CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) m CaiMHiicn ImtltuM for Historical NUcroraproductiaiw / liwtttut cannllan da microraproductiana hlMoriquaa 995 ■■a!i««Kii';*iK:i i»?^ Ttctmical and BiMographic Hotn / NoM ttcDniqiwi ct biMioflraptii^iMi Th« Iniiiluw h« dCtampud to iibcatn iIm tmt erigiiul copy »aitMt* tor tilmmi). F«al«r«» ot ilii» copy which IMV te biblM»«r«*ihtc«lly untquc. whtch may alur any of iha MMgM tn 1h« rvprodyciMHt. or whwh may «i9mtiCMilv ch^nv* m« yHMl nwihoO ot tilmmn. art L'Imtiiui a micffofilfliA la maillaur aHamplaira qu'il lui a ala poMiMa da ta precufar. Las dauiU da cat axamplaira ^ui torn paut^tra uniqu« du poini da wua biMofrapliMiMa, mit pauvani modifiar una Mna«a raproduiia. ey qui pauvani amgir una modtftciiton dan* la II Q Colourad aovari/ Couvarfura da coulaw □ Cevari damaipMl/ Cduvartwt mdommaiiaa □ Covaf • r«»iOf«d mkI/oi l^muwlad/ Cewvartur* rnteurM «l/ou paUwulM n CoiNir liU* miuinfl/ Cmn (iay^ihiqiin an coulwr 0Cgleund ink li.«. oUw than biw w bUck)/ EiMN di coulaui (i.a. autta «ua b4aM ou Mini 0Colsu>ad plant and/ec illustrationt/ PlandMi al/ou illuiuauom an catilaut D Boiml KnOi oUw' mautial/ Halia avac d'awvat documann □ Ti^l bmOmt nwv "«»a ilMdowi of dulonian alenfl MilarMf mafflin/ U faliwa wraa fmu aiau da I'oaabra su da la dMiorma la lan« da la marga Hiwiaufa D Blank laam addad during caiMratian dMV appaa> Wilkin iha ua. Mlhana»ar poHiMa. Uiaia kaaa kaan oninad frgni likninf/ II la pant qua cafUinat pa(ai Wanckat aioutMi Mm d'una ratuutation apiufainant dam la uiin, mait. lonqua cab auil poiiiMa. cat pa(H n'ont pai aia tiknaat. □ Colourad patat/ P*(a> da coulaur □ Han (linmad/ ratlorad and/ar taminatad/ Pa«n ditcalourad. aainad w toaad/ SPXndaiMhad/ I*/ I Tfwipiraiioi ' □ Oualily ot pnni nciat/ Qualiii int»ila da rinpnuien □ Continuous paflination/ Pagmanon eoniinua I I IncluAM indanlat)/ Tilla on kaidar lakan fiom:/ La litra da I'o ml li praaiant: nz pagaof iHua/ da tin* da I* r~~1 Caption of i>Hia/ D Titia da dipm da la linaiion Mastkaa^ Ganaf iWM Ipatiodiqua i l da la liaraiaon Additional ummanu:/ Commantairatiupplamantairat: po"l« *«90 Tki« iiam ii lihoad at ika laductnn latM chackad balow/ Ca docwnanl ail f ilma au uua da laduction indiqua ci-dauow. lOX MX '•* Pagat HhoUy obtcurad by tUauaa hava boon raflload to anaura Wa boat I2X 1»X JOX 22X n* XX 2«X 2tx □ Ux Th* copy fllmad hara hu baan raproduead thanka to tha ganaroalty of: National Library of Canada L'axamplaira tUmt fut raproduit grtca i la g4n«roaiti da: Blbllothiqua natlonala du Canada Tha Imagaa appaaring hara ara tha baat quality poaalbla eonsldaring tha eondltton and lagiblllty of tha original copy and in kaaping with tha filming contract apaciflcatiofw. Original copiaa in printad papar covara ara fllmod baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad Impraa- lion, or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original copiaa ara filmad baginning on ti»■>■ of c««i., i» 111. —, _. TO CYRUS CURTIS A SELF-MADE MAN I CONTFNTS I. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yard* to Chicago, to hi. «,n, Pierrepont, at Harvard UniverBtty, Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Pierrepont hat just become a memhef, in good and regular Handing, of the Freth- mon ciOM tt Prom John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards In Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at Harvard University. Mr. Pierrepont's expente account luu ju*t paeeed under hi, father's eye, and ha, fur- nithed him with a tewt for tome plain par- tioularitie,. ... HL Prom John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont. at Harvard University. Mr. Pierrepont find, Cambridge to hit KHng, and hat tugjetted that he take a pott-gradu- ate courte to fUl up tome gapt which he ha, found in hit education. TV. Prom John Graham, head of the house of Graham 4 Co., at the Union Stock Yards in Chi- cago, to his son, Pierrepont Graham, at the Wal- dorf-Astoria, in New York. ifr. Pierrepont ha, suggetted the grand tour 0* a proper finiah to hit education. . vii PIOI 18 46 CONTENTS V. From John Oraham, head of the houw of Graham & Co., at the Union Stock Yard, in Chi- oago, to his .on, Plerrepont Graham, at Lake Moo^fatchemawamuc, in the Maine woods. Mr. Pierrepont ha, mritten to hi, father vithdramng hi, niggation. ... 67 VI. From John Oraham, en route to Texa., to Pierrepont Graham, care of Graham t Co., Union Stock Yard., Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont ha,, entirely uiithout inten- tion, oauKd a little eonfuHon tn the mail,, and it ha, come to hi, father', notice in the course of bueine,,. ... gg Vll. From John Graham, at the Omaha Branch of Graham 4 Co., to Pierrepont Oraham, at the Union Stock Yard., Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont han't found the method, of the worthy Milligan altogether to hi, li- king, and he ha, oommented rather freely on them. Vni. From John Graham, at Hot Spring., Arkan- .as, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont ha, ju,t been promoted from the mailing to the hilling de,k and, in oon- tequence, hi, fathi i, feeling rather " mel- low " toward him. vlii 81 9S CONTENTS DC. From John Graham, «t Hot Spring., Arkan- sas, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Steele Yards in Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont hai teen M(in; morv heavily in rotes than hit father thinki hit meant mirrant, and he triet to turn Aw thoughtt to ttaple grooerie: . ^13 X. From John Graham, at the Union Stocic Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Com- mercial House, Jeffereonviile, Indiana. Mr. Pierrepont hat been promoted to the position of traveling laletman for the houte, and hat ttarted out on the road. 127 Xr. From John Graham, at tlie Union Stocic Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at The Plant- ers' Palace Hotel, at Big Gap, Kentucky. Mr. Pierreponft orders are email and hit expentet are large, so hit father feelt petti- mistio over his prospects. 141 XII. From John Grahtm, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at little Del- monico's, Prairie Centre, Indiana. Mr. Pierrepont has annoyed hit father by accepting his criticisms in a spirit of gentle, but most reprehensible, resignation. . . 157 XIII. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, care of The Hoosicr Grocery Co., Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Pierreponft orders have been looking up, to the old man givct him a pat on the laek-4>ut not too hard a one. . 177 IX CONTENTS V«d. in Chlcr ,., to U. «n. Pi.rr.pont, tt n. Tr.Td«. iu.t, N«, Albany, IndiaJT *»•. PiempoHt hat taken a Unit n«tr <. v7J:i'^™'!'"" °"''"'' •' *■■• Union Stodc Y.rd. in Chicgo. to bi. «„. Pi,„.pont .t T^ Scrub 0.k.. Spring !,.,„, Michig.n ' ^ . 200 hof, K.ri.b«l, Au.tri., to hi. «„, Pi.rr,pont, .t the Union Stock Y.rd., Chicgo. *r. PinrepotU hat ,Tmcn mild tgrnptom, **'^'*t^tering,ome,impler«nedie,. gj, XVB. Pron, Job, Or.b.m, at tb. London Hou« o OraUm « Co., to Ma «,n, Pi,rr.pont, .TZ Union Stock Yard, in C!bicago. *r. K«rjpo»* ha, u>riUen hi, father that ^ 9'U^ng along /amo«.Jy <„ ».-. ^' . 243 XVIIL Prom John Graham, at th. London Hou« of Graham 4 Co., to hi. «.n, Pierrepont, at Z. Union Stock Yard, in Chicago. ' « "«> «1^' Jl!r^^* « ««rHrf o»«. „.^„ ,»„, the old man i, a hear on lard and that the lonsi are about to make him ctmb a tree m I i CONTENTS FMI Xa. From John Qnhm. at th* Ntw York hoiut of Or.h.m * Co.. to hto «»,, Hmopont, U th. Union Stock Yard* in Cbingo. The old man, on the myage home, hat met a girl tcAo ^~- A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S teBt of getting four hams out of aa animal which begai. life with two; but you have lived with me long enough to know that my hand is usually in my pocket at the right Now I want to say right here that the meanest man alive is the one who is gener- ous with money that he has not had to Bweat for, and that the boy who is a good fellow at some one else's expense would noi work up into first-class fertilizer. That same ambition to be known as a good fellow has crowded my office with second-rate clerks, and they always will be second-rate clerks. If you have it, hold it down until you have worked for a year. Then, if your ambition runs to hunching up all week over a desk, to earn eight dollars to blow on a few rounds of drinks for the boys on Satur- day night, there is no objection to your gratifying it; for I will know that the Lord didn't intend you to be your own boss. You know how I begaa-I was started off 20 4 ,^m^^^, i "Have seen hundreds of hoys go to Europe who didn't bring back a great deal except a few trunks of badly ft ting clothes." :Mmmm •^iTs'- * ■■>■ LETTERS TO HIS SON with a kick, but that proyed a kick up, and In the end every one since has lifted me a lltOe bit higher. I got two dollars a week. and slept under the counter, and you can bet I knew just how many pennies there were In each of those dollars, and how hard the floor was. That Is what you hare got to learn. I remember when I was on the Lakes, our -chooner was passing out through the draw at BuflfaJo when I saw little Bill Riggg, the butcher, standing up above me on the end of the bridge with a big roast of beef in his basket. They were a little short in the gaJ- ey on that trip, so I called up to Bill and he threw the roast down to me. I asked him how much, and he yelled back, "about a dollar." That was mighty good beef, and when we struck Buffalo again on the return trip, I thought I would like a little more of It So I went up to Bill's shop and asked him for a piece of the same. But this time he gave me a litUe roast, not near so big as 21 i! A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S the other, and it was pretty tough and Btringy. But when I asked him how much, he answered " about a dollar." He simply didn't have any sense of values, and that's the business man's sixth sense. Bill has al- ways been a big, healthy, hard-working man, but tonJay he is very, very poor. The Bills ain't all in the butcher business. I've got some of them right now in my oiBce, but they wUl never climb over the railing that separates the clerks from the execu- tives. Yet if they would put in half the time thinking for the house that they give up to hatching out reasons why they ought to be allowed to overdraw their salary ac- counts, I couldn't keep them out of our pri- vate oflaees with a pole-ax, and I wouldn't want to ; for they could double their salaries and my profits in a year. But I always lay It down as a safe proposition that the fellow who has to break open the baby's bank to- ward the last of the week for car-fare isn't going to be any Kussell Sage when it comes 22 "^^^^^^2^^' LETTERS TO HIS SON to trading with the old man's money. He'd punch my bank account as full of holes as a car'oad of wild Texans would a fool stock- man that they'd got in a corner. Now I know you'll say that I don't un- derstand how it is; that you've got to do as the other fellows do; and that things have changed since I was a boy. There's nothing mit. Adam invented all the diL'erent ways m which a young man can make a fool of himself, and the college yell at the end of them is just a frill that doesn't change es- sentials. The boy who does anything just because the other fellows do it is apt to scratch a poor man's back all his Ufa He's the chap that's buying wheat at ninely- seven cento the day before the market breaks. They call him "the country" in the market reports, but the city's full of him. It's the fellow who has the spunk to think and act for himself, and sells short when prices hit the high C and the house is standing on ite liind legs yelling for more^ «3 that site to the directors' meetings when he gete on toward I'orty. We've got an old steer out at the packing- house that stands around at the foot of the ronway leading „p to the killing pens, look- ng for all the world like one of the village fathers sitting on the cracker box before Te groceiy-sort of sad-eyed. dmmy old cuss -always has two or three straws from his cud sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Ton never saw a steer that looked as if he ook less interest in things. But by and by the boys drive a bunch of steers toward him or cows maybe, if we're cabining, and then you'll see Old Abe move off up that runway sort of beckoning the bunch after him with that wicked old stump of a tail of his, as if there was something mighty interesting to steers at the top, and something that every Texan and Colorado, raw from the prairies ought to have a look at to put a metropoU- taai finish on him. Those, steers just natur- ally follow along on up that runway and I- 1 2^theralUngpens. But just a« they get to the top, Old Abe, son.eways, gets iLl the crowd, and he isn't among those present When the gates axe closed and the^^ trouble begins for his new friends. I never saw a dozen boys together that ttere wasn't an Old Abe among them. If you find your crowd following him, keen -ayjromit There a. «„.^ i'^J safest to be lonesoma Use a little common- sense, caution and conscience. You can Stock a Store with those three commodities, when you get enough of them. But you'^ got to begin getting them young. They ajn't catching after you toughen up T You needn't write me if you feel your- self getting them. The symptoms will show in your expense account Good-by; life's too short to write letters and New York's calling me on the wire. Tour affectionate father, John Obaham. 25 I No, 3 |[ FROM John Gralum, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, 'to bis son, Pierrtpoat, at Harvard' University, Mr. Pierrepont fiuds Cam- bridge to his lilcing, and has suggested that he take a post-gradnate course to fill up some gaps which hi has found in his education i^uurse lo vbich he I I ducation. I I Ill Jnne 1, 189— Dear Pierrepont: No, I can't say that I think anything of your post-graduate course Idea. You're not going to be a poet or' a P^fessor, but a packer, and the place to take a postgraduate course for that calling IB m th p^y^g.^^^^ Some n>en learn all th^ know from books; others from life; both kinds are narrow. The first are all tlieory; the second are all practice. It's the fellow who knows enough about practice to test his theories for blowholes that gives the world a shove ahead, and finds a fair margin of profit in shoving it Th^s a chance for everything you have earned, from Latin to poetry, in the pack- Jng business, though we don't use much poetry here except in our street-car ads. and about the only time our products arj given Latin names is when the State Board Of Health condemns them. So I think 29 I I A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S you'll find It safe to go short a litUe on the Mis of education; if you want them bad enough you'll find a way to pick them up later, after business hours. The main thing is to get a start along right lines, and that is what I sent yon to college for. I didn't expect you to carry off all the education in sight-l knew you'd leave a little for the next fellow. But I wanted you to form good mentaJ habits, jnst as I want you to hare clean, straight physical ones. Because I was run through a threshing machine when I was a boy, and didn't begin to get the straw out of my hair till I was past thirly, I haven't any sym- pathy with a lot of these old fellows who go around bragging of their ignorance and Baying that boys don't need to know any- thing except addition and the « best policy » brand of honesty. We started in a mighty different world, and we were all ignorant together. The Lord let us in on the ground floor, gave us 3° LETTERS TO HIS SON corner lota, a.,d then started In to improve the adjacent property. We didn't have to know fra^uons to figure out our proflta Now a merchant needs astronomy to see them, and when he locates them they are out somewhere near the fifth decimal placa There are sixteen ounces to the pound still, but two of them axe wrapping paper in a good many stores. And there're just as many chances for a fellow a« ever, but they're a little gun shy, and you can't catch them by any such coarse method as putting salt on their tails. Thirty years ago, you could take an old muzzle-loader and knock over plenty of ducks in the city limite, and Chicago wasn't Cook County then, either. You can get them still, but you've got to go to Kanka- kee and take a hammerless along And ^hen I started in the packing business it was all straight sailing-no frills-just turning hogs into hog meai^-dry salt for the niggers down South and sugar-cured for 31 1^ A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S the white folks up North. Everything elae vaa sausage, or thrown away. But when we get through with a hog nowadays, he's scattered through a hundred different cans and packages, and he's all accounted for. What we used to throw away is our profit It takes doctors, lawyers, engineers, poets, and I don't know what, to run the busi- ness, and I reckon that improvements which call for parsons will be creeping in next Naturally, a youns maa who expects to hold his own when he is thrown in with a lot of men like these must be as clean and sharp as a hound's tooth, or some other fellow's simply going to eat him up. The first college man I ever hired was old John Durham's son, Jim. That was a good many years ago when the house was a much smaller aflfair. Jim's father had a lot of money till he started out to buck the uni- verse and comer wheat And the boy took all the fancy courses and trimmings at col- lege. The old man was mighty proud of 32 LETTERS TO HIS SOM Jim. Wanted Mm to be a literary fellow. Bat old Dnrhain found out what every one learns who gets his ambitions mixed np with number two red-that there's a heap of it lying around loose In the country. The bears did quick work and kept the cash wheat coming in so lively that one settUng day half a down of us had to get under the market to keep It from going to ever^ lasting smash. That day made young Jim a candidate tor a job. It didn't take him long to de- cide that the Lord would attend to keep- ing up the visible supply of poetry, and that he had better turn his attention to the stocks of mess pork. Next morning he was laying for me with a letter of introduction when I got to the office, and when he found that I wouldn't have a private secretary at ^y price, he applied for every other posi- tion on the premises right down to office boy. I told him I waa sorry, but I couldn't do anytiiing for him then; tiiat we were 33 A.f ;t..^ A SELF-MADE MERPHAMTr.g letting men go, but I'd keep him in mind, and 80 on. The fact w«. tliat I didn't think a fellow with Jim's training would be much 8«wd,anjhow. But Jim hung on-«aid he'd taken a fancy to the house, and wanted to work for it Used to call by about twice a week to find out If anything had turned up. Finally, after about a month of this, he wore me down so that I stopped him one day as he was passing me on the street. I thought I'd find out if he really was so red-hot to work as he pretended to be; be- «Jdeii, I felt that perhaps I hadn't treated the boy just right, as I had delivered quite a jag of that wheat to his father myself "Hello, Jim," I called; "do you still want that job? " "Yes, sir," he answered, quick as light- ning. * " Well, I tell you how it is, Jim," I said, looking up at him-he was one of those Husky, lazy-moving six-footer*-" I don't 34 x\c LETTERS TO HIS SO N ■ee any chance in the office, but I under- •tand they can use another good, strong man in one of the loading gangs." I thought that would setOe Jim and let me out, for it's no joke lugging beef, op rolling barrels and tierces a hundred yarda or so to the cars. But Jim came right back at me with, " Done. Who'll I report to? " That sporty way of answering, as If he was closing a bet, made me surer than ever that he was not cut out for a butcher. But I told him, ana off he started hot-foot to find the foreman. I sent word by another ronte to see that he got plenty to do. 1 forgot all about Jim until ^^out three months later, when Ms name was handed np to me for a new place and a raise in pay. It seemed that he had sort of abolished his job. After he had been rolling barrels a while, and the sport had ground down one of his shoulders a couple of inches lower than the other, he got to scheming around for a way to make the work easier, and he 35 rl T "^ '"' ^ "^^ *»' "^'^'I'^al rail- road system, by which the barrels could be swung out Of the storerooms and run 4ht aongintott.eca™.a.dtwoor«.reemt thought Jin. wa« lazy, but he had put the house ,ntlje way of saving so muchloney ^at I couldn't Are him. So I raised his T^' "^^ """^^ him aa assistant time- k^r an, checker. Ji. ,ept at this fot ^ree or four months, until his feet began to hurt hzm, I guess, a^d then he was out of a job again, it seems he had heard something of a new machine for registering ^e men, that did away with most of thf timekeepers except the fellows who watched the machines, and he kept after the Superin- tendent until he got him to put them in. Of course he claimed a raise again for ef- 'ecting such a saving, aad we just had to allow It. I was beginning to take ai. interest in Jun. so I brought him up into the office and 36 set hm to copying circular letters. We used to send out a raft of them to the trada That was just before the general adoption of typewriters, when ihey were still In the experimental staga But Jim hadn't been m the office plugging away at the letters tov a month before he had the writer's cramp, and begaa nosing around agnin The first thing I fa^ew he was sickinT agents for the new typewriting machine ^n to me, and he kept them pounding away nntd they had made me give them a trial Then It was all up with Mister Jim's job again. I raised his salary without his ask- mgtor it this time, and put him out on the road to introduce a new product that we were making— beef extract Jim made two trips without selling enough to keep them working overtime at the factory, and then he came into my Office with a long story about how we were doing it all wrong. Said we ought to go for the consumer by advertising, and make 37 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT' S the trade come to us, instead of chasing it up. That was so like Jim that I just laughed at first; besides, that sort of advertising was a pretty new thing then, and I was one of the old-timers who didn't take any stock in it But Jim just kept plugging away at me between trips, until finally I took him oflP the road and told him to go ahead and try it in a small way. Jim pretty nearly scared me to death that first year. At last he had got into some- thing that he took an interest in— spending money— and he just fairly wallowed in it Used to lay awake nights, thinking up new ways of getting rid of the old man's profits. And he found them. Seemed as if I couldn't get away from Graham's Extract, and whenever I saw it I gagged, for I knew it was costing me money that wasn't coming back; but every dme I stajrted to draw in my horns Jim talL.d to me, and showed me 38 •' I put Jim Durham out an the road to introduce a new product." LETTERS TO HIS SO N where there was a fortune waiting for me just around the comer. Graham's Extract started out by being something that you could mate beef-tea out of— that was all. But before Jim had been fooling with it a month he had got his girl to think up a hundred different ways in which it could be used, and had adver- tised them all. It seemed there was nothing you could cook that didn't need a dash of it. He kept me between a chill and a sweat all the time. Sometimes, but not often, I just had to grin at his foolishness. I re- member one picture he got out showing six- teen cows standing between something that looked like a letter-press, and telling how eveiy pound or so of Graham's Extract contained the juice squeezed from a herd of steers. If an explorer started for the North Pole. Jim would send him a case of Extract, and then advertise that it was the great heat- maker for cold climates; and if some other 39 A SELF-MADE MEROHamt's fellow started across Africa he sent him a case, too, and advertised what a bully drink It was serred np with a litUe ica He broke out in a new place every day, and eve,7 «me he brake out it cost the house money. Finally, I made up my mind to swallow the loss, and Mister Jim was just about to lose his job sure enough, when the orders for Extract began to look up, and he got a reprieve; then he began to make expenses, and he got a pardon; and finally a rush came that left him high and diy in a permanent placa Jim waa all right in h« way, but it was a new way, and I hadn't been broad-gauged enough to see that it wa« a better way. That was where I caught the connection between a college education and business. I ve aJways made it a mie to buy bndns, ,7 IVe learned now ttat the better trained they are the faster they find reasons for getting their salaries raised. The fellow who hadn't had the training may be just as 40 LETTERS TO HIS SON smart, but he's apt to paw the air when he's reaching for ideas. I suppose you're asking why, if I'm so hot for education, I'm against this post graduate course. But habite of thought ain't the only thing a fellow picks up at college. I see you've been elected President of your class. I'm glad the boys aren't down on you, but while the most popular maa in his class isn't always a failure in busi- ness, being as popular as that takes up a heap of time. I noticed, too, when you were home Easter, that you were running to sporty clothes and cigarettes. There's noth- ing criminal about either, but I don't hire sporty clerks at all, and the only part of the premises on which cigarette smoking is allowed is the fertilizer factory. I simply mention this in passing. I have every confidence in your ultimate good sense, and I guess you'll see the point with- out my elaborating with a meat ax my 41 A^M _ A MERCHANT'S LETT ERS rea«,ns for thinking that you've had enough college for the present Your affectionate father, John Obaham. 42 1 FROM John Graham, head of the home of Graham & Co. at the Union Stock Yardi in Chicago, to hii son, Pierrepont Graham, .t WaIdorf-A«toria, IV i June 25, 189— Dear Pierrepont: Your letter of the sev- enth twista around the point a good deal like a setter pup chasing his tail. But i gather from it that you want to spend a couple of months in Europe before coming ou here and getting your nose in the bull- ring. Of course, you are your own boss now and you ought to be able to judge better than any one else how much time you have to waste, but it seems to me, on general principles, that a young man of twenty-two, who is physically and mentally sound, and who haan't got a dollar and has never earned one, can't be getUng on some- body's pay-roll too quick. And in this connection it is only fair to tell you that I have instructed the cashier to discontinue your allowance after July 15. That gives you two weeks for a vacation— enough to make a sick boy well, or a lazy one lazier. 45 _ A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S I hear a good deal about men who won't take vacations, and who kill themselves by overwork, but It's nsnally worry or whiskey. It's not what a man does during working- hours, but after them, that breaks down his health. A fellow and his business should be bosom friends in the ofiSce and sworn enemies out of it. A clear mind is one that i» swept clean of business at six o'clock every night and isn't opened up for it again until after the shutters are taken down next morning. Some fellows leave the office at night and start out to whoop it up with the boys, and some go homfe to sit up with their troubles —they're both in bad company. They're the men who are always needing vacations, and never getting any good out of them. What every man does need once a year is a change of work-that is, if he has been curved up over a desk for fifty weaks and subsisting on birds and burgundy, he ought to take to fishing for a living aad try bacon and 46 LETTERS TO HIS SON ejfjpi, with a little gpring water, for dinner But coming from Hnrrard to tlie packing" house will give you change enough this year to keep you in good trim, even if you didn't have a fortnight's leeway to run loose. You will always find it a safe rule to take a thing Just ai> quick as it is ofTered- eBpecially a Job. It Is never easy to get one except when you don't want Itj but when you have to get work, and go after it with a gun, you'll find it as shy an an old crow that every farmer in the county haa had a shot at When I was a young fellow and out of a place, I always made it a rule to take the first job that offered, and to use it for bait You can catch a minnow with a worm, aad a bass will take your minnow. A good fat bass will tempt an otter, and then you've got something worth skinning. Of course, there's no daager of your not being able to get a job with the house— in fact, there is no real way in which you can escape getting A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S III one; but I don't like to see you shy oflf every time the old man geta close to you with the halter. I want yon to learn right at the outset not to play with the spoon before you take the medicine. Putting oflf an easy thing makes it hard, and putting oflf a hard one makes it impossibla Procrastination is the longest word in the language, but there's only one letter hetween it» ends when they occupy their proper places in the alphabet. Old Dick Stover, for whom I once clerked in Indiana, was the worst hand at pro- crastinating that I ever saw. Dick was a powerful hearty eater, and no one ever loved meal-time tetter, but he used to keep turning over in bed mornings for just an- other wink and staving off getting up, until finally his wife combined breakfast and dinner on him, and he only got two meals a day. He wa« a mighty religious man, too, but he got to putting oflf saying his prayers until after he was in bed, and then he would 48 I- LETTERS TO HIS SON keep passing them along until his mind was clear of worldly things, and in the end he would drop off to sleep without sayine them at aJl. What between missing the Sunday morning service and never being seen on his knees, the first thing Dick knew he was turned out of the church. He had a pretty good business when I first went with him, but he would keep putting off firing his bad clerks until they had lit out with the petty cash; and he would keep putting oflf raising the salaries of his good ones until his competitor had hired them away. Fin- ally, he got so that he wouldn't discount his bills, even when he had the mon^; and when they came due he would give notes so as to keep from paying out his cash a little longer. Running a business on those linee is, of course, equivalent to making a will in favor of the sheriff and committing sui- cide so that he can inherit The last I heard of Dick he was ninety-three years old and just about to dia That was ten years 49 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S ago, and I'll bet he's liring yet I aimply mention Dick in passing as an instance of how habits rule a man's life. There is one excuse for every mistake a man can make, but only on& When a fel- low makes the same mistake twice he's got to throw up both hands and own up to care- lessness or cussedness. Of course, I knew that you would make a fool of yourself pretty often when I jsent you to college, and I haven't been disappointed. But I ex- pected you to narrow down the number of combinations possible by making a different sort of a fool of yourself every time. That is the important thing, unless a fellow has too lively an imagination, or haa none at all. You are bound t» try this European foolishness sooner or later, but if yoa will wait a few years, you will approach it in an entirely different spirit— and you will come ba«k with a good deal of respect for the people who have sense enough to stay at home. 50 * * Old Dick Stover taas the toorst hand at procrastinating that 1 ever saw.^* ^Oim/ M^^ .if^f w .^ LETTERS TO HIS SON I piece out from yonr letter that jou ex- pect a few months on the other side will sort of put a polish on you. I don't want to seem pessimistic, but I have seen hun- dreds of boys graduate from college and go over with the same idea, and they didn't bring back a great deal except a few trunks of badly fitting clothes. Seeing the world is like charity— it covers a multitude of sins, and; like charity, it ought to begin at homa Culture is not a matter of a change of climate. You'll hear more about Browning to the square foot in the Mississippi VaUey than you will in England. And there's as much Art talk on the Lake front as in the Latin Qaarter. It may be a Uttle different, but it's there. I went to Europe once myself. I was pretty raw when I left Chicago, and I was pretty sore when I got back. Coming and going I was simply sick. In London, for the first time in my life, I was taken for an 51 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S easy thing. Every time I went into a store there was a bull movement The clerks all knocked off their regular work and started in to mark up prices. They used to tell me that they didn't have any gold-brick men over there So they don't. They deal in pictnre»-old masters, they call them. I bought two- you know the one»-tho8e hanging in the waiting-room at the st«ck yards; and when I got back I found out that they had been painted by a measly little fellow who went to Paris to study art, after Bill Harris had found out that he was no good as a settling clerk. I keep 'em to remind myself that there's no fool like an old American fool when he gets this picture paresis. The fellow who tried to fit me out with a coat-of-arms didn't find me so eaj^. i picked mine when I first went into business for myself-a charging steeiv-and it's reg- istered at Washington. It's my trade- LETTERS TO HIS SON . mark, of course, and that's the only coat^f. arms an American merchant has any bmri- ness with. It's penetrated to erery qnarter of the globe in the last twenty years, and every soldier in the world has carried it- In his knapsack. I take just as much pride in it as the fel- low who inherits his and can't find any place to put it, except on his carriage door and his letter-head-and it's a heap more profitable. It's got so now that every job- ber in the trade knows that it staads for good quality, and tiat's all any English- man's coat-of-arms can stand for. Of course, an American's can't stand for any- thing mnch-generally it's the bumed-in-the skin brand of a snob. After the way some of the descendant« of the old New York Dutchmen with the hoe and the English general storekeepers have turned out, I sometimea feel a little uneasy about what my greatgrandchildren may 53 A MERCHANT'S LETTRPS do, but we'll jnst stick to the trade-mark and try to live up to it while the old man's in the saddle I simply mention these things in a general way. I have no fears for yon after yon'v( been at work for a few years, and haT. stmck an average between the packing- honse and Harvard; then if you want to gM2e over a wider range it can't hurt you. But for the present you will find yourself pretty busy trying to get into the winning class. Tour affectionate father, John Ghaham. 54 FROM John, head of the home of Graham & C" , at the Union Stock Ya.;!! in Chicago, to his ion, Pierrepont Graham, at Lake Mooagatchemawa- muc, in the Maine woods. Mr. Pierrepont has writ- ten to his father withdraw- ing his suggestion. , J m.m . Jnly 7, I89u_ Dear Pierrepont: Yours of the fourth ha8^erlghtriug,audit«.y,„.oretothe number of words n«ed than anyletter that Ihave ever received from you. I remember reading once that some fellows use lan- gnage to conceal thought; but It's been my e.perien<«.that a good many more use U instead of thought. A business man's couTersation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than aay other function of the humai. animal. They are: Hare something to say. Say it Stop talking. Beginning before you know what you want to say and keeping on after you have said It lands a merchant in a lawsuit or the poorhouse, and the first is a short cut to the second. I maintain a legal department here, 57 Moiocorr itsoiuTinN tist chakt (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ /APPLIED ItVMGE In ^^ 1653 Eait Uain StrMt SS^S Rochsstar, Nts York U609 USA ^S (^'^) *^2 - 0300 - Phone ^= <716) 288~S989-Fax ^ \4 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S and it costs a lot of money, but it's to keep me from going to law. It's all right when yon are calling on a girl or talking with friends after dinner to run a conversation like a Sunday-school excursion, with stops to pick flowers; but in the oflSce your sentences should be the shortest distance possible between periods. Cut out the introduction and the perora- tion, and stop before you get to secondly. You've got to preach short sermons to catch sinners; and deacons won't believe they need long ones themselves. Give fools the first and women the laBt word. The meat's always in the middle of the sandwich. Of course, a little butter on either side of it doesn't do any harm if it's intended for a man who likes butter. Remember, too, that it's easier to look wise than to talk wisdom. Say less than the other fellow and listen more than you talk; for when a man's listening he isn't telling on himself and hei's flattering the fel- S8 li LETTERS TO HIS SON low who is. Give most men a good listener and most women enough note-paper and they'll tell all they know. Money talks— but not unless its owner has a loose tongue, and then its remarks are always offensive. Pov- erty talks, too, but nobody wants to hear what it ha8 to say. I simply mention these things in passing because I'm afraid you're apt to be the fellow who's doing the talking; just as I'm a little afraid that you're sometimes like the hungry drummer at the dollar-a-day house — inclined to kill your appetite by eat- ing the cake in the centre of the table be- fore the soup comes on. Of course, I'm glad to see you swing into line and show the proper spirit about com- ing on here and going to work; hut you mustn't get yourself all "het up" before you take the plunge, because you're bound to find the water pretty cold at first. I' seen a good many young fellows paoS through and out of this office. The first 59 •H J; A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S week a lot of them go to work they're in a sweat for fear they'll be flred; and the sec- ond week for fear they won't be. By the third, a boy that's no good has learned just how little work he caji do and keep his job; while the fellow who's got the right stuff in him is holding down his own place with one hand and beginning to reach for the job just ahead of him with the other. I don't mean that he's neglecting his work; but he's beginning to take notice, and that's a mighty hopeful sign in either a young clerk or a young widow. You've got to handle the first year of your business life about the way you would a trotting horse. Warm up a little before going to the post— not enough to be in a sweat, but just enough to be limber and eager. Never start off at a gait that you can't improve on, but move along strong and well in hand to the quarter. Let out a notch there, but take it calm enough up to the half not t» break, aiid hard enough not ' 60 LETTERS TO HIS SON to fall back into the ruck. At the three- quarters you ought to be going faat enough to poke yo ? nose out of the other fellow's dust, and running like the Limited in the stretch. Keep your eyes to the front aJI thp time, and you won't be so apt to shy at the little +hings by the side of the track. Head up, tail over the dashboard— that's the way the winners look in the old pictures of Maud S. and Dexter and Jay-Eye-See. And that's the way I want to see you swing by the old man at the end of the year, when we hoist the numbers of the fellows who are good enough to promote and pick out the salaries which need a little sweetening. I've always taken a good deal of stock in what you call "Blood-will-tell" if you're a Methodist, or " Heredity " if you're a Uni- tarian; and I don't want you to come along at this late day and disturb my religious beliefs. A man's love for his children and his pride are pretty badly sBarled up in this world, and he can't always pick them 6i ■^4 ;,4r^ A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S apart I think a heap of you aad a heap of the house, and I want to see you get along well together. To do that you must start right. It's just as necessary to make a good first impression in business as in courting. You'll read a good deal about "love at first sight" in novels, and ttere may be something in it for all I know; but I'm dead certain there's no such thing as love at first sight in business. A man's got to keep company a long time, and come early and stay late and sit close, before he can get a girl or a job worth having. There's nothing comes without calling in this world, and after you've called you've generally got to go and fetch it yourself. Our bright young men have discovered how to make a pretty good article of potted chicken, and they don't need any help from hens, either; and you can smell the clover in our butterine if youVe developed the poetic side of your nose; but none of the boys have been able to discover anything 62 " Charlie Chase told me he was President of the Klondike Exploring, Gold Prospecting and Immigration Company." 'I II LETTERS TO HIS SON that will pass as a gubstitute for work, even in a boarding-house, though I'll give aome of them credit for having tried pretty hard. I remember when I was selling goods for old Josh Jennings, back in the sixties, and had rounded up about a thousand in a sav- ings-bank—a mighty hard thousand, that came a dollar or so at a time, and every dol- It ^ with a little bright mark where I had bit it— I roomed with a dry-goods clerk named Charlie Chase. Charlie had a hankering to be a rich man ; but somehow he could never see any connection between that hankering and his counter, except that he'd hint to me sometimes about an heiress who used to squander her father's money shamefully for the sake of having Charlie wait on her. Bnt when it came to getting rich outside the dry- goods business and getting rich in a hurry, Charlie was the man. Along about Tuesday night— he was paid on Saturday— he'd stay at home and begin to Bchemfc He'd commence at eight o'clock 63 m - ^ SELF-MADE MERCHANTT 'S and start a magazine, maybe, and beforo midnight he'd be turning away subscribers because his prese. couldn't print a big enough edition. Or perhaps he wouldn't feelUterary that night, and so he'd invent a system for speculating in wheat and go on pyraaJding hie purchases till he'd made the b«t that Cheops did look like a flve-cent plate of ice cream. All he ever needed was a few hundred for a starter, and to get that he'd decide to let me in on the ground floor. I want to say right here that whenever any one offers to let you in on the ground floor t s a pretty safe rule to take the elevator to the roof garden. I never exactly refused to lend Charlie the capital he needed, but we generally compromised on haJf a dollar next morning, when he was in a huriy to make the store to keep from getting docked. He dropped by the ofBce last week, a little bent and seedy, but ail in a glow and trem- bling with excitement in the old way. Told me he was President of tie Klondike 64 V LETTERS TO HIS SON Exploring, Gold Progpectlng and Immlgrar tion Company, with a capital of ten millions, I guessed that he wa» the board of dipectora and the capital stock and the exploring and the prospecting and the immigrating, too— everything, in fact, except the business card he'd sent in; for CharUe always bad a gift for nosing out printers who'd trust hi-n. Said that for the sake of old Omes he'd let me have a few thousand shares at fifty cents, though they would go to par in a year. In the end we compromised on a loan of ten dollars, and Charlie went away happy. The swamps are full of raaor-backs like Charlie, fellows who'd rather make a million a r ght in their heads than five dollars a d. : in cash. I have always found it cheaper to lend a maa of that build a little money than to hire him. As a matter of fact, I have never known a fellow who was smart enoagh to think for the house days and for himself nights. A man who tries that is usually a pretty poor thinker, and he isn't 6s A MERCHANT'S LETTRRS any much good to either; but if there's choice the honae gets the wont of It I Blmply menOon these UtUe things in a general way. If yon can taJce my word for some of them yon are going to save yourself a whole lot of trouble. There are others which I don't speak of because life is too short and because it seems to afford a fellow a heap of satisfaction to pull the trigger for himself to see if it is loaded; asd a lesson learned at the muzzle has the virtue of never being forgotten. You report to MiUigaa at the yards at eight sharp on the fifteenth. You'd better figure on being here on the fourteenth, be- cause MiUigan's a pretty touchy Irishman, and I may be able to give you a point or two that will help you to keep on his mellow side. He's apt to feel a little sore at taking on in his department a man whom he hasn't passed on. Your affectionate father, John Qbaham. 66 No, FROM John Gr«h»m. •nroutetoTejMi^to PlcrrepontGrahim. Mre of G-ihtffl & Co Unton Stock Y«rd,, chl- eifo. Mr. Pierreponthu, entirely without intention. c»uied4littIeeonftMionin the maila, tnd it hu com* «o hit father'! notice in the conrie of busineu. ▼I PwvATB Cab PAENASScs,Aiig. 15,189— Dear Pierrepont: Perhaps it's just as well that I had to hurry last night to make my train, and so had no time to tell you some things that are laying mighty heavy on my mind this morning. Jim Donnelly, of the Donnelly Provision Company, came into the oflSce in the after- noon, with a fool grin on his fat face, to tell me that while he appreciated a note which he had just received in one of the firm's envelopes, beginning "Dearest." and con- taining an invitation to the theatre to-mor^ row night, it didn't seem to have any real bearing on his claim for shortage on the last carload of sweet pickled uams he had bought from ns. Of course, I sent for Milligan and went for him pretty rough for having a mailing clerk so no-account as to be writing personal letters in office hours, and .;:ch a blunderer 69 I'll, A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S aa to mix them up with the firm's corres- pondence. Milligan just stood there like a dumb Irishman and let me get tlirongh and go back and cuss him out all over again, Tdth some trimmings that I had forgotten the first time, before he told me that you were the fellow who had made the bull. Nat- urally, I felt pretty foolish, and, while I tried to pass it oflf with something about your still being green and raw, the ice was mighty thin, and you had the old man run- ning tiddledies. It didn't make me feel any sweeter about the matter to hear that when Milligan went for you, and asked what you supposed Don- nelly would think of that sort of business, you told him to « consider the feelings of the girl who got our brutal refusal to allow a claim for a few hundredwdght of hams." I haven't any special objection to your writing to girls and telling them that they are the real sugar *;nred article, for, after 70 LETTERS TO HIS SON all, if jon overdo it, it's your breach-of- ppomise suit, but yon must write before eight or after six. I have bought the stretch between those hours. Your time is money— my money— and when you take half an hour of it for your own purposes, that is just a petty form of petty larceny. Milligan tells me that you are quick to learn, and that you can do a powerful lot of work when you've a mind to; but he adds that it's mighty seldojp your mind takes that particular turn. Tour attention may be on the letters you are addressing, or you may be in a comatose condition mentally; he never quite knows until the returns come from the dead-letter office. A man can't have his head pumped out like a vacuum pan, or stuffed full of odds and ends like a bologna sausage, and do his work right. It doesn't make any difference how mean and trifling Oie tiling he's doing may seem, that's tiie big ihina and tiie only 71 vu, A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S thing for him just then. Business is like oil-it won't mix with anything but business. You can resolve everything in the world, even a great fortune, into atoms. And the fundamental principles which govern the handling of postage stamps and of millions are exactly the same. They are the common law of business, and the whole practice of commerce is founded on them. They are so simple that a fool can't learn them; so hard that a lazy man won't Boys are constantly writing me for advice about how to succeed, and when I send them my receipt they say that I am dealing out commonplace generalities. Of course I am, but that'y what the receipt calls for, and if a boy will take these commonplace generaJ- ities and knead them into his job, the mix- ture'U be cake. Once a fellow's got the primary business virtues cemented into his character, he's safe to buUd on. But when a clerk crawls 72 " Jim Donnelly of the Donnelly Pro- vision Comply came into my office with afoot grin on his fat face." *fff LETTERS TO HIS SON into the office in tht morning like a rick set- ter pup, and leaps from his stool at night with the spring of a tiger, I'm a little afraid that if I sent him off to take charge of a branch house he wouldn't always be around when customers were. He's the sort of a chap who would hold back the sun an hour every morning and have it gain two every afternoon if the Lord would give him the same discretionary powers that He gave Joshua. And I have noticed that he's the fellow who invariably takes a timekeeper as an insult He's pretty numerous in busi- ness offices; in fact, if the glance of the human eye could affect a clockface in the same way that a man's country cousins af- fect their city welcome, I should have to buy a new timepiece for the office every morning. I remember when I was a boy, we used to have a pretty lively camp-meeting every summer, and Elder Hoover, who was ac- counted a powerful exhorter in our parts, would wrastle with the sinners and the 73 H I'll A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S backsliders. There waa one old chap in the town-Bill Budlong-who took a heap of pride in being the simon pure cuss. Bill was always the last man to come up to the mourners' bench at the camp-meeting and the first one to backslide when it was over. Used to brag around about what a hold Satan had on him and how his sin was the original brand, direct from Adam, put up In cans to keep, and the can-opener lost. Eoc Hoover would get the whole town safa in the fold and then have to hold extra meet- ings for a couple of days to snake in that miserable Bill; but, in the end, he always got religion and got it hard. For a month or two afterward, he'd make the chills run down the backs of us children in prayer- meeting, telling how he had probably been the triflingest and omeriest man alive before he was converted. Thf^n, along toward hog- killing time, he'd backslide, and go around bragging that he was standing so close to 74 He kept thlB up for about ten yea«, get ting vainer and vainer of hi, staying qn^ 2ZT "' """"""' "^«° '^^ ^' '- ' ad rounded up all the likeliest Mnners in the bunch he announced that the meetings were over for that year. BinTT r "^ ''''^''•■'•^'^°« -"^ than B,ll when he heard that there wasn't goW to be any extra session for him. He got up a.d «a.d he reckoned another meeting wouW old Sataa loosening; but Doc Hoover was d^on told off to wrastle wl«. hi^ but Doc wouldn't listen to that. Said he'd been wasting time enough on him for ten years to save a county, and he had just about himself; o,at what he really needed mo« than religion was common-sense and a con- 75 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S Tirf'on that time in thte world wu too valu- able to be frittered away. If he'd get that in his head he didn't think he'd be so apt to trifle with eternity; and if he didn't get It, religion wouldn't be of any special use to him. A big merchant finds himself In Doc Hoover's fix pretty often. There are too many likely young sinners in his office to make it worth while to bother long with the BUls. Very few men are worth wasting time on beyond a certain pwnt, and that point is soon reached with a fellow who doesn't show any signs of wanting to help. Naturally, a green man always comes to a house in a pretty subordinate position, and it isn't possible to make so much noise with a firecracker as with a cannon. But you can tell a good deal by what there is left of the boy, when you come to inventory him on the fifth of July, whether he'll be safe to trust with a cannon next year. 76 1 It Ln't the IltOe extra money that yon may make for the house by learning the fundamental buBlness virtues which counta -0 much as It Is the effect that It has on your ehmctera.d that of those about you, a.d ^.peciany on the judgment of the old man when he's casting around for the fellow to AH he vacancy just ahead of you. He's P^tty apt to pick some one who keeps sep^ rate ledger accounts for work and for fun, Who gives the house sixteen ounces to the pound, and, on general principles, to pass bytte one Who is late at the end Where he ought to be early, and early at the end where he ought to be late. I simply mention these things in passing, but. frankly, i am afraid that you have a B^eakoftheBillinyou^andyouca.;;:: go^ Clerk, let alone a partner, until you get ^ont I try not to be narrow when rm weighing up a young fellow, and to allow for soakage and leakage,, ud then to 2; 77 i A MERCHANT'S LETTERS in a little for good feeling; bat I don't trade with a man whom I find deliberately mark- ing up the weight* on me. Thii Ig a fine country we're running through, bat it's a pity that it doera't raiu more hoga. It wemg to take a farmer a long time to learn that the' beet way to sell hia com is on the hoof. Toar affectionate father, John Obaham. P. 8. I Jut had to allow Donnelly hia claim on those hams, though I was dead sure onr weigh t« were right, and it cost the house rixty dollars. But your fool letter took all the snap out of our argument I get hot every time I think of it ill: 78 4- FROM John Gnlum, at the Omaha Branch of Graham & Co., to Pierrepont Graham, at the Union Stock Yardi, Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont hain't found the methoda of the worthy Milligin al- together to hii lilcing, and ne hu commented rather freely on them. II I! if I VII Omaha, September 1, 189— Dear Pierrepont : Yours of the 30tli ultimo strikes me all wrong. J don't like to hear yon say that you can't work under MiUigan or aay other man, for it shows a fundamental weakness. And '"len, too, the house isn't interested in knowing how you like your boss, but in how he likes you. I understand all about Milligan. He's a cross, cranky old Irishman with a temper tied up in bow-knots, who prods his men with the bnll-stick six days a week and schemes to get them salary raises on the seventh, when he ought to be listening to the sermon; who puts the black-snake on a clerk's hide when he sends a letter to Osh- kosh that ought to go to Kalamazoo, and begs him oflf when the old man wants to have him fired for it Altogether he's a hard, crabbed, generous, soft-hearted, loyal, bully old boy, who's been with the house since we 8i 4 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S took down the shnttera for the flpst time, and who's going to stay with it till we put them up for the last time. But all that apart, you want to get it flnnly fixed in your mind that you're going to have a MiUigan over you all your life, and if it isn't a Milligaa it will be a Jones or a Smith, and the chances are that you'll find them both harder to get along with than this old fellow. And if it isn't Milligan or Jones or Smith, and you ain't a butcher, but a parson or a doctor, or even the Presi- dent of the Uuited States, it'll be a way- back deacon, or the undertaker, or the machine. There isn't any such thing as ^eing your own boss in this world unless you're a tramp, and then there's the con- stable. Like the old man if you can, but give him no cause to dislike you. Keep your self-re- spect at any cost, and your upper lip stiff at the same figure. Criticism can properly come only from above, and whenever you 82 LETTERS TO HIS SON - 4 discover that your boss is no good you may rest easy that the man who pays his salary shares your secret Learn to give bacli a bit from the base-burner to let the village fathers get their feet on the fender and the sawdust box in range, and you'll find them making a little room for you in turn. Old men have tender feet, and apologies are poor salve for aching corns. Bemember that when you're .in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and that when you're in the wrong you can't afford to lose it. When you've got an uncertain cow it's all O. K. to tie a figure eight in her tail, if you ain't thirsty, and it's excitement you're after; but if you want peace and her nine quarts, you will naturally approach her from the side, and say, So-boss, in about the same tone that you would use if you were asking your best girl to let you hold her hand. Of course, you want to be sure of your natural history facts and learn to distin- 83 It 'I' A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S gnish between a cow that's a kicker, but whose intendons axe good if she's ap- proached with proper respect, and a hooker, who is vicious on general principles, and any way you come at her. There's never any use fooling with an animal of that sort, brute or human. The only safe place is the other side of the fence or the top of the nearest tree. When I was clerking in Missouri, a fellow named Jeff Hankins moved down from Wis- consin and bought a litUe clearing just out side the town. Jeflf was a good talker, but a bad listener, and so we learned a heap about how things were done in Wisconsin, but he didn't pick up much information about the habits of our Missouri fauna. When it came to cows, he had had a liberal education and he m .le out all right, but by and by it got on to ploughing time and Jeff naturally bought a mule— a little moth-ea'^3n cuss, with sad, dreamy eyes and droopy, wiggly- woggly ears that swung in a circle as ea^ 84 I " Bill Badlong was always the last man to come up to the mourners' bench.' ' LETTERS TO HIS SON as if they ran on ball-bearings. Her owner didn't give her a very good character, but Jeff was too busy telling how much he knew about horses to pay much attenUon to what anybody WW saying about mules. So finally the seller turned her loose in Jeff's lot, told him he wouldn't hare any trouble catching her if he approached her right, and hurried off out of range. Next morning at sunup Jeff picked out a bridle and started off whistling Buffalo Gals— he was a powerful pretty whistler and could do the Mocking Bird with varia- tions—to catch the mule and begin his plowing. The animal was feeding as peace- ful as a water-color picture, and she didn't budge; but when Jeff began to get nearer, her ears dropped ba«k along her neck as if ' they had lead in them. He knew that symp- tom and so he closed up kind of cautious, aiming for her at right angles and gurgling, "Muley, mnley, here muley; that's a good mnley," sort of soothing and caressing-like. 85 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S BtiU 8he didn't stir and Jefif got right up to hep and put one ann over her back and began to reach forward with the bridl^ when something happened. He never could explain just what it was, but we judged from the marks on his person that the mule had reached forward and kicked tie seat of his trousers wiUi one of her prehensile hind feet; and had reached back and caught him on the last button of his waistcoat with one of her limber fore feet; and had twisted around her elastic neck and bit off a mouth- ful of his hair. When Jeff regained con- sciousness, he reckoned that the only really safe way to approach a mule was to drop on it from a balloon. I simply mention this little incident as an example of the fact that there are certain animals with which the Lord didn't intend white men to fool. And you will find that, as a rule, the human varieties of them are not the fellows who go for you rough-shod, Uke Milligan, when you're wrong. It's when 86 ■ I!; -!• LETTERS TO HIS SON you come across one of those gentlemen who have more oil in their composition than any two-legged animal has a right to have, that you should be on the lookout for concealed deadly weapons. I don't mean that you should dlBtrast a man who is affable and approachable, but you want to learn to distinguish between him and one who is too affable and too ap- proachable. The adverb makes the differ- ence between a good and a bad fellow. The bunco men aren't all at the county fair, and they don't all operate with the little shells and the elusive pea. When a packer haa learned all that there is to learn about quad- rupeds, he knows only one-eighth of his business; the other seven-eighths, and the important seven-eighths, has to do with the study of bipeds. I dwell on this because I am a little dis- appointed that you should have made such a mistake in sizing up Milllgan. He isn't the brightest man in the ofllce, but he la 87 _A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S loyal to me and to the house, and when you have been in burinew as long aa I have you will be Inclined to put a pretty high value on loyalty. It is the one commodity tliat hasn't any market value, and it's the one that you can't pay too much tor. You can trust any number of men with your mon^, but mighty few with your reputation. Half the men who are with the house on pay day are against it the other six. A good many young 'ellows come to me looking for jobs, and start in by telling me what a mean house they have been working for; what a cuss to get along with the senior partner was; and how little show a bright, progressive clerk had with him. I never get veiy far with a critter of that claas, be- cause I know that he wouldn't like me or the house if he came to work for ns. I don't know anything that a young busi- nese man ought to keep more entirely to Limself than his dislikes, unless it is his likes. It's generally expensive to have either, 88 LETTERS TO HIS SON bnt it'8 bankruptcy to tell about them. If. an right to Bay nothing about the dead but good, but it's better to apply the rule to the living, and especially to the house which 1. paying your salary. Just one word before I close, as old Doc Hoover used to say, when he was coming nto the stretch, but still a good ways off from the benediction. I have noticed that you are inclined to be a little chesty and Btarchy around the olHce. Of course, it's g«»d business, when a fellow hasn't much behind his forehead, to throw out his chest and attract attention to his shirt-front. But as you begin to meet the men who have done something that makes them worth meeting you will find that there are no " keep off the grass » or « beware of the dog " signs around their premises, and that they don't motion to the orchestra to play slow music while they talk. Superiority makes every man feel its equal. It is courtesy without condescen- 89 f A MERCHANTS LETT ERS ■Ion; affability withont familiarity; «lf. •nfflclency without .elflrtnew; aimpliclty without mlde. It weigh. Bixteen ounces to the pound without the package, and It doesn't need a four-colored label to make it to. We are coming home from here. I am a little disappointed in the shewing that this house has been making. Pound for pound It is not getting nearly so much out of Its hogs as we are In Chicago. I don't know Mt where the leak is, but If they don't do better next month I am coming back here with a shotgun, and there's going to be a pretty heavy n.ortality among our head men. Your affectionate father, John Gbaham. 90 No. 6 FROM John Gnhim, It Hot Spring!, Ar- ktniu, to his ion, Ficrrcpont, at the Union Stock Yard) in Chicago. Mr Picrrepont hu juit been promoted irom the mailing to the billing deik and, in coniequence, hii father ia feeling rather "mellow" toward him. i 1 ,i ;r "^■■y^-:/-.T i*"';*!^«t£5 VIII Hot Springs, January 15, 189— Dear Pierrepont: They've run me through the scalding vats here till they've pretty nearly taken all the hair off my hide, but that or something else h^ loosened up my joints so that they don't squeai any more when I walk. The doctor says he'll have my rheumatism cured in thirty days, so I guess you can expect me home in about a fortnight For he's the breed of doctor that IS always two weeks ahead of his patients' condition when they're poor, and two weeks behind it when they're rich. He calls him- self a specialist, which means that it costs me ten doUars every time he has a look in at my tongue, against two that I would pay the family doctor for gi-atifying his curi- osity. But I guess this specialist business Js about the only outlet for marketing the ' arplus of young doctors. Efi^inda me of the time when we wen 93 ' i I mm m i t 14 1 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S piling up canned corned beef in stock faster than people would eat it, and a big drought happened along in Texas aad began driyfng he canners in to the packing-house quicker than we could tuck them away in tin. Jim Durham tried to "stimulate the consump- tion as he put it, by getting out a nice little booklet called, "A Hundred Dainty Dishes from a Cm," and telling how to work off corned beef on the family in various dis- gmses; but, aft«r he had schemed out ten different combinations, the other ninety turned out to be corned-beef hash. So that was no usei But one day we got together and had a mce, fancy, appetizing label printed, and we didn't economize on the gHt-a picture of a steer so fat that he looked as if he'd break his legs if they weren't shored up pretty quick with props, and with blue rib- bons tied to his horn.. We labeled it "Blue Ribbon Beef-For Fancy Family Trade" Wid chained an extra fen cents a dozen for 94 LETTERS TO HIS SON the cans on which that speciaJ label was pasted. Of course, people just naturally wanted it There's nothing helps convince some men that a thing has merit like a little gold on the label. And it's pretty safe to bet that if a fellow needs a six or seven-syllabled word to describe his profession, he's a com doctor when you come to look him up in the dic- tionaiy. And then you'll generally find him in the back part of the book where they tuck away the doubtful words. But that isn't what I started out to say. I want to tell you that I was very, very glad to learn from your letter that you had been promoted to the billing desk. I have felt all along that when you got a little of the nonsense tried out of you there would be a residue of common-sense, and I am glad to have your boss back up my judgment There's two things you just naturally don't expect from human nature— that the Widow's tombstone estimate of the departed, 95 Jfi^M on which she is trying to conyince the neigh- IZTT "''*'■ "'"^^ J*"'^«-«"* tJ^-t he went to Hearen, and the father's estimate of the son, on which he is tiding to pass him along ,nto a good salary, will be conserra- .1^"^ *''* ^'^^"^ '°*^ ""y '°J»d and spiked down wheri I hired the widow's son a few years ago. His name waa Clarence Clarence St. Clair Hick^aM his father used to keep books for me when he wasn't picking the winners at Washington Park or figuring out the batting averages of the Chi- cago* He was one of those quick men who always have their books posted up half an hour before closing time for three weeks of the month, and spend the evenings of the fourth hunting up the eight cents that they are out on the trial balance. When he died lus ^fe found that his life insurance had lapsed the month before, and so she brought Clarence down to the office and aaked me to give him a job. 96 LETTERS TO HIS SON Clarence wasn't exactly a pretty boy; in fact, he looked to me like another of his father's bad breaks; but his mother seemed to think a heap of him. I learned that he would have held the belt in his Sunday- school for long-distance verse-reciting if the mother of one of the other boys hadn't fixed the superintendent, and that it had taken a general conspiracy of the teachers in his day-school to keep him from walking off with the good-conduct medal. I couldn't just reconcile those statements with Clarence's face, but I accepted him at par and had him passed along to the head errand boy. His mother cried a little when she saw him marched oflP. aud asked me to see that he was treated kindly and wasn't bullied by the bigger boys, because he had been " raised a pet." A number of unusual things happened in the offices that morning, and the head office boy thought Clarence might be able to ex- plain some of them, but he had an alibi 97 .««-*3'jira-*fe.* ISiS^&ia^il^-. mm A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S ready every tim^-eren when a bookkeeper found the yault filled with cigarette smoke and Clarence in it hunting for something he couldn't describe. But as he was a new boy no one waa disposed to bear down on him very hard, so his cigarettes were taken away from him and he was sent back to his bench with . warning that he had used up all his explanations. Along toward noon,a big Boston customer came in with his little boy-a nice, plump, stall-fed youngster, with black velvet pants and hair that was just a little .jiger thaa was safe in the stock-yards district. And while we were talking business, the kid wan- dered oflf to the coat-room, where the errand boys were eating lunch, which was a pretty desperate pla«e for a boy with velvet pants on to go. As far aa we could learn from Willie when he came out of his convulsions, the boys had been very polite to him and had in- sisted on his joining in a new game which 98 r,i!W^'^^ 6^; m .-'■ " Clarence looked to me like another of bis father's bad breaks," i M: If LETTERS TO HIS SON Clarence had just inventea, cared pajlng pig-sticker. And, because he was company, Clarence told him. that he could be the pig Willie didn't know just what being the pig meant, but, as he Md his father, it didn't sound very nice and he waa afraid he wouldn't like it. So he tried to pass along the honor to some one else, but Clarence insisted that it was " hot stuff to be the pig " and before Willie could rightly judge what was happening to him, one end of a rope had been tied around his left ankle and the other end had been passed over a transom bar, and he was dangling headforemost in the air, while Clarence threatened his jugu- lar with a lath sword. That was when he let out the yell which brought his father and me on the jump and scattered the boys all over the stock yards. Willie's father canceled his bologna con- tract and marched off muttering something about "degrading surroundings brutalizing the young;" and Clarence's mother wrote 99 ■^f.. --^ A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S me that I was a bad old man who had held her husband down all his life and now wouldn't give her son a show. For, nat- urally, after that little Incidenti I had told the boy who had been raised a pet that he had better go back to the menagerie. I ^mply mention Clarence in passing as an instance of why I am a litUe slew to trust my judgment on my own. I ^av . always found that, whenever I thought a heap of anything I owned, there was nothing liJce getting the other fellow's views expressed in figures; and the other fellow is usually a pessimist when he's buying. The lady on the dollar is the only woman who hasn't any sentiment in her make-up. And if you reaJly want a look at the solid facts of a thing yon must strain off the sentiment first. I put you under Milligan to get a view of you through his eyes. If he says that you are good enough to be a billing clerk, and to draw twelve dollars a week, I guess there's no doubt about it For he's one of those 100 3m LETTERS TO HIS SON " men that never show any real enthusiasm except when they're cussing. Naturally, it's a great saUsfaction to see a streak or two of business ability beginning to show under the knife, because when it comes closing time for me it will make it a heap easier to know that some one who bears the name will take down the shutters in the morning. Boys are a good deal like the pups that fellows sell on street comer»-they don't always turn out as represented. You buy a likely setter pup and raise a spotted coach dog from it, and the promising son of an honest butcher is just as like as not to turn out a poet or a professor. I want to say In passing that I have no real prejudice against poets, but I believe that, if you're going to be a Milton, there's nothing like being a mute, inglorious one, as some fello^v who was a little sore on the poetry business once put it Of course, a packer who un- derstands something about the versatility of lOI ■ ,-1 <' A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S cottonseed oil need never turn down orden for lord because the run of hogs is light, and a father who understands human nature can turn out an imitation parson from a boy whom tie Lord intended to go on the Board of Trade. But on general principles it's best to give your cottonseed oil a Latin name and to market it on its merits, and to let your boy follow his bent, even if it leads him into the wheat pit If a fellow hjw got poetry in him it's bound to come out sooner or later in the papers or the street cars; and the longer you Iceep it bottled up the harder it comes, and the longer it takes the paUent to recover. There's no eaaier way to cure foolishness than to give a man leave to be foolish. And the only way to show a fel- low that he's chosen the wrong business is to let him try it. If it really is the wrong thing you won't have to argue with him to quit, and if it isn't you haven't any right to. Speaking of bull-pups that turned out to be terriers naturally calls to mind the case I02 LETTERS TO HIS SON of my old friend Jeremiah Simpklns' son. There isn't a sollder man in the Boston leather trade than Jeremiah, nor a bigger scamp that the law can't touch than his son Kwa. There isn't an ounce of real mean- ness in Ezra's whole body, but he's just naturally and unintentionally a maverick. When he came out of college his father thought that a few years' experience in the hide department of Graham & Co. would be a good thing for him before he tackled the leather business.. So I wrote to send him on and I would give him a job, supposing, of course, that I was getting a yearling of the steady, old, reliable Simpklns strain. I was a little uneasy when Ezra reported, because he didn't just look as if he had had a call to leather. He was a tall, spare iVew Englander, with one of those knobby fore- heads which has been pushed out by the overcrowding of the brain, or bulged by the thickening of the skull, according as yon like or dislike the man. His manners were 103 A SELF-MADE MERr HATvrT'cj easy or familiar by the same standard. He tow me right at the start that, while he didn t know just what he wanted to do he was dead sure that it wasn't the leather business. It seemed that he had said the same thing to his father and that the old man had answered, "Tut, tut," and told him to forget it and to learn hides Simpkins learned all that he wanted to know about the packing industry in thirty days, and I learned all that I wanted to know about Ezra in the same time. Pork- packing seemed to be the only thing that he wasn t interested in. I got his resignation one day just five minutes before the one which I was having written out for him waa •*ady ; for I will do Simpkins the justice to ^y that there was nothing slow about him He and his father split up, temporarily, over It, and, of course, it cost me the old man's trade and friendship. I want to say right here that the easiest way in the world to make enemies is to hire friends. 104 I lost sight of Simpkins for a while, and then he turned up at the office one morning as friendly and familiar as ever. Said he was a reporter and wanted to interview me on the December wheat deal. Of course I wouldn't t»Ik on that, but I gave him a litUe fatherly advice-told him he would sleep in a ha^l bedroom all his life if he didn't quit his foolishness and go back to his father, though I didn't really believe it He thanked me and went off and wrote a column about what I might have said about December wheat, and somehow gave the impression that I had said it The uext I heard of Simpkins he was dead. The Associated Press dispatches an- nounced it, the Cuban Junta confirmed it and last of all, a long dispatch from Simp- kins himself detailed the circumstance-, lead- mg up to the " atrocity," as the headlines in his paper called it I got a long wire from Ezra's father ask- ing me to see the managing editor and get I OS A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S at the facts for him. It seemed that the paper had thought a heap of Simpkins, and that he had been sent out to Cuba as a cor- respondent, and stationed with the Insur- gent army. Simpkins in Cuba had evidently lived up to the reputation of Simpkins in Chicago. When there waa any news he sent it, and when there wasn't he just made news and sent that along. The first word of his death had come in his own letter, brought across on a filibuster- ing steamer and wired on from Jacksonville. It told, with close attention to detail- something he had learned since he left me —how he had strayed away from the little band of insurgents with which he had been out scouting and had blundered into the Spanish lines. He had been promptly made a prisoner, and, despite his papers proving his American citizenship, and the nature of his job, and the red cross on his sleeve, he had been tried by drumhead court martial and sentenced to be shot at dawn. All this 1 06 ^''W. LETTERS TO HIS SON he had written out, and then, that his ac- count might be complete, he had gone on and imagined his own execution. This was written in a sort of pigeon, or perhaps you would call it black Spanish, English, and let on to be the work of the eyewitness to whom Simpkins had confided his letter. He had been the sentry over the prisoner, and for a small bribe in hand and the promise of a larger one from the paper, he had turned his back on Simpkins while he wrote out the story, and afterward had deserted and carried it to the Cuban lines. The account ended : « Then, as the order to fire was given by the lieutenant, Seflor Simpkins raised his eyes toward Heaven and cried : ' I protest in the name of my Amer- ican citizenship ! ' " At the end of the letter, and not intended for publication, waa scrawled: "This is a bully scoop for you, boys, but it's pretty tough on me. Goor'-by. Simpkins." The managing editor dashed a tear from 107 A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S Ms eye when he read this to me, and gulped a little as he said : « I can't help it; he waa such a d d thoughtful boy. Why, he even remembered to inclose descriptions for the pictures!" Simpkins' last story covered the whole of the front page and three columns of the sec- ond, and it just naturally sold cords of papers. His editor demanded that the State Department take it up, though the Spau- iards denied the execution or any previous knowledge of any such person as this Seflor Simpkins. That made another page in the paper, of course, and then they got up a memorial service, which was good for three columns. One of those fellows that you can And in every olfice, who goes around and makes the boys give up their lunch money to buy flowers for the deceased aunt of the cellar boss' wife, managed to collect twenty dollars among our clerks, and they sent a floral notebook, with « Gone to Press," done 1 08 LETTERS TO HIS SON in blue irimortelles on the cover, as their " tribute ' I put on a plug hat and attended the service out of respect for his father. But I had hardly got back to the office before I received a wire from Jamaica, reading: " Cable your correspondent here let me have hundred. Notify father all hunk. Keep it dark from others. Simpkins." I kept it dark and Ezra came back to life by easy stages and in such a way as not to attract any special attei Jon to himself. He managed to get the impression around that 1 ■ been snatched from the jaws of death Oj ^ rescue party at the last moment. The last I heard of him he was in New York aiid drawing ten thousand a year, which was more than he could have worked up to in the leather business in a century. Fifty or a hundred years ago, when there was good money in poetry, a man with Simpkins' imagination would naturally 109 A MERCHANT'S LETTERS have been a bard, as I beUeve they used to call the top-notchers; and, -once he was turned loose to root for himself, he instinc- tively smelled out the business where he could use a litUe poetic license and made a hit in it When a pup has been born to point par- tridges there's no use trying to run a fox with him. I was a little uncertain about you at first, but I guess the Lord intended you to hunt with the pack. Get the scent in your nostrils and keep your nose to the ground, and don't worry too much about the end of the chase. The fun of the thing's in the run and not in the finish. Your affectionate father, John Obaham. no I No.9 I FROM John Grahim, at Hot Springs, Ar- kansas, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont has been investing more heavily in roses than his lather thinks his means warrant, and he tries to turn his thoughu to staple groceries. '=i} Iw IZ Hot Springs, January 30, 189— Dear Pierrepont: I knew right off that I had made a mistake when I opened the in- closed and saw that it was a bill for fifty- two dollars, « for roses sent, as per orders, to Miss Mabel Dashkam." I don't just place Miss Dashkam, but if she's the daughter of old Job Dashkam, on the open Board, I should say, on general principles, that she was a fine girt to let some other fellow marry. The la«t time I saw her, she in- ventoried about 110,000 as she stood— al- lowing that her diamonds would scratch glass— and that's more capital than any woman has a right to tie up on her back, I don't care how rich her father is. And Job's fortune is one of that brand which foots up to a million in the newspapers and leaves the heirs in debt to the lawyers who settle the estate. Of coarse I've never had any real ezperi- "3 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S ence In tWa .parking buainew, except with your Ma; but I've watched from the other Bide of the fence while a heap of fellows were getting it, and I should say that marry. Ing a woman like Mabel Dashkam would be the first step toward becoming a grass wid- ower. I'll bet if you'll tell her you're mak- ing twelve a week and ain't going to get any more till, you earn it, you'll find that you can't push within a mile of her even on a ' Soo icebreaker. She's one of those women with a heart like a stock-tlcker-it doesn't beat over anything except mon^. Of course you're in no position yet to think of being engaged even, and that's why I'm a little afraid that you may be planning to get married. But a twelve-dollar clerk, who owes flfty-two dollars for roses, needs a keeper more than a wife. I want to say right here that there always come a time to the fellow who blows flfty-two dollars at a lick on roses when he thinks how many staple groceries he could have bought with 114 LETTERS TO HIS SON the money. After all, there-B no fool like a young fool, because in the nature of thlngi he's got a long time to live. I suppose I'm fanning the aJr when I ask you to be guided by my judgment in this matter, because, while a young fellow will consult his father about buying a horse, he's cock-sure of himself when it comes to pick- ing a wife. Marriages may be made in Heaven, but most engagements are made in the ba«k parlor with the gas so low that a fellow doesn't really get a square look at what he's taking. While a man doesn't see much of a girl's family when he's courting, he's apt to see a good deal of it when he's housekeeping; and while he doesn't marry his wife's father, there's nothing in the mar- riage vow to prevent the old man from bor- rowing money of him, and you can bet if he's old Job Dashkam he'll do it A man can't pick his own mother, but he can pick • his son's mother, and when he chooses a father-in-law who plays the bucket shops, lis A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S he needn't be .nrpriwd If hi. own wn pl». the ra«e«, "^ Never marry a poor girl who'a been railed like a rich one. She-B simply traded the Tirtuea of the poor for the vlcea of the rich without going long on their good points. To marry for money or to marry without money 1. a crime. There's no real objection to marrying a woman with a fortune, but there is to manying a fortune with a woman. Money makes the mare go, and it makes her cut up, too, unless she's used to it and you drive her with a snaffle-bit. WUle yon are at it, there's nothing like picking out a good-looking wife, because even the handsomest woman looks homely sometimes, and so you get a little variety; but a homely one can only look worse than usual. Beauty is only skin deep, but that's deep enough to satisfy any reasonable man. (I want to say right here that to get any sense out of a proverb I usuaJly find that I have to turn it wrong side out) Then, too^ ii6 w ^nw4 LETTERS TO HIS SON If a fellow's bound to marry a fool, and a lot of men hare to If thej're going to hitch up into a well-matched team, there>« nothing like picking a good-looking one. I simply mention them things ic a grai- eral way, because it seems to me, from the gait at which you're starting off, that you'll likely find yourself roped and branded any day, without quite knowing how it hap- pened, and I want you to understand that the gir' who marries you for my money is getting a package of green goods in more ways than one. I think, though, if you really understood what marrying on twelve a week meant, you woul'i iave bought a bed- room set instead of roses with that "fifty-two you owa Speaking of marrying the old man's money by proiy naturally takes me back to my old t»wn in Missouri and the case of Chauncey Witherspoon Hoskins. Chaun- cey's father was the whole village, barring the railroad station and the saloon, and, of 117 A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S cou„eChanncey thought that he was some- wL' '"''"''"'''"• «°»»e^««.butnot jnst the '.md that Chauncey thought he waa. He 8t«od about flye foot three te his pumps, had a nice pinky complexion, pretty wavy hair, and a curly mustache. All he needed was a blue ribbon around his neck to make you call, « Here, FIdo," when he came into the room. Still I beliere he must have been pretty popular with the ladies, because I can't think of him to this day without waaUng to punch his head. At the church sociables he used to hop around among them, chipping and chirping like a dicky-bird picking up seed; and he wa« a great hand to play the piano, and sing saddish, sweetish songs to them. Always said the smooth thing aad aaid it easy. Never had to choke and swal- low to fetch it up. Never stepped through his partner's dress when he began to dance or got flustered when he brought her refresh- ments and poured the coffee in her lap to Ii8 LETTERS TO HIS SON cool instead of in the saucer. We boys who couldn't walk across the floor without feel- ing that our pants had hiked up till they showed our feet to the knees, and that we were carrying a couple of canvased bams where our bands ought to be, didn't like him; but the girls did. You can trust a woman's taste on everything cept men; and it's mighty lucky that she slips up th^re or we'd pretty nigh all be bachelors. I might add that you can't trust a man's taste on women, either, and that's pretty lucky, too, because there are a good many old maids in the world as it is. One time or another Chauncey lolled in the best room of every house in our town, and we used to wonder how he managed to browse up and down the streets that way without getting into the pound. I never found out till after I married your Ma, and she told me Chauncey's heart secrets. It really wasn't violating any confidence, be- cause he'd told them to every girl in town. 119 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S Seems he used to get terribly sad as soon as he was left alone with a girl and began to hint about a tragedy in his past— some- thing that had blighted his whole life and left him without the power to love again— and lots more slop from the same pail. Of course, every girl in that town had known Chauncey pince he wore short pants, and ought to have known that the nearest to a tragedy he had ever been was when he sat in the top gallery of a Chicago theatre and saw a lot of barnstormers play Othello. But some people, and especially very young peo- pie, don't think anything's worth believing unless it's hard to believa Chauncey worked along these lines until he was twenty-four, and then he made a mis- take. Most of the girls that he had grown up with had married oflf, and while he was waiting for a new lot to come along, he began tw shine up to the widow Sharpless, a powerful, well-preserved woman of forty or thereabouts, who had been bom with her 120 J£rTERS TO HIS SON eye-teeth cut. He found her uncommon sympathetic. And when Chauncey finally came out of hi. trance he was the stepfather of the widow's four children. She was very kind to Chaunceyf and treated him like one of her own sons; but she was very, very firm. There was no gal- livanting off alone, and when they went out m double harness strangers used to annoy him considerable bj patting hin. on the head and saying to his wife: "What a bright-looking chap your son is, Mrs. Hos- kins!" She was almost seventy when Chauncey buried her a while back, and they say that he began to take notice again on iie way home from the funeral. Anyway, he crowded his mourning into sixty days-«nd I reckon there was plenty of room in them to hold all his grief without stretching- and his courting into another sixty. And four months after date he presented his matrimonial papers for acceptance. Said III A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S he was tired of this mother-and-son foolish- ness, and wasn't going to leave any room for doubt this time. Didn't propose to have people sizing his wife up for one of his an- cestors any more. So he married Lulu Littlebrown, who was just turned eight- ftn. Chauncey was over fifty then, and wizened up like a late pippin that has been out over^ night in an early frost He toot Ln to Chicago for the honey- moon, and Mose Greenebaum, who happened to be going up to town for his fall goods, got into the parlor car with them. By and by the porter came around and stopped beside Chauncey. "Wouldn't your daughter like a pillow under her head? " says he. Chauncey just groaned. Then— "Git; you Senegambian son of darkness!" And the porter just naturally got MoBe had been taking it all in, and now he went back to the smoking-room and passed the word along to the drummers 122 LETTERS TO HIS SON there. Every little while one of them would lounge up the aisle to Chauncey and ask if he couldn't lend his daughter a magazine, or give her an orange, or bring her a drink And the language that he gave back in re- turn for these courtesies wasn't at all fitting in a bridegroom. Then Mose had another happy thought, and dropped off at a way station and wired the clerk at the Palmer House. When they got to the hotel the clerk was on the lookout for them, and Chauncey hadn't more than signed his name before he reached out over his diamond and said: " Ah, Mr. Hoskins; would you like to have your daughter near you? " I simply mention Chauncey in passing aa an example of the foolishness of thinking you can take any chances with a woman w^o has really decided that she wants to marry, or that you can average up matri- monial mistakes. And I want you to re- member that marrying the wrong girl is 123 A MERCHANT'S LETT ERS the one mistake that you've got to live with an your life. I think, though, that if you tell Mabel what your assetg are, she'll de- cide she won't be your particular mistaka Your affectionate father, John Gbaham. 124 No. 10 FROM John Graham, at the Union StocJc Yarda in Chicago, to his ion, Pierrepont, at the Commercial House, Jeffersonville, Indiana. Mr. Pierrepont has betn promoted to the position of traveling salesman for the hotue, and has started out on the road. "^^^ .t ."^ • Chicago, March 1, 189— Dear Pierrepont: When I saw you irtart off yesterday I was just a little uneasy; for yon looked so blamed important and chesty that I am inclined to think yon will tell the first customer who says he doesn't like OUT sausage that he knows what he can do about it Repartee makes reading lirely but business dull. And what the house' needs is more orders. Sausage is the one subject of all others that a fellow in the packing business ought to treat solemnly. Half the people in the world take a joke seriously from the start, and the other half if yon repeat it often enough. Only last week the head of our sausage department started to put out a tin-tag brand of frankfurts, but I made him take it off the market quicker than light- ning, because I knew that the first fool who Baw the tin-tag would ask if that was the 127 tin u\ A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S license. And, though people would grin a UtUe at flMt, they'd begin to look wrfous after a while; and whenerer the butcher tried to sell them our brand they'd imagine they heard the bark, and ask for « that real country sausage » at twice as much a pound. He laughs best who doesn't laugh at all when he's dealing with the public. It has been my experieiice that, eren when a man has a sense of humor, it only really carries him to the point where he will join in a laugh at the expense of the other fellow. There's nothing in the world sicker-looking than the grin of the man who's trying to join in heartily when the laugh's on him, and to pretend that he likes it Speaking of sausage with a registered pedigree calls to mind :. little experience that I had last year. A fellow came into the office here with a shriveled-up toy spaniel, one of those curly, hairy little fel- lows that a woman will kiss, and then grumble because a fellow's mustache tickles. 128 " Tou botid so Hamid important anil eitity when you star ted off." ■m-:^iwessik . -. Said he wanted to Bell him. I wasn't really d^po^ to add a dog to my troubles. bTo" IJeneral principles I asked hln. what " . wanted for the litUe cuss. " ^'"'* " The fellow hawed and choked and r^ h.J away a tear. Finally, he fetched out tl he loved the dog Hke a son, and that It bX haheart to think Of parting with hlm.rha afto he had named the price he was asking Zr^Z'T '*"* " ^"^ ""^ 'ecord-breaking! dogs; that It wasn't really money he wa* alr^w .* ^""^ ^'"^^ '°'- *»»« "tt'e ehap. Said that I had a rather pleasant face and he knew that he could trust me to t,«it i^'.'^'^r^'— gift-he wouiii: me hare him for five hundred "Cents?" says I. ' "Dollars." says he. without blinking says 1.°"^" *" ^ " """"'^ ^* "•** P''^^'" "H you thought more of quality," says 129 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S he, in a tone of sort of dignified reproof, "and 1688 of quantity, yonr brand would enjoy a better reputation." I was pretty hot, I can tell you, but I had laid myself open, so I just said: "The sausage business is too poor to warrant our paying any such price for light-weights. Bring around a bigger dog and then we'll talk;" but the 'fellow only shook his head sadly, whistled to Dandy, and walked off. I simply mention this rttle incident as an example of the fact that when a man cracks a joke in the Middle Ages he's apt to aflfect the sausage market in the Nineteenth Century, and to lay open an honest butcher to the jeers of every dog-stealer in the street There's such a Oiing as carrying a joke too far, and the fellow who keeps on pietending to believe that he's paying for pork and getting dog is pretty apt to get dog in the end. But all that aside, I want you to get it firmly fixed in yocr mind right at the start 13Q LETTERS TO HIS SON I that this trip is only an experiment, and that I am not at all snre you were cut out by the Lord to be a drummer. But you can flgnre on one thing-that you will never become the pride of the pond by starting out to cut figure eights before you are firm on your skates. A real salesman is one-part talk and nine- parts judgment; and he uses the nine-parte of judgment to tell when to use the one-part of talk. Goods ain't sold under Marquess of Queensberry rules any more, and you'll find that knowing how many rounds the Old 'Un can laat against the Boiler-Maker won't really help you to load up the junior partner with our Corn-fed brand hams. A good many salesmen have an idea that buyers are only interjsted in baseball, and funny stories, and Tom Lipton, and that business is a side line with them; but as a matter of fact mighty few men work up to the position of buyer through giving up their office hours to Ustening to anecdotes. I »3i A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S nerer saw one that liked a dnunmer'B jokes more thaa an eighth of a cent a pound on a tieree of lard. What the house really sends you out for is orders. Of course, you want to be nice and mel- low with the trade, but always remember that mellowness carried too far becomes rottenness. You can buy some fellows with a cheap cigar pd some with a cheap com- pliment, and there's no objection to giving a man what he likes, though I nerer knew smoking to do anything good except a ham, or flattery to help any one except to make a fool of himself. Real buyers ain't interested in much be- sides your goods and your prices. Never run down your competitor's brand to thm, and never let them run down yours. Don't get on your knees for business, but don't hold your nose so high in the air that an order can tratel under it without your see- ing it You'll meet a good many people on 132 t>i«'X■"t'2afita^■ LETTERS TO HIS SOM the road that yon won't like, bnt the hon«e needs their bnsiness. Some fellows will tell yon that we play the hose on onr dry salt meat before we ship t, and that it shrinks in transit like a Bax ter St^t Jew's all-wool snits in a ra^n Btom; that they wonder how we mana^t" P-k solid grisue in two-pound eans^tl ttatrTV""'"''^*''^^"«*«"'-<^ ttat the last car of lard was so strong that ,t came back of its own accord from ^ery retailer they shipped it f«. The first fellow mil be lying, and the second will be exaggerating, and the third may be telling thetmth. With him yon mnst settle on the spot; bnt always remember that a man who 8 making a claim ne^er nnderestimateB ^B case, a^d that you ca. generally compr,. -^f^sometMng less than the first figure. With the second you must sympathize, and say that the matter will be reports tThead- quarters and the boss of the canning-room A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S called up on the carpet and made to promise that it will never happen again. With the first you needn't bother. There's no use feeding expensive "hen-food" to an old Dominick that suets ^gs. The chances are that the car weighed out more than it was billed, and that the fellow played the hose on it himself and added a thousand pounds of cheap salt before he jobbed it out to his trada Where you're going to sUp up at first is in knowing which is which, but if you don't learn pretty quick you'll not travel very far for the house. For your own satisfaction I will say right here that you may know you are in a fair way of becoming a good drum- mer by three things: First— When you send ua Orders. Second— More Orders. Third— Big Orders. If you do this you won't have a great deal of time to write long letters, and we won't have a great deal of time to read them, for »34 ^wmm: 9m^^. LETTERS TO HIS SON we will be Teiy, very busy here maJcing and shipping the goods. We aren't specially in- terested in orders that the other fellow gets. or in knowing how it happened after it ha* happened. " yon like life on the road you your address every day and yonr orders. They Will tell ns all that we want to knX about "the situation." I wa« cured of sending information t« the on the first trip which I made on the road! I was traveling out of Chicago for Hammer & Hawkins, wholesale dry-goods, gents' fur- nishingH and notions. They started me out to round up trade in the river towns down is-gypt ways, near Cairo. I hadn't more than made my first town and siz^ „p the population before I began to fe«l happy, because I saw that business ought to be very good there. It appeared as If everybody in that town needed something in my line. The clerk of the hotel where I A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S registered wore a dicky and his cuffs were tied to his neck by pieces of string run up his sleeves, aad most of the merchants on Mala Street were In their shlrt^sleeve^-at least those that had shirts were-and so far as I could judge there wasn't a whole pair of galluses among them. Some were using wire, some a little rope, and others just faith -buckled extra tight Pride of the Prairie XXX flour sacks seemed to be the nobby thing in boys' suitings there. Take it by and large, if ever there was a towa which looked as if it had a big, short line of dry-goods, gents' furnishings and notions to cover, It was that one. But when I caught the proprietor of the general store during a lull in the demand for navy plug, he wouldn't even look at my samples, and when I began to hint that the people were pretty omeiy dressers he reck- oned that he "would paste me one if I wam't so young." Wanted to know what I meant by coming swelling around in song- 136 expense of people who made their livin, honesu,. Allowed that whe. it can^e ^ J-o^us get „pm. Clothes were the o^; mat end-man's gag. I noticed on the way back to the hotel that every fellow holding „p a hitching^s was lauehinff nnH t >, """sposi down thes^r^t for th T "" '"' "^ "^^ srrcet for the joke, not nndersfanrt -« at fl.t that the reason Why /« ^ *» learn that, while the Prince of U'^ZZ''^"^ "" '""^^ "••"« ^'^ hate, n s safer when you're out of his sphere of -flnence to follow the styles that the hot^ ^erk sete; that the place to sell clothes^ >n the cxty, Where every one seems to have Plenty of them; a.d that the place to Z mess pork is in the county, Where evezy one keeps hogs. That is why when a fellow comes to me for advice about moving to a new country, where there are more oppor- tunities, I advise him-if he is built right 137 A MERCHANT'S LETTERS —to go to an old city where there is more money. I wrote in to the honae p -- 7 often on that trip, explaining how it ,v , going over the whole situation very cai 'uUy, and tell- ing what our competitors were doing, wher- ever I could And that they were doing any- thing. I I gave old Hammer credit for more curi- osity than he possessed, because when I reached Cairo I found a telegram from him reading: "Know what our competitors are doing: they are getting all the trade. But what are you doing? " I saw then that the time for explaining was gone and that the moment for resigning had arrived; so I just naturally sent in my resignation. That is what we will expect from you— or orders. Your affectionate father, John Ghabam. 138 jA.^hJI FROM John Graham. :*■ the Union Stock Vardi in Chicago, to hii ion. Pierrepont, at The Planters' Palace Hotel, at Big Gap, Ken- tuclcjr. Mr. Pierreponf. orders are small and his expenses are large, so his father feels pessimistic over his fVr^ !l ! ZI Ohicaoo, April 10, 189— JlT ^,!^'^*' You ought to be feeling Eighty thankful to-day to the fellow yZ nvent«l fractions, because while your se« ing cost for last .onth was Within the ilt tTn^^K^* """'"• ^--'e In the posi- tion of the boy who was chased by the buU- open to congratulations because he reached 'ellow up a tree. In the middle of a forty- J^ 10, With a disappointed bull for I Pany, is m a mighty bad fix. I don't want to bear down hard on you nght at the beginning Of your life on ^he road, but I would feel a good deal ha^p L over your showing if y„„ ^„,,^ ^^f ^ ^ownright failure or a clean-cut sutes^ once ,n a while, instead of always ZJ B^-nt,,„„^h this way. It looks'^.T a- tf you were trying only half as hard as 141 iy\ MldOCOPY nSOWTION TBT CHmKT (ANSI end ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 Itt L£ 12.2 ■luu lisl JALi ^ /APPLIED IIVMLdb Inc j^^ 1653 East Main Street ^^^ RochMlar. Naw York 14609 USA -^="-^ (716) *e2 - 0300 - Phon« Jggyi^B (716) 2Se - 5989 - Fa» A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S you could, and in trying it's tlie Becond half tliat brings results. If tliere's one piece of knowledge that is of less use to a fellow than knowing when he's beat, it's knowing (.hen he's done just enough work to keep from being fired. Of course, you are bright enough to be a half-way man, and to hold a half-way placet on a half-way salary by doing half the work you are capable of, but you've got to add dynamite and ginger and jounce to your equipment if you want to get the other half that's coming to you. You've got to believe that the Lord made the first hog with the Graham brand burned in the skin, and that the drove which rushed down a steep place was packed by a competitor. You've got to know your goods from A to Izzard, from snout to tail, on the hoof and in the can. You've got to know 'em like a young mother knows baby talk, and to be as proud of 'em as the young father of a twelve-pound boy, without really thinking that you're stretching it four pounds. 142 LETTERS TO HIS SON You've got to believe in yourself and make your buyers take stock in you at par and accrued interest. You've got to have the scent of a bloodhound for an order, and the grip of a bulldog on a customer. You've got to feel the same personal solicitude over a bill of goods that strays ofiP to a competitor as a parson over a backslider, and hold special services to brin^ it back into the fold. You've got to get p every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. You've got to eat hog, think hog, dream hog-in short, go the whole hog if you're going to win out in the pork-packing business. That's a pretty liberal receipt, I know, but it's intended for a fellow who wants to make a good-sized pie. And the only thing you ever find in pastry that yon don't put in yourself is flies. You have had a wide-open chance during the last few months to pick up a good deal about the practical end of the business, and H3 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S between trips now you ought to spend every spare minute in the packing-house getting posted. Nothing earns better interest than judicious questions, and the man who in- vests in more knowledge of the business than he has to have in order to hold his job has capital with which to buy a mort- gage on a bettei? one. I may be mistaken, but I am just a little afraid that you really did not get beyond a bowing acquaintance with Mr. Porker when you were here at the packinghouse. Of course, there isn't anything particularly pretty about a hog, but any animal which has its kindly disposition and benevolent inclination to yield up a handsome margin of profit to those who get close to it, is worthy of a good deal of respect and atten- tion. I ain't one of those who believe that a half knowledge of a subject is useless, but it has been my experience that when a fellow has that half knowledge he finals it's the 144 LETTERS TO HIS SON oth^ half which would really come in h^dy. So, .,hen a man's in the selling end of th. business what he really needs to know IS the manufacturing end; and when he 8 in the factory he can't know too much about the trade. You're just about due now to run into a smart Aleck buyer who'll show you a sample of lard which he'll say was made by a com- petitor, and ask what you think the grand jury ought to do to a house which had the nerve to label it « leaf." Of couree, you will nose around it and look wise and say that, while you hesitate to criticize,you are afraid It would smell like a hot-box on a freight If any one tried to fry doughnuts in it. That ,s the place where the buyer will call for Jack and Charlie to get in on the laugh, and when he has wiped away the tears he will f«ll yon that it is your own lard, and prove it to you. Of course, there won't be anything reaJly the matter with it, and if yon had been properly posted you would H5 A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S ' have looked snrprised when he showed it to you and have said : "I don't quite diagnose the case your way, Mr. Smith ; that's a blamed sight better lard than I thougLt Muggins & Co. were making." And you'd have driven a spike right through that fellow's litUe joko and have nailed dowii his order hard and tight with the same blow. What you know is a club for yourself, and what you don't know is a meatax for the other fellow. That is why you want to be on the lookout all the time for informar Uon about the business, and to nail a fact just as a sensible man nails a mosquito— the first time it settles near him. Of course, a fellow may get another chance, but the odds are that if he misses the first opening he will lose a good deal of blood before he gets the second. Speaking of finishing up a subject as yon go along naturally calls to mind the case of Josh Jenkinson, back in my home town. 146 ^.^ mwIZ^?"^-""" '""'''' '" " "'tie feed "' """y "ved "I was tobacco." i ii. t— . if^-'^Z 'Wm^ LETTERS TO HIS SON As I first remember Josh, he was just bone and by-products. Wasn't an ounce of real meat on him. m fact, he was so blamed thin that when he bought an outfit of clothes lus wife used to make them over into two smts for him. Josh would eat a little food now and then, just to be sociable, but what he really lived on was tobacco. Usually kept a chew in one cheek and a cob pipe in the other. He was a powerful hand for a joke and had one of those porous heads and movable scalps which go with a sense of humor in a smaJl village. Used to scare n« boys by drawing in on his pipe and letting the smoke sort of leak out through his eyes and ears and nose. Pretended that he was the dcTil and that he was on fire inside. Old Doc Hoover caught him at it once and told ns that he wasn't, but allowed that he was a blood relation. Elder Hoover was a Methodist off the tip of the sirloin. There weren't any evasions or generalities or metaphors in his religion. H7 The lower layers of the hereafter weren't Hades or Gehenna with him, but just plain Hell and mighty hot, too, you bet His creed was built of sheet iron and bolted to- «e her with inch rivets. He kept the Are going under the boiler night and day, and he was so blam,ed busy stoking it that ho didn't hare much time to map out the golden streets. When he blew off it was super- heated steam and you could see the sinners who were in range fairly sizzle and parboil and shrivel up. There was no give in Doc; no compromises with creditors; no fire saloi. He wasn't one of those elders who would let a fellow dance the lancers if he'd swear off on waltzing; or tell him it wa« all right to play whist in the parlor if he'd give up penny-ante at the Dutchman's; or wink at his smoking if he'd quit whisky. Josh knew this, so he kept away from the camp-meeting, though the Elder gunned for him pretty steady for a matter of five years. But one summer when the meetinga 148 _ LETTERS TO HIS SON were extra interesting, it g„t «. l.nesome sitting around with the whole town off in the woodB that Josh sneaked out to th« edge of the camp and hid behind soiuo butuea where he could hear what was goi.g on. The elder was carrying about two hundred and fifty pounds, by the gauge, that day, and with that pressure he naturally trayeli Into the slnnere pretty fast The first thing Josh knew he was out from under coyer and P hallelujahing down between the seats to the mourners' bench. When the elder saw what was coming he turned on the forced draft. Inside of ten minutes he had Josh under conviction and had taken his pipe and away from him. I am just a little inclined to think that Josh would have backslid if he hadn't been a practical joker, and a critter of that breed IS about as afraid of a laugh on himself as a raw colt of a steam roller. So he stuck it out, and began to take an interest in meal time. Kicked because it didn't come eight 149 A SELF-MADE MERCHANTS or ten times a day. The flm thing he knew he had fatted up till he filled out hia half •nit and had to put It away in camphor Then he bonght a whole guit, living-nkeleton 'r- ^''**«^«ek8 he had strained a shonl. fler Beam and looked a» if he waa wearing tighta. So ho retired It from circulation and moved up iaize. That one waa a lltUe loose and it took him a good month to crowd it. kept right on bulging out, building on u, addition here and putting out a bay window there all the time retiring new suits, until Us wife had fourteen of them laid away In the chest Said it didn't worry him; that he waa bound to lose flesh sooner op later. That he would catch them on the way down, and wear them out one at a time. Bui, when he got up to three hundred and fifty pounds he just stuck. Tried exercise and dieting and foreign waters, but he couldn't budge 150 _ LETTERS TO HTS SON «n ounce. I„ the end he had to give the clothes to the Widow Doolan. who had fd wen song in aworted sizeB. I .Imply mention Josh in pa«ing ac an example of the /act that a fellow cun't bank on getting a chance to go back and take np a thing that he has passed over once, anJ to caJl yonr attention to the fact that a man who knows his own business thoroughly will And an opportunity sooner or later of reach- lug the most hardened cuss of a buyer on his route and of getting a share of his. I want to caution you right here against learning all there is to know about pork- packing too quick. Business is a good deal like a nigger's wool-it doesn't look very deep, but there are a heap of kinks and curves in it When I was a boy and the fellow in pink tights came into the ring, I used to think he was doing all that could be reasonably expected when he kept eight or ten glass balls going in the air at once. But the A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S beautiful lady in the blue tights would keep right on handing him thing»-kero«ene lamps and carving knives and miscellaneous cutlery and crockery, and he would get them going, too, without losing his happy smile. The great tiouble with most young feUows 18 that they think they have learned all they need to know and have given the audience Its money's worth when they can keep the glass balls going, and so they balk at tue kerosene lamps and the rest of the imple- ments of light housekeeping. But there's no real limit to the amount of ertras a fel- low with the right stuff in him will taie on without losing his grin. I want to see you come up smiling; I want t» feel yon in the business, not only on pay day but every other day! I want to know that you are running yourself full time and overtime, stocking up your brain so that when the demand comes you will have the goods to offer. So far, you pmmise to make a fair to ordinary salesman among IJ2 LETTERS TO HI S^OM our retail trade. I want to see you grow >nto a car-lot man-so strong and big^at you will force us to see thnf ^ of place among the little fellows. Buck up! Your affectionate father, John Gbaham. '53 IE No. 12 FROM John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at Little Uelmonico's, Prairie Centre, Indiana. Mr. Pierrepont has annoyed his father by accepting his criticisms in a spirit of gentle, but most repre- hensible, resignation. XII Chicago, April IB, 189— Dear Pierrepont: Don't ever write me an- other of those sad, sweet, gentle snfiferer letters. It's only natural thut a colt should kick a trifle when he's first hitched np to the break wagon, and I'm always a little sus- picious of a critter that stands too quiet under the whip. I know it's not meekness, but meanness, that I've got to fight, and It's hard to tell which is the worst The only animal which the Bible calls patient is an ass, and that's both good doc- trine and good natural history. For I had to make considerable -f a study of the Mis- souri mule when I was a boy, and I discov- ered that he's not really patient, but that he only pretends to be. You can cuss him out till you've nothing but holy thoughts left in you to draw on, and you can lay the rawhide on him till he's striped like a circus zebra, and if you're cautious ^57 all the t,me that mule Will be getting meaner T """^'^ "'''^'' ''^^'-S compound Tss- fZ "'"^ "'''•*^ '''^^«' -d praetiZ drop kicks in his stall after dark * But my observation has taught me that the ';2h «' ^- - the front half, and shmd-sideflrst I suppose that you could trao. one to travel that way, but it reall. doesn't seem worth while when good road'- sters are so cheap. That's the way I feel about these young fellows who la.y along trying to turn in at 7? gate where there seems t» be a little shade, and sulking and balking whenever yonsay«git.ap»tothem. They are the men who are always howling that Bill Bmith was promoted because he had a pull and that they are being held down becaus^ 158 LETTERS TO HIS SON the manager is jealous of them. I've seen a good many pulls in my time, but I never saw one strong enough to lift a man any higher than he could raise himself by his boot straps, or long enough to reach through the cashier's window for more money than its owner earned. When a fellow brags that he has a pull, he's a liar or his employer's a fool. And when a fellow whines that he's being held down, the truth is, as a general thing, that his boss can't hold him up. He just picks a nice, soft spot, stretches out flat on his back, and yells that some heartless brute has knocked him down and is sitting on his chest. A good man is as full of bounce as a cat with a small boy and a bull terrier after him. When he's thrown to the dog from the second-story window, he fixes while he's sailing through the air to land right, and when the dog jumps for the spot where he hits, he isn't there, but in the top of the ^59 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S tree acro88 the street. He's a good deal IfSe the little red-headed cuss that we saw In the football game you took me to. Every time the herd stampeded it would start in to trample and paw and gore him. One minute the whole bunch would be on top of him and th^ next he would be loping off down the range, spitting out hair and pieces of canvas jacket, or standing on one side as cool as a hog on ice, watching the mess un- snarl and the removal of the cripples. I didn't understand football, but I under- stood that little sawed-ofif. He knew his business. And when a fellow knows his business, he doesn't have to explain to peo- ple that he does. It isn't what a man knows, but what he thinks he knows that he brags about Big talk means little knowledge. There's a vast diflP^rence between having a carload of miscellaneous facts sloshing around loose in your head' and getting all mixed up in transit, and carrying the same assortment properly boxed aad crated for i6o WL LETTERS TO HIS SON convenient handling and immediate de- livery. A Iiam never weighs ho much as when it's half cured. When it has soaked in all the picl^le that it can, it has to sweat out most of it in the smoke-house before it is any real good; and when you've soaked up all the information you can hold, you will have to forget half of it before you will be of any real use to the house. If there's anything worse than knowing too little, it's knowing too much. Education will broaden a narrow mind, but there's no known cure for a big head. The best you can hope is that it will swell up and bust; and then, of course, there's nothing left Poverty never spoils a good man, but prosperity often does. It's easy to stand hard times, because that's the only thing you can do, but in good times the fool-killer has to do night work. I simply mention these things in a general way. A. good many of them don't apply to you, no doubt, but it won't do any harm to maJce sure. Most men get cross-eyed i6i A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S when thej come to size themselres up, and ■ee an angel instead of what they're trying to look at There'8 nothing that tells the truth to a woman like a mirror, or that lies harder to a man. What I am sure of is that you have got the Bulks too q\iiek. If you knew all that you'll have to learn before you'll be a big, broad-gauged merchant, you might have something to be sulky about When you've posted yourself properly about the business you'll have taken a step in the right direction— you will be able to get your buyer's attention. All the other steps are those which lead you into his con- fldenca Eight here you will discover that you are in the fix of the young fellow who married his best girl and took her home to live with his mother. He found that the only way in which be could make one happy was by making the other mad, and that when he tried to make them both happy he only suc- 162 LETTERS TO HIS SON ceeded in mailng them both mad. Naturally, In the end, hia wife divorced him and his mother disinherited him, and left her mon^ to an orphan asylum, because, as she sen- Bibly observed in the codicil, "orphans can not be ungrateful to their parents." But if the man had had a little tact he would have kept them In separate houses, and have let each one think that she was getting a trifle the best of it, without really giving it to either. Tact is the knack of keeping quiet at the right time; of being so agreeable yourself that no one can be disagreeable to you; of making inferiority feel like equality. A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung. Some men deal in facts, and call Bill Jones a liar. They get knocked down. Some men deal in subterfuges, and say that Bill Jones' father was a kettle-rendered liar, and that his mother's mait-n name was Sapphira, and that any one who beUevee in 163 niv^ A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S the Darwinian theory should pity rather than blame their son. Thej get diiliked. Bat your tactful man says that gince Baron Munchausen no one has been so chuck full of bully reminiscenctw as Bill Jones; and when that comes back to Bill he is half tickled to deaths because he doesn't know that the higher criticism has hurl the Baron's reputation. That man gets the trade. There are two kinds of information : one to which everybody's entitled, and that is taught at school; and one which nobody ought t» know except yourself, and that Is what you think of Bill Jones. Of course^ where you feel a man is not square you will be armed to meet him, but never on his own ground. Make Mm be honest with you if you can, but don't let him make you dis- honest with him. When yon make a mistake, don't make the second one — ^keeping It to yourself. Own up. The time to sort out rotten eggs 164 1^ LETTERS TO HIS SON ta at the neat The deeper you hide them in the caae the longer they stay In circulation, and the worse imprearion they maJke when they finally come to the breakfaat-table. A mistake sprouts a lie when you coyer It up. And one lie breeds enough distrust to choke out the prettiest crop of confidence that a fellow ever cultivated. Of course, it's easy to have the confidence of the house, or the confidence of the buyer, but you've got to have both. The house pays you your salary, and the buyer helps you earn it. If you skin the buyer you will lose your trade; and if you play tag with the house you will lose your job. You've simply got to walk the fence straight, for if you step to either side you'll find a good deal of air under you. Even after you are able to command the attention and the confidence of your buyers, you've got to be up and dressed all day to hold what trade is yours, and twisting and turning all night to wriggle into some of 165 .IT" '.%^. ■f I ' A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S the other fellow's. When business is good, that is the time to force it, because it will come eaay; and when it is bad, that is the time to force it, too, because we will need the orders. Speaking of making trade naturally calls to my mind my old acquaintance, Herr Doctor Paracelsus Von Munsterberg, who, when I was a boy, came to our town " fresh from his healing triumphs at the Courts of Europe," as his handb'lls ran, « not to make money, but to confer on suffering mankind the priceless boon of health; to make the sick well, and the well better." Munsterberg wasn't one of your common, coarse, county-fair barkers. He was a pretty high-toned article. Had nice, curly black hair and didn't spare the bear's grease. Wore a silk hat and a Prince Albert coat all the time, except when he was orating, and then he shed the coat to get freer action with his arms. And when he talked he used the whole language, you bet i66 ?!S^'«®^ " Herr Doctor Par act bus ^on Mun- itirtergwas a prettj high-toned article." LETTERS TO HIS SON Of course, the Priceless Boon waa put up in bottles, labeled Munsterberg's Miraculous Medical Discovery, and, sim y to introduce it, he was willing to sell the small size at fifty cents and the large one at a dollar. In addition to being a philanthropist the Doc- tor was quite a hand at card tricks, played the banjo, sung coon songs and imitated a saw going through a board very creditably. All these accomplishments, and the story of how he cured the Emperor of Austria's sister with a single bottle, drew a crowd, but they didn't sell a drop of the Discovery. Nobody in town was really sick, and those who thought they were had stocked up the week before with Quackenboss' Quick Qui- nine Kure from a fellow that made just as liberal promises as Munsterberg and sold the large size at fifty cents, including a handsome reprodi'ction of an old master for the parlor. Some fellows would just have cussed a little and have moved on to the next town, 167 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S but Munstepberg made a beautiful speech, praising the climate, and saying that in his humble capacity he had been privileged to meet the strength and beauty of many Courts, but never had he been in any place where strength was stronger or beauty beau- tifuller than rigl^t here in Hoskins' Comers. He prayed with all his heart, though it y^Ba almost too much to hope, that the chol- era, which was raging in Kentucky, would pass this Eden by; that the yellow fever, Ti'hich waa devastating Tennessee, would halt abashed before this stronghold of health, though he felt bound to add that it was a peculiarly malignant and persistent disease; that the smallpox, which was creep- ing southward from Canada, would smite the next town instead of onrs, though he must own that it was no respecter of per- sons; that the diphtheria and scarlet-fever, which were sweeping over New England and crowding the graveyards, could be kept from crossing the Hudson, though they were i68 :^IIP LETTERS TO HIS SON great travelers and it was well to be pre- pared for the worst; that we one and all might providentially escape chills, head- aches, coated tongue, pains in the back, loss of sleep and .'••it tir&l feeling, but it was almost too much to ask, even of such a gen- erous climate. In any -vent, he begged us to beware of worthless nostrums and base imitations. It made him sad to think that to-day we were here and that to-morrow we were running up an undertaker's bill, all for the lack of a small bottle of Medicine's greatest gift to Man. I could see that this speech made a lot of women in the crowd powerful uneasy, and I heard the Widow Judkins say that she was afraid it was going to be " a mighty sickly winter," and she didn't know as it would do any harm to have some of that stuff in the house. But the Doctor didn't offer the Priceless Boon for sale again. He went right from his speech into an imitation of a dog, with a dn can tied to Ms tail, running 169 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S down Main Street and crawling under Si Hooper's store at the far end of it— an imi- tation, he told us, to which the Sultan was powerful partial, " him being a cruel man and delighting in torturing the poor dumb beasts which the Lord has given us to love, honor and cherish." He kept this sojrt of thing up till he judged it waa our bedtime, and then he thanked us " one and all for our kind attention," and said that as his mission in life was to amuse as well as to heal, he would stay over till the next afternoon and give a special matinee for the litUe ones, whom he loved for the sake of his own golden-haired Willie, back there over the Rhine. Naturally, all the women and children turned out the next afternoon, though the men had to be at work in the fields and the stores, and the Doctor just made us roar for half an hour. Then, while he was singing an uncommon funny song, Mrs. Brown's Johnny let out a howl. 170 LETTERS TO HIS SON The Doctor stopped short. « Bring the poor little sufferer here, Madam, and let me see if I can soothe his agony," says he. Mrs. Brown was a good deal embarrassed and more scared, but she pushed Johnny, yelling all the time, up to the Doctor, who began tapping him on the back and looking down his throat. Naturally, this made Johnny cry all the harder, and his mother was beginning to explain that she « reckoned she must hare stepped on his sore toe," when the Doctor struck his forehead, cried "Eureka."', whipped out a bottle of the Priceless Boon, and forced a spoonful of it into Johnny's mouth. Then he gave the boy three slaps on the back and three taps on the stomach, ran one hand along his wind- pipe, and took a small button-hook out of his mouth with the other. Johnny made all his previous attempts at yelling sound like an imitation when he saw this, and he broke away and ran toward home. Then the Doctor stuck one hand in 171 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S over the top of his vest, waved the button- hook in the other, and cried : " Woman, your child is cured ! Your button-hook is found ! " Then he went on to explain that when baby swallowed safety-pins, or pennies, or fish-bones, or button-hooks, or any little household articles, that all you had to do waa to give it a' spoonful of the Priceless Boon, tap it gently fore and aft, hold your hand under its mouth, and the little article would drop out like chocolate from a slot machine. Every one was talking at once, now, and nobody had any time for Mrs. Brown, who was trying to say something. Finally she got mad and followed Johnny home. Half an hour later the Doctor drove out of the Corners, leaving his stock of the Priceless Boon distributed— for the usual considera- tion—among all the mothers in town. It was not until the next day that Mrs. Brown got a chance to explain that while the Boon might be aJl that the Doctor 172 LETTERS TO HIS SON claimed tor it, no one in her house had ever owned a batton-hook, becauBe hep old man wore jack-boote and she wore congress shoes, and htOe Johnny wore just plain feet. I simply mention the Doctor in passing, not ai> an example in morals, but in methoda Some salesmen think that selling is like eating-to satisfy an existing appetite; but a good salesman is like a good cook— he can create an appetite when the buyer isn't hungry. I don't car-j bow good old methods are, new ones are better, even if they're only just as good. That's not so Irish as it Bounds. Doing the same thing in the same way year after year is like eating a quail a day for thirty days. Along to.,ard the middle of the month a fellow begins to long for a broiled crow or a slice of cold dog. Your affectionate father, John Gs/lham. '73 No, 13 I FROM John Gr«h«ni, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, care oi The Hoosier Gro- cery Co., Indianapolis, In- diana. Mr. Pierrcpont's orders have been looking np, so the old man gives him a pat on the hack- but not too hard a one. XIII Chicago, May 10, 189— Dear Pierrepont: That order for a car- load of Spotless Snow Leaf from old Shorter is the kind of back talk I like. We can stand a little more of the same sort of sass- ing. I hare told the cashier that you will draw thirty a week after this, and I want you to have a nice s-it of clothes made and Sfeuii the bill to the old man. Gel something that won't keep people guessing whether you follow the horses or do buck and wing dancing for a living. Your taste in clothes seems to be lasting longer than the rest of your c.:'°ge education. You looked like a young widow who had raised the second crop of daisies over the deceased when you were in here last week. Of course, clothes don't make the man, but they make all of him except his hands and face during business hours, and that's a pretty considerable area of the human ani- 177 m:m i-:tfe» A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S uw mal. A dirty shirt may hide a pure heart, but it seldom covers a clean skin. If you look aB if you had slept in your clothes, most men will jump to the conclusion that you have, and you will never get to know them well enough to explain that your head is so full of noble thoughts that you haven't time io bother with the dandrufif on your shoul- ders. And if you wear blu3 and white striped pants aad a red necktie, you will find it difficult to get close enough to a dea- con to be invited to say grace at his table, even' if you never play for anything except eoflfee or beans. Appearances are deceitful, I know, but so long as they are, there's nothing like having them deceive for us instead of against us. I've seen a ten-cent shave and a five-cent shine get a thousand-dollar job, and a cigar- ette and a pint of champagne knock the bot- tom out of a million-dollar pork comer. Four or five years ago Mttle Jim Jaclson had the bears in the provision pit hibemat- 178 LETTExlS TO HIS SON ing and living on their own fat till one morning, the day after he had run the price of mess pork up to twenty dollars and nailed it there, some one saw him drinking a small bottle just before he went on 'Change, and told it round among the brokers on the floor. The bears thought Jim must have had bad news, to be bracing up at that time in the morning, so they perked up and ever- lastingly sold the mess pork market down through the bottom of tie pit to solid earth. There wasn't even a grease spot left of that comer when they got through. As it hap- pened, Jim hadn't had any bad news; he just took the drink because he felt pretty good, and things were coming his way. But it isn't enough to be all right in this world; you've got to look all right as well, because two-thirds of success is making peo- ple think you are all right So you have to be governed by general rules, even though yon may be an exception. People have seen /our and four make eight, and the young 179 Wm^M. A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S '.'^ "^■^M I man and the small bottle make a damned fool so often that they are hard to convince that the combination can work out any other way. The Lord onf/ allows so much fun for every man that He makes. Some get it going fishing meat of the time and making money the rest; some get it making money most of the time and going fishing the rest. You can take your choice, but the two lines of business don't gee. The more money, the less fish. The farther you go, the utraighter you've got to walk. I used to get a heap of solid comfort out of chewing tobacco. Picked up the habit in Missouri, and took to it like a Yankee to pie. At that time pretty much every one in those parts chewad, except the Elder and the women, and most of them snuffed. Seemed a ; 'ce, sociable habit, and I never thought anything special about it till I came North and your Ma began to tell me it was a vile relic of barbarism, meaning Missouri, I suppose. Then I confined opera- i8o LETTERS TO HIS SON tions to my office and took to fine cut in- stead of plug, as being tonier. Well, one day, about ten years ago, when I was walking through the office, I noticed one of the boys on the mailing-desk, a mighty likely-looking youngster, sort of working his jaws as he wrote. I didn't stop to think, but somehow I was mad in a min- ute. Still, I didn't say a word— just stood and looked at him while he speeded up the way the boys will when they think the old man is nosing around to see whose salary he can raise next I stood over him for a matte..- of five min- utes, and all the time he was pretending not to see me at all. I will bay that he was a pretty game boy, for he never weak- ened for a second. But at last, seeing he was about to choke to death, I said, sharp and sudden—" Spit" Well, sir, I thought it was a cloudburst You can bet I was pretty hot, and I started in to curl up that young fellow to a crisp. i8i <*ff A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S %.-m I But before I got out a word, something hit me all of a sudden, and I just went up to the boy and put my hand on his shoulder and said, " Let's swear off, son." Naturally, he swore off— he was so blamed scared that he would have quit breathing if I had asked him to, I reckon. And I had to take my stoc^ of fine cut and send it to the heathen. I simply mention this little incident in passing as an example of the fact that a man can't do what he pleases in this world, because the higher he climbs the plainer people can see him. Naturally, as the old man's son, you have a lot of fellows watch- ing you and betting that you are no good. If you succeed they will say it was an acci- dent; and if you fail they will say it was a cinch. There are two unpardonable sins in this world- -success and failure. Those who succeed can't forgive a fellow for bdng a failure, and those who fail can't forgive him 182 LETTERS TO HIS SON for being a succesa If you do succeed, though, you will be too busy to bother very much about what the failures think. I dwell a little on this matter ol' appear- ances because so few men are reaily think- ing animals. Where one fellow reads a stranger's character in his face, a hundred read it in his get-up. We have shown a dozen breeds of dukes and droves of college presidents and doctors of divinity through the packing-house, and the workmen never noticed them except to throw livers at them when they got in their way. But when John L. Sullivan went through the stock yards it just simply shut down the plant. The men quit the benches with a yell and lined up to cheer him. You see, John looked his job, and you didn't have to explain to the men that he was the real thing in prize- fighters. Of course, when a fellow gets to the point where he is something in particu- lar, he doesn't have to care because he doesn't look like anything special ; but while 183 'J^M^' 'Li.^^.fTl^BmmiP A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S a young fellow isn't anything in particular, it is a mighty valuable asset if he looks like something special. Just here I want to say that while it's all right for the other fellow to be influenced by appearances, it's all wrong for you to go on them. Back up good looks by good character yoursea, and make sure that the other fellow does the same. A suspicious man makes trouble for himself, but a cautious one saves it. Because there ain't any rotten apples in the top layer, it ain't always safe to bet that the whole ba-rel is sound. A man. doesn't snap up a horse just be- cause he looks all right As a usual thing that only makes him wonder what really is the matter that tie other fellow wants to sell. So he leads the nag out into the middle of a ten-acre lot, where the light will strike him good and strong, and examines every hair of his hide, as if he expected to find it near-seal, or some other base imitar 184 ^^■':°^h •• Wben John L. Sullivan went through the stock yards, it iust simply shut Joan the plant." m^iOMSfmt, ^M::^^^'m^mi^^ LETTERS TO HIS SON tion; and he squints under each hoof tor the gread hailing sign of distress; tnd ho peeks down his throat for dark secrets. If the horse passes this degree the buyer drives him twenty or thirty miles, expecting him to turn out a roarer, or to find that he balks, or shies, or goes lame, or develops some other horse nonsense. If after all that there are no bad symptoms, he offers fifty less than the price asked, on general principles, and for fear he has missed something. Take men and horses, by and large, and they run pretty much the same. There's nothing like trying a man in harness a while before you bind yourself to travel very far with him. I remember giving a nice-looking, clean- shaven fellow a job on the billing-desk, just on his looks, but he turned out such a poor hand at figures that I had to fire him at the end of a week. It seemed that the morning he struck me for the place he had pawned his razor for fifteen cents in order to get a i8s A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S r shaye. Naturally, if I had known that in the first place I wouldn't haye hired him as a human arithmetic. Another time I had a collector that I Kt a heap of store by. Always handled himself just right when he talked to you and kept himself looking right up to the mark. His salary wasn't yery big, but he had such a persuasiye way that he seemed to g(-t a dollar and a half's worth of value out of every dollar that he earned. Never crowded the fashions and never gave 'em any slack. If sashes were tho thing with summer shirts, why Charlie had a sash, you bet, and when tight trousers were the nobby trick in pants, Charlie wore his double reefed. Take him fore and aft, Charlie looked all right and talked all right— always careful, always considerate, always polite. One noon, after he had been with me for a year or two, I met him coming in from his route looking glum; so I handed him fifty dollars as a little sweetener. I never 1 86 LETTERS TO HIS SON saw a fifty cheer a man up like that one did Charlie, and he thanked me just right— didn't stutter and didn't slop over. I ear- marked Charlie for a raise and a better job right there. Just after that I got mixed up with some work in my private oiHee and I didn't look around again till on toward closing time. Then, right outside my door I met the office manager, and he looked mighty glum, too. " I was just going to knock on your door," said he. "Well?" I asked. " Charlie Chasenberry is eight hundred dollars Khort in his collections." " Um— m," I said, without blinking, but I had a gone feeling just the sama " I had a plain-clothes man here to arrest him this evening, but he didn't come in." " Looks as if he'd skipped, eh? " I asked. " I'm afraid so, but I don't know how. He didn't have a dollar this morning, be- cause he tried to overdraw his salary ac- 187 T aysns^fEaa^. ^ mmamk _ A MERCHANT'S LETT ERS count and I wouldn't let him, and he didn't collect any blll» tonlay because he had al- ready collected everything that wai, duo this week and lost it bucking the tiger." I didn't say anything, but I suspected that there was a SEcker somewhere in the ofhce. The next day I was sure of it, for I got a telegram from the always polite and thoughtful Charlie, dated at Montreal: "Many, many thanks, dear Mr. Gra- ham, for your timely assistance." Careful as usual, you see, about the little things, for there were just ten words in the message. But that "Many, many thanks, dear Mr. Graham," waa the closest to slopping over I had ever known him to come I consider the litUe lesson that Charlie gave me as cheap at eight hundred and fifty dollars, and I pa^s it along to you because It may save you a thousand or two on your experience account Tour affectionate father, John Gbahai:. i88 I*"?:. >«i^ FROM John Gr«h«ni, *t the Union Stock Yardf in Chicago, to hii (on, Pierrepont, at The Travelers' Rest, New Albany, Indiana. Mr. Pierrepont has taken a lit- tle flyer in short ribs on 'Change, and hat acci- denully come into the line of his father's vision. I XIV Chicago, July 15, 189— Bear Pierrepont: I met young Horshey, of Horshey & Horter, the grain and pro- vision brokers, at luncheon yesterday, and while we were talHng over the light run of hogs yonr name came up somehow, and he congratulated me on having such a smart son. Like an old fool, I allowed that yon were bright enough to come in out of the rain if somebody called you, though I ought to have known better, for it seems as if I never start in to brag about your being sound and sweet that I don't have to wind up by allowing a rebate for skippers. Horshey was so blamed anxious to show that you were over-weight-he wants to handle some of my business on 'Change- that he managed to prove you a light-weight Told me you had ordered him to sell a hun- dred thousand ribs short last week, and that he had just bought them in on a wire from 191 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S you at a profit of four hundred and sixty- odd dollars. I was mighty hot, you bet, to know that you had been speculating, but I had to swallow and allow that you were a pretty sharp boy. I told Horshey to close out the account and send me a check for your profits and I would forward it, as I wanted to give you a tip on the market be- fore you did any more trading. I inclose the check herewith. Please in- dorse it over to the treasurer of The Home for Half Orphans and return at once. I will see that he gets it with your compliments. Now, I want to give you that tip on the market There are several reasons why it isn't safe for you to trade on 'Change just now, but the particular one is that Graham & Co. will fire jou if you do. Trading on margin is a good deal like paddling around the edge of the old swimming hole— it seems safe and easy at first, but before a fellow knows it he has stepped ofif the edge into deep water. The wheat pit is only thirty 192 LETTERS TO HIS SON feet across, but it reaches clear down to Hell. And trading on margin means trad- ing on the ragged edge of nothing. When a man buys, he's buying something that the other fellow hasn't got. When a man sells, he's selling something that he hasn't got And it's been my experience that the net profit on nothing is nit. When a speculator wins he don't stop till he loses, and vhen . he loses he can't stop till he wins. You have been in the packing businesa long enough now to know that it takes a bull only thirty seconds to lose his hide; and if you'll believe me when I tell you that they can skin a bear just as quick on 'Change, you won't have a Board of Trade Indian using your pelt for a rug during the long winter months. Because you are the son of a pork packer you may think that you know a little more than the next fellow about paper pork. There's nothing in it. The poorest men on earth are the relations of millionaires. »93 %l ' A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S When I sell futures on 'Change, they're against hogs that are traveling into dry salt at the rate of one a second, and if the market goes up on me I've got the solid meat to deliver. But, if you lose, the only part of the hog which you can deliver is the squeal. I wouldn't bear down so hard on this matter if mon^y was the only thing that a fellow could lose on 'Change. But if a clerk sells pork, and the market goes down, he's mighty apt to get a lot of ideas with holes in them and bad habifa as the small change of Ms profits. And if the market goes up, he's likely to go short his self-respect to win back his money. Most men think that they can figure up all their assets in dollars and cents, but a merchant may owe a hundred thousand dol- lars and be solvent A man's got to lose more than money to be broka When a fellow's got a straight backbone and a clear eye his creditors don't have to lie awake nights worrying over his liabiUties. Yon ■Jy^jLJiSi- can hideyour meanness from your brain and your tongue, bnt the eye and the backbone wont keep secreta When the tongue lies, the eyes tell the truth. I know you'll think that tae old man is bnckmg and kicking up a lot of dust over a hannless little flyer. But IVe kept a heap smarter boys than you out of Joliet when they found it easy to feed the Board of Trade hog out of my cash drawer, alter it h^sucked up their savings in a couple of You must leam not to overwork a dollar any m. than you would a horse. Three per cen. , a small load for it to draw; six, a jafe one; when it p„Us in ten for you it's likely working out West and vou've got to watch to see that it doesn'tbuck; when it makes twenty yon own a blame good critter or a mighty foolish one, and you waait to make dead which ; but if it draws a hun- dred it's playing the races or something just as hard on horses and dollars, and the ^95 J first thing you know you won't have even a carcass to haul to the glue factory I dwell a little on this matter of specula- tion because you're got to live next door to the Board of Trade all your life, and it's a safe thing to know something about a neigh- bor s dogB before you try to pat them. Sure Thmp, straight Tips and Dead Cinches wa come running out to meet you, waging their tails and looking as innocent as if ttey hadnt just killed a lamb, but they'U bite. The only safe road to follow in speculation leads straight away from the Board of Trade on the dead run. Speaking of sure things naturally calls to mind the case of my old friend Deacon Wiggleford, whom I used to know back in Missouri years ago. The Deacon was a powerful pious man, and he was good ac- cording to his lights, but he didn't use a very superior article of kerosene to keep them burning. Used to take up half the time in prayer- 196 LETTERS TO HIS SON meeting talking about how we were all weak vesaels and stewards. But he was so blamed busy exhorting others to giye out of the full- ness with which the Lord had blessed them that he sort of forgot that the Lord had blessed him about fifty thousand dollars' worth and put it all in mighty safe prop- erty, too, you bet The Deacon had a brother in Chicago whom he used to call a sore trial. BrotSr BUI wa« a broker on the Board of Trade and, according to the Deacon, he was not on y engaged in a mighty sinful occupation, but he wa« a mighty poor steward of his sin- fulgaans. Smoked two-bit cigars and wore a ping hat Drank a little and cussed a utle and went to the Episcopal Church, hough he had been raised a Methodist aI together it looked as if Bill was a pretty hard nut ^ Well, one fall the Deacon decided to go to Chicago himself to buy his winter goods, and naturally he hiked out to Brother Bill's to 197 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S '■v stay, which was considerable cheaper for him than the Palmer House, thougl , as he told us when he got back, it made him sick to see the wasta The Deacon had his mouth all fixed to tell Brother Bill that, in his opinion, he wasn't much better than a faro dealer, for he used to brag that he never let anything turn him from his duty, which meant hia meddling in other people's business. I want to say right here that with most men duty means something unpleasant which the other fellow ought to do. As a matter of fact, a man's first duty is to mind his own business. It's been my experience that it takes about all the thought and work which one man can give to run one man right, and if a fellow's putting in five or six hours a day on his neighbor's character, he's mighty apt to scamp the building of his own. Well, when Brother Bill got home from business that first night, the Deacon ex- plained that every time he lit a two-bit cigar 198 LETTERS TO HIS SON he WM depriving a Zulu of twenty-flve help, ful litUe tracts which might have made a better man of him; that fast horses were a snare and ping liats a wile of the Enemy that the Board of Trade was the Temple' of Belial and the brokers on it his sons and servants. Brother Bill listened mighty patiently to him, and when the Deacon had pnmped out all the Scripture that was in him, and was beginning to suck air, he sort of slunk into the conversation like a setter pup that's been caught with the feathers on its chops. "Brother Zeke," says he, "I shall cer- tainly let your words soak in. I want to be a number two red, hard, sound and clean sort of a man, and grade contract on de- livery day. Perhaps, as you say, the rust has got into me and the Inspector won't pass me, and if I con see it that way I'll settle my trades and get out of the market for good." The Deacon knew that Brother Bill had 199 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S scraped together considerable property, and, as he was a bachelor, It would come to him in case the broker was remoTed by any sudden dispensation. What he really feared was that this money might be fooled away in high living and speculation. And so he had banged away iAto the middle of the flock, hoping to bring down those two birds. Now that it begpn to look as if he might kill off the whole bunch he started in to hedge. " Is It safe, William? " says he. "As Sunday-school," says Bill, "if you do a strictly brokerage business and don't speculate." " I trust, William, that you recognize the responsibilities of your stewardship? " Pill fetched a groan. "Zeke," says he, "you cornered me there, and I 'Byte I might as well walk up to the Captain's ofSce and settle. I hadn't bought or sold a bushel on my own account in a year till last week, when I got your letter saying that you were coming. Then I saw what looked like a 200 " / ilnrted in to curl up that ytung fellow to a cri,p." ■ ll m ml 59 m T|S|i ^i,. - .^ iwt: "■I LETTERS TO HIS SON Mfc Chance to scalp the market for a conple of cent* a buibel, and I bought 10,000 Sep- tmber, intending to turn over the profit, to yon as a little present, so that yon eonid Bee the town and hare a good time without it's costing yon anything." The Deacon Judged from Bill's expression that he had got nipped and was going to try to unload the loss on him, so he changed his face to tue one which be used when at. tending the funeral of any one who hadn't been a professor, and came back quick and hard: " I'm surprised, William, that you should think I would accept money made in gam- bling. Let this be a lesson to you. How much did yon lose?" "That's the worst of it-I didn't lose; I made two hundred dollars," and Bill hore another sigh. " Made two hundred dollars! " echoed the Deacon, and he changed his face again for the one which he used when he found a lead 80I n B ;i Mi i m m 11 A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S quarter in his till and couldn't remember who had pnased it on him. "Yes," Bill went on, "and I'm ashamed of it, for you've made me see things in a new light. Of course, after what you've said, I know it would be an insult to offer yon the mon^. And I feel now that it wouldn't be right to keep it myself. I must sleep on it and try to find the straight thing to do." I guess it really didn't interfere with Bill's sleep, but the Deacon sat up with the corpse of that two hundred dollars, you bet. In the morning at breakfast he asked Brother Bill to explain all about this specu- lating business, what made the market go up and down, and whether real corn or wheat or pork figured in any stage of a deal. Bill looked sort of sad and dreamy-eyed, as if his conscience hadn't digested that two hundred yet, but he was mighty obliging about explaining everything to Zeke. He 202 had changed his face for the one which he wor. When he sold an easy customer ground peas and chicory for O. G. Java. and^Z now and then he gulped as if he was go nl to start a hymn. When Bil, told him ho,^ good a,d bad weather sent the mai t up a^ddown he nodded ^d said that that part rfiTd."^^'^^^^"-*^--^-- " Not on the Board of Trade it isn't," Bill ---^hacl.;«atleas,nottoanymar.i -tent It's from the weather man or some ''" "• *^« '=°™ belt, and, as the weather --nsually guesses wrong. I reckon t^e^ isn t any specml inspiration about it The game IS to guess what's going to happen, not what has happened, and by the timeSe real weather comes along everybody has guessed ^^ng and .noCed the market o«^ cent That made the Deacon's chin whiskers droop a little, but he began to ask questions 203 A SELF-MADE MERCHANTS again, and by and by he discovered that away behind — ^about a hnndred miles be- hind, but that was close enough for the Deacon — a deal in futures there were real wheat and pork. Said then that he'd beer misinformed and misled; that speculation was a legitimate business, Involving skill and sagacity; that his last scruple was re- moved, and that he would accept the two hundred. Bill brightened right up at that and thanked him for putting it so clear and re- moving the doubts that had been worrying him. Said that he could speculate with a clear conscience after listening to the Dea- con's able exposition of the subject Was only sorry he hadn't seen him to talk it over before breakfast, as the two hundred had been lying o heavy on his mind all night that he'd got up early and mailed a check for it to the Deacon's pastor and told him to spend it on his poor. 204 LETTERS TO HIS SON Zeke took the evening train liome in order to pry that check out of the elder, but old Doc. Hoover waa a pretty quick stepper hin^self and he'd blown the whole two hun- dred as soon as he got it, buying winter coal tor poor people. I 8implj mention the Deacoi. in passing as an example of the fact that it's easy for a man who thinks he's all right to go all wrong when he sees a c.uple of hundred dollars lying around loose a little to one . side of the straight and narrow path; and that when he reaches down to pick up the money there's usually a string tied to it and a small boy in the bushes to give it a yank. Easy-come money never draws interestj easy-borrowed dollars pay usnty. Of course, the Board of Trade and every other commercial exchange have their legiti- mate uses, but all you need to know just now is that speculation by a fellow who never owns more pork at a time than he sees 205 ! r A MERCHANT'S LETTER S on hia breakfast plate isn't one of them. When you become a packer you may go on 'Change as a trader; until then you can go there only as a sucker. Your affectionate father, John Gbabau. 206 No. 15 FROM John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at The Scrub Oaks, Spring Lake, Michigan. Mr. Pierrepont has been pro- moted again, and the old ■nan sends him a little «dvice with his appoint- ment ii XV Chicago, September 1, 18»— Dear Pierrepont: I judge from yours of the twenty-ninth that you must hare the black baas in those parts pretty well ter- rorized. I never could quite figure it out, but there seems to be something about a fish that makes even a cold-water deacon see double. I reckon it must be that while Eve was learning the first principles of dress- making from the snake, Adam was off bass fishing and keeping his end up by learning how to lie. Don't overstock yourself with those fonrw pound fish yams, tkough, because the boys have been bringing them back from their vacations till we've got enough to last us for a year of Fridays. And if you're sending them to keep in practice, yon might as well quit, because we've decided to take you off the road when you come back, and make you assistant manager of the lard depart- 209 If 1 1 II A SELF-MADE MV^nxjf^j^j^ week, a^d the duties of the position to do your work so well th.. t the manager can'; run the department without you^d Tha :rrr."""^'^^*-----'^e To do this you, will have to know lard • to know yourself; „.d to know thoseTnde^ ojwajs mat, If they would rathpp But it was a good deal more to Jack Sum- me^who^eldyournewMuntilwehadTo promote him to canned goods. Jack knew lard from the hog to the fr^ng P^, was up on lard in history and reliSon originated What he called thT«Hrr« tteo^, proving that Moses' injunction TT ^ """"^ ""^'^ ^^° d'^^olved by the Circuit Court, because Noah includS a couple of shoats in his cargo, and canl^ ably, after tasting a slice broiled for tlie first LETTERS TO HIS SON time; argued that all the great nations lived on fried food, and that America was the greatest of them all, owing to the energy- producing qualities of pie, liberally short- ened with lard. It ^most broke Jack's heart when we decided to manufacture our new cottonseed oil product. Seedolline. But on reflection he saw that it just gave him an eztra hold on the heathen that he couldn't convert to lard, and he started right out for the Hebrew and vegetarian vote. Jack had enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is the best shortening for aay job; it makes heavy work light A good many young fellows envy their boss because they think he makes the rules and can do as he pleases. As a matter of feet, he's the only man in the shop who can't Hes like the fellow on the tight-rop^ there's plenty of scenery under him and lots of room around him, but he's got to keep his feet on the wire all the time and travel straight ahead. 211 lUl\: A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S A clerk haa just one boss to answer to— the manager. But the manager ha« Jnst as many bossea as he has clerks under him. He can make rules, but he's the only man who can't afford to break them now and then. A fellow ig a boss simply because he's a better man ^han those under him, and there's a heap of responsIbiU^ in being better than the next fellow. No man can ask more than he gives. A fellow who can't take orders can't give them. If his rules are too hard for him to mind, yon can bet they are too hard for the clerks who don't get half so much for minding them as he does. There's no alarm clock for the sleepy man like an early rising man- ager; and there's nothing breeds work in an ofBce like a busy boss. Of course, setting a good example is just a small part of a manager's duties. It's not enough to settle yourself firm on the box seat— you must have every man under yon hitched up right and well ta hand. Ton 212 iHS!!^^ ■cm:. LETTERS TO HIS SON can't work Individuals by general pul«. Every man Ib a gpeclal case and needs a ipecial pill, Wten you fix up a snug little nest for a Plymouth Rock hen and encourage her with a nice porcelain egg, it doesn't always follow that she has reached the fricassee age be- cause she doesn't lay right off. Sometimes she will respond to a little red pepper in her food. I don't mean by this that you ever want to drive yonr men, because the lash always leaves Its worst soreness under the skin. A hundred men will forgive a blow in the face where one will a blow to his self-esteem. Tell a man the truth about himself and shame the devil if you want to, but you won't shame the man you're trying to reach, be- cause he won't believe you. But if you can start him on the road that will lead him to the truth he's mighty apt to try to reform himself before any one else finds him out Consider carefully before you say a hard ai3 A SELF-MADE MERCHAN-rH word to a man, but never let a chance to wy a good one go b^ Praise judlclon,ly be- stowed is money Inregtcd. Never learn anything about yonr men except irom themnelves. A good manager need, no detectives, and the fellow who Zt read human natpre can't mHuage it. The phonograph records of a fellow's character "elided in his face, and a man's days tS the secrets of his nights. Be slow to hire and quick to lire. The time to discover Incompatibility of temper and curl-papers is before the marriage cere- mony. But when you find that you've hired the wrong man. you can't get rid of him too quick. Pay him an extra month, but don't 1 . T ^"""'" "'"^- ^ -^^^harged c erk ,n the office is like a splinter in Se thumb-a centre of soreness. There are no exceptions to this rule, because there are no exceptions to human nature. Never threaten, because a threat is a promise to pay that it isn't always con- 214 rwi'V" --^^^f r* '?"'- y°" «^«dlt. Save a threat need it In all your dealings, remember that OHlay 18 your opportunity; to-morrow «ome other fellow's. Keep close to your men. When a fellow's B tting on top of a mountain he's in a mighty dignified and exalted position, but if he's gazing at the clouds, he's missing a heap of interesting and Important doings down in the yal%. Never lose your dignitv, of course, but tie it up in all the red tap; you can find around the office, and tuck it away In the safe. It's easy for a boss to awe his clerks, but a man who is feared to his face is hated behind his back. A competent boss can move among his men without hav- ng to draw an imaginary line between them, because they will see the real one if it exists. Besides keeping in touch with your office men, you want to feel your salesmen all the A SELF-MADE MERCHAM T'c time. Send each of them a letter every day so that they won't forget that we are making goods for which we need orders j and insist on their sending yon a line every day, whether they have anything to say or not. When a fellow has to write in six times a week to the house, he uses up his explana- tions mighty fast, and he's pretty apt to hustle for business to make his seventh letter interesting. Right here I want to repeat that in keep- ing track of others and their faults it's very Tery important that you shouldn't lose sight of your own. Authority swells up some fel- lows so that they can't see their corns; but a wise man tries to cure his own while .re- membering not to tread on his neighbors'. In this connection, the story of Lemuel Hostitter, who kept the corner groceiy in mj old town, naturally comes to mind Lem was probably the meanest white man in the State of Missouri, and it wasn't any waJk-over to hold the belt in those days. 3l6 uZ 1i.^°°i """^ ">'""•"> have <,„ •f'"^"' l^iers ar, only i„,e„.,eJ m funny sttriei." LETTERS TO HIS SON Most grocers were satisfied to adulterate their coffee with ground peas, but Lem was so blamed mean that he adulterated the peas first Bought skin-bruised hams and claimed that the bruise was his private and particular brand, stamped in the skin, show- ing that they were a fancy article, packed expressly for his fancy family trade. Ban a soda-water fountain in the front of his store with home-made syrups that ate the lining out of the children's stomachs, and a blind tiger in the back room with moonshine whiskey that pickled their daddies' insides. Take it by and large, Lem's character smelled about as various as his store, and that wasn't perfumed with lily-of-th^valley you bet. ^' One time and another most men dropped into Lem's store of an evening, because there wasn t any other place to go and swap lies about the crops and any of the neighbors Who didn't happen to be there. As Lem was always around, in the end he was the only 217 ! A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S man in town whose meanness hadn't bee » talked over in that grocery. Naturally, he began to think that he was the only decent white man in the county. Got to shaking his head and reckoning that the town was plum rotten. Said that such goings on would make a pessimist of a goat. Wanted to know if public opinion couldn't be aroused so that decency would have a show in the village. Most men get information when they ask for it, and in the end Lem fetched public opinion all right. One night the local chap- ter of the W. C. T. U. borrowed all the loose hatchets in town and made a good, clean, workmanlike job of the back part of his store, though his whiskey was so mean that even the ground couldn't soak it up. The noise brought out the men, and they sort of caught the spirit of the happy occasion. When they were through, Lem's stock and fixtures looked mighty sick, and they had Lem on a rail headed for the county line. 2l8 LETTERS TO HIS SON I don't know when I've seen a more sur^ prised man than Lem. He couldn't cuss even. But as he never came back, to ask for any explanation, I reckon he figured it out that they wanted to get rid of him because he was too good for the town.- I simply mention Lem in passing as an example of the fact that when you're through sizing up the other fellow, it's a good thing to step back from yourself and see how you look. Then add fifty per cent to your esti- mate of your neighbor for virtues that you can't see, and deduct fifty per cent, from yourself for faults that you've missed in your inventory, and you'll have a pretty ac curate result. Your affectionate father, John Gbaham. 219 Tm^:-T;^2mkt- :jt FROM John Graham, at the Schw«t2er- kasenhof, Karlsbad, Austria, to his son, Pierre- pont, at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Mr. Pier- repont has shown mild •ymptoms of an attack of society fever, and his father is administering some simple remedies. XVI Kahibbad, October 6, 189u_ Dear Pierrepont: If yon har-T,en to mn across Doc Titherlngtonyou^dCte;^; be strong enough to lick Mm by the toe I 8^ back. Between that ten-day boat which be reeo^n^ended and these Dntoh docto™ Im almost well and about broke S c,n.reai^ have to take the bat;:U: They toll me we had a pretty quiet trin acrosn, an. Pm not saying thai we dd^f bn?vT,l"*'''"*""-^''^«I--Hl busy holding myself in my berth tha. I c uldn^t get a chance to, ook out the port bole to 3ee for myself. I reckon there isn't 2 ;^ aiive that can beat me at being «eas,ck, unless it's a camel, and he's got three stomacha When I did get around I was a good deal 223 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S ■ of a maverick— for all the old fellows were playing poker in the Bmoklng-room and all the young ones were lallygagglng under the Iwats-until I found that we were carrying a couple of hundred steers between decks. They looked mighty homesick, you bet, and I reckon they sort of sized me up as being a long ways teom Chicago, for we cottoned to each other right from the start. Take 'em as th^ ran, they were a mighty likely bunch of steers, and I got a heap of solid comfort out of them. There must have been good money in them, too, for they reached Eng- land in prime condition. I wish yon would tell our people at the Beef House to look into this export cattle business, and have all the facts and figures ready for me when I get back. There seems to be a good margin in it, and \iit;i our Eng- lish house we are fixed up to hcndle it all right at this end. It makes me mighty sick to think that we've been sitting back on our hindlegs and letting the other fellow run 224 '>m!s^ 4:a^- LETTERS TO HIS SON away with tU. trade. We are packers, I 1U.0W, but that's no reason why we can't be •Wppers, too. I want to milk the critter coming and going, twice a day, and milk her dry. Unless you do the whole thing you can't do anything in business as it runs to- day. There's still plenty of room at the top but there isn't much anywheres else. There may be reasons why we haven't been able to tackle this exporting of live catUe, but you can tell our people there that they have got to be mighty good reasons to wipe out the proUt I see in it. Of course, I may have missed them, for I've only looked into the business a litOe by way of recrea- tion, but it won't do to say that it's not in our line, because anything which carries a profit on four legs is in our line. I dwell a little on the matter because, while this special case is out of your depart, ment, the general principle is in it. The way to think of a thing in business is to think of it first, and the way to get a 225 i.^^r^^£^iB. MKaOCOW HSOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No, 2) ^ /APPLIED IM/OE Ine ^F^ 16&'3 East Main StrMt w''Si RoctiMlBr. N«w York 14509 US* '^S C"6) 482 - 0300 - Phon. ^S t^'C) 2M - 5989 •- Fax 'f A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S share of the trade is to go for all of it Half the battle's in being on the hilltop first; and the other half's in staying there. In speak- ing of these matters, and in writing you about your new job, I've run a little ahead of your present position, because I'm count- ing on you to catch up with me. But you want to get it clearly in mind that I'm writ- ing to you not as the head of the house, but as the head of the family, and that I don't propose to mix the two things. Even as assistant manager of the lard department, yon don't occupy a very im- portant position with us yet. But the great trouble with some fellows is that a little success goes to their heads. Instead of hid- ing their authority behind their backs and trying to get close to their men, they use it as a club to keep them oflF. And a boss with a case of big-head will fill an office full of sore heads. I don't know any one who has better op- portunities for making himself unpopular 226 LETTERS TO HIS SON than aa assistant, for the clerks are apt to cuss him for all the manager's meanness, and the manager is likely to find fault with him for all the clerks' cussedness. But if he explains his orders to the clerks he loses his authority, and if he excuses himself to the manager he loses his usefulness. A man- ager needs an assistant to take trouble from him, not to bring it to him. The one important thing for you to re- member all the time is not to forget. It's easier for a boss to do a thing himself than to tell some one twice to do it. Petty details take up just as much room in a manager's head as big ideas; and the more of the first you store for him, the more warehouse room you leave him for the second. When a boss has to spend his days swearing at his assist- ant and the clerks have to sit up nights hating him, they haven't much time left to swear by the house. Satisfactio • is the oil of the business machine. Some fellows can only see those above 227 A SELF-MADE MERC HANT'S them, and others can only see those under them, but a good man is cross-eyed and can see both ends at once. An assistant who be- comes his manager's right hand is going to find the left hand helping him; and it's not hard for a cleric to find good points in a boss who finds good ones in him. Pulling from above and boosting from below make climbing easy. In handling men, your own feelings are the only ones that are of no importance. I don't mean by this that you want to swri- flce your self-respect, but you must keep in mind that the bigger the position the broader the man must be to fill it And a diet of courtesy and consideration gives girth to a boss. Of course^ all this is going to take so much time and thought that you won't have a very wide margin left for golf— especially in the afternoons. I simply mention this in passing, because I see in the Chicago papers which have been sent me that you zzH ^^mjmm:W':^ LETTERS TO HIS SON were among the players on the links one afternoon a fortnight ago. Golf's a nice foolish game, and there aJn't any harm in it 80 fai- a^ I know except for the balls-the «tiil balls at the beginning, the lost balls in the middle, and the highbaJls at the end of the game. But a young fellow who wants to be a boss butcher hasn't much daylight to waste on any kind of links except sausage links. ^ Of course, a man should have a certain amount of play, just as a boy is entitled to a piece of pie at the end of his dinner, but he don't want to make a meal of it Any one who lets sinkers take the place of bread and meat gets bilious pretty young; and these fellows who haven't any job, except to blow the old man's dollars, are a good deal like the little niggers in the pie-eating contest at the County Fair-they'ye a-plenty of pastry and they're attracting a heap of at tention, but they've got a stomach-ache com- ing to them by and by. 229 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S I want to caution yon right here against getting the society bug in your head. I'd sooner you'd smoke these Turldsh cigarettes which smell like a fire in the fertilizer fac- tory. You're, going to meet a good many stray fool;-) in the course of business eTcry day without going out to hnat up the main herd after dark. Everybody over here in Europe thinks that we haven't any society in America, and a power of people in New York think that we haven't any society in Chicago. But so far as I can see there are just as many ninety-nine-cent men spending million-dol- lar incomes in one place as another; and the rules that govern the game seem to be the same in all three places— you've got to be a descendant to belong, and the farther yon descend the harder you belong. The only difference is that, in Europe, the ancestor who made money enough so that his family could descend, has been dead so long that they have forgotten his shop; in New York 2';o LETTERS TO HIS SON he's so recent that they can only pretend to have forgotten it; but in Chicago they can't lose it because the ancestor is hustling on the Board of Trade or out at the Stock Yards. I want to say right here that I don't propose to be an ancestor until after I'm dead. Then, if you want to have some fellow whose grandfather sold bad whiskey to the Indians sniflf and smell pork when you come into the room, you can suit yourself. Of course, I may be oflf in sizing this thing up, because it^s a little out of my line. But it's been my experience that these people who think that they are all the choice cuts off the critter, and that the rest of us are only fit for sausage, are usually chuck steak when yon get them under the knife. I've tried two or three of them, who had gone broke, in the office, but when you separate them from their money there's nothing left, not even their friends. I never see a fellow trying to crawl or to buy his way into society that I don't think 231 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S ot my old friend Hank Smith and his wife Kate-Kate Botts slie wa« before he map- ried her-and how they tried to butt their way through the upper crust Hank and I were boys together in Mis- souri, and he stayed along in the old town after I left I heard of him on and off as tending store^a little, and farming a little, and loaflng a good deal. Then I forgot all about him, until one day a few years ago when he turned up in the papers aa Captain Henry Smith, the Klondike Gold King, just back from Circle City, with a million in dust and anything you please in claims. There's never any Umit to what a miner may be worth in those, except his imagination. ■■ I was a little puzzled when, a week later, my office boy brought me a card reading Colonel Heniy Augustus Bottes-Smythe, but I supposed it was some distinguished foreigner who had come to size me up so that he could round out his roaat on Chi- 232 LETTERS TO HIS SON cago in his new book, and I told the boy to ■how the General In. > I've got a pretty good memory for faces, and I'd bought too much store plug of Hank in my time not to know him, even with a clean shave and a plug hat Some men dry np with success, but it was just spouting out of Haak. Told me he'd made his pile and that he was tired of living on the slag heap; that he'd spent his whole Ufe where money hardly whispered, let alone talked, and he was going now where it would shout Wanted to know what was the use of being a nob if a fellow wasn't the nobbiest sort of a nob. Said he'd bought a house on Beacon Hill, in Boston, and that if I'd prick up my ears occasionally I'd hear something drop into the Back Bay. Handed me his new card four times and explained that it was the rawest sort of dog to cany a brace of names in your card holster; that it gave you the drop on the swells every time, and that «33 i i A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S they JuBt had to throw up both hands and PMs yon the pot when you showed down. Said that Bottes waa old English for Botts, and that Smythe was new American for Smith ; the Anpistns was just a fancy touch, a sort of high-card kicker. I didn't explain to Hank, because it was congratulation^ and not explanations that he wanted, and I make it a point to show a customer the line of goods that he's looking for. And I never heard the full particulars of his experiences in the East, though, from what I learned afterward. Hank struck Bos- ton with a bang, all right. He located his claim on Beacon Hill, be- tween a Mayflower descendant and a Dec- laration Signer's greatgrandson, breeds which believe that when the Lord made them He was through, and that the rest of us just happened. And he hadn't been in town two hours before he started in to make improve- ments. There was a high wrought-iron rail- ing in front of his house, and he had that LETTERS TO HIS SON gilded first thing, because, a, he said, he wasn't running a receiving vault and he didn't want any mistakes. Then he bought a nice, open barouche, had the wheels painted red, hired a nigger coachman and started out in style to be sociable and get acquainted. Left his card all th. way down one side of Beacon Street, and then drove back leaving it on the other. Everywhere he stopped he found that the whole family was out Kept it up a week, on and olT, but d.dn t seem to have any luck. Thought that the men must be hot sports and the women great gadders to keep on the jump so much. Allowed that they were the liveliest little I'-t of fleas that he had ever chased. De- 'ided to quit trying to nail 'em one at a ame, and planned out something that he reckoned would round up the whole bunch. Hank sent out a thousand Invitations to his grand opening, as he called it; left one at eveiy house within a mile. Had a brass band on the front steps and fireworks on the I A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S root. Ordered forty kegs from the brewery and hired a fancy mixer to aling together mild Bnorts, aa he called them, for the ladles. They tell me that, when the band got to going good on the gtepe and the firework* on the roof, even Beacon Street looked out the windows to see what waa doing. There must have been ten thousand people In the street and not a soul but Hank and his wife and the mixer in the house. Some one yelled speech, and then the whole crowd took it up, tin Hank came out on the steps. He shut off the band with one hand and stopped the fireworks with the other. Said that speechmakiag wasn't his strangle-hold ; that he'd been living on snowballs in the Klondike for so long that his gas-pipe was frozen; but that this welcome started the ice and he thought about three fingers of the plumber's favorite prescription would cut out the frost. Would the crowd join him? He had invited a few friends in for LETTERS TO HIS SON the evening, but there seemed to be *ome miHunderstandlng about the date, and he hated to have good gtuff curdle on his hands. While thlB wa« going on, the Mayflower descendant was telephoning for the police from one aide and the Signer's great-grand- son from the other, and ju-t as the crowd yelled and broke for the house two patrol wagons full of policemen got there. But they had to turn in a riot call and bring out the reserves before they could breaJc np Hank's little Boston tea-party. After all, Hank did what he started out to do with his party-rounded up all his neighbors in a bunch, though not exactly according to schedule. For next morning there were so many descendants and great- grandsons in the police court to prefer charges that it looked like a reunion of the Pilgrim Fathers. The Judge fined Hank on sixteen counts and bound him over to keep the peace for a hundred years. That 237 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S afternoon he left for the West on a special, because the Limited didn't get there quick enough. But before going he tacked on the front door of his house a sign which read : " Neighbors paying their part> calls will please not heave rocks through windows to attract attention. Not in and not gbing to be. Gone back to Circle City for a little quiet. " Yours truly, "Hank Smith. " N. B. — Too swift for your uncle." Hank dropped by my office for a minute on his way to 'Frisco, Said he liked things lively, but there was altogether too much rough-house on Beacon Hill for him. Judged that as the crowd which wasn't in- vited was so blamed sociable, the one which was invited would have stayed a week if it hadn't slipped up on the date. That might 238 LETTERS TO HIS SON be the Boston idea, but he wanted a little more refinement in his. Said he was a pretty free spender, and would hold his end up, but he hated a hog. Of course I told Hank that Boston wasn't all that it waa cracked up to be in the school histories, and that Cirele City wasn't so tough as it read in the newspapers, for there was no way of making him understand that he might have lived in Boston for a hundred years without being invited to a strawberry sociable. Be- cause a fellow cuts ice on the Arctic Circle, it doesn't follow that he's going to be worth beans on the Back Bay. I simply mention Hank in a general way. His case may be a little diflferent, but it isn't any more extreme than lots of others all around you over there and me over here. Of course, I want you to enjoy good society, but any society is good society where con- genial men and women meet together for wholesome amusement. But I want yo.u to jini A MERCHANT'S LETT ERS keep away from people who choose play for a profession. A man's as good as he makes himself, but no man's any good because his grandfather waa. Your affectionate father, John Obaham. i 240 FROM John Graham, at the London House of Graham & Co., to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. Mr. Pierrepont has written his father that he is getting along fa- mously in his new place XVII London, October 24, 189— Dear Pierrepont: Well, I'm headed for home at last, checked high and as full of prance as a spotted circus horse. Those Dutchmen ain't so bad as their language, after all, for they've fixed up my rheuma- tism so that I can bear down on my right leg without thinking that it's going to b'^^ oft. I'm glad to learn from your letter that you're getting along so well in your new place, and I hope that when I get home your boss will back up all the good things which you say about yourself. For the future, however, you needn't bother to keep me posted along this line. It's the one subject on which m>/St men are perfectly frank, and it's about the only one on which it isn't necessary to be. There's never any use try- ing to hide the fact that you're a jim-dandy — ^you're bound to be found out Of course, yon want to have your eyes open all the 243 I I A SELF-MADE MRRrw^iv7>r.c; time for a good mm, but follow the old maid 8 exaxnpl^iook under the bed and in the closet, not in the mirror, for him A mail who does big things is too busy to talk about them. When the jaws really need ex- ercise, chew gum. Some men go through life on the Sarsapa. riHa Theory-that Uiey're got to give a hun- dred doses of, talk about themselves for every dollar which thev taie in; and tb-H's a pretty good theory when you're getting a dollar for ten cents' worth of ingredients But a maa who's giving a dollar's worth of himself for ninety-nine cents doesn't need to throw in any explanations. Of course, you're going to meet fellows nght along who pass as good men i„r a while, because they say they're good men; just as a lot of fives are in circulation which are accepted at their face value until they work up to the receiving teller. And you're going to see these men taMng buzzards and coining eagles from them that will fool 244 LETTERS TO HIS SON people 80 long as they can keep tiiem in the air; but sooner or later they're bound to swoop back to their dead horse, and you'll get the buzzard smell. Hot air can take up a balloon a long ways, but it can't keep it there. And when a fellow's turning flip-flops up among the clouds, he's naturally going to have the farmers gaping at him. But in the end there always comes a time when the para- chute fails f» work. I don't know anything that's quite so dead as a man who's fallen three or four thousand feet off the edge of a cloud. The only way to gratify a taste for scenery is to climb a mountain. You don't get up so quick, but you don't come down so sudden. Even then, there's a chance that a fellow may slip and fall over a precipice, but not unless he's foolish enough to try short-cuts over slippery places; though some men can manage to fall down the hall stairs and break their necks. The path isn't «4S A SELF-MADE MERCHANT' S the shortest way to the top, but It's usually the sa/est way. Life Isn't a spurt, but a long, steady climb You can't run far up-hill without stopping to sit down. Some men do a day's work and then spend six lolling around ad- miring it. They rush at a thing with a whoop and use up all their wind in that And when their're rested and have got it back, they whoop again and start off in a new direction. They mistake intention for determination, and after they have told you what they propose to do and get right up to doing i<, they simply peter out I've heard a good deal in my time about the foolishness of hens, but when it comes to right-down, plum foolishness, give me a rooster, every time. He's always strutting and stretching and crowing and bragging about things with which he had nothing to do. When the sun rises, you'd think that he was making all the light, instead of all the noise; when the farmer's wife throws the 246 LETTERS TO HIS SON acraps in the henyard, he crows as If he was the provider for the whole fannyard and wail asking a blessing on the food; when he meets another rooster, he crows; and when the other rooster licks him, he crows; and 80 he keeps It up straight through the day. He even wakes up during the night and crows a little on general principles. But when yon hear from a hen, she's laid an egg and she don't make a great deal of noise about it, either. I speak of these things in a general way, because I want you to keep in mind all the time that steady, quiet, persistent, plain work can't be imitated or replaced by any- thing just as good, and because your re- quest for a job for Courtland Warrington naturally brings them up. Ton write that Court says that a man who has occupied his position in the worid naturally can't cheapen himself by stepping down into any little piddling job where he'd have to do nndignifled things. 247 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S I want to start right out by saying that I Vnow Court and his whole breed like a rine factory, and that we can't nse him in onr business. He's one of those fellows who «tart in at the top and naturally work down to the bottom, because that is where they belong. His father gave him an interest In he concern when he left college, and since the old man failed three years ago and took a salary himself, Court's been sponging on him and waiting for a nice, dignified Job to come along and steal him. But we are not In the kidnapping business The only undignified job I know of i, loafing, and nothing can cheapen a man who sponges instead of hunting any sort of work because he's as cheap already as they c^ be made. I never could quite nndeT stand these fellows who keep down eveiy decent instinct in order to keep up appear ance, and who will stoop to any sort of real meanness to boost up their false pride. They always remind me of little Patlgr 248 " Jim Hicks dared Fatty Wilkim tt eat a piece of dirt. ' ' ti, ll I I. LETTERS TO HIS SON Wilkin,, who caine to live In „„r town back thought a heap of Patty, and Patty thought a heap of himself, or hi, ,ton.ach, whL wa, the «„ne thing. Looked like he'd been taken from a Joke book. U,ed to be a great tretched a, tight a. a ^.nsage ,kln, and ^«. how ed for painkiller. Spent all hi, pennte, tor cake,, becan,e candy waan't «Ilng enough. Hogged 'em In the ri.op, tort^ he would ha^e to give «>me one a Wte If he ate them on the street J^'^Jl^" ^^^ '^^^'"'^ *^« to Patty, and they didn't make any special secrer„f U when he was around. He was a mighty brave boy aud a mighty strong boy and I «^i«ht, proud boy-with his month; but he always managed to slip out of anything that looked Mke a flght by having a sore hand or a caae of the mumps. The truth of the matter wu« that he was afraid of every- thing except food, and that 249 was the thing t\\ A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S which was hurting him most It's mighty seldom that a fellow's afraid of what he ought to be afraid of in this world. Of course, like most cowards, while Fatty always had an excuse for not doing some- thing that might hurt his skin, he would take a dare to do anything that would hurt his self-respect, for fear the boys would laugh at him, or say that he was afraid, if he refused. So one day during recess Jim Hicks dared him to eat a piece of dirt Fatty hesitated a little, because, while he was pretty promiscuous about what he put into his stomach, he had never included di t in his bill-of-fare. But when the boys be- gan to say that he was afraid, Fatty up and swallowed it And when he dared the other boys to do the same thing and none of them would take the dare, it made him mighty proud and pufiFed up. Got to charging the bigger boys and the loungers around the post-oflBce a cent to see him eat a piece of dirt the size of 250 LETTERS TO HIS SON a hickoiy-nut Found there was good money in that, and added grasshoppers, at two cents apiece, as a side line. Found them so popular that he took on chinch bugs at a nickel, and fairly coined money The last I heard of Fatty he was in a Dime Museum, drawing two sa'Pries-one as " The Fat Man," and the other as « Lannce- lot. The Locust Eater, the Only Man Alive with a Gizzard." You are going to meet a heap of Fatties, first and last, fellows who'll eat a little dirt "for fun" or to show off, and who'll eat a little more because they find that there's some easy money or times in it. It's hard to get at these uien, because when they've lost everything they had to be proud of, they still keep their pride. You can always bet that when a fellow's pride makes him touchy, it's because there are some mighty raw spots on it • It's been my experience that p/ide is usu- ally a spur to the strong and a drag on the 251 I i: weai. It dme. the strong man along and ho ds the weak one back. It mates the fellow witi the stiff upper lip and the square jaw smile at a laugh and langh at n «neer; it keeps his conscience straight and h.s back humped oyer his work; it makes him appreciate the little things and flght for the big ones. But it makes the fellow with the retreating forehead do the thing that looks right, instead of the thing that is nght; ,t makes him fear a laugh and shrivel up at a sneer; it makes him live to-day on to-morrow's salary; it makes him a cheap imitation o some Willie who ha« a little more money than he has, without giving him zip enough to go out and force luck for himself. I never see one of these fellows swelling around with their petty larceny pride that I don't think of a little experience of mine when I was a boy. An old fellow caught me lifting a watermelon in his patch, one after- noon, and instead of cuffing me and letting 252 LETTERS TO HIS SON me go, as I had expected if I got caught, he led me home by the ear to my ma, aod told her what I had been up to. Your grandma had een raised on the old-fashioned plan, and she had nerer heard of these new-fangled theories of reasoning gently with a child till it« under lip begins to stick out and its eyes to fill with tears as It sees the error of its ways. She fetched the tears all righl, but she did it with a trunk strap or a slipper. And your grand- ma was a pretty substantial woman. Noth- ing of the tootsey-wootsey about her foot, and nothing of the airy-fairy trifle about her slipper. When she was through I knew that I'd been licked-polished right off to a poinf^and then she sent me to my room and told me not to poke my nose out of it till I could recite the Ten Commandmente and the Sunday-school lesson by heart There was a whole chapter of it, and an Old Testament chapter at that, but I laid right into it because I knew ma, and supper A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S was only two hours oflf. I can repeat that chapter still, forward and backward, with- out missing a word or stopping to catch my breath. Every now and then old Doc Hoover used to come into the Sunday-school room and scare the scholars into fits by going around from class to class and asking questions. That next Sunday, for the first time, I was glad to see him happen in, and I didn't try to escape attention when he worked around to our class. For ten minutes I'd been busting for him to ask me to recite a verse of the lesson, and, when he did, I simply cut loose and recited the whole chapter and threw in the Ten Commandments for good measura It sort of daaed the Doc, because he had come • me for information about the Old Testa- ment before, and we'd never got much be- yond, And Ahab begat Jaha^, or words to that effect But when he got over the shock he made me stand right up before the whole 254 LETTERS TO HIS SON school and do it again. Patted me on the head and said I was " an honor to my par- ents and an example to my playmates." I had been looking down all the time, feeling rJ-'hty proud and scared, but at that I couldn't help glancing up to see the other boys admire me. But the first person my eye lit on waa your gi-andma, standing in the back of the room, where she had stopped for a moment on her way up to church, and glaring at me in a mighty unpleasant way. " Tell 'em, John," she said right out loud, before everybody. There was no way to run, for the Elder had hold of my hand, and there was no place to hide, though I reckon I could have crawled into a rat hole. So, to gain time, I blurted out: "Tell 'em what, mam?" " Tell' em how you come to have your les- son so nice." I learned to hate notoriety right then and there, but I knew there wcs no switching A MERCHANT'S LETTERS her off on to the weather when she wanted to talk religion. So I shut my eyes and let it come, though it caught on my palate once or twice on the way out " Hooked a watermelon, mam." There wasn't any need for further par- ticulars with that crowd, and they simply howled. Ma led me up to our pew, allow- ing that she'd tend to me Monday for dis- gracing her in public that way — and she did. That was a twelve-grain dose, without any sugar coat, but it sweat more cant and false pride out of my system than I could get back into it for the next twenty years. I learned right there how to be humble, which is a heap more important than know- ing how to be proud. There are mighty few men that need any lessons in that. Your affectionate father, John GEAH-iM. 256 No. 18 FROM John Graham, at;the London House o{ Graham & Co.', to hi« son, Fierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. Mr. Fierrepont is worried over rumors that the old man is a bear on lard, and that the longs «re about to make him climb a tree. i,' XVIII London, October 27, 18ft— Dear Pierrepont: Yonra of the twenty- first inst to hand and I note the inclosed clippings. Ton needn't pay any special at- tention to this newspaper talk about the Comstock crowd having caught me short a big line of November lard. I never sell goods without knowing where I can find them when I want them, and if these fellows try to put their forefeet in the trough, op start anj' shoving and crowding, they're going to find me forgetting my table manners, too. For when itcomes to funny business I'm something of a humorist my- self. And while I'm too old to run, I'm young enough ia stand and fight. First and last, a good many men have gone gunning for me, but they've always planned the obsequies before they caught the deceased. I reckon there hasn't been a time in twenty years when there wasn't a *59 I . A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S nice "Gate. Ajar" piece all made up and ready for me in some office near the Board of Trade. But the first essential of a quiet funeral is a willing corpse. And I'm still sitting up and taldng nourishment There are two things you never want to pay any attention t^-abuse and flatteiy The first can't harm you and the second can t help you. Some men are lilte yellow dogs-when you're coming toward them they'll jump up and try to licit your hands; and when you're walking away from them they'll snealt up behind and snap at your heels. Last year, when I was bulling the marltet, the longs all said that I was a kind-hearted old philan- thropist, who was laying awake nights scheming to get the farmers a top price for their hogs; and the shorts allowed that I was an infamous old robber, who was steal- ing the pork out of the workingman's pot. As long as you can't please both sides in 260 _ LETTERS TO HIS SON thi* world, there's nothing like plea«lnir youp own Bide. i^'caaing Th^ are niighty few people who can see any Bide to a thing except their own irfde I remember once I had a vacant lot out on 'the Avenue and a lad^ came into my office and in a soothing-Blrupy way asked If I would lend It to her as she wanted to build a cr^cke on It I hemtated a litUe, because I had never heard of a c^cAc before, and some- ways It sounded sort of foreign a.d mZ though the woman looked like a good^tfl' re^.ab^ old heifer. But she explL^ S aor^.,w,3 baby farm, Where old maids went to wash and feed and stick pins In other i^ple-s children while their mothers were oflf at wnrt f\t ,n that to get our pastor or the ^^;:f7 ;:'"^*°'^''- to ^o ahead She went off happy, but about a week later she dropped in again, looking sort of dis- satisfied, to find out if I wouldn't build the 261 [M.:::. A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S criche iteelf. It seemed like a worthy ob- ject, 80 I Bent some carpenters over to knock together a long frame pavilion. She was mighty grateful, you bet, and I didn't see hep again for a fortnight Then she called by to say that bo long as I was in the buslnesi, and th^ didn't cost me any- thing special, would I mind giving her a few cows. She had a surprised and grieved expression on her face as iihe talked, and the way she put it made me feel that I ought to be ashamed of myself for not having thought of the live stock myself. So I threw in half t dozen cows to provide the refreah- ments. I thought that was pretty good measure, but the carpenters hadn't more than finished with the pavilion before the woman tele- phoned a sharp message to ask why I hadn't had it painted. I was too busy that morning to quarrel, so I sent word that I would fix it up; and when I was driving by there next day the 262 LETTERS TO HIS SON painters were hard at work on It There wa« a Blxty-foot frontage of that shed on the Avenue, and I saw right off that It was just a natural signboard. So I called over the boss painter and between us we cooked up a nice little ad that ran something like this: Graham's Extract: It Makes the Weak Strong. \^c\\, sir, wuen she saw the ad next morn- ing that old hen just scratched gravel. Went all around town saying that I had given a flve-hundred-dollar shed to charity and painted a thousand-dollar ad on it Al- lowed I ought to send my check for that amount to the criche fund. Kept at it till I began to think there might be something In it, after all, and sent her the money. Then I found a fellow who wanted to build in that neighborhood, sold him the lot cheap, and got out of the criche industry. I've put a good deal more than work into my business, and I've drawn a good deal 263 1: ^m^'m^m:^^M A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S more than money out of it: but the only thing I've ever put into it which didn't draw dividends in fuu or dollars was worry. That is a branch of the trade which yon want to leave to our competitors. I've always found worrying a blamed sight more uncertain than horse-racing- it's harder to pick a winner at it You go home worrying because you're afraid that your fool new clerk forgot to lock the safe after you, and during the night the lard refineiy bums down; you spend a year fretting because you think Bill Jones is going to cut you out with your best girl, P^d then you spend ten worrying because he didnt; you worry over Charlie at college because he's a litUe wild, and he writes you that he's been elected president of the T. M. 0. A.; and yon worry over William be- cause he's so pious that you're afraid he's going to throw up everything and go to China as a missionaiy, and he draws on you tor a hundred; you worry because you're 264 LETTERS TO HIS SON afraid your business is going to smash, and your liealth busts up instead. Worrying is the one game in which, if you guess right, you don't get any satisfaction out of your smartness. A busy man has no time to bother with it He can always find plenty of old women in skirts or trousers to spend their days worrying over their own troubles and to sit up nighta waking his. Speaking of handing over your worries to others naturally calls to mind the Widow Williams and her son Bud, who was a play- mate of mine when I was a boy. Bud was the youngest of the Widow's troubles, and she was a woman whose troubles seldom came singly. Had fourteen altogether, and four pair of 'em were twins. Used to turn 'em loose in the morning, when she let out her cows and pigs to browse along the street, and then she'd shed all worry over them for the rest of the day. Allowed that If they got hurt the neighbors would bring t'iem home; and that if they got hungry 265 III hmi-w£m^^ A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S they'd come home. And someways, the Jhde drove always showed up safe and flirty about meaJ tima I've no doubt she thought a lot of Bud but when a woman has fourteen it sort of unsettle* her mind so that she caa't focus her affections or play any favorites. And «o when Bud's clothes were found at the swimming hole one day, and no Bud inside ttem. she didn't take on up to the expecta- tions of the neighbors who had brought the Bews, and who were standing around wait- ing for her to go off into something special in the way of higa-strikes. She aJlowed that they were Bud's clothes, all nght, but she wanted to know where the remains were. Hinted that there'd be no funeral, or such like expensive goings-on, until some one produced the deceased. Take her by and large, she was a prett, cool, calm cucumber. But if she showed a little too much Chris- tian resignation, the rest of the town was 266 LETTERS TO HIS SON mightily stirred up over Bud's death, and every one just quit work to tell each other Avhat a noble little fellow he was; and how his mother hadn't deserved to have such a bright little sunbeam in her home; and to drag the river between talks. But they couldn't get a rise. Through all the worry and excitement the Widow was the only one who didn't show any special interest, except to ask for re- sults. But finally, at the end of a week when they'd strained the whole river through their drags and hadn't anything to show for it but a collection of tin cans and dead catfish, she threv a shawl over her head and went down the street to the cabin of Louisiana Clytemnestra, an old yellow woman, who would go into a trance for four bits and find a fortune for you for a dollar. I reckon she'd have called herself a clairvoyant nowadays, but then she was just a voodoo woman. Well, the Widow said she reckoned that 267 A SELF-MADE MERCHANTS boys ought to be let out as well as in for half price, and so she laid down two bits, allowing that she wanted a few minutes' private conversation with her Bud. Clytle said she'd do her best, but that spirits were mighty snift- and high-toned, even when they'd only been poor white trash on earth, and it might, make them mad to be caUed away from their high jinks if they were tak- ing a little recreation, or from their high- priced New York customers if they were working, to tend to cut-rate business Still, she'd have a try, and she did. But aft-^r having convulsions for half an hour, she gave it up. Reckoned that Bud was up to some cussedness ofif somewhere, and that he wouldn't answer for any two-bits. The Widow was badly disappointed, but she allowed that that was just like Bud. He'd always been a boy that never could be found when any one wanted him. So she went ofif, saying that she'd had her money's worth in seeing Clytie throw those fancj; 268 " Elder Hoover was accounted a powerful exhort er in our parts." fi^ i^F^ £« i!*IO^t: LETTERS TO HIP SON fits. But next day Bhe came again and paid down four bite, and Clytie reckoned that that ought to fetch Bud sure. Someways though, she didn't have any luck, and finally the Widow suggested that she call up Bud-fe father-Buck Williams had been dead a matter of ten years-and the old man re- sponded promptly. « Where's Bud? " asked the Widow. Hadn't laid eyes on him. Didn't know he'd come across. Had he joined the church before he started? " No." Then he'd have to look downstairs for him. Clytie told the Widow t» call again and they'd get him sure. So she came back next day and laid down a dollar. That fetched old Buck Williams' ghost on the jump, you bet, but he said he hadn't laid eyes on Bud yet They hruled the Sweet By and By with a drag net, but they couldn't get a rap from Wm. Clytie trotted out George Washing- 269 iTk »::■!. f . ; i A SELF-MADE MERCHANT S ton, and Napoleon, and Billy Patterson, and Ben Franklin, and Captain Kidd, just to show that there was no deception, bnt they couldn't get a whisper even from Bud. I reckon Clytie had been stringing the old lady along, intending to produce Bud's spook as a sort of red-flre, calcium-light, Krand-march-if-the- Amazons climax, but she didn't get a chanca For right there the old lady got up with a mighty set expression around her lips and marched out, muttering that it was just as she had thought all along —Bud wasn't there. And when the neigh- bors dropped in that afternoon to plan out a memorial service for her " lost lamb," she chased them off the lot with a broom. Said that they had looked in the river for him and that she had looked beyond the river for him, and that they would just stand pat now and wait for him to make the next mova Allowed vhat if she could once get her hands in « that lost lamb's " wool there might be an opening for a funeral when she 270 miiW0^-Y' LETTERS TO HIS SON got through with Lira, but ther.> wouldn't be till then. Altogether, it looked as if there was a heap of trouble coming to Bud if he had made any mistake and was still alive. The Widow found her « lost lamb " hiding behind a rain-barrel when she opened up the house next morning, and there was a mighty touching and affecting scena In fact, the Widow must have touched him at least a hundred times and eveiy time he was affected to tears, for she was using a bed slat, which is a powerfully str< ,g moral agent for making a boy see the error of his ways. And it was a month after that before Bud could go down Main Street without some man who had called him a noble little fellow, or a bright, manly little chap, while he was drowned, reaching out and fetching him a clip on the ear for having come back and put the laugh on him. No one except the Widow ever really got at tie straight of Bud's conduct, but it ap- 271 A MERCHANT'S LET TERS peared that he left home to get a few Indian scalps, and that he came back for a lltUe bacon and com pone. I Bimply menUon the Widow in paBsing 88 an example of the fact that the time to do your worrying is when a thing ig all oTer, and that the way to do it is to leave it to the neighbors. I sail for home to- morrow. Yonr affectionate father, John Gbaham. 27a JSi,^'1L- FROM John Graham, at the New York house o< Graham & Co., to his ion, Pierrepoiit, at the Union Stoclc Yards in Chicago. The old man, on the voyage home, has met a girl who interests him and who in turn seems to be interested in Mr. Pierrepont. ^I ^/:>i.«:■^•«^2W^f^ rrf^ XIX New York, November 4, 18fr— . Dear Pierrepont: Who is this Helen Heath, and what are your Intentions there? She knows a heap more about you than she ought to know If they're not serious, and I know a heap lees about her than I ought to know If they are. Hadn't got out of sight of land before we'd become acquainted some- how, and she's been treating me like a father clear across the Atlantic. She's a mighty pretty girl, and a mighty nice girl, and a mighty sensible girl— in fact she's ao exactly the sort of girl I'd like to see you marry that I'm afraid there's nothing In It. Of course, your salary isn't a large one yet, but you can buy a whole lot of happiness with fifty dollars a week when you have the right sort of a woman for your purchasing agent. And while I don't go much on love in a cottage, love in a flat, with fifty a week aa a starter, is just about right, if the girl la 275 t ' I. ' III! A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S jn8t about right If she isn't, it doesn't make any special difference how you start out, you're going to end up all wrong. Money ought never to be «fte consideration ininarriage, but it always ought to be o con- sideration. When a boy and a girl don't think enough about money before the cere- mony, they're going to have to think alto- gether too much about it after; and when a man's doing sums at home evenings, it comes kind of awkward for him to try to hold his wife on his lapt There's nothing in this taJk that two can "~ live cheaper Uian one. A good wife doubles a man's expenses and doubles his happiness, and that's a pretty good investment if a fel- low's got the money to invest I have met women who had cut their husband's ex- penses in half, but ti^ needed the money because they had doubled their own I might add, too, that I've met a good maaiy husbands who had cut their wives' expenses in half, and thqr fit naturally into any dis- 276 LETTERS TO HIS SON cnssion of our business, because they are hogs. There's a point where economy be- comes a Tice, and that's when a man ikres its practic" to his wife. An unmarried man is a good deal Uke a piece of unimproved real estab.—he may be worth a whole lot of money, but he isn't of any particular use except to build on. The great trouble with a lot of these fellows is that they're " made land," and if you dig down a few feet yon strike ooze and booze under the layer of dollars that their daddies dumped in od top. Of course, the only way with a proposition of that sort is to drive forty-foot piles clear down to solid rock and then to lay railroad iron and ce- ment till you've got sometfiing to build on. But a lot of women will go right ahead with- out any preliminaries and wonder what's the matter when the walls begin to crack and tumble about their ears. I never come across a case of this sort without thinking of Jack Carter, whose fa- 277 .: < A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S ther died about ten years ago and left Jack a million dollars, and left me as trostee of both until Jack reached his twenty-flfth birthday. I didn't relish the job particu- larly, because Jack was one of these char- lotte-russe boys, all whipped cream and sponge cake and high-priced flavoring ex- tracts, without any filling qualities. There wasn't any special harm in him, but there wasn't any special good, either, and I always feel that there's more hope for a fellow who's an out and out cuss than for one who's simply made up of a lot of Uttle trifling meannesses. Jack wore mighty warm clothes and mighty hot vests, and the girls all said that he was a perfect dream, but I've never been one who could get a great deal of satisfaction out of dreams. It's mighty seldom that I do an exhibition mile, but the winter after I inherited Jack —he was twenty-three years old then— your Ma kept after me so strong that I finally put on my fancy harness and let her trot me 278 LETTERS TO HIS SON around to a meet at the Ralstons one eye- ning. Of course, I was in the Percheron class, and so I just stood around with a lot of heavy old draft horses, who oughtto have been resting up in their stalls, and watched the three-year-olds prance and cavort round the ring. Jack was among them, of course, daacing with the youngest Churchill girl, and holding her a litUe tighter, I thought, than was necessary to keep her from falling. Had both ends working at once— never missed a stitch with his heels and was turn- ing out a steady stream of fancy work with his month. And all the time he was look- ing at that girl as intent and eager as a Scotch terrier at a rat hole. I happened just then to be pinned into a comer with two or three women who couldn't escape— Edith Curzon, a great big brunette whom I knew Jack had been pretty soft on, and little Mabel Moore, a nice roly- poly blonde, and it didn't take me long to see that they were watching Jack with a 279 l\ t.i :; A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S haii-pnlllflg itch in their flnger-tips. In fact, it looked to me as if the young scamp was a good deal more popular than the facts about him, as I knew them, warranted him in being. I slipped out early, but next erening. When I was sitting in my little smoking, room. Jack dame charging in, and, without any sparring for an opening, burst out with : " Isn't she a stunner, Mr. Graham ! " I allowed that Miss Curzon was some- thing on the stun. ^ "Miss Curzon, indeed," he sniffed. " She's well enough in a big, black way, but Miss Churchill " and he began to paw the air for adjectives. " But how was I to know that you meant Miss Churchill?" I answered. "It's just a fortnight now since you told me that Miss Curzon was a goddess, and that she was go- ing to reign in your life and make it a heaven, or something of that sort I forget 280 LETTERS TO HIS SON just the words, but they were mighty beauti- ful thoughts and did you credit" « Don't remind me of it," Jack groaned. " It makes me sick every time I think what an ass I've been." I allowed that I felt a little nausea my- self, but I told him that this time, at least, he'd shown some sense; that Miss Churchill was a mighty pretty girl and rich enough so that her liking him didn't prove anything worse against her than bad judgment; and that the thing for him co do was to quit his 'oolishness, propose to her, and dance the ', toe, and a one, two, three with her for the rest of his natural days. Jack hemmed and hawked a little over this, but finally he camor out with it: " That's the deuce of it," says be. « I'm in a beastly mess— I want to marry her— she's the only girl in the world for mfr-the only one I've ever really loved, and I've pro- posed—that is, I want to propose to her 281 A SELF-MADE MERCHA NT'S but I'm engaged to Edith Curzon on the quiet" " I reckon you'll marry her, then," I sale' ; " because she strikes me as a young womfin who's not going to lose a million doUani without putting a tracer after it" " And that's not the worst of it," Jack went on. i "Not the worst of it! What do yon mean! You haven't married her on the quiet, too, have you? " " No, but there's Mabel Moore, you know." I didn't know, but I guessed. «Tou haven't been such a double-barreled donkey as to give her an option on yourself, too? " " No, no; but I've said things to her which she may have misconstrued, if she's inclined to be literal." " You bet she is," I answered. " I never saw a nice, fat, blonde girl who took a mil- lion-dollar offer as a practical joke. What is it you've said to her? ' I love you, dar- a8a LETTERS TO HIS SON ling,' or sometliing about aa foxy and non- committal." " Not that— not that at all; but she may have stretched what I said to mean that." Well, sir, I just laid into that fellow when I heard that, though I could see that he didn't think it was refined of me. He'd never made it any secret that he thought me a pretty coarse old man, and his face showed me now that I was jpjrring his deli- cate works. " I suppose I have been indiscreet," he said, « but I must say I expected something different from you, after coming out this way and owning up. Of course, if you don't care to help me " I cut him short there. " I've got to help you. But I want you to tell me the truth. How have you managed to keep this Curzon girl from announcing her engagement to you? " " Well," and there was a scared grin on 283 i - ^ SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'r Jack's face now; «l told her that yon, as trnrtee nnder father's will, had certain un- pleasant powers over n.y mon^-ln fact, aiat most of it would revert to Sis if I^ ried against yonr wishes, and that yon dis- iked her, and that she must work herself into yonr good graces before we could ttink of announciig our engagement." rsaw right off that he had told Mabel Moore the same thing, and that was why 2Z T" "^ "^ «° »»"^«^ PoUte t^ ^^e thought before So I rounded on him ^Yc^^^engaged to that Miss Moore, too, " I'm afraid so." « Why didn't you come out like a man and say so at first? " "Icouldn'ivMr.Graham. Someways it seemed like piling it up so, and you take such a cold-blooded, unsympathetic view of these things." 284 LETTERS TO HIS SON « Perhaps I do; yog, I'm afraid I do. How far are jou committed to Miss Churchill? » Jack cheered right np. « I'm all right there, at leaat She hasn't answered." " Then you've a«ked? " " Why, so I have; at least she may take it for something like asking. But I don't care; I want to be committed there; I can't live without her; she's the only » I saw that he was beginning to foam up again, so I shut him off straight at the spigot Told him to save it till after the ceremony. Set him down to my desk, and dictated two letters, one to Edith Curzon and the other to Mabel Moore, and made him sign and seal them, then and there. He twisted and squirmed and tried to wiggle off the hook, but I wouldn't give him any Black. Made him come right out and say that he was a yellow pup; that he had made a mistake; and that the stuff was all off, though I worded it a little different from 285 A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S that Blung In some fancy words and high- toned phraaes. You see, I had made up my mind that the best of a bad matter was the Churchill girl, and I didn't propose to hare her commit herself, too, until I'd sort of cleared away the wreckage. Then I reckoned on copper- riveting their engagement by announcing it myself and standing over Jack with a shot- gun to see that there wasn't any more non- sense. They were both so lightheaded and lightwalsted and light-footed that it seemed to me that they were just naturally mates. Jack reached for those letters when they were addressed and started to put them in his pocket, but I had reached first. I reckon he'd decided that something might happen to them on their way to the post-offlce; but nothing did, for I called in tl butler and made him go right out and maU them then and there. I'd had the letterB dated from my house, and I made Jack spend the night there. I 286 LETTERS TO HIS SON reckoned it might be as well to keep him within reaching distance for the next day or two. He showed up at breakfast in the morning looking like a calf on tJie way to the killing pens, and I could see that hi.i thoughts were mighty busy following the postman who was delivering those letters. I tried to cheer him up by reading some litUe odds and ends from the morning paper about other people's troubles, but they didn't seem to interest him. "They must just about have received them," he finally groaned into his coffee cup. "Why did I send them! What will those girls think of me! They'll cut me dead— never apeak to me again." The butler came in before I could tell him that this was about what we'd calculated on their doing, and said: "Beg pardon, sir, but there's a lady asking for you at the tele- phone." " A lady ! " says Jack. " Tell her I'm not here." Talk to one of those girls, even from 287 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT S aMfediBtaocel Hegnessednot Hetnni«d as pale as a hog on Ice at the thought of It. " I'm Borry, Blr," said the man, '< but I've already said that you were breakfaaUng here. She said It was very important" I could see that Jack's curiosity was al- ready getting the best of his scare. After all, he threw out, feeling me^, it might be best to hear what she had to say. I thought so, too, and he went to the instrument and shouted " Hello ! " in what he tried to make a big, brave voice, but it wobbled a little aJl thesama I got the other end of the conversation from him when he was through. "Hello! Is that yon, Jack?" chirped the Curzon girl. " Tefi. Who is that? " « Edith," came back. « I have your letter, but I can't make out what it's all about Come this afternoon and tell me, for we're still good friends, aren't we, Jack? " " Yes— certainly," stammered Jack. 288 LETTERS TO HIS SON " And you'll come? " " Ytm," he answered, and cut her off He had hardly recovered from thig shock when a mewenger boy came wifh a note, ad- dressed in a woman's writing. "Now for it," he said, and breaking the seal read: "'Jack dear.- Yonr horrid note doesn't «ay any .iing, nor explain anything. Come this afternoon and tell what it means to Mabel.' " "Here's a go," exclair,i.>d Jack, but he looked pleased in a sort of sneaking way. What do yon think of it, Mr. Graham?" " I don't like it" " Think they 'ntend to cut up? " he asked " Like a sausage machine; and yet I don't see how they can stand for you after that letter." " Well, shall I go? » " Yes, in fact I suppose you must go; but Jack, be a man. Tell 'em plain and straight 289 Ml A SELF-MADE MERCHANT 'S that yon don't love *em as yon should to marry 'em; say yon saw youp old girl a few days ago and found yon loved her still, or something from the same trough, and stick to it. Take what yon deserve. If they hold you up to the bull-ring, the only thing you can do is to propose to take the whole bunch to Utah, and let 'em share and share alike. That'll settle it Be firm." " As a rock, sir." I made Jack come downtown and lunch with me, but when I started him off, about two o'clock, he looked so like a cat padding up the back-stairs to where she knows there's a little canary meat — scared, but happy—that I said once more: "Now be firm, Jack." « Firm's the word, sir," was the resolute answer. " And unyielding." "As the old guard." And Jack puffed himself out till he was as chesly as a pigeob on a bam roof, and swung off down the 290 LETTERS TO HIS SON street looking mighty fine and manly from the rear. I never reaJly got the straight of it, but I pieced together these particnlara later. At the comer there was a flower store. Jack stepped Inside and sent a box of roses by special messenger to Miss Cur t, so there might be something to start conversation when he got there. Two blocks farther on he passed a second florist's, turned back and sent some lilies to Miss Moore, for fear she might think he'd forgotten her during the hour or more before he could work around to her house. Then he chased about and found a third florist, from whom he ordered some violets for Miss Churchill, t» remind ber that she had promised him the first dance at the Blairs' that night Your Ma told me that Jack had nice instincts about these little things which women like, and always put a good deal of heavy thought into selecting his flowers for them. It's been my experience that a critter who has in- 391 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S Btincts instead of Bense belongs in the bnshes with the dicky-birds. No one ever knew just what happened to Jack during the next three hoars. He showed up at his club about five o'clock with a mighty concdted set to his jaw, but it dropped asiif the spring had broken when he caught sight of me waiting for him in the reading-room. " You here? " he asked as he threw him- self into a chair. "You bet," I said. "I wanted to hear how you made out You settled the whole business, I take it?" but I knew mighty well from his looks that he hadn't settled anything. "Not — not exactly — ^that is to say, en- tirely; but I've made a very satisfactory be- ginning." " B^an it all over again, I suppose." This hit so near the truth that Jack jumped, in spite of himself, and then he burst out with a really swear. I couldn't 292 LETTERS TO HIS SOli have been more surprised if your Ma had cussed. " Damn it, sii, I -yon't stand any more of your confounded meddling. Those letters were a piece of outrageous brutality. I'm brealting oft with the girls, but IVe gone about it in a gentler and, I hope, more dig- nified, way." " Jack, I don't believe any such stuff and gnff. You're tied up to them har Jer and tighter than ever." I could see I'd made a bull's ^e, for Jack began to bluster, but I cut him short with: " Go to the devil your own way," and walked out of the club. I reckon that Jack felt mighty disturbed for as much as an hour, but a good dinner took the creases out of his system. He'd found that Miss Moore didn't intend to go to the Blaire', and that Miss Curzon had planned to go to a dance with her sister somewheres else, so he calculated on having a clear track for a trial spin with Miss Churchill. 293 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S I surprised your Ma a good deal that eve- ning by allowing that I'd go to the Blaire' myself, for it looked to me as if the finals might be trotted there, and I thought I'd better be around, because, while I didiit see much chance of getting any sense into Jack's head, I felt i ought to do what I could on my friendship account with his father. Jack was talking to Miss Churchill when I came into the room, and he was tending to business so strictly that he didn't see me bearing down on him from one side of the room, nor Edith Curzon's sister, Mrs. Di k, a mighty capable young married woman,' bearing down on him from the other, nor Miss Curzon, with one of his roses in her hair, watching him from a comer. There must have been a council of war between the sisters that afternoon, and a change of their plans for the evening. Mrs. Dick bf». me stalking Jack, but I was just behind, a close second. He didn't 294 " Mill Curzan, with one of bis roies in her hair, watching him from a corner." LETTERS TO HIS SON we her until she got right up to him and rapped him on the am with her fan. "Dear Jack," she says, all smiles and sugar; "dear Jack, I're just heard. Edith haa told me, though I'd suspected something for a long, long time, you rogue," and she fetched him another kittenish clip with the fan. Jack looked about the way I once saw old Miss Curley, the president of the Good Tem- plars back in our town in Missouri, look at a party when she half-swallowed a spoonful of her ice cream before she discovered that it waa flavored with liquor. But he stammered something and hurried Miss Churchill away, though not before a fellow who was going by had wrung his hand and said, '< Congratulations, old chap. Just heard the news." Jack's only idea seemed to travel, and to travel far and faat, and he dragged his part- ner along to the other end of the room, while A SELF-MADE MERCHAN T'S I followed the band. We had almost gone the length of the course, when Jack, who had been staring ahead mighty hard, shied and balked, for there, not ten feet away, Btood Miss Moore, carrying his lilies, and blushing and smiling at something young Blakely was 'saying to her. I reckon Jack guessed what that some- thing was, but just then Blakely caught sight of him and rushed up to where he was standing. "I congratulate you, Jack," he said. " Miss Moore's a charming girl." And now Miss Churchill slipped her hand from his arm and turned and looked at Jack. Her lips were laughing, but there was some- thing in her eye which made Jack turn his own away. "Oh, you lucky Jack," she laughed. " You twice lucky Jack." Jax;k simply curled up : « Wretched mis- take somewhere," he mumbled. "Awfully hot here-get you a glass of water," and he 296 LETTERS TO HIS SON pushed off. He dodged apound Miss Moore, and made a flank movement which got him by Miss Curzon and safely to the door. He kept on ; I followed. I had to go to New York on business next day. Jack had already gone there, bought a ticket for Europe, and was just loafing around the pier trying to hurry the steamer off. I went down to see him start, and he looked 80 miserable that I'd have felt sorry for him if I hadn't seen him look miserable before. "Is it generaUy known, sir, do you think? " he asked me humbly. « Can't you hush it up somehow?" "Hush it up! You might as well say ' Shoo ! ' to the Limited and expect it to stop for you." "Mr. Graham, I'm simply heartbroken over it all. I know I shall never reach Liverpool. I'll go mad on the voyage across, and throw myself overboard. I'm too deli- cately strung to stand a thing of this sort." 297 "Delicate rat. I Ton haven't nerve enonghnotto.tandlt,»I«,d. «B«cenp JlT^"" "^ "^^ ""'^ •»' mechaalcaUy a^d looked at n.e without ^ng me, for M, grleMlmmed eye., m .tracing al^ng the deck, had lit on that pretty lltLsono.! baggage, Fanny Fairfax. And aa I Parted off he waa leaiiing over her In the same old way, looking into her brown eye« aa if he •aw a full-conrse dinner there. " "^^ of your being on board ! " I heard Wmaay. « I'm the luckleet feUow alive; 1^ Jove, I am I" ' '' keeping him in order now. I don't go much on graaa widows, but I give her credit for ^nga tty^.^, «''«'•'««" Jack ao tame that he eats out of her hand, and so welHr^nol that he don't allow str^gers to I inherited one Jack-I couldn't help 398 LETTERS TO HIS SO N that But I don't propoae to wake up and And another one in the familj. go yon write me what's what by return. Tour affectionate father, John Gbabah. 299 FROM John GnJum, tt the Boitoii HouM ol Graham & Co., to hli ion, Pierrepont, at th« Union Stock Yarda in Chicago. Mr. Pierrtpont haa told the old man what'a what" and re- ceived a limited bleiaing Jl XX BOBTON, November H, 180— Dear Pierrepont: If that's what, it's all nght. And yon can't get married too qnick to suit the old man. I believe in short en- gagemente and long marriages. I don't see any sense in a fellow's sitting around on the mourner's bench with the sinners, after he's really got religion. The time to size up the other side's strength is before the engage- ment. * ' Some fellows propose to a girt before they know whether her front and her back hair match, and then holler that they're stuck when they find that she's got a cork leg and a glass eye as well. I haven't any sympathy with them. They start out on the princiLle that married people have only one meal a day, and that of fried oysters and tutti- frutti ice-cream after the theatra Natur- ally, a giri's got her better nature and her best complerion along under those circum- 303 A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S stances; but the really valuable thing to know is how she approaches ham and eggs at seven a. m., and whether she brings her complexion with her to the breakfast table. And these fellowK make a girl believe that they're going to spend all the time between eight and eleven p. m., for the rest of their lives, holding a hundred and forty pounds, live weight, in their lap, and saying that it feels like a feather. The thing to find out is whether, when on^ of them gets up to holding a ten pound baby in his arms, for five minutes, he's going to carry on as if it weighed a ton. A girl can usually catch a whisper to the eflfect that she's the showiest goods on the shelf, but the vital thing for a fellow to know is whether her ears arc sharp enough to hear him when he shouts that she's spending too much money and that she must reduce ex- penses. Of course, when you're patting and petting and feeding a woman she's going to purr, but there's nothing like stirring her 304 np a little now and then to see if «j.o •. «- and W. things When r.^^^;^^'*^ I waiit to say right here that there's only ZLT' more aggravating in this Jd' th^ a woman who gets noisy when she's -ad and float's one who gets quiet Th first breaks her spell of temper with the -cter^bnt the second simmers tiong your berth-keeps yon scared and ready to lamp for fear she's 'going to blow^Ly -nnte; but She never does and get« it o"r with— just drizzles it out Ton can punch your brother when he tT *'; '""''^' '"* y«"'-« got to love your Jife A violent woman drives a fellow to dnnk, but a nagging one drives him crazy. She takes h,s fault, and ties them to him a tan can to a yellow dog's tail, and the harder he runs to get away from them the more he hears of them. I simply mention these things in a general way, aad in the spirit of the preacher atle >^s^:^siMsmi |i A SELF-MADE MERCHANT'S fnneral of the man who wasn't " a profes- sor " — because it's customary to make a few appropriate remarks on these occasions. From what I saw of Helen Heath, I reckon she's not getting any the best of it. She's what I call a mighty eligible young woman — pretty, bright, sensible, and without any fortune to make her foolish and you a fool. In fact, you'd have to sit up nights to make yourself good enongh for her, even if you brought her a million, instead of fifty a week. I'm a great believer in women in the home, but I don't take much stock in them in the oiHee, though I reckon I'm prejudiced and they've come to stay. I never do business with a woman that I don't think of a little incident which happened when I was first married f» your Ma. We set up housekeep- ing in one of those cottages that you read about in the story books, but that you want to shy away from, when it's put up to you to live in one of them. There were nice climb- 306 Cttp LETTERS TO HIS SON mg roses on the front porch, but no running water in the kitchen; there were a-plenty of old fashioned posies in the front yard, and a-plenty of rats in the cellar; there was half an acre of ground out back, but so little room inside that I had to sit with my feet out a window. It was just the place to go for a picnic, but it's been my experience that a fellow does most of his picnicking before he's married. Your Ma did the cooking, and I hustled for things to cook, though I would take a shy at It myself once in a while and get up my muscle tossing flapjacks. It was pretty rough sailing, you bet, but one way and an- other we managed to get a good deal of sat- isfaction out of it, because we had made up our minds to take our fun as we went along With most people happiness is something that IS always just a day off. But I have made it a rule never to put oflf being happy till to-morrow. Don't accept notes for hap- piness, because you'll find that when they're 307 f i HI, A SELF-MADE MERCH ANT'S due they're never paid, but just renewed for another thirty days. I wa« clerking in a general store at that time, but I had a little weakness for live- stock, even then; and while I couldn't af- ford to plunge in it exactly, I managed to buy a likely Ihtle shoat that I reckoned on carrying through the Summer on credit and presenting with a bill for board in the Fall. He was just a plain pig when he came to us, and we kept him in a little sty, but we weren't long in finding out that he wasn't any ordinary root-and-grunt pig. The first I knew your Ma was calling him Toby, and had turned him loose. Answered to his name like a dog. Never saw such a sociable pig. Wanted to sit on the porch with us. Tried to come into the house evenings. Used to run down the road squealing for joy when he saw me coming home from work. Well, it got on towards November and Toby had been making the most of his op- portunities. I never saw a pig that turned 308 LETTERS TO HIS SON corn into fat so fast, and the stouter he got the better his disposition grew. I reckon I was attached to him myself, in a sort of a sneaking way, but I was mighty fond of hog meat, too, and we needed Toby in the kitchen. So I sent around and had him butchered. When I got home to dinner next day, I noticed that your Ma looked mighty solemn as she set the roast of pork down in front of me, but I strayed oflf, thinking of some- thing else, as I carved, and my wits were off wool gathering sure enough when I said : "Will you have a piece of Toby, mv dear?" ' Well sir, she just looked at me for a mo- ment, and then she burst out crying and ran away from the table. But when I went after her and asked her what was the matter, she stopped crying and was mad in a minute all the way through. Called me a heartless, cruel cannibal. That seemed ' to relieve her so that she got over her mad 309 A SELF-MADE MERCHAMT'a m md began to cry again. Begj^' me to take Toby out of pickle and to bmy him in tlie garden. I reasoned with her, ar.. , , j,e end I made her see that any obseqn ...^ for Toby with pork at eight cents a pound, would be a pretty expensive funeral for us. But first and last she h^ managed to take ray appe- tite away so that I didn't want any roast pork for dinner or cold pork for supper. That night I took what was left of Toby to a store keeper at the Crossing, who I knew would be able to ga^e on his hams without bursting into tears, and got a pretty fair price for him. I Simply mention Toby in passing, as an example of why I believe women weren't cut out for bu8ines8-^t least for the pork- packing business. I've had dealings with a good many of them, first and last, and it's been my experience that when they've got a weak case they add their sex to it and win, and that when they've got a strong case they subtract their sex from it and deal with you 310 LETTERS TO HIS SON , I harder thoB a man. They're simply bound to win either way, and I don't like to play a game where I haven't any show. When a clerk makes a fool bre- \, I don't want to beg his pardon for calliig his attention to it, and I don't wapt him to blush and tremble and leak a little brine into a fancy pocket handkerchief. A little change is a mighty soothing thing, and I like a woman's ways too much at home to care very much for them at the office. Instead of hiring women, I try to hire their husbands, and then I usually have thorn both working for me. There's noth- ing like a woman at home to spur on a man at the office. A married man is worth more salary than a single one, because his wife makes him worth mora He's apt to go to bed a litUe sooner and to get up a little earlier; to go a little steadier and to work a little harder than the fellow who's got to amuse a differ- ent girl every night, and can't stey at home 3" r' i A MERCHANT'S LETTRRS to do It That', why I'm going to raise yonr ■alary to ieventy-flTe dollars a week the day yon many Helen, and that's why I'm going to quit writing these letters-Pm simply going to turn you over to her and let her keep yon In order. I bet she'll do a better job than I have. Your affectionate father, John Graham.' TRE Ein> 312 "* ' "^ J^' ' jm