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'■ (^ /^PPLIED^ IIVMGE . Inc J^s 1653 East Main Street .^ss r^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ssss"^ Ptione: 716/482-0300 ■^^—— Fax: 716/288-5989 O 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved 4^ r\ ^\ '^ 't^ A iCtiianlr of l^lur* ^ l^iibtianli o( Blu( AND OTHER BIBLE STUDIES BY J. HUDSON TAYXOB. (A COMPAmOH VOLUME TO "ONION AND COMMUNION," AND TO "separation AND SERVICE.") Toronto, Canals CHINA INLAND MISSION. 6« rHTiprw cT«x.r, :xv£.i:« T. 6S5lfO T3q PRINTBD BV WOODFALL AND KINOBR, LONG ACRB LONDON CONTENTS. A Ribband of Blue . Blessed Prosperity . Blessed Adversity . Coming to the King A Full Reward Under the Shepherd's Care Self-Denial All-Sufficiency. PAGB • 7 . 20 • 53 • n . 88 . 98 . Ill . 118 S( J^mutia of Hint. '^^E would draw the attention -»f beloved friends to the instruc- tive passage with which the fifteenth chapter of Numbers closes ; and may God, through our meditation on His precious Word, make it yet more precious and practical to each one of us, for Christ our Redeemer's sake ! The whole chapter is full of im- portant teaching. It commences with instructions concerning the burnt-offer- ing, the sacrifice in performing a vow, and the free-will offering. It was not to be supposed that any one might present his sacrifice to God according to his own thought and plan. If it 8 A Ribband of Blue, were to be acceptable— a sweet savour unto the LoRD—it must be an offering in every respect such as God had ap- pointed. We cannot become accept- able to God in ways of our own devis- ing; from beginning to end it must be, " Not my will, but Thine, be done." Then, from the seventeenth to the twenty-first verse, the Lord claims a first-fruits. The people of God were not to eat their fill, consume all that they cared to consume, and then give to God somewhat of the remainder ; but before they touched the bread of the land, a heave-offering was to be offered to the Lord ; and when the requirement of God had been fully met, then, and not till then, were they at liberty to satisfy their own hunger and supply their own wants. How often we see the reverse of this in daily life ! Not only are necessaries A Ribband of Blue, g first supplied from the income, but every fancied luxury is procured with- out stint, before the question of the consecration of substance to God is really entertained. Next follow the directions concern- ing errors from heedlessness and igno- rance. The people were not to imagine that sin was not sinful if it were unconsciously committed. Man's knowledge and consciousness do not make wrong right or right wrong. The will of God was revealed and ougk^ to have been known : not to know that will was in itself sinful ; and not to do that will, whether consciously or un- consciously, was sin^sin that could only be put away by atoning sacrifice. God dealt in much mercy and grace with those who committed sins of ignorance; though, when th^sm h«oo^p known and recognised, confession and 10 A Ribband of Blue, sacrifice were immediately needful. But, thank God ! the sacrifice was ordained, and the sin could be put away. It was not bO with the presumptuous sin. No sacrifice was appointed for a man, whether born in the land or a stranger, who reproached the Lord by pre^mptuous sin. Of that man it was said, "that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be upon him." This distinction is very important to make. We are not to think that our holiest service is free from sin, or can be accepted save through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are not to suppose that sins of omission, any more than sins of commission, are looked lightly upon by God : sins of forgetfulness and heedlessness or ignorance are more than frailties— are real sins, needing atoning sacrifice. God deals very A Ribband of Blue, 1 1 gently and graciously with us in these matters; when transgression or iniquity is brought home to the conscience, " if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Even when walking in the light, " as He is in the light," we are not beyond the need of atonement. Though our fellowship with God be unbroken by any conscious transgression, it continues unbroken only because "the blood of Jesus Christ His Son is cleansing us from all sin." The man, however, who would pre- sume on God's forgiveness, and despise God's holiness and His claim upon His people, by doing deliberately the thing that he knows to be contrary to God's will, that man will find spiritual dearth and spiritual death inevitably follow. His communion with God is brought 12 A Ribband of Blue. to an end, and it is hard to say how far Satan may not be permitted to carry such a backsh'der in heart and hfe. It IS awfully possible not merely to "grieve " and to "resist," but even to "quench " the Spirit of God. We have a solemn example of pre- sumptuous sin in the case of the man found gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. He was not— he could not be Ignorant of God's ordinance concern- ing the Sabbath. The gathering of sticks was not to meet a necessity; his case was not parallel with that of the poor man who perhaps has received his wages late on Saturday night, and has had no opportunity of purchasing food in time to prepare it for the day of rest. To the Israelite, the double supply of manna was given on the morning of the day before the Sabbath; and as the uncooked manna would not A Ribband of Blue. 13 keep, it was necessary that early in that day .t should be prepared for food. He had, therefore, no need of the sticks to cook h.s Sabbath's dinner. And would kindle a fire from choice or preference. His object in gathering the sticks was simply to show, openly and pubhcly, that he despised God! rtJn 1 '°. °'''^"'' ■''^'y °'dinance death^' ' ""^ *^' ■"*" P"' t° But occasion was taken in connec- tion with this judgment to introduce the weanng of the "ribband op blue." « ^^A ^""^^ ^^"^ '" H'^ P^op'e wear a badge. Throughout their generations they were to «aake them Hngg^ ;„ ^^^ borders of their garments, and top": upon the fringe of the border a rib-" 14 A Ribband of Blue. band of blue, that they might look upon it and remember all the com- mandments of the Lord, and do them, and might be a holy people, holy unto their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, to be their God. Blue is the colour of heaven. The beautiful waters of the jea reflect it, and» are as blue as the cloudless sky! When the clouds come between, then, and then only, is the deep blue lost! But it is the will of God that there should never be a cloud between His people and Himself; and that, as the Israelite of old, wherever he went, carried the ribband of blue, so His people to-day should manifest a heavenly spirit and temper wherever they go ; and should, like Moses, in their very countenances bear witness to the glory and beauty of the God whom they love and serve. A Ribband of Blue, 15 How interesting it must have been to see that ribband of blue carried by the farmer into the field, by the mer- chant to his place of business, by the maid-servant into the innermost parts of the dwelling, when performing her daily duties. Is it less important that the Christian of to-day, called to be a witness for Christ, should be mani- festly characterised by His spirit? Should we not all be "imitators of God as dear children," and « walk in love' as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us"? And should not this spirit of GoD-likeness be carried into the smallest details of Xxi^^ and not be merely reserved for specraf ' occasions ? If we understand aright the meaning of our Saviour's direction, " Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is per- feet," it teaches this great truth. 16 ^ Ribband of Blue, ^Ve are to h^ fh^ i and the light of If Ti' °^ "'^ ^«h 0"e of thet 3/0^,7''' "°''°'''^^k not to give ^v 5 ^^n'^andments, 'hethoSx;rrtr'°'°'^'"^ P/omises,ori„co/vSio„r'"°'"^'' than yea or nay Th? ° "^^ """'^ '--ottobTinduSr^l.r'^- ness of sDin> ,-o * 1- ' ^ yielding. "onheSgirttrr'"'''^'^''"^ despitefullyusrusattf"."^'^^""^ Wed.an/p^ydTtP''"'"'"'^ the direction "Z 1 ^^" ''"'"es evenasyoXtrrSr^'' 's perfect." In fho r^.^^'^^" heaven f««^«^e,asi*Vr,^t"^of trials and nprc«^. *• ^ serious «t«a persecutions to wh,Vh *u Christian is exposed, he is to k ^ Father ^^'"'"^ "^ ^^*^ heavenly A Ribband of Blue. 17 relative. A needle may be a perfect needle, m evc-y respect adapted for the work for which it was made. It is not however, a microscopic object ; unde; magmfymg power it becomes a rough honeycombed poker, with a ragged hoi; •n the place of the eye. But it was not made to be a microscopic object ; and, bemg adapted to the purpose for wh,ch .t was made, it may properly be considered a perfect needle. So we are not called to be perfect angels, or m any respect Divine, but we are called to be perfect Christians, performing the privileged duties that as such devolve upon us. Our ^i^imKxcaV^ according to ffis perfection the least little thing that He makes The tiniest fly, the smallest animalcule, the dust of a butterfl!^ wmg, however hiehlv vm, n,,., , ., them, are seen to be absolutely perfect C 1 8 A Ribband of Blue, Should not the little things of our daily life be as relatively perfect in the case of each Christian as the lesser creations of God are absolutely perfect ? Ought we not to glorify God in the formation of each letter that we write, and as Christians to write a more legible hand than unconverted people can be C3i ;)ected to do? Ought we not to he more thorough in our service, not simply doing well that which will be seen and noticed, but as our Father makes many a flower to bloom unseen in the lonely desert, so to do all that we can do, as under His eye, though no other eye ever take note of it ? It is our privilege to take our rest and recreation for the purpose of pleas- ing Him ; to lay aside our garments at night neatly (for He is in the room, and watches c -jr us while we sleep). «»• "'iT;' A Ribband of Blue, 19 to wash, to dr^s,;, to smooth the hair, with His eye in view; and, in short, in all thaf we are and in all that we do to use the iull measure of ability which God has given us to the glory of His holy Name ? Were we always so to live how beautiful Christian life would be- come ! how much more worthy a wit- ness we should bear to the world of Him whose witnesses we are ! May the life we are living be characterised by that growth in grace which will glorify God ; and may tell-tale faces, and glad hearts, and loving service be to each one of us as "a ribband of blue » reflecting the very hue of heaven, and reminding ourselves and one another of our privilege to « remember all the coiamandments of the Lord, and do them." C 2 20 S i MEDITATIONS ON THE FIRST PSALM. INTRODUerORY. 'pHERE is a prosperity which is not blessed ; it comes not from above but from beneath, and it leads away from, not towards heaven. This pros- perity of the wicked is often a sore perplexity to the ser\'ants of God; they need to be reminded of the exhortation, " Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." Many be- sides the Psalmist have been envious a^ viiv ivwusii Tviicxi seeing tne pros- J i Blessed Prosperity, 21 perity of the wicked, and have been tempted to ask, « Is there knowledge in the Most High?" While Satan remains the god of this world, and has it in his power to prosper his votaries, this source of perplexity will always continue to those who do not enter into the sanctuary and consider the latter end of the worldling. Nor is it the godless only who are tempted by the offer of a prosperity which comes from beneath. Our Saviour Himself was tempted by the arch-enemy in this way. Christ was told that all that He desired to accom- phsh for the kingdoms of this world might be effected by an easier path than the cross ~a little compromise with him who held the power and was able to bestow the kingdoms, and all should be His own tk^ 1,,;^^ ...:i_^ of the seducer were instantly rejected 22 Blessed Prosperity. by our Lord ; not so ineffective are such wiles to many of His people ; a little policy rather than the course for which conscience pleads ; a little want of integrity in business dealings; a little compromise with the ways of the world, followed by a prosperity which brjngs no blessing— these prove often that the enemy's arts are still the same. But, thank God! there is a true prosperity which comes from Him and leads towards Him. It is not only consistent with perfect integrity and uncompromising holiness of heart and life, but it cannot be attained with- out them, and its enjoyment tends to deepen them. This divine prosperity is God's purpose for every believer, in all that he undertakes ; in things tem- poral and in things spiritual, in all the relations and affairs of this life, as well Blessed Prosperity, 23 as in all work for Christ and for eternity, it is God's will for each child of His that " whatsoever he doeth shall prosper y Yet many of His children evidently do not enjoy this uniform blessing; some nnd failure rather than success the rule of their life : while others, sometimes prospered and sometimes discouraged, live lives of uncertainty, in which anxiety and even fear are not infre- quent. Shall we not each one at the outset ask. How is it with me ? Is this blessed prosperity my experience ? Am I so led by the Spirit in my doings, and so prospered by God in their issues, that as His witness I can bear testimony to His faithfulness to this promise ? If it be not so with me, what is the reason ? Which of the necessary conditions have I failed to fulfil? May our meditations on the I 24 Blessed Prosperity. •itst Psalm make these conditions more Clear to our minds, and may faith be enabled to claim definitely all that is included in this wonderful promise ! THE NEGATIVE CONDITIONS OP BLESSING. ..y'^"ff' "" '"'" "^ """l^'i m in the "unset of the ungodly." ""nine More literally, O the blessings, the manifold happinesses of the man wiiose character is described in the first and second verses of this Psalm ! he is happy in what he escapes or avoids, and happy and prospered in what he undertakes. .1, Jk^ ^'''l '^'^^f^'^'cristic given us is that he walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, the wicked. Notice, it does not merely say that he walks not in wicked counsel : a man of God clearly Blessed Prosperity, 25 would not do this ; but what is said is that he " walketh not in the counsel of the wicked." Now the wicked have often much worldly wisdom, and be- come noted for their prosperity and their prudence, but the child of God should always be on his guard against their counsel ; however good it may appear, it is full of danger. One of the principal characteristics of the wicked is that God is not in all his thoughts ; he sees everything from the standpoint of self, or, at the highest, from the standpoint of humanity. His maxim, "Take care of number one" would be very good if it were meant that God is first, and should always be put first ; but he means it not so : self and not God is number one to the un- godly. The wicked will often counsel ♦'^ honesty, not on the gro! «.«i.ixi mat honesty is pleasing to God, but that it 26 Blessed Prosperity, is the best policy ; if in any particu- lar business transaction a more profit- able policy appears quite safe, those who have simply been honesc because it pays best, will be very apt to cease to be so. The child of God has no need of the counsel of the ungodly ; if he love and study God's Word it will make him wiser than all such counsellors. If he seek for and observe all the counsel of God, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he will not walk in dark- ness even as to worldly things. The directions of God's Word may often seem strange and impolitic, but in the measure in which he has faith to obey the directions he finds in the Scripture, turning not to the right hand nor to the left, will he make his way prosper- ous, will he find good success. The history of the early Friends Blessed Prosperity, 27 in America, who would not take a weapon to protect themselves against the savage Indian tribes, shows how safe it is to follow the Word of God and not to resist evil. And their later experience in the recent Civil War, in which no one of them lost his life, though exposed to the greatest dangers and hardships because they would not fight, further confirms the wisdom as well as blessedness of literally obeying the Scripture. The eyes of the Lord still run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those who put their trust in Him before the sons of men. The enlightened believer has so much better co- nsel that he no more needs than condescends to accept the counsel of the ungodly. "(J TTIOC UHi« And. mnrp f-lior* fViio fK/^ j ---»^«,«. ^»*t.%4a Li^Xi^i bil^ of God will carefully ascertain the 2S Blessed Prosperity, standpoint of a fellow-believer before he will value his counsel ; for he learns from Scripture and experience that Satan too frequently makes handles of the people of God, as, for instance, in Peter's case. Little did the astonished Peter know whence his exhortation to the Lord to pity Himself came ; " Get thee behind me, Satan," showed that our Lord had traced this counsel, which did not seek first the Kingdom of God, to its true source. Alas, the counsel of worldly-minded Christians does far more harm than that of the openly wicked. Whenever the sup- posed interests of self, or family, or country, or even of church or mission come first, we may be quite sure of the true source of that counsel; it is at least earthly or sensual, if not devilish. Further, the truly blessed man— Blessed Prosperity, 29 Standeth not in the way of sinnen. Birds of a feather flock together; the way of a sinner no more suits a true believer than the way of the believer suits the sinner. As a wit- ness for his Master in the hope of saving the lost, he may go to them ; but he will not, like Lot, pitch his tent towards Sodom ; lest he be ensnared as Lot was, who only escaped himself, losing all those he loved best, and all his possessions. Ah, how many parents who have fluttered moth-like near the flame, have seen their children destroyed by it, while they themselves have not escaped unscathed ! How many churches and Christian institutions, in the attempt to attract the unconverted by worldly inducements or amuse- ments, have themselves forfeited the blessing of Gnn • c\r\i\ Viatm c^ ?^^f spiritual power, that those whom they 30 Blessed Prosperity. have thus attracted have been nothing benefited ! Instead of seeing the dead quickened, a state of torpor and death has crept over themselves. There is no need of, nor room for, any other attraction than that which Christ Himself gave, when He said, "I, if I be lifted up . . . will draw all men unto Me." Our Master was ever " separate from sinners," and the Holy Spirit speaks unmistakeably in 2 Cor. vi. : "What fellowship hath righteous- ness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness ? ... for ye are the temple of the living God ; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate . . . and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father Blessed Prosperity, 31 unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." '* A^aui the persecutor, that their life is ordered by its teachings, while still hey are far from God. But when fl^K^"?^ converted, they discover ha they have been blind; among the all thmgs that become new, they find that they have got a new Bible • and as new-born babes they desire the unadulterated milk of the Word tlmt they may grow thereby. Well is it nnf fk"'"^ -— ^ui uoD, and have not their taste corrupted, and their D 34 Blessed Prosperity, spiritual constitution destroyed, by feeding on the imaginations of men rather than on the verities of God. It is not difficult to discover what a man delights in. " Out of the abund- ance of the heart the mouth speaketh." The mother delights to speak of her b^be, the politician loves to talk of politics, the scientific man of his favourite science, and the athlete of his sport. In the same way the earnest, happy Christian manifests his delight in the Word of God ; it is his food and comfort ; it is his study and his guide ; and as the Holy Spirit throws fresh light on its precious truths he finds in it a joy and pleasure beyond compare. Naturally and spontaneously he will often speak of that which is so precious to his heart. By regeneration the believer, having become the child of God, finds new )) Blessed Prosperity, 35 interest and instruction in all the works of God. His Father designed and created them, upholds and uses them, and for His glory they exist. But this is peculiarly true of the Word of God. Possessing the mind of Christ, in- structed by the Spirit of Christ, he finds in every part of God's Word testimony to the person and work of his adorable Master and Friend. The Bible in a thousand ways endears itself to him, while unfolding the mind and ways of God, His past dealings with His people, and His wonderful revelations of the future. While thus studying God's Word the believer becomes conscious of a new source of delight; not only is that which is revealed precious, but the beauty and perfection of the revelation itself grows upon him. He has now no need of external evidence to prove its D 2 3^ Blessed Prosperity, inspiration; it everywhere bears the impress of Divinity. And as the microscope which reveals the coarse- ness and blemishes of the works of man only shows more fully the perfect- ness of God's works, and brings to light new and unimagined beauties, so it is with the Word of God when closely scanned. In what remarkable contrast does this Book stand to the works of men ! The science of yesterday is worthless to-day ; but history and the discoveries of our own times only confirm the reliability of these ancient sacred records. The stronger our faith in the plenary, verbal inspiration of God's Holy Word, the more fully we make it our guide, and the more implicitly we follow its teachings, the deeper will be our peace and the more fruitful our service. " Great peace have they which Blessed Prosperity, 3^ love Thy law : and nothing shall offend them." Becoming more and more convinced of the divine wisdom of the directions and commands of Scripture, and of the reliability of the promises' the life of the believer will become increasingly one of obedience and trust; and thus he will prove for himself how good, acceptable, and perfect is the will of God, and that Bible which reveals it. The words, " the Law of the Lord," whicii we understand to mean the whole Word of God, are very suggestive. They indicate that the Bible is intended to teach us what God would have us to do; that we should not merely seek for the promises, and try to get all we can from God ; but should much more earnestly desire to know what He wants us to be and to do fnr FTi'm t«. is recorded of Ezra, that he prepared 38 Blessed Prosperity. his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, in order that he might do it, and teach in Israel statutes and judgments. The result was that the hand of his God was upon him for good, the desires of his heart were largely granted, and he became the channel of blessing to his whole people. Every one who searches the Scriptures in the same spirit will receive ?».nd communicate the blessing of God : he will find in it the guidance he needs for his own service, and oft- tiiixes a word in season for those with whom he is associated But not only will the Bible become the Law of the Lord to him as teach- ing and illustrating what God would have him to be and to do, but still more as revealing what God Himself is and does. As the law of gravitation gives us to know how a power, on which we may ever depend, will act Blessed Prosperity, 39 under given circumstances, so the Law of the Lord gives us to know Him, and the principles of His govern- ment, on which we may rely with implicit confidence. The man of God will also delight to trace God in the Word as the great Worker, and rejoice in the privilege of being a fellow-worker with Him— a glad, voluntary agent in doing the will of God, yet rejo'cing in the grace that has made him willing, and in the mighty, divine power that works through him. The Bible will also teach him to view himself as but an atom, as it were, in God*s great universe ; and to see God's great work as a magnifi- cent whole, carried on by ten thousand agencies ; carried on through all spheres, in all time, and without possibility of ultimate failure — a glorious manifesta- tion of the perfections of the great -^Wx. 40 Blessed Prosperity, Worker ! He himself, and a thousand more of his fellow-servants, may pass away ; but this thought will not paralyse his efforts, for he knows that whatever has been wrought in God will abide, and that whatever is incomplete when his work is done the great Worker will in His own time and way bring to completion. He does not expect to understand all about the grand work in which he is privileged to take a blessed but infinitesimal part; he can afford to await its completion, and can already by faith rejoice in the certainty that the whole will be found in every respect worthy of the great Designer and Executor. Well may his delight be in the Law of the Lord, and well may he meditate in it day and night. Blessed Prosperity, 41 THE OUTCOME IN BLESSING. We next proceed to notice the remarkable promises in the third verse of this Psalm— one of the most remarkable and inclusive contained in the Scriptures : — *' Aiid he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water ^ " That bringeth forth hisfrtni in his season; ** Jlis leaf also shall not wither ; ^^ And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper,^* If we could offer to the ungodly a worldly plan which would ensure their prospering in all that they undertake, how eagerly they would embrace it! And yet when God Himself reveals an effectual plan to His people how few avail themselves of it ! Many fail on the negative side aid do not come clearly out from the world ; many fail on the positive side and allow other 42 Blessed Prosperity, duties or indulgences to take the time that should be given to reading and meditation on God's Word. To some it is not at all easy to secure time for the morning watch, but nothing can make up for the loss of it. But u there not yet a third class of Christians whose failure lies largely in their not embracing the promise and claiming it by faith ? In each of these three ways failure may come in and covenant blessings may be lost. Let us now consider what are the blessings, the manifold happinesses which faith is to claim when the con- ditions are fulfilled. I. Stability. — He shall be like a tree (not a mere annual plant), of steady progressive growth and increasing fruit- fulness. A tree planted, and always to be found in its place, not blown about, the sport of circumstances. Blessed Prosperity, 43 The flowers may bloom and pass away, but the tree abides. II. Independent Supplies. — Planted by the rivers of water. The ordinary supplies of rain and dew may fail : his deep and hidden supplies cannot. He shall not be careful in the year of drought, and in the days of famine he shall be satisfied. His supply is the living water — the Spirit of God— the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever : hence he depends on no intermitting spring. IIx. Seasonable Fruitfulness. — The careful student of Scripture will notice the parallelism between the teaching of the First Psalm and that of our Lord in the Gospel of John, where in the sixth chapter we are taught that he who feeds on Christ abides in Him, and in thf» fiffppnfVi tViaf V»a wVir* oKirloq brings forth much fruit. We feed 44 Blessed Prosperity, upon Christ the incarnate Word through the written Word. So in this Psalm he who dehghts in the Law of the Lord, and meditates upon it day and night, brings forth his fruit in his season. There is something very beautiful in this. A word spoken in season how good it is; how even a seasonable look will encourage or restrain, reprove or comfort! The promise reminds one of those in John about the living water thirsty ones drink, and are not only refreshed, but become channels through which rivers of living water are always flowing, so that other thirsty ones in their hour of need may find season- able refreshment. But the figure in the Psalm is not that of water flowing through us as through a channel ; but that of fruit, the very outcome of our own transformed life— a life of union ...^1.1. /"*-- ^^ Blessed Prosperity, 45 It is so gracious of our God not to work through us in a mere mechanical way, but to make us branches of the True Vine, the very organs by which Its fruit is produced. We are not, therefore, independent workers, for there is a fundamental difference between fruit and work. Work is the outcome of effort; fruit, of life. A bad man may do good work, but a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. The result of work is not reproductive, but fruit has its seed in itself. The work- man has to seek his material and his tools, and often to set himself with painful perseverance to his task. The fruit of the Vine is the glad, free, spontaneous outcome of the life within; and it forms and grows and ripens in its proper season. And what is th^ fmit «rl,l'/^u tu^ believer should bear ? May it not be 46 Blessed Prosperity, expressed by one word It is interesting to Christliness notice tha ? the Scripture does not speak of the fruits of the Spirit, in the plural, as though we might take our choice among the graces named, but of the fruity in the singular, which is a rich cluster com- posed of love, joy, peace, longsuffer- ing, etc; How blessed to bring forth such fruit in its season ! IV. Continuous Vigour. — ** His leaf also shall not wither." In our own climate many trees are able to maintain their life through the winter, but unable to retain their leaves. The hardy ever- green, however, not only lives, but manifests its life, and all the more conspicuously because of the naked branches around. The life within is too strong to fear the shortened day, the cold blast, or the falling snow. So with the man of God whose life is Blessed Prosperity. 47 maintained by hidden communion through the Word; adversity only brings out the strength and the reality of the life within. The leaf of the tree is no mere adornment. If the root suggests to us receptive power in that it draws from the soil the stimulating sap, without which life could not be maintained, the leaves no less remind us of the grace of giving, and of purifying. They impart to the atmosphere a grateful moisture; they provide for tl aveiler a refreshing shade, and they purify the air poisoned by the breathings of animal life. Well, too, is the tree repaid for all that it gives out through its leaves. The thin stimulating sap that comes from the root, which could not of itself build up the tree, thickens in giving out its moisture, and through the 48 Blessed Prosperity > leaves possesses itself of carbon from the atmosphere. Thus enriched, the sap goes back thropgh the tree, build- ing it up until the tiniest rootlets are as much nourished by the leaves as the latter are fed by the roots. Keep a tree despoiled of its leaves sufficiently long and it will surely die. So unless the believer is giving as well as re- ceiving, purifying by his life and in- fluence, he cannot grow nor properly maintain his own vitality. But he who delights in the Law of the Lord, and meditates in it day and night— his leaf shall not wither. V. Uniform Prosperity.—'' "Whditso- ever he doeth shall prosper." Could any promise go beyond this? It is the privilege of a child of God to see the hand of God in all his circum- stances and surroundings, and to serve God in all his avocations and duties. Blessed Prosperity. 49 Whether he eat or drink, work or rest, speak or be silent ; in all his occupa- tions, spiritual, domestic, or secular, he is alike the servant of God. No- thing lawful to him is too small to afford an opportunity of glorifying God; duties in themselves trivial or wearisome become exalted and glorified when the believer recognises his power through them to gladden and satisfy the loving heart of his ever-observant Master. And he who in all things recognises himself as the servant of God may count on a sufficiency from God for all manner of need, and look with confident expectation to God to really prosper him in whatever he does. But this prosperity will not always be apparent, except to the eye of faith. When Chorazin anH TliafV.or.;j« : x. j our Lord's message, it needed the eye E I 50 Blessed Prosperity. of faith to rejoice in spirit and say, " Even so, Father ; for so it seemed good in Thy sight." Doubtless the legions of hell rejoiced when they saw the Lord of Glory nailed to the accursed tree ; yet ive know that never vras our blessed Lord more prospered than when, as our High Priest, He offered Himself as our atoning sacri- fice, and bore our sins in His own body on the tree. As then, so now, the path of real prosperity will often lie through deepest suffering ; followers of Christ may well be content with the path which He trod. But though this prosperity may not always be immediately apparent, it will always be real, and should always be claimed by faith. The minister in his church, the missionary among the heathen, the merchant at his desk, the mother in her home, the workman in Blessed Prosperity. 5 1 his labour, each may alike claim it. Not in vain is it written, " Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." VI. Finally, let us notice that these promises are all in the indicative mood, and, provided the conditions are fulfilled, are absolute. There is no "may be" about them. And further, they a- ade to individual believers. If oiher believers fail, he who accepts them will not ; the word is, " Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." THE CONTRAST. *' The ungodly are not so.'^ It is not necessary to dwell at any length upon the contrast. The un- godly cannot enjoy the happinesses of the child of God, for they cannot carrv out the conditions Thmr ,-,«ifK^.. can, nor desire to, avoid the counsel, E 2 52 Blessed P? -asperity, the society, or the ways of their own fellows; and they lack that spiritual insight which is essential to delighting in God's Word. Instead of being full of life, like the tender grain, they become hard and dry ; and the same sun that ripens the one prepares the other for destruction. Instead of being "planted," the wind drives them away; and He who delights in the way of His people, causes the way of the un- godly to perish. S3 I INTRODUCTORY. JN our meditations on the First Psalm we have dwelt on " Blessed Prosperity." But all God's dealings are full of blessing : He is good, and doeth good; good only, and con- tinually. The believer who has taken the Lord as his Shepherd, can assuredly say in the words of the twenty-third Psalm, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever;" or, taking the marginal reading of the Rerised Version, -'• Only goodness and mercy shall follow me." Hence, we 54 Blessed Adversity. may be sure that days of adversity are still days of prosperity also, and are full of blessing. The believer does not need to wait until he sees the reason of God's afflic'ive dealings with him ere he is satisfied; he knoivs that all things work together for good to them that love God ; that all God's dealings are those of a loving Father, who only permits that which for the time being is grievous, in order to accomplish results that cannot be achieved in any less painful way. The wise and trust- ful child of God rejoices in tribulation, "knowing that tribulation worketh patience," experience, hope—a hope that " maketh not ashamed ; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.'* The history of Job is full of instruc- Blessed Adversity, 55 tion, and should teach us many lessons of deep interest and great profit. The veil is taken away from the unseen world, and we learn much of the power of our great adversary ; but also of his powerlessness apart from the permission of God our Father. god's testimony and challenge. " The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken avmy ; blessed be the Name of the lord: -^oh i. 21. In the 8th verse of the ist chapter^ God Himself bears testimony to His servant : " that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil " ; and in the 2nd chapter and 3rd verse. He repeats the same testimony, adding: "still he holdeth f^ft his integrity, although 5^ Blessed Adversity, thou movedst Me against him, to destroy him without cause." Stronger testimony to the life which God's grace enabled Job to live can scarcely be imagined. The chastisement that came upon him is declared to have been without cause so far as his life and spirit were concerned. Let us thank God that the same grace which enabled Job, so long ago, to live a life that pleased God, and received His repeated commendation, is unchanged; and that by it we may also live lives that will be well-pleasing to Him with whom we have to do. Satan would very frequently harass the believer in times of sorrow and trial by leading him to thirk that God IS angry with him—that this is a punishment for some unknown offence, and many of the comforts and con* solations that might otherwise be ; ! i* Blessed Adversity, 57 enjoyed may thus be clouded. Do we not rather see from the Word of God that He is hke a glad father, dehght- ing to be able to encourage a strong, healthy son to undertake some athletic feat which will entail arduous effort and careful training, or to stimulate him to prepare for a difficult literary examination by a prolonged and toil- some course of study, knowing he *vill obtain honours and permanent advan- tage from his attainments ? So, our Heavenly Father delights to trust a trustworthy child with a trial in which he can bring great glory to God, and through which he will receive perma- nent enlargement of heart, and blessing for himself and others. Take the case of Abraham : God so thoroughly trusted him, that He was not afraid to call upon His servant to offer up his well'beloved son. And 5 8 Blessed Adversity. here, in the case of Job, it was not Satan who challenged God about Job, but God who challenged the arch- enemy, the accuser of the brethren, to find any flaw in his character, or failure in his life. In each case grace triumphed, and in each case patience and fidelity were abundantly rewarded; but nlore of this anon. THE UNSEEN HEDGE. The reply of Satan is noteworthy. He does not need to ask, "Which Job ?" or, « Where does he live ?" He had considered God's servant, and evidently knew all about him. How came it that he was so well acquainted with this faithful man of God? It may have come about in this way: those subordinate spirits of evil who are evidently under the control of Blessed Adversity. 59 Satan had in vain tried ordinary means of temptation with the patriarch. Pro- bably reporting their want of success to some of the principalities and powers of evil, these likewise had essayed their diabolical arts, but had not succeeded in leading Job to swerve from his integrity. Last of all, the great arch-enemy himself had found all his own efforts ineffectual to harass and lead astray God's beloved servant. He found a hedge around him, and about his servants, and about his house, and about all that he had, on every side— an entrenchment so strong that he had been unable to break through, so high that, going about as a roaring lion, he had been unable to leap over, or to bring disaster within the GoD-protected circle. j^^TT -j^i-^jo'-u It iiiuot iiuvu ueen to dwell so protected! The work of 6o Blessed Adversity, Job's hands was prospered— his sub- stance increased in the land, and he became the greatest as well as the best of all the men of the East, for in that day God manifested His approval largely, though not solely, by the bestowal of temporal blessings. Is there no analogous spiritual bless- ing to be enjoyed now-a-days ? Thank God, there is. Every believer may be as safely kept and as fully blessed, though, perhaps, not in the same way, as Job— may be delivered from the power of the enemy, and preserved in a charmed circle of perfect peace. The conditions are simple, and are given us by the Apostle Paul in the 4th chapter of Philippians, v. 4-7, "Rejoice in the Lord alway Let your moderation [your gentleness, or yieldingness] be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand." Not Blessed Adversity. 6 1 your power of resistance of evil, and of "maintaining your own rights;" but your spirit of yieldingness, be- lieving that the Lord will maincain for you all that is really for your ,, 'cod; and that in any case He is at hrod! and will soon abundantly rewa.d fidelity to His command. And lastly, " Be careful for nothing ; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." How is it that believers so often fail to enjoy this promised blessing? Is it not that we fail to be anxious for nothing, and to bring everything by prayer and supplication with *1ianks- giving before God? We mnv k.;„« nine difficulties out of ten to Him, 62 Blessed Adversity, and try to manage the tenth ourselves, and that one little difficulty, like^ a small leak that runs the vessel dry, is fatal to the whole ; like a small breach in a city wall, it gives entrance to the power of the foe. But if we fulfil the conditions, He is certainly faithful, and instead of our having to keep our hearts and minds— our affections and thoughts— we shall find them kept for us. The peace, which we can neither make nor keep, will itself, as a garrison, keep and protect us ; and the cares and worries will strive to enter in vain. THE TESTING OF JOB. Reverting to the history of Job : the great accuser, having no fault to find with his character or life, insinuates that it is all the result of selfishness. "Doth Job fear God Blessed Adversity. 6$ for nought." Indeed, he did not, as Satan well knew ! Nor has anyone, before or since, ever feared God for nought. There is no service which pays so well as the service of our Heavenly Master ; there is none so royally rewarded. Satan was making a true assertion, but the insinuation he connected with it, that it was for the sake of this reward that Job served God, was not true. To vindicate the character of Job himself in the sight of the angels of God, as well as of the evil spirits, Satan is permitted to test Job, and take away all those treasures for the sake of which alone Satan imagined, or pretended to imagine, that Job was serving God. "All that he hath," said God, "is in thy power; only ""^- iJi>^^.u ^ui, iiui iurcn thme hand." 64 Blessed Adversity. Satan's malignity. And soon Satan showed the mah'g- nity of his character by bringing disaster after disaster upon the de- voted man. By his emissaries he incited the Sabeans, and they fell upon the oxen and the asses feeding beside them, slaying the servants with the edge of the sword, suffering one only to escape— and this, not in any pity or sympathy, but that he might bear the message to his unhappy master, telling of the destruction of his property and servants. The evil one appears, also, to have had power to bring the light- ning from heaven— by which the sheep, and the servants caring for them, were destroyed. Here, again, one servant only was left, by his messa^-e to in- crease the distress of the afflicted man of God. Blessed Adversity. 6t. Working in another direction, the Chaldeans were led to come in three bands and carry off Job's camels, slaying all the servants with the edge of the sword, save the one left to convey the evil tidings. And, as if this were not sufficient, even the very children of Job, his seven sons and three daughters—children of so many prayers— were swept away at one blow, by a terrible hurricane from the wilderness, which smote the four corners of the house so that it fell upon them, leaving only one servant to bear witness of the calamity. One only of all his family—his wife— seems to have been left to Job. But so far from being a spiritual help to him in this hour of sorrow and trial, she lost faith in God; and when further r«n !o*V^.<-«» y«n«:aster with a kiss.;. Our Lord dul not stop short at Judas, nor did He even stop at the gteat enemy who filled the heart of Judas to do this thing ; but He said : "The cup which My FATHER hath given me, shall I not drink it ? " How the tendency to resentment and a wrong feeling would be removed, could we take an injury from the hand of a loving Father, instead of looking chiefly at the agent through whom it comes to us ! It matters not who is the postman—it is with the writer of the letter that we are concerned, it Blessed Adversity. 69 matters not who is the messenger— it is with God that His children have to do. We conclude, therefore, that Job was not mistaken, and that we shall not be mistaken if we follow his example, in accepting all God's pro- vidential dealings as from Himself. We may be sure that they will issue in ultimate blessing; because God is GOD, and, therefore, "all things work together for good" to them that love Him. DEEPER TRIALS. Job's trial, however, was not com- pleted, as we have seen, when his property was removed. When the Lord challenged Satan a second time : "Hast thou considered my servant Job ....?" Satan has no word of commendation, but a further insinua- 70 Blessed Adversity, tion : " Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life .... touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse Thee to Thy face." Receiv- ing further permission to afflict him bodily, but with the charge withal to save his life, Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to his crown. The pain of his disease, the loath- someness of his appearance, must have been very great .; when his friends came to see him they knew him not. His skin was broken and had become loath- some ; his flesh was clothed with worms and clods of dust. Days of vanity and wearisome nights followed in sad succession ; his rest at night was scared by dreams and terrified through visions; so that, withnnf aico «« «^ — ii.- ^. ' ""'^ %.«a%^ \jt. leapiic, Strang- ling would have been a relief to him. Blessed Adversity. 71 le 7- n o e b t and death chosen rather than life. But of death there was no danger, for Satan had been charged not to touch his life. His kinsfolk failed him, and his familiar friends seem to have forgotten him. Those who dwelt in his house counted him as a stranger, and his servant gave no answer to his call when he entreated help from him. Nay, worse than all, his own wife turned from him, and in his grief he exclaimed : "My breath is strange to my wife, though I entreated for the children's sake of mine own body." No wonder that those who looked on thought that God Himself had become his enemy. Yet it was not so. With a tender Father's love, God was watching all the long enough to vindicate the power of 72 Blessed Adverly. God's grace, and to prepare Job him- self for fuller blessing, then the afflic- t.ons were taken away ; and in place of the temporary trial, songs of deliver- ance were vouchsafed to him. THE LOVING-KlmNESS OP THE LORD. Nor was the blessing God gave to His servant a small one. During this time of affliction, which, perhaps, was not very prolonged. Job learned lessons, which all his life of prosperity had been unable to teach him. The mistakes he made m the hastiness of his spirit were corrected ; his knowledge of God was deepenedand increased; he ha ' learr >d to know Him better than he could have done m any other way. He exc!.;i, ,ied that he had heard of Him previously by the hearing of the ear, and knew GOD by hearsav onlv ; b"f t''"' Blessed Adversity, 73 his eye saw Him, and that his acquaintance with God had become that which was the result of personal knowlt'ige, and not of mere report. All his self-righteousness was gone : he abhorred himself in dust rid ashes. Then, whon he prayed for his friends, the Lord removed the sorrow, restored to him the love and friendship of those who pre iously were for the time alienated, . d blessed the latter end of Job more th . 1 the beginning. His sheep, his ramels, his oxen, and his asses, were dou j. Again seven sons and three daughter^, were granted to him, and thus the number of his children also was doubled ; for those who were dead were not lost, they had only gone before. And after all this. Job lived 140 years, and saw his children, and grandchildren, to the 74 Blessed Adversity. fourth generation ; and finally died, being old and full of days. May we not well say that if Job's prosperity was blessed prosperity, his adversity, likewise, was blessed adver- sity ? " Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning ; " and the night of weeping will bear a fruit more rich and permanent than any day of rejoicing could produce. " The evening and the morning were the first day." Light out of darkness is God's order, and if sometimes our Heavenly Father can trust us with a trial, it is a sure presage that, if by grace the trial is accepted, He will ere long trust us with a blessing. In this day, when material causes are so much dwelt upon that there ic Aprncrf^r r\f fnrorAttinor tliA iincApn agencies, let us not lose sight of the Blessed Adversity. 7S existence and reality of our unseen spiritual foes. Many a child of God knows what it is to have sore conflict with flesh and blood ; and yet, as says the Apostle, " we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against . . wicked spirits in heavenly places" (margin). It would be comparatively easy to deal with our visible foes, if the invisible foes were not behind them. With foes so mighty and, apart from God's pro- tecting care, so utterly irresistible, we should be helpless indeed if unpro- tected and unarmed. We need to put on the whole armour of God, and to be not ignorant of Satan's devices. Let us not, on the other hand, lose sight of the precious truth that God alone is Almighty ; that God is our Helper, our Protector, and our OUlCiU, iia iTCii a.o v«j. ^^^---^---^-...Q great Reward. "If God be for us. 76 Blessed Adversity, who can be against us?" Let us always be on His side, seeking to carry out His purposes ; then the power of God will always be with us, and we shall be made more than conquerors through Him that loved us. ;.>.j' WV 17 Comins to t]^e Ikvx^. *'■ And King Solomon gave unto the Queen of Sheba all her desire y whatsoever she askedy beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty.'''' — i Kings x. 13. 'T'HE beautiful history recorded in the chapter from which the above words are quoted is deeply instructive to those who have learned to recognise Christ in the Scriptures. The refer- ence to this narrative by our Lord Himself was surely designed to draw our attention to it, and gives it an added interest. The blessings, too, received by the Queen of Sheba were of no ordinary kind. She was not only pleased with her reception, and 78 Coming to the King. with what she saw, but all her difficul- ties were removed, all her petitions were granted, all her desire was ful- filled. She was satisfied — so satisfied that, with glad and thankful heart, she turned and went away to her own country to fulfil the duties which, in the providence of God, devolved upon her. If we may learn from this narrative how to approach the Antitype of King Solomon, and to receive from Him blessings as much greater than those received by the Queen of Sheba as Christ is greater than Solomon, we shall not meditate without profit on this portion of Scripture. In many respects we resemble the Queen of Sheba. Though of royal birth, she was doubtless, like the bride in the Song of Solomon, black, because the sun had looked upon her. The A Coming to the King, 79 post which she was called to occupy was no easy one ; in her own life, and in her duty towards others, she found many hard questions to which she saw no solution. She heard of one reign- ing in the power of the Lord, whose wisdom exceeded that of the wisest of men, and who, if any one could, might afford her the help that she needed. She felt sure that the reports that she heard of his wisdom and of his acts were exaggerated ; yet, even allowing for this, she was prepared to take a long and difficult journey that she might see his face and prove for herself how far her difficulties could be solved by him. And she came not empty- handed ; she came not only to receive, but also to give, "with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones," not because she thought Solomon 80 Coming to the King, poor And needy, but because she knew of his magnificence she sought to bring gifts worthy of his royal dignity, and so coming she was not disappointed. Her long journey accomplished, she reached Jerusalem, and was granted the audience with the great king which her soul craved. She not only un- burdened her camels, she unburdened her own heart, and found that her difficult questions were no difficulty to him. " Solomon told her all her ques- tions : there was not any thing hid from the king, which he told her not." And so gracious was he that, without restraint, " she communed with him of all that was in her heart." Surely this utter opening of the heart implies a great deal. To none but the true Solomon can we give such confidence, but to Him we may lay bare the inner- most recesses of our souls, and bring ^tmmlmm mmMm^wm^ Coming to the King, 8i the questions, diflficult, perplexing, or sad, which we could breathe into no human ear. We know what came of the question- ings, in the case of the Queen of Sheba, aS to whether Solomon really could be all that some enthusiasts had reported. When she had seen his wisdom, and the house that he had built, his state and his magnificence, and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her; and she said to the king, " It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it ; and, behold, the half was not told me : thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard. Haoov are thv m^n h-atM^^, lis- ---J ; sits-^-|j-jr are these thy servants, which ?tand con- G 82 Coming to the King. tinually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom. Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighteth in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel : because the Lord loved Israel for ever, there- fore made He thee king, to do judg- ment and justice." Was there not the true spirit of prophecy in these words? Solomon has passed away, and all his magnifi- cence ; the pleasant land is to this day desolate under the power of the Turk ; but the Lord has loved Israel for ever, and soon a King shall reign in Mount Zion *' before His ancients glori- ously." But meanwhile this King, all unseen to human sense, is reigning, and to those who come to Him in no sordid spirit, but gladly consecrating the wealth of their heart's affection and the most worthy gifts they possess — to those who feel enriched by His accept- vmm Coming to the King. Zl ance of their gifts, and find pleasure in bestowing on Him for His service the best they can offer — to such there is still given the opening of heart and opening of eye to behold the King in His beauty, and to find all needed present solution of every hard question. Do we not often give to a poor Christ rather than to a rich one? Are we not sometimes unwilling to give until we know His work to be in straits, and sometimes its very exist- ence imperilled ? Are not our hearts ofttimes more moved by the recital of human needs than by Christ's claim for the prosecution of the one work for which He has left His Church on earth ? A famine in India, a flood in China, is more potent to bring temporal relief than the continual famine of the bread of life and of the increasing floods of heathen ungodliness. It is G 2 84 Coming to the King, well, it is CHRiST-like, to minister temporal relief to suffering humanity, but shall the deep longings and thirst- ings of His soul, and the impressiveness of His last command ere He ascended on high, be less urgent ? How many of the parents who refuse to let son or daughter go into the mission-field would refuse the Queen of England were she to confer the honour of a mission on their beloved children ? Do we recognise the majesty of the King of Glory, and the immortal honour that appertains to His service ? To those who do, the glad exclamations of the Queen of Sheba afford well-suited expressions : Happy are Thy subjects, happy are Thy servants which stand continually before Thee and hear Thy wisdom. To the Queen of Sheba, however. — J more was given than to those happy Coming to the King, 85 subjects or to those servants who served the king in their own land To her was given, as an eye-witness of the majesty of the king, as a glad participant of his bounty, to return to the far-off land, and to testify to those to whom, if they had heard at all, the half had not been told. Not as she came did she return, with a longing, yearning, unsatisfied heart, with duties to dis- charge for which she had not the wisdom ; — with a royal dignity indeed, but one which brought not rest to her own spirit. Now she had seen the king, now all her desire was met ; and the glorious king, after thus marvel- lously satisfying her, had further over- whelmed her with unthought-of gifts of his own royal bounty I Do we know much of this, beloved friends ? Has Christ become to us such a living bright reality that no post Hi 86 Coming to the King, of duty shall be irksome, that as His witnesses we can return to the quiet home side, or to the distant service among the heathen, with hearts more than glad, more than satisfied ; and most glad, most satisfied, when most sad and most stripped, it may be, of earthly friends and treasures ? Let us put all our treasures into His hand ; then He will never need to take them' from us on account of he^^rt idolatry; and if in wisdom and love He remove them for a time, He wili leave no vacuum, but Himself nl< the void, Himself wipe away the tear. There is yet more for us than it was possible to give to the Queen of Sheba. King Solomon had to send her away, he could not go with her; while' though we have to leave the confer- ence or convention, or the early hour of holy closet communion with our Coining to the King, 87 Lord, for the ordinary duties of daily life, our Solomon goes with us, nay, dwells in us, to meet each fresh need and to solve each fresh perplexity as it arises. We have His word, " I will never leave thee, never fail thee, never forsake thee." Satisfied and filled to begin with, we have the Satisfier, the Filler, with us and in us. When He says, " Whom shall We send and who will go for Us ? " He means to send us on no lonely errand, but on one which will give to Him a better oppor- tunity of revealing Himself, and to us of " finding out the greatness of His loving heart." Who will not answer Him, "Here am I, send me;" or, '* Here are mine, send them " ? IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 1^ 1& 1^ [mm iM mil 2.0 1.25 iu 1.8 1.6 150mm V

'# >> > y / >4P?^LIED ^ JIIVl4GE.Inc =s 1653 East Main street =-^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ^ Ptione: 716/482-0300 :=: Fax: 716/286-5989 ID 1993. Applied Image, Inc.. All Rights Reserved 4" ,\ nS \\ ^/4 a* U^ * J A Full Reward. 95 to those who have gone out without human guarantee of support, who do not know when the next help may reach them, nor its amount, there is an additional link with the great loving heart of our Father and our God that is unspeakably precious and welcome. May we not say that in every position of life when we are weak in ourselves, our friends, our circum- stances, then are we strongest in Him ? And when in our great needs, for our- selves or for the souls around us, we lay hold on God and say, " My soul, wait thou ONLY upon God ; for my expectation is from Him," t %at rest and security and certainty com : into the waiting soul. And ah ! when labouring in this spirit how words like those of our heavenly Boaz come home to the heart. "The Lord recom- pense thy work, and a full reward be 96 A Full Reward, given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust." Happy toiler in China ! Happy toiler at Home ! if it is sometimes dark, the shadow is but the shadow of His wing, under which thou art abiding, under which thou art come to trust. We will not prolong this meditation. He who comforted and blessed the lonely gleaner while the harvest lasted, became her husband when the harvest toil was past. It was thus the Lord recompensed her work. Israel was not blessed apart from her, for David the deliverer, and Solomon the glory of Israel, were born of the seed which Boaz had through her. Soon shall come the glorious day of the espousals of Christ and His Church. With her He will come to deliver Israel and to judge the world and even the angels. -a?-r,c iimc jiijcw me nonour and hap- A Full Reward. 97 piness awaiting her when she left all for God and His people. We know the purposes of God's grace and the glories in store for us. What manner of men, then, should we be ; and how earnest and faithful in the little time which awaits us before we are called to our reward, and to meet Him in the air ? When He says. Go ! shall we reply. No ? When Be asks us to con- tinue in His harvest till the reaping is over, shall we say Him, Nay ? H 98 Wiitter tbt^fft9fitvV^€nvt. A NEW YEAR'S ADDREtl. <( For ye were as sheep going astray ; hut are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.'^ — i Peter ii. 25. ii Ye were as sheep going ASTRAY." This is evidently addressed to believers. We were like sheep, blindly, wilfully following an unwise leader. Not only were we following self ourselves, but we in our turn have led others astray. This is true of all of us : " All we like sheep ave gone astray ; " all equally foolish, " we have turned every one to his own way" Our first thought has been, " I like this," or, "I don't like that"; never thinking what the Lord would Under the Shepherd's Care, 99 prefer, we have just followed our own inclinations. So terribly astray were we that nothing less than the life-blood of our good Shepherd could atone for our sin, and save us from its power and its penalty. In Isaiah liii, we learn the substitutionary character of the death of Christ unmistakably, as also in the verse before our text. The God of the Bible is a God who punishes sin, and cannot pardon with- out atonement. The substitution of the innocent victim for the guilty offerer is so cleaHy taught from Genesis to Revelation, that he must be blind indeed who does not see it. Praise God, our Kinsman-Redeemer has paid our debt; and "with His stripes we are healed." H. "But are now returned UNTO THE Shepherd and Bishop OF YOUR SOULS. '■ Far astray as we H 2 100 Under the Shepherd's Care. were, by His grace we have been brought back again ; and now we are "returned"— some of us scarcely returning so much as being carried to the fold by our loving Shepherd. And it is so blessed to realize that now we are not without a Master, a Leader, a Head. We were intended to b^ followers. We always do follow ; but, alas ! we did not follow the right Master. Now the right Master has found us ; and instead of following our own foolish lead, we want to follow His wise lead. And it is most restful to realize that we are not left to live a life at the mercy of circumstances, or to walk in our own wisdom. We can never foresee the future ; we never fully understand the present. How danger- ous would be our position were we left alone ! But as believers we have been brought back ; we " are now returned Under the Shepherd's Care, loi unto the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls." III. How blessed it is to have such a Shepherd, Bishop, Overseer, One who is continually watching over us in order to provide and lead, to sustain anH deliver, to meet and supply our cv^ery need ! All is found in Christ Jesus ; in His presence, in His power, in His love may we more and more rest ! I have frequently thought of words I had the privilege of hearing some years ago from Professor Charteris at a united Communion service for students in Edinburgh. He said that there had been one life on earth of steady, uninterrupted development from the cradle to the Cross; but that there had only been one such life, for true Christian life always began where the life of Christ ended, at the f 102 Under the Shepherd's Care. Cross ; and that its true development is towards the cradle, until the child of God in the child-like simplicity of faith can rest in the omnipotent arms of infinite Wisdom and Love. Is not this the growth and development we long for, in order that we may be among those to whom God will reveal the things which are hidden from the wise and prudent ? The more we rest on this fact,— that we do not know the way we are going, but that we have a Guide who does know; that we do not know how to accomplish our ser- vice, but that He never leaves us to devise our own service;— the more restful does our life become. Then we find we have just to do this— to look to our Saviour, to be filled with His perfections; not to be fretting and fuming as to how the divine IiTa choii manifest itself, tat to leave the life to Under the Shepherd's Care. 103 work spontaneously through us. A heavy bunch of grapes on a tender shoot would break it; but let the shoot abide in the vine it will grow stronger, and as the fruit develops, the strength of the branch will increase also, and the life left to its own natural and healthy development will in due time be brought to perfection. As we look forward to the months of this year, we know not where the close will find us ; whether here or in the eternal Home. We know not what burdens, perplexities, or difficul- ties it may bring ; but we know Him, whose we are, and whom we serve. HE knows all ; this suffices for us. I have been looking at a few passages which bring out the care of our Lord for His people : — LI £, X iilx* ii» ■»• y ) Jt /ts/ ft'tzrtuittivrv of God standeth sure^ having this seal^ 104 Under the Shepherd's Care, The Lord knoweth them that are His:' —The Lord knows every one of His own. We may not know them. We may make mistakes if we judge of others. Some may be His, and we may be unaware of it. The Lord know^ them that are His. This is a safe foundation. We, too, know in our own souls whether the Lord is in- dwelling us, whether His peace fills us sustains and blesses us. ' (2) Nahum i. 7, « The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble ; and He knoweth them that trust in Him:' —He has a special knowledge of those who put their trust in Him. Though our trust at times is very poor, yet, if there be any trust at all in Him, we can say, "Help thou mine unbelief." He knows we want to trust Him better. (3) Ps. ciii. 14, ^^He knoweth our Under the Shepherd's Care, 105 frame ; He remembereth that we are dustJ^ — Our Shepherd knows our weakness. He never lays more upon us than we are able to bear. (4) Ps. i. 6, ''The Lord knoiveth the way of the righteous ^ — There may be difficulties in our path ; we do not foresee them, but He knows them ; and when He puts forth His sheep He does not leave them to meet difficul- ties as best they can, but He goes before them. (5) Job said (xxiii. 10) ''He knoweth ihe way that I take." — Job did not understand the way the Lord was leading him. He was bewildered by the Lord's dealings with him. But he had this comfort, " He knoweth the way that I take." So when we can- not understand God's dealings with (6) Ps. xliv. 21, "He knoweth the io6 Under the Shepherd's Care, secrets of the heart."— Wq are often brought into circumstances of trial and misunderstanding. People imagine that this or that discipline is the fruit of this or that sin. The Lord knoweth the secrets of the heart. If we ane unjustly accused or suspected, if it is asserted that we have forgotten the Name of our God, God knows the secret of our hearts. Sometimes we have trials which we cannot put into prayer ; the Lord knows the secrets of our heart. There are things that affect us, and yet we cannot understand how it is that we are so affected by them. "He knoweth the secrets of the heart." (7) 2 Peter ii. 9, " The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of tempta- tions, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:'— Sometimes we are involved in trial Under the Shepherd's Care. 107 because of our connection with others. God knew how to punish the old world and save Noah — how to punish Sodom and save Lot. (8) Then we have many needs. We are like children, we need to be helped continually, and our Saviour reminds us (Matt. vi. 8, 32) that our " heavenly Father knoweth what things" we "have need of"; and that if we are only concerned to seek "first the Kingdom of God, and His righteous- ness," "all these things shall be added unto " us. So that we have no need to be anxious about t:o-morrow. It is quite sufficient that we have a Shepherd, Overseer, Friend who undertakes to provide for it all. Nay, as He told us in Ps. Ixxxiv. 11, He Himself is a " sun " to give us light ail iiiiico \Ji. uain-liwoo, a,iiu o, oiU\>iu to protect us in danger. The " grace " io8 Under the Shepherd's Care, that we need for His service now, and the " glory " that shall soon crown it are all in Him, and all for us ; iox "No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." Not, from them that walk perfectly, or sin' lessly-h-no one does that ; not, from them that are blameless— though we all should be that; but if we are honestly and uprightly seeking to serve Him, no good thing will He withhold. What a rich promise this is ! IV. In conclusion : Are we all enjoy- ing this precious truth? Are we all able to take this passage to ourselves and say, " I was a sheep going astray, but I am returned"? Can we all feel it is true for ourselves ? If there be one who cannot do so, the Shepherd, the Bishop, is really present, though un- seen ; He is ready to receive those who will return now. " Come unto Me," is Under the Shepherd's Care. 109 His word. If there is one burdened with sin, He is ready to pardon. If there is one burdened with care, He is present to receive your care. The Lord Jesus is waiting : waiting to take every burden away, to accept every deposit, to fulfil every trust we may confide to Him. He will be faithful to keep that which we commit to Him. We can entrust to Him the keeping of our hearts, the ordering of our lives, the care of our children, the converts whom God has given us, the work to which He has called us. We may trust Him to keep us, in employ- ments in which we are brought into contact with the ungodly ; yes, what- ever we commit to Him, He is both able and willing to keep. If we have come to Him, with what blessedness may we go forward into this year. We have not passed this I lO Under the Shepherd's Care. way heretofore. We know not what burdens the Lord has for us to bear, or what blessings in store. We need not be afraid if He gives great bless- ing that He will let us become puffed up ; or that great difficulties will be too puch while trusting in Him. That which was never meant for our strength will be met by His strength. May we be a docile flock, willing to be cared for by Him, and every blessing will then be ours ! Ill ** // any man will come after Me, let him deny himself attd take up his cross daily, atid follow Me.^' — Luke ix. 23. 'V\^^ might naturally have thought that if there was one thing in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ which belonged to Him alone, it was His cross- bearing. To guard against so natural a mistake, the Holy Ghost has taken care in gospel and in epistle to draw our special attention to the oneness of the believer with Christ in cross-bearing ; and also to prevent misunderstanding as to the character of Christian cross-bearing, and the constancy of its obligation. The Lord 112 ^ elf' Denial versus Jesus, in the words we are considering, teaches us that if any man, no matter who he may be, will be His disciple, he must — not he y/zoy— deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow his Lord. Is^ there not a needs-be for this exhortation? Are not self-indulgence and self-assertion temptations to which we are ever exposed, and to which we constantly give way, without even a thought of the un-Christliness of such conduct ? That we owe something to God all Christians admit ; and it may be hoped that the number of those is increasing who recognise His claim to some proportionate J>art of their income. But our Ma?tat> claims much more than a pari oi our pro- perty, of our time, of our affections. If we are saved at all, we are not our own in any sense, we are bought with Self- Assertion. 113 a price : our bodies we must present to Him ; our whole life must be for God. Self-denial surely means something far greater than some slight and in igni- ficant lessening of our self-indulger'ces ! When Peter denied Christ, he utt rly disowned Him and disallowed ilis claims. In this way we are called to deny self, and to do it daily, if we would be Christ's disciples in- deed. "I don't like this," or, " I do like that," must not be allowed ; the only question must daily be. What would Jesus like? And His mmd and will, once ascertained, must unhesitatingly be carried out. As believers, we claim to have been crucified together with Christ; and Paul understood this, not merely imputatively but practical!". That cross put the world to death as regards I 114 Self- Denial versus Paul, and put Paul to death as regards the world. To the Apostle nothing could have been more practical. He does not say, "I take up my cross daily," in the light, modern sense of the expression ; he puts it rather as dying daily ; and therefore, as one "in deaths oft," he was never surprised, or stum- bled by any hardship or danger in- volved in his work. We wish, however, to draw attention to another aspect of self-denial which is often overlooked, and perhaps we shall do this most intelligibly by use of the antithetical expression, self-asser- tion. What does the Word of God teach us about our rights, our claims, our dues ? Does it not teach us that condemnation, banishment, eternal misery, are our own deserts? As unbelievers, we were condemned criminals; as believers, we are pardoned Self-Assertion, 115 criminals; and whatever of good is found in us is but imparted, and to God alone is due the praise. Can we, then, consistently with such a position, be self-asserting and self-claimant ? It is clear that if we choose to remit a claim due to us by one who is free and our equal, that may not invalidate or affect his claim on his neighbour— no matter whether that claim be larger or smaller than the one we remitted. But what did our Saviour intend to teach us by the parable of Matthew xviii. 23-35? There the King and Master and Owner of a slave remits His claim in clemency and pity (and does so, as our Lord elsewhere clearly shows, on the express condition of His servant's forgiving as he is forgiven —Matt. vi. 14, 15); can that slave, under thesp rimimcfor»o^« ^„^ — 4. 1 claim his rights over his fellow ? I 2 1 1 6 Self- Denial versus And is not this principle of non- assertion, this aspect of self-denial, a far-reaching one ? Did our Lord claim His rights before Pilate's bar, and assert Himself; or did His self- denial and cross-bearing go the length of waiting for His Father's vindica- tion of His character and claims? And shall we^ in the prosecution of our work as ambassadors of Him whose kingdom is not of this world, be jealous of our own honour and rights, as men and as citizens of Western countries, and seek to assert the one and claim the other,— when what our Master wants is witness to, and reflec- tion of. His own character and earthly life, and illustration of the forbearing grace of our God and Father ? May God work in us, and we work out in daily life, not seU-assertion but self-denial —not ease and honour-seek- Self- Assertion, 117 ing and right-maintaining, but right- abandoning and cross-taking— and this for the glory of His own holy Name, and for the better forwarding of His interests, whether among His own people or among the unsaved ! Ii8 " T/ie LORD GOD is a Sun and Shield : \he LORD will give grace and glory : ** No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." — Psalm lxxxiv. ii. Tjr OW pleasant it is to the heart of a true child to hear his father well spoken of, and to rejoice that he is the child of such a father ! We feel that we can never thank God suffi- ciently for our privileged lot, who have been blessed with true and loving Christian parents. But if this be the case with regard to the dim and at best imperfect earthly reflections, what of the glorious Reality — the great Father — the source of all fatherhood, All-sufficiency, 119 of all protection — of all that is blessed here, and true, and noble, and good — and of all the glories to which we look forward in the future? "The Lord God is a Sun and Shield : the Lord will give grace and glory : no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." "The Lord God is a Sun and Shield," and this in the fullest con- ceivable sense. None of His works can fully reveal the great Designer, and Executor, and Upholder ; and the loftiest thoughts and imaginations of the finite mind can never rise up to and comprehend the Infinite. The natural sun is inconceivably great, we cannot grasp its magnitude; it is in- conceivably glorious, we cannot bear to gaze for one moment on its un- tempered light. The source to us of all heat, we have to shield ourselves J I20 All-sufficiency, from its tropical power, though millions of miles from its surface : the sustainer of the essential conditions of physical life, and the great ruler and centre of the solar system—how great and glori- ous is the natural sun ! And yet it may, be the very smallest of all the countless suns that Gop has made ! What of the glorious Maker of them all! "The Lord God is a Sun." Ah ! He deserves the name. He is the Reality of all that sun or suns exhibit or suggest. My reader, is He the Sun Xoyou ? Do you count all that to be darkness which does not come from and accord with His light : all that to be disorder which does not implicitly accept and delight in His rule ? " O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee ! " Self-will is un- IXXIIi 5icu iKfiiyj is.ti unu IS injury and loss. All-sufficiency. 121 And the Lord God is a Shield. Dangers encompass us, unseen, at every moment. Within us, in the wonderful and delicate organisation of our bodies —around us, when in circumstances of the greatest comfort and apparent safety — are dangers unseen, which at any moment might terminate our earthly career. Dangers seen some- times appal us, or appal those who love us : but they are not more real than many we never dream of. Why do we live so safely, then ? Because the Lord God is a Shield. Foes, too, are never far from us. The world, the flesh, and the devil are very real \ and unaided we have no power to keep or deliver ourselves from them. But the Lord God is a Shield. It is a small matter then to go to China, a very small additional risk to run ; for there, as here, the Lord God 122 A ll-sufficiency. is a Shield. Should war break out, in this we may be confident ; for He has said He will never fail nor x'brsake His own. Only when our work is done will He take us home; and this He will do whether we serve Him here or there., To know and to do His will— this is our safety ; this is our rest. Sweet are His promises — grace will He give, and glory. Grace all un- merited and free— that which is really for our good, for Christ's deservings, not for ours. And glory too — glory NOW, the glory of being His, of serving Him in each least duty of life, and glory in the soul. Glory apparent, too, as with unveiled faces we behold and rejoice in His glory, and reflect it ever more and more. And glory to come, when we have done and suffered His will here, and are " for ever with the Lord ! " All-sufficiency, 123 "No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." Ah ! how often, when we have been dis- satisfied with the ways of God, we ought to have been dissatisfied with our own ways ! We did not think, perhaps, that in some matter or other we were not walking uprightly. If not so, however, then the thing we desired was not for our good, and therefore was not given ; or the thing we feared was essential to our good, and hence was not withheld. We are often mistaken: God, never. "No good thing will He withhold " : shall we be so foolish, so wayward, as after this to desire that which our Father in heaven withholds ? But sweet as are God's promises, the Promiser is greater and better. Finite human words fetter the expres- sion of the heart of the Infinite Giver. 124 A ll-sufficiency. Hence if we had claimed all the pro- mises, had opened our mouths most wide, and had asked with all the blessed presumption of loved 5.nd favoured children— yet, above and beyond the promises. He would still be ab^e to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. He delights to do so ! Let not low thoughts, God- dishonouring thoughts, unbelieving, distrustful thoughts, limit His bless- ings; for ''No good thing will He withhold from them that walk up- rightly." \ rx\r\jur n.ui^ A* PRINTED BY kindbk, long ACRB, LONOON CHINA INLAND MISSION. Offices and Home : 632 d 634, CHURCH ST., TORONTO, CANADA. Opfgin.— The Mission was formed by Rev. J. Hudson Taylor, M.R.C.S., in 1865, with the object of carrying the Gospel to the millions of souls in the Inland Provinces of China. Methods.— (i) Candidates, if duly qualified, are accepted, of all Evangelical bodies and of different nationalities. (2) The Mission will not go into debt ; it guarantees no income to the Missionaries, but minis- ters to each as the funds sent in will allow. Thus all the workers are expected to depend upon God alone for temporal supplies. (3) Neither collections nor personal solicitation of money is authorised. Sapport.— Prayer is made to GoD that He will supply every need of all work which He approves, and this He does by moving the hearts of His people to send voluntary offerings to the offices of the Mis- sion, in London, Glasgow, Kiel, Toronto, Melbourne, Dunedin, and in China itself. The income for 1897 was about ;^45,ooo from all sources. Some of the missionaries, having private means, support themselves. Agency.— The staff of the Mission in May, 1898, consisted of 776 missionaries (including wives and Associates^- Thpr*» arf» alcr^ rwjar i-nn -,««.; l._1 - . ,. .-!.... ._.T-ui ^\j\j iittiivc liciucrs, some supported from Mission funds, and others either provided for by themselves or by native contributions. OhIllA*! Need.— At the end of the nineteenth cen- tury China still contains hundreds of counties without a Missionary or Native Evangelist, whilst nearly or quite "a million a month in China are dying without The Ilome Director will gladly supply any further information on application. Donations, Offers of Bervioe, Enqalriei, Ac., should be addressed to Mr. H. W. Frost, 632, Church Street, Toronto, to whom all drafts, cheques and post-office drders should be made payable. U.S. or Canadian postage stamps for ic, 2c. and 3c. may be used when most convenient. PUBLICATIONS or THB CHINA INLAND MISSION. THB STORT OF THE CHINA INLAND MISSION. By GERALDINEGUINNESS(Mrs. HOWARD TAYLOR). In Two Volumes, Cloth Extra, 91.25 per Vol., post free. With Coloured Maps, Portraits, and Illustrations. "This story is a book of marvels. No one can read it and tail to have his heart wonderfully mov^^."— Methodist Times. A RETROSPECT. By J. HUDSON TAYLOR. With Map of China, Paper Boards, 880. post free. 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(Morgan & Scott.) fiGNEBAL MISSIONARY BOOKS ON CHINA. IH THE FJLR EAST. Letters of M. Gbraldinb Guinness (Mrs. Howard Taylor). Edited by her Sister. Well Illus- trated. Paper boards, 75c. (Morgan & Scott.) TWERTT-SIX TEARS OF HISSIONART WORK IH CHIHJI. By Mrs. Stott, of the China Inland Mbsion. Price $1.80. (Hoddbr & Stoughton.) ETE-QATE : OR THE VALUE OF NATIVE ART IN THE MIB8I0H FIELD. By Wm. Wilson, M.B., CM., with colouredjillustrations. Price 60o. (S. W. Partridge & Co.) NEW MAPS OF CHINA. Folded in Book Form. Mounted on Linen, 60o.; paper, 88e. Wall Haps. 32 + 34: cloth, coloured, $1.80; cloth, plain, 78c.; paper, SOc. C.I.M. BOOKLETS. WAHO, A CHINESE CHRISTIAN. 2o.each. 20o.p«rdoz. A WATSIDE TESTIMONY. 20. each. BOcperdoz. WHAT HAS TO BE FACED IN CHINA, le. each. 10c. per doz. CHU-PINO-LAN AND MR. LIANG. 2o.each. 20o.perdoz. C. I. M.-ORIOIN AND DEVELOPMENT. 80. each. 28c. per dozen. C. I. M. PRATER UN10N.-0RI0IN AND PURPOSE. 8c. each. 28c. perdoz. SAVED AT EIGHTT-SIX. 8c. each. 2B0. per dozen. TANG TS'UEN-LING; CapiiYe, Soldier, and RTangaliit. By George T. Howell. 8c. each. BOc. per doz. CAN*TTOU? ByDr.J. A. Anderson. 8c.each. 80o,perdoz. Tiie above may be ordered from the office of the Mi83ion, 632, Church Street, Toronto, Canada. All prices quoted include postage.