.0. //.. -^ \^^ '■-v) IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT m / n <■■ aUATION ET (MT-3 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. /l/ICMH ofiche IS. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. n^< I op\ jes appe. possible cofisidenng the condition ar of the original copy and in keep my v^. ih beginning with tti" ' ,:^t'r ,if>r1 Hfiduu, the last page wit' sion or the back cover when apfjropnate A oi\' ginat copies are filmed begu hrstpagew' sio'! and eruJmg on itu:; last pu ■; '■ strated impression Mrit^js piatf- u 1 1 f H r e n t r e t s > ; ■• i i > " ^ n> n ■ ', ' i r M I v/ in, \ ', I ! i n li If; .if s lift. ,< t M f 1 1 ri 1 , n keeping wit! tJH Ifi MHttetf (In pel p»- ' I '. ) V f • ' -> ri : ' "-'^r ,4nd ending /Strafed irrif /hen appropriate Al filmed begc derniAfH p^qf as I pa^^t- w ! ' r H m I ^ r e p a cj t ^s 'if- rhe Prelident's Mcffage. ON THE TREATY PAPERS. CE J EL OFFICE, April 7, 1796. ^n^flcmantou in/iant a> tved .rom New- York, has favored us vitth the juitff hi^b.'y interefttr' and via^nanimous Communication of T^E PRESIDED lot THE UmT£D ^TATXS^ to he tJg ofRcprefcniatives, on IVtdnefday the ^oth ult. « G£A it "(TH tlw ■• itsi^f-H i 1 iiavc c onfi- WlTfi dercd youi elolutton ottbe afCh \n{\. rcqtieRinftme to Uy before ymir honfe, a copy of the inllrkiioni to the Miniftfr of the Un;t- ««I State*, vrho n«g»t"uied the treaty with the Kiujrof C^reat-Brti Altogether with tiic cor- refpondence «nd other documents relative to that treaty, excepting f>««h of the favd paperi • s anyexirtino necociac;oo may reader impro- per to be difuofea. " In dHiberating on th!j fubjcd, it was im- pvfGble forme to l«fe fight of the principle which Tom? hare avowed in its difcuilioG, or to tkvoid extending ray view* to the confet^aencet whicnmalt tiow front the Adaailfion oi that pria- ciple. »' I truft that no part of my condud h:i s evt r indicated 1 difpofition to withhold any mtor maufm ^hich th» Contbttttian has enjomed upon the Pr«fident as a duty to gWe, or which tcw'ld be required of him by cither houl'c of Congrcfs a% a riglv; i and with truth I tihrm, that II haabren, A» it will continue to b« while I have the hooof to prefide in the government, ray conftaot endeavour to harmonize wim the orher bvanchaa thereof, fo far as the truft dele- irated to me by tho people of the Unifd Stat? '"•nit oflbc .i-'igati^'n ■' ,= , prntffJ *^; .•"' -uftrntl tin I p?TP- h- nature - ;. gov«rn«i«nt to this rooTneot, ray conda In this conftniction of the conftitution, every Houfe of ReprpffUtatives has heretofore acqui- efccd ; and until the prcfent time, not a doubt or fufpition has appeared to ray kaowlrdgc, that tliis con(fru<'tion waa not the true vt\t ■> Nav, they have more than acquiefced , tor .u- til now, without controveriiua the oMigatiyn of Ujch treaties, they have made all the requi tite provifjons for carrying theni into effcd. •• rh«r« i» aifo realon vo believe tlvii tiiia c on ():ru£lion agrees wiih the opinions enter- tained by the htate Conventions, when they were deliberating on th« coniV'tuiion ; efpe- i. sally by thofc who ohjetiedto it, becauie ih«r* wraa not required ia i^mfntrci^i treaiiei^tht con fcRt of two third* (A the wboieSeoaie,inftf ad 0* twolhirds of theSenators prefent . -ind becauipui ?-»i!rict r-rlpecting territorial and wtrtain cnrt » and tlaini' ^oncurren « «»'"> r. > o:^ l'h()k)i:rii|)lii( Scienci^s ^ u <5'- \ tifu}irifiiny i' 'iqhT and top ( 2 4 as 2 ' f*. t 1 . M 3 o 3 6 «tj*»ld tie rfqusrra m Mini oy cim^i nouie >m Coaf^reii i% a rigl>^! anJ with cryth I tl^i-^Ti thai li hatiijcn, i« it ^wiU conunut to I htvelh* honor lo prrfide in the f,ov«n. jieui, my conlUnt en(ie»foor lo binnonixe wan th« ' -VMir b» jinch«i chenrof, fo t«r tt the truft del* 10 n»t by »b« p««pl« of tht U ' t^-f f ^ m t\rit < onftrurtion ttrffi with the opmioni •nier- ..rted by the ^iiie (.on vent I on*, when ti.ry ■»ere deht)«f*tin^ on t>»€ conli-tution . rf;'r - ally »V '*'"^* '''^*'' ohjeilcdlo tl, t»«tiuC« u*« • wit not reijutred lo K«iw»*r de- in40d, and to have, t» s matter of t»ur(c. ail »hr paper! refpedinn « nej^ot lation **itb « foreign power, woald be to eiUbliQi « danj^e- ro»»» precedeot. " It Uoe^ not occur, that the infpeftion of the p»pENATE, when the 1 rctcy iclclf WM coiTJmuj^cRi«*i for ibf^ con- fidcration and advice ♦• The f«, )*«da to iooi* ohfrrvatiooi on the modo qf making tretfei »ndertbe Cotiftitotion of tbo United Sutc* ** Having bron a member of the Geoeral Convention, and kDo«»ing the principica on which the Cooflitutloo waa fortned, I h«ve e »or entertaintsi but one opinloa on thU fub- j*^ , aiifi troo» tte fcrfl eftablifibirfBt of ib« ^ *eri t( lul poiaical lafeiy of the Imailei buua w ,»MTifd «neniiallv ;»dlepend. " ii other proofa than iltfie, and the plain if ter of the cooltitution itlelf, be necetlary fo a1- rrtain tlw pmut under eoniytration, rhey may *■>( toand in thf journal of the general (.on^^n- lioo, which 1 have dfpolited in the office of the department of J>tate. In thofejournaii it will appear, that a propnfuion watoiade, " that nr treaty fbould be be bituliiig on the Uniied Sti; which waa not latihed by a law >" and thai propolilion was exj licifly rejeOtd, " Aa, therefore, it n perteittly clear to i, . derftanding, that the liirnt oi the \\o\iSt nt prefer.titivea is not neceliary to the validi; v H treaty, ai tlie treaty vrith Ort*i-Br itsiH tx hiba«, in itfclf, ail the object! requiring Jrg'!* lative ptovifion ; and on which thefe paper a tailed tor can throw no «light , and ta u a efiVotial to the due adminiOration ofllie gov- Tainent, that the boundaries hxed by the (ionftitution, between die diBFeretit depart- nifeocaifhoold beprrferved— « joH regard to the Conftituiion, ami to the duty of my oftce, un der all the cireumflancee of thi« cafe, forbid * conopllanc* wUb your re«i»eft.*' ^c-o, rra« wbtAt . tvr fmiUnktj 0^- i