IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) n 1.0 I.I I ^ lie S KS 1110 1.8 1.25 u 16 < 6" ► I S": L Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^S£ata!!S*-»5»<«n.«r»*Mss«!,«irt!a?>?nr,s«n d n 32X i 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I RITUAL CF THE ROYAL FORESTERS /IPR 2D I£!}2 llonlion, (dnt. : ADVSKTISER I'KINTINi; AND I't'l'.I.ISHING COMI'ANY. X DlAG^flM OF ENCAMPMENT t^OOM- III. Aroh. III. P. Cs. III. Com. Dis. Knights. HI. Chan. III. St. B. III. St B. I -J I. ALTAR. fir du Curtain or Balluslrmir. J'he Royal Line. # III. C. of . Curtain or liallmtraJe. Til? Royal Line. III. M. gU tlm kn< I. C. III. Sw. B. Ill Lt. Com. III. Sw. B. 0. C. ANTEROOM. P«EPARATION R M. I du Ft )0M. I. Chan. ^1 n lluttrade. Line. -J f I ENCA|VIP|VIENT f^OYflU . FOI^ESTEf^S. Opening Cef^EMONv. 111. Com. — 111. Captain of the Guard, what i.s the first charge of an Encampment of Royal Foresters ? 111. C. of 6. — 111. Commander, to se(; that we are duly guarded. 111. Com. — Attend to that charge. 111. C. ofGr. — 111. Guards, — • — to your posts, and guard well this Encampment of Royal Foresters. (As soon as the 111 (is have taken tlieir' posts tlie 111. I (i will give three louf a Royal 11 on your f a Royal ill present inder, are me and nth the as- ts present. 111. Lt C. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, attend to giving the Signs. (All, then, in conjunction witli the 111. Lt. ("., give the t'oimii'rMJjjn and the Sulutiition Sign), 111. Com. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, I perceive that you have all been advanced to the Exalted Degree of a Royal Forester ; but, before I declare this Kn- campment duly opened, let us look to God for His blessing. 111. 0. — Almighty and Everliving God, in whom we live, and move, and have our being, we pray Thee to look with favor upon this assembly of Royal Foresters ; endue each of us with a competence of Thy divine wisdom, so that we may ever walk before Thee with acceptance ; and to Thee, Immortal, Om- niscient, and Omnipresent Father, be all the glory, might, majesty, and dominion now and evermore. Amen 111. Com. — 111. Orator, what is the next charge of an Encampment of Royal Foresters ? 111. 0. - To display God's Holy Book of tl < ^ aw, 111. Commander. 111. Com. — Attend to that charge. (The HI, 0, then proceeds to the Altar, opens the Sacred Volume, returns to his post, and says as follows :) 111. 0. — 111. Commander, that duty is performed. 111. Com. — 111. Lieut. Commander, what is the next duty ? !«»M«sse;-aa^«sjg.«5wSSMS5'fcr,^«i z' OPENINf; CEREMONY. 111. Lt. C.~'r«> «t!t" that th(; Guards arc alert ami at their jjosts, 111. Commancler. 111. Com.— Pt^^rforni that duty. Ill.Lt. C.-« • 111. IG.-« 111. 0. G.— • • lU.Lt. C— The Guards arc- alert and at their posts, 111. Commander. 111. Com.— Then, by virtue of the powers \'ested in me, I declare this Encampment ot Royal l-'oresters duly and legally opened. 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 ojb alert ami Oi^DEi^ OF Business. eir posts, rs \t:stecl l*\)rcstcrs 1. Opening Ceremony. 2. Calling Roll of 111. Officers. 3. Reading, Correctij)n, and Confirmation of the Archives. 4. Reception and Disposal of Petitions. 5. Balloting for and Reception of Suppliants. 6. Reception of Communications. 7. Reports. 8. Bills or Accounts. 9. Unfinished or Deferred Business. 10. General Business. 11. (Election of 111. Officers.)" 12. (Installation of 111. Officers.)"'- 1 3. Closing Ceremony. (*To be callid only at tlie time of the election or installation of Officers.) w^-J^-^^^-^.f^:^s^ -W*?^ 'r^:=r^:.?'5?E^?=^3U^;^ ■-»gy H !'«^^?^--Urf.--- DIAGRAM OF ENCAMPMENT ROOM- 4 u III. St. B. Commandar. Dlitlngulihed Knights. • • • • III St. B. ■ ALTAR. « * ROYAL LINE. III. Sw. B. III. Lt. C. III. 8w. B. •f f n o III. I. C. N.B.— The 111. C. of (j. must sit on ihe side nearest the inner door, and ihe 111. M. on the opposite side . >0M. Ightt. I w ? r 5. n II. I. C. I ihe III. M. on the i ^OYAb pORESTEt^S* CeREMONV of E)'|< niiII, with HW'ord licit unci hwoiiI Kvuiy Oll'ici'i' hIkiuIiI liUnNv IiIh pint thi>niiit{iily liy htiiirt. Thtii'luvii'Manil liallu^,'hout the cureniony, if there lie more than on*" Nnppli. ant, the necenHury worils niUHt lie t'hangud ai'cordingly, us " have " for ' Ii.iH," and "desire" for '•ilesires," etc ) 111. Com. — Thank you. Sir Knight. 111. i.ieut. Commander, I will thank vou to attend to the admis- sion and examination of the suppliant. 111. Lt. C. — 1 11. Marshal, repair to the outer ante- room and bring the suppliant before me for examination. (The 111. M salutes and retires, sees that the suppliant wears the badge »K'«A»*^BS>t-W*3'*fi»i--'*«=^»"'-" mT^^*itf*r-'.-?T f 12 CEREMONY OF EXALTATION. 111. Lt. C- 1. Whut is the entering signal at the inner door of a Court Room ? 2. What further is required in order to pass the inner door ? 3. On being admitted to the Court R(M)m ; what do you do ? 4. You will (each) give me the Entersign. 5. Show me the Foresters' Sign of Recognition and its answer. 6. Give the Warning Sign and Danger Signal. 7. Give the Sign of Distress, and the answer to it 8. What are the Words of Distress ? My brother, you have passed our scrutiny thus far, but before you can gain advancement you must under go a further test. Do you still desire to proceed ? (l"„P.P'eT) Do you promise to submit to all the established usages of the Royal Foresters } (t'^Slri') Do you pledge your wt)rd that you will never im- properly reveal any of the ceremonies or other secrets of this Encampment.? (^.Xe^) (Should any suppliant decline to answer any of these questions in the aflBrmative, the 111. Lt. C. will direct the 111. of (i to conduct him beyond the outer door. If the answers are all satisfactory, he will rise and proceed as follows :) II app; to > nam emb and But true Enc P in ti to 1 utte Ro) Ex; Ro) alta shal ( allow in th( I has retii I mar "tr \ inner door to pass the )om ; what ign. ecognition r Signal, nswer to it y thus far, nust under established 11 never im- ther secrets questions in the iuct liim beyond rise and proceed CEREMONY OF EXALTATION. >3 111. Lt. C. — It gives me pleasure to reward your apparent devotion to our Order, by communicating to you one of the secrets of this Exalted Degree;, namely, the esoteric significance of the letters on our emblem. To all who see them, they express the name and motto of our noble Order. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. UIBERVY, BENEVOUBNCE RfiD CONCORD. (Pointing to the initia's on a badge or on a chart or banner.) But to us they signify that which you will find to be true of those who meet within the sacred walls of an Encampment of Royal Foresters, Rnkpmgf okp Mdqpfu oqh Xenquguv Lhgnnqyiykr. Bear in mind that this phrase is never to be uttered in the hearing of any person whom you do not know to be a Royal luirester. unless it be as at present uttered in presence of 07U' who is about to become a Royal Forester. Before you can fully attain to this Exalted Degree, it will be necessary for you to pass the Royal Line and take a solemn obligation at our sacred altar. You will now retire in charge of our 111. Mar- shal that you may be duly prepared, (The 111. M. conducts the 8upi)liant to the outer anteroom, the 111. I. (!. allowing them to pass, and the door being cloHed after them. The bir Knights in the Royal Line then resume their ordinary places.) 111. Lt. 0. — (standing.) 111. Commandcr, the suppliant has been duly admitted and examined, and has now retired to be prepared for the finfil ordeal 111. Com.— (seated ) Thank you, 111. Lieut. Com- mander. Guards, attend to your duty. Let the " triangle of steel " be formed. r «4 CEUEMONV OF EXALTATION. (Tlie 111. Sw. 15s arrange themselves about six feet from the door, and about eight feet apart facing each other. The 111 C of (i. stands about four or five feet farther from the door and facing toward it ; each points his sword straight before him. The 111 M. meanwhile conducts one of the suppliants into the inner anteroom blindfolds him securely, and then places him close to the inner door. The 111 O. O. keeps the outer door closed.) 111. Com. — Let the signal be given. (The 111. I. (J gives one loud rap on the door.) 111. M.— C^rirvoke.'") Until you see again, beware ! Raise not a hand except as directed ; just before you is a door ; give two knocks, and when you hear the signal answered, give two more knocks. The 111. I. (J. answt-rs vith ont rap. and as soon as the signal is repeated by the suppliant, the 111. I. (i. opens the door wide ) 111. I. 6. — Who comes here ^ 111. M. — C^'^L'S'.'"') ^ suppliant, who has under- gone the scrutiny, and been found worthy of advance- ment, and is prepared for the final ordeal. 111. I. G. — ('voice.*) Enter, but beware ! Swerve not ! (The 111. M. places his hands on the suppliant's shoulders, and causes him to go forward thrtje steps, counting "One— two— three." This should bring the suppliant directly between the 111. .Sw. 15s.) 111. M. — You are now in a perilous position. On ne-half may be in command of the 111. Lt. C. and the other of the 111. C. of (i. If the 111. St. Rs. can be spared from the line, they may remain at their posts and display tlie standards when tlie line opens If the Sir Knights are not in uniform then they will hold out tlieir arms as if they were hoKliiig out their swords. 111. Com.— (sea-ed. ) My suppliant brother, you have been tested and tried and found not wanting. Your fidelity and devotion heretofore warrant us in belit^ving you worthy of advancement. You will now be re- stored to light, after which you may, if you will, pledge your vows at our sacred altar, thence to be conducted \<^ tVlfi R<1\-'ll ^f'Tt /The 111. M. remove* llie blindfud, or reiinest. tlie wearers\ LIJ LIlC I\.t)\ [11 Ot.dl. ^ to remove them, assisting them if required. / [But behold, the way is guarded ; yet fear not ; go forward without flinching. /?' I I ; 16 CEREMONY OF EXALTATION. (The 111. M., if neco8saiv. i.ronipta thciu to mlvanoe in Hue, he keeping r,ear them on riirht. When within three or four nhort paces the 111. M. hi tt (: 8. ami begins the lV-"Hkp TvtWVJ." The .Sir Kmghts all wave heir 8W0 -.8 aloft and exolain.. "Aku Ovjg Prqygt," "P"n whieh the 111. M. JneluTs the l'.-"Wqh Hhtkgpfujkr. " The line then opens in he centre and each section wheels l.ackwar.l till the sections are parallel, facing the altar. See plan of room. \ 111. Com.— (S""=d.) Behold thci power of the Royal Foresters' Pass to open the way to our inner sanctuary.] 111. Marshal, you have my command to proclaim the suppliant. Til TUT /StandineinfronlofthesuppliA Hear Ve, 111. KnightS ill. ITl. V ant, f-nciiig tlie altar. '' , , W IT and Sir Knights, and give heed ! By command ot the 111. Commander, I hereby proclaim that Bro. — has been tested and proved to be a Forester, faithful and true, a man courageous and zealous, and worthy to be advanced to the Exalted Degree of a Royal Forester. If any 111. Knight or Sir Knight present can show cause why this should not now be done, let him speak forth, or for ever afterward hold his peace. (If objection is made against the advancement of any sj'PP'''"'*; .l^^^";!"^* retire to tL anteroom, whereupon the validity of the "^'J^^""" ."^"f* ^^^.^^"■^'if with decided by a majority vote of the Encampment, without debate. It there are no objections raised, the 111. Com. will proceed.) 111. Com.— 111. Marshal, place the suppliant at the altar,' and thereon lay this sword. (Hands his sword to the 111. M., who places it on the open Bible, after which he arranges the suppliant s before or around the altar. ) 111^ M.— Your commands have been executed, 111. Commander. 111. Com.— 'Tis well ! 111. Standard Bearers, take your positions near the altar. ("I •tandi al)Boni case tl II the i O. wil hia he close 1 ■>. iuc, he keeping ices. the 111. M. Cnights all wave hich the 111. M. lU opens in the I parallel, facing f the Royal sanctuiiry.] roclaim the- 111. Knights ommancl of it Bro. stcr, faithful and worthy of a Royal ight present be done, let \ his peace. ippliant. he must on must be forth - hout debate. If diant at the open Bible, after ) ixecuted, 111. Jearers, take CERKMONV OF EXALTATION. 17 (The 111. St. Rs. station themselves on the right and left of the altar, witii •tandards displayed, or if tiiere are no .standards, with drawn swords In the absence of the 111. <). the 111. Com. niiiy administer the obligation, in which case the necessary changes will be made in the directions given. ) 111. Com. — The 111. Orator will take his position at the altar. 111. Knights and Sir Knights, attention! (The 111. Knights and Sir Knights will thru draw their nwords. Tlie III. (). will pass to tlio side of the altar nearest tiie lioyal Seat and will uncover his head if chapeau.K or fatigue caps have been worn. The ranks will at once close up the gaps left by the 111. Otticers ) 111. Com.— (standing.) Tlic (of ''eac/i') suppliant will place his left hand on the sword resting upon God's Holy Book of the Law, and repeat after the III. Ora- tor the Sacred Obligation of a Royal Forester. 111. 0. — You will each say "I," and then pronounce your own name in full and repeat after me the SACRED OBLIGATION OF A ROYAL FORESTER. I, 1 in the presence of High Heaven, | and before these III. Knights and Sir Knights,] do most solemnly and sincere'y | promise and declare, | upon my sacred word, I and upon the sword, | the symbol of honor, | and upon God's Holy Book of the Law, | that I will never reveal | any of the secrets] of or pertaining to a Royal Forester, | unless it shall be | to a worthy Knight of this degree I whom I certainly know to be such, | or to a brother duly qualified to receive the same | within the sacred walls | of an Encampment of Royal Forest- ers, I or as I may be instructed, | for the purpose of mutual recognition. That I will take as the rule of action | and the guide of my life | the Divine Law, | "Do unto others as ye would I they should do unto you." :ffia5JiS?^S?SKaS!a!3?^e^ ' ' i fi . ' /.W iiiii inw 11 , .u. ^ fMW ' CEREMONY OK EXALTATION. « > « ■ ^v . That I will acknowledge a Royal Forester i at all times I and in all places, | and will visit him in sickness, | succor him in distress,] and assist him at all times | to the full extent r f my power. That I will not speak ill of a Royal Forester, | nor suffer others to do so | without protest from me ; | but will, as far as in me lies, | protect and maintain | his character and honor | as I would my own. I further promise | to be an exemplar of temperance, | virtue and honor, | and to be at all times | a true and law-abiding citizen. And I further promise | to cause the mortal remains | of a deceased Royal Forester | to be decently interred, | even at my own expense. To all and each of these several points 1 1 do hereby pledge] my sacred woid and honor, I Amen. Amen. Amen. 111. Com.- -111. Knights and Sir Knights. "Present arms ! 111. Com. — As a token of your sincerity, and to seal your vows, yoa will kiss God's Holy Book of the Law. (When each suppliant has done so, under the guidance of the III M., the 111. Com. will cnnliuue :) 111. Com.— 111. Knights and Sir Knights, "Order arms ! 111. Com. — The suppliant will now be conducted, under royal escort, to the foot of the Throne. The 111. Knights and Sir Knights will rt-sume their accus tomed places. owor f>liar eadi man !• i; mart 8Up|l the ( ut a 1 in On a t the! will take ] yoL anc are the etc , will sign ] of fun of( give the i of til \ -W mm I ^y .,. ster i at all n sickness, | 11 times I to jrester, | nor n me ; | but iintain | his :mperance. | a true and :al remains | y interred, I I do hereby en. Amen, s. " Present and to seal of the Law. f the 111 M.,the hts, "Order conducted, rone. The their accus :l CEKEMUNY or EXALTATION. >9 (The III. M, will arrange a procoMxion as folInw8 ; iMt, 111. .M. with iiword at sliouUlur ; 'iiul. 111. St. lis, with StaiulardH iliBplayud ; .'Inl, tlin sup- plianu in Hiiiglu tilu or in ])aii'8, anil the III. Sw. lis, onu on each ttiile of thu leading lilo of Hnp|iliantH, with Hworda at Hhoulder. In tlii8 onlor tliov will march oiiue or oftciiur around tiio room, past thu 111. Com., ()., Lt. C. and P. C , whubling Hi|iiaroly at the ooruerK, to the front of tiio Throne— a grand march being played, if jiracticable. The 111. M. then pas-sen to tiio rear (if the suppliants, the 111. St. \U stand on the right and left of the III. Com., upon thu dais ; while Ihe III. Sw. lis conduct the Muppliants, not more than throe ut a time, to thu foot of the Throne and cause each to kneel on both knees.) 111. Com,— (S,T) By virtue of the hi<,^h powers in me vested, and in the name of the Independent Order of Foresters, I do hereby proclaim (cac/i q/) you a Royal Forester. - ^ — Rise, Sir Knight (The words are repeated for each one. When all have been Knighted, the HI. .St. Us. and Sw. Bs. will take their respective stations; the III. .M. will arrange the newly made Knights in a line for instruction and may then take his scat. ) 111. Com. — (standing.) As you have now taken upon yoursc'/J the sacred obligation of a Royal Forester, and been duly advanced to this Exalted Degree, you are entitled to be instructed in our secret work. (The 111. Com. gives full instructions as to the C S. and P., the (i and the manner of entering and leaving the room when the Kncampment is in session. He will then continue :) [NoTK. — In the absence of a P. C. competent to give the expliuuitioiis, etc , the 111. Com. will take the part, in which case he will, instead of " You will now be conducted, &c.," say ''I shall now further instruct you in the significance, &c."] 111. Com. — You will now be conducted to the station of the 111. Past Commander, who will (I shall now) further instruct you in the significance of the emblems of our Order, our Signet and Token. (The 111 C. then skips to the 111. P. C's charge oa next page if he is to give all the instructions. If the instructions are to be given by the III. P. ('. the suppliants lace to the right, and proceed under escort in line to the front of the HI. P. C.) -*rti^tAari-.^SiPc? r^-. JsteSa*:;!?'! 0^ fyll>.^1« III- , ..-.-, --r .^ - -y ,, j,^ ,. - ^k-llll^_ " ,J J. ' 5 Tte^j ll 1 I iO CKKKMdNV OK KXM, I A I ION. lU. M.— 111. I*,ist Coinmaiiilcr, hv coiniii.inl of th<' 111. G.ininaiulcr, I \>nsv\n before you ////,v .Sir A'ftiW// I<»r hirther instructions. '"' 111. P. C. In .1 former p.irt of these ceremonies, you were informed that the lett(.Ts on the emblem or badoc ,,| ,H,r ()nl,,r si-rnify to us who have been .ADMirrii) to an I'.ncampment of Koval boresters, RiiCKivKi) on the point of the sword, and Km(;iithi. at the Royal Seat, that we an- -f •^ ++ •+■4. + + These letters form the SIGNET of a Royal borester, In testmg a jK;r.son who claims to be such,' o O o o o The TOKEN is used by the III. Commander "Illy m acl . ^g»*wT™» iM t l a ; ■ afi ig^.. CliRKMONV OK EXALTATION. tl iiiani of the i Sir Kvii^hi c(;rt'inur.i('s, emblem or have Ikhmi I'Orcstcrs, I KnkWI'IHIi +• + + + al I'Orcstcr, o o o o o JomniaruU-r tatioii, and cmhlem w Foresters' ^i^r of the is to us a .' us to try ly in those ibcrty and iboh'ze the oresters. 'al I'orest- jf knight ly -appropriate to our ancitnt title of 2. The Crown,- Royal b'oresters ; 3. The All-seeing Eye, — reminding us of the loving care exercised over us by an Omniscient and Omni- present God, and of our duty to be ever watchful over the welfare of our brethren. Brother and Sir Knight^ it is now my pleasure to congratulate you upon having attained to this Exalted Degree in our Order, and having been made acquainted with its secret working. The vows you have; taken at this time are of a very solemn character, and impose upon you new and increased obligations. Ever be watchful, lest you inadvertently violate any of them. (The following lecture may be omitted if the 111, Com. at this Htage so (lecideH. ) 111. Com.— The Sir Knight will be escorted to the 111. Orator for lurther instructions. 111. M.— III. Orator, by command of the 111. Com- mander, I present before you this Sir Knight lor further instructions. 111. 0.— Sir Knight I congratulate you on having attained to the Royal and Chivalric Degree of our Order. As a Forester, you should henceforth be more than ever devoted to the Order. Any society worthy to exist, will grow and prosper in proportion to the inter- est its members take in its working. We belong to a society of whose principles and of whose history we need not be ashamed. >• j^lft»rrU»^V--^.^6^;J» W^^-^-r i!| "^^ 33 CERRMONV Of HtAlffATION. As a Sir Knight of the Royal Pfgre*-. it becomes you to cherish in your heart, and exemplify in all your conduct, thos(! hi.i^h principles of chivalry and honor, unllinchinjr couraj^e in support of the ripht, and self- sacrifice on behalf of the weak or distressed, which characttTized the noble knights of the olden time. By .such (pialities as these, the early torest ranj^^ers, known in b^nj^lish le^^ends as " Robin Hood and his merrie men,"— robbers and outlaws thouj^h they were, — won th(! admiration of the country folk. " The ideal Robin Hood is the knij:jht-errant of the lowly, a chief amonjr free men united :ijj;a'nst despot- ism, and rejoicinjT in the vir<,Mn freshness and Ljladness of unsubdued nature. 'I he kindly woods and secret- keeping mountains of all lands with a lonj^ history, have sheltered fugitives from injustice, and avengers of wrongs, whom popular love and fancy and faith have transformed and glorified into objects of enthusiastic admiration." We modern Foresters, far from being outlaws, are bound by our obligations to be law-abiding citizens. But in all good ways we should emulate our ancient brethren, whose haunts were in the leaty depths of the forest. And not least of all should we imitate their love of Nature, that our more enlightened minds may be led up to Nature's God. Let us not forget that "The groves were God's first Temples Kre man framed The lofty vault, to gather and roll back The sound of anthems ; in the darkling wood, Amid the cool and silence, he knelt down. And offered to the Mightiest solemn thanks And supplication. * * * * Ah why Should we, in the world's riper years, neglect God's ancient sanctuaries? ♦ ♦ ♦ * 111 Sir will CI will ]i proclii II and 1 he rece Roy priv II weic proc will becomes n all your nd honor. and self- 'd. which time. Hy rs, known lis merritr ;re. — won int of the It despot- 1 jj[ladncss ul sccret- T history, avengers faith have thusiastic tlaws. are r citizens, ir ancient ths of the tate their linds may ;et that Framed CKRKMONV Qf EX.\LTATI(»*I. 'J I!c it ours t" medlLllC, In those r.ilin sWades, His milder majesty, And to the Ijciiitidil order n( Mis works I. earn to conform the order of our lives," 111. Com.— Thi; III. Sword Hearers will conduct the Sir Knight to the alt:ir. after which the III. Marshal will proclaim th(; exaltation of the Sir Knight, (The 111 M. ImviiiK |Hfvi.mNly pnn icU-il liiinn«lf willi ii li't of th.' iiiiincH, will proci'iMl to tlu^ foot of th'' throm-, hHukI fmliiK tho .iltaf aii.l niiikc procluiimtioii,— tho imw KiiightH HtiimlitiK in lino ) 111. M.— Hear ve. 111. Kni.^rhts and Sir Kni.L,dus, and take heed ! By command of the 111. Commander. I hereby proclaim that Bro. has been admitted, received, and advanced to the Hxalted D(;,u:ree of ^«tS^"i;irs?&-',*j INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 25 4Y. •Supreme Com- ommander, will to assist in the the record ind the 111. bligation. 1 they are called •r ; 1 he first rive irouiid the prin- ) n the inner ord resting hose in the and stretch e his name ' word and It I will, I to ties I of the accordance Independent That I will strictly obey | the words of command | of my superior officers. That I will be ever ready | to draw my sword | in defence of truth and virtue. | and to combat the hand ] of ignorance and superstition. That I will be diligtmt | in advancing the interests | of this Encampment; | and, by every legitimate means, | promote the welfare] of the Independent Order of Foresters. That I will cause the election of officers ] to be held at the time | provided in the C(Misliuitions and Laws] of the Order ; | and bind my successors in office | by these same vows ; | and h.uid over to them | all books, j papers, funds, | and other effects] of whatsoever kind, of or belonging to this Encampment, | which may be in my possessi; i, | custody, or control. All this I promise and vow ] on my Knighdy word and honor. | May this vow be registered in Heaven. | Amen. Amen. Amen. 111. S. C— 111. Knights, you have given your Knighdy vows to be true and faithful to the high trusts now committed to your hands. To an honorable and uprigh*^^ man there can be nothing more binding than such vows. As you hope for heaven, I charge you to so conduct yourselves that at the final inspec- tion your record may be found clear, and that it may be said of each of you, " Well done, good and faith- ful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." I i' ' '^ 26 INSTALLATION CEREMONY. 111. S. C. — 111. Marshal, you will see that each of the 111. Officers of this Encampment is conducted to his high and honorable station. (The 111. M. will nee that the Sw. Bs. coniluct each 111. Officer to his post, bejjiniiiiig with the 111. (Js., and ending with the JU. Com.) 111. S. C. — Attention, 111. Officers—*. (The newly installed officers will rise to their feet and remain standing during the proclamation. ) 111. S. C. — 111. Marshal, you have my command to proclaim the 111. Officers of this Encampment duly installed. ni. M. — By command of the 111. Supreme Com- mander, and in the name of the Independent Order of Foresters, I proclaim the 111. Officers of this Encamp- ment duly and legally installed. May peace, virtue, and honor ever abide within this Encampment of Royal Foresters. 111. Brethren.— So mote it be. Ssw at each of iducted to icer to Ilia post, jinain standing )mmand to ment duly erne Com- it Order of s Encamp- ce, virtue, lit of Royal CiiosiNc Ceiremonv. — • •♦• • — HI. Com. — 111. Lieut, Commander, — •—I am about to close this Encampment of Royal foresters : what is the first charge ? 111. Lt. C. — To sec; that all present are Kcjyal Foresters, 111. Commander. 111. Com. — 111. Lieut. Commander, are you a Royal Forester .'* 111. Lt. C. — I am. 111. Commander; try me and prove me. 111. Com. — Mow will you be proved. 111. Lieut. Commander.? IlL Lt. C. — By my Signs, 111. Commander. IlL Com. — Advance the Signs. 111. Lt. C— I will. 111. Commander, with the assist- ance of the 111. Knights and Sir Knights present. 111. Com. — Let it be done in due form. 111. Lt. C. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, attend to giving the Signs. (All then, in conjunction with the 111. Lt. C, give the Token and then the Salutation Sign. The 111. Com. will then give the Countersign and pro ceed as follows :) I! f ■ I' i I 111. Com. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, I perceive that you have all received the Exalted Degree of a Royal Forester ; but, before I declare this Encamp- ment duly closed, give ear to the words of the 111. Orator. (The III. U. then returnu hiH Hword and proceeds to the altar and takes his position jmt below the altar, fuuiiig the throne.) 111. Com. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, attention ! Present Arms ! 111. 0. — And now, to God, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, be accorded all might, majesty, and dominion now and for ever. Amen. 111. Brethren. — Amen. Amen. Amen. m. Com. — Order Arms ! (The 111. Brethren " return " their swords.) 111. Com. — 111 Orator, what is your next duty .■* 111. 0.— To close God's Holy Book of the Law, 111. Commander. 111. Com. — Perform that duty. (The 111 O. closes the Bible, and after reporting to the 111. G. as under returns to his post.) 111. 0. — 111 Commander, that duty is performed. 111. Com. — Thank you, 111. Orator. Ill duty 111 justic III makt 111 the I prese one I griev (A cvmpni grievai II] has \ 111 duty 111 their II II II II II duly .■-.«„.'» .'«v*'wr-«*Wfc>MB,fj!gi>^, ;, I perceive Degree of a lis Encamp- j of the 111. .Itar and takes his s, attention ! le Ruler of najesty, and : duty ? he Law, 111. Ill, C as under formed. CLOSING CKREMONY, 29 111. Com.— 111. Lieut. Commaiuler, what is the next duty of an Encampment of Royal Foresters? 111. Lt. C— To see that all present have received justice, tempered with fraternal love. 111. Com.— 111. Marshal, you have my command to make the closing proclamation. 111. M.— Hear ye, and take heed! By command of the 111. Commander, if any 111. Knight or Sir Knight present has not received that justice which is due from one brother to another, let him now make known his grievance. (A slight pause takes place, and if any grievance is laid before tlie En- campment, it must be attended to before closing the Encampment ; but if no grievance is laid before the Encampment, the 111. Lt. C. proceeds :) 111. Lt. C— 111. Commander, every brother present has received his just dues. lU. Com.— 111. Lieut. Commander, what is the last duty of an Encampment of Royal Foresters ? 111. Lt. C— To see that the Guards are alert and at their posts. 111. Com. — Attend to that duty. 111. Lt. C— • • 111. I. a- • lU. 0. G.-« • 111. Lt. C— 111. Commander, the Encampment is duly guarded. ■ - ■* -" "r — ) \ 30 CLOSING CEREMONY. HI. Com. — Then, by virtue of the powers in me vested, I declare this Encampment of Royal Foresters duly and legally closed. FC (V admiai known three 1 diatel) name 1 and th whate' the 111 procee II II II II annc is in cam II rece his ( the retir 7-.'!5S?3;^es^j^^C^3KSSSEi^-^5fi!^7S?~ vers in me .1 Foresters f^BCEPTION Celf^EMONV. POI^ THE IIiLi. SUPt^EME COMMANDEl^. (When the 111. Supreme Commander visits an Kncumpmont, he will gain udmissiou to the anteroom in the usual wav, and make himself and his rank known to the 111. O. (J. who will at once alarm the Encampment hy giving three loud knocks upon the inner door, whereupon the 111. 1. U. will imme- diately open the wicket when the 111. O. (J. will inform the 111. I. (!. of the name and the rank of the visitor. The 111. I. ti. will then announce tiionamo and the rank of the visitor in waiting, upon which the III. Com. will suspend whatever business may be before the Kncampment, and forthwith instruct the 111. Marshal to take with him the 111. Sw. Bs. and the 111. St. lU and proceed to the anteroom and form an escort to the III. visitor ) 111. 0. G.— • • • 111. I G.— (wic?«or tor.)— Who coiiics thcrc ? 111. 0. G. — The Illustrious Supreme Commander. 111. I. G. - 111. Commander, I have the pleasure of announcing that the Illustrious Supreme Commander is in the anteroom for the purpose of visiting our En- campment. 111. Com. — 111. Knights and Sir Knights, assist me to receive the Illustrious visitor with the honors due to his exalted rank. The 111. Marshal, accompanied by the 111. Sword Bearers and 111. Standard Bearers, will retire and act as an escort to the distinguished Brother. i RECEPTION CEUEMONV. (The III. otticcrH niiiiu-a relir.« to the anteroom forthwith, for the puriwsc of int mlucinn the visitor. W l.ile the 111.. M. an.l escort are in th" anteroom the 111 Kni«i,tH will arranKO then.nelves n two Ix^ralleMmes fac.nK .nyra, an.l about six feet apart extending from the inner .loor to the «>»» • A« ^^ 111. ,Supren,e C>.m,nan.ler enterH they will crosH the«r form g an '. arch of Bteel.' M Hoon an the escort U ready the II. O « • will ag "i gne three loud knocks on the inner door, ^^^ereupc.n the 15 . I. ,^ wdl th ou wide open the door, and the emort. ace""'l'a<"ed by the III S. U^ ii.iinder will enter in the follow i.iK <'rdci : 1 he 111 St B»., the 111. M with r 11 Su™ ronwnan.ler next\nd the 111. Sw IV,. bringing up the rea,. The 1. Con... at the moment of entrv of the . .cort and v«.tor. will call up the Encampment and give the general salute at the same tin.o that those in Hue form tSe 'arch ofsteel." 'rhe escort will conduct the visitor to the altar n the usual way. the III. St. Hh taking their positions on the tight and left I," the altarrthe 111. M on the left of the ill. Supren.e Commander at the foot of the altar and the 111. Sw. lis. immediately in roar.) 111. 0.0- • • • *|| J n / Til ow* wide open tt-e Joor and \ 111. 1. W. ^ 1 he e«cort and visitor enter. / Atten- 111. Com.— 111. Knights and Sir Knights! tion ! General Salute. Pre.sent Arms ! 111. M.-Ill. Commander. I have the honor to present to you. and through you to this Encampment, the 111. Supreme Commander. 111. Com.~Ill Supreme Commander, we are indeed honored by this visit, and it gives us pleasure to extend to you a most hearty fraternal greeting. You will now be conducted to the " post of honor." (The escort will then conduct the visitor to the " post of honor." where he is received by the III. Com., and after a hearty handshake from the III. Com., is seat!^ therein. The 111 Com. will then seat the Encampment.) 111. Com- 111. Knights and Sir Knights! Order Arms ! 111. Co to you < Comman [NOTK Section "277. inander cxc ThaH<' of th« received in li Sw. Ra. Al ceivcd withn and III Sw. i.aswBf'afiso^^ania*'*'.*-!!**-** 'iasjaaostM or the purpose the anteroom fuciiiK inwanls altar. As the lis forming an will again give (i. will throw SnprcnT^ (!nin- ho ill. M with ig up the rear, r. will call up I that those in litor to the altar light and left lunander at the :.s! Atten- honor to icampment, are indeed re to extend ou will now KECEl'lION CKREMONV 33 111. Com.— I have now j^^rcat plcasiin' in intnuliicinij; to you our distinguished visitor, the 111. Sui)r(-'nie Commander. (NoTK 111 oflicerH holding Ihu rank from 2 to S Loth in.'lusive.aH per Section •277, vvill be received in the name manner as the 111. Sunreme (om- Vnanller except that the -ar.h of M..\" Hhall not he forn...l for th..m Thomi of the rank from 9 to 18 both iocUmive an.l gonoral othcfiH v*>ll >« received in like nuiuner hut without the ' arch of Hte.-l and without the 8w Bs All other otHcers f)f the rank at least of a ( ommander «'ll be le ocivod without the " arch of steel " and without the escort of the 111. St. m. and 111 Hw. Us. | if honor," where om the 111. Com., nent. ) Its ! Order t't m L.