IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) w/ ^^^ *^P:> ///// ^w ^ 4? ^^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^|28 |2.5 ^ IM 122 Sia IK |||||m U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ <^ ''b C\ \ ». Q #.^ % 'V^ «^ '^ AND FINALLY PASSED BY TEE GOVERNORS OF THE CORPORATION, ON 9th MARCH, 1864 ; WITH LISTS OF THE LIFE GOVERNORS, AND OF SUBSCRIBERS ELIGIBLE TO THE OFFICE OF ELECTIVE GOVERNOR. Printed by Order of th^i Go-vemon* P^ntral: herald steam press, 2c9 notre dame street. March, 1864. a . -im ",.VM-.i B Y " I. A. W^ S . >•>■ / ,« **;r''!?®®*'''®X''** Inrtitution thall be • President, two of itu o^km. Vice-Presidents, an Honorary Secretary' and a Treasurer, who mi\i be elected froui the Board of Governoi*. 3.— Tlie Board of Governors {0, of whom sTml! !),.. ri-nf,.«- ofthe Foard of tants) shall be composed of the Life Governors, of luA kss tliun t-wwvtm. tweuty-four Elective Governors, and of such persons as may firoto lime to time, bo appointed Governors by any Protestaut Church or Congregation, or by any Society aa contemplated in tbe jth section of the Act of Incorporation^ and subject to the llmitatiuus hereinafter provided. *!. ^'''TJr* ^o"^ of Management shall consist of the President, oftk^ Bn^jd of the two Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, the Treasurer " anu.not less^than twenty-four membei-s ; and the President and Vice-Presidents of the Board of Governors shall also be President ana Vice-Presidents of the Board of Management. 4.— It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all QfOuP^tHdnt General Meetings ot the Institution, as well as at all meeting of the Board of Governora, and to preserve order thereat. He shall not vote except in case of a tie, in which case he shall give the casting vote. 6.~It shall be the duty of the senior Vice-President, or, in OftJu Fk» prt- nw absence, oi the second Vice-President present at any General **<'">'•• Meeting of the Institution, or at any Meeting of the Board of Governors, to preside in the absence of the President, and to perform, for the time being, all the functions of that office In case of the absence of all these Officers, then the Mcetinir snaU choose their own Chairman, y^^}^ !^'*" ^% *^*' ^"*y ^^ ^^^^ Honorary Secretary to attend 0/th«am»mni at all Meetings of tne Governors, take minutes of the proceed- Stcretarvr^ jngs thereof, and transcribe, or cause the same to be transcribed into a l)ook to be kept for that purpose. He shall read the said minutes at the succeeding Meeting, and obtain thereto the signature ot the Chairman. Through the Honorary Secretary all communications of whatsoever nature shall be made to the Bo£^d of Governors, and by him to the public and to the'Board of Managcuicnt. He shall give notice in writing to Governors ^ .' . .-^i U gs mf S H^s - '^ ^i - I- '. *••/ uiiil also give '!!''■ I i^iri I i 1 1 i_r * ' 1 to he held. Treasurer mid !!ir tl,r ICIT- the liny pMvtirulur dnlv ; their Mcctinc tlie duty of the Secretary to be appointed by O/thtSeerttatif the Board of Management, as hereinafter provided, to keep %J^^SutJ^ regular minutes of the proceedings at all their Meetings, as well ^^ as of the Sub-Committees, and to lay the Minute Book contain- ing the same before the Board of Governors at caclf of their Meetings, lie shall also give written notice to each member of the Board of Management of all meetings, AU accounts of expenditure shall pass tiirough liis hands and shall be laid by hjin once a month before the Board of ]\Ianagement for their • examination and approval, preparatory to their being discharged by the Treasurer; and he shall keep a correct account in the lM>ok» of the Corporation, ol all receipts and expenditures, 9, —All Elective Officers of the Corporation shall hold office OfUrm.(^tmm until the next Annual Meeting after appointment. ^m'**'''" ^' 10. — Every paid Officer of the Corporation intending to leave 0/ thr terrnlna the employment of the same, shall give tlirec months notice in anddimdss^ f writing to the Board of Management of his or her intention so ^ajrf officers, to do; andit shall be competent to the Board of Management to terminate the engagement of any officer in the employ of the Corporation, either by giving him three months notice in writ- ing to that efl'ect, or by paying him a sum of money equal to three months' salary in lieu of such notice. In case of miscon- duct, however, on the part of any person in the employ of the Corporation, the Board of Management may sutiiiiiarily dismiss i ■0"« ^tM (,ti, r ' - salary i»t' tlic, i)(r.->nu lii.^ii.i.-. i >l,ill only be I'^ii' I uj. tti till- tunc uf liis ilismissal. ll.— 'I'lii' \nuual (JciuTiil Meeting ol' tlu: CorpDratidU for llic election nt c, vfrnors and tlie transaction of InisiueHis shall li' "•''''• held at tlud' I'.M. (mi t1:'' third Wednesday of Ai)ril in .-ucli ami every year, ai -urh [ilarr n-t shall l)e appouitcd liy iln' linaiM nf jvIuna{^enK".it. At this meeting two Governors Klmil bu appoliilil by the Chainium to aet as Serutineers of the ballots. Every pM son voting at said election shall personally appear and (ldiv( r to the aforesaid Scrutineers their respective ball()t.s, and (he names of the twenty-four persons who shall be found circh d Qovcrnora by the majority of votes shall be openly declared lu said Meeting, and certificates thereof duly tleiivered to the Honorary Secretary, who shall forthwith coimnuntcat« the siuiie in writing to the iwrsons so elected. 13.— The Honorary Secretary, or, in his absence, the Setre- 85r«1SSft%r"^ tary of the Board of Management, shall immediately after the eiMtUm If €f- election give notice in writing to the Governors elected and io/*'*'"'! «*'• the Life Governors, requiring them to meet together within one week thereafter at three o'clock, P.M., at which meeting they Bhali, from their own number, elect a President, two Vice-Presi- dents, an n<;norary Secretary and a Treasurer, and shall also elect from the list of Governors, eight members to replace the like num- ber retiring from the Board of Managemtut, as hereinafter pr(»- vided. 18.— A Meeting of the Govemofs ehalt also be hcVJ, at such ^^^ *a^ place as may be appointed by the President, on the third %Ved- g^,, •«'•*'• ncsday of October, and the President may, at any time, at the request of ten or more Governors, summon and call together a Speciu) Meeting of the Governors of the Corporation, by letter from the Honorary Secretary, which shall state the purj»cse»of the meeting, and give one week's notice thereof! 14.— At every Meeting of the Board of Govemore, ten, in* (f t^ V'^raS^ elusive of the Chairman, shall constitute a quorum. w»^#. 15.— Notice of the hour and place of Meeting for the election -^""^g.*/ ^/"^ of Governors shall be given by the Honorary Secre+"ry, in Bkt^^ff^g'^'^ least two of the daily newspapers published in Montreui, seven days previous to the meeting, and by circular to all parties en- titled to a vote. 16.— The payment of an Annucd Subscription of not less ^^^f^??^ than |2J, by any Protestant Church or Congregation, or by any a^^Chure^, <&e Society (under section 5 of the Act of Incorporation) shall ea- tftle such Church, Congregation or Society, to appoint one per- son to be a Governor of the Institution for a period not exceed- ing one year. 17. — Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, or per- ^ ^^^"^^ ^ roanent disability of any Elective Governor, or by his ceasing ernor«. „ to be a Protestant, shall be tilled by the election, by the remain- ' "'*'" ing Governors, of a duly quaiiiicd peiawA to supply iiis place ; Mid any lUw vM»ney in respect of any Goremor appoiated im> ctor section of the Act of Incorporntion, may be filled hv ap^tointnient, by the Church, Congrc/jrntinn, or Society, wlii li originally nppomtcd such Oovemor; ami lirms subscribing ^4m and upwards shftU have the right of naming which of thdr amn>H r 1 r tTi, T it' Governor, provided that said pervon be a Proti i.,'i:. . la— At tlo liiHt Mrftitiff of the Bonrd of Management nm- jMnK ¥ *1t^ nmu totbo Annual Ocn-ral Meeting of the Board of Govemoii, ^' the cighf niemhers of i he Hoard of M!inn<,'omont who are to re- tire the first year shall be the t'i;;ht who had the Rmallcst nnm- ber of votes at the mcctinj,' of the Governors on 22nrt Septem- ber, 1803, and who are enttrcd in the Book of Records at the Ijottom of the list ; nnd the second year, the next ciglu who had the next smallest number of votes ; and the names of the retir- ing mcml>ers shall be forthwith communicated to the Board of Governors, the menbers of the Board of Management so retiring hein^ eligible for re-election. After the second year, the eigbt retinng members shall bo those longest in olUce. 19.— Any vacancy in the Board of Jfanngf'mcnt ocairring by F««(ich»«« the death, resignation, or permanent disability of anv «jcmb«f •<>«"' terms of their subscription, shall have during the life time of such subscriber, for ^35 and under $100, one vote; for $100 and under $200, two votes ; and for each additional $100 u;. to $1,000 one additional vote ; and for each additional $200 over $1,000, one additional vote. Life members of the Corporation shall further be entitled to additional votes as yearly subscrilwre at the rate of one vote lor every $5 yearly subscription paid up ; and every Annual Subscriber shall be entitled to one vote for every $5 up, provided that Subscribers who subscribe from $5 up to $10 shall have paid their subscription two conse- cutive years before the General MeetinL' ; and DelcerattR from Churches and Societies shall have a vote for every $5 of Anmml htn'Tim •m'if%miii"ikl.Li mam -. W-> tin ' Mtm- 1 '^'tioni; pn«?ld8dalwftjstlittiio nty TOtef . 88.-.At each Meeting of the 13 ui I ct Uuvcmors and oi ;„„ „ Boam of Management, tho %'oting shall be either openW or hj ^, ballot, as may at such meeting Iw ilccmed vxpcdicat ; and the rote of each Member of the Board »hal! at such mectinn be of equal value. " ^?'~T^® President shall lie, and *'» licrcbv authorised, cod- c made, and shall AlUrMUm, ^ be blading on and only alter approval of a Meeting of the Gov- ^^^Lmot ernors called for that uurposc, but any amendment to, or repeal of, the foregoing, shall be made only after duo notice thereof given at one 3Ieeting of the said Board of Qovcraors, and ap- proved of bf them at a dubiequent meeting called for that piv- posc# f ^ OfUf Mr*. S-'fitifrp'iRi©? 'ii0li!^^^^%::^^^vi^fiiffimk0f:y> S^''#PiIHl Hi 9 X.1ST 0:P 1.IFB OOVEHITOSIS OF THE niantrtnl |rDttstirat 35nuE af Sntetrij atiti HUfuge, HADB UP TO MARCK, I9ttl» WlTtt HCMBKB or V0TB9 0» lACB, .10 Allan, Haf!;h AtwatfiV, Edwin . . AndtTson, Robert . AUiXftwdcr, Chiu-les Urysou.T. M j? Biiutin, Alexander o Brown, (Jhauipioa j Brooke, John «> BagR, Stanley C 4 Ooelirane, M. It... CttTerhill, John.-, Clark, J. P CoUis, li. D. •••• Carter, Wui Dc".*', \Vm Davie.s, W. H. A -> Dawson, Benj ^4 Edmonstoue, Wm Esdaile, J. ....... E»iuis,.Jas. S Frotliingliam, John Terrier, Hon. Jaa 10 Fiothinghanj & Work- man 10 Foley, James •! Ferrier, James, Jr 4 CJale, Hon. Saml 1-* 3reenshields, S., Sou &. C« ^' «lasstovd, Jones & Co.. T) Greene, E. K •• «ibb, B -» firant, Hall & Co 4 Creen.shields, J. B 10 »«•■««■ ,15 . 4 . 4 .1.^) Hoiton, L. H Hagar, George 4 Hutchison, John.... Johnstone, James.. Janes, Oliver «St Co. Jones, Hon. Robert Kay, Thomas 10 Kay, W. Fred. 5 Kerry Bros. & Crathern 5 Law, James 15 Lyman, Benj 5 Lyman, Henry ... Logan, James .... Lew:s, Kay & Co. Murray, Wui Molsou, Wm . 4 . 4 ..10 ..15 Molsou, J. H.R.,&Bros. 5 Mae'dougall, D.I:. 10 Mathewson, Hugh 10 Mathewson, Jas. A 5 Macdotigall, H. L. . .... 5 Moffatt, Hon. G 10 McDougall, Wm. ... McGibbon, Alexr.... Moir, James. Maitlanu, E McDougall, Jas 4 Molsou, John 4 Matthews, Geo. 4 Mills, Mrs. J. E 4 McLennan, J 4 Nelsou, H. A 4 Phillips, Chas 5 Routh, H. L... 10 ...15 Redpath, Peter & Reikie, R. J W Robertson, Andrew .... 4 Stephen, George 5 Smith, Saml. 6 5 Stephens, Harrison 5 Shelton, E.E 4 Sinclair, John 4 Thomson, T. M. 10 Torrance, David 15 Thomas, Henry 10 . Tiffin, Joseph 10 Taylor, Thus. M 4 Urquhart, Alexr. . , 5 Watson, William 10 Winks, George ......... 5 Wood, O. S 4 Workman, Wm 15 McKay &, Bro., Joseph. 13 St. Gabriel St. Presbytu. Church, Rev. A- F. Kemp 5 Trinity Church, Rev. Dr. Bancroft •> Lagftuchetiere St. Pres- byterian Church, Rev. Dr. Taylor 5 Ziou Churcb, Rev. Dr. Wilkes 5 Protestant Bcueva- lent Society, J. L. Ma- thewson, President... 4 St. Andrew's Society, J. C. Beckett, President. 5 Hart, Theodore 151 Redpath, John • A Subscription of not less than $400, payable in four equal Annual Instal- n„.ot», nualifies for a Life Governorship. The Board of Management is •kcted at the Annual Meetinjf from the Life and Elective GovernorB. 10 BETWEI^N $100 A«n $400. Hliick, J- «• »'•• Brush, Geovge. BcU, J. & T.. IJiiluicr, Heri.y, Corse, N. ii , Clmpnmn, ijonry, Cruickslianks, OtOTg*-, CauipbeU. Kobert Button, Jamc^ HUtou, J- *^,^;„' 11., HogiUvHy., Uutcliuih\ w;r HoUauJ. Ulcll(l•^ .Tenkiug, 'lji«s- Isaacson, it- i •' j,unlesouK.^-j,^_^ .Jacinos,^ liacy »»• Idler, I'l.t Kingivn, O-i Lonier, Oer, Cann'^«^^' Matt'ie^ . i.eoiumg. ^ • f^ * " Chandler ii^Hanuao, taw'ie. A.. Court, J^.'"<^*'^.,^ Uivvidson, '\''0S^ Dougall, John, & t-o- l)ouga\l, John, ^ 8o«' Dyde & Mftior. Day, John J.. Davidson, A- J-t Esdaile, llobcrt, Kwan, WiUiam, Kvaus, J. Hcury, GauU, A 1 -. GaixU, ^'1- "•' Guun, Wm., Gordon, Thos., Gibb & Co., Gordon, James, Gardoor, John. >loiYalt. (icorgc, Juar., Mcliurnoy,J a^^- McMillan & CalbOU. May, H- ll- Mair.lJ- MacdonaUi, Wm Milloy. A., McDonald, aeW'. Murphy, A- A-» |McKcnaio.OoTdot». ' ratou, thos.. Peck. ThoH., & ^'»-> llov, Ja«>e»»» , liUnmcr, AUVmV llanisay, Ale*-. ■Ross. Jo"- ^*'' « Reynolds, Job, JUM- Uinglancl&h;v-att. Ucad, CU-me»tJk. Co.. Uobertson, l*'t^»; Co., ... , Savage, Alfred. ricott, James Sinclair. Jack &. l^O- rieath, Hobcrt, tichu»nder &• »f J,' Stirling, ■^«»"' . Thompson, ly}.!?"'. ._ Thomson & MiucMn. — -.T .LL 1» \. 1'.. McUonaiu, ^." - • i luouio""" S:&toiiib«m*c«.,Wjj-.SA..^, Mavor, Jas.. hviUiams, M-. Jn"" Moor.P.VT-. „„ Walker. Alex-. Morgan. H-. &• CO- Iwcstl^ros., ^ ^j Mills, E. Ij-. 1 Willian.''on. JM.. » Mussen.TUos., \w*at8ou,o^' May. Thos.. i&Co., tMussen, ittoft-* JWatsou.o «• Ion, James, \ ^^y, tbos.. ^ t^^g List, at tW iaor, John. ^ ^^ ^^ ,e»6tfe end vote NoTE.-Stthftcnbei8 are Mq«« A.nnuftl Meeting. f^i^^^l mamHHmm mmmwi Co.< the