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RalM a«ae d'autrai doeumanti □ Ti#it Wndiniji niayeauia (hadowt or distortion aiont intMTidr margin/ La raliura tarrteiMUt eauiar da rombra ou da l« distonion la ionf da la marft intiriaura □ Wank laavas addad during raitoration may appaar vvithin tiia taxt. 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Jaclcsoh Library Las imagM suivantes ont Ati reproduites evec le , plus grsnidi soin, compte tenu da la condition at da le nettetd de rexamplaire film4. at an ■ i conformitd mrec lea conditions du contrst do '; ' fllmega>: ■ *►•- ■/■■. Lee exemplairee origlnaux dent la eouverture en \ pepier eet Imprfmde sent f limte sn eommeriipant par le premier plot et en terminent soit per la ■ demMre page qui comporte une emprelnte d'lmpreeslon'ou dlNifStretion. soit par le second plat, salon le eaa. Toua Ms autres sxemplsires, origlhauii aont fHmda en comman^cnt par le premMre page qui comporte une empreinte dlmpreeatoin ou dllNustratlon et eh terntinant par la darhlAre page qui comporte une telle ' ' >. amprainte. " ■ •■.',.■■/■,■> ., Un dee symbolee sui^anta spparattra^sur la " ^ damMre image dq cbaquis microfiche, selon le ces: le symbole -*^ signifle "A SUIVRE". le symbole ▼ signifie "FIN^ Mope, plataa. charta. eto.. may bo fNmed at di W are m reduction ratkM. Thoee too large to be •ntirely kicludod in one expoeuro are filmed bagbining In the upper left hand comer. hHt to right and top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. Tho folk»wing dlagrama INustratq the ° method: Lea cartee. planchee. tabieaux. etc., peuvent Atre fllmAs A dee ta 2 3 ^ 3 6 ^ •■iOUIflOM fttr CHAIT (ANSI ond ISO TIST CMAUT No; J) , «. 1^ ^^ K£^ '^. 1^- 1* « |Z0 ;■ \' • ^^B*. *'■ ? w 4 '.TTT! f J ^ IWIB Jliiy A XXVII XXVill ■ ■ f*'' r- •■ !-r.;; }■ 'k t0fm ROYAL CANADIAN -READERS. *!»•■■• PEIMEE. ! .^ V '\ 5' W':.'' ■■:■■':. TORONTO /■■ CANADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, ; (tiMiTEi)). >?.1 /■■y' T^>*» • '^^T^^^^^' ft M^ 9v ^^ atiso ■ ■ w' Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, by The Canada Fubushino Company. (Limited), in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. H : Hfttorlcal Collectloii PREFACE, :.-;;. V The Primer ii adapted for teaching by the Alphabetic or by the Word metbtxls, tmtit iaeipecially intetulod tobotaiiKht by the Thonid ayetem. It is cWtructed upon well teated principlea, combining the beat alamenta of the older and of the more modem educative ideaa. \ - Bxperience haa proved that the most satisfactory results in teaching reading have been attained by the phonic system,, slightly and judiciously combined with the word method. The first few lessons, if constructed on a strictly phonic basis, are apt to be uninteresting or unnatural. It is therefore suggested, that the lessons of the first section should be taught by the word method, particularly as the learner may thua proceed from the representation of ideas by words—a simple mental effort — to the more difficult one — the representation of sounds by letters. To facilitate teaching by this method, the words to be taught by sight are introduced only as occasion may require from Lesson VIII to the end of the book. Modified by the principle laid down iii the preceding paragraph, the Primer has been written in a simplt and eomsiiteHt notathm, usiiig only one distinct sound of each of the consonants and of the simple cofisonant sounds represented by the , digraphs (h, sh, ng, and th, (with some unimportant exceptions,) and of the moat simply expressed vowel sounds, viz. :-— short a, t, i, o, u; «, 00, and e, o, y, as in tw, ^, by. : j Every lesson is illustrated in such a manner as not only to impress it^upon the ndnd of the child through the medium of the pictures, but with the object of facili- tating expre«aiv« reading. It is' suggested that the illustrations should be used as object lessons for exercises in' oral composition. Teachers are also recommended to engage their younger pupils in conversation in the class, 9xA-\q talk with them, not ' limply /(> them. . \ ^ - .■',..;■■.."■■■■■,.■■ ^■.' '':.,'■■■'.':''': '''::■-'■"■:'■■■■. ''^ ''.-■■■■'■ ■ To prevent drawling, and to aid the diild in the earlier stages to form the habit of reading im thought as well as t« nto/'J, t}ie phrases are distinctly separated , from each other, thus : the man set ft net in the pit, The thoroughly tested series of seat exercises given in the lining papers at the beginning and the end of the book, will, it is hoped, be found practical and useful. Besides employing the pupil and affording a means of manual training, they are specially intended to assist the learner in acquiring power to distinguish the .forms of letters and to enable him to name and remember them. ■ . Toronto, Nov., x88a.. ■■•. ..;:.■•■■ *:\^^ ^ t ■':':■'''<■'■ ■ V f ,'K NO TBS TO TEA CHERS. ^. The following notes, together with those appended to a nnmber of the luasoaia in the Primer, are intended chiefly to assist young teachers, and to suggest to them the most useful ertrcises. The design, however, has not been to exhaqst these o»er- cises either in number or variety. The method suggested in teaching the lessoas may be thus outlined :— '■■' I. Secure the interest and confidence of the child or class by converaatiosl, the display of pictures, and the use of other simple means, before taking up the first reading lesson. 2. Turn to the picture of the Cat, make it the subject of conversation, point out tlie word Cat and teach its name. J^riH on this word until every child in the claw can name it when pointed out on the blackboard, tablet, chart, or primer, and can select it from among, other words. A similar plan should be adopted as nearly as possible Mrithevery.word to the end of Lesson VI II. ^ 3. With Lessbn IX, begin phonic analysis of words. Teach at as a word, then point to r-at on the blackboard or tablet, and pronounce it, dwelling on the sound of rT as r-r-r-f-f-ae, then gradually shorten the separation between the sounds thus f^r-r- * r-r- at at tat 4. Todrill oh the sound of isi letter, direct attention firat to its forffl» and then require the learners to r^>eat a syllable which will bring out its sound strongly. Thus for bat repeat beh-heb-heb, then &^-b^-6f, and afterwards the sound of h uttered-once distinctly, andjfoUowed immediately by the sound of a<; for cat repeat a syllable like ea-ea-ea, iS^M-Mt and afterwards ki-at,eat ; ioT hat,hahhah-halh then hjh-at, h^t; for ng, ing-inff'ins, then $^ng, «\1?'" en lien dog dog i MiiON VI. & / '\i?': iAMi ^ff9^ 'i n p^SCV '*^ m^l^fS&mr^ ' boy can caji t, hai I call see the boy the boy has the boy a black dog the boy can iniri. can the dog nin -■■'■■■ -^ has aha;t a hat itisabighat a black hat I see ■ the hat, is it hot a big hat .■•■■■■r' •V l.. mA UMON Vlil. man boat m his see the "boat ; it is a "big boat it lias a girl and Wl^ in it. I see B, ni^Qi iaiid Ms dog. is tlie dog in tlie boat ? the dog lias a liat.^^^: r; - has the boy in the boat a hat ? the boy has not his hak the dog^ has his hat. is the man in the boat? a an egg. ■ I a iQjr^ Ing dog. a ■hen. amaii Ms hat tlieboat al>igcat UMON IX. IS boat. jci it. dog; oat? nan lat. )oat. rcat ,1 r- a* rat c- at cat f-' at/ fat m- at mat b- at h- at B- at Br t bat hat satf' at V _,-- * " ' ■ j ■^■f:^ ;'.%■ ■■■; S fr: ^'-■•s ■->■■; ■'-.. ... ^-t *'-\-'^ ■■ Wi V • , '. !■ a rat, a liat, a^^fe^ a cat. a big cat * and ^ a black rat. I feee the rat^ thecat and the mat my fet cat can run - at the rat , p^„^.. LIMON X. • ■ ',/•". r f— ^ c ' TmcA NamM i*/I,.|irrf. - tt'':' t a h • • • c b Rmritwo/ Wordi.—By SigM Only. the is on in see can my big black his not has run boy girl PnuiHet cm Ph^nit Wttnh. cat mat rat hat bat fat sat rat , hat M, mat sat cat bat -«!>-•. ,..- Bxtreiu. the fat cat is oh the liiat. iszfthe rat in the hat ? '^ rat is not in the hat. can the cat see the rat riin ? the rat can see the fet cat run. my cat sat on the big mat. the cat on the mat is not black a boy can see his hat on the bat. haa the girl a big igacfc hat P ■f in-et g-et n-et p-et e- t ««aaa«. met gk not pot (3t n g m-it s-it p-it k-it i- 1 mit sit pit kit it d V Vp-;;- k£ il By Sight OtUy. \ shf calls to .^i>< 1 % BMtrtiu. the girl has a pet cat, she calls it Kit. ' the boy calls |0t ta sit on the mat. set a net in the pit to get a rat. the rat is not in the pit^^^^^^^^^ ^ the girl calls to the(' dog;/ to get it. she can see tl^e pet. It is a black cat. theman I met m the pit has anet has the girl meflhiypel??^ shecalfe^it^jbo sit in the pit i • " III ,, will aajr pvmi nnmbcr of ttroMM op to tan. ^st^ UMON XII. ot pot b ut but ot Qot ' n ut nut ot lot h ut hut t -ot -ut -ut il 1 06 u tT By Sight. SO go fire for we us put BKiniit: '■ , V It is so liot I can-not sit in tlie liut. I lit the fire biit a boy put on tlie pot I; can see a bat O let ns ^ ^to see the net "^ we set for the >at The bat is not in the net Isitin thehiit? It hasnot got into the pot .^L. Note the apnnd of m In Put. Subjects for convtnMiaa-'hmt^Hghting mfin, bat. The words tit. ^^^ ^fV^ ?*^ '*'^«' •»"* ^ leemer^diould know V this time the souids «rf / iSd 0/ V Md «f. aad be cUe to pronoliiice such«oide with litUe ■tiittfinor^. ^^ ,■«««"■ ^ fmua 01 u i ^^ ■ us UMON Kill. »WT ^i ■kHtVxnbwIlki. • • - ad -ed -id - od . -ud bad fed k id h od bud had bed d id n od cud s ad red :. bid pod mud D'd fF >hH ■ '!"' fiM, Fred of Bf Sight* ran he n Mjureiu, Fred had a pet kid. He had a bed for it. . He fed the kid and put it in the bed. But, the kid got big, and Fred had to get rid of it. It ran at a boy, and put the boy in-to a pit. T^ pit had mud in it. The lad got in-to the mud. He ran to cut a rod to hit the bad kid. Did the Md let the lad get the rod ? It did not. So Fred is sad for he had to get rid of his pet kid. t^ remark on LeHon XII appliu here to rid, aod lad, ^» well m to sume words in futore lei-^ MMis. lithe pupil hu uied .his slate and mler from the first, he ought now to he able to role well eaoagfa to h^|iA writing lesson Mo. a. No new laason, eitber in writing or reading, shdnld be onttl the preoeding one is bitellifentljr maatrred. For writing, the pencil aboold he long tlob«h*ldpfoparl7,oritalM)nldbeplacedUialiold«r, ^ ■{1^ i 4k> 'W4 UMOM U.** " 1 Oy Sight t>y *1 , ^ sky flash -^^ ^'^- -^ ^^ is in the IS dog, I^^^pii^j a log. T^ ^^ ^ . I see the lad anS Ms pul pesky 18 black O see tie zig-z& flash 111 the sky. Run nag, and png, and doe-. ViU the ladln the gaggetwetf f* ^iy9UmU»miif,F0g,i^,^, U^jh,";^ to MJiabeat«^bwl% •"•^^KTf •^p^ef't^ 'i UMON XV. * » lie me we be this that far First as Book' i ,Vas lives school* w Hehadto tngon His nut BMtttiU, this •Th] sat on tl;at "% We can see the loe hut. IVea Kidd lives ui It. He is-^ big boy tol^mtheMi-stBooi J^■red can-not go so far ^d 2, but he can-not 37-et add 4 and 5. f \ ■ %. ■i' ■'• .% ■m § UcA ( I <» I I $1 sr ' ■• ^ i i ii! .-TUff LKMON Xyi. - I By Sight. you yes out tree do Bim Extreiu, Did you tap tlie tree ? Yes. You can not sup the sap out of tlie eap. 1 Get a cup. Dip tM cup in the sap t an(i sip it. Was thp cup 6r the inug I in the pot by the .tree? Can the * dog lap the sap? Yes, but do not let hini. The man will put t^e sap in tha;t Mack p ot. i Oni camipoifti oa mt p U-i lStP?'.v^ ^^i^^lS'^ «n*«i* to »w«»y i. -ap LUSOkl XVII Slioiit Vowela with N. Nn Mm Ijl your may Jiy Sight. eat put Bxerciu. ^^^^^'J^"^ your Mt for the r»«S §? *^ir^ .Ann has a tin paiL .SW will set it in the pen so that the hens -may eat Ann can get an egg^sbB has tenheri^ ^ IS a sm to hit a hen for fan Sobjecti far opiimiS«-i^;«;^^ ;•■ LIMQN Will, Short Vowels whSf **, wlien -ah -6b -}^ Gab rob r ub s ee -eb -ib^ cub feet w eb r ib h ub n eed e ee B w W r E goes post tied Bxerciu, He had ^b^ ^^ to has a pet rab- bit and. a pet cub. It is fuiL to see the rab-bit^ b^ wbeh be goes tcJ JBed it ¥red bas to keep tbe CTib^^ t^^ to a Mff post. Tbe cub can go to tbe top of tbe post T*lk abont nWU tod btar-tiOi. Rfiadiog th* OlMfromBiiMkftcl ttiat diglta. Ctae ajpple from t«B- ajpplM? 4 « I ■ *i^^ UMON XIX. ShartXoirabwiaip. Sy Sight. -eem deem s eem t eem ■hilv^ liff^^im on Ms slate. See w^^ ?« doe^-l^t seem to add as ^ as ^im.^ Tom has put ^' J am, h^m vim a^d deem " at the top of ^is^slate buthe w^^ not add^e sum . Tom, be X. ^^ ' - a- Jnaai, add 11 i m, t hen you may see the cu b in the pft LIMON XX. Short Venralt with r ; o^ as in fo. b ar ar li er far it4er run-ner for 11 or /'. --iir our |)> urr so lo sum-mer hot-ter By^ight. sup-per win-ter .J ^ Que daiy with (Jish sled good Exercise, One Mt4er day in win-te^^ May id to go for biit-ter, so she put on her for cap and jxat-tens and^^^ g^ jier dog Hoover to go with her; ]V^ set the hrit-^ on the sled. M^ is a go run to get th e bnfr-ter for snp-per. dgPfffagft aiid ifthliMs inpriat capitals. Writii^^UiaoaNa 4. JWb^tcudpgiWtatight to u ^. ,,,,... ■1 ../.'' i so lo per •ter ood yon got lay led J to ihtlodo? V t ax 1 ax -ex lex s ex -ix fix s ix Ue if By Sight. went y V by said b;te ox b ox fox Extnise, ■ .y- Pe-ter Dix-oii has a pet fbx. He calls lieju^;ix. Yix lias a box for a bed A rug is by the box for her to lie on. One day I took one of ray six pet rab-bits and ^^^ent to see Pe- ter. "Vox got at my rab-bit and bit it on the leg. Pe-ter hit it and said "Fy, iy np-oh yon, bgd "Vix." ^ ^Tis is a red fox, and she mil bite yon if yon v o x h e r. pi e is tied np snm- merand win-ter. Her box is her den. VIX— 3SbTjfffifii&!!l!?^*° Mfltoncetptit on the blackboani in print capitid*: ex«m|>le.- ■£» LBMON Htpitm. ]fe that a gig B - . /^ grow No, it IS a wa^^tL : ' , Let lis go to dm-iier. saw ^We had sup-per at si^^ Max iOdd said lie met a manmth .SIX fat ox-en: The man had a^^og with him that he calls Jip. Jip il a good run-ner. He will not Mte if : he is tied;iip,;: ••/■v;;^'---t;;;:\i;/:v^-v . Letjis go to get our hig dqg Jip . ; he wi31 put the pig out of the g^T- den. We will dig up a big sod in the gar-den, and put ia cot-ton seed to see if it will grow in the sum-mer. on a ma'Mn the sun to add m) her sum. She had her hat for a fan The Mt^ten saw her, and ran to her. It he-gan to pmr aisSr rub her-feetv Mm did not add up h e r|um, for sh^'put the kit-ten in herhat,attdw enttogethersup-T3er ] 1/ H ^ H^ a'uwi nr ath I dog pis ) ieif 1 LIMOft XXIII. ' 8koitVo*dall iU fiU Bxircile. The tan mail Hai: wrfch tile six Qs:-eii was Mr. Bell, tlie inill-er. The ox-en pnll the wag-gon to the mill. iWe can see the nil run by the mill 'It is ten feet deep at the mill dam, and oi^e day Ell-en Bell fell in. The men all ran pell-mell fch Mr. Bell an^ his dog, BuT^to pnllherout. TMdi pqpOt, frim tiw UMkbcwrd. to rriuf Mriirt ' LIMOM XXIV. Short Vowvlt with II. ass lass • -ess 1 ess -ISS kiss -OSS t OSS im-less dul-ness car-ess/ -nss p;nss By Sight. made^^^ m Exercise, hie inade a bed of moss for j^miEs. Miss puss will not let tlie dogpass.^^^^^^^^^^^^^. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- ^ * W a inousa $iie made a big fass o-ver it She did toss it lip aiid let it^^^^ get it and toss it up argaiiiv Bessie had to g^ for the cow. She has puss with her. ''Oo-boss; eo- boss ;" she calls the cow; ^dSSSi'^''^'' ^°' 7- i^^te elliptical tentences On the blackboard to be cooled and filled do. 5^, BESSlB ---.---— GO — -- COWi^— CALLS HBR .-^-*^-— _/ ifcie'a coloaaprpIitheiwAofnambenwboMinmias; {■6; ftc. Coantiaff by imits to too. n^^- V^'"' LIStON XXV. Short Vnw«>lN with i ud ». as -es h as mix-es IS toss-es --■,'-■ * s pass-es -8 mug s lien s ■t,.-- s -V. doz-en walk two By Sight, them Exercise. tiie3r fly Har-ry KeiT and Ms sis-ter liz- 46 go f qr a wal]s:. pOoje two dogs, Jip ana J'ag, go with/ them. Jip is in the riv-er, but Fag sees two rab- bits and runs af-ter them. Tjiz-zie has a basket wi th a doz-en eggs in it. She sees a bigbeein the bas-ket. Bees buzz as they fly Talkaboat [tJUmen tneimMj and Am. Teach papUs from Uaekboard or chart to rM>■:>//;.■,:■:•- •,•».;. V Men go in ships to get fish. I 1 haye shell-fish in this bas-ket. >" Shall I let yon look at them ? I got them at the shop. ■ ;' REVfBW NAMBS OF LETTERS. 5» ffoto. ttUMnJItk. SubtractiBf bfxaHufnm S& .-^-Aytr^ patli lath ITLOtll hath. - ~''^.(ja¥yji»^ "^L..^^.' thin mick tlioiig thun-der with *with-in fath-er both-er than them this thns By Sight. game have ttirough now BMtrciu. The "boys are hav-ing a game of ball. They have a thick lath for a bat Tom has the bat now. Seth and Ar- thur are nin-ning a-long the piath. Seth has to run back or he will be put out Run, l?oth of you, runi iflf metn Uen /J €ntcn ana ^ntn, ^yvhw ia4n C4e/ ana ^nen tuim m. IteaciitClaiDr radtoi, aM <>r msriiit. t' A m ,»^ ^.' !- --■v:;--v- ■^":-::.':^--^-:- ■ ^ ■■:;■■ • *•■ ■ LliMN XXX, ., . ■ ' " ■ ■ .; .... : :. - . ■ ch •ndteh. chat match fetch rich chop . chip pal^ch pitch latch notch . *■ ■ ■ - ■ *. • ■ ' snch Tnnch I Extrciit. noon got a chicfc insb &^ so he isgoKing to patch _ np theT^ to kcCT) ii; in/ He tefis his sis-te^^ to^ fetch h^^ a latch out of S; bit of la^ HEehaB to chop a notch in the lath to get it to fit. ffisf sis-ter ^m^ for the chick; it mll^^^^^^^i^ nrcLch; • . RtvUm in NMUitg Lttten : G G a b k 1 m n o Ell M air d e f B B F h i 1 HI J r s t Ti B S T U I T W X Y Z — I a .'#1 UMdNXXn. 11 SxSigkt,, try^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ s^ I can ten, and Btimiu, ail tile let-ters now, of thera. I ■'W' y i t * -/ ^^ 1- *• r i : * V i §■ " i ..» » / y /•■■