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Lea diagrammea auivanta illuatrent la mithoda. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m REGULATIONS OF THE 1. — The Corps will consist of six Companies, each of 75 Men, besides a Bugler, uikI duo complement of OfRcers and non-commissioned Officers. 2. — It will be the duty of each Captain of a Company, aided by his Subalterns and Mon-commissioDed Officers, to raise his Company, and keep it at its proper strength. 3. — The standard of height for Recruits will hi', fire feet six inches, anil every Recruit, Ijefore his enrolment shall take effect, must have been approved by the Commauding Officer of the Corps, on report of thi- Sergeant-Major, confirmed (if there be any doabt as to health or habits) by the Surgeon or Assistant-Surgeou. 4. — Any non-commissioned Officer. Private or Bugler, desiring to leave the Corps, will be required io give at least one month's notice of euch wish, with a good and (sufficient reason therefor, in order to entitle him to his discharge. 5. — Until such time as the organisation of the Corps shall have been completed, by the final enrohnent of its full strength, it shall be competent to the Commanding Officer to allow such part of the strength of each Company ns he may deem requisite, to be provi- sionally enrolled. 6. — Men provisionally enrolled will be liable to be replaced at any time by Recruits offering for final enrolment, subject only to a right of preference (if they tliemsulvea sliall offer) for final enrolment. 7. — All Officers and non-commissioned Officers, and all finally enrolled Privates, will be held to furnish themselves with uniforms, and to appear therein at all musters when «(• ordered. The Uniform of the Corps (subject ovdy to such modification as the law or any duly issued Regimental Order may indicate) will be that of a Light Infantry Regiment of the Line, with Blue facings. 8.— The Sergeant-Major will receive such pay as the Commanding Officer, with the consent of n majority of the Officers, may allow, from the Regimental Fund ; and whenever the organization of the Corps shall be sufficiently advanced, a Band may be organized at the cost of such Regimental Fund,— should the Commanding Officer and a majority of the Officers so decide. All other incidental expenses of the Corps, as the same shall be esta- blished from time to time by the Commanding Officer with the consent of a majority of the Officers, will also be borne upon the Regimcnt;il Fund. y.— The Regimental Fund will be in charge of the Paymaster, and will be raised from time to time by Assessments, to be apportioned by him in advance upon the Officers, accord- ioj; to what wouM be th«ir respective rates of pay. if under pay,— so as tomect (as nearlyas may be) the authorised expenses to become chargeable thereon. 10,— Rof^inic'iitalund Company Drills and Parades, will bo held at such times and places aH sliall bu ordered by the Commanding Officer; the whole Corps (Privates provision- ally enrolled, iucliisive) being required to drill tliereat, for at least the full length of time re(piircd by law, yearly. Extra Drills and Parades will be ordered, as requisite, for the Officers, non-commissioned Officers, and Men finally enrolled. And besides such extra Drills and Parades, the Officers and noncommissioned Officers will meet and be exercised from time to time, specially, as an Officers' Company or Gorpa, to perfect themselves in drill and military exercise generally, — all present at such Meetings (under the rank of Commanding Officer) taking turn of duty as Officers, nou-coramissioned Officers and Privates, as may be required. 11. — Provision will be made hereafter by Regimental Orders, as may be requisite, for enforcing the proper attendance of Officers, non-commissioned Officers and Men, at such Drills, Parades and Meetings ; the previous consent (by vote) of a majority of each class interested, as to the amount of any pecuniary penalties, being requisite in order to the valid imposition of such penalties ; and all such penalties to go to the Regimental Fund. 12. — As regards all matters not otherwise provided for by law, or hereby, or by Regi- mental Orders of the Corps duly issued, the rules, orders and u^^ages of a Regiment of the l>ino will be as closely observed as may be found practicable. Montreal, Gth December, 1856. Submitted for sanction of His Excellency the Commander in Chief, on behalf of the Officers of the Montreal Light Infantry. (Signed,) CHRIST'R. DFNKIN, Major, Coni'g. M. L. L Approved, by command of His Excellency the Commander in Chief. Toronto, l8th December, l&iuO. (Signed,) Dk ROTTEN BURO, Colonel, Mj. Genl. mcs and irovision- of time , for tlio ra Drills aed from drill and imaudin^ may bu lisite, for bL Drills, itercsted, D position by Regi- ut of the e Officers M. £. i. )'. Genl. 1 U Wn 1 1 : 1 i JlEdlJ I. ATIOKS or TiiK mimm. mm m&EfKL l3._Geulloiai'U de.uroiis df iiislruc'aim in drill iiml militiiry t'xerci.ses, iimy hp onrollcd, either provisionally or linally, willi leave of the (Joniinaniiin-;- OfHcer, as Cadets; subject to Assessment for the Regimental Fund, ami to Fines, at tlie rate of one-half of thosj falling on Second Lientcnants ; and willi tiie right to retire from the T'o/'/n' al jilfasur.'. if not in arrcar or otherwise liahle to censure. 14._Sach Cadets may hs borne upon the rull (d" tiieir respective Com- pai.ies, either as part of the lixed strengih tiiereof, or over and abow smdi str.'.ngth ; as the Commanding Officer from time to time may order. Ij.—U provisionally enrolled, tlicy will be ln-dd to attemlanee at whatever Regimental or Company Drills and Parades, ami at whatever meetings of the Oflicerij' Corps, may be ordered without retpiirement of uniform ; and if fimilly enrolled, they will farther be held to attendance in uniform, whenever ordered. l,;._Their position, duties, uniform an 1 appointments, may (by Regimental Order) be made suitably distinct from tho-.; of non-commissioned Officers and Privates. 17._Gcntlemen holding Commission^ in any other Corps of Militia, may be admitted, with leave of th- Commindiug OHicoi, as Honorary .Memi)jrs of the Officers' Corps of this Battalion ; subject to Assessment for the Regimental Fun.l, and to Fines, at the rate of one half of those falling on Officers of this Hattalion, of the same grade. 18.— Such Honorary members of the Officers" Corps will be held to atten- dance at its meetings Avh^never ordered without requirement of uniform; and, if suitably uniformed, will l)e entitled t.) attend and take part at all such Meetings. 19._Due provision may be made, from time to time, by such Company Rules— not being inconsistent with Law or Military usage, or with any Reg-nla- tion of the Co>7)s— IS may be agreed to l)y any Company ami sanctioned by Regimental Order, for raising a Fund for such Company, and otherwise regulat- mg the conduct of its aftairs. Ami all such Rules may thereafter be revoked or altered, by vote of the Company sanctioned by Regimental Order. '2(K~()i] nil (iiic>ii(.ii.> aii^iiiof ns to such Rulos, tlio OfTiccr.-s, tlic noi-.-commia- Hioni'd omtMT.-^, ami llie liiially enrolled Cadets and Miu of tlic ('oinpany, will voto si'iiarutt'ly, and tlie rosnltof the vote of each cla?s will be notified to the Conunandinj,' Oflicer of the Hattullon. Padets and Men i»n)vl.sionalIy carolled will not lie I eld enlitlid to vote. Montreal, i llii A]«iil, \Hi>1. Snhniitled f'^r sanction of His Excellency the Commander in Chief, on behalf of the Moiilii al lA'/iii Infantry. (Signed,) CniUSrU. DUXKIX, yidjor, Com':;. Jf. L. I. Approved, by Order of UU Excellency the Governor General and Commander in Chief. Toronto, L'Tth April, 18.") 7. (Signed,) De ROTTEXHURG, Colonel^ Jdj. (Irnl. Mil inmia- r, will to the iroll(!d liiilf of -. /. andor . Mil.