i^.r. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,^ .v^ /, 1.0 I.I 1.25 t&WlA |2.5 ■50 "^ 1^ :!f us 12.0 2.2 Mm 1.4 il.6 m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145B0 (716)872-4503 \ •s^ ;\ \ LV 4s\ \ ^4 L

• -4^-* * iastiiT>lislieM 7n» .fvily,, IS 12. l'I!tNT::i) AT nil. •'M(.|{M\(; ruUdNICMi"' OII'ICi:. I'OdT M' MnrNTMN 1111, 1.. 2?^ 1807.. ■' W ( OONTEaSTTS. Aoeounti. • . Page. Chrgy Trult Fan'l...... 45 J)3 do/ Rev«iin» aoooant r.......i «......!.... 4B Bishoprio EadoWDMot Fund ......r.......i. ; ,... ..'. 4d Q&MTtA Fund ;^.-....w. .•«....•••••)*"'* '< • • ^^ Minien Fond. ..-., ...,....'............'. ...«.« &l Widoirs* and OCpbanB* Fund Depositor; Fnad..... ....... ...,...: Special Fand.. Biahop Moantain Labrador MUsion Fund. ... 52 ... 53 ... 63 .M 5* Niool«t Eadowmeat Fand....r.....,.....; ,....„i....... 51 North larernees Bndow*ii^«««a »f'«tK^«a« fa»a«a ^ .d' Clergy Trust Gomiaittee.. ,....>....j........ .......y,..;„;l..... .„....,. 7 Committee^w. ....;.,. ....i.,...»..,.,..ur...t'. «.....,. ..............,.'.......;..,..... ~6 Coiitributorc,1866...............'....„..;«. ...... ......;.; .^. U Diocesan Board„................. ,..*......,....,<.]...«...;........,»«..... 7 Deceased Contribators and Xostatbrs.....;...'......;.. ......,».....;......,.. ...... GO Missionary Report?; ...... ....._....„. .i.........u<.... i 20 j^ ew inciuQcrs.'**.'.. .^.t ••...■.*•.. ......... .....j....... •.^«>r«..«....«t4... 4.. ..•.*«•. ...... 4Q- Notice respecting Sermons......... .-. ......ii.... /.........: :... 70 Officers Central. Boards Jkf.,..,,...,., ..................i... ...:.... .....,* 5' •' Pro5ecding^ of Oentral BOMd......../..»....i.. .............. ....,..■.. 15 xveport oX ventral iioard.....' •.,..>.....•..•••......>..>.•.....,,..,, .,.,,,.„,,...,,,, .9 Report bf Diocesan Board.:;...... ............. ......i.i........ .>.«„.......,..... 17 Report of piergjrTrost Ccm«nitteo„.«.i...!,. ...„..:.;...,....":, 4 1 Resolttttons of Oantral Bloard.....i,. .;..,. '.>.., ..,....'.....,....,,.*....,. 75 Stated Moetinga.. ■ / t^' IRMa, 9 I TaMsr'BtatemMti of Amoiintai'ilsed ia the Diocese. .>.... I. ....... ........ 72 %i riM t ¥^ »» w* Li THE TWENTY-FIFTH BEPOKT "l I'll'-' INC^OIM^OHA^M-:!) CJIU n n SOCIETY Of Tin: oaoc Ksii: oii^ qttp:i*>pxj. rii|{ THE YEAR ENDING 31st DEOEMBER, 186G. ti .j0 ii i:«t:il>lisliccl jDi .Inly, l?^'l*J. « ■ l-i:lM'i:i) AT 1111 MOIINIM. ITIKOMCL.!:'' tUTTi I', !i>nT HI' M'jLNTaIN iUl.l.i 1807, «■' « 3 Ollfnin of iljc lliotc,'.t of il}\\t\m, 18G7. ii ^ ; ^ ft Ui-!it IIlv. J. W. WILIJAMS, 1>. D Luiu) Bisiior or Qitkhbc. I'vcv. Allen, A. A., 1! A Stanstcnd. Huv. AHiiiitt, F. .1, 1! Drunmonavillo. Kov. i:;ilf.;ur, A Kieolct. Kov. Ball, T. L North Inverness. licv l!otwo(Ml, i;. Chai'fjl of tho iloly Trinity. Quebec. llLV. IJurriigc, II. ()., M.A llatlcy. lltiv. Chapnmri, T. S., M.A Duilswoll. llov. Dal/.iol, .1 Portucuf. llov. DeM,, Chujdain to the Forccb',.. Quebec. Rev. Ptoo, II , 15.A., Examiiiin:; Ch.-vplain St. :,[;athov;'t, Quebec. Ruv. Roij.:, L. (J. "\V .". Riviere du Loup, (on bas.) Ptov. Scarth, A. C, Leauoxvillo. Rev. Sewall, E. W., M.A Chapclofthclloly Trinity, Quebec Rov. Short, 11 Montmorenci. Rov. Smith, F. A Gaspc Basin. Rov. Sykes, J. S., Port Chaplain Quebec. Rov. Thornloe, . J,, Travelling Miisinoary Bishop's College, Lennoxvilio. Rev. Tambs, R. C (Icorgevillo. Rov. Tociiuc, P llopotown. Rov. Torrance, J, Three River:. Rov. Yial,W. S Quebec. Rov. Voiiiniaud, A., B.A Valcarticr. Rsv. Wainwright, R , St. Augustine Rlvor, Labrador. Rev. "Walters. R Magdalen Island.''. Rev. Ward, R. (i Lower Ireland. Rov. AVood, S. S., M.A Upper Durh.am. Rev. Woolrychc, A. .L Sec. to Church Socioiy. Levi.". Rov. Wurtclo, L. C Actonvalo. r ^ im:ayeus, ,ii li^Ei^ AT Ai.t, .Mi;Lii:1, ivA <-ii1 !r« Tli/'n, wo n.uy rX'iCy Tliy Holy Niinio ; tuA fniii!!}', by 'i'liy '•"■i--: ,• '-''t^'" i^v>.il-i.';:iri::r lif" ; th.oi! /ji Jopuh Cluir-l'iir Lord. .1/...VJ, Morcil'iil God, Who ii-.i-t :n:id" : !I !iiO'>, i.nd Lu't-it iiothi.";,' that Th'^u liaat lundo, '.or v.cu!il';.-.l iIh? dcu'.li of ;i y'.n-r.rr^ bui la'.lior thai lie shouM be coJivt'fh*' !'!ul livi' ; b;ivc iiivion nil .K:V.3 Tu-Jv.-i, It.ndclH, and llcic'tic'.y, !ii:d tnii« from ihum «!! i^jr.OiMiicc, hardiiicia of heart, and coi.- tomot of Tby V/iad, liiid .0 iVtcb them hume, Mesfotd Lord, to Thy Ibu-k, that they may be Siiwcd aiiiong tha r.n;:iant of tho Iru'j Idruelites, and be made one fold u:ider one Sliopht'rd. Trospor, Lord, tho laboius <)f thoso Hociotioa of tho Church in tho land of oar Fathers, which Thou hfis^l deigned to use in (lio protnollon of ihi.-! object, and which have nonrifllif'd the Church in the Colonies ; arid bless in lilco rnanner with Tby Holy Spirit and ProvidentJ'Jil succour the Sccl'.ty in v/ho;iC causo we are now mv\, and thd uiidertakir\:.!;i wMch v/o bav;; n-v/ i.x hand. <' Pi-ospor Then the v;oik of cur hands upon us 5 U pro.snev Thou our haridy v/ork," for tho aake, an -1 through Iha nreribi of Tiiy S^a Jj.;U3 CIniit oui- Lord, V/l;o Hvi '' and reignolh with Thee vaA the Holy Chest, one God, w^rld v/lthout end. Amen. Our Fa', her, Whio ; ait iu Iioavo), Hullowcd bo Thy i.amo. I'hy Kingdom comi'. liiy will bo ruiiiO in ;rih, As It is in lloavon. Giv.! VH ih'ij d-jy our (h.i'y bivi'il. At:d for,;iv<' hh Onr tif^ipussoa, As wo f^i^^ivo ihern that. trc:?iia;--.T a:;ainot U3. Aud io.id u;; riot iii;o tonipUitian ; l!iit deliver US from evil ; For 'J'hiix* i.s ilio kli-nb)!!), tho power atnl -h^ f'l'Ty, For over and ever. A )i).en. • « > '4 ^i , • ' ■» / .3 •> 1; 9 5 'I' f f i: III' IIP Ill lJ\i 1,1,1. u\''V Tii:; \'i'C"i'.Nr Mux.'.;, (.'i vi:i'.m>i: 'UNiinvi. I'ir, itc. ^1 'V f 9 t rUKSI DKNT. 'Iiii', l.iiiiti' 1!i\(i;mi 'iiir liuv.n ll';!!.'!' it (Ici I!i:c Vl!i:-]'H;:HII>KN'1S. lldii. <.'!iicr ,'iiil,'o Mwi.!!';!, iiun. 1') n.'.inl ILili'. lion. (Jciir.'" r.iii'i"ilM:i, llOV. •ilJI. M:l.'Kll>, 1). \i , n-s S S. '\V-..,..|, .M, A . Ucv. t!.- Ti iii.i|,,il 1)1' !,-:...].'-•. i^.ili' c Ji.iMi. V.'. ;vn)i.j"\ ti, i>.c Ji. V rv II 'V. 1. lloMuiulli, It.l) J. r.fl' I'or-.^'Di, I'l.-ii., • I'l. iriMiltDn, K i| , 11. 8 >':utt, K.Ml.. i; -v. !:, ^\'. Shw.ii. r.i.A., !;.-v. \ ',"/. M-u Miiiti, M.A.. All I , ■! h (.!ia5r;;:Cn >;f I'i'Ui. '. A-.'). ! !i i;-..- ^■■; ivi^ iLi'iuli' is i.l' the {'■ T[> ■r,\'A"ii. ce2nTUal i;')ai;d. Th'i i'rr-i iL-it, Uu' V t,:-l'n\-i I'.-'i'>', trri iiM ■.'lO'- n,;i vi ^ ■•■f llio S' ci'tv, .'ill Cli)riert,Eii ,MI) r. I>. Ihirri-, L].!., .1. .1. r"ui(si':-i| . II, J. r ratten, ll-ct, T. U. <.!r;uit, Emi. IIONOU AUY CU IJNSEL. tJ. l:vi:;c E.ij , | F. C. A';!r.::i vlus, i;.:ii. AUDI TO US. ('. .JuJ^;c, E-;-., ! J. r.iUi'ii, i; n. TKEASUHEIi, SECP.ETARY. Ikv. A. J. W'.clrj'chi.'. 6 in;r'(»,;rrui; v cm mm i rr k i: Tbo huril Hi li'>l'i Cliiiirmiir. IIOV. U. V. ll'N.^lllilP, Ilov. U. ■> (Jon. Irviuo, Es(|,, .1. Patton, Juniur, E-ii-, P. A. Shaw, Esq., Jl. riaiuilton, E^i., X. II. I*nwo.ii. \'.'i\., II X. juiif:!, n q., W. P' Irv, M"-'!!., 11, JI Smith, K.-q . .li's. 11. l'or.''3 t'l, I'i'q., (;. H .11, E (|.. EDUCATION CO M M I T T U E . Iv.v. (!. V. IIou?iiiiin, Cl'.airiDan. Ilev. .1. II. Nioolls D.D. Rov. 0. IlainiUor, Rev. W. S. Viiil, Rev. (i. M. liinci:, Rev. M. M. Fotlur-il', Ilev. II. .1. retry, Rev. A. Von iniami, Rev. R. (J. Ploos, .M. Shcqipitnl, H~'q., W. Ci. \V'uri«!o, K;.i|.. Capt:.in A'h(«. R N. Dr. Jloviti/ iiiilxTr, f> ' s rii'"' St'.'ictar- I)|(>(i:SAN M()AIM>. I^ '• Tin: Li'iii) i!isi[(»p, ruKsiUHNi'. llov. A. W. Miiuntiiin, Rev. M. I\1. KotluTf-ill, llov. II. J. I'otry, M. yiii!|||'."''il. I'^Mi \\. (i. UiiiU-lo, Kmi-, Jl N. .lonoH, Kmi-, lUv. TI. Koo. Rev. (!. \'. ll'iii-muii, Rev. .1. II. .Ieiil.il.!', <1(.'(). Irvine, Mm| , 1!. lliimilton, K-'|-t C. N. Monti/.auilHTt, l''t;q. ( A'.'-(;///'i'i' iin iiilnr-i. ) Tlio Clriii-,kl Soorotiiry ol'Syi"!'!, Tlio iSoiTotary of (Jhurcli Society, Tiio Treasurer uf Synoil, Tho Trt'Riiircr cf Church .Society. SliCULi'ARV. llov. C. lliuuilli'ti, M.A. CM.IKVY 'IMM^S'J^ (jOAIMlTTI.r:. TIM': LORD lil.'lloP, Cii.URM.VN Rov. R (i. rii;oS, Jluv. W. Kin I,', lUv. <1. V. llouaman, R()V. 0. 1'. Roid, llov. (J. 11 iiuiltyn, n. II imilton, Kj'ii., C N. .M')uliz.nii>)orl, K.hi. , W. (!. Wurtclc, V.*i[, yi. SliopparJ, E^tj., Capt. Aahc, 11. N. • s irvEASUREll. V/. (I. Wurt.ilo, Ejtj. SKORETAUY. IlcvercD'.! 11. <<. Pices, 8 STATED ^IKElMNCiS ANNUAL aiEETINi; OF THE SOCIETY. Wr.l'NESPAV, .1S(iS 22ii(l Jas.uaiy. CENIKAL UOARD. ."t TIIDRSDAY.,.. TUUU8DAY.... TIIURSDAV.... WBD.Vr.HDAy. WEDNJ^HDAy., WBUXKSDAY.. WKDNESDAY. AVEUNESUAY. •WUUNBSDAY, THURSDAY..., ,1S;',7 2ltli .Jiii!u:^r.V. 21st rcbrutuy. 21st lliiwh. Ibt May. 12!h .June. nth Sc[)tcmlicr i:;th Novmubi-r. lUh Dci.-ouiljDr. ,.l,-'.!iS ■'^ili .IciMiury, 2'ir.l .),inu:iry. « ^ DEPOSITOltY COMMITTED. ■» • ,lb(ir -Ith March. Mnl .June. MONDAY ■ MONDAY MONDAY 2.u! yq.t.Uil.cr. MONDAY -"^l D.au;!,v,r. f t DIUCKSAN LoAlvD. > ^ FtllDAV TnurtSDAY WEl)N!C!il)AV... WKDNi:tl).VV... FIUUAY .ij-'C; 2r)ih .J,;iin.iry. 2q.1 May. :;r:i.;ui:, '2nd Octvibor. ,1S(3S 21th January. "ft » •* > \ » * » »■ r » ) ^ ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1800. Tho Sociuly'u iticomo for the past yoar, ua coiunarca wilh Uuitol Ihn previous year, iuisin- irom volimlury aonatioiw and i^ub^cnpUons, and exclusive c^f divideuda and interest, is as foUowa:— Receh'ts : General Fund Widows' and Orpliaiia' Fund IMission Fund Depository Fund l>idijon Mountai-i L-hbradov Mission Fund.. leGu. $l,:5TG.'7r) GOG. 07 1,5.-)!:. 10 25,88 21.87 e:'..5S-J:.G8 ISGG. $l,425.G!t 878.21 1,591 Gl 9 50 5u.G9 $:\,9Gi.7;j Exi'ir.NDiTUUE : From tho GeHcral and Special Fuuda $2,P>U.78 have been -vn-ted r.s $50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 foUowB : — Chl'ucui:s. St. Audrew'n Churcb, New Carlisle Church at L^mbie'a Milh Church at Chigouae Pausoxaues. Cookshire ENlniW.MKNT Frxps, L^via New Liverpool St. SyhcBtor Gusi c Bj.-in ■■ New Carlisle Sandy Beach Coaticock Chigouac Utiieu Objects. Sr;ecial Gianta to Diocesan Douid Travelling Missionary Depository School house at Coaticook ^y\ r, , , .500.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50 00 50.00 150.00 078,12 520.00 100.00 $2,:344.78 10 Tli'j iiicJUKJ o! ib-j Mia.siu:i Ku'.il, in accjuhuat; wilh llie Uyluw, bus lnjoii Jiaiidod vv'.i to llic Dioca'SU'i JJ.ninl lowiiid) the nuiiutciiiiuco ut'lliu From liio (or('i.^.>;iig stt),'oin';'iiMt will bn aoeu llrvl iho S.>e!-ty's iiicomc l'v)r tlie p:ist year is hut Bli;^bt!y ia advur-cri of (hut I'm- tlie previous ycir. Your JJoiml Wwuld lliorcfuro urge on C'lmrcbrnpt) tbo neceyi^ity of nioro sustained v.ivl syst'^miilic cHai'tr, in lobalf of thn objects of i be S(M'i', ly. The ;^rii!)ls voted by iho IJoaid during tho past yoar, avoic iii!vd(3 with silrict !■■ icrcrico to ibe c'v.iditiau of tb'' funds pl-icfid nt th'Mr di3po,-;:kl. DEPOSITORY. r 1 J The Board r»nnounco with sa^i^'.f.^ct^Oll that stoj.a hf\vo been taken to increase the cHicioacy of thl3 department. Tho; olUci^ of Secretary Trcai-:urer has been created, the general dulies of whieb will be to e«li- ujate annually the stock of book.3 on hand, t j a[>ply every quarter for returns and payment of all books gra-ited for sale in rural missions, and to keep an account cf receipts at.d expenditure. The ffer.tlemcu who have kindly undertaken the cilice, are Dr. ilontizambert and Mr. C. Judge, '.rhe Depository Commiitee have al'^o .suggested to the Clergy of the dis- trict of Gaspe a-.d of th-j E.^stcrii Tjwufjhipi the desirability of cstab- Ijahing in soma central position local Deposltorii.'.-j h\ coL:;iectiou with tho Chfistiiui Knowledge Socieiy, in order that a v4'.oI(;3onio, attractive and withal cheap Church literature may be dl(raa:d tliroughcut the diocese. To enable the Committee to meet the demand for new work^ aud as well as to secure the advaatagoj ar.cniliig from c^ish pajm-Mits, your Board have recently voted a supplementary grant of .;"-00. The following return baa bcca rccoivod : Sild — 1 IG Bibles; .'i22 Prayer-books; Tfslamnnls, books, tracls, &,, to the amount of $;]8 1.97. Total sakis .'r'CTO 'Ji!. r LOCAL ENDOWMENT :S. Last Spring, the Finance ConiDiitlee assisted the Bishop in drawing up a detailed statement of the amount and number of the several Endow- ment funds vPiJtf d in tho Church Society, which liis Lordship sub£e([uontly transmitted to the Society for tho Propagation of tho Gorpel wilh a request for th. Diirini^ ilui jiiii.;! ycur, the ]\li.Hi(Mi of North Invernov' ivtuitli-d to thi; Iio:u(l Uio Hum ul' :?2."»0, as the ccniniriic-r.icjit: of p.n or.dowmPnl la^d. Vv'hilsv tho l>0!\rd would again direct atten'if^n to th? impovti-ico of oach MiMioa dcitig its best toward,? tho cvoation of a ico:,l nidT.vni'^nt, tlvy d»^*^iro to rwuil thomoslvt'S of this opportunity of iv.iiiiudir, 2; [\v Minrior-T ia v;hich on- Jowinenta h:ivo bL^'i; h-:''^'.!:', 0'' th'-? noce.iiity cl" t;i'a':in„^ yearly cjr.tribu- tioiis to their ro;:po,c'ivo I'lJiidi. Th.y would rcspcclfully suggest th;\t this ia u woik ill which chuicliwcin>';n ini,!:ht woithily ciigfigc, by organizirg a':80ciatior.s wiihiia their liiniis having for their object the yuuly iiun-c-t'.Ka of their rcripoctivo C!'do'»vme!it3. L';t non? bo discouraged by t!)0 thought that in many of our rural JIir-i>ion?, tho time may bt; fi'.r di;;'ant whe^i tho erjdowment .shall be ava'hblo for local puvposts. It ^hiOuUbe borne iu mind that any sum, however smaP, yeavly given towards this 0'. jcct is not only in itself a permanent addition to tho fund, buo also a permanent iiource of increased income. Be it a]L;o rcmnuberfd tliat if this b-,; a day of email things, it u at least our day of appcint'^d servics 1>-?5M 1 ', every continuoua efforl made in thi"-} directicn, v/hilct itfo^'tio amc::g;;l ua, '..hat is so much nrcdf d, a proper spirit of L'Oif-;elia:;c:, will at the i-r.n.o lime increase cur illial altachnicnt towards tLo Cl^.U!ch of which v;e aro memb!:''?, and toward.? tho i'ulu"-; weifavo cf which God v;ill ac.ept our humble elforts, il v/o d.) our dili geiice gladly t ) givO of our liule, even M of old, lie accepted the wiioiv'3 mite. The following ure the Rural Misiioua vviili E rJowmant ruud.-;: i''ramptGu • ^3,67 \0G Three" Uiverj 2, 751. 10 Nloolot 4,Gl)S.t)7 Levis and New Liv;:rpo)l .jOI.OO Sr. Sjl.-c~'er S07.S.t ih:i^.'(t 15!: in GOO.OO Ne^v Ciirii-le aad Pasp.biac GI2.;]5 S;u.dy ll'ach ^ GOO.OO Cou!;c.);kaid l^rtcrd , 771) 25 St, ,S[epheu'.", Ncrihriverut..;;.- 2dI.,jG Chigou:ic .".UU.Oll WIDOWS' .VNl) ORPHANS' FUND. 'J'he Dy-Iavv fur tho managemci^r cf this fund ha:3 nowbccuin opera- ti'»n for really two yeara. Si.incient time the;cfore having tlapacd in which to 1e.':!t ths.) confidence of the Clergy, your J5ofU'd beg to repoil, that tliti J5)-hiw ha:3 not uccivid that measure of support which il v/:-.^- rcsGOn- 12 able lo exj.'etl Ibr J\ uieaburo iiKitun;i] ^viili iJio ;.';it'iitc^t caif , uuH wiili tlio a;i!iist;iijce ol'lv/o of thi) rccii oiiurctit Ai;liiiU'ie:J in Civn-;'la. Tvyiiily of the Cl'-'v^'v, li<;:i),i( i\ iv.iijovity of ih-'so pre siiisii d to !)•• cli;^.il>I(', liiivi.- compliLHl wiih \hi terms of the JJy-Ir.'v iymI \hv.r, liwvyii} l^r tlioir ramllioti aorae provision in the cvont of Xhr-lv docf r.rio. Tlir; CU'iV'-y of tlv?, D.}:-\;!;i-y of St. Frnncii!, as tbo rceull of tlioir cloliboratioa.', rec.Milly {ranFmiltt-fl In the BoarJ a totally cliir-TCit scl.ein=?. Yiiir Hoar;! vter?, noi inf .'i-fard what v,'ero tho ol^jcclinns catortaiacd to V:.e, pi\'.s-:)t By-lav.-, or -Ahchoi- tha schsuie propooGcI br,;] bacii sul-niiti^^J lu iuiy pir.;,-/;i ot p.ofi^sslur.ivl kuowledgo a.ui experience : a •At.'^p of obiiou: Jiooc^ii'.ty to tuo forma! i.iu of correct cor.clutiiona iu a caso invrl'.'r.r: qu-":Tlior.a of snob cxtrcinri ir;. tricacy r.^. life o.niiuit'cs, accumub-tiiii cf iatcrtft c.v.i \hi prcbabili^ii's c^f life and death. The scbeino vr^a rcf'-ircd by tbo Jioai'l tM th'.w;!-!nt! Committee which iuiiiatcd t^:o I'v-luv;. T) c C'.Jninii'.cft have kijico re- ported thai it ia at vari:-uce .vi.'b t^j' c-;Jcr.luiiona of tho Acii'iiitn cctsulltd by the B;ar(l, and n;i^;:bt, if adopl^rd, act uiinjriy ic v.iul-; tl:- recipients c.i' thcfur.d. The C'cniuiiitco nccuiir.tt.d iba! lie rj Hiial iii.bi.. lipiiotiE of tho Clergy should ba recused to thr- tc';Ic oriiiiiUiUy ku;?;,^' t,ud by thjm, viz : >ro from thcto cf the Clci'gy v/ho w.duc'e.! frfjoi their E;iipcnd in (|U:Ulerly payraonls, 130 as t-) ms'.!';.- the bu'do;! j^s \h.\h felt as i;Oi- aible. Your Board bcc' to 1; y bcl'oro tbo SjcIcIv, tho f n't'^'oiiinf rccoin- mci:datio:;3 of the r ii^.ar:ce Cjiuuiiltee, wil'iout ciiibuMa.-J.i !<,' theai v.'ilh tbo expression cf au cpiiiiot;. Tboy rc(p.:e:;ied the LVa-.-ety of lit. Francis to iicnd a dcpulatlon to the /rnr.u.l Lleoun;; r,f the S..c>.;;y, and thiy truiit such a course v/iil bo {.un^ucu as will nou bo ircjudiciai 10 the Eafuty of the fund, aial which will also be ;i;i,ii:fi!.ct('^y to lli-c; v.bo rmturally take a lively interest in its pcrmaue:.!. wcl.'aro. « EDUCAL'.ON. In this department the cbarg-..^ Ici\; contcUipl-.vtwu have been '..ri";ol;d. In concert with the Correspoiidin;: Con^mittec of tbo Colonial aud Con- tinental Church !:;ocioiyj thu EJucalioa Coum;i;tC'j have uir.du a eeb ction from the liat of books prepared by the Council of Bublic In[:lructiou for use in all Schools rectivin;j Gcverument aid. Both CvMr.uiilt:;e;3 h-.vo agreed to mabe tlio use of thrso books with the adilition of the Holy Scriptures and the Church Catfcb.i;>m, a condition of their support in all Schcol3 aided by them. They have farther a^rrrcd t') m vkc ia tbo fitst insianco a free grant of a cerlaia v.uniber of copies to each school in proportion to the average altci.dance of cLildron. Tliis gia;;t, tbo cxjcupa of which will bo boruj joiritlj by ])oth Sociclioo i i those cu:i:t; wht-re aid is extended by botlu v.'ill bo madj ruVjictto tlso obtervauco cf certain 1 « rules, wliich ht-vo bcoii diiiwn up v/iiii .•'. view to Uio p-.csioivatiou of^ the boolia r.iul tho pcimr.r.ent imt.roverrijr.rj cf th^ school.-!. 'J'he Committee have r.lao anr.ngcd I'cr the halT-ycaily esaiiiiD.itlon of their schools, by the Kev. 11. 0. Plooi ;>.!•>(] the llcv. 11. J. Pdry. Tho report for tho last hulf-year hcxv> not )ct been rccoivcd. In Lia report tor the previou^i half- year, the III v, K. G. Plecs apoalis favounJ)]y of those under the instruc- ticu of Mid. Henry, uud ofMeisrs. li'.;y!'o:d', *' ichard^ion and Llndenbcr^;. To BchoolKo. 1, at Uourg Loui.-^, u:;d t- tho selwol r.t PortncuP, to which a L-v.a;itha« boon icceiitly r,i;-.dr— vthcr tcac'i;:'.s hf.vo niuco been r.ppciuted. Ill uU the Sthouiti viiitiHt by hia;, Mr. Fieo^ doploixd the absence of the aiKdiaiJCC:! iv>ceH8i>.ry to tl.cir elUeieucy, cuch r.a blV.ck-boauls, suil^ible desks and fonny &e. Tuo Cummit'.ee vail ihcixiuio aee that in future they arc pruvided by the Coi^wixiuAonera or Truot'ca. It h-3 been thought ad- usLible to Bubu.it ii li^t ^f tho Gcbocl.; aided by your Society, givi-ig the highest averu'r^c .'iit>;i;uc:.cu durii^- tho pctst year, together with, as far us Cim be f.Ecertaii.cd, the talary cf tho teacher. It iDay net be unnccc!;savy to obfioivc, th.'it in Fuunrra' v;iih fev/ (xc^ plici.s parents Jirc compelled fur want of help to wiilidiav/ their elniiirtu Ircm Echocl, and in winter the younger children are oflcn pvcvenicd from attending throu;/'h want ol cletho.^, ?eviri;y ef the v.e;:,lhtr, tit.d \lv: badi.es3 of the roadj. I SCHOOLS AIDED liY TUB CIlURCn SOCIETY, !■»«««• •*Lr.a;»t-Br.-;r~i:Tj-»-T»jp«ir..ii;;=.:i:!jr-p^:^rr=^^ r.'J ■r!ciir,T;ri."''''s;.TWTt3;A' i 't.ii. Trauiptcn, "West. Staiidon St. r.itrick's Rt. Cathcrino's .. ;;2 1 1', A'jJ J i:iivi. Siiuiucl Liuilcnljoi-; .... Ciirclinc IlaV Eli^a Henry .];.suc3 D.il/ F I unci ' H-;y Lol -h' Juliu IL ilidiaiuson.... Aui'aaam Pilon Bcrthj,Ii;ixtcr ]Ij;;h Dickson Sii-au Salhcihuul l:',i);ma V/ilkin CiiURCIl Society's tlllANT. Tox.vr. Salakv 30 ;.n20 ;;o 120 ■10 120 oO 120 .lO 200 40 190 in) ISO :;() 100 :;o 110 Ki no lii 107 4 T DISTRICT ASSOC lyVTlONS. II The Society will Icavn with [ilcanuro that Iho District Association of St. Francis is in vi,ii;ofCU3 operation, and that measures have been talvcn to rfsir.citato tho AnROciatioii of tho rtl;'.'.;aiitic District. As the objt^cts o{ tbo Church Society coni^ins.) all or nearly vM the wants of the Dioceso, it id very important that the D.'sUicl Associations shcuhl not only be made co-exter.sive with tho Dincese, but al-io ai oriifient a3 possible, ?o as to serve f:3 fi^i^HncIt'S tru'oni.;h which the noccaailioa of the Church may be niado known, and th.; iticu'/i(hi J c:;)rtion of all her aieraljflrs brought into cc-opcraticn. And here your Board dijairy to record wilh deep sorrow, the melancholy death in Au,LfU3t lar^it, by drjwuin;.^, of the late ll-jctor of the Grammar School, and Dean of Bishop's CoUo^e, Lennoxville. In Mr. Irvin;^, not only hag the University loat a di^nn;,'uish':d Professor, but the Society a imnibor, who was ever ready to advocate ila claims and to remove niidi?oi!ceptions a?} to i'.s ubjecis and operations. QIJAIIAN IINE STATION. In tho early part ol tho yo;ar, v/hcn so miuiy hearts were awaiting in dread suspensie the inipendin;^ viiilation of cholera, but which in answer to tho prayers of His Church, God of iiij mercy was plcauod to avert, Your Board, at the sugj^estion of the Bishop, provided the nccerisary nieatis for the mainteiianco of a Travidlir.g Missionary for one yenr, to be statioaed during the sunirner at GroMse Isle for the benefit of imniigraut,-', and in the winter at such part of the Diocese ni his Lordship should apiioint. Tho Government also, at the Bishop's request, made an allowance for this object of 8^0. The Report ol the Travelling Missionary will be found with the reporla of the other Clergy. - MISSIONARY LABOUR. Fa presenting the Amuuil Report of ti.o Diocesan Board, tlie Central Boaid have in siiate that last yeor they made a grant ot$6fS.I2, to augment tho stipends of thoso amongst the Clergy who.^e incomes were less than ij'OOO per annum. I 15 ABSTRACT OF PROCEI'DINGS OF Cf'NTRAL BOARD, ISCO. J.A.KTXJ.A.R'^. OrdorGcl, tlial ^'G;-)!/:!) vccoivcd IVoiu sfile oC I:'.ud in ibn lowuHhip i-f IIuFifax, be udloJ to the Sur'.tenlalion Fund. Annual Rq.ort adopK-d ard ordered to bo pre^^-'ntod to tho Society. Uv. G. IldU appoialcd AudUor. $;^0 additional granted to eacli of tlio a^'voa ]':;ido\vin.-nt Fu-.ds i past year, as to call for any action from tho Board. Tho Congregation has been notified, that unless its written promiso to the Board is redeen-ied by the 31st of December, the minia- tritions affordrd to it will ba discontinued from that date. In one other case every eff to iudiico the Congregation to enter into an agreement to contribute, in proportion to its slroagth and tho number of services afforded to it, has failed, and the people have been notified that unless the assessment decided upon by the Board i-i paid before the 'Msl of December, B s 18 tho mlr.isinitioiid whlah th y h-wc oiijoycd (kiln,,' u Ion,:j aoricH of yjurs will be withdrawn. Most rclaetruil iuia lUo Doavcl Ijcch to adopt cuub oxlrcmo tuf.SHrcs, — no otiicr course bowcvor hoa bo'jn open. Should similiir cuac3 ;iri;:o, it iupl.iiu lb;»t the l>-ti.'1 imi:ft pur.uo u ^i.l..r cjurso. In admiiiist ri'.i.; \hi Auiuki! :au jual of X2,100, gidtiUd to Ihij Dlu'jeac by tho 1-5. r. (x , iho 13)ard i) bju^id by tho cj.idiuoiiS v/bl:rb tliu Sjcisty baa ft iu«t r'r^hi to lilt'ich to il) G-aut. Tho:30 coiulilioiii uci? sot Corlh in the Socctt'uy'a letter whi;;h \i printed o;i p.igca IS, 10 nnd 20, of luat ycav's Koport. No .•%U.'poud only upon the na'ui'al iucrcaao o( the population for acc3£-:io:!;j to thi:.ir numbers, and a;i iiior^aie of their strength. It h evident that tho palioucc cf theSjcIoty for the Propa- gation of thfl Go»p<-i ::i aiding tho Ciuirch in this Diuceso, will bo ex- hausted long oeiorii our prospects, go far aa v/o ci>.n see at pro-sent, justify U3 in expec'.irig to be ablo to keep open tho esiitlag Miiaions v.-ithout the full amount of asiistauce now extended to u3. It, docs uot come within the province of the Boaid to take any such steps, but tho suggestion may not unnaturally proceed from it, that circulars containing full information aa to the price of land &c., Sec, wiihin tho borders of our presfBnt Misaions, and our object in giving audi intormalion, if widely diitributed amongat the Clergy in England, might attract a i'ew v/ell-tc-do fai'nilies from year to year. The anxious labours of tho Board to eke out from the English Grat.t, the coulribuliona of tho Congregations ar.d the Dio-jeaaa Misblon Fund, the small income cf ^'GOO per annum fur tbo pre.icut Blaifof Clerg}', naturally load iui mooibera to cast about in their tjind:! for every pO::«iblo means of calling forth increased elfortu from the several Corgregalions, and of adding to their numeric il strength. If the rural Co igrcga-.io.'su tbrou;;^bout the I):oce,-e, c ouM receive some .small accession of two or three Familioii from year to year, they would iu a comparatively short period be abb* to assnino the chiefsupporl of tho Miniatrations they enjoy. 19 tn llio ic two Liality, *• oly to Con- to it The IJoaril hiu to rcpoii the following changes Juiiu^ tho year : — In Juauary, thu Congregation of UonrgLauid was UDUoxcd to the Mission of Vulcurtior, nntl placed luidQi' tho chargo of tho Ho v. A. A. von IfVland, and tho Rov. .J. G. Maccarl'uer in Deacon's ordora waa appointed his a33ii)tttat. Mr. Maccarlhcr has recontly rcaigned hi3 position. In Soptem- bcr Mr. John Wallers, u Student, of Si. Augustino'ij Miajiouary College at Canterbury, wao admitted to tho Order of Dsacoiis, and proceeded im- mediately after his Ordination to tho Magdalene Inlands, to tho charge if which Mission recently assumed by tho Hoard, ho hr.d been previoualy appointed by tho IJishop with tho coucurronco of tho Board. In May, tho Rev. R. C.Tambs, was uppointcd to tho office ofrravolHug Missionary, and had charge of tho Quarantine Station at Grease lalo during tho summer months. Ho h at preaant engagad in afl'ording occasional services to Congregations in th j Eastern Townships. The Treasurer reports, that the Fund-j at tho disposal ot the Hoard are sufficient to enable it to mako up tho iucomc-d of all tho Clergy in Priesl'ti Orders lo $G0O, and to add $50 to tho incomo of each Dsacou for tho year 180G. Tho Reports v/hich have boon obtained from tho Clergy paid through tho Board aro annexed, and will enable tho Church Society to form some opinion as to tho condilion and proypocla of her Mipsions, rhv.id December IGth, ISGG. CHARLES HAMILTON, Secretary. lid EXTMCTS Ir'llOM MISSIONARY REPORTS. niirollT f>F Tllli TllAVKLliLN't! MISSIONARY. JI;,vini» liccn uipointcil (■> di-ioliMrijo tlio (lulioii cf CIiup!;\la ul i\r Quarantine S'.'itioii, uti tl'o L'.'lril of May I \v(u»t down tuClri.T'o M.*. Fr )ui llieec rtninty with wlilfii t'ao ailvciit of chulcra bi.d b'cn prcilictcil, I lochcU fuiwavd to ft pnin- I'ul iit.il tr^lpg tumiui.r. The iliciuUil pcstllciico f;;ian trat'ls to distiihuto nni^ng tlicui, not only iHiitcd i\T lUcIr consolation in the time of fcioknesH, but alsof-.r tlioir future {^uidacco, Ic.^t, i:ftcr they loavo the LslanJ, thay ihould be covered from Iha faith of their fathers, and become att lehcd to one or other of tho 'J<;vla which are unhappily .^o nunicron;: in tbld coui try. I'erlinps ono ',f tho mcst ciriclont racann to tliis end, would lo ti) di:;tributo nmon^ them Norwc;?ian versions of < ur Prayer Book with an accompanying pamphlet pointing out the fimilurity betwuia it cud their own. Immigrants coming over to build up a homo in a new oauntry have little time ar.d inclination, amui.-t tlic oarc3 auil toil;; incidont to their r.c.r position, for making iLquirits into tueh matters ixr, these. And it i» a pity that an oppor- tunity I'o f.ivourablo for rcilcctlon and meditation, as is in so many cases offered at the Quarantitc Stf.lion, bui.uld bo allowed to pai^s by unimproved. I found imieh more diliiculty in admiai£li.ri!.g i^jdritual consolation to tho Germans, llowevtr I did tho best I could. I had a (Jerman vers-ion of tho Prayer Book, out of ^chich I v/ould -ct the c;nvalci:oents to read portions to tho biok,and I whowed my synipaihy for them by vibiting .'lum frerpionily, at tho same time evincing a dcup c:.n crn for th-ir gpirituul welf.ijo by praying with them. Nor wero my feeble '^iTort.s unapprociuted by th^'ra. They alway.t seemed pleased to .'Jca mc, and aU-ays hiid a hi^nd (.•ul.i willi wli in I lia I t'l •!<>, wuU luit ono ••\co[ilioii, till lI'iKliih Sui!"r. Vmin oik- of tin ."nmo crew I Ic: moil lliai ho had loil a very 'li"( ijuto life \'>>t PcvcrA yorrt j)ii.-t. Hu U'mv l.iy i,l;in;n^riMi-ly i'l ol" lualignaut tji'lsiii?. I thcr- foro took tho ciiilloiit ('Piiortiiulty to sjicaU to hiiu vury (icrlou;.ily 1 1 bi< novor-Jylnj;-^fiul. Hut I ."oon snw that ho carcil for none of the a thiu,L;a. It. unly unn>yc'l liliii. Ila wotiM r.nswor u'irui'tly and fuUciily. 1 uskod hiju U'ho hid prayed t > l.i.-f Saviour, Uc anH> him perform it until tho dny of Jesus Chriat". Morning a'id Af.or'ioon Sorvico wai lioldu-r ihc rcii Icuts nearly every Sunday. Thn littlo church is very mueh deciyed, and 1 fear will n».t etuud long, Tho congregation was nccesjarlly small, averaging from 10 to 14. According to a resolution passed at a meeting cf tho Church-morabcrd $'2i'.tK» the proeeeds of tho Sunday cillcetion?, have been forwarded to tho Mission I'uud of tho Church Society. [ cannot here refr.iin from cxprcsising my gratilude for tho unvarying kind- ness shown to mo at all times by Doct ^rs von lill.ind and Muutizambort, and tho deep interest whicli they and their families took in iLo r(.li;3-iou3 i-eryieos at tho Island. While at (Jrosso Isle I viritod I.-lc-aux-Ilcan\, four or live miles up tho rivtr. Only ono family here ; held ccrvico for them. Service was hold twice at Crtun Island, eight miles down the river, .",t the residence of tho two Misses McPhtr-Kn \\ho arc hero still and glail us over to welcome the Missionary. There arc ten members of tho Church hero. Made threo or four visits to St. Thomas oi>poi.lt.c (Jro^:'e Isle, on tho south t'iore of tho Iliver. S members here. Towards tho ol^so of tho soasjn whoa thorj wai li>tlo doing on tho Ijluud, I visi.od tho Proto-taat families up the Sagueu:y. At Grand liiie, I rcia;ii'.od nearly four day^-. There aro but three Prcleetanl families here now. Held sorvico three times for a Congregation of IC in the houso ot ..ur. Llair, a name which mu:t ever awaken in the minds of old travelling Micaionaries plea ing remi'.ii.cincos of iheir sojourn on iho banks of Hal lla I Bay. At Chicoutlmi, a pleasant littlo sottlcmont higher up the river and reached from (irand Baio by thii'tcon mile,? ofja notoriously hilly road, I spei-t Ihreo days. I I l)f> Tho Protestant (auiilica horo iiro not numerous, but very much sciUtcrodj in some CUP03 six and scvon miles apart ami surrounded by lloman Catholics. I paid pastoral visits to them all, Mr. Prico kindly placing at my disposal fur this purpose a horse, waggon and driver. It is throo or four years, I am told, since a Clergyman visitsd these parts. It is not easy for those who have alv.'ays had tho Church services at their door, and all the Moans of Grace within their reach to realize tho isolated and, as must seem to theuiselvcs, neglected condition of these scattered members of tho Household of Paith. I hel;l service twice here in the house of Mr. Price, having a devout Congrega- tion of 21, nearly all the Protestants then at Chicoutimi. At the Sunday morning service, I admini:;tc'rod tho Holy Communion to nine of those present. On the 25th of October, I left Grossc Is!o for the Eastern Townships. My principal stations b ere. are South Durham, Vrindsor and Hereford. Durham is pbout AO miles from Lennox villo. I first visited this place ia Srj tembor and continued to hold fortnightly services, until called away to Orosso Isle, when (lie services were continued by Iho Rev. C. Rawson, B. A., who suc- ceeded mo as College Deacon. Trom their having been deprived of tha services of a Clergyman so I'^ng, I found many of our members had become aUachcd to tho dissenters. I held service in two places : in the b-'hool-houso at Durham Station, where I have a Congregation of about 2S, and at Holmes' School-house three miles from tho Station where we have a pretty regular attendance of about 40. There are a few Church families ia Ely, eight miles from tho Station, for whom I hold an occasional service. Once a month I hold services at IIardw)od Hill, tix miloi from "Windsor Station. This post, like Dux'liam, has suirercil much from the di.-:continuanc'j of tho Missionary's visits. Wo hare a very encouraging Congr-'gution of over 40. Much pleasure is expressed at tho prospect of the sorviios being regularly kept up. Hereford borders en i'.io r;-i;viaco Line, nnd is ".S) miles from Lcnnoxvillo. From tho beginning of September until my rctura from tho Quaruutiae Station, this place, like Duiham, was vii'itcd by the College Deacon, but only onco a mouth, All hero seem to be very In'ourab'y disposed towards the English Church, though theio are only a i.w as rot v,-ho opouly profess to belong to it. There are four Stations here, whero services are held, about eight miles apart. In the District of HaV. Stro-.m, we have a very attentive Congregation of about 50. In tho Leach Stream District, we have an attendance of upwards ( f furiy, quite a number of these arc from tho other si'lo ofllio Line. T'uii J.)istri(H L Cms ably described in tho public piiute, by a rcccr. t visitor in thcio parts : — "Across the hills tj West Hereford, the cyo is met by picturesque lai'djcapef, woods and clearing?, hills nnd valleys, tho noblo Conneeti.^ut and its tributaiios : Cominp; down the bi!!g the snire i>f tho Ntjvv l],)i^copal Church cometin view, ia a position wh^rh lins been v.ell cho?on. From every direction, whether in Canada or Vermont, it 12 the m /et promiuent Lature of tho landscape." The handsome \roodcn elifice horo iJludod to, has boon erected during the past year. a".d m; l-!\ iLruu ;1. ll;i ui.tiv!-,.'; ::"al cf Aaron A. AVi^rlmtn, Esq. O 23 ^ Ovoi' a thoud.ind doiiai.s bavu been oxpouilod on it, ai:d '1;>(I moio aro roiuircd to liuiah oil' llio iutcriur. Mr. Wtirkm m boisLlus pay iii^ a tu'o.>cr;i>(iju ul' .' -01), i.- j I am .-orry to .say, about $:;()0 more out of pockot. ■•••> EXTRACT rilOM A KErOllT llEOEIVED BY THE ELS HOP FROM THE MISSIOMAllI STATIONED AT St. Atgctstint: Tiivei?, LAr.!jAP->n. It is with cxtrcmo pleasure I take up my pen to hold comcaunication with you, and through you with tho worlJ, for wo seem a.i (hough wo wore shut out of it during our nino months of winter iuiprisoament. "With fcclin,!:,'3 of djvuut thaakfulncss to Aimi.^hty (fjd, I stata that tho health of my family and myscli' is and has boon (on tho whole) airoughout tho winter very good, and that tha prospects of tho Mission are improving. Your Lordship will remember, tliat in my communication of Scptombor last, I ijtatod my hopo of being able to take possession of the Mission House in October. Mr. Rob:!rtrJoa, whosa hju;3 I thoa oocapijd, cun3 with hij family iato winter quarters on tho Lth of Oetubcr, and I v.'as oblif^'ed to go into residence at once, ali.houy;h tlie liouno was in a very ui: finished stato, tho floors not bein;i; laid, nor the windows in, nor a parlitioii in tho whole building, — it was in fact just a shell. Thiswasowin^^in part to net getting the timber from Quebec, and in part thrcuL^h the neglect of tlio carpenter ; however, by putting in two or tlirco wiudowp, bioekiiig up tho others, and puttiagup temporary parti ions, and layi.:^ loose boards on tbo beams to forir;. a temporary floor, wo managed pretty w:ll, and through tho caro of our Heavenly Father wo cjeap^l without any thing w^rso than flight cold;-. Your Loruship would have loon amused to see mo working away, sometime-i with hammer, nails and saw, putting up partitions, and i.t otbor times goin^; in the boat to fetch tho timber from tho placo wh^r3 ir was Viadod from tho vessel. It required considerable skill and sticnglh to force our way through tho ico which even then began to coat the river; and tho work was not of the warmest kind, for often tho mittens gelling wet weio fr :-,!;;i like boards on my hands. Had the boards arrived earlier I couli have h;:d plenty of voluntary help, but just then tho people wcro settling with their tri.dcrs, or removing int) winter quarters, and wo could not wait for them, and foared tho ice would bo too thick for boats. Tho carpenter has been at work all the winter, (when s^ber) anu I am glad to bo ablo to stato that tho houso though not quite linishcJ, is about the warm'ist and most comfortablo on the Coast, not excepting tho one erected by the " Cana- dian Foreign Jlission" at Caribou, said by the Tdisiionary, Mr. Carpenter, tj have cost upwards of $3,000. I have used tho front room for Public Worship, but it proAing far too small fur tho Conf:io,2;aii'jn Ave auued to it the front passage. Tho average regular Con- grogati'hi heio Las been kbout do, ir eluding my own family, but at Christmas, Easter, and oth^r occasi mal times we have Lad as many ai 00 present. I have held whou at homo rcgiilar services, twice on tho Sunday, and a Sunday School. A weekly lecture on AVcdncsilay tvenings, cubj^cts — The Creeds, Lord's I'raycr, Commandments, the Catechism and Conllrmation. During tho whole winter, 34 •» • the majority of tho Cungrogation have juincil mo in my family worthip in Ibo evenings, and until this month I have never li;i'l Icn3 than 20 hesidcH my own family. My gonoral modo of proceeding has been to open with singing, to ro;ul and expound the Evening Lossona, and conclude with prayer. It has gladdened my heart many times to see tho people so eager for the truth, iind I trust my labours have not been in vain in the Lord. Already the seed sown seems to be taking root. Oh, that fruit mry hereafter abound to tho honor and glory of God. During tho past nine month>^, tho Sun- day School has been well attended, tho avcr.igo being 20 scho!;irs. I fori more than ever assured, that if a permanent cause ia to bo established hero The Young must be thaihed, not merely taught. I am looking forward most anxiously to know what can bo done for us by tho " School Committee," and also to the result of my application to GovcrEiincut. My average attcndanco during tho winter has bicn 2-<, but I expect more next year. Mr. Robertson will build and fit up a School-room, and avo can for tho next three years guarantee the board of a Teacher, and .£20 currency towards his salary, if wo fail in getting Government aid, in any cafi' wo guarantee board at my table. "Wo want a Male Teacher. This will leave mo at liberty for my Mission work. Ilithcrto, whilst absent, Mr,!. "".V. :ind my two daughters have taken the charge, still I find tho labour dr.ily from ',) to 12, and 2 to 4, too much ; besides I cannot find the time I need for S'jlf-improvcmcut. I have, however, this wook"closed the Sclio ol for the tujumcr till October Int., so that when not engaged travelling cr visiting among tho Fishermen, I can read so as to prepare to go to Quebec for my esauiauiti.n for Priest's Orders, if your Lordship should wish it. Since I came on tho Coast, what with travcllirg, joinering, teaching Ac, i'a*. I have found enough to do to provide now sermons suitable to tho characters and capabilities of the people, and have not read Loarly as much as I could wi'fh. My reading has been confined to Browne, Pearson, "Wheatloy, Palmer, Henry Ac. I have, travelled during the past year, by Barges and Schooners, 1,150, miler ; by Comotio on ice with dog?, 1,400 ; ti'tul, 2,550. If all my sliort journeys or visits wero reckoned it would not como thort of 3,(m)(» miks. There are only four Protestant Families and one man : all the rest being Roman Catholics nominally, I say nominally, beeau.-c I shall speak of this moro hereafter. Tho winter travelling, (oxcept when caught in bad wcalhc)) is very pleasant seiUed on a Cometic, which is made by putting two planks on edge, these are held in their places three feet apart by crossbars lashed to them from stem to stern, in fact like a boy's cruising slcdgo on a large scale, 12 feet long and 3 ftct 6 inchoa viride, being lashed with twiae instead of nailed, as no nails could stand the jolticg over the rough Bay ice and the hill travelling. Tho twine allows all to give way together a little and so eases tho strain. On 01.0 of theto •' Cometics," with my small box of books, moJiciccs and changci of linen, equipped in sealskin bouts, overalls, bulfalo coat oud fur cap, I can bid dtfiuuco to any weather, so locg ds I can see tho d 'gs, and on some journeys when " caught out," we cannot do this. I htive often when drawn by five or seven dogs, gore over 80 milcf' in a day, but tho mnst exciting time is when travelling with, relays of dogs, as ocurred to wv) once this winter. I was on my We.'tivard journey, and had arrived at Cock-n-JNippi on the Saturday evening, nrd having on Sunday proachsd t'.yiee ar.d baptized an infant, was preparing on Motalay 1 •» '> ' f 1 ;, \ 1 i 35 ^ ^ '> ' f » •• * »« •• k ' r mornin.:; to return, when wo paw ;i innii, t'oinrti(.' ;nid dir;) driving up at a furious pact). Jlo said tliat a man at Tabation?, was taken suddenly very ill, was imitih swollen and unable to raovo, and wished mo, if possible, to hasten to him ; that there woro dogs, waiting for nic ot My-a-tpg-as-tien, Natignugh, Mccattina Kivfir and Potor Colore?. I started ft onno, nnd having fortunatoly majo moct of my calls on my journey up, travelled nlmost without stnppiag abaut, 120 miles, arriving at Tabatioro about 4 a. m., on Tuesday. ! must nay tl)at although thoroughly I'.itiguol, I much enjoyed tho night driv?; the m.ion vas at the full not a cloud objcuro.l tin sky, t'lo air siiiry and clear, and whca wo made a passage through tha woods to sivo going mini some hiidland, the trees cracked like pistol shots with thi iutoaso front, tho Tlnrmoraotcr ranging from 20® Fahr., bolow Zoro, in tho day to 30® at ni-ht at least. Oa my arrival at Tabatiore, I did not suffer from the cold, but my driver had his feet frozen; by using tho proper remedies ho soon recovered. I fjund the si.k man at Tabaticre suffering from an attack of acute ioll.'.mraatory rheumatism, brought on by exposure through drinking, and the swelling pioduced by h'u taking d.ima„:cd whiskey to excess. I at once administered medicino and liaimont, got amnn to lub him, directing him and showing him how to give tho shaiupooing, as uied in tho " Turkish Baths." I did this for throe days using tho liniment freely, and I am glad to say tho man is now nearly as well as ever; of cour;:o I. loft him some liniment Avhen I cams away which ho used. I have often been thankful ft tho slig' t medical knoivledge I postess, as I fmd it opens every door, there being no one on the Coast understanding any- thing about medicines or their uses, and I believe many are now in their graves, who with proper care might still bo alive. During the past ycir, I havi bi-otizil 12 c'liluroa and mxrried 3 couples. I have had one death in my District this year, a young man of Old Fort Island, II. Read. Whilst I was residing i^t Old Fort IjLmd, ho was very regular in his attendance on divine service, and ho wat; also a member of tho adult claps I held there, llo was always most attentive to the expositions of Holy Scripture, and evidenced by his d.'iiortmcnt and cyiiduct, a decided ohan^-o during the lirst period of his last attack of sickness. I attended him regularly, and though 1 had no hope fr^m tho first of beirg able to restore him to health, he being far gone in consumption, I was enabled to relievo bis sufferings ; but it was always a pleasure to read to him and ocnvorte ab^ut a change of heart and preparation for eternity. I bcli.ve l.c was a sincere pcuitout, and as such accepted througli *' The Beloved." AUheugh very weak, bo always rospouded heartily to tho prayers, and his heart seemed to go with his words. I saw him only a short time prior to his decease, and I have hope in bis death. I was unable to attend tho funeral as 1 could got no news of his doath fir some time on account of tho weather aud distance. I spoke of nr^miaal llomii Cil iijTrs ; by thcu 1 tdc.n those who have joiued tho Rjmish Church without ;> conviction of its truth, simply because it was tho only one on tlio Coast, and IhD.e wh ■ !i iv-,* j >ined through tho persuasion of tho families into which they have m:\rri; d. la my vi-its, I have convericd with ujiniy perverts to Ri.mur.ism, most of whom have left Protestanti-m ihrcu/li this causo, and it is scarcely to bo wondered a^, whcu we consider tha circum.tancos uuJcr which they have been pla.^ed, leaving tho ''Old Country" when yoan^r, without any religious bias and 26 1 ■'''■' little or no education, then coming to thi^i Co;ist and not hearing a .sermon or prayers, some of them for ](!, 20, or 22 yearJ. Marrying into Romish families* they being the mujority here, they easily fell before the persecution, pcrsuainon, and ridicule of those into whoso society ihcy wcr3 thrown. I omitted when speaking of my Congregatluns to remark, thu.t iit the Mission House I have had an average often Humanist.!, only two wore p.artially hindered by the interference of the Priest, (theso two I have since joined in JIatrimony,) the others fill remained regular and attentive, and two earuo,it in their enciuiiios after the truth. I have been doing what I could to prcp.iro candidates for Confirmation, bat it is no easy task considering the distance they are apart, and I hoi)0 your Lori- .-ihlp's visit will occur at a time when they can ilnd opportunity to attend, zny, latter end of August and Scptouabcr. Although on a scatterod C'\'i.st like thi;i, I presume there will have to bo a Confirmation at varicus pl.'ice?, as it will bo impossible for all to attend at one time or place. 11. "WAINWnrGIlT. ACTON VALE. •■ ( It is with fijclings of thankfulness, th.it at the cloro of thij yciiv I rep •]!, tint the ^lission can still ba maintained. Tho circumstances that have allcctcd tlio Townrdiip of Acton for the last t'.vo years have boon oT n very dupvc-^jing liaturc. There are so many vacant hou^si at the pro-;3.at tiuic, th'it c.'inparo.l with what it WiiS threo years ago, Acton Valo mij;ht bo c.iUed • Tho drccr'.ed Village." No more than half the houses are occupied, and tbc;o mostly by women and children, their husbands licing obliged to seek employment olscnhcrc. Undor such circumstances, it would be unreasonable to expect much of this Mission. The Congregation, however, deserves praise for having done its part, and in iced more than its part, in my opinion, when compared with some missions pc'scssing more and wealthier members. Thcrc'are t^till thirty Protectant families in the Mission, living in htpes of brighter prospects in the Spring. The Sunday School is in a flourishing condition, there being tiny-ci;^ht names on the roll wi^h an average attendance of forty-ftvo Scholiirc. On the first of September two years ag?, vfc entered the Parsonage. In order to effect the purchase, a loan was contracted of $iU)0, Avhich we obtained ou advantageous terms. This wj propose to liri'tiLito by yearly paym'jnts of >^'>0. Tbo Parsonage is as convenient and comfortab'O n.s can bo desired. Tor reasons alrciuly m:ntiyned, nothing has bcm done towards the liquidation of the debt of the Church, which i'ino!.!.uti to clout S^iSO. Tbo interior of the Church ha.s been recently improved by i hi erection of a pulpit and rcading- d.sk. When the prosperity of Acton began to d:cLno and our means were insufficient to meet the assessment, it was arranged that the Mission of Upton, (diocese of Montreal,) which happened at Iho time to ba without a clergyman, should tem- porarily form part of my charge, and tliat Jivine servlc; fbould bo celebrated at both places every Sunday. ■ * 0/ w « As the distaneo belwceu thcui u olcvcii niil<;;; by Iho UiyU way, and' only six on the track of the 0. T. 11., I prcfcrroi to walk rathor than trouble any of ray parishioners to drive mo by tho longer route. Tliis arran-^emcnt however, has now ceased, the Biahop of Montreal having appointed one of his own Ciorgy tj tho charge of St. Ilayi'iathe, in which Upton is includetl. "^'o arc therefore onoo more thrown upon our own resource?, and that at a tiiuo when wo are least able to meet the rcquiremonts of the Diocesan Board. It has boon suggested to niP, that I should r,ct as teacher of tho dissentient School in tho Villaiip, and thus raise i^l50 towards tho aK.scsbiticnt roquired of tho Mission ; to this my consent has been readily given, r.s it always wi.l be, to any proposal liSoly to benefit my Mission. L. WURTELE. BURY. In my report for last year, I think I mentioucd to you, tho formation of three Sunday Schools in this Mission. One of them, unfortuuatly, that at Brookbury, I have since been obliged to discontinue for want of suitable teachers, my own time on Sundays being otherwise fully employed. But as a cheering set-off against this, 1 am glad to say that tho three Sunday Schools are flourishing, and it is to be hoped are making thoir influence for good folt around them. At St. Paul's School, wo havo an oCl^iant staff of teachers, and about fifty scholars ; and at St. Johu's wo havo two teachers and about twenty scholurf. It is a pleasing sight to sec the willingness of tho children to attend tho School Sunday after Sunday, thinking it a groat hardship, if the weather or any other unfavourable circumstance should prevent them. Oao great Avant, th:it of a library for the children, has been recently partially supplied. In my \xsX report, I mentioned that we were intandiug to get up a Tea Meeting, ;uid a Christmas Tree, to raise funds for tho library and other Church purpocer. I am b.'ippy to ix-^j that it turned cut a complete succos.s. Notwithstanding tho wciithor was most unpropitious, we had a largo attendance, and realized about one hundred smd nlaty d dlars : which enabled us to purchase a good library of about 150 books, a new Couimuuiun Service for the Mission, and to do certain repairs to tho Church ; the bal;ince together with the proceeds of a collection wo sent to England with an order fi r some more books, which with a grant I hope to obtain from the S. P. C, K, wi'l set us up for somo time to come. lu tho early part of Mnrch, v/o had a visit from the llevd. Messrs. Soarth, Post r and Kemp, who held a Missionary Mectii'g, when there was a very fair atteudaiiuo. Aftur tho Mission iry , Meeting was over, a fpccial meeting of the principal iahabit.ints was held, to coi fcr with a deputation from the Diocesan Bnird respecting tho assessment, butuv/iug t • tboabscaco of,thc Church Wardons, lio dcciJ.'n ctukl become to, till t).o Wstry Electing ut E.islcr, v/hcn the same yraouut of a.''sc.slment was fixed. Prii-ii the Vip^fmning of M \y till nearly the cad of October, I managed to hold fiurScrvi C3 every Sunday, one at each of the four Churches in mj? Misiion. Tho way I managed was tLis, — 1 had un I'arij Survive at one of tho outside 28 1 Churches at 'J, a. m. c lusiatiiij; ol Moniiu;.; J'l-avor ui l.ir.'..j liic ", Thir'l CjUci-!," I or else Litan}', Sormon iitul Cclobratiou of tho ll)ly Cymmutiion ; Ihou I returned t to tho Villago Church, (St. Piiul's) at I I. a.m. iini had lull Morning Service, 8 anil ifon the first Sunday in the month, C--lcbration of lloJy Communion; thou I started ofl'ut onco, to hold an afternoon .Scrvieo generally at Ijingwick at :\ o'clock ; 1 after which, having my hrrsa and wagg )n waiting f^r mo, I drove offtolhoro- l luaining Chnrch in timotohold a fourth Scrvico con«i.sling of JJvoning Prayer and t Ssrmon. Of course, this was hard work to do cpeci'illy when as it ?omclimes ' happened I had throe Baptisms at tliroo different Churches : in fact 1 had to ppeak altogether about six hours and to travel about furfy-flvj railed ; tot to LQonti)n 1 bad vinds and inelemcat weather. By this atTir'gt^ment nvery cmgregalioa t was enabled ta havo a Service once every Suaddy, and Oulebrntion of ll)ly 1 Couimunion every month, co th:it no one coulJ reasonably CLiuplaln of not l'tir;!.j ] supplied with the Ministration of the Church. During the month of August wc hrid i our Sunday School feast, when about eighty childrou met in tho Town 11 >11, and tu- gcth ,r with their parents and friends sat down to a hearty Tea, provideu for thcta by tho people of Bury. After tea some prize;' were iiivcn away, and then they till went to St. Paul's Church, where Evening Prayer w:^o said by the llcv. A. C. Scarth, and a Sermon specially addressed to the chiidreu was preached by Iho Kevd. C. P. Keil. The children look forward wiih j^Ica^uro t'.^ these annual foar;ts, which tuul to keep up their interest in tho School ; Howard Cards and Pri/.oi Btumulating them to further oxertio".3. I would also thank Clerical friauds for tho c oouraijcmoiit and .'■■upport they havo always given mo on thcio oceasion-i. lu our vill.'>go disiiici, and ii St. Johti':i district Cl'.urch i-.ll'air.? s '.em to b'i wearing a vt-ry favourable aspect; tho congregations kcc!) up and so djus (!ie number ef Comminio.intj. At St. Thuuns' Church, and at Lia[;v,-ick matijrs iirc nut ijO promising. ' THOMAS KICIIAIIDSOX. CAPE GOVS AL^I> PERCE. [ am thankful to i;ay, that the pros[iccts of this Mi.'-.'^iou ere, ou the whole, bright and encouraging ; tho poop'e, with a fjw cxcoptijUP, arc habitual atten- dants at Biviao Service ; occasionally, cspcci:illy at thij time of year and in Spring, the .stite of the ■ jads is such that travelling is almoal impraclii-ablo ; then indeed our Congregations beccmo small, but daii'ig ri:io wi.^ather, and with good roads, tho Churches are always well filled. During Easter week I made an ell'ort to hrivo the duhl upon tho Parsoaago paid; with this view I called upon nearly all tbo Church fiimilies in tho Mission and the result was exceedingly gratifying ; for, all coiitributod according to their means, some perhaps, even "beyond their power," so that in about a week i collected X80. Last summer I wa^ enabled to aid nearly sixt^' volumes (chielly publioations, of tho S. P. C. K.) to our Parochiiil and Sunday S :hool Library : cii.co thou there has been so great a doniand t\»r the now bj'jks that I have not been able to S'lpply all who a'^ked I'jt them. There can bj no doubt that a well-selected libr.iry of interesting and readable book", su.'h as the publications of the Society, I havo named, wo'ild prove a most valuable auxiliary to the Clergyman • \ -'« 1 * * 29 especially in country Lliooious, la i)!u.ccs llko llii,:, I'ur instuuco, tUo yuuny people liavc (Uu'Wig the long winter ni^jhts, littlo sillier to employ or amuse them ; and \vill at lliin season glaJiy read :iuy tuin;; of iatorcst tliat comc3 in tbcii* way, and Avhocvcr ciipplic; tlio rciriii'r; matter baf, or may bavo, a j;ieat power ia bia own bands. Tho books however, must contain lomy clomcutJ of amuicinont as well as of inslruclioD,— tha (^((/tvj as well as Iho ii^i'a-. Tho dry doctrinal essays, and tho innumcrabh letters cf good advice from Parents to th cir children, published by somo Sunday School Societio;-!, aro no doubt in one E2n:;o •' good books," but tho goodi;oj3 is so UDini'i-'atod that tlicy arc seldom borrowed and vciy seldom re a'.'. Our Sunday Sjhocl Iim Looa ia cpor.i tion as usual duritig the past year, with nn avcrago attend.iuco of twenty scholars j wo have two ofuoiont and pains takinji; Tcaclicrs, and I suporlutond the School myi.^lf. Tho nuuibor of children appears small ; but tho distance from Church at which many cf them li\'e, very much interferes with their attendance. Our Day School:: are in a satisfactory state, the attendance at C.ipo Covo averagiai^- .'53 ; at L'Ansc-au-beau-filSj 10. The Parsona.^'.} bus beca j^rjatly improved of late, by tho addition of a kitchen, tjwards the erection of which, tho Merchants contributed u.uis and shingles, and the people provided board-i and gavo their labour. I am aorry to aay that here as well as oicowlicro on tlio Coast, Iho buuimor's fishery has been a failure : I greatly fear that many of the poorer people, tho Froiioh Gspooiallj', will bavo much diilljulty ia procurin.^ the baro nijcesjurios of life for Iho coming winter. I have only to add that tho usual colic j'.'ous la aid of tho Society's object;! wore m:u\\i in rur.;iacr, hero a'cd at PcrcO. WILLI Alii GORl'] LYHTER. CUATTCOOK. I am happy to bo able to report favouribly of tlio general prosperity of the Church in thi;; Mis-ion, durin;» the current year. Since I wrote my last annual report, I have Eucccoded in cEtablishicg a ilourishing Church School at Coaticook. The building is of brick, stands in tho same enclosuro with the Church, and cost about one thousand dollars. It is furnished with an excellent set of m:ip:-, n globe, and tho nucleus of a good library, tho gift of tho S. P. C. K. Wc had tho names of Hixty-two pupils on the roll last term; there are fifty-two pupils in attoudanca this term, all tho Church children of tho Village attend, and a number of other children who do not belong to tho Church. Tho School is opened and olc^-cd daily with prayer, singing, and roiding of tho Holy Scriptures. I g) in once a week myself and g'lva religious in.struciion to tho wholo School. Thoro have boon many acccc"ions to tho Church during tho present yoar. I have given up tho fui'tiilghlly Suaoay Service at Jiarnston Corner, because so few attended. The now Church in BarlVu-d is in proi'.ross of erection, and it is hoped it will bo ready (or Consecration no\t summer. Oar Sunday School at Coaticook is tlouri.'ihing. I have great jdcasute in saying that Mr. James Stuart 30 Orten, of Iluution's Bay, him ooiitiibiitecl fil'iy aeios of land towards our Local Endowmont Fund. My poopio have jjivcu co liberally duriiis tbo present year towards the buildicLj of our Church School, lh;it 1 have not boon ablo to luko up tho annual EubscripLiou f^r the Church Society. Tho guarantee to tho Diocosan Board, and the prooocdi; of tho throo annual scrmyns fjr tho CliurcU Sscbty have bean duly rc:nittod. JOHN rosTEii. COMPTON. TLo usual servlcts of the Church have bsca hold in tho several places during tlio past year, wi!,h a little iiuprovemcnt in the attendance. The St. James' Congregation during tho summer months, number from sixty to one hundred ; in the winter it la much smaller, owing to tho fact that several who attend during tho aammer, reside in town during tho remainder of the year. In this Church, (th.j only one in thi Mission) wo have Morning and Evening service. Tho aticndancc, however, at the latter, is very limited, as most of tho poopio live at a distance from the village. Wo have also a small Sunday School, to which I ■^\re an hour myself before morning service. The two altornoou stations, about four miles distant from the Village, in opposite directions — I take on alternate Sundays. The Congregations arc: in one, from thirty to fifty ; in tho other, fifteen to twenty-fivo. The Assessment st tho Diocosan Board, is paid quarterly with tho utmost punctuality. Tho pcfipio undc-rstand what it is for, and the necessity of paying it. Tho Church r;"ounJ has bosn enclosed with a good substantial fence, which has ])cen paid for. Tho contributions of the Church people in this Miision, fur various Church purposes during tho past year, amount to about three hundred and sixty dollars. AVhen wo take into account, that all our Church people, among whom I include all that attend upon my ministry, do not number oOO, I think, as times go, they give fairly. During the past year, I have IJaptizod some half-a-dozon adults, and I hope to to have about 25 to present for Confirmation. I had hoped that we should have received tho $200 for our Endowment Fund before this time, so as to secure tho $200 promised by tho genUemon, to whoso liberality the country Parishes aro so deeply indebted, as well as the Grants usually made by the Church Society, and the B, P. G., in such cases. But wo have had to eroct a new fence around tho Church, which has cost over a hundred dollars, and but few of the people i^lt that they wore able to do anymore, just at present. I am however, not without hopes, that tho thing may yet bo accomplished boibro spring. Tho people all feel ita importance, and agree that wo must not let tho opportunity slip by. JOHN KEMP. i 4 -• * '• r* ai COOIvSIlUlE. Two tult'cription lista aro now Icforo tlio pcuplo cf thl.i Mi^hioa : ono fur ibo erection of oiit-buildbg.-; to tho Parsona;:;:, liio otUor for tlia erection of a now Cliurcb. It iu tlicrcforo thouglit ueitlicr practioablo nor dosirablo, to enter at l>rcserit into a tbirJ. A growing iaterost in laanifcstoJ in Church laattors goncraily, and it ia hoiicd at a future time our subscription list n'ill cfcnipnro frtVfurab)y wil!i others of this District. EDWARD CULLLN PARKIN. - * DANVILLE. ^ ^ :.""» I have now boon sixtooa months in char.-^jo of this Mission, and am j^lad to say that tho Chujch seoma to bo making good progre^-H in spite of many drawbacks and dilucuUioj. Our chiof want is a good day School under a Churchman ; an opportunity Vr'ouid then bo afforded mo of teaching tho children, and mouldin,"; thorn in Church principles. Last August, I handed tho Mission of Kingsoy over to tho Rov. G. II. Parker. This has enabled mo to hold a sorv ico every Sunday ' at Tingffiok. I have established Sunday Schools and wookly Singing Practice, bolli at Danvillo and Tingwick. Domiciliary visits aro paid through.out tho Mission, as tho weather and tho roadi permit; i endeavour to make four round? duriug iho year. At Tingwiok, Mr. David Stevens has givoa two ac res of land, and Widow Barber over one acre for Charch purposes. I have also to thank Messrs. 'Ihutbor and Ewing for their active co -operation as V/ardens in all matters connected with tho Church at Tiagwlok. Tho attendance at tho servicos in both places is, on tho wholo, good, particularly at Tingwick. I hold oc- casional services at the Pinaole and Clairmont. I am ondoavouring to raise four hundred pounds, to build or buy a Parsonaso, 'jut I must admit that soliciting pubscripllons is not an occupation to bo envied ; however, I hopo, in timo, to aceomplii^h my ob.ioct. HENRY JAME^J PETRY. DRUMMONDVILLE. The condiiion of tho Church in this Parish, when we take into couiidoration tho extreme difficultios against which it labours, tho sniallness of its numbers, their general poverty, thoir widely scattered nature, and tho prosonco ©f a largo and ever incroasing mass of foreign element, may bo looked upon as encouraging, from tho simple fact, that it appears to bo if not gaining ground, at least, holding that which it has already gained. That it should gain ground in point of numbers is indeed hardly probable, since tho whole population of tho Parish, amounting to nearly 4,000, is divided between the Church of England 2<) 0-* and Iho Church of Uu;uo, tli.i.--;o:il haviiij; ;:.-i yet do iilaoo wilhiu itJ limitd. Tho Church (. r K'.'ino Btiiinly lo tho Church cl' Eugkiil iu tho proportion of nearly ten to ouo, mill thi:j pn.purtioa U oontinuiiUy incroatiui,*, owing to migrations from tho crov,-i.IcJ .Vioach dislxicts IjcIoiv us. Tho grout (.liflioulticd whioh bc.^ot tho Church of England in this I'iuiilj avo tho puvorty of her mumbcrfi, tho groat dirftuncoj iii which thoy lie. both from tho Church an a central point, and from one another imlividu.illy, nud lastly tho unrottlcd atato of fooling which arises from a rcnao of tkoir disidv;intMg'.-9us poritljn, and whlcii causes almost ovory family to lo looking forward to reaioval to iomo moro fa/ourablo locality, aa soon aa a autlablo cpportunity prosoots itself. Oao groat disadvautago of which they complain, i3 tlu difliouUy of obtainir.!;^ education for thtir children. Tho few Easlieh School.^ M-hioii havo b'jon established, and V7hich aro only within tho reach of a ouijparativcly cui dl numbjr of tho population, aro maiut-iinod with tho greatest difiicully, owing partly to tho lawj which aro at proaont in force or the system of taxalicn. Pu(h being tho state of thing.', tho cir'jrt.i which havo boon made iiniong u:i towards rebuilding and titling up our Church, and towards its general support, m ly bo looked upon ;^ almoot wonderful. Our Church which thro3 years ago coutistod of foi.:. pinc-blaekcnod walls, id now a oomfortablo bulldiag, and may vij in point of beauty with any country Church in the Diocese. It pos:Jesso3 tv?o sLiined gUii! wiadj-.To', tho gift of kind frionda within tho Parish. The olhor Avindows (which aro now bciag put in) aro of tho doublo lancet shape, each with a border of stained glass, tho body being of ground glass in diamond panirf, v/ith flour-dc-lis and other devices in plain work. Each window has a circu'.ar light at tho top, al.s ) of dtaiae I glais. At tho Avcst end is a substantial stouo towor, containiog a bell, tho gonoroua gifc of a lady within tho Parish, to whom the Church u greatly indebted for ila present state of res- toration, in particular f^r tho staiuod gluus Chancol Window, and tho completion of tiio stono tower. The money for the above mcntioaod improvement.', amount- ing to something Uko$l,iOO, has been collectod almost ontiroly within tho Parish, thus testifying to tho feeling of good will and attachment among its members. Much however still remains to bj dono, in tho way of internal litting up and arrangemcui, and our utmost eliorts aro still needed both for the works absolutely necessary far wor.ship and comfort within tho Church, and also for raising tho asses.«mcnt of the Bi)ceJan JJoard. As to other matters wo aro going on satisfactorily, ccnsidcriag disadvaalages. Our Congregations at Church aro Uuctualing, and depcud much on the itatc of the weather and tho roads ; in fino weather decidedly guod. Tho samo causes lend to weaken tho attendance of our fiuiidv.y Kchool. Still, all things considered I think wo havo reason to bo thankful for tho amoujl of cucct^-i vrLich ha;: attended our ciforts. V F. J. D. AJ.LXATT. GASPE RASIiV. Tn compli_nct. wit'i e!;rabli;;hed cu.-tom aud at your requost, I procr.od to give you Gomo account cf tho work of tho Church in Ihi:! Mi.'.sion during the year now so nearly torminatr'.d. Bless, ;d be (ho Father of^Iorcies for tho uninter- rupted health which has oualdod ma to carry on my miniatrationSjiVom week to 33 .'i» ^ woolc, with almj.-it uubr^l:cn ro;iularity. AoourJiny to prudout iirrauyoiucntj* which aro 8anctionci.l by tho Dishop, on Ihroo SuuJays out of every tour my laboura arc divided between tho two Churches of St. Paul and St. James. Tho I'oruior \i lit Uiisi t! Ijasia, and llio lattor, three miles distant, in a south- westerly direction. Duriu[; tho grcutcr part of the year, I du duly in tho mcrnin;^ altoruately ia each Church, but ia summor it i.-) thought advi3:\Mo to hold more frequent morninoginning to build it. M )it of our pooplo aro very poor, thoy havo however, managed to pay tho assessment laid on them by tho Diocesan Doard. Our regular services are well attended, and during tho year wo havo added ten new Communicant?, who I trust aro growing in graco and in the kuowlodgo of our Lord and Saviour Jesu.s Christ. 1 feel more and more tho importance of tho work in which 1 am cngagcd,and tho docp'nocessity of endeavouring by tho graco of God to Bavo my own soul and them that hear mo. PHILIP TOCtiUE. IRELAND AND SOUTH INVERNESS. During tho past year, Divino Scrvico has been regularly performed on Sun- days and tho principal holiday.^, with two oxception.s, in Trinity Church Ireland. One Sunday morning in Spring, the water had flooded the low land 35 # « ucur tlu; Church to ^ucb a doi>lh, that it wan iuifiouiblu t>i ijct acrusd ; urul oii ChristuQiiR Dny, 1 was sick and unnhlc to travel, though T innnagoil to get through tho cTouing rcrvijo ia ('hunh noar my own rcsiilonco. The wccI(-J;iy turvicos bavo boon continued at three tStatlon.i. Tho nuuibcr of wurshlpiiors uttondlrK Uiviuo Service in Ltoailily on tho Incrcaao; thowijh it io deeply to bo regretted thiit thuro iiro tili'.l aomo who " Tyrsiiko the aistmbllng of themselves together." Tho ufiicjoiuout t.' tho ML-iiion ly tho Dlouoaun lioard ($10()i has been paid in full, and also subscriptions and colloctlonii forwarded to tho (.'hurch Society, ummintin,'; to $12,50. The partial failure of thj grain uud root i;rops, with thu consiJurablo reduction in tho price cf farm produce, i.? >.vcridy ftlt by our rural population. The Sunday .'5cli:.'ol at Trinity (liuri-li durioj,* iho £uujmcr and autumn wau conducted by very cfiicicnt and faitiiful teachers, with very favourable results. Thcro are several government \rcck-day HchooU kept cl,,<.Hy during the vvintcr which I vi^it irom tiiiic to tii i ', lor tho purpose of lu!i:i;rting religious inslructiun to the pupils. llolJEllT ullANT AVAIll). KINGSFA'. Tiio shrjrt time f Iiavo b:cn at King-cy, inu-; be my ap')logy lor a .shorter report than ici'jlit bo desirable. I took charge of this Mission early in Julj'. Thora being no Parsonrvgo liousc, or rather I shou'.d s<'y, only a ruin, I was oidigcd to take a houso ob')ut a milo IVom my Caurch, in which I remained till tho end of October, when I v.m3 compcUod to Icito it on account of its being in a very unhealthy condition. Sinco then I have l)Coa rocidiog in Danville, (not boing able to obtain a house nearer) wliieh i^ thirteen miles from any Church. It being at ■•;•'■ groat a distance for mo t) work tho I'aiiih satiil'actorily, I determined to call a vestry moctingj ^'^ •''20 if someliiin.'; could not bo done towards robiiilding (ho Par.'] on a go, Tho mtotirg was held in November, and proved moro succcsf-lul than I could have expected. A fair numbir cf tho people were present, and all weto anxious to forward tho work. A building Committo was appointed and a considerable amount subscribod by those present. Tho work has really been commenced, that is to say, tho people bavo begun to draw the material, and I Lave no doubt tho building will bo begun in tho spring and might bo completed by tho autumn. ]3ut before going on further with the work, it seems only ri^iht to ask whether thcro is any probability of tho Board placing tho Mission on tho i^ame footing as Iho other Missions of tha Diocese ; for it would bo unrcascnablo t) build a house if it v/aa not to bo inhabited, and it certainly cannot bo a.i a permanency, unless tho bUpond i,'; sufficient to support a Clergyman. I have two services on Suud^iys ; in tho morning at Kingsey, and in tha aflcraoon at an outpost, tho Lodge Rottlemont and Spooncr Parish on alternate Sundays. The services arc well attended, and tho spirit manifested by tho people encouraging. UEORUE ::iENRY PAKKKR. 3(5 LEEDS. This Jliisioa lias, I liavo reason to Lopo, Losu progrcssinj; ua tho wholo favourably dur'ng the past year. Divine Service has been hold at S. James, Leeds, at Harvey Hill and at Brcughtcm at tho appointed times; at S. Jainos, Loid?, twice in every throe weeks, at llarvoy Hill, every Sunday afternoon, and at Crousliton every third Sunday in tho morning. Tho Church in Leeds has been partly re-shinglod and tho Dilfry has been repaired, but the building .still requires extensive renovation. Steps u;ivo i^esn trJcou to obtain tho Consecration of tho Churchyard, and I hope somo Ecttlumorit will soon bo arrived at with respect to ouo of the bcundaiies of tho Church property, end the outlet to tho Craig's Road placed beyond dispute. T!io Congregations have been quite as largo as last year, and in a financial point the Misnon has made a little progress towards a bottir state. At Harvey Hill, tho Eag;ish atd Canadian Jlining Company have lent their office for tho Sunday sorvico. Owing to an increased number of men being employed, the office is now found too small, and neccr^sary arrangements will be made during the Lord I5isbop's visit this winter, to commence tho erection of a Church. One hundred dollars have already boon collected on tho ?pot, and more will be contributed when tho Bishop's sanction is given, liroughton will eventually if the present state of things continue, cease to be a Jlission of tho Church of IJagland. Several families have left Eroughton during the past year for Upper (!anada, and others aro only waiting for an opportunity to sell their property that they may purchase clsowhcro. The reasons for this state of things are, that tho surround- ing settlements are purely Canadian Tho land is poor and tho roads very bad, and the place is dillicult of access from tho OM Country settlements in their neighbourhood. For tho last two raonthn I have been obliged to leave my horse at Harvey Hill and walk into Broughton, but the warm reception and tho good Congregations are always cheering on my arriv.^!. Since I have been in charge of tho Mission of Leeds, I have cijtablishcd monthly services in two out- settlements, at Cummings, on tho borders of Xelson, .il>out three miles from the vi'lage of Lced.-, chiefly on account of a fow elderly persons who cmnot get to Church, aud at tho Be^^.ttio settle ment about six miles frcm Leeds Village, where thero arc sovenl largo ftimilics of Church people. I trust that the revival of tho District Association of the Church Society in Meg jtic will bo found beneficial, and (hat another year will see n reucv.'al of the annual subscription list in addition to tho proceeds of 'be annual sermons. .lOHN r. RICHMOND. 1 V :, ..^ MALBAIE. I have not been able to collect so much this year as I expected for tho Church Society. I am glad to bo able to'report, that tho Mission has paid up to Septenibor their assessment to the Diocesan Board, although not without somo difficulty. No other amount has been raised for any Church purposes whatever. Tho contributions to tho Church Society collected once a year, can hardly make 37 « ► ^'i amends for tho noglcot of takin;^ up the Suiida}/ uoUectionf, howovei small thoy may bo. la this poor locnlity, whero money is seldom seen in many a family, and some are actually in want of clothing, our wardens have been discouragod from going round I\>r contributions. The people have contributed boards, Ac , for loijal purposes, and those few wlio are blessed with means have al«ray8 given a helping hand when ncedc^i. Tho Church and Parsonage need repair. Tho Church at one end is elevated on blocks, and should be lioarded in, and a porch is much needed. In cold weather, soma are prevented coming to srrvico. I have at Malbaio two services evcrv Sunday during summer. My tecond Malbaie service in winter, is held in families ^vhen all in the neighbourhood can conveniently a;tcnd. These services are Avell attended, and in some instances I have been constrained for tho benefit of all, to have them partly in French and partly in English. Tho number of Communicants, both here and at the Corner of tho beach is indeed very small. There has always been a spirit of levity and thoughtlessnefs. We have to bo thankful as a Mission that the hand of deat -t has hitherto spared us. Only one death has been recorded, and no sickness to ?poak of. JOSEPH DeMOUILPIED. MELBOURNE. The condiiion of this Mission to an unobservant eye, may not 33em much chaHged from that of the last two years. And j^ct there 'n a change which has not been for the bo'ter. In tho lirst place, there is a steady and fatal stream of emigration constantly setting away from us, and there seems but little prospect ofa turn in tho tide. It may bo a startling thing to say but it is believed, that more have gone out from us, than are now to be found in both of our ordinary Sunday Congregations. It is true a good miny now people have come to work at our Slate quarries, of which we havo two in aotivo operation, and a tliird preparing to work. Bjt these people, mo.;tly Welshmen, have generally been lost to tho Church before thoy come to u5-. Other deprci^.Ting causes are found in tho deaths and breaking up, and remival henco, at d biirning cut of some of our best families. Our principal Church too, St. Ann's, Richmond, is out of the way and during all inclement weather, it is iil.scmeand inconvenient for manj' in tho Congregation to attend. Indeed uj snail never do wall until w3 have a new Church in a more convenient and central plme. I may add that the con- viction is irresistible, that it will bo impos.siblo for this Mission to pay its assessment under present circumstance^. ^Vo m;iy all make up our minds to this: it cannot, or, until the people aci[nlro new habits and ideas, it will not bo done. Now for something more cheering. The people have ppontaneously boon moved to pay off the debt that was upon the Parsonage, or rather to purchase it. Three-fourths of the money, thanks to cur excellent ladies, has besn raised and paid over. I hope tho bj,lanco Vi'ill soon l>o raised and forwardol. This is as ra'ich of a burden as wo can be expected to shoulder in one year. Another thiag which has cheered us greatly i?, that wo havo lately had quite a number of new Communioants. Miny of them ought to h,",va como long ago, but they have come at last. In this connection the belief also may bo oxpre??ed, that there are signs of more spiritual life among some oi: tlic Congregation. J. L. (JAY. 38 NEW caijlisll:. A.S no unusual or very striking inci.lcnts li.'ivo occurred iu this Mia'sion (luring the la'-t twelve montbi', n\y Y::\^o\-t on t)>U Decision will bo brief. I luu thankful to say that my health has been bitt'jr thaa in ISCtj, and that I have not hecn nnoc hindered by sickncn; from tha regular pe;'t'jrmanco ol' Divine Sarvico, iir.d'only on one Sundny by a violent storm, when no person could go out. Tho congregations also have ba?n lar^jo, and to all ;',ppoarance devout and attentive. I am happy to b3 able to fay that our Suud.iy Schools have been very success- ful this searoD, tho attendicoc at both I'lvins been largo, and tho children docile and attentive. There his been about tho average amount cf sickness and about tho usual iiunibor cf dc;.lh? : some cut olF suddenly and others after lingering illnes?, and it wa? pl?:!.':ing to Avitncps their patience and rofignation to tho D'vlne will. Of these I nm Ird to notice one because his place in Church Ava? never empty, cspcoially when tho Holy Communion was to bo administered, and often when ho was but ill aljlo to go out, one of tho few who united in building the Church at Paspcbiac, and was always ready to help in every Church work thougli fi r a longiinicin •, cry fecbl; hca'th, — ho was at last rather suddenly cut off in the end of last mouth, h'.ving sure hope of the life immortal through our Lord Jesus Cjri. f.rms .r. on the whol, well observed. I am happv to state that a DivnmyHi.d.nt ;ro,u Bishop's College began a Day School at Wriffin's Corner last Monday, and purposes, if poo,ibl(.^. to open a Sunday School. A. A. ALLEX. THiiEE RIVERS. L:iHt Whit.snntidfl, a handsome crimson Altar cloth was presented to St .T.^WAs' Chur.d. by Miss Jane Porter, of Montreal. This is the second gift presented by the same Lady within a comparatively short period, unsolicited and unexpccicd, and therefore the more highly appreciated. It would bo woll 42 for our Missii-'iiiiry oiitarpfisci if Lbcro woro moru disiutcrostcd luouibors of this kind auion;; uy. L:ist iaiumer, tho Church Wiirdona uiiilcrtook tho rcapon- aibility of liiivins ;i new roof put upon our ancient Church, and other necessary improvement,'} vrero made. Tho work has nut been paid for in full. Although thirty-four dollfun have boon subscribed to tho i'andd of tho CLiuroh Society, for this year, it has- been considered advistillo that the money collected should bo applied to our own pressing wants. And it is much to Ije regretted that it should bo so, as this Parish has not been backward in behalf of tho Society. By Avay of encouragement for tho future, a hope is cntcrtainoi that tho names of tho subscribers will bo published in tho Annual lleport- As there are exceptions to every rule, I do not think for this magnanimity on the part of tho Central Board, that tho funds of tho Society will suffer any diminution. Early in Juno last, tho Ladies of the Congregation held a " Taney Fair," in the Town Hall of this City, in order to pay off tho remaining dobt upon the Rectory, from which they realized $300 5 and tho week before Christmas, they get ivj a " Christmas Tree," which was much admired ; they rcilizcd$l70 more, making in all vU70. Too much praise cannot bo awarded to tho promoter:!, as well as the contributors and patrons of the work, by which the long wiihed for do; iro has boon accomplished cf paying off tho debt in full. Much as has been done for tho Church, thero is a great deal more yot to do. Tho Sunday School Library has been increased; and tho books aro much appreciated by many of the Congregation, as well as tho young pcoplo for whcm thoy aro mure particularly intended. In p( int of numbers, tho Congrcgati.'n is much ;ii it vras last year; tho services aro well attondcd. •/ J. TORRANCE. » f VALCARTIER. In fulfilling your re (luest for a report as to the condition and prospects of this Mission, I may honc.';t.y s;iy that I have no great cause to bo discouraged with tho measure of euccoss v.hich has been vouchsafed me. I feel that tho short- comings ofbotk Clergyman r.nd pcoplo arc far from being insignificant, but I am hopeful for the fatura. On'i improvomont, duo as much to tho conciliatory spirit of the peoplo as to my own repaatad reprosentatiens, was brought to a Eucoessful conclusion last summer; I refer to making all tho seats in the Church free and uai'])nropriatcd. Tho contribution to tho Diocesan Board, previously dependent upon tho piw-rcnts, is now raised by vclunfary .subscription, '^his has bo;n regularly p.iii i^inco I ontored upon tho cLargo ci' this Miftsion. The improvomonts to the. Church ediiioo tbi-3 ycir, have been unimportant. Tho lateness of tho sc:i?on by the tims some funds had Icon collected, and their inadequacy for the ri;(iuiromcnts, prevented tho carry iug out of the neces- sary VTork3. A t^mill •jlu;i:ney is tho only nev/ cxpcnte incurred since December of the la^t year. I v-H'V, however, mentiua in this connection thut throrgh tho lifaoraiily of u (;cn'ltiuan now residing in England, and whoso interest in this Mijsion has on previous ccc.isiuns been substantl.illy evidenced, the remaining live windov/s. of the Church will shortly bo lilled with stained glasc. Tho preparation of some classes of candidates fur Confirmaiion, has occupied part cf my time i:ii::co the month of Mby. Soma thirty of them, including 43 eight adullS; will rouow their B.iptisuiul Oovuiiiiut ;it thu aiHJio;u'hiii[^ vijit ut Iho IHshop. If I mcutiou that tho Siinduy Sjhuui which io almo.it nltogoihcr oiirriuJ ou by Mrs. van inland, shows signs of imiirovcmcnt, tho attcndanLO being larger iind more rcgulr.r, F think 1 shall have tcuuUfl upon uU iM)int(3 of iaterost connected with this partof uiy CliargQ. I have a fcv words to say with reference to Bour^ Jiouis. Th:it Mission twcnfy nx miles distiint, wi'.s united to Valcarlior f^oiuo ton mouths ago, and tho wh.jIo placed under my charge 5 Mr. Maccirtber a pcrmaj;cnt Do.ic>a r:;:-iding th«ro in tho caj';u'ity of assistant. Since thoa, I have vi>'iti3d Bjurg Louis onoo in two mouths, and celebrated Divine Service with Holy Comaumion; Jlr. Maocarther taking my place at \''alcartier. With regard to tho intervouing atation, St. Catheriue'-.;, it has been my practice to visit it onco in three m luths, whon Holy Communion was administsred. On tho first Sunday of each month, Divine Service was performed by Mr. Maeoarthar. "With reference to the ordinary work at Uourg Louis, Mr. Maocarther reports to me that 'M\'hoa in Bjurg Louis, ho has riorvicQ every Sunday, both morning and evening;" that "between the service;! ho tnaohes a Sunday School j" that " of the three Schools assiatod by tho Cburcl.', two are progressing favourably, and that the pupils are well instruotod iu tho Church Catechism." He also informs mo, that " the people have nearly paid up their asscssnient to tho Diocesan Board for the current jor^r, part in oayh ano. part in t'aru: produce." As an evidence of their design to do what they can towards giving of their Eubstanco for the Service of ( O li T (IF Tin; OLERGY TRUST COMMITTEE, PnnSENTKi) TO Tin: (. nuncii Societv, at the Annual .Mi;i-:TLNfi, uku) ox "WnnNESDAY MORNixG, "JDiio Jaxuahy, 18G7. Tho Clergy Trust Committee respectfully beg leave to report : — That since the last report, one Trust Deed has been signed for the Endowment of tho Mission of Chigouac, aud separate Trust Deeds for Levis and Now Liverpool, making eleven Local Endowments, now under their charge, the funds of which arc all invo?;ed. Daring tho past 3'ear tho following Debcntiros have been paid : Four ■Walsiugham Dabonturos reported last year in process of liquidation $1,400 ; Four Quebec Water AVorks, $0,000 ; One Montreal Ilarbcur, $2,000; total, $12,400. The following investments have been made : — For Bishopric Endowment, One Scignorial Claim, at S2i $2,100.00 For the Clergy Trust and Local Endowments, One Seignorial Claim, at S2.V OUT. SI One Quebec Corporation Debenture, Seven per cent, at par 500.00 Two Montreal Harbour, Seven per cent, at 101, 6,000.00 Four do,, Sovrn percent, at 102 -1,000.00 Foui; Montreal Corporation, Six per cent, at S5i ;],r)00.00 $17,057.81 Th, iitcrest oa all iuvcstnicDtJ has boon regularly paid. The whole is rospoctfully submitted, GEOIK.JE V. IIOUSMAX, Acting Chairman. • 45 i; ON sinco ' tho pool, fliich )alil : 400 ; 1,400. Q o •i >^ r— I <» ™3 '."5 1-- M CO o CIS 1- o o o o C4 f/j -fl = CO 1- ai lO TTi O CI ►>• -tl I— I o r-i e^ ^ -^ c« CO to c-j i'5 to o* c» o '/i » 1- o v: c^ 10 ■^ tj o •T ss o to *» in r-c C Pm O H >> 3 m S (4 o a p g o s a s « ^ § 3 3 «! t3 W ct 3 13 o c4 O O a 3 o a 3 > n XI a M O b p< WMCQpq ii o c> o o I', o o o o o OJ C/j CO : 60 • t) : o : 43 • ♦-» o Ph I— ( HH i^^ '5 ■• • (^ +.< (3 3 <3 a o H O H » H > W H H 3 -a o u l»J *" 11 5? oj rt § > s Boo paMW o -4-1 W) 3 o a 3 o a < M o^ to -o cc CO ft to 50 CO C/5 CO o CO CO «> P CO CO CO JS 2 «c ■/> 1^ 1.-5 O lO <= >o <^ r— «o CO o : o *~t \ *^ fl : a 3 : 3 o : o u • u t> • u oi : ed 3 : 3 O ; C 3 3 o o a o : o 3 3 o a) u "= "^1 ti »3 g a 3 bu 3 .o a o !^ O o o 'II o *^ &*« a 3 £ a : 3 \% • u : u o s <-> o >5 : t*-< : o ii .a o Ph g W o cfl ■*.-' - to ►: 00 Q iy« c/2^o 3 o ; Ti 03 a t» .,-. a in !:^« a, 2 3 3 o t> C4 3 O : n O 3 o o u cS a o a o -^^ a 3 o o u cS a o 0/ a 3 o o o a o ri en M a a 3 CIS o (^ ,13 u ^ s t: 3 S 3 )— I *" M .»-* '^ .*j 3 rd 3 O H o o f-l o H o H o o H H o a o .„ o o H H w O to 0) O OJ > & > 3 ^5 a ^J ■•-4 .4^ 3h4 a 3 ^ 3 .2 o p o > a.j a <" o H o H •«§ 3'S a 3 — s a u o ci a 3 -^ ° G H 3 o a cd :p^ to «t-l 3 O t^ a ^ g ( "a' o o -4-* o O \A *i o - V. o o a o 3 o ■4-1 R 3 o a o H 4u <^ 3 !-( S c-i S s o 1— i.- 1 § i/J,-i o , . — " '■"i o = lO w o t TC — w 1 ceo — - 1 <= bj ; lO o CO r-l '— 0» 3V « w 1 « lO lO 10 t> : -* =: — ( ■^ «■! = M r^ r> = M 10 CO = iO l-H CO cs lO ei 1 ^ (M .O 00 0^ 1 f 'O m 5^ « -.-1 ri iH o '■JZ t-H ID l-T »> : ^~* . . ■^ (^ : V • i^ : ^ : Pm ! H : M : P3 • si i? 6 1? • ^ : H • >> (^ 5 s .2 o .2 Oi £3 W4 a H -a c a .2 CO . in M .2 «2 M C i^. «i-i t. r o C4-1 S (-1 >n t« »- '0 gi t*-* ^ Si; tM hi t? i'' u O 3 : o •^^ -s; 3 > 3 M 3 P^ 3 «*- < s^ ^ J3 s^ en -4 *^f> •4^ Jd 4J JS to 2 is o o s a 2 W 3 « ;3 ^0 2m a C at ej P 2 a e4 U3 >- "^ a c en H CJ ;5 *■" 2:280 2 2, -a « s ^ >^ C o " -' a a. 2 § h^ ti p a 13 < O-O tJ U 6-^ o^q 1 •i^ a o c 3 s is > s CI a ^ e 3 -g H "a 9 •■3 i a .2 (3 01 pa CO ** 2 2 > fl a V ^§.2 2 ^~ *< ^ <:«P ^ £ *J >> >) >i ( >» >>>>>»> » > > 0^ >>►.>. >,>^>%>, >»>>>.►, o « P:^ WP 5 P3(i)»M » PP3P5p:i p:iMP5p:) MPqppp o 1—1 r-l i-< 1— ( !— t l-H r— f^ rl r-( 1 SOW 1' CO C': • CO ro • ',; 1— 1 V 3 ft »> S ft .S^' A •« •* •» •• "S » "S «B ■>. p 1 >o o ^ri «c 10 ^ 10 u^«0* 1 CO to to CO <^ 5C < O ^ ■-•:> o .o o = Ph « "^ o o C«5 m 1.-^ I— 1 ■Tr •^ TT H-^ ^co ^ " ' » "^ ■ ■ . ■— •— ■ ■"" "■ ■"■""■■■""*""" «M • ^ ! 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O 09 t) ::; M >■■« u '« OJ CI H o^ '^ ^ i >> ii Mn «-s^ a y= fl -S '■« - o M«W:^d !X1' ^►.U Oi C -A cj 60 ci5 ri ^ ?0J SfM^H^drtf^ 5 a « o o a o o o w «o a a CO H O" il) kO >«■! ■* n > y. y. y, f\ y •X' 1—1 H ? y « w c 03 • W 3 S .W g •,- o c cs 3 fl) o t»> ca vi rt -oiS 3 n -a p Cj ►-3 iO^ ^ to r3 ■*^ ft s r^ •w «» •^ d ^ 3 13 to- !-^ v. O •A w i'c t- s M e I-. *' •r 3 i(^ s i- (O w 1- . o CI r-M ^N ■M ^ => '-o <^i ® V>t-. ^ # r-^ cs t f~t .y > a : * '- "■ 9. «^ • : vs .A 'fiQi u 1. :^ ■/> -r O ^m r*« ■ • tj ^~" • ; ' : a : -• W0H J4 as is •- ^ ^ S ^1 ,^^ .2 _ n •r. .a W Jj is ■^l i 5 ^ 2 3-z: g1^ fl ^ t'^ SJ- t: s >»• .. • • ^ ^ v« «« cq* - ^« *• ^ «• »• • -A cr=5 ~ ■"^^ "m<~ «c ii o f^ -^ Vj Ov « _ M lO eg o o '.-5 M CAJ '/f r-i O »"^ 5 CO »-1 «» • "^ n£ ,^ c-i c; U -f >n • • •J ^* ••/^ ■ : 1 ^/j &.%-. • • ••I ^ 3 «j O ■" '^ t/j tu o ma o'C VD ttf w -4— "IS (I " o 3 cs^ H O ^ HH ^ ^ i/^ Citja R Vh '^ ~ > c ."' c: .5 §•3 « fl 3 M 5 '« he Depc reasurer pleaent orders f a "^ o a g *-H <^ n a ^o o O rfl 13 -3 t3 c; O O '• «• M H ■* ^ ^3 V. o u W M H-l s 5 w o o A Q o ^ 60 ,J M OS C O iS 00 »rt o *^ o u 1-1 1- C 1-1 o g ^ ^ ' u ^ I. a - s 3 = a a 2 o <;-«;•'■ «j (t rt F^ H g C (U > 6 <= t: *- "= « A IX. ^ ^c ffl i* a a 2 t? 5 — * >■ Oi « = t). OS; CO «C O Cm O lO (75 ^CJ o o i.*: »o r— t « c; c) iif :•: s~« OOOOw C:Ow ■ t^ '--^ O O — — O O C^ CI iC i.-J ii"> .- u-5 irj > a 4^ -4^ -• * s. V, ^ fl a ei o I rtl " o O O 1^ >_3 "— H C3 tc o o>o«0';rci'~<::o = :=oo lO 1^ o a: vi o 1- ^t •y.' O r-i :: 1— ■ be « .: o O 00 be c ' a ■>■' > £; «> 5 £ ; "^ w Q o h^? * g £ 3 c S £r o r -c £ "« * O CO o J- s 5 5 pq 1^ a ^ 0^ c/i oi a) ' o II r o e -a Wk» ^ M c ^ c « • tf *: V ^ w » i> u a a * J; tn ® fci o o coHrt -i^-O o o o o o '■^ '^ T3 'O ^13 51 o es O o O O o « o o o o -^J< o o »— ( <'> . «^ \m : " : o • 4^ ^•«2 t O © J. or; * ■" D-, :■ » cc a>^ a ■S'Sg^ S s« M-Bia, 3 E(> 3 rtt? O-M OQ 10 >-l » 08 >- o J O M^, 5« ^ r-i \ • CO Q H as C4 to 1— t a cc H en o U o ^ ,a K ^ o ^ O 2§ &3 H » P?. f^--^ ■S/>|- ■jf- o 5 g-s 3 « Mo >>- . 1—1 €«■ 1-1 := •= cc 1-1 w C-l r-i M< o a; i.-j CO O IM Tfi 3 ^ ■P o i-H^ y U^ -1 ?- t: W « A 1 "S a 2 2 n 3 nd l=< H O «^-! I-' *^ r-1 a 'B 9. ^ M V2 o c a „ -^ J-< lU 63 t-J -iJ ^ ,<«) "S OJ i) TO vl '.-^ _o -*- '"^ '■O O 0) 4/ WJ tC l- 0) 3 B ;-^ ^ la. ^ .i. ■=^1-. C-I -rf ■•/3 C^ lO -T O C; O Q5 «• r. O 'rr Ci C5 '.-5 v^ :t ?: r-i c-i ^ ,CJ rr. : ' -*- o ^ c/j -- ,ii, (-H (/J r- -w fr S 3 ,. p; » '^ "^ 'O '^ »--i %M CO o n J2 X o O ''-"^ O ^ -:i •o '-;; O? l-~ Tj I- r-t r-, ff> c '^ o I' >- — .a c o I o y. ''/:> .^ a . ^^ re (- ® a* £ ID ,g .2 1;; -2 =j .5 . HI "^ 0173 :o a oi o —10,1!^ o cs «, o 13 O fc & a o o Pm?5S C-l 4J (=) S€4^ Ph .^'O M Sr "-f t, U'2 tS oj __ <3j C3 I?- 2 -5 5 a> n v^r? a '-^! .li O HI rt 13 t- a , o t3 to ,a T3 -a cy w 53 I E- t:1 o o c? '/: ¥> f-i • — ^ .. a es c; 'J n ■ 72 •' O i' ■H ^ D _S .2 i-; •^ i^ 3 a - w <; c/i t-i K.' o 3 3 ui a 2 ?; X to rt 4) O ■/J "^ ;;» ^ ^ S •- coos •■n ' — ', m •■'■ "•/* o w «> o ca 3 •■:> ^-< P tS a K 3 a o 3 O -/. y. •f: ►—1 ■ — < 'A o^-o ij bo a n 3 a £ 2 •■/> o o o o -* o «s o O CO := O O C: TO '•; -T "-f '-I "—I X .5 .3 -^ '^ 3 .ii 3 '^ 1 o : -3 a •—I <0 o o H a,a M ,■;; w CO o o u O 'S .rj 13 r-^ >. c; ea t3 3 a 3 nl OS "3 '-t) 4> ^ a a.1 a r-1 < O r— 1 ,0 O c 54 ^ • "r* i-^ -O -T o ^v. 2 ifl 1- c» ~- N ■^ <= M cr: rC o CO -^ — ' '-' ct «>-: 1 • a : i> : > rt 5 fl lA K, ee C 43 r> 3 o Q e ^ « v: P. SI i—i .a a o >— • o m •Bl pH « ,o !:-i "3 3 . H-4 J3 ^^ 5 P-^ y. ><( i^ ^ *-» k^ VJ (f. ^ iri ^ -^ - K' ^- - c « ? « a « » rt *^J « u. M '" irt HI K .-S 05 S 1^ << a "s a § -2 ;^ — P -.n O .U -T- Uj ,»- „ tH =<-• -- ^ S o s >f^ '— 3 « ^ -| = 2"S| t'^x CI uHl r^ « __ ^ E-i CO ^ k— 1 ■/; «// ^ t3 o /^>» u >-H o ■~, < -< i^ ^^ 1— t PQ *j^ K-i S ^ r-i ;^. ►— )— ' '^' W-( Pi a o o w i;"; w Q c P « 1-5 o do ^-S u o t! c • o '.o -o t^ •— ' s *s tS 1>1 •w sa ^ (3 13 1-5 4> .3 g 1-H d M O s^ a- 3 ^ o , « - o a fl? ei ■^ a » — *- ' ^ -2 J tJ •g 6= < T-S a above a , and fui *-3 O 6 O 2 J5 ^ -" ■4J '^^ -«£ S' £. a (u ■:; -^ a - rt -rj k( V « o O w > n ^ « ^ o o •» ns n S) s> P.« »ifl— < .r< h n E) t; « 0) 0) •"O 00 §-s « K -a J- 9 t-s OS 9 O^ •1 55 3 I- 5« 3 59 H a. 1—! 'A o 2 e O pq o r . O O O < > u • i- •ppATOOO'JI •l'']«X 'D'.lS'l ^oj luanissossy •!ll)S[ '•;Cat'f' %S] V m ■4-* 5 C:. iO »o — o o o ^"^ — o o o c 1- 1^ ~ '•/■j O — lO IM O '* 11 <= 1' vi (M --1 lO -r cCi v; M r/; : t ' -^ i- - •;, - cr =: O Tl ■T' :rio — oo-«ct- i o (M i~ o e^i . ir; 1.1 -t " c^) '•': M -. .~ ..-. C: v^ w O w O O O O C; C> S C C: O O G5 C Ci 1^ rt w- -♦• — — n "M o il I— o '"5 o « ■o o = o o 'O r. ;'. cj ei 11 -r v; ts e-i v: cc v- i- ci i^ « -i- z: (jj v: iri CJ 1— I .— C) ci r- -= -rcoooo^i-ioiooiieoocrcs i.~ ci CI r- i": -* t- 1.-5 C-) o-i M e^ 1^ -r i-- o -"t ^'J o o X c-i '<>: o o f/j — :: K o M S3 s a-S a f^ O -- -C3 ..o . H "^ -- M h; v2 c c; -r; o 1^ o o o c; o «c =. O O 10 to o or? S - -^ ■IIIsS o cd o « .9 _ u ^ kH Q ri e a o a o fi, a ea ts o o o 2 a a - as a' >- a n3 rQ "!;^ K- "^ 5 m Q, rt rt w ;> cc o 4> r-< a Q -3 o .— • I- a cd I. r/j ^5 * «)■ 1.1 «:» S:=: CO p a s^ a M © TJ ^ a li rn <1> til ca Di a cr * so I- c3 §-2 58 1 ( »■ ' - «-^ I-- 'fl I'* d fcl cr» fl V i~- 9 ^ « *■# OS f f3 1- 1 • o «o ■^O Is ■/: o lO CI f-^ 1 Vl '-T F-< rS 1^ Vt c 1 S 1 /— > »; : Lr r; 1 •n3A1000|[ * : -H CO S ^ MW : o -T Vj to w •!^ «> : o •*w . f— ( ; eii "• ~ • .o o 6 u^ • • I M C 7 S •C^jox w : : h- ^3 t § H m : : O 1- 03 • • • • V w ; : : : C •'.)'.1S[ Jf'J « : : • • • o 1 'ja3niss3B8\^ c/> '• • • t ex •D9SI al • ' J. ^. '•iCaiif IS I « : ; «e H RJBP.llV f/> : : ^ IZ2 • *. • >i • 1 • u^ ^^ : o : © : t) : c X : '«. : ■>-. : * : , ea , • J? : >' • •J • H w^ • '** I H Cl t-M • -S -ri i • 0) • • 1^ m 1^ : - c- " . 73 C C/2 • i?i! : '^ hH CO 1 : d "3 o -5 C) . O o • r/J ->-' : •■a "2 : s 5 i •^ 1 bj 1 ?■ ■w a fl a XI .-3 --■ * : O' .'if; t« "* U ^ m : •r TJ ; c O o i^l^. 3 S a ^ sis-?? .2 B '/; 2 5^ o '^ '■- = C -t: £ ^ "i '», s .22 ''- g .2 -s •8 O »q --1 ?, *- Ch - S M , -.^^^ ,*5 3 «- = - < f— « H n 1^- . k; --< •22 i-s sj W :^ 1- v44 A c» O -^^ CO 1- T- S 2 a -5 > 13 o U 5f' <1 2*2 , J h^ £ a " O «8 « CO CO .'^ J2 . .t: ja-= si 3 . '5 ?2 K* o •* © 1— i to * o a o fe s O M ?' 43 CO a ^ ** © *3 c rt a = * 5 ^ s cy «0 C^t! ^ Is 1 4 tl 59 C 13 XJ R C H 8 O C I K r \' JAFB rsii':MBi:i{s. at 3 ». u3 9 a V V llis Fxcolloncy Viseount Monck $ 50 00 Lord Bichop of Quebec ijfl 00 Head, Sir KJmund W:ill;er, Hart (covca annual subscriptions).. ;.jO (0 Anderson W. II 50 (»n Andrews, Tliomns JO 00 Ashr, Cii'itain, 11. N 50 00 JJftneon, Thomas 60 00 lU.ick, C. B, Hon. II 50 00 IJonrer, J 50 00 Hrooko, Mrs 50 00 Burstdl, E 50 00 Burstull, Mri; J 50 00 Carpoutcr, A. C. U 50 00 Carter, .J iO 00 Coekell, MiFS 50 OO Chnrin.in, W 50 00 Daltoii, Lt. Co!. H. A 50 00 Drum, W 50 00 Eatcourt, Liidy 50 00 Forsyth, J;iuioM B 50 00 Foi-syt>i JoS'.-pli B 50 00 For.^yth, Mrs. .losfti.li li 50 00 G.ile, .7. V 50 00 (Jo^r^c, M!K-< 50 or (Jlove-, Thos 50 00 Hall, Q 50 00 ILill, 0. B 50 00 Hamilton, Mrs 100 00 HauiiltoD, ll-bert 50 00 Hamilton, Miss 50 00 Hiinilton, Rov. C 50 Haslott, James 50 Hollinuth, Henry Kov. I., D.D... 50 IlinciiS, IIon.F 50 Jiickson, llev. C 50 Jonos, II. N 50 Levey, C. E 50 Ll.i>d, llov. W. V 50 Lovell, J 50 Muckio.Kov. (jleo.jD.D 100 Marler, (i. L 50 Mtrodith, Hon. Chief Justice..., 50 M')nlizatubort, F., M. D 50 Moutiz.'tiuheit, Mrs. r 50 Milne, Kov. G 50 Mountaiu, llov. A. W 100 .Mnjutiiin, Mrs. G. 11., [England] 60 M mntaiu, Mrs. A. AV 50 Mountain, Mi.«8 K 50 Nioolis, Kov. J. H., D. D 50 Noad, II. J B.uk.j, G. H PcTuborton, Hor. G Pcnncf.ithor, Bw. T Ponnofatber, K. T Petry, W Petry, Sliss Pipt)!i, yira. C, [Jtir-'cy] Boston, C Po«toD, W Poston. Tbos Price, W Pyo, John Kamaay, Kov. J Rhode?, AV Rhodes, Mrt; llolph, Hon. J Boss, Hon. J Ross, Mr;'..] Rowar, Lieut. (Icneral Sir Win,, K. C. B Scott, H. S Soaly, J Sowell, Rev. E. W Sewell, Rev. II. D Sheppard Mils Smith, C. W Spragge, W Spraggo, Mrs Smiti,, Lieut.-Col. W. R. B. [Dublin] :,0 00 50 00 50 00 M .0 (0 5;» .■)() 00 00 50 00 .",0 00 50 fO 50 00 50 00 50 CO 50 00 50 00 50 00 ()0 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 iS-ayner. T. A 50 00 ji; 00 iStiart, G. Okill. 00 I'lV.ylor, Miss. 00 IThompson, Rev. Prof 00 Triage. H. W 00 Troliopo, Major (Jen. C. B 00 Usborno, G. W OO; Vallcau, W. B 00 Waii;wr'gbt, R Oo! Wood, O. A. L 00 WaiS Rev. W.W. (in four annual 00 subscriptions) 00 Wilbnham, Rev. C. P. (Audley 00 Vicarago near Newcastle, 00 Stafford) 00 Wood, W. If 00 Wright, Rev. W., M. D 00 A\ right, Mrs. OO.YouEg, D. D 00 50 00 50 00 50 fO 50 00 00 00 50 00 50 CO 50 00 50 00 400 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 GO OQNTRIQ-'TOR'J OF* iiSGO AND UPWARDS. DECEASED. niiMivin. II n. It -0 J!oiI, A. L) .'0 m.ii.k, J .'ll iijwon, lion Cliiff .iustic' ">0 rio.\or, Roar Admiral ^0 JSiirnot, Mrs. 1) oO nur-hdi, .11 '0 CilJwell, .Sir. II. J , IJurt .'D Cliiif.p'ioll, y.\.st;on ''rt Cim|.))'ll, A ll'O Ctianilior, Co!(;!:<'l (to A'ioolet EnildU'mont Fa-iil) 101 ChriHlii), Mi:i)r W. 1' 100 Cocli-an. JLin. A. W 60 Doj'.ittl.', Uov. L r»') Dougl.iii; (J. M., iM. L> .■)3 L'l;;in and IvincarJire, tho llijiht Hon. tho E.ul < f 100 K.;ti!our', ."Mnjjr (»'.'n .>0 Fietfhcr. Jl')ii. Jfr. .lu'-tii.'o TjO Friu-cr, JIo'i. .r. M 50 (fillespio, A TiO (iray, V. 11 :>i) Uiik', Hon. K .VJ IJasuilton, F .")0 jluath, James 50 llofianp, C b{) Hunt, Jami^f^ jl) .Jessopp, H .'lO Kerr, .1. II .'.0 (lOj.TioMosiirior, M. OO'ILociI?, K'jv. 00 "' ■ 00 ; 00 00, Miplaren, .laincp Mac'fi?, Mii.;..r \V. a. (SStU Hoi^iiuput) l\reti!;ilf', tho lli;;lit lion. Ijonl... 00' j Mountain, Ui.?ht IJov. C J. 00; Ji )ril IJiihop (f Qatbcj, 00|| (annual fir 2 1 ycnvi) Ocj l)j. to J),'pns'itory* fwid (an- il iir.al f)r 21 jcars) 00| I)j. Ii iMi^ion Fund (annual 00;i for 5 yonr*') 5(1 00 .")0 00 .:.() 00 :.o ill) (III 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0(1 00 :Moun(ai;i, <'..!. 0. 1) .Moutitain, Li^nit. J. (j. (2(5th j llc;;iifloiit) ;N'Hirao, .John I'atersoa. V I'otry, Vr i'ost'jn, E llaccy, .T jStowart, lion, .f iStuart, Hon. Sir J., Hirt. Chiof I .J'ui-tico jSyrno.-!, G. 11 00 kSvmos, n, OOj Tri-gc, T. 00;:Willouf;Iiby, Uov. M. 00: 'Wood, 11 00,i\Vall:or, lion. W TOO 00 10 00 son OO 7;j 00 .-".O 00 .',0 00 50 00 ;)0 00 50 00 50 00 ;>() 00 100 OO .'.0 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 100 00 LEQACIES. 1.SI5— W. Ya',0, of Chniub'v J?100 00 l.'v!:!— Hon. Chi;fJa.= li!^? Ill-id, of .Montreal '100 00 ISoO-Col Chandler, of Niolitt, (for Endowment Fund) 100 00 1S52 — ?.Ii,ss FinFiy, of Qiieboc, to the Lord lji:-ho}<, for AVidowa' atd Orpiian.s' of Clergy ia' and OrDtian.s' Fund) 100 00 ISOG— J. WatcrsoD, of Q'.itlrr, (to AVidow:,'' and 0:i>a:\:v.' Fund) .'.0 0(t $:;o'.)0 00 Ul CONTRIBUTORS, 1866. QUELKC. • ■> ■ ▼ CATIIKI.MIAL. Ilia Excellency Viscount Mcnclr, tjJO Lord lU&hop of Quebec 40 Anderson, II. S ■''' Armsitron)?, J. D ■' lioswell, I>r •"> liowcn, N. 11 l> I3()wles, Jo^oi^h 5 Cuuivlj^jll, W. J) .'> Chapman, Jehu 1 Dailters, B 2 DcRtimiiuvillo, Misi.. I Dunn, T. Jl •' Dunsccinb, .). W ' T'ort^i'th, Janiu-s B •' Fry, J. S -> Giles, John 't (Jillard, Mr? 2 Ihiuiilton, Robert 10 Hunt, iMiH, James !> .lanicson, Mrs ■' Joncn, Edwin 10 Leggatt, K. P 2 Lomap, Robert '> Mari'don, Dr. \V o r.Iontizambtit, Dr. F ^ "lunti/ambcrf, Mrn. V 5 .Mon'.i/ambori, C. N •> Mountriin, M. (J ."> ()'R';giin, r 2 I'aul, lienrv .'> Petry, W Petry, W. (i "> Pctry, Misi '> I'ortur, .)uhn ■"' Poston, K f) I'oston, M'A. ^V .") Rao, Win 10 Scott, JlifP T) ^:catt, ]■; (} 2 Scott, W. .") Shaw, P. A > Shcppard, Jliixliidd r» Taylor, Miss Vor inland, Dr., (2 yvi-.a;} !'■■ ^\'ftllicr, ^Vln. Aniiino - M'ator.^iin, .J. !•■ n Wtlch, 11. AV 2 Wherry, Dr. W 1 Widow 2 Wilsor., C. W 2 Wurtole, W. 5 HO (10 C!l 00 00 00 00 00 00 OOl 00, 00 00 1 00| 00 on 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0(11 00 00 00 (io| 00 00 (!0 00 Go 00 00 00 CO 00 on 00 1 00 j 00 1 oo; OOl V.U)UV,.->' A.NI) OUril.V.\s' I'L'.NU, L'ncnd fj I'O Ilouiuan, Rev., G. V 10 oO Widow 4 00 snssio.v if.M'. Friend ;') Co Smith, R. 11 40 00 Widuv 2 00 $411 00 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ASSOCIAIION. Subticrinliyns eollcetpd by Mrs. Wil- liamc, Prosiuont, Mis3 ]5rouin, Mrs. T. II. Dunn, Miss Forsyth, Pvlr.^. CJlovcr, Miss Bella Irvine, Mrs. C. N. Monti- zambort, Mr.i. I'. Monti/ambert, Mis.s Moxitizuuibcrt, Mr^'. P. A. Shaw, Misa Taylor and Mr.s tl. A. L. Wood. Arm-itronp;, Mis?,.,-. $1 00 A£hc,Mr3 1 00 Aihwcrtb. Mrt; I 00 Au.stin, jNir^ TjO iJlack, C. B., llcnble 11 4 00 Boswcl!, Mrs 2 00 I'.owlcs, Mrs 2 00 Bnico, Mis^' 1 00 Clapbaai, Mrs 1 00' Clai'iiam. Mrs, (ireavcs '■'< 00 Forsyth, J. B 20 CO Fursytb, Mis? :'> 00 Fry, Mrs 4 00 Gall'.vay, i^hs 2 CO t;ilmour Mis 5 OO (Hover,. Mrs 1 00 (Querent, Mi.ss 5 00 Hauiiitoa, Robert 400 00 ll.itr.-.lto)!, Mrs 40 00 liamilton, Miss 40 00 Marbesow, Mr? 2 00 llarbc;(oii, Mii.^ 1 00 llealey, Mrs 1 00 {llighlield, Jlr 2 00 lliiibfield, Mys 1 OO llrvine, MIt;s F. J 1 25 Joly, Mr.^ 1 00 I Knight, H 50 'McCallum, Mrs. D 50 62 MoCalluiij, Mi«« 1 MoUic, Mrs 2 MoLaroD, Mrs 2 MarsJen, Mrs Maxliuni, Mrs 1 Merodiih, Mrs 1 Montiziiuibort, C. N 10 Montiziiaibort, Mrs. C. N 1 Montizimbort, Mrs. E. L I Moniizimbcrt, Mn. F •> MounUiti. M. Q l" Norri,', Mr O'Utgiin, V 1 O'lloijiin, Mra. r 1 I'otry, W 20 Pitt, Mrj 1 Poster, Mr? t Postou, Mrs. G 1 Prioo, Mr , 10 Price, Miss 1 Kvbert.i, Mrs 1 Roberta, Miss 1 Ilusfoll, W 5 Soott, Mrs. W. W 2 Scott, Mrs. W. C 2 Sc;ily, Mrs 2 Shaw, Mra. P. A 4 Shaw, Mrs. S. J i ShepparJ, Maxfidd 5 StovcDSon Mrs. Jamti.' 1 Stuart, Mrs. Okill 1 Taylor, Mrs. Fenningi^ 1 Taylor, Misi 20 Vunnovou?, Mrs 1 Von Iffliiud Mrs 2 Walker, Mrs 5 Walker, Miss [> Welch, Mr 5 Wo!cb, Mrs 1 White Mrs. J 2 Williams, Mrs 20 Winter, Mis? , 1 Wood, a. A. L -10 Wood, Mrs. G. A. L 20 Wood, Ciipt. J. J 5 Wurttle, Mrs. 11 I Young, D. D 50 jiissio.TAnr BOXES. Dunn, Mrs. T. II 2 Friend 4 Glover, Mr? 1 llouiiaan, Rer. 0. V 3 Leu:osurior, Mrs. W 1 Montizambort, Mrs. C.N J Sprajgc, Mrs I Wall 00 2 00 1 00 r» «0 2 00 2 00 .'. 00 2 00 i 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 :i 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 CullevttU li/ Jfm. I/ivl>e»on, Colflton, Mr* I 00 Cox, Mri 1 00 IlaibtsoD, Mrf 2 00 lUrbeion, Mi«a 1 00 Harririuu, Mri I (^f Jobs fi, Mr* 50 Mi^ce, MiKS 1 00 O't'ouuor, Misi 4 00 .Smith, Mr 80 Smltb, Mrs 80 Winter, Mini 1 (lO WIKOWH' and UKPIUNh' I'UHl). Koc, Uf'v. II V .'lO H>l4«», Kbt. J. 8 7 50 t)liPi)|!lTcKy KOXl). Hoe, llcv. II 2 oO .fid fiO No. 48. 1 00 $113 32 S'i'. MICHAK./.S CIIAl'FJi DIS- T1U< T AbaociATIUN. .ST. I'.^flill'S ClIAl'EI. DISriUCT ASliOClXTlOS. Anilrewi<, 1" 2 00 Audrcwfl, I'\ W ;• 'to ]{fowc, Wni ' M 10 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 30 10 00 W18SI N r'LND. 2 00 1 00 10 00 f 00 1 00 • > 00 10 00 10 00 1 50 5 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 5 Oil 1 50 5 00 2 00 1 00 20 00 10 00 2 00 50 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 4 0(1 1 00 \Vn2s, yAa- 5 Oli ICoUvctid by M. A. Moss :iO i Missionary Box at Chapol 4 20 DEl'OSITOnV tVVD. iMountrtin, llcv. A, W . 5 00 $246 36 64 ' I 1 ; ACTON. Caldwell, George 1 Oi) AVurtclc, Kcv. L. C ■' 00 Pa) 0(1 BOUPtQ LOIIS. Burke, Edward *^ Daly, Jatne? " DarbysoE, James G '> Davidsop, David " Davidson, Grace '^ Davidson, Jamos DaVidson. John <> Garvin, Mrs '• Gray, John Gray, Susan '* Ilcnton, James " Maccarther, Rev. J. G 1 McCombs, Mrs. Thomas Mooncy, Henry Mooney, Mrs '> Morrow, AVm <> Smith, David <> Smith, Hugh Smith, Matthew » Smith, Mro *' Smith, Mrs Turner, Chark:; « $7 '^0 80 25 50 13 25 12 50 50 25 25 00 50 25 12 25 25^ 50| 25j 25 25 50 42 DANVILLE, Pctry, Rflv. H. J 00 DKUMMONDVILLE. AUantt, Rev. F. J. B , [Dorion, Mrs Duncan, F Hemmiuf;, Mrs Marler, Miss Millar, 11 J Mitchell, John I\ritchcll, Miss Shcppard, Honble W. El'llY. Seo St. Frauci;! District Assooiation. CAPE COVE AND PERCK. Kc.bin, C. & Co 1 CS widows' and oi;iniANs' vvnu. LyyAcr, Rev. Av' . G 7 50 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 25 •1 00 1 00 25 5 00 DL'DSWELL. CcntriLUtion, $1G 00 00 EATON. Contribution. 00 FRAMPTON. i:AST I'RAMl'TON. ^'■12 IS Dillon, John 1 "ii Henderson, W 2 00 Henderson, Mrs. W 2 00 Henderson, Miss 1 00 Wi:ST l-'RAMl'TON. Friend ~ 00 Hodgson, Thomas 1 00 Hodgson, Mr?. Thomas 1 00 Hodgson, Henry I 00 Hod-son, Mrs. H i 00 iHodg.son, Junr. Thomas 1 00 Jenkins, Rev. J. H 2 00 Jenkins, Mrs. J. U 1 00 Ross. Audroiv COATICOOK. Ssn St. Fr.incis District A^soctati'ju COMPTON. See St. Francis District Association. 1 00 Ross, Mrs. A 100 Ross, Miss 1 00 Ross, Miss M. A 1 00 Ross. Robert 1 oo $21 00 STANDON. Raglcy, W 1 00 Bagley, Mr.s. W 50 00 00 50 00 9.n 00 00 00 Baglcy, John „ uOj Dickson, Ifagli. Dickson, Tiioma?. 1 :>i)\ IIOPETOW: WIDOW. AND onniAxs rvijv Dickson, John 50] Henderson, Gilbert I Oir f'^cquc, Ktv. P- Henderson, Mr.s. G 1 "0^ J»IoNeely, i?obcrfc jun 50| Moylcs, Jamo;; 50' 50 •7 00 GAr^'K BASIN. ColUctcd h,; .V/'i.s- iS'.-.'iiV/i and Mi Vi/icrt. Coliiu, Felix Lowndas, J. J Lowmie?, H MooJy, Dr Terchard, E Pope, John tShaw, Joseph S. J AVilson, Mrs LP.ELAcU) AND SOUTH INVER- NESS. TUINITY CUUnCII, IRELAXP. 50 00 00 00 (111 00 00 00 CnHucU'l li;] M'vi'i P''>1> Aantt', W. ... Dakor, Capt.. Coffin, A Coffin, B Coffin, J. W. Davi.^', H Poi:o, Miss... P.j'jhcrvai.so, Bcnjauiin CUrk, John Clark, Mrs Grant, Peter Marhcr, Nathaniel Marquanci, James Miller, James Miller, Mrs. 11 Mullin, Nicholas Patterson, Henry Patterson, Gcortje Patterson, James Patterson, Ja-ncs jun In small sums C:nnclt, Charlef 50 ,i'(>.nnott, llichard 25 JDjnnelt, Mr.^. Robert 50 iCros.^, "\Vm., (two years) 2 00 {cross, Mr-:, n 1 00 iCrosi-, Henry jun 1 00 iCros?, Mrs. H. jun 1 00 ! Kimball, Aaron 50 Thurbcr, Mrs. Jonathan 25 Wilson, Jamo? 1 00 Wood, Anne 1 00 Wood, Ercderick H 2 00 Wood, Mrs. Eredcrick II 2 00 Wood, Henry Thomas 2 00 Wood, Thoma? 2 00 Wocd, Mrs. Thomas 2 00 25 50 50 jO iJenuett, Wm 50 25 Ijyhnston, Sinauel .) 50 " 25|jjohnston, V/m. J 50 " ^0 iKcrr, Mrs. 1 00 Kerr, John 1 00 Kerr, llobc.t 1 00 Ivorr. Sominn " SO Little-, Henry 50 OHR!;)T cnURCII, SOUTH INVEUSIOSS. I) 25 II 25 I) 50 25 I! 25 II 25 25 25 25 25 50 II 50 25; joj widows' and 0RI'I!AN.S ruNi). Ward, llcv. P. G 7 50 LEEDS. Coatributi'. $32 on 00 Vi'IDoWd' AND orphans' IUNP. Smith, IlcY. F. \ ' S:33 -10; HAT LEY. See SI. Fiancis District A!8)cialion. LENNOXVILLE. Sec, ;:■. Francis District Associaion.. LEVIS AND NEW LIVERPOOL. Aniinymou? ...... 1 00 66 Davklsr.n, II 5 00 E. M. W 50j HigginsoD, W 2 00 Patton, J. jiiD 2 0U| U'IDOWS' AND 0RPUAN3' FlT.NiO. Woolrycho, Rc-r. A. J 7 50 NEW CAIILISLE AND PASI'EBIAC. Ccntributions q 00 $18 00 MALEAIE. Alexander, James 1 00 Buckley, George 23 Buckiey Mrs 2o CoUas, John and Eiias ;i 00 Devouges, I'rancio' 25 Duncan, Alexander 50 Fauvol, John ?, 00 Hacquoil, F 25 Hunt, Marj C 50 Ingrouille, Jane 25 Ingrouille, Mrs 301 Lo Gresley, Francis 29j Le Gresley, J. (Point Peter).... 1 00 Lo Gresley, Judith 2',) Le Giesley, Phillip, 25 Lo Marquant, C 12 McCullum,;Isabella 25 Packwood, Mrs. E 25 Packwood, Georj?c 60 Packwood, Matilda 25 Robinson, Mrs , 25 Ross, Wm , 50 Vardon, Mrs. P o 25 Vibert, John o 25 CORXER t. THE BEACH. KICOLET. Balfour, Rov. A 5 00 NORTH INVERNESS AND LAMBIE'S MILLS. Ek'own, Mrs o 05 Brown, Ellen 25 Brown, John L 25 CuiBuiins, i\Irj. A ,'*."." 05 CiJniinin?, L \ q 25 King, Robert .......'. 50 Montgomery, Win .,,[ 50 Nugent, J 25 Nuj^ent, S „ 53 AVatkins, Elizabeth , 25 Watkins, , lames '."," 50 WatkiiiS, Mary Anne 25 MI2SI0.7 PU.VD. Kai^kett, Miss King, Charles ""' 01 25 00 50 25 Collected by Edward Male. Cagg, Esther Mabe, Edward , Mabe, Mrs. Josiah [>{) Mabo, Margaret 25 Mabe, Mrs, Phillip 1 o'l Mabo, Samuel 25 Vibert, EIi:^abeth 50 Vibert, George 25 Vibert, Peter jun 25 Vibert, Philip, 25 widows' and orphans' fund. DeMouilpied, Rev. Joseph 7 50 WIDOYv-a' AND OKniANS' FUND. IIr.skett, Mis.' ,j $2; 50 $25 50 MONTMORENCI. Hall, G. B.... 20 00 PORTNEUF. Contributioas q ^_)^) RICHMOND AN:j MELBOjRNE. Guy, Rev. J. L 2 Oo RIVIERE DU LOUP {en baa.) Frazer, Mrs. Wm 1 00 Hodgson, Wm '" ] oO Orkney, J. H l 00 Smyth, Wiu 1 00 Thomas, J. G., M. D 2 00 Walker, John 2 00 Waterson, John 1 oo widows' and onrnANs' fund. Roes, Rcr. E. G. W 15 Oo $24 00 v •' i > ■■•I > 67 00 Oil V •' * 1 * ' t . -' ^ ■> RIVIERE DU LOUP {n> Inuit.) Damo, i\Ir? Dunn, ('. E ......."....'."." 2 Dunn, Jliss E.. 1 Hasty, \7 !.','.'.'".".'..".; ] Lord, Mis ] ] 2 00 00 ill) 00 00 AVID01VS' AND ora'iiANi' r;;Ni), Merrick, Rev. AV. C $U iO SA2?DY r.EACII. Annctt, John ^ qq Bailey, Nicholas i on Harbour, Robert jiui o 25 Ivp.r, TX>'.\\ Matthew 2 (U) Kcr, M'b' J t,() I'^cr, MiFs 50 Kerr, Miis Mary J o 50 Suddarrl, Wm 2,1 Veit, Charles 5 ^ii Golhrt':d Irj Jin. Pdcr ilillcr. TLuiLi;:oii, M)s. Thcmas 12 Thompson, Thoaaas () 13 Thompson, Mrs. Thomas 12 ''ollcded hy Mi'sa Annett. AiiKctt, Misp Caroline -JO |Aniiett, ■\Vm. juD () -lo lAscah, Charlcp, senior 2:> [Ascah, Ari,s3 Charlotte \ 25 B^kcr, Thomas' 2;') Miilcr, Charles ]:; .'. 25 I'hi'lip, David 25 $20 C-1 Alexaritler, John Millar, ^Jlrs. Rotor Miilcr, Pilchard , Miller, Thomas jiu> Pye, Robert Suudard, Henry , Suddard, Mrs. Henry Scuidard, Joseph....." Suddard, Mrs. Jo.-cpb Suddard, .lames , ,, WiHianioon, Mrs Williamson, Mrs. Ilcury. 25 50 50 1) .^0 (1 £5 'M) 25' 25! 251 Half of the abovo amount re- tained by the Asjsociation 10 32 Amount received 10 32 WIDOV,-.s' A"D orphans' F&ND Kcr, Rev. &I 7 59 $17 82 SHERBROOKE. ^r£iT?ci3 District Association. LO 25 5 CoUratcd III }[h:, Jlan/ J. J-Jc )', Alcxan-'cr, ]\Ilse Elizabeth. Alexander, M)S:i Mary Alexander, rhiliii Baker, Mrs. John " Baker, S.imuel ."." L&f(.ur, John CoUrctrd I.'j :,frs,. Join ThoDip^ Cu')::)n;;, Tliorua? CuuuiiiL', rjr?. Dan'ifl ',.'..,.. l>unnov:r!, Mrs .' idiihr, ;'.ir.s. John R .'.'.'.'.'.".'. I'atrr^i r, I'l^ter .'..'.'.'.'.'."! Sudilard, I^frs E.:!\v.ird. ..!*.'.!.!!!! Th',mp«oT7, Piaster Elias Th.-,m!)-.)n, Mrs. James Thomjjjun, Miss Maria J ThompKon, Miss M:iry J^nc... 10 25 25 25 50 50 on, 10 05 (15 i:} 0,^1 I! 2.1! 10' 111' I! 10' 05 ^-;t. stlvester, st. giles, Ac. .'T. SYI.V-STER. B,uu, Richard j 00 Biin, Riclinrdjun 1 00 Bridget, John 1 oo Bridget, Mr? 1 qo C.n-pcntcr, Mrs 25 Cinriamon James 1 oo Cinnamon, John i QO Cinnamon, Mrs \ qO Cinnamon, AViu l oo Evans, Mrs , \ oO Evan-;, Thomas 1 qo ri:loor', Mark 1 OQ Fuloon, Mr? 50 Eit7,patrifk, Archibald 1 oO Fil/.patricl-, sonr 1 oo Hicks, Ellon King, Errcpt Kiuj.', Goo-go ., King, Rrginald King, Dr. V^. M. H Lipsey, Robcrf Lij.soy, Mrs 50 j\Ii^hi!, J.bii 2 00 Machil, John Janr 1 oO McDonald, Jamc?,, 1 oo 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 I I " I 68 ■* ft Noa), Mrs Noal, Robert Noa), Wm Nelson, Thcma? NulbrowD, AVra Niitbrown, Mr- Ross, Wm liosF, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Stewart, Rirbard Stokea, Anne Stokoo, EllcQ Stokon, George Stoken, Joliu Stokon, John Stoken, Mrs , Walker, Thomas J. P. Wilson, Charles Wilsor, MrF Wilson, Mrf: Wilson, Wii: 1 01' I 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 60 1 00 1 00 uO Lowroj-, Sorj-'t I 00 NoIfou, Mary Anil 1 ()i) Nelson, WnJ I 00 Robinson, .Tanc .Ml IllOnnson, Mr £0 Robinron, Mary 50 !Ros.=, a. D Smilli, John 1 00 MISSION KUN-T>. Mre. King's Misfioui'.ry Tlr.v,,. wijiowl' and of)mia.\'.s' ri m Ki!;g, Rev. W 1 oo! 25| I'oi 25! I 001 L'C>! 1 ool '1 00 i 1 00 1 1 0!; 1 00 ] 00 1 ( *,' 7 JO ;';5'.i 50 1 (.(• Smith, Marin 1 00 Spenv?, Wm 1 00 Cpciir.'', Mr? ] 00 Suthorland, Susan 1 00 $10 00 .-r. OEor.GF.'s. Pozer, Mrs- 2 00 Pozcr, Mrs. B 2 00 Pozer, Miss 2 00 Pozcr, Miss A 2 00 00 ji 50l| ,V,) 50 00: 1 50|i 50' (I .00 ST. 1.1 1 1, h;.-, Brenan, N-iihanio! Brcnan, Wni Co.T, Eli/.Hbah OrtnjL', Eilv. aii.l ;,() Crane, rai^ y Crane, ^l^^ Cr;tr,e, Rulu' Crane, Sutr'.r () Frascr, Janict Fraser, Robert Frnser, Sarah Jlaslett, Gfurye l Lcfcbvro, iJunalfi L:febvrc, James J. P 1 (n) Lefobvrc, Jattci jur.r | oO Lefebvru, Jistpl: i 00 Lci'ybvro, Mr; 1 00 Lcfebvrc, Mary 5(> Lcfebvro T .",(! Lowden, J;hn | (0 Smith, James 1 0( Spears, Jmhicf 5(1 tX. lOSEl'Il. Calway, Joseph 1 00 Calway, Mrs 1 00 $2 00 r 11 A >■('!.■-. iniackuirre. r-'r ICIir piiiaii, (iecr^e.. IH) Cii \\ 50 j 00 j 50 BLACK K1VJ.,I:. §10 0< ST. I'A'.r.ICK A. Gorcham, Robert. I (f Gorehum, Mrs (i 50 Sijji.ii, (iecTgp... SMHtb, iVtrs Sirii!"', Ftevarl. Snitli, Wm 1 (!() ] 00 1 I (/ 0(1 $4 GO ST MAHV S. Liili.ft, KJwiirJ 1 Lilli tt, Mr? ;{ Lillidtt. Mary I'l /••r, Mrs. (io(.r,f;p ;} 00 50 50 •' *l V > » 4 * • Oi) I (10 0(1 00 .")() £0 50 5 Oil 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 SIC) 00 2 00 o 00 o 00 2 00 2 00 SIO 00 1 oo 1 00 82 00 1 (!l) 1 (1(1 ?2 Cii CO 00 t (; (](l ■^■l GO ■• * 69 >l V > • « ? ;« ■ V) » * « • ST. CVTlIKRlSIi S. Suilor, D.'.viil Suitor, George... Suilor, John Suitor, "Win Suitor, Mrs. V^'m. i 00' 26 25 1 00 50 (••0 ST. :\tAnc;AnKT i. Conigtn, IMrs Oorrij;»;n, Thoinu?.. Stevenson, llol)';;rt. ,, „, T . 1 00 Mooio,.) . [>aige,M... W iP.ii..Mrs. W. D l>nl.harJ.A.O ^ (Jlarulall, S ^ "" iRcii.U. F llUcf, C. (i iKicu, J. II Ilich.ir;!.-'-)n, C. V Shurlliir, .! Smitii, A Slinson, i' Wig!?ctt, i:. (I 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 CO 1 00 50: 1 oo; ■:2 50 Tin; :',N;;r;r,KC noAD. T.rMNolvVU^i.!.'. Siuupio, ^i; Tliompon, ,■;. .rohn. 00 00 Ciipol, ::. r.. ...... Carr, J. T .^ Ichapuian, B Cummiris, Mi.'? Cashlnfr, J. ? Casliini^ Mi?--^ Dcrbviliire, Air.:,.. Fuller, Mrs lilarris, J. j! Ilonry, C. •'^'^illlobsou, Jli..... llyndtuan. J. B CUMBERLAND jril.l.S. Iriwroy.-iin, .Ion; Miller, Wm . rn ST. Fii.\: [^ i)T.^TIUJr (;IA;I0:^. lir 1 00 1 O0| $2 00 A3S0. Jackson, if. J. Jackson, Mr' JohnsoE, .iolm Mcars, Mvs Mcars, Mis? Miles, II. n Morris, Mr,; Mulvancy, C. T Nicolis, Ker. J. II. D. NicoUs, Mvr lO'Grady, Mrs lO'Grady, Edith jO'Gra.ly, (Jcrald O'Grady, Kathleen iO'Grady, AValtsr ,C,aw3on, ilev. C 1 ,.,,lll-laT\-son, Captain Richard ion,Kcv. i 1 ^.liRcSd, Mr. & Mrs Kichard.sun, Mrs '^ ;,'illHjhmuAd, Rcv^W Uichardf'iri, Mi 2 Oa 50 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 1 1 5 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D. 50 L 00 2 00 2 00 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 C MPTON. llohertsoD, D. T. Illloux, C. & Family. ijSciirtb, Ilev. A. C... i Smith, B. B ;|Saiilb, Ura. C ,... Smiil), Mrs. J C.xrr, A ]J;\\i, J i) .ak, Olivor... l.>,.;.k, W. ^^.... [■'in-?vs'n. ^V... UmI; it, r, 11 Hi'.-h O.^lr, !1.. Ivoiiuui, A. '>.. K ada.!'-, Mr.s 1 OOilSmv'.li, Mrs 1 00 jSmy.h, Miss M ly.K li. S. 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 (0 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Stearnes, T. II... Tayl-v, Alfred.... To>7le. C. E Towlo, Mrs T(i\vlo, Mis? Warren, Mis.^ Wilson, Mrs Woolsoy, George. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 2 00 70 SnEBDIlOOKIU Bottom, (ioorijc Bowen, (}. r -... Brooks, Mrs. (Joorge Oliirk, E Clark, Mrs Clark, Miss F Clark, Miss Farwell, Win Hale, Edward Hallo well, Mrs Hcnekor, E. AV Mayo, Wm. H Mjrkill, R. D Reid. Rev. C. P Whiteher, A. 11 Whitcher, C. W Wintor, Alexander "Woodward, Mrs Collected after the meeting of) the District Association - at Sherbrooko J I 00 5 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 5 0!! 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 25 $101 50 Half of the above amouct re- ) tained by tho Association j S2 25 $82 25 MISSION FfXD. Collected r>t Missionary Moct- ing3 held at Coatieook 12 00 ComptoD 9 00 Hatley 9 20 Stanstead , 5 00 Watcrville 10 60 WIDOWj' and OEl'HANSi' PUXD. C 051 r TON. Kemp, Ilev. John 15 00 GENERAL ITND. LEXNOXVII.LE. Irving, Rev. G 5 00 Anderson, MrJ 50 Foster, Charles d [,{) Gosneld, Ann 11 [-,{) OosneUl, Edward 1 00 Qosnold, Joseph 25 McCorkell, AVm 25 Richardson, George so Richardson, J. H 7:, Smith, Georj^e 1 Smith, John 2 Spratt, Henry Spratt, Robert Taylor, .Tobn 1 Taylor, Mrs. Samuel Wyso, F 1 00 00 25 25 0(1 60 0(1 / J IF liichardsnn Anderson, George 50 VALCAKTIEP. WITIOV.'S' AND CnrilANi' FUND. Yon Ifiland, Rov. A. A 7 50 WATERVILLE. See £t. Francis District AfSucialion. LABRADOil. ;II. &, ir 25 iKennedy, il 6ii ,1 ♦ 'IV ' r •71 Kennedy, M • Kennedy, Wm Ro'oartoon, S llobortaon, Mrs Kobortsou, Mis3 Robertson, Master.... Robertson, Master A. Robertson, Master D. Robertson, Mister G. 2 00 I 2 00 ] 2 00 1 00 5il 50 1 25 50 2!i Robertson, Master J ') 25 Robertson, Master R ^ — ^ \VIDOV/&' AND ORrUANS' 1 UND. Wainwriglit, Rev. R ^ •"'" $17 75 7 50 i 60 i o o o o o ^-1 73 o o .7; O O O c o CO (-^ o I o o H •pim.r I ■• •pan,! 3 •iuopcuod ■sa'ji)'Ji.K'bqng •saoiidtjosqng j ^^ [t'nuav I- -• :i — r r i- ■■■: r? C; cs v; n «■! i'- F-i V h- X I- vr »■• ^- M -r- r— ' ■» I - — r- y. y. — 'C T^ 'J CI t - ^ I -. t r-t rt C-1 i-4 '^ -J ST ~ :r ?t -M ;:i X '."5 1/ ^ CP so 1.1 'X' O O w !=> "^ .- — ,^ .- ^ r-i I- -T ■'.■ ^ "" C-) "1 C» 1-1 I C3 'ii . c c CI it " o e^ o o = r-s o " o « « "ii :: ;•: —V ^ ;r i--^ o ffi ■» i.-i >-; -c -^ o ,-1 i-H (Tl X :: i:-: r- Tl rl fl — S O w- l-i -M O >f> tl e-i i-i iM •=5 s: o ;^:3 o 1/J23 < <. ■ M T? Q T3 fr n V •J o « M< hH ^ h4 (^ < M '■■» ^ i-s O <1 1 & ,' '" !3 S 3 ;^ o 1^ '^•~> ::, « rt « "^ g s i*^ r.^ ^^ H^^ ♦- > it a 3 o a r= T3 .iri 1* « o 1.^ VJ S^ 4> U Oh-1 to a an H .^ W ^3 U2 Qj > « ^ i5 », =s I— > if' Ci tOo ::Zt^C:^r.m'^P^'.^^, •xo;'416'TG[ ■ooqariL) ?t3aBJ,.I '4S iri '": %r « 'v; :: I 78 •s « i"j frj Si e-i -^ r « c s: v.i C) ■s i*w CO ci -o CO c » ■-•} >r; 9 i^ ■=> ei r? '■/; -s fH o — :j ;■? 'O 'i o t'* l-i C^» T CJ IH t-, CI CI V .1- >o -^ 1— I i~. 1- c« ^ 5-J i« CI O ■=. V3 Cl = O O o o ■--, :■; o cs ■■=. o t- ifs rs N c-1 :; =; = CI O ■.6 -g ^ ;:) o curs t- ft S -w . y. ..■^ .ft *i — i: - x -r s s r. ■ es Cl cv u^ o T' s: '■* « - V- w '« v. -c --;-^ 1-1 N. ;: -r; — M CI rf 1-1 CI rH C) ~ s 1-". ^■< '/: — . i; i-i 'O :■; T CI e» v: lo u-j < "5 :: 1-5 •=: l~ •= i-li M Si C4 — CJ = CI V, 1-1 .-I ^ r*: — ;; 1 - in i I .- c^J 1— =, r- ri 1!^ if^ =^ -= '-. ~ := '.-^ ro = o e ( ::- 4i :■: CI PI CI ^ o I- c» M r- "'^ I- TO = :: rr . r-< l-< CJ •=. lO -r. -nr o - o •= i-j CS — '•'5 — w 'VO « u^ i-H — — :■: -M d M i-i = -^ o s » V5 c/j i;: rr f-i 1-1 1— 1-' rt CI CI rH O O ■=■ '=^ = O O TS ■= » O O i^ 'C; O = 1- CD O — - — « C '=? !■- CI ;: CI -M -r; 'i'* c^ '^ C^l o L-: -' c< w 1 13 a o S cS c d i5 5 a 9 y a a a - it 'a ,ii ,irf - ^ lO cS .t:^ >.^ r^ S g i3 ^ " g <-* H-s "^ 1^ f^ O CQ ^1 *: O • • • • ^ -tJ -^^ ■»-' -t^ V J r/- r/i r/i ro L-; i o ■^ CJ ,, O t-5 M UJ CS c; O Li hH C •« o ft ■ o ■ X! a 3 ft-S ^ ^ o o a> o to CS §^ rn o O K! !^ i^ S P-i o S^ fi. ;:!. cc o w o (/' -y: CO vj CQ H-i c/; W V.' TO C H f-H o t(5 a: >-"J Ou )J] ^ .•oiBqiBjy: •opaBSai\f F I I o o O o o o o .7? 7< c9 ?3 o 4) o s I--; o 0§ I— I 74 . • • ^ 9 lit >•! >fi ^ _ 9 O a» •■4 I 5 1 1 • '-r -M «■! 1-" C '.■5 « ?| r^ t ' o c- 1 1 1- 't CI s o s -r. »-' « — '.a o • ^ ^ r^ i-l r- CI »i -H «•! ei .•■: CI H ,t ^ ^ Ct lO O « It IS ! »« •pan.T = = u"5 ,-< ■=: = •-C o ■ '^ aj •OTA\.JOJ 1^'" ; ; X rf< ?) S-I Y, I* t^ "^ : •f) i 5J "tS C-. O •pnnj T CI e^ : N » o "• s U0I9b-!J\T JO J T" fH r^ '■« ■r, o u *? M ^ O CI ^ . 'O o ,, 1 T""lT •=■ i!^ ri o t- 'O 1- IBJoao;) ao.[ O ' ^ FH • fh : « « : Cl ?? c Cl" •Baopuuoo; ^;^ t~ (Ti .» -ucrithjosqng - '-^lil o I— - ^^ ,-- (M O 1* ■ S 5S » ' ^ CI •ouoijduosqng 5 r:; -ti '■■^ i-^ • O O » li* ■»»< innuay v; — r- C- 1 1- J>. I t— • -f ifl «C . rl rt ; 1 - CI CI >i H i^ e ■^ K Oi C] N T^ ,a J4 ■4-* > -^ v:) dp" / a. ••_ c c < Ph'»->~ : *^ -^ ^ ^'-^wh^ pi _^ J< _K : ^' ij _« ^•>i<' ti^ , pi ~»'^ ..'^^ ■^ ■N .--» ^- O fA i I =5 o a ; ; C3 S p'i &,<- ^ ,a o: o a> c ; ; (3 5 « ." > > »-• L> « S O »" >-l O •-! (jj O O c9 ^ a ci J .S .-. (, u. rt «>-::« O P^ W > :/.. -/J J Hp:? P5 C '.r iJ 1 , < ^ X01U1SI(J 1 •Jl^ 131 LM o„nircd,-—'£h:it in all cases whcro grants of money (other than personal) aro luado by tho Church Socioty, it shall bo tho duty of tho person to whom such fjraiit Bhall bo paid, to famish, within three months afterwards, regular vouohcra of tho o.tpendituro of such suiiii, to be submitted to tho Board. Sl'ATEl) illlETING — JUNT. lOTU, 1859. J{v>,jlrcd,~Th:A, wiUi 'he oxceptiou of grants to aid in building churches, when tho conditions on which any sura is voted aro not complied with, and the mono;' applied for within ouc year from tho time it is voted, such grant Bhall bo struck off tho list. Stated Meeting— Januakv IOtii, 1S60, yjcfio/fC(/,— That in ca?c3 whore one- half of tho annual ijubscriptions to the Society has been retained in tho Mission, ono-half of each subscriber's sub- scription bo entered in the Annual Roport. Statrd Mijrtiikg— April llxn, 1860. iic«o/(.'ce^,— That no grant bo mado towards tho oroctioa of any Church or Paraoaaso, unless tho plans and site havo boon approved of by tho Bishop. r* f") V> 7G N T T C K . Xho ANNUAL HEllMON.J, iu M of Iho fundi of tho Nocicly, are arpolntcU to be prcaohocl — Fob Ukmkrai. Puui-oii.;), on ijuiiuiiiajcoima Huuiiu^. Fon THE Miosi N Fund on Iho Smidnj ncnr(fit to Mi'-hntlninn, Tor the WiJows' anu Ohimianh' Fuxd, on such othor .sVn<'..^ as may ba found most coDTonieiU. N. B.— Tlio Rules of tho Sooloty prohibit any grant being male t.' si;- I -rl 1.' Miaaion, or Station, in which at Iciist ono Sermon shall Lot have bcoa rn-ii-'i i, and from which tho fubsoriptiona .-^hall not havo boon sent in, duricg i .; y .m. All applications for aid must reach tho hands of tho Secretary at 'oas* .'. fortnight before tho meeting of tho Central BoarJ. !- NEW MEMBERS OF TllK ClIUI!CiI SOCIMTV El-KCTBD jAXaARY '.'"rJ, lSli7. p. p. Ilarrid. S. Tozcr. K. Ruthman. James Parke. J. J. Footo. T. II. Grant. John Boomer. Robert Mageo. Mrs. F. Montizambort. Rer. W. Wright, M. J). Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Nlfithtingalo. Oliver Kcnnetlv. J. F .Lilliott. Kate O'Noill. W. Lilliott. Richard Tumor. James B. Taylor, i^'dward II. Taykr. Joseph BowloH. Mr3. C. .Morgan. »ro ajip, intcJ •x ay bo founj ■4\ Ji: at 'eas' r. .?• 0i%,