^. ►^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I m. 12.5 iM 12.0 us ■u u I 1^ ^^r*uittu^ llJMaNllA«SIJt laodlous Depot. For flint, Saginaw, Lansing. Qrand Rapids, Grand Haven, Racine, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Prairie du (hien. La Crosso, Oslikosh, Green Bay, Winona, ReJ Wing, St, Paul, Ac You ran purchase Tickets at all principal pJtntson any of the Railroads, or Steamboat lincH leading to the West, and be sure to ask for and see that you get Tickets, via Detroit and Milwaukee Line. Approaching Detroit by Cleveland Steamers come direct to D. A M. JR. Depot, foot x>f Bmsh Street If by Southern Road you land In our Depot, if by Great Western Railway give up your Checks, (if not through riheck by D. A M. R.) to the Checkman on the Great Western Railway Cars, and he will give you through Check and see to yotir baggage. On leaving Cars you Will find two Railway Ferry Steamers at the Dock close by, pass across the one next to the Do<'k and take one along side, the WINDSOR, (be sure you take the WIN DSOR) that will land you at Detroit and Mil- waukee Rnilway Car?; you will have time to clean up in the commodious Wash Rooms and have a comfortable Meal; if you have not got your through Ticket, you ci>n purchase a^ the Ticket Office on the Boat. Crostiing the beautifiil River from'^t anada to Detroit, (Michigan,) you have a splendid view of the <^Ily of the Straits, with itH busy Do<*ks, Ac. You will find the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Cars waiting, and on your journey will pass through the finest portion of A ichigan. Dine at Owosso. and on reaching the Grand Haven Dock will find either the J)ttrnitov JUifuaukee Steamship waiting'the arrival of the Train ; the Ship leaves for Milwaukee immediately after Mails and Baggage are put aboard. -. The new Steamer COIMET, leaves Grand Haven Dock on ar- rival of Da_y all— every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday after- noon for f^acine, Kenosha and Chicago; this Boat connects at Racine, with the Racine and Mississippi Rail Road for Elkhoin, Delavan, Beloit, Fi-ecport, Galena, Dubuque, Ac At Milwaukee Dock pa«ieugers will fln«i Davm' Omnibus Line for Hotels and the different De{)ots, (some of the Hotels have free Omnibuses,) thev will also find Agents bf longing to the ditferent Ro^ds who will il' necessary Che< k baggage. Passengers will tret all necessary infoi malion respecting Routes,oi f^C*»iiv«yan<«'»,A«-.,by applying althc Piirwrw' Office on board Ship. I860. QRAW HAVEN R The Great liorth-Westeni U. S. Mail DCTROtT a Mill Railway and Steams] FOR THIS FAVORITE B This Lbie consists of the New, Splendid Steamships DETROIT and MILWAUKEE between Milwaukee and Grand Haven In have not missed a connecion this season,) an MILWAUKEE RAILWAY, from the Doc Dock at Detroit, (Michigan.) t3r Pauengert LA NDED at CARS Ul This Route is 96 Miles Shorter than amj ^ and 168 Mihh Shorter and Ifl Hours ^ui leith Route, The change from Cars to Ik>a tedium of a journey, and is really healthful « is only 186 Milesof Railroad travel through Twrtion of Northern Michigan; whilpt by have 867 Miles of Railroad aad 9 Mil through Chicago. Ijr Pleane Obnervc that other Roi long and tedious Omnibus or Hack i ide thn ih«.opening of this favorite thoroughfare it h the triivol that was < bilged to pay tribute the only Eastern Route that does not tern' expect that At'-ents of all Chicago routes wil ypn against It for their own benefit, hiit at I itistheoiily really pleasant and comfortal North-West and the East. Routes that advertise " uncertainty of Lak( do It to try and get business over their line bi These Steamships are far superior lo any « Waters, and make tlieir trips witii the regul I'ailroad Trains, being some times aheiad but t^Take Company's Ferry Steamer Wl D«ck, I ^nyit River. Comfortable Saloons i |y Take Grand Haven Route ami esca dust of Railroad travel. State Rooms furr IRANO HAVEN ROUTE, isoo it lortk- Western U. S. Mail k Express Line bj lOtT a MtlWAUKEE way and Steamship Line. FOR THIS FAVORITE ROUTE. con«t8l8 of the New, Splendid and Powerful Ooeiin DETROIT and MILWAUKEE, (which make the trip wnuktie and Grand Haven inside of eix hours, nnd Bed a conneoion this season,) and the DETROIT and EE RAILWAY, from the Dock at Grand Haven to t>it, (Michigan.) ngert LANDED at CARS UNDER COVER. ){s 9i6 Miha Shorter than an;/ Route through Chicago, Uet Shorter and 1ft J/oura Quicker th^in by the JJun- The rlianee from Cars to Boat relieves much of the ourney, an«1 is really healtliful and pleasant, And there Miles of Railroad travel tiirough the prettiest and finest [orthcm Miohitran; whilst by all other Routes yon Miles of Railroad and S Miles of Omnibus travel ago. me Obtiervc ihat other Routes say nothing of the ous Omnibus or Hack I ide through Chicago F Sinco >f this favorite thoroughfare it has draM'n largely froitt lat wan « bilged to p»y tribute to Chicago, and is now tern Route that does not ternlnat^ there. You may ki.'-ents of ail Chicago I'outes will endenvor-to prejudice tfor their own benetit, hut at this season of the jea* really pleasant and comfortable Route between the andtlie li^ast. t advertise "uncertainty of Lake Michicnn Steamers," id get business over their line but tWoe not deceived. mships are far superior to any ever afloat on Western make their trips witli the regtdarity and precision of ins, being scune times aheiod but never behind time. Company's Ferry Steamer WlXi»#OR at Railway t River. Comfortable Saloons and good Meals. Grand Haven Route and escape from the heat ami oad travel. State Romns furnisBed Free. MiLWAl kEE, GRAXD HAVEN k PETE OIT IINL 1860. P ASSENCER'8 CUIP g. 1860. PASSENGERS FROM THE NORTIM¥£ST Shoulii Ticket by way of Milwaukee luid the DETROIT ft MILWAUKEE RAILW'Y They will be more Comfortable and pay leu Fare, Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Agents will b« found at each oi heTrainslirrivinzat Milwaukee, to see to Passeng.trs and finfafftime. No Expense whatever in transferring Passengers and BagviW*) tW Comfor.. Me Ladies* and Gentlemen** Rooms at Steauwhip Pork. Milwaukee. Steamboat Lines arriving at Milwaukee land at Dock adjoining the Steamship Dock, foot of Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee. The Nev.' and Powerful Steamships DETROIT, . . . Captain lIcBHde. MILWAUKEE, . . Captain RIcliardii. ' Built expressly for this line Imve run with the greatest regularity, making each trip reliable connections with Tndne at Aiilwaukee and Grand Haven. They carry the Great Nortli-Westem U. S. Mail, whldi is dtaUi- butedintlie spacious Mail Rooms on board, and made up while crossing the Lake— a saving of from 12 to 16 bourses thus effscted In the through transit of this Mail between the East and West. The Slilps are Commanded by the oMest experienced end most popular n»en of tiio day. and everything appertaining to each Departmeiihwill be found pcfKct. , DETROIT— Ut Officer, James F. Trowell. Ist Engineer, John Stark. Stewanl, R. W. Wonner. Purser, Harry Bradford. MILWAUKEE-lst Officer, Mark Morrison. Ist Engineer, 'J'hos. Fitxpatrick. Steward, Don Wilcox. Purser, J. H. Muir. Difthieter of Cylinder, i'tO in. Slfi»ke, 15(t. Wheels, 34 ft. Horsi; Power, 1050. Trxmago, 1100. Lentfth of Ship, 847 ft. Beam, 84 ft. Builders, Mnson k Bidwell, BuftUo. Engines and Boilers, Shepanl's Iron Works, Buffalo. H. O. Perry, Designer. Rigging aiul Sails, Tavlor k Jewelt, ButTalo. I^r On the Tables will be found the very choicest viaiMls, anl in Saloons only first chiss Liquors. ' , *Vm Detroit River the Company's Ferry- Steamer WINDSOR, Ctiptain Clinton, will be found at Railway Dock'arongrfde of Cars. The Steward's Department is in cliargo of Mr. W. J. Fowler, one of the oldest Sic wunls on the Lakes, and one who understands tlie wants of tlie Pnssengei-s. Going by CJllCAr.O P.OVTES, you have over TWO MILES OMNIBUS TRA VEL, LONGER DISTANCE, and SEVERAL JVNCflON CONNECTIONS, which are not reliable. CP" Purchase Tickets via Detroit > nl Militavkeey save Rnil- oud Travel an«l M<^y and make Sun- Conne''t|or <». rrxca OETROtT A »tLWAOXEE RAILWAY & STEAMSHIP LINE EXPrS, FREiaNT4PACIUiE IliE TBK CHBAPSBT AND QUtCKUtT MOVTM TO AND FROU TUJS NORTU-WSST. THf TNM' lAnt imilM MtMAill M THE LAKE And thb Rout* U aMqualkNl tot th« Prempt, Spdy k Heap Tnumissioii A Freight IIABK FilMCOT,vU««C , W. A ». A M.** BASTiOBN OFVIOSB. For Fhuoht CoxTKAcn, opiMy ** IMroit k MilwMkw Agmry, tfS BmMiwmy, Ntir York New York Omtml Odk«, t39 BNMiway. do SMuldiair't BxpnM, 9 AMor Homa, d* WMtmmTrMM|MrtalionCo. ICumtiMSlip, do lludion RIvtir Fnfiffht Oflre, do Now YorkABrtofralflitoiM do TNMNN TWKn AM SMTIAeTS. Botton * WvrrMtvr Oopot, Boilon FiieMMnrh Itapol, do JwNMHilta, Annt, 19 SUte StrMt, do P. K. Riwdtdl 4t OtI* Klmlwll, do 31 do do do L.MIIIb, do 6 do do do J.8. DunlM, do IS do do do Abram Smflb, do M WMhlnsloti St. do L. O. RirlwNtton, do • OovomiW do do J. A. FairlMnkt, Agmt, comor Albany and KnMland Sta. do And all OOkM of Boalon and WorcMtor— WMim-Now York CMiltal— ntchborgk-'RaUamlaiid Bvrllngtaii—VMinont Central —Grand Trunk, and all tviamtiSm% B. R. and Steamboat Uvi»%. DttrtU A Militmuki* fiailmmf C!0et$.—DSTROIT, Mkh, Preii C- C. TBowaKiiwa. | GenM F't Ag'l, jAa. A. A*tiKtwut>» Gen'l Agent, Bvwalo, Jvtiira Moviva. Mti.WAi'KiK— Geii't WtU'tk PaMeogar Aivnt, J. II. Whitmas. FMgM Ajrent at nwfc,V. f>KjiiiA\(. f» If ]sco. Passenger's GKiide i8«o. .(' ii 'N ' BV THE * ^^^M^— ^P^^^ W ■ ■ ^ I ■-■■!■ II ■ II ' — ■■ I N I !■ IM ■ ..■■■-..■■. ■■!■■ I I — — fclilBIP I ■ rara o 1 1^ o e a. » rr.^i B« not deeetved by Agents tntere«teil in ClilcMCO RootM, wbo my nothing nliout the risli of Iwing ronn«cUons«?th«aevenil Juim-.- liuns, ami of the long aud ttMlious Hark or Oinpilbiifl drive, over two 3Vlil^ through Chimgo. PunhuM. your Tirliets leasiui| trip, make quick time, pay leu money ami make sure connections. Afnongsl «lher Placet of interest you will pass through tlie Pirtureaque City of Grand Kapids, ftinious for its very extensive tjypsum Beds, us nnmeroua Bait Works. Lumber MIIm, Ac, Ac. ; tlie thriving and beantifully sitiwted villages of lonin and Lyons, 8t. Johns and Owoaso,(Plne at Owosao,) Comnna with its cxten- rfv* ool Beds, Feotonville and Holly, from wbtere the Btagps ply td and from Flint and Saginaw, PoiHlafu a great Produce, w beat and Wool |liNl,aadas you approach Detroit you stop at Grand Tnmk Junctioo, then tke ToleA> RaUroad Junctum. TMI UST KMII OF nunil 8AM On all Night TrHini,have separate and Commodkras Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dresaiog" Saloons, and in cbaige of special attendantSi Bedt Und Bidding Cart/vlfy and Rtgularlp Aired. by tlte Grand Trunk Pail way from Detnrft, change Cars at Junction, where you will find G. T. R. Car* for Port Hufou, 8- mia, Toronto. Montreal, Portland, Ac. If for Cleveland, will nod Agent of Steamboat line in Depot to receive Checks ana attend to JNi|if< gage, Ac. If for Chiciiuiati, change Cars in Detroit Depot for those alongside. If by the Great Western Railway, eoiqe to Detroit take Railway Ferry Steamer Windsor, from Dock alongdde of Cars ; will find it vfcry pleamnt change crossing this nuignWcent hiver to ( anada, will also And commodious Saloons on Boat and have time to c^joy a very COilFORTA BLEaND RELISHABLS MEAL. TlritctA Tin Cireat We»teni Railway can be had on M* F«rr>'-baat to al 1 places \n CAN A DA, 8 VS. BltlDfiE, B UF- FALO, ROmESTEJi, NEW YORK, BOSTON, and all phin»K. 1 # BAG6AGE IS CHECKED AT NEW YORK, And all p»Ft« of New England FOR SUSPENSION BRIDGE, DETROIT, MILWAUKEE And other Important Points. V ^»m On thU Route Pnaaenii^rt need not look nfter their Baggage, &o. PaaMngen are at no ox^ienae for handling Baggai^e, and leiui changes by thia Route than any other between New 1 urir, and the New England Staie* and the Great Wegt. This entire line is fumi«hed with the latest and most approved stvleof SLEEPING CARS; and passengers can enjoy the luxury «t a FInit ClaM Bed wherever night overtakes them, witli- out interrupting their journey, and saving the expense of going to and from hotelf Passengers are n11owe.....,... ^* AVorceMter Junction, 46 Wwl Brookfield, 6l* Puliner, S3 Sprin»Vi ' )v«- Botton to Sut. JiridgBj. . . . .' '.>f!lt R. & W. A A. N. R. k:"^ Castleton, i Salem, 21 Cambridge, 23; Eat;le Bridge, 22V Albang, 261 Via Albany. Boiton to Sua. Bridge, 564 Tt. Cent. Si Osdenftb's* Concord, 76 White River Junction, 14.". Northfield 1H>< Montpelier 2li8 Burlington J unction, 24 1 Rouse's Point, 2s.** Ondensbursr, 40ll Niagara Falla, 710 Via NEW YORK dTY. Boston to — New York,. 236 V. \ Hudson RnER R. R. Albany, 3S0 Niagara Falltt, 38l'. i^/J5 IDGC. DIMENSIONS or SUSPENSION lllOOl. Inc. :.(• »V' 117 164 211» '2'2S 'iftl as: , 5M R. R. ......ICT 1»0 , R.k !!!!!.!*.'! 23; 22V 261 r, o<>4 7(> I, 145 1118 2ti>- 241 2X!S 4(U1 Ilu K ciry. 23t'. ^ER R. R. 380 38G Tieiiydi of Span fi'(»m oimtro of Towers, S22 feot ; four Wir« CHblm, 10 incliuH in dtami.itt!r; in oncli Cubit;, 3^ti*> No. tf Wtr«e>: liuight of Trai k above waW, 260 f<*et; total hiiglh of Wirut,4,U0*i mllea; total power of tlio Cables, 12,400 ton«; cost, $500,000. Pif'twigera having tlirou;;!! tioketii are conveyed acrotw tliH bridge fw« of charge, and take beat» iu (ho new and elugaut cars of the Oront llVcsterix HcrllM^ay. The Great Western Railway passes through a rich and fort! It- ••oiinlry, and many larf^w and Iwautifiil towns. So ex^Kjnse lmi« iMtcn sjmrcil to uiake it perfuot, and itn iinnicn.so business is the b«est evidence of its popularity. The great distance saved— the larcf umountof nirliuH — iLs superb cars and (;e:itluinanlv officers — make the Great West^'m Railway the most desirable raHroad avenue to ^ VLe West. Expro<»s trainn Umvt' Suspension Bridge every inornin;>: {UiV ing upon the ari-lvnl of trains from the F^ast. The new and 'plfcj' uanier *' Windsor." conveys passen^eis and baggage t>r l>et ^t River, to the depot of the Detroit and Milwaukee, and jjtftroit i\Md Toledo Railroad, free of charge. Kufrcshuients can be tbtiiined in tbo upp^-r saloon of the steamer. *rr/ '..'.\r^^ . .■ I if DISTANCES.— SUSPENSION BRIDGE TO DETROIT. '•****' *' ^* Bj Clroftt WcAtcrn Ballwaj. ^t Thoivld, 1 Eastwood, 8fi r Mandamln, KO St. Catharines,... 11 j Woodstock, «.M j Port Sornia, le*0 Jordan, 11 \ Bejiciw illc, 9« i • HeaiusvlUe, *.'*.' j It(;;eisoll, 100 1 Mt. Brydges, . . . . 1.*U Grimsby, •.'* i Edw;ir.l^l>iiryr, . . .110; Lon^;woou, li V> Ontario', o2: W.uiluuio, li:t|Glen"coe, 149 Jfaiitilkin, 4:;' Lnvifmi ll'.>' Newbury, l.'>.'» Dundas. 4S Konioka, 12y I Etothwdl, ItiU FlamlKtro", ;>',», Thani2 Siratslirov, 140 Beflrt River, 212 Paris 72 Watford,' 1.53 Tecumseli, 221 Princeton, 7» , Wanstciul, Itil , DETROIT, 22Jt . Tlie Great Western Railway lias branches extending from Harris- burg to Gait and Guelph, and from Hunilton to TORO.NTO, 3I> miles, and connects at that point with StoimliOiit lines to the pria'' fipjd ports on Lake Ontario. • -> I& THK MTfiOIT k HILWAUm RAILWAY Is A most thorontrhly bnilt and equipped road, extending from DETROIT to GRAND HAVEN on Lalce Michigan, opposite Milwaulcee : connecting at Grand Haven with new and magnifi- cent Steamsnips,— the Detroit and Milwaukee, ^^uch making two trips a day ttetween Grand Haven and Milwaukee, 85 miles. These staunch and reliable SteamshlpB were built expressly for this line, at a large expense, and are in every way models of beauty, apoed and strength. Hy this new short linn, about 100 miles iu distance is saved in reaching Milwaukee and the North-west. nr Two ExpresA Trains Dally caeh way make through connections East and West over this line. DISTANCES.~DETROIT to MILWAUKEE. Detroit to Toledo Junction, 3 Grand Tnmk Ju. 4 Royal Oak 13 Birmingham .... 18 Pontiao 20 Drayton Plains. . 31 Ciarkston 35 Davisburgh .... 41 Holly 47 Fentbnvllle 51 Linden 55 Gaines (i'i Vernon 70 Coriinnu 75 Owosso 78 Ovid 8'J St. Johns 98 Dallas 103 Pewamo 112 Mtiir and Lyons .117 loniu 124 Saranae 132 Lowell \Z9 Ada 148 Orand Rapids.. 151 Berlin 166 Coopersville .... 172 Nunda 1*19 Grand Haven ..186 Milwaukee S71 Racine 276 Chicago 288 DISTANCES.— DETROIT to CINCISNATI, /Uf By Detroit and Toledo— Dayton and Hlchlcan — Cincinnati^ Hamilton and Dayton R. R. DKTROrTTO Wyandotte 17 Trenton 21 Swan Creek .... 33 Monroe , o 41 Otter Creek 45 Vienna 60 State Line 55 Tremnnsville.... 58 'foleUo, b 65 Perryibiirg 74 Wat'TvlIle 80 Tontogen y 85 Westfleld 91 Milton 95 Fortage 102 Leipsic 109 Ottjiwa .116 Cohun. Grove ...123 Cairo 130 Lima, c 136 Critlerville 14*i Wapakoneta. . . . 148 Botkins 155 Careysvllle 161 Sidney, cf 167 Piqua, e 179 Troy 187 Tiupeeanoe 193 Johnson 200 Dayton J 207 Carrolton 215 Miamisburg 218 Carlisle 223 Post Town 227 Mi(hlletown 230 Trenton 234 Hamilton,a .... 242 Princeton Peak.. 250 Glendale 252 Lockland 255 Carthage 357 Spring Grove ...260 Cummingville ..362 Ernst 265 Mill Creek 266 Cincinnati, A... 267 a connects with Michigan Southern Railroad; & connects with IP LWAY iding from n, opposite d magnifi- iiaking two , 85 miles, [pressly for i of beauty, 00 miles iu -west. ray latike 132 139 148 'apids.AB'J ,.. 166 111©.... 172 1*19 laven ..186 M 271 , 276 288 m, IlchlKan R.R. lire 218 22S ,n 227 wn ....230 234 »,tf ....242 I Peak.. 250 1 252 I 255 I 257 irove ...260 Kville ..262 : 265 ek 266 uti, A... 267 snnects with I ij' Jtfichigan SouUi«rn, Toledo and Wabnuli, and Cleveland and Toledo RiUlroad ; c connect* with Pittabui^, Fort Wayne and Chlcsgo Railroad ; d connects with Bellefontaine Railroad line ; e connects with Columbia and Indianapolis Railroad ; / connei-ts with Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati Railroa-I, IHiyton and Western Railroad; Dayton, Xenla and Bellefontnine Railroad, GrueQville and Miami Railroad ; y connects with Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad ; A connects with' Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, and all Railroads fh>m Cincinnati. The Detroit and Toledo Bailroad Commences at Detroit and extends to Toledo, 65 Miles, making the distance from Suspension Bridge to Toledo, via GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY One Mile liesstlian from Buffalo via Lake Shore Railroad. The DETROIT and TOLEDO RAILROAD nwkes reliable connections at Toledo with DAYTON AND MIGHiaAN RAIL ROAD, passing through many of the largest and most noted towns and cities in Ohio, forming a most pleasant and speedy route for Cincin^ iiat'i, Dayton^ Louisville, Lexington, and all points in Southern Ohio and Indiana — and all parts of Kentucky. Also with TOLEDO, WABASI AND WESTERN RAILROAD For Fort Wayne, Peru, Locan«port» Lafayette, Attica, Danville, Evantvllle, ladlanapolls, Louisville, Terre Haute, Ylneennes, St. Louis, &e., A'C, SiCt Also with the MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD For Monroe, Adrian, White Pigeon, and ALL POINTS on the line of this road : thus affording advan. tages of reaching these important towns in the Southwest by the finest and most reliable Railway Line in the country, with the additional inducements of a view of NIAGARA FALLS and SUSPENSION BRIDGE) saving time, expense and distance. r>IST-A.2>TOJS3S v: T MILWAUKEE TO DETAOfr. MtlW^ankee, <>faml Hav.n, ^15 (Srand Rapids, 114 lonin, 147 Lyons, 15;» Sl Johns, lt:r ( >\vonm, (dine.) 19;{ Cnriiniin, 1»7 PoiiUrtC, '24r» Detroit, '>7l MILWAUKEE TO PRAIRIE DU GHIEN. Milwaukee, Elm Grov«, ft Junction,. 14 Forest House, 17 Wauk^-sha, 20 IJonesee, 1*8 North Prairie, :U Kasjltf, ;!(> Palmyra, 4'_* Whitewater, 50 Lima, ;'>('» Milton, fy'i Hilton Junction, 03 Edgorton, 78 Stonprhton, SO McFarland, Kil Madhion, l^'i Middleton, lOt* Cross Plains, 110 Black Earth, 115 Mazunninie, lis Arena, .' 1 '24 Spring Green, 1 ;V.' Lone Uook, 1 ;!t^ Avoca, 14,". MliSfoda, l;il Bosoolwl, 16r. VVan7.eka, 1 7f> Wright's Ferrv IfC' Prairie du Chien If'-' UH >«■. mLWAOKEE TO LA M0«8E. i i\' >IUwankee, ............... Sch wartzburg, 7 Granville, 1 ^ Gerniantowu, 18 Richfield '2;; Cedar Crt'ek, 28 Schleis'njjerville, oO Hartford, 'M , Rubicnn, ■. '^i^ Woodland, 4:{ Ii-on Ridge, 4ri Hoilcoii, SI Junction, 54 l^cdllng Prairie nt> Beaver Dam, ttl tox L«»ke, «S Randolph, 7'-' Cambria, - . 77 Midland, S7 Portajre City, !'5 Lewiston, .\ 104 Kilbouru City, 11-2 Lyndon, 1 '2 i Lemon Wfir, 1 -'^ Miuiston, L'il Lisbon, !•> Orungw, 14'2 Tonmh, U>t> (irecnfield, 1'>1 Lrtfiiyette, 1 J)> Sparta, 17;: Oakland !«•> Bangor, 1 ^4 Salem, 1 8> La Oro8«», '200 B| H \v\ ^\ KJ D.r BiJ LJ m dJ "^ if a irt 19:'. 1»: 'J4r. 'i-i N. ; 89 9:, '....!<»-' " no nr. lis 1'24 ■■ i:V.' i;jH 14,-. l.M ifir. ■ n.'. ' !><•.' in-j V'"'' ^7 ... '^•> ""...AM ;■.■..... 11-' ....!•> ...1:51 ...i:> ..U)t' ...I'i^ ■*' ...ll". ""....1**^ "■■....1B4 "■■ ...18> ..•Ml INITAII9E8 -NIILWAUKEE TO BERilN. By Mllwankee A; Ilorleon Railroad. Reed's Comers, T7 Ripoii, >*} Kiish Lake, HH VVfllbri.iKe, 88 BERLIN, *8 MiLWAUKBB Horicon, 54 Burnett, 56 Mill Creek, Hi! WiiupOii, W MMiflon, "74 MILWAUKEE TO BACIXE AN? KSNOSHA. MIlvTAukee, Oak Creek, f> County Line, 14 Rncinp, 2?. Kenosha, '65 MILWAUKEE TO OREEll BAY. ]?y li. A M. 4e €. A N. W. Kallroad. MiLWAUKftfi TO— J Fond dn Lac, 84 Junction, .')4 ' Vandvne, 9'i Burnelt, 68 , Oshkosli, 101 Cliester, 66 ' Mennslm, IIJ* Oakfield Center, V2 Ottklield, 75 GREEN BAY, 154 MILWAUKEE TO WATERTOWN, Ac. By Mllwauke*, Waiertown & Baraboo R. R. ..IS Ixonia Siding, Watertown 45 Lowell, .^4 Coimnbus, 64 Milwaukee to — Junction, 14 Penawkee, iO Peru Lake, '27 C)conotnowoc, 33 RAGINE TO SAVANNAH, Slz. By Racine, Beloit, Freeport A, Savannah R. R. Racink to— Junction,'. 2 Windsor 10 Union Grove, 15 Kanasasville, 1$ D..ver 21 Burlington, 27 Lyonsdule, 31 Sjirintrfielil, 34 KlUIiorn, 40 Delavan, 4b Daiien, .SO Allen's GroN-e, 53 ( 'lintou, 5ft Tnrlle, 63 Beloit, 6it Rorkton, in Shirhind, 7^ Diirand, t((» Davis, 90 FreeiK.rt, 101 SAVAN.SAH, m { ■^Tje^^^ — •^■■-■ 10 MISSISSIPPI RIVER. r>isT-A.rTaEs froiwi PRAIRIE DU CHIEN AND LA CROSSE To ST, 3?^XJr^. %jtt f :m I! I f PRA. DU CHIEN, to— Red House, 5 Johnson's Landing, '2 7 lijifayette, 30 87 Cohunbiw, 2 39 Liinsing, 1 40 DeSotu, 6 46 Victory, 10 56 BadnxeCity, 10 66 Britt's Landing 4 70 Wanier's Landing, 2 72 Brownsville, 10 82 LA CROSSE 12 U Daootah 12 106 Richmond, 6 112 Treini)eleau 5 117 Homer 10 127 Winona, 7 i;J4 Fountain City, . . , 12 146 Mount Vernon, 14 160 Minneiska, 4 164 West Newton, S 172 Alma, 7 179 Wabashaw 10 189 Nelson's Landing, li 192 Reed's Landing, 2 194 (Foot 9t' Lake,) North Pepin, 8 202 Johnstown, ,....2 204 LalteCity ..5 209 Central Point, 2 211 Maiden Rock, 3 214 Florence,. 3 217 Westervil'e, 3 220 Wacouta. 12 232 (Head of Lake,) Red Wing, 6 2?8 Thing's landing, 7 845 Diamond Bluff, 8 253 Prescott, 13 266 Pcint Douglas, ..1 267 Hastings, 3 270 Ninfnger, 4 274 Grey Cloud, 8 282 Pine Bend, 4 286 Red Rock, 8 294 Kaposia 3 297 ST.PAUL, 5 302 i GLEYELAND TO LAKE SUPERIOR. From Cleveland to Detroit, 120 Port Samia and | j,^ Fort Gratiot,. J °" Mackinac, 240 Bruce Mines 70 Sauit Ste. Marie, 60 Maninettffj 170 Jitiles Portage Entry, 76 Copper Harbor, 65 Eagle Harlx*r, 16 Ontonagon, 65 La Point*.,..... 80 Superior, 80 Trifal niffctiicf, 1129 W] WWtJ neer8 lengtbl Thef DWMi 11 ..3 192 ..2 194 :e,) ..8 202 ..2 204 ..5 209 ..2 211 . .3 214 ..3 217 ..3 220 ,.12 232 ke,) .6 238 .7 245 ,..8 253 ..13 2firt .1 267 .3 270 .4 274 .8 282 .4 28»i .8 294 .3 297 .5 302 Miles .. 75 .. 65 .. 16 ... 65 ... 80 ...80 ,.1129 Distances from O^Murgh U Montreal. Wetland anal. conn«cting Lake* Erio and Ontario. GaUop* Can.Mt Wottero II ill | |)|||||»l| I" ininuto* »low«r than Ii«w York ftiid Albany llawi .. u'^. ' 'r' ' ■ '^ - — ; '■ ■ ■ ' I ' l i i ii ii ' i ta i tiji V iOi I or wmm fpisii ^i iifiiT Wdl Aired Bedding and t'cntll(ito3'|to«lM,Aii^^ dVniA WoA Rnbnin for Lodlet and 06Rflo««n. And ei|p^«d Tbrauf h to alt ri$Mid«*l TdntB. Take ciraiMl UsveA Stiiie and a^-eid 9 JfiltAt^' OmMi- ' }ir« Tmvel through Chicago, and •# Jft/es RaHnMpI travel. Clapp, Matthew* A Co*s Steam Prlntb^ Heof^ lkai^l<»* B «« 4S en. Its.