IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^ .5^^ >v ^ V] Va / |i ^ I, ^-^ 4^W J> 1.0 1^ 12.8 lie 2.5 1^ 12.2 I.I I -^ i^ IL25 ■ 1.4 1 . Sciences Corporation 1.8 1.6 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV K Q V % V \/^o ^>5^ RE5r:NTATI0N COPY Her Roya. ,M,|,., The PHnc.,. Victona M,.-y „, TecK, D„<:hc.s. or York, on the occasion of her niarriaj^^e: 35 Grosvcnor Si reel, Toroiiio '^"^- ^'-'TilOK. Rep/y of Her Royal Hfirhness. BKAKMKR ABEi^DlCE.N'SlHKI.:, .\,B., I 1- , September, /■jtJi /A.i' eAllL.) Lack, u Inch arrived yeitordav V.iur.-, faithfuily, CHAKLES L, Cl/ST. C C. 1 Avi.oR, l.:so,, Toronto. .'V- I 1 ^.f!' h i.U li^mwtmnmii^mmiSMim-it. S »»- K f /'M :>'■ '•*■ i..-' ORONTo "Galled Back. ?i <^H M X 1 O X s ^ As to its Merits, and Recommendations as to ,ts further distnbution on board the Ocean Steamers and amongst the Public Libraries still unsupplied. [Copy.] ♦♦-^►« .li.trilmtin,, „, ,|,c C.,lu,„l,i:,„ |.;.,Jt ' '■''-' " ""■"'«'■ xf "OV'' "f «,!, „.„,k ,v„ *,>,f^t:r,:':!;™;:;::;n:-":-::-'';;;---.^ .»..»..,,,.....,., is dun,,, in tW sam,. .lircctiou -^ ' '"'•'"^'^ ''^ "^'^' ^'"^t,i..;,r \ours truly, ^Signed) iN. Awhey, _ — — __ Ontario UnmmUsion>'i: From Ai.DKinr.w Fkaxklaxd. K.i. at Chi: ': i ^. r : ^i:;^;:;"; f i--- .-nber of vi.ito. to the Tl.o unani.nou. opinion of .'":;;"" ''T? '"^ """ '""'''°" ^"^ ""•' ^'^>'- book.and Icin.. the only wr.rk in th s. 1 ? ^^''tain und the horar>a„,s wl>u have had tho of Toronto,- fo^ forty, T? "' "" "' ^"^"''"•'■"' ■^'"'"^'t'' -^'' I"-"^'--^ 0^ its heneiits in ^.rt^^VZir^, knowledge, ad.lod to my own ex^eri^neo circulation the present yelr ' ' P'' '"^"'^' "'^' ''*^-^' ^ '""-■' ^« --^^ it.s liberal r remain. Yours truly, ti. F. FlIANKLAND. fr„m n,mnun,., N. c,.,u,ke Wal,.ack, M.P., CW.^i^fer ,/ c',.*„„. I am, dear Sir, Faithfully yours, (Signed) N. Clarke Wallace. TriE .Senate, promoting, the interests onnuni.ration to Cunlll Ihl'^^r '-u-^ely contril.ute to Yours vfiy truly, (Signed; Jas. a. LonojiEED. Fro BUTEK v^ W I I.LI A M.S. .N, Catlb Salesmen. 7 Chape I, Walks, I)EAKSiu-Mr r- fT p- 1, >, ^'^"^'^'^^^'^^^K May 21th, \m\. free liWari. .o,,,,, ,.,ove of i.-oalcl* I'': ^ ';:^ X :ry:; 7'^ "r"««' »"- lor eiiiifrration. /or Cunard. Allan, StaU , Dominion, B.aver, .„,/ Steamship Compajiii's. ^-^ovi RM.Mklville.E^q, Steamship Agent Back,-' if di«triluted on the ocean ^eam 3 I"!' n ' "' '""" /"^'' "^'^«^'^-^« 'Called Toronto and the Dominion. ' "" P''°^*^ "" ^^^^^'^"^^ '"^-^^^ of advertising (Signed) R. M. Melville, J^epr^en,., ^^^^.J>om^^on,B,,.>; alu principal Enol,., and New York lines of Steamships. ••■y ^ •*y ^ -•» Hupply, to I.e loft i„ tho roa,Ii„.n,oM/;H,nki^*'" ■''/"' '^"■"'- ' ^'"'"'^ " »""••" 't would produce excollent and p^rM^/^^t t;! ' "'""' ''^*'' "* ^''^' '"'^^ -^' '^--l -^loo«s. r cnn„ot .poak so positivoly about t!,o stoern... I,nt if M.- T., i , , arran<,n.,no,u,s for a carofui distrilmtinn of tl,.,n .' , ■• " ""' '""''^" '''^' "•'Cfssary interest Uy p..en,e. whose .ov^Lrit :ol y:;;o:;d;d:" ' ''"' ;;;;;:: ;;i:^-"-'' ^^■'^' (.^igne-l) T. W. Jones, Oenrral C„m>H,.d) MoR„Ax 'morgan. From Uko. Hahr.son Law, Es, , Ayii^rEo.NROKoH Scotsman. Queen's Hotel ^ o. > mcerelj, ^!Si-ncdj CJEo. Harrison Law. /'/•07H ^/.. Toronto Mail, Frbnumj m, ]8[»3 "Toronto 'Cai LED Back'" l« f„!i e-c • " . io.M. and the conunorco of our citv ^Id e U 'uu^uZT-uTT' '" ^--t''' the institutions, attention of tho reador. Consid . ,, ^ f '"^^'•'^^"•"^ ^^'^ «"<^'^ as to attract the enconnun.swhichithasreceiv ,>,".:::, "^f^^^''^^^ f ^^o volume, and tho high does not aid in circulating a nuu.b o 1^ o i ' T'"'' 1 " P''^ ""' *''^ ""''y C-ntil Britain, where it would e^tainly tend^t:'aj:::i::t:i;^::^:- ^ ^l^J'^-^^ ^ «'- rp, ,. , , ^'"''^Satuhday Night, 7l/«,v7M9/A, 1892 fcir Wilham Leng's>r t'.o .nl lU/>, ISO.'}. I'll' .M.■t!l(„li^t |!oo|< Il„„i„ „ii| |„, ivprtvsrnt.-.i ,it fl„. \v ..i r c • , :?'"'•'' ■■'■•";■ »-^ ^ ■■■ " '"•"■■■'!™ -1 '.ii t ; : :;;■'■ :;;.;:r:;:' ,"-■';'■": 'll|linss(.i j ('(ivccm ill s lli-itiitv Ainoii;,^.t :nr puLlicHtions „f wliicl. Hp..rini.-ns a,v sIiomm „,... I» \r n of (Wla%u..l Alr.O.(^Tuyl..,.V.ToKovn..aa,.K,riJK ' '" '' "" .o.k'!;i,;;i;:t:u;;:;,:;''''''''' ''^ ^•'" " ^ '^"^ -• -• -— ea .„.. .. t,„. ....t Fniin '/„: ToKu.NT') Woiii.i), Aj»'il. "NY |,s<)'< T.,yl„r',,w„rk,'T.,u„.VToCM,i,:l,B,.K-' '"'"" "'"'■" "' "'■ '' ^■ butX:?'";',,!;:;:;::, " "■'■ ■""" "- "'" -''' ' '-- ■«■ "■'-■ -iv .■..,..,,.,, From (1. j:, Ks,,.,, /;,///,;, Man.m.e.stkh (JirAiu.uv n. o , '^'"^ Gl:aui)ia.v Oi-kke, M an.mksikk, ./,,„. s//, i,sq-j DtAU Sir,— I am much o\>\um\ for tliu favor (,F v..ii,- I >H. ... , which I receivcMl in Toronto ' '' ''"' ""' '^^''^ '"'■"'^-me Looks Canal, now so near conipl.tion. '" "P""""' "^ ^"'' '^''M' r UK,.,.., with you that the -iistrihution of y,;,,,- hunk to i,fool.^ al, ,»f f • •. will ince,,,. u„.,.r ,,».„ t„ «.„ „ eit, „,„„ .;., t,,.. fo Jiiit i!;';::::,::;: r::™""^' 1 ivniftin, Yours faithfully, (Sifrnoci) 0. BiNNEV DlBBLEE. 0. C. Tavloii, Esq. At a Meetino to c.ns.Ur fhr Oco.jian Day Canal S./.ou, fke follou^lru, It.soluNon u'dii carried unani inoudij :— "Thnt this meetinnr desires to express its ro.rrot thif fn.-tl i ^i lack of the ..d-ti.e enterprise that or^. cha..:::^::^. 'r ny f ':: S: ^ ^^ '^^ T '\ that ,t ,s h,j.h tiu.e tluit so,nethini, shouM be done to place thl Iv in r '\ ' ''"'' natural advantages she possesses entitles her to.' ^ ' P'"^""' ''^''''^' '^''■ A newspaper correspondent writes from Ghica^ro- "J I.,,-, i , , , Fro,,, S,„ J, R. S„M.,« V„. Mas:R,S^s:, .W..„, «.„,,„,„„ ,,„^„„,„ ,„„.„„„ W:nu IX R. VV„,K.E, Esc,. Presulca BoarU <^ Tra.le. Relieve me, Yours very truly, (Siorned) D. R, WiLKiE, from H(wouAlir,E T. Mayvp ])ir v \r tj m- • . »JA> .NE 1>ALY, M.P., iJ/,„(,s/rr ,y ;Ae Interior. I^EAU Mu TAvroR T Ko * , , ^^T-^AWA, December 'M.1H92. re.uen.lx.nn« ,„o. 1 have not v^t ' n. h I"*"" . ''? '^^ ^^'^""^ y"" ^"^ -V^^^ ^ in part.cularly of the citizen. 'of Toronto A j:':,.^,^ " ''" '''''''' ^' ^^^^'^- ^^^ Believe me, Yours faithfully, (Signed) T. Mayne Daly. Frov^ Ho^ouAM.E N. Clabke ^V^u.M'E. Comptroller of Custom. Dkau Mr. Taylor T hnnn •„ Ottawa, m February, 1893. of your very hand.son eTi^^.k T .t'lL"^ T^"" Z'""' "^^-'^"-'-'g^" -rlier the receipt go partially through it but I n^^^^^^^^ T, Konto • Calleo Back.' - I have only had time to for their perusal. *^'"^ ''"^'"" '^ ^^'•'^f""^ ^"'J then .sending it to my boys -ny Vtrel'lhtXtCd^f ^^^^^^^ '[ 'r "^^ ^^^^ ^ -" -" --mber myself, and Again thankincr 1' V ^ ''^^"' '^''^ ^^'^^^ '" ^^'^ olden days. ^ k tnanking you for your very handsome present, I am, Faithfully yours, (Signed) N. Clarke Wallace. -5 Fn>>n HoNi ItAHl i; SiK .Foirv '['.i'lMIWlN, K.('M<}. OIKHK (iK TIIK MiMVIKIl OK .ll'STH'E, Ottawa, lhrni,l„r\)lh, |n!»2. My pKAii Silt— Acci'j'f tny ln-st ihanlis for tlu' CMpy ol' yuiir Ixxik, wliicli I Ims'c just rt'Cuivfil, and vvliicli I lii^dily up|iruuiatt<. Yours :^iriciTil3', (Si;,'ll<'i|) .Imi S. I). TllOMI'SON. Fi-nm IIkU Ma.IKSTV (,»I'KK.N VnTultlA Sir Ifcnry Ponsonliy is coiniiianiliil l/\ the (,) ii to thank Mr. Conynifluiin ('. Taylm- fur tlic ciipy 'if )iis WDilv, "ToKONTo '('Al.l.KD I'ack,'" wliicli hi' has forwanlfil for llcr Mnjisty'.s accoptajK-c. rmvv I'ritsE Oi'KicK, l'>r('KiN(iiiAM Palace, 1(1 From Wahrino Kenneov, Esc^. (Messks. Samson, Kennedy >.t Co.) Toronto, April 2lst., IH{)3. Dear Sir, — I .should 'oe j,dad to know if you have r>ny additional copies of "Toronto ' Called Back,' " .same as those I had from you. They were received with <:;reat favor Ity to whom I sent them, and we, in return, got many acknowledgments. Yours very truly, C. C. Tavi-or. (Signed) Waruinu Ke.vnedv. [Messrs. Samson, Kennedy (te Co. had SO copies previously an 1 ordered 2.")0 more.] -C C. T. v> From P Byrne, Esq., Ontario Oovoriitnent Agency, 1!» ISiu xsuii K STHrri. l.lvKiil.i .(, '.'Uli .liuiuan, IMN'.i. ••f .— i- M..::.:;:':.:ii:;:;:;:J;;:';:;t::;,:' '''•■'■• •"'■'^^^^ ."M.u,.un.,„ ,.„..,.. I rviimiii, YiMirs fiiitlit'ullv. < ' ' ' I'm I "11. Kxg. , ;tfi (iiDsM.iiiir St . Tiriiiitii {>i;,'n.Ml) I' HVHNE. Ai/fiit for Ihiliiriii From H. Merrick, Esq, ex M.P.P Ca.NAI.HN (iuVKHNMKM Km I. i It ,vl I, .N I »K,I' A ll I M KNT, UkIKAVP, .;iiK.\r \'ri iMiii V Siiii:i;r, I!ki I'Avr, .r;,iMiiirv L"..tli, IHHlt ; M.., I Imv.. n.,.,1 ,vith vrry ^„■.at iMter..«, tlu. ..„,,v ..f •r„K..Nr.. •• . ■.,,,,.„ -• , ^ ' vn,. s„ k,„,lly iv. shown M .o.,uu,,nnU.rwl,.,l„.voaU)c.a ,„Am„ .■.„„.„■,.. .vK,.r.l,n, n,.un„; .,.,1 T„n.„,o l)i:Aii Sill, I 1 Ml III inc I I S]icri,illy, Many ,•.,•.. s„rpns.,.,l ., ,h.. progress „f yo„r ,i.;-, and Imv. ina.i,. partunlar .Mnmno; lltllli III ItN Vll'lllll V Witli iiiaiiv tliaiiks, I r<. main. C <'. Twi.oli, Ksy . I'lirontii, Ontario lUiiioM an lo ill., laniiitiy V'liir.s faillifiilly, S From James Bain, jun,, Chief Librarian, Public Library. Tmuomo, F...|,ruary 7.h. 1889 Dkah S,n. - I an, «uro that a five .liHtnlM,,,,,,, „f yi.i.r 1 I< ,n Kn.lan.l ami wouM .1. „.l .". -niuh of ho n.a.tur which i.s ,iis„,l.„„.,| cn.sisis „f ..phonioial 1 kl....,, which a.v intimle-l for aKnc.ul.u7ii,t8' l>u. n„.liiii« has ....on done, that I an, a,.,,„..uti...,i with, in ,h. way „f .showi... small ,„an„fa "un-rs wha; iM,lu,,.|,ir,its lh..|T ai't lo remove tliei,- wo,k8 to the cities ,ii,.l towns of on,- .\. p,vse,.t when the growth of !ar,e .nannfactorie, ,h one of the fea.nre.s of the .lav, we .ho,il.l do ou,- „tM,ost t.. .lev.lop the 8M,ail han.lurafts as a pre.antion against per.o.Is of an.l dillienlties Yo,irs .sincerely. Her Majesty a Cuatonia. From the Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, MP. 111. , Ilium , AIilOK (iUKK.V, liiK.Mi.sT.iiA.M. Fetiruary 7th. 1889. SiK. -I have to aeknowled^'c, nmIIi thanks, yonr letter of 22nd ult., ami also the c.,ny .,f your w.,rk on loronto. I retain a most fav.,ral>le impression of the appearanee an.l importance of the city, which afFor.l an,ple evidence of the enterprise and industry of its inhabitants and rulers I have no doubt that your book will be interesting and useful to visitors, as well as to y.,ur follow citiisens. ' C. C Taylor, Yours faithfully, (Signed) JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. From Sir Daniel Wilson, KO.M.O.. LL.D , President of Toronto University. I'mVKKSITV (_'(l|,l,l:iiK, ToKONKi. nth I'Vliiimiv. IKHlt ■■ <-.n .,;,", ""::,..': '^I'r '■ '''';"■;","■ ; '"""""-■ '" ""■ ' ■"■"•"">■ '"■""■'■ >■ ■ ■■ •-• ••' T'— *:.:;::.:.,..;: ';,:::■:;: ::z:zTt:it::::;;:z::::r >— •■ '- - '•• UuHi- Sir, V'ours vtTv tnil\ . L". (' T Wl.iil;, K.S( (Signu.l) D.VMKI. WILSON. From WUmot D Matthews. Esq., President of Toronto Board of Trade. l"'^^"-' "I' ^■■'-' viM'.r HtMs.n- n. „l,lur,lo„ts, ,iu,l 1„„„„ tl„„.„„.'l,lv (■■.,,.,,11, >, „ , . -''" '"-""" '•' — '.• ^''ivan... the .„tere.ts of .... fair city -.^a , Jviif t.:;;;:;;::!;;.^'"'''''''''' ■" C. ('. Tai.oi;. l's(,i. 'I'oKdN'i Voiirs ti'iil\. Kiti'i-ially. (Si-ncMl) WIL.MoT I) M.VTTHKWS. From Geo R. R Cockburn, Esq., M P. llursE dh ('dmMiix.s. C. C. T.M,„K, Iw,. •»TT.,UV. M.,,,,..„|, ,«„,, .. us .„;::::; :::;'i,„;;::;;:.u::::/'"- ^''^- -- ^ •"^' ■•■•'■■— -.i ...,,■ „,.,„„ , .., „., , , , Vdurs truly, (Signed) {.VAX i;. k. C()rK'|5CJ{X. From W. C Van Home, Esq., Pres.ident Canadian Pacific Railway Co. M ^. , •^loNTUF.Al., Jlari'li ;ir.l l8S't ,w..-*:„" :^::;;l;;;r:S;;rri,.::; ;;:r'rr' ' ;*' ' > "-' ■■■'■■•'■■ ■-'-' •'»■■" '■■""" "■ " ■"' "'"■"".°.*»- ■^':L:tj:zz:::::^:!;;:. ;-,:; ;;::;':t:: '■ Vom-H very truly, C. C, 'I'wi.dU. Ksy (Signeil) ^V. C. V.AN HOKN'E. From the " Christian Guardian," March 6th, 1889. »•' r: ' "'; ";" r " - • -™" -'"• -' "» ; nt:,:i.,":,',;,;,:;™''- — - - : "™i-:::::;:,t:i:';;;,::;:t,:r;::r"'"'-'»''-^ .> -.- From Hon. John Macdonald, Senator. I'llK Sex.vtk. t'.v.NAliA, .Mardi 1-Jtli. J88iJ. .My.KAK lAV-oK. -I ,,u,te concur in tho „,,i„i„„ „f .Mr. I' Hvmo „f tl„. Ont n-i <■ i:r;::t,'i:^„:,:::;;;r:' .:s,i^::';:i:n:'""l - 1- f- -' •- -"™™"::;:;",.".:: ...V ' i:"::::;;:::;:';;:;:;;:::" '" '"- ""■■ ' '""■•■ - ' ^'--^ "- - ., reat uld 0. C. TaVI.iH! K .s^^ N'ery truly y.iur.s, (Sit/tm"U .!(>H\ .MACDON.XLD From W. J. Paul, Esq. J. p. I'<.RT.,1,„WN, IKKI.AM,. Murcl, L'7tl,. IMS'. Dear Mr, Tavm.h V,,,,.- h,„ k , "'^^'-^n". Mur,-h -7tl,. Imm-. oounto-as, J think, ooul.l HcarcWv .... fMrna";!!'''!"?'"" 7'''" '"''''"''' '''''' ""'''"' '''^ ''^ V'-r h,1„,„.,1 gmitfutun,k.f.„vit. '■''^'""^ '->■"",>„„„ a. W..I1 a.. t„,i,,wr,t..r. 1 tlunk ( Wula Iu.h a FttithfuU y .V'liifs. (Signed) '^V. J. J'AIL. From the Rev, John Potts, D.D., General Secretary. Methodist Educational Society. ToKovrn. Apnl Imh. ]s8l». TcKoM,, ••, Hack- is n l„„,k - not loss v,.l,M,.,e to th„s. tlnnkin. of „„k, .'t,;;::;;' h'"" r"' '" '1'" ''"'■'' '""' ""■ ^■""^''^"' "^ ■''—'-'■■ -wl '1 like to svf this new cdifioi la's of i.ii.ij,'r.uils to Toronto (.Sl^M^e(l) .lOMN I'OTTS From Ex- Alderman John Harvie. Esq L'. C. Tavi.ok. Ksy 1>"-AU S,„. 1 have ,„.r„,se,l jonr v.rv inter. roKONTo. .\|inl liith. Mm stin- an,l instructivf I k, entul.-l T.,ronto -c ::^™::;;';,;;:c;.;::":-:r-::tr-::;:r--'T?"™ ■•'. ■:=r::;:;:s;;;;r;;::;£^^ i^^^^^ M.I.Kh 1 .'iml ulioii lU'fit, ^ onr.s sincLTely, (Signed) •'OHN H.ARVIE From "Saturday Night," April 13th 1889. IH'^H, by Coiiynsiliaiii <'. «iU'H, many portraits of i,„.al .•eiohnt^es, together Jith uiX;:^:!!:^^:::- '•"•■""■"■"^- '" '"'•''""" "• '— -■-,ution a, that large class of , ,id try f. Ik w '' ''"'''' ' ' """''' ''^' '"-''-''l" f worthiest soeiety, '" ' •'"•'•'''• •""' '^''I'l'ort a pla.^,. in wliat ,s reallv o From "The Budget," February lat, 1889. Toronto "('Ai.r.Ki. Ba.k." the well-known work of Mr Convn-h-.n, (' T . • edition, a tact winch speaks well for its noi.ul-iritv Thi. i» . ' "-^ "f '"" ^' '''>''<"•. '» >i"w n. its third -piously and heautifnily -Ih.s.rated. . 1 ^ ^ e in t ^''t hi: r'T' '"'""" "' r' "^" '''''""' ''--• """ HfTairs since I,S47. It is n.anifest that the author 1.1 ^ >ecoil.ot,ons of Toronto n.en and -.stica. work, which is the n,.,::!^;.^!;:;:^ 'z ' . i^i^^ "'S; t;:;;^-; '- 'r;!'^ " 'r "''-""' From the " Monetary Times," April 5th, 1889 yo.,s .„. .,„ ..„ V. N ' it .it;::::; "■'"■"• ""•■'' '": ""' 1'""^^ '" '''•■' '" f-'^^ >•-- '^«- -"<>■ ;.v.r, s„l,j..,.,. ■ ' ''"*"""^' ' ""• '""' '"'-''"'-. a..a .n„ralixin,s on n!,„.,st any an.l ... .itio .virr:; ':;;:::';::;,:;;:■•'•;:;: ;;: 7:;r:f""'- "i'rr" "r ''"'''' -"'' «-■■-'>• '-■- ^-'" ..f..n.atio„ .,.,.t Ton... T,;; au!^:; •:":r;/;s:;::;U:;';:;:;:i'r::,;;' "" " ''^"'^ ""- -"'^" ^'' A small rity in tlu' \Ves(-, W'lii'n many vtTV worthy iienple Kat, (Innk, play whist and d.) tlioir best To guard from evil, cliurcli and stei'ple. But jiu douM more. Thu authoi- was .'i nieirhant, and on a consulerahl,. s,-l1,- H,. ,1 v f '•n,U.d S,at,.s and Ih^ountn! ' '"' " ''''"'•"""" '' ""^ "'■'^'" '' ^'"^ '-"J'"= «>-^- -■, n tho ^^ ..■--'iinni:"!^^^^^^^^^^ ......,,...■•. also lns,,..o,.,.,o .xpla.n ,hat ,lK. p.Jt ,s HnMlnn, ^i I 7 ^ ti ^^^^ '"l^'r '^ "'T pa-OS and w,.s isslrM ni l«,S.l. TI,. .n-xt a„„ -uvd n, ,1, . f 11 ' oontanu.! son.o .TOO nn -v.nt wind, the author ..l,.l„.ac.s w, 1, i " '"l'" — |y-.-, -, th. occasion of the Queen's Jubilee, the oitv .n .«S8 fell to ll^e. n d TTH' rf'' r^'!' "" :"''' "' ''"«^^- ''''"^" ^''"^ ''"''"^« "^ -"^ '» We n,n. a,, the -lee.ded i,: pi: .i ^ , : I, ! .Tt ^ V' f'' "' "T' " ''''"'"''""'^ ^""^-"■ well bound, and t,he cypo,.aphy'does e.ed. .o u;:;:::. tii;: M:i;!:;;:;!:;;i;i::'i;;:i. '^ '-- '--• '-- From the "Dominion Churchman," February 7th, 1889. iinaintly .sets forth, a e sketeli 'f the history of Tororit This liandsoi'io volume is, as us title f.-on,o forty to tifty years. The autbor, Mr. .. r. Tayl.r, hann. been setUed therein n.anv yea-.-bu' m:; world an adnnrable aeconut of „. early hfe :n;i";;;:n;;;;.::^,;;: ""'"■ '"' "'^ '""■' ^^'" ^^ '" ^'^ "-•" uiigravin,>,'s ..f tbe principal public biiibbn-'s. such residents of Toronto ,s very enthusiastic ,n Ins adunration of tl„s noble city. His work" wi IS t- A . ^^''^^^^"^^^RDAY I^EDGEB, ^/arcA 18 Thfi anfi,^- ,1 ift^^ X, ana lavorably known throughout the old lanrl It for the production of " Toronto ' Callrh Lr^ • •• ^ • ; 7 reap a rich peouniarv retnm f.! »,;„ ,1":!° ^'^^^^ "^"^ it ^ Present for the Prin^s^Mr cTf' f^'^Y.^'^' ^''^^■ ot his book, " To^RONTO ' clSDiACK ' •'" to ^jt a Hi' h^"^'T. ^p^'^^^' ^« ^"'«^-d-« - -Py Prenent. ^''' ""O "«•* ^oyal Highness the Princess May, as a wedding }^nll7l X Lr'IlSrr' ^elE't™ i° which bookbinding in To^nto h«. Th= volnme .nake. . ,e,y h„4,on,e pL"nt, evcn^'^^X^ emblazoned in gold on the covoT Mr, 0. 0. Tarlor of Ih/S ""°'^^\ ^"S"" 2Sr<(, 1803. wedding pre.enr. \'q :it.?;'C„^°""!v'„T V^'Tl'' '" '"""'■•'' "> P'™« May a, . z^'Lr '■""™ »' "'■-'' ™---p-"SSdinri"rdo;jrrMi^^ hia 4?;^ etS?L"^lr:ftS*pe^S l2ir --^ '-- ^•" -»*-'«' ^" ^n^and by ».y no 'wlg'mfn'uch tl'™^ """ "' *" """^^ '""^-y." ""n-k«l the author, - though it ll'fddvng Gift to PrinlllL^ m"o' '^"T' ^S'*' '«»»■ «.ra. copy of " ToioNio'^SD £!"„ °°^"j5^''"' °- '^'y^"' " forwarding a v -7 ha, » very elaborate, and of O^'nZt^^myVZlfu^rjT'u ^S"°"« "^^ fh, tadt, t^llltteaV^-t^d-fth^^^^^ OreatSin^ar^--Ji.^wW^^^^^^^^^ Mr. Conyngham C ^ZZr ^.^fT^^l ^1^"^^ September 2nd, 1893. known book5.&.S,^&D Back'" ^T^'''^''^ ^ ^^'•>' ^^"'i^^"^^ «opy of his well that will command attention any whe- ' "''^"^ P*""^"* *^ ^""^^ W Yt is a fi a grelt :u!:er ^^^ "^^^^ ^^^" ^^'^'^ ^^^^^ ^" ^^eir skill in binding the volume, and scored on th^XrtU^^^^^^^^ on one side being the Royal Arms, and ^^^^Zj.'^^^t^ conceive, and .s for the '"%;.^&orXiih^^^^^^^^ Friday fur tiat city. handsomely-bound book on exhibition at" Chicago, and left on never prrXne^^ and although its author has and saved posterity a great deal of tedious reTSh conferred a boon on the city. A matter that will come bff*o^/li' ^■t''"J^i 27^A, 1891. the Executive Commi;L:Th:t^t"i J^p^^^L"^^^^^^^^ tl '^^^"*'' /V^^ recommendation of dilr^r^ 't'^ «---•" ^' ' =H ai^eCwt?dr;arSs3ll fjl ^J^^<^f work. could \ library Torontc M.KD Back,'" .:„3h are now'h^KilT" '^'"' ''°Pf*^ ""^ *^''- ^- C- Taylor's work - .^.uenoaion Tone .h:i'.K^i?/r ^P^-*« ^3? United /ingdom for ns ol advertising this citv ar'.d"m'„l,v.'^"-^^°'' -iiiioui nesi cation, as no '0'