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L'lmtitwt a micraf ibn4 la maUiaur anamplaira ^'il lui a At* poHiMa da M procurar. La« dttailt da cfl fjaawplaita ^ ibnt paMt4tra uniquat du point da «ua raproduita. o« qyi pauvant aiilfar una modif ieation dam la mMioda nonnala da flbwaga lont indiquAt QColourad covan/ Covvartura da coutaur r~~| Covart damaiad/ I \/\ Coyvaftuta andommafia r~n Covart rattoiad and/or laminaiad/ I 1/1 Couvartura raiiaurte at/ou pallieulte Du Covar titia minint/ titra da eouvartura manqua □ Colourad mapi/ * CattM ftorapbiquat an eoulaur » , . □ CobMirod ink (i.a. otbar tban Mua or Maakf? Encra da eoidaur (i.a. aiitra qua Maua ou noira) □ Colourad platM and/or illustratiom/ Plancbat at/eu illustrations an coulaur □ Colourad p a p s / Patas da coulaur D □ Nflas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Paps rastaurtes at/ou paNieul4as rT\ Nps discokwrad, ttainad or foxad/ 1 ^ PafM dteolorAas, tacbatias ou p iqutas , ■ V ■ □ Pa«as datacbad/ Patas dMaebtes r~~l SbO«rtbroU|b/ LJ/1 Transparanca Quality of print varias/ Oualitt in*gala da i'imprassion □ Bound witb otbar malarial/ RaM a«ac d'autras doeumants Ti«ht bbidinf may causa sbadows or distortion alofifl intarior martin/ La raliura sarrte paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la distorsion la lont da la marta intiriaura Blank laawas addad durint rastoration may appaar witbin tba taiit. Wbanavar postiMa. tbasa bava baan omittad from f ilmint/ II sa'paut qua cartainas patas Mancbas ajouttes tore d'una rastauration apparaissant darH la taxta. mais. lorsqua'tala ftait possiMa. oas patas n'ont pas M filmtes; □ Continuous patination/ Patination continua □ D Includas indaxCas)/ Comprand un (das) indax TitIa on haadar takan from: / La titra da Tan^tf ta proviant: TitIa papii of issua/ Pata da titra da la livraison I I Caption of issua/ D Titra da depart da la livraison Masthaad/ Ganariqua (piriodiquasi da la livraison □ Additional commants:/ Commantairas supplimantairas: Tbis itam is f ilmad at tba radutftion ratio cbackad balowr/ . Ca documant ast film* au taux da rMuction indiqui cirdassous. ■- io><' '■■■'• "■>/ ' -■■ Ht, ■■■■ititv'.:' . •' '" 22X 26X XX 12X IfX y 20X 24X 28X 32)( ■" ■ • ' ■ '- 32 X •-.*'*• TM oopy fUm«d h«rt has b««n r«produe*d thankt « to ttM ^MMrotlty of : ^ ^ Vicwfli Uiiivinity-Arwwii ' Tbo ImogM appoarlno H4ro or* tho boft quality petslbia eontldartng tha aondltlon and lagibUlty of tha orioinal aopy and In kaaplng with tha filming oontraet apaeifleatlona. . ^ > Original eoplaa In printad papar eovart ara fllmad baglnning with tha front eovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad Imprat- aion. or tha baek aovar whan approprtata. All othar original eoplaa ara fllmad baglnning on tha f Irat paga with a printad or llluttratad Impraa* aion. and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or Illuatratad impraaaion. Tha laat raeordad frama on oieh mlerofioha ■hall oontain tha aymbol — ^ Imaaning "CON- TINUEO"). or tha aymbol Y (maaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. L'aMamplaira fitmi fut rai g«n«roalt* do: griea i la Mapa. platat. eharta. ate., may ba fllmad at different reduction retioa. Thoaa too ierjge to be entlreiyrlnoiuded in one oKpoaure ara filmed * beginningjn-the upper left hand corner, left to right end top to bottom, ea many;framea et required. The following diegrama illustrata the method: ' - ,m-M ' m. Tlw Uiiliii Ctwwii tf Umh Ardiim . ViitMli Uaivinity Arakiwi , Uit Imagae aulvantae ont ^4 reproduitee eveo le . plua grand eoln, oompte tenu da le condition et de le notteti de rexempieire fllm4«'et en eonfprmit* aveo Iqp oonditlona du eontret do fibnaga; . ,* ■■ ■'.■■'■ Hie exemplairae orlglnauK dont la eouvertufa en ^'papier eat ImprlmAa aont fiimAa an ^If^tmanpant i par le premier plat at an termlnent ipit per la darnlAre page qui eomporte une empreinte d'impreaaton ou dllluatration, aoit par la aacond plat, aelon lo eaa. Toua lea autrea exemplalraa origlnaux aont fllhiAa an eomman9ant par id pramiAre paga qui eomporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou dlliuauation at en termlnent par la damlAra page qui eomporte une telle empreinte. . , • Un dee aymbolae auhranta apparattra aur la demiire imega.de cheque microfiche, aalon la caa: la aymbola -»- aighifia "A SUIVftE", la aymbola ▼ oignlfie "FIN". Lea cartel, plenehea. talSlaeux. etc.. peuvent itra f iim*8 * dee uux da reduction dif f*ranta. Loraque le document eat trap grand pour Atra reproduit en un aaulclich4.il ait film* * partir de Tangle aup«rieur geuche, da gauche A droite. et de haut mi% baa, an prenant la nombra d'imegea nAcetaaira. Lea diegrammea auiventa illuatrant la mtthoda. a*^ 1 2 3 M.: m i^i ?t^ :.;f-. /• i- 1 ■^ Presbyterian Church IN CANADA. REGULATIONS FOR Foreign Mission Woj^k. I:' h ^ ■'■» TORONTO: Printbd bv the Pkmbvtbiiux Pkimtino and PuBUSiiiMO CosirANY (L'TD) 1891. ' . *: ■I I' J • ' ' '■'■■., ■ / «•. ■ ." ■■ -^ » ' ■■. , :'lBp f;^¥-- • ■ ■ '^" ■'•.>' ■ ' ■ ',= ,, ■ .' .^fH^b,'- ^y ■'■'.' * ,- "■. ■ -'-' .""■■. ' '■*". ^'M^'^SiBKB^'' ■ . ■'■'. *> ■ ,•.. - . ■ . ■' '■'■ ' :^^^n e' ■» ■ .*■ ' ■ ^ ■ ' '.■''>"*'* ^^"1,, -■ *■','■•;'' -, it, ,. ' ; . -. •■■ ■h'^'' '-' ■■■ ' -- '', " ."• ' *,. ' ' A'20i^|g£,' ,. ' ■ ( • KBti^ ' ^' f;«En^^- -'.- p- » <'-- , ■ ' ', > • It. -■■■ ''r--\ '^/^ ^ "* f ^ K4 ' «2Kmrr f€ .VAa, Ji\i\ U ■'g«BW.Bfc K* r • ,_^__^_5j ttA& ^^^H I^^HpHrv^i^j ^^^^^^^^^K* * K ; :|H ■|^^ \ S B^HV? flm< RC * ^^^^H|HHb^Bb^^^ C *" * ^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^i ip ^ . k A^^^^^l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H B^^ ^jh^HO^I^DI^&.i ^\ '-*»'a ifll HMMHfl m^^M ^^^^^^^^^H Hh w Presbyterian Churck IN CANADA. REGULATIONS FOR Foreign Mission Wohk. » Toronto f PkINTBD SY THB PUBHYTtKUIf PmNTINO AMD PUBUSHIMO COMTAMY (L^TD) ",. ■: : ' 1891. -.■■ ■ w^ >'ll . *>. , N •' .■* ^ 'S /'^''^_;k^"\ ■'•■■. ■ * • .'} r - ^ --^ . =5*-^— __ ■ '' .V- u " ... gum^ t 1 -!±~f!^ J ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ' ■ /■'■ . . .#*»^?, / \ ■ L— Genbral R^ouUtions. _ 1. The Foreign Mission Committee and its work. 2. Appointment of Missionaries. » 3. Duties of Missionaries. 4. Provision for Missionaries in active service. 5. Provision for Aged and Infirm Missionaries. 6. Provision for the Widows and Orphans of Mis- sionaries. . . * II.— Special Regulations. I. The New Hebrides, a. Trinidad. , 3. Formosa. 4. Honan. ^ , 5. Central India. , ' 6. Manitoba and the North-West. III.— Circulars of Questions for Candidates and Others. 1. Enquiries to be made of Candidates. a. Enquiries to be made of Ministerial friends referred to. 3. Questions to be answered by candidates as to their health. 4. Questions to be answered by medical examiner. K y PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN: CANADA. Regulations FOR Foreign Mission Work". V I.-— General Regulations. i. The Foreign Mission Committee and its Work. 1. The Foreign Mission Committee of the Presby- terian Church in C|||da is appointed annually by the General AssembH||D have control of the Foreign Mission operations oT jpie Church, and of all moneys contributed to the Foreign Mission Fund. °^2. It prepares annually for the Assembly a report of the work under its care, and an estimate of the amount required to carry on that work for the ensuing year. 3. The Committee is dividtd into two parts, and^ these is entrusted the direction of the work during the jrear, the Eastern Division having the oversight of aill the missionary operations of the Church in the New Hebrides and the West Indies, and the Western Divi- sion a similar oversight in China, India, Manitoba, the Western Territories of Canada and British Colunibia. 4. These Divisions, subject to the approval of the Committee and the Assembly, open up, or if neotssary withdraw from, fields of labour, appoint, or if necessary recall, missionaries and teachers, determine salaries and other expenditure, make arrangements lor the visitation of the. churches by missionaries or others, and have sui^ervision of all matters pertaining to the work of their respective fields All local general regulations for the management of the work in these fields require their, sanction. , '> f ^ a. AppointrntHt of Mititonarus. I. Applicants for appointment to.the Foreign field should state in writing their age, edi|cational training, aliility to acquire languages, religious experience, the work in whicn they nave been engaged, the motives leading them to offer themselves for mission work, and any other facts concerning themselves which may affect their character or work as missionaries, 3. Applicants should furnish testimonials from their pastor and others, as to their history, character, fitness for the work, and any other facts known to them which may have a bearing upon their appointmenti 3. When a new language has to be acquired, appli- cants should, as a rule, be under thirty years of age. 4. Previous to appointment, a medical certificate, testifying to general health and adaptation to the cli- mate of the country where they are expected to labour, is required of all missionaries and missionaries' wives. 5. When the missionary elect is a licentiate, he is ordained by such Presbytery as may be agreed upon by the Dtvisioit of the Committee appointing him. 6. -A medical practitioner or a licentiate. in medicine, seeking appointment as a Missionary of the Church, is required: — (a) To appear in person before the Foreign Mission Committee. (6) To furnish evidence to the . Committee of his having received the degree of M.D., CM,, or its equi- valent, from some approved University, Medical School or Board authorized to grant such. (c) To present a certificate or extract mijnute, recom- mending his appointment, from the Presbytery within whose bounds he resides. (rf) To satisfy the Committee as to his missionj zeal. Biblical knowledge, aptitude in teachijjgr and ability to acquire the language of the people^o whom he may be sent. (#) To answer satisfactorily the first four questions to be put to ministers at ordination or induction. '>— t3 S'. ^ijS~. '-.w > ^ ,1:3 (A The medical miuionary it expected to teach the Word of God and to aeek the aalvation of men, devot- ing hit time and energies to this work as far as conT patible with the discharge of stricSly professional duties. (g) In every field where an ordained minister is stationed, the medical missionary shall co-operate with him, and all work carried on by them jointly shall be so reported by the minister, and the medical missionary shall make a separate report of his distinctly profes- sional services and matters connected with them. Any amounts received for professional services rendered by medical missionaries are placed by them to the credit of the funds of the mission. ' These regulations apply to all medical missionaries* male and female. 7. In connection with the sending forth of a mis- sionary a public religious service is held, at which the Foreign Mission Committee should be represented by one or more of its members. - «^ J. Dutiis 0/ Missiotfaries. ' I . Missionaries, when appointed, are expected, unless God in^ His providence directs otherwise, to devote themselves to this department of labour as their life work. a. As long as a missionary is under ajppointroent, whether labouring in the Foreign field or at home on Jurlough, he is required to conforjn to the regulations of the Committee and to the directions of the Division of the Committee appointing him. 3. When a Presbytery exists in the field to which ^ an ordained missionary has been appointed, he reports himself to it on his arrival, presenting his credentials* that he may be enrolled as a member and be subject to its jurisdiction. If there be no Presbytery in the field his name is retained on the roll of the Presbytery to which he belonged at the time of his appointment, or in the case of a licentiate, on the roll of the Presbytery by which he was ordaine^ ^ . ^ -.£^ 4. In those mission fields in which the Committee shall think it desirable, a Mission Council shall be con» y \- % ''^j^'Wj^ ' .ieifg' * •,ir' ; > . '<«tititt«d, to have the control and oversight, subject to the Committee's approval or direction, of the expendi- ture of all moneys sent out by the Church or raised by the missionary in the field, especially by seeinff to the careful preparation of the yearly estimates, and tnat the expenditure shall not exceed the amounts sanctioned by the Committee ; allowing nevertheless, as far as possible, liberty to the individual Missionary in the expenditure of money within the limits sanctioned by the Committee, provided in every case all moneys ex- pended are for schemes of work approved of by the Committee— full statements pointed annually by the ordained missionaries; and a rfeport is made of all receipts and payments to the treasurer or n^ent of the Church annually, or more fre- qu Ordained missionaries, under appointment, receive at the rate of $750 per annum, and their necessary trav- elling expenses, while engaged in the service of the Com- mittee, visiting the Churches, prior to their departure, but all contributions obtained by them from the congre- gations visited are paid into the Foreign Mission Fund, unless the Committee has sanctioned coUections for some special object. 4. The outfits given to missionaries vary according to the circumstances of the field to which they are appointed. See special regulations. it 5-_Medical missionaries may receive in addition to the ordinary outfit such a sum for the purchase of books, medicines and surgical instruments as the Division appointing them may consider necessary. The articles J 1: ':Vt-M lO # ^t so purchased are the property of the mission and remain in Its possession. . , . ■ ' ■ fe'.:^( • . ■ ■ ■ 6. When an ordained missionary who has received a medical training is called to practice medicine in his field he may receive a similar grant upon similar con- ditions. 7. Missionaries receive" all their necessary travelling expenses to their field of labour. 8. Thesalariesof missionaries vary in different coun- tries according to the expense of living. They may be increased or diminished, but no reduction shall take effect until at least six months' notice has been sent to the missionaries affected thereby. The salary of a mis^ sionary begins when he reaches his field of labour ahd ceases when he leaves it. For the salaries presently ^aid in the different fields, see special rej?nlations. ^ 9. In addition to the salary a house is usually pro- vided for a missionary, or house rent paid, and such allowance is made as may be necessary for a teacher of the language. 10.' The furloughs allowed to missionaries, to rest and recruit, vary with the distance and circumstances of the field. See Special Regulations. 11. Missionaries returning on furlough with the sanction of the Division of the Committee appointing them, receive all their necessary travelling expenses, both in coining home and ^eturnuig to the field. 12, An ordained missionary or a medical missionary coming home on furlough with the sanction of the Division of the Committee appointing him, receives furlough allowance at the rate of $750 a year. An additional atllowance may be made for house rent at the discretion of the Committee. '13. Furlough allowance begins when missionaries arrive in Canada and ceaises when they leave fcHT their field of labour. 14. Missionariies coming home without the sanction of the Division of the Committee appointing them forfeit all right to travelling expenses and ftirlo|igh allowance •'R':- ./ '*"'' ; ■','^^T" ^ -* *"<>' . II ■ unless reasons are given which are satisfactory to the Committee. 15. Missionaries on furlough, when fulfilling appoint- ments by the Committed, receive their travelling ex- penses, but all the contributions obtained by them from congregations visited are paid into the Foreign Mission Fund, unless the Committee has sanctioned collections for some special object. S' Provhien for Aged and Infirm Missionaries. I . When an ordained or medical missionary, either through infirmity or old age, retires with the sanction h{ the Committee, from Foreign Mission service, he receives from the Foreign Mission Fund, after" ten years service in the field, an allowance of $ioo a year, and ten dollars a year for every additional year of service up to forty years, after which the allowance is $400 a year. This allowance is made up from the Aged and Infirm "Ministers' and the Foreign Mission Fu^rdsTand the Foreign Mission Committee shall hereafter pay the rates required by the Aged and Infirm Ministers' F und. a. When a lady missionary, appointed by the Coro- niittee, whether a medical practitioner, nurse, or tetfther, either through infirmity or old age, retires, with the sanction of the Committee from Foreign Mission ser- vices, she receives from the Foreign Mission Fund, after ten years service in the field, an allowance of $50 a year, and five dollars a year fe» every additional year of service up to forty years, after which the allowance is $200 a year. In the event of marriage her allowance is discontinued. 3. Missionaries thus retiring receive all their neces-' sary travelUng expenses to the country where they wish to reside. 4. Missionaries retiring from Foreign Mission service without the sanction of the Committee, forfeit all right to travelling expenses and retiring allowance. . 5- Furloughs taken with the sanction of the Com- mittee «?e reckoned as service in the Foreign Field. 6. If missionaries retiring through ill health should solar recover as to be able to follow some remunerative occupation, the allowance may be reduced or withheld at the discretion of the Committee. /A. ""f^ T"tf "■ V^ ■ . ; ;, la 6. Provisions for the Widows atitl Orphans of Mission- arits in China, India and the New Hebrides. I. The Committee pays for Ordained Missionaries the annual rates required of them to place them in connection with the Ministers* Widows' and Orphans' rund, and to retain that connection. ^ . \ a. In the case of a widow, who has spent at least twenty.five -years in the foreign field, the Committee Pif^M- ' such a sum as alon^ with her allowance from the Mmisters Widows' and Orphans' Fund, makes her income from Church funds, apart trom that of her children, f 200 a year. rk i*. Tf;« widows ^pd children or orphan children of Ordained Missionaries have all the expenses involved , in their removal from the mission eeld to the country where they are to reside paid. « ■ ' / . » 4.. The orphan children of Ordained Missionaries receive annually, in addition to the amounts secured to them from the Ministers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 1^^;- °T°?..^"T^ '• ^^'^ °"® child, I50, and for each ^dditiipnal child, $25. 5. The Committee makes allowances to the widows and orphans of medical missionaries, securing to them the same income as is provided by the Ministers' Widows andX)rphans' Fund and by these regulations, lor the widows and orphans of ordained missionaries. It provides^also in tlie same manner for the expense of thCTemoval of the widow and the oirphan children of a medical missionary from the mission field to the countrv- where they are to reside. II — Special Regulations. /. The New Hebrides. I. A missionary Under appointment receives Ao sterimg for outfit, jand, if married, he receives an equal amount for hn wife. ^ \A ^m.3H^^:£'^J3^^£«&«^. '*ju,i>*-.a^i^iLM c 2. The salary of a missionary is jCi75 sterling a year, with £io sterling a year additional for each child when at home, and jf 20 sterling for each when the children are away from their parents at sthool. / - 3. Missionaries nriay take a furlough of six months in Australia at the expiration of every five years. 4. During this furlough their salaries, together with ?he°field'' °' ^ ^^"' "^ ^ P^'*^ '" ^"" " ^*»^» *° 5. After two such furloughs, they mav with th#» sanction of the Mission Sydod and the Eastern Division of the Committee, take their third fuilough for one year to Canada, under the'conditioris of the General Re/ula- tions with regard tp traveUing expenses and furlough , 6. In the event of a missionary wishing to return to Canada for his second furlough, after one furlough in Australia and obtaining the sanction of the Mission Synod and the pastern Division of the Committee, he U' a. Trinidad. 1. The salary of an ordained missionary is /v)6 ' per annum. ' *^ annL/^* salary of a lad^^teacher is ;6"85 sterling per 3- All missionaries and teachers sent from Canada s'moS: *"' *'" years of service, to a^lougho^^ rateo/r!^,!!?*'^^" '^"^^ furlough allowance at the rate ot ;g^42 los, per annum. _ 5. Each missionary, while having a large share of discretion m working his own field.^is subject, in the general management of the work, to the Mission Council » ) |.;i>:.; •• V :■■■■ '♦ , ;. : * J, Pormoia. 1. A.fniftsionai'y under appointment receives $150 for outfit, and if married, he receives an equal amount for his wife. 2. The salary olf an ordained or a medicalmisstonaryt if married, is $1,400 a year, with ^40 a year additional for each child ; if unmarried, he receives at the rate of $1,000 a year. * 3. After seven j^ears' service missionaries are allowed a furlough of twelve months to Canada. ,f y .It* ln< •^ 4. Honan, I. A missionary under appointment receives f 150 (or outfit. The wives of missionaries and unmarried women sent put as missionaries receive for outfit a similar amount. ■, ■ ' ■'..',■■.. a. The salary of an ordained or medical missionary, if married, is $1,200 a year ; if unmarr^d, $800 a year. 3. Unmarried women, sent from Ca^da, receive, $500 a year. . ' • ♦ ■ 4. After seven years' service missionaries may take a furlough of twelve months to Canada. 5. Unmarried women on fuf lough* are allowed at the rate of $300 a year. ^. Central India. I. A missionary under appointment receives $150 for outfit. The' wives of missionaries and unmarried women sent out as missionaries receive for ^outfit a similar amount. \ « a. The salary of an ordained or medical missionary, if married, is $1,200 a year, with $100 a year additional for each child, and $140 for medical or hill expenses ; if unmarried, $800 a year, with $90 additional for medical or hill expenses. \^ 3. Unmarried women sent from Canada receive $730 a year. . i- . ■■ -*■■ .Sdi&Ki^.'^'ii^^^^ I'tv ■> i. '•>>iW!fWP»^jIt^?9!WH((S»!r-*'''*^*'»^ ."'^ip-. • *r,^ ^r^^ff^ ■ f '5 4. After seven years' service mt^ionaries may take a furlough of twelve months tb Canada. 6. Unmarried women on furlough are allowed at the rate of $309 a year. 6/ Manitoba and th§ North-Wtst. The s^ary is in each instance determined by the Western JDi vision of the Committee when the appoint- ment is The foregoing regulations shall be binding in all caAes except those in which the Division entrusted with, the care of the mission may determine ot;liei:wise... '$ •t~K^' .vi > '^ ■i ■^*" r \ N f.i..^'i.'f_,-«...,?3* ^ , ,* .- '" ■%^ . ■ ■; . ■-r^f-nwj^rr-F'-w- "■ ' ' ' ' • . ■ 1 • .■ ■ / • ■ ' ' ■ ■' . ■ . y \ « ■-• c i .. ^ ; "• « » ^■■' : ■ y < , ^ • .*' •* ."• ' " . , •t " ' .■ 1 ■ » • ■ , ; ■ ■i t • ", ■■• ' ■ " ■ ■ ' 1 ■■■■:' ¥4^_* 9 ** f.w fiX ■^' ^m' ■*''a\ ■.•it#"'\- \ ' ' ./. .••4 . {, ■%: / ^ a-. W''t -•^ (^'^ : UA2 ■■tjp' .t t \f A.». • 't3 O ■mW /^^'^ -s^ M I ^•M # ...i ,-' ^ ■%^