1^ ,. '■• '4. '> I *,>» y * ."• • %• eiHM, 'I. Micronchcf . V; Series , • - / (MbnograpHs) '■•■• ''I ■.' s~ *. ' ! ■ V . ICMH CollMionde micrpfiches Imonographies) •■.-■ ■ ■' ? Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical IMicroraproductiona /Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaf ..*• ./ i J. ■ > 1 toriqu«s TMMca) and BibUofrspliic Nmm. / NoIm MchnisuM t bfMiofrapHiquM TiM ImtitMt* hM attamptad to obtain tha bpst erifinal copy availaMa for f ikninfl. I^aattirat of this aopy artiich may ba MMioftaphiaallv uiiiqya. wMdt iMy altar any of tha imaiat in tha raproduction. or whkh may significantly chahfa tha inual madiod pf filmint, art diackad oalow. □ Colourad eovar*/ Cpuvartura da coulau.r ;^^ □ Cowrt d an i a pd/ Cpuvartura andommafte □ Covar* laitorad andifor laihlnatad/ Couwartura rattaurte at/ou palliculte d CoMT titia minint/ U titra da (BO«i«artura manoiM \ CokMirad mapi/ . . Cartas gtographkpuas an eoulaiir . CokNirad ink (i:a. othar than MHa or Mack)/ Encra da eoulaur (i.*. autra qua Maua ou noira) CbkMrad platM and/or iliustrationi/ Planchas at/ouillustratiom an eoulaur Bound with othar matarial/ Raliiavac d'aiitrat ffocumanti Tijlht bimNng niay causa shadows or distortion along intarior margin/ ., y La raliura sartia paut ^usar da rombira«u da la distorsion la long da la marga intiriaiifa □ Blank laavasaddad during rastoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poniMa. thasa hava baan omittad from filming/ . II sa paut iua cartainas pagM blanchas ajouttes tors d'una rastauration apparaissant dans la taxta, mais) lorsqua cala Mait possiMa. cas pagas n'ont pasMfilibias. y / Additional commants: / / Commantairas suppliiniantairas; / This itam is f ilmad at tlia raduction ratio chackad balow/ Ca documant ast f ilm< au taux da reduction indiquA cNlassous, L'Inttitut a microfilm^ la maillaur axamplaira qu'il lui a MA ppssiMa da sa procurer. Las dAuils da cat . axamplaira qui sont paut4tra uniquas du point lia ^ MbUographiqua, qui pauvant modif iar una iniaga raproduita. ou qui pau«ant axigar una modif icatidn dans la milthoda ncwm^a da fibnaga sont indiqufe d-^astous, QColourad pagas/ Pagas da eoulaur D Pagas damagad/ Pagas andommagaas □ H§M rastorad and/or lamkiatad/ Pagas rastaurias at/ou paNieultes ■ *,■■. ■ ^ 0PagM discobMirad. stainad or foxad/ ^sgas dicolorias, tachatias ou piquto □ PigiS datachad/ Pagisditach4ws □ Showthrough/ Transparanca Quality of print varias/ Quiliti inAgala da I'imprassion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continua □ Ihdudas indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax TitIa on haadar takan from:/ Lie titi'a da i'an-ttta proviant: Title paga of issua/ . Page da titra da la livraison n j I Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison L-JGa Masthead/ Generique (piriodiquas) da la livraison iv. i n. m 26X 30X 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32X I V.' Th«co|iy teth* hmf hM bMn rtf»roduo«d thanks 9tl Mtttropol I tan Toronto Rafarence Library . BaldMrh'ROom ■■'■;■;.■«,;- Tha imagaa appaaring hafia ara tha bast quality poaalbia oonaMarln^ tha oondltlon and lajiiblllty of tha orlflfnal 90py and In kaaplng with tho filming oonfifidttpaolflQatlona.: if Original aoplaa In printad papar eovara ara fllmad bagllnnnlng with ttw front oovar and anding on tha la*t paga witli a pi^iitad or lllustratad Impras- 8k>n, or tha back oovair wrhan ipproprlata. All othar orlglrial eoplaa ara fllmad baglnning on tha first paga with a printad or Ulustratad Impras- slon. and andbig on tha la^t paga with a printad or lllustratad Imprasslon. x Tha last racordad frama on aaeh mICroficha shall contain tha symbol^— •i' (maaning "CON* TINUED"). or tha symbq^ T (maaning "END"), ^chavar appllas. ■ ■ ■- - ■ '■. ■. -■■■■■ ■ -^ - "i. '■■'■'.''-. •■ -y .. \- '.' -■ Maps, plataa. tharts, ate., may ba fllmad at difffrant raduetlon rattos. Thoso too larga to ba antlraly Ineludad In ona aiipotura ara fllmad baglnhing In.tha uppa^ laft hand cornar, laft to right And top to bottoAi, as mariy^framas as raqulrad. Tha foifowlng diagramMllustrata tha mathojb . ■ .vr X .V 1 2 3 -/ ' J L'axamplaira fllnt«'fiit raproduK griof 4 la g«n4rosltA da: ^ Hatropolitan Toronto Raf a ranca Library '.;.,vBoldw1n Room "■'■■•■;;; ■•;■. .h; ;;':.., v-..-^'- • , . . ■ * ' ^ ■"■' ■ Ua Imagas suh^antas ont 4t4 raprodultaa avao la pivs grand soin. compta tanu da la oondKlon at da la nattat* da I'aNampiaira fllm«. at ah oonformM avae las conditions du contrat da 'fHmaga. '..^.. :■ y.- ' .'■ ' ■ - ■ ip* ■ Las skamplairas orlginaux dont la couvartura an papiar ast ImprimAa sont fllmMTan commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant salt par la darnlira paga qui comporta una amprainta * d'Imprassion ou d'lllustratlon, solt par la saoond plat, saloh la cas. Tous Iss abtras axamplalras orlginaux sOnt f llmAs an oommantpant par la ^ pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprslnta d'Imprassion ou dllluttration at an'tarmlnant pdr ^ la dtfrnlAra paga qui comport* una talla amprainta. Un das symbolas sulvan|l apparattra sur la y darniira/lmaga da chaqua microfiche, salon Ir cas: lis symbols -p^ signlfia "A SUIVRE". Ja v symbola t^ signiflii "FIN". ■ ■■ J <■' . . .^ LOS cartas, planchas. tiblaaux. ate., pauvant *tre filmis A das taux da reduction diffArants. LOrsqua le document est trop grand pour Atre - reproduit en un soul clichA. II est fllmA i,pertlr .de i'angia svpArieur gauche, do gauche A droKe. et de haut q.n bas, en prenant la nombra d'imagas nAcessalra. Lea diagrammes suivants lilustrant la mAthode* V. # .!> 1 .' 2 ^3 11 .■•*••■■ ■■ ^ ■ :■ S . ■ . i. . . _. > *• Jk 4 •0 5 6 • Vf-', onc w corr moumoN nsr chart {Mist and BO TEST CHAflT N«. 3) «*• 1.0 ^>^ l£ 12.2 2.0 1^ 1.25 11.4 1^1 1.6 jm /APPLIED IN/HGE Inc 5 1653 Cost Main Straat ' RoehMlar, N«w Yortt t4A09 USA (7ie) 4a2-(U<)0-PhoM (716) 2ai - 5sas - fox %' /- J-. / 1 ■/ * » * / ^•'-, I \. >■ ; / ■/ i«k> ,!■ 1 p 6 UPPER CAISfAD A. :*. , #/ i ■■ :" . IN TH £ / COURT m iMOR AN D A Pl'KAI.: BKTWKKN THE HONORABLE WILLIAM BUE I. L ftlOHARDS, AtTOHXkv (IKSKHAI. »>' riM-Ell «'.\NAI'\. ON HKHALF OF- H B ft MA.IKSTV. Appellant ; '^' .1 .''4 .■'I THK RKVERKND HENRY JAMES «R ASBTT. THE HONolt MILE AND RIGHT : RE\TiRENI) .rOHN STRACHAN. LORD BISHOP OK TuUONTO, AND TUB ('HVH4'H SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORO.NTo . ' HiitpondenU. ■I: ■^- , ■■ ■ AN APPEAL FROM THE COURT 01' CHANCERY. JOINT CASE. * The information of tlie Attorney (areneral ; on beh-ilf ^uf Her Majesty, now the Appellant,' as» follows : 'ilk'' * "♦ ■- . ;•/' * j%OCjd^ 4 \ tiK- \ t : \ ■ /: S- ' ~-S* V'!;:^-^ ;^,? .' ■.'. » ■ ■ • ■' .. , ■•.■ - <» ■"" '. > . ■ ■ ■-.;■ •»•' '■ '■; ; ■ , J :■:*: , \ ■ . ^ ■ ■-, ■ "" •''■;• ■ • .V. ■ ,- . "t k . ■■ • ♦ • ■ . .-\: . ■ ■^' . ■». *. ^ v.'- ( '■,' t " 1 ,. ■ 1 ■; / '*'.. ^ /. , 7^ * ., • ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ \ ■ ■ s V •V ,f .Hli Au> I^Mb Buoll Richurdiv Attomoy (IcncnU of Upixjr CanArIn, on ttcluilf of Her Ifajcaty. ' * . ' Tliat ftflortlmtMVwinj* of tlio Act, pasfMvl l»y tlio Pnrliainont of flront Britain, in tho tlurty-first your of tho ri'ifjn of Win lato Majesty, Kinjj Ooorgo TIF, cntitulixl "An Act to n'jx'al ivrtain jiuHh of an Act i>HMw«d ' ' ; "in Uio fourtochll^ y^mr of IIi« Majwty'n n'ijjfii, ontituU"*! an Act for" . •* Dinking nrioro ofllslual provi«ion firr tho Govornmpnt of tho Province "of Qnel)cc, in North Aincrion, nnwn within tho told Prm-inoo of Uppi'r Canada, wor0, fri»m timo to timo, in accordance with tho jwovisitMW of tho toid Statute, allotted and appro- ' pqatod for tho Huppoft and nin(int«^'nanco of a ProteHtant Clergy, within tho toid Province of Upper Canada. Tljat on tho 16tU day of January, \. 1836, Lottcn Patent, in respect I ; ....^ ;■ of divon of such Land»u|ikg''t1to lands doflcril>od in, ituoh Ijottera patent, js'ojro ifwucil by lUp^lin Colborne, then Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, which LetteilR Patent Ivoro and aro in tho worilt* and figures following, namely^ :■ " Colbomo, Province of UpiKT Canada ; J^,",7^5l,f j^,||]'"' " WiUiam tho IV, l»y the grace of Goil, of tho United Kingiloin of Great voJS," n|/i„"yi,, " Britain and Ireland, King Defender of tho Faith, wheroaH his lato "*=»• "Majesty, King George tho III, by Letters Patent, under tho Great Scad "of tho Kingdom of Great Britjiin, Waring t][nte tho tweiity-olghth day " of Juno, in the thirty-third yoitr of his said late MfljestyV reign, did erect, " form, ordain, inako and constitute tho Provinces of Lower Canada and '^ Upper Canada, nud their dependencies to bo a Bishop's Soe,acconling " to tho Establishment of tho Church of England, to bo called from " thenceforth tho Bishopric trf.Q^ebec." "And whereis by a certain Act or Stntiito of tho> Parliament of Rrmrrii>f his • sirid '""'^'^* "late Majesty, cntituled 'An^Act to rojx'al certain parts of an Act "passctl in tho fourteenth year.of llis Majesty's reign cntituled, an Act "formaking more effectual provision for tho Government of tho Pro^ " vinco of Quebec, in North Americji, and to make further provision for " tho Government of tho Said Province;' sundry provisions wero mside , ; "respecting tho allotment and appropriation of Land for the 6upi>ort Rokn a. Jmn :- ' il o T ■ ' ^ \- > V r A >■■ P t •K. w %* 4 ^ \ I ■■^^ It'Jt •>x %* .J' 4^ ■"■^jw^" - tn.l m«Inl«umc* of « ProU^Unt Ct<«rjry witliln rti« wia Pr..vlm-«i - rwpcdivoly ; Aiul it mw ntnoiiK oilior tliiiiffi cf.iH>«i^lly oiiw t.«»l tlint ''it iiiiKlit f»t«l "hcmlil Iw lAwfuI for Mm M.y«*ty, lim hoirn nn.l Mim^ *iOf%to auth.»riM> tho (Jov«nior, LkuiU-imnt (»ovcnM.r, or iMw.n w)- ••minwt«rinK tlio (lov.'mmonl of twh of tlio wii.i Proviiww r.*|H-.tivi- "ly, with tli« iwlvico ftiul conm-iit «.f IUm Majw'ty'H Kxcruli^e ('uiiiM-il, "within tlio minus from tiino to tim«\ Ui toiutlitiiUi nii«l« fornicJ, .-'"coiwtitntwl or cnH-twl, within buiIi Pnninws on«^ or m^m^ Vnmmnfto «» or Ilc'ct4)ry or Puriiona«iii or R#«!U»rinnnn«nt proviMion for th«ir inntniction n.«or.liii}» to tlio •' iXodaitifi nn.l «li«iM|>Iini« of tlio Chunh c»f Kn|((l«n ortil "andwDRtitutcftnd hy thono prc»ont^ and by and i^jth tho advico « and coiuwnt nfonwiid, do •'rwt and couHtituto a PumoniiKo or U«itory " at tho City of Tonjuto, within tUo raid Townnhiis ncoonlinj; to th0 " EstaWiHhnicnt of tho Church of England, to bo lieri'aftur known, "•tylwl and dcBignatoil on tho firnt Pumonngo or Koctory, within the "(wid Town«hip of York, otlior^vino known m tho Parsonngo or Rootnry "of St Jnmo(«,and by virtue of tho Ranio authority umfby and wilU "tho advico and con« third con- " cession, from tho Bay in tho said township of York, containing b]^ " admeasuronient eight hundred acres, as a Olebo and Endowment, to "bo held appurtenant with the said Parsonage or Rt. "of our Province of Upi>er Canada. Wifness our trusty and well-lie- comtron. ti««re. "loved Sir John Colbonie, K. C. Bi, Lieutenant Governor of our said '"'- "Province and Major General Commnniling our f»)rc<« therein, this 10th o. g, utMnn'y <^dav of January, mtho year of our Lord 1830, in tlio sixth year of our tmtioDriftMrJiio. / _ _. J* : ' li I'olliorii \t9iga. J. C . " tlutt I'ullKiriir.K «'.H. Li iiiii. i iu vwi iu f . ■X. . *'. •/■ \ -1' :! ,,^.;- That forty-thwo similar Letters Patent wcfttj at the namo timo issuctl purporting or BuppoBctl in like manner to cnnKtitut« forty-tliroo other Itoctorioe, and to entlow the Barao, with other of the kuds 8n to tho Mud Sir John Collfomc, from his then MajcHty, Kin}? William IV, -under his signet and sign mamuil, or by order in Privy CVnimul, «.r through any of the Principid St-crotaries of State or otherwise how- soever, to constitute, erect or endow^ett^irics, or the said sUpiKwed Rectory of Saint James, or any of^sjiid other suppoeeil Itectories; nor was there any sufficient authority, in any- manner derived or com- municated for the said Sir John Cglbomq to constitute, eroct and endow such or any Rectories or Rectory. ^at the power of the Crown to constitutOj erect or endow Parson- ages and Rectories in Upper Canada aforesaid, had never, before tho said fifteenth da>^f January 1830, lieen exercised, and never has Ixsen exercised since, and was not exercised oici the said 15th day of January, 1836, save and unless by the Letters Patent ^forc^aid. That tho it«uing\^of tho said Letters Patent and the erection and - endowment of the said supposetl Rectories at tho timo aforesaid, were all i^ainst tho mind and intentioii m that behalf of his said Majesty, and of his Government, and that tlio intention of the said Sir John Colbomo or of tho Executive Council of Upper Canada aforesaid, to ePBCt or endow the said supposed Itoctory of Saint James, or any other •Rectories or Rectory was not known to or suspected by his Majesty or His Government, until after the issuing of the said Letters Patent respectively, and no communication of such intention of His Excellency was previously made to His Majesty or His Government, though His ■ Excellency in Council; had the matter in contemplation for several months previously. ^' ■ V ;. ° That the authority of each and every Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person admm^ering the Government of Upper Canada from time to time,, was always conferred by Royal Commission addressed to each at the time ofhis appointment which Commission always hjul been, and was in thfe same form to every Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Administrator of the said Government of Upper Canada; and, amon^ other things, purported to authorise His Excellency, with the advice of the Exeoutive Council in the said Province, to erect Parsonages or Bectorieft in terms of the 38th section of the said Imperial Statute; and tlw Commission to the said Sir John Colbomo, which was from His hrto Majesty King William the IV^ dedared such auUiority to be subjectnevertheless to such instructions touching the premises as should or mitfht be given him by His Majesty under his signet or sigTti manuals ::/^: or ^ i ^w,^* . fi ■\^-4^Vi&\J.f*'-^^ ^f- 'J-' 9 > i>- :i:t 'W I of Hit Of by His Mftjoftty's onlcr in Pri\7 Council, or thwMigli ono Majesty'H principal SecTCtaricB of State. . Tliat the inlial)itanta oftlio BaiJ i»rovinco liavo always been much divided in religious faitli, and that wliila many of them have alwayt been members or adherontn of the Chtmh of England in the Raid Province, yet that that portion of the inhabitants not conipoflod of such . mombere or adherents or of persons otherwise connected tvith the said Church, but distributee! amongst and connected with other Chrifitian, denominations, have always forme«l a large majority of the inhabitants of the said Province, and of every Township and other loadity of or in :. the same. ' ■ • . ■■ ■ That for this reason, and other reasons, a strong feeling lias always existed in the said Province against the establishment or endowment therein of Rectories, and against any exclusive privileges being given to tho Church of England in the said Province, and generally against the operations and provisions of the Statute hereinbefore mentioned in regard to the lamls thereby diiftcted to be appropriated as aforesaid That the feeling aforesaid was frequently and particularly in and after the year 1 825, and up to the time of the issuing of the said patents, as well as ever since manifested and expressed by the said inhabitant**, and by their Representatives in tlie House of Assembly. That in consequence of this state of things. Lord Ripon being one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, on the 2 Ist November 1831, addressed to Uie Lieutenant Gover9or above named, by His Majesty's command and authority, two DcspatchcH which referred to And accompanied two other documents, by which despatches and ac- companying papers, it was doclaretl in 6ftect to be His Majesty's desire that an end should "be put tot Any'further appropriation of lands under the said Statute; that the Lands already appropriatotl and reser^etl should be abandoned, as a provision- for the purpose in the said Statute mentioned, and should be re-vested in the Crown free from any trust therefor; and it was further thereby intimated, that no intention then existed to erect or endow Parsonages, and His Majesty invited the L^lature of the said Province to consider how the powers given J> such Legishiture by the said Statute to vary or repeal that part of il^. . provisions which relates to the subject of the said Land, could be callcjl into existence most advantageously for the spiritual and temporal ii-^ teiestB of His Majesty's feithfiil subjects in the said Province. r That agreeably to this invitation, which waa duly communicated to the said Legislature by His Excellency, the Legislature took infc con- sideration the natters to which their attention was so invited, and the game was \h& subject of much consideration and discu^ion thereupon until after the said patents wei» issued, but that (until after sucli period no measure waa a^wd tq» chiefly in consequence of a difference of ' opinion V r. y r r. ■w'"' . ?! :^ ■ipp^ippif^ opinion on tho subject lotwoon tho IIoupc of AtiMinMy nnit the JU'gis* lativo Council of tho Kiitl Province. . . ■' . TM mcanwhilo lliH MnjoHty^s intentions and wiHhcfi, as ctpresuod'or intended in tho said papra as afomwiid, rcniaincapplymg"'a" «♦ portion at least of the f^inds under the controul of the Executive Gov- •♦ emmont in Uie building of Rectories and Churches, and I would juld « iiV preparing, as far as niay bo for profitable occupation, that inoilo- *♦ rate portion of hmd which you propose t«^^ign in each Townships « or Parish for increasing the future comfort^ iTnO^ tho complete mAin- ♦•tenmicc, of the Rectories." . That His Lordship' did not intend by these/expreEsions <^ by th^ said Despatch to sanction ot give iustructiotui, for, w fact, he did not the^by sanction or give instnictions for, and/ho was not autliorized by His Majesty or His Majesty's Government /to sanction or give instruct . tions for the erection or endowment pf Rectories, but the Executive Council aforesud, mistaking the meaning of the said expressions in tho (udd Despatch^ made an Order in Council on the same day as tho said Patents were issued in the terms following, that is tto say: — ^" May it pleasd^your Excellency, pursuant to jthe views of Lord Godericli,shewu - by hffl Desp^h of the 6th April, 1832, in which he concurs with ' your 'Excellency, and expresses his desire that a moderate portion- of Land should be aS8ig589d in eA;h Township or Parish for ensiiring tho future comfort, jf not the complete maintenance, of the Rectors, the Council caused the necessary steps to be taken for the purpose oif set- tinrmcr Governor General to erect, and Hib Majesty King George the Fourth had aihorized another predeccBSor of tho «iid Sir John Coll^me to erect h endow RectoricB ift every township of the aaid Provmco,)>ut your formantcluirges tliat Buch authority independently of tho circum- .omccB hereinbefore BCt forth would not and did not extend to tho said /Sir John Colbome, who received his Commission from King WiUrnm tho I Fourth, and that tho ciixjumstancea hereinbefore set forth amounted to and were a revocation of any such authority. That the Patent hereinbefore set forth is also void on tho face of it and does not con- tain suffieient or proper words to conBtitute or erect PU«ctorio8 or a Rec- tory, or to fix tho Umits of such supposed Rectories as therein mention- ed, or to vest tho hindri in the said Patent mentioned in any Rector or other Person lOr Corporation.. ; That tho Rev. H. J* Grasett, a defendant hereto, was presented by HisExceOency to the 'said supposed Rectory of St James, and is now the Incumbent thewo^ and in possession of tho said lands heio- inbefore described. ^ ^ * That Uie Hon. and Right Rev. Jdbn Strachan, D, D., another ^ defendant hereto, is the Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto m which tho • said supposed Rectory lies. That the Church Society of ^ef Diocese of TorontA, a Corporation, another of tho defendants hereto, has now the right of presentation to the said supposed Rectory, until the vaU- dity of the erection is judicially decided, that the said defendants claim to be so interested in the object of this suit as to be the proper defend- ants to this Bill » 1 ? That this siiit is brought to try the question of the yaliaity of the \-: <» /,■■ /■, - •? &■• ■*■-«.; ,' ^■'. ■•§, v^- . /■ ■7 7 ■/"■ ■ ^^^ mM PiitenUi In irarmMiiM of a Rcnolution of tlio LegWttivo AiMmblj of the Province of CwiaiU directing tho Nun*. To tho onJ thoroforo that on the jjroun tho Church Society of tho Dioceso of Toronto^ ^ calling upon them to appear to tliis Informa- tion, and observo what this Honorable Couii shall direct in that beholt And your Informant shall ever pray, ieo. X* '?^. W # / f^ <^ ' ;.V . \ tIt. '% jf^ ■/ . V.' ■ A ^' 10 t iM oiiamoiiit: j Tlio j«»int wul «»\'«riil niwwon of tlio Filed 27lh Juiiuury, 1853. J lIonorttl.l« uu\ Ui^lit ll«vor.'iif Tor«ml«s nnp • at. A Haw II lh«ll«v. 11. J. ■ml of thoilofuiulniiid to Uw iiir"riiiiitK>ii«r«ir«,»u. tho lIonomMo Win^ R Ui«liarinry, in tho year ©four Lord 1836, Ilia Excellonoy Sir John Colb(»nM',wlio in in tho wiid Information named, by virtue of an Act i»ni'Bod by the Parlinni<«nt of Great Britain, which is in tho Baid Infornmtion nioutiotiwl, and of tho Royal OommiaBion under which at tho time nforcwiid, ho a«lininiHtored the Government of the wii'd Trovinco of Upper Canada, m LiouUnant Oovomor thereof, and by virtue of divcm dwpnUhcn and in»*triiotionfl, theretofore addrcseed to him»/ or to some or ono of his p^cotiiKorH in the Government of tho Raid Province, by one or more «>f the prim ipnl Secretaries of State for Groat Britail^ was legally, ful^', and duly authorised and Empowered to constitute, erect and endow tho said Panonago or Rectory of St. Jamcn, and to isAuo the Lettors Pat<«nt which are in the said Information lict forth, and thofio defomlantH in like manner severally answering to the botit of their respective know- ledge, information and belief, deny that the said Letters Patwit woro issued under mfstake and misapprehension on iho part of His Excel- lency in Council, as in the said Information is in that behalf alleged, and these defendants furtlier severally answering, say, that subecquently to the issuing of the said Letters Patent, tho Right Honourali^le Lord Glenelg, while he was principd Secretary of State for the Colonic^ of Great Britaiti, and having a full knowledge of the fact tliat t^e said Letters Fiitent had issued^ and of the circumstances under whi<4» they had been issued, recognized and avowed on behalf of Her Majesty, and of the Executive Government of Great Britain, the inviolability of tho rights acquired, as well under the said Letters Patent, which we in question, in this cause, as under the sevendj^her Patents which are in tiie said Information mentioned or referred'^, and these defendants sub- mittb^ after such lecognition and avbwal, the validity of tlie said FotentB or tif any of them, cannot now bo impeached or questioned ' by or on bebidf of Her Majesty, and these defendants further sevconlly ^ • r np*-«»i riMjMttMyfy, / .*v :N- m-. m ^:i t*^ I*'" //. »4^ i # Jly BiwworiiiK xny tin*/ nro iiiforiiif.! Art.! U-lkiVft tlyit thh>ii({Hout ^,;jj|;jj^^^,^ iiwiiiy )«•«« prior. li» tli« iwmiim of lli« mUI I'iiIiiiIn ttw u».i»»ii'lt llin«ir«iru TiiKl ii|»|irol.alion of tlm Kxirutivo (Jovt-rtiiiu-iit of (in-nt liri ima. ^lu' |iriii«i|ml HmMjiry of HtatH for tho Cololinm for llHitiiii«t Hi;, liiul fnH|iiciilly ro\litioiw of tlio Miiil Art of tlio I'arliaiiuiil of Onwt Uritnin, liirvhilKfiini nfi-rrt'*! t«s m far m lliu Haiti i>n»viHi<»ni rwlnto to tlio ori'dtioii ami nvlowiiH'iit of I'ariHlim aixl ll«ftori«is ami to tbo HUj>|iort aii|H>arinf<, tlioy iilay Ikj Ih>ih*o iliHiiiiw**-"! with their reiwoiiabk cu«tii by ih«m in thin Ujhalf iiuwt Wrongfully Huntniooil. . <^- # (SigtKHl) JOIIK TORONTO, II. J. GRASE'rr. V » .y. IN ciiancert: Filed aiBt January, 1883 Tlio Mvoral aiwwflr of tho Church Society ^'^* of tho Dmicciw of Toronto, Ac, Ac, Ut th« H«t««r. infonnation of iho Ifonoralilo Win. , Diioli KiihanK Hor Maji^ty'u Attorney Oonoral fo^ Upper Canada.' • Tho Huitt aljovfl immed dofondaiita for aiwwor and defence to tlio "aid j;iforination, hereby refer to the joint and iwvcral answcni of their co- [efundautM, tho Honorable and UiKht lleverend tho Utn\ BiHlK>p of Oronto, and tho Revoroiid II. J. (Jnuwott, filed in thii^ cau8o, which aaid aiwwcr thoBc defenduntn hereby olh^go to bo true in all its particu- < lars; and thctH> defendants rely upon all tlio facta and allegations oon-i tainod in thflir «>-4lefendnub«, Said joint and iieveral anrnvers, and upon all tho objections thereby taltoQ to tho said Information and to tho Relief by tho aaid lufonnation prayeil for, and cravo leave to havo the aaino benefit from Alio several factis allogations and objectioiw, afl fully and ofiectually, to all iutentH and purposes, an if tho saino were herein repoatml. And theflo defendant*! pray to bo hence disniiseed with their eoeta in this behalf moot wrongfully sustained. ' (L. 8.) * r J r • ■ ■ '" *'V/ >.:;'■ ■l ■ \ '''■r-'' . 1 /' \-'- ' ' * ' •^' \ \ I :. ■'.■■■: B / / \ 4 ^: ' ■ / '■ ii' ■it .rtMail;? - '- ' 1 V . i ^ r ' V i\ t- -%! < , ' ' '..\( ' . '' ™ . '•'"1 \ ]■' . ''^ Q ( 1 1 JI Vl^^^'i' ><4 ■7 r i13 ;f \ *, i loot. V ■"■;.: ^12 : •;■■ •.■ ■ ■. .r ■ r ATTORNEY GENERAL'S REPORT RESPECTING Tlflj |niECTINQ OP ' PROTESTANT P ARI3l^E3 IN LO WER CANADA. ,. • \. QuBBEc, Juno 6, 1801. . lo liiH Excelloncy Sir Ilol»ert Shore Milnos, Burt., Lieutenant Govcr- *'•«'»••"•,'■• "fi-oit /•■Li r. . »» ^ . niiiircliiK W'O nor oi tho rrovmco of Lower Canadiu i - enHiina oi rro- ,'• . . IMUiii PariabM. I have been honored with your Excellency's commnntlit, requiring - my opinion « on tho legal eourse to be taken for erecting mich Protes- tant Parishes as are niontioned in a n-port of a Cohimitteo of tho whole Cpuncil up«m Eoclesiastical Aftairs^ dated tlio 7th Juno last, «« Quebec. Juiwem. well as for establishing a Psuwnago or Ecclesiastical Benoficein each Parish respectively." -^ '— .,. i The Conmiittee in their Report havp stated to youf Exeelieney "that frorn.the papers accompanying the order of refererico they con- ceive tliatJi^r Excellency tlpes not expect them to enter into the do^ tail of a general sy»teiii,l)vit to suggest tlte most advisable means of forming such establishment as, from the aggregate of tlio Pnrtestant population in different parts of the Province and the pre^^nt supply of Ministers of tlie Churth to superintend them, iuay be foun4 practicable." And to attain this desimble objw-t, they humbly apprehend that tho two preliminary requisites are first, " the fl)rmiiig of sucbj a numlu'r of Protestant Parishes as from the number of Protestant inhabitautH dwelling in the vicinity, shall bethought exjwdient; and,: secondly, of a Parsonage or Ecclesiastical Benefice in each of sqeh Parishes.^ The general question, therefore, which arises out of ih(i report is • this; what is the legal coun*e to Iw^tsikeu for Ifio Ecclesiastical Division of the Protestant See of Quebec into/parishes, and for the erection of Bectories therein according to the estnblishment of tho Chunh of Englapd." ' i The points wliich tlie question involves are imjiortant, and altliough V I have ultimately satisfied my ownniind upcin thpm, yet I submit my opinion to your Excellency's cpnsiderati^m with g*eat diffidence. By the 31st Geo. IIL Chap. 31, it is enacted, '" That it shall and may be kwful for his Majesty, His Heirs and Successiiix, to authorize the Governor or person adiriinrstering the Governnient, with the advii-© ^ of the Executive Council, to constitute and erect within every lowii- ship or Parish which now is or-may bo hereafter formed, constituti r i t uiJ tratjiiii I'nrlihci^ L.<;.18Ut. ■n.^ ■ y . u spiritual and EcclcHHwtioni, in llio tli^n Vroxixvo of Qiiol>oc, nin.-o <1ivi- ^^^Mw^wf^ ,^,,^^ «led into tbo Provinct« of IJiipcr nuwori Cinimla; nmf nftortvimK ,^,kvUiiimih» by other Jettem n'ttcnt umliT tlm Omit 5?t"sil H (Sr«'at nntnm, (latod the i„„„„ r,„i,iRii, 28tU day of Juno, 178.1, Ills Majesty wa* fiiitli.'P i.t.'hsi.l to revoke m '" '- "*"'• much of the letters pateiit l.y vshieli th.- r.ihli.>i'rie ..f Nov.-i S«utia wtm croctcd'as related to tiio Pro'viiice «>? Quebec, and in like niaiiufr to erect the Provinces of Ujtper and Lower C'aJiada mid heir deiwuden- cie« into a BjhIiop'h See to Le called from tl Juveforth the IMshopric of Quebep. Thus Ills Majesty, l>y his boIo authority, has nia.lo aU ccle- siostical division of his North American Donvinioiis into Two Dioceses; and that lie had a ri{?lit so to entB of Kectories in Upper and Lower Canada '♦to tho .Turis.li<-tion and aiilliority lawfully ^nted to the Bishop of Nova^'otia'fty ///« 3/«>i/y.« Royal Lettert Patent, m yiXMi mipht thereafter by His Majt^- ty's Royal Authority be lawfully granted or appointed, to bo ailminis- tereil within the said Provinces or either of them respectively by tho ^ same Bishop of Nova Scotia, or l)y any other pemm or i^rsons." • * UpoA th^oneral principles, and according to the Law Maxhn « non del»etciil!^is licet qufKl niinuS est non li% wycgi ■I ■ ■ i mont in refiM^neo U> cIvH mnttoff, and when tlifl croation of n rnri«h Aiwnrjr^ ^^^ subjected tbo iiihubiUmte U> ansowmeiit nhd otlief impositions for varioiwrMiHYihtiniir^^^ civil purpo«(»; but bofoM tliis was tlio cbho it a}»|»oani certain tliat I''* iv*\"'j!jj',|^'''*** Majesty, as supremo Lord, had tho right of fouiiilin|; n CImnh in any cxtra-parooiiial place and of erecting it, or any part of it, into a Parish. I ii'for Uiis from an ancient record of tho caw of the Prior of Garlialo and Bishop of Carlislci, dtwided in tlio cighUentU year of tho IWgn of Edward tho First, in which it was determined tluit the Titlies of Lands within a forest which is out of any Parish belong to the King, f >r the following reason assigncil, which hos rofcrenco to His Majesty :— " Quia ia /oreala prtud(eta villas edijlcare ecdeitiaa eonttruere terras asaar- ■ tare et ecclesias illa$ cum deeimis Urrarum itlarum pro volunUtte sua xmeumqm voluerit confeirre potest eo qmdf areata ilia noniat iti/ra Umitea alict'jua parochlae." To found a church (wliich of itself implies the right of Tithes; Mar^ . riago. Baptism, and Sopllturo within cerUun fixed limits,) and to asr sign to that Church a certain Territory charged with the payment of Tithes for its support, was tho effectual erection of a parish; and if Ilia Majesty rit any time previous to tho Conquest possessed the right of erecting a Parish in an extra-parochial place, I humbly conceive ho must yet possess it with resiiect to this Province (whatever the Ljiw of England may be;) for I knHrtKliial \\»yv into n PaiMHiiigi* or HiHiory, (iii.l "'" ;™';?'* j'^'^,''''' cwntini? ft PaiBoii or Uwtor to oiijoy it, ninut iiU. mrcMSMiiiy pos^cn tho imitlciitul ri>j;lit of incting llio oxtra pnnKliiiil \\\\w. into a l'ari»*li; for witliout that tlii-ro can lt« no smli j owtr, tin- i>i(!\ioii8 crittiou of Mich cxItA-itanKhiar iiluc« into a Parish Icinjj imli-iK'nwjhiy nwi*^«ry fo^the^»tabli^hnK•ntof tho Ikitory,— iho vory nummby whlili it numt bocri-atiMl. By tho thirty'-olghth ncction of tho Act ai^t, Goo. 3, ihap, 31, HIh MnjcBty is ciniM)Wi!rcd "to constitiito ami t'rwt williiii ovoiy 'I'ownMiip or Parisli whicli then existed or whicli UaToaftcr luiglit bo Jornud, coii- Btitutcd, or croitotl within the Province, ono or nioro ParHOiiAgc or lloc- tory or Parsonages or llectorioa, acconling to tho e^abUshnicut of tho Church of England.? His Majesty, therefore, by this'soction, is posSesHod of thO power of converting any Towhsliip in Canada into a Parsonage or Ilettory, ancl, by tho thirty-ninth section of the sanio Act, of creating n Pan*on or Rector to hold it; and since every Townsliii) in extra-parochial, he iiin-*t necessarily ak>,foft]io reasons above aasignetl, ptissess thplie», all of lliem, in %feferenco to tho Church of England and to the Protestant St-e of Que- bec, being equally extra-parochial. For, as Parisla-^ in Knghmd aio Ecclesiastical Divisions of Dioceses according to tho Establishment of the Church of England, so Protestjmt Parishes in Canada must bo tho Ecclesiastical Divisions of tho Protestant See of Quebec according ti> tho same establishmetit; and this tho Roman Catholic Parishes whicli existed at the time of passing tho above Act of 31, Geo. 3, cannot be, because tliey were created and existed long before the erection of tho Protestant See of Quebec, and consequently without any referonco to it, and because they were erected by the "^ Authority of the Pope, whoso , power the Church of England can in no way recognize. And such being the case, the reaort of the Council h:vs stated to Your Excellency that in all instances v^ierever a Protcsfcint Rectory is to be establishel it will be necessary previously to create a Protestant Parish, even in the JRoman Catholic Parishes of Quebec, Montreal, Three Rivers, and William Henryj with co-extensive or rather identical boundaries, al- though tlioso Parish* have existe•■; . "^ . . - • ■ " • ¥;v :.■■;■; ■ ■ .■ ■ ,■ ' ■'■ . ■■ ;■ :' ■ .; ■ ■ ■ « n ^ * " ^ t - . i— . '^^ ^^^ - 'w^T^^f^'^fm^^ ■ ■■,■■;■. .,1' .*' •': . ■' .■■ ■ i'- ■.:'■! of llio 31«t. Geo. 3, cliap. 31, in po«.*««il nUo of tli« power of convert- j^^J^I^. «,,«« log any Hoin«n Catholic l»ttri»h wliicli oxmtc-l iil tlio timo of immii.g :;5,';;;,';j'«,'ni'.p- tkat Act, (and now h«vo b»««ii mi.coorwl.il.) int.. a ProJwUii.t lUvlory, n'ri*!'"*". and to cruato a Ilcctor to hold it ; iiiul »iiic« every »uch Pariuli, with r«- •pect to Ibo Churvh of England and tli« Protc«tnnt S^-o t>f QuoUjc, ia Wtra-parochlal, he inuMt bIho, for the rciwoiw ulH>ve «**ignwl, nwoNuirily Kxtatwa the identical right of erecting any lloniiin Cutliolie Vi\m]\ now j«i»tingin Canada into a I'rotwtant Pari»h and EccloHiuHticjil Division of the Protmtant »eo of Quebec, according to U»ee»tubli»hment of the Church of Engltthd. Aslittll atld that, in strict conformity to the principles which I Imvo hadW honor of submitting to your ExcelloncyV conHidoration, HIh Maj^ty, by His oRoyal Commission, has been been ploaacd of bin Bolo aufliSity to authorize and empower the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or portpn administering the OoveriMnent of this Province, with tho advicoXf the Executive Council, to form, coiwtituCiv «"d erect either TownsWps or Parishes within tho Province, and within every Town- ■bip or If arish to constitute and erect one or more Parsonage or Rec- - tory, or Parsonage or Rectoiies, according to tho establishment of tho Church of England. " For the reasons I have detailed, 1 am of opinion that in your Excel- lency is vertod the power of erecting, with tho advice of His Majesty's / Executive Council, such Protesjlant Parishes as are montioneil in tho ^ report referred, and tliat tho legal course to bo taken for the Ecclesias- 'V, tioal Division of the See of Quebec into Pari»he^ and for tha erection of ParsonagM or Rectories therein, according to the establishment of tlio Church of England, is by letters patent under the great seal of this ■ Province. : • ■ '■ - :.., ':■' (Signed,) J. SEWELL, Attorney Cfeneral. Quebec, 6tli June, 1801. REPORT OP THE COMMITTBB OP THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL TO (JORDON DRUMMONP; ESd At the Council Chamber at York, onThureday the 9th day of March, 1816, EcportofthO' OainiiiUtee ofthfl Executive Uouii- Present : — ^The Honorable Thomas Scott, Chief Justice, Chairman ; jDnwimoiid, £«|. ^haH^OTiHe^numes Baby, tho Honorable John McGill, the Houora- " ble Mr. Jostioei PowelL To Hif ■,/ ■.,/ *.■ ^^"* a^-^fti^j^ . »•'■ .* .^, ^ « » ','^ ■> ■V' * • C-'OV- ■:/■ / \ r- § f .:■■ '- To IIU Ifonor n,ml»ii Dr.niinioii.J, E-iiiir*', PiwI-loiH, ^'''•'•"'••♦•'^nR ^^vtltl^o/* tlio CJovoriinuut of lliu Pruxiiuo .if V\>\^'r llmuulii, mid I.io.i ;';j;^|,^;;<;j;;^' tinuiitUoiiurai tioiuiimiuliiig Ilia Idujcitt>> ForCui l^vrviiif Ac, Ml MoKb, WU. Mttjr it pleMO your Honor, Tlu! C<)»»uitt«H5 of tlio RxwHl'iTo CoHiuil, ti> whfth wim n-fprml by your Honor tlio IVlitioa <»f th« Hi'voniitl UiH-tur Htrmliaii f<.r niim- ni'rntK»» for inonio* cx|ioii(l4'«l on (liv l*urm>ung«' Houeo at Ootuwull for tho ro(ii»lom« of tlio Minister t»f tho Chiirtli of Kiij^laml, liiw Inntowcd duo attontion on tho Bubjuct, and coiiit^jlcrs tho \\tnyvr of tho potilion ruAHotuiblu anil juHt. Tho hilt«!r part of tlio rioftswnco, to nilviM from wlint Aitnl conipcii- ■ntioit can bo iiioilo, ha* al«o umkTjjono tho m'ric»iwconHi»l«ralion of tho ComniUt«i\ In ita dohboration on thw aubjott tho Conmiiltoo wiui natumlly lo«l to rovlow th<( relative nittinfiou of tho Mhii«tor« of tlu) Chureh horo. wid in Knghiml. Thoy Ibid tliut Iho lUvtor of a Church in England %aM a feo in hi» lUxtory, jvhiih is cikIowwI in wuvh a inan- nor ai« to oiiauro a [lonnanoni Rovenuo during tho Incunibont'H lit'o: That provision in niwlo by Statute in England to Hubjtwt that Ilovonuo to tho chargp of building jjnd repairing the hoimo of tho Pawonngo or Iloctory : That in this country tho Church w not actually cncurity in his Incumbency, whicli, aH wuU as hia llovunue, ia at tho will of tho Crown: TImt no proviaioii thervforo can bo mado out of tliat Rovvnup for building or Repairing tho Parsonage IIouko: Ihut|it iit contoniplatod by the Canada Dill tu endow tho Hoveral Kect )ric'«, hereafter to bo coutttituted, out of tlio limdH roHorvod for tho support of a Protestant Clergy at tho ditwrction of the Governor and Executive Council of the Province, ornatho JjOgitilaturqi under certain liinitationa, may ordain : That in tho inenntiino tho hmda roHcrved for the support of a Protestant Clergy are Iwased, and tho renta thereof may bo applicable to such support at thodiacrotion of tho Executive (Jovemment: It is fr^m that fubd only that tho Conunit- tee can discover any source for providing a decent-rosidcnco for tho , Clergy. In analogy to the proviaioiis of tho seventeenth' of Ilia pre- sent MiijoHty, tho uoniniittee apprehends it may bo expedient to adopt Bomo-rulo Avhicli shall govern all applications of tliia natmo until Kgia- lativo provision shall be made on the subjoct. The Committee is of opinion that whenever a Church is erected^ and a Minister appointed to reside, in any Township, tho Wardens may bo authorized to erect a a PalBonago House, by anticipating tho oroduco pf tho Clergy Rescrvca in the To^vnship by loan of a suni not exceeding \, pounds; the principal and interest of which Iban shall bo paid by such jwrson as ■ may be char g ed with th o rec e ipt of th e Cl e rgy r e nts wit hifr tho To wtr ship as they may become productive; that the charge of insurance and '.'." ■"■.:,•;'■■'■■'■-■ '--"'■'. "y "^ •-■';'■'■ ■' orihiyiy i , \ \ 'X: f/ V /' I «3li. 19 ordinary tenant'* repairs shall bo defrayed by th«i Incumbent, and all 5«p;;;f„»^'^,^ other repairs by such meant as the building. 4 > ' iSrw"'lo"i.Jn'"'"' liriiminuiiil,BM|., Upon this principle the Committee humbly submit to your Honour, (;o"VriiM"ntor or the approbation of His Royal Highness the Prince Re|?ent, that the un^r^rV," ^ Reverend Doctor John Straclmn may bo entitled to receive from ihe."™ *''""^'' *"'*• rents of the Clergy Reserves, in respect of the lands in the township ipf Cornwall, the prineipiil and interest of his advance towards the erection of the parsonage House in Cornwall, conformable to the <»rtificate8 of the Magistrates and ChiirchwardeM, the sum of £340, with interest irf; the rate of six per cent, from / until paid. All which is humbly submitted. J (Signed) ■ f THOS. sdoTt; " Chairman. LETTERS PATENT E|IECTING.THE RECTQRY OF • M0NTREAL/l2Tn august; X818. I / Province of Lower Canada. "W RICHMOND, Lenox, and ArniONr. (l.s.) \ \- Oeoroe the THmb, by the Grace of God of the United/Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith jito all whonii i these present Letters shaU concern, greeting: ' / j * W7iereas by Letters Patent under our Great Seal of Great Brittun, Le»>ra Patent ^ bearing date the 28th day of June, in the thirty-first year of our Reign, "l^'of'MoittrciliL ■^ we did erect, found, ordain, make, and constitute our Provinces of*'*"' ^"''" '"**'** ■ Lower Canada and Upper Canada, and th«ir dependencies, to be a „ Bishop's See, to be csSled from thenceforth the Bishopric of Quebec; "^^ and whereas hy a certain Statute or Act of the Parliament of Grea Britain, passed in thei thirty-firet year of our Reign, intituled " An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in Uie fourteenth year of our Reign, intituled 'An Act for makii^ more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to ipake further provision for the Government of the said Province,' " mmdry provisions were made respecting the aUotment and appropria- tion of land for the maintenance and support of a Protestant Clergy within otu" said Provitices; and it was among other things more espe- cially enacted, that it should and might be iaw-ful for Us, our Heire or Successors, to authorize the Governor, or Lieuteriant Governor of each of our said Provinces respectively, or the pasairadministering the Gov- enunent therein for the time being, from timfe to time, with the advice X of I '■: ■ ■' ' ■;■ ■" -" ■ J .*'_..■.■. ■ . . ^ . ■ \ ■ y'--:'jmr^''r^^^ ■■■■■ . ^R .'•''' .■■■-" ■ ' ■ , ' .■■..■.■'•■'* ■■'■■.'■:. • ■< - ■-.:-- 'u \. - . ■ ", . • '■■'■■'-■-* ■ ■ . 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' ■ * ■ ■ ; -■■,■., ■» .- * ♦ ■. . * VV !- ''' \i ^- . 1 ■■*,.'->':•' ■■ '"' ' ■ ■ '■■.'' ^' : . : :.l/-;:^ * \-. -§i^M>'"'^- -■:■".' .^•■:- ■ « "r* ■». 20 of our Executive Coun^ of <>«^ ""^d Trovt^ w-pe^^vely, to.«^^^ tute and erect within every Township or Paru,h ^^bich then was w SK A-... wi* Leafter n.ight be fo.med,comtituted or erected witbm ope or more Parsonage or Rectory, or, Par«onag^ or Rect^^^^^ » ingtotbe Establishment Of the Clm«b of Engbnd;««^fron,^U^^ time, by an instrument under 'the Great S^al of ^uch P'ov.nce ^ endow every such Parsonage or Rectory with so much or b^^P"* °f the hinds «. allotted and appropriated fls aforesaid m respectofa^ . lands within such Township or Parish, which should have been granted subsequent to the commencement of the said Act, or of such lands as mighthavebeenallottedandappropriatedfprtheBame purpose by or in virtue of any instmction which miglit be givx^n by «« >'».'^f«' <>' V any lands granted by us before the commencement of the said Act» »s such Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or per«>H admrnistenng the Government, should, with the advice of .the said Executive CouncV judge to be expedient under the then existing circumstances of such Township or Parish; ' " .* ' And whereas the doctrine and disciiAine of the ChurcJ» of England, being professed and observed by ^ery considerable part of our loying Bubi«5te resident in the Parish of Montreal, in the District of Montr^. ^ in our said Province of Lower Canada, our trusty and weU-beloved Sir Joim Coape Sherbtooke, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable MiUtary Order of the Bath, our Goverbor General of and for our said Province of Lower Canada, hath, witli tjie advice of our Executive Council of our said Province, judged It to be expedient to constitute and erect a Pannage or Rectory within the SJ^id Parish of Montreal, ac- cording to the establishment of the Church o^gland; and, with l^e advice of the said Executive Council* hath also 'judged it to be expe- dient under the now existing circumstabces of the siiid Parish of Mon- ' mUf to endow the said Parsonage or Rectory with the Church Lands and^immovteable estate hereinafter particularly set f^ and deeciibed; ■■-'.,: ■ ■ . . . , ', \, • '■[ ■'■'"' ' :.' Nbte therefore hhow ye, that our said trusty im4\ well beloved Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, Knight, our said Governor, being thereunto, by us duly authorizedi pursuant to the aforesaid Stftiute AorfA, and by ■ these our Letters Patent, with the adyice of our Executive Council of our said Province, rfo^A ordain, maike, constitute, uid declare all that precinct — included within the bounds and limits of the^'&foresaid Parish of Montreal, as described in a certain r^lement of the Sieur Yaudreuil Governor and Lieutenant Governor of New France, the Sieur Eveque de Qu6bentained wiUun the limite and boumla of the said Parmh of Montreal to be the precinct of the said Parsonage or Recto^r of tho Parish Church of Montreal. Jnd having great confidence m the leam- m, piety, morab, probity and prudengb of John L^ Clerk, a Mmis- .^ ter ofthe Chu«h of England, duly ordained according to the Rites of the said Church, our trusty and weUbeloveA Sit John Coape Sherbrooke, Knight, our said Govrmor, being also thei^unto by us duly authorized pursuant to the aforesaid Statute, ftcrtA nominated, presented, and cd- bted and by these our letters Patent doth nominate, present, and ooUat* the said John Leeds to the saidPaiBonage or R^tory and Parish Church of Montreal ; and to b'e the Incunkbent thereof; and U> Uvp, hold, and enipy the tame, and all righta, profits and emoluments the^untobelong- . Wor granted, as fully and ampf, and in the same manner and on i3x9 sadie terms and condJlioVs, ancf liable to the perforpiance of the ^m^ .: Li«,^as the Incumbent of a pirsonagi or Rectory in that part of our : 'Dominions called EnglM for ind during our Royal pleasure, and th« . actual residence of the/said John Leeds in the said Parish of Montreal And, t^die end that/aU mattejrs. and jthings aforesaid may ha^e theit dueeffectWe, bythUWL)btter8Piitfint,do signify unto the Right Reverend Father in (Jod, Jacbb Lo^ Bishop of Quebec, that we, m tuanner aforesaid, have ordaiied, mide; constituted, and declared the aforesaid Pj*riahof Montreal io be an ecdesiasticid division and Pan$h of the aforesaid Bishopric of Quebec, W have erected and constituted Within the said Parish the aforesaid Pi^rsonage or Rectory, anrf do pre- . sent unto him, the said Jaccfc lx)rd B^hop of Quebec, the said John Leeds, requiring, and by the! Faith andl Life by^ which he is bound to us commandi^tim. to admit! the said Jto Leeds to the said Parsonage or Rectoriand Parish Ch;jufch of Morffireal, and cause him to be insti- r tuted and' inducted into thd same with |aU its rights, members, and ap- / purtenanSes, and to do and execute aU 6ther thmg^ in this behalf which shall bdong to hSs episcbpaii office. ■"V " ■■■ ^ ''■■■■ I, ■ f, .. at the R^ictor of the 8aid„Par8on- of Montreal, and his Successors ctory and Parish Church, t« and . Ve do hereby will a^d^Mit, I age or iRectory and Parish'fehurcl Rectors of the said Parsowige or R^— ., — , shall continue aBody Coipomte withlpeipetual succeasioii, by the name of Jha Rflctor af tihe Pawonag e or Re c toiry and Parish Ohuich'of Mont r eal • And V ^. ^Y_g:^w:• c ,.~l ■I: J Jy <-'■ ' A ^ ,-■'> ■^f- , * ^v ni -«.! «Mnt that he and hw Bucceasor^ by Uie ^jJIJJ'- ,,,e R^. ^•^r'lid^Wrj" rl'^^SfiXV- »d Uv. fuU power a/-^^^ . .ISO aU manner of goodH,chattcKan«J^^ . banner as by licenceu^er the OreaS^^^^ Zc^dcd defeJ^and be defended, an«we,^nd be answered in al man- ^ Zof c!l;tS^U,^ Heirsand Succe«HO.; and elsewhere - and upon - r:l?:Sarc^-,s»it^-rits.anding ' ■ ■ ^— "^ — .■ .. .. : — ■'■',_ • ,■ . ;^. ' ,:' — '■ ■ ■■■■ y sub jects- J^ #- i > H' /.. •ul'j y^ ■1 8b pu V do Pi an • toi n ft a '-.. 1 1 L ' r A % ^ as Unf ■-./ /*■■■ apd every tUoTmcUsLot^P.^^^ .^^ or l%vel. of Lund . , .eribca; thut i. U. nay ^^^^ ^^ ^^ 8,,et in the CUy¥ Montreal. and lubcntance of ^^« '^^/;^;'^^„^ . „t,, „„,! by these our Letter. Putcnt do gWe, g«''^\^"^J^^;;',i Parish Church of Moutrcal. and ^ ofthoBaidParsc..agoorJ^ryju. ^^^^ ot Rectory and Pariah !^ hJB Successors Hectors of the saiu ir -o . »,,,«/• We have caused these our Letters t» be made . J^. In testimony whereof, ^ «^^^ p^|„^, ^ i^ u^eunto affixed. ■ . Patent, and the ^^^^^ ^** ^ f"' ^'JroC Charles Duke of Rich, ll^mm, Our trusty .J>d yell Wed b.^^^^^ „ _ mond.Knigl.ofa;e^N^^Oni^^ and G6vernor m Ch^f »n and over J ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^^j^ Vice Admiral of the same, &c^;v&j^«^^^^^ 12th ' ElOBMOND, LbUOX, AND AOBIOST. ;'. ' • ' ■ . ■:. , • - ^■. ' . -.■■. ■. , ' John TBi^lor, ' Deputy Secretary. : „ hPlUIONS OF HIS MAJESTY'S LAW OFFICERS BE^A^ TIVE TaTHE CLERGY RESERVES, AND THE / CHURCHES ENTITLED THERETO. : D6GT0B8 CoMMpss* 15th Nov, 181 "^^"^^ Uith Your Lordshii^a c^ o^^J^f^S^, ^"^.^'!°!:.lih^ doubts have «isenhowfar. undf thep3«.j*i- ijesty, Kctnveiv w*^ construction ot tne act piiBo«.» «* "*- '- „ ^ . V,„„.j„ /hnvA a "•'*"'*'• (^ ../ s r > i^U ■■■ •..*■,: r- \y- s^-.^^. iiVihe » lrf«y M. irtTM I '**^ No*cuilivrt •"• ■'■'■' J n « tant Opinion o< Clergy. ■■/■'■' ■■" ^"'■■■' ■■■'■■^"^ -„ .'^t,. «•"'•"''*'• p^vinc.i.chhor r..pumn^tho Ac^ ,,^,,,.,,.„„„, .,f „„y other ; ing U« pro'«.P'»""8.°' ""' „ t „k Iho t«™. '• P">t«'t.nt «rtabli8hed by law. -^ _ • ^profito are to be BO applied. V ^^ „ch .pplicMion. -. 4>"k .'^^™ a ' rt of 0>e Clergy of th. ; „.,...dpK.B«toU>.»»»«"»r»«2?ta,.l^^ &gl.od.but congregatioDB, * . ^ ' .v : With tespectto the ^^.'^^'^^^^^^^, ^ constitute and erect powers His Maj^ty to a^j^c^^ Par«,nagesorRecton«»accordu^toJhe^« ^ iuclx parson- of Ei^and; ''-pro>.des alsV^^^*^^ ace or rectory with so much « «« ^"^T^^ j,^ which shaU havd ^ to a-y land within such township or parisn w ^^ ■.-f- \ V ■f> -•j(;; " . ■.■ : ' ■ .' ■ '■ ■ ■ .-' It'. ■' '■ ■ y^ . '•*'■ ■"■.'■' ■■■•"■■■■ «_ •' ,■ '■* ( ■ : ■ ' ' ' t ■ ' '■ * -m ■ ■'"■■'i' ■" ■'.'■'?■■ ' ■ .' ^ '■■'». ^1 ■ ■ ■■'". .' . • ^; "■ '^'/— • '■■■■■■ i' '•^v ' ••^.. A ■■■■ ■ ' ■" \- .^ ■" ■'• /■ - '^Mf' . . / 1 ^1 * t • i. . J m fc.' . r ♦ f "*■'■■.■■■■ 1 * ■ ■ , " • " ■ 1 A ^ ^ '1. » . ^ 1 t 1 9 ■■■■^ ..'.-r^-;*?. ■:■ : ^- ■ -Hi^". ■ ;.'■ rtuii judge «Hw««t- r srv.7.rii»'.*wif tl S-lw on nU M^«y « U, r-.i,. «», r"" »' ^ • ' landi. 1 ' We hnvo thfl honour to Ixs my MM, ■ Your Lord»l.il»'i mo«t oWltont haTnl.lA,«prvanU, /: (Signed) EAiif 'DJ^TnoBOT, Ac, 4c, Ac. CIIBTST. ROBINSON R. OIFFOUD, J, a COPLEVi ""^i ^^ TffiSlirCH i?^M CIEUT. GOVERNOH SIR V. WXlTtAKIV •5.-. ■ Uppbr CAKAOAy York, aiit Jtouary, 1824. Mr Lord,— i ,, In t—^^.^^^^'^rb^ iLl before the King, relating to Iho ElllS^r ofA««mb^onh.~ ^^^^ ^^ scotlarm, .ttlea here, to -- ^S^' Claim of the ^^'^^^^^^^^^ f,, ,1.^ „,pport of the Prot«.t«nt , participate .r. the 1«^^-^'^^^^^^ ^^^j^, ^' J ,V the 31st cf Hi. late ..;. ■ Ihave,dtc. , • ^' \. V-;-- .(s>«^;.;, :,^^^^^v''. > p.maitland. T^VTTTION OF THE^OUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF UPPER CANApf ASTOTHE CLAIM OF THE CHURCH CAKAllAj^^^^^^j^ j^^U^j^Y 1824. ; To^B Kwo'a Most ExcKixiNT Ma«8It. ■..::. ifittt Gracunu Sovereignr^^ :■ '■'■•■"-' '-. .. :■■■■' z:-- We. Yoar Mmest^s dutiful and loyal suhjecta, the Commons of — U^C^i i.^viB^al^«rK«nent_JL«sembl^^ort_hu^ <- t' •$ ^ 'V, 2^ . .#■■ beir leave to approach your Majesty, and to Bubmit to your Majcsty^s m^t jrracioMs consideration our oatnest aupplicaUona on behalf of the clergy and men.be.* of tho Established Church of Scotland m tha portion of your dominions. /; ^ , \ When the Kingdoms of England an* Scotland were, (happily for both) united under the British Crown, the subjects of each were placed on a footing of reciprocity; they wore td enjoy a full communication of every right, privilege, and advantage; and their respective Churcbea vere ^tabiished as « trpe Protestant Churches" within their particular limits- the Clergy of both might therefore reasonably expect equally to participate in the benefits which might result from the union. Viewing the conquest of these Provinces from the domwji of France bv the united exertions of Great Britain and Ireland as one great ^ advantage resulting from the union, we humbly conceive that the . Churches of England and Scotland had, after bucL conquest, cqu«d Tichts as to the exercise and enjoyment bftheii' respective religious privileges therein, and an equal claim to enjoy any advantages or sup- port which might be derived from the newly acquired terrifory. By an Act passed in the 31st year of the reign of our late revered Sovereign, whose memory will long live in our hearts, an appropriation ig authorized to be made of one-seventh of the Lands of the Provmco for the support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy in this Province ; and under the general l^rds, « a Protestant Clergy," used in tliat Act, tour Majesty's subjects in Ujis Province, who belong and are particu- larly attached to the Church of Scotland, fondly hoped that a provision ha.i been made for the Clergy of that Churck as well as for those of the Church of England; and though the allotment of knds thus authorized has hitherto been in a great measure unproductive, they felt a degree of confidence that it would eventually a6Ford a fair support to the Clergy of bbth Churches; the Lands reserved under the said Act being claimed and enjoyed exclusively for the support and maintenance " of the Clergy of the Church of ^England in tjiia Province. , We humbly entreat Your Majesty's consideration of the subject, and if in the legal construction of the said Act, it is considered. that no provision for the Clergy of the Church of Scotland was contemplated thereby, we would most respectfully and fnmestly express to your Msgesty, our hope that your Majesty will bo gtraciously pleased to extend • io them your royal protection and consideration, by directing such provision to be made for their maintenauU and support as to you Majesty may appear prope^ .■ . ' That your Majesty may long reign in th^ confidence and affection of an your aubjects, to guard and secure their right* in every portion of ' • ' yotuf V. ■ ,nibly r*** January, * J H r 1 i \ p n-fur^x^^^i^' your widely extended domaiiw, is the prayer of your Majert/s faUhful lubjecta, the Commons of Upper Canada. p: ^ (Signed) nviUS P. SHERWOOD, Speaker. Commons House of A««eraWy, ) Kih January. 18554. > DESPATCH FROM EARL BATHURST TO LIEUTENANT ^^®^^^^" GOVERNOR SIR P. MAITLAND. v/ ' Downing Strebt, ' ., .' ; ■ ■■'^ ':.; ,; -; .:/ ■■'/■.■ , ;'v^. ■.- May iStli, 1824. _^ S««r-\ 'S" ■' ' ' - I ha4ltalip' to «c^oo^l«<^g« *® receipt of your despatch of K«'ipnj;«|;;«j;« the ZUtHHUt, transmitting an address from th^ House of As- eu. M«, i.i4. Bombly ofWf^vince of Upper Canada, to Hi^Miijesty, Relative to thedaim*advancedbythePresbyt«riansofU.0Kirlc of Scotland, set- , Ucd in tie Province, to participate in the landsreserved for the support . of a Protestant Clergy, under the Act of the 31 st George, 3 and t«* acquaint you that the Addrc^ has been laid before the King. "''"•■.■'..■■■-■_'■■.■ Ihave, Ac.,. ; .".-.'' . (Signed) ^ BATHURST. \ )»^ F-JfTRilCT OF A DESPATCH FROM SIR P- MAITLAND, ErTRACi ^ B^TO TilE EARL OF BATHURST. ' Upper Canada, ' ■ YoBK, 7th March, 1826. It beimes my duty to lay before your Lordship an Address to His E.un«*^.;g^d«- Majesty, passed by the House of Assembly, in a Committee of the M„u,,.„^. k^^b.^, whole,onthe8tateof the Province; and I have taken the liberty of 7,h Marcb. i»m. . Iransmitling with it a copy of the answer given by me to the Address of the Assembly, t^Jgether with such explanations as have appeared to me necessary. TO THfi\ KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. May it Please Y^vr Majesty: ' We. vour MaiestyV^ost ilutiful and loyal subjects, thc^ Commons of petiAn ttvm me Upper Canada^ in Proviijcial Parliament assembled, most humbly beg jmuwy.iwe. kave to approach your Majesty, to express our sentiments, on a subject of keep-interest to your faithftd subjects of Upper Canada. ■ We perceive by the provisions >| an Act passed during thelast Ses- «on of the Imperial Parliament, fliat Your Majesty » empowered to V ,..,-. <»■■■. / ''-v ■ order ....... ..... .....jj;-:...;,.:..^ .:.;;:.■; vV. ,: - ^^' '■■■1-' V .' ''^ : , ■ ■ ' ■ ' '■•>■■■ ■•;«■ V ' ' ■ ■ ' ■■.>■ ' * - ■ ■ ".• ■ •; f ' ''iM *.■*' ■■,■ : •. ■ . ... , :_ '■■..■ ■. ■' -tII ,: . . ■ « : '■'. ■ ".'_■'■■'.'' ■..'■'■ ' ■ ■,'• ■ ■.■■* " -.l" ■ '. '■■'-% / ■ ■" ■ ■- ,■ ■' ■■":-■?■■" "'''. ' '■ ' .■■' ' ■ ■ V- ••■ •■. . ■- ■; o ^ . ■.-. •■ . ' ■■ ■-. ■■■■ . is:. ■ -m •-' ■ ■.■< ■■ .V ;.•'■''■■.., ■ /, ■ .. ^ '■ ■ ;■ ■ :; ' . ' . ■ -.' ' ■'•■^ • ■■- ' ^■'' ■ ' ■ * ' ■,."''^-'- '.-.«►•-■, 0. ^ . ^^ ... ■' . , -V ■•:1 ..-V-^ ..e ■■■■ /^ : . ■»- .':" ■^' '■'- . ■■ ' M - Jb •. " '■.-■^-- ^:;--v : ■'::.'.' , ','■■ .:•■•:: '. ■ ' ,■ . . 1 :>Ji . - ■ * ■ . »' ■'.■■''■■^'•| ■-'''" .■;^"" ' ^ ' '■'■-'• ,■';■-■-:''■■ ''''*■/■■■.''"'■■ % m - *' ■^" ■■'■■.'-■■•■■■," *'■■■■>. : K- ' ' ;■ . ■'■■ "X ' ■. , ' ■•■■ ;■■■■'''' ..•'.'. ' ■ ■ ■ : " ■ - ' -■ • . . ' ■ ■':'i > ..'■;■■. ..^W- '.'•y'''' ''■■.:''--:''.;{■''' ■ '■ ' '^\' ■ ■■■■'' ^--^ -^1 " ■ . -■ f /--i. ■. -. " <»■ ^ :^k:'.'''' :■'■:'.'■■:"- j'.'' ' - '^ X/"' ' ■ ' '' ' ' ", ■.■■•, ■ ' '■'S ■. >^''''',-.^ ■■'■;;:-:■.■ '-r'- / '■ i..^, ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ; ." ■ ^ ' 1 . ■ ■ , < ■ ■ '/ ■' '■■' . ' . •* . ' * '. ' ■ '■■ . . '-''^' .■■■'- -." * " '-■''•:■/■-■'*■'.-'. ■^- :. ■' • ■ ■ <■ i ■ ■ "■ ■■' ;. •■■:■■ ■■". ■;# ■ V'-r'-:- '^ ,;;-.A^.';::>:>- :^, ;y;V^,■>v:::u;,■;.^■^:■^.y-.A■::f.y^- \ . fc- -N Va:-;- ""-:;'--"'-:^'^'-:-^^^ \ ■'■"■■ . " s^** :• " , \ . ■• ■•<- "■■ ■ ■.■■■■ ■'.':■ ■■■..■ .■■'■.■"- .;'■, ■ -■"::■ , ," ..■.,•-■ \ ■ .'. ■-■\-''-' \- ",!■■■'"■''*■■ '■■-' "f i \ • I" ■,'■"■" ^^'~~T?"'^^^-^-^^^^Lft -' ■ .:^'^mii^'-'- ^'-^\y'-'' ---^ <'^^^^ ■■'.■■' '.#..■■'. * • ■ ■ '■■-'.■ T . ■ / -■' •*■ "■ " . ■■■"-■■■. V V ■'■■■-A ■. ■_ ■:■: : fj:,, . ^ri^^%-^A ■-'-: \" •■■^•, _■■'■ ' ' ' \^'y^'-.v;-, ■ ' ', ' \ . "' ■ ■• t ■,.■■'■' ■■■■, ."■■■- •".'■' ■■" ,■.'•■/" ■■'■'. ■ .- - . . ,: V ■■■'■«' ;:'^' ^ ' ' ■.■■''•".*i ■1 ■ ■ ' '-- \ ■, " ;■ ■:■) ' ■■ '•■ ' . ■ ,' . , A " ■■'■ ■ 'X " . '<■'.*' "'■''"-■'""« k iy'-Ji V ' <■ ■ V .■;.;:.;:;■ v-:A.;>.: .A :-: *im I '■*• ■ . ■ ' 1 .".' " • — -7 ; ' 1 ' r-| — ; -« : . |- . ■ '^ . * ' ^^ ^v7 ^ ^ n *.■ ^ ■.-. ,.■.. ,.■.■ , .-. •^^.: -.. .v.' :■• .^.^■A,^:^/V"^^J■■•■;v'.^■:•: ^i !■.■ _ ■ -■ V.-: . ;. ■ -■■ ^-^ ;■,- ■■ /. •, ■, [ ■■■■.■■'■"■ ■ . ■ * ■ ■ =■ ■ -. . . ■ ' - "■■'■ ■■ '■ ■ ■■.'^.' T ' ''''''''■ ' »'■ ■.■•'■-■ ■^.■■■" '■'■-■' % : : , ■■■■■- •.. :-i ■ :, ■" • : ■ "" ■ . .' .*.'.,.■ •■ . ■■"■■" : I ■- ■ ■ ■ ;. ■i. K ', ■■::■• '." '" ' ■'■ ■■•■ ■■ -/'-y * ' ' " '.v ■ ' A'.. '■■ w \ 28 •«f '■) .i>«lcr Ae npp^mtion «' J^!"^^;;^^^^^^^^ Clergy. m'H^u4-«^.JS.s. Viiico for tho support antt maintouanco oi a rruv^ _^ /lii,^! tiie iil?M«)«-t5* Cwada Laaa Companyi - ; y Wo wouia mo^dudarifl/appearto You^ Miycty a« -[rjlyj^ wo wouiu ^ ^^ consider t mt ono sevenUi of nil MM :;;;Ztri^ l^^^^ ^aiesty, appncnl to that ol,ect, . ,, o«s to tho prosperity of tl... Colony ^ fee » 8 ^ ...Cor apprc,.^<«^ :^~^^, >^ IrlS. ^J^^ of . ^:i?jSc:?;:ur|tLi.r.its ':\. Wo;fdrtber mo.i humbly represent, most gracious ^ov^^'^J J^^ ^ ' ^ Ae lands seUmartm this Provide for th^mamtenanco ami support !^ Jp^tln^tilerfty ought not to he enjoy^ by any one de^omma-v ^^^Slni5tJ.e^.cl.sioaofth<^d^^^ .^^„ ^lo.mnati<,n^ equally «>n«nentio«s in tl.ir. ^pcd.ve f^^-<^ ,; :>' . /^hininc God, and equally entltH as dutifuKand lojral snlr)ect», to the - Sno yo^^jiy'- benign ^^^ 0^e»Jnent,.,c tW ,. r^lbly hope H iill, i.i y9ur Majei**'^ wi^om b. W expe- . u7nt^^nd j««t, that not only the pte^l#«R^rve^ but that any funds . . r^B"n^f.llhesaicsthS>ek»bouldbe4^^^^^ . ,-^ tre^'hristi^n-Religi^ gene^^ljy. aod &e Mppmessof all your M^y • i . subjects; <;f whatever denomination; pr, if 8Ucb.applKUit.9n or d.stnb»- -. . ion should h. deeded' ineTpedie^Vthat thj' profits ans,n^ from such , ' appropriation should be appliBd t« the puippaes of Education, and -the ; general iikfflwvement of tljisPiovinc*.'- „. V • ,. '■ ■".'■ -■■■'■*' » ■> 1 ', \. JOHN WII^LSON, Sptoker., Commons JIou^.o^P AssemblyvJ 2Vth Januaryi 1820. | 81*:— , DowKiNa Street, ,, ♦' ' . ' lltb Jane, 1826. Earl Badiunt I have bud before the King' the Addrtssof^thaLegi^l^ ^Assembly gl^^jSr* ofiUpper Canada, praying that Hi^Majeptywotdd be graciously pleaeW *«• „ . JiBubmit to Parliament the p»priety or ijpeaUng so much of th^ Act • ■ - i - • ( . ^ • . - ' • ^ JUM 11, IBM. X ^.» »' '<* 3*- Hi / / ■I \ • f #: «i J f\ U "•sS I 29 of 0th Geo. 4, chap. 76, as permiU the appropriation of land, in Ueuof Sr?» «^ the Clerjry Rewrve.. I have received hi. Majesty', command, to ac- y„^.-|yS::" »»* nttaint you thaf he i. perwadod the Ho\i.e of A«iembly would never haveconcurredinthi8addreM,«fthey had been apprised of the true in- tent of the Act of Parliament referred to, which had not for itH object »y increaae of the amount of the Roi^nSp, specially allotted by tlie. Imperial Parliament for the Established Church. I hfl\e,'«bc. \Signed) \. BATHURST. 'I I ' I! EXTRACT ^ROM THE REPORT ©F THE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE- HOUSE OF COMMONS, ; APPOINTED IN 1827,^ REPORT ON THE ;, , ' ClVlL GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. J . It now remains for"u. to lay before the House tie result pf out Ejmd^^ ita cncittiriesinti) the Clergy Reserves, which appear, by the statement. <>f *icct |;ojmn|««o the PeUtionen^frpm UpF'. Canada, to bo the cause of jlauch i^xiety co«.~nj. .^^^^ «nddi»atiBfactioninthat Province. ^^^ .:' y My ^— — ' ■«• ■" of Canada. By the Act oy701^e Governor is directed to tniilce froin and out ofthebnd^gliieCrown within such Provinces, BUchaUotinent'ani ^. appropriation of lands for the support and maintenance ©f? Protestant Oiergy within the same as may have a due proportion to th^ artiount of BuchlamUwithm the ssme, as have at any time been granted by or. under • . ^ any authority of Hia Majesty. AnporUoM wtUe«; than the improvement of their allotmenU ha. (fono to mcrc^ . , . , the value of the' I^erve. Thiis Ve think, pmst bo aj.par«Ot from the wmilt. of the attempU which have been made to di«p060,ot ,tho«« ,land«.^ A Corporatioiv bas been formed within the Province, coDpi.ting of die Clergy of thrf Church of England, who have been empowcrwlto Krant leaw. of thoel lamK for a terra not exceeding 21 yea«. 1% « appear*.that in the Lower Province aloncT the total quantity of Clergy 4|^ Reserve. i» 488,594 acres^ of which 76,639 acre, are granted on loa8«v the term, of w>i(1. arc-th^t for every lot of 200 am^- eight bushel^ of Wheat, or 258.-pcr annum shall be paid for the Ifimt 7 years; Ifl bushel., or 60^,' per annum, shall be paid for A? next 7 years; aM - 24 bushdfs or 75^, F' " nn^'*"™' for the last 7 year.. Under . thee circumstjiqcc., the nominal renj of the Clergy Reserve, is f 930, ' per annnm. The actui^ receipt for the average of tl^e bst three year, ha. been onl^ il60 fer annum. > ' f "^ \ ' The great diffe^enoe bett«-een the inominal and n|^ receipt is to be accounted for by the gneat difficulty of collecting rents, ^tid by tenanU. • • abwjonding: ■■{.;;•'■ .'■:,,■■ .}; ■'■■'.■ ^^''- .'■'"—■■■■' Ut^,':'-. We are informed also, that the iwident Clergy act a. jo^agente , coUeciing^he rents; lliat a .um of £176 ha. beea dendaBiring to puTchaw them; provided the quan^^^^ M>ld doM not exceed 100,000 acre, each year. A. your Committee entertain no doubt that the reservation of thero land, ift mortmain, i. a leriouB obrtade to the improvement of the Colony, they think eveiy proper ■'if- \ ^^ '♦ i m p 1p ^1 I" t( c ,: .'C '"■^ ■■.^ ' ' ■ t I fr 1 ■r:-n ua- .%-■ '>?,-'A' ,V B \ I ■# ■*: -% \ n .c I p«>pcr eicriion .houW U .nn.lc to jJ^uo il.tm io tho ^'l^^'^f^^';^ SSntl ^o will Frform uiK^n them thedutic of .etUement, Mul brmg them g.,.j.«^or grtiilually into cultivation. . " , . . .. ^ , jrC^' "••'•I!?' i* Th«t their valuo, .l»tov«r H .nmy Ic murt be n^^ to A. tnnta- --i:^"-* tennnoeof a IVotcHlnnt CUrpy. thoro oa., bo no douhf. And y.m ^^ Conuuitt.. ro^rot that tlu-r. is ..o pn^Fd, ,. tar a« « ,>re«(m and «u«- , , .Xn«K,.«or^i^ni.co„cornod.orthoir,>r«duoo »;-« -"l-*;^ ^.^ ? SoS^I^t in « country .hero .lu% unimproved l..d «granU^ fee for ahnoHt nothinjr. to por..n. ..ir-nR to «ottIo on ''• ^ « ^^^^^ ;^ . v to b« oxpMod, that »vith the exception of nomo favored "' 'ti"«"^^ responsiilo teimnt« ^ ill l>o founrl, .vho .ill hold on lease or that pur- cbLm of Huch haul « ill l>o found nt moro than a nonunal price. , Your Committ however, arc hnppy tof.nd that the principle of thj' , progreBsivo sulo of if^ laml. ht« already been sat.ctioncd J>y an Ac* of the British Pariian,ent. They «.r^not avoid reconimendmg m the ^.tnmc*8t manner the propriety of Bccuring for the future any provi..ott . vhici. may bo dc^emo-l n<^esHary for tVio religious want* of the commu. nity in those pK.vinoo« by other means than by a rewnation of on*, ievcnthof the land, according to tb« enactment of the Aetof 17»1. They would also observe that equal .>%-ctions exist to the reservation of that seventh: which in prnctioo appcaw to be reserved for thobeneflt of the Crown; and doubtless the time mu8t arrive when those reserved l«„:is will have acquired a conHidtrable value from the ptcumslonce of their being surroundwl by settled districts, but th,,t value w. 11 have been . acquired at the expense of the real interest. of this Provmce, and >nU ♦ operate to retard that course of general improvement, which is the troo .ource of national wealth. Your Committee are of opinion, therefore, fhut it may "bo well for the Government to coijsidor whether these lands cannot be permanently alienated, subject to somelixed moderate reserved payment (either in -money or in grain as may be demanded), to arise after:the first ten or fifteen years of occupation. They are not prepared to do more than ofter this suggestion, wliich appears to them to be worthy of more careful investigation than it is in their power to rive it; but in this or in some such mode, they are fuUy pemuadetl the ' Unds thus reserved ought without delay to be permanently disposed of. ' To a property at once so largo and so unproductive, it appears that there are numerous clainiants. ^y 4; f|| The Act of 1 vol directs -that the profits arising from this source ahaU be applied to a Protestant Clergy ; doubts have arisen whether the Act requires the Government to apply them to the use of the 0hurch of England only, or to allow the Church of Scotland to participate iti them. The Law Officers of the Crown have given an opinion m favour of the rights of 4>e Chui«h of Seotiand to such participation, in whish "vow Committee entirely concur; but the questioirhas also beeu taiaea rhedur •^■Ju ■'t <> 4' 'iii. ■• •I 'wR •^ * ^. \ i: 9 \ 4 •^1 % . -■ ..' ■'' ^■ ■ .' . ' 1 • ■ ' ' ■, •■ ■ ' . ■■■' • \ '' ■■ ' . •-/':l * -i % * i ■■■/■■ ■ , #■ ■ .- •'- ■■■/ .;• ;;■ ';'■'■-•. ■.■.""■. '. "" : ■' ■" • ' ■ ■-*■ ■ ■" ■ ■ '■ ■' ' ■ , '.-■■'.■. ,".' ' '"'*.'■■■ ' ■ • ' ' i. ■ ■'''■: .' ■-;.■*■ * ''. V; - ■♦■' ■ / •'"" :^-r;--?| Wm ■•■-. .\- Xw «" ■W /S3 # ^^i.(S^'^^^ d^nouiintlon #f Chrkti^n. excqa U..rnan J-r.^^ M Iwl OiKimMIM toHulc.w with ""■•'**'' 'liuTohvof Kn)lf Ir r«-«<|MW to the illy, thi^y nro of init tlio rijjht to "rot««Uiiit ClergJFi . mm .#!■ » opinion on tho «co«r«7 wlm-l. ll.« wonUof th. AH lej^lly -'«->•..,.;.-. ,^,.^. • Tl...y .mt..rUii« no .I..u..^ »u>*.,v..r, .l.at th« \^^>^ ..Ml.-- p.-.nH ,u.m..„....«, who hr..nuht forw.ihl tli- iftow«iir.« m I nrl - PaDM.niiji.-h.HWH ii».t'(lMK.-lan.lH th« C'Iok lfln.l, lit tho aiicwtioii of lh« looil Q thoijght fi^ to Tl!! Committee ««o i;ttk4ort (^ hrtpothlU tho nnnunl income tj be aorivcKl from thi. Boureo l« Hk.ly, >vitl.i««ny t»n« to wh.H. th<^ can look forw«nl. to amount U. V B"inci««t .um to prov.d« for tho Pw. t«.t«ntClor«yofth«ePn>viWoH; but they.cutun, U> P- "'-'^ con.i.lcmtion of thi. -ubjoc-t pn Hi- Muj,.tyV (lovornmcnt, w.th » vyw tonn «.lj«Htn...nt, thai mny bo -aiinftu-tory to tho I'nmn^o^ Oftho principloon whivh tho pr,K00 Vo SppliJl, and in dociding on th« ju,t nn.l prudont appl^afon of U.^ > finds the Oovommont will neo««arily bo inrtu.Miced by tho -tat* of the population, as to roUgiou, opinion- at the ,>eri.xl whon tb« ;'«='"'«rt » to iHVtaken. At prcHont it i« certain that tho adherents <.f tho U«gh of England con-tituto but a -nmll minority in the Province of |M| Canada. On tho part of tho Scotch Church, claim- liavo been -tJCWp Iv urged on account of it- e«tabli-hment in the Empire, and from the number of it« adher«»t*in tho Province. With regard t,|^e other religious «ect«, the committee have found much difficulty in «-certam|rfg the exact numerical proportion, whicll they l«»r one to^ho other but the evidence ha« led them to beUeve that, neitlior the .dherentH ofUie Church of England nor tho-e of the Church of Bcotland, form the li^6»t wraerou* reUgiou. body within the Province of Upper Canada. | ) # ADDRESS OF THE COMMONS HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, 20th MARCH, 1828. ' \ To TBS Kiso'aMoftx Exokujfnt Majisty* \ 'Jfo$t Oracioiu Sovereiffn,— ., We, your Majesty'ii dutiful and loyal aubject-, the Commons of ^,^^^1^,^^ Upper Canada in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly . beg leave ^S^"?" to repr*ent to your Majesty that we liave seen, with equal surprise *'U.M«ciwW» and regret, a Letter and Ecclesiastical Chart dated 16th May, 1827, and addl^ssed b y the Hono r abl e and V e nerabl e Dr . S trarh a n, Arch- — . 1_ deacon of York, a member of your Majesty's Legislative and Executive , Councila > 33 'ifmot Adtlrewt/OM ,2, A'-vi" r-i^ ^nz, ^-We hav0 »p )«j|S^i^i^at '^^ of Rdigion woUld suffer •;!* fy ^^ ' Council, of il.i8 Province, to the Right HonoraUeJl. P. .^.^"'j;'—^^ " HortoB. nt that time Under Secretary of State for the Colomea, for the ^J^^^^ "for.r,;tion of Lord Ooderich, then at the head of the Colonml D^ partment, as they are inaccurate in some important respects, and aro calculated to lead your Majesty's Govemmeut into serious errors. . ^ We bog leave to inform your Majesty that^ Your M^esty^s sub- jecls in tht Province, only a sip^H portion arc members of the Church of England; that therd is notany peculiar tendency to that Churc^ . among the people; and that nothing could cause more alarm fend gnef in their *ninds than 'the apprehension that there was a de^'f o° «'« nart of Your Majesty's Government to establish, as a part of the State, one or more Churches or Denominations of Christian, m this Provmcej with righU and endowmente not granted to Your Majesty s subjccte .n ^ ffcneral of other Denominations, who ar3 equally conscientious and d^- wrving. and equally loyal and attached to Your Majesty's Royal Person and 4vemment. In following honestly the dictates of their conscience as r^rds the great and important subject of Religion, the latter have never been conscious that they have violated any law or any obliga-. tion of a good subject, or done anything to forfeit your Maj^ty's feror and protection, or to exclude themselves fromaparticipation in the «ghts and priyi!^ enjoyed by Your M^ijesty's other subject?. ■ - We humbly beg leave to assure Your Majesty that the insinuations c in the letter^ against the Methodist Preachers in this Province, do much injustice to a body of pious and deserving men, who jusfly enjoy^tho " confidence, and are" the spiritual instructor^ of a large portion of Your Majesty's subjects in this Province. : ^ Weaieconvinoed'thatthetendency of then: mfluence and instruction is not hostile to our institutions, but, on the contrary, is eminently . favorable to religion and tnorality ; that their labours are calculated to make their people better men and better sufcject^ and have already produced in this Province the happiest effects. .^ We would al86b*g leave to state, that it .is ihe general desire of Your Majesty's sul^ects in this Province, that the monies arising from , the sale of any of the lands set apart/in this Province for the support . ^ maintenance of a Protestant Cler^, should be entirely appropriated •::«'!i#6urpp8ea of education and internal improvements. ' » ,. ,#!i^^ mj»|t jMP#J^#«sent, ^ ' «f oneor l^%^i^ .* - -■ ■ *-. /i«^r- I V ^. leaving thoin to be wipiiortod by the liborality of their people. Many i^^„^'^^ works for the internal improvetnent 'of the Province, of great irapgr- ^Z»^^^9. tance to ita prosperity and to the ease Und tomfort of Your Majesty's ■ubject8,are ueeessarily neglected for the want of money in the Pro- vincial Treasury ; for altliough the taxes are only of a trifling amount, yet, from the scarcity of money and the want of even a tolerable price for the productions of their farms, they are paid with great aifflculty by many of Your Majesty's people; it is impossible, therefore, to raise by taxationihe means necessary to undertake and carry on those work*. It is also moat desirable that a larger suiA |han is a^ present at our dis- posal shoul4*)e employed to extend througt the country the advantages of education. ;. * i ^ We, therefor*, humbly pmj that the -monies arising from the sale of the lands set apart in this Province for the support and maipterianee of a Protestant Clergy, may be placed at the disposal, of the Legislature of this Province for the purposes wo have nWBlioued. (Signed,) Cottunons Houise of Assembly, ) . aoth March, 1828. ), ioHN WILLSON, - Speaker. MESSAGE OF HIS EXOELLENQY TIJE LIEUTENANT • . GOVERNOR TO THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, IN REFERENCE TO THE SAID ADDRESS. genUmen of the Mouse of Assemily—^^ ' t wiU transmit your Address to His Mi^esty's Government; and 1 Mj«|.|j.ofHto think 1 need scarcely assure you that, if the loyalty of the inhabitants Lte«t«n^« ^ of this Province has been impeached, of which I am,not aware, it could ^J^^^^* neither require nor receive a stronger vindication than would be founcj in the representations which have been continually transmitted from > . : &fa Government by my predecessors as well as byTPyself. The great impbrtance of providing for religious instniction, and for education generally, is happily exemplified in,the moral condition of the people^?] of the united Kingdom; and the measures which have been taken by His Majesty in order to secufe the same blessings to this Colony, sub- jecUng no portions of its inhabitants to burthens or to civil disabilities ^ of any kind, cannot fail in the end to be rightly understj^ and gratefully appreciated. ' ,■ / , ^ ;vv^ ,^^^ EXTRACT OF DESPATCH FROM SIR GEORGE MURRAY, fy««|ft^ V Q,C3^ TO SIR JOHK COLUORNE, K.C.B^ Dako - ^".X^hT'* . Dbtwuyo Stmi, a^flTB 8»PTEiiBtm 1848. a%r ,"■ - 1 . llo*rnl«««Hl»«l, . On tlie "iiT'jeCt of th« aergy R«ferrw, I h»ve to wVnowlcdco the tiui«^»* rivaipt of a despatcli from Sir Pereiprrine MaiUawl, a«ted the I2lh of liny, enclwitij? an Addww fronl the House of Awen^y to hisMajeKty pmyiuif that the monils ari»Jng from the sale of lands set apart in the Province, for the siippoi^nd maintenance of « jProtesUnt Oerpy, «^ mny be placeil at the dispoial of the Legislature of^the Province, for jg'myln;; the exi»nse of certain Public Works' for |he internal im- provement of the country, and hr. thd promotion of general education. In this address it is Stated that only a small proportion of tlie inhabit tints of the Pronnce art mefttbofs of tbe Church of England^ and th,t the Univ^ity i^tttly established "UnderShe Royal Charter, will . produca no practical iKifieat to the majority of the people, but wiU be re^rueJ with distrust, id coi^enoe pf the peculiar privileges which , > it confers upon members cTthe English Church ; it is theref»re desired that a new charter nnay be granted upnon more comppehensive principles. ■■■"•.:;■.-*;■■. -4 ■; ;,:,;;'.;■;"..■.;•;.■>:■■■;: .. ■;• ■■' >' Your Excellency will aoqiaint the House of Astembly itiat I have laid their addievi before the King; and that I have it in command to convey, through you, to the House, the expression of His Mtyesty's satisfaction in the assurances of loyalty and attaclimei* to his person and government which are containied in this address. Yoii will further assnre%em that W* Majesty willj at alj times, receive with the mort serious attention, any repweentation which may be made to him b^ the representatives of his fjfllhful subjects in Upper ' Canada, in tW PromcTal Pariiament^MsemUed^teLa^^^ the prosperity of this important and intorfisting portion of his dpmuuon8||N^ . Your Bifctllency is, hoWejSware that tho esiistlng Acti^fJParl^ ' ' ment have placpd in the hands' of His Majesly'a Goveronient, alvefy limited discretion^ authority respecting Uie apprqpHation ^ol^ho C'.ergy 'Ilo3erve$,o/th3 proceeds arising from their wle. In case of it* • " being deemed pfoper, however, to bring the yhdeof this euliject undeir the revision of Parlijjment, with a,view,^o the amendment of the ex» ^ iating statutes it will be desirable that I should be provided with jetums from Your Excellency, on the subject of the Clorg^ Reserves ^ in Upper Canada, similar to those which I ^have diwcted Sir Jamea Kempt to traqsmit to me with refermoe to the Reserves in the Lower ^ Province^ >:';.,: .■.,.^./ .\;\- ;/;.;;;;■:.. .,.^ -'f. ■;,■■... . , . v.^. It would be deseryedly at subject of n^ to His Migerty'e Government if tbeUmveiai^noeDtly established ai York, sho^d prove «> if / <\ i»^ B / <" 80 '^'''^^P|W<&utid«d upon principles whteh ^not be nuA9 totccord gR^^J^. . .; withHWittBena feeling! an J opinioni" of.thfflwfor ^how •dvwitege g««y;;^c.B. «, ^f ■'-"^- ■'v-*^^B' '-'' ''*'^^^H- ;'it •>■'■■: '".■■» t'. ■ ■ It |r: "■aA "--^-■■'■'.^^M liL" <; 11 .iiiititiMowip lii'iri«,xuuiti«Vl. RAGT OF A' DESPATCH FROM tlEUTENANT GEN- F,tn«.f*Wi w «> important and interesting portioaof his dominio^'* ^ *^ ^^y^ ^ - " TMnLieutemunt Governor, however, is given to iinderftand|fom\the. Secretary bfState^ that the present statutes respjttin^ the ajjijroprfatioi^ of the Gleigy Reserves, grant a very limited discre^nary power Jo^ His Majesty's Govemw^^ and that in case a revision of them rfiQuM* ■ be deemed nece6sarj|fci ^j|||gw t» any alteration jtf'tbeiH|oviMO||^ "* ^ • much iufonnation oj|b^BM>T jnTeH its bearings, is reqwreil^ra^, vill soon be obtained ^Hmesty's Minlsten. , m. ^ fc" li^^ ^^ ■■■■x^m-: ^1 '^■m'- ■ ■'■ -7^ 1 " 1 \ . vV .1 ■-..-■ J 1 ./■ I •^ •«str-. •'' 'WX' y% 87 , •** tit. BXTRACT OF A IrtrflPATCH FROM VI8C0TJHT OODERICH gj^, TOSIRJ;c6LBORNE,K.O.B4DAT«oDowii^iraSfW»T,;» &&■ •"•**.' • ,. siotNovimbm, 1831. :■. ■■ j ■ ., .^,- . ■;.'■ ■■■ ■ (So, 55.) ■■^■■\ y/;-,; '■■ v'''r: • ' , ' .^ ■ ' ■ '■>:.- '■■ v;."' *■ ■.; ■: .'//■'■;■ ■, With rwpest to the Clergy Reserves I have no hwitoUo^^^^^ ' in lUipjr that I enUruly «)ncur ^ith the A-embly in thinking th^ they forma grwtoUtacle to the improvement and MtUement of the : , Province, without bein^ produc|ive of any conwponding advantage to „»ke up for the inconvenience. Durmg the forty yeara the iuad permanent in< perty tetained in tl ja ■j^vag compared •-■ji'j,.'.':'M*iit'. d Under these cirfflistancea 1 calilSt entertain a doubt that an end. should immediately W put to the syston of resen^g a seventh of the waste lands itt Canada for the aupportV a Protalta^J€lergx^that VWch would bean objectional iiM)de of raising a re ve^^o |anj[^hlio pQ,p(|k ig itill more strongly to be condemned aa^iAiii^lW th% ininiaters of religion, mncejt "must have i direct odknu to the inhabi«p(i«|pe tr whW their iiDod*«l jfo iff jfflcfl^» »ly PgAdiul. . > -, ■-.■;\ '^, ' \ ' '%'. >• ^ < ■»* • 1 V >^' ^ \ 1 \ ,, *' ' "^' #ll. \ > V \ \ f ■ 1 • «««!» «• iU conridenitlont by w^fcli Hit II«Hy'« Oov«rnmeiit ^^^Uw l..r« bMn Influenced in coming to the concluilon that the retention oi ,,„„^^^„^ ■ i^JcU^ ^rvc in their pre^nt .Ute i. inexHi^t. It U -^.rceiy ^^^^^::r^ " ^ to prot«t «g.inrt thi. concla.ion being conMrued into .n i«.i. !ZS^m:e in the opinion expr<«ea in a peUtion upon th» wl.jed. *^ Zed by a con.idcn.bIe number of the inhabltanU of the Pmv.ncc, «that any liind of Church ErtaUi-hmcnt, cireoftUnced M Lppcr cln«l« \l is e-c«>i'«>»J «nti-cUri.ti.n and banefilPo every .ntere,t o lumltrX Lmconvinccd that thia U a «,ntimcnt ^ach the great nlrity^ioeeby whom the petition was signed wou d rot «.r.ousIy .. Sn to iZpt, and U.at in their eagerness to get nd of a prncfcnl < abeyance, they have incautiously -nctioned .peculaUve op.mon^ wh^h fL*no doubt that upon n>ature rejection they would disavow. LiiJvl^this to be the case, I decline to enter into any argument for ^ pJL of refuting m «*ertion, the justic^ of which 1 no entirely TI m.uffi«^ent to repeat that Hi. Mi^^ty'. Government hav. *!JvLi uTkpdonmJtat of the Reser.-5 same o fficers, and accordmg to the sitme rules. DESPATCH FROM VISCOUNT OODERJCU TO-UEUT. p^^j G0VERN0RS1RJ0HNC0LB0RNE,K.C.B. ^,^Vi. DOWHINO StBEKT, 2l8t Nov, 1831. J^o..nC.>U»n^^ •SnL-In niy d«plfcb of this dat^ No. 66,1 h«|ie announced to you ter^i-. ua«. ha intention, of. His'^j^ajwty'a Government on the subject of the thaintenuonBoi.xiio/^-j'^»v- —• . - ,. , ^,, Clenrv ReKsne. in Upper Canada, and have apprizctl you that I should ia a ftoparate despatch describe in detail the measures it would bo neces- «»ry to adopt for tho purpose of causing those lUservea to revert into the general maaa of the Cit>wn Estate. I now proceed to execute ttim purpose. '■'']; v; ., * The statute 31 Geo. lU. cap. 31, sec. 86 to 40, provides for tbe appropriation of Unds for the maintenance of a Protestant Clergy,. Md for the erection and endowment of Rectories, the presentation of incumbents, and the manner in which such incumbents shaU hold 1.hcir livings. The forty-first wction, which immediately follows those enactments is expressed in the following words 5— -Provided always that ihe several provisions hereinbefore contained iwecting the allotment and^ropriation of bads for the' support of > riotflSmt Clergy withi n thft said Pftvinces, and also respecting the ■^t • eoBititatiiig, ei«eting^ md endowing Parsonages or Rectories within ,.• ».,.<.. ■mI' • ~*^.; ^i^ \S ' .' / ■ ■; ■>■■■ . ■• ■ . -•, ■• ■■■»■ ■■ ■I '"'■■-:''-'^''''^^^^ » y ' •• ' V ' :y-'/'--'}: ■■:: /■-;:■■■'"' i-" ;.■./'./■ .■.■..}"■'' ■■ ., .v . • ■j^-:'.--''-. ■- '] • . ' ^"■^:^;>:'^'-^1-v!-^£^':^^';^ 30. ■^ incumUnl. or min .t«r. .ball hold .ml •nj^.y i .. «m., .h«U U «.l>Kt uj «„«^. Council ...a A-.nbly of iU« «U Pru>inc« r«,>ecUv.ly .nd ««.ntd^, ti l.y IIU M«j«My, LU l«.i«or .un. h«r«U^ iflcr provided.!* ,. ' •• * The fortv-^ocond clmiw then proc<^« to cnnct, that mhen^ver OTJ \K,tU..llbo>«.*dhythoU«i.lativ,Co«nca«ndA-en»llyA^^^^^^^^ ^ Tlo l«!Ure-.I-c«..ioned purp9^. .«ch act .h-U, - before any aed-r^ton ; ouLof Parliumont in Great Britain.and that H U M-J^ty^-^l »^ ignily bU ,u«.nt until thirty day. afler tho act .ball «o h.v« b«ea l«4 . W<^r« the two lloui Subsequently to the date of tW. Act of Parliament, *« Corp^loa for themanag.n.H.t of tho Clergy lU^rvc. wa. «; "l;*"^^ J'^. • Charter Wud under tho Great Seal of the Province; that body hjf. cranted Unm^ of a considerablo quantity of land, none of "l"*:!*. *J vnJ« .tand, arc made to endure for more than twenty-one yean fiom tlwir re«p«ctiv« daloa. / ;" • ■ The.tflt«te 7 4 8 0«).IV. cap 62. nuthorizea the doveraoi. of tlw p.ovinceN with the consent of the Executive Council, in pursuance of, ' L iuHtructions which n.ight be i«ued to them by Hi- Majesty through one of lii. Principal Seca-tarie. of State, to sell . part of the Clergy Re«:rvo^ not exceeding one-fouHh of U.e whole provided that m ,|0 one yea^ more than 100.000 acre, vvere^o •^/^•^r"*^ "''"."K ^';^„™ I Les was to.be invest^ in the ^c/^" * n H^ Tn Sl the interct of that investment y,^ Ml^W^c^\^\^ ^^'^''.'l ^^ l.np,;;Le,tt of the ,:n«.H IU^rve.XtJ<4^urpo«. for which th. Reserves were originaly made. ; ll appears that in pursuance of this statute 74.819 acT« of the Clercv Reserves have been sold up to the month of June h»t, for .urns togeiher amounting to £60.637 7s. 6d, and thaUhe .(.m o £— - Zdue by the purc^r^ who by the terms of theu contracU were ' Uble to the payment of the interesU ^ iDordertoaccomplisheffktuallythedeaigna^bichlJaveeiplain^ in the despatch already referred to, it will be necessary that «> much o^ the statute^l Geo. III. cap 31, as relates to^^he alio ment and appr^ priationof land» forthe supportof the Prt^estant <^»«^;^^'";!^ Province of Pppor Canaaa should be reHed by an act to be pa«ed iJ^beCoutu^^^^ exercise of the -fo^'V^^^^ thenH^^^^P^'P-^^^ ''• t o tnem to imiat pu rpow » uj ut^ »>"v - — — . ~ -5^-^=^ — . . . . ^ BiU,if«>passed,muIbeaSmp^i^^ L -J. , / «.- iit^r ;» ■V >' It) <■' ^^ s < ^ ^' ^ V ^ -* Cowl ', . * ^ torn >• ithsi of Co pu Mi /ol fo ai •t3 'i I // 4- j> 4-: • i ^ ■ '*'■•■ 1 - ■-.•-■ '■'*•■'■ '; >> J • ¥■'•1 .-A ■■;■■,■■■ r 4 ■■' ■*. ■ m * :/ 1 1 V t^ ■■:,'' * J* JJ^ -■■r-' ■"•"l-?^ •■ i >:,i' W . ^v* ''/.■■ S' ■«;■,' ' ' .V '.I't *. .' • ' A' ■;..- •.*)fe ^^^ '"It. ' *■ J j^-' i>i»'tliA' nuMKtto of beinii W z**^^ 'Al-4': , *' l">>% ■ -- S- ^ ^ r rJ^^itheCorp^^ .bother the n«>t»cy already j.«^.^.^ f "^d^^ber the iNiweftM Sale. ,gtv«. l*tW A^ ^f ^?»/«%^ * ' .- ^ loJS-Se (kiorattoh could iiot s#v^e th^extim^ioj^bf Ihe^,^ '• ^^^M;^ .f «i^ vi^ i^'CMri Kfe8ferve#aa cea^ft^-twict ft- ■yi'A i . ■^v :■% ■H- h ■1 >^fi.*%hicfrftwaft erected; the Fpvfii^oi aai^,:.:. 3 ^^■KI«..f#vi£.t|e.'CteI^^^ ■lSS!^ouyi/ii^u^«^<^'«haVe:beea^ 1f^!«iiWr iiftimi^to tk CI% G^4>o*^t^'"^^^i^'' th^f B^ 3 n¥% J-- - Tay;«i^fc^^*^»^^ / : a!«btthdriady compUance. and am most reluctant to reason, even .^ tlkt^'al^ntUeLtrarysup^^^^^^^ B«tasit^vm.benec^ry . ^^ ^Improvident leased .hich on the hast« and exc.tementx>f ICmeut 4ht be made, you ^i\\ in t^ unfortunate ^on^mgency ^ Inlltrtakesuch meas«.« as may be best adapted toW to Se alidityof the Charter itself. I apprehend that /h^ resu U rmt^bl^t^eprecatesucha^^^^^^^^ X^ptL an«^^ remedy in J. case of;,xtrea.e importance. - ' ' menwerll.. *<* -Ml t"'' >«» Sndlj F««e^ the eo»tin»ed. u^- of the'Uniiriierwoulu uo«. «>, ^ -—"";. *' - - be on the whoWdesiraWethat the Charter should be then •laddered.;- ■■■; .\- 0\^:-r-' j -\:. ; -,^■'^ '■.'';:'■■.■: ■;■' JithWriVth. oontinW»« of the I-owirof Me .|i«the .Wuto ■;/». k' *>.•» ^ S^ti' 'A -43 » ♦ y.. ^ j>, ^\* ■( / V, M 41 ^ 1 i»v °if.ti»HrV Mininftndt ll»«t they do al^to'n from v^iII^SIm noawie* .wiiir that tt«tttte, Hit Majewy s coromRna* uw* j i.T^^a'*'* k» «' J«""' .^* .^iiur ftnv further m ,tto fxec»|Mon oi "< "'"^ , i . . tL^ «oVii» • owmn* »"•«•• acting any lun, ^ ^ .^ • January l«t to that date, Uie mIi»,,., Mo»«uua. ^d in the preceding h•l^y€ar. ,:f-^ | ^ ^ ^ rri. ^iffl«iUie. ^hicK might oppose or partially frustrate ^heexectt- Tint, ipen. "« "»" . ," , /si«_-^ Resenres shoukl bo ibould be quoted in the repeahiffe Act , a ^wt« remove all doubts as to the effect of the repeal, it ahouia . ^t:::^5 "a tStl ^.erved lands sh^ld --^-te 7 v« ■ ^Hir3SLtn«d beield by him, i»eins and successons m the never b#» awwted. \ ^ fhirdlY the leasee granted «>y the Clergy Corporation ^hou^ de^ to^ asvalifas tho«#. a>e *peali«f ^ l»»i^^^* ^^ ^^ t^ ^t the t^ants should be .^q^ to "^^^f J|S^; aCue'l^tbeir r.nUtohi«.or>.the^^versof&^B^«^ue i 4- T?™«tWv afi -dee effected, an* # 4^4oii^^ ^a^th^ 8tattit|; & eirJ^^uldi;declare4.v*4-.thou^ thei^u^ iiflfbad not been prnwd. ^ ♦ iriftWv the only addition^ provlsfe *i n66«i% of i^ I ca|^ Fifthly, tneomy »M ^ declarioK that ti*nceforWard .no anticipate, ?.o,ad be «^ ;:^^'",^"[, ~„«,a iu.alidor ineffectual, a-Btof lands- wherever ftvade shall be deemea in a.^ j,^..^ .^ K««u of the absence of a specification of the Clergy llc»er^e^ ap^ ' ^ZLVn respect of suci grant With tef«rence t^ future grants, C^ZX supeious, ^ut it niight ,oblia'. Wuicon- t^n:is-tothoe^u.f^t^^ P^^^ JLiair nor .falling short of., thm' m any nJ«Jer,?l "r««J>^* ^ !!!•! L cLrv Beserr^ to^^Wch I haveadverted w toy |WCW*- *■ A ,"^ ■ . / ,. „• ■■:'::■:'■ "f r ^^ . ^ "' ■ ;'■ '■■■ *■..- V' A ■■ ■ » ;„•■■ , ' ...•■•■•■ .< . '-■•■'^:- ;*. •■,. ' ■ .; .■■■ ; 4 >\ -j^ tt; t»«ttt» bold 1 Mcuri ft ciaM ioviu Mflje from 1 will ■■'. ] As wli AD! A< Ck de Ml H of to ;-v- t « ... 1 * ,; ■ "_./)V ;>-»,. J' ' ■ . ■■ " ■' ■;'., ■■.^■ ;: '•„■•■: ► /\" ft _ ."'■.. r .■ v' i &*":*■*; „-^*»- 42 ^v^ VZ\i. .-«nL That however is* contingency againat wlwch no'^™Siid purpOMtoBpecutatev'.'.. ,■--■■'.■■■■■ ''"],: '-.v-'V--; It wmains to consider what steps should be taken in djcr to bring; ' J ; ibis question Wrly under'U.e notice of U»e two branclM* of the I!^^ S^LogWature: Bor «.at purpose it wUl be 6t that tbeysbouKl^ ^ , SvitoJtothoc^siderationof tho question by a message from Hw . . Sty. Anxious « I am to relieve you to the utmosjipo^ble extent ^, Jl ^plibilty upon an occasion of so much gr|.v.ty and ^'"PorU^ _ . , ; iSXyou the^py of am««age tobe transmitted mllm M^ ,,. J^yVname^ both of the riouses of the Proving I^^ .: > The same m<^ve induces me to transmit to y . \ v • I am not sufficienay conversant with the UMges of the. Canadian :': Assembly ta venture to prescribe anything res|[)ecting the manner m Chich this Biil^ould be brought forward. , If r am "^ ™*'«^y>y "j* ^ analogy of fengW Parliamentary proceeding?*. I should desire that th« A^ miy be infLced to the notice of the Assembly by the Attorney . Goneral^or if he^aa not a .seat in that h^use, then by any offic^ -• member in whose ability and discretion y/»rcair place adequate confi- dence. Should the Law pass in any fo^m, you will .^either give nor ; !!fuse your consent, but wiU resene Ve Bill for the s,gmacat.on of HisMajestyVplea^U'^- Ind^ I'con^ve th^ tobe th^prapercourto V. Sproceedig in every case in^mch^nAct of theCan^das isrequ«ed to Ulaid before the two Ileuses y PariiameiiV ' : / ■I,' i M rfv .•;^S^ vk ^ UPPER CANADA, BltlN« THE DRAFT EE^RRS^D ^totu TO IN THE DESPATCH ABOVE SET FOKfJI^ ' -^^ Maje#. cjmmm rrikke the following ^fti^JricatI<;n Legislative ,C«?^l#h* House of* General ^Assembiy,] in reference to tlw lands,,^ Lsuano^ of W^on^i^tiMAct of ^UI«rc«^^^ , Jpkfor thfe s%wt: and ma^mmce of * Pw^tXler^ , ^: , ' :The R^reseiltms w^ :«^«&Hi^Royia ft^e«5«^^ tltepr^#c^„«ft^itte*^ "HW fSdthl^W^ecte in'this PiOYim^m^^ iJcgiulMilWOf Vliper r •;//:■ :-."! ■■J" "J" ■" ^"5 J ■)>•>; ■■ -A • > ■' ;■ .^.v- ^1.. " '» " * ' ' ' ' ' '■',.' ■".;; ;:■ /. " > , ■; '■\ ■ • ^n- ^ />? ..r' ■ . - * .■■ ^ r ■ (. ' ' ^ It .. ■■:-.. '■'liv. s T. . "' ■■'■'■^'*\ * »." B \ -.; ." i' ■' " ■ , - „'^' ■ ■■ 'if ■ , ' 'A ft ■- . IS '■..; ■ w '.' ;■ " "■ ■ ■ " • r ■ 1 ". M '■K :<: troo^ H« Moj«ily l'«^ >v»t]..nole6« jihxicty. cophWc'^,! Uqw far M.d/ an IrJSt.'^ Lropriation S(«rriU,ry in conducive Either tojhd ten.porol wdfi)^ of /" . ^. U,oMW« ^' l^«gi"« "' ^^'^ T^inc^ or to th«irfKiriM. m^itoncc. -Boutfil no 1«« l»y l'i» F"0'«^ ^^^""^ ^'^'^' ^^ *^ ««c«)J obUgation* ' * of Oiat rtaUon to which Providence l^to. palled him to wateVovcr U»o inteiwte of -all tlio,'Prt)te8Uwit,Churchc« within I.& d0mlt(5on^ Hm MAwty C9uld ncvor^onfledt "to abandon th6ec inton»te wl^ «^ view to . . any objects ofVinpornry and apparent ejcpcdionpy. . ' / \ /i- . '^ It has tliorcfoW^ l»con with ikjcuW «iti«faction that, Jt^ tho r^vitt of ' . hiB inquiriee into tl.1* *Mbjort, flis" BfiptyshaB jbund/hat thoMian^ * «OT«htforU^»olSionrroix,rtiont>ftlv,iribabita«^^^^^^ ^- ; boOirrio^rifttA effc\^ without Bacrifichig the jUBt chun^ of the E«taawhc*J . r . .ClMrch^of England and Scotland/ T:ho^l«te/M8 ^»f^o . be<5n set ai^art as rt l>i^»vi«i^» for tho CKrg^r of ifcoso vcnoniblQ bodies 'juivehitUorto yield«lt«)\tiKix>Habl« revenue.. /The period at M^hich . ^ • ihW might "reJVM>nably Ito expoctc.1 .to become Uore productive i^l BhU remote, Ifi» M«je"«ty lu» wlid grounds foi' Utertainin^ tho Jippc, : that l>eforotlw arrival of that perl k1, it m»ybiQ found pnwticablo to V . . . affonl the Clergy^ of ihoifo -fcWrchcs .8U*h a; re Wable «# riwdetate . L-i)rovi8ionafl^maybp"neccfl«ar)- for enabling themW^^^ • - their sacred functionfl. * w ?" \ '* ^ /Vt : « " His Majesty thereforcinvite tlio l/iirfatiVe' Co^cr[tli^ H^ G(«ncn44«^»nWy]of Up^r Ctfnada to cuft^ideir liol^the pt^cn* givci^ , / to the pVninciul Legishituie>y tkp i>wi8t!lutlonal a]cLto > a'y or rcixsai >* \li\^^mt of it-* provisions, can Ih5 cuIIchI into f*c<(W ingst aJva^-- - KwUy f^r thaspiritutS^and tempond ukv"re(«^ t)f*M •V- In ^»« Prwince. (SSg«^l' *-V !-«•- OODERICH.. X: , . DILIFT OF A BILL y an J|pt fa-^^d'i.rtl^ j^liaimnflr .4 dnesit Rriuiu in th« ;y%-first ybar c€tiw m^ys^ 1''^''^ Mfi^»tKKi.if Cl»>i9< Ae Thmk |si«iBtI£ui«?a *#u"Act' W'lie'p^ certain i>art« «rf •• A«t fnp^nl in tke Ki)urteeMh>ar4>fJ«6Hajc^tyVwigi%;i«titMfea -^ Ad: for makwfr • ,;mH«?£tu^ provision for tho Govwuiwat ««t die Province «*\2u^^becy in North America,' and m:Jie further, pti^iii** fi* the CV^-immeiit of the said Province;' it was amoog^i otiict things crocte*!, llm^> sIiduU ■iml micrht bo lawful f.rt lli^ ^a lau; Majc**ls Ess Ht4w an^t^ucccs- i;o«,tomi(h..rizotlWG..verni.i 'i" Lieutona^'^l. v .-nV Jlicjtish of tlu- .Hul rroviua-^resT'-tiv^,- ti.. p.^r^.« .;)4ni«M.'iMii l^;*^>^.•l•mlr.u♦ l>Taft of !> R'll M> liu Inhl' (h lorr tim ^rcsBOitiv^', n.,m»ti.,n of Ia.KU for the HUi-port -^-^J^ „„a ,naiuto.mn.o of a P^nAcHtunt Clergy within tho H«.nc, as nmy »;«^ ^ a dm pn>iHMion U. tho n..H>»ut of «uch lan.1. withm the «,,,«, m had^ - • at any time IM5CU grauty or. under tho authority of »'«•«" »';»^ Maje'ty ; and that whenever any grant of lands w.thm cUior ^f Uie «»d Pr^vinooH Hhould the^aftor bo tna^lo l.y or under tho authority of His Majesty, IUh Heirs or Siiec««ons there fthould at tho »aiuo tiwo bo , , made in ro«iK,^-t of tho siinie, a proprtionable allotment .and appropna- tiouofl.uul«fi.rtho.»lK,ve-.ne..tionoclp«riK^withiutho rowimhip or. Parish to whieh m,eh lan.lH sa to bo granted nhould ap^^rtain or l« anncxiHl, or OH nearly ivljuecnt thereto art circumHtanco«.wt«ld admit; -^ a»«ith«tno Bttch grant Munild bo valid or cftectual vinl«« the sajno Bhould contain a .i>ecifto»tion of tho hmd« wiillotte. or appropnat«l In respect of the lands to be tlu'reby granted; a«rf that such lundHW ^ . itllotted rtudappropriatoil should b.', as nearly as tho ciicumstaneea an tho seventh part of tho^lan«L«> granted- awcMt wa'j thereby further enactwl, that all and every tho • orofitsx.rcmolu.nentH'fvhichinigl.tat any time arise from such _^ 8.. allotted and appropriated as hforesaid, should be applicable solely to tho maintenance and st.pport of a Protestant Clergy within tbe Province in, which the same should bo situatoil, and to^no other use of purpose whatever; And whereas in pursuance of the said statute divers jiactii of laud within tliis Province have been aUotted and appropriated »|br the supmrt and maiutenanco of tho Protxistant Clergy witHin the aj^e: And whereas by certain Letters Patent, under.Uio Great Seal of this Province, bearing date tlie ;: .^ day ,, ^ m the year His saM late Majesty King George the Tliml did ^♦ituto A. B. 'and C. D„ aijid their anccossors to bo a body corpoi And wiiEREAS tho said corporation have, in pursuance of the powers tfy ' vested iu them as aforesaid, demised ;fa;iou» parts of the said Clergy, Reserves within this Province to divers persons for tenns of years ,by _^ k'tw,es in tlie name and under tlic seal of the said Corjiomt" !i:i>,.^8 diveni Slims have been reserv(Ml. and nmdo payab ^ rent ; And wubreas by a certain Act of thff Pailiament" Kingdom of Qreat' ferif^im and Iii'land, passed in the 7th an^ I of the t«igii(of His lito Majesty, King George tlic FourtW^ U An Act to autlio'rizo the sale of a part of tlio Ckirgy llof rPrtnincps of Upper and LowQr Canada," it is eftacted, ^tMt . and may be lawful for tlio Governor and Lientenant Governor, «r ol • administering tlie Gbvernment of the said^rbvinces or. eitlior of them, ' .with the consent of the Executive Council appointed Within such Pro- ',1 inoo for the atlairs tlieroof, in pui-suance of any instructions which may •-^. m y ■.'M /.t^'i" be A-, -MP^ V'?. / \ . * Ir- X. I. ^ 4S bo wuoil Uj »*»«'I» 0.>vt-rn..r, I,i.«l.nftnl (l<»voviK.r, or ..^ ftfim»aia 1>y Ui« Mnj^irty, tlm.uKh *mo uf IHs I'riiuii.ul I StAto, to w>n, nlicnnt.s nn.l convoy in ft« nhnpUs or f<.f m%\ or intorost, a part <.f the hiu.I Clergy Il«wr>(». in onrli of tlio| vino» (not oxoocling in cither ProvtUco one f.uirth of tho within such Pwvinoo.) Upon, un.lor, nnJ nuUjool to mich <-..n.l ^ provii hM m nfor.«».L ., taftW ono y«'nr i» i-illxr of tho wii.l Provincit. nhttU not »n tliu wh..l« • oxcwl 10(),()0<) w*"**; proi^itW a/90, thnt tho nu.uim to nri^o by or ».. bo produml fr«»ra any suoh bhIo or wiW «hnll Ixf pai.l over Ui hhc>i officer or J^fficors df Hin Miyont/i. Ilovonuo within tho naia Provinc-H ; Wdpoctj^i'ly an iliu Mftjosty nlmll bo ph':wo.l U> appoint to rcooive tho ^ wnwsa^ Hhnllby Buoh ofll<'or or onUw Iw inv«Hto.l in tho public, ■funauofUieUiiiU'.l Kinf{.U>m of (Jnat nritnin nn.l Irt-huul in Ruch ' iiuinnor andform an lli« MiyoHty nhail frmi timoto time Iki pUii^sJ to ^\r, bearing date on llio -/ day of % Insn Major General Sir John Colbome, Knight, GommRndor of tho most Ilonoum,- blo MiTitary Order of tho Bath, did signify to Iwth of tho IIouhcs of the Provincia I>»gislatur most gracious invitation -to ■ considor how the pwyors giveji to tlio Provincial L^islaturo by the ' Constitutional Act^ carry or repeal that p«rt of itei-provisions which telatostothelandi'allQtted.andnppToptiatedin this Province for tlie support and maintenance of a Protestant Ciorgy could bo calKl hito x lerciso most advantagwusly for tho spiritual and temiwral iirtercRts of .Js Majesty's faithful subject in this Pnovince; Now thbrefoue, be it and it is henjby enacted, &c-, tliat so much as is hereinbefore Tcoitotl of . the'said Act of thp British Parliament m passed as aforcfiaid in tho 3l8tyear of the reign of His said late MajoRty King George tho Third shall be and the same is hereby roi>oa1o^ >. / .?«?>. % *a \ - * - ■ , P'- > ^' -*. ; ■„ /^ • / v. ■■ ,'f y / ".-i.- V ■ .■ M ^ z' V. 11 ll b ll I e o (1 a 8' tl ■ t V c J " ''".■■■"' - ' • * :■ ' :• -1^ ■.; ' ■ '" -^ -' ■5 v^ ..;.;■ 1. a fv'.' ••'■■■■ .^^ .:^^-;;fA- " ^ \ ■ .• • . ,' ' ■ ■ '^'- ''. " ■.' '"'-•■ r ,•■ - . .' -■* ;■•■- ' . ' ^ , "''■ ^'V -\ ■'.- ^ • - - -1 . • a s ■...',. .■■$^'^-- ■ " .■■ ■ * '■*■"".•- t • .V ■ . ■ ■ / /■ • V *• . ■ / T"" ' (J / ■ e ► " ; 1 . 1 • ■ - ■■ ' ■'. -;, * .,»f-' ',_ . 1" • ' .■,."" ■. ** ' ,,-, ■ , '■ , V.' • % * . -i ■ ■■■ , »»*-.■ ■ . ■" >-■■ ,-■':■ > 7. '"'fIR' . 40 ■V .AiiJIkj it.fintiior.onncUMl,Tliat from liencofortli no gratil l»cixtoforo |J^J,;/,^,j|JJJ'„2 madp^by or on tlio^ljeliijlf of Ilis Mi»ji»ty or any of \m Ift»}-n1 prcilwcs- ij',^IJl."''.^'J,^'„. sorsof nny*lnndi.»itiiato wkliin this Province sIiaII bo or bo (loonKxl invalid or ineffectual, or bo liable to bo impcaclicd, vncntwl, or wt nftiJo , by- reason tliiit arty such grant did not contain a specification "Df the luids,' allotted of nppropriatecon as valid and effectual in tbo law as thoucfh sjich grtmt ha*!' containwl tlio specification aforesaid. ", , . Aiwl bo it further enact«fore appropriated within this Province for the support and hiaintenance of n ProtesUmt, Clergy now'^niainin^ unsold slmU bp and the same are hereby declaroil to l>o rested in His Majesty, IJjs Ilcire and Successors, as of his and their original estate, absolutely dischargctl from .nil triist for or for the benefit : of a l^Mcstanl Clergy, and of and frorp all and every the claims and" 4eQU^ds of" such Clergy Uiwn or in respect of the srnnft ■-■Mv/--' ■:^- ^- ■ •■•:-/ •■ ;■ • . ■.■ '-" :/\..--^ And be it further enacted, that all and every the tenants or tenant of the lani^ so diJmisetVas aforesaid by the said Corporation shall and they eaich of them are and is hereby required to attorn, and during the remainder of tlio terms by such respective leases granted to pay the rents theteby resi^ectively reserved to His Majesty, His Heim and Successors, or to such -persons as shall by His Majesty, His Heirs and Sttcceesors, or by tlie Lords . Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the time being, be appointed to receivQ the same. ,' :• ." -■■-'■ '".";■■■'■■ ^, '■ V ■ ■ ■■ • -i ;« Provided alw»j% and bo it' further enacted,- that nothiiig herein vpxi^ - tained,. shall take away or affect^ or bo construed to take away or iraect %e right or title of any person or persons in or to any lands which may by any BUch person or persons bo holden or enjoyed, oi" which any such person or persons niay claim to hold or enjoy, by virtue of any sale ali^ifttion, conveyance, or, contract made, excepted, or entered into in pursuance of the above^jiecited act of Parliament passed in the seventh and eighth year of his said late Majesty's reign, but that every such side, alienation, or contract shall be as vaUd and efl^ual in the law, and shall henceforth have nnd continue to have the same force, virtue and effect, as if 4iis present act had not been made. •V- .. n y >• :/: .■■x.:/« ■■J '■a M: .V^':. i" i:v;-/.< , - , . ■" ' • . . J ■ ' ■" -. /'■, ■1 ■'.■ ■ - •" ■'.■ - ". *' - i . -■ - . ■ '".■■.'' ' ■ *■ . ..■■;.■■ ■ ■ • ' ; 91 ■ *■■'.' . ' ■■■ ■ ■"". . ♦ "' - . " '■ .'■■■■■ .- SB i ■ ■m ■ ■ yM f ■■'■•"■'*■.:■■ "". ■ "' ■ ■ .'■.■-■■> ^1 '^ ■e -, ' . ■ >_" » 1 ,_.- «. .: " ■ ■■' V . ■ • ■■" .-. ■" ■ ' '■' ^ ■ ' If! ■ ■■■■.■■/",.■ '■'_; .": ■ "■'^ ■ ■ • ■;■ ;■ , -■■;■:■:■'■: ■' y ' " '. ..'.■/ ' :'> ,1fl«* y M." ■ ■ ■ ■■> 47 ADDilESS TO THE K>^(I>llO>f THE CiOX^MONS llOCSE ^t^^±, t OF ASSEMBLY OF I'PrEll C'ANAM^A^ or A.«-ini.iy <.r • . I'ppcr ('.iiin-• ^ * t ■ * *T., ./ ■ I. \ ,.|A, \ ^: o 48 1 L'girtlatun- of lliis T'iovIhoa) to appiMpriiily tli.* pro. . r»l« tl.. ivof/ in Mwh |J",|',j^^}}* mnnnof as iimy Iw conHidcKHl nKxt oxi^cliciit fi>' Ju! ndvancomciit i»f {,]f";';;;;;?,'i;,J'?;*" (AluCOtlon. / ' Utwinbcr I4di. ' " (SigiMxl) AUCII. Mcl^EAN, «»'• ■ Si>oakor. . Commomft' House of AssoniMyj Utii Doccmbot) 1831. MESSAGE FROM LIEUTENANT-OOVERNOR SIR JOHN Mt.««oftom 14* liteut.-Uovernor COLBORNE TO THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND "'jJ^^^gllS^ HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF UPPER CANADA, |K"b? A-«n. • On 26TII January, 1832. v ciit}a.otf9s*h Janualnr, 1839. Tho Lieutenant-Governor has received HiB MajcstyV commatiils to make the follnwing communication to tlio [Legislative Council, House of Assembly] in roferonco to tlie iamls wliicli, in pursuance of tlie Con- stitutional Act of this Province, have been set.apart for thesupport and maintenance of a'Protestant Cloi^y. i. The representations which have at different times been made to His ; Majesty and his Royal predecessors, of the prejudice sustained by his " faithful subjects in this Province, from the appropriation of tho Clergy ___^i_i Reserves, have engaged His Majesty's most attentive consideration. His iMajesty hasy with no less anxiety considered how far such an appropriation of territory is conducive either to the temporal welfare of the raiiuster of rAigion in this JProvince^ or to their spiritual influence. Bound no lesfe by his personal feeluigs dian by the sacred obliga- tions of that station to which Providence has called him, to watch over the interests of all the Protestant Churches within his dominions. His Majesty could never consent to abandon those interests with a view to any objects of temporary and^^parent expediency. It has, tfiereforo,' been \Vith ixjculiar satisfaction that, in the result of ^ these^inquirios into this subject, His Majesty has found that tho changes ' sought for by so large a proportion of tho inhabitants of this Province; / ; may be carried into effect withoiit sacrificing the just claims of the ' established Churcheft of England and Scotland. ii The waste lands which Imve been. set apart as a provision for the Clergy of those venerable bodies have hitherto yicldal no disposable revenue; the period at which they might reasonably be expected to • bfcomc more proiluctivo is still remote. , "■• ■ . . : - ■ ': : ,.' ■. .■ ■ '■' . '■: - :.."■-;■ • '. iiis ■ . •v: ■■■> ■• ivi; ' ■ ■ ■ .■ V-,. ■;.' ■ ■■"■ •* ^ • ■ r '. ■ ■ \ •■V - ,\ ■5^;- ■ - ■' ;;- ■ ■■■• "■ m .V. .. ;■'/ ■ ■ ' .-;■■ ■ ; . ' ' -K ■"'^ > • ^ fK- ■ i - '■- , , ':-' ^ ; • . .f ■■ • - ? r * ■ ■.: ■;■ ' ■■■; ■.■■.. • ■ •• . " .r » ■ I ', i '■ . / . - \ •■ *-»»•;•■ \ - ' ■ ' " ' ; ;■ ■ i - ':■' ■ ■ ■■ ■^" ■•■■"-' . i ■ * : \ V..-- - ■ ';■ ._i ..'■ ■^ ■ . ^ < ' ■■• ./ : ■ .• ■- ';■■■■ -V :- ' .-, ^ /'■■",■ -■^v '*. 40 IIIh fll^y tim Holi-I growiuti f.r pnlortiUnlnff tlio liopo, tliut iK-forc fJi:j^71„^i;;i„ tlio nrrivnl of tliAt iH-riml 4t may Ihi fbuii.l priu.ti.jil.lo to nirurd tlio 2;'ti;;","JI,w2« Clorgy of tliono CliurcliCB Buch n renM)nnl.I<5 ftiid ino*l«mtu provwioii iw '„^;'^",?'a««i^ ntny bo noccaaary for enabling thoin proi)^y to diwluu-go tlioir wktcI [1'^^'i'Jiriu, ftinctioDB. ■ . ^ . i.«u.r,.u«. ••''.■' ' " ■ ."■''■► •."'■■ HisMajcflty, thoreforo, Invite* llio (Logislatiro Council, Hoiwo t)f- Awwrobly) of Upper Canatla to conHidor how tUo powow given lo tho ' Provincial Logislaturo t(y the ConHtitutional Act, to vary or roponl thin part of its proviHions, can l»o callol intu oxerciHO most atlvaiitagoously for tlio spiritual and temporal intoroHtH of Ww Mnjwty'H faithful Mib- jocts in. tiiiM Proviiico. OOVERNMBNT HoUSl, ; 26th Januftrj', 1832. •» House OF Assxmblt, i?6th January, 1832. Mr.^Attomcy General socondod by Mr. Willson, of Wontworth, movo^ lb* leave to bring in a Bill to invest in His Majesty the lands set apart i\ this Province for the support of a Protestant Clergy in this Provin(So, dwchargotl of all trusts wliatsoever for that purpose, and that the 32nd RuIIb of tliis House bo dispensOtV w;?th for that purpose, \Vhich was tfi^ted, and the Bill read. ■ Mr. AUxmm fitenoral moves, soconde4 by Mr. Bidwell, that the Bill be read a«»doD|^Ume to-morrow, and that it be tlie first item on the order of the da^' In amendment, Mr. Morris seconded by Mr. Samson, moves tliat the whole of tjie original motion after the wortl ** moves" be expunged, and the foUowii^ insertedV " that 500 copies of the Bill, and his Ex- cellency's meesage of this day, on the stibject of tlie Clergy Reserves, bo printed for the use of members," on wliich the House ditided, and the yeas and nays were taken )u follows: Ykab:— Messrs. Berczy, Boulton, Burwell, Campbell, Chishohu' Duncombo^ Elliott, Ingersol, Jarvis, Jones, £[etchum, McCall, McMar- tin, iMcNab, Ma^on, Morris, Norton, Randal, Robinson, Rol>lin, Sam- son, Shade, Shaver, Solicitor Gei^eral, VanKouglmett, Werden, J. Willfion, and W. Wil8on,--28. Nats:-— Messrs. Attorney Ounorali Bidwell, Btiell, Clark, Cook, How.ird and Lyons, — 7, ^htj- ProcMdlnnor II(iuMof AMcmbly. UUiJan., 1832. •^ «■ "i v.* 'Plio ({UchUuu wm carrkKl iu Uw nfllrinaii vo by u iiutjitrh)' uf 21 .~ Tlio origiiinl r^uoMtion, m Anh^iulud, wiw thou put nni) curritHl. On tiio (|U(mUuu fur thu Hucuud roiwliu)^ uf tlio Kill to-nh>rruw, tliu Iloune UiviJuil, mid llio }'0(w and nnyH ncro tukcu nt folluw-n: YiA«: — MtwBW. AlUmioy Ot'iicnil, Ikirczy, Huoll, Cnnmbcll, Clil»- hulin, Clnrko, CVntk, Duiic4)iiiIk', Klliott, Kownnl, lu^ormil, Jitrviit, KuU'lmni, LyoUH, McCall, D. McDunahl, Mii<;(>n, Morrin, Nurtoii, lltui dill, Ruliliu, Suubtuii, Sbndu, Shaver, Wcrdvn« J. Williioii» nud W. Wilson,— 80. ; Nays : — MowrH. Iloulton, Durwoll, JuUoh, McMartin, McNfib, Hulic^ , tor Oont'ral, and' VauKougliiiott, — 7. Tho qucfltion wa« carrietl in tlio aiBnnativo by a majority of .22, and , ordered accordingly. . i x'-v ' *: >. .' "~ " " , '■; (signod) ■ I. ;. ^V^- "■.;■:. - JAMES FfTZOlDBON,V , ■< vj>;., , . ...... » ■ . ■: J ■ s • Clerk of tho AtMJombly. rrori^lliicp ul lllHIM' llf ' A«M.niilil|. ,. ,j .. • .\ ""f JP' ■-.I ^^^ DESPATCH FROM LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR SIR JOHN ne.p»u;hftom , COLBORNE, K.C.B., TO VISCOUNT "^^ '" '-'«'" 'Jovomor My Lord, — UrPKB Canada, York, 3rd February, 1832. HlrJoliitColborne, K.C.H.. to VUi< count Qoilorieli, "M l'eb„ Uffii. I had tho honor to receive your Lordship's Despatches of the 2l8t November (Nos. 66 and 66) on the subject of Clergy Reserves, on the 24th ult, tho day fixed for tho closing of the session. I lost no time in transmitting the messnge, a dnift of which was en- closed in No. 60j to both houses of tho Provincial Lcgishituro, and re- , quested tlio Attomoy General to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable His Majesty to resume the lands set aport for the support of a Protestant Clergy. The Bill proposed for adaption was copied as nearly as possible from the draft prepared under your Lordship's directions. . The proceedings of thfi Afisembly, on the motion of the Attorney General, are annexed, by which your Lordship will perceive tliat there ' was no disposition on the part of the House to take up the question till next session. i^, . - ' i" V- ■ . ■ - . " . On "fuesday the 24th Jionuary, a few hours after the ani val of your Lord s hip's despatches , I communicatal to thq two IIouso s that I had -/■. received ^ixiiiiu I r ^^ff' ■ a n ■us V. rMwtvml ilMnitrhM from IIU MaWy'h novpninvnt r«iM'»H{iiif lli« '*J:w«hi«»iiw (Morflty IU»k>r\i-is wliK^'h f4)Qulil Iw tmiwiuUtf( morning. ^ " - '^ V-*. ro'iMtfimlrrkii, Tli« Hill wm |»ro|»««<'.ron Wtuln^-ndji)-, Imt <»n fliwiing ilmt ii «fr»m« ini^trity in tli« AMK'itil»ty woiiM Im* diHi.lcJly n^iutt tnkinjf it into imnKilintti o«)niii«l<^miion, I KUi*> Mfwion on Hntunliiy llio 2H(|i TIm» iimiiilK'rw wfrt' m»iH(nilly nnxiotm t.» r«>tnni lionus nn<| I iji.l ii,,t think, luiil I iirt»|nnj(iHl thu iHjMNi4in, tlM tiiko np tho MiltJ4t't. ". ' , Thor«) nro mtm ^WNtffon of your I^>nMii|M »ht.{>«t«li, N«». fl7, - on which I-ln-g l««Y to in«k|M>arH t«)k>ii«|^|»oiw^ ihoro may Ut n rt-hwtmm^ your I/mlnhip th«t an fnr iw tho ("oqioralion ftr.> <-oii.cm.>.| jii thirt «|u«*tion thoy will in ovcry rwiHwt nmlily oom[.ly with tho wijthfH of lliH MnjoMty's Qovcnnnont. ^ . Thoy have, from tho [tcrM of rwoiving thoir charti^r, nu'roly mt.^l m ftgontji, oxnminiiig tho pr(>t«i»ionii of applionnt^ nml hHoiimuii.ling thom mronlingly to tho LioiUonant-CJuvcm.ir in (ronncil. If tli.ir nvorn- mcndati-mM nro approval of, tlio Attonioy (Jenoml itwucw Ihh fiat for a patent to Ito mnal of tho Provinco is nflix- wl; an -;^52 '-'v. .■^■-■\ ■;■■:"/■;;:, ■:;;■; Tlio Clergy Rcservo lejuws liave affonloil great faciHtien to eniignint« I5*J|'^^J5SSt ; -\ • ' 1 ' ■" ■ ■ . \ ■ - « ■> : ''■ '*^^ . * » ";'-f ; * , ' --' .'V. ■ '■'?'■ •' ^ '■■ tfv ■ v • •V '■ -.. yg 1 - . . ,..«at fi5 i DESPATCH FROM VISCOUNT OODETUCH TO TEKANt GOVERNOR COLBORNE, K.C.B^ APRIL 6, 1863. IgSv'J^Jiirc:;:* LIEU- o*p«^ <*«■ DowxiHo StRKITi 5th April, 1832. borne, K O.B^ Aprils laaa. Sir,— In my detpatch, No. 67, of tlie 21^t ^jToveinbe^, 1831,' X autliorized you to apply in the year 1832, towards Uie maintenance of the Bishop and other Ministers of the Church of England in Upper ; Caqada, X6,000 out of the Casual and Territorial Revenue of tliat Province; and I estimated that the resources available to the same object from Provincial Funds by Law applicable to it would amounito about £1,000 making in the whole a sum of £6,000. I directed you at the some time to divide the sum into three parts, whereof on!rj ml from api »lviny m>ortion ntUmsl Jfji^,^)^. oftho fuwfe-widtrtturcontrul of the Exoi'utivo (lovomni<>nt in builparitig, ns far OB may bo, for profitable otvupation tliat mo«lc'ruto i>ortion of Land whicli you proposo to n»ot<)ni. With this view it apixjiirs to me tliat it would be most dcnirable to make u beginning in tluB salutiiry work by nwignuig to it a portion, at least, of the £4000 to whicli I have before alludoe disposed of for religious objects generaUy, without roferenco to the particular motles ot belief which certain classcf^f tho community . may entertain. Somo of it might, for instancej be applied to Churches, for the ProsbyteriaiiR, somo for Roman Catholic Chapels, and somo even for the Methodists, particularly that portion of them who may bo in communion with tho Wesleyan Methodists of this country. It. is obviously irapossiblc to think of aiding every Bubdivision of Rwligionists, whoso varieties are too indefinite to ouumorate; and I feel t\itA even with respect to those classes to which I have alladod I cannot well un^ dortako to prescrilw to you from hence Uio exact proportion of assist- ance which it might bo fit to grant to each. £4000 in the whole will be disposable, and I willingly leave it to your discretion to decide as to the proportionate distribution of that sum., I am well aware thaC in the execution of this duty you wiU have to steer a difficult course, and _ that it will require no smaJl tact to detennine by what practical moans these important objects can best be attained; the diifusion of religious feelings and motives of conduct is the great point V be aimed at, and His Majesty's government must naturally fool anxious that these should, be as extensively as possible in unison with the Established Church of this country ; but it cannot be forgotten that the condition of Society in such a country as Upper Canada presents difficulties in the pursuit, of this object which are very serious, and that a state of religious peace is above all things es^ebtial in establishing in the minds ^gdlie people tho efficacy of religious principles. Whilst, therefore, I^jp^t without resen'emy own extreme anxiety for the widest extension of the Church of England in Upper Canada, I feel it to be scarcely less itiportant eamesdy to urge die inexpediency of seeking to promote that great £§. object by aimitig at die exclusion or tefn^essionof other Churches. I communicate to you these sentiments on the part of the Kuig*8 Government, with an entire reliance upon your judgment and coinci- dence of vietro; atad the present temper of the majority of the House of Affierably . / / flP 3 "w-^n" •y ./ /■ « of AMembly, tog«t]icfr with Ui« incraasiog proiip«r!ty and g^nenl y,,^^, „„^ tnuiqufllity of the ProvincH, oncounig«i mo to entertain • mnguine hope Jfc,!jJUiiJ7)oi- Uut the prawnt opiiortunity, if wimsly and judicknut/ uwd, may Uitd 5J,'5J''^*imJI • to the DMMt iroportam and beoeficial ratolta. I hare, Ao, (Signed) OOD^RICH. Uwt. 0«n. Sir John Colbome, K.O.B;, &Ci| &&f 0C> . P.S. — ^Upon a pdint lo Important an the diatribution o^ the £4000 referred to in this Deiipatoli, I should wish no actual step to bo taken, until I ahall have had an opportunity of eonaidoring any suggoHtiooa which you may have to offer upon the subject, which I trust I may leoeive at as early a period as may be convenient for you to favour me with them. DESPATCH FROM VISCOUNT GODERICH TO UEUTE- W-eh NANT GOVERNOR SIR J. qOLBORNE, K.C.R XY^cSSSSi K.CB^JiimM, DowHiNo Striit, Ist June, 1882. *"*• Sra,— -I have the honor to acknowledge the recent of your deimatoh of the 11th February bwl^ enclosing an address fW>m the Commoi^ of Upper Canada, praying that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to recommend that the Clergy Reserves may be sold, and Uie proems arising from the sale of them be placed under the direction of the Lo- gislatur^ to bo applied to the advanc^nent of the purposes of education, ; j As it appears frona the date of the address that it was agf«ed to by th« House, previous to the receipt of my despatch of the 2 Ist November last, on the subject of the Clergy Reserves, I trust that the instructions therein conveyed to you will be considered as a suflScient reply to the inraaent addrcsB. , Ihav^dec, (Signed) GODERICH.' ^r^^^ FROM LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR SIR JOHND«p«ehfto« COLBORNE, KC.B^ TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ?^«?- -'*"*^ B,G. STANLEY, 218t APRIL, 1834. / * ToBOirro;*2l8t April, 1834. Sna,— With reference to the instructions which wero conveyed to me " -f.jyif'^ ^" ^. Sy^taiy of State of th e 5th of April, 1832, Or J. OoiborMk K.C.B» to Uw BlgK Hon. E. G. mmlqr.ApiUtl, relirtivetoW^ aymoit of the Salaries of the Ministere of the Church ofEnghmd, ■■. k :,i W *■ ^*, X r ■ i' r ■ i t ■ t '. *"-! ■ ^^ " R ■\ n iimliiltiifi miMMJoiK'r of ('■^•wimS |0 «»liw«ni>, tl'jtf*' jjCi l.iriif fitivrffiMiff ■0 of tho At-t <.f (J.H.. 4, I Iiav« "'«•"''•«»• KO- limy hri»M* iw to tho riKht of n|>|>ro|>ruaing ^i*" »•. W»<« lit iiMtAhiK'htM |)iiir)^|||(|Hp|^iiiMi<'iti| of riniiittin^ it with thu pnM-i>«'n of tho ('i>iiiiiiiriMioni>r of C'rown tuivU, ami hm Iiitk«'ft4> Nnn pai*! ovor by tho.Connx'HHiomr to tlio Rt^'oivor- gon«irAli told lux^ouDttNl for in hj» iitatomontH of tho rcctiptA ami cxpen- dituro of thfl Clorf;y IU.wcr\-o fumlit. The Pronbytorian ftyntKf of Canadn, in conn«4ion with tho Chinch of SootUmi, you will iwrcoivo, from thoir niotnorial to ino, iiccomimny- log my dcupnlch of tho 18th April, (No. 32,) ailuiio to tho pnyinonta made to tlio MiniHtom of tho Church of England from th« proceodH of rent* on IcaMxl R^^M'rve^ and *tato their cinimij to paKicipato in tho ad- vantage onjoyod by our Chifrob, arising from tho lapda set apart for theClergy.' .,-■•■ /.V V ■.-■.■■ It is therefore probable, that on my laying lieforo the Ilquw of A»- lembly the atatemontfl of receiptA and expenditurofl, which the Ilouoe have requested may l»e prepared for their infonnation, that the queHtion I which I hav€|| adverted nMy be brought under diflciuwiop, -m I have, J. COLltoliNE. .BO , .■■/ * ■ [Confidential.] DESPATCH FROM THE RIGHT HONORABLE T RICE TO LIEUTENANT * 00 YERNOR SIR JOHN COLBORNE, K.C.B. SPRING De.p«efcf„„ It Hm uj Rid IJeuL Otvcrnoff tpaidil . theBlaht Hon. T. Hlitlug Rica 19 Downing 8tk»et, 22n«l July, 1834. Bir J. ColbonM^ K.C.B. Sib,— I have received your confidential despatch dated tho 2l8t April last, observing that a question may arise as to the right of appro,^ ^ priating the interest accrumg from the instalments paid by tho purcha-- sera of Clerggr Itewmres, instead of remitting it with thd proceeds of Briea to be invested in the British funds; and I have the honor to con- vey to you my opinion, tliat this money may, consistently with tlie Act 7 & 8 Geo. 4th^ c. 62, be devoted to the improveinent of the unsold Clergy Reserves. This aj^nmrs to lae tlie irtost convenienl motlo of disposing of the interest on inatahnents of the purdia'>e money of Clergy " ' ^ ^ . , ■ ' "' ' - Rohorvos, . * • ■ "■1 ) I »1\. TP»'' » ■■'■'■," . , ' \ ■ ' - *■ . . ■ J, ...... . ,. ■ . . ..■ . , . . .. ' ' -. ■ '- ■ ■■''■-■■-• . , ■ -■■...■...... ■•..,■ ■■ . ■ ■■..■■■■ ■ ■ ' .1 ': '^'■' ■■'■:.■"■. .' '.■■' . ' ' . ■ ''■.. ,. ■ ■ - '•: ■■ ■ / / 4 '- ." ■■'■ . ■" . 1 ■■"■•.-. ■?. ^ ■-.■ ' •A. ".:.:K''-;''^ • ""-■ v.V:,'-^'^''-^, ■■■■■;.■■. ^ « '■-..'•■••■ j ■ -■ ■■- . ■ ■ '■ .. ' •■ ■ ■ . ■■, * ■ .■ ■ .■■. . '•■;►:'■■■ ■■ ■■ ' . ,v-; . . ■ ■ -■...■■ ■.'■'■ ;..■ ■■:•.:..'■;'> ■■..<;■;;' ^^ \ ' '. .>;•.■>- ■ ■.■■ ■■..•• ■ ■ ■■ \ • / 'J-'--- >- :-y^' ;■-'■-■. -ro^'-. :^:''-.-' '■■■■■'■■'■ ■- ;■. 1 -* ' -''■■ ■■..■• "■^';Vv.C'.. ■■•■v^-' '■'/ '■■■'iv- ■■'■■■ ^':- ■^■" '-■.■■ ■-' ^- .- ' ' '....'■ ■•' - ■•■, " ■ -■ ■■ '■ 1 '^^■"^^^^ . . ■ - \ ■-..-,■.■■./,*.■■ % ._ Il«ki_^ . ■... . ....,,, ,— , ■:. ..„,t. .: V .. K -— ,—- r ' ""JSIS*!!;!^^^ 69 Reserves, without in any way prejudicing the dainu of the parties who njipMf**"* may be CDnniderod to have A beneficial interest in the proper disposal ?P'>ns Riec'io of those lands. v - ,' -- I have, «&c.f ; I'-' ' " •\^''-,^^ (Signed) ' T; SPRING JtlCE. ' ' BIr J. OoliMrne, r \ EXTRACT FROM A DESPATCH FROM THE EARL OF Ettnet ivom • ABERDEEN TO LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR SIR ESTof aSSS V JOHN COLBORNE. iS^^S^johT" . , . Colborne. Vnwd Dated Downing Strebt, FEBRiTAiiT 22, 1836. p?b!«l{|^8M."*'* But it is evident that this now charge, together with another which I sanction by my despatch. No. 22, of this day's date, would be liible to render the burthens on the Crown revenue greater than the receipts, unless relief bo afforded in sonio other direction. ' On this ground I have been induced to r*con8ider the instructions conveyed to you by my predecessor on thi^?2nd July lasl, for applying the interest on instalments of the pupchase-lrhoney of Clenylleserves to Ihe improvement of land; and I have the honor to aUtiorize you to " appropriate that fund, as formerly, to the payment of the salaries of ' Church of England missionaries ; an arrangement which will of course materially diminish the pressure on the Crown revenue for the mainte- nance of the salaries pledged to the existing missionaries in Upper Canada. — - -^il EXTRACT OF ENCLOSURE NO. 2, IN THE EARL OF Mi„„te ' ABERDEEN'S DESPATCH TO EARL AMHERST E-rfofAba*™ , >, and April, 1834. Dated Downino Street, 2nd ApRI^ 1835; Entitled, " A Minute ' BHOWlNp IN WHAT ^NNER THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE C ANADA Committee of 1838>^ave been carried into execution by His Mmesty's Government.'' "" - i: ,i. .■' ' 6. The next in order of the^Mommendations, of that Committee re- ' : lates to the Clerg>' Reser^-es, a subject on which they employed the fol- lowing language: •' ' -^ ' * " "As your Committee entertain nod^t thM the reservation of these lands in mortmain is a serious obstacle toW Inprovement of the eolo- n^, they think ever}- proper exertion should be made to j>]ace them in th^ hands of persons whd will perform upon thV the duties -bf settie- ment, and bring them gradually into cuIti\^tion. Although the views of the Committee were thus limited to the im- prr.vement of the Clergy ReserA-es, the g^emment adv^oed to there- 5 % ~ ' ' . . ■ '■ ■' ^^B m V '■.' 'r-~'" •■■.. '■•1, :. ■':■■ ' / r fr' ■:' [ . ' ■ "■ ■. ■ ■ : v. ■ ■. ' " J a« ■ - . - ':>."■■ ^ •» th« ' ' ' '' ':' . ■".;■.■ ■ . t N, vi( ' ■ S ■ • • ■ ' ■ ; ' ; • - ■■ ■ *■ '■■'. tli< ■ V :■'■:■ ■- ^' ■ '; - ■■ ■ ■ .' " ■ ■ • V ■ for ■'-1 ■■ \ 1 ■ .'■■ ..' ;'V^' l'. ■ ■■; ■" '_ ■ . . '._■-' of t - ' ■ ^ ' ■ ■■■ ■" ■ ■■■ ..'- . , tlu Cr !^ j»Uh '■■.■- ■- . ■ " " -^ - ■ . ■ rer • ' '. ■' '-v^-':'' ■ . ■ • ■ ' ■ ■ «- an 1 '■■■.' . ■■ "■' ■■;■ ■" ' y mi Bi «». ■ ' " ■,'^, . \ A A; H ^;L .:" ;. - pn •« ,. '- ■ _ '■ '■.. .. • „ H. a V ■ - ' •■ ■ ■ ■■- " ■' \. ■ ^ ■ .- ^ ■k CO an • t ■ ■. V ■ ■ stt • ■ " ;■ ^ . '■'■^^'.^J^_- ■■■■'■ Vvv, M » in ■ ■J ■ . > to H i ■ r -■-;■- ■;■■••-■..■"■■ •■;\-- - ef i ' ■ ■' .. ^ ■'■■, - .'■ ■' ■ ■' ■■ ,■■.." '•■ hi ■.-■ ■■ ,; ''.'■■ . V ' '. >', * ai * ■ , ..*■*', A . & in K ■:'■'] '■■■■■-■■ "• .t;;-:^;;: « * 1 b< Id '"."'■■' " * ■ ".- ■ ■■ ■ . ■ \" ; ■ '/ ■ '' - ■'.■•■ - •■ [ , re • ...'^ ^■■■■"' -!' '-■■■.■-■ ' ' . l, ■' ■ "*■, ,. > • h o • u ■/:,,:■■■■;■;:/■ •■ ■ ".-■ •". '. ■ ■ ■ ■■ '.■.■.■- .i ,. ' ' ■-.-'.>." : ■■ ■ ' '■ '- " ■- . "■ -■_!-- _,-■: — -^— *, -"* '■^~' ^ ~. - . ■ . ■ ■.■..'-., • r - ' ' -^ /-v" ■ .' - ■'■' \*^ ■■■ ' • ' '<. m di««8 of the evU indicatoj b the report, hy n metuuro not only iar more '''JJ*'", ,.^'' ** decisive, but eminently remarkable for the confidence it exprcssod in 5Ji",Xf'{* Vj.J'''*' the Provincial Legislature. aiihi. itai. ['-"■■ '^ ■ ■ '■ ' ',.■".' ■ ■■ '■ . ■' ' .- -, .' ■'■::■■■: < The Constitutional Act hanng authorized His Jtfajosty, with tho: ad- vice of the Legislative Council and Assembly, to vary or repeal aiiy».of ■ -, the provisions therein made for the allotnient and appropriation of lands for tfie support of the Protestant Clergy, Lord Ripon, availing, himself ' ' \ of that enactment, proposed that the power of repeal should be exor- cised by those bodies, and should, be accomp^knietl with a declaration ; ■,':■■■':[■; tliat.theReaenM^nds should merge in the general demesne of the Crown. '^MJHct of this prolHjeal was tobring the Re.ser>c8 within the reach of t&Kli^^NJ rules under which all the waste lamls of the Provmoe ' are pro^pj^l%^y fK>ld to the highest bidder. To proyciit any pisniblo misconeeptiod of the views of His Majesty's Government, the draught of a . Bill for the accomplishment of this design was transmitted to Ix)rd • .' Aylmer, with instructions to give his assent/ if such a law should bo presented for his acceptance. To obviate the risk of oftencp being given, by suggesting tov.tho House of Assembly the extict language, as well as the general "8copo\of a measure to originate with them. Lord Ayhner was directed to prOh ceed with'the most cautious obsenance of the privileges of that body^r - tmd of all the constitutiwial forms. \' ■■ ■ *■ ;■"•■ ■ ■ '■-' .' ■ ■■■■'.■ ■'.■■■■:■ .. ■". '; ■'■■■■ \ ■ ■. ■ ■ ;^ ;■'■ '■ ..• Artticipating the contingency of the mcasxire being adopted in sub- \ stance, but with variations in the terms, Lord Kipon further statetl, that ; in that event the Bill was not to be rejected by the Governor, but was -f* , to be specially reserved for; tlie signification of His Majesty's pleasure. . - ■ In obedience to these directions, the Bill was intnxluced into the House of Assembly, but did not pass into a law. That it would have effectually removed the grievance jwinted out by the Catiada Comniitteo . ^ has not been disputed, nor can the Ministers of the Crown be held in any sens© responsible for the continuance ofan evil for which they had ; tnatured 80 complete a remedy. Tlie only explanation which has over been given of the failure of the proposal is, that the Solicitor General, ^ Mr. Ogden, had used some expressions, wliejnce it was inferred that His , it Majesty's government would i^eject the Bjll, if altered in a single word.^ > It is scarcely credible tliat this should be an accurate sumjise fef the r^ cause of the loss of the Clerg}^ Lands Appropriation Bill.) It is not to be believed that the Assembly of IJowcr Canada would have rejected am unobjectionable prop(^ for the redress of a grievance of which complaint had been long and RnM^y^^ade, for no other rea- son, than that a public oflBcer^ not of thehighest rank or cojisideration, had used some-^ual expressions in -.which the alternate view§ of His Ma- ' jesty's advisers' w'CTe inaccurately explained. To the Governor npplioa- -^—. '— ' M — — ■ — : ^ . \ * . '^ —^ ^ J- » » - B ^ • » • 8 -^^.^^ • V • .~~'--. v I ^^-- ' \ - ■•■ ■■. / C • - -^ ^,; r» ■ •■■• ' ■• ' ^ ' \ -. > t ft tion CQuId have immediatiely been made for more authentic infonnation; JJaSmkhV and in fact the tenor of the despatch which had been received "biy Lord JJ^RJJ? %i^ " Aylmerwns perfectly well known Uiroughout the Proving to every April, ias. person who felt an interest on the subject Tlie measure hmairnevcr . - eiSce'boen revised; and it must Ije therefore assumoil-that the Assem- . , bly are less anxious than Lord Ripon supposed for the removal c^ thin obstruction to agriculture and internal improvement Be that as it - may, the British Government are completely absolved from the respon- fiibility tljrown upon them by this part of the Report of the Canada Committee..': ■ ;- OF EXTRACT OF ENCLOSURE NO. 4, IN THE tlARL ABERDEEN'S DESPATCH TO LORD AMHERST, Datbd Downing StreSt, 2nd April, 1835, entitled, "A Minutk |raid'uo*'S&'' COMPRISING Notices of such of the Questions drought into ^emSurf. "'a Extract of EiicIo- ■lire No. i, in Uia EnrI of Aher- dcen'a Despateli Minute cOMipri- QUM- tioni lirouglit into. diaclMition by ihci HouM of Auciif bly of ]x>wer Cnnoda In tlMsIr . DISCUSSION BY THE HoUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF LoWER CaNADA IN l!|pB"Noti^'of THEIR 92 Resolutions as are not disposed of in Lord AbeR- »«* of «»»«"« • deen's Despatch above-mentioned.^' 14. Although it would not be^fl^iblo to find terms more large or JiaRSSiJJon" a» distinct than those employed by Lord Ripon to invite the House of ;f^„'|2o?j''Ato- Assembly to iregulate the Application of the Clergy Reser>e8, yet it is ^^^S^S^, stated that a member of the Assembly, holding oifice under the Crown, declared, in his place, that the House of Assembly would not beper- mitted to alter one word of the Bill which had^bcen brought in under Lord Ripon's directions. To the Bill itself there was it is said no ob- jection; but under such a menace the House could not act, and the failure of the proposal is referfedUl that cause. Lord Ripon's desjiatch of November, 1831, had distinctly anticipated the contingency of the Bill being modified in .its progress through . the Provincial L^islature and had directed the Governor in that contingency, not to refuse his consent, but to reserve the Bill for the signification of the Royal plea- sure. Any unauthorized language of the Solicitor Geberal, Mr. Ogden, ^ f ought not to have vireighed against this authoritative declaration, Itig '^ said however^ that his Lordship's Bespateh of November; 1831, on this subject was not before the House ; Lord Amherst will therefore eommu- • nicate to theni acopy of that despateh, and invite them to resume the consideration of the subject to which it refers. 1 • r HE CI tll< * ^ iESOtUTlONS OF TlIE HaUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF UPPER ^^^J,** B«Bolved, That thiBHouiw bm* repeatedly expressed the opinion, tbat tlie lands Appropriated for the support and maintenance of a Protestant dennr within this Province, coinmonly called the Clergy Reserves, oiiirht,for various reasons, to be sold; that it M^uld be unjust to apply the monies arising from the sale of the same to the benefit of one or more favored religious denominaUons, and Ibat it would bo impractiCR- ble,and, frota many considerations, inexpedient, to distribute the monies arising therefrom among all denominations; and fhat this House has bwii unremitting in its endeavors to procure the sale of these lands, and the application of tlie funds produced by such sale torobjectsof great importance and interest to the people of this Province^ that with this view the House has heretofore repeatedly passed Bills priding for the Bale of the Clergy Beserves, and the appropriation ff the Wnies arising therefrom to the support of Education, which Bills have W rejected without amendment by the Legislative Council ; that wiflithe same view this House has frequently made kno^n, by humble aW dutiful Hd^ress to His Majesty, t^ir wishes and opinions, and the wi^^esand ^opinions of His Majestyv's faithful subjects in thisProvince, on tU^high- ' important subject, and this House takes this opportunity of declaring t^ese wishes andppipions, both on the part of this House and of ^v.. constituents, remain entirely unchanged; that, during tiie second ' session of the lait Parliament, his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor by message, informed this House that he had received His Majesty's in- structions to declare that the representations, which had at different times been made to His Majesty and his Boyal predecessors of the prejudice . 8u?tain^ by His Majesty's faithfol subjects of this Province from the appropriation of the Clergy ReBerve,8 had engaged His Majesty's most attentive consideration, and His Majesty has most graciously been pleased to invito the House of Assembly to consider how the power given to the Provindal Legislature by the Constitutional Act to vary of repeal the provisions which it contains for the allotment and ^propria- tion of the Clergy Reserves could be most advantageously exercised for the spiritual and temporal interests of His iSuthful subjects in this Pro- vince; thatthisHpuse, in comphance with His Majesty's wishes thus graciously expressed, and witii'the strong and weU-known desires of His Majesty's faitiifid subjects in this Province, has- passed a BUI during the present session to provide for the sale dfthef Clergy Reserves, and to apply the monies arising from such sale to the support of Education; that the Legislative Council hasnot passed the said Bill, has not amended it, and has not passed any other Bill on that subject; and that under these circumstances this House cannot but express the extreme aston- ishment with which it has received the representation of the Legisla- ♦ivfl Council that the.lfgislature of the Province has been unable to concur .«. ■'*# '** / . / / f / ^ » A ? 63 concur in any nMMure renpecting the Clergy RtiMncA, and although thia House has little expectation that the Lcgidlativo Council, na now constituted, will comply with th6 wiuhes of the |)eople of the Province^ yet it feels bound to declare that this House is, and alwayn hns bcoDj ready and anxious to concur in any just and roiiHonnblo iitcnMuro what- ever by which the Clergy Reserves could be applied to ttuch useful purposes as would be most advantageous to His Miijt>st}-'B faithful poopio in this Province, and most loonformablti to their well-known wiHhei} ihat this House cannot but express its confident hopes, that His Majesty will not bo induced by any representation, whether secret or open, to depart from the gracious intentions which ho has been plejwed to inti- ftiate, of complying with the earnest and repeated solicitations of His Majesty's faithful subjects in this Province on that subject; that this re- lolution be laid before his Excellency the Lieutenant Qoverrior, and that llis Excellency be requested to transmit the name to the Colonial Socro- tmy for the Colonies, and call the early attention of His Majesty's Gov- ernment to the importance of the same to tho interest, peace, welfare, prosperity, and happiness of His Majesty's faitliful people of this Provin«}e. (Signed) JAMES FITZGIBBON, Clork of Assembly. VepohttloMor the llouM of Aaacnibly of U|i|irr<.'aiiii(lii, April U, idffi. >rfM ^*/i' / / .■/S" DESPATCH FROM LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR SIR JOHN COLBORNE, K.C.B, TO THE EARL OF ABERDEEN. My Lord,- tJppER Canada, ;^ ; Toronto, 20th May, 1835. Dcspaicli ftoin Meut. Oovernor Bir J. COIliorne, K.C.B., to Uie EnrlofAberitoen 8Utli May, 1639. I have the honor to transmit to youan Address to the Kingfrom the L^islative Council relatiye to the Clergy Reserves, in which they ex- press their deep regret that the questions which have been agitated with , respect to the Clergy Reservea should continue unsettled; but confiding / in the wisdom and justice of His Majesty, and of Parliament, hope that y' with as little delay as the subject may admit of, such an enactment may be passed as shall not leave any room for doubt or question in regard to ihe Qittjecta to which the proceeds of the Clemy Reserves are to be ap- . plied, and that by some measure which shall be final tuid unequivocal, Buch an appropriation of them may be made as shfdl appear to be most consistent with a due regard to religiop, to the principles'of tlie constitu-. tion, and to the pennanent welfare tind tranquiUity of the Province. The report referred to in the A.ddrees accompanies this despatch. I have also to draw your Lordship's attention, at the request of the House of Assembly, ijO the reisolutioruradoptedby^the Assembly in con- sequence ■^^ ••wrj,^ - ■■, \- -^ 1 ;;;;: '^' - -'■ ■■' V" .■■.,1 ■ -■ .' -"■' ., ' ■" , • ■ ', _■- < '■■... *- .:« , ''■■-■'■ .- -"^ .,•;:'. ^ .'. -' ■^■' r ■ '. \'- ' ■ ■ -. «■■ . • ■ ^ * *' . "■■ ■ . ' .■;.■■ " • ■••''- ■ ^ c ■ '■' ." s ■■:'%:■ - ■ -.-• ■ ' '■■' *._----- -■-.■ " . /■• -■ • ':. ' ■ \ • y - ■". ; "^■- . ■«i s ' « -_ - v-'i'/^:'--" '.■;•-"„ ".'* .;■- (■ ■ '-- ■ ■ X..- MMBHB| ■MMHiHM tagtaBMHi ^^^^_ ^JP^^WPP* • .: ^' u \.l- •(y{iionc«< of ii1n«tM«ng« to tlM-iii from tlu> b-j^lHlativo Counvil, roniinuni- {jJS'tjI.v'J^ catintr the rt«f«»l«itioiw piowt-d liy \\u\ liCgiHliitivo ('«iuiuil on tho Clergy it'd" Bl^SlTiiii' RencrycM. ■,■ .- ■•; ■■■,... ,;: ■ ■■■'.■ y W,:.-' • »••» «iiil)ly to >' j«!<"t«<y tlio Li'^jmlntivfl CouilcilbM .''^ 4>«ei»-.forwnnl«''H of thn Hound •j^Mwmbly, In reHjKft ty, tlio proceo*lingn of tlio b'giHintivtj Council ■ gOJPJrnily.: ' ' ■ ♦•i.^^u ■.; -.• '.^4/ ' :''.■-'■■■■[ . • .. . ^ ■ /' ■ ■ , : Tl»o wiljtHt of \^h<> CIcrjr)- RiwrvoH has j^-cu ho fn'n>Htv^1 in tlib> n*ult of thin important ' quwtion, that it npix'arM(;<>nly ntrossarj' for nio toHtat«i to your IjOkI- rfiip that I am eonviiu'c«l no niouHun^ will lie ever conourriiLl in by tho l>^Rlative Council an -■'"i. ' a^ •titw . , «^.. ■■" "f: ( ■' •■•, ^ :'V.„ . ■■ port llojw ; Ui« LiotiUnuuit Uovernor thoroforo r«9i|kiMila that y«Mi will |,"'"J^^""'' nf0ti liow fiir tli« c>hj«oU«iui of th«i llUhop m»y l« ruinovoil or c-onaid- f^"* '!|Lj„ •r«lviili«J. mlLttiiiit' » ■■'■■: :■ ■' '.: . ■•/ .■.■■.:,V\-;,: '. ;.■;,'. ,v: ' • :, Th« Lioutonant Oovitmor in 18S2 nugj^witrti to tjio Socrotnry of /'. SUU) for tho colonics that it wm nxpoiliont, in making nrrnnf(i)tnoiitii with a viuw of laying thn foiitxlation of the Church and iiwnring iUt pronpority, to ronHtitutfl gnulually n cortain miniber of IlocUmeit or . ., FarRoii^oH in ovory TownHhip, without trannferriug to iii<;uinlH>ntfl any of tho exdusivo righU or itnmuniti * >^- . • :^:-;';'rf: t Lr»^''^' ---;. ■ :^-- ■. "■ ^■"- ..■■■...^j t. a ly^ ;■■■;" ■*■;;■■ .,- /.•-.;.■ ■ . ^ \,':' ■ . ■ ■ ■, ^ :■■-■. : •■.. BtatuUja, I am directed to «jall your attontiou to the chief objeeto it ii;J!JJ}SSi'bX> appears desirable to accomplish in presenting and Inducting Clergymen {S"'cS*!i"SfflP —the conferring the right on all the inhabitants of a Township to «^ '*^ *•'' ftttond every Church that may be established in the Towniliip in whieh they reside, and to secure^Mrthcumbenta the appropriations which may • • be annexed -to their respective Churches, without erhbarraBsing thwn / with any of the mununities and privil^es which are inseparable from our eoderiastical diyisions at homey but inappUcable to this ProviiM>& ■ * {^ The statutes declare that rrf^onages are to be erected in Townships ^ according to the Church of "Sln^and; yotir opinion, therefore, is requested as to the legal definition of a Parspnage, and in which mode '> it can best be defflgnated» Y f \ , The term Parsonage in kw His Excellency supposes is applied to . . ^ the benefice and readence of the Parsoij-or Persona Ecelesise, who will have during his life the freehold in himself of the Parsonage ^ Hbus^flie Glebe and Endowments attached to the Parsonage. . * • The Lieutenant Oovernor reque^s to be informed whether Church- wardens or Ghiardians of the church property, who are in Eqgland the legal representatives of tihe Paridi, cannot be chosen by the joint r . *> consent of the Mihistor and'con'gr^tion, or pew-holders. V ; ■ ''. •-.. ■. • ■ i . . -■■ • Ab the Parsonage in law wilFbe considered as the appropriation of the Parson, and Aotas tiie boundaries of a Pdrish, or the extent of any Ecdeoastical jurisdiction, ihe Lieutenant Qovemor su^ests that a Chuich and Parsonage xdght be designated su^cienUy by styling it thefiflji^ second, or tlurd Township Churcb* ^ n^ On these points His Excellency deoroB to have your opinion as soon as I have, Ac, wit ROWAN!; The Crown Offioen. OPINION OF SOLICITOR GENERAL HAGERMAN, . 4tb JUNE 18'35. Solicitor General's Office, , -^ Toronto^ 4th June, 1635. • Sny^With reference to your commanioation of the 8th and 26th il^jiast, containing the commands of the Lieutenant CK>yemor, that I should report my opinion on the points referred to therein, relatin^to the intention of his EzoeUency to erect Paraonages and Rectoil^^~with- [ in the OpinioaofSoiiBl- tor General Hagmnan, 4tti June, 1835. ^ ^ T \ 07 ^ lu the Proviucti, I have the honour to state that the Act of the Urituh n'l'iniunQrsofiei- Parlinmont, from which authority to act on this important subject is Hager.iian, lui derived, requires,-^ • June, ItKU. . I St. Thiit the limits of all Parsoiwgea or Roctories'creatod should bo . . defiuod: ■ . : •••'/,- 2nd. That when dofineid, a Minister duly ordained according to the establishment of the Church of England should be presented for In- ■ dactioo; the patronage being in idl cases in t^ejCrown. :■■ ■■,;••■■ V — ■ ■ ^.' -,■ •'' '" ■,''/ ' ■■"■ ■' t 9iil. That such Parsonage or Rectory should bo endowed with such portion of the Lands reserved for thesupportof the Established Church as His Majesty's Government should thiftk sufficient for the proper ' mainteiftince of the Minister: and upon these several heads I beg leave to offer the following pl^rvations:—^ • " " . Upon the fii-st point, I am of opinion that it is necessary that the limits of all Parsonages or Rectories should bo defined : first, because when declared and established, they are intended to constitute the Ec- clesiasticar Divisions of the Province, in the same manner that Parishes constitute these divisions in England; second, because the Minister being appointed to the Cure o/^om/» within' Ais Parsonage of Btc- tortjj and as no duties can be legally required of him beyond its limits it is obvious that it must contain such a number of inhabitants as will, constitute a congregation; and, third, because Chlilichwardeiis must be elected annually by and from among thei members of the Church re- siding within the boundaries of the Parsonage or Rectory, and cannot b*- elected from among any other class of persons. And it' may be necessary to remark, with reference to Churchwardens^ that they should be legally appointed; and that whori so elected they becoraa vested with the con- trol of the moveable effects belonging to tho Church, have the power . ofregulatin^ and settling fees and pew rents, and generally are place I in the management t)f all . mattora relating to Church property and funds, with tho exception of the landed endowments and other real es- tate held bjr the Incumbent and derived from the Crown. Upon the second point I beg to remark, that the Minister,».when in- ducted, becomes vested wiUi all the rights which belong to a Parson or Rector of a Parish in England, and is in like manner subject to all the duties and responsibilities which in that country attach to the In. cuinbent of a Living there. With rfespect to the rig^hts of a Parson or Rector, they are few even in England, and are still less in number in this country. Hero there are no tithes, no exclusive right to marry or to keep registries of marriage, births, christenings or burials; no claims to fees, privileges, or immunities of any kind, arising from usage or prescription. In thi^country, as in England^ the Parson or Rector, when inducted^ becomes a corporation sole, and ns moh ho i^^ipveated .i with do siv BOI on is 1 IQI . eel Re pn exi tiu AH of no 8Ci SOI le( ou wi tal ol to U of * * ■" « ..■'■.^:/'v.--^v. ■-.■■. - ■ ■•■ -;:■ « - ■■^. , ■ ■ , . ■^'^ 4 -."■■' \ ■ ' /-, - ■>■ '■.■'" ' ' ; « ' * *.'.-■■. M 1 1 V? • .* ^ .':^^'^:-^ •-■•■:;■:■<■■' ' « • -■>'.' r ^ ■;'^-.:- -;■ V ,' _' ■ - ' '". .' :■ - ^ ^ ■ ■ * ■ (v '■ .:■■!,'> ''-'^ii » ' -';■«:-■ /v.; t •' ■■ ' '■ ".'y-- '-. ■ '■-.■':■ » HT ^^ / >- ... •■ .' ■' - -. X* ■■.'"■■' • ' - - ■ ..•■■ v >» - ';'■■'■' • ■ '■■■*: "".-r' ', -2- '^: ^ « ■ '-." ,^ .-■ ■ '. • ■ - ' ■ " ' i ■ ■ ^ " ■■■,.'" • ■':=■■■./- ■■■ ■■ 61 * / 1%-x 7 \ ■ 7 " '0-100 • > ■:::.;^':;.: fc * f » > ' i • ■." -^ ^-.. '■■..• '■'.-'"■ V.'.'^-K.'^..-:-.; i > • .J' ' , . * ■ • ■ ■^'' r ■■■'■> " ."^ J ^^■. ,:.■£ ^ « rf ':'■ ■■' 5::^--' ■*■ s- ■■ - - ■ -.-% \ / ■ . • * • ■'■ ■• 1 -» ^ ■-■- i ; ^:^^-^^'^ 0^:0-- ■-• ' •■■■: . ' -f • ^■•'. r .: ■■< .' ■ 'r:: ■■'■'■ -v-;*^ • i» .' - ■;;■■' " ' " ' 'A- ** . . " . . - ■.'. ^ vr\; V k- : . V .» •08 • with all the re«rf *.-/«/« with which the Parsonage or Rectory » en- Oi't^jij^ofBoHei- dowed, and control c ver these (which are the only righfii that exclu- y^Xwa.'** aively helong to *tiiii) he alone cafi exerciae, he the Kmits of his Par- "■. Bonage great oi -niall. On the other haud^ every duty that is Imposed on an Incumltmt of a Living in England attaches to him h^e, and he is responsible to the civil or ecclesiastical power for theii?' due perfor* mance. Tiie apprehension thereforq that has been entertained (by my- . self as well as othere,) that'by extending the limiU of a Parsonage or ■* RectoM, a power would be giveA to the Minister that might be im- properly used* and therefore lead to inconvenient consequences, is, up^n examination, found to be without grounds ; on the contrary, ip propor- ' tiou as the limits of the I^arsonago or Rectory are extended, the duties aad responsibilities of the Incumbent are increased, and the control of the congregation over him "Strengthened, while he gains no additional advantage whatever to himself. - The l^ws 'do hot pre- scribe the number of inhabitants a Parsonage or Rectory should con- tain before the Bishop is authorized to induct a Minister to the cure of ' , souls Avithiu its limits, and therefore this must, to a certain degree, be left to his discretion ; but the creating a Parsontoge or a Rectory, with- out assigning boundaries, would, in itiy opinion he void, and therefore ^ . without thift being dope neitfier presentation nor induction could legally ^ takelWace* ^- ••■ Upon the last poinVit is ^iiwMsary for me to make any further observation than that h form of patent should be framed conformably to law for endowing Parsonages ot Rectories with such lands as His Majesty's Government may deem SuflBcient for the rospeetable support of the Incumbent, . / , , .- All'idiich is nevertbele^ respectfully submitted, - ^ Ihave,&c^ - > V . OH. A, HAGERMAN, .. - . Solicitor Geaeriid. \ OPIIJION OF ATTORNEY ^^GENERAL JAMESON. ' Attorney General's Office^ ' r • " 13th ^une, 1886. gII^ ^I have th»hQ^ttr to retjUest that you will submit to the con- sideration of hii ]^^llency th^ " Meutenant governor the propc^ forms of two instrumenfe drawn hy^feExoBllency'ft boiniruuid. i Opinion of Atlot- nejr General Jamcwn, June tsiii. less. 1. ^n Instrument under the Great Seal for the constituting and erecting of a Parsonage of Rectory within any particular Township according to the authority given to His Majesty by the Statute 91^ Geo. Ill, c. 31, B, 38. ' • ;~ v " '\ '2. Letten ■ 1 ., -v:' Vf r- /• ■ ;.■ T- f J: aJJ ;^^ I: A C( St hi rt n t\ .a . a C I ■ ■ ti n 1 .8; I :• n "1 t 8 ■I 1 \ '.■\. A, ■'■•iS'-^- r. ♦> ■n t. •Si" N eft 2 Lettere roWvo, iibo under tho Oroat Seal, airoc'ted to tho I^jixl i;j;'^'^^?y*}Lmi ." ^J}i«liop of Quebec, r^uiring tlio institution nnd in.luctioj>?«f tl.o CIcr- ^aXiSJi/""'^ '"jrymjm whom \m Exqelloncy, under tho $hirty-BHith section of tho samo / Act, may present to tho Parsanagcj or ^Uector/ so constituted. Tiio . / contemporaneous endowment of the land appropriated by J||,Qtber m- Btrumcnt may bo made by an ordinary grant to tho It»%»beiit and his • Church, Ac, and the endowrriismt. Parish, in its tcchnical.sense, liav- " ing relation to Tithes, Church W«s, ike, undoubtedly requires ascer- taihod huiits; tho word, however, i& not used in the Act except as n mero'civiisub^livisionoif the Province, and synonymously with Town- ship ; fpr it authorizes the erection and constitution of oiiQ or moro ■ Rectory or Para#naj;e or Rectories or Parsonages within ©very [Town-., ehipQr Parish. Neither do I think the words Parsonage and Rectory nra used with any referenqp tO a particular juris*diction is contradistin- "^ished from Vicarage or Slipjendlarj' Priesthood j but simply as ^en«- • /^Vwhich is tiio largGst.,terra'^applicd to Church Liyings, and means the Beneficia or Endowment :. and I think the Parson or Corporation sole, together with the Church 'and Benefice or temporal Endowment, will' amount to a Parsonage within the n«Baning of the Act^ Had tho Act, while anthorizing thd erection and constitution of Pareonages within eilch Township, used any wo^s implyiitg a division of tho -Township, some doubt might be entertained which the kef, does npt^ no^ raise. Thfe difficulty of making torritorial divisions now which ' would meet the state of population hereafter, together with tM inap plicabihty from the absence of Tithes and Chui^h Rates, the Beneficia consisting entirely of land or the prpceeds of land; combined with the probable impolicy of appearing to create Parishes where there is no ^iritual jurisdiction, or Cure of Souls,, ir^. the ancient sense of the words, where in fact the Clergyman's Parish consists of- his voluntary flock and (X)ngregation, impress me with the opinion that, unless the law had in terms required such a spwsific di\nsion and appropriation of a parti- cular part of each Township t6 each endowment, th<*eontrary system is > the most expedient. > • r vy As to^he appointment of Churchwardens, the provision in the 33 Geo. IIIty.'2, B. 7, respecting them having been repealed by the recfent Act eon|ikidating ftnd altering the laws relating to Township £)fficens, ^ in M i .-•■ 70 •^y\ ' la which no mention whatever is ^le of Churchwardens, and as tWro ALrj.Xr.r^ «w here no paym of Church Rat^ lam not atthis moment prq-ar^ {.XW towhowtheycouldbelog% hppMnto.l;butI donot thmk tha^ ^rpn»entuncort«intjrupon.tJHiVm«ttor cuM delay h» ExC«ll«ncy^|^ v ,. in tluj important duty of orecUng: amt constituting Parsonages and «p^ v. . propriating the Endowment^. , /. * *^ • / ^have,&o., ' , ROBERT a JAMESON. I^outenantColonelRpwanr V -c„,.^.^^^.^^^^,^^^^^^^^ ' 7U ♦::f¥ eONCURRENOE OF EXECUTIVE COU;f CIL THEREON. ^JJ^c col^ «M. Ilierelnt SUl ; ; ' : InComKil,5thNovorabeivl835. / V -^''■' Z**^; l: The Council concur with the lioroln-oxprossod opinion of the Attor- _ . ney General, and recommend tlmt no time should bo lost in erecting , and constituting Parsonages arid appropriating the endowirionts in the manner withia-nncntioned. A--' PETER ROBINSON, P. a \ .■''-''■■■■■ ' ■.■'■■■■ ^" ^- ■'■'■'■■ -J. a ' ■■^:\ ;/^' ■ -■ . . MESSAGE^FROM SIR JOHN COLBORNE, TO THE EXECU- TIVE COUNCIL. ' ^ QoverDment House, 29th June, 1835. The Lieutenant Governor transmits to the Executive Couocil the ac- companying copy of a Communication oddrc^ed to the Law OiBoers pftiie Crown, and the^r Reports, relative to the course which it is pro- po»^ to adopt in constitutmg Parsonages according to Uie Statutes.. *'*." The Lieutenant Governor requests the Executive CouncU will exam- ine the forms of,4nstrumeut8 which the Attorney General recommend, .Vto be used in c(mstituting and endowing ilcctories and presenting Rec- tors, and take into consideration whether the course re(K)nmiended by the Attorney General is in any respect objectionable; or whether under all circumstances, it may not be for the interests of the Province to direct Parsonages to be constituted and endowed without further deby, and designated in the mode suggested by the Attorney General in all Townships in which missionaries have been appointed by the Bishop of Quebec to take charge of congr^tions. * Mcmge ftoin BirJohnCollioriM to Uw l':xeciiave Council, Wih June 1835. t .-/•■ ('( N ■ t > ■ ■♦ / ® i. ■ ••* / ■ ■■' Ht« ^.; III III "G in W .■ ,v-„^ a. y b f * c ' _ / I I ■' ■ ■ I i ' / ' » • 41 J >^-t A 71 V (uisFOHO \H nov- J,*:;r«|[-'v,rVa. COMMIHHION TO Tin: K;\IM- <>l ,.....„., ,..,. k„i .,i .a- '" f ml, iliiti"! J'l •" EUNOK (ilvNKUAr-, DATED JUNK IMtii, 1838. '*'^"'^" .' > I WIIJ.IAM THE POlTRTff, l.y tli.! Omro <.f n.».1 .r.f ttio (K'A'iKl.tr of flio Faitli, to our rijj;lit trunty ami ri^Mit, ^^.•ll Unloved Coiwii nml Councillor Ardiilmlil Eml <>l" fiosford, grot'ting. -I *• , »^ t'ltillliliol'iil Ut ■■)r(l .\yli«"f rrv(ih"'l. / ■r -■, jr/icrM* woili.l.hy.ctMiaiu LottonU*atf'nt lioaring dntw at Wostiuin^ htur tlio twoiity-fourth day of NoVMnbor ono tlimisaud oi«ht liuiulrtHl ♦Sr*^ ""'' '*'''"^>> '" the first Voi\r of our Rcijjrn, coiistitufo and appoint our ' rif?lit truHty and Woll-Jboloyed Mattliew l^rd Ayinior, Knight, C<»ni- uinndcrbt tho Most I lonoraMo Military ordor of tlio Hath, Lieutenant ■ Gonoral of our Forces, to bo Captain Ocueral and Govornor-in-Chit'f in and aver tho Provincos of Upper and Lower Canada, during our, ll^)yal pUwui-o: And tohercan wo «Iid, by certain other Letters patent, ,bearing,^^ , of the Point au Baudet in the limit between the Township o||lancaster ; and the Seigneurie of New Longuevil, running along the ,6aid limit in " • ' the direction of North thirty-four degrees West to the westennnost •' angle of the said Seigneurie of New Longuevil, thence along ttio North-western boundary of the Seigneurie of Vaudreuil running North twenty-five d^irees East until it strikes the Ottawa River into the Lake m Torais Canning, and from tlic head of the* said Lake by a line drawn ■ ^"-':'<- ■ ' ■•./■".; ■.'■" V ■■■'': ■ duo' \.' ' *l ^ » *' * s "SL '■Pw f I ■ / - . ^ • ■ , 7 ■ i "".■■* /' iP«' ^ ' ■■/■ • 1' ^ ■-4 . , * -- ^ . ' * ] P. ;• - 1- %-. f * • • ' : . ' . * *« , . ?1 f .» p 72 • iluo North until it mriktM tlio Utmjiiry Unfl r-f ITikIiioiiV nny', t!i« J^'^',7',';^'^ ProviiMO of IFpiMT (^rtiMvlft to coinpr».!i.m.l all hikIi IjiilK Turritorip Jj^ ;;X'''"* nnJ WiiruU lying to tho VV«)Htw«r.l i)f tlio wii.l lino'of f diviMioti M woro part of our wiivl iMtwinco vf^ Quebec: And wo do hcrolty nHpiirc and coiuiimnd you U> do nnd cxocute "till thingii in duo umnnojr that Hlinll b«lohg to your wild com- timnd and tho trnnt wo havo nijiowMl in you, according to tho ni«vornl powons provirtioiw and diriNtionH gmntixl or apiM>intper and our said Prosincc of Lower Canada and % k \ \ ;*.:-* £fi ■■<■ .^. an . }•« til dll Pi th yi ^tl. |6l I' P si ai b1 C V ': ' '[i i ^/ 1 ■ • •- .♦■. ' ^" ./■ *• X 1 /■■' ■. ■■■- . ■ / ' - •*"•■, / » .■**"■■' "v / i -f* '■-■ * • ■■■'■"'■■. •,■.." *■/ « ' : ■%' . ■ \ /■ "■ \» ' V ■; » ' ■-■*■ .^^ V ■ « 1 ■» *•■ ■ ' • \ ._^:, ■"(■,"■ l! f <- , -' ■ A# ■ • "■ ■ "' / ■•:■':■ «-- 73 ^ d. ■^v m '■ . ■ "*« ::-i: f (• : jj„j fyr tho dueuiiJ impartial aainiuiHtratioii<>f jiwlicw ; ami fuithor tliat }f;i"i.;"r';*or' «ii«- you take the oath required to bo taken by Govornom of plaiUatiouP, to do •ji'.'j^^'yjlii',-';""' thfir utmost that the several Laws rcUting to trade and pUmtatious bo didy observed ; all which said oaths the E^xucutivo Councils of our said Provinces of Upi>er Canada and Lower Canada respectively, or any ■ )> threeormoro of the members of either of them, have hereby full / i>ower and authority and are required to ail minister unto you, and in your absence to our Liouteuant Governor, if there be any upon the place : All which being duly l>erforraed,yo^tho said Archibald Earl ,, 6f Gosford, or in your absence our Lieutenant Governors of our said pBOvinces, or persons admlnisterhvg the respective Governments thereiu, shall administer to each of the members of such Executivd Councils as aforoaid such of the said oatlis mentioned in the said several Acts as sh«Ul bo applicable to tlw c^_of tho iudividmd member of our said Council taking tho samo ; hnd you are also to administer to them tho usual Oath for the' due execution of theu- places and trusts: Aiid wheroas wo may find it convenient for our servico that i Manual, to" commit . \ ..«j-4— ■i^ >"^ *\. ^ \ # % commit the custody thereof to such person or persons as may be ap- ^^S^Xol^uL- .pointed by US for that purpose. laui.ituo. Atid whereas by the said recited act passed in the thirty-first year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, it is enacted, fliat there sball be within each of our said Pro- ^, ,^ ,^, ,^^,^ vinccs of Uppers Canada and Lower Canada resp^itively, a Legis- '.".U.'^ASiy of lative Council, *c.,„ and an Assembly to be composed and con- •»«»"'«""""*• stituted In the manner in the said act described ; and that in the said Provinces we^ our heirs and successors, shall have power during the continuance of the said act, by and vyith the advice and consent of the 6aid Legislative Councils and Aseapmblies, tp make laws "for the peace, welfare, and good government of the said Provinces respectively, such laws not being repiiguant to the said Act ; and that all such laws being passed by the said Legislative C'ainding to all intents and pur- poses whatsoever within the saidN|>ro\dnees : We do hereby give and grant unto you, the said Archibald Earl of G(^ford, full powe%.and ^ authority to issue \vrit# of summons and election, and to call together ^ the Legislative Councils and Aissemblies of the said Provinces of Upper Canada and of Lower Canada, in such manner as is in the said Act authorized and directed, subject to the provisions and regulations therein contfuned in that behalf, and to such instructions and authorities as shall Jt)e herewith or at any time hereafter ^ven unto you by us in that behalf under our signet and sign manual, or by our ordet in our Privy Council or through one of our principal secretaries of State: :^nrf we do hereby give and grant unto yon the said Archibald Eari of Gosford full power and authority to fix the times and places of holding every Sefflion of the L^slative Councils and Assemblies of our said Pro- vinces of Upper Canada and Lower Ca^da, and to prorogue the same from time to time, and to; dissolve the same by proclamation or other- wise, subject neverthele^ to the regulations, provisions and directioiis i of the last mentioned Act, and to such instructjons and authorities as in respect of the premises may be tierewitb or at any time hereafter given » by us unto you under our signet and sign manual, or by our order in our Privy Council, or through one of our principal secretaries of State. Akd we do by these priea^nts autborize and. empower you the said Archibald Earl of" Gosford, with the advice of the Executive Councils v^ appointed by us for the affairs of our said Provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada respectively, from time to time to form, cohstitut^, Z' .>* r? r» ••ad traolTopfndiiptf dri*«rUi« wiAk oar uid Province; And alio ^ - to oonrtitate ud eraot wiUun erery ToifiMhip or Pariah, which now is iSi^oi^ , orfMvafUr majV formed, «oo«tituted, or erocto* within our uid Pro- i^liSMWi. uSil yinoe^oneormoroParaonage or Rectoiy, or'Pa»anag«or Re^ * ' •eoordingtotha«to^ to time," bj an inatrument under/ the se^ of. ur said Promceii ' respectively, to endow every aUch Para^age orlloctoiy with so much ** •■■*•*** rorsuch part 0^ the aaid lands saaltotted and appropriated as by the\ last recited Act in that behfdf is mentioned in itepect of any landa \ within such Township or Parish which shall have teen granted subse- \ quent to the <»mmencement of the same ^ct,^ or of such lAnds as may have been allotted And appropriated for the same piilpoae by or in virtue • o; any instructions which fliay be given by us in respect of any Janda -^ granted before the commencement of the Ikst mention^ Act, aa you, ' i«th)headvice of our said Executive Council of suei Province, shaU" . judge to be^expedient under the existing circiimstances of such Town- ' * •hip ol PaMuh, subject^ neveiftheless to such instrMctions touching the ' ' premises, as shaU or m-^ be given you. by us, undef 'otfr signeti^d Bign.m^ual,orbyouro*derin.our PViyy'CouncU,orthTOughQne'of • • our Principal Secretaries of State: And y^ do also by these pi^enta / - ' ' . authorize and empower you 1» present, subject totga provisions in'iha ' * abovementionedXctsin that behidf, to evety such Pteona^orReS. ^ '-'•' toiy, and to^veiy G^wrph, Chapel, or Mier ecclesiaslicaLt^nefice, a^ , ' * cording to the establishment of theChurch bf En^hmd,Vith}n eiAerof ' ^ " our said Provinces, an Incumbent or Minister of ttt^ Chunih bfiSEland ' • whoshaU have been duly ordained,^ccordii«f to the rites- of the^aafd Church, and to supply frohi.tim^ tp tiVije such vacancies as inaV happen ' « of Incumbenta or Ministers of UieswdParaonag^lftec^riasChnrcK^ * Chapels, or Benefices, ot any^of them i^pe^tiveTy: And-W:e db hereBr ^ give and grant'untoyou'thesaid Archibald Earl ofG^wford^ftdl^p^^^ ^* ' " and authority to give warrants uhd# jour hand- fiir the issui^ of' public monies U all public services; and wedo parU'cularly reqnire ' youtotakecarethatregularaccountsofalli^ipte'anddisbursementa * . ' ' of such monies be duly kept: ^d we do further gv^ to you the said ^ Archibald Earl of Qoaford full |)ower and authority,^ wheh and jo"**"*^ cf^n as any bill which has been passed in the Legislative Council and ' mao of Assembly of either of our said Provinces of Upper Canada /and Lower Canada shall be presented unto you/or our Royal assent, to declare according to yoifr discretion, (but ijubject nevertheleas to the "* ^^provuions contained in the said ledtei Act passed in the thirty-first year of the reign of his late Majesty King Qeoi^ the Third, and sub. ' * ject also to each instruction^ directions, and authorities aa we ahiOl " "^ herewith or at anv time hereafter give*unto you in ^ behalf nnder our signetand sign manual, or by our order in our Privy OounciL or i, through one,of our Principal Secretaries of State,) that ipu aaaenl; to •noli biU ia our|f«^«^oMhM you withhold our assent froqi ^oh biT ii» % ^ JBt- • •&,« pnnMiP .•» *. .« A. ir-^ / \ i; 'i I 'T* r # J^ il0^'-. \ >»1 ' I i or that you twerre luoh bill for th« Mgnification of our Royal ploMUM Ommihim » ^ i|iereon : And we do hereby authorize and empower you to comtitute and 'fcrifiM'SjJSSor appoint Judgen, and, in cases requisite, ComminionerB Oyer and Te^ ^SS^SitvSl. ^ininer. Justices of the Peace, and other necessary officers and ministera in our said Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, for the - . belter administration of justice, and putting the lawUn exQciiUon, and to lidihiniiiter or cause to be administered unto them such oatb or oaths as are usually taken for the due exeetition and performance of offices and places, and for deairing ^he ,trutlr in judicial causes: And '^ , we do hereby give and grant unto you full power and authority, when you shidl see cause, or shall judge any off^nd^er or oifondem in criminal matters, or for any fines or forfeitures due iinto us, fit objects for our mercy, to pardon all such ofiepders, and to remit all s^ich' offen et, fines and fpVfuitutvs, treason and' wilful murder only excepted; in which eases you shall likewise have power upon eitraofdinary occasioBS^ to * grant w tSU' execute in our aaid'Provin^es raipuotively thin our oommiaiion and *^ *'"' •foreiail irtstructions, and the aevonil power* and authorities Uierein . ^ eontainaJ, in tlio suna mtnnor and to 411 intents and purpaeen as other . our C.ip'.ain Ojnoral and OavornsMn-Ciiief should or ou>ht to do: '* ' And wo d > hereby give and grant unto you tho< said Arcliibald Earl ., " of Oo/ord full power and authority, ih case any peraon or persona* ' CDminisaianad or appointed by jiu to any offljo or offices within our ;^ aaid Provinces of Upper Canada or Lower Canada firora which he or , ' ' thoy m-jy ba liable to b3 reni^voJ by us shall in jfour opinion be utiflt ' / ^ ' to continue in our service to suspend such person or persons from hia ^ ^ or their seueral em;)l)yinont3 untQ our ploaiure shall be known. In / witnes?, &c. Witness, RbM l.t)RD' G;.EiELO TO LIEUTENANT D«ii«eh ««■ GOVERNOR SIR JOHN COLBORNB,'K.e.-a aft'. cSKTlS;* Silt,— . . ■■; :;-..■.:/■ "^ ■ ^ ■.• - f^: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your de^Mttch, No. 20, of the 20th May, transmitting an Address to Hia Majesty from the Legislative Council of Upp«r Canada, on the subject of the Cletgy- Reserves in that Province. You also enclose the copy of a resolutioti passed by the House of Assembly upon the rejection by the Council of a Bill to dispose of these Reserves^ aiid the rq>ort o& a Qom'mittee *of ^the Council upon the general sul^t of the provision made by Uw; for the support of a Protestant clergy in the Prorinod. ' ' ,1 have had the honour to lay at the foot of tb^ Throne the addrasa from the Legislative Council, and his Majesty has commanded me to exprew to jof his satisfaction at the exj^ressions of attachmait to Hia peraon and government which are contained injt^,- , Thedis^of the Cleigy Reserv^ WwyQU have described it, V question of groat importance. It is a aiibject which has been frequently under the consideraUon of my predeceasoia, and to which I have found it neceseary to devote much of my attention wnce I received the seals of this department I am not^ however, preparod at the pr^nt moment to give you any additional inatracaQM npbu it However mtlch I may ri^gret the the Houae (^ AsaemUy and the ; Oouiicil, % ^f I •:4 1 ■f « t •• ''A"' "'• i^'-. »■ ■ , •7 i- I \-:.,.,r',v4:,;. i:**?^*^*! ^ ■;-<■■ .^- ■- 4 ^wp mm w n r /■. ■ fm' 'W- .*^'?.vyi^'*'^ " #• Council, which prevented iu MtUenMnt during thf reMon which hu [^fj*^, ktely terminated, I cannot look upon' that event m precluding tlio pm- 'j' ' <' ■ sibilitjr of • more ftiyourabk nwult hereufter. I trust that in their next Mouon tlie L^lHlttturo will leaume, and will be enabled to conduct to a luoceasful cottcluHioD, >ome measure £)r the ^nrrangement of thin qucv tion. To take any immediate step with reference to your present ilcs- patch and its enclosures, under such circumstances, would bo prcm«0V tare; and I muH, therefore, for the proecnl decline to interfere with th« deliberations of the Provincial Legislature, by offering to them ftny •ttggeation of my ^wn upon the ntibject of Uio Clergy Itescrvci. I hnvo^ fto.| ' - OLENELO!' tie UU9. V. DESPATCH FROM LORD G^NELO TO LIEUTENANT . GOVERNOR SIR JOHN COLfiORNE, K. C. B. J. ■ ■ ^ ■ , • ' ' Downing Stbkkt, Slst July, 1835. 81%— ;, ■ - . ^ i-"'-' ■■^•. : .■■. I have the honour to ackbowledge the receipt of your^deApatch of the 23rd May, No. 24, enclosing a memorial from Bishop Macdonell on behalf of the Roman-cathoiio population of Upper Canada, praying that they may be allowed to participate in the btoefitt to hi derived from the Clergy Reserves in the Province. In my despitcli of this date. No. 31 j in reply to the address from the ■ Legislative Council to His Majesty on the st^bject of these Reserves^ I have informed you of the ground:* upon which I must decline at pre* sent to interfere with the deliberations of the provincial legislature upon j this subject. You will of course perceive that the same considerationa must prevent my returning any conclusive answer to Dr. Macdoneirs memorial, t have to requeet that you will inform Dr. Macdonell that His Majesty's Gtivemment isTully aware of thie importance of the sub- jfCt to which his memorial refers; but that^ concurring in the views adopted iu regarcl to it by the Eari of Ripon, they are anxious not in any way to interfere with the deliberations of the provincial 1^'slature. It is therefore to those bodies that Bishop Macdonell should address himself on behalf pf the- Roman Catholic setUers of Upper Canada ; and there can be no doubt that the chiims which hie may advance upoa their account will be received with due consideration by the Legislature. iJiave^&c., ' OLENELO. 0«£pMehiVeai IjQ rJ Uirnalf |o ■iiJ.Colboni*, SUkJulMfcO). * ^ '^ ^^* M ^ ^^p :i s*^ .1 J •> f f • '' ■•'# ( , ^■^ll^ ■f ■*J» 7* lESSAOEFROM Hlfi KXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT £"••">•« «• GOVERNOR, OF 30th JANUARY, 1830, TRAN3l(ll {'■ i iMuZV'Zt. \ t If^ TINO A DEaPATCIl FROM HIS MAJEaTY'a GOVERNMENT. 1 Tha Lioutennnt Ooverpor traqimlta to thi ll««ch to tb« two Ho Lcdslature^ oo Um 37tb invUnt ' The Limitenaiit Governor w«i epnmliiQded by ifis BCxJMty to municata ** tho •ubatanca" of bis luttructiomi to both Houi«r-of tb« ProTiocul ParlianuDt, but conaid^ing it woukl be more aatiUflctoiy to them to leeeire the w&ole, be accordingly tntoamits it herewith. * •QoTemment Houa% ' t«j .#^'. ': 80th Jantury, 183e. rriyir, *!ih J.in., iMIiMfunMiilumt Ilia .Migeiriy.* *', DESPATCH, Ac. , :^; i ^ 8i%— ..('. lloiiK 10 nr P. B. Heaii. M hla ap- 6th December, 1836. kro^^tST'* DowMwo 8imwi, / I h«ve the honour herewith to tranamlt to you a'Commiwion, under Hie Majesty's Sign Manual, appointing you Lieutenant Ooveraor of the Provmce of Upper Canada. % ■-% ' You have been selected for this oflBce at an era of more difficulty and impo^nco t^hau any which has hitherto occurred iu (Uje history of that part of His Majesty's dominions. The expression of Qonfidonce in ' your discretion and ability which the choice itself implies, would onl^ be weakened by any more formal asRurance which I could convey to yow.,' ■;;:'•:■,.■.■"-, ,■../•■::,■ ::;/... : ... ■ .;^;:■■^:;^;.■■:■■:::;.y^.■;..:; " In the following instructions I shall pre-suppose jour kifowledge of many occurrences, the correct understanding of which is essential to the discharge of the duties to winch you are called, but which it is unnecessary for- me to recapitulate. As, however, a more exact acquain- tance with Canadian affairs is indispensable for your' guidance in the adminisH^ion of the Government of Upper Canada, I think it right to refer you tcj^ those sources of information on which you will, be able most safely to rely. AnioligBt these^ the first place is due to the Jour- „ nals of the Legislative Council, and the House of General Assembly. The Appendices subjoined to the annual summary of the proceedings of the two Houses, contain a fund of information on almost every topic -wnnected with the statistics and political interest* of the Province [and" to those reports you will be able "to nwri with ^ gi«at«r confidence tiban - w.. ■ t #. 4 % •Q- Hf. ■».e ■«<*;;■ . \. V n m V ft ae 01 Cl( til C ta K SG Bt « oi di »I it 1 ..ft- 0] tl di T tt t\ tr fo « , ■■*■. .»• ,, , tluui to my oUuir' source of similar intelligence. The Re{N>rt of th6J2«ii^'*» Oomniittee of the House of COnunons, of the year ,1828, with the ' evidence, oral and documentary, to which it refers, will also throw much light on the prbgross and the actual state of the questions agitat* ed in the Upper Province. The correspondence of my predcHH^sors • •nd mysislf with the OfiScers who have successively administered the Provindal Government, will of course engage your careful attention. ■ .■-.: In Upper CftBiada, as in all countries which enjoy the blessing of a free Constitution, ahd of a {Legislature com|[X)sed itt-part of the Repre- ; aentatives of the people, the discussion 9f public grievances, whether real or supposed, has always been conducted with an earnestness and free- dom of enquiry, of which, even when occasionally carried to exaggera- tion, no reasonable complaint can be made. The Representatives of the 1 Canadian people, if departing ai tim^ from the measured style and exact terms in which the investigation of truth may perhaps be most s saCcesBfiilly conducted, havo yet, even in the agitation of questions the moot de^y ailecting the 'Interests of their constituents, exhibited a studious respect for the persoi) and authority of their Sovereign, and a sealous attachment to the principles of their balanced Constitution. Until the last Session of tho Provincial Parliamient the remonstrances of the Hbuae were chiefly confined to insuUited topics of complaint; discussions, indeed, occasipnally arose and discontent was occasianally manifested; but it may be affirmed that, generally, there subsisted a ipirit of amicable co-operation between the Ex^iitive Government and ^ Legi^Uituire. . . '. \ " ■■ '■ ■.*- . ' . ■ ■ , ' The cession by His Majesty of the Revenues raised under the Statute ' 14th Geo. 3, cap. 88, to the appropriation, of the House of AssemMy, was a gratuitous and unsolicited ttct, ahd was accepted by that body in . a. jpirit of grateful coriliality.; - > I will not pause to recapitulate the events which immediately <{>ra- ceded ;if they did not produce, the interruption of this mutual good onderstandihg; -: *' ^ . .:, ■. • ■ ■ ''. ^ '""-':'-■ ;x :)■: ■;■■ v „ .:■■• \: It is sufficient for my present object*to observe, that the tdations which' had formerly subsisted between the Executive Oovemment and the Representatives of the pe(^le underwent an entire change^ .imme- diately after the elections which took place in the autumn of 1834. The supporters of the Local Government now, for the first time, found fhemselvea in a constant minority on every question controverted be- tweenihem aild thmr political antagonists. ' A Committee of Gri^y^mcea was appoint^, by which a report was made^ impugning the adminis- tration of affiurs in every dApartmeibt of the public service, and calling for remedial measures of such magnitude and variety as apparently to embrace' every conceivable topic of complaint Having- adopted this ht report^ !f • 'If -J' ■ .-.« »' w'-)iur-., ■ - , i ■" -,.:-:.,■■.:,-■:■ * ^^''■<:/ -'i... :.• ■ ■ :.■,:...■;....■.;.:■, -v. :-l^v .., ■ ■:-..-^ 1 i.. r-; . ...•,-■■-.■ • . ■ - ■ ■ .V ..-, ■.■,■:::■;■/■;.;. 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"»v^■^ ••-^;::^v.,::y-;-;-,.;;. * f^- ^ ..; " ■ ■ . ■ ■<^' ' - ■• - ■- ' 1. ;■:-■. ■■ ■■^::;^;^^v^^^^^:V':y^V::■v/^^■ •^■'r '■■''": '^%;^; :-•><:• ' : ■^' ,, ' '.'"»v-'-' . .'.' ■■ . -■.■ '■ '. ,! ,-•. ^ ■ ■ '. ■.■■■>■-■■ ■ . ■■ ' ':.".''' ■,• o . »■ ■■■ .>."■■;"' ^. ?''Vr- ■' <^-W>'\i..-»«' ■' . ■■ -^ '; ■'■•'*'■ t ■-■ ■■ .... ■ . . • ■■ ■■ :...-^ -'. .- ■. * npoft; and liav% diraeted iti pnbllcfttion in an oiAiBual form, tlie jg^i^**> Hooae transmitted, through tlie Lieuteiumt ChjfTemQr, to the King, fm addnp^ in which some of the more considerable of the claims of the OommiUee were uiged in terms of no common emphasis. It will be your first dut^, on the assumption of the Qovemment, to convey to the . House the answer which His Majesty has been advised to return to these representations. • . ■ ■ .v ■...■■■ I qmnot proceed to explain the tehns of that answer without the . preliminary remark, with a view to which the preceding statement has hew chiefly made. Whatever may be thf Justness of the complaints • now preferred respecUng t^ general priniSples on which the public aSkirs of the Province hav«?fceeh conducted, the Representatives of the people of Upper Canada aifle at least not wjtitled to imi*hte .to the con- fidential advisers of the king any disregard of their wmonstrances. the greater part of the grievances detailed by the Committee and the House, are now, for iha first time, brotight by them under Hii Majesty's notice. My predeoessoiv the Earl of Ripon, in his Despatch of the 8th NovemberT 1832, to Sir John Colborne, was commanded by the King to state that "there was no class of thp Canadian people^ nor any jn- -dividual amongst them, to whosejpetitions His Majesty did not rwiinj "that the most exact and respectful attention should be given." His MajestyhasneverceasedtoBeactuated by the spirit which dictated those instructions, and of course wifl not deny to the House of; General" ' Assembly, that careful investigaUon of the grouijds of their complaints which he;graciou8ly pledged hinaself to bestow on the le^njtion of any incfiviaual petitioner. I feel myself therefore, entiUed, on to * ' His Majesty's Opvemnaent, to object to any resort on the- part of the ^ '" House to that ulterior measure to, which/they alludei but>hich they ; will feel wiUi me is to be justified only by an extreme emeigency. I now prooeed.to the Wj m"^-> ■■'^- . ;.' .:_ ' : "■ ' ,-. -■,: '. .-■. '■.':■' - .'■ / '■ • '■• " : ■' . "■ : :'■' -■ "■ ' .'• ■ .'■■ ■■ '■' / ■-:'.;■■ • ''-''' ■■ 't ' ' ■ . ; •■ '* « / ■"■■'• ■■*.,■ ;,.; - ' V ■'.■. ■■■■■'.■ ■'.'■ r "a"- ■" ,•: :. . ■" V '-■ '■ «■ :•■; iV • ,'; ■\':.:^-''-' : '/'''./'' ',; \ : ;• . ■■/- '^.. "* ^ ■v--iV " »' \ 4 ' 1 ' .' ^' ■'''■'''^■■':.^r ' -■■ ; ^'■-' ■■ :■'/,■' ,'■■*" . , ■: ■ :-■' " "" . ^-^r ^ ' ' ■'-'• p ■.:'■■ ' ' :■,.• ■■■■■'^■' "-J j^--- • - -■. , ■-•-.-■ ■ ■ 1 1^' ' ■ ,, ^ .-■: : P . .-- ■ 1 W' ' { ■ ' ' ;#' ; .■■-:f:-..K- ^■■■' -X '^■■- -■S-"^-- *'■ ,■ '.;■ ':■' ('". ■■. ■' '" J-- : - '. ':' : ' ^ ■ ■ ■;,;:■ " " ■ ■• •• ' - , /. ' ■ f : ■ ■ ■■ ■ .-t- : :\ \, ■■:, \ L' ■ ■ '^_jl_:iy ■■ ■'• - . '■'•^K--'.'' : ■'' .' ■ ■■-. '■' ■ .: :" ' ^ — ,, ■ ,.■•■■ ■".■^; , "..' ■ »■'..'.■•:' -'-Ti~^~'= ■' ■ ." • i ■ ... t •; -^ . , _ • . ;^ . ■ .._ . ;. .■ •,•■.. / W' : W- ' .^ ..dttfL^ k 83 " jjitronage of tl^e Coloniil dfBoe» ttiaC th« gMOting or withhojding of »«i««iK « Supplies is of no poliUcal importMoe^ unless as an indicaUon of Um "~* ** ' «opioion of the country concerning U>o cfaahust^ of the Government^ ^ "which i^ conducted on a systflm^l^ admits its /)fficew to take and ^ • • apply the ftinds of the Qolonists without any L^islative vote what- "ever." 'The Committee then poceed to an enumeration of the varioua public officert, and the different departments and branches of the pub- \|c Bervi^ \',.: .■-■-:....?-. , . In the long enumeration of places at the 'disposal <*f the Execativfi» Government in Upper Canada, the CommitteMave h6t adverted • one consideration to which I think that great prominence might jusUy be assigned. It w perfectly true, as it is quite iifevitaUe, that in Upper Canada, (»8 in other new countnef, the nimber of public employmenta ' fa, and will be, far larger, in proi>ortiqn, than in older and more dense- ly peopled States. The general machinery of Go\-emment must be the' ^ ^ same in a scanty as in a large and redundant population. Coiwsppnd- ing D9p8rtment8 of thtf public seinice, whether LegislaU've, Jiidicial'or '' I ^..-administrative, must exist in both, ^nd in n new country besides there will be some establishments, for whicli, in ^ke settled Slto'^f Eu- ' rope, no counterpart can i)e found. Suoh, for sample, arJ^l which relate to the allocation;, surveying, and grantingof wild hnds. NoKfa it to be^forgotten, that in the early stages of such a society many ^^ ties devolve upon the Government; which ata more advanced |ierio<^ are undertaken by the better educated andVealthier classe^. as anhon- ofable ocrtipation of their leisure time. Tlius. in th^a^nadas. although the mere ttet of the law would fliere, as in England, authorise any nSn > to prefer , and prosecute an indictment in His Mije8ty»8 name yet Tirtually and m substance the prosecution of aU offences is confid^ to "^ ' the Govemnieat or its office. Thesecaus^haveinevitAbly tended to , sweU tte amountof the patronage of the Provincial Gove,Brr,ebt:;with."^ 4>ut supposmg any pecuUar avidity on their part for the' exerdse of such a!^ . pOWet ; . :,; 'k ^ "'-I , '.■■'". . ■ '-'. ■\ '■ ,: •. .• ..'■ ■ • "■■■ ': \ • . . Wi& respect to the patronage of flie requisite offices, His Eaiestv's ^ . / Government ar« not solicitous to retain mor^ in their own bads, or in ' '/ /those pf the Governor than is faecessaiy fot the general weifere of the 7 people, and the right conduct of public affaire. I confess mWlf. how. ; - ^mmMe to perceive to whom the choice amongst candidates for " '\ ^ - ..J- ft'.' n n jr*y^' ..t-.i- - ' ' /■ X 1 ■':':' "■ :; ■■•' - ■ .^'■■*- ' . . .■'■■' ' "■ -■ \ !• ■ ., -'.< • • 1 -«..■■ ', ■ 1 : -*■..■■.'■ " ■ • - ■■■K:^:'/:^ *'.. ■ '-. . " ^ ■ " ■ { .'.. . . ),:.. \- . - ■ ■m'..: ■ ' . .,■" *: ■ ■ ■ " - ■ j t • • ■ ' "1 !■■ "" ■■ ■■ " ' ;» ■ . * V -'■ , 'i- - . ■ 1 ■ .■• 1 (. ' . .;;-■;/- ' -'■ ■" ■■.-'"" '* ■ ■°"' ,. 1 I ■ -iV ■ ■ .y" . 7 ■■ . * ■■ '/.■ ■ ■ / : ' ■ . - ,';■? ' '» .. .,■ ".■-■■■■ ■ ■-,-. ". , ■" •■'■;-. ■■ A.. ■■' • -■/. ,-' '•*■-. "' \. - . * ■■ ^ '" ■ * '' ■ ^„&1 - i.M-^i: ./ ■ -" . " . " " . . . ' • A , ■ .■*-i^ With;,6qual Bafety lib confided. It require* E^>. am j»I)orie«eo to discQvor, that «ucU ]{>atronago if ex- *"^ >nny;»^ormof.^)|R«larelection/orifcommitt«a y, would Iw i'ablg tyjb ciiiployod for puqxwcs far I<^ defenaiblo ^ ,* SW^ «««uciYO to the goaeral good. Chown by irras* iiWe..P.%>ti^^ Pullic Officers w<>u1d the^lves be virtually ex- ,™rt • 't V ' ""^ ""i*^® Jificiplihe and suboidination which iS'*l^9SfUgi^ in one unbrokoii chain the King and his ro- ' IVo >|i the Province, down to tliO IpwoBt functionary to whom ■^any portion of the jwwcr of. the ^ oiay be confided, would be im- >- mediately broken. ^ 1 # J 1 conclude therefore, that m in such a country, as Canada, there must ;*x..ta number of public offlcerp, laigor in proportion to the present Jiumbor and wcalt^ of the inlmbilante, so the aelection of them must T the most part bo entrusted to ihe he«,d of Uio local government. '!; •S*'^'*"'*'' ^o^^evor, on the part of the Ministois of the Crown every 'tvmtourgothofio general principk-s beyond th^fr just and necetauy . ,^t8. There ire cases iu whicjr, I think, according to the analogy of emhr cased m this country, the patronage now saki to be ereraW by • tiio Lieutenant Governor, might, with perfect Ba% and propriety be transferred to others. On this 8ubje<^ however, it will be more oonve^ njent to state the gdneral principle than to attempt the specific and de- \Ui]^\ applicaUon^of it at this distance fisom the ^no WIcUob. ; I *;3ftat principle is, to maintain entire,.iy th<5 nomination and removal ' ,, yt^. tho head of the Government with every pe%n through whose instru- mentality ho is to exercise the various delegated prerogatives q£ the ' Cr6wn. "What is necessary for Uiis end A"i, itin nrfitin r^ ''^bltlftlff " ^ onago 18 unl^pcft<.sary for the maintenaijMlF^llS^^^^J^ rikly and at onco abapdopd. \.f.J^:l V ' W^X^ J6 noticed in the report, as anl^Joion ij ftie eviU of the peruroent patipnago, that almost every Dujblico^cit holds liir place I |tho pleasure "of tlie Crownyi \i .^ W ■» .\ ^ ^nnot disgiilso my opimpii that tho pu^cgdod would be KttJ ced if the subordinate functi9nArie8 held I lieir places upon a more I tenure. In.pntctice indeed, though 8^bijfcfete certain exceptions I hereafter noticed, no Public Officer is l|ffll|^ losing j^ g„,. ployment except for misconduct; or incompcf^^«H^KAm ..a — kinOs of misconduct and incompetency whioycou^PSpr be'm^ the subject of judwial investigation, but whkh Rw^ld M^^tructiveof the usefulne* of a PubU^Officer, and^ugtt, #refore, to be followed badismisssl from th e yublio servj^jT >|^^fej^a^:^, ^ ^^. ^ ^ - ^ .■:':-V. any >1 jrV •>** .\ .\! 84 v.,*"-. ..» ' any length on Ui« evib which would MJie in the tnuuacUoa of buitn if the rabordinate oflSoen wore awiwe that tliey wero entirely indepen- dent of the good o|Hnioa of thoir. auperioiri, |^. t^ir oontimuiiM m UmI r employment. .•■;■.■ 1. •'■■.■./..■■';■■■;':.",-; ...-.^v^ .■..:,■■ ■.■''| It is not difficult to aheWi in reference to any conceivable arrango* meut on the aubject of patronage, that there will bo dangon against Whijch it in iippomible to take aii ahaolute and perfect aeeurity. I know not,! however, that any Iciatt exceptionable achcme could be devioed tha^ that which at preeont prevaila— of -giving to tlie head of the local Gov- «mment the, choice of the subordinate officers, '^ and of making their ^hicos dependent on His Miyesty's plaamiro, To prevent, however, a|( fiur as may be possible, the continuance of any well founded ground of complaint on this head. His Majesty, disclaiming for himself, and for hi* representative in the Province, all desire to exercise,, with th« view .Haerely to patronage, the power of appointmg public officers, is pleased to prescribe for your guidance the following rules : r i , FiBST.— Yod will at the earliest opportunity enter into a diligent review of tlieofficiM in the appointment of the Crown and of the local government as.d^tailod ui Uie report of the Coioamittee and appendix^ ^th a view to asecrtain to what extent they may, without impairing '(me efficiency of the public service, be reduced immediately and pioa- '■•pectivelyi- ■; ' ^-:,. ■■■■y-\. :\^^ '■''■- '•■ " You will report to me tlio result of ytour investigation, with such particuW information as will enable His Majesty's Govemment to decide ia each caao on the. expediency ojf adopting your recomm^* .* dation. Secondly, — If during the reference of Uiat report io MiB any occa-i Blon occur for the reduction of Offices, either by abolition or by oon- >lidation, you will exercised your own discretion, as to waiting for fresh itu^tructions, or proceoditig at once ta the reduction. Any appointment ; hpwevor, made under such. circumst^ces^wU be merely provision^., lik ca^'bf the immediate abolition of ilMttflp) not reqiii^ for the ^lent discharge of th^ public servicflj^will stipukte for such'a b$m][>e«8atiQn to int holders, as the disappointment of their ■m. T^l^nable expectations may entitle them to receive. Thirdly. — ^In the prescribed revision A(|lhese offices you will make it one of yourjobjects to form a judgmenil|y^hat share of the patronagd §.^ of the Crown or the local ^vemmentma^_ safely an4 wiseljlirbe trana- 'S' ^ ' (erred to other hands. ^ " You will ^port to me 'fti^'" svibject, but will refrain fiom taking - houf further instructioos^in me. any steps regarding it withou FourVUy.^—Isi the selection of persons to uc tiong^ i j mb li c tru s t s, wyi .^ 'f ■fe T^" « •: V: :i^ wfll U guidod «»;lu»ivMl} by iLo coiniinriiwii uf tLo clniiiia whidi the il^i-fli^K / different candidatca may derive from piwt acnk-m, or from |)or>ional '"** "*"* fliiwlifl^'fttiftiifc JfyWjf.—ln general you ^ill not select for «ny puMic eniploymont ^ in Upper CmuuIa any pjroon wlio in not ciHior a native or V'ttLnt inlm- ■\-- bitant of tlie Proviuoe. J|L ' .•■V ■ ■ S.,--Wl:' ;■..■• '■ .y:-:M ■ : ^.-'•■••/: '•■:.■■ . W"-' ' To thii genenil nJe a^ionnl oxcoptionn may be admitted; wt in CMM where lomo peculiar l|[t or Bcicnco is doniandoti, wLicIi no Pro- • #: Tincial candidata may bo found to i>o««e«8 in the rcquiflito dogn-o. An exception must ako bo made in reference to tlioso offlccm who are MPmgdiatoly attached t^ your own jwnwn, in tjio thoico of wliom Ilin 1%(^ doea not think iMjjght to subjocyrou ^ any Buch restriction. i-^ff ciij^ht f ^yyi'-Ti^oft(3jwTI||j,offleo Hhall bo vacant which i» not to bo •uppr^jfled, aniToTwhidi thojMuhl omolurocnt shall exceed two hun- dred pounds, you will make (iH|i{)ointinent provisional only, and with • *^« <^>?5Jj?«t intimation to the party iM^, that hln confirmation will depesMTenUrely oil tiio estimate whiclpi/, llaiesty may tbrm of hia pretensionsrandyw will oil wroiy aueii oocasioi signify to ine^ for Ilia Majeaty's information, the groumU on which you have proceeded, and the motives which haVo directed your clioice. If Hia Majesty should c be pleased to issue under sign raaniiill, a warrant authorising you to ^makon grant of the ofBco under the puh^iB seal of tlio Province, then, ^^^^otkI n^till then, the appointment must bo considered as finally ratified. ulhiust, that in these regulaUoiw tl»o House of Assembly will perceive » suffident proof of His MajSty's settled purpose to exercise this branch of hia prerogative for no ot^r end thafe'lBI general good of his Canadian subjects, and to prevent its being convert into an instfumcnVof pro- moting any narro#^««cluBi?Aoir party dttigns. , I StcijiiD-^PutBuing the order observed by theConunittee, I pasa on . totlie subject of the Provincial Post Office. Adverting to the ^asurea Which haveaheady been taken for the rednes of the grievances wkich have been alleged to exist in the conduct of this department, th« .Committee observe, « That the form of a Uw such as the Government would approve is before the Houses, but ito prbvisiona (they add) are so iiaaipplicable and absurd, that no benefit could bo derived from their' enactment?. :,\ .■■• On the measure thus characterized, I am not called to give m opinion. It is, however, but fair to those by 'whtoJ it wasreoommend- «d to the ad option of the Looal Legislature, to ^r\Vtbat it had p re- ^OQSly undergone a most fardul investigation by the feat Master General -' ^ H • ^ His 86 Ilk Majeity'a Oovmtmeiit cnnnot Imvo tho Hiit{liteat wbh U> ui^ito th« gjj^ .adoption of any inoniq tho oiMiD, cMpMiftliy in nferonco to tho intorooumo hy post with nil plncrs hoyond tho limitu of tho Trovine* itMjIf. You will, boworor, ament to any juo«uM a« totlw general principlon on whiqh it will bo yo«r duty to net on qucationa of this nature, thcro can bo no room for controversy; indeed, those prin> ciples will, I think, bo most conveniently considoroil when divested of • atopics connected with tho interests and the 8er\-ices of particular persona, . I'here is no measuro of rotronchment compatible with tho just claims of His Majesty's various o^cors, and with the eflSoient disfshargo of tho _\jPublic service and duty, to which the King Is not diiqxKcd to give ft . "fiirompt and Cheerful nasoDt. To determine what ought t^ be tho scolo of remuneratioti to Publio FunctioDaries of diflferent dasMs vtmiiim quire information too minute aikd exact to be obtainSd)b|^iu)^^th9< limits of the Province itself.. This would iippear a Very Ant |ii|^t for' ; a special inquiry, in which it might be pitoper to employ Commission- / era, to be appointed under the anthority of m Act of the Assembly. I have reason to suppose that the subjert has never yet undergone • Ml and fair investigation, and therefore I do not feel myself entitled to assume tlie non-existence of those abuses which so readily grow up under a system which isnotsubjected to a careful. scrutiny, conducted ' upon permanent and enlightened views of public economy. Even if the rcshit of the examination should be only to 8l|$w that there is ho evil of this nature to be remedied, the labour wotM be amply repaid, by placing so importont a fact bejondthe reach of idl reai^nable ^syspidon. ' ^ ^ • ,> f In dealing with existing inteMsts, the Local L^islatore^ will, I doubt ' no t, be wel l disposed to a dopt ^the rul es w hich have been uniformIy__ taken by Parliim^nt for the guidance of their discretion in similar "^^ n II iv w h sr .\ 'V 4 .«^ The saviqg of public moQ&y which eould ttHao from Ihe uoex" n2**M9 ** pected raducUoQ of offlcial incomes, would' not onl^y miilt^ecttiuinorotis IQunilieB to" extreme distreaii, but -l^y impalrii^ gcnenit ooMfidetico in the publldtcifedtt, would weaken the foun Provincial Revenues on this account. I do not hhticipate that the Assembly of I3^pcr Canada would \fh\** to withhold from the King the 'means of rewarding fiuthful dhd zea- ' lous)public services, or would think it desirably that no provision should ever be made by His lifojesty to solace the declining years of those who ^ ^^ c6nsumed in laborious public duties in the Colony the laiger ^ferj^ ofthoir live% <• .^ ^ • *^ You -w^l, 'therefore, assent to any law which may be tendered for .^ your acoeptanQ^ pf which th(»»ol:gect'sh.Tll bo to regulate, on a just and *:(easonable sc^ 'tJ[ie amount of the future Pension List of Upper Can- ia» and, fi> ftre^cribe^^e J^rinciplc^ upon which any pensions shall be grimted/ < *^ ? 1 l\ I (!» FirPH. — I proceed ,to the subject of the. provision' ihade for Eocle- 1 . ■ .'■■.-'"■ • ';■■':> ,v. ' . • ! t * siastical Y- ' ■■w"!' ' ■'" ■ ,.,. --.v ■ ■■'-^■- ■'=^'' ".■;'''^-„ . ■■.„ ■ ^^''v. ■ *.-:„ ... ' ' J 1 -'"■;.' ,: ;,■■'" '^^f*' ^v\ -v.- ^'^^'^ 1 I ■' ' ■■■■ "'■'. >. ■^■" ■ - '.'. ■ ,■ " '■■-,. ■• i>" - ■ ■ ,t. -v>.,' -Mv, 'i^.n.'.'.: \,-,. v->- ^-f '•'.,. -^ ' -. ■ "^■■ Ot ■ '"■ ' :■„. •,;■.■ -^\ ,. ••■ • ■ ,-. . . . " -'^'^r-'V.: ■■■^-\;- iO' * ■> '■.';:;':'■■■■..■:'.:;;' -v-^ ■ •■ ' ■; V\. ■%.■,■ ,^ '■■'■^^■"fv. ■'%.*'■-.- " . ^ • , ■ . -:.^ ■■ ''■■'' ''■ ' ^. , n "'>'~v ■■; .■ «-^... ■vrf*" ;■ ■ ..- ••'■ ■ \ ' • ,' ■»^.> ■■*.■■' fe . 1 "*^, ■»' ■ ' ' h ; '-. "^ ' -"^ >:'■■ ■! .^' ■■' :■.-;• "iW - ^.•" 'Aa ■-.X, ■■..,' ":>i- r ^^ .W; ■■ v :...-, ■ .,■■■ ^'\-- ....... •:-..■..• :-^---':.. .: ::-^ : '■■\. : .'■:.■-.*» i -.. ....»:-^„..> -. .■-^' •..■-.>.- '.v .•.•■.!.> - ' .■■.■ . -• . ■ ,•■-<.. .. -■ ,- ( .■ • ..- ■•—■.'-. ., .'..^ . .- ' * . , ■ "'.., .'■,•-, . . ■ ' ■ ■ •^'■'■''V- .■.-■' .■.•■; ■.■■;, ,>■ .:.■,•■ ■■■>• •- ♦•«^vv.v-:.v-.. '■■ '•■■' ■ ■ '■; -"'• 'jfe^.J' '<;•>■".•¥'■•■■- »"S'-- . . .i »' . .'- . ■'-* ■•. ■' '■•' -• ■ ■■'■■.■.■■' , i^-'".v:,..'-- ' : ' -„■""■ u '■ ' ■ ■• V- ■■ ■';.)?■'-■■.' '■'»■'''■ '" ' ■.•'-:■-->, ■ -ri. .* .,j ' X •■•. '- ..-^■:.-" ■■ h ■ - ■.;. ■■;;"■ ■ '" ■■ e"* '■ - . •■ ■ : :.' .•■'■.,■-■ .'■'■(». ., ,; ¥■ . •■ ' -■-■>■ i -' •£* - '■ .-.. •, ." |, ''■?'/■■■■ '■ .:-,■•■.';;/. .•-■■\_ i^- ■,;-tv ;.::■-■ ." ,„■«%.:*:■■ '^■#^: .^-:- ^■.^^ „ "tM ■■■ " ^^ i ' ' ':■ ■:.-;■ : V:^«:r- -;:-::.;--'■-■.. v,,,;---;V;.: . ^^ -.Ov- .iir^^-V ■■. ■''/', f ' '• : -..;■' ;. .- :- ■ y .■'; ■ :»•.■ .;,•:■:' . ■<<..^'. ■',: ., ..•■■;: . . - ■ - . * . ■> ■ '..,,-. ... , ■ [ S*. ^ — : -—- ! 4> . - ■■.'/! ..'.' ,' ' " . •» •■» ! ....... .■"... , . ' . .- ' t . H // , f , -,'*. .•'v'-,: V. ' :..-\-'-J, - ' ■ :''-',-■:•■'■:„- ■-' :"' , '• :.::.■■ ,'*■■■' ■ ■. :v'-"\,;,'. . ■ • •• .-'";; '. - ■ •. " ' ■'■- "'.■'"''"' /. li ^* ,. ■'-■:..■ _'^;"-^' ,■ '" ^„/; ,f "■ . \"'- ■'-^*^^. ts V 88 giaBtlcal EsUblUihmeiitfl, and for tho maintenanco of tK* T«icli«i» of 'p^.^ Rdyon of vftriou8,.denoniinfttioh8. ^* ^ . On tluB hepd tlie House of 'AsMunbiy maintain opinions, fk>nji which ti» tetnttk in their address to His Majesty of tho 1 3th of April, the Lt^islntivo Council ha^ recorded their most entire and earnest dissent. The report sUft^R, that « The House of Assembly in several successive Pnr- liatnenW'lia? exproshed its entire disapprobation of tho Government, in attempting to upteW particular religious sects by money grants, and in the 10th and 11th parUainents has declared that it recognizes no par- ticular denomination 'as established in Upper Canada with exclusive claims, powers, or privileges." ^ , . ' j/ ^ It appears that, the four Religious communities whoso f^hds aro Mded by grants from the hereditary and temtprial Revenue, kre those of the Churches 6f England, mS Scotland, and Ronie, and of tho Weeleyan Metl»odist Society, the last being m two divisions, which respectively tais^^ die distioet appellation of the ^ Canadian," and tho "Britisb,?' In Ike last session of the Pjwinci#' Parliaaaent a gift ^^ by the Asserably, the ol^ect of irhich wa^to > ■' 'X, t »* - the exercise is reserved for extreme cqsee, in which ' neceNtty at oooe %'' creates 'and justifies the exception^ : • « But important as is the question of the Clergy Raserres in Uppe^M Canada, yet I cannot find in the actual state of the question, any such '^ exigency as would vindicate the Imperial Legislature in transferring to themselves the settlement of this controversy. The conflict of opinion between -the two Houses' upon tins suljeot, , much as it is to bo lamented yet involves no urgent danger to the peace' of society, and presents no insuperable impediment to the otdinuy ad- iniiustration of public affairs ; although a grefet 6vil, it is not such as to CM-ludo every hope of mitigationK^ the natural progress of discussion, r and by the influence of that spirit which, in public afBurs, not seldom s huggesU to parties alike solicitous for the general good, some mutual i surrender of extronio views, and some compromise on either sid^ of diflereuces wWch at first sight might have appeared irreconcilable. - Until every praspoct of ailjusiing this dispute within th* i>rovinoe : itself shall have been distinctly exhausted, the time for the interposition ^ of Parliara,^nt will not have arrived, unfess indeed both Houses shall concur in soliciting that interposition, in which event, there would of course, be an cud to the coiistitutiomU objections already noticed. The second ground on which I think myself bpiruel to abstain from, /^ ^vising His Majesty fromreferring this question immediately to Par- liament, is, that tl^o authors of the Constitutional Act have declared this to be oneof those subjects in regard to which, the initiative is e:^pre8sly v . ||e»erved and recognized as falling within the peculiar province aiwi tlie ^ special cognizance of the Local L^islalure, although'its u^imate com- pletion is no less distinctly made U> depend, in addition to tfie ordinary - submission to His Majesty, on Aho a<^ui(B|cence.<)if't^^ ~ ■'liament. . , -■'.,: ■■■.•:■ -^^^^^r:^;' .f-"'^^'r^K!v>„rv'-'-"-::-;--"^';:^^^ \^^ ■ "1^^^^;?'^'''^^ *i«6;t^(le^^ •U-- :•.:;.■ ■■^. •■sR;.r;- ■¥■ m. ..y ■ t 4 -.C: H;>fe'' i^;5#l|ltoi^tj)d0epi^'ailinig opinion pf t _^^_„_ ■-■ ;'i&i& 6t^t)ject W^a i!atiKv^''p^^ i>ficd;8ec^^;ia^;-^^;:of :-.<*' ■!'.,i.^ 7'"V v.: i,yiC' ■■>' <»•: ■'iC'-.'- , ■...':;■ '1; (Vi ., It r -' . '.V' ' K ^^'-*t '*.! /, - #■■ »■?/ «v ■ •v». f' ;*,« ffV^ ' '• "1' , ■ ' ' '. V " -«^: ^-•'■"^Jif' iK ■ -.is";.'' .f. '■ » •< •■ ;'s -3 lid hu ml ele tb( Uic flic /' 6U1 .the ma " pri wu ten .■ 1 be > f o wh t M /■e tbe :■ '^''^ UB( teni .■'] iag thai that disF prbi and 90 . '\-' ff-i advanced ato^W a society theu in ita iufaul etato, oitd of w^ch "o gjl*!^**'' human forosight dould divino the inoro n^uro ahd sottlcd jwdffiruonC. ■ ' ' ■ ■ . . '■ • /'"d . *■ ^ ^In the controversy therefore rcapecting Eci^esrast^kl ondowmenti^ » • which at present divides the CaiiWlian Iiegij»U)t,Ur«,'i find nl^de1ibemto prepa^ration. In referring tbei subject to the i^turo] t' ' C"4oadiafi Legislature^ the authors of the e raiswj by the sale '< m ' , . .^ -■■.:■" =■■'•, StjtTit.-^The reportof the CommitJlae next fvroccods \xs the 8^bj«3t ofthe Land granting department. • V. '^' A^mjlliing that Lord Ripo.n'8 Deapatdi shows tliat the griev^cea - • », under this head' have been in part remoK«d, it i^ obserred t)pt, Ike «k- tent c^ that relief is not very cl^ly shewa hy th* dociwMnts b«bre tho„ " , Coi^dHttee. " .. .- * ^ . f . ^ ; - . . . It i^ ^Ect^ ^rather iniipossible, fb»iBe to itdvance furtfier in. awn- ing the views of the Assembly, thu«^ bri^y expreBBfid; than WalM^' that if any an^ljiiguity oan be points out in Lpr*Ripon?8 lastrucoons "" ' respectrng»tj»e grant of Laiids, it,^hall be irainedi(^Fv reteoved ; an»J ", that if His Maje^y^s Ofl^ in the Pw>«ihctt mn be shown to save ^" disregarded those InstrudtJons,!*? will b* your liuty to enfbrtw the moat ff prompt and exact c*jEi4iea^ to thiin, tothefull»extentoft»eirg»irit 5%^ and intention; in(»;mttchthatth^;syBNn-fotai»bB^f^^^^^ J>-^ '» 4' -^ . "..i '•>M- i5 >.:i;-<" #^' UH €> nx th» griovMoos at whicL they aimed, hav« or ^ve iK>t bem completely ^^fi^^ei^l** removed. \. Sevkntii— Iteipccting the Collogiate InstitutioM of the Prorince, the A«BombIy oxprew thoir opinion Uwt, « the Upper Cftnada College " is uphold at groat public expense, with high Salaries to its Principal " Masters, but that the Province in general derives very little a^vMitSgo "from it, and that it might be dispensed with." ..'-■.. . '^- ':\- :.'-.■■ .^ r ■■■■"-.■., ' His Majesty's Oovomraenl can have no wish to retain toy <*ajge for this Establislimont which may bo i^ore than adequate to provide for the effective performance of the duties of the Teachers. Any wise rotrenchniont of that nnturo, may, subject to the principles already men- tioned, be immediately introduced. , That the Province derives little benefit from this College, is a fact of which the explanation is to be found not in the principle of the Insti- tution itself, but^in some error of management, susceptible as it should seem, of an easy rometly. It is (qrtpossiblo to believe, that in Upper Canada, as in other countries, advantages tluj most important would not result from a wefl ordered School, for the educaUon in the elemen. tary branches of Philosophy, Science and Literature, of young men who aspiro to fill the highest offices in society. Nor can I suppose it a light benefit thus to connect togethir the preparatory and the final studies of youth in one systematic plan, whicK, by rendering the iniUa- tory School a careful preparation for the Univeraity, m^ give to their entire education a ,charaan University. B^t after having distinctly referred tp the local Legisla-/^ ture the duty of giving effect to their own wishes on the subject, m thef form of an Act of General Assembly, His Majesty cannot, at the in-^ - stance of one only of the two Houses, withdraw it from th> , > zanoe. '. ■ :r '■ ' ' ■ ■■. t,-. ■■■ — . . ■ / * fogni- ElOBTH. ff%. 'A ll i .. .\ .'■'■♦■ 1 ♦ '* >. • ♦ '^ . * . ' • • . ' . < f 1 ^ I ttM. ^^p •■ f'f^^lt. jJR 1-' '^' t " • ff > 1 * • • '4^ • 1 i • 1 . - ■. ^ ^- • i I I'lp '*t^. ■%.-. ' Eionrn^ThoCommltteowinpWuthftt.vorywnrideriibkpK^^ tion of tho mm, .mounUng U> £3l,m 18,. 1 id. oxpond«.l in .id of emigraUon from Europe, was for « arti,l«, or wrv.Vc* not .pocifi.Hl. and , "ooncenung wh«3h . CommitUM, of U.o Houw of A«oml.ly could know - -nothing, unIe«thoy w«> to .ond for tho dt-tAiUl Account- and -Vouchors Which, if thoy h*l, H would bo lmpo«iblo to«i«mine.t "hLw^""^" ^^"''"''' ^^'''^»'t»-Qovomment«ontdown «tho«.ltflt«monts.'' Inthoarpond.Vo«tothorep6rt,numberod56and «7, >^noua .tonwof this oxpomlituro are noticed with apparent diwati^ faofon. You w.ll direct tho Public Offlconi who have had tho nm- agoment of thrt fund, to communicate to tho House of A«.ombly, with thoutmo.po«.blo promptitude, thymont minute and ci«.umi«ntial ^dotaiU and explanation, conoocted-^th it, /« which the Houw may >4)0 pleased to call. ■ ^^fi 'A.^77fr'* Y'^''^^"' t^ "^teiemont, UiaHhe present "ay.- Jtemofaud.t.ng^thepub«c accounts, H altogcU.er ilfflcient fo^ onsunng the HpI.hcation of the Revenue to the pu^K)^ for which il , «wmteudod to bo applied." i~^ wr wjiicn it Tho remedy suggestei is that of itaWlshing a Board of Audit of which the proceedings should be «.gulated b/a well conle J^StL. tuto under a responsible Govcnimont •^ Deferring at present any remark on tho expression "rosponsiblo Oovemment," to which I shall more conveniently advert h^. I must ezpr(« my agreement in thi, posiUon that the establishment of a Board af Audit, by law, is ihe best remedy in this case. His Majesty will gUdly concur m the enactment of any tow which shall bo prl periy frarn*^ for constituting such a Board. With a view to^dZ ttil'" If '^^"''"^ ' ""^ ^ y- varfous dlme^t^ oxphn toTT of the constitution and p«>ceedings of tho eommia««on for auditing tho pubhc accounts of U^ Kingdom., ■ . ' thiTlS f»«;* «*lf« t^ any efficient mcasJn, of AmJundwiU obtain the consent of thp Legislative Council. Itru!t that this apprehensioli wiU be disp^lfed by tte event. If, un ort„n^ ly,.t should be j^nfirmad, you will ia the exercise of His Ma^^ de^gaUHl authority, proceed at once.to constitute a liard of S^ «IKm the principles^f tha£ «hi,h at present exista in this Kingdom^ . far a^ Oie twd^ases may btfanalbgous; and although I a^awC^C neffic^n^ yet nomconsid^rabl^advance^^W^ towa^ ' Jwintrodu<»>, I! .# ,^--f-^f^ -r-— .^^ ^«» <»u>oiianmc n t tro m b eing conv erted ^Sto^tro means pf any real oT seeming atuse in the ^yofTi^^ ^ „ ' pronden^ * 1 r '•; * '*/\' ■ ■. ,■■'■' ■' ■■■' ■■■ ■'■- ■■''- .' '.■!'■>';■■ . •■'•>■■ \, " ■ ■ ■ \ '•"'."■■■" V. ' ■ ■ •- - ' ■■■■■' \ V'' ■' '^^ . '. . '■'■" :■ •i r. ^^ \: ,' ■■-■ ■^'■-:^:^-r^^'^'-:--''^^ $ :■■ -^;>'-:--'-"':S':-- » ■':...''--■■ ..-■ ;■ ':■.-, ■■ .; " / ., ■ .'■"■^'^ : ■■■■•'■i ■■ ■:••■■;. A\ ■...■" -•■; i n» . ' - -. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■" s ■ "'•.■- '".■■" *■• ■ ■.".-•■. ', ■ '-■■,■'■]'"'■' ■.■//-/*' ■.■-■•■^^'. I . ■ ■ ■ r. -' , ^ ■' ■ ■ ' k > ■ -X'- ■/':'''' --^•■' : t> • /-;• ■<■<>■-. ^ * \^ #^ ^W ; •<» ' f m .\y ' ' : :\ ■ ':■ iMKRooorv mpumoN mr cmn (ANSI and tSO TSSt CHART No. 2) u 1.0 1.1 1.25 I u IM n ■■ 25 2.2 2.0 |l.8 1^1 1.6 /■' __ '1<53 East Main SfrMt '.g RochMtar. Nm York 14609 USA (716) 402 - 0300 - Ptton* (716) 208 - SS99 -r Fa> v; ■ ;' rv •<.' ; *■• ■* 93 p wHflUt increaBo oif tlio patronogo of tlio Crown. Of a Board conaisfr-' JjJ^Yai ing of fivo or ttreo Aditors, ouo alono should aC first receive a salaryi Ixicotuso the Institutba iitelf would be provisional only, and liable to It vision as soon ssa proper Act could be paracd for tbo purpoe^ I think it highly probable that amongnt the gentlemen of the Pro- vince most conversant with its financial interests, a sufficieint number would- bo found who> as honorary and unpaid Commifc^otiers, would complete tiie Board, and who, though not engaging ip. the more ordi- nuy routine of business, would ejnorciso a genend superintendence orer the more important proceeding} c^ thd Cfi^tmtasion. Ei^>ecially it would be requisite to obtaia such aid in d••■ eeivod or adminuterod, that Uioy i)ttU8t constantly keep m preparation Sj^^l'^i*" Ci bo produced to the Assembly, in c9ifnplianco with any a4dres«M VWch may be presented to you by Uyit House, copies and.abstracta of all public accounts; and you will «^nsidor in what form thm) can bo ' . drawn up «o as to exhibit all material information in the most <»mplcto and luminous manner. It will perhaps bo possible to concert tJith tho House beforehand some system for preparing fnxch Returns; and na often as they may present to you addresses for such information, you will promptly accede to their wiij^hes, except in the extreme case, which it is difficult to suppose, of anV denflAnd <*f thafBature being mado'in such a form, that the complia|lce with i.t would endanger some great pubhc interest, , ELfiArBNTii/^Tho report men passes to the consideration of ca8<» in . which your Predecessor is Aarged with having failed to shew respect, «ven in subordmate mattett, to the wishes of the House of Assembly. I will not encumber this communication, by entering into a review of the particular transac^ns noticed by tho Committee, in illustration of this complaint. I ^m* i#t indeed sufficiently in possession of the facts to enable me to d^f) so; nor do I think it convenient to combine a personal discussion with a generd statement of the principles by which your conduct is to be/ govCTned. ^ The only generaMdirebtion that 1 Have to give you on tliis subject is, that you will always receive the Addresses of the Assembly with the most^tudious Itcnti^n and c<|urtesy. As far as may be consistent^^. with your duty tolthe JCing, you will afxeie to their wishes cheerfully and frankly. Slluld that dut^ ever compel you to differ from thar opinion, or to dine compliance with their desires, you will explain in the mo8tdir«it, and of course in the most conciliatory terms, tha grounds of yowr condUiet. ..■••; .^ TwBiJtH.--Wn»e n^xt topic of complmt is, that n^ mendatiOna clntained in Lord Ripon's Despatch of the 8th of Nov, 1832, have ntot been carried into effect Amongst these are especially mentioned s5ch as rehite to the amendment of the Election Xaws; the non-interfejnce of His Majesty's Officers at Elections; the disclosure . to the Hoie of the receipt and expendituW of the Crown Revenue; the exclusfon of Ministers of Religion frp& the Legislative and Execu- . trve Coicils; the reducmg the c^ts of Elections; the Judicial independience; and the limitati(Hij?/the number of Public Officers who may ait in the Assembly. /Adhering without reserve or quaHfic«tion to aU the instructions issued under His Majesty's commands by Lord Ripon, the King is pleaseito direct that you do adopt that Despatch as a rule for the ffuiSce of your owh conduct, and that you exert your legitimate au- * ^^ thority ^■r , - ,\ ^- w V ,i V A. V.M, U^' . i \ thority and influence to Uio utnioet poflBiblo extent to Cany into cfTect ]JJ5|^."* all tiuch of His Lordaliip'a sogge^ons as may still continue unfulflllod.- TiuBiKENTin— The soloction o^ Justices of tlie Pioace, is said to , ^ l»ve been mado chiefly from persons. of a pecuhar bias in politics, and' to bo the means* of extending the power and influence of the Colonial system." It is not in my power to verify the accuracy of this opinion ; and I am happy to feel myself relieved from the necessity of such an investigation. If any such abuse exists, it cannot be too decisively or promptly remedied. Whenever any mcrease of the num- . ber may appear to you desirable, you will propose to any gentleman in Upper Canada possessing the necessary (^alifications of knowledge, property and character, and unquestionable fidelity to the Sovereign, / the assumption of the oflico of Justice of the Peace, without referenco to any political consideration. ■'■-'." FouBTBENTir.— A very considerable part x. . '(•'I "h: ■■^A,,,, '■"•i-V..„. *'■- ■ /■ . 1 p natioi whici Th ■ ■. ^ none ■• inth* "'^ Petit ^ ackn( .'• vndo f no ot Maj« dq>ai whet resigi oann< cordi prom ■« , Tl ■ trfdit their . -■/ ■ Di will direc •^ . ally seats ture, 4^ f 1 . any COUB itm ■ 1 oflBo as a .:• < ftj» the lie a I «: "^ sciei woiu Maj now U^' • ■^ nation, how far Uioy coincldo wltl» the real (acta of each particular case S5?**iifli,** '* which may bo brought under dincumjion. - ' A • ^i " ' \ ■■'■.■■*,■;■ Thia reBponsibility to His Majcuty and to Parliament; la noconcf'to none which can bo impOHod on a public man ; and it w ono which it is inthopowotof tho House of Assembly at any timo, by Addrcm or ; "'Petition, to bring into active dpon^tion. I furtlior^ unrc«orycdly .> '^ acknowledge^ that the principle of etKictive responsibility should per- v ^^ vado every department of your Qovemment; and for this reaspn, if for . ' ' no other, I should hold that every Public Officer should depend on Hia Sy... Majesty's pleasure for the tenure' of his office. If the head of any . deportment should place himself in decided opposition to your policy, * • > whether that opposition be avowed or latent, it will bo his duty to r Tesigu his office into your hands ; because the system of Government \ cannot proceed with safety on any other principle, than that of tlio cordial co-operation/of its various memben in the same general phuiB of promoting Uie public good. The inferior members of tho different offices should consider nou- trfdity on this great litigated qucstibn of Provincial policy, as at once their duty and their.privilege. , Diligently obeying all the lawfut ipommands of their superiors the^ , will bo exempted from censure, if the course which they have been directed to pursue should issue in any unfortunate results, ''1S6me of the Members of the Local Govemipent will also occasion- ally be Representatives of the people in the Assembly, or will hold seats in the Legislative Council. As Members of the Local Ligisla- ture, they will of course act. with,^delity to the public, advocating tmd ' y. supporting no measures which, upon a large view of the general inte- rei^^they shall not think it incumbent on them to advance. But if . any such person shall find himself compelled by his sense of duty to counteract the policy pursued by you, as the Head of the Government, it must be distinctly understood, that the immediate resignation of hia ^ office is expected of him^ and that failii^ such a resignation, he must as a general rule, be suspended from it. Unless this course be pursued, it. Would be impoemble to rescue the Head of the Government from the imputation of insincerity, or to conduct the administration of pub^ lie affitirs with the necessai^ firmness and decision. I need hardly say, that in the event of any Public Officer being ' urged into a resignation of his place, by his inabQity to give a con- scientious support to his official superior, ,^ merits of the question '. woiold undergo lan investigation of more than comnion exactness by His Majesty's Ministers, and that His Majesty's decision would be pro- n^. N f > Ylt >. r ■•■V .«*> to M migl H; totn Publ out < recoi beon F than domi tho mod by Ctoy noco tical boca visit ^liic ypftl in ei infoi tioni topi< i Can mui Bucb oonc Can aUt tmd fi>rl Pro maj in thai Upi viU pnlj inte to Honro him in Uio ProTino(\ howov«r high or how«rer ■ubordlntto }|y**|{j^** might bo their roHpootir« Rtatioiu. ' ]\j A atoailfafit mlhorcnco to thoM ru1<. / ■ Ytrti, oil yuur iMiH, will (iiii«likt youiiHill" townrUn ilium in ih.! iiK«t |j!!!''|jj|;^'' i'tiniial Npirii of lriiiikiH«« mill l*wriUiuii. * ' ' ' ■' ■ I linvn tllll^ in onlor, n«l\«rt«t«l to oM'ry mil.j.>rt U^ wlil« li (ho Aiwrn- . l.ly of lI|»|K!r Caiiftiln linvo i-iilltxl lint attt-nfioii of Uin Miij.'Hty'K (iovi-rn-. mitnt. Voii will r«Mniiitiiiicnt«) (o lint I^-glHlulivo C.'ouiicil, niiil to llml lloiiw llio HiiImtaiKo of Hum .|.*iKilcli, iw coiilaiiiing Iho MiiMWwr wliitli lliH M/ij«f»ty in |tl«nftij.| to iimko to llio AilprntonUtiuiiH wliich I liiivo liiul tlio lionutir to lay Ltforo Jiioi pxun llio two Ifoiuton ' ' ill tlhiir IiimI HCHMion. *7^ ' ' '' ' A I truHt tlia( ill lliiM niiMwor lli.^ will fiml mifllcleiit ovldunco of llio mtnnA .loHiro l»y Svhiili Hid MajtwtyV OouiuilM ilHi aniiimU^I, t<) pro- .. / vif any griovnii<-o by wliich any cliUM of Ilk MajoHty'ii CarMMliaii HiibjwtH nro airotUKl. v . I clotm ihtH coiiiiiiuniojitiuii with tlio oxprcMw'on of my mrncri hoi»<», and I tnwt in»t tint i-onfliltnt bdief, that tho Ilci>r for tho wolfiiro of bin loyal Nul»jo«»fl ill that Proviiiio; and that, lay iu;{asld« all ground- l«tH di»s they will el rfiilly coi.ii.r.ito Willi tho King, niid with ^ yon iw IliHMtijiihty'M l{«'j»il';«iitiitiv.', hi ii.lvHiiiing tliojihtmHjrity of tha^ inti'rwtiiig and \;ihiablo i«>rlion of the Uritinh Knioiio. i Juivv, tS^cf, ■M \ trLKN^LG. Okoiiok tiik KoniTii, Ay lUe Orare >/ GiSir Joiim Cot.niinNK, Knight ,. - Coniinandoi- of tho Must llonounihli! Military Order uf thi^ lljith, Major (iouoralof our ForcOs, grwliiig: / * . .^ • - Wo, it'liowing es|.wial trust a/id coiitidenco in your loyalty, inlugrity niid ability, du l>y theso itiosfj/t.s'conslili|to iiiul ajUHiint you to bo our '^icutoiiant CioviTimr of our l/roviii,'oof [^|)|ior Caaa«la,iu America in the room of Major-(Jciicral/Sir I'vngrino Mailland. ■'^* To have, hold, oj^erclso and enjoy tho said i>hico tind office during our ploasui^ i^^^ith all rights privilog.-H, prollta, |K!r.pii»itos a»d advanta- ^ ,,g<« to the 8JHH0 bolonging or.apiHjrUiiiting. And further, i)^ casoof the ' &.^ .■ , x «eath, or during the ubscnctv of our Captiiii ( Jcrtehil and ( JtWonior-in- ' ti .^r ouf sa id l^ roviuc'o of I'pjmr Canada, now and forlho time N. uing l^.^ iL. . -A ..'; :i: -. i-.- T**^ |- ■■/ H Ife .■' .- r"*^ .j^ii ■^:-, _™j, — », ./^ ».»^^.i,uui:«wu ui xoionK), wuo Will probably think it ^ right to ^^y it beforbtbo Bishop of Montreal, who is now officiating as . Bishop^fthoDioceseof Quebec; and you will Invito his Lonlship and tho Arohdoacon to inform you whether they aro aware of any inat«ria^' fact omitteil in tho case laid before thointod out by fl,e Bishop or tllo Arch deacon, or shall occur to yourself, you will ^hen consult with them as to tho method by which tho question of law can be brought to an .adjudication with the least dday, iiiconveuiencc, arid oxpe,nsc,°and witli ' tho least danger of placing tho Locid Government in the in^dious position of being eng;.g..Hl in an open controveray with the Church of England in tho Prov ince . I tru s t that some method will bo found of obtaining the jiidg.nent of the Court of Queen's Bench in a fonn k. which will exclude the supposition of any unfriendly fooling oa either side. On this subject you will, of course, act under tho guidance of your l<>gal advisers. It matters little what may be the shape of the ■ htigation,if it shall avoid «iv^fy semblance of hostility, and shall be '•■"'■"•' /•■"■.■■'■ . ':■'' /\ :'■■•'■■ .'■ .■■ such : rm^wmTj -. 1 Th«t ll<>ii«>ur»Lio I'utur llubiiMHi, I'lVMding Couocilktr. Tlw Iluiuiurobto (i(oirp) II. Ilarkliuid. • I'lw lllNMMUmUM JtiWi|l)l Wulk To Hit Extdtenof Sir Joun CT*m.mohkii, A*. C. R^ fjinilrnittil O^nne* Hor ii/tAt I'ruiniife «»/ If/tpfr t'ltiiathi^ aiul Mnjur Oiritrui come mandtHif Ui$ Mujtitt/'a Furtt* thtrtin^ d'(^ Jtc^ <^. jy«y Ui>iMMo Your £»MU€iie]r> :.! Punuant to tho vivwh itf fionlOudcrwti, mIiowh by liia TK«|iiitt:h of Uio filh April, |H;i2,'iu which he ciincunt wtlli yuur Kxcdiunoy, and (•xpniaiM bin diwiru " that n inmtu |M>rti«in of land Mhonld bu iiM>igiiod in onoli Tuwi'vlUp «»r I'lirinh, fur i-iuturiiig tho futuro ci>inrurt, if not tho c«>iiiplctci liMUiituiiaiicu of tho ItocttHv,*' tho (-ouucil rauMxl tho iuwloilgud cluiuw tu any of tho l(eih.'rv(« to bo Huloi'tcd uillior fi>r loiwo or purvluuo. • €': ' ^■|> A dillk'uliy in cuinploting what liiH Ijordnhip moAt appruprialt'ly .U» ** thin ttululuiry work," wuu albo vunuvd by tUu Uruwu OUivvrH not ■■.■■;■'■-■■, cuiicurriug Wy 1 ■ ■ "■f • :; ^:f ■.•; . ■ '"'• ^' ''■" ■ ■ ■. •. ■ ■ x i 1 ' ' ■ ■ '":. ^'"'■: ■ C ' ■ ,.- ' I '"..T^"^^;:-"'::'' • ■ . ■ \ ■ ■. ■ ■",...■■■ f ■ • " ■ . " ■. -H -■"^ .:^^'#'-'-- "'■•■ ." ■ '. « » ■';••. -.Vs.: ;■:.•■; * . -, '■ ■■ '^■"7~~~--::., '■':-: - :. - i ;■ ^'^v■ ■ ,-T * " '"^ ■ '■■*.; - V • . ' ' " N ■■' , "^C ' j^ / ■ , "u ■ - " • ^^:->^--- I-^'Vh'? r -^ -. ' ■.":;'^' ■:■■-— 7^^ i J . . • - :■ .y ■ ■- ■ it . \ ' - J « ^ of . ■ •. - . ' ■ ■ . ■ ■ " /' • in " ■* ■ • •_ . ' ■ 'i d ' "■•''^ •'-■' ■ .1 , ■ ■ ■ ■ . - « ' '•■ ■• ■■; ' \ • _. ■ ;■ i • 4 j' ■ J ' - . »*■ ■ -■■ "• ■ : ;. ■ ' " *» ". ."' ;'■' "■ ti^^ia^mk^i^li& li^ki^ g /''-■'■ .I'is'v . I ' -.i' L.' . ^M pwth ■! ^ ■ ■■- "^^■^ ^ • - Deepatch or any passages of it wliicli you nwy think it n(>t inconvoniont to communicato to tLo iKjtitioiiers of tlio Church of Scotland, as tho " answer to their application. They will ixjrceivo that ttieir request for the gmntof certain peculiar aJvanta;^e< to their own church pi-oceetls on an assumption, the accuracy of which is yet toi be decided, — the assumption, namely, that the Church of England has aci^ptireil a valid and lawful title to the endowments made in her favour in January, 1830, and to tlio spiritual jur.Ls<.lictiou which is supposed to be iiicidunt to those endowments. I have, «kc. GLENELG. First enclosure No. 4. , ■ DowNKVG-STRKiT, 12th April, 1837. Euclomirc No. 4. Sir,— The StJituto'31 Geo. 3, Ci 31 s. 3^8, enables His Ma3(sty to autliorizGi the i;esi)ectivo Governq^ of Lower Criiiada and <»f Upjwr Canada, AvllU^hekdyice of the Exccuti\'e Council, to constitute within each Township or Pari>sh a Parsonage or Rectory according to the Establishment ol^ the Ghiuch of England, and to endow every such Pair^uago .^^ l^»^H^ »* — ^ Schttlulo of thii PntnntM for land (^uiIihI, m ondowmciit«to tho Cliurvli o( Knt^land in tlL-U Pmviiic", anoar from ih« liemling of one of tho returiw, that Mivurnl iUx:ttrtanc»erve (jucMlion, it is inu of Ilk Majesty's Guvommont. ■ >sf ' Ihave, dtc., • ■ . i .■■■■■ .;•■' -W V MLEHEUi. DESPATCH A -"• '■ ■ - , , ■x.^* , *. ■ ■ -^'.'^ .- '-■' . N- „.■.■■■ ■ ■ . \ ' ' , .0 . . ■ ■ ■*. " ... re] . res ■ ■ ■ '■■- : . % • ■'■'': * ■ ■ \ • ■■" . ' .."•■■,/■ Fr to ■i. .. T , ■■ • ■ -■; ■•"<■■.■ -•' • '"'■v.^ •' : :."" . .'' 8U "■'■-:■■■■ ■ ■■ :■ .■■■'" '■ ■ ,i ■--■;■. ■ ■. -' * r ' 1 ■ ". . ■ " ' ■ ;■■ ■ ■ ,; ■ ■ ■■ -\ \ nv . » . - • ' ■ ' • -..■'■ ■■ - ' ' ■ -■ 1 * ■ A , .V .•.■■' *- ■ * ■', ■ '. ,■ . ■" * - '■ ■ ? .'';-■■ ,.■ ■ ■ * » ko th 1 ^ ' '■■ ■• f ■■ -■ - ■■'■'" . i ■ :t \' " . ' ■ ■ ■ ■ \ :.■;::.- ■>;;'^: ■;-/;■: , sli CO rir ■ . "■ -■' , V f^- V ■- ',■...■ -^ ■■•■ ■.'■ ■ ■■ \- ' op ;:•.-. ; ■ de ! ':':.''■'■'■■ k A ■ f~ ' " V-* V"-; ■' ■ ' _ ' :bi( (S ■ ■-'./•■ " ■ -' ■ ■ .''■ ■■■■->-^ T-.-^ -'/ '-''■:: :^ ^0 ■'•■ ' ■■■■■'■■ : -VM : ■ ; V '■■'•.. '-■ ".-M '■':■. :■ • /' " ■ •" \ ■•iw ■■'■■'■ \,:.^ .; ■ ■:' ; ': '■';.; ■. ^■, , ; ;■■ 1/ ■' ^^ F . t- v''^'*- ■\*- "J- -J reporteil by that offleor, having bixMi tiikoii immotliatoiy boforo his rosi«niati6n of tho Government into the hands of his succt'ssor Sir Francis Head. Tho total niinibcr of Rwtorics thus csUiblishcd apixsars to have beca fifty-seven. Havin^ltecently recoive^j of the Executive Government "in preparing, as far as may bo practica- ble, for profitable occupation, that moderate portion of land which you (Sir J. O.) projwso to assign in each Parish for increasing the future eonoifort^ if not the compL'te niiintonance, of tho llectoi-s" Tho , ( .; distinction y UE8PATCH FROM LOUD GLKNELG TO SUl FIlANCUi 11. 0.^^-,^ . uBAiMcc. iL , t'rs.':;^: ' : Uowuing^truit, 10 Dwcnibor, IWU. 811,1^1 have hn.t iho li.)Mour t6 by M lb« font of tho Thirmo tlw AtklroH to iltN liAJ.»4y from iho 8yn.iU *.f iho Pr»»l.yt«ri«n Church in Cuna-U, which acctimixitiin your '\vm\veXjA\ of tlw lOthOctokT, Na 88, und Ilia Mj^csty wta \\vmn\ to r«f«ivu thu AdJruM »«ty ■'■'■■•/■■■* ■*; .-*\'. ,'■" : .'"■•■ .7' ■ ''■■■. On Uio cmipliTul of Uie pt^Ftioncm n.iip«x:ting tho rwvnt mx-tiun pf • cowii.l«rablo imndior of ll«ct..ri«» w ithin llw, Pr»)vinc.., it \\m not bt>on ''^ In my power to »ubmit any ndvice to llii. Mn>*ty. No K^oti on tho . •ubjoct having bwm rmxivod from Mir John Ci.ll«.rn«s and tho infornu^ lion rwiwcting it «UI«J for by my doii|«iUli of 3Int Augu«t hwJ, „.,| llAving yet ronched nks 1 have Uvn unublo to bring Iho .,««,tioii in •liy Hiatofactory numiier Hudor llix Maj^tyV notico, nor «Ui Ili» Majoity, for Uiiii nniwn, form any opinion at i»r««ut how fiir tho compLiint ii woll founded. With refcn>nc« to tho claim of tho HiOtch Chuivh to |«inici,.,ao finally with^ tho Church of England in tho U-iK^fit of tho Clergy RwervcH, I c:in only oxprtt« my ho,Ks thai ,« iho quoHtion of tho Clwgy W«Kjn« i»a» again bocn brought under tho notice of tho Legiolaturo 'V- ' ■■'■^...,' ^ '■ .•" ..■■■'^ ■ ■■■ ^ , ■' ' ,' . \'.- / ; '- , ■ ■ . .i.ih.'.. ■' .■ ■ >.,, '•■ ;■ -AA' 1 '• ■ ,. 'it**' PlBi^lllVft VII»B *ni3 power, anu 1I« tsxjirtswijr i\:uuiiiuii:iiuvv» biiuii mv lojFu.ii oil ,..|[)race all the clauses in qiieHtion, amongst wliich aro. inclinled thwe which relate to the erection and endowment of Roct<^)rio8. The dt-spatih of the 6th of April 1832 was marked "confidential ;" and it would seem impofisible tliat'Lord llij^n could have designed, by such a communica- tion to convey to the Lieutenant Governor tho King's sanction for neutralizing to a considerable extent the cffc«t of that repeal, which five months before his Lordship had reconmicnded in a public despatch. I enclose for your perusal copies of the two desspatches of the 2l8t Novemljcr,"! 831, and of tiio 5th of April, 1832. , The questions wliicU I would propose for your consideration are the Allowing: , i - :^t-- Adverting to the terms of the Statute, 31 George 3rd, dhap. 31, section 36 to 40, and to the terms ofithe Royal Commission, could the Lieutenant Governor, 'with the advicf6 of the Executive Council law- fully constitute and erect or endow any Parsonage or Rectory within the Province without the further signification of His Majesty's pleasure ? Secondly.— Can Lord Ripou'a Despatch of 6th April, 1832, bo regardetl as signifying His Majesty's pleasure for the erection of Par- sonages or for tlie endowment of them, or for either of those purjioses. - . / ■ Thirtlly. •». H W WUHiiMy. ; Tlw ntiytU to which lhn of lli<< <'k>rjry RnM^nri to tho uiAiutoniuk^ of MiakU#a t4 iIk' <'hunli €if KiigtntKi; nMnt In oxtiiii «tith iIm Pimiixti of lT|»|i«f TmniiIii. On tlw ilmt of th« not at pnaent fiml myai'lf at liUtrty to <r. Ttio vi^miiof llin MnJ<., have uln of my pn«|iH'iMM>rM. It i« uiily n««'CMMiry now, to iAment^ that froiii thuMu tiuwM I wo no rcaflon ti) di'iNirt. In fpgnn! to tlw rrMion of a »M'phrato dioc«K« fn Uppwr Canntin, I huv*^ by IliH Miiitttty'ri oomiiiand, Hul>mltt««l that {MtrtiAa <*f tli«* Adm for tlitt opinion of lii« Gnuv tho An'libiMlio(i of (7ant<>rliury, Mid wli«n«V4>r (ho vi<>WH4)f tho mowt HovOca. wti'«rt«inot, l>ut wlmtovi'r may l)o IJiM Maj'^tyV ultimate *|)riNion on thia |K>iiit, it -V !►'••• IN my duty diHtiiictly to Ntalu that even if that dociRton tthould bit favoralilo to tlio'^niyer of thu Addri<«»s it H«)uld not Im in Wm Majf-Hty'n power to provido for tlio^ n<'w HiKliopri<-k iiiiy poonniary «iiiolum)'nts. . ^ I httvc, Ao. GLENKLO. • > I'lii I ' I ' - I — .••■.. *S ' " , l»KSPAT('ll -,£J^I^M^M ■ '■ '^^ ' " X^ ,/ --, :\- \ . tho ■"■■■ ■ ■■■■ / \ • ' Par 1 . m ' . \ von S' '■ ~ \ 1 . und ' i • ■\.v^/' \' - -■; 1 i t ■' . *.'■ — ■'. : '■*■ }. 1' ing Go --■ ""^ ^^t^-'-^^'T. 'lu* i . ■• oft ./-'.%- > * -' ■. ■»■■.' Pai to < - , f ^ Ree ' ■■■ -' . r . • r " , ff . ■ , ' nus i r< ' '■ ■ >^ / - / • ■ in r 1 ■ . . < ■: ■ \ ■ • ■ ' ' -'^ " ' " . -» tit V Sta . 1 •1 i ' ^ ■ .:_ ''' \ / " " td "X t • « ' tho ' ' .;'■ ■-!■■ . \ \ 9 ■ . • 1 pov ■ ■ *■ * ■■\ '■ wiuiiii ojiuii xu\vu»uip or xuriHii a i-arsonago or iveciorK, iiccorumg lo the ostabiyimcnt of tlio Church of Eiiglaiul, and to c'n«^w ovory bucIi Pareonflgo or Roctory with so miicli of tho Clorgy Rosen es tu tho Go- voraor8,with tho ^dvico of tho Couucil, shAll jiidgovto bo expedient under the then existing circuinstaiicos of such Township or Parisli. That the Oovemor's Commission, dated tho Cth July, 1835, follow- ing in this respect tho ancient and establkhed form, authorizes the Governor, or in his absenfco tho Lieutenant Governor, with the advioo of the Executive Council, to erect Parsonages in ejich Township or Parish according to tho establishment of tlwj Church of England, and to endow any such Parsonage or Rectory with any part of Uie Clergy Reserves, ** subject neverthdess (quoting the precisd words of the Com- mission) to such instructions touclung tho premises, as shall or may In} given you by us, under our Signet and Sign Manual, or by our order i n our Pri^^r Council, Or thr»t«^tMiiii>ii ymi hi»«« nmtm\, whI lh«>m nimt 1 aluNiiil U»'r« bren im lioftj U> totmiiMtUi Um diwtMiiioti, if I hail Mi MMttlly tmkl mm to mjifim ilwil Um AHaC 1701 hm rvMtrttI an «rroa«NM ciMMlrttdkHi from tixi |M(MuiMfiS *» ««ll M fr*m olK<^n of AMmtymWy grmt atilhorily in tlw Proi in*^ ll .i» im|iiirt«n( lo m»^W) \iw C'<>nMitu(km fnnn a (WMura «ik1 a row •^Mn of MiNi*t«n uftiu) Churrh i>f Kn^lnnd I •■ iwumbrtnU and U-«iim it invtaii thoM ineumbtrntii whh apirituAl Juriadictina ovor all d«nominatinlw of Christiana within Ui« litHmila of tlii«ir rtwpivtivo iiai>tori<«. To show tW tiim r1I«'ki).1 Kric^'«nr«^ in not m<^ruly a lh<«>n>tical ovil, but a prm^ti^l^^nf^, tho p«Hiti<^^ rofff Ut tlui OHlabJiithnuint of fifty aovon llvtorMM in January, 183^' Th«]^ complain of thia mmmira na a di'iNUturM fnwn the |>l«enefit to tho Ckurcli of /Eng- Inmt would bo dorivtHi from n(>i>lying ft portion nt loMut of tlio ftinda under tbo control of tlio Kx»j«'utivo Qovcnnnont " in propnrii^, m far nsniny bo prncticnblo for profitable occupation, that, nuKtemto portion of land wliiuh you (Sir J. Colbornv) pnn>oBO to atwign iiV^ach PariHh for iDcreasing tho future- comfort, if not tho comploto maintenance of the Rectors," The dintinction bctwoon the Earl of Itipon's languap;« and the terms in whicli it w thus quoted is imiiortant It convoys no signification of His Majesty's pleasure, nor indoo«Jr any instruction ros- pocting tho erection of Parsortag<» and lloctorics/iior even with reganl to tho grant of land for the maintenance of tiioXylergy. ^ Tho main sub- ject of tho pawago is tho application of cert^nn fumls in preparing for profitablo occupation certain lanorh e ^ That the^ r c cord s of7 4hQ ColonitJ ofBtio co ntain twr despatch from Sir J. Colbome, in which any allusion is made to the subject It may therefore be ihferp&d that Sir J. Colborne's Intentions wer6 made known to Lor! Ripoiy' through some private and unofBcial channel. ; ,'' The Council, however. ' awiear to have understood . Lord Ripon's expression as such an intimatpn of the King's pleasure as would justify the enaction and endowment of .fifty-seven Rectories. That tho words ■ ■ ' /.!■ ■ / ; ■ . ■■ were 1 / I i • '"'_• \ •' • -• •• ■'*•■ ■'•' ' " ■"•'''> '-. 1 i.t-t^f.^ ^.,•».•*«l ,.,», I,, mff^ m mUk IM mhmmty mmmtkm, ml wmU k fi,irU| mm b t ni « % iw n M to wlM M ftvRjr (mm ilMMk Yon kin 9>4, 1 inoi, mmUik mmttni, mnf.m lU I MW in iIm fkH >4 cttMMiM ,w complHiM In ilw 4lMiir» *4 iIm l*n»ttiicM (tmmm iMml ..« UiM .trttwiiiii; ii »lmiu ••T wii u|»«ioiM t^lplMMMfrm. Ttw rNAltuti rt»i.i MvUminttfU i4 iIm iUxUifim WW Nlmtwl iIm hat A<1 of Mi, J.4m C«IU>«,V Admlnkinnkm; mmI ana ihm lim.. %.« »«« MlNAllj .« fmf »«y (Wnn pir«w Y..rk t,* rmmi,s y.mr |m.,^«^«wr pn»l«l.ly tim,m^\ ilwi ir,^ ,m-^|j«g ,..h,M U fr|«rtM| |,y yo^ |^ hdving .11 U». ,v, it MMty «<}U Ih, i„i«j{i,„,|, •mm>l{ Umi» r«Km«fi £>, iIm ilU'tiitr{{n of h^ many in lii.|iuiMiUil« mkI Nrga«4 piiUia ilutt«p. On lb« iMnt l«in.l. it U ii.i|M..«.ilJ« ^4 loV-nwl ||m lUli«ffi wkirh Iwlb- fKMMil )uii Ui .ntflf «>ii thn ■Hb>,t llrgv«>Uin(( ttw twmnm ilnrir M rrwilbjj « ...,» «„Urrn»i,H nl h. y.n.r |«ih, „, ,U| ,i„^, |^^ , aillkltUKV iif no (ir«rinary ki.^l, nn.\ mlumlly rtifnhlini; ii m irrfiiiMti ra4.s yoM |m>fnm;i to «hiI,^.| with llib .4«.l««l« fifc-wly mllH-f UimIo Rvnil yoMf««lf .^ It. dtUr w m «r-A.„y in lh« went of f«ihir«, or m iH»l«.Bnii.4 your own iiicrjl in lti4» «v, nt .,( „h^.,^ 'j'., „,;, «•.«.,.«« rnXwitv^U for iIm. i, whfcl, y«,i ^ «iiii 40, niul to tli<) tcriiirt of tho Il«>yal CoiniiiisHiqp, oouKl the - LieulC'tinut Govonior, with tho ndvico of the Exwutivo (Council, law- fully coustitut.i iimi erwt or onjow any Pjirsouiifro or Rectory within thoProviiico without thq furthor ttignificatiuri of His Miyojty's p^ea»^te ? , S»>conilly.— Cim Tx>nl Ri|><>'a'8 DcMpiitch of tlio 5th April, 1832, bo rogiinktl fw si^iifying his Majt-ity's phtmiro for the eroction of Parson- ages, or for the cnaowinout of them, or for oitlier of tliOBO purposes? Thinlly.-— Aro tlio erections ami en^t4 lb) ll<«t.>«t»ik I 4U ii*4 iwlMrtl pr< mtrnrnf fmlkk^^mtA (« Jlkfrnkt^ iM Hgtit <.! iIm Ijmmmmi ffa««fiint te CioMMMll l» fmw^mJk to iM mmmt*>, If fmyml^ *» 4Mki«ii| ly iIm K^;,' , In! •<« Mbrvifif i.» iH« tmmki^lmm of li^fi^ ( I«fi w pi»l ,•»•»••'•(* »ii.Nn wk^ I ik«Nig|ii M m i v m m y b. IV Lmt OAam t4 tit 6i«Mm iw^M UmiI nimnm nn am mh A|»»il, wxl r»{if«l«>l lo iiMN iMr «ii»«w«tf <4| iha mh iiiiimiv TWli9 h raMdUjr NertNinlMi ftir by llw gnuA IntpitHonre of |Ik» i|iir^iMi, nn,\ by tiM «n«hl)r .^ Hm Mi^)V I^vkI AiUiKti l.> •>lbr rw tn«M4«m jM.lK«irt»i .m .Mrb nn ,«««,«,. I ihmIiw fir fmt U4tm^km • «it>x «i llf-ir n»|M)fl. Yon via §mi IImI tbi^y dM-lnm tMr tifMim , to Im ih«t th« wi-!!.!!! aiwt niitmnn«fil of iImi AA)r-«a««H itcrtorW by Wr J. Coiburnd oru not vnti4 AtKlUwful Acta. tm<4mmjmM u> b* marb <^b«rTMMil by (Mi dwirfoii; ft hn|M»M ■poM^ llw M^y't Oi>v«niin«at « .liity w)ii«li k ht iwmy r««i..M ^jfwjf^. ■ » "' , . ,, , #to^lin|{ly ^,. w .1^ \ V ^\^ ¥*^ %i%^»^ ''1 M '^» 'u^ ) " /' I «o«.^ \ •■"*<» ezreedini^ly irkw>nK«. Tln» donianjii of iho moinltcn of tlio rhureli of "'^*«''">' LoiJ Scotlfliul would furbiil a uU>,it •oqiiumronco in wlint Iiah Imhh a inoro immodiatoly amoemo.! of any faihiro in lh« affection and • veneration for Uio Church of England which iihould characterize Qvery sinooro tnembor of hor communion. , • - It i« of coumo poHsiblo th/it tho Btatemont on whfch tho Uw Ofllcon of tho Crown have founded their opinion may bo crtoneoua or dofoc- tivo, although it is cortiin that tho utmost oaro and l).lK)Hr hnvo N'on lwatowo.1 on tho invwtigntion of tho facta of tho case. It is nlw powiblo that Jlor Majesty'H I^gnl Advisers may Iiavo miM«ppn'hendoint« wilUhou consult with them as to tho method by wl.ich tho quostiou of law can bo brought to an adjudic'itiou with tho loastdelay, inconvenience, arid oxpensc,°and with " ' the least danger of placing tho Lo«iI (Jovemment in the invidious - position of being eiigagtsl in an open controveroy with tho Church ol England in tho Province. I trust that some method will bo founj of obtaining the judgineiit of the CJourt of Queen's B«nVch in n form which will exclude tho fiupj)osition of any unfriendly foi-ling on either side. On this subject you will, of couree, act under the guidance of your legal advisors. U matters littlo what may bo tho sliapo of the htigation,if it «hall avoid every semblance of hostility, niul shall bo •«. , • .' JWR^-, , V-'" Micb •» to bring Uio ({Uijntioii of Inw fully lo iklj4) niitliop nii<1 tTu) Ar«-lit ' tliiuk tlutniiiclvw nt lilmrty Ut Murroiiiin)iitly vtwUyl in tbo Cliun-b uf Kuf(l4iiil, in tloftfivncft t<» tb« opinion of llor Miijtwty** K-gal )i|K)r Uigiil tribunnbt. I niUHt jp) furtbi>r, nnputiition givtM tbom no juNt a titlu; but I am p«niuiul«i tli«t it wouM l>o inoro «atiMfjietory to tboHO b-anuxl Iwnion* UtoiiuH3lv(«4, AM it woiilil \ni far nioro agrt**>ablti to nio nn*l my **olli'.tgue% <• timt cliiinui of mn'b piKinlifir«l<)lioa<'y»nil im|>ortftnrtVN)|r)ulil by ' toe 80 (luoply intorusto^l in tbo roMult, tbtit tboy arc ontitlod to know tbo rjirogrom of tbo diHcusHioii, whon no ptwitlvo injury can nri)40 from the 4lii4cl«i»go« of it which you may think it nciit inconvoniont ■ > . to communicato to tbo |K)titit»n«!rH of tbo CMmn^b of Hcotland, as tbo nuHwor to thuir Application. Tboy will jwrcoivo that thoir roipiest for the grimt of cortuin (MMMiliar iklvant!i^o+ to thoir own church procooils on an assumption, tbo accuraoy of which is yot b> Iw ibxMilotI, — the amnmption, namely, that tbo Church ol^>'gh»"l has ac<|nir»,Hl a valid And lawful titio to tlio endow ni'-nls uiado hi hc-r favour in January, 1830, and to tbo spiritual juri.sposod to bo ititcidont to thoeo oudowmoiits. I bavo, Ac, -s^. QLEN£LQ. JBuclowre No. 1 First cndosuro No. 4. . DowNiNo-STHBfcT, 12tb April, 1837. Sui,— Tbo Statute' .•)! (icti. 3, o. 31 s. ^8, enables His Maj(»ty to autliorizo.tlM} respect ivo Gt)vernq^ of Lower Canada and of Up|)or Canada, >vitk4hojjdvice of the Executive Crtttiioil, to constitute within each Township or I'ari^h a Parsonlij^t) or Rectory accpidinjj to tbo Etitablisbuicut ol' the Church uf Eugbud, aud to endow every such Paiijonago ''-^, 108 ■ i y. P»r«i>nii^i or Uix'tory whli no miu'li of llw Clorjjy RwwrvoM m lb»> '^"'■•••'•»' (Jornrnor, with llio hiIv'k'a of tho Cotttioil, mIhiII jud^^t t) Ui ox|i<«Uonl, itiulur tliu tlioii oxiatiriif'cirt'uiUHt'iiioii of Miich T<>wiin|ii|t or PiiriHli. Tlio f}i»vc>rnor'H Comiiii!4M!i)nj ilatisl (hoOtli July I6>1.t, following in tliw rw«p«xrt tlwi ftnn«H«t iiiul ONUtldislii-"! form, niitli<>rix<« tin) (Jovoriior, or in bin ab.-«>iu-o llio Lii'iitonnnt (Stivi>rii<>r, willi tho ndvico of tlio Kxocutivc Council, to cnrcl I'antoiinf^iM in otu'h TowiMliip or I'arinli • - aroorvlinj;^ to tho K^tJililialimciit of thu Chun-li of Kii;rlaiiH, •*8ul>jo<*t novortlwIcMH," (to i|Ui>t43 tho pn-oisM) wortis of tho cominiasioii) "toHucli Iii«tnictionHtiiiichiii;{ tlii>|tn>iiiiM<-Hiw(iliall<)riiiays. Iio givflii you l>y hh iinnl S«'r C'anaila; hut at tho clo^o of that year it was calKnl into oxort'iHo l»y thu thun Liouti'iiant (lovcrnor Sir John Colhornc Tho y intontion to adopi thirt lucnHuro was not communicaloil hy Sir John Colborno to His Maj^^tyV (Jovornun'uf, nnf wiw tho ihoiiMuru it*'lf ever r(!portor Sir FranciH Iluad. Tho total number of llwtories thus cstabliMhed api^ars to bavo boc6 fifty-Hovon. HavingPvoccnlly roccivod from Sir Francis ILkvI « rojKurt on tho 8Uhj<«t, vtK^loMing tho Minuttts of tho K\(H:utivo Council uf Upper Cfinadnof tho 1 iitlt-January, 1830, 1 cndoso a copy of tliowt Minuti-n. You will porccivo from tbuni that tho ('ouncil founded their reiv>m- : mondation of this moiisuro on a dcspab'h from Lord Uodurich of tho 5tb April 1882, from which thoy quoto onp pas'080 to assign in each Parish for increasing tlio fnturo if not the compk'lo maintouanco, of tbo Itcctora" Tho ^ . ' -■ distinction No. %. 'A- I- ■y" -a / y ■,^'': -• ' .-■■^. : •:iy -.<> ,.<■ w^ * ,' X \ ,J|iM^|g|^lf^| A'f u'fWiJrfWt.' #^/'s'»''j \/ ^blifKHioti li«tw«>n Iho E«rl of ni|>on'ii Innjifttnjfrt nn.! llio l<*nm iii iwViiMw IK i which it ^ il»i" <|""^"* '"M*'*'^'*'' Iteonvi'yn no iilt(nif}<-(ili<>n of hU fAnjtfAy'i* |tl«««i«in', iK»r iii(|tH«ri«*, riormni witli n-jjnnl ti> thf ^mnt of lniif tho Chrify. Tli« main siil'J'il of iho |*nw unil mny with wimu oonfitlom-o 1(0 inforn^l from th» foUowinjj circnnrntftno': — the Stututo.'U Geo. :i. wc. 30 to 10 cnahlw tho Provincial Iif-jtiMlatiirf, «n ctrtnin condilionH, to rwiwa) w> nunh of that Act an n-latw* fo tho Clergy Ilwwrvc*. On tholilHt of Novomljflr 1H3I, that Ih hix m«ntlw ; ; (jeforu tho tiato of tho (hwpiUoh to whieh rKtorcn-o U mailo by tl«o Exocutivo Council, lionl Ri|H»n a Sir John (Jt>UM»rn« a !la«patch, in which tho Provincial l>|i{i«laturo wcro invittl to oxorcino hifl power, anj f>o oxpreswly rocouunonJcil that the rojioal hIioiiKI em- brace all tho clnuged in qiiOHtion, amolignt which nny inclu«|cric«. Tim dcHpat^li • of tho Bth of April 18.12 Wiis nwirkiMl "confidential ;" and it would WHini hnpowihio thftt'ljortl Jti|M)n c a conmdorablo oxt«'nt tho offcct of that ro|H>al, which iivo mouthuboforo his Lordship had ror your ponisnl oopt«* of tlio two do^patehos of tho 2lHt Novomlier,"183), and of tlio 6th of April, 1832. , Tho questioiw wUicU I would propose for your coiiaidoratiou fuo tbft .^lowing: 1 ■ • •" i ' ■.-■■■,.■ ^mC— A»ivorting to tVie terms of the Statute, 31 Gcorgo 3nl, diap. 31,Hection30to40,«ndtothoU;rmHoMielloyal(V)mmisHlon,cotildtho . < Liuutenant (iovernor, with the advlc«i of tho Kxocutivo Council, law- fully constltuto and cro(!t or endow any Parsonago or Rotatory within the Province without tho further signification of Ilirt Majesty's pleasure ? Secondly, — Can Lonl Rilion'a Despatch of 6th April, 1832, Ijo > regarded as signifying His MajeatyJs pleasure for the erection of Par^ Kwiiges or for tlio ohdownient of them, or for cither of those pnri>o«ca. ':-•: ':\: ^ l'- .'■.-■ ■.'■;■■■'■...■ ■■"Thirdly..-' -l J ■■■■/ / '€: \ \. \/- / \ I '' -. ■■•"., ■ t ■ \ - * ■ \ ■ _■ . .. ^ *'■■'■ M - . (■ .■ ■ - "■,■''•>;.■ ^:^^ ■ ■ ■■ y ,", 'V'.' ■ ...■ *;•. ■■ • ' ■'■• \ ..'■'\ ■ ■' t w til *' > ■ ■ ■,■■•. -i • ':>:;■; .■,■■• \ " '■ ■ ' ut * 1 , ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ; 'V ■ ^ > d . ' ,'. ■■■/'■■^' '...^■■-•-y- v^■■ -■..^..•■'^\,■ ■"../•: ■■•■■ ■■:< ;■ ■ ■■■\- -y /■.■■ ■ ..■.• } ill G oi i* to It r^ ■..■•. ■ •■ ■ y ■■■/.■■. . :•■ •■■■■ ■/■ -■ ■•■ «, - » m in .' : ■ , n' . . •■' . ■■ . 1 8 . V .' . '' ', ■ ■ "■ ■■ .■' ' : ' •'>' • ■ ■-'.;■■ ■ • , ;•' . ■ ,■ • .,.,;■ ■ ■ -■' ' ■' "■ ' ■ ■■ ■■. '■■■■ ■■; ■• / td ■■■V :M. *'■'■,■ « th ■ -■: ,.■;. •■; ■ t ~ •• P< ■ ■ •*• * ^ " • -v ■ :; ' ■ . '.* ■'■■ » « '■'''.' . . • •• ■/■'■. / ••< / >.*••• ...i 110 Ttiinlly. — Ara llio erection ami ttm oniluwrnoni of |1m flft/ ItodortiM bj Sir J. Colborno v«li«l aii«ri«li«ii to erocUkl aiul onJowoil thn minra flockaiwU-al Authority within tlioir r««|MK>tivQ HiiiitN m nro vrattil in tbo lUrtor of • Vuinh in KngUn*!, or within whiit othur UmmU ia that autliuritf rcBthctixit Y"M Will bnvo |Im< gn<»Tn«4N lo «v»nniiI«T tli«i»nA in oowwiltw- tion with tho King'n Advmnt** nml Mr, H.»liii thuui. ^ ■■ \: " " '.■ , ih^v,kc^y^ '■ ^ ,:'^' '■ ■ !;•■■■ '^ ■ ■ ■ ■ . 9tEKEL0. ■; TIm) ArroRRtY OiifiiUL, 4(0., Ao^ ^. /' DooTUHa' CuHMONM, 8th Juno, 1837. opinion of im Mr I^iRD,— W«iirnL«lii|.'M lotfor of tho lilU'i^'^^TJlT'' at April, »tatin;x »•"»' tho SUituto 31 (loo. HI. c. 31 t«> 3H, oiiuIiKm Kin ''*"""•■ MiijMy U» nuthorixo tho r«oimgo or lUM'tnrk', iK-Hmllng ii> tliu oHtAlilinhinont of tho ('lum-h of En|{lnii^y ll«i*or>('« iw tho (Jo- vumonswilh tlio iwlvicu «)f tho Council, nhall jutij^)^ Ihi cx|Nxlicnt undur the tlion oxiittiiig linunmUuictiH of murh TowoMhip or PuriKli. That tho Oovonior'M Ctmuniwiion, dnto \ ■■\ ---\ ;■. .'A' ./ '>i ..J I »l •« -1, « ' . ■■■'*:'■ ■■■■-■■/ ■■; ■ : i ■M. ': "if'- '■/■/'■■,■■• '■ ■ . ^ ■ ' ■ '■ t; .■■■.- 1 ■ '.■■''■■'■■ [^'- ■ /,'•::;: ■' * . ■ ii ■ " " • . ■. . . .'* ■ ■■' , ' ■ ■■ ■ '■'■ ■'■ .-. ■ . ■/ ■ '•'*-. ■■ k' ■ ■ • 111 ttuntwil (fi ITpfrf Tiinnih', Imi (ftmi al lfi« *^mm M> af N*i ritllnl iiit' t'*** (}«>«orniiiiw«l th^m Hir K. lli>Ni| it n^Mirt iit|{ tiw irtiiiiiixM of tlm KurutivM Counril al Ifpfwr C«mklii at I At|i Jniiiiiiry^ t|<°l(l. V>>nr L«>nUlii|> «>nfln)fi<, nowotrr, i<« tvA, nii-iiritU>ly tlnM-riUMl. Tlint Ijonl Uwloricli IM r«>|)r«»Mtiit(Ml ill (lio niinultfi iM oi|»n«iiiiig IiIm |iortioii of IjiikI nImmiIiI U^ niwigtKil in mik-Ii TowiiMhip or Pnrinh for (>iiMiiriii|( tlio rtitiiru o^uiiCort if not tlio cuinfortitlilu nuiitiU'iiniMi) f.J tlw Itcctoi*.'' / Tlmt, on rirrfnp; to tliiViW|iAi
  • «>flrM ttmt St oxpni^ioil liiN IjonlMliiirn opinion timt tlio gn>nti'nt U^nefil to tlio Cliiin-li of V.tm liiii'l woiiM lNMloriv<>niiiu>nt **in pmiHiritr);, nn far fiM inny U) pnutitiiblo for pMHtiililu iM-ciipiition, tlint iiHMlt-Kiti) |iortion of lun<| in iin|MiHnnt It (Hinvflyn lui Ki^iiiiicution of IIIh MajcHtyV pIcnHiiro, nor iiitliN><> any iiiNtni<-ti4m mm |H!i>tin)i; tlio cnv'tioii of I'arHona<;m and l^itori^-n, nor «>v»'n with rcf(ar>| to tlio grant of land for tlio niaintotuuu'o of ttio Clorg}'. Tlio main mib- jo(>t of tlio pawtago i'h tlio application of cortMin fiiixU in proparing for prolitalthi ciipation rcrtain landfsnnd tlioHi) landH aro indicat4<ii(ion f*nt)>HaitM>«l by 8ir J. (^illMirno. That tlu> nvordH of /tliQ Colonial ottlm conUiin no dwpntch fn>m Sir J. ColUmidi in wlik'li nny alliiHion in nimlo to tbo Hubjoct. It may thcrofon^ Iki iiif<-r|^'von l^^cioricH. That the wordn wore / ( .> lit > iml ifc w ViiiJ 1^ fill r/ifil4k^ til f* w 0iMAii>'tir«v tai Mrt(»f nti thMu iIm> Mktm U*^ ,3i,%- !• irtlliiBIM > Vt.i i> •# Mil •I. Cl«uf|w ^ « M lu 4(1. mmIA* iIm rfiHiivM U|{MMw%iltMt*ia •MiliikNiis u» rtpmi m mmU *4 iImI Art •» n^alm kt llp.<1i>nQr KMNw«m: tiM III- iri*l *4 N'rtwtilMf, ttai, iImi K mi Hk4i|l« |«4im dM dalM ut IIm •{••|ml«li t*i «Mi^ tw h t u mm h» umh* Ij lim KwcutIV* CowifUi l«ml ltt|MNi »klf«Minl III Mir J. t'uHmnwv • iUimIk^ hi wWk llMPltHiwiNl liffUaliMe «»n» iMtil«»| In »mivW ikk fomm, tMil Im «i|i«Miil]r fnrtiRltlimilnl limt Ihd n^|Uit4kK.v Mihii^i wtikli Afii imliiika Umm vbidi nilMtelw Umi tMftiiiMMMl tiiM|i»«iiK^it«if Itocliirkiib •nis^v,...** ,** j#' TImI itM>uk«|nii h of (Im AiIi of Aj»«l, I«3t, wm nuukml • i IW," ami it wiMii.1 »<«in iiii(H)Mit.ki UiaI l^ifil RiiMW runkJ Imi«« iIhIJ|{Wm| t.y mkIi tt OMMiiiiiiiMiaiuii ui eitayy Ui (Im t.i«ut«imMA Oo««rn<«r Um Kmik'* MiiMtioii f..r iMiiilnilkiii% l»» n n)tv>t«l«>rni>M pttml, UmIMU'I *4 (lint rf>|Htnl mIuiIi lt«u iikiuiIm U'twn tiw LMnMtiii ImkI iv«iitiiiii^l«it id n|iultlic lKw|Milc)^ . ,. » Your Ithnliliip <>n><|(M(<« for (llir7M>n»>Nil tt>itUm rtMii|> u (•Kxim;|M«u fur out ffoiiiii«l«riitkm «r«tli tlw ttfiiw of (Im HttiliiU) nut Oit». 3, C«|». .11 Bi«'. .1(1 ti) to, nifl t.» (lio Ufiiv» of (lio lli>yHl ('•»niiniMii(4fi, roiiM (Im IJfiit«'ttnut (l.ivt'flior, viidi (Ii<< mlvuu f»f (hf Exi«ii(iv« ('.hiimmI, Iaw fully cuiti«(i(ulit iiikI i.rpit <.r «'iii|.i\v nny P«momiik« or lt«ii(..ry widiiu (Imi Pniviui^) wiltioiit (III) furtluimignitKationof liw lli^wty** plisnimMf ^ ft-roii.lly.— Ciiii FamiI Ui|MHra Di*.|ni(4 h of (li« ftdi April, lfi32, Iki WKur.!.-! iw iM;x>''f> '«»« liw Miy^-*!)'!! pli-iwiir.' for (liiMnrliou ..f PnnioO' ■gus «>r for tliu endow ii>.>ii( of (Iwiih or for oitlwr of (iniM) piirtMMKiiif TJ»inU)>— Ant (ho cnvtioim niul in.|..wiyoiit of iLo flftyniut'ou Rii-loru-* hy Sir J. Collioriio viili aiiMWiT<>«| in ihu «nirinAtivt\ hftv.* lh« IliHtonof (h.i Pjirinlim mi i-ri!«t...| irfNJ fii.loWvNl tlio hniiio .| tortxpioHl (lint w.^ wonM t-oniii. I.'r diiiw quMiorw ill coiiMilta(i..u, anort Ui^our LonWiip our joint opinioii upon dioin. In olHMli.wft t4» y.iur TionlnliipV cmiinaiKls w<' havo I'oiwi.lnrod tlw weral nucntiorws imd Iwvo dw honor to r«iM»i't (hat, a.Utrtiin,' ^"' <•»« . / >■ tUi'lU* '■k y y f * •> *l-.' ^1 i ■, ' ■ .| - itr"- : f\ " m in ^ . • ■ ■ , tomM 6f tlio Statute 31 Goa 3. cap. 31, Soc 30 to 40, and to tho terms Ouinion pt h»» of the royal eominwHlon, we are of opiuion that the Lieutenant Cover- oSfejuJIS?. ■or, with the advice of the Executive Council, could not lawfully ffig.*^ jwnsUtute and erect or ejidow any ParNonage or iCoctory within the y^rovince without the further signification of His Majefity's pleasure. Secondly.—- We are of opinioii tliat Lord Ripon'n despatch of the 6th • April 1832 cannot bo rogardeil as signifying His Majissty's pleasure foi:. tlie erection of Parsonages, or for the endowment of them,, or foiueitfieT of those purposes. ...;■■ ■■ ■ '■^' ■*•;■-'"' ■ ■ ■ :■■ ^ Thirdly.— We are of opinion tliat the erection and the eudowmeht of '^ the fifty-seven Itectorics hy Sir J. Colbome are not valid and lawful Wo hav(v«fec/ J. DdDSON. :■.:.'■ 3: CAMPBELL. ■ V R. M. BOLFE. The Lord Olsnklo, «StC;, &C^ &C. r / ■ ( DESPATCIftFROM LORD GLENELCi TO SIR F. RHEAD i>«p«ei.of i-m ^ . BART.,K.C.H, Sa.'?.^'^: Downing STBK»T,VthSoptomt)er, 1837. Sir,— -During the present year I have received numerous communi- cations from gentlemen, either resident in England, or deputed hither by communities in connexion with the Churches of England and Scot- lahd, on the subject of tlio present state ®f the ecclesiastical establish- ments in the Canadian Provinces, and more especially with reference to the appropriation of the Clergy Reserves. In answer to these Com- munications, I liave entered at consideniblo length into the (mestion, and have fully explained to the applicanta the position and the views of ' Her Majesty's Government respecting it. I herewith enclos^ for your information copies of this correspondence, of which a schedule accom- panies this despatch. \, *; With the previous knowledge which you possess of the subject, and the information contained in the aocorapanying letters, it is unnecessary for me to enter into any detaUed exposition of the present state of the case. It it is sufficient to observe, that, notwithstanding the instances the deputies, the objections against any interference of the Imperial which, asyouwUI perceive, have been addressed to me by some of Parliament except at the invitation ^^. ■■;■■■■ :•■.:' - "-/- '" " ' ■:;■■'■:'■■■■/ / y ' / p. \ ■ ;;■■■■ ..>.\: }._\ . " " " »« * ■ '"■■■, ft » "'• . ■ .-■ c \. ■■■■■ ■ ' ' . H--^ V, T '- 1 1 ^::'*:-':;-- } " / p } '■•■". ;' -■■ " 1 » ■ ." "^ . *■ ■ ■■ ■"*.■.' ',."''•■.■--'-■''-' -'--.** ■'-■ .i ■• , ■■■'.•HP'' •..-;■ " :v:^:::->-;:>:f'; :'■;-. :'^^ It -^ - * ■..■■-' -■. ■ " \ : '•■ -^ '■■^ ':'.■.• ■■■■•■'■'■ -^ -t '■ ;; ' ■. : .' . ':■■■;■ V '■ '. '\ : . '" ■- , . .^:.r^.-> ■.♦• . ■ ■ * \ - ' ■■ ^'^ '■•*:■'":■-/■■':. •• 'h:^':^^^^^^^^^ ^ ; ^_ >1 the «ame thl^ there i« scarcely any quoetioh connected with puh- D.p..h r^ .caftan, m Ca,.ad« the settlement ,>f which on a com,,rohon«ive and Jsf Wj liberal b.«.H, would bo hailed with more satisfaction by Her Maiestv'« "" *•"- ^^ y - Independently of its intrinsic interest, this qn^on derives an Inipor- . tajice .darch ca.v sca,vely be exag^e„U<«l, fi>,„. ,1.^ ; ; which ,t calls into action. Involving nu.ch bf a religious character it .s approache.1 w.th sontimonts far «,.>re serious and deeply rtx^tod than . aro Im^usht to the d^oussion of ordinary jn^itical questions. It is herefore with no prromulk^s anxiety that Her Majesty's Government ha.;e long cm.ten^^,^d the unsettled «tato of this question, an anxiety - which has been fuUy j,..tiHed l.y the events of , tl«3 last session in ' ^ ■ T ^'Tr oP" ^'^'""^ to.the public journaHlfindthatlho - A?' n "/^l' ?7^ IWves engaged mi^h of tJ.e attention of tha A~bly^ of that iWence. and gave rise to discussions of un^d . ong^h and aunnafon. The intensity of the public failing on the sub- ject is attested by the largo space devoted to tie discu^iot "it^t>t^ than by tlie direct evi,le«ce of many of the gentlemen wh6 have ; addi^ln^; while thediHicultyt,fdevisi„gafiuals«ttlementor ant:jgon.st claims, and the ill consequences Vesulting fWm, their coati- '•nual^tat,onj...„.,„..aso,«e.ft!.o.e^^^^^^^^^^ the mteipsition of the Imperial Legislature. ■^ytomvoKe . Under these cii^umstances, jot. will loa lily undei^tand my anxietr o coi.t,d.nte V ,11 means in'my power to an adjustment of U.e m^ ri.:;; r^r '•'""■ -V'"''*^ '•" ^'-^-J-'-- ac.,ui..ed in otli^f the Lntish rolomes imght, perhaps, be useful in suggestin<. to the Le- g.la:.m. . H^.per and U^U Canada the arn.ngetnt .S^nZ^, ,. which ^,ght be satisfiu-toiy to all ,>a.ti.. I,r.he Colony of^^ South V^:pa g..at deficiency <.xisted in the moans of .vli^io^ ins^r .on, a deh^^ienc,. which the un...istod ef!;,rts of the inha :i^;L^^ ,-^^.^n quitHnadequate tosu^-ly. Tp .me,ly this diffi:;;;^ M jou uill h„d fully explamed in those parts of the aecompanvimr ^ Pariiamcntaiy papo^ ,hi,, .,,,, ,^ ^ .^,^_^ ^ ^V^^S p^ac^ofwo^hip andthemaintenaa^ of ^iniete^int^ ^^ , Cdonies,, md which have sin.. b.ea adopted and embodiedVal^ ' k^. e enactinent passe.l l^ the Governor and Conncil of New S Wales,and also enclosed lb,- your^inibrmation. ^^w toouth thcSofP ""?'"?'■ ^'' Austi^lian Colonies differ so widdyf-l hose of C.na. a, that it woukl be plainly impossible to transfe/toZ ktt. countiy^ie enti.. sjstem wlueh h.. beei a Ic^ed with ^1^^^ heformer. Nor should J„i^b re to prescribe to L I^gisla^^^ lbeGanadK.„P..^y^ the principles on which- they shSu elf vourtomakeo^v.,ou| ^the.^ious want. of tJf^.,1: ^^ 1 1 -> The ^K •>■ m •raeJnlJaljanto of the- Au«tr«nan colonic almo«t wcluR^ely to p^,^ ^.m the Cl.urche8ofEngInnd,of S«)tland,andof Rome; but in the Cana-lS^r'tVl^^ d«s the cjwe is different. There are in tl»o«e provinces many other '""*••"•• '"^ .,rerHn«8ionH of (;hr^^tianfi forming hngu oonimun tii-s, ,.,:ch Mipor • tend- ed by a contto:ii..gb..dy. The i.xitusi,n of those onninntRsfiom the " ^ bi'iiffit of a;f.ublic i>M.vi».ion ninde tVr iclfg^oim j u.i>. s,.sw,.nhi b.- ni.ite inconKistwit with the deKiguof Her Wiyt^tyV CWrul, e»t. Jt i^ .^i ] . the ctintritry, th.'ir nnxioi.H «MVh tint t.) ail mkI. Chiis! m a n nMin.t.es a^sistaneo «h,n.ld be airorded, in proio.t.'on to their nun U-is and to thoir necessities. To the maintenance «.f lliemtnfti n.in stem of the CJiurehw) of Englnnd and Scotland in their ex.«ting nn<.Iuii.onts, the faith of Her Abijesty's Goxwnmeiit" iH, as you are ^ware, distn'ictly- ple.1ged; but f-hould arfy arrangement Ik3 bercafier concluded with ther LegiHlature^ of Upper and Lower Canada f<)r the cesMon to them of tHo Crown Revenues*, theje would l.e at the disjwsal of the Legislature from that fund, and from the other sources of revenue, ample meaiK of pro- viding for the erection of places of wowhip, and the salaries of iniiusten throughout the provinces. '" . ' ■.','- -,: ;■ ■ I^ have, Ac, '^ / itiXtRACT OF ADESPATCH PRO K C. H., TQ LORD GLENEL im F. B. HEAD, BART, E«rac. of « pe- „^„„„ . ^ - DATED GOVERNMENT HeUStoroy HOUSE, TORONTO, 10m SEPTEMBER, 1837. SmteW"'^ The stoiy of Mr. Hagi^rman^s condilct oii the great subject of the Gfergy Reserves was shortly ad follows : ' - ■ ■ ■ - ■■ . ...' . •-■ . : .. .:' . '■ ■. ■ ■ .■ ..■ ■■ When that question was about to be brought Wore the Assembly, I .foresaw it would give rise to a most angry debate, which would pro- bably end in nothing. ■ X .•■; : ■■ -'"-'^ -y . ' ■■ 'r'..'- :-■■■■■ '■'■.■■'■'.■■ I therefore,|although I had no p^ise iristnictions on the subject, determilied to bse all the infliience in m^ gower to help the question to a conclusion j and I accordingly deteraiihed to recommend that the Ileserves should be divided among the Churches of England, Scotland, Rome, and \»e8leyan Methodists, in the proportions whith the popu* lation of those great sects respectively bear to each in the Mother .^Country.:'?: _.;.,, ■ •, — ■■".„■; ■ ^ '''-■■,:■':':': ■. -■ ■ ■ • : ..,#■ ■'■'■.'■■ .^ On submitting this abstract proposition to Mr.Hagerman,-he at.once assented to the Ohurch gf England, the Church of ScdUaud, rind ftie MeJhodistfl sharing.the Reserves, but he avowed to i^e, thaf Unless strong' ^arguments were adduced, hf Could ndt iwnscieiitiously'be th^ advocate oftheRonamCbtMch. ■-■," ■..■>■ • ■ . ■ -' ■. . , ■'■':-•■., ■:,■:■' :- -;■ •■-.■;., The ./ ■.. : V J ■ i I « 7 -•• Ik . ■ ".V ' '"' ' ' ■ ^ * • .-■■... ..'• ■ ■■■.■■/■■■■ ■ The more I atguod in favour of that part of my proposition, the more tmtm of n v- did Mr. Hagerman urgo \m ol.^-tioim to it ; antW ean tnily add, tho ^.'"1.1? w IIom nwire did I rc^)ect liim for doing so.' 11,, firmly n.ll.erfa U) IiIh opinion ; ^I^^'W" but.he concluded . by j'ol«erving,tiiat lliougU ho.oould not proniiHo to Vote in f^vo^lr of tlio Catliolic8,^t/or my siike, l»ty would iwtiro from - \ ' |>ppo8ing iheir adraifision. W^--''- »' .'■'■■ ■ ■ . *■■ ^ \. '*", ■ ' * ■ ' '■ I conceive that ona question of conscience, Mr. Ilngennnn ouglit not to have done more tlum ho did. However, nfUjr all, the proiM^sjtioh C never Cftoe to a division. .-■•■■■■■ r ■ ■-■■ ■•.;^■ >■•'■■ ■■ ■- ■ y ■■ s - r \\ .. ' Findiiig that party feeling was running so high that it was imposRi- ,^ ' bio for any man breathing to guide.it, I became of- opinitm that it •■ *^ would be prudent to abandon the contg^t, by plnoing tljo R<'sorven at the dispoejd of Hi* Majesty, or, in other words, by reuniting thorn in the Crown. .; • ".•;.;-■ ■■-■■: ;'■ ■<■■-'*'" ■--*■'. .;.■•' .■ -^ • ' ■ This proposition I explained to. Mr. Hagcrinan, who brought it for- ward in the House of Assembly, advocated it mojst ably, and failed in carrying it only by one vote.; i "':"■■ . .. ,: ■ '"'■':■''■-■■■'■ ■ * .The great discussion having thus failed, it Vvas therefore abandoned mdeftpair by all parties; but a memorial wjis addressed to the House of Assembly, by the Ministers, Elders' and CongregatioK of Lancaster, in conne>^on with the "Church of Scotlau'd, complaining that "there appeared to have been an organized system pursued by the different Pro\-incial Administrations^of thwarting them in the attaiument of their 'just aiid legal rights;" that tlw endowinpened that Mr. Mackenzie^ nevyspaper came out the next day, and as he is not only a Scotchman but otie of Mr. Hagerraan's mtterest enemies, yoUr Lordi^hin may ejisily i conceive, that Mr. Hagerman*s speech' Uma purposely and mischievously * HMde as offensive as poeaible to the Scotch. >*' DESPATCH V V i *SS^*^W^^g^«SM m ■^, / C /■ DESP^Cft FROM LORD OLENKLO TO XTEUTENANT- iv.iw,fch of i-oH JGfQVERNOR SIR GEORGE ARTHUR, K.C.H, nl';;MhrK •/^ > 'DoWHtNo STB«kT, 43nl Dwembcr, 1837. ■ '■ ''"'•''^•i. ■■.■>.■■•'.' ■■■.,', ' ■ :■•■ , Sil»,—r1'«ve received your prb^lecijworV ilet»j»alcli, Na 103, of the i 16th SepteuilK!r, traiwinittijig two iiiuiiioriald frohi the Syutnl uf llie ; ■ Presbvterwti Church of CmiiKlai in cofiii«xioQ ivilh thu Chun-h of Scotlaiul, having referenco to the chiiiA of tliut cliiinf)b. to a nharu of the nrenue accruing from the Clergy RuMsrvcN, and to thbi Rectories Lttely ' constituted iti^the Province of Upi)cr Canada. 'Xv . ■ ; ■'■ '4'- ■■ '^ ■ ■ ■'' ' ■'■ ■■ With respect to the first of those sulljects, I ahi Ifid Sd K^heve, frotn the terms of the memorial, th.it Hoino misapprfhonHion oxiHts\in tho part of the Synod, as to the doclart.H;>ondanco end 'Bed in my d«>s]»atcli to Sir Francis Hea>l, of thH,7;h Suptcmbur ■ • , . last, No. 231, as^rehites to the claims of the Si'oteh Cliurcli in Upj>or ;' Canada, and the views of Her Majesty's Government iu roforciice to ' 7 those chiitna.'' . \- :.■■'■■:■:■■.■.■_■-,. - ■■.''':■■■''"■' -r''^' -^ ':■'/' "> . With respect to th« constitution of the Rectories, you will inform t1i« : Synoir] that, without en 'ering on the dlwussion of the question as to the ^ ' |(^ity of these ei.do.vmentes or ihd policy of the measvure by which they were createtj, I trust that an arrHnx|ii)«tror that Un w<(tloin<'iitcoiilvcr, ii oonliiloiit lio|Kitliut' , •■ Koiiio plan may at an x>arly [H'ritKl Ito agruoil to, l»y whi.li tliu tlillkiil- tien which havo liithyrto op|H)nt4|)A i«nti«rmfory mljiiHtim-nt of tlio ' • ■ oouflioting olaium of XariouH rciigiOiiH anil an Hflu4|uat» proviHion Im* niailo for MUH>tin^, on oumprdicimivd ^ principlcfs thu reh^iuus wunta of tho gruat Uniy qf tho inhabitauta. I ri'ffrot tiller tho af^itatwl quotttion of tho oiiilowntont of fifty-sovon ■ » . JUrtorittt in thooommtMivvmunt of tho year \H'M liiw intfodiunlaiunv .^ element of ilir^mioti. TJio <'otTi's|K>ndon<'o whifh liiw , taken plaro K'twwm Ilor NHgo^ty'n Oi)V('ininrn,t, and your proiliK-oiiKor (in thu Bubjoct will phu'oydn fully in po'iHiwiiiiMif tlic fait;^ of tliJH «<««'. IImw far tho viuw oii^inaliy taken of lliatMiil)j«!»l by the Liw OfthT-mof tho Cfrrtvn may Ih» altered when tlu'V xliall hive liiatnrelv con-^idereil U»« ■' "'■ expInnationH whidi ha>o rivemly for thu firHt timo renihtfd mo, aiv to ■ the grrninds on which the . icuteiinnt Govornor and Kxeciitivo Ooum-il really prtK'ocdiHl, I am at prcHunt unabje to Ht>rto. In tho moatktimo, however, b«'foro I can rwoivo thoir Ueport, I think it right to Hei|iiaint you with tho view wliichl at pronont entertain of the cmirKO which it may bo deHirablo to ])urHuo with reference to thin Hubjoct. Tho Ilonso of Asis^nibly of Upper Canada, ns appears from their Joumnirt of the Olh February, I8;J7, adopttvl a HOl'ies of Hosolutions relative to thewi Endowments of whieh the sixth deelarisi, "That this HoUM) reganU aa inviolable the liglitH anpiired imderlhe patents by which Rectories have Uhjii endowed, and eiiiHiot, therefore, either fnvito • ' orsanction any interference with the rights thus esbibllnlHil." On tho - . :' part of Her Majesty's Exticutiye Cfovernment, I oannOt htfsitate to nvovy , , J , • our entire adoption of tho principle by whieh this Resolution waa dictated. Although the Endowments of the Re<-toric^ in theyearl83d did not take place with tho previous concurrence or knowledge df tlie ^ ^r>^ - - present Ministers of thef Crown, yet, as tliey appear to have been inado at least under a presiiined authority from tho Secretary of State, and as ...L considerable time hfls now elapsed since the parties were put in (lossefl* sion of tlie Lands, I should much regret to l>6 comjxjlled to dlsftirb that .; settlement, orto dispossess the Clergy of|,ho Church of Enginfidofthe . , Lands which have been assgined for i^ir maintetiance. :•,.., ' ■ ■ /' , ' , ■ ■ Should the legal right now appear to the Law Officers of the Crown to be indefeasible^ no practical question will, of course, remain for the decisidnof the Oovernment; but, even on tlia contrary supposition, I feel that, with the cohcurre^cei of tlie Local Legislature, the Endow- "iQentrwbic^ have actually^be^matle mights naifie(rm~opDnexion^ ./ i< > V ,.#, *^' .^' •—I 5Krf* ■ -► •■ / J: J ^j^pf w ^ ^1 w* /^' ^- \ JBr •► •■ i ,< ■ . -^ iS \f ll*f with tonl* j{«»ii«inl whomo for tho fiituro approprlntion of tlm floppy iv.pm.'h f*tm lloMirvaiv wliii h wouKI nxiwiy tito rwwoimMt) ol.tiiiit t»f otiutr «U'ii»>iitiii t- iu'u!.,"")!h'ii, tioiui of L'lirinliaiw. Ann Ijiwm of Hiuh it M!ttlt«iiiuiit 1 woiil.l jirin>.imt ''^'' **' "*^'' that, uiMor tbu |H.vuliHr cin-iiiiiiitiiitctit uf ttio ctiii«s tliu riglit of (li« • * Ckun-li of Kiij^liind to llio KuilowiiifiiU of Jiiniinry, 18IU, nliould b« •• ■ acknowltHlgml hikI ruliflt!*!. I woiiM furtli<-r HU)j^)f(i«t tliut tliin iiifniiirQ , •lioiilJ 1)0 uc(;oiii|iaikk-*l by n L|iNli> tntJiit niuLoiKluwiiiciitof ilii-torioH ill tiiu I'ruviiiou «hiUI not Uu'OtiMtiuud to confor any riglit to extirfiiie any E(-<-l<>«iiai4|tCAl or 8|)iritnnl |Miiw«»r , '. . whntovor, "oxrvpt over tlio M<»riilKjrH o( tlio Cliunh of KiijjIhii.IJ' I « ■' :>^ quote tiiuHO wonlH from tlio ll«3n >lutionH of the AMMMiibly ^4^ ttie l)|li of February, IH:)7, to which I havo alrftuly rnferrtKl. That IIoum4*, iiiil<>*>ii, pro|)OHCtt tliHt'tliiH (Kvhirution HhouM priM-(M*fl, not from tho Igi»- ' latuns but froin Parliament. liut I conooivu tliitt, if the arraii^oiiUil [ ; •uggt'Ht «lu>nltl moot witt goncral necptanw, ttniru will Iw no ditnculty in obtflining an Act of Ocncral Atwombly for thu i>nr|MiHC,'aniI thkt tlio interfuronoti of Parliamvnt in the iuUsruai udiure uf the I'rovincti umy j^\ . thuB- be HvoiatHl; ' ' .■ ^^^pp .*■■ . ^ In the n xt place, I bnv» to ivfor you to my DospnU'li to Kir F. Head, of the 7tli of 8cpt««iUr, No. 231, in which, nnil in tlie enolLur*'* accoinQV>y'"ff ^^ will Ue fcuud an explanation of the Rystera estayiMlu'd ,- on my advice by H* late Maj(*ty for providing for the religious instruction of the irilwibitantMof tlieAu> GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE ARTHUR, K.C.H. wro^'XriSur. Downino-Strket, 29th December, 1837. Si',— I have laid befoft Lord Glen Ig your letter of the 25th instant, transmitting a memorandum on the subject of the Clergy Reserves in - Upper Canada, for his Lordship's consideration^ and I am to inform you in reply, that Her Majesty's Government, s^ar as the adjustment of this question depends on them, would willingly concur in any set- tlement of it which the two branches of the Provincial Legislature might concur in adopting as best calculated to promote the interest of xeliipon and education in the Province. Should the satisfactory ailjust- ment of it be facilitated as you anticipate, by securing to each commu- nion the full extent of aid which is at present afforded to it, Her Ma- jesty's Government would not entertain the sBghtest objection to such an arrangement On the other hand. Lord Glenelg would distinctly disclaim, on the part of Her Majesty's Government, the Wish Or th< intention to insist on ai^ such condition as an indispensable prelinu nary to an adjustment of the question; such an interference oKthtf^ . partof the Government with the functions of the Provincial Legiyat]u4, woirfd, as his Lordship apprehends, tend to create a not un^s^ble ^ suspicion of the sincerity with which the Le^lature hav&^p^vited , to the exercise of the power reserved to them on this subj^t ^/the Con- BtitutionalsAct of 1791 ; nor could any conclusive reas^. be assigned for insisting on the oontinuwice to each communion ofUie^wecise payment at present recaved by it, the respective amouut^mc^K^d by the several communions ■9^ f ■ :, 121 XiMierftonSIr eommunioDS resting on no aoourate calculation or «atimatd of tW..^ n»„,™.„ „„ pective numbere, or of the clairas wliich they may posaees to pecuniary «'?ow''Xiihur, aid Lord^'Glenelg further directs me to oUwrye, with inference to your^^ *• *'"* lemark, that '*it is doubtful what the claims of the Church of Scotland may be on the Reserves," that a decided opinion was giveh by the Law Officers of the Crown in Ais country in 1819, in favour of tbe rigUof the Church of Scotland to participate in the proceeds of these Reserves^ and that, in accordance with tliis opinion, this right has been distinctly admitted by Lord Glenelg in a recent correspondence with membere of that Church. On this sii^t I am to request that you will refer to bis Lordship's despatch U> Sir Francis Head, of the 7th September, THo, 231, and ••> the enclosures contained in it. Lord Glenelg has no doubt, that by sucli an iurangement as that to which you have alluded, for the disposal of tluLtSlergy Resierves and the investment of the proceeds of ; the Side, a'^lH||» fund would be rendered available for the par« poses of religiHH|petion and education, a result wbi<;h his Lordship ettmeetly hoponitty at an early period be attained; and he entertains ibe fullest coiifidenoe that no , exertion will be wanting^ on your part to bring this matter to a conclusion, at onoe conducive to the best Into- lests of thei Province^ and satisl^ctory to the various parties who ue pecoliariy intwested in its settlement. I have^ dec,' OEOROE ORET. h ^ ■ OPINION OF THE LAW OFFICEBS OF THE CROWN, gjjj*^**^ JANUARY 24tH, 1838, DECLARING THE RECTORIES S!ll^2£^""- TO BE VALID. «««u t«8._d^ elaring Uie Rec- loriMtobevalid. Mr LoBD,— DooTOBS CoHM 098, 24th January, 1838. We are honoured with your Lordship^s command, Magnified in jova letter ofthe 19th ultimov^ transmitting certain documents which wer« ieferred to us on j^he 12th of April last on the subject of the endowment of certain Rectones in the Province of Upper Canada; also, enclosing a copy of the report made by us in answer to thitt reference, with copies of a correspondence which has since taken place on the subject, between your Lordship and the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada; also enclosmg a copy of the Commission under which the Govemtnent of the Province was administered in the month of January 1836, when ll>e order of the 'lieutenant Governor in Council respecting those Rectories was made. . • Advoting to these yarious documents, and ^especially to the Report of the Archdeacon of Toronto^ accompanying Sir F. Head's despatdr . --> «■ ■ *, .■ ■'■ * :«' ■■' .'■■■. \- ■'^ - ■■"■■■i"'' '■ ■ ' ■■'■■■.. ■ A ..' .,■ ; --■ ■'■. '."■, ■'■■■""■ ''■ ■■ ''■. '"['it- -0- .■ 1' ■ ." ■■"*■' ■'■'.'"* ■ .'\- ■ ..•--"*■ ''.•,■"■' f"^' ■"/ •■ ■ ■ - ■'■.%■;■■■■"' -•'■'■■'■ -■'? -■^■;i5i^V^€^"'^ , ^"vj-.; /'■ '■ -.■'■ :;;'^'#?'^^''^-^^^^ ,• 1 ■■-■-. ■ ■' r-, ^ •: ^'/^? ■ - ";'•: ■""' . ■-.*.;.' i -■ '-f/yr''-' ■',.. ■■/X'./' ■.[■ ,.■" O i_. -■■' \ ,.' •" "a"'-- " - .■ :•' ■;''^' •,.,'.' "■■',■■«:* ■•■:'i^ ""-.;■;., 'v ^-"r .■■''^■'■■- ': .\. ■--:;' '-V • ■ f - ■ I- ' ' ■. ■ ' ' ■ ' -:' •'■'.■■ . "■ ■ ■ . - \ .' ' . ^ i 1 . •' '"..' :.'"' .. -■"" ■ ■'■. / ■■ ■'■ '' ■*'■' '■ ' .'■.■■-- 'tf,'^' .-•■- „ . ' . -'.v ,.-',■ '. ... ■.■ '' ■, . ^-" ^,- - '. ' "' ■' -■■ . , vr '■ '■ r '■ ' ^''ZK.'i . ■ ;:. ■'.■■< ' ■■■.''• \.' : .- "•■■'. ' ' . ■^:''- i'. ■) V-. ^ -Vi t ^ '. ■.■■'■.," .■■.'-■.-■,■■.■ • « of Um 18th of October, your Lordahip k pl«Me4 to nqturt that irt Ppfa ^y** *. would report ou^ joint ociiuon, whetlier the addition f the ihh of April, viz.: ^ ^ '*FirB^ adverting to the terms pf the Statute 31 Ge6. 3. Chap.'4l.- Sec. 30 and 40, and to the terms of the Royal Commission, could fte Lteutenant Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, lawfplljr constitute and erect or endow any^ Parsonage or Rectory within the Province without the further signification of His Majesty's pleasi^rf . <<'^SecondIy, can Lord Ripon's Despatch of the itrd of April 1 832, he , regarded as signifying His Miyesty's Pleasuj^ for the erc^tioxr ojT Par- t Bonages or for the- endowment of them^ or for either of those .purposes t '^Thirdly. Are the erection and the endowment of the' fifty-iie.vcAl \ Reciories by Sir John Colbome valid and lawftil Actsf ; J. ^^ r "Fourthly.. If the preceding questions Wanswere4 in theaffirm&ive ' bate the Roctors of the Parishes so crated and endowed t|ie same ecclesiasiical authority within their respective limifs^is Vested in , the .* ,. Rector of a Parish in England, or within'^what other bounds is •that-'' authprity resitricted 3" In obedience^ to your lio^shipV coinroanda^ ^' ' we^a\'e the holndur to report that, •adYertinj^ to thq various (locume^ts^' . and especially to the ins'^ructions contained inl.' ^ 81 Qeo. 3,, and luoat injurious to dtQ interats an(} wishes of the Pro- ^ ' ' %'tr,. ^;^'vJreffl^28.-4^ny|■3,-4lWorit3^.^6.::-■■^. ;; *^ . ' * > " ■•",;■... i- -'■■.' - ■■.■-■■.,■■■'• r ■.'■■.,''■* ■ . ■ - ' ,'..■' t 6.—lie$olved, That a comparatively small proportion 6t the inhabU • f tants of Upper Canada are member* of the Church of England, and. ^ V \therofore ought not in justice to desire the sftle enjoytnenti by their Cleigy, of all the advantages which these lands pr<^nt, to the excluaibn ' */ • * ^ of their fellow subjects, although equally loyal and firm iii their attach- • ' jnent to His Majraty's Government and the Constitution! '..-^ |-> ^^ ■■ ' . •. '- ^ . '' , ■ ■ ■ ''■ T.—St»Qh«dy That in a thinly inhabited country, such as Upper Car , ^ ; nada, whereitho metins of moral instruction to the poor are n^ easily , obtained, it is the bounden duty, of the Parliament to afford evejA^^ assistance within its power towards the support of odudation. ,, _ , •^'* ';■:/.:■■■,■ ■"■ :■ * '■ ■ .'• . ..' ■ ■■ . ■'•■■■ ' ' e.-^'^solved, "Ihat the present provisioiKfor the aupport of Dta- trict and Common Schools is quite inadequate to the wants of the peo- ^ pie, ai^d ought by every reasonable exertion t^ bo inci^eascd, so as to ^ place within the reach of tlio poorest inhabitant the advantages of • ' ' , w decent ^ueatioij. • , ' ' . 'r .1 ■ V- ■ . ■.-- J,..'. ■■; ,';., ■■;■;■ :,•:, '■■■■'■. '^.}:-'\ /■■:/■:'.'"'■ . ' 0.-|7-/if«%«dl That it i» the opinion of » great proportion of the people of this Province, that thjs Clei^ liapds, in place of being ehjoyedbyithe Clergy of an ihconsiderable prtK of ^he population, ought ^' ' to be disposed of, and the proceeds of their sale applied to increase the ' ' . Pro^vineial allowance for the 8iipp<^'of District a^i||^|piitmon Schools, and the endowment of a Provincial Seminai^ for learning, and in aid ' > ' of erecting places of public worship for all denoniinations of ChristiaJMU Yeas, ai.— Nay% 2r--JtfiQ0rity 29. : • : / ^ ■ ■ ■ ..■•■' .'. ;■ ■ • -. .". ■ ■ . • k Sesolved, That the num^r of the Protestant Episeopal Chiirch'ia ' '■ (he Pfdvinces bears, a very snddl proportion - to the number of otheir 't Christians, notwithstanding thd pecuniary aid long and exclusively- received from the Benevolent- Society in, England by the members oT< that Church, and their p^tension to a ihonopdy of the Clergy Resenrea. > . ^ yea8,30.--Nay8 3.— Migority27. V '/ ' ." v- ..^■^■ JOUKNALS.OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Jonnato of flw Houap of Atdrm* :: :-: ; . tltk jAmxiwr; 1829; 2^°S2^15fc Mr. S^ciietaiy Mudge brought doXvn 6om h|s ExebUency the . . Governor a Meaaage^ and havii^ presented the same .to the Speaker retired. ^ '- -. : jkt '^— The \ ^. 12ft f i ftoin hi* Excellency tl»o Lieutenant Oovoruor, oiul riuog «»»v««*» lii^'JiJ^'iJa: t nadtboMniwto tb« IIoiuw MfoUowi: — ' . The Lieutenant Oovomnr itciiunlnb (\\o IIou«o of Aw<>mWy tlmt lib y Miyetty's Bci-rotary of Htato for tlio t'olonit* liiui iu'knowle(I}?.'a th« ^ ' Iloc«'ii)t«jf H Dcsitatcli with an lu^\ intn for di-frtiyin.ijj tli« Kx|)on-o of corlain PuMic Works for iho inU>rn:»l Ini|>rovx>nuu»t of t|iO C*>untry, nml for the Pioinotion of general Educj^tion; anil praying that tliM l/nivemty ri'«'oiUly eiidowed may bo ostahlishc'd on inoro con»i>reliensivo Principles than thoee on which it Uj- piflcod by tho present jCharter, # This Address has lecn Iniil before tho King, nnd His Majcfity h« been graciously pleasrd to o.vprc's«hiHSatiHfaition in the AsNumnco cif^ Loyalty ami Attachment to His Person and Governnient whicli aW'*- y contained in it; and tl iftt Ilin Majesty will at all Tinie« receive with tho mOfit serious attviitioi . any Representation which may be made to him by tho lU>presentaUvi3 of His fuithfid sutyci ts in Up|)cr Canada, in iProvincial Parliament nHsoioblyd, for advancing tho Prosperity of thii Important and intereatfog Portion of Ilia DoniiniodI The Lieutenant Governor, however, is given to understand, from th* * Secretary of Suite, that the present Statutes refli)ecting the Appropri*- ; i tion of tho Clergy Reserves grant a very Hmited discretionary Power to His Majesty^ OovemjTnent, and that in case a llovision of them should be deemed necessary, with a view to any Alteration in their Provisions, I touch InforniiatioQ on that Subject in tdl its Bearings is required, and will soon be obtained by His Majesty's Ministers. , , The Lieutenant Governor has no doubt that it would be clieservedlj a Subject of Regret to His Majesty's Government, if the Principles oa which the University ia founded cannot be made to accord with the general .Feeling and Opinion of those for whose Advantage it was intended; and he believes tlut the first Chiange in the Charter which \ should be recommended, and which would conduce nwre than any i other to its becomii^ eminently Qseful to the .Province, is the connect- ing the Royal Grammar School with King's CpUege, in such a Manner that its Exhibitions, Schobrships, and Chief Support may depend od the Funds of ihat Endowment. : - / The AdvanUigee that will resiUt from an Instituticni conducted by "Nme"CT Ten able Madera, undec whoee" Tuitioh Ibe TBttUTof tSe" inoe 'M 1 ■% ••^w 4 At \ 4 \ * ' . r ij^' / M^ 'I ■« I. . 1 1 > ••x% m ^1 :y^ ■< •A t'-i, ;/•«■»-' e .V . ^ f "w i • .*; / 'T-' I' 126 % ■■'JSj,' ■r---'L ;/•«■»* ProvioM oi)uU b« pr«p«Md for any FroivMion, «rf itMl*M|>utabl«; ind if Mmrntt tit m$ •uch • Bcliuul w«ra peniMiMntly «tMbli«ho«l^ and the Charter lo MyoTiTiHiiMiiii, Hsodiflad that any Profowor tliall b« «ligil)l« for the Council, and that *"' the Students in the Coli^ ehall have Liberty and Faeully of taking / D«(;pr«Mi in the ManrMr that ■hiUi be hereafW direc'UKl by tlio Htatutea •nd Onlinancea fiiimnd by ilia Maj«iiU)yyj>rern merit, the Univemity nuat flouriah, and prove highly ,b-"%jf \^ / . !' _^-*^"^'' "' •• . . "'"i.- Mr. Perry, Meondud by Mr. Thomeeiv^ves " I'l^at (bii iiouie do naolve itallf into a Oommittee of the Whole on M<>nL •pd read"a Third Time To-morrow. "■ 28th FbiIrcart, 1820. Ajpeeably to the Order of the Day the Clergy Reserves Bill waa nad the thud time and passed, Nem. Con. . > j'"'- * Mr. Perry, seconded by Mr. Woodruff, moves, «That the Bill be intituled ^An Act to provide for the Disposal of a Part of the Clei|7 Reser^ in this Province." — ^Which was ordered. And Messrs. Perty and Woodntf were ordered by the Speaker to cany the same up to the Hononrabla the LegialatiTe Coaneil. and to reqiuest. their .Concur- -* rmea thenlo. ill- :' •■■ JOURVAli Y- • "wniSPUB^BIW^ t 1 1 .A.> '/^ r .' 'I I / 127 '.*'/'' JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. ^S^iSi- ^, . \2>J0 Maycii, 1820. », »•».». iMfc A Deputation from the Commons Hooie'of A'sscmbly brought <»p * ^ » BUI intituled "An Act to Pro>i(lo for the Dispofin^l of a Part 61 tho« - ' Clergy fteservcB in this Province." , 9tii MAncu, 1820. Orfored, That tho Master in C^inncery lpti\e Council Imve remarked, that on tlio Delivery of the Bill, intitil^T, '* An 'm tQ provide for thd DiBpoaal of a Phrt of the Clergy Reserves in tliis Provij»ce^" from tho Holise of AsBembly, at Uie 6ar oifthrs HouRc, the usual form of requerting the. Concurrence of this House has been omitted. - lixH Mauch, 182d. 'k Deputation from the Commoiia House of Assembly brought up and delivered at the Bar of this Houses a Message in th^ following Word8>^ ' * - « Mr. Speaker. \ * „ * "The Members of this !f louse deputed to can^ to the Honourable the Legislative Council' the Bill,- iptituled «An Act to'providefor thS Disposal of a part of the Clergy ^lefierves in this Prwince," having reported to this House that" Uiey have reasote t» think that they-' undesignedly omittef the day, the Clergy. B«Be¥V6- BiD was|hfj»f^.jgw«ta. nad a second^time^ and refer^ to a Committee of thct Whole Hdviti, ^Mr. Shaver was called to the Chair. The House renuniBd; . ■ ' i / Kr.vShaver reported the Bill without tanendmeti^ The Bqmrt'was received, and the Bill was ordered to bd engroeaed, and read tk third time on Monday next. \ » ..'*•' ' "^ «' ■ •' - ^ ^tiF^RCAHT^'lSSO. Agreeably to the order of tl^ day, -the' Cle'iW lieservo Sal^ Bijl read a third time and pa&seoT \ was / 20th Fs^ART, 1080. Mr. Perry; seconded by Mr. Smith," moves,^" tfaat^ii "Sele<^ Com- * mittee bci appointed* to search the Jotimals of thp Honoi^wblo tl|o 'W ^lative Council, and report to this Hpul^ the proeecsdings had by that Honourable House on the Bill, intitule^-*' An ' Act to provide for the di8p06i4.of a part-pf the Clergy lCe8€r\'^ in this* Province;'" and that Messrs, Ewibg and McColl be a Committee for that purpose. — - Which was ordered. '~'^ — , -^ , 2»rd FsBRtTART, 1830, To TBI HOKQURABLB THV HqUSE OF ASSEMBLT. Your Committee appointed to examine the Journals of the Honour- able the Legislative Council, and report wha't proceedings Lave been- '" • had by 'that Honourable HoWso on the Bill, intituled, " An Act to provide -^r^thfe disposal of a Part of the Ckrgy-JJcservcs' in thie PfO* 'vincei*'begleav^to report, "That the Bill wa*, ree)eK-ed a;ftd.read on' /"' -; the First day of Februaif instant, life First Time.^" AU which is i^spectfully submitted.'; -,?''■ . " DuNqArM*iOAti,Chairit^. 28nd February, 1830 '•/. «*- ?,,/■ JOURNALS Oi*THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLE. , ft. '" Journal* of the *'< HouK of Amcm- .fid FEBHtTARV, mi' - «!iireb!*^r.'^ ■ Mr. Morris gives nitice that he will, o:n to-rntoirow, ii|Qy^!Vor ^pca. i Address to His Excellency the Lieutcnfiwt Govt^qt, tisquesting His ! Excellency to oommutlicate to this l^pse » Ste^lem:^! oajdetaifpf aU . ' ': moQiM toll^otdd in thia Province by the Wmg and Sate «f ^e'Clergy ' / "'■•f-.. '■^^ »•^„. W- ■■^-"i: Ui'. ^■: :'.iC 'm ■♦' .i";«;-.';Uiw. •ta^;.. ?■>;::* ?i^, %'-•': vT' — ^,.v,... '■/ uV: ^ : -. r\- ■ _ , . . - • _ - ■ . ■ 1' ■ .ic"; ;*'■■■" \ ■ A~ , '".- /- ■x' • ,*.. ^' ■ ■■■ « ' l".. -' / / "^ :-^v \ • 1 • / '" , :^, 'f'^- '■ \ t ■%..' .i- m u Itttcrrtiii ; alw » p*rtieul«r aoob^nt of the' eipebditoM of rach monies, jowmh or uw and tbebaUnod now on band, the Dumber of acres of tbese Besses uyotv.cSSS^ •old in eaclT' District up to the First day of January 1831, togetbor **"'*' '"'" , witb the t**«lge price po^p aero. ' . ' " . t §' ^ ' .; >. r 3d Fi'nnL'AilY,- 1831» Mr. Morris seconded by Mr; A. Eraser, moves, *?Tb^t ab bumble Address be prcscntud to His Excellency tlf^ Lieutenant- Governor re- questing His Excellency to comraunicato to this House a. ataten^ent in detul of all mon1&» coUectetl in this Proviftco by the leasing and sale of the Clergy Reserves; also a polrtioul^r account of the expenditure of such mQpiee, and the balance now on hand, the number of acres of these Eesefves sold in each District up to thS flrst day of January 1831, together with the average price {ler acre, and that ' Messrs. Thompson and M'Martin be a CommUtee to dtait and report the same ■-ordered. « „ - i- * "^ Ip . >^ Mr. Tbompe^ from the Cpminittee to draft an addres^ to His Ex* eellency the Lieutenattt/Goveriior relative to receipts and expenditures of •monies arising &iSm the Clergy .Reserves, reported a draf^, which was received and read twice,.adopteto the sales and leasing of Clergy Reserves was read the third time^ passe^, and signed} and is •I follow*: ' , Y '.Sfcsf t IloQte biy to Iwrne, ADDRESS OE ffilE HOUpspF ASSEMBLY" TO SIR "" ' \ J. COLBOkNE, FEBRUARY 3, 183U' ? To Wa Excellency Sir John Golborne, Knight, Commander of thef^^ Mott- Honourable Military Orders/ the ^Uk, Lieutenant Gover- nor of the Province of Upper Canac^ and Major Cf^ro/' ^ ^ commanding Hit Maje§ty'» Forces therein, d'o^ d'c., dc. ^fpf ^ W^ His Majesty's most' dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons o( Ujpper Canada in Provincial Parliament assembled, most respectfully 'ifequesttbat Your Excellency- may -bo pleased to communicate to this House a statement in detail of all monfes collected in this Province by the leasing an4 sale of the,'Cl6rgy Reserves: and also a paiticular ao- oonnt of the expenditure of such monies, and the balance mow on hand, the numbe»of Acres of these Reserves sold in each li'istri^t up to Uie fintday of January 1831, together withthe average p^ice per acre. ©f tiM. of AMem-.' Sir J^Cd- •/, Commons House of Assemblr, 8d Day of February, 1831 . ARCHD. M'LEAN, ; Speaker. Mr. Morti*, ■.-\, ^^ Neond«d bf Mr. ll^airtin. ni(ym.^^Thtt Minn.'lMi'witi eriiii \$v/bbbolm and Ingenollbo a C<)inn)itt<>e to*waiton His Exc«)l«ncy tl)0 M^'arH^KJuiiT jcnteaint Ooveftior, to know ,\\hen Ko will lo pleanetl to tMeho tlio **"* '^"* iddrcaaes of thin Houao on thoutbjoH of Sch(X)l To^vlw]lip^ tito Salei ' tbo Cominimtioner of Crown LanJrt, and the ntoiiies raised by Iho lltti8.ng and »al6 of Cl«rgy> Hcmuc^ and i^ pnaeitt tbo vuau"-^ CrdwwI. . ' , , r ' ' .' "- ' -"-^ ^ ' ' ' itb l*»sr,vART, 1801. Mr. IngttuK (Mm ^ ComtnUteA ta trait Upon Iliii E$c«llency tbo ^ Lieutenaiit Oovecn6r wioi tlioaddreasof tbis HouM for iDibrmut'on ^ reiifttiva to tbe procoeds trumg from Sales and leasing of Clorgy Re»^ aer\-ei, reported delivering tbVanraei and tbat Hia Esce'doncy liad b<^a pleased to make tbereto the following an9wcfr: MOenllemeir, ' :. . ■ *I will dlftjctt^^esUtementa for ifbfch you apply ia tbk iUdwjsa r^uVui'i?''' to be laid before \h» House of AtiemVly. ' o . 25tb FkcnuART, 183!« Mr^Btdwell, seconded by Mr. Campb<^ moves, "Tbat it bo resolvedi tbat an humble addiAsa be presented to His Majesty, setting forth that ill and by an Act of tbi^ Parliam3nt of Great Britain luisscd in tiio ' - \ ,4hkty-fli'Bt year of the'R^ignof HisMij-sty's illustrious fitlicr King "^ Oeoige thfr^^bird, provision wa? made for the a'lutment iind i»]>propria- , tioD of oi)i04«veiAl|i oflfio lafcf of tbii Province fur tbo suppoit and mMntenance of n Protestant CIk|;y within tlio samo; oitd that it . was fiMth^t ezact^d^ that all and 'e\-ery the rent>s profits or emoluments Which nug^at any Uwei arise from such Ian4s so allott«^1 and nppro< lariated, should be ap^.ffiabl^lely fcr tjte maintenance and support of „ ' ai^Prd^tant Clergy Within thd ProViuu, and to no other purposes "iQut HI pnttiiPee of the «bid j|pi suip^tm'ent and ftppropriatl Of iMKlMm^d \mtt 1^ tiraeM to timo beejiresQin-od for t|^e4>i..- ^ pose tHerein Weotioned, whlc^ lands are known i^is Pit^x i^co by^^' name of the Cletgy Keser^es. Tbat by an Act of tbo Parli*Ben!Sr tTio "'*^ TlpEed KingdwHof 6tta|]Pi^'n andjrelandvpa^ed '\ii the«j,ghth and xmf&ye^oftherelgaWyk bie-MHjcBty,<||ingHtheFm ' '^* wasttaJefiMrOkeaiileofpNtoftbeMBeservea. TiutttlftteResanej^are .i lettered tbrniigUth^4»ttnti7,«iid have derived thei^ftlaratv^ \ from the Uboufeot 4l|MPpIe of this Provlooe^ yf^ be|uut to va<&)t}l* ^ ,(eli||pot»vaei|oinU wetlimk it our, duty'tolo^^i^^ .^ M<^7 Oat bat ^!«MHKRty of the people of this Provioeo^ j memben of the ChtiicipCSi|^Mad, eiud thM His |fAJ««t}^ tSnbJects ii^ tbis Ckiloay are m^ob^ if various r«J}j|ious diuominationtu, equally oooacieDtkHift ia tlMi|%piDioiv.eqiulIy atticM t« ■■.■ y. '.■:*. '■ .■...■ 4- - : ■■' . ' '^*sl»l»iflp' Ifp'" ( f •»f > J .-^/■■■•^^^ .,' •■■>*'. ■■.■'L--'-'.''K"'' ■■ " ■■■ '. ■ »- • w ... ^■iS nnd Oorommctit, Ah>l utiitally obol inontorioiiH jounwisirthi J» . V. ' • f "'• Hou»t of .Ai«'m My. «H»i iVI.ni f ■ iiLlhoir (jtinoml J»iiJuot. ■■v.. ■■".,»■ '' S I #^TbAt wo conMiJor it (iioroovur our duty to duclnro, tlint llio Miui-. : ' montA and foulingH of Ilia Mnjuaty'a nnl>jcictA goncmlly in Uud Province an strongly oppofipd to any connexion botwoon the Gmomntont 4ml any particular church or churchoH, nn well as to any favour or nnBJHtnnco on.tho [tart of Ilia Idtajosty's Govuminont to ono or nioru ruiigioua de- noiiuinationa hot equally bcstowoil upon all, and to the Orant l*y I.d roligioiw ri^hU ninong nil rdlgioua denominntioas., i . v .,/■!'•';/ ' ' '^ That in UioaiQ sontimentB His Majosty'H ihithful oOinrooh^ would huinbly expreaa Uieir moet hearty wncunsjheo,* .':' V ' ,,; ■>'•., -> Tliat under these cireurastancen His Majesty's ' faithful Oommon^ . yime, vnare than jonoe, flpproachcdl the throuo to Qiaku known" tho ,«ii ' .( wishes of ^lis Blajestys subjects in', relation to Cheso nvittun; nnd while they recollect with just gratitude tho gmcioHB manner in which their Representations wore listenixl tp by His late Maj^ssty, they hum- bly request that, inasiimch as the objects soliciUxl oh those occa8i(>iiB by His Majeaty'»subjects hi0rQ not .yet been attaiaedi His Majtoty will bo pleoBod to take them -into Jlk inoet favourable consideratioiu \ ■ ■ ,'■'. ■' ' ," "*^l'.- ■'■ ■ , ■ '"■■• ■ ■ • . "1^ Hjs MfljestyV fwtibfuJt^cqhnnoQs, deeply iinplceMed with the injustice and iinpolicy of ||cl^diii^ahy, of His Majeaty^s subjects in this Province from an eqiiiil^ >haro bf Uie benefit and ii^isiance to bo derived from the Cloi^ Reaves, aitd sensible ^f tlio impracticability «^ a jiist and equal distriWtWQ of tlteiA pitioeeds among .allreligioiu denomination^ is well as convinced tliat ,«thile the; ai^ applied iu any node according to the object of their original appropriation tiiey will {urtushoocasion for jnuUen contentions and jctfdousieB( liave (iosiroil that thdy aihoiild VHHw>d the mohoy produced by the Sale be ap- plied," under the. di^|ffli and <»ntrol of Uio Provincial Legislature, tp' f^ general improvement of the Province, and the sjipjport of educa- tion. This House, thoreforo^ have morethan oncb pa^ a Bill author' izing the sale of th^aid Iteaerves for the pUrpo^ we have moutionod, whkh has fiiiled iBbe other branch of the iK^islatofO. they 4mvo also repeatedly maW known their wishes, by adiMBS to Uie^TIirono. Entertaining still the same sentiraentH, YliR Majesty'l fi|M|fiil G01 humbly request that His Majesty will bo gracioiSjy li^ftcd to men^ His 'MAJesty'» Parliament of Great Btita^ mcafflRs, conwutent with oui Co;islitHtiou, •As will ^ Clergy Kcsorvcs in tlii|Ad||Hnco, and will > '1^"' 0' I'm- ' 1 • . ^ . . '\_ 'V.- « »• ' T '* ■ 1 • * ->} - *■ > 1 » ■, . ' • »^ » »* • • •« "'•-.- #:. ^ » \ ' \ I •'. ; ,« f • ■ •^ \. ....■■ !, 1 I ' .. ^ * 1. ' - * '* ■• . , • « * • r -^., 1 », ^ • > I- ■ * ■ ; *■ • • ' ^i t ._ ■ ■ ^ ', \ > 132 '1, ■ ill monkyi Rrialnff from hucIi Balos or from any mUo mmlo undor any jowMitofiiM Statutti now in force, at the diK|>o«nl of tho Provincinl Log'iMluturu' for my, «mi rikru- tbo purpoBoa wLidi wo b«vo mcntioncJ. " ,; • i™ *'* •'That wo beg Icavo oImo humbty to roprooont tliot tlio Cluurtor of ^King** Colkgo^ which wo oro pursunclod wot intondod for tlio bonoQt ^ of Hit MAJ«tly*ii Hubjoctfl gonorally, contoinM principlui of roligiouli 0upifanacy and exoluaion in favor of tlio^urcli of England which ai« iAoonuBtcnt with that equality of rightM ft privilege which Ohriotiana V .otaU dunominationa in tliia Provinoo dcwrve, and which thoy ooufidontly i^jlKi Aom hi« Mi^CAty'n gmciouB and potomol (tuolinga towardn thorn. ** That wo moot humbly roqnoBt tliat Ilia If ojoaty will bo plooBod to .' toko tho 011011(711110 l»irt mo«t graciouH cuasidomtiun, and to causo nuch liflootlon to bo mado in itu proviaiuiu na will entirely rumovo ttom thing a§ ■ acwn, BarweUr^ -^ ^ Ohiaholni, " Clark, W. Oioolw, Elliot, A.FraBor, K Frasor, Ingeraoll, Jarviei, JeoBup^ Lowifs M'MarUn, MacNab^ Macon, MoniiB^ Mount, Bobinaon, Samson, Tliompeon, « ' Van kouglinot, J. Wilflon, . W.Wil8oni .;;,:. MOBBTB.' Beordsloy, Bidwell, Buoll, Campbell, Cook,, Nats. Roblin, Shaver, A.M'Dortatd, 0. :hfDonaId, Mackenzie, «»/ White. Perry, Randal, —18. Duncombe^ Howard, Ketchum, Lyons, McCall, Thequo8ti V i "^t^-*-^** :^. «' W •» . » - :f:^ t*?*: #■' ■# # 133 t niiUooof Uiti whok) on tho rt«i>lutittii rtJativo to the Clort^ lUsKrviA tamnaiaot um ■ ~* tkmmotAmmm Mr. Sluivcr won cnllod Utiixu Chnlr. . ' , ' W •»»'.««• . Tbol^iM.rauiBMk' ; ''"'''\ ■■■'■"■■■ Mr. SliAvor repoHoi) rrogroM, ami iiMkoil Icnvo to sil'iignin in oim hour. ■■•■-. '■..'. ■■ . ' . ■ • ■ ,' Tho report wflfl rocoivoJ, and lonvu f^nuitod^ *• Th«!lIoiiiioftr rcivivinu tl.o l{.i...it ihu UuiwcdiviJcl, aii-l ihi Yeas amj Nays woro tJikon as followb: ■■ Y«A8. ■ ■: .. Mueiirs. Att*)rnt.y Uoucrul, CiKik,, A. W'DunaK!, lioull^u, I J. CixhAfs M'Muitin, Drown, . Burwcll, Chidiohif, Mcsers. . Beanbilcy, Bidwtill, > ' M'Call, Randid, ' Zl^; . . Tho quostioa was carri(kl inthc alErniativa t-y-a majorUj^of .ix^imd leave was granted accordingly., ' V ;., / I2TII MABcivifiai. y^ Agroeably to tlio order of trie / i*"*';. ■;•*■ . ■,;■/■ AgreedbJ}' '■M'- , .•■tf5l^»!■.■ I.-,*;: » v., >'■■ • ; •....--t'; -a; ••' AgreeaMj to tlio order of the' day theHovio w«.u A'vatniiitd Com- *»->ni«!t «f xtn . miltee ott Ihe resoltttioosoo the lubjcct of .ho-Cletgy Risj.vjjs. i u'/.-i/u Ki. ' Mr. Roblin in the Chr:.'. ; * . • ***** The House resumed.' . « llr. Itobliu ra|)oi-.ed thoj-esolutkiai, «" '< > The report was lecei'ved. * - , The first resolulion was re:f4 as fo^totrs: '• " ■ ' . . ' i, ' , H^foived, That'by the Act of Parliametit of Gfeat Britnin tmi\ Ji^ laml, SlBtGeo. 3^ oiie-seyeull; of lite liHatUof ihls PVovinco tva».8et , -* apqtt for the suppo.t of a Proi^tant €for^y: I'hat under tUat Act , ° AppropriaUons have fipm tjmo tp time he^ mmlo, ami .ivhich anpiot priations arej ia this' Biovinco, kDowQ>.bv Iho numeolT «'Tlio CleigjT * Jleaerveb." That tbewapproirii.Kloi»'lia\iiigi, kcii genertUjcini^iein : Lots of 200 Aciie-, thiWi3;hout iho iwVeial ToumlnpH of ih.'s Pro\ luer, t ^ ihe vj^e oftlifi same hgs beeu miich enhanced bjr the s& llempnl of iljo ; ^ wunlrj, and prinfclit-i'ly fmm.thj improvemLTit of llio LamU in iho--. - ' lieighborhood of such apprOpriaaous, by tHe l.ibonr'of llie inliabiJijiFis ' compowd of various deiioaiiiiuJons of Chiialians; that tlieso J|^?erves ' being 80 inWrspeisel wiJi tlie'j.-nU of acauls&Ltle.s Lave iaatei'a'ly . retarded the improvement of the KJoiin.'iy. . , ' , That by ^n Act.pjsse J in the reijaof liis late mast grancJus Majesty .prevision was made for the sale of a poi lioii of the shI'J Re^. ves. That • 0^ ** nnjust as Well as impoliJc to opp.opi iate the said litnJs^ to the sup* port of any one chn ch exclpslvely, and it is e.\lf«,iiely'tliaiciiU, if not -~^ altogether impiTictioable, to appcion ordivitlo t-ie k- me- among the Cleigfj^ of all denominations of Piotesta i.s : That a la>ge majo.iiy of » .the inhabitants of this Pro\iuce ai-e since.ely atiac'iej to His M^^esty'^ ' ' ' person and goveroment, but are avereo to tjie estaWIs'anieiit of any e.x- <^ diwive or dominant Church :'Thnt this House f^s confident that to, ^ \ ' ' prottuRe tlte prosperity of this portion of ^is,5tfajesty'8 jilominionis and • to foster and-insure. the afl&ction. and*, gratitude of tlJf people of ihig - Provinoe, His Majesty will be graciously plea'Oil to gi* the most favor- ■' lihle consideration to the wishes of his faiiiifulsubjecl. That to|)Brniinate -the^ jealousy and dissension, whteh have hitherto e^a^ on the subject of tbe said Fie8er\e^ to remove a banier to the C settlement of the country, and to provide h fund available for the , ■' jpti^^Uo^ ,of education, it is extremely desirable that the s4id lnu^sso .' tesftrved bfe sold, and Alio p'o:^eJs arising IVom the saleof the same X. " l^**9^ ^ '^® dispfloatpf tit? PK)vincial Legislature, to be applied exdu- '; aiffely for those p«rposes: That an humble address be p^e^ented-to His Mnjity.^aettirig forth the subject of this resolut^o; and .praying His %».u^^ yrill be graciously, pleased to reconSneB9iy 'ii'i' » n' U' ;^'\/5/ x- l' w*tf'/" Iff'/. /v * '/ 'J v?r 'J,i''"'' h i ',/;«*'f '^ ' // ■'1 L I I H 1 1 1 l> y>i t ». ^ • !'J< ; /' * > 4 « y •^ •i • * ' 1 w " 1 t 1^ a .*'■■■ e ^ i , > [ , ^ *J ^ 1 •** 1 s 1 » ■•ilt. to aulliorize tho ioiirnuU o( III!' .oiialito tJio Lops- 1.1,. itih yUitu, ' tluroof ill sneli f y ' %' * " ,* ^- /• ' t- if ■• ' ■ / 9:: . -SUT >7 . atur«^<>f JKw" I*k>vinc^^^^ iW' I ^naiHicr w niMy iie Wu«5»|!t!rc/l n % tJio aavrmcojiiont of ,'M-U:_^nil^ «x t^vfered-l Sovoruign Lord 7^^^f''1J^%P«''^l1^!^'. a^wpiriatofl for tlie maintonance and ..nvitw„^'^f a. Pj;Q^ati6?-?[?iel^y3^ this Province, a certain V alj^cfif^pf.ljjrii^ uftuaHy.,kno\vnis '" the Oleriry Resetves.'! >''.^':,_ ■•.'■■»■■•-'■ v :<:.",:'■■- ■-. -IT-- ' . < f^^^ Knowltidge an* Iimtmctiou i» aft ;■ 01ij«dt:6f' fltete^t linptoftaiico^ to the Happiness and Wdfore of a^"tl^'tai^^j?^'?" made wiilt a view t<» Um Objo... I ^ ,„Tj^t it ie- Um. Opiniui. of^^is Haufse ttet an hunAle Addreas b« H^Mfttatr to Hm Majesty, praylhg tJM His Majegty ^^ not c^plv ■Ml My lUjqueet which mn)^ Ue m«y woM w«,«;,^P >«T Thi^ His Majesty I* at the «me Xi^:.ajiWi»^ tiuittf |i ||| ■V •: /■ 'ewTiert Deeife of his faithful SwhjecU" \xif^^mm§m «© subHii *r ;|Im »»i»w Imperial Parliament Uiat c«-»r^^«tt »!» I^^jp^ •yMrtio* W J" 4«teni»»ae ^aj such Alteration in the Dtsflitution or MtM0CAm^ 0" jtt *ar Wisdom may be i\mmd best caiewj< oUW, and thaj tlik f)wire is ( aifmam w«|N ^^ <'-tlit *f*»l^lemci# of a >Qti«iti^n wl,Mh has cati*j..l rauch %!«»5ji^H»t m4 D^^mRce of Opinion on this iin|Kwtara ^ubjeaL « mm Jf^M^m^^ «W»j*U in Upper C;«^a. ■ ., . . ., /^^^'^^"^^''^ rf' /, i o« M«iwr«. 'Wch tfc- Housi^ div|de*ficit< ir (iM'ucrid, V^OiKou^hneti .*. 'A JU.iu'oll. i* .l ■• ■ .'^ ti ■■;■ ^ ■; .■'," .'■ ■■"■ .. .,.1,- .' ■■'■; ■- - ,.■'.'>-■■ \-'. ' •■ ^'"^■\"- . • -..l-^ r ;:• ---V^^ ■' ' ' ■ "/ ' " \' ■ A' ' ^■•, • . ■' * * ■: \- ■^ :'.''■■■ ■ "\- ■ - ■>,■ ■ .'■■■ ■.\.. •■'a: •■. •«a' ^ ».'■•-'■» *^jj'.^- ■* ■!*.■■%(- "# &■ . ■* ■-fSSJ ^■t:.l -■■'*, ^'■■' ■ f' , ' ' ■■ -v' ■ y J :" • _ ■■■ ^ "'<■ '/■■ -.V '* ■V ■■.-''■"*• :;■ : " ■^.■ :.f^' .'■■^ • y,-^:',j n ' .■ ■. * -," •:) ■•■ "-'■■';- ' ■ ..' "' \l I ■;,.'■'.* „ ;V''r'::'-.\; T'^' ■ ■ :."' '.■'■, - )'; -^'ft . ' ■ "" ■ i;; "'•'■:'-'■ ..'■' ; ■ ^^'i :';,"■ !"'■:>■ '•.",> '" '■ ^ .:'•;. «l;^" ».." ■■ » ,1 -' ' ■ /.i-.i ... ,."'■ " ' ..; .■ -'""''.'■;'■ ,;J *'-;t' ■.'"■■ . V'"':,'i-'-'' , , ' 'a- '^': '•' -'.^ . ; *■> ■" ." -- ".. . . /. « (-■ /' ■'■ ■■ " .. '-'.v. <'■■';■ :^^ >""'■':"" ^■'■■•v:. ''.^ ' '■"^:''-/''"' ■■; - »-.;. 'A^Al/-'-,: .'•-It' " ^_. .'■ . *'' -■-.' „, '; .' «■ ■-;■•■■■:■■■ V-^ ■■■■ '. t '' ' ' ■ ? -;'■'■ . / » ' « ' -^ ■'„■■' ■ ■»' . • ■ -.'" " .. '■ " ' t n^'.- " .«» ^ .. -.^ ' ^ o ; " * u ... ' ,' " ■•■■ ».. '■ ■■ "■ ', ■..'■■ ■ . " '^ ^ '■ ./■■' /"'.'""'"" - ft. ' ''',■,■ " '." -" [. ' '/ "■ ., " ,„..'^- '"'•'■ '" "'>■.•■ * *. ' Sft- , '\, „ ,. ■ „ . " , ■;' ."' ■■■ 1' " If 1] 1 f »■' " ll ■ It ' ■. ' &1 1 ■ .'■' .. .^ ■■ , ., ■ ■ .'^'V^- ;, ■.. ., ,. ■ '■ •« ■•> ■-■ '>"■■/■ ., ■. '^- • ' 1 _ . "(. " ,, - ■ '» ■■■*" ■■'.," " ■ ""■ .V". . . . . - ^. ^.■''•- , . 4. 1 s * -'' , ■■"■"'v'. /■■■'■'.;.' V ' "; "i " ^V .■^6-:v.-;v^-v ■:■.,•■':. /r^ |«!»W* ■0^^A3(^ »i«i*^>" White.— 20. inutile l^<^gativQ 1^ i BitjtWoUj 1A.'Fiiaa>.; ■.';:. V^^^^ . • • • H-. ■■-.;■.■■ ~"^*,-'-' in Amondmcift to the f|rrt l^cBoHiVprf; Mr/Morris, kk^^ by Mr. :Borczy,mov»v."That tlioll^^da 'f .;/.-•■■,''■.::■.■'. ':',.:'■ '-,.': Beardsley, " 'Dunc^H Lyons, ' ' fioriTiJ >♦ " BoKzy, "•" Ettiotf^ W'CaU; - Raiidat K Bidwell, A. FKis^D. M'Donald, . R(^lin, > ^ |Chi8hohi«, " IngcftolV M^Martin, ■■ Shaveiy ' V- " / Clark, "" ' Ihi^cs, \ . Macon, Wluto.^30. J. Crookfl, Kicfe|itf»n, Monis, / \ ' : ; W. Crooks, LeWiiii Mount;'' ".'■"'■'-■'" BouHon, Jarvis, S^binronj " vSfeigfcnctt.-"y ^ Burwell, Jeesup, Solicito? Oenpral, ^ ''^j , The original QuoBtion, as ainended, ma carrW in tho fflBrmativp bjr^ ^Majority of l>rcnty-thrco, nnd is ns folkwfl: *^ ;.* '^3: ,, ;. ■ V , ; ;; . UiniMt'uf Ahmiu' Illy. Murcb II, Wl. ^r -'^■*-; ■-■A','--' .■W; . * 4 "■. ' ;? ■^. ■ 1 '-■ ■ * ■i;:^:i .\ ' Resolved, That by the Act of tl^oJPm-liament of Groat iiitSfin^^^ Ireland,. 3l8t Geo. 3d, One Sevetjiirof Uio Lands of this |^rovince wore Bet apart f(w the support, of a ^testaiit Clergy. MlW""" - ■*■ ■l! . .>. ' That under that Act Apijifopriations have firbm-Timo to 14ine bec» Doade^ and which Ai^ro|)nation9 "are in tlii? Pibvinco known by the Name of «th6. Clergy ROMtvesi'^ That thero A^^ hi^ying" been genendlf made in 'Lots of Two |mpdi^/Aci«^ throughout tie - ieveral Townships of thi^rovlncc, tho ^alue/df JBe kmo lias iW ' I «u^ ;;.■■ %. '^^ :fions of chrioti.)!!- • Thrrt'-tiifcc it^^^Ht^^.h^; rtijhtcjfflci^c^i'^itii'ibc: ■,:■'"■"•■ ^: ■^':v' ■ :' i^ V. M" J» .*v- •:;,^. • : .» ;>^/ ^^»d li|md» t94W Snppw* of my Qrio Church oxchwively, nnd it ii^ il«twin#»difflci»It, ,rnot nitftgrthor hnprncticall^, to nnnoTtian or .^iwd<^^tttirt amongtho Clerpry'rf nil donomthntions of rrotoHtmite- • L(lwM|iW|#)rity.<>f tlio Inhabitant!. 0f thin R-ovynjo arc dncewly ^ laimaA^Hm Mdjerty's perepn and Gover|iB»o*V'liHt aro avon^j to jh«,E«t«bliAm9nt of -anyoj^fclusivo or dorainant' Church: Tbatthw/ " Hwwe feekoonfld^nt tha^ to prtaniote ttfe Pi^^^ of thb P^raonof '* UuiM^'BDotjimoi^mi to^tisfythe oamet^DoHircof'the People » , ^^f U>ui Piovipcc, «,8 ^foj«Ay wih be^fn^ipudy ^.htmd U>^ the , ino8i fevourabio Copsidoration to tl,^ ^%hh of Uk faiUrful Subjects • TImt e> terminate tho Jo^lgmy and Dissension which |iave;hithort<< , " \ " .exi^adontheSubjectoftlwsaicfR^rvp*, to remove ^" 's^i Settiem^nt of the Country, and to provide a Fxi^^ available for Uio \ • \ iPion»dtiqn^f BducaUon^ Ufe extremely, tcsirotle flk tho, «|id"Lw.dk \ ' ^^ sorted be »H and tWProcmfe arising frowl^^^^^ A' . ''^ .Placed at the DwiH^al of tj.. Provincial I^gisIaturJ to lo appHoriAte the Procce^lsthe^^f in ^^^^ "' ■ '^ Manne«,,a8 may be cohsidored molit expfor Narwus " DOTomftations of Christiaas. . „ , , • ' f, '■ ■ .1 " '- ' . f** ■ \, ■' ■ ■ - '..'% . "^ ... . » •-.■■■■.,■'..(■* ' '■■ 1 '*' '|fr.S^, seconded %^^ ; ' .; T • fe'r ' ^^'^^•"^^^ trt ^ Addre*. |.ur.aant to^ ' Jhe^uti<«» on the Subject of aieCfcigyIWrvesr-.Oid»^ . - " VMn Ei«ott,tW the Select Comnatt«r to (^^^ " |MajestygwundedontheR*^luti.«iofty.Hou^rota^^^^^ A ^D.^toonoftheClej^Kesepvee,repc^aDnifl,w^^ „ > aad react and oiderei to fce,«y a Sec^d Time or. Monday ne«. i >,i - *T «^ • IStH DECBMBI&. 1801, th^kT - ^-"^ '^^'1^.% Mr.Clarimabyo [«& T>.^r^?t 't^'^^^'^-^^^^^^^ Cireat Brilai,, Th.Ky-fi«t,&eoi^ III. mtSfe»entl.of tt»« Land. ,^- thi, ProvincJ was set ajjprt fo^ tjio Rtt|>iK.rt r.f a Proltstew Ck-rc» ,. - ' ' '^t-u^thj^-Act Appropriati^^nivfr,{ftVj4^^;:f^,^^ ^^^^ ,•' v <> Wr.litc it. f^ *•:': ■ >-:•: '••' ■ h <»^' '■'V'"' '»/^''.-' ■■ s- "^rif L- '•■ " •>-•* -. ', .,: "■■.,, ■,■,■...•■..■,,■ ■■■■^ , ■>'■ ■■ •■*;... ti - . . ■■ :"y . ' ■■; ■ -'•■*\.';., . ■ •■ ' '•, ■■ ■ ;,- V ..#i;<-.''<';^-. f .:. ,-'■■',■•. .,.;7— . . , .■ . - . -i '■;•;■■;■•"■;:;'.■;,.-■: ■;\--i'.V- *::'■■',■■ 7' "■',.■ ■ •• A ■■-•■■ :v-.:-.!:v'^ t ■ .. ■ , ■,,■.•>• ': ,11' '■.■ ■;. *- :.!',': «„ :i'i> ' '. ■'<:■■ .;.. fa. •'-. '- ..V ; ^&J^: >'7- J ' > ,\:^' V=^>V-,^::-- ^v- «■ «■ ,.^;.- ,'**; :■«■■ •^ H »■■ '■ . I ^^. >.■.•:'" ;;>m A ^k .fr * •• '■«*■ . .-, * H,^. *, \ I,.- ■'>>.*,'rl" ,.*■ 154; ■■■''■■■'* -'A' ,v ^e ^. -•«"-J-' T»f .:•'*%?■ .C*:^ .w.. »•»» ■ ;»' ".sJiW/- ■^,,^.^ *^*" z^.- ttpr^ ■ ■:*»■■ •>■' ,-1!». ^- - -, ^AS-5'' ''(ft ;■■' "■*■'■- .A "■'■'■r .'*' » ■ ,; * "'•. '*^« • rt !'■ "v.V y%}: •■-'"..-•■nlL v*:' ;•? ■'i --b ;'V^- !■> In amendment, Mr. Peny, seconded by Mr. tK .-ifter the word "education,^* m the original, ftdded: '*or otbffer^impmvemefats in which. the ii * TJhce will- genewdly an^equalljr participate" . ^ On which tfie House diyid«c^ And the Teas va&f^i li^Mbwi; . !. . ^, . ' : moves,' Thit ring words be , OfthePt6* ^^ :ere taken. ^• EidirdBley, BidWelU X7ampbell, YsAS. " Howard,^ .-.■■.■./Peiiy,.., % '•^ » made, and which AppiopriaUona ar« in thk Protlnce known b j Ure gwiiuto »r j ' ' /Nwn^of " the Clergy lUsenree:'* That thcM AppropriaUoni having w, i>h been ^nerally made in Loto of Two Hundred Acrea throughout .the ' . aeverol To«aib!ps of this Province, the Value of the same has been ' . ^^ttch enhanced by the Settlement of the Country, and principnlly from y.'''tte Ilffprovement of the Lands in the neighborhood of such appro- ":^. priiitions, by Iho labour of the Inhabitants composed of various, . : V jrXlhortu of Christians : That these Reserves, being so interspersed |> That a largo majority of the inhabitantl ■,h of this Province are 'sincerely attached to His Mi^esty's person and Government, but are averse to the establishment of any exclusive of dominant^ church: That tljis House feels confident that to promote the prosperity. of this portion of His Majesty's Domihi^ni. and to satisfy the earnest desire of the people of this Province^is M|||«ty will b« ' graciously pleased to give the most favorable :consid4fiM) to th*^ wishes of bis faithful subject^: That tojlenninate th# j^usy and dissension which have hithert^i existed xm the subject c^Eflithe said fb* • serves, to Remove a barrier to thes^tlement of tl* cbnntry, And to provide a fund available for thb promotion of education, it is extremely desirable that the said lands, so reserved, be sold, and the proceeds •using from the sale of the same plac^ at the disposal fif Uie Provin* ' oial Legislature, to be applied exclusively for that purp<;m: That an "humble address b6 presented to His Majesty, setting furtn^lhe subject of this Resolution, and praying His Maj^ty will be graciously pleased to recommend to His Majesty's Pariiamen^'of Great Britain #id Ireland to pass an act to authorize the sale' of thi; Cleryy Re6erY||uremainiDg Unsold, and to enable the Legislkture of this Prdvince to jippropriata the proceeds thereof in such manner as iaay<-be'6o^dered iioet 0xpe> dient for the advancement of education. ^ . ' ^ /' !^An v?xi .} \ Attorney OeiwnJ, Croolt*, Benaty, Doult^Q, BneU, B«rw«lV ChiBholoi , Okrk, IfMltvt IM .. otA mi m' Duncomb% Elliott, •■ A. FiM«r, iDgenoI^ ] Jono^ Tho question of nraMidnMnl viu (Uclibd in ^'iiagall** Iqr • •Jligority of umt't«on. In amondment to tlw original mioUdn, Mi*, ftolldtor ,Oen«riI, Mended, by Mr. Burwoll, movt«, " That all the word? afl«i' th« word • Ileftolvcd; €o cxpnngod, and the following inserted : " That the Imperial Parliament, in pursuance of the gracioua recommendation of our Urt« revered Sovereign Lord King Oworgo the Thirtl, hath appro- , .priatdd for the maintenance and iupport of a Prot««tant ^lergy within this Province a . certain ullotment of land usually. . known as 'th« .Clergy R«i»rv<** :■,.,.■■ ■ :f^"/- '■[^\ ...-'i:' ■'■' ' •"■v-.-,- •• That the diffusion of religiouw knowledge and instruction Is Mi object of-tho first importance to the happiness and welfare of mankind. •• ThMt the lands appropriated for the Bupiwrt of ministers of reli- gion in this Province, having been made with a view to^hiA object, it is repugnant to the best interests of the inliabitants of Upper Canad»« to apply them to any other xise* ' *That it is the opinion of Ihis House, that «n humble address b« presented to His Majesty^ J)raying that His Majesty will not comply with any request which may be made to recommend to Parliament the alienation of the Clergy Be^rves in this Province to any other purpOM !than tliat for which they were set ^wed the hmdio question should be referred to, to determine op any altintion in Uie distribution or disposal thereof which in their wisdom may be deem^ necessary to carry thdir original intention into effect; «nd that this 'desire is expressed with a view to the final settlement of* I question which has caused much discussion and difference of opinion on this important subject among Hia Majesty's subjects in Upper' •c«n*da.'i ■^^-.:^■..■■■.,^. ■;.-//■ ■;_;./: :■ -■'.^■■ '■:: •• ■ ,■ ■ ".„■»• ■'■■ ■ /■'••■■■ ■ , ■■ ■'■..■■'■' ■'■ '. ' y. ■ On whicti the House divided, and tfa« Yew and Nays wer« taken M /oJIows: (-rMcam •//■-■ ' .* ■» ^ ■■\:''':y'-'^-- : ^t* t ^ «» ■■■..Av i, ■ ■ « •* ^ f.-.-'- ';_■ ■: -■•. t ' , k * ■"'* ■■ * -■''.' . ■ , V. . .1 -h." - .>^^- ■■■■■-■ " * - ■-■■■ : ■ ^" !'" "■ « s : ' A' ,' / '. y ...;.' .«r-t» « S' 1 1 . C^ \ , , " 1 - J> it o M ■.'''' « « 5 * ' }w'" "■•'l^'^ t • \ \ 1, • ■-.-^|F.,- \ » i • « ..1 V ■ - -, ' . ' t . ; ' . ' ■ - ■ ■ .r *.#; " • • "■'■'-.** ■-' # ■-■ :. / , ■ ■ ■■ ti * i " \ ■■■■■' ■'.•<■?'.' < i\ V- ' / . • ' e t K -■- ■ ■ -*«& ^., • ■» ' -^ t '-, i MCROOOPV MMNimdN TBT CNAfT (ANSI oiU no TEST CHART No. 2) ,^**< 1.1 I2JB 133 116 140 124 1.4 1.6 A /1PPLED IIVHGE Ino , teS3 Eoil IMn Stratt RodMtltr, New YWfc 14«09 - USA (716) 483 - 0300 - Ptniw (716) 2ae-«9a>-Faii ■ ♦ N ■*. V. z' 140 M«Mn. ' i ■:j: ■ /■ Attorney GenenJ; BouitoD, Yeab. ' Burwell, RFraser, Natb. Joiitntlt - . , IlOUIPOf Solicitor QeneTal.— 6. •' ofth* Awem- l)«cein> ' Crooki Duncomb«, ^ 'Elliott, ' "' A. FrJizcr, Ilowttrd, * Ingersoll, Jonca, Ketclium, M'Call, M'Martin, MacolQ, Morris, ; Mountj Perry, ... Randal, Roblin, Samson, :' Shade, Shaver, , Thompson, Wnrrcn, Werdcn. 30. liaton. Beardsloy, B^rczy, ' Bidwell, ■ ;Buell, ' Campbell, -Chisholro, Clark, Cook. Tho question of amendment was- decided in the negativo by » minority of twenty-four. • In amendmentto the original motion.Mr. Attorney General, seconded by Mr, Elliott, moves/ "That after the word 'Resolved' in the origmal .vmotion,the wMe be expungeil, and tho following be inserted: 'That His kte Majesty King George tho Third, 6f illustrious memory, was graciously .pleased, by messages to both Houses of Parliament, in tho thirty-firsit year of his reign, to express his royal desire that an appro- - priation of kind -for the support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy, in "proportion to the lands already granted by His said iate Majesty within this Province, and that such provision might be made with respect to all future grants of land,ta might best conduce- to the due and sufficient support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within the said" Province, in proportion to such increase as might "happen in the ppulation and cultivation thereof. "That in accordance with the gracious intentions ^pressed ip the uaidm^ssagb, both Houses of Parliament concurred ^^;ith His messager in declaring by an Act passed in the thirty first year of His said ■ Majesty's reigBi^that a proportion equal in value to one-seventh of the - lands granted or to be granted by His said Majesty, his heirs or succes- % sora, withirilthe said Province, should bo appropriated to the support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within thesame. • "That pr|)vi8ion was also made by the said Act for constituting and ■■ erecting pareonages or rectories within the said Province according to the establishment of the Church of England; and for endowing every such parsomige or rectory with so much of the lamls so appropriated as Spresaid is by the Executive Government bf this Province might b« judged e4)edrent^'but no provision was made for appropriating any part of the I^ towards the support of any other Protestant Clergy. " That dou^ti have been entertained upon the construction of the term a ■ ■!::•' : ■ *.-• • ■S m w. •♦^J ^' '-■(•■ ■■.■'.-• ■■■••■■-'■,• .■■"'„.■■ ■■■■•.■'■■; ■ '*^' Urm -Piot-tant Clergy" iri«de u«e o? in theMid Act» whether the la-^... .J --, . «me w« intended to apply e,clu.ively t.. the Clergy of the Church m,. .gh d.c- • of Engliind, or to the Clergy of any and what other Church or Churchee within the said Province./ « That the population of this Province is composed of pereons of various ^ Christian denominations and th'at such of the inhabitants as profess the , Doctrines of the Church of England unquestionftbly compofle but a minority of the whole, and conse^iucnfly it would be unjust townrda , their fellow subjects of other dehojninations who are equally attachwl «o His Majej^ty's person and government, and have equal claims up^ the protection and royal favour of their Sovereign, and by whose indus- try th? value of the Clergy R^rves have been materially enhanced, that tixe whole of the said appropriation of lands directetl by the said Act to be set ap^rt for the supiwrt and maintenance of a Protestant ^ Clergy should be applied exclusively for the beri^fit of such of the inhabitants as profess to belong to the Church of England, and for ' ielieving them from the necessity of contributing to the support of their own Clergy, while Others are left to make such necessary provision for - - - the support of their t?lei^y out of their own priv||e means, or are driven --to solicit voluntary contributions for the attainment of this primary ohjectof all Christiaa convmunities;and that whatever might have been the intention of Pariiament in making the said appropriation, it is er- pedient that the- said act should be amended, and that it should be . . explicitly declared that the term Protestant Clergy sHall be held to embrace the clergy of such denominations as in England are called dissenters, as we^'as the Clergy ordained according'to the rites and < eeremonies of the es^blishment Church of Eingland and Ireland, and that provisions be saade for carrying such declaratioii into effect" On which the Ht^use divided, and the Yeas and Nays were taken aa follows: Yba8. Measn. ' ■ .; ■ '■^. ;- / ■; - ... v,-..--*^ ',-.■ -■: . Atty. General, " Burvell, Elliot.— ^8. TSm. '' ■ •fi * Mesrieunu - ■ ■ : ■ ■■-■ /■ - ,■--■. ' . "- — ^^^ ' Beardsley, CooS, Lewis, Randid, ,v Bercry, , Crooka, M'Calli Samuoi^ ;' Bidwell, A-Fraser, M'Martin, Shades Buell,' Howard, Macon, JShaver, Campbell, Ingersoll, Moms, Thompson, Chisholm, Jones, 'Mount, Yfm Koughnett, CUft, Ketchum, Perryv Warren. — 28. The question of amendment was decided in the negative by a majority of twenty-five. ,. Onthe ^i V ^' ■,>♦•, *■ » *'.r \ 142 il-t' okth« origin«l auction the IIouw Uivided, aiul the Yeatmul Nays jj>;-«;,V^j£:., were Ulkon as follows : , „ ■■■■■' Ykai. '..■'■■ ... *...,■■..:■ bty, i:llli U«criU' b«r, Itai. Co<»k, ^Croolu, EllioU, A. I'riiscr, llowarJ, IngoreoU, Joues, Kc'tchuin, M'Ciill, M'MHrtin, Macon, Morris, Mount, Perry, NAt8. Burwell, Lewis, Rfthdal, SaniBpn, Shade, Sharer, Thompson, Warrt'i). —27. Van Koiighnett, — 4. yy desiBft. Bcerdsley, Berczy, Bidwell, ° .Buell, Campbell, Chisholm, CUrk, MesBTs. Atty. General, The question was carried in tho affirmative by a majority of twenty- three. :' y ■ ' ^ V ■ Mr. Samson, seconded by Mr. Mount, moveH^Messrs A.Fn?^r and Macon be a Committco to draft and report an Address, piji^uant to the ResoIutTon of this House, on the subject of tho Clergy Bcserves.' — Ordered,' . ■ ■ V ■ Mr. A. Fraser; from the select Committee, to dra% an Address to His Majesty on thesubjeet of the future disposition pf tho Clergy Jlo- serves, reported a draft, which was received and read twice, concurred in, and ordered to be engrossed, and read a thirc^ time to-morrow. Win Peormdeb, 1831, Agreeably to the order of tho day, th^ Address to His Mjyesty On H^^of*^™ ihe subject of the Clergy Beservesjjras read a third time. •^' ' On the question for passing the same, tho House divided, and the Yeaa and Nays w^re taken as follows: Joumali of Meim. Beardsley, Berc*y» Bidwell, Brown, BueU, CampbeU, Clark, MeBsieun. Atty. Oeneral Burwell, Cook, Kfetchum, RobliiJ, Crooks,^ M'Call, . Samson, Dunwtobe^ A. MDonald, Shade* EUiott, I Howturd, Ingersoli, Joiies, A.Fraaer, Lewis. Morris, MoUixV Peny, Bandal, If Ate. Bobixudn; Shaver, Thompson, ) Warren, Werden.— 28, Van Koughnett. The qusetioQ I V 143 Abe AMtm wm •ignod by tl.o Speaker, an-l i* m follow. : m,. JJ,-, /h-.....- two; « To TUB KtWO's MOW EXCKLLKNT MAJE«tr.C JiioHQi^eiom Sovere{(;a, We, Your Majo«ty'« dutiful an.l loyal' subjocte tlio Cominoiis of A.Wr.- w nj. Upper Canada in the ProvinciiU Parliament nfl«ombIctl, Wg leavo most "j^^^^bS"^ humbly to submit to your Majesty that by an Act of the Parliament of h. ik»i. , ^^ Great Britain, 31 Goo. lU^ ono-wenth of tho lands of this Provmco WM set apart for the support of a Protestant Clcrijy. . •;' .^ Thai under that Act appropriations have from time to time been made, and which apijfopriations are, in this Province, known by the luimeofthe «• Clergy" Reserves:" That those npproprijitions having been ^nerally inado in lots of two jiundred acres, throughout tho sevo- ; ral Township* of this Province, the value of tho same has been much • enhanced by the settlement of the country, and principally from tl^o improvement of the lands in tho neighborhood of such appropriatfons ' by the labour of inhabitants composed of various denominations of Christians: That these Reserves being so interspersed witb tlieiandsof . ■ actual settlers have materially retarded the improvement of the country ; That by an Act passed in the reign of his lato most gracious Majesty provision was made for the sale of a portion of tho said Resorves : That it is unjust, as well as impolitic, to appropriate tho said lands to the support of any one Church exclusively, and it is extremely^difflcult, if not jjtogether impracticable, to apportion or divide the samo among " Ae Clergy of all denominations of Protestants: That a large majority - of the inhabitants of this Province are sincerely attached to your *., Majesty's person and Government, but are.averse to tho establishment of any exclusive or dominant Church: That this House feols confident, that to promote the prosperity of this portion of your Majesty's domin- ions, and to satisfy the earnest desire of tlie people of ttiis Province, Tour Majesty will be graciously pleased to give the most favorable con- sideration to the wishes of your faithful subjects: That to terminate the jwdousy and dissension which have'hitherto existed on the subject of the said Reserves, to remove a barrier to the settlement of the country, and to provide a fund availsble for the promotion of Education, itf is extreme- ly desirable that the said lands, so reserved, be sold, and the proceeds . arising fiom the Mde of tlie same placed at the disposal of the Provin- ' cial Legishitttre, to.t>c-&ppiied exclusively for that purpose. Wo there- fore humbly pray that your Majesty will be graciously ploaaod to re- : commend to your Majesty's Pariiament of Great Britain and Ireland to pass an Act to authorize the sale of tho Clirgy Reserves remaining luisold, and to enable the Legislature of this Province to appropriate -* tho proceeds ■■- fl 1. '4 r^ V > "*■ A ^44 Iho procoods tliercof in tuch mmnflf ti mj b« conwdorod mU wjmh a^uj.. j..!;. Uiont for the AUvwicomcnt of Education. ^ , I',';: u.'h u^'. Oommoii* Hotwe of Awombly, ) Uth Doccmbcr, 1831. J Tho House mot. AftOn»ALD M'LtAlf, Sp ^ tueaday, 24th January, 1832. J 25th jANITARr, 1832. Mr. Acting Secretary M'Mahon brought down from His Excellency tiie Lieutenant Oovern6ir a Message, which was read as follows:— J. COLBORKB. \ The Lieutei^nt Governor has received His Majesty's commandfl to make the following communication to the House of Assembly in refer- ence }onrn*li of ihfl llouir of AtMin^ bly, «7ih t)«Mili- b«r. INl. ■m ■\ •-. ■ • .-w- UB MM 10 tho UnA» which, ii» puwiiltic* «.f th« CuwHtHtional Aa of Ihli J«u.».ii^«ir «- PioTiuce, hovo b<««n M •I'lirl for'tlie KUpport ftiid ni«lnt«m(UUJ« of » w,r.**ihJ.*u " Prrttortant C'lorgy. .; th* rflpr«wntfltio|ui -i^Vwh hftv.j at difli'ivnt Um** l'*«'» *"*^*> *** '^^ li Miywty J»n.l Ilin Uoyiil rro.l.t» porm)nal fcolingi than hy tho nacrod » oUigitidna of thnt Htfttijo«S His Mnjeaty has founcUhat the changes , •ought for by so largo a proportion of the inhabitant* of this Province loay be carried into cfl'ect without sacriflcing tho ju»t claima of tho E»tablishe■■.'■ * ■'-'■■, ■■-'",, ■■.- ♦ ^* ■**■':■■' • ■ ' * '. ■ ' ' ■ .... ^ . . .. • ^.. ,:.■-«■.;■■; ' i * ■^ ■•v;-::"''-.-/".--:--^- ;'-: . • » •< ■ 1 ■ — » . ■- '. ■.'- ■■""■; ■ ' ■ ■■- ■■'"". -'.■■ - . , ■ • , f -' ■■ • .- ' ^/ ■"^■'".. : ■ ■■ ;'"■.■ ■ '■'■'' '■ . . . ^ > • *' - **^-. '! . t ■ ■ ..•■'•:'.'} /• '■■•"■■■': ■■ • ■■■ ' ■, ' : ■'-' '■-'■ 1 -* :.' '' ■"' '■■'-'■■■ 'V-l- > = ■; ' '. V-:- •. \.V'^ : /' \'\^' -'::%: fr_' -■^ ■ ■ 'V ■ ■ '..■."' "'• -■^'■'"'^ ■: ^.■' : 1 H . '.''■'■ ■ ' ■' ' (• ■■*?■ ^ ^ : * v- ^ : : > ARCHIBALD M'LEAN, .'/: Speaker. , Commofis House "of Assembly, • Itth January, 1834. Pbesbnt. — ^Messrs. Bidwell, Boulton, Bucll, Burwcll, Catnpbell, Cliis- holm, Duncombe, Alexander Fraser,' Donald Fraser, Biebard D. Frascr; Homor, Howard, Jatyis, Jonef*, Lyoii," Arcbibald Macdonald, Morris, "^oriaa, Perry, Robinson, Shade, Sbiaver, Worden, White, John Willson, - and Wm. Wilson, ; Mr. Buell, seconded by Mr, Perry, < moves, "That Jifessrs. Roblin and Shaver be a Committee to wait on his, Excellency to knowwhen he wiU bo pleased to receive said Addess, and present the same.''— Ordered. - ■/■''■;.' 'W-- 27th jANUAnv, 1834. snhjan.iau Mr. Roblin, from the Comnjittee to wait upon his Excellency the ■ Tj'ftiitft nant Governor with t he Address of tliis Honsft for informatio n i-^^ - relative to the Clergy Reserves, reported delivering the same, and that . - His Excellency' had been pleased to make theretp the following ' ■ answer: ' . . ". \ ■.■■'■-■■ Gentuemkit,'' ;.■'';■■'' ■■'•■■.'; I will direct the King's Receiver General, the Sun'eyor Cfeneral, the - ' Commiseioner of Crown Landa^ and the Secretary of the Clei^ Cor- . 't k' ■ .poiaUon ' Hi.lw'H, vuth, iio^ai^t, The rjiu-slion wa» carried in the afflrmaUvo by a nwjority of twenty- ono. The original qiu-.tion a» nn>endc«l wrw then put and earned. On the quwition for the •ccon.l r«ttdinK of the Hill tcvmorrow the UouMi divid«jd, Olid the jxa« and nay* were taken as followf.— " Atty. Ocnernl, Derczy, IJidwell, Buell, Can»i)l>oll, Cliinholm, Clark, Mcwrs Bontton, Burwell, Duncombe, M'Call, £lli * ■.'V ' '■" ■ ^ » ^ ; . ■ t> ' ' 'I ^ * . « ^ . : \ ■■ ■ \ '*■ ■ ' ■ - • - - -■-*'^H r ;!. ■/■■ ' - / ■ '■*r- ■'■■■'■ t ' ' ' M * . ■ V '-■ ?■; .■^'' • • '' ♦ / . \ - V -' » i ■, . ... /■'■ ' ^ V-; ■. • i ■■E^ ' ': ■ ■ ■■:■.■ r': ' h .< : ■i. '.-""*■' M ■■ 7" ■ '■ ' ': ■ • 4 • ■'. ': . ■■ • ;;■ % ^ ■■■■■• ' , ';:^.;' \ ' ■:■; . « '■:—- £ I ^^- -f r. Vmi Tbas. -. ■ Benay; M'Maitm, Sttnaoii, Frazer^A. < Uorrifl^ Vankougbnot, Macdonatd, A* Bobioson, WUsoni W.— 9. Meaars. : ■■.■■■ ;.'NaT8.;- •' Bidwell, DnnooQibeb M jority of eight •■• ! . *'* ■•■ ■■■■■' ■ ' ^'^ ■"-"■. ■' ■''■■'■■' V On the question fi^ going into Committee of the Whole on the bill the yeas and My* were taken as follows; \ ' — ■ ■ — .■ .' . '/ ■ Mean. Bidwell, Buell, Campbel), Clark; Fxaser, A. Fraser,D. Howard, Ketchunif ' Maodonaldt A. • Moiria; Peny, BobUn; Shaver, DoBOomb^ iMve to bring in a bill for tbo di»i)o«a of Uw tUrgy lieMn«t lu Uiu iH^'^ftk: PiwvinMb. , • ■_•■■•*■ • ^" :. In «ni<>pnf, Mf. Snm*<»n, imhoihW by Mr. Crook^ niove^ * Tlinl nfU'f ilm won! • tnovvM* Uio n'iimind»«r Ui cs|>hiij;ih1, finl- lowiiiff iiiwritti: •Tlint nn mllr«'»» be pni^iiU'*! l<» Hi* K\c«)ll«'nI. Gonoral, IJurwoll, R, D. Fmscr, Pinhoy, John Willfion,- Chisiiolm, Jnr\'iH, Snniaun, Win. WiUoDr L ClOok^ Macnnb, .. — If* kwiu ■.^. : Nays. ■ ■•• ■ ■. ■' ■ [ Bidwdl, : ' Hownnl, A. rfacdonnW , nnmtal, r Clarke Ketchum, Norton, Shaver, Cook, Lewis, ^ Perrj-, Werdon.-Hi Duncombe, McCall, The question '\. ' ■ ':■■' "' ■■: ■■■■■■"'■ ■ ' f .' ' ■■ " "■ ■->■■ N ^ \ '■,■■•■■'■ .V "■, »■ ^ ' f • I' - ■■ ''' :■■•" ^ /.. •■ ■- *.,^^- * ; ■■■■■•,..■ " - - ■ • . ■ ; ■ |j«-V„ /, '.■''/-':-' rt» %/ ■ . ■ ■/■ . -^ .V a 1 .' . ;. ^- * - • ^ ■l'. .-.■■-■■ ■.■:.■■-■ . . ■ J ^ •: ■: '■■- ■■ ■■ • ■'■■■-■, ^- ■- ■' J' .,, .:' . . :. ■ Vt*'-' ■ ■ : ■. ■ S \,/^<;- « ,■■■•■■•'. *■ k 1 t. , 9 \ The House met. The minutes of yesterfay Were reaid. Agteeably to the order of the day, the Committee of the Whole House resumed on the tJlergy Iteserve Bill. Mr. Donald McDonald in the Chair. ';... The Hoiue KBumed. A' Mr.,M'DonaId reported the bill as amended. On the question for recdving the Eeport^ the yeas aod'toays were' taken as follows: Meesrs. Bidw^ BueD, CampbeUt Chisholro, Clark, CooV Tbab. DonoombiB^ Fraser, D. Homor,^ Howard, , Ketdium, M^Neaiedge, Randal, Roblin, Samaon, Sharer, Whiter WilBOi^ W.— 10. MeasiB. BouHon; Bnrwell, Crooks, ^\: /■■■ Mae4oaild, A. Mf tw«nly- one; and tl.o A-lIrew wa«'onlcr«.l to bo engrowtl, aii-l rtftd a ihird lime to-iuonrow. ■ ^ ■ r ... ' A' " tm KOTSMiKii, 1832. AgrwaWy to tb« Ord^r of t1i« Day, the A.Mnw to Ilia Kmlloncy the Lu'Ut.'iinnl fiovorm.r, lor information r.liilin«Jo tlw Clergy llfr ^ k r Mfvea, wan road a ibinl tiino and l>UMtOtl, OnJ ih ai* tollow*: To ytiaKiNlttntif Sm John CoLDonm, KniffKt Commahder of tht ^.^aaiw^*" «»• ' Mott IloiionrabU Mititiiry Order ofUtt Hath, Ucuttnaitt Qovtrnor .'.'.lu.'.'il.'^Mi, of the Provinct of Upper Canada^ Major General commanding **•* '" Jlit Majetty't For^en therein, d't.yd'c. Mat IT Please Yocli Excitu-iJroT, ■.. '■■'^m-''-' We, Hi* Majesty'* dutiful and loyal subjects the Commons of Upper .....■■ .■■./. Canaoft , ^ - ■.'■ / \ » •■-■;■■ ,: / * ■ -.-■.'■ ."■■■ ' . ' ! ' , * "*^ '.«■. ■■.-•■ : \ \ - ■ • .■■■„■ i, • * *■ ^^ - • ■ • ^ -..;■■' : _- ♦ \ « " ■'. '■,:■ '•■'■' ■ 'k 4 • . ■ ' ■. * ■i » "4 *. 4 ->■■■■' ■• -.3 ^ f h <> « ; * • • \ 1 T aWi^TI^ t*» yn^i tv . nn-' — I -1 1H-- »fH« -T tv on iIm mil;)**! v( Ckrwfy lU-.. n.«, wlikh i •ball lak«> an wily opfwrtu ^.^ nUvof coiiiinunii^atiiigtoiho ilouM. , J. COIBORXK. Tli« LMitflnant f Krt-ifnor ImiwmiU io iW Hiit)'a ^k•cn•t^lry of Hjiito (ot lh« Colunl«•^ rc«iK!iiiDg tlio Addrt^i of the Houao to th* King of liwt HoMJon, on Iho Milijuct of th« Clorgy IUw!r\fn. j OovCTniiu-nl U.««i»<> ' 0th Nov«ml>or, 1832. I2rii NovKMniR, 1832. Mr. Perry, Msconded by Mr. Diilwiill, iiiovim for l«avu to bring in • Bill for the «p«Ntl of Clergy ll\iu«'i>, ntxl tlin) tli« Thirty -finrt Rule of thin tlouae bu diHputMed with no far ai^ rfliitca ta the Hune. , On Which the ycaa and nays were taken na fuUowa: Meaan. Ybai. Bidwell, flomor, • . Pinhey, Buell, Ketchum, Randal, Clarke *v^ t^Jait^JteteaMsfei^ ■ ■.■■'' '. ** . - ■ *,..■■■' >- ' .■''■:■■■. ./^ V ■ .. ■ ■ ■ .■' ' • j^ '■ ■ ' .' ■ - ■ " r'' ■ " ■ ^^^:-::■•^:^:-^i/^•^i^■^•■■^■''■^^■ •' . ',.■■ . :■■■'■ ■ . ' /■•■: 'i'- /'■■".: '•■-':, :i\ ■■■'^r-- '"-: ■ \-:--: -■>■ . ■ -■•. > ■ ■ .A ■■ .. ■ . ■ ;-■,.' :■■■.•■■■: ■■■,.»■-"■■.,■■ ■■ ' . . ■ * " 1 . ' ■ ■■■ f i ■>■ ■ !. .. 1 > . . ' ■ . ■ ■ ■ - n- . "-' ■■" * -. ^ . ; *' - " '.'._'■'''' • ■;■ •^■'•■/'l ■ ■..#."-"■■ '. ■ -A '. ' '■'"'. -:-. •'■ ■■ :- . ■ ■■•//^ •^ ■ ;./' ■ V ■ ■ -'■ ■ • • " ■■'.•■' V .- ■ • ;■■':.-.; , • - . ■ 'i ■ ■■ ■ . ■ ' :■•■ . ,■ •' •:'■ ^^..' :'■' : ': '' ■ '/■ ^'- "■■'•■ y .• ' ■ ■.■:.' . '.I ■;■■■■" '-■' ''■-■','■■ ■ : ■ ■•- ^.V'.'',- ./ '■ .■■■ ■ .^ t - ' ^ ■ ■ ' .-■ ■-..;// ^ -..- ^ . ;' c ■■■■-";'',:■#■.':■ --^^^ •■■ ; ■ . ' ' ■ ■ ' . ' "■ ■ ■^ ,- -, . ' \\ -' , . ■' ■ ' '. ■ . ■/ ■■■■.■"' •■ , 'i' "■■'" ■■ , .'■:.'.'■■'■:'■ ■ '. % ■ :'. .^.■V:'- '■'•':' .■ . :;; , - ■ '-s ■■^■■.■. ■ ■ " ■' ',• ■• ■■■■■■■ ■"■■. " ■■■■ ■ ■■ --.^ ■ . . ■' ■ ■ •■• ] •■■ .•■ ■ ■ ■. ' ■" ^ ., ■ ,■ , ■ '■■ '"'■^•* '■-.-'. ; ■" ' ■ .■ ^ * ■ ■.-'.-■■ .' " ' '1 • '' ' ■*'■ ■ ■'• ■■ V •■ ■ ,»■ ' 11 . . ■ ' ■'. ■,'■■'•; 4 % /^H^ His late Majesty, iiia neire anu oucc«»on>, w uuiuuiioc mo Muvonwr, / ^^H or Lieutenant-Governor of each of the said Provinces respectively, or the Person adnuniBtering the Govern oaent therein, to make from and out of the Lands of the Crown within such Provinces, such Allottment and Appropriation of the Lands for the Support and Maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within tho same as may bear a duo proportion to the amount of such Lands within the same as had at any time been granted by or under the authority of His said late Majesty ; andUat upon any grant of lands within either of the said Provmfcc?, which should hereafter be made by or under the authority of Hb Majestjs His Heirs and Successors, there should at the same time be made in respect of the same, a proportionable allotment and appropriation of lands for the above mentioned purpose within; the Township or Parish to which such Ijmds so to be granted should appertain or be annexed, or aa nearly adjacent thereto as circumstances woidd admit; and that no Buch'^^rant should be valid or eftectual unless the same should contain a specification of the landa so a l lott e d or appropriat «> a in r es p e ct of the Land to bo thereby granted, aW that such land do allotted and ap- propriated should be as nearly as the circumstances and the nature of the case would admit^ of the like quality as the lands i^ respect of ■which theiaid land should be so allotted and appropriated, andsliSulJ be, as nearly as the sum could be estimated at the / time of makmg •uch Grant, equal ip value to theSevcnth Part of tire taiiJs sogiantod; ■; '/''■'- •■-• '^ . ■■ / ■ a«d-it f. KUMt, A. Fi I>,FrM«r, ^ Iloftior, llowwrJ, Umn. lokn Wtllaoa, Wa.WiiMi.-flt HaTt. Burwall, R. D. Fwaw*— 1. :'4 The qu«rtion wo car»i*l in lh« afflrmalivo by a maHtf ^ »*«»*T- fc«r. ItiH Kovmtta, 1»3«- ll,.Attom«y 0«n.r«l.«^ona«l by Mr.R..h«ra D.lr«.r mo^ for fc.v« to bring in a bill U, d«lnr« t .0 InmU horolofon, M-t a *rt for Z Hupix>rt of a Prot-Unl Clorgy di^h.rg-^ from all tru.U fur thM purpoac. ^H^ In amendment, Mr. Perry, i^cond^l by Mr. noWin?ilvo^ « That after the word MnovW in th. origi.ml n.oU.>o, lh« wholo bfl,o«punR.H^ •nd the f.>ll«winK ini«rt«i : • That m much of the ot^U^tf the day at ,,Ut«. to a notice for a biU to iov^t in UU Miy«ty the Clergy Ketm«a b« diKsharged.'* .^ On whl^'h #' ■ / ■ - ■ .'• •. ■ ' • . "' ■ - 1 . ■ " " - ;■/;.: « ' ■i ' ■ i ■ ■ ■ ' . ■ ■ " ' \ . ■;, ' ■ ■ ■ ♦" 1 I . . ■ ■■ " : ' ■■ ■ ' /' ■ ' ■■ ■ • ■ ' ' * ' ' ■ I , ■ -'• > .■ '■ . ;■.;'•• : ■ ■ ' /■ 1 ■. \ ■ ■ '■ ■ ■'- : ^' ■ ■ ■ •■./■■'■', ■ *":■•■■ ' ' ■ 'm M ./ ■ ' '" . ■ " . " ; mr 9 ■ * ' ■ '■■'. ' 'I-:' ' ■' ■-■■ - .f \ ■ /'■■ . ■■ '-,_.; '. :•■ *• '-■■■'.-" '^' ■ ■ . ' . ■ \ ■ ■ * * \ \ 1 ^!. . • " .. f^- \ / -*l m 74 T V, Zi ditions, provisoes, and reguMions, as His M^Mty by any such ia« ■tractions as aforasaiil, shall be pleased to direct and appoint: provided nevertheless, that the quantity W the said Clergy Reserves so to be sold •s aforesaid, in any one yeat-, in either of the said Provinces, shall not, ia the whole exceed One hundred thousand Acres; provided also, that the moneys to arise by, or to be |)i;oduced from, any such sale or sales, shall be paid over to sudi Officer or Officers of His Migesty's Revenue^ withia the said Provinces respectively, a^His Majesty shall be pleased to ap> point to i«ceive the same, and shall by such Officer or Officers be invested in th« public funds of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in such manner and form as His Majesty shall from time to tinie be pleased to direct; provided also that the dividends and interests acara« ing from such public funds, so to be jpurchased; shall be appropriated •ppUed and disposed of for the improi-Wient of the remaining part of the said Clergy Reserves, or othenvue ^r thd purposes for which the taid Lands w e r e r ese rv ed, as a forestrfc S03ver, save only so far as it may bO i ecessary to apply the sum or any part thereof in or towards deirayijig t be expenses o^ or^attendant up00| any such sale or sales as aforesaid, ai d whicl ■o made in auch manner and ^not Hia^Majesty from time to time shall ifpF is pmmanoe of Uie nid last-redted and fo r jDo other purpose whafc -- proptiations shall bo [ch spe^al purposes « direct: And whereas, iQtenaDt-Govenior for tlMtiOM \ . Ci»M Wm. WktMMM-tt. :t4 , .• llonwr, TU <^iMitiMi w*i ftrimi ia Uw affirtwrtiv* by • mi^f ottki, antit>g lo-nor* 9iio DictMBra, list. ' Mr. Per»y gim oolke thai ha will, oo ThumJaj n*al, move iar Uav« to bf ing b a bill to diii|«M of iha CWfgjr tUMMrv«» in ihls ProvimM. llrii DaciMtsi, lUt. Agr«mbly to mniet, Mr. Peny, siWMHlwl by Mr. Hiiwanl, nvatf fer Isava to bring in a bill to provide for the ult and i«N«iing of the CWrgy B«aarvai in thk Provioc*. Which WM grantad, and tha bill raad, and ordered fof a lieood read- ing io-morrow. v. < . ..f ' . '■ - •' • • ■'' ' "" T^"^-. . ' . ''."*, ,.i. ■ ..- ''Mi '"■ ': :'■ "■■ 7' ^,'.. >.>; ■fc' ■ ■' . ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■» ■ . ■V--..: 7 ' .'"•;-■■■•. .■■' ■ ' ' r • *• . . ; c/^=7K -■■.,. ■[ : • ^ ■ ' ■ ■ J- ■' \ ■ ' " ■ ■ ■■■*.' . ■, . ■■■■ ■ •' ■ ■- . . '".'.' t . .'■' - ■ ' ' ' ■'■;..; -r;';' . , . " ,. ■ «. .. ,/. . . " '•' t- • ■ ■■-■■' . ■.:':. ■- .■■■■■ :'■ j',.---.' ^- ■ ':■-.'■ -O"'- ■ ;;. . ■ ■ - ' ■ . • ■ ' - ' ■ ■.-■.■■ '" ■ ■ '■« : '^ ■ ' • ' . •• 'i'. ' y-.''^ "■''■'::- ■■ ■•■ ■ ~t* • ■ . " ■ .^rtr-— * ' » S-,""- *■ ,..■■* ■■ ■ ;: ■ "■ ■ . ■...;. .> > ■ ■ ,^-„.:-"rr ■'■"'". ■•■" .• ■ • ■■ •" . ■ ' ■ '•■ . ■ . A- :: : .^ > ■;. ...■ ■"■ ' - " ■ ■.'" .'- ■ '" '■"■- ■ ■ ;■■■ '.. ■ •■'• ■ ■■j ■ •• . -\ . • ' ■ ■ '-■ :' ' '.:~:: \ ■■ ■ •■■ v.. .»■ ■■.;;■ ■ ^ . ■.., —_--■""■' 7 ■ , _ ■ •> ■ I ■ ■ ■■■ .'.•:■ ■ \ Jmi'^^~~~^-'~---^" '"^''■■'' •■ . ... A,' ' - -« * ■ ■ - \ ;;-:ti '■■■■/ :.;-^ ■. . .;.■ .-.y"--' . - -: - ' ,; % w*^ reason that any such Urant dia not conuun a specmcauon oi me umas ftUotted and iq)propriated for the support and maintenanoe of • Protestant Clergy in respect of the landa thereby granted, but every grant of land within this Province heretofore rtimle by or on behalf of his Majesty or of any of hia royal predecessorB, in ixrhich any specific cations made have been omitted, shall henceforth ^Jbe and shall be deemed and taken from the day of the date thero|tiC to tave been a» valid and effectual in ^ho law as though such oraniu hatd oodtained the specification afbreeaid. _^ •< And be it, &c^ That all the Lands horetof^n aj^priated within this Province for the support and maintenancip^f-* Protestant Clergpr, now remaining unsold, shall be and they are hereby declared to be vested in his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, as of his and their Estate absolutely, discharged from all trusts for the benefit of lA Protestant Clergy, and of and from all and every the claims wid ^l^niTi na« nf Mifth Clergy upon or in respect of the same. , « Provided always, and be it furtheir enacted by the authority afore- Mddi, That nothing herein contained shall take away or affect the right or title of afty person or persons in or to any lands whijfh may by any such person or persons be holden or enjoyed, or which any such person or persons may daim to hold or enjoy by virtue of tuiy sale^ alienation, conveyanpe, or contract made, exeicuted, or entered into in pumiancig M^' VmU, Chih. tiMQtMiUM IfHiiMilife "'jbLx liffl $imiM, IIM. 1"^ If •1 .. / itff Jhtntaift iMii . <0 . % \ % \ Ag«..Wy totU«»d.toril-d.y. lh« Adai«.lo iiu F,««twy tu « liJ!I„t Oo..mor, tor Idbrwilio- »«Uuv. t.> filing ^^\^;:^^ t^ \^ # i V Mm . */ ) '? V /^ t m^ \ '^pt^^iw^i^i^'wr' • # ^*^WS|!l 'V. * ■• ♦ > 'v: ^ 1/ ^^T^"^^"^""^ '^"^ \. w*^^ iws^f^r^t^ps^^" 'i-- -^'gy R**orv<*, WM read th« tlilnl time, pft*k.O, ana wgned, notn. \•^'^^"^,'>[ con^and wiwfbllowil , -■ . ;: ^M ' il^J^c'T" To Hit JSxctUeney Sir J'oiiS CoLnoiiKV, Kni/jfit Commander of tht ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ Most Honourable MilUanj Order of the /iath, Litutennnt Oover- K«rrti.n<-y Hit j. wor o/M« Province of Upper Cunathi, Major Ucntrul Command' Jub., ism. iiiff JJi9"^j}fojc»tyt I'orces l/ierciUfd-c^d-c.tdc. May it PIvftMO Your Kxi-oUi'iioy,' . Wo, IliH Miij'sly'H (liitiful ami lioyal Hultj.vU tlio O«*iiiiiions ()f Upper Cniintla in Provincial Parliament ^u««cnill.'(l, Imnil.ly ninwst tijftt your Excellency will bo l'li'«*m tlu) Salo or Leasin;; of tlio Clcrfjy Ho- " > nerves in this Pnninoo, and of Oldies, Uectorios or Parsonages, Hhowinj; >• the amount received and paid in each year fi-oin tho sovernl sources, ; by whom collected and to whom paid, ami for wlrit olyt-ct or ronices; • . \ ' and also setting forth the per cent ago or nllawanco for co|lectln ■ auciiibaldm'Lean; ._-; -Speaker;.; Commons Iloufio 'of Assembly, • iTth January, 1834. •' ' •■■ ,■■•».■', Prbsint. — Messrs. Bidwell, Boulton, Buoll, Burwcll, Campheil, CluB- bolm, Dimcombo, Alexander Frasor,' Donald Frascr, Richard D. Frasor, Homor, Howard, Jatvis, Jones, Lyon," Archibald Macilonald, Morris, ; ' 'IJorton, Perry, Robinson, Shade, Shaver, Wcrden, >Vhite, John Willson, ^ and Wm. Wilson, : Mr. Buell, seconded by Mr, Perry,* moves, "That Messrs. Rofelltt and Shaver bo a Committee to wait on his. Excellency to know when ' he will be pleased to receive said Addess, and present the Bame."— . Ordered. '■:■''-'■''.:/'""'.■ .'■■":■■ : ' ' , 27tii Januahy, 1834. wihjan.iaj. Mr. Roblin, from the Committee to wait upon his Excellency the ■ Xieutenant Governor with the Address of tliis House for information relative to the Clergy Reserves, reported delivering the same, and that - His Excellency had been pleased to make therctp the following ■ answer: , \ GsNTLBMSK, I will direct the King's Receiver General, the Surveyor General, the ComguBsioner of Crown Lands, and the Secretary of the Clei^ Cor- ■poration. f. »» ■ ' 1" ■- '■ ■" ':- ■ ' '• • ■- -■■-;<:-... -; -^___^- * ' • ■ ■'?i. • ■'£.'■■ ■■ .■" ■ ■.■■'■ ^ :i:»' ■ ' ■ "*' ■"■• ' ■ * , 4 ■ Vi ■ J- " \t} i \ A / ■■■■X... poni&api, to prtpM* tht nturai wbi^ th« Boon of JkmuMj i«qii«t iDtj b« laid befort Umid. 7ta FtBHTJABT, 1884. . ■ ■ -■■.■■ ■ ■■■ f ■ :' Ifr. MorrU giv« notice tliat hfl will on Monday next mov6 an JLddraM to His Mnjesty, re(|ue«ting tlint Le will bo pleoatKl to •ubniit to tbe im]N>rinl Parliainciit tbo expediency of pa««in{r an act to rcpral ao much of tbe Act 31 Geo. III. Cbap: 31, aa doclarca tbat no grant of land aball b%^lid wkbin tbia Province^ unteaa the aamo aball contain • •pedficaiiJBlrOi^^*^^'^'^^ ^^' the aupport of a Protestant Clergy. f!^'^#' l9Tn FlBlHJABT, 1834. Agrceaiil^ to the order of the day the Clergy Beaerve Sale Bill was lead a second time. On the question for referring the same to a Committee of the whole House* Mr. Samson, seconded by Mr. Berciy, moves in amendment * That tbe House do resolve itself into a Committee of tbe Whole oa the Clergy Reserve Bill on to-monow, and tbat tlie same be the fint item on the order of the day after referring petitions." On which the yeai and nayi were takoi ai foUowi: HoMtor A( ary.liet, Tib rtb.. IMC mhrtb.,tiM. Umn. * : • ■ YaAi. i , Berczy, M. Berexy, Eobituon, VankougbneL— 3. *• Tho queiiti«» wM ctniod in tho Affirmfttive by » nujority of nin*- toWl, wid Mr. Alexander Fr«Mr wju called to the chatf. The HouM remimod. Mr. Fraaer reported that the CommiWee had risen for want of • QooTum. '•. . ■ •■ ■ ■'■_■■•*/ .^ ■' ■' ■'' PnaaiNT.— MeMTfc Berezy, Bidwell, Buell, Campbell, Chinhobn, Clark, Cook, Dunoombe, Alexander Frascr, Donald Fnwer, Howard, , . Ketchum, A.M'Donald, M'Martin, Perry, Rwbinwn, Roblin, Sanaon, - . Shaver, Vankoughuet, and White*— 21. At a quarter-pMt seven o'clock r. u^ the Speaker declared the HoOM '■ adjourned for want of a quorum. ^/ SOrn FkBlitrAKT, 1884. Mth r«b.. im. The House met The rainutea of yeaterday were read. Agreeably to the order of the day, the Oommittea of the Whole House resumed on thet51ergy B«serve Bill. Mr, Donald M'Donald in the Chair. . The House reaumed. Mk '■ i>i Mr.M'I>onalclraported the bill as amended. . On the question for receiving the Report, the yeaa and'ttaya wer* taken as foUowa: '••■■^. Messrs. T»Ai. ' Bidw^SO, DnnoomlM^ Randal, Buell, Fraser, D. Roblin, Campbdi, Homor,^ Samson^ Chishohn, How^urd, « Shaveiv - qaik, \ Ketchiim, Whiter Cook, M'Neilledge, '** : Wilaott, W.— 19. Perryi ■; /:- Mesan. ^-::"^r- -■.■%•■■■:• V -■' '■:' \- ■•■.'"■:■'' -■■ BouHon, ■;--,■■. ■..■;Fra8e)^A.;\ Morris, Bqrweli, Robinson, Crooks, M^Mvtio, Vankoughnet.-^9. » The question if. .'V. V "i ;^ ^ :/■ ,f:; / \ ^ •'■' » -...111 v^ ■Kpf^^iwrFr' 18t -rt- ThttlMtka WMOwkd In th« •fflnnatlr* hf t^tu^j of Ub, J-JJ^^-J*;^ On Um quMtioo for Um third mding of Ui« 1>!I1 on MondAj B«il th* yeM and naya w«r< Uken m follows: Ybas. Dtmemnbi^ ^ ; Randal, Fnwer, D. Roblin, Hornor, Sanuon, Howard, , 8bav«r, Ketchum, Whitis M'NeillcH]g^ Wilion,W^lt. Parry, Nam. ^ N ..„■■■ Fmacr, A. ,, Morrill Mncilonnld, A. Robinnon, M'Martin, Vankoughnet — 9. Bidwal^ Buall, Campb^^ CbUboIiD, Clarke ■ Coolg ■■,. Ifcam. . BouItoB, ■ ■ Burwall, Crooka, The qucation waa carried in the affirmative by a tniyority of ten, and '^the bill waa ordered to be engroaaed and read a third time on Monda/ '': next '■■.,. lined* I ., ''-■■: 'y 2irn Fibruakt, 1834. ^r«b.,icM. Agreeably to the Order of the day, the Clergy Reaorve Bill waa read the third time. On the question for passing the bill, Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. ' . - ir^ Samaon, movea in amendment, " Tliat the bill do not now pass, but ^'' -. (hat it be referred to the consideration of a Select Comraittoo, to be : composed of Messrs. Perry, A. Macdonnid, and Duncombe, and tliat<4t be an idstruction to the said Committee to rc^jport a bill for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, with the foUojring preamble r ^ Whereas it is expedient to repeal the law now in force which author* Ixea the Reservation of One-seventh of the Lands in Ibis Province for ^ the support of a Protestant Clei;gyy and to dispose of the said lands for ' the benefit of General Education," and with such enacting clauses aa ahali give to the several Sheriffs of the Prpvinco^wer and authority to . sell the said Reserves. ^ On which the yeas and nays were taken 88 follqwa: . ' ^ joLeavs* Berczf, ChiahdiDi Eraser, A. *■ Yea*. Fraser.D. : Lewiv MaodonaId,A. Morris^ / Samson, Willson, J.— ». NAT8-<-Measi». ^p^ft^ i "•%^ '/- / :^. IJuulton, Brown, »' Bmll. Durw«l), Clark, Cook, UT Saw.., Boraoi^ Howard, Jarvia, / Keirliuin, U'UoiialJ, D. 'If 'Martin • • ^•■' Ratidal, Robinnon, Itohlin, Bhaver, Van KoughB«U, Wordun.— 28. ^wCT* I /' The qu«tion of Amoudnwot waa decided in lh« nogatlvo by a ma- jority of fourtflon. \ la Anjon.Imont, Mr. VankouKlinet, MCondfltl by Mr. Bjirwoll, mor«a. • That tho Hill do not now l>nl(^ but th/»t Uio wholo [m fli|)ung«d from Um word * whenMMs' and tho following Imwrtinl : • by an-^ct pawMsl in the Pftrlittm««itof(>r««t Britrtin in tho Thirty-fir«t Year «)fiho lUifjn of Ilia Into Mnjoaty, King (Iwtrtfo th« Third, iiititubHl "An Act to re- peat cerUin |«rt* of an Act imnaoil In the KouKoonth Y»«r of Hi» llikievty't llcign, intitulotl 'An Act for making nioro efltHtnnl jiroviiiion for the Oovemniont of tho Province of QuoIhjc, in North America, and to uiake fuiilior provinion for tho Government of tho iinid IVivince," it wa« amongst other tliinga cnactal that It should and might !« lawful for Hia late M»y«ity, Ilia lleira nn•» «>*h«w «»• •>» |»wi»*»o »h»l«v«»: And ^b«r«M »*H<>o* |>«»t4 of thf mUI CUrgj lUstorvM wllhln ibw I*ro*infl« "V l4fb««» ^••"'•oJ *>y l^^»^ P«i«fH, un.Ur i1m <»r«ia IWl ofUib tfto A\rm pmank (i* Umi« of y«Mi which haAw noi j^ ^ _:.Awi wUwMi hjr • c«rtuii Act of PMliamwlof l*i« UnJud ■* "^nKilom pf Ort*l nriuin ana IroUn-l, |V««.I in lh« MV«nth and _,hth /••« of tb« llei«n of Hi* Into llrtj.'^y KinR Georga tb« Fourth btitukxl ^An A-H 10 aulhortt* lb* fWU of • part of th« Cl^rjfy Bf ttrvw in Uj« Prot Incfs of Upp«f »nd Lowtr CMMa*,' il U «nad«d that /IttftaUand in»y b« Uwftil for lh« pov«rn^, Li«ut«n«nl-(»o\«rnor, Of Ofl)c«r iilmiDiatering (|»o Oovernmmit of th« uid Pruvin^oM, or fith«r of them, wilh comw-nl of ihfl Exurutivo Council, MppoinUil within roch Pfovinoc, kit thfl Afliiinii t|Mr«of, in purauanc« of any inatrudiona which - BUiy b« \mutni to iUfh Oililmor, Lieutenant Hoveroor, or other 0(S\f*t M afortaaid, by Ilia llnjv*ty, llirough on« of hia Priwipal fcJw-relariet ofStiU*, to a«ll, aiien»U% and convey in Fee 8impl«, or for any tiM ^f f^^ or inUrwt, a {Mirt ^f tlin Mid Clergy R«acr\«a in each of (bt wtd Provinc««, not oxcoeding in either Province oa«-fourth of th« Reaervw within auch Proviftcts upon, under, and auliject to auch con» ditiona, pr6viao«a, and reguWioria, aa Ilia Majeaty by any auch In- ■tructiona aa aforeaoid, ahall bo pleaacd t«) direct and appoint: provided ■avartheleM, that the «juantity W the aaid Clergy Raaervea ao to be aold M aforeeaid, in any one yonr, In either of the aaid Provincea, ahall not, la the whole eicecd One hundred ^liouaand Acrea; provided alao,tbat the moneya to ariae by, or to be produced from, any auch anie or aalea, ahall be paid over to auch Officer or Oflilcera of Ilia Majeaty'a Revenue^ withia the aaid Provincea reapoctively, ai^Ilia Mnjcaty ahall U pleaaed to ap> point to i«cotvo the aatne, and ahall t)y auch Oflioer or Ofllccra be inveated in t|.« public funds of thu United Kitvgdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in auch manner and form aa Hia B^jeaty ahall from time to time b« pleaaed to direct; provided alao that me dividenda and intercata acOTi* log from au^-h publio fund^ ao to bo |purchaacd, alinll bo appropriated applied and dispoaed of for the impruUinent of the remaining part of the aaid Clergy Reaervea, or otherwiU for the purpoecs for which th« •aid Lands were reaerved, aa aforesaid, nnd for Do other purpoae what^ •oavor, save only so far aa it may be neccasary to apply\ the sum or any part thereof in or towards dolmying toe expenses of, or attendant upon, any such sale or sales as aforesaid, oiid which) Appr9priatioDa ahall ba ' ao mad* in such manner and form, and for^ich special purpoaea aa Hia lii^y from time to time aball approve ao^ direct : And wbanaa, ia ponoaaoa of the aaid laat-radtad j^e^ iha UfotaiiaDt-QoTamor for tha tin* 7 ^ , ■ v / '/■ / -r? ■n / iT ^ / \ r^ e/SX .5R m ti^m^-^ i,ai». -^ % -1 wm^wif^i lit MM \ \ % i' f5=^ Zy iwfiitMki «.r HiiH •«irt«J «<»«• yf •**••« l"»^ »t\km Hi^ ' ^ IV^mc-il l^«4^««% b-wing do. lU Tw-my Wk D»jr «< J«bii^, l|M in, Ki,«UMK>y !!•>»» 0«»«t«l *W» J'*n> t*«»JI»*»^ K.cMl^ b««li ^■llMiltotwth ll *«ljf^«» Mplii Dyil {Mrt of b« piwMowi •Meb MfaHai k> tha UikU Rllolt^l Ukd •pMOf'iAi*! in Uik IV»*liu"« Irt Iha Huj»|>.M »iia Maintetwinrii .)f a IVitMtMtt foviiMtt Mow Ui«wf«r« IM U, Ae, Thai M miwh m k U««in,|i*fof« rwit*l if Um «i*l Aet'Of t^ UrilUh (Wliamoni m) {MiMRiit m nfiMnmiy in UmI thirty «rrt y««r of thn lUign of ilU liiUi M.^y Kil^ UiipSi IIm tliW •haU l« 1114 Uw mm h h«r»il.y r«|)*«li).l. •• AiKt h« H, Ae, That fWmt lwnr«fnfUi no Omni IwtMufora imA Ky or on b«h«lf of Hi* M^i^y, or Aoy of lliit ll«>y«l PnKl««w..is ci any LmuU aitiMi^l within thin l*rovin««, iImU bn (»r l>« (liwrnnii invalid or limffr^ M^t , or Im iinl>l« to Ixt iini)««-h(««l, viir«li»il, or Mt mu\«i hy rciMMin that any auch (Irant f)ro|>riattif«ipriatod witlik this Provinoo for tho Mippgrt and nminUinnncf] t>f- « Protcatant Clergy, DOW remaining iiiiMold, hIihII Imi and Utey aru herul>y d«)clared to be vwliid in hiH Mnjiwty, hia ILoim and BiioooaHons aa of hia and th«ir Entato alMiolutcly, diflcharg«)d from ail truata for Uio Umeflt of ■• Piot«atant Clorgy, and of tind from nil and every tho i-lainia and demaiida of auch Clergy u])on Or in tm\^i of the muuu. *« Provided lUways and Im it furihur ciinctT. BurweH Jones, »..;■■'■ / NatbL.:; Bei^f Cook, Lewis, Randall Bidwell, Duncombfl^ Macdonald, A. Bcblin, Brow% Eraser, A. H'Donald, D. Samson, BueU, Fraser, p. M- _.".'■■■" /::;.l Mr. P«i7, NOO&d«d by Mr^ Bidwdl, uotm, «Tfai« tbl/Bfll b* intitalfdr #. "^ ':-' . ■ '■ '■ .' V:" ■ :-:':: -^'y-i^^'-'l^ : ■ . ■' ■ • ; f .■.*.■■■ . - - ' * ■ '■'':■ '--^ ■:■''■■.■"'.' ' : " ■■'"■ ".' ^- ' ■■■' . . ■' ' ■ "■--■' - ^ ■ ■ ■'?) ;,■".-«; 'S ■ 161 W-'--'^'^'' .■.■.■■■.,■_.■■-■■ r intilaied 'An Act to provide for ihe sale of the Clergy ReaervM in this iminMUor om * PiotiDoe^ for the puipoMs of generid education in the same.* " url^mt nb.7' Sb.* On which Uie Teas and Nays Were taken as follows: -■■""'. Ybas. ». . BidweD, ' Brown, fiueU, Campbell, Ohisholm, ChiA, ^^Cbbk, Duncombe, Hornor, Howard, Eetchum, l*wis. "McDonald, D. M'Neilledge, Merritt^ Peny, Randall, Roblin, — - Samson, Shade, / Shaver, White.— 22. ■^ ISmn,-----/- • . ■ ' . . y. :-. ■ , Nat8. , ^ I ; Beiczyi BoultMi, BturweQ CrookB, Fraser, A. ; Fraser, D. Jarvi% Jtmes, • Maedonald, A' Macnab, Morris, Robinson, VankoughneL Willson, Jv— 14. • The qtKBAtion 'was oairiiad in this afibmative by a majoiily of eighd and Mesaeum Peny and Bidwdl were ordered by the Speaker to cany the Bill up to the Hononiiible the Legislative Council, and to request their concorrenoe theretoi: .^ • .■-.-. 1 .. - ' . ; ■■ i : . ' ' . ..:■'•» ifir. Jarvis^ seooncLad by "iSt, Vankoughnet, movee> that five hundred o(^ies of the Bill for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, together with th« amendments moved, thereto^ and the yeas and nays taken upon the sam% be pitted for the qse of members. t ' ■ . ■ • In amendment, Mr. Peny, seconded by Mr. Howard, moves, « That < fivib hnn&fied'» be ocpunged ^m the original, and *ova thousand* inflerted.''~^Wluch wu carried. (hi the original question, as amended, being put, the yeas and naya weretakenas foUows: [Meun. YKiJS. Bidwell, Cool^ Merritt, Samson, Boulton, Fiaser, A. MoA^ Shade, BueD, Howard^ i^.^ Peny, Shaver, OampbdV larvis, Bobins(»i, Vai^oughnet, Ohishohn, Lewis, Boblin, Wbite.—22. Olaik, « Maodonald,A. *■•-. NATCi y- '^ ff •V. -4- V- y ^ «i r\> .» Ti ~ /■ Nam. ••"■ ■ ■■-■>- •,. Ramlal, ;:; W.WiVn. Jonefi, MacdonnliU D. Ketcjiunj, M'Kt!illc«'gu--a* Jiinm I of >*•# biy. V4 ii t'«h., lt-34. J •I'll- 1 rf l».|i- \ • ■ ■■ ■ ■ -■■ ' i : ■ ■' .■■■ -"•■»■■. / ■■■.;•"•■■..■■.■ ■. ■■■ DwAcomH ' Lewis, Berczy, Crook\ Brown, "-.. FraBer,D. EurwoU, . The queation was carriflid In the a1IrinatlvQ.b7 a raajority of ihirteen and ordered aooorjjingly. ^ JOURNALS OF tHE, LEOISLATIViE COUNCIL. .,■ .',■'■ ':-:K'-" '=-.:■: 25tii FEriu\'nv, IP^i.. Hia Honour tbe Speaker w^portad t«S tlie Housh tlat a .Iiiip<8t'8 of general t-diicatioa in the '■ ! amei* was then read.' , ,v '., , .,:'-'^i'- JOURNALS OF Tl!fe HOUSE OF ASSEMl)LY. ^ ^, - Mr. Perry, second(?d bVj,lar. pi^sholni, moves for leav>r tire sale and l^iigth* Clergy l!^t'rv■■ "■''';■ ■.■■■'''■,' : General^ .ft np < - ' • ,- / / *f^ M ' r ^ - , ■ ' lez ■■ /'■-;.•■.■■■:. GenenU wiU fumkh'the ABuemUy wilSi any ftirther Vouchers reUUve ^«52;^/«;«;^ to OxoBQ accounts which |nay be required, and specified by the Houw. b^unh F«b., Govorament House. J I ' r '■ ./ ,- 'lOthFebniary, 1835. f "^ v^^^^- " :-; /' , On motion of Mr. Perty, seconded by Mr. Bruce, jS,"-. Ordered, that the message of his Elxcellency, and accompanying^ < , ilocumeuts of this day, relative to the Clergy R<»ervefl, be referred to the Committee to whom was referred the Clergy Reserve bift. >« - 2iaTF«BWTABT, lesfc ^'• tut Vbb, teas. ' Mr. Perry, from the select Committee to which was referred the bill for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, informed the House that ^»f report. the bill, «» delivered to twm fw examination, whenever the House would be pleased to receive the same. , The report was received, and the bill was ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. , Pureu Clergy _-/ . f ■ • ■ 2p March, 18Sft. tothe order of the day, the biU to authoriae the sale of the. ""^M"*** "'•• , irves was read tlie «econd time. I . -The Ho&se was put into Copimittee on tbQ bilL * Hr.Hep^SlfrtheCha|r. " •* >' The House resumed. Mr. HopkinsTeportod that the Committee had gone through the bill, amended Uie same^ and submitted it ftrthe adoption of the House. On the question for receiving the report, Mr.^om'^ seconded by Mr. Walsh, moves that the report be not received, but that the bill be referiM to the consideration of a select Committee^ with instructions to import to the House in what manner the Clergy Reserves may be nipst usefully applied to the support of Religion in this Province,' by giving aid to^ the various denominations of Christians in the maintenance of their, religious teachers, or in the erection of places of Worship, as the said denominations'may think proper. " ^ - On which the Yeas aqd Nays were taken as follows: /. / Messrs. M«Eay, Morris, '^4 . YlAS. Bobinson, . Walsh, tayler, WilhiQaon,— 8 Nats«— M«aink . :■•: -v ' 1 ^ ...Jb N ■ 1 ■ ■ - - . • i ' ' " .' ' 1 ■'■■"■ ■/:':■■■ '-■''■■':'::■ ■* 1 ;• .'- ■■»■■: ■ ■. " i ■ " * ' ,■•■■"■ .'-■' ■ ^ ;. , ■ , . >•■ ' ^ ■■■ . .■ ■ ;- ^* 1 ■^•■'■J-:.:^'I'0^-"'-: : , \ ;;%;^ , • 1 ' - ■ ■ * "'■».' \ 4 ft'V ■V:^/'-'''. ■■■: 4 ■■■■•'■'''"■■■-■■ ^1. ■* "•.-■-.. .'"-■■■■'. ■ : • ■ "^ ■ ■ ;■ 4 ■■ '■■■I- :.■.'.■ '/.._'.-. • ■ •U' . ■ ' / " i» ■;■ ■■.■,.- ;'■ ■,?■; '. ■ '■-'- ■--.r'". ■■ .. >'■ -r ''^B 1 - ;... ■■■ .....; ■; -;- ■ '-■- . -;-. " .'■■- ■^■''■■■■■- ■ ' ' ' '^- ■ ^^B " ; V.-' '" ' ■ - ■■' -•"■ '' . V * ■ ' . * ■' OT . ■■'■" ■ MV ■■.■',.' ' ^^j ■ '^ ■■'■■ "C^ ■; •. '• ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■/ ■■ .' ' ■ ?■ * -^ ;~' ;■■ . yi .;».■• ■■:■:;::/ "■''-r"\ -■ ,';--i -';-; ■"■("■■'■■■■. ■^-■■■': > » * ift^/ *1 ■ V-\--, - .-..^ ■ ;-|^. ■■■.■■; " /* » ■.■ • ,?■ ■ ■■ ■ w . ■ .■■■ - . ■■ ■ ■" '■••■. X-' - ■ ■jj' ... ■v ,>-<.l ■..•.-■■ ...' ■ , ■ ' ■ « . ■ ■ U"', ■ ■ ■i ■ ■ r ■.■.~^; ...'^1 1 ■■ ■. ■.. ■ •■ - •■■" ■ ' ■ ■ ■ " ■■ "Hi i ■-. ;■■ .n ■■■■■■■■- -..^ - ' ■ ' ■ ■ '^1^ ■ i .-■■. ■ :':■■■-■ ■ - ^-•" '^HH 1 ■."■•' ■••.■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ . .v» ■. ■ f .. .. ■ ,/ ' ■ ■' ^ \«H !• ■-. ■ . - ■. ■-; ■ ■"■'■ "'iML !■■ . :■ "-#.■• " ' y . -M,-- ■ > :.i- «■'•■■ .,■--" .-.:. -^^'V? \'^^m V -.-^^-m^-^"^- % ■,■- 1. • . V -^ .» . ^, - ." ■■ ■ '. '■ ■ '■ ■ J ■ .M ' '■'■.--■ 'Ir,.. ' ■:' :■ ■ ■■'■ ' " . . ■. '.' ' ■ ■; " . ■, ; ■ ' ■;■;■■' ■ •, : .,/;;■- ' :> '"■ * , » ^- ■"■...'.■ ? ■"':': - -. •%■ _ ■■ ". ■ - -" ~ " M 1 ■ ■ ..,■-•-"..■"<•, 9 ■ i. ■. ' . . t) ■■ ■*,■-_. :"': ■ ^.'^^W ■■ ;■ . ■. ■" / ■.' '. » -■'■■■■ '''''^9^ 1 ■■■■.:■ ■ -■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' / " '-y ' ■■ ■■ ■^' - "^ MwH ■ ! .■:'''■■'.■'■ ■ '•'■■■■'•■ ^'- ■ ■ 1' '^ -X '■ '''^ v ■ ■': ',■■■■■•■'':' ■■ -■;, ,■->■■. V :'■■'■■ ■'■ ■- [ ' ■V ' t'. ■- -.■''; *■* ' " -#1 .- '■ . ' '. . -' ' .■' "^■' ■ *• ■■ •-■'"'■■ " "■ ■- N*--'. ■■;. ; :'•-. ". '■ . ■■'■''-■■''•'''•■-'■■''■ '■■■^ "■:■■■'■■ '•" ■■ » ■, ;:-; V ■;■:/■,.-;.; • ■' ^ •'•■■'• ''^^ '^ i ' . il \ ■ ■ ■ ■ : ■■•■■,■/' '■ ' - ■■,.;;- fl .'' .' ■ " 1 " *.''■.-; Li :'9W, r , -J* -V '> '* «i ^ * Alway, Bruce, Cbisliulm, Couk, 1« -""' ,l( ■ ■■'-..... 'ixjiftVj* Norton, MH>iM^ Parkv M'boneIl,Storm'tPerr7, ■ ■■;\v: Jownai* of tha )V^ iiouM> or AMCIM* Smith, ::.-s^v-'; ;_■ '':■,.,'■;•. Sol. Ooneii^ ; M'Intoeh, Duncombe, Oxfor(l,Miickenzie^ D uncoiiibe,N orfolkM'Micking, Durand, , Macnab^ Gibson, ' Maliocb, Gilcbrist^^ Moore^ HopkinB, Morrison, Richardson, Strange, Roblin, Tborbum, Rjkett, \iroIK Rymal,' Wilson, ■ Shaver, Sbiblejr, Woolverton, Yager.— 38. v'\ The quc^ion of amendment was deci^led in the negative \>j *. majority of thirtjr-two, and the Report was received. . On the Question for the third reading of the Bill on Wednesday next, the Yeas and Nays beingtaken, were as foilowM • ' ■ ' i %.. % Messrs. Alway, Bruce, A Chittholui, Cooki_^/_ Buncombe, OxTbi punoombekNorfolk.M'Micking, Durand, Gibson, Gilchi-ist, ,;Hoi»kinte Lount, Norton, ; Smith,. M'Crae ' Parke^ Strange^' M'Donell,Storm'tPerTy, Tayler, M'Intoeh, Richardson, TnorBurn, Roblin, Walsh, SS?kwC~ Well^ Rymal, . '^ilkinson. Shaver, Shibley, Sn^'' Macnab^ Mallooh, . Moore^ Morrison, Wilsotti Woolverton, Yager.— 40. Messrs. M'Kay, Nat* Robinson, SoL GeneraI-4 The Question was carried in the afluroative by a majority of thirty- six, and the Bill was ordered to be read a third time on Wednebday tax. ."■''■'■ 4th MaBOH, 1836. 4*M«tli.l83S. . Pursuant to Um order of the day, ihe Cleigy Reserves Sale Bill ^as read a third time.- ■■..:■-'.;.'.■;,','.■■,'';■,'_■. ;■. -•::/.-: On thequ^on for passing the Bfll,. / ^ " ' '" Mr. Solicitor General, seconded by Mr. Boulton, moves, in amend- ■; ment, "that the Bill do pass this day three months,'' — Ou which debutes ensued. ; .-■'■'■■;■'''"•■ .■•;■■>■■'■■,:•■.■■■-■ :'.•■> •;■•"'■:■■ "7 ' Oa thdqueitioa of tlie Solicitor Gentm^ That the Bill mi^ht pan this day '■<:'■ "V fW*w1 m- ■■■■ ':■ •:■■■•...• ■ 1 ■ ■; . ^- . ' ' ' • \ .>! '• ■■':. ■■ "V ■'. ^ ■■ ■ ' X^r" y- . ■:' P'-- ' ." ■• . ^ 1 * '" , '•■ * •'*' ' .■■ ■ ■. ' I " ' ■"'■', ■■ ■■ ''■■ ''' .■■■•■• ■ . /, 1. '■■'■■/ .■■'•■ ■ , ■ ■■:'■.•::•■■■. "• ■■ / ■■yy\^'.' y : ( 1 i ■ . •;' ■ "i /■■" ' ^ ■■ ■ "/ - ■ ' ' ' ■ ■ ■ ■'■■•'• ' 1 ■' '-' 1 y. ■■■■:■: 1 ■,■■. . ■ ' w ■' . ' ■:'■■. ■/./■■-. . • ' '-'^ ■■■ ■ ■ ' ■ '■ ■ :■'''■■ '.y'"' ' I . . 'i, :■■■.>.•■■ 1 ■' .■■■■'■/■■ ^ , ■ ' '- . • - , , ■ \ '\ y ^ ' : '-A'' ■ ■■ /^ ;'■ ■■ ■■■■■•■ ■ ■/ ■ , : I . l. - ,• . . . ■' -". ' ' '/ ■ '/ ■' . . . " ' . " ■■ 'i ^^^B 1 t ■ ■ ■ ' ^ ■ -\' ''■ ■ ' ^ ■ "'/ ■■ ■ • J ^B ..'.*'. * . t-' .■■'■'' ■ \- • " ■ . V ■ y \- ' ■'■.■••■ ' ■ .• . ■'. .- . ' 1 ^M . . ' . 1 i ■•■■: . •. '^ ' '-■■■.':'■''- '■: ■ " A ■ . _ , ■ ■■ ..... .<■..■. H ~ ' ' ; 1 . , ; : ■ ' ■ ■ " ■ . ' ■ ■-■ ■'■ ■ ■/•. ' '• ■ -"' ^ :'■ ■' ' ' ■ ■ ■■ ; ■': -■ H ' : 1 i ...■■■■-> ^y'\y' -y''- '■'■;:-■/ ■'■■ ■■■ ■■• ■;'■■ •■■■. •:•■■'■ -' '■■: ■';.' '^ '■■■'■'. ^ ■;''■■/■■ '-'y'-- '-'y ■':'■'):' ''^ : ■ -h'--'-y-'\ l^.;:;; . • .- ■.; '. '■ ■ • '''^ ^^H IS!- ■■" - ■ ' " ^^B • 1 '' ' ,.'■"■ ■■''■..'■■ _■...-,- ■_ . _ ■ I , . ■ ■ V ' ■ "■.'".■ ^^^H 1 . ■ /'■> • H. v.'.' ': i '' ■ / ■■■ /■ . ■ ; •; /'■ ' "" . '/■,'*'■ '_'' ' •'■■•■ ■ . -'. • „ ■'.■.■ ; . . ' ^^B'- ■' ' \ ! I ■■ " ' ■ ■■ 1 . '" . , ■■ •, .■.;■..• ■ , • 1 \ !* ^^^^K- i '''■.'■'.■'■ "" ■ '■ '■•'■.■ . 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' '■■ '--''i) '■ A . ' ^ ' ' ."'■ . . ■■■. ' / -.■ ■' .'.-'.^^K ■ ■ ■■ "**■ ■. ■ ' ■ ■'■•■ ■.-■-. ■ . - ■' ■■■* ■ .'■. . .- :i,,. .; '.V ;fc:.'vW'.. •■■■ / ■■- .- ■ ^^^B- ~ 1 ■ : ■■;■■■ - ■ A ' ■ : ■* ■ V : .- ■-■ '■ ymm^- ■/ ■ 1 .'-^^B- ■■■:,/.■■■;■■ .:-.■-.:■■■ ::\:--. _ . \.. . :'•: yy'. .:\ Mm^ '/, '■ ■-' ;\^^^K-'-i ,,■ :\ 1 -., .'■;■'!■;"■,,=' ' . ' •• f r'' r ""■.■■•'■■-■.".'.,■•; ^'^ yy.-^./.y ■"■■ -k. ■ "-'''■ ' ..-■ ■■'■- '.y:::'-''yy- '^ ■'';.■•■ yyy-- ^'■•■ \': ■^^'■'^'^11'. ■ '^ y ... .^-^ ^'' • : ^B'' \ ■'■■': .'.■■. v.o>.; ;;..•■■ ■'/■'v.:--~ ^:?-:;-v"....:'v;,^ /''--/■■■-■■.:...-•- '^^^^B. ' 1 ;::';:vy'v;:;: -l^:.V:/:.;..-v: .,.,/;./:■;-:.:::■■_-.;,:. -''i^f ^^ ■ i ' / ..^B ■ i- 1 i -4 IV / J © » ' '« ' "/ 'J / / 1 'J - / *l /• 9 / this d«y thwe monOn, th» Yew muT N«yi boing taken, w«ro m foU9wt : J«2j;fJ« "f^J,. MflNlt. BoflltOD, Mmoi. Alwny, Bmco, CaldwoH Chkltdlm, Cbok, : . Duncomb^ of ■|irorfcik.v„..'; GibBon, Gilchrist, / ,|-HopkinB, ' ?nt, .,. Bobioaon, BoL Qeno h tftCrae, M'Dunell o) Glengarry, M'Donoll of Stormont. M'lutoih^ M«ay, Mnckenzio, M'Mickiog, Mallacb, Mcrritti, Moore^ MorriM, Morriaon, Norton, Parko, Perry, RicliantBon. Rohlin, Rykert Rymw, Shaver, Shibley, • BmaU. Smitb, Strange, Taylor, Thorbum, V WntorB, Wolla, Wilkinson, Wilson, ■ Woolverton, Yager. — 13. ueetiott was decided !n tbo Negative by a majority of a^endiment to the Qiioation for passing the Bill, YlAS. MoFri% 3obinBQD» Tayler.- . Mdrris, seconded by Mr. Robinson, moves, ^ That the Bill <|p noiy^ pass, but that it be referred to the consideration of -a Select Oirhniittce, with instructions to report to the itoufio in what manne^^ Clergy Reserves may most usefully be apjilied to Uio support oi Religion by aiding the several denominations of Ohristians jn tkia , I^vUyo in the maintenance of tlieir R«ligioas teachers." 'f ^ / 04 which the Yeas and Nays were taken as follows; M'^an, Meesn. Alway, Boulton, , , / Bruce, : Crfdwell, Chishohn,. Cook, . Dunoombe- of ^ Norfolk, I Durand^ Gibson, Gilchrist, :/ Nays.'' Hdpkins, Lount, M'Crae, M«Donell of , Stormoiit M'Intosh, M«Kay, Mackenzie,' M'Micking, Malloch, Mmitt, dmidl, Snlith, Sol. Geiiera T|»rbum,/ aters, Moore^ Monik>p, Norton, Parke, Perry,. Richardson, (•Wells, Roblin, Wilkii Rykert^ Wilsoi Rymal, Wool^ertoD, Shaver, Ya«fer.— 41. Shibley, 1 ■ ^ 1 1 • - ■ ■'■' l^:"''-:- B^^m' * *' " -f" 1 ^■■- •■ . ■ / ' ■ : ■ ■ , ■ /■:;-:.■:- f ' ..■■■. .■.■•,."■-■;■■ " f"- ' , / • .'■ ■■■'■■', ' ■ ■ - : I' ■ ' " ' ■ ,^' ' ■ . ■ *^ T t < . J ■■, ■ .. '.■ '■ ' ;• ':4-i ■.. ■ " ■' . '. ■ ■ ■■-•#■ ..^ ■■■•■;■■ =^- . / .■■••■ , : .: • ■■yy. . . ■■:■'■■ ^ '■■ f , ,.•;•'• 7 ■■ ': •/ ■ '■.''■..■■■'■ '* ■'' »■,*,'.. '■''■■'-■.■.",' • / **, ' 1 / ■ * ■ ' ' .-,.'..'.■ ■ ■ '■ . ■ ' ' . *■■■;'■' -'b ' '.. '/■ ■ . ■ . ■ _ ■ /■ 1 / \ ■ ' t" ,■■■./ . ■ . ' . ■•■ ■/ ' , ■ ■ - . . '•'. ' ' ■^• • ■ . / « '"■■'■■■■ !■■■■■■, / ■ ■ '■,'■', - ■■ . .: ■ : ■■«/ ■ 7 ■ 1 i . .-^■^. ■ ■- 7 /■.# ■ ,.. *, • • ' *' 1 i ■ k B5 ■. .^ 1 r ■ '' „ T^^ * I • .• " • "^^ i V >. 1 1 • ' '■ V ■ ■ 1 * ft » 1 ■ Hf ' . i " > 1 * I*.- / \ i X. • / • / • * 1 ' It ■ ; t ^ t 1 « ■i / ■ • . <* ' 7 1: •- - . , y.r : , — ■;■ ■. *f" ■ i . -'■ ' ■ ^' ' > *' ■ 1 «»" / ' « f ^- ' *■ ■. M • / • , ^ * - \ 1 ■ j / i .. / • 1 '^' Jlpk. :ilW, ■ ■mik. ■ / Tb« «iUMtioi ,n of iiin«in«lm«nt My. till Mm'iIH On Uie Q««*tion ft.r p««.mg U.o Dill tho Y««. .ml N.yMng ; . . Y«A». M'DonoUofStormont, Rykort, '* Alw»y, Bruc(\ CiiiilwelV Chisbol Cook, Puncomb* of ^ Norfolk, Durnnd, OilxMin, Oicliristf Hopkiiui,'- . lx>unt, kl'CrM, Monnti Boulton, M*Lean, "^1* " M'Kay, K« kcnxie, \ .; M'M5«k:ng, MallocU, "-\ / Moore, / ;, MorriMon, ..:'•.''■■' Norton,;.-.^, ■•, ,,:•■ Parko, : Perry, \^: RichartUoB»A', •*' RoUin, f Morris, ■ '. . ,!*■ Bobinton, SolioiUMr General, Hyiiml, Bhttver, . Shiblejr, Biiiall, Hniith, BuiMiue, — "TFbpruum, .. ■..■.■■wa«,# . , W"«»kVortoi*, Yiiger.-fa9. ;%. \ ier, Wilkinson.—?. The qnesUdn was c«rri«a In tho Affirmadv* by • miyority of tW two, and the Bill was signed. ¥ Mr.Perry,««ondedby Mr.M<*ri«,n,inove«,"'niattheBill boinU- - .. tuled^^An Actfor thedi«po«d of the Clergy lte»orves in this Pro- . ,^ . vin^ (A the purpob«i of gcnoral EducaUon." , / . . ^ ^. . Which was carried, and Messrs. Perry and Roblin were ordered hy^ ^ , ■> '# ■ » iri:V . t 4- • 4. \. r" ■-..^■*' . » :. ' .• , • t « 1<7 2?thMAwAi, 1888. Sw""*"*!** Ui STUi Mwcb. l^tjasage fioTO tlw LegidaUte Councfl i^^^ IfB. SnAXnt; .:'' ■'■^ The Leffidahve CouncU Iiave passed the aocompaiiyin| rVolutiont "on the-ul^tter of ihe BiU intituled, «An Act for the dJ^l of the Clenry Bfl-erreB in this Province for the purposes of generiOiau- otionf to which they request the concurrenpeof the Commons Hotm of A-emWy. .; j^ g ^j^^^^ « ■v:*;',-.-'- ■■■•:'■' •■;-'^',. . ;,^.. ■• ■ Speaken l^egislative Council Chamber, aeth day of March, 1836r; _-.-., --'"i ■ ■ . ■"'■' • ■■ ' ' '"'• ' ■ ■■ ?""■' ■ JlawiutioMof Legislative Council on Clergy ReaeiveBitf: ' iZMO?M«i— That his bta Majesty King George the Third, having been giaciouslv pleased, by Message to both Houses of Parliament, to ezpran his Boyal desire! to be enabled to make a permanent appro- priation of hnds in this'Province for the support and maintenance of a ProtestantClergy within the wme, provision was made for that purpose by Parliament in the statute passed in the thirty-arst year of His ^ tety's Reign, Chapter 31* by directing a reservation of hmds to be mide and set apart in the proportion of ajl the lands that should be fttanted by His Majesty in the said Province, and by declaring that aU and every the rents; profits or emoluments which might at any tune arise from sucOi lands so^aUotted and appropriated as aforesaid shqj^d\ be appUed solely to the maintenance and support of a Protestant Cler- gy within flie Province, and to no other use or pwrpose whatever. Xesolved—Tbat toch aflotments and appropriations as the act directs having been madefiom time to time, and continuing to be set apart under the d^signaion of Clergy Reserves, a claim was advan- ced m the year 1821, on behalf of the Church of Scofland, to be allowed to sbire i^ those Reser\'es, or in the rents, profits or emolu- ments to be dwived from them, which claim was made and has been uroed upon the footing of a legal claim, grounded on the Cconstruction of the statute, and on the rights of the^hmch of Scotland, as a Church established m one part of the United Kingdom. J>^ Resolved—that it W been advanced by other portions of the peo- pie of this Province, that aU Protestant Denominations have a right, in common witii the Church of England, to have their Clergy supported from the Reserves in question, and that no.excluaivo right can be vindi- cated under the act m favour of any one or more Protestant Churches. ^ Resolved, — ■% \ A- / *■' j^. 168 BMoiMM^Thtt t/SaniB h$m also been miide to procuTe a total aboli- manM or om tion of this provuiion fur the support of religion, by obtainr ig an act of biy. iTib Mwcb. the Provincial Legislature, directijkg the sale of the Reserves, and the •pptopriation of ithe proceeds to purposes of general Educatioii. Jietolved—Th»t by these conflicting claims and opposing views in regard to a subject of so great interest and importance in the niiuds of His Majesty's subjects in this Province have for a long iieriod boon ren- dered anxious and unsettled; and in the opinion of the Leginlatiie Council, it is for many reasons much to be desired that a speedy and final settleroeat Bbpuld take place of the questions which ha\e rrisen upon the effect of the enactm^ts referrjlBd tb, and that it should be plainly, certainly, tmd firmly eetabli8hed to what specific objects the Cieigy Reserves shall be permanently^plied; - ; -^ Jietolvtd—Thai, the L^alativ e^BBj^ confiding in the wuidom and justice of Hia Majesty and the mPPw^Parllament, think ,it expe- dient and proper humbly to addre^' Hid Majesty and both ilouscs of Parliament, repre.'-enting that the Legislature of this Piovincolias boon ' -, unable to concur in any measure respecting the Clergy Reaervei^; a\id earnestly requesting that the Imperial Parlianiient wUl, with as little delay as possible, making such an enactment on the subject as cannot / .- ^ appear to leave any reason for doubt or question in regard to the ob- ' ' , r~ jects to which the proceeils of the Clergy Reserves are to be a]>]>lied; ' ; ; , and tJiat, having ri^.u-il to the present Condition and future woHhre of this colony, and mati*rely considering whatever has been urgtd or may te ' . ' urged in regard to ^le^ Reserves, they tvill, by soine mcaRure .which ' shall be final and unequivocal, make such an appropriation of them as shall appear to be most consistent with a due regard to Religion, to the , princijJes of our Constitution, and to the permanent welfare and tran- quillity of the Province. Truly extracted from tlio Journal of Cbe Legislative Council of the 26th day of March, 1835. Graitt PoWELt, * . Clerlt, Legislative Council Mr. Perty, seconded by Mr. Bruce, moves, *'That the Eesolutjbna sent down to this House from the Honourable the Legif«lative Council, on the subject of the Clergy Reserves, be referred to a Select Commit- '" , <' tee, with power to send for personar and papers, and leave to rf^rt thereon; and thai Messrs. Jloblin, M'Micking,, Shaver and Buncombe of Norfolk, do compose said Committee." ' / , ' On which the yeas and nays being taken, were as follows : - ■ . ■' ' IfessTs. YfiAS. Alway, ' " Hopkins, Rytnal, • • • I ' ' Bruce, -y. 169 Bruoe^ Ohisliolm, ' Oomwall, Lound ^ Sliaver, M'Donelt of S/ormont, Shibley, Journal! orUw Houin of Araen> My. »7di MtrcH, M'tntOHh, Mnckonzfe, Duncombo of Oxfun},. M'Micking, > Dunodmbe of IforfiJk, Moore, Purand, Oilchrist, MeBBn.Oowan.' Perry,. Roblioi . " Rykert, NATt. Thorbiim, 'Waters, -' ;^ Wells, . Wilson, Y»iger.-p^28. Walsh.— 2. Ny.* UiW.. ■-f^r. TIi^ question was carried in the afllrmativQ by a majority pf twenty- aix^ and ordered »ooording!y. ' . • r •' « ' "^ , ' " • " • " . ^ ' ^ 10th Ariui, 1835. * ' 101^ AkO, UH. y Mr. Penj, from the j^lect Conqfmittee to which wone referred th$i resolutions sent down from ' the' subjected the Clergy aHesdrvei, sported that the Committee had- , "<> \ agreied to a resolution which he^was ready to subrait whenever t^.- ^' - «- > i HouE^ would be pleased to reoeiva the-same^^ .' ' ' "\^ ^ ^,.' - : ' •. ■"..■. '■/■ ;■■':; ..';• ;' "' -^ . . ^ ^ >^ : " •' ,, The Bepori j«as rac^ved, and'Uie Beso^Upn-waa react as fdlowsr \. \h ' ^■ i2e>o^«c{^--'lliat this^ House hw^ theu ofSiioir "./ that the lands appropriated for the support and n^tenance of a Pro- » tesiiuit Clergy within .this Pcovwc€^ mmohly called *« Thia ^Clergy ;, . BeBerve6,*'ought,JEbr various reasdnes to be sold: That it would W '' , ' ' imjust to apply the ndobi^ arising from'the'° sale of the same,.- to th^ ' benefit of one or more &voured religious denoniinat^ofis; and, that vit would be impi^tk^ble, «nd fcv mony^^nsideratioQs inoxpedieu^ to . distribute the moni^.arising therefrom aibong a^l dcn'ominations ; aild- * thatthis'Househju^beenunrefaiitting initseddeavours to procure the ■*' ' saleof Uiese lands, and the application of the funds produced by sUch . ^ Btde to objects of great importance4nd interest to the ]^ple of this \ Province: That with this view, the House has heretofore ropeatedljt "^ passed Bills providing^ for the sale of the, Clergy Reserves, and the . ' appropriation of the monies 'arising thereftom to the support of Educa- tion; which Bills have beeq rejectbd wiUiout amendment by the L^V lative Council: That ^ with the same view this House has repeatedly < .fioade known^ by humble and dutifut addresses to His Majesty, their , ' P wishes and opinlon«t, and tbft wi«l|ffl anij op'"'"na of Hifi MnjtTty'n faith^ ' ' ., ful subjects in this Province^ on this highjy important subject ; and thi» * < . House takes this opportunity of dedaring that these widie^ and opf- ^ ntons, both on tfie part of this Hou^ and of their constituents^ remain- v 1. entirely unchanged .;,,That during the second seBuon of th^t Porha- . u- '•^ J'-* >- rj5*^!!5wr h _. k , '.i]5T!"i^jp«Hf^ 170 -^ ment bli isin^uency um iituutenant Governor, uy measage, intormed JoarnttooroM this HooMf that lie had received His M^esty's instrudions to declare bw. i««ii Aptii, that the repremntations which had at different times been made to His Mn^ty «nd his Royal Predecessors, of the projudioe sostained "by his Majesty's faithful subjects of Uiis provided fW)m the appropriation of . the Clergy ' Reserves, had engaged his liajestyX niost attentive consideration, aiid his Majesty has most gracioudy been pleased to >^ - invite the House of Assembly to coniilider how the powers given to the Provincial Legislature, by the ooostitu^onail Act, to vary or repeal the W provisions which it contains for the allotment and appropriation of the > -Clergy Reserves, could be mtet advantageously exercised for the spiritual and temporal intenesis of Uis fai'thtbl subjects in this province : That this House, in compliance with (ns Majesty's wishes^ thus - ^,.. ■ griK^ously ei^preased, and with the strong anii well kn■ * ^ 4^ 1 • - — — • " ,i ' future dispoBitioD of the Clergy Reserves wan read a MOund time. ^ ■ V • ■ ■. ".■^ . ; On t^e queition ht adopting the aame^ tht yeat ah^ iiaja "^wtrt , "taken as follows: iK- Messieurs ; y YsaI. Alway, « Oilchrifct, Bruce, .. ,M'Intosh, ^Chisholm, M'Micking^ - Cook, Malloch* Dunoomt)e of Norfolk, Moore, . Durand, jppniwii, Messieurs r^' ■■"'[-". ■■-.-'^.i..^ NAva. ifLean, . . Brown^ " Caldwell, /Hbrrifs Park*, ' Smith, ' •' • » Perry, Waters, ' t " Roblin, *; Weils, ^ Rymal, Wilsoii, ', / ^i . Sluver, "Woolverton/- Sbibley, Yajjer.— 24 *• -* ^ ^ % ¥> Stranga^ Walsh, ^ - Taylor, j'WilkiiJwon— TO, \i M'DonnclI of Olengary, Robinson, ^ ■-■-'-V ■■ ■■■^- ^■■- -■■■"■"■ "1 '- • . The Question was 'carried in the affirraat«re by a majorit7 of Fourteen, and the ResoKitiqn was adopted accoj^ingly. ' / - On motion oT Mr* Siliaver,'^geconded by Mr. Robliiu ' •. , Ordered, That Mesws. D,unconibe of Norfolk and Perry l^a Corii- mittee to wait on his Excelleiniy ?v)th the Resolution and present the wme.--."-./\v-,- -^'^^'-^v-'-- : ■ J ^L • ^'^■.l:'\:':-''Z -^'-V;;-* ' 15"i April, 18^6.\ ,om„M,pf,be ■ , V Mr. Perry, from the Select Committee to wait On his Elcellency\b!iy"i5thAiiiv' the^ Lieutenant Governor with the Address of this House requesting -*'*'' his Excellency to transmit to His MajestyT Go>*ferjnnient copy of a Resolution passed by this House in relatich to»the Clergy Reserves reported delivering the same, and that his Excellency had beeb pleased Id say that ho would transmit the Etesolittion. JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNjOIL. ■f . '■ ' 1 ' . ' : .^ Otii March, 1835. Journau of the LeijisiativcCoun* His Honour the Speaker reported t* the House, That a Deputation, J^*'""^*^"* fiipm the Commons House of Assembly had brought up a Bill, intituled ' i «• An Act for the Disposal of the Clergy Reserves in this Province for ' . the Purposes of general Education," to which' th^y requested the Con- punenoe of this House. < , - . '■ The . / IUMrv« TIm Bill, IntHukd « An Ac^for th« dkpoMl of the Clergy io tbk Province fur the PtirpoiMi of gonerel EduoUioo,'' wm reJl And it WM Ordered, Tbat the Mt/e be read • Second Tiiao on llondaj next, and that ili/the mquiUme it be printed for tlie Le of nemben; and OrtUrod, That the^eniborB in to'«n be aummoqed to tUXmd in their {dai^ oo ia|| day./ - i0Tu Maroii, Furs^t to the Order of the Day, th« Bill, intituled « An the Disposal of the Clergy Il«,>8orv^ in this Province for the Pu^poait of generaT Education," wae ijOad « Second Time ; Ajct f(» Arid It was Ordered, That it be referred to a Select Commilte* , with power to send for i>oreons and papera, and to report therecn by Moendment or otherwj^; and Ordered, That the Ilonourobt) Mr. Clark, the Honourable and Venerable the Archdeacon of York, and the Honourable Memieurs Maridand, Elnvley, and Crooks^ do conpoa* the Msae for that purpose. I :'lP ■'.:/,' .■\m''' /■.;:.■ ■■'■SOxn Mabc^, I8I35. ■•u>iiMeii,ii The Honourable Mr. Mnrkland, from the Select Committee to 'vhom Wte referred the Bill, intituled ♦* An Act fortiie Disposal of the Clergy Jleserves in this Province for the Purpoees of genend Education, seated their Report. W: Ordered, That it be received; » And the same wa» road by the Clork as follows :-» loUfMtoorUM , all. MH lfai«Ji.llH. pr«h t ^ The Select Committee appointed to report upon the Bill, int tuled * An Act for the Disposal of tho Clergy Reserves in this Previa » for the Purposes of general Education," hftve taken the same into (wnsi- deration, and concur in not recommending it to your Honot table House, but have ogreod upon certain^ Resolutions, which they beglleare to offer for its adoption. Resolved, That His late Majehty King George the Third, Uving been graciously pleased, by Message to both Houses of Parliamek, to express His Royal desire to be enabled to make n permanent appr<^pria- tion of Lands in this Pro\ince, for tho support and maintenance! of a ^ ProtestanI Clergy within the same, provision was made for that purpose by Parhament in tho statute passed in the 31st year o^ His Majesty's reign, cap. 31, by directing a reservation of fands io be made and set apart in the proportion of all the lands that should be granted by His Majesty in the said Province, and by declaring thit all g and every the rent^ profit^s ^r emolumcnle which might at an/ time wise — "•- / Win ' PpJ^P^WI^*^,' V I I. i' mi % •\.% W- 'w^ / 4 4 '^ .JtrV ♦ ■ " --4^ "TT --""' i^: - ■/ ' ' W'^' •-4^; II m ^i ^: i 171, ^ ■" VIM horn Mcb lM»|li to allott*! aiij ipproprfalMil m af. _ U appliwl •olely to tlw nmintonance nitd luppCttt of a , . OI«rg7 within tho Provino»s and to no othor luo or purn^ wliatevfr IK». y'. IU-K.lv<'.i, That a/^h nliutmcntii nml nppropriAlfcHBi ,w\ tli.> ^A 4inrfH hnviHir lKx«tyHMil.jerUin\lil« Provimo have tV.r a long period Lech ^tendored anxious and uii»4ttlW, rf,eeific objcH^ts U.a Clergy Reserves shall be porjnniiently applied* ^ , . " Rmlved That the Legislatle Council, confiding inL wisdom mi rtice of II,, Majesty and the Vperial Parliament, Aink it expedient and proper humbly to address Ills Majesty and bothllouses of Parlia. ment, repre«>„i.„g that the Legi«baut«W thb Province has been una- ble to concur m any measure rtej^ecting the C Wgy Reserves r and earnestly requesting that the Imperial Parliamkt will, tvith ai litHo delay as possible, make such an enactment on L subject as caunoL apFy to leave iiny room for doubt or question irregard to the objects to which the pn^eeds of the Clergy Reser>-^/;relo be applied, and that, havmg regard to the pre^nt oondiUon and>^uture welfare of this p*^lon y and maturely consid erin g w hntornr h »a. i»«. ._^j ^ — f. .^,im,^ f^uMie^ w aas wen iirgpa or may b* k # n/, ;f :,!■-' ^ ' I I? i 1 .> ^ 174 * ^^'^''IlPM^^^f'''^ /; r\ ,'^' •» t .=^/-' ' f / tinnxl iu ratnml to Uitwe Hewirve^ tb^y wilL4>y Bouie iiheMura be eqabled to make a permanent Appropria- tion of Lands iff''thiS'Pi»vinee for Che Support and Maintenimce of a Protesttmfr , CI^^ within the same^ Pro>'uSop was made for thai Purpose by Parlianiedt in the Statute passed in the 31st Year of Hia Majesty's Re^ Qhap. 31, by^ 'directing a Reservation oi^ Lands to be ixude andnSet ^part in tbe Proportion 6f all the Lands that should be granted b^ Hia'MiBJesty in the said Province, and by dedaring that all and.eveiy the Bfea^ii)' ■\ > ','; *** H.'- '-\ "- '' V. *^ ^^ ' , . ' .-*. >■ .> • ' \ l- ■ . ■ - ■■ . \ •. • • ". ' " • ' , • - ♦ • rf " '^1 " ,1 • . ■ . « » . H * ' ^ '. • ' ^ r * .- ' * 1 -V - ^ : _ ^ " ' , . 1 J " " / »' ■ ' ' '•/ ., '' ' ' ■ ••• " .^' ' -' ^"'^ • ' » ' "" ' ' -' • , »■■'• \' ■• I ' n - ■ V - ' • . . - • -• ' > • . •'" • V.,- ••.-..■' , , ' ' . • , It 7 • ^^ >l " ^ L ' ■■■'-'I. > . ^ • • „ 1 ' 1 w ■f,-: "«, . ' . - ' ' ^ ■ . ■;;'■ ' > "' V • • .■,..•. i... , - ■ ' " _ ..•-.. V >. \. 17S menfai Urb« dariv«d froii\,tji«in, which Chum Was nu4^ miil ,)uh been f'|^<'i*'*','^ urged upon the Footing of a lf|^l Claim, grounded on the Construction eifcwthManb. of the Statute, and on the Rights of th«t Church of Scothind, as a Church cetabllshed in ono Part of the United Kingilom. . - • v -" ^ "•;; -5 \ <•> Heeoh'ed, That it hiw been advanced bf othifillr Portions of thei. People of this Province that all Pfot^tant 'Denominations have a Jlight, in common with t^ie Church of England, to hav^ th^ir Clergy sup- ■ ported from the Reserves,, in i^ucstioif, and that no exclusive Right can , be vindicated under the Act in favour of any One or more Protestant OJiurchei. c * . - ■*■ - - * Resolved, That EflurtA ha\e also boon made to [>rocure a total. Abolition of thiit Provision, for the Support ^ Religion, by obtaining an Act of the Provincial Legihlnturo directing tho'Sule of the Reserves* and the Appropriation of the ProctiC'da to Purposes of general ' Educatiouk ' "■' . • "' \ ' ■ lR«soIvcd, That by these conflicting Claims and opposing Views, hi ' regard to a Subject of so groat Iitterc&t and Importanf o, the Mind^. of Hid Majesty's Subjects in this Pro> ince have for a long Period neoa.^ rendered anxious and unsettled, and in the Opinion of the Legislative Council it is for many Reasons much to bo -desired that a i«pecdy and final Settlement should tako place of the Questions- which have arisfm upon the Effect' of the Enactments referred to, and that it s'&ould be plainly, certainly, Jind firtnly established to what specific Obj^ts the • pk>Fgy Reserves shall be permanently applied. ' . ' Resolved, That the Lcgiutati\c Council, confiding in the Wisdom and Justice of His Majesty aAd >tho Impefiul'iParliament, think it expedient and proper humbly to address His Majesty .and botj] Houset of Parliament, representing that the Legislature of this Proyince ha$ \nm unable to cownir in any Measure respecting^e Clergy Reserves; and eaniestl3KTequesting that thelmperiitl Parliament wiji, with as little Delay as possible, make sueh an Enactment on' the Suliject as, canijot jjippear to l«ave any room for Doubt Or Question in reg^ to the Ojbjeets to which the Procioe«.l3 of the Clorgy Rosetvcs are tQ be ^plied, and that,- haxin^reganl to the present Condition and future Welfimi of thia Colony, and matjttrely considering what€\er has been urged or may b6 Urged in regard to these Reserves, they Vili, by sgme Measure, which .shall bo final and unequivocal, make such an , Appropriation ^of them as shall f^ear t<>. bo^ ^ost consistent with a due Regard to Religion»to the Princi|)le8 of our CoJistjtution, and to the perraancUt 'yW'^are ,and Tranquility oif the pF&vjnce. . » ' H«soiv«l, That it is the Opinion of this Committee that tlie i;same Select 'Committee t«> whoni* was- ref«wr«d the Dill- «ent uf> ftjpm th )' ■i' f ' ' . >,' ^« ' \ \ (it-- V;' :^ ,#^ ■ ■■'/!■: V .•i% im:^ ■•■■,/ »^ ■WW^;'.4 riM ^^^r ■;•; ■•'' i '^' / ■ «S ' '• -tSkfv. ■■' ■•'■'!.' !■■'■'"■"■■ ■' : ^: ■:■ V ,."■■ .V ■'' ^■■-' ^ .^ ■■'.',,.. /'■ ■>'?' •"',/■ f^'L ■ . ■ ' ^ ' X- '*'''.- ■' :• ^ ' - • .'•' : f."" ■■ ■ > -. . '"-"t' ■■'■ il'. . '■' - " j- .^■;' ■^':./\^-'('M^■';l^■'.■:^.^■■.^ , ■ .' ■ . 1 ■;:»■' fl-l^iN ' ■ ^\: « '■:-B/W-y':'-''l M>'i . ■ ■' 'ft / (> ;■■ , *»t ■. -'I', ■ ' ■'■ :,"'■! j:''; ■V- >J;■>■';^;:/ :'/.V'i^/>,':; ,--- . ,-■ . v'. ■ ■ ' '■ ;ft; . ■• r ?:•. y'" ; f V ■ -: ■• V • i: ":''.!■■ v^'^iM; ■^■' '" ■■:■ "■*;■.." ■■■ ■■ •■ ■'..■ V :i;i^ '•' ■ • ■;' 'S' :•■:■- :^-"::^-^-f'''.4^^-.J^^^ ; vV ■■■■■.1,: M' : . •■ '-■■'. -:]^ ' ' "' ^.' ■; ".•;■■■;:.:■■■'■.■*::. : i^ '.i'i--; / -| ,■ ' ; M. . ;■: ._ - .'.l.^-- : ^ ■ '.'*■ 'fh"'' • ■ - ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' ■.■'■■^ ■.,;■■"' ■'■•.»- ■ \' ■ " .-. '. ■; . /■■■ i^<" ■ -■■■'■f'?.^-', -ir. ■i f ■-"-.. :,.^vv" . -v - ' ' ■•■':■"'," ■■.■ ; J: -]'-Wn^^:' '^■^' ■ \\ - ■!''^ •;'' "^'' -..■.-;:. ^-^ .. ■ ■; ,-iv- ■ ■; ■■■( Hi i''' ''■?"'■ ;rv I. -il: - ' ■ ''"''■■'"^!'•■^.^' l' :■':-'•: '.''k^-'X j' ■'■■■ '' W ,-■ ■ • #''-1^--f'--'^^'"/ ;y,.v,;M ■■ •■':^' ■::v,,.-;/\,. J ■■■;#., r^ ■- . '.-. " '■'" • -. ■<■■•(■ -■• . '■■ '■ ■ ■ ':'.- I-' - '^' L - ■■ ■ ■ . -.i-- ; ^:^' ■'• '^T'-'.-v". ■ .*<; • '^ ■'..'.■ ■F --•i:;^ .'^V .'■^r''--i^.:i:' ■ ^.■'■UM ■^\ - f ;i ;-;<■■■■■: ^- -''::>;..: -. / "■,'■'■'"' ■:■,.. ' .■':. ■■■';. '^S^ '-^■"■, - ■;;. [ - : !- ^ : . ': . -,\ .'-■■..v\- ■; ■ ::■' 'i!-'.-.-^':.:--^- : ■ . * ' '■ ■ i ■'■■ . ^'r;^ ■]■ ■>■;;.■•-: '_ — ., '-■.'.- , ^ ~ ^^--^ ■ : 1 ■ T" ■''" ■■' .':'/ <■» -.■.... J-. ':■■'. '■ ' ' v-.:>y.. • - ,,;.'. ■ ■;,.v.;; _^^>-- te^'fj.. -,1 .■■:•■:.■.'- y''^':-^'. A'^, ■ ■" - ■ ' '■-^i'l^l^v- ■'-."- ■ ' ■■■' **■"' ."! '-^ p?^"^''"' ' ' •' :.:'::''^ 'f'v-.-' ; '-..•■' '■''■ ■"' ■'■ \'.\- ■'''■".'■ •■' ■■ .-..■ ■ ' ■ ■ f f:f:.\i '' ' \ *>. , . , ■', ■.■;'■■•-■■ .^■. i'' .lii^ ■' '■■'■ , ■ ■...;. . ' /',' I'M' >!*.. l^vt^f"^^ '/" ^'^^ ''"' '^' ^'"'^ of ^>'« Clergy R«erv<« ^ 111 this Ptovinoe for the PuriMAea of ««ni.J.t i? i .• . . *^ f«w»«tf qf u^ JlUuU JUWuikm being «rf ;,Soeo«l Time,\md u.5 l«,ii Aii4 it was orderad, Tllat a^GoDv of thA 'alt on. «nt to the Common. House i'^Ul bl tt v 1 ^'"''""' ^ for.their Concurrence. % ^^ ^^ ^^'^ **"^' « Chancery, Selert Committeo to whom n, miin re&J th. Bill i^? fT '^ ' Act lb, th. Diepoed of th. Cle-ErWrta ^v p ^°'"' ^ Ordered that it be wceired : and. The same vj^ then read by the Clerk. ■I ii \Order „ Committiieofthe 8tr Amui, ]^835. *■■ Lf Of the Day bring lead ibr ft. U^ 177 ^u^t^ ^:^^^^^^ I CjW^f roportod tliat tI,o Comn)itteo had «,ne thmiU' ii. f : ;^ .-o„„no„dod the «u„e ^ ^ Oixlered.tl^t ihe Report bo rooeLl; \> • V -i^-iM^^ K«oh.tlo.« o„ Parliament thowon. ^ ^''*' """"^ '^f- ^Tw Imperial App«>pri.tio7of the Gie4 WJV L p'"- ''"'''' '^^ *'^ D«ft there^hi^O. ho «adL hiTS. ^ !^'^''"^^ ""^"^ » Orf^hat the Report b^ ' ^ ^-^ ^^ Th«I^u^teMr.ObAtooH* - ■ " Adoptip,,,plthelIou«j^ naecitlie«une without Amendment to'tI,« . v\ "^ " '^ »ble Mr. Oltfk took lU A^Hi^i^^r "^*'^ ' ^ ' n reported that A Comm!M^*i.A ' : % *^ - «. t * A ^«wd, t^tUe R^rt b^Mceived; ^d, Ordered, that the said A< I a^Tiird T:ime on Iklonday ne«. ','■■■."• ■■ - ^ w* > 'i I Aid, Ordered, ti«t Um Mid ArfHi^ t. • . ■ , '<^ Ptartuant ^ the Order of the Day th9U P?or.no^ w«,,«^^Thi^ Time, and ^A^ • the King on the Rtt'e'veBJip thit. • ?N t . Wi«i"i>o. a. 8^., .ig^^jj .^, , ^ . ■^." y Oid e wd, V \> I, ^\ i . w"; •..■. tt^ ^% / • i W\ \ / (. -/ I i tl C * to ,1 on ^thi ]ia( /Her Gen I Stati aabj( v^p?^^ ' M^ 178 1^ • f Ord««!, that .^ Add,*. iHwpr^uri ^ hi. B Lioutenant Qovemdi-, In th^Yol|pwia^ Woidt:^ ' "^ 'if'Sr^'H''^" Oo««>om<^ fenight Com^anderiof th. Met Honou«ble M,I.ta,y Owler 6f th« BiUh, LieutoMntGover. ; »or of he Province pf Upp^r Ca«,dl^ L M-^C^ 1^ comm.nd.ng h« M.j<^y. Force." Um«n, Ac. Ac. Ac f |t»y It Please your Exo^Hency, , . ' [The Legwlative kuncil have pMwd an liumble Add«J»« w Majesty, on the Subj<.t of the Cler^^ve. mSp^^^^ they pray your Excellency will be pleased t^ trnnamitT 3r wi^ the aocompapying' ijocuments, to hk Majesty's pToLV^^? , 8tat.lbM,^Colom<^tobei:?himlaldrtte^^ ^C^^L^ the Honourable Mesdeur^ bfebob ,„d Crookihink ba. • 9,fom,ttee to wait upon the Lieutenant Governor to know whThk ^«^ would 1. pleased to receive this Hou^with th: Z^^ >1 th. JoMnitla. «r I C'oMiieil.'iaui Apni, IKM. > .. ■-*?:1 On Motion |aade tod seconded, it wai ' ,-/ V / •■■■■.■■ ',■•■'.. Ordered,^ One thousand Copies of *li« R-^i. *j Jr^Report of the Select Committee^ StL a ^^"^ ^ '^ th<» ^ to His Majesty, on theT^^MlrVtTrA " " -'^ '''""« ^VC^e^.H^v.inthiaP^ would be pleased to i^ivethisS lith tS^^ ^'« Excellency ^ on the Subject Matter of the ApSsSo^ ' «^P«,vinc, sported that, ^^ , H been pleased to nime thL Dav at ^« H ?ri '^"^^''J'- :|ioek at Noon, for m^^Cam? «tth, flour of Twelve of the - ; I' %*he Time applied 'the Xefftfli^ P^vlrnmentHou^^a^^hefr Add^m *° ^' ^Keretoa^folW:' . ^^ •Oenllemen, ■■■■;■■'■■. >;•■■'■■ In^^^ '^-i .J: J''^ ^..•■:-'- ^L >•* Y J0UKNAL8 W^T' '\!f^'Wimm"f^ •^, .'w i f** V ^ -,'(»■ JOURNALS OF THK H0U8K OF ^S^iMBI*!. Puf«UM.t to notioe, Mr. Perry, woonded br Mr O n k ^<^^''fJil-^l* ■»4 the Bill r«.d. ^T^ '"**^° • "^^^ P^H / it^ r" -^^ "'" "^' ■ • ■" j|p ^ * 20th Fidruabt, 183«. *^I . On the Quertic on the BUI: th. HoMIJo jb tato Ooni,Bitto,;rfu.. wW. "•^m,Wt«e OB tb. Bill o„ Moiid.y mil .„d the House do go ' titbeth I carried. '^t it be the first item on the ■Jp Of the day for that day"; which -, . 22d Fbbrcart 1836. ^ rebniMjr, I .. Ifr. M'Cme in the Chair. l*^ *.. f\- The House resumed. 1*^ M ^^^^ vt ui« nouae. n< j W it i. th«J^L!^ . ^°"""' with r«.n«ct to tJio ft..u« «"»WTt««n, •■Hi to cii*-t «uch lawg . th, .hid. «„,«. ^ «j^ t^ 7^^ -«« fe,fc„: IfaMn. ' . '•,■"■ 'w.' ^^^^^^ i M^^ Jf»°N -^"^ Norton. Bunco.;. 0^0^, s:s::^tzz'p?Jtv «»«>-.,.' Moloch. *.:n ' *■> /■•» STt ' CheaMr, Chisholm, Cook, Sol. G^ncni]-.4. ■ ■■•■ ' 'im Sh'iblcy, Smith, Thorburn^ Wabb, Waten% Wilaon, Woolvorton Bnice^ ChesBor, Chisholm, Coot, Duncomhe, Oxford, M'Intosh, Duncomb*^ Norfolk, Mackenzie. w.n nti, -norton, Smith; ■ Durand, Dunlop^ ' Oibflon,* Messm. Botilton, M MaJJochj Rdblin, Wilson, Rykert, t^oolverton. Bjraal, yager_33. Robinson,' -SoKcitor General, Walsh -5. Th« question i /»•. • t) » \t » -no i il" •4^ »/" ^ (/ • ,-«*».«. OM -<.k ^■ ''^* S^n S"' .A» \i s-.... U ^^ ■ ft ^ * ,'^r' V '.^: •>* d (Mlk / Mi i%ht; and orderod.aooQrdinglT. ■ , ' K5r!!n5i ; ^^r\- . ' , ^**^ PfcBR^AlHf, 1886. MlllT»b..l8M. Purthknt to 0,^ ord^r of the diy, the Cktgj E«env, «de Bill wa. • . -lead the third time. . ' . •".'••■■ On the quesUon for pacing the Bill, the yeas and naysW taken '\were aa foUowa: . / . » •^'" ,>^ ^1 '•^ ."' ■lleispra. « Bruc<]^ Chasser, , Chisholm, ." 'Cornwall, ' « -Ykas. ^ .Hopkins, . Mackenzie, Small, . Lewis, Motrison, Smith, / ^c"*" * '*' ^*"^"' •'^*"°^ Juncpm^^ Norfolk, D'Oo*^!, Glerigany, ' S^!;^? WelT . ._.* .Purand,^. , M^Donell. Stormo/t, Ro^, Wi^ V ' gST- < M'DonelUorthumb. Rykert, Woolve^on. d^^» '^ •' *''^"-**^*^' Shaver. Yager--^: 'A-> , ♦» Xays, V. . Soli.-5for C,mc^^\ Wilkiiis.nl^5. The question wa^carri^ i„;tl« affirmative by a majority of thirty.^ • ^^\f^"?' seeona^'by Mr. Lount, "moves,. "That the BiU be - Ptvinlfott, ^^* '" X^"^ ""' *^ ^'^^ W^^th^ Province for the purposes of genend educat^n,'" which was carried; and Messrs. Per^. and |x>unt' , were orde,^ by the Speaker to carrJ he Bdl up to the Honourable the Leg^«lati^, 6oun.il,^d to ^^uS their concurrence iht^rutr, \ ' < . . •^i«OTi. » 4 \*\ their concurrence^thereto. P. B.^H>AD, . The Lieutenant Governor transmV to the Hot«e of Assembly the ' ' ^ S^eTTb"^ r^^ '^- ; ^'^P«^'» V «■' Majesty's Secretiy of I' ^. the Jast Session, on the subj^vt of the cWrffv Reserve* ^ : .<^?f rfeitaroeirt House, ) , 7Ui March, ISag. j/ *n '• from \22nd March, 1836. f\ t '- Y «<*^ i .« ■^^ t . f 5 » f >•- • V -^ *■ ■ I < ^' , ■ '.■■ „ •;, S.--y , .■ * ' I *, V ( ■.■4 ■ ';^-J ^ t ► • ■*-( *'^^'"'~»--~. .'■■■'■ .\ , k- '' , . V --^^ '.■*.. --. , " «. 1 •# ,'-■ '-'^'..J* ' ' ^ r * ^^^ -* ^..A- > - » r * V 182 I from thi# Hou«e, intitoM "An Act for th« iiapoMUf tl.e CI^«r . ; ««t Honourable House had paJi;^«,„«:^~^ ' the amcurrence of this House was requested. — • in ^' trit"*^«^?^ """1' ^^ *^* Honourable the La^Wative Council ,n md to the B.1I. mtituled « An Act fer the dispos^ of the ClX read the first time, as follows: " ■ , u ■ ■ .Act for the disposal oi^the Clergy.Reserves i^ this P„>vince ^ • for the purposes of general education.' . ^ i * re.!«!r I!^!^^"^"?: ':^'; ^^«« ^he r^nahid^, and in*^. t.' SJln aS t ^ ".*^^ P'^^^'*' «^ GreatBritain. rTZ, '^ ""P^*^ ^'**'° parts.of«n Act passed in the fo«rtee«r« ye« of his Maiesty^s reign, intituled 'An A^mTkb^ ^ore effectual p«^^^^^^^ ' -1' to be apphed for th. m^n^na> of puLfe worsh« «l* ttl support //f religion within this PfoVin<5e.' ^ ^* '^.•^ »• Bill, and msere .m and^y an Act of the>p.rt«»«W of Great BriZ. , passed m thojjwy.first year of , the reign of m Im U^tv*^ George the Third, inUtfiled 'An Act to'^repea, ^^^"7^ pas^Ml m the parliament of Great Britain, intituled aTLwi^' certain parts of an Act pas^ i„ the fourteenth ye* of Bu^uJ^m re>gn,.nt.tuled iAn^Act for making niore effectual provision SJ malTr ^'^?P-;i«ce of Quebec -in North imerica,' Z^ among other ^things .recited and .declared, that His said late Lest^ had^beon gracu^u^y pleased, by message to both Houses of Parlia^ ment, to oxpr^ His royal dfeire to be enabled to make « pennanent ^^«>P"ation of lands in the s.^d Provinces for the su^ T] midntenance of a^Protestbnt Clergy within the s^e. 4 prSj.^ such knds as W bgn already granted withii^ 'the LZ^^Z Maj^y; and furtji^,^ l^such provision might be ^ia^^ntCl^.itln.ithe.^i Pr.^inceJf^ p^r!::^ incase as should happen in the population and.culti^^ thW , And whereas, for th* i^rpo^ ^ mor. ^«dly M&g »^' Majesty sgracK>usi,*«M„.,,fo,^^^^,^^,^^»^^^^ , exeea'ti<»i of ib«- Mareii, t* h 1 , ■' 11 " , — ii-ii ■ ,. "'' V ''\'- ■ 0, ../■;' , i^ ■ . • * a« in ..■■•;■. i ,!*-„.■ ".tl .<>>*•; ..#,!-<>'■ : ft-." % . ». r • ) ■■■■<( ■ *,;. " . .H\ ■■;! ■ v>-. - :.\^ ''^-.^■■^'■•d» « . ( o. ^•• ■ ^ »«j, * i « \x «^^of the «me in aU Ume to come, c<^. p«,viriom w«. ^luli^^ ^ -^i! k and by the said Act respecting the support «nd mAintenancesT. P^ ^ 'Piote-Unt CJ^rgy within the ^d pJillU whiT^^ILj^"^ ^^^iZfV^!^^'^-'^^ thirty-aeventh,^irt,^ Ju^n^'!''-^ '!rr«"*' ""^ '-^y-^^^ Clause, of Ui/siS a: B^o!ri'"n^!^''*^*'** ye" ofU.e reign of His late Majesty • - King George the Th.,d; and are in U.e words following; jhat i. tJ^ v . : f^'t^^"^^ Act'pa«sed>in the - ■ fourteen^ year of the reign of Hi. pn«ent Majesty it wTllT . ft|^eCe,gyoftheChurchofR6n.i„thek>Wncr^^ , : "^ghVhdd, receivcand enjoy their Accustomed due. and righto^ ' ' /' «V^fO such person^ only as should profess the teid ^iri^ P~ruied nevertheless, that it should be laJfi.1 for hL l^T^ii ' he,r8or8uc<.e8sorH,tomako such provision out of the L^/^^' ? ' m«uston.to«tl«>«ourt»%0^r 9f tbe^»S^ t '.it » ' ^^fesE.. *■ n(V -fv'. "," (I te^^^ — (—J t;.-. ' ' ■„ '* I "„. i' .!' s - ..."... ■ '- — T-^^ a^—^^-fr- 'V' ■y/.v./f ^ i j K. ' ".. A---(- -'"■ ■; ' ..," -'^-^"--^^ [f ■•'."■•'," '■'> '''■•'«'■„ 'o •■>'*„■- ■;>■>"•■ „ ;.".<.■•.■''■'■:_" ■ fl ■-, ""■■■'^ ■ 1 t "•■ "' 4 ';"■' - .A "' ' :<: ''W^ irv "p^it •rvsy; #: !'^!i ■•« :v,.£.fc v_ .^Ji. / i 'jr«-'i N 'i.V ■;•• ^^^ . ■^V''■■.■.*■.^.'•^^^' •:.■/•; ^.^ ^Vl»* 'v.::-,;- >,>:-:.-■ -:. -•: a ^ .,^.i-fr:r-^*^v *^i']^ 'ir '♦(• . V.' "*'. is*:' ' ::*li'' ^''■' ;'*:^ a^ #^ ■?»•■* ■'■■•' i .^■' in,«> far as the «ud LlaratfonvSS^ ,A«»Q/; -haU bo exprewly varied brrSS^!*^^^^^^^^^ V * J :f ■^>': ■■;';", <^' •.^«'. ■ ■■ « ■■ ': ' ■«w * t^i A, •%,v' X » it 19 >«^ '-% »• <> ^r, ^ ^^ """"" '^ «pecificatio,y ' /■>: V -■ ^- -' "'^. ■ [ be ag \f 10 ' > ' ' '^ . r *k' o • - ' 4*M 1^ 'k> « ' '' ( / " X qu be an, Ian as gw or] / 1 ^ 1 '.» "'" • y' J •> ._ ^ V , - ^ ■ • /* . • \t „ V r » * > •• ' « 1 •\ " I V ^ , ■ r « / -- fi n 4 # (1 f , A ti O ^ " « V» n "f] fc ^ ■ M - \i , 1 « ^ 1 » ^6 ( ' . "/ K tt * '1 • / i ^ ' • O r «» U ** 13 J U -^J»-f »> I ft « 1) f 1 shal iv* «atl ■ -the ever . 'Chn •the taca I ■,.."«o" P"..rirri [•:;>■.. '.4. ?*,■ X',^ / '*^. -K. .pp'".ph1: lilt's iniii't' ir T -'""^ &"-• '"Siv •t the time of makinff ,uch «^n7 ^T I • . "* ^° *^ wtimated .**** J'ivl^t!^Ilr^''r'*^ % the authority afi>,«.id. Ib«t W other lue or purpoee whatever. ' ^ *° °* « « h.v, c ^s^ttt^:'Hr?"™f " «»"°^ '•■ witlin such PrmtaTf^ ,ij » ■ ■'T'^' " ""■" <" '»*»«>% , . fonnrf, coLitatoJ. or eST'S^n 11 P°''"~^' '°*' ^ Pmonage or BMtorv or pZ. '«'' Piovioo^ one or more «ch Peonage or R«l„,^\^»K™ T' ^""^ "> """"o" 'veiT •utliorizo lie Govomor LieukLrT ^' "" °' '""^Wns to •my such P««,na~ *^ * ''"'^ th« rile, of mo s«d Churol, TjT "7 ,'"^»'»«' «»»«% to to «.,• .uch Piona^r CL .tlta '"T ^T'^f^'^ 'L " „ -V- ■ ■ '. * ".~-^, .\--'.;:'; _ V ■. ' ■ ■ ■■.''^'\ „. ' ■ ■ ." ■■ ■■• ^^ ..*-■•■ /* 186 ■J" 4 thii Aillr Md «mply, ana in tho Mmo manner, tad on tU Mm*, fcrrti. «i •oudit km.. «„a l^M. to tl.e perf«n»a„co of the -uJTi^t 1 incumbent of a Panonago or IWtory in England. "^ ~ "»« «for«Mud That evorjr auch prcaentation of an inonn.bent or mini. Jw. «ny ..u,h Pa,«>wg. or Roctory, and «Iho tl.o enjoyment of .my -uh ]!ri«^^^c f . 1 7 ^ '""'. T' "" ''''^' 'P'"'"«' nndeoc!«i,«ticnI j^rwdct on and autl.or.ty. which Lavo been lawfully granted by Hin Mnjctyn Hoya Lctu^n. Patent to the Bi,hopof Nova Litor whfch may hemafter, by Hi. Majesty', royal auU.ority. be lawfully ;rant.. ol .ppomted U, bo admini-terea and oxooutod within the «id J^^vinol Wtthor of then, rcpoctivdy. by the ^11 Bi-hop of Nova Vot7«, or by «ny otber pc«o„ or ,H3r.onH, acconling to the h»ws and canona of thi Church of England wb,|^«, la|fully ,pado and received i„ England. thl!^ ^' '" •"''"'■" '''"'"'""' I»«'«i»b«furo continued re«poctin. the allotment and appropnation of land, for the .upport of « PrioHtan'; Clergy w.th.n the .aid P«,vinc«s and aLo m,pecL tlio co.u.tS" em^trng ana endowing Pan^nage* or ^I^^^^^ .. ce.; and al«> respecting the presentation of incumbentH or miniHtoi, to mmu.ter8 .hall hold jmo«o « P««^ by tf>e LegidaUvo Councirand A«emblyofthe«ud Province. respecUvoly, and a^„te.l to by H^ M^H« ho.« or suocensor., under tho^ «»lriction he,.inafter '42. ;• Pr^idodnevcrtheloss. and be it ftirther euactodl.y the authority afor^ul. That whenever any Act or AcU .hall be "pJ^Z LegiHlatue CouncU and As^jmbly of either of the «i^ ProvincI eon! tonung any prov« on. to vary or rep^d the above .^ited docWa o"» and^prov.s.ons^„ta.„■" - . ■■ ■■■■ >■ . ' « 1 « * ' i -" s * . ■ -.,. -■■^-^; ■;.;•'• •f :,-.^.-' '■ * \ ' * • ' ■ ■-■ ' -'. . - / * > - ■ > . f i ■ * •> , , •<• ■ ♦ '!-■' ■■■*"* ■ Mioioconr RObuitioN mi chaw (ANSI ond ISO TESt CHAITT No. 2) 1*5 12 1.1 m 1.25 11.4 12.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 Iil I. 1.6 A /1PPLIED IN/MGE he JS r leU Eott Mom StrMi ■^B ^ Rochnt«L Nm Yofh 14(09 USA ^S^£ (716) MB - 0300 - PtwM (716) 266 - SSB9 - fm •ppp *»•• N ' V N i \ ' % ^f^- 4 #•♦' % \ V • * V \ \ 0-OI' i^:^ tones within the said Provinces, or respecting (he presentation of joanuii or iim incumbents br ministo^^ tojho same, or respecting the manner in which "jI'stJhMrei/ such mcumbents or ministers shall hold and enjoy the same; and also ""' " , that whoever any Act or Acta shall bo so passed, containing any provisions which shall in any mapner relate to or affect tho enjoyment or exercise of,any religious fonn or mode of ^orship^ or. sha)! impose ' . or create jriy, penalties, burdens, disabilities or disqualifications in ; reaj^t of tlio same; or shall in any manner relate to or affect the *; payment, recovery, or enjoyment of any of the accustomed dues or rights hereifibeforo mentioned; or shall in any mhnner relate to the granting, imposihg, or recovering any other dues, or stipends, or emoluments wlmtevcr^ to bo paid to ^r for the use of any minister, priest, ecclesiastic, or teacher, according to any religious form or mode of worship in respect of his said office or functioii, or shall in any manner relate to or affect tlm establishment or discipline of tha Ghurcli of England, amongst tlxe ministers, and members thereof within the the said Provinces; or shall in any manner relate to or aii^t tlie King's prerogative totfching the granting of waste lands of the Crowa ,^ V .; within the said Provinces ; every such Act or Acts shall, previous to ' v any declaration or signification of the King^s assent thereto, bo laid .* beCoroboth Houses of Parliament in Great Britiun; and that it shall ^ . hot be lawful for His Majesty, his heirs or successors, to signify His or their assent to any such Act or Acts untii thirty dwys after the same shall have been laid before the said Houses, or to assent to any,ii#}l Act^or Acts in case either House of Parliament shall within tUf^^d thirty days address His Majesty, His heirs or successors, to widihold his or their assent from such Act or Acts; and,that no such Act ^\&\\ be valid or effectual to any of the laid purposes, within either of the sajd Provinces, unless the Legis^tive Council and Assembly of such T'rovince shall, in t^ Sfesion in which the same shall have been passed »y them, have presented to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor^ or person adininistering the govemnient of such Province, an address or addresses, specifying that such Act contains provisions for some of the said purposes hereinb^ore specially describedV and desiring that, in order to give effect to the same, such Act should be transmitted to England without delay forthe purpose of being laid before parliament previous to the signification of His Majesty's assent thereto. " And whereas, since the passing of the said Act, divers allotments and appropriations of land have been made within the Province of Upper. Canada, in pursuance of the aforesaid provisions for the support and mamtehance of a Protestant Clergy, which allotments are com- monly known by the name of Clergy B(»erve8, and have i)een made in the proportion of one-seventh of the. lands granted or to be granted •Within the said Province: And whereas, of these allotments of ki d, Bome portions have been demised by His sjii'd late Majesty, or His successors ■A :. \ / \. '": \ *>• . y. 1>V* ■ y^i *♦• / '": \ ♦> . f W' i CS". -"ii- \ .'"Nv 188' l>fSK. Miccossore, for terms of yearfs'jmd other portionflhavo been from time to JourMir^uw tiiiio sold umlor tlie autbority of an Act of the iParliamontof the m?!^* Mweh! United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the seventh and eighth ycirs of the roign of His late Majesty King George the . Fourth, iiititiilod " An Act to authorize the sale of a phrt^TtWciergy Reserves in the Provincea o^ Upper and Loweir C^da," under the provisions of which Act the monies accruing froni such lands sold are to be appropriated, applietl, and dlkposcd of'ibr tbe purposes for which tlie saiit lamts were so reserved as aforc^ij, and ^r no other purpose whatriocvor, and the residue of th^ said allotments or Re8er\'e», not Iteing leased or otherwise dispos^ of, continue vested in the Crown, ,.Bubject to the provisions f^luio Act first herein recited : " And wherosi^iJoubts have arisGn respedinV the proper legal con- structioiijsf^ho said Act passed 'fii the thirty-firetyepr of tbe reign of •' j ' lliijJJrtto Majesty King George the ^ird, and. it has been ma»lo a question to what sects or. denoriiinations of Protestants the term , " Protestant Clcrgj'," used in the said Act, was intended to bo appli- catfle, and what Clergy cjui 4V right claim to 'participate, or can be legally admiltecl to participate, in the advantages of the said allotments , or Reserves:' ■;■. _.■■'■• ' ^ :■; ■■^- ' '; \' ■ .. '"■.''. " A nd whereas tbe continuance of such doubts, and, the controversiea to wlii h they liavo given rise, are inl fiigh degree prejudicial tp the ;-■ peace and good goA'crnraent of this Province, and unfavourable to tlie spititual a"lid temporal interests of the people thereof, and it is expedient "' to put an end to suchdoiibts and controversies by enabling His Majesty, His heirs or successors, to dispijso of the said allotments or appropriatioiis of laml, and of the , moni^ which have accruetl or may hereafter accrue froiH the sale or other disposal of the same, or any part thereof, in such manner as to HLs Majesty, His heirs or successors^ inay |ecni just and fit for the maintenance of public worship and the stij'portvof religion within tliis Province r ' -. « Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majestjy by and with the advice and cnnwait of the Legislative Council and ,4' > AssemV'ly of the Province of Upper Canada,, constituted andassttmbled " f4 by virtue of and under the autholrity of an Act passed intheparlia- nient M Great Britaiiv, intituled An 'Act to repeal certain parts of an - '■'■ Aict passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's reign, intituled ♦*An Act for niaking more efiectual provision for the government of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to' make further provision for tlie government of the said Province' ' and by the 'authority of the faino, that the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh clauses of the said Statute, and so mueh of the thirty-eighth clause thereof as relates to the lendowment of any PaRonago or Rectoiy with land, shall be and tho fiime nrohorpbyrepoale.1, and* that all and: every thp lands which aro no«' l^ ? M' Y ■ 'V v; ^ ■A \ ■\ ■'^:. ' t,; -':^-v,^..v ;*. ■ -v •■■ *'., \ ' >- iry I o tl V <] r ti f t a ( e m »• \. ! now Tflit«<| io Hit Majeity, and which Wore th« pMung of this Act'ioynato ;i. Njirere reseriMr allotMl, and appropriated for th«^ maintenance and sup- uv. nm * port of a Protestant Clergy within this Province, under tlio authority ^^ of the said Act of the parliament of Great Britain paased in the' thirtj'-first year of His said lato- Majesty's reign, shall be and remma ,.res^ in Ilia Majesty, His huirs and succcaeors, freed And absolutely dischargod from all mH every of the trusts, conditions, limitations, or restrictions contained in or imposed or declared by the said last-men- tioned Act: Provided always, nevertheless, tliat the soid- lands are by t this Act vested ia His Majesty, His heirs and successors, discharged from the trusts and conditions aforesaid, to the intent and in order that the same lands may be, by His Majesty, His heirs and successors, or by and under the authority of the parliament of the United Kingdom of Oreat Britain and Ireland, appKed and appropriated, by way of endowment or otherwise, solely foi- the maintenance of public worship and the support of religion within this Province^ arid tp no other use or purpose whatsoever. . . ' , ^ il. "And be it further enacted by tl»e authority aforesaid, Tliat ' ' "nothing in Ibis Act contained eliall extend to interfere with or make void any grant, sale, or lease which before the passing of this Act may «r have been made of any pftrfor portion of the said allotmentt or apprb^ priations of land called Clergy Reserves: Provided nevertheless, that the knonies whif||^ shall have arisen and accrued, 'and which now renuua ' unexpended, or which shall hereafter arise and accrue, from such sale, or in consequence of Iftich lease^liaying been made, shall be applicable • to the saial>'pnrposcs to which the lands so allotted and appropriated . as aforesiul shall be applicable after the passing of this Act, and to no.* .. other; nndUJiat Nuoh monies shall be paid over, applied, and accounted for in feuch manner and fow» as His Mjyesty,, His heirs or ijuccessow^y dtoll bo graViously ple^Tscd to direct. III. •♦ And^'Be it fuitth^r enacted by the authority aforesaid, Thiit from and after the passing of this Actj no grant, sale, lease, or other disposition of any of tlie smd^otments or appropriations of land, or of ibny part theraef, shjali'be i^ otherwise than in pursuance of instruc- tions which Jmall from time to time be given by His Majesty, His hein or 6uccesBore, aiiter the passing of this Act." Legislative Council Chamber, 22d dey of March, 1836. John B. Robistson, Speaker. On the question for the second reading of, the amendments to-mo^ row, ^ In amendment, %.4 V / I: :i^ 180 'Whi -«* tn nmeti jtnent — Mr. Pony, nocondoil l»y Mr. Sliibloy, move**, " Thnt joiirnnu of ih« tlie aiH()iulin«'iibt imulo to tlio Clorg)' R<«orvo Snlo Bill l>o rofemxj to w^^m ,M'«rJ»V, a M'k'ci coniiTiittoo, roiiipuficd of MoHsrr*, V. DinicomlM>, MorriMon, Hlia- ' - M^ vor, mill M^Mickin|j^, with powor tn fusnd for ]H!ri«onH nml imi>or(i, and licavo to rci>ort therwn ;" — Wliic.U was ordcrcil. ;- 7tii April, 1830. Mr. Porry, from tlie Select Coramlttoo to wliich wa» referrcil tho nrooiintA nindo \>y tho Ilonournble the LcgiHlativo Council in and to the Hill intituled "An Act ftit tho diH|K)8al of tho Clergy RcHorA-en ll HI tliifturpoHefl of general education," informed the * I|ouso, "That tho Couuitittco hatl agreed to a report and some amend- ments, to tho amendmontA mado by the Honourablo the Ixiginlativo Council, both of which ho wa« ready to submit wlionlovor tho House would bo ploasfcd to receive tho same." The Report was received, and road as follows: ' To tho Honourablo tlio Commons IIouso of A«sombly. Tho Gommittoo to whicli was referred tho amendment? made bj Honourayo tho Lcgi«lativ)? Council in and to tho Bill intituleil Act for tho dispoHal of tho Clergy Reserves in this Province for tW purjwgcs of general educalion," have agreed to and beg leave to mjiko tho following Report: Your Committee have examined tho amendments to the Bill aforesaid made by tho Honourable th \ ■ >■ . 'Is^r— \ ) ::, ' mtm:. ^^^iMMa •ith vi-i'ii. ' J^f. fir of ttM Comralttoo, likely to edlruptinu! il«ffmd« ralidon, and to cndltb' jovrmtioriiw gojr tliu liU'rUvH or tliu country, c«ni«urtiiig tlin niinuitera of tu« (ioapvl biv^iii A|wM, into tho RiiiKnuliAriurt iinwer and inclituition toU-atow tlivM gnituitit>sui)ontheip. - v •Your Coinniittoo woukl oImwho, that although thwy bdievo erery «. proposition iH>t forth in tho prt>ninl>lo of tho Bill Hcnt up by your Ilonourablo llouw) to bo Htrictly true ami contct; ami although thoy also beliovo tht; Huvoral clauMOfl «>r thu Bill to b<^ junt and uauful; yet in order to nIiow to the country and Hid MajcHtyV gmenuuent thut your Honourablu lIouM) wortt guided by juMt principles in their proceedings on tliift groat nnd iin|>ortnnt measUrc, and anxioua to have the matt.-r Mttlcd ; in »hort, to prove that tho object of your Honourable Hq^m i« ineoBureo, not men, and that tljey ore not dinposod to adhere pertina- ciously U> any pnrticulnr mode which thoy might prefer in tho dispoeal of theao Ilo«ervt■^ your Commitleo would recommend that the amend- menta to tho Uill be acceded to by your Hcinounible House, with no other alteration than merely to direct the proceeds of the said Reserves to be appropriated for the purpones of general ct (iMX-onlinK to \m own ux|>Uoatiuii) utiUi Uu> Un»«*» in i'-'>»"t ' •* hop« of proouring 1*200 more in additioiii* * K'Tih' a wiu' ThU U n ninto of t)«inK» no Ivt* nliwinlnicf t1i«n ^. I'cTCR riimr, I Chnirtnnn. •♦ PrcM 8. Lino 2*2. of tlio hnicmlincntM, nftor ti»o \otA • tliunxM" cj^puiigq tho romaindor of tho prooinbli', and JnHert • for tM^riKHjgs of gojiuraJ education throughout this Province' "'^'-..~?-,,^ . • " PrcHfl 0. Lino 12. After tho word ' lnn(hj' insert * an.l tho prf»cood« arising thort'froui.' •/ ■'■^ "' ' ',. . ' ProHrt 0. Lino 14. After tho word 'appropriatixr oxpungo the remainder of tho clau. \-r -» ^ « •\ l7tli.^You are to give warrants under your hand for the issuing of public monies for aU public services, and We do particularly require you to take care that regular accounts of all receipts and paymenta of publio^ijSonies be duly kept, that the same from time to time be duly audited by our Executive Council, and that copies thereof, attested by ydaM transmitted eveiy half year, or pftener if there should be occasion, to our Pomttii^oners of our Treasury, or to our gigh Treasurer for the time being, and duphcates thereof by the next conveyance, in which accounts shall be specified, every particular sum raised or disposed o^ to the end that we may take such measures as we may deem necessary for the exAtriination of the wid accounts, and that we may bejsatisfied of the right and due application of the revenues of our said/JProvince of Upper Canada, and with the probability of the increase or diminuUon of it under everjOiead and article thereof. 18.~WheTOa8()y an Act of Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the fourth year of tlie reign of our dearest fathe r, his late King Ueorge the Third, entitulctl, « An Act to prevent pap^rBUla of "Credit hereafter to bo issued in any of His Majesty's Colonies and "Plantations in America, from bein^'declared a legal tender in pay- "ment of money, and to prevent the legal tender^rf such Bills as are "now subsisting, from being prolonged beyond the periods, limited for « calling ill, and sinking the same." It is enacted, that lio Paper Bills ■or Bills of Credit, should be created or issued by an Act, Order, Reso- lution, or Vote of Assembly, in any of our Colonies or Plantations, in :\p JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. ' ■,'%"' ' t ■ ^ ' ■ ■ * 2flTII KkDROARV, 1886. J«urn«laofUM The Ilonourablo the KjK'aker rcporte ' ^, ?■■ :^'-N' aocc ten<] Put ■-■ ''^i'SS^ a^ ■'^' ■'r^>l'm^v:^V:ki*:i:^€<'-::''^ v:';'.J:V.K;?>':J.v::w-'->-'-a-.-.v;. li!'-^fb&4:^.. . V'-.- ' ■ '.^ "'- ".j; ^hich «ich Certtficate8, N^tes or Debentures, whieb may l^ voluntarily accepted in payment by the Public Creditor, sball be liiade a Wd tender to the Twasuiy for taxes, duties and other payinents, to Uio Pubhc Treasury. , ; ■;^ l9ih.-^Yon shall not remit any fines or forfeitures wh^rtsoever above . 4he sum often pounds, nor dispose of any forfeitures whi^ver until. jpon signifying unto the Commissioners of our Treasurjr, or our Hiirh , ^«»urer for the time being, the nature of the offence and the occasion <,f^6k fines and forfeitures, with the particular sums or value thereof. (whKsh you are to do wjth all speed), you shall have receive^ our direc ' IT ^iT*"' ^"' ^**'' "*y' ^° ^^ meantime, suspend the payment of the said fines and forfeitures. \ SOfli—And you are an eveiy occasion to transmit to us, throurfi „ «ne of our prmcipal Secretaries of State, with all convenient speed a and Officers, Pow^ Authorities, Fees and Privileges gi^tT and^ettled withm^m-,s*idP«>vince of Upper Canada, as like^an account of ^1 the^>«Qs«in rwritiHl, md of ihnm our in*truct«on. U) you, and aivonliiijf U> M».h furtlwr p.)wcn and inrtnio- tiona aa jrou shall at any tiiiu* lu-n-aftcr rwvivH uatkt our aignei and •ign inantjal^or by our onler in our Privy Couni>it. 2nd.— Ami you aw, with all duo nolemnity, l«.for.» the imwiben of our ExacuUv* Council, to caum our Mid Coiiimianiftn U. b« n..ra of our wild Kxcuitivo Council, the Mveral oatlii, and aubacribe to tha dochiration Uwrtiu re.|uirBd. 9rd— You ahatl aIho a«!n»lni«ter, or cnuae to bo adrniuii»t<»red, the oatha mentioned in cau«o them to inakoaoil aubicribe the aforcaaid declaration ; but in cnaw! whore any surli offli-*,^ place of truHt or profit, in our said Province of Upper Canailfl,Hl.nll be con- ferred on any of our nubj vU who may profess the religion of tlio Chucch of Rome, you «hnll, so often aa any »utli porwrn nluill or mny b« admitted into any such offi,e, place of trust or profit, admiuisJor, or cause to Ik! ad- ministered to him, th«oath pr«»cril.en is ot shallto appoint^ by Warrant under our agnet and Sign MaW, any. fuyth^r ^Mfeat you^ ^n the va^^cy of any such office or place, or u^^ensii^/ I Al of io llw kka inannnr sml ftimi, nml mibjoct toMich appod th«a'from m M^h' apponla inij{lit hnve Ihhu Iwfure tint iMuainjjf of th« ahovo twit»A Ad, iHMini KDtl cloU>miiuti carry the iak| Act into ei.icutlon, our wiU and pJea« i sure i% Uut you do in nil civil cauM% oo applioation being nuwleto yoa ^ for that |.urj>o«s j».'rniil iinl «IK>w m|:|huiJ« from any of the CourU of Common Lww in our said I*n>vinco unto you andtho Kiecutive answer such charges as shall bo awarded in case the first sentence bo afHrrae. perty of our subjects, and the advancement of our revenue^ tW the disposal of such Lands as are our property, upon good and reawnable terms, and the establishing of a regular and proper method of proceed- ing with respect to the passing of grants of such Lands, it is our will . and pleasure that aU and every pferson orpeisons who shaU ap^y for any grant or grante of Land, shaU, previous to their obtaining the sameu makeitappearthatthey arejuacondition to cultivate and improve the same; anfl in case you shall, upon a consideration of the circum- stances of the person or^reons applying for such grants, think it ad- ' visable to pass the same, you are, in such cas^ to cause a Warrant to be drawn up, directed to the Surveyor General, or other Officer em- FwoHng him or them fo make a faithful and exact survey of the Lnds so petitioned for ^ and to rg tum t h e s aid Warrant^within ^ mo iilh sV farthest from the date thereof, with a plot or description of the Land 80 surveyed thereunto annexed; and; when the. Warrant shall be re- turned by the said Surveyor, or other proper t)fficer, the grant shall be made out m due form, and the terms and conditions required by these our instructions be particularly and expressly mentioned therein; and It 18 our will and pleasure that the said grants shall be registered within SIX months frem the date thereof, in the Registrar's Office, and k docket^ thereof be.also entered in our Auditor's Offl<;e^ copies of all which en- j£U,a_ •ho lo permit ap(M«lH unto u« in our Privy Cotindl in all cmm of flnw inipoani for rniMixiiH^iioni, pro%iiinIUiU tint giving gooil wieurtty that ho will firct-tualty prwmuCo tho Mmi\ aod MMwcr th« road«iiinjiti4Mi if |li« M^ntitnci) by wbkh th« Sti« was iupuMil/ it your goveromont sliall tw conflroKKl. */ •tlw— And lh«t wn may ho always informMi of tho natiHt Mid char* act«n of p«r«oaN fit to supply tin) vwanclm which uuiy b«p|Msn il^ow ■•id Executive Couiuil, you are, in cmw of any vacancy in th« said Council, U} Iransrait to ux, tfmjugh on« of our principal 8«cntUHi« of <^ I 8t«t«, th« nara« and charwUim of such thrw) p«ni.iiw, inhabitaiiU of our said Province of Upp-r Canatln, whom y«)u nuiy «m \>^ tiual. ifled for fulfilling tho trunt of luch Executive Councillor. ■ 6tli.— And in tha choic« and selection of* such pemons pr^^poaed to flll such vacancy in our Miid Kxetutivb Council, ■■ alao of the" chief Officers of Justice, you are always to Uko cnro that thoy n^ay lie in«n of good life, well niX^tcUid to our governuwot, •od of abiliti^ suitable to their employment. 7th. — And whoroAs wo are sensible that effectual ca^ ought to be taken to oblige tho raomlwrs of our E«ecutive Council to a duo nttond- anoe, it is our wilVand pluosiw, in order t*) provout tho many incon- veniences which may hMpjH'n f.)r want of aipu.ruin of tho Cbuucil to tnosact businem aa occasion may re4uirc, that if any of tho mcmbcni vt ' , our « X, . X X N iMMi • '^ ■j ' 'HP ii^&^s^^i^m^ / fr one penoD, peing master or mistress ot a family, in any Township so to be laid out, which shall contain more than one acre; that no Park Lot shall be granted to any one person, being the master or mistress of a faniily, in any Township so to be laid out; which s^all contain mor« thati twenty-four acres; that no Farm Lot shall be granted to any one person, being master or mistress of a family, in any Township 10 to be laid out, which shall contain more than two hundred acres; it is our will and pleasure, and you are /hereby allowed and permitted to grant unto every such person or persons such further quantity of land as they may desire, not exceeding one tiliousand acres over and above what may heretofore have been granted to them; and in all grants of land to be made by you as aforesaid, you are U> take care that due r(^ard be had to the quality and oomparative value of the different parts of lands comprised within wiy Township, so that each Grantee may have, as nearly as may be, a pro- pbrtionate quantity of Land of such different quality and comparative value, as likewise that the breadth, of such tract of Land to be hereafter g^bted be one-third of the length of such tract, and that the length of «wh tract do not extend aIo»g the banks of any Ri«iBr, but into the main land, that thereby the said Grantees may have each a convenient share of what accommodation the River may afford^ for navigation or .■otherwise.c^ .' ■ ,.' 33rd.-~And as a further accommodation to our subject^ who shall w ■W' •1 lOlll^— Aad viMrtM by the afnMMi.! mitml Ah, pwwl in «^ Thirty Im yaar o# Um lUiga at out doarwi Kailkir, Ilia bie U^f King Ci«>rK« ihm Thml, it m \m>^uM ihM Um HmIn at tW Umnhom of Uur L«gMU(i«« Cu«at il, stMyi baetttm vacant in niftain fmt*, ni«*»> IkNMd in lb* md AtL h |i our Will and I'Mwuin '.htn if any llaoibw of ottr lakl LagiiUatita Conneil, •liall,'at aay lioM^ |«iv« our •aid Pn>TinA«, tiul fMitU out of th* mum, yon •hall r«i|»>ri Um MnM lo m by thu (In* o|i|ti>itunily. tbinugh om iif our rriii«J HxiMarioi «/ Huifl, aiKl jfou am aUo in lili« inanoor, to r«|M»rt whotbor sut h McinUr of tbe Mid Ooondl, la abwint by yo«r pwmirMion, or by tli.i |i«rniiMh>n of Our Li«utim«tit (K>v«rnur, or Commjuxlor in (Muttf of th« sakl ProviiM'A, for lU« tiiii« Iwinff, and you »r« akn in lik« manrMr, to report, if it •hall wnw U> your knowlfltlgo, (hat any auoh lf«mUr ihall* at any tinia Uk^ or bava taken, th« oalh of all<^iannis (hat w« mar Uk« smh nuMWuna tli<;nju|M>n m W« •hall thin^P«nr* wtxttiww, hm »Wi»«i.t«i. >ttaf»it~ •MMMttMl, rattrwi, or r*|M«UI, m ffmmi wtmki imi Itua th« ittU Mil . «Mv(i«ff fMi : TImI In mm mf Um m OrMmm*^ MipMetMf pvitilt |ir«i|wft)r, JtuJR \w> |mwhm| wiiiM>«t( A w«ing ••/ lii« rt{{ltl vi u^ «Ntr iMlf* •otl i mac i w i m wt »n«l ti^ *ll |mii«iim, iif UiUiat |MllUe| or 0>qMMnil«^ •u-«|4 •I* iiMiiikMwd in ttM Mibl law or OlllUMMMi^ jr«Ni atMll tWWn IImI jvm «klklioiy«l piMMur* tli«nR>a : TtiAt in all IiAw* or OrtituAivtit fi»r keying mu&Kf% or imp>«4ng An<«, f<)rAiilur«s o* p*>twilUns <*i|>r«w nmnlkM h% wiK *lMt Um mum in gmnUtl to u^ our \mi%, ukI mietmtai% far tkt pnbii« UMi of th« utid l*n>UiK*iv and ttta tiippoH of Um (}f, M I7 thn Mid Law atiAli b« dinvfol, aimI llint • ('Iaimm b« JWAATtAil. ikvUrtng tbAt the fltto appiinilkNi 0/ Mich tiv>n«y, (MiniUAnt lo |b« dirvctiiMUi uf auch Llw,ahAlt b« w^otintful ft>r unto ws through our CominiMipiH.-i(t<)"• >'.— u. .. •s.vi, ua j\j\A nuoii lu jrvui UIM^J^^UUII UllUK mow «dyia>ble of the said Terms (ind Conditions, rospecting the granting of tends, in whiph Proclamation, it may bo exi)edient to ^^d some short description of the naturt^l advantages of the soil and 1 climate, and its peculiar convenience for Trade and Navigation. L *' ■ '■ ■ ■ *C' ■■'■. . ■ ' ■"'•.■ ''^ ' a7th.^And it is Our ftarther will and pleasure, lliAt all the for*- going instructions to you, as well as any which you may hereafter receive, relative to the passing (Jrants of Land, in conformity to the said Act, passed in the Thirty-First yeafofthe Reignof Ou|JW«Sf Father, His hitd Majesty King George the Third, be entered upon wcord, for the information and satisfaction of aU parties whatever, that' may be concerned thereiQ. . t 88ti.— And whereas it hath been represented to Uj^ that many parts of the Province under your Government, are particularly adapted to the growth and culture of Hemp and Flax. It is therefore Our Will and pleasure, that in all Surveys for Settlements, the Surveyor be. directed to report whether there are ajjy, or what quantity of Land* contained within such Surveys for the** production of Hemp and .-Flax.^ • . ;.. :, "i 39iL^Attd whereas it hath been ^ntaentedlo tJs, that several JWts of Our Province of Tipper Canada, have been found to abound with Coab; it is Our Witt and Pleasure, that in all irranto nf \^A k^ g^y ^ ^ ^g^W t l- J W ^ ^^ Hik— A«4»lMfiMhlllMMU A««.ilb»flf«4l^ liMll iM|^Aili|M»l by iJm L«gMiiit«« e«MMd MM AMMMy «l Obt *^ ^ .sImW. fHwwlkw to any •ifrttMI.MibMi ti m» mmml ihttniUs U Mil lUmm «l mt Vrnkmrnn* «i llblii King^kim. Aa4 kU fktt |i*»«hi«4 li Ike Mk) K*u, Umi to ^m^tim mmmt pmk^m wmf ^ «il« hf ^ Am»iilm L»«t4iike CmmU a»l mtmmn «wly(| |»« %«« U« ykm «M|MrUl emi% thai in mmy mtek cmt^ fM ■« to ii^km ^tlkil fp mmm tiKlt IIOK M iIm •%iiiil<«Uuii qf Mr plMMM lH*Pwmi, 4||rt ffm will lik««tae f«Ai*y« fiw wfh ttgnilkMilMli •t«ry tHim lUU nfekh yt>« •fmi\ ^mm^im lo M» #r «■ ettntef^ltfuir^ .« mmmd »Mmt% o» Mi|uiH«i{ ««» mfmM «iiM^Iii •»! «lwMi„« Ik^npon, (lartkniMjr MMfc w mwy dlUrt UU |m>fierty, <«f*h«, of deal- kfp» itt MK-h ../ .Hw mitr^wia M «r« tv4 mttkily ttmlmA wiUiki mt «i4 rirt.»n»c.^ Of wlMffl.y ,lmim »tuA Im Ukl ii|*>»i llrltiah •» Ifi.li tOiip pi«Nf. Of ii|Mi the pfM.|iKt «f BMf^imt «| (^«t Uniak or mtaod. ^ iMki^— Antl whtnm turn* bav* foftn«rly li««n Mia«U«>l, (• aavimd of •■r PlMitatinaa to AiiMrii!% for so sliort a tim' -sj»; '*/. <& ' \ m i ^•^ T^^^J^V \ (•!, ■»; HJ, '•* ^ 1 ■" »: V /^ I m* \ 1 I 3 t t a t ft (1 u u H Ol lu .1 . 200 I 'r~ ^' ihAll hnro b«en diM]low«d by m, wiUioal «r>r«« *«iW Ibr'thit pttf- poM, flret obtained from ua, upon « f\ill TeprcminUtion by you, to b« K^t^^S^^ mado to u^ through one of our pnncipal Socr«t«riw of 8tat6, of th« the rauona and noconity of paaung Buch Law. 16th.— Whoreaawerhavo thought fit» by our ordeia in our Vraj Council, to diaallojr certain laws pnmed in aomo of our Coloniea and Plantation* in Araorica, for Qonferring tho privilege of naturtdization on persona being alienii, ai;id for divorcing {M)r«>ns who have been legally joined together in holy marriage; And whorete Acta have been passed in others of our said Colonies to enable persona who are our liego aubjects by birth or naturalization, tb hold and inlierit landa, tenements, and real estates, although such lauds, tenonionUi, and real estates had been originaUy granted to or purchased by aliens, antecedent to naturalization, it is our will an4 pleasure, that you do not, upon any pretence whatsoever, give your assent to any Bill or Bills that may hereafter be passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly of tho ■aid Province under your j^vemment, for tho nWuralization of aliena, ^ nor for tho divorci of persona joined in holy marriago, nor for esUb- li«hing a title in any person to Utids, tenomonbs and real estates, in our said Province, originally grantod or purchawd by aliens antecedent to naturalization. : ,; ■ -• 17th.— You are to give warrants under your hand for the iaauing of public monies for all publip services, and we do particularly require you to toko care that reguUr accounts of all receipts abd paymenta of public nionios bo duly kept, that the same from Ume to time be duly audited by our Executive Council, and that copies thereof, attested by yofu,be transmitted every half year, or oftenor if there should be occasion, to our Commissioners of our Treasury, or to our tfigh Treasurer for the time being, and duplicates thereof by the next conveyance, in which accounts shall bo specified, every particular sum raised or disposed oi; to the end that wo may take such measures as we may deem necessary for the cxnrmnntion of the jviid account*, and tliat we may be satisfied of the right and duo application of tlie revenues of our said /Province of Upper Canada, and with tho probabUity of the increase or diminution of it under every head and article thereof. 18.— Wlieroas ()y an Act of Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the fourth year of tho reign of our dearest father, his late Majesty King George the Third, ontitule«l, « An Act to prevent paper Bilb of "Credit hereafter to bo issued in an^, of His Majesty's Colonies and . ^Plantations in Americ^a, from being declared a legal tender in pay- •♦ ment of money, and to prevent the legal tend^r^rf such Bills as are •* now subsisting, from being prolonged beyond the periods, limited for "calling in, and sinking the same." It is enacted, that no Paper Bflla or Bills of Credit, sliouKl be created or issued by an Act, Order, Reso- lution, or Vote of Assembly, in any of our Colonics or Plantations, in . k' c i ■1 p 1 ty- ■M-. \. 's.. ;:;>v.' ■'./!'„■ ■^"'^.-'i-.. ■.:>■:'&■ i''\,i- i;''as- ,.1. ., : •;:;*;. ::^» ■ ■.•• ■•.. ,.■„-. ■'■ Ax ,»:*,■■'■ - . ■ • ' ''.-'''>'■■■.. , '■'■V'''l'.Vi'i'-V tv E c M M «V M 00 rei to tor Pi M; ' ■' ':acci( ■J. - . ',4 -n, ■ 201 .;■;■'■,: AnMrk^tobe. \^ tender In p^ymont, m,! thiil t«f «oA iUt li«i*i.': S';?^^ ?*^r'' ^"I*' '"' ''^''"« "' **•""« '-'' »••!>«' »'»>• or A-;'«'s;sa B.n. of Cred.^ or for prolonging tho I«g„I i«„do, of any m.ch tl.«| •ub.uit.ng .ml current in any of tho «iid Colonic^ «„d PI.«.ution* " ^uJd U> null .ml void. And wheron. by .hoti.er Act, of our ^id P.rh.ment, p«»o.l in the thirteenth year of tho Reign of our de«r«i - " ' F.therH.. Late M«j«,ty King Ooorgo the third, intituM "An Ad' ' ' - to eiplain and amend tho above rocited Act, pwwed in tho Fourth year •jjf our Reign a. aforesaid." It i. enacted that tny Cortificatea, Note. . Bdb or Debenture, which «hall, or may, be voluntarily accepted by tha ^ ' C«dito« of the Public, within .ny of the Colonie. in America, a, «>. ' cunty for the payment of what i« due, and owing to the Mid Public Creditors may, be mado.and enacted by the General ARHemblio^ of th« . ' »d Co ome. repocUvely, to be a tender to the Public Treasurer, in thd ■Md Colonies for the discbarge of any Dutie^ charge, or debt, whatso- ever due to any, payable at or in the said Public Treasuries of the said ' Oolon.«s ID virtue of Laws passed within the same, and in no other - case what^ever It » our will and pleasure, that you do in all thing* / conform yourself to the provisions of tho said recited Acts, both with ' lespoct to the not assenting to any Bill, which may be pre«3nted to you for the purpose of issuing or creating Paper Bills or Bills of Credit to be a legal tender in payment, and tho assenting to apy Bi'ls, by ifhich mich Certi6cate^ Notes or Debenture^ which may be voluntarily- accepted m pay;nent by the Public Creditor, shall be made a Wal tenderto the Treasury for taxes, duties and other paymeala, to Uxo Pubho Treaaury. ; ' ■■ I " ;■■■.•» * • •'*..-■■■ ■'.;''■-■■■'■' ^ ^, jWh.-Tou shall not ramit any fines or forfcituros whatsoever above ihe sum of ton pounds, nor dispone of any forfeitures whatsoever until. jpon signifymg unto the Commissioners of our Treasury, or our Hiffh ' ' ' T*^'^^*''''*«*'™«^'°&t»»« nature of the offence and the w^^ ^ ^^JWbane. and forfeitures, with the particular sums or value thereof Orbfe^jra«aretodowithallspeed),you8banhavertceivdaourdirw^^ ' u mT**' ^'*" ""'^' ^° ^''^ "meantime, suspend the payment of the «ud fines and ibrfeitmca. . > ^ ^ 200.^Ana you tun on every occasion to transmit to u^ ihrouch „ one of our pnnctpal Secretaries of State, with all conveniont speed a ^pw^culai-teouatofall new establishmonto of jurisdictions, Cpwrts. • ' Ofi^and Officers, Po«^ Authorities, Fees and Privileges ghmted ^ ^ „;«^aeWed).'Um.our,said Province of Upper Ca^ as likewise an icoouot of all the ex>«qa^any) attending the establishment of the • ' ' . Wd Courts afid OjBc^bT^-^ ^ "uioi me 2I«t^wott,-fi,rth0r wiUspi pleasure; that aU Commissions to ^ belted ^ you to 1^ peni^n 6r persons to be Judge, Justice of the P«ac^ or otfewnecewa^jr Officer, begnmted during pleasure only ^ ^ ■X -^ '^j^^^^m.^^ ; A- . . '1 >*>) / » •«»?— Jo« «•«»»<» "-p^a «iy of th« m^n-W of tl>« »Jd !-««..«« • EttcuUr* Oounc.!^ or to ««p«Kl or di-pUoe toy of tU Judgm, J^ ftV^i'T^^ Uo^ 8har,ffis or other Ofllcr. or Minbtor. wiUiln our «ud Prints of Uppw C«ud^ without good and .ufflci.nt c«u«,; and In ci«6 of '. ' •och auapenion or r«movd, you aro forthwith to trwwaityour raMona " ' » for the MOM to one of our principd Secretaries of 8utik«? ^^ ^ . aSrd^And wher«« f,*,uent complainu have been made of rdens delays and other Luoprao." / ' Uoe. in the .dmm,.tr.tibnU.er«of|>o effectually prevented, we do par. '' tKsularly requ.ro you to Uke oapccial caro that in all Courta whore Za •!« .uthorwed to pr«ido, justice be imp^tially adrainiatored, and that in dl other Court, e-t^bliahed within our Mud Province, all Judge, and other per|K>n. therein concerned do likowiw perform the ^jvend duUea without delay or pvtiality. - uumw JJISTT^*^?*''^ that ho Court of Judicatuw be ad j>un.ed bu upon good ground^ and ak, that no prdem of any Court of Judicatnro be entonni or dlowed which dull not be flrrt JiZ^Z pn,v^ofby the Ju.Uce.in open Court, which Rule yoTL i n ,1 m«n^ to we objK^rved witb relation to dl proceeding, of our ExZ ^Councd of Upper Canada, and that all order. theS „.ade ^Lt «^d^pro,eain.u.hCouncUbefo*eih., ^ entered upon the of Upper Cttiad« be mued in our nam*. liecu^ve Council, that such pri«>^. « may at any iime be necew he erected. «.d that the wme, or inj other iready erected, be^ k •riMllMtaiftfclncotgimlfallMio.'- • •-™»"_"«™ 28tL-You .hall not, by color of any power or aalhoritv^Verebv or otherwise granted, or mentioned to be gnStod unto y^ Uke utn Kingdom, or to whidi any pe«on i. 6t .hall be appoi^^ by Warhmt juute. our Signet and Sign MaW. any fu^her 'C^/you^ upon the vacancy of any .„ch office or place, or upon the imapenri^' Al . «>f :X r lA ♦ I i'-ji .:.■../ / t \ ^■' '■■ ■.• ;• • ;'_.'■:... ■■■■ 203 of My mich Officer by you m •fowMl.l, put („ ^y flt p«noii toofflctat* »■ in the intervd till you .lull h«T« wprnwiUnl tb« m»tu, unto oih through Su ulTST on« of our priDciH H^H^retiiriw of 8tJl^^ which you ar« to do by th« flftt opportunity, niKl till tho mid ofllce or plnro U dinpoMd of by wl our hdm or Muv««<,ns under th« Or«nt i^nl of thi. KinR^lom, or until •onw pomon •hnll Ik) «p|K>into.l thereunto, under our Sign^'t and Hlgn ' Manual, or untir our further direction, bo given therein. And it ia our apreM will and pleaaurv that you do give r«aaonable support unto the Patent Offlccia in tho enjoyment of their legal and flaUbli*hed foea, rightis privili-gea and flfnoluments •mjrding to the true intent and meaning of their renpective Patenta. 20th.— And wherean Hovcml complaint* havq been made by the Of- flcom of our Custonw in our PlanUtiona in America, that they have frcqucnUy been obliged to iwvo on Juri«s and penwnally to ap{)ear in arma whenever the Militia ia drawn out, and thereby are much hinr MicourtgriiMnt of oar Mibjoeta, it ki oar WQi and ploMura ttiNt llut U11.U bi U grant*] by you m aformil^ idull Im liiid out in Towi»hi|i^ mi aliall^ M rowly M cirruniaUiutM will Mliiiit, rdiwiat «»f Um niiU ii«|mirt\ aiul •U(;b a« Mtiall iw aituaUHl upon • uaviguble Uivar or walor, abalt b«va • front of nin« ti)il«H ami b« twcU« niil«a in ilqith, «nd aub Uividwl in •uob mannur aa aball bo fouml nuiat ativiMibla for tbo aminiiimilation of Um aotUt'ra, witl for making tlio aMvuml rimrvationa for public umm, an4 fMUticularly f«.r tliu Bup|)ort of t)i« I'rotoaUnt Clorgy, agf^bly t»> tli« •bov* redtcil Act, |Mwn«l in th« tbirtydrsl y«wr of tbo r«igu of our deansat Ffttber, bia bto Majoaty King Ooorgo tlio Tbird, \ . 82nd. — And whenuia groat inconvoniuncitia tiavo barotofore ariaon in many of our Coloniaa in Aroarica, from tbo granting flicoaaive quanfio tica of Lanil to |>articular poraona, who bava novor cultivated or aattlod tha aamo, and bave tburuby prevout«d otboni raor« induatrioua froia improving auch landa,— in ordor, tbwrefore, to prevent tbo like incon- venionciaa in future, it ia our will and plcaaure tbat you obaerva tb« following directiona and regulutiona in all granta to be nudo by you aa •forcaaid, tbat ia to aay, Tbat no Town Lot aball bo granted to any one peraon, being master or miHtreaa of a fumily, in any Townabip ao to be bud out, which aball contain more tlian ono acre; that no Park Lot aball be granlod to any one person, being the raantor or miatroaa of a family, in any Towiwhip ao to l)e laid out, which aliiill contain more than twenty-four acrea; that 00 Farm Lot ahAll be granted to any one perM>n, being maHter or mintroas of a family, in any Townabip ■0 to be laid out, which shall contain mort) than two hundred acre*. It ia our will and pleasure, and you are j hereby allowed and permitted to grant unto every auch person or persona such further quantity of land as they may desire, not exceeding one thousand acres over and above what may heretofore have been granted to them ; and in all grants of land to be made by you aa aforesaid, you are to take care that due regard be had to tbo quality and comparative value of the different parts of lands ctimprised within any Township, so that each Grantee may have, as nearly as may be, a pro- portionate quantity of Land of such different quality and comparative value, as likewise that the breadth, of such tract of Land to be hereafter grant«d be one-third of the length of such tract, and that the length of audi tract do not exteD(} along the banks of any Ri^r, but into the main land, that thereby the said Grantees may have each a convenient ■hare of what accommodation the Riv6r may afford^ for navigation or otherwise.^ ^ 88rd.^And m a further accommodation to our mibjects, who shall become ^ \< X / 305 li •TorMkl. b li our will Mt.1 ylmmtrm, iImC iIm lifcl TmimIiI|m, antl lh« mim-iiv* «iL4iiM>ftta witkin tU imim, lf*mmA, aluill U mwi iin.| Uui ..ui bf «Mir Hurff)f.»f Oviuirsl i»r LuvK ft»r ttWi mi,\ Vntnacm, of Mim* •kiMal pwinn, tutlMirtMil hy kim fiir iittti puqiiMM^ wbieh H«rv*y% k)g«th«r wiUi Um Warmiiu mmI Orra^ »o4 Uw nwt*^v« allotniiiaiii^ •ludl \m nwula oul f.»r, Mui •klivttroil Ui tti lh« dillnrMt 0(fl<-«ins MV(}^lini( U> lh«i T«bk» o^ Vtm, mtUblitL^l utum GnuiU ot Lukl iiMii« in Um muJ I*iovia«ib / t4lh.— A»l !• onl-r Ui tmtv«til iiny pmoiw ilia«mrto.| t.» im iui«l oar Qoverntnftnt, fnt^i bioviiic« 0/ iJpp«r Canxda. Il i« our will ana (>I.Miiur«v H»«l lu* Warmiito fur •urrujing I^ikI«, b.. gmutod by yf »u.h jwrwon or |Hinioius aa nhall by you or him ii« •ppoinlixl for that purp«««, that U U> wy,— I, A. H, .hi protniao anU «lecIaro that I will inainUin and .lofend, U> tho utinoat of my power, tho authority of tlio King in liia Parlianiont, a« tho Supronio l^'giaU- tur« of thia Provinco. ■/ ■ ' -. - • . '• •.■,-l 38tb.— Whorona tiio njwrx ing auch bodlM at Um% wKliln oar | Provinco of Upp«r Canmlis whoro t|joro arc onnich-rnblo growtlw of i Timber, fit for tho nw of Our lloyal Jfavy, itia a mattor of tho utmoat importanco to our H«rvi.o, it ia our will and ploaauro, that no (Jranto whaUsver, l>o made of Landa in any Dintriot or Tract of our Mid Proviw-e of Upjnjr Cuna-hs until our Survoyor GonornI, or hia Dtputy lawfully apiK)intwl, Nhall havo Hurvoyod tho Bamo, ami nmrkwl out aa reacrvationa to ua, our lioira ami iiupc««ons "ucli parta thorebf oa ihatl be found to contain any connidornble growth of Mnating or cihor Tiiii- ber fit for tho uao of Our lUiyal Navy, anar to him by a Certidcnte, under tliihon>l of our Surveyor General of WoofMff ('MU.U, iIm r..ik>».n« (irmfM An.! .tr^akMH It iMWtoil, UmI b to My, • wul |>rt»«i.UI aWs tM «» umI «l tl» i*ii^ •til Of Twrt ,1/ LmhI, Vf»t>y f»w>tod to ih« Mkl •aiKi kk h«ins U witliia My NMrvntton li«Mto«)f« mi4t Mi4 •• HMrkail 6ir ua, our hnin mmI MvcmMin, bjr .wr MMr*»y„f (ton^rml ti «• WoikK •»» hk Uwful I>«fHiijr, in whkb <»M« tliM Our UrtBl te «m^ ' • part uf tb« Lmi'I, b4ir«by givan 1111.I ({ntntoii to Um mM • -^ . ^, '■;.., ""I *»*• l^»% tor'twf, M AfttTMi.!, ufl wkkl '^dlofMMItlllifTff dli>rAof Mttff m*l m«y1bt «l«aln)U« 4Mlllii|{ in our Mi.l |*r.vtn.-fl, ■li.KilonjN»r t'aiia«la, in tlta RMitifar {>r«a<;rttwa in ami by t)i« aaia Art, paaaml in llio Thirty Firtt year of liiA lUij^ of Our iKwraat FatW, tfia laUi lj^}Mty King (Joorgulho Thinl, you ar« UMr«fur% M MMw aa powiibK I" n»"«w • publication to t>« iiukl« br ProeUnwUtMi. or uttiflrwiaa, aa you alwll in your dia^lion think moat •driaabia of thn «ai«J Terma and (^)n.liti.>«^ rc«p« aiM aoiiMi abort d«M^ption of tho natural « ^) y /^■'. --t --'J be made by yon, a Clauae be inaerted, reserving to Ua, o^ beira and in««rue«»oniib lucceuon, aU Coals, and ako all Mines of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, ^frtiuliTife. JjKm, and Lead, which shall be discovered upon such Lands. 4i|)4h.— You shall cause a Survey to be made of all considerable Landing pboes and Harbours, in Our said Province, in case the same ■hall not have already been done, Mid report to Us, through one of Our principal Secretaries of State, how far any Fortifications be necea- \ aaiy for the security and advantage of the said Province. V 4l8L— -Whereas the establishinont of proper regulations on matters of Ecclesiastical concern, is an object of very great importance, it will be your indispensable duty, to take care that no arrangements in regard thereto^ be made, but such as may give full satisfaction to Our new Subjects, in eVeiy point to which they have a right to any indulgence on that head, always remembering that it is a toleration of the free exercise pf the Religion of the Church of Rome only, to which they are • * entitled, but not to the powers and privileges of it as an Established Chujch, that being a preference which belongs only to the Proteatant ' V Church of England^ ' < ■ ■•■■ ■■ ■; ■.■■■. . '1 ■;^ ■■ - .-■ ■■'. ..,';■ 42hd.— And upon these principles therefore, and to\the end that Out just Supremacy in all matters. Ecclesiastical as well as Civi^ may haveits due scope and influOTce, it is Our Will and pleasure. First, tiiat all Appeals to a correspondence with any Foreign Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, of what nature or kind soever, be absolutely forbidden, under very severe penalties. Secondly, that no" Episcopal or Vicarial powers be exercised within Our said Province, by any pekson professing the Religion of the Church of Ronie; but such only as are indispensably and indisputably necessary to the free exercise of the Romish Religion, and in those cases, not without a License and permission from you, imder Jhe Seal of Our said Province^ for and during Our WiU and pleasure^ - and under such other limitations and restrictioHs as may correspond with the spirit and provisions of the Act of the Fourteenth year of the Reign of Our Dearest Father, His late Majesty King George the Third, "for Biakii -. .-,1 i\: "hv ■■-•■. I: ■t-. -V^t. "- :■ r:; -■. ■■- -rt^i-^:! '! : "■r'''»4 '■(1 ■"(•■■ .^ :.: ; "id?-. ^■.:<\i ^tfv... :0::ii> :■- ■T^JMS* '^•■■•H-^. ii^:<%, ;■.-■'•=., -^.V'*- ;.-.-.k^ .cV A V s 208 *=^ >\ \ ■i liboluhed; no penon to liold more tlian one benefice, or at least, not ^,']^|]]|^|;j« more than can reasonably be served by one and the »«ame Incumbent ^f*" taS^S* ' Fourthly, that no person whatever, professing the Religion of the Church of Rome, be appointed Incumbent of any Parish, in whiclithe majority of the Inhabitants shall solicit the appointment of a Protestant ! Minister, in sucb case, the Incnmbent shall be a Protestant, and entitled to all Tythes payable within such Parish; but, nevertheless, tlie Romafl Catholics may have the use of the Church, for the free exercise of their religion, at such time as may noti^terfere with the Religious Worship '" of the Protestants, and in like manner, the Protestant Inhabitants in - •very Parish, whe re the^majority of the Parishoners are Roman Catli- • olic^ shall, notwitslanding, have'the fivM use of the OhiircV^^^fc^^ the"~ exercise of their Religion, at such times as may. not interfere with the religious worship of- the Roman Catholics. Fifthly, that no Incum- bent, professing the Relig:ion of the Church of Rome, appointed to any- Parish, shall be eiititled to receive any Tythes for Lands, or possessions occupied by a Protestant ; but such Tythes shall be received by such persons as you shall appoint, and shelt be reserved in the hands of Our Receiver General; as apforesaid, for the support of a Protestant Cleigy, in Our said Province to be actually resident within the same^ and not otherwise, according to such directions as you shall receive from Us, in that behalf, and in like manner, all growing Rents and profits of a vacant benefice^ shall, during such'vacanicy, be reserved for and applied to the like uses. Sixthly, that all peraohs professing the Religion of the Oburch of Rome, who are already possessed of or may hereafter be ^pointed to any Ecfclesiastic^ Benefice or who may be licensed to exercise any poweif or authority, in respect thereto, do take and subscribe before you, in Council, or before such pereon as you shall '^ appdnfto administer the same, the Oath reqiiii^d to be„taken and subscribed by the aforesaid Act of Pariiwnent, passed in the Fourteenth Yeta of the Refgn o^ Our Dearest Father, His late Majesty King George the Third, entituled « An Act for making more eflectual pro- * vision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North ' * America." Seventhly, that all Incumbents of Parishes, professing the Bomish Religion, not being ui»der the Ecclesiastical Jurisdictio« of the Bishop of Quebec, shall hold their respective benefices during their good behaviour, subject, however^ in case of any conviction for Crimi- nal Offences, or upon, due proofs of seditious, attempts to disturb the peace and tranquility of our Government^ to be deprived or sjjspended by you. Eighthly, that such Ecclesiastic as may thmk fit to enter into the Holy State of Matrimony, shall be released fiom aU penalties ■ to which they may We been subjepted in such cases, by any authority of the See of Rome. Ninthly^ that freedom of the burial of the dead, in the Churches and Church Yards, be allowed indiscriminately to every Christian persuasion. Tenthly, that the Royal Family be prayed for, in aU Churches and places of Public Worship, in such manner and y form I . / ■ / . » * I a \k «i • 81 ,. h ■ di tl •tl 01 A IBl ( i y t/ ^ J - t * -* i -. HfV ' CO g» L( na wl lec yo \-o » * . , V T • ferm M is naed In iWs Kingdom, i^ that our Amu and Inmffnia be i«*«i«-.» put up not only in «11 such Churches and place, of Holy Womhip, hutSSilSMft dso in aU Courts of,JuBt.oe, and that the Arms of Fmnce be taken down, in any such Church or Court, where they may at pteMmt V . 'NmaiDU - : .. -'.■..• ■ i;S-,' •;■,..:: .43id.^^ are to permitliborty of conscience, and the free exercise ' ofallBuch modes of rdigioua worship as are not prohibited by law to • all persons -who may inhabit and frequent the Province of Upper Ca- nada, provided thoy be content with a quiet and peaceable -enjoyment * .of the same, without giving offence or scandal to the Government . v 44th.— It is ourwill and pleasuret to reserve to you the grantinff of ^ ; Licenses for Marriages. Letters of Administration, and probates of Will^ as heretofore exercised by-you and your predecesson, and also to reserve ^ to y^O, and to all others to whom it majT lawfully belongs the patron- •' age and right of presentation to benefices ;. but it is our will and plea- sureihat the pprsori so presented shall bo intituled by the Bishop, or his Commissary duljr anth6riy?ed by him, . 46thp.You are to take esp&ial care.that God Almighty ^devoutly . ■ ' ■nddu^served throughout your Government, that the Lord's Day be .' diUyJ^pJ^atid the senrices and prayers appointed by a^ thV.Bqq)j of Common Prater, be publicly and solemnly performed ' -throughout the year. '■ ■ 46th.-Ybu are to take car^ that the Churches whidi are or inay beJiereaftererectedin oursaidProvinceof Upper Canada,beweUand ^ ' orderlykept. 47ih.^You shaU recommend to the Legislative Cpuncfl and Oin^ral Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada, to setUe the liiiiits of par- • ishes m„8uch manner as shaU be deemW most convenient. 48th,— You are fe Tise ySur best fflldeavour that each Minister be ' constituted one of tf e Vestry, in his respective pari^'and that no Ves- • tiy be held without him, except in case of sickness, or that after notice givenofa Vestry, ^o^t4o come. ' - - \^ 49th.— It is keep al School in tjie Pniviice of Upper Canada, without your License firet had knd obtained, in granting of which you are to • pay the mpst particular attQnJion.to the ^orals and qualifications of -^ ^^ ^ — — » — ^^g- ; — : — the " "I. •-f!. M t •\ V '--If ^. . V / ■^ "• / ' -/ ■ ' ;'■■; * •,■ 'H^; I -. ^■ V ■V ,A-: /'^ ■w ' ff:^ J>^V: ^/•! the persona; applying for the 8amofm»4 in «11 caiiM vhero the School Jn-f^ioMiA . has been institutorf or impoinlotl for the Education of metfibeni of the A^iu ioImSSL ChuwWfEjigland, or wjiore it is intended that tho Schoolniaator should boainomborpfthoehurchofEndl(llJ;,you are not to^^nt such ."■ ^ LicehsoH except to persons who shalfersl have obtained ffoni the Bishop of Quebec, or one of his Commissariea, a CorUficato of their being pro- ' • ' perly qualified for that purpose. \ •/. ;. ■• - , :■■■.'■■ ' ..'V '■"■"■• '' ■ ■" ;X ■■■'•■■■ •*': ' / '::■.' 61k— And it 18 our further will and pleasure that, in onler' to sup- ; pft!R8.ovory species of vice, profanencas and immorality, you do forth.- with cause all Laws made against blasphemy, profaneness, adultery, '' fornication, polygamy, incest, profanation of Ijie Lord's Day, swearing, and drunkenness, to be stricUy put in executln in «iyery part of the Province of Upper Canada, and that ht^ this purp of our Cdloiies, who shall, pursuatltto what was directed by the Royal ProcIamaUon of 1763, obtain Trading Lio^nses from the Governor of any of olir said Colonies, under penalties, to ob8er\'e such regulatio a % as shall be made by our Legislature, of our Province of Upper Canada, for that purpose. The?e reflations, therefore, when established, must be inatle public throughout all our American poss ee^ions, and they /' t' Bl must '"i^Tf^ ''^^,. «u ; must hav«)^lor tghoir o1)joct tlio giving overy jHxwiblo fncility to tli«t [JJ.'^^I',,'* Trade wUi■ ried on. Jbo fixed stated tiincs and places for ertrirjfing on tbe Trade, " ' * ' and adjusting modes of s«jttling. Tariffs of tlie price oif Goods and Furs, * and, above all, tlio restraining the sijlo of Spirituous lifpiors to tl|o In- • ■% -t.^, dians, will be the mo • . ■ < - ■ ->■ ■ ■ ' . -," ■ ■ ■ ; ■ ■^■•■',%-.- 86th. — And wherons it is expoilioht foe our servico, thi^ #{B shouM, i from tinje to time, be informed of the state of the Trmlo and fislieries, . as well as of the population of the said Province of Upper Catindn, it is our will and pleasure th«t you do transmit to us, through one ^f our principal Secretaries of State, and to our Committee of our Privy Cbxm- *^ ' ciTfor Trade and Foreign Plantations, for their information, yearly, and every year, a full and particular account of the state of the Fur and Peltry Trade, the nature arid extent of the several Fisheries carriM pn by our Biubjects, or others, either on the Lakes or Rivers of the said Province, the state of the cultivation, particularly specifying the quan- ^ tity of Grain, Hemp, and Flax produced, and of any other important branch of Trade which may, in your opinion, be undertaken, and ad* vantageoualy carried on; by our sxibjects; the number of inhabitants! „ distinguishing them under different heads ofmen, women, and children, inserting in such account the number of persons bom, christened, and buried, and any extraordinary influx or emigration from our said Pro- vincej specifying, at the shme time, the number of slaves and the num^ bey)f our subjects capable of bearing arms in the Militia, the number and tonnage of Shipping and Crafl employed upon the Lakes and Rivers in, or contiguoiis to, the Province of Upper Canada, together - with any information on these or any other points of the l^e nature, which may be {H»per to be conununicated to us. 56th.— And whereas you will receive from our Commissioners for executing the Office of High Admiral of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Plantations, a Commission constituting you Vice- Admiral of our said Province of Upper Canada; you are required and directed carefiUly to put in execution the several powers thereby granted to you. , " ; y : 67th.— Whereas it is absolutely necessary that we W exactly informed of the state of defence of all our Pkntations in America, as well in rehition to the stores of war that are in each Plantation, ag to - the Forts and Fortifications there, and what more may be necessary to be built for the defence and security of the same: yon/'are^ from time to time, to transmit an account thereof with relation td our said Province of Upper Canada in the most particular manner, and you are therein to express the preaeut state of tlie arms, aminumlion, and other ,■■■■■'• "■ stores- . I •V ■towBof WW belongiuff to tlio wid Province, dthcr in nny puWic J.U,'^,"';^];;;'; » MngHziiio or in Uio bands of private ponona, together with • Htato of A^'" »**ri"jt». all plactti oithor aln-mjfy fortified or that' yi>u may judge nec«»iwry to .- be fortified far the »43curity of our said Province: and you are to transmit the said acdounts to us Wirough onoof our principal 8eor«'lariea ' :' of Statfl, and also duplicates to 6ur Muster General or priMci|ml Ofllcom ' of onr Ordnance, which acco/mta are to express the particulam of * ^ Ordnance Carringos, Balls, Pc/wdor, and all other sorts of Arms and' i ' Ammunition in our Public Stores, and so from time to time of what •h-dl bo sent to you or bouijrrt with the public money, and to «|H!cify ' Uie time of the disposal, iTnd the occasion thereof, tfnd other like ^•ocounti^li«lfyea^iuUM0M^ / , . / 68t1iv— And in case of /distress of any other of our Plantations, you '■ ■hall, upon application of^ the respective Govomow thorwif to' yon, i\^\^i \'' ' Uiom with what aid the/condiUpn and safety of ovr mi Province uudvr / your Govcrnnic&t C9o spareii \ ■..'.• '■'■Ty^/ " '/ 80th.-rlf nnything/shull happen which may b« of aJvantage or s«. cnrity to our Proving, under our government, which is not herein or by your Commission provided for, wo do allow unto you, with the advice and consontybf our said Executive Council, to take order for the J>l«scnt tiieroin provided ; nevertheless, that what shrttl be d.>ne be not repugnant to our/Commissions and Instructions, and to the said Acta passed in the fm/rteonth and thirty-finit yeare of tho roign of our dear- est Father, hja Into Majesty King George the Third, giving unto us, through on^ our principal. Secretaries of StaH «poody notice thereof; that you njj^y receive our ratification if we shall approve the siune; provideil, i^ays, that you do not, by color of any jjower or authority hereby gi>*'n you, commence or declare War without our Vnowlwlgo •nd parUdilar commands therein, except it be for the purp««j of pre- venting M ropollipg Ho8.tilitiefl, or unavoidable emergencies, when tho consent^f our 8^<"«a9 groat prejudice may happen to our service, aqd ™*ity of our said Province, by your absence, or the abee^ce of toani Governor, for the time behcjg, you shall not upon any ice A^irhatsoever, come to Europ^iihout having firet obtained . mtoilp doing, from Us, under ouf lignet and Sign Manual, or by Ordef^^in Our Privy Council eist^And whereas We have thought fit by otir GommissioS; «^ fdirect that in case of your death or absence from our said Province Jfid in case there be at that time, nb person commissioned or apppinted V us, to be our Lieutenant Governor, or appointed by u» to administer the Government within the Province, in the event of the death or aibMEiCQ \. ■■ V '«»>, .'"•!« \ .,, I ' I "•^ .y^ i^ %■ ^i' f « I /^ i _ii|-»'- .'#' 1 .'^ f.. i . . -• I. » • 1. 1 ^ - ;;•■ '■ t 1' » ■ r t « K ' / . - '' /' ' ';* lings and of the condition offtflrairs witbin your'GQ'Vemment. ''HdniiiFlif # limnee of you, ami of our IJouteiuiut Governor of tha mU Provinoi^ iyidj)|>»M» tlia Hwnior Mumlwr of tho Extvutiv« Council, who »lmll bo at t)i« UnM A|«uu*."uft. of your doiilli or abmjiico, ro«idinjj within our mid FruvincQ of Uppar C'«nft«I)i, (ftuhjoct to nuth olhor noiriination and appointment by you, '''' uudor till) Ortwt Seal of Our nuid I'roviucfl, an in Our add ConimiMtion, '' * in in timt b««half inn him tho Adniiniatratitto of ■ * *' " tho Govormuent, and oxcHSUto Our Buid Conirnimion and Inatructioni; ' • < ,vi and tho novoml Powon and Authoriticn thiiruin containtHl, inlhw man- - ,. ner thuroby dirwtod. It 'w, novorth«lt«»«, odr e«pr»wi Will and f ' . '''.' pliMWUn-, that in mah caHO, tho |Hjrw>n no admiuiHturrrg tho Govern- ment, Hhull forbonr to awwnt to any Acti» but whiit «ro immkliately . 'f •. ■ n MtimborB of our siiid Executivo Council, nor any Judgen, JuBticoa of tho , Poaco, or otlior OIHoors, (.'iyil or Military, without tho udvico arid con- MUt of the jnnjority of tho aaid Hiicutiv© Council, and ho ia, by the first opimrtunity, to tnMmmit to ua, through one of our principal 8«crt'tttrio»of State, tho ron«iM» of tuch ^Iterations, signed \>y him and the Council, nnd^our Will and (^Joasure is, that tho alwvo InBtructiona .with n»i»ect to ^loh S««jo» Couniiaior, Rhall also bo wpiully obierved by, and binding upoa such otW ^Exoeutiva Councillor a« may be ndmirtatod an^ appointed by you," under thff Great 8vnl of our said , Provineo, by Virtue of our said pommiaHioo in tho behalf. 62nd.— And whof8M> by otif'difforeni Cdmmlsnioners, we We ♦ appointed you to be our GovOrnor and Commandor-ii^^Chiof of our Provipdesof Upper Canada wid Lower Canadh, our Pfovinee of Nova Scotia, .our Island of Prince Edward, as well a« of our Piovince of j.'sNew BnwBwioJi; And it is our.intonlion that thfl Lieutenant-Oovempr eommanding in our said Provincos of Upi^r Canada, Now Drunswickr- and Nova Scotia, and tho Island of Prince Edward, should have and «yoy th* full KdaficH, p6rqui8ite^ (W|d emolumentu granted to tbem and arising from their re«]HJctivo Qovornmentu, in as full and ample • mannor as if tho said OovernmenU wore under disjoint Oovemors-in- ' Chief. It is, therefore, our will and pleasure that you shall not, at any 4ime or times, when you sliaJJ ho resident and coijimanding-in-chief in either of our f|aid Provincoiof Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick, or tljo Mnpd of Princte Edward, have or receive any'part . of the saidsjilarios, perquisites, or emoluments, but that the same shall ebntinue to be paid and satisfied to the Lieutenant-Governors of our said Proviiices and Islands reflpectively, in the like manner as they usually are during your absence therefrom. ' . 63rd.— And you are, upon all oaJaiions, to send to us, Uirough one of our princfpal Secretaries of State, a particular account of all jou^ 'M ■% ^ a IT -5 X" ^u I, Heniy PelhaD^ Dake of Newcartfe, do lioreby oeitify, «nto til ^i*"*!!"^-; « whom it may oonoeni, that the above is a true and eorreot copy of the aiwu m>, ic«^ Jnatrqetions tmder the Royal Sign Muiaal and Signet to the Earl of Dalboune as Oovemor of Upper and Lower Canada, ai dated the U' Thirteenth day of April, 1820. Given nnder my hand and Seal of Armflb atDownmg Street, London, this Twentieth day of April, 1884* ' f. Jaflfrod frm Commiationj mder (he Great Seal to LordAyltMr, ^^ f^„ ; a$ Governor of Upper and Zower Canada, dated ^^th^^^^;^ ,/Jfovem6er, 1Q30, , » lou Ayinw, ■ - • - . H Governor of ^"'-.^ Upper and liouer •William the Foorthi by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom SlilMov.'"iS». of Great Britain and Ir^^ndj^ King, Defender of the Faith, To our right, trusty, and well-bejoved Matthew, Lord Ayhner, Knight, Com- mander of the Most Honorablei Militsuty Order of the Bath, Lieutenant General of Our Forces Greeting : Whereas, Ills kte Majesty, Our Dearest Brother, did by certain Letters Patent, beating date at West- minster, the l3th day of April, 1820, in theT First year of His Reign, constitute and appoint jQur right, trusty, and r^t well-beloved Cousin and CouncOIor, Geoige)%arl of Dalhousie^ tKen Lientenant-General of Uis Foreea, to be poptain-General and Govemor-in-Chief in and over the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada,-during the Royal pleasure^ as by the said recited Letters Patent, relation bllhg tbereuhto had, may more fully and at large appear. Now know you, that We have ^. , revoked and determined, and by these presents do revoke and deter- mine the said recited letters patent, and every clause, article^ and thing therein contained. And further know you, that We, lepoeing especial .trust and confidence in the prudence^ courage and loyalty of you, the ' said Matthew Loid Aylmer, of Our especial Graces certain knowledge, and mere motion, hare thought fit to constitute and appoint you t<> be Our Captain-Gen^ and Govemor-in-Chiel^n and over our Province of Upper Canada, and mattdwerp^'iProYin^ of Lower Canada, respectively bounded bya Line to commence at a Intone Boundary on s. s the North Bank of the Lake Saint Francis, at the Cove West of the Point au Baudot, in the limit between the Townships of Lancaster and the Sej^eurie of New Longueuil, running along the said limit in the direction of North thirty-four degrees West, to the Westermnost Angle oif the said Seigneurie T* " • for the Government of the said Province,' "and of such instructional^ , ; , . as have beeB:given to the Earl of Dalhousio, late CafJtain-General and ,' i ' Ck)vemor-in-Chief of Our said Provinces^ or which may from time to * .^ time be ^ven you, in respect of the said Provinces, or either of them, by lis, under our Signet and Sign Manual, or by Our Order in Our Privy Council, or through one of Our- principal Secretaries of State, and according to such Laws as are nb^ in force, or shall hereafter be > made or established wifliin Our said Provmces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, under, and by virtue of such powers, provisions, and cUrections, aa aforesaid;''/ » » \ A true Extract. NEWCASTLE. ../ Copy of Insiructuma under the Rpyat Sign Manualy and SigiMt^ ' nhich accompanied the Commissidn, under the Qreai Seal to .the Earl of Ooaforc^ as Governor of Upper and Lower ■'"•' Canada. " ■■ ■ 'i : ;■ . . . ■ - . ■ ;■ Instructions to Our Right, Trusty, and Right well-beloved Cousin and Councillor, Archibald, Earl of Gosford, Our Captain^^General and Govemor-in-Chief, in and over Our Province of Upper Canada, or in his absence, to our liietttenantrGovernor, or the Officer Administering the Government of Our said Province for the time beings ■ Given at Our Cdurt of St. James's, this 7th day of July, 1835, in the sizt hyear of our Reign. ^ ' Whereas, by Our Commission under the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the twenty-fourth day of November, 1830, in the first year of Our Reign, "^e did tionstitute and appoint, Our trusty and well-beloved Matthew, Lord Aylmer, to be Our Captain-Gentiral and Qovemor-in- Copjrof InMruetlOM U0- dJprUwBoyal Sign Mahual, and Slgnci, whieli ■eeomiianied Uie CommiHion, un- der the arealBMl totheEulof fteifoid, M Gov- ernor of Upper and Lower Canada. • ; ■•i'V- "Cliier .^ /■■■'\.- .> L •■*•■.... 216 , Chief, in and ovit o Our Province of Lower Canada. ^ _, y^i^..^ ...... ,«onunan or appointed him, unddr Qwr' Signetlmd Sign. Manual, or by Our . • ", Order in Our Privy Council. "l>r through one of Our principal Sccro» • tariea of State. And, whe(«a^ l>y our Commission, -under the Great. ' > , ' Seal of Our United Kingdom^AOreat Britain and Ireland, bcapngdat^ » • *• . ' the second day of April, 1836, in\the 5th yea^of oiir ileign,^son8titiiting* ^ ^ . * Our Right, Trusty, j^nd Right Vll-belovedy Cousin and CounciHor/,*.-. "' *^ ' \, William Pjtt, Earl Amjierst, to b^Captain-Ooneral and GQyerBo^in- ; r . Chief, in and over the aHpresaid Prownoes pt Upp«r Canada and Lower " \ ' ' ^ , Canada, We did revoke V»d doterniine the^s^'Commipsion, bea^ dato^o 30th day of N^veinber, 1 83o\ And Aher : jWliereiis, by a ; \^' ■ - certain other Commission, bearing: date k,#e&t^toBter the Idldhy of . . > ".•' * ' , ' ' July, 1836, in the'sixth year VfOjiirRtiW Wcf^id^r^^ - .' 1^ mentioned Commission of Uie8ecoAd,'d^^ aaidSvillfam Pitt, EarlAmhersV^and did cdnstituto^^^ .* ' the said Archibald, Eari of ^osford, fo.be4*ur cUlain-Genor^ , ' ,*. Oovcmoivin-Chief, in aiul pver Our said PfovipclM of Upper an^- ' / ' ' Lowers Qariada; and did; by sutfli last me^itioned Gommission of the?" j *• ' l8t day of July, 1835, reqtiiTk) you to^onfonfi-hisur iniSnictiona • ^ accompanying thij «arae," and. to suck further in§tl!J!clt ons as «Bould bo ■ ' ^\ thereafter addressed to you, in.tl^e •manner, theisein nentioned.* Now - • therefore, by tlios^pur instructionsj We do* hereby Squire, and direct, ^ ' • tliat for the present and uptil' Out further plfiasufc herein shall bo - , \ ."' t8ignified,^'ou do. in the execution of the. CommissijbnWgivOT ■' ' ' as aforesaid, conform to, and abide by, the in«trU(?tioris referred to in tlio ' ' Commission ^iven to the said Matthew Lprd Aylmk/undcr jdato tho , twenty-fourth day of Wovembef, 1830, or^y »uc|» (itlier instruction as miy have been subseqnently addressed % Us ta' the said Matthew/ Lord Aylraer, or, to the Officer Administering the (Government of Our said Province of Upper Candda. ^ ^ * r. (1* I, Ilehry Pdham, Duke of Newcastle, do bcfeby certify unto all whom it may concern, that the ibove is a triie and ^ correct copy of the Instructions und*, the 11^^ Sign Mafiualand Signet, tQ.the Earl of Ois^, aiX3j^Bor -of Upper and Lower Canada, as dati,7th ddy of^u'ly, 1 835. Given under my hand' and Seal of Arms at / Downing Stn 3et, London, 4lii8 J ZOttdiyof April, 1854. • • ' NEWCASTLE- , • ■ ■ ■ f . . / / ' 1 ^ i ^P" / • /A ■J i 1 J • i * ■ \ , i 'A ■ /-■' :■'. .-' ,"V :>- . "■;." -■■vv' * " '•''■{■■.. '■■■■. ' ■■ ■'" ■ .. .;■ ~ 1 I \ , -< ':^M''K ^ -v --^'^ ':.'■■ .V ' •*:■■ ■. .'■ : - » •% ; * ■ ' t ' - . V ■ ■ ;; :':,.■ ,'■/:, ' '-. _.''\ ''■■ '' '.■';.■ f"' - ^ ' ..'- ■ •■'' ■ ■■■■ ,: ,'• ■:■ ■ ■-.(;■ ;' ,• ■< \ , 1 . 4- •J S« 1 / A- # <:. • . ■ • .■.:■ »' ;• . :,■■;■■ •*■■■. ' ) •■■ "■■" - \ v---;';v'.^----.'v-;-'-..;-:VV ■■■■■C ■:-■■< ■'■'■■^"A ■■■/■- v'-.' ■ ■■-■ .■,.■.:■■■'■',:■■■*:'. ^' ■'.;:■ ■.i--: .^V ■■ .:.\:- ■/ f-;:. ,.-;v; v .-i. .' - , -;. ■ ; .i^^" ». ■ ->■,.■. : . •■:■ ; :. .-■. ; ■■ ■■■■-■^r . • ■. : :• ■■ ■ ■ - . .■ ■--»;■ v • ..:■ . . > ■'■ -■ . ^ '-'.-:■. . 4r;- ,. ;..■ ..V,;. .;■ k- - ^ ;'. 7 t • 1 'y/:y0::m^^^^^ 1 • ) * 1 1 ■.■■-,vnv ■.;■ .-. ■i.y^yj^ -:-A' ::.■■:■ -y^y ' * » s^ '•\ . * r k ■ ;"■■ ■ . ■■'"■'^; '- .. ■; ";';''-;--^ " V ■■■v- >'■' « i : '« A 4 1 . IN C The > /^ V '":r Thel It Docu wiUic genu! M to in iaa • inad< aforo > \ , J "I • ' ^< .%. :k \ 'I -: '' -.in 217 . * IN CHANCERY. ' ^ ' The Honourable William B. RicnARDS, AliohMy GeDcral of Upper ,C«n«ila, on behalf of Her Mi^etiy, I\int{f; .md The Rev. Hiimr Jamkb (itJLBvn, and others, Dtfindantt^ It ia hereby agreed between 'the Sbllctton, for all palt!e^' that the ibregoing \ "*" Documents and 'Extracts, may bo read on th<\ hearing and othenvise in thia^ pause, ^ . ' , ^ T ' without the production or proof of the oilginalH, or evidence of the aulhenti«^and genuiiienoss tho^f, so, h6Wiever, as not to prejudice any question nrhich may'^ikriia as to tho admissibility thereof, in evidence, or to the effect thereof on the makers in issue, both oY which pointer are left open for argument. And these admissions ara ^ I . \ ■ • made^ and tljio said' Extracts and Documents hereinbefore printed, are to be read |s •forosfdd, saving an j^stexceptionC: ' '' \ A' J. HILLYARD CAMERON, lidtorfw Dtf«nimt.\ JOS. C. MORBIBON, | \ \ V ^.•.% . . ■•v , s"'. >^. #• y" tA RECTORY CASE. CONTENTS. 1^ , ,v* rLBADDfCML ]plMra«ti<»..«....;,..^..,..........^........k.,.....,,k..*...*< tkf Joint and MT«imI MUiir«1r of ]>«fendaikta....»..i«. ....•*•.•••••••*''<••••••••*.** 1' AttohM7 OtMnl*t lUport rwipMtiaf th« Knctiaf of Puptort—t PviahM ia Loww oaiMd^iaai..^,... ;.../:....;........./..... ....MM.. •.i'>.'M>'.'«>> Report of t^ OommittM of iho Eioeativo Ooaneil to Oordoa DniiiiiiMMd, Eiq, 1815. . iMttm PatniBrMtiBK tilt BceUw7 of Montreal, lMliAac«4 1818.......... OpinkuM of Hit Mi^tj's Law (HBeais relating to tlia ^kttgj Baaar r a^, and tha Ohwcliaa aat^ladtlMrato— 1819.........^.. *...., Daapaieh from Liaat Ooramgr Sir P. Maitland. K. O. B., to 1«1 Balkani-1884 Patition of tha Hooaa of Aaaaaably of Uppar Canada aa to tha daim of Oto Ohordi of Scotland, Jannary 18-24. • . . Daapatch from Earl Bathqrat to li«vt. OoTernor Sir P. Maklaad— 18fel. .............. Kxtract of a Oeapatch from Sir P. Maitland. K. 0. B., to tha Earl of Bathnrat— ISMr. . . Patition from tha Hooaa of Aaambly to the King— ^18Si6... Daapatch of EarlBathurattoSir P.Maitland-^1826..'. ...........>....,....... Xstraet froiA the Rapott of tha Salect ComniittM of tha Hooaa of Oommgna appointed in 1827, to report on tha Civil dovarnmant of Canada— 188T. . . , . . ^Addre■fl of the Coramona Hooaa of Aaaemhly. SOth Mareb^ieaS. ............... i ... . MMMga of Hia EzceDeney the Liant Ooramor to the Hovh of AaaemUj in raliNranra to the aaid a^dreaa— 1818. .............. Iptract of Deapateh from Sir Gaorga Mutay, 0. 0. B., to Sir Jdm Colborne, K. 0. B.— If It It n 87 87 18" 88 18S8 88 ST Bartract of a Deapateh fton 14.....>"-.i"<^<" ......•..•.....•.••.••••• Draft of a Bill to be laid bafora the Legiahtore of Upper Canada............. 4» Ad^eas tothe King fkoaith»Oo«ua« Karl of Ab«r tha EzeeutiT* Gonnoil— 1 838 TO OomniaaionoftliSiEarlofOaafordaaaoTamorOaDera], June 13th, 1835.... 71 Daapaleh flrom. Urd, GUanalctot liaut Ooramor Sir John Oolborne. K. 0. B.— 1835. . ... 77 Daapiteh from Lahi Olenelg to Liaat. OoTaraor Sir John Oolbor^a. K. O. B.— 1835. . ... 78 IfiMga Arom Jlia KmaUanay tha Liaut. Oovamar. of SOth Jaaaary. 1636, tranamitting • Ocapatch from Ilia Majeaty'a Oovipmment .'...'.... ,,, 79 DeapatehikOm Lord OIaoelglotlM.Uauiaor«raor. Dae. 6tb, 1636 78 Oammiaaion to Sir John Oolborne, Augiiat 83rd, H28 88 Addreaa of the Bxaeutire Cotmeil at Toronto to Sir John Oolbome, 15tb January, 1636. ; 88 Deqiateb from Lord OlacMlg to Sir F. B. Head, Augutt 31at, 1836. ............ ... .. . IW V n*patch-4»lr F. B. Head to Lord 0%lg.. lOl ' Saapatobr^Lord Oknalg to Sir F. B. Head..... 101 D«ipatch ftiun Lord Olcnelg to Sir Franeia B. Head, K. 0. H., SOth I)er, 1836. ...... .. lOS D aapateh from Lord Qlenalg to Sir F. B. Head, 6th July, 1837, with cncloaurea. . ... . . . lOt ■Deloaara ^o 4 ,...,..;.. 167 Opinion ot Hia Mi^M^'a Law Ofll^n, eth June, 1837, to Lord Olenelg. . . . . .... .. , . . HO Doapatch from Lord Olenolg to SirF.B. Head, 7th Sept, 1837..,. ...,..;..... 118 KstrMt6faDeap»tebofSirF.B.HaadtoLord01eneIg,10th Sept, 1887. ...,.'...... Itf Deapalah-rLord 6]«arlg.to Sir G«org« Arthur, Sard Dec, 1837.......... ,... l\t Daapatch— Lord Olenelg to Sir Oawge Arthur, Dec. JMJth, 1837..................... m Latter fix>m Sir O«org« Gray, Bi, to Sir George Arthur, K.O.H., 1837, ....... .... . ^ . ItO 0}iiBionofthe Law Oflkern of At Orowo, declaring the Raetoriea to be valid, Jan. 2tth, 1838.. ..." ..........^.191 Itaqwteh from Lord Olenelg to Sir George Arthur, K.O.H.. 15th Not., 1838 ........7. 183 Readntiona— ralatire to ti a appupriation of tha Clwgy Reaerrea, ptaMd by the Com- mona Bonaa of Aawsmbly of Uppm- Canada, Deo. 39nd, 18t6i ;.......... .. ... . . Itl Jbnmala of theHoaaaof Aaaombly, 17th Jan.. 1889 . ...... lit . .Jotorpala of the Legialatire Coaneil, and March, 1639. ., . ..... . i.i '....... . .... . . . ; . . 1J7 '' jMimala of Ihe Honae of Aaaembly. 9nd Feb, 1831 i .'..:............. 188 Ad^rcaa of the Hooae «f Aaaembly to Sir John Oblbom^, Feb. 8rd; 1831. ........ ..... m Joumala ofthe Houao of AawimMy, Feb. 3rd, 1831.. ...........;..,...«........,. 180 Reply of Sir J Oolbome, 4th Feb., 1831.....................;....,...* ........ 130 J«iimalaoftheHouaeofAaa«mhly^ihF«b., 1831..............; .....13(0 Jeiifrnala of the Hooai of Aaaembly, Feb. 96th, 1831 . . . . . . . . ., v*. .ill JbamalaoftheHoitaoaf Aaaembly. March Wh, 1831. ...... .,v.-..iv...^............ 188 JonmalvofthoHtiaMofAarwmbly, Dee. 13th, ISSl.........;;..**--*. 137 JmimaIaofthaHona«ofAaM>mbIy.Dee. l4th.1831...T...,...i;;.. ...... .......... 149 Addreaa to BiaMajeaty, by the Houae of Aaaembly, Dae, l4«Htt»l....... .„....,.. ur Jonmak^fthoBoaaa of Aaaembly, Dec. 87th, 183l.......v..4w.........;^....... 144 • Joflmab ofthe House of AHembly, Jan.SSth, 1832.......................;...;.... i<4 Joomala Of tbtoHonao of Aaaembly, Jan 98tb; 1838. ;......... -j..jrU;.*.... f4» Joonalaof the Houaeol Aaaembly, 6th and 7th Nov, 1838...,.........!.........,.. 14? --^ I- Joum^U^r III* TtonM of AiMmbly. 8th Not, 1839....Mt** ...........ir...... !!• A4drw» U) Hlr John C<>l»«t»'n«'. «"• "•;*•• ^^^^ ..».»....»............».'•.••*•• *^ R«|)l/ of Hi« KicclUnojr.fllrJohii C«.I»M.rn«. . ....... ....».tiM>"«'M»v*'»**"'* *** . Jaunials of lb« II..UM of -Ai'em»»iy, lilh I»i>», lS3i .',,., ..ii......V.*».. *<• JoumA}»of th« Houncrtf AMrmbljr. Plh J^«>». I«39 .,,...,........ M" •• >*• Journal* ol Iho H.»««« of AMwmMjf.ftiiluinl I. Ih Dec. WM...., ...... .....••♦ w JouruaU of Iho HimiK! of Awwrnbly. 15th Jan, l«31 ..,.,."»•».».. ..<....'|'"«»«' 'M Jouruabof the HouMof A^wnibly. l«tU and ITth Jan., 1834. .'..... ...... i.''^'"" *^ Addrew to MU Excellcup/. Blr Juhii Oolb-rfHc. 17iI«Jimi% 18^.. ......«>. .p-";* »*• Joomabof tho IIcmim of A«MmW/. 97A Jan.. INM. ............ •...•/•• •^•••' [^ Jouraalaof ho llouae of Alicmbly. 7th and 19th F«b, 1834.. «.. .v.i... IJ« Journalaof tho Ilouiwof Ajiwsmbljr. 8UfkKi^ft , ItWI. .......,.....«*..■•.•••• •*■ • Journals of the LfgitdatWe Council, 2ath Kub, 1834...,.....t». ...•t»t»»...»»'f' W Joumalaof llooiwof Ai«t«nil)ly, 16th Jan., 1835 ••■" Journals of Houao of AuMinibl/.IOlhKub.. IH3S ,. .g|,......;...... ... 1« Jouruttla of Uouao o^ Aawiflbljr, 21»t Feb and 2nd March. 1833 ...;..<......,. IM JouroalaoflloiiHeofAwoinbly, 4thMarch, ISM ;....>*....... j»4 Mcsaai^fl from the I.r-iskilive t^.uniil, with lUaohitioua, t7th March, 1^36. . ......... IW JoumsUi of the Uou-w of A«wmby. lOth April, I835.............»....»«...«i»'^'«»« *•• Joumald of lIouKO of AxMjmbly, Uth April, 1835.. ..,.*.>.......•.••.....••••*"»•• *'* Joumnia of Uousc of A«»cinblj, l.'ith April, 835.......... .,..........,.....»» HI Joaruala of tho LegMatire Council, Dlh March, 1S35. . , »*. .^ • HI Joumala of tho LcBitilutlvo Council, iMh and 20th March, 1835,. iW* • •'• Jparnala of tho Lcgii.latlTo Council, 26th March. 183i. ............... ..... . .. .^. * • »'* Jounukb of the Leglslatiw Council. 4th, 8th and 9th April, 1835. ........... v. . . • ^ . . • "• Joimak of the LcgiaUtif e Council, I3th- April, 1815. , . • . • • • • . v •^' • • •'' Jouraala of tho Lcgiidative Council, I4th April, 1835. ...,. ........r...i. ...;.... H'*- *W' Joomiliof the aouM)ofA»Mrably,'.»th Jap, 1836. and Jind P«b,.. .... ......../... IT» Juoraals of fiie flouae of Aaoomblj, 24th Fob., and 7th sod a2nd Mareb, 1830. ..../.... IBI Journals of tho Hon* of A,MemUy, 7th April, 1836.. ..................r'"''***/**"- '» Journali of the LcglaUUTS Coancil. 2 th Feb , 1830. . . , . v • • • • ............. • • "j""" ' '•• InatructioBS to Earl Dalhoosi* April I3th,18i0 ............,............* IM MMtaMt tmm Commiasion under the Great s-eal. to Lord Aylroer, as Governor of Upper and Lower Canada, dated a44h Mot, 1830........ ••••.. 814 Owr of Inatmctioos. under tlM Royal Sign M«»»^ «»"» Signet, which aeeompnnied the OMamlsBioD. under the Great Seal, to the Earl of Owford. aa Gowmor of Upper and Iiowar Canada.......... .....••••••••••••••••••;VV'*""' ^'* ■• -*:, ■■|-a" -.f--: '-'^- i •y' M iT M ii lB i i aofcJdt n.is M,m m uH» « i i ln i i ^-..«fc, MM JIMP' «p^*^'.',#|%' i3s^»7 '*'' ^i^^'r «•% ;,:r-#i^.,ii^ , ^:jmfm-^^^¥ tfwj ^^^^^^^iv. |L4^^|||1_L^^ Vi l^* l'- •>;" fiii'lfitniMii iliniiiiiiii TifiH '- ^f^H ''* . ^ -K i:| / 'i I w f> ' f. »\.' fiiy^fpff;gf»^^ -.^lAftMMU •TP'"^^' ^^IW^ .» .'VJ.T ; «*• p»««t>pi;PW ;V«- ' •'■■•■'i'l'ij" ■\t jmr/iKmm Wi ..;. •:•;.; ..ijf'- ■ /^'' "'if '■■'■' ' ' '■^^•^'■:- :. f,.<- .^-■^ r ■*** -(fwy^*' tJiiUi*; .a-4V w»» ^>iw*?**^*v ytb<^(aO,i^|ir'*o /»a^^ ■ ' Y_|jiifii»}Kw/<;» i-ciJnivtiaitlwsd' 'ij't.MS flujfe.2t»i4)(^ jrithfe^^io iji.l'irtwol^, il'iifia » , J^i^Sm^i.l<)!i^iti' :\li ■f.'>:r\ 0^ fiM ,^V>iM/i. JiM^^iH M'^'SaQ '•'> yJlft^^Vi'^ jj«>-j(f j»VKii Hiaf* (Ulw 4x.Jfiij|p^^4» 4w'i-^ '»>i' "t** TjJelaim It' Ju) ',)ii.»jiv!' .,0.4 .l-SiJl! ■;V' frsvrt)- .fi.DiA ,a»Ajirij!iM &,sMiii.>Jffls^{ «S .Sttien{«iL»-'iof«^, ,^ -' , :.X' iii!. 'V- mm w mm mmm mmm» mm "mmm ■ * i.'ujiT.....^',-: ft j.Wi,BaUi}!a illHf>.'> 9l)D .,^'' >. ■ ■ ..',■ ^ • f'- lij-ioirAt»-io't^, \ iki f^m Af 0liHtki»»lbiW« teMb^^ |Mr km of tiM l^tk IbflBus »ii(>tfii6ek fetid IbeflD^^^ |fc«"""^;: 'y » ■- ■,'*■ ti^ tlM ral^;ci^^4%»^ l^iitf li^to^toWl^ml^ Winn '.x-n-' ^"'W ''■'V -'^•■'" 'V-* -r hmlim puii iw i tegiW p(i>i«f ffii li^M^ doiNvioMlb^ iflb^dbt ll Ifiit^itBMlf tar i i«f modenile faNMNib^ii v«y mmOI msdbw :ibt:iiM MMiJiM «r ]^iMi« ikHnMr OMMiaa. ^ |liQOik « ta| fp^ tlMi 4iW!r%i W«r of IQIS. JTonigifMtii, SM^iMii|^1b% iMAhi oIjiH OfilM^ tmhnA % iik»4difMmitnnboi^tnj^ tfie PioriBeMa iDoiMaaaMtf iMlfcU ^ ndBewnt pow«r WMiPghw to die GofenKw u'j^mmm.tf^m», in ^JMocIt, by tiM> %i4 ComouMioQ, nA ^J^iii^ iiMm^ '''^^ ititfeno ii . MUlMimw u'.i>.i«A»««j«>»' ... ^^ •? T -s"" * "tZ ■ 4 .ft« •x"' .'^i.. ■4/: I- in ■■■■t i/;-, ■ . '.. ' ^- -■;■■■ •■;. :;.■■' *3 ■ ^■.Wl!l(T'*tii'''K(>OX..*i»lr<«*A R-^T'^^' ■■«-■■ . ' • ■ .' ■■■*',-,.■,■* ■ ■ ■■■ '■''■■" "■ ; V'"' ^ •;'■■■' ' ■ .' ■"'''''': ■' ' .. .■ v~>f^t^>''3^i»lfci''iili-V ': ; ;■ ■■\ ,^\^iA/G'^*jfl«ife r,fj^lf> iij(.6^ulv^^ ^«-f>^(4i/!J^_Jj^■i^^■^^v;)f^7^f^ ,^;:■; ;■ ■ -'li^ ■■'?■■;■'-;•■•.•'■■/.'> n-. •■.■ ■;;■■■■■,>' r--., . ^n.' "i •■■■• ■, r, ■;-,//■■ ;^i ^3 ■ • • ii^ictiy 5iti »o rT..'ii:ji>i'>n l!(il Mil? ^?;1W^K^^•?A:^Y.^ vti) ](,' f>!»;M|«;ib njl^ fit , ,;£&i-!V^.^ ;s^^y.•'^i! iU ait'tnitkfM l^i! I >:a».S^'ri ,';>V;;i.[.»;i;(i;ii!t;;>.;i^;il-Hft' 'f^tCi V itiVih\ipjAi->lAidht^Ut'idttoi':',M,i.,i\'$ .• <4.4i y.* Vi-i*. ; 'ii,>i-,V.'\>...;: iiH^'.ii ^'^'-^-H XT- '' 7 r. ,-!':<(tif,1#V; . fioitfe'c-j' '/if J ■'«*'■' (Tli|'a^-.f'(5lU)!'; J^kVul" ;X Jit..'". a id ;ii ,jfi i; ... l»n. .1 jT^k, J ify^IW i . i iif up III i» III,, IliltoiiilOfci^ «{wiii9tcl IbIIa PiBtoni^ Ho MinfaMr of iw Ohii^ aolUpiiliy' At pndMiiir.t^ < tilt Ohaidi MS Nlg^ iMlnotion of Om iro.1. ,nader the i Drainmoo(1,JlD nporti^g on the m tM nnvfa^Mtian fat aooejB i of pomwidi,' for 1^ iMkknoe of tbe 1^ moamaMiided «fiiat wboaerer a ' jpjjpblBtid lo iMide k taxf ToinvKip^ Ml io «Mt • pMMM^e Howe^ l^ 'IpidMl |oaadi» tiM pi^^ , „^_^ _^ ibilbapiil |j ■■* jijMMi ainaj b« dbMged 7iil>lft4h«iwri^ortha4n0i|i!^^ iritiiptliB fowiMliip, i» tligr IH): Imqoim piQdaeliv«k Hal tW flUifo «ii InMranoe and 4tv|iM^f iMMMtlli itpiiia iMI'bA d^Aaywl by (Im IncambaH^ ani att ' ibyindiniaatMilMMidkf^ - J^ lh» Bepoiitn Clopn4 aqiiptipcr th» prindpla (br Aitara gnidaooe in bnflding and fln^ag fapowtta Qimaii^ nw traonnittodlo di« i^gfct HoooniaUe IrfHd Batbnnt» ^teo^ a|iMobatkmof|UiBog4 B%lwii^fl^ Ttithiaan. annrar iw Nttp^Mi by Lord BaOw^Jiptei tha lo^h Ootober, leif Srr^Tha^laini of tba %imtfid iWlbStnohan, ibe pfceent If&akMff of Toik, appeals fhrn ilM <«ai9oH^ Jh« ConoeU )o be dflMMing of oonaidetaiionr ind 7<« «A tbwiMie oonaider yoonetf Ito niikatbn pi(|iMBfc wUUi 1% live r^^ .44 tin t^m^ trntk tin repta of Oleigy BeMrrw^ «nder lease, ^ a jj^B Bwlatod ^yMy |loi^< appliiifeMi wat made to His Ifejeety's Ot^nnnMiit by tiit ilrtkBWio|^>if (^ebe(^aoi^ inn eorpoiHta fiapnG% Bii|bt W ^ntraited i»jth the pbwetr of leMog; an^ aooQi^dtnc^y tin C%Of^ tHT nunu^iiS tin CI{»gy Jteserrea ^LQPwTCkinada WM^o Ghreat ^ealof tiiai P^ioviiiM in 1810, widjh iostram^t bad been qriginany . diaqgMf^ m tiiat CMony by therlAW Ofl^ of die Crown. This '«. period "j^'t'^i^wsii^i^xiiiaimiia^^ ■y- ■: ' ii>inn«*«f«4|Wiinw ■*■.' \ ill '.i.i'./'rtffti')ir>i) "pyt •('» -^.^i '«)r;*fJ!y« *• '^. ^ !-t t. |l ^ ,A 1. I / ^* M > M It Oi 4 Q tl Oi II ol iri h H tH •i dl J^ tli H qt <)i O ill • ! ^#l(l#^ * lit/. ii.y/iituShit,- te?"'' ^.v ■■■*» r ^*- tim&igiki ProfiBMi iMo jhnyM; «d, il tfipmn, in AiMHy or at«to irtii t ii ii ii« i i» < k^ Mr; PwU«| 8Mtlb, iIm rtlw ffl i i ii Hww i L iiitf/^ iad ^ «r AimO, Hit, - ... ., .'i»;tw.aiiiiiii»«iii'4iio« « flpi « Om >|«iil iMi« a*|Wf 4ii^ aib^ iwit iit»iA% «fc BO il iOp I i^ i^ M , qQBifert»M> phwt difrida^ fer IIm Wrnkmrnim Om i» tht PMribiik Ai MoMl Fteecb ol iHid QMwi aod Oktp BflMi!M%|i|M»thtBUmf •boddHuik jwofiar to idMimk«^mAmt0ag,hm(lt^mm «a««wwt ww able, -Jbffwing iWBto^ idigloiit Iw^^ I8I81 WMUffl to OMspwiN^ AwiMdtBMi ittd^ UMNftmb 90 mmu^ i^l>«Mtfd«t |&^^ the p<^ -I 'A ■ ;. i -^ ■UP: .Alt^'ik^K :v«MVn«nto.J»tli»m7'JNKH^^ - -^^ ^ jMd« to liMiiy oliMr.pliMM^^^W m iMMib ^itonld ipwnit jM» jiNCM^ to •btIIMH i<^ in mipin^^ <^^^ H«faipi ilM Priaee "BiitigSif^^if^^ ^ \ufs^Ssi^ jSqpMt fc* toJ•^to^lw^ pf«<|tBdi^ -^ ■i.,.-«.vy*, gNiMWfrf»n«iMWM ^ ■'>.'.*4f I 1 lf.4fi ifmfm*ni^ ^|pM.iin {fPMM ,^'i|li-3l>~ Mi4te).||;u(i>.(i;»i«^4«Mi9t'u|)<^i^ :" t^Iift. jiny jiir^iH'^vfVQiC^. >Mil.. #^« audit 4}w<(|W( 4|Limi0iviiw s «h>?ti;^|<(iv» m tliit unit Mdt i«^(wm| b|G» ..il jiwi iiA -fc^^. .ply xiop ^i>g /»l!h*:Vo9,w j«a;t«l z' A- i^'^ - f^ tin Mini CUMf ^^*^aai^'vX!4v ^m^mmmmmm wflfStm$iHt ^m ■ ^^Wt.,1^ WB^ft wHH MHJHH^ W , , i ,r'*'>!. "'life' imi ,;■!,(,. i,.;»i f 1|i»fliitlNli^iiiA oCiMM ::V T ^. 1i ->' n 1 i 1 1 -1- •^ i P ^%;HLL^ J #; «f"-' V- n ''^iSBim^'^ I, • -.-< if*^ 't ./■■■ Ho HMm4^iO|^ 'v;!^,.. •-.■^:;s,.v.; .. ■.•»*^ ;2S /.' ^m^^y-HrifW i*:^,i^*^' ^^ M j^J^ftmma-^fmi'vi^ .\.|-^ l.m ^ «<*^ •li|««GtAj If Ill ■r- itV frtJkJ .'■■ '-. ^ ■.(■!.•,:• ■;;,. ■Jim.' . .-r' ■■•:. ■*''*^ .^v7'-'''.MV*^'' ; '■■•««-■ •■■.'■■■^ ^'^■•-;?t,._.^-.....\p:.'y.'.-.. .,..;., ,/,. ■■ , '>. .n:^!,^,. ft> ti«i»iiitff6«> imo M{f t^ml mAlitUoM m^mm mn miauH- lo ■^■T#n»M6^iiiJf£, ' ■■ %■ •f ., l«il»» I ftriil viUi»,'>Jlio ^jirw «Ktq at^JT *•'«' miOMi'' lo i^tji'fci; JW f i W fl| i|ii by •>m:v-hS|»'' ,^F»^R^^i I (0 b« ^^-,^^^W| ^r^^^^^^w j^p^p^^w , ^H^^x i^v^ ^^^m^^-^^H^^v ^^P0 ^^H^ ^^^^H, .^pv^^V'.MHV 1^^^^^ At liMi Mk ^mm baianMii* n w<| ji i | wii i» i |l m . fM i ll M ry tk^UminA Qvnnat. laM QmLmmi^^^ MM^ «is|t^ «Uoh fiig^ kd «|^ Wt irUeh f%lMd fittto NMM b idfuok hmU «« Im* biliMa^tkm» II%Mk tbifibv^ bit ft Miwit iiiitiiim rf JiMiM wirfiii fmp^ Im4 OoderiA to df <>ftC1»fc.-J*|iiliiii r M:.aMmi b'lliM-iir'tMr wffff^'.^ Umamiak mA ct tiwp|oaiiioB% dM« MlMpad into Vth« fiEtibftBrafigitiai .•- V . ' 1 -~-i. IW ," » J Ki ' ^i -i^ ' .^.fiii^iL -r* t* I 'I f i. ^' ^icrtt l^iir &^«^t t'^uw ttfowij wijihii* *««0' Ja '' ^ "^ timtt^Vi^f^ yijiiAi^ ■oM-filtfii -M^ja ' f *>tv!!i{«-» ♦T.(i>li4'?^ W^*^^ *!^ «-7"i«rt liuiWB*i*ri««fi^> '^i-jbK^jljf ,v)rh »•>»" --/i ,?«i«^' '^i'lt* ff04Ji«i5ii)L' .t!fifj»p»»5 7wu'.ic« ^jrf. j^ l-*iwah«;-t»su Jru>«w4h*'I »vi^^: tc »wJ«^^M''i''^* I ••>■>..?'. ^I'l'Mi* '^M-.-Q »»i: •v.i'ifiJfvis^o ^^t«wii|jf< ■ *r f .'^ / H fi I "III 4 2 #1 J"? -3 1 ] An !■! Cb mmm»»mk^ifmmmimmm'imfllmHim^ ^ '■ y. *. .* §\' "T^ " t !, *f9»1NS|?16£- ■^-y ^j" V tiii j —X i mw iHlit|lii>ii|ili>^ oC^WItt' ,11} ll'Jh-g«hil^C»/M&. V' <»'■■... V, / 't^ i^-'i*'/ ' ) > ' > ■ ■:4r c'KSKrtSf .-.t ^l^' -.'f**' . >»^ f M''^^-\r ■■^^' '■¥ fih- i»: -m /I /(, j A 1 -•;»? /, ;,v wm 4^ ■Urn pi)afuA,i «hU '^ .iwtmiO "fil* >y, ■ IF m ^eekiiSt?m'f:in &•:•■. /'- . .J • ' «IM «b Ohiidii of l^M^^^ io»«iirta»id«M,., , , »»«?kBi>f pii^ raildtBg in ih« Mwitif oooli ]iNfail>gp« ..■ %«»Ty*» f?.^*'^*^ ^■'f''^' ^^^ on tfattooi» c» Kip 9Qiil Wai^ Hinn B«)lpfiH wMob jm. h^ itm^^imd, << «m1 dM ftb i ni ii a t of t^ jmmmm^iim:^ii0^ 4mAibak ao piiHA «C#7 0«mI nUgibw vmimi^vM* tbe il%yiit raHoa 19 iontOMthillibciraori^^im ' wil bf in any BtaniMr inUHmd. with in «fiiP|MQai oIUmib Baetoriw orandowoMitk Itisiailib naliiiNw^^^d^ tka righto of maniap, bamfm, and aeffnltore, ai^ bj tbe Jam of tba Piim«M9a oonmoo fn tba teadpa of aU othar C9if|«ait danMn|aati«»wiUi tb* GWr of tb« OnuHli of In^Md. such app u hm ioit ii or cw ^vt hiHl^ Widi ippaet to tfaekuad aBMttd iSW oiMlo«wanl,.ie m, in lOmoat «ff«i7 immm,,tmialiljll0mit Aaotioa o^dMai Raaervos to irUib°tbe O^nKb of ^E n gb aii in th ia 9i m m $ hm a «ftiii^ irbML oogii i» bo MgaNM aa aai^fed. ' " <.. Id vidiMS, it ia' ao anudi ia to be #oowtmmt^jiMMymf ^ ^ __,_ fatAhng i$m mIm «p for An iftnt par «mk mmfy MtbenamwoilllfoftlielBMibbanta. IwiMi,tb^oMl I^^^ to .fbt(u%, #bfltt tlMf ooMti; i| popolova and weB iwiiiiwiml, a p^if^aliad in anj hiateioa to aapf^ an jriafaato j«ov»o» firj^Mitonalinof an tiws^mWtii/biitfiiJi^^ wi^ mt^ m^m^, •» it^:9Q$li^1llit-'^idlti^ body of mm$^^ ' $ mmit ^ 16«iiffiii°'jiHjr|p.Ki^ 4m An ittalat tt^ank#of^t^ «64i««»irt|. ? '.«* n »'■ "■ . *. i U' "»^10*1i0] .'-.y. ■;■ kY'' I I '«- *K, '" ^ ' V9»«5V9»fc<'av{f ^;,5>i^-i- ^a* .•».iv" pt'-*"' ♦■■"•<)'•» 'fit }y i.i.!.4k)'*,'I»i»'« -^miJfe^fJvy'.^^^v.^)! i;»ritri -^^.7 iiiiy:^. »'••"<<" »i<{r>#'/-V/' "'-i'ti '&.• «' i(t»«|*(»iw.9 111 '^jI ^ '. '■ It <((A« «; ''4 i<' 'f^ " ' I i H ' MtR 'l^'■ I I 1 n t 9 M d i it « m A w * w 4 // ' I ^p« ■w- -^^X' ■iKi"!. I y»».. »i, 1 4 >i> If II! t»i ,' f // ' f Wi..4W;;^^'l.!,:^flJI'« .•! ■PMMMnn J^"* ^M :ia;: «AMX 1>7 Am or ill BW » b»i ■■» nt rfrq- which hM kd !!??,. T"** • •'*'*• ^8** **^ *w* ««%orai*Act , lis ir.i!:Tj*i^^^ iihoaldb«Mlidii|^ tiA Thilll* ««• ilrti* «» tbt «|»ttfeii oTflit Croim Offlett. Wi« h»ie oooi^fail to tbm dB«ly Ui* Jmpwiitoi^ thiit iWm the ^^ imtelfc6time<,r««rtligA«»,Be(*orfe«, w aotliofito l«d bm 8«h«r«ii,rfthe8tatotoi**ill-v«^*««*wS«,wg^^^ thirfTthar o|»i|io.iifo«»drt«poBtfiki|S,i«,^ t^wfoijj, upoft the MPPQM4 woorenrtanoft of in iMlniiMii^ two of wlui^ of diffe^iwt dato^jto now h«fcnib^«d mo tMo^M iV the prooeedlpge of the , W. That tIik.|»*Hiti^tt»j,ftr the Mi^lfaff CSetgy of ti,e BMUwd Ohiil^ pnchd Mid iii«4Neat ie k «a(brtnii eiMt.ooiifoittkj to He w wt umA t ; it eaniiot, AmMMoM^- be dcatrayed to gntti^ the iwSfaMitriib p^ibg of ttypm^ or purtj, A4 wthiog c«, jfeprfti lh« Okrnr oC the GhuMdi of BigiM in thfc l»Mnoe «* the i^ht» tfaoseecqred tothem btit„th««WT«Kiig ^owerorifcea*t»lifcW.l^ 7«^ hte-diilioeotwod the wipi^qM jEJolMf ,0f the Ei^pliet ,1 *»l!??il**^*^^*'^ «yI«dOB«»aIg l«ige^Aepo..&aty/ Ao*«h ^Iq^ ttp »e^«^p^^^«^^ 8 . "iWA^ WAnaMf T 9^ \ TFf -I -I I ' ' ~w/i « 1 ,i(^-= t «i. MWMMt* ; » / 'I ^ •'<: V" ' " I I li ' "•" /wm*:}^ Mill?, ''!>!(•' id »'t^ Wv(tt>! • '''''lij; ^71 'x^ *-♦;• -"^ ' ', „" ' ?\i.iv' II S 1!, »., .■^ h^ (;u^i^i;^4t« '''^i*\"''t'Hf ^'W,y^s.»« .'«io ^. . 'H'^*'J' ir- ,'■ 4 i /(i>^ 4^. ik <>' '*. I'y ^» 1 , ^' iS/ n J> > * * , v« Mm fai II Pi Uh m du ttet •pi la IMS ofi of nD| M da M equ CK Kii In 1 tl«r Chi vmrj tot Un mmm 11 * I II I IS. »«« I "m 1 e „\i. % IJ/J '1')' V / ^^f i{ i ^ . ') d'f II « *i yi |Hn>i v« J'- i- H villaf to ianiBd«i^iir toi|rtirtly Wg„^ rMBBi* whWl liiii lUof b» «mmm4 to Ik* MMMl^^l^^ Vlpfifly tke iMovUMi «nlini of PariitmMl l|««ot plaMi H ii lb* pow«r 6f wy MMdMl l» b« the iMknuMntor w nneii iq$wliM$ ^ fciaatfa a» J iiii jauM ttPifctMiy wwiikto^mw MiNit ifitM^ I biKeTe il ««iiktjwi UppMliy te MMm Mf om wiift it pmoiMOy •eqiwi#i«ilh^ tlMA^irotdA w > t ib^ btoo^i a^^ Ommgh good npwtaadbid lopodliiil pronM^ ProHaet ••#,ili Mi w i iw i U to i3tii^^m^»»l»lilg^ ntora Omui UOiJiy^Ailw y«bl^ tflA pgjM 1^ M ^ •pWHAify»in|%«) iii|niM4i^ idigk»» muI id " tho aMbatgi oT tko imM aotiw of • Olam Mtod townds ill oHmt (Jhffitiii) dMioiiBatkNis #itli i Ohiirtitti •pifit, wUefa tib IMpiStolili porttom ■■'■.,♦ .■■■".■ "■ ^^ , ■■ ■ . ■ ■■..'■>,.■•••' j: III In ■u by Ml OM Iv, Jd '-.■(■:■ :><■'.■' ■' ■• 'li^Uv'l iK>iiikkkLt>-..' lmi^'y^\» ih.ii4^-'\ .;v^ ■ >:i«v> ' It 7- :fctft :'■)!< rii-;. ■liJ.'jiK! f ■ ' ■ " .-It' v.:t '•'■ i. t :•■.•,-:»(,;.-... -.jwkhy- i«^^i;i^ii>feO: '^•Ai'rf^Tai'ju,, t,. . • • * ( •fW •^ •».: nil tii<«'al|*x-'' it 'V'?«»«f >if.';*f«t(Vi.iijti*i.:>'v i..":i'ipt-<)oni'''''i'y' '■■-': •:).|» • ;''* • ■ t ■- fcv ; ^ •.** 'IxBH?^ \3 — -t^ ,-1 M'.» ^ i ■M ci tliei «nd I Upoi «»nloi ' tituiid prese I (Elite tJMg^ IbT. »t niijp K ( - ■ I 4 ' m 'VI \ !f*'nr iff Oh, honlXHW. ""7"": ""■""'•I" «"••■■»- «"«.... U.. «..,.., A.-.„...y e«»n.i „, „p^, c.,.,d« ... i».i,„,f ,.r „„ «,.^.,^ ILghUtevcrond Jo,.x St«,, „».. j.„,., Hy.,.,, ,f. Torou.o. . ^..4 the Ch.«.„ 8,K,«Tr of .h. I)i,„...„ ,^. Tonmto, ™" ««•■«''"",,„«...,.. o,,.,,i,„i,..,,,,ii.:f,,^„,i.i.c,,,.,t«„ «■«. Hlc,l ,„ ,1.,. (.,„,., ,)., «„,„I ,|,„„i..„, ,„„ „,.^^ (,_^^^^^ . ■ ■ A. ORANT. f (Kntorcd A. G.) ^ . - \ /^^f/W/v/r. ItUAHUN^ OK Al'i'KAL. tlJI&lJow'ing ffumiim H(ficr) :«. ll.c„„.,. ,l,c. f.i,„„. „„,;,,„„, ,,i^ ,,„,^__ ^ -^"ll^ "'"° """ >■■ '■' ''-' "'" F'OH. in .1,.. ^^^X ■-"4 ' . iIk> •A y. V ' • * ■ * ■I . ,./*•• ■■"■■"■ ■■; f- '".-. , ■ ■■ ■' .1 ' ■ , * « / T t * * ■ » ■ ■:'■-' ^ii^u\: V . ' ■•v.- ; ■■ '■■'.'' MCROoorv moumoM mr omit (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART Me. 2) 1.0 1.1 1^ lit Itt laa 116 140 L25 lu ■!« Lit A /fPPUEU HVMGE Ine 16S3 EMt Main Strwl Rechnttr, Nm York t460B USA (716) 482 - 0300 - PtKMW (716) 28S - Mas - FoN ■* !»• /... ' kH- ^ N I ^%^ 4. nn iiiiii n i nin n ■*w^ I ' • t .A *' tbcMid Rectory tliereiii mentioned, mto onditw \\w wuino with the landA contained in the Haid patent. ^ 2ad. Ubcause if he ever hud suc-h uiuhurity, the iianie wiw after- wards and liefore iMuing the naid imtent, ruvoke<1, n'ulliKcd or ku*- pendofl ^|»roH8ly or by implication. - 3rd. UecauHO the itwuin^ of the said patent, and the uieution and endoivmeirt'of the mid Rectory at the time^afore«aid, were all agaiilHii the tnind 4Ul<]-;intontion in tliiit Iwhulf, of Hi<< xnid »}ieii Majesty and'his Gci^r^iment. 4tb. Because |he transactions t-oniplained of, took place under Mich circumstances of miittnke, as are sufliciont to avoid the said iMitent. . ^ . . . r dth. That the said patent w void irir net definini; the bonndnriCH ^ 6f the Parish, and for not miming the grantee. n ^v »N. SKEFFINGTON CONNOR, Q.iJ/ O. MOWAT, Q. C. >^-« ••» % ■V - -f»r- Ii!A#<' '.I' •xft-j; ■ ■ '■"■ \ ■ .-. . ■"■ - ^- /^ ■-■•■■ ■ .■ >v ■ : ■ ■ ' -I . -■ ■•■ ■- / ' ;it ■ ,^i; ■ - • ... . ■ ■■'i ■<''-f'^'^%k"''' .■»■■•' j'':' 1 .^. '(^'■^t'*';-- »,'?.• /?i...^i,.;i'»*/ y:. ■ ■■-■ ■■■'.■- :■ ■ ••■'"*':* i ■'■■:*'■,: ■': ■ -. * ■ ■ . , . ^ '■■■.'•■ . ; ■ * ■-::.-■:■■<;■■; ;;jm 'v..; . -'.I'^j^'^f t'H'^-^ ••..'■■■ ' ' '. ■' ■ ■ ' . • ;■, ■■■ . .-5>V' ' . ,'• ■■'■"... '„'-'■ ..- ".'■■'. '•■■■''^{''' ■ A,. - ■ . ■'■ ■: ;V.'VV r' >' ■<:■■-'■■' -^^n- v.." •V;. .r': ■■/■ ■ '■;^-'>:' AT.: >:;' ^— »i ' N> »W- _i^,,*»»«-. „..,'.-*.'.^v, .^..ix;,. .'w^^-liiiAiiiw! mmmmmmmm mm A / • «IM*j - \-' ■t M A .«.!< ^, IN THE OOUKT OP EKROK ANI) jJpVEAh ^ " BerwfcKif 4he/Hon. W. B. KTCHAilDS, Attorney Oeneral of Upper Cauada, oh Vhalfibf Her Majesty, AND ■ :\ '< ^ ': ■.■■'■ The Hon. and Right Rcvereiid JOHN STRACHAN Lord Bishop of Toronlo ; the Rev. HENRY JAME^ GRASETT ; and tiio CIHJROU SOCIETY OP THE DIOCESE O^v TORONT(J, RespondtntB. ThtJ Respondents are advised antl/Hubmit, that the Decree is according to law aht^fcequity ; and /they humbly pray that the Appeal may be dismissed with cost^, and that the Decree of the Court below may be affirmed, for tlio following (among other) , ' : REASONS r :.■ ; ' - ^ ■ Ist. Because the Lieut. Govcru(/r, Sir'vJohn.Colborne, on the 15tli day of January, 1836, a»d pii'vionsly tliereto, was legally and fully authorized and empowfei-ed to issue the Patent in question, and to establish tlie, Rc/ctory therein mentioned, and to endow the same with thfe land^ contained in the said Patent. 2ttdly. Because the_ power to cbnstitute, erect, and endow the has failed to establish the alleged mistake on the part qf His Excellentjy, or hi^ Executive Council, on which the Patent in ^^ question is impeached. <"'. 3rdly. Because the authority conferred on Sir John Colbornu by His Majesty King George the Fonrth, to ei-toct and endow the said Rectory, was an exercise of the powers vested in the Crown, by virtue of the Imperial Act, 81 Geo. III. ch. 31, and it was not competent to liic Crown afterwards to revoke or suspend theauthority so conferred. ,_, " ', 4thly. For, that subsequently to ithe issuing of the Letters Patent in question, the Right Honourable Lord Glenelg, while" he was Principal Secretary-of State for the Colonies, and !mv> ing.full knowledge of the fact, that the said Lfetters Patent had iMued, and of the circumstances under which they had bcMi i8Sjie4, recognized, and avowed, on behalf of the Crown and IhEecutive Government of Great Britain, the inviol^l)ility of the rights acquired theriBiinder. 5thly, Because the said Patent is riot void for not defining liie boundaries of the Parish, or for not naming o, Grantee, birt iji valid in law, being in conformity with the provisiens of tfio tinperial Act» «1 Geo. IlL ch. 31. J. HILLYARD CAMERON, Q.C ^ SEOKER ^ BROUG H. ' \ ' '■ ■■I- -«v. .v--^^-* ..■is t •T ;%r ■ir /■. " \ V. .> 4 Sk^ v/ V .^-^7 i<^' h . I ' - ,' » . . . • 4 r r -' ./ . V X^ ^4-*K **••. / • . V y <^' ■./■ /^ V4- :^ \ T \ a- J ff; ^ J v..-^ :■■ \ i: - . ,t- ' ■ •■ .'■ ' ■, ' .•'..'.■ " . ■4 ■■ '■■ ' ■ ■'■""'V ■ ' '■ V- .'' ■ • ■ ■■ . , ■ ■ • ■ ■s - • V / ■'.'■■ ■'■ ' Bl .■ ■■■ ■ \ ■•■.,, • - . : '■■•-.■■■• { 'V '}■.•':::■ ^^^^^^^^^^^^w ■ ■'.■'■.•■ . -^ ■ ** * . ■ ''■'■'. ■ ': ■~\^^^^^^^" "'■■■':'- ' '■■■.".-■ ' ' ■ ^■:^-V::: : . « ■ ■J^^^^^^^ ■'-'■■ \. • ». * . .'..■■'. ^^^^k ;«';"," ■■ r ■ /. ' -. ■'■ ■:■ • ■;■■■ ^B J ^^^^^^^^^^^^F,. ' -_• - ■ ' ' ' ' ^^^^^^^1 i ^^^■' ■.'■■■:■-■.■■ :'.■■•".: ' .^B ■ ■ " ., ■■ ■_ . • ' , ■ . ■ ::■ ''■' '' . ' • ■ ▼ ■ ■ ■•' ' ■'■ .■ '"■ ■ ■'■. ■■ ■■■' ■ '■ ■: ■ ■'>■.■.' . S'-". ■ • c ." -. '.•'•.'■'. ' .■ . ■. ' ■ . ;■ ■■ ■ y"'- '■■■' ■■■ '" ' -■■ "" ' ^ ■''■■ . .■ :•■• ■, ';■.;/§.■■/.■ ■ ■ ■'■ >■■■;; '-r i V I ■ in *^»» . f $/ 4 lu' |. 1 /' I 1«S15» >IJ, .**i m '««. ^. •N '««. ^. ,-s„ je- ■ ' , /"!■ 'I