IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. W/ k mJ. S" 4p. i/.A (/. 1.0 i.l l-IIM 112.5 1^ m m 2.0 1.8 « 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" — ► V] <^ /a signifie "A SUIVRE ", Ie symbols V signifio "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est film^ ^ partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas. en prenan* Ie nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 w to U 3^ REPORT I 'V OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF WORKS. Sin, BoAnD OF Wo«K8, Mmitrml, •'nil Ajiril, 1846. In tlio t'liil)orat(! and dctiiilod Hoport I had tlin honour of siihinittinf; hist jviir, for the information of His KxcoUcncy iho Uovi^rnor Ciencriil, wrn; fnlly cotn- imOiendfil nil tiie observation!) ami .»iij.';.'('stions of a practical and (;cnural clmraitL'reotini'ctiMl with tin- I'lihlir Works, as well as with their after inainti^nanee atid use, which a elosi! utteiilion to tlieir l)^ogre^^ had enabled nie to make. Tiiese observations and sugRestions I coneelvo to be Btill so applieahlo as to render it neeessary for ine, on this oeeasion, to do little more than to furnish the recpiired information upon Iho present state of the respective Works; the c-xpenditure thereon, and to explain the eause of the exeess of the appropriations which han, in some iustanoes, taken place. Fpr the .sake of perspicuity I slinll classify the Works ' A3 fullows ; I Public nuildingg, Koails, IJriil^es, Canals, Harbours and Roads leading thereto. Slides, tinder the first of heads the only expenditurn which hui taken place, under this Department, duiinj; the past year, has been iipim the ereetiiui of a Cnstoni House at Toronto, and upon tljc usual repairs and maintenance of the Guols auil Court llou.^rs in Canada Kast. The Toronto Custom House! is in n forward state, and will be eoinphtti'd in .Iiine next ; the appropriation made for its erection is £'2,j00, which will be ample to cover all contingenties. The expenditure upon the other clafs of biiildini.'S named (Oauls and Court Houses in Canada ) is of a most unsi.tisfactory nature. As I have already had occasion to rep.irt, these buildings are utterly insutticient fortheacconimodation ropiired by the increiised population and wautsof the country, uiul ilie sums which are every year unavoidably laid out on them, may, ina-rreat measure, be considered as thrown away. The (iaols fjenenilly aObrd no proper means of ventilation or of classilicatiou of the prisoners. The v/nnt of nccomniodation in the Court Houses (those that exist) is loudly complained of, and the vast amount of law business of tliis City and Ui!,trict is now necessarily tnin.sactud in an old biiildin;; temporarily litted up, niid altogether unsuited to the purpose. The non-completion of the Hospital at (Juebec, is likewise a subject of complaint, as is also the want of a LiiiiMtic Asylum. A strmij; desire exists to have the present Custom House there converted to some other purpose, or sold, anil ih.' pr imIs appropriated towards the erection cif a Custiun House in a more convenient position, in the \icinity of the Hanks, Olfices, )kc. Tlic I'ublic l)c|iartmeiits, notwithstanding tli« very heavy rents to which the I'mviuce is subjei ted, are most ineonviiiiently anil iusullicieiilly ncconimodalcd. To meet the co.t of »:ul)stituting siiituhle buildings in lii'U of those now in use, either by the sale of the present buildings, and of the public property on which they stand, or adjoining thereto, or by a dillircnt appropriation thereof, by which a l.irge portion would be dispo.-able for other i I] and remunerating purposes, various projects have beeu ll devised, some of which are highly deserving of consi- || deration ; but until the Legislature sees proper to como i to a decision generally upon the subject, it is unnecessary to Ciller further into detail. j! ]l Amher$tburgk and Sandwich Road. Roads : i' The sum grunted towards the improvement of this Amherstburgh j Hoiid was £1,(HK) ; the pecuniary difficulties of the and Samlwich i Contractors have caused some delay, but the work may "^"^ shortly bo completed, and within the amount granted ; little remains to be done except the completion of the ■ Hridge in the Canard, all the materials for which are on J the ground and ready to be put together. j! ] AiAherstburgh and Sandwich Road, to Chatham, and I thence to London, \ The works of the portion of tide Road between chnthnra and I Chatham and Loudon, comprehended in the appropriation London roail ! 4 and .3 Victoria, are completed, and the road has been \ given up to the District fiT maintenance ; — of those of ; the portion between Ci i!' iiu and Ainherstburgb and Sandwich, about five-si.\ili8 are done ; but their com- pletion is delayed by the embarrassments of the Con- tiacfors ; — what they have done is very creditable, and is of inestimable good to that section of the country, and to the ,s«>ttlers there, as without the construction of this J?oud, and the thorough drainage ed'ected in conse<|uence of it, no person could have resided there, nor could a crop of any kind have been raised. The total amount of the Grant for these Hoads was £40,- (KK) currency, the amount estimated as re9. 3d., and the ultimate excess of expenditure will be £4,752 7s. od., currency, the larger portion of which was unavoidably expended upon the erection .if a large Bridge over the Uiver Thames, at Delaware, the old one having been carried away by a fl(H)d shortly after the 'tVorks of the lioad were commenced. 'J'his Hoad passes through a tract of rich, deep soil, and no repairs having taken place since its completion, it is now in a bad state, and should be immediately attended to, othei the repairs which could be etl'ected for about £2tK) will, after another season, be attended with great cost. Port Sarniit and London Road. The Works of this Road were completed at the period Port ."sarnitt ol'niy last Report, and it has been rcconimcndcd to hand 'J»'l l.omloa it over to the District Coumil lor iiiaiiitenance. ■'"'"'- The sum appro{)riat('d was £H!,()(i() 13 4 T;.e sum cxiMiided is -JOA'Jl <) I This over ixpt ndiluie was creati'd by the extra cost wliiili hail to be iiicnried In crtiiling the diainagi' of such an I'Xti'Usivc line of Koad, tliiongh a low and heavy wooded I'liiiiiii v, beyond what was ori_ 'lally contenipla- tid ; it also includes land dainagt.s not ombractd iu tho ■■•dt-<-'-i. •a ! i i 1 Ml ■i f 2 I.und(in anil Krantforil toad. cstiniiitc ; — till' otpscrvalioiis as to lopaii-s rciiiiircil dii tlio Loiiil'in ami I'liatliaiii liuaJ aiv ubu applicalilu tu tliia IJoad. Lniidoii 1111(1 Branlford Itoiul. Tliia IJoad was also oom|il('ltMl iit tla' date of my last Hopoi't ; tlio Tolls to 1)0 doiivi'ti iVoiii it wore ostiiniili'd at i'.'l.dll L's. 3d.; thoy linve siiui' liccii Irasc d at JUl',.")7('. Till' Slim of Xolib -In. ()d. has lifcii ( xpc'iidi'd on iipair.', wliiili liuvc Im'cii takoii by lonliuit on reasoiialjK' tt'inis. The 911111 a|ipfo|iriale(l was I'Gl.lll " 'Z Tliu Slim iX|ii'ndod is 5(),()J;! lo 1 For the oonipli tioii of the portion of this Koiid, called tin; Grand XX'wn- Swamp liuad, Lstinialcd at t'lO.OOO, tlio sum of jGM.OOO was appinprjiiti'd last .'session. 'I'lio work is nil iMidi'r Contnnt, and llio cost will he I'ulh covered by llie amount of Ihi' i sliinale, althoii;rli some fixtra expen.-e has Iieen inenriid to all'oid lempniiirv faeilities to tlie travel while tile work was in |i)oi;i(.ss ; the AVorks an' beiiiL; proceeded with in a satisl'aetorv niniiner, and when eonipleted, wliieli the ICiii/inecr report's will lie in the early )i:irl of Septi luher next, will n iider available an nninteniiptcd eominiiniealioii belweeii Ha- milton and I.oiulon, by M:ieadaiiii/ed and rhinked Uoads. a distance of upwards of e'^hty miles. Thi.i portion, at seasons of the year, was almost impassable, and tiinhd greatly to diminish the amount ot'Tollson the ri niaiiider. The total expenditure on tliesi' ll'rslti/i /i'e(/(/\, (nu- merated in tin foreiioiiij;, as c^mipared with the I'arliii- mentary Uraiits for the sanic, will stand thus: Sum granted. : liiKuhiriHt ■ ^p I»ruviilfil. L'Ilini.-it(.* i^xvcii.' !!.'!.'"'''.'!."'■,''".'•' sun i.. i.e l'ro\iil,-iI. .1 X s, (l.\ £ *. ,1. £ s. il. ,()0<) O o' 1,000 III i T r. 1,401 u II Anihorstburif antl isaiul- wich Kimil AmluTstlniruhyChnthnii) ami l.on">l lil.lll 2 2 5n,il»3 l.') I Branifurd S»uinp Koud,.. a.doo o (V in.uoo o oj UamiUun and IVrt Dover road. 127,777 I.! B 12.'i.H!l7 II 7' 1,401 !l :i The expenditure, umon;; other extras, not included in the estimates, having covered the lo.^t ofthelar]L>e Uridfre at D( lawnre, besides land damages, law expenses, aiid Other incidental charrjes. Hamilton and Port Docrr lload. Tlie sum orifrinally {^ranted for this IJoad was £;i;j,33.'i Gs. 8d. currency, which, as was stated in inv IJeport fur la>t year, wasover expended by the sum ol .t';i,;)i)7 !is. '.M. Of this amount .t.i.tXH) wereapplied to the buildiie.' ol' the Caledonia lirid;:e, where the line of Koad crossi'.l the Grand Kiver, but which was not provided for in the appropriation. The sum of V>,:A\0 was voted diirinj: the last Sessiim for tin.' extension of Ihis Koad down the Mountain, and for the erection of Toll-hcjiises and date^ ; this Work has been all contracted for within tin; amount of the Grant. The Tolls of this Koad were estimated at :€2,();!4 10s., and they lia\o hceii leasul fn- the first year at £1,000. This diserepaney has arisen ehiellv in conse- quence of tin; diHii'ulties presented to the 'ii.-e of the Koad by the unfinished state of the Mountain .Section at one extii.-niity, and of the Dover Ilarlujur at the oihcr ; there is no doubt but that an increased rent will be hud on the ne.xt letting. Qiicrnslon and CiiMs//i/ llnad. liucwi.sion and for the completion of portiims of this Komi, t|,e Grimsby ruad. inipro\cment of which had been f'ormc'rly eomiiienced under 7 William IN', chapter Ki. the sum of t'^.tlOd wns {.'rautid last Si;ssioii. From the broken slute the Wuiks had been left in, and the lualmials which hml been for boiiie jeiirs providcil, bein;,' scattered in all dirccliun>, a yood deal of trouble was incurred, and time lost, iu jirc- paring for the recommi-ncoment of them ; this was further increased by disputes us to the line to be adopted in some eases ; the heaviest parts of the NViuk are now under Contract at ver\ lerate rates, to snbstaulial per- son.s, with good seeiirityj the portions let exleud fnan the western extremity of the present Macadanii/^ed Koad at St. David's to the west bank of the.Iordaii \';illey j tin; length hine, and of the Coldwater I'ortngc, to- gether with the construction of u liridge over the Nar- rows (if Lake Sinicoc. The expemlitnre on the last two items was pideecded with, but the powers of the Commi sioners to cMitliaie the impnneineiit of the Koad from Torontototlo Holland Landing having ceased, it was VI nsidered expeilient by the llxeeiuiie, ii.^'statcd iti my lust Keport, to suspend furtlNr exjK nditnre. and to bring th.- matter befoi-c the Lcgishiture, in order that aulhority noght be had to make a difl'cr.'iit dispo.Mih.u of the appropri;iti ai from that which was at first iiilemled, by which theeomph'iiuii of the .Main Koad from 'I'oronio to Holland LandiiiL' might be imduded ; to iiceomplish the fongoiiig, embrai ing the improvement of the Koad from tin; Holhind Landing by Itarric to I'liietaHgiiishiiie, and the dredging of the CbaiWKd at the .Narrow-, with -fmie Works ai Honaml Kiver, it was .slated in m\ Kcjiort that an aildilirai of f(i,,-,(K> to the (uigimil (iran't, Would be reipiired. Towards the close of last Sosioii a liiil was passed aiithoriMug the im.xpendrd |ioitioii of the appropriation being thus applied, but the nqiiisite nddi- tnai of ,t'(i, oOt) to the original vote was u»t a>ked for. The Koard having adopted the principle of conductin.' tin; new W orks ordered last session, bv the establishment* tobetran-t.rred fn.m Works previou.-lv in pi ress so .soon as they could be available, those in' the Hmue and Simcoe Districts, with the Owen's S.aiiid Koad, were entiusled to Mr. Gzowski, and hi.- A.-si-tants. Inslruc- tnms were aeconliiigly given to l\Ir. G/.mv.-ki, in ,Iu,ie last, to wind up as soon as po.onietiiiie neee.-.sarilv ehip'sed before he W!is ( nabh'.i to do this ; but since lii.s taking charge, (;very eUort has been made by him to forward the 11 orks. 3Jf l}llllllllS ,111,1 Outii'-, S» ir,,l rolld. Mitin No r.i->- Hill ij ■ill,- I'lnmall nml l,Orl^.lla^ 1*11- ^i-ii'i iiiiv »i[iiiiiii iiiir'ii riiltin!.t nr lilliii^, jtUfl cun In ri)tii|ilcti)(l lliisynir ; llir Cniiiiri' of tliisc ('(iiilraclnr-* riiiiv ftls.) rtlVct the coiiiplcliim ,,f liir Umiil I'lniii tli.' Ilnllnnil Lnndin!; to Itiiiiii', iimsinmli mh tlir lialaiice Viutoiia, cliapterL'H, fur tlu' cutiri! of tlir^i' Works, vi/ : the .Main Nortli Toroulo IJoad, Holjaml j.amlin;; ti> IJarrii-, Harrio to 1' lan^juisliinc, C'.ildwatcr [ioiI^ilt, and tli(^ Narrows Uridp-, was £;l;!.,');i3 (is, Hd. cin'rcnrv, of wliirli Xll,7:il ,^s. L'd. Wave bien expendid ; if llu' Works einbraeed in tlie Contraels were eoinpleteil al llie prices stateil in tliein, alllliese Koads would In- eompleic d for tlie aimmnt ol the appropriation, but in I'on-i-inii'nei! of the failure of the Contr ic'tors on tlie Main Nortli Itoad, and to impro\c the t'lianmd at tin; Narrows, ?(,•., I am still of opinion that the additional sum of i."(i,"i(K), imined in my former report, will be necessary. , ! liomj,' Hill linml. j The AVorksofthisimpr>ner.ient are all under Contrnet, iind are bein^ proceeded with in a satiri(,'n»l ill!.' the line for it, and partly from the fact of the K-timate,s ''""'■ for it bein^' t'.'(,<);i!), and but £:(,(MK) of that amount Imv- inv' beiTij^iiinted, it w'lis found that the expen.litiire of the partial iiinoiint, was not, in this case, advisable, until an appropriation ofihi- entire of till' Kstiinute was made. Tho several repr.senlations as to the lines proposed to be adopted, with the map of the country, will be >hortlv submitted for the information of His KxcelUncy and the Lei'islalure. Off/nni Wiirka. In the Esfimate laid beforr the T.eiislatnre during' the Ollawa worki. last Session, aiuounlin^' to t'L'l.lilO, were embraced two classes of work. lat. The construction and repairs of cirtain Slides nnd liooins on the Ottawa and Mudawaska. and the removal of dan^'i'rons ob-inieiinii, to the ruiinin- ,,f timber. •Jii'lly, The opriiin'.' and iiiipro\cment id' certain IJoaiU <-onnecteil therewilh, parlicularly a Slain Koad proposed fidin Hytown to Syilenham Mill-. Of this sum but A's,,-,(K) were appropriated, on which aceount it lius been con-idered advisable to confine the wholi- of the expen- diture to the lir-t class, the Works enibraii'd in it bcin" immediately and directly reiiiiinerative, and reipiin d for the accommodation of the I. umber Trade; jjeiieral Survev.s und examinations, however, have been made, with a view of selectiiif; a line of Koad whicli would alVord the most advanlaL'es to thi' preutest number. I'pon this point great dilferenee of opinion exists, and much feeling has been exhibited from the oiit-et; it was, therefore, ileter- miiied to subiuil the lieporls and Surveys, for the coii- .siderution of the Legislature. The Works proceeiied with ore ; — Mauawaska. Itoadfrom Scitgng Laki- to tin- Xnrrmcs liikhjc. | Qitawa I Karly in the past yenr the Siiperintemhnt of the i; Works in this Distrii't iecei\ed instructions to make a I' careful examination of the line of coniitrv, existing t' Uoads, &c., to enable him to rep<:rt to the Hoard \\\i opinion as to the route to Iw adopted , he a.'cordiii;;Iy furni.-hed a Map, Hepori and K-tiniale, fir the construe- ' tionofalioad in the liiu' which, in hi- jiid^'ineiit, wu8 ^ most cli^filde. A;;ainst this line stioii;: nieiuoi ials Hiid remonstrances were presented, and .ilthough found- ed, as I coni-eive, mi locai interests, it luis b.eii tlioii;;lit mlvisiible to si|,[,eiid any expenditure, und to lay the dociiments before the l.e;;i>lat-.ire for their deei-ioii ; these d(.cuiiients, « iib Mr. Lyons' Keporlstliercon, will be' found with the Keporls on Surveys. Mr. Lyons' Intimate, amonntiii^' to the sum of i'|;i.,';()l Hs. I]d., cNclu-ivc of siiperintriiilcnce anil coiilin- ^eneies, is fur tin' full complelion of the line ibrou'ihout; but the sum •.'ranted, viz : I'L'dDO, wa., intcndiil niercly for the oiienin;; of the Ifoad in the lirst instance, ('iiniuiill (i)iit l.'OiDjiiul liond. The ^'rant made lii>t Session for the iiiiproveinent of this Koad, was t'!»iM) enrrein y. Hy the inlornialioii then belorc the l'".xeciiti\e, n|ion which the (Irant was ri'conimeiided, the sum was apportioned in a particular Biaiiner. I'rior to jiioceeding with the work, u Survevor • 1. A series of New Slides at the C'hau- diere. -'. A Slide lit the Chats. .!. Iniprovcmenl ot the t'alumet and Mountain Slides. ' !. Im|*rovement of the High Falls and Kii;.'L'i'il Chnte Slides. .'>. t'onstnietion of Hoonis in rnlabopii; Lake, and at Cliuiii Kapids ; also improvements at Landon's Chute, and the I'lat Kapids. The proeress in;iUini: with the whole of these Work.-! is reported by the l'',ti^:ineer, and by ^'cntl.'men deeply intere-ted in the I'raile, to be most satist'uetorv, and it is coiilideiitly cxpecleil that lliey will be fullv' readv t'or the running' of Tiuiber this spring ; that they will'w irk well, be prodiieiivi' of a large revenue, and that no further disappoinlinent will be experiencecl, ..-ucli as is incidental in the eommencenient of U'ork> ol' such :» nature. Of the Kstimate above alluded to, iiiiiounling to X'-l (il(l, there was grauleil by I'arlianient llu' sum of A'H, .■)()() I,ir thf iiiiir jSl,"); the a iint of expendi- ture up. ill Ihe coiojil, linn of the Works above enil- meiated, is e^inuilid at i'l.'.sT*.' its. lOd., the excess, (liming nei'cs.. oily anticipated the grtiiit for this vear,) has been inciurcd in ensiiriii!;' the W orks b,.iii^ readv for the Trade, as well us to Secure them t'roin the risk ui the lloods ill .-iiriie_'. ChalH rood ■ud iluD. j Casoadrs anil lie IVrrault ruad. Arlha,;,slta road. 11 Ken II Inc Purtage Road at the ('half, and Uum Across l/ie Mis- siasiji/ii. Tlie piiiii of i;i,2.'50, gnuili'il last Session towiirclj tlir COnsll'IK'lioM of II Dlllll IICI'OSS II lil'IIIU'll ot'tlll' Mi.Sn'| pi, nnil (uriiiin;^ ii I'ortiigo Koiid iVoiii it to llie I'lints Lnko mill- Fitzro^', iiii.-i not iM'on cxiiciiili'd. Early in tlie course of liint yrar it was mulcistooil tluit ino8ilo or liorlli siilc of tlif I.iiltc, to^^olliir with ollwrs connictoil witli till' stfanihoul.H wliicli ply on tin; Chats and C'han- diiTi' Lakes, had iiiuhrlaki'n tho construrtion of a Itail- road I'orta^i' lirtwern those Lakes on that side, wilh the intention of estaldishini; u sysleni of I'orlaire there in eonneetion with their hoals ; it was also foinid, on moro iletniled infonnution heins |iroeiired. that the cost of the jiroposed Dam, and otiier U'oiks eonneeted therewith, would exceed the sum ^'ranted ; under these eirennislan- I'es, it was not considered expedient to proceed with the Works, liiit to leave the improvement Ibrthi" present in the han>N of the individuals who have nndertaken il, and which will be complcteil ill .July next. The daily inereasiiij; importance of the Ottawa Section of the country will no doiihl shortly demnnd tie' (otil removal ol'the oh.-inietions to tr.wisporl. whirli, intwith- Stamliiij; til'' coiiiph-tioii of tic priviile Work ahove al- luded to, « ill still e\ist ; — to accomplish this, m the mo>t eirctiial manner, I am of opinion that the mndr proposed mid shewn in a ^hip ainlKeporl which will In' siihiiiitled in u few days, will he found most snilahle, and until such nil impioveineiit is I'alh d for and wanantcd hy the eir- ciim-lauces of the I'roviiiee, il is a sulijict t'or cii-idcra- tioii whethir any further expeo'Iitiire should lie iiiciirrrd there ; and whetlii'r, in lieu ol' it, a liiiilwnv I'oitiiL'eof I'licap construction, should not he estahli>hed tVom th" Snows at till' head of the t'hats Lake to the heail oftli.' Calumet, by inciins of wlii.'h, and s.uiie inipi-ovi niciit at the I'acpiet IJapids. very .u'reaf addiliuiial facilities would bo afl'ordid to llie Luniher 'rrade. and a stroll;; impetus given to the sfttlement and inipro\cnient of that line section of the country. Cascades and He Pcrraiilt Iload, The .'!tim ;rranted for this work, £ I .•JOO, has not heen suf- ficient, the sum txpended heiiiL' already i'l.lftl- 17s. 7d., nud theevcess of the Grant will lie .f.VJl Ills., whii-h |i,is been caused hy the runnin;.' nat'U!' of the excavation in tlie di-ep ciitliivj; "* ''i'' liiH near the ('ii-,eades, which mivle the cost of tieit part of the Hoad much f.'reater lliaii win anticipated; and for the -iiiiic rea-dii tlir lillin;' i,|' the lirid;;e ahutments with stone, has heen nimvoid,di|e ; this wa.s attended with extra co.,t. l!e>idi ■. this excess on the AVork, the sum ni' £-iMy os., was expended in land and law expenses not included in the Ljtimati s. Arlhabasha Ilmid. Judicious nrranKcineiit.- have been made hv Mr. Ihiird, the Lii^'iueer in that section of the ( oiiiitry. for the npeiiiii;; of this Koad ; the U'orks have been lit 'mil mi advanta^ peons terms ; a u'ood deal of the .hoppin;,' is d. n,., mnl th,' himbiT for the lirid'res is beiu;; delivend. 'I'|„. op,.|,i,|,r „f the p ,1-ti'iii of the ( ientilly lirauch from the Kiver l!,',"in- ii eour. thiouL'h Manfurd and Arlliahaska, is :d... niidiT Con- ' tract, and will be completed this year ; hy this the eoiii- ' luiinicaiion from and throii;.li Halifax. Clie.-ler. Artlia- ba>ka, Somerset, Stanfonl, hv., to ■|'lire,- IJiM-rs, will be opemd. Lrom the liivr liecamonr to (ieiitillv, „ distance ..f miles, il,,. li,„„| |,„s l„.,.n ,,|,.,.'iidv opened, but i,'i;;lit miles of il an; in a vcrv bad state ; tl,',. liiiiit''d amount of the Grant, liowe\ei', pVi/vi'iits anv ex- penditure for the [ire-ent on lliis pmt. Ill lie K~timate for this Work, tin- .oini of f I.IIOO wa- incluile 1 for the Melbourne ; but. imtw iil.-Mnd- \\vi every etlbrt to Ilif contrary, the a,'_'}rre'.'al.' an.eiiiu of the h'tlin.'S on the Ifoails will encroach on tlii^ miiu hv about i' !:')(). ■' Kiiiiiehcc J,',.iiif. Il The Works of this IJoad ureall niidi-r CuntiMct wiijiin tie' auioiint of the Grant, und are to be coiuideted hy iJ'-'cemuer lexf. Chsford Itoud. No expenditure has t.iken pinoc on this Kond diiriii;: i. ..i.nli,.,,' the past sensoii, but, lis was apprehended in my last Kc- port, from the tnivcl which has been kept up on il, re- pnirs ill ninny plucos are very inneli reipiired ; the sub- ject has been brouj^ht under the ronsidi ratiiui of lli^ Kxcelleney, in Council, on a relilion from cerlaiii of the inhiibilants residinn; idoii^ the line of I{oad, praying : for the expenditure of l'L',(K)(), and Mi^ijestinn the I establh-hinelit of 'I'oU-bars, the revenue from which it was considered would be siifllcient to npay the nutlav, und to cover the cost id' suhseipienl repairs and luaiiite- , nance. In my Keport on this I'etition, it was respectfully snbniilted whether tlii.s ca.-e miuht not be taki n as iiii ' exception to the rule which had beiii adopted with similiir HoHiIs in the western section of the rrovince ; mil whether from the circumstaiiers ol the case, tlierepairi reipiired to keep the lioail in pa.--abli' order should not, for the present, be ed'eeted hy the Cioveriiiiiciit. J Road from Cascadis ii> (' heen in tfr election of Toll-lioiises anil (iates, mid ill repairs which the nature of tie' Kmbniik- nicnts rendered necessary. I Chcinin dis Caps llmids. The preater part of the sinn of £ I. ()()() jrranted for thi' ('liHuiiui. ■ improvemeiils on this line of lioad has been jiidicioiisly <-'!>■* '':"' expended under Mr. I!ii-<''II. and by it th,. wor.^t part's of the L'oad. wliieh were literally impa"alile. have been ameudt'd ; tie' ex|iend;tiire of the remainder of the (iraiil for lSl'>.aiidoflliel':stiniate(i:.'(K)i i-much n.'eihd upon iilher ports of the Uoad ; to effect, however, an ellicieiit improvement, and one luucli reipiired hy that section of country, the con^tniclion of a l!rid;:e mid nltera- lions ill the Read down the very precipitous and ij dan^'erous hill at liaie St. I'aid. would bo necessary ; ' the cost of this would be about £4,0(K). (hlSpv ll'l)(ldl. The Works of thee U.iads lane been very advmila- tij..| 1! aJi. ^reoiisly let out. as fir as the amount of the Grant would warrant. Mr. lius-ell has in.ide his nrraiiL'eiiients for thi'in with his usied prudence, and they are in a saliffac- fory state of prof-ress. In consequence of ■.oiii. ipiestion beiiii riilseil as to the sites for the Hrid'jcs over the Kiiiiou-Ki and M.lis Ifivers. and propositions liaviu;; been made for the eon- nectiii!.' one of ihein with a to be thrown .icro-s the Hiver .Metis, and to have a Turning Arch in that over the Uimoiiski, I fouiid it iieccsMiry to ni'ike ii personal I'xamiiiiition thereof, prior to the' Works heini; |,.| out. The Contniets for their construction lia\e been since made, and they will he erected this Reason. The Kstimates for these Works, laid before the Lesis- latiire with my hist Heport, was £H,r>r>i, of which i'l.lHX) were granted for the yi'ar 181,). I/oui! /'rim St. Johns to Stan.stead. Theworst portion of this Kond lies between Si. Atlinnnse ^, j, , „ ^,,1 and Speirs' Corner, a distance of about fourteen and a Siuii^.ua"" hall miles ; pall of this is throii;.'h ii vcrv heavv clay r.',.>!. country, and part ovor a di'M-ripliim of n'l •, of from two to four or live fct in depth ; the remaimler of it is over n lalluT dry soil ; aloiiL' part of tho linr ,ito,ies are to he had in suniciei.t ahiimlance to warrant the iiiider- lakiii^' of Ibi' impiinemenl of it in a pi'miamnt manner by macathimisiii;: ; foi- th.' ami'iidiiient of tin other por- tion of it, it was believed that pliinkiie.' should he resort.d to; adM'rli-enieiits were theiefore issued ealliii;: tor Tcndei's for the supply of both I'hiiik and Stone, w|,i, |i have been received, hiil the ratos for tin' tbimi r miterial were not ."o low as had been expected, and the season of the yiar was not linoiirabh' for ascerlainiu',' fiillv in what 'H'aulili,-. mid III what rates. Stone i hi he'>.nppli,cl, ■riio I'hinli proposed for, was of lIi'iiil,Hk ; the 'lindier 111 that .-■ ctioii of the couiuiy is rapidly dibaii|ieiiiing and 'U Wominir •cMCO. nnH ««. on « comp«rl«on of tlio coit of ?n f»o«r ofthc forinrr. th- In.vr romc totl.o oon- ,1 „, for .h., f.,rmi..,^of.l.e «or.. ,mrt „ tl uo«.» «n,> fur .1 iin«..f tl..- -"-;'"y I*-';"";-, X. , ! ulfi'Clcd 111 tl»' 1''""' *"■**• , . , •n . ,m.mnt ..f tl..- K.lim,.t« \M bcforu ll.« Ugu .lure nn" U ^I^i'vi; -• Willi... .m...,;..U. --U ^^^^^^^V-^ ; :t;id ;:;;.;;:V2:;-i;;:::^'r::::,f :^^^ !:;p..nHi;..n.U-v.-.,..Hn..ns., .!.■ .-...^w^^^^^ Atl., un.t Sp.i.'s ('... ..■■.•. .--.l'-^ «''■■ ''^'l'"" ' ^'l '"^ Kitiiniil.' sli"iil'l b>' MOW I. Main Kiiiltrii Toinisl,ii> l!«(id 1 i:»'.Mii ar..f,.ls.n.u,.,u.,lox..,in:,...;.K.v.-Wnm^^ tl„> tl,.' I'M..- or tlii> >■'«"' ''•'"" *''';""''b' ''f ianJ; Knw. ull:...'. «''> r'-';:'""'"1in! in ll' v- Sr.w^nvipi.i l.:iU.', an.l *.. to ll.c IVnvwu.' .".• ",'" ^_, J;, "'l.Uns '...-.!,.■ ..MMi..;;l.n,M..l.t'- .nmb,. mo- «I .■ p.- M'o^<.'.l l'"'"''l' "• Sl..'.'l.|ook.- iron, ll .• Stun I ail riains. rr,m, ll..-' i,ni>..rlaM..M.Ctl.,. <.-.-.i.>" ..f-ouMfy t ,n,.,^' , .i'.ulaM..'M-.-a.o..-.auii-i..i.i--;.-;|;; -^ nn.l Iron, tl..^ Lilly i aUn .1 < sm-la.-.N ll." ' M V ' " ' , ;i;"'^;;:rr™:;ri;'';l,:;':.ftM:;;..": '"' v!^,.M .1,. pval ..,.,.oMnon to ,v-,i.U a .r^..tM.v J-;;; ?. W. .XP n.l-l as ":,. .• iM-nt .1. ' pv..,..' .^• S;:i:„:..„.'.,,l i„„.o>.aMt l.,:l.uay. n> !, lliis iiiiiM s'.ii'rlly li.voiii.-. Tl,c c,..r..M,f tlu. Koa.l 1./h..' ^ati>fa,|tunly "-',''';"";; in,1 ,..ima.ion.-f .1.- I'.oar.l. i. has l,,.,. •-"•'^'•', > ,^ "to ,„il.- s,.,.ti,ms iVon. r,,,! to ,■,. . an^l al !''>' ■'■; "'^^^^ ' wu.-har,..bTaHun.slVon,tl..-..xiMi.uT.oa,l ly,n;^Iut«o.'.^ , „ M... at l{...-k lsla,..l.l.av.. a-lvrrt..--!. lb.' P^.- ^ , a^ t !■ fsOiM) will pr.par.: lor plank tb>- ,.o,-1.oms 1 ::; ;■(';,an,bly..n.l..^l:.;l^.a,l,.o«bi.h|l..•ap,u ±tj^'i-^::ir-r;;;::^'!^:li::;i::f i^m .. 1', tl..' -o.M.try will . ...i..y tlu' ..n,u,.a.a„. a.ha..- lea! Ibu.'nli.;. li,u. .-an b,.|lm4„:ai,„Ual n.anncr, Hiicli as ■> bijlbway ^Uo■.lM l"'. Kr..m C.-a-bv to Sl..Tl.n.o!..Mb.; Pivso-.t b,-,u,.-b ..i len-tb about loVtv .,,„l two-tb,nU .s n.... y paral. ! !,,.n,ai...nmUli...'abov.. .b.-.M,b,.,l. a„,l l.p but ;;:!mtb, ,ot..u,uiu.,r.-o,„i.= ^*"''',.''iv;:i::'""iu „ v.MV .lillbult fouMUy to i.uU a prop.'. Koa.l .n u ",y ..p-u.ion, ,lu.,-n.n>lint..ns,s .,1 tb.- .■.■unfy w.n b U Zv .iu.l by a'b'P'i":-' ""■ b.a-b l-POM'.l a.M la .1 "utlV„m .be Uulbtto Sb.Tlivok.3 ; by .bang s.., .a,U m...b.. u.,.l the main lin-S «« "^^l' »» '''l*'"^h "'^ ' ' «• ..o,n,.;..n to 81..rbr,H.k.-. n, wrjl n, t., •'j' 7"';^'',''; 'oLwo c-Mity f..r.bc improv.M..ont » « parn Ic «";«?«"" ;° branch of forty an.l two-tbir.l. m.lcM m bnRtb ioRe. .«r witb it, ,ubsn,....nt tnaintcanr.., w..«b bo »v<. .Ic . 1 1". .li.ln,ur.. fron. (I.ambly. by tl.., mnin In.n. •<> «''<^ f^; a...l tb..ncrby lh.^/.r..i«««/ bran.b to SberbP.M.ko, woobl bv CbaiLbly to (Iranby, nn.l ibrn, .■ by tb.^ r.»^H/; brand ,„ Sb-rbrck... i. M.v.,uty-scv..n an.l ft .iu«--..'r "" «'- J llmt in n .li.-lan<-.- <,f s.^vonty-eicbl an.l br imbn bu o:^.;iow..«blbc,avx.U.ylllo>vin,.l.e.xiM>n, .no n^^^^ ; tbat as above Mtftl.'.!, at tb« est -1 an.l mun- In" an ..xp...»iv.. brnneb of forty an.l .wo-tb.r.l« : m :.l,.arc'l witbtbe-ost of, an., n.a.nt.umng ' a bram-bof but lifti-on an.l in.l..-s ... lenptb A n.apnponalarRo .cab-,,. ''"' ^.r;;' J,'" r't .p„k..n ..f in tl.,: »b..v.., ...?.'tb.;r w.tb ft -"'">'";* , „.l i:.m,.at... „,-..p.-<.par...lfor.b,. •"■?' «'"'•"•'■•. ' ^ ^, ^^. , ,,„,,, ,„ll„. map, it will bo se.'n tbat tb.' p.a.pos. .1 n s i, 1... li,..' ; al.bon,!. tb..y avobl all ..-■ '-"•';';•;' ,„„ ,.,,,... a Villa,.- or I'ost ()ir...e nsn .- ; ■'"' ;' ' ;' ^,' „l.i... ti..nB .xi-^t t, tbe^' cbanjo^, an.l ibat p.t.ti....« wi". „■ U "labili.v, 1... pr..s..nt..,l.o tb- I.. -islatun- a,».n« ;;;;;,,.':,,, I,,. ,b.,.,M..n..frarli,.,n..nt.b..-. .•»nl'-^'""l piior totboclo-iiiRof tl..' C' _ „ T!,..M.-n?.MMt,^ tN,™)n..b.M.d.litionnlsnmrenmr^^^ ,„ plank ub.u..,- -"11'— ""-';'">'•'"'"";"" ;'u» X '^ „,i ,., at lb.' ( ban.blv ....1, ".''1 t.. ."'P'-'^" ",'■ -•.■> """'!« ",,„',„;„ ,•„... .b..,V.- to lI..r..tor.l. as w,.l as o ,■on- ,• ,,' t I,.. pn.p.,...,l bra.u-b f. Sb...b,.,.,k... n...l to i : OS*, tba.'t.. S,an....a.l. will b.- ^^m -n-n... ai.mfbu...hc, t'Imll.ia' l);i'- C/inlhiiiii llriil;ir- •i-bc n.i.l'o ..vor tb., ■rban..'s at fbalban. ••.mlinues in ll-s ,.'^.a..-asitwa.a..b.M.l..>....f.b..lastS..M..n^ .bat .1..- pa.-t wbl.b «as ib-'n t..U,.r.„L'. bas mi, e !.iv,n way ; ,!,.• . ....."...nbatba. is -u w k.|.t up bynuans nfi.fc.wian.l lb.' lion, tl..- bri.lg.' bas cum.I. f„lb,. n,w V.vhhr. tl..- .•onstn.ot.o,. o wb,. b w.aib ;,,, .'-(),H. ; ^bouM tbis c.xiM-n.lUur.. b,- Irom y-^^yf iuinU lb.' pit.' .Mioiibl, in n.v ..pini.."> b.' .lf.i.l.''l sokiy ; ,;i,li..o.,nsi.l..,-a.b.„s. ,i.......lwi.b ...,n.nK p^, of a main ITovin.Mal bi.bway. an.l ■';>'">''- ;',.;" ,,;,,i„.auin^,o,MaM.n,^ .;-'■ ^ Is to i:. built nt th.. .■xp.a.s.' of tb- ...ll.anu...' ( o.u ... . r District, bKa.l .•o..v<.:.i.nco will of coins.. t;ovun tbo .l- li'cliun. ' Itrlleiillv Biidi/e. Tlu- SUM. ..f i'l.r,(K) was ;ri-ant."l for lb n-tn.rti.m nf : it is now ..p. n to lb.- pabli<\ aiul h vny !' Si; llnlshc,! ; the .urn olpon.lcl w.ll b,. XI.^OO, cr- ' rcn.'V. I CA I iijitiiiii Urittji: I Tl,,- Estin.ato for tbis 15ri.l;;e was £1<)W, of wlii.'!. ,.,„„,j,,,;„ f,-,aO. was pian.0,1 for lb.- y, ar IS 1', ; ,b.| nnu^ua ly yM^,.. l,i„), ralrs ,l,anan.b-l for timbor in .bat >.rlion ot .lit ■n.viu.olas,s,.asoi.. I'-v-.;-.! a.iy/'om-'!';~'; l„i„. „,K,1.- «itb most of Ib..^.;'S, lor wbu'bapp.o- pi-iali.ais wiMc nia.b- las. S, lu thorns.! of this ISri,!;,'.! n.. ""''•>>>';!•' '^'.-"l'';';';; owu,.o,^asw.41as..,tb,..aa..l..aim.o.b. n.l.rof icriiaj;.. of the rivn- baMi.^. 1"-.. P ' 'VV^'^^I ■ul\ it is lua .•ouM.lo.v.l a.hisab!.- t.. lu.urau) publiicx " prnaitu.-.! until sn.-b shall W .bc.kMl .a.. P„.!lc>i!'.« rriiluf. J,lll/ll- Cii:l'iimali> (£l l,()0(l) laid he- fore rarliament is considered lully .sullicieiit 1,. et>\cr thr cost of their ci>Mslruction, iind of plm-ing the Xicol( t liridge opposite to the Church; hut a [Mirtioii onlv of the I-.stiinate having been granle.l, which would not have been sullii'ient to cover the cost of constnu (iiig the two prwieipal llridgc, viz : Mcoh t and l!,-c:incoin-, it was deemed imiiriident to commence the wcuks of eithi^r, un- til the balance of the I'^Ktimate will be grunted. •X|Miote.l It would be. nnd tiiHin which the K.llinotu wn^ iMde, the iimended Kstimal,. aniounls to i',5,N,il, ho that before the Itridne uiui b.- pro, 1,,,| with, the iMiUnce ol III.! I'^tiinate of hist year lor the Arlhabaski. It.>»d(in whicli this work was ul inhrueed,) must b<' K<'unted togethor with the nddilionul sum of ta.ZGI. linul ilr L'/stf nrufijtf. In my last Report I stated llml the cost of eonMriirtinK il , , he llrulges at the Ilou, de l/Ish. woi.ld be fU 1.277, and K that nl a lormcr (.rant lor the .onstrnction nJ. It «11 alh.d an unmternii i navigati.m for !he futt :f r ."' "■'',"■'' "^ '"'"'■«'■'' ■'"'"■"-'"■•' were 1 • . ngieat n„m her , f w|,i..I, especially of the .team ,'". ^'"/r- "'■" """' '•'" me eadiness to com- ""■c< oiHTitious as soon as tl„. weather will periuit nigc am.mnt of ,,.,,ii„| ,v|,|, ,, ,, ,„ ■ ;,„.,,•„,,,, .'^ 'I'll. Brcancoiir liridgr. The coMslruction of this Ilridge has been suspend, d parth- for the nason.- Just now assiu'iied with re.-peei to tlie N'lcolit r.rldge, and partly iu ipience of the onlv lender winch was received being much beyond the value. iio/lfffy Bridge, nie cxphinalion given in the cnsw of th.! Xicoht lU'Caneoiir jiiidg,.sapply in a great mea.-nre to the case ol this Ilridge als.,, and in aihliiicm to whieh a elaiiu for compensation ha- bicn advanced bv ('..1. Ilaii-on , n Ihe grouml that he enjoys Ihe right lif Terrv, peiid'in' the decision upon which the Hoard would not Veel juon the works of Ihi- Hridge b'"f-' "•'"'«-•**" lu) longer !„■ eonfin,.,l l,, „ Cw, ami that ||„. ,.,).l of •ninspo,, ,v,ll ,„. .really h,w..r,.:l, „,„I ,V„m tbe'va.t .piaiitily ol pro,lu,.,. whi,.h is „n hand., that Ih,. l{,.v,.nue !el-!ln" '"'"" "'" "'"'*' '"'■'■'■'' """ "'' "">■ l""i<>u* Woij' wdlTTV "'' ""•,'""""y'"i-''-"-^'n,.nNon this >o l>, «ill not, I, I, b, l.„in,| satisfa.lorv, in as far s llu.y greatly c.x,.....l ,|„. an.ouni at which th,. wok >va, .aiginally ..,li,i,al,.,h „„.! a con>i,h.rabl,. sum is still -Mcssary to coniplef. it. K,, ,„e enlarg..m ■. t n e,.,npe„o,,„ „„.;y.Ma,i,l<; 1, there was il^.prolri ±..00,(HH) eurrency , Ih,. ..slimales upon which ihe „p. ii-opnaiion wa.s basci w.r,. cahulate.l «n the pri -iX hat the original summit lev,.l ..l,o„l,, ,,, „,„im,,!n„, ,'^ 1-0 l.;et long hy -J 1 U,! w„l,., ..xcpt on,; at iiroa,! Creek Hid another at I'ort DalhouMe, whieh it was in ended shouhl be ht,.amhoat l.oiks. '"lenucu The tlrst letting of W,ul< l„„k pl„,.e in IM4I, bein^ latol the I...,.,h rand llroad Cr,.,.k Hrancli, and , no work eon n,,.., , ...r,.wi,l, ; ,1„. ,,,,j,„., „.,/,„ , ,,;^« .his p,ut,ou, whieh was originally in.en,h.,l meivlv s a " ;." '■"•."'-■. M.|.ldy of Oinahii.ioabrai,.! .,f "• t-ial ,1..!,, a,„l ,I„.,,.l,_v gi.e an op ..unity .f air> ugonthetrad,. througbil, ami p,.r.i it the diree .;-;W.|oi,,nColb,,rnetol,,:onipti,..l',,rtwo;,.^:,^ Ol lor s.ich time a. might b.' i,,.,.,.,,.y („ ,,|,;.,., „ ' widening and .le..p..i,ii,g„n,._i l,li,i,!;, i;; X « l»n,.an..nt ami importaiil a.lvanlagc was gain,.,l „r U;^\ i,,.; u M„.on,| ,,u,l,.t to the Canal in a g I l.^;.!,,,,,,, „, "/t - '^::'z'nli^.::::'-'- ^'-"-'' ^-.o 7 \s In Hl'J llio coimlrucliiin ol' nrViTJiI nl' iln' ]a»-\ih wot Conlnii'lril for, niid the im)i IVt't li itnlK'it In wiiltli, mid fiiiiii 120 111 l.'iO fwit in IcnKlli. wni* KtriniKly iirKt-d iip'Hi ilii' Hiiiird iVuni vitriouH i|iiiirli!rit : iilmiit tliiit liinu tlni iiiirii'»-.liil (!X|M'riini'ntii wliiili liiid lirni tniidi- in tlir »»!• o{ |irii|irllcrH nroiDod a itpirit ol' rnlrrini)'.!', and tim ntti'iiiioii iif "cvcriil of till! cliifl' l'\]iwiuiliri(/ ('iiin|>iinii'ii wat turned tii llin ndvnntann wlii( li niintit lie ilcrivi'd from till! Ufp. of mirli vc»»rU in tin' Icmiiiinj; oC the ro»t of triins|iiirt, nml in cnniirin;; rrguliirily iiml ciTtniiity in tlifir arrivnl. ApprrliMnniont frc(|nrntly lu'lorr rKpri't- st'dnn lothcdnnucrof dcpcndiiii; iipun tin' (Irnnd Hivcr u» the Kiiiiici' of supply wen- idso itt llii^ pcriiHl Htnmnly I'l'vivcd. The report!) nml esiinialeM of ||ie I,ik>iiI Kn- gineer in eoiyuniition with the luw rales ul which the |)iirtion-i of the works endiarked io had heen di'<|>o4ed of, leil Ihe lioanl to heliive that the cost of Ihe work woulil fall iniieh within the amount of tin' appropriation, and beiiiK fullv eonvineed of the iuipiu-laneit of ell'ei'tinjl, if pcj-iMilile, the eidargenient of the F.oi k«, and Ihe hriii(:lnK throufjli of the fiake Krio water, lliey direeteil the Kuffiiieer to he ealled upon to furnish an esliiuate of tlio of eonipletni^ the naviKalion, a^Miniin;; Lake Krio ns the ouinuiit, and with the ilirnensionii of thi^ l.oeks increased n» already atiitod. An K«l!riiate ami Heport Were nd'onlliivly icoeived from th:it Oltleer in .tune, lHI,i, ami at fr .m llie iloen- inenl^ It appi'ared that these advaiita^jei enulil he obtained without ixeredinit thi' nimiunt of the a|i|irn|iri.ilii>n, they diieded (Hih July ISl,!) thai a Htat.iiieiil thereof slioiihl he pri pan il nnd forwarded for the eon-iideration of Hid ' Kveelleney, in t'ouneil. I '|i.iii Ihi j ,t;ileiuenl hiiui; Iraus- inilleil the suhjeit WHS d!seu-sed in I 'onuiil, hut a final decision was postponed until a further l;e|ioil sliould he had from the Knfjineer ; this -.ins received I'arty in Au^IiHt, from whi(di it nppear< d that the cost of ellertiii},' all the iir)[irovenieiils woiiM hi f ll).),.'U)(i cur- nuicy ; the matter a;,'ain cn^';i;.'e,| the Mlleiition of the Hoard as appears hy a Minute of I lih Au;;n-t, IsJM, in which it is Ntated •'that after very mature consideration j " of all the circuni>^lances, the Hoard wen' more luid '• nioie impressed with Ihe proprii ly of tlir waters of " r.ake Kile bciu;; at once adopted as the -umniit h'vel of " Ihe Canal ; that it appears from llie I{e|iorl ami Ksti- " mate id' Ihe I.ihuI i;nj;iueer that it could (to(;elher " with tl dar^ieiuent of the Locks) be ellViled at nil " expenditure within the aiiiount of the appropriation; " that up to this date Ihe matter not ImIuj. lully decided " on in Council, Ihe rioard re;;i-el cxlrem, ly ihal they '■ could not consider thcnisi Ivc.- juslillcd in acliiij; in the "case as they hail rei uueiuled, and which they are " fullycunvineed wouM iiio,-t prouiole ihe |iuhli<' inlerest." I'eiidinj; this final decisiiai ofCouncil, they direcled ihat tho ( 'onlracis should be closed " so us to ^uit the iilliMiato "adopliciu of either level, wilhout extra ci'-t to the Hoard." In a >ubsef|ucnt consultation in Couuell, on the matter, , the views nf the lioanl heiii;.; miue fully ni\eii, and re- ferciice had to the slatemeuls and K.-liuuiles (,f the al'ore- suid ollicer, it was (iiially ajrr 1 that '.he work should be proceeded with on the principle of cnlar;iiiig the LiH'ks, and rtdoptiiii; the Luke Krie level, which was nccordingly done. The cxpondiluro thereon, up to the thirty-lirst of the present month, has nmoiiuted to the sum of C','-J,i)7'J, I'J'. s,l. niid hy the delaile.l Ivstiiiiate fumi.-hed tlie sum of i.' 1 7H, .•)<((!. 7s. Id. is -till n'ljuind, of which the , sum of £ I •_' I ,.V1 1, Us. L'Jd. is rciuired for tho service of ! iKl-H ; this Kstimate is accompuuied by a statement fihcwiii;.', in very uiiiuite detail, the portions of work re- maining' iinliiiished, and fnnu the very advanced slate of the AVorks, the prices at which they are all contracted for bein^ ascertained aiidpi\eii, the cah ulaliiui of the amount reipiinil to linisli hecouies coiupar:ili\clv simple mill certain, eumpared with what it wasiiithe early com- mencement of the Work.s. From tho forej»oiii[; it will be seen that the Hoard had been induced to reeoinmend the adoption of the Lake Lrie level, a::l of tlie inereused diiiicu-ions of the Locks, upon consideration of the very gn'at advantaj;es to be had Ihen'friiin, nnd froiii lieiiif^ led to betievu that these im- provenients could he elli.'cted within the Riniiiint of the uiipniprialioii. However dilllcult it iniiy now be to bo- count (idly for the misculculations upon which the Ueiil- dent Lni/ineer based his Kstininteii, I fuel It but dun to Ihat olhcer, to state that probably there never wan 'i work to till! close caleiilalinn of the coit of which siieh dillicul- ties existed. When portions of tho old Worki wiTe adop- ted to form part* of the msw, llieir Rtate was such as to render it it iin(ios«ihIe to nsterlnin or dellne the anioiint ol work to he done in their eiilir);euu!nt und leixiirs, ex- cept as the Works profiiesscd, and very serious and unii- sal dilliciillies wen' iimivoidnbly encountered durinn the proseeiilion of the works, from the cireuinstuiiee ol the iocalion beiii); greatly interfenid with by the old Canal, and the iiece-sily ol iiiaiiitaining the nnvi)!ation nninter- nipted Ihriiii^h it, niidered the new operations in many eases very ililliciilf, and entailed on inereaseif cuft Io an aniiiiint Ihnt no one eoiild have anticipated ; that the Ki -ideiit Kn^'ineer fully believed that he would have been able to have the i xira works done within tic approprlft- tion when he ori;,'in:illy reported to the Hoard, I havn not the least doiibl, and the ipiestion looked at in an cn- lar^jed point of vii w will simply stand thus ; I'or the Works, as ori^jinally dcsinncd, the sum of X',i(K),(K)0 was appnijirialcd, and hy the expenditure over that siiiii, uill hi' aecoiuplished ; The payment of Land, Law, Police nnd Military expen- ses, not inelnded in the KKliiiiates ; The allowed to Contractors by the C!o- nernment in eiinsideriition of certain allowed chiinis ; \ new de-cription of vessels of (;reatty enho;;ed di- mensions haviu;.' been adopted as more suitable for the Trade, the entire of the masonry has been adapted thereto i A cousiih ruble eularyement in tho trunk of the (^anal, and alli ration in the curves rendered necessary hy the ndopti if such Vessel", has likewise heenetreeted ; Suhslanlial and t llictive waste wears and (jates have been loiistrucled llinjii;;liout, instvnd of, us had hecii ori;.'iimlly intciidi d. cutiverlin;,' ll Id Links to such pur- poM', but which from their decayed slate were found wholly until ; Another .Steaiuhoal Lock has been constructed below .It. Calherincs, hy uhiih the advanlaf'es of a I'ort on the Lake me airmded to ilmt Tumi, daily incrcasini; in im- portance, and in which -o many lar^e lloiiritig nnd other eslahli^hnients have heen set in operation ; The purlion of the liranil lliver navigalioii, connertid with llie We. land Canal, lias also heen greatly imprmeil ; upon the 1 iilar>.'iiiient of the I'ceder the levid of the ('■rand Ifiver was so materially lowered as to render further iuipniveinent in the navigation of that iJiverin- dispeu.salile ; The Hridgc und Ham at Duiiville, besides other Works there, been suhstuntiully renewctt ; The above, to;;etlier with a niiniber orolhcr very ini- portaiil advantages aii(' improvements in the Canal, have 111 en oblaiui d. It cannot be as.H'rted that Ihe entire of the work has not been done in the very best manner, and on reasoiKible leiius, or that any work has heen done, wliii h it Would not have heen necessary to nndertako in a very short lime, and which must then have been uc- coiiipli^hed at iiiiich increased cost. J.lic/llllf ClIIKll. liiirCunal. of the Contractors, on whom the excciilion ul tlicm de- volved, and an aiMilional pniof is thereby all'onled of the sound polii v of i iilni>tin'jr the execution of important work-i (I'nch as these are) solely to men of capital, and experience. If III t fi* < 'jr,:il. fi Tlio pro«cc«fion of tl.c works of lli" Kntr«.i.« I^xk iin.l HMin attlioMontrvnll.TniliilH", nii'l of tin- Mole iiiid Kn- trance nl tli.- I.ncliin.' tn>\, lii>« |.r<-».-nl.a .» ronlmii.-.l Kcrioi I'f ill-ilirrcl«Ml .•ffortu, nii'l imcxInlnliDii <.l want nf Ju.lKin.nt mill rniml.ility iiiHm «)»• yavt "( ll"^ (".mtiiw- toM ; after niiioli tmiililo «n>l I'w "f linn', tlii' H»nri( lmv« been, inlx.tli inHtnncn>, under llic no.«Mity nf Inking (lif tli.^ ..ii«innl Conlr.ii'lor. »n>l rc-Uttinu Iht'in to otiier imiiioi", nml liowrv.r t lUTRi'li.' «ntl pniili'nt the i-xcrtionii of 111.- |ir.'w lit Cinilrnclor* niny be, till! opiiiiiiK of till* Cimnl on tlic inlnr«ci\ .liiiK nsiont will linvi! bi'i>n procrii«liimt<'il Hvrlvn nioiilliK, iiml itn conipl.ti.m iiltiiimlt'ly ntt.ii.l.'il willi uri'iil.r coi-t limn if thd work* IiikI Ix'iMi ttt ni«t Kin'n to more .uinpcliiit pnr- ticH. nlllioiiali till' rnlcn of tlicir lender were liiglier tlinn those ueicpleil in the lir»l iniliiiue. The <1ecl»lon of the Kxeoullvo. l>y the I-egiH- iMiirc in lhi. liml S,«moii,,tin^' thr incrrn-e.l -l-l-l i of (Yiit.T in Ihi' tmnjnnlin;,' I-o.k iiml llii-m iit .Mmitivnl, soft8 to lulniit M'li-^oinjx veM.'l-, in bciiij; niiTicl out, iiiiil it will rciiniri' .vi'iy illoit on tlir |iiirt ol the ( iHiIrm loiv* to hiivo tliix portion of llic woik rcinly for llif opioiii!! ol the naviuiitldii ill the Spiiiij; of ISIT. I'roin lliis ll.iMii to till' l/.u'liiiie tiTiiiiii;ili Ill'' "lioli' of till- niiiMiiii-y h in ft veiv forwiir.I slali', nml may he cninpli'lnl liy .Iiim- next, ftii'l till' I'limlition of the I'.aith nml H'ek Work will he siuh iiitupvi-i'lit. ?ii fur lis the e\e;\Mili'>n i:" cd, no (ilislniition to the pii«.-ii'.'i' of (lir mlarned ihis^ of vcssi'ls ; the (iali'S iii'e all fiaiiied, unil in rca'lines^ to he put ill their phie.s m. somi us the Locks -liall h.' pivparei'. for tlieir riiiplioii. IliMdes thr fn>t or KiilraiKr l.oik lit Mum:-ral, llie Umk exeavalion nl llio l/iihliio mil is thr only pirt of the work from whirli ih lav is to h.' iippn- hended. Asalready .-late 1, llie liiilnri-oi'the orii.iiiMl I'on- lra"torshas prolradi'd the rcmip!rtioii of this jiarl of the work at ha-t Hvoho months ; those in whosr hand^ thr Work has now I'allen. h ivr j.'iveii uiueli satislartioii \y Iho niaiinrr i:i whieli they have roiidiulnl thrir w.irk in other sei'tioiis of the "riovlnei', mil no (pains will l.r (ipared to iii;.'e forward the proswiilion of this iniporliuit portion as imieli as po«flheKti'lraneel,iiek and Ihi-iii, makiii;; XL'liT.OttC appliralile to thr work. V'rolii il drlailrd slat.- ment \>y the lui^'ii r, it appoar.-. that I'le tol.d I'ost of ic(ii-/i done to tin. lotli Nuviiiilxr last, AmoUiiLsto'^ II (» Xutul of work to ho dour IL'l.oUT »> <» <'«n«lw £2M.a3.1 6 8 The ninoiinl oiM'nded on irrir*, miiH-rin- ti'iideiire nnd fi>nlin(fi'neir«, i'Xelil«lvc of the pnyiiient of l.nnil, l.nw, nml I'olice.....: 20<.'^N »7 " Over expendilnre, O.NI.III .1 The ili'nis on wliieh the over rxpenditiire unnvoidnhly liHik plaec iiriMhielly the f.illowin;^ ; in the deip enlliiiK of Scelhin one, iMJtXI yard*, nnd in Sreliiin eifjht. T.i'iHIi vnrds of rook hud M ln-cxinxntrd, the ixiMeiiee of wliieh "wnii not known, ulll J?h lest pilH hud hwu Mink in lho«o plnee» where it wn« siippoipd nnk «|ii;ht be foiiml. OnSeehonslwrUennd ihirleen.the Irvi 1< nre ntiiiiitnln. ed l.y henvv enihnnkinenls on the low.r -Id.-, nnd iis from the Inrne s'lirfai >• of Ihr h.isins in those levrW, Ihr wnlrr woiihl have neleil oo injinloiisly on lliii loiiniy einy of whii h the (nihankinenls nre fornied, the faeiii;; of them with stone hnaine iinnvoidablp. At the le\el at whii h lie fiiiiiidnlions of Link No. ". shoiihl hn\e hirii laid, the hmioni pri.Mil lo hi- a peroiit nnd sinlv imk, ho iin«iMiiid as not lo he i-afe to hiiild on and il heeaine nrressary lo -ink down lo the solid rock at ft drplh of from four lo si\ I'ri I, hy wliieh ii mtv ;;rent iiienase of exeavalion and masonry was unavoidaldy ineurred. ' The roik on whieh I, ■fiirrrd (11,11.1.1 I. sjiiir iiiv last Annual lii imrt ; ill" Noeks air in ^ood ' orili r. aiid llie riiihankiiieiits aru daily hei'oniiii:; inoir roii.oliil.itrd and .-afr. 'I he sum of fl,'710 12,-. i iirri'ii.y idril ilmiii;: ihr past year i liii liy in Total til.--. l,!ni!) This total mm dors not inrhidr thr cNtra rost wliirh it is r-limalrd that thr failun of thr Coiitrai tors will rnlnil. nor thr siiiii of .t'lO.O )l) pa'd for Lands, I/iw, and I'olii r, all whiriiwrrr not oriijinally e.s- liniated for, nor emhraerd in the approprialirii. Tim neipiisilion of the nrerssary land in tlie \iiinily of thi; City, allhon^di attendrd with inn. Ii e\|i('nsr, « III. no iloiiht,' uUimatrly prove a source of iiiiieh pahlir benolit. Ihiiiiliantois Cuiinl. The works of this Canal were eomidi ti d, and, for pome lime, availabli.' prior to the elosr of hi-st srasoii ; thry hiv.' in rvrry pait bei'ii constriietrd in the iiio.-i snhVlantial and eil'relive in.inner, whieh was |ii'oviil l.rvonil a iloiilit within a very hlmrt lime altrr t!ie Canal w-a's lillrd, when, from niisi"iiaiia>:riiirnt on the part of Ihi. Siiie'rintriidriit, thr wall r in thr Irvi-ls was rai.^d to Hieh a liei;.'!il as in of tl.rm lo run over thr Inpa of ihc' |_'ati s, and in one ai tiinlly lo pa-s over thr ropin;:. No ohstruelion whatevrr has ln'Cii ixprrinierd at the rnlranics to the Cnnal, nnd in that at the St. Lianris end there rciiiain but a frw stones to be rrniovril, o\ir whirh tlierr are not more than eirht fret of wain- ; the p'.rliou of the epproprialion allotted lo the works of Ihii has hern i Apnei thr flrrliulhi'liin'.' of llir rinhalikmeiils nnd .si'inriii}; ll firr of siiih |iails of thr hanks a* wire ninrli eiit away liv thr aitioii of ihi' wilrr. Il will he nrcrvsary viiy shortlv to adopt s.ane jji niral sysii in, and to providr for thr |.i-oli ilion of till' hunks, us, iiidr|iriidrntly of thr siirj^e raiisrd hv llie v.s^el.s, ||ir au'ilation of thr wairr hy the wind has a \riv serious illi' I in>'n llieiii. owiu;^ lo iho ^'reat snrfaer of thr Canal. The ni:iub~titiitcd fur till- rap-tan.- now in ii.-r. Thr I'lnh.iiikniriits hrintr now in such a state a.s to allow of the watrr hi in;.' siilliririitly raised in the sevrral Ii-voIh, thr hvdi'aiilir power whieh is di-[m:-able at the Town of (Cornwall hiis been ndvirli-ed. liniiriiviiniiil nf llie Sniiil I. (tin nice f/itirrin J'riscull and iJiihiiisDit's Luiuliiit^. Of the {.'iiieral amount appropriated for the SainI hiipi I.aWreliee illlprovelllenl-^. llir Slim e,-lilllatrd as lipplira- hletothisdivi-ioii was t'lt)S,ll.'4 Hs. Kid. The following; ^^^ |.,^ siiinniary.i'ompili d from the Itetiirnsof November, 1^ l.j, n,,,! [.uUin- shrws the. Works eoiniirrhendid in il, and their lelalive hjhk 1..»iiJ...: Ij hiate of proifri'ss : l.i,\r.ii.rli V/ .I'ullll ri.i. •|n).|U.iil. t'arrin't I'nint £ ». •!. riiri'i' fcpurlliii iir iIk' work \* •I'HH'. mi'l limy 1)1' riniiili Ifil liv Nl < »«'I.iIm r iir\l. | AiiHiiiiil i\|piiii|c.|i)ii wiiik ."I.'i.'fl ' .-,,l)l'i It* li'iljiith Villi. TwitMriLtof till' wink in iliiii', mil 111:!)' Ill' ci' liy l»l Oiinli.i' luM. Amount cviMriili'il 1)11 work 'il,r)(;!) n Do. olHoi!. I'.boiloiic lil.Mll «' " Vvinl ff.i'/iriif, 'rHiilliiiil- ofll !• Work i.1 iloin;, niui may liy l«t Oi'lobil- luM. I'hr iimoiicit r\|Miiili'il oil work i.) 2H.!i'i'< <> Do, of woi'U t,,r>. Tlirif CoiirMii i.r t!i« work !» iK , inii! I, my b' iMiniil' li'l by Irt S''l>li' r loxt. Thi' iiiiii'iliil c\|i.iii1li1 on ttoik i,' ,""."l'i (I <• Do. <.it' \> V rk to bi; iloiio 11,; '.'U' U I...,k C.itii. Wo.kil.m. f>0'"i " " Do. to be .I'll-, y-'-'J:! U Total iin.u'jiit of wor!. uu.ic l.'.'<,7lV.) Do. Jo. to bo Uoiic, 5^,(J-1 J'"rom llic fori'goiii^', it iili[ienra tlmt llic lolul um lUiit I'xpoiulc.l on work iKiiiu on tiirai^ t'oiir C'aiiuU to Novtiubcr, 1S15, U 1^^"'''J> 'I'd tliij i.s to be aiMiMl cxprn.-o ol' Bli|iiT- iiitcii liiiii; mill coiiliii['iiii;ii'» ''•' •'• lit 3 1 ifl.'t.s**:; :( i Todil OH work, iiiiHTiiilcmUiH'o ami >'ii"- tinj^'unoies Ai iiiuiit iii|uiii'il l'> ■■oiiiplitf tliu witik,... jCoS.t'.Jl I'J \clil [jroliiiM'' i'c).-!i.tiil, (•■ •Ul^i^t• of l.a\A, Law, IVilir.- iiml Militury ix- pcidc. '-^^-''^^ Tlii; ub'jvi: .-ijiiv,! Ilir uwv ixiu'inlituri: oil tin; aii|)M|.ri:ilio!i, uiiioiniliii^ to ti.o ,^iini of i::i;, i.'i'i i;!s ;iii. ity \h\, rX|iioiiituro «i!l L.' ui'roii!]ilis!ifil tliu f.iUowiii;.' i.ttni work, luit iiicUi.lil ii< till) t.-liiii.iV', bit foiiiiil lUTt-.-sary in ihc courou 1 f tUc Woik : — I'.irriii's l\ri,l .i.,iV.i.i. r..vtra fxravatii'U in layin;; tUf, Canal iiud l,uiU iiioio iiilaiul than was fir.-t iiiliril. Uroualit forwari! £fl,47!i 17 7 Itiijiiilr tliif. KxiM I'xravniion in lnyiiiR I'linal more Uii|ilJii I'lu'. ililaml, fxlni |iiiiiii)< iiimI lirolrrlioii Jo Imik of baiiki in i iirnnl of rivrri u lar'ii' unmlily of imiblliTi;; Conn I no- ri»<»iy fiom llio |ioroiM iialnri' of tliu i\i.'ii\»ti'jn, iin'l auiiilry Ktwr itL'inii,... ll,'J()l' fi II Point IriH/uui'. Ilxtrii cxirivulliin for biinkJ. ;jrr:it iinun- I'o.iil lru«|uui« lily of fXfru fxcaviillon riiinirfil uwintr to till.' nalnro of llu- siubsoil foiiinl in till! |pro;.?i('<.i of llif \S ork^ : ' I'xlrii iinbmikiiM lit, and IO,(Hl() yiinU of riuk wlicilly iilirx|nrlr.|, (lie vrry irrifjiilar maiiniT in uliiili it ii stiiili- II. il |irt;\ lilting iU bi'inj! ilinfOViTcJ by tl.u t.M pill 1I,9W 14 y The ditllnlirs. K.xli'ni'Xcavutiun ami cnibiinkiir nt from flu. (jull-p-n ttu' »iimo I'linsi' as in tl.ij l'orr;:oiiii.', rxtni inolirlin;.; piir. at iKO'k of ciU' baiikiiirnti* in (be mirrcnt of tlif riMT, mill oilar works for lliu Baltly of ibc (•.,,,.,1 P.M.ul I ;t I'ola! ainouiil of I'Mrasi on tlic ubovc, -Jti.S:.".' 6 Tin; forcRoinpt will not bu looked upon ns ixtrtt\a;,'ant ul„ II till- ililliiult liaturo of the pL^iilion npun tliu worLi arc tiitiiato is I'onnidirHil, Inning poWi rfol iiiiJ dci p currents ou ouc Hide, ouj bigli auJ itti.c|i bauk« oa I the otb'.T. Till' umo int expended in tlio acquisition ! of tlie ' aid and other properly reiiuired fur tlase four Works it \cry bemy, aniountint; to i;9,752 l« « And there may !uliceexpil,e.s 1,920 Total exiieiiililnri! on l.ainl, l'oIi>e and .Military Ivlabli.-hni'iil^. not included ill (.'jtiiuutc or upi'ro[iriation il i,2,t) 1 3 Siiinmari/. Conipiinilivr Stateiiii lit of the I'l'iieral ICxp'iclitiire that Suiumm'j'. w ill have lalvii pl.n e iinihr this di parlmeiit iexilii>ivu of Land, Law and I'oliciMxpi uses not iiKliidi.d in any of t'.ie esliniates) niioii the whole of the ii'ivij;ation, whi'iicoinolclLit, iVoiii l.aki' Ontario to Jloiilleal, with t'.ie c.xcenti.'ii of the ('uiii«..ll t'anal : — T.iImI Kx|..-inliliiro. Appiopridliuii. cM'IuMviil' I..iii'l, Ac. I.acl.ine Canal i'tJTl,!)!';) l"-'(i7, work-s by wliii'li I'uturo lo.^s anil (.■xpcmlilMi' will be ';ivoil. Tlie sonornl roJiilt to b,- nnivcdnt fi-oni llio toi-.-piii'^'. n^ to ov 1' rNpcnilitiiicon ■^iiniliii- wni-k-.cimipnrntivc'y, is, tliiit on nil oslimiitc 1111(1 iiiiproin-'iilion o|' t'Tlil.l.'iT l,l"s (iil i'oi- llio wnik, snpi'nnl/ii.lciico imd i'iiiilin^'cniic..i of tlic r.arhinn, Ibaiiliiinmis, Kiirn^n's roiiii, IJnpiilo Pint, Pointr Iroipiois the (inlli', o-i (.'iirnls an oxcess ol' ilVl.I.JS 4s (ill will liav(^ tiikcii placf. biin;; loss lliaii 10 per oent on tlio Kstinintc. Tlio Estinialo ami Appropriation lor tlio worl 1, S'.ipirinlciKicni'c ami uon- tiii-roiicii-'. ol' l!io Cornwall Caiml. ■'iis £lOl.iK);j 'I'lioiv was cxpiTuIoil Iiy tin' (.'oniniis- s.oiiPi's ." CllO.(i!/7 () Ditto on itfl coiiiplilion by tlir Iloaril ..|' ^\''>'1<- •'. •T.IU) 1 2 Total on work, mann_'o:iioniit ami con- tin.ufiififs ol' Cornw.'ill Cmal f l!/7,L't'i7 1. L> PcIol: an oxcpssof .i';;0_',:iOI Is L>,I, or ii„,ro Ukui l.JO per CLMit, on tlio Kjliintito. Tlio oxrcss on tlic ' CunwX is of so totally a ilitliTi.'nt olini-aclrr as not fairly t i b.- broiislil in com- piirison Iniv, tlio olijccls obta'io'd bv it lioiiiV; ,,|' so im- portant a nal iiv tliat tlioy slioiiM 1,'. looki'd np<,n nvav as a iviiioik'Uini: of tiio w.ak alt..g, ilirr of inirx- pcolcd i.rtra.i. iiuMirrod as fir.'Miiistaiioc.« romlorod nccos- sary diirimi; liio proL'ross of tl„. W.irk^ : but stiU, adding' tofretlior tlio cost of the cntitv of tlio Works, manaronipiu and contingoncios of tlio St, I.awronco iniprovonH nts to tlint ol' llioso on the Woljand, ilio aiin.imt of oxtra oxpomlitiiro tlioroon ivilhvi!! Iioar lliocorniiarison alicaily institiitivi, boing as I'ollows : Total oxponditiiro on tlio ir-^rkf, nia- naioim-iit and contin^joiioi^s, but not inoludinfr extra work, Land, l.Aff, Police and Military oxiicu- scs, of the entire of tlio irnprove- tnonts of tlioiiaviiration from Lake Krio to Moiitiral, oxohisivo of tlio t'ornwall C'aiia', will 1)0 i\,'iVJ,'l\1 1" 11 And tlio total apinopriatiuns for tlnin '>^''"? i,LM9,i7.'; i.-; n Tlierofore, tin' oxoi'ssovor tlio nppropriaiion.ion cstimatos will bo, wlicii compli.tod, less llian 2.', per cent, wbilo as before shown, tlo- similar por omta^e on tin- works of tho (-'ornw dl Canal oxt.ei-d,.d \r,i,) por o'Ut, 'riio view taken of this over oxp. puiiliiro by I'l,. Cori- niisslouors uf ICnipiirv inln iho Hoard of \\'orks iJi^part- mont, as oxprevsed i their I{ep..rt to Jlis lOxe.dbnev, ' t!io Administrator of the Govmim.-nt, is conipi-ehon=ive and pi-ao ioal ; tli.>y state as follows : •la t! opinion of tim Cimmissioners, liv far tlio •■ most i',p-.riant point on which tlie pi.blic should ho srtlis- '• ried i- will thir the proit -erii> of piddie Works that have II been nndonakc;;, toptliT with the several alti rati, ^i^ " that lia-. pvi (laeed the exeos,' of e\pi-riditiire advert. -d " to, were n-^dly no'-c -sary and advaiita^reons to ibo '• general inliM-e.-ts of ilu- eounlrv, and wlo'tlua- the work " had been don,, at fair and iva.v.oablo rates. Cp,,,, ..,l| " thi.'=e points 111.- Coiiimls^ have no hesitation in " siiyiiiji that lis i;,r as ihiir iiivi-ti..'-ili. n- h,ai lo " iiolMii;; has boon cdieiled i. I,a.l il,. ni I., a eoi.Vrarv " eontliisioii." T.. I'. J for. /oin- r \\o\-M aiM. i!,,,t |,v this ,\- ' poiiditiire. the enlire lino of (ho eidar-i d "navi-atioi. from ' Lake Miel,!; to the s, a, will be op. nod and availabl.- ■ bv tlie ond or this yiar, at least luo vears earlier than il 'i ot,,._.rwi,o eoiiM hue been ; of tie- impovl iiiee of ihi- it il II- [lie... at eii.M-, to t!i.; Afiri, nil ara'. Aler.antih: and ■' borwaidin- inleiv.ts of the I'roxinee. eiorvrnan con- '' n...i.ted thurewiih nuT't by iuipie.sed. !| Ihirlingtiin lini/ Cdiiul. ^ince till, date of my last Koport the Works oflbi.s ini- nm provonient have boon v(.ry iiiiieh adviincod. The entire "■': of the norlli-east, north-W(.st, soiilh-easi, a .d Miuth-wosl pi.Ts are now sunk, and the siipc.rstruclnre n.dih ,1; some lop plankiii^' remains to be done. 'Ph.' prou'ress in dredgin;: has not been so preal ns it iiiij;lit have bec.n, and ilioro have been several complaints inadi duriii;: the past ■■(.ason, of incoincnicoce arisinj; fherei'iMni ; biil.nsexprosied III my last Ueport, it was no't po-^siblo for such a work to bo carried on so that no in- cnnvonionco shonM be filt diirinf; its constniclion, ns the :| very idiannel in whicdi the operations must ni.cei.sarily be proceeded with was tie same throiij.di wliieli the trade of the pom ninst bo carried on. X I pains or exertions have been spared to meet ihe wants and wi>hes of the parlies interested in the trnde. but it w, add have been imprudent to hme pushed the works of dred,!.'in;,' more rapidly than has been done. I'roin the ilepih of sand upon which the piers are in nii.-t p!irl> I'lM lided, a ;rreat ilea! of subsidence must br e\pi eted : ami in fact to encoiir,ii.'e it, at the s.iino time endeavourinpr so to conlrtail il. Ihat it slionl.l take placi- gradually and ivonly, has been the jireat aim in the niii- naireinint ef the worl;. and up to the present .such ha", hoeu the nature of it: in one inst.iiiee a part ef lui ' of the pi;'rs t^i tli" idd channel siibsidid in sii Ii a inaiine. as to leai over a few inched but it siiIisoip!oii(l\ resumed its hori^.inla' posit:..n. 'J'he more sahsidenee takes place, the more stalde will be iho work, and bad th.- dl •d;;inL' been forced ns some have wished, ihcro can b'. no doiilit bill that very extensive and injurious feit!,> mints in the |uers iiiiist have oci'iirrcil. Soiiii- deposit has taken jdai e at inch en.l of tlio Canal. but this was to have been i'X|io(.to.l ; in the (hanm I wiihin the piers, ulierc the dred-es have been at work, a rioi-i.lerable current is always rnnnin;: ,.ii||,,r in or out, and eonsoipiently a portion of the sand slirre.l up bv tl..' dr(..l^'ing and held in suspension, isc.irried bv the I'lirreiit iiiilil, meeting' the quiet water of the Lake, it is deposited : of the shoal on the l!nrlin;:ton Itav .side, m, whiidi there is at present but nine feet of water, the En^nneer estimates that about b';0 cubic cards have been ■so dipoMted by the latter oporalioi'-, and that Ihe total amoniit of >hoal to be removed to give the full deplh coiilractisl for I IL' feet) in the Canal would be L'.siHt y-'^r^Xy which at 1/;J per yard woidd a-.nint to the sum of l!y tho s.cli.n and souM.lini:s of the cdianml, wlico were nirni of the water therefore n..w taking place, and the :. ,diti. i,al niean.^ provideil for the iinprovi nleiit of the ehaiinel, 1 have every rea-oii to believe tiiat no incotivenieiice will be exnerii need, but I eort.iinly woi.ld not recomnieiid. nnd.r any circnnistanc.'s. that ;he' dredKin 11 ili'iiihlc prrpnnitioiia Imvo licon mnilii I'm- tlicirconiiilctidii, wliicli iiiiiv 111' nilciihilnl nil Willi ci-t -iiilv llii.i yi'nr. Tl' • ulli'ct (if lli(' Wdrks (VMHli ri'tcil t'nr ilir clcisi' ;; of tin' si'vcriil lircaclic-i I'ui'incrly iniid,. liy the w:,':, tliruii;,'!! tlicTiiI;;e\vliirli pr.iti'i'l.; tl':-' IliirlKHir. \v.\*\m; n mtv licin- (iiiiil, \\k cxtoiit (jf till' liidik-wuti I- will bu tin roby rcdiiocil. lb ' Unrboiir, (liirin;^ ?)i(' pnst ycnr, even in its very unbiiisislici sliitc, wn-i iimib' use (if t(i ii cnnsiilcTublc ex- tent, ami wbcii lini-licil tbciv is im duubt of il.s bciii;; (inc (if (.'rciii iinfioManc ■. Till' iimniint nt wbicb in ciiMiiilction is ostiiiwitcil, airuiiiiil.i In Am uiit cxjieiub.'d onie cbioi^o.' in tbo .-pi ciiication re(|!ii>itc. Tbe work tbiis rendered indispi ii.-able w;i.-. nt once undertaken, as bad (b l,iy to take plaei tbcri! is no ibiubl, from tbe (b iapidat(.il state of tlie Work.-. Ibat tbe entire would bave been prostiMted in a very -lioit lime, tbe Harbour reuib red una\ailiible lor a sea.son. auil iH ultimate eoiiipli.ti.iu altcnikd witb inueli grcatei- expense. !l SliOlley ;:ii.lir. I'.mil Tbf, slate of tbe w.iiUs ,.f tbe Koad leading from tbi- Harbour to tbc main I'mvioi lal is very uns.iii-,lae- I'U'y, one daision nf it only bciiur liuisbcd ; tbe rcmain- "lec, ewiiir; to tbe pecuniary dillicibiirs of tbe (.'onlractors, is in a very backwarl -tale, aicl prompt measures mu^t be taken to bave it eoui|.leted .simuba uislv wilb ibe "orks of tbe llarlnur. l\'rt Siniil,,, I!iil„,ur. Tbis II.ii-b,i!ir bas been fully opened to tbc trade lurin;,' tbe I,i-| year. .mii.I tbe revenue fmni it is dnilv increasing : tbe cxlensioii* and additions n porleil n's ticcessary by me 1 i-t year, and for v. ,ocb an estimate o!' £(;..')(!{) was siiiimitied, are very mueb reip.irc.b and niueli inconvenience was fell iliuini,' tlic .sra.-un from want of tlcni. Tb",-uniiif CI:.'Oil, appidprlatcd t.iw.ird- tbe proouia- lion o( luateiials, bas not been e-ipeiided, as it was not deemed expedient '0 embark in Ibe work until tbe t'till amount of ibe Vlslimate wn.s granted. Tbe male-ials wcri advertisiMJ f,a-; and by so doinj; tbe certainty of tbeir beitifj furni-lied witbin tlie sum sa down fur tbem bus been a.s'ertained. Tbe road iVoin tbi- H.irboiir to I.endon is n.uvone d' lb.' frre.itc.-l llmroufridares in tbe I'rovince. It is in ■rood ordei'. and tbe 'I'l.lL- f,,r tbe first uar were Iea,-.ed at t'l!)."jO, but it is expected ibey iviil brin;; a liiL'ber rent on tbc next letlin;,'. Tbe .sum of X'^'i/,:, (id luis been expended in rej^iis l.inui J',l;if Cil, Alterations in tbis important i iiannel are -till pro- cee(iiti(r, and must ei.titinue to d.i .-o unlil tbe extension of tbe Woteni p.iiiit, nbielMS daily t ikin;; place from tbe action of tbc prev.iiliu'.' wiiils, and ,-et of tbe sand anlsbiuf;!;' is s'oppe.l, and tbc furlber iveariiif; away of He' ICaslern point prevented. Tbj Western p,.in't of tbe lieacli lias made eou-ideraely to tbc eastward dining l!ie bist ii;;btccn momlis, sn mueb so as to lune rendered ibe alleraliou of ibe positi.ui of tbe ii.;lit-\es.sel n.'ces- sari ; yet, under all ibccxi-ting disadv antaeies, tbis pbuv is one of \ery;ireal importance as an asylum, not les.- tbaii twenty-si.x ve^sol- bavin? been in it at onetime last autumn l!ii(^;j!b sires.s of v<'eatlier. Were tbe breidlb of tbis cbaline! once lixed, and means .•idopted for preventing tbe .silt from nlong »bore being cariicd into it, tliere can be no doubt, licit, wiili very little as.MS- ' taiicc by dredging, a direct ell slim I wilb a -iiHicbnt d.oilb ■ ■f water would be e-l.ibli>lKd. aiiil kepi open tliroii^b ii by mitiiral forces ; but tbe nature, exiiiit, and cost of tbe means nece.ssnrv to I'Ib'ct Ibi- is a ipie-tiou nupnring llui . . (lean II..: a va-t deal ol' coii-.idernlion, ur nuili inoro infi.rmaliou ibaii lia- yet 1 n procured. wm.M be necessarv befere a safe opinion could be formed tbereiui. At pre'enl in t'le very low .siati' of Ibe wati rs of l!ie Lake. ih,.,.,. j..; |,„t about live feet of Waler oil Ibe bar, as rep..i-|ed by tlie pi rs.iii in eliarge ..f tie; Ibatiie,' lii;!it. Tbe amount expended on tbis work ''■>s iiwn i.-,\zr, i: 1 'J'lie .sum still rei|uircd is 3.\)'::t 4 li lei;,- may be levicl on tbe cpeiiing of ibe navigalieii. y. r/ Mnitlnnd. '1 bo works of tbis irarbi urare in n very lorwani ai, 1 p,,ii .\r.,iih.iiil satisfactory Ptiite, and tbeir eonstrm tien bas bad a moiv ■^iliilary elicit upon tbo bar. vess.-l- drawing nine ti el water liaving experienced no dilliciilly in eiiUrinL.' (u leaving tbe Ilarbiair la-t year; tbe We-lern I'bu- i- exlembil in its full lenglb.'aiul terminates in fumlei ii feet water, and tbe Knslern Tier wants but (il'tv fut nl lis propo-ed lenglb ; Ibe cost of tbe Harbour is'ineluded in llii> statement of tbe ^VellanJ t'anal Works. J'lirt Ci.lh.irnc. Tbe directb.n given to tbe new piers bas very mueb r.TtC.Uninif. imjiroveil ibe entrance and seeiirej tbe .stabilitv of tbe work ; tbe main o.- \\'e.-lern Tier bas been extended fne biindred f,, t, and now lerniinale- on rock in twelve feet water ; tbe ICa-tern Tier of six Imndrcd feet in lengtli is yet iinllni.-be.I, but bas been raised to water surface wbicb clieck tbe dcjie-it liilberto carried into tie; Harbour ; tbe oM piu-lion of tbe piers wbicb bad not been carried away bas been mueb strengtbr-m ,1 by tbe depositing of ti.e ipiarry excavation at tbe back tbereof, .-o lliat a!ib(Uiirb a u'ood deal remains to bu done (tbe cost of wbicb is included in ilie Welland C'niiii -talement) tbe Harbour is mmdi >afer ef access ,i:i ! uuicb more a\.'iilab!e llian t'ornierly. I'nil h,i!/i,ji,- ,■. It bas not bci n found necessary to pusb f,.nvard tbe i.„fi l)»i|„,„. work- of till,- H.irbdur, as tliey migbl lenc been, tbe -a idd entr.iuiv Lock and C'lianml Ic.iding ibeieto Ihiviier to be iiiaiiitaincd for anotber year. A -team dred-i- and two olliers worked by b.irses, are prov bled, and ,\i,.|i.^i\ , preparations in materials arc mad.- bir tbe new pier-, ttbjili, togelber witb tbe new entrance Lock, .an be faiiv completed next year, rrom tbc uniisiiallv low stale ''l lb.' Haler. it will be lie. ,-,ary 1.. put tbe liivd,- ai u.ik to riiiiove Some drpo.-ile in tbe old elianiiel. 7'( ritr{l,) liinl'titir, '11. .■ IJae.ii'- Wbarf, ne.n- tbe entiaiue loll.,- Har- ■l-,.i-,.iu., llur- boiir is \>r\ nindi decayed; part of tb.i nppir W( rks L .m. iin.l planking wre in a stale -o un-afefor ii-.' Ibal it wa- t'.iuiid nece-sary to cxpcn I about f.!.)() in nuu wing lb.> paiH. and iip.iii porti.ins.if Ibe reniainder ;daii^kiiiL- bas been ily lai.l, to i liable tbc H baif to be made use of Willi saf. ly : but lli.. removal of all ibe deeaved parts, and a lli..|,.ogb i,:pi:.- ivpilivd, i> e.-limaR.i .,t L'.'ibi, (I 12 r.jbnurj boui*. lUr- Kiv.T Trfiit nud liii.tiMi i.L'- A large Rrnnite boiildor of iibont lircocn fcit in lonptli !)>■ (wolvy I'l'ft broiid, niul (Vum live to t-ix I'l'i't lliiik, in tliu liiir cf tlio imvigatioii, ami wliich l:as litrii tin; ciiiise !■! ciMisiiK'i'iiMo lo?s, IVimi vt'ssils etrikini; on il, is roiuo- \ L\! to llii: latt I'lul (if llii' wliarl', wlicic it will Ik; out of the wav of vcssi'U oiitor inj; or li^avinj; tlii; Turt ; in ils ini'.-ent po.-ilion it fan be cinbnu-ud in llic |iii;r by aiblinf; a crib to it shonUl that ccursc on examination be found XMtiv exiK'Jicnt than blasting ur removing it. Apiiri'lu'iifiuns boinu' l■X[lrt'^^c(l tliiit the s.uuls are niakiii;: rapidly in the enlraiu'e to this llarbnnr, a earefal nLir\e_v has been instituted, to daenuine whellier ji;eii is the ease (U- uot. l.ou.'. f i; IS fJ'hidtor ILuliiiur. The al'.unint appropriated hist Session, for t!ii> Haibonr has been expended, and a fiirthiir .--uin of I'o.OOt) is still neeessary to render it a first class llarbonr, and I'lillv available ; the water on the bar at iircseiii, in the slioal- est pans between the piers is ei,i;ht feet ; tl:e lev el of the hike is stated to be about one foot lower than it has ever been known before, and more than two feet lower than is nsual al this s^'ason. The Work to be done is, principally, dred;,'Ii';r, bnt it i.iay be necessary, ni'tcr the experience ol another year, to LXlciid the Kast Pier into deejier water. 'J'hi! extensive broa!;watcr acro,=5 the in. nth of the Harbour is completed, r.nd its cll'eet, hitherto, been i bcncii'.ial iti the tVrmatii'n and liMing of DiC bar. Tile total ani! unt r,f dred^'ing rcipiircd is i stiinatcd at ■10,000 cubic yards, which, a' Is od [ler yard, -would asnount to X'J,.')Ot>. During the heavy eitsteily gales last nntuuin several hirge vesscds", bound fur the dilfercnt Harbours of Cobourg, I'ort Hope, bond Head, Darling- ton, Ofhawa, ;'-;■., were obliged to seek an asylum here. • Tlieroal from this Ifarbourto the head of the Scngog navigatiofi is completed, and iu such a state that Tolls may be established thereon. i Culiuiirr/ I/arlioiir. A suitable dredge vosscd not l;av;iig been disposable 1 for the work rec|uired at this Harbour, for >vhic!i an a|i- , propriation of X'.iOO was made last Se-.-ion, no expendi- ture has taken place, but as foun as a pi-oper mu', hine can be procured, the work will be undertaken. I It'iiir Tniil mill [nhiii'l li'atvrs rf ihc Xiwcaslle DUt.kt. The Works hcretofoie in pn^gn-ss nmh r thin Dcpart- nieiit on the Tjent, and in the Xewcattle Distri.t, have brcTi cum])leted sinci: my last Iteport. , T!ie On.tarli an 1 I^ieu I.a!;e liond \i ci.nijihted; .Sev- inoiir's, Crook's, linckhorn and ISolcavjiMii lijidL'es arc built; \.\v Slide.) at HrM-ly, Middle ami Uauuey's Falls ■. are conipieicl; tl,;j censlrndion l appe;ired to in- dicate to bo lU'ces.-ary, anil there is litllt.' doubt, il' the liinber is properly cjibhed and due )ir.(aution3 tak- ii the- ^\'orks will be found fully to answer the pnr|Mise 1'pon the Ottawa and its trilnil.iiy, .Slides l:a\io:r been I'lr many vcars in opei.aioii, the Use of thein iias be- •■o;ne habitual and ihidr v.alui; didy Ljipreciale.!, but (,n the I'rent tliey not her<-lofore existed, and ti) u '■ortain extint the \cry common di.-bke to new introihic- iLui-i prcA,\i!s th-re, which il Is hoi)(d and belic\ed tlieir etlieiency thii) year will wdiolly reiaow . i Llijht Houses, F(n- extiendilinc on this class of improvements the Linht Hour sum of i"o,000 was granted last Session. A Contract has be(!n enti'reil ijito for the erection of the (!odi rich l.i;; on Lake Huron, which is to b<' coi.ipleled b_\ the ln«t of July next. A light will be ex- hibited at Tort Jlaitland (Lake Krie) on the opening of the iiin igation. A Keeper'.-- houi;e is tibinit fo be constructed at each of the fuUowing places: 'J'oronto, Gull Island, and I I''isle, (jii Lai;e Ontario. li '' Tlie found.itloii fir the pier at Crabbe Island, in Lake St. l-'rancis. has been jirepari-d, and the piers and foun- dations of the Light-1 uuse near Lancaster strengthened and seemed. A light has been erect, d on the jiier at the head of the channel leading to the lieauhariiois Canal from Lake St. Francis, that beinjr found a more suitable position for it tli.m Gro.-sel'uijit. 'I'he light at the end of the Ucauhurnois Canal ^Lake St. Louis) will be exhibited on the opening of m.vigalion. y\r. Shanly, the Assis- tant liingiiicer M\ the lieauharnois!, has l>oen for some tiuK' engaged in a survey, the objc<-t of which is to fix tjie piiiits all. 1 shoals in Lake St. Franci.s, in onhr that the suitable position for the lights and buo\s on that Lake may be deliimiiiek The buoys are bein" made. In ad.litiin tj the f.reg.iing work end;raced in the Estimates lip. n w hit b the grant v.\ii based, a i-onsidi'r- abie rpiaiitity ol' detailed work has been ctl'eeted under the head of onlinary Light-house re(iairs, which were in- dispensabic fre-ni the very bad Slate in which, in most cases, the housi-s and a|ipin-tenanees h.-id been. Much has been done in pointing, painting, whitewashing, J durii;g lla; [last year. Th,. g, neral repairs and allei.oions in maiu rrspe.-ts vvhirh l!ie machinery has nnderg. ue rendeiid it int.niiely iik.ii: eH;.ciivc, su diut in f:(t It was lap.ible of doing nearly twice the work it ha.l preii./usly done. In addition to the di-nlging, a ve-s, 1 ,vas ehartered f.r a month Ibr the purpose of working a heavy rake, which, duiiiig the short time it was in, accompli-hed agieat.leal the leselling of the ridges which Uei.: |..!'t after the- dic.lges. The (haniul is now bu..y.d out in n most rlTevtiv* f.uniier, and the current hu;, tukcu the dirccliou of it. 18 'r- Tlie first object iiimol nt U fo open, (Vom cnil to cikI, a cliaiinrl of 1.')') I'lcl in wiiltli, with not Ic-is tliiin H I'ui't in tlif lowest water, wliicli will hr. Cully ;! IVf:l ni'in; tlian the deptli atl'orileil liy llio oM cliannul. A lavonrable time ihirinR last winler wa^ Meleeleil, when the Lake low anil the surface Miiiiollilv frozen over, to have the Channel loji^ilnilinally nieasiireil off into Un^ths of 20() feet, and at eaeli divi.-ion, at ri;;ht Hn;.'les aei-oss the ehannel. holes wei'e cut and soiin(Iinf,'S acniately taken ut every 2.'. feet by Mr. Krefer, aeeompanic il hy tie; suiier- inlemlent of the work. From tli" resnit of theliort di.^, the breadth is li'.tli- over 100 fit. To oiieii this ehannel to the breadlli of 1 JO f- -1 an 1 enii- tinne it tniiforridy of that bnailth lliron-rhout to the i.-astern end of the Hats, and having' not less than 1 ^ feet lowetl water, reipiires the removal of but ;i()".,.")J.'K-nbie Yards. I'e.-ides l!ii! above (|uanli(y of -lOo, 1 1 I al- ready ret'.ioved in tie.' lilieof tliislireudth, a lar-;i- (luantity has been takiii np in the lir:,t on,- and a half mih- at the ^,e,-tern end, ii't.':.i(lc of the bre.idlh -talej, ;o lleit I .--ee nj reason wlnli-ver tu doubt but that if our inae!dniry • wi;r!.s as well lliis w,-ason as it did last, a perfectly ' ^;r:'.i;;ht ehannel of 150 feet in width, wit!i 1 t f et in de|>t!i, will be hatl at the close of the yeiir. This bi-in;,' en',:et;-.l, I'le cluuiuel SO obtain, ■L) h-en ascertained by accurati.- meMsiir.nieut, that to a-td aiiothi-r l.'O feet to the wiilth (d' the channel lioakl reipiire the reinov.d of but i:!.'!,." 1-2 i-ubie yards, beia„' \yt much over half of what was reiptind to be i:io\ed in the Ib'st hreadlli. 'J'hi- is owin- to the (piaii- tily of excavation removal during thi; lirst sea.son on the >.iulli ,-idi- I'f til- channel, as well as to s.ei.e natural deep ho'e^ or ehaniu-ls wlii hwill f.d'.in'.i the brca llhol :P.)!)leet. The sum of I'M, 10.3 v!.. .■; 1 has b i expended, .>n, bavin;.' no iloul.t but that importanl ad\ .inta;;i-s w.ulil lie obtained therehy in additional dcjilh and other- H i e. To enable soiai- njiinion to b- firmed as to the aiKau- taires to be hud therel'rom, I lake the liberty of furai.-ih- !" in!» a copy of n ftatemcnlcnrefidly )irepnred by AV. Hall, ■ l^sip Collector of Customs for this I'ort, who has t.ikena (rood deal of pains to inform himself njion the subject, to which he has eiveti mueli eon.-ideration for many ! " Que.iliureaient jr I'-ls t.ikin;; the av. - " ni;;e of cargoes cominii to the I'oi-t of ilontreal !•< '• answer the :;itue puipete ? " .■iiisinr — AVe be-.' to btate that it is iinpojsible to '• answer this ipiestion aeeur.itidy, but we would buppo.>.u " it would t.ihe double the cpiantity of iiieasurciiieiit, " gnods from I, indiin, ('. c. 80 feet to the ton, and from " Liverp-iol, one and a half, ('. c. tiO I'eet to the tuu tu " have il : iie.ilar el'.'e'-t. Signed. - Vi'. r. cn.\i..''.:;;i;s. Mil fill- III '• /'(iu'l." '-.). DUFI'IM., Mn.^tertil "L.i /•/ .Sratuii." •' ,J. llOli'l'dX, Mi/^fcr of '• .V:injarct. •• A. S. SMITH, Mrns'rr ij " Sufe-tjutird.' " Cakuhitlens made on the preeeilin;; slatenuuit, sliew- " iiig the udvantagei and jrain to the trade of Montreal, " from what ha; now b.'eu done in Lake St. I'eter, by " obtaining one foot more wati r in the proposed new " Channel than tl:erc is in the old ctie, \\t. : ' Upwards, lieh!eraf!e frt.m Ou- !i'C ( f (10 " tons weight, ei|Ual to 100 toUa niea- '• suremeut, at 11'-. \' : tori 'GO tons wei^xht, eipial t.i (,7t) barrels of •• 11. lu:-, freieht tot'u, I ■ ■. at 7 ',i!. each XIO L'U IS !» ;t;7y i.H '.) „ " Out of 200 vcs.H-b co:.i:ii,^' to Montre.-d, - tay HO between aCl' ai: 1 400 tons •■ whicli have to li'ihteu, u il! save, by ' " drawin.' one foot more water, £70 " (a, h as above, will be £.5,600 . " Say 20 vess.-ls of ii smaller class which !| " have also to li;;hten. by ilrawing one ! "foot more water \\ ill save say one '■ half of the a'Mve, £35 eucli, which I '• will be £700 II " Sttviii}? fo the trade on li;rhtera^e up lUul ■ "down '. £t),3(K) " CisroM'-, 5lo\n!i At, \, •• 17th Ueiober, Isl.-.." flmise 1.\Il Lanjix/j I'itr. The cxtri'inely high prices of timber la^t scaaon, Oins.-io I-U- inlueeilthe Itoard to postootuMhe execution of this work, bui.ihiy I'i^-'' and u considerable ehaie,'e in the plan of it has been made, by which its .security and .^lahility \\ ill be more • insured than hy the ini.'inal phiii ; proposals are now :: beiie,' reei-ive,l for it, and it is inteiehd to use e>ery : exertion to have it eoaii.htLd as >oon as possilde. In addition to the for, fr,,iii2 ii>ual Heport. reipiind ot' , me by the Act ■( and .'. \ ictori.i, eh:;|it. r .■!S, Special Ki-- ports and K.stimatc. have heen, in aeeor.lanc! with the ilireclion of the LeL'i^latul■e last Se.-slon, prepari-d, and '; will be presented in a few ih\_\s, upon tie- f.'l!o«in;; '; ne, tiers; ii Impri.M ments of the .Main rnniiiee K-iad aerosj ijic i| Il;iviiu.> of the Twehe and .Si.\teen-mi.e Creeks ; 'hi l:A J u Opening a Goad from Port Credit to iLo Main lioiid ; i| O|ioning n Road ft-oni tlio Ottawa atBytown to thu St. | Lawicncf ; tl Opening a Komi between Kingston nnd tlio I.iiito des Alluniettes on tlio Otiiiwn, witli n Uraneli towards tiiu | head of Bay of Quintc i Opoiiinf; a Road from the Ridenn by IVrlli, ndliimv' MiiU, Wi.tiii Lake, to joiu tlie Road from Hytown to SydenliaiM Mills j ji Completing the Dca Jurdins Canal ; ! Construeting the Murray Canal ; j Improving tlio Naviijation of the Trent between Ilcely 'a Falls and the Bay of (joint*; ; Opening n Road from Barrio to Lake Huron through the Townships of Suniudule and Nottuwasuga ; || Improvement of tiic Road between Montreal and ; Urunville ; | Improving and opening the Road throughout from the St. Lawrcnei', at St. Thoiuaa, t(, the liuuiidary Line, near the Weiit Braneli of the River St. iluhus ; The eniistruelion of Ilarhdurs at Si. iMiehil, Berthier, St. 'J'iiiMna.'*, I/lslet, KanKJUiaska and Kiviiiedn Loup. Appcndrd are three S(hiilules,oiie( Letter A,) Lioni the .Vieoiintuiit, giving an aciMiunt of all iIk^ suina expended li the siveral works under llils Deparlciient, up to 1st •laiinary, lUKi ; the seeond Sihcdule, (Letter B,) shews lliea»itMiMt> appmpiialed firr ci itiiiii I'ulilie Works under •I aii'l .") Vietoiia, chapter 'jH, the iiimmnl C4 7 11 4,11110 2,88-.' .1 U l.oiiO o 9a:i 9 2,5011 0,1 II II I iiin l,2.i0 2.750 1,200 5110 5,1100 8,IX)U II (J Certified to ],c a correct abstract from the Books of the Department. Bo.VRD OF WiiRK.'S, (Si-rned,) THOMAS A. iJI'GLKV, Secretary JJoard cf Weds. '.]yi\ .\pri!, 181(5. — ' ~3 i 3 5 -Bl .2 i- •- a ~ o "C ■ -a -r tZ. ? w2 o tC-5 c ■> ■ ---2 ^^ -jC i- t. t? *-> ^ r" i C- ^^. ^ •-* X s ^ ?5 b 2« u; ■^ "2 i; O 3 r-< V3 pq -^ m-A ; 5 ? S 4 ;^ 1 W' ^ W X »i« 3D "^ 16 S n.z us IT i la *• . M'^T » C t-o e J? S^ -- i ,: a — — .- .3 .e ^ ^ i S a I -S ^ » p •' a ^ c * .2 "^ -o1 3 III * S- .a i a S > » V £ .'i if «! ■; Jt r Ji I ss * it -3 -3 3 = w - - - izj a ji,: = a X '^ i a S P y. ■- 5 o -M .^ J. |5i|.g|.-5 rs j: ■- -N •- C ■ I ■>! I . w i?i go ' ■ I - — C ^ :CC;r:;:-. '"tr^CSC o e i i » . c * 'x ■* = s: k; s; 5^55 ; f:- s s * = 2 Z; -H 5 5 = c i 5 i ri .' c . ^ ;i. »^i i 'P ;/.! -1 : .s i b c n ^ -. u: -J ;, S < ^u- i§ t; * 3 S tL-.?: c ; C 'I :. -- ■ ; - '.' '.*t -i-i ■•= i £-| E 3 i '•■■ f' *