IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 t 1^ 1.8 JA 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 '<=>^' .. ^^ <> %^ k m. '^ U ' Q ;\ ^'^...>»"'«j yy i w i •<^1.>1 '■■im>»i^¥!*mm^>i*i^-*0^ WiWiiii0 i ti i m^ r '**—*■>**» ***^ii^»w^fiiiw^w#%ni^iiM»«^^>^Miii^^^ ..I 1 .*!^ ' : / \^ "i L ^ J 4> 4 4 J $ ^ 1 ■■■ '" II *>i T t 4> ] 4> 4> 4> 4> « 4 4 ' "<" > ■ j' ^iiii H Wi i I II! ni wwi i pii i m ii^i w mh i m, ' C»e ;W-wt; NOI ^f*'; It9$ " "" " " ' ' ' I'l ■ "I- ••■•■■;: ■■' u--r .."c'iL. . ■ --,^-,- Pk A P (.00 A. I f % Mo. 1 Cbe Officers^ J1$$ociation of tbe militia of Canada i$9$ CONTENTS Page List of Officers. Etc 1 Preface by the President 2 History of the Association .3 Summary of Annual Meeting 4 Constitution .5 Council Meeting 6 President's Letter , , . . 7 Cbe Officers* Association of the militia of Canada Pmldcnt: MAJOR GENERAL E. T. H. HUTTON. C.B.. A.D.C. to the Queen, Cotnnmndiruj the CAnaduin Troops. S^ UicePmidentS: Lieut. ^Col. H. H. cMcLedn. b2nd Fusiliers Lieuf.-Col. F. Whitley. D. of C. R. C. Hussars Lieut. -Col. J. L Ddindson, 48th HiiihLir'.ders Lieut. -Col. The Hon. J. M. Gibson. 1 3th B^ttdlion A. D. C. St. John. N.B. Montredl. Que. Toronto, Ont. Hamilton. Ont. T Council : Lieut. -Col. J. Mason. R. 0. Lieut. Col. J. B. MacLean. D. of Y. R. C. Hussdrs Lieut.-Col. Labelle. 65th Battalion Lieut. -Col. Jones. Royal Rifles Major W. C. SMacDonald. 4Sth Highlanders Lieut.-Col. Starke. R. 0. . . Lieut.-Col. Bell, 57th Battalion Lieut.-Col. Busteed. Vietoria Rifles Lieut.-Col. Hodgins, G. G. F. G.. Major J. S. Hendrie, 2nd Brigade Dilnsion F. A. Toronto. Ont, Montreal. Que. Quebec. Toronto. Ont. Montreal. Que. Peterborough, Ont, Montreal. Que. Ottawa. Ont. Hamilton, Ont, Secrctary-CrcasMrer: Captain Francis Joseph Dixon, R. 0., 505 Board of Trade . Montreal. Que, %.i{;v%Ji)vifr%4y.:}j>j)ixj)t>./iiv Cbe Officers' Jlssoclation of ibe militia of Canada I i PREFACE by Maior General Haiion. C.B.. A.D.C. to the Queen. Conwuinding Canadian Troops, PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIA TION. Tl was u,lh pleasuu. I arcopte,! tl,. invitation of tlu- Oflicers Association of tl>e M.htia ol Canada to become its President. I welco,.. all, and cverv elTort for the welfare an.l nnproven.ent of that Force which it is ,ny jrre ,. iviled.ire to cnunan,!, the more so as U ,s uell reco^nuxed I.v every one interested in the ,lev. lopment of Canada as a nation thai a correspondino ,levelopn>ent is re,|uired in that I.orce to which its -lefence is entruste.l I'nbhcopnuon in Ca ,ada as in other .-lonies with re.ponsihle Kovern.nent underthe Crown reahxes with a ^rowin^ sense of individuality that each and every part of the en.pire not only msnre its own defence, bnt n.nst he prepared, when calle.l npon to .share in the defence of that en.pire to which all owe their hirth. If public opinion thus expresses itself uith „o uncer- tain .sound, we .., Canada may look forward to the evolution of a Canadian .\rn.v which should be worthy ol the Canadian people ; a n.ilitia army indeed but one which shall be trained eqmpped and complete in all its parts, and thus equal to any crises which n,av call it into beinjr. The OlHcers- .Association and other kindred institutions can do much to further this c-nn.snnnnat,on, but they can do n.ore by concenlraling their energies. It is n.v priviledge to be Patron ot the older in.stitution in Canada, the Canadian Fnited Service Cl'ub, and in n,v otucud capacity with boti, I commend to the members of the omcer.s' .Association u,v earnest hope that an amaljramation of the two may be affected. n i'i The Officers^ Association of the Militia of Canada* CIII'; I'lI'LIi ol'l'ICIvRS ASSOCIATION Ol" CANADA, wiis oiKiini/cil and a i-onstitiitioii ailopttd at ()Ua\\a in March IM's, by a iniiiiber of .Militia Olliccrs, fnr lla- ])lll■])()^.c of |iroinotiiii; llic I'lllicii-'iu-x- of the Militia, liy iMiahlinj; its ofliftTs to hviii.ij; to tin- noticf of tlu' Ministi-T of Militia and (lencial OlVicer Cointnandin^, matters on wliii'li the Asscjeialion had obtained a Consensous ofo])ini(jn. It was fell at the time that tlie Assoeiiilion ronld be of inestimable value to tlu' ( leneral ( )Hicer CommaudinL; in brin^in,;; the necessities of the foree to his notice in a collective manner. The ^linister of Militia a])proved of the objects of the .association. CircuniNlances havin^j; taken place in tlie interval between the orj^ani/.ation of the Association, and tlu- semi-annual meetinj^, by the retirement of the (leneral ( Jllicer Commandinj.; and the apiiointinent of a successor in the ])erson of Major General Ilutton, C.H., A.D.C. to the Oneen, the constitution was submitted to him and he was invited to attend the nieelinj^. ^Nlajor (leneral Ilulton having expressed a desire for certain changes in the Association's Constitution, an aniendi'd constitution was submitted to him which met his entire apjiroval. At the semi-annual meeting in August this amended was unanimously ])as.sed and "The I'ield ( Jthcers .Association of Can.ida " was merged into "The Otiicers' .Association of the Militia of Canada." The Field Officers* Association of Canada. CHI' lust annual meeting of the I'ield OiTicers' Association of Canada, was held at the Russell House. ()ttawa, on Wednesday, .August 111, at '.• o'clock ]). ni. There was a very good attendance of mend)ers from all over Canada. Lieut. -Col. John Hayne .Macl.ean, secretary- treasurer, in opening the meeting, said, that the chairman, Lieut. -Col. Davidson. 4Sth Highlanders, Toronto, had telegraphed his deep regret at his inability to be present, and expressing his warmest sNinpathy and interest in the asst'ciation. Col. MacLean then said, on behalf of the association, he extended a welcome to Major-deneral Ilutton. who had been good enough to come to the meeting, and, perhaps, might favor them with a few remarks. He (Col. Maclvcaii I. with several other oHicers, had had an interview with General Hulton, who was kind enough to suggest certain changes in the constitution, which, in Generrd Hutton's opinion, •/'/// ('/■/■7(7:a:s' .i\si>(7.i//(>v (>/ I hi: mii i ri i >r nil m/i i n i , >i , •. / \,u>. i. I v:Hh iiieiMlKT of Un- assonation, «1„. was dirUMl I., il.e cnnni.iUi, ,.n ..rKatii/ali.Mi ask,n,i; hmi tusdirl a im-tnlK-r as cliairman. 1mo,m tlu- rq-lii's vvrvWvA, I.iont -Col loli.i l' Davidson. |sil, lIi«lilan,UTs. Toronto, nvuved the ^tvatrst iuimiIrt of v<.lfs, an.l. in' ronsi- <|iH-n(o, was i-lfcti'il rhaiinian. A slati'iiK-nl of ri'i-cipls and i-xi^'mlilurc is as follows : Kl'X'l'HTS, >>•". iiifiiilifis at >l.nii ss'l (HI i';.\i'i;\i)iTrki';. !;''''!i'"K. sii.Mi Hooks, stationi'i) and ])oslaj;f o;;- ..i |- Casli, halanix- on hand , N'lj.s;; 1 have honor to hi-, ,m'inli-inin, Vonr oheiliont strvaiit JOHN HAVXi; MacI.KAX, I,i..nt.-Col.. Sicri'tarv-Truasnnr. Ilk' proposc^d I'onstitutioii was tliL-ii rt-a.l and ado])t('il as follows : I.- TITJJ';. Tlu- onii't-rs' Association of the Militia of Canada. ■■!. nHjl.;cT. To ]n-oinoto the general welfare of the militia foree of Canada, the jm.fessional knowled-e ol its ollners, and the military eiru-iency of all ranks. :;.- .M1';.MHKRS. Milili.i ofTice.-sof the Dominion of Canada sli.all be elioihle f. .r nienil)ership. 1. — PATROL'S 'I'here may he ,i patron and a vice-jjatron. .").—< )1T'TCKRS. The otlicers of the association shall he a president, four vicL-presidents an,l a .secretary- treasurer. The president and vice-presidents, to;-ulatioirs .shall he hindiUK oil the association until amended or cancelled by the council or association. //// (>/7/(7:A:s- /sscr 7 / //, I \ , -/. ' /■/// Mill II. \ i>l CI \.l/) I. . — .WNTAI, CI'Nl.R \I. .-MI-.l-yilNC The aiiniial ,i;iiii'i:il niiHtii of till.. I), 'iinmi.ii Killc Assoi'iatinii, at \\\ \'A "I tlu' a.M..ialiun >liall l.i- Ik.1,1 .liiriiiK llu' annual rilli' nu-il >fi!ii-annual imi'l icli ini'i'tmj^ tliL- oouncil U\ii sll.lll |„. 1|,.|,1 ,|t ,1,,. ,1,,^^, ,,,• (iij. ,|, shall [ircst'iit a report, ami tiic inual nifi'tmj; ot llic D.K.A. ii'i.ciAi, ci'M.RAi. mi;i;ti\ ( rS. special j,;(iuTal nirct in^s nia\ \>c callcl \,y tl,, omuicil at an\ t 11 1 U', '•— lujariox oi- oiiicivk rile pasiilent, viee-jiresidents ami In meinl animal iiieetinj;. The >eeretar\ -t HIS ol the euiincil sliall ■lecled reasiiier shall he ai)])()iiite(l hy the eouiieil illliiialh' at H'. — I'lvl^. u- nieinlxrship fee shall he #1 per annum from luh ower was ,<,'i\eii the eouncil to re( J Hon. Dr. llniden, .Minister of Militia, t o iieeonu onl Miiito, the new tlovenior-Cieiieral, .md patron and viee-palron, respeetivelv. oi'IKIvRS. edye ' 111 motion of elected president; 'I'lie foil .ii^ul.-Col. .Starke, .M ijor-C.eueial Hutlon, C.H., A D.C. iisilieis, St. Jcjliii, \. li. ; I owiii),' were elected viee-].resideiits : I.ieut.-Col. Mil, was iiiiaiiiinoiish can, iijiid I); ivnlson. leut.-Col. Whitley, I), of C.R.C.II,, Montreal; I.iem.-Col. Ilamiltc ( ".reiiadi l^-th Ili-lilaiiders, Toronto, and J.ieut.-Col. The 1! 11. The foil M. were elected iiiemhers of the ihsoii, |:;th Hatt. ers, Toronto; Lieut. -Col. J. H. Mael. council : I.ieut.-Col. M; I.ahelle, (;.-.lh liatt.. Montreal; I,ieut.-Col. Jones, Royal 1 11, I), of V.R.C.H., Montreal ; I. ison, Royal ieut.-Cul. ilaiKlers, loroiilo; Lieul.-Col. Starke, R.O., Montreal; I.ieut.-Col" ■iilles, Ouehec; Major MacDonald, l.sth ■lerli,.r()ii Treasurer of the A.ssociation, the Council appointed C rcsi^jHcd hir, ap])oiiitinent a^ .Secretar' .-.().■) H oard of Trade, Montreal as Ills successor iptain Frnucis Joscj)!! Dixon, R.O. 5 h riii: ( u-r/i 7-:h'S' . iss( x y. / /■/< >.v ( >/■' ////■: mil i ri. i < >/■■ < : i\. i/>. i. 1)i;ak Cai'Tain Dixon l'',AK\SLI,ll'l'l'; OTTAWA, lltli I'Vhruary, Isit'i. Ill aiili(.ip;iti()ii of the annual nicetin}^ of the Officers' Association at an early date 1 shall be glad if, as Honorary .Secretary, yon will take steps to submit the followiiit^ remarks to the nieinbers of our council. As President of the Officers' Association I am most anxious tliat the council and the members should very serioiish- consider the advisability of an anialjramation with the Canadian United Service Club. I feel most strongly that two bodies of oflicers organized for the same defined object of benefitting and improving the National Defence I'orce of the Dominion should identify their interests and auialgaiiiate their several organizations. Union is strength, and in no concern of life so truthfully as in things military. The Canadian United Service Chil) have done me the honor of inviting nie to become a I'atron, so that as the Patron of one, and as President of the other (;f these two both valuable institutions, I fetl that I am entitled to bring this im])ortaiit matter forward. I have the strongest conviction that we shall assist and benefit the I'orce to which we all belong far more eifectively if these institutions form one body, and are actuated by one single impulse. I have sent a similar communication to the Council of the Canadian United Service Club. It is, I feel ;: ,sured, (|uite unnecessary for me to say how heartih- your Association has my very good Aishes and hearty concurrence, which, however, will be doubly strong if I am able at an early date to congratulate the Canadian National .Army of the future upon having a strong and combined Service Association for the mutual ini])rovenient and benefit of the P'orce generally. I am, faithfull}' yours, KDWARI) T. II. IIUTTON, J//- (i(iuTa/, and . I./XC. lo Il.M. tlie Oiiccn. President OlTicers' Association, etc. CAPTAIN DIXON, - Ho)torary-Sccirlai-y-Tiraiun'i\ . The officers' Association of the ^lilitia of Canada. ('Tentlenien eligible for niembersliii» under the Conslitntion, and desirous of joining the Association, arc re([uested to remit their subscriptions to Captain I'". J. Dixon, Secretary- Treasurer, ."id.") Board of Tiade, IMoiitieal, (jue.