^ S^'9^^'^ ^^o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe / , / // y /. /IPPLIED^^ IM>qGE . Inc .a^ 1653 East Main Street .s^T '- Rochester, NY 14609 USA .=r-^ Phone: 716/482-0300 .=^ Fax: 716/288-5989 1993. Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved a^ i\^ '^ % \ ^^u- o"^ •^■^v^ '^ i Attittant Editor for Manitoba, ^ J, r7 Editor for Britith Columbia. r= 5 "S Attittant Editor for Britith Columbia. fe 2 to 3 ^ Editor for Prince Edward Jiland. ,% a "3 Attittant Editor for Prince Edward Iiland, "^ S el W^ a -S Editor for Northwett Territoriet, 3 Js Attittant Editor for Northwett Territoriet. Photographert of Viewt of Citiet, ^e, .foHN LovELL, Manager and Publither, Robert K. Lovell, Bookkeeper and Cathier, • Secretary and Corretpondent, John Lovem. & Son, Printert and Bindert. t I GENERAL AGENTS. John W. Lovell, Publisher, 14 and 16 Vesey Street, New York. John Lovell & Son, 23 and 25 St. Nicholas Street, Montreal. c<2 OS ■ ■< Si " bCrs «> .s S.S - CO CANVASSING AGENTS. Province qf Ontario. " " Quebec, " New Bruntwick, " Nova Scotia, " Manitoba, " Britith Columbia. " Prince Edward Tiland, " Northwett Territoriet, ■ftMaM^M City, Town, Village, Island, Lake and Hirer in the Dominion of Canada. i VICTOKU Srr.nt Ih. PuMtah.r In inking .upporl In Toronto, Qu.b.c City, H.mllton, Thr.. Rlv.ri, London. Sh.rbrook.. Otl.w., St. Hy.clmh., Si. John, N.B., r.llf.», N.S.. Ch.r!ou.tow», P.E.I., Wlnnip.g, M.n.. Vlclorl.. BX., BMU.fofd, N.W.T., ind ih« r.n.lning e;tlw, towu vid vUl.gu throughout th. Ooininion of Cwuda. TH« mcirr voLtmis wiu. comrAiH a hiito.t o» ow 10,000 OeuntiM, DIstrloto, Pariahew, Township*, Ottlea, Towns and Vlllagaa, WITH DKtciurTiom or mohb tmam S.OOO iiliMb, Lakn mi Rlvm li Vn Ooalnits ol Caiuula. VOLUME II.— QUEBEC. PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL| rBINTBD AMD lOUND BY JOHN LOVBLL A lOM, 1886-88. vnihlp, RrVER youiih* Jtiom, to incurred rho may leHaking [ tupporl in, N.B., imilning ages, f «», Town, ViUagf, hlgnd, Uktawl Itiem- in tkt Dominion of Canada. 301 THE BEGINNrNGS OP MONTREAL. {f/fOM t.oyKLLS GAZBTTEKK AND HISTOKy.) .he work. .. wUI V tL! ;hi;re\?I , ' X Ioc„rrc'conl. .n m«;.lraw .„.,ruc,...n fr onMhe «n,rl*c« ^^^^S^ "»''"""■ - ''"'ring. of place. ,h,mia In; treaie.', w" h X. TfuTne.". .i «h.„ .K r *T' " "f;"'»'"rt»nce thai the .nv-«"; •nd intellectual viKor ti.er n,.,^^ h."ir nhir?;. '''•/°""'''''? »"'' P'""*"* »'« "-en »f moral with the great ami boo<1 of a i>a,t 1^^. hf,i » i^^ «^ Their associntion •nd on no^e of them^Zre V^r'cep, I? ,h"n . M^ntrea? IL"?" "r 'T^':'^ T ^'""«""" '=""'". .lmo», without parallel in thran.mls?f c.vilu^i.!!: J '' '^ ""'^ "^ '"'"- '""»' ""^^ ""'^ >««« » M.iny placei on thin continent that are noted for then manufacture., commerce, wealth and culture, had not even a n.ime when the nineteenth century began. Ihose who can look back over a hundred year, of corporate existence could be easily enu- merated, while thone whone span of life extends over twice that peri.Kl are of excepti.mal antiquity. Orcities of this last category Canada has, at least, herpropoition.ite share. In all the older provincen of the Uominion, and especially in yuelxjc, there are im|<.itant towns, not the least of who* titles- to distinction IS that they have risen on the sites of the little fortresses or missions of the seventeenth century Nor is their claim to the nobility that comes from remembered general i.mssha.lecl by tlK doubt that often overhangs such pretensions. On Ihe contiaiy, no patent of rank, bearing the sicn manual of royalty itself, is more worthy of cretlit. l-or, at the founding of every parish and at the most signihcant acts in the lives of the individual paris..ioners. the Church was present, a witness not to be gainsaid. The consequence is thai, not only aw we trace the course of settlement from the very beginning, along the whole range of territory com- prised under the name of New France, but it has also been found possible to follow up the fortunes of every member of every Canadian family to the first who bore the name on thii sid^ of the Atlantic. Ihe collection and arrangement of this great mass of parochial registers, so as to constitute a national genealogy has been due to the learning and enerKV of one scholar, AiiBft Ctprii£n Tanguay, whose name the whole Canadian race shall ever hold in hotiot. Now we know from that erudite and con- •cientious inquirer that before the close of the year '1°?i 'u''^ **!:". "° '*** '*'"" forty-six parishes established and in regular operation in the pro- Tince of Quebec. The Government of Nova Scotia hM the registers of . ort Royal from 1700 to 1726 While those dating from the latter year to 1 7 si; are in the hands of the Archbishop of Halifax. There IS also a collection of similar documents f.r the period prior to 1700, but it has suffered too much from the ravages of time or the neglect of its guardians to \re of much service for historical re- March. Nevrrthe!' JASB i» ■■ tr-^ A*.< Koyal that some historians have conceded the priinacy among Canadian cities. It became the nucleus of a Euro|>eun settlement in 1605 (the .St. Croix enterprise having proved abortive), and from that date till the present has continued, under some auspices or other, to tw a local habitation for Kuro- peans or Ihsir descemlants. Qiifl)ec was foundeti in 1608 by .Samuel de Champlain, and in 1634 1 hree Rivers began its civic career. To it however, belon^'s the honor of having attracted [the attention of Champlain, on his first voyage I up the .St. Uwrence in 1603, as « locality well [■adapted for a settlement. The biith-date u.sually assigned to Montreal as a civiliied commu- mty IS 164a. When f ^ il^j Americans of every name shall be commemorating, as is most meet, the discovery of this western hemisphere by Co- lumbus, four hundred years before, the people of Montreal will also be celebrating the two luuvlfd and fiftieth anniversary of the fonndution of their City by De Maisonneuve. But its antiquity ought not really to Iw hounded by that formal act. Even if we pass over the fact that Champlain had actually, in 161 1, liegun the work ofclearing and buiKliuKon the very point that lie Maisonneuve subsequently selected for his fortress and habitation -giving it in fact, the very name, P/.ict Royalt, which it bore long afterwar;ter Bourgeois, the founder of the Congr/^mlion, again set up on the mountain the cross which had been destroyed, whether by cold or by the Iroquois. At the same time a new cemetery was marked out, where the Placed* Armes is to-day. In 1656, the corner stone of a large church was laid near the cemetery, and a redoubt was built at the corner of Notre Dame and St. Denis streets to protect the work- men on theC6teau St. Louis, the name of which is still preserved in St. Louis street and ward. In 1657 Sister Bourgeois commenced building the church of Notre Dame de Bonsecours, and. in the following year M.de Maisonneuve gave her the ground to build a school, which was taken posses- sion olon the 30th of April, the day of St. Catherine of Sienna. It was also in the year 1657 that the first Sulpicians arrived. They were lo7 rence, especially at about a league down the river. There is a port whtre the boats land, but it is falling in ruins. They have begun a redoubt and a mill on an advantageous rising ground, for the defence of the habitation. There are about forty houses, almost all in sight of each other; and, in that respect, well situated for defence." In 1660, Mademoiselle Mance asked M. de Maisonneuve for permission to build a stone barn of sixty by thirty feet in the inierior of the fort, to guard the crops. At this time the Iroquois were very formidable, making frequent raids, as if ihey had resolved on tlie extermination of the French. Nevertheless, so watchful was the governor and so well-laid were his plans, that very few of the far- mers fell victims to Iheir attacks. Considerable progress had already been made in the establish- ment of domaiues and seigneuries around the city, which also served as vanguards for its defence. On the River .'^t. Pierre was a fief of three hundred arpents, granted to Major Dupuy (whose family is still represented in the country). It was he who took Major Closse's place in the task of defence at the St. Lambert mill. The concession, naire had to erect a redoiib: and workmen's build- ings on his land. Several fiefs were also distributed on the left bank of the St. Lawrence— that of Lachine to La Salle ; that of Gpntilly, of the Courselles islands and the Bay d'Uife, so called from Abb6 d'Urfe, the missionary there. Towards the Lake of Two Mountains was the fief of Bois- briant, and, returning by the north, other fiefs granted to different officers. Finally, on the River Des Prairies, there were two fiefs named after Mes- sieurs de Corion and- 398 Specimen pages of LovelVa Gazetteer and History of every County, District, Parish, NOTICE TO PATHONS. In connection with the History of each place in the Eight Provinces, statements will be inserted showing the different branches of business therein conducted. For instance : In Montreal there are 40,000 Iloniiea, Ac— 11,500 brick ; 500 dark stone ; 500 dashed ; 20,400 lime itone ; 100 marble ; 6,000 wooden. S7l Strento, Ac. — 34 avenue*; 7 blocks; 6 court*; 36 lanm ; 13 market*; a pnrks ; 48 places ; ,00 private Rftrden*; public garden*; 4 road*; 13 square*; 346 streets ; 63 terraces ; with a population of .ibout 300,000. 87 Architects and Valuator!. 5d Artists. — a bank note engraver* ; 4 chromo-lithogra- phers ; 16 engraver* and designers ; 4 lithographers ; 2n opticians; 3 photographers ; 7 wood engravers. SSBanks.— 14 publir ; 4 private; 4 savings. 19 Hoards. — i agriculture, county of Hochelaga ; i agri- culture, province of Quebec ; t arts and manufacture* ; I assessor* ; i catholic examiners of schools ; 1 health ; I licence commissioners ; i notaries ; i protestant board of school commissioners; i stockholders ; 3 trade. 80 BeneTolent Sooletlei,— (See list on page 400) 81 Booksellers and Stationers. IS nnlldInK and Investment Societies.— lo build- i'lg ; 3 mortgage and loan, 2S Chemists and Druggists, retail, 4 Druggists, wholesale. "• Churches.— 13 church of England and Ireland ; 30 Roman Catholic ; i church of Scotland ; 13 presby- terlan church in Canada; i American presbyterian ; 10 methodist church in Canada ; 3 congreijational ; abnptist; I reformed episcopal church in Canada; I French protestant church, i I'Oratoire; i German protestant ; i - ew Jerusalem ; i advent christian ; i unitarian; 4 synagogues, 88 Clubs,— I Argyle snow-shoe; i Britannia football ; 1 Canadian snow-shoe ; i club Letellier ; i club national liberal association; i dominion lacrosse; t eclipse (junior) lacrosse ; 1 Emerald snow-shoe ; i Fish creek ; I fish and game protection ; i Grand Trunk boating ; 1 McOill tmiversity football, i metropolitan; i monte- fiore ; i Montreal amateur athletic ; i Montreal bicycle ; I Montreal Caledonia curling; i Montreal cricket; i Montreal curling ; 1 Montreal football ; i Montreal lacrosse ; i Montreal pioneer freethought ; i Montreal racket court ; i Montreal snow-shoe ; i Montreal swim- ming ; I Montreal thistle curling ; i Royal Caledonia curling; i Royal Montreal golf ; t Shamrock lacrosse ; I St Charles tuque rouge snow-shoe ; i St Jaires ; i teiitonia; i trappeur snow-shoe ; i tuque blue toboggan ; : Victoria bridge boating ; i Victoria skating ; 1 young men's conservat e : i young men's reform ; i west end tennis and archery. 38 Commerc'al.— 14 brokers ; a insurance ; 10 stock. 3 customs ; 4 financial 88 Companies, — 3 cemetery ; i ga« ; ^ express ; t loan and mortgage; 3 mining ; 3 navigation; 5 telegraph; I trust and loan, 10 Consniatns and \ iop-Consnlates.— i Argentine confederation, i Austro-Huneari.an, 1 Belgium, i Bra- zil, I Chili and Peru, i Danish, i French, 1 German empire, i Italian, i Netherland*. i Sweden and Nor- wnv, I Reoublic of Uruguay, 1 Spanish, i Switzerland, 1 Portugal, 1 United S'ates. 113 Kdiioatlnnnl Institution*,- 34 academies ; 10 boarding and day schools ; qcolleges; 43 day schools ; 3 high school* ; I kindergarten ; 4 model schools ; 1 music school; a normal schools; 15 preparatory schools ; 3 universities ; 3 gymnasiums. 13 Engineers. 474 Hotels, Ac— 177 hotels; 35 refreshment rooms; 373 restauranu 1 K14 Iipgal.- 14 judges ; 30 Q.Cs. ; 368 advocates ; tio notaries ; 3 registrars. 8 Iilbrarles.— -5 lending ; i public. 1384 Manufacturers,— (See list on page 406 ) 147 Medical Profession.— no allnpathists ; 10 homeo- palhists; 30 dentists ; 7 oculists and aurists. 8 Mercantile Agencies.— 3 American; 4 Canadian, 618 Mercantile Callings, — i •l» I iriih, erted ncial I loan raph; entine I Bra- :rman Nor- rland, I ; 10 loots ; ooli ; •atory I; aji ; 110 lian, !; 300 icern, slail ; ;lish; thly ; r; 87 :ean; f nr 1 to lave iges the 1 in Tovnahip, City, Town, Village, Idand, Lake and River in the Dominion of Canada. 399 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER AND HIST ORY OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. INDEX to BailneiB. OalUnj or Proftislon of Oontrlbutori of LIHEB. .. . PAria AdrOMt««,-S«e Lpital 405 Arohltpou Knct raliiAtorit 3H1I Artl«u ,iuo S*"'" ; mo Bwiernlf nt Ho''liitl('ii 400 BoirilB of Trade, An 4(10 Bnnk«ollnrMinil «titlonpr 401 Br 'Icof.— Sflc Commercial 40.1 Billliling Midetlei., *c lOl C|i«mi>Mi nnci ilril(iirl«t«. retail 401 Cn.irohei and clerKviiien <"ia ClUlM 401 . . PAfIR Cnmmeri'lHl— broken, Stc 40.1 l^ompanl-« 4K1 ConHulateaand Tife-coniiuUtetlO'l DentlatN 407 Dry (}ood«, whnleiale ..4l«* Dry Goale 401 Kiliinallonal limtltiitioni. 404 Krifrliieera _ 4o,^ Or oera, wholewle. 40a nrocera, retail 40A OyranHHluma 404 ,, . . I'AfJK Hardware, whnleiale 40H Mardware, retail 40* Hotels, retrenhmettt twin', 40'- LeKal~Jud(re4, aitroratt' . .v 0^ I.lbrarleii— IrndlniT and piiMjr 40(1 U'lnnfacturcr' — »irrleiilii.ral llnpletneiiu, blank books. .. 40(1 Medical pro ea«lon Merranlllea>enr|.'s Mer anllleoaMlnm Ne»-iipn|«r», dallr OoulUtiand Aiiri.ta .4(17 <0l> .408 Ida .40S I'Ana Printlnir officm 4(M RnMwnyii 40t n'-plilrara 40^ .'^'ivliirf bank 4C0 ^tnflonorB— whiilcKale 409 StPtimen'— orenn. rlrer 409 Thropid* 409 TwlriMi 409 Veterinary «nr(re<>nii ,,..409 Wlnea and Irtuorn. re'nll 409 WInoi and llquortt, wholcMle..409 Afo,Ureal-ARCHlTKCTS AND VALUATORS. ARTISTS. B ANKS-Kot. II Quebec. In Montreal there are > ■» • 40,000 Housnn, Ac— i»,5oo brick ; 500 dark atone ; ^oo dashed ; ao,4oo lime atone; 100 marble ; 6,000 wooden. •71 Street!. *o.— 34 avenues ; 7 blocka ; 6 coiirta : 36 lanea; 13 markets; a parks ; 48 places; io-> private gardens ; public gardens ; 4 roads ; la squares ; 346 •treets ; 63 terraces, with a population of about aoo.ooo. 917 Architects and Valnators. Among the Architects and yalualort art : * Bbauuky J. A. U., ia6 St James at, h 1521 Ontario st. BuowN JoHi4 Jambs, 4a St John st, h 1 Buckingham terrace, cor St Matthew st and St Luke st, DoRAN William E., aj St James st, h a. Courville it. Hopkins J. W. (?l E. C, 145 St James st. Hutchison ct Steblb, 181 St James st. Kbnnbdy William, 25 Bleury st, h 56 Marlb<.Tf,ugh it, !.Ai^)iNTB £i Malingkb, 30 St James «t. Mailloux Ovidb, i6oJi St Anioine st, h 13 Bisson st. Manm Eric, Waddell buildini, 30 St John st, h 7a City Councillors St. - Mbbcibr Jos A., 864 St Catherine st, h 134 St Andri st. RssTHEx, Rbsthbr H Vanibr, 6t St James st. Walbank W, McLea. B.A.S., P.L.S,, 214 St James st. 88 Arti^tg.— 3 bank note engravers ; 4 chromo-lithogrn- phers ■ 16 engravers and designers ; 4 lithographers ; 10 opticians j 3 photographers ; 7 wood engravers. Among the Artists are the BttrnsH American Bank Notb Co., bank note, G B" BUKLANU, president and manager ; O. J. Bowlbs sec. treasurer, Savings Bank building, 46 St John st. BtniLANu LirHoGHAi-Hic Company, photo-decirotypers, general engravers, lithographers, electrotyping and atereoivping, Eo./AhD G. O'Connor, manager, 5, 7 and 9 Bleury st. • » 1 s, / Cahada, Thb, Bank Note Engravi and Printing Company (Limited), (isohCB E . .arats. pre- sident; W. C. Smilliu, vice-president; C. H DrtBCHSBL, 5ecretary-tre.isurer, bank note engravt:r , •nd printers, chromo and photo-lithographers, engrav- ers, type and artotype printers, 5»6 and 528 Craig st. Gmant Henry, (I Son, masonic and societies regalia, opticians, cor Beaver Hall hill and Dorchester st Gray J. W., land.scape and portrait, 49 City Councillors st. Hbarn (51 Harrison, mathematical and aurveyingr instru. ments, spectacles, (5lc., 1640 and 1641 Notre Damr st, Notman William, 6t Son, nhotographers to the Quei:n, i; Bleury st. /Ii-(u(»— Conlniied. Parks J, O, photograph(;r, 19781. Jam»s st Raphael William, landscape and portrait, 1310 St. Catherine st. SlTMMERHAYBS {i Walford, phofographrrs, i Bleury. Walker John H., wood eneraver and cfesigner on wood. 13a St James st and 16=; St Francois Xavier st. Wiseman James L,, wood engraver and desiener on wood. Room I, Barron block , i6j S t James st and 49 St John st. aa Bank*.— 14 public ; 4 private ; 4 savings. Among the Banks are the Bank 0/ British Mnrth America.-C»\,\l»\ y"i,ooo,ooo ste'liijg, London office, 3 Clements lane, Lombard st.E.C. A. G. Wallis, secretary in London Head office in Canada, Montreal— R. G. Grindlby, gen- eral inanager ; J, Pfnpold, manager. The Bank of British North America has 13 branches in Canada, 4 agencies In the United States, and 77 Foreign cor- respondents. 140 St James st opp St Lawrence hall. 5aii*o/J»/i,»/y,a/._Capiial «i9 000,000; Reserved fund «6,ooo,ooo. Head office, Montreal.— C. F. Smithers. president; Sir Donald A. Smith, K. CM. G, vice- president; W. J. Buchanan, general manager ; A. Macnidbr, assistant general manager and inspector; H. V. Meredith, asst. inspector ; E. T. Cloustoii, manager ; A. B. Buchanan, secretary. The Bank of Montreal has 28 branches in Canada, and »i Foreign agencies. 109 St James st facing Place d'Armes. Bank 0/ rorojr^tf.— Capital 92,000,000 ; Reserve fund «i, 150,000. Head office, Toronto— Georcb Goodbr- HAM, president ; W. H. Bbatty, vice-president ; D. CouLSON, cashier in Toronto; J. Murray Smiih. manager in Montreal. The Bank of Toronto has ■ Foreign agencies. 168 St James st cor St John st . Banqut d' Hoeheliga — F. X. St. Charle.s, president; C. Melancon, vice-pre-.— Capital f 500,000. Alfhonsb Dbsjardins, president; Ananie S. Hamblin, vice- president ; Adelard L. de Martigny, casher. La Banque Jacques Cariier has 6 branches and a Foreign agencies. 7 Place d'Armes. Banque Naiionale.—Wov. Isidore Thibaudeau. presi- dent ; P. Lafbance, cashier ; C. A, Vailee, manager, cor St James st and Place d'Armes, • The nvnos, with nrofoisl.ii, eto , In thene S:ie.:lmea Pa»ei. «ho«r how the nam« of p«r«im« naylnit f I per line will appear In ejich pUco throuifhoui the work. Tho of hilplnij the oubllsher to ra^ke the OAZRTTKntl and History a rriilly Dalimal Work will "frea/lv >H h» wndlnu the r n imo. fo.- Inie-tl -n. The Order, for Una and for IUi>i*'>/ CoiMi/u.— Paid up capital 95,751.883. Head Offi^-.e, Monireal. Anhrbw Allan, president ; KoBERT Anorrsom, vice-president ; Grorgb Hagub, Keneral manager; J. H. Plummrr. assistant ge leral minager ; A. M. CRnMniB, locil manager ; C. N. Reii), assisnnt local manager ; \. Pottbnobr, chief inspector ; W. L. Mari.br, assistant insperior. The Mercha Its Bank of Camda has yi branches and 3 Foreign agents. 305 St James st cor St Peter »t. Ontario »»>(♦.— CapitaHi. 500 000 Head oUice, Toronto- Sir W. p. Howland, C.B., K.C.M.O., president; Donald Mackav. vice-president : C. Holland. een:ral minag'r in Toronto; W. W. L. Chipman, manager in Montreal The Ontario Banlt has 16 branches. 8 Place d'Armes. Quth'c ffif*.— Cnnital »i. 511,000. Head office, Quebec. Hon. J. G Ross, president: W. Withai.l, vice-nresi- dent ; Jamrs Stbvrnson, cashier in Quehec : Thos. McDotiosLL, Tianager in Mo itreal. The Quebec Bank has 6 branches and a Foreign agiincies. i7)o Notre Dime St. TkeMoltoHt ^o«*.— Paid-up canltal $a,ooi.ooo; Rest •675,o-)o. Head oflli'^e, Montreal. Thomas Work- M\N. nresident; J H. R Molson, vice-president ; F. Wolfbrstan Thomas, general manager ; Jambs Elliot, manager. The Milsons Bank has 19 branches and 6 agencies in Camda, 1 agencies in E'lrope and \^ aren-ies in the United States, aoo St James st cor St Peter st. W»««i 5x.— Monsbignbur Archbishop Edouard Charles Fabrb, president ; Seminary op St Sulpicb, patrons; Rev. M. F. A." Charbst, purser. Coteau St Louis of Mile End. Firemen'i Benevolent Atsociation. — F. McCullocr, president ; J. Bbckihgham, secretary. Central Fire Station, 611 Craig st. prater /nttitute Free Public Liirary.— Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, life president ; R. W. Boodle, acting librarian. 811 Dorchester st. Hervey Intlitute and Horn* and School of Induttry.— Miss Hbrvbv, honorary president ; Mrs. J. H. Moonev, president ; Mrs. W. Miller, matron. 115 Mountain st near Dorchester st. Home for Friendlett iVomen.—VlKS,. Munro, matron. Plateau st. »3 Hipiial G/niral, or Grey Nunnery. — Rev. Sister M. Julie Hainault, superioress-general ; Sisters of Charity op Grey Nuns, directresses ; Rev. M. A. Tranchemontagnb, chaplain ; Dr. G. P. Rottot, physician. Guy st cor Dorchester st, Hifital Notre Dame. — Rev. Sister Perrin, superioress ; Dr. Bbbnnan, house surgeon ; Rev. Sisters op the Grey Nunnery, attendants. 1439 Notre Dame st near Dalhousie sq. Hospice St _C*uuiisnu)eui auto a6 ^t Oabriei si. Ictepnoiie £hu. 040. Cauiuux Ct Ubkomu, bouluellers and atatiuners, importers ui rrcn^jn buuics and rcugioas ariiciek, iOoj Nuirc Dame st. Chapblbau Z., dl Labbllb, booksellers, stationers, editors aiiJ uuuitbiuders, iiupuriers ul Vreucn leligiuus am- Citti, 15/b iSoire i>aiue St. CLArfKU vV. J., ct Co. booKsellers, stationers, fancy goods, luaiuii iiouJs, curiusiues, etc., 50 iiean bHOTHBKS, publishers, bi »llers, stationers, uuvj.cbiuders, account uuuic manufacturers and news u^eais, a33 at James st, maiiuiactury uoi t'urtiiica- i>o 1 lai>e ; uraucii store 133(1 M Caiheruie St. Davsualb William, et Co., publishers, booKiellcrs, sta- ..yi.iers and periuUical agents, wholesale and retail, 33a ai Jaiiie:, st auu 1413 St t,utiiei lue st near I'eel st, FabkiI ct CiRAVBL, French books, suticnery and paper Hangings, agents fur me sale ut t' reiicn patent incdi- c.ies, 1019 iNutre Dame St. liBH.s.tBY ct Hamblin, Wholesale booksellers and station- ers ; wall papers, school DOOAS, light literature, etc., 1659 Notre Uame St. MtLLBR KoBEKT, SoN (it Co., wholesale stationers, school OUO.C pu.jlishers, bouKbinders, blank book manufac- turers, agents lor Lovells and W. J. Uage ct Co.'s series ot scnool books; paper hangings in great variety, ij7a Notre Dame st, west. Vbhiako A., French and English law bookseller and law publisher and importer, law stationery and law re- iiuisites, bookbinder and publisher ot La Kevue Legale, »i at James st near st Gabriel st. FiCKBN Kbbn, bookseller, stationer, print seller and lending library, 33 Beaver Hall hill. ROLLANU J, B., ct FiLS, wholesale stationers, booksellers, primers and bookbinders, paper hangings, agents for r rencn and (je'man manufactures, sole agents for the Kuiland I'aper Co., at at Jerome, 6 to 14 St Vincent st, (Quebec agency, Kenauu's blucK, St Paul st, Saulibk i). ti J., ct Co., publishers, booksellers and SLa.ioiiers, Fka.mcis McCaub, manager, 16(19 Notre jfamc St. Sb.nblal Ei;sBBB,£t FiLS, publishers, book and job printers, uiaiik book manuiacturers and bookbinders, so bt Vincent st. Valom Joseph M., bookseller and stationer, formerly of tne tirm of Beauchemin i\ Valois, 8s St James st. 7 Stny&s , scctm^ Izruu : HsALT MiCHABL C, sccood hand books, 663 Craig it. SlaobJohn, second hand books, 51 Bleuryst. 19 Bulldlns and Investment Boeletles.—to build- ing ; a mortgage and loan. Among the Buildinf and Invetlmtnt S»cittiti art the Canada Mutual Buildimg So Cuthrib, president; Pbtkr Lvall, vice-president; J. ti. HirrcHEsoN, secrctary-tteasuier. 11 Hu-piial si, Cammircial Alutuat BuildiKg imciily .—ijtujv-iiv. M ahtim. president; ALfRBU juVlB, vice-president; UBORUB HvuB, secreiaiy-lreasurer. 157 st James st, Imptrial Mutual Building Sacitty cf Montrtal. — Wil- liam LuTTRBLL, president; Jamus Mblduum, sen., vice-president ; John H. Ximmis, secretary treasurer. 94 Catnedral st. La iacilll Canadiinnt franfain dt Cantiruction dt Montrial.—V. A. FAUikux, president; Joseph Eumonu, vice-president ; 1'. Lapalme, secretary-trea- surer. ijUa Nutie Dame st. Mantrtal Building and Invtttmtnl Campany. — Capital Vi,ooo,ouo. William Keiu, presideut ; John (js- TRLL, vice-president; William Coupbk, secretary- treasurer . a>9 at. James St. Mantrtal Loan and Alortgugt (Company. — M. H. Uavlt, M.P., president; Kichakd Bolion, vice-president; W. L. MalilY, manager. Waddcll building, 1764 Mutre Dame st. Mantrtal Mutual Building Socitly. — F. K . Clark, presi- dent; if. i', CUKRIB, vice-president; H. A. Wmitb, sec. -treasurer. 43 Kushbruoice st, villageuf St Cabriei. Pravidtnt Mutual Building tacitly .—Uakibi. Devinb, president ; T. Paiton, vice-president; C, L, Maltby, secretary-treasurer, 3U9 at Jumes st. Xayal Mutual Building iiOcitty.—V, K. Clark, ptcsi- uent ; H. A. Whiie, secretary-treasurer, 4a Kush- bruoke st, village of St Uabriel. Provincial Loan Cotnpany. — Anurbw Allan, president ; U, W. Moss, vice-president; tjBoHOB chi;ickshank, managing director and sec. -treasurer. 237 St James st. Trust and Loan Campany itf Canada ,—V.\niv.\.\. Ste- phenson, commissioner. a6 St James St. Victoria Mutual Building Sociity. — W. McWoou, pre- sident : A. Stark, vice-president ; K. Wayne, secre- tary-treasurer. 4j8 Wellingtun st. as ChemlBtB and I>riig;Klsta, Retail. Among the Chtmiiti and Druggiitt are : Campbell Kbnnbth, ti. Co., proprietors Medical hall, 1:9 St James st \ branch at Windsor hotel, Dominion sq. Chapman W. H., 667 Craig st cor Bleury st, h ai Ander- son St. Chbsnut R. S., &, Co., aoi St Antolne st cor Mountain st. Chive Th., French Drug store, 1383 Notre Dame st. Dansbreai; Joseph Charles, M.D., C.M., J15 and 517 St Catherine st. Dyer W. A., Ci. Co., 14 and 16 Phillips sq cor St Cathe- rine St. GiROUX P. O., 3543 Notre Dsme st and 293 Seigneurs st. Gray Henry R., 144 St l^awrence st, h 74 St Denis st. Jackson Henry F,, 1353 St, Catherine st. Lachancb SAraphin, 646 and 648 St Catherine st. Lbduc Dr. Joseph, & Co., 9033 and 2035 Notre Dame st cur Chabuilleii sq. Lbwis John, 38 V icturia sq cor Craig st, h aS4 St Antoi ne st McGals B. E., 2133 Notre Dame st. McNiCHOLS R., 597 StC therine st, h 99 St Hubert st. PicAULT iX Contant, 147s Notre Dame st cor Bonse- cours St. Thavbk L. O., M.D., C.D., 1379 Notre Dame st, h 1381 Noue Dame St. Wight G. V.-. 2449 Notre Dame st, h aSi Richmond st. 4 Dmnclats, Wlioleaale. C' "LL Kenneth, ft Co., 603 Craig st, £ Sons <;i Maaon, 37 to 4^ ~ 'ean EapUste st. Kbrbv, Watson A Co., 351 St Paul st, Lvman, Sons &, Co,, 38a, 384 and 386 St Paul it. ^I^fi '«rM„ church u. i;Uda . A,n.n •'"' • M P'""'*" .o m«hoU... church ,«C.Ldr"? P'"'':'«"«n i • ••>e"ch pr„.e"um chur'lh "^'l n*"'"''^ '" *-•"•'»• un.urim. ; 4 .y.mgoi" ." '"" ' ' "'''•'" <=hri,i,.„ ; . Among ,h, cA«rM« .„a tV,r^j,«„ „. . r* /■ . •'"•'*•• ""Of. 1 ho Rectory, 67 Univeriitv.t Urbaiii.t. "uou, M.A., re^ior, a;^ ail '^''"'i;.,'-*::.^]?; «/;:«'rht7n"h^urT- *• **'.^"' rector, bt UcJu cor l!)ubo^a ,t. ^ "•^■•dral, cor Cathedral »t '^ p.«lace, Ugaiichetiire it «>-J;"ctor,.4„..,,,„d,„'u,„ury^; ""• ^ '""""'•• f'*»*rat Hospital CHurcli —\i^M p n Urey .uuuery, Guy ^^^r'lL'che.ur"^."'"' ""'"""• Skntbnnb, pJruhDr^Ti "'""""• ^«''- A. L. P"'=-.corOorchest.r.t''aV0h''a-mXr«*''' ''"'"' ^:;:" ^frti^j;..::-,^"--^' p"'"> p^".. Chi;iich OP Scotland -i< AnJr^,,,-. nL ,. ^ James Edgak Hili, m a h n '„<^^"'''*--r'*"^- rialimll cor Melmoul It! • ' """""". «"ver M.6StCathen;.r." cor'FeeVs't.'""""''*"' '*'♦ "^ 3^:l.o»K-,---^..A. B. •"' ""Stl-^L'^r^^t^tr^^^^T' Pre,by..rir„ .-RKV. S^ Uabnd it.. ' •' ■"""««■•. c"' St J.me, and pSr„,''brcrha'rl^-.''-' *"""""' '^3 Co'ugregaUon,.; ique sts. ' """'"«'. "=0' i^orchester and St Mon- "' -'-.-«:: ir;;;iS''ro?e?at?r"o7le«i"^- ^"°/'«~" •tuearbtCatnerine St. """•"• '« Stanley *""a.frBrj--i?'^',^La\a.^^^^^^^^ Chester M and Drumoiond"; ^ P"'"' "=" ^'■• James st. •' '^""•' ■ »""««'. 187 «nd lig St Mtthodht Church iSec»Hd).-Rsv Wk h. mimster, cor Ottawa it and Aon st "A"»0"», Mon,r.al.^OUCHOHKH, CLUUl- ,-<,<. //. <,^».,. of Knalaiid ami lr-i.„a . — , ,.1 » > w «» Ihmimiom 6tuar, MtlkadUl CAurck _».„ i ^ . ;^r',.i?r^t-l:;;^;;K-w...AMACK.-. 't; st'c^hir^Trit^vraS i!.-.r;r:, -'"'-• Councillor »i, '^"•""' '"7 St Catherine >i cor Ciiy I •«3MJ'unuin.trr*6■:£:„';.^ «" "'"*«. P...or. K-v.aurrr, b"sHB? '/5 CA.AnA,-R.c;„ ""ver Hall hill near Vic>orU,g'"' ""■"»"". U NBW JKKU4ALBM CHURCH -H.v l' .«r, Hanover., cor uJr7he;,''.-r«""'' ^'"■°' ">'"'- "rN*^rp^.Vortarer'il',i,fr-*r'*-- W. S. Uh auCA, chief rabbi. 89 CheTlf.eWl'eTt ' ""••■'°'-* ''*c'"!:d^a-;;'..f:w",trTciu"b' [;.!!"'»""'» '«"'•": « l.beral association r . dom.„;°.?''" ' -<='"!' "..ioial Ounior) lacrosse; .Emerald M.-i-K"""'-.. ' «<="P«« « h,h and game pro.;"" n TT^^h"'.' ' ^'ihcree*!.; I McGilluniversityiooibrn ',.„.,"'' ,^ ''""'' Coaling; fiore ; . Montreal a*^^„'a7a^i';h,«'7P°l"an ; ,• monS^ I Momreal caledou.a curl" ,«•''''«„'"'''';"' ^'p^^''* Monirea curlinu • i Mr,, 1 '1 r ,"'"al cricket: 1 lacrosse; . fceal p" neerlL^ i ' ' '""""" raclce. court ; . m" rei^snow sh,^""*^ ' ' *'°"'"»' ■niiigj 1 Montreal thi."c cur:T„„ ' V*'"",'""' '*'«"- curling J , Royal Monlr.^ g"o '^1 ih .mrr^/J,^"'"*""'' bt Charlo, tuque rouge snow 'shn. • , ^, ."''' '""»»" ! « tunia ; i irappeur snow-shne • ! ' ''.' ■'*"'*» i > «eu- 1 »"cioriabr.Vbr.rnf-^ti','';^"\'"''« '"biwan ; men's conservative^^ ySuM m^-^r r"*"'"* ^ ' y™"* tennis and archery. ' " ' "'^°"" i « westei3 Among the ctubt are the «ident ; C. C. Newton ^i"^" McWood, hen. pr.- CUTHBBRT, presiden" u' i*'7:,.:i«-P'"'dent , V. V. W. B..«KuJGE:ue«urer-'' m7S.''i/'«-p«siclent ; S, Charles. Secr'elL'ry'r^idr^t^ M7gdal:^./'°'« Britannia FootbiUl Club -a M ''""«"*'«""■ dent; M. S. Blaiklmk nri^ii^'-'^'?^''' ''"n- P'e»»- .st vice-preside" rX^u'^J";^"''-'- .»^- «^«clav. G. Blaiku CK, triaVJrer • B J' « *'=e-Pre»iUent j Ury. Montrea Uym„"L'/ui,.^«u„i'vIf.^ryT' ""- den, j'^S.MBON Bbau„,n. pres!dr.''-"k •'°"t'''=«-P'"»^ ist vice-president ■ OvVla HnT,? ' ^' •*! ^"«"BI.AY, dent;T.lBEAUGE;;u,Vr^,u«r aT- V^ ^'«-P'««i- •ecretary ; A. MAai.!. =..7 V *" '^••"'gubt, hon. Maurice St. "*''™' assistant-secreury. ,8j g,. Cote. vice^i^ris.len^T'^riu?;;'^^ "'i ^''*''«°« Bbaurhgard, secretary ""•^nt, treasurer; A. "1.rS:rVKc;?;i''.^fjS-'^- ^----», Gabriel St. ■ '^"'^••ambbault, secretary. 31)4^8.! ^"^en^TITo'T.ri.^-'^-Sr^ J- V "V.P- H. Henlbhson, and " ce-D e,idem':''Htf^"^'"L' ^*'"" jun.. treasurer ; Duncan I Bnw^ ' "'""^ bTAHNBs. James St. """CAN H. Bowie, secreury. 30 si I ' Townnhip, City, r,mn. Ullage, hland. Like and Jiioer in th e Dominion of Canada. Montr^l-CLVm. GOMMKKCIAL. COMPANIKH. CON81ILA TKH- Ko<. // t>«.i.. 403 Mttro/o/itam Uui.-JotnH Hlcmow, pruidinl; John An-KIN, vk«-prliiii ; John «•, Coriox, i,tr«uiy- UtUMn. 37 U..v,r H.ll hill. ' ' AffHtrtai CaitJaitia Lurlint Uul.—J. W. HuuHu pre«iJ«,it;J. U, HuTLHiN*uN,vic«-pr«ia.nt , Ko»»jn riNLAV, Irs^aurtr; JuHN Eamin, >«i.r«titry i Kkv CANON hLLiOoou, cRaplain. KiiiK, cor Muumwii and SlLviherin* ti. "^""i?"*' ■'^"■''"' <-'/»<._W. H. Whyth. pruidsm WM, Laikns, itt vice-pr«»id«ni; K. M, Lahmuniu and vic«-prmid«iu; Kubbkt Llovo, trtuurir: »» ' ). tiiAiiiN, l,i>.i.4(ur«ury. i^g Alaiiili«ld ti. SAamroa Lacrtitt Uui-H. J. Cloran, pr«iid«nl j J HooBiN, III vice-pret,d«iu ; 1'. AI.khan, ana vice- president: I. Uui lk», ireu.ur«r j J. A. (.lokan, wc- reury Orouiidi bi (.mheriiie wom b«iwe«,. Aiwmer and Uorcheiier avenuet. ^' ^"Z" ""' -t>«""°« K. Small, manager and tecre- ury. Hji Uurcneiler ii cor Umveriiiy ,t. Tkiut BiHt TobogguH Oui.-K. H. Bonu, president ; I K L. stRiVHK, i« v.c»-pre.ide-u i Jam«. i.. Wi.i'. man. and vico-presidem ; Kobbrt Llovu, irea.urer : *-. n, OAiLLiK, non. lecretury. '^""tt'H.r^*'*"^ ^'•'*--^- CLOU.T0M, president: H. Calowell, secrctary-treasurer. office 96 bt * raucois Xavier st ; Kinn 49 Urummoiid st. * yoMHjt Mm-, R^0rm tV«<.-EuoAH Judgb, president • S Cross, isi vice-pre-ndent : b. J. (.oohlin. and v.Le- MiTcHKLL, Hon. treasurer ; vV, biHPsoN Walkbr, non .ecrctary. Meet, m Naiurai History Society riom. 3a University »i. ' •-""!». M.U., preM.denti R. I'AxraasoN, vrce.pre.ul^i ^ JAMRSUGILVIK treasurer i J as. I-owrll, .ecreia"y' urouud 0.1 Heresfora st. Lower Lachiiie roid. ^' Sa CoinmerolaL-14 brolccra ; a ciutomi ; 4 6nancial • a insurance ; 10 stock. ' * """"«'»' . Among the Broktrt are : Bond Frank, Cl Co., stoclt, ,4 Place d'Arme. Clerk Alton V., stoclc. 9. St Kran^ois Xavier st. Drake Walter, financial, 61 St liabriel st Forget L. J., ct Co , stock, ,7,5 Notre Dame st Macdoucall Bros., stock, 69 St Francois Xavier st. MacIvbr t\ Barclay, stock, laoSt Francois Xavier 11 '™°aWef st"*"""' "°'='' "«* ««'•-«<'. »» St Fr.„s;i. PiiBvosT Hectob, €i Co.. customs, ,0 Hospital st Oswald Bros., stock, 53 St Frantoi, Xavier .t. Kae Jackson, financial, 30 St rohn st SiMi^oN J. Cradock, insurwic'e, ao7 S. J.,me. .t. Wilson Andrew a., stock, 13 HospiwI it. I »» Companies.— 3 cemetery ; i uas • « »n~.. . 1 and mortgage ; l mining ; \ na'vigitio"'^, tl^J 'A" I trust and loan. "«»igaiion , 5 telegraph ; Among the Companitt are ; Cbmbibbibs.— iVWr* Dam, dt NtirtM—\,. r... accoununt; Evar,st« D urKE^fcTsm'-J^ ^]^IU H. UsscHAMPs, superintendent. Cemeter? V'ote d^ ^elge5 J olhce 4a St Sulp,ce st. ^™«*fy l-<«<> Qe MtUHt Royal CmeUr, Cam/any.-C. D Procto. nsB^":'r.uTSn.Tsir7,'..Kr' ' ■"-- CumtMrnra -Con\lnau4. OtminioH A>/,«, to.-HoH. Joibph Rosaihb TuiBAt;. miAU, pr...d..,t: John Cassiu, s.cr...ry."^..^^^ UoilJ.d st ' '"»'•'""•»«'•»»• "4 h« Jam., st tot NaUtnat Hxfr,,, Co. hai Agenciw In Montreal, New Vork, ami all ii.Urui.d.aie piat.«*, U. 1 . tMiw*, '.:," 84 and 00 .11 franijois Xavier st. * UniUU^UU, and ,,unada hxfr,,, U, has Aiienciea ... Uo..«n, ogdensuurg, a..u a,i ...i.r..„uui, t'lil! for the co.ie^..on o, ..„.„, uraas. accoum., i,.L..oo,l of ba..K b.il. spec.., j,>v.,|.,y. „.u »,. ,„.,^. ZX*'. cha.id.se, a..d in. e*ecui.ou ui co.nmiss.o... a,",ry description, U. 1. .^u,,,, ,^...,. „.^ ^i'"' J'^ ^ 501s Xavier el, «« «• •■imw dent; HUGH AKUnnan, vice-'"r""d..u f j^mSI F StaiVBR, secretary. .. St Jam., st cor a.\,iCr"".f.' RAiLWAY.i.-t«#.-t MaUwuy Lompany -a.. L.BOKGB a.BFH^N, ban,, pr«iu.„i ; VV ULiltiT ^ aS C*ntrat t'trmoHt Railroad.— ]. W, Hobart u.n.r.l manager , a. W. CUMMiNGS.^en./al pa.''.*"^,"/":?.' A. C. STUNBoaAVB, Canad.i..:pas«..icr aMcut ; f iV bHOWN, tr.igni agent. .30 at jam., ti. * ' " Lhicoiio and Urand Irunk Haituiay ^.ompany -Iobbph HitKsuN, president : L. I saA«< kam. . J"»'"H 130 at fcueniie st ' ■'" °''**'"'*'". "'cprciuei.t. DtUwar, and HudtOH Canal Company-, Railroad,-} MctALL, general agent. 143 ot James st. Grand Trunk Railway Company oj Lanada - Iosh.h HicK»oN, general manager'^; William vv^,'„„l^!!.'" •"'•'•'" """'-K" ; i.. J. a.>ARGaA^.* t.ancn^a^la..r•• JoMN 1-ORThoua, general freight agcni ; VVluVi; t-DOAR, genera, pas.e.ig.r agent ; L * i A^Nito,l. tlrenn'e'lf:.""'' '^"•'"^^"•""'' '— i'".""':"! ttienne SI ^""'»'. ••".tary-ueai.urer. .jo st ''^'XZ^Ti^'^'^*''''* y>"*'*i'""i^^il«>ay Company - Hon. Jambs !.»««,««, presiueiii ; Jos'i-h hVks^n urarrtiri^v^""-*' ^«'--^- ---"y----r^ Montr,al i,lr„l Railway Com/any. -Jessk Joseph ore. Plare'd^ArmriilS.""" '"'"""'■ »<^ ^"N. « c*o" ^^T^^"^':Z{''"'''^'^'""'-"'''""'So.lon^irLin,- 1. A. McKlNNON, general manager ; A. u/lh^Ik, secreury-treaaurer. aoa St James st 'cor s7l-«.er s, "' Steamships.-/!/^. ^,„, „j- ^t.am.kip,.-».. a, a Allan, agents. »S Common st cor at l'etcr"t ^"i-SJ':::^'^:,'!ri ""^ '^''*'"'> Navigation Com- /ax/.— Captain Labellk, general niauaaer Alh)^ MiLLOY. trattic manager ; 'j. N. bsAUUhr .,'cr«arvl treasurer, sag ht I'aul it. "•""""I, secretary* 16 CouBuUt«a an » yu,b. '""v '< *7/"''-Wli.U*ll L. Muni.*.. H ^ii.ul, <■ JUIiuH. -A. *I, F. GiAHiiLLi,hoii. Raynl aontul ; CAimmo MANiDrTi, Kuyal soiMulir agtiit. ly ll«avtr Hall hill. A'^M/W.K.A.-S, U. Hbwarb, yisMomul, 8j Si rrmncoln Xavi«r tl, ' ' *./»WlV J// i/;-|./lM,.-.F«l,l««ICK C. HiNSHAW, vlc*- vu.Kul. 4 Cutiuin HuuM tquar*. i/i ./> 1, -J.AN L. L.MOMON, M. U , .„ Si. Anioin. ii. ii»// 71 a»./ Af^rwuij,,— John F, Wufcrr, v1c»s:omuI. u ai3j|pie««i, ' SieltzirUn.1. -A. H. Aumn, canaul ; D. L Riv. vicf co.i.jl. 411 S( faul II. V»iUJ ^latt,.-Ho„. -v. A. Andikson, contul-g.ntral for ti>« Ojmiiiun of Ca.iada; J'. Uummam. vi«a aiiJ liapji/ cuiujl-genaral. 146 Si Jamu sk lis K.liioatloiml Iii«tltjtloni.-a4 »oad«mlo. ; » buariling and d.*y icnujU ; ^, cull.g.. ; 4^ day .tl, mU ; « lugii nuiiuuin i 1 ki.id.rgaricu ; 4 111 idti ichuu.i ; 1 m.i.ic av.iuxl ; a normal achoo » ; it uraparatory •cnoo.i; juiiiv«ri4li«»i agyniii_MUiBi, A a in ; the Ae^tdimiti ara : ■•// Bourgioit, undar iha diracllon of "^ or TMll CoNOaHOATlON OI> NolRK A%%. Mak» Mbrcbr. lady priiisipai, Princa of Wale* wrraca, 001 Shar- brooke si, > » * Ladi4,' D^ and BMrJing ScHmI.- '.9i. Robbbt M. Watson, lady principal, Bute houaa, 844 Sharbrooka ai. Momirtal Academy .-V.tw. John Wiiliamjon, racior • advanced coursaa aa preparation for univeriitiea and profassional or comniercial lifa, 60 Mackay si, St. AntoiHt AcMitmy.—V. L, O'IJonouohUb, principal a4j Guy si. ' ' > Vaung LaJut' Sdueaiunat SttaUukmtHl,—\li» I. Lawubh, principal, 110 ManiSald at. ^ VouHgLadiet' Stminarji .~Un. E. H. Lav, priacipal. 1 736 and 1 7j8 Si Catharina st. . priucipai, YauitgLaditt' ifAao/.— MuiBs Stmhbbs Pi Smith. i,rin. cipals, 916 Sharbrooka St. '^ Day AND Boarbimo ScHoots.— ifftsrrfiW .i»tf ^ .,/,-/ for Vaung iMdif.-Misan Fobnbrbt on . . T Barn si. ■ r ■ . . St /ahn', Parachial StluMl.—9.tM. Edmvns W , ... . intendaiit, iHay Unlario at. ' A< yahn-t SthMl.~9.ny. Arthuii Fhbhch, 4^4 mastar, 374 St. Urbain st. ' Olatgow Uolvaraliy, head ,.ler, ■; s! Uka i" PrtltitmHt CammlttitHfrt .Stiutt -C. A. Humpmrby principal, 347 Si Uominiqiia at tor Sharbrooka at ' '' '■'::"'mS.7.'*'" '■""'^^ HuA.R,..up,r,t„«.. St. ^t'iili', Jf*«/.-Conducled by ihe Rav. Nuna of iha Congragailun of Nolra Dame, MbV. Sistih Saint AloY»h;s, supariorasa, 79 Si Alaxandar si. Hiojj ScHix.ij. -//,;,* ir*#<^ ^ Mantrt»t. — \\ A. HOWB, M.A., LL U , principal and racior, Hoys' ail head ma>ier ; Mrs. I,. KtiLtRR, lady principal, Uitia daparimant, cur Uurnaide place and Metcalfe su "'*\'r'Z''': 'u'^'W'r'-r^' N- SMBWAN,headin«.t«,, cor Metcalfe «ad Uuriiaida. KlNUBROARTBH. - MlUBB MtlHTOSH's KlNOBROARTRN Victoria' " ' "V"*™. »"<1 » tunnaciing cluaa, 97 MoBBt StH.x)t».-;V,6V// Madal SthaaU-Qna. Par. MAiBR, maaiar, Moys' departraeat j Misa bWAi.Low, hmd mutreaa, Oirla' dap.irlment ; Misa UaHRitK. head iniaireaa. Primary department, 3a Uelmont at. M*djlSth.,ala/tkt Cahnial Church mmi Scka*t ij///« * MantrM.-V.r.v. P. DnouiRE, director; Kkv. L. (.assibh, bursar, iiHi Sherbrooke si! Commercial ColUgc-fho Bryant !^ St rattan. -D^yu tt Bum, principals, 5 Place d'Armes. Congrogational Ctllogoq/ Brilith North Amtrica.-Rts. J. t. Stbvbnson, principal, 5a McTavish at. McGillCoUcg,.-.SiKj. William DAwsoy,LL.D.,F.R S.. principal ; W. C. Baymbs.B.A., sec, Sherbroike st ; Prottyttrian Thtologital CoJlegt.—D. H. MacVicar principal, 67 McTavish SI. •"• mac vicar, ■*' 'Xt?'t'^^'''"<^""''>— R-v-A.TuROBON, rector; Rbv. E. Schmidt, rainistar ; • bv. L. Lbmibb. aasisi- ant-treasurer, 14a Bleury St. »mi«b, assisi- ^"n^'vZL^f'^J' '°l^^' '^i?"" of Montraal, church Sil^ ifLw"**'"..'-*'""' "■""""SON, M.A., princi- pal ; Kbv Canon Bblchbr, sec, 8;;6 Uorc lester s-. »'«/«'««. Thiologicai C.////,.-Rbv. Oborob Douolas. principal, aa8 University st- ^yyy^^Ki, Univ«jitim -£/„Wr„-o. Laval. - .Montreal branch. Faculty of Law.-REV. T. c. Hambl, rector: Ho" fe'D-lme «. ^'•'■""'«» ""'"". »««retary', ,538 (fniv u, McGitJ Cj-Z/v/.-Medical Faculty, Upper ..',/eriiiy SI Faculty of Arts, University BiildiK« cfiambera, ijf. ' 'snijist. S*kool.—S. P. RowBti, Day Schools.— ^wie .V .» t Tou>n»hip, City, Town, Village, hland, Lak nnd River ,n , Ihminion o/CanaJa. 406 .V.mlrral-Krt, h ijii S» Cathe- rinc It, KiNHiiuv John, chlrf •nyineer Harbor Committionar, »» tummuii I. n iij Uiiivaralty ,t. Sm^nlI'V V AL.'iit,, , (,; _ pr,,iJeiU Edward.hurg Starch <-o., iKtt at Kji ■ iwrencc hall, 139 St Junici it Wa.«*nk W MtI.«A HAS, P.LS , C.E.. ..4 St jame\ n|, branch offlca Caughnawagu, yut. 474 IliitvU, *o._i;7 hold, i IS rarrMhoMot rooma : iji rcitauranta. Amuiig the Hoitli ar< the AUIoH thur-HimM^^ Si MurniAT. proprlalori, 141, 14, aiiJ 145 MciJill it. ■ » I « Ha.'mnrul fM.I-V. H. Ui/NHAM, proprlator, 1894 to 1910 Notre Uame it. r r . »» CuinJiat Pacific fhltl—y Movin, proprietor, la and 14 Harrack «t oppofite C.P.R. grounds. GUiroru ffoUl-L. Jarr*, proprietor, i960 and 196a Nuire Dame it. r . , y AVw Vork //«««. _D. A. Mblvih, manager, 73I to 74» Lagauchetiire «t. * " Kichtlitt, Htltl. -UiDont H. Duhocm«r, proprietor. 41, 43 and 47 St Vincent »t and 60 Jacque* Cartier iq. St Lawrence //a//-HuNny HooAH. proprietor : S. MoNTOf MKRT, manager. .39 to 143 St Jame. m: lacliei entrance, 13J St Jamet It. ^'''Z'i"''',^u''i'f,r^'"^''^'"^' •'""'"«. P'orrietor, 31 and 33 Chaboilleie «q. > ■• « > j n-avetly Holel.-M. 0'Rbili.ey, proprietor, 93 and 95 Juror. >t near Victorit sq. ^' W/Wwr //W»/. -Windsor Hotrl Comfany, proprietor. Oro. Ilbs, manager ; H. S. Tubs, caahier, Dominion «J cor Peel .t and Dorchoter .t. Among the Re/rethment Roomt are : ^''■^.''-tr'' '^'"'"tf"^, Re/re.hmeni Roomi.-CHK^M ALBXANDER, Confectioner, proprietor, 219 St Jame. st •■» — 14 jiidgt. : arlen , a regi.lrar.. »o Q.C.. i 36I ai. ■ i- 1- ■> Vicloria Coffee and Chop //^««._Gborcb Aldridge proprietor, 167 McGill st. ""■uub, Among the RetiauraHtt are : Dusgan't RettauraU.—P. I. Di;goan St Jame< st. ' Gratd Trunk Retiaurant.—AnrHUH I 3>)9 Wellington .t. ''T'srjimef.f'"'''"' ~^""" ''"^'"••' ^'°^'''""' Lunch Palae and IHne «i//.-Adolphb S. Compain proprietor, .16 and 118 St Franijoi. Xavicr st. '^''?77 ufeurf "t'"'"'"'""-''^"^' McCarthy, proprietor. ''"4t';6fa'„'d'':6TcraTg^il!.*'"-'" "°''"-' """•"«-' ^""66";'st£:'rrncer'-""^''"'- "*""*''"' P™P""-- Tansev ffjute nRnvAor. T^^-^o.. !_.- -. . ,_ " . „ ~ * -•, i"-i"ir;...r, 71a l,r31g. J'rrafiin Ketlaurant .-Ktmw Dunne, proprietor. Cry- stal block, J681 Notre Dame .t. "Fn^'i"-, <,ry 40 1 I,«( notari 14 .luatM.-« Court of (>„«„•, Bench ; g Superior Court are ; " "'^'*' '''•'^'"' O-""' «'«fc*, appeal ..>lq llABV Hon K. O., 77 Mansfield 11 Crohs Hon. Alex., 151 Cote des Neiges road Dor ION Hon. Sir A. A., 336 Sh.rbrook. it. MoNIt Hon. S C, Windsor huiel, Dominion >q Kamsav Hon. T. K.. ,8(S Mansticld .t. Temier Hon. U. J., 70 St Ixiuls ,1, yuebec. The ynJgei o/the Superior Court arc : Doherty Hon. Marcus, 590 Shcrbrooke .1. J«rr» Hon. Louis A., 97 St Hubert it. JoMNwiN Hon. F. (J., ,8 Mackay st. I^^RAnuerHon. I.oui»0.,94StDeni.,t. MathibuHun. M.,56St Dcni. .t. Pai-ineauHon.A. C.soStDenls.t. RainvillbHon, H. F., 19, StHuberlat limRANcE Hot.. F. W., .M4 Dorch.,Mr ,t. 3«* Atlvocate*.— au y.Ct. Among the Advocalee are ! Abbott, Taii, Abbotts et Camrbbll, 11 Hospiml "^"cVm^b".!!' Lk, ^i '•'i'- °f A''''""' '•'»". Abl IS i\ v-ampt)eM, 919 Shcrbrooke st Atwatbr a. W.. cf At*a.er « Cross. 90a Dorch..tcr ,. Barnard a Barnard, 99 St James >t "^-ShTbrte!" '^'-'•' "' •""■""«»« Barnard. . Bates J. ft W. A., 66 St James st. Bakry Dennis, 74 St Jame. st. h 790 I.agaucheti4re st SrHSberl^.;.°^ ""''"• B""^"''"" Marlineau, a, Bells Joseph A. Acbille, 474 Craig .t Benjamin I,. N., 30 St John .t, h 99 Mackay ,1 HETHUNBa Bethunb, Sto.k exchange, „ St Sacr.men, ,1. ""unWerfi'^^r '"• ^•'-'- "' «^"""'» '' ««'■"»«. '«^ Branchaud Athanase B.iuset, 54 Park av. Ch.,rch, Chaplbau, HALLdl N.colls. ,47 St Jam« „. '"''A^^ol'^?"e43'sfeSL^e' ^t'. ^'""'-' '^''»'"""' "•'" « Cross Selkirk, ,36 St Jame, st. h .5, Cote dc, Ne.ge, r.ad B.C.L., of Judah, Branchaud a , of Davidson a B^dard, I-EP., of DeBellefcuille a Bonin, 36 Davidson Charles Peers, Q.C 59 Victoria SI. ""'"'i^U^Q^ 1^ ■=' ^"V. Ca.a del Monte. .49 DeBbllbfbuille E. Cherrier st, '^'"d'e"MarTs^'*"'""' ^' *' ^' ^''^'"^ »'• >• '<» <-'•■•""? '"'"fignJlT.A^orr '^■' °' '^"^'""«"^ -^ J^' '^'- Duhambl George, of Adam a Duhamel, 96 Cherrier ,1 DuHAMEL Joseph O.C, of Duhamel, Rainville cl Marceau, 341 Sherbrooke st. Jvrtmvuie ct Faitbux Pibkkk a., 55 Viger sq. Fleet Charles J., of Robertson. Fleet a Falconer Terrace bank, 993 Sherbrooke St. 'a'coner, (iiRouAKD a DbUirimier, ,,4 St James St. "^°a Brorse"ur'6;s^&.;b/rt^.^°''^-' ^'"^-'^V' «-'""" C;reenshieu.s Jamhs N., of Greenshields, McCorHll Guerin a Greenshields. ,7,, St Catherine ^,""='''''^'"' »AT1.,N John C, ,,37 Notre Dame st, h .50 Metcalfe st. "Uthed"::.""' "-f'-' of "<=■•«» ^^ Oi,shtred,.675S, 406 Specimen pages of Loaell'. Gazetteer and UUtory of every County, District, 1 Montreal-XnVOCATVS, NOTARIES /4(/i'a«i(u— C'cmtlnuod. ""i^l^'n^w '^*,'^"T' ^■^■^•- °^ Macmas.er, Hutch- mson, Wcir cl Maclennaii, 1362 Uorchesier st Kbk« William H g.C, D.C.L., of Kerr, Carter ft Oolditeiii, s6i( University SI. v--"=i i-t Lacostk Hoy. Alkxanuhe, O.C, senator of I irr,«t. Globcn.,ky, liisailiona B'roXeaJ, 7, St riXrll, ' Lacoste J. LH3., 1601 Notre Dame st, h 73 St Hubert st I.APLAMME Hon. Adolphus, of Laflamme, /.L.flamme a Richard, Park liousc, 9 Panet st, river side Laflamme, Laflamme A Rickard, 68 St James st. LBMOY.NE UE .Martig.ny Charlhs, 294 St Antoine st. """"rpVil-ii^s-pVa^"-^ • '^■^•^•' °^«"""a Llghthall, ^°"c'?ai"'s/"''*'"" ^" ^'^" °^ ^°""8" <^ Beaudin, 342 LUNN Ale-c. H., of Lunn ft Cramp, 679 Sherbrooke st. ^"""Mcfa'vish si.' "^ ^^"^"^' ^^"""^ "^ Macpherson, 72 McCoKD pAv;iD R., M.A., B.C.L., .6» St James st, h 161 Cote dcs Neiges road. McGiBBON Robert D.. B.C.L.. of McGibbon £1 McUnnan, 95 Union av, ' Mackba George, Q.C, 68 St James st, h Place Sophi.v 7a McGill College av. *^ M.RCIER Hon. Honors M.P.P., of Mercier, Beausoleil ct Martmeau, 88 Berri st. O'Halloran James, g.C, aoa St James st and 120 St Pagnublo Simeon, Q.C, of Pagnuelo, Taillon a Gouin, 383 Sherbrooke st. QuiNN M. J. F., of Quinn dl Weir, 99 Duke st. Ramsay Robkrt A., 186 St James st, h 1134 Sherbrooke st. Robbrtson William W., Q.C, of Robertson, Fleet ct Fal- coner, 145 Mountain st. ^°^: ^%"^'\ ^f •• "^y attorney, 1539 Notre Dame st, h 631 Sherbrooke st, Terrill Fred. W., 13a St James st, h Dolan av. Cole St Antoine. Walker W. Simpson, B.C L., 81 St Francjois Xavier st h 37 Chomedy St. ' Weir W. A., B C.L., of Quinn a Weir, 32 St Luke st. 110 Notaries. I Among the Motariet are ; I Beaufield R., 146 St James si. Cantlee J. L., 32 St James st, h 57 St Hubert st. Cushing Chs , Mo St James st, h 1377 Dorchester st. Devlin O. J., 118 St James St. DoucET THEaooKE, 190 St James st, h 230 St Denis st Griffin J. C, 11 Hospital st, h 1384 St Catherine st. Isaacson J. H. , 42 St Sacrament st, h 1800 St Catherine st ^"^A-S^r\f- "^-^ 9° ^' J/"".' "■ •> <=<"■ St Catherine and Metcalfe av, Cote St Antoine. Labadib J. A. O., 15 St Lambert st, h 97 Maple st, LiCHTHALL W. F., 156 St James st, h 16 Phillips place Lyman A. C, 157 St James st, h 84 Victoria st. Papinbau C F., 56 St James st, h 7a Berri »t. Philipps W. a., II Hospital st. Plamondon T., h Gosford st. Reudv W. B. S , 90 St J.imes st, h ,277 St Citherire n SiMARu Joseph C, 15 St James st. h 69 St Hubert st Stuart (51 Fair, 13 Hospital st. Wright H. B., 58 St Franijois Xavier st, h 18 Barclay st. a Re(sl»trar»._i Montreal East ; , Momreal West "'"^^i:!'^^r"-^- ^' ^"^ . «3 S. Gabriel Montreal iF,sl,r„ Divhion. - Warwick H. Ryland Court house, .577 Notre Dame ,t, h 33, Dorchesur s"! S Librarte..,— J leading ; i public. 'arish. L 1. MANUFACTORIES- ro/. //, Quebec. blank books; 3 boiler covering ;,^h..M '''""«• '' shoe dies; 6 boot ties and lasts ,.&* ^"f ""'' :n^^^?dffii?-^rviis^--^--'- and sleighs ; 4 c.-.ni.i„^xfes .?,?"= '5 carr,.,ges '"B press ; 2 cordage: 2 cork lifemeVerve?, VrU F" and biscuit niachrnery ; 4 culler? 1 d^rVinl^"''" L^s ,«''"'■"■■• « §'="'l-=nen's furnishings; 2 Tr,' fenrin.,. ., • ■?. "°" ''°"" and vau is ; 12 iron lencing; 12 iron rai ngs ; 6 iewel ,-t.;»q • ,^1 ■ . work, 8 monuments; 4 mowine marh,-n,.= ,; „ ■ ^ff:^r^;.Li:^^r4^S if 5?' ink. : I printers- roller comVosition! 4 griming ^"p".' "^ ginger ale ; 2 stained glass V slat larv *"fi%,""'^ Among the Manu/acturert are : ^"^a!L A«™"«. fire and burglar proof safes vaults ,nH AMR, H ' ""' Tr ''' ^' J^""=' "• •> 4 Ginning s?."' Ames HoLDEN a Co., wholesale boots and shoes « ., and 49 Victoria sq. snoes, 45, 47 Barrinoton George, a Sons, trunks valises h=™ , ^ ^^c^:r^::t-s^;?^vi£?^- -:^.S'i^r;^,-;,a--?j-ife-. Bbauchamp A. A„ jewellery, .5,2 Notre Dame st '^^'■s;^arert::'i^^-^:d^?s'^™;^r ""<> -"--"^ --ion. '''':^i;d'i.''.5'v^c';Lr^a ;•,:""'"'"<= ^■•-'"''•^'- manufactured """^ce';:;^^,^'^' -;^^;:-^-"a •ocomotiv« b..|ls, 'i '^:!!!!!^^^?:L^^^ in ike Dominion of Canaia. ■ ■ ► CLBNDiNNmo Wm & SoN, stovM, ranges and furnaces Greenb a Sons Co., fur., hats, caps, 5.3 .0 5.5 St Paul st. Oku!^ 1. ., trusses, Canada Truss factory, 636 to 690 Craig s t iVHb H. R it Co., iron fences, railings, etc., ..7 Queen »t. Leuoux a, carriages a sleighs, factory laq and 137 S. A„ to,nes,, office .3. and .jlst Antoin^e I'SyW^^ltT. *"' cXge^- °- ^°<"''' ^""^ "="'-8 POW". 55 and 57 "'^:^^-^t?^^— ;;^^^!;^-t?^«.-.ors, Dam^st"^"' ^"^ '^ ^°-''"»""' books, ,87. Notre ''""rh^lr^fAn^toinTsr ^"'^ "*'" '^"-' " «' J-« "Tre^.-'ard- '^ni^an.\"V^P^kr^« - °»'- prlmeri'ami h !;'u'r-^',"'>"'««'"'ationers, bookseller,. St i Quebec agency, Renaud" s block, St plul st '"^TRf^h^rXnVoYc"e^»ar'2;"i- "' ''--' '*' TooKE Br,.s., shirt, and collars, 5.0 to 5,8 St Paul ,t. Warren Horace B., a Co., scales. 763 Craig st. ^"Xa^d ^8 &^i -r;^ te«-!:;;.1S^ -elopes. 407 Alloway T. Johnson, M.D., L.R.C S L H r P v^- <,34 Uorchester st. '-•«•!-»•, UR.C.P., Edin., Ambrose Thomas, M.D., 169 Craig st. Bbll James, M.D., 59 Beaver Hall hill ''".T37 Nltr{- tJ^:?.-' P-f«- of P"c«-1 .natcy, Cameron Charles E., M.D., 87 Mansfield ,t. Dkmers Gustavb, M.D., 2.95 Notre Dam- st D'Orsonnbns T. E., M.D it r> n.-.-j . ,. . , m«iicine and surgery-oVn^^e^-,' S fifiSs^f I Medical Profeuion-CcnUnuai DuoDALB JoHH J., M.D., 753 Lag.uchetiire .t. """"■S,."' "•°- •^•M- I'-M., homeopathist. „ Vie- °*''£ru„re'r^rtno9Vnio?;t"" "^ «-""'°«^- "^ GiRDWOOD S. P.. M D M P f- O t /• G.B<::i:oT'7i^;"''"^"'^"^-Hiir^^^- L.IROUARD J., M.D., Longueuil, Que. Howard Robert P., M.D L R r P jr «. r «>«dicine,McGminiversi;y.'';fu^„i^n^i;.P™f«»" °' "°Y^°R^J- B-. B.A.. M.D.^McGill), F.R.C.S., Eng &'u,;iifr"stty.';;i~rontt'r''"^'"'" "' '""O'"^' Jbannotte Hermenbgildb. M.D., 389 Dorchester st. ^-?atu7.;;^^LTar--;.v-^ Lbblanc J. A., M.D., 467 Mignonnest. '■^TipVn"r37te.otfsV. "•'^-^••■^- ^'"-"" Lbroux Joseph, M.D., 2445 Notre Dame st. Maccallum Duncan Campbell, M.D.. 45 Union av. J Macdonell Angus C, M.D., 90 Cathedral st. ''nro'LTM'^c&r;ni^;rs^tVr7"M°;ca&''"- ^ ''"Wei^lf.- ^•' "•^- 3'3 St Lawrence st, h 3.7 St Mathieu Arthur, M.D., 750 St Catherine st. Maurillius a.. M.D., 3,2 Richmond st. Mount John William, M.D.. 746 Notre Dame st. MULLER Frederick, M.D.. homcepathist, 1.3 Stanley st. Nichol Thomas, M.D., LL.U., B.C L M r P 5 n tar,o and Quebec, hom«pa,his.. •i';o1lian,fieldft- """ PBRR.GojAS.,A.M.,M.D..M.R.C.S.,Eng.,,63Bleuryst PiCHi Alphonse, M.D., ,64 St Constant .t. surgery, Victoria university, 23,3 Notre Uame st Proulx J. T. P., M.D., 730 St Catherine st Roddick Thomas G., M.D., 80 Union av. ' '"'6?fc""Hter'"''«-^-"-^-«-R-C-S..Eng., Wanlbss Ji JIN, M.D., homoepathist, 88 Union av WilkinsGeo.. M.D., M.R.C.S.. Eng.. 898 Dorchester st. ao Dentists. Among the Denlitis are : Alu,wav Robert A., D.D.S., L.D.S., 588 Wellington .t. Andres Samuel J., L.D.S., 44 Beaver Hall hill. Bbb"s wT ^" ' ?'^'r '"■ "^ ''' "PP"' St Urbain «. Beers W. George, L.D.S., 60 Beaver H.ill hill. "d°,:?s^;."- ''•^•S- " St Lambert hill, h 27 St Brewster C, ii Phillips sq. IBBOTSON Edward B., .279 St Catherine stopp Phillip, ,q Nichol John C.,s8 Beaver Hall hill Seers F. X., L.D.S.. 387 Craii ,t. XRiisiLMR a Globenskt, 1592 Notre Dame St. Wbbjtbr John H.. L.D.S.. 1630 Notre Dam. st YouNo W. H. Dion, ,694 Notre Dam. .t Montreal-MERCASTILE, NEWSPAPERS, R AILWA Y8- f oi. //. Quebec. 7 Oonllsts and Aurl§tg. Among the OcutisU and Auritit are : BuLLKR F., M.D., 8B3 Dorchester st. Pkoudfoot Alex., M.D., oculist and aurist to Western hospital and Montreal dispensary, a Phillips place. Thayer L. O., M.M., C.M., licentiate society of apothe- caries, Lend., 1379 Notre Dame, h 1381 Notre Dame st. 6 Mercantile Agencies.— 2 American ; 4 Canadian. Jiraltlreet Comfany, The Improved Mercantile Agency. Joseph Phiestman, eeneral manager ; Thomas Bell, superintendent, 1794 Notre Dame st. British American Mercantile Agency.— \f KDV. & Wade, managers, 214 St James st. Canadian Reporting and Collecting Association.— V. H. Williams, manager, 154 St James st. Commercial Agency, The—Cnwrn Freres, proprietors, Jacques Cartier Bank building, 7 Place d'Armes. Dun, tyimana Co., The Commercial Agency.— yf . W Johnson, manager, ri4 St James st. Legal and Commercial Exchange 0/ Canada.— Vn^n. J. White, general maimger ; James V. Mitchell, in- spector, 5 Barron block, 162 St James st. 513 Mercantile Calllngn.— 25 dry goods, wholesale; 200 dry goods, retail; 25 grocers, wholesale; 200 grocers, retail; 12 hardware, wholesale; 50 hardware, retail; 10 wines .ind liquors, wholesale. A inong the Dry Goods, wholesale, are : Caksley a Co., 93 St Peter st. Gault Bros, ii Co., 21 St Helen st. GiLMouR J. Y., a Co., 354 St Paul st. GreenshikldsS., SoNctCo., 17 to 21 Victoria sq. Hodgson, Sumner c^ Co., 347 St Paul st. Maclean John a. Co., 23 St Helen st. McLachlan Bros. & Co., 232 McGill st. May Thomas, a Co., 240 McGill st. Robertson, Linton a Co., cor Lcmoine and St Helen sts. Ross, Haskell a Campbell, 16 St Helen st. Thiuaudbau Bros, a Co., 332 St Paul st. Thourut, FiTZGiBBONa Co., 140 McGill St. Among the Dry Goods, retail, are : BoissEAU a Frere, 235 St Lawrence st. Carsley's, 1765 to 1777 Notre Dame st. LiGGET a Hamilton, 1883 Notre Dame st. Medrill W. H.. a Co., 88 St James st. MussEN Thomas, 1651 Notre Dame st. Murphy John, a Co., 1781 and 1783 Notre Dame st. Ogilvy Jas. a., 203 St Antoine st. Valiquette Alphonse, 1869 Notre Dame st. Among the Grocers, wholesale, are : Caverhill, Hughes a Co., 20 and 22 St Sacrament st. Chaput L., Fils a CiE., 309 to 313 Commissioners si. Childs George, a Co., 20 and 22 St Fransois Xavier st. CussoN Alexis, 185 St Paul st. Donahue William, cor St Maurice st and St Helen st. HuuoN, Hebert a CiE., 304 St Paul st. KiNLOcH. Lindsay ii Co., 80 St Peter st. Kirk, Lockerby a Co., 75 to 79 St Peter st. Mathewson J. a., a Co., 202 McGill st. Semplb John H., 35 St Peter st. Tees, Wilson a Co., 66 St Peter st. Tiffin Brothers, 318, 320 and 322 St. Paul st and 153, 15, .ind 157 Commissioners St. " Turner, Rose a Co., cor St John and Hospital sts. Among the Grocers, retail, are : Cookb, White a Co., 1312 St Catherine st. Crawford David, 173 St James st. Crawford David, a Co., 1315 St Catherine st. DuritEj.^i: aMo-ccNAis, lOiii Noire Dame St. Fraser, Viger a Co., 199 St James st. Mercantile Calliiiai-ConWaati, Frasbr Thomas, 1181 St Catherine >t. Gravel Fr^kes, 2 St Lawrence st. Among the Hardware, wholesale, are : Benny, Macphebson a Co., 388 to 392 St Paul st. BouDRiAS G., a Co., 635 St Catherine st. Caverhill, Learmont a Co., 89 St Peter st. Coghlin Bernard J., 413 St Paul st. Crathern a Cavhrhill, 89 St Peter st. Darling Wm., ci Co., 30 St Sulpice st. Haldimand W. L., a Son, 8 St Franjois Xavier st. Robertson Thomas, a Co., 9 Chenneville st. Among the Hardware, letail, are : Belleau a. F., a Co., 652 St Catherine st. Cavanagh Edward, 2551 Notre Dame st. Denis J, A., 206J4 St Lawrence st. Dhysdalb David, 645 Craig st. Labbee a Co., 587 St Catherine st. Nelson Charles, 315 St Lawrence st. Prowse George R., 222 St James st. Surveyer L. J. A., 1588 Notre Dame st. Walker James, a Co., 234 St James st. 55 Newspapers and Periodicals.-; dtiily, English; 5 daily, trench ; i annual ; i fortnightly ; iB monthly ; a quarterly ; 23 weekly. Amo,.g the 'Nnuspapers are the following Dailies : Gazette, rhe.-GAzBTrs Printing Co., printers and pub- lishers ; Richard White, managing director, cor Lraig and St Francois Xavier sts. Herald, 7'he Montreal.— ThrHbhald Co. (Wmiled). pro- prietors and printers, 6 Victoria sq. La Minerve.— La Compagnie d'Imprimerih de La Mi- nerve, printers and publishers, 45 Jacques Cartier sq. La Fatrie.—H. Beaucrand, chief editor, publisher and printer, ^i to 35 St Gabriel st. La Presse.—Vl. E. Blumhart, editor and proprietor, juo Notre Dame st. «• r , aiu /.'£/--«i'l«"'; Edward i-USHEH, manager and secretary. 566 Craig st B f'^'ipCl"^?'"''"'"-^— ^- ^- ^'""■"'HE, treasurer; A. s^-and'^o'st' i-eJert' """"'" "«■="'• "" ^'J'""" ^'^ fr7ra^n■•d^Jl;:,^Tfe'r'r^.^°" °f Montreal.-.3 ocean ; Among the Ocean Steamers are • '"'Tnd^S'mm?-/.! ^^ ^'■"''' ''^""' <=- «' ^^^ »' ron?Hou«7q"- ^- M'^'"'*^. ««""»! manager, . Cui ""'"ASirm'-fl^reVq!"'"""*''' '^"''-'' -^ Co., agents. U Brien, 143 bt James st ; U. ToRHANrHrt Pn „»„ ' eral agents, Kxch-^nge Cou'rt, 8 and "o Hospltars't'. ^'"' ''"^.fsrsfcra'mTn^sr"- ^'"'"''■' " C°' ^««=-. =3 and '"''ai;7co';;;"„:o7^: "" ^- ^'•"''' "«-•'• <=- st Pe.er st Comm^n^sl"'-''''""^' ^- J^"^"-^ "^^ C"- agents, .08 ^"'f/o'ne'rsT'*'^ C<,.-Dav.d Shaw, agent, aojCommis- """^sfi.^'jrrnf^r^" ^"°''" "^ C°- "«-". =3 and ''"Tst s'lf^r'ime^n^^f" '^--- « C-. "gents, =3 and '^t^a^e^S'rnt^^^r^;i«^~oH a Co., Among the yf,Wr a«rf Z«*, Steamer, are : Ktchelieu and Ontario Navieaiion Cn i n i general manager • Alex Cf„ f^„ . ""rf^- ^- ^abelle, St Paul st ' MiLLOY, traffic manager, 228 Ottawa River Navieaiion Cn _P w c. dent : R W Cu£r. '-"•— K. W. Shepherd, pres - .reaLV^J/fnTgTSm^oTsr''''''^" ='"'' ""''»^- •"■""s-^^'mtofsr'"" ^.-.-Frank Dupe., manager, ''"'|J^fw?ot"^t"s;f«e:tra;t^ i^i St lames rry 5^,a«»fr* are : Longueuil Ferry.-HocMasa. St. Helen's Island Ferry.-Vooi of Jacques Cartiersq. ' Stationers, AVhoIesale. ''°""s.''?S?,''°-'"'""'"""i°p'"»n.r..,u„„, '"*£'.".''.,."*"""■■ ••W~l.b-k..lta, ,6„ Mo,,. MlLLEK R.-.RKRT, SoK a Co 1872 Notre Dame St. ' U„l jr. ' "LB, UOOKSeiif 9 ThreaflK, Wliolegale. Among the Thread Merchants, wholesale, are : "u"iv?rsUy''-s1' ""^" =""" ^•'"' 3^ Le-oine „, h ,0 "*"5:rsrs^-.?,Co.Ca„^daJh^^ Company. . traig^st?" "•' "^ C"- ~"°» ""d ""«" 'h«ad, 648 "^"Is": HeteTs"' "^ ''■"•' ''""' "'°« •"'"'' ■"»=''"-, . and « Twines, Wholesale. Among the Twine Merchant,, wholesale, are : 3"5%i!"paulM^"-P"P" ='"'* envelope manufacturers. 17 Veterinary Surgeons. Among the Veterinary Surgeons are • '"'ToUeg^.Xi a'aiy st"^"' ''"^«"" "°""-' ^'^'"-a'y DaubignyJ. V.,384Craigst. FoRTtN Prop. O.. office and infirmary 677 Craig st. "^c';n"e^e,''6?„T8^^^/,f-^;:---^-S-.Montreal'Veterinary Patterson Wm.. Jun.. M.D.. M.R.C.V.S., 32 Bleury ,t SwtNUURNE George, office and infirmary .6 St Urbain st school book publishers. 18S Wines and tlquors—o wholesale; .75 retail. Among the m„cs and Liquors, wholesale, are • *mirn:Vs'';r'"^C°--'S' P-' « -d 5. com. Farrell William, 420 St Paul st Lenih AN James, & Son. 7 Custom House sq Lewis W. F„ a Co.. 27 St Sacrament st. "'"siorf s{' ""■• ■" ^°- =°^ ^' '•-" " --1 « Commi,- OSBORN John. Son a Co . 71 St Peter st. Among the Wines and Liquors, retail, are • Cooke, White i\ Co., 13,2 StCatherine st. Crawford David, 173 St James si. Crawford David, ix Co., 13.5 and .3.7 St Catherine st Demees Stanislas. .46 St Antoine st, h 32 Desriviires st Dufresne a Mongenais, 1621 Notre Dame st. Fhasbr Thomas, 1181 St Catherine st. Fraser, Viger a Co., 199 St James st. Gauthier a. O., 94 St Lawrence st. Gillespie J. F., 674 Dorchester st. Gordon W. V., 1355 St Catherine st. Gravel Frrres, 2 St Lawrence st. Jokdon George, 1641 StCatherine st. Kearny Henry. 1645 St Catherine st. McGowAN Wm.. 337 St Lawrence st. P.CHE L Alphonse. 45 St Antoine st, 24 St Monique St. Richer J. B., vie LagauchetiAre st. Robertson James, 1685 St Catherine st. Robertson John, 12 Phillips sq. wMii Piw ariwi* t-A.i?/Ib^:p ob^ ohi-A-K/Oes SUBSCRIPTIONS, LINES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. SUBSCRIPTIONS. To the Nine Volumes, bound in Full Cloth, Gilt [$30 on delivery of 4 volumes, the balance ($45) on delivery of remaining volumes] ^■je 00 A single Volume, Ontario or Quebec, with a Map payable on delivery 12 50 New Branswick or Nova Scotia, with a Map " " 11 50 Manitoba or British Columbia, with a Map " " 9 5° Prince Edward Island or Northwest Territories, with a Map " " 9 50 Ninth Volume of Eight Maps, Lists of Lakes, Rivers, Post Offices, (Sr'c ... " " 20 00 EACH PROVINCE, ALPHABETICAIiliY ARKANOED, ■\VILt BE COMPLETE IN ITSELF. WITH A MAP OF THE PROVINCE. Jioyal 8vo. size. All the volumes to be bound in full Cloth, Gilt. TO BE PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL, MONTREAL, In about two years after a sufficient number of Scbscribbrs, Link Ordbrb and Illustiiation Contributions have been obtained to co^c .- cost of publication, which will be about $150,000. LINES Will be charged at the rate of $I per line — a line containing about 40 letters. The charge for Lines will be payable whenever the work is commenced. The size and style of type used for the Montreal names will be used throughout the work. * ILLUSTRATIONS. No cut to be smaller than 2 x 35^ ins., nor larger than 4^ x 7^ ins. For a picture 2x 2H >"^ $21.00 Electro of ditto, blocked 1 .00 For a Picture 3 x 4^ ins 29.00 Electro of ditto, blocked i . 50 For a Picture 4x6 ins $42.00 Electro of ditto, blocked 2 . 50 For a Picture 4^ x 7^ ins 51 -oo Electro of ditto, blocked 3 . 50 Four cents a word will be charged for descriptive matter, should any be required. The charges will be payable whenever the proof and descriptive matter are presented. Should an electro-plate be required the price will be payable at the same time. The charges include the photo, the engraving and insertion in the work, in its own Province. The Photos will, in all cases, be taken by Messrs. Wm. Notman &> Son, gentlemen unrivalled in the photographic art. The Printing and Binding will be executed by Messrs. John Lovell &• Son, at their office in St. Nicholas street, Montreal, in tht best style. A list of Subscribers, of Orders for Lines, and for Illustrations, will be inserted in the volume subscribed for. Also, in the Ninth Volume. Please pi-nd orders for Copies, for Lines, and for Illustrations to embellish the volume and secure publication of the work. JOHN LOVELL, Manager and Pttblisher. 23 AND 25 St. Nicholas Street, Montreal, i6th September, 1886. f 1^ !i*