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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film6s d des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, 11 est film6 A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. lies diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO TUB nivdlBILvCBB^RS — OF — BRy\NTFOF^D, - OJM P. -A-lDstract of IProcee■ ^ 3 @ $2 oo per week. 4 I 2 5 2 3 t( (( I oo 75 50 40 35 it 5 @ $ 30 per week. 39 " 30 II «' 20 15 " 15 20 '• 10 10 •* 5 These pay in about thirty-two dollars per week amounting to (say) $1664.00 in the year. The balance is made up of those who pay only occasionally and whose subscriptions cannot be depended upon. To enable the committee to carry on the management ot the church efficiently, a large increase in the weekly offerings is needed and must be made or other means resorted to in order to raise the necessary amount. An average subscription of forty-five dollars per week will be required, and this means an increase of 33 per cont. on the present subscriptions. It will b( a '^latter for the serious consideration of our successors whether ar present system of raising funds to carry on the church is the most efficient and popular one. The committee have under consideration several alterations to the church, such as — a better exit — more light — better heating arrangements — a more suitable place for the organ — and other im- provements, but have to recommend that they be laid over for the present. We have to express our satisfaction with the services rendered by our efficient Janitor during the year. Taking fnto account the extra work since the chairs were put in the basement we have thought proper to grant him a small bonus and think it was justly earned. We are pleased to report that the subscriptions to the differ- ent denominational objects have increased over the preceeding year about fioo. The deliberations of the committee have been very harmonious and they feel that they have conscientiously performed their duty using the funds that you placed at their disposal to the best ad- vantage possible and beg you to accept this report. (Signed), JOS. N. SHENSTON, Chairman STATEMENT OF POOR FUND. Balance from last year • „„ ,^, Received during the year •••• 93 01 Paid out during the year Total $126 31 _;;;;;;;.:;:;..;.., 114.25 Balance on hand ft 12 06 STATISTICAL REPORT OF CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. .602 Number of members reported last year ^ ^g Received by letter during the year • ■.'." *.'.! !'.'^ 37 Received by Baptism """ 7 Received by Experience C62 22 Diminutions by letter 4 Diminutions by erasure . . 2 Diminutions by exclusion * "• ■'"''' " ' '„'.].'.].'.. 1 .... 7 Diminutions by death — y5 527 OFFICE BEARERS FOR THE COMING YEAR. Deacons— T. S. Shenston, Geo. Hill, Geo. Chittenden, A. Benedict, John Harris, D. Dengate, Geo. Winter, Samuel Pr.ss. more, and Hugh Howie. Tbeasueer-L. Benedic. ; Clerk-F. Chalcraft. Managing Committee-A. Harris, W. T. Wickham, C. Slater, A. Murray, Jos. N. Shenston. Auditors— James Cox, Thos. Callis. Ik-