^, I ^f^%. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 US 14.0 122 2.0 ■■I L25 ,1 U ^ •4 6" ► I^iolDgFaphic Sdences CorporatiGn 23 r.TMAINSTRHT WiBSreR.N.Y. 14SS0 (716) •72-4503 %. ^. Q \ %, \ \ 1l ;\ ' I \ of whom I will say nothing more, fur I have no ' deaire to mix his name unfairly with our party celebrations, than that, as he has a fondness fiT famers and rural pursuits, I ho|)e that «o shall *et have the pleasure of seeing His Excellency m Cumberland. This toast having been received with every nMirk of reaped, and followed by three rattling ^a4rs« Mr. Morse a4ain rose, and said, that '■ from the spontaneous outpouring ot the host whieh sat before him, and trom the numbers who crowded the rooms below, whose faces be could not see, but whose spirit and numbera be could form: some conception of, from what he heard; it was qnite evident that he need waste no time in idle compliments to the gentleman whose health tie waa about to give. The Hon. Provincial Se- cnitary bad rendered services to his country ' ~ ' I hit country would never forget. He. bad ^fbr years, storms which would have pros- any other public man ; andyei, the harder it bktmfae firmer he stood in the confidence and afliBtkM^ of the people. He had lieen assailed evar'SiniwHhe Poll closed in Amherst sixteen Mdatltoiigq. with every slander which the malice of JUvctaenUe tould invent — but what,heasked, wasthp«aaW|kgiven by the county of Ciimberlandl The oph)* deafenstration at which he was happy to nratide.. H4v would therefore givte, without furuw|tirc>aaef 4ie health of ' 'MsKi'H Howe. When tha ehtfao which the toast elicited had diad'awary, MktHifve rose to.reply, but u'bs re- qasalaA t* paaae a mameot until Fome modeshould be devised by which all his friends could hear.— At ^"1* it wat-TTyflUM^ ''"" ^'>.° tables and fiirni- tura sbtHild b« rBipo*(d to Htcure space, but this idea,, WM' .ab*nii|MM| from tha great numbers below. It 'was &k|i Wf Jtroposed to erect a plat-- form in front of the no^, which was done in a few momenta. The Ctlirman having taken his aeat upon it, and the petele having lorned in a eompait wa as arouaat Mr. HoWe rose aud ad- dressed them for about mte'f hours, only inter- ruptetl by rMtn^pf htagUter or bursts ol indig- aaliap, at kP xmra/rrillfidfa web of falsehood by aonaaiinple. axpNiMfton, or made merry with tha^tWj^rMwipimiyi^ whq M ^m» bwkin| Mr. Chairmr^n and Ganilamen : Summoned into the county of Cuiabarlai4' Hs a witness.in the Libel causes reaeally peadiaf^i I neither expeoied nor tfesired m persoaal of" political demonstration. While the Catirt wa«i sitting I ^Itcllned to countenance any Bwwwaiit ■ which might disturb the calmdaii of judicial'i investigation ; but wheA the term hail blown wpf' like the boiler of aii old steam engine. I esiulilii^ . longer resist the wishes of my lrieilds,aMiehter- , fully consented to attend -the festive leiaa Iw which i have just been honored. Such a uau- . munial of your undiminished confideace and par- .- sonal regard makes my heart swell withgraiiluda" and pride. A year' of toil and saUciluda haa < passed since I visited the cnanty, andaiyiacm months have been employed by tny encoiee -i»' slander and defamation: since I raised tn voiea ' within it in self defence. I need uot r)iise it now. , The yeomanry of Cumberland have alraftdy aa.:i awereil for me, by the.high coaplimant whieh ' haa just been paid, and bw the enthuaiaatie, r*«i3 coption for which I um boand to thank tiMia.,, Around me, at this moment, stand the men of; spirit, intelligence and property, who twice alaakv, ed me to represent this. noble county— rwho car^.i ried me in tiiumph thiough the sumiaat's heat . and the winter's snow, and wiio stand prepared.. - when occasion requires, to secure my eleotiaa ' again. — (Cheers, and ccienof Yes— UwDorrow.) ' Though highly appreciating your coofidencat I.) yet think that the time has ai rived when a few : shot thrown into the enemy's camp may athid!) you some amusement, and teach the* a uaefal . lesson. A regular manufactory of defamatio* : exists in Halifax — a branch of the businesa ia carried on here in Amherst. Funds are subseribad i to send the Colonist newspaper broad false evidence, and kiys the daoMge tohis iaiurait ' .' reriutntion at £2000, (Laughter.) Well, I tbiuk.u 1 have lieen pretty well abused by Mr. l)ick^<*B< i friends and fellow labourers, and }et J will lake : five and twenty pounds, nay, I am not sure that I ' will not take five and twenty shillings, for allthla '.■ damage dona to me, and give a receipt in hllL— . I will go further — i will do my beat to poor oil . into the wounds which the Liberal Printers have . intlioted, and give Barry Diokey tha nwnay.-^ (Roars of laughter.) But whut has become of those great Ubel '' trials 1 Can any body tell what has beeoiaa af... the Court, and of the Jury, of the oausee triad. :> and of the verdicts given 1 How does it happ«K . (hat Cumberland is the only county where' aHctl. ;< tilings occur 1 and here they have occurn^.mora than once 1 am told. How dues it happen that ; Cuinberliuid is generally selected when a libai ia,, / 10 be tried, or a Liberal Printer is to bepuai^-. ( ed 1 [ll«re a paper was handed to Mr, Howe ] ■, A friend tells me tbatayounggentlemanistakiagri j notes— 1 am glad of it, there will be somathiof ^tt worth reporting before I am done. :. The county is not much honored iiby Ih* .t distinction conferred upon it. This Jury Bos of; < yours is a curious piece of furnilure ; toaMtimaa - j what ought to be in it caQaet be found, and thaa..,.'' we are told that eomething has baan diseoKenM, -i in it which ought not to M there. Signor Bljla : bof a iwoodetful box, iotg wbicb Iw 7P vwi ^mmmmmm^fm ^^ ■■^ farMki an egftUii than pulb out of it • eat or ■ labblL Bat bia hos ia nothina to the magical box which ia kapt hare in Ambarat. 1 do not aay Who ia lo blania. vat blame reau aomawhara for tlftfa tflMnidalll frmMarhiei. But may wa Mt^n|ui|«.fiNr it haplMu liM»t the dafeeii ware naftr 'aiiMmred till Mr. Dickey found himielf- Ciaa to faM with the two Liberal Printera 1 A whole term paiaed oter lait Spring with tha aama Jury liiti. All that of couiie goes for nothing. Numeroui oaoaaa were triad thia term : tUay 10 for nothing. There can be no triala in Ouwttar w JawMrv. till « naw IIm ia formed, and wha'it' 10 pay Plaintiflii and Dalendanii for a MMf^dahiy 1 Who ia to eompenaaie Jurymen for Aa tf«M that haa bean waaied 1 Sappoae tiMt « poor fttluw had bean hanged in the to me tBat T ■Magea ag (CauglHari) For d?atliinr» Dawevar, we ought to ' " ~ ■" « poor miuw bm uean nangea in me Sftkm, w appaara to me tBat he would now have a fMd aotiba fardaa agaiait lomebody.— Previdanca— that the time haa gone tiy aJuTy Can be packed in Cumberland — for tbataaNiaMe wa oogBt to be gratafui, and the eorivfciiioa oi the foot ahould make us cheerful foriha reataf the afternoon. 'BeiiltMin Fraakhn, who did not lika the long Mnea at dianar, once irreverently adviaed hii Mher; whea he waa eomina down wma beef, toMfiraeeaver the barrel by way ot saving tinMK Thowh there is not much reaemblance baiwaea the Tories and good beef, for some ot tha half4ad tewyera and scribblers, who aie alwadoun. There is not one of these CMsniat CaAra whose hiding pbwa I do not know, and wbeni I cOald not smoke out any day of the wacA, bat I prefer to let them blaxeaway, tabWg' care, hewever, as the old shoemaker did wilh'kia boys, to flog them once in a while, to let Ihaw MOW that they have a roaster. 1 eackht' two of these people, presenting a lying petition to the House of Assembly last winter, and I gave it to them to their hearts content — a third oaoia before a Committee of the House, asft-lied, in a matter of millions, aa though be waa aamin| a guinea fee at the Bar, and verily ha got aad is getting his reward. (Great laugh- leni : A few spMimeas will serve to show the un- aei«pilaua character of the foul aystem of defiima- tida which the Tory acribblers carry on. Hardly had tbawiunir Election terminated when it was roaiidfyasaeiMd in the Colonist, day after day, for mOntbat that I had drawn from the Treasury, by 'tha eomrivanca of the Reeeiver General,and in vialiliiM oTIaw, £600 to pay theexpenses of that alectiM. This bartfoeed lie, awde ont of whole elatb, withoat the abadow of a foundation, waa eireolaiMi 4aio every hole and comer of Cumber- knd, Ih' tha NbatvKho haa • whin lirer, a red head, ud'toiwMlrpittad with tha nnalHMX. Sap- famtmff'-umgm •warded, ha waakl go to (2) \ jail and iwear out, and even ifha mm iant lo the Penitentiary, the real authors of the slander would go unpunished. I prefer, therefore, in my own good time, and after inv own hshion,to deal with tha authors of these lioels, and let tha poof printer, who is merely earaiag his bread, ga iA< scathed. Befoie passing oa to lie- the second,! may observe, tha: even the Muses are pressed into the service of the Tories, to give variety to fRlsehood. Miss Day, of the great Firm of Day fc Martin, once boasted that Ear folhcr kept a Poet. The Editora of the Colonist keep one or two, and it is said that the verses are inanofee- tured by young ladies. If so, we may charitabiy hope that they are only kept lur poetical purposes. {Raan of laugther.) I come now lo the old niale story of the Excise. While I held that office I collected £40,000 of the public money. Ia six weeks my actxiunts for all this money were completed and lodged in tlia Treasury— on the very clav they were certified to be correct, the few hundred pounds remaining in my hands were paid over; and, from that day to this, my bitterest enemies, w'<'* every disposi- tion, have never been able to over aa arrar to the extent of a sixpence in my accounts, or ID surcharge roe with a single ponnd Now, letma. ask, suppose that some of the Amherst lawyera had collected £40,000 of your money, do you be- lieve that the accounts would have beea aa correct or the whole amount so promptly paid 1 (Criaa of No— we would never have seen tha half of it.) Let me put another question 1 Andrew Stranga Dewolf was Chairman oi the committee to whom my accounts were suhmitted. Does any man doubt that he would have found errors if ha could, or surcharged me if lie dared 1 Ha couM do neither, but wbat he could do, waa to lead bis name to the slanders of the Cofonist while I was in England. Fortunately (or me Mr. Mo- Lelian, of Londonderry, was not absent. Mc- Leilan was a member of tbe committee of Pnb- lic Accounts. He at once explained the facta, and did me jnttice. H3 did more, he puUicly charged Mr. Dewolf, who was my successor in tbe Excise office, with striking a 'false balanee, y and presenting his own accounts to the commitlear < in a form so inaccurate thaothey had to be return- ed to be corrected. Of this matter, peraonally,.Ii know nothing, but if McLellab's statetnentba - true, then Mr Dewolf, who is very fond of tbo bible you know, should remember that woe is denounced in it against those who strike a falsa balance. Let me turn your attention now to another view of this subject. The whole charge against me is, that I retained a few hundred pounds of tha public money in my hands fur eight or ten weeks, while my accounts were twing made up and ex«i amined. The Post Office accounts are raratj^ completed in less than three months afW ,!■* - close of the year. In the good old Tory tiiMa the Custom Honse accounts were never laid aa tbe table of the House till towards the and «f the session— -mine were completed in half that time, and yet I am charged with delayv* :Bat,.iif holding £000 of the public rooney in pf haada for eight or ten weeks be a great sii^ I am pre- pared to show you that I erred lia very good company. The Tories boast a good deal.of tbeir " Princely Houses," let us see ho* some of thasa overheld the public money while 1 .was collector of Excise. I omit the names,.ibat shaU read from my letter book of that -pilriodt On tha the 16th of April I waa compelhid to addroaa this note to one of them : < Mr. Howe begs to direct MMtrs. ■ ' " ''s at- tention to bonds, due at the Ebtcise office (£662), and hopes they will be kind4ndt%h to pay some of the oldest of them at theh e&iliest conveHi^ ence. '■■ 16th April, 1843. Nothing having been paid till tha VhkttJma, on that day 1 wrote this ndia : ' Jon* 10. 1851. OinTLmiif ,— On thtf I6lh' of AprH th* Collector of Excise called MMnnh ■' ' ' - '»■ tH^ tention to some bonds, soma Ihw overdna. No* thing baviog been paid by Masira. i' "" - , llM T-n I t'ff'mm (») W CUlMoir, iaMoloMi lK« tMui for thto ImIs it hi»4iii| 10 vnU nrgt npmi Ihwn tb* pro- priaty of pniifdM amount without furthor do- Not a onpenoa wai paid till tho 8ih of luly, wlio« 1 wao compellM to write a inoro IbriMl &tmM(d> It i« a eurioiity worthy th jpoeial aoiiea of thoao who prate to m every day aiioul •verh'>ldiag the pubhc money : OffleaoflropoftaodEsciw, ) 8lh July, 184S. 5 Gbntlkmkr,— On the 16th of April and 10th ot Jone I wrote to you, eallinK your atten- tion to certain bondi lometime oTerdue at this oAce. No reply having lieen lent to either of my notee, and no money having been paid in, I am reluolantly oompelled to hand to you a alate- meiit of ;he amounle due, with the daiea of tho bondat 1841. June 6, Pot. as. Nov. as. Dee. 16, mz. Jaa.28, Fob. 11. March 28, June 10, Aug. 11, Hept.S, Sept. 22, Nov. 1, Dae. 16, £9i 210 18 127 19 80 5 Drawbaelii,jeS10 " 8S18 10 10 76 11 4 76 11 4 73 8 48 8 6 84 a 6 12 10 86 8 17 10 18 14 8 i have, tec, £868 19 10 From the above you will pereeivo that (here are thirteen bondi on which paymenla are duo— that mght *f them thnUd havt Mm dinhurgii m full at th$ tud ^ loMt quarttr, and that no eaik hM ; itm paid 8th July, 1848. $ axRTLIIIKIl,-4 beg to hand you, below a list of bonds doe at tlNs office. The earliest of these shouM have bean discharged in November hut, and three other* in the Uurch and June •uartere. Aa oo payiienu have been made on Iha ten bonds enumw4' I* it in hunmn natare to expect that thaeo peopi* can lurget or forgive Iha person who bmilia up this nice little rpreserve 1 Who would dmy la them Iha daily hnuiry of abaeiag ki*a ia 111* Cap loni*t 1 But yoa will prababw agra* with ay that, with the exposure whieh I hava ja*t of them befor* the oaoalry, it will na i t! ot mem iieror* iba oaoalry, it wiu baeoaiflM prudanee, if not oommon decency, lo *ay aa hir tie aa possible about ika Excise. Th^' had, b*»> ter, a* iha Scoteh say, " let that flea stick hf tha wa'." ((%eer* and laiuhtar.) I come now to what tha Tori** eall l|ia Saft •lorie*, and in opproaohiiw them I am nmimtm of ait old play, written by Honk Lawi*, calM d^ Iron Chest. In that play a gmM scouqdraL Bir Edward Mortimer, Iriee to fiisiea a ori*^ lyiif an iunooeni person— is eaaght ia his own lni>i and punished tor hie dapiaviK. In ihi* Maar drama of Che Iron Cheet, the Toriea, befiiM | aai done with them, are not Mliely lo fata maeh-b*** ter. You know that, uotil very rooeatlyt ijit*f had the controul of nil the regiatry opqoa in the proviaee. Thero were 18 or 20 of ihep. Half Iha ice* weredrawo from the oflie*r* wha did the duty in all the counties, and want tolt the pocket of my pr«deoe**or in office, Bir Bupert George, who did nothing but take the monay,aa4 who bad a (alary of £1000 a year for doing th* duty which I do tor £700, beaide*. About £0N> a year, tbii* drawn froiq the earning* ol '.he peo> lie, were abaorbed by thia oflicer, in addition la lie Mihiry. Thi* extravagance, yoa wiH beir ia mind, the men who now oppoee tha predtat govemoient, and abuae me in the iiaws)MperS( upheld, defended, and malMainad, nnlil tba lioerals drove them out of office. During iha eentnry that they had tha coMiol of thiaiiwd, it must have amoanled to at taut £28,000.. While theyooosumed ihiseoompavi sum, ihey made oo provision for tha sale custedf and preservation of the Record* in a MMti county. They bought do Iron Cheat*, or Fira Proof Safe*, to protoct the Public Reeord*. Now imagine tha connision and miseiy that aiust havia resulted from the burning down of a ReglMiy office in a single county. But what did tha Tories care for all thI*, they pocketed Iha tmm tor K wntury, and never boinht a tteie. Wke» J . went into the Secretary's omee and Sir Bopart George went out, an arrangemeot waa aaada, faT' his coavenienee,by which my first clark.und er took to do the duly, paying £800 sterling lo Sir Rp- pert until the Registry Act should pas*, it beid| underetood that any surplus, over and above tha cost oi doing the work, should bt at Um dicpoaol of th* Government. During the three year* that thi* work m*dona in my oiBoe, Sir Rupert George. Who im* J9 Eogbind all the tine, received aboM XUNK^- tb**sp*nae* w«r* paid, and a MrpluaofXilt wnalatd, wbtob wa* paid ortr ia M m TniMi ,^ J f mm (4) Mr tt Iht Oasml Rctmm. Now, btar in npiml that, for any oreraiKht or car* of this branch ot .. ik* public i«rTio« which ilefoWed upon roe, I ' Iwva iM*«r racei*eil one fartbliw. When the fttgielry Act paiied, it HUthorixed the Govern- naal to appropriaie ihiii surpliii to provide ae lr«n Cheet or Tire Proof Hale for evory County ia the ProTiaea. It wai founil, however, ibut theaa eoold not be made in Nova Sculln under a Sof £iV) eaoh or £2000 for the whole. £■■ tiM were bbiained from the Slatei, and the priof .wat (600 each or £2000, for the wholu. The Government heailated al incurring bo Ini'ge , Bli«b|lity,haTingQnly£615inhnnd. Inthemcan AnH I wi^e Mat to England 6n the llRllway dele ' ■ MtiM, wticrt I retnained from Novemlier to ' A^ll. When my wo^k wa« done 1 t)ethought . mt bf the B^fu, I had no ina*riictinni abont ^ 'thMa, but 6ndiof that they could lie got on ad- Vainageou term*, I ordered tbem on my own . VaeiioMibility . Seventeen of them were ihipped in tita Ntniiai and arrived towards the end of the •MmK, Mnoimting to £721 iterling, or £900 tnrrenqr. You will perceive thnt I had not Eafiitrjr Feat* enough to pay this amount, but, as Jha LagiitlatuM waa to meet shortly, 1 knew the ~ balaiilia. would be voted. Before this cnuld lie idona my election wvs set aside, and you know that I only returned lo town a few days l)efdre • 'Ihn oloee of the aession. Having handed the Invoi^ and Registry accounts to Itfr. Franer before I lefti it was not tilt after ihb clo§o of the insaioB that I foiMdtbat no provision had lx>en IMrf* for Ihb SaMt In the meantime I remitted £900 fierling, 'ot £626 currency (n tritle over thh aiMtUnt of Registry Fees in my hands) lo the 'riMrai/O from whom I had made the purchase. Fcaliiw that ^he balance ought to be paid from •am* (und, and not kndwmg exactly what it was, «B the account laid on the table of the house had , Mt been returned tome^ I wrote to my af;ent in Loadon to call and adjust it. This w.->s done by hi* own ateeptance, and the amount cbifrged ngainat the FeetAii Office in the account uf that f*nr. A gentleman who called upon me fur this Matioe waa informed of the order given, Ar)i\ the MM Steamed brought me a'rer^ipt, and a letter *f thanks from the fentleman iVom whom tho CMa* were 'purchdied. Out of this siintila tninaaotion the lying scribblers for the Colonist hav* manufactured a cartloed of defamation. — . BM let'me contrast my dealings with thir branch *f the public atfrvicto with those of the men who ind fiiult. They btid the Registry Offices for a centary auder their charge, and in all that time, thongb they pocketed £25,000 of fue!i, they never saved a shilling for tl;e public, or bought ■ siogla safe to preserve the records of the Coontry. I had charge of them for three yean only, and, at the end of that time, thu fO*t of doing the work was paid — £1000 was liuided over to Sir Kuport George— XC 15 was laved— and a Fire Proof Safe sent into every Coanty in the Province ; and yet not a siu<;Ie fhilHng; of the** Fees has gone into my pocket. What do joa think ot the Colonist Scribblers, ■Hd their play of the Iron Chest, non . (Cries •f Shame— shatne.) But let me take another view of this nint- ter. The charge is that loverbcld tbe public ■oney in a shameful way. Now ia tho lirst place there was not uiach lo ovcrhuld — •sly MIS. Of this money I had tlic le^ol ' eiistody, till the Registry Act passed, aud then St wa* specifically appropriated to the gervico for which I applied it. If it lay in my cii8> tody for a time. I toox good care of it, and have honestly aecoantod for it. But it is u . great sja for Joe tlowe to have £615 of Ue- '^ gistry Fee* in bis custody for a fctv months or - year*, but it was no sin for Rupert Georgo to •' pocket that amonnt every year, for doitif; no pejrcaptible public servico. George got £lono ' dariiig the three- years that Howe was miina- gigg theee matters, aud getting nothing but for hi* paina— yet Howe is a gruat rogue, and Qeorge an ^pni^ht auui, whoi lh« Tories delight to honor. (Laaghter and cheer*.) " •. Take another view. Had I not gone to England these Safes would have cotttbeeonn* try £2000. By going, and by exercifing my own judgment, and incurring respondbility, which, when I can serve my country, It am never afraid to do, I got them for £1070, oo ths|t iutliat single transaction I aaved to tho Province £930. a snm sa£Scient to cover the wbolo cost of the two Delegations to England and of the Delegation to Canada beside*.— (Cheers.) But it is said that I held thia £619 some montbfl'IoDirer than I ought. Bat who com- plains ? Not the man I dealt with, a* we t^flll see presently, and now let me ihew yon how Utile Vi-ason the public have to coiiiplain. I went to England upon public busines* in November, without ony provition being made for poying my expenses, I did not get back till May, and in the meantime bad expended £500 sterling of my own fund* wliiiu attend- ing to your best interests, i'lii* money wa* not repaid to mo nntii the following Jnly. — Now, then, mark thia fact. While out of pocket to this extenli I did not hesitate, npon my own credit and responsibility, to purchase property for the public to the vaino of another £1000. Tho Country got the benefit of my care and forethought, and of my fund* and credit, to the amonnt of £1600, while I had only £615 Registry Fee* in my posses- sion. Had thcso Sates been ordered through a Iklercantile House the Commission* alone would have been at least £60. I charged no commission; and yet nut of snch a transaction as this, in which the country got all the bene* fit, nnd I got nothing but the trouble, the mi- serable creatures, whe live by defamation, have<- iiianufiictured and circulated a cartload of tics. Let me now road to you a letter receiv- ed from the gentleman from whom the Safe* wore purchased. [Here Mr. Howe read t|M letter which was read in the Assembly — con- cluding thus — ''Hoping to bo honored with your future commands, and praying that the blessing of Almighty Qoi may rest upon you, I nm, &c,"] Now, my friends, I think I have demolish* ed the threu grand Batteries of the enemy, nnd need not trouble myself or you any fur- ther about the Treasury, the Excise or the Safe Stories. Though the Father of Lies himself could not have exercised more de?il* ish ingenuity tlinn my enemies have donjt in perverting and misrepresenting simple aw ho- norable transactions', they will not henafti^r find many bclicrors in the noble Coujhty of Cumberland. r " In other Countries no man drea^ of med^ dling with a public man's private .tiiFajr*, or pecuniary transactions. Ever sinm 1842, now nearly eleven years, mine havabeea dragged before tho public with bat litl^ delicacy and discretion. By proclaiming pi* a bankrupt, aud blowing on my charactei^j^nd credit, iny enemies have sought ^o mokame one. They, have failed. I have defied^iem and still defy them. They did their v/tirst when I was sur- rounded with liabilities not my own. They may do their worst to the nnd of the chapter. Hat, how tow of those Who have carried on tills hideous warfare, coilld have stood snob Kturnts so will. Hrw qjany of their "princely Houses" lmvocollapscdciidM.— rU (6) pwppp^Pf ^^^mmmm Xil>«nil<, Take a (Ipgla ipMlaen, A year hfifi, when Mr. Faltoh and I were raaninctha winter elactionn, we found, in all corners of (ha County, threatening letter* from one of tba Prin«61y Houae!i, addroiBed to nil ita debt- on. A Blacksmith in I'arrgboro' showed ma one of thenj, in nrbich lie nraa told that if he *ot^ for or eupported Howe, he should be fttiiied. The Blaoksrnith acted with spirit and independence, and, trith ruin inipendint; over him, he voted aa he pleased. He is still working avrajr, and will get above the world. But, in a lew montliN the Ti)ry trader wlio had threat- ened him had failed fur £16,000— having cheated good Liberals out of about half (he amount — furgud paper upon his bosom friend to a larga extent, and fled out of tlio country, leaving upon his books the record ot several hundred pounds, of other people's money, spent in an Election, trying; to put down that great scamp— Joe Uuive. (Roars of laugh- ter.) Now I do not pretend to be more honeat or punctual than othert. I may say of my- self, however, that 1 was twelve years in bnsi- nen, dealing with tljousands of people. I)a- • ring all that thne I never bad tivo disputed I acceunti. I never oppressed any body or pat a debtor in Jail, \io\i many of your Farrs- borough or Pdgwosh Tradern, or Amherst Attornies, can say as mucli ? When the e.aims of principle, and ol country, forced roe into offl''-*, and compelled me to devote all my time to \>u die affdirs, I had upwards ot XSOOO o) dpjts Scattered over tfio country, the great- er part of which is not collected to this day : a 'arger sum than fioino ol the scri!)bling Attor- nies who defame me, h^vc ever earned or ever will earn by i^ny honest mcuas. but, Mr. Chairman, suppose that I lind served my op- \ ponents as they have served mo. Suppose, ) when in England, or in Canada, or iu the States, I had taken the trouble to onqairohow . much some of our " I'rinccly Uoueca" owed \,there. Suppose, when I have known t.^cir (tiotes lying over by thousands in Halifax, I diad proclaimed the fact to all the world, I /think that the credit of some of them would not have been worth much either at home or abroad. Lookin); rniind Cumberland, let me oak yiiu h»w many of the persoit^ who have dealt with the (rriping Traders of Parrsboroueh or Pugwasb, or with the petifogciiig Attornies of Amherst, ever invoked "the blessings of Heaven" upon them, as the Eai;lishmau did upon me, when all was over. (Here a man in tn^ crowd cried out— " they have skinned mo |0|^lie bone.") Mr. Howe cootinued. I hope thai the young gentleman who is taking notes WiUjiako that down. Yes, poor fellow, but you are not the only one they have skinned. — Trave^bo Township of Partsboroujth— rido up and i^own the Wallace uud Pugwasb Uiv- ers — KeQ,(,the Farms that have been seized upon tho\Bivor Philip— and hoar, not the blessings, but " the curnes, louU and deep," that are to b^ beard in those regions. Peter Pindar gives ii humorous account of how the Overseers o^ curtain Parish eat a child. — What a tulo ti^ht be written of the mode iu which a Pugwaajj Trader and un Amherst Attorney eat a Farm. Extortionate prices swelling theaccopnt— compound interest and law I'xpci.sos leadinj; to ii Judgment or u Mortgage. Theiiiho liie ot bondage— of con- tumely, and insuR. and politicol servility— and then Forclosuto or e.iuctment— exile or the Jail. Suppose j timt 1 were to do such things as those. Sujipohe I was living here in Amherst, and wrUon^a poor man camo t) hor- row d£lQO I was tr that amount, take £ id out for t^iscoimt and £5 Biyre for the Jadg|)>ent, giving him only £86 ^ Sneh thinn art don* Imn la Aaiheni k ia ■aid, ud I wiy that (be rallowt who do thaaa woald rob* Oharcb. Soppoaa I ware to do them, I think tha SeribUars in tha Colonial might be vary aloqacat. Bnt lappow that I were to bay an old Fum. not worth £00, And • copper mine in il wbiob had no axistanca, and tell it for £S0OO. Orrappoaa that I bad organiced a Company wiib aaapital of £000.* 000 to work five abillingi worth of copper, and camo pretty near pocketing a oonpla of bnndred thoniand poundi by tba transaction. Snpposo, while in England, imtetd of hnyioR Sales to protect yoor Raoorda, I bad apant my time, and exhauted ny ingannity, in snob ex- ploits as thaMb no donbt I shonld have paaiad for a clever fellow, and baan very pnch adoiU red bv the scribbling Attorniaa who write for the Colonist. Wbo knowa bnt my health might have been drnnk at the Diekay Dinner with load applana# (Great laogbter.) Sup- pose tbat I bad wanted a pleainro trip to Eng- land, and had got np a cock and ball story •bout a great Estate, and bad wmng from poor people their hard earninga ti pay my way, perhaps the Toriea of Cninberland might have assembled, •ud given me a Dinner tbam- aelvei. (Cheers and laughur.) I turn now with pleasure from mere parional defamation to the generel cborgea which the Opposition bring against the Oovernment.— You hear it proclaimed from day to day that it has mined thar Province. Ton look ronnd npon a smiling idhd proeperour country, and know that charge to be groundlese. Never, within iny memory, waa Kova Scotia mora prosperous. The braadth of cultivation ii every where extending. New Farm Hoosea, Barns and Mills, are going up in all directions. The internal tradd is active — new Ships are building ail round the coast, and oar mercantile marine is profitably employed. — Bad crops have bit quickened the indnstry o( the people. Prices are high, wages good.aod the people cheerful. Where do the Tories find the evidences of ruin and decay f Not in Cnmberland I am rare. Not in the East- ern Coiinties, from which I bear the most gra- tify ing accounts. Not in Yarmouth, which •launches a new vessel every week and finds employment for them all. Not in Kings, where a gentleman told me the other day, that money was so abundant, that be knew of £8 or £10,000 lying in tbat single county whi.b could not be invested at 5 per cent— Not iu Halifax, where new shops are being opened, and new houses are being bnilt id every street. There, as every where else, pub- lic improvement keeps pace with private en- terprise. Look at the edifice behind ns, aa largo as all the old Hotels put together. In . the Capital a new Barrack is being built — tha Citadel advances — anew Market is in course of erection. A new Court House and Luna- tic Asylum are already provided for, and the Common has been more embellished within tbn last two years than in half • century hO" fore. Let ns hear no more then of the Tory twaddle about ruin and decay. But it is said that you are living under a tyrannical Government. This! t^ leave to deny. There is not a man from end to end of the Province who can complain that his civil and religious rights are denied to bim. There is not a man, however poor, of any sect or de- nomination, who has not free access to every ofiicer, from the Lieutenant Governor down- wards. There is not • man or woman — • blackman or an Indian, whose complaint ii not promptly investigated — whose written or verbal communication is not treated with courtesy and respect. Long may inch tyran- ^ continue in Nova ScoU^. ii \ ^ i TnnitodM MiUo DipMtMBli nd yot will dad • ntw ipirit brMibad taM thm aU. A fiw yMn'tfo /•■ had w>MdUor«r«omM — •vm the TrMtonr raditad hi* own. Mow tha intpMiioa ia j^faet aa It ia proaapl. Vor- marlr a fannar wrald wait hair a day Ut gat a Road Aocoant aunlflad, with hit taam itand- lag in tha itraat. Kow, no man whoantan tha Province Bnildiag, laavaa it till hiiao* eonnti are aadited, and tha ebaqua for his mo- nay ii in Ilia hand. Forraarly yoar atatiatioa were imparfect, and tha raturna of yonr trada of Iiltl4 Talna. Now Toluniinona ratnraa, ahowing the condition of every hraach of in* dnatry, are laid npon the table of the Hcmtt. Whh tha lowest tariff in the world onr revenue la aieadily jpereaslng. while new Free Porta have been 'Opened In all direotiona giving ad* ditioaal fiMiHties to Trade. Look at the Post OIBee. A few yean ago yon paid td on a letter frdii Amherst to Bali* fax ; Is 6d on one sent flroa Halifax to Syd* aer ; >• id if it was sent to Montreal. Now yon can aaad a letter all over the Province- all ovei Britiab America, for Sd, and yet with this redaction of postage, since tha Liberal Administration came into power, 46 new rides have been set np, and 78 ne. to the Board of Worka yon will find a number of misoellancoua aervioes^- Sable Island— the Penitentiary— Light Houses —Public Bnildings, and Vessels for the Pro- tection of the Revenue and the Fisheries,* which were formerly managed or mismanaged by irresponsible Commissioners, all combined under one methodical and responsible Depart- ment, the work being better done at very much less expense. Of my own Department I will only say, that a Tory Secretary, who represent* ed no constituency, formerly coet the Country about £1800 a year. Now the unfortunate wight who stands before you does all his work for £700, finding time to do much that ha never thought of doing, and representing the fine County of Cumberland beaides. But, it may be said, what have yon done for Cqinbeirland. Baflect, for a moment, how little time Mr. Fulton and myself have bad to do anything. The Extra Session waa devot* ed to tha Railroad alone. Daring nearly tha whole of the Session ofJSSS we wara running a second Election. We have had bnt one Session to mature imy measure calmlr. Bnt have we done nothing t It used to be said, during the Bleciiona— Oh I yon will never see Howe's face agidn— he will never travel over the County aud look at your Roads and Bridges. They knew little of me. Last sum- mer I was twice in Cumberland, I rode over every part of the Township of Parrsboro, and through much of the Township of Amherst, and traversed the shore from Pugwash to U sUgijih. I have iost returned tVom a cir- oait nearly m extensive, in which I have visit- ed f otnt da Bttta, Bay de Verta, 'Jldnisb. Wr«rPbU(p,LaioMt«r. Uilto Btvat uA ibi Pofwash. Thaaa Hdia I ahall eontlnna till I hava tha whole Conntt in my head. Nor ba#i these ramblea been bantntifrasalts. For yeara had Cumberland paid Lightiputies, and yet had not a Light House on either of her coastSk Now a new Light House at Parrsboro, bnitt last year, aends its beams far odl over the Bason of Minos, and we must have an'bthet at Pugwash by and bye. For twenty yeau a Bridge across the River Philip bad befn talked of by the people and promised by the Tories. They would have promised it for twenty years more. Fulton and I provided for it the very first Session that we represented the County together. Already are the Piers completed, and by the end of September the whole will be done. The House gave us JBSOO— the Bridge will cost £1600, but before the end of Aotnmn we shall have the happiness to con- template the finest public work ever construct- ed in the County, aud which will connect all the thriving settlements on the Northern shore together in all time to come. (Cheers.) Yet we have not been nnmindlulof other parts of tha County. Bent'a Hill, the worst npon the Poet Road, hu b«en altered. A new line Irom Half-way River to Parrsboro has been survey- ad, and. after this season we travel the Fnl- lerton hilla no mora Next year we shall at* uck the Hills between Pogsley's and Macan. The whole coast line from Advocate Harboar to Colchester hu been aurveyed, and aa soon aa the River Philip Bndge is paid for we shall ahow you a new line on the Paarsboro shoree. (Cheers.) Bnt. yon may ask me—" What about tha Raihoad f Well— I have no information to give, more than all the world has. I know that it has been said, — " Oh t Howe dare not come to Cumberland, now that his Railway policy has failed." But here I am, and neither afraid nor ashamed to defend any act I have done, and every word I have said in reference to the Railways. After all that has be?n written and said upon the subject— after all the phases it has assumed, is there a sani man in Nor'h America who will assert that, my original jcheme of borrowing the money' at 3^ per cent, under the guarantee of the Imperial Government, and constructing the Railways aa Government works, was not far superior to any other that has yet been pro- fosed ? If I foiled to carry out that scheme, am proud that, for two years I struggled to accomplish it with all my might, and with the sincerity of an honest conviction. Bnt why did I fail ? Is there a man here who blamM me 7 Is there a man who does not feel that I failed, because the interests of powerful fmr* ties in England, who wanted to make money out of those roads, were opposed to thef ihte* rests of tbe Provinces ? (Cries of ndt one). You may remember that all through Ae sum- mer and winter Elections— we w^ told— " Howe is goiui; to ruin the Province with hia Railway schema." Mark, now, liay scheme was to build them with money tt/Sik per cent, and to let the people own them. T That was to bring ruin on as all. I hold in jbfy hand the Prospectus of tbe Canada QraimTrunk Bail- way Company. Now whatliave they pub- lished to all tbe world, after.-We are told, care- ful surveys and eitimates ? erfnl combinations in England, and no fault of min^ oansed it to miscarry ? And what care I for the lannts and slanders of those re> creant Nova Scotians, who combining with theae specalator*, agr'nst their country, hope to put soma portion 01 the 11^ per cent into their own pockets 7 My defence of my con- rioet in 18S3 is soon made. Hincks and Chandler came to Nova Scotia in that year to induce us to adopt the line by the Talley of be St. John. I resisted that line as long as I could, and their line was subsequently con* damned by the Jiritish Government, and pro- nounced impracticable by Mr. Jackson's Hnr- veyort. They went to England, and yon know well the reasons why I could not go.— They did the best they could for their several Provinces, and I have never blamed them for what they did. But, as Nova Scotia was un- pledged by their arrangements, and had tiz months to review her position, I saw clearly that she could do better *hat shecould.npon hetf own credit, and w**Vuut any Imtterial Guarantee, carry out her original policy, and make, control and own, her own Railroads. I ■aw also, that it was for the interest of all the Provinces to have competition, and to cheapen the coot of their public works. With this view I labored down to the middle of last ie«« sioo. When that session opened, the money waa ready on the credit of the Province alone, to bnild all ocr Railroads. Contractors were ready to bnild them for 30 per cent less than Neii^, Brunswick and Canada were to pty. — In t^ilk days the Bills might have been passed —in ten more the Contracts would have been aigaed, end 500 men might now have been upon til# lines. Again— the interests of rl6h CoBtreotbie, and scheming Attomies, dashed with the interests of the Province, and united the Opposition to a man. I could have beaten them hotwii^tanding, bad not one or two persona^ oalliny themselves Liberals, conspired with th<^ anemy to destroy our Bills, and to daah down the hopes and prospects of their own party, at tW proudest moment of its po- litieat h^^tofy. This work accomplished, the combined Oppositibn were powerless for good. They conid neither form a Government nOr build a Railroad. To secure a Party triumph, they promiaed that Bf r. Jackson would build the three Rottds, and 'jpay us interest at 8 per cent lor any Bonds wn Province gave him. — I did not believe that teconhl dothis— Idon't believe it now, but theitaoment that his friends put thU pledge in writing, we aocepted it,and a compromise waa the ^sult That compro- mise lire shall stand brin good ihith. "If Mr. Ja6kion, or any hodfjelse, wilt form a Com- pany, and cohstmot iJKe Railroads nnder the Aet of .InOoqMNratiod which has been passed, the goTtminnt iriU' gire them wwj fair oo> oparatioa. Bat,sho«ldiioOMBp«i7b«fenB' ed« the altematire Klls oonM into operation, and the BoMla wiU ha hailt aa original'y pi«« poacd. The day is AurdtKanLmf .rieads, wbea I shall be ashamed of sat Baiiway po- licy, or alraid to diseuai it la any part of Nova Scotia. Against fearful odds I bare battled for the geoeral interests, and if I hava not done all that 1 wished, X have at least done all that I oonld. (Cheers, and arise of •* that yon have.") I thiiik, Mr. Chairman, that I have now disposed of every topic of importance, and although much curious matter remains be- hiM, we have not daylight to discuss it. A ireat dinner took plaOe here on the 4th of lay laat, at which l wasplsntifblly bespatter- ed. The reporter the proceedings I nevac read till to-day. I pat it into my boot, oa leaving town, and shall entertain yon with a few of the riobest pas^Htes. Dryden's ac- count of Alexander Feast was nothing to it, bnttbia waa not aFaist to Alezander the freat, but to Barry the little. Mr. Pineo, of ngwaah, praaidsd, and apoko with his eha- raoterittic etoqneace and moderaileo. The burthen of hieditcourse was, how Mr. Howe was going to ruin the Prorhiee, by making Railroads. Yet Mr. Pineo cannot And any body in the Province that 1 ever mined, bat I think I oonM find a good many in his part of the country, that have been rained by baying mm and goods, at cent per cent, and getting iato debt, and giving mortgages and jadgemeBts, nntil they ware sold into bondage and treated like slavea. I cannot go over all the nonsense which Mr. Pineo talked oa tbia occasion, and yon know that it docs not take him long to talk a good deal, but faia aasertioa that Mr. Dickey '* entirely cleared hioHelf of the chorgeaof miirepresenta- tion" at the Bar of the Hoass, I must flatly contradict. Those who ought to be the best Judges, ' the members of the House, who heard lis evidence, njected both resolntions offbrad to exculplate Mr. Dickay, and as plainly as men could speak, declared the very reverse of what Mr. Pineo said at the dinner. Let me now glance at Mr Dickey's own speech, i was amnsed with his assertion that he stipdlated, before going to Portland, " that he Should be allowed to bear his own expenses." What a pity it is that be did not make the same ttnmlAtion whdh he weot to England to look alter the Estate. (Roars of laughter.) ■* I did this said he, becaate I thought it the bounden dn^ of every iaan, who nas made his taoney out of the people, to p^y back an instotakent now and then, when anr pablie tmprovemeht demands the sacrifice. Well— it could not hare cbft more than 410 to go from Amherst to PoH- laad attd' back, and this was a HharreUoosly small instalment cf all that Dickey has f rubbed out of the County of Cnmbertand. n the Homeopathic system, medicine is given ininfinitisioialdoses— this was aa infimtitimal dose indeed. Tobesureitwasfoltowed bya grand flourish of trumpett, but I fear that the sinner who made restitution by such slow de- grees would be a long time gettibg to Hea- ven. Mr. Dickey makes great ftin of the people of Halifax for preferring- goverttment Rail- ways, and says "they have been fed upon government pap tfl their Irves." Ooverii- msntp8p,il>fsdoth. Why there are thousaUds of people in Halifax^ who hotd ho Mttcet under Qovemmeat^'ttho are fadepeadent of it— whbiget tt6 pap. din he, o^ his eonneb- tioMi say^the saoiKf Bahddl aaOffioa andev the twy ObvenmeM h« aiaails*^^tt »f JodgfoiFiobiitii iuiftit«odU'b» tuMe bt* \ \ sH. W'mmm pp^wiipp (8) \ feMilM*«Uaitoil«r«lb«M.Mid attaadto th* bn 't,m of tba widow ud th* fatharlMi, Ihaa to JO ipmdiair bbtimo io Ualiru (ir PtortlMMl aitliar. Bat h« it not Mtbdud to takt pap from Q«aaa Victoria, bat ba mut gat Mma (h» Uncia Bam. Hia nama flguraa in Iba Almaoaok aa Amtrieao; Conrai. Tban bla Fatbar-in-law tba Jndga gaU a good ■ban of pap, and by hia gatling it, Dloliey go* bla pntettca. Tba whola family connae* tloa, about Amhant, hara, bold aoma oiBca or otbar, and yat tha ganllamao baa the nodaaty to apaak anaaringly of UoTarnmaot pap. Mr. Diokay Ulla ni, (hat.artar tha Portland ' eouTastlon. "be mada h'-niatf panonallr liabla to Mr. Morton for axploring tha Una tbroagh MoTa Seotla,'* and that tba Attorney Qanaral neglaotad to pay the Bill, which waa flaally paid in New Bmnawiok. Now, if Barry Diokay waa aneh a fool, after Robin- son and Hendaraon, at a coat of many tbon- aandaof ponnda, had rarrayed tbu whole Una throngh Nova Scotia, to order a new lorvey himaal^ witbont any anthority fron the Gorernment or the legialature, he daierred to par for it ont of hia own pocket, and the people of New Bmniwick, if they have paid the Bill, ihonld make him tefnnd the money (Langbtar.) Speaking of hia Bill of Ibcorporation, be aaya--.** Had tbia bean paisad , it ia only neeea* aary to look acroaa the bordera to nndentand thepoaition Nofa Scotia wonld baTe been in." Wall— New Bmuiwiek baa had a Company fortwo or three year*, and when we look aorosa tba border now, what do we tee? Three canvaa tanta, and a party of Snrveyon, and nothing elae. Ton may tee the tame tight on the Biver Philip lo*mcrn>w,io that alter all my obttmct'on, Nora Scotia it jut aa far ahead at New Bmnawiok at tbia rary boar. Speaking of the Northern Une, D^okey boatt« : ' I auer- ted that neither Canada nor New Brunswick wonld erar content to Laild that northern line.* But doet not the lilly fellow know ttmt Canada and New Srnniwick are going to build it f That the former baa contracted to make it to Trait Pittolet— the latter up to Miramichi. while Mr. Jackaon it at this mo- ment negociating with the Britiib Govern- ment, to obtain a anm of money, to fill np the gap between. ' I contended that the Northern line wonld not pay for 20 yeara,' aayt be, and my anawar it— read the Proapectna of the Grand Trnnk Company, which it to pay 11^ per cent. In another part of bia tpeech Dickey telle ni that I pledged my head on the inceeu of my policy, bnt haf« the andaoity to keep it.— If I do, it ia worth keeping, and that it more than can be aaid of tome other beadt I wot of. I ieldon lo*e mf KtaH, bnt if I ever ahonld, and Dickey finda it, be ifont find a lying tongue in It, that call« wood "ttone, and brick, and tubular iron." (Great laughter.) We are told ia another place, that if it bad not have been for bit eameat entreatiei, Mr. Jackaon would noil have come into Nova Sco- ila,.or made u» any ofiitrt at alL Thia is rich. Fancy the picture. Barry on hi* kneet plead- ing for bia country, and the great man slowly relenting, and contenting, ia consideration of Dickey't humiliation, to forgive poor Nova Scotia for b tng begotten Uowe. But thia, like tha bri^ . and atone station houset, it all a fiction. For, long before Mr. Jackson met Mr. Dickey at St. John, I had a Tele- gnmh from him, to aay that he would cove on, and nuke on offitr for the whole 300 mUetw— There ia another pataage^ equally rich, and quite aa varacimuL ** Juit fancy, exclaimed Vitkaj.to tlw wvadMiogMiilwjt wko wtr« eating hit dinner. '* tha BbMaMli of teadlug' all the way to Camberland for toaebody to < explain what an iron tubular brfdga ia>" Ab> turd enough, if such a thing were (tona, Bnt who tent for him 't He came of lit own ac> vord, and, for three weeks, volnntrered n» ia* stnot every body who would listen to fiiaa about the marvellous contents uf the New Brunswick Spaciticution. At Mr. Johnston's request, and soiuly out uf dolerence to thaf geutloman, ho was psrraitted to cume before the comniittoe. The stHtuuents he made there deceived every ronn who htiard him, hut ma. I had heard him huloro — had taken the mea- . suresol'his truthfuluvss and ol his capacity, and, thoujth I micht, if I wanted nn Ayrshire Calf, or a Kuoil TubofUuilcr, send to Cum- berland lor it, I hope nobody here suspeots ma of havioK sent all the way to Amherst for B. Uickuy to tell mo anything i did not know. One passage of this marvellous oration, and one paHSOKS only, deserves a serious notice— It is that ill which he deelares that all hia ef- forts would have been t'lultluss but for tba Lieutenant Qovcruor, by which he would have it inferred that Kir Qa»pard Le MarchonianJ j hiraseU had been working together, for the ) salvatiiiQ of the Province, against tbe consti- tutional advisers of the former who were about to ruin it. If this had been true, Mr, Dickey chuuld bo the tatt tp proclaim the fact. * Whbt would ofi'uiid the eye in u good pto< ture the painter co&ii ditcruetly in tlie sliade.' If ihe Lieuiennnt Governor hud eommitiod an indiiioretion, those wlium he honored with hia confidence, should not have allowed their va- nity to override the obligations which that confidence imposeil. Now, Mr Chairmun, it is but justice to ihu Lieutenant Governor to ', say, that, whatever his private opinions may i have been, he left his Council free to carry out i tlie Uailway policy to which they were pledg* J cd before his £xeellency came luto tlw conn7,i') try, if they could. Ue giivo them every faif..,! play that they could cunstiiutionuliy clain^^^ until they wero defeated by their own (riondatm and matters came to a (V ^d lock. Then it was, that it became His Kxcelleocy's duty — a duty which he discharged with toct and flrsi- nets — to moderate the heats of party — to me., diate between contending interests, and to endeavor to make all parties sensible that the Welfare of the Piovioee ought not to be sacrifi- ced at the shrine of faction. He succeeded.^,-, The oompromiiie waa the result; but what had DlcknT who was not in either house, to do with it f And;y()a may remember that Mr. Jobnaton, it hia trierMtjUu/i gone with blm, would bavv destroyed the fruits ef that - compromise, when the Hills baarcuchedthufliiaf^aKt., , Hr, Obalrmnn, I aiu now done, and I must aoQlogisSJ, ' ft>r keeping you aittiii;-, and our good IViends, n5lA-'<'' log, so long. With many tliauks fur all youftOalllikeSi ' > 1 most bid you all good night. Before I da So,, bow- r ever, there is one charge which the Tories Imig Majnat me to which I may as well pltail guiiity arohcs^lliey complain that I am Itond of the La lies, tad Uaa the girls sometimes as 1 ramble about. Uat wbocan«Me' j over this county of Cumberland, and poi hav,} f)Mt»t i an invinslble incUnalion to commit ^nch •metlUes- passes as those > Old as I am, and^the'tnowatn of time la descending upon me, I confeaft^U^I am yetf '• like the. Cornish minor that Bond IMad UUi about.— I Did you ever, said the euthuslaBtia9voiwt,ss he ilood , , on one of t he most majestic slopes 'of the Andes, see any- thing so lovely, so magDiflcent /' Tm, yer Honor, the Uornisbmaa replied—' them tmogs tbat we. Ml atl > ona.' 8oI'iay,Wben nntaios are 11 n«— the ore clear grit, and and IntelligeDt fel- ' those things whlsli ■re the pride ot tlw one found, occasion- home, whai uo wear caps and I gallop yvcr CumUcriaiid — the marshed are rich — the grindstoj the men are sturdy, true liei lows— but tbe women, after do wear caps and aprons,' county. There may be an ui ally, on the Tory side of polines, but if there Ir, I do not regard myself bound, IJr any eztrerae vtsirsof political obligation, to kUs he« (Shouts of Uught^