IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 <^ / /. o f/j fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 '- lillitt |50 "'"^= 1.4 IIM I'M 1.6 <^ '^# % m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBST :>(, NY. H580 (716) 872-4503 €3 V ^\ ^ <^/; signifie "A SUiVRE ". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartea. planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le docume^it est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche. 11 est fiimi d partir de i'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche h droite. et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 w . ,; ..--r yj. (m^ STATUTES AND RULES , Jfot tte ©9b^....wttt "S... THE COBPORATION I'l' THE ADVOCATES' MBRIRY, MONTREAL. / N. I f ^ . ^ INCORPORATED BY TIIK PROVINCIAL ORDINANCE 4\ICT0RIA, CHAP. 48. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY JAMES STARKE k CO. 1841, CSG \\\ ::-'l, 31553 *'J STATUTES AND RULES jfor Iftc (Sobernmcnt THE CORPOKATION OF TUB ADVOCATES' LIBRARY, MONTREAL. INCUUPOllATED BY THE PROVINCIAL ORDINANCE 4 VICTORIA, CHAP. 48. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY JAMES STARKE & CO. 1841. ALEXANDER BUCHANAN, ESQ. Q C. l^reftiUetlt. COME s. CHERlUER, ESQ Vice^^mtUent. DUNCAN FISHER, ESQ 1 (jtomtnittee of EDWARD BARNARD, ESQ > |«ana8Ctnent. WILLIAM C. MEREDITH, ESQ. . . 3 EDWARD BARNARD, ESQ SerrctarB- FREDERICK GRIFFIN, ESQ €rca»urer» ■■*iM8i»' n. i X . STATUTE AND BYE-LAW €)f ttie (S^crporation or THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY, OF MONTREAL, PASSED AT A GENERAL MEETING DULY CONVENED AND HELD AT THE CITY OF MONTREAL, ON THE 2nd NOVEMBER, 18«. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED and it is hereby ordained and enacted, that the Rules and Regulations, for the go- vernment of this Corporation, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, the following, that is to say : I. None but the Chief Justice and the Justices of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and District Court of Mont- real, in the District of Montreal, the Advo- cates duly admitted to practise in this Province, r, y^^' the Sheriffs and Prothonotaries of the Supe- rior Court of this District, shall in future be admitted Members of this Corporation. II. No Advocate or other person shall become a Member of this Corporation, except by and with the votes and consent of a majority of the Members of the Corporation, present at the annual or other general meeting, convened according to the provisions of the Provincial Ordinance of Incorporation. III. Every person, who shall hereafter be ad- mitted a Member of this Corporation, shall, forthwith, upon his election, contribute and pay towards the funds of the Corporation, the sum of £15, currency. IV. For the nupport of the Corporation, and to promote its objects, each Member shall, on the third Monday in October of each year, pay to the Treasurer of the Society, the sirni of £2 105. currency. ^mt^ >. V. The Officers of this Corporation siiall be a President and Vice-President, a Managing Committee of three Members, of whom the Secretary sliall be one, a Secretary, a Trea- surer, and a Librarian, to be chosen and ap- pointed as hereinafter provided. VI. The President, Vice-President, Managing Committee, and Secretary, shall be chosen, hereafter, by a majority of the number of Members of this Corporation, sufficient to constitute a General Meeting, at a Meeting to be convened on the third Monday in June in each year ; and in case of death, removal from office or resignation of any of the said officers, the vacant place or places shall be filled by election, in pursuance of the provi- sions of the fourth section of the said Act of the said Provincial Ordinance. VII. The President, and in his absence the Vice-President shall preside at all General Meetings of the Corporation ; it shall be his 6 duty to convene the Members thereof, through the Secretary, and lie shall have the custody of the Corporation Seal. VIII. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all the proceedings of the Cori)oration, summon its Meetings under the direction of the Presi- dent, and carry on such correspondence, by letters or otherwise, as may be required by the Committee of Management. IX. To the Committee of Management are en- trusted the powers of purchasing books, fur- nishing and adapting the room for the recep- tion of the same, of naming a Librarian, fixing his salary and ordering the payment thereof. This Committee shall have the general superintendence and management of the in- terests and affairs of the Corporation. X. The Treasurer shall collect and receive the funds of the Corporation, as well entrance as annual subscriptions, fines, &c. and keep re- ,\ ^ h gular aet'ounts of his receipts and clishurse- ments. XL It shall be the duty of the Librarian to attend hi the Library during the hours to be fixed by the Committee, to keep a catalogue of the books, under the su[)erintendence of the Secretary, and a register of those witli- drawn, according to the rules of the Corpora- tion. XII. No monies shall be paid or disbursed by the Treasurer, except by the written order of the Committee of Management. XIII. The Committee of Management and the Treasurer shall report their proceedings to the Corporation twice in each year, on the third monday in the months of .June and De- cember, at General Meetings of the Corpora- tion to be held on those days. XIV. Every Member of the Corporation shall, while the Library is open, have access to the 8 Library to use the books; and tbiring the Terms of the Court of King's Bench, or of the other Courts of Judicature \\Ad in the Court-House in this City, every Member shall, while any of the said Courts is sitting, be at liberty to take any book or books into the rooms in which the said Courts are held, to be returned by him into the Library, on the same day ; which privilege shall extend to taking f ..ooks into the Judges' Chambers for use there ; and every Member who shall remove or withdraw any book out of the said Library, in vacation or in term time, except into the Court Rooms, during the Session of the Com-ts, or into the Judges' Chambers, for that day, shall forfeit and pay to the Trea- surer, in aid of the funds, the penalty of £2 \0s. currencv. XV. If anv Member, in contravention of the foregoing rule, shall withdraw any work or book, and the same, or a volume or volumes thereof, shnll be lost, he shall, besides the said i^eually of £2 lO.s., pay to the Corpora- tion the cost price of the whole work, whether 9 it consist of one or more volumes, without receiving the remaining volumes of any such work, consisting of more than one volume. XYI. The Chief Justice and the Justices of the said Courts, who are or may hecome Members of this Corporation, shall enjoy the privilege of conveying into their chamber, in the said Court-IIouse, such books as they may require, to be returned within the Library hours of the same day on which they may be withdrawn. XVII. None of the fines and penalties imposed by the foregoing Sections of this Statute or Bye- Law^ sh dl be held forfeited and payable until it shall be so resolved and adjudged, at a general meeting of the Corporation, due notice, of two days at least, lia\xngbeen previously given by the Secretary, to the delinquent Member, of the subject of accusation to be brought against him at such general meeting. XVIII. Everv Member of the Corporation who V 10 sliall fail to attend any meeting of the Corpo- ration duly convoked, shall, for every such non-attendance, forfeit the sum of Ss. 4d. currency, and pay the same to the Treasurer for the benefit of the Corporation, unless at the next general meeting of the Corporation, the party wlio shall so have failed to attend shall shew he had sufficient cause for absent- ing himself. XIX. Every Member of the Corporation who shall refuse to pay to the Treasurer, his ad- mission fee, his annual fee or subscription, or any fine or penalty declared to be forfeited by him to the Corporation, shall be disfranchised, and be expelled from the Corporation, by the resolution and sentence of the Corporation, to be made at any general yearly or half- yearly meeting of the Corporation ; Provided always that due notice to that eifect shall be given to the delinquent Member, by the Com- mittee of Management, fifteen days, at least, previous to such general meeting. XX. The President, and in his absence the Vice- 11 President of the Corporation, shall, at all times, at the request of any five Members of the Corporation, signified in writing, convene an extraordinary meeting of the Corporation. XXI. No person or persons other than the Mem- bers of the Corporation, and the Honorary Members thereof, shall have access* to the Library of the Institution. XXII. This Corporation, besides gifts of money, will receive donations of books relating to jurisprudence, and all branches of literature, and of all works, tracts, and manuscripts con- cerning the laws and history of this Province, and will with gratitude record the names of the donors. XXIII. The Governor-in- Chief and the Lieutenant Governor of this Province, and the person administering the Government of this Pro- vince, and all the Members of Her Majesty's Provincial Court of Appeals, the Chief .Uis- 12 tices of this Province, and the Judges of the Superior Courts of Judicature in the other Districts of tliis Province, shall be Honorary Members of this Corporation ; and also the Attornev- General, Solicitor-General, and Ad- vocate-General, if not resident in the District of Montreal. XXIV. All votes of the Corporation shall be taken bv ballot. 1 i\ 1 n