V] «?. C'^ o>. •>^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l^iM 125 I.I 2.2 12.0 1.8 1.25 U ill 1.6 Photographic Scmces Corporation 1/. ^/ /t^* i\ iV ^^ O' ^> ^ v'^-q\ ^•+■^4•^■++■+■^+^+f■+■^-4■^•^++^■+■M■^M•++44 liMH" m" i'l " i 1 1 « I ) n *-n t ** t~»^i~i-'+iz Tt ' f i'' i ' f ****** ^S?¥W?*|!*«*¥' PROC RK7V\:7VTE : PRACTICAL TAILOR, CUSTOM Work a specialty. Next door to Dougherty's Boot and Shoe Store, FREDERICTON, N. B. • DR. H. D.CURRIE, SURGiOOBmST. OortliodonUa a ^peclalt^ . 164 QUEEN STREET, FREDERICTON. JEWS. LBAH, u Jewish Maiden MI8B CLAIBU SCOTT ^ NATH^VS, the .SchoolnuiHtir, an Ainwtilte, .'.FK.VNKO. IHKSOH AltK.4.HAM,a mind Man, I. C KIKSOS SARAH Miss KATIK SCOTT CHRISTIAN.S. RUDOLPH 8. K. ( OBUBN FATHMR LOUENZA, a MiiKistratc, BlUICE HAYES LUDWIG, a Barber '....GEO. NEVILLE FATHER HKBM.VN, u I'rlest J. 0. EDSON JACOB, a Country Youth W. C. W ESTON MADALENA S1188 .VGNKS CODV DASIE OERTRrDE (iROSOHEN, M1h8 L. GARNET .STENRON ROSELLE Miss KATIE SCOTT LITTLE LB.VH, Little LULU FeasantH, Villagers, etc. HOUSE I=URN1SHER. ■|i)2 & l."")* QUKBN S'l'KEET.- SEB OUR PRXOIQS Furniture of all kinds'; Carjiets of all kinds ; Floor Oil Cloths ; Window Curtains ; Mattraases and Bedding, Towels, Table Linen, Crockery and Glassware, Lamps, Table Cutlery and Silverware. JAS. D. FOWLER, WatchmaKer^ Je^eVer AND—— OPTICIAN. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. QUBKiN StRKET, - - - FREDERICTON, N. <, JOHN HARVEY'S Phelegraph Stadie, 164/QuEBN Strebx, - Predkbicton, f). b l« All work done by the inatontaneon'j process. ursA to l*eci|»^e**'' Bank. P'CTUBES COPIED AND ENLARGED. I JUST arrived ihls morning from the -woods and got lots of gum which I'm going to sell and goln' ter buy a ticket to see Claire scoft play in that big soundin' named play of hern to night at the City Hall, and after that I'm just goin' over to U. miEmyORKSTJESTALiRANT and get some of 'cm nice (lystors, Beans nnd .'.pple f'les of hisn. They toll me Bex has been makinV tome Improvements In his Saloon. I woulii nice 111 see come o" the crowd go to the Voric Street Reeitaurant after the show Is over and " P. S.-»I want Rei to go stream drlvln'' with met this Spilng, but he says bo can't leave the saloon I as he is to busy attendin' to the wints of his] oustomurs. G. EBX LBKK, 18 York StrMt, F'ton, N. B. ^