■■■■■■ . iiii pif ■■ HI mmmmmmMmmftmmtm .;? 1^ ■\A-^ ,«»<■;■ '•^ C«fitim«t«r «' to » » n 1» . W 14 19 •• |U , >■;■ ?»*-!;!^ S'- ' • '" y •f:ii Vv \ i CIHM «^ Microfiche Scrlit — (Monographs) ICMH Collection do "'^ micfoflehos (monographlot) '*• v' V • ^ MltiinpiXmdm/ , . i- «-.' •iV kSS^rf ' ■ -.JJ .A*.' • ' f *'j 41 He* i *^ ■,., .«; ' Thi iMtitMli Km > Wiiiipli< to ■tpyanMitlif^WwIwi. FaMnwolMt flV IRw I^MipH Pi ^Pw n □ □ □ 9t/0M PNNliSlll9S UtHra* 0>*> intra 4IM Mmm OH nokvi □ CotoMrad piMM pnd/er iHmiraiiom/^ flMMliw cl/oii iHMtratiom m eoMtour LJftoWavM D LS fMNIM MlfM pMIt C rftainniaii Is lana iIb la Or ■mOrillNI dtfoinlMoytftto III 'Ion V MM raitMiratioii I aaia Miit bomMm Mt n'om L'l Matll ^ P'^ColOMrad LJNp»*i as: itMiM Of fomd/ □ Quality of print variM/ Qualit* iiOpla da I' impraui^p □ ContimMMN pafifiatiort/ Nfination eontiiHM □ Indudai indaKfat)/ Cempraiid ufi Idas) indiK □ Titia pafi of Nfadatitra |~~n Caption of i^/ □ Titradai Titia on itaadaf tahM La titra da I'aii-tttf da la liwaison Q4n«rimM (pki o diqua t t da la liwaison jf WrinUdd pagos may flla plightly out of focus. iiippHwnnuirir ^^T ^^** majiupcript annotations. V- 10X» MX HX ax MX IBX lix m itx apx 24X ax ax r :i4.i I >«^ Th« eopy fliin#d iNif* hw b««n raproduead thanks to tho §MMfMity L'AHsmpfalra fllni4 fut raproduH fricM A la AichlvMof I tha linavaa upt af tha ariginal fllmlng eantraet I harp ara Iha baat 4«MNtv tha eondMon and laflbMlty and In kaapwid with tha itlana. -■-<,' briginai eopAia fo printad papar eovars ara fNmad ffont oovaf and andlng ah . tha laat paiga MMlth a printad ar Wuatraiad hnpraa- •Ipn. ar tha baek aovar whan appraprlaia. Ai athar arlglnal 6oplaa ara fllniad banlnnlng an tha firat pafl^ with a printad or tHiiatratad impraa* •ian. and anding an tha laac pa9« with a printad ar niuat^itad impraaalon. tha laat raeordad frama ah aaeh mieroflaha ■. •haN eontain tha tymbol «■«» imaaning "CON* TINUBO"). or tha symbol V (maaning "INO"). whiehavar appHaa. '■:'- -m \- ArsMvMofOntarIa . ! < jtci-: . ■, ... * •ulvantaa ant 4t4 raprodultaa mt— Ui aompta tanu da li eandMan at rasamplalra fllm4. at an laa aandMona du aomrat da orlglnauil dont la eouvartura an Imprlmda liont fllmAo an aowmonpant plat at an tarmlnant aolt par la qui oomperto uno ampralnta Ou dliuatration. mH par la aaeond hi aaa« Toua laa autraa axamplalraa sant fjifnaa an^^^ommdngant par la qui eemporta una ampralnta au dlMu a t gat lon at an tarnilrtiBnt por qui aamporta una taNa t symbolaa •uh^ahta apparahra tur Id imaga da ehaqua miorofleha. satoh li •vmbola 7«> s^gnifia "A SUIVRI". la ▼ algnl^ "PIN". ,* 4^, Mapa. plataa. charts, ate., may bo ffHmad at diffaram reduction ratioa. Thaaa too larga to ba antiraiy IndudM in ana axposuro sra fllmad .j^ ,|bagimiing in tha uppar laft liand eomor. iaft to % right and top to bonom. aa ihany framaa aa ■ raquirad. Tha following diagrams ilhistrata tha ■ mathod: 1 2 a I, planehaa. tablaaux. Me., pa u va n t Mra lilmda i daa taujrds riduetion dlffdrants. Lorsqua la doa ut nan t aat trap grand pour Atra rapmduit an un saui eliehd, 11 aat fllmd i panir da rangia supdriaur gaueha, da gaucha i droita. at da haut m% baa. m* pranant W-ilembra dimagaa ndcassaira. Las dlagnjimmaa luivanta illuatram la mdthdda. > .^^ 12X . \ •Si 6 \t£V*^>-ftit4^«tf>, •L>-. rr^i^i^^l^t^k^^'^ ■;*^f'A''l .ppp*l"' I- ■ If' -^'1 ' • ■ !■■■ -, / t I •4 t t ■W * , \' • * : : \ ' /■ As:,. • •t \ . ' ** *4 s • » ^ . r- ' ' / 1 <• ■ , , . ^. " . ^p,'^ V *' • ,. . . ■^^ » i |k ^ ' "H lyy .;i!a d-l * ',•-'■■'■'4 '"ST? ^-^ — 7 - V > If . MrtSTREAL . ♦ ■ ASSURANCE COMPANY. w » INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENTS. FIRE ANt) INLANH) MARINE % PRIVATE. >» . 1 . * ' ■ . ■ ■ ■ ~ ■ ■ . CHIEF OFFICE: p NO. 9 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. 1^ - ^ 1862.';.. ■.■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ " : 1^ . ■' ' ' '■ \ ■ . ■ ■ " - ., - . •i 1 t • , 91B5 gki^^ » v,^ ■^■Y"* ■^^^""'^^ V ' *e™' R* ■■"^*f ^ * X 1 « • - ' f , - ■ . . . . ■ ■ ' ' , ■ " r ^- ■ ' • .• r , ■■ * . ' ' ' " ■■ raiHTID kT M. LONOMOOftl * CO., MONTMKAL OAZBTnS J||^ >RUS. ■ . ^\:'.'.- . _ -, WW ,. .' ■ ' ■ ■ ; ■ • ■ . .■■..'. V ^ • ■ :■ ,''■■',- « _ .,-.: . ', .• ■'-":''■' '^ ''\X\- :■:' -^-'':[:'':'- 1 • ^ ■ ' '. ■ " ■ ;■ ■ " ■ / ■ ■ ..,■/"'■■ _■ . ■ ■■ ■ .< ,■ ■ -.t . -•'■ • - ' ■ ■ ' ■ ' ^ . ■ ' ■ ■ it. ■ •■ ■■■ %.■..■■...-- . ■ . . - • ■ ' r.*. ■ >" ,!r V^i'Jcir-. 7-\ ■ ■ ' \ \ \ ' • .Ti^«|,: IRSS. mmam'nmm •ov MONTKEU ASSURIillCE COMPANY. FIRE DflPA-RTMBNT. Thi Aoiht AuTHomwiD TO Giuirr IiiivmAaoB. Tlit Agent is authorised to grwit iMoruice tfaiost lo« or denige by 6» apon receiving the preniam, when be will i«ue one of the printed fMeipts which are furnished him for the purpose, and which are utended to secure the party insuring, unttt a Policy be prepared and forwarded from the hendjoffice. Butii TO ■■ iHinCTlD WHIH WUCTlCAlLl. The Agent wfll in all cases when practieable inspect or sa^ey the property proposed to be insured, so as to ascertain from actual new the risk proposed to be undertaken ; but when, from distance, this cannot be done, he wfll ret^uire the applicant to fill up and sign one of theblank « Proposals for Insurance,** explaining to him at the time that the des« • cription is taken in good faith by the Company, and that the nhdity of the Insurance depends upon its correctness. PucAunoNi TO ■■ oMimvitf ifr Aiiuif oio a. Rue. In amuming a risk, the Agent should be particular to see that the building is provided with good and substantial stone or brick chimneys, to ascertain the number and nature of the st^es in use, how they are placed, and whether the stove-pipes terminate in chimneys built from the foundation or in flues merely. If stoves are set in, or stove-pipes pam through any woodep partitions or floor, he will be careful to see that imper precautions have been taken to prevent the communication of fire*' Such pipes should be at least seven inches from timber or combusliblf . .)»■ >■• i„ .xxf,,^ jsdL-^Vfesr •Mj^ fVB a . ' JMiKJ^l^ .■,.., ^ . •■ ,^,, ••» I |. \ 4 — ontwkl, tad rtom ovflit to b« plM«d oo ^ds of Mtil or^roroJ with Mtal. In placM whoro Municipol regubtioiM «ii«t for th« pr«. rj«tioj|of firo, U« Agwt wai of «o«« .o,^^ .^ U»t U-j « «!^ piMd with. RioirrAOLi roM Aihii, kc. Am a gTMt numbor of 6rw origiiiato in caroleHlj hyiam down hot IM now woodtn boildingi, or b/ thoir bojng placed in wooden recepr tnelo. new tbe building to bo Inwred, it .bouM be leen that • proper ■etal, stone or brick depoMtorjr ia profided and uaed for tbe purpoat. ^ Fure-boards should be protected bj metal sheeting inside. ^ Friction matches should be kept in metallic or earthen t^Is. ENRaoifTaATION OV OkdBM. q All order* for Insurance should be inserted in a book to be kept for V that purpose, and the greatest care must be taken to rander the order elear and unambiguous in its terqis. It sbotdd embrace the foUowinr particulars, Tis. :— \ - The name and profeaaioo or calibi of the per«» propoaing to insure. For what term. The materials of the walls and roof awl dimensions of the Mlding to be insured, or containing the property w.....ki.. «..«..,^ f2000 . ' On loods, wares and merchandine, haaardous and not hatardous, being such as are usnallj kept in a country store, edntained therein ...... ....... rvtf.****^****** .....4090 On household goods and furniture (ai before detafled) contained in the upper part of said house, oceupiei bj him m a •^'^H ...Vj^^^.^,.. 1000 '^' On prints and dBgravings therein r^, % lOO'w %i^»; On a piano contained therein ...i..... , 200 • ^^* >' ^On the buOding only of the stable and coach-house, situate in «. "^ „ i\ rear of the abore described building and distant forty feet « - therefrom, marked B on said diagram.i^ Built of and eo- *^' ..▼ered with wood.... i , ■" 300 On horse, cow, summer and wmter rehieles, hamte npd fodder contained in said stable. , . ...... ... , 400 . ■;/^-.V:''.-.-. ■■■f^ . ■.-"■■. ■ ■ — - $8000 a .v.^^ .-cf. ■ -r^-' -; ,. . =,"T- — « — <0 Woodtn Boildiagi. Dwsllingi. ^ ',r 16 ft. Stone and Brick Bolldingt. Application op Tabdtp. When a correct description is taken down the Agent will look orer the Tariff and determine the rates of premioms, on the risk, or separate risks^he will at tiie same time be careful to keep in view the list of << Extra rates,** and should the assurance .be subject to any of these, to add tiie same to the normal rate. ADpmONAI. iNSUaANCXS. If there beany other iosuranee upon the same property the Agent w31 be earefid to note the same in the order, that the assured may be duly protected, as complying with the third condition of the Policy. ■ " ' . ' " . - ■ '^ Power TO DEcuNt Risks RxiKftvxD. lie Directors reserre to themseWes the privilege of decUnujg any insorance or aj^lication f<^ insurance that may be forwarded to them, in which case the Agent will be immediately instructedi to refund the \ ■■ • • ■■■ ^^■'-^' ', '■ ■ ■! ■ ^ 1* m' e m »f 1 ' 1 »t ^^1 « ■i'' ■■■ SB . J I : »» 1 ' » 1 - V':-: . -V; "..■■■ —7 — . .V. ■••*..- ' ■ " .- . , <■ tmoont of ^nrnm pwd Vy the tppltewit, under deduction of the pro- por^ for the period during which the tpplicwit wm in«w«d, th»t i» from the date of the ifee^t un« notice of the iMwenee being declined ii giYen. It is eipeoted, howeyer, that the Director! iHU not often hare to eiertthii power. It is reiy rare that with a judicious Agent it hae to be eiercised. Charaotie or Appucamt. As frauds and fraudulent claims upon Insurance Companies are fre- quent, and as too many fires occur in the most culpable negligence, the character of the applicant becomes one of the most important consider- ations, and insurance should not be granted to persoiu whose characters are doubtftd. or unknown. The Agent wiU therefore require to be tery particular in this rfspect, entertaining applications only from parties well known tp b«B of [^ moral character and integrity. It is also of the greatest impottanee that property should not be insured to its full value, , as dtherwne the assured is apt to relax m the necessary care and pre- eaution t6 guard against fire. If the applicant has been a ckimant mran any other tfffice under suq^cious circumstances, or mamfests a de- sire to in«iire beyond tiie value of the property, the risk should be at once declined. . diLiCTioN or Bisks* In taking riiks it will be advisable to cofifine them ahnost exclusively to buildings of the first aiid second cla«, and to those wooden buildings so &r detached as not to be much endangered by neighboring buildings. Bisks in a c{y|^|n^.ra||gs of adjoining wooden buildings, or when separatltf^Hily by a few feet, should be avoided altogether, foi* in such cases it is not one risk which the Cpmpany incurs, but perhaps fifty, and no rate would be adcquate-to meet such a mult^Iici^ of ^lu* DwnuBLB Bisks. The description of risks which it is desirable to have are, first, those on good stone or brick bufldings unencumbered and profitably tenanted by respectable and sober men, next the stock in^ trade of the latter class, and hjDuaehoM furniture in safe buildingB, then well-constructed wooden bufldrngs, isolated, or at least from 40 to 6j) feet from others, and their contenta as above. As a general rule the Agent will avmd altogjstlisr unprofitable 0)r unproductive property, whether in buildings or goods. t SiPABATIOlf oiTRisKi. The Agent will bear in mind the necemtjr of having such riab as he maj aanime wdl leattered thronghoat the town or village, ao as to reduce as much as posnble the probabilitj of anj large sum being lost bf one fire. It b odj hj striet attention to this rule that a safe busi- . nets can be done* Distinct BvuM on Sbpara-^e Eisks. Jn taking down orders for insurance it is to be observed that bofldings standmg a^art from each other most have a serrate sgpi insured upon each, and when two or more adjoining buildings are separated by an . intervening indl ot bride or stone, so as to render the communication.of fire miprobable, a distinct sum must be insured on each. In like m%nner if stock or efiects are lodged in several distinct buildings, the sum to be insured thereon in each building must be iqpecified. The principle of ^ectteation is intended to invent a person from insuring two or more distinct risks for one premium, which would enable parties whose pro- perty mig^t be much distributed, to obtain insurance upon iemui unfair and eiceedinglj disadvantageous to the office ; but, for the coni^Bnience of merchants or others who may occasionally have property in twd^or more distiMt buildings without being able at all times to specify we amount in any particular one of them, the "same may be insured in one sum (though contrary to tiie general rule) by having inserted in the Policy the fdlowing - '- ■ ' a; ■ •■ ■ '.-■"'■ AVUIAGB ClAUSB. ' " Li case the goods belonging to the assured in all the buildings afore- said shall; at the breaking out of any fire, be collectively of greater value than the sqm insured thereon; this Company shall pay and make good to the assured only such a proportion of the loss or damage by fire as the sum insured shall bear to the whole value of the goods afore- said, at the time whoi such fire dnll first happen.*^ ' ': « ^ ** But it is at the same time declared and ai|;aed that if any specific parcel of goods' included in the terms of this pdicy, m such goods in any specified buildiag^ place or places, within tiie limits of this insurance, shall at the time . of any fire be insured in thu, or any other oflBce, this Policy shall Dot extend to cover the same excepting only so far as relates to any excess of value beyond the amount of such iqpecific Insurance or Insoniices, which said excess is declared to be under the ptotection of this Policy aiid subject to average as aforesaid." €^ V — 9 — Opbratiow o« ipHi AvitAGi Claum. The effect of the atenge clause is to limit the liabilitT of the Com* ^ny to soch sum as the amomit insured shall bear to the 'letual value of the property at the time of the loss ' For instaocb, if $10,000 were insured on property which at the breaking out of a fire prored to be worth $20,000, and the Policy were subject to the average clause, if the loss amounted to $10,000; the office would pay one half and the assured would lose the other. If however a party insures fully, of course he is fully covered. EnsorsvhiMts. r Endorsements bo Fire Tolicies become necessary when the party assured ceases to have any interest therein by sale or conveyance of the property, by removal of household furniture, goods, fiic., from one place to another, or whea an additional insurance is effected on the subjects mentioned in the Policy, with another Office, 8ic. This should be par- ticularly attended to, because in all cases where such endorsements are not regdiariy applied for, land entered in the Company's books, the as* sored will not be entitled to recover in case of loss. The Agent will be careful to transmit immediately copies of Oil en- dorsements fae may make. It should be particularly observed that the total sdm assured cannot . Jbo^creased or diminished bj;^ endorsement, but any portion of the sum insured on any particular article in a Policy may be taken off and added to any other item in the same policy, provided the omount of the pre-, miom be not affected by the cbange : or the premium may be altered as jprcjimstances moy occur, and in this cOse*the future annual premium , should be written in the endoisemeot. .■■'■' ■ '- ■ ■'■■•.■ •/'■ . " ' . ' '' ■ \ •t'' FomMS or Ensoiisiments. Removal of Property. '^ Approved of Ibe removol of the with|o described properly to his new ^ dwelling home, o stone buflding covered, with slate, situate 00^ Street,' and isolated. , " Eotered i»yof ^186 A* B., Age;Dt. •• It is hereby allowed and ogrM thot the sum of $500 be token off the omoont insured on hooMhold goods, ond odded to the insuronce on the dwdliog bouse firstly withio described. " "•'iS' I i,' ^■' ^1 t'^PrliG^s^ 'WW, "T"^'^ •-•• y ■^ ■'^■''^1F5,i""tT£f?'W'^''' — 10 — TVai^fer of £aere9t. I hmbj truHfer til mj right, title aii4 interest in tine PoUej (or ia inch portion of it •* may be i^ified) to C# D., of , lie (or she) baring porebaied tbe property insured. (Signed,) E. F. Approred of and I "" recorded. J (Date.)y «" A. B.yAgent. >^ Beeeired notice tbat an additional som of $1000 bas been insored on tbe goods witbin described at tbe • office-^ tbe same is i^prOTed of. . > (Date.) A.B.,Agent. Extra Muk, J Receired notice tbat carpenters and otber tradesmen will be employi in tbe witbin d«wribed bidlding for two montbs firom &te, tbe same it permitted, and tbe assored bas paid extra prcaniom at tbe rate of itb per cent, per month, in tbe sum of — ;-^-. (Date.) If A.B.,Agi^t. The Agrat is desired to grre immediate notice of any accident by fire to {HToperfy insured by tbe Company, stating tbe supposed i^use of tbe fire and any material circumstances req^tmg it which may baye come to bis knowle^iB) togetber with bis sentiments tbereony and sucb ezplanntiens as may be necessary. He wiUi|>btain proper estimates of the damage, and trknsmit the documents duly authenticated in conformity to tbe conditions of tbe Pdicy. In all cases of losb it is to be remembered that indemnity only is the object (tf insurance, and tbat benefit or expected pnm or adTas' tage of any kind is against the principles' of the contrtct. This remark is made foe the purpose of explaining (Ustinctly that losses u« to be settled upon a just estimate of the value of the property at tiie tune of the fire. f LoM o& Damaoi TO Bvnjktfoi. In the case of loss or damage to bofldinga it is oi amount to the decision of eonqitftent experU i every ease the Company reserresthtBrij^ of] _ to payment in cash^ if they 4eem tt inore expeJEmitr to leave tbe ly^hoseni but i» inj>ref«r«ic» .^ *yXsi_ \<^swy^ yis— wy-t» ■^ : ;. ^4 ♦i^™^ -55,pr-- % r*T AcTf hntkixDAnva jum Poliot. Ii eonddtring whether there has been juj depwrtore from the temt of the Policy, the Agent i4iald bear in remembfance the foUewing acta aiBOogst othert, by which it would be rendered Toid :^ 1. Wflful fire railing, by the aaaored, or with hii conaent or knowledge. -2. If there hu been any falae description of the liak, and particularly at the time of effecting the iniurance. 3. If there haa been any alteration in the bvilding, or introdaction into it of any description of goods or machinery, or of any process of mana&ctore calculated to increase the risk; of which due notice has not been giTen. 4. If the insurance with .other offices (if any) hare not been notified in the Policy, or by endorsement thereon; 5. Any attempt at firaud, or fraudulent mis-stateOttnt in the mecooit of loss. On the oeeurrittg of any casualty additional instructions (according to the nature of the case) will be given. CoNDrriOHS OF TllKPOLtOT.^ The Agent is particulariy requested to make himself thoroughly ac- quainted with the conditions of assurance as given on the back of the Policy, and it is well to call the attention of the assuredto these condi- tions on delivering the policy, in order that ignorance of their pttrti^ort ahould not be pleaded in case of their infraction. f- ^zs;»'^2>-SiWt « > \--V ^- 13 — ■-**■:}■ / \ '■^>. ^ I t i ill M ^ s SI s u 04 S (O w CO 4 »^ s 5i J5 iS i J I -s- .°

J 9* i I 1& 1 si ^ lit » T i i_ CO IT o. I 8 Ml g • ri I 15 r I! 4 8 1 I I II I. tl |i"l «l >^ » » 125. ^ K%Ei*--> --^ar^J^^ .-It?^ •A \- — 14 — 2s. 6d. 12|c. OVKE ANP ABOVE THE FOREGOING ORDINARY ^ PREMIUMS. Per £100. Per $100. JW^/jr— When hanrdoui goods are depodted in tht Bnildmg, (WhoI«sde EsUblish* ments' aloM eic^ptcd, where no goods •re retailed,) such ts pitclv ^> torpen- ' tine, roain» tallow, oils, spirituous liquors, brimstone, solpfaur, saltpetre— upon the ■ . \ "^ ■ BoflcUng and Contents .«,••.••... . 5m0M(%— When eytra or doublj hanrdous goods are deposited in die Building, such u earthenware, china, or glassware in packages, hemp, flax — upon Building nnd Contents •••••.•*•• ..a »,,., , 7%irdfy — ^When the goods insured consist of the stock of Retail Dealers in earthenware, china, glassware. Watchmakers, G^d or Sflfer Smiths, (Jewellers* stock not included, which is speeid,) Apotheca- ries, Druggists— upon the Goods onlj. 7s. 6d. 37 jc. FoMtVy— When the goods insured consist of the stock of Retail Dealers in oil, tal- low, Shi|hchandler»-^upon the Build- ing aind Contents ....... F^ftkfy—Yfhuk the following tndes or occupa- tions are canind on— on Build^jnd^^ -Contotii^ 5s. Od. ^ 25c. 5s. Od. 25c. 1. All Retail Sh(^ not before enumerated, and Boarding Houses, also Dje Houses 5s. 0^ 25e. 2. Safl-raakers, (no tar to be heated on the premises,) Printing Offices, Hotels and TaTemi, Bakers, Blacksmiths, Tin- oniths, Armourers and otbeii Smiths.. 7s. 6d. 37^. 3. Confectioners, ChfmistSy Hat Manu&eto- ries, Rope Makers, (the tir house to beOQtof dMiger,andnotiiisured)... 7s. 6d. 37ic. 4. 'Stables and Bams. . t ...»».. . . ,..^, 7s. 6d. 3^jc. m M mr;'i'-^'^-^mw'' w 'n/ ,> ,*w*^"7 '. *ir *^^* / 12|». , -^ — 1« — 5. Carpoiten, Joiacrs, Cabinet Bfainn, Cooper*, Meaeal Ii^tronent Maken, and all other workera ia wood, at Umv worUbope or manufiietoriea .,• 20a. Od. $1 6. HooM* and bnildinp under repair or bofldiag, where anj wood work, occa- aioniag chips or ihavini;!, is made in the building, or in anj other hj which it is endangered ..>••• •••••.* per nM»th 8a. 6d. 7. Buildings of stone or briek, hafing the partitions and ceilings of wood, to be emisidered as an faiolated n^ooden building, No. 1, and paj accordingly. 8. Jewellers* stock — qMcial. Particulars giren on application to Head Office. 9. Churches — Lowest rates of their res* pjitiTe classes, excepting when b*viog *PJ^ unprotected with lighining con- ^ dudiors of sufficient efficacj, when the extra charge will be 10. For ererj additional tenant under the same roof, in First and .Second cbus buildings Is. Od. 5e. For every additional tenant under the same roof, in Third and Fourth class buildings... ....••.••. 5s. or I per cent to bejtdde d to all riata L_,^ ^- — — ^^^ontigo6il87l6 WSjres wher(B steam- :^ boats arrive and depart, or near railwajs ^ en which locomotiTes are employed. f^ . — ^ . •■ Short Period PoUdei. the following scale is to be adopted as the general rule ^^ For one month, ohai^ 4 of Um ianual premium, two >" " "I « « •<„ ' i « « *f I « U H I ** ■ ** : tf-T-' ■ the Wh pl^ aniiif I ■»— w ainwi 2s. 6d. 12it. 28. Od< lOe. « three « "four ** "six « Over six «< M M « /", -i.! _,bl ,. ., -«^i*&?^Jt«#,J "s — 16 — B«t M • Dambw of CoapaiuM har«,ui ordtr to obtiin rUn, d«iMirtMl from Um aboTC K«Jc,it ii permitted to the Agent in certain eeies wber* iilmj be neceiMrf to retiin the buuneM of n cuitomer, or when it max otherwise be deaireble to aeeure • good ^Mk, to adopt tbe fellow- ing:— For one month, charge 2-lOtha of tbe annual rate. 8-lOtha « 4-lOtlM « 5-lOtha « 6-lOthi ** 7-lOtha " J^-lOtbi » 84-lOtlM « Orer ^ht monthi, charge tbe whole annual rate. " two « ** three ** « four " « fire « « MX « " atTen" « eight « M M M <1 M « M M M M M « M a M M M M « ,>• rMPni Property. % Isolated wooden buildings occupied as dw«lliags, if plutered inside « I per cent. Rou|^ cast buildings, do. do. do. | per cent. Brick or stone buildings, same aialn tbe Tariff. Bams and SUbles, |ths addition to Tariff. -— ^^— — -^^ '^ Shipping. .V . Steamboats for one year, including ratting in tbe Spring, 2} per cent. Do. for Winter months onlj, nnd refitting, 1 per cent. Clausi— >< Warranted that tbe Companj shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by tbe bursting or collapsing of tbe boilers, or* firom tbe explosiim of gunpowder.'' » ■ - ■ , . ■ SpicmcATioirT-^nm on tbe Hull, Bigging, and Apparel. Sum on tbe Machinery. ,, Sum on the Cabin and other furniture. Sbipa building or repairing, free from ettraneoua risk, at rateofperannum.... l^percent* For short periods apply tbe scale first before giren. .j,t^ ■ '.^':': •tf.-jtJ'l^ >>-. ■ ■:i .». ' — It — fM of BfttM of Framitmi Unr flpMlil Biilo. TImm lUtw b«ipg computed for iioMktod bofldiogt, ftdditiond Prcmiunu must b« cluurgad for Mtamal hasard in •eoordanc«.>wiUi Gcoeral Tariff, lltllffNHb OtAM OV lit. ' FLOim MiLLi. Propelled bj Wattr Power with not OTer foor'nin of Stooee • • • • • • For OTerr additimal ran of Stonea. • To be obarged eitre for Kilaa being in or near the MiHi • • • • • • • To be eharged eitra for Snrot Macbin« when not b baaement atory, and for Barley or Oat Mill . ''To be charged extra when Wool la carded on or near the premiiM, or when endangered by Saw Mills propelled by water • # • » • If Steam Eoginea are naed extra • • • Von.— in>en a taadeat Foroa Pomp or Hm« are erected and In good w0tUng order, | per oant. to be allowed. SawMilij. Propelled by Water Power and not haTing more than -two upright and ope edging Saw, and uaed for iawiio|( only « ^ • • — *- .for ew^ additional Gate or Gang of Saws . r To b* charMd extra when endangered by a Griat MiU woiked by Water Power ... To b« ehwged extra when Planing Machines are used. Mora.— When a Force Pomp or Hoee are erected and in jmkl working order, i per cent, to be allowed. Steam Saw Wlla not iararable. PapkeMuls. Propelled by Water Power . . . • P^^Ued by Steam Power . . • • To be ehanred extra when Bafrg an stored in or nftk tiwMiU . . . . . •->/ Inoir FouMDRiH. When not connected with Pattern )6hop • . 'Whn connected with Pattern Shopf extra pier cent Fatteny not insurable. . • • k i h 2nd. h n 2 h i 8rd. It 2 i 1| i 34 4 i 24 '8 4 24 I 4 «"« 4^"*^ ^18 — ^ AOr^CoMlMMMrf.) MAoHiira SHora ok Axb Pacto«im. Wli«i Wood Work k doo« 0. lb. Pnmm,, .xtn p«r emt. . , , ,, ^ ^ ^ Nau Faotoriii. wlHl SSS*" t'.^"*^ ^'°^™« °° bMement ttorr WiUiWood«nFlooniigonbM«in«ttt«torr . To bo cVH tstra wbeii Spike Machiaw are uMd BKiwnni ... T« k« charged ettn for Kilni, Mdt Hou^ and Staaiil GngiOM, each , # , ^^ y i TAIflTBimW. WthjMit Heaterg, or if heated b^ Sleaoi, tfaa Fireplace P^JT toJg^ ^.ft^'^ coapartoeqt, with f^ " Oil, om Dmvo Mnxa. When OiU or oUier liquida are boikd on or nm the xramieei WhenOila or other liquidi are not boiMI oa W nMi^ tbePremuea . , , EoPsWoUi. Worked bj Water Power . Worked bj Steam Power . Fu^HituRi Marui ACToiiiia. Propelled bj Water Power ^ . . ' propelled b/ Steam Power . . . . To be chM|H when Planing Machbet an i^, o^ rv.S**u5?*"''**"'*7"* '<>'■•«>»«»« wood . Or when both are UMd ontta eame Pr«ii3 . ToB40CNi| S«9fv AMD CwAm Faotokiu Soap amd Camalb FAcrosfii , Extra whan Stiam ii BMd . .'. ! 1| i 2. i 2 2| I I' i 24 I * 4 2 f n 2 2| 1 H 2 2 44 '24 '24 S 8 2* 24 34 1 14 2 24 8 3 1 14 24 8 ++-i + V )L7».**i«rti^ *i.i3il5W ' / "Y^ "^T^l«if ^ ^ ^5^S^»y;'«^iltawi^E'^ _ w— Tuifftf WofDow Bash, Blind ahd f WhM worked bj Stmm Vo lHl»iA RuniK Faotoriu. FACTOmiBl SuOAl RiVINL Wilb KilM oatiid« thm Baildiog Wm KiiM inida Um Building, ei WoOLLBlf, FULUHO AHD CmMUNO MiLU. Worfcid by Wat« Powtr . . . Worhid bj StMBB Powtr, ntri COAOVBUIUIBM TiiBAmif . . I Raiiaomid Car FAOTomni , . , -^ ^ T» b« fliugtd ntn wbea Fiumg MaclanM tra oaed. Or whflB fimjieat is employed, for MMooiag wood ■ DllTIUJBRlU. Not inohidiiig StiU House, a«d not to 1w endugered therwbf . , ... Not insanri>le if endlngered bj Still Houo Pot AND PlAlL AlHBRIBI . . / t Storbhouim. fti the Wharreji at the different Lake Porti . To be charged eitra when Steam Power it oaed. ^ Cattli S^bdb. wty to forty feet distant fi^m PistiOeriet , When nearer than forty feet. . , „ LuMBBR Yards. Imtant from other yards or other external expqrare. 100 feet encloeid with Wallor tight Fence ^ When without iuch wall or Fence. . When endangered by Mills to be chaiged as such -J Gab WoRKi. B«tort House not uchded, and to be eat of danger 8 4 ?♦ 1 2 8 f 1 H 8 1' \ •• 84 31 3 1 24 n 1 n u f ll 2 2* 1 ' 8 . 4 8 1 n >i: V H 1 u M \K^ ■i'ii*- bytkaAfiM E^j^-T^sBr-we-, Y^ iJK *I'a ... *■ •'■':' ■■—' - '■■. 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