^ ^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe ■6r < shyterian Church -The Presbyterian Church of ^ ;. 'i""'u "''' ^° '^«°"'^^'«" ^it'' the Church of Scotland acd the Presbyterian Chur h of the Lower Provinces met accordin-^ to the call ol the respective Conveners of these Comnattoes. Present The Rev. Dr. Cook, the Rev. Principal Snod.ras., fn^ M M- f^^r''' "'' Hon. Alexander iVIorris, Mr. James Croil and Mr. N.el McDougall, Elders of the Presbyterian Church of Canada m connexion with the Church of Scotland ; The Rev. Dr. The Hon^John McMurrich, Mr. David Mac-.y and Mr. Thomas AH P,f'^"r'*'^^ Canada Presbyterian Church; The Rv Allan Pollok The Rev. O. M. Grant, and the Rev. D.nald McR e Mxm^s, with te Hon. John Robertson, the Hon. John Holmes. and Mr. James J. Bremner, Elders of the Church of the Maritime Provmces in connexion with tJie Church of Scotland ; The Rev Dr .T'' ^Jm ^^'^''"'' ^'"°'*'' ""dt'^'^ ^'''^•^- Christie, Mi- msters with Mr. Henry Webster, and Mr. David Laird, Elder., of Ae Presbytenan Church of the Lower Provinces 1 197 i The meeting ivas constituted with prayer by the Key Dr 1 ajior. «.n.-^r '"!u °n""''' '^ '^' ^^"P''™' ^""'•^^ ^^*'>^ ^•"'^"^ ChurcLo, appointing the Committees wore read, as also the letter of the Bev Dr Ormiston of Hamilton, on the ground of which, and of the sentiments expressed therein, the said action of these Churches was The Chairman opened the business by referring to the desira-l blenesa and expediency of Union between the Churches represented ' by this meeting, inasmuch as they hold the same doctrine and government and discipline. U J' :f ".P^T"^' T' '^ ''P'"''" *''"' ^'"^ '"""y «"'! strong reasons, , It was desirable to have a union of the Presbyterian Churches ^ wu un British North America, and that there was on the ground ol pmcii^no d^stacle to said Union, if it were accomplished on the i \>ms of the Holy Scriptures, as the Supreme Standard of faith and ? manias, witn the Westminster Confession of Faith, as the Subordi- ^ nateStandard, it being understood, 1st, That full liberty of opinion iu regard to the power and duty of the civil Magistrate hi matters of religion, as set forth in said Confession, be allowed ; and 2nd That the use of the Shorter Catechism be enjoined as an authoritative Ex- position of doctrine for the instruction of our people. ir With regard to the name by which the United Church shall be known, it was proposed and unanimously agreed to that the name should be " The Presbyterian Church of British North Ame- nca, ' III. The meeting also resolved to record their opinion that this United Church should maintain fraternal relations with Pres- byterian Churches holding the same doctrine and government and disciphne-and that ministers and probationers should be received into the Church subject to such regulations o, the Church may from tune to time adopt. IV. It was also agreed that the general polity, laws and forms of proecdure be settled by the United Church, and compiled from and the Rev Dr. I by the Rev. Dr ^ ! varioua Churches letter of the Rev. i'hich, and of the ise Churches was fing to the desira- nches represented me doctrine and ud strong reasons, yteriau Churches on the ground of !omplished on the ard of faith and 1, as the Subordi- )erty of opinion in ite in matters of ; and 2nd, That , luthoritative Ex United Church ?rccd to, that the ish North Ame- Jir opinion that tiona with Pres- government and »uld be received lurch may from laws and forms compiled from such rules as may have been in force in the respective Churches, or from other books of Presbyterian law and order — and that in the meantime Church {,'ourt.s condui;t their luisincss according to the recognized jMinciploP and forms of the Presbyterian Church. Adjourm (1 to moot at ?, o'clock and clor-ed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D., Chauman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D. D.. Secretar:/. At 3 o'clock, same day and place, the joint Committee met and was constituted with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Baync. Sederunt as before. The Rev. Dr. Cook, Chaivmnn. the Rev. Dr. Topp, Se- cretary. ThiMiiinutts 111" Iho previous meeting woro road and sustained. V. There was now submitted for the consideration of the meet- ing the question of the ajiiaication of the Temporalities' Fund in the hands of the Presbyterian Church ofl^inali in connexion with the Church of Scotland. The unanimous opinion was, that the vested riuhts the present bcneflciarics of the Fund must be conserved. The matter of a Sustentation Fund was brought up in connexion with the question now under discussion. After lengthened deliberation it was resolved that, whilst a general Sustentation Fund may not be in the moiintimo practicable, though highly desirable, the efforts of the United Church should be strongly directed in favour of Home Mis- sionary or Church Extension purposes. And as to the future appro- priation of the Temporalities' Fund as vested rights gradually lapse, it was thought best to express no special opinion at present, inasmuch as the decision on the subject rests with the Synod of the I'resbytcrian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland. VI. With regard to Modes of Worship, it was, after some conver- sation on the subject, resolved, that the practice presently followed by Congregations in the matter of worship, should be allowed, and that further action in connexion therewith be left to the legislation of the United Church. VII. The subject of Collegiate Education was then taken up. There was full expression of sentiment thereon ; but the hour of f -. o\.lock h^ivin- arrivcl, the niectin- adjourned anr clor-cd witli pvayor. .TOIINCOOK, I>.D., (7..aV,u..H. ALEXANPKKTOrr, l>. D., ^V/'^/^v. ,t .nncrl-un the 2r^tU ^cptcu.Wr, l-ro. the Joint C^^ „,Htc^ a^aiu 'not, and wa. o..nstituted wUU r-yer by tW Re. .Tamos Bomiott. ' Sodovunt a. l.ol-.vo. The Rov. Dr. Cook. LM,air,„an, the Rev. Dr. Topp, Soorctary. TI,o .uiuutc. „l|.,vvi.,„. u„.olin, «croro,.l aad .u.lamcl. „a,irnV,l,»::.u,c..,„inuc.. till the hour of a.lj«un„„oa.. 1 . *cl.. ■1 1,0 mtcHn, ll.n, a.lj>.aracd .ad rWcd wUI, r"J«- JOHN COOK, 11. 1'. <•*."■"»■». ALKXANDEKTOVr, IV P., S.fr-I'r,,. Saa,e -la, a„a place. ■^ oel„ck, Tl,e .loi.t C„„™ittec met aud „., eonrtUutc.1 .ilh p,ayo, by Iho Kcv. PonaW MeKae. S„,eva„t a» belove. The Uev. Lr. Cook, Chairman. The Kev. Br. T^TP, S.eiTtaiy. The suhieet el' Cellesiate ivluealieu vv« resumed Several mell-us were propped ^ but the eousideratiou ef the auV iectwas dct'ervcd. , , i -tv, ' The tueetiu, theu adjourued at 5 oeleek, aud eWcd wth rv''y^'r. ^^^^^^ ^QQ^r ^ ^ Chairman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Sca-etar;, . .. .1,0 30th September, 1S70, the Joint C„.r::et'-'«^ -fled ih prayer hy the Be. 0. Christie. Sederunt as before. The Rev rtr n i r.^ • .ho o»r]i«t p„.,bi„ M,„„Kn/ 1 ',';;;;; ',*''■'''' '« "-«• »' education orihn Miui.lcr, ,.|- C •! ""^^""-f 7 lanl„ic> fl,, ,|,n The matter of a Wirl.n. ■ „ t ,^ , churci. „» ,ho„ Jc! ;: :„: \'^;;f ';^- '■•■■■■' '- '"■ -^-.cj recommend the estahli^hmenf , P 1 ""'tnimously ..reed to Fund for the United Ch':':; w;",,:*;';', f°"' """ "^n"""- .-swill bco.,,oc,ed ,0 ,.„,;„, „ ", ",; ,T '""' ' '"■^"«"- ■" «i»'™- to iiln i :' j;,:; ';:, ''v''": •" '^ - a"drutu,-.,nanascn,o„tolH„,l.C!i ' ' '"'' ""' '-'''•IM""' "I The nieclins, a|.n„inlc,| f|„, |;,l|„»;„.. Chairman and .«,,.,. ary «i,l, ,1 ■ ' """""""' "' ^-Tl«= ComniiUoc, (he II. Alo. ," '.""""■" "r 11.,: Kv-i,.c,ivc Adjuunied and cksed with lu-ayor. JOHN COOK J) I) /•/,,■ ALEXANDKR TOPJ- D p .v, .. / Sederunt the Ilcv. Dr Cnnl- .1, » ,. • Hon. Alexander Morri "; Soil M .'l T 'P"' ^""''^'■■'-' ""■ McM„„.icb, „, i,.,i, l^X ,u\^^:\?;- ":• •'°^» jj -n. uiomas JIoRa'^, the Rev 6 Allan Pollok, the Ucv. G. M. Grant, the Rev. Doaald McRao, Hon. .John Robertson, Hon. John Holiuos. IMr. James J. Bromnr^r, Rev. Dr. Biiync, Rev. James Benncu, tho Hev. G. Chrii^tic. Mr. Henry Webt^ter ami Mr. David Ltiird. The r.uv. Dr- Cook, ChairmMn, tho Rev. I»r. 'I'opp, Secretary. The minutes of the previous Meeting were rend and gns^tained. The Committee nppointcd in the forenoon, reported that the following minute, drawn up in accordance with the instructions given them, should be adopted as the closing minute of the Joint Commit- tee. This was unanimously agreed to. " The members of this Committee in bringing their deliberations to a close, desire to record their great satisfaction at the entire har- mony of sentiment which has prevailed among them on the subject of Union, and generally with regard to all matters of detail affecting the practicability of the contemplated Union, and now in tho belief that the hopes of the negotiating Churches will through tho blessing- of God be realized, unanimously resolve to report to their respective Churches that the following articles bo recommended to be adopted as the basis of T^nion for the United Church to bo known under the mm- of "the I'lT.bylevian Chuich ot British North Ameriea.' 1 That the H..ly Seriptures of the Old and New Testament hcin.^ the infallihle word (-iGcd mt th.< ;-uprinie sfandi.vd of Faith and manners. 2. That the Westminster Confession of Faith shall be the Mibordinatc standard of this Church, it being understood, 1. That t uU liberty of opinion in regard to tho power and duty of the Civil Magistrate in matters of religion, asset forth in said confession be allowed, and 2. That the use of the Shorter Catechism be enjoined i,s an authoritative exposition of doctrine for the instruction of the people. 3. That this Churcii shall maintain fraternal relations with Presbyterian Churches holding the same doctrine, and government and discipline, and that Ministers and Probationers shall be received into the Church, subject to such regulations as the Church may from time to time adopt. The joint Committee, in order to bring the other matters con- Doaald McRao, .68 J. Br^mner, . Christie, Mr. opp, Secretary, iiiid sustained. ported that the istructions given ! Joint Commit- bcir deliberations , the entire har- on the subject f detail affecting av in the belief )ugh the blessing ) their respective d to be adopted tnown under thr h Ameri<.a." New Testament andiivd of Faith lith shall be the TStood, 1. That luty of the Civil aid confession be hism be enjoined instruction of the lal relations with and government •s shall be received ; Church may from other matters con- sidered by them under the notice of their respective Churches resolve and aCt'd ' '' ''' '' ^""™'"'"^" '''' •"'-'- ^"'^ ^'^-«^ The Committee unanimously resolved to meet at 8 o'clock thia ZZV" :r^" '" "''^"'" "^"""- ''^ P"y- -d thanksgiving Adjourned and closed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D, Chairman. ALEXANDER TOP?, D.D. Secretary, At same place and date 8 o'clock p.m. The joint Committee met and was constituted with pjayt-r. Sederunt the Rev. Dr.s. Taylor, Snod.rass. Bayue, T,,,, the Rev. Messrs. Chr.she, Crant, Pollok, McRae. Hon. Alexander Morns, Messrs. Croil, Mackay, Webster, McDou^iall, Laird. The Rev. Dr. Taylor, Chairman,;,./, the Rev. Dr. Tonn S.ere tary. ' ' ' This being a meeting muiuly lur dovotiuual exercises, Mr Pol lob read the 37tli chap, of Ezel iel, after winch the Rev. Dr. Jenkins being present wa.s requested to engage in prayer. ,*rtor one or two addresses from Members, the Chairman read par. .f 17th chap of John, and Mr. Christie afterwards engaged in prayer. The Committee then unanimously resolved to record their thanks to the Trustees of this Church for their kindness in granting them the use of ,t for their meetings, and also to the Christian friends in Montreal, who have with so much heartiness and generosity extended their hospitality to the members of these Committees. After singing the last two verses of the 72d Psalm, and after the Benediction by the Chairman the meeting was closed. W TAYLOR, D.D., Chairman, j>. t. ALEXANDER, TOPP, D.D., Secretary. A 'Septe pointi The I ofSco CJuirc ofSco met 01 ^is a Jc Th :iiet in with pi to appc conded, Cliairm Ext the afor mittees, eacli of 1 having I MINUTES or THK .lOIXT COMMITTEE OK Tin; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES IN Tiin i'liOVLNX'ES OF BlilTlSII Xoja'lL AMKIJICA. "N Tin; SUBJECT OF UNION. At Montrciil au.l witlua 8t. Paul's CluuvU tliere, on tho ofith September, 1871, tho Committocs ou tl.o subiect '7/."'-^"' poiutcclb,the8«pro.no Courts of th. follorl^^C ..^r";!:': Ihe Prosbytemn Churcli c.f Canada in connexion wit tt'l/ o Scot.a.uI The Canada P.osbyterian cCZ^'^:::^ CJuirch of tho Maritime Provinces in connexion witl f^ r^ of8cot,a„d--andthoPresb,terianChureho^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THot on the call of tho respective Conveners of these CommXeT ^..s a Joint Counnittee for the promotion of Union. ' ''"'"""''^■^' Tlio Rev. Dr. Cook. Cliainnan of the Joint Comnuttee which - m Montreal at this tiu.o last year, having opene.l to m i„i v.'itli prayer, intunated that it now devolve.l upon the JommiH" - appoint a Chairman and a Sectary. It Z ^h'n mreT e! -uded, and unammonsly agreed to. that Dr. Cook be ap^o Led Chairman, and that Dr. Topp be appointed Secretary. • ^ Extract Minute.s of the proceedings of the Supreme Courts of th aforesaid Churches were then read. re-appointL their Com mi tees, with the addition of thn3o ministers and tirre L^ To" mh of them; and the names of the members of said Commrtel having been called, the following were present, vi^ • tT Re Principal Snodgrass, D. D., The licv. Dr. Cook, The Rev. Dr. Jenkins, The Kov. George Bell, The Ilcv. Kenneth Maclennan, ^linistcrs, with the lion. Alexander Morris, Mr. James Crod, Mr. James Craig, IMr. liobert Bell, and ^Ir. James S. Hunter, Elders of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion Avith the Church of Scotland ; The P.ev. Dr. Taylor, The Kev. Dr. Topp, The P.cv, Professor Cuvcn, The llev. Thomas Macpherson, The Rev. Dr. l^Iacvicar, Ministers, with The Hon. John McMumch, Mr. David Mackay, and ^Ir. George Hay, Elders of the Canada Presbyterian Church; The Kev. Dr. Layne, The Kev. George Christie, The Euv. Robert Scdgewick, The liev. George Patterson. Ministers, Avith Mr. Henry B. Webster, and Uv. George A. Blan- cliard, Elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Proviuccs ; and The Rev. Neil Brodic, :Ministcr of the Presbyterian Church of ocs in connexion with the Church of Scotland. The Committee, before proceeding to business, spent some time in devotional exorcises, imploring the Divine guidance and blessing on their meeting. It was then resolved, that for the more convenient and speedy transaction of business, the sessions of Committee shall bo from 9.30, A. M., to 12.30, P. '^L, from 2.30 to 5.30, P. M., and from 7.30' in the evening till such time as may be determined at that session. On motion made, and unanimously agreed to, the Committee resolved to take up consideration of the Basis of Union first. The Basis adopted by the Joint Committee of last year was accordingly read, with the deliverances of the several Churches thereon. The Committee then adjourned till to-morrow morning at half- past 9 o'clock. Closed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D., Chairman. ALEXANDER TOPP, I),D., Hccretarn. At the same place, and on the 27th September, 1871, at 9.30, A.M., the Committco met and was constituted. The Rev. Thomas I^facpherson, at the request of the Chairman, offering up prayer. Sederunt as before, with the addition of The Rev. David Watson, Kev. Dr. 'aclcnnan, ^roil, Mr. ir, Elders witli tho Dr. Topp, rson, The xMurrich, ic Canada V. George Patterson, a A. Blan- L'roviiices ; Cliurcli of ' vScotland. some time id Itlessing md speedy ,11 be from and from icd at that Committee first. The accordingly ■con. ing at half- inan. ,, tSecretarij. n, at 9.30, Lev. Thomas iip prayer. ivid Watson, ■ John L ;^r„:a T'",?'"' ""'!? "'° '*""'' "'■■'""""J ■• M- rheminut<.of]astmeotin,wo..,.eadandupp.ov..l been re. 1 f„!^, , ^^'-'om.non.led in last year's nun, haviu. -gSd !^'I^,:!r;r ^ ^'^ }'- «— ^ Article, and was arriv:.!. Tl,o Tomn " . T"', ''^"" *'" '^^'"' "^ adjournment '- omnutl,... accordingly adjourncl. Closed M-ith prayer. .JOirx COOK, D.D., Cl^ainnan. AldCXAXDEj; TOI>J>, D.D., ^.nrtar,,. At fiaiiie place, and on tlic same dav it oi „ ,„ ,, ,, inet and was constituted. TJie E v Kelin lli\' "' °"";""'' .uest of the Chairman, oiiered up ;;«!;" ''"'""""' "^ ^''^ ••^'- The minutes of ]a.t meeting were i.ea,l and approved of tJ!^Srtdi;:r"i 'r''''^'^'' -^^ ^^^ ^-^^ Artido «.olvea ;;":;"' :r^^"^^^^^ ^'^^^ "'^-'ock, when it M-a« Closed til; ,:^r" ''"""'"^" ^""-^'"^^'^ ^^---j- dOIIN COOK, D.I)., Chairma,,. ALEXAXDEI; TOPP, D.D., Seeroiarij. At the same place, aii.l ,,n tlie same dav 7 10 n ,„ ft. / - "littee met and was constitute,!, the liev li her^ C "' " the request of the Chairman, oft'rii^ ^,^;^!'' '^ ^-"'""^^"' "^ Seilerunt as before. The minutes of last meeting were read and approve!. The Committoe liaving taken up furthor consiacratiou of the liasis of Union, aKreed to the following aa tlio Second Article. "That the ■NVestminstrr (kmfession of Faith shall form the aubor- dinato Standard of this Clmrch. That the Larger and Shorter Cate- chisms shall he adopted by the (^huirh, and appointed to be nscd for the instruction of tlic jieople." It was further resolved, that to the Second Article of thi^ Basis there he added this clause, viz.—" It being distinctly uiulerstood that nothing oontaineil in the aforesaid Confesuonor Catechisms re- garding the power antl duty of the civil magistrate shall be held to sanction any principles or vicAvs inconsistent Avitli full liberty ol conscience in matters of religion." The Committee then adjourned. Closed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D., Chainiinti. ALP:XANDK11 TOVP, dm, fifcrdanj. At the same place, 28th September, 1871, at 9.30 A. M., the Committee met and was con.stituted, the llev. Dr. r>i «„i.), ,r,.|,4,„i,' 7?,. ' ■ '•;;'"" """■• '"B""' il«'lf »..e .K.ariuo,„„vc.n , ; , ;;'''°';" "■ '""-'-. I-' K th„ bo n.l.,,,U,|." ' "' "»"l"l""» ». »l.»ll /h„„ ti„,„ ,„ ii„,„ ^'^'i'ZZ"zT;:vvi -'■'^'^'' '■""■^'.»t "Tlmt ,1,0 .Script ,; I ," "',"'t;'" !!"■ '■""""•"■" »»"»'- Jelivemnco, them,,, „f ,1, " „ ™ , .f- """'f ™ 1"" ya.', a„a tbc l.o„r„f „,lj„,„,„„,,„ "'; ' ;"'J«»'. »."l eo„ti„„.,l therein till „„, ALEXAxni.;]. TOI>P 1) ri c , ^»"^^S! th!'i<:;";i:^^^;; ;:r,r -- - "-' - mn, oftering up pmy.,. "' "^ ^^'' '''•l^'^'^t ol' th. OJmir- Sederuiit aa before. !*''"'"'"" °"^'""««"« »- «.l .,„a „p„„ve,i. ° """""'f ""■'■»« — ' »'->e„,io„ „f .h„ ,,..^, „, Collegiate Education, continued therein till 10 o'clock. The Com- mittee then adjoiiineil. lUosed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D., Chairman. ALEXANDEIf TOPP, D.D., Sccrctanj. At the same place, on the 29th September, 1871, at 9.30 A.M., llie Committee met ardwas constituted, the llev. Dr. Taylor, at the request of the Chairman, offering up prayer. Sederunt as before. The minutes of last meeting were reail and approved. JJefore proceeding with the regular business of this session, tho several Article i of the Basis of Union, as agreed to, were read, and a committee consisting of Principal Snodgrass, I'rofessor Caven, and the Secretary, were appointed to revise tho same, and to bring tho Basis before the Committee iii the foriu in which it slioulil be pre- sented to the respective Churches. The Committee tlien resumed consideration of tho subject of Collegiate Education, and adjourned at 12.30, to nu'ot at 3 P.M. Closed with prayer. JOHN COOK, D.D., Chairman. ALEXANDKR TOPP, D.D., Secrefari/. At the same place, and on tho same day, at 3 P.M., the Com- mittee met and was constituted, the Eev. George Christie, at tho ro- ayne, Chairman p. f. The minutes of last m(;eting were read and approved. The Committee proceeded to consider the question of a Sus- tcntation Fund for the United Church, as brought up ^)y tho extract njinutes of tho Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in con- nexion with the Church of Scotland, regarding the distribution of the Temporalities' Fund belonging to the said Church.. with prayer. """'"^"^ accordingly „.lJo„r„„,,. CIosTa w«« ™n»t,t„teil, il,„ I'ov V|,,„ „ B ^^' """ ""'""Itc,. ,„ot ami liavn.-, Chairma,, J,. ,. ' ' ' ■^"'''""" '" '"■'""•. U.. Jtov. Dr. The iiiimilpa „/■ ]„,, ,„ ,1 "That Wit,, ,,,Lrt:. :::■;;::': ;r°"' " :'- " '^"■^•'' '■'- lowed 1,^. ,.„„g,,„.ti„„» i„ ti,o ,,„,;!) "'" P"'""" i"«"iiy foi- anJ that flulhc-r „c,i„„ ,„ ,,,,'*", °' "'".■■''"P »!■"" 1» allowcl, to »hioh aU ,„i„,,,,, „,„ ^Xttio :,;?''' ""'"•" '^'"-"' ke appointed l„ e,,,,,,.,/ „ *' ''"^f"'™'' ™' Mr. 1). Maekay, now in oxi»te„ee, ,,„! 4, ;;' "2 ';. ™'"" "■" '""-"-t Fum - - -.>..hn.ent„,.d .::: t^r ^^ *n/:r::;::::::-;™;'^ the ..esotiating C,,„reh s ., f t ^ '" ""'"8 *«"'«..™: "T,,at «.cal and literary i„.nt„,i, , , 't'v ""■"' ^f ' "'" '""'•""■ appliealion be made to Pariian.o, f . ', '' '"■"' "'"' that Queen's University and •,!'"' '°W*tion as will brin,- Colbge, Mon„.al^Cri^ C f '"'°' ''°"««»' ""' l'»byleS Halifax, into relation to ,e uS O '" '"'°°""''"' "'"• »' ticy now hold ,0 their resect "om'T '"f"' '" "'« "'« corporalo cxi.,.c.noe, «overnre„ and t -- ""' !° """»"•" ">- t.ou« like ,„ ,h„« „„j„ which ,!,„'„";:,';:; »" '"™' ""^ »■"'■•■ 8 Till' Comuiittcc then mljounuMl. (Hoseil with pmycr, JAMKS I'.AVXK. D.I)., 0/(f/Vw'o/, /.,. C. ALKXAXDKII TOPI', 1) 1)., .V-r/v/crrv •At till' Kiinic pliiLc. ."'.Oih S(!ptriii))t>r, 1871, ;il '.>.;]() A.M., lln" (?ommitt(M' iiH't iiiiij was (.'(iiistituU'd, the. IXo.v. (Icorgc lUill, nt tlio RHiuost of tlio Chairman, oH'crin;; up jjiaycr. Scdornnt a^ "bofori.', "vvith tlio exception oi' Proiessdr ('aven, j'ov. Davi'l "Watson, ifr. McDou^jail, lion. .Vli.'xander Monis. .Mr. MciJai-. Mr. Hay, and i\rr. (ubb. l>r. Hayne, (,'lialrnijui. j>. t. Till' minutes of last meitin^j; wen; wm\ and ap])rovod. The ( 'ommittee haviii;^ taken up the matter of the proposcvl di.stiihution of the Tomixnalities' Fund, alreaily reion'od to in a previous minute, aj,M'oed to tlM' following deliverance: "That the Comnultce regard with much satisfaction and approval the proposed distribution of tho Temporalities' Fund, as one vvliich may largely promote the interests of iicrtain important Schemes of tho Church; but are of opinion that the object recommended by tho Synod of tlie Presliylerian Church <.'f (.'anada in (.'onnexion A\ith tho (Church of Scotland, as to tho payment of a sum of two hundred dollars per annum to every mini.ster on the Synod roll, to whom tho benefit of the Temporalities' Fund does not yet extend, may l)o as efllciontly and conveniently carried out by said Synod in another way accept- able to all ]-artios." The Committee then aiijourned. (.'lo.sed with prayer. J A:\IKS IJAYXl':, D.D., Cluumnuup. t. ALEXANDEli T< )PP, J).])., Secretary. At sani" I (luce and on tho .same day, at 2..'iO P. M., tho Com- mivtco met and was constituted, tho Jtev. Coorgo M. Grant, at tho request of the Chairman, offering up prayer. Sederunt as be- ioiv. Dr. llayne, Chairman, p. t. The minutes of last meeting won* read and approved. Ti:e Committee, after full deliberation, resolved to recommend that such legislation should be sougJit as ghiUl pi-oservo undisturbed I "-^ '"*" t»o projjosed Union, "tlipr iimttois iv.ri,.,?;,,,, 4i *^^ constitution or th 1 ;;■ T'n "'"' "^" "'" ' '"^'^ «-l <.o.n,.i., tl„. ,tt..ntfo,. ,,■ „f ".';;"''''^ "^ ^'- T^-ito-l ('Lurch, "-ni^l!t :::::,:;':;::';i;; ;::;;-; - -'"^ ^-^ 'msiu..s .„. Monday .VU-:XANJ)KJiT(),.i> Di, sv.., > i-'.i.^., t^rrr/'fa)'//. ^o-nittoe n,ot J . ^ ^ It : t r';, ''I '' '" '■'' ^''^-^ *'- grass, at tho re.iuost of tl,o (' ™ ' ''" ''''"• ''""-I-l »"o.l- -nt-thc Kev. I)r,s. Snod,4 , !^"' ' r"" "^' ^'"^'•''•- «°J«- -'i^K Boll, McLennan ( ■ t r^ ^"""'; ''"""^^' ^'I'ri.stie. Sodgo- ^fossrs. Jh..nne, C_oi,; ; "j m,;?"" *'!! "-• •^«^'» ^fe4„.io\ A ..lotion „,„ „,„|. , , ' '""' »1'I»-"«'I. '08i.lo M„c,.li„,, , ,!^ ' ' °" " i"""°"" ''"■'■ "S»'J"'S Col. con„.,ii.o., .,„„„, .0 „;,!;■' r;;'"'^-.''»"'™' "■ ''■■ - ■«,„ <.wi.toM,.o,.„d,o.„,,,,. ,,;;:; ,i;i~'' -'v-.i. ■,•„„ A,.,.AANT„.:nroPP, „,,,., „,;^^^; 7^.S mi:";>:'zz tn,;'"^ •'""■"""- -' -" - offprinrr „,^ "^"ivJUH, at tJlo rcinotf -f +! i - 10 Tho ininutM of last lucetin;^ wore nuJ aiul approved. Tlio ('Dminittec resumed (.-oiisideratiou of tho matter of (JoUegiate Kducatioii, and a^reod that for tho deliverauoe of tho 29th Septem- ber, un tliat suLjoL't, the following resolutions bo adopted: — 1. That inasmuch as the Canada Presbyterian ( Ihurch luus resolved to raise two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the endowment of its Tlu'ulogii'al Institutions, it be recommended to tlie .Synod of the Pre|byterian Church of Canada in connexion with tlfr Clumh of Scotland, to provide such further t.-ndowmcnt to tho Faculty of Arts in (Queen's College as to it may app;'ar necessary or desiraljle. 2. That Tutorial work in r(;lation to the Literary and Scientific btudies of students for tho ministry be not carried on in connexion with tho Tlieological Institutions of tho i:nit(;d Chmrlfin Ontario and Quebec; but that provision bo made l.-y the. Cniled Churcli lor such work in Queen's (.'oUege, Kingston, and in iSforrin College, Quel)eo. 3. That the Theological department of Queen's College anc that of Morrin College, and the Trcsbytorian College, Montreal, shall bo united into one College, situated at Montreal. 4. That tho Theological Ccdlege thus formed at Montreal shall bo governed in general accordance with the provisions of the charter of tho Presbyterian College, Montreal. f). That th<; three Theological Colleges of tlu; I'nited Church, viz. : at Halifax, :\rontreal and Toronto, shall b(! aifiliated with Queen'.-s College, so as to be represented in tho University Senate. 1. For conferring degrees in Divinity. L>. For taking such share in the government of the Univer- sity as may be proper in ndation to the preparatory training of stu- dents for the ministry. 0. That the jjresont Principal of Morrin College shall be invito(l Churcli in College, ;o am that d, shall bo trt'ul shall the charter 'd Church, ith Queen's ,hfi IJnivor- ling of stu- Ibo invit«- "' 13 3. Tluit the government ami worship of this Churiih shall bo in jvcconlftncc with the rocognizetl priiu'iploa luul iiractiiio of I'rosby- toriau Churches, aa laid down gcnomlly in tho " Form of Presbj - terial Church (Jovcrnment," ami in ".The Directory for the public worship of Ciod." 4. That thia Church, while chorishing Christian affection towards tho whole Church of God, and desiring to hold fraternal intercourse with it in its Hcveral branches, as ojiportunity offers, shall, at the same time, regard itself as bcinj, in such ecclesiastical relations to Churches, holding the same doctrine, government and discipline Avith itself, as that .ninisters and probationers from theSe ('hurches shall be received into this Church, subject to such regulations as shall from time to time be adopted. Tho Committee agreed to send a copy of these minutes, including tho above Basis, as their report to the Supremo Courts of tho several Churches. It was also resolved that a copy of the resolutions on Collegiate Education be sent to the 15oai"ds of the various Institutions referred to in these resolutions. Tho Committee then adjourned. Closed with prayer. JAME8 DAYXE, I ).!)., Chairman, j>. /. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.l)., Secretary. MINUTES OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES OF THK PROVINCES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, ON THK SUBJECT OF UNION, ^T ST. CrOHIT, :tT.E.,^FEIL 18T3. jeo. of Union, aSoioted by the Su^'e Cou™"orr°, 'll' ='"" Churches, viz : The PresbvfPn-;.n rT u V," °^ ^^^ following with the Church of ScoS-the S''^^ % ^l""^^- '" connexion the Presbyterian Church of fh^i^ ^v'^%/''^'^>'^«"a° Church- with the C-hurch ofZ^l^nd-ZTl" ^r''^'' ^" ^°°°^-'°n Lower Provinces-meron the call '}'r'Z'""^y''''^^ Church of the these Committees, as a Toint Commf^ '^^^P^^tive Conveners of of their appointment Committee, to carry out the purpose Jenkt:"Th7lt^j7„,^T^^^^ D- ^■,. The Rev. Dr. Craig, M.P.P., and mUmJ?^^{ vT'^'h T^^ ^'- J^'^es Church ofCai^ada in connex on S'tJ,^?'' °J '^' Presb/terian Rev. Robert Ure, The Rev Prol « ^^^ Church of Scotland ; The MacVicar, L.L.D The rI; Th ^^''^^u' ^^^ ^^^- ^^^f^sor Topp, Ministers, with AeSnToh';;MM'^'''l''^°' ^^^R^^- Dr. McCrae, Elders of the Canada ^Jrif.'^-""''^: ^°^ ^'' Thomas Allan Pollok, The Rev D^Sooke ?S'"^ ^^^- i»ruoKe, ihe xvev. Donald McRae, The Rev. ii, j. Cflie, Ministers, with Mr. Jamcv,' Brcmncr, Elder of the PrcBbylffiiiii Churcli of the Maritime j vinces in con-- nexion with the Chiu 'h of Scotland ; The Rev. 1 (r. Faynt-. The Rev. (".. Christie, The Rev. James IJennet, The Rev. l!. Patterson, 'I'he Rev. Profos.sor MacKnight, Ministers, with Mr. M.Il. Ciondge, Mr. H. B. Webster. Mr. JohiiS. McLean, and NTr. d. A. 151anchard, Klders of the Trcsbyterian Church of tlie Lower Provinces. It was moved by Dr. Jenkins, and seconded by Dr. Topp, and unanimously agreed to, that tiic Rev. Dr. Bayne be appointed Chairman. Dr. bayne aecordingl)' took the chair, and opened the meeting with pra/er. It was then moved by Principal Snodgrass, and unanimously agreed to, that Dr. Topp be appointetl to act as Secretary. The Committee unanimously approved of the conduct of the C-onveners in callinj; this meeting. The Conveners severally reported the deliverances on the sub- Ifs t of Union of the Supreme Courts of their respective Churches, at their last meeting, in June, 1872. There were also read the minutes of a Confcreni c held at Mon- treal on th.e 26lh day of December, i;>7-', between the Committee of the Presliytcrian Chure!i of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, and the Committee of the Canada Presbyterian Church, for the purpose ot considering matters arising out of the deliverances of the Supreme (.'ci'.rts of these Cl:urche.s, and speci- ally affecting them. It was resolved to engross tl.es j in the minutes of this Com- mittee; and they are accordingly engrossed, viz.: "At Monti eal, and within St. Paul's Church there, the Com- mittees on Union of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, and of the Canada Presbyterian Church, met on the 26th December, 1872, at II o'clock, a.m. Present: The Rev. Principal Snodgr»ss, D.D„ 'Phe Rev. Dr. Jenkins, The Rev. Dr. Bell, Ministers, with Messrs. James Craig, James Croil, Archibald McMurchy, and Robert Bell, Elders of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scot'-'nd ; The Rev. Dr. Taylor, The Rev. Professor IVIacVicar. L.L.D., Se Rev. Professor Caven, The Rev. Robert Ure, The Rev. I'how . r t Pherson, The Rev. Dr. Topp, Minis- ters, with the Hon ]'iy- M':Mi;.ich. and Mr. Thomas McCrae, Elders of the Canai:. If .b; .-lian Church. The Conveners, y'rinci; ^i Snodgrass and Dr. Topp, stated the I)urpose for which they had deemed it expedient to call their re.s Th ral hi respective Comir.ittLvs torctiier r fl.i ♦;. iaylorand i'rolcs.sor Cavni. ""'^''''-ed ..■..h •,aycr by Dr. I^^^^TopiMvas unanimously nppoinu-d to aa as Secretary. t- 4-;;:c^:;-:;::/';--:;=;!^ ^Hcc,ciiv..an.. or •nattcTs hroi.giu under tlnnctireiny ^''".'••''''^•^l on f,,.. various I'n.on. ri ^,s found f:o n ,"" r,h"t thT"' ^'"\'''^' i"-"''°««l 7 tins c:onferen " ' ''"'''"■•""•'-' "^ li'-" ^^'^-^•1^.. =. Tl>e deliverances of ;\,"(^;;;;'7' ^'Jinst over His -odand. on the .ode ^^^^^VZ^^j!:; S^.?- «-.' Ti;i^-^:!J^.,:;^^,;;P ^';,^^-rancc o. tl. Headshi; meaning and obj.ct b the Con v n ""^ ':'''" Si^'^" as to i/s the Conunittee o^the Canad.^i:;:;;;Si.ural:^;f ^^ ""'""^^ '^^ ^ ^muda si^-^j ,!^\;^^S-^? ^|--^- ^U ordi.ationf ^,;^ ''■'Cdinclo.sin-dieMiieetin nrVh. « ^''"'■''''' ^"<' '^'^^^ form f tlK.Canad.a^Presb>Sch ai'^^^^^^^^^ ^^'^"S ' ^» t'^^' ParJ tlK' Basis of Union bclwent;i'^ •''■''" '''■'^ ^'^•'' ''"•ti'^J<-i of Church; The questionr^.V o ini t'er :^"'T ^"'•"'"■^'"^^ ^'^^ Formula. ^ ->iiniiterc at ordination, and the docmJfr^tir^^S^^Smbe "'oJX^' C^"^ ^^^ — sation on these Church of Canada in connexion \^TT''nf '■'" ^^^^^^M^rian directed copies of the document?J^ "T ^'^"^'^'^ ^-"Scotland, to the Convener of the Co^l^f ^^^''^ '^ ^^^ transmitted Church, that said ComnnkteTnm "d°.V''' ^'T^' ^^^esbyterian report in such a wav as t^ v-, i --^''' '''''' '^' '"^^ter in their , - .J (,!!_„, ^iiy seem proper. i The subject of State grants to Denominational Colleges, was next taken up. The deliverances of the Supreme Courts of the the two Churches thereon, were read. During the discussion of this subject by the Conference, the hour of adjournment arrived. Adjourned, and closed with prayer. JOHN JENKINS, D.D., C/iairman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Secretary. Same day and place, 3^ p.m., the Conference met, and was constituted with prayer by the Chairman. Sederunt as before, with the addition of Mr. David Mackay, Elder of the Canada Presbyterian Church. Dr. Jenkins, Chair- man ; Dr. Topp; Secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained. The consideration of the matter of State grants to Denomina- tional Colleges, was resumed. The following deliverance, proposed by Professor Caven, and seconded by Dr. MacVicar, was unani- mously adopted, viz : This Conference claims for the respective Churches represented by it the fullest forbearance as to any differ- ence of opinion which may exist respecting the question of State grants to Educational Establishments of a Denominational charac- ter, and does not see, in such diversity of sentiment upon a subject on which uniformity of opinion is not enforced within any of the negotiating bodies, anything which need prove a barrier to Union, or disturb the peace of a united Church. The Rev. Gavin Lang now entered, and took his seat in the Conference. The subject of the appointment of Professors in the Theological Colleges was then taken up. The deliverance of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scoriand, respecting it, was read. After lengthened convc--aiion on the subject, it was the unanimous opinion of the Conference that the whole matter should be referred to the deliberations of the Joint Committee at its next meeting. The Conference having reason to express its thankfulness at the satisfactory progress which has been made with reference to the object for which this meeting has been held, recommends the Conveners of the Committees of the Churches concerned, to make arrangements for a joint meeting of these committees at St. John, N. B., on Friday, the nth April, 1873, at 11 o'clock, a.m. seat in the . The Rev. Robert Ure, at the reauesf of th^ ru • in prayer. ' request of the Chairman, engaged The minutes of this and the nreviniK! m-^f.- approved. previous meeting were read and Adjourned,and closed with prayer from 7.30 p.m. till such time as adjoUmem £ agreed to •"• ' '°^ Adjourned, and closed with prayer. J^^^JS BAYNE, D.D., C/.ain.an. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., S^a-efary. the meeting with prayer ^^^''™^°' ^'' McPnerson constituted ^J^ederunt as before. Dr. Bayne, Chairman; Dr. Topp, Sec- The minu^s of the previous meeting were read and approved and that the articles of the Basis of Union oc!f L F"'°" ^"^' .he Basis ofVnioa f^£ Unted cS"; "l'"= "^' "" '""- . ^. A- ^"^ Westminster Confession of Faith .linii f« .u subordinate standard of this Charrh • tlLl t ^'' ^^"""^ ^^^ Catechisms shall be adoS by 'he r Wh ^f^'' ""^ Shorter used for the instruction ?f the peonk it If"^ appointed to be stood that nothing contained in The^af^^^saM C^onf""''^^ "i??^^" chisms regarding the power and dut/of thi CiS? mS^? ? ^f ^- be held to sanction any princioles or vl^! • ^'^S'^trate, shall Hberty of conscience in^rS of rdigljr ^°^°"^'^^^"^ ^"h full 3. That the government and worship of this Church shall be in accordance with the recognizea principles and practice of Presby- terian Churches, as laid down generally in the " Form of Presby- terial Church Governmeut," and in "The Directory for the Public Worship of God." 4. That this Church, while cherishing Christian affection towards the whole Church of God, and desiring to hold fraternal intercourse with it in its several branches, as opportunity offers, shall, at the same time, regard itself as being in such P2cclesiastical relations to Churches holding the same doctrine, government and discipline with itself, as that Ministers and Probationers from these Churches sliall be received into this Church, subject to such regulations as shall, from time to time, be adopted. The Committee then took up for consideration that part of the Minutes of the Conference held in Montreal, which relates to the subject of the Headship of Christ, as contained in the instructions of the General Assembly of the Canada Presbyterian Church to its Committee. After full deliberation, the Committee deferred, in the mean- tini'?. a formal deliverance on the subject. The Secretary then read the resolution of the Conference held at Montreal, on the subject of State grants to Denominational Colleges. The Commiuee unanimously expressed its approval of said resolution, and adopted it as its own, viz. : The Committee claims for the respective Churches represented by it the fullest for- bearance as to any ditYerence of opinion which may exist respecting the question of State grants to Educational Establishments of a Denominational character, and does not see, in such diversity of sentiment upon a subject on which uniformity of opinion is not enforced within any of the negotiating bodies, anything which need prove a barrier to Union, or disturb the peace of a United Church. Principal Snodgrass then, as Convener of the Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, read the deliverance of the Supreme Court of that Church on the subject of the mode of election of Theological Professors. The hour of adjournment having arrived, the meeting adjourned, and closed with prayer. JAMES BAYNE, D.D., Chairman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Secretary. At St. John, «ame day and place, 7.30 p.m. The Committee met, and was constituted with prayer by the Rev. G. Christie, at the request of the Chairman. Sederunt as before. Dr Ravn« nu • retary. ^^' ^^y°^' Chairman ; Dr. Topp, Sec- appointment of Theological Professorrn.K ^^ f"^^''^ ^^ ^^e the deliverance of the Synod of tSTre^byterkS ^f'% 'J^'"^ '" in connexion with the Church of Srnfhn? 1 r^'^V'^'' °* Canada liberation, and a free exDress^nn Tf ' • ^^^^' lengthened dc- PrinciparSnodgrassrycSrbVLTsr'cav"" "^7^' ^>^ mously agreed to, That it is inexpedient for Thi.r"' '""^ ""''^"'- at present any resolution on the sul^-ec" Committee to pass Adjourned, and closed with prayer. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., .S-,r,./^,-;.. o^pi^^;5^::;:?:^e'J.^Sl^|;;-;^^ the r.h day sis^ ^^ '- ^- ^-^-- "•en^i't^:^'eT:;ur:;nt' McLtrn:^ofnhrPr";bytriafch^^^^^^^^^ ?^ ''^^ ^-•- ^-neth with the Church of ScSd'"D?Sne ^h"'"' '" r?""'-''''°" Secretary. ^^y"^' Chairman; Dr. Toj^p, The minutes of the former meeting were read and sustained. Church, but came to no forma.tsoltt?;! ^"s:^;;:^"-^ '' '''' Adjourned, and closed with prayer. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Scrn,arj. At St. John, same day and place tr>m th^ r and was constituted with praye by he R^v Dr S°T''''' "^^'' request of the Chairman. ^^'^^ Jenkm.i, at the ^otr:::.Si't':^:^ t^^^r ^^'- ^- ^^- Brooke, tookhisseatasaltLarforD^-^K;J ' ^f^' i^^^^ert Cameron I>r. Topp, Secretary '' ^'°°''"- ^'■- ^^/"e, Chairman ; 8. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained. The Committee now resumed consideration of that part of the Minutes of the Conference at Montreal which referred to the Headship of Christ, and which had engaged attention at a former Session. After further deliberation, it was moved by Professor Caven, seconded by Dr. Topp, and carried unanimously, That the Committee, having heard the Minutes of Conference regarding this subject, which have been read, does now express its satisfac- tion with the unanimity of sentiment which is exhibited in the documents therein referred to. Adjourned, and closed with prayer. JAMES BAYNE, D.D., Chairman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Secretary. At St. John, same day and place, 7.30 p.m., the Committee met, and was constituted with prayer by the Hon. John McMurrich, at the request of the Chairman. Sederunt as before. Dr. Bayne, Chairman; Dr. Topp, Sec" retary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained. The Committee took up the consideration of the subject of Public Worship, when it was unanimously resolved, That with regard to modes of worship, the practice presently followed by congregations, in the matter of worship, shall be allowed, and that further action in connexion therewith be left to the legislation of the United Church. The subject of Collegiate Education was next brought under the notice of tlie Committee, when, after discussion, Principal Snodgniss moved, and the Hon. John McMurrich seconded the motion, That the negotiating Churches shall enter into union with the Tlicological and Literary Institutions which they now have ; and that application be made to Parliament for such legislation as will bring Queen's University and College, Knox College, The Presbvterian College, Montreal, Morrin College, and the Theolo- gical Hall at Halifax, into relations to the United Church similar to those which they now hold to their respective Churches, and to preserve their corporate existence, government and functions, on terms and conditions like to those under which they now exist ; but the United Church shall not be required to elect Trustees for an Arts' Department in any of the Colleges above named. This motion was unanimously carried. .. .I3»^°r""' """ ^■'J"""'* '° ■"«' 0» Monday, .he ,4,h. Closed with prayer. JAMES BAYNE, D.D Chrurmn,, ALEXANDER foppi' S: W..^. Dr. Eayne, Chairman j Dr. Topp. Sec of Apri?',i°^arzoS^fm'^fe^^^^^^^ - ^^e x 4th day tuted wiUi priWr by 'the R^v Dr M^'Tr""^ "'"'' ^^^ ^^s cousti Chairman. ^ ^ *^''- ^'' ^acVicar, at the request of the Sederunt as before, retary. The minutes of te previou. meeting «„ read and sustained CommineerecommeSXr epsTSkenVSffi ?' ■^''^' *= the General Assembly of the Umted rh,.-i. ? ",' """""S °' estabUshment and administmion ^ ,? « ' "^ ^''' ^''"''"''^ beneStofthe widows and o^IZs of mtaist'e^s™"" '^""'' '" *' snoJ^t^^STfiESi h" *= r'™ °f P™"P-' undisturbed all riehts of wmLl „ t*,^™?!-* as shall preset a.d corporate bXranHt L °1 ''?"*'°« '» ^""gregalions freedom of action on th? part of ro„™ '""=..■><'< interfere with desirous of unitin/or on rte nl,^ nf^^''""' '? *= ^^^ '"^aUey find ft .0 be expfdi^rto dStae7Snv''o°r'f ."'li'" T"^ separate existence. ""Lume, wnolly or partially, their theSyTerfanlS^^^^^^^ of Scotland, as follows -'tw^L V ^'^'^'^^^ t'^'-^ Church main, as at present, in the hands of p p^^T'^!!"' ^""^ ^^^^^ ^e- which shall be continued aSfL5n ^^^^'.^^^ membership of the remanent meXr Vav.^^^^^^^^^ death, resignation, or other^L^ 1'^ ?hf 7^.^^^'«^ca"sed by Fund shall continue on the "me 'pSncil a'nd^foftS"" °' "^^ poses as at present, until all vested SshaHW^ '^T' P"'; these rights shall be held to bo i-L f^ii,. • ^^^7« J^P^ed ; and receipt by ministers now receiving LSr"J^r('-> '^'^^ ^""^"^I ($450), four hundred doTlarsTS nr. 7^'!^ ^"^ ^^^^ dollars b. the TrelsuUrS:if SCi- *Sn;;^-- (1-0) 10 of nvo hundred dollars ($200) by al! the ministers v,ho shall he on Proh.;;? ;■ f /•'' '' •"' V^'^ ^"'°"' ^-^"^ '^>- ^^^ recognised in ° n H n '"' ^-"l^''^''' ^^""»g t'^--ir lifetime, and good stand- • g n t.K Church; i hat as soon as the Fund, or any part of it prate,! (1) lo the formation of a Fund for the bencf.t of Aged and n,rm Ministers of the United Church, retired from the active duties 0. the ministry Mith the sanction of the said Church, in the propovtion o. s.x-ninths; (2) for the maintenance and extension of the ,icoiogical Kaculty of Queen-s College, in the proportion of said Un-cd Church, in the proportion of one-ninth-these calcula- tions to he ba-sed on a capital fund of four hundred and fifty thousanu dollars ($450,000), and the residue, over and above this amount, up to forty thousand dollars ($40,000), to be devoted to the maiiv.enance 01 the Theological Faculty of Morrin Colle-e • And u-nereas, the Committee on Union desire instructions .ns to v-j mode of making provision for the payment of two hundred GoJJars (,>,2oo) per annum to all Ministers on the Roll at the lime of union until such time as they become beneficiaries of the Tem- poralities Fund, the Synod refer tlie matter to the wisdom of the Committee to arrange such method of p/ovision as they may deem best, dra^nng it necessary (but only as an extren.e measure, when no other method of meeting the difficulty can be devised), upon m-??' •' °^^'^%^^^J"d-the same to be repaid to capital before anv diK.noution of the principal Fund takes place. _ Prolessor Caven moved, seconded by the Hon. Tohn A[cMur- rich, and the motion ^va,s unanimously adopted. Thai tliis Commit- tee record its sntwfe«,on with the proposed arrangement of the S."?>hn---?%?'\^^'''r'" ^''"'"'^ "^ ^^''^'^'' '" coimexion with tne Lnuivh of Scotland. Adjourned, and closed with prayer. JAMES BAYXE, D.l)., CZ/.r/Vv/w//. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., ScarArrj. -.r^ruLf' -^"'l"' f "'^^fy ^''"^1 P''-^^*^' 3 p.m., the Committee met, '^ n • '''l'"^.''"^'' p,ayer by Mr. ^\^ebster, at the request of •ropp:s:;Xy. ^^'"""' " '^'"^■^' ""'• B^y-. ^l^-rmai ; Dr. The minutes of the previous meeting were rjad and sustained. It_ w«s then moved by Prof Caven, seconded bv Professor iMacIvnight, and unanimously agreed to, That the Committee does Kta^gg'SfK--.' shall lie on recognized ;ood stand- • [)art of it, be appro- f Aged and the active 'ch, in the ^ctension of jjtortion of iind of the _'.se calcula- l and fifty above this levoted to 1 College ; ions as to ) hundred ; the time ' the Tern- am ot the may deem ure, when cd), upon lal before I McMur- ) Commit- 'nt of the xion with uiaii. Secretary. ttee met, equest of lan ; Dr. ustained. Professor ttee does 1 1 of the dn^rch aid e X^^:^^:'^ '' ^'" ^^^^'^^-' ^ i-'ral Assembly shall hav^ h ^ ■ '^^^^'"^•'i. whilst the Gcn- TTork of the CI u?ch vet th' ^'P'-'''^'^'^" ^^^ control at all Z United Church shall;rc„rL;Tr"T "^■""■"^^"'' ^''^^ ^^- Synods and Local Comm itL^s \L f '7'"^'^^^^^ "nue in Christian love .nd y^'^^Z 1 '""'' ««- dually ^to Church, and .u the surr > mS ffi.. . '''1°'" '"^^'"''^ ^'^^^^ ergies of the people lnhch^'of£^l7r'^ '''""''^^'^ ^'"^ en- ion, and throughout the work!. ' ''' ^'"'''^ '" ^'^" J^^>="i"- Chmcir ^ZST^-'l^tv:S^,^l}^^^ -- Of the United -America." ^n.sbytuian Cnurch of IJritish Xorth In terminating their proceedings the r adopted the following resolution : 'ommittee unanin^ously This meetin;;, havino-nrpfiiliir v« ■ ^ , proceedings of the present ^^ ^^^^tinr ^^^'''--^-"-^ -^d mittees, records its gratification a 7hL i ^ "^ meetmgs of Corn- tamed on thevariou^subjectr^ ;n t ;£^<^^ .^\-'"^^^ has been at- •ng that all matters clain. .'' at^ ic^\' ^v '/ '°'^^'^'^^^d- ^'^^ '^eliev- That the Committees, u^ZTZtl^^""''^''''''''''^''^^^^^^^^ '"eetiBgs of the Supreme Cotms of L r rf" "''' ''^•'^"'"S ""^'^'^^^ jubmit an extract of this m.n te a on wh^'n''''' ^''"^^''^'^-^' '^''^^ Union, and the deliverances that h^? T ^^ ^"'^'^^'^^^ ^^'^' of recommendatio). in favour of the ndnn^" ^r 'f ^'' ''''^' '' ■'^^'"ong change, so that precisel^tL same d«? °\"^ '^'' '''''' ^^•'"^"^•t by all the Court,; and tha there nnv?" "^"^ ^' transmitted -.ng the vie.s of al, I-ics^l^^S^d on SS:!,:!:?^';}-- MciScSr^^rJ^i;/^ J^Jr --^ed by the Hon. John representing the several Presbvterh; 'h u' ^T' ^^^'""^ittee, Americ, does e.Tpres, its < ratefi i en*. '?,"^'' °^ ^'"'^'^h North hospitality extended to its n embers bvPh-' ^•''' ^''''^"''' *"d »Iso, that the thanks of thTco^n'm^^f,?^ " '"'"^ and managers of Calvin Church for h °'?".'° '^' '"'"'•^ter the com.rtabIe accommodS ^s^^o^Sed^^^S^ ^llS^ 13 PBESBYTEBIAN PBCTING HOUSE, 102 BAT SXBJBEX, XOBONTO. lOc; ;^