.:#■ ji I • %'' » t ».'i^ V CIHM Microfiche Series ' (IMonograplie) ' / *?..'. A ICMH Collection de microfiches (mohographies) i*. Canadian Inttituta for Historical MIororaproductions / institut Canadian da microraproductiona historiquaa •■■'■■ • " -' ■■•- ■ ■ r .1 v-.;-7- "'^w' T•c^fMC«l and Btbltofriplitc Notct / Nolm tachnMiiiM •< bibliofrapltiqw** TiM ImtituM liM atttnipMrf to etotatn th* bMt ortfifMl copy •vwlabi* (or filfnwifl. FMiurct ol thti copy whtdi mvf IM Mtoltorap*i«c*> papiar aat JmprimAa sont filmAs mn commandant par la pramlar plat at mn tarminant aoit par la ^•tnXkrm paga qui comporta una amprainta d'Impraaalon ou d'illuatratlon, soit par la aacond plat, aalon la cas. Tous Iqa autraa aiiamplalraa origlnaux aont f iim^a wx comhian9ant par la r pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'Impraaalon ou d'illuatratlon at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta uno taHa amprainta. % Un daa aymbolaa auhranta apparaltra aur la ■—■ darnlAra imaga da chaqua microf icha, salon If dbs: la aymbola — *> signlf la "A 8UIVR|". I« symbols V aignlfla "FIN". :: ■■•■.■.'• 1%^.^ Laa cartas, planchaa. tablaaux, atb., pauvant ¥sm filmte A daa talix da reduction diffAranta. Loraqua la documant a«t trOp grand pour Atra raprodult •tn un aaul cllchA, 11 aat f MmA A partir da I'angla aupAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droltt. at da haut an baa, mn pranant la nombra d'Imagaa nAcassaira. tqa diagrammaa auivanti illuatrant la mAthoda. t- ■ A :• '"2^ 3 — j^^, •" . ■ ■■ . ■.,'■'. ..'■■■ • , ''.J ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■' • -.' ' / ■ ' .■■.' ;,.. vlv ■: * • 3 „ ■ . -._^^_ 1^,. _:__._„ -„^_ ■ ' ■■■ - ., .■ ■• ■"■'.■■ ■- '• \i-:^-''/ ■ * . ,5' ;.■ 6 -¥ r ' 7 ■■ V- ■" ~ : ' : , ^^■■': ■'■■'■-■■ .■■■ ■-.■' -. ■■■•■'- "■. . * 3 .L--^ . ■ .■■ . ., •„./■ . ;. ■ : ■■_;. . ♦ ♦ "W^ Mteaocim mtoumtm imi otun I (ANSI and 00 f|SI CHMT N». Q / /1PPLIED IM/OE Inc tM3 IftI Uoln SUM) MMIiMltr, Nm Ywk UWN UM (716) 412 - eJOO - PhocM (7I«) IM-MM-rn V » /- ■ f / ... •>■'■■'■ .'V:; 4 T < * ''M ■ D ./ yi. ' ' ■" ' ■ / * "... ■ / > V ' 1 1 ♦ 1 ■*' r t, ' 1' ■ ■ •^V/i L#» , ' % t ■ • , M R t ■■•, y- . r ■■ ^ A ^* " ' . id •;,>* *^^ • •■' /, ,•■;;:. .^ •'■•.•4. , 0, -1- r . ■ , - - - X • > I ' l,^ 4 1 ft;V^.'^'* ^ *"l "^ IJ^.' *.•.."••.■"• • Vr- K- K ^'..i' !i •mCiom* ^Xi' 'it iJMkp^'§ i«M| ./;'#« • U »?..! « -.'^ HUdH WAUKfeRt ^— ^ « ^ . * V , ? * ..I. ?! *^^^"^^ ?L*(>"^*n^*!!iP?*.BR^' 'V^ •->">>i|fiii,)y' irtiii" ^^- — ^ '' ' ■ ■ ^ ^ -^''' - faU'i t,f.ii!ii; foe? MMWiMiHiiMv-^:.'' ■-' '?j?^ '.r, BUutttrf«b(ibiMi>i«^foifiJ4fot? |l w f^mni iitiiiiv . , i i I t^< ^« II '* m$ ■ ! nil li.i mm i Hi iiir> yi .. - yii, >|i , i m y i ^ t . i ^ i ■ . .i^ n •^,. • ■^. ' ,'^ ■ ■ '-■ffTrfwnp ". rt i r' liii JV-,' .V ' 7 .} » ■.V ■ ;. 1^. *■ -1 ^' - '.' ''^■*:.*^'>' 'I- »"■■;■ ;•** .f ■,-•• ^>•■(• ♦•/ ■ ' V* *• ■ - -■'..^.^••. ^* *if > t. ■ ■ ■•>*•<," ■ <(, ; • V .■'"'„ r;:. ■ 'r.' .» »=*:,'.i«i[^-; ■■•■ ^1 ,1 «i. Impressions of Enj|:land« M M 5^, ''•* A Lecturt bt^fore '• 'The Youn^ TcofU's JissocUtton 0/ St Jitnif}' Church, Tarii," t>*c. 40. i^foc. by tht fftectcr, '{tex>. Alfred 'firown, O. A., Cancn t>f Si. 'Paul't > Culkedn^l, LohJch, Canada, * RBVIBW PRINT, t'ARIM. > anc»lic:an c HtmcH or CANADA CHNRRAI. SYNOD ARCHIVES Toronto ) 1 ■/- '■■/'■ u > ^ IMHRESSIONS OF ENGLAND. . i ) * l':itKllMii. IhimI I tuii inkliiK ttte my Miihjri't oiii* timt Im *t«ry fnm* litiif, iiol to Hiiy llironillMitt*. niMl H' C'liili'i'h Amim'liitloii Wt«hi iIi'mII'oUM tu h>*rtr wlint I hitil to Mitjr nlioul U, mid nm It WAN thoiiKlit tliiil Honi«» othri-N miKlit nNo wInIi to «io M}. thr Tiiwii llnll whm Mfciinui. niid ttir o|i|Mir» lunlty wnii iclv»n tlUMU to i'Oiii««. Ntit ii f«»w of jfo« wri* Ihh-ii niKl hnvtt livvtl th KniflniKi ; iiiitny of jroli Hitv« vlMltril iiioi-«« limn oit(*t< th(« MotliiM- ('oiiiitry. nntl nit lijr urn inon* or I«*m« i%('<|iiiiln(<'«l with KiikIhidI. iiikI iIiIiik* Htm, wtittloviT nm.v hiivf Iii»«mi milil nf wrltirn, Knfcl'util, lM>ritiiM«« of till* |iliM-iil |M>Mlllon Mill* lltl<;nllyv*<>' rinlly mill ollifrwln© pun nnvir vvnm to Iw of lntor(*Mt ♦<> tH« fUltAiipi of till* Kiiiiiln*. who Itvfl III Cnnniln, thn Inrpci^Nt. nio«t liii|>ortuiit, mikI iiiomI proKi'<>M>«lv<' n rlnliiiiMl hy AiiinrlmnN (titil iioiio vnn onjoy niul iipprfM'Into a vImU to Kiinliind no iiiiirh iim n cltltrii of l\w tlnlt«Hl HtHlfM, iinti that thi*y In ninny vnttf ■yiupnthollr vlHltorHi rhni'iii«««l hv tlu» ronlrniit l»c- twi»fni n now coiiiiii-y niul nn ojil on«>. nn«l alHo lnt(*i*(«NtrKl tiy the fnrt lliiil from KtiKl(inniiin. nnil from It ninny if t»u'lr InxtllntloiiM w»»ri» ih»rlvr»tl i-nnnol Im« vrr lii>fti liii|mlrir lM!on iioUiuimmI hv ihi> ir/tfllilonN of n hitter Htruaicln. who kcitn thori*^ not nit nn nll«>'i. hut hm niii<*h of m llrl(|M*i HUhJect an tllouich he hml Immmi li<>%n the MniiiR flAK ihnt flloN an the Nymhol of lllierty ntid JUMtlre In hU native Iniid lieyond the MCMiM. ran even more than the iiioMt Kn^hind-lovinic citlxen of the (Jreat Uepiihlle, and they »n» hv no nieanM few. value and enjoy a vlult to what he HtlU affectionately eall« "home," and what M ntlll hln Mother Country. flF* rtm^mtMi ttt •|ir«>.| mihI •nfwljr. I UhiIi |n*««»k» friHti Mw Vofll tojr IN* NirntiiMhiii l.uiMiilii, f>f Itei' ('uHnnl l.lifti TIm» hMfmiin »• cNi* «»f lh» ■«» M«ll««l m-TAH iirt*jrlioiiiMl«. Aiui Im m rfforiMtrrnlirr •• lu aiMNxl, hnvtnil mmtr lite iNiMwnni* frtiin UtftI lo ImM mtim tfe«it tmr« In b>M lliMft wit •tn.f*. Nh«> •• ntNiul (Mtfl fM»l l>»n«. tiii* A fmw of {1511 iMon, Miitt l« In mM ic«|m»«|itilnl* ml. •hit* Tho «i«rr«>l ,«ir IMk «iii'«« IIii(« <»f Nii'miitini In it*l<|0ni In ih«« wotMli'rfiil •llMipriiit* whU'li |« ttuiiwtMin«« of mrnn, I W»tt |V Ntw York III n m. on Nmunlnir »th of Miijr. I wmm not iiri|.«|ck. IhiMiffh nmny wiir«». Mn*1 «r««iilljr rn|«.,yp«l lh»« »»»yift«» «>«i KrMnjr. HI 2 |ini , w# w»rP At qiif«'niitr»wn. unit on Haturrtujr, Sfujr 13, at ».IM., Iiin«lr*l Ml l.lvrrfHMil. At MvrriNHil ^oii hnv«* hut llitli* Iroithk* wllh tlm rii«tom«, 1 dkl not •VDfi n|pn my trunk, t whn Nlmply nukiNl if | hml nnjr ti}liiii*«*o or •.iilrlti.. Anil on rriiblnK In tlw n« >mim UnKUmXP. nn«l nny tilflr* yoii run V h«»«» HIT h'vlr«l u|ioM I oiil.v fwi-iiiK"! |»n,vt«l» 'luly nn A f©w «mnll ArtU'lrit hy immhIIiia m> Hunk ihroUKh In IlmuI Whul- ftvnr hiAy Iw Ihi* m^rllw of IMotiwllvr TnrtffN, travcllttrii A|i|ir»«*lAl« %hm convi»nlnnit» of KrA« Trnttp. KNtihinii iiAihWAva I Th» liowlon rtnil Noiih Wi'«(l«'ii rullwa.v. Tin* rnrrinnrx liMUkiHl Hiintll. thouich «liU wiiN wh/il wuh «'nlli'«l a i-orrhlor trnln. Kiu-h romimrlnifnt Honti' firrfi«rm1. Thi>y m*vm InwIicnlfU'nnt ronifmr«««, iin»l It munt \tf r«'Hi<lfm of |in«»M'nitHr trnlnti In ii irit'nt ,fn- cillty to liunv iM'oph'. I'NjK'flnMy In tho rr«»w.|«««| HiiliiirhnQ trnrnii In nml out of l.omlon In KukImh'! iiooplo trnvfl flmt Mrr* ond Ami third ol AMU. Th« flnul And wmmmhI vUkhh cnrrlMK"'H, dlff«T from tho ihlnl only In tielnn allttln U»ttrr unholntonil In rioth 1n- •it«»f»d of PAriK-t. Thi» AdTftntnun of irolnsc flrnt find M.'.'ond cIaub It t'hAt you nmy Ik? U'i« crowdn<|, nnd your roinpAny nior« nrlect. I i M- w Irii*ii|l04l ililnl *«l«%«». m» wwll mm flmi. mul •i»r.m«t mn*\ «#»»r m»l ••I Ihlril •>!••• for II nmnhf «»«ll» TM liirp Iruw l.tt^rinMil l« LoniloN will lilimtiMir ih« .liircrwnw til |>rU*mi In iH* Mivrriil iliMmi: rirvi flMM, USkt i «pcoimI i'Iumi. IHIm Mil , tliinl iIiimi. IAii. IV.I. or r»HuM$ III iliMlnr* *i««l »^nU fT. ift «ftil M Tlir il(ll»r«nrt liriMffift flrwl ttml ihinl I'UiMr* li«>lii|f nonrljr «loulil*» in Itngliiiui. mi nil rAllwMy nimiMti* Hmm iiw iNirU'r* riii. |)ifi^i*t>« o» llM« t. II ml to whom jr«M ||I«» » imiuM' »•»«» Tl|i» nn- M»l»rriml lit kiii|. liiiid. •«•! ir y»u wmh IM i«»^ iiltmj iHH»l»riiil»ljf >«im him*! Im ri>«iljr ill pnf fur Hiimli iH»r«lc««. Hal lli» Amouiii t«ft|H'<*MHl i« mil I trfn. St'l «ir !l will ftHf llml |iul >oiir immcnKc on I lit* iritlii or on your ^nli M»t^ hum llmatuU mu* ihu tlu'iklim wiU-ni whU'h |»J»»ftlk li»n», hhiI nrv uiio(i«y liiMiui ilii^lr imtficnKi* 'I'Iumk |h im iMH'«i#it>itl for tlilH, ||(iwi>vi»r. LuKtfntff N InlirllKtl for thu iiliiif* of ik^itliinUiiA, nnil tm yoyr nrrltiil >o»i |il«li oal wlial IwloitK** »«» /»»»»■ •»•»•* '* •* rMWly llim wnyMiiiiK u Uwl orwliikm. I'iiii|»l«» who bml lriiir»«|. Unl til Aiiifrli'1% jiinl Knulnml loMt mf lh««,¥ pr»«fiTrr«I lh»« ».ii«ll«n H/Mlriii. whfrf th»7 rmilil mw ihwlr Imicitttui'. iiU'k U M|i wllhwi mtinjf, Mnfl Ko oif thi'lr Jouriifjr. Ill KiiKlliili rnWwny lli«»* hiif»» no iifilfrtriH m«*lhiMl «»f P«>K l«H*llnii tlcknu. M«Miic((iii*>N' tliPjr iii>«* «*nllf><*ttMl on lli^ t#nln. nl iilliHi'N AM Villi li>ii%i* tho Nlntlon. nnil nomh>IIiii«*h not nt All. TliU l0«t III/ Into It ktiiclit itirrii'iiliy on two iNTitMloiiN. (Hi itijr flrnt rl«l«« from l.lvi'i|i.i€il to l,oii«loii tlii' ih'lii'l wah iMiHri'l^U by tlir (luiiiil On nrilviiiK In l.4Mi«l»in thi» i'iimIoih on IIm* oiiinlhtWi'A '^ WAii to itNi' you A nrkPl. whli-h Im not ahIumI for itiriiln unU'tm a» rAn« hili'rvAlu by nn lnii|M*'toi-, TnklnK oii«« »l«».v a wuhurlmn trnln. on wlili'li tW ili'krt waa not nwkiMl for. I ••onriii.liMi itiAt tW» oiiinlliUA iilnn pii'VAllnl. nntl aa I Irft thi» trnln llin-w awa/ my iUki't. mill WttM fonri-ottt«Al At thi- HAtt» with a ilfMiaml »*»^_,"' mill, rulltiiK Im iM.Mlun It. liAtI to irny llO' fAI1» o»«T AHAln. Iw luornl Iwlnu l»» «»•• fioi«»«. hol«l on to your lli'kpt. On Aiioliicr iM'iMiiooii koIiik from l.oiulon lo I'ortMnouth. At ClililM«Al«»r. till' (lunM ANki'tl for m> Ikkfl.- I |hH my linml In my ii«H*k««t Attil |tA«« lilm oiif uni'olli'ftiMl liy AiiottiiT llmv lli» rf* Kitrilixl 1110 with MUH|il«>lon. am Ii«> haIiI IttAt wam not tlti* riKlit inki»t, nnM I ham not a llttli* flUAtPml. till ri««>llnK iii.v |MH'ki*tN I found till' on» I wnntiul. ^ Thr rnllWAy iiy»iti»m In Cnnnttn nml lh»» Kntiwl Mtnt«»A Ia In iiiAny rpAiwi'tA In AilvAnoft of llinl of KakIaiuI. Hut %*•' muxt i»» nii'iniNM inftl thp rnllwAy Arrnnprnimtii of m «'onnii»»nt. aihI ov»»r HtMMNMMNI ikmiiiIo iiiUMt m'lVtiAiirll.v tllffor from Hint of A NniAll roiinlry llki« KnulrinU. with n |Mipuliill«m of .TJ.IKMl.lKKV Knuluntt Im only twin* tin* mUc of tin* frovliiiv of N«'»v UrunMwIrk, nml woulil Im* nn ImIaimI If pliu'oci In tlu» unUr«| wnt«>rM of I.Aki'M Hu|M»rlor. Huron nn«l Krliv It Im only .'UKI ihIIi'm from tlu« ImIo of Wlffht to |l«»rwl«"k. on TwimmI. nml 'MM mlli'M from North Fori'- Innd, In K«tti, to LanU* Emt au that auiAu living In lUimlnghaio. ♦ ^f ■• ,!f '^ ,1 which In about tho c»miIi« of Knliind. would iiol havo to k6 *!(K> mllfM to rwiich any iionit In U. Hlrem-iK, iltnliiic ciirif.'ulc., ai'« not fM iinn'Mhiuy iluTi' UN ilwy iiit» hor«, wh«Mi ilay*. artu ov»n WtfvkH, ii'r« Npout on truliiN. ■ • ., ■ ^ i — , ---,1 ' ■ FlUMT nil'UK.^K|0N8. Tho tlinr rhoHrn for uiy vImU whm iuohI fftvoiiifflip. Hot oiily aNmiKHrdN wcHlh«>r, wliloih wan tUw, wlih uiuch U'»»»t ruUi-Uiuif I hufi lioen It'll to «'X|MH't; but iH'ciiUMt tho " li«»n, .luuc. and .Inly, whou l*aillanu>nt Im MlilbiK, tho urlMlocrary hvv at tboir ^uvvu iv- MldencoN, tho K>'vat«'>ii at'tlMtM tu llu* world arc |NM*r«(i-nilnK ut iho opera, and th«' plrluiv «xblbUU»UM arf! o|kmi. Thr wfuthi'r In Miiy waM quitw cobi, and alio again In June, but at (»lb«M- tbiu'H. and ♦•Mp«»clally lu July. It wan «kM-ld«>dly warm, but um a rub- vi-ry wurui weather, though oppr.'H^lvc at the tbne. docH not IumI Iouii:. - My fliMt IjiipreMMlons ot tho ctiuntry, uh I nased at It frviui the' wll«|oWM of the Taut flylnn train, were alloK«'tb('r fuv arable. Tho chief featuren wiue the hedneH, the vivid green of the uraMM and ti*ee«. the Mieek aMpTt of the eaitlo. and the flnlHlied ap|MMir- anee of all one Haw. The flrnt InipreUHlou of London, an neen from the top of an oninlbUH. an you drive tlirtMiKli ureal thor- oufthfaroN like (»xford ^t., Ilolborn. Newgate Hi., pant the prlmui T»nd Ht. I'aul'H. and, down CheapMble to the Ibmk of Kngland and ManHlon Houho. and hoo the crowded Htreetn. and reeoKidze hHtor- Ical buildl«K-i and plaeeti; or paHM Trafalgar Hquare. ami down Whitehall to WoMtuduHter Abltey and tho IIouhoh of Parliament. Ih to excite moHt pleaMUrablo feellngH at Heeing the plaeeH, with the nanioK and aHHotlationri of which you have long Inu-n famllKr; and of wondering perplexity at tho labyrinth of hUvcIh. lancH and parks, a|id of conjecture as to whether you will ever be able to fliid your w&y about them. ^ It was my good fortune to nee Her MaJOBj^y tho gueon the Mr»t dAy I wui^n England. A.t'4 In the afternooti hJic was leav- ing Paddlngtoh Station for WlndBor. ,On telling a policeman I waR a elorg.Vjnttii from Canada, he placed mo In a goikl poHltlon to nee Her MaJcHty. She drove up In her carriage. atlcnde»l by, a detachment of Life Guarda. ABslatod by her EuhI Imllan attiMid- ant, In native coMtrtnie, Hho walked from the carriage to the. waiting room. All was very Hlinple. and It was not without emo- tion that 1 looked upon her venerable form and features, m&de familiar by many illustrations of her, as I recalled what she was as a woman ami as a Monarch, and thought of the place sho would flllln history, and In the Judgment of posterity. It was something to have even caught a glimpse of her, who had then occupied tlie throne of England for 68 years. In whjch time the Empire has advanced beyond the most sungujne anticipations In all that constitutes political, mol-al and material greatness. I saw her once again In ,TuIy. the last day but out I was In London. On that occasion she was driving to Buckingham Palace. Hhi» \*m« warmly un«l n«M|M'<'trullly woU'oinod by the crowd, liut ('Mil. ft lili'huiHlMoir, iit.vMi'ir )ui*l another CiiiiHtllHii cliTKyiiuiii hIioiu- imI our tiurraliN no loiitlly thai Mho lookiMl In our illrcrtloii and khvo HH M -itlMtlnfl liow of r«HO(cnltlt»n. Tlir. ClltlKCIi IN KNOIiANI). In KuKlxiid ll)<< Cliurcli of K l.i ilii' iiiitlotml i-iiiin ti. mid tnrlii lly of tllf |lp|l>. IICI- IliKllOpN l.onlK, IhoiiKh I'nrllaiiicut docH a ltN'i.>|m and CltM'K.v liax* urrnt In r(ii, hill Hticitili.v, and In nil charily. Iltr hnddliitfH fov4>r tli ouM. You KIT hlni hi lliit MircotH nnil rural rallwa.v Htatiotis. Mi> lor. iMil ho Ih iho ifrlrinl of Uio p ric-h and p«K)r toKclhrr. A Mlaic rollKlouM IxMlcf and priudlcc, nn Iho cliaotli- Nlato tif IhliiKs whl<-h AuH'rU'a. Tlir national rliiilrh iitiiii prcat'herM anioiitc h:>r IIIhIiopn mid clcrny Ih wldcHpro.'id and iHMU'fU" Thnro Ih no doiihl Nonio r theroby. fXioHH «>( ritual, but tho hI«hI. In llu" jiri'at inaJorUy of (< ly conduclod. lhoiif;(li In all yon w f'horal or wMiil-fhoral wrvlro. I cnl nnidorlnil: of tin* him-vIcp In K Trnipip church ami clHcwhcro, It HuppoHC. tho I'aro «|uallty of tho K uroaicHt cultiiro, which <'oHrttltu by tbc acoUHtIc propcrtlcH aiul cf roofH of tlin Hacrcd biilldlnKH In nKliind Ih cHtabllMhcd by lav\. It dcN ainonit her nioin»M«rH a major- have Hcatii In tho IIoiihc of ot kIvc jM'cunlary niipporl.^ Tho finonco. not only an mli^^ciH of \ that iMMlaluH to cdiicafpni and lami, and the parnon In iibhpdl- vt liondon. and In country laiU'M may not alwayH be a ureilt orii- oor man, and Ih a link binding church inalntalnH a Htandard of d Ih in my Judicnient preief'able to In rellKlouH niatterH prcvallH in Ihm-h many able HcholarH and , I'lerny, and the Influence of her . lal. ItuallHin In KnKlmid, meanliiR:, extent of It Ih ureal lyt exajSKcr- liurcheH the Horvlce in quite pbiln- III find a Hiirpllced choir, and n waH much Htnick with the iiiihI- nKb^nd. Ah I heard it at tliH waH Himply anKcllV. It wuh, I nffllnh voice, eomblnecl with the ted llH charm ; pot.Hlbly IncriMiw^nl foclH of the Ht(M»r arches and which the Morvlce Ih eondueted. Bt. PAUL'S.. The fliHt church Hcrvlco I attended In EnRland wan at St. Paid'h Cathedral, on Hiimlay iliornlnK, M'ly l**. »^t lO.aO o'clock. The London Voiiinlecr lUfle (;6rpH entered the Catheilrul hh I reached the front en I ranee. A fine body of active yoifnK men, ap- parently drawn from the lietler claHsen, unlformetl iil dark Kreen, and wearintc kid Kh»veH. FoIUiwIuk the In-ruHhluK miUUinde. and telling a Veru'T I waH from Canada^-whlch I found to l)e an open HOHaine on more than one oecanlon, he eondiicted me to Ihe front of the Nave, and Ruve me a seat jU8t under tho pulpit. The vast Cathedral vsjih fllleil to th;MloorB, a\u\ the conKrcRatlon was well up In the thousamlH. The Hervlc* MatlnH.vMtany and Holy Communion wan bi-aiitlfully rendered, and wan the perfection of church muBlc. To me It was a revelation of the beauty, power ^:f!pgS*«%~^3^55^-^i!S-^^. .---j---r-v^!— ;r: .»■:"■ '■■•*<, m ^ To Dm. .. unlf (liorlu h. I'.xrHsH TIm- MH'.nuu ^"J^'T^t''' •■ Ko'r nml I Mnv unto ouo. (»o. nml Ull^<»<' I ••»'"' ^ * '"'^V Ah i" im „,.M.un,cnt look a'7"» /V"; i" ...'"'■^■,„,i5%,f H • (■lnl»l..ph..r 5>r.ii". »n.t public ...ULllnRH. M_ 1« t he. jr«n^;»;,, ,,?,!> r.",?!;! „mM roniont «n-"ir will. n,,MUlonlna r. .jv P^ K part oC the Unltrd stnl.» f"'"', "?' „*('^r„r?io"t »™-. afia her great colony in Northoru America. 8, ■■ . I » L-_ \ - — ■' J • ' ■ —^- mmM ^ 1 I jpfyrsT?*^ /« : L-_ ;i Thcro iiri' nuiiiorouM iiinniMiiPiitM In Rt. Pnurii, ohlpfly to MIH- tnry iumI NuvhI Iumiiom. WolliiinUiu niul SdlHon iiro ImrUnl \\vro, iiotwItliNtantKiiK thai tlu' liitl«'r «>x»"lalniml ilurltiK the lintlU* of et. VliiciMit, "Vli'loiy or VVi'HliiiliiHlfi AhlM'y." Two iiioniiiHontM will rniKrl«lly liitori»iit Cannillniiti. (Mn«. a tillih't. hlfch up at th«' WfMt «m; I.Jli iii«*mory ««f Hit iMaao l»nM'k, •iiiiiportiMl III thriili liy a fili'ti-i. ainl au liullan Mtamllnn »»y. r)w othrr, a buHfor Hli John A. MatMloiiaUl, In the crypt, ronlaliiliiK till' fariiuMN li'KontI: ' °, "A.lliUlMh MU|i>Mi wnM.I horn, A Hiirisli HuhJiH't will I «lte."' . wKFrntfNMTKu xmtKv Wi'HtinlnKtcr Ahlicy uttractM pr«>hahly more* MlKhltituTH than any olhor plaoc In Lon altar of tho bcrdy of Kflwar»l the C'onfoHHor, Norman klngn, monk ft, clorny nn«l tho KuKHh'' in-oplo. viod with each other In honorlnn hln name. To lio crowned by hlHffravoHldo. loht an additional Hanctlty to the rlto, and tlius frcun the t:on«iuoror to Qucon VIctoila ovory ryinnlng Kovorolscn haH rocolv-ed the crown l>onenth thU roof, within a few yardn of the dust of tho ConfoHKor. KinKH e<»unte«l It a prlvlloRe to lie bnr- letl near IIioho HaliUly ashen. Omm- lay Chaucer, and later HfUMi- oer; and It Is easy to und'-ri'niMl how IncrcaHlnnly the f-elluK Rpread that to lie laid t'.> nleep lyftround naerod wUh, the dust of klnRH, wnrrlorR, churchiiien, Htut/Hmcn and poctH waH an honor of the hlKhent order. ^ The KaHlorn End. th« Chaiicl of Henry VI!., waH bulM In' Uiat monarch's relffn. (ll8r>-iVH)), and the toworn al lh»WeKtern End were added by Wren andil'-iwkehmere, A.I). 1722-1740. ^ WestnilnHtor Abliov Ih cruciform In Hhape, and Buch churct^n reared In an aRO wlieii reiidlmr and writlni? were confined (o a few, were intemlod to tea -h l\v means of HynibolH. Tli.v Nave reproH'MitlnK thi Ikmmii of Hie Ciohs to w! Ich our l.oril'K biwly waw attached — the transept i» were dcHlKiied to recall the outHtrotched arn»H of the eruclfled Savior, -"id the Ra*rarluiii tb- h«'ad of the eroHs. Further on. at the extreme o'ihI, would »;<•»< inlly lie add- ed a "Lady Chapel." or Chap;M tf the VlrRln. repreHontliiK the Idea of the Virgin Mother Hupportlng the head of her hou when low- ered from the Cross. Henry VH. Chapel Ih In the perpendicular style. The other parts of the ehurrti. with tho exception of the unploaHlnn and Inoougrubu^ towers by Wror, and a few doubtful Norman remalnH, n' • i A . * .■#,■ ^ ai &I0 onriy KiihUmIi. KntorluK SoUmu.n'B Pnro!i, on Iho Vorth iiiul lookliiR taHlwuitl ui tin. uUur. yi.ur fh-t »"Mh«'i.i.Iiin< III a lloUM. iMilK uii.l cIcvoUmI to llio w«.ihIiI| c lli« iiuHl lllKli O0.I. Ill iTK.ml to Nit... howovor. tho '^ »»«'>J.'^ ' I'V.J^ VHNl. Imt tlu. Navo uikI alHlfs \h^[u^ <.iily 7:s f.-.'t wUl«. ami fill «l Willi iiuHiiiiiirntH. aitt '"I;'" •^'' and thill .iin« lliim ih for a iiioiniMit at tho loinh i»f Major An.lUN i\w victim <»f nnlorlnnatc clPcnniNlanccH. who w;4m U'li'^f '" <}** ') MOV, Oct. 2. 17rt{)..uinl hnrUnl iK^ncath IfVc «a"; iBt was at a fsreat dlBadvantage4n vlnltlng Knglnnd, compared ■'*■■■■■ ^ lo'-^- .'• ■' . ^ N 1" wjth II foiolKiuT. Till' iHitrr, tlnoMiKi ilij country « \n» """J* Jill iKMMi ivvm-wMl. iiml ih. Illicli CoiiimlMMomMH of tin' l*;'^" "'."»" \mlOM. wham offUei. ai« on VUlorla HI,, iiro M-iy " ;;» V;,* ,/*{ mvlviMl iMwi»iiil onhtH luliHiUliiK iim to the UouitcB of I'luJIaiiHMii, the Mint, tin* P«iMt»»rfUr. otc. Oil Uio I7tli of May I wiiM pii'WMit lit a Mhort H.'HM»on of llio iloum^ of I.OI-.IH. Tlioni wiuo iil.out «() I-oihIh I";'»":"V„.. , !!' '""•^ HlNhop prCHnuUln nU IoIk-H WI0» tlir ArrllhlHllop of * "»/V.. mn..l inomlK^rM. hiiioiik IImmii l-oitl K.-lvlii. tin- nn-iit .•••'••"l'"^- J'"' ';,\V' llUHWll. th« lal« Clllof .llMll.-.'. WIMO IHlllltlMl jMlt ^V V, ;„.mJ^ Miiiiip nftcM'iioon I iHMinl a ilolKito oil the i»UP»»tlon of IrmnimfHr IIoUhoh In tho CoiiimonM. In.roinpanv with Mi-h. UuHh ami Mih. DynuHul. both f«»'"irr- ly of ParlH. I WiMit to wo tho lloyiil Mint. On oui- why wo wnlkoil luMOHM L..inlon MrUlno. llml K'*'''^ '^^\' »"'""' T"rVr« .1.1 .•" fl... from whUh wo ha.l a fltio vlow (jf tho '•»^«;'"- 'V.V T Jj M ahio HhlpM. MtoamoiM an.l l.urp-M; an;! iiIho /'' ' ^'"\ J "'y/; . J,T Towol- MrhlKO. ITmoo.lliin nloM« tho HlrootH l.y ho 'Ivoim I . wo roaohod tho Royal Mint, nii.l woio takon In ohar« > n «« M aud Haw all tho Hi-voral HtimoHN.f oolnlnn ^'■••"» "//' .i.i..^ II. I Hovprrlun In n fInlHlio.l ntato. T|io moHt romarkablo t»»»"K ,,_«;« tho finolv a.ljmitod houIo, whloh MopanUod any nf "vor m mioi welKht horn tho roMt. Tho liiHt thln« I'oforo thoy nro roady for clroulatlon Ih tho hoiukIIiik by a boy by oar of all hovoioIkiw tb nntllf any have ticfsn craokoti In tho proooHH of Htampin>c. After leavlhK the Mint, wo ontorod tho ohuroh of St. P«»t«»l"»> Alditato. It wttH AHoonHlon Day, but tho Horvloo wan .^ »^'^TH "m aoc., nt of thiH HtranKO relic of the past. lie «'*>'«- .'".^ J;;-" V/'^VrH Lord Dartmouth WHH InHpooMi^R. the ^''''^»t« " .^ *^,,'^;";'^ „^^^^^ under our cliuroh. when h» oabi^ aoroHH Himiethlntf that mhrht lave Jon a ba«kot flllol wIC. nnwdUHt. On examlnliiH: U l»o &d It to Contain a head In .Vrom-Mkabl'- «^'^ ,':./;' '''XijrnH I T think It moHt probablo that It was imkoa HiuvduKt. wh«;»\ a^ InK an an antlHoptlo, ha.l not oriv pronorvMl ^ho ho>. ^r"''' ""^^^^^^^^ bill had H« inumndfled It that 1!m foaturoH V'''^»'7'V^'irtl.r^l i« cntly porfoct for anyone aoqu ^if.to.l yitli the Duko'H llkonoHs to reooKnIzo him; and, lndoo.1 , »h> lato^ Sir OeorKO Soharf keopor of the National To rtra»t rmllcry. thouirht that lie fnund^th" fon- tireS toaKreo well with tho.- of^tho Duke »n LodKe'HPortraltH I think It nosslblo thnt tho cxorutloner was bribed to brlni? the head (icro^Vy to t^^^^^^^^ ^-^'t place It In tli? vault, whore It ■ . ■ ..,■ ' '.• '' ii' •;"■ ■' • .■■ ■■■• "' •'■" - * • " .. € ijpii ' y^ilpiliip^ A- ^'.- ■ y '■ V. ! n >>f ■ ■ ; \^ . :■■ 'i. . i^V -■ ■_ ■..-:■ i W«« fouiul; iiml If III" unwtliwt I would rPiilly tnii tin* Mklii »f l|u« tiirdl way liunKiilulAc. Tli<* hii with till* MiiwdiiMt. Tim lHiNk(«t I liimM'l hero iiM uii orfM>>t ti> whhli W(> lm\«' Ik'imi M|iniikltiK. ii lUrlhdtiy, iiii iiicoiiiit at uii lillur lliiwkcr," fniiii tli<> I.oikIihi 'IVto wiiM kt'opliiff l\w iiiuilvcrMury u( only Uk) foiniiMHi wlili iiiiiny:~> n till- hftwkol wnn Itmt of ant. It fiM*«' to U-nlliiT III thi' iiHwi na- il of till' Im'iuI III! fuinr iiwny litui qiillo |N*iiMlir'l." till- MOIIlPWhttt KllHMlly «»l»J««'l "f ihI whli'li 1 Muw on llu' yufiMiH loiiN, hut iifliMWiinld •• IVnltcnl Knipli f«»r Mii.v -'». who ii«» 'Mty'M hlith In u fiiMlilou yi)MM)N POhICK roUUTH. ArlVnlti'iit lliiwkpr. At tin* (!ull.llinll. (iPoiKf DiiWMon. TiH, wli«» wrm diwiIlK'*} ««•» i» hawk«r. ivHl.llMK at Pniklnnlon Mti«M»l. H«.rou«li. wan |.1m".« I in till! diH'k f II- iM'luK drunk and dlNiiidrrly In nuliophnaH" Mtn-i-l. Very drunk, vn-y cxrltml. In tho irtUlHl of a riMWd. llif |ii1k- cMinr wiiH Hhontlnn. 'TlinM- .•Ii.wih foi^ Knu;»>r !" lie vvum aHk-d to Ro away, lint IH' ivfuHi'd. ami. fortunately for hlmwdf. tli« |iolH'« took fli'arno of lilin. In anHWcr to tlu" tliai«.'. tho ^irlHonnr. In the nuwl patlw tic toiipitf ho could coiiiiiiaiid. nald: "Hnrc. now. I didnt know vvliit I wan KavhiK. Im It lolkcly I would aHk for cIhmmm for Kvutft^r when I waH HPl'lInK nictlalH of ll»»r Mont (J riulouH MaJcMty • the limvii? (UoarH of la II jf liter.) • Tho AliU-rman: Yon Inivr l»oon locked up all nlnlit. Pay half a crow It fine, and don't K«t drunk iiKaln. MimKlIM, TOWKK NATIONAL C ALLkUY. 4 vlHltor tt) I^onHon will not f^ll to wo certain well-known thlniii and nlrn'OH. Prominent nnioiiR them Ih the Mr KIhIi MuHt-nm. A: yiHlt or nianv vIhUh. to thin vaHt depoHltory mid collection of hoJliii. and antUiultloK of all klmlH will only Horve t.» •* !<»w how Hutolclal iiiUMt iKi yonr knowledne of Uh contentH. Kve > de- nnrtnient of hnman learnhiR and roHearch Ih here llliiHtrhtcd from the prc-hlHtorlc lo the KRyptlun, nahylonlaii. '^««.v''''\«'- '^";"''V jind Grecian hlHtoiloH. eiiHloiiiH and inanncrH. tloWii to that of t le Indians of our own North-Went. It Ih eminently a place f<»- l»«2 Htndent. the teacher and the author. from thin exhaiMtl'MH Qunrry are Knthen?n the inaterlalH for inanazlne artUlcH and pon- derouN workH. and few queHtloiiH can arlKc.^ either w to past or oreKPnt but tliat the annwer could lie found In nonie M S. or hook, ovHtatue, or coin, or medal or Implement In the UrlllHli MmHUini, the larRPHt collection of the kind, (I liellove) In the world. Another place of Rrcat hlntorlc and painful InlPrcst la the Tower, the ancient fortrcMs and gloomy ntate prison of l,onr"I . tl. 'hul ro.n HI. arllHlU- point «f vU w l ... fl...-Hl pul..il..«M a.-..- Ill tl.^ .-anhM- inMiuK. (Ii.. n.val m,rVrUtHl."pr.'lull.v V.M..|..tk.n« vrr.v pourly will. tl.oHo r «. of tlio , TuUor iHM'loil. ...,,.. An vou Htuii.l on the Mt.uiH ol tl... Nutl.Mial lallriy. you have a fill.. vl.'W ..f Trafal«ar Su.ia.v. on.- of tl.o fln.Ht uiH'n pIu.tii ',M!;Mui;m'«n.l.. Kn.M...;nl.<'o/ uttra.tlon, 1. ,;•':/;:;!,;;;; lilt. M.iuan' mUui.Ih the N.-Imoii nionuiiu.nt. 14.. fri't IUkIi. .iowhmi w til . H ilu.. f N..|Ho«, 17 fn.l In lu-lKlit. Tlio Hn..k i....n.....ont at NliKnra •''H.....I.I,.K U; If It Ih- not an oxart ropy T hr H.,..!..v whl(.| Ik |«ivi..l with aHpl.alt.ronlalnH aNo two fuu..lal..K. ami »t,Uul'H «.r llav..|u»k. N.M»W'r. Cl...,r«.. IV.. ami O.M.nal IJonlo... AtCharlnKl'iosH.a.lJolnlnjs Trafalgar H.ifian;. tlitio »« "n ' ..(lurHli-lan HtaU... of t'l.uil.'H 1.. whi.'h Im lomarkal.li' fj.r tlio vU-Ih- H ..U.RI h.H ..n.lrrK..n<>. It whh rant In ItWW. ImiI .rr»l no yot li I . or.M.t.ul whoa lU.. tnvll War I..H»kP out. It wan t ..... m.>UI by h. I». l.a..M.nt to u luuilor. nam.-.l John Ulvot 1..r Im purpono of l.^l.K n.olto.l .lown. ai.tl thiH worthy m.lil pn.t.M..I.Hl f.a«M...nlH , of It t.riuUh r.l.Mi.lH an.l fo..« of tho HtuarlH. At Ih.; .•.•Ht..nai<..i. lu.wVvor. It, (tho Htat.m) w«h pro.l.i..o.l unlnjurcil. ami In 1(171 wan I'rot'to.l on th«> Hpot whore It haw hUu'o Htooil. Anionjf other plarOH. I vlHitJMl tho Zo<.lo»jloal (JaidotiK. Tho chlof InloroHt thoro i.» tho Kwioral public Moon.o.l to,lH^ tl>i' V^'' ni of tho UouN. whioh tnkoH plaoo dally at 3 o.- In tho aftor- noon AlHotho(lar(irn«at Kow. Taking a Muall Ktoamor at WoHtmlnHtor iWhlKO. ami HtonmlnK up the ThainoH. paKl l.nmlH«th Pahioo ami other plaeoH of InteroHt. you reach Ihi-Ho fanyiuH GaiilenH. In which ovory cottf»olvivl»le tree or plan^lH^Krown either In the open air or under glaH^. I was, too, at Richmond, a fain- I' ■\ 4' »UN »»m»wr r.'«ort of l^.n.luiM.ni.tin.l "'»••• "P'f'^,..Vrf,!l*^f.«l'**liiii'I nlffht iiillr* In .Intuiif.nMU'.'. Tli.« w-^'ii.My U IwniillfHl. uml li»»««' llcrUa of dwr aU'""'»'«;'' ''^"'^J,? mid wa« niMo |.r.«w'nl at ft nIikIIiii- .k'.mimI.... ul I- ' » ' V .'...i.iv promlnniit p..opU'. nn.I arc Hln.pl v oo...l..rUML \; ''•.''' "L Yoi no.»h.'.Ml .You Hl.uk.. hnmlH wlthyoiw , »..-t | '•••'•"*, ;,7-,,,,.Vi Wftnd.'r «ho..t i\w liiwi. u..d llHlim to tUo »'"" '• \ '" J' ' , ', , • I ftnd •«.« dNtlnK..lKl..nl p.M,pl... who nm.v l.o ••'♦•V^"''^; ;/' V ' ' ,, (:|„,M.| nn\ PftUu... pft.t.ik,. of Ho....Hll«h r,.f...Nh,.MM, Hu... •. . ftwav. You rti'o MtiMuk with tl.o .MiHi' lii.d K.hmI l.iM.dl.iK of ll.o loiniMuiy. Hiid th»» g««norftrinfo.i..ulUy whuh pifviillH To H Colonial ChiLvhiaau l.an.lHUh l»ala«;.' a..d t'haiH'l trnw f IntPnHo IntorcHt. Foi tWH) y.-ar- It ban Im^n l\w Lon.lon ivhI «'•' " S trArlhUlop*, of (•a..\...l.ury. <>•' 7r.n""""".'"nu!'r .uln^ d HtlnKulHh.Ml nitlHlH of ma..y of tho ^^»'V^''"'''' !•'' i .lu I .xun «nt perMonH. ft han Ih'oh th- homi* of t^ran.n.T. I.au.l. •'«f "; Snd iahor giTat prrh.l.H. und In IIm ChaiM^I wo.-.. ro..H.MMat...l '• n"«hopi fo? tlH> rolo..l..s and \ho IM.H.mI Hlat,'H. f.-.,... wh.r . \h Jcroxv.. tho Amorlcan an.l ('..lAnlal C^hurcdicH - .lau«hl...M of th(^ vonorabh^ Mother (!hur«'li of Ki'Klall.l. - ^ . , Thr pn-Hoat AivhUlnhop, Hr. Tom pic !« "'•"",^'*;' '"; J"!^,'' ninin tirnrtloal Mtu.-dv .•.»mnio>l sonno - hiM l.roa.M h M vlow an I K?aJnT;Hl\r^ with ,. II ;«-t ,|;;i;;vji: "Vr;:; noolftl rori*tlonM. iind to o .'v.H" and In.pi'ovo tho fy>\'\»r>* ' f'"' huii i!.«.l^o.; th„ woik of thn S.P.O., at Ht. foto,-H K.it..n HMua.-c. \ THE DERBY. It III »on.cwhat of n J.imp fro... an ^V«'''»'>'*»|,"n 'Vll'.no Kton nal Palace to a horw^ raoo ; In.t th.- Dcrl.v Ih .m event n t\»« >;"" '"" SpABOn and I oouhl not hwo tl.o <.pportunlty of hi-oIuk It. It u» h ?he Mr'nt tlmolnmv life th-it I had noon a horn; '' •'"'<'• ""•'» '*'' . It wK IH adniltlcd It IH ..M.rlod out In the »»«;« V'V."VL7'«nfo ' thlJ^ocJnHlon the Trlnoo of W^I-h waH prc«M.t. and »;'" >»«';;^J r^" mond Jubilee" won. to the Kront BntlHfartlon of J^o aHHcini i^a SSltltOde, with whom the l'rln.-e of Wal^H Ih n pH. ." '''^v^''';; -„.^ go by road in the only pro|KM- waj to go to Kp«om. and the ap- 14 r !p<-sOT^%r=-ry^1^.'#'"^7T "* '^^T'"^ \ . I i nrnrnrii^ t»r lhi» Down- frnw.l.-l ♦,> it umw of |»'""«*"»»y Jf""' \ Tiw'.« ami fakh-H Hmt on-upy »Im«„ uroi .1. MO...III.V HP,..ir.n.lv ox.n-lH...| "/ V^V^ri!; v' n u nr ' . k.," um.! Km, I firr poopl.' .Mijoylnu Vl^c'lf U» U- own, way. piiuiWuHy '"» ffiiaiMlfil imwiili*hi'«l, uniuoloHiMl. . .. ^ i ii.« . '" W at ..afri..K l.i. ln.a«lnaf|..n in ;^-«""'f -'^^.filUfuV'itm^^^^^^^^ InriiiMM'MMof llH'th.Mm' Us maiiy-Hl.l.Mlm'HH. Itn ,^"""f"VV,„' , -V- h .mm. nalmr. Uh .muIo... »'I;m. "' ' h^t K.an.l l..iH .MUl.MK..nr n.I.UtlouH an<» «'»^''' f. "^^ Vl 1. itra^^H^^^^ "Tho Dorbv Day" mMII affonln tho mont roncivto '""•*J,'^*",V" /' ,*.: nronV wl.U-.h nin.vot fall t.. .'"mto Won.lrrmont ^ . ,^|„o,a Inv- hol.llnn. ArllMtM, In common ^ Hh Hl«lrMm.Mi ,»»": ' '"'Vi,,,,,,, •.! JirM havo not Ihmm. ln,|..rvlo..M to tl.c *":i;;\!;';';\Trn V u^ .liil.lipp won very comfortably, anM w<\i\\ a bit to Hpuro. uy *" "'"^A^lf by mn«le t!,o crow.l cluHtere.r In on thjj '•-•;'7.,.,;":^ ' fared the Royal box. .Iio.|tl«K ^>t»?,""«;t ",";>, rncu"fcrTX cn-o hlKl.lv cIcllKhtcl. and making "o nffcctntlon of IncU r r j. c n fo?war.l a.ul bow,-!, and Ih'- PrlnccMH, /j""' ^Jf.; \l^;Z^^. Mo""- coVcrod balcony, wan C(|..nlly irrac o.ih •"''»•••<"" ;j,,»''^".u,vo\u.no. while the .'hocrM kept rolllnn forth In «* ''♦'"'^ *" \,r";,,' TjS ror.l«..non wan the hero of "'' •'Y* ',;''i"u,"^*'wart lo^^^ro^^^^^^^^^ leowftH (he hero of a Kjeutrr. Ami ^»'*:" J''^rV,„Y.Mi.m^ Ik'Imkh bf the winner to ncalo. thro..Kh pa.'k.Ml wnl « of h iu^.k-.^ « ^ KCHtlculatlnK. r.mrlnK with pleaHurfl. *''"''':i';L\mnu»rtv^Htra'-t thouith the- heavenM fall! -Heeklnir ♦", ""r'^'','lL*Vr«I.. ThT^horS^'H .noiStocK of the Irh.mpl. b> phuklnR tho *»,«,»" 'jef'i^^rarfk! of tall. Making hlH wajy to the enclonurc gat©, through ranKii 01 ? #f I 15 /<* 1^ A ,. \: / hnn«tMHaliWiu IrwnAm. ami miMil iK th* iniinllfl tif o»rr>ii>^l turf. Iir- wmii • iHMiUuwIy HlMinHiiK Him «iii Uw hmk. Ui«; I'tl. Iriwllnn In IU«« wIiiim-i-. nruuMMl iliullipr *l..rin «r •tn...iiutt .rum lli«« ,.*..U.m| imiimii.lf. TrM.l.i llMl irii'hli.iliii of »Hl«Hou« liMk.-**. Ilfrlirrl .luiwn ki'l»l un ♦■.m>I' «» • I'Urumlii'i'. nml IHnmun.l .lulilh't- nlMm*'*! » •lUih.i.UUiii ii»'i« rrvll* i»i»ImH>. u.KwUlmHiiMll.imiml lliw nu.Milun Mrtm nMfiUl.MU loyiim'l llM' UnUN'!""' •♦••y ••ul*. hit mnu^^r Imil llln iM.'!" «lli*. lituuiiliMt inmi tti« t»rtiw* iwttw* him tm ilw iMM^h. «»♦» wlww Jwittai — iurni'il riMUHl l« dlwrtftfr fiiim wlmiii lhl« «'«Hii|»lliiuMiitiiv nUi'ii* Hull iM.M.'.'.|i..| Iii< Itfli'^ III* Pft|» III m'lHliiHIiMi or till- hImliM'iHfc Tli.r'iitMii tho I'llmt' iihooh ImiMlM wlili liliii vi»ry i-oMllully. iiwl niMiphini iti.'«l hlHi OH hli««««t'IU'Ht illiiiiliiy. wliili. ih* ♦'»»«T«;- riijM hlirli;'!' timil iH-foir. to Im' nudUi imkI hkiiIh n'iicw«il iim UIu»-i»«- i'oVMiiii'rtiiK ••'••» «>' »*l- «»•""» "•■• ••"*"*' "*•''" "•"' •' * »"'•"*? )*•'** -"Wim rm'oflwl Imik U» lh«' |muI.I«k«I», A inon> iioimlai- fiitNli to n DrrUy ^allllol Ik' i'4.ttWlv<»«l. I»ul ilii' rrow«l Ml Uml •••••»•«>»• nlniiM' wnm lu».Mrili U»»ll> .»»pi^'«iilvi». «o |ir.«i«'nily imtuvi' yf 'UmI.*. IliUiiiiiilii" w»w niurii'tl. II waw n v«'r* frmilr lilnrl. iliouuli «•»- iri'infly m»ll iiifHiit. nml wurfiMud Mliii|1ily from wuiit of lylomr-wil. Onlv wIhm Hh' NhIUmuiI AiiIIm'ih wn- U-icun. on n„ltnii*l«>l fi't«l. It W4iul«l hiivo Mt(i>iM| «'lM'i»rl»iK nil tlio lift* riiouii, hut tliiii' mill tlio Ciitorhaiu IMutr w;ilt«Ml for n.i mnn. nnnl«l«« *^ M»jf ai • -"N^viT h«»«» III* m-n»t of lrnMn««niliil«« mul im«-»-HIiU' i-uMii*- Nti»'«m for lh» rfllrf of Mi»r.'hln« li.^n rtiuull*.! In Ui.* "|«"";'0' •»! Vim ti or III.' r.Hor.1- t,f ihi' K.in|ilrr N.Mri«r .mi llin* l-t f.iru.U- U.M li/t »" ic.'«.'r«Ho,i will. II im.y Im*.' thrlllM to (h0 '^rrow. Iliiw MiKlilii. lhi.|"i?Hout thf .l.imlMl.Hi- ..I III.' MM...II. ilirVnuilr.* I,uj,gi ,.|,.| of Mil HiUikTMlil.' M.i-UfnM*' mii.I .if |»i Lw m •« Mi'hlfvi*. niffiif m4LH'«* «•»»•»» n«t.'rl«tlr timit liniii.irlMl. Thw lirimrw In L<»n«l.»n .'Mn imvpr l» nurimMWMl. KrMiijr tiliibl, with Mil till mrrwhrlmlnn o*. ll«»n...ni. wrt- ImH « '•• p »"'Au *!.- !3 th*. ni..truiM.ll« IMMU...I In i.«ulUnmhr.iiinli nil U« nrurrlr* nn.l llii» ri« AT. tl... ".uliirlnl|n..ii--.'M'' whlrh -.iric.Ml .uhI nmml •• 10 uhlNt uf tiM. .Ity WhiU w.,- I.M|.|H.nlnic In I..h..Iom ^'J-r " »/ rM.H.1 hnm..n«.. ..f Ui.« .l««nion..lmlUmH tlml w..r.. ..f • »«f «'»l "•^' wbonlnn.....!.. ..«•.•» n-..!!...' In ..v..r> t.iwn nn.l vi IrjU' of III. .aWJ. «n.l In nil Hm' •-Mi-.Uvl.lr.l .'III.- .if th.. Kniplf... Tlu' ...l-.r .. M^«^ . kMiKlnyn «l lio Klvim in n w.,r.l un Ki.M.l.r llu»l will. ....o n II.' "jKiml Im.l l..ir«t Int.. I.unllnic. TI..' .,...«-..«.• U...I •«•. n f|„HH.-| .r.i I.T . v.'iy .K.«.nn. .MT.H* i»%pry ...inllrMMil. from «»l..... ,. •llnH. w|...wv..r III.- Ilrlll-H finr I- "ovmi. |I r..n..||...l nn.l Hi. III- * lli.. n o«l r.m*.i.. lA.I.U «M..hi tli." ..n.lli-wl.1.. cln.|inifi;ri.m... vt llihl .r.M-..HMl..n ai Wln.lM..r. wlii.i....«'.l by Hm« iiii...Mi h.MM..|f. ili.. m H.\- f P p..onl.-. II..' Hy...»»ol of lh..lr ln.|H..l»l unll.v III.. v,.|-y E. ilu.l ffunr.. ..[ tint rnu.*' hu«IiiIii...I will. In.n...rlnl honor by tho linii.lful ..f .»"P Fftco In Mnfwillim. .^ Knitli.n.lh .ar.. f^r li«'i* Hol.llori. 1 hu.1 pvI<1oiu'P of In iw.» ■rnn.l iHilnitl.mh. III.. ('I...|-..n ILmpltnl iin-l ili.' IXik' of N..rki^ ft M K/ Till' V nil oin rn.«h ..llirr al ri.,.|...«a. In il... ..nnrr y.^ii M... lli«. ..l«l \H..ninH In their pl«*l««r«'H.|U.. .•oMt.imrN Hvlnu In n, p«l.i.". MMppnlr.1 wllh 1HM.NI....P.. 'in.l r....h mail nlloli.Ml a ...... .... ..f ,rrou..U. wh..r.. lh..y rniMo fl..w..rM lui.l V'K">'| '':"', .'"'1'% alU.r t.i I » "^ t^ y "ar.. .,1.1. ar..>.l.i.Ml...l. .•lolhi..l an.l fo.l. art.l al....il 70 IM'. ..r ll.rj rnl.'r th'« nmiv. t all..|..l...l IHvln.- -..rvl.-.- al tl... (hup'l. h.-f.mi M.r Un. ho l...y'H imnulc In-fori- th.. ..ffl.-.'rM. rf..-h hoy n ^lv.m ii Prnvrr l\....k. nn.l Hymn Ihwik. nn.l with th.. ml.'r Ih.'lr arom . thp> «.. nt .pilrk «lnp. ami. to my jnln.l. thun r.iulp|M..I. II wan a 17 / i lint INMilrMllwii t»f i\m Nymw ikwy ftfl«r«riir«tii auiiM In OiiimAi- "fHiwiint cnirHt AN Milillorm Marvliliiil AM tc War.** ji»!<«&'.^a»-» A" ■/ Ttlg IMTHimitAIA for, UiMiih r«rto Wi \ f»n liivllAiUm uf t'mii H%riH>Mt». »i yom>« Cunftilmti. wh.». by hiM llWmy. Nam riiirii In In* l»rl»»tr Krrrrtnrir l« \^\f WllHwin Mr- loriimi'h. th.« ij^^liruuil MillUry l«urKf«m. I wnii at Ih** M.'ilhnI - llfwiiltfil Tl|i»h' *ih«M« m%\%w .in.CIWI moil ill Ahlrr-tuit. ami I *«»•» iF mirfiil-t<«| to rtnil It n iilnm ..f irwn, nn«l l»wn«. nml flowfrn. ftiMl- |^ ri»»«' lMill*lliif|», AM I hntt €'»|n-»lw| U%mif> iiiily imm iiara«li< «ruUii(W . mfA ItnlA, MP ftt iNNilt ti>tii|ii»r»r|> tiullnnnmi. Iho wfll-knowif Ur. l^nrriT. road th« 2n»JL IriHKiii. Wp niMo vlnlti»«l th«' Clnin'h «>f'Hi -^ * Im» III** ifc- whll's I Ik* of IKMniiii imimI 'iifi II ir of KMtlll I'xlNtbiK In the buH'llnit. Tbr Drntory by Qiipini llortbn, wife of KUh forv tho cominic of Ht. AiiRUNtltm, A.D. 5' rw«Ml<|p Ht. Pfturn nhil C'«ni«»rbHry. I innrknlilo iim iN'Inu tli<> loniiiMt CntbrtlruLl . notpil foi* ItH Kraif'fiil Mplii». Ib»» blirbi'Ht In Knubuul. nn«l tbi» C'n« thiMlinl Hi Wi'IlimmJ at Chpitlri-. Tlif V.r««T of fh<» litttrr fin o|«l nmn. hnn Wen In bin r»'(>Mf*nt plmr wbuT lHnr». iin«i Iookn nn tbonicb h« mlflrht Uobl It noinr* vpiiI'H yot. On IcnrnlnK I ivnN fiuni ^ rnnntlii, bi» cfifw niv iiMrnniin to the utovpii whIrU Buat Ihfi C** / thcUral. un;"*•»••• •••«»•« ,f IrilVI |l \m rHArlNMl l»lr •IrwHirr- «• ».i«il ih .oM-i of |li»»H|i»liirr I im^ •l««»Mifr nl *VuMilit«i'- ti it fMiiiuum |»l»Mi» «►* M»M»»I Hmii* a i« rtmiiwiiiitiM fur Hm Mvnltf i»w«l •/I*** vl0WH. lU wnUilirU'tti* nil'* iH'rtlMifMl «. tm ■\ Til* mtwl iMMil |Nirt«>it>>«tiii If) lUmilT'irrMSTlMi' »I«»W». lU -«Ull.rU't.ll AR.I IH1HHIMI ♦'„„..,... mm ^, ,r KU-h Thr lKU,li, «r« •.., M«tl. •»^i""""r'i; Vr/ m^uJ ILtlnK iTil II ^«-« »»l«.Ml n,A twmmn »W.w». lliiHiin* m«; l»ln;- tSii •ml Hi wli Ih >«•»• .nn •lrf««- •»h«I uiMlrr.* A nfrnl \*^r n i» ^ Umlr. *« »r N^rl. «t tV ^"1 of whUh N « Inrir.- ImH W. *hl.ll Kwl ." m«"rV- ir; iUrn w-l «-« mhli.'- nf all l.l».l. •».. .H.I IHhiT |ilnrr«ii« IM »i»Him1 •!» Hhnnkim. VrnlM.H. « f«- Hl.*!*- „„l. hrJm.Tr-url, Cow.-, fMHOUj. •V»''';V'l"'*:»''jr 'itilf J*"* ^ Yi».'hl llill. i»ii«l (•|»rUlir«M.I«.« VnmiU^. *» tiriv King thlirlf*! WH» M iiAM Vrt *n ilir«lky rUb- on thr i.>t» .»f « ..m.ti In Uii- Uivply Nb*. S!:i.r« H^r^h w-KH..,! «n.i .M,i.i.iir.i 'ri"..fT«;i"'l»n.;* fK IWAnty N n pU'n-lnic f «|H.rl.p.v luH v||ii'«< Hi- urn VI' of ll»# l»«lr>w«ii'A •lAUKhiPr In vftr.l oflUo i|imlni o|*l rhuivli. nmil«» fnniouH li.v Upv. l7l«h lU.hiHon.l. hi hlK "Anrmh .if lli«' Vmr" A KPiivt .iiono miiikA thr LiH.t w i 1. t ». following lnwr»piln«» •«H.Mr...r to th.- n. ury nf Kn«V»«'th Wallhrlilg... " Thi* lltt»r#»iiMi^ ,la«ghirr.- wlio .II.-.I Mny :MHh. l«»l. n«.'.l Ml ypiirti. \ •* ' ^ 'Kirnngi'r, If fVr, by I'hiinoi* r» U l)|ion thiK lirillowoti tjirf thy rowtt,, ,_ ' Turn from tin' ro«UMn|ilfitlo« «f Ah*' ^hI, / An«l think on hi»r wh.wi' H|ilril r«%<|wilh Ocul. ' / Tho Qiiorn'M imlnw of (bilKirni'. awI %ln«l» Ain*** tbHl whM .b'llvoml MhP «ll«'«l. In on thi« north Khorr. ^•f»'"„,« '"^ , -^ ;.Vn.?n-iAW. tL IbikP of llAttenUurg. It wnc iM.Ut r.oii. A^H^ni by thH IfitP Pilnrp Connorl. .^\ . . ^, ^ 1 1^ Pc.lntM of lntorr«t nVK»un<1 Irt tWi r*hnrm»n« l«l«w« m^nW> bh^ otrlc nn.l niarln.«. nn.l It In con-tMiumtly fn-qiiont*.. by torn Nlf AiHl iilrn-uw HoeUrri.. who flml ihi'rr boftUh nn ■-#^ ",«^ ^ T^-l^ O , " • WAiJrtiiii'H. im(i>:mi:nt and paht. It In An nA«y trfuiNl(l«)ii rrotti t\w ImIi« of Wlulil loj^iPortn- moiiUi. I M|NMit »M«vi'rnl ilii.vH |HM«\ UN tho micHl (if l-f P. Kox. Kmi, roriiuMiy oMliil-fortl, whiMti InlrroMt In ('niiu«- •. tir for n fow iii|iiiiIiM'lllf>M, iiiul Um itmIhI- iiiH'c ut iiniiour plntr. with tlm reHult tliui ilio IUiIIoInIo wuh muuii •Pill to IJio hottoin of i\w i;itiK unit ftKhtlntc f<»rre Ih Imi««'Iv niorhiiiileiil. IravliiK hut llttlo to tin- orlKliiullty or r'Moiir -n of tho ln(haiilc than a NiMiiiuiti. Tho Mpaw Im iiiui'h crow.lnl on all iIitKh In oonlruMt with th» -I-ooiiiIim-mn of oM waiHhIpH. Uh powrrn of ili'Htructloii two luinuMiH*', And I2(M) iHiund proJoctllt>H. whirh ran l)0 wnt inanv uiUch. am n, KPflnt contraNt to tho au poitiidN, tlio lieavleHt unoiI on lM)arcl Nol- ion*N nhlp, the Virfory, Iii t\u\ nftornoon of th(* H.-inip day I wnn on hoarl Volno'rN old flaK^hip, and a Krontor cotiTtraHt than cxiHtM iK'twoiMi tho twoahove-nnmcd Hhlpsrnnnot ly Inianliird. I took a f'rry-liont to OoHport, and an old Halt rowril um oiit to tho Vh-toi»y. \h r Kaxcd at thin hlHiorlc Nhlp, cllniliod up hor Hide. nIor deok« you oannot Htan I iiprlKh*. and thought of tho Hoonon hor wooden wallH had >V;itnnsri<'d niul tho part that Hhe had played on many a nea, andj eHpeeiallv ii nUarkl liii luo j'oluiiiMM. iM'arlnK Mown, tti.il Ik. at, iMuht ati«U'M 10 • '1 • iMir'itr H lino. l'ollliiKW«u)oon no ohanno. wo liollovo. and It Im "• * "« tliat tho imtnriil-liorn Hoainoii rland to-day aro not h"hllml thoir prrdon'HHom In hravory. wklll and ondiiranoo. and that vt\\v nH l« tho da JIM of NoWon and hlH htrtM'M:- " IVimanulu ruloM tho wavoM." \. , ^ It oan m very warm HonietlnioM In Knulantl. and thlt* I vvt*k l7.od on tho ipih of Juno, the day I H|»ont at WInohoHtor. im tlilK daV ovoi* KM) mon woro proHtratod by heat In the »nn i- t^jMivifHat AldoiHhot. They do not prepare for heat Ui hnpcla' d, and when It oonioM It lokoH them at a d^HadvantaRO. Nrlthoi wini oh)thinK. or In fool, or drlnkH, do they adapt theiHHolvoH to it; hH for loo It- iM a rare ami un»)htalnHldo eoinim^nty. WlnolioHlor Ih a Cathedral Clt.y. It oontauiH licHlde the Cathedral, the ( ollrteo founded liv William Wykehnin, whloh rankH noxt to htrtn aMjii l»nlill(-8ohool. It iK patronlKod by the koiim of tho woalth.v. ntid hriH tnrnod out a numlier of famoUH men, Horo alHo Ih the rthi t'hnroh and AlniH IIouho of St. CrosH for 17,old men. One of «he ponHhmorH In quaint droHS acts an pnldo. They reoolve dij/U.v ratlouH of bre.ad and meat, and ton HhllMnKn a week. »»eHldoH not a fewarntultleHfrom vlHltors. A dgle of ale and bi-ead Ih RlVen hC|-e to all who care to accept It. A quiet and peaceful pVao* of ■. "■ ■ at ■ •' ' '^ ■' 'te^fpfwsf-sgpij^i^S^Stw"! 'ff^sia^ F^if, •^^^'^^t *■ ~ ^•W'^^'^PW ' rout nml r«*tlii«mcnt. U wn» Jiml oiitNidc thn RroiiiulN of Ht. CroMM that I flrNl licuni i\v iwttoN of Ihn iMU'kou, uml 1 «-ft n »« iv •ay thui iho I'ucktio cltM'k liiillntUHi N pxorlUuit. iv- \V|N(ill-:^'rKlt. MAMHIIIIKV AND nvTII. Knim WliirhcMlor I woH to HHllMhiiry, mid fi-uiii Uhmu'p to thi* (ialluMlnil VMy of WoIIn. Thi' (Mty of Wi-IIm «lorlvoH Itm nntiin from lhi» rxUlmu'O t)f thivi! miii'Imkh. or woIIm. In tlio RardiMi of lliii ItiNiiop'M I'lihuo. Il«in« I had iii-y flri»t fX|M«r|Piu'o «»f mi oitt KiiKllMh liiii. 1 Mtiild ul thn Hwiiii, uiid whiMi 1 tell you that It hHH iMH'ii lui liiii Milieu thn rnlun of KIiir Kdwiinl III. (laiTZ-iaTT), you will UKi-w with iiin that It hiiH Ihmmi Ioiik tuoukIi iit the ImihI- iieMN to «iideri»tuiid It. Tho liiiin mid llotidK In KukIhikI urn km n rul«< eoniparutlvoly huihII, hoiii(>-||ke himI f<»uifoiliil)U\ The m- teiidunei Im k<">«I. and the tiilde eom|»unillvely plain. Vou do not hiivn u hill ot fare an Ionic an yNilon. uh you are In lluielN thlM mUIo the water. I Mtopiiod'atalie York llouMe Hotel. Hath -thn (IroHvnnor Chentor; The Queen'u, Coventry, Thn Warwiek A rniH. Warwick and tlw Mitre Oxford, all well-known niaeeii. and found tliein very hIuiI- lar Ih^nhlB rnM|)cftt. Soup. flHh. and Joint, mi^ entree. deHHert and ehneMn wuh tlio Runnral rule. Two queHtloiiH w»«re unnei-ally OHked, what will you havn to drink, and will you have Nome gooHelieriy tart? To the fliHt qiieHtlon 1 did not ohjeet. aH one muHt drink tionietliliiK. If It 1m only aerated water, for unadultor- ated water 1m honiQlhlnK the avuraso KnucUHhiiian rarely uhoh. ex- eepi In hiM bath tuW Hut (did rel»ei atcalnHt the Inevliablo m»oM<»- imrry tart, from whioh the only variation allowed vvaM RooHelierry fool. In hotels and private Iiouhph. alike, lliere waH no pHeup- IhK the uhlqultOUH Kooimberry, Und I eame at lant to hate the HlKlit or Hound of a KOOHolnrry. Thn KnullHh beat uh In nieatH, and we In'at them In HweotM. I know rmiadlaiiH arc loath to ad- mit that tlieir licef and mutton are not the IwHt In thn world. But In this they must take Hecond plaen with KuKlund. If the meat \9 not better In EnKluiid then It muHt lie In thei eooklnff. 11 iM said that God sendH the vtctualM, and the Devil BendH the cookH; If thlM lie so, then aU lean May Im that the flevll Ih very kind to U8 Canadians, and I hope In thin eaHo It Is not an Instance of the Devil being good to hlM own. Hotel eh»rKe» average from $4 to $5 fier day, and good meals can be got at rcstaurahtH In London from $1 upwards. Of courHc. lunchojn and breakfast are somewhat eheaiwr, aiid If ono studies nct)n- omy. there are places where these meals eoilld lie supplied fOr $1.25. In Kngland you can live as dearly or as cheaply as you please, and you will find places suited to all tastes, and to all Kurses. In London the best and probably cheapest way ot living I to get a room, and breakfast, which you can get for four shillings a day and upwards In central locations, and to lunch, and dine where It may best suit your convenience. From Wells to Bath Is not far. and the names are often conjoined, as In the name of the Diocese Bath and Wells. Bath ■•■■'. 22 r ■ .J^I!B^^^»^p|4'^^?^^f5?»-w=^^ss. '1,TF^ Im n iNmutiriil c\ty. IniIIi fcir Mltiintioii uml In Km n*Ml«UMicrN. Ii la rullior nil uriNlm'riillr n*Ml(liMiltul rlly, fiuiiuUM for Un lirtlliN itiul wiiti>rN, uMNtM'Ifitnl In tlin pnMt with i\w piitroniiKt' of i'Hlly iumI fiiNlilonalilc |irttiit«#. ami liUMitiritMl with (lu< iihiucm tir ik'iiu llniniimlntf r(iiii|il«'li*ly ovi^nul with thiMM. Many I'VNurt luMv fdr tho liiithM un«l wiilrrM Ntlll, luiil ytiii nim>t n numlwr of InvalldM tH>lnK wheolod nlHiiit In the familiar linih chalrN. It wuM th (:on|n>I, hikV Uk lUctMilouiiry WUM lM>lnK nHMffPJcl throughout Kntfliuiii In . I iiiii*. I w iim fiiKaic- tnl to pivac'tt Cdfc .ft at Whiichuri-h. in HhropHhIrc Taklnn tho railway rrol||[ TH||tTi tu HrlMtol. and paMNlnic undvr th« Ht^vorn In tho. tunnel wftUj to bo the lonfcoMt In Knicliind. which otTuplod 5 ndnutOM, I paitumi up alonR tho hordor of WaloM, aniKI vory prittty Mconory to HhiowMhury. and ri-om thoi%« to Whitohuj-ch. iMio Uimv tory (at which 1 waM a (cucMt) a laiRo nianMhm In anipio KrcundN, ^wlth nttblo trroM and (cardons, and tho old titho liainM cai'orully pi'OMoi'voil, In which a tenth of the uraln waw In old tlmm do- poNitod, Im an hleal roHldence- The Itector, Uev. I'rnlK'ndary KfCor- trelM*ndary of Litchfield Cathedral. Hut he woarM hiM yearn well, and ndfcht paMH eaHlly for one In the NlxtloM, ho well pro- Horved and at'tlve Im he both In mind and budy. In Monu« per- Honal rcmlnlMcclicoK which he hah publlHhed, and a copy of which he kindly navo mo, he sayB:— "I wan born on tath Nov., IHIl. A. I).. In tho Hame room at, Malpan In which the (Ct-eat and kiunI MIm- hop llolMir fh'Mt Haw tho IlKhl of^a world In which he wan dentl'ied to hlilne, and to devote a noble life to the nervlce of our Divine MnHter. That nlRht (as I waH told by my mother)- that niKht waH turned to tho llRht of day by the blazo of tho memorable eohiot of 1811. aoofRO III. wan utill upon the throne when I was ton yearn of aRO. I have lived throUKhout tho rel^nH of George IV. and William IV., ami through 50 yoarH of the i-elun of Queen Victoria, whom (Sod preHorve. I have been a elerKyman jn the I)lo- eoHo of Litehfield, under tho Episcopacy of Hovcn IMhIiopn; five of Whom have died, one has been trannlatod an ArchblRhop of Yorit, and one remnlnM— long may his valuable life lie Rpared". The venerable Hector Is no peHSlmlHt, nor laudator temporiH acti, and thInkH that In many reHpociK the world haH advanced and men and mannerH have Improved. The Church, built on the found- ation of an older one, dates frohi the rel|i;n of Queen Anno, and the Hector Is aHRlHted by thriK? Curnteii. I proachctl hero morn- ing and evening to larjte cou»;re(catlonH, addrcHHod the S. S. In the afternoon, and also a misHlonary meetlnff in the Bchoolhou« on Monday night. A short Journey took, me to CheKter, fMnous for Its Catho> dral, quaint streets, and above all, for \ttf ancient wall, I 3-4 mllos enclosing the city. It Is a unique feature, and I walked around It twice . 95 '•■:■»• ■ff^vif -yl CO.VtNTUY AND fiTllATKOllD. • Kroiii Chcatvr I w«nt to Cuvitniry, a iiil«il4ii(l town, faiiiou* for ItM ilirco HplroH, Um curloUN olKt«>iim4nI to tu^jl wliut niui MfilrllUouM llqiiojix, aiiti wuN uiiiiiHi'tl lo M(>« that tl><) |iroprl«tur'M uaiiio wun i\w mhiiio KM rny own, AtfrtMl llrowii. Nrui' (;«»viMitry Ih Konllworlli nnd WnrwU-k iiiul Stratfonl, All of wliUh I viMllod. \t tho foniioi' place 1 vImIkuI tlio t;aHt4<\ madtf faiuoim liy Hcott In IiIn novel, Kcnilworlh irawilo. In WiiU*^!! lire |i(>Hri\ wIhhIUmI iwo >«'nni tN'fui'v litiii. «ir wliuiii llMi INkH Im miU«I lu havi> >'Mil(i|tl> i'«mii|I'HM'«1 ililM o|iltii|fh. In rt'ftMiMici* IuIiIn UHtiruiUM piiKUIrtf*.— 'Tnui In n hiiii«li(«' UiKnivpit, W\» H liiJiidrtMl to tiMi IiIm noiiI Im nol Mn>ril: If uny OIK* HMkN! * Who Ucn tn thin ToiiiU?' 'ilo, ho,' qiioih ih«» llovll, "TIN my .lohiiiiy ( Tho Church Al Htralfonl Im nioNl nirffully |Ut'>< tiio MiM'vU'<*N viM'> rcverontl^ "onduvtiNl. •inlM»." I'voil, and AmiUt>*H AT ( llKI,tKNII\M. My next move wn» to ChcUciiliiiiii, .u «Mimptiiallv«>ly tww town for KuKlaml, noted for Un ncIiooIn. Il In a rchjfdciillal cuy. and nuinlNM*M many rctlrotl Indian aiM otluT ofilct'rH .uiiouk lt» i\Hld(*ntM. I luvarlud hi>ro In two i-lnuvhfM. H.H. IMillWi and .lauu-M. and All HaInU', for Iho H.l'.O., and addrcNM>d a larKi/ itathcrlnK of - Mi'hofd Hiildtt»n, l;:()0 In nundx-r. at tMirlni fhurt-h. M whlidi Uol>- ('rt«4un of llrltchton, wan onr«» Curiilr. In iho aftfrncHni On Mon- day afternoon I addivruM'd a larnr nu>(>tlii»t: of vl»'i'»ty '^»'l <'ltUi»ni In the t;i»rn KxrhauKo. The Mayor of- the city, the llurul Uraa , iuid other leading cIllsenN were pieNcnt. There wum mmli enUiu- cletleM, and all aliUhlonM to Colonial h>yalty and co-o|i* ration In the War In Houlh Africa, 'and to cloN«r tni|ierlal unity, were heartily Vlieered. and I may Hay tho Name Inler^Hl waM ninnlfeMted wh"ro- ever I heard thcMe ihiuKH mentioned In Kntclaml. either In public or In private. At IhiM meellnK eloquent and aide addrcHHew were Klven by Cantin iiutehUiNon. tlie Chairman, and C^anon Chllde. My addrcHN, aN reported by The (*helleidiam Weekly, wan aH folloWN: The Ilnv. Canon Hrown. who Im maklnic hlH flrnt vImU to KriRlnnd. Hnhl it wan with Knmt pleaHure that ho had Joined In the MinicInK of the National Anthem. lK«eauHe It nuulc him feel ho waH back In Canada, whoro an opiMirtunUy wiw never mlMHod of volcInK the fandllar words. IIIh IdeaN of KnKland were ve/y lilgli: tho children of Canada wore brought up to-havo a ureat reverem'O for KnKland, and overythlnn KnKllfh : and liefore com- ing to thiH country he wrote to a friend expreHHlnR the hope that ah n rcHuIt of his visit his ideals would not vanish, and that Homo of hlH Idols would nol topple down. He was (clad to say that, af- ter the necesHarllv Jlmlled observation ho had hail, his Ideas had . rather lieen helffhtened than otherwise, and that, If It were pos- sllde, his rejcard for Knicland and. everything EnRllsh had lieon d<'epcned and Increased. (ApplaUHe:> And anionffst the most pleas- n«it thIniXH In connection with his visit had lieen the observlnjc of the life an I energy and power and wldosprend usefulness of the ureal national Churoh of this country, because not only was this urowlnu activity of the Church lieneflclal to tiie people of these islands, but when there was llfe'and power in tho heart It would be felt at tho extremities, and If there were life at home there would be a reflex of that life abroad. Missionary effort was the ^y :■■■:'■--.■'■' ■ti. ^ w$ m ■■ji. V llfo of theChurrh: n (;hurrh that hnd no iiiliwtonnry trial Mould Iw inuni or Uitm a. «lonK|iiiiiMioii of tiio l-lniiiln* had cntatml tho musd for liicrMnMul nilHMloiiary (effort. Ilo did not think ICii|cllMliiiutii niiada wait, (NMMipyliig half of thu North AuM^rlcan (V>htliiM:it7 C%naiUanH did not Ilka to Imi callod AiiurlranN hud |ir4i<'«M>dn ; and hfl ho|wd limy would continue to nrtMTiMl hy pvtdiitlon until th<»nf wan a rouiplirvA» tlun. U^orf(<* WaahlnKton waM th«* niiin who foun Kn|tllNh Covrrnmont, vl>., not to oxplolt tho colonloM for tho bonofit of tho Uunio country, but to UM thohi for the mutual iNuioflt of bitth. And If ho nd^ht couiimro an Infiidtvly Iohm NaKiiclouM niai\ with WanhlnKton. he would May Paul TCruicor wan tho man who had conNolldalod the MrltlMh Kniplro> ho had broURht tho dlfforont pnrtH tuK»thor and, united thorn In a way whioh fifty yoar* of oduo^tlon and dlMcu«/ Nion would not havo aroonmllNhod, whon ho iNMUod hiN ulttniaturti laat Octolior. (Applaumv) All thiN had plaood a uroat roMponVl- blilty on tho Kinplro. (lod had nlvon KuKlnnd rulo.»>vor 4(MK)().- OOO of whitoa and H(H).TNK).(M)0 of tho coliHuod raion; but If Ihln woro a ffroat roitponHlblllty, hh It anHurodly waa. It waa aUto a groat and KlorloUa optiortunlty, and thoy wouhl Iw roiToaht to tlioir hittp wnllmn If thoy did il<)i rlao to thoir opporlunit/ and endeavor to the lieat of thoir powor to bring thoae ueoploi un- der the inflnonoe of tho goapol.. >a'hntovor otherii nilght do— and they did niuoli— tho Churoh oMCngland waa and niUHt nocoNNnrlly be the groat nioana by which thla work would lie acoouipliHlie'7, and the 8.P.fl. wna the organization or right arm of tho Churoh In parrying out thiH purpoae. Thol;* brethren abroad had a <'lalm upon the Church at homo; thoy^iad given up thoir nharo of tho natlQ,naldnherltanco and hai gone fortti to found ompirea. In the proMporltmr of whlch> the homo country had a par^t, and thorrforo thoHo who renirttned behind woplo, and thy Ood my Ood." In forma of jycovornmoiU, in. lltMFaturn, and in aoMal life the cohniiata wpro corialnly Kharora of KngllHhmcn*a glorious y^pnat; thoy wer^ huloblod tn the homo* P<»untry. for much which ^ thoy enJoyo&TNand wcro proud that thoy had aprunja:. from a rnco whftoh oocuplcfl so hijrh n plnco In tho world to-day. lie trust- ed, thorefore, that there would lio a welding together of thu old /' 26 \ .1 ,/ / \ ■•% l«l \d •y 17 Hi »y III 1(1 )i- liu R- «ll lit lit lit lie ad/ len n- ).- llH a to ml n- rid % ell ho he ro 111 h»J /' / N. Ah o- ire lis nh if^ it- >ld eountrjr, And th« t%ow couAtrItt, «nd Pon«Ulerfd thnl th« t'Uuri'li would Ii0 A iirri>at Incior In thAt M|M«rntUiii. Iliivliiff Mkctfli<>d tii hrli^r tilt* hlMtdfy nf rnnuiln, " Th<< Lniiil of I'roiitlM'." iiti iiniiHi-k«'«l that lh<* Kiviich-CuiitKiliiitN wt'i'w u iiul(|ii«^ |M'«i|iU>, lioiit-iil, liiti-llJI- BtMil, mid liiduHlriouM, wliUo lio hnti oiil> to' iiumiUoii IIh* imiiio of Ir Wilfrid l.ntirU^r iti pfovo how llioroiiKlily loyul thry wimi* lu tli« llnt'lNh ('I'owrii. Tho MUM-iUof liirlr loyully hum tjmt iiiidiM* the I'oiiMiltuUoii, thidr lllirrtloN, ilitdr laiiKi'»t(«\ ihuir rtdlKloii. And thidr lnw« wimm KunrnntiH'd niid protiiftinl. To n timn. howevoC. ihoy were Uoiiiiin t'tithullcM, and coiiMiMiucntly (ho Church of Uoiiie wim very HtrofiK In I'niiiidA; II ciiitiriu'iMl abml 4(1 |Ntr nmt; of tlio «>ntlri« |i(i|iuliiilon. In lOiiNtorn Caiuitlii (hi> ctiiidiiUinM wurn dlffurunt, ihoiiKh (h(> Churrh (hiMv wun u protif of th« ifood work don«* liy th« Kl'.U. In Ihc lun( l!(K) yriim riiUuN(>n(> worK. In iho KuMlrrn prov< Uicm tht'r«' w»i'i< no Immm than iilito Ifblf-NiipporthiK dIocoMPN, with liijtwpen H(H) anil IMH) cIvrKy. which inlKht lio traced to the plant- ing nod Duraing care of the I'.M.C. And thie watt, after all. only -ft pftPt of the iMK'lely'H worki 4ft Autttraha. and In other paplM of the worlil. lie dcMcrllHMl the niU'dn of ilie ticaltered dIocoHCM of (he north and weitt of (!anad(t. where new Mclliei'M were |hi ir. Includlnft MnnUoha. HuNknlchcwan, and llrUlMh ('(diiinliln : and in mIiow thai anhthlance would not Im> rendered to the <'hurcheN In theiie d|(H'«tiM(N a day lie>ond the (line when they could Nupporl theniNelveN. ho pointed to the ln«le|i the »«truKt:llnic chupAheH In other partN of Cnruula. and aNo to inlHittonary ef- tetfi In Japan. Thotie daughter churchoM of the ('hurch of Knjt- land woulil, no doiiht, In tintc (hcniNelvcN hcconie the inotherH of churoheH, and the gi'^'^t work would go on until the vlMlon of thi> prophet w:ould ho acToiDpllMlied. and "the earth Hhall lie filled with' the knowledge of tho (clory of -the Lord ati the watern cover tlio Bca," and Christ Nhould 'have the heathen for )IIm inheritance and tho uttormoitt partfi m inistors of all denominations, did In the promcitlon and peifinrva tlun of peace and harmony In the town. (Applause.) The Rev. G. Oardner,. seeonded, and thanked Canon Chllde for tho admirable arrangementH made for the children's service at Christ Church on Sunday afternoon. a 87 •N V,^ ^ •>■ mm - w Th« K«otor. In HupiHirtiiig thv vol*. •»l»l h« wmlma. «*• ft iu|»»iUiy givrii to ih«' (!.\l.rt. by lli« M,I». 0., on the tay lit»w (•nrii<>Mlljr thtjr Iioii0<1 uml |ir»i>wl that the Ul-iviitnnttry i-cleUifctlonn of fh** ll.l>.(l. tnlKht IM^ all that Iti frlitmln coaid with. Th«» ri'Molulloii wn« ri»iTl.»«|. niid wmi briefly n»pltw! to b> Cmioii llrown, and tliw Uurnl Ui'aii. tli«« |ir«M«ou aii« In a khmiI acadtMiiU* cfntn*. and mn IIIUNliatcd In tin* iiuno'roUN iburrlirtH and rha|M*lH, and n^llglouM foundatlonN, tht* union whb'h <»». dbHl w ThfintpNon> I walkiMl out to Kt Nhorl Jack^tM, lirond collai-N, and largiv Hevtion of tho youthful wo It waa founded 1440 by Henry oUM public MrhoolM. I have Klvcn you aneccxtfa VlHlt' to Kntcland." It wan long Wlli, I ho|)e, Nome day Ih« rep«>Ht poNMlble, my attarhmnnl to 'the the boiidM which bind uii to her.w ened and multiplied; and that ou eonquerad by DrltlMh valor, end /and developed with British oner tinue on<> of t^e galaxy of nntto \%ell dcHcrllied, aH "the niONt lM IIIum now ocoupleM It ; and alio of tiyliood. whi> having nuidennl IiIm Ithin itM wallh. I mean, HIr •loh% on and naw the boyii In their tall hatM. They renreMent a aith anti arlJitiwraoy of Kngland. VI.. and l« one of thoJMoNt fam- oVP< rlly Nuttorflelal accoVIFof **My anticipated, much enjoyed, an.»'■■ *.'^" ,N^M*#^ <# «.■ ^^^^^^ «*^>«OP^Lp«:jwlin*?"c^^ ,1' ■"TTV "HUgHB-i B i joiii.-j% ! .ima ' ia! ' ac LX \..^ ^Mfe^l^W^, tiiental. '^n iqr uooof, |»wif .-%;;;^, . ^ *', ■J»»;», '; ,♦< ■ r ' '--•-».-<'".f?i5 ■'■■V* • ■ '^ .;'"■.' •^''. ■ T^, ■'••■*,-'.»* •',.'..> ;;,-.. , ,. .■.'-.7,. ^ll .*■■"* •.'^-'jji :s: 1-^ * .^^ . ^f". ,v.'<4., rit ^%s^-^r »■ •■♦■./ * ' , * < «*•' J. 1* > ' ■\ •r y- .|. ;^:*f PurwUurt V.- • Dealer*. Bi$%iH Carpet Swetpen. China Matiinns. •'\ * hcturts and Framing. UndirlakMg— ~7 River 5trc«t I r-- /■ Parli. f • -f/ an2> <3ai:5c;n .fci J «; ■' ' • flout Q WVm CO'Y •:■• ,*,« Jiii":ir?iii',ir R«prtMntiii| all kft«Qi«« Tcfwa Ticket Agtiit. Ofud Trunk lk«ilw«y. L(fwesi Ratt$ lo ail Pmts in» all ■««•«» InfcHwatio* ehe^rfittty i^vtn M««r SI.. raH*. •■!« ,; Miiiijji III ^... iM i i''^ CarHci th« largou iitock ^ * in town uf . HAKDWAkK. ° ^. , FARMTOOUi/ PAINTS. ^ OltS. ETC. ' ^ STOVKS&TINWARK. Nttt Mvayt ttoOWlit iibnirs iiuwuE . i *;J iHii .. (■»"€ k k-\ ■• •■■ V, ■ ■.■>-! « ■*'., J- : ,J, % / TT V / / / ^ / / \« f ) * ^*■ (-