RS^' i" .>s^; ^^'«;^^SSlEii:^ ty it if mi n jr Xrj. % \',W)I/-,. *■» si' S^.^-ify i^ 1 S5MliJii»J!Sia,>i,. m>M§^ [twj.rf-^JlJCilllMI^ 1 ^.'-"'' ,fe ><. ' \ ,v ( :^^'<^i^.-rr-:' '^■■ z-'ATt' LIST OF OWNEKS ON No. ^ 4 5 7 8 9 lO I i 12 '3 '4 •5 1 6 »7 i8 Krangois Lapoinle. I^lphire Berj»^eron. Thijiiothe Desbicns. Mars Bergeron. Klphire Bergeron. William Bergeron. Jean McNicol. • t It Tliomas Bherer. Miss Calix Bouliane William Bergeron. I Cheese Factory. I Jules Bradet. Klie Lapointe. Klie Desbiens. Pierre Dallaire. Alexis Maltais. Mars Bergeron. Michel Bergeron. PLATE 11. No. '9 Ont^sinie Forlin. 20 Louis Martel. 21 Napoleon Martel. 22 Abel Cote. 23 Henri Martel. 24 School-house. 25 Boniface Tremblay. 26 Krnest Tremblay. 27 Charles Tremblay. 28 Blacksmith's Shop. 29 Elie Lapointe. » i It 31 Kranc^ois Lapointe. 32 Hermen^gilde Marte ^3 David Thivierge. 34 Joseph Bouchard. 35 John Lapointe. 3^ Hyppolite Bergeron. 37 Xavier Brassard. IPiLA' T&Tl itO /M« /M» ^f €G0 FEET TO AN INCH t