tb^r diflperslpn^ rmiiAmpmm
tbe Brituli, refiMsting ibe jr| , .
w ■•■
W 1^ «W^»ilM prevîou» t© thé si^tm^
%e mmj, mfter l»^iiig defen^d neàr New!
Ori^Wf, tufiK^ -fcif ^tendon U» the ;»tatfl of
J^ilÇJ-; and, from appeiurancM» fnteàded H
!2Ï'«?!5"**'**;^^^ **'^°^ «otoB^the inhalit-
•net 01 t^o State.
. Oo the llth JamiRry, 18I5, thé ènemy, tto
^oittBber, of 1500 o/sooi» meo. eflb?£l a
godiB» 00 Cumbei4and ishmd. On t&oï^dthh
f9hiifetr9 wat earrîtod V stopmj and» on the
fuMowl^ dv, SI, Mar^V «apttuWed iîeoï!
ttajm^ flic cneo^y eTaeaatedTkklntrW^
tlw b|wa€*4raiid hTowlog uR th* fcrt 1^^
* 5<^Wt?''"*'*^ to thac exped^éed àt Neir-
l»riean8.^No DeojOo eveé torned oui néfv léi^ "
^&^ ^ «Sf« •^«ri^.>^ the iàfl
«leof^ : The militfa, in everjr |iart of the
wate» ^wetex io niotion, when . thcTnews of neaôe.
andretrimtortheeiieuur,reaébedthçm. Whtt»>
ÎSîfi^ •* ïïî^î?^»^'^ to,oppo8elS?,T|"
Mttted eoBiideféhla hàvoe Mdmév tfio au '^
i .^
i< it
Coi^eil States. The wfrr between (3reat
.^ritaifi and the United Stateê retidi^féd itfte-
^êÊwy to occupa thîs place, lest it shoald fall
iiMo th'e posrsession of the enemy; On |tie ifitjb
AprU,4 8ls, fieneral "Wnkinson âpgearèftlrefQre
^ at tlie head i, . ^
c^:i]|^8acoIa^ althougfa '« $paiu8h ^^9C, wa» iiQt
#opepIjr entitJed totliç eliàra|)tc|ir of iietitrill*^
^lie tonduet of the Spanisli ^ernor^ imino
idoabt as to Ms atttffUiment to ihe Btitiah^ and
bis bostile disposition toward the tJnited igtat^i.
jg^i^acola was at^aaiyluin ibr Ji^ie ,j|[i|4^ .
iH Péiisaeola, thejr were ann«d> protlsï^ed», and
'P^î4 Pensacola was a de|k>t et BritifS^ arma^
^m^0mi^ tÀEiiitors to |lirpi^t«# «tai^» ju|^>^
Idiafia of .^(letjsvous f^ «veryal^ of tlie enenv»
. ilpetiier whiM$/blaclip'Qrj«di..^:^^v :^'':^-^.V>v-/-
fi Aà saoa-iw the !W^hi^mré»i0é»Ûk^U
endf aij^ Bn'tatn at Jibçrt^to direct lier vibolé
J^rçe acainsi tliç Umté4 Statesj tbe understiin4-
Ittjç wîth the goreraor ol^oHda, beeamé jie^
jDK^sked, and tbe Britisb HiiBee^ boldfy dated
; tfaeip pi^iie aota frooi , «• Jl^df|t^r£er»» Ve^§a'
«*^ aH^ thp British at tbeir «woitçiiotpt^»,
HfNPto storm the tow^^ iUiIhwj^ d<)ff^ed%
S^m batteries, àivi aa^té(^1^^ll^|^
jMtiëbi^sseJkiatliebajN 0n4^ ftl ]^
4 •. ^l^i 181*, tbeattaekn'aff made,^,|fli^ thé toin*
*muaA iwj djyeetion of Gen. JaBJaog* / The fol.
.1", .
If ■',%
^» V, >^iiJ#f^^,;^::';:;.•■'^'■^«■ ■■'^'-:
?3S""'; ::«.,,. 4. .; j:»^isAv,.- •,■ ..;
"WÊÊ- .■
J«^ 1«wg at hbèrtjr to gp 6ut, did so ; tod «ySL
FVt fiowyfsr ma «logely bésieséd by' Ift^
and ir^terkiMi Ihe 8th Febpuaw^ iSk bya^
Jithîil cépCaîn muskët »hMof «m iftSSiSr
e«meni flNMiaB ambasb on ih^Mm^t^
.Ihé a 8. gl»î£ PMsident, Com. 0^S%
IHaroBT €V THB IfiB.
fd OB ft eruite fpom New-Tark, the 14th Jana-
wy, ±8iB» Th© slijp, ÎQ gobg avi;r tiie bar»
fiTQi^ed, «Qd fpfiered ^a mueh in eonsequenoe»
lis «fidently/to ft^Dl her saithig; aiMl vas tht
«ause f€ lier 8ii3>8equeiit caplure, l^y a superior
^ree of théenein^. Ai 6 A: Jif i > on tlie iMh,
«Ke^'Pretideni leil in wilh f he eneniy's sqUadr^ii,
iMBisting i»^ the Màjestiov raaseei Ëndjrmioii^
Bmione, T«tiedo8,^anti Despaieh Ifrigi Tlw
*i^#n# t<» tbe Président; viUëà sbc groniid-
lir tlie fiqèk, pjpevetttédi:lier oiitsifdliiig Iké
fleet. Tbè Endjniion , (inôuntinr : Mtj
lins; Si-pouitders, oni tbe main deeii);havSig ap^ .
iaehed wilbin* çun-dioty comnienised a JiriBg
5 P. M. tii«re mritb a view to «iel^ i^n to
i(ey ètrengfb with. tbe Président, fhé hAttr,
howerev, was enïibled to brin^ beriguacsA ii^^
i^ hewff al to silenee tbe £Bâ^'B»ijirvùif t^ put
ïppptetf, tbat sbo eoiild/ witb great difficultyi be
^Med, or kept'ailoat: TE^ aear àpproàeb of
^e iiHtber sbips, oMiged tbe Pi^esident to ttban-
ti^ #• TesfCly'tliat mustyif not siipported by.ber
jMiÉ^^ W larrendfellii. 'ïbe Ptomon^iuid
pénedoB, «ame iip«nd engaged tbo PreiÛent at
juie siiiiie timot tbe Hlajestîe being ^so «itbi»
B-sbot* It VtnflT^o^'^B 4 improdeot lo
•0/OlrMfpft«ii|Bg^a fbrœ. Coin. Dfieatnr
A|b| ilàg^ and weBt on board tbe Itf «kj«Hi.
g^ifè be é^lhftred bis sword 4o Capt. B^^9
wèm^t offiéer ef tho squadHiik» vbo' politdy
^d In Tbe trrlitciii piurole granted to
.BetatBr» ftpe«i|fed bliliaViBg siifroDdered
Preiideat to a BrMsh .viM^iyi^^Miji si-
tliifë vbâ ivi#^d tio^il^fii«;W vwi
wMB&tmrtlie tij^
■ ,vr
tiil« ef the Ppcsident, was djvidéd amôiur ik»
Thé los^ oalHHird ïli» enemy ooiil^ noc b»»».
ewjaw^ ,^ ^U of tha Pn^iteiit fioùmted ^of
^^i^dfuxtam wouiideiii Amons Uie Jdlled.
i^ .|3ainai«dore Jïeeatair» in liift.iV nations. The Cou»
t1Kf|il«ditMkri^||i the tJnited States. X
^jr-^J^^W» i«ï»i th0 U^ e. brig oTwa*
Sym^ ^tf^ m^ was oaptaivd» Nttet4i ehasé
Jf MkmÊft^ îw his Briiaiiiiio mi^ésty^s m^e
5M1W^^ pvaAkf^ th» ohaéôiv the f^vèi ilS^
••!5r"*É^ ^ flîor guns, beats, aneiiors, eaMél^
vliiiMpi*' ■••'■/ ' -\ -.' iL'".;r. .,»
^||^« ë|^ ^ay^tsi»» 'tïict^ii^ideîi^ ^(jf ^
piiiM^fi^tOB i|^^ fbat bis ofiu
|6«^ittt» Mtafiistùt «n^i^ hat offçred hi*
iMnilian^ ir ordèr to.fii«imàté«|ieaoé,btotir«eii
g^ B^lal^ m4 the ^nkeA $^es^ Umi dbè
i?^ ^;^ ^*y^ ly the »wMdcat, ând ibat
tiiwe eit h m i ,| ipd hnên ;«omBi|Mot^ iàttéA
^{Ov the iRe«|tng ^ Congress liii l^ee^nhè^ ftU
'^'^ng, the PresfdenV iii hIs aijBÉtiiilM fo hefh
^ l&fi^inedthem^ that'th^^l^ihi^:!^^
lj> aeèepi ^e -"- • ' - -
mïoBt 6x Titt
tewbarft dîwMéd a Ietter,4ù jBèptemberf fo the
««*8ian govérament» tnamiittiig a dé^f» lo
treaC iiiifliediat^lj wttiî tlMAliierioait^pWpo^
> ^;mrd Ç^Clepéiigb^^ M of statè io m
^itàtinio ilii^esly^ eiu}lo«e«!aHio0)r of the alÀ>^,
note, m a lelter of tli« èth lïbvember, lothè
^?"**¥t,'*t?^** ***»• tlitted 8talefr,^t tbe
^itj of Wàiilting^n» prQ|MiMiij|that tli0 tweiÉ^
iwrniilèntii wqifW i»tçr iW«t%rt netfotf^
ftk* ^fll ^rtnioatioh qf thè iKir, oé t#a» tliat
FOttW ^ miitiiàlly advaQtagéoâ«| aad thatlhe
neg^tiaftions woâld be eitteiwd itila atGotl^
^ ao««d0d t» by ihe Americav^overuiMNit^ fip
*"ftï* *^^^^*i? aa thc^plàoè ©f liMMia^itt^; i
^^ tbe Qoniiiiiufpii^ 1^ f|ie:I!^«^^ ot^^
^^«fitottldti^'b^«f'.m%t«-^ ^- -^^ '-h^^; ^i^'?.«'/...-
^8fo %^giare Qîid egiilvoeiitîiig ifti^iOsièem.
fiH o^B^ltièh «aMsters, thatT^a^^^^
do^ted"; wiiéâier aor ^ipiâsd m 0» part of Britain ; «ad, WmÊ'
appoAted» it /i»M prëtty generally believed ma
içe âppoittf flftént watf âiereljr pro fbrma, mthout
«ilr iâtea%n|^ir jùriù 16;]^ terni oT
^ffeip^^ appîÉifc ifci their
ioiiiiiit8»iQiier0^ Xord Oa^bi«r, H^ary Ooifl.
Iwni, Eiq. aiid irO«bp Adiliiii^-^gM^ ^mm
"*• .«
^i» •■v^'^^Jk;'' :''•;«••■.:.. :
IpfVdiBv 01 Ta» WAiu
iQ(i, 81» ifeg»^ Ito thé
J^ Stptil» ifttt It waB iiiipo8iSbWt»aeeept
î|«» J p^'Maom of Uiein |rei« élTcmMl in the
ftNki of r éfÉe i«a noii^ tiieré r^inàiocid n^ à
B^orâé^ h<»stâtô«8,
Jl ^Ét now «i^^Mit, ■
rf toqe vas pl1)f|f^ on klléir
,«r. .
jijw^îi'' ,;^!
tje traite*, State* ; miâtù at Unîon thV«8tï
w Te «?»^ »«»^» M théir eseape into the pri-
son^ tfa^ were ilre4 o» i^y the centinels on tbe
IvaUs. Iq tbil nianner» 7 were killed, and 60'
WOimm* A^ecmimittee of the prtionerâ investi-
çated iliis transaction, and gave in théir report,
ail the àppeârance of a foui and pi^peditated
Miirder. V' -:■;.■-■ '^-,' . r- -•'■,.■ \-'---/^-._'
The British goyeminent, in èrder toïejssén this
' atigmà on tts offieers, agreéd to ^aye an Smresti-
gationlnàde by twÔ persons, otté tv lié app<ûiit-
ed % the British mîniâtçr, the bther by thé
Américair. Fi S*, L|Eirpcnt was àppointed by t|i|i
foirttier, and Charles Kingb^ the latfer; l'hel^f
Mri of thèse cenimissioBers eertainly eofteiieo
«Iti Apparent cufpability of Shorthind, but the
oorrée^SH* of the t«p<»rt has been d«nî«d by thé
pHs^ners, iiot froni any wilÂil représentation bf
the eomiDisftioiiers» bat l^tn « want of ^8ilffieieil<; >
ll^Ri^atlbB «V imquJiT* - •" ^^^ r *
gThe siiiljeét of Blrtnioor Is féf^^T^
tifé pnrpose bf direeting tlîe rladert to fbe
period oi the maataere, but -Mithout ^r<}n-
tetttidr ettteriiig^iiito a détail, wh^ ihe
llisënt Ifmits will not atloiK^;; tt w<|ttein|Ée^^
fil ample ^lÉJéct ibr a Tôlffh^, àod#1ir^ndèr.
nSTOK^ et TBK wi«.
i«iv«MUMN.W**"^ %*^ î^*"
(^ tUe A
it almost beyopd «ftfjodit,
inaneiit impression bas'
•^xine gpyernniefit $ tbai,
demandedi and tbat 'a pea«fi Ha»
ère OQW dîetated by ih© ABieflJiM»|.
lii« followlnip iajU the é*»^®«^^
ilQUohed for*!: ;.' .■":i*'' ■••:'-^ '/'-^'y^'- •^•'■'''' ^^^-^'s^^-^^i'^'^™
Corn. Decatvff.eoiiilH^i^nw
àrriv^ ai Gibraltar on fli^ ll^ June, 1S16. On
tiie 17tli inst.oflf'C*pe^deGtttt,theAmer|o«ui»
feÛ în wîth I» Algérbie fHgttte ùf 4a gttniç^^à»^
between *00 and 600 men, oarràNH^p Admirai* s
ipg $.8be struck af|er «jninning1^;bi pf ^mi^
notes. Tbis Âlg^tlné Admirai wa^kiHed. 1%e
jètterriere IM 4 men woonded^nr a mQtjkétiliot.
tl^ 4«A June, tb^«q^ii|«PW^W'5^^^
ptiired aà Algenoe b% of ft& guns,
^. iD«pf. «The AbEerines loU J|| ;fiK^|;]#^
^Th» Americans soffered jdo loss.
.74 :;...
^ ■
Bavibg f^vén i» pnge 21 and'22 tbe KsTof %
Aoierioan navy, al it stood avilie oommoiifill
nient of Ihe war, it may Ife eonsidéred interest-
ing to kaol^ how tho Liiliputian iiavy stood at thft
«nd of the war, wWob was to **,W«w it oui fp^
thewateir." ,1^ fbllowiné is the naval liBt of
8tiipping»mJuii0, 1815. TboM vesselg, wboie
naMes are marktod (•) are suob a» remain of ihé
DavM forée before the war, Those marked ($)
arebuUdiog. Those miirked in l^olio are sueh
«• ^eiw. caj^tured firom the Britbh, during the
yar, The reit haie been bililt of ptifebàsed
dttring the war.i; Tboie that are l^ank haye no
armament at prcèèQt.
■ '.■ .■■••'■• , , ^•■' ' ' "'
Hâte. Mme9 :BHg.-leflier»oili
;fejicocit, /f 'UWarringtoo
J, |>. Elliot
■J^ttroit .K'P-'
■•^.■'■JiiTl' "^.9.^}i »... V
■ '.î >■
: \--U
»- I . t
\' ♦
''QBranflc ^ - ,-- •*■ .
:.yWrw<«-', ■.-■_' ■ ::r
.'-■ïkiàiér. ■"■-'^li- •■♦ ■
OneM» • /^ ■;■;■•:"?. Bèétrti-'
^aB 'V^ '
r «far ' ^?f*^Vv ■
' «
». «*•■■
'9urprîze i , ,,
• k .n-
' ■ A.-.
W. Atfcinsûn
m /^«ffcupino . :_
J^., Gàr. Tompkiiif ' *
, "^ Coàquest ^
• 7 .twlfof thel^ke'
* • . Ameliâ
Fair A#erican
- 1»
r.^^v^ ^ ^..
ii • SclùQp Càu^
H% J?incà
, W- • .. ^ V Montgomery
^; . ,* >f rferdtitént '
il '
I ^W#
U-C4 •
ilEinetie, to ftetermitie»^ Wlittt 'Aumber of Ameri-
can sbi^» tf&d their ntes» woaM Iw snffiekDi lo
^fttrp^ the British oftYy» taUiig tfaç ii»ir»l e^Dtt
W Ae laie war «a uw^lc b; whioii^^^eiiilplftto^f
find bow kmg H IvoiiM tàké (^ ^fioe w 110-
oeséary numbér of'Vessek, taidtig tli4» ioei^tafo
1^ the navy, duHng tbe wari a» *»«*»• V; f ^
tlie entire numberAfprizes, f8ipl|irèâflN»fi»tb#
enèmy, appearsi 1^ Î9%»' fci»l^4Ma«iirt ^ MS*.
As a part of a Méâ pHài^^h^p^
Wilkinsott peaetmed into iWpimiûeti «f Lowèf
Canada, an tb« S«lh lilàreb^ in^'^wkl ivas n^t
by tbe enemy at Odell town, nlivai be fprM nt
«verjr pofatt. At La €k>Ie tbe «hmsi^t too]^ B^8%
sion ef a tai^ «tone infllVfi*o:iii 'fbcioée hej^
cnabied to annajr tbe Amerieénl^irifb^ wM^. Tm
UtOI wai safrti^,tbat«aii^t^-IMHiD«lerirM
fiMii#lnt«IBeSeniâ9niake abreaiii. ^be eoemy w
«enèrted tf ba 9600 mom. À fit^ Uvely eùiBi
ade vas k#t np hy tlie enemy* àad returned wli
irm f^onr. 8evei«i^ ^e^nte ebai^et w^
made Uram tbe inm^gibMt tbe j Mii »| # »P t»til»fe;
vy; wbieb w«r« verirtedwitbih» 9w«<««^ Ml^^
étj aad eeolaeitf. €k>B. llir«liftiiiii» flnding ||
breaeb ewildlw dK^ed.'iritbdin^ lOaneii» «|i
wbiob brake Wtbigb ; tieiit. 0^bee #as sbot
thrWajb tbe Innés; Uent W|ii|li bépt up tb*
«renntaorderedioratara. fi^li1lotpo6siUe}|
totbe bi«|ài7JliA.lil!lL#^
;*i. A
ii-à;;: ï^i^^wîiJi^liSv
* ^-*^eir weunas, ^l^pbeni np eoal^^ luid eon?»
IfpiiBK^ ^beir p,- • -,
# Alertr^mofwar, takenby the Euesc, 44^
AwxMidrï^plttiid^r o^ nr ; bold attempt by Coi«*
fi^odo^ R«4g^t;, %»t«ifi» Pertcr, aod E^rm to
preventthé réuirn of Oie^eneiny, 338. , *- .
AU«i», Ç^»Ui^* J^Tery ûf, «t Dy^r*» Creck, 3391." .,.^
mgusjy. 3. sc^MiOii^, taken by the qicfny, l4s,'\
Armutiçe oo^^^onherh froDUtt, i^s termiiutiQa
- ;oft43. . - ^^
jJTest of a suppoted ?|jy, Sf.
Aab, a. S. ichoonerylbtaTiB defimca of* Ï7ff.
'J* ï*.*,)^ ^;.^;i,t, «•«s'^ 'i'^,*
lûmor», approach to, M «tteetp
— '*"" — , -nirturn nnif iWpilïHiCjiîr IPO.
€liapio».Captûn»Mc%p««^]oi "
;«,\« enemy, 106 ; ««ftcifiàlb »«.
«■•ir neir £oit Qe battle at, 1 U'A ^ >: '^ .
Chauncey, cruises an4if»nsiâ^tion8 tff, on.Lak6 Oh-
tarip, ri, 108, 1 10, ltf,'n«, I is; ,
ebesapeake, frigfMiç, Mrrivaf^of, 79^^j|^|riiipDf^ «p^
takeDr,d8. . ' ,» .; ^ ' ^' ,-4,
Chesapeake b^, tiNiiMclion i», tâ^O^. ' " ,, '. )' 7
Chicago, massacre of Ihe garj^oj^^of; jB6;" ' " ', ^^
Cbippawa, battle at, 249." " '' ' " * I^,^ . ";
Citixens of the United Sta^k ordercd tôi^itîl^Câtm^
da, 45. } >
g, Con^éss, iHeat<^ arrivai of, at Poitsmoxithi.Tdj^.
p . Congress, proceedings of^ 16', 19S<* ' "' ^ ,^" , '^^ ' ' ^\ ^
i * Constiti(tion,>irate, escapé of, 2fl(. * '■'*-' ^ "*'
^^ Cro^ili^ |l^f j|6f Xx^ecôr^è, defence of Xx)W^ 8imdu8k|r^
Ciu^béHand iè^hd,' èivntiy Itodè^ ât, 291 . \ ^; '^
^1 Xyme ma Levatit» Britisli aigpmi takeo, 2f f^ ^ '';;*;j
Jteal, Brittsh armed sloôp, capture of, 189*'. ,,. • jLpf^s,
.ttKitttoor pAkom iMiMiacre at, a99,.. ; ^ ^ . • 'î. '^^i
ni#*^ «tN^ ^ ^ s>^ natiooscir r&dlans, j^,
-^ . ^^ing Bllipi •Ub|9cts.*-«nd reprisais, 3l0| ^1Y
^"^^' -report tx>' At p fc t ^
.^altempt of the enemy to Moki», IfiiK'N^^tttiiM ^
* tb» enemy liéat^, Montted, b^ ordcr of Geuen|)
ter, Briti»lr,bi%f .taken i^ tht'fiMMSà}!^ t^ ^
W-' ''■%".; rr,;,f. , ^^ •
iA-'>'> -^
~ f
Fed6faIGasetl^^tinietiopii«ffdia«fle««0^«l 90 -^
:;tiinore,-3«|-,.' ;■:: --/ .A ' "" V'^T..- '
1^ortGeorg«|«Micltflf(|Stiie^«t»10jC»IOT, i Va «
opter, Mt. (UfMfMklxim»iw^ikfmtKAitmaLÙé\fy^
'""lin, bok, bttrw d«|bM« «4 fiSlv ^» >^r - .^ 3.«^
elitova,j(ttaitiDO tnasakum xit pmifatn ikt^
y.8i.idQ9p>taliflpil9tlieeiiea^y,trU .?<£ , ^
Qeo«»^Mrlrftr»^«ay|«ref.|»»tfi« '<^*, à' i-i .
Gcorge!ft itSa^ landing on^ md bntMdt 1 •!«, ' %r " ^^
!!PJi l ti yili l |i i iyii f, m^
«^lîii «tmr at PMf^e ial», «lii igucwdftiQ
' ^'i^ock, 13f. ■ ' .^: • > . . "'ip ' : i-a-^*^.
nSihrison, fort, titttck oÇ «?«-.» ■ • -^-^u^ v 'a-t , y?--?
^htoneal retrôBpeict, 7. , ;„ ^ M-v j. ^
Hull, Qeneral, appointed to /eommand the
odit^reih 94; tntadet Canada, a ;
^ tion,i« ; transacttona in C«M4a» Sf f «ritoHiet^Zil'
■ ' V s
'''•''.W^^v' * '*- '^^^~%'
nmiaos) nài^#eit[UA,4ii^dâîiMit%gam8U 67 j soatii^
, , 194, IW, 198; ♦«9, 300 Jtt«Vf 10^.207. à = ^ : *
Izvd, denerali 'iaarQh;of, from Plattsburgikto filack
, Itoc|t».M«., ..,.,. ^ ^,, ^ , ^, .^^ .
laivir Bradait IH8«te,c9ptar6i>^'r». < ^ii^^J *
Kent Uland, iâ th»'JC h é »^ft i « i ; . taten poaaeaakw 4f
. ^^tbé enemy; 180k / ^ ,. js • r^fn- . '• tA,Vf jr -s v
fiÉt^r^' • / ^'^'-^"^
LaCole, battle o^ 806.
Lewis^ Çoaitnodore» drbir» ibsMttiéti^ fronr Jjft^Jwt
land 8di^i4«148; efigag«dth««neinfy»^7.*. ^ "-i;'5;
Little Yorl^, la Canada, tafcen bjr th« Ameriçans, 8
^^^gtfointj^lwdhiQii »» 8f9. « . .. .
»wer MarIlierouieb..biirnûi§ oi pi«|M^jg|f9r;
#^teni dlstiict, 158$ drôve the ebemy to TWêtH'
mile-cFeek, »155 ; témméd U'^ùHQ^^iîSô •'
burikt Kewafk, 16; evacuated Fort Qemgeéià}
'justifie» ldii«irn ccrtidîw^|fliii' t ' k L ^
rMOÎoDoii^, CoiiliiiodMi^^ the «Miiif lonâà
Maeed«miii|i, »rWab J^|j(rtt,*cpç«kl*K^ , ^
MaitiiîlgD»4wttte;o^ 41^ '^:r: iii':^t-jïY :'^:-'ap^d^:-'.0^- :-
Bf aaaaaquoi bay, aflfair at, t-**.* ■ - v H . J^ ir ï^ •
Meif^ fbrt^ attack of; 80. / : l ',^"-:î.: • T-i^i. . :-: V- ^''^B.-
Alix'«3Mr. attempt todestraytiiel^lMèiiftl^^^^
MilAâ^ÉÉli^by General WUkinaMi, 39Jr ^
Ifaunt pesart, affiOr «t, 340.^4^^-' f ; v^^i^i^-^t :#
H' >,
^ *".'
Navy, listofrSl. ' .t^ .'; -, .: ", ,,:^'*->v "
Kavy» Ust of the» in June» ISli^ 303. '« .-» .^ «.'^ .%>
Xlew-Yoffc) j^itoceediRgs of gcneral ntec^tilng'at) U^i^
«iïTOluDUiy woriL At the fprtificadcHa.of^ f 45.
N«w-Orleau»} approaqh tO) and(bftttle necoTi 976. - J
l^l^ra, fof tr^oUiitcinade «^ .54 ; frontier ravag^d by
^ the enemy»''^ W^.tOt- lfif3|> U^fence'^Qf by Captain
M*Àeon» 164. . *• ->*;. ii>T-rt"^i4.*-»,^ 'lyriu*^, n
>rth Carolina, fiiyasionbf) lt7t,i • ..-^ ' i-r. . ^> ^
''l.Ogdensburg» botàbardnient tfî, 60 f- t^Uadtdn» t'A* < »'
■* Oswego, fort, attack of, 215. ^- >• ' ' ' t-is- , . » v .S "*'"
Qtt«r€v«ékr %*<.-' ^ ^^ ^ <. J -^ ,^
Owlrhead Navrows, affa^ at» 184. . •'-'^ -'% ;*^> kxJ|e.i^^.î .; . ?
1^^ Breparaiions pireptratorf to^M*,^. . '
' Pre«ident*s message of Ist June»! B19) ^Coogreps, 1.4». ^
Prisoners, restoration of, 36. ■\^\ *
JjforMBfa, HHoi^er o^ Cf^v^df dKtiifi^dM^IJraiV 306. #
^ Qtteenaton, biattleef;«6>|bij|rr. *«^-^-v\T^î*'' ^^t;^^'^- '>^- •
Queenstowft(Ciie««pealcè1to)r)'taâken by th'è eneiÀy^
Hecmîtingcommeneed, SOf '^^^ ' V* ^ ,^^,
Aeindeer, BHtish brig, takéri by 'Hiè Wflït», irti
■i *
=-■- 'If,
«Il duel, i^ / Yspfy rf '-^^^^-^-'^iiS^'fflS
9qQaiD,eiiem]r«^34o.' . *f"i^ . -.^t 'f.'
St £#w«ci^ cèbtuivs on, ïô«. , ^
St. m^l% (eh«»«iK»ke bnr) attuck «m, li<».
St Ii^iE^et, lamUak^At» 334. ^
a|.^J4WeiM«*\ Britbh shqi of»Oguiif,««Ij*#
vQtMRIOi 843* ' f i* > ' I ' ■ ' ^
Sjmo, U^S. bri|f, captured bjr the eneny, 99i%
tecvœseb, d«ftth pt, 126. . > W,
T««ty of peace, mtified, <9ti. tl
Vnitcd Sfatet and MacedonÀn -,-__ ,«.w^
: saiM irom Nev-York| yWi i ^wlftr'lSio"
Van RamiMllMry Qéwmâf îhvaaMCaiÉrfii^ «ft$.«l^
R redoubt the aeniceof tii^ United Stutea, 190.
▼iuflipy.^ s. b»Ç> takeu 4y tbe enenkar» i^
!?^te**»wâ bf pMclamalloiii |»; ^ ^*
bingtoncity, approaich lo, ai^ cmtui
w -