^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i>- /. ^/ J^ ^ \# ^ ^>^ ^ C/j •^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 I ^ Ilia i us, B2.0 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sdaices Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 -/^ V (V ^^ o *% v C^^A^^^ ^^'^^ . ^ order, and the Eoll called. Minutes. PfK After the Bx)ll han been called, the Minutes of the pre- mistake theron,.sV^riJ ke co^«,te^^^^ ^^^^ app,.oved of h/SrC^uX'^'SrhrUwii^^ M-"^' ^v--"™ tuid the Clerk, in vrescnco ot the C.ounc il. ^ ^ Mil, Tint the Wimlcn shall preserve order and dcconii^ , J'i^^ille lilleslbus of Ora.r/su.>io.t to an appeal co the Council. RlTIiES OP OKDKR. iBtr ()tl, — Tluit wiion tho Wurdcn or Chuinnan in callo«l upon to ox )luiii a point of ordor or practice, ho is to ntato tho liulo ai)pli(!ablo to tho case, without argument or coniniont. Memhers. tOth.—That ovory Momhor, previous to his s])ealdng, whall rise IVom his seat and address himself to the (.Miair. ntli.—Tliat when two or more Meml)ors rise at onco, tho Warden shall name tlic Member who is to speak. 12th.— That whilst a IV^ember is speaking no ono whall interrui>t him. , , . ^ ^u 13th _That no Member shall speak twice to tho sarao (luestion, without Iwivo of tlie Council, unless in explanation of a matci-ial part of his speech, except the Mover and feeeondor o,f a motion, who shall have the right of reply. 14th.— That any Memboi* rising to a point of Ordej*» wh^'» state tho ])ointof Oi-der without debate, and that tho Member so called to (3rder shall desist from speaking until thp Warden decides tho question of Order. ' „ , , , 15th —That every Member who shall be present when a question is put, shall vote thereon, unless the Council shall excuse him, or unless he bo personally interested in tho ^ 16th.— That any Member may move for the appointment oi a Committee, due notice having been iirst given by him, stating what is the object for the apix)intment of said Conimittee. 17 —That no profane or indecent language shall be made use of by any Member, nor shall disrespectful language be addressetl to the Warden, or to or concerning any Member of the Council. Notices of Motion, itc. 18th.— Any Member desiring to bring any subjeot before the Council shall give notice thereof in writing, one day before it« introduction, excoi.t the reports of Committees or Commissioners, which may be introduced without Notice. Motions, &c. 10th.— That all Motions and other matters shall be read by the Clerk. . . .. ,, 2()th.— That all Mostxons shall bo m writing, with tlie namoN of the Mover and Seconder. , • /-^ i 2]sl.— That a Motion to adjourn shall always be in UrUer, except when a Vote is being tnken. ,.,,,, , . 22n(l —That ai'tei" a Motion haw lieen road, it shall 1)0 deemea to be in i)ossossion of the (Council, but may be withdniwn at any time betbre being put to tho Vote with ])ermi,ssion ot tlie maiority of tho Members of tho Council present. 23i.d.— When a Motion has been once made and carrie(t,, RULES OP ORDER. » either in tho aftirnifttivo or negative, it sliall be in f)ixler to move for its recouHideration, but no such motion shall be re- I'onsiderod unless a majority of tho whole Council vote for it** reconsideration. By-Laws. 24th.— Notice shall be giveri at a previous Sitting of tho intention to introduce ov amend any By-Law. 25th.— That each IJy-Law shall bo road three times, previous to itH being passed, but no By-Law shall be road more than once on tho nrst day of its introduction. 26th.— That no By-Law shall bo committed until it shall have boon rosRl twice. , . « -xi 27.— That all Amendments to By-Laws made m Committor shall bo reported by tho Chairman standing in his place as Chairman. Petitions. 28th.— All Petitions, Memorials, or othw Papers addressed to tho Council, shall l)o presented by a Councillor in his place.^ whQ shall be answerable to the Council that they do not contain any improper matter. Committees. 25)th.— That a Special Committee shall bo appointed at the- January Sessron in each year to select all Standing Coj»mitteos, and shall report to the Council with a I^ist of the various Com- mittees for its approval. Each Committee shall apiwmt itri. own Chairman. . 30th.— That the Warden shall, by vn-tue of his office, be a Member of all Committees. , , « ., 31yt.— That in terming a Committee of tho whole Council, the Wtmlen or Chairman shall leave tho Chair, and bcibro leaving the Chair, shall appoint a Chairman to preside, who shall have the same authority in the Chair of the Committee as the Warden in the Chair oi' the Council, and in other Com- mittees the Chairman shall have the same authority. 32nd,— That all Amendments made in Committee shall be reported by the Chairman in his place as Chairman. 38rd —That the Rules of the Council shall be obsci-ved in Committee iis far as practicable, except the Kules for adjourn- ment, limiting the number of times of speaking, and for talcing the Yeas and Nays. Divisions of the Council. 34th.— That on a (Question being put, tho Yeas shall triHC and Nays remain silting. ;4i,l> — That if any Mom!>or roqiiiros Iho leas and Nays, upon tmy (luestion, loboVecoi-dLMl on the Minutes, he must call lor ^j UULES OF ORDER. them immediately ftfter the Warden hiw taken tho Vote. Tlioy haUrtoke^inthe following manner: ThoBe Mf^berB who hive votxxl Yea shall rise, and tho Warden .hall call over thei,: names, the Clerk taking them down ; tho Members who have vXl Nay shall then rise, and their names shal be token down in the same manner ; after whieh the Clerk shall eall over the names of tho Yem and Nays, and declare the result of the Vot«. Orders of the Day. 36th —That after leave granted, all Notices of Motion, By- Laws, &C, shjill be written on a Eoll, or Order of the Day, so that the same may be taken up the next day m regular suc- cession. And that a list of such Motions, &c that may remain undisposed oi; chall be placed first on the Order of the Day ot the following morning. Mmey Appropriations. 37th —All applications for Money shall be referred to tho Finance Committee, which shall r<^port upon the same to the Council, except applications for Grants to Roads and Bridges, ^diich shall b^ referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Miscellaneous. 38th —That no Rule of the Council shall be f speeded if objected to by a Member, unless a majority of the Members present shall vote for the same. , • . ^u _ •« „^ 39th —That when a question shall arise tor which there is no Rule applicable, the Warden shall decide the same, subject to an appeal to the Council. Routine Business of th£ Council. 40th —The ordinary business of the Council shall be taken iip GB :ollows:-l, Calling the Roll; 2, Reading Minutes of the preceding Sitting; 3, Reeling Communications and Petiti.a., 4, Givini Notices of Motion ; 5, Reports of Committees ; 6, Orders of the Day. JAMES HART, Clerk, STEPHEN WHITE, Warden. KtPtS STEPHENSON, PLANET OrFICE, KING STREET, CHATKAM. w^ ■M ^mfl S^r^fi