IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V ^ ^ '^o %J' V. 1.0 ■iillllM 12.5 2.2 I.I S: lis 12.0 l'.25 i 1.4 1.8 1.6 iiic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4^ iV :V ^^ .. ^'\^ "^^^ ^cC^ 1j (SS, ¥^ "v' HAVIXCi '^J 1 J lOOLS AND TO TFIE PRINCIPALS OF SUCH SCHOOLS. r he Board ot lulucation, in putting forth t],e reoulntions rehxtmo. to Ur„on Schools, desire it to be understood that ^, these rcguh,tions are tentative and provisional, the idea being t,> bnno- sucli sc1k.o1s into operation as soon as possible W hen they e.xist an.l the Board has had an opportunity of toruung an opniion about then., it will revise all the re..ul- ations relatmg to the course of studv in all its schools" as u-ell as the regulations rehiting to the attainments of its teach t'l's. With regarpc;ii'e . Kcjlfe's Shakespeare : Victorian Poets — Stedntan : Classics— Andrew's Lexicon (Lat.-i-:n-.), Li.l.lell an.! Scott's Lexicon (Greek-iuin.), {lar-;er editions): Smiths Classical Dictionary, Butler's Cia-sical Atlas and Sketch of Atieieni C*. o^i'aphv : (u'ooTaphy -Ritter: (Juyot/s t-arih';nid ^[an : ( niyol's Physical (Jeoi-rapliy; (uiyots Couin-on School Ceo- .i^-rfiphy: Kind's /vinss aud Methods in (Uo-Taphy : Maps— Classical 1 Maps of Italia,, Ci;ecia, Asia Minoy and (ialiia. The iiocessaiy apparatus for ^'achinn- RotauN', Ciu'niisti'N' an: n\sics. FXTRAXCF EXAMINATION, 5. (i.) The le.i^-ular Entrance Exanunation for pupils foi- the High School branch sliall he in writing and shall he h.'ld half-yearly before the close of each Term. coni (2.) Tlunv shall be papers set on reading, spelling, c( position, writing, arithmetic, grannnar, geography, histoiT and elementaiy Englisli literature, book-keeping (single r.Mo.N s( ii()(»i„s. 5 entry), as prcscril.ed in Standnr.l V. of the Piooraiuim' of Studies for Protestant Schools, an.l in the "Superior ("nurse" in the [^rooTuniin.' .,r Studies for lionian ("atliolie SehuMls. (■I) The papers shall he ).re).are.| and examined and the .■xaniination si..-'' hr conducted hy the Inspector for the i)isl'-irt and th ,"a.l Teacher or I'rincipa! of the ScIkVI. When the cxaniination is ovei- and the results have heen .le.'lai'i d, the pa ])ers, toe-ether witli the marks ahtained, shall he sent to tlie Secivtary of ilie i'.oai'd of Kducntion to he iihd. ^ <^-^ in <.ry the Pi-ineii)al in the Hi^'h School luitil the ensuini-' Knti-ance Kxanunntion when thiy shall lie re(pni-ed to pass such examination. iU The followine' shall he the course of studies in the Hie'ii School P)ranch o!" I'ln'oii Schools: — [ti.) Por Protestant Schools. S'lAXDAUD \ I. Readin,!;' — Sixth Peadei' with reci'.ations. Spellin<;'— Pi-om jvadin^- lessons ju a I dictation. Composition — Furthei- extension (.f the suhieet froMi Standard V. Writing' — Tlie suliject continued. Aritlime'tic — The whole of Kirk land & Soott's Arithmetic. Grammar — A thorough knowledyo of Mason's Outlines of Iv.iU'lish rirauniiai'. r.NION sclKKtI.s. (iooMraphy -.Map ({.M»irr,i])liy (;vin'ivilly, witli C'niuulu funl the Briti.sli Knipirc more piirticulurly ; iiiMp ook kt'('|)in(^ — Siiiyic and DoiiMc entry. Dniwinn- — fli ndiiiij^'s Hinh Scliool ('(Mirsc coiinufnc'cd. ( 'ali.stlicnics and Drill. The snlijuct conlinucd. AlL;cla'a To the end oF .simple «'(|uations. ( Jconu'try — l^^uclid, Dclinitions and Hook I. Latin — Smith's Prinripia Latina, Part I., or llarknc s' Jntroductoi'v Latin Hook. Fvcncli - Kasipic^s Lessons in Fleiicli. (h) Kor lioiiian ("atliolic Sclioojs. Review of LitcnniMliate ('ouisc. Snpei'ioi' ( 'onrse connniiUMM! niid continned. Ue()_!j,-iapliy — ( lenei-al : Canada and the Ihitish Lnipire nii/re particniurly ; ma}) (h'a.\vine'. Canadian Litejatnre -~\\'ithr(»\v and Adam. Calistlienics and Drill ('onlinned. Ki'ench -~ Fas(|nt'lle s Lessons in l''iciicli. Latin —Smiths I'rincipia Latina Part L. or ilai'kness' Introdnctorx' L;.hii iiixik. XOKMAL SESSIONS IN LXIoN SCHOOLS. I. L\('iy Tnion School slndl Iia\-e. if re(|uii-e(| hv tlie Hoard of Lducation, a Xoi-mal School 1 )e])aitiiient, which .shall hoUl one .session each yeai". Evciy snch Session of tlie Normal Scluxtl shall open on the first Monday in Novomhor and close on the last Kri■'■'''■'""■^■^ """'^ '■:'!"'-'-- "s . M tn ,.,v..,.: l.,t,.|,. |„..,,,„.,.s „„ T,.,„.l,i„«: l.,„„l„„'.s Uiiyh,.,s |),-,|i ,1,1,1 Ciiisti,,.,,!,.^ ■ • r2>. Kc,r2]i.l i-liiss tr,i.-!„.|^: Wl,it, -s Kl.„„.nts „r |.,.,, ,.„,,., ^ , ,„i,.|^.^ |.;,|,„.,,ti„„„| ^ 'itistlicnics; (•0. Tor :U-(\ class t.-aclh.i's ■ iiaMuinsA.-toFS,.lH.,.IMauH^nn.n^: n.-ownin^s K.|u- .^....ntsot M<.rals:TI... SH.o<,l Law of th.- 'IVn-iton.s : i^ All .students in att,.neirintenti<,n, not later Ihan ' the l.->th (lay of SepfMuhe,- in ..u'l, yeaj- ; an.l shall state • (a) A^e last l.iithday. {(>) Class of certificate held, (if any). (<■) if holdinc. no cel•tiHcat.^ the subjects thev v first, scctdid of third flnss ttiiclifts' cci'titi «;itrs, slmll lie clinililc t'ur uliuissiou to the N<»iMiial Session (•fiiiiy Tnion School. All olhir cmii lidiit -s to'* ii'nlin;j,' sntisl'ac'.ors' "S iilcn; c of "•ood moral c'laracti r and I'tcrarv attaiiiincni •■. 4». ;>tiidciits admitted to any Xormal Scvsioii ,-Iiall he i-c(.nii'('il to jir.'scnt thcm-.cK ( s nt (he o]ieiiin;i oj' (he Se lion. to he ]»mictu;d ami rc^idar in their nttendam c. .-Mid to ] e?-- I'oi'm I'aitlifullv the iluties assi.nnee conduc; o:- d- ji-rt iii who, at ihe close of ( ,icll session, lia\e passed a written e\aminalioii in the suhjerts inch.ilil ii. the (•(airse of in^trn'-t ion, and \vhose antivnde iit lenchine' is foimtl satisfactory, shall he eiwitled to a diploma, sle'ned hy the lns]iecto;' and I'riiicipal, cTtifyin;;' tic same, an ! such diploma shall entitle the student I'eceixine' it lo have the nonprot'essi(aial eei'titicate he then holds e,\ehan;4"ed i'or a profession:!! eertiticate of the <;\]n.' class a.nd n'raile : and any student, not in p )-,-;"ssi(»n of a n ai jirofi'.^s'oiial < 'ertiticitc, who ohtains such diploimi, sha'l he entitled to teac!' until the eusiiino' Aueiist e\anrin;ition, upon p;!ssine' whit h, he sh;dl then he entitled lo receive such p;'(»fe.-sii ata I ccriiticatc as is i)ro\ided for under saiij reu'ulations. 'tK .Auy studiiil, ^vllose aptitude in teachiiie- is i-e])ortod, at tile close of a Xoi'uial School Session, to he sU))erioi', sliall he entill'il to I'eciixe a professioiral certilicate of ( Iratle "A" of tiH' class he theu holds Ol' has hehl within one year of the date'of such Session, or, it' ln' hohls uo iioii-pi'ofessional eer- titicate. he shall i>e entitled to a professional ('('rtilicate of I'V <-: SCHOOTS. u tho higlu-st gradr in the class in which he xunv pass within one year thereafter, suhjoct to the reguhitions governinc the issue of professional cortiticates. 10. No person who luis .„„.,. ohtftined a thinl-ehiss pro- less.onal ee,-tifieat<.. shall he ....titl..,! t„ another professi,.ual (vrtiheatc u\' tho smn.^ nnule npnn I, is passing th<. non-pro- eNnn.ination, without a s..c(,n^f»i'li<'s nf the Protestant Section, or the Superi- or Couisr oF the Roman Catholic Sectiiai, as he may desire, hut, havinu one.- ,ome to n decision, ne sIimII not vvitlidraw from .iiiy chiss without the c(.ns,.nt of the Principal. t'i. Tlir examinations, at (he close of a XonnnI Session in any I'nion School, shalll.e conducted \,y tli.' lnspect(,r foi' the District and the Principal of the Scl I. and when the exandnation is ovei' and the results have hecn declared the ])apers, t,ogetlier with the marks ohtained. shall he .sent to the Secretaiy of th,- I'.oard (.f Kdm-ation to he tiled. A