•»«< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) wl^ « t %: 1 ■f. '■M .0 Sfu Ui ■^ lU 122 m U^ ■■II S Itt 12.0 1.1 125 |^|i^ ■ .. (,.»* ■wrf t»' '^ ^ *l^'«"^'^," v ..y ■ ^^ sj <^ ♦- Sdenoes Carpofatidn wnsm.N.Y. i4sao . (71*')t7a:4»03 '4^ -t^ .A f\ <^>:^ .V 6^ -o CtHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. (Monographs) CiHM/ICMH Coliection de microfiches, (monographies) •1/ CAfWdlMi liMtltut* for Htotorlcal Microraproduction* / liwtHut Canadian da mlcrofaproductlona hiatoriquaa '.'» A; "W ^ • J TMhntaal and Mbltofrairfilt Nmm / DtolM lMli<«^te«Mv MniaduetkNi ratio chacfcad balow/ Co doeumant att film* au taUk d* rMu«tion indiqu* ei-dattout. 10X 14X ,«X ^>^ J— jNptilppitad/ p^ Colourad pafat/ L_J NfM da aoulaur ^ rn N^ ritioriil andAr taminftaa/ ^^ i|B|M ratfMirtea tt/ou padi c ullat 0NfM diteolourad Ptw d*aotef*ai 0thowthroufh/ Trantparanoa \, ■.. Quality of print viiriat/ Qu«lit« in4fal« * IHnprattion .■Y □ Continuout Mination/ Nfination obntinua □ tndudN ir Comprandi •k(m)/ (dM) indax TitIa on haodar takan from: / La titra da l'an TINUJO"!. or tha aymhol ▼ Imaaninf "WHO"), Dvhlah^var appliaa. . '''•' . * Maps, ptotaa. eharta. ate., may ba fllmad at diff arani raduetlon ratloa. Thoaa too larf a to bo ontlraly Inoludad In w\m axpoaura ara fllmad baf Inninf In tha uppar laft hand aomar. laft to rif ht and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa roqulrod. Tha followinf dlof rama Mluatrata tha mothod: Stratff«r4. Ontorla Laa Imafaa tulvamaa ant M4 raprodultfc avac la plua f rand aoln. eampta tanu da la eo^ditlon at da la nattatA da I'aaamplalra him*, at •n aonformlt« ava« laa candMona du contrat da . fllmafb. Laa aaamplalraa arlp Inaua dont la oouvartura %fs paplar aat Impr4m4a aont flfmAa an aomman^ahf par la pramlar plat at 9t\ tarminant tolt par la I 4fri^f pafa qui eamparta una amprainta d'Impraaalon o«i d'INuatratlon. toit par la tacond plat, aalan la aaa. Toua laa autraa aaamplairaa orlflnaua aont fllmda an eomman^antpar la pramlAra pafa qui eomporto una amprainta dimpraaalon'ou d'INuatratlon at %n to^minant par la 4mrAkn pafa qui eomporta una talla amprainta. \ \ Un doa aymbolaa tulvanta ailparattra aur la 4tn^^m Imapa, da ohaqua microfloha. talon la caa: la aymbola '-^> alf nifia "A lUIVHI". la •ymbola ▼ alf nifia "FIN". Laa eortaa. planehaa. tiblaaua. ate. pauvant «^^.^^^.>. M M*> U ., ..,,, , \ ^..,.nn»xuc... I .iitl iii>moN. .' , , ^ .^.w T^ ". *V ;. ^i*^ ^ Compliments of ^ Tkt Prisoners Aid Association of Canadd « » • County P aupers and County Houses rt f i ' »■ ■:-■■ \ *. -.'"^'•'> « ^'■"f^.;. ndustry. • -' i ■ r f V •.' sv . ■( *™'' ■ ■-¥ 1 Iy' ■ i- . #' Hu 2 f'*tA 5 ^'^ .«"r, ' , * VWhcn intelligently managed, a ?oorhousc is a cfel^lc ^ •A? ,» ;-i r •<-;■»• "'.f^'. *:•■' '^■ v ,' ■'/■ .. liponme Ipfead of both pauperism and crime; but when bAdly managed, or when conducted upon a wrong principal, it may be ^hc means of propagating both." " Ina^^i^i ' " -PROP- W. A. SCOTT. BM CoU^g* Mickig^, . •■'■V"'\ .. ' , ■%■ • . ■ -■■ . ' «l 3 : ''HL ..-. IfAat is worth doing at all, is work doing well:* .1 .'A ► .■■ (?* \ * J< • •«»»*» *■"»"•. #WimMI», IwilOltTO. " . . -i Jit ^f^Wi^Jp ■ ','v^ / ^•«f#,^ 1^. 1^- i , TAsBl^E OK CONTENTS. . m M i iiiiii i iiii r^ i i .i— liMRiduOio*, I • %0' > «*«••#••*»•; •***<»|*r«tV4^*«. ••.•••«#•>• » C tr »«.£l f» •» »■ Kt*l ft *• I f t« * A*»'. 4 I n N N n N n H N M M H H / nMMllOIIMB On OttV Tip Cm of Cuuty nHipw§*i . •» •••.^•Kr .•>>v>>>f*v>»>* ♦♦♦•»»••■• . • >y • • ti^^** ....,> p . HoMM oflidMliy on tM CotUft Pkur ....'..' ^. , . . < . ..- . ... .<, , roonKMN yjBnmmsgnm^ uf noni **■• r. juhuiiwuiiiIi l. LaU.^. HoMM M InoMlrjf mmIiImi. ••••^^•.•••^^•••^•x 'Vmdt of BoBOMiHiwiiil IInmi Yofk Soito. "^OOmt Eaforaw NomM i , . . . . NmWnwI ComMil of WoaMn orOHMdh. .».,.• •*•■«.!, APPJENDDL TIm DMtimto Poor in Comily GmoIs ..... Po oi b owi Dtatair Stttiilict IKmd EiswGOMtMV. .•••.....'• tMwut^pM Ivwiw. ••.^^...... »-♦,• i,» • %1i ¥ m* . ^ t - I •• t " 't; H t n I M S H 4 .•, '•• - f, .. t • r ml - , t - If lauif. * **' » • » • « u n tl ■•» ", » tl » <•! » tl » M • ■I -K,.>, si!* I'rffurwp"" \.- ^iQounty Paupers^i^ and County Houses of [ridus try. r»«»<«4 ftw rtm DlMHlMtlM by Ik* iMNUry of Uw rrlMMn* AM lm,^lAUo^ of Introductory. .* Tito Friaon«ra' Aid AHoriaiion in pruwN utinn lU nmk iinongti ih«k jaili of lh€ FriMrln<-« <■/ tf>niarlni«n, »hoM onljr crtnw t» ih«ir ^nffty, have btcn branded at felona and herded amongM the uriionera of our buid. Not tm\j i» ihia an uuiraKe coip milled upim Ihtiee who have already a very cuntiderable Imrdkn of lomHv and trouble to bear, but it U alao a wronR to iha priaonar, aa lk« room uk«u up bv tboaa con- lli]«d to )all tolelr ba- cauaa of old afe, phyai cal InaMlltjr lo earn a Hvalihood, or ih« Ilka, takaa up to much ol tha rl accommodaiion tbat prevanti that cUualA- caiion which i» ao abao- luCely neceaaary in every , ' welt ragulated prison. The Friaonera' Aid Aiaociation, iherefora, Anda it to be^a IcRlti- mate part of Iheir work to promote the eatab- lithment of county pdor- bouaea or houiea of in- dustry in Ihit Province. We have been aaaured on good authority that many county oouncillora , who now vote apinst the county poornouae aystem would, neverthe- leaa, be glad to have thcae eatabliihed. Theae coundllors conaidet that, inatead of the matter being left optional with the councila, the vanoua county miinici- KUtiea should, by Act of Parliament, compelled to erecr proper buildings, and thus the odium which, in some casea, would be caat upon a coundflor' voting in favor of the needed expendi- ture would be removed, and by a genaral Act of the Legislature, that which Chriatiaaity, patriotism and humanity demand would be intio- duoed throu^Mut our land. The Oniuio Priida Reform Com to the IJauianant (iovernor in illvi, ■,ware so MitMigly Imfreaanl *i|h lM| great need uf ruuniy pixMhouaaa, that Ihev rerumaiended thai it be made obligaiiMy on ihe part «, H •«T iiinmhn Aa< tmh. Eat} , Cfofti «f iho C.iMiMy llMta ara 4«)4 aaraa of kMid , Iha Sibling ctMt |*).«a,t ■!, Il provides fat ia« Inmaiaa wHh In avmafia of •* TiM bulldii^ la nia4a of bnck and la atlln MM , H la ihraa •IimIm bl«h. Tha roat of malnianam* hit year il^J »a« %hS*t il. •»♦ Ph 1<« pat ipmaia, or |i Hi par waak •a|tt« of iha (ounly ara wait laiMfknl wiih Iha InalllulKm U ia kicaiad near Miraihruy, TW Boorhwiao or H«nm* «f Iii4l» Wf 111 IhM CiMinlf waa «Maltli*ti»la hMit ovar tf jraaniagm mtti Wvfln. llw Cuttnl* Town In a laiiar ra«ai««4 tWm Waal D. H«iwnian, Um^, iha {>i«niy Ck^k In May kMl. ha wrlMa SNiMianilaliy a* r«ilb>«« t'Ka i«a« of btilldinn atr , waa aa r<)ll.>«« , Inilld log (Imludliiii liarn attd <>«il liultdii^i A %>'i,4mt. ratni ti^.4MMs fufnllura. Much, laain and rarni im|ilam«ni«, f^.law, a itiiaidMi <>l %ift,,.,„, |h«raaf« i«} arraa .il lan«( .rf whith an under «Mlii»a(i.in Iha inaiiluiltm pfii«lrr wfvk It la undar tha niaiiag*- mani of a Conimillaa (if mambrr* of iha < 'uuncil. aiul Iha war> >^ o^^gw - -IB p. " OMaty Pittp«n tnd County Houim of Induatrf. fat lh« ftilli)«ina UMittMlatt m T>)<* tn«iiiiiti.)n ••■ Mi*Ml«IWNi In itN, tml olMNffd INI lh« • Ilk ifay ||# IM^ id ih«i )rMf li M MiiMiad on . •MifaM« Mia In ih* iimiMhiu «rf TImi* lMi*|y •<|)tHnin|i iha limn uf W«lt«iMl Tha butkling la tiMMlriM l*>l «f r«il Iwick, vlih MMf, (wing ih« tttpm^ kItciMn, tMihroom. kMpvrt dlnini raoMi, lurk up, ((•fMrallir uwd y • Murrruom), w<»Ni«n'l dining riKMn. Mant-nxMn ami lUlty ()|i|i.mii« ihM* an iduainl iha kiichan, ijuiiw Ukl coal room* and m«n'a dining room Tha ArM floor aboT« ih« bw» «MI I* dividwl In itw MOM mannn aa tha • baa«ro#n(, and |iri>«id«| In th« IWMit for a iwrlor^ •tiling room, two Im^ room* mmI an iiffli •> for Um k««p«r, and a riMim In which ■ luppijr of rMdi% malttr (or ih« inmam 1* kapt. OpiMv •ll« Ihra* ara ih« phy lician'k room, mrn* (Uyroom, woman'* n'* ilayroom, I* looAd ihe laundry, wa*h«ra4|f and drying roum.Th«Mcon4 floor providaa aInnK Uw front for tft beppo«lte thaaa, two largw IxHlriKKjma, one (ktu P*ad by men, omuining fourteen bcda, ani4 rhara la aniy ,ina tmtmmmt m iha In MHuiton , M ihK waia* la haatad ai Iha Iterhan thm, ami ail Iha imnaiaa •M «H|iviiaad In Iw l»ihaoi>l and di«irilnilad o»wr Iha Mm tha inaii(uiiNpiial hulldln|, two tliiria*, • 4»J«). »*• •raalad during itvi, al a .0*1 of about f ijoo. Ihia t* he«i«| by hot air, aiMl wiU ae.!«wimo«hte A-r of ladoatiT. WeUaad Ooontji fllteen patienta. The outbuilding* con- •iai of a com crib, wood*hed, pig pen, carpenter'a (hop, He, and a nicely painted barn. 75130, with atone baar ment. Thia provide* accommedation for Are honea, fourteen head of cattle, a root cellar, etc The fann occupiea afaty acrea. wbkh coat $t.6oo, all deued and^reU fenced. The loil ia day loam, OfteeQ acica tik drained. *^o* Im0n «M iNH Tha t*,m nmMal* al praaani of ihtaa iw«l*« haa.naaa par •aak |iar lnmiH|U«u.r'. family m.| hirmi hrlp im nSnuJIturing iIm year li*;! waa It 4). '^ lUliglaua wrvira^ by the local mlnlaiar*. ara held la Iha inaliiuilon w««kly. The ronvayaoM of i» malaa to ihe inailiuiioii ki paid by tha munid / H'*'<* fhMn Iwhirh ihey ^ ere aani ( HtKar aipanaaa Me paid by ganaral raM levied over tha «hoto cuunly, Irreapacfiva ol the numbrr of inmaiea •eniln By ipacial agrae> nieni, the town of NM' gara Kalla, whirh (* tep^ arated from the county lor muniri(Ml puruuae^ pay* Ijoo annually to tha county for the u*e of Ihe lndu*lruil Home, and in addiiion thereto the *um of %t per weak for each inniJte they •end to Ihe home Owing to the proai- n>«y of the town of Welland, in which ia *iluated the county )all, >, the auihoritic* have '^ made arrangement* wherrby pri«oner« from the jail are employed nn the county farm in cut- . , , «*"PI wood, ditching, draining etc. The only expense* in connection therewith charvealile to the inatitution lieing the lioard of the pri*- ontn. The experiment* in thia reaped are reported to be entirely Mtitfactory. In hi* laat report t^ inapeciur ursea upon the council the expediency of em- ploying the pruoner* in thi* way when- ever It can potaibly be done. Thia ia a Kood idea for other countiea to coo m " »i 'li i/ ♦ - -T -i-?^ \ - I - --**s#'-^- lag inlnMMium rugMittMg Ihta in««tlu U, Vlikmm, K«i|. JiMlnif t ImI. M4 MMlr r^Mi in* Mm»k>f>»J MWM ^ Nowmliaf, i^t IM lfM|iwiiit and Ite MWM I »•• *t»mm «n l«i iImi iiv itHHikMt, Hm h.M»« i« ufHUr^llM.nMA •gaiMni df • i:iMniiiMHM •»•• OM* tf viM II mm •iMft k «h4 kf «• MHl • II W lMllb«t tlMI •!• ■ •imI ••« ikM a. IMMI IMMpiMM, IMMI tf ViM ll wmI htf • (hwiMi^ f«>Mak, rh« IimI rtMMi« am hw nl«hM| ibnHtgftanH •t«ll tnwi »i«ilM»a<|»an«l •a««i •Ira — r--rnn FlMfg I* aim • MM,^ rmm\ •mi In twllw onWt utA immm ihtmrnali » UUi X ltM<'««4 Mi Umm fttnH iIm (.'wtlMy < 'iMIICll Mr« itM irniMli f|ilH» •dandlbinMigblr MUaUd wMli ilM WMUtuUun. TlMnMinl>«M<| tng, foiAo (m4. M condrucutl of iMkk, wuh • Mm |irt 'ng. wllh ttoM baaamani, 34 ■ «• (Wat Thia |if» rktaa ample Mh rtimnwMlalian tor h<;r«a«, rnwa, rool ccllara, ate, and In t»rt, la |uai what M r«<|ulnKl Un an inatiiuii<>n4if ihia hind The barn It Minlad, whirh •ddk grrally la tha apiiaaranca. iTiia mpon of Iha Inaoacior for ll9i, thowa ihai a rtvcnua of )Aj4 waa derived flrom the farm m«r and above tha uriMiuce, milk. bul(er, v«ge- Ubiea, pork, fruli. etc.. ra^d urpo( ia cultivaied lo ihe beat advantage fi tha tale of 1^ prpduce. The talary of tha intpectofia $150 par annum ; the keeper and mairon, »45<» ; «he phyticuin. 1 1 50 per annum. In addition to thia. there appcare in Ihe inapeclor'a report for 1R91 an item for |3<« for Ihe wage* of Ihe hrm and iMiiuo holp during thu yt«r. /k HFf ' -•f .»* - ^m^^^m^tm^m its^j-''- "tr ''■ Y' ' '' rm Ct««ly Niip4M« Md Cwiatjr Houmt of tndiiatryi •*«Md M»k« ImAm lite f«mM«y lai iif ( * !•>• W <• r i; «l Ik* Pimtm* In uldtlkm Kt llMt •• •«r« fnHuntM -Im Mirstil til thm ifNinll** In mi wit^g «n MuaniMl (bptiliMKin ••• ••tl tt^mt thm CaMn«|r C iniiMil Th* futhmlng rmwl «/ ||m MMm «!•« uf ih« StlmriM r« •Mk Ik* ('iMtnly ('(Mtncil, tttmn lh« (WtllM /Viiw/ irf r<»»M«y Id. mmr tM rwul ■Mh imiAl by raKi^^i .Mttwita of MmriM ( iMiMty W«i|HKMUyv M«a Qmf, C«w«r Cawncu •• < hi I hufotey •*«n«ng • (|a|Nilathici *•«»••••••••»■ .rf in«m>wr« irf lh« I'rMliy l«ry iif AartM. itM HatiUi •nil Allan «!•(• Mlnlatartat Aiaiiriaiiim, )uNMll in lay lM«iif« •haw Ihalr *hnn nMtrarInf iha aaiytK lUkmafM and maintanani-a of a (.'nunU I'iNir lll« an4 nwMaaff ' Ma •kaw 4Mi awk ika iiitMifatti. ° 1 an ika « imMtr a«nn( i« ;■ anO |»«nil |a4i. tkirtaa« ««ta nMtani* tU iM mil ••«• maiiiliar* iil iha < iHinxll l« kwk at ikia •luaaltim •itk • narfin*. MMftacMrf «!•*, Vml Ma Mat»<| thai ha had fur mmny jtmn rdftdMnnail iha (waaanl tyaiam «rf car. liHl f«" Iha rinimy poiK In Iha ^11. •mt ihal Iha <;rand )urlM hMi h« iiuanily rkCfNTimanilMl • Mmiaa of »<••%* Hd Milt thai ha itKtikMl *ny much wvlnf anythinn a|ainai hia own counljp ihal winild rHtett aaalMl It In Iha oultlda wiirki, Iml iIimU di Mka III mnawiiiar ihal tbmm wma iiaoiila y tMM Ha rlaMaad iImi old paaaia •ho Ml In Iha InAiatrlal haHbTilaid ■houM ka Iraaiad aa w«i(l aa •oMtara wko are wmindatf and aAarwarda d«a In dafanra «f ikaw oonMry N.^ htam ing rould aiaand Ika work ,4 ika County t'ouncU If It M^lwiail ika ciaima oaiiiun with ili||niiy ami •IfWriency. Ha riaoner* in ihe County Uil coat the County only about 9c. per * nil ik*y« ami ika ' iimiiam I^V« kw i«j day* (hit aglalatura 10 amend tha Uw a^ that mi vagrant muld ha commlttad lo Iha {'ounly Poor llouaa airaiM hv Iha head of Ihe municipality • wherein he waa irtad, and than let tha coat of the maintrnama of lh«< llouaa be dhrkled amotigd the munklpalitlaa arrording lo Iha numltal of inmatae from each one In thia way, if any lown or lownahip preferred to pa* for the (Hiard of their Indigent* in nrlvai*^ familiea, ihey r«uld do *o, and ihalr *hareiowardi tha ( ounly ealaMiaknient would lie ihat much Irw The Sheriff then potiftad out thai Ihia wouki tie an ' opportune lime to deal with thla ijuaa- lion, •• there would only tie one mor«' County dabanitare for the C>>un««Ml •Hk ikrt* «m4 la ll>«l fstM that* OM ag IM iHribling ^ wMmI I •i)«blH>t intiMn«j Ity ifc* < (NMUir (Vnimtl t" ka r««.| iMt •• " ■ " » '»» «'»«-« !«•» M MMp MM^lfca ilrtrla^ ifcata •«• wn w a n m PMM ■mMI* lm|MiitMM« ,Mi •H^H 1^ PMmI |«it mighi mmkm ynwMM Ma HiWkMl ikM Ma tnM of iha •ppa«rfnc« Tl»« •ftangamant irf iIm Mnmt i* wmtIi m otU b« nMrnniMMtulad m •U M lb* bwi In lh« ProvlnM^ «p«clal>y MiM «/ «nkh at* MMd* Ui hfiiti mor* than ill itmU Thia f/nnuUm fnr • ctim fM« < laaailkalion ol iIm vary baiMiAclail. 'Th« building la htmtmd thnnigtioul by tloain ami ll|h«clc rrooi ih« main hall. Ih* alaaping r provKMI •uh a IWMi quahiy ,4 inm twdalSada wlih WOVM wlra maltmaa and pillow , ihaa* •n manuratiurcd at lb« (r«ntrai PHann and cuai ib« county f9 oo, and u* ih« bcM «• hav« imn in Inalltu liona of ibia kliM^. The haarmeni of ibr building la dihrolad anlirely lo k atorarooma, rarpenlar ihtm, «uh \iwmia for ih« inmaiaa, and flimac« nu?r« ia al«> a lockup In wbkh irdarly iiimM«a urn rnnAna^ IMmMw. Oifbri Cmiutf. . «Mt •\w«ak. br«Ml Mid aiwt • milk one* a wa«k and im al«aVt> In addition lo Ibf abnva ika M' paopla ara glvan aggi imrr ■ i.>ak, and In taaaon oftcnar, and abo Mm imra a waah, and during t()« fummar toma (Imaa aa ofttn aa ihraa atid four (imaa For Hunday dinnar iha fdl^lowlng M an )«>y^ rold maat, pla, br^ad. laa and pickbM. and for laa ih«lt arc agga, caka. bread, buttar and Ml, Wd vary* oftan cold maat la aarvid for aupcMr during tba vaali Wa notica tbai in tha hining ibc inatltutlon. no pro- vialoo baa baan maM ihai kaa M raftig* Ihw fiiininkl unf'iriunalaa, A ptttf- kouaa akimid lia aff^ ara^ ami |vo^ aMy If M aalaMil i»mm* vagrania •tmiil n^T hava lo ha lani ^ )aii Iba diagiaia «M MMNM M* im (itaiM kn»<*t« In ika (mi M4 i)M«l4a t« « mmt •)# iMlrf «n iM MftM, X •wmM ha •iMMMt. MT MMl ^H*«a, «airI iferM ihaM |M MnfcirlMnMM afc.! •*• mt« in iM^lail M (hMn ii.mi«.|^ Mr» •VllMlfMil^ lta« biMl >«i' •flta* M klltHV* •"«• «il laiMl , ika t.JMtl«MhM r>nl4« ft" •« iMNMiMa. iiw ••anyi la «f, .rii«M la InM (MM ImMn^ kMlf af iti ia<~ ' i.<. I • B ~>^r MtliaiMa ti Jiaafiity, aii4 Mt ..„. /mai^ alio UiotfAilaH hnm nnm partnu«a In Iha, rounty Wa m»gnija thai ih« lima Kaa coma wh«i loma i^epa •hoiild ba Ukan in ihai dirwctloa W« aKraa wlih yow Ixmtahlp ihai it la a r<>)>r(ia<-h lo Uia paopia lA un Maticor country dMt thoH ithoa«.^flfilT crima ia ihair la of ani. mi whoM^flfhy •r m tki ummm H I4 ^ •w'k par ^nmaia, of. || fl, IncM rtig inlaraMtm InvaaiNiani ' It la undiat Iha managamani. of /i C:iMnmitMa ai^ poiniail by iha County Cuunrll Tha paopia ol tha Omnty arahiahly plaaawl «iih Iha liwinrttofc-* ! ^ 'ttomty at WaihuA \ Whrn •'omparad with otliar atalfttf \ Inttitiiliona, tha primifMl dlirartnra ia \ in Iha raportad roai par inmata which haa baan iha highaal in Iha Prminca. Undar tha praarnt managamant tha nita ia brtng rv MldrwM lh« Cwuniy CuunciU with. r<«ard lo ih« County HmiM o» Industry <|UMilon, fend th« nccciMliy «»f t)«tt«r ctaMiflearvd ai a deputation m the Miniaterial AaatMiaiion and werf allowed to addrcu the Council. Re*. Mr. 'I'rotier stated thai they, lh« deputation, had tieen ap|M)inted by the Ministerial Association to present a petition in regard to prison reform, suggested Kiy the Prisoners' Aid Asso elation He presented the (letition in the form of a rrsoluiion passed by the Ministerial Association, which s<-t forth the necessity of a House of Refuge which would allow the better classiAca- tion of prisoners in the jai^ and the worthy poor to be removed from the criminal classea. The resolution aajied that a committee be appointed to look into the matter and report. Rev. Mr. Young supported the peti- t CO, pointing put that the administra- Uon of Justice had a two-fold object, the punishment and the re/ormation of criminala, and he went on to emphasize the neceiaity of adopting a system which would be the liest tended to • reform. He also regretted the system which left no place for the worthy aged poor but the common jail. Mr. Caaement drew th^ attention of the gentlemen of the deputation to a resolution passed at the last session of the County Council, in which the county agreed to esuhlish and main- tain a House of Refuge on condition 'that t^e^town assist in that esUblish- ment and maintenance. He thought the Town Council was perhaps the proper- body to apply to in regard to this lAtter. ^, Mr. Moloney said the county was Oj?'y»*> willing to establish a House of Refuge, providing the town would assist. The Town Council was the body which should be agitated." While there was no dolibt that th^ greater number of inmates would coiiie from !'''J*!llii'""**'' "•' «dmini8t5ltion/of justic^ipi county wou(d ha«^ to bear the expense'^of stich an '/institution, unites the town agreed to^qp^rate. ,. ™« Warden expi-c«i^ hifciffclf simi- '^TfV' "^ '" "*•'<* to the Children's Aid said Itot the Council had received aiuch irfformation in regard to the Act ;^fnd the Sodetjr. On motion of Mr. Moloney, the •*. quest .if the Childrens Aid .StKietf was referred to the finance CommUtea, %f\A, on motion of Mr. CasemcnnTlhe petition nii are better vrnlilaled, and Ihry receive more lt||hi and more heal from the tun, and thii pn>mot«a good-hMlth arid good ipirita. In provkting for the claaaiAcatiun of the teiea, |t ia ever to be Iwme in mind that the itandard of Morality among many of the inmatca of county houaea of induatry ia very low indeed, and for thia reaaon they thould be au •wrtl y«rt. both In Europe ami in America. Thia ground plan i« almoat •elf explanatory (n the centre and well hi the front ia the atlminiatratlon building and keeper'i reiidence ram tuned, In the rear of the adminiatni tion building ia the building for the two dining room*, ami the kitchen and laundry. To the right ia the cottage for Ihe men, ami to the left ia the cot- tage ttn the women. To Ihe right of Ihe men'icotlMe ia Ihe men'a hoapital, and to left of^ the women'* cottage I* the women'a hoapital. The hoapiial buiUling and Ihe cowrod |MM«ge waya are of one storey only, while the And at the preaent moment the State of New York ia eatabliihing a colony for epileptics on the cottage plait. In the conatruction of county homes or houses of industry, the cottage plan preaenta many important advantages, amon^ which may be enumerated the followtpg, viz. — - I. It effects * perfect separation of the sexes. a. Caretakers are relieved of much responaibility. 3. It ia faier in cases of liie. 4. It i^'safer in cases of contagious diseaaes. / 5- It liemoves the straQg prejudice immyofthe he steong leparated, that they can never either apeak to or even see each other. Hence it ia necessary that the sexes be kept absdutelv apart, not only in the buiMing and the wrda, but also at the church service. This perfect isolating of the sexes can only be attained by the cottage system. The plans of a county home or poor- house presented herewith, waa de- signed W Hon. William P. Letch- worth, LLD., of the State Board of Charitiea and Correction of New York, •Milted by Geoige !. Metsger, Eaq , Architect, Buffido, N.Y. Aa already . -i i7 — ■'■'** *• ^'"^ "'• Letchworth haa leiiwwgiyy) ^ giTHi t hji niifiilrai lu r-iri itudj f bi- other buildings are two-storeys. The bam, which is to the rear of the men's hospiul, is not shown on the plan. The rooms on the ground floor are uaed as day rooms, while those on the next floor are uaed aa dorroitoriea. The room over the kitchen and dining- rooms is the chapel, and (for the separ- ation of the sexes) this is divided into t*o by a partition the entire length of the room, except where the leading- deak or pAlpit is located. Two STOKKra Ohlv. , The cottagea are only two stoivys High. In a pooriious e w here so 1 •- ftl ■f n! "mr lO ' stf="f ^p^-^ps . . .^4,^. ■•« rtghi itwt ih«y should h« 00*- pelM ti> ira«w, in c«a« of are, rRrraa la much more dllfl cull in a hiHh IniiMing , Iwndea ihia. •h« cort ol •u|wr»ial«Mi ia iMa »h«n then a>« but two Mtmyt. It m%hi ba olilMrtMl thai th« differ •no. (n coat la in favor of a hiaher building With rrgard .0 thia. ll,„ ».',:. lforh»i«s«*K3yf »'^^^-i.«i ris"- .k ' inht iKow ibun- pto- d b« Bcnrt , h lo Imp lenly I ba I Mi- nor* lllng In I, in i IT m^mmiMiim^ Cooaty Piaptn and Coull^r Hoiiaw of Indiutrj. ^j^ . .f-y-i- rtng moM MoallMil wtida P' ^y^ WMrf OMMtnictlon ta coiv from ■ f^m nMd by Hon. W». P. UldivQfth. LL.O., baloN th« N. Y. Stata Boutl or Oi-fHU^ Tfct MMkor li unuMMlly w«|| <)iMllAed to wHl« o^ ihii qumiion, m ha hM •"Mia il for nwuiy jraan a ipacial Mudy boUi In Amartca and in iha Old World. TW fum AMD lytLoiiiaa. Tha outer walla of brick buildinaa •hould hava an aire ■"P«*^ ft«t or the floeir than to have very high ceilings. While it is import- Mtto provide suflkient floorajiaoeiu «2ge rootn% not more than a liberal •Mome iboufcl b. given ; otherwise, "hfo tt» imdtatioa ia crowded, an tbuae win creep in by pladng twobeda in rooma deriy^ only for one. Aato a^MnooBt or ainapMe tequiied in the the foul iur may be carried to a special •tack warmed by hot steam coils within iU topk and thus aocoinpliih die' same . poipoae.* Suoplementing the open Ores, the buildings may be economically heated by steam, generated at a oennal point and earned in pipes through the cellar Md passages under the coveted ways tp the different departments, where the hMt may be distributed by dii«ct or itidirBct radiation. Whether steam, hot water, or (lo^air furnaces are used, the air supplied from the outside should be taken from so£e distance above the f '' ■ #1 •Mt Tavk taaMhatha J.g.Uai^, the ^-J^ eftka »«???'.«.'£»£ ^ fceMMfaiMMa. k]raiifa«apla«a,«ha •Mi riM AmiA ba MM li M U> »Wn$4 • ptMuAtl auiiiiiy «rf haai whaiMvar iM^daiL If Mmoi \m uani thm* miM Un Mitiil* Ijoikr raps- city, whirh I* vUkmi |Nr«ivkiM|. Many of lh« Inmain of a |iiMtfh<|umlly r«<|Mtr« nutn artilU t*i •armih than per wm* in vigfMiHM iMMlth. If a gfineral hcatifui a|)fMralua ba umhI li may Im piaCMbanraih ih« laMiidry. It la d*- limW* thai lh« riMMu ouniainiiig U •h rllara atljouung, all of »hk h (houkl b« amply urovided wiiii veniilaiing AuM. It will be advaniaf •dua Ui have two botlan, to thai in caaa it it nacaa ■ary to repair on« of iham the tiihar can b« brought into requiMtion. If MMm ia uiM for cooking, a small ad dlti^n^l upright boiler with a ptuaf ia thoiicht by tome to be deairable. Till Watu StlMLV. Where a natural heait of water cai»- not belibtained, and it it not intemled to maintain a conalant preaaun; of (team ■ufAdent for the uae of a tteam force- CmpincMeofArt, a water lower majr aredad dl aufllciant heiflM to 4k- tribMa water ovtr the hig^ieat part of »nj boUdlng Thk tow«r mtj fora • put of one of the prindnU MUUm^ or iHAf be lepwate from it For aim- awjr pwpwaa, tanki imx b« jpbMd in the Mtka of one or mora of ib« princi- psl building!, but thcie will not alTord unple protection in caae of Are. The water uiould be elevated by nMun. of a ■team-pump. Windmills have fre- quently been tried in connection with a water supply ; but, so far as I can learn, they have proved unsatisfactory Jtavestments, and have usually been Miperseded by steam. All chieap de-, prices for convej^ng and distoibuting MitarslMaMbednaRled. Thecapa- Bity of the lank win be ragulMed by the aoMNint of water used and by tht ntervals between timesof raising steam, [f steam is not uaed for nwaklng, ihMe nteivab in wmner will of coune be oiwer than otherwiae, and larger tanks frill be rcqidrad. A common mistake ia to uae, at Ibe I Nitset, a very small iMya wala«pi|ifc I ^ve known of instarei when an inch Ipe had been tried for this pM^pofe. "naiv cMmliy poarlwuae Oie BUpply pipe o>|iM to be «f em- and not leae thsB three inchea in be sadedwi^hadr^and the pi^^ m a gnMHa tmidi btlow aR poMMi* ties of tntk. When w/raflect tbM it ii of vital importaaot t» haw an abun- ancoof witm in iaaiiMtkaa of tUa kinfl i B aifc_M f pn rp tMaa-Of c^B a wyl p m^ and m a psn*««4ifln igsinsl Iw. ika atidMionel aipmaa df uaing a lasga trf •laiad of a MMall ptiia la an InMiniVani ill pipaia an inMrn niattof,4iapvr«aUy aa iIm nm of litgiiflg a iratH h i* no graaisr in the one eaaa ihan ih«> «iih«r. Ilydrania, with a wiflWlrnl ntpnty of hnaa In in«*t Ihr rm#ffciiry irf Arr. ■hontd tip fitmmi ai prsSani can be wfopled. in which raae means thouhl be ptwvided for drying and storing in summer an ample tu|>- ply of earth for the year. The earth may be dried in vau wkh movable covaia, such aa an used in makii« salt by soW evaporation. It can then be shoveled into a chaapt <=!<>•« structura aloi«side of the vau If earth doaeis are used, it will be wall to project them from the building and connect them therewith by short pasaage ways having croa»ventilation. Another plan of dia- poaing of sewage, but a mere expensive one, is that of coiiecting it in a series of vats so placed that the overflow of one passes in a second -and from that intd a third, whuWK the Hquid is dis chiiged into a stieam, or distributed over the sunrot^iding land and absorbed thecain The solid mattw which ia left is intermixed with ashes or other mate ; rial, and is used as a fertiliser on the land. Tu Laund*v. All the n ece ssar y fadlitiM for main- taining deanMneas must be supplied, eqMdally tit respect toproper arrange- menta for batbing. The bathrooms shoald be made comfortably warm and supplied with ooM and hot water, the latter being under the sole control of attendants.. A separate department in the kMHidiy, or at least separate prori- .aion for washinw clothea that come from the hosnitalwarda, is imper a tiv e ly neceaaaty. Jn addition to means for drying clothes in die Immdry, there oiigM to be yard facilities to accom- plish the iaaM^ect out-oMoors when the weather peimita. Ctdmnm. observnl In ihNM I wnit wi l i ii ia . and Ihia can lie miisIu «la< e for Jieeplng ihv clolhea aiwl [iny jirrty of ihe Inmaiea wiMralr fhim ihe oroppfty of Ihe f'ounly i* deairabU. Nn as< uae iluNild hr fiMMul for hin>> Iwring up Ida nHwna of paupers wtth their old (iothea, sacks, trunks, ale. On the ipounds of evary public in- stitution, it is well to provide a vard with a rloae Ixianl fenre where all un- sightly maierial may be sli>red. Some shed room in this yard is desirable, and if it ran b« arrangetl so Ihat Ihe work* •hop will mnneri directly with the yard it will be more convenient. Woaasnor and Wobk booms, t A pleasant indoor worktoomfor women, fnd for the men a weinigliffid workshop^ whera tools may be repaired and oeruin kinds of indoor work car* ried on, are indispensable. It should be a cardinal principle in poorhouse man^(sment that every inmate must render, aa Aw as he is capable, som« kimlof service to the county. This much ia dae the public, and the wet> . (are of the benefldary is thereby pro- moted. Neiadder siflht can be found than! that of idle people in a poorhouse ■ittiiw in a row with foulded hands, an exentpUAcation . of living death, with nothing to engage their minds ihd thrown back on sorrowful reminiscen- ces, it is but natural that they should became delected, fretfkil and querulous.^ If tbe ability to labor is a matter>l«ft to tbe Judgment of the attending phy- sicisin, it will hp found that many in- ' dustrief can be carried on and much ^oie work petfom&ed than is generally suppoaed. Not infrequently a carpen- ter will be found idio can be aoade very i^efol at odd Jobs, a tailor who can repair old clothes and nsike plain' garments, or a shoemaker who can re- pair the shoes of the inmate*/ Light work ma^ lometimea be improvised which will benefit those employed, though not affordiiv much, if any, pe- cuniary profit. By the practice ofa little ingenuity on the part oT diDae » - charge and the giving of slight rewards for services pcriomie^ many, if 'not most, of the infirm wouen may ba in- duced to nndeitakc Ikbt tasks, such aa sevnoft knitting, pMtcbniKk, pnpuibig and iewing catict ngt, ete., and the li*' f. • »^ :-Hr'^^ S*, (11 lh« hin»> r yard II un- Soma r. »nd iyard lit (find •irwl MHlId MNM« must »Mk phy. y in- ' nuch gmlly tpeii' nade who. plain n re- Jght naed lyed, oia wiar- wda mat «in- liaa ». MMlR --j- ^ . i-*''ti . ;|*, ■i.^^^'' i^-g^ai^l^ ^ * **«' ►m* •/• # b iha gardm sn4 iha AaMi. rWtfM 1 furfoM or ntwMlinc aiy to yi mm \^ vtoMr, I ha*« known o# chMk hving •iwctcdL whtch war* oamlhnaMy warm •4. and In whkh torh nl ih« m«n •• •oukl do WMiM w«irk v«r« r*<|«lr«l ui braak a caruin amount of Minm dally Thia arrangantani jraail* rvdurvd tha MmbM or Inmate In iIm ixxirhiNiaa. Whan a (Mupar Anda thai ha must, lo Iha aitani oT hia ability, randar com tm4 CMatj U ^ -_ iowrHDjr amrtaty to HifiMi and (half wtvm. IImm nan ha r«lur«d to the mmimum only by Iha amrtMi .4 MMn« iiManatiy and Iha mforccnMinl uT r«||inrt, though w quirad to do but llitla, ha hcquanll* bacomea dliRuMad with |>uor»iouta ll/e and will roanaga lo earn an Indasan dant living. . CLAaMriCATtOfl. Ona of tha graai aviia In our poor hooarf tyiNan grows out oT an Incom vtata taparatlon oT tha laiaa. In iha InvaaiiajiMipn aada into tha caMM oT pMipariMB by Iha liiata Baaid of Cha- riHaa, a ari a aa l to a CMMirrani fasote- Uon of tha 8an«to and AasaaWy (oT Now Vaili 8mm) of ilyj. H »M fawKt .... „,^ fanMaaaf hasadkary ■prang IVmb aaaffiana ran A raoM in which rali^^ou* aarvicaa ■•T ba rooductad ought lu rotma part or eratr pourhuuaa 1 o aowia taiNMta* ihaupfwttMnHy tor diirin. worship la iMiMBBry Mr ihair |MMca or mind, and M eattointy (houkl mn !•« dantod to any. Upon all. iis intuanca la baMrft ckl. ami M haipTuI in iba p i a aiis M t o i i ar ofdarly dapor imaiil and awod Aki- pMna. Tiia GiuMtiioa. idonafftrai in^aMltoofaandfctihasMwiM or vanstablaa and IhHi. InsonMofthaK BINilou* and waahhy twnntiaa In tha «•, Iha out bttildb^ would ba a dia- ««Min In thair unhnprovad, unpalntad, wMatimaa rulnoua condhion hom yaar to y«ar, a standing monumant to tha parsimony or tha coumy authoritiaa, AoMinurraaTioit. adltstll^.Si^J'''**^ "^ '" MMnMsring thaaAifsara peofhowa *- to twhica tha MHnhar af Ita hinnMa iniraaiinMion aada into tha casMa oT Iha around* •h«.MCJ»ljrrET5' _^^- To thia and Hm oM^^utona of ntaHsos shonM ba • nifeaead. Tha hsal ■hovM baaaiandad hMi sprang IVmb matti^iaaranaaquant IhM apand upaai tha pT ihabnOd top. M^i'SaeS ba pv«rida«fer otaMiyhigtiM biMMa. M far aa pncUtsbla^ aoooidkH to «Mk pwullar mantal and pbyaknl condition. S^pawu room ought to b« proridad P'*'*«l!^_ "*»• not saaM right to Rnta this daM into eonatont and tod- 2*»-»*tio«w*« Of bek of sraigiaae ptaoted in the Quarter ftoip which coom ptemUing •inds wiU |in»«« not only a protection towin lor hire. Ai a— iwiluu T'*)'' Iw iMfA, on witiliM. of the gi»yllt1ei«l-nMlc5iriyof,sj; ThataAialaMdataaNtkaa he aan •Mly etMfaedt ^^db the hM|iint << dedmd BMr. la taring oM the gioande and ■mted.* >tolPpii«thnlu2,an«MiMMhMd •nesis «|u> tiM beat kind ef*uit ahwiM wit mm. In dtis tray fai^vidaab May. IHu"^*^ *V^*^ becototoj OfMlcpaiipen : h«MM, each loaJti; tothus made to bear ha own Mthnaie ww*""^ and attention is th««by (UracMd to local ahuaM that are aotiNH ofMuparisak WMchfohMH shnnM be eaeniead diMt^hnUchaightbelaida oanne dalk berdased with lot Ptormeriy. Httie nitamioo in the nanifMaent of a thedaMiflcaaonofitt __ *** "?! y?"* *• oaJjaaed •pKMbKiteee soibfaw Aon ' >flfl I ■Mmilli I I I i*t.Z (iven Jto Both and re- uMve (naaiM^ were iMlisc ~ "ta*^ TO. n. _ *naa8(tsiBf^ Tug The tMrm and atablas ahonid be wa^rd from the nan's side of the ^Mtkntio^ and the men'* aide aboold v.!?*?*.^*'!* •"^ or the side by whidi the bdldl^ are generally a^ gwadhad^ hi order to secwe giM > bM»d at deaf prwnpdf tnuHfiMred to . donandttnining. Idlerie a«l IheMfe. nmj be wvf ^^JTS^SZSZ WpJetythnswsedftqManinaenaein C«itMupi w PDotHotnm —— -■ «w iiiBMuw ne J of aodeiy mtm itmt bv [their iaiMitirtiom tatt of cbikft. ^y*.*y t"P ywia oM • far te proper care of stoick f= ,/ .t '♦^'^ 14 ■• ' piacad ia (kaiUlM, or|ih«n aarliMic or othar apprii^iaM l(Miltuii«t>|,0 "t<«o ramlllM umiat rirtuin«llln< «• •hat* lh#y aia |iri;u •ittinft batb, and other rooma in day time. This arrangement enablea the upper apartmenu to bo cleaned and thoroughly aired durin;; the day; beaidea, two-story buildings ate much safer than three in caae of Are. BAMMUm. Aooanpaoffeal alp hiio, ih. iboiKlii. tloja. Trap ami Mntllala w»*ts mil ,«# «.f y««f buildinga i;„ ,Uj^ ?**•* ?."•* V*^. a^l <;^nM>nl iho jwots l)o iMM n^ka ih« misiako of PMMtng down too largo pip* |^ WfO bo a rapid ilew enl , ami whara tnia la impra. tUalJa. ,.«. flu^,„g ,.„k^ i*^.*?*' '"»" *'"»'" •»» bMildIng should ba es|).«NNl. m far as pradT' cable, to OtMorvatioii Waipacol tho wjUa thi^hout, a few foet fVom the ■dor Mafca your lUlrs wilh short naoa, wide tirae provided ro-iins lor attendants or employeem who should bo lalner the roofa and th«- fewer anglea and guttera, Iho bettor Ret all tho sunlight you can into your buildincs. It brings health and choor AihMOB, and savea Aiel in cold weather. Large, pIcMant, welllighted work- rooma should bo a feature of the inatitutioa. 'BHPixnrMairr. I ahould reaolutely diacaid batt- menta. They are apt to be damp^ inconvenient of acceaa, and aoon bo- come the source of bed odors. In place of basements, dry cellan may be subetituted, but these shotild not be used for the storage of vegetubiea or any substance liable to decompoae. All colters and ground floors should be grouted. Throughout, in conatiuction, do not invite the lodgment of any kind of vermin ; and in the appointment of keeper or matron, select one who is an inveterate foe to guests of this kind. DitAim. Bath-rooms and closet*, with their ventitetion and plumbing, shou'ld have cardful attention. In teying drains to coonect with buildings, guard ^int t In ovorr well-ordered poorhouas tin inmates will be employed to tho utmost of their ability, the extent and kind ol tebor being determiiied by the physi- cian. If a wonan can knit or sew but an hour a dav, and a crippled old man can pull weeds only for the same length of time^ they should be lequiiwl to do as much. When a person is supported at the eipenao of tho public bo shook! liquidato the obUgation u fer as prac- ticable byUs tebor. It U right for the county to. practice economy in admin- istering its ailaiis and to thte end to utilise the tebor of its beneflciaries to the greatest poaaibte.estent Not only should tebor be enforiced for the interest of the county, but for the mo^ and phniciU weUare of the individual, and for the maintenance of order and disdplliM. OirT-Binu>iiio& Have your bama ud ouUitriMity -'WHpiy^ "S*"^' V^ • r s-.j, .0-,B. ^p»^,j_ * CottiitjrPaupM«aB4CoiuitjrMu. lh« (mm wm%, tuiTMa, »««, •n«l (MHiiiry In lb* rtNinlry. Pknl your prdnna and onharda to aa la ITovhJ* a IxHindful mppiy and • *arl«ty «rf fruUa ami f^KcubW KalM •uffl c(> (hat which i* moat attractive in nature, and to k«pc aa to inculcate U**on« ol ortiar and neatne** Inttead of formaJ bnt« of (lower*, plani«l in the annual ertrhu^^ •iaam of apring. but frecjuently ftft to WMtda in the buaiar leaaon, I U«ftr broM) (iMCM of gram lawn. wilKBne and then a autely itm^ aflbrdii^ %n>t» «bl ihade in the huM. of •ummer and . friendly ihelter againat Iba blaala of winter. I do not object to Iha cultf- mkm of baei*, oniona, ■qiuuhea, etc, on th« contrary, I ragard lain ooM of audi aa deairable, but Ihiok their proper place i* in the vegetable garden rather than at the front door. In Europe, green, wdl-trimmedlawna bordered with ahnibberY, and clean, well-raked gravelad walk* and road» are the mle rather than the exception. Theao feature*, in my opinion, have a good effect in diidpling inmate* in habiu of order and c|eanline*a« and certainly impra* the Ti*itor favoimbly, even before entering the building. To fully realiie; how attractive the *ur- rounding* of a poorhouae may be made, one ahould take a look at limi- lar jnatituliotia in England and Scot- lud- Of aiMMhar to atime gnnd *<>c■ ing of children. •Such quiedy perfomed, unoaten- utiou* deed* are like the drope of dew that gather in the evening riiadowa. Though they then teem inaigniAcant •nd unattracthri, when the morning winlight break* over the hill*, there bur*U upon the daailed mght a *cene of mafniflcence beyond the power of language to deacribe. Hverv leaf, .pray, and tiny object upon which the eye lyti, I. glorifled by'theae life^vlng, lire giving amncie*, with a iplendor outrivallina the diamond* of India. So, when break* upon u* the nHpiing of the resurrection, the beneficent though oft-*eeming trivial deed* of good men, under the approving *mile of the uni- OiiUfUi (iovarniMnl. nam*^, to pay M X "I <«•« ol lh« iMf awMiy biilldliigil. To Iha giMMl pnipla ul iha ram^^nlM JO counlwa, whura lh« loimly hplw iHe votara — In thaae <-ounliaa Immh mada aware of the iaitolactory working of tha houae «l«t nlMtk ••irfiHwMa Iha •li.il. |m» pm*f, and hH)4« NivaHa iha llinaa. •^ t» Manila «^m ita trntm^^ a •««« WtmuifMnl III tfc, ( hrMlM i h»iHy ol I «*.la and < .Mnvllfe. •«t,fon. aa ta(« My lanila In i*ia Iwai I T haa aat upi apwa Mf ania •fa ibani iMivly. a. JU aJai> a ruw «i aM»ilf itm* alMrh Imn* haan aat uwt, aa mN,^ a (MNMlisf «f iniiaatiatry and rMtTMl InadMa ami ■tai* *ina« T«« torn of tell • ara hniklng mti, kM hM tMO, tiM < wHk «r Mr. nc dayi-of their Uvea upon the durky or the community. From time to time brief referencea to the excellent man- agement of the iraiiiution have been . publuhed in varioua newipaperi \ throughout the provinces. The only \ detailed sketch of a visit to the House, V deKTibing the diUlv life of the Kttle colony of old people who are ending , their day* under its sheltering rooJ, wu pubHshcd in the Br^dnilk Ttmm With die idM thM the public would not And unintereitii^ ■ bnef aocount of ^ . howthinp«regQingoo«lpr«Mntinthe Hottae,«BrockvilIe TIsMrnMnwent out ywtnday to make a vidt to the irati ^utioa and lonk ahnii* fe > hlif itf)C kmoiy the worker^ he mad* his way over to the buay scene. »fr. Sleacy eiplaioed that all who could bear a hand were aiding in gettiiM in the roots, the toul crop of which «rould be considerably over i.soo huahela. Be- sidee this the pofatcyt, vhich were •Ireadv stored, meuured 7^0 bosheb, and the com, jod busliels, Of the other crops Mr. Steaey estin^ited that there were tjo boaheb of oata, tj bu*eh of haifcy, its buriieUof bo^- !?*"*• *^„^?**'* "' P*^ t« tone of hay,, it boheb of onions /and 700 beMborcabbaBei The Houae flkrm b well and wooded, free (Inn • Itft j i ^ ^ l m y » g ood but 1 and was one 5?^^ *''!Tlft'"*' ^«*» •"•"•««■ II IS a well built commodious machine hmma, t^ Ami bjr t« (set In it is the «ni euttar wy«h *eC«smiss Coundl had puithased for the Houae. N«ar the machine houaa «• a fine com cribk which has also been built tMs year, s Alfcw a brief look thro«|rii the cow bi«i, th< p% house and the hen howsa, wmch were an in escailenl oondMon, tfw new^aper man was shown through (ne House. «n«*e opening, 77 imnaies have baen atekted to Iha itoase, and there ^ been 19 deMha. i^fhe o«w ther e ai efany lw in *wd twwiiiy oBwi • > / •tanf «M \ . \ ■ HS •^- i>Tp i ■% V C •i Mm <•« IhiM litnaa t««i «ini«r. Tfc« •ii«n«nu|lh« nwn ih« rMlotn Th«« afrangvitiani m iutl«| mit in Ihw M«>m«ii4. wluttK «fc •itiMinl lh« iMiha •Ml l«»MHl*t»tHtMl MM^ M (•imtHnIM Uf Uw 5 i' Vhr ktU Hrn l« Ur^n MmI alty, wtlh • •"II m|yi|t|in| r«itg«i Un M> IfWl «Hrtn|| ihf •umnut iiMniIha rUing Ml rln« •( Avvit'ibMh ami ih« Iwvak Am mi ai all In winirr Ihc ruing hoMf ami Itrrakraal Ktnit art> an h miM h Milior l-or Umklaat Ihay h«v« Imps/I aral \MtHrr, |a>frl«l||« ami mtlk,anr, iHni|i,|Ni(atiimi, Iwrf <>f iMwk, vriHaMtv, rl<« <» ImNul innkilng and Itrrad, IhjI mi fittm iif iMairVi aiMl fw ir» ih«y are ntven l>n>ad ami iHillrr. Im, hot IrtaruUa «r )c>hnny . caiiiMialljr a luah iiT NMai ami itutaKwa Mullrr la Ktvati at hraakfaM ami tea (traniiwan! la iha pravsiling alyl« m top to Imtbrni «r iIm! HinAc In every ward amlriMinl and hall, thr flcMira and watU, ih« neai iron ImUirada and all Ihr fuinlahinn are aptHkaaly clean aral iic mon'a day room ia an organ, ami hrrr arr rellgiou aervicea hcklon Hundaya. The mcn'a working room ia in ihc liaatfnMnt, 'rh* okkMt inm«t«a are up m day- lireak -- often, Indeed murh nirlicr TW k«n» al |ndi«al»y la ny* akm* - an himfxrarita iM.>fi|tfiwn< in iha ( hrla llan .h«>l«y ..( |««|« ami (i(«n»llW It la a nwmuitK lit n>i Imm In th«'«uHml, |>ral»a« ibiralHU .if iImi ..mimunlly. »♦«• haute iwn k>A Mramlnl In a«» iTHl |«>«cMy rh» Mo«ia« irf ImliMlry ••lla ihr •••rUI ihal ih* ••HinllM of l,««la ami lirvn«lll»i kmiw hrtw Im a4 mintator wllh a mm ami {MUtlvnl \imt •«••• manaiwnwnt Ih^l hwrn .if |i.,MI. < hardy with whhh m4 abma lh« |irtMt|i«in« iif true humaniiy ami Ckrla (lamiy arv in a. • iml, IhU aUo ih« lt«rh Inga of wNiml »t.>, ami In ihu IhiminKin W NirhMdaon. Kai| . County/'Wt. mtiim tha H«-r*iary «f ih« frlwHi..ra' Aid Aaam iailon. ihai th« |MNt(il# of ih« Unilail CountlM ar* well laiialWd with n*»lng a If.Miaa of Induatry aaialiliahMl in l^adaaml (;ninvlll« Mf- J ■ -r' *. 1 » jMH| « ■ ..d r' "'^^^ k% wtggMSjSK^ , mi Saturday ia liath night, and all the old l»oy« and girli of Mr. ami Mr«. Hteacy't l»ig family have their "tub" then. The women do a great deal of the looking after the mnma, doing laundry work, etc. Yet with the aaaiatiincc Ihcy are able to render to Mra. Stcacy, that 1^ ha* to work very hanl, her onlv regular aMiitant lieing the rook. Kverv day that paaaea linngi addijd proof that a wiae choice wai made in appointing Mr. and Mra. StMcy aa Manager and Matron. They are moat *'**!L*'** right penona in the right place. They work early and btc, and all the iniMtea ipeak of l^ in the Ji%fa tt ti« In iha fine building which haa tieon •ractad for thia imrpoa* »»y ih« « ' hill " The Ane l>reetainey waahriMNHa ami lavaiiirlat ( lh« M'mM rllmb stairway up to ih« Arat A«>«ir. all of hardwiMxt, ami Ihia ami Ihe umier Awir are lal.l in maple floor ing. the narioweal iMing uami in iha kliihan The rtiimi for lh« rommiilee •nd general piir|Hiae la on the mirth Ifala of Ihe enlram-e, hera alao the doctor aeaa hia |iaiienta, and •» hia dt*- penaary la loraleal in conna tion w{th hia room. ( In Ihe aoulh aula of ih« entrance ia the aittlngriMmi. for ih« manamr and hta wife, and connected by allding d.Mwa la iheir dining rmim, Ihe two rooma forming one nice apart- ment. The remainder of Ihe front «t Mch emi la occuuied by the large d4y or lilting room f.>r men' and wom^n / reapectively , thcae are aa aunny aAd, ••right aa c»n lie arranged. In th« rear are Ihe i(iaci There are alio imall privat* roomi on ihii Afior for aged couples or laying inmates. At either end are alio llMn alii ny iImim I'Mlura ••ImMiMM •«|t ffitMi •!<«§» ••■ Nnfih mmI oHrih iif ik* )«Mln Ii«««Wm% •n«l Iw ikviitml lA* ittwmtbiflflt Mi |WI«*i« tnnMla'n riMNn* iMriMltMml Inlti lh« liHlbllng, tmt ImiH* MhI < !<■•««• •(« tin ••uh ViHif i^rwra MmImI I >m iMithling •III im hmtad by l<>« twvwiw* MMm |i M lni«ii4«d l» llghl «h« tHilhling Hy clM-irhHy In wMllkMM til lK« atrtminwMUlion* tif lh« h«M««a llwir, llM Ixtlkllng «f(irtti • «iiMil li » » > i i w >wi II wkm >hM4 IM /ifr*wM llw tw wmu wt tmt «mw«tng i* •■/ Hi M««U MHl|r ol IM iHtiMlnp •rf •^M« twh k. an*! ih* r«HM itm tmm tci •h« Ilk III iIm umm M || ImM , fKHN •ha lilMiMn* NtMif M ifca >«f(< 1$ (mi I ha (i^mMga • • • foM, aittl llta itl|Nil 4A hmL III wMiitoiti iM wlii^li ihat* «m l*, iMM II I |« •mxhai 1 1 ( i« hmt ' rha Wxira iMilkilni l« hMtad «Hh •n4 llflhUHl liy alatltkUy lilat* tarim ihal Mid h«lng Iha ^MMry, tawMlry. laula* nmm, mm! I aif !>• t|iM4m- itt, th« conlrMtor 'Hamiiel H, (,'iMiper, ■nd lh«^ conIrM:! pticm $Vil74i ih« •itma Iwing lakl lo h« rMM of an •■ tan«lv« nalurt. The buildinK, u now Aniah«df i* • pla'n, «cfnriceal>l« and •itbalantlal pile, built fur u*e and for public purpoaca. // wt/f nmuim a mtmmimttt la Ikeu mMa kadlHi conilrut ■ Han of il, ai»d wktni< minmt an ttiilimd la At kamkJ dawn la fothrily hf a Mandtaim marhW Uthhl, trnltd in uildin|| The etliAce facii the mirth, ibe mam entrance being abinil the ccnlrefir the building. Ilie m^in corridor, or hall, ia 1 1 p 41 feet, and near the rear end of il a^ the auirw^yn leading up and down. The men caied at the went pi and tlie women'* at iMnemenl floor*,- e. mom and kitchen, a all the other floon ii of enaole. The w roomt and lavathrif* liarimenii arc lo if the building ihe eail end. The [cepl Ihe dining- of comrrete, and tha building are ifn room*, lialh ife locate| Aqr •«« aMk wmk. km iHm •^^apiMi ••f* IWmm • .iMam* I|«,im, ttulmtn tnhi lit. w.|rtt«n f«.HH. «|ti.|« „ ,1^, iMlMa »tm h«M ttit* >.i.h«i i« r>ifnt*li «l •Mfc M .iHW. WIM., ,»»i„. kmm. ««»ni tm ilMlk> iwni III ih« irtiilliiiit.in 1^ r?!? "• ''"^'?' ••"•"• ••»• ««• •tar rcKim and a riMMn I,h chiirrh «ar^ imir,Hmt^ l«o, Ilk ilM •M f In !«• ,„|m, ,^ ^ ifc. Hall ». • ••»»». »Mn«.«nl«, . la^ «».,«.♦«,. a laNn^V w»w». .tiMit ,^, ..^j.,,.,^ , h««« «M n»Na««, « ,„^ „,,^ «.w| » |»^ •aw- Wto. a ih«-Mij, ..ifc,. .^ ,^ ■••»«W 1^ UumAi ..miaiw, «,! H-»t«l ami-MMM rite lM.Min> i. ^•«*l •«» N.rt aw ,^ n.„ ,,^ ,^ h.- «(. ha«in« hmm„ ^.Mm I .Itain M •a« fcHifMl UMt !*■ M •«» kwIlM 1^ W.»l.. ••««.». NaM »«.n ..tondiMl k, 'jyj'*****^'^ n»K -Ml* IIW t«yi|ri. « MM « ik« y ra w iaaa, |i*«>*i>iM ail •WMI «• ma.1 fc«ri| ..^ .Hll.,,«a4 ****"*•'*••■ "^^ !-•♦% »htm», Malta •*»l*M itMM ta aM>k«««4 M ^ C^ •^ . tn. «! .rf I*. 4JIXS •*f T*' "^ "^"^ '•. »- lit. 4m7mn7 ''' '•" *••• •»• ••• wmimiAi. •m* «t« .a* MiiitMMMl I., n .tt*"— —«••»-. W. UgjM ^_ rfc- ..«»•«« ^ ^ ruaiHnttir k.n.1 A.hU.1 «.* I. rtifc^, •"•n i| iiaMl aa Am •arapm haw twrn 1 f>ni*ru<-ini in «h« rwr df (h« Imildinii A^p, iha Mcpnd in lit* Mat , <»««*eh wrvMiM aw hald .„ ^ lM«ltMlton tmy Sunday m.Kn.n- by ih« V M C. A. an.) ntLn.fnmt^ (•ilyaM hatn sKh •««mm ' fc»«aa. ami 4r««« h.»,^ ,j| •Matty jiaiMad. |K« )««». n^nt <* )ha lain la Il.iiwa4 •Mh ••mmt. ami omtalna »«-• h«w Maila. ha,n.*, fBtim. nmt nihuHfl|^^M|^^H^ — .. .1 ^^^^^** |W^*«^»an wh" j*-f.»la. 't.^ ^^lev -fFZ~ *./.'#.. 1 + ,^ Mtt^ I? •- <«•« » M ■ft ^'^A >>»H% NIN^ f •, im •it M« lltM •11, •■•« Ml ••i P» «ll Ml «^ ^ ft •< • Or*' ^^^* W«W» "•niai «<|4 immn n^ ^ M4 OMMMf m 12 : ""Pf^^ *^ «»«Wf||^ •(«iB*ta..| CET-Jt^! I? pp.wT* sr ■■■■■■«■ -HNW «»«t*i. It W H.iU«. IMVMNV. fa. M„ -^ "'•■* •■«i»»««Mt.t IMIilik ; "• •»• •" M.f| • : • .'. tt my pMwiM* irr«ftM«|,hi -»rgi«tw„«, ,„ te-i^^J]'/ '*~''* "•• •»'"«'^''« ■WW In fwtbr III wriir* ib« m^i ■ ««m. it hM liMn r.iMiM In ,«, ,gg^, •"f* «»»•• ■ RtHMHy timl iwr, .rfXiwI *• dMtrablM, if (MM in«lt«|»««««h|# -Tl,, n»*t« ,h„i,ld n« "X- MjlMl •Ilk Kt|.Ni iM.ik*. riMUy to l»W» • .„m|| w« ,^ ^ '• »>«M,lh .rf ih, ,^|„ ,., „,, , ' ^.^ •Id lo ilMlMriiml ,i,t»Mi»r» Suihir «« hmU • «nMll *i,„,„| „,„, ,„ ^^, 'J «H««ir p.h«m.r, .w |»i„, .!.• 1.^- J IWm. Ih. I >„,„( iVrttw ^Mh, ft-*j!r ' Tug NATiqtiAL CovNciL or tVaww »'o« r4NAnA. Al4^ AnniMl mMHiiw of iMg m^- . h#if !«««•«:«. »,|h ,s* uw,i ,uHu7' ™ •h* .«*«(tu.* p.«,. .h^ mm, K^ - ^ 'Se:."' ** i^!!:r„. .11 .. V \h I ! I IT ^• • ^.% *s ^' ■>. . eoMtf NupMi lad Cottaiy llo«iM« of Induatry. tiM.BMMMs N«r to 0Mnt7 Qm^. ft 1^ (kmmttrhum, M /f. hnf«,t„t tf Out I'Riiriii M V*0li«««|kr''^ « . '• Th» If. airM iltnw uliy In ilw (iniMf RMtMncmini uf uiw K a -iK«m t t\w t U*^ .un>alin arriHjnl of (wmtly ami inaliillly l<| mrn fiw Ihtmarlvm a liv.lih«Mi«l, «(mI having mt frtrmla to uiMlr htiiiiH* Unu^ii oiiUKlf atcom m aiin|M?ll<-J lo rr<|uir<' Ihe rounly aiilho rilira lo Unid •cidiuona lo ihr kaoI* for Ihe ificiMl raw and romfort «»f Ihra* indiurni |iro|ilr, a* ihry r' •houara thrrr had ln-rn a feeling of Uliafaiiton among ihr |M-k> pUip htt Ihrlr raff'itnU < imiftiri whetc niany of ihcm • iMihl to a grralrr or Ins i>atrn( i .i»- irilHii. lo ih«ir «i|i|ion on term or learilvK. V M^wt if /Jfyt " I h«v» again to i^n allrniion lo Or targr ntimlm 0/ old |im>|iW «h ••iitutn lh« hi !•» WM arfving ,m- nuiftlh In |^i| fof Mng drunk ami •lHorm» whr lart t-ny, three and a half mtinihs in gaol ; aiw/ ftmr lor vagrancy Two of the w^imen « vagrants and Ihc others (ironiiliile. "Tlic Ihiril flat tif the building is now being fitted up to aci-omniodate Ihe-poor |Mtiple who are sent lo gaol umler the Vagrancy Act I am en lirely ti|»|Hi«J-d, htiwever, to Uking up rotim in Ihe gaol for the pur|iosea rt«>m«n mtn oC • cIm* nuwrn AiimI la Im csnd for In a )MMM h«MM." illff. MiLruM (Iaol. •• I liMiruciMl Mr Alkmt, o| ihto l>«|Mnmeni, k> mako ih« Mcond In glJcljonoUhl,^ H>r«port«lM " I mat< ilmi irf Mimiri gaol, uIkni vtNir r«r|urM, im ih« lilh No»*n«li*f KiMir malo |Hli.mrr« ■•re ihrri* on thai ">|>ortloo oT iheir gaol pouula- tlon I* made up of irampa amrinunl ci|jal vigranli commitiMJ for one ilav or a nighi. or a hw vpr ih« regwier. and ealimaiing ihe conimiiuti lor three montha of the pail winter, I fotind that thia latter cto«i averaged alnrnt eleven p^ ,1,- No itronger argument than lhj« fact co.vtai«m ihould be madr Rw the unfotlunala rlaw rrfrirmi lo |,y MUbliahtng ■ rounly |MMirh<>u«« (f lhi« I* not i|ur|MMc, M Ihe rell and tiirrhliH arroinnioilalKMi « the building la rc<|ulrml nnlirrly fm the < laaallk-atlon <»f |irlaon«r« commit led Hit crime. " '*"• IPJ"' •" inaiMctad by me on Iha j6ih NovemlMr. There were it nialea and 1 females in ruttody. One waa wallinH <"al for larceny, rievrn had •>ern c cmimillrd for vagran. yftwo were " " I insp«tad tha Narnia gaol tin Iho iftth March. There were 10 mm and t wcHnen in cusIcmIv, the charges against whom war* aa follows ■ Malea l«r cany, II ; drunk and clisordrrly, s ; tun acy. I . vagranc 7, ,, Kcmales-aaaaull, I .keeping diaorderly hcHise, 1. "Owing lo the numlmf of iMior u«u- pie commliietl to this gaol. It wIIIIm necessary. If this state ofthings should continue, lo liuild an addition to it for their arccmimcMlaiion. I should be glad to hear of ste|M lieing taken by the countv authorities lo |>rovlde a com fortable and res|ieciable 'home' (or thai claaa of unfortunate p«ip|«."» /Aw. ^ OwjtM Sound Oaol. " When poor people are committed aa vagrants hereafter they are not to be clotlwd in prison garb, but are to be lupplied with suiuble civilians' cloth- ing If they have not sufficient of their own."— 189a. "I made an inspection of this gaol on the silt November. "On that occaaion there were twen- ty five prisoners in custody— twenty- four malea and one female. Of the -former, four were under sentence /or »rceny ; one waa waiting trial for hut- flaff, and the others were vagnnla. I found Ave mal malea. , "Kout'of the maler wfre oidtlUkry vagranta. and one waa commlned for *n»n> and burglary. The latter will be Uken to the Central Prison in a few daya. One of the women waa insane, probably of the acute type, and haa been reported to the department. The 4i0ther was a vagrant."— /*pj. "This gaol conuined iwenty-oiie'pri- sonen at the time of my inspection, on the 13rd February, namely, seventeen males and four femalea. All the pri Boners, both male and female were of " the ragnnt claaa. " The gaol is ^wactically being made • county paorhouae,aiid I would stiong- ly recommend Uut atepa be taken to Pnwide an Induatrial Home for the poor; or that aii additioa be buUt lo Poorhoiiae Olot^rjr. roa Ani,»Noi>iRii mkn. amu women. A««4^,/ -Kvery day, 5 o«s. of bread and 1 % pints of oatmeal por- ridgc5. for men. Women the same, but only 1 pint of jiorriclge. Ihmur -Sundays and Thursday*. 5 OM of co<)ked mear and is oaa of vegetables, for men. Women, 4 oir of meat. Mondays and Fridays. « ^ Bread. 4 on ^^ ,„„p, ,|^ ^^ Tuesdays. -Irish slew, men, 14 ,^4.. women, so oss. Wednesdays and Sat*' urdays—Suet pudding. i> oaa.. men and women. Suffir. —Sundays and Thursdays. — Hread. 5 oxs. ; meat broth, 1 W pinu. All other days. -Bread, 5 ots. j por- ridge, men, x% pinu ; women, i pint. I he aged and inflrm to have butter with their bread, and tea instead of por- "ir**-j ^''"''"'"' '"*"• 9 to 16, to be allowed same diet as women ; children under 9 should have \% pints of milk a day Old people might take milk instead of tea or meat broth. The pea soup should have, for each gallon, raw meat 14 oss , bones 8 ots . fresh yegeublea 6 ots.. and split peaa '*''S?^^^''7'>A^< nNiu«rn«a A* fof A** iMW iMon (MM IMW M A*«fm« M M «7 lllM IMKI IMM ItNM m IMW 06 ' Atanga 74 imti m» IMWIt IW IMM - M IWM HI IMKi - 30 IMM - 7a IMM - m IMW -100 \\ann» 77 IHIM M 18IW — tta itw7 — as w VMk. IMM IMW IMM IMW IMM A* A l» 14 14 17 K lu Mm 10 IMM IV IMM la Avataga 10 IMM A IMM ■ It IMM 10 «1MM a IMM 10 Avaraga • iwti HI mn M IMKI 1.1 IMM - i:i IMM 1» 7 16 iinm no Avaraga 117 Afaraga ItMl 41 imi IW»K 4U IHUil IHWI 40 IMM IMM 411 IMM IMW 61 IMW IHIW 80 IMM Avaraga 4A AvaruK* 10 II H 7 i:i 5 IMKI :i IHM « 1M» . H IMNi ~ la Avarana 7 IMW IMW h 11 IMM IMM IMM IMW IMM Af I6..1M A* 6,M» AO A..-Hitt m 7.WI7 17 •n.OIN Nil AUM a Vtina na Jfuntti't't i'«M I' 14 flit raoti ut m Mm 1N7 IWM I HUH IMM IMW IMM •4..-IAM at *,l»7« 117 :i,m:i.i 7h 4,IM4 w» .1.7A7 76 Avaraga, M.OaA «A AA IMM IMKI IMH IMW IMW •014 00 MMI IW WMI INI 710 in •4.IWIt AN 4.:i77 M A.WIO SO 0,004 UO Avataga ••,«« 70 IMM IMKI IMM IMW AM Mraa, .HI umlar aHltl *MI<)n. IHUI IMW IMKI IMW IMW •0.710 61 A,UIA .16 0.110 IH A,A(M 4M 0,441 III Avanga •6,VeW 34 IHOI now IMW lAM IMM vm •a,HU7 00 a,07» .10 a,4ao 46 a,33i II a,(M.'l 70 4.767 44 Avaraga •a.iMia 61 IMKI IMM IMW 1800 •4.99n ao 0,1104 IM 7.aao an 7,iw7 as Avanme •O.au? W| IMW - 7,13.1 08 IM - flTf » IMW aiit 7a 1^ loa 47 IMW 4a 40 IMW 47 :W I'or I ha laat two jraaia vary liuU anld aiaapl pfawu and vagataUaa. ' 1M»I IMM IMM 1804 IMW •117 06 100 (W aoo 00 auti 76 ao7 Ml IMW .. 240 71 KWaoraa. a I 1807 - •HOO 00 00 M IMW tOU. in ad- dition to produoa uaad •m rarm, of arhioh no raeord ia ka|it. Moat nf tha prodoea ia ennaumad on tha |)r«niiaaa. 1807 - 9460 00 l| 1 -l-t i mM 5 The riunicipal World ffP*"^ MOHTMLY Iff TNI iMTKRnTW or THR MuNUirAI. iNtTITUTtOKS Of OnTAIM>. nUM itOO Kf WW. Hfto OpiM. 10 Cmf^ SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS ! ; -f ^ | »'«' *• iBii M i inl B ii af Ml i U l pI ■mia-Hng md Municipal Uw At an ADVERTISING MEDIUM * * It i« lh«! bwt for rrnchlrtg over 8dX of ihr Munici|Md OnincUs in th« • ' Frovinet. T , ,,« . *., . HEADQUARTERS for ,^ V AtMMm«nt Rolls, Collaotora' Rollf Jury Lltu. Muntoipal BI«oUon Blanks. Ditohea and ^Vat•roou^M• and Draln- aga Act Forms ; mlm full line of M Iscellaneous Blank Forms and Stationery rcquirrd by Councils and their uflfkem. CstslsgM «a AipllMttaa. TlM IwmtB lapflML •fl iiliyrii ' i ^ il i II • <| i « ;. i i B,»i j .-« to THE MUNiqpPAL WORLD, ^. THOIIAS» ONTARia Pl^l Miers* Aid Associatioo of Canada, > , SinBETAMY-H OmOl, et QIJRIN OT. lAOT. TORONTO. Han. & H. BUU, Prwidaiit | 4- «. ROSBBRUOH, ■.D.. SaeraUry. S! .SttL^^il^'L^!!?**^ '^"" wrfbriMtkB of oflbodofiK tlidTwelfan, wh«n di«lMnH, th« |H«ir«liaa of oMm, Mid priMB raform. TIm ommui Mnploy«d art ; -«>>m^u^,^»> ;|, i| BSDdiqr nhool MiMrioa in GMted PriKm, •vwy'Samk^ rtrr^ Sndagr wiiooi MiMion in tha tUhnmkory for WotMn^ev^ Sunday niomin|^T^"j~ — '"~ ft A mmU and • ftaud* Hondaj Sahooi M iadon in Um Goonty .^1, erery Sonday 4k A night aahfod for aaeidar adooation foor dghta a WMk in tha Cmtrd Prb^ 6. Tha amployaiAit of an afiant and a Bibia woman for Uw walfara of priaottata. ' * ft Tha dlatribntfap of |>riaon ralam Utanitnra. and the omi of other maana for awalcMibur a mon ganaral intaraat in tha eaoaa of priaan nfonn. ^ ^ 7. Tha formatkn of Branah Soeiaiiaa in diflnmit |Mrta of tha Provinea of Ontaria ft Tha iwtolaBanaa of a Ho«a for CHria to aoonaeUon Irith tha work of tha WWa-wonw ft AaMtaf wUh took Mid oMkitW taMfOTMy kMoa to diaehargad priaoneim Ift ft ptanaUs. '^StLlSil 1«22^ . wad. at th. F«„da Ralor-atory. / 4& ioU Colhgt Mickipm, >**v»\**\**»%»*» t;:-^