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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ti'f .' ^ ^ i t»%MkWM OF TIIF, HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS OF @^i7wi^@as<* FAS SHI) 26th OCTOBER, 1855. SANCTIONED, 28th NOVEMBER, 1855. iWontreal : PRINTED BY J. STARKE & CO. 1856. ■ BY-LAWS PASSKt) BY TnE HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS OF MONTREAL, AT A MEETING DULY HELD AT THE CITY OP MONTKKAL, ON THE TWENTV-SIXTIf DAY OF OCTOItKR, ONE THorSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FH-' I Y-FIVE, UNDER THE AITTHORITV OF AN ACT I'AHSKD HY THE LEGISLATURE OF CANADA, IN THE EIGIITEKNTH YEAR OF HER MAJESTY'S REIGN, CHAI'TBKKD ONE HUN- DKEDAND FORTY-THREE, AND INTITULED: !! "^r :'}'^^ li' provide for the manaifcment and improvement of the Harbou of Montreal, and the deepenim' of the ' Ship Channel between the said Harbour and the Port of (iueber, and to repeal the Jet now in force for the said " purposes." 130ARD REGULATIONS. Article 1. — A Chaiiinan Bliall bo elected an- nually, on the first Monday in January, to hold olFice for the current year : provided always, how- ever, tliat such election may be held on any other day by agreement after due notice thereof lias been given. Article 2. — The Chairman shall preside at all Meetings of the Board, and shall have authority to maintain order and regularity. Article 3.— The Chairman shall Sign all Checks and otiicr Documents whatever on behalf of the Corporation, excepting Debentures which shall be signed by not less than three of the Commissioners : but no Check, Debenture, or other Document shall be valid until countereigned or endorsed by the Secretary. Article \> — Slioulil thn Clminiinn bo iinnblo to attt'iid to liiri iluti«*s at any time uric ot'liiri colleaguu* hIuiII t'tiltil ttit> fumiionM of (Miairiiiuii pro. turn. ArticU r». — Any three CominisHionerM MhoU boo (|uoniiii lor tbo doHputcb ot buiiiiicHi. Article <). — The Corporation nhall htive no (Irahiigs uC any kind with any ofitrt Monibord ; nur shall afiy iMi'inber ihcrcor bo «'on<'ernt'd thriM-tly or indirectly in any contract that may hereal^cr bo enterc*! into, appertnininir to the workt* that may ho carried on in the Harbour or in Lake St. i'ctur ; but all Much trannactions shall hereafter be con- ducted by and thr«)unh the Secretary, with the up- provul of the Uuard. HAKBOIIU REGULATIONS. Mui>terii nf vmart^ in r«> purl Ml the llarliniir .Miim> tvr's Otiii'e III! uriiviil. Nn ve«cl lo j.'Hve wilh- oiii clfiiriiiL', Article 7. — The Master or person in charpe, of evi!ry vessel arrivinu in the harbour (except »u«'h vessels as are exempted by law) Hhall without delay and before he hIiuII break bulk, make and deliver at the Harbour Master or Wharfinger's ,'l1i(!e, a report in writing sipned and cj'rtified by .im of the arrival thereof, and of his vessel's cargo and her draft of water, anil pay all dues thereon to the oilicer appointed to receive the same, under a penalty of Five Pounds, aiul shoulil he omit any part of his vessel's car^o Irom said report, or puv a false value thereon, or report falsely as to tlie weight or measurement of said cargo, or of his vessels draft of water, he shiill be subject to a penalty of Five Founds. Jlrticlfi S. — No vessel shall leave the harbour (save only such as are excepted by law,) until the Master or person in cliarge thereof, has made a full and correct report in writing, signed andcer'ified by him, of lier outward cargo and draft of water, under the penalties provided by tlie statute in such case made and provided ; and no vessel shall leave th(; harbour luilil all dues thereon an; paid accord- ing! to l;i\v. under ii penalty of Five Pounds. bon no nor Article f).-TliR I Irirhour Ma»t(>r shall \\m\ix\ a f >ortii iiurimui MMtrr lo BMi|n to «v«!ry vcrtHt'l urriviiiK in tin- harbour, in theordur ''•'♦h«. in which thi'y Hhull \w reported at'ttrr arrival, pru« vi(l«>(l hn\vi!vi>r, that a vi'hmcI with raru;!), Hhall havo pri'ci'di'iu'c of a vtssMi'l in ballast, or of o(u» tak- ing in i-aru;o, cxrcpt wh*>n anotluT berth to onable the loadinu vohhoI to roinplfti; her cargo, cannot be UHHi^ntMl to her. J\rtidc 10. -All vcmscIh lyinK in the harbour, or at Harbour Mmkp tupUet the wharvoH, nhall Ik^ placed in .such manner as the **••"'•• **>• llnrboiir Master shall direct, and shall be subject to bin orders in re^rard to nuiorini:, liisteniuL', iriov- in^ or Hhil'titiij;, and in regard to tht; extent ofac- coruinodiition masters or persons in char;fo thereof, may recpiire iVom each other. Artidti 1 1. — VoHsiils arrivini; in »ln! harbour with w<.rkinirtJoy»iiiioweiifor cargo 8hnll be allowed for tmloudinu an folloWH :— ""'"'■'''"k -"i '""'J"i«. Two workinL' days, for fd'ty tons of caruo, or Ichh than fifty tons. Three working;; days, for over fifty tons of c:irii;o, anil not cxceedinir one hundred to?\H. One working day, additional, for every fifty tonfl of cnrj;o exceedin;; one liundred tons. ANU FOR LOADINC;: 1 f One workini» day for fifty tons or unch^r. Two workini; days, over fifty tons, and under one hundred tons. One workint^ day, additional, for every eighty tons of cargo exceeding one hnndred tons. Proviihid always that vessels that Bhall bi; dis- i'rovi«o ig to remo»injr charged, or loaded, in a shorter time, or that shull ^'«''*»-''''- have (teased dischaming or loading Irom any cause, shall not be entitled to retain their berths, should the Harbour Master see fit to order them to remove. Article VI — Raftsor cribs shall not occupy berths ro»iiioii :inMiRne(i rafts in thci harbour above the Victoria pier, or ^g "'"' ^''^'*' anchorad in the stream within thi; limits of the linrbour. (\ i>ii«iiit>naMiin«.i *«ttri« Atficie \'.\. — Vrgm'U lihlt'ii in vvholn or in pari ' With hay ofittravv, mIiuII not oci'iipy northM hi^hor up in thi> harooitr thnii itt a diHlaiiro of two liiiiitlr«Mt li'ot hi'low ihc lt)vvcr pitT «>!' the JaiMpH'st (!arti«T ImNin. tVnnwlZ,\'!:,^*al', -^'■"'^■'* li.—V.'«-.«lM with r.revvo<..l, l,.)ar.l«, plank *e. ilt'alH, Htavi'M or taiiniT^M hark, nhall not he htM'thtui hi^hiT lip in the harhoiir than the lt>\vor xiih* ot*th«) pier ronniiiK thu lower end of the Kin;;*ri haHin. V««ioi« loniliiiii ilnihar ArticU If). — VcsMrlrt loatliiiL' liiiilicr shall ln« Miil)- jtM't at all liiiH's to h»> n'moMMJ hy orth-r ol iho !Iarhoiir Masl<-r iVoin thr licrtlM or umorinuri, which they may occupy, to othrr lierths or lnoorln^«, or to any other part of the harhour speeially appointeil I'or tin* loachni; «>• vessels with tiinher, as rireiim- Htancos or the piihlic eonvenieiu-e may recpiire. Anrhiir*|;# of vturUNnd iiiMi III Imiliour ul'.Moui- runl. Kii>i«ninK of vvitoU I'ur liauliiiK III or out. Nn vcfffl III liiiv* fin Hit- rlior out wliilHt lying ul ■tiy wtiHrl. Shore rii4|cniiii{i) to III' nt- tiirlu'il io iiiit;'< or |iii»iH. ,'lrticlc Iti. — Ve«seln shall not anclitir in any part of the river within the liiinls ot' the hnrlioiir, so an to prevent a free and iiniiiterriipt>>tl passa;!(; tor all other vessels, or a tree and side ack-css to, or egress from the L.iehinc caiiid, iir any wharf at which vesselH are accustomed to take herllis. Artic/f 17.- -No hawser or rope shall he run or fastened across any part of the harhour. excepting (or the express purpose t»f liaiilinL' a vessel in t)r out immetiiately, or for the purpose of h.'iiilino ;i vessel oil" the ground, in which cases the hawser or ri)pe shall ho slackened in order to ixive a Ireo and uninteriipted pas.-a^e to any other vessel that may rtupiiro to pass. Article IS. — Vessels lyiiiL' at iliiy wliaif, or with- in a tier, within the limits of the harliowr. !-liall not have an anchor out, except for the imiiiediatti pin'|)ose of hauling in or out, or of mooriim in some other part ol the harhour. Artiiie ID. — The shore fasteninirs of every vessel within the harbour, shall he attacheil to th(> ring's placed on the outer edges of tlii^ wharves or to mooring posts, and shall n«it in any manner cross i>r iraverae the said wharves. \ \ or .'I iscr i:a li- iiot ,if.' ill II ITS to I Article 'iO.— The innHtrr or porHon in chnrne of i„,ieMiiiici«i Kt*»t„,>oi any vrum'l lo wliirli nii) (tluT voxhcI iimjr l>«» moilo ',;;.),'•'''"'"" ^*"'"'»'"«'- liiMt l>v imy rope, liiivvHrr or«'hnin, within tin* limitM of till' liiiijioiir, who hIiuII cut or cuKt ofV, or cmiHO or permit to Ih« nit or cn«t oil, any wiirh ropo, tin \v^4fr or rliaiii, w illioiit KiviiiK notirr to tlii> tiuiHtt'r or piTMoii itirlinruc of tlio vt'HMi^l mo iiiuiIij I'li!*!, Nliall iiuMir II penalty of Fiv«^ IViiiikIh. ArticU*2\. \\\ vcMHcli lyin|{ at tho whnrvos y,.„,\, i^,,,^ ,„ „„y „, witliin the liarlioiir wliall liavf tlmir yartls lopped iii), "'"■ winrvu* m •v..iU tlinr liooiiH Mini out riu;;iMv rl^^e(l iti, tlii'ir pit- vohoI*. booms rli:i;iMl in an liir an practicalilo, their Htuddiiik^ Hail liooiii ii'tuiH tiikon oil', ilwir Hprit-rtail ynnlrtlaiil I'ort* aiul lilt, aiiil their iiiiclior Hi*curc(l, hu ai to avoid douu; daiiia^t*!* to other veuHelH. Arfirfe 'J'J. The tiuHter or person in charge of irui.hwi.v. .1 f.«Mii lo ai.v \esHel lyiiiL' alonnnide of any of the wharves, i-- '•'>v<'r. l vuu limcbM or atijoiiiiiur to any other vessel, tihaii eaiise her hateliways to he Heeiirely and completely covered with hatches or 'ratings immediately after the work of loatlint!, or iinloadinii;, as the case miiv ho, shall have hc'Mi fin'shed for the day, and shall cause the same to remain so covered until the lime when the work may reconiiiience iti the morning. A/fic/t 2',i-~A free and unincumhored pnasnue ^ crtt pusiiga niiowi.i over the decks of vessels, lyiiiij near st to any nv*ir iim .1. lU* ,,1 *e».«ii I •' I II I II 1 . II II <• III llio ittiiii) liar, vvliarl, shall he allowed to all persons, us well lur the purpose of unloadiiiu; or loading', as for the purpose of communication between the sljore and the outside vessels : provided always that the out- side vessels shall have uan^ways of their own, to the shore, across the vijssels nearest tin* wliarf. Article i!4i — Ma.sters or persons in charge of vcs- coi.>r« lo tn- Miown untii sels in the harhour shall keep their colors llyiu^at ve»««ibe reponeJ. all limes hetwejMi sun-rise and sun-set, until the ar- rival of such vessel shall have heoii reported at the Ilarliour Master's olfico, and a berth allotted. Jlnidi 2.') — Musters or persons in chart'e of veB- Lifjhis and lirei on board sHslyint' within the harbour may have fires forcook- vei»ti». when ami whtr* ^i"' . 1 1 1 "^ • 1 the V may 1)0 kepi. ing their provisions on board their respective vessels from sun-rise to sun-set, but at no otiier time, on the ^Wt1 >fV. 8 noiiingol lar, pitch, &c, Vesnels stages. decks of such vessels, provided that such lire shall be made in close canibooscs, of iron or other metal, or o'" brick or stone : and any master or person in chaise of any decked vessel may have a fiie under deck in a stove of metal, brick or stone, that can be closely shut up and easily attended to ; but any mas- ter or person in charge who shall have a fire made at any other time, or in any other manner than is hereby allowed, shall incur a penalty of Five Pounds : and no light shall be allowed on board any vessel whilst lying in the harbour afler the hour of ten at night, except in the cabin, when a person must be in attendance, and also in the case of vessels actually loading or unloading : provided always, that any steamer with a watch on board may make the necessary fires for generating steam, and that any vessel arriving or departing at night may use lights. Article 26 — No person whatsoever shall boil or heat tar, pitch, turpentine, rosin or grease, or cause the same to be boiled or heated for grading or breaming vessels, or for any other purpose, in any vessels or any part of the wharves or jetties ex- cept in such places as the Harbour Master may point out, under a penalty of Five Pounds ; and in every case a proper person must be placed in charge of the pot or kettle in which the same may be boiling or heating, provided with i shovel and a sufficient cover for instantly extinguishing any fire that may be caused by the ignition of the combustible matter, and for extinguishing com- pletely the original fire, when the purpose for which it was kindled shall be accomplished, under a further like penalty ; and no vessel shall be graded or breamed without the permission of the Harbour Master, under a like penalty : said pen- alties to be levied upon and from the master, owner or person in charge of the vesael from which the offence originated, or upon and from the person actually offending at xhe option of the said Com- missioners. to have good Article 27. — Vessels loading or unloading, whe- ther on the wharves or into lighters, shall have a good tight stage or spout in order to prevent any portion of their cargo from falling into the water. 9 Article 28. — Vessels movinjrvvltlun the Harbour Veg»eis meeting to take shall, in ineeting, take the starboard side. "'*' •"•'''"•af'i •"!«• Article 29. — No person shall make or dress any ^'" carpenter's vork to iiKists or si)ars, or do any carpenter's work on any wiiS penn'iMro'.r''"'* of tluj wharves, except with the Harbour Master's permission, and on such places as he shall point out, hut the Harbour Master may ^nant leave to masters? or persons in charge of vessels to have a reason- able (piantity of staves, boards, planks, oars and handspikes, piled alongside such vessels for ship- ment, and also to place their water-casks on the wharves, as he may direct. re- id in Tlr/zc^e 30— Ifany floating light, light-house, buoy, LiRhts. buoys, kc, . beacon or any other mark, placed or to be placed •n''ve''"f'Jesiroyediobe in any part of the Harbour, or on the land, within "^''"''' the jurisdiction and under the authority of the Harboar Commissioners of Montreal, shall be re- moved, carried away or destroyed, by any vessel raft or vehicle whatsoever, the master, owner, or person in charge of such vessel, or of such raft, shall within forty-eight hours, replace the same at his proper cost and charges, under a penalty of Five Potmds for every twenty-four hours the same shall not be replaced. Article 31 — Goods or cargo of any kind or ballast cargo imuieti not to re- landod from any vessel, or placed upon the wharves Thairai' hiurs'''''''' '°''^^' or beach to be shii)ped on board of any vessel, shall nt)t be ;ilIowed to remain on the wharves or beach longer than twenty-four hours after being landed or placed there, under a |)enalty against the owner, con- signee, agent, or shipper thereof, of Five Pounds for every twenty-four hours the same shall remain on the wharf after notice to remove has been given : provided, however, that it shall be lawful tor the Harbour Commissioners or their authorized Airent to remove the same in twelve hours after said notice, if they or he see fit to do so, and to hold the same at the risk ol the owner or agent thereof, until all charges and penalties incurred ihereyn shall hv j)aid. B Proviso as to removal 10 VCM.-I. With oviterj ta Article 32 — Vessels with oysters on board, shall have giiiiBwuyi. ^^^^^ .^^ ^^^^ f^^ unloading, a planked gangway of at least three feet in width, nor shall any oyster shells be siiflered to fall or be thrown into the harbour from such vessels under any pretext whatever. Ilnrboiir Mnnler to cut away I'lisicniiiifa of rvH- «ui8 refuaiiig t^i remove. Article 33 — Should the master, owner or person in charge of any vessel whatsoever, refuse toie- niove such vessel on being ordered to do so by the Harbour Master, it shall be lawful for said Harbour Master to cast oil', or cut away the hawsers or other fastenings of the vessel so refusing to move, or to cut away any ring or post to which such hawsers or other fat^tenings may be attached ; and the owner or person in charge of such vessel, shall moreover incur a penalty of J'ive Pounds for each and every such ollence and shall also be bound to pay to the said Harbour Commissioners the tlamage caused to the said harbour, wharf, or wharves, by the cutting away of sucli ring or post : such damage to be re- coverable by ordinary action at Law, Kii'iii>t.ii«iHs &<•. Motio Article 34. — The master or person in charge of lie tlirwwii mill the liar- • .. , . , i ii \ i i • bour or channel. a"y vessel iiom whicli any ballast, coals, ashes, cin- ders, or other thing whatsoever, shall be thrown into the harbour, shall incur a penalty of Five Pouiuls lor each and every ollence ; and any person who shall throw into any part of the harbour, any thing whatsoever, by which the harbour may be injured, or the navigation thereof impeded, shall incur a penalty of Five Pounds, lor each and every ollence. Article 3r>. — Rubbish or refuse matter, landed from any vessel, if exceeding a cart load, shall be carted away immediately, by the master or jierson in charge thereof; under a penalty of Five Pounds against said master or person in charge. Article 3(5 — Any person or persons who shall place, pile or deposit any stones, dirt, rubbish, snow, ice, or other matter whatsoever, upon the re- vetment wall, or upon any of tlie wharves, or upon the beach, or upon the ice, in winter, excej)t in the latter case in such place as may be designated Rnhhish, h.c , to \>e catt- ed uwuy. I'roliiliiiliin 10 (It [Kijiit rii 111. lull. A.('., I'xcfjii un- der (.'triain Londiiiuni;, uiiIh 11 and authorized by the Harbour Master, shall incur a penalty of Five Pounds ; and persons who shall have so laid or placed any rubbish or refuse inatier, shall remove the same within twenty-four hours, under a further like penalty ; and shall incur a further like penalty for every twenty-four hours during which the same shall so remain ; and any person carrying away, destroying or injin'ing any of the pickets, branches or other marks ))iaced on the ice for the purpose of designating the limits within or around which such rubbish, snow or ice may be deposited, shall incur a penalty of Five Pounds. Article 37. — Boards, planks, oars, staves, fire- R.mrd-.pinnks, firewood, wood and all lumber whatsoever, landed on any *"'• '" ''" '^^""*'^ "^"y- part of the wharves or on the beach of tlie har- bour, shall be conveyed away, as fast as the same shall be landed, under a penalty against the ovviior, agent or person in charL^e thereof, of Five Pounds, for each and every ollence ; and a further like penalty for every twenty-four hours such articles shall not be conveyed away, after the Harbour Master shall have given his directions to do so : provided however, that it shall be lawful for the Proviso as to reiru.vai. Harbour Commissioners or their authorized agent, to remo\e the same if they or he see lit, in twelve hours after said notice, and to hold the siituo at the risk of the owner, agent or consignee thereof, until all charges and penalties incurred thereon shall be paid. Arf/r/o .'iS. — Rnfts or cribs loaded with boards, Unfts n. inii,.nd as soon ])I;hi1\s, lire-wood or otlu-r lumber, shall not he per- '"* t"*r'iicii. niitteil to remain in the berths assiirned to them, unless the owni'rs, masters, or j)ers()ns in charire thereof, shall conunence imiuediately afterentering the berths to unload and land such hnnher, and three working days only shall be allowed for un- loading and landing. Artic/r'U). — Cribs or rafts shall not remain at- Crii-s attrciipd to hmcii tached or secured to any part of the beach, or ;;[j;^|J,",[,',,;;''' '"''''''' "'^ wharves of the harbour, so as to prevent the entry or departure of other vessels ; and it shall be the 12 duty of tlic Harbour Master to cut adrilt any crih or raft obstructitjg the free ingrt'ss or t•[^re^is ofother vessels, at the risk and cost of the owner or own- era thereof. Hoards, planks, kc. moved, to be ituld. ie< Articled — All yoods, lumbor, firc-wood or mer- chandise whatsoever, removed l)y order of thu Harbour Commissioners or their anthori/ed aireiit, which shall not be redeemed within thirty days, from the date of removal, shall be sold by public auction for the benefit of whom it may concern, and the proceeds thereof, less all charges and pen- alties thereon, shall be paid over, to the owners thereof, on duo application being made for the same. Thoroughfare not obairucted. to be Article 41. — Any goods placed on the wharves or beach, so as to obstruct the thoroughfare thereon, may be removed forthwith by order of the Harbour Master, if he deem the same necessary, and they shall be held at the risk and cost of the owner thereof, until all charges thereon are paid ; and if they are not redeemed within thirty days they may be sold by auction as provided by article No. Forty. Boards planks, &c. , to be landed below the King's basin. Article 42. — No person shall place, lay, or pile upon any of the wharves, above the lower end of the King's basin, any boards, blanks, staves, masts, or other articles, except for shipment, fand then, not for a longer period than twenty-four hours, un- less under permission from the Harbour Master,) under a penalty of Five Pounds ; and a further like penalty for every subsetiuenthventy-four hours they shall not be removed after the Harbour Master shall have ordered their removal. Firewood may be piled under rcvetmejit on cer- tain terms. Article 43 — Fire-wood landed in the harbour nay be piled for five days under the revetment wall, on receiving a " permit" from the vk^harfiiiLfer lor said purpose, subject to a charge of six pence per cord for said five days, payable on receipt of the ''permit" ; but such iirewood, must be removed within twenty-four hours thereafter, under a pen- alty of Five Pounds. 18 Article il. — Tlio toiiiinirc (tfcsurli an«l ovtM'y rivi-r i'"!!!!.!';! vir i mit to craft enterinn tho liarlmur r^liall \n^ cut into tlio face I^Z/of';;!;;,,,'.";;;;;' "''^ of the forcside of tho benin rormiiij^ tho nftorpnrt of the main hatch, anil visible from thn (leci<,in figures not Kiss than four inches in lenjith, uiulor a penalty of Five Pounds, recoverable nuainst tho master, owner or person in charge thereof. Jlrtide 45.— Steam-vessels within the harbour ;""„"","'', '" '"''"' '^"'" (those usmgcoal lor generating steam excepted,) shall have wire caps over their chimnies, (tho interstices of which ehali not be more than oiie- (piarter of nn inch square,) fitted so as to prevent eparki issueing therefrom while lying at any wharf, or when approaching or leaving tlie shore, or whon towing any vessel within the harbour. Article W. — Every steam-vessel, while under stenmnro under weiijh at weigh at night within tho harbour, shall carry a "'«'"""^"">' "*>""•• bright red light at the bow, and a bright white light at an elevation of twenty feet above the main deck, on a mast before or near to the steering bouse for- ward, both of which to be carried so aa to be dis- tinctly visible to vessels ahead when coming up the river ; and two bright red lights five feet apart, horizontal lik(n\ ise at the bow, and a bright white light at an elevation of twenty feet above the main deck, on a mast before or near the steering house forward, which said three lights shall be distinctly visible to vessels ahead when iioing down the river, under a penalty of Five Pounds to be recovered from the master, person in charge, owner or agent ot such steam-vessel, for each and every deviation therefrom. Artiole 1.7.— Any vessel aground at night within i![iXow ligi.T'' '""'^^' the harbour, shall show three bright white lights over that side or end of the vessel on which other vessels should pass, under a penalty of Five Pounds, to be i . ..overed from the master, or person in charge, owner or agent of such vessel for each and every oflence. Arlide 48. — When two or more steam-vessels, s^tenmers pursuing the of unequal speed, shall bo pursuing the same course same course, the slower .,.',',' , , • 1 .,« 1 111, ""* II nliead, to let the Within the harbour, the slower vessel, if ahead, shall other puss. 14 dra.v to the loft to allow the one nslcrn to pass on the starhoard Hide, under a pcnahy of Five Pounds, to be rooovered from the master, or person in chorge thereof. A»\\(i%, ciiKifirs, &(«.,(ir>. Article ^19. — Cinders or ashes (hiposited on any poshf.i by -.itain.rii on of the wliarvos of the harbour, Ironi any steani- four hours uiiurciciHisii. vesHel, shall be removed vvithm lour liours Irom the hour they are so (iei)osite(l, umler a pcnahy of Five Pounds, against the master or person in charge of such ateam-vessel. Steamers lo reduce ihoir Article 50. — Every steam-vessel, whilst naviga- *P*""^' ting within the harbour, above the Victoria Pier, shall reduce her rate of sailing, to not exceeding half speed. stenmers i to any of the wharves ill the harbour, or to any landing j)Iace within the liniils of the same, shall be pro- vided with a good and siilVicient fjanirway iVoin the vessel to the wiiart, with liiii^e ropi-s on both sides, supported by woi-d or iron stiiuncheons not less than three i'X't high, lor the use of persons going and coming from on hoard such steam-vessel ; and on dark nights a light shall be placed in the said vessel, near the gangwiiy, so .that the gangway may be seen clearly from the wharf and vessel, under a penalty against the master or person ir charge, of Five Pounds, lor each and every breach of this article. Article 53. — During the prevalence of any Ep- idemic, or when there shall be cause to apprehend the spread of infectious disease, every steanner or other vessel having on board more than twenty passengers, shall proceed, if notified by the Harbour Master to do so, to such anchorage, berth or wharf as shall liave been previously designated and set apart, by public advertisement, after one insertion in •«? 15 one «>r more ncvv«pii|)er8 printed in the City of Montreal, and the naid Hteani or other vesHel, shall remain moored or fastened an aforesaid, until after all Hiich passengers uhall lirtvo been landed, and the ileeks and fore-ciihin sliall have been washed, under n penalty of Five P()un(l^', for each and every de- viation Ironi this article or any j)art thereof, re- coverable from the master, owner, agent or person in charge of such steam or other vessel. Article r)4. — Any person driving a horse or hor- Viiiicinson wimrve»noi sea on any of the wharves, or any of the ramps !|Ii!(Vrr*^iium*a'wu:k'*mi leading to the vvbarves, at a nuicker motion than "tn'iiinkM ihe rmnp neur- ,?•,,. 1 ' .. IT r» I t""! l" "r from wliiuli ihey a walk, siiall incur a penalty ot J-ive rounds; uro going. and all carts, trucks and other \t>liicles going to or coming from any vessel in the harbour, shall take the ramp nearest to such vessels, uniler a further like penalty against the persons in charge thereof. Article Hf).— No omnibus, cab, caleche, truck, Jf" ^''i''''''' »" i"m.i o,, cart or veiiicle whatsoever, sMiill, on llu' aiiproiich < iKniordipanuit! «f to, or arrival at, tMtlicr of the piers of the Jactpies "">■ »<^'""-vt-sfi. (Jartier basin, of any steam-vcssel, and during the landing of the passengers by such steam-vessel, be permitted to stand or remain on the said piers. Article Tfty — No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck '*" vohioies m smndon ,. , , I II i I ■ .1 llii' wliiirvi'soitposilc any or vehicle whatsoever, sliall staiul or remain on the sipnm vus»,.ion arrivni wharf in front of any steam vessel, or on any f" 'i>-p«riure. ramp leading to such wharf on the arrival or de- j)arture of any steam or other vesssel, but the en- tire space between the whole length of said steam or other vessel and the revetment wall, shall be left free and unobstructed by such vehicles, both previous to and after the arrival of such vessel. Article 51 — No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck Vehi.ien not m npproRch or vehicle whatsoever, shall stand or remain on the '':''u','J,?,'"!i!',', "!•'''''"'''''' , I'l •! isiniui wiiiiri, or ini- Island vvharl, on tlie arrival or departure ol the pcUc pagseng«r», steam ferry boats, within ten feet of the shed or storehouse erected by the Champlain and St. Law- rence Railroad Company, nor shall they stand or remain on the said wharf so as to obstruct or im- pede the passage or way, to or from the gates of the said shed or storehouse, nor shall they stand or re- main on any part of the wharves or beach, except when thev arc there on business. IG (hi ir luiiau». »^i*' Article r)S--Evory person in chnrge of n horse, liorsi's or vehicle shnll remnin ncnr the snid horse or hornrs, except wlien he is loading or diucharging Wiiii'ri(n.'ij?e ii> lie cnii- Mpii'iiiiiixly iiinikcil nil eviry vinst'l. let' ilinlliiot lie oil. (iiiiipowder Wharf Je«- igiiaieii. said vehicle. Article f>i). — Kvrry vessel entering the hnrhour, shnll have n waterifiui^e marked conH|)icuouBly and accurately on her steni and stern ; otherwise the master, owner, or person in charge thereof, shall be hound to satisfy the Harhonr Master i)y other satisfactory means of the draft of water of said ves- sel on his application to that cflect. Article 60. — No person shall cto, and under the same penalties. Article ()<). — No person or persons shall interfcr No ihtx.hi u< UAi-ttrr,' with the Harbour Master, or with any persons '^"'' "'"""■''•'"' '^'"'*"-"'- aetinii uiuler his orders or sn|>ervision, while in the exei'ution of the duties prescribed to him by the Hy-Laws this day mach? and passeil and herein- before contained, either by speech, act, or deed, or shall aid, jibet, enceurai^e, prompt, or order any other or others so to do, under a penalty of Five Pounds currency, and imprisonment for sixty days in the Common (iaol of this District, on non pay- ment of such penalty and costs. Article G7. — The penalties lor tlu' \i();alion, iie- I'eiuiiti..-. ^lect or non-performance of any of the foreiroini^ liy-laws or any portion of any of the said liy- laws, (except when' the penalty is named therein,) shall be as follows : — First — A^;ainst the masti'i, owner or person in charge of any vessel whatsoever, a penalty of Five 18 Mf Alliiii; life I'lliiiii Intiis ill l.irfKniii); Hy.l.iivv. PtmmlH, ttiid a fiirflii'r likr |u'rmlty lor rvory tut-nly- foiirlioiirH tliiit \\c shall nculfct «»r it'l'iist' tocoiiiply with ihf arnifsaid Hy-'iiw-* aftiT being rt'(|uirftl lo ih) HO hy thi' Hai'hoiir MihUt. Seotfifi- ~A'^n\u-*t the owner, tlriveror piTKon in chai'urof any horfii or vt'hirlf, a pi'Malty of Five I'oiukIh (or t-arli atul cvrry olU'iicf against any of tho said Uy-luwH, or of any jiortion of the Buiil Uy- lavvH. 7y/ird — Aiiainst any other person olUMuhiii; njjuinMt nny of tho said Hy-Iawn, or of any portion of any of tho said |{y-huvs, a penalty of Five I'ounda ll»r each and every ollc'iieo. jPfj«/7//- In every ease in whieh a conviction hhall taU«i plact^ for a penally indicted under tho Haul Hy-laws, or iiiuler iho statute in such cnao ninde and ])ro\ided, the defendant shall he con- ileinned, in deliuilt of payment of such pi'ualty within such time as tho Court so convicting; him shall t)rder, to an imprisonment of sixty ilays in tho Common Claol »f the District of Montreal, |)rovi- tleil always, that it shall he lawful l"or the llaibo'ir Commissioners to remli the whole or any pait of !uiy p 'tiaity i>r |) 'Uiiltics for w hich any pt r,-on may hereiilier i»e coii\ictcd under the said lly-laus, and the whole or any part ol'the imprisonment to which any person may he condenmed utuler tliesaid liy- JiUW,''. Adide (!S. — The word "vcHsel" when made use of in the foiTL'oin:; leiiulatioiH, is to he understood as comprehendiri<^ and meanin:i rafts and every other description of lloatin^ vessi'l ; tho words '' w'orkinii; days" are .to he understood as compre- hendini: and meaninu; days on which work can lei^ally he [)erlonnod : the word " owiu'r'' shall comprehend and m(?an a part ow ner or owners ; the words '' Harhour Master" shall comprehend and mean the IX'puty llarhoiu' Master also, and the word « ooods'' shall h(' unih-rstood as coni- l)rehendiniilinnber, lirewood, ballast and merchan- dise of every description together with all kinds of Live Stock. 10 Arfic/e ()!) - Ail My-LnvNH paHHcil l)v tlif llnihoiir ou.u, Ui.Uwtnvnt\,4 IvoriimissiofiiM-sorM xifroiil, i.n„r toiliis \c,'|.t h. liir iis tli.-y niaylM' m«(vsf-ary tn cnaMi' flic r-aid cotiiinissioti.TH to coll.Tf any (lues or ponnlJifH tlint inav havo oc- niiTcd iliriviirhlfr. <.r tn continiii' ativ ticiidn af law thai may In- prniliim, „r to coriiiiifiicc or cotitimi,., nriy iirtion at law li.r oIli'tircH tlial .MriimNJ hIiico Ihf lirsf .lay of July last, an.l cxn-pf, also, mo Ihr as tliry iv|u'al.-.l all IK-Laus. Oi-.I.th. Hulrs aii Tiinilv House of Mont- real, lor ihc ri'ii;uIalioM atui maiiagemoiit of tliu af- fairt) of iho Harbour of Montreal. I l.orel.y ...rtiCy that tl.c foreuoin.' Hy-Lau-s uero Sanctioned and conlirmod l.y His Kx,.oll..ncy, Sir Kdnuu.d Wajkc-r |[ea.l, Governor GcMuMol of IJriiish Nonl, An>n-ira, &c. .V. ike. on the twcnfy-ei^hth .lay ..f N.)VLMnI.or, IS.",:,, and pui.ji.hod iti *'Tl.e Canada Cazdte, I.i.l,li«li..«d l,y auUiorily," on the first day of December, 1853. IlAnnouR CoMMissioNEus' Office, JMoMtrcal, January, SnU 18f)(). ALEX. CLERK, Sffwtarp.